#and timeline 1 mc's body disappeared
hiramaris · 9 months
Dusk Fragments #1
Summary: A night of drinking, a group of friends, and two people returning to town. What could go wrong? Pairings: Jessy x Gender Neutral MC
Note: Had this on my mind for quite a while. This one-shot follows Dusk til Dawn. The timeline isn't clear here.
“I don’t think drinking and partying is such a good idea right now.” Cleo mused against her drink, the condensation on her glass forming tiny beads. She eyed the swirling liquid thoughtfully, her expression pensive. Despite her verbal disagreement, she downed her margarita in one go, barely wincing at the tangy taste.
Dan scoffed at that, knowing fully well where this conversation was going. “It’s been months. No one died. What better way to celebrate than being wasted?”
Lilly, seated next to Cleo, leaned forward, her gaze serious. “Hannah and Richy are still under court-ordered psychiatric evaluation and treatment,” Lilly emphasizes as if everyone has forgotten that fact. “Y/n and Jake are nowhere to be seen. So, I don't think these counts for a celebration.”
Jessy froze at the mention of your name, her hand pausing in mid-air as she played with her Mimosa.
For months, she had tried not to let your name linger in her mind for longer than necessary. It still hurts to think about you. Despite the fact that Agent Hartmann– Charlotte, Jessy corrected herself, already explained everything, it did nothing to quell the pain she was feeling.
Because why couldn’t you just tell them all those things yourself? Why couldn’t you just come back?
“But did they die?”
“Dan!” Cleo admonishes him.
“What?” He shrugged as he plucked a chilled martini glass from the shelf. “I’m just saying,” he continued as he went back to face them and to prepare Lilly’s drink. “Out of all the possible worst-case scenarios, we managed to get the best one. I’m not saying y’all need to trash out and get wasted, but I don’t think Y/n did all this for us to just sulk in our homes forever. We deserve this after all the hell each of us went through.”
“That’s true,” Phil popped out beside him, placing another Mimosa in front of Jessy despite the redhead's protest. “I never thought I’d get out of that stinky place they called prison after a certain someone” he eyed Dan accusingly, a smug smirk on his face “testified against me. So, drink up! Celebrations are in order!”
“For the love of— I already said sorry!” Dan yells at Phil’s retreating form, his voice drowning from the music reverberating around the Aurora bar.
“Sorry won’t cut it, Pal! You still have 6 months left of voluntary work before you get your wage!” Phil shouted back in a sing-song voice before disappearing into the stockroom.
“He won’t ever live it down, y’know?” Jessy allows herself to smirk at Dan’s guilty face. The man got an earful from her when she learned about what he did. If she were the same person as before, she would have never forgiven him but she’s a changed person now. At least that’s what she likes to think. Dan means well despite his impulsivity.
“I know,” Dan grumbled as he placed Lilly’s cosmopolitan in front of her.
The blonde eagerly sips her drink, humming in satisfaction, her body slightly swaying to the music. “Fuck it, I guess we do deserve to lose out a little.” Lilly perks up when ‘Streets’ begins blasting from the bar's speakers. The lights turned a deep hue of red as if to accentuate the mood of the song. “Oh my god! I love Doja Cat! Come, Cleo. Let’s dance!”
Cleo had no choice but to finish off her drinks before allowing the youngest Donfort to drag her to the nearest dance floor.
“She’s getting drunk,” Thomas commented quietly as he observed them.
“Oh, Lilly? Let her.” Dan leans a bit on the counter. “What about you, Tommy? What can I get for you? You’ve been awfully quiet since you came here.”
“I don’t think it’s such a great idea. Someone needs to be sober around here.”
Dan chuckles at that. “Still a wimp,” he teased. “Don’t worry. I don’t plan to drink tonight. Not until Y/n comes back to keep their promise and buy me a drink. I’ll keep an eye on her.”
“Fine.” Thomas sighed. “After what happened I guess I need a hard drink. Give me some Negroni.”
“Right away, sir.”
Jessy waited for Dan to get away from earshot to get some vermouth from the stock room before addressing Thomas. “Have she talked to you, yet?”
Thomas pursed his lips, his gaze shifting to the swirling liquid in Jessy’s glass. He took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding, his voice tinged with a sense of longing.
“Not since… that day.” He went quiet for a moment before speaking again. “I miss her, a lot.” He admitted. “But I’m trying to understand her. What happened was shitty. I don’t think 6 months of treatment would suffice to get over a trauma.”
“Any news about their development?”
Thomas sighed, his gaze distant as he delved into the subject. “Well… she’s starting to at least connect with her family. Lilly says it’s just about trivial matter and Hannah seems to be avoiding the topic being discussed just yet. About Richy…” he trailed off. “he’s doing okay, I guess. I talked to him a little while ago and he said he was truly sorry about what happened.”
“Do you… forgive him?” Jessy questions tentatively, her gaze fixed on Thomas, searching for his thoughts on the matter.
Thomas swallowed, fists curling into a fist. “I do. He’s my friend.” He met her eyes, his own ones going mist. “It’s just quite difficult to forget what he had done.”
“I know…” Jessy murmured, her tone reflective, finally downing her first mimosa. The contrasting flavors of bitterness, sweetness, and tanginess played against her tongue, much like the conflicting emotions she was feeling. “Richy doesn’t want to talk to us. I tried to… y’know but he pushed me away.”
“He was afraid. He doesn’t trust himself around you girls.”
“Oh,” was all that Jessy could say.
Maybe you and Richy have a lot more in common than she expected.
Like making decisions for everyone instead of asking them directly. She doesn’t get why both of you chose to keep everything to yourselves.
“Y/n,” Thomas suddenly says. “Do you still think of them?”
“Every day,” she found herself whispering. “I don’t think I had ever stopped.”
“Wow, I just went away for a minute or two and everything suddenly got sentimental.” Dan’s voice joined the conversation. He raised an eyebrow at the two as he began to mix Thomas’ drinks.
“It’s nothing!” Jessy tried to laugh, shoving her empty glass towards Dan. “I want another Mimosa. I’ll be back. I just need to go to the bathroom for a sec.”
“Hey! You still have a full glass of Mimosa here!” Dan calls back to her, but Jessy continues to her destination, brushing through sweaty bodies. She really needs to pee.
More importantly…
She also needs to cry.
Damn it. This is what she’s talking about. Just give her a couple of seconds to think of you and then no more than later her eyes turn into a waterwork.
“Jessy?” Well, that’s a voice that sounds familiar.
She whirls on the spot, and she has little time to even out her voice to mask her surprise. “Alica?”
Luckily, she managed to do it.
Because never in those three years, she has expected to see Alica Roth in the arms of her ex-boyfriend, Norman White.
It took all self-control for Jessy not to give any sort of reaction. What she told you was true. She never made an effort to know whom her ex had cheated her with due to fear of actually knowing who that person might be.
And just her luck, it seemed Alica was the person Norman fucked while being in a relationship with her.
“Oh, hi!” She put on a tight-lipped smile at the two. “I didn’t know that you two…” she tried to laugh. “How long?” She just wanted to know if her theory was true.
Norman has the audacity to look so smug about it, pulling the girl closer to him by the hip as if to rub salt in her wounds. Not that there’s any wound to begin with.
“Two years,” he answers with his typical boyish grin that Jessy used to swoon at. Well, not anymore.
And two years? He was still dating Jessy at that time!
This piece of crap really did cheat on her with Alica, and they even have the decency to flaunt it right on her face. Alica is no better; she knew Jessy was in a relationship with him and yet she allowed Norman to pursue her.
“I heard about what happened. I’m really sorry about Hannah and Richy.” Alica mentions, and Jessy doesn’t know if the girl is even genuine about it. “It must have been stressful for you guys.”
“It was.”
Norman straightened out, his arms falling from his side. “Well, you certainly didn’t look stressed at all,” he eyes her up and down unabashedly. “I mean don’t get me wrong. I know you are but what I was trying to say was you look as dashing as ever.” He finished his babbling with a grin.
Alica raised an eyebrow at his comment before turning her attention back to Jessy with the most faux smile she had ever seen in her life.
“He’s such a sweet guy, right? Always thoughtful with girls even if he already has a girlfriend.”
If she wasn’t sure before, Jessy is sure as hell that’s definitely sarcastic now.
“Oh, I know.” Jessy’s smile was just as fake.
“Of course,” as oblivious as ever, Norman beamed. “I even chatted that Y/n when Lilly posted about that video. Because y’know, I don’t like it when women get hurt.”
Jessy furrows her brows at that. What’s that even supposed to mean?
And wait, what?! He had chat Y/n which means he was one of the locals who harassed Y/n!
“Hey, y’all. I heard my name so would you mind if join in?”
“Do you think this is a good idea, Y/n?”
You turned to Jake, a smug smirk dancing across your lips. “Well, considering the last mission you need to do in order to grant your defection to the Agency has gone very well, I don’t see the problem in going back here. Plus,” your grin widens. “You have to be here. I don’t want Lilly to kill me so you have to protect me against her wrath.”
Jake chuckles at that. “You just took down twelve men just a couple of hours ago, and you mean to tell me you are afraid of Lilly?”
“It’s different,” you retorted, parking the car in the designated place Phil had made for you. You closed the door shut. Jake follows you after. From here you can already hear the music blasting inside. And judging from the disco lights you’re seeing peeking from the gates; you knew this is going to be one hell of a night.
“How do I look?” you turned to Jake as you tried to brush off imaginary specks of dust from your shirt. Not that it would make any difference. The glaring bruise on your cheek and a cut to the lip wouldn’t go unnoticed anyway.
“Like you just went on a mission.”
“I’m going to tell Aerith to dump your ass.” You narrowed your eyes at him. You couldn’t see his whole face because of his mask but you didn’t miss the way he rolled his eyes at you. “Hey, I saw that!”
Jake just shook his head and pushed you inside– forcefully.
“Just go inside and go restore your love life.”
The stench of alcohol and sweat greeted your nostrils and you didn’t bother to hide the look of pure disgust on your face, The lights were off inside but the illumination coming from the disco lights created a swirling pattern of abstract forms that gracefully blended with– is that ‘streets’?!
And is that Lilly dancing with Cleo?! If you can even call that dancing.
You snorted at the sight. The blonde’s probably drunk but Cleo looks sober enough which made this whole thing funnier. The poor girl was so embarrassed with her friend.
“I didn’t know Lilly was a fan of Doja Cat.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the idea.
You could have sworn you saw Jake’s eye twitch at the sight of his sister dancing in the middle of the dance floor with men trying to dance with her only to be pushed away by Cleo.
Not long after, Jake pushed his way through the crowd and towards his sister. You can only wish the men around Lilly good luck because a pissed Jake is someone you wouldn’t want on your plate– ever.
Shaking your head, you made your way towards the bar without any announcement when your eyes spotted those familiar beards from miles away and Thomas’ signature beanie.
“What’s cooking, good looking?”
“Y/n?!” Thomas almost spat his drink on a very unsuspecting Dan.
You thought that was the funniest thing you have ever seen but looking at Dan, it was your turn to choke on your own spit. The man looked like he saw a ghost with the way his eyes widened.
“Thanks for accepting my invitation, Y/n.” Phil wraps his arm around you. Taking you away from the bar, much to Dan’s dismay.
“Hey! I was talking to Y/n!”
Phil only gave him the finger, laughing. “Sorry, pal but we got customers.”
Dan could only grumble in annoyance as a group of rowdy teenagers came stumbling on the bar, leaving his hands full at the moment.
“You looked like you just came from a fight,” he commented as he guided you towards a corner. The music in this spot had mellowed, allowing both of you to talk in a normal voice. “I assume you won as always.”
“Won’t you know it?” You grinned. “I suppose free drinks are in order tonight?”
“Maybe,” he smirked. “Is that any way to talk to your brother-in-law?”
Your smile falters a bit. It’s been 6 months of radio silence. The last time you talked to her was when you left. You barely said goodbye. You barely gave any reassurance.
How could you though? How can you look at someone you love so much and tell yourself it’s time to go?
Would she still want you after all this time? Would she even want to talk to you?
“Is she mad at me?” You questioned quietly. The million-dollar question.
Phil noticed your apprehension, quirking an eyebrow at you. “Do you think I’ll invite you here if she hates you?”
“I mean if the invitation is out of spite, it is possible.”
He laughed. “You might want to get your head checked out, L/n. Unless you have a major concussion then you’re probably crazy to even be convinced that the kindest person in Duskwood hates your guts. Of course, she loves you shitless.” He took both of your shoulders, shaking you as if to take away those thoughts. “Listen, I didn’t just invited you here just to show gratitude for bailing me out. This is also me paying my sister back for all the shitty things I’ve done to her.”
His gaze suddenly flickered behind you, his grin coming back.
“Make my little sister happy, okay?” Without warning he pushed you forward. But not without whispering. “That’s her ex, Norman. Punch him in the face for me. Tata!”
You felt the world seemed to freeze before you when you finally saw her.
Ever since you came here you pretend to look around. You wanted to convince yourself that you’re just familiarizing yourself with your surroundings but the truth is…
I’m actually looking for you.
You can feel your chest starting to ache again. A frequent occurrence whenever you think of her. But seeing her again after all this time gives you a different kind of pain.
You find yourself walking towards her. Somehow, you’re thankful she has her back on you because it gave you a bit of time to prep yourself to face the redhead.
“He’s such a sweet guy, right? Always thoughtful with girls even if he already has a girlfriend.”
Your eyebrows raised when you finally got an earshot to the conversation Jessy was having with these people.
“Oh, I know.” Even with her back on you, you can notice Jessy was visibly tense. You frowned. Clearly, she’s uncomfortable. Just who the hell are these people?
“Of course,” the guy with a face you didn’t like boasted. So, this is the ex, huh? “I even chatted that Y/n when Lilly posted about that video. Because y’know, I don’t like it when women get hurt.”
“Hey, y’all. I heard my name so would you mind if join in?” That was the time you decided to swoop in.
You casually grab Jessy by the waist, far away from her so-called ex who doesn't seem to know how to read the room.
Telling by the lack of flinch, you know Jessy already knows it was you. If she was surprised at your sudden appearance after months of radio silence, she didn’t show it.
You put yourself between them. All the while, Norman looks a bit startled at your sudden presence. He was taken aback. He slowly backed away when he noticed your piercing gaze focused on him.
“It would be kind of rude to talk behind my back, right?” You went on. Flashing them a charming smile. You turn to Jessy, kissing her cheek. “Anyway, Dan sent me to tell you your Mimosa is good to go, babe.”
She kissed your cheek back, right across your bruise as if to tell you it didn’t go unnoticed by her. “Of course, love. Thank you!”
You fight a flush beginning to emerge on your cheeks at the endearment. But you find yourself not even trying to as the next words uttered by the woman in front of you were enough for you to grimace.
“Oh, my. I wasn’t informed you have such a hot company there, Jessy.” You could have sworn the woman batted her eyelashes at you unabashedly, making the ‘ex’ bristle next to her.
Jessy feigns a smile as she rests her head against your chest, “this is Norman and this is his girlfriend, Alica. Guys, this is my partner, Y/n.”
Norman held out his hand, “Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise, Normy.” You smiled, ignoring the wince on his face as you might have gripped his hand a little too hard.
“It’s a-actually Norman, not Normy.” He corrected with a strained smile.
“You’re the same Normy who harassed me on the phone right?” You raised an eyebrow, your gaze challenging.
“N-no. I…” he stuttered pathetically, making you grin wider.
“Call me Ali, dear.” Alica made a move to kiss your cheek and was about to do another one, but Jessy pulled you back to her, eyes openly glaring now. The blonde didn’t seem to care as she commented, “you smell good, and that bruise looks hot.”
You were quick to wipe off the kiss from your cheeks, not even bothering to hide it from Alica. You’re not entirely sure what was Jessy’s history with her aside from Normy here. But what you’re sure of is your girlfriend has a massive jealous streak.
You have come to know that for the first week you have known her. And if blonde here has known Jessy far more than you have, then she better know that the redhead is ready to bury her alive right now.
“What the fuck is that, Ali?” Norman was the first to react, glaring at you and his girlfriend.
“Chill out, hon. I was just–“
“We’re leaving.” Jessy cuts off curtly, pulling you away from the scene. She stopped in what you assumed to be a hallway to the comfort room. Pulling out a handkerchief and a bottle of alcohol, she began to dab the piece of cloth to your cheeks. “I’m going to kill her.”
You laughed quietly, “I bet you do.”
She furrowed her eyebrow but remained quiet as she finished the job. She even sprayed her perfume on your shirt as if to wipe any trace of the blonde in you. Or she’s probably marking you. Or both. In any case, you didn’t mind.
Your heart pounded as you raised your hands to cup her cheeks. Your thumb begins to stroke her cheek in a delicate manner, and your eyes wander around her face. You are now faced with the woman you have badly missed to the point it physically gives you pain just by thinking about it. You took your time to admire her face, now up close for the first time in how many months of not seeing it.
She looked a bit thinner. Up close, you can see the effects of the situation that fell upon her— the bags under her eyes due to spending sleepless nights and the worry lines starting to form on her forehead. But in your eyes, you have never seen such beauty. She still looked beautiful, nonetheless. She was still your Jessy.
“Sorry,” you murmured. You didn’t emphasize what for. Do you even need to?
Sorry for leaving. Sorry for keeping you in the dark. Sorry for hurting you.
But none of those came close to what left your lips.
“Sorry, I let her kiss me. I shouldn’t have–”
The laugh that escaped her lips was soft and rich. Her breath tingled against your cheeks as she leaned her forehead against yours, her arms secured around your neck. You knew then that she knows what you were apologizing for and it’s sure as hell not about letting Alica kiss you.
“Apparently, that woman just really likes stealing people I love. I suppose you’re not an exemption.”
“Hmm, so she was the girl.” It wasn’t a question, but rather a realization.
“Uhuh.” Jessy is a lot closer now, lips barely an inch that if you leaned a little closer you would be kissing her. Her fingers played with the baby hairs at the back of your neck making your breath hitched. And judging by the little smirk on her lips, you knew damn well she knows her effect on you. “I’m still mad at you.” She whispers and you note the faint smell of alcohol on her breath.
“I know.” You whispered just as quietly. “Let me make it up to you.”
“How so?” A dashing smirk spreads across her features, and for a moment, your eyes drift mindlessly toward her unsuspecting lips, loving the way they curl up in a low grin. At this point, the resistance to kiss her lips would probably be a battle already lost.
So you did.
You pecked her cheeks first, another one on the corner of her mouth, and then the other one for good measure. Peppering her kisses nonstop if you could. She can only laugh softly at your antics, loving the attention you give her.
And because your always motto is "to save the best for last" you took your precious time laying a long, slow kiss full on her lips. Her hands were eager to mess with your hair, deepening the kiss. You can feel the heat rising on your skin, her touches leaving trails of fire.
Not satisfied with the proximity, you pulled her closer. You even made your way to flip your positions, now pinning the redhead against the wall and a solid chest.
Her grip on your shirt tightens in such a way that she wants to pull it off you. At the back of your mind, you were aware that someone could walk in on you two almost eating each other's faces but you're usually clumsy brain was now foggier than you could remember as you were so busy latching your mouth against her neck and feeling Jessy tilting them to the side to give you better access. Her scent, warmth, and kisses consume you ent—
“Y/n?” You and Jessy froze. That was Phil’s voice!
The urgency in his voice was enough to cleanse your hazy mind, and without the overwhelming thoughts about your girlfriend which you may not guarantee wouldn't go past what is deemed to be inexplicit, you can now hear his voice clearer against the blasting music.
You only got a few seconds to detach yourself from a disappointed and irritated Jessy and fix your hair which she seems to love to mess with.
Despite the initial annoyance, the redhead still managed to have the audacity to flash you an amusing grin as she couldn't take her eyes off your already swollen lips, seemingly satisfied with her creation. And it's not like she's any better.
Sure, her hair's fine, but her lips are a bit bruised, too and there are patches of redness forming on the side of her neck courtesy of your mouth.
When Phil finally arrived inside the room, you managed to act like you were fixing your hair whilst Jessy was trying to fix her lipstick. From his point of view, it looks like you two were having the usual conversation and not shoving each other’s tongues down your throats five seconds ago.
"Did I interrupt something?" He questioned smugly, wanting to tease you but you weren't having any of it. You were too flustered to even function properly now.
"No," was Jessy’s quick reply, not trusting you to answer. She barely managed to hide her smile behind her own mirror.
Phil looks like he doesn’t believe that obvious lie and was excited to turn to you. "Man, you should have seen the pussy-ass bitch Normy and his girlfriend arguing at the parking lot. He was like ‘why the fuck did you kissed a random stranger?’ and Alica was like ‘Is it my fault Y/n is hot?’ and then he was like–" He wasn't able to continue his story as Jessy’s glare was so sharp, that it can dissect a living creature.
Her eyebrows were raised to the fullest and her gaze was unwavering, challenging her own brother to continue his story to the extent that she wouldn’t like where it would head.
If your blood earlier had rushed towards your cheeks, it now had drained the color on your face and you're practically choking on your own spit for the second time this night.
"– and I just want to say your drinks are ready. That's all." He finishes lamely.
You knew that's not what he was trying to say, but to save his life and maybe yours from the redhead’s wrath, he knew better than to continue his story.
"Oh, and Y/n?" You perked up from your sudden faux interest to the flickering sign of the comfort room down the hallway. Phil’s smirk returned full blast. "You got a little something here,” he motioned his fingers to his lips. “See you!"
Your hand flew faster than when Phil bolted out to grab Jessy’s mirror.
And to your horror, a thin line of smeared lipstick was visible at your bottom lip. It wasn’t noticeable enough to catch someone’s attention, but it is sure as hell noticeable enough for the likes of Phil. And he wouldn’t need to put two and two together to even know what you were doing earlier with his sister.
Jessy’s laughter came rumbling across your chest as she pulled you closer again.
And boy, you were right.
Tonight’s going to be a long night.
But you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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renstears · 1 year
Nightbringer theories (Obey Me; SPOILERS!)
Alrighty so I decided to play Nightbringer after being scared of it for the past few weeks; so far, I have some questions and theories in mind. I’m still on Lesson 8 so I’m not sure if most of my theories here are gonna be right or just straight up wrong.
Questions & Theories:
- Since Solomon came with us to the past (or more like came to the past to come aid for our ass), wouldn’t there be a chance the Solomon from THAT timeline/past meet the present Solomon we know of? Wouldn’t this create a whole time paradox….?
- Lilith’s body got disappeared by Diavolo so that she can get reincarnated as a human; would there be a chance we get to see her reincarnated form at least if we don’t see her angel form? Also, reminder that Lucifer is the only brother who knows she got reincarnated, so most likely the other 6 brothers will have a huge fucking melt down like last time in the previous Obey Me game.
- When the game first started, we hear Solomon narrating a bit about Barbatos and this human Barbatos went to. Solomon used they/them pronouns for the human, at first, I thought it might be us/MC—but then it occurred to me, why would the devs only now reveal our/MC’s appearance and the timeline that Barbatos met this human must’ve been a very very long time. Either 1. They used they/them pronouns for the human to keep their identity hidden until revealed later on 2. The human is either one of our ancestors/related to Lilith’s reincarnated form or 3. This human might be a Biblical figure from the Bible; if you go to the official Obey Me Instagram; they illustrated Barbatos controlling a puppet that looks like a king (some speculated the king is David as he is the father of Solomon).
- In another illustration made by the official Obey Me cast on Instagram, it shows Diavolo gesturing to a red apple. Either this is indicating he was the one that lured Eve to eat the apple and regretted that decision which is the reason why he decided to improve his behaviors later in life.
- Man when I heard Raphael’s voice during Asmo’s arc I thought it was Adam, but nvm, it wasn’t. We may see Adam in the story though, like I mentioned in one of my previous posts, Adam was Lilith’s ex husband, so I don’t doubt that the devs would add an element of it to the story.
- There isn’t much information about Barbatos in demonology and from mythologies, but it's ironic that from said mythologies, Barbatos has the ability to reconcile arguments between friends/rulers but he seems to have this heavy dislike towards Solomon and refuses to speak about it. I seriously wonder what Solomon did bc this man fucking forgot what he even did to the butler.
- While I was doing research on Barbatos, I stumbled upon this (credits to Myths and Folklore wiki editors!) according to the The Infernal Dictionary (a book of demonology). This is stated about Barbatos:
"Barbatos, great and powerful demon, count-duke in the underworld, a type of Robin Hood; he is shown in the form of an archer or a hunter; He is found in forests. Four kings sound the horn in front of him. He's acquired the knowledge to divine the speaking of birds, the roar of bulls, dogs barking and screaming various animals. He knows the locations of buried treasures, say magicians. He reconciles quarreled friends. This demon, who was once of the order of Virtues of Heaven or that of dominions, is reduced today to commanding thirty hellish legions. He knows the past and the future."
I personally don't think in the game, Barbatos is an angel (or maybe he is an angel but man's disappeared for so long everyone forgot him and my guy turned into a demon afterwards/hj). It'll be interesting to see his lore and how the devs wrote his backstory. In mythologies, he's illustrated looking like Robin Hood, so maybe Barbatos (in the game) went to the human to give them justice??? Take my theories with a pinch of salt.
And that's all I can think of, I'll make more theories as I continue playing in my free time.
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I think I heard somewhere that there was a plotline in Season 1 about Lilith's ghost being in the house of lamentation, but I don't know if that was ever resolved because I also heard that Barbatos' time powers undid that when he revived MC. Is that what happened?
Okay so what happened in Lesson 16 is very muddy? unclear? I think it's very much up for interpretation. Here's what clearly happened in the game;
• MC needed pacts with 6 of the brothers to release Belphie. He got released under mysterious circumstances while MC only had 5 pacts.
• Belphie got arrested by Diavolo for reasons & Diavolo agreed to release Belphie if MC went to the past to check how the attic was opened
• On Diavolo's request, Barbatos sent Our PoV MC a day into the past
• Our PoV MC opens the attic (presumably Lilith's magic/MC's latent magic works in place of Lucifer's).
• Belphie kills our PoV MC.
• PoV MC meets with Lilith's Soul (not ghost). Presumably dying/being close to death is what made this possible.
• Lilith says she'll give the last of her magic to Our PoV MC*, making it unable for her soul to linger.
• Our PoV MC wakes up near the attic and walks downstairs to see the brothers & their own dead body.
• Their own dead body disappears.
*this can be interpreted in two ways;
a.) She lets MC claim her own magic which is what gives them magic in S2 - but honestly I don't believe in this theory because MC was anyway the descendent of someone with a magical Angel Soul AND they've being clocked as not being fully human multiple times throughout the main story - being related to someone who had an Angel's Soul has clearly done something to MC and I believe the magic they display from S2 onwards is their own latent magic which they had from the beginning but was pulled out after they made the pact with all 7 brothers. Afterall it does seem to be canon that human's get more powerful when they've made pacts with demons.
b.) The second interpretation can be used, in part, to explain my overall interpretation of what happens in Lesson 16:
-> Lilith's ghost was never around. And I don't think Barbatos ever revived MC, it's heavily implied Lilith did that and Barbatos simply sent them back in time so there was a spare MC lying around allowing Lilith to do that.
-> After human-Lilith died she got all her memories of her brothers & her time as an angel back and hung around to find away back to see her brothers and make sure they were okay.
-> Lilith wasn't a ghost though, as ghosts are easily visible to everyone in the Devildom (MC included) - it was more like;
-> MC being human-Lilith's descendent meant they inherited whatever bit of power was passed down due to human-Lilith having the soul of an angel and Lilith's consciousness was attached to that power.
-> It's implied that Lilith manipulated some of the circumstances to get MC to meet her brothers but it's never really clarified what they were (at the very beginning of the game MC has to apply/sign something to get picked for the exchange program so Lilith's consciousness being with MC, could have made them apply for the program? But that's just my HC).
-> When Present-Day/Future/Time-Travelling/Our PoV MC is killed by Belphie they get to talk to Lilith (and this part gets a little confusing in the game) but I think (b.) Lilith uses the last of her powers that are hers alone (and not inherently MC's latent magic) to switch Present-Day/Future/Time-Travelling/Our PoV MC's place with Past/Currently-in-Their-Correct-Timeline-&-With-No-Idea-Any-of-This-BS-is-Going-On MC's.
-> So Past/Currently-in-Their-Correct-Timeline-&-With-No-Idea-Any-of-This-BS-is-Going-On MC dies and Present-Day/Future/Time-Travelling/Our PoV MC takes their place in that timeline.
-> Since they changed the past, Present-Day/Future/Time-Travelling/Our PoV MC's own timeline would vanish as the events that lead up to said timeline never occured.
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nikoldragonne12 · 2 months
FNAF AU: first info + Afton family tree
0 ) The title of my FNaF AU is “Five Nights at Freddy's: The Dark World” (or FNaFTDW, for short).
1 ) This AU combines the games, Charlie's Trilogy, most stories from Fazbear Frights and Tales from the Pizzaplex series and the 1st FNaF movie (all with smaller or bigger adjustments and changes).
2 ) Timeline:
FNaF 4: 1983
FNaF 2: 1987
FNaF 1: 1993
FNaF SL: 1993
Charlie's Trilogy: 1995 - 1997
FNaF movie: 2000
Most stories from Fazbear frights: 2000 - 2029
FNaF 3: 2023
FNaF PS: 2025
FNaF HW & SD: 2029
Most stories from Tales from the Pizzaplex: 2030 - 2035
FNaF SB: 9th to 10th March 2035
Ruin DLC: 2035 - 2036
FNaF HW 2: 2036
My FNaF AU/FNaFTDW: 2036
3 ) William Afton has four children:
Michael Peter Afton Smith (1967 - 1993; released from his corpse in 2025) = FoxyBro
Rory Charles Afton (1975 - 1983) = CC
Veronica “Vee” Vanessa Afton Shelly Adams (1978)
Elizabeth Morissa Afton (1980 - 1985)
4 ) Charlie and Sammy were born in 1978 - Charlie died in 1983, while Sammy is still alive, happily married and is a father of David, Selena (characters from Lally's Game) and Gregory. Sammy also took his wife's surname to hide the fact he's from the Emily family.
5 ) Mike Schmidt from the movies and Michael Afton are two separated characters. Mike also didn't marry Vanessa Shelly, they remained just friends. He stayed single and opened a car repair shop. He's also Colton's uncle, while Abby Schmidt, his sister, is Colton's mom (Jump for Tickets) - Katie, Aidan's mother and Colton's aunt, is her deceased husband's sister. Abby works in Heracles Hospital alongside Mia Fremont, nurse Ackerman, nurse Colton etc.
6 ) Michael and Evan from “The Real Jake” are Michael Afton's biological sons, meaning Jake, Evan's son, is Michael Afton's grandson. Jake is also Jake McNally from “Fetch” and Mrs. McNally is Evan's deceased wife Roxanne.
In my AU, Michael Afton and his wife died when their sons were 4 years old. Because there was no other family member (William and Vee “disappeared”), they ended up in an orphanage but were adopted by the McNallys, meaning both brothers received their adoptive parents’ surname. They also don't remember their biological parents much.
Evan is also a boy named Evan from “Together Forever” and Michael McNally is Mike from “You're the Band”.
7 ) Vanessa “Vanny/Ness_97/Vanessa A.” is Vee's/Vanessa Shelly's daughter. Vee is also happily married to a former Fazbear Entertainment Inc. worker.
8 ) Canon endings in my AU (some endings were combined into one):
FNaF SL: Bad Ending
FNaF 3: Nightmare Ending
FNaF PS: Lorekeeper "Ending”/Completion Ending
FNaF HW: Trapped Ending/Mask Ending/Princess Quest Ending
FNaF SB: Redemption Ending
Ruin DLC: Scooper Ending
FNaF HW 2: Princess Quest IV Ending/Faz Force Ending
9 ) Elizabeth is the “big bad” of Fazbear Frights, Tales from the Pizzaplex, HW, SB, Ruin DLC and HW2 - she and Eleanor are the same, just when she was Eleanor, her soul was heavily corrupted by Agony. Now she has a rebuilt body and pretends to be a human.
Elizabeth's fake name is “Celia Marwood”, she's a current owner (as well as the CEO) of Fazbear Entertainment, LLC. and has three helpers and comrades - Jacob DeRose a.k.a. soul in Funtime Freddy, Alec Monroe a.k.a. Fake Alec a.k.a. an Artificial soul of Lonely Freddy and Malhare.
Malhare, also known as Glitchtrap or William Afton 2.0, is an artificial soul created by Elizabeth (and her allies) that's filled with a part of William's remnant - William's remnant actually infected a lot of objects and machines but Malhare has about 50% of it. He shares several traits with William Afton and even has William's memories but identifies as a separated being.
Mimic most likely has not only a part of William's remnant but probably a bit of his agony, as well.
William's actual soul was torn apart in the remnant parts after his burnt body exploded in “Man in the Room 1280” in 2026.
10) Afton family tree:
Michael and Evan McNally were adopted by Valentin and Molly McNally (both born in 1968) - Val and Molly aren't in the family tree because the app can't do so.
I edited the deceased characters and made their icons gray/black in Ibis Paint - it's because the app can't write y.o.d. that will be in the future (for example Tony died in 2033 in my AU).
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Feel free to ask about anything, either characters, changes in the story etc. Just remember to stay polite. Even a disagreement can be said politely.
Thanks for understanding.
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devilishdelights · 1 year
“I know i told you that i have the power to see both the past and the future, but the truth is that there's one more secret – something i still haven't mentioned. You see, i have the power to select from any number of different potential realities and make any of them into the sole reality. Within the various possible realities, there are an infinite number of versions of MC… …However, in the sole reality I chose, the one and only MC is the one right here. That’s why the previous MC disappeared while the you remained.” This is said by Barbatos during Lesson 16 towards MC, who's concerned about the wounded version of them that vanished into nothing.
TL1 = the original timeline, the one we've been in from lesson 1-15.
TL2 = the timeline MC traveled to to find out who freed Belphegor from the attic.
Just off the bat, "I know i told you that i have the power to see both the past and the future" TL2 Barbatos did not say this. TL1 Barbatos said this to MC before MC entered TL2. But the quote above is said by TL2 Barbatos in the aftermath of lesson 16.
Does this mean that all Barbatos's are like a hive mind? That there's truly only one version of Barbatos, and he lives in all timelines and realities simultaneously? Or did TL1!Barb's consciousness merge with TL2's barb?
The brothers do not recall the events that happened in TL1, so both timeline’s of the brothers still exist individually. (unless TL1 was destroyed. This also implies everyone in TL1 has died. Which ALSO implies that Diavolo knew this would happen, and still let it happen.)
...UNLESS TL1 Diavolo also merged with TL2 Diavolo, which i think is more likely, I don’t think he’d let himself die. Barb helped him transfer over. 
I still don’t understand after what Barbatos says, does that mean TL1 ceased to exist? But it already existed prior, and should continue to do so. TL2 is just a branch off of TL1, one hour behind, which should still be ongoing (with the brothers waiting, MC never returning.) We also get a snippet of this in a side lesson.
Unless, he’s saying that he destroyed all other timelines, save for the current one? Is that what he’s saying his power is? To destroy timelines? 
BUT, barb says he has the power to select realities, not destroy them. If he had the power to destroy them, wouldn't he have just said so, or am I misunderstanding? Unless he's lying.
And - my understanding of multiple realities/timelines is that they all exist. they're infinite. every potential possibility that could be made has been made in another timeline, and branches off and so on and so forth. ((INFINITE!!))
“I have the power to select from any number of different potential realities and make any of them into the sole reality.” So here he's either saying he destroyed ALL realities except for TL2. He has the POWER to do that, or he simply chose TL2 as the superior reality over any other, and that the other's still exist, this is just the best one for the success of Diavolo's plans.
“Within the various possible realities, there are an infinite number of versions of MC… ...However, in the sole reality I chose, the one and only MC is the one right here. That’s why the previous MC disappeared while the you remained.” But the previous MC was US!! (And now we are ALSO TL2!MC. We are BOTH. Merged into one.) and he KNOWS that. otherwise he wouldn't have said to MC "I know that I've told you..." Because TL1!Barbatos said that! Not this Barbatos! Unless... ?
So onto MC.
We are TL1!MC. We get choked out by Belphegor. We remember passing out, then see Lilith, THEN we regain consciousness, in an uninjured body, but still our body. The only other "us" in this timeline is TL2!MC. This is where I assume that TL1!MC's consciousness merged with TL2!MC's. We are STILL TL1!MC!! the one that died!!! We still remember the events that happened prior, so we do NOT just suddenly switch over to TL2!MC's POV.
If we go with theory one, that barbatos has the power to DESTROY realities, then we can assume the moment TL1!MC's body vanished, everything, including the brothers, in TL1 vanished at the same time.
Either Barbatos is a fucking hive mind, or TL1 and TL2 barb merged consciousness. And of course, he'd bring Diavolo over.
BUT BUT. They didn't do that with MC!! LILITH DID!! she gave MC her powers to revive them, or merge them with TL2!MC. so im just so fuckin confused man what the hell.
Theory two is that Barb just switched timelines. The other's still exist. the bros are still waiting for us. Barb and Dia just needed us in this timeline, for some reason. But that means TL1!Barb and (possibly Dia, possibly not, if TL1 still exists.) merged with their TL!2 counterparts. Does that mean Barb is totally gone from TL1? Diavolo? idk man. Either one fuckin sucks and is angsty, but i think theory 2 is slightly worse, because we never return to our original timeline where the brothers are still expecting us to.
Also just gonna say to return to TL1, MC has to knock on Mammon's door three times. They never do. If they did with theory one, i imagine nothing would happen. If they did with theory two, well... yikes dude!!! two versions of the brothers you've grown attached to, and you're only one person. fucked up.
Anyway i want (dont want.) theory two to be canon and in lesson 100 MC accidentally knocks on Mammon's door thrice (something they havent done before somehow) and they enter Barb's room, in TL1. Hehe. !! thats so fucked up dude! anyway man this is just word vomit bc i went through lesson 16 again to write a fic and instead i wrote this.
BONUS BS: Diavolo laughs, and Lucifer asks, “What’s so funny, Diavolo?” Diavolo responds with, “I told you, didn’t I Lucifer? I told you that encouraging exchange between humans, angels, and demons would end up being advantageous to us. And see? I was right.” So fucking shady!! THIS SHIT WAS ALL PLANNED I TELL YOU. He and Barb knew ALL ALONG these timeline shenanigans had to happen to make Diavolo's plan succeed and thrive i swear!
im only on lesson 46 atm, so i have no idea if anything is cleared up in later lessons (i assume not) so this is just like, a disclaimer. timeline shenanigans drive me INSANE and i should listen to what mammon said in story after all this shit gets revealed: "ehh, details, who cares about all that complicated stuff?” but. BITCH I DO!!! anywho i have the entirety of lesson 16 written (not word for word) so now im gonna go write fic >:)
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alpona · 1 year
Link click: Theory & questions:
*all spoilers for season 1 !*
Just What how why everything? Lol. Every question I can ask will be deliberately left out plot point, meant to be slowly revealed. But let's get on with some anyway.
Most of my theories will be surrounding Lu guang, as he's the one mc shrouded in mystery. And he's totally not my favourite character and absolutely not pretty 😝
1. Lu guang is hiding something, or more like a lot of things. Duh. Everyone knows that.
He radiates this aura as if he's already... Guilty of something? And certainly carrying some burden (the burden of knowledge for sure, But more than that.)
I feel like he's on a mission of some sort. The business they're doing can't simply be for business. It's like.... A training session....? Is Lu guang training Cheng? In Preparation of a bigger, dangerous, life altering mission?
2. Is Lu guang somehow connected to Cheng xiaoshi's parents disappearance, at least knows something about it? I'm theorising this because of the guilt I sense from Lu guang.
What happened to the parents is a big question already, duh, very likely related to the timey whimey stuff (hey I'm still using the term! Hehe it's too perfect)
3. Ahem, what, I mean who is Lu guang anyway? (Or really what) sometimes I feel like he's already time traveling. Him being from the future is a popular theory.
His age is weirdly left unknown, thats also a big point.
He's possessing his younger self??
From Alternate timeline?
Is he actually xiaoshi (and qiao ling's) son from the future?  😂 it's almost scary how it kinda makes sense to me. Maybe xiaoshi died or disappeared or got lost in a dive.
4. Power mechanism. Still don't know how their powers work, since when, rarity of such ability, etc etc.
Lu guang probably can do more than we've seen.
5. What are the odds of 2 people with complimentary powers randomly meeting each other?
From the little we've seen of their backstory, I feel like Lu guang purposefully came to xiaoshi, their meeting wasn't any coincidence. Ties in with the mission theory.
6. Someone on YouTube said that 'maybe our protagonists knew each other beforehand in a different timeline, but something happened that caused only xiaoshi to forget everything. Thus lu guang's reason for being more knowledgeable. - very nice theory! I'd like to extend it, maybe xiaoshi died or disappeared in another timeline, thus Guang feels guilty. Thus his protectiveness and understanding behaviour. Hesitant to approach xiaoshi n start this business but couldn't help it either.
And not just to Xiaoshi, he's also quite protective of Qiao ling. Maybe something happened to her too... (Future son theory intensifies!!!)
7. Lu guang is seen to get tired while using his powers, right? When he's guiding xiaoshi for hours. He often takes naps on the couch at random times and sets up alarm to wake up at right times. Ok, I of all people should consider this a totally normal thing to do, do u need excuse to nap ahem ahem... And especially when you're 'watching a mundane movie through your mind's eye', of course it's tiring. But sadly (and fortunately) not everyone is Opshee, so the way it is shown, this can also mean that using luguangs powers are taxing. Low energy high intelligence.
8. The villain/antagonist, red eyes. Yeeeaah, so who that, what that? Should I even ask such obvious question, that's what season 2 will be about 😆 but I can state my theories beforehand.
That's not just a person, but more like....karma? Time police? A supernatural force that punishes everyone who messes with time? A being without even a solid body.... Woooo that'd be hard to deal with!
- wait, he did say something like being an 'agent' in last episode? Wonky translations, so not sure. But the original title of this show literally translates to 'time agent' apperantly, so......? Actual time police possible??
- or in simpler case, another person with similar powers to our mcs. Who's just a psycho. Wow so simple.
How his or her powers work is another question.
- is that person time traveling? Or just possessing people in present time? It should be time related to make it cooler n match our protagonist's powers, but there were scenes where it can be intercepted as just normal possession ability.
But then he can't be time police type....nah. I'll stick with 1st theory.
9. Obesvation: in episode... 6 maybe, there's a little scene at the police station, one of the serial killer victim's file/page went missing.
That has to mean something later. Maybe.... A police is related?
The assistant police, forgot his name, could he be the main villain? Dun dun duuuun!
10. Lu guang's watch. ...just, something seems to be there about it. It's highlighted more in the chibi shorts. That is related to something of his backstory.
11. Lu guang's platinum blonde hair, actually kinda stands out considering most people has the natural brown/black. Well, I wouldn't even think anything of it cuz, anime world! 😄 Multicolor hair is soooo common to us, especially when Lu guang n Xiaoshi are designed with complimentary black-white aesthetic. It just makes sense. But it kinda caught my attention from their university flashback scene... Lu guang was wearing a hat. It just felt like he was sort of embarrassed about his unnatural hair...?? Then my galaxy brain thought this has something to do with his mysterious background as well. A side effect of time travel? Future theke আসতে গিয়ে? Time travel makes your hair white? Lol
(Eeeeeeverything about Lu guang is sus. What's next opshee? Lu guang's shoes are suspicious too? His white shirt too?)
12. ..... I'll just clearly state my wildest n craziest theory here - Lu guang is Cheng Xiaoshi and Qiao ling's son from the future. 😶
I have no reason or proof or argument for this, and I'm embarrassed, but it just keeps making sense somehow?!
( this note has been sitting on my phone for almost a year, but now that we have season 2 airdate, I better post this now, and let's all brainstorm about these!)
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Please read l'espirit de l'escalier by catherynne m. valente. It’s basically “died and came back wrong” with modern day Eurydice and Orpheus. I read it and couldn’t help myself but want to apply it to mc/the demon bros
TW for graphic descriptions of death, decay, and a reanimated corpse, tho
I finally got around to reading this one anon and I love it so much. Just - people are not meant to return from the dead. Perhaps MC was not dead for long. Perhaps their soul, caught by Lilith, did not fully pass on to wherever it was meant to go.
Their body, the one they inhabit now, the one they dropped into, kicking out the soul of its original inhabitant - this body has never been dead. The heart has never once stopped beating, the mind never lost the impulses that sparked between each neuron.
There were two copies of the same person in this timeline, for a little less than 30 minutes. One lost their body, one lost their soul, and now they are one.
There is no reason for this body to decay, but the soul - sometimes, the soul forgets that it is alive. Forgets that it has a body it needs to nourish.
In the lounge room Asmo must shake their shoulder, remind them to breathe. The instinct disappears, sometimes. The movement of the lungs becomes a manual process. He tries not to panic, in these moments. Asmo likes to have their concern and sympathy on him, but their eyes are distant and he must wait for their love and care to return.
Mammon holds them as they sleep, head rested against their chest to listen. In the dead of night, he sits up and pumps his hands against cooling flesh, count of 30, checks their breath. The nerves that once controlled the heart's beat forget, when his human is deep asleep. He must do it for them.
Beel has the relatively easy task of reminding them they must eat. It is a task well-suited for him and, in truth, the only one his brothers want to allow him to take. Beel, they know now, has always shouldered far too much of the burden when it comes to guilt and grief. It is better that he simply adapts to their change in taste, providing them with meat served bloody rare.
Satan does not generally flaunt his position as an elder brother, but he does feel protective of the twins and Asmo at times. He shields them from just how much more vulnerable their human has become. Little wounds, even paper cuts, do not close. The bleeding is slow but it does not stop. All the magical strength of the fourth born is focused on their healing, yet it feels like a bandaid. Satan swears that if he looks closely, he can still see all those little wounds. He keeps healing them anyway.
Levi was a general, is an admiral. He can think ahead, and as soon as he notices these little problems cropping up, he strategises. He has blood thinners for the days their heart is working too hard to move blood that is sluggish, slow, pools in their legs and feet. He stocks his room with vitamins, orders a sun lamp, gifts them with warm Ruri-chan socks and sweaters for when they can only feel the cold. He does this with all the care and boredom that comes with ordering Henry 2.0's food and cleaning his tank.
Lucifer cannot hide everything from his brothers, but he does try to take on the most brutal of the work.
He slices through skin that does not bleed as vividly as it should. Satan takes care of the surface - Lucifer takes care of what's inside. He banishes any rot that sets in their lungs. Pinches and fixes any veins - or, his father forbid, arteries - that have split. Ensures each organ is in its place. Sews them back together good as new. They never thank him. He doesn't ask them to.
And Belphegor - what can he do? Whenever he approaches, their skin cools, their breathing slows, their heart skip-skip-stops. The greatest miracle any of them have ever seen, and he cannot even touch it without it breaking.
Souls were not meant to return. The price for a miracle never stops being paid.
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hi! this is just a request but feel free to ignore if you don’t have time or any ideas but could you expend on “between love and lust” mc seducing foul legacy. it can be like a side story or a prequel since it happened before the current timeline.
sorry it took so long lmao law school started already and i'm drowning in cases. Thanks for this ask anon, i forgot about this series even though i already drafter the last chapter lmao, thanks for reminding me it existed hahaha. Anyways here you go, enjoy this unhinged couple lmao.
Prequel to The Consequences of Fucking in Front of the Geo Archon Statue Series: 1, 2, 3
In Love and Lust
Summary: Seeing Foul Legacy for the first time had awakened something in you, in a desperate attempt to hide how inappropriately horny you were, Tartaglia misunderstands your insatiable lust for him as fear.
You had always been aware that whatever happened during Tartaglia’s disappearance was life changing. You were prepared for whatever it was when you had pursued this relationship with him, just as you had reassured him you didn’t mind what his job asked of him, you were quite ready to reassure him you didn’t mind his Foul Legacy.
Seeing it for yourself however was another matter entirely.
It changed him. That much you were right.
You just weren’t prepared to see how it changed him.
So there you stood, blinking rapidly in front of your boyfriend who had laid waste to the battlefield amidst Snezhnaya’s white snow. Everything about him was big. His arms, his height,
‘His dic-’
You exhaled, trying to steady your heart and not blurt out something stupid like,
‘Bet I can take you in that form.’
You nodded, your eyes closed as you tried to convince yourself and stop your shaking legs as you took a step forward to your boyfriend’s personal space. All the while chanting inwardly for him to not notice what he just awakened in you.
“Didn’t expect to see you here” You told him, faking calm as you laugh nervously.
‘And wow, his muscles are so close and he’s so warm-’
“Is that so?” He spoke, voice deep, sultry and rumbly that it made your mouth drop and your panties wet.
His face came close to you, your wide eyes and flushed face reflecting on the large white bead on the center. His clawed hands pulled you close, resting gently on the curve of your ass.
You swallowed your saliva as you gently laid your hands on his chest, mind reeling and melting from the sheer force of your horniness for your boyfriend.
“Da-darling?” You gently called him, slight panic in your voice when you felt your warm cloak lifted and the unmistakable sound of your thick stockings being teared.
In a blink of an eye you found yourself back in your shared apartment. Stockings ripped and panties soaked. Tartaglia was nowhere to be found and you swore loudly,
“At least let me suck your cock!”
You cried into your pillow with frustration as you furiously masturbated and repeatedly came with only your left hand and the vivid image of his Foul Legacy ringing in your mind. You moaned and drooled into the pillow, his lingering scent only fueling your desire and making you blind to Tartaglia’s arrival.
He watched as you fingered yourself, your legs spread wide and exposing your sopping cunt. You were moaning his name, while your free hand played with your nipples. It was a lovely sight that made him hard, it was almost enough to break his reason and make him stuff you full with his cock. Up until he remembered how scared you were earlier when you saw his foul legacy for the first time.
Instead he makes his way to the bathroom, furiously masturbating to the sounds of your moan and wet pussy echoing in the silent apartment. His hand moved up and down his throbbing cock as he imagined your squirming body as you moaned loudly, crying out his name.
He knew your go-to fantasies when masturbating to him, knew the intimate details of your deepest fantasies. So he faps to that, he imagines fucking you in that snow, ripping your clothes and exposing your pliable tits and sopping wet cunt. His cock plunging into your wet pussy, slamming it in and out and stretching it until the sensation left you drooling.
He’d gripped your tits, squeezing it and pinching its perk nipples until your moans are nothing but lewd pants of breath. He’d fuck you from behind, fucking you on all fours like a beast and biting your neck until the skin broke and he tasted blood.
He knew you’d begged for him to stop, even when you’d push your ass towards him, moving your hips in time to the thrusting of his cock. He’d fuck you until you babbled about getting pregnant, your pussy clenching to keep his dick inside. He wouldn’t stop thrusting his cock in and out of you, not even when you would orgasm.
Instead he’d fuck you harder once you told him you were about to come, hands gripping your waist tight as he controlled your body, moving it like a life sized fuck toy meant to relieve his frustrations. He knew how that thought pleases you, the image of you acting like a wanton slut in front of him, was something that never failed to drive him crazy.
His hand, gripping his cock tightened, just as he heard you orgasm from the bedroom. Your lewd voice coupled with his imagination made him cum, thick ropes of cum staining the wall as his hands slowly came to a stop.
Tartaglia sighed, taking a few moments of rest before cleaning up the bathroom. The routine was enough to calm him down, his anger and lust fading away into manageable levels. All of it quickly disappeared when he entered the room and found you passed out on the bed, legs spread wide, pussy dripping and stuffed full with the customized dildo you had made. The dildo was the exact replica of his cock and Tartaglia allowed himself a moment, a single moment of contemplation and acceptance of what being in a relationship with you entailed.
“Nnn...Tartagli..a” You moaned in your sleep.
Then he makes his way to the bathroom he had just cleaned, unzips his pants and begins to furiously masturbate again. In any other time he’d have masturbated to you right then and there, unloading his cum unto your sleeping body, maybe fucking your mouth and spilling his load down your throat but right now the two of you are in the middle of a fight and Tartaglia is petty enough to leave you horny.
You woke up the next morning, disappointed that neither your ready pussy nor your mouth had Tartaglia’s cum, your body wasn’t sticky from his dried cum nor was there the pleasant ache of your pussy being used to the fullest. You pout before groaning into the mattress and curling up in sexual frustration.
Tartaglia had a month off.
And you’d rather spend most of it fucking like rabbits, riding his cock, and being stuffed full with his cum. From the sounds outside your apartment window, you knew that at this time, Tartaglia was already in the training grounds.
You sighed before getting up from the bed, not bothering to cover up. You were missing the feeling of walking around the apartment with his cum dribbling down between your thighs. You made your way to the kitchen table, breakfast kept warm and no love note.
You blinked. Searching the entire area for Tartaglia’s customary love note. You frowned, sitting in a daze as you started to realize that something was very wrong.
“Oh no, we’re fighting!” You cried in despair.
You never really liked fighting with Tartaglia, the one that involved cold shoulders and no sex, no intimacy because it was always because you accidentally sent the wrong signal, made social faux pas that even he couldn’t stand and you knew that Tartaglia was the only one who could handle your crazy, your slightly dark tendencies and obsessive personality. Which meant that fights like this always made you want to fix it quickly because you didn’t want Tartaglia to sober up and realize he could do better.
Which meant that there was a need to call up your friends and dissect what you did wrong.
You glance at Tartaglia’s homemade cooking before deciding that the meeting could wait.
While you were enjoying your brunch, Tartaglia was in the training grounds beating up the new recruits and the rest of the Fatui soldiers that were brave enough to step up to fight him. He had slept terribly, missing your comforting weight in his arms and warmth of your body and your cunt warming his cock, he’d masturbated again in the shower, made you breakfast, tempted to fuck you until you woke up while getting dressed and willed his dick down before leaving the apartment.
Tartaglia really, really hated getting into a fight with you. Because it meant that the chances of you waking up and realizing that you could have a normal life were high. His flaws and demerits would outweigh whatever fondness and love you had for him, your childhood sweetheart.
He dreads the day you’d realize you can have stability, because he’d rather not resort to cutting you off from the rest of the world just to keep you by his side. He did his best to ensure you wouldn’t even entertain thoughts of breaking up with him, he catered to your wants and needs because it meant you wouldn’t try to leave. He’d raze the world to the ground if you asked as long as it meant you stayed.
He loved you deeply, darkly, and wholly.
In the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of your familiar lovable and seductive self. And immediately decided to end the spar quickly before any of the recruits got an idea.
He covers your body with his coat, making you wear it properly and hiding the enticing look of your well-endowed body from the virgin killing sweater that you wore. You blinked at him, before you smiled sweetly and devilishly.
“Darling~” You grabbed his arm and he could feel the softness of your breast and Tartaglia knew that you weren’t wearing any bra underneath. He was also willing to bet that you didn’t wear any panties either.
“You-” his words were cut off when he saw your pout, even more so when he felt the fabric of your sweater moved, he looked down and saw that half of your areola were exposed to him.
You smiled at him sweetly, knowing that you’ve already won.
“I missed you so much~” You whined, acting pitiful and cute as you discreetly directed his hand to your lubed up and throbbing pussy.
“I prepared your lunch~” You looked at him from underneath your lashes, drawing attention to your glossed lips, colored pink, and Tartaglia gave up. In a flash, he had brought you home between one breath and the next.
And then you found yourself lying on the bed, you blinked in confusion until you found your arms tied with his jacket, the rest of the sleeves tied to the headboard and you purred in delight.
“Darling~ I’ve been such a good girl right?” You asked coyly, legs already spread and showing him your throbbing pussy, anticipating his thick and long cock fucking you stupid.
Tartaglia didn’t answer before leaving the room with agitation, you spotted his cock straining against his pants and grinned.
You were getting fucked today up until the next day. You smiled pleased at the outcome of the brainstorming you had with your friends. You were so caught up in the euphoria of your apparent success that you forgot who your opponent was. Tartaglia was a trained soldier, a genius in the battlefield and a Harbinger.
He also had the additional boon of knowing you.
Which meant that from the moment you had shown up wearing the virgin killing sweater, he knew that you were planning something. He wasn’t the type to fall for the same trick twice, you wearing the sweater that made both of you graduate from being virgins wouldn’t have the same effect on him again.
Yes, it still drove him mad but compared to the first time you had used it, Tartaglia could keep his wits with him.
So your plan of using a sex potion laced lunch fell through. Tartaglia was sure that he knew what you were planning and decided to use it for his own agenda. A quick survey of the kitchen and he was able to easily deduce where you hid the remaining stash of the potion.
He grinned once he found it and quickly made his way back to you. He whistled at the sight of you, acting like you were in heat. You fluttered your lashes at him and he grinned at you wolfishly.
“I trust that you can recognize this?” He asked as his right hand shook the bottle filled with pink liquid while his left hand deftly unbuckled his pants.
“...Oh” You gulped realizing that you were now playing in the palm of Tartaglia’s hands.
His grin grew sharp, the sight of it sending your pussy throbbing as you bit your lip in anticipation.
“Look at you, being a slut. Is my cock all you can think about?” He teased as his left hand began rubbing his dick, precum dribbling out of his head.
“I also think about your abs and your mouth” You replied, while your eyes stared at his cock, tongue peaking out of your mouth.
He wipes off his precum with his fingers and slowly wiped it on the folds of your pussy, you moaned, moving your hips up to rub against his fingers until they slipped in.
His fingers make a quick work out of you, slipping in and out, building a rhythm that had you moaning loudly, until the sound of your pussy’s squelch echoed loudly in the apartment. Your eyes were closed from the pleasure of his calloused fingers rubbing your walls, making you clench and pulsate.
“Cock-Tartagli-a” Your voice shook as you began to beg, “I need your cock inside--!”
You came loudly as his fingers curled and you squirted while his fingers didn’t stop moving inside you. Tartaglia’s fingers were drenched with your juice when he removed it from your pussy, the sheets were drenched with your squirt and you lay limply on the bed.
The top of your sweater were bunched in the middle of your breast, exposing your erect nipples to the cold air and Tartaglia’s hungry eyes. He brought the bottle on top of your twitching pussy, smiled at you and said,
“Congratulations, my beloved slut, you’ll finally be my cumdump today~”
You stared blankly as you watched him open the bottle, spreading your pussy lips and dumping the entire content of the aphrodisiac into your pussy. You struggled once you felt the foreign intrusion of the bottle’s neck, its effect was instantaneous, your protest turned into a moan as you felt your mind become clouded with pleasure.
Tartaglia watched with fascination as he saw your panic melt into euphoria, the look in your eyes was lustful and wanton as you began to loudly beg for his cock. Tears dripping from your face when he only slipped in his fingers,
“Nooo~!” You cried “Cock! I want your cock!”
Your tearful begging was all it took for him to stop teasing you and thrusting his cock inside you. There was no resistance at all from your pussy, his head went inside smoothly, hitting you all the way to your wall, you moaned in pleasure, legs automatically clamping around his waist.
Tartaglia groaned at the wonderful feeling of your heat, a night of not having your pussy warm his cock was enough to drive him insane. He was a fool to not have slept with you last night.
He kissed you fervently, drowning your moans and lustful cries while his hips moved, thrusting his cock back and forth inside your wet and hot pussy. His bare chest rubbed your sensitive nipples as his body rocked back and forth in time with his hips.
“I love you” He whispered in your ears over and over again as he fucked you senseless, like a beast while you clawed at his back, mouth drooling and eyes rolled back from the pleasure.
The aphrodisiac was affecting you both, fucking frenzily to reach new heights of pleasure. Tartaglia came inside you again and again, even so his dick didn’t turn flaccid remaining hard even after multiple orgasm until your pussy felt raw.
Adrenaline rushing to your veins made you not care, you only cared about two things, Tartaglia and his cock. Your pussy was filled to the brim, abused with Tartaglia’s thick cock that repeatedly dumped his cum on your loose pussy.
Time passed but the sounds of sex didn’t stop as day turned into night.His coat was torn and your clothes turned into rags, Tartaglia had changed your position, fucking your from behind, with your ass up, thick ropes of cum, dried and drying covered your ass and back, some of it dripping from your pussy, others coating your legs and face.
He had truly turned you into his cum dump.
“Such a good slut!” Tartaglia praised as he thrusted into you, his cock pushing out his old cum from your pussy, “so good for me!”
His praise made you so happy, your back arching to give him a better angle. You clenched on his cock as he came again, milking him of his cum.
Tartaglia slipped his cock out, shushing you gently when you whined from the empty feeling. He observed your pussy, your whole was loose enough that he could see how much cum was inside you, your clit and labias were covered with dripping cum, your asshole twitching and overflowing with his earlier cum.
He smiled, “ Looks like you can easily take my cock in foul legacy form”
“No-no! It’s too big!” You cried out in panic, covering your pussy.
Your fearful eyes, hiding the lust behind it made him hornier. He smiled and transformed.
You watched with your own eyes as he donned his armor, eyes staring at his cock that grew larger before it was covered by leather. You gulped.
‘Was that a knot?’ you thought as you felt your pussy grow wetter.
“I promise I’ll be gentle”
His monstrous cock was before your eyes, it made your mouth water and then he began with fucking your mouth. You felt him reach all the way back until he hit your throat, pleasure and pain mixing together as you tried not to gagged as he used your mouth. His cock was huge and thick, veins throbbing as you did your best to blow him.
You cried as you weakly clung to his clothes, slowly losing your mind to the pleasure. He came inside your mouth, cum pouring down your throat as he gently pulled out, you closed your eyes and tried to gather the excess that dribbled from your mouth to your palm.
“Swallow it” He ordered and you happily, greedily obeyed.
Even the cum on your hand was drunk, it was thick and delicious, sweet. You opened your mouth, tongue hanging out for him to see your obedience.
His clawed hands gently ruffled your head, the pointed tips scratching your head and awakening something in you.
“Now take my cock” He said as he lifted you up and then plunged your pussy to his erection.
You moaned loudly, your stomach bulging out from his cock.
“Too much~” You cried, even as you began to move your hips, “you’re too big! I-it won’t fit inside!”
You moaned as his clawed hands helped you move up and down, making your breasts jiggle with each motion as you begged for mercy even though your body was honestly enjoying his cock.
He slipped his cock outside of your pussy, rubbing your cum covered clit and reaching all the way to your cum drenched tits.
“Nooo! Don’t take it out!” You begged in tears.
It was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Reason was thrown out of the window and he mounted you, pushing his cock all the way in, a miracle, that had you crying out in pleasure as he fucked you raw.
His old cum was pushed out with each thrust, clawed hands pressing on your back and holding your hips like you were a living fleshlight. Your lewd voice begging him for more as he ripped away the rest of your torn clothes.
He reached out for him, drawing him close until his mask opened and a long pointed tongue came out and entangled with yours. You made out with Foul Legacy as cock fucked your pussy raw, scraping out the cum until you came over and over again. Your thighs were drenched again, the bed shaking enough for the headboard to bang against the wall loudly.
Between your numerous orgasms you passed out just as he came inside you, flooding your womb and pussy with his cum, most of it ending up on the sheets and dripping down your pussy. He pulled out and began to fuck your thighs, bedframe creaking from the sheer force of his thrust until it broke as he spurted out and covered your entire body with his cum.
He panted heavily, engraving in his mind your blissed out expressions when you fainted from the pleasure.
‘Tomorrow, we’ll talk about your reaction when you first saw me,’ He thought as he gently lifted you up from the broken bed and made his way to the living area ‘but for now I need to get all of this out of our system.’
You woke up the next morning, face down on the table as you felt your body rocking.
“Good morning, love”
Tartaglia’s voice came from behind as you arched your back and moaned from having a dick thrusted into your sore pussy.
You turned around and found yourself staring at Tartaglia’s maskless Foul Legacy form, his eyes were slanted, and hair spiked up in soft waves.
He laughed at you softly, “Have you fallen for me again?”
“Darling~ You’ve ruined me for everyone else!” You cried as you let him see how much he affected you.
He grinned and you moaned in pleasure, when his head hit your g-spot.
“We broke the bed, so the table would have to do” He explained as he began to fuck you over the table, you were too lost in the pleasure to hear his explanation.
But he was in the same predicament as well, all thoughts of talking were gone, the moment he began fucking you as he slept. At this point, the entire apartment reeked of sex and yet neither of you remembered or cared.
Other things could wait.
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platonic-prompts · 2 years
For Worldbuilding: Portals and Time travel? A bit separate, but any tips of rituals for Gods in different domains in a peninsula?
Well the biggest question is: Branching timeline or one timeline?
The difference between the two is basically Marvel vs DC. Sure Marvel has the TVA or whatever, but the timeline is capable of branching off at various points. If you go back in time and kill your grandfather, then it will split off and create a timeline and not affect you personally, this is back to the future style, where Marty accidentally caused a branch. And then the one timeline is DC. In Flashpoint the flash goes back to save his mom, this had the ripple effect of meaning bruce dies instead of his parents, Martha Wayne becomes the Joker and also Atlanteans and Amazons are at war. If you killed your grandfather here, presumably your grandmother would have a kid with someone else to allow for you to end up being born.
This is why Impusle comes to the past and also why in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Darkness/Time/Sky you can have a direct impact on the future
Does time-travel affect one person? What's the extent time travel can be implied? Clockwork from Danny Phantom can stop time and allow people to move through it with a medallion, he can send people to the past
Does time travel mess with the natural order or is it a natural phenomeom? Can you waltz through a door and suddenly find yourself five days in the past? How far back/forward can you go?
How has time travel affected technological advancement? Do future civs bring back tech to the past to hopefully increase the tech they have access to? Can people hop branches of timelines?
If it's a machine built to time travel, what is it? Is it a car, a train, a police call booth, something else? Are there rules people have to follow while time traveling? In Pendragon, the MC can't bring something between the worlds, even from Earth-2 to Earth-1 or Earth-3. Is there an agency to enforce these rules?
Do smugglers use time travel to get goods through customs? Do people use it to trade stocks? How have events been shaped by time-travelers? Do you need to go to school to be allowed to time travel?
How do the portals form? Naturally or man made? Do they have to be anchored somewhere to keep from disappearing? Can people open portals? If they can, do they need assistance from an item? Do the portals allow for travel or only storing items? Can they store skeletons in them?
Can portals only be opened within eyesight without connection to a stationary portal? Like the blink abilites or shadow step in dnd versus using the return spell in Rune Factory or teleport in pokemon (both of which take you to set locations) Does more distance put more strain on the body?
Are natural portals rough while created are smoother? Is there a way to tell where a portal will lead, or will it suck you through when you get close to it?
What causes the appearances of portals? Do gods influence it? Does the moon or sun? Can people predict when the next portal will open? Will eclipses affect portals? Are the portals instant teleportation or a walk through an area (like how the nether can be used)?
As for the rituals, it really depends on the type of god. Festivals for Dionysus involved putting on plays, a lot of festivals in Greece were athletics games dedicated to the gods, other times by animal sacrifices. Other festivals would be with singing and dancing, I'd recommend at looking at the festivals close to the culture you want the penisula to be like. Spain and Florida would have very different festivals
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princessozera · 2 years
Season 1 Recap
*shitpost- written like a glee episode recap*
"So here's what happened in obey me in case you live under a rock or have been dating real people instead like a normal person.
MC was summoned to the Devildom for some exchange program by the prince of hell, Diavolo.
"Welcome to the royal academy of Diavolo!"
They turned into a sheep for some reason and although everyone here is magic no one bothers to help them change back. MC hears a weird noise and thinks it's a ghost but it turns out to be the missing 7th brothed locked up in attic.
He begs MC for help and MC has no self preservation instincts so they agree and start collecting the other brothers pacts like they're pokemom cards. Lucifer has no idea that MC's met Belphegor but he doesn't trust them so he proceeds to threaten this 2 foot tall sheep in the middle of a dance as if they haven't almost been murdered like 3 times at this point.
Solomon sees this and since he lives to advance the plot, he gives MC some of his power and we learn that MC has some super strong powers themselves- maybe even stronger than Solomon. After getting 5 of the 6 pacts MC admits to Lucifer that they know about Belphegor but before he can kill them, Belphegor shows up in the most dramatic way he possibly can, because of course he does.
Beel is furious at Lucifer for lying about Belphegor, and for locking him up. He almost fights him, but instead takes MC and Belphie to Purgatory hall and starts rambling on about the three of them living on their own. He doesnt get very far because Diavolo amd Barbatos show up and arrest Belphegor- yeah, turns out he really hates the exchange program and even threatened all of the human world to stop it which is like super illegal.
The brothers beg MC to fix this- MC doesn't know how to, but it turns out Barbatos DOES know because he can manipulate time and space so he sends them back in time to right before Belphie is freed. MC goes and manages to open the door to the attic and Belphegor is so grateful he gives them a big squeezing hug. Around their neck.
But it turns out not really because MC's super distant relative was actually an angel that was like a sister to the brothers and was actually the reason MC was chosen as the exchange student for the program. They ask MC to keep caring for the brothers and does some magic hoopla to give MC life again. Old angel magic I guess.
After talking to their ghost grandma MC finds themselves back in a body again so they run downstairs and see Mammon holding their dead and totally fucked up looking body. The body disappears and no one knows what to say aboyt MC being back, but they're done with this magic bullshit by now and makes Lucifer tell everyone about Lilth being reborn as a human after the war. Instead of this starting another nuclear war with the brothers they all mellow the fuck out a bit and knowing Lilith died happy makes Belphegor less stabby. MC saved the timeline and Diavolo even shares his birthday with them for being such a good little human, but they still have to leave after living the most taxing year in exsistance.
And that's what you missed last season on glee Obey Me.
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minzart · 3 years
Whenever I think of overblot mc I think of Madoka Magica and the witches. So this brings two ideas along with another completely different idea but for after. Ok but anyway :)) also this contains spoilers for the Madoka Magica series‼️‼️‼️
Idea 1. Mc pulling a Madoka but instead of turning into a god she gets transported too Twisted Wonderland. So with MC explaining too Crowley the entire story, on why they have too get back home to manage the Law of Cycle’s so Magical girl’s can be at rest. They have some of there god like abilities but it’s more toned down.
Idea 2. The Homura loop but instead of looping back into a new timeline MC ofc wakes up in the coffin. They’re still in there magical girl get-up and have a personality like Homura and are very wary and in-trusting and they deal with overblots in a very violent way. But further in they begin too open up on why they want too go home. Which is too of course save there friends from turning into magical girls.
Onto Overblot Mc’s!!! I was listening too Megarum Symposium and I thought it rlly fit with an Overblot aesthetic so that’s the soundtrack I always imagine for an Overblot MC no matter what :)
But instead of Mc’s overblot’s being human Mc is just fully gone and is a monster like the witches but when Mc is defeated the Monster disappears like a waterfall of ink and MC’s unconscious body is laying on the floor. That’s all for now :)))
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elonaackerman · 3 years
In a few hour's the spoiler leaks are going to be released for the final chapter of Attack on titan manga and the official translation on April 9th so before all that happens what are you're thoughts and predictions between the character's and the end of the storyline?
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Hello Kian ! I see several of your questions about the ending and I must say I was lost myself with everything happening. However, I think I elaborated a good theory now !
Theory number 1: Eren is alive
This is the theory I acknowledge the most. Many people say that Eren not dying would be too strange after he already survived so much times to his expected deaths, but I don’t think so. Isayama loves to take some clichés and to twist them:
Here is a brief list:
- The MC not dying in the first episodes
- The power of will and friendship (which is shown to be useless in the Trost arc)
- The guy protecting the girl (Mikasa is Eren’s bodyguard, not the contrary)
- The main trio sticking together until the end
- The MC being « special »/being the « chosen one » (Eren is an usurpator)
Something very used in films/books is to use the absence of body as a way to cancel the absolute truth of a death. By showing us a body, Isayama can fool us by transgressing this common rule of « body=dead ».
Also Eren’s death in chapter 138 was just serving Mikasa’s development arc climax. It didn’t solve any matter of their world.
You know I feel like Eren was very relaxed when he saw Mikasa approaching to kill him. He probably already knew what she was going to do and even closed his eyes when she did it (you can see it since on the last panel, Eren has his eyes closed). I feel like if Eren acted this way, it’s because he transferred his consciousness to his body (all this time his head was controlling the titan so he may have regenerated a head on his body). It would explain why this concept was introduced to us with Reiner in season 3 and then never used again.
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Plus, Grisha said everything would go along to Eren’s plan, but if Eren didn’t succeed, the Rumbling is stopped and hell awaits eldians: they will be killed after what happened, considered too dangerous, more than they already were. And even if the titan power is removed, there will still be a large part of hate and of revenge in the Rumbling survivors’ hearts. I don’t believe the « Code Geass theory » which says that Eren did the rumbling so the world could see Eldians defending it, and stand united with Mahrs against him (in the role of the bad guy), especially since some Eldians sided with Eren and that he exposed them in Revelio or even in Paradise with his devoted Yeagerists. It’s not realistic at all and it doesn’t fit nor Eren’s character, nor SNK spirit.
Eren had defined goals: « exterminate them all », and that’s what he did, he doesn’t seem to want to stop the rumbling on this panel:
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Isayama said he didn’t like characters who weren’t true to their goals, that let the story change their plans and motivations too easily. He wouldn’t give to his MC the traits of a writing he despise.
Another reason why I believe the guy is alive is because his POV was hidden all this time. What’s the point of not giving to us Eren’s perspective while his final battle, when it would have been more powerful, if you did not have a big secret/plot twist generator to hide ? I think Eren and Ymir, who smiles like a creep in 138, manipulated everyone: the way Armin came with all the titan shifters in 137 with the help of Ymir was already really suspicious. Kruger, for example, had no reason to stand against Eren.
Chapter 137 was Armin, 138 was Mikasa so we will surely get Eren perspective for 139. And it will be weird if we have it while the guy is dead. Of course we’ll see what happened in chapter 130 between Eren and Historia (I can’t wait for their POVs) and Historia’s baby. The final panel makes me even more sure that Eren is still alive otherwise who on earth would say « You are free » to a new born child ? Eren x Freedom is canon.
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• The Attack Titan
We know the path is a place out of time. It’s in this place that titans are sculpted by Ymir, and that’s why I think it makes sense for Eren to be the first owner of that titan: the attack titan is the only one who ascends in the past instead of descending in the future. If physically it seems to be passed down following the classical timeline, all of it is actually playing in the paths. The Attack Titan was only possessed by rebels, directly influenced by Eren’s mindset. It disappeared at a time, and it was also a part of Ymir’s titan: it’s her rebellious part designed to « attack » the world 2000 years later. I think Isayama might add depth again to the title of the story in 139.
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• Major deaths
I can’t help but think: why did Eren let Mikasa cut his head and even indicated his location with titan marks ? I think that it’s possible he wants his last friends to fly away from the battle, thinking they have won when they didn’t, so that he can restart the Rumbling without killing them. The survivors would be Levi, Mikasa, Armin and probably Annie. I think Reiner will die to let Gaby eat him, so that Falco and Gaby, representing the future, can be saved.
It makes sense for Reiner to sacrifice himself for his little cousin: he lived for the ones he loved even if he didn’t wish to live himself, and since Gaby represents the new generation, hope, and that she was the potential inheritor of the Armored Titan, I am convinced she is the one who will eat him.
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After that the most probable thing is that Levi and Mikasa, who grew incredibly closer, will live together, same for Annie and Armin. Eren will achieve the Rumbling then go back to Historia and we will have that Akatsuki no Requiem ending.
However, a darker possibility is that everyone except Falco and Gaby might die. I am in denial 😄✌🏻
But, I ask myself how Eren will make titans disappear. I think he might have plotted something with Ymir, after all isn’t she free from King Fritz now ? Or maybe Falco will eradicate the worm (bird vs worm is kinda obvious). However I do not think the people transformed into titans will turn back to normal, it’s not Isayama’s style to « bring back » dead characters, it would make Jean’s and Connie’s deaths less tragic. I think that only shifters will loose their ability and the 13 years thing.
Theory 2: if Eren is dead
• Ymir’s manipulation
I don’t wanna believe it but what if all of this was Ymir’s plan ? If he IS dead, it’s Ymir who is the mastermind and manipulated him so that the parasite would die and that she could get out off the paths. « I took the world’s freedom to gain mine » what if it’s YMIR TALKING in 133 ? She could even had sent the dream to Mikasa in 138 so that she would know WHERE Eren was and kill him, all of this after Ymir took revenge on the world. Remember, the titan who protected Zeke came from earth, and Ymir entered in contact with « the source of all organic life », which means she could be the one behind the birds we keep seeing, including the one on Mikasa dream. She could be smiling because her plan WORKED.
Also remember in the paths where Eren was talking to the Alliance ? He was in his kid Eren form, like Ymir, we didn’t see his eyes, showing his slavery and a strange alike-look. Ymir was standing right next to him, in the exact same position, mirroring him as if he was a sort of reflection/puppet of hers. Everybody thought the contrary until now, that Ymir followed Eren. While she was here, Eren was saying that the only way to end all of this was to take his life: what if Ymir made him say that ?
It makes even more sense when Ymir helped Armin with summoning shifters and that they also had their mouths don’t moving.
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• Eldian Society ?
The only way to resolve  everything if Eren is dead is to create an Eldian empire domination with the rest of the world being weak and wiped out. Everybody would live on Paradise and would be teached about the cycle of hate and the heroes who stopped the Rumbling as new Helos, giving us an explanation of that picture in the opening (it could also be Eren’s society as well meant to not repeat the same mistakes as well)
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I hope you liked it ! Let’s not suffer too much during the waiting and organize cottagecore RM and EH weddings with the beach Aruannie one instead of crying 💁🏻‍♀️
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lunesart · 3 years
Timeline: Main AU
(This is going to be VERY long, so skip through if you don’t want to go through all of it)
1979: Fredbear’s Family Diner opens. The main attraction is Fredbear and Funbun, two springlock suits.
June 26, 1983: Freddy Fazbear’s opens. The Fazbear Four and the Puppet are there.
July 14, 1983: Michelle Brooks goes missing in the forest next to an unknown Freddy’s sister location.
July 30, 1983: Henry Emily removes William Afton from ownership of Freddy Fazbear’s, over concerns of Michelle’s disappearance and child abuse suspicions.
August 5, 1983: Charlotte Emily is found dead outside of Freddy’s, the murderer is unknown. Shadow Freddy is formed.
August 28, 1983: The Bite of ‘83. Evan Afton dies in the hospital 6 hours after Michael Afton, Jeremy Fritzgerald, Fernando Smith, and James Jackson pulled a prank on him. Fredbear’s closes and the springlock suites are retired.
June 26, 1985: Five children, Susie Denver, Fritz Ortiz, Gabriel and Jeremy Jackson, and Cassidy Li, go missing at Freddy’s. Henry Emily is arrested as the main suspect, but no evidence is found. The Puppet gives life to four, one hangs on for vengeance.
August 7, 1985: Freddy’s closes due to health concerns about the animatronics, which have been smelling awful and have been oozing gunk for the past few weeks. On the last day Freddy’s is open, someone tries to break in. After that, Fazbear entertainment assigns a day and a night guard to every location after.
August 19, 1985: Circus Baby’s Pizza World is opened. It is open for one day before closing due to a gas leak. Two children are reported missing after, May Jackson and Elizabeth Afton.
May 12, 1987: Two new Freddy locations are opened, Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria and Circus Baby’s Rental and Entertainment. For the next few weeks, the technicians and night guards are reporting weird animatronic behavior. At Circus Baby’s, the old Funtimes from the last Baby’s are trying to kill technicians, and have succeeded with a few. At the new Freddy’s, the night guard is saying that the animatronics are trying to hurt him, but they seem afraid of him too. No one takes any of them seriously, except Scotty Brooks, an employee at Freddy’s.
May 19-24, 1987: Michael Afton, under the alias of “Eggs Benedict”, becomes a technician to find more about his sister’s disappearance at the urging of his father. After 5 nights of working and near-death experiences, Michael is tricked into being scooped by Ennard, an amalgamation of the Funtime animatronics. Ennard then uses Michael’s body as a skin suit to blend in with humans.
May 30, 1987: William Afton, the night guard at Freddy’s and the man behind the slaughter himself, kills 5 kids again. This time the kids are found. These kids then possess the new Toy animatronics and Balloon Boy. The day guard, Clay Burke, leaves the job due to the grief of losing his son to the murders. Afton then takes the dayshift.
May 31, 1987: After a week of inhabiting his body, Michael ejects Ennard out of his body. Michael is somehow still alive, despite being a decomposing corpse. He goes into hiding because of his appearance.
June 1-6, 1987: Jeremy Fritzgerald is hired as the new night guard. For the next 6 nights, 9 possessed animatronics, 2 shadows, and an angry ghost try to kill him. Due to the murders, Freddy’s will be closing soon. The day guard leaves out of nowhere one day, and Jeremy is primed to be the day guard for the last day. Jeremy asks his girlfriend best friend, Fritz Smith (formerly Fernando), to be the night guard for one night, and she agrees.
June 7, 1987: At the last event at Freddy’s, the birthday of Jason Sánchez, Jeremy is bitten by Toy Foxy, or Marla Sánchez “The Mangle”. He loses his frontal lobe, but lives. Fritz Smith goes to the last nightshift, and attempts to fix the animatronics by tampering with them, but this just makes them more aggressive. Fazbear Entertainment then bans her from ever getting a job at any Freddy's forever.
June 8, 1987: Circus Baby’s EAR closes due to the lack of animatronics. After the experience at Circus Baby’s and everything with the other Freddy’s, Michael pieces together that his father was the one responsible for everything. He then vows to find him.
Summer of 1993: Fazbear Entertainment tries one more time with Freddy’s, and creates a third location. Scotty Brooks, who has been recording everything that happened to the Fazbear brand, volunteers to be the night guard after the animatronics go through 4 of them. He goes through a few weeks before being killed by HER. He left some recordings on the phone in the office to help the next poor chap. In comes Michael Afton, or Mike Schmidt. He completes his 6 nights with the help from Brooks. But he keeps on getting IT’S ME messages from the old Fredbear suit in the safe room. On his 7th night, he tinkers with the animatronics, hoping that it will set the children free. It didn’t. After a hard night, Fazbear Entertainment fires and bans him from Freddy’s. Soon after they close due to no one wanting to go to a restaurant that has been tied to these horrible events.
Early Fall of 1993: Michael Afton has horrible nightmares that range 6 nights. These are caused by two figures from his past. William Afton breaks into the closed Freddy’s and destroys the four main animatronics. The souls from the animatronics chase him down and he is driven into the old Funbun suit, the suit that he lured the children and killed them in. He puts it on to scare them off, but the moist and moldy state of the suit and the rapid movement sets the springlocks off, killing him. His body lays there for a long time before the entire building is closed off.
2012: Michael adopts a girl named Vanessa.
Spring of 2015: Fazbear’s Frights is in development, and Jamie Jackson (formally James), applies for the Fright guard job. While Frights is being set up, the springlocked Afton terrorizes them for 4 nights, and on their 6th night on the job, they call in Michael who comes over to confront his father. They both decide to set the place on fire and blame it on faulty wiring. Fazbear’s Frights burns, but Afton survives.
Summer of 2015: Henry Emily contacts Michael, and they form a plan to end the nightmares for good. Henry lures Lefty, who holds the Puppet(Charlie) and Golden Bonnie(Michelle), Scrap Baby, who was Circus Baby(Elizabeth), Molten Freddy, who holds the MC, the DC, and Funtime Freddy (May Jackson), and Springtrap(William Afton). They lure them all there and burn the place to the ground, taking themselves with them. All of them pass on except William and Cassidy Li(Golden Freddy).
Fall of 2015: Cassidy traps William in a personal hell between life and death, killing him over and over again with his own creations. Meanwhile, Fazbear Entertainment tries to pick itself up by making games poking fun at the events in the past. They collect the old, burned animatronics, and load in their old hardware. And on one of hardwares is a remnant of William’s soul. By loading him into their coding, William escapes Cassidy’s hell. The Puppet and the other MC pitch in to give Cassidy her Happiest Day, and she finally passed on.
Spring of 2026: After having financial success with the games, Fazbear Entertainment makes a VR game to top off their success. In the development, William Afton infects the code and becomes Glitchtrap. Jeremy Fritzgerald Jr. becomes a victim of his mind control as he tries to take over his body, and eventually tries to kill himself after Glitchtrap tries to invade his body. Glitchtrap abandons him, not wanting to take such a risk, and that’s when Tanya Jackson(Tape girl) comes into play. She discoverers Glitchtrap in the game and tries to tell Fazbear Entertainment, but they brush it off. Tanya makes tapes to warn other beta testers of Glitchtrap, but through those tapes Glitchtrap manages to trap her soul in a Freddy suit in the game, sending her body into a coma. Glitchtrap attempts to possess her body, but it just has her sent to a mental hospital. The next beta tester, Vanessa Afton, finds the tapes and gets a grip on what is the deal with the game. Glitchtrap instead of just taking over body, infects her mind and starts to turn her towards his ways. Vanessa traps in a Bonnie plush, but still hears and sees him everywhere.
Early Summer of 2026: The Special Delivery emails. Vanessa loses herself to Glitchtrap’s influence and becomes “Vanny”.
Late Summer of 2026: Security Breach.
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shinydelirium · 3 years
hi keliosyfan, in your Kiro's Rumors and Secrets: Ringo's Song (林檎色的歌) Season 2 Chapters 10-13 Translation, I feel like kiro has forgotten some memories of MC why?? sorry my english is not very good 😅
Hello, Anon! Thank you for your question and don't worry, your English is just fine ;) In regards to answering your question, I'll have to put the answer under a spoiler cut to avoid spoiling others who want to find out what happens on their own.
As to why Kiro has forgotten some memories of MC is because of what happened at the end of chapter 37 of season 1. A comet was heading towards a collision course towards Earth. MC what's not willing to let the world end just yet so she wanted to save it. As a result, time ended up going backwards 17 years and MC was reverted back to her 5 year old self. However, she retains all of her memories of what happened in season 1 and now we have season 2 storyline. Therefore, Kiro didn't exactly forget memories of MC. Ringo's Song R&S takes place in the timeline of season 2. Kiro was getting these memories that he has never experienced before and doesn't understand why but we, as the players, know that those experiences did happen. This goes to show that even though the timeline/world had been "reset", those memories/experiences don't just go away or disappear so easily. Kiro's body was moving all on his own because of those memories he had in season 1.
I hoped that answered your question :) Have a lovely day!!!
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aokane-eldarya · 4 years
[Obey me]
We all know that time travel is confusing. Since someone talked about it on Facebook, I decided to make diagrams.
Diavolo and Barbatos want to know how Belphie got free.
Barbatos will therefore use his powers with MC.
Since he has never used his power with a human, he is not sure how it will turn out.
(It means that Solomon never used the power of Barbatos despite the pact)
Barbatos sends MC to the past, before the release of Belphie.
This is "Time loops 1" (TL1).
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In order not to be discovered by the MC of the past and Lucifer, the MC of the future is hiding in Lilith's room.
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Lilith's room is a creation of Lucifer in memory of his sister.
The room created by Lucifer + the memory of Lilith inside MC + the power of Barbatos = "Time loops 2" (TL2).
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MC sees an event from Lilith's past, through Lilith's eyes.
MC goes through the room door again and find themselves near the attic, during a conversation between Lucifer and Belphie. This is "Time loops 3" (TL3).
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MC approaches the door of the "prison" which opens. This created a new timeline, since there was a change in the past.
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Small precision : so far, we have always been on a single timeline, the original timeline, but at different times.
This time, an alternative was created.
In this new timeline, Belphie seriously injures MC.
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Lilith intervenes.
She does not revive MC actually : the MC which we see in the arms of Mammon is seriously wounded, but still alive.
Barbatos intervenes.
He makes the body disappear from Mammon's arms and decides that this timeline is reality.
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Either he sealed off the other timeline or he simply erased it.
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Hoping that the explanations have been clear.
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gaygryffindorgal · 3 years
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HPHM character profile
Name: Gael Romero
Gender: cis male
Age: Depends on the timeline
Birth Date: March 14, 1972 (Pisces)
Species: Human wizard
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Sexuality: Bi
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Nationality: British and Portuguese
Residence: London
Myer Briggs Personality Type: The Debater (ENTP)
The Mage
Wand: Elm, 11 inches, unicorn hair, slightly yielding
Misc Magical Abilities: legilimens
Boggart Form: His father.
Riddikulus Form: His father in ridiculous clothing slipping on something and not being able to get up.
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?) N/A
Amortentia: (What do they smell?) N/A
Patronus: A raven
Patronus Memory: Gael has trouble producing the patronus charm for a long time. Only after making genuine friends and learning to love and be loved, is he able to produce it.
Mirror of Erised: -
Specialized/Favourite Spells: The cruciatus curse, Gael is also adept at various fire/explosion spells.
In-game Appearence:
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Height: 5′9 (175cm)
Physique: Lean, muscular
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Skin Tone: Tan
Body Modifications: The dark mark for a while during the Second Wizarding War
Scarring: A scar where his dark mark used to be.
Inventory: Wand, books, a quill and ink at all times, reading glasses
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Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Affiliations/Organizations: Slytherin house, Death Eaters (temporarily), The Order of Phoenix
Professions: Curator of Magical Artifacts
Hogwarts Information
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: E
Charms: O
Herbology: A
History of Magic: O
Potions: E
Transfiguration: O
Arithmancy: E
The Study of Ancient Runes: E
Alchemy: O
Extra-Curricular: -
Favourite Professors: Septima Vector
Least Favourite Professors: -
Father: Alistair Rookwood
Brother of Augustus Rookwood, Alistair was a prominent Death Eater, working in secret for Lord Voldemort in the Magical Law Enforcement department while his brother worked in the Department of Mysteries. He was killed during the First Wizarding War when his son was just a small child and thus never had a big role in Gael’s life.
Not much is known about Alistair’s life, except that he was a Slytherin with great ambition and little time for sentimentality or familial bonds.
Mother: Rebeca García Romero
Rebeca is a resourceful, ambitious witch who married into a prominent family very young. She is self-serving and wants power but loves her son fiercely. She never agreed with Voldemort or her husband in joining the Death Eaters. Eventually when she realized her son was in danger thanks to Alistair, she assassinated him, took control of his family’s finances, and moved away from the Rookwood ancestral home into London, disappearing with Gael. She also changed the family’s last name into Romero to keep low profile after Voldemort’s defeat.
Love Interests:
Colette Belrose by @gcldensnitch​
Best Friend:
years 1-3: Barnaby
years 4-6: Kind of a loner
year 7-> Colette Belrose by @gcldensnitch​
Rivals: Verna Malinda and her little posse
Enemy: R, The Order of Phoenix (temporarily), eventually Death Eaters
Dormmates: Barnaby Lee
Pets: An owl called Coco
Closest Canon Friends: Merula, Ismelda, Barnaby, Tulip
Closest MC Friends:
Colette Belrose @gcldensnitch​
if you would like to be friends with Gael, hmu!
Pre Hogwarts: 
Gael and his parents lived at the Rookwood ancestral home in the English countryside for a few years after his birth. When the war got to be too much for his mother and she assassinated her husband, the remaining two family members fled to London to live in a lavish penthouse hidden from muggles and wizards alike.
Gael’s mother is very strict and expects him to excel at school, as well as other areas of life. They’re not by any means close and neither is their relationship very warm, but Rebeca would do anything to protect her son.
Hogwarts Years:
Gael is popular in school. He’s handsome, smart, and always up for finding loopholes in the school rules. He rarely gets in trouble because he has a knack for exploiting said loopholes and almost never getting caught. He has almost flawless academic record, but he’s not extremely interested in any after-school activities. In years 6 and 7 he garners quite the reputation as a player and kind of an asshole to be honest.
Order of the Phoenix / 2nd Wizarding War:
Gael works as a Curator of Magical artifacts for a while, trying to keep a low profile while times grow darker. He also grows closer to Colette Belrose and the two develop feelings for each other. However, the war breaks out in full force before it can really go anywhere.
Gael is recruited into the ranks of the Death Eaters at the outbreak of the Second Wizarding War. He only complies because Voldemort is threatening to hurt his mother. Like her, Gael is not interested in the blood purity agenda Voldemort advocates for, nor does he think that Voldemort would make a very good evil overlord. In fact, if Gael were interested in world dominion, he’s sure he’d be better at it than the self-proclaimed Dark Lord. This is not to say his power doesn’t terrify Gael, because it does.
Eventually he breaks ranks and reluctantly helps the Order of Phoenix.
Post-War: Gael feels immense guilt for his actions during the war and struggles greatly during the years after the war. However, he and Colette reconnect even after everything that happened, and slowly begin to mend their relationship.
Positive attributes: resourceful, ambitious, intelligent, observant, charming, witty, confident. Negative attributes: conceited, judgmental, cynical, liar, emotionally unstable, mean, even cruel to an extent.
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