#and to anyone else who may be going back to school tomorrow (or anytime soon) good luck!
tiredg0ds · 8 months
the semester starts tomorrow. so this is my official "elliott's going back to school and may be completely and utterly mia from everything for the next however long a semester is" notice !
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[A/n: Oh and just a BTW I've never played cod mw2 so if 8 get their personalities wrong that's why, I'm just going off of what I read p, including wiki]
Summary: The new guy is terrifying at night due to his size and speed
Type: Short scenario: Gaz X Male!Reader: Soap X Make!Reader: Alejandro X Male!Reader: Price X Male!Reader: Ghost X Male!Reader: Ruby X Male!Reader
Version: Cod Mw2
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He already gets scared easily so when you came in it got worst, more than expected so when one day when he woke up at night to get a drink, he clearly didn’t see you getting his water he heard you, well he didn’t know it was you obviously. But you never once thought you’d see a military soldier stop and turn around so scared in his life. But when he saw you towering over him, he calmed down and playfully slapped you. 
“My god you scared me.”
You know you’re scary when you scare Ghost, The Ghost. Ghost doesn’t sleep when everyone else does so he was just thirsty. When he got to the kitchen, he looked around like usual, but somehow, he didn’t see you. When he was making tea, he heard you walking over to him. He didn’t do anything at first and waited for you to get closer. As soon as you were at arm’s length, he spun around and roundhouse-kicked you. When he saw you, he calmed down a bit.
“Don’t sneak up on me Soldier.”
Now Alejandro isn’t one to get scared, we know this, but you somehow did. Entering the kitchen late at night he was still really tired from the day prior, which is no surprise when you are in the military. So, since he was so tired, he didn’t care for his surroundings, so he clearly didn’t see you. Even when he opened the fridge and pulled out a yahoo chocolate milk, he didn’t even know when they got yahoos. He didn’t even close the fridge when he took a drink of the yahoo, while he was in mid-drink he turned around and saw you standing there causing him to almost choke on his drink. While he was coughing, he threw his cap at you, not wanting to spill his drink.
“¡Eres idiota! ¡No te acerques sigilosamente a mí, Dios mío!“
Just like Alejandro, he was really tired and just didn’t process that you were in the room with him, but he didn’t care either way. Opening the fridge door, he looked around confused since his yahoo wasn’t there.  All of a sudden, he’s wide awake, moving everything around and throwing things out of the fridge. Now you’ve seen Ruby mad but not like this. Whipping around he jumped back when he saw you but that fear instantly disappeared. He grabbed the collar of your shirt and pulled you down since you were quite taller than him.
He was actually about to go to bed but had to get a drink first, his cigars were making him thirsty. Grabbing his “number one dad” mug and filling it with water. As he slowly drank his water, still thinking about past events that happened this morning. For example, Soap and Ghost were having a training session when Gaz brought everyone drinks like he did in high school, and for the rest of the day, he was called water boy. Chuckling softly Price turned around, when he saw you he jumped hard. Gasping a bit after he inhaled his water he leaned on the sink and glared at you.
“Boy...Just wait for tomorrow.”
Now if anyone’s easy to scare, it’s soap. He may be amazing at his job and a really good fighter but my god does this boy jump. You could pat his shoulder anytime when he isn’t looking and he’ll jump like a cat when it sees a cucumber. So when he got up at night to get a drink of water he didn’t see you. His glasses weren’t on (i feel like soap secretly wears glasses but only at night and when he’s reading). He heard you but when he turned around he couldn't see you, so he stood there holding his cup of water just looking around terrified. When he finally saw you he punched you and ran completely leaving the cup of water behind, cause he saw you but didn’t see who you were.
(A/n: this was super fun to write honestly. I hope you enjoyed)
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remidyal · 2 years
Just as an update because it's been a week since I posted a Lunacy chapter; I'm doing a rewatch of the Leviathan arc just to make certain I get some of the tone and details right for the next few chapters, and I'm watching with a friend so it may be a few more days to another week yet! Sorry, lovies. (In fairness, I did put up a 10k Fantasy High fic in the intervening time so it's not as though I've been idle)
I'm maybe going to put up the first chapter of another multichapter fic tonight or tomorrow that'll be a lower priority project, focused on a younger Aelwyn and Adaine - Aelwyn will start as 14, Adaine as 12, in the summer before Aelwyn would start the upper classes at Hudol. A tiny little teaser section of that for you is below the cut:
The evening of the day that Aelwyn Abernant took her entrance exam for the upper classes into Hudol wasn't the first time that she fantasized about running away. Not even close, really; she'd started imagining it years ago, when she first realized just how conditional her parents' care could be, the one and only time she had tried defending Adaine to them.
That had been five years ago, when she was nine. At least the lessons on illusions to conceal the bruises after her father had squeezed her wrist just a bit too tightly had been helpful.
It was, however, the first time she starting moving those from being a fantasy to being an actual plan of sorts. She was a full wizard now, after all, well ahead of the entrance requirements for Hudol, almost certainly more practiced than anyone else who would have sat the exam. She shouldn't have to be so worried that she might have misinterpreted one question or another, that she had made a mistake on the divination portion about the meanings of certain omens, about any of it… but she was, because even if her grades wound up being the best, nothing short of perfection would do, and when the final scores came in a week's time there would be no hiding if there had been any errors from her mother, a professor at the school.
She'd been sneaking out from time to time over the last year, any chance to get loose from the oppressive atmosphere of her house a welcome one, and she was pretty certain she could survive out there if she needed to. But it would help if she had some money, and so that night was when she started building a kit of things she could take with her. Ink for more spells, and paper - she'd have to grow without going to Hudol, after all, if she ran. But more importantly, things she could sell, and a way to avoid being found through divination. She did not think her parents would let her leave so easily. Luckily, there were plenty of knick-knacks and things that had been gifted to Angwyn Abernant as the Elvish Ambassador that were deemed by her parents as too tacky to use or display. A lot of those were made of gold or silver, or even some platinum. They wouldn't be missed anytime soon. She could have some of them ready to take and sell, just in case…
She didn't break the kit up when her scores came back perfect after all, but it was a big relief, and she was able to breath without worry for the first time in months. It'd be the end of the summer before any other tasks came up that she absolutely couldn't get wrong, with luck. An eternity.
Still, with that level of preparation, she couldn't call it an impulse when she finally did leave home a month later. Not really, not when she'd been dreaming about it for years and made plans and made preparations and everything.
No, the impulse, the spur of the moment madness, was that she'd brought Adaine with her.
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
How Often They Worry about MC…
For those who don’t know, I have a little dog named Charlie and she is a large portion of my world. There's no need to be alarmed, my dog is fine, but there are days where I hold her and all I can think about is how much I worry about her health down the line… I suppose we often do that for the people we love, particularly the ones who may not last as long as we will. Take that as inspiration if you'd like.
Near constantly. 
If you tracked his blood pressure on a grid, you'd see it start to continuously rise about when he decided they were worth having in his life.
Lucifer is the eldest sibling to a whole crew of brothers so he's no stranger to worry. He worried about his brothers when they were young, he worried about them after the Fall, and he still worries about them now (even if he's less open about it).
But a part of him knows that his brothers can handle their own, at least to varying degrees. The MC, though? He's far less sure…
They've proven rather resilient, but also headstrong and reckless. Neither of which are good things to be in a place this dangerous...
If Lucifer isn't careful, he can catch himself staring at a wall or window just wondering where they are and if they're doing alright… If he called them every time he had a passing worry, their inbox would be full by the end each week.
He holds himself back because he doesn't have the time to constantly protect them, but that doesn't stop him from sending a text once or twice a day. They better respond or he'll start (secretly) panicking.
He forgets their mortality from time to time, but every time he remembers it hits like a ton of bricks…
Mammon is a pretty "in-the-moment" person. He doesn't spend a lot of time dwelling on the future, but whenever he does the thought of losing MC always comes back to him again and again.
Like. It's gotta happen eventually, right? They're human, humans die, hell they don't even live that long to start with!
The MC can always tell when Mammon's getting worried because he'll get uncharacteristically quiet and pace around or hover by them…
Every little injury or strenuous task will suddenly seem like too much to him as well. 
If they need to carry some boxes, he'll carry them all.
If they have to jog to class, he's carrying them. 
If they so much as get a papercut, he'll have a heart attack.
It's not very hard to get Mammon out of these funks - he really does want them to reassure him that they're okay - but he's never going to get fully over it…
Not until he can steal whatever top secret immortality formula Solomon must have used anyway… He'll get it off that bastard eventually.
Thinks about it so often he has to actively try not to just to get any peace…
He dodges his fears for MC like a protagonist dodges lasting consequences. Every time he feels one creeping up, he's always got a distraction waiting…
"Hey where's MC at? I hope they didn't fall into the riv-OH HEY CHECK OUT THIS NEW GAME!!"
"What are they doing over there…? That looks hard, what if they bre-WAIT DIDN'T MY FAVORITE VOICE ACTOR JUST RELEASE A NEW PODCAST???"
"What if the MC dies tomorrow and they leave me all alo-DEVIL FIGHT 200! YOU CAN'T BEAT DEVIL FIGHT 200, LET’S BREAK MY HIGH SCORE!!"
Cut him some slack, his psyche cannot handle the idea of losing them on top of everything else he grapples with every day.
If, on the rare occasion, he does let himself fall down that rabbit hole he becomes extra clingy and practically begs MC not to leave his room… like ever. He'd bubble wrap them if he could.
Anytime they get really hurt or really sick he refuses to leave their side even if it means he has to awkwardly sit on the floor. He just needs to be able to glance at them every so often to be sure they're alive… Still breathing?? Phew…
He worries, preps, rationalizes, then worries again…
For Satan, knowledge is power and every scrap of information he can learn about MC is more power he can use to keep them safe and healthy.
Yes, he will want their medical history. Yes, he's going to need a list of prescriptions. Family members too. And no, you do not get a choice.
He'll read up on as many things as he can - pawn medical journals off of witches and get magical alternatives from Solomon.
The cycle usually goes: 
1. He's lying awake at night because he just heard about some terrible bacteria that makes human's skin peel off or something.
2. He does all the research he can on this bacteria, its treatment options, best prevention methods, etc.
3. Gets right about to break out the rubber booties for MC to wear around, then realizes they have a very slim chance of catching said bacteria since it's only native to incredibly remote parts of Indonesia.
4. Feels instant relief that MC will probably not catch flesh-eating bacteria and can finally sleep again…
5. Hears of some other human medical horror from Solomon and starts to worry…
It's a vicious cycle indeed… But at least he's getting a lot of medical training. Soon enough he'll be the Devildom's version of a human vet (which I guess is just a doctor, come to think of it. 🤔)
Lives so "here-and-now" that he doesn't remember often, but when he does it's always heartbreaking…
Asmo usually tries to worry about things as little as possible. It’s bad for the skin, you know? But when the MC is involved, all of that goes out the window.
Like how a delicate blossom eventually wilts in the snow, the MC is bound to leave them in time… Usually there's supposed to be something beautiful in that kind of tragedy, but perhaps he's just too close to them to find any romance in it.
The thought of their death gives him breakouts and anytime they get hurt or sick he's the first brother to offer them comfort. Every time.
Because he doesn't feel like he's as physically strong as he brothers, he tries to make up for it by minding their health in other ways. Anything to keep his MC strong and beautiful as always!
If Asmo is in a worrying mood, then he may also compensate by trying to take the MC out to a party or some fun event. Why sit around worrying by himself when he could be making memories with them now, right?
It comes in waves, mostly at night.
When your thoughts throughout the day are mostly, "I wish I wasn't so hungry," it doesn't afford you a lot of time to think about much else.
In a way, it's a good thing since he experiences a lot less stress. But those worries are still there and they mostly plague his dreams…
Beel doesn’t feel hungry when he's sleeping, so a lot of his fears will make themselves known overnight. An injured or dying MC is often in his rotation of nightmares though, of course, he'd rather it not be…
After having one of these dreams, his first instinct is to always make sure the MC is okay. If they're with him, he'll hug them and check their heartbeat. If they're somewhere else, he'll go to them or shoot a text.
He has woken up without realizing his nightmare was all a dream though, and usually it's up to Belphie or MC themselves to console him while he cries… It's so heartbreaking, sweet boy just puts a lot of pressure on himself to be sure they're safe…
When he worries, it's like they're the most beautiful and expensive China set in a room full of bulls and hammers. If he could tape them to his side, he probably would. He gets scared for them that much…
More scared about it than anyone else in the House.
Despite his calm demeanor, Belphie is truly afraid of losing his loved ones beneath the surface… He's already lost one of his most dear siblings before, going through that again may just break him.
Unfortunately, he's also felt just how fragile the MC is firsthand... He's not even the strongest of his brothers, yet he was able to snuff them out so easily… Who's to say someone else won't try?
Like Beel, MC's death is a recurring nightmare for him but he can usually shake off his dreams fairly well, if not change them mid-sleep. More scary is when something is actually wrong with them or they're not feeling well.
Belphie always sets his inner laziness aside for the MC when he can. If they get sick, he'll usually be right along with his family to take care of them - even if he has to skip school to do so (not that he cares about class anyway).
When he's worrying about them, he tries to play it off at first, but soon enough they'll notice him acting overly concerned and losing sleep… Best to calm him down before he starts getting cranky.
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
Comfortably Numb. Yan Chrollo x Reader [COMM]
warnings: mentions of anxiety, just general uneasiness. word count: 2.6k.
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Home is where the heart is. 
It’s meant to be the sanctuary where you can unwind after a long day of work, dress in your most comfortable pajamas, and feel no qualms for the opinions of others. A safe haven of your own making. Granted, there was a time that you felt this way, no matter how long ago it seems. A coveted period of your life that you wish you could return back to. On a surface level, any onlooker might take a glance at you and think you are as normal as they are. If only that were the truth, you bitterly lament. 
Now, what do you need to check on next? Milk is in good supply, not set to expire anytime soon. Hm… can’t say the same for the fruit. You jostle down some of your favorites onto the ever growing grocery list. What else is there? You’ve got to be missing something. Standing on your tiptoes, you open the overheard cabinet, that is now noticeably more barren than it used to be. The bags of tea that had once populated this area have vanished, all but a lonesome pack of matcha. Huffing, you close the cabinet doors, ready to voice your irritation.
Pivoting on your heel, you look over the kitchen counter and towards the occupied living room. “You drank all my tea?” 
“Not at all of it,” your unwelcome guest corrects, much to your displeasure. “Besides, you never said I couldn’t have any.” 
You raise an eyebrow at this conjecture. Who would’ve thought him a stickler for semantics. “Yeah, well, I never said you could have it either.” 
“That’s a fair enough point. I’ll be sure to reimburse you for it later.” Chrollo ends the conversation before it even begins. His attention returns to his original activity of reading, freely helping himself to yet another one of your belongings. An exhausted sigh leaves your lips at the sight. If you somehow make it out of this situation unscathed, you may take on a more pious lifestyle, having survived way more than you should’ve. It’s a wonder that Chrollo hasn’t seen fit to strike you down where you stand. Where you lack self-restraint in the verbal department, you make up for it in your overall composure. Surely anyone else would’ve been crushed under the immense pressure of having a murderer crashing at their apartment. 
That’s just about the best way to describe it, you think. How desensitized do you have to be to no longer shiver at the thought? In all fairness, Chrollo himself is treating this as the most ordinary arrangement in the world. At his own leisure he’ll start conversations with you, inquire about your day, and even offer insight that you never asked for. It’s gotten to the unfortunate point that you’re even starting to do the same. Treating him more as a peculiar roommate than the threat he truly is, though it could be your way of coping. That’s the explanation you’re going with.
Chrollo puts a bookmark into his read, and places it aside. “Is there anything you’d like for dinner?”
He asks the question as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. Your normally schooled expression is broken, lips parting and eyebrows furrowing together. Is he being serious right now? There’s no way to tell for certain. Not on a lack of trying from your behalf, his countenance never hints at his innermost thoughts. You get the feeling what little Chrollo does reveal to you is intentional. How creepy. 
“I was just planning on warming up leftovers,” you accentuate this by opening your fridge. On the shelves sits lentil soup, apples, and some protein yogurts. Shit. “Scratch that. I’ll be settling for yogurt instead.” 
“You had that for breakfast, if memory serves.” Chrollo points out, as if you’re incapable of remembering that yourself. It’s odd that he feels the need to pay attention to every detail about you. How often is Chrollo observing you without you taking notice? You push the thought aside with a frown.
“What are you, my hostage-taker and nutritionist? Besides, this is what I like to call a struggle meal. Or, meals, technically. I’ll go shopping tomorrow to make up for it.” You grimace while picking up the gourmet cuisine for tonight. Strawberry cheesecake flavor. It’s better with stuff added to it for texture, but this’ll have to do. It’s doubtful someone who is hiding a stolen merchandise worth hundreds of thousands can empathize with your position. Not that it matters if Chrollo Lucilfer holds you in high regard, with all the blood on his hands. He’s got no room to judge.
“Hm, in the time we’ve spent together, I never considered you as dense,” he gets up from his seat, making his way towards the kitchen. You don’t get a word in edgewise before your dinner is plucked from your hands. Chrollo places it back in the fridge, while you stare at him with a slackened jaw. “I’m offering to buy you food, [First].” 
How considerate of him to spell it out for you. 
“Appreciative as I am for your gesture of goodwill, I’ll pass. I don’t want to be indebted to you.” You make for the fridge once again, scowling as he holds it shut with unnatural force. Damn, he’s strong. Maybe you’re playing with fire by provoking him, considering the power imbalance, but your tongue is faster than your brain. Both a blessing and a curse. Leaning more towards the latter, you muse.
“I insist. It’s only right that I repay you somehow, for allowing me to stay here. You wouldn’t be indebted to me.” Chrollo’s smile never reaches his eyes, you notice. Standing here in close proximity to him, there’s a lot more you can pick up on. Every little detail of his disposition is intentional. From his even keel tone, to his polite speech, and way of acting like you have any say in the matter. You’re all bark and no bite. Both of you are keenly aware of this, and still he talks to you as if he’s none the wiser. It’s demeaning in its own right. 
“I guess it is sacrilegious to turn down free food. Alright, you win.” You throw your hands up in mock defense. This uncomfortable interaction helped you remember the position you’re in, how every breath might be your last. He’s broken into your residence, forced you to hide him from encroaching hunters, and made your past ten days a living hell. It was the threats to your loved ones that ultimately earned your compliance. 
You can’t help the self deprecation that’s followed since that day. The law is what you’re supposed to be protecting, not protecting criminals from. Going to the station everyday with the knowledge that you’re harboring such a dangerous criminal is weighing heavily on your soul. Life sure is full of the worst ironies. Had it not been an A class bounty, you may have stood a chance. 
Chrollo reaches into the pocket of his jacket, pulling out one of his many burner phones. “You’re being more agreeable than I expected, if I’m being honest.”
“What can I say? I become a bit of a yes man when my life is being threatened.” You respond with an empty smile of your own. Instead of earning any ire from him, he lets out an airy chuckle, of dubious sincerity. Whether it’s at you or with you is difficult to decipher. He pulls up a food delivery app, showing you the options. This was all prepared in advance, he must’ve taken the time to download it. So it wasn’t a spur of the moment decision to mess with you? 
“Y-you’re really letting me pick?” There’s no hiding your incredulous tone of voice. This series of events is far too bizarre to fathom, like a nightmare stepping into reality. Just a week ago you were contemplating how to poison Chrollo without him taking notice. Now you’re ordering food together. There has to be an ulterior motive lurking around, your gut won’t tell you otherwise.
He tilts his head at your apprehension, and repeats himself. “That’s what I said, yes.” 
Fuck it. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, or so the saying goes. You’ve suffered enough at Chrollo’s hands, it wouldn’t hurt to make the most of it. You take the cheap phone from his hands, scrolling through the options, and realizing now just how wonderful the variety of food sounds. Working up an appetite hasn’t come naturally with your uninvited guest skulking about. He has enough prepaid visa cards to cover what you want, so you hold nothing back. 
After returning his phone to him, you can’t help but throw an additional sarcastic comment in. It’s second nature at this point. “Happy now?” 
“Very much so,” Chrollo doesn’t mention your indignation, eyes raking over your expansive order. It’s not until he gets to the end that he quirks an eyebrow. “... A one hundred dollar tip?” 
“Feel free to add some extra zeros to the end of that. It’s not binary code for ‘help me, there’s a criminal in my apartment’, if you’re worried about that.”
He hums in consideration. “I can’t say that came to mind.” 
“Shit, looks like I went ahead and busted my own master plan.” Your response is notably dry. A headache is already in the works, courtesy of speaking to Chrollo for too long. He never fails to keep you on your toes. For all the sardonic remarks you make at his expense, anxiety has never stopped plaguing you. It’s a miracle that your heart is still functioning properly. You don’t even know why you ordered the absurd amount that you did, other than from pure spite, since your stomach is churning too much to want to eat. Maybe that’ll change when the food shows up. If not, your co-workers are going to be in for quite a treat tomorrow. 
You return to your newfound favorite activity of ignoring Chrollo, busying yourself with anything that comes in sight. Watering your plants, putting mugs from the dishwasher away, menial stuff that keeps you busy. A new feat lies in your wake. Whoever designed this apartment didn’t do so with you in mind, your larger plates just barely out of reach. Not willing to concede to using a chair just yet, you keep up the gallant attempt, stretching as far as your body allows. Your fingertips graze just over the prized handle, only for you to fail again.
That’s when you feel an over looming presence behind you, a shadow encompassing your figure. Chrollo gets the plate you were reaching for with ease, his chest brushing over your back in the process. You feel your face flushing, your body going taut, standing still as a wooden plank. He sets it down beside you with a knowing smile. That bastard…! He’s doing this on purpose. Damn him. 
“It looked like you could use some help.” He tells you. It takes every ounce of your self restraint not to lunge at him, instead taking a deep breath and nodding your head. Why is he so intent on getting a reaction from you? It’s exasperating, serving no practical purpose other than his own amusement. Inundated with your thoughts, you don’t realize how sour a look you’re sporting. This is what he wants, you remind yourself. To get you riled up. You refuse to play into his hands, and manage to get a grip. 
Time passes by at a lethargic pace. After around forty minutes, your front door rings, and you pick up the order. Sitting at your counter, you help yourself to the meal, grateful that Chrollo has seen fit to leave you alone. There can never be anything good in this world, as he eventually joins you. You try not facing him as an act of defiance. The plan that seemed ingenious in theory has a rockier execution. Sitting in silence feels worse somehow, like a ticking time bomb. Shifting in your seat, you decide to strike up a half baked conversation.
“So, uh, about the whole being hunted down thing,” your voice wavers and you hate yourself for it, “Do you have an idea of when it’s going to be over? I’m starting to run out of excuses for why my friends can’t come over.” 
This is true. There have been no more lively gatherings at your apartment since Chrollo’s unwelcome appearance, and you’ve been pestered about it. In between the lines is the prospect of your friends finding this reclusive behavior suspicious. In your optimism, you hope he takes it as a hint to get out of here faster.
Chrollo takes on a pensive appearance, his chin resting on his hand. “I’d been meaning to talk to you about that, so I’m glad you brought it up.” 
How nice it is to be on the same page. This could be the light at the end of the tunnel, the last page in this awful chapter of your life. Ten days seems like a reasonable amount of time to lay low. Maybe he’s already packing his bags, planning to leave you far behind, so you can forget any of this ever happened. Maybe you’ll treat yourself to a vacation. From the gut wrenching anxiety Chrollo has inflicted on you, you feel deserving of one. 
“They’ve stopped searching for me a while ago.” 
Wait, what?
You look at him, silverware dropping from your lax hand. He’s never been into joking around. Does that mean he’s being serious with you? That all this time, you’ve been holding out for something that already happened? Fists balling by your side, you don’t bother hiding a sharp glare directed towards him. There’s no playfully wry response, no comeback, only disbelief and abhorrence. The bountiful meal in front of you is forgotten. 
There’s no point in asking, but you still do, voice low. “... How long?” 
“According to my sources, about a week.” comes Chrollo’s response, hammering the final nail in the coffin of your patience. His motivations have never been any less clear. You know you shouldn’t have taken the word of someone like him seriously -- you’re so painfully aware of this that it hurts -- but now leaves a final question. Why? What does he get out of this? You feel sick to your stomach, knowing that it’s going to bad no matter what. Your breathing has picked up, eyes dilating and body threatening to crumble under the tension. Everything feels out of place. 
He responds as if he was reading your thoughts. “You’re an interesting person, [First]. You never cried, pleaded, or anything of the like. Instead you accepted the situation for what it was, all while staying true to your values. I find that admirable. I’d like to learn more from you.”  
“Stop talking to me like I’m a -- a fucking -- science experiment, instead of a human being. How does any of that shit even matter?” You feel the blood draining from your face, every word coming out more forced than the last. Getting riled up here is the last thing you should be doing, but you can’t control yourself. All your negative emotions from your time with him are regurgitating into a final mess.
“I don’t know, truth be told.” Chrollo checks the watch on his wrist, and you gulp at the smile that forms on his lips. It feels like a sentencing, a foreboding omen. There’s bile rising in your throat, and you scramble away from your chair. You need to get out of here. You need to run, to scream for help, to alert your family, this is not going to end well, what is he planning-- 
There’s a hurried knock at your door.
“However, what I do know is that I have no intention of leaving this place without you by my side.” 
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joviewinchester · 3 years
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“You’re absolutely positive you can’t come with me?” Y/N asked Matt.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I work that day. Maybe you can ask Ty or Stefan or something.”
“Yep. Been there done that. Stefan has plans to hang out with Caroline and Tyler has another wedding to go to by some stupid twisted chance of fate. I hate June.”
“You can…well, I’m not even going to suggest that torture.” Matt said cutting himself off.
“What? Anything is better than the torture of my family trying to set me up with someone.”
“You could ask Damon, but then again, he’s literally the worst. I guess pick your poison. Damon Salvatore or wedding set up. Personally I’d go with the latter.”
Y/N patted Matt on the shoulder and sighed. “You don’t know my family.” She exited The Grill and reluctantly drove to the Salvatore Boarding House.
She knocked, and Damon immediately opened the door. “You know, I was wondering when the tension would catch up to you.” He smirked.
“That is not why I’m here, Damon. I need a favor.”
“What kind of favor?”
Y/N sighed and took a deep breath before starting her rant. “I need a date to my relatives wedding, and i’ve already asked literally everyone else i know, so i know you probably hate me, but please say yes. Otherwise they’ll try to set me up with someone, and they have awful taste.”
“And what do I get out of agreeing to this?”
“Um…I don’t know? The wedding is literally tomorrow and I have no other option so…I have no clue. Whatever you want.”
“Whatever I want, huh? I’ll let you know when I figure out what that is. What time does this wedding start tomorrow?”
“Wedding’s from 5:00 to 6:00 and the reception’s from 6:30 to 10:00, unfortunately, I have to help with setup, so I have to be there three hours early, it was almost five luckily I got out of that, but I’m not going to make you deal with that, so I’ll leave from there early, come pick you up around 4:30. Dress nice…but not too nice. You’re already going to outshine the groom. My cousin does not know how to pick em.”
“That was a very trivial way of you saying you think I’m attractive. I’ll be ready, and don’t think I’ll forget that you owe me.”
“I wasn’t saying that! And I didn’t think you would forget. Not even for a second. And one more thing, please don’t eat any of my relatives.”
“Oh I’m not that bad. Why would I eat one of them when I could eat you?” He said eying her from head to toe.
“Stop making everything sexual! I’ll see you tomorrow!” She exclaimed as she brushed her hair to cover her red face.
He watched her as she walked back to her car, because let’s be honest with ourselves, he loved to see her walk away, then he shut the door and poured himself a glass of bourbon.
“Did Y/N just ask you to her cousin’s wedding?” Stefan asked walking downstairs.
“Why yes she did, brother.”
“Then you’re welcome. I don’t actually have plans with Caroline tomorrow. I told her that so she’d ask you. Don’t screw it up.”
“Really Stefan? I could’ve gotten the girl on my own. I’ve had plenty of practice.”
“See? That’s what I’m talking about. Y/N is different. She likes you, but she doesn’t like you just because she wants to sleep with you. She likes you because she wants to be in a relationship with you. If you don’t want that, then don’t lead her on. Promise me you won’t lead her on.”
“Do you really think that low of me, Stef?” Damon asked placing his palm over his chest.
“I won’t hurt her. Believe it or not, I actually like her, and tomorrow I’m going to be a perfect angel around her family, and she’ll have no choice but to invite me to another family event. I will be the best fake boyfriend. Mark my words.”
The next day was absolute torture for Y/N to say the least. “Y/N, Mark and Angela have to be seated near the back. They have not earned the status of front and center. Move the cards.” Her cousin, Allison, was normally really sweet, but she was an extreme bridezilla.
Y/N rolled her eyes but did as she was told. She expected for Allison to follow her every order when her wedding came around.
“So, Auntie Bethany has invited a really cool guy to set you up with. His name is Reggie and he’s so much nicer than the last one.” Allison said taking a minute to rest, which did not bother Y/N one bit.
“First of all, I’m eighteen which is freshly out of high school, I don’t know why she thinks it’s so urgent for me to settle down. Second of all, mom is going to be real disappointed because I actually have a boyfriend now and I invited him. I mentioned him a few weeks ago to you.”
“Now that you say that, I remember you mentioning it.” Yeah, she didn’t say a word, but Allison bought it and that’s all that mattered. She’d been pushing her to get a date since the wedding was announced.
“Speaking of which, it’s 4:00 and I told him I’d be there to pick him up at 4:30. You don’t mind me leaving a bit early do you?”
“No. Of course not. Chloe, Lilly, and Amy will help me finish my makeup then I should be all ready! Can’t wait to meet this mysterious boyfriend of yours.”
Y/N waved at the other bridesmaids, who all glared back at her for leaving them alone, and got in her car to get Damon. She knocked.
“Just a minute!” She heard him call. He opened the door a couple minutes later.
She smiled brightly. “You look great.” She said.
“Yeah, and you look…gorgeous. Your cousin was very generous with the bridesmaids dresses.” Damon commented.
“Come on. If we’re late I will not hear the end of it.”
Once they arrived, there were literally like five minutes till the start of the wedding. “Shit.” She muttered. “Just sit down and avoid eye contact at all costs. I really wish she hadn’t made me a bridesmaid.” Y/N muttered the last part and got to her place.
The ceremony lasted forever. The only thing that made it tolerable was watching Damon mess with the dude sitting next to him.
“Oh my god. That was literally the longest wedding ever. Why the hell did she force us to wear heels?”
“On the bright side, you were definitely the hottest bridesmaid up there.”
She elbowed his side playfully. “Oh shut up. Now come on, we need to get going. If we’re late to the reception, my mom will kill me. I haven’t even got to talk to her yet.” Y/N to practically dragged Damon to the car.
Of course the reception was about as cliche as the ceremony. It was held in a big old barn decorated with fairy lights.
“There’s my mom. Come on, act coupley or whatever, and be on your best behavior would you?”
“Oh, Y/N I’m hurt. When am I not?” He wrapped an arm around her waist.
Y/N rolled her eyes, smiling slightly at his antics.
“Hey, mom.”
Her mother looked kind of upset. “Come on, Y/N. You should’ve told me you were bringing a date. Reggie is going to be disappointed.” Her mother motioned backwards towards a guy who was already making out with another bridesmaid.
“Yeah…that him? He doesn’t seem too upset. I wouldn’t worry about it. Mom, this is Damon, my boyfriend.”
They shook hands. “Hi, Mrs. Y/L/N. It’s great to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much, and can I just say, you look lovely this evening. Speaking of which, where’s the lucky man?”
“Oh, he’s just over there talking to the groom. I’m glad that Y/N has finally gotten a boyfriend. I was starting to think she was going to be single forever.”
“Mom, cool it, will you? I’m eighteen years old. I just enrolled in college. I’m not getting married anytime soon. I know that’s how people in our family usually do it, but I don’t want to be married and have three kids running around by the time I’m twenty five. Okay?”
“You may feel that way now, dear, but wait until the baby fever catches up to you.” Y/N rolled her eyes.
“I need a drink.” She mumbled with hostility.
“Y/N Y/M/N! You are not drinking any alcohol!” Her mother scolded after her.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she doesn’t get into too much trouble. You just have fun. Raising a girl with that attitude must have kept you away from fun quite a bit.” Bethany laughed.
“You have no idea.”
Damon followed Y/N to the open bar, and found her with a wine glass filled to the very top.
“Dude, first of all you aren’t even of age, and second of all, do you really want to get drunk at a relative’s wedding? Answer, no. No you don’t.”
“You don’t know what I want, Damon. Just go charm off the pants of another middle aged woman.”
“I’m trying to be a perfect fake boyfriend so your mom will get off your back. Did you already drink one of these?” He asked taking the glass from her hands and swirling it around.
“Yeah, duh. Did you meet my mom? She makes it her mission to control every aspect of her life. I love her, but some alchohol would really help me love her even more. Here gimme that.” She said grabbing the glass from his hand. She downed the whole thing in one go as if it was just a shot glass.
“Y/F/N! No! You are banned from this bar for the rest of the night. Come on.” He hoisted her over his shoulder.
“Damon...what are you doing? You’re supposed to be the least responsible one in this fake relationship.” She whined.
“No. I’m supposed to be like a real boyfriend which means I have to keep you out of trouble and do everything I can to make your parents like me which is what I’m doing.”
“Come on. Just let me walk. I won’t do anything stupid. I promise.”
“No.” Y/N huffed.
“Fine. If you want some douchebags looking up my dress then whatever.”
“Fine! Okay fine. I’ll put you down, but only because I’m your douchebag, and I don’t want anyone thinking otherwise.”
They ran back into Y/N’s parents.
“Did you get her away from the bar before she went psycho?” Mrs. Y/L/N asked.
“No. I took away the wine glass and she took it back and chugged it.” Damon said glaring at her.
“I’m fine. See?” She walked in a straight line.
“Oh come on Bethany. Lighten up. If you think she isn’t too young to get married then don’t you think in that mindset that she isn’t too young to drink alcohol.” Her father, Chris, said.
Y/N snapped and pointed at her dad. “Yeah. He’s totally right? Ready to admit that eighteen is too young for someone to get married?”
“Fine. It’s too young. Now no more drinks for the rest of the night, missy.”
She smiled triumphantly, but then she started sulking again. “Rest of the night? As in I have to stay here for the rest of the night and not drink anything?”
“Fine. You can leave like an hour early, but come talk to me before you leave. Have fun, but not too much fun.”
Y/N smirked. “I thought you wanted grandkids?” Her dad choked on his drink.
“Kidding. I’m obviously kidding…mostly. Bye!”
“You’re a lot of fun when you’re not avoiding being killed by some type of villain. I like you when you’re not in serious mode.”
“I’m so so sorry that I don’t have any witchy woo or an immortal life, but you do have to admit, I am amazing with a crossbow.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Sure you are. Even though you’ve almost hit me multiple times.”
“Exactly. I’m amazing with a crossbow. By the way, Allison wanted to meet you. We should get that over with.”
“Okay. That was uncalled for. You can’t just change the subject after admitting to trying to murder me multiple times.”
“You would have healed. What do you want me to do? Fall at your feet like Elena?” Y/N asked clearly passive aggressive.
“Woah. Woah. Woah. Stop walking for a second. Are you jealous of Elena?”
“What?! No. Why would I be? I don’t…I don’t even like you!”
“This wedding has proved that statement otherwise. Come on. Admit it. You. Are. Jealous. You want to get with all of this! You want to go for a ride on the Salvatore train!”
“No! No! No! I don’t! I don’t like you! I don’t want you! You... you infuriate me to no end!”
“But you like that don’t you? You like it when I get you all flustered. And don’t think I didn’t catch you blushing earlier when I called myself yours, given I said I was your douchebag, but you still blushed. Not to mention the fact that you put my hand back on your waist when we were walking back from the bar. You like me.”
“No I don’t! Everything that happened here was for show! It was for show.” She defended.
“The only reason you didn’t want to invite me to this wedding is because you knew that I would get your heart racing. Yeah. I can hear that.”
Y/N ran her hands over her face in frustration. “Oh. Don’t mess up your makeup. I can do that for you later.” Damon smirked. So what? His plan to be perfect didn’t last very long, but this plan seemed to be working just fine.
“Stop. Stop saying stuff like that.” She whisper shouted.
Damon leaned in. His mouth was only inches away from her ear. “Why? Does it…frustrate you?”
Y/N gave him a glare and crossed her arms, huffing. Damon smirked. She grabbed his wrist and took him outside.
Damon still had a smug look on his face. “You wanna know how you really make me feel? Yes, Damon! Yes you fucking frustrate me! You make me question my existence on a daily basis and sometimes I even wonder why me?! Why does he like me?! I’m no Elena. I’m not the perfect annoying ass girl next door, and I still don’t know the answer, but you know what?! Since you’re deciding to push me and push me until I explode, I love you, Damon Salvatore! I fucking love you!”
After seconds of tension filled silence and staring at each other, Damon smashed his lips against hers. She immediately kissed him back. She felt his hands gradually slide further down her back, until they were groping her ass. She pushed him away out of spite. “No.” She stated crossing her arms defiantly.
“Really? You’re going to be like this? Now?”
“Yes. Yes I am. Say it back and maybe I’ll be more lenient.” She sassed.
“I thought it was a given. I’ve literally been flirting with you and pining after you for months, Y/N. Of course I love you.”
“Was that so hard?” She joked. She leaned in to kiss him again, this time resting his hands on her butt. He squeezed her ass making her gasp, and slipped his tongue in her mouth.
“Woah. Woah. Woah. This isn’t your honeymoon Y/N.” Allison had walked out of her own reception looking for her.
“Oh, shit. Sorry Alli. So what’s up?” Y/N asked slightly out of breath.
“Well, I was promised that I could meet your mystery man, but you were nowhere to be found. I decided to look for you myself. Aunt Bethany was complaining about your grandkids joke earlier. I didn’t think you were serious.” She joked.
“So, this is Damon. Damon this is my cousin, Allison.”
“Nice to finally meet you. By the way Y/N, I connected the dots, and I realized after getting out of the point where I was completely freaking out, sorry about that by the way, that this is the same Damon that you literally used to call me just to complain about on the daily.”
“Hey, now. Let’s not bring that up, especially the things that I said…” Allison cut her off.
“She used to call me and talk about how annoying you were. I believe one time she called you a flaming douche nozzle? That sounds about right. Every single call always ended with her saying he is so infuriatingly attractive. It’s not even fair.” She knew she was embarrassing her cousin, and to be honest she loved it.
“Hey! He doesn’t need an ego boost! Trust me. I would know.”
“Okay. Okay. All jokes aside, if you are leaving, your mom and dad wanted to talk to you. Oh, and I won’t tell them about this little encounter. I know how they can be.” Allison winked and walked back in the building.
“Was it just me, or did we just get permission from the bride to leave? Come on we have got to hurry up and talk to my parents so we can get out of here.”
“What’s got you in such a rush to leave?” Damon winked.
“None of that. Stop. No. No. Bad.” She said pointing her finger at him.
“Relax. I won’t be myself, but only for you.” They walked back into the reception making a bee line to her parents.
“Hey mom, we’re about to head out.”
“Y/N, your lipstick is a little smudged.” Her mom said. Damon had to look away to stop himself from laughing.
“Huh. Is it? Must’ve been from where I got a drink. Anywho I love you guys and we will see you later.”
“Wait a second. Damon would you like to come over for dinner this Friday?”
“Of course. I’d love to Mrs. Y/L/N.”
“Great. We cannot wait to see you again. Alright. I won’t keep you. Have a nice night.” They both waved goodbye to her parents and headed back to the Salvatore house. They walked in, and Damon poured a couple of glasses of bourbon.
“I have been accepted by your family. I’d say this calls for celebration.”
“I thought I wasn’t allowed to drink, dad.”
“Oh shut up. You can do whatever the hell you want when your parents aren’t there to witness it.” Y/N rolled her eyes, and flopped on the couch.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m tired. I’m going to sleep no matter what you say.”
“Come on then.”
“If you’re going to sleep then you’re coming with me to a comfy bed, not the couch.” Instead of waiting for her to reapond or get up, he slug her over his shoulder and took her upstairs.
“Goodnight, Damon.” She said sleepily.
“Goodnight, sleeping beauty.”
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 3 years
Hello!! Could i request in some Penelope Garcia x Male!Reader where the reader would be Derek's little brother and absolutely head over heels in love with Penny, but hiding it from Derek because he is afraid what Derek might think?
Hey, sorry this took a little while, I hope you like it!!
Word count: 1500ish
Warnings: None that I can think of?
Being Derek Morgan’s younger brother definitely had it’s perks, for instance, none of the high school bullies would even look your way with a brother like Derek. You were three years younger than him, but his reputation had you covered through the entirety of your highschool career. Well, it was a mix of your brother and your sister's reputation if you were being honest. Although Derek likes to believe its all his doing. It's always quite amusing when Sarah calls him out on his 'bullshit' as she always puts it.
You had taken two weeks off from a corporate job you hated to stay in Virginia and see your brother. You figured he was always going to California to visit, you figured it was about time you went to him. The two of you were close growing up and that hadn’t faded too much as adults, you’d like to think. So you’d booked the time off work, booked a hotel, and decided not to tell him. You knew he’d probably have a case anyway but it would be a nice surprise while it lasted.
You had dumped your luggage in your hotel room first before heading over to your brother’s place of work. The hotel room was nice enough, a double bed with a bedside table either side. The bed itself was nice, it had a white bed cover with a deep purple throw at the bottom. A desk on the far wall with a view out of the window. It had a dark wooden floor, an oak wardrobe. All in all, not too bad.
After scoping out the room you heading back into your car, turning on the radio before beginning to make your way to the FBI Headquarters. “Siri, call Penelope Garica,”
"Hello, oracle of all knowledge, how may I assist thee?"
"Well, I was wondering if Derek was on a case?"
"My chocolate thunder?" Penelope's voice sounded through your phone. "Nope, he's in the office doing some paperwork,"
"Good, I'm on my way to you now," You reply. You'd messaged Penelope a few weeks ago informing her that you were going to be staying there for a few weeks.
“Hey, Stud Muffin,” Penelope greeted as you walked out of the elevator. You give her a grin.
“Hey, Penelope,” You chime, “Have you seen Derek anywhere? He doesn’t know I’m here, I thought I’d give him a nice surprise,”
“Well, my handsome, your brother is currently out on a coffee run,” Penelope said, “You should stick around, he should be back in a few anyway. You can come and sit with me in my office if you want!”
You gave a nod, hoping she couldn’t tell how nervous you felt. You see, you’ve had a crush on The Penelope Garcia for the last God knows how long. You had desperately tried to hide it from the moment you started developing feelings. Trying to squish them down, you were pretty sure she didn’t feel the same way about you and even if she did - she was Derek’s coworker and close friend. It was one of the unspoken rules: don’t date your siblings' friends. And you weren't about to break that rule. Not without your brother's permission anyway. And you doubted that you actually had the balls to do that anytime soon.
"Do you know how long he'll be?" You asked as you followed her to her batcave. "Not- Not that I don't want to sit with you,"
Garcia gave you a smile as she continued walking, "Don't worry, I know you love me, Hot Stuff," She said with a smile, "He left about five minutes ago but Spencer ordered a fancy double espresso and Derek always get confused about my order, so about another ten minutes?"
You nodded. Ten minutes you could last ten minutes without crumbling and confessing your undying love. Jesus, undying love? 'When did I become that sappy?' You asked yourself mentally rolling your eyes.
"Baby girl," Derek announced, around ten minutes later, walking into her batcave with her coffee.
"Thank you my chocolate thunder!" Penelope cheered and turned round. You couldn't help but smile at her happiness. As you turned around with her.
"(Y/N)!" Derek grinned, pulling you into an embrace, "What are you doing here?"
"I can go if you want," You offered cheekily.
With a roll of his eyes, Derek continued, "Why didn't you tell me you were gonna be here?"
"For the surprise, duh, it isn't a surprise if you know about it," You sassed.
"How long are you staying for?"
"About two weeks,"
"Come on, let's go tell the rest of the team you're here," Derek said. Penelope grinned, grabbing your hand to lead you there. God you hoped your hands were clammy. You also hoped that Derek (or anyone else) wouldn't pick up up on your little crush for Miss Garcia.
"Look who it is!" Emily grinned seeing Penelope pull you into the bullpen, you gave them all a small wave. "How have you been?"
"Alright I suppose, being Derek's brother is always tiring,"
"I can imagine," Emily laughed.
"Tiring enough working with him," JJ joined in.
"Alright, alright," Derek chuckled, before turning to you, "I have to go to a meeting, but we will talk as soon as I get out okay? We'll think up some plans, alright?"
You gave a short nod, sitting yourself down at Derek’s desk whilst he walked off to attend his meeting. You were tempted to rearrange everything - knowing it would annoy him when he got back. Deciding to go for it, you swapped the pen at his desk with one from the bottom drawer, you turned the first page of the file he was working on upside down. And then, just for good measure, you unscrewed the light bulb of his desk lamp and hid it in his bottom drawer.
“You up to mischief?” Rossi asked, you looked up seeing the familiar Italian man and beamed.
“Not if you’re going to tell Derek,” You grinned.
“Of course not,” Rossi said, placing his hands in the air. “Just wanted to let you know he’s very particular about the way his monitor is tilted,” Your grin widened, and messed around with the screen for a second before leaning back, proud of your work. They seemed like simple things, but they would annoy your brother when he realised.
"Hey (Y/N)," Spencer acknowledged as he walked into the bullpen, "When did you get here?"
Derek walked out of the meeting around twenty minutes later, “Come on, let’s go somewhere to work out what we could do for your stay,” Derek said, leading you to the round table room.
"About twenty minutes ago?" You said. "I think,"
Eventually, you both had sorted out a rough schedule, drinks tonight, binge watching die hard tomorrow, Rossi’s family cooking lesson that Tuesday, then drinks again on Wednesday, depending on Derek’s case workload. And you could sort out the rest after Wednesday.
“Alright, well, I shall leave you to your work,” You said with a tight grin, making your way to the door.
“Pump the brakes,” Derek said as you tried to walk past him, you sigh and stop, turning to him.
“What’s going on with you?”
“Me?” You asked, pointing to yourself, “Nothing’s going on with me,”
“I don’t need to be a profiler to know you’re lying, (Y/N),”
You let out a groan as you sat down in one of the chair, “Okay, fine,” You huff, “I’ll tell you, but no questions or comments until the end,”
“Okay,” Derek said, rolling his eyes slightly.
“Don’t - Don’t laugh or anything, I would never do anything because she’s your friend and I’m not that sort of brother,” You rambled before forcing yourself to take a deep breath. "I'm pretty sure I'm in love with Penelope,"
Derek's eyebrows shoot up, he battles to fight off the smirk that begins to grow, followed by the chuckle. "That's what's got you so nervous?" When you nod he continued, "I don't care if you date The Miss Penelope Garcia. In fact I encourage it. All I have had to hear from her is how cute she thinks you are. For the love of all things holy please, just ask the woman out,"
"You're not mad?"
"Why would I be mad?"
"She's your friend," You state.
"And?" Derek asked.
"And I didn't want you- I was… Nervous… about what you'd think,"
"Honestly?" Derek asked, when you nodded, he continued. "I think you're great together. If you got together I'd be happy for you. If you hurt her, I'd definitely smack you. If she hurts you, I'd maybe give her the cold shoulder for the day,"
"So we're good?" You asked, Derek rolled his eyes with a fond smile, patting your shoulder.
"We'll always be good," He said, "Now, go ask her out."
(She said yes)
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Universe Jump
Marinette, Adrien, and Chloe travel to the DC universe and create lives for themselves as a family. A little side info Marinette is a certified genius with an IQ of 187, Adrien has eidetic memory, and Chloe has Hyperthymesia.
Eidetic memory is when you can remember an image with high precision after seeing it once.
Hyperthymesia is where you remember a vast majority of your life with no problems.
A little background first. At 16 and 15, Adrien and Marinette have their final battle with Hawkmoth and Mayura, after they are defeated Chat and Ladybug hurry away from the scene both about to de-transform. When they find a hiding place Chat Noir breaks down finally de-transforming into Adrien. Marinette drops her transformation pulling Adrien into a tight hug. Neither letting go for over half an hour. They slowly make their way back to Marinette's house, Adrien crying on Mari's shoulder the whole way both unaware of the glares being sent at Adrien.
Since it was confirmed that it was Gabriel Agreste, many were speculating that Adrien was in on it. Some just wanted to take their anger out on Gabriel for torturing them by going after his son. Neither noticed the hatefully eyes following them as they entered the bakery. Tom and Sabine automatically hugged Adrien who was crying so hard he couldn't see or speak. After their hugs Marinette led him upstairs and they simply sat on the couch cuddling, not wanting to leave each other's side.
It wasn't until an hour later that the police arrived to question and inform Adrien on what they found in his house. Adrien tells them he had no idea that his father always talked about the heros with high regards whenever he saw them. When the police tell him about Emilie in the underground Garden, Adrien breaks down sobbing into Marinette's shoulder mumbling about how she'd been underneath him dead the entire time.
The police come to the conclusion that Adrien was not a part of it at all. And is grieving the loss of both his parents now, they agree to come back in the morning to talk with Tom and Sabine about where Adrien will be staying. However the morning never comes for Tom and Sabine, a group of people break into the bakery and set it on fire determined to get back at Gabriel by taking his son's life.
Marinette and Adrien only escape with the Miraculous box, Tom and Sabine had already been caught and it was too late for them. That night all four were pronounced dead. Adrien takes Marinette to Le Grand Paris, knowing Chloe would hide them for as long as they needed. They hide at Chloe's for a week while she pulls strings getting Gabriel's, The Dupain-Cheng's and Fu's bank accounts completely emptied and into her own without anyone knowing. During this time the three talk with the Kwamis on what they should do. It's Orikko that suggests the Kwami's move the money into their own dimension and take the three to a different universe. At first they are reluctant but Xuppu points out that they have no real reason to stay and their Kwamis agree. Pollen points out that Chloe's parents still aren't around. While Tikki and Plagg point out that their chosen are considered dead.
It gets Marinette thinking and she quickly goes over the ups and downs.
"Alright so here's what to know about us leaving this universe. It's a completely new start, no one knows who we are and according to Tikki the last time the Miraculous Box was there was when Hippolyta was Ladybug. So only the Amazonians will know of them. We'll be safer than we are here, not having to worry about people coming after us thanks to Gabriel. We'll have plenty of money and I know enough to be able to fake us having a 'parent' and buy a place for us as well as use it to our advantage. However based on where we end up it may be harder for me to get us IDs, and definitely hard to get us faked birth certificates. Not to mention, I'd have to teach myself an insane amount of hacking to successfully make it look like we've had previous education in that universe."
Together they decide that leaving is the best option even if they are slightly afraid. Plagg and Trixx snag all the money from Chloe's account and transfer it to their home dimension. Then together all the Kwami surround their three holders and transport them to an abandoned warehouse in Gotham with all their bags including the extravagant dollhouse Chloe had made for them. Once there the Kwami quickly swarm the house laying down in their respective beds as Adrien gives each one their favorites to eat before sleeping. Marinette explores the warehouse plotting out everything that must be done in construction while also making sure that no one else was there.
Once it's clear she returns to Chole and Adrien and they begin planning their first moves. Tomorrow Adrien and Chloe will go to a cafe that has free wifi with Tikki and Pollen. And using Marinette's USB they'll insert the 'parent' into the world from there they will create a bank account online, have Pollen transfer some money in, and then buy the warehouse. Meanwhile Marinette will be walking the town during the day with Plagg. As he points out places that give off the most sketchy energy, although they all can feel the destruction energy surrounding the city. He'll be able to find where the worse off people are staying. When meeting back up at the warehouse Marinette will confirm that their transaction went through. Then go from place to place with Plagg radiating as much dangerous energy around her as he can until she finds a bar where the bartender has what she needs.
Marinette meets with the bartender and a contractor the next day when the bar is closed. She tells the contractor she wants everything under the table and is willing to pay in cash half up front and half when the work is done.
"I want it done within a timely manner, bring in those you can trust not to squeal and are good workers, ten of them. I don't want any cut corners. If it'll cost more to do something safer, I'll pay it. And if none of you squeal within five months of it being done I'll give each other you an extra seven thousand and five hundred. These are the plans I have drawn up and this is the location. You'll start in two days. Do we have a deal?" 
The Contractor nods promising Marinette the best he has to offer and everything under the table with workers that are capable and wont speak of it. She simply smiles politely nodding and picks up the briefcase sliding it across the table to him. She then tosses a thousand to the bartender telling him to remember her because she'd definitely come back for more and will pay him.
Once back at the warehouse Marinette drops the tough girl persona exhausted from the day. She collapses on one of the three beds Tikki created for them and grins softly. Telling them that construction starts in two days.
When two days pass Marinette is a little surprised at how respectful the workers are and when she questions the contractor, lets call him Doug. Doug tells her that these aren't actually his workers, their friends of his that were contractors as well before they lost their jobs. Told her that he knew they needed the money, and that they wouldn't say anything once they realized they were working for a young girl and not a mob boss.
When Marinette here's that she is much nicer to the men and begins to bond with them Adrien and Chloe join in. Chloe sells a story of their parents being killed in Paris when they were still young and how they were basically sold to slavery. Claiming that they recently escaped after their 'owner' was killed. When asked on how they got the money Chloe immediately turns on Marinette.
"That easy! Mari here is really smart I mean seriously if we hadn't been-well you know- she'd already be in college! She was able to transfer his money into another account and then use one of his fake IDs to get us away!"
Construction lasts for four months and in that time the workers and the teens become closer. The workers even begin helping them with getting furniture, a few of them offering their trucks free of charge and willing to go pick up anything they can't have delivered. Doug even brings in a friend to install a top of the line security system for them. Once construction is over they have a solid bond between them and Marinette promises to call them anytime they need construction done.
At this point the warehouse has been turned into a home for them. With all the necessities and furniture. And in the basement of the warehouse Marinette has a parkour funland put in. They have also had time to research their new city and its heroes. Marinette deems it best that they do not transform or go parkoring in Gotham.
"Something about Batman tells me that if he sees us he won't stop until he knows everything about us. If you feel the need to run transformed or not, go to the basement."
Soon almost every night is spent in the basement for at least an hour and a half. The same time patrol lasted in Paris.
Marinette begins making all of their clothes, bored and missing designing. Soon they have donated all their old clothes and only wear Marinette's designs. It's Chloe that gets the clientele rolling in when a few women ask where she got her shirt. She gives them Marinette's information and soon Marinette is making clothes for others back in her element. She is slowly making a name for herself in Gotham taking up the name MDC.
Marinette also returns to the Bartender asking for help once again. Let's call the Bartender Chasen. She has him get in contact with someone that could fake documents for schooling. She explains to him that while she already has her profession, Adrien loves science and Chloe lives for business. Chasen calls her the next day informing her that he'd found the perfect person.
Chasen-For the right price all of you will be considered legal immigrants in America. He will get you all the paperwork you need within a week's time.
Marinette- And you trust him?
Chasen- Yes, with my life.
Marinette- Very well, what is his price?
Chasen- He wants to know why two 17 year olds and a 16 year old are in need of this paperwork.
Marinette- What is his name?
Chasen- John Constantine.
Marinette-Very well give him my address.
Marinette gives him two thousand dollars before leaving the bar.
A few hours later the trio is relaxing together in the living room. Adrien is excitedly talking about what they could do once they get the paperwork. When a portal opens up in their kitchen, and a blonde man steps out introducing himself.
John- Hello there, I'm John Constantine. Now please tell me why multiple gods have returned to this universe with three teenagers?
The trio is shocked into silence that this man knows they're from another universe. John sighs muttering out a few curses before turning around and opening their fridge pulling out a drink. He sits down at their breakfast table taking a long sip before leveling eye contact with Marinette.
John- Alright pigtails sit down and talk, you're the one Chasen told me to talk to.
Marinette huffs at the name glaring at him before sitting down and telling him their story. Plagg sits on her shoulder facing away from Constantine. Pretending to eat cheese while he is ready to jump to Marinette's defense if needed.
By the end of the night the trio has a foul mouth yet compassionate new friend. John agrees to get them all the documentation that makes it seem like they've lived in the universe since birth.
John- The only people that will be able to tell something is unusual is superheros. My friend is going to tie you all together as siblings with the same father, me. Though you'll all be emancipated and the only time I'll come into play is if one of you gets hurt. Chloe and Adrien will pass as fraternal twins with the same mother, Marinette due to your differing appearance will have a different mother. The only thing that will give you away to heros is my name, they know I do not have kids. Unusually I have enough time to find others to pose as you parents but you're stuck with me.
The trio agrees to the conditions and John smiles gently surprising them. He ruffles Marinette's hair telling them he'll be back periodically before he gets the paperwork. He tells Marinette his phone number and before he leaves Marinette grips his hand tightly.
Marinette- That is really all you wanted? Just our story?
John turns to her squeezing her hand gently before nodding.
John- I'm not one of the best people in the universe, that much your little Gods and Goddesses can tell you. But I would never not help a child or children when I can, and while your eyes are older than they should be you're still children. Now enough of the soft bull, I have a reputation to keep! If you need me, call me!
John leaves the same way he came, not seeing Marinette smiling gently at his back. Chloe and Adrien share a grin behind her teasing each other on who the cuter twin is. Marinette rolls her eyes as Plagg and Pollen start arguing for their chosen. 
A week later they are now the Constantine siblings.
A few weeks later both Chloe and Adrien have taken their SATs and their ACT, skying some of the highest scores in Gotham. Marinette decided not to take the test knowing that it would be suspicious if they discover she is a genius. People will be asking why it wasn't documented in Paris, instead she uses their week of studying to teach herself hacking, much to John's amusement when he visits.
His amusement fled when he made a snarky comment and Marinette turned to him smirking.
Marinette- At least I didn't sleep with a humanoid shark.
John-....ya f*ckin got me there pigtails!
He then turned and disappeared through a portal unable to look any of his self proclaimed kids in the eyes. Once gone Marinette and Plagg start laughing hysterically together causing Tikki to roll her eyes and start complaining about Plagg trying to steal her Chosen. Plagg sticks his tongue out at her before floating over and resting himself in Adrien's hair.
A few weeks later Marinette is dragging John to a car dealership ignoring his whining. She simply signs and tells him that she needs her parental figures help with buying a car.
John sighs before agreeing to help her get a car, in the end he is glad he is there when the dealer attempts to push Marinette into buying a terrible car.
He immediately gets in between them glaring the man down before telling him that he is shopping for a car for his daughter. The man nodded before stuttering out that he'll get the keys for their safest cars, before rushing back inside.
John huffs not looking Marinette in the eye as she smirks at him.
Marinette- Watch out Dad, keep this up and people might think you care about us!
John-Shut it Pigtails, or I'll leave right now.
Marinette- No you won't. 
John doesn't respond because he knows she is right, he got attached to these sassy brats. His only hope is that his enemies don't find out about them. That night he stays for dinner and when the kids fall asleep he places magical sigils on each of their souls. Protecting them from attacks from both Heaven and hell. When confronted by the Kawami he just huffs telling them the brats wormed their way into his heart. Tikki simply smiles patting his cheek before telling him to use the guest room.
The next day John is grumbling sitting at the breakfast bar dressed in only his boxers as Marinette makes breakfast. Adrien sits next to him laughing at the dark look on his face, while Chloe rolls her eyes at both of them sipping her coffee.
He sighs softly thinking about how Bats would kill him for being in his city this long. However when he hears the three burst into laughter together. He can't find it in himself to actually care.
Two months later Chloe and Adrien are attending college classes and Marinette is getting ready to open her own boutique with John's help. They bought a shop in the nice parts of Gotham and with Doug's help they were practically ready to open. They had a large floor room. The right floor of the store was designated for specially designed clothing, a doortalong the wall opened to a fitting room. The left side was for her clothing manufactured in bulk, and the changing areas were located on that side. She also had the walls set for clothing designed by the designers she hired. Above each rack was a whiteboard that each designer was allowed to specially decorate and have their name displayed. Their clothes were being sold under her name in return for only 25 percent while they got the other 75 percent. The back room housed a designing area for Marinette and her designers with extra sewing machines along with racks and shelves for finished clothing. John was helping her set up signs for the day unknown to the both of them they were being spied on.
Bruce Wayne had spotted John Constantine in Gotham over three weeks ago. He didn't confront him because at the time he'd been walking out of Gotham University with two blonds, before getting in a car that a black haired girl with sunglasses was driving. He proceeded to investigate even deeper, finding two new students with the last name Constantine and an upcoming designer sharing the name as well. His first thought was that John had relocated some of his allies into Gotham, which pissed the Bat off greatly. 
However it had been Dick that pointed out to him that the kids we're Tim's age and they didn't have any history beyond what John had created for them. Instead of confronting the man and kicking them out he had the entire family taking turns watching the three.
They saw a family that found itself the three obviously weren't actually siblings but that didn't matter to them. They also saw John get closer and closer to the kids slowly starting to spend more time with them. When Marinette began setting up her shop Bruce and Dick watched John smile gently at the girl when she began to ramble on and on. It was that moment that made Dick turn on Bruce telling him that if he even threatened to kick them out Dick would be upset.
Meanwhile Jason was continuously joking and making comments that Bruce was only mad because John managed to adopt a black hair blue eyed child before he could. Bruce got out of his car walking into the unfinished boutique, his eyes zeroing in on the recently named Marinette Constantine. She greeted him politely telling him the store wasn't open yet and only tenseed slightly when John froze at the sight of him. She played it off and quickly turned to John.
Marinette- Hey Dad can you take those extra racks to the back for me, while I give this nice man our opening dates.
John looked like he wanted to argue but instead he nodded picking up a couple racks and taking them to the back. Marinette's eyes were immediately back on him calculating him in seconds. Which surprised him greatly, the only people able to pick him apart like this were his kids.
Marinette-Bruce Wayne and by Dad's reaction you're either a hero or a villain. It's easy to tell you're not a villain though so that only leaves the hero. In Gotham very few heroes are allowed. Based on your age and when heros first appeared I'm assuming you Batman. This means Richard Grayson was the first Robin, going through assumptions once again. This would place your family as the heroes of Gotham. You're Batman, and I know that you know damn well that John isn't our actual father. Probably suspicious of why he has three kids relocated into your city as well. You have a no meta policy in Gotham and I understand why. However John is not a meta, he is a mage and he is our guardian. I fear that the foul mouthed a**hat got attached to us though so he stays. You want answers, that's why you decided to confront us in public, everyone is wondering what Bruce Wayne is doing here, so we wouldn't dare make a move to run. What you didn't account for was going up against someone who could pick you apart in seconds and learn your weaknesses. For instance you've had your back broken, you've healed incredibly however to the right trained eye you can see that you wear back supports. Not only that you still get pains from the injury, pains that you're experiencing right now as shown by the tension in your back. Pain medication not kicked in yet Brucie?
She finished the polite smile never leaving her face even when both heard John laughing hysterically in the back room.
Bruce- You're good.
Marinette-I would hope so in my universe I was one of the best heros and a certified genius.
Bruce- Your universe?
Marinette- Yes my universe. I think we both know talking about this in public is stupid Brucie. Find the warehouse that belongs to Margie Willkins, and you will find us.
Bruce-Margie Willkins, very well. Will she be there as well.
Marinette- Not likely considering she only exists on the internet. You won't find her anywhere else. Now Brucie it is time for you to go.
Bruce- Don't call me that.
He finally growled out, Marinette's smile didn't waver but he could see the glee light up in her eyes at his annoyance. Reminding him of the gleam his kids would get for the same task.
Marinette-Oh but Brucie, I think it's just the perfect nickname! Show me you deserve my respect Brucie, you maybe Batman but you came in here to intimidate one of my family members. I believe you can understand I am very protective of my family. After all I've already had two murdered and I won't lose anymore. Now turn and leave my store with a smile on your face Bruce, or I'll start crying.
John- She will  the girl had me running around to get her favorite snacks until Chloe pointed out she was faking.
Marinette pouted looking at John behind her stating that Chloe had to ruin her fun. She turned to Bruce staring him down once more. Bruce nodded confirming that he'd be there.
That night the three were relaxing when Batman jumped down into their living room in front of them. Neither teen flinched Chloe scoffed going back to her nails while Adrien threw popcorn at him complaining that he was blocking the tv. Much to his kids amusement over the coms. Marinette simply sighed before flipping herself over the back of the couch. Gesturing him to follow her, she stopped however and looked him dead in the eye.
Marinette- Oh, and you're seven backups are doing a terrible job of hiding. Might as well tell them to just join us.
This left the entire family stunned as Marinette simply turned back walking into the kitchen and sitting down. Soon she was joined by eight members of the Batfamily. She took in their appearance quickly determining who was who with ease. She smirked when she felt Plagg settle into her jacket pocket. Him being there instead of Tikki meant Marinette wasn't representing Ladybug. She could be as sassy or rude as she wanted.
Marinette- So I get to talk to Batman now and not Brucie. Interesting, nice to see you finally drop your mask around me. Now I can see the real person, oops I wasn't supposed to say that was I?
Batman's glare hardened especially as Red Hood and Nightwing began to silently laugh.
Batman-Get to the point of why we're here.
Marinette-So serious maybe you should try getting a spa treatment, it does wonders. But I digress. Do you want the short version or the long version?
Batman simply stared at her causing Marinette to roll her eyes, before telling the trio's story. Shortly after explaining everything Chloe and Adrien joined them with all the Kwami flying in around, Plagg leaving Marinette's pocket heading back to Adrien.
Nightwing immediately gushes about the Kwami being cute cause Marinette to giggle softly. Each sibling begins to check the Kwami out as well as talk to the three fromer heroes. While Bruce was studying Marinette watching her switch from a mischievous and sassy persona to her actual personality. He watched the kids all talking and getting to know each other. At some point the Batfamily save Bruce had taken their masks off.
That's when both he and Tim noticed Marinette pull out a laptop and start typing. Tim decided to approach asking her what she was doing, Marinette rolled her eyes telling him that she is deleting all of tonight's security footage. Stating that he needs to leave her alone because she only recently started learning how to hack and getting into a company known for their security. Tim makes a noise before pulling her computer away and hacking into the company within five minutes. Marinette stared at her computer for a minute before grabbing his hands and getting closer to his face causing everyone to stare.
Marinette-Teach me, and I will make you my famous caffeine death coffee everyday for a month.
Tim blushed at her closeness until the words coffee hit his ears. He raised his eyebrow before questioning how good it was. Marinette simply released his hand and stood up walking over to the coffee machine and making the coffee in under five minutes. Everyone noticed Adrien and Chloe eyeing the coffee like it was poison when Marinette placed it in front of him. Tim stared at it for a while Marinette sighed picking it back up taking a big gulp swallowing it for them all before placing it in front of him again. Tim finally picked it up and took a sip only to freeze then down it in down gulp. He placed the cup down before grabbing both of Marinette's hands while looking her in the eye dead serious.
Tim- Marry me.
Everyone stared at him in shock especially when he didn't laugh saying he was joking.
Marinette blushed brightly, sputtering out a few unrecognizable sentences before taking a deep breath looking away from him.
Marinette- Honestly, I'm not a girl that marries before the first date. We barely even know each other.
Tim- Your right, what are you doing tomorrow night at six?
Marinette- Uh well I was going to be at my shop until five thirty, after that nothing really.
Tim- Perfect, I'll pick you up from your boutique at five thirty. We'll go on our first date and as many dates as it'll take me to convince you to marry me.
Marinette just sputters out a confirmation unable to look Tim in the eye.
Tim is the last of the family to leave before going he grabs Marinette's hand again. Letting a gentle smile cover his face.
Tim-I am not asking you out just because of your coffee skills Marinette. I had the task of researching you and your siblings. I found you rather fascinating, and we also have quite a bit in common. Your amazing coffee was just a plus. I will see you tomorrow at five thirty?
Marinette- Five thirty. I'll be waiting.
Tim-I won't be late.
He kisses her hand before releasing it and grappling away. He was not ready to deal with his family's teasing. Marinette refused to meet Adrien or Chloe's gaze as she walked to her room, her face bright red.
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iamdunn · 3 years
Sorry for removing this again but the spelling errors drove me insane 😅
Miraculous Follow up: Where’s Your Heart
A Truth & Lies Follow up Fan-Fic
Written By 
AJ Dunn
Cat Noir lept from rooftop to rooftop until he slipped between two buildings and sat down in an alleyway not far from the Sien. It had been a long day and night, with two back to back akumatizations. First was his friend Luka who was also his friend Marinette’s boyfriend and a fellow band member. He was always a cool headed guy so what caused him to lose control and start demanding people tell him the truth. He knew it had something to do with Marinette because they ended up chasing him all the way to her bedroom where they finally saved him. He had even struck her parents with his Truth power. What was he trying to figure out?
The second was Kagami, his own girlfriend, and now he was sure that was coming to an end. He felt bad because he should have felt worse for causing their break up, but his feelings for her weren’t that strong. One girl held his heart, Ladybug. Though dating a superhero wasn’t easy, they would never be able to make it work without knowing each other's secret identities. He knew why Kagami was akumatized, but he still wondered about Luka. 
He didn’t feel like going home so he transformed to give Plagg a rest and a snack.
“Sorry Plagg, this is the last one.” He said, tossing a tiny chunk of Camembert into the air where the Kwami gulped it down. 
“Well, I forgive you, we didn’t get a chance to go home before having to save Kagami.” Plagg was acting a lot more reasonable than normal. “But don’t let it happen again.” He crossed his arms and turned away as he hovered in the air acting offended. Adrien smirked at his friend who cast a half smile back over his shoulder. 
“There’s something I need to do before we head home, Plagg.” Adrien said standing up. “Plagg, Claws out.” Plagg zipped through the air merging with the silver ring on Adriens hand causing it to turn black and expose the cat paw print on the round surface piece. Adrien's body began to change, his clothes replaced with his black leather suit and a mask emerged covering his eyes. A simple disguise but it seemed to be rather effective at covering his identity. For a model, it was a breath of fresh air to be able to not be himself but also feel more like himself then ever.
Cat Noir grabbed his staff holding it vertically as he clicked the button on the pawprint and extended the staff thrusting himself into the air where he leapt onto the roof. He made his way down towards the Seine where the Liberty was usually moored.  He crouched on the bridge looking around to make sure no one could see him. 
“Plagg, claws in.” he said as he sat down. The sound of a stringed instrument played out a sad solo on the bow of the ship. Adrien stood up and walked off the bridge and made his way to the gangplank. He saw Luka sitting alone on the makeshift stage they used for their rehearsals. He didn’t look up as Adrien took his spot at the keyboard and began to play in tune with Luka’s sad melody. They played together in silence as if both were feeling the melancholy of the day reverating in each other's hearts. The tune came to a close and Adrien watched Luka hang his head with silent tears streaming down his cheeks. 
“I don’t know what happened today, or why you are feeling this way.” Adrien said, sitting down next to him and hanging his head. “Did it have something to do with Marinette?” He dared ask.
“We broke up.” Luka finally said then began to pick at the guitar strings without any melody behind it. “She can’t tell me the truth.” 
“What truth is that?” Adrien asked.
“She is in love with someone else.” Luka sniffled. “I knew she loved him but I thought that I could be patient and wait for her, I underestimated her feelings for him.” 
“Who...does she love?” Adrien gulped. He never would have expected that after seeing the two of them at the ice rink. They looked so in love or maybe it was just Luka. 
“That is not my secret to tell.” Luka looked up at Adrien and smiled. It was a knowing smile, calm and peaceful yet sorrowful. “But I can tell you he has no idea what he's missing out on.” Adrien remembered his, or Cat Noir’s conversation with Marinette on her balcony that one night when Ladybug had stood him up. Marinette had said she had her heart broken too. 
“So, he turned her down?” Adrien asked.
“No, he doesn’t even know she loves him.” Luka looked back down to his guitar and began playing a thumbing tune. “Her heart sounds like this when she’s around him. But her head is like this.” He began playing a chaotic sound. 
“Do I know this boy?” Adrien asked but Luka just smiled at him. 
“What brings you here, this late Adrien? Did something happen?” Luka played a slow tune feeling the unease in Adrien’s heart. 
“I think me and Kagami broke up.” He started. “I’m not sure what I did. But I think it has something to do with the lucky charm Marinette gave me. I lost it after we left here to go to the party.” Adrien knew he couldn’t tell Luka the whole truth, although something inside him made him feel so comfortable that he knew he could tell him, it was the thought of Ladybug that made him keep the secret. 
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Luka said, still strumming the slow tune.
“Don’t be, I was lying to myself that I could have a relationship with anyone besides the girl I love.” Adrien hung his head. 
“What’s stopping you from being with her?” Luka asked
“The same thing that broke you and Marinette up.” he smirked. “She’s in love with someone else.” They both exchanged the same knowing look as Luka set his guitar to the side. 
“Do you know who she’s in love with?” Luka asked.
“No, and it’s silly because I don’t know who she is either.” Adrien hung his head again. “She’s Ladybug.” Luka’s face went dim, he tried to imagine what it would be like to be in love with someone who you could never be with in the light of day. 
“That is rough.” Luka finally said. “I guess you could ask yourself what is it about her that made you fall in love.” Luka picked up his guitar and began playing a haphazard tune. “Is she a little bit clumsy with a graceful smile?” Adrien smiled remembering their first encounter when she crashed into him. The graceful way she swung through the city and how she flicked his bell. 
“Yeah, she is.” Adrien mused. Luka began playing a rock tune.
“Is she tough, standing up against bullies and never backing down?” Adrien remembered the way Ladybug stood atop the Eiffel Tower and fought back against Hawk Moth’s first attack only to promise the people of Paris that they would protect them. 
“That is definitely her.” Adrien’s smile brightened. Luka began to play a classical tune.
“Is she always there to lend a hand, to help a friend in need, or just lend an ear or a hug?” Luka asked
“She always seems to know when I need to talk, or when I am not feeling myself. She always takes time to help out an akumatized victim if she has the time.” Adrien beamed. He looked up at Luka, he stopped playing and hung his head. 
“Is she sensitive, have you ever seen her at her weakest moments, when all hope seemed lost?” Adrien nodded. “But she still picked herself back up and kept fighting?” Luka added. Adrien agreed with every word Luka had said.
“That’s my lady you just described there.” Adrien straightened his back, squaring his shoulders. “Are you in love with Ladybug too?” Luka laughed.
“I just described Marinette.” Luka smiled at Adrien as a look of shock crossed his mind. He hadn’t thought about it, but Luka was right. “She’s always doing stuff for other people even at the cost of her own happiness.” Luka looked up at the stars, setting his guitar to the side again. Leaning back placing his palms on the box he was sitting one and gazed up longingly as if the source of his love danced among the stars. Adrien watched his face glow in a blissful daze, then copied his actions. The two sat in silence for a while. 
“I hope he figures out she loves him soon, and either accepts her love or let’s her down softly.” Luka said softly. “I don’t want her heart to get broken if he doesn't love her, but I will always be here for her.” 
“What about you if it turns out he does love her?” Adrien asked, looking at him, his eyes filled with concern but not just for Luka, he was in the same boat literally and metaphorically. 
“We’re still young, we have our entire lives ahead of us to discover who we are meant to be and who we are meant to be with.” Luka looked at Adrien lifting his right hand palm up as if offering something precious to the sky. “I may not have met her yet, or maybe, you haven’t.” Luka added. 
“And… even if we had, maybe we are too blinded by our current feelings to see her?” Adrien asked.
“Exactly buddy.” Luka pointed to him and winked. “But, you be sure to stop by here anytime Adrien, it’s nice to have a friend in the same boat.” He sat up, holding his arms out jestering the pun that now rocked with the current of the water. They both laughed knowingly. 
“I better go, I have school tomorrow.” Adrien said standing and heading for the gang plank. 
“Adrien.” Luka called before he stepped off the gangplank. “Where's your heart?” It was an odd question, but he knew what Luka meant.
“Where’s your heart?” he smiled and headed for the stairs to the bridge. 
The next day at school Adrien’s attention was on Marinette more than usual. Watching her mannerisms and her speech. She was usually late, and tripped over invisible objects. He watched how she interacted with their friends. She was always such a leader and inspired others around her. 
Lunch time came and Adrien made his way to the locker room. Before he could enter the door swung open and Marinette crashed into him. They landed on the floor, Adrien on his back with  Marinette belly to belly on top of him. Her face lit up in a glow of red, her mouth stretched into an awkward grin and she struggled to stand back up. As she pulled herself off of him she tripped over his feet and landed,sitting on his lap as he now sat on the floor. Adrien wrapped his arms around her waist holding her side to him and laid his head on her shoulder. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 
The smell of the bakery was all over her. Sugar, vanilla, and… passionfruit? He placed a hand on her head.
“Calm down.” He tried to hold his composure wonderin how Luka would handle this situation. He copied what he had seen Luka doing on the boat whenever Marinette went on a crazy klutz marathon. “Take a deep breath and try again.” He lifted his eyes to meet hers. She was frozen in shock. Her face softened and she smiled at him. Letting out a nervous chuckle as she slowly slid off his lap. They stood up together as she composed herself. 
“I am so gorry I didn’t mean to fall in love with I mean on you.” Marinette grimaced. Adrien placed a finger on his lips.
“Take a deep breath.” He said. He could see her face relax as she did as he said. She closed her eyes then opened them.
“I am so sorry Adrien, I am madly clumsy.” She chuckled nervously again. Adrien sighed. He could see how Luka could be so in love with her. 
“Are you going to come to the barge and watch us practice after school?” Adrien smiled. Marinette went tight, her face grimaced and she began to play with her fingers nervously.
“I uh, I can’t.” She looked down at her fingers. “I have some uh, I have way too much homework to do and I don’t think I will be able to come watch you guys for a while.” She didn’t stumble this time but she also wasn't looking at Adrien. He thought that maybe she was averting her eyes to avoid him seeing the hurt that he heard in her voice. 
“If you're that far behind, maybe I should come over and help you.” Adrien offered. Marinette looked flighty as she grimaced.
“No no no, you just uh, you go practice, why spend your free time doing schoolwork.” She smiled awkwardly then stepped to the side slowly as if trying to escape a hungry panther. “Coming Alya.” She said over his shoulder and ran off to catch up with her best friend. Adrien wondered if that was true, or if Marinette was hiding something. He tried to imagine how she was with Luka. he was trying to figure out how he could get the two of them back together, or figure out who this boy was. Even if he couldn’t have the one he loved, maybe at least Luka deserved to be happy. 
“Where is your heart Marinette?” Adrien whispered to no one.
“Human emotions are too complicated.” A whisper came from his pocket. “Now cheese, you can always know the right one, just by looking at it, how it smells and how it feels when you hold it.” Plagg’s cheese analogies were usually so corny, but this time, it made more sense. Adrien thought about how it felt holding Marinette so close to him and how good she smelt. 
Sitting in class his mind wandered to Tom and Sabine’s bakery. The smell of the pastries and the taste of the macarons Marinette would bring to class. Tom had asked Cat Noir if he ever wanted to retire from being a superhero and learn the trade from him. Plagg would be happy, all the bread he could couple with his cheese. But Marinette smelled specifically of passionfruit, which was his favorite, but how would she know that?
After school he spied his bodyguards’ car in it’s usual parking spot outside of the school. He froze, it wasn’t too late to sneak by him. He saw Marinette and Alya walking towards the sidewalk in the direction of the car. He sighed and headed in the same direction. 
“What’s up my dude, you haven’t been acting like yourself today.” Nino said, wrapping an arm around Adriens’ shoulders. 
“I heard, uh, someone talking about Marinette.” Adrien dared to breach the topic with his best friend. He was Alya’s boyfriend and so he must know something about Marinette. “They said she was in love with someone, I just assumed it was Luka, but it wasn’t.” he looked up at Nino, “Do you know who she is in love with?” Nino went stiff, removing his arm from his friends shoulders and glanced nervously at Alya. 
“Sorry man, I got to go, Alya is waiting.” He ran off without answering. Adrien could tell he knew something. 
“Don’t ask a question you're not ready to know the answer to.” A tiny voice came from behind him. He recognized it to be Juleka as he turned around to see her and Rose standing there. Juleka didn’t look happy, infact, she looked angry. Rose looked concerned but not for him, for Juleka. “Maybe you should just walk away, too many people get hurt by people who are too oblivious to see what’s right in front of them.” Juleka never spoke so clearly, something had her very upset.  
Adrien looked around, Alya and Nino were still standing near his body guard’s car but Marinette must have already gone home. He snuck past Alya and Nino hoping his body guard hadn’t seen him and headed towards the bakery across the street. He heard a car pull up to the cross walk and beep. He walked up to the window.
“I just wanted to get a snack before going home.” Adrien chuckled, his body guard nodded then snorted a warning. “I’ll be right back.” he ran across the street to the front door to the bakery. Sabine was helping some customers as Tom brought out a tray of fresh hot chocolate croissants.
“It smells great Mr. Dupain.” Adrien said politely. “I’m here to help Marinette with homework.” Tom smiled at him, putting two croissants into a bag then handing it to him. 
“She’s upstairs, take these with you, she never accepts snacks from me when you're here.” Tom winked. Adrien remembered the time they were practicing for the Mecha Strike III tournament and Tom had offered so many goodies and pastries to make him salivate for a year. Adrien headed up stairs with the bag. He made his way to the Dupain-Cheng apartment then up the stairs to Marinette's room. He knocked on the trap door to her room. He could hear talking coming from the other side so he slowly slid the door open. Suddenly Plagg escaped his pocket and flew through the ceiling into her room. He pushed the door open and entered her room. 
“She’s not here.” Plagg hovered in the middle of the empty room, hands upward in an ‘i don’t know’ pose. 
“Plagg you can’t just fly into her room like that, what if she had seen you?” Adrien scolded.
“I was careful.” Plagg smirked.
“Why would you do that anyway?” Adrien asked, looking around her room. He had been her many times but never by himself. It felt awkward.
“I wanted to make sure … you weren’t walking in on her doing something...embarrassing.” Plagg offered. Adrien's face flushed, she might have changed her clothes or written in a diary. Adrien looked around the room, she still had pictures of him everywhere. She had once told him she had them because she loved fashion, but what if she loved him and just didn’t want to admit it. 
“Plagg, what if she really is in love with me?” Adrien asked quietly as he looked around the room. “I know I heard voices talking up here.” He noticed the hatch above her bed was open, so he climbed the ladder to her bed. He tried not to step all over her bed as he climbed through the hatch. You almost had to bounce off the bed to get up to the balcony. There was no one there either. Adrien was confused. He dropped back onto her bed and walked over to her desk. 
“She said she had so much homework to do, but she left it here on her desk.” Adrien set the bag down then took a pen and wrote a note on it.
‘If you need help with your homework, please call me.’ he drew a cat paw on it then realized what he had done. It was too late to fix it, it was a permanent pen. He grimaced then took one of the croissants and climbed back to the balcony.
“Plagg, Claws out.”
Ladybug was especially anxious as they patrolled the city. He couldn’t understand why she didn’t even stop to take a breath or give a fist bump. She didn’t even chastise him for being late or using flirtatious corny puns. They had gone to watch a movie and she made a huge scene. He thought it must have something to do with the guy she likes because it was a romantic comedy and she ruined it with a rant about how romance is a waste of time.  
“Ladybug, can I ask you something?” Cat Noir asked before they went their separate ways. Ladybug looked at him with concern as he hung his head. She nodded to him. “You see, a friend of mine told me that we are still too young to know who we want to be with, but I can’t help how I feel and I know you can’t either. So…” He scratched the back of his neck. “Where... do girls go when they like someone, but they can’t tell them. Who do they talk to?” Ladybug was taken aback. She thought he was going to ask again who she was in love with. Ladybug sighed.
“Most of the time, girls tell their best friends, but sometimes, they keep it a secret from everyone.” She sat down and sulked. Cat Noir sat down next to her.
“How is it so easy for you to say things to me, tell me you love me. We can’t just show up at each other's house for Sunday brunch or play Mega Strike III together when we’re not Ladybug and Cat Noir.” She rested her head in her hands as her elbows dug into her thighs. “I want to have a real boyfriend, not one I have to keep secrets from or that I can only see when I am powered up.” Cat understood now why Ladybug and Cat Noir couldn’t be together.
“And we can’t know our secret identities because…” He didn’t really know why but didn’t want to seem like he was asking again.
“Because, Hawk Moth can use us to hurt each other. Remember when Dark Cupid hit you with his arrow.” How could he forget, it would have been his first kiss ever and with Ladybug none the less but instead it’s a memory he’ll never have, and he had attacked Ladybug. “What if you knew who I was, and Truth asked you, If I hadn’t been there, he would have found out, he almost found out who I AM.” She sobbed “This is bigger than you and me Cat, and maybe we’re not mature enough yet to handle our super hero lives and a relationship with anyone.” She leapt to her feet unhooking her yo-yo. 
“It’s best we just focus on our jobs, doing homework and saving Paris.” She swung away before he could stop her. 
“Where’s your heart Ladybug.” He whispered to himself. 
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mrs-harkness · 4 years
Run To Me (Part 4)
Pairing: Diane Sherman x Fem!Reader 
Word Count: 2.5k
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
TW: Brief mention of vomiting. I don’t want anyone getting triggered, so I would rather be overly cautious!
A/N: If you would like to be on a tag list for this fic, please add a comment below or shoot me a message! Excited about the next chapter, things are coming. Again thank you for the love. I am having so much fun writing this and it means even more when you have people who enjoy reading it!
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Even though it had been four whole days since the accident, you were not feeling better. Diane had said that the day after was supposed to be the worst, but it seemed like you felt weaker each day. Diane was keeping a close eye on you though, making sure you weren't running a fever and that the road rash and cuts weren't getting worse. She said if you got any weaker, she would bring you to the local urgent care to make sure something serious wasn't going on.
Though you weren't feeling well, you enjoyed the days spent with Diane in the quiet little house, just the two of you. You had learned a lot about each other in the past few days, developing a routine with one another that always ended the day with a cup of that nasty ass tea, but deep and sweet conversation.
You hadn't gone into too much detail about your past quite yet, about your mother or father or what it was like in the foster home. You shared mainly surface level things and funny memories that were light hearted. You knew the heavier stuff would be discussed eventually. Although you were choosing to keep the painful memories of your past to yourself for the time being, Diane had opened to you almost immediately.
You found out she didn't have parents either, her mother dying when she was a child and she was married when she was very young, to an abusive husband that left her for another woman only a year and a half into the marriage. Soon after she found out she was pregnant and she decided to not reach out to her ex-husband and to just raise the baby on her own. Unfortunately she developed high blood pressure and delivered the baby too soon, and she died in Diane's arms before she even had time to discuss options. Her name was Chloe and Diane chose to live a quiet life after that. She moved to Washington only a few years ago and put herself into teaching, science, and her garden. She always wanted a child, but she was just never able have one again.
When she told you that, your heart broke for her. Of course she was so willing to take you home with her. She was lonely! She had promised to take care of you, but you knew as soon as you were back on your feet, you were going to try and care for her too. In whatever way she would let you. You weren't Chloe, and you could never be Chloe, but you could love her with all your heart.
It had been another rough day, as you had suddenly developed a bad headache and had felt queasy for most of it. You didn't really eat much of your dinner, pushing it around your plate. You didn't want to tell Diane you had vomited up breakfast. If she knew you were barely keeping things down, she may get worried.
Diane cleared the plates from the table and brought them to the sink. She noticed you didn't eat more than a few bites. She didn't say anything but turned to you and smiled.
"How about you go ahead and sit on the couch? I'll be there in just a minute," she said quietly. Her voice had seemed to grow more gentle towards you each day.
You smiled wearily and went to the living room, lazily sitting down on the couch. It could have only been a few minutes, but you somehow managed to fall asleep. You were constantly tired and wanting to nap. Diane said it was a good sign because it meant your body was trying to heal itself.
You were woken up by the couch dipping under Diane's weight. You opened your eyes and saw her smiling at you, holding a bowl of something brown. It smelled sweet and you looked at her suspiciously.
"What's that? No tea tonight?" you asked, hopeful.
Diane chuckled and pulled out two spoons, sticking it into the bowl.
"No, no tea tonight. I don't want you to get too much of those herbs and vitamins. And this, it's brownie batter. Me and my friends as teenagers would make a bowl of it and eat it as we talked about boys and school and our dreams," she said, picking up a spoon and licking off the chocolate from it.
You couldn't help but smile as you took a spoon and licked at it cautiously. You had never had the stuff and it was intoxicating. You shoved the whole spoon in your mouth, ready to inhale the entire bowl.
Diane laughed and pulled the bowl towards her.
"Alright, alright speedy... don't eat it too fast. You'll get sick."
You forced yourself to go slower, but the moment Diane turned around you would be sure to put as much of it in your mouth that would fit. This was worth getting sick over. Diane stared at you, drinking up the image of you enjoying the treat she had brought.
"You know," Diane hummed, "I always thought I'd do this one day with my daughter. Make it a tradition and she'd tell me her secrets and we would be best friends."
You're heart ached in your chest. You knew she meant Chloe and you knew she would rather her be on the couch than you. Suddenly the batter didn't taste as sweet. You put the spoon into the bowl and left it there. You looked up at Diane and saw she was almost beaming at you though.
"I'm glad I get to do it with you," she said, picking up the spoon with her other hand and letting you eat off it.
You felt really confused, but happy at the same time. You knew you weren't her daughter, but sometimes the way she said things or looked at you, it was like she wanted you to be. As if that's how she saw you. You weren't sure if you saw her as a mother though, you didn't really know what that felt like. It was complex for you.
"So, Y/n, tell me. What did you do with your friends? Did you have any special traditions with the girls?" Diane asked, eating another spoon of the batter, it dripping onto her lips.
It broke you from your anxious thoughts and had you now thinking about your past. It wasn't that much better but at least it would keep you talking.
"Well, I really wasn't in one place long enough to make any traditions with my friends. But me and my foster sister, the one who lives in town, we would go and sneak out of our group home and head to the woods behind it. The woods had fireflies in them and we would go see the 'light shows' and talk about a bunch of different things. What our families could have been like, what we were going to do when we aged out, the issues we had at the home."
You remembered those nights fondly, some of the few good memories you had growing up. You wondered if there were any woods in the area and if they had fireflies. Maybe you could go and see a 'light show' for old times sake. You would ask your sister when you saw her. But you needed to call her first.
"Uh Diane, could I possibly use your phone?"
Diane suddenly stiffened, the spoon thudding back into the batter. Her face seemed to harden just for a moment before quickly returning to the warm look she often gave you. It took her a moment to respond, making the air between you thick for some reason.
"Sure. Are you okay?" she said, her voice sounding concerned.
She seemed like she was worried and you wondered if she thought she had upset you.
"Oh yeah! I'm fine. I just actually wanted to call my sister and let her know I made it here and that I'm safe and see when she wanted to meet up," you said in a confident tone, hoping to ease her mind.
Her face seemed to twitch and she swallowed hard, clearing her throat. She smiled at you though and you just shrugged off her strange reaction. She pointed to the kitchen where the phone hung on the wall. Diane had phones with chords still in her house, which you found charming, but also a little inconvenient that you couldn't step outside.
"You're welcome to call your foster sister," she said, saying the word 'foster' strangely, "I'm going to go upstairs and get ready for bed to give you some privacy."
She smiled at you and brushed your hair behind your ear before getting up and heading to her room. You waited until you could no longer hear her footsteps before leaning over the brownie bowl and quickly stuffing your mouth with as much batter as you could. As soon as you swallowed it all, you realized you may have made a mistake, but you could regret it later.
You walked over to the phone and pressed the buttons to the number you had memorized by heart. You felt nervous suddenly even though nothing had changed and you had just talked to her a week ago. Your heart race increased with each ringer, anxious to hear her voice.
"Hello?" a sleepy voice on the other side of the phone croaked.
"Mandy? Mandy, its Y/n."
There was some rustling on the other side of the line and you were pretty sure you had woken Mandy up, but you knew she wouldn't mind.
"Hey! I was wondering when I would hear from you. I was a little worried. You were supposed to call me like two days ago," she yawned.
"Yeah I'm sorry. I had a little set back. But I'm here in town and I'm staying with a woman I met-"
Mandy cut you off with a very obnoxious "Ooooohhhhhh!"
"Shut up. It's not like that. She's just a really good friend that I was lucky enough to meet. Now before you say anything else stupid, when and where do you want to meet?"
Mandy chuckled on the other end. She knew you hated being picked on and anytime she sensed even the possibility of making you uncomfortable, she had to crack a joke.
"Well, I have class tomorrow, but I am free after lunch. There is a nice little coffee shop book store on Howard. You can meet me there at like 2PM. Does that sound good?"
"Yeah, that's perfect. I can't wait. I've missed you so much Mandy," you said, tears prickling at your eyes.
"I've missed you too lighting bug. So tell me, who is this lady you are-"
Suddenly Mandy's voice cut off. You pulled the phone away from your ear, not even hearing a dial tone. You messed with the phone for a moment before realizing the line was dead.
"Diane?" you called out, sticking your head around the corner.
Diane was right there, breathing heavy as if she had been running. She startled you and you stared at her, mindlessly passing the phone to her.
"Your phone line went dead," you mumbled.
Diane put the phone to her ear and pressed a few buttons before hanging up.
"I'll call the phone company in the morning. Sometimes someone hits a line and the whole thing goes dead. Were you able to call your friend though?" she asked, leaning against the wall.
You noticed she said friend this time, but you brushed it off. She didn't know the bond you and Mandy shared.
"Yes! I did. I'm going to meet her tomorrow for lunch."
Diane didn't hid her discomfort this time.
"Y/n, I don't think that's a good idea. You're still very weak. You didn't even eat dinner. I don't think you should go out by yourself. Maybe I should go with-"
"No. It's okay. I'll be fine for a couple of hours. I won't be running a marathon, just having a coffee with my sister."
You wanted to spend time with Mandy by yourself and while you appreciated the thought of Diane going with you, you were still an adult no matter how young you looked. It didn't help that at the moment the brownie batter was now fighting against you and you were hunched over slightly.
"Well maybe consider letting me drive you to town? I need to run some errands anyway so I can drive you and that way if you feel like you need to lay down or rest I wouldn't be far."
You would need a ride to town, but you just weren't sure.
"Let me sleep on it. I hate to think I would be using you just for a ride. And-" before you could finish, you start having a coughing fit. Coughing was nothing new to you thanks to the asthma, but this wasn't that. This was the batter.
You tried to keep it down, but it was too late. You threw up, all over yourself, all over the floor, and even on Diane's slippers. You expelled everything you had eaten that day and more and it took a moment before you stopped gagging, laying in a ball on the floor.
Suddenly fear over took you as you saw yourself and the floor covered in vomit. You know your mom would be so mad when she saw it and you would get punished. You didn't want to be punished. You began to cry and you scooted away until your body hit the wall.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to," you cried. You forgot where you were and suddenly you were back at home. You didn't like going back.
Diane quickly ran over to you, not phased by the vomit and held you in her arms. You fought her off at first but she shooshed you and smoothed your hair, holding you close to her. She knew a flashback when she saw one. She held you and whispered in your ear. It took a moment but eventually you came back to present day. You still felt sick, you now smelled awful, your head hurt, and you were embarrassed. For the first time since you had met Diane, you felt tears prickle you eyes and instead of hiding them, you let them flow.
You cried in Diane's arms as she rocked you back in forth, and you apologized over and over again. You weren't sure if you were saying sorry because you had thrown up on her or if it was because she lost her daughter or because you were the mess of a person she felt fate brought her. She kissed your head and took your face in her hands. She wiped your tears with the pads of her thumb and looked at you with tears in her eyes too.
"Hey. It's okay. Stop apologizing. You're safe now Y/n."
She pulled you back to her chest again and wrapped her arms around you tight as if she would never let you go.
"I've got you," she whispered, over and over.
"I've got you, and I'm not letting go."
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karlajoyner · 4 years
It’s Perfect (Reggie Peters x Reader)
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A/n: So I wrote this up after having a mental breakdown listening to Unsaid Emily on repeat. No regrets. But yeah you guys should comment some requests!
Warnings: Mention of abuse
“Yeah well at least I'm not a dead beat drunk!" I yelled at my father who stood a few steps away from me with a bottle of liquor at hand.
As soon as the words left my mouth I should've known I wouldn't get away with it.
My eyes burned as I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek. I held it, in pain. Tears stinging my eyes.
"A bitch. Just like your mother was" He said taking another swig of his drink.
I quickly sprinted out the door with nothing but the clothes on my back. Hearing the man that once dried my tears when I fell on the playground shout out awful slures towards me.
I wasn't daddy's girl anymore.
I ran. I ran as far as my feet would carry me. Until I reached a familiar house 9 streets away.
I ran into the driveway quietly. Knowing Bobby's family would be asleep by now. I panted reaching for the garage doors pulling them open and running in shutting them immediately behind me.
"Y/n?" A familiar voice spoke from behind me. I turned around seeing two of my bandmates getting ready for bed. I took a few steps forward trying to steady my breath.
"I-" I didn't even get a word out before I broke down completely.
"I'll call Reggie" Luke spoke leaving out the doors I had just come from.
Presumably towards the house that had the landline.
"It's okay" Alex whispered pulling me close in a tight hug. I cried into his chest as we sunk down to the floor.
I cried for what felt like hours before the door opened once more. I looked up through blurry eyes seeing my boyfriend standing there in a white tee shirt and black jeans. With his lucky red flannel tied around his waist.
"Baby" He whispered coming to sit next to me.
"Thanks guys. I've got her from here"
"We'll give you guys some time"
"Feel free to pull out the extra air mattress for tonight" Luke said before him and Alex left the studio.
"Baby what's wrong?" He whispered in my ear pulling me close.
"I-it's my dad. I can't-I can't be there anymore. I won't" I choked out letting my tears fall freely.
"Shhh it's okay" He attempted to soothe me. Each hair stroke making me feel safer knowing he was right next to me.
Ready to protect me from anything and everything. I cried as he lifted me in his arms moving me over to the couch never releasing his tight embrace on me.
"It's not Reg. He called my mom a bitch and then called me a bitch and then he slapped me" I cried. The boys jaw clenching.
It was very rare that you saw Reggie angry but when he was it was blaintly obvious you did not want to mess with him.
"He did what?" He asked clearly aggravated.
"He laid his hands on you" He spoke again trying to stand up.
"No Reggie. Please don't leave me" I whisper holding onto him. His tensed body seemed to ease as he held me close.
"I'll never leave you baby. You know that" He said the room going silent as we enjoyed each other's company even in saddest of moments.
"Your never going back there again" He spoke after a while.
"Where will I sleep?" I asked.
"Here. Alex and Luke won't mind. Niether will Bobby. You'll move here"
"I- I don't know if that's a good idea"
"I already talked it through with the guys"
"It's true" A familiar voice spoke from the doorway.
Our heads whipped towards the door to see the rest of the band standing there with frowns upon their faces.
"We all talked about it and think it's best"
"My parents won't mind. Just like Alex and Luke your apart of the family and are welcome anytime" Bobby said as the three boys got closer.
"You're our bandmate"
"Our friend"
"Our little sister"
"And we'll protect you from anyone who hurts you" Alex finished making my eyes well up once more.
"I love you guys" I smiled as Reggie placed a kiss on my temple.
"We love you too baby. And once Sunset Curve plays the Orpheum. The first thing we'll do is buy a house where we'll have our own room. Our own privacy" Reggie said running his hand up and down my arm.
"Cool it man no need to get all hot and bothered right now" Luke said making me giggle.
"Plus I think there's something you need to do before that" Alex said winking at Reggie. I looked at the two confused as Reggie nodded his head.
"What? What does he need to do?" I asked watching smirks beginning form on my bandmates faces.
I watched as Alex ran towards the loft. His figure only becoming visible again when he threw a small object over the balcony down towards Bobby. Again I watched as he caught it tossing it towards Luke who walked it over the a Reggie.
"I was gonna wait until we got signed after our big show at the Orpheum. But some things happen for a reason I guess" Reggie spoke nervously.
I watched as he kneeled down beside me. My body immediately sitting up in worry.
"Y/n, god where do I start. We've been best friends since elementary school. And lovers for 2 years now. After I wasted way too many years trying to make you jealous instead of telling you how I felt. That was my first mistake. My second mistake was not asking you this sooner. Y/n Y/l/n will you marry me?" He asked making my eyes widen as he open a black velvet box with a beautiful ring inside.
I look around at the other boys who had smiles spread across their faces.
"I may not be the smartest, the funniest, or even the hottest of the group" He spoke playfully glaring at Luke.
"And I really don't know why you chose me out of all of us. But you did. Its all I can offer right now but if you stick through it with me I promise one day I'll give you the world" He said a smile forming on my face.
"It's perfect Reginald. Your perfect" I spoke. Taking in his beautiful features.
"So it that a yes?" I heard Alex ask. "Yes. Yes! Oh my god yes!" I yelled pulling him up for a hug.
I grinned as he slipped the ring on my finger hearing the boys around us cheering. But the only thing I was focused on was the boy in front of me.
A boy who had only been known to show me lust, compassion, and love.
I giggled as Reggie pulled me into a passionate kiss the cheering dialing down.
"She said yes!" He shouted as soon as we pulled away.
"Congrats man" Luke said patting Reggie on the back.
"You know man you should just move in too while we're at it" Bobby joked.
"No!" Luke and Alex shouted at the same time.
"We do not need them consummating their marriage a few feet away from us while we try to sleep"
"It's only a matter of time boys. We do need to do that though huh?" I joked looked at Reggie.
"I'm not complaining" He said a lopsided smile forming on his face. I giggled as the boys began to make sounds of disgust.
"We'll head to your place first thing tomorrow and get your stuff for tonight you can barrow some of my clothes" Alex spoke going to his suitcase as pulling out a pair of boxers for me to wear as shorts.
"Thanks Alex" I smiled watching as Luke and Bobby moved under the loft to pull out the extra blow up mattress there for anyone else who needed to stay the night. Which usually was usually me or even Reggie sometimes. When things got real bad at home.
"I've got her shirt" Reggie said removing his flannel and handing it to me.
"Thanks babe. I know how much you love this thing"
"I do. But I love you more. Plus you look hotter in it than I do"
"I don't know about that. Something about your James Dean rocker look gets me turned on" I whispered in his ear.
I giggled watching his eyebrows raise in surprise. His usual pink tinted cheeks going red.
"Hey! No sex before the wedding" Luke joked.
"Let me live Patterson" Reggie said taking my hand to lead me towards the small bathroom in the back of the garage.
"Where are you going?"
"To consummate our marriage" I joked. Sort of.
Reggie and I laughed as the boys groaned in annoyance.
"I mean I am staying the night" Reggie said pulling me into the small room.
"Your sleeping outside" Alex called after us. Reggie not hesitating to shut the door behind us.
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lilacsandwhiskey · 3 years
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*all pictures owned by original owners*
Chapter 4 - New Friendships
pairing: Drake Walker x Riley Brooks
A/N: Hi friends! Sorry I’ve been MIA, life was super busy and then I went on a much needed vacay but I’m BACK!
Warnings: Mention of death
Tag list:
@marshmallowsaremyfavorite @lovingchoices14 @gkittylove99 @darley1101 @kingliam2019 @tinkie1973 @whiskeyslullabye
*Drake’s POV*
ch 4
*Drake’s POV*
“So you mean to tell me, you’ve never watched Friends?” Riley had her mouth open in a smile, looking offended. “Never. I didn’t watch a lot of television growing up!” “Ugh, the poor life of Drake.” She shook her head, taking another bite of her food.
Riley had invited me into her apartment and as worried as I was about it being awkward, she made conversation so easy. “Alright, let’s get to the deep stuff.” She said. “Tell me why New York.” Unsure how to exactly go about why, I thought for a moment.
“Well, let’s see. I think I was just ready for change. I’m twenty-six. I’ve lived my entirety under the roof of someone else’s home, coming and going as I please. Though Cordonia will always be home, I just needed to get away for a while. I may go back one day, I may not. New York was the place I felt most comfortable with, we’d visited a few times. How about you? Are you from New York?” There was no need to go into depth about the fact that I actually lived in the palace with Liam, but Liam was making steps in his life, he was married, he was king, and it was time for me to take a hold of my own reigns. As much as Liam reassured me to stay, I knew it was time to go.
“I’m actually from North Carolina.” Riley said. “I moved here for college. It was the whole small town girl gets out of town situation. Life was messy, and I decided here. My mom had family here, so it wasn’t like I couldn’t call someone for help if I were in trouble, but I was far enough away to gain independence.” I nodded as she sat back in her chair and played with the place mat on her table. “So you went to college?” “I dropped out, actually.” “Hey, I did too.”
Riley looked at me, questioning. “Did you go to school in the US?” “Yeah, actually. Only for two years.” “I dropped out after two years. Why’d you drop out?” Riley asked. I room a deep breath, recognizing the truth wouldn’t make a whole lot of sense. Maybe too heavy of a conversation for now. Like, hey, yeah, there were some assassination attempts going on and Liam was severely depressed so his brother begged me to come back and I did, just like I always do. “Just realized college wasn’t for me.” I shrugged.
“Understandable.” Riley replied. “How about you?” “Uh, well, my mom passed away. I just couldn’t focus anymore. I got really depressed, stopped going to classes, and made the decision that I probably shouldn’t pay money for an education I wasn’t receiving. So I dropped out.” I studied Riley, noticing tears brimming her eyelids. “Want anything to drink? I’ve got whiskey, wine, water, soda, anything?”
I cleared my throat, recognizing that the conversation did get heavy. “Uh, whiskey, huh?” I asked. “My choice of drink,
actually.” She said with a grin. The tears were no longer in his bright green eyes. “I’ll take whiskey.”
Riley grabbed two glasses out of the cabinet to pour. She turned around to sit down, handing me a glass. “Hey, I know what it’s like.” I finally said. “Hm?” “To lose a parent. I know what that’s like. I’m sorry you had to go through it.” “Thank you. I’m sorry you had to, too.” She gave me an empathetic smile. “To new friendships?” Riley held her glass out. “To new friendships.” I smiled, clinking my glass against hers.
Listening to Riley talk was... comfortable. Watching her eyes widen, talking about things she loved, seeing her shake her head at my inexperience of television shows and movies. She laughed a lot, but her laugh was contagious. “You’re not the brooding man I remember.” She had said. I guess the brooding man was actually enjoying the company.
When Riley asked me to talk, it was hard not to just tell her everything. She laced her fingers around her glass, looked at me, studied me, commented, and just listened. Her hair was pulled back in a loose bun, she was still in her work clothes, but it made me remember her that night.
Thinking of that night sent pings of jealousy through me. I wasn’t angry at anyone but myself. I thought back to how Maxwell said that Riley didn’t want any part of royalty, and how insane it would be for her to go to a whole new country she’d never even heard of and try her hand at running it. I wondered if things would have been different if I had made the move. Would it have been a one night stand? Would it have created a friendship, though that wasn’t the in the rules of one night stands? There was so much left undone and said because I was too much of a coward to say, “hey Liam, can I call dibs?” I felt like a schoolboy even having these thoughts.
As the conversations continued, I caught a glance at the clock on the stove. It was already ten. How did the time go by so fast? “Well, I should probably be heading to bed. Got a long day of job searching in front of me tomorrow.” I said. “Me too, work calls for another day tomorrow.” We both stood up. I grabbed her plate and her glass. “Hey, I can get my stuff. You’re the guest.” “You were kind enough to invite me, I insist.” I walked over to the sink to wash the glasses, but she promptly told me to sit them down in the sink. “Fine, fine. But next time...” I said with a laugh. “So there will be a next time!” Riley joked.
As she walked me to the door, she stopped me. “Wait, give me your phone.” “Hm?” I looked down at her, confused. “I figured my number could be helpful if you need any tips around town or if you want someone to eat dinner with again.” She said with a giggle. “Oh, right.” I handed her my phone as she typed away. “There you go.” “Thank you, Riley. For keeping me company and good conversation.” “I can only thank you too. It was nice to talk to someone instead of stare at the walls while I chew.”
I walked into my apartment, closing the door and immediately falling back on my couch. Oh, Riley, you’re going to be trouble. The vision of her sitting across from me wouldn’t leave my mind. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. I looked down to see my sister, Savannah, calling.
“Savannah? Isn’t it like 4:30 in the morning there?” I asked. “Yeah, but I’m up with the Bartie and I just wanted to check in and see how things were.” She said. “Hey Uncle Dwake.” “Hey bud.” I smiled at the small voice coming over the phone. “He misses you so much.” Savannah said with a small laugh. “I miss you guys.” “Are you settling in?” “I’m trying. It’s different, that’s for sure.” “You’ll get through it. If I could do it, you can. You know home is always waiting for you.” “I know, Sav. I think it’s good for me though.” “I agree, even if I do miss my big brother. But I’ll let you go. You call me sometime, okay?” “I will. Love you.” “Love you. Talk to you soon.”
I hung up the phone, but immediately searched through my contacts. I typed in R, instantly seeing “Riley Brooks” pop up. So, Brooks is her last name. Do I text her and tell her thank you? Or tell her who’s number this is? Gosh, Drake, you’re like a infatuated ninth grader.
Drake: Hey Riley, this is Drake. Just wanted to thank you again for having me over
I instantly saw three bubbles pop up.
Riley: anytime :) what’s your last name, by the way?
Drake: Now that’s giving away too much information now lol
Riley: that’s where you cross the line? oh how unfortunate!
Drake: I guess I’ll cross it one more time for you. Its Walker.
Riley: goodnight, Drake Walker
Drake: Goodnight, Brooks
I laid my phone face down on the couch next to me, and turned on the television. Back home, we never watched much unless it was sports. I clicked on my new Netflix account and scrolled through the television shows. That’s when I came across what Riley said was her favorite show, Friends. I hovered over it, smirking at Riley’s reaction to me having never watched it.
I clicked on the first episode.
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elentiyawhitethorn · 4 years
Sneaking Around | Chapter Three
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The weekend couldn’t pass quickly enough, but finally it was Monday. Aelin was annoyed at herself for feeling this way; she wasn’t some lovesick high schooler. She was a badass, intelligent, collected woman. Yet still, she couldn’t help but feel butterflies when she thought of seeing Rowan again.
That train of thought was absolutely ridiculous for a thousand different reasons. But it seemed Aelin really did have a crush on Rowan, broody as he was. He probably didn’t feel the same. If he wanted anything from her, it was sex. He might not even want that.
Aelin needed to stop thinking about Rowan and focus on getting ready for work. She showered, put on a pantsuit and flats, and made herself a bagel.
By the time Aelin climbed into Ansel's beat-up truck, she had successfully erased all thoughts of Rowan. The friends carpooled to work to save gas on the days Ansel’s hours were similar to hers (as the bar was across the street from the office), and Aelin just knew this ride was going to end up in Ansel meddling again. Ansel was a good friend, and she could keep a secret, but Aelin didn’t want to deal with the teasing, and the looks she’d get anytime Rowan was in the same room as them. Not when she didn’t even know how he felt about her.
“So... have you talked to your secret boyfriend recently?”
“Straight to the point, aren’t you?” Aelin remarked. “I’ll say it again, I do not have a secret boyfriend. I hooked up with somebody, somebody you don’t know, and that’s all.”
Ansel sighed. “Why do you have to be so secretive? Who else am I supposed to harass?”
Aelin chuckled. “Elide seems a bit moony whenever Lorcan walks in the room. Harass her.” Lorcan worked at the local gym. He was another member of their dysfunctional little family.
“You think? Oh, they would be so cute together.”
“Do you know who else would be cute together?” Aelin asked.
“You and Fenrys.”
Ansel blinked. “That’s... would we really?” Aelin grinned. “I mean, not that I’m interested or anything, but he is pretty handsome. And funny. Very funny. Do you think he likes me?”
Aelin burst into laughter. “What happened to suave Ansel, who could pick up any guy who walked in her bar?”
“Oh, shut it. Tell me straight out, do you think he likes me?”
She thought for a minute. “I really don’t know. I guess I’ll just have to ask him.” Ansel seemed like she was about to protest, so Aelin added, “Don’t worry, I’ll be discreet.”
Ansel smiled as they turned into the bar parking lot. “You’re a good friend.”
“I know.” Ansel laughed.
They got out of the truck and parted ways, Aelin crossing the street.
She walked into the office building and was greeted by Elide, who worked as the receptionist. “Hello, Ms. Galathynius. Is there anything I can do for you?”
“I hate it when you call me Ms. Galathynius.”
Elide smiled. “That’s why I do it. How was your weekend?”
“Boring.” Total lie. “Heads up, Ansel’s planning on questioning you about your crush on Lorcan.”
Elide frowned. “I do not have a crush on him. Did you do this?”
Aelin winced. “I had to direct her attention elsewhere. She was badgering me about something.”
Thankfully, Elide didn’t question her about the “something.”
Aelin went to the elevator. Fenrys and Rowan were already inside, and she remembered to be as calm as possible, despite the way her heart fluttered when she saw Rowan.
“Hey, Aelin. How are you?” asked Fenrys when she stepped inside.
She grinned. “Fine. I’m supposed to ask if you have a crush on Ansel.” So much for being discreet. Ansel would get over it.
Fenrys squinted. “Supposed to? Who wants to know?”
“That’s confidential.”
A smile blossomed on his face. “Does Ansel want to know?”
“I repeat, confidential,” replied Aelin. So far she’d ignored Rowan completely.
Fenrys declared, “Well, maybe I’ll have to ask her out, then.” Rowan chuckled. “What? She’s hot. Well, here’s my stop. Try not to kill each other.” Aelin glared at him, well aware her and Rowan’s feud was public knowledge. Little did they know.
Fenrys worked as an assistant on the fourth floor, so now Aelin and Rowan were alone in the elevator.
The doors shut. Rowan asked, “How was your weekend?”
Aelin flashed a smile. “Well, nothing very interesting happened. It was rather uneventful.”
He smiled back. “I can’t say the same. I had a remarkably exhilarating encounter this weekend.”
“Did you now? And what did this encounter entail?” Aelin couldn’t help but ask. Well, it seemed it wasn’t going to be ignored and forgotten. If it wasn’t for the camera, Aelin would have jumped him right there. How did he manage to tear away her self-control every time she saw him?
“Hmm, it involved a lovely woman. Somewhat aggravating, though.”
“I beg to differ! If anyone’s aggravating, it’s you.”
Rowan just gave that smile again and said, “Look at that; it’s my floor. Have a nice day.”
Aelin glared at him. The elevator doors closed, leaving Aelin alone. It certainly didn’t feel like this was going to be a one-time thing. And it seemed she’d grown to like bickering with him. She hadn’t felt like this since high school, when Dorian Havilliard asked her to prom. Aelin was such a gods-damned mess right now.
She spent the next few hours working diligently. It was only at her lunch break that Aelin allowed herself to think of Rowan again, and only because he was in the same room. The whole group had claimed the same lunch break long ago.
They were in the lounge, at their usual seats (Aelin and Rowan as far away from each other as possible). Lysandra, Aedion, and Gavriel were taking with Aelin about going out for drinks this evening.
“We went to the bar on Friday. You lot are alcoholics,” was Gavriel’s input on the matter.
Lysandra frowned. “We are not. We just like alcohol, that’s all.”
Aelin giggled. Aedion sighed. “Maybe he’s right. How did we get such good jobs?” he wondered.
Aelin laughed outright at this. “Who knows? Don’t question it.”
“Being an alcoholic is expensive,” proclaimed Lysandra. “We can take a rain check.”
“Why isn’t alcohol free?” Aelin pondered.
Manon had heard this last remark and said, “Why am I friends with any of you?”
They all cracked up at Manon’s usual bitchiness.
“Because you love us so much,” Aelin crooned.
Manon rolled her eyes.
By the time their short lunch break was over, the whole lot of them had traded dozens of jokes and insults. A usual day.
Soon after, a file showed up on Aelin’s desk that needed to be taken to the tech department. Rowan.
She took the elevator down and walked into Rowan’s office. He was sitting at his desk scanning over a document.
“Today’s report, Whitethorn,” Aelin announced, tossing it on his desk.
Rowan looked up and offered a sly grin. “Since when is delivering files in your job description?”
He’d caught her there. “Since I needed to stretch my legs.”
“Riiight.” Then his smile faded. He suddenly looked very nervous. “Hey, I was wondering if maybe... I mean... never mind. Forget about it.”
She plopped down in the seat across from him. “Oh no, tell me. Don’t be a chicken.” Aelin was very interested in what he had to say. She had never, in all her years knowing him, seen Rowan look so anxious. She felt rather good, as it seemed she had caused it.
He scowled at her, then said, “I had been wondering if you might want to go to dinner with me.”
Aelin’s eyes widened. “Like a date?” She couldn’t imagine anything else it would be, but it didn’t hurt to make sure.
“That was the idea. Look, I know you don’t... just forget I said anything, okay?”
“Ansel works late tomorrow. Pick me up at 7:00, apartment 3B.” And with that, Aelin stood and strode out of the room, leaving a very surprised Rowan in her wake.
By 6:00, Aelin had finished all of her work, and headed over to the bar to wait for Ansel. Elide accompanied her. They sat down with Lorcan, who must have just gotten there.
She hadn’t just been misdirecting when she told Ansel about how Elide was around Lorcan. Moony, yes, but also happier and bolder. And Lorcan seemed... nice. Lorcan was never nice. She was so going to set them up.
Aelin ordered a burger, as did Lorcan. Elide got a salad. “Seriously, El? A salad? At a bar?” was Ansel’s comment when she served them. “I have half a mind to kick you out.”
Aelin and Lorcan laughed, and Elide shot Lorcan an annoyed look. He quickly stopped laughing. Ansel waggled her eyebrows suggestively at Aelin, who cracked up.
“What’s so funny?” Elide demanded.
Aelin put on her most innocent look and said, “Nothing.”
Ten minutes later Aelin said, “Hey, Ansel’s done so we’re going to head out now. You two should stay.”
They both squinted at her. Lorcan gruffly replied, “I’m still eating, so I was going to stay anyways.”
“Me too,” stated Elide.
They gave each other embarrassed glances, then looked away. Ansel grabbed Aelin’s arm and dragged her out towards her truck. “Oh gods, they are so in love! How didn’t I see it sooner? Have you ever seen Lorcan look shy?”
Aelin laughed. “Never. Hey, guess what else I made progress with?”
“Hm?” she asked as they climbed in the truck.
“You may or may not be receiving an invitation for a date sometime soon.” Aelin grinned.
“You don’t mean... Fenrys isn’t actually...”
Aelin grinned. “Eyes on the road. Wouldn’t want to get in a car crash before Fenrys can ask you out.”
Ansel squealed. “I love you, Lin.”
“Everybody does.”
Ansel elbowed her. “Now all we need is to do is set up Lys and Aedion, find Manon a girlfriend, and get you somebody.”
Aelin stayed silent.
“Why aren’t you saying anything?” A gasp. “You do have a secret boyfriend!”
“No. I’m just going on a date tomorrow.”
Ansel exclaimed, “Oh, fuck, Aelin. That’s great! Wait, did you plan it tomorrow so I wouldn’t get to see him? Because I know him?”
“I have nothing to say on the matter,” was all Aelin would say.
“That’s not fair. You have to tell me who. At least say if it’s the same guy you hooked up with.”
Aelin sighed. “Just to get you to stop pestering me, yes it is the same guy.”
Ansel, of course, did not stop pestering her. About her date. With Rowan Whitethorn. Aelin was only just processing this. Holy shit.
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ghstandpucks · 4 years
Cutting Edge ~ Nathan MacKinnon Ch. 3
A/N: Hey everyone, thanks for all the love on the last chapter! I loved seeing that you enjoyed it! Also thank you to @pumpkinpatchmakar​ and @pizzasloot​ for your kind words after my update post <3 
I do know where the story is going, and I’m excited to write it all out! Just bare with me, between school and my heart being broken, it might take longer between chapters but I will get to them!
Tags are open, just let me know! Enjoy!
Prologue Ch.1 Ch.2 
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           Nate was halfway to his apartment when his phone rang; an incoming call from his captain. “What’s up?” he asked as he answered.
           “Where have you been? I’ve been trying to get ahold of you for the past hour,” Gabe asked. Nate now realized that he had seen all those calls and texts, but after getting your number he forgot about them. He cleared his throat.
           “Sorry Landy. I was at the rink with Y/N,” he stated, unsure of what the captain’s response would be. When Gabe remained quiet, Nate became a bit nervous. “You there?”
           “Y/N? As in Coach Y/L/N, Y/N?” he asked, and Nate could hear Gabe’s amusement over the phone.
           “Yes,” he answered shortly. Gabe laughed.
           “What happened? Practice ended 3 hours ago, what have you guys been doing…or do I even want to ask?” Gabe said suspiciously.
           “It was nothing like that. I heard someone still on the ice when I was about to leave and went to see who it was. It turned out to be Y/N and she was just skating around and asked me to skate with her,” Nate explained as he pulled into his apartment complex.
           “Oh, so she’s just Y/N now? Seems like you two got close,” Gabe chuckled. Nate groaned as he parked. Maybe telling Landy wasn’t the smartest thing. “Please tell me you at least asked for her number or something before you left.”
           “I did actually. I asked her as we were leaving,” Nate said, quieter than he needed to.
           “Wow, okay. She’s definitely got you interested, doesn’t she?” Gabe sounded amused on the other end. Nate mumbled out a yes, knowing he wasn’t going to be living this down anytime soon. He was happy with the little progress he made with you, but now he was sure Landy would look for any reason to bring you around, not that Nate wouldn’t enjoy seeing more of you anyways though. “Well, I guess that brings me to why I was calling in the first place. Mel and I are taking Linnea on a hike on Sunday and we’re inviting some of the guys to go since everyone is pretty much back in town. I was inviting you, and I think you should see if Y/N wants to come. I don’t think she really knows anyone here yet, and Mel wants to meet her. After I tell her about your afternoon she’s going to be dying to meet her,” Gabe chuckled. Nate perked up hearing that he had a legitimate excuse to text you right away, instead of trying to play it cool.
           “Yeah, I can ask her,” he said, a little too eagerly.
           “Great! And make sure you pick her up. She doesn’t need to drive when she doesn’t know where anything really is,” Gabe suggested, knowing his friend lacked skills in the romance department. Nate rolled his eyes, but he was grinning at the thought of seeing you away from the rink.
           “I know Landy. I’ll text her and see. I’ll let you know,” he said as he entered his apartment and plopped down onto his couch, saying goodbye as his captain became distracted by his daughter.
           On the other side of the city, you had fallen onto your own couch and immediately got on facetime. “Superstar! How are you doing sweetie?” Jeremy asked.
           “I think I just gave Nathan MacKinnon my number,” you said in one breath, throwing a pillow over your head. Jeremy laughed.
           “You think?” he asked. You threw the pillow off and looked at him.
           “I gave him my number. I stayed after to skate and he was still there and I have no idea where I got the courage but I asked him to skate with me and I taught him some skating, he taught me some hockey, and it was just really fun and then he asked me for my number…” you rambled off.
           “Hey, deep breath Y/N. That sounds like you both had a nice time. And is it really so bad to give an attractive hockey player your number?” Jeremy tried to be sympathetic because he could see the wheels spinning in your head. He had known you for too long to not know where this was going.
           “He’s on the Avs though Jer. I’m technically his coach. How is that ever going to work?” you asked.
           “I don’t know Y/N, I wish I could tell you. But it seems like you are starting to like this guy, and if he likes you too then I’m sure you can figure it out. Don’t overthink it. I’ve seen you do that a few times, always putting your career first. And although that worked then, you can’t keep running from everything outside of the rink,” Jeremy tried to reason with you.
           “I know,” you said, knowing he was right.
           “And know that whatever does or does not happen, I will be here as your biggest supporter,” he said. You smiled at him.
           “Thanks Jer. Sorry, I don’t know why I freaked out,”
           “Because you are starting to like him,” Jeremy smirked. Your phone chimed and you briefly caught the text from a number you didn’t know at the top. Tapping on it, you saw that it was from Nate. Before you could read anything else, Jeremy laughed. “And I’m guessing that is him?” You nodded.
           “I guess some of the team are going on a hike Sunday and he wants to know if I want to go,” you stated, your smile growing.
           “I want to hear all about this hike when you get home,” Jeremy said. “Hang up with me and text your Doug Dorsey back.”
           “This is not the premise of Cutting Edge,” you laughed at his mention of one of the main characters. Jeremy shrugged.
           “He’s a hockey player. You’re a figure skater. Close enough,” he said, before saying goodbye as he had to run to a team meeting. You hung up and opened up Nate’s text.  It read: Hey Y/N, it’s Nate. Some of the guys are going on a hike on Sunday and I was wondering if you would like to join us? Mel, Gabe’s wife, is going and he said she’s been wanting to meet you. If you have plans no worries. Just thought I would ask. You smiled, seeing as you had no plans for the weekend beside finishing unpacking and would rather spend some time getting to know the team better…and Nate.
Y/N: Hi! That sounds like fun. I would love to go as long I wasn’t intruding on a team thing. You answered. You were a little worried that your presence would be unwelcomed, being a coach. Your phone pinged with another message.
Nate: No you wouldn’t be. You were about to reply when a text bubble popped up, and the following appeared. I would like for you to be there. You were happy this wasn’t in person as your face became flushed.
Y/N: When and where? 😊 Nate texted you to be ready at 9am on Sunday, and told you where you would be going. He said he would pick you up, and you gave him your address. And as the day continued, you continued to talk with him. Saturday came, and neither of you had technically said goodbye as you fell asleep texting him the night before, so Nate didn’t feel like it was too much, too soon to continue your conversation the next morning. You were giddy when Sunday morning came and you were getting ready. You felt that you had gotten to know him a little more and were excited to spend some more time with him. Right on time at 9 in the morning, there was a knock on your door. You looked in the mirror, fixing your hair quickly before answering it. Nate stood there in basketball shorts and a t-shirt, holding two cups of Starbucks. “Good morning,” he smiled as he handed one to you.
           “Morning!” you replied as you took a sip, humming contently as you tasted the pumpkin spice latte. “Is this why you asked what I liked from Starbucks?” Nate shrugged as you turned away to grab your jacket off the back of your couch.
           “I’m just hoping you’ll forget about making me do those extra laps tomorrow,” he teased as he looked around your apartment. It was small, but not too small, with a few boxes still sitting in the corner. “Are you still not unpacked?” You let out a sigh.
           “I have too much crap. I need another bookshelf,” you shook your head and took another sip, exiting your apartment. “But flattery will get you everywhere in my book. I may overlook your extra laps.” Nate chuckled as you locked the door behind you and followed him to visitor parking. You blushed slightly as he held the passenger door to his car open for you. The both of you sat in comfortable silence for a moment as he started to drive, enjoying your coffee. “So, who’s all going today?” You finally asked.
           “Landy and Mel, Tyson, Burky, and Cale I believe. Landy invited pretty much everyone since we’re all back in town, but I think everyone else was busy,” Nate explained. You nodded.
           “Well I’m excited. Thanks for inviting me to tag along,” you smiled over at him.
           “Of course,” Nate smiled over at you quickly. You kept casual conversation as you made it to the outskirts of Denver and what looked like would be a pretty hike to an overlook. Nate parked and off to the side you saw Gabe with a beautiful woman and a toddler in one of those carrier packs standing under a tree. As you made your way over, Nate leaned down and whispered. “Don’t let Gabe start showing you pictures of Linnea; you’ll be sitting there for like 3 hours.” You giggled, catching the attention of Gabe. The woman who you assumed was his wife, turned also and smiled widely.
           “You must be Coach Y/L/N. I’m Mel, it’s nice to meet you!” She said, pulling you into a side hug as to not squish her daughter.
           “Y/N. It’s nice to meet you too!” You replied, barely missing the not so subtle wink Gabe sent Nate.
           “Hey Coach, glad you could join us” Gabe said, “This is our daughter Linnea,” he introduced the little blonde haired, blue eyed girl. You smiled at her tired little face.
           “She’s absolutely adorable!” You squealed looking at the little girl. You weren’t necessarily a kid person yet, still being in your early 20s, but this little one was just too cute! Just then the others showed.
           “Eww who invited our coach?” Tyson grinned at you. You made a face at him, about to respond before Gabe beat you to it.
           “I’d rather have her here than you,” he said as Tyson feigned hurt. The others laughed and after greetings were exchanged you all started to walk. As the guys walked ahead, you walked along with Mel and Linnea.
           “So how are you liking Denver?” she asked cheerily.
           “The weather is a nice change from SoCal, that’s for sure,” you let out a soft laugh. “I’ve really only been to like the rink and the grocery store, so I haven’t been able to explore much more than this. I was happy when Nate invited me to hike with you guys so I could see a bit more,” you smiled.
           “We should go get lunch then one day, and go shopping! If you would like to. I know hanging around the rink with the guys gets a little old,” she said sincerely, and you couldn’t help but feel excited at the possibility of making a new friend.
           “That sounds like fun! I’m not used to being around this much testosterone.”
           “Yeah they are terrible sometimes.” You both started to laugh, catching the attention of the guys in front of you. You locked eyes with Nate, and blushed slightly under the grin he was sending you. Tyson walked over to the two of you and slung his arm around your shoulders.
           “Coach, I have a question…” you looked at him apprehensively and he gave you a sly grin. “Who is your favorite so far?” Nate you automatically thought, but were nervous to say out loud.
           “Well it’s definitely not you,” you replied, shrugging off his arm to the chirps of everyone else.
           “I bet it’s Nate,” Andre spoke up with a grin, Nate shooting him a look. You tried to think of something quick to say, seeing as Nate was looking as uncomfortable as you were starting to feel.
           “No, he has extra laps to skate tomorrow,” you tried to joke, hoping to ease Nate. It worked, he grinned at you and chuckled.
           “You don’t even know if you can enforce that,” he teased back.
           “I will figure it out!” you yelled back dramatically. The rest of the walk went like that, with the guys chirping one another, and dragging you and Mel into it. At some point after talking a bit to Cale, you ended up next to Nate as your little group came to a stop at a look out point. The trees were turning color with the season and everything looked pristine and beautiful. When Mel suggested taking a group picture. You automatically started to back up and were about to offer to take the picture when Nate gently placed his hand on your back.
           “Your part of this group too. Don’t be trying to sneak off,” he smiled at you. You were about to reply that it was okay when Andre spoke up.
           “Yeah Coach. Grace our picture with your Olympic winning smile.” He said, sending you a wink. You laughed and shook your head.
           “Oh God. That one hurts my face,” you admitted. You were known for always smiling throughout your routines. Even if you fell, you kept your smile. By the end of a four in a half minute long program though, that smile usually felt forced and plastered, even if it didn’t look that way. Andre turned his camera around as a selfie and held it up since he was the tallest. You were toward the back with Nate, his hand still on your back and you stood on your toes to try to be taller, your short frame looking incredibly small next to the larger bodies around you. After the picture was taken and sent to everyone, you and Mel exchanged numbers as you all continued the hike back to your cars. It was just after 1pm and you all decided to get lunch. You enjoyed your time with everyone and were starting to feel like Denver could be home. After lunch, Nate drove you back to your apartment. You were slightly sad the day was coming to an end. He parked and insisted on walking you up to your apartment, even though you assured him it wasn’t a big deal. Opening your front door, he eyed your still packed boxes again.  
           “You know, I could help you put together a book shelf if you’d like,” Nate said, face flushing a bit. You thought it was adorable, someone as large as him flustered.
           “That’s kind of you, but I have to go buy one first,” you smiled at him. He shrugged.
           “I can go with you. You might need help carrying it,” he smirked and you let out a laugh.
           “Wow, I think you are just really trying to get out of doing those laps tomorrow,” you shook your head.
           “Are you really going to make me do those?” he asked, leaning against your door frame.
           “I’m not sure yet, I haven’t decided,” you shrugged, making him chuckle. You looked up at him and couldn’t help but smile, the thought that someone might actually care about you as a person, and not because of your accolades filling you with immense joy. He was offering to help you build a bookcase after all. “I might just take you up on that offer though.” Nate smiled and pushed himself off your door frame and extended his arms to you. You gave him a hug and have never felt quiet as safe so quickly as his large frame enveloped you.
           “I’ll see you tomorrow Coach,” he said as he pulled away from you and winked.
           “Have a good night Nate,” you smiled. As he walked away you shut your door. Walking further into your apartment, you plopped down on the couch and got your phone out of your bag. You saw you had a few new followers on Instagram, some from the team and a few of their significant others. Mel had tagged you in a picture, and you saw it was the one you had all taken, along with one of just her, Gabe and Linnea. You went and posted the picture as well, captioning it “I’m not sure what I like about Denver better. This team, or the view?”
           You busied yourself the rest of the day and checked your Insta around dinner again. There was a comment from Tyson. “This team is the view.” You couldn’t help but laugh and be thankful that you ended up in Denver.
tags: @bqstqnbruin​ @avsfans95​ @andreiaafaria​ 
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sunshinesukuna · 4 years
lemon detergent
pairing: tsukishima x reader
tw: fighting, injuries (bruises), light swearing
wc: 1.7k
genre: angst to fluff
ayyy catch me plagiarizig my own work. eh, miya atsumu can rot anyways. im sorry if this is bad, i haven’t given you guys writing for over a week and my people-pleasing ass rushed to give you guys some content ahhhhh. éñÿwâÿś, enjoy <333
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Three strikes and you’re out. For each of you, so technically that was six strikes, but the two of you never debated the technicalities of it. Not like you had time to, with a hectic schedule as third-year students and athletes. Him chucking volleyballs into the air, and you chucking yourself up in the air in the wondrous sport known as cheerleading.
He’s already waiting for you in your usual spot behind the gym. God forbid anyone see the two of you together unless it was a life-or-death situation. Hinata would grow at least a feet before that would ever happen. At least that was easy when you were dating someone like him. Being in different classes, different teams, houses on the opposite sides of town. You wondered when you would actually be close to him both emotionally, and physically.
Now that you’re closer, you can smell him for real. The tang of lemon detergent that his mom loves and clean sweat can only mean it’s Tsukishima. You stand in front of him wordlessly, eyes expectant for something. Well, something other than the forlorn look in his eyes that he’s giving you. 
“I don’t think I can come to your house after school tomorrow,” he says. There it is. You were totally expecting that this would come at some point during the year, but you didn’t expect it to come this soon. You’re still disappointed anyways. 
“It’s the third time you’ve bailed out on me this week alone, Kei,” you complain. He puts a finger to his lips at the sound of your quickly rising voice. “I barely see you at school outside of the gym!” 
“And I told you, I’m practicing. It’s not like I’m cheating or anything.” Certainly feels like you are, you want to say. But it’s best if you keep those words in the back of your head.
“For what? Nationals aren’t for two more months!” He breaks eye contact with you, opting to stare at the tree at the edge of the road. 
"Practice makes perfect.” 
“But you shouldn’t overwork yourself this much! Even I take breaks from cheerleading every now and then to come to support you at your games!” 
“(Y/N), I think you’re misjudging how important the Interhigh is to Karasuno. If we lose—”
“I know how important the match is, Kei. But there’s a difference between giving it your all and giving it too much.” You pause, taking a long breath. “Even cheerleaders don’t break our backs trying to reach new heights.”
Tsukishima sighs before putting his hands back into his pocket. He furrows his eyebrows.
“What would you know about it? Cheerleading isn’t a real sport anyway.”
Words cut deep like knives. Tsukishima’s don’t. They hit you like a bag of bricks all at once. 
The pang in your chest isn’t just from his words, it’s from his indifference. His eyes giving you that blank stare as he brushes off everything important to you. His hands staying still in his pockets as he talks to you, like you’re not even worthy of his attention. 
And thus the standoff begins. 
First is the lunch line. You think waiting for food while hungry is hard? Try waiting for food when you’re hungry and have Tsukishima Kei looming over behind you. You’re about to plant your feet down in the floor when you’re finished, waiting for him to finish up, but you remember that you have no one to wait for.
So you briskly pick up your tray and move to a table where you spot some of your friends from cheer sitting. His eyes twitch at your figure walking so easily away from him. But it’s not like you would notice.  
Second is the hallway. Your heart clenches a bit when you spot Yamaguchi around the corner, because you know who’s going to be next to him. You can already smell the lemon detergent from here. 
His eyes burn through his glasses when you walk by. The usual glance and smile is thrown out in exchange for… nothing. Your eyes look straight forward at the end of the hall, where your classroom is. Frustration rolls off of him in waves so intense you can practically smell them, like a disruption in his lemon detergent-scented aura.
No matter, that means it’s working, right? He’ll fess up sooner enough.
But what was it again? Three strikes and you’re out.  The third strike comes later at practice.
You really should have thought this out even further. The damaged piping in the gym the cheerleading team usually used meant that they had to share with someone. And who else to share a gym with than the Karasuno Men’s Volleyball Team?
So here you are, stuck at one side of the gym while you can feel Tsukishima’s eyes on you from the other side. The routine starts off well. The first stunts all hit, with none of the same wobblings that was there in the first few weeks of learning it. 
And there it was. The throw was already crooked from the beginning. If you couldn’t reach the other flyer’s hand, then you were done for. In a last attempt to save the pyramid, you flung out your legs, trying to land on your feet.
Bad move. 
Your knee landed on something— but it wasn’t your teammates’ hands that were ready to catch you. A spike of pain shot up your foot. Suddenly the world was a blur as skin-coloured blobs that could only be your teammates rushed to help you. The lights above were reduced to sparkles that were just too bright. 
The buzzing in your ears was enough to block out the sounds coming in, but you could hear snippets of conversation here and there. 
“Was that (Y/N)?” 
“She landed on her knee!” 
“It looks bruised….”
On your knee, eh. So that was why the fire was all concentrated on your patella. The sweat on your hands wouldn’t let you regain your balance. You slump down with your back to the floor, hands over your face to block out what little pain you could, but the faucet of liquid fire trickled down your knee to no end. 
“May I help?” someone asked in a low baritone voice. You assumed that your coach said yes because you felt yourself being lifted in the air off the mat. The nape of your neck was wet, either from your sweat or this person’s. 
This person was strong too. They walked briskly and easily across the halls of Karasuno, even with a body in their hands. But their heart rate was abnormally fast. They probably had been exercising. 
You dare to open your eyes. All you see are pools of purple and white, obscured by the residual tears in your eyes. It could be anyone. But as your senses focused, hints olive and green came into the image. Your sense of smell was also starting to refocus as well. Lemon detergent, deodorant, and rubber.
Lemon detergent…
You opened your eyes as widely as you could. It was Tsukishima. Face unmoving and eyes showing no sign of emotion, but anyone could feel a sense of emergency with his rushed steps and the way he clicked his tongue anytime anyone stood in his way. 
The scent of sharp disinfectants replaced the lemon detergent as you were put down on a soft bed. You winced at the new position you were put in, your weight crashing down on your lower body yet again.
“It hurts...” you squeak out, every word another rope squeezing your chest flush out of air. 
“It does. It hurts like a bitch, doesn’t it?”
That’s enough to set your heart at ease, if only a little. No sappy words to shoo away the pain by pretending it isn’t real, just a concise confirmation that what you’re feeling is real. And somehow, that’s just enough.
Tsukishima works quickly and quietly, adjusting the ice packs where needed. Whenever you wince or gasp in pain, he’s quick to rub a long, lanky finger over the purple parts of the bruise that doesn’t have ice covering it. It still hurts like a bitch, but at least the pain is only physical.
The emotional ones are just beginning to heal. 
The 10 by 10 room is sealed — door locked, windows bolted — but it still feels like the two of you are in front of a gargantuan stage, packed to the brim with people watching you. Or is it just because the only audience you have are one another?
“I’m sorry for saying cheerleading wasn’t a sport,” he mutters. Your hearing has started to sharpen again by now. 
“I’m sorry for brushing off your advice, and belittling something you love,” he says again, Tsukishima’s tone much clearer now. His words ring like a gong in your head.
The throbbing in your knee seems to lessen with every word he says. The longer he talks, the more the fire in your feet seem to subside. Were those his words going to your head, or the gentle massages he was giving your knees as he talked?
“You don’t have to accept my apology. I can wait until you do. But… I know I did something wrong. And I intend to fix it.” 
“I’ll accept your apology,” you say. On several conditions.” 
His head perks up, eager to hear what you’ll have him do in order to restore things back to the way they were. Scratch that, in order to make things better. Like hell he’ll ignore you again if it leads to something like this.
“What are they?” Tsukishima.
“I know you’re practicing really hard and all that, but can you spend some more time with me?” you ask. “You don’t have to spend that much time, just… enough so it actually feels like we’re dating?”
“Weren’t we already?” 
“You know what I mean.”
Tsukishima takes a long breath. He stays silent for a long time, the only noise in the room the sound of ice against ice as he moves to take another icepack for your knee. 
“Alright. Anything else?”
The idea you have is silly. But it couldn’t hurt to give it a try. What’s the worse that could happen?
“Buy me some of the detergent you use.” 
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pamgkrthwrites · 4 years
Flame of Healing | EraserMic x Reader | Chapter Two - Too Close
Masterlist | AO3
Warning: Soulmate AU, little bit of Oboro x Reader, fem reader, ANGST. 
Word Count: 2012
A/N: Reader is on the fence on if will date her soulmates. This be a major point in the story so, hold onto your hats. I’ve tried writing reader in a way so you can’t tell their race. Idk if these chapters will be daily, just been needing to write some comfort shit. WE WILL GET THERE I PROMISE. Kinda slow burn? maybe lol.
“Hey Y/N!” You heard a voice behind you.
You turned and saw your blue hair friend running towards you with a bright smile on his face.
“Oboro, how you doing buddy?” You smiled as he slowed down to stop next to you.
It had been months science the sports festival, and the next UA school festival was in a weeks time. You may have not changed your stance on not loving them, but you did change your stance on meeting them. You were going to choose your love, not a name on your wrist.
“Have you picked out what you are going to wear?” He asked as he caught his breath. 
“Yes Oboro, I have.” You smiled. 
Your friend was trying his hardest on his end to become friends with your soulmates. So far he only befriended Hizashi, or was at least on speaking terms. Apparently Hizashi was friendly to everyone, which made you giggle as you hugged your pillow at night.
“It’s in your favourite colour yes?” He asked, straightening up and looking at you deeply.
“Yes, it is.” You laughed. “And it doesn’t really matter. It feels rude to come in all fancy to meet your soulmate only to reject said soulmate. I’m just meeting them.”
“Which is very important!” He smiled all goofy.
You smiled, and you two walked home together.
Oboro rubbed the back of his neck. “Once Aizawa finds out about you being his soulmate he’ll probably get real nasty if he sees me walking you home.”
Apparently Shouta got angry at Oboro for addressing him with his first name. He only did so because of you but Shouta was seeing it as rude.
“Is he that way with Hizashi?” You asked. You loved asking about the two. It filled up your heart with a soft warmness.
“Yeah, some girl in the support class confessed her feelings to Hizashi.” Oboro stated. You felt your heart freeze. It wasn’t unheard of for people to fall for someone who wasn’t their soulmate, it just ends badly when the soulmate turned up or if the other had one. “Hizashi was cool about it and said he already found his soulmate. Though, he did check if she was you.”
That warmed your heart but also fill you with dread. He thought about you sure, but he was looking for you. 
“Aizawa cracked the shits once he found out. He went off to go find her but Hizashi stopped him. Apparently she tried to play off she was you but she didn’t have the same name.”
“It’s kinda funny people are claiming to be their soulmate yet your the only person who knows.” You laughed.
His laughed followed. His laugh always filled your heart with warmness. Not the same as your soulmates did, but in a different way. 
“I do worry though,” Oboro said. “I think they have started their relationship and I don’t want your fear of being the third wheel to become true.”
It wasn’t something you could ignore anymore. The fear that your soulmates were happy together and may fear what you’ll do to that. 
“That’s why I’m going simply-casual. Once they figure out who I am, they will just see someone they can see casually or romantically if need be.”
“So you are willing to date them.” He smirked at you.
“In the future. Right now it is I don’t see myself dating them. I do love them in a way but I can’t see myself dating them anytime soon.”
Oboro always had a sad soft expression when he heard you say that. Oboro took your hands and looked you in eyes. You felt your heart pounding as you looked up at him.
“Y/N, you have so much love to give.” He smiled sweetly. “Even if you choose not to love them, you are going to show so much love to someone else, and they will fully love you.”
Your heart raced and your cheeks burned. You were suddenly aware of how close you two were and you stared at his lips. You realised how close you were and you wanted to be closer. You didn’t understand this feeling, it was similar but not the same to when you saw or heard about your soulmates.
“Oboro!” A funky sounding voice said behind you two.
You both broke eye contact to see who was speaking, and your heart dropped.
“Hizashi?” Oboro said in a confused voice as he let go of your hands. 
“Hey there buddy.” Hizashi smiled and stopped in front of you two. “Is that your girlfriend?”
Your cheeks burned and Oboro had a noticeable redness to his ears and cheeks.
“NO! No, she is my friend!” Oboro smiled as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and brought you in.
You couldn’t stop staring at Hizashi. Dear god your soulmate almost watched you kiss someone else-
Oh god, you almost kissed Oboro.
You two became quiet, almost as though you both understood what almost happened. 
“Well, she is a cutie!” Hizashi said. However, his voice sounded strained, as though he was holding back anger. “What’s your name?”
You looked into Hizashi’s glasses, and briefly saw the anger in his eyes. Did he know you were his soulmate? Did he understand what he walked in on? Did he hate you?
You couldn’t make a sound, all you could do was lower your head and shuffle to hide behind Oboro. 
Oboro looked at you briefly before looking at Hizashi and smiled. “Sorry, she is rather shy. I’m taking her to the School Festival next week though. Maybe you two can chat then?”
Hizashi simply smiled, but with anger behind it. “That’s cool. Does her soulmate know your with her?”
Panic burst into your body. 
Did he know? 
Did his heart beat fast when looking at you like you did?
Would he stay angry at you?
What if he never loved you because of this.
You heard Oboro take a breath in to answer to you cut him off.
“I don’t actually have a soulmate.” You stated.
Oboro snapped his head around to you and Hizashi’s smiled turned into a frown.
“Really?” Hizashi asked. His voice sounded like a mix of shock and sadness. 
You pulled out your wrists which had their names covered with makeup. Of course, he wouldn’t know that Oboro did though.
“...I see…” Hizashi’s voice sounded defected. “Sorry ‘bout that Listener, I must’ve been jelly over your closeness with my pal here!”
Oboro looked at you then back at Hizashi. “It’s alright Huzashi, see you tomorrow?”
“...Yeah, sure I will!” Hizashi forced a smiled and walked off. 
Once he was out of ear and eyeshot, Oboro turned to you and whispered. 
“...Y/N, why did you lie to him like that?” He asked.
“He was scary!” You looked at him. “What else was I suppose to do? Say ‘Yes hello I am your soulmate and almost kissed your’-”
Oboro covered your mouth with his hand. His cheeks were burning red. 
“Y/N, we are never talking about that again.” He glared.
You grabbed his hand and pulled it away from your face. “If you are going to say I’m confused, don’t. Who said I had to love my soulmates anyway? There isn’t a law against it!”
Oboro took his hand away from you. You both glared at each other.
“Y/N, I’m sorry but I can’t be your rebound off of your soulmates.”
It felt like you were stung by a bee. 
Did you love Oboro? You didn’t know. You were close to him sure, but were you that close?
“I’ll see you later, Y/N.” You said before he turned away and walked on without you.
You wanted to cry.
Shouta was doing his homework when Hizashi started spamming him, trying to call him.
He sighed and picked up. “‘Zashi this better be importan-”
He heard sniffle on the other end. “I thought I saw her, Shou!”
Shouta’s heart dropped. Ever since Hizashi and Shouta met each other first day, they had wondered if you ould pop up soon. They checked the names of the students in the other classes and years and couldn’t find it. 
Shouta had been bullied for years for having two names, but once he met Hizashi, his life became a little less dark. His parents were happy that he found one of his soulmates, but his world didn’t feel whole without you.
He never had anyone been really interested in any of his soulmates names until that one time in the changing rooms where Shirakumo saw it. 
“Whoa, you have two names?” He smiled as he looked at his wrists.
Oboro Shirakumo was soulless, which meant he didn’t have a soulmate. Maybe he wouldn’t judge like everyone else did. 
He smiled brightly when he saw Hizashi’s name, but when it came to your name, he stopped. 
“Y/N L/N?” 
He never heard anyone but himself and Hizashi pronounce your last name correctly. He went to extreme measures to saw it correctly so he wouldn’t offend you, and he was proud of that. Shirakumo knowing how to say it and how he reacted, only said one thing to him. 
He knew you, personally.
Shouta wished he could be happy about that, that he could use Oboro to meet you, but all he felt was anger for the cloud boy.
He started to hate him and avoided him all he could. He, of course, told Hizashi, who took it as becoming friends with Oboro to use him to meet you. 
Hizashi spoke, breaking Shouta’s thoughts. “There was this cutie girl who was holding Oboro’s hands, pretty sure they almost kissed. But looking at her, made me heart thump so hard man!  But when I saw the bigger picture, my body grew angry!”
Shouta grew angry just hearing about it. Was that why Oboro reacted the way he did when he saw your name on his left wrist? Because he was dating you?
Hizashi continued. “So I walked my butt up to them. They both reacted like I walked in on a soulmate cheating yo! I tried asking for her name but she refused to give it up!”
Shouta only grew angry. He wanted to snap Oboro’s head. If that girl was their soulmate, he was holding her back from her true love for some fake shit!
“So I asked if her soulmate knew she was there, ya’know, t-to see if she was yours, ya’know?” Hizashi started stuttering as he started to cry. 
Shouta sat there, hearing his soulmate cry over the phone. He couldn’t do anything, he felt his heart was going to break from anger.
“She said she doesn’t have a soulmate.”
Lying bitch.
You were going to make this hard, weren’t you?
What did that cloud fucker do to you?
What could some soulless fucker have that was better than meeting your soulmates?!
“She brought out her wrists willingly to prove she doesn’t have one.”
Shouta’s heart dropped.
So… That wasn’t you…
He felt his eyes water and he hunched over his desk.
God that wasn’t you.
He was about to murder Oboro because of a misunderstanding. 
He was weak. 
So fucking weak.
Shouta looked at his right wrists to look at your name.
“We’ll find her one day, ‘Zashi.” Shouta said, as strongly as he could.
Oboro and you walked to the UA school festival early in the morning. You too hadn’t really talked since the almost kissed thing.
“So, you’re not going to confess to lying to them?” He asked.
“To Hizashi, yes. Just call me M/N when we are there.”
“Why M/N?” He asked, raising an eye brow.
“It’s my middle name. If they hear that and my last name, they may think I’m my cousin or something. It will keep them at a distance.”
“...If you say so.” He said as he put his hands into his jacket pockets.
You wore a hoodie in your favourite colour and jeans. Casual. 
Nothing that would provoke romantic feelings from your soulmates.
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