#and twisting it so that it becomes a problem that they too can relate too. a problem that they also face
rudolphsboyfriend · 11 months
I keep seeing white book reviewers complain about how Babel is so very in your face and obvious about its rage at colonialism as if they would not twist the meaning of the book to fit into their convenient little worldview and find a way to say 'ok.. BUT' if it were NOT so clearly and explicitly laid out I'm sorry but it's true.
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the-defendery-189 · 8 months
Sag moons are often so carefree they might not take responsibility for their actions, be the perfect example of this Vivziepop.
I dunno how is astrology related to this, but I'll offer my neck it's the Scorpio sun - alll Scorpio suns I know do this - when somebody calls them out on something, they're never the problem and always try to save their face by calling the accusations bullshit, even when it's blatantly obvious they're wrong.
Also, a lot of Scorpio suns hate people just constantly criticising everything and despise the cinema sins and criticism of movies/books/ect culture.
Your 4th house sign is the relationship you have with your mother and 9th house the same with your father. Take it like your sun(dad) and moon (mom) sign, just better --- like seriously, mine are in the signs that my parents actually have.
Gemini are like the freakiest signs, but can piss a lot of Scorpios off. They can like do a lot of sex impulsively an be just too flirty and cutesy - which they themselves can find cute, but, sadly, the Scorpios - probably the only sign to do so - I'm also thinking capricorn but I never saw it irl - don't. They can also piss them off with their fake bullshit a lot. Scorpios are all about truth and raw and real things and Geminis talky falsely gossipy, twisting all the true things nature, goes directly into it and seeps into their veins like a venom.
Also, even if the scorps are extroverted, with people like Gemini and sags they suddenly are so closed off and introverted in comparison to them. And not even that they become like so closed off and detached BCS they're uncomfortable with them, no, just they can be the most comfortable and still be just more quiet in their presence.
Also, Geminis have the same with Leos and Pisces imo.
Also geminis are definitely more freaky in bed than scorps, even they are sometimes scared of them.
Leo suns can hate pisces suns a lot, they can view them as fake, sly and just straight up disgustingly manipulative and egocentric.
Sag suns are literally so imaginative, like the most creative sign I know imo, actually more than pisces who get praised for this a lot.
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flowersforchoso · 11 months
Bi-han as a father.
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it takes a while for him to adjust to the concept of fatherhood as a result of the strained relationship he had with his father.
but once he gets the hang of it, he'll be the perfect mix of stern and loving. capable of striking fear in his children's hearts if you threaten to report them, "i'll tell your father" works like a charm to make them act right, but he's welcoming and will never turn his children away or refuse to engage them.
realistically, he would've like 2-3 kids max.
he's a disciplinarian through and through. won't tolerate misbehavior or disrespect, especially if its towards you. he doesn't take kindly to that.
sometimes you feel he's being excessive with it and intervene
"mommy!" your child cries, running to you for protection from their father—a refuge—to which you'd complain that he's being needlessly harsh
"you coddle them too much, that's the problem." he scolds. "no child of mine will be errant"
of course, you get upset at his hard-headedness that barely makes him see from your perspective
and he can tell, because you're no longer receptive to his advances in protest against his behaviour
so he tones down the discipline and tries to be lenient with them. keyword: tries.
nevertheless, he's nurturing and very hands-on. attentive as well. if something is wrong, he notices right away.
will cook for his children because he believes he's the better cook, but they think otherwise, since he just puts lots of vegetables in the food. he wants them to grow healthy and strong
he teaches his children from a tender age to be self-sufficient and trains them to be able to protect themselves and you, if the situation calls for it.
dad time is essential. will take them to exciting places and partake in outdoor activities like gardening, hiking, fishing or simply errands to the marketplace etc. he loves to spend time with them and would crack dad jokes here and there to entertain them. they'll pretend to find it funny.
he's overprotective and strives to be a good role model to his kids.
now if he's a girl dad, there's a slight twist.
his parenting style is much more relaxed due to his mother being the only female presence he had growing up so its a mix of cluelessness and traditional ideals shining through and will mostly take cues from you
training is not mandatory but if they're interested, he would be happy. its not as rigorous and they have the choice to opt out anytime.
he dotes excessively on them that'll make you wonder if this was the same person you married. but it's mainly because he sees them as mini versions of you
at this point, its no surprise he's the preferred parent because of how affectionate he is towards them. and big, strong dad gives the best piggyback rides.
infact, you would have to complain that he's spoiling them too much to which he'd respond
"what's it to you? don't question my parenting" and you leave it at that.
treats them delicately. his paternal instincts go into overdrive everytime and he gets easily worried when it comes to them
when they reach a certain age, he doesn't shy away from topics relating to womanhood. but that doesn't mean he initiates the conversation. he takes on the passive role of listener and further educates himself by asking you questions in private which you tease him for being eager to learn
doesn't joke with his daughters. he's a nightmare of a father nobody would want to deal with because he would raise hell if anyone dares hurt them in any capacity
he's changed so much since having them; has become softened, and is grateful to you for this wonderful gift.
but if he only has sons, its a different story entirely
he's twice as stern and this is because he grew up with brothers so he knows how unruly boys can be
training is mandatory for them, they do not get the luxury to choose. he wants them to be able to protect themselves and you, so he doesn't ever present the opportunity for slacking
in short, he rules with an iron fist. you'd have to remind him that they're his children, not his underlings
struggles with voicing his affection. you'd have to reassure your sons that their father, infact, loves them
and it's only natural they gravitate towards you.
but that doesn't mean he doesn't care for them. because he does. its all about tough love and instilling strong values in them, leaving no room for weakness.
and they constantly want to impress their father. on rare occasions when they do, or bi han is feeling particularly soft, he looks at them with adoration and ruffles their hair or simply utters a "well done" that means the world to them
they look up to their father and are always around him seeking validation
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perfectsunlight · 2 months
[12] IVORY
warnings: teen pregnancy, absent father, disconnected mother, difficult pregnancy, health related issues, mentions of adoption, mentions of complications at birth
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“you’re pregnant?”
jieun’s voice wavered between shock and incredulity as she paced back and forth across the room. her hands ran through her hair, a gesture of disbelief and frustration. jennie sat on the couch, her fists clenched tightly on the edge of the cushion, her head bowed in shame.
“yes, mom,” jennie whispered, her voice barely audible. she could feel the weight of her mother’s disappointment and confusion bearing down on her. the reality of her situation was sinking in, and she couldn’t escape the overwhelming sense of fear and uncertainty.
her mother stopped pacing and turned to face her daughter, her eyes wide with a mixture of emotions. “how could this happen?” she hissed, tears welling in her eyes. “you’re only 17, jennie. what about your training?”
jennie’s eyes filled with tears as she struggled to find the right words. the pressure of the moment, combined with the reality of her situation, was almost too much to bear.
“i know, mom,” jennie said quietly, her voice trembling. “i wasn’t planning for this. it just… happened. and now i’m trying to figure out how to handle it.”
jieun’s face twisted with a mix of frustration and sadness. she had always supported her daughter in everything, and now it felt as if this pregnancy would stop everything her daughter had worked hard for. her life would be forever changed now, especially given her position as a trainee.
“it’s that boy, isn’t it?” her mother whispered, earning a slow nod from jennie. jieun’s expression darkened further. “does he know?” she added, which only deepened the pit in her daughter’s stomach. 
“yes, mom.”
the older woman crossed her arms over her chest slowly as she stared at the ceiling in disbelief. she truly couldn't believe this was happening. “and what did he say?” jieun quickly asked, trying to collect her thoughts in a logical manner.
“he doesn’t want anything to do with me or the baby.”
jieun’s expression shifted from frustration to devastation. she quickly sat in the armchair opposite jennie, her eyes filling with tears. “how could you not tell me sooner?” she asked, her voice cracking. “and why won’t he take responsibility?”
the younger kim’s shoulders slumped. “he said it’s not his problem. i didn’t want to burden you with this, but i couldn’t hide it any longer.” the room fell silent, the weight of the situation hanging heavy between them. jieun’s mind raced, trying to reconcile her daughter’s situation with her own expectations for jennie’s future. 
she had envisioned her daughter becoming a successful star, not facing this kind of personal upheaval.
“i just don’t understand,” jieun said softly, wiping away her own tears. “you’ve worked so hard, and now this? how could you two be so reckless?”
cat-like eyes were filled with pain. jennie knew it was her fault as well as his, but there was nothing she could do now to change that past. “i know, mom. i’m scared. but i don’t know what to do.”
jieun rubbed her temples gently, trying to remove the stress somehow. “does the company know?” she whispered slowly, trying to figure out the full situation. jennie shook her head, her eyes welling up with tears. “only teddy knows. he’s been helping me as much as he can.”
jieun’s face fell further, her concern deepening. “but how are you managing? how are you going to handle this without the support of the company? and how can teddy keep this secret?”
“i don’t know,” jennie huffed, leaning her head back into the cushions. “it’s already been hard. i’m exhausted all the time, and the stress is a lot. teddy’s been trying to help as much as he can, but he’s also busy. but he won’t let anyone else find out.”
the older kim sighed deeply, her frustration mingling with sympathy. as a mother, she wanted to take her daughter’s problems away. however, she knew that the young girl needed to take responsibility. 
“jennie, you need to think about yourself and the baby. you can’t keep going like this. maybe being an idol isn’t your path—”
jennie slammed her fist against the coffee table, interrupting her mother as tears quickly ran down her face. “no. i’m not giving up. i can make it work. and maybe i’ll just put the kid up for adoption once it’s born.” she was determined to live out her dream, no matter what that meant.
her mother flinched at her outburst, her eyes widening with shock. the intensity of her daughter’s emotions was palpable, and she felt a pang of sadness for the turmoil jennie was going through. 
but the thought of jennie considering adoption was a heavy blow, both to jieun and to jennie herself.
jieun took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. “i understand that you’re overwhelmed. but this isn’t a decision you can make just because you’re exhausted and scared. it’s a big step, and you need to think about it with a clear mind.”
the younger girl looked away, her gaze distant and filled with a mix of sorrow and resignation. she knew she wasn’t thinking straight at the moment, but she had already been thinking about the adoption route since she found out she was with child.
“i don’t have time to think about it, mom. i can barely keep up with my training, let alone prepare for a baby.”
jieun’s heart ached at the sight of her daughter’s despair. she reached out, placing a comforting hand on her arm. “you don’t have to go through this alone. we’ll find a way to make it work, but you need to take care of yourself and the baby. if adoption is the path you choose, it should be a well-thought-out decision, not one made out of desperation.”
jennie made it very clear she wanted no prenatal help during her pregnancy. teddy had only taken her once, and that was to find out how far along she actually was. she had used a fake name for the appointment, having teddy act as her “father” during the visits to keep her true identity a secret.
the first and only prenatal visit was an emotional ordeal. 
they had told her she was around 5 months along, which sent the young girl into a mental breakdown. the doctor called it a cryptic pregnancy, a term used when a pregnancy is not immediately or easily detected. jennie had always been small, and the subtlety of her baby bump had allowed her to keep the pregnancy hidden for much longer than expected.
but she thought she’d have more time to think about what to do with the baby. she thought she’d be able to go along with her pregnancy and take her sweet time in reaching a decision. now, it just felt like her world was quickly closing in on her.
as jennie struggled with the weight of her decision, her pregnancy also took a toll on her health. being a trainee meant relentless hours of practice and performances, leaving her little time for rest or proper nutrition. the physical strain of her schedule was compounded by the emotional stress she was under.
her body, already exhausted and fragile, quickly began to show signs of the strain. jennie’s once vibrant energy diminished, replaced by a constant fatigue that seeped into every aspect of her life. she struggled with nausea and dizziness, her appetite fluctuating between ravenous hunger and aversion to food. the demanding schedule of training and monthly performances left her with little time for adequate rest, and her attempts to keep up with the grueling pace were increasingly difficult.
some noticed the change in her, but she brushed off their concerns with vague explanations or evasive responses. she couldn’t afford to draw attention to her situation, not when every day felt like a balancing act between hiding her condition and meeting the expectations of her future career.
lisa, rosie, and jisoo all just assumed jennie was working harder than before due to the massive cuts from their latest performance evaluations and the constant pressure of maintaining high standards. the trio offered their support and encouragement, believing that jennie’s increased workload was the cause of her exhaustion. they would occasionally suggest taking a break or getting some rest, but jennie always waved off their concerns with a tired smile and a quick excuse about being focused on their upcoming schedules.
despite their best intentions, jennie was unable to fully confide in her bandmates. 
she feared that revealing her pregnancy would not only jeopardize her position in the company but also expose her to public scrutiny that she wasn’t ready to handle. the secrecy was both a shield and a burden, protecting her from unwanted attention but also isolating her from those who cared about her.
her days were a blur of rehearsals, performances, and if she was lucky, quick meals. her nights were often filled with sleepless hours, worrying about her health and the future. every morning she would look in the mirror, noting how her reflection showed the toll of her situation.
truth be told, she wanted nothing to do with the baby at this point. she was sick and tired of being sick and tired. on top of that, why would she have to be a mother when her baby’s father wasn’t going to be a parent either?
it was a cruel way of thinking, but she wanted to be an idol more than anything else. she could be a mother some other time, when she was ready and when she was already done being an idol. this was why she quickly decided on putting her daughter up for adoption once she was born.
the idea of giving up the baby was a difficult decision, but it felt like the only viable option amidst the chaos of her life. the reality of being a single mother at such a young age, combined with the demands of her career, made the prospect of raising the child seem almost impossible.
her plan was to keep her pregnancy secret for as long as she could and then find a suitable adoption agency that could offer the baby a good home. jennie had already begun making inquiries, trying to figure out how to navigate the process without drawing attention to herself.
however, that all went out the window when she went into labor 7 weeks early.
it started with sharp, persistent contractions that jennie tried to ignore at first, attributing them to the stress of her demanding schedule. but the pain grew too intense, and she found herself unable to continue with her routine. 
panic set in as she realized something was seriously wrong.
jennie’s attempts to keep her condition hidden proved futile. she was rushed to a private room in the hospital, her mother accompanying her discreetly. her heart raced with anxiety, knowing that she couldn’t afford any major complications, both for her career and the baby’s wellbeing. 
the doctors worked quickly, assessing her condition and preparing for an early delivery.
in the sterile environment of the hospital, jennie felt an overwhelming, crushing sense of fear. the doctors and nurses bustled around her, their serious faces adding to her anxiety. she was given a brief explanation of what to expect, but her mind was consumed with worry.
she knew given the current state of her health, there probably wasn’t going to be a good outcome.
her daughter was born at 4:44 am on february 14th, 2014. she was incredibly small, barely weighing over a pound. the sight of her fragile, tiny form, connected to various monitors and tubes, made jennie’s heart ache with an overwhelming mix of emotions. the baby’s cries, though weak, were a stark reminder of the new life she had brought into the world. 
the doctors worked tirelessly to stabilize the newborn, placing her in the nicu where she would need to stay for several weeks.
for the first two weeks, jennie didn’t even have a name for her daughter. in her mind, she couldn’t name her, because then she’d become attached, and she still was considering giving the baby up.
jennie could only watch through the glass, her heart breaking at the sight of her daughter’s tiny frame fighting for survival. she had visited the hospital every day once she was released after a few days, having teddy cover for her previous absence with the excuse that she had to travel to new zealand for a funeral. however, jennie’s initial plan to put the baby up for adoption was pushed to the back of her mind as she spent hours by the newborn’s side. 
the nicu became a place where she found herself re-evaluating everything. the initial detachment she had tried to maintain dissolved as she held her daughter’s tiny hand and watched her fight through each day.
finally, after days of emotional rollercoasters, jennie decided to name her.
she finally felt as if this small being was actually part of her, regardless of the obvious biological facts. it was why she decided to give her daughter part of her name. the meaning of the name jane meant “god is gracious,” and there would be no other way to describe her daughter.
jennie knew she had survived one hell of a pregnancy, but she also realized that jane had survived it, too. her daughter was a miracle, a testament to strength and resilience that mirrored her own journey.
jane had stayed in the hospital for about 4 and a half weeks. jieun had agreed to take care of her granddaughter so jennie could focus on her job as a trainee, while also allowing jennie the opportunity to still be a mother.
an hour before the baby’s discharge from the hospital, the new mother found herself cradling the newborn with a mixture of anticipation and bittersweet emotions swirling within her. jennie watched as her daughter lay peacefully in her arms, her tiny hands and feet moving every so often.
today was a milestone—the day jane would finally go home. 
as jennie leaned closer to the child, she observed jane’s calm demeanor, her wide, cat-like eyes focusing intently on two things: the soft, gentle images of elephants playing on the television mounted on the wall, and jennie herself. there was something profoundly touching about the way jane’s gaze would shift between the screen and her mother, as if finding solace in both.
jennie couldn’t help but smile at the sight. the elephants, with their ivory-like grace, seemed to captivate her daughter in a way that was both soothing and endearing. 
it was as if the baby recognized something special in them—a serenity that mirrored her own journey. 
and the way jane looked at jennie, with a trust and affection that spoke of their deep bond, was more than jennie could have hoped for.
“ready to go?” jieun asked as she zipped up the baby bag and stood up straight. jennie turned her body to face her mother, but because the action moved jane’s gaze away from the elephants, it caused the newborn to begin to whine softly. 
jennie’s heart clenched at the soft sound. the way jane’s tiny face scrunched up in distress was a poignant reminder of how deeply connected they were. she gently repositioned jane so the baby could once again see the calming elephants on tv, soothing her with the familiar imagery. the baby’s whine quickly subsided, replaced by a calm focus on the screen.
jieun watched with a knowing smile, recognizing the new maternal behavior from jennie. she was glad her granddaughter wasn’t going anywhere. “everything okay?” she asked, sensing jennie’s hesitation.
jennie nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of determination and tenderness. she took a deep breath and turned to her mother, who had been quietly observing from a nearby seat. “mom?” jennie began, her voice steady but urgent, “could you please ask the nurse to come here? i need to make an important change to jane’s birth certificate.”
jieun looked puzzled but supportive. “you’re changing her name?” she glanced over at the newborn who was still focusing entirely on the elephants that showed on screen. “i’m just adding to it. i’m giving her a middle name.” jennie answered, her own gaze shifting back to her daughter.
it wasn’t usual for koreans to have middle names, but jennie felt that this addition was important. 
“oh?” the older woman smiled softly as she pressed the button on the side wall to call for the nurses. she turned to face jennie once again, a smile on her lips. “what are you going to add?”
the new mother paused for a moment, thinking carefully about her decision. however, it didn’t need too much thought. it felt right, it felt complete. and most importantly, it felt truly unique. 
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Reading that female beastmen are mostly stronger then males, this got me thinking that Ruggie sister when in desperate measures she go hunting with some of the hunting group to get food
I liked to think Ruggie mention when asked a question that how his sister went out and came back home with two water buffalo for the family to eat as she can't always used her unique magic during the dry season
And the camping event she did the same habit and brings in a giant elk to share and eat
Leona, Jack, Rook, Sebek,Vil, Azul
Seeing Ruggie sister brings in their hunt and apologize for letting their instincts get the better of them as she just wanted to provide the best she can
Fun fact: Hyenas have the strongest bite force that they can able to break bones, and they are very social animals and they are more related to cats then dog
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Ruggie’s Sister Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
It's the modern era hunting animals with your hyena features isn’t exactly as accepted nowadays. Not to mention Ruggie’s comfortabiltiy; if you're the original little sister you’re not supposed to be too intimidating. That’s part of the reason you and Ruggie get along so well. You’re not threatening and you still rely and respect him. In a world of bold beastwomen you're his little ray of gentle light. He’s going to protect that no matter what! But it seems he not the only one:
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Leona Kingscholar
“How do you expect to get anywhere in life, without me?”
He knows what makes Ruggie so protective of you
He respects that
But he’s going to have to swoop in and steal your heart
He’s sure Ruggie will appreciate it 
Or the massive wedding dowry in his bank account
But no worries you’re not like everyone else and neither is he
So you two just happen to be perfect together
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Jack Howl  
“I know how special they are…that’s why I’m going to protect them too!”
He means it 
Even willing to help his senior if he needs an extra pair of hands
When burying your enemies
He knows he’s got a long way to go 
But he’s going to make it work
After all a mate as special as you deserves a worthy partner
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Rook Hunt 
“Oui oui mon amour est là grain de sable spécial!“
That’s exactly why he so dutifully follows you and monsieur dandelion
Such a curious couple of hyenas are always wonderful to admire hunt
You’re no anomaly 
You’re the diamond in the rough
The one he will no doubt have
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Sebek Zigvolt
You make him blush
You make him think about you
You fill his head with thoughts of you about how to keep you
Perhaps its because of your abnormal behavior 
He really loves it
He’s going to correct this behavior
Even if that means eliminating all distractions
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Vil Schoenheit 
“But of course, the one I love is a high profile candidate. Too bad though they are mine.”
Such a gentle flower
He’s decided to pick you
Even if he has to poison the surrounding weeds
Maybe even a dandelion if he becomes too much of a problem
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Azul Ashengrotto
“Their behavior isn’t at all like most beastwoman…I may open an investigation.”
Investigation…paying to have a thousand photos of you
Or convincing you to earn a few at the monstro lounge
Where he can watch you without restraint
He knows your special no doubt a high commodity for most
Well until he gets into a proper position to woo trap you 
He’s willing to string those interested in a harrowing contracts
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kitthepurplepotato · 8 months
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Kirishima Eijirou’s daily shenanigans!
Summary: You work in a little coffee shop (secretly owned by your uncle Crimson Riot), which resides next to Red Riot and Dynamight’s agency. Needless to say, the Crimson Riot signature on the wall lures in the red haired hero on the first day after opening.
Long story short, this a really cute story about a barista and his favorite customer falling in love and becoming a couple. (The only problem is that Red Riot is a himbo and he does not realize you two are actually dating. But that’s a problem for another day.)
Genre: Comedy, strangers to lovers, fluff, hurt/comfort, slice of life
Estimated chapters: Around 10?
Warnings: Swear Words, one or two chapters with smut but they will be skippable, mentions of injuries, depression, blood, fight scenes, one or two chapters of angst around the end but it’s mostly just fluff and shits and giggles. New warnings on every chapter!
About The Reader: SHE/HER, related to Crimson Riot, has red hair but it’s dyed, not natural. She has a really cool quirk and went to hero school when she was young, but she doesn’t work as a hero.
This story is a spin-off to Bakugou Katsuki’s Daily Shenanigans but you don’t need to read that story to understand this one.
Also, English isn’t my first language so please be kind, I’m trying my best!
Chapter 1 - A wild Red Riot appears!
A lovely jingle announces Kirishima’s grand entrance to the brand new coffee shop he decided to visit on this lovely afternoon.
It’s manly to try new things, you know; the old coffee shop he used go to might be nice and cosy but how is Kirishima supposed to know if it’s the best coffee shop or not if he doesn’t try the other places in the area? Right?
… Right?
Okay, Kirishima has a confession to make.
He doesn’t care how the coffee tastes like at this place. He really doesn’t. The only thing he cares about is Crimson Riot’s signature framed on the wall.
That’s why he’s here, the traitor.
“Ahh, hello!” Kirishima scratches the back of his head shyly; he doesn’t even look at the poor barista, he’s too busy looking around, searching for the sacred signature. He feels blessed to be able to step into this beautiful, crimson colored coffee shop which conveniently opened almost next to from his agency. Well, his and Katsuki’s agency, but that doesn’t matter.
“It’s on the left side, darling. Do not touch the glass, I just cleaned it.” The barista giggles and… oh hello, that giggle was absolutely adorable?! But first of all, what does she mean he can’t touch the glass?! He wants to touch the glass!
Kirishima makes a pouty face, clearly heartbroken by the sudden plot twist; he’s so close to Crimson Riot right now, yet so far away…
“Okay, you can touch the glass. Go on. You have five seconds. One… two…” The barista counts and Kirishima sprints to the little framed signature and does what he does the best; act like a fifteen years old fanboy seeing naked boobs for the first time. Man, boobs are nothing compared to the thrill he feels right now; Crimson Riot is a legend, no one has seen the man for decades, he’s manly and mysterious and Kirishima really likes that about him; sometimes he wonders if Crimson Riot is real at all; that man is so perfect, kind and chivalrous, he’s everything Kirishima wants to be when grows up… well, technically, he is 25 and he doesn’t have too much “growing up” going on anymore but he still feels like he’s twelve. He also acts like he’s twelve. So yeah, he wants to be like Crimson Riot when he grows up. He’s not there yet.
“Would you like to have a coffee or salivating over a framed signature is enough to start your day off with a kick?” The barista suddenly appears behind him and Kirishima jumps.
Well, that’s awkward.
“Yeah, I’m just about to… oh hi.”
To all the Gods and deities up in Heaven, thank you. - Kirishima mumbles as he takes in the beautiful sight in front of him. No, he is not talking about the beautiful signature on the wall this time; that one was demoted to the second most beautiful sight in the world.
“Good morning, sir.” The barista giggles again, and Kirishima swears an angel descended from above in front him.
Kirishima is known to be a ladies man; he loves ladies, he adores them, he cherishes them, he wants to tell every single one of them how beautiful they are; but this one is on another level. This lady here is the most perfect human being Kirishima has ever seen. This lady is the type of lady Kirishima would never have the balls to actually woo. Not like he ever had the balls to woo anyone, to be honest, he’s more like the funny uncle who flirts with everyone but no one takes him seriously and will probably end up alone with 6 dogs 8 cats, 3 bearded dragons because they are really manly and a house worth of Crimson Riot merch. He already has the latter and he’s working on the rest.
“Is the red hair a part of the work uniform or do you just happen to have a good taste?”
Why did he say that?! Why?!
“If that was supposed to be your way of flirting, you have a long way to go, Mr. Red Riot.” She grins and oh my god, Kirishima is in pieces. Literally. He’s quite sure he accidentally hardened his arms under his super tight-fit turtleneck and the fabric just shred to pieces.
At least it’s not something else that hardened…
Eijirou, no.
Do not go there. Do. Not.
“Ahh, you know me.”
“Our staff room window looks at the private parking lot of your agency. There is a massive poster with your faces by the VIP entrance. I need to say, you look much nicer with your hair down though.”
Why is this angel standing so close to him?! What did he do to deserve this beautiful sight?!
“If that was your way of flirting… it completely worked.” Kirishima admits with a crimson face.
You get it? Cuz he’s in Crimson Coffee? Next to Crimson Riot’s signature?
… Nevermind.
“I don’t mean to break your heart so soon, but I wasn’t flirting with you.”
“Y/N, are you bullying our precious customers again? I already told you… oh hello there, young man!” The random lady went from a loud yell to the most pleasant customer service voice he’s ever heard in five seconds. Well that’s a talent. “That’s Red Riot honey, give him a friend and family card, will ya?”
“I guess that’s alright.” The barista, Y/N, rolls her eyes playfully and gives him the little card. “Now order, I’m getting bored.”
And Kirishima does.
Kirishima orders 13 coffees even though he only needs one just to keep this beautiful angel entertained. He gets 2 massive coffee holders with 6 coffees in each and gives the spare one to Y/N with a shy smile on his face, because he’s a gentleman.
“You know I can drink our coffee for free, right?” Y/N raises her brow with a mischievous smile on her beautiful face and he might not have a shot with her after he embarrassed himself in every way possible, but it was completely worth it for that smile.
Kirishima made a great decision today by trying out new things.
Being blasted out of the window by Katsuki after he arrived late, juggling 12 cups of coffee while spilling half of them in Katsuki’s office was absolutely worth it.
(He also landed in the parking lot and was able to see Y/N in the staff room laughing at him. Best day ever.”
“Does he come here often or was that a special occasion? Come on, tell me! Please!”
You have all the respect for heroes but this Red Riot guy… is an absolute himbo. In the best way.
First of all, he has no idea how handsome he is. He takes your hand in a begging way, trying to get information out of you and you really need to concentrate to not show any kind of emotion on your face; thankfully, your family is blessed with amazing poker faces. The biggest master of them is your uncle who’s -surprise!- is actually the person Red Riot is asking about right now with perfect puppy eyes. He was able to keep up his mysterious persona for decades even though he’s also an absolute himbo in real life.
Second of all, Red Riot embarrassed himself at least ten times this week but somehow he always leaves with a proud smile like this is what he wanted to do in the first place.
Personally, you really want to smack this man in the head and tell him to be ashamed of himself because by the look of it, his self-esteem is so low he thinks this is just him being himself. Which isn’t true. Red Riot might be a himbo, but he’s also a well respected himbo… you mean hero, and he should definitely act a bit more… confident.
“So what do I get if I tell you this information, sir?” You ask cheekily; you can’t help it, okay? Red Riot is a handsome guy. And he’s also really sweet and gentle. Who would NOT flirt with him?
“I would like to say my number on a napkin but I feel like you would use it as a filter for the coffee.” Red sighs dramatically.
“That’s highly unlikely.” You retort; he looks up at you with eyes full of hope and you already hate yourself for doing this to him, but… “The napkin would melt into the coffee and it would be absolutely disgusting. I can’t serve that.”
“You are such a heartbreaker, miss Y/N! I would like to speak to your manager!” He yells, fake-offended, and you can’t help but laugh.
“Just order your bloody coffee and leave, Red. Seeing you being blasted through the window because you were late is really fun but I kinda hate listening to the drilling noise when your window gets fixed. It ruins my chi.”
“You’re a chi.”
“Well that’s just rude, sir. I might need to ask you to leave.” You giggle, and you can’t help but realize how the air just changed around you two; there is definitely something there, a tension you can’t describe but it’s not uncomfortable. It’s kinda nice to banter with him like this.
“You already did. But you also told me to order first.” Red retorts with a massive smirk on his face and you kinda want to put him into your pocket and keep him in there.
Finally, Red orders and he’s just about to leave when you decide to give him the tiny present you got him.
Yes, you got him a present. Shut up.
“Hey, Red!”
“Yeah?” He looks back with a massive grin on his face.
“I got something for the most handsome customer in this shop.” Red’s face contorts into a frown at that. Would it be rude to kiss your customer’s cheeks to give him some confidence? It’s just a kiss on the cheek, no biggie. Just one kiss. Come on.
“Lucky gal.” He mumbles, trying to fake a smile, but failing miserably.
“I’m talking about you, you himbo.” You laugh and run to the back; it’s a signed Crimson Riot poster. Your uncle was more than happy to throw one at you when you told him about Red Riot being your loyal customer; he’s kinda obsessed with the guy since his first appearance in the sports festival. Long story. He loves to be loved.
Kirishima pales as he rolls the poster out, his eyes misty by the time he rolls it out completely.
“This is a limited edition poster from 30 years ago. One of the first posters… what the hell, man…”
“Look closer.” You wink and Red starts to cry like a baby. He’s so fucking adorable, it’s ridiculous.
“Watching you grow up made me realize why I was a hero for so long. I’m proud of you. Stay manly! Crimson Riot.” Red mutters under his snotty nose. “Y/N, can I marry you?”
This man will be the death of you.
“Okay. Thank you. Bye.” Red mumbles with red rimmed eyes. Working in your uncle’s secret coffee shop was the best decision of your life.
“See you tomorrow, himbo.” You giggle and the redhead disappears; one day, you’ll tell him that all the flirting you do is actually serious but that day is not today. You really want to see him gain some self-respect by himself before you shower him with praises every day. You can only hope you don’t ruin your chances by playing with him for too long but that’s a problem for later; for now, you are just happy to be around this mysterious, funny man.
… Next Chapter!
Want to be on the tag list? Just ask me in the comment section or a message me!
The second chapter will be out in two or three weeks depending on your reception of this chapter then I’ll try to post a new chapter every 7 - 10 days!
If you want to see my other works, check out the Master list for Deku x Reader, Bakugou x Reader, Todoroki x Reader and Aizawa x Reader stories!
TL: @porusuniverse @sixxze
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
Super enjoying how much of the recent MLP stuff I've been watching (almost midway through season 6) deals with "friendship problems" that are more applicable to all ages. Stuff like "your friend is overworking herself and you're rightfully frustrated she can't find time to be with you and relax" and "I don't know what activities I can do with my friends anymore because we all like different things" and "I have a really annoying family member who I have to be tough on so they can become better" are all lessons that are good for kids to know, but also as a 20-something adult it just feels good to have a show talk about that kind of stuff. Like, yeah, the primary audience is kids, but I feel those!!! I understand these problems on a more relatable level and it's nice to have a show that's broadly optimistic and positive tackle things that are usually deemed too simple and childish to be worth bringing up in adult media without some sort of mature twist. I'm absolutely not saying those mature twists don't make for wonderful stories, or that MLP is only good when it caters to adults (which it obviously doesn't very frequently, it's still a show meant to sell toys to small girls) but you just don't see adult friendship problems tackled in pleasant and straightforward ways. The show doesn't have to mask any of its intent in a veil of maturity because it's a cartoon about talking pastel horses. I think a lot of stories for adults just kind of don't think it's worth their time to talk about this kind of stuff, because it's inheritly pretty simple, and a lot of works kind of assume you're too old to be talking about friendship problems, but that shit persists pretty much as long as you're alive and have friends, so it's just...nice to have a show focus on those small things that usually aren't acknowledged as its primary focus. I don't need to have a cartoon help me figure out the world - I'm a pretty well-functioning adult, I figure that out from other places - but it's just pleasant having something even acknowledge the smaller problems you can have in adult relationships and not be bitter or cynical about taking about them. It feels good!
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onyour-right · 1 year
First things first, I'm gonna need Gen V to never fucking do that again. How dare they release such a good episode and only have it be 34 minutes??? Is it a fucking sitcom??? They do that again and we WILL have problems.
Now, Cate. I done told y'all she was the mole and now look. I mean do I still love her? Absolutely. Do I think she is a victim of Dean Shetty's manipulations? 100%. Do I believe she thought she was protecting her friends? Yup. But do I also think Andre was right somewhat in what he said? Yeah, kinda do. Listen, with all the good intentions in the world the fact that she repeatedly made Luke forget about his baby brother when she knew the type of turmoil it was causing in him is twisted. The same way she was going to confess to Andre before the text came is the same way she should have confessed to Luke. Granted I think the reason she was even going to confess to Andre was because of how wrong things were going. But still, she ain't right for that..
So, I see three possible avenues they might take with her: first, kill her off at the end of the season in order to redeem herself to her friends; second, she could become an antagonist to the group (tho this is less likely); or third, she may act as a double agent and spy back on shetty so they can find out what's really going on..
Jordan Li. My beloved. My baby boy/baby girl. I can understand why they thought Marie couldn't accept both sides of them and I'm so glad they explored a bit more into their character's history. But baby, Marie wants to love on you no matter what your gender so just let her!!! At least they got to a point where they realised they were being unfair to Marie over the whole situation though, so hopefully episode 6 will have them talking about it properly. Alsooooo, Jordan getting pissed when Marie's brain was tampered with again? Good fucking food. Jordan moving closer to Marie at Cate's reveal? I was eating that shit upppp. Jordan this whole episode was kinda unhinged and you know what? I wanna see more, please and thank you!!!
Alsoooo, can we talk real quick about Jordan's conversation with Andre and Cate because I cannot have been the only one who was straight dyingggg through it. "is it a black thing?" "...oh my God!!!". The way Jordan didnt even dismiss the fact that him and Marie made a good couple too. Likeeeee. C'monnnnn.
Marie, my sweet girl. Once she finds out the true extent of her powers its over for everyoneeeee; she's gonna fuck everyone up and I personally will be cheering her on at the sidelines!! Slightly worried though because 1) who is her benefactor?? and 2) what if they are able to capture her somehow??? She is yet to go unhinged and I would like to see it, especially if it's in relation to something happening to Jordan.
Emma and Sam. I mean you know its real when one half of the pairing's mind has been wiped and still there is an undeniable connection between them.The fact that Sam went out of his way to find Emma after all the shit that went down??? Ooof, I'm living for itttt. The fact that even though Emma hadn't gotten back her memories she still believed him? Don't make me cryyyyy. I loved how Emma realised how wrong her mother was about her "getting big" & how she's beginning to carve out who she wants to be for herself. Also, her and Marie's friendship is honestly just goals.
Also, lowkey everyone should have just let Sam kill that Dr Cardosa because he's gonna bring big problemssss I fear, and on that note they should have him kill Dean Shetty too because ole girl needs to skedaddle her way out (although the person who takes her place could be even worse, so idk about that yet)
Also, someone please give Andre a hug that boy needs it. Seeing him unhinged tho?? Ooofffffff 10/10.
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Snitches Get Stitches: Chapter 4.5
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Part of the San Diego Dogfighters universe
Summary: Jake Seresin, golden boy of the NHL and Captain of the Dallas Stars makes headlines when he unexpectedly signs with newly-formed San Diego Dogfighters. When your future seems at the verge of crashing down, you receive the opportunity of a lifetime to become the team physician for the Dogfighters. You never expected to be working directly with your favorite hockey player. Jake has a secret and you have a job to do. Will he be able to trust you enough to help and will you be able to trust him with your heart?
Series CW: 18+ ONLY, swearing, violence, sports violence, medical stuff, blood probably, angst, fluff, (eventual) smut, forbidden romance, sexual harassment, suggestive language, medical inaccuracies, hockey inaccuracies etc. No use of Y/N.
Word Count: 2k
A/N: This is a repost of my completed series, Snitches Get Stitches. It was originally posted in October-November 2023, and was lost when my blog was deleted.
Previous Chapter // Series Masterlist // Next Chapter
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Jake’s had a weird day, to say the least. He’d started the morning still unsure if he was truly ready to trust Bugs with his story, or at least the portion related to his knee injury. She hadn’t pushed, she’d just sat there and listened to him. Sure she’d been adamant from the very beginning that she was just interested in helping him heal but he’d heard that song before from more familiar birds. There are only so many times you can get stabbed in the back before you start walking backward to avoid it. On top of that, what Bugs had revealed today just twisted the knife where it stuck. Not only had Dr. Hanover helped his coach guilt him into playing while injured, but he’d blatantly lied to Jake and possibly even his coach about Jake’s recovery timeline. The more Jake thought about it, the more he figured that his coach was probably in on the lie. Coach wanted Jake exactly where he envisioned him, regardless of Jake’s goals, his ambitions. He could have been the second coming of Wayne Gretzky himself and he wasn’t sure his coach would have cared. That was the thing about Coach (find a name you dolt), once he put you in a box and created his master plan for your life, your career, nothing else could get in the way of that. The problem was that he’d created a new box for Jake, but this time it was one that Jake hated. It went against everything that Jake was. And if he’d needed any more reasons to leave, now he had them.
But now he was here and he had Bugs. He could trust her. If he wasn’t already sure, he was when he’d seen her rage. She’d burned so fiercely he’d been caught between awe and fear, not that he’d ever admit that to anyone. He’d been on the receiving end of her anger a few times and while it had caught him off guard at first he’d grown to enjoy riling her up. But the righteous fire in her eyes as she cursed out Dr. Hanover, demanding to know what he’d done to Jake as if weighing his sins before delivering swift hard justice, was something he’d never experienced before. She wanted to fight… for him. He’d had plenty of physicians in the past who spouted the same Hippocratic oath bullshit but he’d never seen someone like Bugs. Maybe it was her youth. She was the same age as him, this was her first big gig, and she still had passion for what she did, unlike the crusty old men that Jake usually found himself in the care of. He wasn’t too proud to admit that his cock had twitched in his sweats at the display of such fierce loyalty, at the fire of devotion in her eyes. It made him want to drop to his knees and worship her, injury be damned.
Then she’d cried. His heart clenched painfully in his chest as he remembers looking up to see the silent tears streaming down her cheeks, the pain in her eyes haunting him. Pain for him. Not pity, but empathy. He’d wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and hold her. He’d settled for holding her hands. It was then that he realized that if he saw her cry again? Whoever was responsible for her tears was going to get put in the fucking ground. No one makes his Bunny cry. He clenches his fist around the weight in his hand unconsciously. He’s in the weight room working his arms since he’s on strict orders to keep off his leg until scans can be scheduled and tests can be run.
His phone dings and he glances at the screen to see Maverick’s name pop up. He sets down the weight to snag his phone from where it’s sitting on the gym phone next to the bench. “CYCLONE’S OFFICE NOW. HURRY.” The text is all caps and nothing like what he normally receives from his older coach. The warning sirens go off in Jake’s brain even as the rational part of his brain tries to convince him that nothing’s wrong. You mentioned that you were planning to meet with Mav and Cyclone ASAP to fill them in on his condition. They probably just wanted him to be present. Still, he can’t shake the feeling that something’s wrong. He barely stops to rack the dumbbell before he moves for the elevator as fast as he can. His knee groans in protest, strapped into the brace Bugs put on it. He does his best to move quickly, smashing the buttons and succumbing to the waiting game. Most of the facilities in the arena were on the ground floor but Cyclone’s office was one of the few located on the second floor. He knows Bugs would chew him out for taking the stairs even if they were the quicker option. Finally, the doors slide open and Jake makes his way down the hallway towards the door at the end. He’s not even halfway there, however, when he hears the muffled shouting. His blood runs cold. The reason for the urgency in Maverick’s text suddenly becomes clear. Jake takes a shuddering breath before he starts running, knee be damned. He groans in thanks when he finds the door unlocked but the venom-filled words filtering from the other side are finally clearly audible.
“I KNEW hiring you was a mistake and look what you’ve done! You can’t even do your fucking job!” Jake’s heard enough. He shoves the door open so hard he almost takes it off its hinges.
“HEY!” His voice is pure fury. Cyclone is red in the face and leaning over his desk, an accusatory finger waving in your face where you’re sitting across from him. He turns his attention to Jake at the outburst. You don’t even flinch at the sound of the door and Jake’s heart squeezes in concern at your lack of reaction until he watches the harsh tension of your shoulders relax a little.
He storms across the room, stepping in front of you, doing his best to shield you from the wrath rolling off Cyclone. His finger is inches from Jake’s cheek. “This isn’t her fault, so don’t you go accusing her as if it is.” He’s furious, seething at the complete and total lack of professionalism his boss is exhibiting. He’s starting to wonder if he’s gone from the frying pan into the fire when Cyclone decides to make things worse.
“That’s not up to you, son. She’s fired, effective immediately. This is gross negligence, she’s lucky we don’t sue.” If he wasn’t so angry, Jake might laugh in his face at that. He’s no lawyer but he knows that there’s not even a hint of gross negligence at play when it comes to you.
“No, she’s not. The only way I’m getting treated is if she’s the one to do it.” Jake glares at Cyclone, his mouth twisting into a cruel smirk as his eyes gleam. Cyclone hasn’t realized it quite yet but he doesn’t have control of the puck in this scenario, it’s confidently in Jake’s. “I know I’ve cost you all a pretty penny that you currently don’t have so not only can you not afford to fire me, but you need me to play, and the only way that’s going to happen is if my leg heals, and I’m telling you right now that that’s not happening unless Bugs is my physician. If you want to blame someone?” He tilts his head, daring Cyclone to try this shit again. “I’m feeling pretty good about my chances of suing my last physician and coach for a lot more than gross negligence.” He watches Cyclone’s eyes dart around nervously and Jake knows he’s won. “But Bugs and I are a package deal. If I stay, she stays, and I’m staying.” Some would call it cocky but Jake knows it’s not. It’s calculated, and ambitious. This is the Jake Seresin his opponents see on the ice. This is the Hangman, he gets what he wants and he doesn’t take no for an answer. Cyclone nods silently and Jake lowers his hackles, anger melting into concern for you. You’ve been completely silent throughout this entire exchange almost as if you’re not even here. He turns around to face you and his heart shatters into a thousand pieces. Your eyes are glazed over, your expression vacant, and you’re completely checked out of what’s going on. He prays it’s because you’re barricaded somewhere safe, protecting yourself instead of lost in the walls of your mind. He leans in close, doing his best to take up your entire field of vision to shield you from your fear in any way he knows. He reaches out gently, afraid to startle you as he slides his hands into yours, using them to gently help you to your feet. Your body follows, and he’s thankful you still have control of your faculties, not that he’d hesitate to scoop you into his arms and carry you out of this hellhole himself. “Come on, Bunny. “ He whispers to you placing a hand on the small of your back. He keeps the other laced with yours as he slowly, gently guides you out of Cyclone’s office, ignoring the other two men in the room.
He knows he should get you somewhere private, somewhere safe before he tries to get through to you but he has no idea how long you’ve been in there and speed seems of the essence. He stops halfway down the hallway, turning to place his back to the office, protective, shielding you as he reaches to cup your jaw and stroke his thumb across your cheek. He searches your eyes, trying to keep the fear out of his own at the glazed-over and empty look in yours. “Bunny? Hey Bunny, come back to me, baby. I know you’re in there, Bunny, come on.”
He’s not sure how long he stands there whispering soft coaxings and reassurances to you. The worry rising in his mind and making his heart race threatens to take him under too because it’s been far too long when finally he watches the light return to your eyes. “There you are, Bunny. You okay, baby?” He can’t even be bothered with wondering when he started calling you baby. The relief rushing through him is overwhelming and he almost doesn’t catch you as your knees buckle suddenly. He throws an arm around your waist and leans the two of you against the wall, not trusting himself to keep you both upright. You nod up at him, still silent before you call his name and your voice is almost unrecognizable as it croaks out and he almost sobs at the sound. “Yeah, baby? I’m right here, Bunny.” He wants you to know that you’re safe now, that he’s not going to let anything happen to you, that you don’t have to be afraid of anything, least of all Cyclone.
“What were you- How’d you- Why’d you do that?” You trip over your words and Jake shakes his head gently. His heart aches at the idea that you wouldn’t expect him to defend you after everything you’d done for him.
“It’s like I said this morning, Bunny. We make a good team. You really think I’d let you get away when we’re just getting started?” Your eyes warm despite the apprehension he still sees in them and he feels the sudden urge to kiss that apprehension away. He’s taken aback at his strong feelings. When did that happen? You weren’t even his friend yesterday and now he’s putting his job on the line for you and wanting to kiss you here in the hallway outside his boss’s office. He doesn’t have long to consider these questions as the door down the hall opens again and you step out of his arms as Maverick comes walking towards the two of you. He has to fight every impulse to not pull you back to him, Maverick be damned but he puts on his most professional smile as he turns to face his coach just as he claps a hand on Jake’s shoulder.
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welshoot · 1 year
Talent and Overblots: An Interesting Relationship
So I read an analysis about Leona and his overblot and it has gotten me to thinking and, only just realizing that talent is a bit of a theme for Twisted Wonderland. Or rather, talent in a more negative lighting than it is often portrayed in. 
Simply put, everyone who has overblotted is also talented and said talents (+ the side effects of being talented) really seem to be a large part of their trauma, stress, and varying issues that culminate in their overblot. I’m going to put the rest of the analysis under the cut for fear of any spoilers and due to length (and it is long), but this is something that is incredibly fascinating to me since this portrayal of talent is so wildly different from what is typically seen.
Starting with Overblot #1, Riddle is obviously talented. He became a housewarden in his first year, has an incredibly powerful signature spell, knows all the rules of Heartslabyul, and is a top student in a school filled to the brim with geniuses. We know from his overblot backstory that his mom held him to strict rules and pushed him too far, always demanding he be better than the best. Talented wasn’t enough. He had to be perfect. And that is, quite simply, what led to his overblot. He was holding others to that same horrifying strict regime. Talent isn’t enough, you must be perfect. But Riddle’s talent(s) is what made this drive for perfection truly frightening. That talent of his is what helped to lead to the pedestal that he (and others) placed himself on. And then his view was an incredibly simplistic, and even relatable one. If I can do it, so can they. But that viewpoint is what led  to  him pushing too far and breaking down when he realized exactly what he’d done. Ace quite possibly put it best when he informed Riddle that he was, “An extension of her”. Her, being Riddle’s mother. Realizing that he’d become that same tyrant, constantly pushing that talent wasn’t enough and you had to be perfect, was a big part of Riddle’s overblot. Because what is worse than becoming the very thing you’ve feared and toiled under since you were a child?
Leona is obviously talented. He is one of NRC’s geniuses, implied to be a very physically strong beastman, possesses an incredibly powerful signature spell, and has the cleverness to think his way out of any situation on top of the fact that he can power his way out of most problems due to his incredible persistence. But those talents were little more than weights around his neck when nothing he did mattered. He would never be king no matter what he did. But how much of Leona’s overblot was ever really being about king, when the crown that just the image that stuck with him? After all, the crown was the first thing that he was probably told he could never have no matter how talented he was. So kingship became a symbol of all he can never succeed in, despite his many talents. In the Savannaclaw chapter, story vignettes, and even in events people are constantly telling Leona that if he just tried he could do it. He is talented after all. And how much must that sting? You’re talented, and you have tried, but no matter what anyone tells you, it doesn’t seem to matter. The words of encouragement others give him are just like a slap in the face because failure keeps rearing its head. Thoughts like that can easily lead to or worsen depression and self-loathing. Especially when he gets his hope up once more that maybe he can do something, he keeps getting dragged back down, either by life’s machinations or his own occasionally self-destructive behavior. As a culmination of this, we find Leona exactly where he was in the Savannaclaw chapter. Failing once more and finally breaking apart as it occurs in front of those who have placed him as their head, the leader of their Pride. Not only has he failed himself, he has failed those who place their faith in him. To Leona, it no doubt looked like his greatest fears were true. Even with all of those talents, Leona feels worthless because he can’t succeed even once.
Azul is talented even if he himself doesn’t see it. Not many can say they have a successful restaurant business, and have hoodooed both the headmage and a good number of one’s fellow students at his age. Azul’s talent isn’t the one he wants though. He wants something more flashy and easily seen. Something that will make others not bother him. He never wants to be a silly little octotwerp who gets made fun of again. And, at this point, Azul can’t seem to see his knack for business for what it is. A talent. Being surrounded by so many obvious talents at NRC is bound to crush him, because everywhere he looks there is someone better than him in some way. So Azul gets greedy. He won’t let them make fun of him and look down on him like his previous classmates did. He can’t take that again. But then all of his carefully calculated actions come crashing down around him. Leona destroys his contracts and asserts, no less, that Azul has been beaten by a magicless prefect. And that is when Azul truly starts to crumble to pieces. He can’t even beat someone that he no doubt viewed, at that point, as a nobody. His actions turn desperate as he fears that Jade and Floyd, the two who’d actually taken a look at young Azul and saw talent there, are abandoning him because he’s been beaten at his own game. In Azul’s eyes, he has no talents, so why would they stay? All those feelings come racing back and Azul really does feel like a nobody. Just a silly little octotwerp even despite all his efforts. And so he overblots. Because obviously if you aren’t talented, then no one wants you and it doesn’t matter.
Jamil is talented in numerous ways and, unlike Azul, he knows it. But Jamil’s talents consistently get ignored or downplayed by everyone, even his own family. And it’s all because of the fact he works under another family so in the eyes of those around him, Jamil can’t and shouldn’t be better than Kalim. So he blames Kalim, even though he knows it isn’t Kalim’s fault that they were born in the positions they are in. Even though Kalim is someone who has always lavished praise on Jamil’s talents and never downplayed them. Even though Kalim is his friend. It’s too much. Because each time Kalim, the source of Jamil’s woe (at least in his eyes), praises him, it’s like a slap in the face. A reminder that even though you’re talented, you aren’t allowed to reach the full height of your abilities. All because of this fellow, who is your friend and greatest supporter. When Jamil’s grand scheme is foiled, it breaks him. It’s a hard hit to his ego and probably feels like yet another reminder that he can’t outdo Kalim. And, to top it all off, there’s the guilt. Because like it or not, Jamil knows it’s not Kalim’s fault because Kalim, for all that he doesn’t understand or realize about their situation, would never put Jamil in the situation that he has found himself in. And so Jamil overblots. His talents don’t matter because he isn’t allowed to show them. He’s restrained, and all of that frustration is suddenly coming out.
Next is Vil, whose troubles are so curiously (and perhaps amusingly) similar to Leona’s. Because for all of Vil’s talent as an actor, he can’t get the role he so desperately longs for. To be the hero, standing on stage till the very end where people will notice him. But it is Vil’s talent (and beauty) that weighs him down and makes people speak of how special he is. And isn’t special so similar to being unrelatable? So talented is he, so special is he, so unrelatable is he, that he must be the villain. Because no one wants a hero that seems so otherworldly, perfectly beautiful and talented. No, they want a hero they understand. A more relatable type of attractiveness, a more mundane level of skill. A villain is, as Vil’s dad asserts in the overblot flashback, a hard role to play. But Vil knows that it’s also the role everyone hates. No one wants to be the bad guy. And how often do people actually pay attention to the villain? Everyone’s eyes are on the star of the show, the good guy. Getting typecast because of his talents is a big part of what leads to Vil’s overblot. He is so weighed down by how inescapable the role of villain seems that he quite literally becomes a villain. And, mirroring Riddle, the realization that he has become that thing he so loathes and maybe even fears is what causes his overblot. The golden child that he was has finally fallen and become mired in the hideous filth that remains when one’s talent becomes a set of shackles that makes you ‘special.’
Idia is, like the others, talented. But interestingly he seems to loathe his talent just as much as he loathes a crowd. Despite his amazing technological achievements, Idia doesn’t want the recognition of fame that comes from his talents. In many ways, he almost behaves like he wants to be free of his talents. As if that talent is a chain. And perhaps it is, that talent makes him well-suited to the position he was born into is yet another chain that binds him to the Island of Woe. His wishes don’t matter. Idia is doomed to his position by both his family name and his talents. The stress of such a truth paired his past with Ortho’s death, and the constant reminder that he is at fault for it (or so he constantly tells himself) is what causes his overblot. Because at least this way, maybe Idia can use his talents once more to do something he wants. To save his brother, and atone for what he has done.
Finally, there is Malleus. Another individual with undeniable talent. Someone who is already listed amongst the most powerful of magicians and who comes from a long line of talented people. But Malleus’s talent, skill, and power for magic is what causes others to fear him, worship him, and avoid him. No one wishes to approach someone so fearsome and talented, because how could they? He is a royal who seems so far beyond them, they cannot comprehend such talent and power. Surely he is beyond them. And when they can’t understand him, perhaps it is better to fear him. It’s only natural to fear that which we can’t understand, so that is what happens to Malleus and his incomprehensible power. The isolation that stems from other’s fear and misunderstandings leads Malleus to do what is only natural. To cling to those few people that remain near him. Those who don’t fear him and instead accept him. And that isolation, paired with the need to cling onto those precious few while all others continue to stare at him in awed horror, is what contributes so greatly to his overblot. Because if those few leave him, what does he have left in his ivory tower of talent?
Anyway, I just find it fascinating that Twisted Wonderland has portrayed the darker side of talent and how it can lead to so many issues for those that hold it. Talent is a blessing in many ways, but there are two sides to every coin and it appears that talent can just as easily be a curse in the wrong situation.
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badchoicesworld · 1 year
hiii^^ could i request romantic miles x male reader where reader is really shy and quiet (+ has social anxiety if you're okay with writing that)
and (as a result of being quiet) has headphones on 24/7 and draws a lot?
(maybe add a part where he's caught drawing miles! so cliche><)
miles morales w/ an artistic boyfriend riddled with anxieties
sorry to call anyone out in the title, had a giggle about it
im holding this specific anons hand for a minute if they’ll let me, they radiate energy that makes me joyous (hi anon !!!)
established relationship
warnings: none
pairing: miles morales x male!reader
requests: check status on the masterlist
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he likes to think that he’s all suave and chill, but everyone knows he’s sheepish when met with certain situations
man can’t take a compliment, he can’t give a compliment, dates make him shake in his boots and having a boyfriend is something that’s entirely over romanticised in his head thanks to media, let’s be honest
social encounters weren’t a massive problem to him though, we’ve all seen how outgoing he is and friendly
plus, he grew up in a community where everyone knew everyone, wether you liked it or not
so he’s the “he asked for no pickles” half while you stand behind him shitting ur pants
he notices how shy you get while you’re out in public in comparison to in private, and he’s okay with that
doesn’t suddenly baby you though, just likes to check in on you every now and again until you’re back home
literally the most discreet “you good?” while stood in line or something
miles can absolutely understand coping with music, he’s the exact same way
you two share some interests, music and art ! it’s cute
he likes to suggest sharing some earphones either out in public or in private, it’s just one of those things that makes you two feel closer (he’s mad sheepish when suggesting it at first, but it eventually becomes one of those silent exchanges if ur cool with sharing) his version of romance
if he sees you with your headphones on, he won’t actively try to talk to you - from personal experience he can understand how stupidly frustrating it feels and wildly overstimulating
unless it’s something important, then he’ll try grab your attention by like tapping your shoulder or smthn,, a lil wave
makes bangin playlists for you, some to share and would be very happy if you did the same
he’s happy to do anything for his boyfriend to make him feel more comfortable in social situations.
you’re quiet, he doesn’t mind it as long as you have some kinda way to communicate with him - your needs and such
hold hands, your hands got stuck together once thanks to his spider-man-ness
if you didn’t know he was spider-man then, that’s how you found out
he’s a massive fan of drawing you and loves to see your own drawings
he’s a huge fan of you guys doing literally anything and catching you drawing with some bizarre medium without fail
caught you drawing him once- and then a lot more times
luckily, you were wearing headphones at that moment, so he got to have a lil victory emote without you noticing before acting like he never saw anything
does a very obvious, obnoxious greeting in the most cheesy way to clearly convey he never saw a thing
if by some unfortunate twist he is caught watching, man panics and is like “Hoh! I- didn’t see you there?? what’chu up to??” play it cool and smile it off miles “Wow that’s- that’s crazy how you.. caught me”
he’s been caught so many times in the past and he knows that internal feeling of dread
but anxiety am i right
will not snatch your sketchbook or whatever you draw on suddenly UNLIKE SOMEONE
completely respects your privacy when it comes to your drawings, he can relate too much
that’s not to say that he isn’t curios, he sometimes likes to tease about peaking but never would without permission
if you’re both into graffiti then he’s takes you to insane spots to tag, especially once you find out he’s spiderman
likes to suggest collaborating on pieces all of the time
miles is great anatomy practice, with all his funky spider-man poses
i cant actually imagine he would hide being spider-man from you if you were dating beforehand, it’s a different conversation if it’s a new relationship
but hey, young love, am i right ?
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
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nunalastor · 3 months
Guy / Serial Roommates
Anonymous asked:
Goes anyone else get mixed-vibes about Guy? I don't know what he's meant to look like but I always imagine dark hair, dark grey eyes, and tan skin. Like he might be white-passing but there is some Asian in there somewhere.
Anonymous asked:
Vox finds out about Guy and what he hears makes him think that Guy is Alastor's lover. There's no way Alastor suffered through all that for just a friend, right? And that would explain in Vox's head why Alastor rejected him if his heart belonged to someone else.
Guy and Alastor find out about that false impression and do the crazy cross-eyed laugh together.
Anonymous asked:
Serial Roommates Plot Twist: Guy is miserable in heaven (he and Al are friends for a reason) but convinced himself if Alastor is there, everything will be okay and they can fix all the problems together. Part of him knows he is more alive in hell and so is Alastor, but preconceived notions of what heaven and hell are meant to be makes him think helping people leave hell is best. Either way he acts as a therapist to give others the kindness and grace about mental health he couldn’t find in heaven.
Anonymous asked:
At this point, every demon with a brain knows it would be suicide to kidnap or hurt Guy. It reminds me of this episode of Superman of a plane being hijacked and Lois Lane is on it. When she tells them her name they’re like, the one Superman always saves?!
Imagine that with Guy? He just let his would be murderers know his name and they instantly know, they fucked up. By then it’s too late and they hear the screeching of an elk and radio static.
Anonymous asked:
The combination of Guy dying from cancer or some other sickness and Alastor still dying first is so painful! He would need the support of a friend, but one day Alastor never came home from his hunt and Guy was left to suffer and die alone. Any comfort he could have in reuniting with him after death also destroyed when he finds out he went to heaven and Alastor went to hell.
Anonymous asked:
Oh! Guy has a death now! It makes sense for disease to do him in, nobody in the cast we know of died of illness and after looking up images of the Bakers Estate that looks like somewhere someone would get all the diseases, mold cure or not.
Buckshot Anon, your time has come!
Anonymous asked:
What characters do y'all think Guy and Llewella would play in the DnD AU? I imagine the two of them being guest party members who only occasionally join the main group.
Also, Cherri Bomb takes over playing Sir Pentious's character after he dies.
Anonymous asked:
Currently obsessed with the song Albi by Sevdaliza and it gave me of the idea of genderbend Alastor and Guy.
Guy would still work for the police but possibly a matron or secretary. (Who knows maybe still an officer cause I just googled and apparently the first female cop was in the 1908) So her focus would be focused on women. So when she learns her roommate is killing the abusers, rapists and other killers; of course she’s going to support her.
Can you remember when the last time was
You felt safe in the dark?
This world was never meant for a woman's heart
But still, you rise through it all
When I'm out of breath, she's my vitals
When I need to rev, she's my ride-or-die
When I'm out of faith, she's my idol
I just killed a man, she's my alibi
Anonymous asked:
Can we all agree that if Guy were to fall for whatever reason, his demon form would be legitimately horrifying? His base form would probably look mostly human like Alastor (didn’t we say he had some dog traits, like he is to dogs what Alastor is to deer?) but going into his full demon form would tap into the mold he was infected with for months in the Baker Estate and become something grotesque. Shit like his burned away angel wings regenerating comprised entirely of the mold. That, and if he died of cancer related to his exposure to the mold, what is a more fucked up demon form to have than that of the thing that caused your torture, possession, and later slow death? 
Anonymous asked:
Alastor's suitors: *kidnap Guy for yandere reasons*
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actual-changeling · 11 months
Crowley, Aziraphale, and the art of boundaries.
Look. They love and care about each other, but they are also the only two celestial beings on earth and thus each other's only option when it comes to friendship and relationships. Humans die very quickly by their standards, and if they do not want to be alone for six millennia, well, they only have one person to ask for company.
From the get-go, this dynamic is everything but ideal. It automatically creates a certain emotional dependence since you go to one person with all your emotional and social needs, and no matter how much you love someone, you cannot fulfil all their needs - and you shouldn't have to try!
They are individuals and have their own life separate from the other for the first couple centuries, but after Job at the latest, their lives become incredibly intertwined. When they agree on the arrangement, they only deepen that dependence, and now they have the additional pressure of needing to keep the other safe from both sides.
Crowley quite literally orbits Aziraphale, all the while trying to help him realize that heaven is using him and not what he thinks it is, yet he knows if he pushes too much, he will not just be alone but lonely.
Aziraphale is a stable centre of gravity for Crowley and himself, but he takes Crowley's presence and their push-pull dynamic for granted. He does not want to be lonely either, but he is so good at creating an internal system of cognitive dissonance and compartmentalization that he can hold two contradictory beliefs at the same time. This leads to him refusing to listen to Crowley on any matters related to their respective sides or morality, while also believing that Crowley is fundamentally good and should not have been cast out.
Crowley pushes, Aziraphale steps back, Crowley pushes some more until Aziraphale either finds some twisted internal logic that allows him to do the thing or he lets out his frustration of not being able to do the thing on Crowley, blaming it all on him "tempting" Aziraphale into it in the first place.
This game works when the subject does not matter too much, when it's about food or drinking together or small favours as part of the arrangement. It's not super healthy, but largely without consequence when it is mostly playful.
However, and here is the "but", it stops working when the subject IS important.
When it is about their safety, about humanity's or a few specific human's safety, when it's such an important topic that the outcome will affect both their lives forever - like the apocalypse or Jimbriel.
Crowley wants to keep Aziraphale out of harm's way first and foremost, and for that he needs to be helping him with whatever is threatening him. The problem is that whenever he disagrees with Aziraphale, the angel turns into a five-year-old and starts either manipulating Crowley into agreeing with him or goes off to sulk.
Crowley cannot risk that, not when it's important. So what does he do? The only thing he CAN do, which is ignore his boundaries, ignore his ideals and wants and needs, and do what Aziraphale wants.
Over and over and over and over again.
Aziraphale does not care about that. He does not care about what Crowley wants or doesn't want when he thinks that HIS wants are the correct and more important ones.
The most obvious proof for that is Aziraphale calling Crowley kind/nice.
"Don't call me that," is what Crowley has been telling him LITERALLY since fucking Eden. A demon can get into a lot of trouble for doing the right thing. Aziraphale knows hell punishes him for good deeds, but does that stop him? NO.
"Don't call me that," he says, every. single. time.
And every single time, Aziraphale decides that no, he wants to tell him that so he will, fuck what Crowley wants, my desire is more important.
Fuck that he hates to hear about forgiveness, I want to tell him that sentence so I will.
Fuck that he told me over and over that he hates being compared to the angel he was, I will keep doing it because I want to; I will keep bringing up the fact that he is an evil, bad demon and I am a pure, good, kindhearted angel.
Fuck that Crowley has never lied to me once, I want to lie to him, to his face, so I will.
Fuck our friendship, I will say disgusting, vile, and hurtful things to his face and then never apologize; instead I will wait for him to crawl back to me and say sorry because he always does.
Fuck the fact that I am the one who screwed up, I will pressure Crowley into doing the apology dance because I cannot admit that I'm wrong, fuck what he thinks.
Fuck that he told me he doesn't want to let me drive the Bentley, I will pressure and manipulate him until he gives me the keys and then change the car without permission and then throw a pity party when he asks me to change it back.
Fuck that Crowley is terrified of Gabriel, memory loss or not, I will make fun of his concern and then force him to babysit him.
Fuck Crowley's idea for getting Nina and Maggie together, I will ignore him and instead force a bunch of humans into a non-consensual roleplay because I say so.
Fuck whatever Crowley suggests, I want to do it my way and I expect him to follow me without question.
Fuck that Crowley wants to tell me something important and asked me to listen, I will ignore every single verbal and non verbal sign of discomfort and make decisions for him without asking what HE wants.
Fuck Crowley - unless he does what I want.
I do not believe that Aziraphale does it out of malice, a lot of it is a trauma response, but he still CHOOSES to do it. He still CHOOSES to behave that way, to treat Crowley like that, and unless he starts holding himself accountable, they will not get anywhere, love or no love.
Crowley's choices are either going along with Aziraphale and ignoring his boundaries, or being alone on earth for the rest of his infinite existence. Those are his choices, and the second one isn't really a choice, is it? It's fucked up and horrible, so yeah, going along with him is the only thing he can realistically do.
So, no. I do not want Crowley to take him back. For the first time in their existence, Crowley has set a boundary, put himself first, and refuses to cross it for anyone, including Aziraphale. He had the RIGHT to do that. It was this or being destroyed by heaven. Those were his options, and he chose what he wants, what he needs - not what Aziraphale wants, who is still not fucking listening to him.
What I want is for Aziraphale to realize how horribly he has been treating Crowley for centuries, apologize, and then shut up. What I want is for Crowley to learn that his wants and needs are important, that he is allowed to put himself first, and that allowing Aziraphale to walk all over him has damaged their relationship, not improved it. That he CAN expect Aziraphale to respect him, and if he doesn't, then it is his right to not want to be around him.
I want Aziraphale to get out of heaven's claws and start recovering, and I want Crowley to keep recovering.
I want both of them to get to a point where they can have a healthy relationship with boundaries and mutual respect; it is not a fairy tale ending, and I don't want it to be one.
Love is not enough. Love is never enough.
I want them to be happy, healthy, and together, and to get there, they both need to grow separately for a while. They're both complex, deeply flawed characters, neither of them is good or evil, and that's the point.
That has always been the point.
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princeasimdiya12 · 6 months
Return to Nyan Nyaight Love-A Happy Ending in Sight?
Before I begin my analysis for Episode 9's NNL segment, I would like to thank everyone who reblogged my previous post and left kind and wholesome compliments about my analysis. It really warms my heart that so many of you guys enjoyed my thoughts on these segments. Especially if they helped provide a clearer understanding of what thematic purpose they serve in the Bucchigiri series. I'm more than happy to help and I appreciate the compliments.
Secondly, I'd like to thank @saph-yells-into-the-void for providing a majority of screenshots for me to use. Even though you didn't mind not being credited, you still deserve it for these great screenshots!
So just as a quick recap, the NNL segments serve as a Greek Chorus as they parallel the main story of Bucchigiri by using the customer's relationship with Jasmine to symbolize various relations and plot events. This time, their relationship parallels the main relationship of the series: Arajin and Matakara.
Episode 9: A Heartfelt Reunion
The segment starts with the customer being nervous as usual about whether he should go in, only to hurry inside as to avoid being spotted by Arajin who's on his way to the bathhouse. The customer is greeted by the receptionist who is still uneasy with him avoiding Jasmine. And even the customer himself looks less indecisive and more somber when he's asking for Pu'er instead of Jasmine.
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As I mentioned in the Episode 1 segment, the customer is meant to symbolize Arajin while the catboy receptionist represents the colorful delinquents that Arajin encounters. And even though the first episode had Jasmine stand in for Mahoro, this time she stands in for Matakara.
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The receptionist describes Jasmine as being strong-willed, clingy, and too much at times. Many of which are traits that are associated with Matakara.
-While Episode 9 shows him slowly succumbing to Ichiya's twisted therapy sessions, it's worth noting that it's been several days since when he first merged with the Blue Genie til then. So it's worth noting that Matakara lasted a good while before succumbing to Ichiya's will. And even before that, it was his strong will that helped him become stronger and find a place among Minato Kai while also evading the shadows that constantly haunted him. His determination in becoming stronger helped him to evade those shadows; maybe not vanquish them but not to succumb to them either.
-The clingy and too much at times qualities seem to go hand in hand as most of Matakara's screentime has been spent trying to reconnect with Arajin while holding him on a pedestal. Even as Arajin kept pushing him away, Matakara still clinged on to his idealized version of his best friend. One who constantly inspired him to be a Honki person and do the impossible. The too much at times part also works since Mataraka just wouldn't stop gushing over Arajin to his other friends or tries to force Mahoro to talk with him about Arajin and his involvement in Siguma Squad. While is very much a sunshine puppy boy, he can be quite overbearing when it comes to his old friend.
As of the last episode, Arajin made his true feelings for Matakara painfully clear and how he wants to avoid him at all costs. Only now the rest of the cast have taken notice and how much it's effecting Matakara given his refusal to talk to his other friends Zabu and Sakigake mixed with him running away from home. It's become a serious problem and they're all worried about him.
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Something peculiar about the receptionist's behavior, and the whole scene overall, is how it's played for dramedy.
The receptionist treats the customer abandoning Jasmine as something tragic and how badly it's effecting her. There's soft music at play as the receptionist speaks his heart out about the cat's distress and how only the customer can help her.
But at the same time, it's just so ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous! There's no reason that the receptionist should need to be so invested in the customer's preferences in cats. They haven't actually bonded with each other apart from letting the customer in so he can spend time with the cats and spend Lord knows how much money. This is his job so it shouldn't matter which cat some random, pathetic everyman chooses to play with since he's still getting paid rather handsomely at the end of the day.
But it does matter to him.
Maybe (as far as we know) the receptionist doesn't know the customer very well but he (supposedly) knows that Jasmine truly misses him and is miserable without him. The receptionist could try to make Jasmine feel better herself given that he sees her more often and knows more about her. But he knows that she holds the customer in his heart and implores him to go back to her.
And while the Minato Kai boys don't care much for Arajin or flat out tell Arajin to patch things up with Matakara, they do make it clear that their friend isn't doing so well after their falling out. He's in need of help and they unfortunately can't do anything about it given how they were brushed aside. And even Mahoro, who also happens to be a colorful character that Arajin met when he entered the Ichizu gang life, has also picked up on Mataraka's despair and wants him to feel better. She clearly doesn't care for Arajin but she knows how much he means to Matakara, someone who understands her when it comes to valuing an older brother figure. She even flat out orders Arajin to go see how he's doing.
Something to consider is that while the Minato Kai boys and Mahoro have their respective but serious scenes with Arajin, they still have their quirky (questionable in Mahoro's case) personalities at play. Such as Sakigake singing his heart out in the bathhouse with Arajin while in his birthday suit to Mahoro having a tea party with a blow up doll of her big brother before learning about Matakara's brother. They're still weird and silly but they show how much heart they have and how they can empathize with someone who's at their lowest. And while they might not be the best person to help out, they know that Arajin is the best person to help them out.
Just like how the customer is the best person to help out the upset cat. And what does he choose when he's asked a second time?
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He loses his mopiness for just a moment, becomes slightly more confident and chooses his precious Jasmine. Much to the receptionist's jubilation.
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I'm gonna be leaning on the optimistic side and say that this will foreshadow Arajin reconciling with Matakara.
As much as I find Arajin to be a detestable and disappointing human being, I will admit that he is capable of growth. Particularly with bonding with his old childhood friend.
Right after defeating Akutaro, we see Arajin help out a grievously wounded Matakara while mildly complaining about it. We see them being on speaking terms during the Pro Wrestling Episode and Arajin even took the time to teach him how to make gyoza. Not to mention that Arajin was also willing to stick around for Mitsukuni's Welcome Party. The guy is not a good person (ESPECIALLY towards women) but he is capable of becoming better. Maybe at a snail's pace, but it's possible.
And we see those glimpses of growth in Episode 9 with him secretly admitting that there was one person (Matakara) who actually would like his rock for a gift.
So I want to be an optimist and say that Arajin will be able to save Matakara from his despair and they'll reconcile. Maybe accepting that he took Matakra's feelings for granted and how he should have treated his former friend better. How he was acting like a dunderhead and how he doesn't expect to be forgiven after treating him like yesterday's trash. I don't know if the puppy boy will forgive and accept Arajin again so quickly after everything that's happened (it actually would make for an impressive writing choice if Matakara chose not to accept him right away but with their being hope that they'll be friends in the future) but their relationship status will be a hopeful one.
Random Thoughts
When the receptionist brought up how the customer has seen other cats, I had two thoughts in mind. The first is from the Group Date til now, the customer has seen other cats at NNL apart from Pu'er.
The second is that this could be an implied parallel to Ichiya. I don't have enough information since we don't know much about Honki People and the Pasts of the Two Genies, but it's possible that Ichiya has encountered other masters in the thousands of years from when he was human to the present. The other cats could have been masters that Ichiya encountered and tried to possess to take revenge against Senya. But as the receptionist claims, Jasmine kept waiting for the customer. In this case, Jasmine was Senya. Ichiya's oldest friend who still longs to see and reunite with him after so many years of separation and regret.
Another thing I want to bring up is how conclusive this segment feels. It feels like it was wrapping up the plotline between the customer and Jasmine. I find this odd since this happened in Episode 9 and we supposedly have three more episodes before Bucchigiri is officially over. Does that mean we won't get more NNL segments in the final 3? Or will we still get them but in different formats? Like an epilogue of the customer bonding with Jasmine (along with getting an official reveal of who she is) or maybe we get a new customer who's set up to meet another cat potentially foreshadowing a final plot point in the series.
And those would be my thoughts on this segment. No lie, I did not expect this to be this long. But given how conclusive this NNL segment was, I felt there was alot to say about this. And what did you guys think of this segment? As before, feel free to reblog this if you agree with what I wrote, disagree or have another interpretation for this scene. So if you think of something, please say that you know.
"Do you know? Do you know? Do you know what this means?"
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dreamlandcreations · 1 year
Twisted fate
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Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader (eventually)
Summary: After the death of her sister, the twin of Daenerys meddles with magic, trying to change the past and ends up in the era of the Dance as Rhaenyra's daughter...
Warnings: this is like a note for the idea of a series (so basically a teaser) 🤷🏻‍♀️, canon-typical stuff, Reader is on a mission, fix it fic?, it's probably a mess as I am... writing at 1-2am with no idea where I wanna go with this
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You were born after the storm... for the first time. While your twin was called Stormborn, you were given the not-so-catchy name of the Flame of Dawn after the red skies that could be seen at the time you had drawn your first breath.
Life was difficult for your sister, it seemed she had to bear all the burdens but you were always eager to learn. Dragons and Valyria being your favourite subjects but as soon as you were free to do so, you started to learn other things too. Your knowledge came useful when the dragons were born but flying them was seemingly not meant for you. You found solace in fighting and learning to use the magic in your blood.
After the war you asked Bran to teach you to see. First, it was just curiosity, as you wanted.. no, needed to see history with your own eyes. However, you soon found out that you can connect and perhaps shape the past through your visions. Bran warned you against it but you didn't listen.
You became obsessed with fixing the events that lead to the demise of your house and family. You have spent a lot of time observing, especially the Dance of the Dragons. Those events were the true end for the House of the Dragon, however, you wanted even more than they had and ventured back to Aegon then tried to see what you were most curious about. Valyria.
As you went further back, you found that some members of your family had stronger magic and could sense your presence. Although none like the dragonlord you came across in your first glimpse of your ancient home.
He lectured you and punished you by trapping you in the past.
You were born during the storm... for the second time.
Your memories of your old life surfaced as you re-learned things. It was a struggle until your adult years, keeping them. The memories and your old self came and went like waves of the ocean your not-blood-related father loved so much.
It didn't take long to realise you were not your father's daughter and that your mother's uncle, who mostly stayed at Driftmark but spent a lot of time with you whenever he could, was the one who fathered you.
When you could surface from the waters of oblivion, you were even prouder than otherwise. As a child, in both lifetimes, you idolized Daemon.
You were still a small child when your memories surfaced for a while, and you started to make plans to somehow avoid the Dance and make your new parents king and queen. In the gardens, you discovered a poisonous flower and decided to eliminate one major key for the war to come. Killing off all your villains was tempting, however, there were several problems with that idea.
You knew that would be too suspicious, even f no one would suspect a child. But for one cleverly timed murder, the innocent look of your current form would be a perfect disguise.
It was also the time your realised Rhaenyra having your Strong brothers was putting everything at risk and you had no good solution for that mess either.
The plan was to destroy the Greens but as you grow the memories of your past life become more like dreams than your reality and slowly, and ironically when they finally seem to settle for good, they don't feel like yours anymore. Of course, it's useful to know all that but you have a different life and you've become a different person too, loving people in this life and fearing losing them.
And that's the problem with the plan. You can't lose them. You can't lose him. Aemond, the only person in your childhood who understood you, besides your father of course. And even after the loss of his eye, and becoming distant, your uncle remained your best friend, who you couldn't give up on, hurt or even betray.
His sister was certainly not to blame for anything and you were fond of her too. After getting to know the Green Queen, you couldn't even blame her at times.
So, you put yourself in an even more difficult position, abandoning the plan and trying to make peace between these idiots of yours.
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egg-emperor · 7 months
Oh what has Oshima stated about Eggman? I'm curious.
This Twitter DM which was from quite a while ago, can't remember when, where from, or who to but it still gets spread around:
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All respect to Oshima of course, like I said, the man is a legend and treasure. But that first part literally isn't what happens in the game at all. The way he's describing it makes it sound like Eggman came along with innocent intentions, Chaos appeared and started doing something evil and then he wants to protect the world and be a hero or something. But the game's events simply aren't anything like that at all.
Eggman specifically intends for Chaos to destroy Station Square, so he can build Eggmanland on the ruins.
Sonic story:
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Tails story:
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The only problem he has is Chaos betraying him and making him his enemy, which means he's now a threat to him too and that's when it's a problem.
Last story:
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He specifically states that it's because he defied him/didn't follow his orders. Instead Chaos is doing it on his own terms and making him his enemy, meaning he can't build Eggmanland and is now in danger too instead. Otherwise he'd love that shit because it was literally his goal to destroy it XD
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JP translations are showing me the context doesn't change and Eggman's reasonings remain exactly the same.
Sonic story:
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Tails story:
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Last story:
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I like that last line, it perfectly represents his selfish "if you don't serve/obey me/aren't useful to me, you have no reason to exist" mindset. 🥰 But yeah, he's extremely blatant with his selfish reasoning in both versions.
But yeah what Oshima said about Adventure makes no sense. The Adventure guide also said something like him not thinking of himself as evil, I believe? Which is the only possible thing one could cite in relation to him "not being evil" in Adventure. Which doesn't make any sense there either for all the above and every game ever actually.
And what I have to say to the idea that he doesn't think of himself as evil in general is this post, showing just a few of the examples of him very clearly understanding that he's evil and doing bad things and not caring, and and specifically calling himself, his creations, and actions "evil". Bios which can and have been inaccurate in various ways for multiple characters don't change that.
Also I get where Oshima is coming from with the second part of the man/machine/science vs animals/nature thing but it seems like he's kinda saying it in a way that seems to imply that the one is just a threat to the other in general. When this appears to not be the case in Sonic CD, as good future is a world that can be both natural and mechanical in harmony. And I think that's a lot cooler.
Eggman represents the harmful, selfish, greedy, dark parts of humanity, it's clearly never been presented in a way that paints humanity as a whole as a bad thing. It's not a misanthropic all humans are evil messaging, just an example of the kinds of evil that humanity can be capable of, how they can destroy nature, how they can be greedy and power hungry.
Also the whole Eggman wants to make the world "beautiful" thing is true because as a selfish egotist, it will be the most beautiful and perfect it can be when it's under his control in his eyes, in by his own twisted definition, that's detrimental for nature, wildlife, and everyone else in it. Nobody else will want but will have it forced upon them by him.
People trying to present this as fact are ignoring how Oshima emphasized that it's his "personal opinion". That's not what determines decisions made during actual production and finalized solid canon, which in this case shows something completely different in the game, English and Japanese. But he's not trying to pass it off as final fact so I have no issue with him, it's the fans that are.
Word of god that directly contradicts canon events and characterizatiom doesn't hold up no matter who it's from. Something especially doesn't suddenly become true canon fact because someone was privately sent a DM about a creator's personal opinion, that they also specifically emphasize to be just that to them on top of that lol
I only ever note word of god in fact sharing or analysis I do if it's just reiterating/explaining what was already shown/described/implied in the actual games and very blatantly so, for reasons like these. As there can be stuff is literally completely different in the games and isn't just a matter of interpretation.
So yeah thought I'd finally bring this up and break it down properly since it's been around for a little while now but I've seen it getting spread around again like it's fact lately. Eggman is very aware that he's evil and he certainly wasn't a good guy in Adventure, nor any other game XD
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