#and uh. that’s it lol. and at some point we all need to get lunch breaks
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Looking at the rota app thinking well. Tomorrow is going to be fascinating
#basically it’s just me; the assistant manager; my work bestie; and a volunteer who comes in only to cut bread and wash up#and only for 2 hours. she leaves to have lunch with her husband at 12:30. which is extremely valid because she’s literally working for free#i wouldn’t do even one hour’s unpaid work in that place#and uh. that’s it lol. and at some point we all need to get lunch breaks#and we have stations like hot food and cashiering that absolutely need two people to be on them at all times#AND we have restocking that needs to be done; we need to be emptying bins; cleaning tables; etc#and we have a BIG space! the cafe’s at a nature preserve. land is what we have. it is spread out#to summarise i think i’m going to be cashiering and making drinks by myself for 7.5 hours straight#we have deliveries arriving because someone (read: our manager) thought that was a good idea???#i just hope someone from retail or car park bails us out because otherwise i am going to have a full on breakdown#and i hope i don’t slice my thumb open again. and i hope the bucket doesn’t leak again#if something crazy happens i might just make an executive decision to stop service until we’ve dealt with it tbh#because it was absolutely ridiculous trying to serve customers while literally standing on one foot while my coworker wiped the wet floor#under me & another coworker fixed the coffee machine (meaning she was very much in the way and i basically couldn’t use either machine)#it was TOO MUCH. if it happens again i’m just letting the customers know ‘here’s what’s happening and you’re looking at a 10 minute wait#because my manager has overcomplicated everything’#literally we just do way too much stuff in too small of a space. like the more stuff you cram in the more can go wrong#and WE DON’T HAVE THE SPACE OR THE MANPOWER TO DEAL WITH IT#like girl you’re the best manager i’ve ever had but every time we order in a new product i die inside#so that’s my life atm. thanks for asking#personal
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hgfictionwriter · 4 months
Maybe This Time - Part Three
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: Jessie and you finally get some 1:1 time together (thanks Janine!). You work to build new memories together, but hurt from the past needs to be addressed.
Warnings: None. Temporary, very light angst, but mostly sweet fluff.
A/N: Part two and one.
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"What do you think? Should I go for it?" 
Jessie smirked as she saw the screenshot you sent her of her jersey in the Thorns' site shopping cart. 
"I don't know. I thought you said that was too big a commitment." 
"I did. But I was rather impressed at the last game. And we went for drinks after, I finally got to meet Janine – so you know, points for that. And if I think about it, I'm like an OG fan. But if you think I should get a different jersey..." 
Jessie laughed under her breath, her smirk now a full blown smile as she read your message while she ate lunch. The conversation she'd been on the periphery of carried on as she ate another bite before typing out a reply. 
"Oh yeah? Post-game drinks were a hit, huh? And you know, my stats are only getting better with each game 😉 And let's be honest, I'd be pretty offended if you got someone else's jersey. Except Sinc's. Because, you know, GOAT." 
"Oh, well, say no more. You had me at 'stats' lol. Done. I'll pick it up before next game." 
"Lol I figured. My plan all along – I know how much you love stats." 
"You know me so well. I have to say, I'm kind of tempted to modify the jersey. Add some sort of patch or stitching, 'Yay sports!'" 
Jessie laughed out loud, less discrete than before.  
"Don't you dare lol. I've taught you better than that. But hey, if you ask nicely, I could actually sign it for you 😎" 
"I'm sure I have an old group paper kicking around with your signature on it. I need to be able to wash this thing lol. What else can you offer though?" 
Jessie swallowed her food hard, the bite getting caught temporarily in her throat with a wince. Okay, no signature – how humbling. However, there was an opening. 
She stared at her phone temporarily before a loud clearing of someone's throat caught her attention. She lifted her gaze with a curious frown on her face to see Janine staring expectantly at her. Jessie instinctively tilted the phone inwards towards her body. 
"I don't even have to spy to know who you're texting," the blonde said rather self-satisfied. Jessie looked around, heat building in her face already as she hoped Janine was the only one focused on her.  
"Yeah?" Jessie retorted, attempting to appear as unfazed as possible. "You should be pleased. You keep pushing me to text her." She cracked a smirk. "Now that you don't think she's the devil incarnate for 'stringing me along' in university." 
"Oh I don't think you need to be pushed," Janine teased with a wicked grin. "And I never said she was the devil incarnate." She lifted a hand to her chest in exaggeration. "I merely questioned things. But you're right," she relented, "she's quite lovely. And she gives you butterflies, and she makes you blush - more than usual - and you try to act all nonchalant and it's just too adorable for words." 
"Uh huh," Jessie muttered with a flat look. Janine leaned in excitedly. 
"And I have to say, I got the sense that she and I could riff off of each other and just tease the heck out of you, so that really sealed the deal for me." 
Jessie rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah, that's exactly what I need in my life." She'd never admit that it actually excited her that her best friend and you could get along so well. If – and it was a huge 'if' - anything evolved between you two, it was key that you got along with her friends and family.  
She started thinking about how well you got on with her parents and sister – you'd met before during your days at UCLA and they loved you. She also remembered how disappointed they'd seemed when she eventually told them that you two didn't speak anymore.  
"Well, since you're so invested," Jessie went on, rolling her eyes facetiously once more as she opened her phone again and turned it to Janine, "what should I say?" 
Janine squinted as she leaned in to read and it only took a moment for her expression to light up. Before Janine could say anything, Jessie snatched the phone back and placed it on her lap with a frown.  
"I don't want to hear it," she pre-empted the girl. 
"What?" Janine said innocently with a mischievous glint in her eye. "I am totally supportive of the flirtation between you two." She ignored Jessie's look of complaint and cut off her protest. "Her shutting down your autograph is pretty hilarious, by the way," she said with a marginally apologetic look. "Not smooth on your part – you know she's not impressed by your elite football skills. Don't lean on your Jessie the Footballer identity." 
"I wasn't," Jessie nearly hissed, trying to keep her voice down and avoid drawing attention. "I was joking. Half joking." 
"You were flirting, or at least attempting to. She left you an opening here though. So, you should ask her out." 
"I'm not asking her out," Jessie pouted, her shoulders rounding as she scooched closer to the table. She huffed upon seeing the scrutinizing look her friend gave her. "We're still getting to know each other again." 
"Fine. Don't define it as a date, then," Janine dismissed with a wave. She leaned in, folding her arms on the table. "Ask her to go for dinner." 
"Basic," Jessie remarked as she sat up and crossed her arms in disapproval. She frowned. "Plus that's too date-like." 
"Fine," Janine said curtly. "How about a hike?" 
Jessie hummed and hawed, unconvinced. "Maybe someday. Doesn't seem right at this point though." Janine rolled her eyes in exasperation.  
"Well, what did you two used to do back at UCLA?" 
Jessie shrugged. She saw the frustration Janine was telegraphing at how unhelpful she was being and jumped in. "We went to drop-in art classes sometimes." 
Janine held a hand up to the sky. "Thank you. Finally – something I can work with. Okay! Let's find a drop-in class for you two to go to then." She pulled out her phone and started browsing before shooting a look at Jessie as an aside. "Oh, and dinner's too date-llke, but an art class isn't? Okay." 
Jessie grunted and pulled out her phone as well to look.  
"Here," Jessie announced after a couple of minutes. "This'll work. She enjoyed painting." 
Without further consultation, Jessie began to type out a message to you. She bit back a laugh at how Janine's head was bobbing around periodically trying to peek at the message from across the table.  
"Don't send it yet! I want to see it," Janine pouted.  
"You are not writing my messages for me," Jessie told her pointedly, but gave a heavy sigh as she turned her phone for the blonde to see. An affronted look crossed Jessie face as Janine let out a guffaw and snatched the phone out of her hand.  
"No," Janine simply said with a wag of her finger before she started typing. Jessie reached out for the phone, but Janine turned her body away. Jessie clamored more, but stopped as soon as she noted some of their teammates glancing their way. She shrunk back into her seat, a hand rubbing the side of her face as she spoke in a harsh whisper.   "What are you doing." 
"Jeff. Relax. I would never lead you astray," Janine assured her. "And this is so very satisfying for me since I never got to help you with any of this during uni. Cause let me tell you, if I had been involved, you two definitely would've been living happily ever after." 
Jessie breathed in exasperation. "Please. Give me my phone back." 
"Okay, okay. Here," Janine said, all humour from her tone gone as she now offered Jessie a sincere smile. "Read it over, but I think this is good." 
Jessie gave her a lingering stare as she took back her phone and let out another withering sigh before reading.  
"Funny you should ask. I was thinking about how much I missed art classes together. How about I take you to one of the drop-in painting classes across town when I'm back from Houston?"  
Jessie lifted her gaze to meet Janine's and she studied the blonde for a few moments before relenting with an inaudible sigh. It was better than her original "I don't know. Paint class?" reply. She hit send and released another heavy breath as she tucked the phone away once more.  
"You're welcome," Janine said with a saccharine smile. Jessie gave her a fake smile in return, pulling a laugh out of the girl. "Hey, let's remember which one of us is engaged and which one of us is perpetually single." 
"Ouch," Jessie said with a light laugh.  
"I'm just teasing," Janine went on. "I genuinely hope this turns into something for you. Considering you've only come back into each other's lives, what, like a couple months ago? You two seem pretty solid already. And you seem happier." 
Jessie wanted to give a dry retort of some kind, but Janine was right. You two talked every day now and the chemistry you had in university was still very much present. And the depth you once had in your friendship was something that was quite easily and naturally being broached again. Even if you'd both grown and changed, the cores of who you were still aligned well and fit together. Too well. 
She'd more or less dismissed the spark of emotions that came up during your initial interactions as some sort of emotional muscle memory, but the feelings were proving to not be fleeting or diminishing.  
If anything, her feelings for you were growing. And this time they felt different, too. Heavier, deeper in some way. She was a more realized person now, as were you, and it made the connection between you more substantial. Less juvenile.  
Her phone buzzed. She opened her lock screen.  
"That sounds like a lot of fun! Let's do it." 
By the time your paint date night came around, Jessie was nearly buzzing with anticipation. It wasn’t an official date, of course, but she hadn’t seen you since that night after the game, and truthfully, it felt like it had been too long.
She was early - as usual - but as she rounded the corner to the building, she bit back a smile upon seeing you waiting. You were always early too, which she appreciated.
“Hey.” Jessie greeted as she approached. Again, she had to tamp her smile when you beamed back at her.
“Hey, good to see you,” you said as you stepped in for a hug, which Jessie reciprocated. “I love your shirt,” you continued when you stepped back.
“Oh,” Jessie said with a slight frown and a mild laugh as she looked down at herself in question. “Thanks,” she said as she gave a shrug and fought off a blush. She looked you up and down, not entirely discretely. “I like your outfit.”
You rolled your eyes affectionately and gave her a look. “You don’t need to reciprocate my compliment. But thank you.”
“I legitimately like your outfit,” Jessie retorted, her pitch rising and pulling a laugh out of you as you both walked towards the building. Jessie took a few quick steps and grabbed the door, holding it open. “After you.”
“Such service. Thank you,” you said, both teasing and appreciative. Jessie didn’t wink, but she did give a teasing lift of her eyebrows as you passed.
As the instructor gave their directions for the lesson, Jessie found herself distracted, glancing at you out of the corner of her eye. The whole lesson carried on like that, really. Jessie had to make a point to not fall behind as she’d uncharacteristically lose concentration. The worst, well, best, moments being when she'd lean over feigning critical assessment of your work when really she just wanted to be close.
By the end, she was decently satisfied with the forest landscape she’d painted. However, she felt it paled in comparison to the ocean sunset you’d crafted.
“I love your colours. And the little cabin you added is great,” you told her as you were both leaving, canvases in hand.
“Well good,” she said as she got to a clearing on the sidewalk and stopped to turn to you. “Consider it my gift to you,” she went on as she held it out to you.
“Jessie,” you said sweetly with a smile as you took it and looked it over more thoroughly. “That’s really sweet. Thank you. It’s beautiful. And bonus - I get my Jessie Fleming signature, but on a far rarer painting as opposed to a jersey,” you laughed. “And what a coincidence. I painted this for you.”
Jessie looked at you for a moment before a smile broke out across her face as she belatedly took the painting you held out.
“Thank you,” she said softly as she studied the image. She frowned in realization as she lifted her eyes to you. “Is this the same beach from our photo?”
You nodded. “It is. Nice eye.”
“Who knew you were so sentimental?” Jessie teased.
“Apparently not you,” you replied with a roll of your eyes, but gave a small laugh. “Come on. It’s been a while, but you know me better than that.”
Jessie was quiet for a moment as she took you in. She eventually nodded. “I know.”
A small lull fell over you both before you asked. “So, what now? Do you have to leave?”
“No.” Jessie spoke quickly with a shake of her head. “I don’t have anywhere to be. How about you?”
You shook your head in return. “Same. Well, it’s beautiful out tonight. Want to just go for a walk? We can drop these off at my car first,” you proposed as you held up the painting.
“Sure. Sounds great.”
After a short detour, you both began your stroll along the quiet, tree-lined street.
“Thanks for suggesting that class,” you said. “I don’t really get to paint or pursue creative hobbies as much anymore. It was nice to make a point of it. I can’t imagine you have much of an opportunity to focus on things like that anymore, hm?”
Jessie sighed quietly in contemplation and gave a shrug.
“Not extensively, no. But we do lots of team building, so sometimes we’ll do artsy things. And I can do hobbies and such in my down time, whether during the week or between seasons.”
She looked over to see you giving her a soft smile.
“What?” She asked.
“Nothing really. Just kind of crazy how everything turned out. You’ve achieved so much and your life is so impressive.”
Jessie was about to interject with a compliment for you, but you carried on.
“Are you happy with how things turned out?” You asked with a slight cock of your head.
“I-um, yeah.” Jessie stammered slightly, caught off guard by your question. “I mean, yeah it’s been incredible. More amazing than I could’ve ever pictured. And I know I’m very lucky.”
“You’re not lucky, Jess. You’ve worked exceptionally hard.”
She huffed lightly. “Yes, but luck is involved too. Lots of people work hard and still don’t get half the opportunities I’ve had.”
“I suppose,” you relented. “But you’ve made the most of those opportunities and haven’t taken them for granted.”
“That’s true. But look at you. You’ve worked so hard. And I know what you’ve been up against, but you’ve risen above and built a great life for yourself,” Jessie emphasized.
“Thank you,” you accepted with a half smile. Jessie knew the ins and outs of your family dynamics - something few people truly knew. You smiled more fully at her. “And look at us now. We both left LA and then found ourselves in the same city again and got to reconnect,” you finished with a laugh. "It sounds strange, but it really feels like in some ways like no time has passed. Not really, anyway. Like you and I were able to pick up where we left off."
You let out a quick sigh, giving a deep shrug as you did so. Your eyes remained trained on the ground as you two walked. "I mean, we talked the other week about my family and it just felt so different. Like, I've told recent friends or girlfriends my history and everything, and they listen and they 'get it', but it's not the same. That conversation with you – via text, no less – had more depth and weight than any comparable conversation with my exes or current friends. You were there. You know it – and me, I guess - inside and out. And even if I retell things, it's just not the same." 
Jessie nodded, watching you. It did feel like yesterday when she was sitting next to you on your bed, sobs wracking your body after one confrontation too many with your family. Normally, Jessie was so analytical and tentative about her physical contact with you, but the second you started crying she put her arms around you without hesitation and you leaned in, resting your head on your shoulder as she held you. That was the first time, but it wasn't the last.  
Looking back on it, maybe your girlfriends did have good reason to dislike her. 
"I know what you mean," she told you. "It's different. I mean, it's the same with you in a lot of ways. You were there for me during some critical points – big decisions in my life and you understood who I was and who I wanted to be." 
You smiled at her fondly. You looked ready to say something and Jessie waited. A moment passed and you exhaled, saying, "It really meant a lot – having you in my life and the support you gave me back then. I hope you know that." 
"I know," Jessie accepted with a smile of her own. "And likewise." 
Her mind drifted. She should probably just leave things be, but not speaking her mind is what held her back all those years before. She needed to share her thoughts and feelings if things were going to be different this time. She took a breath.  
"You know, I was really shocked when we saw each other here." She paused briefly. "I don't know. We hadn't talked in so long. I think I'd relegated myself to assuming we'd never see each other or ever talk again. Despite how important we were to one another at some point." 
Her statement seemed to give you pause, the mild surprise evident on your face. You eventually glanced down at the street as you two continued to walk. 
"Yeah. That's true, I guess," you conceded, your voice soft. 
Jessie studied you, unsatisfied with the response you gave. She pushed.  
"I knew we wouldn't be able to stay as close as we were. That was inevitable with us living so far away from one another, but I don't think I expected contact to fall apart as quickly as it did." You didn't reply right away and she went on with an ironic laugh. "We went from talking all day every day, to a few times a week with a video call scattered in there, to the odd message every couple of weeks, then just texts on birthdays and at Christmas, to nothing at all." 
She wasn't sure what she was anticipating, but she didn't expect you to turn to her with a perplexed frown.  
"Yeah. It did taper off pretty quickly."  
Despite the time that'd passed, Jessie still knew when you were telling half-truths. She gave a bit of an empty chuckle. "What else are you thinking?" 
You returned her laugh with a mild look. "I don’t know. I'm just kind of confused, I suppose." Jessie frowned.  
"About what?" She questioned. Faint alarm bells went off in her head when you stopped walking. She stilled her movements as well and you turned to one another on the sidewalk.  
You took a moment to gather your thoughts. You spoke with a smile that didn't quite reach your eyes. 
"I know it was me who stopped replying right away to messages – I don't deny that – but you weren't exactly giving me a lot to work with." You took a breath, dropping your shoulders before you spoke further. "Honestly? It was kind of feeling one-sided. Yeah, you replied, but a lot of your replies were brief and noncommittal. And when I asked if everything was okay you just told me you were busy. Which," you let out a slightly rueful laugh, "is absolutely fair. You were building this brand new, big life. Which is exactly what you were supposed to do. I don't begrudge you at all. I don’t know." You shrugged and averted your gaze momentarily. "I guess things just started to feel off." 
Jessie exhaled quietly as she processed your reply. What you were saying wasn't false. It had been so long it was easy for Jessie to just recall the end result – that you'd stopped replying altogether. That you'd given up on her; on the connection you'd both built for years. 
Standing here now though, if she was honest with herself, it was true that Jessie grew distant in her messages - purposefully so - knowing it would drive you away. What was she supposed to do? You two were never going to be together. And being friends was so incredibly hard sometimes because it was never just friendship for her. There was always this bittersweet feeling to everything and now that you were on completely different paths, there was an inevitable conclusion. Yet, she struggled to cut herself off cold. So instead, she took the coward's way out.  
Jessie scratched the back of her head. "I was busy," she repeated. She contemplated doubling down, but thought better of it. "And I guess I was finding it hard. We were building two very different lives." 
There was so much more she wanted to say, but she couldn't. What would be the point? Her chest panged when you gave her a sad smile.  
"I know," you accepted with a sadness in your eyes. "And I really wanted that for you. I just - it was hard to not feel like a nuisance. Like some obligation. So I just stopped writing."
Jessie's frown deepened. She knew all those years ago that she had to be hurting you, but she could lie to herself about it and focus selfishly on herself. Seeing you talk about it in front of her wasn't something she'd anticipated.
"I didn't mean for that," Jessie said. "And I never stopped caring about you," she compromised. 
"Yeah. I never stopped caring about you, either," you reciprocated in a subdued manner. Despite her role in everything, Jessie was still harbouring hurt from all those years prior and she felt compelled to push on. Sure, she'd pushed you away, but you'd let her. She erased you from her life little by little, day by day and you allowed it.
"Funny how quickly things change sometimes," Jessie went on. She didn't mean to scoff, but she did. "You didn't even tell me when you and [y/ex] broke up. You didn't even tell me you were having problems."  
In years past, Jessie was your sounding board for all your girl troubles. She remembered it well – it was painful. Having to hear you either swoon or – more often – complain about your girlfriends. Hearing how they disappointed or frustrated you when Jessie knew she could love you better. Just thinking back to it stoked a fire in Jessie's chest again. While she had genuinely loved you and cared about your well-being, she'd vowed to never get stuck in that dynamic again.  
You cracked a smirk. "It just seemed frivolous to bother you with something like that at that point." 
Another pang in Jessie's chest. "Well," she kicked idly at the concrete beneath her, "I would've been there for you if you ever needed me. I hope you knew that." 
You sighed and gave a hollow laugh as you pushed your hair back, causing Jessie to get momentarily distracted by the way the rays from the street light hit your face.  
"I know," you said quietly before meeting her gaze. "And I hope you knew the same about me. I know you're surrounded by people who love you, but," you shrugged listlessly, "I'd be there for you, too." 
Before Jessie could respond you gave her another smirk. 
"Besides. Though you never said anything explicit, I know you didn't like her. And by the end I could see why, too. No point wasting any of our limited conversation talking about her." 
Jessie bit back a smirk, but knew her eyes betrayed her. "Well, I guess that's poetic. Your girlfriends never liked me and I never liked them." 
Despite the mounting tension in your conversation, you laughed and gave her a nod. Jessie didn't return your laugh though. She gave you a solemn look. 
"You always deserved better than them. I know some of them were just fine, some of them even good, but they didn't seem earnest enough and they didn't love you enough." 
You were taken aback by her sudden proclamation. You opened your mouth to speak, but couldn't find the words.  
Jessie never understood how they didn't worship the ground you walked on. She practically did, even if she didn't show it. While those girls showed they cared through superficial acts like a generic bouquet of flowers, Jessie listened. In many ways. It was obvious to Jessie that they didn't really get you – not the way she did. And if they were so in tune with you, then why was it her you came to when things were hard or you were scared or even hopeful. If she'd been your girlfriend, she would've given you everything you needed and more. They clearly didn't. 
You eventually gave a soft huff and offered Jessie a quiet smile. 
"You've always been very observant. And very thoughtful. I get it now. There's a reason I'm single now. I don't want to settle anymore," you told her. 
Jessie was quiet before giving a nod of acceptance.  
"I'm glad to hear that." 
You both started walking again, though neither of you spoke right away. There was still a heaviness in the air, but it felt different now; hopeful.  
"I'm sorry for how things ended," you said as she glanced over at Jessie as you two strolled through the quiet street. "You've always been really important to me – regardless of whether we were in contact or not. I don't want to say that I wish things had been different, because I really don't see the point in regretting anything, but I will say I'm very grateful that we've had this chance to reconnect and rebuild." You paused. "I've really missed you. I didn't realize how much." 
"I'm really sorry, too," Jessie said, a smile spreading across her face. "And I agree – we can't change the past, but I also appreciate the chance to be friends again. I've missed you, too." 
She swallowed as she contemplated whether to add more. The lull that naturally formed told her to forge ahead.
"And you were never a nuisance or an obligation. I'm really sorry it came across that way."
"Awww, Jessie," you said in a teasing voice, lifting your conversation up again. You paused your steps and Jessie stopped and turned to you in question. "Come on," you beckoned as you waved her over and brought out your phone. "We need a new photo together." 
Jessie didn't fight it. Instead, she smiled at you and walked over to stand next to you. You leaned into her and Jessie found her hand naturally gravitated to your waist. It rest there before Jessie could even realize it, but before she could fret, you looked back at her with a smile before facing forward again. 
You took the photo and immediately opened up your messages with Jessie to send it to her. Jessie belatedly realized her hand was still on you and she pulled it back, holding her hands behind her. 
"There," you announced. "Now we can start rebuilding our collection. Portland memories – not just UCLA anymore." 
Jessie laughed and held up her phone, pointing the camera at you. 
"No, come on," you whined immediately and she laughed further.  
"Hey, this is part of the deal," she countered. You huffed, but eventually smiled for her. "Just remember. This goes both ways. I get new photos of you, too." 
She found herself giving you a wink. "I'll allow it."  
A/N: Part Four is available here.
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piinktearxs · 3 months
bunny food
prompts by @raccoonbabey
prompt: Character A is hungry, so Character C spoils them with candy and baked goods. (Bonus: Character B scolds Character C because “That’s not real food!”)
for anon (im sorry it wasn't exactly what you wanted! but you did motivate me to write lol)
pairings: cg!sam winchester, cg!dean winchester x little!OC (munchkin)
warnings: talks of ghosts and graves!
send me more fic asks! :) i love doing these!
tags, as promised: @bunnybeeblog @simpforstefan
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It was a long drive back to Kansas, with a case located in Wyoming, 6 hours of route back to the bunker ensued.
Nobody in the crew really minded, by this point it was almost routine, plus this was an easy case, a run of the mill salt and burn - the only particularity being that munchkin had to distract the ghost while the boys digged the grave. So, she was pretty beat after the hunt, the boys knew from experience that, after most hunts, munchkin regressed - it was her way of processing all the emotions that she felt during the hunt, or anything really, plus, the boys loved caring for her whether she was small or big, they all really cared for each other a lot, but when she was small, she was just "so damn cute" as Dean put it.
They were 2 hours in, 4 left to go, they had had breakfast at the motel, only thing was, they had forgotten to get snacks before the drive.
Munchkin was in the back of the car, taking a little nap, when suddenly the car came to a stop, she then slowly woke up.
"Hey sweetheart, Daddy went to the bathroom, you wanna get somethin' to eat at the convenience store?" said Dean, turning to face munchkin from the driver's seat, she was starting to feel hungry, so, she nodded and rubbed her eyes, still sleepy from her nap. Dean went to open her door for her and unbuckle her, she could do this on her own, but he knew that it made her feel extra small when he did little things like that for her.
As she climbed out of the car, Dean offered his hand "What do we do when we cross the street?" He asked "Hold dada, daddy or dae's hand!" She responded chipperly, fully awake by now, as she took his hand "Attagirl" Dean said as they walked to the convenience store, they ran into Sam, who was just exiting the men's room.
"Hey there kiddo, had a good nap?" Sam asked as he bent down to munchkin's level - "Mhm!" She responded "Dada and I was jus gettin' some snackies 'cause we hungry!" She said, looking at the younger Winchester with a big smile on her face. Sam was happy to hear his little princess verbalizing her hunger cues "I think I'll join y'all then, I'm getting the munchies, too" he said as he took munchkin's free hand and started to chat with Dean when they entered the convenience store.
Sam, being the health nut that he is, immediately went for the veg aisle, whereas Dean took munchkin to his favorite aisle, the baked goods aisle- specifically where the pies were.
As Sam joined them, with a basket containing a big bag of baby carrots and ranch, Dean put in some pie and cookies, he then picked some worm gummies and red skittles, munchkin's favorite candy "I think we're all good to go, ain't we, Sammy?" Dean asked his brother, heading for the checkout counter "Uh, Dean I think we need to get some real food in there" Sam said, seeing that the basket was 70% sweets "Seems pretty real to me" Dean responded.
As the two brothers bickered on what was real food and what wasn't ("Rabbit don't equal real!" "OH, and processed does?" "You're such an almond guy" "There's a difference between almond and healthy!" "Yeah but you're an almond" "That's a meme! And I'm so not" "You so are") munchkin went around the store, picking what she was craving, she saw some carrots with hummus, and grabbed those, she then saw an individual bag of salt and vinegar chips and added that one, too, when she returned to the sweets aisle, she tugged on Sam's sleeve "Daddy in how much time are we gettin' lunch?" she asked, "In about two hours, why do you ask, bunny?" he asked, as munchkin put her picks in the basket "ta see if ima be veery hungry or not so much" she said as she took out her gummies and put them back "gotta leave some room for lunch" she said with a shrug "okie now we ready to go!" she said with a smile.
The boys looked at each other, perplexed, what did their little one just do? She never denied candy of any kind, Dean crouched to her height "Baby, is everything alright? You love gummies" he said, concerned "I know dada, but they's not goin' nowhere, plus, I'm craving skittles more today and we're havin' lunch soon, an' i don't wanna be full by lunch, an' i also wanted carrots an' chips" she said, very sure of herself, it did make sense, what she was saying, still, both boys were confused at her sudden vegetable frenzy, when she was small, she usually dreaded those "you can have bunny food AND sweet food, is all 'bout balance, plus I got some hummus because it tastes better than ranch"
The boys shared an "oh well" look, and the argument was settled, they paid for their items and got back on the road, where they shared what each had gotten, and sang along to their shared road trip playlist all the way back to the bunker.
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egotisticaleverything · 9 months
High school Party
Bo Burnham x reader
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A/N: this has been rotting in my draft for centuries so not requested just needed to finish this and cure my writers block for good !!
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, Bo being unreasonably mean, reader is a down bad loser, almost fucking to prove a point
“Hey-Uh Bo?” I tap the tall boys shoulder, trying to get his attention in the crowded living room we’re standing in, “I wanted to ask if I could have your number- so we could like hand out some time?”
“What?” He says after turning around
“I said could I have your number-“
“I heard you fuck face I’m just not falling for the same song and dance again” he scoffs, taking a sip from his cup.
“What do you mean-“ I sputter out
“I know Chrissy sent you over here to fuck with me alright?” He shrugs “hey hot popular conventionally attractive friend of mine, go over and ask out the weird skinny kid.” He mocks her in a high pitched voice.
“What- no I just want your number asshole the fuck?” I scowl at him stepping back, phone in my left hand, beer in my right.
“Fine whatever. I’ll put my number in your phone. Just shut up.” He grabs my phone.
“Thanks, geez for an apparent ‘nerd’ you sure are a dickhead” I roll my eyes, looking down at my beer.
“Here.” He almost chucks the phone back at me “you win your little dare, pass go to collect 200” he walks away unphased.
“Bo- wait” I grab his arm “could we like maybe hang out some time..?” I manage to crack a slight smile as if my heart isn’t racing
“God you’re a good actress” he turns his head towards me “fine. Lunch. Tomorrow. Text me your address.” He pulls his arm away.
I look down at my phone to see the contact name he’s given himself “Truth or dare”, thought he’d be more original.
Me: I’m not Jk wit u I actly like u dmbas :/
TorD: ok def selling it 2 hard
Me: fuk u
TorD: shut up ur drnk
Me: I wish I wernt so cute cuz if u wernt id kill u
TorD: get sober then u can smd :P jkkkk
Me: u still at da party
TorD: obvi dmbas
Me: meet u upstairs in 10
TorD: no u wont
Me: yes I will
TorD: fine im redy for ur prank or wtver
Me: u still think im jk lol XD
I walk into the room to see Bo sat on the bed “Surprised to see me here?” He jokes “I made sure to scope out the whole room for whatever you’re planning.”
“I’m not planning anything- what is wrong with you?” I am starting to get annoyed at this point,
“Yeah sure whatever-“ I cut him off by pulling him into a kiss, grabbing the collar of his shirt as I straddle his hips on the bed. I slowly bring my left hand up behind his head, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss as he groans. “You’re a good fucken actor.”
“I-… am not-… acting-…” I say between kisses as I lower Bo onto the bed, “you fucking brat.” I heave,
“God you’re something alright…” Bo attempts to catch his breath
“You’re lucky I take birth control” I say as I start undoing my jeans,
“Holy fuck you’re serious about this…” he looks up red faced
“You’re finally catching on, great work.” I scoff “Now what do you want me to do to you?” I giggle, trailing a hand down his chest.
“I-uhm wow” his cocky demeanour has completely disappeared, replaced with a flustered mess of a man who’s almost melting below me.
“What do you want me to do to you?” I ask him firmer this time as I throw my shirt across the room.
“I-oh wow uhm I-I’ve never gotten this far” he stutters and stumbles as i straddle him in nothing but my underwear and bra,
“I can tell.” I cross my arms “now use your big boy words and tell me what you want me to do to you.”
“I mean I really do-I’m not sure I-“
“Just say it”
“The first thing that comes to your mind”
“I-uh- fuck- I’m sorry” he facepalms, the crimson of his face barley peaking out.
“What-Bo?” I pull his hands away from his face, genuinely concerned.
“Why are you of all people into me?” He looks away,
“I-what do you mean?” I ask genuinely confused, what does he mean ‘me of all people’.
“You’re friends with Chrissy and Grace and all those other really pretty girls-“ he starts rambling “fuck you’re gorgeous, I-I mean that’s the reason I was so defensive…” his eyes drifted towards me, as he obviously tried to not look at my body.
“Bo… why do you think I stare at you every day in chemistry-?” I ask now just as red faced as the man below me “why do you think I spend so much time around the drama club when crew aren’t even needed-“
“Ever since freshman year- Bo I’ve been in love with yo-“ I’m suddenly cut off by a kiss, as he sits up, one of Bo’s hands finds its place on the back of my neck, the other places itself on my lower back.
“I’m- I don’t think I want to rush into this…” he sighs “I think you’re really pretty and fun to be around but I don’t want to take things too fast-“
“Thank god-sorry but I like you too much to just fuck you and prove a point.” I laugh sitting up “so… are you free next Friday after drama club?”
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goodlucktai · 2 years
give me something that’ll haunt me when you’re not around
chapter three: me and you and the whole town underwater
rise of the tmnt pairing: leoichi (leonardo / usagi yuichi) word count: 3k title borrowed from dark blue by jack’s mannequin post-movie
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read on ao3
Usagi: Good morning Leonardo. Unknown: USAGI Unknown: there are so many snacks in here oh my god Unknown: what the hell 😭😭😭😭 Unknown: im heavily medicated its not fair to do nic ethings ill cry Unknown: tell ur aunt i said THANK YOU!!!!!!! and the blueberry buckle was SO GOOD😭😭 Unknown: i shared some w mikey and he wants the recipe like yesterday Unknown: we actually ate like. all of it in one sitting. raph was pissed lol
Yuichi lays in bed smiling at his phone for a while before he gets around to pulling his braincells together to form a reply.
He starts and stops typing so many times that it’s embarrassing. He’ll pretend he didn’t do that.
Usagi: Those snacks were specifically meant to aid in your recovery. Unknown: so idk how familiar u are w baby brothers but typically mike gets whatever he wants
Yuichi thinks of his youngest cousin Jomei. Tiny and soft, with huge gray eyes, and unfortunately already self-aware at four years old. If Mike—Michelangelo, Yuichi thinks he remembers the boy being called—is even half as powerful as Jomei, then Leonardo’s blueberry buckle didn’t stand a chance.
Usagi: Fair enough.
It’s a good thing he woke up early. He doesn’t get anything else done for hours. Leonardo is an enthusiastic conversation partner at all times, and his texts manage to translate that energy effortlessly.  
Typically, Yuichi lets his friends save their contact IDs in his phone however they want. Leonardo isn’t there to do it himself, but Yuichi makes the rookie mistake of giving him free reign anyway. So Leonardo insists his number go in under ⚡️⚡️NEON LEON⚡️⚡️ and Yuichi has something to roll his eyes at every time they message each other.
It also makes him feel warm. There’s an affectionate little tug in his chest at this clear proof of Leonardo in his hands.
Now that he has this unfettered access to the very same person he wants to talk to all the time, Yuichi checks his phone a lot more than he used to over the next couple days. He even keeps it in his waist apron pocket at work, which some of the other servers do, which technically isn’t against the rules because none of them have abused the privilege so far.
Yuichi will feel extremely bad and guilty if he’s the one who abuses the privilege and ruins it for everyone. But when it vibrates in his pocket while he’s going outside to dump the trash anyway, he might as well linger for an extra minute and check his messages, right? Right??
Once, Señor Hueso catches Yuichi lingering in the employee lounge after his lunch break is well over, moving at a snail’s pace back toward the dining room with his nose buried in his phone. He almost walks right into his boss’s chest, saved only by the last-minute sense of someone else’s immediate presence that Karasu-Tengu-sensei mercilessly trained into him years ago. So he freezes a few inches away instead and his eyes dart up to the skeleton yokai’s unamused expression.
Oh boy. Señor Hueso is generally a very patient person but he’s no-nonsense about work. Is Yuichi in trouble? Is he going to get fired?
“I’msosorry,” Yuichi whispers.
But instead of scolding him, Señor Hueso only gives a pointed look to the phone in Yuichi’s hands and says sternly, “You tell Pepino to give it a rest. He’s still recovering from a concussion, he doesn’t need to be staring at a screen all day, madre de dios. Please be a good influence.”
“You don’t know I was talking to Leonardo,” Yuichi says defensively. He has other friends he could be texting! Then he takes a second look at the older yokai’s face and backtracks immediately. “I mean. Uh. Yes, sir. I’ll tell him.”
“Good. Now you have tables seated in your section.”
It’s a dismissal if Usagi’s ever heard one, so he scurries into the dining room with five times his original speed, sending one last message before he shoves his phone away.
Usagi: Señor says no more screen time while you’re recovering from a concussion. ⚡️⚡️NEON LEON⚡️⚡️: what?? how even??? ⚡️⚡️NEON LEON⚡️⚡️: he doesn’t KNOW ur taking to me
Thank you, that’s exactly what Yuichi said!
He makes it a point to actually focus for the rest of his shift, but it’s a Wednesday afternoon, and things are slow. Sunita is off for the day, and Qiao is studying at the bar when they’re not actively pouring drinks, and those are the only two coworkers Yuichi is familiar enough to strike up conversation with, so he keeps to his own section and works quietly.
It’s been brought up a couple of times now, in passing—Leonardo’s condition. Apparently, even a month after the invasion, he’s still healing. Yuichi didn’t know the symptoms of a concussion could last whole weeks. He doesn’t really know much about kappa, or whatever manner of creature Leonardo and his brothers are, but for a head injury to be that severe…
Suddenly, the sight of Raphael’s damaged eye jumps to the front of Yuichi’s memory. The clean hole in the big turtle’s rock-solid carapace. What the hell could have done that? What happened to them?
His brain is coming up with nightmare fuel like that’s its job. Something horrible went down behind-the-scenes while Yuichi was completely ignorant—while Yuichi was waiting tables and getting into trouble with Kitsune and Gen and helping with the tomato harvest, Leonardo and his family were in almost certain danger. And Yuichi didn’t know.
He plops down on a stool at the bar at the tail end of his last break for the day, and Qiao wordlessly slides him a cranberry juice on the rocks.
“How do I get my friend to tell me about something that may or may not be a sensitive subject?” he blurts.
“Have you tried asking him about it?” the ram yokai replies in a tone that manages to be both over-exaggerated and monotone.
Yuichi doesn’t even know why he bothers. He taps his phone on the counter a few times, takes a big gulp of cranberry juice that he pretends is something much stronger, then goes for it.
Usagi: I need to talk to you. ⚡️⚡️NEON LEON⚡️⚡️: oooooo ominous Usagi: It’s not ominous, weirdo. I have to go now but I’m off at 7.
Any normal person would have taken that last text at face-value, but Yuichi isn’t dealing with a normal person, is he?
So maybe he should have been expecting it when he leaves the restaurant a few hours later and finds Leonardo waiting for him outside. He's leaning heavily on one of his katana, either in an attempt to look cool or because he’s having trouble staying upright.
Yuichi is not inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” he blurts. His flat tone definitely does not convey his shock, but he’s feeling too much right now to articulate any of it properly.
Leonardo laughs out loud. It’s a different sound than it used to be—hoarse and a little restrained, like he’s trying to remember he doesn’t have to be quiet. But it’s still bright, and it still makes Yuichi’s heart do backflips in his chest.
He’s wearing a hooded sweatshirt that looks way too big to belong to him, a deep maroon color, repaired with clumsy pink stitches along the shoulders. One of the sleeves is hiked up to Leonardo’s elbow, due to the unwieldy cast on his left forearm, covered in doodles and stickers. The hoodie is unzipped down the front, so Yuichi can make out the cracks in Leonardo’s plastron, spiderweb lines cutting cruelly through the armored scutes. It’s hard to imagine the kind of pressure it would have taken to crush his shell—the same kind that drilled that hole through Raphael’s? What happened to them?
The skin around Leonardo’s neck and the side of his face is still discolored from what must have been pretty nasty bruises, and there are puffy red marks where scars haven’t settled yet. He looks older than the last time Yuichi saw him.
But he’s here. And he’s smiling, a footprint of that laughter left on his face. And now he’s—oh boy, now he’s starting to list to the side.
Yuichi crosses the distance between them at a run, catching Leonardo by the arm before he can topple all the way over.
“I don’t see what’s so funny,” Yuichi says waspishly, afraid to let him go.
“You wouldn’t,” Leonardo says cheerfully. He’s leaning heavily against Yuichi’s shoulder, his hand is shaking as he sheathes his katana over his shoulder, seriously, what the fuck is he doing here? “Everyone’s cussed me out at least once since I woke up. Add you to the list.”
Flustered, Yuichi says, “I did not do that.”
“You did! You said the fuck word!”
Yuichi rolls his eyes and begins the process of dragging Leonardo toward the nearest bench, staring down anyone who drifts into their path. The tree yokai already reclining there takes one look at Yuichi’s expression, grabs her bag, and takes off without a word.
Maybe he’ll feel bad about being impolite later. He doesn’t have any room for it in his brain right now. He doesn’t even think he remembers to breathe until Leonardo is safely sitting down, slumping onto the bench seat like someone five times his age.
Yuichi crouches down in front of him, giving him a hard look. If he needs medical attention, Yuichi will kick Run of the Mill’s doors down and drag Señor Hueso out here by his tie. Who needs a part-time job anyway?
But Leonardo seems to be okay now that he’s caught his breath, and he’s still grinning, like Yuichi is the best thing he’s seen in days.
“Do you use your scary face to get what you want all the time, or is this a special occasion?” the turtle asks coyly.
“I am beginning to understand why everyone has cussed you out since you woke up this morning,” Yuichi replies, sitting back on his heels.
Something tight that’s been clenched in his chest like a closed fist has suddenly loosened, a letting go when Yuichi didn’t even know he’d been holding on.
He’s missed Leonardo. Being around him has always been easy, even when looking directly at him is like staring into the sun, even when Yuichi’s words get lost somewhere between his head and his throat and he ends up spending most of their conversations just listening and watching.
“Not since this morning,” Leonardo interjects. “Can you imagine everyone getting on my case like that all in one day? That would just be bullying. I meant since the coma.”
There it is again. Little breadcrumbs, teasing scraps of information.
Yuichi gazes up at him, and has at least a dozen questions he wants to ask. That’s why Leonardo is here, even if he doesn’t realize it. Yuichi’s curiosity inadvertently dragged his friend from the safety of his home and the safe harbor of his family to the chaotic streets of the Hidden City.
The trip itself seems to have been hard on him, when usually it’s little-to-no-effort to step through a portal between one location and the next. His forehead gleams with sweat, and he’s still breathing a little heavily, like he just ran a marathon. He’s a pale shade of the vibrant boy Yuichi first met a year ago. He looks like he regrets bringing up the coma.
But he’s still here.
Abruptly, Yuichi doesn’t want to ask any of his questions. He just wants his friend to be here.
When Leonardo says, “Sooo, what’s so serious you dragged me all the way out here?” Yuichi pushes himself to his feet and takes the seat on the bench beside him with a theatrical sigh.
“Nothing, Leonardo,” he lies. “I just wanted to talk to you. You’re the one who jumped to conclusions.”
Some tense line in Leonardo’s shoulders that Yuichi hadn’t noticed before seems to go lax, even as he rolls his eyes. “I’m a ninja, we jump, it’s a whole thing. Anyway, more importantly, did I see a stall selling dumplings down the street or nah?”
“There’s no way I can convince you to stay on this bench, is there?” Yuichi knows the answer already and he’s getting up before Leonardo has a chance to say anything, offering him his hands. When Leonardo takes them, Yuichi hauls him up onto his feet.
They stand there together for a moment, neither of them letting go. Yuichi doesn’t even feel the usual need to spring away from him before he gets too close because he’s missed this stupid guy. And his stupid face, and his stupid big hands, and the stupid way Yuichi feels around him.
Whatever happened to him, happened. Yuichi can’t change that now. And if Leonardo wants to tell him about it, he will. But Yuichi gets the feeling that what Leonardo really wants right now is to feel normal. To feel like maybe one thing in his life is the same as it’s always been.
“Dumplings,” Yuichi announces, with all the enthusiasm of his little cousins faced with the unjust trial of bedtime. “If you fall on your face, I’m leaving you there.”
“If I don’t, you’re buying,” Leonardo quips back.
Yuichi scowls, remembers he’s still holding Leonardo’s hands, and then sort of forgets how to person for long enough that Leonardo lets go and goes a few steps without him. His brain literally goes offline for a minute. That’s never happened before.
“No it’s okay,” he hears Leonardo saying to someone on the street nearby. “It’s not his fault, he’s never been the same, you know, not since the storm.”
Fur bristling, Yuichi hustles to catch up, hopefully before Leonardo has done any actual lasting damage to his reputation. He has an image to maintain around here! He’s Usagi Miyamoto’s direct descendant, and Miyamoto was never anything but cool!
“Quit making up lore about me!” he hisses.
“Quit being weird!” Leonardo replies, clearly enjoying himself. “Dumplings!”
Yuichi scowls but falls into step beside him anyway. This is the guy he missed so much?
As soon as he has that uncharitable thought, he regrets it.
He thinks about April saying he always seemed pissed off to have Leonardo around, and darts a quick look at the striped turtle ambling along beside him. Leonardo doesn’t seem put off by Yuichi’s prickly attitude, but still—it wouldn’t hurt to make sure.
Yuichi waits until they’ve paid the elderly yokai woman running the food stall for two paper plates of crispy gyoza, so he has something to do with his hands, something to focus on besides his awkward tongue, to say, “I’m glad you’re back.”
Leonardo glances sidelong at him, crunching through a dumpling unselfconsciously. His mouth is full but his expression very clearly says ‘say what now?’
“Here, I mean,” Yuichi tells his plate. “Back here. I didn’t even know you were—I’m just glad you’re better.”
They walk the length of the block before Leonardo replies.
“I wouldn’t worry about us, Usagi. Me and my brothers can take a hit. You could even say we were made for it.” That’s a strange sentiment, and something bitter comes and goes across Leonardo’s face before Yuichi can make sense of it, as swift and darting as the little minnows that flit through the creek that winds past his family’s farm. Then Leonardo adds, sounding much more like himself, “My stupid arm is all that’s slowing me down now.”
“Considering it was broken in eight places, I would take six weeks in a cast as a solid win,” someone says from directly behind them.
Yuichi doesn’t jump in shock, he freezes, rabbit-still. Leonardo doesn’t seem surprised at all—he just groans theatrically.
“Oh nooo, it’s the consequences of my actions.”
Donatello snorts. Because that’s who it is, Yuichi realizes as he turns to get a good look at him.
“You can’t just run off, Nardo,” the purple-masked turtle says. His tone implies that this is not a suggestion. “You get why that’s uncool and unfair, right? Like, I don’t have to explain that very simple, elementary-level concept to you?”
“I left a note,” Leonardo argues in his own defense.
“You sure did,” Donatello replies, so level and calm that it sets Yuichi’s whiskers on edge, because that level calmness is very much a thinly veiled promise of bodily harm. “You left a note on your door that said “Do Not Disturb, Beauty Sleep in Progress.” And then you left one on your empty bed that you just drew a winky face on.”
“I realized I didn’t need any more beauty sleep, Dontron. I decided to save some for the rest of you sad scrubs. You’re welcome.”
“How magnanimous.”
Beyond the color-coded masks and the dramatically different body shapes and skin tones, there’s another easy way to tell the Hamato siblings apart; all of them have brown eyes in varying shades. Michelangelo’s are warm, tempered honey, while Raphael’s are darker and richer, edging into red.
Leonardo and Donatello, the twins, have identical golden eyes, piercing and impossibly bright even in the semi-dark of falling dusk. Under the warm lantern light, with their defining characteristics all but overshadowed, it would probably be easy to mistake them for a perfect mirror of each other.
But Yuichi could never make that mistake. Donatello’s eyes are different, because the way he looks at Yuichi is different.
Especially now. Where Leonardo was delighted to see Yuichi for the first time since before the invasion, Donatello is looking at Yuichi like he’s a clear and present threat.
Yuichi doesn’t know what Donatello has to feel threatened about. He has a good grasp of his own abilities and he’s self-aware enough to admit that Donatello could definitely take him in a fair fight. Any of his siblings probably could, up to and including his sister, out of stubbornness and spite alone. Yuichi is the one who feels hunted, like a tiny fluffy animal that was just sighted by a bored, hungry hawk, all because of the cold, calculating gold in Donatello’s eyes.
Then Leonardo plants his good hand on the side of his twin’s face and shoves it an arm’s length away. Donatello sputters and flails, and Leonardo talks over him with the ease of years of practice.
“Thanks for the dumplings,” Leonardo tells him. “See you when I’m finally un-grounded, someday seven years from now.”
Yuichi nods, offering a little wave. He watches Leonardo unsheathe a katana and form a bright, spinning blue portal with one swift downward slice through the air. Donatello is griping at him in harsh undertones, and Leonardo is giving back as good as he gets, but it doesn’t escape Yuichi that Donatello has gravitated protectively to Leonardo’s bad side, and Leonardo is leaning his weight against his brother like he’s actually much more tired than he was willing to let on.
Leonardo needs a break. He needs fresh air. He needs to—to not disappear again, even if it probably won’t actually be for seven years.
Before he can second-guess himself, Yuichi blurts, “I’m off on Friday! You should come to the farm. One of our tokage’s nestlings just hatched so we have babies to play with and they’re really cute!”
Donatello makes an antagonistic noise under his breath and hauls Leonardo through the portal. Before he disappears, Yuichi watches Leonardo’s whole body light up, a grin splitting his face in half.
“It’s a date!” Leonardo calls cheerfully in the seconds before he’s gone.
The portal closes. Yuichi stares at the empty space where it used to exist while the word “date” bounces around in his head like a free-floating balloon filled with screaming instead of the more traditional helium.
Usagi: Important time-sensitive HYPOTHETICAL question Usagi: When you make plans with your friend and he calls it a date, how do you ask what he means by that without sounding like an insane person?? SUNA: oh my god!!!!!! ꒰☉ェ☉꒱
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years
Hmm.. I'm always so happy when I win, but then I realise I never know what to prompt lol
I'm gonna do the same for you as I did for @rockitmans and pick three small prompts from @caramelcoffeeaddict's Klaine prompt gdoc for you to choose your favourite from ;)
You’re always seated in my section of the diner and one day you look really sad so I brought you a free dessert to cheer you up
You’re the doctor explaining my surgery to me and I have no clue what you’re saying because I’m too mesmerized by how attractive you are
Someone stole my lunch out of the fridge in the teacher’s lounge, so you offer to share yours with me.
Just half an hour ago, I told myself I'd finish this fic and then I was struck by inspiration, so here we are!
I love all these prompts, but I am besotted with no. 1 so here we go. Gwen, I am blanking on a title though, so please, help me out, so that I can post it together with the two other fics and then it'll be my 69th work in the Glee fandom on AO3 (nice). I mean, I can post them separately, but do it for the 69!
Kurt doesn't love working at the Spotlight Diner. It's a survival job for him, Santana and Rachel. Luckily, there's always some good things to be found. He likes that he gets to sing and people genuinely seem to enjoy it. And he also has some loyal customers that always sit in his section. His favourites are two elderly women who tip heavily, and Eyebrows.
Eyebrows is an attractive guy who dresses neatly and he has a warm smile. He's always incredibly kind towards Kurt and his colleagues and yes, okay, Kurt might have a small crush on him. But Kurt needs to be professional. That's why he's never asked for Eyebrows's name. Santana came up with Eyebrows as a placeholder, to Kurt's dismay. She named him after his triangle shaped eyebrows.
Kurt has another shift, but to his surprise, Eyebrows shows up. He usually never shows up on Monday evenings. Something else is off.
“Eyebrows looks sad.”
“Do not call him Eyebrows, Santana!” Kurt hisses, but his friend is right, because Eyebrows looks like he’s been crying.
Santana covertly nods towards Eyebrows.
“Talk to him.”
Kurt hesitates. Eyebrows looks like he doesn’t want to be bothered. Kurt tells Santana that, but she rolls her eyes.
“He’s gone to a public diner and you’re his waiter,” she points out. She has a point. Kurt does have to serve him.
Then he has a small idea. Kurt rushes to the kitchen.
A few minutes later, Kurt walks towards Eyebrows, holding a small sundae. It’s not much, but it’s all he could get. Gunther definitely doesn’t approve of giving freebies, even to loyal customers.
“Here,” Kurt puts the sundae on the table.
Eyebrows was hiding his head in his hands, so he is startled. He looks up to see Kurt. Eyebrow’s eyes are gorgeous, even when they’re filled with tears, which is kind of a weird thing to think. But Eyebrows is gorgeous!
“You probably need it,” Kurt shoves the sundae closer to Eyebrows. He gives him a comforting smile.
Eyebrows’s looking at Kurt as if he was sent from the heavens above.
"Are you okay?" Kurt asks. It's definitely a rhetorical question. Eyebrows look far from okay.
So Kurt isn't surprised when Eyebrows shakes his head.
"Do you, uh, want to order or do you want to talk?" Kurt asks. Gunther would scold Kurt for taking more time, but Eyebrows might need him and Kurt doesn't mind talking to him.
"I... got fired from my dream job."
"Oh. I'm sorry."
Eyebrows looks like he's about to burst into a fresh round of tears, but he does pick up the spoon. Kurt sees that as a win. While Eyebrows shoves ice cream into his mouth, he tells Kurt about what happened. Kurt listens attentively and makes affirming noises every now and then. It does sound terrible. Eyebrows was on Broadway. He was going to write music for a show, but due to "creative differences", he was let go. Kurt also dreams of going to Broadway, so he's crushed on Eyebrow's behalf.
By the time the sundae is gone, the story is over. Eyebrows looks calmer.
"Sorry for unloading that all on you."
"It's fine, I get it."
"You do?"
Kurt then tells Eyebrows about his Broadway dreams. Unlike Eyebrows, he never realised them (although Eyebrow's dreams aren't coming true either now), but he understands the wish to make it on in the Broadway scene. He went to NYADA, for Christ's sake, and he's still a waiter with a lot of student debt.
"So, truly. I don't mind."
Eyebrows laughs awkwardly.
"Thanks. I needed it. The venting and the sundae. How much do I pay for it?"
"It's on the house," Kurt quickly reassures him.
Eyebrows is radiating gratitude.
"The usual?" Kurt then asks.
"Yes, please."
The next day, Eyebrows appears again. He looks happy. Kurt tells him that when he greets him.
"I am!" Eyebrows sounds exhuberant, "I got my job back."
"Yes! Some other people in the creative team disagreed and they fought the decision and apparently the person who fired me didn't even discuss it with the others. Now his position is being questioned! My role might change a little bit, but I am back on board."
"Eyebrows, that's amazing!" Kurt says and in his excitement, he doesn't realise he called Eyebrows Eyebrows.
"... Eyebrows?"
Kurt, embarrassed, explains the context. Luckily, Eyebrows laughs and he seems to enjoy it.
"I am flattered, but my name is Blaine."
"Kurt," Kurt says back.
"I know."
Right, Kurt has a name tag.
"I don't mind being called Eyebrows, but in case you need a reminder," Eyebrows - Blaine - opens his pocket and he takes out a wallet. He hands Kurt a business card.
Blaine has a business card, which is professional, but Kurt doesn't know why Blaine's handing it to him. Yes, Kurt told Blaine he has a Broadway dream, but Blaine isn't influential enough to help him get a job.
"... Thanks?"
"My name is on there. And my number as well."
Blaine's eyes light up.
"Well it is very important information for me to remember," Kurt says coyly, "The name is important as well."
Their moment is cut short when Gunther tells Kurt to hurry up. Kurt tries not to roll his eyes and Blaine also looks saddened by the interruption.
"The usual?"
"Always, but add a sundae to it," Blaine says with a wink.
Kurt does his job. He doesn't have a lot of time to stop at Blaine's table, but he doesn't mind. Kurt has the feeling he'll talk to Blaine more often, even outside of work.
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well, my time off from work is coming to a close, sadly. it always goes by way too fast.
especially because this time it seems like i spent a lot of it doing stuff, like running errands and cleaning.
i took our dog to get his hair cut on tuesday and he was a real good boy the whole time. i bought him a toy for being such a trooper.
on wednesday my mom left for a work trip which she's still on but she'll be back tomorrow. she made it safely and says it's been a peaceful time so i'm glad, she deserves a break.
i spent most of wednesday running errands (mostly looking for a specific hair dye that i went to TWO sallys for and neither had it so i had to order it online but i think this time it's really gonna come out exactly how i want so fingers crossed !!; i also procured some snacks !!)
thursday i decided to do something i've wanted to for a long while and mom said i could if i wanted but she doesn't know so this will be a surprise for her when she gets back, but !!
i woke up early and got to work cleaning out the pantry and the fridge as well as our old fridge which we put on the back porch for extra storage
i knew i only had so much time because the dump closes at 5 and i really wanted to get all the frozen stuff out and be done with it rather than deal with it the next day because i guess if push comes to shove i could drive my dad's truck, but i'm more comfortable using my car and it was already a stink fest in there just doing what i was doing, so...yeah (also thank god for febreeze, jesus christ)
anyway, i uh....i guess i did some grief cleaning because it's almost like you could tell as i was pulling everything out and throwing it all away that it went to hell about the time my dad got sick
a lot of what i threw away was his food, but it's over a year old so it really needs to go, neither mom or i are eating it and it's just going bad, but goddammit it was hard.
throwing away all the prepared meals my mom made for him so we'd have something quick to warm up for him because when he'd get hungry he didn't really wanna wait, it was almost like a wave and he'd only take a few bites and then be done so it was great to have stuff we could put back up. we also just had plenty of his favorites on board like pudding cups, cereals (cap'n crunch the peanut butter kind, frosted wheats, cheerios), peanut butter crackers, fruit cups, graham crackers and peanut butter (are you sensing a theme? lol) and of course...little debbie snack cakes.
not all of what i ended up throwing out was his, a lot of it was mom's and some of it mine as well, but in total i took off 16 bags of trash.
it took me three trips to the dump and a bucket of sweat to do it, but i did it !!!! i almost threw up like three different times, cried a few different times (specifically when i had to dump out the last ice cream he ever had; it was butter pecan and he only took about three or four bites of it but god did he enjoy every bite) and i had to pretty much blow through my lunch because i literally made it with 10 minutes to spare before the dump closed by the time i was dropping the last two bags off, but it's done !!!!!!!!!
i cannot tell you how nice it is now to not have to play jenga every time i want to get something out of the pantry or the fridge, like...jesus christ
it was at the point where every time i'd grab something, even a package of tea or a can of soup it'd cause an avalanche and i'd already pulled out a bunch of stuff from the pantry floor a while ago, but i didn't do the full thing so i thought, fuck it, i have the house to myself, i can blast through this in one day and my mind can rest easy for the rest of the time and goddammit i was right !!
did i do a perfect job ?? no, i did not. i know i didn't get everything, but i'm going to leave some of it up to my mom to decide. my goal was to at least take one thing off her plate since i know that's something that's too overwhelming to even think about and given that it took me a full work day to do it....yeah, i get it.
i think i started around 8:30 and to be fair some of that time was also me cleaning my bathroom as i went and cleaning spills and messes as i went (i also got covered in.....so much garbage juice), but by the time i finally got home and was done it was a little after 5 so yeah !!
i dunked myself in the pool, ordered some food (i got the world's biggest goddamn black bean burgey and i inhaled every bite; i''ll post a picture of it at the end) and then i took a shower and settled in for the night and my god did i sleep solidly that night, i don't think i moved an inch
i was also........exhausted yesterday because of that, just properly, properly worn the hell out, but !!! i had to go to the pharmacy to get my medicine so i went to pick that up and while i was out i also swung by walgreens to see about getting a covid booster. they told me to check back sometime next month because that's when they'd be getting them in so i'll definitely be stopping in when that's available
i also had to get some proper groceries instead of just snacks so i picked some up as well as some food and headed back home to relax
today's been pretty much the same, i had to run out again because i forgot a few things and they were giving out free ice cream at publix so i got some free ice cream :3
they were really nice there, too, the person who took my order said my hair was really neat (i don't know if i've posted it on here, but it's green on top and blue towards the bottom; every time i wash it it looks different but whenever i dye it again i'll do a before and after). i also thanked them for being out there and they were like, "well, we're getting paid," and i said i know, but it's hot out here so i appreciate it and we wished each other a nice day and i scooted off to a secluded spot to enjoy some moose tracks and then headed off to my next stop which was waffle house.
i decided for lunch today and breakfast tomorrow i'd get a to go order of some of my favorites and the person taking my order was so sweet, i ordered a hash brown bowl with no meat, smothered and covered and they were like, "you know, if i double everything it'll actually be cheaper" and went on to explain and all i heard was more hashbrowns, more cheese and more onions so i said let's do that !!
i also got a chocolate chip waffle for the morning and i've got everything i need to make chai as well so that'll be my breakfast :3
tomorrow's going to be another rough one, it's my dad's birthday. second one since he's been gone. he would have been 78. that's wild to think about.
i got the waffle house because it reminds me of him so much. we used to go there so many times, all throughout my life and whether it was us as a family or just me and him it was always nice to sit down somewhere and both of us enjoy a comforting meal together.
he'd usually get the patty melt and liked his bacon well done ("burn it!" he'd always say) and he'd get a black coffee, no cream or sugar and always take his time eating and would tell me to enjoy my food as well.
i usually get hashbrowns (smothered and covered, of course) and sometimes if i'm feeling fancy a side of cheese grits, but here lately they've got this bowl that has the hashbrowns i like but it also comes with egg !! and i usually get an orange juice to go with it
the best part would be whenever my dad would give me some quarters and tell me to go play something on the jukebox and no matter what i chose he'd always nod his head and smile, bop his head along to the song
sometimes he'd get up and play some of his favorite songs (he was a country guy, but he liked the old stuff so any johnny cash or waylon jennings type of thing, but really he'd listen to it all)
he'd always pay and would tip well and we'd be on our way and now it's just forever linked in my mind being there and spending time with him.
it's kinda funny, too, because the one closest to our house actually got torn down not long after he died and i remember because i drove past it like, "i can't have SHIT in this house !!!!" but !!! my mom reminded me that he actually had stopped going to that one because he said it wasn't as good anymore so i almost wonder if he was like, "okay, let's do it again right this time !!" because now they're rebuilding it and i shit you not, it's about to be done right here around his birthday, like the lights are on in that bitch and i've seen employees outside smoking cigarettes, this ship is about it set sail !!!
oh and !! i think they're about to unionize ?? i saw a video about it the other day and one of their demands was security and when i was in there there was a lady that was in there with a shirt on that said "waffle house security" so !! that's neat. and good for them, goddamn. i know it's kind of a meme at this point, but that place really does stay open during goddamn everything and has seen and put up with goddamn everything so hat's off to the employees there, i hope they get everything they want and then some !!
anyway, enough of me rambling about the goddamn house made of waffles, but point is..................i have done a lot of work up until this point and now i'm going to settle in for the night, here in a few minutes i'm going to put our pupper to bed and then i'm going to have an absolute feast on some of the leftovers from yesterday and then probably stay up way later than i should doing whatever the fuck i feel like doing and tomorrow i'm just going to take it nice and easy and think about my dad a lot
i don't have anywhere i need to go, i've run all my errands, i'll probably be doing just a little more picking up and minor cleaning tonight so that in the morning and tomorrow i don't have to do a damn thing except take care of myself and the critters and my mom will be home at some point so we'll spend some time together in a nice clean house
oh, and !! yesterday i also tried my hand at making our dog's homemade food. (yes, he gets special food because he's a special boy and we love him very much)
my mom looked up a recipe for his breed and checked to make sure all the ingredients are doggo safe but it's mostly some type of meat (this time i used ground turkey but i think last time she used chicken), brown rice and vegetables like spinach, green beans, sweet potato, peas and carrots.
you throw all that in the crockpot with some unsalted chicken broth and a little bit of water and cook it for a few hours, stirring every few hours and bada boom, you've got enough food to fill up five containers that used to hold egg drop soup from a Chinese restaurant my mom likes. i think he liked it, too !! ( the food i made him, not the egg drop soup...)
but yeah, i think tomorrow's going to be okay. i'm sure i'll probably cry, i'm sure i'm going to miss him like hell, but i've also put in a lot of work to make this place really nice for all of us and i'm trying to pour as much good energy into this space as i possibly can so i'm going to get back to doing that and take it easy for the rest of my little vacation.
i hope if you're reading this you're doing well and also trying to take it easy. shit is....rough so you deserve a break and a little treat. be good to yourself if you can. love you <3
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also my free ice cream (with a color changing spoon !!)
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stxrmylxve · 2 years
Can I please get some body hair comfort for Mha boys? Specifically for the belly, legs, arms, between the legs, etc.
ofcc!! i love this idea sm <;33
while he might come off as rude, he means well
even tho he hates to admit it, he likes to lay on you
primarily your legs/belly
legit does not care about hair
loves you for you :)
might make a comment about it
but never knew you cared that much about it
made it up to you by taking you on a date and then held a movie-thon :(
felt so bad he made it up to you for a while week
cooked breakfast, packed lunch, did chores he hated 24/7
10/10 husband
was talking about being manly and all and saw you begin to get self conscious when someone made a comment
“what the hell? that’s not manly of you, idiot!”
would tell them off for hours LOL
would hug you after
he’s just the perfect teddy bearrrrr ☺️
will hunt that person down later tho
might say a sideways comment when he was still slightly brain dead and wouldn’t even realize what he had said
or if someone else said it
either way, he would beat himself up for it
would buy you your favorite snacks since he had no clue how to confort you with something like this
ends up being adorable since he is just so helpless lol
will cuddle with you
another great teddybear
likes to run your thighs and the first time you wore shorts you could tell he paused for a second
you got all worked up thinking it wss the hair and freaked out
he was just like “oh i dont mind that, i was fiddling with this string” as he holds up a long string
like dude, dont scare us like that >:(
overall a tired sweetheart, has no care in the world about hair, its natural so why should it be weird on someone?
“y/n, should i not shave?”
huh? what the fuck is he on?
”uh.. its up to you izuku.”
”yeah but… you have hair. does it make you uncomfortable that i dont? er- okay that- well- that sounds mean- I DIDNT MEAN TO- Y/N IM SORRY- WAITTTT THAT CAME OUT WRONG”
panics for you for no reason lmao
wants you to be comfortable and was confused, that’s all
but he still continues to shave, but after asking a million times if you were okay
”izuku it’s fine. calm down, im fine with shaving-“
”BUT Y/N….”
“why do you always wear sleeves, y/n?”
”i..uh.. hate the way my arms look” gross explanation, but it wasn’t completely wrong
”is it the hair?” he ask, pointing to his
you nod and he just takes you into a hug, resting his head on yours
”we all have it, it’s natural, so there is no need to be ashamed enough to dress differently.”
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this is so long forgive me but back with the girl dad aaron thoughts
What set me off was that one post of the “dad leaves his daughter an honest review of her restaurant” (anon can’t get the post but i hope you can find it 😭) and it’s like a play kitchen/restaurant right? LOOK I just KNOW Aaron would be the type to get really into his daughter’s games like !! he’ll do anything, like she wants him to play princess with him, tea parties, house? uh yeah. He gets really into his little girl’s games! He wants her to be happy and have the best childhood he can provide for her!
Speaking of princesses, INDULGES HER SO MUCH if she’s into stuff like disney princesses. She's like four, pre-k age right? imagine she has just like a specific princess she likes, so aaron buys her the designated dress, right, and she loves it and it’s one of those things she just always wants to wear. Aaron is so weak he will succumb to his daughter’s wishes so fast, like “okay, princess, twenty more minutes, but then you have to take it off for a bath.” weak. weak man. it’s been two hours.
That being said: if his little girl does take more interest in less traditional fem. stuff he doesn’t mind! if she prefers superman to sleeping beauty? okay. She loves it when her dad picks her up and lifts her in the air and she can “fly” all across the house. She loves it when her dad makes her her own personal cape, made out of her favourite colour fabric and adorned with her favourite little trinkets (be it glitter and sparkles or some cute beads or stickers). it’s pretty poorly made but she doesn’t really care because her dad made it for her! (also she’s four lol)
If we’re taking the stay-out-home-dad route, OH. OH. At first he’s actually so bad at it, but once she’s in kindergarten he’s an actual pro. oh my god you ever watched those videos where the parents pack their kids cute, nice lunches? HE DOES THAT HE MAKES THOSE LUNCHES FOR HIS GIRL (also his partner assuming they work!). also volunteers as much as his girl wants him to, if she wants him to go on a field trip? boom done, he’s on it so fast. if she wants a little break (it hurts him, poor guy just loves his kid) but he’ll respect it.
Loves braiding her hair and doing it. he actually spent so long learning how to braid hair, he probably got someone else to teach him.(presenting the kc is a pro at hair styling and dressing people to match their propaganda) he could also have just spent hours on youtube, he’d definitely do that. as she gets older if she wants he definitely does her hair. one time, when she was seven she got mad at him and told him; “no, i wanna do my own hair!”
Find him sulking in his daughter’s room, cleaning it up, one of her dolls in his hand. “no… nobody needs me, anymore, she’s all grown up, doesn’t need her dad anymore to do her hair.”
The next time she asks him to do his hair, he jokes around like “thought you were a big girl?” but a couple whines from her and he gives him, telling her he’s just kidding and of course he’ll do her hair.
We adore ask length in this household. If it isn’t long enough to make me up my brightness a little so I can see it properly then what’s the point?
Also this is all great, but hear me out… Aaron the dad to two girls. (Lilith and Alina, perhaps maybe even more)
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transfigurationofelle · 9 months
He makes everything so easy...
My life has taken an amazing turn over the past years but I haven't really had an outlet to share mainly due to privacy concerns (and no friends lolololol). But today it got me thinking about all the diary blogs I used to read as a teen that inspired me and were outlets for the writers themselves... Blogs like that have mostly died out these days though because of the Googlfication of the internet. These days no small blogs or forums appear in search and it sucks soooo much. But anyway, I remembered tumblr was still around so here's me trying it out. I'm actually nervous. Now, to get to the main point of this post (lol). I've been seeing this new guy (going on dates, nothing more) since November 2023 and it's been so amazing. We first met on the first week of November and on the day I wanted to cancel because I wasn't feeling good (personal life challenges). In the end I decided to go and I can't express enough how glad I am I did because ever since then this guy has been making such an effort to make life easier for me. It's interesting because even the other guys I'm currently dating or have dated before have tried to do that in some way for me too but this one just does it on a different level. It's the way he does things and the things that he does, without hesitation.
On the night of our date I ended up getting really tired and was yawning a lot. Tell me why the next day he just sent me $1000? with the message "take yourself to the spa and get some waffles". The waffle part really got me because I'd only mentioned briefly that I hadn't eaten waffles in a long time. It was such a minor detail in our conversation the night before. It might not sound like a big deal but it really made me feel cared for especially with everything that's been going on in my personal life. I've also never had someone be so expressive after the first date but I love it and want more of it lol!! For our next date we had dinner at a French restaurant. The food sucked but I love how intimate the restaurant was, I liked the feeling of being "alone" with him. We were there for hours until they closed and then he found a little bar for us to go to and they had a rooftop which was empty!! At this point things started to get really heated. I don't usually kiss my dates until like the third or fourth date (or never) but I honestly wanted to kiss him the moment I saw him (help me). So when he went in for the kiss I didn't hold back lol. Of course I made sure to go home before anything went too far but then I didn't see him for weeks and it was so gruesome haha.
So I didn't get to see him for a while because I was dealing with a lot of personal things and then ended up having a bit of a financial challenge. I wasn't going to say anything but he told me I can't keep postponing on him and if I don't like him I should just tell him. Uh OMG NO, if only he knew how into him I am... But because of this I just sort of let him know what was going on and he responded so quickly asking how much I needed??? Not only that but then he sent double 😩 This is the life I was born for I swear hahaha. Naturally I let him see me that week and we played tennis then had lunch but I cut it short because I had to go fix my life. Things are much better in my personal life now and I haven't gotten to see him yet this year. He went to visit his family for the holidays and is away on business this week but he said when he gets back it's go time!!! I seriously can't wait to see what we get up to
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HMBAUChapter 2: The Start and End of  an Era
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I just decided that instead of trying to stay mid-pack and drag out the running on a torture rack I would just sprint this enormous 0.7 mile lap and get over it
But it seems my lovely woodwind captain had other plans
Because now instead of being middle-front he was now next to me
“Wow Y/N-chan you’re running quite fast! Maybe you should slow down a little.”
“No can do Oikawa-san I’m just trying to get done”
“I think you’re not understanding me. I’m telling you that you need to slow down. Non-negotiable ok?”
I couldn’t believe my ears! Was he jealous of my running fast or something?
“I don’t understand why you’d say that”
“I just don’t want you to get hurt ok? So please just slow down a little”
“If it makes you happy then sure”
So I slowed down 
but he didn’t leave
“Soooo Y/N-chan how does it feel to be 5th chair in SWC? I’m actually surprised based on the way you played last year that you weren’t in a higher ensemble!”
“Ah well I think maybe the band director made a typo and accidentally wrote my name instead when he meant to put Michimiya since we all know she’s really good and wanted this for a long time, so to answer your question I don’t feel like I’m meant to be there”
“Ah classic impostor syndrome! Don’t worry Y/N-chan even if you don’t feel worthy now I’ll personally see to it that you become the player you want to be! And besides I heard your audition and thought it was SWC calliber!”
“Wait you heard my audition?!?”
“Of course! I always want to hear the section auditions and actually am given some imput on who goes where!”
And with that our lap was done
Shit I didn’t even get to ask him what he meant
And now we have to do the stupid laying on the ground stretches so now I can’t ask him what he meant until at least lunch break
God why can’t we just learn drill instead?
“Already everyone good Visual Block! Enjoy your lunch and remember Brass is in the gym and Woodwinds are in the Multipurpose Room for music block!” Daichi said while packing up the metronome
I knew I didn’t bring anything for lunch 
Now I just needed to hide from my section in a hidden notch in the school’s quad
Which was almost successful
But of course god decided to be like “lol no!”
Because now Bokuto was across me
“Hey hey hey whatcha got for lunch? I was kinda hoping I could try whatever you had”
“O-oh Bokuto-san I didn’t see you there! I uh-may have accidentally um forgot my lunch… but it’s ok! I’ll be fine”
Or not
“Damn what a bummer! Come on, I'll get you something! Besides how could you even expect to survive out here with how hot it is?!” he said as he helped me up and took me to the air conditioned gym
“Y/N-chan! How could you forget something so important?! I’ll give you some of my milkbread! And no you may not refuse” Oikawa had chimed in almost immediately after Bokuto said that
And of course Bokuto brought me to where he usually sits with all his leader and brass friends were
And he knew all 3 of my leaders were good friends of his and he wanted to make sure no one slipped through the cracks
Too bad for him that I managed to slip under his radar all of last year
But that was then and this is now 
“I can give you some gatorade and a banana. You really should be on top of your electrolytes while working as hard as we do” Kuroo said while scanning me up and down like he was trying to remember who I was but couldn’t quite put a finger on it 
And this circle of people included Osamu, Sugawara, Kuroo, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Akaashi, Yaku, Daichi, Kita, and Bokuto
So literally the worst people to try and be sneaky with
“So what were you planning to bring for lunch Y/N? Or were you planning and ran out of time?” Sugawara asked suspiciously
“I h-had a plan but had no time to execute said plan”
“That didn’t answer Suga-chan’s question Y/N-chan” Oikawa pointed out while keeping a strong gaze on me
“...a baby apple and a little bit of peanut butter…” I whispered softly
“Could you say that a bit louder please Ms.Y/N?”
“I s-said a baby apple and a little bit of peanut butter…” damn it now they know I wasn’t planning to eat fucking anything that would satisfy their weird standards of meal quality for people
Osamu looked like he was about to faint and the others audibly gasped at my response
“That’s it, we are now in charge of your band camp meals. Sorry Y/N but you’re at our mercy now and you get to have no say and yes this means we will all be making your breakfasts, lunches, and dinners for the duration of camp. No buts or exceptions.”
I stood there shocked as Bokuto and Kuroo helped me to sit down as the others piled some food onto a spare paper plate and set it in front of me 
“I-I c-can’t accept this! It’s too m-much of a burden on you all!”
“Nonsense! Sometimes I have extras and it’s better for it not to be wasted going into the trash right?” Yaku said to me smiling as he prepared the first bite
Little had I known
This was the end of my hermit-hood
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sarrie · 10 months
Hmmm... blorbos blorbos blorbos... how about- some Gaster, Sans, Handsome Jack, Nisha, and Rhys? ;3
hEEEHEHE ok let's go!
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Okay so I am definitely saying this in a time where Gaster, The Mystery Man, is so unknown lol. That said, I was normal about him until I saw the not-released tarot card for him. Then I started reading fic as a joke and it all went downhill from there. And. Ok. I know we don't know ANYTHING about him, so me saying fandom takes are incorrect isn't quite fair, but I have a hard time thinking he's just 100% evil. Especially if he's a monster - made out of hope and love and all that jazz. Not saying that monsters can't do bad things (LOOKS AT ASGORE) but there's a lot that goes into that. Asgore did bad things because he was put in a bad situation, lost his family, and wanted to help his people. Alphys wanted to help people, but wound up doing bad things, too. I feel like a lot of fic and content I see for Gaster is just about him being super mega evil and Fucked Up which is fine but, like, for why? What made him act that way? I also love the idea of him just being an absolute goof. A real "Sans had to learn puns from someone" type character. And idk it's hard to have canon content about a character that uh erased themselves from existence lmao. That being said I'm not normal about him. I have 3 full fledged fanfictions about him - two I've started writing and one that I visit when I try to fall asleep and haven't written yet. If he is 100% evil that's fine load me up in the extractor baby I'm subject 01.
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In the same way that I relate too well to Dante as being the haha funny pizza man as a coping mechanism to not acknowledge his own fear and depression, I relate WAY TOO WELL to Sans Undertale for the same reason. If my depression gets too bad and all encompassing I'm going to take a nap. While I used to have a healthy love of naps, they're now also coping mechanisms to avoid reality for me. Back when my anxiety and depression pretty much took over my life I would sleep forEVER. 18 hours a day if I could. I now also struggle with insomnia and sleep avoidance so it's like. I sleep in small amounts now and it's gotten to the point that I will 100% use my 15 minute breaks and my lunch to take a nap. The laid back jokey personality is very much who I am truly, but then there's also the Projection where I use that as a facade to avoid my problems/emotional trauma. And I'd say Unwillingly I have come around to him because, as I'm sure you know, in the beginning I was like I don't get this Undyne is the only hot character here what's going on why do people want to fuck this dude. And then I finally watched a play through and learned Everything and I'm like oh no he's so saaadd poor meow meow :((( sad boyyy sad!!! tragic!!! (and then The Fight happens and it's like oh uh hmm not examining my reaction to this bc i don't want to know what this says about me) Then I started reading fanfiction as a joke which ok can I say a lot of blorbos for me have come from me reading fanfic as a joke and then getting super into it??? LMAO. And now I've given myself the challenge to read as many sans/reader fics on AO3 that catch my interest and I still have 274 pages left lmAO.
Handsome Jack
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Put him in more situations. Destroy him. I love him. I hate him. The reality is he could make me SO MUCH WORSE. He's handsome. He's a loser. I want more of his face to melt off. I want to chew on him like a chew toy. Jack is such a fun character to hate. He has so much charisma it's sexy but he's also so unhinged and, like, there's never been an option to fix him. I think he was born and from that moment on it's just been a collision course with absolute fuckery. He's such a caricature of a human, and if you're not the receiving end of his insanity it's so fun to watch.
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I love her. I want her to destroy me. BL2 said we need a character who can go toe-to-toe with Handsome Jack in terms of being an absolute disaster of a human being and then they delivered the most badass cowboy hat wearing woman they could. She is 1000% too good for Jack, and arguably Jack happening to her ruined her life. Rhys
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My sweet precious Rhysie boy. ;-; He's so pretty and so stupid I love him so much. I really feel like BL3 fucked him up in terms of characterization. The absolute trials we go through in Tales with him and just. Stop!! putting him in situations!! I lie lmao I need a follow up of Tales where he is put in another situation with Fiona so we can see what the fuck all happened there.
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hgfictionwriter · 5 months
Handy - Part Two
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: Jessie isn't done helping you with household projects. In fact, she helps you undertake your biggest one yet. But can she finally tell you how she feels? To be determined.
Warnings: None other than it's sickly sweet.
A/N: Thank you SO much for the response to the original post. I'm excited to share Part Two with you all. I hope you enjoy! Part One is here if you need it.
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"Good morning! How is your day going?"
"Morning Jessie :) My morning's going okay. It's still early, so not much to report yet lol. I have a couple of meetings later though. How is your morning going? Let me guess, even though you have the day off, you've been up since pretty much sunrise, you've probably fit in a run, a couple of chapters and had breakfast haha."
"Why do I feel like you're making fun of me? lol. And you may be right about all of those things."
"Not making fun - it's really more admiration. If I had the day off I'd still be fast asleep lol."
"There's nothing wrong with that either. For the record."
"I appreciate the sentiment lol. Very generous of you. So, what do you have planned for your day off?"
You leaned back in your chair and waited as the three dots faded in and out in sequence. A frown crossed your face as they disappeared. Before you could think too much about it they came up again. Another frown creased your forehead as they disappeared once more. You sat up. What was going on?
A few moments later the dots reappeared and shortly after a text mercifully came through from Jessie.
"I'm running some errands in the SW today. I probably won't be too far from your office. If you're not too busy or don't have plans already, maybe we could go for lunch?"
Another text came through a moment later.
"No pressure though."
You leaned back in your chair and smiled. She was really so cute.
It had been a couple of weeks since your impromptu night over at Jessie's. You'd seen each other since, including when Jessie did in fact come by your apartment to patch up the drywall.
That said, lunch together mid-week was something new.
"That sounds great. I'm in a meeting until 11:30, but can meet you after."
"Okay! You know the area, so you pick where and I'll meet you there."
The morning went by quickly and before you knew it you were walking into the restaurant and wordlessly searching the tables until you saw Jessie. If she saw you, she was making a point of not showing it. Instead, she leaned into the menu, studying it rather determinedly.
"Fancy seeing you here," you teased as you grabbed a seat. She looked up, eyebrows high in surprise and greeted you.
"Oh hey!"
You resisted the urge to blush as she - inadvertently or not - looked you up and down.
"I feel like I'm underdressed," she muttered, giving a nod to your business attire before leaning back in her chair and tucking her hands into her hoodie pocket. You gave her a look.
"Don't be silly. You look great." She gave you a dismissive frown and you went on, shrugging off your jacket and picking up the menu. "I hope you weren't waiting long."
"No, no," she dismissed readily as she began reviewing the menu once more. "Gave me time to figure out what I want."
"Okay, good. I always get the poke bowl," you told her and a wry smirk formed on her face as she looked at you over the menu.
"I knew it," she said in a very self-satisfied way.
"You know me so well." You rolled your eyes with a short laugh. "What kind of errands were you running in this part of town anyway?"
You frowned as she lifted her eyebrows high again, forehead creasing as she worked to respond. She didn't avert her eyes from the menu in her hands.
"Uh, just picking up something for the team," she relayed evenly.
"Oh. What was that?" You asked, curious and truthfully a bit skeptical.
The blush she'd been fending off broke through and her cheeks began to glow pink under your scrutiny. She shrugged her shoulders.
"Just some gear. Nothing exciting," she said with a laugh, her voice slightly higher than normal.
"Oh, I thought equipment staff would take care of things like that," you said lightly, immediately seeing her readying a rebuttal. You cut her off with a cheeky remark. "I would've said otherwise that if you just wanted to have lunch together you could simply ask."
Her face grew red and she subconsciously sunk into her chair a bit before righting herself and frowning at you.
"I know that." She nearly pouted before huffing exaggeratedly. She shot you a look and spoke pointedly. "Anyway, I have those new hinges for your cupboard. Does Friday still work for you?"
"It does, thank you," you said, allowing her some reprieve.
You enjoyed your lunch together, and although you wanted it to last longer, you had to be back at the office soon. You'd excused yourself to the washroom and when you came back Jessie was hunched over the table concentrating on something. When she heard the scraping of your chair on the floor she looked up.
"Good timing," she said with a quiet smile as she held out a small folded item for you. "His name is Bernard. He's for you."
The puzzled look on your face was quickly replaced with a wide smile as you realized what it was.
"An origami dinosaur!" You exclaimed excitedly as you looked it over. "The best use of a napkin I've seen yet."
Though Jessie wasn't outwardly beaming, the lift in her shoulders and the brightness in her eyes told you she was pleased by your reaction.
"He's awesome," you told her as you began to tuck him into your bag.
"Oh, I was just kidding, you don't have to keep him. I was just messing around," Jessie said, belated embarrassment now encompassing her. You stilled your movements and shot her a look.
"Throw Bernard away? And you kidding me?" You asked in mock offense. "He's mine now. For good."
Her cheeks were bright pink, but she laughed as she stood.
"So...Friday?" She asked again, a hint of nervousness sneaking back into her voice despite how nonchalant she was trying to make herself look. You nodded decisively.
"Alright. Well," Jessie stalled momentarily scratching her temple idly, her gaze focused elsewhere before she looked to you again with a small smile. "Thanks for having lunch with me. I hope your afternoon goes well."
"Thanks for meeting me. Let me know if you have to run anymore errands around here," you said with the faintest hint of teasing. It was enough to get Jessie to look away and blush once more.
"Yep. I will."
"Bye, Jess," you said easily as you stepped towards her and pulled her into a hug. Though her hold on you was still a bit tentative, like she didn't want to relax into it too much, it was still a far cry from how she'd been that first night.
When you pulled away, her hands went behind her back immediately and she went up onto her tiptoes. "I'll walk you to your car."
"What's this?"
You looked over with a frown. You cracked a smirk as Jessie stood there, looking at you accusingly as she held up a paint swatch as if it was a piece of evidence.
"A paint swatch," you replied slowly.
"I'm aware," she said in exaggeration before looking a bit disappointed. "Why didn't you tell me you were planning to paint?"
You shrugged, really more distracted by how cute and endearing she looked as she pouted.
"Um, I'm sorry?" You offered with lackluster earnest.
She rolled her eyes and walked over to your wall with the swatch. You watched her as she frowned in concentration, lifting her other hand up to rest on her chin as she studied the colours in front of her.
"I think-" she started before turning her head to you. "Wait - do you want my opinion?"
You laughed. "Of course I do. You're my resident handyperson. Personal reno expert. Whatever title you prefer."
Jessie's lips pulled into a tight, shy smile as her cheeks began to grow pink. She turned her attention back to the swatch.
"I like this third one. I think the one above it will just end up too washed out and the one below will make the space feel closed in and small."
"Well, we're in luck, because that's the one I was thinking of."
She gave you a nod of approval before walking back over to you. She folded her arms across her chest, planting her feet and exhaled briefly. She took a moment before looking at you.
"Well. You're going to need a lot of supplies. So, we could go together and get them," she trailed off, her gaze following before resetting. "And it'll take you ages to do this whole place on your own, so," she waved her hand aimlessly for a few seconds, "I can help."
"Jessie." You gave her a pointed look. "As much as I appreciate that, painting is a big ordeal. You've already done way too much for me."
She surprised you by looking nearly hurt by the sentiment.
"I don't mind. Seriously. I told you I was happy to help and I meant it. Mean it." She gave a listless shrug. "I like painting."
"A whole condo?" You scrutinized, arching an eyebrow at her.
She blushed a bit, the smallest of smiles sneaking out as she shrugged once more. "We make a good team."
It should've been no surprise to either of you that it didn't take much convincing for Jessie to get her way. The following week you were driving around town together picking up paint and accompanying supplies.
Again, you had to give yourself a reality check when you and Jessie were wandering the paint aisle of the hardware store together. It was too easy to think of yourselves as something more as you controlled the list (though curated mostly by Jessie...) and she pushed the cart and dutifully retrieved items.
It was pathetic, really, how you were fighting for your life, trying not to smile as you two were leaned in together as you compared and debated two types of paint brushes. You had to roll your eyes at yourself. You were in way too deep.
To make matters worse, Jessie - after bouncing her knee all through lunch and determinedly avoiding eye contract with you - offered to have you stay at her place while painting was under way.
"I'll take the couch again. You really can't stay here with the furniture all awry and tarped, and the fumes."
She was going to be the death of you.
"Okay, so everything's set - we've moved everything, things are tarped, supplies are laid out-"
"Meticulously so," you interjected with a teasing smirk. She shot you a mocking glare.
"We can get taping," she announced patiently.
You walked over wordlessly and removed her hat. You saw her swallow as she looked at you with wide, brown eyes.
"Not your nice hat," you told her as you tucked it away and retrieved a hat of your own. "I don't want you to get paint on it. Here, you can wear mine instead." You placed it on her head with a gentle smile, sure not to laugh at how her cheeks were now burning red.
She cleared her throat and adjusted the hat. "Okay, well, let's get started."
It was only a few minutes in when Jessie interjected.
"What are you doing?" She asked, clearly aghast and not hiding it particularly well.
You sat back on your heels and looked at her.
"Cutting in?"
"Freehand?" She said, her voice rising and narrowing her eyes in sheer disbelief. "That's what the tape-" Jessie's words trailed off as she examined your work. "Oh," sounding nearly deflated. "That's actually quite good."
You gave her a teasingly scrutinizing look as you did air quotes. "'Actually quite good.' Wow. The disrespect." She rolled her eyes at you with a laugh and nearly stamped her foot.
"Come on, you know what I mean."
You shook your head at her. "You're not the only one with skills here, Fleming."
You bit back a smile as her cheeks started to darken. She distracted by readjusting her hat, tucking her hand into her pocket and idly shifting her weight from one foot to the next.
"Is that so?" She asked.
"It is. I just haven't had my chance to shine," you continued cheekily as you stood up.
"Well, what I'm hearing is you don't need my services," she said, a glint now in her eyes.
"Jess." Her name came out like a pout and you gave her arm a gentle shove. She grinned before lifting her chin haughtily and giving a shrug.
"I mean, I can go."
"Jessie," you protested once more, jostling her a bit this time and pulling a wide smile out of her. You gave her a look of warning. "Don't make me beg you to stay."
That glint was still in her eyes as she leaned in and gave you a soft nudge with her shoulder. "Fine. I'll get back to work," she deadpanned.
You worked steadily for several hours, you and Jessie finding a good cadence and coordinating seamlessly early on. You nicked the baseboards and doorframes on a couple of occasions, but it was Jessie's fault. How could you be expected to remain steady and focused when you could see the muscles in her back flex and her calves pop as she maneuvered herself along the wall to paint. And her t-shirt sleeves rolled up onto her shoulders? A little too attractive. Never mind her biceps being on display.
The other close call was when you nearly dropped the roller when you felt her hand on your back as she shimmied past you and around the furniture at one point. The contact was feather-light, but it sent a shiver through you nonetheless.
Eventually, you both took a break, sitting flush against one another on the tarped floor, your backs against the couch that had been moved into the center of the room.
You were taking a sip of water when Jessie's phone began to buzz. You saw her look at it and you told her to take the call.
"Mm. It's just my sister. I'll call her back later." Shortly after the buzzing stopped, a text came through. Jessie read it quickly and sighed before calling her back.
You rose from your spot, aware of Jessie's eyes on you as you did so. You retreated to the other room to give her some space. However, you could still overhear Jessie despite how hushed she was trying to speak. You weren't intentionally trying to eavesdrop, but you'd be lying if you said you weren't curious.
"...I can't right now...I'm out..." A huff. "I'm...at a friend's...No...No...No." Then, in an even more hushed tone. "Y/N's..." Another exasperated huff. "I'll call you later. Yes! Okay. Bye!"
You gave it a few moments, but couldn't resist much longer and came back into the living room to see Jessie looking flustered and a blush lingering on her cheeks. She met your eyes before her gaze darted away.
"Hey," she nearly mumbled before standing up and brushing off her shorts needlessly. You, again, tried not to get distracted by her paint-covered hands. "Shall we continue?"
You worked late into the night finishing a first coat across the rooms before packing it up. Your body ached.
"I can't believe you have a game tomorrow. I'm so sorry," you told her, guilt creeping in.
"What for?" Jessie looked genuinely puzzled.
"Aren't you sore? My back is killing me," you asked incredulously.
"Oh, no, I'm feeling fine. It's good conditioning," she joked. "We'll get you a heat pack when we get back to my place."
You were going to need a hell of a lot more than a heat pack, but you gave her a grateful nod nonetheless. You bent to pick up your overnight bag, but her hand shot out and grabbed it before you could. She stood and swung it effortlessly over her shoulder.
A/N: You all have me so into this now that I couldn't fit everything I wanted into two parts. Third part is available here.
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spiked-mall-goth · 1 year
ummmmm guys. i have had a day let me tell you. super long diary like entry lol
i had to get up early to go see my papa and help him move some furniture, and although i was running on a total of 2 1/2 hours of sleep i was excited. he lives out in the city and its about an hour and a half drive but the highway is completely surrounded by trees so that was a fun ride. listened to lots of music and talked about barbies with my dad. we counted 21 total yard sales on the trip.
got home and ate lunch after unloading some beds. my papa wanted some old twin beds out of his house so we took them home. i have a new mattress now!! which hopefully means far less daily back pain!!
after lunch we decided to go to a few of the yard sales we passed by. and let me tell you i got a HAUL. i got a pair of really nice pajama pants that have little skulls on them, then at the next one they had SO MUCH STUFF!!! like guys.. i got a sweater for 25 cents.. GUYS. i got a little black sweater, a flowy black summer top, a fucking black velvet CAPELET, and the most gorgeous black 80s prom dress; although sadly it does not zip and needs alterations but its WORTH IT!!! it has really big poof sleeves and a massive flower sash omg guys its AWSOME. at the same place i also got a little fake ivy for my kitchen :D it desperately needed a little life, a big ass puzzle to work on with my brothers, and they had MOUNDS of vhs tapes... for FREE. soooo uh yeah. may or may not have come home with like twenty new tapes. oh yeah did i metion that i only paid like a total of six dollars so far?? i made out like a Bandit. final yard sale and the woman was like 'uhhhh $1.25.'. so for a $1.25 i got a peanuts drinking glass (i think from mcdonalds..), the entirety of firefly on dvd, and a ceramic angel. normally i do not go for religious imagery in my decor, but. it was like 102F.. i hadnt slept since my two hour night.. i was severely dehydrated.. heat exhaustion was setting in a little bit.. and i dunno, she just called to me. she reminded me of laura palmer.
okay, so i get home and unload all my of goodies, then i start cleaning my room. i have to disassemble my old bed frame and clean under my bed and shit. i already have a pounding headache at this point but i have schedule to keep. beds gotta be moved b4 tmrrw. so i am FIGHTING trying to get the frame apart, i'm all sweaty and gross and i finally get it!! :D i feel some stuff falling over behind me and b4 i can even look up i get whacked right upside my head loony tunes style with a huge metal beam :( i start feeling kinda funny and i vaguely remember talking to my brother who told me to lie down. i pass out cold and hard on the couch for about an hour. vague memories of seeing something in the room with me. not really important i just think you should know.
wake up to my brothers shaking me to make sure i havent DIED. i lived! yayyy!! ate dinner, and then it was time. i have been looking at this online auction for over a week now and it was ending in a matter of minutes. i did when some some stuff! i got the directors cut of JTHM, revenge of the filler rabbit, and some other comic which i cannot remember rn.. but anyways it was 5 bucks! and then i bought a snoopy wallet for a few dollars. although i did miss out on a clear phone.. so sad. but overall i had a very good shopping day today idk why. everything just like fell into my lap at affordable prices... like wow..
after the auction i still had not moved my new bend in (ya know.. bonk on da head) so i fight forever to get it put together. but yippeee!!! its al here! and i was given a new blanket to put on it which is very soft :3
anyways now im here after showing and watching x files for a bit.
if you read all of that.... wow. ily <3. i normally dont like to just like info dump about my irl daily stuff, but today was just so like action packed it was kinda bonkers. anyways i have to go to bed bc i have more stuff going on tmrrw.... and i honestly might just cancel them.. i am TIRED.
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degrees-of-fuck · 1 year
Canon Clara Timeline #2: Clara Begins Her Eldritch Downfall I Assume
That’s right we’re continuing this. Previously, Clara was abducted by Eden while looking for mushrooms and managed to convince her to let her leave for a day at a time.
This time:
Currently, Clara’s been completely skating by on payments, barely having enough every week. Her first big plant sale seems to have helped a lot, in that she’s broken £1000 for the first time by quite a margin. Woo!
She won the science fair easily (well... Not that easy if you consider she got abducted about it, but she had a 100% chance of winning, so like... WAS it worth it? I’ll leave that up to you.
She’s currently working up the nerve to uh. Strip behind a tree for money. She fully intends to do it, don’t get me wrong. It’s just. ... Hard. She’s not there yet.
Upon coming home after getting a bunch of money, she saw Kylar in her room, huffing bedsheets. She... Hardly knows Kylar at this point. Like. Politely chats and waves to them sometimes. That’s it. She just... Walked away and waited for him to go. Any doubt of Kylar being creepy is now Gone.
Clara, having a bit of money, checked out the Hookah parlour. Because... Yeah, she would.  She had a bad, eldritch trip, buuuut I got awareness and willpower out of it - and I particularly want to grind willpower for Clara, quietly stubborn fucker that she is, so she’ll probably be back. She’s a fucking lovecrafitan horror protagonist that goes mad because she MUST UNDERSTAND, I’m telling you.
After that, she went to the farms for the first time! Idk, I’ve been wanting to check them out and get to know Alex better and she seems like the PC for the job. Clara gave Alex a vague answer about where she lives, doubting it would really come up.
Upon returning, she met Landry. ... This will be important later. : ) Whitney was also at the bar that day. Clara snuck out lol
At school, Clara discovered Kylar’s shrine! It’s ALL coming out, huh. She didn’t want to confront him - as that seems dangerous, so she just walked away.
Clara continues to eat lunch with Robin daily - and then spend the rest of lunch time with Sydney. In one of my RPs, we ended up having Clara be kind of an assistant librarian on certain days of the week, even without them being together and I like that thought. It’s not in the game, but I might keep that in the Canon Clara Timeline, too...
Clara found someone on stimulants in the hall! Clara did what any good sane person would do and uh... Yeah, she didn’t do shit. She just got that free bit of insight and called it a day.
Someone at the office tried to forcibly strip her. Last time this happened, she lost her clothes - and she can’t exactly fight, so with much difficulty and truly infuriating that person in the process, she managed to make them cum while holding onto her skirt. Ultimately, she had to take them off anyway, but she did get them back...
Clara is beginning to have feelings about Eden, having to see her so much. It’s... Scary. But she doesn’t have the shortcut through the woods yet making the trip too long for a short visit to make sense - and even holding her visits off as much as she feels safe doing so, she can’t hide too long. It’s... A lot.
When she got back to the orphanage, Clara saw Robin had sold her console. It Begins.
Clara met the panty freak! Woo! She uh... Sure does need the money (especially seeing as she’s gonna be paying for Robin too, soon) and frankly, she needs the stealing practice.
After that, Clara had her first sex for money, thinking of it being just a one off so she could buy Robin a new console without it being an issue for her wallet. : ) Just a one-off. Once again, barely protected her virginities. I  wanna save them for named characters!!! However, she made the guy quite annoyed in the process and didn’t make very good money... Better get more skilled, huh...
Clara went to watch a movie with Robin, thinking she might want some entertainment, without her games. Clara likes horror, but Robin really didn’t seem in the mood for it, so they watched a romance movie. Clara... Wasn’t really into this one, but Robin was super engrossed, so mission accomplished.
“ You listen to Robin talk about the film. She enjoyed it more than you, and her delight is infectious. Maybe it wasn't so bad. “
This is so cute...
Sydney wrote on Clara’s arm intentionally for the first time. With all the times people have written degrading stuff on her, including Eden - the person she’s currently having shameful feelings about, having a nice thing written on her both activated certain brain neurons and felt bizarre in its niceness. Anyway, Clara was quite a bit more flustered than she looked, there. I like to picture her tugging at her shirt to see her shoulder and smiling at it time to time before she washed it off.
Clara got her week of freedom!! Wooooooo
And then shortly after, got the masseuse job! Pretty fuckin early too, from my experience. All that jacking people off to keep their dicks away from her holes, y’see...
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survey--s · 1 year
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1) What was the weather like? Did it change your plans in any way? It was really nice actually - blue skies and sunshine. My plans would have been the same regardless though.
2) What did you do yesterday, anyway? Worked, did the food shop, sorted a bunch of housework, had a shower and then just chilled at home.
3) Did you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner? What did you have? Yeah - breakfast was toast with vegemite, lunch was...leftover chicken nuggets and dinner was fish cakes and potato dauphinoise. Hardly the healthiest day lol.
4) Did you do some form of exercise? What? Yeah, three hours of dog walks.
5) Who did you spend the most time with? Mike, Louise and Sarah.
6) What television shows or movies did you watch? Keeping up with the Kardashians lol.
7) What time did you get up and go to bed? I got up at half seven and went to bed at midnight.
8) What was the best bit about yesterday? The weather was amazing and work was actually really good - just nice easy dogs.
9) What about the worst? Uh, nothing bad really happened yesterday, I have to say.
10) Did you talk to anyone on the phone? Who? Why? Nope.
1) What time did you get up? Around eight.
2) What are your plans for today? Today is over - I spent the morning visiting my parents and doing some shopping, plus we went for brunch and I caught up with some of my old colleagues. Then it was back home and I took a bath and since then I've just been chilling out online and watching TV.
3) Have you eaten any meals yet? What did you have? I had pancakes with bacon, creme fraiche, maple syrup and berries for brunch, a few crackers with pate for a snack and then sweet potato fries with BBQ sauce for dinner, plus some chocolate coated raspberries.
4) Are you planning on seeing your friends or boyfriend/girlfriend? I spend most of my day with my husband.
5) Does your favorite television show air today? I never watch live TV.
6) Have you spoken to your parents yet? Just my mum.
7) How many texts have you received? A handful.
8) Are you planning on going to bed early? I'll go up to bed after this survey probably but that doesn't mean I'll be going to sleep lol.
9) Have you done anything remotely productive today? Sure - a morning out, some housework and some shopping.
10) How much money did you spend so far? Are you planning on spending more later? £20 and no. I didn't even intend to spend that lol.
1) What time do you have to get up tomorrow? Whenever I want to - probably around 8-9ish though, I don't really like sleeping in too late.
2) What do you hope the weather will be like? I don't really care as my plans are to do as little as possible lol.
3) Is there anything you’re dreading about tomorrow? Nope.
4) Is there anything important you need to do, or can you just relax? I plan on just having a chill/lazy day.
5) Do you have plans to see your friends? Nope.
6) What do you hope will happen tomorrow? I hope I get a decent nights' sleep, but otherwise I'm not really too fussed about what happens tomorrow.
7) Are you going to wake up at home, or somewhere else? Home.
8) If you don’t have any plans, what do you think you’ll end up doing? I'll be sleeping in and just relaxing at home.
9) Do you have to get a work out in at some point? No - Sundays are my day off from that kinda thing.
10) Will you be working or studying at all? Nopeeee.
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