#and watching these two try to rip my happy place apart in one of their tantrums is so so so upsetting
devil-in-hiding · 1 month
On The Run
Pt 3
At some point, Soap and Gaz fall asleep on the couch, sprawled across one another. Ghost is laid back in one of the recliners, struggling to keep his eyes open as Price’s voice lulls him to sleep from the kitchen.
You're not sure how long the two of you have sat here. It took Price an hour to finally open his mouth. He has hardly met your eye since he’s started talking, hands clasped together on top of the table.
The ache you felt in your chest for these men worsened the longer Price spoke. Proud military men, tired of seeing the monsters they hunted get slaps on the wrist for atrocious crimes. Making plea deals with lawyers, getting one way tickets into luxury cells when they should be six feet underground.
You don’t realise Price has stopped talking till Soap snores, causing Dixon to shuffle at your feet, all four dogs scattered around the kitchen floor. You look him over, taking in the man now that all his bravado has been drained, leaving only the raw human underneath. Blue eyes darkened by years on the force and then years behind bars, forced into proximity with the very animals he and his team longed to put down. You’re looking at a man who fought for what was right and when justice wasn’t served in a way he deemed fit, he settled it.
Price is staring down at his hands, and you’re worried he’s going to hurt himself with how vigorously he rubs his hands together. You don’t think, reaching across the table and grasping one of his hands in yours, running your thumb across scarred knuckles. “Don’t do that.” You scold, and his head whips up to stare at you, eyes wide, hopeful but hesitant.
He looks down at your hand holding his, then back at you. “You’re not…?” He trails off, clearing his throat as he sits up straighter, letting your palm slip into his. You’re not sure what word he was going to use, but you shake your head.
“I’m… I’m sorry you all had to…” You don’t finish your sentence, letting it hang in the air between you. You’re shocked to see tears pool at the corner of his eyes but he’s quick to blink them away.
“You’re not horrified by us?” He asks, and you can tell he’s trying to fight his voice from shaking. You clear your throat, but gently squeeze his hand when his grip loosens.
“You have done… horrible things. Inhumane things.” You start, trying to pick your words carefully as you scoot your chair closer to his. He watches you warily, but there is no denying the growing hope in those eyes. “But I couldn’t imagine seeing what you saw everyday. Hearing the things you’ve heard, having to keep that all to yourself. Seeing… monsters you’ve spent years tracking get served the minimum sentence with a cozy cell waiting for them.” His hand starts to shake, and your heart breaks seeing how hard he’s fighting back the tears pooling in his eyes. “We never would have actually hurt you, I swear on my life. We just… Fuck we had been running for fucking hours through those god damn trees and-“ His voice cracks, and you gently run your thumb over the back of his hand. “Why are you being so nice?” He almost spits the word, but his grip on your hand tightens.
“You did as I asked. You told me the truth.” You mirror his words from the barn, and he barks out a wet sounding laugh before covering his face with his free hand. “And you’re happy with that truth?”
“I’m happy you decided you could trust me enough with it.” You admit softly, and he stares into your eyes, and you don’t feel the need to look away this time. “Anyone else would have gone running for the hills.” He whispers, and you can’t help but smile.
“Not many places to run to, and if I’m telling the honest truth, there are worse things than killing human filth.” You shrug, and he lets out a bewildered laugh. “You can’t mean-“
“I do though. There are people in this world that don’t deserve the freedom they have, that have ripped apart the lives of others and continue living like they didn’t single-handedly ruin someone’s entire foundation.” Your words are a little more forceful than you intended, raw. And Price catches it, sitting up a little straighter, tugging your hand closer.
“You have your own monster, don’t you pretty?” He asks seriously, and you swallow, lowering your gaze to your clasped hands.
“I think that’s a story for another night.” You whisper, and you see him nod, before realization hits, and his eyes widen.
“You’re going to let us-“
“You are going to have to show me that I am not making a mistake by letting four wanted men stay in my house.” You interrupt him, but there’s a smile on your face. The next seconds are a blur and you suddenly find this giant of a man at your feet, kneeling in front of you and holding both your hands in his. His shoulders are shaking, head bent but you hear the hitch in his breath.
“Price..” You murmur, a little nervous but you slip your hands free, slowly running your fingers through his hair, and you hear the sob that leaves him. He bunches up the loose fabric of your sweats in his fist, and you can feel his tears starting to soak through.
“You are a good person.” He chokes out, looking up at you and the look on his face has tears of your own threatening to spill. He looks exhausted, like every ounce of his energy has finally been drained, years of enduring visceral human indecency ingrained into every part of his being. And yet he is gazing at you like you are the first glimpse of the sun after week long rainstorms, constant flooding and devastation, the light breaking through the clouds to spread warmth on a new day.
“You’re still a good person too.”
Those words linger in the air.
You lose track of time as you sit there, running your fingers through his hair, this man who you’ve never met, who invited himself into your home, but has bared the darkest corners of his soul to you all in one night. Grimes had made his way over at some point, staring at Price with a concerned tilt of his head. He never did like when you cried, and you can tell he’s desperate to try and comfort this strange man in his home. He lays besides him, paws outstretched, inching forward ever so slowly.
“He doesn’t like that you’re upset.” You mumble, watching the way his eyes snap over to Grimes. “Even though I terribly upset his mama earlier?” He mutters, he and Grimes staring at one another.
“Grimes has always been a big softy. Dixon is the one who’s gonna hold a grudge.” An answering ‘boof’ comes from beside you, Dixon plopping his head back on his paws after making his stance known.
Grimes scoots forward until he can rest his big head on Price’s lap, nuzzling down and looking up at him expectantly, and Price gives you a hesitant look. You just nod, smiling gently. “You’re gonna be staying with four of them, better get yourselves acquainted.”
“What in the bloody fuck did I miss?” A drowsy voice mutters from the doorway, and Ghost stands there, taking in the sight of Price kneeling before you, still clutching your sweatpants, and you can see the downturn of his lips through his mask when he notices the dried tears on Price’s cheek.
You gently pull Price’s hands off your sweats, and he looks as though you just took away his favorite treat. “I’ll go grab some fresh blankets.” You hum, face warming when you can feel both of their gazes on your back as you walk up the stairs.
“Wait, does that mean-“ You hear Ghost start, and you’re shocked to hear it so soft, but their words are lost as you turn down the hallway. You slip into the bedroom at the end of the hall, making quick work of dusting off the dresser and small TV, gently stacking a pile of clean sheets and towels. This room already had two beds, you just hoped they were big enough for these giant oafs.
You just about scream when a pair of hands grip your waist, and you whirl around. “Price you have got to stop grabbing me now- Oh.”
It was Ghost, eyes unreadable as he stares you down, and you clear your throat, loosening your grasp just a bit but still attempting to push him off.
“You scared me, you need to stop-“
“Thank you.” He interrupts, and your eyes widen as he pulls you closer.
“I- Well you’re welcome, I couldn’t just-“
“Yes you could. You could send out right back outside, hell you could get a goddamn brigade of officers here and you would be justified for it.” He shrugs, but you frown, shaking your head.
“No. From… from what Price told me, you all made your own choices to help those the governments deem lesser than them. You helped people who have watched law officials let them down again and again.” You state firmly, wincing slightly as you feel Ghost dig his fingers into your hips. “Easy.” You scold, and he immediately eases up, but doesn’t let go of you, keeping you pressed to him and your heart skips.
“I’ll just finish-“
“Whoever divorces such a sweet little bird must have absolute shit for brains.” Ghost states, quite confidently, and you can’t stop the shocked giggle that slips past. “Absolute fuckin idiot.”
“You can’t win me over with flattery you know.” You huff, but he sees right through you, dark eyes taking in your flustered expression, and you feel heat burn your cheeks as you avoid meeting his eye.
“Mmm, we’ll see about that. Think it’ll get me pretty damn far.” He grins, and you smack his hands before pausing.
“Wait.” You mutter, prying his right hand off of you and lifting it up, inspecting.
Your teeth made a pretty gnarly imprint, already scabbing. “Ah don’t worry about that. I deserved it.”
“C’mon you big idiot, before you let that thing get infected.” You order, pushing him towards the bathroom and he lets out a loud laugh, the sound causing butterflies to seize your stomach.
“Yes ma’am.”
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ohcorny · 1 month
i reread all of chobits recently as insp for my next TT book and every time i think about some aspect of it all i want to do is rip it open and tear it apart and go "why?". it brings up so many concepts and scenarios within the premise of "what if computers looked like pretty girls" but it doesn't want to commit to saying anything about it or take its own world seriously.
i have a lot to say about chobits. arguably i have more to say about chobits than even chobits wants to say about chobits.
chobits is about sex except it isn't about sex at all. chi's power switch is in her vagina. we're shown images of chi doing sexy things, she gets tricked into doing a strip tease, and two separate men try to finger her and she does her Do Not Touch Me There magic powers thing, and we eventually learn every time she resets from the power button, her memories are erased, so you can't have sex with her without deleting her.
but we never unpack why her reset button is in her vagina, or why it's so important that nobody can ever touch her, or why people's personal computers were built with vaginas in the first place (we never have it confirmed that all persocoms have them, but that two separate men try to touch her there imply it's expected). why do the personal computers shaped like women have vaginas if not to fuck them. as a product, it is expected that you will fuck them*.
*i assume, because the comic never says so!
the man who invented persocoms is the same person who built chi and her sister, and he built them to be daughters for his wife. he put the reset button in chi's vagina. we never find out why. we never get a HINT of why. he built the chobits so they could feel and fall in love, but also built them so they could never fuck. you can extrapolate a reason why a man might build his daughter-androids that way, but the series itself never touches it, and never makes any sort of point about it. it's just presented as an immutable fact that chi can't fuck without it deleting her, as if it was born of happenstance and not a person's choice.
what does that actually say about anything? what is it trying to say about sex? is it about the commodification of female bodies, how once they're used up sexually they're worthless? that if you can't love somebody without fucking them, what good is your love? that love without sex is okay (but also a huge burden and sacrifice a man must accept for the sake of someone else's happiness?)
what does it want to say! chobits is about sex, but it doesn't want to commit to any specific message about sex.
and that's just ONE issue i have with it. there are so many things chobits wants to be about but won't say anything about. it wants to be about the persocoms replacing human connections, we constantly get told 'gee people hang out with persocoms a lot', chitose publishes a whole inexplicable book series about people preferring persocomes to humans. it's to the degree that a prominent character's husband gets So wrapped up in (presumably) fucking his android that he locks his actual wife out of the house, having just straight up forgotten she exists. we don't have anything to say about it though. she falls in love with a new man. the people who hang out with their persocoms too much are all background characters in crowds. we never look at how the rise in persocoms has affected society as a whole.
it wants to be about grief, in the story about the man who marries a persocom and has to watch her slowly degrade until she can't remember him anymore, or the kid whose older sister died and he tried to replace her with a persocom who he dresses up/treats as a maid and lives alone with despite being omega orphaned and 11 years old. but then it's fine. the man who married a persocom gets in a relationship with a high school girl 20 years younger than him (CLAMP!). it's fine! the boy who tried to replace his older sister just accepts that the persocom replacement won't replace her. still treats/dresses her up like a maid and lives alone. is she his legal guardian. i don't know. don't worry about it.
and it wants to be about women, because everything about the story is about women, all the persocoms are women, all the tragedies are wrapped up in the death of a woman, or a woman's heartbreak, or a woman's feelings. but it has fucking nothing to say about women beside look how pretty they are. my boobs are E cup, sempai :) teehee
it makes me insane.
friend @amphiaria put it best as "Unfortunately the story is uninterested in itself" and i can never forgive it for being so aesthetically good, giving us the best design for an android (the ear things are Perfect) and then being So Fucking Bad.
in conclusion:
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norrizzandpia · 9 months
Showing You My Love (LN4)
Summary: McLaren’s forced Lando into a PR stunt of a relationship and his girlfriend, Y/n, back into hiding just when she was ready to go public.
Warnings: language, a condom, angst, a sort of break up, but happy ending
Note: not a request IM SORRY this one isn’t as slay as i can do but i just rlly wanted to get something out bc I haven’t posted in a while and miss yall 🫶🏻 this one’s storyline is quite complicated because Lando is in a PR relationship whilst also having an actual gf sooo have fun? ALSO SMUT FLUFF AND ANGST FOR BOTH LANDO AND OSCAR WILL BE COMING SOON I HAVE LESS THAN A WEEK OF SCHOOL LEFT SO JUST BEAR WITH ME 🙏🏻
“Lan?” Y/n shouts as she walks through the door of his apartment, a large smile on her face as she prepares to ask him a question that could set anew relationship.
She hears a soft sigh before he responds, “In here.”
She travels to the living room to find her boyfriend sitting on the couch, his head buried in his phone.
She sits hesitantly next to him, newfound nerves erupting in her stomach.
“Can I talk to you?” She whispers, his blatant disregard for her presence told her this might not be a good time to breach this particular subject.
He nods nonetheless, waving his hand slightly to signal her continuation, “Sure, what’s up?”
She takes a deep breath, the fact that his eyes aren’t on hers makes her want to back out. She perseveres, although, hands clasped in her lap as she asks, “Do you think we could go public? With our relationship, I mean.”
At this, he freezes. Lando’s fingers stop flying over his phone’s keyboard and he slowly turns to stare at her.
The words try to fall from his lips, but they stop right at the cusp. Lando watches as she retreats into herself, a reality check that cuts deep in her heart as he looks to be rejecting her proposition.
“I…” He hesitates, “I can’t.”
Her eyebrows contort, “Why?”
His phone raises to her face, his hand shoving it in her eyeline to see the text conversation he had been having with Zak before she had sat down. Her gaze floats over the blue bubbles for a moment before she understands and her heart sinks.
“I don’t understand.” She does, though. She just can’t bring herself to accept it.
Lando forces her to, “They want me in a relationship, but a PR stunt. A girl named Olivia, they said.”
Her nails rips at the skin of her thumb, “Why not me?”
“It’s good for the team, baby. She’s a big name, her dad is a big investor. I have to do this.”
It hurts too much to ask, “What does that mean for us?”
He nods, “I knew you were going to ask me this. This doesn’t mean anything for us. It just means that we have to stay quiet for a little while longer. I’m still your boyfriend, Y/n.”
She huffs, “Just in private.”
His arms slithers around her shoulders, a touch so cold she wants to shove it away, “I’ll always be yours. Anywhere. Anytime.”
Sure, let’s see if that proves true, she thought.
Olivia is a woman of many things. Kindness is not one of them.
From the moment she steps foot into Lando’s life, Y/n is her main target. From backhanded compliments to obvious jests at her, Y/n watches as Lando lets it all go unsaid.
“Y/n?” Olivia’s voice rings in Y/n’s ear as she stops her staring at Lando.
Turning her head, Y/n smile is strained, “Yes?”
Olivia cocks her head and the sinister look looms beneath her blue eyes, “You’re sitting too close to Lando. Remember, he’s my boyfriend outside. Anybody could see you eyefucking him right now.”
Y/n analyzes the situation. At a lunch table in the paddock, Lando sitting to her left, Olivia to her right, fans and employees scattered amongst the ground below them, Y/n feels her tolerance break a bit more.
She slides her chair across the ground, a dry screeching ringing her ears and drowning out the anger toward the two people sitting closest to her.
Olivia, the woman she loathes, and Lando, the man she hates that she loves. Since the beginning of their act, Y/n has understood where her place is, or at least she has understood from the constant reminder from all people involved. Lando, Olivia, Zak, and Jon have made it their duty to remind her of her image as Lando’s best friend, nothing more.
In the beginning, she felt as though she meant a bit more than just nothing, but, as she sits between the couple as they share small talk, she feels to be falling behind.
A sort of feeling that plasters her heart on the wall and spreads it around until its pieces and bits are left on the ground.
A sort of feeling that forces her to grab her purse and leave the table, mumbling an excuse of wanting to find Oscar, the only other man she knows throughout the paddock.
The feeling worsens when Lando smiles at her, nodding his head along as if there’s no problem.
There’s a wetness pooling in her eyes that begs to differ, that counters Lando’s implications.
Y/n finds Oscar in his driver’s room, his body hunched over the bench as he texts Lily on his phone. When he hears the creaking of the door, his eyes lift and begin to soften when they take in Y/n.
“Hey! What’s up?” He cheerfully says, the tone making Y/n draw in a breath as she plasters a smile on her face.
She plops down on his massage bed, “Nothing! Just bored.”
At that, he seems confused, “Where’s Lando? He isn’t free? I feel like it can’t get boring with him.” He chuckles.
She smiles softly, head falling down to stare at her hands in her lap, “He’s with Olivia. Thought I’d give them their space.”
She raises her eyes when she hears Oscar let out a scoff. He stares at her blankly before groaning, “I’m so sorry, I know she’s Lando’s girlfriend and all, but, oh my god, Y/n, I can’t stand her.”
Her teeth shine from her giggles, “Ah, she’s okay. She’s not that bad.”
Oscar deadpans, “Y/n, she asked you how much your Chanel purse was and then told you hers was more expensive.”
Y/n shakes her head, eyes falling back down to her lap, “Yeah, that wasn’t her finest moment.”
“It would make more sense for Lando to date you.” He whispers. Whether he meant for her to hear it or not, Y/n doesn’t know. Regardless, she acts as if she doesn’t, not wanting to have to create a situation where she has to genuinely lie to one of her friends.
As if she hasn’t been doing that for the past year she’s been with Lando.
Lying to every person she cherished most was the worst thing to ask of her. There was a resentment that brewed below the love she had for Lando because of the things he made her give up for him.
“Are you staying for the race? I know it goes pretty late into the night.” Oscar pipes up when a silence encompasses them.
She shakes her head, “No, I’m going to go back to the hotel after this.”
“Oh, too bad.” Oscar sighs as he gets up from his seat, walking over to her and peeking in her bag.
Y/n’s eyebrow inches up, “What are you doing?”
Oscar plants a sly smile on his face as his hand lightly pushes the bag open further, “Got any gum in here?”
She laughs loudly as he continues to search through her bag, less ashamed now. She’s keeled over when she hears him cackle. Y/n looks to see Oscar clasping a small package in his hand, a large smile on his face as he stares in disbelief.
“A condom?! Why do you have a condom?!” He screams, which warrants Y/n to slap her hands over his mouth.
She whispers, “Shut up!”
Oscar's mouth slobbers over her palms as he continues to laugh, “Who are you planning on sleeping with here, Y/n?”
She draws a blank, saying the one thing that comes to her mind, “He isn’t involved with F1.”
Another lie added to the pile she agitatedly sits on.
Oscar draws back, “Oh? There’s an actual man in the picture?”
She grins slightly, grabbing her bag and moving toward the door, “And you wonder why I’m leaving early.”
Oscar stays there, still chuckling at the leftover condom in his hand.
Hours later, Lando is running around the paddock like a mad man, stopping random strangers to ask if they had seen Y/n.
Oscar stands off to the side when he hears Lando’s frantic voice behind him, petrifying an innocent fan asking for a simple photo. He waltzes over, hand coming to clasp Lando’s shoulder before saying, “Why don’t you just take the picture, mate?”
Lando turns his head, eyeing Oscar before fully moving his body the other way, “Do you know where Y/n is? I haven’t heard from her at all.”
Oscar looks at Lando blankly, “She left. You didn’t know?”
Lando steps back, “Left? No? What?”
Sensing that there is more to this discussion, he leans around Lando and grabs the fan’s phone. He shuffles Lando and the fan into the frame before snapping the picture, ushering the fan away gently.
When they’re left alone, Oscar questions, “How come you didn’t know? It seemed like a set plan when she told me. She’s going to meet some guy, she said.”
Lando’s eyes bulge, “What?”
The tone is low, intimidating and it makes Oscar doubt the platonic dynamic of the two.
“She hasn’t answered your calls? Have you tried to call her?” Oscar changes the subject, not wanting to realize something when Lando actively has a girlfriend.
Lando shakes his head, “No. Who’s this guy?”
“I don’t know, Lando. She didn’t say anything about him. Ask her about it later. After the race.” Oscar tries, knowing Lando’s presence is direly needed in a few minutes when the lights go out on the track.
Lando huffs, “Fine.”
He walks off, clearly irritated at Y/n’s disappearance.
Oscar watches the scene play out in front of him.
Lando’s figure vanishes from sight.
Then, out of the corner of Oscar’s eye, Olivia’s eyes stay on Lando’s distress before he goes out of sight. She leans against a wall, a smirk on her face that reads something dark.
She shakes her head, tapping away at her phone, as she snickers to herself, seemingly satisfied with her boyfriend’s response.
In the sea of people, Oscar is the only person to witness her behavior.
In the sea of people, Oscar is the only person to see Lando’s and Olivia’s relationship in a different light.
In the sea of people, Oscar is the only person to question what really goes on behind closed doors.
“Shit fucking race. Shit fucking day. Shit fucking year. Jesus fucking Christ.” Lando whispers to himself as he unlocks the door to his hotel room.
When he enters through the threshold, the lights are completely out, the only light being the soft sunlight bleeding through the curtains. Y/n’s body lays cuddled under the blankets of the bed and the sight melts Lando’s heart, no matter how disappointed he is in her lack of support today.
He checks the clock, noticing the blaring 7 that makes him feel more comfortable waking Y/n up.
“Baby,” He says lightly, hands shaking her body softly, “Love, wake up.”
She groans under his touch, body crouching further under the bed sheets before her eyelids flutter open.
She looks at him in a raw way that makes him feel exposed, her piercing gaze striking his soul permanently.
“Where’d you go?” He asks as she sits up, blankets still wrapped tightly around her cool body.
She sighs, “I left, Lando.”
“So I heard. To go meet a man, might I add.” He says. Although, this time, it continues to be soft, but there’s a passive undertone that communicates the feeling of abandonment.
She shakes her head, “No, that’s a lie. Just like we are.”
He rears back, “Excuse me?”
His hands are wound tightly across each of her arms and they flex under her skin as the truth lingers in Lando’s ears.
Y/n groans as she pulls herself away from him, “I can’t do this anymore.”
“What? Me? Us?” He adds, his body standing up and towering over her.
She mimics his movement, the sheets falling from her shoulders as she extends her limbs, “Everything, Lando. This whole situation! I was so fucking stupid to think that you being in a PR relationship while we were together was something that could work.”
Lando shrugs, “What are you talking about?! You’ve never told me it wasn’t working!”
Her jaw drops open, “You thought this was working?! You thought I was fine with you parading around outside with another girl? Something I’ve wanted for way too long!”
“Y/n, this is bullshit! It’s on you for not telling me how you were feeling!” He remarks, hands being shoved inside his pockets as they bicker back and forth.
She rubs a hand over her forehead, “No, it’s not bullshit, Lando! You’re bullshit! This whole fucking relationship is bullshit! It’s been a fucking lie from the moment it started! I don’t want to be a part of that.”
He sits back down, head in his hands as they pull at the strands, “I don’t know what to tell you, Y/n.”
She stands, vulnerable and helpless, before him as she whispers, “Do you know what it feels like to feel like the other woman when you’re supposed to be the main one? Do you know what it feels like to feel like a dirty secret, something to be ashamed of and hide from prying eyes? Do you know what it fucking feels like to feel so incredibly alone next to a man who is supposed to give you the world? It feels like shit, Lando. You make me feel like shit. You and Zak and Jon and Olivia and everyone else tied to your name. You all make me feel like shit.”
There’s a tear that falls from Lando’s eye as he wills himself to look her in the eye, “I still want to give you the entire world.”
“You can’t.”
The weight of her statement and the hard way she says it breaks him. She stopped living in delusions long ago and he stayed in a land where having her was possible.
“I’m sorry,” He says, watching her put clothes on and grab her suitcase.
“I know you are.” She responds, a beat passing before she whispers back, “I’m sorry too.”
Her definitive statement achingly stays with him as he watches her gather her things and call an Uber.
“Where are you going to go?” He says softly, almost as if breaking the silence will break them further.
“My sister’s house. You know, you remember cause I told you, she lives a few hours from here.”
He nods, “Text me when you get there?”
She stands at the door, he stands with her, and she shakes her head, “No, Lando.”
She walks out the door, Lando grabs her arm, “Is this it? I don’t understand. Are we…” He can’t bring himself to say it.
She breathes, “I’m not sure either, to be honest. I know I said I couldn’t do this anymore with you, but it’s not that easy and I know what we have. I’ve never felt this before. I just need some time and space from you, from this world. I need to decide if staying is really worth the situation I’ve been put in.”
She walks further down the hall and Lando watches her, a few more sentences lingering in his brain that has him wishing he had said them to her.
He doesn’t get a chance to say them, however.
The elevator doors close before he can get them out.
There’s loud cheering and sounds of yells as Lando throws off his helmet, a large smile on his face as his first race win seeps under his skin.
He throws his body into the group of his mechanics, hugging his favorite people, and when he turns, expecting to see his favorite girl, he sees Olivia instead.
He tries to hide his disappointment as he hugs her, her body not fitting the way Y/n’s had.
There’s a silence that falls upon him as he gazes upon the thousands of people yelling his name and he’s hit with a deep wave of grief.
Grieving over the loss of his best friend, the loss of his girlfriend, the loss of the love of his life, the loss of his Y/n.
Images of her dance in his head as Mark Webber ushers him over, a microphone in each hand as he smiles at him.
A memory of the time she told him all the things she loved about him because he was feeling inadequate plagues his brain as Mark congratulates him.
“Lando! Stellar job here today in Silverstone! How does it feel to have your first race win?” Mark inquires, shaking Lando’s shoulder lovingly.
Lando hesitates to answer because, frankly, it fucking sucks. He meets Jon’s eyes and the man looks as if he’s lost himself. Jon stares at him with a deep gaze, a look Lando recognizes as the way Jon looks when he’s utterly ashamed of himself. Lando can already tell what he’s about to mouth before Jon’s lips begin to move, “I’m so sorry.” He says inaudibly.
The Brit takes the three words as a green light. The confirmation he can get his girl back.
“Not great.” Lando says into the microphone, the crowds falling silent at his surprising words.
Mark frowns, “Oh? Why’s that? This is a happy day!”
Lando shakes his head as he looks down and sighs, “You know, I always thought I would be so over the moon to win my first race, but, as I stand here, a trophy awaiting me, I genuinely feel so disappointed. I feel disappointed because I’ve lost sight of the one win in my life that I lost so stupidly. My best friend, Y/n, as everyone knows her, was never my best friend. I mean, she was my best friend, but she was also my girlfriend, somebody I was incredibly in love with. Somebody I am in love with. Shit, this is so messy and so hard to condense into this short interview, but I have to say it. Olivia and I were a PR stunt. There were individuals that wanted me to be dating someone of a higher status, something Y/n doesn’t have. She was forced to sit through four months of excruciating pain because Olivia and I were being shoved in her face. Y/n is one of the strongest people I know, the fact she was able to go through that with a straight face proves that. But, I can’t let what she told me the night she left me go unsaid.” Lando looks into the camera, as cheesy as he knows it is and says what he had wanted to tell her that night as the elevator doors cut him off, “Y/n, you are not the other woman. You are not a dirty secret and you are not alone. You are the complete opposite of all those things. You are the one person I’ve ever truly loved; the one person I want to spend the rest of my life with; the one person I cannot live without; the one person that I cannot bear hurting. I’ve hurt you, I know that, a lot of people involved in this have and I hate that. I hate that I didn’t stop what was going on, fight back against what they were asking me to do. I’m so sorry. If I could redo it, I would. I would say no to it all and go public with you. I would tell you a thousand times yes that night on the sofa when you asked me if we could go public. I would do it all so differently because, maybe I didn’t before, but I know what I’ve lost now and I will fight so much harder for us, harder than I did that night you walked out because I have been in love with you for so long. I’ve waited for you my entire life, even before I knew who you were. I’ve waited for the person I ended up settling down with, waited for the person who stole my breath. I’ve waited for you and I’m not going to let that go to waste. I was dick and I took you for granted. Please let me show you that that was never the way I wanted to treat you, that I can love you better than that. Please let me back in. It’s public now, baby. Public and I don’t want that to ever change.”
Mark smiles brightly at him as the crowd behind them cheers deafeningly, “Young love, yeah?”
Lando nods, “Yeah.”
Caroline sits on the arm of the couch next to Y/n, mouth agape. Y/n mirrors her expression, blanket wrapped around her legs as Lando retreats from the frame.
“What just happened?” Caroline, her sister, asks. There’s a small smile on her face as the shock wears off.
Y/n shakes her head, her hands already trying to find her phone, “I don’t know.”
The two watch as Lando is presented with his trophy, the camera zooming in on him as he mouths, “This one’s for you, love.”
Y/n is smiling so hard it’s painful and her sister watches her with delight. When the champagne spraying is done and the feed ends, Y/n leaps from the couch.
“Did you see that?!” She exclaims, giddy laughter over the one thing she had yearned for and finally got.
Caroline joins her incessant jumping, “Yes! It’s public!”
The two squeal together, but the noises are cut off when Y/n’s phone rings from between the couch cushions.
Caroline smiles before exiting the room, Lando’s contact photo lighting up her sister’s screen and cueing her leave.
However, she stays in the other room, eavesdropping without a care in the world.
Y/n picks up the phone, shaky hand bringing the device to her ear as Lando’s panting floods through the speaker.
“Y/n? Were you watching the race?” He asks.
She nods, tears in her eyes as she whispers, “Yes,”
He breathes out a sigh of relief, “So, you saw what I said?”
He’s quiet for a moment, “And… what did you think?”
He hears quiet giggling on the other end of the phone and his heart soars to the sky, “You have a way with words, Lan.”
“Only with you,” He adds, smiling to himself over the girl miles away.
There’s a loud grunt and crash on his side of the phone, one that sends Y/n laughing.
“Let me guess, Olivia?” She tries to which Lando laughs.
“Right on the nail, baby.” He whispers as her yells continue.
“What do Zak and Jon think about this?” She asks after a time.
Lando tuts, “They’re glad to get rid of Olivia. Jon apologized to me the second I got off the podium. He said he wants to apologize to you too. So does Zak. They both do. They know how they went about it all was wrong and Jon went on this whole rant about seeing me as a son and how he would never want to treat his son the way he had treated me. Trust me, love, they’re as on board with this as we are.”
Y/n nods before asking quietly, “You’re on summer break now, right?”
“What are your plans?”
He smiles, “Taking the first flight to you. Why?”
Y/n laughs, “I was going to ask you if I could come to Monaco, to see you, but it turns out seeing each other is a problem already solved.”
He chuckles along with her, “No, baby, you stay right where you are. It’s time I start coming to you now. Time I start showing you the lengths I’d go to to keep you in my life, to keep loving you.”
She blushes, “That speech sure accomplished that.”
His cheeks redden just like hers, “Oh, love, that’s just the beginning.”
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rapunzelbro · 8 months
I've been reading your fabulous Lucifer and tall reader. I found a tiktok for a Lucifer scenario. I thought it was perfect just hiding little duckies all over the castle and hotel for Lucifer to find and to also piss Alastor off. 🙂
The Great Duck Hunt of The Century! Ft. Lucifer & Alastor!
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This title is so so so fucking specific. Remember my hiatus? Yeah I don’t remember either. I feel like I like writing for Lucifer and Angel more ngl and silly prompts like these give me inspiration. Idk why anywho enjoy~ Angel , Reader, Lucifer, Alastor Husk
Masterlist Taglist
Throughout your relationship with Lucifer you always found new ways to spice it up in the bed room
If you thought sex well, that too
But you meant something else, and that was The Great Duck Hunt of The Century!
What is it you may ask?
Well let’s just say Lucifer made a bunch of mini ducks out of pure boredom one day with you. So you snagged them all when you two were done with them
And spent the next 7 hours placing 500 in the castle and 500 in the Hazbin Hotel
Why? Because why the fuck not
Lucifer was excited and was happily looking around but when you got a text from Angel you knew you were fucked, screwed, in trouble
“Girl what tf did you do”
“Whatever do you mean?”
Why is Smiles yelling about finding ducks all over the hotel”
“Husk is literally finding them in the liquor bottles and choked on one of them and not the good kinda choke if you know what I mean” “🍆💦”
“I made a scavenger hunt for Lucifer that’s all 🫢”
“You didn’t hide any in my room did you”
“Hell no you’re my friend”
“Aw thank you sweetie💗 might wanna avoid the hotel for a while he is pissed I’ll keep rehiding them though. Ttyl babe~”
“Thanks for the warning”
Yeah uh let’s just say, after Lucifer did find a majority of them. Him being short Didn’t give him an advantage and you mentioned to him there’s a ton left so out comes Lucifer in bird mode
Dude is flying throughout his castle knocking so much shit over in the process to find these ducks and he is so fucking happy? Dude is so glad you did this.
It went on for hours
When you finish counting what he found you announce he found 500/1000
He didn’t know how you had so much dedication but he did and was ready to go to the hotel to find the rest
You texting Angel
“How many did he find?”
“I wanna say 100? This radio demons is ripping this hotel apart for them, Charlie thinks her dad did it but I let her in on it and told Vag. They think it’s funny as fuck. Well Charlie not as much but Vag is dying over here”
“omg did I tell you there’s bets being placed on this shit on if he burns the building down or not? Get your ass over here “
Lucifer makes a portal for you two because stepping into the hotel
It was a mess?? There were spots you didn’t even put any that were destroyed
“What the actual fuck?”
Everyone is just at the bar watching shit go down as Alastor is ripping the hotel apart for the ducks.
Lucifer is no where to be seen. This man’s instantly looking for the ducks and fixing up the building as he goes for his daughters sake
Alastor noticing you just appeared and him going up to you with his demon form practically almost fully out from his pissed this man is
“I’m hoping it wasn’t you who did this, or I’m afraid ł’ⱠⱠ ₱ɆⱤ₴Ø₦₳ⱠⱠɎ Ⱨ₳VɆ ₮Ø Ɽł₱ ɎØɄ Ⱡł₥฿ ฿Ɏ Ⱡł₥฿ Ʉ₦₮łⱠ ɎØɄ ⱤɆ₥ØVɆ ɆVɆⱤɎ ₴ł₦₲ⱠɆ Ø₦Ɇ Ø₣ ₮ⱧɆ₴Ɇ ₣Ʉ₵₭ł₦₲ ĐɄ₵₭₴”
His voice getting so fucking loud and static holy shit it was scary but you just back away as quickly as possible before Lucifer comes out with a fuck ton of the mini ducks before running infront of you.
Lucifer and Alastor stare at each other before Lucifer almost fucking launches at his ass for yelling at you
You instantly having to hold him back
“Listen you find these fuckers easily right? Help me find them and I won’t have to kill your little girlfriend”
“Haha fuck you. I’d love to see you try. I’m looking on my own terms “
Yeah he highkey didn’t want to take that chance regardless but he wasn’t lying when he said he was looking on his terms. Him bringing the ducks back to you as he found them
You counting them but Angel distracting you so much you had to double count everything like four times.
When he found them all the hotel surprisingly didn’t burn down, which caused almost everyone to give Husk money
“Hah.. old cats still got it”
Yeah Husk knew it wouldn’t be that dramatic considering if it had any involvement with you, or Lucifer, Lucifer could’ve easily fixed the building before it got to the point of that
He is fucking good
Alastor making the ducks dissolve in thin air once you counted them all and confirmed they were all found and Lucifer mourning the loss of his ducks while you and Charlie awkwardly comfort him.
Alastor instantly going back to his room with the worlds most irritating smile
“Please when you have this.. duck hunting again..you have it NOT HERE”
“Well that went better than I thought..”
And that was the end of the Great Duck Hunt of the century
It was the most fun Lucifer ever had.
And to see Alastor in that state was the icing on the cake.
He loved you so much and was 100% going to make himself a trophy since he found them all
It’s just the little things you do or even in this case the big things that make him appreciate you even more
Especially if it involves pissing off Alastor my god you got hella bonus points for that shit
Lucifer Taglist: @vendetta-ari @brithedemonspawn @katshyperfixations @aphestina @satansmanager @irethepotato @storydays @saturnhas82moons @zamadness
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mountainficss · 3 months
hello rae how are you i hope your day is going well🥺🥺
you probably saw the cheol’s videos from rimowa event, he was very impressive and charming🥲 seventeen posted a video on ig and the part where he holds a champagne glass in his hand 🫠
he gives the ex vibe watching his ex girlfriend from afar. it was like they had been separated for a while, it would be exciting to imagine that when he saw that she was dancing with another man in a club, he couldn't stand it and he grab her by the hand, pull her out of there and the two have a hard time resisting each other…can’t imagine that sexual tension😩
(english is not my first language sorry😘💞🥺)
!! mentions of: drinking, jealousy, slight angst, oral sex, unprotected sex, semi-public sex
hi there, my love! my days have been going well, i hope you are doing great <3 i actually haven’t seen the videos, but i can totally imagine the ex boyfriend vibe. it’s so seungcheol.
he’d be seated at the bar, watching you with envy as you dance with another man. he was gripping his champagne glass so hard he was sure it would shatter beneath his fingertips. you two had broken up a few weeks ago, but seungcheol had never truly let you go. he thinks about you almost daily, but his pride gets in the way of reaching out to you and trying to repair what you had. even though he hasn’t spoken to you, seeing you with another man would cause jealousy to bubble in his stomach. he wondered if you had moved on, and the thought almost tore him apart. he needed you, needed you like he needed to breathe. he knew no other man could love you like he did, could give you what you needed. he knew he could truly make you happy, and that caused him to set aside his pride and shoot up from his seat at the bar. he’d slam his glass down, dodging all of the sweaty bodies on the dance floor and making his way towards you. your eyes would widen as you see him standing in front of you, and you’d feel his hand grab yours, wordlessly yanking you away from your dance partner. “seungcheol?” you’d fume over the booming music, the loud sounds of the club becoming faint as he drags you towards the exit. he doesn’t answer, and you don’t fight him, just let yourself be dragged along as he throws open the door and pulls you outside with him. the night air is cool, and it creates goosebumps on your exposed arms. “what do you want?” you’d bite at him, scanning his face for any hint of emotions. his expression was cold, but his eyes softened as he studied your face. you were still the prettiest thing he’d ever seen, even with your face twisted into such a displeased look. and you were wearing his favorite dress too, your silky short one that hugged all the right places. he was a fool to ever let you go. “he was sketchy. i didn’t want you around him,” seungcheol would answer simply, watching as you roll your eyes at him. “it was a dance, cheol. i don’t know what the big fucking deal is. i was having fun,” you’d retort, crossing your arms over your chest defiantly. “you can dance with me next time,” he’d mumble quietly, receiving a loud scoff from you. “you’re unbelievable.” you’d scowl, ripping your gaze from him and staring at the concrete below your heels. as much as you want to stay mad at him, you do miss him. it’s not something you’d like to admit, but you would rather be dancing with seungcheol. “i’m sorry,” he’d apologize gently, his eyes never once leaving your face. you didn’t answer, still focused on kicking at the pebble beneath your heel. the pout adorning your lips was adorable to him, but he did feel a slight guilt knowing he upset you. “can i take you home?” he’d question cautiously, knowing you were still a bit irritated with him. he was expecting you to decline, but a part of him hoped that you would let him. this would give him an opportunity to make things right with you, and he’s not sure if he’ll get another chance again. “fine,” you’d huff, arms still crossed around your chest as you lift your gaze from the ground. you wouldn’t look at seungcheol, would just stare in the direction of the parking lot and wait for him to lead the way. “let’s go.”
he’d offer you his arm to grab, and you’d reluctantly take it after a few beats of hesitation. you wanted to ignore him, but your heels were starting to hurt your feet and you missed the feeling of clinging to his arm (even though you won’t admit it). once he guides you to his car, he’d open the passenger side for you and help you settle in. you’d cross your arms over your chest again, pouting cutely in his front seat as he closes the door for you. everything you do is so endearing to him, even when you’re trying so hard to stay mad at him. he’d sit down into the driver’s seat and start the car, backing out of the parking lot in silence. after a few minutes on the road he’d glance over at you, head turned towards the window and watching the blur of buildings pass by. “i’m sorry,” seungcheol would start softly, finally building up the courage to break the suffocating silence. “for everything. i’m sorry we didn’t work out. i’m sorry i didn’t try harder to fix us.” he’d inhale deeply, gripping the steering wheel a bit tighter. “and i’m sorry i ruined your dance. i know you were enjoying yourself, and i’m sure you’ve moved on by now. i can admit that i haven’t though, so seeing you with someone else made me jealous.” he’d see you slightly crane your head towards him out of his peripheral, and he’d swallow nervously. “you mean so much to me. i never really stopped loving you, and i wish i didn’t let so many weeks pass before i told you all of this. i’m so sorry our relationship turned out the way it did, and i don’t want you to think i ever stopped thinking about you even after we broke up.” by the end of his confession, he had pulled up to your driveway and switched his car to park. he’d unbuckle his seatbelt, turning towards you and shooting you a sad smile. “thank you for letting me get this off my chest. i’ll walk you inside, okay?” he’d turn away from you to reach for his door handle, but before he can grab it you’re fisting his shirt and pulling him in for a heated kiss over the console. his body would freeze with shock, but would soon snap out of it and kiss you back eagerly. he’d bring a hand up to carefully cup your face, tilting his head so he can kiss you deeper. you’d both only pull away to gasp for air, and in between breaths you’d answer him. “i’m sorry too, cheollie,” you’d whisper against his lips, receiving a peck from him. “if it makes you feel better,” you’d continue, undoing the buttons of his shirt lazily. “i never really stopped loving you either.” hearing you say those words would make him go feral, smashing his lips against yours once again with a newfound fervor. his free hand would travel to your chest, groping and squeezing over the fabric as you whine into his mouth. “missed this,” he’d growl, sending shivers up your spine. without a word, you’d completely detach yourself from him, clumsily climbing over the console to his backseat. as you climb back he’d catch a glimpse of your panties underneath your dress, setting a fire off in the pit of his stomach as he ungracefully follows you.
you didn’t care that the backseat was cramped, didn’t care that you were parked in your driveway sitting in your ex’s car, didn’t care. all you wanted was your cheollie, and now you were finally seated on his lap again as he kissed down the curve of your neck. you’d pull his hard cock out of his pants, giving it a few pumps as he whined into your neck. he was aching for you, missing the feeling of your body on top of him and your warm hole enveloping him. you tugged your panties to the side, sinking down onto his erection as you both let out wanton moans. you were positive his car was rocking back and forth as he fucked into you, but you both could care less. “l-let’s make up—ngh—for all the time we missed,” he’d groan as you bounce on him harshly. you’d nod eagerly, tangling your fingers into his hair. “mhm,” you’d agree with a fucked out smile. “let’s fuck again in my bed after this,” you’d choke out, receiving a breathy laugh from seungcheol. his hands would travel eagerly from your waist to your ass, grabbing and caressing every part of your body he could reach in the restricted space. your eyes would roll back into your skull as he hits your sweet spot repeatedly, almost abusing it as he feels you tighten around him. he’d stare up at you with glazed over eyes, his mouth open slightly as lewd sounds escape him. “let me sleep over tonight?” he’d plead, puppy eyes begging you to let him spend time with you. you couldn’t help but smile at his cuteness despite him fucking you stupid in the backseat of his car. “i’d l-love that,” you’d breathe, wondering if it was possible to love cheollie any more. (it was possible when he had you pinned to your bed after your first round in his car, eating you out like a starved man <3)
taglist: @jeonghanpill , @bangantokchy , @caratboy , @bewoyewo , @luvseungcheol , @wonvsmile , @haolovre , @aaniag , @writingbarnes , @dokyeomkyeom , @allieyaaa
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serpentandlily · 6 months
Untouchable Part IX Teaser
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Untouchable - Azriel x Rhysand'sSister!Reader
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
“I’m not waiting any longer,” Azriel growled at his High Lord. “I’m leaving. Now.”
Both Azriel and Rhysand looked worse for wear. Rhys’s face was littered with bruises and cuts and Azriel was sure he looked no better. But he didn’t care. All he cared about right now was that his mate was in the hands of that fucking sorcerer and he was going to rip that male apart limb by limb for ever thinking he could take her.
“We need to think this through, Az,” Feyre pleaded. “If you rush in, you’ll end up dead and be of no help to Y/n.”
Azriel’s hands tightened into fists. These past two days had been hell. Once Rhys had misted the Prince in the clearing, he had winnowed the three of them back to Velaris—to start planning their rescue mission.
He hadn’t even gotten two words out before Azriel pounced on him. He could barely remember those first few hours after she had been taken. All he knew was the anger he felt—the rage. The mating bond snapping into place. The bargain breaking. And her…his love being taken away from him, his heart and soul with her. 
And Rhys, the fucking asshole, had been at the center of his anger. For making him agree to that bargain with him in the first place. For making him stay away from her—his mate.
It had taken Cassian, Mor and Feyre to pull them apart that day. 
He had stopped starting fights with Rhys but his anger still pulsed under his skin, ready to strike at a moment's notice. 
"We've had plenty of time to think,” Azriel snapped at his High Lady, causing Rhys’s head to shoot up with a warning glare. 
“Watch your tone,” Rhys bit back at him.
“Fuck you, Rhys!” Azriel slammed his scarred hands down on the desk between them. “I’m going and I swear to the Gods if you try to stop me, I’ll rip your throat out!” 
“No, fuck you, Azriel!” Rhys yelled, standing up to his full height. “Stop acting as if you’re the only one affected by this! She was my sister long before she was your mate! Maybe if you hadn’t gone behind my back—” 
“Maybe if you hadn’t made us make that stupid bargain with you in the first place, we would’ve never had to! I could’ve had centuries with her. You stole all those years from us!” 
The second the bond snapped between him and his mate, Azriel swore he lived a whole lifetime. A whole lifetime they hadn’t been afforded. It had all flashed right before his eyes. His mate…His beautiful mate. She deserved so much better than this and as soon as he got her back in his arms, he would give her the whole world. He'd tear the sun from the sky if it would make her happy. 
“Guys, stop! This fighting between the two of you has only made things worse! Fight all you want once we get Y/n back, but you need to focus. Both of you. For her sake,” Feyre snapped.
Azriel ran a hand through his hair, letting out a noise of frustration. His shadows swarmed around him like a monsoon—screaming his mate’s name over and over again in agony. “You don’t understand, Feyre. Every single time I feel her…during those tiny moments she slips through to the bond…all I feel is her pain. He’s torturing her. How am I supposed to sit here while my mate is being tortured?” 
He turned away from them, unable to look at Rhys any longer as a few tears slipped down his cheeks. He had completely and utterly failed his mate. Had let her get into the arms of an enemy. This was all his fault…all of it. She would’ve never even ran away from Velaris if he had never tried to move on with Elain last year. He put those thoughts in her head and there was nothing he regretted more in his life. He had never wanted Elain. He had never even wanted Mor. He had tried, when he thought Rhys’s sister was off limits, to move on. But he had never, ever stopped loving her. He had never felt anything for anyone other than her. 
And she had been ripped away from him before they could even have a life together. 
“That’s it,” Rhys whispered from behind him. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner.”
“What?” Azriel snarled, whipping around. 
“You said you can feel her sometimes—through the bond, right?”
Azriel nodded his head, crossing his arms. 
Rhys stroked his jaw in thought. “He must be drugging her with faebane. But not consistently. There must be small moments when it wears off before he gives her another dose. That’s why you can feel her sometimes.” 
“Where are you going with this?” Feyre asked.
“We can use the mating bond to tell us when to act,” Rhys explained. “When Azriel can feel her, we know her magic is regenerating. We should stop looking at this as battle and more like a stealth mission. We bait Koschei into coming to the water’s edge the moment Azriel feels my sister down the bond—act like we are declaring war. Keep him distracted long enough for her to get back most of her power. Meanwhile, Azriel can slip into the cabin, release her from whatever binds he has her in and get her out.” 
“What about the wards around the cabin? No one can winnow in or out. Even Az’s shadows might set it off.”
“I’ll have to get inside without using any magic,” Azriel said. “I can do it. I can get to her. As long as you keep him distracted and buy me enough time.” 
“Helion has given Y/n some lessons on setting and breaking wards,” Rhys added. “Once she sees you, once she realizes she’s being saved, she can start working on breaking them so she can winnow the two of you out.” 
“And you trust that she’ll be able to do that?” Feyre asked. 
Rhys let out a long sigh. Azriel knew how much it would pain him to have to force his sister to save herself. Rhys had always been the one doing the heavy lifting for their family, always keeping his sister as protected as he could, especially after she almost died. But he couldn’t save her this time. 
He’d need to have faith in her.
“She can do it,” Azriel declared, full of confidence in his mate’s abilities. “She is not that little girl in the woods anymore, Rhys. You’ve trained her. I’ve trained her. She is more than capable of this.”
“I know she’s not,” Rhys whispered. “She hasn’t been. Not for a long time. And I’m sorry, Azriel, I truly am. You’re right. I should’ve never forced you to make that bargain.”
“Save your apology for when I get my mate back,” Azriel spat out.
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whispersingojo · 4 months
Tutoring Date!
Content ✮ fluff!!!! Teen!satoru x teen!reader
Summary ✮ you help Satoru study!!! Even though you go to Jujutsu high…you still have grades to keep up with!
Word count ✮ 1.2k
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“This doesn’t make any seeeeeeeense,” Satoru whined, leaning back into his chair letting his head fall back.
“It’s not that bad, look-“ you began explaining some of the math on the paper to him, making him groan louder.
“‘Toru you’re surely never going to learn if you don’t try. You have to be pretty AND smart if you ever wanna get a girlfriend,” you put your cheek in your hand, looking at him with a questioning expression.
“No I don’t, you know that,” he lifted his head, raising an eyebrow at you and winking.
You looked away, blush starting to form on your face, “let’s just keep working,” you picked your pencil that at and put the one the Satoru put down back forcefully into his hand.
You continued to explain the countless problems on the paper. Some he could understand. Seeing how proud of himself he was for being able to understand the questions made you happy. Seeing him happy made you happy.
Satoru put his pencil down. He leaned back, stretching his tired bones, “I’m getting tired of all these numbers…can we stop for the day? Pleeeeeeaase?” He gave you his biggest puppy eyes he could muster up.
You sighed, leaning back into your chair, “I guess, but we have to finish this tomorrow! Got it?” You pointed your pencil at him and gave a playful glare.
Satoru stood up excitedly, “how does ice cream sound?”
“Thats random…but I guess,” you picked up your pencil case, unzipping it and placing the pencils you had used back into the case, “can you hand me you paper?”
“Oh yeah sure,” Satoru picked up him paper, handing it over to you.
“Thanks,” you looked down at the paper, realizing that his name wasn’t written on the paper, “‘Toru are you nine?” You asked in a disappointed tone.
“What did I do!”
“Your name isn’t on the paper! Yaga literally marks off points for that!” You gently slammed the paper back into the table. Ripping open your pencil case, you slammed the pencil on top of the paper as well, “name,” You said sternly.
“Uuuuugh, fine,” he groaned, picking back up the pencil and scribbling his name on the paper, “can we go now?”
You giggled, picking the paper back up, “yes, we can go now,” you paper clipped all the stuff together, leaving it in a nice pile on the table.
When you turned around to follow Satoru, he was already half way out the door. You shook your head, jogging to catch up with him.
When the two of you finally got to the park where the ice cream stand was, Satoru stopped, “I’m ordering your ice cream,” he said sternly, putting his hands on his hips. Satoru leaned down to your height, “and I’m gonna guess your favorite ice cream.”
“Oh god this is gonna be a disaster,” you mumbled, looking back up at him, “fine then! I’m sure you don’t even remember it anyways,” you spoke to him as if it was a challenge, “I’m gonna go sit over there then, guess meet me there when you’re done.”
Satoru nodded with determination before spinning around to go get your ice creams.
As you sat down beneath the umbrella of your table, your phone when off. You leaned to one side of your body to pull it out, flipping your phone open. You noticed it was Shoko! It read:
S Where the hell are you??
Y I’m out with ‘Toru getting ice cream why??
S We were supposed to go out today that’s why!!
S you hate me now I see how it is…
You laughed to yourself, watching as Shoko’s life supposedly fell apart. The two of you texted back and forth a bit before Satoru came back with your ice creams.
You flipped your phone closed, stuffing it back into your pocket,
“I told the guy up there we’re on a date so we could get free ice cream,” Toru reached out your ice cream to you.
“Oh my god,” you shook your head, “you can’t be lying to people,” you sighed, taking your ice cream from him.
“But free shit! And plus,” he pulled out his chair and sat down, “maybe it could be a date.”
You were mid lick into your ice cream when he said that, “did you trick me into going out on a date with you?”
“Maybe,” he snickered as he took a lick of his own ice cream.
You were to stunned by his words to even recognize what flavor your ice cream was, so you went in for another lick. Your face grew hot rather fast with blush. Both out of his comment-
And the fact he actually got it right.
“So?” He was already half way through his ice cream.
“You got it right, actually,” you responded, enjoying yourself now.
“See? I’m not all that stupid all the time,” he smiled at you, which made butterflies take off in your stomach.
The two of you looked over to see a girl with trembling hands holding a small piece of paper. She looked extremely nervous. You looked further past her to see a group of more girls standing pretty far behind her all giggling to themselves.
“Yeah what’s up,” he said, taking a bit out of the cone of his nearly finished ice cream.
Satoru side eyed you out the corner of his glasses, which met your side eye. You both knew where this was going.
“Can- can I um…get your number?” The girls held out the small piece of paper. All the girls behind her had gone silent.
“Sure! Got a pen?” He asked sitting up.
“Oh right I’m sorry!” She scrambled through her side bag for a pen. Once she found one, she basically threw it at him.
You were a bit shocked. Weren’t you two supposed to be on a date? You were so lost.
“There you go! Give me a text in a little bit!” Satoru winked at the girl, whose face was deep red with blush.
“Thank you!” She said as she took the piece of paper and ran back to her friends.
“Let’s get going now shall we?” Satoru said, a bit eager to leave.
“Oh uh ok-“ you said standing up and following Satoru.
All the girls gave you a weird look, kinda like a we got your man kind of look.
You looked up at Satoru once you two were far enough from those girls, “so what was up-“
Satoru interrupted you, “I gave them Yaga’s number,” he said confidently.
Your jaw dropped, “No you didn’t! He’s gonna kill you!” You began laughing, almost needing to stop.
“What you think I’m gonna throw my amazing date under the bus like that? Never in a million years!” He laughed softly.
You two continued walking, wiping the tears from your eyes from how hard you were laughing. You had finally calmed down from your fit of laughter, your stomach still hurting.
“I’m thinking this weekend we go to a restaurant and tell them it’s your birthday for some free ice cream,” Satoru thought out loud.
“Is this your attempt at asking me for a second date?” You raised and eyebrow up at him.
“Maybe,” he responded with a smile.
You giggled, taking his arm into yours, “sure, we’ll go scam some people out of their ice cream,” you blushed lightly.
“Score!” He laughed, a small amount of blush forming on his cheeks.
Guess he was right.
He didn’t have to be pretty and smart to get a partner.
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lani-heart · 5 months
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|| series masterlist || next // previously ||
genre(s) -> angst, fluff, non-idol, hybrid au, poly au paring(s) -> yeowoosan x reader warning(s) -> mentions of abuse words -> 1.1K
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I’ve never considered owning hybrids. 
I've always thought that they deserved to be free, and treated like people. Unfortunately in this state of politics it won't happen anytime soon.
Even then, the three hybrids who now live with me, almost seem like they wouldn’t operate on their own.
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San… my pretty panther.
He's always been bad at leaving the apartment. When he does, he wears headphones. One's specialized for hybrids to cancel out noise. He can’t handle crowded places, sounds of screams happiness, or fear, or simple everyday noises like bells. You never notice how common it is until you have a hybrid flinch and grip you so hard it causes skin and clothes to rip. 
He’s exotic… and pretty but so so damaged. 
He’s never wanted to sit down and talk to me about what it was like nor do I ever expect him to. He wants to forget… he’s cried out how he wishes he could forget.
If only I could grant that wish to him. On his month anniversary, – when it was only me and Wooyoung by his side – he asked if we could go to the park. 
He loves watching TV. He also finds the sappy movies where you go to scenic places and just… soak it in. San couldn’t do that. That day a kid approached us and asked to touch San, but he wasn’t good with touch either. He flinches… so Wooyoung distracted the kid after they pull San’s tail. Innocent curiosity… kids don’t understand what no means when they are so young. 
After that day he locked himself in his room. 
He hates the outside world. Filled with cruel people and reminders of his past. 
It's a miracle he trusts me as much as he does. I once wanted to take him to a restaurant… but the door had a bell chime. It made him freeze until I commanded him and we went home. 
He will wait for a command and it's necessary to snap him out of it. 
Kun wanted him to continue therapy but he’s still not used to it. Shortly maybe? Whether that's in a year or two or maybe never. 
Despite how damaged he is, he’s truly an amazing person. He’s sensitive and caring… he’s beautiful. 
He cares so much about me, about Wooyoung, even the newest addition of Yeosang.
He always makes sure I'm not overworking with my book when I lose track of the hours. Whilst he makes sure to reassure Wooyoung with praises and sweet nothings everyday. Even Yeosang, he helps him with his traumas… assures him that he has them and that he isn't alone. 
Sannie, my first hybrid and I'd do everything to have him in my life – to be in his heart all over again.
“May this be the first life of many I live with you, you’re my reason to continue living”
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Wooyoung… a sweet hyperactive fox.
He could go on for hours and hours doing any activity as long as he was having fun or with any three of us who joined him. 
He isn’t good at leaving the apartment either.
As much as he denies it he's still scared of me abandoning him one day. So when he does go out with me he's always glued to my side. Holding my hand or simply looping our arms.
He also feels the need to “make himself useful” since his previous owners had him do chores and cook for them since they were expecting a baby and were busy. 
His stress also gets him which is obvious because of how clingy he becomes and even picks at his own fur. His mind was constantly working and overthinking and I had to get used to praising him and reassuring him how much I loved him. 
It wasn’t hard but it hurt to know he needed constant reassurance to understand he’s loved by not only me but also to make sure he isn't a burden to San or Yeosang. 
He has a very bad mental health… one which will make him experience very long or even very short depressive episodes. 
In those days I spend most of my time in his room trying to offer him comfort. Sometimes we stay in silence or we’ll talk about nothing important for hours until we sleep in each other's arms. 
I owed Wooyoung a lot… he was there for me when I was in school and when my parents weren’t necessarily present in my life. He was there… he was always there and it's the least I could do for him. 
I’d be by his side for as long as he wants me. 
“I’ve loved you like it was love at first sight! My dream became a reality and I'm not ready to ever wake up”
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Yeosang… my protective doberman.
I always found it interesting how my friends thought that San was the most protective and even though he is, San was a sweetheart. While Yeosang was intimidating. He hates the socialite life… in return doesn’t trust my friends. He also hates leaving the apartment, claiming it's his safe haven and always with his silly little nickname… angel. 
Claiming that's what I was… someone who saved him from his life in hell. Brought him back up, made him smile, and forgave him for his sins. He hates being reminded of his past… it's known that I had him and people will sometimes send me emails and texts to ask him for photoshoots. 
He, however, wanted to live a life of peace away from the media and the sins that others committed. 
He hates the attention, the photos, the videos, the whispers, and the gossip when he does come out with me. He’s a dog hybrid… he has good sight, good hearing… and good smell. He could tell when they gossiped about his prostitution background and even said horrid things. Not like he’d ever tell me what they said since… he didn’t want to make me sad or angry. He endured a lot… but he didn’t have to do it alone anymore. She was gone… and she’s never had a chance to get close to him again. 
If he saw me as his guardian angel, I’d act like it. I’d protect him with my life. 
“Why would I ever leave when I’m in paradise? Out there is hell, in here I have an angel looking over me” 
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@wonuangel @danirael @angelsaway @krissroo @minkysmilk @mayonnaise-on-toast @robertsbbygirl @superbbananananana @hyukssunflower @kitty4hwa @justconniez @senpai-of-doom @kibs-and-bits @caityelise99 @ilovekinny @ateezennie23 @wooahaelemons @purplelady85 @watamotee33@chidess97 @littlelostdemonofthelight @maliamaiden @burntarm1n @spooo00oky @eastleighsblog @momo-peachy @kitstar1117 @quartzpirate @sunnyhokyu @iwishiwasrichasfuck @theginger543210 @pandolinka @ddaeing @kpopnightingale @slid3er @kekdo-520 @puppyminnnie @sparklinghwa222 @calicanbeevil @itsvxlentine @atinism @loumin908 @smally97 @rxnexxi @acetruepunk @majesticbeluga @namjooncrabs @tashizxy @itstheghostofmypast @smilefordongil @teeziny @totallynotlyntv @kyeos4ng @prodsh00ky @acescavern
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peachesofteal · 1 year
read dd zombie au as a horror and zombie enthusiast and I had to say this-
what if darling was bitten but somehow "immune"?
she gets bit, symptoms come in but strangely she doesn't turn. she hungers like a zombie but the thought of hurting someone brings her back.
johnny and simon are kinda happy. you're not a zombie! yay! but the blueish bite on your shoulder says otherwise. at night, they tie your hands to your waist and bind your mouth shut, but apart from sleepy shuffling and grumbling, you don't seem to want to eat them.
the bagged mre's they try to feed you make you gag unless it's suspicious patties, so they guessed you were hungry, just not enough to try to eat them.
strongly believe that johnny treats you like a child. hand feeds you your meals that you reluctantly chew on, washes your hair and braids it ( he knows you hate waking up with tangled hair ) even brushes your teeth for you. he does this because you're too weak and tired to do it yourself ( no he doesn't. he does it because he hates seeing you like this, wishes he could cure you, but he can't. so he makes sure you eat and drink. he needs you. )
simon has seen so many people die to the virus that it feels unreal to him. he's still waiting for you to suddenly snap at him. however, watching the way you stare at him and johnny like you genuinely are there, it reassures him. he tries to talk, have conversations with you, make sure you remember. he despises having to leave you, though. he feels that if he take his eyes off you for a second you might pass or turn.
by the two week mark, you're getting better. the dark circles under your eyes are fading and the hollow dent of your cheeks is getting fuller. the mre's still make you gag, but it seems you'd rather eat those than a squirrel.
there's hope, they think. but if people find out you're immune... they'll try to take you away.
you can't leave them. they'll make sure no one takes you.
BITCH (affectionately) the way this is so fucking good. I LOVE a caretaking fic (clearly) and a protective Simon and Johnny. Love the idea of them on the run, hiding you, protecting you from those who are hunting immunes. Honestly could be an entire book. This scratches my itch so well. Love your brain.
Johnny just wants to take care of you. He knows you’re still in there, knows you’d be so distraught if you realized how filthy they’d let you become, so he takes him time leading you down to the creek by the campsite. He uses one of the t shirts they’ve been using as a washcloth to sponge you clean, humming sweetly to gentle you as you flinch against the water. Your skin is starting to turn back to its normal color now, a recent development that they both feel good about, and you’ve become more sensitive to temperature, occasionally shivering against the chilled cloth. Simon keeps watch, and you watch too, tracking Johnny’s hands with sluggish eyes and a half open mouth, tongue flicking between your teeth.
If he didn’t know any better, he’d say you’re preparing to take a bit out of him-
“Just gon’ brush yer teeth, darling.” He cradles your jaw with strong fingers and your brow furrows, confused when he pops your mouth wide, the little toothbrush you packed for yourself when you evacuated lightly scrubbing across your bottom teeth.
“Be careful, Johnny.” Simon warns, but he clucks his tongue.
“She’s alright. Cannae hurt me.” He knows you wouldn’t. You already would have, at night. Already would have turned on them, ripped their jugulars free with your teeth when they slept.
But you wouldn’t. Because you’re still in there. You’re still darling.
Once he’s done, fixed your hair so that it’s up but not weighing your scalp down, ensured it’s in place how you like, he passes you to Simon so he can make dinner.
Simon walks patrol at this time, and you go with him, listlessly walking at his side.
“D’ya remember last summer, when we all went to that carnival? You were so excited. Made Johnny and I play that bloody ring game against one another. You were so chuffed, I swear I can still hear you giggling when Johnny beat me the first time.” You moaned in response, something that didn’t sound quite like words, but more positive to negative.
Something catches his eye. A deer in the woods. A doe. Sizable. He glances from you, to it.
“Darling.” He holds your shoulder, trying to jog your gaze. “Darling, I need you to stay here.” He doesn’t want to leave you, but if he can get closer, he can get a clean shot off. You stare at him, and he sighs. “Alright.”
He makes it ten meters before the brush rustles behind him, the sight of you lumbering slowly towards where he’s crouched. You’re staring past him, watching doe with a glazed over look, and he tenses.
Once you get to his side, you look down to where he’s kneeling behind a bush, and then you start to, painfully slow, crouch beside him, fingers lightly brushing against his thigh.
You look at him, and then at the deer with a grunt. The hope that blooms in his heart is infectious, and he can’t fight it. He won’t.
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Weeks later, they’re on the road when they come across a group of others.
You’ve improved, greatly, but your ability to speak never came back. You can’t talk, only point and make little noises here and there, and your fine motor skills are still struggling, (Johnny is still brushing your teeth for you, and feeding you. He doesn’t complain, they both have always loved taking care of you) and your pace is very slow, like you’re sore, and always tired. Simon is careful to go easy, not wanting to do anything to stress you or make your condition worse.
The bite mark on your neck has never gone away. It’s a scar now, rough and raised flesh like a fucking beacon on your skin. They usually keep something tied to it, but for some reason on this day, you had pulled it free, and they never noticed.
But the others did.
“Is that a bite?” One of them says, and Simon tenses, positioning himself in front of you, Johnny pulling you into his chest, protective arm across your shoulders.
“No.” Simon tells them, but they don’t buy it. One them stares at you, greed dripping from his gaze.
“Heard there were immunes out there somewhere. NHS is offering a big payday for one alive. Or dead.” He licks his lips, and Simon shakes his head.
“Trust us. Ye dinnae want to do this.” Johnny calls, but the group is already staring at you like you’re worth your weight in gold.
There’s five of them, versus Simon and Johnny, but they like the odds.
They’ve got bullets in three before you even realize what’s happening, Simon’s blade buried in the flesh of another’s neck in a flash, Johnny pressing his weight into the last one on the ground.
“He’ll tell others.” He spits over his shoulder, and Simon nods.
He will. And they can’t allow that. Can’t allow anyone to know about you.
The last thing the man sees is Johnny’s hands around his neck, and you watching half interested over his shoulder, half bored.
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heavenlyangeline · 1 year
Billy Loomis x Reader
my first time writing on tumblr😱
Desc: honestly this is just pure smut
CW: slight (?) possessiveness, breeding kink, dirty talk, fem reader, hickeys fem receiving, knife kink, established relationship, “dirty girl”, “slut”, “good girl”
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Firm hands wrapped around your waist, slightly startling you before you realized who it was.
You spun around to greet Billy, he smirked at your excited face. “Happy to see me?” “You know i always am” you said before kissing him on the cheek and smiling.
There was a hint of mischievousness in his smirk before he started taking the kiss a bit further; redirecting your chin so that your lips met in a soft kiss. A small needy moan escaped your lips, “Billy I have to cook dinner..” you said as you used your hand to push him away slightly.
“Dinner can wait, can’t it y/n?” He gave you that look, it was laced with lust.
You didn’t even realize when he got ahold of a random kitchen knife and begun caressing your thigh with it. The cold blade inched closer and closer towards your skirt. The rush you felt from the tip of the knife made you run your thighs together, you could feel yourself getting wet.
Billy started whispering in your ear, “Does my dirty girl like that? hm? The rush?” He let out a slight chuckle, “I bet that really turns you on, Y/N” Suddenly the sound of your skirt being ripped apart by the knife in Billys’ hand had you gasping in surprise.
“Y-you owe me a new skirt” you said as the knife started inching towards the side of your panties and the coldness of the blade against your hip had you grinding on nothing but air. “Yeah anything for my princess” A light snap and your panties fell to the floor, you were completely bare.
He was deliberately teasing you, the anticipation of what he’d do next was eating you up.
You could hear the sound of the knife being set down and his belt unbuckling. It made you unbelievably horny, and you gave him a look that said “hurry up”.
“‘m gonna fuck you so good on this table Y/N” And in a split second, Billy’s hand found it’s way to your tummy, he pushed your back onto the kitchen table.
His hands started unbuttoning your top, “Did y’know I love watching your tits bounce up and down every time i thrust into you?” You whimpered in response, “Aw, my little slut’s so wet for me…”
He ran his index finger against your clit, you whined at the slight touch. He was watching every facial expression you made, and fuck it turned him on.
“Billy… ‘m ready” “What’s that? My dirty girl is ready for my cock?” “Mhm” He frowned at your half-ass response and lightly tapped your pussy lips, “Say it slut”
“‘m ready for your cock Billy” “Good girl” He aligned his cock with your slit. Billy kissed you while simultaneously bottoming out inside of you, forcing your moan to be muffled by his kiss.
His pace was steady and harsh, every time he rammed into you, wet slapping sounds echoed in the kitchen. You thought it was so embarrassing, and Billy took it as an opportunity to point it out. “That slutty pussy of yours is making all of those dirty sounds y/n”
You couldn’t even form a response, so you opted for nodding your head mindlessly. Billy begun peppering kisses on your neck that turned into sucking on your skin. He left red and even one or two purple hickey’s on your collar bone and neck area.
“Mine, you’re so mine y/n… my little good girl” he cooed and tears begun forming at the corners of your eyes. You needed to cum so badly.. You just needed to get that edge off…
Your hand started creeping towards your pussy, this was your futile effort at trying to get yourself off before your wrist was grabbed aggressively.
“Y/n.. did i tell you that you could touch yourself…?” A scary smirk formed on Billy’s face as he pinned both of your wrists above your head. He rammed harsher into you, your tits were bouncing up and down to the point that they started to hurt a little.
Meanwhile, Billy’s other hand was placed on your stomach, he was feeling his cock go in and out of your pussy. “I…” your tear-filled eyes turned him on so much, it was unbearable. “Just need…” You couldn’t even make anything out.
“What does my girl need? Use your words..” You gave him a pleading look. “Touch” is all you could make out, Billy smirked. He bent down to kiss you and his left hand started rubbing soft circles against your clit. You could feel your back arching, and your pussy was tightening against his cock.
“Fuck ‘m so close y/n” You only squeezed onto him even more and and the sudden feeling of hot cum filling your walls pushed you over the edge. Your legs started shaking as soon as Billy slid out from you. Your spent hole felt so full, “Such a pretty sight” Billy smiled as he watched you trying to catch your breath while his cum dripped out of your hole.
“That was so good Billy..” You looked up at him, not even attempting to sit yourself up. “Sweet girl” He picked you up bridal style and carried you off to the bedroom where you both fell sleep, still naked.
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
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everybody loves somebody |older!eddie| part 10
prompt: your first valentine's day with eddie.
age gap relationship. Eddie is 42 and reader is 26. everything is consensual.
contains: age gap, dilf!eddie, older!eddie, alcohol, language, p in v sex, oral male and fem receiving, really sweet and fluffy and smutty. minors dni 18+
The front office had delivered the roses to your door during your planning, smiling and giggling with holiday filled joy about how beautiful the roses were. And they were, but the card attached was even better.
'Bunny, Happy Valentine's Day to my best girl. You have my heart every second of every day. I can't wait to see you tonight. Love, Ed'
Your blush matched the roses, heart soaring and floating the rest of the day.
The other teachers had cooed, tight lipped smiles when you passed with the bouquet. You could feel their jealous gazes, eyes cutting and lips pursed.
The kids had asked a million questions, bombarding with you about who your boyyyyfriend was, followed by a stream of giggles and cackles. The candy from the party didn't help their energy, bouncing at their desks, ripping open heart shaped suckers and candy hearts.
Eddie had shown up at your apartment at five o'clock on the dot. He'd had a midday shift today, taking the night off so he could spoil you. He cleaned up nice for you, he always did. Curls tamed and framing his face neatly, black button down and black slacks, leaving the top unbuttoned so you could see his inked skin. Sliding your jacket on, opening your doors, lips on your cheek, pressing kisses and words that made you giggle into your skin.
"Enzo's?" You asked, brows raised when the truck rolled into the parking lot. Cars filled the spots, but you knew on nights like tonight they only did reservations. A big Valentine's Day dinner that was near impossible to get into anyways.
Eddie grinned, hand on your thigh, rubbing small circles up your bare leg. "Told you I'd spoil you, bunny." He pressed his lips to yours, squeezing your thigh when he ran around to open your door.
You didn't miss the way the hostess raised her brow at the two of you, eyes flickering from you back to him, then at his tattoos. Your eyes narrowed at her, lifting a challenging brow to the snooty high schooler. Her lips pressed together, but she showed you to your seats, nose in the air.
You passed Steve and Nancy in the restaurant, the two having a child free Valentine's dinner to themselves. Eddie waved, the two sharing matching smirks before you were seated.
"You didn't have to do this for me, Ed." You smiled, looking at the candles that illuminated your table. Eddie reached over, pouring champagne into your flute. "I would've been happy with Benny's." You grinned.
Eddie laughed softly, lifting his own glass. His eyes sparkled when he looked at you. "Well, maybe next year." He said, tapping his glass with yours, enjoying the way you blushed, trying to hide behind the glass. "To our first Valentine's Day. One of many."
He ordered your food, you let him, content on letting him be in control tonight, letting him spoil you for the evening. You knew he loved to, smirking at you after he'd tell the waiter exactly what you wanted. Proud of himself for how he took care of you.
The champagne poured, Eddie ordered dessert, the two of you chatted in the dim light of Enzo's, the classical music playing softly in the background only aiding to the snooty vibe of the place.
"My first graders wanted to know who sent me the flowers today." You grinned. "Thank you, by the way, they were stunning. Beautiful."
Eddie smiled. "Of course." He nodded, reaching his hand out to grab yours across the table. "I got you somethin' else too." He moved into his jacket, pulling out a small, square shaped, black box.
You gasped when he opened it, teardrop pearl earrings with gold clasps lined with tiny diamonds. You saw them weeks ago, a little after Christmas when he was taking his watch to be fixed. You'd told him they were beautiful, so dainty and perfect. So, he went and got them for you.
"Eddie, you shouldn't-"
"Sure I should have." Eddie waved at you, grinning at the way you delicately reached out to hold the box. "They're gonna look beautiful on you, baby. Happy Valentine's Day."
You smiled, clasping them in your hands. You leaned across the table, not caring at the glances or side eyed stares you got to kiss him, fully and passionately. Your head swam from the champagne, and your heart was fluttering, you felt like it might fly right out of your throat.
Eddie chuckled through the kiss, hands holding your jaw, gently. By the time you were brought your dessert, you were ready to go. Eddie had it wrapped up to-go before the two of you left, giggly and blushing all the way to the car. He stopped before he opened your door, kissing you hard, pressing your back up against the cold metal of the truck.
The ride home was sweet. Stolen kisses, giggles, Eddie serenading you with love songs on the radio. Eddie's house was quiet when the two of you stumbled in, Brielle was at Gina's for the night.
Eddie's hands were all over you, roaming your black, silk dress, pawing desperately at the fabric. His lips on your neck, scruff of his beard rubbing against your sensitive skin. You knew you'd be chaffed raw by tomorrow, but you didn't care.
"Wait," you gasped, pushing Eddie's chest slightly when his lips sucked on your neck. Eddie looked at you with confusion, hands still tight on your hips.
"Wait, I-I have a present for you too." You said, blushing and nervous. You clutched your purse in your hands, white knuckled with the strap between your fingers.
Eddie cocked a brow, eyes falling down to your purse. "Bunny, c'mon, you didn't have to-"
"Yes, I-I," You laughed. "How about, you go in the bedroom, wait for me, and I'll be there in a minute? Ok?"
Eddie raised his brows, a dark look taking over his features. You grinned, legs clenching with excitement. "I'll just be a minute. I promise."
You slipped into the bathroom in the hall, back pressed against the door, lying your purse on the sink. You pulled out the red lingerie piece you'd been hiding. Lacy, one piece set- well, it was so revealing, it might as well been nothing at all. Crotchless so it exposed your center, lacy mesh material so sheer you could see right through the two small heart details that attempted to cover your nipples. It was high cut on the sides, plunging low on the front. Scandalous and delicate.
Eddie had lost his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt, sleeves rolled up as he waited on the bed. You peeked around the corner, hidden by the door as you grinned. "You ready for your gift, Mr. Munson?" You asked.
Eddie smirked back, spreading his legs farther when he sat into the bed. "Can hardly stand it, bunny. Show me what you got me."
You took a breath, pushing the door open, revealing yourself, changed into the lacy red piece. Eddie's eyes bulged, roaming over your body as you walked closer to him.
"It was supposed to have little wings and an arrow, but," You shrugged, spinning around for him. "Whaddya think?"
Eddie swallowed, reaching out to you, eyes moving from your breasts to your exposed center, back up and down, all over. His hands pulled you closer, so you were standing between his legs. He spun you around slowly, fingers tracing over the thin cloth that barely covered any part of your ass.
"Holy shit." Eddie breathed, hands moving fro your waist back to your ass. "You bought this for me?"
You smiled, nodding excitedly. "Happy Valentine's Day, baby." You whispered, lips brushing over his. "Hope you like your gift."
And oh, did he.
Eddie had no problem showing you how much he liked his gift. He was buried between your legs not minutes later, your claves down his back, heels of your feet digging into his shoulders and moving around like his own pair of angel wings.
Eddie sucked on your clit, fingers pumping slow and lazy in you, curling so he jammed into your g-spot, leaving you crying out and gushing. Your hands wrapped in his curls, crying out when he'd bury his nose into you, inhaling your scent entirely while devouring you from the inside out.
He'd pulled down your straps, leaving the top part around your waist so he could toy with your nipples, grinning into you at the way your back arched when he rolled them between his fingers.
You were a puddle when he finished, barely holding yourself up when you climbed down the length of his body, trailing sloppy, wet kisses. "'M gonna thank you for dinner." You said, hazy and spacey. "Thank you for takin' care of me."
Eddie smirked, pushing your hair out of your face when you fumbled with his pants. You palmed him through his black briefs, kissing the outline of his cock so delicately he lurched towards you.
You kissed up the length of him, tongue trailing back down lightly. You knew by now how he liked it, slow and a little teasing at first. Your mouth sucking lightly on his sac until he was throwing his head back with a groan, leaking from his tip. His hands found your hair, fisting tightly and pulling at your scalp.
You took your time. You really wanted to show him how much you appreciated him, how much you loved him. He didn't thrust into your mouth, or fuck your mouth until you choked around him. He let you swallow him taking him slowly and sweetly. Kitten licks to his tip that led to you nuzzling the hair at his base, him stuffed down your throat.
That's how he fucked you that night, slow and meaningful. There was no rush, no thrill to fuck quickly and hard. His body was pressed to yours, your hands on his back, heels digging into the flesh of his ass. Eddie kissed down your neck, muttering sweet words and praises Ito your skin, sweaty bodies conjoined together as the bed squeaked with every slow rock of his hips against yours.
Your eyes rolled back, toes curling when he circled his thumb around your clit. "'S good for me, bunny. That's right. Let me make you feel good, sweet girl." Eddie rasped against your cheek, pressing soft kisses into your heat licked skin.
Your nails raked down his back with every orgasm he pulled out of you. You clamped around him again, tears leaking out of your eyes. You could tell by the way his grip tightened on your waist that he was close, but he didn't pick up his speed. He kept it consistent and rhythmic, the way you liked it. Your heart swelled that he knew that about you now.
Eddie groaned, muscles clenching when he released, warmth filling you from the inside out. His sticky bangs pressed against your forehead, his head falling against yours, lips brushing and noses touching. "I love you so much, baby, so much, fuck." Eddie muttered, chest rising and falling quickly against you.
His head dropped to your shoulder, breath steadying as you remained wrapped in each other, close together. Eddie looked up at you, you ran a hand through his sweaty curls.
"Happy Valentine's Day, baby." Eddie whispered, lips pressing against your jaw, trailing all the way to your lips. "I'll spoil you every other day, too. I promise, bunny."
"Yeah?" You asked, giggly and dazed, coming down from your own high.
Eddie nodded, hands fisting the fabric that was tossed on the space next to you two, lacy red fabric that had been sweat soaked and was now wrinkled. "I promise." He said. The lines by his eyes crinkled when he smiled, moving the discarded lingerie closer to you two. "Especially if you wear this again, baby, fuck." You giggled, wrapping your arms around him to pull him closer to you.
You stored the lingerie piece in the back of his underwear drawer, saving it for the next time you needed it. You went to work the next day, high neck sweater to cover the hicks on your collarbones and breasts, but ears shining and sparkling with your new dazzling earrings.
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sinkovia · 8 months
Simon “Ghost” Riley x Fem!Reader
Your Lieutenant Ghost is a constant presence in your mind, an obsession you couldn’t escape. The intensity of your infatuation has reached a point where it's become an all-consuming force, one that you can't control. You find yourself daydreaming about him during the most inopportune times—during missions, in the midst of briefings, even when you should be focusing on your surroundings. His face, his voice, the memory of his touch—all of it plays on a loop in your mind.
In the heat of battle, when the world is chaos around you, your eyes inevitably find their way to him, tracing the contours of his face, the way his uniform clings to his muscular frame. But as the missions go on, Ghost starts to catch on. He notices the subtle, lingering glances you throw his way and a knowing smirk tugs at his lips.
One evening, as the team gathers in the rec room playing pool, Ghost settles next to you, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. "You've been watching me, haven't you?" his eyes locking onto yours with a knowing intensity. Caught off guard, your cheeks flush with embarrassment.
"I don't know what you're talking about" You laugh trying to play off how aroused you were, this was the closest he had ever been to you.
Ghost's fingers lightly brush your arm, sending a shiver down your spine and a warmth that pools between your legs "Well, for what its worth" he says, his voice deep and husky, "I've been watching you too." His teasing confession ignites a fire within you, the unspoken desire between you two growing more palpable with every stolen glance and every whispered word.
"Meet me in my room"
With that he got up and left the room, you quickly glance over to the boys, they were drunk out of there minds. Surley they wouldnt notice that the both of you are gone. Your footsteps echoed softly in the dimly lit corridor as you made your way toward Ghost's room. Each step felt heavy, and your heart pounded like a drum in your chest, a frantic rhythm that mirrored the arousal that coursed through your veins.
The hallway seemed to stretch on endlessly, the anticipation building with each passing second. You couldn't shake the feeling, the knowledge that something significant was about to happen, something that could change the dynamics between you and Ghost forever. You paused for a moment outside Ghost's door, your hand hovering uncertainly before you finally summoned the courage to knock. The sound echoed softly in the stillness, a harbinger of the unknown that awaited you on the other side.
As the door swung open, revealing his enigmatic figure, your heart skipped a beat. His presence filled the room, and his eyes met yours with a knowing intensity that sent shivers down your spine. You step inside his room and the both of you waste no time ripping the clothes off eachothers bodies.
He pushes you back and you guys fall onto the plush bed. Your body is encased by one of his arms, his other around your neck. He used his knee to spread your legs apart. You could feel his sheets become humid with your perspiration. He hadn't even begun yet, and your were right on the precipice of letting go. There was no doubt about it everything about him was consuming your being, and you were happy to let it happen. Your breaths were growing heavy as the anticipation was palpating throughout your body. He pushed your legs apart until your dripping pussy was on full display. A low groan and mumbled curses left his mouth at the sight.
You mewled as he circled your pulsating clit, flicking your throbbing bud before wrapping his full lips around it. "F-Fuck You gasped, feeling his tongue gently move back and forth to stimulate all your nerves. His grip tightened, his fingers creating indents into the plushness of your ass, keeping you in place to give you everything you deserved. He moved his tongue continuous over your clit, returning to suck it raw until you were trembling.
His mouth found comfort in your dripping hole, slurping all your sweet juices, before sliding the thick muscle of his tongue in. His hand moved from your ass to your heat, letting two fingers abuse your tender clit. The new contact paved way for a loud whine to burst through your mouth, encouraging him. Your knuckles were turning white from the tight grip you had on the sheets. Your teeth dug into your bottom lip, letting the metallic taste of blood break through the skin and overtake your mouth. His tongue was exploring the wet walls of your cunt, and his eyes stared pass the loose strands of his hair watching every reaction he was eliciting from you.
"I-I'm gonna cum, Fuck" You mumbled through your moans.
He slid your clit between his fingers letting it rub every shockwave out. "Cum for me Y/n" His tongue snapped the coil in your stomach, and you cried out in pure bliss. You whined as he licked every ounce of cum dripping out of you with his tongue. You grab his chin bringing him up invading his mouth with your tongue as you tasted yourself.
You grab his throbbing length pumping it, slowly rubbing the head of his cock covered in precum at your entrance.
"Please fuck me" you whined and pushes himself inside, your wetness providing him all he needed to stretch you out. You gasp feeling how deep he was penetrating you.  He groaned out profanities as he bottomed out. You moaned, as he pulled all the way out just to ram back in, your pussy was tightly taking everything he had to offer. His pace was sloppy and needy you knew he wanted this as much as you did. He groaned at the sight of your breasts bouncing off the thrust of his hips. He grabbed your hips as leverage to fuck you deeper and harder.
Slamming his eyes closed in an attempt to not cum so fast. You cried out, tears streaming down your face, Your arousal was creaming around his cock, the coating emphasizing the sound of his throbbing dick beating into your aching cunt. You heaved, any strive to calm your breathing failed as he showed no mercy. He quickly flipped you over so you were lying on your stomach, he lifted your ass up and pushed himself back on. You cried out as this new angle hit your g spot perfectly.
His hand brushed up the soft skin of your back, taking a large grip of your hair and pulling your face upward. Your moans and cries vibrated around the bedroom.
A choked sob broke through his chest, as he tensed the muscles of his abdomen to not cum. Dropping your head back to the bed, He placed his full weight against you carefully grabbing your hands to let go of the balled sheets, his large fingers encapsulated your delicate ones. With his head resting on your shoulder, you caught every pant, moan, and whimper that was escaping him. He placed a kiss into the crook of your neck and then your cheek, You turned and were ambushed by his consuming mouth, crashing his lips into yours. His strong arms wrapped around you, his hold suddenly stiffening to keep you tight against him.
He was bracing you.
The second his hold tightened and his tongue shoved its way down your throat, he began hammering his cock into your sensitive g-spot. Every moan was swallowed by his mouth, and any venture to pull and wiggle away only prompted him to follow until your lips met again, his strong biceps consolidated around you. He was fucking you deep, driving his cock into your pussy.
He was fucking you into oblivion.
"I'm gonna cum, Please don't stop" you cried against his lips. His thighs were tensing and shaking he was just as close as you were.
"Be a good girl and cum for me" He gritted through clenched teeth. His hand snaked down beneath you, knuckles brushing against the soaked spot of the sheets, and rubbed that throbbing, clit of yours. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, pushing you into pure ecstasy, as your orgasm erupted all over his cock. Your walls clamped down as you released causing him to whimper out. He rammed himself deep within you his cock spasming, jerking his cum all over your walls.
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persephone11110 · 2 months
rain is a good thing
Jake‘Hangman’ Seresin x Reader
warnings: breaking up, asshole jake seresin, pre-tpg.m, past child abuse, hurt people hurt people—NOT DEFENDING HIM, lack of communication skills, both oc and jake have self esteem issues, hurt no comfort, bradley is mentioned , mentions of alcohol->drinking and being slightly drunk, set in 2018-2019
author note: prologue and unfortunately please expect spelling errors, I want to make sure everyone knows that the prologue m is set atleast 2yrs before top gun maverick and the actual of chapters are before and after the uranium mission . Also i might tweak the ending a lil bit i cant tell If i I like it Thank you for reading— enjoy :)
WC: 900
Series Masterlist
“I’d never a break promise darlin, especially not to my girl”.
You sheded more tears than any human ever has, you sat at the table watching the clock on the stove hit 11pm. The candle you once had lit was now out along with the patience you had for Jake this was the third time he’s broken his promise, he assured you he’d be home three hours ago for the nice meal you made.
The two of you would finally have the chance to just be girlfriend and boyfriend. The worry about work and stress would be put aside for once, Jake even promised you he wouldn’t bring up Bradshaw and how much he hated him.“Fucking hate him”.
You tried to not doubt your boyfriend word, you knew how much Jake worked and you knew he deserved the biggest break. Yet you couldn’t help but realize how much time he’s been spendin at the hard deck instead of the apartment you both shared.
Was this Jake way of telling you that he didn’t love you anymore, you tried to think of a time were theres been so much distance between you and him, and you couldn’t think of one.
Maybe your mom was right, maybe you weren’t destined for the love.
Why didn’t Jake Seresin love you anymore?
You were to busy wiping at your face to hear the door slam or him slurring your name. “Y/n I’m home!”.
You were ripping clothes off the hanger throwing them into a bag you found on the floor. You really thought he loved you—you should’ve know better a man like Jacob Seresin doesn’t love, he just takes and takes until the shadow of what used to be you is left lingering.
“Baby you okay?” he startles you out of a bubble of self-pity. “Y/n we can eat now…I’m home”. He goes to wrap his arm around your waist and you move from him.
His eyes widened at the bag of clothes on the bed.“What are you doing baby, are we going somewhere?”.
He’s looking down at you and your staring at those piercing green eyes that made you falling in love him in the first place. The green eyes he used to get himself out of trouble with.
“I’m going somewhere not you”. Already turned around you miss the way his mouth replicated a fish blowing bubbles.
“C’mon baby just let me heat the up food and it’ll be fine”. He trys to touch you again on but on your shoulder, and again you jerked away from him.
Drunk or not Jake realized you weren’t happy with him again. “I’m really sorry Y/n my phone died while I was there”. He throws a lame excuse at you hoping you take it like you did the last two times.
You pressed your tongue into side of your cheek. Not wanting to cry again, you shrugged him off instead. “Its okay Jake Its just I can’t keep doing this with you.”
He nose wrinkled in confusion,“Y/n what are you talking about you can’t keep doing this?”.
You let the shirt fall out of your hand before turning back around to him. “All I asked for was a dinner with the man I loved, I didn’t ask for a luxurious gift— I didn’t ask for a expensive vacation— I just wanted to be with the man I loved”.
The color drained out of his face.
“Y/n you can’t walk away from me just because it got hard”. His voice laced with anger,“Look I’m sorry I’ve been stressing over being a possible candidate for top gun”.
You frowned instantly,“I’m not walking away because it got hard, I’m walking away because you already walked away first from the relationship Seresin”.
“Y/n please….”. You already made it up your mind that Jake didn’t deserve a chance to explain more.
“I thought you be different— you promised me you different from the men that hurt us”. tears filled your eyes,“You just broke my heart in a way I didn’t think was possible”. You watched the sadness appear on Jakes face.
“Y/n please let me make it up to you I know the last two times I’ve broken my promise but give me tonight and you can watch me choose you”.
You stared at him as he put your bag at the edge of the bed. You allowed him to drag into the bed you both shared, “I love you Y/n please forgive me”. He whispered in the dark.
You were up before him, staring at him as he slept.
Jake how no idea what he was expecting when he woke up the next morning. Reaching our for you he felt a crinkly paper -he also noticed your bag wasn’t were he put it last night. “I’m sorry Jake looks like we both broke a promise”.
The rain hitting the windows lulled him back to sleep as Jake cried, he just lost the girl he loved and he couldn’t blame anyone but himself.
You laid on your ole crappy couch with Jakes Texas sweatshirt in your arms. The smell of him lingered around in your apartment, the sheets and the comforter, and now the sweatshirt you accidentally stole from him.
Watch me lose you.
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kisscara · 2 years
pity party [scaramouche x gn!reader] ⎯⎯ modern au, minor angst, fluff
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scaramouche claimed he's never come to care about his birthday. anymore, at least. since kindergarten and every other grade after that, not a single person cared to show up when they were invited. he clearly remembers sitting at the dinner table, party hat atop his head seemingly drooping in the sad setting of the room.
but there was another thing. he always invited the whole class, except for one person. there were a lot of rumors about you and scaramouche wanted to stay as far away from you as possible so that his classmates wouldn't mistaken him for being your friend. it'd completely ruin his image.
however, on scaramouche's eighteenth birthday, he wondered what would happen should he invite you. of course, he'll slide invitations in the lockers of the rest of his peers, but just like before, they probably wouldn't care to come. it didn't even matter if they didn't have a gift, just their presence alone would put scaramouche over the moon.
and so, he waited in the living room. every now and then, he'd play video games on his phone, hoping to wait out the arrival of his peers much more quicker but in reality, he was trying to get his birthday over with.
suddenly, the sound of the doorbell going off caused him to sit up from his slouching position. could it be? scaramouche tossed his phone aside and practically ran to the front door. he swung it open and his heart began doing somersaults in his chest.
you awkwardly stood there, waiting for him to speak up. when he didn't say anything, you took it upon yourself to engage the conversation. "happy birthday, scaramouche." you presented your wrapped gift for him with a smile. he idly stood, frozen as you placed the gift in his hands.
you welcomed yourself inside of his home, and that's when he finally snapped out of his trance. "that took me a lot of time to wrap, so i'd appreciate it if you viciously ripped it apart when i leave," you playfully commented. scaramouche carefully put your gift on the table in the dining room and a grin tugged at the corner of his lips.
"this is a big occasion, isn't it? after all, you're finally an adult." you sat on the couch and scaramouche joined you. "um, yeah. listen, we haven't properly met before, right?" he asked. you murmured, "mhm, i figured you were avoiding me like everyone else." at that, scaramouche tensed up.
you burst into a fit of laughter, "c'mon, i'm just kidding! what's with the serious look?" scaramouche relaxed his shoulders in relief. his first party guest and he nearly screwed it over. you grinned, "i'm (name). they don't really like me just because... you know what, i don't know either but hey,"
you took a party hat from the table and placed it on your head. "i didn't know eighteen year olds still held birthday parties like this," you giggle, to which scaramouche replied in a flustered frenzy, "my mom put those out!" you laugh, "i get it. by the way, do you like horror movies?" scaramouche looked to the side.
"my mom still has me on a netflix kids account and she gets notified whenever i try making a purchase using my credit card..." scaramouche covered his face in embarrassment. you leaned against the couch, "you too, huh?" scaramouche looked up from his hands to glance at you.
has celestia sent down an angel for him?
you waved around a few dvd cases that came from your bag, "i used my friend's money to get these. i obviously paid them back." you stood up and crouched down in front of the dvd player on the tv set. "you ever watch a nightmare on elm street, poltergeist, scream, halloween... any of the classics at all?"
scaramouche shook his head and you flashed him a smile, "great, me neither!"
that evening, scaramouche lost track of time marathoning horror movies with you. the two of you ate the snacks from his dining room and hid under a big blanket, all of the lights turned off to set the right mood. he was grateful that you didn't question where the rest of the guests were, not once.
you tightened the grip on your popcorn bowl and scaramouche intently watched the screen. "i can't look," you squealed, covering your eyes. scaramouche couldn't help but let out a chuckle. he had a feeling that if he were watching horror movies alone, he'd be looking away as well. but he wouldn't miss this for the world.
suddenly, the front door slammed open and you and him shouted in unison. you fell off of the couch and scaramouche looked over. "oh, it's much too dark in here, it's bad for your eyes," ei tutted, turning on the light. she tilted her head, "kuni, who's that, dear?"
scaramouche gritted his teeth, "i'm busy, mom-" ei gasped, "is this a party guest?" she started giggling, "i expected this birthday to be like the rest but i'm glad you found a worthy friend, kuni! i'll be in my room, okay? don't stay up too late, you two!" you sat back down on the couch and exclaimed, "thank you, miss!"
the second scaramouche heard ei's bedroom door close, he turned the lights back off. "sorry about her," scaramouche muttered. the movie served as pure background noise as you remarked, "she seems sweet. where was she the whole time, work?" scaramouche mumbled, "yeah, runs a business."
your pupils dilated, "really? that's so cool, no wonder you have a ton of friends." scaramouche froze up from where he was sitting next to you. friends. in class, they'll act like his friends, but it's like they're strangers the second they step outside of the school grounds. i mean, they don't even go to his birthday parties.
"mhm." he rested his chin in his palm, "after this, are you going to pretend we don't know each other in class, just like before?" you perk up in surprise. "why would i? i have a new friend now ⎯ ah wait, i don't even know if it's mutual," you nervously corrected yourself with a sheepish smile.
scaramouche's porcelain complexion flushed red. "you... want to be my friend?" he asked in a small voice. "definitely! you're funner than i took you for, scaramouche!" you happily comment before tossing another popcorn into your mouth.
"okay. let's be friends, (name)." scaramouche gave you a smile and you smiled back. he looked at the television set. "by the way, funner isn't a word," he said. you complained, "is too!" scaramouche laughed. for the first time ever, he genuinely laughed with a friend.
a half hour later, you checked your phone's notifications. "oh, i got to go, my mom's car is outside." you quickly gathered your things and put on your shoes. scaramouche solemnly watched as you reached for the doorknob. "hey," at your call, he looked up from the floor.
"you can keep the dvds, i'll come back another time to get them. you can watch the rest without me or wait 'til i'm free. got it?" you winked at him and scaramouche lightly chuckled, "yeah, i'll wait for you." you waved, "thanks for the great night, scara! i'll see you at school tomorrow!"
and the front door shut with a click.
scaramouche's gaze caught your gift on the table. he made his way over and began to delicately unwrap it. he read the sticky note on the box, word for word. 'happy 18th birthday, scaramouche!! i don't know you too well, but i sewed this up myself. i hope you like it ♡'
scaramouche removed the top of the box and his eyes lit up. a felt doll that looked just like him. with caution, he took it out of the box, feeling as if he'd ruin this precious treasure so easily if he wasn't careful. he held it to his chest and sighed in content.
from that point on, he looks forward to his birthday, all because of one person.
© kisscara
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beenbaanbuun · 9 months
christmas choi jongho thoughts…
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genre: fluffy smut (bullet point form)
words: idk
warnings: loss of virginity, protected sex, christmas celebrations, praise, kissing
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so i fully believe that our boy jongho is a gentleman above everything
i’m talking gives you his jacket, buys you flowers, holds your bag, that sort of thing
so when he finds out you’re a virgin, obviously it’s no problem at all
he’s more than happy to wait until you’re ready because again, he’s a gentleman!
he can make do with his hand for a little while
he really doesn’t mind as long as you’re comfortable
and then like 5 months into your relationship, it’s december!
the relationship might have been relatively new so spending actual christmas together was probably a little intense, but christmas eve?
that was practically christmas day: the prequel
the two of you sit there in your apartment in matching pyjamas, two mugs of hot chocolate sitting half drank on the table and a shitty hallmark film playing in the background
the two of you are illuminated by nothing but the lights on your tree as you snuggle together under the fluffiest blanket you could find
you keep sneaking looks at one another, both of you in awe at how the other looks under the multicoloured lights that shine down upon the two of you
the films only half finished when jongho passes you a gift
you look at him confused but he just shrugged
“the films boring, baby,” he grumbles before gesturing to the pristinely wrapped present in your lap, “she’s going to realise she’s made a mistake and run off back to the country boy who can show her ‘what christmas really means’… boring.”
you giggle at his run down of the plot of every hallmark movie ever
then you unwrap the gift
it’s a necklace. a locket to be specific
you open it to see a picture that he must’ve taken in secret: you cuddled up to him in bed, his lips pressed to your forehead as your cheek lay smushed up against his chest
“it’s nothing much… kind of cheesy now i think about it.”
you shut him up with a kiss before passing over your gifts
you passed them back and forth until all that was left was your final gift
it was silly, and now you were kind of doubting whether the gift was perhaps too silly
you pass it over anyway and bite your lip as he rips into the wrapping paper only to find… a box of condoms?
he looks at you with a raised brow and a smirk on his face
“a box of condoms, hm?”
you blush and nod
“they might come in useful…”
“oh, they might?” he chuckles as he studies the box, “how come?”
“don’t make me say it,” you whine, “i gave you the box to get out of saying it…”
he chuckles because how can you be so cute???
like you’ve just passed him a box of condoms and yet he still wants to giggle and blush and kick his feet because you’re absolutely adorable
so he decides to tease you a little just so he can watch you cutely squirm a little more
“but i don’t know what you mean, baby,” you grins at you and you can’t help but swoon at his pretty smile.
the way to corners of his eyes crinkle as he shows his gums AGDJSGDJSGAMDHSJ
he’s just so pretty and you have to do everything in your power to stop yourself from leaning forward and kissing him right then and there
but you somehow manage to hold back
“please do tell me why exactly you bought me this box of condoms…”
even though his teasing is annoying, you can’t help but giggle along
“choi jongho,” you murmur, “i swear i will take my gift back if you don’t…”
“don’t what?” he smirks
it immediately turns into a pout when you try to take the condoms back
he eventually concedes and stops his teasing
decides that kissing you would be much more appropriate for the time and place
it’s soft and sweet and intoxicating
you chase his lips as he pulls away but he just giggles at you before diving in for more
“jongho,” you whisper as you pull away, “do you want to put your present to good use?”
“absolutely, baby.”
and it’s literally the most magical thing because once again…
strips you of your pyjamas himself, asking before he removes each piece if it’s okay
in fact, he asks before he does anything just to make sure you’re fully comfortable with everything (gentleman…)
holds your hand throughout the whole thing because he needs to make it romantic
peppers small kisses to your face as he pushes in to distract you from the initial stretch
“you’re doing so well,” kiss on the nose, “so perfect for me, aren’t you?” kiss on the forehead, “like you were made for me…” kiss on the lips
and he’s right. the two of you fit so well together and when he starts to rock his hips back and forth, you can’t help but notice how natural it feels when he slots back into place, cock buried deep inside of you
if he’d had prior warning he definitely would’ve busted out the rose petals and the candles
you lying naked on the sofa with the lights of the christmas tree bathing your bare skin felt right, though
when he realises he’s close, he takes one hand out of yours so he can play with your clit
the pout that forms when his hand slips out of yours is quickly replaced by a gasp of pleasure as he steadily pushes you to orgasm
it takes a moment or two for him to find a rhythm that works in getting you to the edge, but once he does, you reach it pretty quickly
he can’t help but tell you how pretty he thinks your moans are
“you sound so beautiful,” he pushes deep inside of you with shaky thighs, “i wish i could listen to you forever.”
and then, once he’s snugly within you, he cums into his condom and flops down on top of you
snuggles you close as you both dip in and out of dreamland
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b0r3dtod3ath · 1 year
I was wondering if you could do a this request for Oscar!
Ok so reader is vettels daughter and she races.
They are on a karting race and Oscar crashes with her and she brakes her ankle so she’s in the hospital and he goes with a card and flowers to say sorry and Sebastian is a lil overprotective over her
(Try make it so that Oscar and her don’t really know eachother hustam that they race eachother)
When I thought about this I imagined it like them having 13 or 12:)
thanks for your time!!!!
Thank you @cedricsleftelbow for the request! I love this idea. You know how to melt my heart haha <33
Word count: 490
F1 masterlist
The time setting is prob weird - Sebastian is around his current age and is retired, y/n and Oscar are (as requested) 12/13. Fic approximately takes place in 2013 :)
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Your dad has introduced you to the world of motorsport form a very young age. You had watched him race ever since you were little so when he retired and noticed your interest in the sport he decided to help you. He never pressured you, you both considered it your hobby. Nonetheless, you were really good at it and obviously wanted to win every race.
Naturally, your dad was a bit overprotective when it came to your karting races. His little girl being surrounded by boys wasn't something he was very happy about.
You were like a little sunshine before each race, you always greeted everyone with a big smile that you inherited from your father. It didn't take long for you to make friends on track, one of the being Logan. Even if you didn't know someone you still were friendly towards them.
Your relation with Oscar was pretty neutral - you usually greeted each other but you never really had a conversation with him. During the race you noticed his cart getting quite close to yours but it didn't cause you to panic. You entered a turn staying on the inside but he left you little room what caused you to bump into a wall. Well, go karts don't usually achieve high speeds but the way that they are build causes the driver not to be fully safe.
This incident resulted in your dad carrying you thru the door of the nearest hospital as you couldn't walk. An hour later, you had done an x-ray and a nurse said "Fortunately, it's just a sprain, nothing serious". As she was leaving a visibly distressed boy entered the room. He was holding a bouquet, full of white and pink flowers, that covered his blushed, embarrassed face. "I'm really sorry, I- I didn't mean to. It was never my intention. I wouldn't do anything like this on purpose." he nervously tried to explain. "Oscar, kid, don't worry. It was just an accident. Things like that happen." your dad said calming the boy down. You were quite surprised by your dad's behaviour - usually you would assume that he would rip the kid apart. "I'm going to find the doctor and speak to him. I will be back in 10 minutes. Behave." he said standing up and leaving you two alone. Oscar set the flowers on a small cabinet. "I'm sorry we have to get to know each other in such situation but I don't think I have ever properly introduced myself. So, I'm Oscar Piastri and again I deeply apologise, I swear I didn't mean to-" you stuck your hand out "Apologies accepted but you will have to keep me company as I recover".
10 years later.. Y/N's second year in Formula 1, Oscar's rookie year...
"Yea so basically he broke my ankle but was really nice afterwards so that's how we met." you said during a press conference, smiling at Oscar.
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