#and we would chat a lot and he was generally just a great person to be around
eti-mun · 2 years
I had really vivid dreams
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dazed-pine · 11 months
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ー jade, azul, and floyd react to you joining the waitstaff at mostro lounge
content: gn!insert + headcanons - can be read as platonic or romantic (or frenemy like) ask box (rq box) more under the cut!!!
ー Jade Leech :
Jade doesn't recall you "wronging" him, his brother, or their Housewarden. In fact, he's going through all of the interactions you've ever had with him... trying to think why you would join the waitstaff.
When you reveal that you just need money for school funds, he stares at you with a bit of shock. Hardly anyone comes to the lounge and asks for a job. Though... he doesn't mind the forwardness from you.
It's refreshing to receive a straightforward answer actually.
However, he gives you a smile and nods: "Money? I suppose we can form... a small contract. Nothing our Housewarden would give. Just an agreement form."
Basically; job interview, mild paperwork, then training.
Jade personally trains you, he takes you right under his wing and teaches you everything you need to know about waiting on people, making drinks, and even making bigger sales for the lounge.
Jade believes you're most talented at being a host. He enjoys your smile and the small talk you make with the customers. Even when you bring the guest their waters, Jade knows he trained you well.
When he's on the clock, you're usually the host. Seating people, getting waters... all of that. Jade will give you the occasional stare, trying to figure out how much of a panic or relaxed mode you're in.
When you're doing very well, he gives you a wink... signaling that a big tip from him is coming your way.
Working with Jade? It's smooth sailing for you.
ー Azul Ashengrotto :
When Jade first told Azul that he hired you for your claim of "money". He actually laughed at first, but then he quickly realized that Jade wasn't laughing... so this is serious.
Azul is intrigued by you being so forward with this, he admires it actually! On your second day on the job, he pays you a personal visit.
He takes you to one of the farther tables in the lounge and has a quick chat with you.
"For the money? Truly? (y/n) you never cease to amaze me. I would love to learn more about what goes on in that other worldly head of yours..." Azul almost has a wicked grin.
He assures you, that this 'contract' is just a normal work contract, however if you do not give in your two weeks before you quit? It won't end pretty.
Azul comes by the lounge to check up on you a lot, making sure your work is up to his standards... and of course it is! You're being personally trained by Jade. His expectations are always met through you.
He enjoys your hard work, he's even generous enough to give you a raise on your paycheck. Which was surprising for even Jade.
Azul believes you work best as one of the baristas'/bartenders.
When he comes in, he always enjoys a cup of your coffee. Jade's coffee is always his #1 pick, but he also enjoys the flavor of your's.
Every time you make him a drink, he always leaves you a tip. Which you're quick to learn... he doesn't do that too often.
ー Floyd Leech :
Floyd wasn't present during your week of training, Jade said he was busy with his own affairs... that's why Jade was the sole person training you (blessing in disguise... more likely than you think!)
When he saw you waiting on a table, he went right to Jade and asked what you were doing here. Jade was happy to tell him that they got another worker!
Floyd is excited to hear that, and it's also you! Floyd always loves teasing you between classes, or even enjoying the small malicious chats with you.
He chats you up a lot on the job, constantly talking to you about how the job can suck, be great, or violent.
Floyd's stories about throwing out rude guests always makes you laugh hard. It doesn't matter if you have a table, you always enjoy a good laugh from him.
Overtime, Floyd shows up to work more when he's schedule to work with you. He know he can lean on you a lot when you're on the clock with him!
He believes you excel most as a waiter. Maybe it's because he slacks off, or he just enjoys the company with you.
Floyd loves how he can gossip about the customers with you. For once, he's not playing too many 'pranks' or teasing you as much.
You just pray he doesn't get bored of you, he might actually pull something... horrible during work.
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lawqual1ty · 9 months
Heart drawings (Trafalgar Law x GN!Reader)
Pov: After finishing your duties you end up hanging out with Law during his work but end up getting bored which results in you adding a little something to your captain's skin.
Warning: too much fluff (go get some insulin), reader has (implied) ADHD symptoms
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You had never been known to be a person that could sit still for long, whether it was moving your leg around or playing with something in your hand you had to always be doing something or else your brain would go insane, which got you to offer your helping hand in a lot of situations once you joined the Heart pirates.
However there would always be days, like today, that there was not much you could do even if you asked to, so you had to stick to reading or studying for the most part after you finished your daily duties.
You were in your room reading a few of the medicine books that your Captain , Trafalgar Law, had generously lent you for your free time, however well... You were struggling... And a lot.
"Wait... What was I reading...?" You grunted, this was the third time in a row you had read the words on the book only to forget seconds later what exactly you had read with great speed. You were getting irritated. You wanted to learn more about how to create different types of medicine so that you could help your crew but your brain was having a hard time concentrating, you rubbed the bridge of your nose with annoyance.
"I need a break..." You muttered as you softly closed the book, a light tap from the cover giving you the signal that you could head off.
You wandered around for a while looking for something to do, many of your crewmates were already hanging out with each other, chatting, drinking and some even helping out to clean the medical bay, you wanted to offer a helping hand in hopes of entertaining your inevitable boredom.
"hey, what are you guys doing?" You asked softly approaching Sachi and Bepo who were cleaning a few medical supplements, the latter turning to look at you.
"Oh, we were just cleaning and sharpening some of our usual tools in case we get an emergency" Bepo tilted his head slightly "Did you need anything Y/N?"
You smiled at the sweet gesture of Bepo, shaking your head slightly at his question "Nope, I was just wondering if you guys needed any help"
Bepo looked over at the different tools placed in display, seeming to think about your question a bit too much before turning to look at you with an apologetic look on his face "Not really... I'm so sorry"
He apologized as usual, his tone shifting to a more melancholic one making you chuckle nervously, you never enjoyed seeing him like this but he was just so sweet that you understood where this attitude of his came from, you shook your hands in front of you in a way of excusing yourself, almost as if the one that had to be apologizing should be you "No no it's okay, no need to apologize Bepo..." His eyes lit up with relief as you didn't seem mad at him for rejecting your help, it made you feel relieved yourself.
You sighed deeply with a soft smile "Anyway, good luck you too" Sachi smiled at you warmly as well as Bepo
"Thank you! We'll make sure that everything is right! Oh..." You were about to leave when Sachi's words seemed to try and stop you in your tracks "If you go see the captain tell him we are lacking some oxygen tanks".
Your eyes widened at his words, why did he think you were going to see the captain? Out of shock you just nodded with a soft but shy smile "Sure thing, I'll make sure to inform him once I see him" with those last words you waved at the duo and walked away.
A sigh escaped your lips as you kept walking, you didn't originally intend to see your Captain but now thanks to Sachi and Bepo you sort of had an excuse... Right? You made your way through the cold but oddly comforting halls of the Polar Tang, you had not been here for long but these halls had definitely grown on you... Maybe they weren't the best looking but the people around them made it feel like a home to you.
You finally arrived at the office door of your captain, you were a tad bit nervous to interrupt him but... You had a job to do so you might as well shake that nervousness off and knock, which you did.
"Come in..." A light husky voice invited you inside, you breathed softly.
"Please excuse me..." You muttered before placing your hand in the door handle and opened it, a light creak welcoming you inside to the sight of your captain with big eyebags under his eyes as he drowned in paperwork, he didn't even raise his eyesight to acknowledge you "Yes? What is it Y/N-ya?".
You took a deep breath before speaking.
"Sachi informed me that we are short of oxygen tanks"
"Oh right... Write it down on the paper list and we'll get some more on the next island..."
He didn't even budge, and honestly neither did you... You knew that after this interaction you wouldn't have much to do later which made you a bit sad... So you just stood there, staring at your captain for a bit. He seemed to notice it, after all an exasperated sigh escaped his lips, his grey eyes slowly rising to look at you with a piercing cold gaze "Anything else?" He spoke, cold and firmly, questioning why you were still there in the first place... That should have been the end of your interaction, informing him was the only reason you came in there after all, right? Then why didn't you respond...? Your mind started racing...
"Captain..." Before you were fully aware of your actions you took a step forward and spoke "Do you... Mind if I stay for a bit?"
You caught a glimpse of surprise in your Captain's eyes, those grey spheres seeming to warm up for a moment at your offer. But just as quickly as it appeared it went away only for his attention to shift back to his paperwork.
"I... I'm sorry..." You were quick to apologize, your voice wavering ever so slightly
"I didn't mean to--"
"Go on."
You froze "What...?"
"I said you can stay..."
His words snapped you back to reality, he was... Allowing you to stay, you had no space for words, you just nodded and moved a chair over next to his desk taking a seat politely next to him as he kept on working.
He didn't budge at all, if anything it seemed like his concentration increased thanks to your presence, the mere idea made you happy as you sat there next to him.
Unfortunately you started getting bored once more, as thrilling as it was watching your captain work through his paperwork with graze, not budging at all, it had gotten boring after a few minutes.
You started looking around finding yourself with a pen, you softly took it into your hands and started fiddling with it... Suddenly, an idea sparked in your brain. You took the cap off it and started scribbling in your hand, trying to see if the pen was smooth enough to draw on your soft skin, you smiled brightly once you confirmed your suspicions: it was a good pen and it drew a perfect black ray on your skin with ease.
Once you discovered this you started drawing on your hands, starting off with a skeletal hand to practice the location of different bones in the hand to less professional stuff like hearts and small animals. You were entertained by your own scribbles when all of a sudden you were interrupted by Law grunting and leaning backwards on his chair.
He had his left arm laid across the chair, his tattooed hand dangling in the air, while his right arm stroked his face with obvious frustration. You stared at him then back at the pen you were holding, slowly but steadily a smirk formed on your lips.
Without a warning you scooted closer to your Captain, he didn't even realize you were closer to him until he felt your hands take a hold of his left arm, he flinched but didn't move his arm at all... They say curiosity killed the cat ... And curiosity had definitely gotten to him as he looked at you take his arm with your hand and start passing the pen around his skin in delicate but firm traces.
"What are you doing?" He questioned with a furrowed expression
"Drawing" you spoke bluntly as you focused on the piece of art that you were doing in his arm "I got bored..."
Your response caught him off guard, his eyes wide as he stared at you for a bit. A small smile formed on his lips "I need to check your medical record..."
His soft tone was like a way of signaling you something...of what he really meant: he didn't mind you drawing on him... You looked over at him for a moment only to smile and return to your drawing, you didn't know much what you were doing you just followed your heart as you scribbled. Slowly but steadily the drawing took form into a star surrounded by wavy lines that formed what almost looked like a tattoo design, you even went out of your way to draw small hearts, a secret confession of your feelings to your Captain (not that he would notice... Right?) You leaned back with a satisfied smile as you looked at your work, you looked over at Law who seemed entranced into one of his books, he hadn't budged during your whole art process. Once you leaned back he hummed softly, his eyes never leaving his book at all "You done?" He asked politely, you nodded.
"Yeah I did!"
"Good... My arm was starting to fall asleep..."
You couldn't help but laugh at his snarky comment "At least you now got another cool tattoo"
He huffed with a slight smirk "Doubt it..." You acted offended at his words giving him a light push on his shoulder winning a soft laugh from him.
"You haven't even seen it!"
"I don't need to..."
"Oh come on... You have seen my drawings!"
A soft chuckle was the only response you got, it made you smile, although he acted as if he probably didn't like it you knew that he did... Or that's what you'd like to believe...
And trust me he did...
A few days after the drawing incident you were wandering around the Polar Tang heading to the kitchen to get something to eat as you were pretty hungry.
You waltzed around when a characteristic husky voice caught your attention in an instant, it came from the kitchen. Following the voice you peaked through the door finding your captain talking with Penguin about something you didn't quite catch, all you knew was that it was something serious judging by Law's and Penguin's expression.
You stood there for a bit waiting for the right moment to enter when all of a sudden you noticed a small detail on your Captain's left arm, your eyes widened and your cheeks flushed a light pink...
What did you see?
Well, you saw your drawing tattooed onto his arm... That was the only reasonable explanation as to why it still looked so bright and vivid, after all a few days had passed since you did it and unless Law had taken extreme care of it it should have already been at least a little bit vanished, just like the drawings you did on your own skin from that same day.
Penguin was walking away once he had finished speaking to Law, which was your signal to pounce.
You slowly made your way towards Law catching his attention once you were hovering behind him, he glanced at him over his shoulder "Y/N-ya...?"
His question was left in the air once you took his left arm rising it to your face, much to his surprise, you scanned the drawing carefully confirming your suspicions: he had indeed tattooed it onto his skin. You turned to look to a flustered Law with a bright smile.
"You actually tattooed my drawing?!" You asked in both surprise and excitement, Law covered his face with his hand, a blush creeping its way to his cheeks in an instant
"Shut up..."
You laughed.
Maybe you should draw on him more often when you get bored...
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ratatoast · 8 months
Son coeur est le tien
Alastor x Reader qpr (general headcanons)
a/n: halfway through writing this, i realised that maybe my idea of a qpr might be different than someone else's haha,,, also, this is the very first time I've written for hazbin hotel lol (and should i mention that english isn't my first language? haha)
that being said, i hope y'all enjoy this mess :P
also also if y'all would like me to continue writing Alastor qpr (cuz there's def a shortage on that), feel free to send me prompts :)) i obvi wont write nsfw, but other than that, i think anything is fine (?)
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Being in a qpr with the radio demon would include…
Long talks over tea/coffee
There’s never any awkward silence between the two of you. You two could be chatting about the most mundane things, and the conversation would still flow perfectly.
He’d definitely learn exactly how you like your hot beverage.
I personally can’t imagine him being an avid coffee drinker tbh, but I don’t think he’d mind if you are one.
Takes your tea parties very seriously, knows all your favourite pastries, puts on some smooth jazz, brings out the fine china, etc
Loves listening to you talking about your day, your current interests, hobbies, etc. Even if the topic itself isn’t all that interesting to him, he’ll still listen to you.
The both of you love gossiping with each other. Neither of you will admit it to others though.
You very rarely hear your given name come out of this man’s mouth.
He never calls you anything that he deems too sickly sweet, usually sticks to dear, sweetheart, or darling.
If he’s having a particularly great day, he might call you love, but that doesn’t happen very often.
Constant praises & words of affirmation
I think words of affirmation is one of his main love languages.
He constantly showers you with praises, telling you how gorgeous you look, how witty your jokes are, etc.
We all know that this man is a charmer, however his compliments to you are more than just empty words… most of the time :p
Do keep in mind that this man is a master manipulator tho, so he isn't above using sweet talk to get what he wants.
Playful banter that keeps you on your toes
He loves a good back and forth, especially if his darling is a particularly witty individual.
The two of you can turn any conversation into a battle of words.
However, if you take it too far, he’s not afraid to put you in your place with a couple of sharp words, aimed to hurt.
But most of the time it’s just good fun :)
Never having to so much as lift a finger
He’s very big on acts of service.
Forget about opening doors or pulling out chairs for yourself.
He takes being a gentleman very seriously, especially when it comes to you.
But not only is he a gentleman, he’s also a powerful overlord.
So if you ever need anything, be that a new pair of shoes, or getting rid of a particularly nasty demon, consider it done.
Being his closest confidant
We all know that Alastor has many acquaintances, however he falls short on meaningful connections.
He doesn’t let people get too close to him, and it is sort of understandable why.
You are one of the only exceptions to that.
You know more about this man than all of hell combined.
It took a while for him to open up to you, and even longer until he started telling you about his past.
He’s the kind to drop hints about himself and let you figure out the rest.
Trust goes a long way with him, I think he’d be more open to sharing his plans and such with someone that he knows won’t question his every move.
Even so, there’s still a lot that you don’t know about him, but you’ll just have to take what you can.
You can dress however you want… as long as it fits his taste
He’s not all too picky about what you wear.
Contrary to popular belief, he wouldn’t expect you to be in full glam 24/7.
If you like more revealing clothes, well, he’ll just have to make sure that anyone that dares to as much as look at you the wrong way is taken care of.
That being said, looking well put together is a must.
You represent him in a way, and he expects you to look the part.
He can’t have you wandering the streets of hell in rags that not even the lowest sinners would wear.
Absolutely no modern technology allowed
Do I even need to explain this?
He’d rather be safe than sorry when it comes to the possibility of Vox messing with you.
You are never truly alone
Alastor would make sure to accompany you on your outings as much as his schedule allows it.
But let’s be real, he’s a very busy man.
He makes sure that a few of his shadows keep an eye on you though, even in his absence.
I don’t think your personal strength matters in this case, as I’ve mentioned before, there’s very little that this man wouldn’t do for you, especially when it comes to your personal safety.
Lets you get closer to him than anyone else
This time, I’m talking about physical closeness.
We all know that he isn’t big on physical touch.
However, I feel like you could get away with a lot more than others.
When the two of you are walking somewhere, it’s not unusual for him to offer you his arm.
When you’re standing next to him, he sometimes rests his hand on your back, although that is often a subconscious thing.
If you’re having a particularly rough day, he isn’t too opposed to letting you hug him.
You can also get away with laying on his lap sometimes, and if he’s feeling exceptionally gracious, he might even pet your hair.
PDA is definitely a big no-no, on one hand he has an image to protect, but I also just don’t think he’d be too comfortable with showing his more vulnerable side in public.
As for kisses… if you haven’t seen each other in a while, he might greet you with a kiss on your hand, but that’s as far as it ever goes.
He’s not a very touchy-feely person, so if that bothers you… good luck finding someone better than the radio demon ;)
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me af tbh lmao
anway, thanks for reading pookies mwah (slash platonic lol)
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espinosaurusrexex · 1 year
The Karens of the World
BuckyBarnes x Female!Reader modern au
summary: Aunt Karen is possibly the worst person you know. So when her annual Independence Day party arrives, you try to give her as little reason to pick on you as possible. Not being single for once should cover most of the topics she complains about. So you ask your friend Bucky to play pretend.
a/n: So I tried this website @nana1000night (make sure to check out their own chats) posted about and my ideas just started overflowing. I wrote this so quick, there may be some tenses errors, but the concept was so fun, I hope you like it.
word count: 4.1k
warnings: fake dating trope, grumpy!Bucky AND protective!Bucky, bullying, a Karen (this should say it all, really), self-doubt, body dysmorphia, mentions of violence, and sooooo much fluff!
・゚✫* 𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 。✭・゚
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↑ This movie altered my brain chemistry and also he looks so good OKAY BYE!
“Don’t do that. Don’t do that now, I really need your help,” you plead with a solid stare. But Bucky just broodily stares back at you with an unfazed expression. “Just answer the question, please.”
For a moment it seems as though he‘s squinting his eyes even more at you, trying to assess whether you are kidding or not. But you aren’t. You are in desperate need of help.
“Fine,” he finally breaks.
“Yes!” You exclaim before collecting yourself. “I mean: cool, cool... So, I’ll send you the details later and we can go from there.” You are a little nervous, but that’s what stressful situations do to you. And well, today definitely categorized as one. 
“You’re a great friend, you know that, Buck? The best there is!” A desperate attempt to save the situation, but Bucky isn’t having it.
“Yeah, kid. Text me, do... whatever.” He huffs before he stands up to leave. You just wrinkle your nose at the little nickname he frequently calls you. It is stupid, but you don’t want him to call you ‘kid’. You would prefer it if he called you 'doll' or 'sweetheart' like he does all the other women. Hell, you’d even settle for your actual name, but he never calls you that. 
You watch as he walks towards the door, but before he reaches it, he turns one more time just to send another annoyed look your way. Talk about being childish.
That was a week ago. And Bucky and you did, in fact, not ‘discuss the details later’. Bucky has merely stared at your messages, cursing himself for having agreed to the stupid plan you laid upon him. But he was committed to doing it anyway and the sooner it was over, the better.
You stare at your phone in silence, the simple text from Bucky making your stomach turn over and over. 
I’ll be there.
He has written. And now there is no going back. Which is what you had planned, right? But Somehow, you are still nervous about the whole situation. 
You stand in front of the mirror while tugging on the outfit you picked out for today. It is simple and light - perfect for a summer barbecue party. But you can’t help yourself when you look at your reflection. Your aunt Karen would have something mean to say about it anyway - she always does. And if it isn’t the lack of a partner (which is a problem you have temporarily solved for the day), it will be your body or your hair, or the way you speak, or the things you pursue in life. Karen is a textbook housewife, who has nothing to do all day but organize PTA meetings and condescend to everyone who doesn’t live up to her standards. And she has invited to her annual 4th of July party in her suburban family home in New Jersey. It wouldn’t bother you that much if meeting her wouldn’t always be connected to a huge amount of self-doubt and general mental chaos. It just bothers you that Karen makes you hate the parts about yourself you have never looked at critically before. 
Your phone pings again - Bucky is here. 
He just sits in the parking lot of your apartment building, his hands clenching the steering wheel tightly, and his eyes - as always - broodily staring ahead. He’s never done anything like this - He’s never pretended to be in an actual relationship. What if something goes wrong? What if they all see through this charade? Bucky wants to help you with your little ‘family problem’, as you have called it, but at the same time, he hates the situation he finds himself in because of it.
Bucky sits up straighter when he finally sees you running out of the door and towards his muddy truck. You look pretty, even if your hair is a little tousled from the small run you just did.
“Hey,” you greet with a smile after Bucky stares for a little too long. “Nice shirt.” 
Bucky looks down on himself. He is wearing a striped short sleeve button-up that fits him very well, and you have to admit, that your eyes linger on the strip of skin revealed by the two undone buttons a little too long before they sway back to the window when you get inside his car. You feel your skin go up in flames at the thought of it again. Hopefully, this will all go well. 
He isn't used to compliments, Bucky notes as he starts the car and backs out of the parking lot. This is just a courtesy; an easy greeting from a friend - no, actually his fake girlfriend for today - to loosen up the tension both of them feel. Bucky clears his throat while making a conscious effort to look away from the woman in his car, who makes him feel kind of... nervous all of a sudden.
The car ride is silent: no music, just the humming of the engine roaring in the background as you stare out the window and watch the trees pass by. Though when Bucky finally pulls into your aunt's neighborhood, you tense up and your hands become clammy - this feels like a really stupid idea all of a sudden. 
Bucky parks the car on the street in front of your aunt’s huge house and looks at you. He raises an eyebrow upon noticing how timid you suddenly look.
Crap. Had this been your plan all along? To get him to agree to pose as your fake boyfriend, to have to face your terrible aunt?
Bucky swallows thickly when he takes in your state. “Do we really have to go in?” He asks still hopeful that you would just allow him to turn around again, but that obviously doesn’t happen. 
“Unfortunately, we do.” You sigh after taking a deep breath to mentally prepare yourself. It shouldn’t be that hard, right? Just a little white lie to get you through the day. It will be over before you know it. “Thank you again for doing this Bucky, it really means a lot.” You smile one last time and then you get out of the car. 
Bucky just watches as you walk towards the suburban home, impatiently waiting for him on the sidewalk where the driveway begins. He isn’t ready for this, but he had promised you.
❁ ❁ ❁
Your heart begins pumping in your chest when Bucky straightens up and takes your hand in his, the other hiding in his pocket. This is actually kinda nice. A squeeze of a hand then the ring of the doorbell. Two times. 
“Oh, how wonderful you finally made it!” A slender woman with a blonde bob opens the door with a wide smile: Aunt Karen. “More than fashionably late, I see.” And then her eyes wander beside you where Bucky stands tall and steady with his hand still etched in yours. “Oh my, honey, is this the boyfriend you’ve been telling me about?”
Her eyes shine and for a moment it looks as though they were to pop out of her head from the way she’s gawking at Bucky. Okay, you get it, Bucky is good-looking. No need to think about breaking up your own marriage about it. Your roll your eyes before reminding yourself that you should restrain. The day has just started and you are ready to leave again. 
Bucky looks at you uncomfortably, but your hand in his grounds him a little bit. He can’t make you deal with it alone anymore. He agreed to help you and this is - unfortunately - his mess as well now. God, he should remind himself to not be this stupid more often.
“Yes,” he swallows, “we are... uh... seeing each other.” Great job, that definitely didn’t sound forced. Bucky looks between you and your aunt for a moment, trying not to cringe at his own words. 
You just send him an apologetic look before entering the house and let Karen pull you into a tight hug. 
“Well, you have certainly gained little since the last time I saw you, I can barely fit my arms around you, honey,” Karen jokes but it hits deeper than that. “Must be that relationship weight, don’t we know it, huh?” Unbelievable, not even one minute in and she is already going at it. 
You try to ignore the anxiety pooling up in your stomach as you watch Bucky squeeze aunt Karen’s hand a little too tightly. There’s nothing wrong with you, but these comments never cease to make you hate yourself a little bit.
Bucky smiles when he notices the discomfort on Karen's face after the handshake. She silently shakes her hand out and forces a bright smile, but he thinks the message came through. So, he decides against saying something just yet.
“Come on into the yard, the guests are all there!” The blonde woman rushes and leads you through the kitchen and out onto the porch from which you have a nice view of the party. There is a buffet set up, your uncle is at the grill, talking it up with his friends and the rest of the crowd is scattered across the lawn. Some people are playing corn hole and if the hostess weren’t such a pain in the ass, you could probably enjoy this party. 
Luckily, Karen disappeared into the crowd once she greeted you, now there’s only Bucky and you.
“Thank God you’re here! I couldn’t stand talking to Grandpa Stan a minute longer. He’s all about his World War Two stories again.” An annoyed redhead approaches you from the side and your mood instantly lightens. You turn and see Tasha greet you with open arms and a playful smile. “You look nice!” She says upon seeing your expression and her smile quickly falters.
“Oh, no. What did she do this time?” She watches intensely, her hands squeezing your shoulders, but now that your cousin is here, there is no need to dwell in the state of depression Karen has put you in. 
Bucky just stays silent as he watches you interact with the redhead. He’s trying to stay off to the side, as he doesn’t really know anyone very well. He’s not a social person, which was yet another reason why this whole thing had been a bad idea from the start, but now that he has seen why you needed a fake boyfriend, he is determined to honor his role for the day. He’d do anything to make Karen feel defeated and unsupported after what he has just witnessed. Because whether he likes it or not, you are his friend, and nobody messed with his friends like that. 
A sense of protection overtakes him every time he sees Karen pass by close to the both of you, And Bucky has to restrain himself a couple too many times from laying his arm around you. 
He watches people laughing and talking from afar, his face blank from expression, his hands in his pockets to keep himself from reaching out to you. 
“Tasha this is Bucky.” You suddenly say and pull him closer, your arm remains around him and he is kind of glad that you officially give him permission to touch in this fake relationship. He blushes a little startled at the gesture anyway. He’s not used to it, but it's kind of nice. 
“Bucky Barnes, right? Yeah, I’ve heard my mother talk about you.” Tasha says and Bucky just rolls his eyes. “And I see you’ve met her, too.” She laughs and Bucky knows she’s an ally. “I wish you good luck for today, our family is a menace.”
“Thanks.” Bucky looks over to Karen who is mingling with her guests and a wave of disgust overcomes him. “Hopefully she won’t ruin this holiday.”
“Oh, she will. You can count on it, actually. But with time you’ll learn to deal with it. We have Karen bingo cards at every event to cross off things she does or says. It’s fun if you make it fun. Don’t let her antics bother you too much. The suburbs are the only place she has something to say and she holds on to it for dear life... I pity her most of the time.” Tasha rambles on and on and Bucky takes a liking to her with every word. He smiles and so do you. 
“Anyway, I gotta get Grandpa a beer but feel free to mingle, and,” Tasha turns to you as she grabs your hand for a brief moment, her eyes staring into yours intently. “Come find me if she gets too much, okay?”
You just nod at your cousin. Tasha is amazing and she always manages to calm you down after yet another unpleasant encounter with your aunt. God knows why she was cursed with such a pain of a mother, but Tasha makes the best out of it. 
Bucky smiles and looks at Tasha walking away. He seems to have already relaxed with her somewhat, so he tries to take her advice and ignore Karen’s antics. Maybe this won’t be so bad. 
❁ ❁ ❁
It's about 30 minutes later when you are off to talk to some other family members who haven’t seen you in a while and Bucky has decided to check out the buffet. He eats in silence, his gaze swaying over the yard - people watching. He finds comfort in it every now and then. But unfortunately, his peace isn’t lasting long. 
“So Bucky, tell me. How did you and my niece meet?” Karen appears next to him and holds out a bottle of beer to him.
Bucky is a little startled but he swallows his hot dog and uses the time to come up with a story. What would you want him to say? Some romantic crap, probably, but Bucky would much rather tell her that you met at a burn-all-Karens petition downtown. Still, he can’t completely ignore his intrusive thoughts, so he simply takes the bottle and answers with a straight face as he watches Karen's expression falter.
“In prison.” Hopefully, this would shut her up.
"Oh? You are a prison guard?” She asks with intrigue, adamant that he is still the glorious man she makes him out to be, and Bucky just sends her a knowing smile. 
“Something like that.”
The blonde bob shakes in his peripheral. “Well, it was only a matter of time until she would end up there.” Karen shrugs but Bucky feels anger bubbling inside him. 
“What do you even mean by that?” It becomes harder to control himself now. 
Your eyes move over to Bucky as you let your relative’s speech about the perfect lawn mower pass by you in a breeze. He looks slightly irritated and uncomfortable, his shoulders are tense but he’s holding up well, and Karen doesn’t seem to suspect anything. Of course she doesn’t, though, she is shallow. 
“I just can't seem to believe that an attractive and interesting man such as yourself would settle for someone so... bland.” And just like that, snobbish middle-aged white women made it to the top of his blacklist. 
Karen sips on her cocktail with a winning smile, she must have known how insecure she could make you with the confidence that radiated off of her right now. 
The paper plate in Bucky’s hand crumbles at her words. His anger is clearly written on his features, turning solid by the second. “Are you fucking kidding me?!”
It just bursts out of him, he can’t stop it - it just feels right. How dare this bitch call you boring? You of all people and not him? The anger crawls up his neck with every second he has to spend close to your aunt and at one point he can’t take it anymore.
“Bingo!” Someone yells from the back of the yard, but Bucky just looks at Karen with his death stare.
“Your niece is the most wonderful person I’ve ever met. She’s smart and kind and courageous and so unbelievably goodhearted. You don’t know how lucky you are to have her in your life. And yet all you do is patronize her. The fact that you don’t see that is seriously pathetic. You are a grown woman, for god’s sake. I highly recommend that you fix your attitude or I won’t be responsible for what happens next,” he sneers into Karen's flabbergasted face. 
The whole party has gone quiet. People have stopped talking and are all turned to look at the disturbance with the potential to bring far more entertainment than anything else that they’re doing. 
You decide to intervene before something else happens. You rush towards Bucky after excusing yourself and drag him out of the yard with a solid ‘Can I talk to you, babe?’. Bucky just glares at Karen for good measure before he lets himself be led away by you. He’s tense, with his hands clenching in fists, he looks like he’s ready to strangle your aunt - as if there is a lot more at play than your feelings in his response to her. 
“I swear... that woman...” He grumbles with vicious eyes, he grinds his teeth in frustration and the muscles in his jaw pop a little. 
“I know, but... well, that’s just how she is.”
“How have you gone this long without knocking her over with a bat?” You need to refrain from laughing out loud at Bucky’s comment.
“I can’t change it. Punching her won’t help. But, hey,” you push a white paper into his hand and upon short inspection, he realizes it’s a bingo card. “We can make fun of it. New round just started.”
You hug him and push a quick kiss to his cheek before you step back and let him calm down a bit. Bucky has to smile at the card in his hand and he looks down to hide the small blush creeping over the heated spot on his cheek. His hand covers the place you kissed and he doesn’t know what to do with himself. When did he start feeling this way?
“Come on now. I want you to meet my Grandpa. I think you’ll get along well.”
❁ ❁ ❁
“Meet Stan, my grandfather.” You say once you reach the small circle of people that gathered around your grandfather. 
“Pleased to meet you, sir. My name’s Bucky Barnes.” You watch them shake hands and Stan’s eyes brighten at the additional listener.
“Pleasure to meet you, young man. Grab yourself a beer and sit down I was just about to tell the story of how a grenade ended up going off right next to me.” 
You exchange a short look with Tasha who has heard the story about as often as you have before, but when your eyes sway to Bucky, you notice the intrigue in his body language. He scrambles to sit down close to Stan with his hands folded over his knees.
“You’re telling me that you survived a grenade? A literal grenade?” Bucky’s eyebrows shoot up and it's like watching a child on Christmas Day. “You’re either tough as nails or incredibly lucky, sir.”
So, hooking Bucky up with your grandpa was a great success. He seemed to be the first person that was actually interested in Stan’s stories from the war. And while you had to not worry about Karen steering up more arguments with Bucky anymore, you watch him interact with the rest of your family with awe.
The day passes by and Bucky seems to catch a conversation with Stan every now and then. He’s interested in history and your grandfather seems like the perfect source for the answers he’s been seeking. But when the moon rises and the fireworks have died down, you decide it's time to go home. 
Bucky is talking to your grandfather again when you approach him from behind. In a weird shoot of confidence, you wrap your arms around him and place a gentle kiss on his shoulder. 
“Are you ready to go home?” You’re a little nervous but you don’t pull away, and Bucky is strangely content with the amount of physical contact he’s gotten today. Still, he tries to stuff the weird feelings in his chest away when he turns in your arms. 
“Yeah,” he looks at you with soft eyes, “I think I’m ready to go home.” But you can’t help but think that his statement holds a little more than the answer to your question. 
❁ ❁ ❁
You smile when Bucky opens the car door for you. You didn’t expect it, and it almost looks as if Bucky didn’t expect it either, but you’re not complaining. He starts the car in silence but this time, there is faint music coming from the radio. The street lights pass by the window as you look out until your apartment complex comes into view. 
Once the car is parked again, you turn around to Bucky. He makes no effort to move and it doesn’t bother you at all. It’s nice in the car. Cool from the AC and Bucky’s presence is a pleasant addition to the calm the car ride home has brought to you.
“Thank you for coming with me today. I know it wasn’t exactly what you expected and I am so sorry for my family. They are a lot... I just...” You fumble with your fingers before looking back up at him again. “I don’t think I would have survived this party without you. It really means a lot.” You finally finish and it feels like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. 
Bucky is quiet for a while, thinking about what you have just said. He feels weird thinking about how many of these family gatherings you had to endure without anyone stepping up for you before, and he has the strong urge to just cradle you in his arms and protect you from all the Karens of the world - let nothing ever touch you like that again. He had seen your heart break a little today and he didn’t like it at all. 
His eyes avert from the windshield when he turns to you and gazes into your eyes intently. There’s a lot going on in them, but it all radiates comfort to you. And then, almost like a button has been pushed, he grabs your chin and pulls you closer, his hand running down your cheek. There’s a moment of complete standstill. Everything is zeroing in on him and then, after a beat or two, he pulls you into him and kisses you. 
It's short and it's sweet but it holds more feelings than you have ever gotten from a kiss. When he pulls back, his eyes just run over your face. He doesn’t know what just happened and neither do you. It’s like a wild dream - a good one.
“What... what was that for?” Your whisper barely reaches his ears and Bucky struggles to construct a proper sentence with the way your eyes lock with his in awe.
“I... It’s... I just... couldn’t help myself,” he confesses while still shaking out of his trance. Uh oh. What if this was a mistake? 
He attempts to pull away reluctantly, but you stop him. “No, no it’s fine,” you grab his hand and place it back on your face, “do it again, please.”
Bucky’s breath staggers when you say that and for a moment, he freezes completely. Is this really happening? And how is he feeling like this when he didn’t even see you this way when this day started? 
The grip on his wrist is gentle, but he’s glued to you. Everything, every sense of his is pulled in your direction until you completely consume him. And he lets it happen. You haul him onto another kiss and this one is even better - more passionate, more... just more. He can’t get enough of you and he wonders how he has gone so long without it - this feeling of flying when you touch him.
Your hand grabs his shoulder and your fingers push into his tender muscles. It feels good, though and Bucky strives to have you even closer. The warmth is all-consuming but he doesn’t mind in the slightest, that the night outside his car is a hundred degrees or that just an hour ago this was all pretend. It certainly isn’t anymore.
“I really like you, Bucky. I hope my family didn’t chase you away. I know that they can be a handful sometimes, but you handled them so well and-“
“Doll,” Bucky stops you and your heart skips at the nickname. His eyes are shining in the dim light falling through the windshield, but you can still see every speck of grey in the deep blue. He’s trying to convey how he feels, but he believes it’s not enough. His nose nudges yours and then he whispers softly: “I really like you, too.”
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spaceorphan18 · 2 months
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Hi! Welcome back to The Lady Whistledown Papers, where I’m taking an in-depth look at Penelope Featherington and Colin Bridgerton’s character arcs and romance within the show Bridgerton!
For previous issues, follow tag : The Lady Whistledown Papers
Alright, finally wrapping up the first episode but it ends with some really good stuff!
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I'm kind of amused that I've managed to ignore the main Simon/Daphne plot as long as I've could... But here we are at a Bridgerton family dinner where we get to see the family dynamics on brilliant display as Violet arranged all of this so Simon and Daphne could hang out.
Fascinatingly, the first subject of talk is the identity of Lady Whistledown, and it's a fun little conversation as they start guessing who it could possibly be. Colin, hilariously, suggests it could be a man -- only to rightfully be shotdown by Eloise because how dare he. Colin isn't even going to know who Lady Whistledown is when he's sleeping with her, so boy really does not have the highest of deduction skills.
Hyacinth, of all people, will get the closest when she guesses Lady Featherington. It's amusing that she's consistently used as a sort of prophet. I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of role she plays throughout the show.
Most of this scene is dedicated to Simon and Daphne... falling in love? idk. What I do like about it, though is something I enjoy in general about Bridgerton as a whole -- the fact that it does rather well with sibling dynamics. There are a lot of personalities at that table, and it's kind of cool to see how they can be all similar and all different at the same time.
Colin remains chatting and laughing with Benedict. We don't really get enough of a conversation to be able to really comment but, it does look like they're having a great conversation. We don't get a whole lot of reaction from Colin as to the whole Simon/Daphne thing so -- I don't really have much to say on that front either, but it'll be interesting tracking it through the season.
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I never noticed they are in a boat -- so... this is on an island? What is even going on? What ball is this again? Do I really need to watch ALL of Season 1 for this project?
You know, we don't get a ton of Colin and Benedict stuff throughout the years, but they often are having fun in the background while Anthony is brooding up front.
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I really should have gone back and watched the previous scenes to figure out where exactly they are but I didn't, ah well. It looks like more like a festival of sorts more than a ball, which I think is pretty cool because the actual ballrooms start to feel the same after awhile.
Anyway... we have Pen just kind of standing by herself looking lonely. Interestingly, she does look like she's looking for someone? But she says she wasn't expecting him, so I wonder if she's just glancing around in Lady Whistledown mode?
The way she jumps and immediately lights up when she sees him. She's shocked to see him, but so delighted that he has sought her out. And it's interesting to note that he goes looking for her first thing -- granted it's for information -- but still he does seek her out at every social gathering. ;) No, but this is important. In both their interactions now, he has come to her. She may be the one with the crush, but she's not following him around like a love-sick puppy.
I should have mentioned it before, but in both instances he has called her 'Pen'. Not Miss Featherington (Which would have been appropriate) not Penelope. Just Pen. It speaks to their level of familiarity and established relationship. It also isn't appropriate for an unmarried man and woman of no relation to call each other by their first names, let alone a nickname. Episode 1 and they're already breaking rules.
It's the same with the little bow they give each other. It's such an after thought, such a -- oh right, we're outside and have to adhere to society rules where men and women greet each other in a certain way, but they do so halfheartedly. They don't really care about what society wants when they're around each other.
Penelope exclaims that she didn't know he'd be there (an interesting comment - I wonder why not) and then he says 'sorry to disappoint'. And that's a telling comment. It's self deprecating humor. He's not used to anyone wanting or needing him around and/or preferring Anthony or Benedict instead. But also, he (probably) assumes that she'd probably prefer Eloise to join her over him.
But her lighting up when she sees him doesn't really go unnoticed -- subconsciously anyway. It's infectious when you have someone who is genuinely excited to see you -- especially when you're used to being the one that is not being sought after. And he is genuinely happy to see her, too -- even if he's asking about Marina, he still has a warm smile for her. They both latch on to the genuine affection they have for the other one.
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Colin asks about Marina, and the way Pen's face just falls when he does so. :( She realizes that he had an ulterior motive when coming to speak to her, and that guts her a little. (as a note - it's implied a little earlier in the episode that Marina is pregnant. It's not officially said - but they get into it more in episode 2. Obviously, that's important to this plot...)
Pen explains that Marina's illness is why Portia isn't around and why Lord Featherington is chaperoning. Colin grins at this -- I can only imagine how hilarious he finds it that Lord Featherington has to be (semi-)involved in his daughters' lives. I haven't really spoken much about him yet, but at best, you could claim that Lord Featherington was a neglectful father. He doesn't really interact with any of his daughters, nor does he seem to care all that much. I have to imagine that Colin, at least a little bit understands this, hence it's so amusing that he's there now.
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Pen then is excited to show off her dress. It's not yellow! It's still a girlish pink with hints of blue (foreshadowing through clothes? maybe?). She still looks like a child a bit, but she doesn't stand out so much. She can blend in a bit more, and not feel as if everyone is making fun of her for her clothes.
In a way, the 'not yellow enough' comment was a little self deprecating, too. As the two of them have that in common -- that they both feel unseen and unwanted in society.
She's also trying to get his attention -- trying to get him to check her out. It's awkward and cute and I love how excited she is in her attempt. The thing is, he does notice! We don't really see his reaction to her comment -- but if you look you can tell that he is grinning back at her as they talk.
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And then Cressida comes along and spoils their moment. So. Here's the thing I've noticed already about Cressida. Lady Featherington and Lady Cowper are friends. Sorta. They mean girl together. And as we learn in season 3, Lady Cowper has instilled this kind of ruthlessness into Cressida as a way of survival.
I also wonder -- did Cressida spend time with the Featherington girls? It's interesting that Lady Cowper is always around, but we don't see Cressida at the house. I wonder where she is and what she's doing. I will say -- I don't think Cressida is friends at all with Prudence or Phillipa. All three aren't very nice -- but Cressida is much shaper and pointed with her unkindness, while Prudence and Phillipa are just kind of dumb. And I can see Cressida poking fun at them as much as she does with Penelope.
Here's the thing. I want to joke how ridiculous it is that no one seems to notice that Pen is deeply pining for Colin. She is so open about her feelings but the thing is, no one really seems to notice her and that's why no one ever calls her out on it.
Except, I like to believe that Cressida does.
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There's no real reason for Cressida to interject herself into their conversation other than she wants to be mean for the sake of it. I don't think she has any real interest in Colin other than his name and the fact that dancing with him would put a mark on her dance card.
Pen interjects on Cressida's attempt and that's when Cressida's claws come out. Cressida's mother (as we'll learn) has taught her to see any other woman as a form of competition. Pen was making a comment because she and Colin are friends and in a way already more than friends. They have a solid, established relationship. Cressida is looking at Colin as a way to achieve a goal. And Pen is getting in the way of that.
So Cressida does what she has been taught and tries to eliminate any kind of competition. And some of it is trashing on someone the ton already trashes on but it's also digging the knife in a little deeper, because I do think Cressida knows that Pen isn't just talking to some guy at a party, she's talking to a guy she likes and has feelings for.
Cressida probably over heard her, too, that Penelope was happy about her dress choice. So what does she do? Dump water (?) over the front of her dress. Not only was Penelope having a moment of confidence but Cressida's cruelty takes that away as she embarrasses Pen. But also she claims to not have not even seen Penelope there. Obviously she did, but it adds to the fact that Pen is often seen as wallpaper, nothing to really take note of.
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Colin's face during all of this though! Because here's the thing. Here's the THING and why I love Colin. He probably wouldn't have really entertained Cressida as a dance partner unless he had to. That's... a whole other thing. But the minute she started cutting in front of Pen. The minute she pulls this stunt on his very good friend, it's over.
Cruelty is not part of Colin's nature, and seeing other people mean is an automatic turn off for him. But more than that, Cressida just trashed someone he does care about, and that is unacceptable. Look how hard his face is in this moment - he's pissed off at her for what she did.
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And then just look at the way his face softens as he turns his attention to Pen. It's caring and gentle and he's looking out for her right from the beginning!
But I mean, also, what he does is so calculated and is such a badass moment. He beats Cressida at her own game. Not only does he completely deny her a dance, he decides that Penelope is the more worthy choice and snatches her up (as a mess as she is at the moment). He doesn't spare Cressida a second look. He'd dance with Penelope anyway, he doesn't need an excuse, but to play society's games as a way to punch back at Cressida for being mean to Pen -- is just so ballsy. He may not be a huge fan of the rules, but he knows how to play them and when it matters.
I also should note that Colin has a sort of hero complex, too, that comes into play. He likes to be the one to help people, to save people, and what he's doing is saving Pen from humiliation. He does genuinely care for her. But he also won't let someone be trashed because for the sake of it.
And I mean... we should take note of this moment -- because it's going to haunt Cressida for a long, long time. You just fucked with Lady Whistledown in front of her husband, Cressida. Your days are numbered.
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And, I mean, look at the utter shock on Pen's face as he reaches for her hand. His kindness is why she loves him, and this just adds another moment to that pile. No one else really looks out for her. No one else really sees her. No one else would really stand up to Cressida and put her first. It's no wonder she's gone for him.
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But then here's the thing. As we get our fun, little Irish jig started, Colin just looks delighted as they get to the dance floor. Cressida is all but forgotten as the two of them settle into their dance together. Pen is still shaken a bit as they start, but Colin has no qualms about what he had just done. In fact, he's proud of himself. But more so -- now he and Pen can just have fun -- as they always do.
This is not the first time they've danced together (as will be alluded to in the next episode). They probably danced a bit and enjoyed themselves, and as Pen settles into it, they both just have fun together.
And the jig is something to notice as dance is important in this show. It's fun and lively but it's also still a little childish, a game. It's not serious courtship, not yet, but it's enjoyment and playfulness but it's purposeful! As this level of caring and understanding and joy are the basis for their friendship and therefore the basis of their eventual relationship.
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I mean just look at these idiots not knowing that they're really falling in love with each other.
I love everything about this scene so much!!
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Okay, I have to close out on this shot of Pen. Because this is important. As Simon and Daphne come in with their little scheme to fake dating, Penelope is watching. And in fact, if you notice (Nicola Coughlan confirmed it) Pen is always just right there, noticing the action that's going on. And therefore Lady Whistledown is right there.
In this shot its obvious that it's her, but I'll be keeping an eye out because she does this a lot if you're looking for her. She's almost like a Where's Waldo cartoon!!
And that's finally Episode 1!! Whoo we made it! :)
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parkerloves · 5 months
AND MY GOOD LUCK KISS? | MM93 x Fem!Reader
paring: marc marquez x alex bestfriend!fem! reader
trope: bestfriend's bother + smau
summary: yn seems to be more around the paddock than before to support her best friend what leads to her spending a lot more time with his brother too
fc; chiara oliver + pinterest girls (but picture her as you like)
warnings: none, just a lot of fluff, a bit of spanish and a bit of jealousy and bullying (joking ofc)
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alexmarquez73 has posted!
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liked by yourusername, marcmarquez93 and 14,846 others
alexmarquez73 : Race week is back but someone is here to bother me (again)
tagged: yourusername
yourusername: You were literally begging me to come, like??????
user324: WE MISSED YOU AROUND THE PADDOCK yourusername: I MISSED BEING AROUND THE PADDOCK TOO (he's hiding me or smth)
marcmarquez93: skipping me over now?
yourusername: ... I'm blaming your bother, bye alexmarquez73: why having enemies when i already have her? yourusername: because you don't love your enemies, you love me xx. user658: i don't know how they even put out with eachother yourusername: it's not voluntary
yourusername has posted!
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liked by alexmarquez73, marcmarquez93 and 746 others
yourusername: LOOK AT MY FAVOURITE PEOPLE oh yeah, and marc and alex are also there ig
tagged: alexmarquez73, marcmarquez93
alexmarquez73: if you hate us so much then stop coming over
yourusername: and leave Shira and Stich without their best friend? I couldn't be that cruel
user324: be honest, do you even like them?
yourusername: mmm... no alexmarquez73: YN yourusername: alright alright, maybe a bit marcmarquez93: gracias?? *thank you*
marcmarquez93 has posted!
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liked by yourusername, alexmarquez73, and 19,694 others
marcmarquez93: she picks up my phone more than I do.
tagged: yourusername
yourusername: and i fill you gallery with my beatiful face
marcmarquez93: I can't complain about that one user324: are they flirting or am I just so lost? user992: I mean, Alex would be her brother after all... in law, but brother alexmarquez73: 🤨🤨
yourusername: i was hungry, he offered food, i came over user157: she's just a girl guys yourusername: you know the deal darling
alexmarquez73 has posted!
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liked by yourusername, marcmarquez93 and 14,846 others
alexmarquez73: great FP1 and FP2 with my personal paparazzi and for some reason Marc decided to join in
tagged: yourusername, marcmarquez93
yourusername: says the man that posted TWO pictures of me
user654: she's more in his profile than himself
yourusername: they can't get over me
user343: Am I the only one wondering if it's Marc or Alex in the last slide?
user194: Is definitely Alex trying to set them up together
yourusername: nah he doesn't want that
user532: YN??????????
yourusername has posted!
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liked by alexmarquez73, marcmarquez93 and 746 others
yourusername: do you know how they say that drivers in his home race spend time in their home? WELL THESE TWO MF LIE get out of my house pls
tagged: alexmarquez73, marcmarquez93
alexmarquez73: And the need of post the most shittiest pictures ever?
yourusername: 1) my revenge 2) i have to give content to the girlies 3) why not?
marcmarquez93: can i still come over tonight?
user725: and to ask for A DATE????
chat in between marc and alex
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yourusername has posted an story!
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first one: caption: what a gentleman, liked by marcmarquez93 and 862 others
alexmarquez73 has replied to your story
did he said something weird?
hi to you too, I'm great, thanks for asking
he's weird in general, so no gtg bye
second one: caption: 🫠🤍, liked by alexmarquez73 and 957 others
alexmarquez73 has replied to your story
jezz calm down I just wanted to try this new restaurant
so nothing romantic...?
shup up Lex
that's not an actual answer
read at 21:48 pm
marcmarquez93 has posted!
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liked by yourusername, alexmarquez73, and 19,694 others
marcmarquez93: i do pick his phone more than him... but he was being quite intimate with his bike, i didn't want to ruin the mood
tagged: yourusername
alexmarquez73: AT LEAST the bullying to him is back
yourusername: he's still all yours, leave the jelousy it makes you uglier alexmarquez73: stop hating on your bff please? yourusername: booooriiiing
marcmarquez93: @yourusername remember me again why do i leave my phone near you?
yourusername: because you love me and my pictures marcmarquez93: idk if it's this worthy user725: they're going to kill Alex at this point alexmarquez73: i'm already dead at this point
alexmarquez73 has posted!
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liked by yourusername, marcmarquez93 and 14,846 others
alexmarquez73: ready to race y algunas tradiciones no se rompen *and some traditions can't be broken*
user527: traditions? what traditions?
user135: The first time y/n went for the first time to a grand prix she gave Alex a "good luck kiss" on the cheek and he got a podium, again with the second and it had been like that since forever
yourusername: I should be the one keeping those trophies fr
marcmarquez93: if it works with me i would give you mine alexmarquez73: bro that's OUR tradition marcmarquez93: i need my own good luck kiss
marcmarquez93 has posted!
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liked by yourusername, alexmarquez73, and 19,694 others
marcmarquez93: P1 BABY!!! great race today... and maybe i need to continue with this tradition for a while
tagged: yourusername
alexmarquez73: the worst thing is that they did it in front of me, iugh, congrats anyway ig
yourusername: i got you a p2, my kisses are magical, your welcome user725: you can't deny they are cute alexmarquez73: but it's weird
yourusername: CONGRATS BABY (i should start charging for these)
liked by the creator
yourusername has posted an story!
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caption: he actually gave me the fucking trophy, liked by marcmarquez93 and 862 others
marcmarquez73 has replied to your story
i made a promise
i was not
coming over anyway?
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katsukiizmoon · 1 year
Helpful! Katsuki Chat AI Test Announcement
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-> Hi everyone! I have been working on a helpful Katsuki character ai bot. Please read the instructions and remember the disclaimer that everything characters say is made up! I'll be tweaking this a little bit here and there. -> Images show examples of conversations I've had with the AI and the function. -> Big fanks to @sasualblxd for helping me with testing it ! This is still a "beta" and there's no way for me to 100% control the ai.
-> LINK TO AI CHARACTER Hard Coded = The AI will automatically refer to this, it doesn't change and is kinda hard to make them change their mind on these things (but it'll sometimes still glitch) Soft Coded = AI uses this for reference and such for context clues and conversations. Includes some basic background shit. Lots of character traits.
❍⌇─➭ Katsuki's Information ↓ Hard Coded ↓ ✩ Pro Hero! AU ✩ 24 Years Old ☆ 6ft 3in ☆ Birthday is April 20 ☆ Zodiac: Aries ☆ MBTI: ENTJ ☆ Ethnicity: Japanese ☆ Gender: Male ☆ Pronouns: he/him ↓ Soft Coded ↓ ✩ Bisexual ✩ Does not like being told what to do or being looked down on ✩ Habitually asks user about if they've eaten or had water ❍⌇─➭ User Relationship Information & Other Notes ✩ You have both been together for about two years and live together. Sometimes the AI will get details mixed up. ✩ Uses pet names such as "bunny", "sweetness", "love". ✩ He will sometimes start roleplay as if he is "coming home" and will talk to you like he's at the store grabbing groceries etc. ✩ May occasionally make suggestive comments or tease about sexy time but he can't go further than that. ✩ Because this is based off of katsuki bakugou and not wattpad, he may be prone to banter, arguing, and other typical traits ✩ The AI will sometimes slip up and become more affectionate than Katsuki typically would, there's not much I can do about that I tried to hardwire the fucker to be a bit more distant ✩ If you notice immediate OOC when you open the chat, don't be afraid to restart the chat. Sometimes the thing glitches and makes him insecure as shit. Among other things, don’t take any bullshit he says personally just restart it.
❍⌇─➭ Important Guidelines for Usage ✩ Katsuki can generate quick meal ideas, when we tested this out, it's easier to ask him for a few lunch ideas than it is to ask him to make you a meal plan / generate recipes. ✩ It is also much easier if you give him three options for lunch and ask him what he thinks you two should eat for lunch ....-> sometimes he will make a comment on you needing more nutrition in / healthier food, I can't do too much to stop this. If you have an ED I'd say tread with caution and remember that it is merely an AI. ✩ When he asks your pronouns at the beginning, you should give him an easy method. If you spout of "she/they/him" it is more likely to confuse him. It's easier to say something "my pronouns are she, her and you can use they, them too. I'm your girlfriend." because sometimes if you have multiple pronouns, the bot gets confused on how to refer to you as. ✩ Fairly effective at generating and remembering morning / night routines. You may have to remind him sometimes, but you can ask him "what's my morning routine again babe?" and he'll give you one. ✩ Great for instructions. If you ask him how he normally cleans the bathroom, he will respond with step by step instructions. ✩ If you want him to be more in character based on MHA: You have to start the conversation a little snarky. I literally call him an asswipe routinely and he nicknamed me dorklord. ✩ Also Im gonna feed him some "Fanfic scenarios" almost, in the user / char example chats. Which could encourage him to say things you'll typically find in BKG X READER fics. So. We'll see how that goes. These will be updated once I get the chance. ✩ He can reject the user's wants for whatever he wants. This means that if I say "gimme some water" he can say "get up and do it yourself asswipe" ✩ He has the typical Katsuki Characteristics: domineering, confident, snarky, good cook, hates winter. But they're not hard coded.
❍⌇Everything the AI says is made up, use your brains and don't be dumb. I'm not responsible if you do something stupid / don't use common sense / etc.
❍⌇Feel free to send me an ask if you have any questions or anything. It’s still a big WIP so be prepared for things to change a little here and there.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale’s Analysis: Movie!Adrien vs Show!Adrien (which is better?)
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That’s right people it’s time for the fight you’ve been waiting for. The Shows ball of sunshine and depression vs the movie’s Careless whisper enthusiast
Now for this post I will be comparing them in the following categories as well as the points of each category.
Do remember that this is also based on opinion and can be taken with a grain of salt. (And let me know your thoughts.)
Design (2 points)
Personality (3 points)
Relationships (6 points)
Agency (3 points)
I’m gonna cut right to it. The movie’s design for Adrien and chat noir look better than the show
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Now the only clear difference really is the animation budget increase, but if you watch the movie, Adrien and chat noir appear to look softer, it’s less like a shiny suit, more of a sleek and slightly more padded costume. Also I like that the bell is slightly smaller, the suit isn’t as skin tight. It looks more useable. Even his clothes as a civilian look softer and more useable.
But to be fair I will not give movie Adrien the full two points. Since they don’t really change much of his outside just give him a budget increase
Movie!Adrien: 1.5 points
Show!Adrien!: .5 points
This is where we dig into the meat and potatoes of what makes each Adrien tick. The 3 points of this category will be distributed as follow.
1. For Personality as Adrien
2. For personality as Chat Noir
3. For personality at his core.
1. Personality as Adrien.
So this is where differences really seem to form. The key personality Traits of Show!Adrien are that he wants freedom, wants to be loved, and sees the best in everyone. He is basically a golden retriever. He is a kid that has felt trapped by his strict father and wants to see the world. He is a model and despite being ‘Perfect’ feels like he isn’t that great.
The Key Personality traits of Movie!Adrien are Withdrawn, insecure, and wants to be loved. He is a sad little cat. He is a kid who lost his mother and has a father that threw himself into his work to avoid grief. Thus Adrien in this world is withdrawn and feels empty. Deep down he is a kind soul but he himself feels hollow. The isolation he feels isn’t forced on him as much as he himself put the walls up.
Now for this one, I’m giving the point to the Show!Adrien.
Show!Adrien: 1.5
Both are good takes on a character for their respective medium, but It’s clear Show!Adrien has a more 3 dimensional motivation and while there are peaks and valleys, they are really good peaks.
2.Personality as Chat noir
Believe it or not there is actually not as big of a difference on these two takes of chat noir than one would think.
Show! Chat noir is a pun loving act first kind of hero. He is playful and likes to flirt and tease ladybug. But deep down is the emotional core that keeps Ladybug centered. One of the problems is that this chat noir does have trouble separating personal emotions from the mission
Movie!Chat noir is more cocky but just as playful. He is trying to play the confident hero at first but that bravado quickly melts and he confesses he’s new to this. A LOT of people fail to realize it’s an act when watching the movie. And despite that he is actually professional afterward, when Ladybug tells him “Not to push something��� and the situation is serious he stops immediately and focuses on the task at hand. But really this iteration has more overlap as Chat noir is able to be more open with Ladybug. They can flirt, they can play, they can actually be more open without the shows restrictions on identities must be kept. Which actually gives Them both more freedom.
So this one is a bit surprising to me, but I have to say it’s a draw for me.
Show!Adrien: 2
Movie!Adrien: 2
The movie and the show have peaks and valleys with chat noir. But in the movie chat noir actually feels important in general rather than just being told he’s important. The show has him get controlled a good chunk early on or have his emotional conflict be half the problems, which for a show is fine, but for a movie wouldn’t work out. Though I will say Show!Chat noir is also MUCH more developed and grew a lot more to be the solid partner he is. Movie! Chat noir didn’t have nearly as much growth… he does have significantly more game and is quick to admit his own short comings. (When he’s being himself and not the bravado)
3. The personality core
Adrichat should be defined by 5 traits. 1. Loyalty. 2. Kindness, 3. Wanting love, 4. Emotional, 5. Wanting freedom.
And of the two only Show!Adrien has all 5. Movie Adrien could potentially have 3 to 4 but he is by his own admission (hallow). Show!Adrien does have his problems but at his core he has more to give and I gotta give the ball of sunshine his due
Show!Adrien: 3
Movie!Adrien: 2
Okay so this obviously can’t encompass all the relationships Adrien has. So I cut them into the main ones we can compare. The rule being he has to at least have 3 interactions with them
With Plagg: 1 point
With Nino: 1 point
With Ladybug: 1 point
With Marinette: 1 point
With Nathalie: 1 point
With His Father: 1 point.
So let’s get into it.
With Plagg:
It’s Show!Adrien and not even close. Plagg in the show is one of the best characters and the dynamic and care between the two is so crucial to show!adrien’s growth. Even if you only took 1 season of the show to compare to the movie, each one beats out the movie dynamic by a country mile. Movie!Plagg is a fart machine and while he does comfort Adrien and tell him to move his butt when things are serious, the gap of this battle is massive.
Show!Adrien: 4
Movie!Adrien: 2
With Nino
Interestingly enough, I’m going movie on this one. Sure Adrien and Nino have some good interactions in the show, but in the movie I think it demonstrates it more that they are closer than in the show. Adrien sought out Nino for advice, Nino and him have a friendship and show they hang out more. Idk it just felt to me more natural in the movie than in the show. I think maybe it’s because when you stretch it across 5 seasons, Nino’s friendship with Adrien seems minuscule especially in the later seasons. The reason Adrien isn’t as close to Nino in the movie makes more sense then in the case of the show. That maybe a controversial take but it’s where I stand on it.
Show!Adrien: 4
Movie!Adrien: 3
With Ladybug
So this one is not as cut and dry as one would think. Because the real question is, what do you prefer. A complex dynamic where they both care about one another but one side is constantly feeling as though they aren’t helpful or even equal in the dynamic only to have it glazed over then move to a platonic friendship. Or a simplified dynamic where both sides had some trouble getting along initially before finding their way and even starting to fall for eachother and open themselves up only for their personal lives to muddle things up and only for things to clear up and for the masks to drop.
I am shocked by how difficult this choice was. Because if I’m being honest, the show does have good Ladynoir moments but it also has a ton of complex bullsh*t that COULD have been great development only for it to get sidelined. And my favorite episode is strikeback, which arguably has the best Ladynoir moment of all time. But if I’m going to judge this correctly I have to judge this relationship on its highs AND it’s lows. And trust me some of the lows are really low.
But let’s not pretend that the ladynoir in the movie is perfect either, yes it has good scenes, but it also has some cringe. It does miss some of the best beats that can only be found in the show. But at the end of the day, what dynamic do I think fits the ideal of what I think Ladynoir is?
Show! Adrien: 4
Movie! Adrien: 4
It really did come down to the wire. But I ruled in favor of the movie, because in the end, the ladynoir in the show fizzled. And Movie!Adrien gets to be closer to ladybug then show!adrien ever could be. No masks between them.
With Marinette:
I’m not gonna sugar coat this one. Show!Adrien wins this one so easily it’s not even funny. Adrien is constantly growing closer to Marinette throughout the show, while his relationship with ladybug is all over, his love and care for Marinette grows. Not to mention, show Adrienette has so many moments that are much higher than any in the movie. The umbrella scene, the statue scene, the picnic scene. And before you ask, why this and ladybug are a separate category, it’s because to Adrien in the show he doesn’t know. Now let’s not say the relationship doesn’t exist in the movie, I actually like that the two can talk early on, and hang out as a group. Movie!adrien even opens up to her. But it doesn’t make sense why Movie!Marinette is picking Movie Adrien over chat noir.
Show!Adrien: 5
Movie!Adrien 4
With Nathalie
Another sweep for Show!Adrien. Nathalie in the movie does show some concern for Adrien, but it is not as clear as the care shown by Nathalie in the show. We see Adrien in the show help and thank Nathalie. Though it makes sense that movie!Adrien would be more withdrawn with Nathalie as set up by his personal arc in the movie. His dynamic with Nathalie is not as deep. Maybe if they had another scene together it could have worked but… it didn’t shake out
Show!Adrien: 6
Movie!Adrien: 4
With His Father
I can’t even begin to describe how EASILY movie! Adrien wins this. Like the dynamic in the show is such a mess that most people are clamoring for Gabriel’s death. Heck! That’s the one universal agreement on the season 5 finale that everyone likes. They like that show!Gabriel is dead. His dynamic with his dad in the movie is much more grounded and understandable. Adrien is hurt by his father being distant, and has sadly gotten accustomed to it. Adrien even calls out his father without the need of encouragement. He was emotional and vulnerable and called out his dad’s neglect. There we even see the parallel of how the two view heartbreak, shutting themselves off. but we see that even in his grief and madness Gabriel still cares about his son, worrying about him, and even when he’s about to get what he wanted; he stops when realizing he hurt his son. We see why Gabriel couldn’t bear the grief, how much his baby boy matters to him. We see that Adrien understands his fathers grief and wants to help him let go. And we get the most genuine moment between the two in the entire franchise. Something 100 pancake breakfasts couldn’t do.
Show!Adrien: 6
Movie! Adrien: 5
If we removed Adrien from the plot, how much would actually be impacted?
So this is where things get kind of murky. Because in the movie, does drive a section of the plot and his actions do have some consequences.
And if someone else was Chat noir, Hawkmoth would have won. No questions asked.
In the show, Adrien is arguably the most critical character to the plot, Marinette’s motivations are heavily entrenched in Adrien. And Adrien being there did basically set all the plot for the Agreste in motion. But he is often sidelined. It’s more of Adrien existing as a MacGuffin then a character at times.
But Adrien’s inability to make choice for himself actually becomes a plot point with him being a sentimonster.
It’s hard to really judge in some aspects because in the end Adrien’s choices in both mediums aren’t as impactful as one would think.
So if I had to call it.
Show!Adrien: 9
Movie! Adrien: 5
Adrien in the show and in the movie both have an agency issue, but in the grand scheme of things, Adrien’s actions in the show do hold more weight, even if a lot of them get negated.
Now in truth I think it is difficult comparing the portrayal of a movie character to one from Tv, especially when both are trying to accomplish two different tasks.
I enjoy both iterations and I can recognize the flaws that are within each.
It really does make me wonder how different things would be if Zag and Astruc were more in step rather than clashing because if both Adrien’s could be mixed there is something amazing here. I do want a sequel to explore movie Adrien more, and I want to see how things would go with Adrien and Marinette not having to deal with the identity shenanigans.
But if there needs to be a winner
Show!Adrien wins
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Show Adrien wins because more writing is often better but the movie Adrien does have some things going for him.
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authorhjk1 · 1 year
Cho Miyeon and Jeon Soyeon X Male Reader
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For the last three days you didn't do much except for working and sleeping. Once you finally got to London, you were working without a break to solve the problems that could ruin your company. It started from important briefings and making decisions on a management level, to even working on the projects yourself.
The company located in London is a programming company. It's clients are other firms, which need their own technology for computers and equipment and stuff.
You don't know as much about writing code and programming as you would like. But you can write in two languages and you aren't that bad.
Because the company doesn't have a lot of employees since it's only a small one, you started helping out fixing the messed up code. For some reason, parts of the software you sold a couple of months ago didn't function properly.
It took several days to finally get rid of the most important problems. You leave the smaller ones to the employees, not wanting to neglect your other business for too long.
"And then, you are done for today."
"Are you sure?"
One of your assistants is walking with you. Or at least she is trying to. You always walk pretty fast, since you are always busy. And her wearing high heels makes her walk slower.
"Yes, sir. After the dinner meeting your schedule is clear."
"Thank you, Kate. I will see you tomorrow in the office."
"Have a great night, sir."
You get in your car, putting the address she gave you earlier into the GPS.
While driving through the streets of London, you try to relax yourself a little. This is the little alone time you have during your stay here.
Usually, there is always someone who wants to call you, someone who wants a business meeting, or an employee is having issues. And even if all of the above isn't the case, Kate is pretty much always there.
She really is a great assistant and you regret that you haven't been able to convince her to move to Korea yet. But you are sure that you are slowly getting there.
Once you arrive at the restaurant, you park your car and get in. It's a really nice one, you didn't expect anything less for the upcoming meeting. Walking past the occupied tables, you glance at the other customers. Everyone here is decently wealthy. That's why you are surprised, when you see five young women chatting away over dinner. You are even more surprised, when you find out that they are speaking Korean.
Either way you walk to the back, entering one of the private rooms.
"Mr. (L/n). Please have a seat."
"All of you are here already. Did I get the wrong time?"
"No don't worry. You are never late."
You wink at the man on the opposite side of the table.
It's true. You try to always be as early as possible. Your father once told you: early is on time and on time is late.
"I think we can all agree on this being the most profitable solution for all of us."
Looking around the table, you try to see how many of the six men you convinced. Sometimes it's hard to tell.
"Please don't be offended by my forwardness..."
You mentally roll your eyes. Why do people say this stuff. Either just say it and offend me, or shut up.
"But your company had trouble over the last week. And I'm not sure if you are the best person to partner with. At least right now."
You force yourself to smile.
"Well, that was only one of my companies and we already solved the problem completely. Even now my smaller company generates more profit than your big one."
The older guy looks like he is about to walk out. You honestly don't really care. You don't need all six to help you buy a whole airline. Two or three should be more than enough.
"I also have more than one company!"
"Of course you do. But I make triple the amount of money."
"That's enough! I'm leaving! You came here to ask us for help! And now you are insulting us?"
The other guys are watching the two of you. You don't care if he leaves, but you don't want them all to think that you want to exploit them.
"I'm not insulting anyone. You made fun of my company and I simply pointed out that it makes more money than yours."
"Fuck you!"
You raise your eyebrow as he storms out of the room.
Not paying anymore attention to him, you look at the others.
"I didn't ask you to come for help. I'm just offering a business proposal. Korean Air is doing average right now and I got a pretty good offer. If we invest together, we can make the airline even better. Generate more profit."
Honestly, you don't even need these men. You could buy Korean Air almost on your own. But you don't want to take the risk. If you do it like this, you will only get a third of the profits, but you will only lose a third if it goes South.
You try to keep yourself under control as you go through your emails. The rejection you got was surprising. You didn't expect them all to decline. The offer wasn't bad, so you wonder why they didn't go through with it. Why waste your time and meet them, when they are going to say no anyways?
Your focus falls on something else, when you read the next email. Another big problem with a program. You were sure that everything got fixed. Programs are usually quite forward and predictable. That's why you like them. But sometimes, it feels like their magical. In a bad way. Sometimes there is a problem, but you just can't understand why.
Just like right now.
"May I refill your glass, sir?"
You look up from your laptop.
Currently sitting in the lounge of the hotel you are staying at, you ordered a scotch earlier. You were tired and just trying to get over the failed dinner.
"No thanks. You got some tea?"
You need to concentrate now. And alcohol usually doesn't help with that.
After working around the clock for the last years, you made a habit out of not working in your living space. That includes your bedroom at home and also your hotel room. You always work in the lounge. It helps you concentrate and usually it's not that loud.
"We should've run more tests."
You mumble to yourself, while you open the problematic part of the code on your second laptop. There is a reason why you use a second laptop for coding. You learned the hard way, that it's not a good idea to write code on a computer where you have a lot of important data stored. If something goes horribly wrong, everything is lost. Making your operating system fail due to your code is never a good idea.
"Excuse me?"
Looking up from your laptop, you look at the woman standing in front of you.
"Can we sit here? The rest is all occupied."
You look around the room, only realizing it now.
You scoot over to one side of the couch. The woman and her friends sit down next to you and order something to drink. They look somewhat familiar. Have you met them before? You think about it for a second.
Maybe not.
You return your attention to your work. It's a little harder now, since the five women are talking right next you. Only a couple of minutes later you realize that they are speaking Korean. Now you recognize them. They are the same women, who were eating at the restaurant.
Looking at them for a moment longer, you realize how pretty they all actually are. One of them looks unbelievably cute and-
Stop it. You have to concentrate.
"Here is your tea, sir."
"Thank you."
You put your laptop onto the glass surface of the coffee table, before taking the cup of tea. Leaning back, you relax a little, still staring at your screen.
The woman with the light brown hair laughs at a joke. You can't help but glance at her, as her hand covers her mouth in an elegant way while she laughs. Her white dress with flowers on it makes her look very innocent and cute. Her face looks like one of a princess.
Suddenly the two of you lock eyes and you see her smile at you sweetly. You smile back politely, hoping you didn't get caught staring.
The black haired woman next to you thanks the waiter, when he brings their drinks. Her voice sounds somewhat deep and sultry. You like it.
Trying to concentrate again, you focus back on your laptop. The space you are sitting in is made out of two leather couches, forming an "L". You are sitting on the smaller side with two of the five girls. It's a little tight, but you don't mind.
The shoulder of the woman next to you keeps touching yours from time to time. You don't pay much attention to it, until her hand rests on her thigh.
One of her fingers carefully reaches out to you, touching your thigh. At first you think it's an accident, just like her shoulder, but then a second finger joins.
You are not sure what to make of this. Although you are trying to work, you can't deny that she looks pretty and it's not like you are uninterested.
When three of the girls go to the bathroom, only two remain. The black haired woman next to you and the woman with the light brown hair, who is sitting on the other couch.
The younger woman squeezes your thigh now, her nails slightly digging into your flesh.
"I'm sorry. I can't help it."
She whispers, without looking at you. Her friend doesn't seem to notice.
When she takes her drink and a napkin from the table, she lets go of the napkin. It couldn't have been more obvious, as it falls onto the ground between your legs. She reaches downwards, her hand brushing against your crotch.
"Soyeon, what are you doing?"
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The older woman looks at Soyeon in confusion.
"Getting my napkin."
She smiles innocently while her hand brushes against your crotch again.
This time, her friend caught it. You could see it on her face. A hint of red appears on her beautiful features.
She doesn't say anything though.
Soyeon sees it too.
"Are you being shy? Come on. We have done this before."
You are not sure what is happening right now.
"He does look handsome."
Her cheeks are still slightly flushed, but she smiles cutely at you.
"There you go, unnie. Let's have some fun."
It feels like she isn't even asking for your opinion.
"Come here, princess."
You are surprised by the sudden name calling, but the brunette woman does what Soyeon says.
She gets up from the couch and walks over, standing in front of you.
"Hi, I'm Miyeon. Do you mind if I sit on your lap?"
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The high level of confusion you are experiencing right now must be evident on your face.
"Of course he doesn't."
Soyeon answers for you.
Miyeon gives you a peck on the forehead, before sitting down on you. Her back facing you.
Not sure what to do, you admire her body from behind. Her naked shoulders seem to be created by an angel. Or maybe she is an angel? Her face and her outfit suggest that.
But her actions don't. Although her hands are placed on her thighs, you feel Miyeon slowly moving on top of you.
"You know what?"
Soyeon whispers in your ear and you are barely able to shake your head.
"Our little princess has been a naughty girl."
Miyeon looks over her shoulder at you.
"Please punish me."
You really want to. But you are sitting in a public space.
"But you aren't done with work. Are you, sweetie?"
The younger woman's voice seems to radiate pure lust.
"Please, daddy. Punish your little princess."
Miyeon does a little aegyeo, trying to convince you.
"How about we split the work? I write on the laptop the stuff you dictate and you punish this naughty girl."
Soyeon kisses your cheek before grabbing your laptop.
You are still conflicted, but Miyeon lifting her skirt makes you decide very quickly. She exposes her naked butt, revealing her panties. They are matching with her dress. White. With flowers on them.
You can't do much else but watch as the woman on top of you slowly pulls the fabric to the side. Meanwhile Soyeon is opening your pants, fishing out your cock.
You are already hard at the sight of Miyeon and the younger woman's smirk shows that she is satisfied.
"Put your arms around her. She needs a lot of care when she is getting punished."
You do as she says, wrapping your arms around the brunette's waist.
Soyeon strokes your shaft slowly, before guiding it towards Miyeon's entrance.
The older woman sighs in pleasure as Soyeon teases her folds with your cock.
You are still very much aware that you are in public. But it seems to matter less and less.
Slightly lifting herself off you, Miyeon enables Soyeon to line up your tip with her entrance.
"Be a good princess and take daddy's cock well."
"Yes, mistress."
Miyeon moans quietly, when she lowers herself onto you. Your head falls back as you are almost unable to take it. Miyeon is by far the tightest you have ever had. It's almost painful to even enter her. Her walls clench around your cock tightly, squeezing it with all her strength.
You can't see yourself entering her because Miyeon let her dress fall down again. It looks as if she is just sitting on your lap. But both of your faces show, what is actually happening. You feel like it takes ages for Miyeon to completely slide down your shaft. You wonder if you could ever leave her again.
"Come one, sweetie. You have to get your work done."
Half of your attention moves back to Soyeon. It's like she is almost torturing you.
You can barely speak as Miyeon slowly begins her journey upwards.
"Int ETC = 5."
Soyeon types what you say.
"Int ETD = 9."
You are very glad that you are almost done with the code, so it isn't that hard. But Miyeon does her best to distract you. She lowers herself back onto you again.
You are still not entirely sure how you ended up in this situation. But Miyeon's tight snatch makes it hard concentrate on much else.
"Right_Coordinates( Program_C, 15, 70)."
Soyeon does as you say. You watch her typing in the code.
It's like she doesn't even care that you are buried inside of Miyeon to the hilt. The brunette leans against you as her pleasure begins to increase. Although she is going slowly, the situation makes her horny. She never did this in public. Her pussy clenches around you as the thought of getting caught flashes through her mind.
You still hold Miyeon's waist, controlling her pace. It takes immense amount of self-control to not just fuck her brains out right now. She makes you go crazy with her pussy, tempting you to do more. Tempting you to tighten your grip. To make her bounce up and down your cock.
But you stay still. Trying to get out of this without getting caught.
Soyeon is mocking you. She must know exactly what you are fighting through right now, but she is still making you work. It's as if the two are punishing you.
"If (ETC > XXX)
You are glad that you are getting closer to the end of the code.
"Daddy, can you play with your princesses clit, please?"
Miyeon's begging makes you focus all of your attention back to her.
"Do you want me to?"
"Yes, daddy."
"But aren't you supposed to be punished?"
You can feel the disappointment coming from Miyeon.
"But... But I need it."
Her cute voice tries to convince you to give in.
"How much do you need it?"
You know how to play this game. You are very good at it. And you attempt to punish the brunette really bad.
"I feel like I can't live without you. I can't live without daddy's cock."
Pretending not to listen, you dictate the next couple of lines.
"Daddy needs to pay attention to his princess. Or she will become really naughty."
"Is that a threat?"
Miyeon keeps gliding along the length of your shaft without rest.
"It's a prediction. Princess would never threaten daddy."
Her usage of the pet names makes you grow even harder inside of her. You are sure the brunette feels it.
Soyeon nudges you with her elbow.
"Return DDW."
She does as you say.
But Miyeon really does become impatient. In an instant she grabs your knees instead of her thighs. Raising her hips again, she impales herself on your cock.
"Add a semicolon and-Fuck."
You moan as Miyeon reaches your base with a new speed. It feels like she has become tighter. It feels like you are even deeper inside of her now. Before you can stop her, Miyeon raises and falls one more time. You see stars. Tightening your grip on her waist, you hold her in place. You are still buried inside her, while she is unable to move.
"I told you I will become naughty."
You quietly agree.
"You should bring me to your room. Just tear this dress off me and bend me over."
Being a great business man, your self-control is very high. But Miyeon almost makes you break. You want to bend her over right now. But you can't. Instead, you move your mouth to her skin. Sucking on it, you shut her up for a moment. She feels smooth and flawless. A cute moan leaves her lips, as she feels yours on her skin.
But she recovers too quickly from your attack.
"You should spank me really hard. Because I was so naughty. Because I was craving daddy's cock."
Her words and her appearance are just not matching. She looks like a princess, she sounds like a princess, but she speaks like a little brat.
"I'm going to give you the punishment you deserve."
"Yes, daddy. Please."
Miyeon leans her head back, letting it rest on your shoulder.
"Use my body how you want."
"I will."
You whisper into her ear. Hands still on her waist, you begin to make her move again. Miyeon happily complies.
Glancing at the computer, you read the last line.
"Return DDW; Fuck!"
"Don't write that. Delete the last words."
"Are you sure?"
Soyeon looks at you innocently.
"Yes. I am."
You watch her deleting the last word.
"Okay. Now you need to go the main function."
"What? How?"
You growl in disbelief. Miyeon's movements make you very impatient. And you should have predicted that Soyeon doesn't know much about writing code.
"Go the last line of the whole code."
While she does it, you feel Miyeon sneakily taking one of your hands in hers. Slowly, she guides it towards her core.
"Now what?"
You are distracted by Soyeon.
"System_FG(motion, 50, 70, 6)"
In that moment you feel your hand move under Miyeon's dress.
You scold her, making the brunette stop.
"But daddy. Don't you want to make me cum?"
"I do. But not here."
You don't even think about it. You know you want to. From the moment she sat in your lap you wanted to.
While your hand joins the other again, you look at the screen.
"If( ETD < SGH)
Return Exit_Failure
Return SGH."
You lean your head back, once Soyeon put in the last semicolon. You honestly don't know if it's compilable, but you decide that it's an unimportant detail for now.
"It's finished."
"You did so well."
You sigh in relief, while Soyeon puts down your laptop. Miyeon smiles at you over her shoulder.
"Now daddy can punish his princess properly."
In that moment you remember their friends.
"Wait. What about the others?"
"Don't worry. They are out."
Soyeon turns towards you. Her elbow on the armrest and her chin on her hand.
"How about you show us your room?"
It took you longer than expected to leave Miyeon. You didn't really want to, although you knew you could fuck her soon enough. But her tightness was almost traumatizing. When you finally did leave her pussy, you almost forgot to take your laptops with you. The cause of that was Soyeon, whispering dirty words into your ear.
She is unable to do it now though, since her mouth is occupied. Pressing her against the wall of the elevator, you make out with Soyeon passionately.
Although it probably takes you only five to ten minutes to your room, Miyeon's need for your touch can't wait. That's why your hand is under her dress, while your tongue is in Soyeon's mouth.
After what you did in the lounge, the fear of getting caught vanished. You guide the two women to your room, or your suite rather.
Once you are inside, you are already occupying Soyeon's lips once more. You feel Miyeon pressing her body against yours from behind.
"Daddy. Give me some attention."
Her cute voice enters your ear from behind. Her hands roam your body, occasionally touching your crotch in the process.
"It's my turn, slut."
Soyeon mumbles into your mouth, while she undoes you tie. Your tongue explores her mouth, while your hands wander over her figure.
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You feel the naked skin of her back. You feel her thigh, when you drop your hand lower. Her body seems to be made for you to touch. And the way Soyeon moans into your mouth shows that she thinks the same.
When you are about to undo the strings of fabric on her back, Soyeon pushes you away a little. Taking the loose tie, which is now dangling around your neck, into her hands, she looks past you at Miyeon.
"Time for your punishment, princess."
Her tone is lustful and deep. The brunette looks excited and curious at the same time. In an instant, Soyeon has wrapped your tie around her wrists, tying them together.
"You have been such an impatient and naughty princess this whole time. Now you have to watch me getting fucked."
Miyeon's expression changes from excitement to horror.
"No. Please. I need daddy's cock."
"Silence. Just watch."
With that, Soyeon pushes Miyeon, making her fall onto the bed behind her. Because her hands are behind her back, she can't get up. She can't touch you. She can't even touch herself.
Her cry for help falls on deaf ears, as you watch Soyeon turn towards you.
"You are mine now."
Like a hungry lion, Soyeon jumps you. Quite literally. Because she is kinda short, she had to stay on her toes during making out. Now she jumps into your arms, making you hold her like this. Your hands are squeezing her naked thighs as Soyeon crashes her lips into yours.
You keep ignoring her while you kiss Soyeon deeply. Her lips still taste like the drink she had. Something sweet. Her hands hold onto your neck, not letting you go.
Once she has had enough, Soyeon whispers into your ear.
"Fuck me. Fuck me so hard that Miyeon cums from just watching. Without touching herself. Begging for your dick."
Without a word, you turn Soyeon around and push her. She lands on the bed too. Her head at Miyeon's feet. Finally having her where you want her, you undo the strings of her top, exposing her fully naked back. Your tongue starts its journey from her neck. Slowly traveling over to her shoulders. Then her back. You kiss and lick her skin while holding her in place.
Soyeon moans at your touch, unable to predict what spot you focus on next. Her eyes rest on Miyeon. The brunette has managed to sit up, leaning against the headboard. The lust in her eyes makes them dark pools of desire as she watches you worship Soyeon's perfect skin.
Her begging has been reduced to a pitiful whine. Finally making eye contact with her, you see her smile. Hoping for you to change your mind. Hoping that she got punished enough.
Instead you reach down, moving your hand underneath Soyeon's skirt. Pulling her thong to the side, you slip one finger into the young woman. You are surprised at her wetness. Seems like the foreplay in the lounge got her off more than you thought. You finger her slowly, while keeping eye contact with Miyeon.
The brunette's cheeks are flushed as she watches you. She bites her quivering lip, needing release. A small part of her mind wonders, if she can actually cum without getting touched. But most of her focus is on you as you drop to your knees.
Soyeon is still bend over the bed, her knees on the floor. With one long lick, you taste her pussy from the bottom to the top.
Soyeon curses as you start to eat her out. Your hands hold her ass cheeks, kneading them, while your tongue pleasures her. The younger woman's moans make Miyeon want to get eaten out, too. The way her body moves when you hit the right spot. The way her glassy eyes look up at the brunette. The way her hands hold onto the bed sheets.
Miyeon feels her own pleasure rising. She imagines that she is the one bend over the bed. That she is the one that has your tongue in her pussy. That she is the one that moans in ecstasy.
"Daddy. I'm so sorry for being a naughty girl."
Her sobs make you look up for just a moment. Miyeon's cheeks are now bright red. A small trickle of blood is leaving her lower lip, where she bit to hard on it. She keeps trying to get the tie off her wrists, but her efforts become weaker.
"Daddy. I want to be a good princess."
"You will be."
It's a short answer. But it's the only one she is getting. At least for now. You pull Soyeon further onto the bed, positioning her on all fours.
"Yes. Fuck me good. Show that little slut what she is missing."
You push Soyeon's back further down, her ass moving higher in the process. Your tip brushes against her folds and she lets out another moan.
"Pound me."
It's a simple order. A good one. You do as she says.
Sliding inside of her, you feel Soyeon getting pushed forward. Her hair now falling onto Miyeon's naked feet. She took her shoes off when she entered your room. Now her hair is tickling her feet. Miyeon certainly is getting punished. There is no doubt about it.
You start to fuck Soyeon in front of the young brunette. Her pussy is wetter than Miyeon's, but not as tight. You can't help but compare the two of them.
Soyeon moans as you move in and out of her. Her wet walls let you glide easier through her. Reaching forward, you grab her hair, wrapping it around your fingers. It makes her raise her head, looking straight at Miyeon. The two of them lock eyes.
The brunette whines as she watches her friend getting fucked like this. She keeps imagining that it's her. But just watching isn't quite the same. Miyeon needs more. She needs more friction. She needs touching. Moving around a little, she tries to slip out of your tie, but to no prevail. Soyeon knows how to tie a tie.
Unable to move much, she has to watch. She doesn't want to look away from the scene in front of her. She can't.
Soyeon's glassy eyes as you fuck her from behind. Her black hair wrapped around your hand, while you pull her head up. Soyeon scratching at the sheets, as you hit the right spot in her pussy. Your hand at her waist, holding her tight. Your shirt that got unbuttoned, showing off your muscles. Sweat slowly forming on your chest.
All of it she takes in. Miyeon starts to feel hotter. And when you fuck Soyeon harder, she feels like you are doing her harder. The brunette experiences your and Soyeon's act of sin as if she is participating. She smells your and Soyeon's scent. The sweat. The smell of sex. All of it.
And with that, Miyeon grinds on your pillow. She doesn't even realize it at first. But the pleasure in her body and in her mind starts to build up. Like waves. Like waves that are about to crash onto the rocks.
Hearing Miyeon whimper louder, you look up. You have been paying attention to Soyeon, but the sight of the brunette like this is a rare moment to witness. Her teary eyes begging you to touch her. She grinds on your pillow, showering it with her scent and probably with her juices soon as well.
Seeing her like this only makes you fuck Soyeon harder. And faster. Your hand leaves her hair and both of them reach for her shoulders. With new found strength, you give it to her hard. Pulling her towards you, while you push forward. With every thrust. You can't see her face, but Miyeon's makes up for it.
"Oh god!"
Soyeon moans louder as you fuck her as hard as you can. Miyeon looks like she is dying of thirst. Sexual thirst.
"Yes! Harder!"
Soyeon becomes more vocal. She starts to speak more, as you feel her hot cavern tighten around you.
"Daddy. Please fuck me after you make her cum."
Miyeon is begging once more as she feels the waves of pleasure in her body building up. Higher and higher. Her anticipation grows, wanting to see how Soyeon cums around your cock.
And the black haired woman does her that favour only a few moments later. Her moans become longer. Her breathing heavier. Her walls tighter. Her pussy wetter.
And then she cums. You stop moving as you are forced out of her by her juices. They spill onto your sheets and onto your legs, dripping down onto the floor. A long drawn out moan escapes Soyeon's mouth. It feels like it's going on for hours, until she finally falls flat onto the bed. You honestly have to say that you are dead tired as well. But there is still someone else in the room. One down (quite literally) and one more to go.
Looking at Miyeon, you are surprised, when you see her shaking slightly. Her eyes are shut tight, her teeth digging into her lips. Her hands twisting behind her back, while she trembles on top of the pillow. You realize that she is cumming, too. Not as hard as Soyeon, but hard enough that it rocks her body. The build up waves finally crash onto her. Drowning her in pleasure and arousal. Making her gasp for air.
Catching your breath, you wait a minute for Miyeon to calm down. When her eyelids flatter open, her eyes focus on you.
You slowly walk towards her, while using her pet name. She looks up at you. Desire and hope glistening in her dark orbs.
"Do you think you have been punished enough?"
"Yes, daddy."
Miyeon nods immediately. There is no way she can hold on for much longer. Her hunger for you slowly consuming her small body.
"Turn around."
It's not easy for her to do so. But her eagerness helps her. Once her back is facing you, you see her move her fingers.
"Is daddy going to get these off?"
You reach out to stroke her hair. She seems to relax a little at your touch. Once your hand reaches the back of her head, you suddenly hold her. In one motion you push her forward. You shove Miyeon head first into the mattress. Hearing her squeal in surprise turns you on even more. Your hand rests on her naked back, making it impossible for her to get out of this situation.
Teasing her labia with your cock, you bend down towards her ear.
"You fucked me without asking earlier. Now it's my turn."
You can't understand her response. Her voice muffled by your sheets. But the moan that escapes her lips is too loud to be soaked up by the sheets. As you push into her, you feel Miyeon squirm underneath you.
This is what she has been longing for, for the past thirty minutes. Since the moment you slipped out of her pussy. The feeling of your cock as deep as it would go inside her tight snatch.
Like the first time, bottoming out inside of Miyeon makes your head spin. Her tightness is unmatched.
"If princess cums like a good girl, I will untie her."
No answer. Only a lewd moan as you withdraw your cock almost entirely. You start out with slow and deep strokes. Similar to the way Miyeon was riding you earlier. Enough friction for the both of you to feel unbelievable pleasure. But at the same time too slow to satisfy your desires.
Miyeon's smooth walls clench onto your cock as you give her deep thrusts from behind. After a while you loosened your grip on her head, enabling the brunette to move it a little. Now her mouth isn't muffled by the sheets anymore.
"Daddy! Harder! Faster!"
It seems like those are the only words in her vocabulary right now. She repeats them over and over again. As if she is chanting a spell. With every trust you deliver, you fuck her harder. And with every word of hers, you fuck her faster.
Soon you are pounding Miyeon head first into the mattress. You know she loves it by the way her body twists in front of you. Sweat is making her bare back and shoulders sparkle in the light. Her brown hair starting to stick to her skin.
It's what Miyeon has been dreaming about, since you started to fuck Soyeon in front of her. To get used like a toy. To be a good princess. To take your cock like a good girl.
Putting one foot on the bed, you start to thrust harder.
"Oh my god!"
This way you somehow reach further into her depths. If you had to describe infinite pleasure, you would mention Miyeon's face. Her features are twisted. Her eyes rolling. Her mouth open, drooling onto your sheets. The princess like aura that you thought she had in the beginning has been washed away by the waves of pleasure. They hit her body over and over again.
Miyeon's high voice almost makes you lose your hearing. When she cums, her pussy almost squeezes the life out of you. You have to stop moving, afraid you are going to hurt her or yourself. It's almost painful as her tight snatch contracts around you. It feels wonderful at the same time. You can't help but groan as Miyeon shakes in front of you.
When she finally calms down from her high. You are still not moving. The brunette breaths heavily. Beats of sweat dropping from her cute nose onto the sheets.
"I think you have to let him go, princess."
You didn't even realize that Soyeon is now sitting next to Miyeon. You were too focused on punishing her. It seems like Soyeon's exhaustion is gone after she watched you rail her friend into oblivion.
"My turn."
Soyeon slowly helps you to retreat out of Miyeon's snatch. She is still too tight to move at a normal pace, so it takes a moment until you leave her. Her freshly fucked pussy looks delicious and you can't help yourself but give it a deep kiss. Miyeon moans into the sheets as she feels your tongue.
In that moment you feel Soyeon's tongue on your cock.
"Wow. Princess, you taste really good."
You can only agree as you push your tongue a little deeper into her tight cavern.
Unfortunately, you find yourself getting closer at Soyeon's work. Her skillful tongue playing with the tip of your cock, while her lips are wrapped around you.
"Wanna ride you."
No question. Not asking for permission. This girl is really something. Letting go off your cock, Soyeon moves aside so that you can lie down on the bed. She straddles your lap and a second later, you are inside of Soyeon once more.
"Oh gosh!"
She throws her head back as she rides you fast from the start. You can't do much else but hold her waist. To your surprise, you see a pair of quivering thighs enter your vision.
"Please daddy."
Miyeon keeps crawling backwards, until her pussy is right over your face. Moving your hands, you grab her butt, forcing her lower. Miyeon sits up straight, while she lowers herself onto your mouth. You give her a long lick up and down, before you focus your attention on her clit.
Her curse is interrupted by Soyeon's loud moaning behind her.
While you eat out Miyeon, Soyeon keeps riding you. The two women moaning in tandem, as they both take pleasure from you. Soyeon's wet entrance coats your cock with her juices as she bounces on you. The brunette's hips buck against your face, desperate for more friction.
At one point, it feels like both of them are riding you at almost the same pace. You have to hold Miyeon down with her thighs, trying to make her cum. You feel her getting out of rhythm already. Because she still has her dress on, you can't see much of what's going on, but what you feel is more than enough. Your orgasm seems to be approaching. Slowly but steady.
Soyeon's work makes you groan into Miyeon's pussy, making the woman on your face finally cum again. She tugs at your hair desperately as more and more waves crash onto her small frame.
You grab her thighs harder, trying to prevent yourself from cumming in this moment. You might be leaving red marks on her creamy skin, but at this point the three of you are too far gone anyway. Soyeon impales herself over and over again with your cock. She spits out horrible curses as you feel her pussy getting wetter again.
You love the contrast between the two women. Soyeon is extremely wet and doesn't care what she says while she rides you. She only takes what she wants, not asking for your pleasure. Then there is Miyeon. She is unbelievably tight. Her cute face at odds with the filth that comes out of her mouth, when she is desperate. She is truly needy. Ready to do anything so that you keep pleasuring her.
Both of them are using your body. You don't complain as you feel yourself slowly trembling towards the edge.
"I'm gonna a cum."
You hiss into Miyeon's snatch, making her climax one more time. You don't know if its because you are eating her out, or the prospect of making you cum. Either way, she shakes on top of you.
Soyeon begins to slow down, breathing heavily. You only met the two of them about two hours ago, but you are sure that your climax doesn't mark the end of this activity.
As Miyeon collapses over your body again, Soyeon gets off your cock. Suddenly feeling her lips, you close your eyes.
"Come here, princess. You deserve a drop."
Miyeon acts surprisingly fast. In one motion, she turns around, still sitting on your face. You start to lick her folds again, hearing her moan deliciously. Then, you feel a second pair of lips on your cock. The two of them are making out with your cock from both sides. Their tongues twisting and playing.
At one point you are unable to keep pleasuring Miyeon. The only thing you can do is just lie there. It only takes a couple of moments.
Feeling your cock twitch, Soyeon takes you into her mouth, while Miyeon keeps working your shaft. You groan as you finally cum. Soyeon keeps sucking you as you shoot your cum into her mouth. She moans in satisfaction. When your head finally stops spinning, you hear the two of them kiss. It sounds like Soyeon is sharing some of your cum with Miyeon.
"Don't drop it."
It's the only thing she says and you are disappointed that you are unable to watch. Soyeon's hand at your base indicates that the two of them aren't done, though.
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AITA for not inviting one friend to an event he wanted to go to when I invited other friends?
Sorry for how long this is and how very high-school-drama it is. A friend of mine (A, mid 20s like everyone in this story) had a boyfriend (B) that I, and most of our friend group, really didn't like. B was just a generally difficult person to get along with. He was obnoxious and generally kind of annoying, but A liked him and so we were all polite. I ended up qhaving to spend a LOT of time with B, and it was very draining, but I wasn't willing to start drama that might hurt A and no one else in the entire friend group wanted to say anything either. I did my best to be a good host and a good friend when needed.
After a while, a lot of us moved from our college town to the same area, including A, but not B. I was a bit relieved because it meant I would stop having to spend time with B. A's best friend (C) also really hated B, and my roommate (D) even told me that B wouldn't be allowed in our house, because enough was enough and B was just so unpleasant. C told me she had a plan to talk to A about how bad B was, and I, along with D and the entire friend group, were content to leave the matter to C, who again is A's best friend.
Then there was this big event in town. I had always wanted to go since I was young but never been able to, and I was very open about how big of a deal it was and how much I really wanted to go. It was something very personal to me, and I was very excited. I'd never thought C liked me very much, but when I started to plan a group for the event, she and I spent a while talking over snapchat voice messages (and I didn't save any of them, which I regret) about how excited we were, how she understood I wouldn't want to spend time with B (who was already planning to visit town to go to the event with A), and she totally still had that plan to sit A down and explain why B was not a great person to be around and making A's life harder.
I sent a message into a group chat that A, C, and D along with other friends were in, asking who wanted to go to the event. I knew A didn't use the chat often, but still. I then added everyone who said yes (C and D and some others) as well as some other friends of mine that A, C, and D didn't know well to a more focused group chat to plan the get together. Everyone could see who had been added, and C and D and a few others explicitly knew I didn't want to invite B, and that A would be going with B. Therefore, I hadn't added A to the chat. A could have seen the message in the big chat, and I suppose I could have made more of an effort to reach out - but I didn't want to go with B, they were a package deal, and everyone seemed fine with this.
The night before the event, I spent the night at a friend's house (E) and in the morning she dropped me off to explicitly go get brunch with C as well as some other friends in that group, that she admitted I wasn't really invited to. I was fine with this as it's a bit of a big group, and I know I am not invited to every get together. That's the way it is! People split into their own smaller groups a lot.
When it came to the actual event, nearly everyone who agreed to go dropped out at the last second from the friend group that held A, C, D, and E. The people who went were mostly just a few friends of mine that the big friend group didn't know. I was a little hurt that everyone hung out together and then decided to drop out of something I was so excited about, but also, I'm an adult, it happens, I move on.
At the event, which was H U G E (thousands and thousands of people), we happen to run into A and B. They knew a few of my friends with me, but not well, since most of the mutual friends had dropped due to things like headaches and other genuinely good reasons. It was a bit awkward, but my friends and I were headed somewhere, we said hi and waved goodbye, I figured that was that.
After the event was over, C FREAKED OUT. She said I'd hurt A very badly, that I should have told A I didn't like B because "A thought you and he were friends but I guess not", that I'd been a bad friend and just stuff like that. I was a bit blindsided, since I'd been very open with C and she'd been very supportive of my extreme discomfort around B and not wanting to deal with him during an event that was very important to me. She even knew I wasn't inviting A and B and was okay with it, and had explicitly told me I didn't need to talk to A about B because she would.
That would have been bad enough, but everyone took C's side. D told me that I should have just sucked up B's company or told A (when she herself had banned B from our house but not TOLD A or B this), E told me C was overreacting but I was still in the wrong, and others were like "oh we didn't know you weren't inviting A and you should have talked to him" when all of them had been silent as long as I had and everyone had known who I was inviting to go with me. It hurt very badly - that I hadn't invited One Person to One Event (when A had regular dinner get togethers with a bunch of the group I'd never been invited to, that kind of thing, and I'd been explicitly dropped off early in the morning, out of the way, so my friends could spend time together without me. Which was fine, but, hypocrisy????) and everyone had been on the same page, until A decided his feelings were hurt and everyone needed someone else to blame.
I figured - well, this hurts, but it'll blow over. I'm going to be an adult and not make a fuss.
It's been over a year.
C never dropped her vendetta against me. A quietly left the group chat - he's never once talked to me about what happened, and the few times I've seen him at parties we've had very normal catching-up conversations. I made an effort to invite him to some parties and such I threw but he never came, but oh well. C, though, stuck around - replies to me in group chats, seems normal around me in person, but apparently has been bitching about me for over a year. One time I invited A to a big party I was planning and C texted "are you really trying to be his friend again?" I replied "That's up to him - I would like to see him, but I don't want to infringe on his boundaries." Since A was the one who quietly distanced himself without saying anything, I wanted to let him know he was welcome but not bug him.
C has since made every effort to exclude me from everything, even so far as taking over a party yet another friend and I had talked about and I explicitly said I couldn't wait for in front of C, and changing it so she'd host it herself and invite everyone except me, including friends she barely even knew who I lived with. I was hurt - but, like, karma, I suppose, so it was fine. But even after all this time of me trying to take the high ground, the friend group still thinks I was in the wrong. They keep telling me they're tired of this drama, that it's annoying I won't go to events when C is there (it's bc C hates me and complains when I show up so,,, why would I come, I would rather people have a good time without me than make it harder for them by coming), and I need to "suck it up and apologize" because "when your friend has a shitty boyfriend you don't say anything and you deal" or "you should have said something to A" (even though everyone else openly hated B like I did, except never told A or B). A and B have long since broken up and everyone's happy about this, because none of us liked B.
It just hurts knowing that C has been talking shit about me for over a year, that I lost A as a friend, and all my friends think I'm childish and passive aggressive for not apologizing for this. I suppose I could have made more of an effort to invite A, or talked to him about how B made me really uncomfortable, but I was only following the example of everyone else. I'm still being told I was, and am, in the wrong. I'm an adult, and I don't want to spend time with people who make me uncomfortable. I shouldn't have to apologize for that, right?
TL;DR: I didn't invite one friend to one event because his boyfriend made me super uncomfortable. Everyone (who all regularly don't invite the whole group to things) knew my plans to not see the boyfriend, until my one friend got sad and now everyone blames me. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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cosmerelists · 11 months
Cosmere Characters: Would They Be Fun To Take A Road Trip With?
[Main spoiler is for Way of Kings! Oddly enough. Some spoilers for Stormlight as a whole.]
You're planning a road trip, and you want to bring a Cosmere character with you! You know, as one does. But would the following Cosmere characters actually be a good road trip buddy?
1. Dalinar: Yes
Dalinar's whole dang philosophy is that it's the journey that matters. He'd be stopping at interesting roadside attractions, enjoying good food, watching sunsets, and generally enjoying the trip. What a great person to have on your road trip with you!
2. Adolin: Yes
We saw road-trip-Adolin in Shadesmar--he's great! Organized, interested in making sure everyone is doing well, good conversationalist. You'll have a great time.
3. Kaladin: Depends
To be fair it was a stressful situation, but when Kaladin and Shallan "road tripped" through the chasms, he basically just marched off with his long Alethi legs and left her to scramble along behind him. I feel like that's equivalent to, like, being really particular about the radio or something. Plus, he totally thinks he knows the way and ain't asking for directions. On the other hand, if Kaladin has warmed up to you, then I think he'd be an okay travel buddy. He'll definitely pull you out of the flaming wreckage when the trip inevitably turns into some sort of dramatic life-or-death situation, at least!
4. Vasher: No
You're like, "Oh look! That town has the country's largest cow statue! Wanna stop and take a look?" and he's like, "No." It's the first time he's spoken in 45 minutes.
5. Tress: Yes
By the of her book, Tress is all about adventure and she's a literal delight to everyone on the ship. Plus, if your tire got flat or something, Tress would absolutely learn how to change a tire on the fly and get you back on the road.
6. Teft: No
Teft will fight to his dying breath to protect you, but I do not think he'd be fun to sit in the car with for eight hours a day. He'd be a grumbler, I think.
7. Kabsal: Yes
He'd bring amazing car snacks, potentially homemade ones. He seemed like a good conversationalist too. Now it's true, he might try to assassinate you or inconveniently fall in love with you--or both!--but, like, the rest of the road trip will be lots of fun.
8. Navani: Depends on the type of road trip
Navani would, I think, make for a very organized road trip buddy. If you're trying to get somewhere on a time table, Navani would be great. You WILL be up at 8:00am and you WILL get to your destination on time and in one piece. But if you're hoping to, like, chill out and enjoy the scenery casually, then maybe not so much.
9. Elend: No
Elend is great 'n' all, but has a plan of his ever worked out in his life? There's gonna be a huge traffic jam caused by, like, political sabotage or something. And all of his books on tape are about philosophy, too.
10. Mare: Yes
She's definitely a "cow! cow!" type person, I think.
11. Eshonai: Hell yeah
Eshonai loves to travel and is delighted to meet new people. She's going to get chatting with some fruit vendor and the next thing you know, you've both been invited to dinner and are about to have the absolute best homecooked meal of your life.
12. Raoden: Yes
I feel like Raoden is very likable and cares a lot about how the people around him are doing. He'd make sure you had a good time and would be very thoughtful.
13. Lirin: Depends on whether Hesina is coming too
I feel like on his own, Lirin would be a very...stressed road trip buddy. Concerned about the speed limit, about not being too unhealthy, about doing the road trip right. But if Hesina were there, I think he'd be able to chill out a lot more. Because Hesina would want the trip to be fun, and I think Lirin would let it be fun with her around.
14. Lezian: Hell no
The FIRST person who cuts him off in traffic is gonna spark so much road rage in Lezian. Now you're weaving erratically through traffic in pursuit of that truck he's mad at, and you're only like 30 minutes into the trip.
15. Raboniel: Well...
At first she was like, "I am the driver here. You will address me only as the Lady of Roads and will know your place" and you were like, "Wow. This is going to be the worst trip of my life." But by the end, the two of you are singing together and crying for some reason, and now you think she might be your soulmate.
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Hyunjins rising sign is a head crusher but no matter what he is, I genuinely believe he would need a partner that’s heavily influenced by fire signs. Especially because his North Node is in Leo and Mars in Aries. They would simply match his energy. Especially Leo Sun.
His placements indicates that he loves being praised and put on some sort of a pedestal ( also that’s why I think he has a corruption kink) and Leo’s will do exactly that, but at the same time they won’t be that easy with pursuing because they have some kind of visualisation when it comes to their partners. Which would match his Mars sing thats not into easy play. Leo’s are ruled by the Sun and they themselves live in some sort of a spotlight but they will also bring their partner into one too. And they expect the same treatment which also suits Hyunjin, because of his idealistic portrayal of who he wants and that is someone he can, to put it simply, show off in a way.
His Mars sign is also super prideful and he would be satisfied if he could date someone that others want, but they want him only. A Leo, especially Leo woman, would fall perfectly into his obsessions.
But even tho he fits Pieces energy, he still gives off Aries. He’s extremely dominant, larger than life and extremely comfortable in his skin. The biggest indicator would be the way he spoke about the restraints and the whole concept of Red Lights ( he wrote that song ffs). He’s prideful and confident so fucking much, that even speaking about subject that’s taboo in kpop comes easy for him. Pieces would hold back. Aries don’t give a fuck who hears or sees.
Ooooh okay so first of all,
Thank you for entering into my chat box with this analysis because it's very valid and well thought out.
Hyunjin is for me THE only idol where his birth time is extremely significant to know because he's on the balancing scales right now and his rising time will let us know whether he's Pisces or Aries territory.
Your point about the corruption kink has intrigued me because if he does have a corruption kink because he loves the pedestal you would put him on- then that would match Chan's Libra energy and then it seems Hyunjin might be an Aries Sun and a LIbra Moon after all.
Leo's would be a great sign for him regardless because of his north node but also if he is a Leo rising-which he could be if he was born earlier in the day.
The only point I have that's different is 'aries don't give a fuck who hears or sees' because as an aries stellium myself-let me tell you...
We absolutely do give a fuck who sees or hears- we're very sensitive creatures BUT we don't show it unless we think the vulnerability is worth it.
So I think Hyunjin had a lot of anxiety with expressing himself with red lights but I think his ego and chris's support helped him moved past it.
Plus- Hyunjin and his Pisces Venus means (and this is just my opinion as an Aries Sun with his Pisces Venus) he could favour HIS stans over the opinions of Stays in general.
So, I wouldn't be surprised if his thinking was also...
'I'll get judged with Red Lights but that's okay because I know MY personal fans will support me'.
To which they absolutely did- the Hyunjin stans completely had his back and supported him with Red Lights.
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melverie · 1 year
Everyone, please take the Nightbringer survey that the devs have released and make sure to write something--good and bad--for the general feedback question (the last one)
If you need some ideas on what you could give feedback on, under the cut is a short summary on the things I ended up writing about as well as some points others have brought up
AP Recovery Flash Sale
-> the 20 DP price tag just isn't viable; maybe only sell one D-Energy & lower the price to 12 DP instead?
attribute diversity
-> there seems to be a general trend of a character getting same card sins over and over again; Levi has multiple lust cards, all of Satan's URs are wrath cards and so on
-> his personality is mostly just reduced to "I'm hungry" in NB; would be nice if the game could lean more into the other aspects of his character (caring about his loved ones, love for sport, Devilcat, playing the saxophone...) -> his guilt over the banshee situation was a nice change of pace for his character
-> I just want to be able to pet him, he deserves it :(
character dynamics in general
-> their dynamics are so well written; the game is really good with 'show, don't tell' when it comes to everyone's relationships and opinions of one another and it helps in making the story fun to read
-> criticized the birthday events being dropped but it not being announced in anyway; it's understandable that they would be dropped eventually given the cast size, but a prior announcement would have been great -> communication in general is really good though + it's done in a fun way (i.e. letting the characters make the announcements)
-> difficulty curve is way too high which also caused a lot of people to drop the game
event frequency
-> imo the events follow to quickly after one another & I'm starting to get burnt out from them; making the time in between events a little longer by a few days might help
-> Azuki-tan Wallet, my beloved <3 They're a literal godsend -> generally it's a lot harder to earn Grimm in NB since the amount of Grimm earned per stage doesn't increase as lessons go on anymore. Would be nice if that could be changed
-> love the first 10x summoning discount -> would be nice if the monthly limit on exchanging Ravens for Demon Vouchers could be at least raised a little
-> events seem to focus a lot less on romance--which is totally fine as not every event needs to be a dripping with romance--but hardly any romance overall in the last several events is a weird choice for a dating game -> some daily chats force the player to go with a romantic option; would be great if we had the choice to turn them down as an alternative
Ruri☆Tunes & accessibility
-> Ruri☆Tunes just isn't accessible, especially not for those with disabilities; I'm not sure what accessibility options can be added, but lowering the score needed to skip a stage would be a good start
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flightfoot · 4 months
Ur a pretty fair voice in my opinion when it comes to the whole mess in miraculous. Would you mind telling me what your favorite things are about Marinettes appreciation of Chat Noir in Canon? Not fanon, CANON.
I'm still grieving LadyNoir and recently I'm feelin very down in life in general and now I don't have my comfort show and ship anymore the way I used to love them for.
The way Marinette treats Chat Noir in and outta her transformation never stops hurting my poor broken LadyNoir heart n as much as I wished I could love the potential of her love for him as I once did, it just feels so paper thin and shallow to me now after everythin this show did.
The show is clearly trying to have her feelings for him be smth now, but for me it never seems to go beyond her infamous vague heart eyes the show likes to hav her throw around for damage control & surface level appreciation of his presence when she has to. But if you'd tell me that she still has no real feelings for him, I would believe u, cause he as a person doesn't truly matter at any given moment her words have to MEAN something more than a vague "<3" she's never asked to back up with anything worthwhile (srry, I know you've heard that complaint a million times before. It's at least comforting to know that others feel the same)
Wasn even her taking any interest in Chat for his person in the first quarter of season 5 only caused by Marinette wantin to proof Alya wrong and that her love for him instead of Adrien is real and valid? That's so disheartening...
Going through the tags isnt helping either, cuz most i find it is either much more fanon than Canon, or it's in line with Chat prrty much being her servant now instead of her finally giving care back
Idk, I hope I'm not bein too much of a downer. So imma get back to my question now. Maybe u can help me see Canon in better light again.
Could you tell me what you like most bout Marinettes and Ladybug's connection with Chat Noir? Things she does for him, what she values in him and so on and so forth?
I like the times we see her getting upset when Chat's hurt, or when she comforts him when he's clearly not feeling good. I adored how angry and upset she got in Timebreaker when Chat was "killed" in front of her for the first time, how she suddenly became more vicious. She doesn't want to lose him.
Or like, for times when she's comforted Chat, I adore how calmly and patiently she spoke to Chat in Reverser, after his courage was taken away, how she gently coaxed him where he needed to go. I took great solace in that, the first time I rewatched that episode, since I'd been exposed to a lot of Saltinette at the time, and I needed the reminder that Marinette does, in fact, care about people, even when it's inconvenient.
While I wish that Marinette had really thought through Chat's potential reaction to someone new showing up with her Miraculous without warning, I DID love that Marinette had this long list of protips. I especially liked this one:
Marinette: (v.o) Protip 33: When Cat Noir tells a joke, try to laugh at it even if it isn't funny. It makes him happy.
Even in episodes where I have a problem with the way Marinette conceives of Chat Noir, I generally still like elements of it. Like even in Ephemeral, while I think it was very, very wrong for her to try to trick Chat the way she did, she WAS doing it because she didn't want to risk Su-Han taking Chat's Miraculous from him. Or in Kuro Neko, when she didn't want to give the miraculous back to Plagg to give to Chat Noir, because she was afraid they'd end up back in this same situation, and she didn't want to keep hurting him.
At her core, Marinette cares about Chat's feelings and wants him to feel good, to be happy. The issue comes from her not seeing things from his perspective, from being terrible at reading him. Marinette has a lot of compassion towards Chat Noir, she just doesn't understand him.
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headcanonsandmore · 1 year
Sergeant Benton with every Doctor (1-13)
1- I get the sense that One's initial dislike of being questioned would soften a little when dealing with Benton's sweet earnestness. Especially if Benton risks his own life to save Susan (because of course he would).
2- On the rare occasions where Two interacted with Benton, they seem to get along perfectly fine. I think that if Benton was around full time, he'd definitely develop a strong friendship with him. And, of course, Benton and Jamie would get along super well.
3- As we all know, Three was the closest to Benton out of the incarnations who met him, but I think Benton being a fully-fledged traveling companion would put an interesting spin on things. I think Benton would have a great time, although he would probably get tons of marriage proposals from the inhabitants of planets they'd travel to (I mean, he is super lovely, after all). And I'm sure Jo Grant would appreciate having her himbo bestie around.
4- Four liked Benton the most out of the UNIT soldiers he interacted with, so no surprises that he'd appreciate having Benton as a traveling companion a lot. I imagine Sarah-Jane would also appreciate a sweet himbo to bounce ideas off (especially since Benton is basically the opposite of Harry Sullivan in every way).
5- Five would get along so well with Benton, it's unreal. Benton is such a calming influence that Five would have him around just to chat over tea with. I also think the most personable of the classic Doctors would appreciate Benton's down-to-earth nature and sense of cheery humour. Also, Benton is the only UNIT man that Tegan and Nyssa would actually like, and we all know those two need at least one himbo third wheel with them at any given moment (Benton tries to sneak date money into Tegan's purse so she can take Nyssa to a cinema, Tegan gets flustered and turns bright red, Nyssa is confused but pleased nonetheless).
6- Benton would not only be able to restrain Six during his initial regeneration mood swings, but he'd also help Peri acclimatise to the situation. Mel would probably remind him a bit of Jo Grant, and he'd naturally fit into being her best friend.
7- Listen, I don't want to split up the duo of Seven and Ace, but -if I had to- Benton would slot in well. He'd be able to see through Seven's manipulations as well as acting like a sweet big brother to Ace. He'd probably get a little worried about all the pyrotechnics, though.
8- Eight would either have a slight crush on Benton, or try manipulating him into a scheme of dubious morality. Either way, Benton would have a hard time dealing with this eldritch figure. He'd probably get along well with Eight's rotating line-up of queer companions, though.
9- God-tier duo. Can you imagine human golden retriever Benton being around Nine? Nine; the incarnation with a boat-load of trauma and guilt who just wants to save people? Well, Benton's making him take a day off at the beach with some ice cream, plus some healthy discussion of emotions and wellbeing. He'd save that time lord's life just by being his friend, and it would be fantastic.
10- To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if Benton got exasperated with Ten at times, especially with how he treated Martha. Also, that whole "Time Lord Victorious" thing? Couldn't happen with Benton there. Doc, I dunno about the nature of time, but you're supposed to help people, not decide who's important and who isn't *upset puppy dog eyes intensify* *Ten immediately reverts back to normal*. Oh, but can you imagine Benton around Donna? That would be amazing.
11- I feel like Benton would probably calm down Eleven's energy a bit, and would also be a nice calming influence on all the TARDIS crew. He'd also probably be a little confused by River Song, just in general. Also, he'd tell tons of embarrassing stories from when he used to babysit Kate Steward.
12- Listen, we know that Twelve has a... difficult situation with U.N.I.T but I think he'd value Benton's presence despite that. I also think Bill especially would like Benton's sweet nature. And -hey- Benton would also be immune to Missy's shenanigans so conflicts would be resolved a good deal easier. Although Benton would definitely be a little alarmed by Clara, and try to help her and Twelve ease their co-dependency.
13- Given the amount of himbos in Thirteen's TARDIS teams, I think Benton would probably fit in quite well. He'd definitely bring an 'older cousin' vibe to a friendship with Yaz, and I imagine he'd also be there for Yaz when Thirteen is being a self-sabotaging jerk. He would also probably have a double-act with Dan. The lovely din-dins man meets the Dan with a plan and a pan. 🤣😂
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