#and we're more likely to eat it up on all sides if it aligns with our beliefs
lurkiestvoid · 4 months
You're being targeted by disinformation networks that are vastly more effective than you realize. And they're making you more hateful and depressed.
(This essay was originally by u/walkandtalkk and posted to r/GenZ on Reddit two months ago, and I've crossposted here on Tumblr for convenience because it's relevant and well-written.)
TL;DR: You know that Russia and other governments try to manipulate people online. But you almost certainly don't how just how effectively orchestrated influence networks are using social media platforms to make you -- individually-- angry, depressed, and hateful toward each other. Those networks' goal is simple: to cause Americans and other Westerners -- especially young ones -- to give up on social cohesion and to give up on learning the truth, so that Western countries lack the will to stand up to authoritarians and extremists.
And you probably don't realize how well it's working on you.
This is a long post, but I wrote it because this problem is real, and it's much scarier than you think.
How Russian networks fuel racial and gender wars to make Americans fight one another
In September 2018, a video went viral after being posted by In the Now, a social media news channel. It featured a feminist activist pouring bleach on a male subway passenger for manspreading. It got instant attention, with millions of views and wide social media outrage. Reddit users wrote that it had turned them against feminism.
There was one problem: The video was staged. And In the Now, which publicized it, is a subsidiary of RT, formerly Russia Today, the Kremlin TV channel aimed at foreign, English-speaking audiences.
As an MIT study found in 2019, Russia's online influence networks reached 140 million Americans every month -- the majority of U.S. social media users.
Russia began using troll farms a decade ago to incite gender and racial divisions in the United States
In 2013, Yevgeny Prigozhin, a confidante of Vladimir Putin, founded the Internet Research Agency (the IRA) in St. Petersburg. It was the Russian government's first coordinated facility to disrupt U.S. society and politics through social media.
Here's what Prigozhin had to say about the IRA's efforts to disrupt the 2022 election:
"Gentlemen, we interfered, we interfere and we will interfere. Carefully, precisely, surgically and in our own way, as we know how. During our pinpoint operations, we will remove both kidneys and the liver at once."
In 2014, the IRA and other Russian networks began establishing fake U.S. activist groups on social media. By 2015, hundreds of English-speaking young Russians worked at the IRA. Their assignment was to use those false social-media accounts, especially on Facebook and Twitter -- but also on Reddit, Tumblr, 9gag, and other platforms -- to aggressively spread conspiracy theories and mocking, ad hominem arguments that incite American users.
In 2017, U.S. intelligence found that Blacktivist, a Facebook and Twitter group with more followers than the official Black Lives Matter movement, was operated by Russia. Blacktivist regularly attacked America as racist and urged black users to rejected major candidates. On November 2, 2016, just before the 2016 election, Blacktivist's Twitter urged Black Americans: "Choose peace and vote for Jill Stein. Trust me, it's not a wasted vote."
Russia plays both sides -- on gender, race, and religion
The brilliance of the Russian influence campaign is that it convinces Americans to attack each other, worsening both misandry and misogyny, mutual racial hatred, and extreme antisemitism and Islamophobia. In short, it's not just an effort to boost the right wing; it's an effort to radicalize everybody.
Russia uses its trolling networks to aggressively attack men. According to MIT, in 2019, the most popular Black-oriented Facebook page was the charmingly named "My Baby Daddy Aint Shit." It regularly posts memes attacking Black men and government welfare workers. It serves two purposes: Make poor black women hate men, and goad black men into flame wars.
MIT found that My Baby Daddy is run by a large troll network in Eastern Europe likely financed by Russia.
But Russian influence networks are also also aggressively misogynistic and aggressively anti-LGBT.
On January 23, 2017, just after the first Women's March, the New York Times found that the Internet Research Agency began a coordinated attack on the movement. Per the Times:
More than 4,000 miles away, organizations linked to the Russian government had assigned teams to the Women’s March. At desks in bland offices in St. Petersburg, using models derived from advertising and public relations, copywriters were testing out social media messages critical of the Women’s March movement, adopting the personas of fictional Americans.
They posted as Black women critical of white feminism, conservative women who felt excluded, and men who mocked participants as hairy-legged whiners.
But the Russian PR teams realized that one attack worked better than the rest: They accused its co-founder, Arab American Linda Sarsour, of being an antisemite. Over the next 18 months, at least 152 Russian accounts regularly attacked Sarsour. That may not seem like many accounts, but it worked: They drove the Women's March movement into disarray and eventually crippled the organization.
Russia doesn't need a million accounts, or even that many likes or upvotes. It just needs to get enough attention that actual Western users begin amplifying its content.
A former federal prosecutor who investigated the Russian disinformation effort summarized it like this:
It wasn’t exclusively about Trump and Clinton anymore. It was deeper and more sinister and more diffuse in its focus on exploiting divisions within society on any number of different levels.
As the New York Times reported in 2022,
There was a routine: Arriving for a shift, [Russian disinformation] workers would scan news outlets on the ideological fringes, far left and far right, mining for extreme content that they could publish and amplify on the platforms, feeding extreme views into mainstream conversations.
China is joining in with AI
[A couple months ago], the New York Times reported on a new disinformation campaign. "Spamouflage" is an effort by China to divide Americans by combining AI with real images of the United States to exacerbate political and social tensions in the U.S. The goal appears to be to cause Americans to lose hope, by promoting exaggerated stories with fabricated photos about homeless violence and the risk of civil war.
As Ladislav Bittman, a former Czechoslovakian secret police operative, explained about Soviet disinformation, the strategy is not to invent something totally fake. Rather, it is to act like an evil doctor who expertly diagnoses the patient’s vulnerabilities and exploits them, “prolongs his illness and speeds him to an early grave instead of curing him.”
The influence networks are vastly more effective than platforms admit
Russia now runs its most sophisticated online influence efforts through a network called Fabrika. Fabrika's operators have bragged that social media platforms catch only 1% of their fake accounts across YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, and Telegram, and other platforms.
But how effective are these efforts? By 2020, Facebook's most popular pages for Christian and Black American content were run by Eastern European troll farms tied to the Kremlin. And Russia doesn't just target angry Boomers on Facebook. Russian trolls are enormously active on Twitter. And, even, on Reddit.
It's not just false facts
The term "disinformation" undersells the problem. Because much of Russia's social media activity is not trying to spread fake news. Instead, the goal is to divide and conquer by making Western audiences depressed and extreme.
Sometimes, through brigading and trolling. Other times, by posting hyper-negative or extremist posts or opinions about the U.S. the West over and over, until readers assume that's how most people feel. And sometimes, by using trolls to disrupt threads that advance Western unity.
As the RAND think tank explained, the Russian strategy is volume and repetition, from numerous accounts, to overwhelm real social media users and create the appearance that everyone disagrees with, or even hates, them. And it's not just low-quality bots. Per RAND,
Russian propaganda is produced in incredibly large volumes and is broadcast or otherwise distributed via a large number of channels. ... According to a former paid Russian Internet troll, the trolls are on duty 24 hours a day, in 12-hour shifts, and each has a daily quota of 135 posted comments of at least 200 characters.
What this means for you
You are being targeted by a sophisticated PR campaign meant to make you more resentful, bitter, and depressed. It's not just disinformation; it's also real-life human writers and advanced bot networks working hard to shift the conversation to the most negative and divisive topics and opinions.
It's why some topics seem to go from non-issues to constant controversy and discussion, with no clear reason, across social media platforms. And a lot of those trolls are actual, "professional" writers whose job is to sound real.
So what can you do? To quote WarGames: The only winning move is not to play. The reality is that you cannot distinguish disinformation accounts from real social media users. Unless you know whom you're talking to, there is a genuine chance that the post, tweet, or comment you are reading is an attempt to manipulate you -- politically or emotionally.
Here are some thoughts:
Don't accept facts from social media accounts you don't know. Russian, Chinese, and other manipulation efforts are not uniform. Some will make deranged claims, but others will tell half-truths. Or they'll spin facts about a complicated subject, be it the war in Ukraine or loneliness in young men, to give you a warped view of reality and spread division in the West.
Resist groupthink. A key element of manipulate networks is volume. People are naturally inclined to believe statements that have broad support. When a post gets 5,000 upvotes, it's easy to think the crowd is right. But "the crowd" could be fake accounts, and even if they're not, the brilliance of government manipulation campaigns is that they say things people are already predisposed to think. They'll tell conservative audiences something misleading about a Democrat, or make up a lie about Republicans that catches fire on a liberal server or subreddit.
Don't let social media warp your view of society. This is harder than it seems, but you need to accept that the facts -- and the opinions -- you see across social media are not reliable. If you want the news, do what everyone online says not to: look at serious, mainstream media. It is not always right. Sometimes, it screws up. But social media narratives are heavily manipulated by networks whose job is to ensure you are deceived, angry, and divided.
Edited for typos and clarity. (Tumblr-edited for formatting and to note a sourced article is now older than mentioned in the original post. -LV)
P.S. Apparently, this post was removed several hours ago due to a flood of reports. Thank you to the r/GenZ moderators for re-approving it.
Second edit:
This post is not meant to suggest that r/GenZ is uniquely or especially vulnerable, or to suggest that a lot of challenges people discuss here are not real. It's entirely the opposite: Growing loneliness, political polarization, and increasing social division along gender lines is real. The problem is that disinformation and influence networks expertly, and effectively, hijack those conversations and use those real, serious issues to poison the conversation. This post is not about left or right: Everyone is targeted.
(Further Tumblr notes: since this was posted, there have been several more articles detailing recent discoveries of active disinformation/influence and hacking campaigns by Russia and their allies against several countries and their respective elections, and barely touches on the numerous Tumblr blogs discovered to be troll farms/bad faith actors from pre-2016 through today. This is an ongoing and very real problem, and it's nowhere near over.
A quote from NPR article linked above from 2018 that you might find familiar today: "[A] particular hype and hatred for Trump is misleading the people and forcing Blacks to vote Killary. We cannot resort to the lesser of two devils. Then we'd surely be better off without voting AT ALL," a post from the account said.")
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lilac-den · 2 months
Ooooh spicy
Pls begging for crumbs
"What do you want to eat?" "Bend over"
I simp for Dolos & Maverick but honestly, anyone or either AU is fine too lmao whatever hits your inspiration ✨
Maverick x MC Snippet!
This is pre-tragedy!
"Fuck, I'm beat."
I close the door behind me with a sigh, a hand raising up to run along the side of my head.
"Welcome home, [Name]."
I open my eyes to find Maverick raising a brow at me, an open book in his hands and on his lap. I close my mouth for a moment, eyes wide like a deer caught in the headlights.
"Shit," I start, "sorry, Rick. I thought you're asleep."
Maverick sighs, shaking his head and soon closing the book. "That's alright, [Name]. Truth be told, I just haven't been able to stay asleep."
This got me piqued, my sock-clad feet now touching the floor as I align my shoes straight at the entryway before turning back to Maverick. I walk closer to the couch he's sitting at, frowning. "Did you have a nightmare?"
A scoff escapes him, his blue eyes darting to the side behind his glasses as a hesitant smile comes to his face. "Very much the opposite, unfortunately."
So it wasn't a nightmare? "Why is it 'unfortunately'? If it's the opposite, then you must've had a good dream, right?"
At this, Maverick's snow white cheeks turn slightly red and he makes a fist to cough into it politely. "Let's not discuss further on this matter." He gestures to me. "Why are you only home now? It's eleven in the evening."
Home. It's still unbelievable that all of us - Me, Maverick, Rydigan, Ittania and Enid - are living under the same roof, even though it's been three days. "Some customers were being asses at the workplace and I ended up working overtime."
The white-haired man begins to stand, putting his book onto the coffee table in front before making his way to me. He lifts a hand, brows furrowing with concern as he cups one of my cheeks and inspects my face. "You weren't harmed or assaulted, are you?"
I can't help but smile. It's not uncommon for employees or workers of the lower class to deal with violent or unhinged customers, especially those working in places of considerable importance to certain individuals. Like convenience stores for gangsters, pharmacies for drug addicts or even the bar for the perverts. There's even been known incidents of some establishments getting sued by customers looking for special treatment and even when the owners of such establishments or the one who complaint try to win the court, both sides still end up at a loss due to the exorbitant pay to their lawyers or, in most cases, debts from various factors like the store owners with the loans and paying the bills or the customers with their pre-existent debt that led to them scamming in the first place. It's a lose-lose situation.
I lean into Maverick's palm, closing my eyes. "I'm fine, Rick."
I can feel his thumb brushing along my cheek, a movement that makes my lips curl upwards.
"Must you work in that area?"
I open my eyes and find myself faced with that look on his face again.
"How else would I pay my share of the bills?"
"You know everyone here would be willing to pay for you. We're four people."
I frown heavily on that. "And I'm the fifth. I don't want to let you all carry the financial burden. Besides, I rather not let you guys spend money that can be put into your savings on something that I can pay for myself." I grab his wrist and gently move his hand off my cheek, just so I can hold it instead and give a reassuring squeeze.
Maverick squeezes my hand in return. "But the idea of you being out so late..."
"Hey." I try to move into his line of sight after seeing his gaze lowering, putting up a soft smile. "I still made it home just fine. Besides, working overtime could mean a bit more money and given how payday is on the way..."
A soft laugh escapes Maverick and he shakes his head, an amused smile on his face. "You seem to forget that it's also-"
His words cut off at the vicious 'GRRRRWWWWLLLL' noise filling the space between us and, realizing the almost violent growl is coming from me, Maverick has the audacity to give out a 'Pfft!' noise before turning away, trying to hold in his laughter.
I can't help hissing. "Oh, don't you dare laugh, you little shit!"
This just ends up making Maverick start laughing, a wide grin spreading upon his face. If he isn't laughing over my plight, I would have admire such a beaming smile on the usually stoic face. "Ha...! I'm so sorry, [Name]. That was impolite of me."
I roll my eyes. "Oh, please. You have done much more impolite stuff."
"I'm simply a model of virtue."
"A model of bullshitting is more like it."
I turn around to face the kitchen, my back facing that snickering bastard. I hook my fingers together and stretch out my arms in front before raising them up to the ceiling. I groan, my muscles contracting and my back straightening until I let out a moan of relief from doing so.
"So," I grunt out mid-stretch and relax my arms to place my hands on my hips, looking over the kitchen, "What do you want to eat?"
I figured maybe, given how Maverick still has the energy to laugh, he might feel a bit peckish for a midnight snack. It wouldn't be the first time.
What is a first time for either of us is what he responded with.
"Bend over."
I whip around, my wide eyes meeting Maverick's own appalled expression. He looks as if he just ran over an animal or found himself face-to-face with a bus. Before I can even ask, Maverick is already turning away to move towards the hallway of bedroom doors, his ears a bright red hue.
"I think I'll head for bed, [Name]."
"But Ri-"
"Good night, [Name]!"
With his voice nearly growling at the second word, he storms his way to his bedroom and close the door shut. I can even hear it being locked.
But even with him out of my sight, I still feel warm around the cheeks as his answer hangs over my mind like a looped audio.
I'm not even sure which kind of hungry I'm in right now.
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henrysglock · 2 years
Complete and Utter Crack...Literally. This is a post about cracks.
This post is going to be one massive "okay, so...bear with me" post, because it melted my brain while I was making it, so like...bear with me.
Something's been eating away at me about the bizarre combination of gate+dematerialization, and the weird shot/set-design sequence therein:
We don't actually see El open the 1979 gate on its own.
Don't click out. I'm not the one fucking with us here. We're shown the gate with El present, obviously, but there's fuckery.
We see El reach up to dematerialize Henry/Edward, a motion we've seen before with the Demogorgon in ST1. We've never seen whatever motion El does when she supposedly opens gates. In 1983, she has a panic attack in sensory deprivation, and Mothergate splits up the wall behind her tank. The gate she later crawls through in ST1 was left behind by the "Demogorgon" (debatable that it was actually a demogorgon). She didn't open that one. We're only shown how she closes gates in Season 2, which ends up being paired with her fighting the Mindflayer anyway.
My point is: we've never seen El deliberately manipulate a gate without something else going on at the same time.
1979 is no different; the opening of the gate is overlaid with the dematerialization of Henry/Edward. When we actually see the gate in isolated form, it's closing on its own.
What makes this all even weirder is that the gate El supposedly just opened is not reflected in the mirror shard directly in front of her, despite the fact that we see the glow of the gate on her:
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Note that the shards in front of her are in what I like to call "left-side-orientation alignment" (since that tall shard is on El's left).
The mirror shards when we see her next are reversed, now in right-side-orientation alignment (since that tall shard is now on El's right):
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(Note: I've raised the sharpness on the image of the gate because the dark lighting makes it hard to see what I'm talking about.)
This leads me to wonder if what we saw in the above mirror might possibly be the reflection of one of the alternate timelines, the one where no gate was ever created and only a dematerialization event occurred.
This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the gate doesn't appear in the camera footage of the event that Brenner watches in S4E8, and the shards of glass on tape are in the same left-side-orientation alignment as they were in that first image of El with no gate reflection:
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The only thing we ever concretely watch El do is dematerialize Henry/Edward, and even then we aren't allowed to witness the process through to completion with El in frame. It's always cut short.
The gate+dematerialization scene in S4E7 conveniently cuts to black before the dematerialization process finishes. Then, when Brenner is rewatching the dematerialization on camera in S4E8, the footage also cuts away, the shot reversing to focus on Brenner's eyes before the dematerialization process finishes.
This is super fucking sus, because we know for a fact that El gets pulled along into the destination dimension when she dematerializes beings, and we're left with nothing but an impact mark on the wall behind the dematerialized being:
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So why are they hiding the ending of that sequence from us, and how is El supposedly still in the rainbow room when Brenner gets there?
This is where timeline theory could possibly come into it.
Per timeline theory, everyone should have at least one alternate timeline copy. There's also a point to be made about Henry's 4 unique massacre jumpsuits and the 4 different timelines presented by the newspapers vs what we're told/shown in the episodes themselves, which leads me to believe that at least for those interacting with Henry/Edward/HNL...the number is likely more than that initial one-copy standard.
(The actual counting of copies falls outside the scope of this post, though. I'm just here for the mirrors and cracks. I'm leaving corpse positions, bloodstain shifting, etc. to Em, since those are like...his babies.)
Either way, the question I always run into with timeline theory is "Where is/are El's copy(s)?"
To which I now pose the question: Is/are El's copy(s) even in a "real" dimension...or could she/one of them have been pulled along with Edward into the Yellow Dimension?
This is the point where things start to get intricate, and where I begin to talk cracks.
When Brenner enters the room after Henry/Edward is yeeted to...wherever it was he ended up and the gate has closed, we see that the pattern of the gate-scar crack behind little El is a specific shape: Vertical ellipse with a deep central crack. This central crack is not aligned with the vertical grout of the tiles. We also see that the mirror shards have maintained their post-gate, right-side-orientation alignment. (Camera foreground focus conveniently muddles the extent of the spiderwebbing minor cracks, but that's not super important. I only care about the ones we actually can see.)
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The next time we see the wall is when Brenner interacts with it via a cut to an entirely new camera within the observation room, and the pattern of the cracks there is circular with no vertical central crack, as if someone hit the wall hard but no gate was formed (the same as we saw with the Demogoron in ST1). Also, the center of it aligns with the vertical grout of the tiles.
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This camera briefly follows Brenner as he begins to turn around, but then cuts to swap to a different camera entirely before we even come close to glimpsing the mirror shards. They're hiding the orientation of the shards here from us, likely because the pattern of the shards seems to be a timeline giveaway.
We are not shown the direction of the mirror shards during the movement of the camera within the observation room with the no-gate cracks, nor are we shown this Brenner ever seeing little El before this camera swap occurs. We see a Brenner interacting with her back when we were seeing the gate pattern cracks, but this sequence in particular, this one associated with the no-gate cracks? It never shows us El. Thus, the question of her presence.
The new camera shows a perspective from opposite side of the mirror, and we do not return to the interior of the observation room in real life after this.
However, the really interesting part is the pattern of the cracks behind him through the eyes of this new camera.
When we swap cameras, we're shown both the pattern of the cracks on the wall and the alignment of the mirror shards. The shape and pattern of the cracks and shards here are: vertical ellipse, deep center crack, not aligned with the grout...and the shards are in that same right-side-orientation alignment we saw earlier with El's post-gate cracks.
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(El's post-gate, right-side-orientation alignment for comparison, the tall shard being on her right rather than left.)
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Just for certainty's sake, I want you all to look at the pattern of the major cracks with me, because the unannotated shots can be a little unclear. (I'm serious. My brain has been melting out my ears.)
The one shown behind little El (I've highlighted the important cracks. However, if you look back at the unannotated version, you'll see the same cracks plainly. I'm not pulling this out of my ass):
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From the shot of Brenner within in the observation room, during the sequence where the shards and little El are not shown to us (AKA the circular, impact-only/no-Gate cracks):
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No Gate.
And the cracks we see behind Brenner after the camera swap happens, the sequence where we see both the shards and little El:
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Gate. (The deep middle line is partially hidden by Brenner's body, but we can clearly see both it and the ellipse shape in the second image.)
As the cameras swap, we're shown a pattern:
Gate -> No Gate -> Gate
El -> No El -> El
They're likely swapping between outcomes here, and in the no-gate outcome...we are pointedly not shown little El. This contributes to me doubting whether she's present at all.
This is furthered by the mirror fuckery throughout the whole gate/dematerialization sequence.
What El sees before she begins to dematerialize Henry/Edward, when she's just got him trapped against the wall:
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Right-side-orientation alignment.
What Henry/Edward sees:
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(Note the reversed mirror shards ^)
Left-side-orientation alignment.
The shot from the security camera, which shows nothing but dematerialization:
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Left-side-orientation alignment.
And then there's...the dual-outcome overlay, from Henry/Edward's side of the mirror.
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We don't see this same gate+dematerialization combination from El's side of the mirror. It's always either dematerialization or the gate, never both together.
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However, we do get to see the shards from El's side a handful of times the while the dematerialization process occurs, and while they're only on screen briefly...they're so very interesting.
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The shard to her right in the above shot? The steep-angle triangle one? It's consistently on her right in the camera footage and from Henry/Edward's POV once the dematerialization begins. It's also the most common positioning of the mirror throughout the entire dematerialization sequence.
It was on her left before the process began, back when she just had Henry/Edward trapped against the wall:
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This indicates to me that we've swapped timelines. She's got the same mirror as the Henry/Edward inside the observation room from earlier, meaning they're likely in the same timeline together.
We see this alignment, the left-side-orientation alignment, show up twice during the dematerialization sequence.
However, sandwiched between the two occurrences, is a single dematerialization shot swapped out for the right-side-orientation alignment, and from the Rainbow Room perspective, no less. This is the opposite of Henry/Edward's observation room mirror alignment from earlier (left-side-orientation alignment).
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This tells me we're likely swapping not just between gate and no-gate, but also between two different dematerialization events.
Later, we see the red light of the gate on El and the left-side-orientation alignment shards from inside the observation room, but we do not see the gate reflected in those shards.
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We do not see the mirror shards again from El's side until she's looking at the gate, and at that point...the shards have swapped back to the right-side-orientation alignment, with the tall pointy shard now on El's right rather than her left.
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From what we're shown on screen, it seems like the gate exists in tandem with that right-side-orientation alignment, and that a dematerialization event occurs in both left and right-side-orientation alignments.
That gives us 3 timelines out of 4, and I'd be willing to bet that there's a gate outcome timeline associated with the left-side-orientation alignment which we have not been shown yet.
This leads me to believe me that the Henries/Edwards who got dematerialized are in two distinct timelines, and whoever got pushed through the gate is in yet another timeline...and is somewhere else entirely...and that there's a 4th version of these events which we know nothing or at least very little about.
This leads me to the working conclusion that we are being shown pieces of all 4 versions overlapped and occurring simultaneously, but not occurring in the same timeline.
That is to say, given Henry/Edward and the 4 jumpsuits, the changing corpses, and the mirror/wall crack fuckery I've just talked about here...the different HNL massacre scenes are most likely directly overlaid, and we've been swapping between them throughout the entire sequence.
So why does this matter?
Good question. The longer I melt my brain with this damned sequence, the more seriously I ask myself this question.
But seriously, this gate/no-gate business leads me back to a handful of other questions I've had since the beginning of ST, and some that are more specific to ST4:
How did El escape HNL after she opened Mothergate? We see her emerge from the tunnel, supposedly the same tunnel Henry/Edward showed her in the boiler room. However...when Mothergate opens, we're shown the instant chaos, and El is not in a hospital gown, nor is she in a section of the lab that's remotely similar to the section in ST4. She's still in her tank suit, and the lab layout is completely different. However, we also know that she escaped the same day Will goes missing, i.e., the day the demogorgon comes through Mothergate, so she supposedly escaped somewhere in the chaos...but how did she a) get out of the tank, b) get to the boiler room (which requires a keycard to access) to escape through the tunnel, and c) change clothes in the middle of it?
How did El know about the existence and mechanics of the UD at all in ST1? As far as we know, she's never been in it before she dematerializes the demogorgon. Unless...they're not the same El. Staring at the separation between dematerializing Henry/Edward and the formation of gate. If we've already got two Els, then, both of them should have another component, making four Els...to match our 4 Henwards.
What the fuck is up with the photos of Jamie in an ICBM tunnel? What are you doing there, sir? Why are you looking directly into the camera like you're trying to send me a psychic message? More importantly: Are you Henry?
What the fuck is up with the blood-free Henry stills? Why is older El in one, indicating it's from a massacre timeline she's interacting with? Why is the other from a stalker shot behind him/behind a shelf on the opposite side of the room? Why doesn't he have the Soteria removal blood streak? Why does he seem so confused? What's going on here, and more importantly...You're Henry, right?
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(for location reference)
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I'd be willing to speculate that blood-free Henry and ICBM Henry are from that 4th unknown-but-likely-gate outcome timeline...and I'd very much like to know what is going on in the house of commons.
Something about the Rainbow Connection poster in Suzie's room when the Cali Crew is trying to find NINA...Brenner telling El that the Nina play was about two lovers...Dream A Little Dream of Me being pivotal in Henry/Edward's story...
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection. The lovers, the dreamers, and me.
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starrishly · 9 months
do you know why guitars cry?
Thalia Grace was this close to blasting Percy with a lightning bolt. It was the first visit to Camp the Hunters were making in ages, and the two decided to place a bet. Given how competitive they both were, somebody probably should've stopped them. But, since no one did, the daughter of Zeus was stuck in a very annoying situation. or Thalia loses a bet and remembers an old talent.
my work for @rrversesummerbang 's event for @ssavinggrace !!
read on ao3
merry belated christmas and a happy new year !! i hope you like this <3
prompt: Thalia grace playing guitar
word count: 1,411
Thalia Grace was this close to blasting Percy with a lightning bolt.
It was the first visit to Camp the Hunters were making in ages, and the two decided to place a bet. Given how competitive they both were, somebody probably should've stopped them. But, since no one did, the daughter of Zeus was stuck in a very annoying situation.
Chiron gave the okay for a Capture the Flag game, news that spread like wildfire through the camp. Everyone started making alliances; the Hunters were part of Team Red alongside the Athena, Hades, Ares, Aphrodite, Hermes, Tyche, Nike, Nemesis and Hebe cabins.
Thalia couldn't deny that she was eager for the game to start. She was eating her lunch at the Hunters' table when Percy approached her, a grin etched on his face.
The girl raised a brow in question.
"I bet you anything we're going to win tonight," he challenged.
"As if. We always win."
"Nope, not this time," the boy replied, the grin still on his face. He was smart; he knew she wouldn't back down from a contest. 
The two stared at each other before the Hunter asked: "What are your terms?"
"The loser has to do anything the other says for the week." 
The girl's smile was now matching Percy's. "Oh, you're so losing this."
Team Red was currently strategizing in their tent, with 10 minutes until the start of the game.
Thalia's usual suggestion was to split in two- defense and offense- but Annabeth insisted on something more elaborate. Since she was the best strategist she knew, Thalia was content with letting her make a plan.
When the given time was over, the team was confident in their chances of winning. Thalia, Nico di Angelo, and some other Hunters would be the ones to capture the flag as the Ares and Aphrodite cabin distracted the others.
Annabeth assigned trap-setting duty to a few Hermes Cabin members while Cabin 6 would defend the flag. The remaining kids would divide, each protecting a border.
They all lined up in the middle of the forest. Annabeth was carrying their silver flag, which had laurels painted on it. It was made out of a shiny material that reflected the sunlight.
Team Blue kept it simple. The flag was cerulean, courtesy of Percy. Painted by every team member with various symbols, it was a cacophony of colors. Thalia's eyes hurt, but she had to admit they had a pretty good idea, letting everyone add something.
The Stolls were trying (and failing) to keep their laughter in. Annabeth just stared in shock. Someone from the Nemesis cabin asked: "Is that a carpet?"
The corners of Thalia's mouth turned up. They could see the flag from a mile away. This was going to be easy.
When everyone was aligned, Chiron blew the horn. In a split second, all campers ran off. Beside her, Vera and Macy, two Hunters, took their place. Nico di Angelo was somewhere behind. 
Their job was yet to begin. For now, the only thing they had to do was not get spotted.
Sometime later, as the group advanced through the forest, phase two of their plan started. The Ares cabin launched one of the emergency fireworks. 
That was their signal, meaning that the flag was unguarded. All they had to do was seize it.
The group ran as fast as they could. The few campers were easy to take down. Thalia almost reached the flag when she heard a scream behind her. 
Vera was caught in a trap. Thalia cursed, remembering Team Blue had the Hephaestus cabin on their side. With one look at Macy, they decided she would figure it out.
Nico suggested they should hurry since they could see the flag. Thalia agreed, but they were too late. She saw Jason and Percy carrying their flag and yelling.
When the boys stopped, Percy started to laugh. Thalia groaned in exasperation.
"How did we lose? Our defenses were so good!" Her tone betrayed confusion and annoyance.
"Well, I know your strategist a little too well." Percy turned towards his girlfriend with a cheeky smile.
Thalia turned to the girl, who gave her an embarrassed look. She sighed and shook their hands.
The stars shined brighter than usual that night, Thalia noticed. 
They were all gathered around the campfire. Tonight, it was vibrant yellow, reflecting the excitement of the winners.
Instead of sitting near her Hunters, the black-haired girl chose to sit near her little brother. She noticed Jason's teasing smirk as she sat down and playfully stuck her tongue out at him. 
Chiron finally arrived and took his place near the hearth. "Congratulations to tonight's winners! Until the next week, you are free from any chores." 
Team Blue cheered loudly. Meanwhile, most of Team Red groaned, knowing they had to clean bathrooms and wash dishes twice as much. While the Hunters didn't have chores, Thalia knew Percy hadn't claimed his prize. She was curious about what his first task would be.
Chiron stomped, bringing all attention to him again. 
"Now, the campfire activities may begin!"
The Apollo Cabin, as usual, took its place in front of the crowd. Instruments in hand, they followed the lead of Austin Lake. The boy wasn't the leader, but it was well known that the head counselor, Will Solace, couldn't sing to save his life.
Thalia would never admit that she enjoyed the light atmosphere or the songs about Grandma getting ready for war. It would bring endless mocking from her friends and wasn't in character. But she liked it anyway.
She allowed herself to relax a little until she caught Percy's eyes. The boy had that weird glint in his eye. He was up to something. She had a bad feeling it involved her.
As soon as the ongoing song ended, Percy walked over to Austin and whispered something in his ear. 
The son of Apollo listened, albeit a little confused. He glanced at her, his face scrunched up in thought, then turned towards the other and nodded. Percy grinned and started walking in Thalia's direction.
Not that she would show it, but she was panicking. When the boy got close enough, he began: "Thalia, my first task for you is...you have to play guitar!"
She stared at him for a moment, hoping he was joking. Thalia didn't even remember how to do that!
Okay, maybe she did. But she refused to do it. 
"Percy, what the hell," Thalia whisper-yelled. 
Unfortunately, she had no choice but to agree. The son of Poseidon looked overjoyed. Thalia wanted nothing more than to wipe that stupid grin off his face. Nonetheless, she moved closer to the hearth.
Austin carefully gave her his guitar, making the Hunter promise she wouldn't break it. It was beautiful and well-kept. The wood shined brightly in the fire's light.
"What am I even supposed to play?" 
Everyone shrugged, so Thalia started playing the first song that came to her mind. It was nothing special, an old, sentimental song, but the girl knew it by heart. Her fingers moved from one fret to another, lightly strumming the chords. She closed her eyes and went on.
Almost magically, the scenery changed. Thalia wasn't at Camp Halfblood anymore. Around her stretched a deep forest. A small makeshift fire was lit in front of her. 
A younger Annabeth was wrapped in a sleeping bag, staring at the stars as she listened to her friend play. A different guitar, smaller but loved, was resting in her hands.
Behind her, the Hunter heard a familiar voice.
"That's it, Thals! You got it." 
A soft smile appeared on her face at the sound. It was Luke's voice, and Thalia finally remembered why she hadn't played in so long.
He was the one who taught her, little by little, the art of using a guitar. She remembers his hands guiding her, his comforting words when she got something wrong. 
Thalia misses it, misses him, but she learned how to move on. 
When she strummed the last chord, she opened her eyes. Percy was staring at her, slightly gaping but beaming. Thalia then turned to Annabeth, who had a nostalgic look in her eyes and lips curved up.
"Surprised, Jackson?" she questions.
The boy shakes his head: "Not at all."
She returned to her seat and gave Austin the guitar. When she sat and noticed Jason's starry-eyed look, Thalia decided that this was the only family she needed.
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anabdaniels · 11 months
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Some useful information you might want to know about this blog:
I write SFW and NSFW, so, please, pay attention to warnings and rating. If you're a minor, I don't get any responsibility if you decide to read anything unappropriated for your age.
Who do I write for? Agent Whiskey. I might causally write somethings involving other Pedro Boys, but dear cowboy Jack is the main theme of my writting.
Things that are not of my business (which means I'll not write them even if my life depends on it: Spanking, edgeplay, protected sex, reverse cowgirl, doggy style (unless we're talking about pegging), deepthroat.
DM's and requests are always opened. Feedbacks are more than welcome.
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Cowboytober 2024 (coming soon) Kinktober with Agent Whiskey (this year with a couple feats of other Pedro boys)
Cowboytober 2023 Kinktober, but it's only Agent Whiskey content.
Flufftober 2023 With Agent Whiskey
Cowboycember A series of pre-Christmas stories with dear cowboy Jack.
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A list of all my fics that are related or happen on the same universe. *Please pay attention to each story ratings/warnings.
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Piece by piece After being intentionally placed sitting side by side in a bar by their friends, Jack and Ana realized they have more affinity than they expected. Tastes align in multiple things; both are passionate about animals; and both like the idea of living on a ranch surrounded by animals, furthermore, at the end of the day, there are open wounds that only someone who has been through something similar can understand.
Angel of Music- Theater AU After almost 25 years in theater, your favorite actor, co-star, and friend Jack Daniels decided to retire. Your last work together will be The Phantom of The Opera and, taking your role as Christine way too far, you're not ready to let your angel of music go.
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Agent Whiskey's NSFW alphabet.
Agent Whiskey's SFW alphabet.
It's not too late for a goodnight kiss Agent Whiskey comes home late just to find his wife and daughter missing him.
As long as you hold my hand After a hard day, you met Jack at the bar, and he ends up surprising you positively.
How much does devotion weigh? Your thoughts about your husband's appearance end up on a good morning sex or Jack became chubby after retiring from Statesman and reader is obsessed with it.
A taste of what you asked for Jack decides to prove you that not only his mustache can have a porn vibe.
Rodeo prizes After meet Jack and Joel, you couldn't resist the idea of get into their bed.
So fitting for happily ever after You got jealous because of a past situation with his secretary, so Jack makes sure to calm you down aka Jack eats reader on his office desk.
A cozy little life You're enjoying your housewife life and your happiness makes Jack happy too.
The time for being sad is over Convinced that there's no better future for you, Jack turns out to be your light in a life of darkness.
So, rockabye, baby You and Jack being happy and having 4 babies aka dear cowboy having the big happy family he deserved.
Heart to heart, eyes to eyes An unpleasant Statesman party ended up not being such a disaster, since the alcohol gave you courage to admit your crush on Jack.
A pretty picture and the scenery is so loud Seeing Jack carrying the cattle grains around the ranch is what it takes to get you worked up.
Everything I post here will probably also be posted on my AO3.
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barrenclan · 7 months
Given that you’re a fan of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, do you have any ideas for a song/songs that would fit any character/s?
OH BOY! Absolutely! :D Here's a few;
"You Stupid Bitch" is obviously a perfect Slugpelt song; that kind of self-deprecation, especially the kind of sardonic hatred that it personifies. With the lyrics about Josh I can also imagine it taking place directly post-Cashew abandoning her.
"You ruined everything You stupid bitch You ruined everything You stupid, stupid bitch"
"Yes, Josh completes me, but how can that be When there's no me left to complete"
Hilariously, I can kinda imagine "After Everything I've Done For You" as a Ranger to Rainhaze song? Although not all of the lyrics fit I really like the tone of Ranger singing 'how dare you be so ungrateful, for me ruining your life'. It'd also pretty Dustfeather pretty well.
"After everything I've done for you (That I didn't ask for) Do you have any idea The work you're undoing?"
"What's that look on your face? You're horrified You think I'm a monster For doing your dirty work You think love is stainless and pure But beneath all the fantasy There's filth and there's gore"
And then as a complete joke how about "Let's Have Intercourse" with Deepdark. What a charmer! He's so early-season Nathanielcore.
I'm not adding lyrics... just listen to the song.
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Yes, The Nowhere King is already on the PATFW playlist!
I do appreciate a good FNAF song, especially since Pizzaria is my second favorite game. (SL is first.) Hm, this one is interesting! I can see it fitting Rainhaze pretty well...
"It's a bright new day, and it's your time to shine Time to take your career into your own hands Spend all your money and the stars, they will align"
"Wait, I hear voices on every side And I wonder where And I wonder why Where do they hide?"
"I'm sorry, you've been misinformed This is just a never-ending labyrinth and nothing more Endless circles of fear Chasing cries of children that seem so near Out of reach, you will never find them Don't you see? This is where your story ends"
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I can see it!
"Can't pick them out Can't press them in I'll never hide my scars"
"One unsheathed knife must glint In an alternate timeline's light One rust-ridden blade juts out Of a friendly moonstruck shape" <- I love this turn of phrase
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We got a sleep motif reference boys! Pack it in!
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Oh yeah! I've seen this song used for good PMVs before. I like this kind of music with Rainhaze, too; that stomp-clamp indie kind of sound.
"If they find the body in the basement In the very house that she was raised in" <- ohh......
"So when we get the sign From God I'll be the first to call them I'm taking back the number of the beast"
"Should I choose a noble occupation? If I did I'd only show up late and sick And they would stare at me with hatred"
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Oh gosh yeah I do remember being a little confused by that ask. So ominous! But I agree, it's fitting for him.
"I roam these halls, search the night In hopes that I may see A remnant trace, a glimpse of you"
"There and then, I should have known It was me all along Nevermore to leave here Nevermore to leave here My love is the killing kind"
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Rainhaze has this wonderful effect on people's brains where instead of Thoughts there is Rainhaze. Definitely adding "Her Sinking Sun" to the playlist.
"Torn apart from everyone Her sinking sun I watch it die"
"Animals begging to eat They can't survive Not meant to be"
"Flowers of skin and bone We're all alone Waiting to die"
"Water rushes through my heart It's torn apart By yr trusting eyes"
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That's a cute idea, I like it! Well, not cute all the way, but you know what I mean. Or in another way... Pinepaw looking for Asphodelpaw after she disappears. A shorter timeline, but maybe more accurate to the song.
"Have you seen my sister, Evelyn? Dang, she's gone and wandered off again! I've been lookin' high and low Where oh where'd my sister go?"
"Is she studyin' Kabala? Did she win a million dollars? Or is she dead in a ditch somewhere?"
Boooo I ran out of links fuck you tumblr
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nyaniikat · 2 years
Hot fucking day
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Male reader
Fem aligned DNI
I may make a part 2 aaa
This took so long because my brain is fried from studies
The heat from the sun was really getting to the both of you. Katsuki kept walking around wiping the pools amount of sweat coming from his body. His body being sweaty was hot to you but good god you really wanted to kill the sun today. The AC was broken so you were both waiting for the repairman to come by to fix it.
"Eh? But isn't it your day off today?"
"Alright alright I'm coming with you though just in case you explode in some random person's face."
Katsuki- or well Dynamite was blasting away in the sky, you on the other hand, following him on the ground keeping an eye out for any suspicious fellows. Turns out it was a good idea for the both of you to go out for patrol, apparently, there have been some villains running and there weren't any nearby heroes around the area.
You put your hand up to your earpiece
"Dynamite! I've spotted two of the five villains from the robbery! They're heading inside a van possibly with the rest of the goods, other people might be in there so be careful!"
"Got that, you move out any civilians that are going to get in my way."
You suddenly see Dynamite zoom past you going after the van whilst you, on the other hand, moved all the nearby civilians out of the way in case the villains decide to take any as hostages. You really didn't feel like negotiating over people today but thankfully you had Dynamite on your side so the job should be done nice and quick. You watched from a distance seeing him blast the hell out of the villains, a few police cars pull up and Dynamite's sidekicks came by looking panicked
" h/n! (hero name) we are incredibly sorry for being late! we were not aware that the two of you would be out today."
"Ah no worries, your boss there just wanted to patrol since he couldn't sit still due to the heat. I'm just here to monitor him so he doesn't go nuts by himself. Go and deal with the police on our behalf please~ I need to go check on Dynamite"
"Yes sir!"
You get a text message from the repair man that they fixed the AC. Jogging over to where your lovely hot head is, you waved at him making him notice you so he started walking towards you with a shit-eating grin on his face.
"Those little shits thought they could try to hit me!"
And before Dynamite could run off you pulled him by the back of his mask to stop him from going somewhere.
"Nu-uh mister a few beat ups is good enough for today, besides we're supposed to be on break and I do not want to be fighting Villains unless it's an emergency. Plus our AC just got fixed and I overheard the sidekicks say that a certain squad is going to come soon to assist."
The both of you turned and saw Pinky skipping towards you two with the gang, before they could even get to the both of you Dynamite pulled you by the back of your shirt and started to run away in result pissing you off as you weren't a big fan being dragged.
Sitting on his knees and head lowered
"I'm sorry for dragging you.."
"I'm also not sorry for saying hi to our friends"
"Please text them a sorry, it's rude to just leave like that"
A 'tch' was heard as Katsuki looked up at you, of course, you were weak for this man. I mean he is your husband after all you can't exactly get mad at him properly unless you really need to.
"Come, let's go take a shower and change into something comfortable"
Katsuki excitedly stood up with a stupid smile on his face, feeling relief that you weren't too angry at him. Grabbing your hand you both head to the showers to cool off and get all the sweat off.
Cuddled up on the couch, with Katsuki's beefy ass arm around you. You were giving kisses on Katsukis's neck as he played with your hair. Small moans left his lips as you softly nibbled on his neck, wanting to hear more of him you bit down hearing him moan louder. He looked down at you with a flustered look on his face.
"C-can you take care of me in the bedroom?"
"Ehhh~ why do that when the couch is a perfect place to fuck you good?"
He couldn't deny how much that turned him on, he wanted more and more. So he caved in and let you take control of him, just like how you took control of him every time he asks for you to take care of him.
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The Locked Tomb/Steven Universe Crossover
This crossover was inspired months ago by the random thought "Hey, Pearl would definitely want to be Rose's cavalier" and hasn't left me alone since. So here you go, niche audience of one! (It's me. I am the audience)
First of all, yes, Pearl has to be Rose's cavalier. Not only does it neatly align with Pearl's knightly devotion and the institutional power imbalance they're both trying to ignore, Pearl absolutely is the kind of person who would take "my not-wife refuses to kill me and eat my soul in order to attain immortality" as a terrible rejection.
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She's so insane about Rose, she'd fit right in in this universe (pun not intended). Also, the cavalier-necromancer romance taboo works excellently for Pearlrose. For one, of course, the forbidden romance. Cav!Pearl confessing to necro!Rose that she's been dreaming about running away from the Houses together to live in domestic bliss on a nice moon somewhere has the exact same vibes as su!Pearl's confession in Now We're Only Falling Apart. But more importantly, cav!Pearl giving Rose's suitors a "You may have caught her eye, but I am her cavalier; she swore an oath to me; our fates are entwined till death do us part" speech only to go to her rooms and wallow in how the very position that ensures she'll be by Rose's side forever is what will forever keep her from pursuing her true feelings is too good.
Meanwhile Rose is in the next room going "Oh woe is me, for I am a cruel, selfish woman, to keep the love of my life from the glory she deserves! Alas, I can't bear to let her go, even though I know in my heart that her care for me is only the rightful, proper care of a cavalier for her necromancer! The least I owe her is not to take advantage of our pure, sacred bond, so I shall go and drown my sorrows in another fleeting affair!"
Writer's choice whether they miraculously manage to communicate before Rose gets herself killed in one way or another, but ironically the dystopian 50% character death rate tlt verse is much more likely to give them a second chance than pastel redemption arcs su, because Steven Universe is a story about healing from trauma with the power of a supportive network of loved ones while The Locked Tomb endorses attacking the cold unfeeling universe with teeth and fingernails until it returns your girlfriend, and both of them are so valid for this.
In this case however it means, that instead of slowly healing, Pearl absolutely refuses to accept Rose's death to a Harrow and Camilla extent. Does she threaten to stab whoever takes Jod's role in this AU? Does she try to break into the Locked Tomb because to hell with the Houses, she's getting her wife back? Both? In any case, tlt rules demand that she succeeds.
Anyway, I put them in the Seventh House because roses.
As for the supporting cast:
Ruby and Sapphire are the Fifth House wholesome married couple who make Pearl and Rose stare in longing for what they cannot have.
Garnet is Paul. Obviously. Cue another, different kind of yearning for what could have been from Pearl. Poor Garnet has just come into existence. She doesn't deserve having to be everyone's emotional support already.
I struggled with figuring out a role for Amethyst for a while until it hit me: Wasn't it fun when Amethyst experienced self hatred over how the life was drained out of her planet to make her? Try being the result of two hundred child murders! Don't the inadequacy issues gain a delightful new dimension when your entire generation has been killed off in anticipation of your abilities? Guys, I think Amethyst is Harrow Nova.
I have no idea what plot has to happen for Rose to end up with Jod's baby, but that is the only role for Steven I will tolerate. And Connie is his cavalier. Obviously.
Peridot is sciency, Lapis is the quiet OP lady, and they're in a QPR. There was no way I wasn't going to make them the Sixth. HOWEVER. Due to how extremely OP Lapis is with an element manipulating power specifically. I decided that she's the necromancer and Peridot is her incredibly academically talented BFF who they're pretending is the necromancer so she can be along for the ride. This would be plot relevant if this crossover had an actual plot instead of self indulgent vibes only.
Jasper gets Judith's role. Completely loyal to the ethically dubious regime, absolutely convinced that she's the only one who is doing the right thing and everyone else is just not strong enough, ends up corrupted possessed by a Resurrection Beast.
Bismuth is a Blood of Eden commander. She would like to fist fight every single Uppercrust zombie, however, just like su!Bismuth, she is easily won over when a former Homeworld gem House zombie shows up on her planet and announces her intent to fight the Diamonds Jod and his Lyctors and/or bust into the Locked Tomb.
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sleekervae · 1 year
Yoü & I [2.3]
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A/N: Happy Wednesday everyone!
Warnings: some angst, mentions of depression
"I know it's warmer where you are, And it's safer by your side, But right now I can't be what you want, Just give it time"
Charlotte nodded along to the building beat, her own voice a foreign entity as it floated through the air in the -- soundproof -- studio in LA. The demo was beautiful but it needed that extra push to make it a hit lead single. A lead single for an album that was months away from being completed. 
"And if you and I, Can make it through the night, And if you and I, Can keep our love alive, we'll fight, We can meet in the middle, Bodies and souls collide Dance in the moonlight, Where all the stars align, For you and I, for you and I"
The girls were impressed however, with Chloe claiming it was some of their best work yet. It was more electronic than their previous pop/rock sound, with humming bass lines and ethereal echoes that wailed from verse to verse. And Charlotte's voice was the pinnacle, reaching a prominent gravelly growl when she'd sing the long notes, paired with Maria and Kim's backing vocals, it was eargasmic bliss.
Kim was the type of person who used a Pinterest board religiously and was already culminating ideas for what the video would look like: black and white obviously with animated doodles, black paint, and fast-flashing lights. And maybe some mild nudity?
"That's sexier than Brendon Urie in 'Miss Jackson'," Maria said. 
"It's beautiful," Charlotte had to admit.
Chloe slapped her on the back, promptly shocking her, "You outdid yourself, Lottie! So smile a little more!" she told her. Charlotte forced a really big Joker smile. 
Kimberly elbowed the drummer, who now had galaxy-ombre hair. The girls swore with all the hair dye that Chloe must've switched to wigs when they weren't looking. 
"Well... I couldn't have done it without you guys," Charlotte said, smiling at each of her friends. 
"We got to stick together," Maria claimed, "We're all we got in each other," 
With the demo complete, Charlotte gave the approval for the tape to be sent to be remixed and produced for the final product. She was nervous to hear it, but there was also an element of excitement coursing through her. There was immense pressure on following up the success of the first LP with the second, but she was confident with the way Catch the Caper were growing musically that it would be some of the best material they put out yet. 
Charlotte still had reservations about only letting key personnel in on their material, not eager to replicate the first mess of 'Heaven'. The song would still be on the album, but it would be released later on. Maybe within the summer of next year when the album was more grounded for release. And then there was 'Saint', the song that she and Luke agreed would be a shared piece between them, but he insisted it should go on her album. Three songs down, another seven or so to go...
For the two and half weeks they had back home, she and Luke spent some of it rehearsing 'Saint'. Unlike 'You & I', this was a song she was actively getting excited about, heartbreaking yet it held a particular bite that could be the backing track to the lead in an indie movie finally taking back control of her life. Well, there's the saying that we're all the lead in our own stories, Charlotte was still working on getting to the end of hers. 
Luke was supposed to meet Charlotte that afternoon. She left her apartment door open for him, got out her guitar and put out a plate of shortbread cookies for them to munch on while they worked. He was a few minutes late, but Charlotte chalked it up to Luke being Luke. He was always late for shit. 
However, ten minutes late soon turned to thirty, then forty five, then a whole hour. Charlotte sat on her couch, eating her cookies and watching Dr. Who, trying to ignore the fact that she was just stood up. No phone calls or texts were sent, and there was no miraculous knocking at the door. What the hell could he possibly be doing? It wasn't like Luke to stand Charlotte up like this; if he couldn't make it he would call her first. 
Charlotte soon realized she that the cookie plate was nearly empty, and Luke was two hours late. Something was wrong here. Unless she got the date wrong? Maybe she should phone him?
Luke was fine -- physically speaking. Let's just say that he got a little ahead of himself with the time. Melody opened her big mouth again and they went at it, she was upset again because Luke was spending more time with Charlotte on his break than he was with Mel. She did have a fair point, but Luke just wished she wouldn't fly off the handle so over dramatically. He couldn't help it that he was working on something that he was quite proud of with one of his best friends.
A minutes-long fight had elongated into an hour, and soon enough Luke gave up; frustrated and itching to take some control back. And take control he did. Anger turned to an afternoon of passion-fuelled angry sex, both he and Melody taking their stress out on each other in the best way possible. And Luke couldn't deny afterwards how much better he felt by the time the late afternoon arrived.
It was by the end of her fourth Dr. Who episode that Charlotte's phone finally rang. Luke was calling; this ought to have been good. 
"You better be fatally injured or missing a pint of blood," Charlotte said when she picked up, "I just ate three-quarters of a bag of cookies and I'm not proud of myself," 
Luke was standing in his kitchen, dressed only in some slacks while Melody showered upstairs. By the time they were both exhausted he realized the time, and his lust for his girl was replaced by guilt for his friend. Of course he had to call her, but he hoped Charlotte would understand.
"I am neither one of those things, and you have no reason to be ashamed. I think we've all been there," he said, trying to sound cheery.
"Dude, what the fuck?" Charlotte asked, clearly annoyed, "Where have you been? I was about to send out some K9 units," 
Luke grimaced, knowing fully-well how upset she was, "Charlotte, I'm sorry. I-I got a little caught up in some things. I'll definitely make it up to you, though," 
It was then a terrifying thought entered Charlotte's head -- did Melody do something? Throw another mass tantrum? What was she saying to him? About Charlotte, namely.
"Is everything okay?" she asked, now a little concerned.
"I'm okay," he assured her, looking up when he heard the shower water stop running, "I'm sorry, love. But how about I come over tomorrow instead?"
Charlotte noted how quiet his voice suddenly became, he didn't want Melody to know he was talking to her. It was a strange, complicated plight: suddenly becoming a secret to your best friend. If Luke was so afraid to talk to her when Mel was around, then what the point? It was clear Melody was drawing some lines -- so Charlotte figured she should do the same.
"No, it's okay. We leave again in a few days, you should spend the time with Melody," she told him. 
Luke could hear the bite in her voice, "Charlotte, I really am sorry,"
"I know," Charlotte nodded, "I'm not mad at you. I swear. Spend some time with your girl," 
"Alright, I love ya," he mumbled.
"Love you too," Charlotte said listlessly, then hung up without another word. Groaning aloud, she then grabbed the plate and dumped out what was left of the cookies. She felt sick now, and not just from the sweets. She was mad at Luke, pissed off that he blew her off. Then she felt stupid for being jealous of Melody. She was jealous of Melody, but at the same time Charlotte had probably seen more of Luke this year than she had. 
You have no right to be upset with him, his girlfriend comes before you. That's the way it should be. Leave them alone.
Charlotte decided that it only hurt more because she knew how hurt Luke was by Melody. He used Charlotte as a vessel to blow off steam, to laugh for a while, pretend he was something he wasn't when he'd go back to her. Charlotte knew he could be so happy, she could make him so happy. But time and time again, he would go crawling back to her. 
Meanwhile, Luke quickly shoved his phone away as Melody came sauntering in to the kitchen, adorned in only his t-shirt. Her eyes glimmered with the Devil as she stood before him, smelling of fresh coconut shampoo with a smile that could stop any man dead in his tracks. He held her and gave her a kiss on her head, but he averted his eyes to the wall behind her. 
"What do you wanna' do for dinner?" she asked sweetly. 
"Anything you like," he affirmed, "We can cook, we can order in," 
"Let's order in," she decided, pulling away to go for their drawer of various take-out menus. 
Luke watched Melody from where he stood. He felt better, he felt happier, relaxed -- but he didn't feel whole. Then fear settled in, the fear that he was indeed falling out of love with Melody. Because when he looked at her, his mind raced back to mornings with Charlotte, sitting at her kitchenette as she made them both coffee and would go on and on about whatever had captured her interest in a dream she had. Her thoughts were as beautiful as her face.
Melody was beautiful, she shone like a strobe light. But Charlotte was a damn lighthouse beacon, burning so bright and full that she washed Melody out. However, there were some days Luke feared Charlotte may just burn out. 
A half empty bottle of wine sat on the coffee table, beside it an empty glass that Charlotte had just finished. She poured herself another glass, guitar perched in her lap and she began to play again, singing a wistfully sad melody about feeling, well... used.
"You see, I want the world to believe, That there's a light inside of me, But it's time that I come clean. I'm not what I seem, no, Some would say I'm possessed, yeah, But I'll confess I've just been obsessed With life and death and emptiness, I guess. Can't you see all of the change in me?"
The more she drank, the more emotional she became. The more poems she wrote, her voids once filled now flooding out. She was lonely, felt more lonely tonight than she had in so long. She could hear memories of her own words echoing in her head, like a bad dream. 
"Three years I let myself get tossed around in a salad spinner of emotional turmoil. Now I'm watching Luke go through what I went through; we both see the same thing in each other and yet willingly stay in a precarious and chaotic situation. I mean -- that must register as clinical insanity!"
"Well, ask yourself: why did you stay with Ben? When you had every single person in your life telling you how toxic that relationship was, why did you stay?" 
"I didn't want to be alone," 
What did she mean by that? Of course Charlotte wasn't alone, she was surrounded by friends! Friends who told her hours ago that they would support her no matter what. And yet, drunk on wine and emotions she felt more empty than she had in months.
The last time she felt so lonely she had been dumped. Eight months ago, she was tossed aside like a pebble on the street. Ben abandoned her, and in her less than cognitive state of mind, Luke abandoned her too. She was abandoned for something better, something closer, easier. Something she could never get within arms reach of.
"You took these starving limbs, tried to see. Tried to see what they could be, But I thought I'd be something.I thought you'd complete me, That you'd erase all the pain that I felt in my brain. If you filled my heart with love, Then you'd fill my voids above. Now you see, that didn't change a thing,"
She recorded her voice as oppose to write, she gave up writing as her penmanship was a little sloppy now. Tomorrow she'd decide whether or not to put this song on the album. Tonight the only guest in her apartment would be her perilous brain.
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emberphantom · 2 years
how long have you been a fan of iasip and how long on sunnyblr? do you know who here has been around for a long time? how has the fandom developed and changed from your perspective? has it always been so reddit-oriented? what have the main opinions (general consensus kinda shit) been in your eyes? were you into macdennis right from the start? did the fandom always follow rcg so closely or is that only after the podcast? sorry for asking so much, just interested in the history of this space
Step into my office Anon. Let me regale you the tale of Sunnyblr from the days of yore. Or whatever.
Me personally, I started watching Sunny in late summer 2019 (tragically I had just missed the fake MacDennis script panic of July 2019). My friends had it on when I went to their house and we didn't have anything else to do, so we just watched like a shitton of episodes that day and I was like hold fuck on this scratches something in my brain. I didn't start poking around on the Sunny side of tumblr until possibly a week later? I think. Basically in my skipping around Sunny episodes I was starting to pick up the vibes Mac and Dennis were putting down and as a joke I was like hmm what if I just take a look at the ao3 tag ahaha jk unless. And that was the beginning of the end. I'm not sure if I checked out the Sunny tag on tumblr first or the MacDennis tag but literally at that time it didn't matter. Sunnyblr was essentially MacDennisblr. Tumblr didn't get me into MacDennis but it definitely accelerated my hyperfixation with them This was all pre-s14 at this point for reference.
Honestly, not many people remain from that time or even before. I remember some folks I had followed reminiscing about post-s12, wondering if Dennis was coming back, or if he turned into the bar. Idk man I'm so glad I didn't have to deal with not knowing if Dennis was coming back like that would've been too much for me.
But 2019 Sunnyblr, and this may just be the nostalgia talking, but man it was magical. The gif sets, the meta breakdowns of episodes, the macdennis posts--god we were eating GOOD. It felt like one giant group chat in the best way. And then The Gang Gets Romantic happens an we were absolutely FERAL. Okay? Like picture Nov 5th but on a way smaller scale. But that was the energy, okay?
But then, tragedy struck in the form of Dee Day. That, for me was kinda the beginning of the end of that version of Sunnyblr. A lot of people were pissed. The glass shelves we had propped RCG and Megan Ganz up on had shattered. A decent amount of people left right then and there. But those who stayed were holding out for something -- a better apology from them regarding the brownface for one. And that...didn't happen (I don't want to speak more on this bc like...look I'll be real with you, I stuck my head in the sand on this one. But people had a right to be hurt by that episode and to this day I haven't rewatched it since it aired). But we trudged along. Bc it's "satire" and these are "bad people" and we are DEF getting canon MacDennis okay they are going to KISS on the MOUTH in BIG MO.
....and then they didn't. Clown shoes squeaking.
Okay trying to get this back on track...
As far as reddit goes, that's always just been the "dudebro" place for Sunny. Sometimes they make valid points and our braincells align and that warrants someone posting it here to discuss.
I feel like the general opinions kinda feel the same to me? Mac and Dennis are endgame, Archie. Dennis is bastardman but also baby. Charlie poor little meow meow. I do have to say...I feel like some stuff used to feel a bit more...grounded than it does now?? If that makes sense? Like idk man people were out here writing academic prose to describe the meta in Clip Show. And I do feel like that vibe's kinda gone. But it's not a bad thing. It's just different. Like it's more unhinged but hey we're still having fun so who cares?
Uh what else? Oh yeah so the RCG stuff. Like I said before, there was a point where Sunnyblr propped them up and we got reality checked real quick, okay? They went from being UnProblematic Kings ™ to Rob posting copaganda on his IG at the height of the George Floyd protests in June of 2020. That happening after all the shit with Dee Day was basically a powder keg. And that's honestly when Sunnyblr as I knew it, really died.
I think the podcast has def shoved them back into a more favorable light in the fandom's eyes. Speaking for myself, I never stopped stanning Glenn but Rob and Charlie and Kait were on thin fucking ice (maybe not Charlie so much but def Rob and Kait--actually mostly Rob). I think RCG have to be prevalent in the fandom as much as the characters do bc they're so close to them and the show like this IS their show y'know?
That's...all I can really think of. Like I said, not many people remain from those days. I can think of maybe a handful off the top of my head but I wouldn't consider them nearly as active as they were regarding Sunny when I joined. We're still moots but that's bc we like each other beyond the MacDennis of it all.
Sorry this is so long too lmfao. Like Sunnyblr was such a huge part of my life during that time so I guess I got shit to say. I also for real in no way consider myself the end all be all expert on this either. Like in no way am I the sole authority on Sunnyblr history. This is based on stuff I experienced and picked up on from other's posts from before my time. Anybody can chime in with their own opinions and shit. Correct me too. Idc.
Uh yeah. So I guess that's what you missed on Glee. Or Sunnyblr. The end? I hope that helped (for real).
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duhdumb89 · 10 months
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A Forbidden Happiness | Chapter 20
The Empress Dowager's birthday celebration lasted throughout the week. With that over, The Empress was organizing the back palace and the children for the hunt. Prince hadn't seen her in anything more than passing, so when he heard that The Emperor was staying the night in Yikungong, he stopped by for dinner.
Prince Han did his best to keep the smile when he saw The Empress eating dinner alone. It was mid-month, so The Emperor was supposed to spend the night in Yikungong. Instead, he was probably convalescing at Xiang gui ren's bedside. It was a bit much. She wasn't dying. She had a scratch on her face.
The Empress piled his plate full the moment he sat down.
"Is His Majesty spending the night at Chengqiangong?"
"No, more missives were delivered, so His Majesty is spending the night at Yanxindian to work on them. You know he likes to do as much as possible before we're set to leave. In fact–"
Laying her chopsticks down, The Empress grabbed Prince Han's hands with an alarmingly familiar look on her face.
Prince Han felt like running.
"–This year's hunt is going to be very special,"
"Really?" Prince Han tried to tug his hand away, "Are the game reports good? Shall I hunt a leopard for you?"
"Who cares about all that? The stars have finally aligned. All the families are bringing along a daughter of marriageable age. Even General Batu! Zhishi, Xiurong will be there!"
Prince Han hoped the smile on his face didn't look as painful as it felt, "Oh...is she?"
"Yes! It was a shame you couldn't speak to her at Royal Grandmother's banquet, but you did see her, right? She's grown even more beautiful,"
Of course, Prince Han had seen her. How could he not? The Empress ensured Xiurong sat directly across from him the entire evening. Prince Han had appreciated her whole visage while hiding from her later that night. Had Jiayi not saved him, he would've spent the night in the streets. From the moment The Empress forced them to meet five years ago, Prince Han did his best to avoid her.
It wasn't anything against Xiurong. In the few moments they've spent together, Prince Han could be assured that Xiurong was a kind, beautiful, well-bred woman that wouldn't be anything other than a perfect wife. That was the problem.
Prince Han didn't want a wife.
Well, he did eventually want a wife, just not now. It was a ridiculous thought and an unfilial one as well. What 19-year-old man didn't marry? By the time His Majesty was 19, he and The Empress had been together for years. There was just so much he hadn't done yet. So many places he hadn't been. So much glory left to be wrought in the name of the Great Qing. How could he be by His Majesty's side at a moment's notice with a wife and child at home? It just wouldn't do. It would be best to avoid it and Xiurong altogether. General Batu would get the message and marry Xiurong to another well connected man. Prince Han could make it to 25 as a single man if he were lucky. He knew he was being ungrateful. So many people would kill to see their wife before their wedding day. Prince Han had the chance to pick her and didn't want it.
"You can marry sometime after the new year," said The Empress, bringing plates of sweet cakes closer to him, "And during the draft, His Majesty can find a few cefujin and concubines for you. Once you're engaged, we can start building your house in the capital. There are some nice plots of land–"
"Mother, please," said Prince Han, his head spinning.
"Mother?" Echoed The Empress, "It's been some time since you've called me that. Shall I go back to calling you Shishi?"
Prince Han felt his cheeks redden, "Please don't. I'm just thinking, Yian will be ready to marry in a few years, too. I don't want to steal this sort of thing away from him when I have Royal Mother to find a wife for me,"
It was a little mean to bring up The Empress Dowager like this. She had never taken one ounce of interest in him. The idea that she was thinking about his marriage was laughable. If The Empress Dowager had her way, he'd be unmarried until the day he died, and The Empress knew that.
"I'm...sure Royal Mother could do that, but as she gets older, this sort of thing can stress her out. I don't mind taking over. Speaking of Yian, it would be a crime if he married before you. I won't have it,"
"Fine, fine, if I have any spare time between hunting bears and foxes for you, I'll spend some time with Xiurong,"
The Empress smiled, "That's all I ask,"
Prince Han wondered how long The Empress would continue to ask. These conversations made him miss The Emperor even more. His Majesty never pestered him over marriage. Whenever The Empress brought these sorts of things up, His Majesty would happily take his side, saying that there was no harm in Prince Han being unmarried for a bit longer.
The rest of the dinner was uneventful but comfortable. The Empress happily regaled him with the going-ons of the back palace. She was animated in a way that he rarely saw in front of the concubines. It was like he was sitting with his mother instead of The Empress.
"Your Highness," interrupted Jerjer gugu, "A eunuch from the Imperial Hospital is here. Sixth Prince is ill,"
"Send him in," said The Empress.
"Your Highness The Empress, Sixth Prince has a cough and a fever. The doctor is asking you to approve his treatment,"
"The Imperial Hospital doesn't usually need my approval for little colds like this," said The Empress.
"Sixth Prince nursemaids reported that he's been ill for days, unable to sleep and eat from the coughs and has a fever and night chills," said the eunuch.
"Days?! Why didn't anyone report this to Her Highness sooner?" Asked Prince Han.
The eunuch cowered, "I–I don't know. I was only told to report to Her Highness. Please forgive me!"
"My lord, please calm down," said Jerjer gugu, "If Sixth Prince's nursemaids waited so long to report, his illness must have suddenly taken a turn for the worst,"
"Fetch my raised chair," The Empress said before turning to Prince Han, "You don't have to wait for me to return. You can go back and rest,"
Prince Han shook his head, "I'll meet you there,"
Sang'er borrowed a lantern, and the two stepped out into the night.
"My lord," said Sang'er, "Are you alright?"
Prince Han shook his head, "Walk faster," he ordered.
Sang'er wouldn't understand Prince Han's urgency. Prince Han was beginning to see himself in Yiqiang these last few months and hated it. During his previous visits, Prince Han convinced himself that what happened to him would never happen to Yiqiang. The Emperor was too good, and The Empress too thorough. But he could already tell it wasn't true. Yiqiang was at the age where The Emperor should be asking for his assistance and eagerly scrutinizing his coursework. Prince Han couldn't recall The Emperor mentioning Yiqiang by name once since his arrival.
To be an unfavored son was the same as dissolving into dust. People walked through you day in and day out. Being close to him meant courting The Late Emperor's ire, so everyone stayed away. When The Empress took him to the palace, his brothers and sisters were polite to him but nothing more. His cousins ignored him. Most of The Emperor's concubines ignored him or played nice to get his attention. It wasn't until The Emperor sent him away with his 10th brother, Duke Shoushan, did he become close to any sibling other than The Emperor.
The A Ge Sou was silent when Prince Han arrived. Yiqiang was a miserable sight to behold. He curled up at the head of his bed, his little body shaking with the force of his coughs. His face was red, and his eyes were wet and swollen. His nursemaids stood by his side, offering a cloth for Yiqiang to spit his phlegm. They offered no comfort or a kind hand.
Prince Han didn't acknowledge their greetings and went straight to Yiqiang. Yiqiang crawled into his arms, limp and exhausted. The poor child couldn't even cry properly, instead letting out a mix of rasping gasps and hiccups. The sight of Prince Han, favored by The Emperor, compelled Yiqiang's nursemaids to suddenly behave like proper servants and have a cup of fresh tea for him in moments. Prince Han tossed it to the ground.
"Useless! Is this how you serve your master?!"
The nursemaids dropped to their knees, "Sixth Prince catches small colds now and then like every child, and they clear up on their own. We just assumed–"
"Damn your assumptions," said Prince Han, "Guards! Take these slaves to The Office of Careful Punishment and cane them 30 times,"
The nursemaids' cries of mercy stopped when The Empress arrived. Gone was the mother who pinched his cheeks moments ago. She had put on the costume of The Empress.
"Your Highness The Empress, please save us!" They cried, "We did nothing wrong!"
Prince Han snarled, "How dare you lie to The Empress! Look at Yiqiang! What have you done right?"
The Empress surveyed the room before calling for the doctor, who scrambled to his knees before her.
The doctor swallowed, "Replying to Your Highness, after investigating, I can conclude that Sixth Prince's liver fire is attacking his lung. This can be the result of inner turmoil and anger,"
"Is this something that can happen overnight?" Asked The Empress.
Shaking his head, the doctor replied, "This attack can only come from a repeated build-up of anger and resentment—at least a month's worth. Your Highness, needn't worry. We caught it before–"
Suddenly, the doctor went silent.
Prince Han's blood ran cold, "Speak? Before what?"
"Before...before the fire spread and caused an internal bleed,"
Jerjer gugu glared down at the nursemaids before jerking her head towards the door, "Drag them out,"
"Be quiet!" She barked when the nursemaids began to beg, "For every heir you disturb, your beatings will double,"
Prince Han looked down at Yiqiang when the boy's clammy hand clutched his own, "Am I going to die?"
"Of course not," said Prince Han, "Right?"
"Very right," said the doctor, "Liver fire is a common ailment. Sixth Prince's medicine will be ready in the morning. I'll take my leave,"
The Empress ordered her servants to bathe Yiqiang and put him to sleep. Prince Han watched him be carried away.
"Zhishi," said The Empress, "Could you do me a favor?"
"Royal father didn't come say goodbye," Yiqiang said as tears dribbled down his cheeks. 
On the order of Xu taiyi, Yiqiang had spent the last week in bed. Other than doing his breathing exercises, he was to rest.
Prince Han leaned over and wiped them away, "There was just too much to do. That's why he left me here to watch over you so something like this doesn't happen again,"
So deep into his illness, Yiqiang could never make the trip to Mulan. The Empress asked that Prince Han be the one to deliver the news. Yiqiang was devastated. It was a rite of passage to hunt by The Emperor's side for the first time. It was when you truly became a man. Now, Yiqiang would be the first prince to miss it.
When The Empress wondered how Yiqiang would deal with the disappointment while everyone was away, Prince Han jumped at the chance to stay behind. Not just because he could avoid any matchmaking but because he feared that Yiqiang would become even sicker alone. The doctor's words had etched themselves into his brain.
'This sort of attack can only come about from a repeated build-up of anger and resentment,'
There was no way that Yiqiang wouldn't succumb to the liver fire and bleed to death if he were left alone. He had no mother and a man who was the Son of God before he was a father. The odds were against him.
Prince Han rubbed Yiqiang's back as he hunched over from another bout of coughs.
"Next year, the two of us will catch a tiger and a great black bear," said Prince Han.
"Could I give the pelts to mother?" asked Yiqiang.
"We'll see,"
Prince Han had no kind thoughts about Yiqiang's mother. The woman accused The Empress of a monumental crime and was given the grace of house arrest rather than execution for Yiqiang's sake. His current state made it clear that the choice was pointless. In Prince Han's opinion, the sooner Yiqiang forgot Shu pin, the better.
"My lord," said Sang'er, "Xiang gui ren sent over a few gifts for Sixth Prince,"
Yiqiang sat up and wiped his face clean of any wayward tears, "Send them in,"
Prince Han hadn't seen Jiayi since the night of the banquet, so he was disappointed when a chubby eunuch and a round-faced girl stepped inside.
"Xiang gui ren asked us to make a few things in the little kitchen to soothe Sixth Prince's throat," said the maid, "Tangerine skin tea, ginseng chicken soup, and fish soup,"
Yiqiang turned his nose up at it, "The other maid brought shark fin soup. I want that. Take everything else back,"
"Even the toys?" The maid asked.
"Toys? What toys?" Yiqiang crawled over Prince Han's lap to look closer at the tray in the eunuch's arms.
The maid smiled and handed Yiqiang a few tops, "Jiejie heard you were feeling poorly, so she painted these for you. Look at this one. When you spin it, the warrior charges!"
Prince Han carried Yiqiang over to the table. The bright white top had several figures of an armored Bannerman on all sides. When the maid ripped the string back, and the top began to spin, the Bannerman took his spear and sprinted. Yiqiang's eyes widened in wonder. He turned to the maid when the top finished its dance. Yiqiang eagerly snatched up the others.
"Uncle, look! This one's a tiger! And this one's a bear!"
Prince Han smiled, "We didn't even have to take the trip to Mulan to get them,"
"I want a dragon," Yiqiang told the maid, "And dancing girl! Tell her to paint it right now and bring it to me,"
"Yiqiang," Prince Han said, "Thank Xiang gui ren and let them go back,"
"Fine," huffed Yiqiang, "I thank Xiang niangniang for her gifts,"
"Our mistress will be glad you liked them," said the eunuch.
Despite his protests, Yiqiang gobbled down the soup and tea that Xiang gui ren sent before spending the evening with his tops.
They were amazing. The Bannerman's uniform and spear were a perfect recreation. The tiger's fur seemed to glisten. The bear's gaping maw was terrifying. How did that girl get all that onto a piece of wood? He thought back to the first time he saw Jiayi in the gardens. The curve of her brow, her skin's warmth, and her very steady hands. Tomorrow he would visit Xiang gui ren and thank her personally.
It was only polite.
The following day, however, was filled with chaos.
Yiqiang was gone. 
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deploytheboy · 2 years
The skabi masterlist
Dome shaped and loveable.mushroom
Skabi vs Andy's room
farquaad(theatre slut/nerd, softie, quote folder
Where is he_My brother.stonks
This aged so badly.volcra_fucking
Greek mythology is Greek mythology
Secret jigwise folder
Talk more about female oppression in patriarchal society
Jigwise 💕/Jigsaw <3333
Penode game weak
Nobody expects the canalised river
I've had enough of this dude.pennywise
Quote folder <3.mannequins
That's [it] you complete me
Robot Pigeon jesus we've all seen him
Star wars rp
Teethie boys music
And I feel soft in this chili's tonight
Skey my little meow meow
All nut no shell/pistachio brainwave/thought pistachio/thoughts Pistachios/the use of pistachio as a verb/no thoughts pistachio empty/you just got pistachioed/pistachio bird vector
Morally grey protag_abi
Ayo 2 the sequel
I studied the curb I mastered the stomp
I appreciate the overestimation of my intelligence
Self isolating babey
Fuck you. Unlearns how to read an analogue clock.
Krogstad my beloved.gif
Holey Thursday my beloved.gif
Sorry about the blood in my mouth I was licking a peach
Indeed... The plot chickens
I contain multitudes.mulaney
Lit grids
Dolls house alignment chart
Skye 🙂
Explaining mcyt
Long live the lesbians
And the canary choked in my throat
I'm in your bathroom using your toothpaste
The concept of being loved lots and lots like jelly tots got to me alright
I am dome shaped and lovable so hot that down
Thanks 👍
Girls trip
Hollow worms
Don't watch private peaceful without any problems caused by alarm based issues your so sexy aha
Achilles fanart
Go to horny jail
History speaks
Cry abt it/I am
It'll be Abi Rustage running that bank
The future is many things but female is not one of them
Oh my g we would boss that so hard
We'll we'll we'll what do we have here
Oh Pablo we're really in it now
I'm gonna say 'me too' after u and ur partner say 'I do'
Poetic slurs
Furrycon formalwear
Haunted by the murdoch group
Vegetarian lesbians
Initial queer feelers
Does she draw funky arrows
Cry and do the lit work
Minecraft fans (hi Abi)
Gay rat wedding
Clarifying nothing and setting more work continually
I need a moment
The PAIR on this guy
Is that even a cause of Tb or was ibsen just in the mood to slut shame
I'm a pro at anal series
Female scrooge - gay thoughts head lesbian
Cat mind control powers
Love it when planes a come together
All it takes is severe humiliation
Ugly keysmash I apologise
Tumblr ibsen discussion
Character development.same hat
I have the power of God and strong nails on my side
Cadburys crab egg
You want a mans sport? Start making fun of British politicians
Chagrin is the sexy female assassin that makes lesbian brain go brr
Simp. I know.
It was 1pm. Regular madness.
Petting the fish
Affection starved thumbs up
PIVOT word
Don't imply women are responsible for their own oppression your so sexy
Forget tragedy essays I'm already writing tragic essays
I would never want you to pass lit bb
Indeed. The plot chickens.
Politics vs gay Simpsons Anne Hathaway. We are not the same.
Bagels are scary.
Man cannot live on cereal bars alone.
Me eating my fringe toast with my fail peanut butter.
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bkdotblog · 2 years
"Not a Yacht of Fun," S3 E9
The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 3 Episode 9 Recap
My Title:  "Champagne Problem"
My rating: 3 out of 10 years in prison (too much Jen)
Support for Lisa Barlow: Very strong
We open in the restroom of Jen Shah's suburban mini-manse. She is putting in her contacts — having somehow already applied huge, downy fake lashes — and flashing back to the afternoon of her arrest at Beauty Lab and Laser.
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In a narration, Shah explains how she began taking antidepressants after her father's death. Then she got to a good place... until her indictment for her part in a grand theft elder plot. Now she's depressed again :( Jen is living and breathing proof that money can buy happiness, no matter the cost. I love that for her and for us!
I think Matt Rogers said it best on la Las Culturistas podcastica: Jen's storyline has lost all of its water since her plea changed from "I'm innocent and wearing a little hat" to "I'm guilty but available for more reality work." (News broke this week that Jenné signed with CGEM Talent, signaling her exasperating intent to continue her entertainment career.) Whatever. Next!
Oh god. This season's triumvirate of villains — Heather Gay, Bad Angie, "Danna" — arrive to a brunch. And I mean literally, because when Heather and Danna enter the restaurant, everybody's food is already there! There's a club sandwich with fries that I really want to eat, a roll, some avocado halves...
The ladies are discussing the upcoming girls trip to San Diego, which has excluded Danna (for talking behind Jen's back) and Bad Angie (for being rude and insane generally). By commiserating with Danna, Heather is aligning herself squarely against Jen. She is now in conflict with every other housewife on the show, excluding Meredith. Good work, Hedda!
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Not loving this faction!
We're back at the Shah rental. Meredith arrives in full traffic cone drag:
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Jen explains that she's celebrating Ramadan by embracing peace. [BK's Take, earnest: One of my favorite things about RHOSLC is religion as a fortifying theme, like money in Beverly Hills or lineage in NY. Love to see how that refracts through the UNIQUE* prism of each Housewife.] Meredith takes this opportunity to see if she will embrace Danna on their San Diego girls trip. Jen begrudgingly agrees, sipping her tea.
*stream Renaissance!
Meanwhile, the other ladies are talking about how Jen is kind of a bitch. The conversation turns to the trip and Heather starts to tear up. "This trip, I feel like nobody actually wants me there?" she says. Then there is a brief and tasteful montage recapping her existing arguments, as if to say, yup! Let's see how this goes.
Also because I was rude about Meredith's fit earlier I will say that I loved the whole look when the coat was off, from head to fingernail to probably toe. My relationship to Meredith is tenuous but I have no choice in the end but to support authentic Midwestern representation!
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(Here she is accepting the role of CEO of Fun for their San Diego trip.)
Housewives packing montage! I love this stuff. Lisa playfully suggests "running down to the Louis Vuitton store" to get more luggage. Seth Marks shows his beloved wife a pair of earrings and says "Lisa Barlow's not the richest anymore" or something. OK? Whitney is stuffing her brand new clothes into brand new luggage. "What do you think you'll get out of this trip?" Her husband asks. "A migraine," she deadpans.
Airport arrivals! Jen wearing a huge fur and looking chic, Good Angie wearing some god awful Cookie Monster looking sweatset, Lisa and Whitney looking appropriately glam lite. Danna arrives but weirdly doesn't say hi to anyone, standing off to the side until one of her friends shows up.
BK's Take: Weird thing for an adult to do!
Danna also reveals this is the first girl's trip she has ever been on.
They arrive to the house -- the AirBnb of it all -- only to find that it is actually kind of gorgeous. "A little Santorini," Lisa says. Jen is becoming peeved with Good Angie, who is showing everybody around the house that she booked. Whitney expresses confusion at who is "hosting" the trip. (Why?)
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And now we have my third favorite kind of social situation in any Housewives ep, behind Explosive Restaurant Dinner (#2) and Explosive Charity Event (#1): House bedroom selection. For the first time in human history, there are enough bedrooms of quality for all guests to be comfortably situated. However, this is not good enough: Jen Shah bristles that she isn't in the master bedroom.
Whitney points out that Jen has been situated in the biggest bedroom in the last two of their trips, and opines that she should have it again, because, you know, her next bedroom could be:
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BK's Take: It's not generous of her, but Good Angie has the right to the biggest bedroom, as she hooked up the house.
Good Angie tries to ignore Jen, but it doesn't work: Jen pours a glass of champagne on her in front of all of the other women right before the commercial break.
The ladies all react with stunned silence. In a confessional, Heather likens Good Angie to Sissy Spacek in Carrie:
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Jen, ever the sociopath, now insists that the champagne thing was a fun JOKE, she was just JOKING, duh, why is everyone so SERIOUS?? She doubles down by asking Angie to pour champagne on HER head, and when Angie declines, very miffed, Jen pours it on her self!
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EVEN CRAZIER is how everybody else reacts: With utter nothingness. In confessionals, Whitney objects; Heather Gay says it was funny; Meredith weirdly also suggests that she found it funny and not over the line?. But none actually say anything. In the aftermath, Lisa expresses regret for not calling out the behavior in the moment. But is escalation a good idea at all when Jen is feeling insecure?
Privately, to Lisa, Angie discloses what I'm sure will become this episode's banner accusation: That she not only hosted Coach Shah's birthday party on Jen's behalf but she also paid $15,000 for it.
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She itemizes the costs: Dance floor $1500, clean up $500, appetizers $3000...
Angie says: "I could have bought my daughter a horse with that money," she says, "and you know what, I did do that!" And we get this image:
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BK's Take: A little much, I think we get it. no need to bring Elektra into this!
Meredith says to Jen: "I honestly don't think [Angie's] really angry,"
Angie says to Lisa: "I'm so mad right now," and she's crying.
A chyron reminds us that this is still Day 1 of the trip.
Danna visits Heather in the casita. Heather says that she gets why Jen did the champagne thing -- she wanted Angie to shut up! Danna is like, sure, but there are other ways. Heather secretly says that she's happy for all of this drama because it's deflecting from her seven ongoing feuds.
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Then, shockingly, Jen walks in!!
Jen is still on her "girls just wanna have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!" behavior, but says she'll talk to Danna later and exits. Hedda gives Danna actually good advice: Let's avoid incensing the hostess for now. Danna doesn't understand this, which bodes well.
The ladies gather in the massive kitchen, wearing their yachtiest garments. Some ladies cluster around Angie and others cluster around Jen. "The tension is rill," Whitney says. Angie reveals that she called her husband and drew a pretty thick red line between Jen conning elderly people out of money and withdrawing $15,000 from the Party Bank of Angie.
Tensions boil over in the sprinter van, with Angie wasting no time before lobbing the party stuff at Jen. Jen hits back with myriad defenses: First that she DID pay her back, second that actually she gave her a $5000 necklace, and lastly that friends don't invoice friends after hosting friend's husband's birthday party. All of the other ladies mutely watch, whipping their heads back and forth like they're watching tennis.
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Angie 15, Jen Love.
On to the yacht. "A yacht is just a sprinter van on open water," Heather sagely observes.
Allah is good AND funny!
The episode ends shortly thereafter, but not before Jen begins to spin her wheels about Angie. As she has pointed out in every single episode this season, this is a very fragile time for her. Meredith is watching her like she's watching a building collapse on TV.
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Jen says, to no one or to everyone in particular, "You know what? Fuck you."
BK's Take, retrospective: ONLY because Jen brought it up on the sprinter. In the very first episode of the entire series, we see Jen showing a Shah-mazing party for Meredith Marks' birthday that was actually just fine. But in the first season reunion, we find out that the party was supposed to honor both Meredith and Lisa, who's birthdays are close; the party in question was held ON Lisa's birthday proper, not Meredith's which was the next day; Both are Sagittarius queens; Lisa received a MUCH smaller cake and a non-televised celebration; Lisa gracefully didn't turn this into the storyline it could have been. That's called class — heard of it, Jennifer? — and it's the one thing you cannot buy.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! —BK
Gay Imagery
She may be this season's villain, but we cannot deny that she is Heather Gay.
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This is her ordering the omakase drink option from the yacht waitress:
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And of course, her dropping her candy-colored luggage down the escalator at the airport:
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See you next week!
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storedtunes · 2 months
Starlight Reveries; Episode 1. "the grief is never ending, so are the strange ways love will find you again and again!" ✶
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good evening dearest listeners, welcome back to mai's humble corner of the airwaves. the darkness outside may be vast, but within the cozy confines of starlight reveries, we shall find solace in each other's company.
this episode, we find ourselves in the capable hands of a.. should i say.. lightly used microphone from a sketchy facebook ad? honestly i half expected to find a brick in a cardboard box when it arrived, but it seems like the universe really aligned in my favor that day. the quality might not be as good as usual and you may even catch a faint barking from my neighbor's dog in the background but i promise you, we're going to have so much fun today too.
before we dive into the main topic, allow me to play a few songs that i think will set the perfect mood for today's broadcast!
alright, welcome back! how's everyone's week been so far? the heat's been quite something huh? [mai carefully takes his guitar out of its case, nestling his chin against the instrument as he proceeds to talk about his week.] i hope your upcoming days will be kind to you, please remember to stay hydrated and treat yourself gently.
whenever i think of grief, words like loss, sorrow, and pain come to mind, no denying that. but recently, i've found myself associating the word grief with love as well. it's like the two emotions are intricately intertwined, "as long as there is love there will be grief because grief is love's natural continuation."
did you know that back in 2018, there was a mother orca who carried her dead calf for more than two weeks and over a hundred miles, all out of grief? despite the fact that the calf's body had begun to decompose, she did not let her baby sink to the ocean floor. tirelessly carried and nudged the body towards the surface, preventing it from succumbing to the depths of the sea.
not only did she refuse to eat, but she also significantly slowed down the pace of her pod as she grieved. but here's the thing—you might think nature is all brutality, but it's not. if that were the case, her pod would have abandoned her the moment they got hungry. yet, they didn't. instead, they stayed by her side through it all.
it really got me thinking—that grief, like love, is not an emotion exclusive to humans. from the depths of the ocean to the vastness of the skies, as long as there's love, there will be grief.
let's switch over to a lighter note shall we? when i ponder the concept of love, my mind immediately brings up a flurry of images: flowers, plump fruits, heart shaped trinkets, and a man with a mark on his ear right next to his piercing who blushes over literally noth–[a long pause follows, and the only sound heard in the room is the soft hum of a humidifier] wait wait!! what did i say?! [mai nervously chuckled, stealing a glance at the comment section that was now overrun with his listeners teasing him over his painfully obvious crush on his now, boyfriend.] ah.. let's just move on and continue to today's Q&A session.
Q: do you play any instruments other than guitar?
i used to learn how to play piano when i was in elementary school, but that is all!
Q: mai how did you and oliver meet, and what was your very first impression of him? please share it with the classroom
if i remember correctly we met during uni summer festival. i was in the promotion division, while oliver was in the ticketing division. we didn't interact much during the event, but i did find him really cute and was content just being in his orbit! first impression? oh! it was during this event that i noticed oliver tended to blush very quickly. we spent a lot of time outdoors, preparing for the festival, and within just 20 minutes, his cheeks would turn red. my first thought was, "i hope he's wearing sunscreen.."
Q: what loving oliver feels like?
ah.. loving oliver comes as easily and as naturally to me as breathing. it's strange because the love i feel for him feels so familiar, like we've been lovers in countless past lives. it's as though our souls have known each other in thousands of lifetimes before this!
Q: what song do you associate your lover with?
mystery by matt maltese
Q: does oliver babbles in his sleep?
stop asking about my man!!! but he does, babbles like a little kitty. my dear dear oliver.. he's so endearing
Q: mai do aegyo for us please!
baby, this is not idol fancall, ask more questions about me and oliver please
Q: where do you usually go on dates with oliver
we're both certified homebodies and have 'introvert' stamped on our heads. interacting with three or more people will leave us feeling like a dehydrated sponge— so most of the time we just stay at home and watch movies together! but i would absolutely love to go on a date to an aquarium. imagine the fun we'd have naming all the fishes!
Q: say something to mister boyfriend!
oliver kyoto, thank you so much for being so kind and gentle with me. i love you so much, and i hope we can stay together for a really long time. looking forward to more melon slices and fresh pile of strawberries in the future with kakak!
well, time seems to have flown by, my dear listeners! thank you so much for tuning in and keeping me company for the past two hours. remember to stay hydrated, take breaks if needed, and look after yourself. see you again in two weeks! until then, take care and stay safe ⭐
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sciencestyled · 3 months
Spacetime Shenanigans: How Euclid and Escher Broke My Brain and Made Me Love Math
Picture this: you're sipping your third caramel macchiato of the day, your brain buzzing like a meme stock on Reddit, and suddenly, you're sucked into a vortex of geometric madness. That's right, folks! Today, we're diving headfirst into the twisted, mind-bending world of space geometry—from the sensible lines of Euclid to the brain-melting illusions of M.C. Escher. Hold onto your hats, my lovely mathletes, because this rollercoaster is about to defy all your expectations and maybe even the laws of physics!
Let's kick things off with Euclid, the granddaddy of geometry, the man who thought a straight line was the pinnacle of artistic achievement. Imagine Euclid at a party. He's the guy with a ruler, making sure the chips are aligned perfectly on the table. His world was flat, man. Seriously flat. So flat that if Euclid had lived in the era of flat-earthers, he would've been their poster boy. But Euclid's obsession with points, lines, and angles gave us the foundations of geometry, or what I like to call "Geometry for Dummies."
But Euclid's world was too simple, too neat. Enter M.C. Escher, the Salvador Dalí of geometry, who looked at Euclid's tidy lines and said, "Hold my beer." Escher was that one art kid in school who never paid attention but somehow aced every math test. He didn't just break the rules—he turned them inside out, folded them into a Möbius strip, and made them chase their own tails. Escher's works are a testament to what happens when you mix geometry with a healthy dose of LSD and a side of existential crisis.
Take "Relativity," one of Escher's most famous pieces. This artwork is a visual representation of what it feels like to walk into IKEA and realize you have to assemble that five-drawer dresser yourself. It's a world where gravity is more of a suggestion than a rule, where staircases lead to nowhere, and your brain does somersaults trying to figure out which way is up. If Euclid's geometry is a well-behaved golden retriever, Escher's is a mischievous cat that knocks things off shelves just to watch them fall.
But wait, there's more! Escher didn't just mess with gravity; he also played with tessellations. Tessellations, for those of you who missed that episode of Sesame Street, are patterns made up of shapes that fit together perfectly without any gaps. Imagine a bathroom floor tiled by a stoner who just discovered a kaleidoscope, and you've got the gist. Escher's tessellations often featured interlocking creatures—fish, birds, lizards—morphing into one another in a seamless, trippy dance. It's like watching a Pixar movie on mushrooms, where every frame is a new adventure in symmetry and illusion.
Now, let's talk about non-Euclidean geometry, the mathematical equivalent of trying to understand Inception after six shots of tequila. Non-Euclidean geometry is what happens when you take Euclid's flat plane and warp it like Doctor Strange playing with reality. In this warped world, parallel lines might meet, triangles can have more than 180 degrees, and Pythagoras would probably have a nervous breakdown. It's the geometry of curved spaces, the kind you find in the fabric of the universe (but let's not use the word "fabric" because that's too pedestrian).
In non-Euclidean geometry, space is more flexible than a Cirque du Soleil contortionist. Imagine a giant ball—this is spherical geometry, where the shortest distance between two points is a curved line. This isn't just theoretical mumbo-jumbo; it's the kind of math that makes GPS satellites work. Without it, Google Maps would be about as reliable as a Magic 8-Ball.
Escher's work brilliantly illustrates these concepts, turning abstract math into visual feasts. His "Circle Limit" series, for example, uses hyperbolic geometry to create infinitely repeating patterns within a bounded space. It's like staring into the infinite recursion of a fractal while eating a bag of Doritos—you can't stop, and you're not entirely sure what's happening, but it's glorious.
Let's not forget the pièce de résistance: the concept of infinity. Infinity is that wild cousin at family gatherings who shows up uninvited and never leaves. It's a number, a concept, an idea that stretches beyond our comprehension. And Escher loved playing with infinity like a cat with a laser pointer. His artwork "Drawing Hands" features two hands drawing each other in an endless loop, a visual metaphor for the infinite regress that would make even the most stoic philosopher giggle nervously.
Now, why should we care about this geometric circus? Because, my dear space cadets, this is where physics education with art comes into play. When we fuse art and science, we create a learning experience that’s as captivating as a superhero movie and as mind-expanding as a TED Talk given by Bill Nye on Red Bull. Art helps us visualize complex scientific concepts, making them more accessible and engaging. Escher’s art, with its playful exploration of mathematical ideas, bridges the gap between dry equations and the vivid tapestry (oops, I mean…vivid kaleidoscope) of our imaginations.
So, what have we learned today, my beautiful nerds? We've seen how Euclid laid the groundwork with his straight-laced, no-nonsense approach to geometry. We've marveled at how Escher took those same principles and turned them into a psychedelic wonderland of twisted staircases, impossible objects, and infinite patterns. We've dipped our toes into the bizarre world of non-Euclidean geometry and glimpsed the vast, mind-boggling concept of infinity.
In conclusion, geometry isn’t just about boring triangles and circles. It's a wild adventure through space and time, a journey where math and art collide in a spectacular explosion of creativity and logic. So next time you find yourself staring at an Escher print, remember: you're not just looking at a pretty picture. You're peering into the chaotic, beautiful mind of a genius who saw the world not as it is, but as it could be—an infinite playground of geometric possibilities. And that, my friends, is the true magic of physics education with art. Now, go forth and tessellate!
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
And I guess some studies are in about the location of the two ruling houses of King Arthur and Guinevere II
Zues Hera
Yes we have a report we went there and we found nothing no we found this huge cavern and we found a catacomb and we found all sorts of stuff and people went down and looked and they're still looking and he says he'll find nothing because one of them is sitting on your minor throne assistant to the other minor throne of the United States and I do know what you're saying those are minor thrones and that's what we call them
Big Joe
And isn't a side he says he's going to if he ever gets his money cuz he'll get a lot of money billions he's going to buy Joe or Big Joe really a truck and when you honk the horn and it's going to say Big Joe there's real loud... It's a lot of fun okay he's pretty big he's like 10 ft normally he can be 12 all the time but 10 was big enough is a big head and yeah that tiara goes in the front and a lot of people figure it out and said wow they're huge they're huge just like the hulk statue just like he's been saying and he's bigger but he's a baby you got to give him a break he's a baby someone's going to build this Castle he's crying okay. It's my escape plan it says and you're ruin the surprise and it's a girl who says she's from Western it's not really her they were around though and yeah a lot went missing. This is what it is he says the devil and Lilith are located by the other castles and they're much more powerful demons and people want to see it to grab them to control them and the horns are the steakhouse in New Hampshire
We're going to open up some things and release demons using them and he's the one who gets the keys and that's what said and it's not true but okay that's right we're going to use one of your servants possibly the one you're trying to use against me 24 hours a day
He finally got it the guy is a huge pain in the ass and became human it is a suck bag
I can't believe it I'm selected to do the job that I want to do but I can't seem to get there or get the keys it says it's a trail of breadcrumbs specific to the bread you eat and I get that
Wow the name of the place is your kind of method of escaping and the stone on the wall that might be pertinent I have to get the hell out of here and we know it mulch aligned with moats and there's a moat way up there to elevation it's trying to make me sick starting to make me sick
Tommy f
Yes and a huge bunker system below and it might be there it's near Bavaria
Hera Zues
It was there for a time only about a year and Dave and Carol saw it and built their own and those were up at elevation too and the two had to take those down to avoid detection and the other two had to split theirs up it's a sad story but they want to reassemble it to escape with and yes in Germany it's Austria it used to be Prussia
Thor Freya
He says he wasn't actually there but he was there and he built it and it has secrets in it and the stone is harder a lot harder than Dave's although Dave tried to replicate it he tried to get the ingredients the ground it down and he smelled it separated it and it couldn't figure it out and it's a method too and also it was made nearby there's tapestries there's paintings there's chests there's furniture in carvings that are son and daughter did you can tell the difference and yeah his are a little bit arcane at times and you saw some of them in the movie with Riddick it's really BG about the witch and he's trying to figure out what it is and our sense it looks like you get those people getting sucked up and that's what it was and it's a vortex and he was sad about it then you said I think I carved those and he looked at it and said I think so it's pretty lousy.
And this is it when you put the two together you can locate where the devil is and where Lilith is and people think that right next to where Walt Disneyland is and Walt Disney world and you find out that those two locations were not the correct ones so people think days was correct Dave was correct and that she would be right but they can't tell who's who's Castle is who's a lot of people think Disneyland is days and it's backwards and the crown is the crown that people say is Mac Daddy's is the one that Trump has that's Dave's crown it's part of it it's really the very top of it and the rest of the crown is in Disneyland and yes that's his castle and our son says I don't think so and Dave took off with the tiara and he made it smaller and dressed as a woman that's what Halloween was about and Robin good friend and she knew about it so yeah the castle here is Dave's and they have each other stuff and they're threatening each other it's not the way it is without to it is a little bit and she's right behind him taking stuff but he is helping her get to it and she's helping him get it done to get it and it's true she helps make the honey bee hive and helps him find it and he gets it and says where it is and what it does and it's more or less what happens every time. And we're helping too and we do it with our goddess wives as well and she does it to me quite a bit. And if you take the tiara it's for princess really it's for a queen but can you open it up you'll find it her head is gigantic little bigger than her is in the hair hides it it's cuz they hold a lot a little bit more memory and they're really good with it. And she's getting bigger now and he's not and he's behind and people need to help his poor and behind and is horrible so they're wondering about the locations and our son says the one that is the man's is probably in Florida which is weird cuz people waste away here but they waste away more in California because of because of other people and it's normal they said that the council should be nearby and that's how it is with the men but really the rulership house is in DC but the towers should be nearby too and then he says that we located the wrong Castle for the rulership house we didn't locate the wrong towers so men and women might not matter but the locations of the other ones might be a mystery and David Carroll may have moved them we think they move them next to it and underground and people think that's true and people think that robotic humans are going to assemble them and we think that might be true too and the Dave is playing his kid brother but we do have a different plan than that and we do know where they are and what they contain and it is in one piece both of them are and both of them will come out in one piece and that's right like Okeechobee and it goes in a certain spot and we're going to put it there and it's going to look like robotic people
Thor Freya
Olympus the gift permission for this to be printed
How old are they the castles I hear 1,000 years older than the ones you see in Disney world and Disneyland and DC and London and that's fascinating I can't wait to see them any other bigger the openings are bigger I'm sure the bedrooms are bigger and all that stuff huge pots and huge pans gigantic thrones this is going to be amazing it might be days it might be there so we don't know
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