#and when i say i small group of people i mostly mean her father which that alone is also it's own meta tbh
wornkindness · 1 year
this is one of those things that deserves a much longer meta because it's been rattling around in my brain for ages. but there's a lot actually about tcw amelia struggles with, pretty much from the start. it only gets worse as the wars going on. she says nothing about it to anyone outside of a very select small group of people. one of them being her father. tbh she spends more time making sure everyone else is taken care of so they don't crumble under the weight of everything before at all looking to herself
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itsmewillful · 3 months
For Ever, and Ever {PART ONE}
Main Masterlist
Character Masterlist:
(Vox x fem!reader)
Word Count: 5725 (oh gosh, the prologue is gonna have a part two because i get too excited with leading the story on and on...*sobs*)
Outline: (PART ONE of the Prologue to I will Always Find You (IWAFY) This part introduces how Vox (Vincent Holland) and reader met. It includes a little bit of build-up, but most of all, FLUFF and your favourite ROMANCE! Vox and reader are two idiots in love fr.
(You don't need to read IWAFY to understand this story.)
Warning(s): Time-period typical sexism and racism (barely any but I'm still adding it just so you all are aware), bullying, and verbal abuse. Along with: Canon typical violence, language, etcetera. IF ANY OF THESE THINGS TRIGGER YOU, PLEASE DON'T READ. Also, it wasn't proofread, I stayed up too late trying to get this out so errors are possible!
A/N (PLEASE READ!): Reader is 16 in this story, and some things may not be time accurate. I also DO NOT CONDONE or SUPPORT to any kind of bad behaviour shown in this story, and any kind of possible mentioning acceptability of such things WILL BE BLOCKED from my account. Thank you, and I hope you respect this!
A/N 2:Also, don't feel shy to tell me what I can improve on! I love taking some criticism so I can work on my stories. And of course, feel free to share with me what you like most so I can get an idea what you all are looking forward to more.
Story below the cut:
It was the first day of High School.
Yes, High School.
You woke up rather early that morning all giddy and had a small bounce to your step when you descended your stairs after getting ready for school. Your mother and father smiled softly at your anticipation for beginning your next chapter in life, and you, of course, smiled back. 
You felt happy all the way until you stepped into the building, and immediately fell victim to them.
Some people would call them the ‘Highschool Pretty Girls.’ You just mentally called them ‘The Rich-Stuck-Up Pricks.’ Because they were literally that–rich and stuck up. 
You had felt rather confident that morning in your newly pressed sundress, that was rather expensive for your family’s minimum wage income. You loved it. A lot.
But now you wished you wore something else. All because the Rich Girls at the entrance of the school giggled at you and whispered to one-another not so discreetly about the new ‘fresh-meat’ that they were going to torment.
You held back some tears that were threatening to spill when you heard one of the girls giggling about how your complexion didn’t match your outfit at all, which of course was the needle that broke the camel's back and you began to feel tears fall slowly.
The ‘ring-leader’ of the group noticed your predicament, and began to wiggle her fingers at you in a faux wave, as if she was taunting you to continue crying. You huffed and turned hot on your heels and stomped away from the group.
No need to be crying over stupid brats. 
You looked at your timetable, and noticed your first class was advanced literature, which brought your sullen mood up significantly. If there was one thing you loved, it was reading and writing books. I mean–you tried writing books, but you mostly read them. Opening the door to your designated classroom, you noticed that there were already quite a lot of students seated. You looked around to find a place to sit, and noticed that almost all the desks in the far back of the room were already taken. Figures. 
You eventually settled for a desk closest to one of the middle-row windows, and smiled when you realised that the view was perfect to zone out to. You began to shift through all your belongings, and pulled out a simple-spiralled notebook and a pencil. 
“Hello neighbour!” 
You looked up from your notebook and noticed a girl with a dark-skin complexion smiling and waving at you with pearly-white teeth. You smiled weakly back, and attempted a wave. To say you were shy was an understatement.
The girl seemed to notice your quietness, and found that as an opportunity to scoot a bit closer to your desk to introduce herself.
 “The name is Carly Burns. I’m new to the area and I’m trying to make friends. What’s your name?” She held her hand out to you, and you shook it gently. You felt your palms get clammy from nerves, and smiled awkwardly when she wiped her hands on her dress. 
“Sorry,” you mumbled. 
“‘Tis fine! It’s a collaborative effort. I’m sure my hands were the sweatiert ones. Not gonna lie, it’s really humid here. Most be all the boys.” She snickered.You smiled at her attempt to relieve some of the tension, and you said your name to which she repeated with a smirk.
“Nice name for a nice girl! Can’t wait to get to know ya. Say, are you doin’ anythin’ for lunch?”
You shook your head, and her smile seemed to get bigger.
“Great! My sister, her boyfriend and her boyfriend’s brother are all gonna be there. Which will be great for you since you seem to be a wee bit shy.” 
“That’s a mouthful. Also, who is to say that I won’t shrink away when they try talking to me?” you asked meekly. Carly’s charming laugh rang in your ears, before she waved you off as if you said something ridiculous.
“I doubt it. You seem to handle me just fine. And I’m the most talkative.” 
You nodded your head, and looked back up towards the front of the classroom when your teacher entered the room.
“Yoohoo! Over here!” 
You turned your head to your side and noticed your newly acquainted desk-buddy, Carly, and a couple of other teens you didn’t recognise. You smiled shyly and began to tread the short distance to their table. 
“Hey, how was your third period?” you asked, mostly directed to Carly. She smirked, and held her hands up to give you a thumbs-up, to which you nodded. 
“So, I already unofficially introduced you to my friends, but you are yet to know them!” She pointed to a girl that was sitting gracefully beside her. You knew that was Carly’s sister from noticing how similar their smiles were. It looked very mischievous.
“This is my twin sister, Ava.” She then pointed to a boy sitting across from her, and you learned that his name was Troy, and the lucky boyfriend of Ava. The last person to be introduced seemed to be too busy scribbling away in a notebook to care of your presence.
“And this wonderful fellow is Vincent. Who seems to be too preoccupied with writing ‘fanfiction’ to care about meeting you.”
As soon as the word ‘fanfiction’ fell from Carly’s lips, the teen immediately looked up from his book and glared at her.
“For the record, Miss Burns, it isn’t fanfiction. You wound me. It is my own, and completely original script.”
“Oh you’re right. Maybe an ‘adaptation’ to your favourite movie then. Anyway, don’t be a prude and ignore our new comrade. C’mon now, say ‘hello’ to her, Vinny.” Carly said, examining her nails as if she didn’t care for this ‘Vincent’s’ lame cover-up. (He actually was writing a fanfiction of his favourite murder-mystery by the way.)
Vincent rolled his eyes before he slammed his book shut and looked up to make eye-contact with you. His sapphire blue eyes seemed to pierce yours, and you felt tempted to look away to break his uncomfortable gaze. To say he was handsome was an understatement. This man was drop-dead gorgeous. Curly dark hair that framed his face perfectly, and he seemed to have a slight obsession with the colour blue since his outfit mostly consisted of the shade. 
But, he's also kinda–scary? His eyes seemed to hold some sort of pent-up anger. Whether it was directed to you or not, you were hoping he wouldn’t lash out at you.
“Hey! I’m Vincent. What’s your name?” He said, rather too casually for a guy that looked ready to find the nearest wall and beat it up.
You awkwardly stared at him, for you knew your name was already passed around the table twice now. But Vincent took your hesitation for something else and rolled his eyes playfully.
“Not much for words, aren’t ya? That’s fine I guess. I sometimes end up doing all the talking anyway.”
His brother burst into laughter, followed by Ava. Vincent raised a brow at their sudden commotion.
“What’s so funny to you two?” 
“Oh nothing Vinny, just that you’re so fucking stupid sometimes.” 
“Excuse me? Who the hell are you calling stupid?” Vincent said, with a tone of malice laced in his voice. Carly (being the angel she is) noticed the tension arising between the two brothers, and attempted to change the conversation to prevent a fight from happening.
“Enough you two! And Troy, keep your mouth shut if you’re going to swear. I won’t have a sailor courting my sister.” 
Troy immediately clamped his mouth shut, but his eyes still held intense eye-contact with his older brother. Vincent rolled his eyes at his sibling’s childish behaviour. 
“So, to answer the question you asked earlier Vincent; the lady’s name is y/n.”
Vincent nodded his head and seemed to repeat the words under his breath, before he stood up hastily and snatched his notebook off the table.
“Nice. Cool. Great to meet you. Anyway, I have somewhere to be. I’ll be right back.” And like that, he quickly shuffled away towards the exit of the luncheon room. That was kind of rude.
You raised a brow, silently asking Carly why he abruptly abandoned the table. She shrugged and motioned with her hands that he was ‘crazy.’ You giggled before slapping her hands down and telling her to be ‘nice’.
The clock finally struck 2 o’clock and you are sure you never abandoned a classroom so fast in your entire life. You would’ve kept up the pace if it weren’t for you running into a familiar group of giggling bullies.  
You swear your soul momentarily left your body.
“Well, girls look! Isn’t it our beloved new freshmen!” a blonde girl with bright green eyes announced to her group, with an evil smirk gracing her freckled face. Well, you’ll be damned. You have never wished the ground to consume you so much right now.
“Hey dear, where did you get that dress? The donation box?” Another girl with a slightly darker complexion than the blonde girl. The three other girls of the group laughed obnoxiously, and you felt tempted to cover your ears to block out their shrill voices.
“No, actually. I bought it. Unlike you. I bet you spent all your ‘daddy’s’ money on your stupid lace and petticoats. Actually, I also bet that you have never even made your own money!” you spat out rather aggressively. Your eyes widened after the words spewed from your mouth. Nerves do marvellous things sometimes. 
The blonde girl’s eyes widened when she realised you stood up for yourself. (Even though it was pretty much accidental) Her eyes narrowed down at you and she began to saunter up to you and practically forced you to take a few steps back.
“Listen here you little-”
“Aye! Got your wrinkled hands off my friend!” 
You tilted your head to the side and noticed that Carly and Ava were both there standing with their arms crossed.
“Wrinkled hands? You filthy little brat, you better take that back or else-”
“Or else what? You’ll have your dear ol’ daddy call the school and report us? You don’t even know our names, bitch.” Carly confidently walked up to you, grabbed your hand, and tugged you along with her. You nearly tripped over your own feet from how strong she yanked you.
“You’ll regret this! I promise you will!” the blonde girl shrieked at the top of her lungs. Her group of friends circled around her to ‘calm their princess’ down. And to top off her dramatic display, she let a few fake tears trickle down her face. Ava made a gagging noise at their exaggerated emotions, and her sister chuckled at her theatrics.
When the warm air finally hit you, you let out a breath you had been holding in from the stress of the previous encounter. 
“You alright there?” Carly asked, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.
You nodded your head, even though you weren’t sure you were alright. Those girls sure do know how to make you feel insecure. And of course, they just had to nitpick about your lack of excessive flauntering of wealth. 
Carly seemed to notice that you were in fact not alright, and she pulled you into a tight hug, which you reciprocated immediately. 
“Hey sunshine, don’t let those girl’s words affect you. They always find something to call out about you.” 
Ava eventually joined the hug, and you sighed happily, to which the other two girls giggled at.
“So, how about we three go out for some coffee or tea? I know I need some!” Carly announced with a beaming smile. Ava nodded at her sister’s idea, and you eventually joined in with the silent agreement.
“Great! I know just the place! I promise you, you’re gonna love it!”
A few weeks later, you found yourself settling into a new schedule. You wake up, go to school and talk to Carly and Ava anytime there was a free period. Once in a while Troy was with his girlfriend, and you genuinely enjoyed his presence. However, you barely ever saw Vincent, but you didn’t care much since he was a junior with his own group of friends that he had.
But that doesn’t mean you didn’t wish he was around. When you first met him, he seemed genuinely interesting, and he appeared to share a similar passion with you for reading. Or in this case, writing.
Which is why it surprised you one day when he approached you. You were outside sitting in the school’s courtyard, enjoying one of your favourite books, The Hobbit, when a shadow fell over your form. You looked up and your eyes widened slightly at the sight of a certain junior you weren’t expecting to see.
“Hey there Miss Shyness! Haven’t talked to you in awhile. How’s school been for you so far?” 
Your mouth hung open slightly at his simple words. Why was he suddenly interested in how school was for you? He chuckled when you seemed momentarily lost for words, and took that as an invitation to continue talking.
“Hey, we’re past the awkward introductions now! You don’t need to feel shy talking to me. Unless I scare you, then that is totally understandable. I mean–sorry?” He cringed at his sudden deplete in confidence, but lightened up a little when you giggled lightly at his words.
“You’re very funny, has anyone ever told you that?” 
Vincent smirked at your words and placed his hands on his hips confidently. 
“No, as a matter-of-fact. Most people tell me to ‘shut-up’ when I try to joke around. But alas, there is a first time for everything, am I right?” he wiggled his eye-brows suggestively, and you gasped at the hidden meaning of his words.
“Hey! You’re talking to a lady here!” you feigned disgust, to which he laughed at a little more.
“And a very pretty lady too. Mind if I join ya?” he asked casually. You felt your face redden a little bit, and you coughed to help relieve some of the tingly-ness from your stomach. His simple compliment for some reason made you feel as if your insides were turning into butterflies. You shrugged it off as lack of approval from people growing up. 
“N-no, I don’t mind. But I’m not doing much, just reading.” You anxiously babbled. Where had your remaining confidence gone? Stupid butterflies. Vincent shrugged at your answer and basically plopped down on top of you.
“What book are you reading?” 
“The Hobbit.” you answered, you felt the blush beginning to creep back into your face, and quickly turned your head away so he wouldn’t notice.
“I’ve heard lots of good stuff about it. What do you think of it?” he asked. Your face felt hot at this point, and hoped he didn’t notice it. Why was he interested in your opinion on a silly book? I mean, you were actually rather flattered by it, and not being teased for reading such things.
“I like it, which is why I’m re-reading it for the up-teenth time.” you said simply, hoping your wavering voice came across as confident to your friend. (Was he your friend? You weren’t entirely sure)
“Ah, well, can I read with you?”
“Can I read with you?” 
Your brows rose high into your hairline from his question. Was he asking for an invite to involuntarily spend more time with you? You were sure you were going to have a heart attack at this point.
“S-sure, why not.” You answered, swallowing thickly when he felt you pulse speed up slightly. You mentally scolded yourself for acting so silly. He only wanted to read along with you, so why are you getting all clammy from his simple gesture?
Maybe it’s because you truly have never had such an intimate moment with a boy before. You exhaled slowly to calm your nerves down, and nearly passed onto the next life when you felt warm hands graze against your back to pat you gently.
“There, there. No need to breath so hard. If me being close to you bothers you so you can just tell me to fuck off.” 
You shook your head vigorously, and your hair almost wacked him in the face. He chuckled at your actions and decided that you were alright with the close-seating arrangement. A beat passed, and you eventually found the courage to open the book and continue the entertaining story of Bilbo Baggins and the Dwarves.
“He did what?”
“He asked me if he could read along with me.” You replied to Carly once again. You both were currently in your bedroom, sitting on top of your newly dew-bleached blanket. It was a gift from your late grandmother for your eleventh birthday, and finally got around to unpacking it and bleaching it to safely wash. Carly absolutely loved it, and joked about taking it back home with her. And said female was currently staring at you as if you had grown a pair of wings and were flying.
“I heard you for the first time girl! I can’t believe he would do that though!” she practically beamed with excitement for your little ‘hang-out’ with Vincent earlier that day. You felt your ears turn pink from the memory, and Carly smirked when she noticed how hot and bothered you looked.
“Seems to me my little ‘princesa’ is in lovey-dovey with a certain Holland boy.” You groaned aloud in embarrassment, and instantly noticed your mistake when you didn’t immediately correct her of you not having a crush on him.
Well, damn.
Carly’s smirk turned into more like a wicked grin, and you shrank away into your pillows as if you could disappear into them.
“Ha! I knew it! You know, you were so obvious that you liked him when he first introduced himself. Hearts basically swirled in your eyes like one of those cartoon characters.” 
Your face was basically red at this point, and you felt too called out to even come up with a witty come-back.
“So” she trailed off mischievously, before winking at you and continuing her teasing rant.
“Whatcha think I should tell Mr. Holland about a certain little freshman’s crush?” 
You gasped and jumped on her to cover her mouth as if she was going to announce to the entire city your current darkest secret.
“You wouldn’t dare!” you cried. Carly laughed wickedly at your growing despair from the lack of control of the conversation. 
“You’re right, I wouldn’t. I am a strict follower of ‘Girl’s Code.’ Good thing Ava isn’t here, she tends to babble everything to her beloved boyfriend of hers, who most certainly shares things with said crush of yours.” 
You felt your eyes flutter shut in slight reassurance that your new little crush wasn’t going to be announced to anyone. Thank goodness Carly was a genuine friend.
“Anyway, speaking of the Holland’s, Troy’s turning 16 next week and we are both invited to his party he’s hosting. But just to make you aware, his parents are a little. . .intense.”
You raised a brow.
“What do you mean, ‘intense?’” you questioned, slight worry wavering in your tone of voice.
“Well, Mr. and Mrs. Holland are a bit of the ‘stuck-up’ upperclassmen, and don’t exactly appreciate their sons meddling with us ‘lesser-folk.’ Not saying you’re lesser than them! I just mean-”
“I understand.” you sighed heavily. “Please don’t tell me that-”
“Not to worry! Vincent and Troy are nothing like their parents. In fact, I betcha that their parents know little-to-nothing about their kids! They were both raised by nannies or somethin. Doesn’t matter though. What does is that they are both the sweetest, and not to mention, the most polite men I have ever met. Actually, Vincent seems to have a bit of an ego–but other than that, they’re both great!” 
You nodded at her words, processing them slowly and thinking hard about the new information.
Should you try to get with a boy who has (from what you gathered) silly (as in biassed-opinionated, and possibly sexist,) , stuck-up parents? You sighed heavily at the mental war, and smiled thankfully when a warming hand was placed on your shoulder to ease your growing inner-conflict.
“Hey old sport! No need for a mental breakdown! You can have one of those romantic relationships where you run off into the sunset from fear of the parents' judgement. Now I’m getting ideas for my own relationship–and I’m single!” She exclaimed, pure and utter joy in her voice. You giggled quietly and shook your head at her playfulness. You sometimes wished you had her ‘sweet-imagination.’
But now, the idea of running away was locked away in your brain.
The day of Troy’s birthday-party was finally here. You, Carly and Ava were busy in their bedroom getting ready for the big event. You had learned two days prior that the Holland’s birthday parties were more along the lines of ‘balls,’ which made your mouth drop in astonishment. How wealthy was this family?
The dress code wasn’t too complicated, but wasn’t too low-budget friendly either. But being the living angel like always, Carly had a spare gown for you to wear and you couldn’t be more thankful for. Some mending was required on the dress to make sure it would fit your form correctly, but other than that, it was perfect.
It was a flowy, white gown that had blue lace embroidered on the sleeves, neck and waist. To say you fell in love (a second time) with the dress was an understatement. 
After your small trio felt ready to leave, you both admired each other lovingly and shared some supporting compliments to one another to share the ‘confidence.’
“Damn girl! Vincent is going to trip over himself when he sees you walking in! A literal goddess is among us!” Carly said teasingly, and her sister verbally agreed happily, to which you blushed at thankfully.
The drive to the Holland Home wasn’t too long, and you gasped aloud when you spotted how large the house was. 
You knew the Hollands were rich, but not that rich.
“What does Mr. Holland even do to get this much money?” You asked, your eyes widened in disbelief of the large town-house that towered over you and your friends. 
“Mostly inheritance I believe. But their father is a TV show host or something. A lot of money comes from that, I bet.” Ava answered nonchalantly, to which you nodded in response.
You eventually found yourself in a ballroom-like area, and found that there were many sophisticated looking couples already dancing around with each other. There was even a live orchestra? What the fuck?!
Your eyes were close to falling out of your skull from how wide they were, but your internal admiration for the fashionable house was interrupted when Ava announced she was going to look for her boyfriend. Carly waved her off with some sort of remark about how ‘love-sick’ she was, before kissing her cheek and joining your side.
“So, whatcha thinking so hard about? Your face tenses up when you're having a mental spiral.” Carly said rather casually. Your eyes widened a little when you realised how easy you were to read.
“I’m just admiring the view. It’s not often when you’re in an upperclassmen’s house.” 
“Well, if all works out for you, you could be living in this house.” 
You gasped at your friend's comment, and felt your cheeks redden instantly.
“Carly Burns! You can’t say things like that!” 
She laughed loudly, and drew some attention from minglers that were standing near to you. You awkwardly smiled at one couple, when their eyes narrowed at you suspiciously.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself! It’s just too easy.”
“What’s too easy?” a familiar voice interrupts.
Well, speak of the devil and he shall appear.
“Hey, Vincent! How are you? Quite the party you have going on!” Carly said, forcing a more serious expression on her face, even though she was rather close to bursting into laughter.
You wished sometimes she wasn’t so ‘golden-retriever’ like in moments like this.
“I’m alright, Carly. And yes, it is a very extensive party, isn’t it?” He said, looking at you to see if you would agree with him. 
Aww, he wanted your input on things, how cute.
Your cheeks were burning again. 
You need to get a hold of yourself.
“Eh heh, hey.” you waved at him awkwardly, but smiled a bit more when he waved back with a smirk gracing his handsome face.
“Hey there, Miss Shyness! Glad to see you made it!” he practically beamed at you, and you felt your face burn even more from his soft gaze.
“I’ll leave you both to it! And Vincent,” Carly motioned him over to her, and he inched a bit closer to her side so she could whisper something in his ear. From the way his cheeks reddened a little, you could tell she said something that embarrassed him.
Eventually, she skipped off to find someone else to bother, and you were left all alone with (the love of your life) friend. A beat passed, and the silence was interrupted when he reached out a hand to you to take.
“May I have this dance, Miss Shyness?” He asked with a dramatic bow. Wow, how gentlemen like of him. You giggled mentally. 
But you felt your blood run cold a bit when you fully processed his words. You didn’t know how to dance, especially for an event like this!
“What’s wrong? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He answered, sounding a little bit disappointed in your indirect ‘rejection.’
“It’s not that I don’t want to. I really do. I just don’t know how to dance.” you answered truthfully, waiting for the possible rejection of him learning of the inconvenience.
“Remember what I told you a week or so ago?” 
You searched your brain, but couldn’t find anything from your past interactions involving dancing.
“I said,” he continued when he noticed your hesitation, “that there’s a first time for everything.”
Your eyes widened when the memory came back to you, and you felt your lips curl into a small smile.
“I’ll be honest with you, but I’m not that much of a good dancer myself, but we can still learn together. Please?” He held his hand out to you again to take, and you swore your heart was close to bursting out of your chest.
You took his outstretched hand, and shivered slightly at his warm and inviting touch. You looked up and noticed he was already looking at you and smiling brightly. 
What a handsome young man.
“C’mon, let’s go to a more quiet area.” He began to lead you through the crowd, and you raised your brow when you realised he was leading you to double-doors, which you assumed led to a garden outside.
“When you said ‘more quiet,’ I thought you meant a less crowded area.” You stated when you ventured out into a very-well kept garden. Vincent smiled at your words but continued to lead you down a path that had roses planted on the sides. 
“Nope. I meant it for real. Nobody can disturb our little ‘practise’ out here. Especially my…parents.” He trailed off a bit when he mentioned his overruling parents. 
The butterflies were back, but this time, ten-fold. 
Vincent once again noticed your hesitation, and took it as you being uncomfortable.
“Hey, if you don’t want to be outside with only me, we could go back-”
“No!” You cut him off, and your eyes widened at your own little outburst. Vincent didn’t seem fazed however, and took that as a que to grab onto your waist and pull you in closer to him.
Your blush intensified, and you were sure he noticed it now, and was thankful he didn’t call attention to it. He began to lead you in a simple two-step dance, and thankfully, no toes were stepped on yet.
After a small pause of silence, Vincent spoke up to you again.
“You look very lovely tonight.” He said softly. You looked up from the ground and made eye-contact with him. He had a soft smile etched onto his face, and you could feel your heart skip a beat from it. 
“T-thank you. You look quite dashing yourself, Vincent.” You stumbled on your words bashfully, but he paid no mind to your shyness, and in fact, found it quite cute.
“Of course. I spare no compliments with people I think are worth receiving.”
Your brow raised in slight confusion of his words, and he seemed to take that as you not appreciating his choice of language and he immediately back-tracked on himself.
“Sorry! That came out more rude than I meant! What I meant to say was a lot of people etch for compliments even though they don’t exactly deserve them. You are different. I-I. . .” his confidence seemed to dissipate immediately and it was amusing to you how you made him get nervous just from a simple expression.
His hands dropped from his waist and he brought them up to his face to cover his eyes in embarrassment. He groaned in self-pity and was inwardly begging for you not to view him differently after his little ‘word mix-up’.
You brought your hands up to his and pulled them from his face slowly. His eyes widened a bit when you both made eye-contact again. You smiled shyly at him, and his familiar smirk returned back.
“You are such a dork, Vincent.” You said with a flirtatious tilt of your head. You batted your lashes at him and he visibly gulped at your action.
“O-only for you.” He said softly, to which your eyes widened in shock.
“W-what?” Your voice wavered with curiosity of his words. 
Your question was answered when his hands reached up to your chin and pulled you into a deep kiss.
Your eyes widened in shock–you were kissing the Vincent Holland. Holy fucking shit.
Your eyes fluttered closed, and you reached your hands up into his hair and tangled them into his locks. He hummed lovingly into the kiss when you pulled on them lightly. Feeling a little too confident, he opened his mouth to leave an open mouth kiss on your lips, before he bit down a little too hard on your bottom lip. You groaned softly to the slight pain, but it was immediately forgotten when he sucked on your lip to ease the bite. 
“Vincent Holland, what the hell are you doing?!” a female voice shrieked, causing you and Vincent to immediately pull away from one another.
You both turned around and noticed a middle-aged woman in a deep-green dress standing there with her arms on her hips. And what a face she was making.
“M-mother, what a pleasant surprise?” Vincent awkwardly asked. His mother apparently didn’t like the answer and stomped over to and pulled him away from you.
“Why are you here spoiling your innocence with what looks like a lower-class girl!? Are you out of your damn mind?!” His mother screeched. You felt tears weld up in your eyes from the lack of care for your presence. How the fuck dare she treat you AND her son like this?
“Mother! You can’t say things like that!” Vincent yelled back, before he grabbed your hand and protectively hid you behind him.
“You’re an absolute disgrace to our family name if you decide to defend the girl!”
“I. Don’t. Care! This girl has shown more appreciation for my existence than YOU have in the past 17 years of my life!”
His moms mouth hung open in shock of her son's blatant disrespect of her ‘views.’ After a very tense beat of silence, she raised a hand as if she was about to hit her son, before she decided against it and brought it back to her hips.
“You have two choices here, Vincent, and I hope you choose wisely.” Vincent’s eyes narrowed on his mother, before he nodded his head to urge her to continue.
“You either drop the girl and keep a good view on our family name, or you go with the girl, and you're disowned and no longer recognised as our son.” Her features darkened as if she knew he would choose the first option and get her way. But the evil smirk she had going on dropped instantly when he backed away from her towards you.
“Why would I ever choose to be associated with you? You’re a psychopathic freak, and I’ll be damned if you get in the way of who I wish to be with! So I choose the second option, and I’ll be on my way now. Good-bye, Bonnie Holland.” 
And like that, he reached down and grabbed your hand securely, and led you out towards a back gate that led onto the busy streets of his neighbourhood.
What the fuck just happened?
Your face was still wet from your tears from the old hag’s ruthless insults and loveless verbal abuse towards her son. How does he deal with it?
You both continued to walk down the paved sidewalk that eventually led out to the busy streets, and you were sure Vincent could feel the sadness emanating from you in strong waves.
“I’m so sorry about that, doll. I wished you didn���t have to witness my psychotic mother’s temper.” He said, his voice wavering from equal dismay. You held back more tears from falling, and stopped walking to pull him into a loving embrace. He was stiff at first from the sudden intimate contact, but he eventually wrapped his own arms around you tightly. You raised yourself up a bit to give him a kiss on the cheek, to which he smiled at you for gratefully.
After your peaceful embrace ended, you attempted to lighten up the mood to invite him over to your own home.
“You hungry? I bet my mom has something we can chomp on left over at my ‘humble abode.’”
A small smile crept back on his face, and he nodded eagerly.
“I would love nothing more.”
Hand-in-hand, you both continued on your trek back to your home, giggling at each other happily.
Young love was truly magical.
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fox-from-fairytale · 6 months
Some of my personal considerations regarding Lilly in The Final Season.
⚠️ Warning: this is a long post ⚠️
Before going on I want to say that, while it's obvious that the teams working on the series must have changed for every season (or even in the middle of them), I have absolutely no idea if there are some people that were there for Season 1 as well as The Final Season. Each game feels different from the previous, and so I'm going to treat the writer teams accordingly.
While replaying these four games I was torn about Lilly's return. I did miss her through the other seasons, and I actually couldn't wait to see her again, even if I was aware already that the way she was written in the last one wasn't... the best, to say the least. This annoys me a lot because, as we see with what they have done with Clementine, AJ, their relationship and the new characters, Lilly's poor writing then clearly isn't due to the writers being incompetent, since they aren't.
Now I've completed the whole series, and while I do prefer the concept of The Final Season to Season 2 and The New Frontier (this is simply because of personal preference, of course; I do like all four games), it's also the one that disappoint me the most, and mostly because of what they have done with Lilly.
Long story short: not only I believe that the writers didn't understand Lilly's character, but that they didn't even try to.
First of all, I think they made her come back not because there is more to tell about her character (and there is more to tell about her; her arc didn't feel finished when she leaves/is abandoned in Season 1, and for what they have done with her, it remains incomplete), but because they needed someone who is still alive from The Season With Lee, so that they could make as many references as possible. I know that Christa was the other option for filling that role, and I don't know if they stated why they decided to go with Lilly in the end, but I wouldn't be surprised if they based their choice just on how much Lilly is (unrightfully) hated among the players and considered "crazy" by them; people can't deny that they must have easily put her in the antagonist's role since players already think she's one.
Honestly, what I hate isn't even the fact that she's the antagonist of this season (even if it does annoy me that this is the way they made her return, and maybe I'm "okay" with it simply because I'm used to her being treated like one). What these games have always shown with all their characters, Clementine especially, is that while this apocalyptic world can bring the best out of people, it can also (and more often) bring out the worst. Because of this, every single character of this game is morally grey, but while the male characters are often praised and in some cases their actions are even justified, what happens with the female characters is the opposite, Lilly included.
The players love to pretend that Lilly is some sort of "crazy evil bitch", but she isn't. In Season 1 she is a tough and strict leader of the motor inn's group, and she doesn't take any bullshit lightly, but why should she? They're in a deathly situation, and even a small mistake can cost their life. She's also the only one who took the responsibility to distribute food, but just because she doesn't want more mouths to feed it doesn't mean she'd survive at the expense of other people: she doesn't like that Kenny/and Lee uses a girl screaming in pain to keep the walkers at bay, and she doesn't want to take the stranger's supplies. Moreover, just because her father says or do something, it doesn't automatically mean that she is on his side, like she explains far from Larry. Speaking of which, regardless if her relationship with her father is idyllic or awful, losing him in such a brutal way, and when she firmly believes she can actually save his life, can traumatise anyone. She is left with nothing, the only family she had is gone, and then she loses the only other thing she is trying to defend so desperately, and again because of someone within her own group. I'm not saying that killing Carley/attempting to kill Ben was a good thing to do, but you can't seriously consider her an "evil bitch" solely for a single action, which she has done as a result of a mental breakdown. From her point of view she has been betrayed two times from the same people she actively tried to help doing one of the most stressful tasks, and none of these same persons seems to care about what happened both times.
After that she's abandoned/leaves the group, and apparently she remains alone for years, until she finds the Delta. It shouldn't be too unbelievable for Lilly to be willing to do anything to defend her home, especially considering what happened the first time and what she must go through before joining the Delta; a solitary life in that type of world can make anyone become ruthless, and again, we see it with Clementine especially, and apparently her new community is at risk because of a group "worse than hers". However, while Clementine does have a "turning point" from this path (killing Helen at the ranch), Lilly clearly doesn't.
So it's not exactly what she does, but the way she behaves while doing it that I don't like. They wrote Lilly too over the top: certain lines she can say are even childish, while her actions in the third episode are vicious. That's not her anymore.
My problem with the way she was written doesn't start immediately. In Suffer The Children (second episode) there are moments where it feels like the Lilly from Season 1 is there. We don't have much time with her though, just a few phrases about the past and then we run to move the plot forward. I don't think she was well written here either, considering what she says about Lee with whom she could have had a good relationship and even possibly cared only about him and Clementine by the third episode (as stated by other characters), it's simply better than the other episode.
The first time I've played Suffer The Children I was hopeful for the way they could have handled things with Lilly in the next ones though, only to be disappointed. Based on the interactions in this one (remembering her or not/taking her hand or not/telling her we were family once or whatever the other two options says) I expected two paths: one where she becomes fully the antagonist of the season and a "redemption arc". This seemed to me what Telltale was going for, and maybe it was the original intention, and because of what happened to the studio it's already a miracle if they completed the game at all, but this doesn’t make me feel any less disappointed in the final result to be honest.
Broken Toys (third episode) is the one I have most issues with. Not only there isn't a single moment where she resembles the Lilly from the first season, but here she doesn't even remind me of the Lilly from the previous episode. They switched her character with a cartoonish type of villain basically; if she seems to have depth and layers it's because she's supposed to be a character that already has depth and layers, not because the writers of this season gave them to her, nor because they were able to use what the writers of Season 1 created.
With this episode the writers fully embraced the distorted version of Lilly players created, the "monster" who is "crazy since the beginning" that killed Carley/Doug simply because things didn't go the way she wanted. They removed from her every bit of humanity she had, and catered to the crowd that claims she's evil. The way she talks about Minerva and Sophie specifically, and how pleased she looks when Minerva reveals that she killed her own sister, is something that actually makes me hate the writers; they turned Lilly from someone who do what she does solely for her community's survival to this manipulative bastard who takes pleasure into others' suffering. Honestly? What they did it's vile; turning her into that and making her treat kids like that was vile.
If you spare Lilly you can have a miserable little conversation that gives nothing to the player. Her whole presence in this game, in the end, gives us nothing: we learn nothing more about her (other than the fact that it's confirmed that Larry was an abusive father, and they've done it in the worst way possible, making it sound like the stupidest thing), and her being in this season only ruins her character.
I wish they didn't ruin Lilly. I wish they actually cared about her character. In a possible redemption arc scenario she could have helped Clementine, who could have been her "turning point", making her realise what she was doing, what she was becoming.
With this I'm not saying I wish they created a flawless version of her, but that they maintained her flaws instead of creating more and more until she became someone else entirely, going from morally grey to a villain, even. Also, like they made sure you could have a good relationship with Kenny in Season 2 (where regardless of everything you do and say they force the characters to be in good terms), they could have given us the same possibility with Lilly in the last season (where regardless of everything you do and say they force the characters to despise each other).
I wanted Lilly's return not only because, along with Clem, she's my favourite, but also because she has much more to give. Instead they took such a complex character just to strip her of all her humanity and depth so that they could have a flat villain everyone already hate.
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cedar-sunshine · 4 months
soft intro for a new project!
As it says SOFT intro. all of this stuff is subject to change, I'd LOVE ur opinion on it!
No name for it currently, but it's about a group of criminals arrested for crimes against the government being sent on an Australia type mission in a sci-fi space setting- around 100 of them, with consent, are sent into a 'sleep' (possibly through the freezing thing but yk whatever. It's futuristic who cares, I'll figure it out later) and set to go on a 150-year-long journey to a superhabitable planet that's being considered for a human colony (it has a breathable atmosphere and a relatively young star). Unfortunately, humanity (along with a couple other species from near us in the galaxy) figures out a faster method of space travel about 20 years after the journey starts, and the Australia type mission is forgotten about. 32 years before their mission should have landed on the colony, something goes wrong with the ship and the AI is forced to make an emergency crash landing on a nearby habitable planet. Only nine (<- in the works) people survive the crash, and those are our main characters!
Its found family/sci fi/survival stuff, I'm very fond of most of the characters and the general aesthetic.
The main characters so far are:
Carbon (he/they)
The leader of an anti-government group that led attacks on infrastructure and weapons storage units, etc. He's the oldest at 32 (younger is safer for the 'sleep' process), mostly human, and kind of ends up as a begrudging father/older brother to all the college-aged kids they decided to put on this mission. He's easily the most responsible in the group due to his old job, but he can be cold and impersonal, or too controlling. He has a prosthetic leg (from just above the knee) and hand, both amputated from diabetes. He doesn't sleep with them on, but he uses them for more intricate things and to maim people with if necessary.
Altar (he/she)
Half human, half squid guy, brightly colored pilot. She murdered a handful of corrupt government officials with help. He has tendrils in place of hair, which are a little thicker than your average air strand, have nerves, and have a bit of motion (not prehensile, but they get tense and sort of hover a little when he's stressed). Adhd as hell, high energy and fun. She doesn't really take much seriously, which can be annoying to work with. Second youngest at 17. They use forearm crutches.
Palace/Lace (any)
Synthetic (robot basically) with their intelligence in a small 'skull' that controls a large mass of tiny metal orbs to act as their body. He can manipulate both shape and color at will, and prefers to have a smooth form with rose, white and gold coloring. Pretty self centered and arrogant, but honest and uplifting. She's definitely sure that she's better at everything than everyone, but that doesn't mean they're not good! Or at least okay, compared to him. Smuggler. I think they're 20.
Olive (they/them)
Human engineer/mechanic who, on earth, would go on tours of government buildings and inspect them for a few days before figuring out how they worked and sending the blueprints to groups which would destroy them. They don't talk much, preferring to think thoroughly, but they often forget that they're supposed to talk after thinking and just start doing things without saying what they're doing. They're autistic and 19, and chronically covered in oil stains.
Lazuli/Laz (she/her)
Half plant person, half human. Mostly made up of different microplants. Photosynthesizes. Diplomat (officially) and hacker (why she got arrested). She can't speak (no vocal cords or mouth, she just needs sun and water) but she can process vibrations into speech. She uses sign language and teaches it to those in the group who don't know so they can communicate with Hermes. Calm, rational, and likes being in control of all situations. She's the youngest in the group at 16 and finds it very hard to admit that she's not ready to take on both surviving on an unknown planet and acting like an adult.
Hermes (he/him)
Transmasc deaf space pirate. Due to some bullshit ableism in the system and a lot of miscommunication and purposeful lack of accurate translation for him, he was put on the mission without consent and is dealing with a lot of grief for the beginning of the story, which affects a lot of people's veiw of him. He's quiet and warm, and prefers to sit in silence without talking and just experience others being around him than engage in conversation. 18.
Halcyon/Halcey (he/him)
Biologist and bioengineer, very excited about plants. He specializes in xenobiology (understanding how newly discovered plants that aren't from earth or other well known and populated plants work) and genetic engineering of plants. He made bioweapons (which is decently clear by now I hope). He's sort of silly, like if a Pokémon professor was 24 and mostly an alien. He's very sweet and just. So hyper about plants and biology.
Civet (she/they)
Half human, half 'ferox' (basically a fossa or civet type humanoid) with more ferox traits. Long term government plant and spy. Hot headed, fun and protective of the younger kids (she's 21). She's fully prepared to become a problem at any provocation and is probably one of the people who starts the most fights in the group. She's very sweet to the kids, though. She's basically their older sister.
Bardiche/Bard (they/any)
Mostly synthetic/mecha person (human base), they've got RAD legs (like if T Rex legs were muscley and agile and also have big cool talon feet) and a prehensile tail with a polearm tip (due to weird nerve stuff with synthetic parts, they can't feel it and need to grab it in their hand to stab people). She also has big forearms with armor plates and some spikes (same with their legs) and claws, plus cool horns. They're very sweet and gentle and really insecure (not abt the synthetic parts he KNOWS he's rad) and they're a former mercenary/assassin (that's why they got the murder mods). They're great and I love them. They're like 7 feet tall or something, their jump height is insane.
lmk if you want to hear more about this!
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starsurface · 7 months
Hi!!! If this isn't too weird, could I request MK11 Lord Raiden regressor headcanons?? Thank you in advance! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)
Hi!!! It wouldn't be weird at all!! Hope these are all okay!! :D
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Regressor Lord Raiden Hcs
⛈️ I don't really know how to label his regression into an age group?? Like, acts more toddler headspace, but thinks more like a big kid
⛈️ Is more of an age dreamer than an age regressor in my mind
⛈️ Now, thar doesn't mean he doesn't have little days where his mind feels really fuzzy and he feels really small and vulnerable
⛈️ But the problem is that he just can't fully regress, and really only has a handful of times
⛈️ He's Lord Raiden, protector of Earthrealm
⛈️ He has a job to do, what if someone attacks? What if the realm are thrown into chaos and danger because he was relaxing? What if someone got hurt? What if Shao Kahn invaded? What if-
⛈️ It usually takes someone with him in order for him to feel comfy enough to regress
⛈️ And if he doesn't have someone, he will go and search for someone because he doesn't like feeling small alone
⛈️ Mainly (only) likes Fujin being his CG because that's his brother and he knows he can depend on him
⛈️ But if Fujin is unavailable, he'll sheepishly go to Liu Kang or Kung Lao
⛈️ (^ He feels kinda guilty going to them sometimes, mostly because he's the one that took the father role for both boys, but they ADORE small Raiden so it's fine)
⛈️ They like helping Raiden feel tiny and will actively encourage him to do little activities
⛈️ Kung Lao coloring on one side of a coloring book while Raiden colors the other
⛈️ Liu Kang helping Raiden make a funky little dance because they turned some (80s) music on
⛈️ Fujin will walk in and smile at how they try to help him, it does mean a lot to both brothers
⛈️ Sometimes he'll let Nightwolf watch him when Fujin is also small because Nightwolf is Fujin's main CG
⛈️ He likes Nightwolf too, mostly because Nightwolf is really nice and gentle with him
⛈️ Otherwise isn't too good with other people watching him and almost cried when Kitana had to watch him
⛈️ (^ He ended up having a lot of fun, and an accident really good nap in her comfy bed. Which was surprising because he doesn't ever really take naps, and especially without his blankie)
⛈️ Raiden does have big fussy hissy fits some times
⛈️ Sometimes they happen because he becomes too stressed and the world is crashing down on him and everyone needs him and it's just-
⛈️ Shouting at Fujin by accident, stomping his feet, lightning showing through his eyes, tears streaming down his face as he hold onto his head-
⛈️ Usually for these ones, Fujin or you can calm him down quiet easily with a few soft words and touches, and a bunch of patience
⛈️ Yelling at him does nothing but provoke him more, and it might cause some backlash (very rare but it has happened before)
⛈️ If Raiden does end up throwing something or hiting someone, he'll either have to be moved to another room so he can calm down or the action will make him realize what he's doing
⛈️ He will shakingly apologize, feeling icky, upset, and guilty for his actions
⛈️ These types of blow ups can cause extreme little days, and a very clingy Raiden
⛈️ You've gotta communicate that this behavior is not okay, and when he's feeling this way he needs to come to you before having his meltdown so you can work things out
⛈️ Other times it's just because he's incredibly stubborn about something, and wants it NOW >:(
⛈️ Not as much crying in these hissy fits, but they're also incredibly less destructive
⛈️ They're also super easier to calm down because if you just cross your arms and give him a few minutes ans with the gentlest tone you can go say, “Raiden, baby, you okay?
⛈️ He's already feeling really really guilty for getting all fussy over some stupid candy he couldn't have
⛈️ He also feels really ashamed when he has his little tantrums
⛈️ Communication is key, and you have to remind him that just because he's a God, does not mean he doesn't have to communicate
⛈️ Luckily though, while the little tantrums aren't uncommon, they're also definitely not common (unless he's breaking down and regressing)
⛈️ (^ He's also getting . . . somewhat better on regressing more often and not putting all his work in front of regressing, jts just hard sometimes)
⛈️ Other than these two reasons, he's actually an extremely good and well mannered little
⛈️ Doesn't like getting yelled at, doesn't like getting punished, and unless he reeeeeeally wants it can usually take no as an answer to something
⛈️ He also just really likes the praise he gets by being good
⛈️ Please praise this man, he's had such a stressful day, tell him he's doing a good job and that he makes you so proud, please? 🥺
⛈️ Once terrified himself into fully regressing when he was already feeling little and accidentally summoned two extra lightning bolts while trying to show off to Liu Kang (like his MK9 Babality)
⛈️ Liu Kang felt so terrible because at first Raiden looked all proud of himself, and then he was on the ground full on sobbing and hiding in a ball
⛈️ Any kind of thunder usage was banned from little Raiden after that
⛈️ The monks are . . . supportive of Raiden's regression, but most don't understand that he can't do his big kid work right now and they'll have to come back later
⛈️ ^ He swears he can though, and it'll usually end up with him getting incredibly frustrated and pouting in bed intensity (although no hissy fit, he's trying not to just scream and cry when he gets upset)
⛈️ Doesn't have many regression items, but has a blanket that he likes having with him
⛈️ It's a pretty big blanket too, since he's almost 7 ft, and was a gift from Fujin when Fujin first tried getting Raiden to regress
⛈️ Unfortunately, if he sees his blankie, it has to go everywhere with him (and he will gladly try to carry it all in his arms, or just drag it behind him)
⛈️ What do you mean he can't bring it outside? He can!! He very much can, he'll just drag it!!!
⛈️ . . . It won't get dirty if he drags it on the grass, just let him bring it >:(
⛈️ (^ Spoiler alert, it does get dirty, and he gets very upset about the entire scenario)
⛈️ Why didn't you tell him it was going to get dirty? Now it's in the washer and he can't take nap time without it!! This is all your fault, making him live by his own consequences 🥺
⛈️ Don't worry, he'll just have to cuddle up to you instead, it's all fine
⛈️ . . . Or it would be, if he wasn't 7 ft cuddle bug
⛈️ He'll feel too self conscious to sit in your lap, but will happily snuggle against your side!! (Or have you sit on his lap so he can bear hug you, you are not moving for at least an hour)
⛈️ Doesn't actually take nap time, but does really like cuddling in bed and pretending to take nap time
⛈️ Favorite little nicknames are Rai, Kiddo, Sweetheart, Baby, Kid Thunder (I thought it was funny-), and Little Guy
⛈️ Not NOT call him Mr. Grumpy, Kung Lao called him it once and he hates it!! He is not grumpy!! >:(
⛈️ Also doesn't really like nicknames related his godhood, it just reminds him of all the things he still has to do
⛈️ One of his favorite activities is sitting down and kicking his feet, it's also an indication that he's feeling small
⛈️ Also really likes just watch Koi Fish swim around in their little ponds, he thinks they're pretty and has named them all :3
⛈️ What does Grandmaster Hasashi mean that all his fishies already have names? No, that one's name is Blubber!! 🥺
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I didn't mean to make these so . . . sad, I promise. (I love giving angst to God like characters-)
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jeysamores · 1 year
The Baby Project - ch.1
.synopsis: It’s towards the end of your senior year, and only one more quarter of classes to go. If you thought it would be peaceful then you’re completely wrong because your health teacher decides to give you a simulation project and partners you with your longtime crush.
a/n: This work took A LOT of time to write mostly because of school and colleges, chapter 1 is not long but chapter 2 will be, so I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it! much love - jey
paring → Sunghoon x f!reader,
wc: 1.7k
warning(s): swearing, mature themes, Yuna bitching Jake, Jakes hitting kink, rest is tbd 
next l mstl
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“3 more months and I’m out of here.” you think to yourself, looking around the cafeteria full of some of the most annoying people you’ve met in your life. You had a love-hate relationship with being a senior in high school, one of the benefits being that you could sign yourself out of there whenever your bitch of an English teacher or really anyone, got on your damn nerves. But one of the things that sucked this year and the past 6 years was the only boy you’ve ever liked since 7th grade never even talked to you. 
Well, he talked to you once, but it was just a polite ‘excuse me’, and even from that small interaction you found yourself screaming inside and ranting about it to your closest friends everyday for a week straight and them being the supportive best friends they are, supported your delusions for 6 years straight. 
“At least he looked at me when asking me to move, and at least it was me who he asked to move. See? That means he thought about me. I told you that’s my man.” That was your mindset ever since that interaction, and you were set on using junior year to make a move. You weren’t sure on why specifically junior year but that’s besides the point because the real point is you bitched out every time you planned on making a move. 
And now it’s almost the end of senior year, and no action involving him what-so-ever. Soon you’re just gonna have to face reality and realize that Park Sunghoon would never like you, would never look your way ever again, never talk to you ever again, and would definitely not be the person waiting at the end of the altar for you, later becoming the father of your 3 children. 
“You’re literally gonna be single forever if you keep acting the way you do about this boy y/n. It’s not that hard, go up to him and say what you want.” Yuna has been saying the same shit for over 3 years now and throughout those whole 3 years, you never once listened to her. 
Even with your friend’s help, you just can’t (and won’t) get yourself to make your body move in his direction and actually talk to him without possibly embarrassing yourself, which you most likely would if you were to ever step foot in his direction.
“Y/n, spark a conversation, be flirtatious, pull your boobs out of your shirt for gods sake. You’re making it seem like such a hard task.” Felix says, sounding a little aggravated by this whole situation since he just wanted to eat his lunch in peace without having to hear the whole "y/n is in love with Park Sunghoon but is a little bitch about it” bullshit. Hearing it for the past 6 years was already enough for him.
“Why her boobs though?” Winter asks while trying to suppress a laugh. 
Felix turns to winter, “Can you leave me and my choice of words the hell alone please? And I don’t know it just came out. Also don’t even think you’re off the hook either miss, because your little ‘secret crush’ on Jay is NOT unnoticeable.” Felix is now targeting poor Winter about the small crush she’s had for about a year now. Everyone knows that Winter obviously likes Jay, who the hell in the friend group didn’t know. “Wanna know how I know, because..well I just know, and the facts that I have are completely true.”
"When can I hit him?” Usually to get Felix to shut the hell up Yuna resulted in violence. Yuna just didn’t want Winter being embarrassed by how obvious it was, especially since Winter wasn’t the person to talk much about a love interest, let alone the type of person to actually talk and socialize.
“I don’t like him so leave me alone, go get an actual girlfriend for once in your life. You’re all over y/n about Sunghoon but look at you.” says Winter, scowling down at the sandwich in her hand before shoving a good amount of it into her mouth and taking a bite. That was the most Winter talked the whole lunch period, but not the first time she said some rude shit to Felix.
You can’t even remember when Felix started hanging out with you 3 girls. According to the man himself, apparently it was at Jake Sims 14th birthday party, and Yuna punched him in the stomach and then proceeded to smash his face into the cake and called him a dooshbag right after. Felix being the dumbfuck he was -and still is- thought it was so badass that he started following you girls around, attempting to be in the group. And he just stuck ever since. keyword; apparently.
But despite all that, the birthday story regarding Jake Sim getting bitched was actually true. And despite Yuna letting Jake know that he wasn’t shit by handing his ass to him at his own party, they’re actually dating. It’s a secret though, everyone thinks they’re some type of enemies with hella sexual tension. Speaking of the devil, here he comes right now.
His tall frame came into view, that sly smirk started to appear on his face which was sculpted by the gods btw. Those lips that Yuna is literally obsessed with but acts like she’s not slowly forming a smile when he sees her. it’s really mind blowing how they hide their relationship so well. 
Jake said the exact moment he knew he liked Yuna was when she bitched him at his party. He said that when he finally got up and wiped the cake out of his eyes while still groaning in pain, he thought that was the hottest thing ever and began getting on her nerves even more hoping she would hit him again because he “liked how it felt.” Jake also went on to tell us that this was the point in his life where he figured out he liked being hit, in a kinky way. Why are there so many outcomes from this party?
“Hey Yuna, you know that instead of sitting on that hard chair you could just sit on my dick? All you gotta do is ask love.” The smirk on his face said that he was trying to get something out of her, but his eyes showed nothing but love and adoration when looking at her. 
“GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE SIM!” Yuna shouted, pushing him away. It worked, he got what he wanted, for her to touch him. And even though it really sounded like Yuna wanted him out of sight, her eyes were telling him something else, something you weren’t going into detail on because it’s obviously some freaky shit. It was a daily thing for Jake to do this at lunch, come to your table for a little show for the public eye and to see his secret girlfriend. 
Once Jake was gone Yuna looked from felix to winter and back down at her phone still trying to suppress her smile, "why do you even sit here with us, shouldn’t you be with Chan?” It’s true, where was this guys babysitter?
“Also, y/n has the rest of this year and possibly more to tell Sunghoon how she feels since they’re going to the same university. I think you should take your time.” Winter said before shoving the remaining piece of a sandwich she held in her hand into her mouth. Winter is the only person in the group who doesn’t pressure you into doing stupid shit like telling THE Park Sunghoon that you like him even though she knows it’s kind of long overdue.
“Well y/n, if you die a lonely virgin, it was never my fault.” Felix's laughter was soon cut short when he started yelling in pain and holding his right arm. “WHAT THE FUCK YUNA!?? why do you punch so hard!? I’M BRUISING! DO YOU SEE THE BRUISE FORMING?! I COULD’VE DIED!!! MY ARM COULD’VE FALLEN OFF!”
“You deserved it so stop screaming like a bitch.” One thing about Yuna was that no one was allowed to talk shit about her girls unless it was her who was talking shit (which she didn’t do). She was very protective of you girls, especially when it came to Winter since most of the time she wouldn't say anything back to Felix’s stupid jokes. 
Apart from the library, you found lunch to be a peaceful environment even with the constant never ending bickering between Yuna and Felix. You should’ve chosen the library today instead of your lunch table.
Looking at the time shown on your phone screen you realize that it’s almost time for class and you still had to go to your locker which was conveniently 2 lockers down from Sunghoon’s to exchange some books. “The bell is about to ring guys.” 
As you’re gathering your books your eyes wander a little and land on a silver haired boy talking and laughing with a group of other boys surrounding him. His perfect side profile, those moles that accentuate his face, that jawline. God that perfect pointed nose, you know many things it could be used for. His laugh that you can practically hear even from a mile away. 
Sad how he wasn’t really social with other people that weren’t in his friend group, and apart from him the whole friend group was hot. The school considered them to be the prettiest boys to ever walk these halls. They all looked like models, something so delicate and capturing which should be held in a museum.
Snapping out of your thoughts, you quickly finished packing up and let the girls know you’re ready to go, which was a lie because you wanted to stare at Sunghoon for as long as possible. But you have all next period for that.
Yuna starts smiling which lets you and Winter know she’s up to no good. Looking up and straight at felix and loud enough for the next lunch table over to hear she shouts “Whatever, BYE VIRGIN! let’s go girls.” All three of you walked away from the table laughing at Felix’s dumbfounded expression and trying to clear up the accusation.
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© jeysamores 2023 - please do not translate, copy, or plagiarize my work on other platforms as your own!!
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hannawinchester03 · 1 year
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This is a regular imagine, as if you're part of the guardians of the galaxy! Mostly backstory but pt2 coming soon with more romantic and erotic scenes for sure!
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Here is the part 2!
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Chapter contains: some flirtation, baby groot (obviously) , mom figure, death, family loss, drunk father, childhood trauma, and sarcasm
Word count: 1587
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The year was 1989, Chicago Illinois. (Y/N) was 9 years old, she already was learning how to drive. "You gotta know your way around, who knows when you'll get lost, you always gotta find your way home." Her dad always told her, meaning this meant learning to drive earlier than most people and take care of what needed to be done.
(Y/N) didn't have much of a childhood, grew up faster than she would have liked but hey stuff happens.
It was a casual Friday night for (Y/N) same routine as usual, her dad goes out drinking and partying it up with his friends at the local bar. (Y/N) was used to it by now, it's been 3 years since her aunt passed away, her aunt was like a mother to her, her real mother passed away in child birth, but her dying wish was that her sister took care of (Y/N) like she was her own. Which she did, she took care of (Y/N) while her father drank to get over her mothers passing, but to them it seems he has never gotten over it, probably didn't help the fact that (Y/N) looked exactly like her mother.
(Y/N) remembers her aunt telling her stories of how the two sisters were thick as thieves together, always going out exploring the abandon houses, going to the woods, running through malls together when they were younger, even doing normal things like spending time with each other, like listening to music while they watched their parents dance. (Y/N) always wished that she had a sister or another sibling to play with and share memories with like her mother and aunt did.
"Your mom always wanted to have twins, she'd tell us she has a feeling that you were gonna be a twin, like Luke and leia.." (Y/N) was always told which made her sad at times that she was her mothers one and only child. There was a lot on the 9 year olds shoulders to say the least. (Y/N) always had vivid dreams of what is would be like to in space watching down on the world, making sure every child didn't need to go through what she did, it could have been much worse she always thought but the last 3 years for sure proved her wrong. It was worse, eating only once a week or not for weeks at a time.
It was around 10 pm on Friday, she was waiting for the house phone to ring, and hear the same words she heard every Friday night, the way the bartender would always call her asking to pick up her dad or call him a cab, they had little to no money so the only option was to learn to drive and pick him up herself. Little 9 year old (Y/N) who could barely see over the steering wheel driving at night listening to "my sweet lord- by George Harrison" was the last thing she remembered of her past life.
That was 15 years ago, "I really wanna see you, I really wanna be with you.." was the last thing she heard from the radio before the disaster struck, she watched as a child not much older then she was running through the main Street, then the child was gone only a light shinning down where they were last seen, causing (Y/N) to slam on the brakes and get out running after the light.
15 years later here she stood in the middle of platform floating the in the middle of the sky, standing next to a talking raccoon, a miniature tree that somehow talks but only could speak the three words "I am groot"and the only other person she knew of who was also from earth. A place she once knew so well and now it was just a fuzzy memory.
"Okay we gotta work fast, the others are going to meet us with the other materials. We just need that things heart.." Quill spoke as he looked around at the group mainly looking at (y/n) making her raise an eyebrow at him about to say something back but she was distracted as she heard a small. "I am groot" making her look down and smile softly as her attention was then quickly pulled away as rocket spoke up translating for them. "He says '(y/n) knows what she's doing' he's right, she wasn't born yesterday..like some people." Rocket stated as he lightly nudged (y/n) leg and gave her a small wink with the wrong eye as usual making her chuckle.
Quill rolled his eyes and was about to speak up but quickly got interrupted by the smaller aliens started bursting through a door running in their direction, He quickly stood in position in front of (y/n) to protect her making her roll her eyes as she moves around him grabbing groot propping him up on her shoulder so he wouldn't get stepped on as she held up the gun rocket had given her quickly shooting as many aliens as she could, as she reloaded she took over watching as the others took turns killing the monsters as they seems to keep coming.
"Look out, here comes the big one!" Quill shouted as he was reloading his weapon, (y/n) watched as an alien got to close to him so she quickly shot it and turned her attention to the bigger alien, she couldn't help but stare as it was almost double the side of the other aliens taking a step back as she focused on the multiple arms and hands the monster has, and how it had multiple eyes, she couldn't help but think about how she got into the situation.
"(y/n) just distract it! Whatever you do don't shoot its heart." Rocket called out as (y/n) nodded quickly running towards one of the higher platforms standing on top of it watching as it tried to grab her, shooting its hands away every-time watching as it stumbled back and quill got behind it shooting its head making the monster stumble back falling onto its back crying out in pain.
(y/n) watched as rocket threw a shock wave close to it stunning the alien so it would be in place for a minute or two, she nodded her head at rocket as she jumped down off the platform knowing the plan from here. She got out the laser that rocket has gived to her, she always though it looked kind of like a light saber, but always thought to herself since no one's from earth and they'll know what Star Wars is, she always told herself.
She got next to the beast and sliced clean across the aliens torso watching as it stopped breathing from the clean cut she had made, she watched as rocket climbed on top of the beast slicing its flesh and reached his hand in ripping out the heart. (y/n) couldn't help but stumble backwards as she could smelt a awful smell coming from monster as rocket held the heart up in the air.
(y/n)'s eyes lit up a bit as she now was able to see the heart, the thing they were going after. She could help but stare at it as it looked breath taking, it looked like a solid chunk of gold making her eyebrow go up as rocked stood up holding it proudly. "Great now we have the final part, let's go the others are probably already there." Rocket stated as he began walking back to the ship.
(y/n) let out a small huff still shocked, not that they had killed the monsters, she's used to that by now, considering she's been around it for the last 15 years. She snapped out of her thoughts as she still felt groot on the shoulder playing with some of her hair making her glance down at him.
"I am groot". He hummed out making her chuckle softly and toss some hair over his small head. "Maybe you need to grow out some hair. A nice green to brighten you up." she said back to the small plant making him smile and reply with a simple nod.
"I don't understand how you understand him.. doesn't it freak you out? A talking tree." Quill spoke up as he followed next to (y/n), she let out a small chuckle as groot continued to play with her hair wrapping small vines around her hair and she shrugged. "I mean he's still a person, he talks and has feelings why would it freak me out.." She stated back.
"Well maybe because you're from earth, how is this all normal to you." Quill responded as he walked up onto the space ships loading ramp. "Maybe it's because i wasn't born yesterday, after 15 years you learn to accept everything." She says as she followed behind him, once on the ship she sets groot down and smiles softly at him.
"We're in another galaxy, nothing surprises me anymore Peter." (y/n) states as she passed by quill heading to the main control room to meet up with rocket. "It's Star lord!" He cries out behind (y/n) making her and rocket laugh as they settle into their seats buckling up and (y/n) hums happily as groot comes and sit on her lap for the ride.
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Hope y’all enjoyed, please feel free to leave comments, like and share with your friends!
I’m always open for suggestions or ideas so feel free to comment!
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usmsgutterson · 1 year
The Fire That Burns Within- N.L x fem! reader Chapter Seven
Okay! Seventh chapter here we are, which puts us just a bit away from halfway through this fic! I’ve mostly been editing and queueing prewritten chapters (hello from yesterday lol) from when I was motivated to write a good amount, but still! This series has been a blast to write and I’m glad that people have been liking it!
As for people who have asked (I promise, I’m not ignoring you, I just had a moment where I went ‘I’ll respond to this later’ and then completely forgot and never did) this fic does not and will not have a tag list! If a lot of people want me to though, I can add a tag list to the masterlist, tag lists just aren’t typically my thing and I knew I wasn’t going to do one with this fic.
Fic type- there’s a good amount of bickering between Nikolai and the reader, but the end of this fic has a hurt/comfort-y turn, so hurt/comfort it is. 
Warnings- mentions of death, mentions of slavery (in regards to grisha, slavers/slavery and indentures are discussed)
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“I’ve developed a plan for finances,” Nikolai said two days later. The two days to follow had been much the same, your exchanging jabs and debating back and forth over financial issues whilst you wandered the corridors, growing as familiar with the corridors of the Spinning Wheel as you had once been with the corridors of the Little Palace. “What’s next?” 
“The Grisha,” you said, having not had the strength to debate with him that day. You were tired, itching for a fight, wanting to know just how much more it would take before the Darkling discovered the Spinning Wheel and launched an attack. Every place had it’s leaks, and you found yourself wanting to know where the Spinning Wheels leak was located more and more with the days that passed you by. 
“I admit that I am biased here, but I do implore you to go seeking alternate perspectives if that is what you desire,” you suggested. “The Grisha is the next place you should look if you are no longer looking at ways to improve Ravkas financial status.” 
“Where have we gone wrong in that regard?”
“I have heard your mother and father both call Grisha witches,” you said. “Like they’re Druskelle. A prejudice against us exists in the palaces where we are trained. I’ve heard it from several First Army officers in my walks. We mean no harm, and we certainly do not mean to be harmful by simply existing. Put in laws against slavery and the discovery of slave trades.”
“Those laws already exist.” 
“And they could definitely use a bit of tweaking. Seek the slavers out, imprison them. Make the punishment hanging.”
“I cannot just–”
“Ravka is seen as a safe haven for Grisha,” you said. “But it is typically that to Ravkans who were enslaved or indentured. It is seen as that to the occasional desperate Grisha in Fjerda, to the ones being hunted down in Shu Han and the Wandering Isle, to the Grisha who are fleeing the war as it continues now and unknowingly getting themselves stuck in indentures with ridiculous contracts to pay off in Ketterdam. It is a safe haven to those groups, and them only. If you make the punishment for slave trading as bad as the punishment for something such as treason, it can only have a decent outcome.”
“Such as?”
“Ravkan Grisha feeling safe when they walk the streets which you are to govern. Grisha from places like Novyi Zem and Ketterdam actively seeking out the Little Palace so that they can learn how to master their small sciences.”
“There will always be the Druskelle to hunt them.”
“That is the unfortunate truth,” you agreed. “Grisha are always at risk with those wretched ice demons in their sights, but tightening the laws around slavers and the punishments they get will at least make Ravka feel safer. The curriculum can be revised after the war and Druskelle specific tactics and fighting techniques can be a unit of study. Zoya says she had someone in her charge that knew every bloody language she could get her hands on, and knew how to fight a Druskelle like it was easy as breathing. We educate on the power of the Druskelle, teach them how to fight against it and defend themselves, and you will have at least begun to right a mistake made by your father and his father and all of the cretins throughout the rest of your bloodline.” 
“So,” Nikolai said. “Finance my way out of one hundred fifty million dollars in debt in the next seven years with festivals, galas, palace tours and a public coronation with charged entry, and tighten laws surrounding slavers while putting more effort into educating Grisha on how to spot a bulky Druskelle. Is that all my family has messed up?”
“There’s more, Prince Nikolai. There is always more.” 
“You say that and then refuse to tell me?”
You’d taken a sharp turn, found a door that lead to a stairwell. “Of course,” you nodded. “I like to keep you on your toes, Prince.” 
Nikolai had no rebuttal. You did not hear his footsteps behind yours, and you knew he’d objected to simply watch you walk away.
Genya found you on a terrace, a mug of warm cider tucked into your hands and balanced on your knees. You were sitting on the terrace, surrounded by the snow and in a pair of trousers that had been leant to you by Zoya while yours went through the laundry, a black roughspun tunic visible due to the fact that your kefta had slipped off both shoulders. You had your beloved combat boots on your feet, and it seemed like you were zoned out, like you had retreated into your own mind. 
“I hate Fjerda,” you said, having picked up the familiar sound of Genyas gait in the snow. “I hate it. I hate this place, the lift that bumps and moves in fits and starts, the salted herring and the constant cold. I resent Nikolai and I resent the fact that I am beginning to resent him less.” 
It was a step up, she knew. You still hated Nikolai, but you hated him less than before. That was an improvement.
“You’ll stay, won’t you?” Genya asked. “Sergei has just left. Don’t tell me you’re leaving, too.” 
“I wouldn’t,” you said. “I hate the snow. I hate the prince. I hate that cursed lift with every bone in my body.”
Genya understood instantly. If you left at that moment, if you packed up your bags and left the Spinning Wheel and stowed away on a cargo ship bound somewhere like Ketterdam, you would have felt terrible. Leaving your friends and the people you loved like family felt as terrible as the idea of returning to the side of the Darkling, even if that wasn’t what you were doing.
“I know you wouldn’t,” she said. “Zoya knows you wouldn’t. Alina and Nikolai are glad that they have another reliable Inferni in the fight against the Darkling.”
“You would be okay if I did leave, right?”
“After the civil war, you can go wherever you want. You can go to Ketterdam or Novyi Zem, you can try your luck in the Wandering Isle, even. You can do whatever you want after the civil war. All I need is a place to which I can send correspondence.”
“And you–”
“I wouldn’t hate you if you left,” Genya said. She came and sat down next to you, snorted when she noticed your flint in your hand, the glow in your eyes. You were using your small science to keep your cider from going cold. “I would be fine, and you would be fine, and we would not hate each other because that is not who we are.” 
“That is not who we are,” you nodded. “I just–I love Ravka, but–”
“But the Lantsovs–” were a trainwreck and a half. 
“Yeah. The Lantsovs.” 
Genya laughed, and you laughed, and Genya stole your cup and took a sip of your cider. You summoned a contained flame to a patch in the ground and took the cup back, shooting Genya a pointed look as you took a long sip from the mug. 
Genya rested her head against your shoulder, wrapped an arm around your waist. You pressed your cheek against the top of her head.
“We are not our wounds,” she said. “We cannot be.” 
“If we cannot be, then we won’t,” you said. “We’ll survive the war. We’ll go home, grieve our losses, repair our keftas and hold our funerals. We’ll say prayers to our saints and shed the tears we held back in favor of picking up a sword, and we will make it through this.” 
Genya wanted to cry. You wanted to cry. Neither of you shed a tear. 
“We’ll make it through this,” she said. “We’ll make it through this.”
“We will,” you said. “We will, because we have to and because we want to. We will fight for our country. The Darkling does not get to win. Never again.” 
“Never again,” Genya echoed.
The two of you stayed on that balcony for a long time, your flint pressed against the side of your mug as you summoned your small science to keep your cider warm. You and Genya passed the mug back and forth, talked idly of childhood memories and the different ways the war could end. 
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junkyardescape · 11 months
Singed as Orianna's Father
Since this shot in Arcane there's been a pretty sizeable group of people suggesting Orianna will be written into Arcane as the daughter of Singed. I'm not entirely sold on this being the case, given that the shot we get is so small, but given that there's a chance, I've been thinking a lot about the possibility and I'm. Not A Fan.
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This isn't to say I think it'll be poorly done or anything - The writers of Arcane are incredible, so I wholeheartedly believe that, if this is made the case, it'll be well written and compelling. My issue is not that it's going to be bad, or even that it'll be worse than the current lore. My main issue is that I don't think it lines up well with the established aspects of Orianna's character and simplifies her relationship with her father in a way I don't love, while also harming the worldbuilding of Runeterra and of Piltover specifically.
Something that has always intrigued me about Orianna's lore is her relationship with her father Corin. Part of why is because that relationship is so poorly explored in her original lore. Her father doesn't let her go anywhere without him, and only lets her leave home to go to the theater, which becomes her only understanding of the outside world. When she escapes for Zaun to help people after a mining explosion and ends up getting terminally sick, her father DOES make her a set of prosthetic lungs - shout out to him for that one - but he makes it so they only work when wound up with a key that he keeps behind a locked door. And still, in spite of the obviously poor treatment she received, Orianna gives her heart to her father once his own health starts failing.
There's like. SO much interesting stuff here. I kinda like that Corin is mostly just a guy? He's a not great father in a way that feels really resonant and grounded in a fantasy setting, whereas Singed being her father means she has a dad who's shitty in a grounded way and also makes nukes to destroy Ionia with and manufactured the drug crisis of a millennia in Zaun, one of which he's already done in Arcane lol. This choice inexorably ties Orianna to the larger narrative, when honestly I'm not sold on the need for that? It might just be my love of smaller slice-of-life storytelling, but it's hard to imagine how Orianna's journey toward regaining her humanity and understanding her new self ties into the current plot of Arcane. There are ties to Viktor there that could have their plots sort of opposed to one another, with Viktor getting further from humanity while Orianna aspires to it, and there are a million other ideas they could go with which could be compelling and exciting, but again, the quality of the storytelling isn't my concern.
I feel that the relationship she has with Corin is an essential part of Orianna's character. It is something which contributes to her feelings of isolation and her love of the outside world, as well as speaking to her nature as a fundamentally caring person. It's also something that to this day has never been resolved; for all we know, Orianna is still just out there, not understanding herself or her relationships and thinking her isolation is permanent. And that's not a satisfying ending for a character who is completely capable of self-love and in a world where her isolation is genuinely fabricated. And I like these aspects of her character! She's complex, she's grounded, and there's already such a great base for her character that I think would be hurt with this relationship with Singed.
There's also a couple issues I have with how it impacts the worldbuilding, and what the implications of Arcane's story as it stands has on Orianna as a character. Orianna's dad, in base canon, runs a shop where he designs sells prosthetics. He's not a huge scholar, he's not insanely wealthy, he has no access to special tech. Orianna doesn't gain hextech until she manages to get some from a chembaron. I really like this choice! It tells us a little something more about Piltover to know that there is some weirdo in his shop in the city turning his daughter into a robot, showing off a little bit more about the culture of the city and attitudes toward augmentation at the time Orianna was needing new parts. This isn't necessarily lost if Singed is her father, but Zaun has a different attitude toward mods, and it's harder to consider Singed's opinion on anything to represent the common people considering his... everything.
I'm also very interested to see how they would manage to conflict of hextech that she presents; in order for her to exist as her current self in Arcane, she would've had to be built before or during season 1, which was before the discovery of hextech. I have some thoughts about how they could do this with respect to her Old Lore, but that's gonna have to be a separate post, as this one is long enough as it is already XD
Basically, I like the Orianna we have now. I think there's so much of her left unexplored, and the changes to her character this represents would leave her original story incomplete and also change her to a significant capacity. The new Orianna that could be made from that totally has the ability to be as interesting or more than the one of base lore, but I'm not sure it's the Orianna I know.
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15 Questions, 15 Mutals
Tagged by: @circa-specturgia and @mariahwritesstuff thank you!!
Tagging: soft tagging
Trying to develop some characters so we'll do Tris for this round!
Tris Lakewater
1. Are you named after anyone?
My mother named me after one of my ancestors who was a great warrior <3
2. When was the last time you cried?
The last time i full on cried and my eyes weren't just stinging i think is when my father died :(
3. Do you have kids?
No... and I don't think i want to have more than one, if I do decide to have them
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Not really...
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
How they carry themselves, it says a lot a about a person
6. What's your eye color?
Dark brown
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
I prefer happy endings, no horror thank you
8. Any special talents?
I taught myself to fight with a sword, and I can adapt to any weapon I pick up :)
9. Where were you born?
My family home in Dinvirty
10. What are your hobbies?
Other than sword fighting and weapons... I just like being outside, especially in the woods
11. Do you have any pets?
No, but I think i would like a cat or a dog. Probably a cat because Kaye prefers those
12. What sports do you play/have played?
If swordfighting and fighting with other weapons counts, that.
13. How tall are you?
I'm 5'9'', I think
14. Favorite subject in school?
Anything swordfighting and weaponry related, but mostly the swordfighting
15. Dream job?
I want to join the army and be a war hero like my mother : )
Prince Kaye
1. Are you named after anyone?
No, I but my name is dirived from the word "Kayn" which means warrior... I don't like to think about it :|
2. When was the last time you cried?
A few days ago, I think, when mother was voicing her disappointment in me and praising my siblings
3. Do you have kids?
No, I'm too young for that. Maybe one day though, if I can be better than my parents
4. Do you use sarcasm?
No, I'm not much of a sarcasm person
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
How they smile and what makes them smile, it says a lot about the kind of person they are
6. What's your eye color?
Dark brown, I get them from my mother
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
No scary movies, ever please. I would like just happy movies please and thank you.
8. Any special talents?
I…I'm not…I'm not special. I'm pretty decent at reading and drawing, but I mostly just keep to myself. Not a lot for a scary non violent person to do in a kingdom that's built around being a military
9. Where were you born?
In the castle
10. What are your hobbies?
I like to read, and I like my books, i like being out in nature if it's safe, i like drawing but I'm not very good.
11. Do you have any pets?
No, but I would really like to have a cat
12. What sports do you play/have played?
... I don't really... do sports or that sort of thing...
13. How tall are you?
I'm 5'4''... I'm kind of small, especially for my family. I was kind of the runt of the group, heh...
14. Favorite subject in school?
Probably history, but not about Dinvirty, there's too much violence there for my liking. I also like studying the ancients and the gods and their stories as well
15. Dream job?
I'd like to do something that helps people, keeps them safe. No violence or dangerous stuff involved for me though...
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skylarstark4826 · 9 months
It is not the day of the Battle of the Tree of Souls, nor the next day, but some night not too long after. It is a night where Hell's Gate is mostly empty and as silent as it ever gets; the generators and systems hum, the few humans left have tucked themselves away in lab, room, or bed.
Trudy and Norm are in the latter group. Behind the locked door of the small apartment they share, they are sprawled out over their bed, tangled up in sheets and bathed in the bars of blue light from Polyphemus. He has one knee propped up; she is curled up facing him, head resting against that knee. They had been talking, but now there is silence. A silence that isn't quite silent, not with the faint whirrings of the machines that are keeping them alive, but it's the only silence they've really known. It is also their own kind of silence; or rather, the comfort she carries around with her that doesn't mind the silence he often falls into.
It's silent until Norm breaks it, until he says, "I killed people. At the battle."
Trudy frowns, slightly, but doesn't move. "Okay."
He's studying the ceiling, aware of her but not looking– maybe unable to look – at her. He can feel the warmth of her, the movement of her chest as she breathes in and out. She's alive, which is why he says, "I thought you were dead."
It's all he's ever really said about the battle in these past few, crazy days, so she says, "I know, baby." And then she says, "I'm sorry."
"Don't be. I mean, uh, I mean you're not, which…I'm glad about. Really glad. But-"
Silence again, this time heavy with the strain of him trying to sort out the words, find which ones to say.
Softly, Trudy says, "Is that why you killed? Because you thought I was dead?"
"Yes. No. I'd…I'd shot some before that. Three, maybe four I know. But it was different, after. I don't, um."
"Tell me."
Now he looks at her. "What if I can't?"
"Then you can't. But you know, of the two us, I got no room not listenin', if that's what you're worried about."
"I killed them."
"I've been a professional soldier since I was eighteen, Norm. I've seen a lot of bad shit. I've done a lot of bad shit. I'm…" She stops, rubs her mouth. "I'm not gonna pack my things and go, no matter what you say. Not gonna judge."
"You've killed." It's not really a question. Her smile is fleeting, but very wry.
"Hell yeah," she says softly.
"How…how do you deal with it?" In those words is a depth of guilt, of confusion and pain that is very familiar to her. That soft, wry smile comes back, and she leans forward slightly to curl her fingers around his hand.
"I rationalize. That's all you can ever do. I just…I accept that I did what I did, that I did what I had to do under the circumstances."
"You just accept?"
"No. Yes. I'm getting better at it. When I was a kid…fuck, when I was kid, first time, I was really bad at it. Then I got better, then I got sent on mid-deployment break, and…God, I was tempted to run down to Peru and live with my Da rather than go back."
He's heard about her father, her book-bound father who lives in the past; he's heard fondness in her voice when she's talked about him, but also a kind of resigned contempt.
"Why didn't you?"
Trudy snorts slightly. "Hell. Couldn't let my mates down, now, could I? Couldn't just leave 'em. So I stopped cryin', went back."
"Just like that?"
"Once I made the decision, I made it." She takes a deep breath and then adds, "But I've been very well trained in killing. You haven't. Surprised you managed to, actually. Most folk wouldn't."
She doesn't say it as a good thing, she doesn't say it as a bad, she just says it as is. It's enough to get his curiosity.
"Don't tell me they've done studies."
"Oh, you bet they've done studies. Up to and including the Second World War, fifteen to twenty percent only will fire, under….the old way of trainin'. I'm guessin' that's just who naturally can pull the trigger, because sure as hell the old ways of trainin' weren't much good at actually getting folk to kill. Old Marshall worked that one out. His methods weren't all ship-shape and scientific, but other studies have backed it up since." She shifts slightly, rubbing her cheek against his knee almost like a cat. "So, various armies changed the way they trained their grunts. By Korean War in the nineteen-fifties, they got a firin' rate of fifty percent. By the time of the clusterfuck of Vietnam, it was over ninety percent. Now days…it's pretty much close to a hundred."
Norm nods, slowly. He's back to studying the ceiling, but instead of mentally withdrawing, his thoughts are here and now and on her words. And on what her words mean.
"But not a complete hundred percent."
Her eyes narrow slightly – even in the blue light, he can see that much. "Y'know the seven stages of grief?"
"Useful as a base for understanding, but not as a list to hand people, ye-es?"
"There's one for killing."
He goes still, and then he sits up, moving slightly away from her in the process. Unsure if that was deliberate or not, Trudy also sits up properly, her hands resting on her thighs.
"Only, the killing response table's got five main sections, from beforehand right through t'after," she continues. "Concern about being able to kill, the killing circumstance, the exhilaration from killing, remorse and nausea from killing, then the rationalization and acceptance process." She takes a breath, tries to gage his reaction. But he just has that faint frown, and she can't tell. "If…if y'get fixated in any of those, and the acceptance fails, then…you get post-traumatic stress disorder, basically. But-"
"…yeah. That…rush y'get. That satisfaction." Trudy is bilingual, with other bits and pieces of other languages floating around her skull, but she can't find the right word. Rush, satisfaction; killing could be a high that could also, on occasion, be damn near orgasmic.
(those were the times where, afterwards, she would stumble to the nearest spare toilet or patch of ground, and start to heave)
"You've felt it."
"Yeah. I have. I do. Not always, but I do."
"And that's normal?"
"I felt that," Norm says, slowly. "It was like a computer game at first, ride in and fire and they fell. I was the only one firing a gun, so I know it-it was me. But it didn't seem quite real. Bang, bang, the pixels fall down." He's not looking at her; he's studying his hands. She remembers him looking at her hands after he watched her butcher a hexapede, running his fingers over hers. She remembers watching his expression: yes, these are the same hands that guide her Samson with such subtlety and joy; yes, these are the same hands with which she draws and creates; yes, these are the same hands that she uses to make him gasp and moan; yes, these are also a killer's hands.
He has a similar expression now, but one tinged with far more uncertainty. His large hands could be so graceful, and normally were so precise and careful; now, these were hands that had held a rifle and killed.
Carefully, Trudy edges closer on the bed, and reaches out to cup his hands in hers. She has an artist's long fingers, but even so, her hands are noticeably smaller. This doesn't change the protective way her hands cradle his. "And then?" Trudy asks, softly.
"And then…I heard you, on the radio." (Norm, I love you) "And then, you were gone, and I got- my Avatar - got shot. I came to in the link, and…they were dead. I'd decided, in my head, that the Marines were all…dead. You were gone, and they'd killed you, and they'd killed Grace and so many others, and, they had to go as well."
Her fingers tighten around his. "Honey, I'm sorry." She brings his hands up to her mouth and kisses his knuckles. "I'm so sorry."
"You didn't kill them."
"…not the ones you did, no. But I killed others."
"Because…because I think that when you kill someone, you kill a part of yourself. And that's not somethin' I wish on anyone, let alone you."
"Why me in particular?"
"Because I love you. And I never wanted you to have to deal with all this shit."
"It felt…good, killing them. I was so angry." Angry wasn't a very good word to describe it; he could barely think, it had all hurt so damn much. So much grief and rage, that nonetheless couldn't stop him from remembering what he did and felt all so clearly.
"I know." Her voice is a whisper. "Trust me, I know."
"There were two. I shot one, in the back, the other turned, and…I shot her, too. There was a third, but then…" He laughs, the sound soft and leeched of all amusement. "Then Eywa stepped in, and the third ran, and was killed by a hammerhead." Now Norm looks at her again. "I'm a scientist, Trudy. Not…not a soldier. Worst I ever got was some fist-fights, and then…not many. And that's normal. But this…I. Like you said, most people don't shoot."
"It just means that you're part of the fifth percent of the population who can. Doesn't mean anythin' else. One in five people aren't…bad because of that."
"I feel bad." The sheer understatement of the word is made clear by his voice.
"Oh, Norm, no." She moves until she's on his lap, framing his face in her hands. "No, you're a good man. I know this."
He reaches up and curls his hands around her wrists. "How? How do you know, Trudy? You've known me for three. Months."
"Why were you fighting?" she retorts. "Tell me, Doctor Spellman, why were you fighting in the first place?"
"Because…" He falters, both under the sudden intensity of her expression and the confusion of his normally organised mind. "Because the Na'vi needed our help. Because…because it was the right thing to do." He sounds a little uncertain.
"And wouldn't a bad man just…take the money, turn a blind eye, not do anything. You're not trained, you're not a soldier, and, hell, I've known soldiers to baulk and refuse to go out into a gunfight. But you…defended the Na'vi, in a battle we thought we were gonna lose. It was the right-" Norm kisses her, which is not an answer. He kisses her first awkwardly, and then with an uncharacteristic hardness. He lets go of her wrists to pull her close, one hand on her neck and the other digging into her back. And Trudy responds, only to be left gasping a moment later as he stops. He presses his face against the join of her shoulder and neck, his breathing coming fast and uneven. Carefully, Trudy wraps her arms around him, turns her head to kiss his hair. She can feel the wetness of his tears, and part of her is glad. He needs to speak of what he did, he needs to lance the emotional boil of pain and guilt so he can move on, rationalize, accept and not let it eat him up.
And she wishes, oh how she wishes he did not have to deal with this at all. But Trudy is above all things pragmatic, and it does no good to wish for what was, and what it would have been nice if. The plots of vegetable gardens around the Avatar compound have been neglected, she knows, and he'll need something steady to occupy him tomorrow. Later, they'll talk again, and maybe she'll mention there are still some deaths that haunt her, that sometimes when she shuts her eyes it's a damn slideshow of things she can't get out of her head. She'll mention that because he should know, and he should know that it's okay to still have things like that. And, yeah, she'll also mention it because she really isn't always as okay as she acts. Later, after the gardens have been seen to. Gardens and plants always helped her, back on Earth, but along with that… Well, their relationship started due to a love of this land. In the end, there isn't a lot Trudy wouldn't do to keep death and battle from devouring the foundations of what they have.
But right here and right now, Trudy kisses Norm's hair, and whispers that it's alright, that she's not leavin', and she holds him close as he cries.
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ofyoonas · 9 months
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☆ welcome to infinite entertainment! it's BAE YOONAH (YOONA), who is the MAIN VOCALIST of BRAVEHEART. i’ve heard whispers that the 26 year old is pretty ADAPTABLE but lowkey SCEPTICAL. also, doesn’t she remind you of JEON SOMIN?
Yeah, I know, it's Esme again. Truth to be told, I've been working on this darling for about a year and I can't believe she's now a reality. Yoona is my onion, as my good sis Donkey would say, and you don't get to see her true self unless you earn that right. So don't get discouraged if she's not the most open of my muses. Despite that, she's very friendly and likes to be around people, so give her a try. As always, you can message me on @offleurs to plot with her!!
Born during a snowstorm, Yoonah was always meant to bring chaos into the world. Her mother was barely nineteen when Yoona came into the world screaming her lungs out, all on their own as the father ran as soon as he knew about the pregnancy.
Her mother did what she could to give her a good life, finding any job that gave her enough to pay for a small one-bedroom apartment and keep food on their table. It was never enough, and Yoona learned from a very young age that life was very difficult for those who couldn't afford it.
Her mother dated plenty of men, looking for acceptance and a family for Yoona. But they were mostly men who only wanted to take advantage of a single mother and were pretty much always mean to Yoona.
So Yoona grew up hating men, thinking they were really just a mistake of nature. Men never brought anything good into her life, and she was always relieved when she found her mother crying because she had been dumped once again.
Despite that, her mother was still very loving and wanted Yoona to have everything she didn't - a good life, and a good education, so she wasn't allowed to date anyone and she couldn't befriend boys. Which, really, Yoonah was more than happy to accept that because they weren't worth her time.
By the time she went to high school, tired of the life they had, knew she had to do something to help her mother.
In reality, being an idol wasn't something she wanted to do. In fact, she thought that maybe a modeling job would be good enough. It was then we scouted by Vibe Productions, because of her pretty face and how nice she would look in a girl group. Her singing voice was a surprise, one that needed a lot of work because she had no training, but it could be great if she actually tried.
Training Years
It was funny how she went to a house where she barely had anything to a dorm where she had to share every single thing and yet there was always food in her belly and a warm bed to sleep in. It was crazy how she could take a hot shower every day and stop taking those cold but quick showers at home just to save water and gas. It was a whole new world for her and she wasn't going to waste the opportunity.
So she kept to herself and minded her business, worked hard, and trained. She wanted to debut and finally make some money so she could take her mother out of that place and give her a better life. After so many sacrifices, her mother deserved peace.
It was difficult, though, when the company made sure all the girls fought for their place in the next group, practically encouraging them to step on each other or move the other out of the way no matter the way just to earn it. It could have been easy to do it, she was competitive enough and had reasons to try and be better than others, but Yoona didn't fall for it. She did her best to stay at the top without hurting others in the process. That didn't make her immune, she went through a lot and others did hurt her, and yet she managed to rise above.
Still, it was a surprise when she was selected to be part of a group with other three girls. She didn't mind, she could adapt and work with them, as long as they could make it. But she was terrified - there were so many things that could go wrong. Every day she went to practice hoping they wouldn't be told that their debut wouldn't happen, that when it did happen, Yoona wondered if this was what she truly wanted.
Sharing everything with other three girls was a challenge, not wanting to step on anyone's fingers but also trying her best to work hard and make sure Braveheart did well. She hadn't expected to feel comfortable around them, even if they all were so different. Yoonah didn't want to be the leader, she didn't want to be the spoiled maknae or anything at all. Being on the stage was fun, she got to see the world in a different light, and that was enough for her.
She really didn't have a role in the group, she felt. She went out there and did her job, but other than that, she was more than happy to be away. After all, she wanted to stay out of trouble so there was no reason to kick her out of the group.
So it took her a while to open up to her members, but when she did, they became her world.
Just another company, right? They still got to be on the stage and got paid, so what was the issue? Infinite couldn't be worse or better than Vibe, at least she supposed. As long as Braveheart was still together and could make music, Yoona didn't mind much. It was difficult to see so many familiar faces and have to see them around as much now, when she was used to Vibe and being just a few artists around. But still, she made new friends, allowed herself to relax, and maybe being around others wasn't so bad.
And maybe, as she realized how big the group was and that she was irreplaceable, then maybe she began living life and enjoying the fact she had the freedom to spend her own money as she pleased, to have fun, to go out and meet others. Men were good between the sheets at night, but the morning came and so she walked out the door before she could be stopped.
She got to travel and be on the stage with her girls, she didn't need much. She explored every city, had fun, did many things at night and forgot the next day. Met people in a city and left them behind, because that was life, and getting attached sounded like too much job.
Yoonah is a free spirit, she doesn't really need to overthink or feel when she can just enjoy life as it goes. Whilst it was really long, she still managed to survive without any major scandal or having the managers lose all their hair trying to control her ways.
Life is boring, she accepts. Traveling was fun, if anything very tiring, but at least she didn't feel the need to run because they were moving every two weeks and she didn't have to worry about what she left behind.
Now she's forced to stay in one place, dealing with the consequences of her actions and having to be more careful with what she does.
Her wanderlust asks her to run away and never come back, she has enough money to make it and she can make sure her mother has everything she needs in her absence. But she's attached to the other Braveheart girls and can't do that to them. Oh, but she considers it every day.
Random Facts
Even if she's closed off with her thoughts and feelings, you don't have to get close enough to her to be her friend.
She has two sides - the one she gives everyone; funny, daring, reckless. And the real one; a girl that never got to be a child, so she can be quite childish and silly when she feels comfortable with the person.
She's perceived as the silly member of Braveheart - she's a sore loser and still always loses lmao. She also always says the wrong thing at the worst possible moment, she has just terrible timing to speak.
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appalamutte · 2 years
Here's the post that started this whole idea!!
Okay, so, the premise is that instead of playing hockey, they're all classical musicians and Samwell is a music conservatory that's not exactly Julliard levels, but it's up there in terms of prestige/excellence.
Bitty actually still started out figure skating, but then Coach got a job with Georgia Tech in Atlanta and they moved to the suburbs (yes this is similar to my Jack the Gardener AU) instead of back to Madison, and instead of joining the community's co-ed hockey team, he joined the school's orchestra.
When he gets to Samwell, his freshman year is spent partly in music history lectures, partly in the small-group he joined (all students have to perform in a small group throughout the year), and mostly in practice rooms crying into his music because who does he really think he is? This is Samwell. Bitty didn't pick up his violin until he was twelve, and everyone else seems to have been playing their instrument since birth.
He has rather strong performance anxiety because of this fear of not being good enough to those around him, and this leaves him out of making it into Founders, the honors string ensemble at Samwell.
It's sometime in November when Bitty's leaving a practice room and finds Jack Zimmermann standing right outside the door. Jack Zimmermann, the prodigal son of "Bad Bob" Zimmermann, the greatest violinist in modern day and the infamous concertmaster of Founders.
Jack overhears Bitty practicing and demands asks why he isn't in Founders. He then offers to help Bitty get over his performance anxiety, even going as far as to offer the open violin position in their small group ("Yeah, Johnson was--he left, and now we need a second violin.") which is where Bitty meets Shitty (the violist), Ransom (the cellist), and Holster (the bassist).
I haven't found a way to really finish the story yet and it's more outlined than written, but here's a snippet!!
Eric’s heard of Jack Zimmermann.
It’s hard not to. His name is always fluttering around the mess hall, the dormitories, hushed behind stands during rehearsals and taking meaning off the grapevine, ripe or not. People say he’s this legend, this risk, this fissure waiting to crack beyond redemption. One person praises the ground Jack walks on and the next person tuts indignantly in his wake. He’s the most divisive topic of conversation after pop music, and yet when Jack enters a room, there’s still this collective pause that’s just long enough to be noticeable. Eric didn’t know why that was until his roommate sent him a few articles about the prodigal child gone off the rails.
All throughout his first year, Eric heard his fair share of stories—that Jack botched his Juilliard auditions and his father sent him to Samwell as punishment, that he got a girl pregnant in London and his father sent him to Samwell as punishment, that he got caught with cocaine in some New York airport and his father sent him to Samwell as punishment. 
The more Eric heard, the more outlandish the stories got, but they all had the common ending: Samwell is Jack’s punishment. Samwell is this step down from what Jack deserves. 
Which, yeah, that rubs Eric the wrong way.
“It’s, like, this Samwell right of passage to hear about him,” one girl—Lala? Laura? Larissa?—said at the beginning of the term when a group of first-years behind them didn’t know how to whisper. Eric sits beside her in Music History: 1700 - 1850 and hadn’t spoken more than five words to her before that day. “Which fucking blows. I mean, he’s a student here like the rest of us, but they act like he’s a ticking time bomb or something. It’s ridiculous.”
Eric shuffled in his seat. To have the entire school constantly talk about you and never to you is definitely shitty, but—“I mean, maybe there’s some truth there?”
The look the girl gave him could positively kill. They haven’t spoken to each other since.
Eric felt guilty saying that, but he doesn’t think he was entirely wrong. Jack Zimmermann, as much as he’s talked about, never refutes anything or tries to clear the air, always just walking around campus with this brooding sort of energy. Always frowning and hard-looking and stoic in a way that raises the hair on the back of Eric’s neck.
“He’s almost scary,” Eric told his mama over the phone a few weeks after starting at Samwell last year. It was the first day Eric had seen Jack Zimmermann in the flesh, leaving Founders and running late for his Discover Samwell seminar. “I hate that all these people keep talking about him in such troublesome ways, but a part of me wonders if there isn’t some truth in it.”
“Well, you know what I always say, Dicky: if it ain’t coming from their own mouth, it ain’t worth your time.”
Eric sighed and waved to the car that let him cross the street. “I know, Mama. I just wonder.”
“Honey, we all wonder, whether we like to or not. Now why are you so twisted up over this boy anyway?”
Eric couldn’t answer that without telling his mama that Jack Zimmermann quite literally could be the hottest man he’s ever seen with his own two eyes, and the added mystery and broodiness worked for Jack just as much as it worked against him, so Eric didn’t answer at all. He moved on, let the occasional blips of concern pass, and focused on surviving his first year, his ensemble auditions, and his now upcoming sophomore recitals. He stopped letting the rumors and whispers and side-eye glances get to him, stopped eavesdropping on others’ conversations when Jack’s name was said. 
It was easy. For the first time in his life, Eric wasn’t the target.
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sasquapossum · 1 year
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This is the last picture I have of my mother, possibly the last picture anyone has, with her beloved and only grand-daughter. She passed away this past Saturday, while in rehab from hip surgery.
It's hard to describe what an incredibly tough woman she was. She was born to a pair of missionaries, who were (predictably) indifferent as parents. Married to a pastor, who was (predictably) indifferent as husband or father. At some point she'd had enough. Despite being in a foreign country with little support for single mothers, she left literally everything she had known to live her own life and to raise her two sons as the felt was best. Later she fought through incredible pain just to live, to see her sons and their own families thrive. Through it all she wrote, mostly poetry, some of which I might share when I've had more of a chance to sort through and process the many boxes full of her creative output.
It is through her that I have some small understanding of chronic pain, chronic fatigue, of suffering caused by well meaning but not sufficiently diligent medical professionals. She was also my teacher when it came to other marginalized groups. Having been cast out of her own community, she had an affinity for others who were outside of the mainstream. It was many years before I myself understood what it meant to be gay, or even more so to be trans, because the concepts and words we now use did not exist in 1970s New Zealand ... yet, despite her own upbringing, she was quick to embrace all of the other outcasts. She was truly radical, decades ahead of her time.
A few of you might already understand how incredibly much there is to do when someone passes, and how the grief - which is often deferred during that frenzy of activity - can hit unexpectedly. For the rest, all I can say is to appreciate the people in your lives. Spend the time. Say the things, whether good or bad. You never know when it might be too late.
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crimsonblackrose · 1 year
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Oh ho! He is upset that Scott was kidnapped. Also major kudos to Control for finally saying “It’s not me you’re really mad, is it?” Because Mr. McCall does that every single time.
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Look at him all worried about his friend.
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I’ve seen this movie before. Beauty has been imprisoned, now where’s the beast? 🤣
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I love these two. I appreciate that Control is helping. I mean he always helps but he and Robert both kind of suck when it comes to Scott....maybe actually the person who should save him is Mickey. Mickey is the only one who can placate everyone in this oddball family.
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There’s too much at stake here, I’m going to ask you a favor Robert, will you head up this operation?
Control...Should the guy pissed off because these people accidentally screwed up and also took his son actually be in charge of the situation? You know Robert, he’s great at saving the average lady who no one believes or small child trying to help their parents but when it comes to his son he tends to shoot himself in the foot, and any time you’re around he takes all his anger out on you...maybe you should send him to Bermuda. 🤣
Mr. McCall did you just put your glasses on to think, make a decision and then take them off again?
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They recast Kay! (Scott’s mom) She was originally played by Sandy Dennis, this is Shirley Knight. Robert: Our son has gotten himself stuck in an international incident. Kay: So what are you doing about it? Robert: I’m going to get him out of course. Kay: *Scoffs* of course, McCall to the rescue.
These two...I’m very curious if they talk more about their life together/Scott because the so far what we know about Kay from Scott is. She moved on, her mother is sick.And from her we know she remarried quite awhile ago, and that she hasn’t really seen Scott all that much to the point she thought Robert knew more. I think that’s since changed because Scott went with her to Colorado or something until she bailed and went to Florida and he came home. And he didn’t try to spend teh holidays with her.
So I think...I think both of them sent Scott off to boarding school at a young age and haven’t really been parents until recently. But I’m very curious if this tries to course correct that.
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So Robert...you just said you introduced this music guy to Scott and he’s been wonderful, like a father to him. Sir...you’re Scotts father. Are you seriously out here trying to pawn Scott off on other people and admitting it to your ex-wife?
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Kay: I hope you get him back Robert, for your sake.
WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? Are you talking about Scott or the ex-agent. Like these two are the most bizarre parents. Scott, honey I’m so sorry. Everyone in Scott’s life is just...so blase about him being in danger. I mean he got a sister and then she thought he was dead and was just like *shrug*. 
“I’m not going to lose another child because of your work. I’m going to stay until Scott is safe.”
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Ah yes, back to toss William Zabka around hour. 🤣 Out of bizarre family melodrama and back into international incident.
This guy literally just shoved Scott against the wall and said “You are our guest. And you will behave like one” I’m waiting for some singing teapots.
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I’m sorry, I know I’m making beauty and the beast jokes but y’all they pulled Scott out of the dungeons and dumped him in a nicer room by himself away from his injured adopted father figure *cough* ex-spy music instructor.
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Mickey! He kind of looks like he’s been dragged out of bed at 2 am again or at least like he’s been listening to these two argue for hours.
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I’m voting Mickey is running on 0 sleep. Just based off the facial journey he went through which was mostly rubbing at his face like he was trying to stay awake for a full background shot.
Control: How many people do you need? Mickey and Robert mumbling to one another: Two guys Control: 2 men? That’s it?
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Robert: *glasses on and off on and off* Well Mickey might tag along.
Mickey: You know, for the group photo session.
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Control: I’m so sick of both of you. (LIterally the final part of that scene is him looking like this, opening his mouth like he’s about to say something, then it cuts away) Like no, he’s got no response to their dumb sarcastic jokes. (Mickey truly is Robert’s work son)
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What’s the plan man? “Take you home” very long pause (to be tried and shot)
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oh man they’re brothers. Oof.
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I...I know fear does things to people, but she waltzed in and wanted to know why Scott wasn’t in the papers. Ma’am he’s been kidnapped by a different government you seriously think “You music prodigy kidnapped by foreign powers and trapped here in our city” would be in every newspaper article? Especially when you know spies are involved. I...ma’am, you were married to a spy, why would you even wonder about such a thing?
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Okay, taking bets now. Anyone want to guess why he’s choking up and nearly in tears? Anyone?
Don’t be shy. An episode with his ex-wife and his son being kidnapped is the main point of this episode. So what could it possibly be?
Did you guess dead daughter Kathy? Congrats you’re right!
I just...I get it’s a big deal, but your son is alive. Clearly these two never healed from that and rather than reach out to Scott and love him even harder they splintered and sent him away and the poor guy’s spent his whole life trying to help other people for scraps of love.
I’d also like to point out he was half way out the door to go rescue Scott when she came in and now the two of them are sitting having a heart to heart about Kathy.
Scott, marry the beast.
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^This is how I feel. But what’s actually happening is she asked him how he’s going to handle if Scott dies because of his job and his honor.
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Meanwhile Scott alone, all by himself, in a very nice room with a ton of booze and books.
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sheyshen · 2 years
Fictober Day 1
Prompt: “I chose you.” Fandom: Swtor (Star Wars the old Republic) Rating: T Pairing: Kyri/Arn
  Kyri stretched as the lift from the hangar stopped at the bridge to the commander’s personal landing bay. Kara had taken her ship for a mission earlier in the day and had given free use of the field to anyone who would like to use it until she returned. There had been quite a few people coming and going since then, mostly Jedi and Sith, herself included, taking the chance to meditate and spar in the sun.   While most kept to themselves, focusing on individual training, there was a gathering of both groups of force users working together. A pair were chatting animatedly, large smiles on both their faces, a small group of both Jedi and Sith were practicing their forms together, and another in deep meditation. Titles like Jedi and sith, republic and empire meant little here.   There were quite a few familiar faces that she could pick out, some from her days on Tython, others she had met since joining the alliance. Lyra sat cross-legged in the grass, eyes closed in meditation, her one hand in a loose grip on Doc's as he sat next to her, watching the surrounding people casually. Connor practiced his forms with Theron, the spy taking a rare breather to spend time with his son while both his spouses were away. Caleb sat in the grass watching his brother train and holding their littlest sibling while their father was busy, Zhoren also watching intently for the moment.   But a pair in particular near the edge of the gathering of force users caught her attention. Tau stood there, towering over most of those around her, the heavily armored Jedi looking out of place. It was a warm day and most had opted for lighter clothing, but even still Tau looked ready for the battlefield. She spoke to her padawan, Arn, a serious look on her face. It wasn't until Kyri approached them that she overheard what was being said.   "-Was rash." Tau sighed, putting her hands on her hips. "If the commander hadn't gotten there when she did…" she trailed off.   Arn nodded, "I know. But if I hadn't they would've died."   She gave him a tired smile, "which is why I'm not upset, I would've done the same. I just… You did well, Arn." She glanced over at Kyri, nodding in greeting. "Knight Dennan."   Kyri bowed slightly, "Master Tau, good afternoon. I hope I'm not interrupting."   "Not at all." Tau's holo beeped. "In fact, you have perfect timing. I was hoping you could train with Arn while I attend to some things."   "Of course." She gave the Jedi a smile as Tau thanked her and hurried off to answer the call. "She seems busy lately. Both of you do."   Arn nodded, "the business with Malgus has us traveling a lot."   "Will you be staying long this time?"   He shook his head, "only until the commander returns."   "Oh…" She didn't bother hiding her disappointment. They stepped away, heading to a quieter area of the field. They didn't speak as they walked, the silence wasn't uncomfortable but there was an almost nervous energy that radiated off of Arn. When they stopped she finally spoke up, "are you alright?"   He glanced at her, a flicker of surprise flashing across his face before he gave her a soft smile. The look making Kyri's heart skip. "I am." He paused, debating. "It may be just a silly concern with everything else we’re facing, but I'm just worried that I'm not ready to be a knight. That I'll just disappoint Tau and the commander and-" he stopped himself, shaking his head in frustration.   She watched him, unsure what to say at first. She had only recently been given the title of Jedi knight herself so she understood his reservations, but she also knew that he had nothing to worry about.   "I'm sorry, I don't mean to worry you." He interrupted her thoughts.   "Don't be." She gave him a smile she hoped was as comforting as she meant it to be. "Arn… you'll do fine I know it. You're an amazing Jedi and I know tau thinks so too." She paused. "I know we haven't been together long, but I want to be there for you however I can, be it just as a shoulder to lean on or a partner to train with. Whatever you need."   "You have enough trouble without needing to worry about mine."   "Arn." She stated as she reached for his hand, gripping it firmly. She still wasn't sure if he could feel anything through the cybernetics but the meaning behind the action was what was more important. "It's no trouble. I want to be there for you. I want to be by your side as much as I can be." She reached up with her other hand and placed it on his cheek. " I chose you, to be with you, because I care about you and I want to support you however I can."   "Kyri, it's not something to-" he stopped when she made a face at him, instead chuckling and then opting to reply with a simple, "thank you." He leaned into her touch, closing his eyes for a moment before they took a step back recalling that they were supposed to be training before Tau returned. Picking up a training saber he paused, "I want to be the same for you."   She raised an eyebrow at him as she swung the training saber at the air a few times, stretching her arm before they spared. She shook her head "I thankfully don't have any galactic level concerns going on, you don't have to worry for me." She turned to face him, both shifting into a ready stance.   "Surely there are some things that have been bothering you." He blocked a strike aimed at his midsection, shifting his weight and brought his blade around, meeting her blow for blow. Neither swung with their full force, preferring to take the chance to catch up rather than train but also not wanting to upset Tau.   "Are you sure?" When he nodded she sighed, "well, there was this one thing…"
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