#and whitley trying to figure out having a caring mom
scham-wcan · 1 year
Mum and Son
Whitley: Mother- Sorry, Mum?
Willow, working: Hmm, yes Whitley?
Whitley: I was wondering, following dinner tonight, if you’re not busy, there’s a new show which has come out which I think you and I would enjoy
Willow: Oh? And what is it called?
Whitley: Vale Mind Hunters, it is a documentary series b-but… I was hoping we could watch it together?
Willow, standing suddenly: Of course! H-how about we skip dinner, I could ask Klein to pop some, shoot how did Winter describe it, popped corn?
Whitley: I would really like that, ma’am!
Willow, holding her son close: Oh, it’s still mum dear. Now, I’ll go tine Klein if you get our night all prepared in the theatre.
Whitley: I-it’s a scary production mother?
Willow: … I shall ask for Klein to produce extra popped corn and… perhaps sweets for us?
Whitley: That would be good mother, we shall make sure the sisters rue the day they mocked us for being awful at scary productions!
Willow: That is right, my boy!
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hadesisqueer · 2 years
Honestly I thought we'd left the “Tai was neglectful” discourse back years ago.
Because yeah, he was. I get him: he was left by his first wife and her second one disappeared and never came back, and that he suddenly saw himself a single father of two, still having to work to support them while he was still grieving, and the only person who could help him probably had to keep his distance most of the time because he was afraid his bad luck would affect them. And I understand that he was incredibly depressed, and that he loves his daughters more than anyone in this world and that eventually he came back from it (we see him spending time with his daughters and reading stories to them in canon content), and Yang did say in volume 5 that her father was always busy with school, so I also assume that the guy worked a lot and that he always made sure Yang and Ruby had their basic necessities covered. But he did neglect Ruby and Yang emotionally for a while, and that did affect Yang. That's it. He's not a bad person, he just wasn't the best father for a while.
It's sort of like Willow. She was a caring mother for her children when their kids were little; Weiss really implied it. And seeing she is able to summon Grimm, I assume she could fight and that she even could have been the one who taught Winter how to do so (and Winter's original outfit seemed to be based off hers in portrait, so I assume they were close). But then Weiss' tenth birthday happened, and everything came crashing down. She became very depressed, and started drinking to numb that pain, becoming an alcoholic. I do feel bad for Willow; I know that she really does love all her children, and that in volume 8 she took a turn, stopped drinking and started repairing her relationship with at least two of her children. I know she's trying to be better now, but that doesn't change the fact that she was neglectful towards her kids as well. She didn't only allow Jacques to still abuse her those years, she also allowed her kids to be abused because she was usually to drunk or depressed to do anything. We saw that the closest thing to a proper mother figure Weiss had growing up was Winter herself, who was only fifteen when her mother shut down and had to take on that role. We've all also seen how Winter turned out, emotionally repressed trying to distance herself as much as she can from her entire family as possible, not just Jacques. And we saw Whitley; how lonely he felt because his sisters got to leave and he's stuck with their abusive father and their alcoholic mother, that he was so young when his mother shut down that he probably doesn't even remember when she was a loving mom, and how he at first could barely even stand being in the same room with Willow or her talking to him because he resented her.
They both made mistakes and that has shaped their kids being the way they are, not only because their mom left or died or because their father is abusive. That doesn't mean I hate them, of course. I love both Willow and Tai, I don't think they're bad people, I want to see their families heal and I wanna see them spend time with their kids, and most of all, I know that they'd give their lives if that meant seeing their kids safe because despite everything, I don't doubt that Tai loves Yang and Ruby and that Willow loves Whitley, Weiss and Winter as well, more than anything in the world. That's all.
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yanderelovlies · 6 months
(Demon AU) what if before Emily long died, the two oldest found put what happened and that Emily was the reason their family is broken. Confronts Emily with cold hard evidence. What would happen then? How would the others feel? How would Bo feel?
Fandom: DachaBo
Character(s): Bo, Emily, and children
Au: Demon Au
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The two eldest would spend most of their teens years trying to figure out what happened. Atlas was the first to figure it out.
He found differences in Emily and his mother, pictures of a woman he didn't recognize with his siblings, and eventually, he found his true mom.
Before Atlas confronts his father and this woman, He talks with Whitley. He shows her everything, and talks with her about how they should proceed.
Whitney wanted to go in blazing, but Atlas was able to convince her otherwise. So the two ask to talk to Bo and Emily alone in their room to tell them what they found.
Bo was devastated and panicking. He knew eventually he had to tell his pups, but he wasn't ready to do it not now.
Emily, on the other hand, relieved she didn't have to keep her y/n form, and she quickly dropped it. She didn't really care about the outcome.
Atlas tries to keep the talk straightforward and calm, but his sister Whitley is hot-headed and quickly goes off.
It's because of this that their siblings hear everything, and rumors spread quickly. Now all the siblings are divided.
There are siblings who are much like their mother and close to her, so they take her side without hesitation.
Then, the siblings who have mixed feelings. They don't like what their mother did, but...that's their mother...
Lastly, there are the siblings who are too young to understand. They are confused , scared, and upset as their family becomes divided.
The Bo family is broken and divided. Atlas feels responsible and begins to wonder if the awnsers were worth it.
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unorthodoxsavvy · 2 years
Whumptober Day 8: Everything Hurts And I’m Dying
Something didn’t feel right to Malcolm. His stomach hurt, and so did his head. He blinked and looked around him.
Right. It was the zombie apocalypse. And he was probably dying.
Malcolm instinctively reached up and touched his head. His fingers came back warm and wet, covered in blood. He wiped the blood from his fingertips on his shirt. Then he grabbed his shirt and tried to rip it. It was never as easy as they made it seem in the movies.
Malcolm looked around him for something he could use as a head wrap- something clean. The last thing the needed was to die of infection and turn. Although, from the way things were going, he might have already been on his way.
Malcolm was in an abandoned mall. He’d been at the police station when all the commotion hit. There was a flood of calls, cops rushing in and out of the station, and they had turned the morgue into a triage station for injured patients. Edrissa had worked hard to direct staff members to help patients. The receptionist, a janitor, Malcolm- everyone who wasn’t an active police officer was helping out somewhere. Edrissa, being her usual curious self, was trying her best to figure out this pathogen as best as she could. A very visible part of her had been extremely excited over a real-life “zombie virus”. The rest of her, though, was overwhelmed at the amount of patients stumbling in, bleeding, and crying for help. This was what had led their station to becoming over-run.
As patients started dying they started turning, and eventually it became too much to keep up with treating people and then killing them off- eventually the police station had been evacuated to the best of everyone’s abilities- but not without a few casualties.
Malcolm, Dani, JT, Gil, and Edrissa had made it out fine. Edrissa, Dani, JT, and Gil hadn’t had anyone in the city to worry about- but Malcolm had his mom and his sister to worry about- not to mention his father.
Malcolm had been able to call both Jessica and Ainsley and told them to meet at the house. It was there that the seven of them had holed up for the foreseeable future. The house was large, had secret passageways, and a fence around the property.
They had turned the news on and were watching coverage of the outbreak event. Of course major cities like New York were being overtaken first. It was reported that LA was already completely overrun and the National Guard had been deployed. It seemed like the zombie apocalypse didn’t follow time zones.
The national guard was currently being deployed in New York City. The street outside the Whitley manner was eerily dead as everyone took shelter.
Malcolm, Gil, JT, and Dani took charge of making a plan. They all agreed it was too dangerous to stay in the city. Malcolm suggested the tunnel under the Whitley manner, what his sister affectionately referred to as the “serial killer tunnel”, to reach his dad’s cabin in the woods. If the cabin was tucked enough out of the way for a serial killer, Malcolm figured it was tucked enough out of the way for a zombie apocalypse. Plus, the tunnel would lead to safe and easy access to the city for supply runs.
It was on one of these supply runs that Malcolm had ended up getting injured.
They’d been holed up at the cabin for month, undisturbed, but the supply runs were a different story. JT, Dani, Gil, and Malcolm went in pairs. Malcolm had been paired up with Dani on this run.
They’d been raiding a corner store in the Bronx when the zombies had hit them full force. The bars on the door and the windows of the store didn’t matter- there was a gaping hole in the side of the brick building.
They had been careful- they were always careful. It hadn’t matter though. One moment with their backs turned, one glance from one stray zombie, and boom. A cry across the streets, and they had come running.
Dani and Malcolm had fought them off as best as they could, but there was simply too many.
Malcolm remembered being loaded up onto some sort of cart and dragged. The road was bumpy and uneven, and Malcolm shook and rattled as he was carried. He assumed Dani was taking him to the meeting place that they and JT and Gil had set up, which was a mall a little out of the ways of the hub of the city.
It was here that Malcolm had woken up, looking around for something to tie around his head, which was bleeding. He was unable to find anything, however.
“Hey, over here.”
Malcolm turned his head gingerly to look over at Dani, who was rushing to his side with a bottle of water.
She tilted his head up gently and poured the water slowly into his mouth. He sipped eagerly.
Dani pressed a cloth she’d manufactured from somewhere to his head.
“What happened?” He murmured.
“We got into a nasty fight. One got you good on the head with it’s nails.”
“I got scratched?” Malcolm asked, concerned.
Dani glanced over to the side, Malcolm assumed at Gil.
“We don’t know for sure that’s a problem,” Dani assured. Malcolm didn’t say anything, but he already knew: his stomach didn’t feel right, and it was getting worse the longer he was awake.
“Let’s get you back to the cabin,” Gil said, from somewhere out of Malcolm’s view.
Gil came into Malcolm’s peripheral.
“What do you mean?” Gil asked.
“Leave me. I can feel myself turning. It’s not safe. Please, just leave me here.”
Gil and Dani exchanged a concerned glance.
“Kid, we can’t just leave you here by yourself.”
Normally Malcolm would try and fight, argue for them to save themselves and leave him be, but he could tell his time was short, so he offered a compromise.
“Fine. But move out of the way. Let’s wait here and see if I improve. Wait and keep watch from up on the second floor.”
Gil and Dani exchanged another unspoken look between them. Malcolm figured JT was already somewhere keeping watch.
Dani placed the water bottle in Malcolm’a reach and backed up a little further. It wasn’t as far away as Malcolm would have liked, but he didn’t have the strength to argue. He felt like he was dying. He knew he was dying. He hoped the pain would end soon. It was excruciating. He couldn’t take it anymore. He wanted it to fade away.
Malcolm was staring up at the mall ceiling way above him when he wasn’t in so much pain he was clenching his eyes closed. The ceiling was glass, and Malcolm watched the clouds drift peacefully overhead. It was quiet, calm. From the angle you almost couldn’t tell that the world as they had known it ended.
The pain was growing to the point Malcolm could feel himself drifting out of consciousness. Malcolm let out a groan and squeezed his eyes shut. He waited, waited, and waited. And finally the pain started to slip away, as did everything else.
Malcolm ended up dying there, on the mall floor. His eyes opened, his body started to sit up on it’s own, and eventually it was struck down by the very hands that had nurtured it.
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dragynkeep · 3 years
You know something i find i dunno if weird is the right word maybe odd is that yang's arc with her mom started with an emotional talk with blake about not letting a goal take over her entire life and that arc was continued with weiss.
Now narratively speaking weiss was the better choice especially how weiss always had yang's back and we find out weiss has similar problems with her own mom. But still it's kinda strange that such an emotional and impactful moment neded up having nothing to do with blake and all the obvious parallels and red flags she shared with raven are completely ignored by the show. It could've been cool if blake didn't run and stayed to help yang recover, they reunite with weiss and blake sees raven as a hard warning of what she could turn into.
Instead of shoehorning yang into the whole adam debacle blake should've been paired up in the raven story so yang had two strong supports to mirror qrow and tai.
Weiss absolutely would’ve been a better choice for Yang to talk about her issues with Raven because she understands better than anyone else what it’s like to go through what Yang has gone through. 
This isn’t even a shipping moment anymore. Blake doesn’t know what it’s like to be abandoned, she doesn’t know what it’s like for someone who’s supposed to take care of you to just check out and never tell you why, or to stick around and just be a constant reminder of what they’re supposed to be, but aren’t anymore. It’s just a fact that Blake grew up with two loving parents who are in a healthy and loving marriage. Her abuse by Adam is not the same as Yang or Weiss’ abuse by their mothers. 
But Weiss does. Willow might still be in Weiss’ life, but she has all but physically checked out of it ever since Weiss was ten years old, to the point that Winter had to take over the duties for her mother to her younger siblings. Weiss knows loneliness from being abandoned, added onto questions that Willow likely would never have answered, and even though she had Winter and Whitley, Winter would eventually leave and her relationship with Whitley wasn’t that great.
Just like how Summer eventually had to leave Yang, and Ruby was too young to be someone for Yang to lean on. Taiyang was struggling as a single father who was grieving for two losses, while Jacques is an abusive father who Weiss could never find emotional comfort from. These two share so much together about their family life, and they never get to share it.
The whole talk about Weiss’ mother in V5 wasn’t even meant to happen. Yang wasn’t upset because of her mother or Summer or Taiyang, she was upset because Blake ran away and didn’t even say goodbye. The issue they had to talk about was Blake, not their parents, and after that they never get to have a moment like that again.
Which leads me to the Burning the Candle scene. Yang wasn’t even telling Blake about Raven or Summer because she was trying to relate to Blake over lost loved ones, because Blake hasn’t lost any loved ones. Her parents were alive, and they happily accepted their daughter back. Yang was using her own issues to show Blake that fixating on a goal without stopping to think about it could not only hurt you, but the people you care about.
Yang almost got herself and Ruby killed, which not only would’ve been terrible, but would’ve destroyed Taiyang and Qrow, the two people who were their only family left and had already lost people before. Blake was destroying herself in trying to figure out what the White Fang was doing with Torchwick, which was hurting her friends because they care about her and don’t like seeing their friend suffering like that. 
They didn’t relate to the same issue. Blake wasn’t relating to Yang on her dead mom or the woman who abandoned her, she didn’t even open up to Yang about her past at all. Nothing about her parents, her life in Menagerie, nothing. Even what she said about Adam was very minor and didn’t really tell us or Yang anything. 
This is compared to Yang being honest to Blake about everything, including her own mistakes. She admitted that she almost got her baby sister killed, and that she regretted it to this day. That she wouldn’t make that same mistake again. Blake doesn’t give that same courtesy to Yang.
But Weiss does.
Yang opens up even more about her issues to Weiss in V5. Rather than idealising Summer, she lets Weiss know just how much her leaving and following death affected Yang, how when combined with Raven abandoning her, Taiyang struggling, and Ruby being too young to help Yang, it’s left her with serious issues regarding loneliness. Something she assumed Weiss didn’t know anything about because she had a family still.
Only for Weiss to prove that Yang made an assumption that was wrong. Weiss’ own mother checked out of her life, her father was never around, Winter left for the Academy and Whitley didn’t even like her. Weiss might not know what Yang’s exact problems are like, but she can relate to them far more than anyone else can, and far more than Yang gives her credit for.
So yeah, annoyed we never got anything more for that. 
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Hi Clyde! I know this might be a bit late to the conversation but I just wanted to ask if you think M&K are writing Yang through a male lens? Not in the sense she's hyper-sexualised, but in the sense she lashes out at her allies without consequences (Fiona), has little empathy for female survivors of abuse (Salem and Blake) and gives her loved ones the cold shoulder when she doesn't agree with them rather than trying to reach an understanding (Blake and Ren).
Hi there, anon! No one is ever late to the conversation around here, not when I'm forever answering months-old asks lol
On the whole I would say no, simply because - as many others have pointed out in regards to other posts - this behavior is by no means seen solely in Yang. Ruby is out there lashing out in Volume 6, Jaune was giving Ren the same cold shoulder, no one else has expressed any empathy for the abuse survivors lately (though Yang might actually have a point in her favor there, given her talk with Weiss in Volume 5, when she learns about her mom's drinking). My point being, pretty much everyone is written with this classic masculine lens right now, where being angry, violent, and dismissive are framed as the correct way to approach problems, whether we're talking about Weiss shoving her weapon in Whitley's face, or Nora coolly brushing aside Ren's concerns. The exceptions being, to my mind, Ren - who learned this season that considering a kinder, more strategic approach is wrong - and Oscar who is embodying the archetype of the innocent child so fully that it allows him to forgive/grant absolution outside of the bounds of the story's internal logic and gendered expectations. Him reaching out to Hazel, Emerald, and even Ozpin is less a commentary on gender and more an extreme upholding of his status as the youngest and, comparatively, most innocent (which, as said previously, bumps up against Ruby's same, former status). Think Harry Potter, destroying evil with the love in his skin as an 11yo by merely touching Quirrel's face, not an older teenager hurling a dark curse at Malfoy while overflowing with rage. Oscar is still very much in that initial stage of being the young, baby-faced character who is not yet jaded and is thus able to overcome evil purely by wishing it so. Yet everyone else, including Yang, gets by on lies, secrets, violence, and anger - no matter how much the story wants to dress it up as heroics. So Yang is by no means alone in that.
What does interest me regarding Yang characterization right now is not, strictly speaking, about Yang. Rather, it’s about the presumed relationship with Blake and how changes to Blake’s character have reflected back on Yang. I won’t go into a full, eight season analysis of it here, but suffice to say, Blake’s personality has taken a sharp dive lately, most notably in the most recent volume. She used to be an opinionated, outspoken woman, the kind of person who marched up to Weiss in the middle of the street to denounce her family’s slavery, fighting for her people with as much intensity in a conversation as she gave on the battlefield. This is the woman who stormed off in anger at Weiss’ racism, demanded a solemn oath from Yang if she was going to believe her about the Mercury fight, rallied an army to defend Haven, set her own house on fire to defend her parents... I could go on. Blake used to only be quiet when it came to settling down with a good book. Now she’s far more meek and submissive. She’s been reduced to blushing prettily at Yang’s praise, begging Ruby to save her, going along with Yang’s plans for betrayal because she’s scared about killing again, clasping Ruby’s hands to assure her that she’ll save them all, etc. I use the term “reduced” intentionally because, on their own, there’s nothing wrong with any of these traits. If anything, Blake should be a more well-rounded character for being able to collapse crying over Adam, or go tongue-tied at a compliment. The problem lies in replacing her original personality with this new one: softer, less confrontational, less skilled, no longer as determined, no longer as angry, keeping to the background to play at comic relief or the damsel in distress. I bring all this up because - within the comparatively slim queer rep we’ve gotten in media - there’s a long history of writing them so that one is clearly the “man” in the relationship and the other is clearly the “woman.” This extends from visual markers like dividing them between assumed masculine and feminine clothing preferences - who wears dresses and who can pass for a boy in a baseball hat and sweats? - to caching in on equally assumed personality traits - who is the calm and compassionate individual; who has the temper and is constantly itching for a fight? To use two examples, think of couples like Sapphire and Ruby, or Kurt and Blaine. One is a cool blue in flowy dresses, always working to be sensible, while the other is an angry red in a sensible shirt and pants, easily pissed off. One is practicing a version of Beyoncé's “Single Ladies” in a sequined leotard, framed as the lady, whereas the other sings “Teenage Dream” in a suit at the piano, a song meant to appeal to the teenage girls watching, no matter the character’s sexuality. I’m simplifying a LOT here, including the context for the times (Glee) and the ways in which this divide is sometimes flipped (Ruby and Sapphire’s wedding), but my point is that whether authors realize it or not, they often force their queer characters into the gender binary, even while they’re supposedly meant to be challenging those norms. Blake and Yang, to get to a long-winded point, are becoming a part of that trend, wherein the closer they get to becoming a canonical couple, the more classically feminized Blake becomes. That, in turn, positions Yang as the “man” of the relationship. Already embodying some of those assumptions with her tough personality and brawl fight style, Blake’s regression into someone in need of rescue, someone less likely to speak up, someone who is visually positioned as less confident and in need of emotional care (think of her drooped ears and inability to make eye contact in “Ultimatum)” only increases that reading, especially given arcs like Yang’s insistence that she doesn’t need anyone protecting her, morphing into her becoming Blake’s protector instead. Yes, the dialogue states that they protect each other, but we all know RWBY struggles to show what the characters claim. Scenes like Yang arriving on a badass motorcycle to fight the majority of the battle against Adam, ending with her cradling a sobbing Blake who promises to never leave her side, or confidently taking Blake’s cheek in hand to comfort her after their not-fight, a moment of confidence and (unneeded) forgiveness... this all speaks volumes of something RWBY doesn’t think is there. So I don’t believe it’s intentional and, as said, there are a lot of complexities to take into account here, but I nevertheless don’t think it’s a coincidence that we’ve lost so much of Blake’s original personality right around the time the show got more serious about their relationship. As a presumed queer couple, there’s an instinctual desire to figure out which is the “guy” and which is the “girl” in the relationship, with Yang being positioned as the former the more Blake changes to fit the latter. 
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toggle1-mrfipp · 4 years
Fipp: This is just a crackship fic, nothing more.
Also, let's assume this takes place in an AU where things went better than they did in canon.
Schnee Sibling Brunch
Whitley has brunch with Weiss and Winter to better reconnect. Winter has a stroke. (Qrow/Willow Jaune/Winter crackship)
Among other things, Whitley had to admit that this was... nice. Yes, nice, that seemed like the proper way to refer to how the relationship between him and his sisters had developed recently. Much of the animosity had faded away and allowed them to grow a better and healthier interactions with one another, though they had yet to reach that stage and seemed to be in this awkward phases where none of them knew exactly how to talk to one another.
Or maybe it was just him. Weiss and Winter seemed to talk easily to each other well enough, and while he could have conversations with Weiss, with some struggle, talk between him and Winter was of a much more difficult manner, since neither one of them seemed to really know where to start there.
Hopefully these brunches Klein had suggested should help, having the three of them get together every once and awhile to talk about their weeks and breaks some ice between them. It could work, he thought, after all there were only three of them here, and in his experiences, more than three members of his family tended to end in arguments and yelling.
On the table, Weiss' scroll buzzed, slightly moving as it vibrated, while she gave an annoyed huff and chose to ignore it. That in itself isn't anything noteworthy, but what was that this was not the first time this had happened, and it had been going off nearly every minute since they sat down to eat.
“Aren't you going to answer that?” Winter asked, having taken a sip of her tea.
“It's only Ruby,” Weiss said with a roll of her eyes.
“Ruby? Whitley asked.
“Yes, Ruby. She's one of my teammates, you've met her before.”
Whitely tried to think of the faces of Weiss' friends, but while he knew what they looked liked, he couldn't say he ever got their names. “The one with the arm?” he tried.
“No, that's Yang. She's the one in the red hood.”
Oh yes, the one who crashed the sandwich tray last week. Wait...
“So the one named Ruby Rose is the one in the red cape?”
“Yes, what about it?”
“Doesn't that seem a bit on the nose?”
Weiss Schnee picked up her snowy-colored napkin and laid it across her lap, to protect her white dress from any stains or spills. “Of course not.”
“What does she keeping texting you about?” Winter asked.
“Well...” Weiss said, only to pause, looking as though she was not certain how to explain herself. “Okay, so you two know about the recent... situation with our parents, correct?”
A heavy tension suddenly appeared over the table, and Whitley felt his appetite vanish.. Everything between his father and mother, his father in particular, filled with him complicated feeling and emotions that he didn't know how to place or work through. So the best course of actions on dealing with them was to ignore them and hope that they somehow worked themselves out when he's not paying attention to them. Yes, that seemed like a good idea.
“Well, as we both know, Mom recently took up to dating again and-”
Winter made a gagging noise.
“Could we not talk about that please?” Winter said, putting a fist to her mouth, her skin taking on a slightly green complexion to it.
“Yes, I feel like there are other things we can talk about,” Whitley added, wishing the subject could be about anything else than this. The thousands of  square miles of barren icy desert outside the city would be a more interesting thing to talk about in his opinion.
“Are you going to do that every time someone brings up Qrow?” Weiss asked, glaring at Winter. “I would think you would be a bit more mature about this, at least more so than Whitley”
Yes, Qrow. That ragged-looking man. Whitley didn't care for him.
“What do you mean more mature than me?” Whitley asked, staring daggers at Weiss, who only seemed to grow in annoyance with her sibling.
“Okay, listen,” Winter said, interrupting anything Weiss could have said to defend herself. “I'm happy for Mom wanting to move on, I really am, and while she would have to dig through the bottom of the barrel worst than Jacques, there are still plenty of options better than Qrow Branwen!”
“You're over exaggerating,” Weiss said, taking a sip of her coffee.
“I am not! He is an uncouth, vulgar, vagabond! Every encounter I have had with the man has ended with me wanting to stab him in the throat!”
“That's a bit violent, don't you think.”
“Also! He's a drunk! That's the last thing Mom needs right now!”
“Actually, Ruby told me Qrow hasn't had a single drop since we got to Atlas, and Yang says that he wants to take her to one of the meetings he's been going to.”
“Weiss, while Winter and I have some obvious reservations about Mother and Qrow being... together.” Again, Winter gagged, harsher this time, like she was fighting to keep her food down. “Why don't you seem to bothered by this prospect?”
“Because unlike you two, I can be a mature adult when it comes to such matters.”
“Right,” Winter said, barely under her breath, like she was trying to hide her comment, but didn't want to do it very well.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Weiss shot back.
“You know what.”
Whitley sighed, feeling a headache coming on. “So anyway, the texts from Ruby, what does that have to do with Mother and Qrow?” Winter heaved again.
With a sigh, Weiss picked up her scroll and began to flick her thumb across the screen. “Every since they started dating-” hruk “Ruby has gotten a bit to exuberant over the idea of them together, the point where she has completely gotten ahead of herself and wants them to get married so we can be cousins.”
Winter dropped her spoon, and with sluggish movement pushed her omelet to the center of the table. “I'm done, I can't stomach anything else right now.”
To a degree, he shared the sentiment.
Weiss continued, ignoring Winter. “For the last week she has much of sent me more than a hundred texts, about things like Cousin Activities, and Cousin Weekends, and has even gone as far as to threaten me with matching t-shirts.” With a sigh Weiss continued to scroll through the long list of messages she seemed to have been sent. “There's even something here about-wait, what?”
“Is something the matter?”
“Yeah, for some reason she's talking about Jaune being my brother-in-law? What?”
“Seriously? This again?” Winter groaned.
“Jaune?” Whitley asked.
“He's the blond guy with the sword.”
Oh yes, the one who knocked over the drink tray last week.
“The one with the bad haircut.”
“It's not a bad haircut, I rather like it.” Winter continued. “A while ago, he and I were on a team to eliminate a grimm that had been stalking an outpost in the tundra. A Krampus to be precise.”
A Krampus? Oh yes, their grandfather had first gotten his name as a Hunstman for killing a particularity dangerous one that had been known to target the children of Mantle when he was a young man.
“Well we were separated from the rest of the team and ended up fighting it on our own, and while he had several close calls in the end we managed to kill it.
“So can you summon it now?”
“No, Jaune got the killing blow on it. Anyway, the weather had gotten so bad by that point and turned into a blizzard, we were forced to take shelter in a way-station until it had subsided. We spent a couple of hours together alone and well, he's not half bad.”
“So you're dating him then?”
“I suppose,” Winter said, averting her eyes while a slight red came across her cheeks.
“Wait, you're dating someone?” Weiss asked, and Whitley could only look on in confusion why already Winter was looking frustrated.  “Since when?”
“I don't understand, what's going on?” he asked.
Winter could only groan, dragging a hand across her face before she looked Weiss hard in the eyes. “Weiss.”
“Me, Winter.”
“And Jaune, your friend.”
“What about him?”
“We. Are. Dating.”
For several seconds, Weiss had this odd look on her face, like she was trying to figure out a difficult puzzle that kept cheating without her knowing. “I don't understand.”
“See!” Winter cried out. “She's been like this whole time! It's like she's physically incapable of comprehending that I am dating Jaune!”
“Who is dating Jaune?” Weiss asked, clueless.
“Me! Weiss! I am dating Jaune! We have gone on three dates so far. Just last night, we spent an hour walking around the mall downtown. We had ice cream and then made out.”
“Okay, you're saying a lot of words that I individually understand, but the order you are saying them just doesn't seem right to me. Winter, are you having a stroke?”
“No I am not having a stroke!”
“Wait,” Whitley said after a thought. “You're dating? Since when do you have time for a social life?”
“Shut up,” Winter snapped. “Also, just what the hell does Ruby mean by 'brother-in-law'? We are not getting married! Marriage isn't even on the table yet!”
“Shut up again!” She turned back to Weiss. “First of all, you're friend is way over the line here, and she-”
Suddenly, Winter frozen, her words and anger dying as quickly as they had come, and her expression had shifted into something akin to fear from an unwelcome realization.
“Winter?” Weiss asked, and Whitley contemplated poking her with a fork.
Winter next words came out weary, and defeated. “I just recalled some insults Qrow once threw at me regarding our mother, and it occurred to me he could actually carry some of those out.” Without explanation, not that he felt that such a thing were needed, Winter pushed her chair out and slowly made her way to the door, her forming retreating into the hallway beyond.
“Is she going to be okay?” he asked.
“Why wouldn't she be?” Weiss said, reaching forward to take Winter's small bowl of melon slices.
There was then a loud, and muffled scream of anguish from down the hall.
“Right...” Whitley then took the remains of Winter's omelet, knowing she would not return for it.
Please be well,
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razieltwelve · 3 years
Routine (Final Rose AU)
Willow opened her eyes and bit back a smile. As usual, Snow was already up although he’d taken care not to wake either her or Serah. It was equal parts thoughtfulness and self-preservation. Serah might have been the smallest out of the three of them, but she was also the most ferocious. It was also a horrible idea to anger someone who could mess with time.
And speaking of time, it was about time for her to get up and check on her father. He hadn’t wanted to move to Vale, but his worsening health had not been helped by the climate in Atlas. Thankfully, a combination of Willow’s pleading, Serah’s tyranny, and Snow’s good natured cheer had eventually won her father over. It hadn’t hurt that he’d be able to see his grandchildren every day either since he’d be moving in with them.
Some wealthy men might have chafed at moving from a mansion to a spacious but not gigantic home in the suburbs. However, her father had not grown up wealthy. He’d become wealthy through hard work, perseverance, and intelligence. He might enjoy being wealthy, but he prized his family above everything else.
She dressed quickly, taking a brief moment to tuck the blankets back in around Serah, before making her way downstairs. There were voices coming from the living room, and she was pleased to hear her father’s amongst them. His voice was strong and clear. It must be one of his good days.
“Good morning.” Willow pressed a kiss to her father’s cheek and grinned as the children looked appropriately horrified. “What are you up to this morning?”
Her father chuckled and gestured at the blocks scattered on the living room floor. “The children are building a Dust mine.”
“Are they?” Willow eyed the blocks scattered on the ground with a more discerning eye. Her father was right. It might be far from complete, but they were putting together a Dust mine. In fact... “Would you happen to be helping them with the design, father?”
“What makes you say that?” he asked, grin widening a fraction.
“Unless I’m mistaken, it’s based on the very first mine you ever found. You’ve told me about it enough times that I can recognise the layout even if it’s not complete.”
He chuckled. “Ah, you’ve got me. The kids asked me about it, so I thought it would be nice to build a copy, so they’ve got something to help them visualise the stories.”
Winter, the oldest of the children, nodded. “Since we’ve never been there, it would definitely help.” She shrugged. “I mean... we could look it up on the InfoNet, but building it ourselves just feels right.” She gestured at Claire, Weiss, and Whitley who were all doing their bit to add to the model of the mine. “And it’s something we can do together.”
“That’s very thoughtful of you.” Willow glanced toward the kitchen. “Is your father cooking?”
“Yes.” Winter sniffed the air. “I think he’s making bacon although he did mention something about pancakes and omelettes too.”
“I’ll go help him out. Keep working on the mine with your grandfather.”
“Is Serah Mom going to be up soon?” Winter asked.
“She’ll be up when she’s up.” Willow giggled. “You know how she is.”
“So right before breakfast?” Winter asked.
“Most likely.”
As Willow headed for the kitchen, she thought about the other woman. Serah was not a morning person at all, which usually left her or Snow to handle breakfast. However, she was definitely an afternoon and evening person, so she was perfectly happy handling lunch and dinner. 
“Morning.” Willow would have kissed Snow, but the tall man was in the midst of cooking several things at once with the aid of his Semblance. “My father looks like he’s having one of his good days today.”
Snow continued cooking, but she could hear the relief in his voice as he worked on the omelettes. “He always does a little worse when it’s cold at night, even with the heat on, but we’re coming into spring now, so I think he’ll have more good days than bad ones.” One of his Semblance’s hands flipped over a pancake. “I think having the kids around helps. I just hope Vanille will have a cure ready in time.”
“I hope so too,” Willow said as she slipped into place next to Snow, taking over the pancakes. “Although he’s already grateful for the time her treatment has been able to give him. Still...”
“It’s Vanille,” Snow said. “She said she’ll get it done, so she’ll get it done - by hook or by crook. That’s just how she is. And just think of how many other people any cure she comes up with will be able to help. There’s a lot of former and current miners out there with problems like your father.”
“I know.” Willow sighed. At the moment, Vanille’s treatment was basically keeping her father from deteriorating, but the prospect of a cure - something that could actually get him healthy again was tantalising. She could remember her childhood. Her father had been a strong, larger than life figure. His illness had robbed him of much of his vitality, and he was a shell of his former self from a physical standpoint. If it wasn’t for his willpower, she was certain he’d have died long before Vanille had gotten a chance to stabilise his condition. “I just worry.”
“Hey, we all do,” Snow said. “I never knew my parents,” he murmured. “I grew up in an orphanage. Your dad, well, he’s been kind of like a dad to me too.” He paused. “And I’m just glad that Vanille isn’t here right now because hearing me say your dad was like my dad would have a sister fixation joke thrown at me so fast.”
“Don’t worry. I’d stab her with a fork.” Willow turned away from the pancakes briefly as Serah shambled in. “Or I’d try. I don’t think my sister would actually let me stab her.” She yawned. “You two want coffee?”
“Sure,” Willow said. “Snow?”
“Yeah, some coffee would be good.”
“Fantastic, because I could definitely use some.” Serah got the coffee going, frowned at it, and then gestured with one hand. A second later the coffee was done.
“Did you just use your Semblance to make coffee faster?” Willow asked with a grin.
“Of course, I did. If you can’t use your Semblance to make every day life easier, then what is it good for?” Serah poured out three mugs of coffee.
“I don’t know,” Snow drawled. “Saving the world?”
“I can save the world and make coffee faster.” Serah shook her head. “Did you know Vanille built a rebellious coffee machine? I don’t even know why she felt the urge to make it sentient. On the upside, it likes Lumina and the kids. Its rebellion is entirely specific to her.”
“That’s Vanille for you.” Willow gestured vaguely at the pancakes. “A little help?”
“Sure.” Serah waved her hand at the pancakes. “Just keep a close eye on them. If they cook faster, they’ll also burn faster too.”
“I know.” Willow had gotten used to working with Serah’s Semblance. For one, it made making a roast far quicker and easier. And it had saved the day when she’d forgotten to put the turkey in before a big meal. “You two don’t have any missions for a while, do you?”
“A whole fortnight off,” Snow replied. “Well... unless the apocalypse happens, then it’s all hands on deck.”
“The same.” Serah sighed contently as she drank her coffee. “I’ve got the next two weeks off, as well, so my students are going to have to live without me.” She cackled. “I wonder if they’ll get complacent? It’ll make the surprise survival test I’ve got planned even more fun if they do.”
“You’re evil,” Willow teased.
“Hey, being a hunter isn’t easy. I’d rather my students suffer during training, so they don’t have to suffer out in the real world.”
“That’s true, I suppose.” Willow patted her cheek thoughtfully. “I’m afraid I’m not entirely free over the next two weeks. I still have to go into the office at least twice a week.”
“It’s fine,” Serah said. “You’ve got to run the company to give your dad more time to get better. I’m amazed you only have to go in two or three times a week, actually.”
“It helps that my father and I have made a point of hiring competent subordinates instead of bootlickers, and that we’ve partnered with Vanille’s company on a lot of our projects. I’d hate to get into a corporate war with her, and she’s got minion management down to a science.”
“But you’ll be okay for the visit to Sazh’s ranch, right?” Snow asked. “The kids have been dying to go. Winter has already ridden a chocobo, but the others were too young the last time we went. In fact, Whitley might still be too young although maybe not if Sazh still has that easy-going yellow chocobo.”
“I’ll be there,” Willow said. “I wouldn’t miss it. I know my father will love seeing Mangler again.”
“That thing is pure evil,” Snow muttered. “Lightning punched the crap out of him, and instead of being freaked out, I swear he was impressed.”
“Well, my father and Mangler get along pretty well. He actually looked a little worried the last time they met. I think he was shocked by how ill my father looked.”
“He’ll be happy then since your father is looking better.” Serah started making some hot chocolate for the kids and Willow’s father. “He’s a jerk, but I think he’d miss your father if something happened to him.” She made an exasperated sound. “We just have to remind the kids that, no, they can’t try to ride Mangler.”
“Yeah, no.” Willow shuddered. “Lightning and Fang won’t let Diana try, and she’s got Ragnarok. There is no way we’re letting the kids try. They can all ride nice friendly chocobos.”
“I’m going to start setting the table,” Serah said, sniffing the air. “By the smell of it, everything should be done soon.”
“Do you need a hand?” Snow asked, a glowing blue hand appearing beside her.
Willow snickered. “You say that every time, Snow.”
“Because it’s funny.”
��I beg to differ,” Serah replied.
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
A glimpse into what Willow’s life could have been...
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real-jaune-isms · 4 years
RWBY Volume 8 Chapter 2 Review/Rundown
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I feel like this about sums up the general reaction after this week. So let’s dive into how it got out of hand so fast.
We open, a little surprisingly, on a shot we saw at the end of last Volume: Qrow looking at Clover’s bloody badge in his hand. We hear Robyn ranting and raving at someone about how this situation is all their fault, how all she wanted was to bring people together. She’s pacing in her cell, and at first you worry she’s turned on Qrow and hates him for fighting Clover and getting them both arrested, but no. She’s berating Jacques, and thank god someone is. He quotes his daughter in Volume 1 and claims he is a victim, but it was more endearing and memorable coming from the Ice Queen. He continues to assert his innocence, saying Watts used him and his power for diabolical purposes. Sure, he is guilty of many things, but he should not be held responsible for this. And at least his charges don’t include murder. That gets Qrow’s attention, since it was of course a dig at him. That quells Robyn’s fury rather quickly, and she does defend Qrow’s innocence. But she hops right back on the flame train and (while wonderfully insulting his mustache) says she’s not about to agree with the words of an accomplice to Watts’ sins against Mantle. Sure enough, the man of the hour is also in an adjacent cell, and he’s resigned himself to being stuck here like the rest of them. We get a look at where exactly “here” is, a 2 by 2 grid of square cells whose walls are Hard Light Dust shields. It’s a room that’s otherwise rather empty, and the Dust walls seem to be the only source of light. A very makeshift appearance, all things considered, and I worry about Watts being in a cell surrounded by Dust tech he might be able to manipulate. Then again, they took his rings, but he’s got to be pretty resourceful. Meanwhile, Jacques has all the confidence of a spoiled rich brat put behind bars for a misdemeanor. He’s quite sure Whitley will be rushing to get the family’s legal team on the case, and he’ll be out within... well we don’t know exactly how short he thinks his incarceration will last because Robyn gets pissed and punches the wall dividing them. That shuts him up rather well. And really, Jacques-ass? You’re putting your faith in a teenager to help overturn alleged war crimes? What an out of touch prick. 
All four of them are shaken from their particular trains of thought by an alarm buzzing and the door opening. Three guards file in, disengage one of the walls of Watts’ cell, and go inside to smack him with the muzzle of a gun and drag his ass outta there. Jacques cringes at the sight of such sudden violence, and Robyn looks momentarily surprised before seeming to accept this. Guess she didn’t expect Ironwood to be so ruthless so soon. She sits back on her bed, which looks like its just a hard slab, and laments being unable to do anything. But Qrow says there is something they can do: kill the man who put them here. To paraphrase Agent Washington, that has got to be the worst plan ever. Of all time. You’re already in jail on murder charges, and now you want to actually cross the line and kill THE LEADER OF A KINGDOM?!?!?! I realize that Ironwood has gone of the deep end and needs to be stopped, but this is not the way to do it. This will only lead to failure, I’m sure of it.
Meanwhile, we cut down to an Atlas news reporter doing a story in Mantle. He’s doing his thing, talking about the unprecedented Grimm hordes and Ironwood not doing anything about it yet. But just as he’s going on about the dedication of his station, the Atlas Eye, Joanna comes up and swipes his microphone to deliver her own message to the people. She tells it like it is, saying that the Happy Huntresses are here to offer aid when Ironwood will not, and spreading the word for people to gather what supplies they can and head for the crater. We see one of the kids from Jaune’s crosswalk scene, and thank goodness his mom is still alive. Joanna talks about all of Mantle coming together to hold the line against the coming Grimm, otherwise the storm at their gates will sweep in to wipe them all out. Yang’s group get into Pietro’s pharmacy, and open the door to the backroom to discover something that makes them very happy. As we saw from the promo clip several months ago, it’s three hoverbikes which we then see them riding through the streets. Yang’s a natural at it, driving up a ramp to do a cool flip off a wall much to Oscar’s panic and discomfort as some of her hair gets in his mouth. Jaune and Ren are... adequate by comparison. Noticing the purple glow of what I presume is Gravity Dust propelling them and allowing the bikes to hover, I wouldn’t be shocked if Yang gives hers a paintjob to be the new Bumblebee: Now with added shipping material! What’s far less pleasant to notice is the Grimm squatting like a gargoyle on the bridge they drive under. We see this thing on the rooftops in a few more shots and then... whooo boy. But we will get there. For now, the biker gang finds more people to protect and help on the journey through town to the crater. One of the Real Thirsty Moms has armed herself with a snow shovel and isn’t totally sure if the crater will be a safe place, but Yang puts on her bravest face to reassure her... just before the screams of people being chased by Grimm get her attention. It’s only two Sabyrs, and Jaune stops their progress by throwing a Hard Light shield spawning grenade that we can assume was with the stash of new gear earlier. Ren drops down to stab both Grimm to death and kicks the quickly deactivating grenade back to Jaune who uses the Gravity in his shield to draw it to him. Very handy with all the tools, bud. Oscar is worried the Grimm Salem has brought with her have already gotten this far into the city, but Yang rationalizes they’re stragglers from the big attack last night. Cuz yeah, we’re still only 12 hours or so removed from the climactic latter half of Volume 7. She doesn’t wanna take any chances though, and asks Ren if Jaune can amp his Semblance up so he can mask the whole crowd for the trip. Ever the realist, he gives a less than encouraging answer, but Jaune sees how badly these people need some hope and comfort. So he makes it into a reassuring promise that the trip will be totally safe and Grimm free. Good job, man. But in every crowd of people, there’s always... a Karen. In this case it’s a grandma who doesn’t want to go stay in the slums among the “animals”, she wants to go to Atlas dammit. But Yang has been waiting to berate someone after the morally grey argument with Ruby last episode, so she takes full advantage of this. This lady might want to be in Atlas, but it’s become clear that Atlas doesn’t want her or any of the other people in Mantle, whereas the Faunus in the crater are showing more kindness than she deserves and giving her a warm place to stay amid all these Grimm. That shuts her up quick, and her daughter (one of the Real Thirsty Moms!) nervously butts in to say that yeah, they’ll accept the offer and she’ll go get their stuff now. We fade to seeing the greyed out crowd walking down the street with Yang giving frontal support, Ren riding on Jaune’s bike in the midst of the crowd to mask outwards in a radius, and Oscar guarding the rear. Grandma Karen is still whining about having to go to the crater, but her daughter is trying to get her to pipe down.
Oscar laments how hard it’s been to get folks to cooperate, with Ozpin chiming in to say he’s preaching to the choir on this one, and that he’s becoming increasingly concerned about that challenge. Oscar grumbles about the unencouraging internal peanut gallery, and Oz gets right to the point. The teens all have every right to be mad at him for dipping on them in Mistral, none more so than Oscar himself, but that’s not what Oscar’s beef is about. He’s mad that he gave him false hope, that in the time Oz was gone Oscar was able to really start coming into his own as a fighter and a member of the team. But now he’s back and Oscar will go back to just being the vessel for the guy everyone really cares about. Oz acknowledges and validates that, but admits that he was never really gone at all so... the merging is still going. Oscar is gaining deep memories and what magic Oz has left, so it’s closer than ever. Neither of them want this to happen, but what can they do? Further up, Ren’s cloaking flickers for a second and Jaune checks on him. He’ll be fine, he’s just got a lot to focus on. Jaune tries to give him a pep talk, but silence is more needed here and Ren is a little snippy in saying so. Jaune seems pretty bummed that Ren is in such a state, but I can’t really say he’s mad at him. More upset with himself and his leadership. One member of his team left to do something else, and the other is in a mental funk he has no clear idea how to help him out of. That’d bum anyone out. Let’s talk about Ren for a moment, actually. I think part of the reason his semblance is working at less than 100% is the same reason he’s pissy with Jaune. He has too many emotions bottled up and he’s trying to ignore them for the sake of staying neutral and calm to be at his best. But if you force yourself to always be neutral, it becomes that much harder to shift into the zen needed for this power. He needs to let himself have emotional highs and lows so he can transition naturally into the middle ground. In other words, TALK ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS, BUDDY!!! It’s also been theorized that his semblance can work for more than just neutrality and he might be projecting his inner turmoil onto the crowd. But that’s yet to be proven. Oz appropriately closes out the scene by saying that they ALL need to figure out a way to work together, but something tells me that’s not coming for another 8 episodes at least.
Changing locales, we see Penny outside of a building with a puffing smokestack on the edge of the city. Turning around, we see where the city of Mantle ends and the slums of the crater begin, and how many people are making there way down from one to the other. But quickly look back, as Blake has just cut off the lock on the chain link gate to the building and May is leading our girl squad inside. That’s right, the one and only May Marigold is coming along on this mission so we get a chance to see her really show her stuff! Nora is grateful for the assist, but May assures her this plan would have definitely gotten Robyn’s backing judging by how much she talked about Amity Tower once she was in the know, so she’s all too happy to help get it up and running. And the Happy Huntresses can afford to be sending her for this, since Fiona has the rest of the team helping her out. The reminder that their partners are off doing a separate mission dampens Blake and Nora’s smiles though... Ruby worries about the safety of going into this place, but once inside Weiss gives the rundown. This is a subsidiary of the Schnee Dust Company that specializes in shipping packages of refined Dust from the mines up to various areas of Atlas through pneumatic tubes. And since it’s a small side business, the worker robots have no direct chain of command to Ironwood, just the Schnees. And Weiss’ grand plan for transportation up to the Atlas military base is something Ruby jokingly suggested back in Volume 2... mailing themselves to their destination. You’re becoming more like that dolt every day... and as a White Rose shipper I love it~ Blake takes this opportunity to rain on Weiss’ confident parade with a dig at the high percentage of buildings in Atlas the Schnee family must own at this rate, and Weiss refuses to comment on how many they actually don’t own. Glad to see Blake being playful like this, shows she’s really comfortable being back with the group again. Everyone spreads out to look for the tube they need, and Penny finds the one for Atlas Academy instead. It reminds her of the confrontations that were had there last Volume, and it clearly still bothers her. Ruby comes over to check on her, and incorrectly assumes Penny’s lamenting about friends fighting is regarding her and Yang. You may be the protagonist, but not everything is about you Ruby. Penny meant Ironwood, Winter, and the Ace Ops, the people Team RWBY had become such fast friends and trusted allies with in Volume 7. The people who are doing and saying such unkind things now, like Ironwood telling her people will die unless she does as she says. Maybe that’s why she’s lingering at this terminal, she’s debating giving herself up to him for the sake of others? 
Ruby is having none of this self blaming talk though, and turns Penny around to look her in the eyes as she assures her that no, that isn’t true at all, Ironwood was just saying it to hurt her and make her feel bad enough to come back. Penny admits that she misses the days when she was just the Protector of Mantle, that she now has so much heavy responsibility and duty thrust upon her as the Winter Maiden and she wishes she did not. She was struggling enough to find an identity as a normal girl, now she has a whole other identity to grapple with, it’s all truly unfortunate and sad. Holding her hands in a very similar way to how she did back when she first found out Penny was an android, Ruby assures her that she is still very much the girl she once was. She protected Mantle by taking the Maiden powers so they wouldn’t be misused to hurt the city. This seems to cheer Penny up a bit, and she thanks Ruby for it. The two have another nice hug, before Nora calls out that she’s found the terminal they need. Blake notes that this is the point of no return, and May asserts her confidence that between Penny’s capabilities with the computers they’ll encounter and her own invisibility Semblance they’ve got this in the bag. Penny doesn’t like being referred to as a secret weapon, or a weapon of any kind, but she says nothing about it. For now, let’s praise May for being sassy and cool and doing a cute little curtsy for style. Nora asks the important question of how the heck they’re gonna use this thing, and Weiss goes into tutorial mode again. Just lie back into the tube and hit the launch button, easy enough. Except she was sitting on the edge of the tube for a visual aid and Nora got bored. So ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM goes Weiss up the tube with a frightened screech. Everyone just watches in slack-jawed shock and confusion, but Nora immediately goes giddy at what has just happened and what will soon happen to the rest of them. I can’t imagine what Ruby and Blake must be thinking, not to mention what’s going through May’s mind with this being her first exposure to Nora being... Nora.
But that’s all we get of them for this episode, so Weiss is Schrodinger’s Heiress for the next week. We go to the crater as Joanna heads into a tent where Fiona is hunched over a map coordinating over comms with someone we’ve yet to meet named Crimson. As she finishes the call and whines over how stressful this all is, Joanna drops a small crystal of fire Dust into a sort of furnace and assures her that she’s doing a great job. Fiona absorbs the map into her hand of infinite holding and says Joanna’s big display on the news makes her more qualified for this job. Joanna laughs that off and says it was necessary to spread the word, which seems to be working judging by how many folks are arriving. The group they’re now noticing come in is the one Yang and her squad have just arrived with from Sector 7. The happy lamb does a happy hoppy dance hearing that they’ve already cleared out that sector, and admits her previous doubts that they could manage this much with only half their team. This hits a sore nerve for both Ren and Yang, and the former stomps off while the latter gives a passive aggressive response. They really need to address this soon or it’s all gonna explode in their faces... Oscar wisely changes the subject to ask how they’re managing to house and provide for all these people, and the two Huntresses give a rundown. They’re doing what they can with houses and shelters, and a lot of people are trying to make old mineshafts into someplace livable, and they’ve been looting SDC refineries for Dust to keep everyone warm. Unlike our own society, no one is getting arrested amidst the end of the world. But they substitute that with the terrifying dread of not knowing when the majority of the Grimm will finally attack, what they’re all waiting for. We and the teens know they’re waiting for Salem’s command, for an opening to cause the most damage. And the longer they wait the more the negative emotions build to draw them in. Clever clever, you old witch you. The ominous mood is interrupted by the badger guy from episode 1 running up to inform Fiona that another fight has broken out among the people. He’s voiced by RT founder Gus Sorola, and apparently he’s Fi’s uncle! She seems bummed about having to go break up another fight, but Joanna’s got this one covered. But problems keep coming, and Crimson reports in that there’s a group of Grimm coming in from the east that he can’t handle while transporting civilians. Yang and co are all to ready go get this off Fiona’s plate for her, and we cut to Yang being pursued by a Teryx. We soon see she’s leading it into an ambush, as Ren and Oscar come riding in at an intersection to toss a grenade baton beneath it which presumably contains air/wind Dust because it gets propelled upwards to crash into a bridge and fall back down stunned. Yang gets out of the way and Jaune charges in for the kill. With that job done, Fiona immediately has a new group for them to clear out on the west side. The kids are getting real tired of this constant rushing around killing Grimm, but its part of the job they made such a fuss about going to do so they gotta do it. Oscar points out what I mentioned before, the negativity from everyone worrying when Salem will strike is luring in the stragglers amongst the Grimm. Speaking of stragglers, three Sabyrs come charging up the street much to Ren’s annoyance. But before they can make contact, something gets their attention and they turn tail to run. This puzzles and concerns the team, since Grimm have never retreated before. Before they can finish asking themselves what the Grimm were running from, they get an answer. A large dog-like Grimm pounces on Oscar and starts mauling him and thrashing his body around. He tries to fight back, kicking at one of its legs, but it is unfazed and keeps hitting him until his aura is gone. We see this thing has no eyes to speak of, but it soon gains apposable hands and hind legs capable of bipedal movement. All the better to carry Oscar away with, and shockingly enough, all the better to hold him in front of it as a human shield when Yang comes charging in to try and save him. She has to swerve and avoid hitting the kid, but gets grabbed by the head and tossed against a wall. Ren is the next to attack, but his bullets do jackshit to its back and his “grapple into the enemy and pull myself at it for a kick” has never worked before and continues to not work now. The Hound, as it is named in the credits and in concept art, stretches out its arm much like the Nuckelavee back in Volume 4 and swats Ren away. Jaune is about to charge in too, but Yang warns him about the Hound’s shield tactic. He’s in disbelief, because they may have seen old Grimm that have gained beastial sentience but never this kind of sapience and creative thinking. Ren grabs his guns but the Hound holds Oscar up again to stop him. Ren, naturally, yells at the Grimm to give their friend back. 
But the Hound just stretches its neck with a few cracking sounds, and says “No”.
This leaves the huntsmen and huntresses in a silent stupor of shock and fear, and I would not blame them. If all of my world’s history has been telling me that the monsters I hunt are mindless beasts of violence and destruction, nothing more, that’s one thing. If I learn they were created by a deity solely for the sake of destroying my civilization and are nothing but his avatars of darkness and wreckage, that’s a big theological pill to swallow but I still know how these things always tend to act. If I am on 6 hours of sleep vs 28 hours of being awake, just had a big personal argument over what our job should be amidst the apocalypse, and now my entire understanding of the monsters I at least thought I knew how to handle is thrown out the window?????? Yeah, I would need a goddamn minute before I could think rationally and quickly again. So you’ll excuse me for giving Yang, Jaune and Ren a pass as they just stand there and watch the Hound grow bat-like wings in a very painful and goopy transformation that gets some goo on Oscar’s unconscious face and then climbs up a building with Oscar in its mouth to fly away. When they do recover their senses they hop on their bikes and chase after the beast at full speed, giving a hasty and vague apology to Fiona for having to go handle this emergency that she wouldn’t believe even if they told her. And that’s it, we have to wait a week or longer to find out if they catch this thing and get Oscar back. Judging from the intro, I’d say they won’t and he will be brought before Salem for torture. Fun!~ This definitely opens the door for brand new possibilities of what Grimm are capable of doing or being, and lots of people are theorizing the Hound is so intelligent because Salem stuck a person in there, possibly someone we thought was dead but perhaps isn’t? Who knows, we’ll have to wait and see.
Sorry it’s so late, but hope this is a good review.
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Survey #452
“what i’ve felt, what i’ve known, never shined doing what i’ve shown  /  never free, never me, so i dub thee unforgiven”
Are you a part of the LGBTQ+ community? I am. Do you have Tiktok? Are you addicted? I don't. Do you enjoy being outside? IF it's cool outside, yes. Do you like being around kids? No, not really. Have you ever gotten Covid-19? No. What's your ethnicity? Caucasian. If you were president, what's the first change you would make? I'd probably put in place free healthcare first. What is an animal that you'd like to have as a pet but it's not allowed? If an animal shouldn't be a pet, there's a reason. So none. What was your favorite meal as as kid? Has it changed now? It was spaghetti. I still love it, but it's not my favorite now. Which doctor is your least favorite? Primary, eye, dentist, gynecologist, etc. Potential TMI answer follows. So, the VERY easy answer is gynecologist. Like, I've never even BEEN to one because I'm too scared. Not because I think they'll find anything wrong, but because I'm just very self-conscious about stuff like that and I do fucking not want some random stranger laying a goddamn finger on me like that. My doctor is really pushing me to go by now though as a safety precaution, but I just really, really don't want to. Do you feel that you'd be any good at solving a murder? No. I'm so clueless. You own a dragon, but it doesn't breathe fire; what comes out instead? Water, I guess? That could be beneficial in a lot of ways. Have you ever been sprayed by a giant rain puddle when a car passed by? No. Do you remember the last movie you saw while on a date? Yeah, IT with Girt. What color is your iPod? Hot pink. Do you think baby clothes are adorable? Ha ha yeah, I just tend to like miniature things in general, and babies are just... miniature humans lmao. Whose house did you last sleep over at? Sara's. If you could adopt 3 unique pets, what would you get? A plains hognose morph (probably a lavender, or snow?), a Brazilian black tarantula, andddd... an African fat-tailed gecko morph. What grade are you in, if you’re still in school? I'm not in school. Do you get a lot of tourists in the area where you live? Hell no, there's not shit here. Do you enjoy watching vlogs? Only occasionally by certain people I like. What was the last new video game you were excited about? It really sucks I don't have the appropriate console to play it myself, but I was SUPER stoked for Resident Evil 8: Village to be released and literally watched like four different playthroughs at the same time, ha ha. Have you ever talked about your period with a guy? Were they okay with it, or grossed out? In a three-and-a-half years intimate relationship, it obviously came up before. He didn't care, because he wasn't 12. Have you ever been to small church/bible group/study? Forced to or wanted to? I was forced to go to Sunday school, as well as church. Have you ever been to an Asian (any type) market? If so, what is the closest one to you? I've never seen one here, even. How would you feel if your significant other had tattoos? That'd be a bonus to how physically attracted I was to them, probably, lol. I just love tattoos. Where was the last place on your body that you felt physical pain? My uterus is screaming. :') What are you listening to right now? I am fucking unhealthily obsessed with Violet Orlandi & Skar's cover of "The Unforgiven" by Metallica lkasdjkflawjerwr like I will not stop listening to it lol. Last person you texted? My mom. Have you ever gone out of your way to make someone happy? Yes. Is there a certain person that makes you feel safe? My mom. Have you ever used a chainsaw? Nooo, and I don't want to. Do you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa? crihmuh Ever been so stunned, no words came out? Oh yes. Ever written that you were going to end your life? I have. I was fucking stupid and made a suicide note on Facebook. I genuinely wanted everyone on there to know what they meant to me, so like it seriously wasn't for attention, which I still worry people think that. Ever put fake bugs around your house to scare someone? Not to scare people, no. I have two faux tarantulas in my room as decor, though. Is there a reason you have the name you do? Not particularly. My parents just liked it, ig. Choose: the best song by Green Day? Aw, that's way too hard! I love Green Day. I guess if I absolutely had to pick, maybe "21 Guns." It's just a truly beautiful song. Have you ever tried to “save”, or “fix” someone, before? No. I don't believe that works and only damages you. Were ethics discovered or invented? That's a good question. I really can't say I know. Do you put effort into getting tan during the summer? Nah. Are you a fairly self-motivated person? NO. I need external motivation pretty badly. Be honest, does the person you like actually deserve you? Or are they actually not worthy of your affections? I don't deserve him. List 5 things that have been on your mind most recently. 1.) wtf I feel about Girt and wtf to do about it; 2.) my weight; 3.) what job I'm going to search for once I make progress at the gym; 4.) whether or not to quit photography and focus my efforts elsewhere; and 5.), as always, Jason. What is better, history or science? Science is way more interesting. Do you flinch at the sight of blood? No. Do you enjoy swimming? Yeah. When you swear, is it usually in general or directed at someone? In general. I don't generally swear at people. Are any of your friends hoping to be famous one day? Yeah; I've got a couple of musician friends. Who would you kiss right now if you could kiss anyone? GO AWAY Ever slapped a guy in the face? No. I don't hit people. Do you think you’re a good friend? I sure try to be. Have you ever thrown your cell phone in anger? When? I have on only one occasion when I Jason and I were texting and he pissed me off. I don't remember what we were even talking about now. My phone was fine btw, ha ha, I didn't like, chuck it. What color of hair do you find the sexiest on the opposite gender? Out of the natural hair colors, black. But I really like hair that's dyed exotic colors on like... anyone. Have you slept over at a member of the opposite sex’s house in their bed? Yeah. When you lost your virginity, were you sober? Yeah. Have you ever given your phone number to somebody you met online? Quite a few people, actually. Most of my friendships are online. On average, how much does gas cost where you live? When I was out today, it was $2.99. Why are you happy? Who said I was? I'm not happy. What is in your pocket? Nothing. What was the worst feeling you last felt? Severe indecision. Worthlessness. Yesterday had some grim periods. What would you name your future son? I always answer with the first name, "Damien," so let's see about a middle name... uhhhh... maybe Damien James? I'm not really sure about a middle name, but that sounds nice. What are you waiting for? Girt to message me back. He barely touches Facebook, so I can't blame him, but I wanna plan a day for him to visit and we can hang and I can decide what the fuck it is I feel towards him. What takes your breath away? Big waterfalls, to name a major one. What fact of life would you rather not know about? That the world doesn't give a fuck about you. It sounds super pessimistic, I know, but it doesn't. There is no sentience to it, no will to keep you safe and happy, it just... exists, and we're thrown onto it to figure it out. Unfair things happen. That's life. ... Damn, this answer was dark lol. What’re a few things that automatically make you go, “Awww?” Meerkat pups doing so much as blinking, guys being really cute with kids, seeing elderly couples holding hands and just generally being precious, proposals (especially gay ones just because of how hard that was fought for), seeing literally any picture in existence of Mark and Amy together, veterans coming home and their dogs freaking out... Man, a lot of things. This question brightened my mood to think about. :') Are you easily scared by horror movies? Nah. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? Illinois to visit Sara. :') I really wanna hang. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? No, but a former best friend had her bday a day before mine. Are you wearing a ring? I always wear two. Do you hate to hug people? No, I love hugs. How many rooms does your house consist of? Seven. If you could be on any TV show, which would it be and why? Can I be a Pokemon trainer, pls???? What would you want to be famous for? Most ideally, a great wildlife photographer. The kind photography students would see and be inspired by. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? No, I sleep with a real animal, ha ha. What is your favorite brand of hairspray? I don’t have one. What is in your backyard? Not very much... I'm barely ever even out there, so I barely know. There's one shed, a small tree, and uh... idk. Who is/was your favorite teacher? I have a few. Mrs. Whitley, Mr. Proctor, Coach Collie, and Miss Tobey are some. What’s your favorite non-sexual thing to do with a girl/boy? Play video games together. Do you cheer for the bad guy? Ha, I have a tendency to do that... Would you rather start a new career or a new relationship? Career. I want one so very badly. Something on the human body that grossest you out the most: So even though I am sexually attracted to any gender, nevertheless, genitalia gross me the fuck out. Either kind. Penises especially though like what the fuck- Do you think it’s easier to raise a boy a girl? Why? From most parents, I've heard boys are much easier because girls (supposedly) tend to have more of an attitude. What is your favorite strawberry flavored food? Strawberry is generally my favorite flavor for like, everything, so this is just about impossible. Maybe uhhh slushies? What is the oldest video game system you’ve played? An Atari.
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razorblade180 · 4 years
interdimensional Dads 3
Jaune:Alright, you’re up Blue. Tell all about a world where we manage to get our Beacon crush. That’s how I know you aren’t lying when you say there’s magic in your Remnant again.
Jaune:Magic had nothing to do with it! It’s called time and life. Also I told her I was going to cut my hair and she felt appalled so I didn’t. She told me how much she loves it a little shaggy.
Jaune:(Did cutting my hair really change my life that much?) It’s nothing, continue.
Jaune:Okay? Well, where to start? I guess the magic is as good of a place as any. Not much on the surface has changed. The climate seems to be a bit more intense though. The gods are back as well, but no one knows exactly where.
Jaune:It’s not on any map?
Jaune:No, apparently it’s constantly changing. Those who get close to finding it usually get turned around by something. Even Oscar doesn’t know.
Jaune:Oscar is still himself? Oz didn’t take over?
Jaune:Why would be? We saved the world and he got to move on. Oscar does however still have all the memories and experience. Not to mention the one hell of a fighter. Though these days he prefers using all that knowledge for counciling.
Jaune:Good for him.
Jaune:He’s a therapist? Huh, yeah he’s definitely been through hell and back in all of our lives. I never really stop to think how crazy it all was.
Jaune:He’s also married to Penny.
Jaune:Penny is back!?
Jaune:Your world is kicking my world’s ass.
Jaune:It’s pretty wild for sure. Yet it feels vaguely normal. Most of my time is spent still doing huntsman work. I take bodyguard missions mostly these days since they normally aren’t as dangerous. Saving towns from grimm is something I have to leave to the others like Ruby. Weiss gets a little anxious otherwise; even more than the kids do these days.
Jaune:Now for the good part, gushing about your kids.
Jaune:*smiling* Nicholas and Summer Schnee, my little Twin Snowflakes. Both sixteen and quite the handful.
Jaune:You know of any of us needed to have twins, I’m glad it’s the one who married into wealth.
Jaune:Well you’re sorta right. However, Weiss was cut off for years until her father wrote her back into the family on his deathbed. So she’s become financially savvy from having to live in Argus for years. That includes the kids when they were little and even a pet dog. I’d like to think we’ve both grown up through the years but she’s definitely changed more than me.
Jaune:I think that might be true for all of us.
Jaune:Hehe, I got a feeling you’re right.
Jaune:Yeah my Weiss has gone through some shit and took it strides as well.
Jaune:Anyways, being rich is nice but we did pretty fine before it. Yeah we had to work constantly but it’s not like there wasn’t anybody we couldn’t ask for help. I say by far the craziest thing about my world is team RWBY is now a connected on the family tree and then some.
Jaune:Wait...that would mean- who married a Schnee besides you! Qrow married Winter and that’s it right!? Right!?
Jaune:*smiling* Is someone a little jealous of thinking about a world where Ruby married Whitley?
Jaune:...A little.
Jaune:I guess I can spare you those details then. Just know they’ve done some real good for Remnant.
Jaune:That, I didn’t doubt for a second. It’s just a little weird hearing she isn’t with me.
Jaune:You named your kids after Weiss’s grandfather and Ruby’s mom?
Jaune:Nick is the future heir and Summer got her name because....sigh
Jaune:It was the right thing to do.
The other’s didn’t probe that avenue any further. Without saying anything, they already knew.
Jaune:Ruby must really appreciate that.
Jaune:Yeah. She might not realize it but she shows a little bias to Summer because of it. Not that Nick particularly cares. I think he might enjoy not being on someone’s radar for once.
Jaune:Let me guess, Mr. Popular?
Jaune:President at combat school, runner up in regionals, gold in figure skating, future heir, master of promoting various events and hosting parties. Kid has it made, and yet...
Jaune:He doesn’t seem to be having fun? I think we might’ve found a similar thread between our kids.
Jaune:Makes sense. Nick has the same problem I still have sometimes.
Jaune:Taking the blow for others?
Jaune:Burdening himself for no reason.
Jaune:He’s the kind of kid who finds a way to finish work quickly so he can finish other work faster; in a never ending loop. All for the sake of making others lives easier. This also causes him to tunnel vision sometimes and not really ask what that person wanted in the first place. That, or he puts himself in a position where he doesn’t get to enjoy being a teenager. It’s partly the reason why Weiss and I don’t give him too much slack whenever he does something for the fun of it.
Jaune.Even in a time of peace, someone like him is taking a lot of responsibilities. Not sure if that’s an Arc thing or a Schnee thing.
Jaune:Trust me, it’s both. He seems to be handling it well though. Weiss really gets on him about taking time to just be himself. Honestly it feels like there’s a couple times he’s even trying to put on a face for us instead of cameras. Fortunately people like Valerie and Veronica seem to cut through that act.
Jaune:Oooh, lady friends?
Jaune:Valerie is Ren and Nora’s kid. He has a giant crush on her but I sort of think he tries too hard and should consider looking elsewhere.
Jaune:That’s ironic coming from you.
Jaune:That’s how you know it’s bad. Me, the guy who wrote a terrible song just to get a date to the dance. To be fair he’s not that bad but I feel like he’ll end crushing his confidence. I mean Veronica would be nice. Blake and Yang’s daughter has a thing for him that’s just as obvious for his crush on Val.
Jaune:(Huh, that’s two sets of different kids from the same parents now. I guess some relationships are harder to change than others.) Nick sounds like a fine young man. I bet things will workout. He seems bright.
Jaune:Yeah, I just hope nothing blows up in his face. As for Summer, she’s practically the spitting image of her mother except with my eyes and light blonde hair. She’s pretty timid and a really kind girl. Smart as a whip too! Definitely got that from her mom; as well as her singing.
Jaune:She performs?
Jaune:Yeah, Atlas loves her music. She has good range, learned guitar from yours truly, tops the charts sometimes in other kingdoms, and genuinely seems to enjoy the life of a singer.
Jaune:But she’s timid?
Jaune:Yeah. Off the stage, she tries to get by life like a background character, but still wants to hang around Nick who’s always in a spotlight! When she was younger she got into a incident with dust that severely injured her. Thankfully she lived but now Summer has several scars over her body that she can’t stand. Also...that wasn’t all she got. Scars are least of her problems. The dust mixed with her cells in unexpected ways.
Jaune:Over exposer, did she get some sort of chronic illness or deficiency?
Jaune:Honestly, we don’t know what to call it. Whenever she gets too cold, Summer changes. Her hair goes white, eyes look like mother, and her personality does a 180. More than that actually. It’s more like she’s been possessed and what’s nothing more to rule everything. We call it Shiva. We have it under control mostly after ten years of dealing with it but there’s still scares now and then. Whatever Shiva is, she’s strong and capable of terrible things. Thankfully no casualties yet, but plenty of close calls and extra scars for almost everyone involved. The mental strain it puts on Summer almost seems crippling. I...don’t really know what to do about it at this point. She’s been distant, and I feel like she isn’t telling me something.
Jaune:Well...you haven’t lost anything yet right?
Jaune:Don’t look so bummed. Ten years and nothing too tragic to show for it. Maybe it’s luck, or everyone is way stronger than this problem after all. Including your daughter. Trust me, daughters are way stronger than what father’s give them credit for.
Jaune:Ha, you know he might be on to something with that. You heard my story. Yujin was keeping things together for a long time. That being said, they’re still our little angels and can only go so far. Eventually they’re gonna wish to see someone like their dear old dad to to lean on. That’s our job after all.
Jaune:Yep. You’ll figure it. Like you said, you’re not alone.
Jaune:I might have a daughter but I know a thing or two about distant kids. Take it a step at a time, and let them know you’re always there.
Jaune:...*smiles* Thanks guys.
Jaune:No problem!
Jaune:I wonder what’s up with those two right now? Probably training for their tournament no doubt.
Training is putting it lightly. The cold Argus air is filled with smoke as a fire burns in the forest. Nick kneels with his sword stabbed int ground. His body trembles from exhaustion and sweat runs down his face while his hands still grip the blade handle til his palms bleed. Surrounding him is Apathy as pale as ghost with ghastly blue eyes that make them look like they’re right out of horror movie.
Though he’s tired, he manages to lift his head up and see his sister on her hands and knees, not as roughed up as him but more drained from the grimm. Summer looked at her brother with eyes that constantly flickered between shades of blue before turning the shade of their father’s. Summer fell forward, all motivation to move taken away.
Nick:You okay...?
Summer:Y-Yeah...thanks. Sorry.
Nick:Next time....we’ll bring Ruby just in case.
He found the strength to walk towards his sister and carried her on his back. The summoned Apathy keeping a certain range around them like a dome as he walked. Summer found whatever strength she had to raise her right hand up and snapped her fingers. A cool wind came off her finger tips and snuffed out flames before it got out of hand.
Summer:Can’t have this place burning down right?
Nick:You’re gonna get cold again.
Summer:She’s tired...and I’m spent. Even if she comes out, my body can’t move so...zzzzz
Nick:Sigh, saw that coming.
Nicholas walked as fast as his body let him. Abandoning both of their swords in favor or retrieving them later. They’d gotten lucky, the sun was out and he had handled the situation before Shiva could find her stride. Warm clothing also did its part.
He felt Summer shift around on his back and started moving faster. He hated this part.
Nick:I don’t wanna talk to you.
Shiva:That’s no way to treat family.
Nick:But an icicle to the leg is?
Shiva:How else was I supposed to slow you down? You’ve gotten stronger, dodging it the way you did. How unpleasant for me. I’ll aim higher next time, I’ll make sure not to rough up that money maker of yours though.
Nick:Next time I’ll throw you in the fire so you’ll be too tired to talk. Your days are numbered. It must be a pain dealing with me and trying to keep control. Sooner or later you won’t be able to do anything but lose until Summer snuffs you out. Then you’ll be nothing more than a bad dream.
Shiva:....Hmmm aha!
Shiva:I’ve decided then. I guess I’ll just have to kill you first before that happens.
A chill went down his spine as he could feel her ice cold breath hit his ear as she whispersed...
Shiva:Let’s see if I’ll be a bad dream them.
Nick looked over his shoulder and saw nothing but his sister’s sleeping face. Not a sign of anyone or anything else; just peaceful slumber. The boy continued walking in silence. He was still sweating, still trembling, but no longer from the cold. Exhaustion crumbled to adrenaline. He started going back to the sight of their training to grab his sword. After all, who knows what could happen on the way back?
Part 2
Start reading Twin Snoflakes?< Part subzero
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danurso · 5 years
Ice Knight
Weiss: *sighs in depression*
Jaune: what's wrong?
Weiss: my father. . .he took my title of heiress of the SDC.
Jaune: what!? Can he even do that!?
Weiss: unfortunately, yes.
Jaune: and can't you do anything about it? Or someone else on your family?
Weiss: i'm afraid not. My sister gave up on her title long ago and my brother is too young to decide if he want the SDC or not, plus he's a puppet that my dad controls so i doubt he would want to help me. 
Jaune: what about your mother?
Weiss: My mother does have power over everything since the SDC is hers and dad just married on the name, but even so all she does in her life is drink her depression away, she doesn't care for the SDC or me, so i doubt she would help me.
Jaune: right. And why did your father took your title of heiress in the first place?
Weiss: because i wanted to come back to my friends.
Jaune: just because of that!?
Weiss: *nods*
Jaune: *gets up, clenching his jaw* i'll be right back. *starts to walk away*
Weiss: where are you going?
Jaune: i'm going to take back what your dad stole from you. *walks away*
Weiss: wait! Jaune. . .He left, what does he think he's doing? *sigh* forget it, i'll ask him later when he comes back*
*eight months later*
Ruby: weiss, are you okay?
Weiss: well, considering that we're all on a jet making our way towards atlas, the last place i wanted to go on this planet including the grimlands, i could be a lot better.
Yang: chill out ice queen, this time we're sticking with you.
Nora: Yeah! If your dad shows up we'll break his legs!
Pyrrha: i just wished jaune was also here with us.
Ruby: me too, he's been missing for eight months now, i wonder if he's okay.
Pilot: attention passengers, we're now landing at the schnee mansion, please get your things ready to leave. Mr.schnee is waiting for you.
Blake: shouldn't we land at the airport?
Weiss: we already have a special place for that on my home.
Yang: is there anything the schnees don't have?
Weiss: happiness?
Yang: ouch, i was joking ice queen, no need to drag us down like that.
Weiss: *sigh* sorry, i guess i'm just in a bad mood, i really don't wanna face my dad again.
Ruby: don't worry, we're here with you. *holds her hand and smiles*
Weiss: *with a small smile* i know. . .thanks ruby. *takes in a deep breath and lets it out in a long sigh* let's go.
The door of the aircraft slowly starts to open, already giving them a view of the schnee garden, weiss gulps knowing that her father is there waiting for her, but as the door completely opened she was shocked to see a familiar figure that wasn't her father.
Jaune: *waving* hey guys.
Jaune: that's my name.
Weiss: w-what are you doing here!?
Jaune: after our talk a few months ago i decided to come to atlas to try and find a way to give your title of hairess back to you.
Weiss: are you crazy!? My dad would never allow that!!
Blake: speaking of him, shouldn't he be here? The pilot said that mr.schnee was waiting for us.
Jaune: and he is.
Before they can ask where he is, the pilot comes out of the cabin and walks to jaune.
Pilot: they're all here sir, safe and sound like you requested.
Jaune: right, thank you for the good work nick.
Pilot: you're welcome mr.schnee. *walks away*
RWBY/_NPR: *freezes*
Weiss: wait. . .did he just call you mr.schnee?
Jaune: he did. *sheepishly* i already told him and a lot of other peoples that they don't need to be so formal around me but they insist in calling me like that.
Weiss: why are they calling you mr.schnee!?
Jaune: well, because-
????: dear~ why are you up so early?
Everyone turns to the door of the mansion where a woman that really looked like an older weiss was standing, with disheveled white hair, a sleepy face and wearing only a nightgown
Weiss: MOM!?!?
Jaune: im sorry sweetheart, but i had receive our guests.
Willow: *walks to jaune and hugs him, resting her face on his chest* you know i hate to wake up alone on that bed, don't you?
Jaune: *hugging her back* yeah i know, i'm sorry for that. *gently holds her face* i promise i'll make up for that later, okay?
Willow: okay *gives him a peck on the lips* arc word right?
Jaune: *smiling* arc word.
Willow: *turns to them* hello weiss, it's been awhile. how are you?
Willow: *giggles* because i love him, obviously.
Weiss: that's still no excuse! What if father finds out about you and jaune being involved like this!?
Willow: *snort* he already knows about me and jaune.
Weiss: what!?
Jaune: yeah he does.
Willow: it would be weird if he didn't knew, our marriage was the main gossip around atlas for awhile.
Ruby: wait, marriage?
Weiss: don't tell me you two. . .
Jaune: *showing her a golden ring on his finger*
Willow: *doing the same* yes we are.
Weiss: *mouth agape* . . .how. . .how did that happened? What about father?
Willow: your father is being taken care of by winter, he needed to work somewhere after i kicked him out of the emprise and asked for the divorce and winter offered him a place at the military *grins* that was six months ago, all i heard about him after that was that he's been going through hell on the military camp.
Weiss: w-what about the SDC? Who's in charge now?
Willow: well, jaune of course.
Weiss: he's WHAT!?
Jaune: *looks back to her* technically, you're doing most of the work since i don't know how to deal with.
Willow: still, you're the boss.
Jaune: i am, but i would be lost without you.
Willow: you're smart, you'll end up getting the hang of it, soon enough you won't even need me there to help you.
Jaune: *pouts holding her by the waist* and not have you around me in the office? I rather stay the same.
Willow: *chuckles* honestly, how much of a dork can you be?
Jaune: as much of a dork as you want me to be.
Willow: good, now come here you dork. *pulls him into a kiss*
Jaune: *pulls her body closer while kissing her back*
Willow: *deepening the kiss until it turns into a heated make out*
Ruby: *blushing* t-they know we're watching, right?
Weiss: *also blushing* WILL YOU TWO STOP IT ALREADY!!!
Jaune: *breaking the kiss with a chuckle* sorry, i guess we got caught up by the mood.
Willow: agreed.
Weiss: *massaging her temples* oh my god, this is so awkward.
Jaune: it's not that bad.
Weiss: it is, very bad actually.
Jaune: i could be a lot worse. Speaking of worse, remember the talk we had about your dad a few months ago?
Weiss: the one before you disappeared?
Jaune: yup. I told you that i would take back what your father stole from you didn't i?
Weiss: yes, you did.
Jaune: well, thanks to my new position of leader of the SDC, i changed some things and managed to restore your title of heiress of the company.
Weiss: wait, really!?
Ruby: weiss, that's great!
Yang: congrats, just don't let it get over your head weiss-cream, we don't need to see the return of the stuck up ice queen from the start of beacon.
Blake: *nods*
Weiss: wait just a second, you came here to get my title back, and so you married my mom, kicked my dad out of the emprise and took over it just to return my title? Im thankful that you decided to go so far just to help me, but marrying my mom just for that doesn't make you any better than my father
Jaune: well. . .i actually didn't married your mother for that. See, when i came to atlas i decided to confront your dad about your title, but it didn't worked and he called the guards to kick me out of the mansion, i ran away and hid in one of the rooms of the house, coincidentally it was your mother's room. She looked so sad and lifeless clinging on a bottle of whiskey.
Willow: and that's exactly how i was feeling at that time.
Jaune: i tried to talk to her about you but sue wouldn't give me attention, she was just too broken to listen, and so i took upon myself to cheer her up, that way she could maybe help me to restore your title. The thing is, i. . . *blushes* kinda started to like her after some time.
Willow: same goes for me, seeing how such a kind and warm boy like jaune was willing to help me, a drunkard with nothing to offer to this world, sparked something i never felt in years.
Jaune: at first i felt a bit guilty because i knew that the reason why she was asking for divorce was because of me, but then klen told me everything you and your family got through in his hands, and so i helped her to get divorce and kick him out.
Willow: *smiling* after that me and jaune married and we're living a happy life ever since.
Jaune: yeah, i came here just to get your title back, but ended up staying because because of her.
Weiss: what about winter and whitley? Are they okay with this?
Jaune: i think your sister is okay with it, if the sadistic smile she had on her face when she dragged jacques off was any indication.
Weiss: what about whitley? He's always been father's puppet, i doubt he would just accept someone like jaune as his new-
Whitley: *coming in covered in dirt and sweat, carrying crocea mors and taking deep breaths*
Jaune: wow, you look exhausted. You okay?
Whitley: yeah. . .i just finished. . .the exercises you told me to do.
Jaune: and how it was?
Whitley: i just destroyed my first robot.
Jaune: wow, you're really getting stronger *pats his head* im proud of you champ.
Whitley: *smiles brightly*
Weiss: *extremely shocked* w-whitley?
Whitley: oh, hello sister, it's been a long while. I would give you a hug but as you can see, i'm a bit dirty.
Weiss: why are you dirty like this.
Whitley: jaune has been teaching me how to fight with a sword so i can be a huntsman some day.
Weiss: you want to be a what!?
Whitley: a huntsman. In the past i thought huntsman were barbaric people who had no sense of decency, but after i met jaune i realized that it was a lie, one of the many dad had told us. Jaune teached me that huntsman are brave and noble warriors who put their lives on the line for the sake of others, and one day i want to be like them, or at least like jaune.
Weiss: *speechless*
Jaune: if you wanna be more like me than go to your room and take a bath, i don't smell like that all the time.
Whitley: yes sir. *walks away*
Jaune: he's a good kid. . .weiss? You okay?
Weiss: i. . .i guess i'm trying to wrap my head around all of this, it's too surreal for me. I can't believe that you married my mom, a woman old enough to be your mother.
Willow: *muttering* well, he does call me mommy sometimes.
Jaune: i don't think there's a problem on that part, i mean, she might be old enough to be my mom but i still love her. *grins* Plus she still has the energy of a teenager and the body of a top model, so there's no downside in being married with her.
Weiss: *blushes* i don't need to know the details of your relationship okay?
Willow: *wrapping her arms on his neck* are you trying to flatter me my knight?
Jaune: *holding her waist* maybe. What if i am?
Willow: cause if you are, then you're doing a great job.
Jaune: thank you sweetheart.
Willow: don't thank me. *leaning on his chest and speaking sultrily* instead, why don't we get back to our room so i can show you how much you make me happy.
Jaune: aren't you tired after yesterday?
Willow: i just can't get enough of you, plus i can't get tired when i have this. *pulls out her flask*
Jaune: i thought you had stopped drinking?
Willow: and i did. *takes a sip of the flask* this is energetic, how do you think i keep up with you every single night?
Jaune: that explains why i saw klein carrying twelve boxes of energetic to our room last month.
Willow: the last time i drank alcohol was on our marriage, and it was just a glass of wine during the toast.
Jaune: i know, and i'm very proud of you for keeping yourself on the line for so long. *picks her up bridal style* guess i'll have to give you a reward for that.
Willow: i would love that.
Jaune: klein! 
Klein: *coming in* yes, mr.schnee?
Jaune: Please help our guests to feel welcomed, there are some important stuff i need to deal with right now.
Klein: as you wish mr.schnee.
Willow: *pulls him into a heated kiss*
Jaune: *carries her away while kissing her*
Weiss: . . .
Ruby: . . .
Blake: . . .
Yang: . . .well, that was something.
Ruby: are you okay weiss?
Weiss: yeah, i am, i just need some time to get used to jaune being my new step dad even though we have the same age. . .i can't understand why my mom would marry someone so much younger than her.
Ruby: it's okay, at least your mother is happy and healthy now, right?
Weiss: . . .i guess you're right.
Ruby: besides, couples with an age gap like this are normal, like, take your sister for example, she's dating my uncle qrow, even though uncle qrow is almost old enough to be her dad.
Weiss: wait, winter is dating who!?
Ruby: y-you didn't knew? *sheepishly* hehehe, sorry, i probably spoiled a surprise.
Yang: does anyone knows where ren, nora and pyrrha are?
Blake: last time i saw ren and nora they were carrying pyrrha's unconscious body to the house after jaune and willow started to make out the first time.
Yang: oh. . .makes sense.
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littlemisssquiggles · 4 years
Also simple question, I am seeing it is kind of split with how Weiss handled Whitley when her team was seeking shelter. I see some say Weiss was in the right and Whitley was just being a jerk, others say Weiss went too far and disregared her promise to Willow. Me I am unsure of Weiss but I do know Whitley was justified in his objections. What do you thing?
Hiya Crystal. For me, it's a case where I feel both sides were more or less justified in a sense. 
While I understand that RWBN needed a temporary shelter to crash for the night while Nora was in recovery, I do believe Whit was vindicated in his unwillingness to aid the group given the all-important fact that they are criminals wanted by General Ironwood and the Atlesian Military. 
By hiding at Schnee Manor, Weiss is unintentionally making the rest of her family look like accomplices for harbouring them which could result in Willow and Whit either being locked away in jail along with Jacques or worse. 
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As we saw from the first episode, Ironwood is not in the right frame of mind right now. If he was willing to outright kill the remaining members of the Atlas Council who stand to oppose his actions to defend the kingdom and/or forcibly impose the aid of Arthur Watts despite his crimes against his kingdom as a means of getting Penny to return to him against her will, then what's stopping Ironwood from deeming the whole Schnee Family (minus Winter, of course) as traitors to Atlas and ordering their execution on the spot. 
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I know this may sound like an extreme worst case scenario but at this point, after seeing Ironwood’s actions for the past couple of episodes, I honestly wouldn’t put it past him.
Like I said, Weiss may be putting her brother and mother in danger and it is disappointing that she hasn’t considered this potential repercussion. Or perhaps she has...which could rationalize why Weiss firmly told Whit to go to his room last episode while she and the other girls aided Nora.
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Let me explain what I mean by this. I do disagree with the notion that Weiss ignored her mother's wishes to look out for Whitley. 
While I was annoyed at the crude tone Weiss took to poor Whit upon returning home at first, after more thought, I came to the realization that perhaps Weiss wasn’t acting stern with Whit because she was trying to be rude or disrespectful to her little brother. 
On the contrary, Weiss in that moment sounded very much like a parent to Whit. 
She wasn't being the older sister who has ignored her brother in the past. I saw that moment as Weiss attempting to be like a firm yet caring parent to Whitley.
"Go to your room!" Weiss sounded like such a mom in that instance that I honestly thought it was kind of adorable. And it makes sense. 
Last season, Willow explained to Weiss that Whitley is only the way he is due to being raised poorly by both her and Jacques who admittedly weren't the best parental figures and role models in the young man’s life. Unlike Weiss, who at least had Winter looking out for her, Whitley never had that kind of proper guidance from anyone.
So I took that moment from the last episode as Weiss trying to do just that. Be a guiding voice for Whit. Sure she was firm with him but I more saw it from a place of compassion rather than ignorance, y’know what I mean? It’s not the same tone as Weiss took with her brother before. I dunno. Maybe I’m the cheese that stands alone with this stance. All I can say is that from my perspective, I took the V8CH4 moment between Weiss and Whitley as Weiss trying to be maternal towards Whit.
And what's interesting to note is just how quickly Whitley listened to Weiss. While he appeared annoyed, he didn't object to going to his room either. This, in addition to him folding at allowing RWBN to stay until Nora recovered, proves Whit isn’t as rotten to the core as some folks might peg him to be. 
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He's not as heartless as others might expect him to be due to his upbringing. 
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again---Whitley Schnee is NOT a bad person. He’s just misguided which is why a relationship between him and Weiss would be important to his development. All Whit needs is proper guidance from someone who can show him to become the best person he can be and this is why Willow told Weiss to be there for him.
I found it interesting that Willow told this to Weiss as a opposed to Winter, despite both of them being at the Schnee Manor that night of the dinner. Call it coincidence or just a matter of the narrative but, it wouldn’t surprise me if Willow reached out to Winter to be there for both of her younger siblings in the past. 
Or perhaps…Willow attempted to get Winter to care for her little brother as well but given the strained relationship between Winter and Whit (since Weiss outright said that Whitley doesn’t like Winter back in V4), Winter probably saw Whit as a lost cause and instead channelled all of her support into moulding Weiss which worked out.
Weiss was able to change to become a better person due to the support of those who cared for her like her older sister and the friends she made at Beacon who eventually became like family to her too. 
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Now what’s needed is for the same type of development to happen for Whitley hopefully. 
Ultimately, I think Weiss will be the only family member that Whitley will have to turn to in the end so now would be a better time to help guide him as he is still pretty young.
I also have a hunch that Willow Schnee will probably die soon. Given what was said by Whit about her last episode, her current condition is giving me "dead mom" red flags. 
My concern is that Weiss might just go to visit her mom in her room only to find her dead from an overdose of alcohol mixed with pills as a form of suicide. I'm not trying to imply that I think Willow may be suicidal at this point in the narrative, since I doubt the showrunners will go that dark but...I dunno. It's a weird vibe I'm getting that makes me think Willow won't be around for much longer, thus taking away yet another family member for Whit to turn to. 
His dad is in jail, probably for life. Mom isn't look too stable health-wise and may either die or be forced to go away for some time in order to get herself the proper help she needs. Eldest sister doesn't want to have anything to do with Whit or the Schnee Family name or affairs for that matter.
The only person Whit has a chance with is Weiss. It wouldn’t surprise me if Weiss becomes Whitley’s primary caretaker and/or custodian following the Atlas Arc. 
I’m not sure how old Whit is. Some folks peg him to be around Oscar’s age but I was more of the impression that Whit is between Ruby and Oscar in respect to ages. If Oscar is 14 going on 15 and Ruby just turned 17 as of V7, then my assumption is that Whit is probably 16-years old. Young but at the ripe age that he could be made heir to the Schnee Dust Company and take over from his father in terms of authority should anything happen to Jacques (as we’re already seeing done in the PLOT).
I’m not sure how parental custody works in the realm of Remnant but Weiss is old enough to become the legal guardian to her brother since she is 19. 
Bottom-line what I’m mainly trying to say is that Weiss may just end up being all Whitley has in the end to turn to in terms of family---unless Klein returns to Schnee Manor out of concern and care of the young master after hearing what became of the Schnees. 
I’d love to think that Klein loved the Schnee siblings as if they were his own children. So wouldn’t it be touching if, despite being wrongfully fired by Jacques, Klein returned to Schnee Manor to willingly offer his services to young Whitley because he genuinely loved and cared for him? 
Wouldn’t that be a sweet way to bring Klein back into the picture especially as someone to watch over Whit in place of Weiss as she goes off to fight the forces of evil?
Also, now that I think about it again---Weiss sending Whit off to his room was actually a wise move because as we know, Schnee Manor is a large estate. In the event that the authorities show up at their doorstep and accuse the Schnees of harbouring criminals, Whit can always make the excuse that he and his mom were locked inside their respective rooms at the time and weren't aware of RWBN being on the premises, especially since there were no staff around to alert them of their intrusion. 
So yeah; that’s how this squiggle meister sees it, Crystal. 
Weiss wasn't disregarding her promise to her mother. I think she's actually trying in her own Weiss-way to live up to it and actually look out for Whit. 
Whether or not, Whitley will continue to keep listening to Weiss or fight her on the matter, is up to him as we'll see from the show in tomorrow’s new episode. But for now, those are my thoughts on that fam. Hope this answers your question.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2020)
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tonotbelionized · 5 years
RWBY’s Handlement of Abuse
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Abuse isn’t a topic that’s anything new in media, it’s been handled over decades in many different ways; some done very well and others... not so well. RWBY is one of the many shows that attempts to handle this controversial topic, and goes deep into how it not only affects the victims of the abuse, but also deals with different types.
Physical, Emotional, Mental, even less known ones such as financial abuse, this show actually handles many attempts with clear care and the writers do seem to do their research in this. In my opinion, this research and trying to find out more about this sensitive topic is shown very clearly. I don’t like talking about myself much, but as a victim of abuse myself, I hold this topic very dear to my heart and feel more strongly when it’s written compared to other topics.
So, with that in mind, I’d like to look at the different abusive relationships we have so far in RWBY, and to see how well they hold up in both writing and how they’re seen so in the FNDM itself. 
Adam & Blake
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Now, one of the most well known abusive relationships in RWBY is the one between Adam and Blake. It’s been given the most screen time, thought, and it has the bonus of having happened to one of our four protagonists. There is no denying that the relationship between these two characters is an extremely toxic one, and it’s a relationship that has heavily impacted on both Blake and the FNDM as well. 
Even before their confrontation at the end of Volume 3, Blake clearly shows the behaviour and the mentality of an abuse victim. She doesn’t see Adam as this monster, and whenever he’s mentioned by her during this time, she actually uses non-threatening or derogatory words such as referring to him as her partner or that he changed. She never outright talks about what it was exactly that Adam did to her or how he changed. In fact, the closest we had was after Yang was disqualified from the tournament where she explains why she’s afraid to just trust Yang again.
Blake’s journey of learning to live with her trauma and move away from the past is nicely written and I like the fact that it isn’t a straight path to progress. Blake stumbles, she fails and she gets back up again, something that’s great because that’s what most recovery progress is like. The culmination of her proving she’s no longer afraid of Adam at the end of Volume 5 felt earned compared to her reaction to seeing him again before, and it’s a solid moment of Blake doing this with Sun, a friend, rather than carrying on what she was doing before with pushing everything away.
While I’m not a big fan of her letting Adam go at the end of it, given that it just felt like she was letting a terrorist and extremely dangerous person escape just so he knew what it was like to run away, that doesn’t diminish how powerful that moment is for Blake’s character and her whole relationship with Adam. Adam’s short and Blake opening up more in Volume 6 shows use how far the abuse went.
Adam wasn’t afraid to emotionally manipulate and gaslight Blake when he felt she was questioning him too much. He’s emotionally shackled himself to her and clearly won’t let anything take Blake away from him, so when she finally leaves him behind, he believes that it’s her fault that he’s hurting and is unable to see how irrational that line of thinking is. He isn’t willing to take responsibility for what he did, and this carries on to where he would rather kill Blake than let her go again, even dragging Yang into it.
It’s really telling that Adam goes as far as to reject the chance to leave twice. Both Blake and Yang have matured enough to try and push Adam to leave them alone and to move on with his life, but he’s unable to comprehend doing so mentally. That emotional attachment to Blake is still there, and ultimately he died rather than break that bond. It was a cathartic moment for Blake to truly be free of Adam, and the fact that she breaks down rather than be triumphant feels like such a realistic moment because an abuse victim doesn’t just hate their abuser even when they leave.
Getting those moments that were great with your abuser out of your head is incredibly difficult, and it’s clear that even with Adam gone, the damage that he did to Blake’s mental state is plain to see, especially since she blames herself for the plan going wrong on the ship. She’s so used to it being her fault that she can’t comprehend when it isn’t, because to an abuse victim everything is their fault. 
Raven & Yang
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Abandonment and emotional abuse go hand in hand, and I’d like to add that while Raven’s abandonment of Yang is a more typical style we are used to in media, where the person ups and leaves to never return, there is another type of abandonment; a series of temporary abandonment where the abuser returns again, only to up and leave when things don’t go as they want. 
The abusive relationship between Yang and Raven is just as impactful as the abuse Blake suffered under Adam, and yet I feel that it’s weirdly brushed off by some people in the FNDM as well as not being given much prevalence when Yang finally confronts Raven, both when she met Raven at the bandit camp and in Haven’s vault.
I don’t like that Yang calls Raven “Mom”, because Raven is not Yang’s mother. She left when her daughter was just born and never did anything to raise her, which is what a parent is. It’s easy to have a baby, but if you don’t put in the effort to actually raise that child in a healthy way, then you are not a parent. On top of that, when Yang finally finds Raven again, she’s very emotionally manipulative of her daughter.
She constantly praises and is open to Yang when it suits her, but as soon as Yang makes it clear that she only wants to find Ruby, not spend time with her, Raven instantly becomes closed off and cold, making comments on that family only visits her when they want something. Not only is this classical emotional abuse, as she’s treating Yang well only when she believes Yang deserves it. Put plainly, Yang is treated nicely when she does what Raven likes. It’s also very hypocritical given how little Raven actually cares about her actual family.
Then the argument in vault further solidifies this. Raven isn’t above calling her mentally ill daughter a scared little girl when Yang starts shaking from her PTSD. She constantly tries to excuse her behaviour, albeit poorly, and Yang rightfully calls her out for not only calling herself strong while showing the exact opposite, but that she killed the previous Spring Maiden to take her powers while also calling herself merciful for doing so. It just paints Raven with a victim complex, that she had a hard life and survived it so her actions are justified.
The main problem that I have with this that I don’t have with Adam and Blake’s relationship, is that there’s no real ending to the fact that Raven abandoned Yang and left her daughter with crippling abandonment issues. Yang starts to touch on this when she asked Raven why she left her and her family in the bandit camp, but Raven deflected the question and it’s never brought up again during this time.
Their only confrontation after is in the vault, but as I mentioned before, Yang didn’t even try to find out why Raven left her. This was the one thing she wanted to find out, something that was built up in her talk with Blake in Volume 2, but instead they talk about the Spring Maiden and then Yang takes the lamp after calling Raven out for calling herself strong. No mention of how her leaving Yang affected her daughter, or even Yang trying to find out why.
The final thing with this is just how selfish Raven is. She willingly lets Yang take the relic despite knowing that Salem would go after her, rather than just closing the vault and leaving. That’s a choice. No one needed to take the relic because no one knew that Raven was the Spring Maiden. The only person who knew otherwise was Cinder, and she was believed to be dead at that moment. The fact that she cried for a few seconds seems to be enough for some fans to say that she obviously cared when Raven hadn’t shown any of that before.
She purposely manipulated Yang, she abandoned her family, she wanted the villains to kill her brother and lets Cinder throw a fireball at Ruby (Yang’s sister and her teammates daughter), and she shows no remorse for this until that one moment. That’s not good enough, and I certainly hope that Yang gets at least some closure in the upcoming volumes.
Jacques & Winter, Weiss and Whitley
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The interesting thing about Jacques’ abuse on his children, and his wife, is that it’s one of the few abusive relationships that we see have a different effect on each one of his victims.
First one and the one I actually have least to say about is Willow, but it seems that his abuse of her has the biggest impact because of how much it affects their children. It’s pretty clear that their marriage was very much toxic, but not so much that she would’ve suspected that Jacques didn’t actually love her given Willow’s severe reaction and decline mentally when he confessed that he only married her for her name. 
This beating down of his wife’s mental state and driving her to alcoholism has the negative effect on the children because they no longer have that maternal figure in their life anymore. Willow was a caring mother; she attended Weiss’ recitals, she cared enough to throw them birthday parties and was angry when Jacques was late to Weiss’ tenth birthday, but after that she just stopped caring.
His behaviour with his children is that of a typical narcissist, and that it seems to have an effect on each Schnee child differently. It very much relies on dividing the siblings, playing on the typical golden child vs black sheep, and even then the term golden child is used loosely given how easily they can lose that title if they even step a toe out of line. With that mentality, Winter, Weiss and Whitley have that source of comfort and strength with standing together taken away.
Not only that, but a majority of his abuse comes from that narcissist behaviour. To Jacques, his children aren’t people with their own dreams and feelings and wants, their physical extensions of himself that he can control, befitting that of stocks to a business owner.
Let’s start with Winter. We can pretty much infer that what happened to Weiss had happened to Winter given what she says in Volume 3, that she went through something similar when she left to join the army. Winter leaving home to join the army is a direct comparison to the story of an abused child leaving the household to join the military as a way of escaping that trauma, and even then Winter is not completely free from Jacques because she has to keep contact with him.
It’s likely that moment of freedom she granted herself by joining the army was taken as an affront to Jacques’ power and control over her, he can no longer tell Winter what to do because she doesn’t live with him or rely on him for shelter, so he’s going to do the next best thing he can. He cuts Winter off from her money. It’s a fantastic representation of financial abuse that also affects Weiss in Volume 3, and shows how far Jacques is willing to go just to prove that Winter ultimately can’t escape him so long as she is in Atlas, which she remains due to her work.
The effect this has on Winter is very open and clear. Winter has pretty much thrown herself into her work and professionalism, to the point where, while it’s obvious she deeply cares for Weiss and had been looking out for her sister since they were children, she cannot let herself be free and open with her feelings. To Winter, her place in the military is home because it’s given her that chance for freedom away from her abusive household, away from Jacques. If that’s threatened or insulted, such as her fight with Qrow because he called Ironwood and the Atlas military “sellouts”, she will take it personally and lose her temper because she owes everything to Ironwood and the military.
Weiss is the one with the most affected character because of her status as one of the protagonist. Taking into account all of the material surrounding her backstory, Weiss, like Winter, was treated more as an object or commodity by Jacques, something that he could force to do whatever he pleased. It’s shown in the Mirror Mirror manga where he pushed her to sing at concerts at a young age, even to the point where Weiss was exhausted. When Winter stepped in and told Weiss to rest, Jacques took that as a slight against him and berated Winter viciously, lecturing her on upholding the Schnee name. He cares more about the name than his daughter’s health.
Even in her debut trailer,Weiss had to fight and be disfigured before Jacques allowed her to go to Beacon instead of Atlas. The permanent reminder of that constantly on her face. Even when Weiss finally managed to get to Beacon, Jacques constantly rang hr in an attempt to keep in touch with her, trying to uphold that small amount of power he had with Weiss in another continent. Trying to leave an abuser is incredibly difficult if you still have contact with them, even if it’s something as small as phone calls.
When she didn’t do what he wanted and answer his calls, that same financial abuse that Winter was subjected to happened again, and it’s obviously embarrassing to Weiss that she can’t even afford a meal now and has to rely on friends. That attempt to isolate her through embarrassment is just another effect from Jacques’ decision to cut Weiss off. When she becomes more rebellious and mouths back to him, as well as calling everyone out at the party in Volume 4, Jacques couldn’t handle this kind of rebellion like a narcissist would.
To him, Weiss is being unreasonable and he had given her everything she could ever want, so at this point he would simply take it all away. He can’t handle shame and seems to hold the Schnee name up, despite marrying into it, and when Weiss points this out he finally delves into physical abuse by slapping her. Given her shocked reaction to this, I don’t think she expected him to hit her, pointing that Jacques usually went for more emotional manipulation to keep them in line.
Finally, his abuse of Whitley has pushed his son in the complete opposite direction to his sister. As the youngest and unable to leave through the same way his siblings did, either joining the Academy or the military, Whitley spent his time in the manor with Jacques completely alone and isolated. So, in a desperate attempt to handle this pressure, he’s simply buckled under Jacques’ thumb and does whatever he can to appease his father, just because he’s seen what happens if he rebels like Weiss and Winter did.
Another note is that Whitley was 5/6 when Jacques’ true reasons for marrying Willow came out. After that Willow stopped being much of a part in her children’s lives, so much so that she’s constantly sitting in the gardens getting drunk. Because of that young age, Whitley never had any solid memories of a time where Willow was a more active and caring mother, unlike Winter and Weiss. While it can hurt to remember how someone used to be when they’ve fallen so far, they at least have those memories to hold onto. Whitley doesn’t, and that likely adds more into his isolation.
It seems however, that to a worryingly large amount of the FNDM, that Whitley’s abuse is swept under the rug and not talked about as much as Weiss and Winter’s, some even making him out to be the villain. The only thing that Whitley is guilty of is his poor attitude, and that alone doesn’t constitute to him being a villain or needing redemption. He wasn’t responsible for Weiss being disinherited, and his words to Weiss afterwards just tells us how much Jacques is getting to him.
If he doesn’t go against his father, he’s rewarded, but if he behaves like Weiss and Winter, then he too will be punished. An abuse victim still trapped in their home will do whatever they can to survive, and unfortunately for Weiss, Whitley doesn’t have the same escape options that she does or the connections outside of the family.
Marcus & Mercury
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There isn’t any onscreen time where we witness this abuse firsthand, but the effects of Marcus’ brutal treatment on Mercury is prevalent even after he killed his father. Mercury has been impacted severely both emotionally and physically.
Having been installed to be an unfeeling assassin by Marcus, showing any sort of emotional vulnerability is impossible for Mercury, and the one time he does talk about the things he went through to Emerald, he does so in his own way and reacts very badly when Tyrian reveals to be listening in to his troubled past. Even going to the point where he tries to attack Tyrian because he wasn’t taught how to handle his emotions in a healthy way.
He shows little sympathy for Emerald’s confusion and fear over not knowing what is right, but that’s not to say that Mercury doesn’t care at all. It’s likely that Marcus’ told him that, as well as relying on his semblance, feeling normal emotions like fear, empathy and love is weakness, and even likely beaten it out of Mercury. This leads a very emotionally disturbed teenager.
Now with the physical part we get some very disturbing reminders of what Mercury went through with his father. The first thing is that the fight between them ended up costing Mercury his legs, forcing him to wear prosthetics. That’s a very much blatant reminder of how far Marcus went, and not only will Mercury have to wear prosthetics for the rest of his life, but the pain both physically and mentally from the action will always stick with him. 
The second part is even worse. Marcus practically took Mercury’s semblance, something that’s considered the very essence by the characters in RWBY, and Mercury canonically sees this as his father defiling him. Mercury is constantly reminded that he will never get his semblance back, unlike Jaune and Roman who simply didn’t unlock theirs, and pushed him to work harder than anyone else to get where he is. Both of these physical injuries serves to tell the audience just how much Marcus’ abuse of Mercury not only remain, but stick to him as well. 
Cinder & Emerald
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Similar to Jacques with his children, Cinder is shown to not really care about Emerald outside of her Semblance, in fact only taking Emerald into the group because she was useful to Cinder’s plan. She plays on Emerald’s past as a street orphan by promising companionship and never having to go hungry again, something that Emerald desperately craved. 
The main aspect to this relationship that makes it interesting is that, as of this time, it’s still an abusive relationship that the victim is in and wants to stay in. Emerald deeply cares about Cinder, and going off Mercury’s observation, sees her as the mother figure she never had. This devotion Emerald has runs so deep that she doesn’t ever question how Cinder treats her and reacts violently when Mercury straight up tells her that Cinder doesn’t care about either of them.
It’s at the point where Emerald doesn’t even consider her relationship with Cinder toxic. Everyone else knows that their relationship with their abuser in question was at least not good, even Blake in the early volumes because she knew that she had to get away from him despite her still coming to terms with it all. Emerald, however, is portrayed as the victim that doesn’t even think of themselves as a victim.
It reminds me of a video I watched recently. Here’s the link for anyone to watch, but it basically explains the type of abuse that doesn’t actually get shown all that much in media. Most abusive relationships portrayed have the abuser as a sadistic villain who abuses their victim because it brings them joy, and the victim knows that they’re being abused but are too scared to leave. It can be how the relationship is towards the end, but hardly any abusive relationship in real life are like that.
Cinder doesn’t accept any rebellion from Emerald. Like Jacques, she slaps Emerald and tells her to remember her place when she simply told Cinder that they didn’t need Mercury. To her, anything that Emerald says that isn’t her submissively accepting Cinder’s rule is something that needs to be snuffed out, even with physical abuse if needed. 
While Mercury works for Cinder as well, this abusive relationship doesn’t affect him like it does Emerald, mostly because he isn’t in a delusioned mindset where he believes Cinder actually cares and he doesn’t need anything that Cinder can give to him. Their relationship seems strictly professional, Cinder needed an assassin and Mercury had the skills to do the job, as well as his underlying fear of what’s beyond his life that was forced on him. To Mercury, there is no need of approval or companionship from Cinder that Emerald wants. 
Salem & Ozpin
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This is the relationship that mirrors so much to the abusive relationship between Adam and Blake, and yet it weirdly doesn’t get much screen time pointing out how toxic it was, rather spending time portraying Salem’s backstory and Start to Darkness. Seeing how Ozpin was treated by his wife is pretty much ignored not only by the cast but also the FNDM, with some people even going as far as to deny that it was even abusive to begin with.
Even before she threw herself into the Grimm pools, Salem was not a good person. After Ozma died, she went to demand that the Gods brought him back, not thinking for a moment about what Ozma himself wanted, and when the Gods constantly brought him back to life and killed him over and over again, Salem is not angry at that. She only fights against them when the God of Darkness took Ozma away from her again, demanding that they give him back. It shows Salem to actually be pretty selfish and unable to comprehend that what she wants may not be what’s actually best.
The good thing about this is that the story explains why Salem is like that. She’s not selfish to be selfish, she was sheltered away in a tower for all her life and as a result, was never taught proper coping mechanisms when she inevitably faces death, loss and grief. Not only that, the Gods’ behaviour towards her did not help matters. Rather than actually caring that she was hurting and help Salem, they treated her very much like a child throwing a tantrum and punished her in the cruelest way they could.
The thing is that this selfishness carries on after she and Ozma reunite. She canonically manipulated Ozma into acting like gods to lord over the new humanity, and when he started showing doubt she turned the blame on him by saying that he wanted it. Even when Ozma, who is derailed by the show and fans for keeping secrets, comes completely clean to Salem, she does not extend that courtesy and keeps what happened with the Gods a secret from him. 
Eventually, when Ozma no longer wants to be a part of her plan or let her use their daughters to remake the world in her image, she attacks him and kills their own children. Salem shows no remorse for this, she knew that her children were there long before she attacks and she does so anyway. This just shows how little she cares about her own husband and children if they don’t toe the line with her. It even extends to her blaming Ozma for the fighting by telling him that they finally had freedom, seemingly holding resentment that Ozma didn’t want to be with her. After that, she burns Ozma alive.
The whole war between her and Ozma, even to her admission, is her want to watch everything that Ozma worked for burned to the ground. The only thing fueling Salem at this point is spite, just like what was fueling Adam after Blake left him and the White Fang. To her, Ozma has thrown away everything she worked hard for and that selfishness and inability to comprehend others’ viewpoints come into play.
Over the thousands of years after that fight, she does everything in her power to further terrorize Ozma. She turns his allies against him, she has her minions destroy his school and kill his Huntsmen, and in her song Divide, it’s basically a song gaslighting Ozma with Salem blaming him for everyone dying and saying that their blood is on his hands. There is no difference between that and Adam’s line “Why must you hurt me, Blake?” after he dismembered Yang. It’s classical abusive move of having the victim blame themselves for things that weren’t their fault.
Just like Blake, Ozpin is clearly affected by this abuse under Salem. He can no longer trust people, and he even goes as far as to blame himself for everything that goes wrong even when it’s not his fault, just like Blake does. He has such a low view of himself that he admits he’s made more mistakes than any man, woman or child on the planet, and the show at this point hasn’t had Ozma begin to talk to anyone about this even after Team RWBY saw what his life with Salem was like. 
I certainly hope he gets the support he desperately needs in the upcoming volumes, because the writing regarding everyone dealing with this knowledge is questionable at the moment. 
Salem & her followers
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Just like with Ozma, Salem is canonically manipulative with both the show supporting this and the writers in the Volume 6 commentary. She is especially harsh with Cinder and Tyrian, given that she spends the most time with them in Volume 4 especially, and you can see how differently the two react when around her. 
Tyrian is utterly devoted to Salem, putting her up on a pedestal as a goddess, and Salem isn’t afraid to use this devotion against him in cruel ways. She dangles hope in front of him when contemplating over his failure in capturing Ruby, even though he stung Qrow who was by rights and purposes, going to die. However, when Tyrian seems more hopeful that he’s pleased her, Salem snatches that glimmer away and leaves him to have a mental breakdown.
Cinder on the other hand is completely quiet, and even when she can talk again, doesn’t have her attitude from the volumes before. When Salem snaps at her while training, Cinder visibly cringes. It’s pretty clear from her character and mentality that Cinder was someone who was so devalued and powerless in the past that she is willing to do anything not to be put in that situation again, even put up with Salem’s treatment of her.
Just like Salem, Cinder had become a victim of the cycle of abuse, and while Salem is no longer a victim, Cinder has swapped one likely abusive situation for another one. It even carries on into Volume 6, where Salem treats Cinder being outcasted from the group like a child being put in time out. It’s very infantalising and mentally damaging to Cinder, but Salem seems to treat it as adequate punishment for Cinder failing her. No matter what one feels about Cinder, no one deserves to be abused. 
Despite their less screen time together, Salem’s behaviour even extends to the other members of her group. She physically assaults Hazel after the failure at Haven for simply accepting the blame, and shows little care for Tyrian getting caught by the table when she threw it. Given that the writers confirmed that she has a different way to getting to each member to do what she wants, and we’ve seen that she uses Tyrian’s devotion against him, it’s not a big stretch to assume she uses more physical means when Hazel eventually does cross her. 
Her way of getting to Emerald is even through fear. She’s made Emerald so afraid of what she could do to her that even just asking has Emerald quickly giving up someone she cares about deeply, and that kind of emotional manipulation is a classic abuser tactic.
Blake & Sun
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Now this one has raised probably the most controversy in the FNDM, and I can see why. No, the relationship between Sun and Blake is not inherently abusive, nor is it any way evidence that Blake is an abuser on level with anyone else that is mentioned in this post. She’s not malicious or hurting Sun because of some slight against her, even though that’s not the only type of abuser and we’ll go into further detail in a moment. 
The problem is that her behaviour towards Sun during Volume 4 is abusive, and it’s the worst written abuse in the entire show in my opinion.
The main thing that makes me say that is I’m not even sure if the writers intended to make these moments in Volume 4 abusive, but whether they intended for it or not doesn’t negate the fact that these scenes very much read that way, and it makes me uncomfortable to watch through even to this day. It’s not even just one fight where things got so heated that Blake lashed out, it happened multiple times over the course of the volume.
The first time is the boat. Sun was in the wrong for following after Blake like he did while she was still reeling from her trauma at Beacon, but that did not mean she was in the right to slap him across the face and then slap his hand away later on in the boat. She wasn’t in danger, Sun wasn’t threatening her and they weren’t even arguing, Sun was happy that they just survived a Grimm attack. Blake had a right to feel scared and angry that Sun basically followed her without her knowing, but that does not give her the right to lay her hands on him.
The show does this worse by playing it off as comedy. RWBY has a problem with playing some scenes for comedy when the exact same thing happening to a different character is framed as dramatic. Most slapstick comedy is scenes like Ruby and Yang fighting in the room in Volume 1 just before their exam, or Winter smacking Weiss on the head because she was rambling about things that she didn’t ask about. Blake hitting Sun here is not slapstick, but it’s played as such and that makes me very uncomfortable.
The next one is probably the worst offender of the bunch; the argument on the balcony. Once again, Sun was in the wrong for intruding on an intimate moment between Blake and her father, someone she hadn’t talked to in five years and thought that he hated her, but it wasn’t any malicious reason for Sun doing it. He had information about the White Fang that was urgent for Blake to know, because as he said, the White Fang would still go for her even if she didn’t go after them. 
Should he have waited? Yep. Does that mean Blake was in the right for slapping him in the face twice? Nope.
On top of that, she goes one step further and breaks his phone when he tries to show her a photo of the White Fang member he found in Menagerie. She threw it off the balcony. 
And the last scene is when Sun wakes up from being unconscious. He almost died, and yet Blake sits there and immediately goes on about herself and why she constantly runs away. It’s not bad for her to explain to Sun why she ran away, but the problem is that she doesn’t even bother to ask him if he was alright or at least tell him where he was before going into her rant about her friends getting hurt about her. The other problem is that we already know why she ran away, it’s all she ever talks about. She ran away so that her friends wouldn’t get hurt, she ran away because she believes it’s better to be alone, she ran away to think for a while after the Fall of Beacon.
Her whole speech in this scene gives us no new information and comes at the cost of portraying Blake as a very unsympathetic person. Even when Sun tries to comfort her despite being injured, she tells him to shut up and shouts at him. She towers over him aggressively with her hands balled up into fists, and you can clearly see Sun flinches now because Blake has made it clear to him that when she’s upset or angry she hits him.
And just like Salem, Blake’s behaviour makes sense. She’s stressed and scared and likely feels just as alone as she did when she first left the White Fang and Adam, only now she knows that Adam is explicitly coming after her and everyone she loves. Her past abuse at a young age means that Blake likely doesn’t understand how to healthily deal with negative emotions while in a relationship, something that Miles pointed out.
And even then, Blake is not inherently abusive. Her behaviour in Volume 5 has her and Sun’s relationship much more mutually respected and healthy. Even when she was frustrated she no longer took it out on him, and it’s good to see that after the mess that was Volume 4, but it’s how it’s handled that still bothers me.
Blake never learns that she shouldn’t be treating Sun like that. She’s called out by Sun for pushing her friends out and to let them help, but that’s not pointing out that she’s copying Adam’s own behaviours. It would’ve actually been a good and realistic arc given that it’s called the cycle of abuse for a reason. Blake realizing that she’s doing to Sun what Adam was doing to her and actively making the choice to do better, not having someone just tell her, would have been interesting to watch compared to what we got.
I feel like the FNDM can’t see this as abuse because Blake isn’t like the other abusers that we get in RWBY, and outside of Volume 4 her behaviour is not abusive to anyone. Even then, it’s understandable why she acts that way but that doesn’t mean how she acted can just be swept under the rug by both show and FNDM. It’s an ugly part of her character that should be acknowledged, and just because it happened doesn’t make her this evil being. Abusers can learn, and they can most certainly change, and that’s what Blake did.
I just wish the writers did it better.
So that’s it for all the abusers and their writing in RWBY. Overall? The writers certainly can handle this topic with the care and dedication it needs, and I’m actually happy with what we were given. Unfortunately, the ones that they did stumble one are pretty egregious and just leave me with a bitter taste in my mouth regarding those characters.
All I have to say is that abuse can come from different sources, and that media could do well with showing this difference. Abusers are often portrayed as one-dimensional bullies that torture their victims for laughs, while this is far from the truth and leaves people with a twisted version of what an abuser is, but I don’t think RWBY does that. Even when they stumble, they’ve written characters out to be just that; characters. Although we have more stereotypical abusers like Jacques, we also have those who come from pretty sympathetic backstories, even though we know that it doesn’t excuse their actions, such as Adam and Salem.
And really that’s the message I hope people do learn and use it to protect themselves with. You are hardly ever going to find someone who is so obviously an abuser; what makes them so terrifying is just how human they can be, and that sometimes they even have this twisted sense of love and reasoning over abusing their victims. Rarely it’ll be for sadistic reasons, but rather that they’re protecting their loved ones or that because they help in the victim’s dreams or goals that it makes their treatment of the victim okay, but it never is.
No one deserves to be hit, or made to feel like trash, or have their possessions broken. Everyone deserves love and companionship. Either way, thank you all for reading!
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dragynkeep · 4 years
defense of whitley schnee.
& weiss you suck, holy shit i cannot believe this is a controversial opinion at all.
with the latest episode of rwby, 8x04, aptly named fault; we were given the scene towards the end of the show where weiss & her entourage consisting of ruby, blake & an unconscious via electrocution nora seek refuge in her former home & find only whitley there. he informs them that the staff have left & willow has locked herself inside her room. when whitley is snarky & combative to his older sister, weiss makes the delightful choice to point her loaded, military grade weapon in his face & then orders him to go to his room.
in short : this scene is disgusting. i have no doubt it’s another of crwby’s “””humourous””” scenes or at least what passes for their attempts at humour nowadays & even so, it is still disgusting. especially when you put it in context of their family dynamics, past interactions, differing power dynamics & levels & the current situation whitley has found himself in.
now to start off, i’ve seen plenty of defense for weiss when people have been faced with the appropriate reaction of what the actual fuck, weiss? ranging from “well if i was dealing with that little shitlord” to “they’re siblings, my siblings & i have done worse to each other” to “well, weiss isn’t his mom !!!1!” all of these excuses are piss poor. they ignore everything i laid out up above about the context of the scene & honestly, about the characters themselves. i understand the need to try & defend a favourite character, weiss has been the only one i could stand for the past few volumes out of the main girls but this scene was incredibly shitty & shows a nasty side of her that the writers probably don’t see anything wrong with. considering this episode was written by eddy ... yeah. so, since we need to defend a 14 year old, unarmed, abused child from a fndm that apparently sees nothing wrong with brutality from what’s basically a cop, let’s go through them.
if i was dealing with that little shitlord / okay but he was mean to her once / he was being a brat.
i simply do not know how to tell people that even if someone is being petty to you, you do not get to point a loaded, military grade weapon in their faces. yes, i understand that they were on the run & nora was severely injured; but jesus christ ruby managed to get through to whitley just by treating him like a human being & not an annoyance. maybe you should try it weiss.
some people hold a grudge against whitley for him “being snarky” to weiss; ignoring the fact that for a majority of his life she has not been there. like willow said last volume, weiss left. not only did she leave, but she left him alone with two abusers. no, it is not weiss’s responsibility to care for whitley & i would never wish that to be put upon her, but she cannot act blind about why he might have just the smallest chip on his shoulder. he was left behind to jacques narcissism & abuse, willow’s neglect & disinterest while miring in her alcoholism & as far as he cared; two sisters who abandoned him. pair this with jacques doing what narcissistic abusers do, applying the roles of golden child & scapegoats, then it makes perfect sense why he acts the way he does. & just to lay it out; whitley did not cause weiss’s disinheritance. she did that, through her own actions. whitley is in no way shape or form to blame for weiss’s brashness getting her disinherited & some of you need to get that into your skulls quick sharp.
even if whitley had done all he was accused of; at the end of the day, he is a fourteen year old child who is unarmed, abandoned, auraless & a civilian. if certain huntsmen can be compared to cops then weiss, who had the power to arrest her abusive father, can also most definitely be considered a cop to. this is not the first instance of her brutality against civilians & whether or not if you think the victims “deserved it”; that doesn’t matter. we don’t get to decide who deserves to be protected from brutality & who doesn’t. pointed a loaded weapon in a child’s face is disgusting. end of story.
they’re siblings, my siblings & i have done worse to each other !!
weiss & whitley are not you & your sibling(s). end of story. not all sibling interactions can be generalized across the board, especially in instances of abuse where narcissistic dynamics of the golden child vs scapegoat are in play. weiss & whitley canonically have a very fraught relationship where they barely know each other, have clashed over weiss’s chosen profession & have had clashes where weiss was disinherited & whitley had wine thrown over him ( which in context of their mutual alcoholic mother is a giant fucking oof & was also never funny, crwby just stop. )
even if they did have that type of relationship like we’ve seen with other siblings in the show; there is a difference between playful roughhousing or fights that escalate to minimal violence vs once again, pointing an armed military grade weapon in your defenseless younger sibling’s face & treating him like he’s beneath you & a hindrance. this is not okay. this is not teehee funny or acceptable on weiss’s part. if your relationship with your sibling ends up in serious or life threatening violence; that is also not okay. that is dangerous, that goes beyond the scope of just “normal” sibling relationship boundaries & should be examined in closer detail before being used to excuse this incident.
well, weiss isn’t his mom !!!1!
the final point & one i actually agree with; weiss isn’t whitley’s mom. & she shouldn’t act like one. like i said, right after the scene where she points her weapon at whitley’s face, she orders him to go to his room. like a mother, only their mother has probably never done that because for a majority of whitley’s life, she’s been a useless drunk & he’s had to rely on the manor staff & his father to have his needs fulfilled.
but right now, he has none of that. the staff are gone, willow has locked herself in her room because of course that stupid drunk can’t step up to the plate & the only adult in his life that ever seemed to give a damn is gone because he was arrested by the sister who is now laying down the law in his home like she owns the place. whitley is far better off without jacques & honestly, willow too, in his life & we know this but he doesn’t. all whitley knows is gone. he has a right to be snarky to the older sister who only ever seems to cause trouble, especially when we don’t know how long it’s been since he’s eaten or hell even talked to someone. imagine being hungry, alone in a giant, lonely mansion with your only guardian actively ignoring you, only for your older sibling to come home & immediately treat you like you’re the dirt on the bottom of her shoe.
it’s kind of disturbing how easily weiss slips into the gaping hole left behind by jacques arrest to play that domineering figure in whitley’s life; just look at how this scene basically paralleled the one of jacques telling whitley to get lost in v7 when arthur showed up. knowingly or not, weiss is mirroring the actions of their mutual abuser & furthering those shitty actions onto whitley because no one has thought that he might need a way out too.
i honestly do think of whitley was whitney; that this scene would’ve played out a lot different in fndm perception. just look at the perception of “abusive winter” because she bopped weiss on the head in v3, mirroring ruby fucking decking yang when they were rough housing in v1. neither of those situations are abusive because there is not a difference in power dynamic, at least not one that drastically affects the ability to speak up or retaliate; but for whitley & weiss there is. not only in age, but in weaponry, training, status in society, etc. in every one of those, weiss ranks higher than whitley & she has an inherent power over him.
& she used it to drive him further away. that’s not something to be excused.
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bssaz97 · 4 years
Rowan’s Trip To Beacon (...Sorta) #2
-Beacon Academy (Volume 2 Time)-
Rowan: So do you all believe me when I say that I’m Ruby and Jaune’s future son?
Ren: Well given how you have been able to back up all of your claims, I don’t see any reason why we shouldn’t trust you.
Weiss: I’ll have to agree. Despite the complexity of it all...what you’ve said so far is true.
Rowan: Great! Now could we go see Headmistress Goodwitch?
Blake: Actually that’s something I want to ask you about. Why do you want to speak to Goodwitch of all people? Wouldn’t you want to speak to Headmaster Ozpin?
Rowan: Yeeeeeaaaah no. I don’t personally have anything against the headmaster but he may try to, well, interrogate me.
Yang: ....And you think Goodwitch won’t?
Rowan: Don’t worry it’ll be fine. I know Miss Goodwitch, she’s one of the nicest people out there. *innocently smiles*
Nora: Are you sure about that?
Rowan: Yep. In fact here she comes right now. *points behind them*
The two teams look behind them and to their horror they do in fact see Professor Goodwitch walking straight towards them. Her expression was anything but welcoming though.
Rowan: Welp. We should probably go see if we can talk to her- Whoa!
Yang grabs the young boy and throws him into a bush hedge to avoid detection from the absolute livid Headmistress. She wasn’t sure why she did that, perhaps it was her familial instinct kicking in. Also they would have an easier time explaining ‘how their leaders destroyed the courtyard’ instead of ‘how their leaders destroyed the courtyard AND transported their future son to the present.’ It felt weird to think how Ruby managed to get married and have children before her, was SHE even married in Rowan’s time? Questions for later, right now they had to face the “Wicked Witch of Beacon”.
Glynda: *stops in front of them* Mr. Arc and Miss Rose, why am I not surprised by the fact that both of your teams are present at the scene of disaster?Perhaps you could care to explain what transpired in the time between now and the sound of a Bomb exploding the main courtyard! *She exclaimed irritably*
Ruby: Um...w-well...you see...w-what happened was-*figets under Goodwitch’s gaze*
Jaune: It’s my fault Professor! I was showing Ruby an experiment that I made in Dust Studies but it got out of hand. I’m really sorry!
Ruby: Wha-? Jaune what are you doing?! *whispers*
Jaune: Do you really want Goodwitch to know you snuck a possible bomb to Beacon? *whispers*
Ruby: No but I don’t want you to take all the blame! *whispers*
Jaune: Just trying to be a good friend. *whispers*
Goodwitch: You students should know, whispering is more effective when the person you are whispering about can’t hear you. *leans in*
Ruby/Jaune: .....crud.
WBYNPR: *facepalm*
Glynda: Well then, since Mr. Arc admitted to both of your involvement in all of this, I believe it’s only fair that you share in the consequences as well Miss Rose. Your honesty is much appreciated Mr. Arc.
Ruby: Yeah. Thanks Jaune. *sarcastically*
Jaune: Sorry. *hangs head*
Glynda: Now about your punishment. I believe since this is all your doing, you two will spend the remainder of this semester in detention. Along with this, you will have to write ten thousand word essay on the dangers of Dust misusage and why students should not think of it as toys. The essay shall be hand written, work cited by the library, and then turned into me personally during my office hours before the end of the month. Also this will be apart of both of your grades in my class. Am I to be understood?
Ruby/Jaune: Yes mam...
Glynda: Good. Now then you both should get started soon, as there are only two weeks left in the-
Rowan: Hello! *popping from out of the bushes*
Glynda: Good Gods! I mean-‘cough’ Can I help you?
Rowan: Actually you can. You see I was taking a tour with my dad who works as a janitor here but I lost track of him. Could you help me call him for me please? *takes out his scroll with his best innocent face*
Glynda: ...I suppose I don’t see any harm in it. Although I should let you know that your father will have a stern talking with me about leaving children unattended at this school. Also that taking ‘tours’ without my or the Headmaster’s consent is highly frowned upon.
Goodwitch takes Rowan’s scroll, when she takes a look at the device she gains a confused face.
Glynda: Strange... I wasn’t made aware that they were making new models for Scrolls.
Rowan: Actually this a prototype I won in a contest. I’m supposed to be beta testing this one before they announce the new models later on.
Glynda: Oh I see. *nods* Although could you tell me how to select the Call function, this new design is very... foreign to me.
Rowan: Sure thing. *Gets it front of her and puts on some shades* Just hold down that red icon and let go after three seconds.
Glynda: Thank you. You’re quite a polite young man if I do say so-
*FLASH! (Neuralizer Sound FX)*
Both teams saw that a bright light flashed in Professor Goodwitch’s face, and now she had a blank expression on her face. Rowan then takes off his shades to pockets them and then gently takes the scroll from her grasp.
Rowan: Boy that was crazy Miss Goodwitch! We just got done doing a late class experiment outside in the courtyard but things sorta got out of control when a fault box of SDC Dust was sent to the school. Luckily nobody was hurt so that’s a plus... but not so much for the courtyard. Although you’re just happy nobody was hurt and remember I’m a visiting student that won a contest to tour the school for the weekend and teams RWBY and JNPR are assigned to look after me. Also there’s no homework or for the weekend.
Glynda: *blinks* ....oh. Yes of course the contest I do recall. I apologize you had to experience that Rowan, our dust shipments are usually more careful about this. Mr. Arc, Miss Rose could you please escort this young man back to the dormitories, I believe we’ve had enough excitement for today.
Ruby: .....Uh ok? *looks confusedly at Goodwitch*
Jaune: Yeah Rowan...let’s get back to the dorms. *starts walking back towards the campus*
Weiss: Wait a minute. What about their essay?
Glynda: Essay? Miss Schnee, I understand your desire for academic success but I have not assigned any homework for this weekend. You all should take time to make preparation for the Vtyal Festival coming up instead of focusing so much on your grades. *she chastised*
Yang: Yeah Weiss-cream let’s back to the dorm so we can get ready for the weekend! *places her hand on Weiss’ mouth and pushes her forward*
Weiss: Mmphf!
-Team RWBY’s Dorm-
Ruby: What the heck did you do to Miss Goodwitch?!
Yang: Yeah one second she’s turning Rubes and Vomit Boy’s into chop liver and the next she leaves them off scot-free?
Weiss: Now she believes your some tourist at the school.
Rowan: Yeah I kinda figured you all wanted an explanation for that. Well to put it simply, I erased a portion of her memory.
Blake: You erased her memory?!
Rowan: Not all of it... just the last 25 minutes to be exact. More than enough time to cover over the incident that Mom and Dad caused and give her a new one to fill in the gap. So now Goodwitch is not mad at you guys, Mom and Dad don’t have write an essay and I can roam around without a second thought.
Weiss: .....you know I’m actually starting to believe that you have spent time with my brother.
Rowan: Ok to be fair it was Mr. Whitley’s idea to add the neuralyzer to my scroll. I didn’t consent or anything, just said if I was ever in a fix to use it sparingly. Plus I only can use it three times to per day otherwise it has to recharge.
Pyrrha: And you’re completely ok with erasing a poor woman’s memory?
Rowan: Not really, I try to avoid using it if I can but I kinda wanted to help Mom and Dad out of a tough situation. But you don’t have worry about that, she’ll be fine. The neuralyzer doesn’t cause any lasting damage..... I think.
Rowan: But in any case, I’m stuck here for the foreseeable future, or at least until someone from my time tethers me back. So in the meantime we should probably spend some time to relax and hang out. *lays down on Weiss’ bed*
Yang: I’m starting to like this kid.
Jaune: But before we do anything, there’s something we should probably establish before we have you go walking around. First, you should keep the part about being our kid a secret.
Rowan: Ok. Sounds like a good idea Dad. *nods*
Jaune: Also, you should probably stop calling us ‘Mom’and ‘Dad’. It’s gonna lead to a lot of weird questions.
Rowan: Ohhhh yeah, you’re probably right. Ok, anything else.
Jaune: Yeah the less we know about our future, the better. So nobody, and I mean EVERYONE in this room, should ask you serious questions about the future.
Rowan: *nods* Yeah I don’t wanna pull a Back to the Future and blip out of existence.
Ruby: Wait you know what Back to the Future is?
Rowan: Yep. You and Auntie Yang made it a point to watch Classic Movies when me and Summer grew up.
Ruby: ...who?
Rowan: Oh right I didn’t say. My sister’s name is Summer P- Rose 2nd. You named her after grandma.
Ruby: I.....wow. That’s...I don’t know what to say.
Rowan: *raises his hands* It’s ok, you don’t have to say anything yet. You still have A LOT of time before you even think about stuff like that.
Jaune: Ok you see this? *points at both of them* This is what I’m talking about. None of this ok, we don’t want to make anything more weird than it needs to be.
Rowan: Ok so keep my mouth shut. Got it! *gives a thumbs up*
Blake: Do you mind if I do ask something real quick?
Jaune: Wha-? Blake, we just established no asking about our future!
Blake: This isn’t a personal question. I don’t need to have my future told to me.
Jaune: ‘sigh’ Fine. Ask away.
Blake: Rowan, do the White Fang ever succeed in their mission of invading Vale?
Jaune: The hell?! That’s not any better!
Blake: You said to not ask personal questions. This is a situational question, therefore it won’t effect my personal life. So Rowan, what happens?
Rowan: ... I’m not gonna tell you that. *serious tone*
Blake: What? Why?!
Rowan: Oh I know what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to find out about future events that may transpire now or later. So I’m sorry but no I’m telling you anything more than what I need to.
Blake: Rowan, this could be life or death!
Rowan: And if I did tell you, you would want to stop it. But what you don’t realize is that if I were to tell you any information regarding that, not only would that jeopardize my future but everyone else’s future also. Time is NOT something you want to mess around with, because things could get a lot worse by just changing the smallest thing about the timeline.
Blake: *looks away* ...I-I’m sorry Rowan I didn’t think-
Rowan: It’s ok. I get where you’re coming from, but trust me it’s better off this way.
Blake: Ok...
Jaune: Ok so does everyone agree not to ask too many questions about the future?
RWBYNPR: *nods*
Jaune: Great. Now then, Rowan why don’t you tell us a bit about yourself. You don’t need to go into many details, just your likes, dislikes and hobbies.
Rowan: S-Sure thing Da-Sorry! I mean Jaune. Um.... let’s see. *holds his chin in contemplation* Well as far as my likes go: I like to read comics, spend time with my family and friends, and hear stories about-well, both of your teams adventures. Which I guess hasn’t really started yet hehe.
Yang: Well I guess hero worship just runs in the family then. *looks at both Jaune and Ruby*
Rowan: Well you did tell me most of those stories Auntie Yang, so you are partially to blame. *laughs*
Ren: You mentioned wanting to become a huntsman before, any particular reason?
Rowan: Well to put it simply, I always looked up to huntsmen as role models for me. Not because they’re flashy or cool, well not completely. I decided to train to become a huntsman because they serve as beacons of hope for humanity and keep the dark forces of the Grimm at bay. So if I can help in that, if I can make sure that I can protect even one person and keep them smiling then it would be worth it.
Ren: *nods*
Nora: *gets up close* I just have one question for you and it means life or death.....pancakes or waffles?
Rowan: Pancakes duh? You made sure of that Auntie Nora.
Nora: *ruffles his hair* Yep he’s good!
Rowan: Anything else on your minds?
Ruby: Oh I got one! What’s your best memory with ‘Dad’ here? *points at Jaune*
Jaune: Really Ruby, didn’t we just established no calling us his parents?
Ruby: What you said nothing about his personal life.
Jaune: ‘sigh’ Fine. You get a pass, Rowan what’s your best memory of us?
Rowan: ......... *blank stare*
Ruby: Uh Rowan?
Rowan: Oh I’m sorry! I was just thinking, Hahahaha! Wow, best memory with Dad? Um, wow I-I mean there’s...so many memories I have of him it’s kinda hard to tell! Um.......uh......best m-memory? Uh, you know what it was probably that one time that me and him went to an amusement park and he took me on a roller coaster for the first time! Yep that was a great memory! *scratches the underside of his jaw*
Ruby: Oh...well that’s cool.
Rowan: Yeah it was awesome! Say do any of you know if the mess hall is still open because I’m starving actually! Guess time travel can make a kid hungry! *laughs nervously*
Nora: Yeah they should still be open. Ren you’re and I can take you if you want? *gestures to Ren*
Ren: Yes we wouldn’t mind taking you there.
Rowan: Cool! Sounds like a plan! Well... I’ll see the rest of you in a bit!
Yang: Hey Rowan, mind if I tag along?
Rowan: Sure I don’t mind. Anyone’s happy to come along if they want.
RWBJP: We’re fine.
Rowan: That’s ok! We’ll see you later!
The group of four leave to go to the mess hall to find something for the young boy to eat, leaving behind a silence in the room among them.
Weiss: I’m going to assume that we all know that he was lying about that last question.
Jaune/Ruby: Yup. *they nod*
Pyrrha: But that just begs the question. Why would he lie about something concerning Jaune? From his demeanor before, he seemed to have a close relationship with his parents. So why lie?
Jaune: That’s something I hope we can find out?
-Fin of #2-
Hope you all enjoy this next piece! Getting back into the groove of things, so I’ll start getting back to writing regularly. Thanks for all the support and hope you all have a great day! Stay safe and stay smart out there!
Also here’s the sound FX if you guys were wondering:
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