#schnee shenanigans
scham-wcan · 1 year
Mum and Son
Whitley: Mother- Sorry, Mum?
Willow, working: Hmm, yes Whitley?
Whitley: I was wondering, following dinner tonight, if you’re not busy, there’s a new show which has come out which I think you and I would enjoy
Willow: Oh? And what is it called?
Whitley: Vale Mind Hunters, it is a documentary series b-but… I was hoping we could watch it together?
Willow, standing suddenly: Of course! H-how about we skip dinner, I could ask Klein to pop some, shoot how did Winter describe it, popped corn?
Whitley: I would really like that, ma’am!
Willow, holding her son close: Oh, it’s still mum dear. Now, I’ll go tine Klein if you get our night all prepared in the theatre.
Whitley: I-it’s a scary production mother?
Willow: … I shall ask for Klein to produce extra popped corn and… perhaps sweets for us?
Whitley: That would be good mother, we shall make sure the sisters rue the day they mocked us for being awful at scary productions!
Willow: That is right, my boy!
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weisscoldglare · 5 months
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In terms of Ruby admitting she hid her soda under her bunk bed, all I could think of was
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amelia-yap · 1 year
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happy birthday weiss! we’re taking you to the nearest mcdonalds to celebrate!!
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drenosa · 5 months
One rare lazy day in Vacuo
Yang: *Bored out of her skull, reading a "Teen" magazine*
Weiss: *Enjoying her simple healthy breakfast salad*
Ruby: *Enjoying her not-so-healthy breakfast cereal*
Blake: *Catching up on her "literature"*
Yang: *Perks up on reading a topic* "Just how gay are you and your partner? Take this simple test and find out!"
Weiss: Please no, I just want to finish breakfast.
Yang: *Ignoring her, turning to Blake* Wanna take this test with me, Blakey?
Blake: *Closing her book, raising a skeptical eyebrow* You do know we have no need for such a test, right?
Yang: We don't?
Blake: We don't. And I can prove it. *Puts away her book and stands up* Stand up.
Yang: *Already standing, curious* Okay...
Blake: *Walks over, standing close to Yang, their height difference evident as she looks up at the blonde* Now, on your knees.
Yang: *Wide-eyed in shock* Uhm, wha-what?!
Blake: *Touches Yang's jawline* On. Your. Knees.
Yang: *Knees buckle, thudding on the floor* Okay...
Blake: *Now looking down at the blonde, eyes bright in delight and with a wicked grin* And that, my dear girl, that is how gay you are. Understood?
Yang: *In need of clean underwear* Yes, ma'am.
Weiss: *In despair as she holds her hands in her head* I just want one, ONE, simple morning without my breakfast being ruined.
Ruby: *Still shoveling her cereal* Meh, I'm over it.
Weiss: Ugh... I should go join JNPER (Jaune, Nora, Oscar, Emerald, Ren). Surely they're... normal compared to whatever these two are doing all day.
Ruby: Probably best if you didn't.
Weiss: Pray tell, why?
Ruby: Oscar, and by extension Ozpin, is mostly busy with Theodore and other high-ranking huntsfolk for whatever business is most pressing but the rest... *Slightly cringes as she weighs whether or not she should tell*
Weiss: Ruby. Tell. Me!
Ruby: *Sighs, shrugs and spills the proverbial beans* They're probably banging right about now.
Weiss: ...
Ruby: Yeah... after our return from the Ever After there was this whole thing where Ren and Nora wanted- Needed more like- to reconnect and reconcile with Jaune. Emerald was just desperate looking for a place to belong. Anyway, long story short, they're likely banging right now.
Weiss: *Thudding her head on the table* My fucking friend group is a Gods damned mess!
Ruby: I'm still traumatized from walking in on them, but you don't hear me complain. Nora's way more flexible than you'd expect.
Weiss: *Whinging into the table surface* UUUUUGH...
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astraskylark · 3 months
First episode of volume 10 is the team trying to give Blake a piercing themselves. It's just Weiss and Ruby panicking their heads off getting ready with first aid kits and youtube videos (they spend 5 minutes deliberating if toothpick myrtenaster will work) while Blake just quietly does it herself in the background with Yang
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Someone in the RT discord said that the rwby crossover should've been with marvel and it sparked a fun headcanon discussion.
Things discussed:
- Yang and Nora are both worthy of Mjolnir
- Mjolnir's process of deciding who's worthy is literally just a vibe check
- Both Tony Stark and Weiss are extremely smart, rich, and snarky. They'd probably get along.
- Since Nora is worthy, she and Thor swap weapons.
- I thought it'd be funny if Thor got surprised by the weight of Magnhild.
- Ruby zipping around Tony's lab and fangirling over...well everything.
- She asks Tony ALOT of questions regarding weaponry and electronics and he does answer but some of his terminology is a bit too technical for Ruby and Weiss just ends up join the conversation by translating the more difficult terms.
- Tony would modify Yang's arm, maybe add Jarvis to it lol. I feel like Yang would enjoy the mods, not so much the AI constantly talking to her.
- "Hey Jarvis, how do you pick up cat girls?"
- Ruby and Spider Man would get along very well.
- Jarvis reminds Ruby of Penny.
- Dr. Strange would get along with Ozpin.
- Something came up about the infinity stones against salem but I dont remember exactly.
- Bucky vs Yang, I had faith in Yang but most said Bucky would win.
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lyddieowl · 1 year
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weiss has a silly dream and ruby asks her a silly question and guess what..... they're both very silly... (definitely haven't been thinking about the mermaids again i swear)
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 11 months
Full Moon
Werewolf!Yang: (slashing and ripping at her binds as she snarls and howls with rage)
Vampire!Weiss: (checking her nails) Keep it up, Wolfie. I have friends who are monster fuckers, and one's a power bottom that's gonna put you to work.
Werewolf!Yang: (pauses and cocks her head towards Weiss) Groar???
Vampire!Weiss: I'm not telling you.
Werewolf!Yang: (calls Weiss's bluff and starts snarling and trying to break the binds again)
Vampire!Weiss: (sighs and pulls up a message orb)
Witch!Blake: (wakes up as her crystal ball glows blue and chimes) Ugh... I'm coming. I'm coming. (waves a hand over the ball) What is it, Weiss?
Vampire!Weiss: (dodges a bolt that shoots out of the chamber wall as W!Y pulls against the magical chains) I've got an unruly werewolf here who's gone into a Full Moon rampage. Care to help calm her down?
Witch!Blake: (cat ears perk up) Is it Yang?
Vampire!Weiss: It's Yang.
Witch!Blake: Be right there!
Vampire!Weiss: (disconnects the orb) Don't say I didn't warn you.
Werewolf!Yang: (snarling at V!W)
A black and purple portal swirls into existence and Blake steps out wearing a deep violet, almost see through robe.
Witch!Blake: Who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? (summons a purple aura of magic in her hand with a smirk and the glow encompasses her body before fading) Not me~
Werewolf!Yang: (ears slick back in concern and looks over to V!W before sitting obediently)
Vampire!Weiss: Oh, don't start that now. You had your chance. Have a fun night! (transforms into a blue mist and phases through the door to the dungeon cell)
Werewolf!Yang: (watches W!B saunter across the dungeon towards her) Stupid wolf always gets me into trouble....
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divinityunleashed · 6 days
"L is for Lovers, who love one another~"
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"A is for ASS, of which I'd like to eat~"
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"U is for "U're" the only one for me!"
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"G is for the only Gamer I see~"
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"H is for Happy, I always feel it~"
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"Put it all together, what do you get?"
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eviltomb · 1 year
There’s an idea I’m toying with for a bit, as a thought experiment fic idea. One that I’ve seen some fics address differently.
Basically, Ironwood realizes, right as the election begins, that no matter who wins between the most likely winners, his authority is in jeopardy. Robyn hates him for his action in mantle and Jacques hates him because he hates everything that gets between himself and money.
so Ironwood devises a plan, secretly undermine both candidates and fund a third candidate as a loyalist. But who? Ah, Specialist schnee, glad to see you return safely from mistral. I have a new assignment for you.
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outcasts-redeemer · 1 year
Hand of time
Jaune could do nothing but stare. The rusted knight. One of his childhood heroes after his father and grandfather. Was him. He looked at the sliced fruit that looked like a clock and blanched. He had almost picked it up.
“What did you do?”
Jaune flinched when he heard it. The anger in his voice. The fact that it wasn’t directed at him did nothing to stop the chill that went down his spine.
He turned and  watched as Ruby faced his older self, eyes narrowed. “I know what you did to Neo Jaune...”
The elder stood straighter. “I did what needed to be done.”
Ruby’s eyes flashed a cold silver as she snapped, “She surrendered!”
Jaune took a step back in horror as he watched his older face twist into a cruel smile. “So you say.”
Ruby took a challenging step towards him. “This isn’t you!”
“What would you know about me Ruby Rose? You don’t even know yourself!” With that Jaune watched as the rusted sheath of Crocea Mors was pulled from the back and extended into its larger form. “You think making that idiot not pickup the fruit would stop me!? I’m invertible! And when I finally get out of this hellhole, I’ll make sure none of the monsters we faced ever face us again!”
Jaune panicked and looked around for the rest of RWBY but saw nothing except for the trees. Glancing back at the two of them he watched in horror as Ruby extended an Axe instead of Crescent Rose and charged at his elder self, with him doing so in return.
As their blades clashed Jaune was thrown backwards and fell next to his Crocea Mors. He picked it up and heard the aura meter inside beep. Opening the shield he watched as Ruby’s aura slowly lowered with each respective gust of wind.
Looking back up to the fight his eyed widened as he saw what was going to happen. His elder self had fought by himself for decades and only had gotten better at managing his aura and strength. And as such every swing of Crocea Mors ended up toppling trees and ending plumes of dirt and rock flying.
And while Ruby was faster and quicker, she couldn’t break though his aura before hers broke.
Jaune’s mind raced as he tried to find a way to help Ruby. But he was no where near their level. He’d just be a liability... All he’d accomplish would be to be maimed- That’s it.
With a shaky breath Jaune unsheathed the broken form of his family sword and stared at his reflection. Old Jaune was right. As long as Jaune was there, so too would his elder self be. But the past still influenced the future!
With eyes closed, and teeth clenched Jaune gripped Crocea Mors by his shield hand and sliced his sword hand off at the wrist. The pain made his eyes snap open and he watched as the elder version of himself seemed to ripple as his aura shattered before Crocea Mors fell from his nonexistent grip.
Elder Jaune barely had time to open his mouth to scream before Ruby’s axe went through his chest.
The last thing Jaune saw before the pain became to great was that of the rest of RWBY riding in on a giant rabbit.
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laserdog10 · 2 years
First BBQ
Yang: Aaaaare you sure you aren't dressed to sharp?
Whitley: *wearing a frilly V-neck* Absolutely not, you requested I dress casually and here it is.
Yang: ...
Whitley: Is nothing ever good enough for you?!
Yang: I'm not wearing something that the King of Vale would appreciate, Snow Shrimp! Ugh-listen, just don't be surprised with what everyone else will wear, alright.
Whitley: I believe I'll manage.
Whitley sits awkwardly at the dining table outside while everyone else, including his own family, are dressed in a tank top, or t-shirt, and shorts.
Yang: Sooo~....
Whitley: Not. One. Word.
Yang: *kisses him* My work in progress.
Whitley: =///=
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weisscoldglare · 22 days
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Thank you..., for caring.
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Penny: Happy Father's day! I have brought a variety of confections for you to enjoy, Father!
Pietro: Oh my darling daughter, No matter how good they may be, none are as sweet as you.
Penny: Thank you, father. I love you!
Tai: Hey gir- HMMP!
Ruby: *Tackling him* Hey dad! Happy fathers Day! Yang's bringing in your gift!
Tai: Well it's good to see you again! What'd you get me?
Yang: We got you some albums - A Vinyl Record and some C.D.'s. Hey Pop's!
Tai: You girls are too good for me.
Ruby: Maybe Just a little.
Blake: Dad!
Ghira: Blake! *Hugging her* It's great to see you again.
Blake: Happy Father's day! I couldn't find amything for you, but I just wanted you to know-
Ghira: You being here is enough of a gift for me, Blake.
Papa Arc: BOY!
Jaune: Hey Da-*Hugged*
Papa Arc: You're alright! You're alright. Don't run off like that again, please.
Jaune: ... It's good to see you again, old man.
Papa Arc: I ain't that old!
Papa Arc: Though, you've seemed to have done some growin' yerself.
Jaune: Yeah, I have. Also your dating advice Sucks.
Papa Arc: Worked on yer Ma' enough to get her to suck Me!
Jaune: *Blushing* DAD!
Ren: *Meditating with his Father's knife*
Nora: Um H-Hello sir! Uh ... I know we never got the chance to meet, but thank you. You're son is wonderful, and kind, and he's always had my back. He thinks the world of you, and ... Thanks For giving Him to the World.
Ren: *Smiles, Tears roll down his cheeks*
Ozpin: What are you two girls up to? Your teams are out for fathers day.
Weiss: While I might refer to Jacques as Father, he hardly deserves the title.
Pyrrha: I have two Moms. Father's day is a free day for me.
Ozpin: Well those are both very fair reasons. Have a nice day, and please stay out of trouble.
Pyrrha: Oh, you know our teams usually pull us into their shenanigans.
Weiss: ... Hey, Professor Ozpin, You always say you're older than you look. Have you ever had kids?
Ozpin: *Visibly Stiffens* Uh ... Yes. Once upon a Time, I did have children. Four beautiful Daughters ...
Ozpin: I ... I'd rather not speak about what happened.
Weiss: OH! Sorry for bringing it up Sir!
Ozpin: It's all fine Miss Schnee, you couldn't have possibly known without the use of some kind of Magic. Enjoy your afternoon. Good day.
Happy Father's day, This is just a reminder that a biological Father isn't the same a a Real Father. Have a nice day, whether or not you celebrate Father's day.
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astraskylark · 2 years
The new RWBY movie trailer looks corny af and I'm probably gonna have a lot of second hand embarrassment while watching it but man oh man am i gonna immensely enjoy every second of it
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littlecornerofremnant · 4 months
Weiss: "Has anyone seen my scroll? I cant have lost it already, it was brand new!"
Blake: "Haven't seen it"
Yang: "Gotta keep up with your stuff ice queen, no butler's around here to do it for you" *grin*
Ruby's autistic ass that had yet to taste the newest flavor of iScroll 15: "........" *Slow cronch*
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