#and who knows what could follow >:3c
helianskies · 5 months
Office parties suck, please? I suffered through one last night, need someone else to do it as well. If you can have Spain or England or both in the story I'll be happy.
hi anon! i hope you have recovered from your endeavour - please have a cookie for bravery 🍪 - and pls enjoy this bc well,, suffering is temporary. Arthur is about to learn that :) (also shame on me for making this engspa but anon honey you did ask for one or both idiots and this is an engspa addiction zone i can't be stopped >:'v)
Office parties suck. There is no debate to be had on the matter, and Arthur knows his mind is not going to be changed by attending this year’s party. 
Last year, he’d been roped into it—bribed with free drinks and the potential to schmooze for a promotion he ended up losing to Greg of all people—and by the time he got home, the holiday spirit had been drained out of him like mulled wine from the keg. 
So this year, he is adamant. He is not going to the damn office party, no matter what!
…until, that is, a certain someone comes over to his desk in the morning as he’s buried in his emails, and catches him with his guard down.
“Are you coming along this evening?” someone asks.
Arthur hums to acknowledge there’s been an interaction, but his eyes are trying to make sense of the words he’s reading. Seriously, does he need to be in this email chain? He could do without the nonsense and plain stupidity, especially on a Friday!
“It’s my first since working here,” the other goes on, a muffle in his mind. “I hope it’s good…”
“It’ll be fine,” Arthur mumbles. His eyes are still on his screen. His brain is still deciphering paragraph-long sentences. 
“I was wondering, though… If you aren’t going with anyone else, would you… consider going with me? Just so I’m not the, uh, the weirdo going in alone, haha…”
His finger clicks the mouse, deleting the email. 
“Yeah, sure.”
“R— Really?”
Another three emails have since appeared in his inbox. Arthur wants to cry. 
“Wow… Thanks, Arthur!”
And at long last, he looks away from his computer, unsure what it is he’s being thanked for, only to find Antonio smiling at him. Antonio, one of few ‘friends’ in the office he has. Antonio, who’s been there for only about six months yet is universally adored. Antonio, who, at least in private, is probably adored by no one as much as he is adored by Arthur, who, as he continues to look at the other, realises what he has just done. 
He can’t even be mad about it. 
He can’t say ‘no’ now, because it would likely upset Antonio.
He can’t do anything, in fact, other than smile back at him and ask, “Shall I meet you there?” 
“I can pick you up,” Antonio offers, as his heart screams. “You aren’t far from me.”
And that is what happens, then, later that evening after the work day is over, the office is closed, and Arthur has had a chance to freshen himself up. 
He still can’t believe he’s doing this. He can’t believe, firstly, that he is going to the damn Christmas party again, but he also can’t believe that he’s that useless a human being he hasn’t even had the decency to tell Antonio since his unwitting agreement that, actually, he doesn’t want to go! He could have made an excuse! Something like, the cat’s ill, got to run to the vet, or maybe, suit shrunk in the wash and I don’t think going naked is wise so I’m out!
But no! He’s bottled it! And now he’s there, standing in a not-that-warm venue, dying over making small talk about his uneventful holidays-to-come, and longing for his bed. 
Somewhat luckily for him, after a few moments of further lamenting, his saviour appears with another glass of hot wine (it’s all the company thought to provide other than prosecco, and he just isn’t a bubbles man!). 
“Here,” Antonio says, passing over a glass. He stands next to Arthur as the blond takes a sip and savours the warmth it provides.
“Thanks,” Arthur replies.
“No worries,” Antonio nods. “I think it’s the least I can do for you, after dragging you out here. I’m starting to regret my choices…”
The Brit just can’t help but snort, humoured. “Office parties suck,” he remarks, to which Antonio hums in agreement.
“Remind me not to do this next year,” he says. “All this effort for cheap wine and stinky cheese!”
“Not your cup of tea?”
“Not my…?”
“Not your thing,” Arthur clarifies. “Not your idea of a good party.”
“Oh! No,” the brunet responds, shaking his head before taking a sip of his wine. Then he says, “My sort of party involves better music, more dancing, and more drinking. I would hazard to say that mulled wine is not really ‘my cup of tea’ either.”
“No? Is it not a bit like sangria?”
“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.”
“Still,” Antonio says, “I’ll make it up to you.”
Arthur doesn’t want him to feel obliged or guilty; cheap wine and stinky cheese aside, he’s had a nice evening thanks to some shared laughter, some moaning, and some, well, cheap wine and stinky cheese. 
But in all seriousness, Antonio has been good company. Even if he would have liked to have stayed home, he… can’t deny he’s enjoyed the opportunity to get to spend time with Antonio away from the office. It’s been nice to just talk with him, without the pressure of it having to be work-related somehow, managers looming over them. It’s been nice to feel at ease, and more like themselves—more real—even if only slightly.
So Arthur tells him, “Don’t worry about it. The evening hasn’t been too unbearable.”
“Oh?” Antonio croons. “You think?”
“Yeah, well, you’re not unbearable.”
“Flattery! How kind,” the other jokes. “I’m still going to make it up to you. I feel responsible for your suffering.”
“What suffering?” Arthur remarks as he sips his wine.
“It’s like you said, no? Office parties suck?”
“Oh, yeah. For sure.” He lowers his glass. “They suck less with good company, though.”
Antonio stares at him for a moment. He can feel his gaze—can feel the warmth and nerves grow the longer it goes on. Arthur holds his cards close to his chest and says no more, his own eyes turning to the room, their colleagues, the small talk to come. 
But then, just out of the corner of his eye, he glimpses a smile. A lovely, soft, wine-humoured smile. 
That’s all Arthur needs to convince himself that… maybe not all office parties suck…
[ ficlet collection on ao3! ] [ prompt list here! ]
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loopyarts · 21 days
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He he here are some fun pen doddles of the boys in a more retro style inspired by 60s-80s manga. :3c I just love playing around with different art styles.
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biocrafthero · 15 days
Vaugarde Dashboard Simulator Part 2
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🪨 tuesdayagain Follow
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My dinnar 🔥
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👁️ onlooker23694 Follow
do you guys think that Odile (one of the saviors) has a tumblr
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I think some of you need therapy. Desperately.
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Change forbid someone on the “i wanna make out with that old lady” website actually wants to make out with that old lady
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🪨 tuesdayagain Follow
Hope I don’t have to fight my evil shadow self today
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🪨 tuesdayagain Follow
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🪨 tuesdayagain Follow
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♟️ maldupays Follow
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🧪 thatonescientist Follow
Okay so Mira isn’t in the dorm right now so I just combined a Monster energy drink with some rainbow Airheads. Calling this drink battery acid. Gonna see what happens when I have some
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don’t do this
🧪 thatonescientist Follow
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i love my partner so much love always wins never give up
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🌃 changehold Follow
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🧱 builderboy-brickman Follow
Wait. Wait does this mean that the saviors listen to Radiohead
🧱 builderboy-brickman Follow
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👑 fleetingmemories Follow
ohhh…. I remember when messages took weeks to send between countries……. how times have changed……… ohhhhhhh….
☄️ rumblingrocktype Follow
Hey quick question how old are you
👑 fleetingmemories Follow
oh….. in my 50s, I believe…… why do you ask?
☄️ rumblingrocktype Follow
Did you know him
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🔔 pleasedontfindthisblog Follow
my thirsty ass could NEVER be near one of these things
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🧤 fivesetsofhands Follow
Hey what does this mean. Hey OP what the crab does this mean
🔔 pleasedontfindthisblog Follow
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you can’t prove ANYTHING
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⚒️ etchedinstone Follow
“Is it ethical to write fanfic about the saviors of Vaugarde if their lives were adapted into a stage play and I’m just writing about the fictional versions of them” thread locked after 174 pages of heated debate
🐊 creepingthang Follow
OP this is the same energy as the Isabeau Miku Binder post
⚒️ etchedinstone Follow
( 3,487 notes )
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🌫️ guncraft
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I need him
👓 patienthunter Follow
People like OP need to go to a mental hospital
🐺 wolvesdenguy Follow
What happened to the notes
🌞 inthehouseof Follow
Official 0 note King thirst post
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🐻 amazingwonderfulfunnybuff Follow
My friends finally convinced me to make a new account after years of not using this website why is everything different
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💭 lostinthoughts Follow
👾 bitten8-bit Follow
the fog is coming.
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🐾 werebearwearbare Follow
That new shade in the sky would look great in a children’s hospital
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🍱 overthinkinghistorian Follow
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this too is yuri
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💀 biocrafthero Follow
You can read Part 1 here :3c
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Cradle Snatcher (Pt. 1)
Summary: You had told Leon that perhaps after he graduated from the police academy than maybe you would give him the time of day. You two have an age difference but it’s nothing too big. However it still weirds you out. But, with Leon Kennedy, can you really say no? 
Word Count: 2.9k
Pairing: RE2! Leon Kennedy x fem! reader (afab) Warnings: Age difference (5 year age gap), breeding kink, biting, praise kink, unprotected sex (don’t be silly~), cream pie, pre-ejaculation, dom/sub dynamics lemme know if I missed anything!  Disclaimer: MDNI!!! 18+ only! A/N: Hi there! So I’m very new to the RE fandom so please be nice to me uwu. Anyway, I’ve been reading a lot of dominant Leon and while that shit is nice I also feel like subby Leon is just as hot~ I hope that I did him justice. Like the title says this is pt. 1 so pt. 2 shall be out soon enough! :D If you like my writing be sure to think about popping up in my inbox for some requests :3c I do other fandoms so just lmk! :D I may even make a post about my rules and such, idk. If I get enough of a following :3 Alrighty! Enjoy! :D
You had told Leon that when he had graduated from the police academy then perhaps you would give him the time of day. To be honest, you just felt like a cradle snatcher. Leon was about 5 years younger than you. He was 21 when he graduated and you were 26 and already a lieutenant in RPD. You didn’t want to have a relationship get in the way of work anyway but Leon was hellbent on making you see him as more than a new subordinate.
It all started when you were just the ripe age of 21 yourself. You were called to a high school to talk about RPD and how it may be a nice career choice for the young minds of Racoon high. Leon was one of the bright eyed students that sat right in the middle, his stare never leaving your silhouette as you talked about what could be expected on the job. After class, he had stopped you to ask a few questions. You were happy with his curiosity and answered all of his questions with fervor. You were a budding rookie yourself and anyone who was interested in the same subject that you held dear was a friend automatically. 
Somehow he had wrangled your number out of you, saying that he would love to discuss further on possible internships and things of the like. It seemed like he was truly interested in policing and while that was true he was also very interested in you. Coupled with your beauty and passionate standing with justice and helping people, he couldn’t help but want to be sure that he had some way of keeping in contact with you. 
However, he didn’t make a move until he was 18 and had just graduated high school. You two had interacted a lot since the first day, Leon following your shadow for “on-the-job” training and even studying on his own when he could. On the eve of his first day at the training academy, he confessed to you about how he felt. He was a blushing mess and he ran over his words a lot but it was probably the cutest confession that you ever had the pleasure of witnessing. It was full of pure innocence and a part of you wanted to ruin it~ But you stayed strong and gently let him down. 
Again, you would feel like a cradle snatcher and while there was not that big of an age difference you still felt weird about it considering he had just graduated high school and was barely legal. But he was persistent, wanting to know the reason why. You couldn’t come up with a logical answer other than “You’re younger than me I’d feel weird.” And not wanting to lie to him you told him just that. He then started to ask if it would be because he was less experienced and that made you blush considering what that entailed. With a stutter you mutter a quick,”Maybe after you graduate.” And then quickly ran off to your office. 
You really didn’t think that he would actually wait until he graduated to try again. You were sure that he would have found some cute rookie cop girl, to your dismay, and find happiness with them. However, when he invited you over to celebrate his graduation, you should have known something was off when it was just you. But you did not say anything as you two hung out and drank in celebration. Like the good boy he was, he hadn't drunk any alcohol until he was the legal age, you introducing him to new beverages and mixes. 
After a few shots, Leon couldn’t help but try again. “Will you go on a date with me, [y/n]?” You choke on your drink, a part of you thinking that you should have seen this coming. But another had hoped that it wouldn’t happen. You cleared your throat of the froth,”Leon…” “I know what you’re going to say. That I’m too young for you but I think that’s absolute bullshit. I also know that it’s probably because I’m not all that experienced-” You sigh. “Leon, it’s not that-” “So let me prove to you that I can please you just as much, if not more, than any other guy you’ve been with. Use me.” You felt yourself go into cardiac arrest. He asked what now?! “Use…You?” Leon inched closer to you, eager to prove himself. “I can be your fuck toy.” He declared and you nearly passed out. “Leon.” His stare was stifling, filled with admiration and intent. “Please?” He asked, his fingers finding purchase on your thighs. “I know I can make you feel so good, just let me try?” He seemed to beg, his forehead coming to rest against yours. You audibly gulp. “Have you even been with anyone, Leon?” He gave a shy smile. “I’ve made out with a few girls but nothing more. Wanted to save myself for you.” He admitted and you have never felt so flattered. 
You felt your resolve slipping away. Leon was a very handsome young man. You were sure that a lot of people would love to make him happy. But for some reason he wants you and you couldn’t understand why. “Why me?” You asked, your eyes resting on his lips. You licked your own and Leon’s pupils seemed to dilate at the sight. Leon gave a small laugh. “I could count the ways but I feel like we’d be here for a while and I really want you to fall apart on my tongue right now.” You gently push at him in play,”I’m serious.” He pulled back to look at you. “If I tell you, will you let me?” He was basically asking you if he had a chance and you just couldn’t say no to those beautiful, blue eyes. 
You give in. “Fine.” You whisper and the giant smile that etched onto his face makes your heart swell. He was on you like glue, kisses eager and sloppy but you pushed him back gently. “Uh-uh, no reward until you tell me.” You gently laughed but you felt out of breath. His inexperienced kisses were enough to punch the air out of your lungs. Maybe you had it worse than you thought. He felt like whining but he kept it from bubbling out,”Your personality; from how passionate you are about your work to how motherly you are when you are amongst others that you have to look after.” He seemed to say that last bit fondly and that caught you off guard. “Motherly?” You wonder aloud and he nodded. “You handle people so well and in such a gentle way. It’s both nice and hot to see.” Well at least he was honest, you thought to yourself. 
“Hot? How so?” You muse and you could tell that he was getting a little impatient. He wanted to touch you but you were going to see how long he could last before he snapped. His blush was heavy,”Do I really have to explain that part?” You hum,”Obviously, rookie. I’m very interested.” He gave a reluctant sigh,”You acting motherly…Makes me wonder how you would act if we had kids..” He admitted softly, you having no idea that this is what your Leon was thinking of you this whole time. 
“Oh?” You ask with a glint in your eye. At first you weren’t really for this but now you were starting to get into it. Perhaps you had feelings for Leon that you hadn’t wanted to come to terms with. It’s just having him spill his heart out like this was moving and you couldn’t help the heat forming between your legs from his words. “Does my rookie want to make me a mommy?” You ask with a purr and Leon felt like he was about to explode from the embarrassment. You giggle at his reaction and cup his face in your hands to have him look at you. “Red looks nice on you.” You winked and he wanted to cup his face in his hands and groan. 
While the idea of getting pregnant was definitely not a good idea for you right now, the thought of getting knocked up after this little encounter was enough to make you think twice on logistics. Well, if you had to make a “mistake” with anyone you feel like Leon would be the ideal partner. You find your way onto his lap, his expression turning surprised as you settle yourself over him. “[Y-y/n]?” You gently quiet him with a chaste kiss. “While I would love to learn more about how you feel about me, I can’t help but get riled up by that little imagination of yours.” You say and Leon audibly gulps. You place your arms across his shoulders, crossing your forearms behind him as you lean forward to brush your lips against his. “How about it, rookie? Wanna make me a mommy?” You whisper and Leon bucked his hips up against you. 
“C…Can I?” His voice sounded hopeful, filled with pureness yet sticky with lust. You giggle and give a few languid kisses to which he shivered from. “As long as you don’t dip on me if you actually do end up getting me pregnant.” His hands found purchase on your hips, fingers digging into your skin as he said,”Never.” That was the most confident he had been all night and it made you stutter. “O..Okay. You better keep your word.” You gently joke but at the same time, hope that he truly meant what he said. You lean forward again to capture his lips with yours, Leon returning with fervor. He took your lead and found a place between your hips. He kept his hands against you like you were going to run away and you slid your fingers through his hair to massage his scalp to try and tell him otherwise. He sighed contently into your lips, hips beginning to grind against yours. “S-Sorry.” He whispered, feeling a little embarrassed by his behavior but you give a shake of your head. “No, baby, don’t be. Feel good?” You ask and he gives a fervent nod. 
“Such a good boy.” You purr and he groans from your praise, his hips picking up in pace. You let out little moans of your own, wanting Leon to know that he was being so good for you and your sounds alone were enough to nearly make him cum in his pants. He stopped grinding suddenly, brows furrowed in concentration as he tried to suppress his orgasm. “No, no no, that won’t do.” You say as you begin to grind down on him. “N-no, I’ll cum too soon.” He groaned and you hummed,”It’s not good to keep back your own pleasure. Besides, don’t you want me to see how good you look when you fall apart?” You say with a sly smile and he hid his face in the crook of your neck. “This was supposed to be the other way around….” He commented and you laughed. 
“This is going to be your first time, right? Let me show you the ropes, rookie.” You say and you saw Leon visibly shiver. Suddenly, grinding was not enough for you and you fumble with the front of his jeans. He watches bashfully as you free him from his clothed restraints, his hot cock standing proudly against his shirt. You lick your lips at the sight. “Yes, I think this will do very nicely.” You tease and it was his turn to shove at you. You giggle as you wrap your hand around the base, a nice moan emanating from the back of Leon’s throat. “Hmmmm, let’s see~” You muse as you stroke him lazily, wondering just what you should do for his first time. Suck him off? That was tempting but didn’t he say that he wanted to be used? 
“On your back, rookie.” You command and while he was a little confused he followed your instructions, you straddling his lap once more. “What are you-” “You want to be my fuck toy, right? Then be a good boy and lay there while I use your cock for my own pleasure, okay?” You say in a breathy voice and Leon was left in a stupefied state. “Yes, ma’am!” He practically squeaked out as he laid back against the cushions of the couch. You give a smile at him and begin to undo your own jeans. Slipping off both them and your panties in one go, the sight of slick connecting to the fabric made Leon’s hips buck up. 
“Look what you did to me, rookie. Such a mess, huh?” You tease once more and Leon whines. “I’ll help clean up, ma’am. P-promise.” You hum in satisfaction and settle yourself over his tip. “Just one rule, okay? No touching - This is only for my pleasure, right?” You ask with a tilt of your head and Leon bit his bottom lip as he nodded. “Good~” And you slowly sank yourself down on him. Your head was thrown back as you were filled just right. God, past partners just couldn’t compare! 
Meanwhile, Leon’s eyes had shut completely tight as a silent groan left his mouth. Fingers dug into the cushions below as you suddenly felt a hot gush of something within you. “Ohhh, baby, did you cum?” You wonder aloud and Leon wanted to die. “I-I can keep going! I p-promise-” He didn’t want to disappoint you, not like this and you shushed him with soft kisses. “Shhh, I know, my love. This pussy is just that good, huh?” You bite at his skin and heavy pants left Leon. “Mmmm, ‘s really good.” He managed to say, giving into the pleasure further now that he was sure that he hadn’t upset you. 
 Feeling a little merciful, you say,”Just let me know if it gets too much.” And you raise yourself once more, falling back down onto Leon as you feel his tip brushing the entrance of your womb. “Mmmm, such a good boy. Letting me use him like this~” You tease as you pick a rhythm that is both stimulating yet controlled. You knew that Leon was feeling oversensitive right now and if not careful you could actually hurt him and you could never do that to him. You were the one in control right now and that meant you had to be responsible. Make him feel valid even though he wants to be used like a toy. 
He was very vocal with his pleasure, groans and moans leaving his throat as he tried his best to not grab at your hips. “[Y/N], please-””Aw, what is it baby? What do you need?” You ask in a sweet, saccharine voice. “Wanna t-touch you. Can I?” His fingers scratched at the fabric beneath him, itching to cause you even more pleasure. You hum in thought, hips gyrating instead of bouncing to tease Leon even more. “I dunno. Should I?” You ask with a lilt and Leon couldn’t refrain himself from letting out a frustrated moan. At that little display you tighten your walls and move in a way that makes both of you see stars. 
“Pleasepleasepleaseplease!” Leon said in a hurry, your ego receiving a nice fluff from the sight underneath you. “Oh, alright.” As soon as you gave the go ahead, one hand found its way to your clit while the other reached underneath your shirt and bra in one go. “Ahhh, so eager~” You say with a small smile, his fingers hungry in their assault to bring you close to your own climax. “W-want to you cum on m-my cock.” Leon looked at you with blown out eyes, the once blue hue being taken over by the void of his pupils. “Yeah? Make me, rookie.” You challenge and he was happy to accept. 
 Even though his touches were that of a novice, it was still Leons’; warm, loving, seeking - it was more than enough to bring you near your orgasm. Your bounces become sloppy and you give your own whine to which Leon couldn’t help but smirk at. “Gonna cum soon.” You warn and Leon starts to meet your thrusts with his. “Mmmm, Me too.” He says with a slur,”Gonna cum in you again. Make you a mommy.” He promises against your skin as those words seemed to be what brought you completely over the edge. You let out a delicious cry of Leon’s name and coupled with the intense clamping down on his cock, Leon couldn’t stop himself from coming a second time. His hands found their way to your hips, pushing you down flush against his pelvis so that he could aim directly into your womb. 
“Such a pretty girl. MY pretty girl. Gonna be so full with my kids, fuck-” He started to babble to himself, holding you against his chest as he released inside of you. The feeling of hot cum spilling into you was far more pleasant than you thought it would be. You felt nice and marked, full with Leon and the possibility of having a little one with him. It made your heart swell. You give a small giggle and lean back, looking Leon in the eyes. “Now then, want to try to take the lead for this next one, rookie?” 
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tw1l1te · 3 months
The Final Promise₊˚✩⊹
Chapter 2
Linked Universe x reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff, soft and domestic, suggestive themes
Authors note: I was too excited to not post this lmao :3c
Time seemed to stop, and you didn’t mean by the Old Man.
Time literally seemed to halt. You stared at Rusl, trying to find any signs of lying or amusement in his eyes, as if this was some joke. A cruel, twisted joke.
“W-what?” you asked, the only word you could muster. You could feel your fingers shake on the table. You didn’t want to believe what Rusl said, or did you? You weren’t sure. 
You weren’t sure if you’d accepted the fact on whether or not you were coming home ever again, but you didn’t think it would happen now, or so soon. Maybe Hylia wanted to see how your head would react. A twisted game for her, like it always is.
“Are you sure that’s what she said? Maybe she meant something else-"I know what she said. I may be old, but I saw what she wrote clear as day. There’s another mirror.”
Before anyone could say anything else, you stormed out of the cottage, the door squeaking on it hinges as you storm out.
“Y/n! Wait!!” Hyrule yells after you.
Before you could stop yourself to calm down, you break into a spring, heading straight towards the forest. You needed to run. Run. RUN.
This couldn’t be happening. You researched and combed through Hyrule Castle’s archives to find any sliver of hope that you’d be able to come home. Even if it said it was impossible, you never found anything to begin with. You had no answers.
You don't know when you stopped running, you panted as you sat up against a tree, silent tears running down your cheeks and down your neck. Breathing was so difficult, you began hiccuping and hyperventilating, gripping onto your hair for any kind of grounding back into reality. That’s when you felt something wet on your forehead.
Looking up, you were relieved for it to just be Wolfie, or Twilight. 
“Twilight you shouldn’t have followed me.” you whispered into his fur.
Twilight turned back into his Hylian form, your face still in his pelt. 
“I needed to make sure you were okay. Can’t leave you alone, especially in Faron Woods. Who knows what’s still out here,” he murmured into your hair, combing through your sweaty locks. He kissed the top of your forehead, hesitating before pulling back.
“It’s gonna be okay, Y/n. I promise. We’ll be with you, every step of the way, ok? We’re gonna find you a way to go home. Whether it be this lead or if we find something else.”
You sighed. Twilight was always the more outwardly calm person in the chain, alongside Time and Warriors. 
“Twilight that’s the thing… I’m not even sure if I want to go home. It’s probably been years back home, hell I don’t even know if I have my apartment or my friends or… But its not like I don’t want you, y’know? I’ve been dreaming of going home since I first came here, I’d been up for nights at a time just researching in the underground library archives. I-I don’t know what to do or think, Twi.” you rambled, voice breaking at the end, letting more tears slip out.
“Although I don’t know exactly what you’re feelin’, I’m here for you, whatever it is that happens. We’re all here for you.”
He takes a breath.
“Speaking of the others, we should head back to the village, the others are probably worried sick about you.”
You nodded without a word, getting up and making back to Ordon Village together, Twilight wrapping his pelt around your shoulders. It smelled like him, you thought. 
Twilight never gives anyone his pelt, its the one thing he sees as his. So why’d he give it to you? He has no idea. Instinct, he thinks. It’s cold, you needed it more than him. He looks down at you, your pink cheeks and wet lashes making you look more fragile and doll-like. Your cute nose sniffing every few seconds, breathing in the cold air. Your ears were so small, littered with at least 3 or 4 piercings, one of which was a triforce. 
Twilight smiles slightly. He always liked the little pieces of “memorabilia” you had of them. It was incredibly strange and unsettling when they first found out, but he sees it more as like your belonging to them admiration of them.
Twilight’s train of thought stopped for a moment.
Where the hell did that thought come from?
Before he could ruminate on his psyche, he’s shaken out of his thoughts by Wind yelling “Oh thank fucking Hylia!”
You came back into Twilight’s treehouse, heading toward the bathroom to take a warm bath. You noticed that the tub was already filled, hot steam coming off the surface of the water. You’d have to thank whoever drew you the bath.
Stripping your clothes, you set them in a pile near the door. You step into the tub, wincing slightly at the hot water making contact with your skin. It was a bit too hot for you, but you knew the water will cool off fast enough, so you powered through it.
You sighed. This was nice. Even with the chaotic stream of thoughts coursing through your head, the bath seemed to dull it, even for just a moment. You grab your hair and start combing through it, no doubt getting knots from running through the woods earlier. You look at the necklace Four made for you a few months ago. It was to commemorate a year being with the Chain, which in retrospect should’ve made you sad, but it made you extremely happy and grateful for everyone in the group
You knew it was much easier to come across rarer metals and jewels here than back home, but you were still just as in shock when you realized what it was made of. You remember sobbing from joy when you received it, as you never held something so expensive and meaningful in your entire life.
The necklace was made of metal sourced from Death Mountain but you had no clue what the gem in the triangle shaped cavity was. It looked like emerald, but the boys said it wasn’t that, and that they won't tell you. They were so petty at times.
You were startled out of your thoughts when there was a knock at the door.
“I brought you some fresh clothes, Dove.” Ah Sky, honestly you were a little relieved it wasn’t Legend or Wars, knowing they’d say something snarky or suggestive.
“Come in Sky.” 
You could hear the cogs turning in his head for a moment before he entered, red in the face. You almost laughed at what you were seeing.
Sky turned his head away from you and covered his eyes, just to spare you some dignity.
“I-uh gave you one of my older shirts since you don’t have any other clean ones and its thicker, so it’ll help keep you warm and it has-”
“Sky, for the love of god you’re making this more awkward than it has to be. You’re sweet for being so thoughtful, but we’re both adults Pumpkin.” you mused, chuckling a bit.
Sky finally made eye contact with you, but still avoided your eyes for the most part.
“Right. Um, well, I’ll just leave these on the chair then.”
Sky then stared at you. Not in a creepy way, just in admiration and awe. Luckily, the rest of your body was hidden under the bubbles of the soap in the water, so its not like he could see anything anyway.
He then walked up to you and sat down outside of the tub, still gazing at you.
“I was so worried about you earlier, Songbird. Are you alright now?” he asked, worry crossing his face.
You sighed. Ever the most thoughtful. Bringing your hands from under the water, you cup his cheeks looking right into his eyes.
“Don’t worry so much about me, Sky. I’m fine now. Twilight calmed me down a bit, but you know how shocking such information can be. I just need a bit to process, y’know? I’ll be fine though.”
You gave him a small smile, trying to read the thoughts behind his eyes. He just kept looking at you. You swear he looked at your lips a few times. Biting his lip, he asked “Can I wash your hair for you? No offense at all, I just wanted to offer because you never know when the next time we’ll get to be clean again.”
You nodded with a smile, sitting back against the porcelain tub, handing Sky the glass bottle of soap. As soon as he lathered his hands, he started massaging your scalp, a feeling you’ve missed so much. 
“Fuck, Sky, that feels so good.” you said, not realizing the tone or implication you said it in.
Sky’s breath hitched, but you didn’t catch it, too busy on the sensations on your scalp.
“Yeah?” he whispered, looking at your bare shoulders that were littered with scars from your journey with them, wishing he could wash them away. He felt his ears get hot from your soft sounds, happy that you felt so comfortable and wishing you’d make those sounds more often  domestic with him.
Suddenly the movement stops. Opening your eyes, you turn your head over your shoulder, almost jumping at how close his face is. Your gaze flickered to his lips, almost as if it was instinct.
“Sky… I-” “I’ll let you finish up.” And with that, he left, softly shutting the door behind him.
What the HELL is he thinking???
Sky gripped his hair, walking down the hallway, panting slightly.
He was so… close to you. He could smell the soap on your skin. He could see the different colors in your eyes. He felt strange. He knew he liked you… and not just as companions or friends… he wanted more. He felt happier, lighter since you came around. He genuinely laughed for the first time in ages.
It seemed like there was a spark of sorts between the two of you, but he didn’t want to assume or jump into anything… yet, at least. He needed a minute to calm down.
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ghouljams · 1 month
i woke up w more brain worms thanks for giving more w ur response <33
but yknow how Tabitha was kinda the new Master for the super mutants in the Mojave… yeah that but König. his ass would be a cult leader too ur so right. you’d hear the radio signal went down and got a bit too nosy and mosey your way up to him like hello need fix? and he’d snatch you and keep you around. like coming to fix his radio was basically a marriage confession!!! and like how are you gonna fight him anyways he’ll just keep bringing you gifts (and bones..) until you say yes :)
ghoul ghost either is running around w a mutated horse (maybe a dog too :3c) or is wandering and doing random bounties (that man would be side questing, no allegiance just vibes)(at the moment i don’t have anything on him but we’ll see after work)(i saw what you said.)
gaz could easily be a synth too i just saw that.. and yeah i was gonna say he could be a minuteman but like ncr ranger makes a lot more sense in my pea brain!! he’d follow his courier around to help w deliveries(his ass just wants to see them shoot things, ur so right about the deathclaw thing) and would try and convince them to come home to cali with him, where it’s safer and he has a home there (totally not trying to trap them, ), like why would you ever wanna go to the strip babes? that place is gross and nasty :( (he’s gambled there a few times, like i can see soap def having fame on the strip and they’re buddies)(also he definitely wants like a whole family and poor courier just wants to figure out where this gambling chip goes to for some money)
clawing at elder maxson’s face w malicious intent btw, but he’s giving price and i don’t like it. that man would be a brotherhood elder who has his own agenda or just a very well respected knight, bc tell me he wouldn’t kick major ass in power armor (that man would be in love when he goes into a town to retrieve a piece of tech and go nuts over the pretty lady who runs the repair shop and offers to fix up his gun)(or maybe he’s w a scribe! who knows ill def have more later though)(im thinking about the ghosts guys rn a lot though)
Best friend Tabitha!! I love her. Bad radio show queen. König gets mad that the radio sucks, kills Tabitha and takes over. You're free to go Raul, have fun, stay safe out there(Raul is immediately executed for helping Former Best Friend Tabitha).
Now König is leader of a tidy cult, he's got some big changes to make, namely: we are militarizing this bitch, and putting some decent programming on the radio. More music, less talking. Also let's make this place a little safer for the humans, start getting some trade going(and catching pets).
Now most humans know not to go investigate the radio signal but you're fresh out of the vault, and eager to see who it is that keeps the radio running. Especially when the in between programing sounds so nice! König's voice following you across the wasteland, promising freedom and shelter for humans and mutants alike. He needs a little help fixing up the radio, but luckily you've got some radio know-how under your belt. Maybe he'll give you a couple caps for fixing the thing!
Well. The programming certainly takes a turn after you fix up the radio. When songs aren't playing your soft moans and whimpers are filling the air waves. König fucking you live on the air so everyone can hear how wonderful and superior super mutants are. Listen to how much pleasure his pretty new pet is in, begging him to come and fill you with his potent mutant seed.
"Some of you may wonder where my pet is today," König lowers the microphone so that slurping and gagging noises can be heard, followed by a short whine of pain and period of heavy breathing before the slurping sounds resume and he sets the microphone back on the table, "aren't they talented? I told you, humans are good for something, and very easily trained."
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yourheart-inmyhands · 1 month
Hello, I'm the one who requested the Freminent and accidentally forgotten Zhongli with a S/o who has cute aggression towards them. If there is no issue could you also do the same for Zhongli, it's okay if not btw. (Also I loved the original with just Fremi)
hi hi! i'm glad to see you came back :D sorry for the wait, i usually end up writing late at night so i apologize for missing him the first time, here he is now though! i hope you enjoy :3c
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including obsessive behavior, mentions of starting forest fires, mentions of destroying cities, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Zhongli has seen a lot in his many, many years but this was… well this behavior was rather new to him. He had heard often the great lengths one would go to show their love and devotion to him back when he was still the Geo Archon, but to have his darling say they’d set all of Sumeru on fire was startling.
It isn’t to say he doesn’t like it, he’s quite flattered by it all, but you can expect constant reassurance from him that you aren’t actually going to do this. You- you wouldn’t actually start a forest fire, would you? Zhongli needs that little reminder every so often that you aren’t actually plotting such things, just using them as examples for expressing your intense feelings towards him.
Wanting to share in this cute behavior of yours, Zhongli starts vocalizing his love and affection for you as well. Instead of mimicking your cute aggression though, he uses historical quotes and references. You don’t always get them, but the delighted smile on his face whenever he says them to you, following your cute aggression comments is enough to have you falling in love with them anyways.
“I love you so much I could knock down all of Liyue with my bare hands.” Zhongli smiles at your comment, an adoring look on his face as his hands come up to gently cup yours. His thumbs brush over your cheeks, a shimmer of love in his eyes as he stares at you.
“Hear my soul speak. Of the very instant that I saw you, Did my heart fly at your service.” Zhongli’s words are smooth, falling from his lips in the same poetic manner they were written and memorized. Loving you comes easy to him, something that seems ingrained in his being as much as breathing has become. You make him feel human, make him feel like he can be soft and tender like one. Around you, Zhongli feels like he can love.
A lot of times his quotes sorta go over your head and that’s ok, he’s happy to repeat them as many times as you need or to sit down and explain what they mean to you. It just gives him a reason to spend even more time with you, something of which he adores.
If you ever showed deeper interest in any of his expressions of love, do know he would be more than happy to share whatever literature he found them in. Going through old books, reading and acting out long-forgotten plays, what was once a key token of history that now sits dusty on the shelves, he adores doing it all with you. Zhongli is such a hopeless romantic when it comes to you, he just adores you so much and cannot stand to ever be apart from you for long.
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matamisin · 1 year
I am absolutely living for the Stardew art. I love that game so much and have over 600 hours of playtime in it. I did have a little bit of a request but feel free to ignore! Could you rate all of the potential spouses based on your personal interpretations?
Hiii!! Yes yes yes thank you for this ask- I planned to do quick portraits anyways! <3 <3
But let's start!!
[PLEASE DO NOT REPOST, reblogs welcome! >:3c)
Harvey: 10/10
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Handsome yes yes
Very sweet and loyal like bro LETS GO that's all I need
Doctor?? AKA he fixes up love interest who regularly gets into trouble? Endless possibilities BRO this is my favorite trope to write/draw about
HOWEVER HARVEY DOESN'T ACCEPT ANY INSURANCE HE JUST CHARGES OUR ASSES bro I'm trying to have a tender moment of almost dying and him worrying and then BOOM hands me my bill like "see you at home honey ily"
Overall he would treat us right yes
Animals LOVE his ass but he's awkward with them LOL
He's often a tired man due the clinic but he'll pull through to do things with the farmer when they're dating (like outings)
In the beginning when farmer is frequently getting hurt in the mines and being brought in hurt, he buys them a walkie-talkie. He's said multiple times that he doesn't recommend going in those dangerous places but learns that farmer's determined to keep going so he'll do what he can to make sure they can relay when they need help
He'll chime in on the walkie when he sees farmer going towards the mines and has them check things off a mental list (hi, this is Harvery- going to the mines? Do you have your weapon? How about food? You have your first-aid kit on you too right?)
This man will be TENSE the whole day when he knows farmer is in the mines. He'll only ease up once he knows they're not in there anymore
Disclaimer: from here on most of what I write will be 100% from my head because I haven't married anyone else yet LMFAO
Sam: 10/10
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I interpret him as the golden retriever type- very hyper and friendly
That just makes him 1000% more loveable
Very good with kids cause of Vincent which is like YES
A little blunt sometimes but that's wassup
Doesn't eat the best (AKA I give him two pizzas every week. Hmm. So maybe that means I'M the problem lol)
Also doesn't really know a lot of cooking, but when he moves in farmer finds new-looking cookbooks tucked away in his spaces
I feel like he'd be the type to have a switch in attitude- he's v friendly UNTIL he has reason to distrust/not like someone and then he'll flip from bright to cold (especially if the person has bad intentions about somebody he cares about)
Doesn't realize farmer and him are dating he just thinks they’re hanging out a lot and just kissing as really good friends
When he does realize they’re dating he gets all flustered and red
Would let you win at Mario-Kart
Despite his goofiness, he knows how to be a gentleman. He's always keeping an eye on farmer and making sure they're okay. If they're out together, the moment the sun goes down his jacket is on farmer's shoulders. When it's raining and he wakes up late and sees that farmer has gone out of the house for the day, he'll get up quick and run around with an umbrella and a thermos of hot coffee until he finds farmer. He'll follow farmer around with the umbrella covering mostly farmer, so he gets pretty drenched.
Very vocal about his love
Shane: 10/10
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Ah the chicken man himself
ALSO GREAT WITH KIDS but in a different light- he's way more protective about them whereas Sam is more the laid-back and playful parent-figure (he throws his children into the air)
Recovering from his alcoholism and the habits that came with it (messiness and cluttery) but he's trying his best aww
Will rub his stubble on your face when he comes in for a hug ouchie
Even though he is not a dad- he just comes with dad stuff (dad outfits, dad jokes, EVERYTHING)
His chickens are protective of him so you must prove yourself worthy
(In my headcanons, Joja is kinda twisted) Will start to distance himself from Joja after farmer tells him of how they're trying to hurt the Junimos. He may eventually quit to work elsewhere, even though he doesn’t really know what Junimos are but something about farmer telling him about them seems sincere
He's very cuddly after getting to know him and dating. His love language happens to be physical touch and every touch makes him fall harder
This also means he gets a little sad when it's summer and too hot to cuddle that farmer turns around in their sleep. He gets pouty in the morning after until he gets a kiss LMAO
He'll frequently realize how messy he leaves his spaces, and will clean up. He tries to upkeep the cleanliness and manages it for a few days before it starts to get messy again. Sometimes it lasts a while, but sometimes it just slips his mind due to bad habits
Farmer pops into mind every time he has an urge to drink, and he'll shake it off and go do something else for them. He's DETERMINED to be the best person he can be for farmer
Alex: 10/10
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A little rough at first lol- his attitude is very icky in the beginning BUT he's cute 
Once you get through that exterior he practically does a 180- HE'S SO SWEET AND CARING and no longer uhhh icky
He would tackle things for you (can he help farmer out of the mines when they pass out in the game? If he does I'd like to think he just picks them up and BOOKS it for the exit knocking anything in his path down LMFAO)
Becomes pouty when he gets a little jealous
Again he's very sweet- he kisses Evelyn and George on the cheeks every morning before he leaves the house, he often thinks about his late mom and visits her grave with flowers from Pierre's and has a small picnic there
I feel he would be prone to dreams about his mom, waking up in a cold sweat and tears. After the 8-heart event he gets up and does something sweet like making a whole breakfast for Evelyn & George or giving Dusty some quality time with walks, playing, and a good treat
Will be extremely protective over farmer. Farmer gives him a heart attack every time they go to the mines or the skull cavern or even in the sewer like baby what are you doing WHY ARE YOU GOING INTO THE MANHOLE
The caves he can't follow farmer with because he knows he isn't trained to fight monsters like farmer is and might hold them back instead, but he'll wait outside or tell Harvey that farmer's in the mines instead
Doesn't come out with it but he needs a lot of reassurance due to abandonment issues. He gets a little clingy and touchy but a little shy. (reaching for farmer’s hand/just pinching onto a part of the farmer’s clothes and holding on)
Sebastian: 10/10
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This one might be rough cause I've never really felt much for him IM SORRY
Once farmer asks him out he's very unsure how to proceed. He'll call them things like dude and bro *with love*
It's literally like pulling teeth for him to call farmer honey just cause he's never been the affectionate type till now hehehe he'll try to say it and then drop to his knees like OTL and curl up (He'll get it eventually tho- this is just like the first few months LMFAO)
He has frogs right? He'll show you his frogs 
Your void chickens will love this emo boy they just vibe y'know?
He shows his love through acts of service and gifts, finding out the things you love and bringing them to you
As awkward as he is, his true intentions are very evident when he starts to really try to reconnect with Robin and asking her for advice on most anything he hasn't much a clue about.
He wants to be able to properly feel like part of his family, because farmer tells him that he deserves to feel loved there too. He’ll have a difficult heart-to-heart with Robin, Demetrius, and Maru and over time the family dynamic starts to heal. Sebastian is eternally grateful for farmer and tells them about the relationship and they’re all overjoyed to have farmer as part of the family too
He WILL stop smoking if farmer ever raises concern for his well-being
He starts to come out of his shell more (in general) as he and farmer progress their relationship. He tries his best to be a great partner, and everyone can sense that his demeanor is a little bit brighter than before. He starts to not be as shy about PDA too
He has many hoodies for farmer to steal HOWEVER they're all the exact same pair HAHAHA
Elliott: 10/10
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I may also struggle with Elliott for similar reasons
Handsome right off the bat bro
But you'll never be able to be the one with the great hair in the relationship cause man he dominates in that
I see him as a gentle lover- very old-school romantic
He writes farmer love poems and songs often HE WILL SERENADE FARMER EVEN THOUGH HE'S ALREADY MOVED IN
Has pictures of farmer EVERYWHERE like his desk, in his books and notebooks, and has one of those accordion picture holders in his wallet of farmer and himself (and their child(ren) when time comes) He shows them off to the other villagers at the Saloon even tho they literally know farmer LMAOO
Has a very comforting vibe to him- he knows how to coddle farmer after they take a visit to the clinic
He'd let farmer use his favorite pen, trusting that it would return to him
Romantic gestures are EVERYWHERE. Songs, poems, so many pretty flowers in farmer's hair. 
I think he'd be the best cook out of everyone. Farmer wants to go out on a fancy date out of the village?? S'NOT GOOD ENOUGH- Elliott will change the whole decor of the kitchen and spend hours cooking and preparing for farmer to come home and then he plays all the roles (waiter, bus person, lover, etc) through the entire meal. But if farmer really actually wants to go out he'll go with it
Bachelorettes will be done in part 2 soon!
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4ragon · 4 months
Hi JJ!! What about Klapollo and those funny stupid themed valentines day card packs? (Gavinners pack maybe...) I think there could be some funny klapollo shenanigans with those :3c
“Wait wait wait wait no, hold on, back up. Gaventines?!”
“Well yeah,” Trucy said, flourishing the small paper monstrosity into Apollo’s face. “What did you think it was?”
“I don’t know, a normal Valentine’s Day card?” Apollo snapped back, eyes crossed as he stared down at the card in her hands. It was purple of course, and glossy. On the front was Klavier Gavin’s smug face as he pointed, the words ‘OBJECTION! Won’t you be mine?’ emblazoned across the front. “That's not even a pun. Why the hell did you buy this?”
“Because it’s perfect!” Trucy replied with a smile, hopping up to sit on the edge of Apollo’s desk, kicking her legs. “Plus, I figured you weren’t getting any Valentine’s stuff elsewhere.”
“Why you think this thing is perfect is—hey, wait a second, what’s that supposed to mean?” Apollo protested, swiping the card out of her hands. “What makes you think I don’t get any Valentine’s stuff, huh?”
“Call it a magician’s intuition,” she replied smoothly. “Besides, I’ve never seen you in any other holiday spirit, why should this one be any different?”
Apollo grumbled, glaring at her with as much heat as he could muster. On the one hand, she had a point. On the other… “W-Well, I don’t see you rolling in Valentine’s day gifts,” he snapped.
Trucy gasped at him, and then had the audacity to pretend to look hurt. “You’re so mean sometimes, Apollo,” she murmured, lip wobbling.
Apollo narrowed his eyes. “Don’t you dare start.”
“And here I’d been hoping maybe daddy could’ve at least bought me some chocolate or something,” she continued on. “But, you know, money’s been so tight lately…”
Apollo’s jaw clenched. “Please. I’m not falling for this schtick again.”
“O-Oh, you’re right, sorry,” Trucy said softly. “Hope I didn’t ruin your day with my silly little card.”
Apollo’s eye twitched. Then, groaning, he glanced into his desk drawer. “...Listen, if you really want Valentine’s Day chocolate, I, uh…have this chocolate chip granola bar—”
“Wow, thanks, Polly!” As he pulled it out, Trucy swiped it, pulling out her magic panties. “Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to put it with the others.”
“The othe—I knew you got chocolate already!” Apollo snapped as the bar disappeared. “Give that back, you know I keep missing breakfast.”
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Almost immediately, Trucy was on her feet.
“Oh yay, there’s my other Valentine’s Day plan!”
“Are you kidding me? Who the—”
“Guten morgen, Fraulein!”
A second purple monstrosity entered the vicinity, and Apollo groaned. “Really? Gavin?”
“Ach, and Herr Forehead,” Klavier said, leaning over and waving. “What a pleasant surprise. Come here often?”
“I work here,” Apollo replied flatly. “And I know for a fact you don’t come here often, so care to explain?”
Klavier laughed. “Ah, you’re not making me feel very welcome. But, nein, I have a delivery to make.” As he said so, he pulled out a basket from behind his back, filled with chocolate-covered strawberries on wooden skewers.
For a split second, Apollo felt a shock of panic, fear, and almost hope, before Klavier turned toward Trucy. “Now Fraulein, can you make sure your father at least sees these before you start eating them?”
Trucy gasped, looking mock-offended. “Of course!”
Apollo rolled his eyes, leaning glumly on his hand. “Alright, well, is that everything? Don’t you have work to do?”
Klavier shot him that rockstar smile. “It’s true, the work never ends,” he said. “Well, I suppose I’ll…”
There was a pause, as Klavier seemed to notice something. Apollo frowned, following his line of sight. And then, he flushed. “Wait it’s not what—”
“Why Herr Forehead, is that a Gaventine’s card?” Klavier was smiling wider now, an amused gleam in his eyes. “I didn’t think you were such a fan.”
“I-I-I’m not, I was just—Trucy was—”
“Oh my gosh, Apollo!” Trucy gushed suddenly, hand over her mouth. “You got Mr. Gavin a Valentine?! That's so sweet!”
Apollo froze. “H…Huh?”
“Well.” Klavier crossed the room, leaning down, hand setting on top of the card as he leaned over Apollo’s desk. “I can’t exactly turn down a fan, can I?”
“What—But I—No!” Apollo grabbed at the card, but already Klavier had it in his grasp. “It’s not mine! Trucy was—I didn’t—I wouldn’t spend my money on that!”
“Now Herr Forehead, there’s no need to be so modest,” Klavier said, flipping open the card with his thumb. “I don’t mind that…”
And then Klavier trailed off. Apollo watched as Klavier’s eyes scanned the paper. As he did, his face seemed to change. The smile slowly faded. His eyes widened slightly.
Suddenly, Apollo was sweating. “A-A-Anyway, the point I’m trying to make is, uh, that’s not, um…Prosecutor Gavin…?”
“...Well.” Klavier blinked. He looked up at Apollo. Down at the card. Up at Apollo again. And then he coughed, smiling a bit, not his usual rockstar grin but something a little more subdued. “I-I didn’t think—err…” Another cough, and Klavier straightened up, and, wait, was he blushing…? “Danke, Apollo, that’s…that’s very sweet of you.”
“Does six o’clock work for you, perhaps? I was thinking about working late, but I suppose Valentine’s Day only comes once a year.”
Apollo blinked. Apollo blinked again. “S…Six?”
“Ach, good, six it is then.”
“Oh, Mr. Gavin!” Trucy interrupted suddenly, making Apollo jump because oh yeah Trucy was there. “Don’t you need to get back to the Prosecutor’s office?”
“Ach, you’re right, I’m already running behind schedule. Herr Edgeworth isn’t a fan of tardiness.” He turned, card still clutched in his hand. “I’ll see you tonight, Herr Forehead.”
“Wha—Wait—I dont—”
And then Klavier was gone, out the door, whistling something Apollo couldn’t quite place.
Apollo stared as the door swung shut by itself. He already felt himself breaking into a cold sweat. “Trucy, what did you write on that card?”
“What card?” Trucy quipped, walking off with her edible arrangement under her arm.
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tonkatsubowl · 9 months
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blade x trailblazer!fem!reader ⿸ xianzhou spoilers. nsfw themes (violence, etc). read at your own risk. angst. kinda possessive? ish? feels. :3c english isn't my first language, so please don't mind the grammatical errors. (っ◞‸◟ c)
⪩ when our beloved trailblazer confronts kafka at xianzhou during the awakening of the ambrosian tree, they are stopped by blade. but something is...different about the situation.
TERM DIRECTORY ◖y/n: your name ◖e/c: eye color ◖h/c: hair color
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the blossoming of the ambrosian tree was a beautiful, welcoming scene of chaos. the flutters of golden petals that flew and chased each other about, along with the anxious murmurs of the civilians that witnessed the very growth of mother nature.
despite the beauty of it all, it was a gateway to a distant battle ahead. a distant battle with a followed path that only welcomed a series of mystery, loss and war. and all of it was planned.
planned for you, our starring guest, at the very least.
but... how long had it been since he saw you?
amnesia was a bitch. he was fully aware of your inability to remember anything about yourself or your past but kafka's and silver wolf's appearance, and your awakening. how you were recruited by the express team, how you were practically destined to figure this out on your own...how you are on the path to save multiple worlds but at a cost of many. you were doing this without being able to remember anything, only to depend on those that you could call 'friends'. but...could you remember him? the time you spent together with him before you lost everything? the love you two shared? old promises that could possibly be broken today?
...it doesn't matter. focus on the mission. focus on getting kafka the fuck out, and―
no, he couldn't.
not when he finally saw you.
when you ran after kafka when she made her escape, his signature weapon was unsheathed, pointed directly at you, forcing you to stop in your tracks.
"wait―!" you called out to kafka, but you felt something tug at your heartstrings. both fear, sorrow and happiness stirred inside of you...but you didn't know why.
although you were quite fixated on kafka's escape, it was like you were greeted with something more... more important than the mission itself. more than everything else in this world. that's what you felt, at least. maybe your friends didn't seem to think so, but... you certainly did.
"...huh?" you froze, and so did the world around you. your heartstrings continued to pull, and your heart began to race. you felt tears coming up, burning through your eyes as you fixated on the mere appearance of blade. you were confused...why were you feeling like this? why did you have a sudden urge to embrace this stranger that you never once met before? you felt your body move on its own, but you were stubborn.
you did not budge. not one bit.
but you were struggling. and he could see that.
...but he was struggling too. the man did not want to move, but he was in desperate need to grab you, to take you into his arms, to love on you like the old days,.
he lowered his sword, his eyes softening from the mere sight of you. you haven't changed one bit. you were always so beautiful, always so clever and always yourself. but now, things were different. you were still you, in a way, but you weren't there. you were no longer by his side. you were now living and fighting alongside with the express team.
something about this man, something about him... you tried to remember. but you can't. why can't you remember? you were able to remember some vivid images of his face in your mind but...it wasn't enough. just what is he? why can't you remember him? just―
"...who are you?" a soft whisper protrudes from your lips as you quietly took a step closer, knowing you were stepping into enemy territory. at this rate, he could stab you. he could lop that head of yours and call it a day. that's how dangerously close you both were from each other.
the man did not say anything in response, but the dull emotion visible through is golden oculars told a thousand stories.
...but he couldn't just let this go. he can't let you go. nobody else can have you. if your memories are erased? so be it. he can make new ones with you.
not when this was probably the only time he could see you like this. in person.
at least you were safe and sound. at least the express crew did something right he could agree with. they were keeping you safe, fed, clothed and they were taking care of you. something that he couldn't do.
taking a step closer, blade took you by your arm gently, tossing away the sword as a metallic clang echoed as it collided against the floor.
"ah―" his hands traveled to your waist and your shoulders, reeling you into a fiery, passionate kiss. he was hungry. to your confusion, you reciprocated this affection, as though you were accustomed to it. familiar to it. even so, you fought back due to your amnesia. your unfamiliarity to it all. "w-wait―"
you were unable to stop him or yourself, allowing your body to speak for you. that was when a hitched breath escaped you, your countenance flaring with warm, a flash of redness washing over your features as his lips came crashing onto the side of your neck. there were important matters to attend to, but you are his world. everything else didn't matter.
just you, and him.
"ah... w-wait...! wh―" you mewled, shuddering at this lips and teeth nibbling into the soft skin of your neck. he didn't listen, and neither did your body. you wanted this. you wanted him. you felt incited from all of this. heated, even. but even all good things come to an end.
he gently pushed you away, golden opticals eyeing at the mark he left you on your bare skin. a sweet little bruise accompanied by the markings of his teeth. a few drops of blood here and there, but it didn't quite matter. that mark on your neck was to show who you belonged to. he knew that a certain vidyadhara had a crush on you, so giving you a mark on your neck would ruin everything for him. you belonged to blade, after all. and nobody could touch another man's treasure.
you breathed, your chest rising and falling from heated breaths. your cheeks were red, your eyes were a bit wide. what had happened? you were trying to process your thoughts.
licking his lips with a faint smirk, blade bent down to retrieve his sword, taking a step back.
"y/n." he finally decided to speak, taking another step back. "you don't remember anything. your amnesia your backbone. yet, your body remembers it all."
a grin. a malicious grin.
"even if you cannot remember me, my name, or the promises we made back then, i will say this," another step back, "no matter where you go, y/n, you rightfully belong to me, my love. you do not have a place by anyone's side but mine. we will see each other again," he turned his back towards you, "and once we do...it will be different."
you reached your hand out to stop blade, but it was too late, he had already made his escape as well. leaping off the platform, he gracefully exited the premises with his comrade, leaving you starstruck and confused by the situation.
...despite your confusion, you were excited for the next encounter. you lifted a hand, placing it atop of the bruise that he left behind on that sweet neck of yours.
you were his.
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pix3lplays · 11 months
Help you’re giving me silly prompt ideas, starting with this one!
Imagine you and your beloved (with some encouragement from both of your friends and potential in-laws) go out on a much needed date while your friends babysit your kiddo.
What silly chaos/escapades do you find/learn of when you and your spouse return?
This prompt is for Gepard, Jing Yuan, Welt, Dang Heng, and Blade, and the babysitters are as follows:
Gepard- Serval (best aunt ever!)
Jing Yuan- Yanqing (Jing Yuan managed to convince him to think of babysitting as part of his training XD)
Welt- Astral Express Crew (Mayhaps Himeko)
Dan Heng- Astral Express Crew (March 7th + Trailblazer >:3c)
Blade- Kafka and Silver Wolf :3c
Have fun! XD
AAAAAAAA I am OBSESSED with this prompt, let’s do it! Thanks for sending it in!
-Babysitting night!-
Gepard Landau: Assigned babysitter: Serval. She insisted she could watch your kids for a bit while you guys went on a much deserved date. Little did she know what she was getting into. Gepard tried, he TRIED to warn her, but she insisted. Serval is Absolutely the best aunt ever, doesn’t mean she didn’t underestimate just how ROWDY her little brother’s children were. We’re talking CRAZY. She didn’t know what to do to get them to calm down. She tried playing a board game. Oh they hated that. She tried to turn on a movie, talking and screaming throughout the entire thing! Finally, desperate, she goes for her guitar and plays them a song. Now this actually gets them to shush and pay attention. Sure she’s stuck to playing kid’s songs, but at least they’re finally a little calmer. You come home to Serval passed out on the couch, guitar not in her hands, but in the hands of your kiddos. Gepard liberates the guitar from the children while you wake up Serval. You want to be a little upset at her for falling asleep on the job, but you also can’t blame her. “Your kids are nightmares!” is the first thing she says when she wakes up, but she’s smiling, telling you she didn’t mind they were little nightmares for her this evening. You thank her for watching your kids, and hope her guitar wasn’t too damaged when they had their turn with it…
Jing Yuan: Yes, Jing Yuan would absolutely pawn off his kid on poor Yanqing and insist it was ‘training his patience’ or something ridiculous like that. Yanqing is understandably skeptical, but he was given a mission by the General and he’s Determined to fulfill it. Actually Yanqing isn’t a half bad babysitter, but he doesn’t realize your kid is a bit too young to appreciate rare swords. Oh…Yanqing please don’t let their little kid too close to them… He also doesn’t know what to feed small children either…ah well… What’s the Hsr equivalent of Dino nuggets? He feeds them that. Which is honestly not the worst thing he could’ve chosen. You get back to find Yanqing and your kid just chilling on the couch watching a movie. Not bad, Yanqing! Jing Yuan gives him the ‘mission completed’ speech, and asks Yanqing if he wants to hear how the date went. To which the kid promptly answers with: No, and gets back to practicing his swordsmanship before bedtime.
Welt Yang: ok honestly?? Himeko is a great choice for babysitting. She’s calm and proper, and very willing to take your kid off your hands while the two of you have a nice dinner or whatever it is the two of you want to do for the evening. Heck, she was the one who suggested that the two of you take a break from your kid for once and enjoy yourselves. She’s very good with your kid overall, although she does let them try her evening coffee, so they are a bit energized when you come back to the Express. Welt is a little irked about the coffee, but otherwise Himeko did great, and so the two of you thank her, and take your energized little kid off to bed for the evening, after letting them play off the one little sip of coffee they got, haha.
Dan Heng: Dan Heng was hesitant to let March 7th and the Trailblazer watch your kid while you have a relaxing evening out. In fact he’s nervous the entire date, asking if he should call March or the Trailblazer to check on things and see if things are going okay and if you need to come back to the Express. You tell him absolutely not, we’re enjoying our relaxing evening together, March and Trailblazer will be FINE. And I mean…they do OKAY I guess. March 7th thinks your kid is the cutest thing in the world. So she spoils them. With lots of sweets. And Trailblazer does nothing to stop her. So by the time you get back, your kid is practically bouncing off the walls of the Express. And March 7th of course denies giving them too many sweets, but Trailblazer rats her out. Dan Heng is disappointed but not surprised. At least your kid is happy and in one piece.
Blade: who in their right mind would leave their kid with Kafka and Silver Wolf?? You would. Because you were desperate for a date night with your beloved husband, and surely, surely they’d be okay for one evening right? You lay down the rules pretty quickly. Silver Wolf, no violent video games! Kafka, make sure Silver Wolf follows your rule. Simple. Rules. It was all you asked of them. And guess what you return home to find? Silver Wolf and your kid, sitting on the ground, playing the Hsr equivalent of Doom, while Kafka watches from the couch. Safe to say you’re a little irked. Lucky for them, you had a lovely date night and you could only stay so mad. But if your kid had nightmares, you knew who to blame. At least your child is alive and well, right? So could you really complain? Well honestly yes they broke your one rule, but WHATEVER your kid was okay and that’s all that mattered. Next time you’re hiring a sitter though and not relying on Blade’s work friends.
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vodid · 5 months
building upon an upcoming au with a spark color scale for.. reasons... in which the closer a descendant of primus you are, the golder your spark. pure gold is an immediate child of god. while the farther your lineage goes, the bluer it becomes
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(spark range not drawn to scale. i'm sure it'd take a LOT of generations to get through it like that. but id think its easy to get through the gold; its the blue that has a wider range)
both are positive in their own ways. child of god? you are cherished. have a deep cool blue spark? you have impressive ancestry.
most cybertronians are in the far blue range as cybertron has a lot of history to it, and it could be in such a way that gold has become entirely obscure, only known through word of mouth and could have even ended up a myth to many. religion would uphold this legend (ugh y'all know i LOVE me some gold halo iconography and this would be SO fun to play with) but we all know how deep a religion runs through someone can vary, from entirely atheist to devout.
i can also see more extremist religions twisting it a little bit, in a sort of "the bluer your spark is, the farther from primus you are and thus the more of a sinner you are" and potentially to a point where your bloodline "should be removed from the world." or if you have a gold spark, you MUST have some religious duty to fulfill. primus sent you for a reason. the closer to gold it is, the more expectation there is for you to become a religious figure. this could lead to an actual pattern in differences of religious devotion between those with golder and bluer sparks, which in turn could affirm zealots even more (your spark is blue? no wonder you're not a follower of primus. shameful!)
the thing that really ruins that perspective though is the matrix. it doesn't discriminate against spark color when choosing its prime (have a gold spark? you're closer to primus. have a blue spark? your lineage has made you strong. have a spark in between? you have the past and the future with you.) even if the matrix might not be the will of primus himself, it is the will of his direct children, the original primes with sparks of the purest, untouched gold.
perhaps, despite how private sparks are (unless you are a religious figure), some may decorate their spark casing in a way that stained glass could give their sparks the appearance of a golder or bluer spark, depending on what they want. it can be easy to balance it to a silver, which can really hide which color they are
but don't be fooled, most do not care as they generally have a similar blue in the current day and age. your spark could be cyan, it could be pushing the lines of indigo, but at the end of the day, it's not gold. maybe you'll see a silver in the temple, maybe you'll see a priest with the barest hint of a gold tinge, but not many who have yellower sparks are left. (not to say NO religious figures have blue sparks. many, many do and even a prime may have the deepest blue anyone's seen)
it really doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things unless you're the purest of gold, which nobody is ...at least, not for a while.
now the super fun issue is: cybertronians, in a post-apocalyptic world, would have no idea if gold means a child of primus. or a child of unicron. ;3c
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hollewdz · 11 months
g/t brainrot prompts don't stop
Character A washes up on the shores of lilliput, and they escape into the woods, running from tiny guards and guns and cannons. Over the next few weeks they try to negotiate with the troops the kingdom sends, but the soldiers come out swinging each and every time- "death to the giant" and all that. One day, the troops just stop coming; Not that A minds- they were hoping for this result anyway. It is weird that it just happened out of nowhere, though. A becomes a legend, designated as mythos. They're not looking for trouble, so they've resigned themself to living alone, in the woods, for the rest of their days. It beats the hellish life they left behind, so why not. A likes camping, anyway. But they're definitely lying to themself about being lonely. And then, Character B ends up at the doorstep of your cave**. They're injured, busy escaping from wild beasts that have them just about cornered. Character A has a choice to make: do they invite the trouble of interacting with Lilliput into their quiet life, or do they let this tiny person just die? **the story can start here, with everything else as backstory maybe? idk :eyes: think of the drama......... Ch.B has heard stories, but never believed them............ is the giant a bad person? Or they more of a monster? ~oOoooOOOOooooOOo~
Character A 's roommate bailed on them, and now Ch. A desperately needs a replacement to make rent. Ch.A hastily accepts the first applicant without really vetting them- they only had one phonecall to make sure they weren't a total creep. When Character B shows up, Ch.A realizes there was a bit of a problem- B is a tiny. Ch.B didn't seem to realize Ch.A was a human either, with Ch.B's own circumstances making them rush to find any apartment they could. Can they find a way to live together? Do they fall in love? Are things wholesome/lewd/serious? What is society like about these things? Who knows! :3c
Character A is an angel, who is given a divine mission to guide a straying Character B. But, the thing is, Character A sucks ass at following rules, and this is their last chance to get it right before their Angel-dom is revoked, and being absorbed by the Great Spirit. Ch.A visits earth, and sees that Ch.B is in shambles, and to stop them from making a terrible decision, Ch.A reveals themself- Ch.B snaps out of it, but sees a literal, tiny angel on their shoulder. From then on, Ch.A has to figure themself out while helping Ch.B as best they can. If you are inspired by any of these PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEE write away!! and tell me about it!!!!!!! I want to read these stories so bad T o T !!!!!!
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fairytale-poll · 2 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Whale Star: The Gyeongseong Mermaid is set in Joseon (Korea) during the Japanese occupation. Su-a is very sweet and determined. She becomes mute due to having lye poured down her throat to kill her after accidentally overhearing a conversation between the resistance fighters. She eventually joins them, having witnessed firsthand the impact of the Japanese colonization. Even though she's in over her head at first she proves to be reliable and effective despite not knowing how to write or read at first.
Their a bug that falls in love with a human they rescue and becomes human, but even when they don't get to keep their human body, they still get to be with their love. It's a sci-fi fairytale musical.
Little Mermaid meets Starship Troopers musical starring awesome puppets and the most trans coded main character ever. Please. Please vote Bug Starship I love him. Go watch Kick it Up a Notch from Starship. Go watch Status Quo from Starship. You will understand.
He's a bug and he lives in space on a bug planet but he really wants to be a starship ranger which you can only be if you are a human and then one day a spaceship lands on his planet and so he goes to an evil bug called Pincer who then helps him become a human. And Bug falls in love with a human on the spaceship and it's very sweet. The musical and storyline are based on the little mermaid story, the creators themselves called it "the little mermaid but in space". Bug wanting to be a human/a starship ranger and achieving that and falling in love with a human is very much like the little mermaid
Starship is a musical that can only be described as The Little Mermaid meets Starship Troopers. It follows Bug, an alien bug who dreams of being a Starship Ranger, a galactic explorer/soldier, but the rigid confines of bug society keeps him trapped in a job he hates. He reaches a Starship Ranger named February from the hive and immediately falls in love with her. In order to be with her and pursue his dream, he makes a deal with a giant scorpion named Pincer who through sci-fi bs gives him a human body. Near the end of the second act he sacrifices his human body and returns to his bug body, and saves the day and wins February's heart. It's truly the ultimate Little Mermaid. He has multiple songs, and his bug body is portrayed by a puppet!! Vote for Bug!!
“It's a big, big, universe So many dimensions And unanswered questions Not to mention Life What an invention Life There's no choice involved in what you are given One mind, one voice, one body to live in It's a short, small thing we lead With so much potential Pointless or essential Which one can I be? Where do I fit? Where do I stand? Who are they to say what I am? And how can I stay inside this awful world I know? I need a way out I need an escape I'd rather be dead than to live in this place I wish that something or someone could just take it all away Someone take me away” dear god….. can anybody hear me…. (song from starship)
They are the purest little mermaid adaptation done in the most unuque way. An alien insect gets turned into a human, a race he has always loved and admired, to be with the woman he fell in love with. Also just a great musical.
Bug's whole arc is so so in tune with that of the little mermaid. He is an alien who has fallen in love with humanity through a crashed spaceship and trades his place in the hive for a chance to be with both with the human he's falling for and to be a Starship Ranger. He body swaps with human in a cryogenic pod! It's literally sci-fi Little Mermaid!
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luvring · 1 year
If you want, could I ask for some with Vere and Kuras?? I feel in love with them in the demo and am in desperate need of more toushstarved content
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gn!reader | ?!!?!! GIGGLES..THANK U THANK U a girl never shares her secrets 😍🤫😘 jk ive shared characterization tips at Some point. KURAS TIME!!! ;3c
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has a sense of humour where if you say something silly he Does find it amusing,, he just has a calm + direct demeanor. "can i climb you like a tree" > he blinks because he's caught off guard but smiles anyway. says you could definitely try, but he thinks it might be more effective to just pick you up, no?
the Look the others give him when he says a joke You often say that just...does not match him at all. awesome
he'd get you flowers. not in a bouquet of red roses way but in an i checked the meanings of all of these and personalized it to have your favourite colours and what you mean to me. i'll either explain to you the most devastating story of eternal love and our souls being intertwined or look at you and go :) who's to say what it means? and let you figure it out
next level putting things high up so you have to ask him for help. doesn't try to hide his amusement at all. "odd how it ended up there." ? Yeah i know right
but seriously if you're on the shorter side and you choose to get a chair instead of asking him he's a little upset. and worried. please don't hurt yourself
very serious if you hurt yourself or get sick. if you want to recover fast, let him take care of you. just know he's going to follow some strict rules to make sure you're healing as efficiently as possible
don't let this guy in the kitchen.... his lack of cooking skills make him very appreciative of any home cooked meals, and he knows some pretty good restaurants to make up for it
go ahead and hold onto kuras if you're stuck in a crowd again. like you Can trust him to not lose you, he meant that. but also he won't stop you from reaching for his hand/arm. asks if you're alright before continuing on
get him to relax by laying his head in your lap while you run your fingers through his hair
never minds bending down to kiss you. you can solve ths problem by getting him to sit down and standing between his legs by the way
forehead kisses are a go to!! and a hand on the small of your back
likes when the both of you talk about how your days went in the evening. i think he likes hearing about drama. he remembers names and stories and if he ever sees the person that pissed you off he's. a Little petty/passive-aggressive. he's really good at making it seem like it's accidental though. LOL
you know when you recommend something to someone and they figure out the big twist or mystery so fast you're like wtf. that's kuras. he pretends he doesn't know, especially the first few times, but eventually you just have to take the opportunity to make it a challenge. how fast can he do it y’know.
? glitter eyeshadow. give it a thought and come back to me.
morning person who gets breakfast for you by the time you're up
giving me words of affirmation and quality time vibes. inviting you out whenever he isn't working and making sure you know you're a priority... casually saying some kind of sincere, poetic praise..
sort of a dry texter but you know what. he's supportive. boyfriend who doesn't know what game you've started and are now incoherently ranting about but does his best to guess and support u. looks up the wiki to read about the characters and plot on his own time
when the game has a secret and kuras Offers a Suggestion. a Guess. and he's right. and ur like OMG :D and he :). pretends he didn't look it up because you told him you were stuck yesterday
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Soft and Spicy
Summary: Being Gojou Satoru’s girlfriend has its perks. But nothing beats an afternoon of comfort with a side of spicy. 
Word Count: 2.5k 
Pairing: Gojou Satoru x Hispanic!Fem! reader (afab) 
Warnings: Breeding kink, praise, unprotected sex (don’t be silly), cream pie, fingering, dom/sub dynamics, possessive maybe?, lemme know if I missed anything! :D
Disclaimer: MDNI!! 18+ only!
A/N: Hello! So I have seen little to any Hispanic reader fics so I decided why not make one? :3 This is my first fic in this fandom so please be kind :3c Comments, likes and reblogs are heavily appreciated! :D Also requests are open so don’t be afraid to hop on by ^^ also this is a smol excerpt for a gojou satoru x y/n fanfic. Lemme know if y'all are interested in a full story :D I has ideas~
Thank you and enjoy! :D
Officially being dubbed Gojou Satoru’s girlfriend was both a blessing and a curse. While your safety became absolute and acceptance more smoothly, Gojou’s energy was far different from yours. While you  are more than comfortable staying in a comfy spot for hours on end, Gojou has to be constantly doing something. You swear he has ADHD but know he would never get checked officially for it. 
Today was a particularly rainy day for you, despite it being a sunny 70 degrees spring day. Gojou knows about your depression and no matter how much you say you can handle things on your own and don’t want to be a burden, he still nudges his way in. You lay curled amongst a plethora of pillows, fluffy blankets covering you entirely as you tried to nap away your icky feelings. Gojou was worried, you could tell. You weren't texting him as much and for now, you were able to veer around his probing questions but you weren’t sure how long you could keep it up. 
However, your thoughts were interrupted when a sudden heavy pressure-filled the dorm room. You tense, too afraid to look as you knew full well who it was. With Gojou he had certain pressures and you noticed it depended on his mood. Most were light and airy but this one was laced with worry and frustration. “Are you seriously going to ignore me all day?” His voice made your chest ache, you shifting slightly into a tighter ball. 
There was a soft sigh followed by the soft padding of footsteps. “Can I at least join you?” Gojou gently inquired, your face heating up. You would be so close to him but something told you that you needed that the most right now. “Yes.” You said softly, your voice wavy from hours of silent sobbing. Gojou maneuvered through your nest with ease, large hands reaching out for your form and latching on, you being pulled into a tight embrace.
 Your body acted on its own, arms snaking around Gojou as you buried your face into his chest. Calloused fingers sifted through your hair, blunt nails gently massaging your scalp and the base of your neck. He entangled your legs together, his grip upon you tight as if he feared you would run. “I’m sorry.” You breathed. “It’s been one of those days.” You had warned him ahead of this, that your manic depression was always a relationship breaker. But like Gojou Satoru is, he didn’t listen and still swooped you off your feet.
 You were met with a hum,” However, I won’t be able to understand how to help you if you keep me away.” He whispered, lips brushing against the crown of your head. Idly, your fingers traced along the lines of Gojou’s back muscles that you were able to feel through the fabric of his shirt. “I’m not too sure what would help right now.” You supplied. After a moment of silence, Gojou spoke,” Do I help, at least?” Your cheeks flushed a pretty pink, [e/c] eyes looking down bashfully. “You do. Your presence alone is more than enough.”
 “Don’t close me off then, okay?” He accented his statement by strengthening his grip around you. You give a small nod, eyes closing while you relax against his form. You both stayed like that for a while, Gojou in a state of zen while you drifted in and out of sleep. You wanted to be awake to enjoy this time with him, but his embrace was so warm and comfy that you couldn’t help but nod off in between. But, Gojou didn’t mind. Just being able to hold the love of his life in his arms is more than enough for him. 
The whole day was spent lazing about in each other’s embrace, you catching up on rest before nightfall officially hit. Fully awake now you both chatted amongst each other, talking about anything and everything. Before feelings were confessed Gojou and you were two peas in a pod and luckily the rhythm was still the same after. However, Gojou can be more physical with you now and he would be lying if he said your current position was not making him think of a few ideas. 
Suddenly, caught mid-sentence, you were snatched by the waist and maneuvered to where you were straddling Gojou. What was once a tame atmosphere soon became a lot more tense. You blinked before you could comprehend what just happened, and when you did you tried to take off. “G-Gojou! Wha-” The firm grip on your waist shifted to the fat of your ass, the male keeping you firmly in place. “Sorry, baby girl. I just wanted to get a better look at you is all.” He said with a sweet tone, you producing a small pout. 
You were still in pajamas from the night before; a large shirt with some boy shorts. You suddenly remembered that you weren’t wearing a bra and even though you silently pleaded that Gojou hadn’t noticed, he noticed. He’s noticed a lot of things since he’s been able to hold you. Specifically, just how small you are. He has fought alongside you for two years now, has been with you through thick and thin and it’s only now he realizes y’alls size difference. You were a woman to be reckoned with, a powerful sorceress who is climbing fast in the ranks. But Gojou would be the only one to see you this vulnerable and he had a couple of ways to keep it that way.
 Unable to meet Gojou’s gaze, you shifted your sight elsewhere. You felt his thumbs beginning to rub gently into your hip bones, the closeness to your heat making you blush. “You’re so unnecessarily shy.” He quipped, you mentally scoffing at the insight of an extrovert. “You’re honestly not that confident in your appearance?” His question sounded so sincere that you made the mistake of looking at him. Piercing blue met glossy [e/c] and you were stuck, no longer able to look away.
“Why should I be?” The question slipped from your lips, Gojou rising from his laying position to sitting up with you still latched to his lap. His forehead met yours as you suffocated from the intensity that was Gojou Satoru’s intent. “I’d be more than happy to show you.” His right index had found its way underneath your chin, tilting you into the perfect position for a kiss. He began to lean in slowly. “Will you let me?” He asked, a euphoric chill shooting down the base of your spine. You knew what this entailed, you knew what he was asking. And while you were very nervous, you quickly found yourself aching for him. “Yes.”
The kiss was definitely something you had never felt before. He wasn’t your first, but it certainly was one that immediately sent your heart rate skyrocketing and your mind turning into white noise. He literally took your breath away and Amelia didn’t mind it one bit. You found a rhythm easily, you soon finding it hard to keep up, however. You felt like he was devouring you and while it was a very welcomed feeling, it was also a foreign one. As your kiss grew heated you felt a slick pool beginning to pile within the middle of your underwear. You felt slightly embarrassed that you were already this wet, but immediately changed your mind when you ground against his hard-on. “Baby, you’re already this wet? I haven’t done anything, though~” He teased, however, you could feel him pulsing through the thin fabric of your panties.
 You placed your face into the crook of his neck, grinding becoming more insistent as you gave little nips along Gojou’s pulse line. “Acting all shy but you go and do this. Such a cutie.” He gently mocked but his breath hitched a couple of times when you rubbed against him just right.  Soon, your underwear began to stick against your wet cunt, the fabric outlining your heat. Before you could move to take them off you felt Gojou insert his right index into your flower with ease. Caught off guard, a wanton moan left you as you bit down on Gojou’s shoulder. “Blaming me? How cruel.” He feigned offense, a second finger soon joining the first. 
You tried your best to conceal your moans, mouth placed against the crook of Gojou’s neck. But your lover was not having it and you found your positions flipped once more. Using his blindfold, he tied your hands together and placed them above your head. “No more hiding from me, understand?” His demeanor had slightly changed, his playful tone accompanied by sternness. You could only nod, Gojou’s expression softened once more. “Good girl.” The praise made you visibly shiver.
 Gojou swiftly went back to his previous action, your honey-dipped moans freely filling the room. “So beautiful.” He whispered, Gojou propping himself up just above you while he fingered you. “Being such a good girl for me.” A long moan followed as he added a third, his thumb rubbing against your clit. Your toes curled as you felt a familiar coil beginning to tighten. You let out a breathy whine, Gojou easily finding all the right spots within you as if he already knew. Perhaps he did? You had no idea with the sneaky bastard…
His middle finger pressed firmly against a particularly gummy spot, the action having you keening. “What the hell?!” Of all your years of masturbation and very few sexual encounters with others, you have never experienced an intense and overwhelming feeling such as now. You went to crawl backward but was stopped by a firm grip, a mischievous smirk placed upon Gojou’s face. “Found it~” He beamed, his fingers now focused on that one area much to your dismay.
It only took a few harsh pokes to have you cumming, your walls creating a vice grip around Gojou’s fingers. But to your horror you continued the action, the overstimulation nearly unbearable. “Gojou, no! Too much!” You practically sobbed, tears welling in the corners of your eyes. A second unforeseen orgasm was ripped out of you and you nearly screamed. Pleas turned into garbled words as he rubbed you through the high. “Toruuuuuuuu.” You managed to say, any other words jumping ship from your mind.
  Gojou let out a small laugh,” Don’t get to lose your mind often, do you? Don’t worry, I’m happy to assist~” He cooed. You pulled against your restraints, your pleas for Gojou to stop falling on deaf ears. “Toomuchtoomuchtoomuch - Ay. Dios!” He had done it, reduced you to your second language. He hummed with satisfaction, your mother tongue being the prettiest thing that ever graced his ears. “Amor, no mas.” You whined, the feeling of a third orgasm looming over you. 
He didn’t need to understand you to get what you were trying to say, but he loved seeing you this way. Usually, you’re so mentally exhausted and an aura of sadness always hangs around you despite your good luck charms being near you for stability. His heart ached for you because you were in so much internal pain and you just wouldn’t open up about it. Having you under him like this, tied hands gripping onto loose sheets while you gazed up at him as if he was your everything and more was what he strived for. Right now your cautious nature was thrown to the wind, your walls completely down for him to easily slip through and set up shop. Like hell was he going to let you go after this.
Suddenly, your back arched like a fine-tuned bow. Gibberish escaped your mouth as you reached your peak for the third time in under ten minutes. Tears slipped down your cheeks as Gojou finally slowed down his fingering, the male sure you were more than ready for him. You, on the other hand, had floated off into your own headspace for a while. You had never experienced such pleasure consecutively and your brain was trying to catch up again. 
Gojou noticed your vacant gaze and his ego was fluffed up from the display. “Drift off somewhere, baby?” He placed both hands on either side of your face, thumbs rubbing your tears away while he placed butterfly kisses on your lips and jawline. His ministrations slowly brought you back down to him, you soon returned his kisses. “There she is~” He whispered, your blush having reached your collarbones at this point. 
To be honest, you could pass out. Your eyelids feel heavy and you could feel yourself beginning to sink into the mattress further. But then you found yourself on your stomach, a small throw pillow having been placed underneath your pelvis so your ass was in the air at an angle. You felt very exposed but the familiar weight of Gojou against your back helped to ease you. “Someone looks sleepy.” Gojou practically purred. “Want to be my pillow princess, then?” He inquired, the feeling of something heavy and hot poking against your already leaking entrance. 
You gave a small noise, you gave in to be used. “Condom?” You asked softly, your sleepy voice making Gojou kiss your shoulder. “Not a chance.” He said simply before plunging himself into you fully in one swift motion. You gave a gorgeous mew, hands fisting into the sheets below as Gojou sheathed himself fully. He let out a small, shaky breath. “So fucking tight…” He groaned, but you were a little worried with Gojou being bare. 
“Gojou, what if I-?” He pulled out of you until it was just the tip, and then slammed back in which caused you to let out a cry. “Gojou! I could get pregnant!” You try to reason but his thrusts were incessant. He let out a chuckle. “I know that, sweetheart. But wouldn’t that be just a sight? You, heavy with my child. Letting everyone know who knocked you up in 9 months. Oh, how scandalous would that be?” He teased as he found a nice rhythm. You let out a groan at his words, your walls clenching around Gojou’s cock which made his hips stutter. 
“Like that thought, huh? Such a good girl for me.” You start to meet his thrusts with your own, gyrating down onto his cock to add to the nice pressure that was him. You could feel yourself nearing your orgasm once more, the tightening of the coil within your abdomen threatening to snap at any moment. “G-gonna cum again.” You warn and Gojou’s thrusts picked up. “Me too.” He growled. “Cum together?” He asked and you nod with enthusiasm. It only took a few more jabs of your gummy spot before your toes curled to the point that a cramp was threatening to bloom. You let out a scream of Gojou’s name as you creamed all over his cock, your heavy contractions making your lover fall over the edge as well.
 He buried himself deep within you, the feeling of hot ropes of cum hitting your puffy walls making you bite your bottom lip and let out a content sigh. You were worried about the consequences but the thought of making a life with Gojou was far more appealing than you could have imagined. “Now all I need to do is wife you up.” The male said with a smile and you couldn’t help but hum in affirmation at that. 
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