#and with nothing else on my mind i tend to get really anxious
hershelchocolate · 9 months
Hello gamers just in case I have another sleepless night tonight (or a very terrible morning,) might I humbly request an ask or two or more to get my mind off of things <:3 they don't have to be big or important or anything I'd just need a distraction
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simplyreveries · 6 months
Diasomnia boys with a reader that's really prone to panic attacks, but hides it really well?
Like, sometimes they get really jittery and stuff, but that's just them being them! It gets better, usually. If not, they go to the bathroom chill, even when they're literally going to die inside.
And they kinda knew cause they went on a boat date, then they just kinda started saying they were uncomfortable and stuff and they ended up having a huge panic attack, like how would they react?
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malleus draconia
he is very observant, especially over someone like you. it's his own way of showing care and affection if anything. malleus usually seems to have a watchful eye over you-- your wellbeing is something he finds really important to him. he can quite easily tell how nervous and how much anxiety building up in you. with that being, however, he is a bit... awkward showing how much he does want to help you. he doesn't understand that part well. now, he doesn't express it, but it does he feels a strange and foreign sense of powerlessness because he wants to be able to magically take it all away.
malleus is incredibly gentle; he does go out of his way to still try even though he can't fully solve it for you. when he notices the jitteriness or even as soon as you seem to be unable to focus, if you're alright with the touch- he'll carefully slip his hand to hold yours and trace his thumb over the top of your hand. he will give you reassuring affirmations or looks. though, he tends to just slip you away from whatever you're around and give you the best sense of peace he can.
with that being said, that's what he prompts to- he knows you seemed to feel somewhat better during your times with him outside ramshackle at night, where you may find comfort just trying to ease your breathing outside. he'll be there, quiet but someone for you if you wish to speak. and once again, because this is still new for him- whatever you want practically goes because he just ultimately wants you to feel better. so even if that's space, stay in silence, or talk about something else to get your mind off it. he will gladly give any of it.
lilia vanrouge
lilia already has this caring and doting nature around him- and that always applies to you. he can sense what you're feeling from a mile away. he knows you so well already and only wants nothing more than to help you. lilia genuinely wants to be someone you can lean and rely on. despite the trouble or teasing to others he can bring- he is very careful around you. especially during the aftermath of any of them, he is ready to be there.
he is always seeming to check on you. when you seem to be bouncing your leg, fidgeting, biting your lip or nails- very quick to notice- he'll calmy hush a "do you want my help, dearest?" something of that sorts and give a reassuring smile. he never wants you to feel bad for it and make it any kind. he also wants the approval from you if you want or need him around to ease yourself.
when you've dealt with one, carefully, he'll try to ease and calm you down after the adrenaline high you were just experiencing. he'll always seem to have a caring smile on his face when he asks if you''ll let him hold you for a moment. i have a feeling his hugs, with the addition of soft humming or strokes are the epitome of safe.
at first, he was new to handling these kinds of things- he felt completely unsure how to help when all he wanted to do was do just that. much like malleus, but honestly, probably even more so- his quiet nature can most likely prove to be some help when it comes to your panic nature. anything he says or does, even if he is a bit internally worried about how to handle it himself, is so gentle and soothing. it hurts him seeing how much you have to deal with- so he'll do everything and anything he can for you. in moments especially where you're talking to others and feeling anxious, he'll take over for you.
silver is protective by default; it only heightens around you. he wants nothing more than for you to be and feel safe. he is knight, he really couldn't push that part away from him if he tries. in the midst of the moment his focus is solely onto you. if you'd allow him, he hold your hands and let you squeeze them as tight as you want, trying to help guide you through it the best way he can. even if it's difficult and you feel like a mess, he is right there with a worried look and this aching desire to fix it for you.
after it slowly wears of, he might recommend and try coaxing you to fall asleep. he doesn't leave your side if your comfortable enough to allow yourself to. he'll lightly trace your arm and try to have you match your breathing with his.
sebek zigvolt
sebek would probably have the most confused time trying to help you- not in a bad way- like anyone else he wants to help you, but he has zero clue how to even begin the first few times. he gets so concerned and when he gets worried it comes out as loud unintentionally. or maybe even aggressive to others in a sense of thinking someone was bothering you. and clearly that's the last thing you would need, so he tries his best to be more cautious of himself for you. there are times where he's been kneeled in front of you sitting looking up to you with a "tell me what i can do for you" attitude. he gets so serious,,,
like silver, he's a knight and wants you with a sense of security- he doesn't want to feel like he failed you on that. he would go out of his way after he starts to slowly understand them- to spend his spare time reading about it and even go to lilia for help on comfort. so, at times like this during an instance on a date he would be ready all the more.
him trying to help you does feel rather by-the-book scientific ways of helping you get through it. but he genuinely tries and is solemn about it. he does stumble a bit nervously sometimes, because he still can't quite think straight when you're experiencing anything sorts of bad. but sebek does his absolute best.
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vampirememory · 2 years
pick a pile || future spouse/lover letter!
I am someone personally who tends to find comfort in these types of readings, so I hope someone here can find the same comfort.
Keep in mind that I am still a beginner, not even quite sure if I have abilities, so I will say that this is mostly for entertainment only, but if it resonates with you, it resonates.
I will be using tarot as a guide and leave the rest for whatever is told to me. Keep in mind I won't be editing the written portions, just the portions that I write myself from my intuition and the cards, everything else is raw and unedited.
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pick a pile! webkinz dog inspired <3
Pile 1
Wow, they have a lot to say I think.
"Hello, dear (a faint chuckling in the background),
my sweetheart, my beloved. My beloved, I can see you, you are not too far away. Do you miss me? I hope you do, I miss you, I miss you the most. How are you? fine? I'm glad of it. You are stronger than you think, you know, that is why i love and adore you. five years ago, I never thought I would meet someone like you, and here we are today. finally you are here, with me, in my arms, something i never expected to be saying. finally finally finally. there's something about you- there's so much about you that i adore. i cant approach you yet. look at you in your elegance, absolutely a marvel and me? i am just a peasant boy, waking and quaking in your presence. will you do me a favor? don't let someone else sweep you off your feet just yet, i promise that when i get my confidence up and my ducks in a row, marbles in a bunch. it will be soon! I promise. i promise i promise i promise, for your sake and mine we need to meet soon! maybe i hope so, I'm not sure.
anyways i do love you, see you soon.
yours forever. "
I believe that this is from their future self. They are fiery and loving and they love you so much. They may be very nervous in your presence but they want you to know that YOU and only you cause that nervousness, it's like they are a shipwreck when they are around you. You give them anxiety and butterflies! They give off very anxious energy, they just want to keep repeating how much they love you. They'll shake your whole body and shout it from the rooftops and the tops of mountains, only you do this to them. They love you they love you they love you, they really do. I have a feeling that they don't express this verbally but they think it so much and they don't want you to doubt their appreciation.
pile 2
I had to do pile 3 before this one.
"Hi baby <3
My adoration, a mirage of all things beautiful and concrete. Except you're real of course! My beloved baby, how are you? Dazzling, as always. A fortress that cannot be torn down, stopped, or blocked, an absolute unit! (laughter here) I love you, you know? You're funny as hell and I'm glad to be with you. My every wish was granted, would you look at that? I guess the universe really is some unstoppable force, except when it comes to you, it bends for you I guess, like you've got some magic powers? But nothing will stop how I feel for you. You are mine. Alllll mine (hearing Stingy saying "mine mine mine"). Sorry I'm clingy, you know I am though and sometimes you tell me that I need to let go a little bit, which is okay, I can give you a little space sometimes, but I'm still stuck to you like a leech, head over heels! My final resting place will be just in your arms, perfect just how I wanted. God, this is like a school essay. Sorry, this is supposed to be romantic, but maybe it can be funny too? I don't know, sorry, I'm being stupid & silly with you but I think you don't care so it doesn't matter anyway. We are so different but we are so good together yk? Two peas of a pod...except maybe we are two different peas, maybe I'm spike-y, lol! Or no, you're probably the spike-y one, okay I'll stop. But my lovely, I'm glad to talk to you. You're such a good friend to me, how do you put up with me? I'll never know, I can barely put up with myself. Have you ever heard that humans think they're ugly because they get used to themselves and their faces? Maybe that is me, maybe I'm just insecure and you see something magical in me, just like I see it in you. Maybe you feel the same way about yourself and you don't tell me, which makes me sad, but you know you can tell me and I wont push it. I love you ok? stay hydrated and things, do the work, have fun, live your life, whatever bye.
okay i'll give you a proper goodbye, a hug and a kiss on the cheek, a proper smooch maybe? no? okay fine. bye my love, see you in the afterlife... JK!!!! I'm not dead hehe>>, okay sorry bye. nonon wait, okay never mind yeah I'm done now, bye." *phone click*
They have a hard time saying goodbye to you, they never want to stop talking to you. I remember another reading on here (sorry I cannot remember which one or who) describing someone as a "down bad loverboy/girl" and that's what I'm getting for you (if someone knows which reading I'm talking about, please send it to me so I can link it here !!). they are cute. you guys might be long distance in the beginning, which is why i got the phone click. but whatever it is, they love uuuuuuu ok? "to the moon and back."
pile 3
"Hello. (I hear a very deep masculine voice here, very prominent) If I've ever seen such a beautiful soul, no soul could be no more beautiful than yours. No sun could shine brighter than the way your eyes light up, nothing can take that away from me- that appreciation I have for you and your beauty. You radiate, you know? I love that. You radiate like the sun, shining brightly and me being the humble man I am, simply adoring you from below. They say that if you look into the sun, you will go blind, but I would gladly go blind for you my love, because you are blinding and I would rather have you seared into the back of my eyeballs and in my mind as the last thing I've ever seen than to never see you again. Everything is for you, always for you, just for you. Why did you go so soon? We barely had begun our journey and you were off again on your great quest for such knowledge I can never give you. I wish I could give you everything but I cannot, only you can do that for yourself and I will let you- I mean, I don't control you. You're free to do whatever you want, I support you, I just miss you..a lot. more than I admit it. Come home safely, bring me a souvenir? The pretty kind, the beautiful kind, but none will be as beautiful as you are; they're only beautiful because they've been touched by the hands of the angel on earth.
hands I am glad to hold one day, hands I will gladly hold forever.
Once again, I got very masculine energy from the beginning. They may be very masculine, I'm seeing mostly a male here. It can be the other way around, or really any gender, but that's what I'm seeing here. They're very....formal? Cut edge, straight to the point. They're good with words, they like using them (I just heard "In more ways than one" :I, that was meant to be sexual but I don't do 18+ readings so they can shut it, haha!). They like you a lot, they think you're amazing and personally lovable (lovable just for them and only them, perfect match, a match made in heaven). They encourage your adventures and your thirst for knowledge, the need to explore, although they may not be able to come with you. They root for you on the sidelines though and may provide financial assistance for you to accomplish your dreams. I'm getting older businessman vibes from this, specifically getting a white older 'gentleman' with brown hair and a very thick beard? that might be someone's person, their name might be Micheal with their last name beginning with an R, very specific.
pile 4
TRIGGER WARNING; d3ath, self-loathing, overall a very depressing & heavy energy.
If you aren't comfortable with these things, here is a quick overview minus the heavier topics.
Your future spouse is going through a lot right now. They may be in a depressed and detached state, they might be a player but it isn't something they enjoy. They need time, they don't believe you exist at this moment. Their energy is very sad and dark, although if they don't change, someone else will take their place as your future lover. The lessons they need to learn are important and you should also take your own lessons seriously.
"introducing... you, my beloved lover!
one of three, hehe. or maybe not, maybe you are the one. i don't know why you would think i am the one, did i make you think that? I'm not that good of a person, you know? people toss me to the side and use me like a puppet, toy on a string. i want you so badly...no, i just want someone. have you ever seen those cute movies with cute couples doing cute things? i would love that to be me and someone, someone out there maybe. but maybe I'm not meant for that, I'm not sure. maybe I'm meant to be a plaything and a lesson and eventually end up in a dumpster somewhere (wow wtf?), not from dying though, just being trash i guess. i'd rather not die. i mean, i don't know anymore. if you're real, can you come get me? pick me up? carry me away, safe in your arms? but there's no guarantees though, I'll probably kick and thrash and be toxic and make you feel lonely for a while and I'm sorry. but i promise I'll be yours one day, let me just get it out of my system. or maybe you don't care? i don't know. I'm tired of people pretending to care, if you don't actually care, maybe it's your actual emotions about me. maybe I'm projecting, I'm sorry. i love you. but this is empty. empty love, no cup to pour from. maybe there's someone else for you out there, maybe i need to find myself first.
-someone new."
oh, this got sad and dark :(? sensing that this is current energy, they're in a bad place. sorry for the sad reading pile 4,if you were expecting something happier & lighter-hearted. i hope you can love your fs in the future for all of the shit they have to go through. they'll be better when they get to you, the universe will make sure of it and if they aren't then someone new will come and take their place for them, they're willing to let the spot go because they know you deserve the best.
they do want you to know that lessons are important.
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givemeasinglekidney · 2 years
Attention| Kuroo T.
time for some hurt/comfort as requested by my friend.
Pronouns are female but if wanted I can make a gender-neutral version!
TW: Swearing, Yelling, and creepy dude
Synopsis: Your both stressed about exams, he lashes out, you walk home and encounter someone.
Words: 1870
It was the middle of finals week, every student's most hated favorite week the education system has to bring. For 3rd years, this could finalize GPAs and getting into a certain college, so everyone’s up to their neck with studies, including you and your boyfriend, Kuroo Tetsurou.
You hadn’t been able to see him in weeks outside of school because of how busy you’d both been. He had volleyball practice and you had your own club activities to attend on top of your academics. You had decided that you wanted to see him finally. You were nothing but stressed out and anxious, and seeing Kuroo would bring you some peace and tie you back down to earth to feel loved.
You texted him about wanting to see him and you both set up a study date at his house. You packed your bag full of study material and headed over. He lived a while away walking but you didn't mind. A little exercise doesn’t hurt, right?
After a small journey and a snack, you knocked on his door and waited until he let you in.
As he opened the door, all he gave was a small “Hey.” and he turned back to go to his room. You expected a little more but let it slide since he might’ve been in the middle of a paper and had his mind focused on it. You followed him to his room and sat across from him at the table in the middle.
He immediately went back to typing on his computer, occasionally writing things down in his notebook. You went ahead and took out some stationery like pencils, pens, highlighters, and sticky notes along with your notebook, laptop, and pocky.
After an hour he had said about two words to you. You had asked a few questions about the material in your study guide and he’d only respond with “mhm,” or “I dunno.”. Now you started to get slightly irritated. You understand that he’s focused and very responsible about his grades, but he can spare a few seconds to answer your question, right?
You were a good ten minutes into your chemistry packet and were lost. Maybe taking AP chemistry wasn’t the smartest choice you ever made. You got by, but you tended to struggle.
“Hey, Tetsu,” You spoke up, “Can you help me out with this? I'm confused about the whole Singular, Double replacement along with Combustion and then balancing it.”
“Tetsurou are you even listening to me?”
“WHAT?” He yelled “What could you possibly want? Can’t you see I'm busy? You can literally look it up yourself, why ask me when I’m clearly in the middle of something!”
You felt yourself shrink into a ball. You just looked down at your paper and went silent. He didn’t even bat an eye, going straight back to what he was doing previously.
“Listen,” he didn’t look up from his laptop,” If you’re looking for attention, this isn’t the place.”
It was then your heart dropped. Maybe, you were annoying. Maybe you were just looking for attention. Were you really that lonely that there was no one else to hang out with? At these times? Maybe he was just stressed. Maybe you were stressed. Maybe he didn’t mean it.
But maybe doesn’t mean anything.
After a good few minutes of contemplating, you grabbed your things and packed up your bag. You gave him one last look and he never looked up. You left his room, followed by his house entirely.
By now, it had gotten dark. Not dark like ten-at-night-dark but dark enough that the street lamps had come on. You walked back in silence. Your headphones had died at his house since you had forgotten to charge them beforehand. Now you were stuck with your thoughts. How delightful.
You put your focus on your feet, trying to keep your mind off what had just occurred only a few minutes ago. It’d be at least twenty minutes before you’d get home. Having walked for a good ten, the sky only got darker.
The neighborhood was quiet and lonely. The kids had gone back inside from their outside activities which left the streets feeling like a ghost town. But that didn’t last for long. Like everything in life, something comes along to, in an optimistic way to put it, spice things up.
Thud thud thud
What was that?
Thud thud thud
Was it just your feet?
Thud thud thud
No, it was out of sync with your pace. You felt eyes on the back of your head.
Thud thud thud
They were becoming louder.
Thud thud thud
You tried increasing your walking speed, hoping to make it home faster, as you were paranoid to look back.
Thud thud thud
Faster and closer the steps became.
You felt a hand. A strong hand on your wrist.
You panicked, you couldn’t scream for help.
“Excuse me,” They started, “You dropped this.”
Your wallet. You dropped your wallet and this nice guy just wanted to give it back. Bruh
“Oh, thank you! I had no idea!” You mentioned. Welp, there was nothing to worry about, you’re just paranoid.
“It’s no problem.” He replied. You got a good look at him. Tall, with a slight build to him. He was dressed in a hoodie and blue jeans. Just some guy. Some dude. Yup, definitely one of the dudes ever.
“Well, I need to be going, thank you!” You perked and turned around to walk away.
‘Hold on a sec.”
Fucking damn it-
“A pretty lady like you shouldn’t be walking alone this late at night.” He said, “Im heading over to eat with some friends, why don’t you join me?”
“I'm good, thank you.” You said, slightly startled. “As I said, I have to get going.”
He grabbed your arm, “Oh come on. Have some fun… You know, my friends would love to be around such a pretty girl like you.”
Oh hell nah-
“Hey, what the fuck is wrong with you? I’m not going-”
“Oh don’t be such a bitch!” He yelled, keeping his grip on you as you struggle out of it, “You’ll have everyone’s attention. All eyes on you. A lady like you would love that, wouldn’t you?”
All eyes on you.
“Hey!” You hear a voice in the distance. “Get your hands off her!”
“Hey man, chill, we’re just talking, isn’t that right sweetheart?” He looked at you with threatening eyes. Disgusting. You couldn’t say anything. Fear and anxiety had swept you away and you could only comply with the silence. “We were just about to head over and grab a bite.”
“Yeah right. That’s bullshit if I’ve ever heard it.” Kuroo spat back.
“Watch your fucking mouth, dude.” the creep answered, his arm wrapped over your shoulder. “Our status is none of your goddamn business.”
Kuroo looked around franticly, but just with his eyes.
Your wallet.
In shock and fear, you had dropped your wallet.
The creep ended up seeing it but had been too slow to pick it up before your love had.
“What’s her name?” Your boyfriend questioned, looking like he was ready to deck the dude. “If you know her so well what's her fucking name?” He held up your wallet. You didn’t have your license yet so there was no form of actual identification on there. But the dude didn’t have to know that.
He stared at your boyfriend, standing his guard. He relaxed a little and spoke up. “Listen, dude, you got me. But hey, I just wanna take her out. You get it right?” he gave a half-assed smile hoping to convince the rooster head in front of him to let him off the hook.
“No way in hell” He spoke with slight venom, “‘Cause that ‘girl’ you got wrapped around your arm is my girlfriend.”
He froze. Caught in a lie.
He pushed you behind him and stepped forward.
“Yeah right. Look who’s spewing bullshit now.” He got all tough, hoping to scare your boyfriend away, but that didn't really work.
Cause he decked him.
Yup, you read that right.
He fucking decked him.
“What the hell dude!-” He tried to get a word in Kuro had already grabbed your arm and made a run for it.
After turning a few corners, he finally stopped. He was slightly out of breath while you were breathing heavily. He turned to you and grabbed your shoulders.
“Hey,” He breathed, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah…” You painted, avoiding eye contact,” I’m good… I’m alright.”
“Hey, look at me.” He cupped your chin. There was an ever so slight plea in his voice you could just barely recognize.
“Please…” You looked at him, finally. His eyes filled with worry, “Did he hurt you?”
“...No, no I’m okay. I lived.” You answered, regaining your breath.
He let out a breath and looked down.
“Holy shit… I was so worried.”
“Yeah… I bet you were,” You said, feeling slightly guilty. “Sorry.”
“No no no no,” He shut you up and looked back at you, “You have nothing to apologize for, I’m an ass, okay. If anything I’m the one who’s sorry. I’m so stressed right now but you are too. I know you needed this and I ruined it for you. I'm so, so sorry.” He apologized, genuinely.
“And that,” He mentioned “That guy was in no way your fault. Never is, never will be. You’re just so pretty, and I’m so lucky to be the one who gets you.”
Your eyes water a bit. You go in for a hug and he wraps his arms back around you, bringing you a sense of safety and security.
“I love you, I promise. Right now just isn’t my best moment to see you.” He started, “ But after finals are over with, I promise I’ll make all the time in the world for you. You deserve my attention.”
You stood there. You didn’t know what to say.
“Thank you.” You mustered up.
He walked you back to your house, the whole twenty minutes, never letting go of your hand. He stopped at your front door and looked at you. He leaned in and met your lips. You two stayed like that for a bit, just taking in each other's presence. When you broke it off to head inside, you saw how he looked at you with such admiration.
Such love.
Then you knew, he truly did love you.
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luveline · 6 months
small vent (please don’t read if it will stress you out or if you’re young — cw of past self harm and unhappiness but I am in no active danger and there’s nothing to worry about, but also just mentioning that in case someone were to open this and then get surprised by the content)
I feel so lonely lately and I don’t know what to do because i feel like I am making an effort to connect with people, maybe I’m not, but I feel as though I am and it’s just really frustrating to have that disconnect of what I feel like I’m doing and the actual result of it, I feel like no one really wants to talk to me, does that make sense? Like I can’t actually have a conversation with anyone, and I’m not blaming anyone for this, because I’m not a good conversationalist, this isn’t me trying to make bad people out of anybody at all but just I’m so frustrated and so lonely and it’s not getting any better. and of course as tends to happen I feel like, really down( and like time is slipping through my fingers, and I feel like I can’t do anything I want to do because I end up worrying or upset about something instead, I can’t stop thinking about stuff I’ve said or things I need to do or things other people have said and what I thought they’re thinking of me. I used to basically feel like this all the time a few years ago but it was going away, until recently when I feel very alone and like it’s worse than it was. I also feel super pathetic once again for putting this here instead of a diary but it’s hard sometimes to not want to know what you guys think, like —is this normal? I worry I’m too concerned with myself
I’ve also been thinking a lot for the last few weeks about hurting myself, because I used to in the past. I won’t do it of course and like if I were to do it it’s not as though I would want to mention that here because I know it’s catching and it hurts people because hurting yourself shouldn’t be presented as an option and it isn’t an option, so I won’t do it, but I do want to hurt myself because I just don’t feel well!! I actually did contact my doctor a few days ago to talk about how I am and my health but they haven’t gotten back to me yet. I know that it’s not how you should cope with bad feelings, but it’s also the only thing that’s ever worked for me
I think all in all I feel really alone, and I feel like I’m always embarrassing myself, like, I feel like the people around me are embarrassed of me. I don’t know why I feel so bad and if it’s normal or not. Like, should I more urgently go and see my doctor, or does everyone struggle feeling such low self esteem? I know life is hard for everybody, and for many much harder than I’ll ever experience, and so I’m caught feeling very ashamed of myself and alone, and like I’m doing things wrong but unaware of it. It’s a relief at least to not be suicidal because in the past I would get so anxious about things I would get tunnel vision and I’d need it to stop, whereas now I just feel quite depressed (sorry if that’s the wrong word) about it. I wish I could identify what it is that’s throwing me off kilter so badly. I hope it’s okay to talk about this here because I don’t think anyone will understand in my life how I’m feeling, I try to talk about it with my mam sometimes but she’s not the most empathetic person, or like she’s too empathetic maybe, and if I tell her I’m feeling depressed she’ll say me too and then guide the conversation about her life without really giving me a chance to speak to her about what’s really on my mind, or she might tell me (again) to go on ozempic (which I do not medically need). And I love my sisters but I can’t tell them either, so it’s just like desperately wanting to confide in someone, but everyone else is too busy
I think my life is just a black hole forever, you know, I don’t mean to be upset about it because things are better than they were, but it’s hard knowing that I’m not experiencing what other people are, and that I’m not connecting with people, and that I’m hard to like
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lifmera · 7 months
Hello! The thought and time you put into your matchups really shine through! I'd love to have one with Hazbin Hotel (and Mystic Messenger, if I'm not asking for too much ❤️).
👉🏻INTJ, bigender, attracted to males
👉🏻 I'm keen on law studies, also got a passion for creative writing and poetry. I tend to view things through a philosophical or artistic lens.
👉🏻 Introvert, yet diplomatically social, if needed. No problem to speak my mind, strong morals.
👉🏻Anxious, perfectionist, stubborn.
👉🏻Compassionate, open-minded and believing in people's potential. However, I'm better at giving logical solutions to problems, than comfort somebody emotionally.
👉🏻 Teasing/sarcasm is my biggest love language, followed by physical touch and being artistically inspired by my partner.
👉🏻 Mostly rock or jazzy tunes, the type of person to stick to the same songs for years lol. I also enjoy gothic literature and european cinema.
👉🏻My profile pic is how I would envision my character in the show. So you can also take appearance into consideration XD
Honestly . I know you just submitted but i had to do it. I already have the characters for you!! And thank you so much sweetheart. 🩷
I’ve decided to pair you with…. LUCIFER & JUMIN HAN!
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I think he’d love to read your stories!! Please tell him some. He has nothing else to do anyways. Honestly he’d probably ask you to give his ducks some lore.
He’d love to hear your opinion kn things. And if you are blunt with him, he’d appreciate it. He doesn’t need someone who’s gonna beat around the bush with him.
He would also need logical solutions. Its what he tried to do with Charlie, telling her his experience. He’d like your input!
He’d probably blush super hard if you teased him, but he’s also huge on physical touch. If he loves someone, he’ll always be near them, or touching them.
Jazzy tunes and rock for sure!! This man probably listens to those two the most, and to get back at adam.
Gothic literature? Sign him up. European cinema? Lets watch it together.
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Honestly, at first you’d remind him of Jihyun, he’d love to see what you think about art, and why you think that way.
He seems like he’d love poetry, so please write some and read them to him. He’d also probably read creative stories of yours to you.
He’d LOVE when you spoke your mind. This man barely gets offended, and has never loved before, he wants to know if he’s doing it right.
He’d also prefer logical solutions, he doesn’t understand why there should be alternatives. You both are very stubborney people as-well!
He’d probably love physical touch. This man genuinely has probably never hugged another human before and at first he didn’t see why, but when you guys hugged, he probably wouldn’t have let go for like a solid 10 minutes.
He love jazz. It’d be something he played in the background of one of your romantic dinners.
European cinema is also something i think he’d enjoy. He’d also probably tell Hyun about it and be like “i think you should do it too.”
I HAD TO DO IT. When I read it the character’s IMMEDIATELY came to mind.
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thetoffeefox · 2 years
How The Protocol Feels About Gekkos Little Buddies Headcanons
Astra: Absolutely adores every single one of them. No reservations with any of them. She loves being able spend time with them and get to know each of their personalities. She has a soft spot for Dizzy
Breach: Surprisingly he does seem to mind them most of the time. There is this thing where if dizzy gets too excited she sploots on people. Not to mention the same thing with Thrash accidentally detaining the others due to excitement. Between all of them he tottally adores little wingman.
Brimstone: Not to say he dislikes the cute little creatures but hes awkward around them. Given the fact theyre stolen kingdom property and I fully 100% believe the man grew up with out pets he doesn't know how to act with them. Not to mention the time wingman took his laptop hostage.
Chamber: He doesn't hate them, but her certainly doesn't like them much. Between Dizzy splooting on the agents in excitement and wingman being the little clepto guy he is and stealing his teleporter he isn't exactly fond of them.
Cypher: Oh how this man finds these creatures so interesting....but also a bit of a handful. Wingman once again being a clepto and trying to help thinks taking the mans hat is acceptable. Cypher although frustrated still in some ways finds this very endearing and will always be gentle with the little bird like creature.
Fade: Doesn't openly express ot a lot but she loves all of them. Dizzy seems to have wormed her way into the nightmare womans heart due to her general calm personality.
Harbor: Lord have mercy this man is an animal man and although there is nothing else like these little guys he enjoys playing, snuggling, and entertaining them. Hes taught wingman how to surf using his artifact you cant change my mind about that.
Jett: She absolutely adores every single one of them, but prefers they stay away from the kitchen and her knives. Dont want them to get hurt. She very much enjoys Mosh.
Kay/o: He doesnt seem to dislike or like them. Finding them to be interesting he always tends to be very observing of them. For some reason Thrash seems to very much like the robot, so he often gets detained due to her excitement of seeing him.
Killjoy: She thinks theyre adorable especially when wingman IS NOT RUNNING OFF with her tech. She near had a heart attack when the little guy was running around with one of her swamp grenades.
Neon: Like Kj she finds them quite adorable. Doesn't seem to have really any reservations with them....Well except Thrash, she adores her but the affectionate creature does detain her often.
Omen: He is....Hes anxious around them. Fear is too strong of a word, but they make him ancy.
Phoenix: He thinks the little guys are cool. Nothing against Dizzy but hes hesitant around her because she might just sploot on his jacket or shoes. Wingman is as he likes to say is his little homie.
Raze: Not a single ounce of reservation is in this womans body towards these cute cuddly creatures. After seeing wingmans cleptic tendencies she keeps a sharp eye on her satchels and grenades. The woman would beat herself up if something happened to them due to her explosives. She has quite the affection for Mosh and Wingman
Reyna: Isnt going to openly show it but adores these little guys. Dizzy is her favorite and it seems she to enjoys the empress company.
Sage: Oh heavens they are cute but they do cause quite a bit of trouble at times. Being the mom figure of the protocal she often hears the complaints about Wingman taking off with something. Thrash detaining someone, or dizzy splooting on someone or something. At the end of the day though they are cute and a great addition to the team!!
Skye: She adores them and her pack has play dates with them. Thrash and dog have a good tug of war. Dizzy and her bird love going on flights. The play dates are the best days.
Sova: Wingman makes this man feel sich an unbridled joy. All of them do but the little bird like creature just makes this man melt. To the point where he indulges his nad habits of running off with things.
Viper: She isnt much of an animal person. She doesnt dis like or hate them. It's more she doesn't really like cleaning up after them or having to worry about them getting into things they shouldn't. Out of all of them she does find mosh endearing but that could be because he isnt really able to get into anything like wingman. Also, she is Moshes favorite person. He absolutely just loves and adores the cold woman. Theres times where she simply allows him to sit off to the side in her lab and he does so watching her the whole time in awe.
Yoru: He thinks theyre all cute but isnt going to admit that. He has an image and reputation to uphold. Although Dizzy has splooted on his head a time or two so he is a tad wary of her because well he really doesnt want his hair messed up.
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Don’t get me wrong, I’m really excited, but I’m getting a bit nervous about going to see The 1975. I’m a pretty new fan, as I only started to listen to them last January. I’m worried about being judged for not knowing the lyrics to all of the songs, cos I do struggle with learning lyrics, and I’ve seen so many TikTok’s slagging off “fake fans” who don’t know the words. I’m also worried about being judged for not being a fan of certain songs that others go crazy for. (I’m not a big fan of People, for example. It’s okay, but I tend to skip it as it’s not really my vibe).
I know it seems stupid that a woman in her 30’s is genuinely anxious about this, but I’m also Autistic, so I struggle with shit like this. It’s gonna be a big thing for me, as this is the first gig I’ll have gone to completely on my own.
Any advice?
oh my goodness I’m so excited for youuuu. 💗💗💗
babe, first off, let me apologize on behalf of the entire fandom. Old fans and new fans. For making your experience anything less than perfect. Fandom politics are fuckin insane and we need to just stop with that shit. I’m not sure if any of this counts as helpful advice but I think, while it is okay for some songs to gain iconic status, generally speaking, everyone related to and experiences music differently. Like, I think Robbers, Somebody Else, About You, etc will always be special songs no matter what because they’ve come to symbolize huge milestone moments in the boys career. But other than that it’s not fair for anyone to decide that if you don’t like a certain song then that makes you less of a fan because we all engage with the art that we like differently and for different reasons. Our subjective tastes are informed by our personalities and experiences and things we enjoy. How boring would it be if everyone liked the exact same stuff and expressed their enthusiasm of it in the exact same way all the fuckin time????
Plus, this is not Harry Styles or Taylor Swift or whatever. The boys make the kinds of music that they do because they know there’s not one right way to be a fan. They’re fans of a bunch of different stuff. What was it that the ad that mads received after her show described them as? 😂 @toomuchracket was it “genre-hopping”?? Lmao. They’re genre hopping!!! So if you don’t like People then you’ll POTB or LIIWMI or Playing On My Mind or Sex or Fallingforyou. Because the boys themselves love emo and punk but they also love country and pop and house music and 70s rock and soul etc etc etc. the idea that you must like certain things to be a fan is dumb and counterproductive. And if I could line these people up against a wall to smack them one by one I would. Cuz all that does is make the fandom toxic and makes newer fans uncomfortable.
actually I highly recommend songs you don’t necessarily like. Before my show, I was okay with Heart Out but it wasn’t like my favorite thing ever. It’s not like the first thing that pops into my head when I think of the 1975 and their artistry. But then they played it at my show and OH. MY. GOD. I am a changed woman now. The drums!!!! George made the floor underneath my feet vibrate. I felt it in the ground first then it went up to MY FUCKIN RIBCAGE. And the guitar??!! Jesus fuckin Christ. I mean I’m sure it’s just that they tune it differently for live shows but it sounded so much fuller and multi dimensional and stronger. Blew my mind. Now I LOVE heart out. Hahaha.
I also just think we need to be better at approaching newer fans because if nothing else they’re proof that the band is still connecting with more and more people and reaching places it hasn’t before and more people joining the fandom means they’re successful!! there’s only one wrong way to be a fan and that’s to disrespect their boundaries like fuckin morons on TikTok and Twitter stalking Matty’s hotel and his house. Or talking about house ATVB used to be fun when he used to be problematic even though that obviously hurt him mentally and emotionally and affected his career. Or like acting as if the 1975 is just matty. That’s the wrong way to be a fan. Other than that you’re literally doing what music was meant for and enjoying what you like nobody has any right to judge you for it and if they wanna be asshole they can get fucked. IM SO SO EXCITED FOR YOU. YOURE GONNA HAVE SO MUCH FUN!!! The fans are generally kind and sweet for the most part I made so many new friends in the queue and in the pit I promise it’s gonna be amazing. please come back and tell me how it all went 💖💖
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tailoredshirt · 3 months
hi k! 5,6,7 for the ask game? :)
Hey, thanks!! (fandom ask meme)
5 - Favorite platonic pairing?
I love so many, but I gotta go TK and Nancy! And TNT 💕 But I just really love their family vibes and the TK/Nancy bestieism. Like, they obviously have sibling vibes, but I also think they are much more than that! I love their working relationship, I love the jock-and-nerd combo, I love how much they've gone through together and how well they know each other.
6 - Favorite headcanon?
I tend to have pretty flexible headcanons bc I like exploring possibilities, but I tend to have stronger feelings about family/sibling dynamics. Like I totally felt like Carlos was the baby of his family, with multiple sisters, and a large-ish age gap between them to account for emotional distance. Nothing else made sense to me and it became so solidified in my mind, so I was so happy to see him with sisters!
For Nancy, I have strong feelings about her family dynamic. I feel like her family is just very normal, in a good way. Parents still happily married, with Easy A parents vibes except more boring and not as extroverted. Older sister at least 4 or 5 years older than her, who she always looked up to. So she spent her high school years as the only child in the house, which is why (imo) she has both only child vibes AND the vibes of someone who has had a positive sibling relationship.
For TK, I headcanon that he has ADHD and is prone to depression.
Also, this is one of my favorite Tarlos headcanons. Carlos is a smothering octopus when he sleeps, and TK is his willing victim.
7 - Least favorite headcanon?
Nothing against most people's headcanons because there's usually nothing wrong with them? But I guess the ones I vibe with least are anything to do with TK being messy, not doing chores, not knowing how to cook etc, while Carlos is a domestic god who gets anxious if anything in the apartment is a millimeter out of place. Obviously it has its roots in canon but I don't like to take it to extremes. That's just not as interesting or realistic to me if it's so black and white. There's really nothing to indicate that TK is messy in any aspect of his life, that I recall? I say this as someone whose apartment is a complete mess right now, so if that is someone's headcanon for him that he hates chores or cooking then I get it!
Also, TK has a job where he has to be awake and alert at a moment's notice. Every time we see him he is sleeping in one place, whereas Carlos is seen tossing and turning in his sleep, stretching out all over the place, and difficult to wake up. This is not to say that TK has to be a morning person on his days off, or that Carlos can't also wake up easily with an alarm! But...we can have a world where TK is way too cheerful early in the morning, while Carlos is a disheveled grumpy bear, and we're denying ourselves??? WAKE UP, SHEEPLE.
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jerzwriter · 1 month
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Thank you for the asks @maritzaldvr I feel like it's a homework assignment, lol. But that's OK - we writers like nothing more than going on and on about our crazy little characters - so thank you! ❤️
From this list.
1 - How would they handle a breakup?
Ooofh. How I hate even thinking of it - they're my forever couple. I think a breakup would be the hardest thing they'd ever have to go through - short of anything happening to one of their girls. They truly love each other, and that wouldn't stop, so there would have to be a very serious reason for the split. It's one of those "I'll love you forever, but we can't be together" events that are just brutally painful. If they didn't have children yet, I don't know if they'd keep in touch - it would be too painful. But they might because they're more open-minded and progressive than most, so they don't think a romantic relationship ending means you have to cut each other off for life. It would be difficult for them to move on and I think anyone else they'd be with in the future would have to understand, they'd never have their complete hearts.
I have written a few AU's with breakups, including Unblemished (which is a favorite of mine). They had a breakup in the AU series Friends* (another one of my favorites) and All in the Past. There are also two WIP AU's that I've really got to get back to, What's Forever For? and Where it Goes From Here. Also, I make no promises in the current AU Mono-Poly. I was going to say I need to write an AU break up - but apparently, I don't lol
13. How do they act when they’re stressed, and what are some things they do to relax?
More below...
It depends on the level of stress. In my HC, they both had a lot of therapy after the chemical attack, so they have learned how to handle a lot. Also, Tobias has a very laid-back attitude, which helps, especially since Casey is prone to anxiety. What do they do to reduce stress? 😏😏😏 Well.... lol You know. lol But in addition to that, I think they also make sure to get rest, exercise, and have frequent massages and pampering to help reduce stress.
But a BIG stressor is another issue - for example, Casey nearly dies after their third baby is born - and Tobias nearly falls apart. He does what he has to for his daughters, but he's hanging on by a string. Fortunately, he has a great group of people around him who help, but it's not pretty.
20. How do they react to getting hurt? Both in the sense of a small injury like a paper cut or a bigger injury.
I think they both blow off minor injuries; I can imagine they get a lot of smaller ones on the job, and they just keep going. I think they're pretty resolute when it comes to bigger injuries, too. They'd react as most people would, but they'd be anxious to fix it and move on - they've got things to do.
41. Are they messy or clean? How do they react to a mess?
I think they are both very neat and don't like it at all when things become messy. However, there is a caveat... Casey's morning routine leaves a big ol mess in the bathroom - make up, skin and hair care, products left all over. She cleans it as soon as she returns from work, but since she and Tobias are not always on the same shift - sometimes he's stuck with the mess and I don't think he loves it. lol That's probably a growing pain when they first live together. Also, with a cat and three daughters, they will have to become a little more accustomed to messes, but they still don't love them - and they will do their best to keep them minimal.
43. What are their eating habits?
Given that they are both doctors, they tend to watch what they eat and follow a healthy diet. That said, they know balance is key, and they indulge in foods they love, too.
47. What is one thing that they’re really good at?
Sex. I mean, sorry, but it's true! lol They're also excellent at communication.
49. How clingy are they? What do they act like?
They're very into PDA, but I don't think they're clingy. To me, clingy means they're at a party, and they can't leave each other's side. They're not like that. They love being together, but not in a toxic way. They'll go talk or interact in different groups, but they'll always be so happy to return to each other.
52. On an average day, what can be found in their pockets?
Hmm. At work? For both, I think you'd find hand sanitizer, lip balm, and maybe tissues. Casey likely has lotion and mints/gum. Tobias, a lollipop or two. I totally see him as having a thing for lollipops.
63. How important is personal hygiene to them? What do they smell like?
Very, very, very important. These two like things neat, they're into their appearances - they are almost always well groomed. Tobias often smells like Tom Ford's Oud Wood. If not, he sounds like his sandalwood body wash. Casey will smell like whatever Bath & Bodyworks scent is her favorite at the moment.
90. Do they drink alcohol? If so, what’s their favorite type of alcohol?
Yes, they do. They will often have a drink to wind down at the end of the night, but only some days. On the weekends, they definitely do some drinking. I imagine Tobias likes some high-end single malt whiskeys, and he has a wine cellar filled with everything from Casey's favorite (Bartenura Moscato) to very pricey vintages. They have beer in the fridge - likely a yummy craft beer - that they will drink during bar-b-ques or while watching sports.
Thanks so much for the asks! :)
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zhouxiangs · 8 months
And the clearest example is how he’s aware of Way’s feelings for him, has been for a while, but not only is he very dismissive of them (picture their hallway conversation when Way is clearly emotional and upset and for the first time actually addresses the elephant in the room (which takes a lot of courage), only for Babe to be all ‘yeah I know – ugh did you have to actually say it out loud?? - but, like…Charlie! Now let me caress your shoulder while I reassure you we’re still best buds!’ or the way he reacts like it’s all a bit tiresome whenever someone else brings it up) - Babe makes a conscious choice to NOT discuss it with Way, and more importantly to NOT draw any boundaries tween them. At best he’s just being extremely careless with Way’s feelings, especially when he jokes about them being bfs, but at worst, one could argue that his flirtatiousness is in fact an intentional manipulation of said feelings in order to keep Way where he wants him, which is at his beck and call. Babe doesn’t care to look any deeper because there’s nothing in it for him – as long as he has Way by his side, adoring him, he’s satisfied. Any awkward niggling thoughts about how actually this probably isn’t a healthy dynamic and this guy needs to get a life outside of me and in retrospect it’s a little strange that I know literally nothing about him get pushed aside in order to maintain that status quo.
Now, unlike half the characters in this show, I’m capable of self-reflection: I know that I could extend some of the sympathy I have for Way due to his shitty past (and present) to Babe, and speculate that Babe’s selfishness, his need to keep Way with him even if it’s detrimental to Way’s wellbeing, is merely a consequence of his own shitty past, his fear of being alone; that his inability to deal with this situation is a result of his own emotional maladjustment at Tony’s hands. That’s all very likely to be true. BUT! Babe has the whole internet ready to kill for him, so sorry but he doesn’t need me to do the same! What can I say - I feel obligated to stick up for the underdog, no matter how much of a fucked up wrong’un said underdog might be! (Of course there’s also the entirely plausible possibility that all this is just the fault of shoddy writing - as long as characters keep repeating that this really is a deep and wholesome and 100% reciprocated friendship then we the audience are duty-bound to believe it!)
In conclusion (if you got this far - apologies!): Way is a pathetic but tragic character who didn’t deserve the hand he was dealt (but does deserve lifelong therapy), whose motivations are much more complex and heart-wrenching than many seem able/willing to recognise/acknowledge. Babe is selfish and a shitty friend, but that is perhaps understandable given his experiences. SA (and mind-fucking your friend) is NEVER excusable, no matter how awful your life or how bad your daddy issues; neither is it EVER the fault of the victim. All of these things can be true at the same time, and it wouldn’t hurt to remember that.
Your Honour, I rest my case!
P. S. Internet, please don't be mad at me! Everyone's of course entitled to their own opinion (variety is the spice of life and all that!) and the remaining eps might totally destroy this interpretation, but at the end of the day, it's just a show, and I'm just a socially anxious contrarian overthinker with a penchant for well-acted morally dubious pretty boys!
i think i tend to be more positive/look for the more favourable explanation and so my opinion on the hallway conversation (which: hurty) is that babe is extreeeemely unprepared to talk about feelings. which is funny because his friendship with way reads as very intense to me, and they’re pretty dramatic with their words too? but it’s clear babe has no experience in this area, both talking about it and feeling it, and it shows precisely in how careless he is with way’s feelings. and again, the jokes about being bfs babe i will hunt you down you cannot be this dense! please! but also i don’t think he would see anything unhealthy in how powerful way’s attachment to him is because i think, up until charlie showed up, they both acted like that with each other. (my poor way…)
don’t apologise! this has taken me five million hours to reply to but it has been worth every. second. and honestly while as i’ve just said i don’t totally agree with your interpretation of babe and his actions and feelings towards way i do think you make great points and can see why you’re interpreting something in a different way than i do. also i love to read what people are thinking. meta is my favourite thing in the world, so unless it’s something horrifying to me i am going to enjoy it lol
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
While we're on the topic of trans stuff, I hope it's alright if I ask a question!!
I know you had long hair for a while, and that you ended up cutting it all off, and I'm just wondering how you felt about it? Did you have any anxiety beforehand? How was it after?
Totally cool if you don't wanna answer ofc!! I hope ur doing okay :^)
Yes!! I was anxious, bc I wasn't sure how it'd look! But since a friend of mine was the one cutting it, when the moment finally came I had an attitude of like "well, we're making silly memories! who cares!" So it ended up being a lot of fun!
But I'd wanted short hair for YEARS before that, and for YEARS I was unable to work up the nerve to go ask a professional hairdresser to cut it. Didn't help that some family was politely discouraging me, but whatever. Point is, I had a lot of time to get used to/learn to fight off the anxiety lol, and in my experience waiting longer just kept me unhappy and uncertain longer!
The thing I tried to keep in mind is that hair grows back!! you can always grow it out longer again if you don't like it. Yes it will look awkward for a while if you do that, but to me it was worth finding out if I liked it shorter than I'd ever tried before! And I'm so glad I cut it now! If I'd never taken the chance, I'd never have known how much I like it this short!
Ok I'm going to ramble some more about the specific Functional and Sensory benefits I've found short hair had compared to long hair, for me anyways, but this is already quite long so. readmore upon ye
People may tell you "ohh you'll have to fix your hair and put product in it every day when its short" but what they DONT tell you is that it is SO MUCH EASIER TO FIX YOUR HAIR WHEN THERE IS WAY LESS HAIR TO FIX!!
I can dump like 2 cups of water on my head and its wet, and it dries in like 30 minutes. Combing it is SUPER fast, slapping some pomade in it or whatever is quick n easy. "Fixing my hair every day" was a MAJOR factor in me being intimidated out of cutting it in high school, BUT IT NEVER SHOULDVE BEEN!!! I was FOOLED!!
Ummm ahh what else. I was worried I'd miss my long hair since I'd had it for so long and tended to fiddle with it a lot just to so aomething with my hands.
But from what I remember, I didn't miss much about my old hair after I cut it. I tend to like it being long enough on top to twirl between my fingers, and it wasn't at first so I missed that as a stim, but otherwise it really felt like getting rid of a burden!
I don't get it randomly tangled in things anymore, I don't have the Literal Weight On My Shoulders, I don't finding shedded hairs wrapped around things all the time, there is NOTHING in my face when I eat!!!!!!!!!! It has been MONTHS since I found one of my own hairs in my mouth!!!!! It is nigh impossible to get even the most treacherous pancake syrups in my hair!!!!!! It's amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also never DID anything with my long hair, because every time I tried anything more ambitious than a ponytail it would hurt my scalp more than I ever felt The Look was worth, so I didn't find myself missing any old hairdo possibilities either. I'm still not ambitious about styling it, but I don't have to be :) even for semiformal events :D it's awesome
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simplytickled · 9 months
Remedy For The Jitters
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Summary: Marty has been antsy all afternoon; Doc thinks he knows what the issue is and decides to help the kid out. Takes place before the events of the movie.
Requested by @ticklybing/@studious-switch.
"Marty, don't bother trying to lie to me, I've seen your leg shaking like it's about to fall off since you sat down."
Marty had been off from school for about an hour now, and like most afternoons, he had went straight to Doc's house. The boy usually demonstrated a level of curiosity towards the various gadgets and gizmos scattered about the workshop. Today, however, it was clear he had something else on his mind, something his companion immediately clocked.
"Really, Doc, I'm fine!" Marty replied with exasperation, shaking his head. "I've just got a bit of energy pent up for being at school all day, that's all!"
The inventor rolled his eyes with a small scoff. "These aren't the typical McFly jitters! You've been drumming your fingers against your leg, too! You only do that when you've got something on your mind." Doc said pointedly, nodding to the offending fingers, which stilled instantly in a vain attempt to cover up their motions.
"That's not true!" Marty stammered, a soft flush coming to his cheeks upon realizing he'd been caught. "Besides, even if there WAS something bothering me, you couldn't do much about it. Don't worry about me, Doc."
Doc's eyebrows furrowed, eyes narrowing as he looked at the boy closely. The silence was defending, especially in the absence of Doc's usual scientific ramblings.
"I've GOT it!" Marty flinched as the inventor's voice suddenly roared back to life at full volume. Doc pointed a finger at him, a knowing smirk tugging at his lips. "It's that girl, isn't it!"
The boy's blush darkened significantly, spreading up to his ears. "Girl? What girl?" He mumbled, averting his gaze.
"That one you've been making heart eyes at all semester! What was her name again? Janice? Jolene?"
"Jennifer..." Marty mumbled under his breath; of course Doc heard him.
"Jennifer, that was her name! What happened? Did you finally work up the courage to ask her out?"
The teen looked down, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Well..." He started, pausing before a shy grin overtook his features. "Yeah, I did!"
Immediately, Doc matched his grin. "Why, that's wonderful! I knew you had it in you, my boy! Where are you going to take her?"
"I was thinking about the movies. There's this new flick coming out soon about aliens or something; do you think she'd like something like that? I know it's not a romantic comedy or anything, but those tend to release in the spring, so I'm kinda limited with my options here."
Doc chuckled. "I'm sure she'll have a good time, Marty! You're a charming young man, and from what you've told me, she seems to be a nice girl! Don't work yourself up over nothing."
Marty fiddled with his sunglasses, an anxious habit he had picked up over the years. "What if she doesn't, though? I really like her, Doc! I don't want to blow it because I came up with a subpar first date!" He replied.
"That's ridiculous! I think the cinema is a perfectly suitable first date for kids your age! You're just overthinking things!"
Despite his attempts to reassure the boy, Doc could see that his words did very little to soothe Marty's nerves. The other was practically vibrating, leg shaking a hundred miles an hour, and it was clear that his head was racing with all of the "what if" possibilities. No, it was going to take more than words to get Marty to stop worrying so much.
"Marty, don't make me pull out my secret weapon."
In an instant, the boy went completely still, eyes widening as they darted over to the scientist. Marty knew good and well what "secret weapon" meant.
"Doc, you wouldn't-"
"Oh, I would." Doc smirked, slowly starting to edge closer to the other. "IF you don't settle down.. Really, Marty, you're being too hard on yourself! The date hasn't even happened yet and you're already worried you'll mess up. Just be yourself and things will go fine!"
"But Doc, you don't get it! Jennifer is, like, WAY out of my league and I really need to impress her with-"
"Alright, I warned you." Marty didn't have time to react before the inventor pounced, hands latching onto his sides and beginning to squeeze rapidly.
In an instant, Marty's lips slammed slut, trying desperately to hold back the startled giggles threatening to spill out of him. The boy slouched over in his chair in a vain attempt to protect his torso, wrapping his arms around his waist with a soft whine in his voice. "Dohohohohoc, cut it ohohohohohohout!"
"Nope! You had your chance, now it seems I have to tickle the jitters out of you!" Doc replied, chuckling with amusement. His fingers jumped from place to place unpredictably, testing Marty's ribs, his stomach, his hips, cataloging which spots garnered the best reactions.
Marty shook his head rapidly, a little snort slipping out as fingers found a particularly bad spot on his lower belly. "Nehehahahahaha! N-Nohohoho, you dohohohohohon't!"
Fingers danced across his ribs like a piano, kneaded at his sides, poked and prodded at his tummy. Right as he finally started to process one touch, it would move somewhere else, changing in pressure and technique, keeping him on his toes.
The boy's legs kicked frantically, his heels scuffing against the floor as he tossed his head back. A loud, boyish belly laugh ripped from his throat as his friend's fingers spidered up to target just below his armpits. "OHOHOHO SHIHIHIT! DOHOHOHOC, PLEHEHEASE!"
"Bad spot, eh?" The inventor smirked, continuing to tease the sensitive area. "Then I suppose I should just keep tickling there, shouldn't I? After all, the more you laugh, the more of those nervous jitters you'll get rid of." Oh god, he was teasing now, and Marty didn't know if he could handle that.
"There's no point pretending you aren't having fun, my boy. You haven't tried to push my hands away once since I started." Doc pointed out with a knowing chuckle.
Immediately, Marty's cheeks turned a dark red, his laughter raising in pitch. As much as he hated to admit it, Doc was right. Even though his hands were free, Marty had not attempted to push away the other away or seriously protect his ticklish spots at any point. In fact, he hadn't uttered the word "stop" either, now that he thought about it.
The boy's cackles turned borderline hysterical as Doc finally dug under his arms; one could say he resembled a hyena at that moment. It just tickled so bad, it should have been illegal!
"Oh, alright. I suppose I won't be mean, just this once. However, I'm not stopping until you promise you'll stop worrying so much about your date." The older man replied, shooting the other an affectionate grin. "Speaking of which, how ARE you feeling, my boy? Ready to tap out?"
Marty could have said yes. He could have begged for mercy, for those evil fingers to just MOVE SOMEWHERE ELSE. However, instead he just let out another flustered whine, curling furthur in on himself.
"Aah, it seems that you still need a bit of tickle therapy, then. Not to worry, Marty, I'm more than happy to help!"
Marty might regret his choice to not give in when he had the chance later...or maybe not. After all, he could say he was already feeling significantly less stressed.
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herearedragons · 4 months
🤔 💭 for Selene and Lorenzo?
(the answers for these two vary wildly depending on the point in their story, so I'm setting this imaginary interview sometime during the timeskip between poe1 and Deadfire)
🤔 THINKING FACE — what three emotions tend to dominate your mindset? do you know why they do?
"A lot of the time, I'm not really feeling something - just keeping track of everything that's happening around me, if that makes sense. I reach out to other minds a lot, and it's much easier to do when you're not absorbed in your own emotions.
...That's probably not a very good answer. Hold on. Let me think. Things I feel a lot -
I guess, fear? Not that I'm afraid all the time, but I'm cautious. There's a lot of dangerous things I need to keep track of. Fear is good for that. It's the core of survival.
And then there's - well, I, I still don't really know what to call it. It's the feeling I get when things are going well. Like when I see a cipher I've been training get better. Or when I'm out in the woods, and the weather is good, and it's peaceful. Or when Edér's around.
Joy? Is that joy? I don't know. I don't really feel it like he does; when he's happy about something, it's... bright, and there's a lot of it. It's like a warm wind, or a sunrise. It's different for me, but, whatever it is, it feels nice.
And the last one is anger, I think. It's just that - sometimes, I think about all those things I just talked about, and that nice feeling, and then I think about something, or someone, trying to take that away. And I feel - I know - that I'd do anything, destroy anything, to stop that. Nothing else would matter.
So, yeah. That's three."
"...Huh. I just realized that "excited" is the first answer that comes to mind. Not that long ago, I would have had a very different first thought.
I used to be afraid, mostly. Anxious. Waiting for the next terrible thing to happen. It has gotten a lot better since then, didn't it?
But, yes, excited. In many ways, I'm trying to make up for lost time - there are so many things I couldn't do before that are available to me now. There are so many things I'm still looking forward to. It's overwhelming, sometimes.
...Can I say "curious" if I already said "excited"? I feel like those are too similar.
Oh. Confused. I also feel confused - often. For the same reasons I feel excited, usually.
And I do feel anxious, still. Sometimes in the good sense; sometimes not so much."
💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — is there something or someone you find yourself thinking about more often than other things? if so, why do you think you do this?
(She can't help but laugh.)
"...Well, you just asked me to talk about myself and I still ended up talking about him, so yeah, there is someone I think about often.
Why? Well, I like him. And I miss him a little; it's going to be a while until my next trip to Dyrford.
Also, you know, for a really long time, in my thoughts, it's been just me and memories of bad things that didn't even happen to me. Then it was that, and visions from thousands of years ago, and a lot of dead people.
I guess what I'm saying is, it's nice to have something good to think about, for a change."
"...I suppose I think about chants a lot. I've been trying to write my own, and the nature of the process requires you to keep the chant in mind near constantly; you must recite it over and over, to familiarize the local spirits with it. No one in Caed Nua is surprised to see me walk through the hallways muttering to myself, anymore; I've warned everyone I'm working on a chant, though, so they know that I'm not losing it quite yet."
(He chuckles at his own words; then, another thought crosses his mind, and his expression becomes less mirthful.)
"...I do think about my Awakening, every now and then. About Cassius.
He's gone now, I don't feel his presence, but, when I go to sleep at night... I can't help but wonder if tonight is the night he'll be waiting for me, on the other side of unconsciousness.
I can't help but wonder if I'm ready to face him again."
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voidjelli · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @cnnmonbimee!! Thank you for tagging me himeeeeee <3
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 19 across 2 accounts :3
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 281,075
3. What fandoms do you write for? I used to write for the Good Omens and Johannes Cabal fandoms, but recently I've been writing only for JSHK. Originally my jshk account was going to be just an alt but at this point the brainrot is so ingrained that my og account is just gathering dust now lmao
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
More Trouble Than You're Worth (M) | Words: 183,372 | Kudos: 893
Nothing But (Even More) Trouble (E) | Words: 11,205 | Kudos: 181
Torpor (T) | Words: 5,676 | Kudos: 131
Tit For Tat (E) | Words: 2,739 | Kudos: 123
Mostly Cloudy, Chance of Showers (G) | Words: 1,231 | Kudos: 117
The More Trouble landslide always makes me laugh haha. Just no fucking contest. Wipes the floor with everything else.
5. Do you respond to comments? I try my best to do so! I love getting comments and I always get excited when an author responds to my comments, so I try to respond to as many as I can. Sometimes, though, there isn't much to say in response, or I just get anxious--so there are some that I leave alone.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hmmmmm. Much to think about. I think it's a tie between Full Course and Gossamer, My Gown. Probably Gossamer is angstier in general, but Full Course has more gore. But it's hard to pick because in my mind...despite the angst in the stories, they're both...happy (ish?) endings lmao. Bittersweet at the very least. Things turn out. Don't worry about it.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? More Trouble!! Definitely More Trouble. It's sickeningly sweet. Absolutely tooth-rotting lmao. I love it. They suffer so much in canon I just had to give them a well-deserved break.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not yet 👀. Maybe someday I'll write something that earns me the 'fandom disgrace' badge. But as of now, I've been relatively lucky and things have been quiet.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do! I love writing smut, I think it's really fun lmao. The stuff I've published tends to be on the sweeter side (very 'overwhelmed with lust and adoration / going braindead with love / fucking as an exploration of character vulnerability and earnestness') but I like to branch out now and again.
10. Do you write crossovers? I tend not to. I like to write AUs, sure. But straight-up crossovers aren't really my jam.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don't think so!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nah. I've had someone make a podfic of one of mine, but no translations :3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Once or twice. Nothing published, though.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? I'm a Hananene/Amanene whore. I'm obsessed with them. The babies. The lovelies. The sweethearts. The idiots. So tragic. So sweet. My favorite goobers ever ♡♡♡
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? [sweats] nobody look in my WIP folder lmao. I'm hopeful that I'll get to most of them eventually, but the ones on the farthest burner are an alternate endgame for Hananene, and a Night Circus AU.
16. What are your writing strengths? I'm good with imagery and metaphor, I think. It comes from my background in poetry :3c
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plotting. Definitely plotting. I'm more of a gardener than an outliner, so if a fic is long and has actual. like. Plot? I can really struggle to get my feet under me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I think it's fine in moderation. If you're conveying actual important information, I think it's best to write it in whatever language you're writing in, so people don't have to translate for themselves. But if you're just using it for spice or to center a piece in a certain area or culture, then I think it's fine. Just make sure you're actually saying what you think you're saying. Don't like...half-ass a translation or anything lmao.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Johannes Cabal! I love him so much I highly recommend the books, they're some of my absolute favorites :3c One grumpy German necromancer against the world! ♡
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Of course, I'm so so proud of More Trouble, and I loved writing it. But I'm also really proud of Something Borrowed, and I'm very proud of Full Course. Out of all of them, I'd have to say Full Course.
I can't think of anyone that Hime hasn't tagged already (bless u, Hime for thinking of me, again ♡) but if anybody wants to just go for it and say that I tagged them, feel free! :3
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a-lonely-dunedain · 1 year
39 for ethedis?
39 Avoiding a conversation.
Isengard sure is the Situation that keeps on Situation-ing huh! even long after your characters have left and are Safe. (: Ethedis has decided that, no she would rather not process her trauma tonight, thank you very much.
She didn’t like to talk about it, about Isengard. 
None of them did, understandably, but her case was for slightly different reasons. 
It wasn’t because she had endured torments any more terrible, quite the opposite in fact, and that was the problem. Between Tossir and Lothrandir’s efforts to draw the ire of their captors –in true ranger fashion– Ethedis had gotten off lightly, compared to them at least. 
Which wasn’t saying much all things considered, but it was enough for some part of her deep down to think she had no right to complain. She didn’t have it as bad as them after all, it wouldn’t be worth troubling anyone over. It would be more selfish than anything.
Her friends’ concern was better spent elsewhere, she thought, though she still flinched when someone moved a little too quickly around her. It’s not worth the worry, she thinks, even as her mind still wanders to dark rooms and laughing uruks when she walks past a smithy and sees the red-hot iron and feels the heat of the forge.
But now, after the end of the war, she found that Corunir’s worry, once pulled in a million different directions, had precious little else to focus on besides a single point named ‘Ethedis’
Somehow, that just made her feel worse.
Corunir could tell plainly that her heart was troubled despite the end of the war, but always she would dismiss it as something mundane. Just being tired or something like that. She could tell he wasn’t buying it, but she still didn’t wish to tell him about it. The last thing he needs is to be burdened with such things, she thinks, as if her wellbeing is a burden.
Now she wanders aimlessly through the gardens of the upper city, stolen from their bed at some unholy hour by dreams she would rather not recall.
“Ethedis, are you feeling alright—?” Corunir almost startles her.
“Of course, never better!” She replies a little too quickly to be convincing, smile a little too wide to be genuine.
“I see…” the concern is evident on his face, guilt writhes in her stomach. “Just wondering why you happen to be up at such an odd hour then”
“I merely wished to enjoy the fresh night air” she assures cheerfully. It wasn’t really a lie, she found the starlight and cricket songs soothed her anxious mind, a little bit at least. But she had neglected to mention that part, even though she knew it’s what Corunir’s question was really getting at.
“Well, care if I join you then?” he moves to walk beside her.
“Oh, don’t let me keep you up-”
“Please, I insist” she’s not getting out of it that easily “I wouldn’t want to return to bed without you anyway.”
“…sorry to have woken you.” She wishes she hadn’t made so much noise fumbling around their room for her robe before she left.
“Think nothing of it. If I valued sleep over your wellbeing I would not be out here.” he says plainly.
“My wellbeing? I assure you everything is fine.” She insists. Lies, actually.
They stop near one of the fountains, its gentle music filling the silence as Corunir searches for the right words.
“If I may be so bold…” he eventually says “I think I have known you long enough to tell a genuine smile from one that is forced. And I have seen more of the former and less of the latter as of late. Something is troubling you, isn’t it?” His tone is gentle and not at all accusatory, yet somehow Ethedis still feels cornered.
Just her, Corunir, and the Mûmakil in the room she would rather not address.
“…is it that obvious?” she asks a little sheepishly
“Maybe not to everyone, but I’ve… developed an eye for such things, you might say. Is it one of your wounds again? We may want to have a healer take a look-”
She shakes her head “No no, it isn’t that. The healers have tended to them well, I hardly feel them anymore, and when I do it is quite manageable.” Almost a lie, technically the truth. It was indeed old wounds bothering her, but not of the physical sort and not from the Morannon.
“I’m just… worried about Tossdir, that’s all.” There was plenty of truth in that statement, though not the whole of it. It seemed enough to convince Corunir at least, and he gives her an understanding nod with a thoughtful hum. 
Tossdir wasn’t in the city anymore, as he had escaped serious injury in the Morannon and grew restless knowing some foes may still lurk in the corners of Dagorlad and Ithilien. As far as Ethedis and Corunir knew, he was still there with Faeron, helping the Rangers of Ithilien rout out what scattered foes lingered in their lands.
“I’m worried too, but it will do him no good for us to lose sleep over it. He’s not out there alone after all, he will have plenty of capable friends there to watch out for him.” He puts a comforting arm around her shoulder, Ethedis just breathes a small sigh of relief for the fact that he’s no longer asking well-intentioned questions she doesn't know how to answer. She leans into him a little bit. “And besides, it’s not as if he’s actually gone to Mordor. Just… a little too close to it for comfort.” He seemed to be speaking to reassure himself just as much as Ethedis. “But he will be fine, I am sure of it.”
“Hmm, you’re probably right...” Ethedis just stands there under his arm for a little bit, wishing she felt brave enough to be honest with him.
But what good would it do either of them if he knew? some part of her thought it might feel better to talk about it, but was it worth it? Worth burdening Corunir with the memories that tormented her so? the beatings and the fire and the torture- No, no it wasn't worth it. She should keep that to herself, she survived it after all, she will be fine. She has to be.
"Well! we should probably head back now." she announces rather abruptly before pulling away. Corunir looks a little taken aback, but follows her back to the guest-house.
"Of course... just, if there's anything else-" "I will tell you, don't worry."
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