#and yes he’d hate wasting water and try to turn off the tap when it flows for no reason
samstree · 8 months
any fic that mentions anakin liking the rain is just 👌👌👌
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Fic request: Bucky comforting reader after a long hard day
word count: a perfect short 784 words
You didn’t even bother taking your scrubs off, which probably was the first sign something was super wrong. You just flopped onto the hardwood floor, face down and groaned.
“Doll, is that you?” You heard Bucky call to you, but it was just too much effort to do anything more than groan again, with a louder volume. You heard his footsteps come into the living room, and saw his socks at the periphery of your vision. There was a low chuckle and then he squatted, tipping his head so he could see your face. “Baby, was it that bad?”
“Unnnnnnnnnnnnn,” you groaned. Bucky’s low chuckle followed. 
“Can I run you a bath?”
“Pour a glass of wine?”
“I hate wine.”
“Whiskey then?”
“Need your feet rubbed?”
“No.” You rolled onto your back and punched the floor. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes.
“Sweetheart, I can’t help if you don’t give me a job,” he pressed, pressing a kiss to your forehead. He’d seen you come home from bad days before, but nothing like this. You pushed yourself to sitting and leaned forward, brushing your lips against his.
“Just being home, and not out on a mission or something is perfect, Buck. Honest,” you admitted. “Can we have those folded-in-half pizza things for dinner?”
“Did you just call a calzone a folded in half pizza thing?” He asked, mock horror in his tone.
“With ham and pineapple?” You pressed. It was truly pushing your luck.
“I can’t believe I sleep beside such a heathen,” he complained as he tapped the order in on his phone. It was your turn to chuckle.
“Weren’t complaining about my sinful nature last night, Buck,” you retorted. “And besides, I had a bad day.”
“Did you want to talk about it?” He asked. You yawned and twisted your back, trying to get the crick out of it.
“Remember the bath you offered? Can we talk about it in the bath? You won’t notice my tears as much if we’re in the bath,” you said. Bucky smiled softly, and stood. He took your hands and pulled you to your feet.
“Anything you want, baby. Especially if it means getting you out of those scrubs,” he kissed the tip of your nose and threaded his fingers in yours to lead you to the bathroom.
“Oh, you want me out of my scrubs, do you?” You teased as you started to pull the top off. Bucky turned the water on to fill the tub, and poured a liberal amount of your favourite bubble bath in.
“Doll, I say this with all the love I have for you, but yeah, I want you out of the scrubs. And the sooner you're in the tub, the sooner I’ll know why they stink so bad,” he laughed. In feigned outrage, you balled up the top and threw it at him, laughing when he shrieked as he tried to dodge it.
“I don’t know what kind of sorcery HYDRA taught you, but I approve,” you murmured, leaning back in the tub. Bucky was sitting across from you, massaging one of your feet. You felt him stiffen at your words. “Oh, Bucky, I’m sorry. I just meant you have this uncanny knack of knowing exactly how to help me settle down and get out of my head.”
“That’s not sorcery.” He shook his head. 
“No one has ever recovered a day this quickly or well for me,” you replied, allowing your eyes to close as he worked a sore spot in your arch.
“That’s just love.” Bucky said it like it was no big deal. “I want you to be happy, or at the very least, content. So I’ve tried to figure out how to help you recover from shitty days.”
Had Bucky just said he loved you? You paused for a moment, and waited to respond until your brain confirmed he had actually suggested that he loves you.
“Buck, did you just -”
“Tell you I love you? Yes.” His interruption was instant.
“But Buck -”
“Don’t but Bucky me. There’s over seventy years of my life I’ll never get back, and I’ve definitely got some regrets about not getting home from the war. I’m not going to waste time waiting for the perfect moment to tell people when I care about them ever again. I love you, and you are important in my world, and because of that, I want to help make your worst day better and your best day extraordinary. Because I love you.” He’d leaned forward as he spoke and pressed a kiss to your lips.
“I love you too, Bucky,” you breathed and leaned forward into another kiss.
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daenqyu · 4 years
— they walk in on their crush changing
includes: bakugou, kirishima, todoroki, midoriya, and tamaki
warnings: kinda suggestive?? swearing  
a/n: i saw multiple tiktoks about this and wanted to write something about it sooo yeah. some of them are a bit longer than others because i got carried away oops. hope you guys like it !!
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to @orbital-audio )
bakugou katsuki:
listen, i feel like bakugou would act like he doesn’t care at all
but he’s definitely blushing and can’t look at you straight in the eye 
he just wanted to let you know that since kaminari and mina forced him to help them study, you could come too 
so he made his way to your dorm room while looking at his phone
and he doesn’t even knock so you’re quite startled
although you don’t blame him because he’s always hanging out in your room and vice versa
“hey we’re gonna have a study session later tonight, in case you wanna come” his eyes are glued to his phone as he talks, but you still feel embarrassed that he’s in the same room as you while you’re changing 
after a few seconds go by with no response from you, he finally looks up from the device
“i’m talking to you-” the breath gets knocked out of him when he sees you’re in the middle of trying on different outfits 
and apparently you were about to try a new one because you’re just in your freaking underwear 
bakugou may be a lot of things, but he is not a pervert 
so he’s quick to turn around to face the door, his eyes tightly shut even tho he can’t see anything as it is since you’re behind him
“you dumbass, don’t you know how to lock a fucking door?! is not that hard for fuck’s sake” 
you almost want to laugh at the blonde’s state
you’ve never seen him like this before so you might as well tease him about it
“didn't your parents teach you it's impolite to enter a room without knocking first?”
oh he can hear the smirk on your face and he wants nothing more than to go up to you and wipe it off himself 
but he knows you’re still in your underwear 
and while it’s true he’s a gentleman, he’s also a man
seeing his crush in her underwear will most definitely get a reaction out of him
he curls his hands into fists by his side, jaw clenching because he knows you’re probably enjoying this
“just shut up and get dressed”
“is my room, i can stay like this if i want”
“put. something. on”
his tone annoys you
who the hell is he to tell you what to do?
“and what if i don’t want to?”
you’re just buffing of course, you’ve already put on one of bakugou’s shirt that you stole from him a week ago
his patience is running out 
and he’s mad at himself because fuck, why does he have to like you so much?
if it was any other girl he couldn’t have cared less and would’ve just walked out
but it’s you, his crush
you’re so different from everyone else and it makes his blood boil because feelings are stupid and he should be focusing on becoming the number one hero, not some silly high school crush
“okay i'm dressed”
a sigh of relief escapes his lips as he turns around, but it doesn’t take long before his eyes are wide open as he takes in your figure
you’re wearing his shirt
it ends just above your mid thigh and it falls around your figure loosely, obviously too big for you
bakugou can feel butterflies in his stomach at the sight 
why are you so pretty? 
“what was that you were saying when you walked in?”
you’re so calm and collected, walking around with only his shirt on 
normally he hates when people wear his clothes, but it looks so good on you he can’t even bring himself to be annoyed
“we’re having a study session tonight,” his voice is low and he fixes his gaze on the wall behind you. “and you can come too, if you want to that is”
“wait that’s a great idea, i’ve been falling behind on english recently”
he nods and you frown at his actions 
sure bakugou can be quiet, when he’s not mad, but he looks  rather…shy?
you smirk once again, knowing what this is all about
“don’t tell me the bakugou katsuki has never seen a girl naked before?”
“the fuck are you talking about?”
“well is either that or you like me because why else would you be so red right now?”
he groans when you say that
anyways he uhhh got tired of you not getting all the hints he’s been dropping and just straight up corners you against the wall
your heart is about to burst out of your chest at the close proximity and the feeling only intensifies when he smirks
he leans down, lips merely inches away from your own
“seeing as you’re not pushing me away right now, i say you like me too, dumbass”
well he’s not wrong soooo
you end up kissing after that✨
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to its rightful owner )
kirishima eijirou:
oh boy, this poor baby
he would be the type to apologize around 100 times and even when you told him it was fine and that you didn’t care, he would still feel guilty
ok so what happened was you were getting ready for your date with kirishima
because yes, he finally asked you out and you couldn’t be happier with life at the moment
and he wanted to know how much longer you were gonna take since he was already done
but you wouldn’t answer his texts
spoiler alert: you were just showering but he was too impatient and also he just wanted to see you again hehe he’s so cute
he makes his way to your room and knocks on the door 
it’s more of like a warning because he doesn’t even wait for a response, he just barges in
you had gotten out of the shower like 3 minutes ago and were in the process of drying your hair in the middle of the room, your back facing kirishima 
“hey y/n how much longer do you think- shit!”
his voice scares you, but you don’t move because you know it’ll be worse if you do 
so you stay frozen in your place
kirishima notices the droplets of water falling from your hair and down your spine before slowly falling down the curves of your-
he flushes completely, his face now matching his dyed hair perfectly, and he turns around with both of his hands covering his eyes
“i’m so so so sorry! that was so unmanly of me. i should’ve just waited until you texted me, but i missed you and wanted to see you so i came over and didn’t wait for an answer and then i saw you and oh god you’re naked and-”
he shuts up when he hears your soft voice calling his name
“calm down”
after that he just stays quiet, trying to calm the erratic beating of his heart and not let his imagination run wild
you should be the one that’s flustered because your best friend and crush just saw your bare ass
but if anything, kirishima’s the one who feels like he’s about to faint from seeing so much skin
he thinks it’s really unmanly of him to see you naked without your consent so he’s on the brink of an existential crisis
meanwhile, as kirishima rethinks all of his life choices, you finish drying your hair and continue to put on your outfit, knowing kirishima wouldn’t turn around any time soon
he’s still facing away from you even when you’ve finished dressing up
you giggle, thinking about how cute he is before tapping his shoulder 
“you can look now, kiri”
even with your permission, he’s still hesitant about his movements
he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything so that’s why he genuinely doesn’t know what to do
kirishima turns around slowly, eyes now focused on the floor
“i’m really sorry about that, y/n. i didn’t mean to i swear and i’m sorry if i made you uncomfortable but-”
“kiri, i’m not mad at you”
“you’re not?”
“of course not, i know it was an accident”
well thank god because he wouldn’t forgive himself if he made you upset 
“besides, you were eventually gonna see me naked”
it was a joke
supposed to be
but kirishima whips his head your way and his eyes almost pop out of their sockets 
a part of him is shy sure, but the other part wants to run laps after hearing you say that
“well yeah but that’s different…” he scratches the back of his neck nervously and your heart swells for the boy in front of you
he really is so sweet
he just wants you to be completely comfortable around him
how could you not be in love with him? 
“how about we forget this ever happened, i finish getting ready, and then we go on our date? hm?”
he nods eagerly after hearing you say that, if you’re happy then he’s absolutely content 
you smile at him before standing up on your tip toes and leaving a chaste kiss against his cheek
of course he blushes again
he’ll never get tired of your cuteness 
or you in general
but this time he’s more confident when he pulls you to his chest in a tight hug
“the view was really nice by the way”
“what? i'm just saying you should be proud”
“you’re so stupid”
“stupidly in love with you that is”
he’s got a dumb smile on his face after he says that
and it only widens when you take his hand in yours to sit him down on your bed 
yup, he’s head over heels for you
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to its rightful owner )
todoroki shouto:
out of the five of them, he’d DEFINITELY be the most chill about it
sure, he’d still feel embarrassed and what not
but he wouldn’t make such a big deal about it
simply because he doesn’t want to make things awkward between you two
so he decides it’s best if he just keeps acting like he normally would
you texted him to come over so you could watch some movies together 
and he had some homework to do but it’s not like he was gonna pass up on the opportunity of spending quality time with you 
unlike the other first years,
todoroki actually knocks and waits for your response
because he has manners, period.
“come on in!”
you said it was okay to come in
so why the hell are you in the middle of changing shirts?????
he wastes no time in closing his eyes
refusing to keep looking at you when you probably don’t even know he’s watching
“um y/n?”
“what are you doing?”
“i’m changing, isn’t it obvious?” your chuckle makes his cheeks heat up 
was this amusing to you?
because he was seconds away from having a heart attack 
however he doesn’t show it
instead, he just continues to keep his eyes closed while trying to think about literally anything else except your bare skin
key word: trying
because he can’t seem to get the image of your clothed breasts out of his mind and he thinks he’s about to go insane 
he also scolds himself because a gentleman shouldnt do that 
but you don’t seem to care at all and that confuses him so much (???
“why do you have your eyes closed?”
“are you done changing”
when he opens his eyes again you’re sitting down on your bed, laptop placed in front of you as you scroll down on netflix
now fully dressed
he lets out a sigh of relief before clearing his throat and sitting down next to you
and he thinks he’s being slick and smooth
but he’s not
he’s actually almost completely stiff 
and when you subconsciously brush your knee against his, he flinches
you frown at his reaction
“are you okay?”
“yeah, why do you ask?”
“because you’re acting weird”
“am not”
“you are”
the banter goes on for a while until you finally figure it out
the way his eyes occasionally look down on your chest only to quickly look away with a blush on his cheeks it's what gives him away
“wait, are you embarrassed just because you saw my boobs?”
cue todoroki wanting to get the hell out of your room
“i’m not embarrassed” 
“your blush says otherwise, todoroki”
he doesn’t know what to say afterwards so he just sits there with a pout on his pretty lips and his eyebrows furrowed
he’s so shy and cute🥺
“if you want to, you can take your shirt off so we’ll be tied”
your tone is teasing as you continue to scroll on your computer, not really giving much thought to what you said
except you forgot todoroki takes everything quite literally
the grin falls from your lips as soon as you see todoroki, indeed, taking off his shirt 
“w-what are you doing?!”
“you said we need to be tied”
“todoroki, that was a joke!”
the roles have been reversed because now you're the one who’s all flustered and looking away from him
he blinks once, then twice before smiling at you
“now who’s being shy?”
“i- shut up and watch the movie”
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to its rightful owner )
midoriya izuku:
he would die
not literally duh
but he’d want to disappear right then and there
you know that one scene where hatsume is pressed up against him and he blushes a shit ton and is just like “b-b-boobs”?
well yeah he’s like that
except he can barely talk because of how embarrassed he is 
he’d also, like kirishima, apologize a lot
he literally just feels like he committed a crime
and you’re like “midoriya, it’s not that deep”
but he’s just upset with himself 
you had told him earlier that you needed some help with your homework
and since he’s such a wonderful friend, he didn’t hesitate to tell you that he’d be more than happy to help
so now he’s happily walking to your room because he loves study dates with you
even tho they’re not dates at all
but still
he loves them
especially whenever you get a question right and you just look up at him with big puppy eyes, waiting for him to praise you
and he does
because you deserve it
you work so hard and he admires you for that
ok BAcK to the point,,,
(i’m sorry i just love this man so much, he makes me so soft)
here’s the deal
midoriya knocks on your door right?
but you don’t hear it because you’re blasting music on your speaker while singing your heart out
so he lets himself in
tho he wants to run back out when he sees your naked back is facing him
you’re changing; that’s the first thing he notices 
the second thing he notices is that you’re standing in front of a mirror
and you’re not wearing a bra
he yelps before turning around and you jump because you hadn’t noticed him 
“izuku? what are you-”
“i’m so sorry y/n! i didn’t mean to invade your privacy like this a-and i didn’t know you were changing and so i opened the door and then i saw you and oh god you’re not wearing a shirt which isn’t bad you know, i m-mean i'm not saying you look bad because ha believe me you don’t but-”
“oh my god dude, would you relax?”
you laugh as you finish putting on your hoodie 
he frowns, you’re laughing? in a situation like this?! are you okay???
“again, i’m sorry and it’s okay if you want me to go because it’s weird and i don’t want you to feel uncomfortable because of me so-”
“ok izuku, first of all stop talking,” he quickly shuts his mouth, still facing the closed door so you don’t see his tomato-like cheeks. “second, turn around,” you place your hands on his shoulders to make him look at you and he tenses at the touch, but turns around anyways 
you offer him a kind smile, the one that makes him fall harder for you everyday and that’s enough to ease his nerves a bit
“third, quit freaking out. it’s not like i’m gonna kill you or anything”
“b-but how are you so...calm?”
“uhh because i don’t really care?” 
he doesn’t know why, but his heart hurts a little after hearing you say that
is not like he expects you to actually reciprocate his feelings but,,
he didn’t have an effect on you whatsoever? not even a little bit?
“and besides, it’s you so i don’t mind”
“what do you mean?”
you shrug, smirking at the green haired boy, “well you like me, right?”
he almost stops breathing 
maybe he did for a few seconds
he looks at you, a mix of emotions flashing through his expression 
is he relieved? is he scared? is he happy?
he doesn’t  k n o w
neverthless, he nods shyly, looking away from your captivating gaze
“and i like you so it’s okay”
midoriya.exe has stopped working
someone PLEASE calm this boy down
he’s about to explode from feeling so much happiness 
“you do?!”
“of course” you smile at him one last time, before interlacing your fingers with his and sitting down on the rug next to your bed so you can study 
or maybe you got a little carried away and ended up cuddling all evening while eating ramen
but that’s besides the point
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to its rightful owner )
tamaki amajiki:
sweet little baby
he faints :D
no but seriously
he does.
are we surprised? 
nope, not at all
he can’t look at you for more than 5 seconds without getting nervous as it is,
but after he saw you half naked?!
yeah no, that’s too much for tamaki
his body shuts down because he cannot handle it
nejire told him to go check up on you because you seemed off at school
which tamaki also noticed because he’s very observant with people (especially you) but he preferred to not say anything 
of course his first response to nejire is straight up: no
he’s too shy 
and he’s scared because what if you get mad at him? or tell him to go away?
he thinks it’s better to give you your space and if you want to talk to him, then he’s more than ready to listen
but nejire wouldn’t shut up about it
then mirio butted in too and they were just whining a lot and he got tired of hearing them talk
now here he is, standing in front of your room with a shaky hand hovering against the wooden door
much like todoroki, he knocks and patiently waits for a response 
which he receives quickly 
“who is it?”
“ahh tama, let yourself in!”
he blushes at the nickname and finally opens the door
he’s about to go sit on your desk chair or something 
but then he sees you
you’re only in your underwear, struggling to put on a hoodie 
and then you jump to try and get it on
and that makes it worse because you’re wearing a  b r a 
long story short,
he falls to the floor :D
the big ‘thud’ startles you and even more so when you see tamaki’s unconscious body on the floor
“shit, tama are you okay?”
it takes him a good 5 minutes to open his eyes again 
he feels a cold towel pressed up against his forehead and he frowns at the feeling
when he turns his head around, he notices that he’s laying down on your bed
but you're nowhere to be seen 
“thank god you’re awake” 
your voice comes from behind him and that’s when he realizes he’s not only laying down on your bed, but also on your lap
“you really worried me!”
cue him blushing like there’s no tomorrow and stuttering 
“s-sorry. i was just s-surprised to see you c-changing and i’m sorry i didn’t tell you i was coming b-beforehand”
you shake your head, “that’s okay tama, i’m not mad at you”
he just nods because he’s afraid he’ll say something dumb if he talks
you brush your fingers through his indigo hair and he swears he can feel himself falling more in love with you in that precise moment 
you smile down at him
“what did you come here for anyway? not that i mind, but you know”
“nejire told me y-you seemed down today s-so i came to check up on you”
butterflies flutter in your stomach at his sweet words
“aww you’re so sweet, but i’m okay. i was just feeling sad”
he sits up to look at you better and he doesn’t miss the way you pout when his hair is no longer in between your fingers 
which makes his heart speed up 
“are you okay?”
his question is so genuine and he seems so concerned, it makes you want to keep him in your pocket forever
“i am now” 
he smiles at your response, happy that you feel better
“i’m glad”
“now come here, i wanna play with your hair”
and who is he to deny such request?
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jungshookz · 3 years
smitten: y/n's note is in jungkook's bag and she needs to get it back like, right now
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➺ pairing; jeon jungkook x reader
➺ genre; smitten!miniseries!! bff!kook & smitten!y/n!! university!au!! honk honk humour!! the boo hoo angsty wattpad-energy fic of your dreams!! unrequited love!! it hurts so bad but that's what makes it so good!!
➺ wordcount; 7.1k
➺ summary; y/n realizes her meticulously written i love you note is burning a hole at the bottom of jungkook's bag and the mere thought of him finding it is enough to make her feel sick to her stomach.
➺ what to expect; "well, maybe the reason why you're just friends is because the two of you won't allow yourselves to be more than that."
➺ smitten: part one [the almost confession]
»»————- 🖤 ————-««
[previously, on smitten...]
where the hell is it?
you reach into the side pockets and you're disappointed when you end up pulling out old tissues and empty gum wrappers
it's not in the front pocket either — just your keys, a pack of bubblegum, and a small bottle of hand sanitizer
your brows knit together in deep thought as you settle back against your seat, your eyes flickering to the side as you-
you immediately pale
oh my god.
you're positive that your heart stops beating for three whole seconds the moment you realize where exactly the note is — because no, you idiot, you didn't shove it into your own bag earlier-
the note is in jungkook's bag.
»»————- 🖤 ————-««
the next thirty or so minutes of class seem to drag on at a snail's pace and you find yourself checking the time on your phone every five seconds to see when you can finally dart out those doors
your first instinct was to immediately get up and leave because of course you wanted to immediately get up and leave, but with only twenty-ish people in the class and the fact that you're seated near the front... well, it would be a little awkward to just pack up your things and trek up towards the doors without a legitimate excuse (you were tempted to tell your professor that your stomach wasn't feeling very good but the thought of your peers associating you with explosive diarrhea quickly changed your mind)
so, you decided to be a good student and wait it out — but, being perfectly honest, you haven't really been paying much attention to the professor since the thought of you shoving your hi bestie, i'm head-over-heels in love with you note into jungkook's bag instead of yours contaminated your mind five minutes ago
you let out a little huff before shaking your head to yourself
how could you be so careless?!
you don't even know how it happened
your bag was sitting on your right thigh, jungkook's bag was sitting on your left thigh... so how the hell did you manage to shove it into his bag??
on the bright side, at least you know where it is, right?
it's in the right side pocket of the bag, so all you have to do is unzip it and stick your hand in and out really quickly without jungkook noticing you rummaging around in his belongings
...but what if he's already read the note?
your foot taps impatiently against the carpeted ground and you reach up and start tugging at your earlobe anxiously, your eyes flickering up towards the dusty analog clock hanging on the wall
c'mon... c'mon...
your grip tightens around your pencil as you continue to trace circles aimlessly on the page, the paper crinkling slightly from the amount of pressure you're putting on it
the stress that's currently eating away at you is probably going to take ten years off your life
"-so, that's pretty much it from me for the day!"
you don't think you've ever been so happy for a class to end as soon as the screen goes black at the front and you waste absolutely no time in packing up
you probably look insane trying to shove your laptop and your notebook into your bag at the same time but you couldn't care less at this point because you need to get the hell out of here
"-please remember to contribute to the discussion threads online... at least four responses, please, and none of those bullshit 'yes, i agree!' responses. i'm definitely not going to count those as participation marks-"
you close your bag with a sharp ziiiip! and you hurry to fold the squeaky desk back into place, a couple of people turning to glance at you for the sudden abundance of clattering and knocking coming from your direction
"excuse me, pardon me-" you pull your backpack on as you step over multiple sets of legs, trying your best not to trample on any feet or knock anyone's tooth out with your bag, "sorry! excuse me-"
you can feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins as you jog up the steps two at a time, your brain immediately mapping out the route to the library jungkook said he'd be at
best case scenario: he hasn't found the note and your friendship with him is still very much in tact
worst case scenario: he found the note and is currently reading it at this point in time and your friendship with him is starting to crumble but you still have a chance to swoop in and pick up the pieces
the absolutely worst case ever in the entire world scenario: he's found the note, he's read the note, he's processed the note, and your friendship with him has been completely annihilated and now he's planning to change his name and leave the country so that he doesn't have to confront you about it
you use your shoulder to shove the doors open before bursting out into the open air, ignoring the concerned glances you're starting to receive from your obviously frazzled state
"oh god, oh god, oh god-!" your backpack flops wildly against your back as you rush down the narrow brick steps leading towards the main boulevard
realistically, jungkook's probably found and read the note, so all you have to do is come up with a short monologue about how all of it was fake and that the note was just a sick, twisted prank of some kind
i know that the note makes it seem like i'm telling you that i'm in love with you, but that's not the truth at all!
"woah, watch it-!"
you accidentally knock into someone's shoulder while sprinting down the lane and you turn around for a second just to hold a hand out while flashing the stranger a sheepish smile
"sorry! so sorry-" you turn back around, reaching up to keep your glasses secured on the top of your head as you continue to sprint, your sneakers slapping down against the pavement
as you read in the note, i made a point about how since we're friends, we should be honest with each other... and honestly, there are nothing but lies in the note! and there's a lesson in that, you know? words can be full of lies but we, as human beings, should be full of truths-
"nope, hate that-" you shake your head and immediately scrunch up that mental piece of paper before tossing it into your brain's garbage bin
you'd sound like an obnoxious philosophy student if you hit him with that explanation
it was a prank! i want to start a prank war with you and this is how i'm kicking things off!
that... that could work, right?
that's not bad!
just tell him that you wanted to start a prank war with him so you decided to go big or go home with an i love you, best friend note to see how he would react!
"so stupid-" you mutter to yourself, slowing down to a jog as you approach the doors to the library, "so, so stupid-"
the Super Epic Prank War ROFL XD™ explanation isn't the greatest excuse but it's the best you can do on such short notice
thankfully, it doesn't take you very long to track down jungkook considering the fact he always sits in the same area every time the two of you come here
your feet come to a screeching halt the moment you spot him and you quickly step to the side to hide behind the wall
you slowly lean over a little to peek at him
he has his headphones on and he's busy typing away at his laptop and you can tell he's concentrating really hard because he has that cute frown on his face and occasionally he'll mutter something to himself
jungkook in intense focus mode is something you find to be very endearing :-)
you quickly shake your head to snap yourself out of your daze before focusing on jungkook's face again
he certainly doesn't look like he just read an explosive love letter...
you could still be safe!
...for now, that is.
"okay, y/n-" you stand up straight and let out a breath, giving yourself a mental pat on the head in an effort to calm your nerves, "better sooner than later, right? just- you just have to rip it off like a bandaid-"
your anxiety seems to build with every step that brings you closer to jungkook and you can almost hear the jaws theme song playing all around you
jungkook, i swear i have a perfectly logical explanation for this...
i know the note does a very convincing job of making it seem like i'm in love with you, but that couldn't be farther from the truth!
da-dum, da-dum
consider this your initiation into our very serious prank war, my friend!
"hi!" you greet a little too enthusiastically, trying your best not to make it seem like you just sprinted across campus to get to him even though you very clearly did
"sorry, seat's reserv- y/n?" jungkook looks up from his laptop before frowning, quickly glancing back down at his screen to check the time as he pulls his headphones off to hang around his neck, "aren't you- didn't your class end, like, literally a minute ago? why are you so- did you run here??" he asks incredulously, getting up from his seat as his brows knit together in concern
"no, no! of course i didn't run here, silly- oh, god, give me a sec-" you wheeze, bending down and gripping onto the back of the wooden chair in front of you as you try to catch your breath, your chest still falling and rising at a concerning pace from the physical stress of sprinting and the mental stress of the current situation, "it was more of a- of a brisk walk, if you think about it- jesus, i think i'm gonna throw up-"
"okay, you need to drink some water- come and sit next to me-" jungkook reaches out to help lead you around the table towards him, "god, i don't know why you thought you had to run over, it's not like i was planning on going anywhere-"
"i'm fine, kook, it's fine-"
"you're, like, literally radiating heat," jungkook turns you around and pulls your bag off your back before pulling out a chair and helping you into it, "and your face is all red!" he frowns, setting your bag down on the table and unzipping it to pull out your water bottle
"my face is always this red!" you force out a casual laugh, waving your hand to dismiss him as you lean back against the seat, "i'm fine, it's fine-"
"shut up and take a sip-" jungkook untwists the cap of your water bottle before shoving it into your hands and gently lifting it up towards your mouth, his head tilting up a little so he can check and see if you're actually drinking anything, "c'mon, hydrate yourself-"
you swallow a couple gulps of water before pulling the bottle away and reaching up to wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, "god, i love water-"
"yeah, i bet." jungkook chuckles, visibly more relieved now that he knows you won't be passing out from exhaustion anytime soon
as you put your water bottle away, your eyes lower towards jungkook's backpack slouching against the leg of his chair and almost immediately the anxiety that you thought you'd just swallowed down bubbles right back up
"so, are you going to tell me why you're acting like the cops are after you?" jungkook jokes, taking his seat before pulling his headphones off and setting them down next to his laptop
"i just, um-" you press your lips together as you slowly start to lean down, stretching your arm out towards the pocket, "i just wanted to see you, buddy!"
"i don't believe that for a second." jungkook snorts, turning to look at you
you shoot straight back up and pull your arm up and behind your head as if you're in the middle of a good stretch, "hey, what's with that tone? it's not a crime for me to want to see you-"
"you saw me at lunch! and that was only like an hour and a half ago-" jungkook turns his head to look back at his screen and you quickly revert back to your mission impossible secret agent mode
the forced smile drops from your face and you lean back down, your fingers blindly feeling for the cool metal of the zipper
"you know, you actually came at just the right time-" jungkook speaks up again and you pause just in case you need to pull away from his bag, but he makes no move to turn and look at you, "ji-eun was about to leave for her class but now you can meet her before she goes off!"
"uh-huh..." your tongue pokes out in concentration as you unzip the pocket in one swift movement, immediately sticking your hand in and feeling around for the balled-up piece of paper, "sounds gre-"
hold on, what did he just say?
you shoot back up
"did you just-" you choke and reach up to pat your chest gently, "i'm sorry, did you just say that ji-eun was here?"
"uh-huh!" jungkook nods, "i didn't know she had a spare at the same time as i did so i was surprised when she came over to say hi- it turns out our schedules are, like, sort of similar which oddly makes me kind of happy-"
it's at that moment that you notice the cherry-patterned tote bag slumped in the chair sitting across from you and you let out a nervous chuckle as you shift in your seat, "great! great, that's so- great, it's great that i'm meeting ji-eun today, out of all days..." you trail off, glancing around warily as you try to come up with some kind of an exit strategy
you're just really not in the mood to meet the love of jungkook's life today
you've already been hit with so many blows and it's only two in the afternoon-
"sorry that took so long! i couldn't find a bin but i bumped into my friends and they said they'd throw it out for me-"
oh, you have got to be kidding me.
your eyes widen in mild panic upon immediately recognizing ji-eun to be the girl who had overheard your entire monologue in the bathroom earlier today — and from the way her eyes flicker, it seems as though she remembers exactly who you are as well
"oh, no worries!" jungkook beams at ji-eun before pointing to you with his thumb, "this is my friend, by the way. the one i was talking about earlier! y/n, this is ji-eun."
you stay quiet as you continue staring up at ji-eun, your mind racing a mile a minute as you consider your current options
you can pretend like you've never met her before or you can make things awkward by telling jungkook that you met her today after she'd emptied her bladder
"...y/n?" jungkook lowers his voice, nudging you with his elbow before letting out a nervous chuckle, "please say something."
"i- yes, hello!" you blurt out, the feet of your chair scraping against the rough carpet as you get up from your seat to stick your hand out towards ji-eun, "it's- ah- it's- it's so nice to meet you! i'm y/n."
ji-eun stays quiet for a second before her lips turn up in a polite smile and she reaches towards you, gently taking your outstretched hand in hers (for the record, her hands are shockingly soft and supple), "it's lovely to meet you... as well, y/n. i love your glasses!"
you can't help but notice the immediate warmth that seems to surround ji-eun and suddenly it makes a lot more sense as to why jungkook's attracted to her
you're about as comforting as stepping into a puddle of water while wearing socks
you feel a slight sense of relief seeing that ji-eun is playing along but your new concern is whether or not she's connected the dots that your monologue in the bathroom was dedicated to jungkook
you didn't actually say his name when you were talking out loud, so you might be able to get away with this...
"oh, these old things?" you reach up to feel the glasses sitting on top of your head before flicking your hand at her, "i bought them on amazon. they're blue-light glasses- i can totally send you the link if you want."
"that would actually be great!" she gasps, nodding enthusiastically, "i desperately need a pair of blue-light glasses- seriously, i stared at my laptop screen for, like, ten hours straight today and i really feel like they're about to roll out of my head-"
"oh my god, don't even get me started. at this point it'd probably feel better to rip them right out of their sockets-"
"ji-eun, you ready?"
"let's gooo, i wanna get an iced coffee before we head off to class."
you and ji-eun don't get a chance to continue bonding over the pain of sore eyes when you're suddenly interrupted by two new voices
you look up to see two guys approaching the table and you subtly push your seat back a bit as you prepare yourself to say hello again
"oh! yeah, i'm ready, sorry-" ji-eun gestures towards you with a smile, "this is- this is jungkook's friend, by the way. y/n, these are my friends."
"hi, hello-" you get up from your seat again to stick your hand out, offering the two (very handsome, might you add) strangers a friendly smile, "i'm y/n, jungkook's friend- but you- you already knew that because that's what ji-eun just said-"
"i'm taehyung! you can call me tae-" the corners of taehyung's mouth immediately raise in a bright grin and he gives your hand a firm shake before nodding next to him, "and this is jimin!"
"hi..." you trail off, turning to give jimin a handshake as well, "so nice to meet you!"
"oh, i just- i actually just washed my hands, so-" jimin chuckles, looking down at your hand before taking a small step back, "but it's nice to meet you... jungkook's friend."
is it just you or did it suddenly get a little icy in here?
"oh, no problem! um, yeah, you too." you pull your hand back before swallowing nervously and forcing the polite smile back on your face, "i like your jacket, by the way! it looks really cool."
maybe it's because he's wearing giant sunglasses indoors but you can't help but feel slightly intimidated by jimin
you can't see his eyes but you can certainly feel them on you and you're definitely getting the vibe that jimin is already not the biggest fan of you for some weird reason
"thank you." he responds curtly, smoothing a hand over the leather before looking down at ji-eun, "so can we go now?"
"mhm!" ji-eun gets up from her chair before pushing it back into place, pulling her tote back up onto her shoulder before flashing a sweet smile at jungkook, "see you later, alligator."
"in a while, crocodile!" jungkook responds enthusiastically, watching with twinkly eyes as she turns and heads off towards the exit with jimin and taehyung glued at either side of her
she even walks prettily
and you were literally clomping down the boulevard like a feral caveman a second ago
you wait until they've disappeared to turn and face jungkook with a raised eyebrow, "...jimin was kind of a bitch."
"hey, play nice!" jungkook frowns, reaching over to give your arm a gentle whack, "he's a fashion major! ji-eun says being snooty is part of the degree requirements-" he grins, shaking his head slightly before leaning back against his chair, "she's, like, super funny."
"mm." you hum, still feeling a little uneasy about your interaction with jimin
you just hate it when first meetings don't go well and that first meeting definitely wasn't super great
but it wasn't like you did anything wrong, right?
you were great!
snooty jimin was the one who was being rude
hopefully you won't have to hang out with him too often if jungkook and ji-eun become an item
maybe you can just stick with taehyung!
he seems to be a lot friendlier
"oh, by the way, i-" you're suddenly reminded of your main mission and you turn to point down at jungkook's bag, "it's not a big deal, but i- i accidentally shoved something in your bag earlier and- could i just get it back from you?"
"you did?" jungkook frowns, leaning down to pick his bag up before unzipping it all the way and pulling both flaps open, "what was it?"
"it was- uh- just some notes on a scrap piece of paper!" you immediately feel the weight lift from your shoulders at jungkook's cluelessness to the situation, "i put it in the right side pocket-"
"wait, are you talking about, like, a balled up thing of paper?" jungkook pauses before looking up at you with wide eyes, "oh, shit- was it important??"
"um, i wouldn't call it important-" you snort, shaking your head, "is it not there? i swore it was in the right side pocket-"
"no, no, it was there! it was there, i just- ji-eun needed to spit her gum out and i thought it was one of my scrap pieces of paper-" jungkook winces, grabbing his phone and unlocking it with fumbling fingers, "i'm so sorry, y/n- let me text ji-eun and ask her which garbage can she threw it into and i can go dig it out-"
"no, no, it's okay!" you nearly let out a screech of delight knowing that your note now has a slobbery wad of gum in it and is living at the bottom of a trash can, "it's fine, i just- they were just boring notes for something. i just wanted to see if i had really shoved it into your bag or not."
"oh, okay-" jungkook's shoulders immediately slump and he sets his phone down on the table, "you're sure it wasn't important?"
"100%." you hold both hands out with a chuckle, "i needed to throw it out anyway so i guess ji-eun actually did me a favour-"
"okay, phew." jungkook sighs, zipping his bag back up and plopping it back down on the ground next to his feet, "anyways- i'm actually glad you're here because now you can help me plan out my date! i was working on it but then ji-eun came and obviously i couldn't have that google doc open in front of her-" he turns his laptop to show you all of his hard work with a grin, "check it out! i have a list of things i need to buy, i have outfit ideas, i even went on pinterest for inspiration-"
"wow, kook-" your eyes bulge out for a second at the sight of the extensive and shockingly organized google doc before you reach over to pull his laptop closer towards you, "i... i really don't think i've ever seen you... even make a google doc before-"
he even has the sunset time written down for the date
why would he need to know what time the sun is setting??
"i have everything planned for next week." jungkook pulls his laptop back to him as you settle back against your seat, "i already emailed my landlord to ask if i would even be allowed to hang out on the rooftop and he said it would be fine! he also reminded me to keep a brick wedged between the door so that i don't lock us up on the rooftop-"
"so you're definitely going with the rooftop picnic, then?"
"oh, i'm actually changing it to a rooftop dinner instead of a picnic." jungkook shakes his head before giving you a half-hearted shrug, "i think a picnic is cute but i really wanna try to impress her, y'know? i ordered this thing on amazon just now- basically, it's a medium-sized inflatable bubble tent! the description says it's perfect for two people and- i'm gonna, like-" he pauses and looks away from his screen towards you with a smile, "well, you know, i'm gonna do what you said and i'm gonna stuff it full of blankets and pillows and... hopefully i can string up fairy lights and stuff on the inside... so that after the date we can go in there and just talk and not have to worry about getting attacked by mosquitos!"
"wow, that's-" you cross your arms over your chest before leaning back and looking up towards the ceiling, "huh. that's actually a cute idea, kook. i wouldn't have been able to come up with something like that. i didn't even know transparent tents existed."
"i know." jungkook gives you a smug little smile before bursting into a grin, "but yeah, that's it! all we have to do is go and pick up all the supplies and stuff."
"we?" you frown, looking back down at jungkook, "i... wasn't aware i was part of this plan..."
"what? of course you are!" jungkook snorts, looking at you as if a third eye just sprouted from your forehead, "obviously you have to help me-"
"well, i just don't know if that's-" you chuckle uneasily as you rub the back of your neck, "i really- i don't wanna get in your way, you know? maybe you should- maybe you should just take care of all of this yourself! i mean, you basically planned everything already-"
"what? but- but you're my-" jungkook deflates and you instantly feel bad upon seeing his eyes suddenly turn sad, "okay..."
you press your lips together and wait for him to say something else but the next few seconds are filled with nothing but awkward silence and the faint buzzing of the fluorescent lights hanging above you
you'd jump off a cliff if jungkook asked you to but helping him prepare and set up his date is something that you,.., definitely would not enjoy.,.,
but then again, this isn't about you, is it?
this is about jungkook, your friend, and he needs your help to set up this very important date that-
oh, damnit.
"i'm-" you clear your throat as you sit up in your seat, reaching over to give jungkook's hand a pat, "no, of course i'll help, kook. i just thought that- well, this date seems so important to you that i thought you wanted to take care of all the details yourself!"
the bright smile immediately returns to jungkook's face and you resist the urge to call him out on so blatantly guilt-tripping you like that-
"yes! you're the best!"
"i know."
»»————- 🖤 ————-««
although you and jungkook are practically inseparable on campus (and some would say it might be healthy for the two of you to give each other a little bit of space) — you don't think you'll ever say no to hanging out with him downtown
of course, hanging out with jungkook downtown would be a lot more fun if it weren't for the fact that the two of you have basically spent the entire day shopping for all the things he needs for his date
and if it weren't for the fact that he paid for lunch and treated you to a cake pop and a venti-sized iced coffee, you would probably be livid about having to carry everything for him because you really feel like your arms are about to pop right off in about two seconds
fancy cutlery, porcelain plates, fluffy throw pillows, a giant blanket, fairy lights... at this point he might as well buy an entire house for ji-eun
and look, you know you probably sound bitter and that-should-be-me about this whole situation, but that couldn't be farther from the truth!
it's just that listening to someone you like gushing about the person that they like for an entire day while you're carrying bags full of things for their date can get a little mentally and physically exhausting so if you're grouchy right now it's really not your fault
"i think we might have to call an uber back to your place, jungkook-" you mutter, adjusting the hefty tote bag over your shoulder with a grunt as you trail behind him on the sidewalk, "bringing all of this on the bus is going to piss people off-"
you stumble over your feet a little when the bag in your right hand knocks into a garbage can and you curse to yourself while resisting the urge to kick the damn thing over
"okay, grumpy, we'll call an uber home-" jungkook spins around with a smile before raising the notepad in his hand and tapping against it with his pen, "i just have one more thing i have to take care of and then we can go!"
"okay, well-" you set the bags down onto the ground with a fwump! before rubbing your sore palms together, "what else do you have to get?"
jungkook offered to help carry a couple of things but you insisted that you'd take it all and that he should just focus on ticking off all of the items on his list
you wince at the sight of the pinkish-red imprints now embedded into your palms from the straps of the bags
obviously you've now come to regret your generous offer
"flowers!" jungkook chirps, using his pen to point to the flower shop a couple of shops down, "i have to greet ji-eun with a bouquet of flowers as pretty as she is-"
"yeah, i understand-" you adjust the two bags on both shoulders before bending down to pick up the other two on the ground, "also, i'm not a genius or anything but i'm pretty sure the flowers aren't going to survive until the date if you buy them now-"
"duh, obviously not- i'm going to place an order now and then pick them up on the day of the date!" jungkook tsks, waiting for you to join his side before he begins walking towards the flower shop, "thanks for doing all of this for me, by the way. you really are the best." he hums, hurrying over to open the door for you
"i... yeah, of course, kook." you feel yourself soften slightly as soon as you see the sweet little smile on his face and you quickly scold yourself in your head for being so curt with him all day, "that's what friends are for, right?"
"mhm!" jungkook slaps his hands down on your shoulders from behind before giving them a squeeze, "and i am so letting you choose whatever you want for dinner tonight-"
"oh, jesus-" you and jungkook are immediately greeted by an overenthusiastic employee as soon as you step into the shop and you honestly probably would've knocked him out with one of your shopping bags if they weren't so heavy-
"are you two looking for anything in particular?" he smiles kindly before gesturing towards the large selection of flowers all around you, "we have flowers of all kinds! roses, tulips, lilies- i can even show you flowers from our new tropical selection-"
"actually-" jungkook nudges you aside before glancing down at the employee's nametag, "seokjin, i'd like to place an order for a custom bouquet, if that's okay."
"ah, a custom bouquet!" seokjin claps his hands and rubs them together enticingly, "what are you celebrating? i need to know so that i can help pick out the perfect flowers for your bouquet."
"well, i don't know if it's a celebration-" jungkook chuckles, his cheeks pinking slightly as he reaches up to rub the back of his neck, "it's for a first date."
"a first date!!" seokjin gasps excitedly before turning his head to look at you, "you must be so-"
"-oh, not for me!" you let out a laugh before shaking your head quickly, "it's- it's definitely not for me. i'm just here to provide moral support and-" you lift one of the bags to show him, "muscular support."
"ah, i see... okay, well- why don't i take you around and introduce you to the different candidates you could consider for your bouquet?" seokjin turns back to look at jungkook, "each flower you choose will be very important in showing your future lover how much you care about them-" he pauses when he notices you hovering behind jungkook and he leans over a little with a bright smile, "why don't you go and wait by the front counter, darling? you can put everything down there and take a little break. there's some cucumber water and fresh puff pastry apple roses up at the front if you're interested!"
"well, i can't say no to free food." you snort, nodding before turning to head towards the front counter, "i'll just wait for you over there, then..."
you nearly let out a moan of relief as soon as you set all the bags down and you twist your upper body to the right and to the left until you feel the a satisfying pop! of your spine cracking back in place
your body was not made to carry heavy things
in fact, you'd like to argue that your body was made to lie down and do nothing
you take a seat on the wooden stool before turning to look at the apple roses sitting prettily in the display case and you almost feel like you shouldn't touch them even though seokjin offered them to you
even the pitcher of cucumber water looks too nice to touch
this place is awfully fancy
you didn't even know flower shops could be this fancy
you prop both elbows up on the counter before leaning back comfortably, your eyes lazily scanning around the store
"$15 for a single rose?" you gawk at the little wooden sign poking out from a large bouquet of neatly wrapped long-stem roses before making a face, "god."
you can't even imagine how much a custom bouquet is going to cost if a single rose is fifteen bucks
"-also write a note for you and attach it to the bouquet, if you're interested in that. it'll be an additional five dollars, but we handwrite it on the highest quality card stock with the most beautiful calligraphy and we even spray it with perfume-"
you perk up when you hear seokjin's voice and you look to see him and jungkook coming over to you
you have to admit that seokjin is great at his job because he's doing a good job at milking every dollar out of jungkook-
"yeah, that would be great!" jungkook nods enthusiastically, pulling his backpack off before unzipping it to grab his wallet, "i think a small note might be cute-"
"oh, that reminds me!" seokjin stops in his tracks right as he's about to lift the wooden slab to get behind the counter, "would you be interested in purchasing a teddy bear as well? if you add a teddy bear to your order, i'll give you a slight discount on the flowers."
"ooh, a discount!" jungkook gasps and you turn your head slightly so seokjin won't see you rolling your eyes at how much he's forcing jungkook to buy
you respect the hustle but this is too much
"where are the teddy bears?"
"right by the flowers!" seokjin smiles, wrapping an arm around jungkook's shoulders and spinning him around, "we can round back and take a look-"
"okay, i think i have to cut in here-" you chuckle, reaching out and grabbing the back of jungkook's elbow, "you don't- you don't think a bouquet of flowers and a teddy bear is a little too much for a first date?" you clear your throat quietly before offering a shrug, "i feel like that's just... a lot, kook. i mean, i would be overwhelmed if-"
"well, i guess it's a good thing i'm not taking you out on a date then, right?" jungkook teases, wiggling his arm out of your grip before turning back to look at seokjin, "onward to the bears, my good man!"
"yeah." you can't help but frown as jungkook and seokjin head back towards the flowers, "thanks for the reminder."
"that's gotta hurt."
"god-" you jump at the sudden appearance of an employee standing behind the counter and you place a hand over your chest before letting out a breath, "you scared me!"
"sorry." he shrugs, "we polished the floors this morning so my shoes are making, like, no noise."
a moment of silence passes while you turn to face away from him again, but all of a sudden-
"so he really can't tell that you like him, huh?"
"you-" you immediately straighten up and your head spins around so fast that you're surprised you didn't complete decapitate yourself, "excuse me??"
"what? it's obvious." the employee snorts, spraying cleaner onto the counter before reaching up to yank the tattered rag off his shoulder, "it's painfully obvious, actually-"
you can feel your entire face starting to go red as this complete stranger continues to rip you a new one and you hold a hand out to shut him up, "no offense, but i-i don't think this is any of your business, sir-"
"it's yoongi." yoongi looks down at his apron for a second before frowning, "huh. i forgot to put my dumb name tag on again-"
"well, yoongi-" you place emphasis on his name in an effort to intimidate him and make him go away, "you don't know what you're talking about and i suggest you mind your own business-"
"you should tell him before it's too late." yoongi doesn't seem to be all that affected by your biting tone and you roll your eyes at the way he rounds back to the topic
"what are you even talking about?"
"well, i assume you're going to be his best man at his wedding. from the way it's looking, you're certainly not going to be the bride," yoongi purses his lips as he folds up the rag into a neat little square, "you don't wanna wait until you're fixing his tie at the wedding to tell him that you love him."
"what makes you think i lo-" you cut yourself off quickly before that word slips out of your mouth, "like him?"
"if you didn't, you wouldn't be here right now." yoongi points out with a tilt of his head, "and from how smudgy your eyeliner is, it looks like you've been working hard all day."
your jaw drops slightly and you can't help but scoff
the nerve of this guy!
"who do you think you are?!"
"i'm yoongi." yoongi raises a brow, "i told you that like a second ago- wow, you are not a good listener-"
"do you usually do this with all of the customers who come here?" you interrupt, crossing your arms defensively before leaning in slightly, "you're awfully nosy-"
"i only do this with the ones that seem to have something juicy going on." yoongi hums, leaning down to put the spray bottle of cleaner under the counter, "this is a flower shop. the most exciting part of my day is watching a bumblebee choose which flower to land on."
"well, nothing juicy is going on here so-" you twist back around before sticking your nose up in the air slightly, "sorry to disappoint."
"alright, fair enough." yoongi nods to himself, letting out a sigh as he slowly backs away from the counter, "i guess i'll just leave you to... wallow in self-pity... and continue staring at your friend with cartoon hearts floating around your head-"
"'you should tell him before it's too late-'" you swivel around and slap both your palms down on the counter, "why would you- why would even say something like that?! i can't tell him. are you insane?!"
a smirk twitches at the corner of yoongi's mouth at your sudden confession and he lets out a sigh before stepping back up towards you, "and why can't you tell him?"
"because- i just can't! he's-" you clear your throat before leaning in and lowering your voice, "he's literally taking someone else out on a date- we're here to buy flowers for his date-"
"so what?" yoongi interrupts, "it's just a date. it's not like you're stopping his wedding."
"so what? because he doesn't like me back, so what's the point?" you hiss, resisting the urge to reach over and smack some common sense into this very nosy and very stubborn stranger, "this isn't a romantic comedy- and even if it was, i'm very obviously not the main character-"
"you don't know that he doesn't like you back."
well now he's just toying with you
"i... i can't tell if you're kidding or not-"
"do i look like i'm kidding?" yoongi asks, pointing to his poker face before shaking his head, "you don't know that he doesn't like you back. you've obviously never asked him."
"oh, please." you scoff, turning around to lean back against the counter again, "trust me, i know it."
"well, did he ever explicitly say that he didn't like you?" yoongi leans over to peek at jungkook over your shoulder, "do you have a definitive answer to this particular question?"
"no, but he doesn't have to... we're just friends." you frown, your eyes wandering over to the back of jungkook's head, "he doesn't like me. i know he doesn't. we're just friends."
we're just friends.
(saying it out loud is a lot more depressing than you thought it'd be.)
"well, maybe the reason why you're just friends is because the two of you won't allow yourselves to be more than that," yoongi suggests, your head tilting to the side slightly as you force yourself to consider his surprisingly wise words, "it's obvious that you have a solid friendship so it would suck if a relationship ruined that- so maybe he does like you and is only asking someone else out to try to force himself not to like you..."
you feel your heart skip a beat when jungkook turns to glance at you over his shoulder with a soft smile while seokjin continues rattling off about the vast choice of teddy bears available for purchase
you bite back a giggle when he mouths a desperate 'help' at you before raising his hand and twirling his finger next to his head to tell you that seokjin is fully crazy
"...so i guess what i'm trying to say is that you're never really going to know how he feels about you if you don't ask him," you tune back in to the end of yoongi's little speech and you turn your head slightly to glance back at him, "but what do i know, right? i just polish counters at high-end flower shops."
🎙️tell jungkook he's being an idiot or tell y/n to get a backbone (send in an ask!)
✨why don’t you explore the rest of the library while you’re here? (full fics!)
💫or perhaps you want something shorter to read? (drabbles and mini series like smitten!)
🌟or something even shorter? (teeny tidbits!)
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luxwritesfanfic · 3 years
On Tap
Sherlock insists that it would work better with the reader on top and after the night they’ve had, there’s no point in arguing. Or, the one where reader plays superhero for poor Greg and her beloved detective. Thanks for reading!
Sherlock Holmes/Reader
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You hadn’t even taken your shoes off when your phone started ringing in your purse. Sighing, you dug around for it with one hand and reached for the lightswitch with the other. Work had been incredibly stressful since you were working short during flu season and everyone in London had been feeling under the weather apparently. You had told your coworkers that if they really needed you that you would come back even though you had put a solid 16 hours in. Sherlock and John had gone out for John’s bachelor party so you didn’t mind working late, and Bucky was visiting his brother in the States so all your time was truly yours. You had thought about soaking in the bath or catching up on that show you always missed, but all of those thoughts were stopped in their tracks when the ringing persisted.
“Hey, what’s up?” You tried not to sound like you’d rather chew on glass than clock one more minute into the hospital but you weren’t sure you were so convincing.
“Come get him. Please, for the love of God, come get him.” At hearing Greg’s voice, you were both relieved yet confused. Sherlock must’ve invited him last minute to celebrate with them, you didn’t remember him saying that he was coming along.
“Oh, I didn’t know you went out with the boys! Where are you guys?” It was nice to know they were all having a good time. You liked Greg and thought he was a really good friend for Sherlock and John. You had plopped down on the couch and had started pulling one of your shoes off when he said, “No, I didn’t go with them. They were brought to me. Someone called the cops on them and now I’ve got tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum arguing about the solar system and taking turns puking in my waste bin. Please, I beg of you, come get him. Matter of fact, I can bring him home. If that makes the process quicker--- I mean easier.” You heard Sherlock trying to take Greg’s phone in the background, asking to talk to you and then quickly after arguing with John once more if it was really that important he knew they orbited the sun. Greg sounded just as exhausted as you felt and you could only imagine how annoyed he was by the drunk detective that he was already annoyed with most of the time sober.
“Yeah, yeah of course I’ll come get him. I’m actually at my flat though, so if you could meet me at his place that would be awesome. I’d just need a few minutes to finish up here...” You mourned the hot bath you were never going to get to take and worked on shoving the shoe you just took off back on, “did you call Mary for John?”
“Yes, she’ll be over soon. As soon as she gets here, I’ll bring Sherlock. You’re doing the Lord’s work, thank you.” With that, he hung up and you went to your room to pack an overnight bag. You were exhausted and if you had to go all the way to Sherlock’s, it would be easier for you to crash on the couch than to try to come back home late.
By the time you got to Sherlock’s, you were dragging your feet up the stairs and you could barely keep your eyes open. You had received a text from Mary when she picked John up saying “good luck” and you wished you knew what you were walking into. You had never seen Sherlock drunk, or heard any stories of him being drunk, but you were sure he was even more eccentric than he was sober. If you weren’t so tired, you’d be jumping with joy at the experience to see Sherlock so out of character. 
You went into Sherlock’s room and laid out some pajamas for him and went ahead and put a water bottle and some Advil on his nightstand because you were sure he would need it. After doing that, you changed into something more comfortable too and rummaged through his fridge to see if there was anything to eat. Thumbs, unsalted butter, and milk that shouldn’t look like blue cheese was what was on the menu and you had decided sleep for dinner sounded much more appetizing. You’d go shopping for him tomorrow.
Greg had texted that he was outside but Sherlock didn’t have his key so you made your way down the steps to meet them. Upon opening the door, Sherlock looked up at you like he hasn’t seen you in ages. He stumbled towards you and held you at arms length with a look of wonder on his face. “Finally! Y/N, I was thinking I’d die from being surrounded by total stupidity, and here you are. Ever the shining light and the beacon of hope.”
You felt the heat from his stare and turned to Greg to try and keep your composure under all his attention. “Uh.. I— thank you. For bringing him home.”
Still staring at Sherlock and shocked by his outburst, Greg met your eyes with a knowing smile. “It’s no trouble. He’s your problem now. Good luck, my dear.” He was gone in the blink of an eye, leaving you with a very drunk Sherlock Holmes and a dozen steps to climb.
“Okay,” you clapped your hands together, turning towards the door, “do you think you can get up the stairs? Or do you want me to help you?”
“Don’t be an idiot,” he started until his eyes widened like he forgot who he had been talking to. It had only been a second but he saw the look that flashed across your face. You hated when he made you feel dumb because you always tried so hard to keep up with him, and he knew that. You didn’t have a chance to react before he quickly interrupted. His previous statement was immediately followed by, “I’m sorry. Forgive me. Please help me.”
You just nodded, unsure of what made him have such a quick change of heart but you were happy he did. You hated him thinking you were dumb. In comparison to him, maybe, but you were intelligent in your own right and you did a better job of keeping up with him than most. He threw his arm around your shoulders to steady himself and allowed you to lead him carefully up the stairs. He started telling you about his night and it honestly sounded like he had a great time, and so did John. You were really happy that it all worked out even if they did end up with Greg at the end of it all.
As soon as the back of Sherlock’s legs hit his chair, he was down in a clean swoop and you took the opportunity to start untying his shoes. He seemed like he was lost in thought and was quiet for a few moments but you could tell from the way he was swaying that he was too far gone to sober up before the morning.
“I already put your clothes out for you and I’ll help you to the bathroom so you can brush your teeth. You’ll love me for that in the morning.” You smiled at him as you pulled off his loafers and moved to stand up so that you could figure out how you were going to get him out of his chair.
“Will I, though? Will I tomorrow once I’m in my right mind?” He asked, and while he didn’t say it in an ignorant tone, it sounded like Sherlock, and that was close enough.
You looked at him hoping he’d say something else. But he didn’t, and he looked back at you with a look of confusion as if he was really expecting you to answer that. It seemed like just last week he was in your bed trying to convince you that he didn’t have eyes for anyone besides you and now he’s reminding you that he’s not even sure of that. Sherlock could have you at the top of the poll and then have you kissing the ground in the same hour if he tried.
“It’s just a saying. I didn’t really mean...you know, let’s— let’s just get you to bed. It’s late and you have a date with a hangover in the morning.” You could tell he was on the verge of passing out which was good in the way of no more awkward conversations but horrible in that you’d never get him into bed as dead weight. So you pushed things along and eventually got him in bed before he was out like a light.
Draping the blanket over him, you watched as his eyes fluttered behind his lids and how his lips twitched as fell into a deeper sleep and you were sure then that you would never love anyone more. You would never understand how he didn’t realize how beautiful he made the ordinary and how easily he made everything extraordinary. Afraid that you’d turn to stone if you spent any more time staring at him, you turned off his light and made your way to the living room where the the couch had never looked more inviting. It didn’t take you long to get settled in and asleep seeing as the TV in the background ended up being the perfect thing to mask Sherlock’s drunk snores and you had never been more tired in your life.
“I thought you were staying over?”
It had only been a few hours since you  had put Sherlock to bed when he found himself looking over you on the couch, wrapped up in his bedsheet.
“M’right here.” You murmured into the pillow, body still turned away from Sherlock on the couch. He was probably still drunk and you were hoping if you laid still enough he’d wander back to bed.
He didn’t respond to you, instead he continued to stand and stare with his lips pursed and brows furrowed. You had drifted back off only to be nudged awake once more.
“I won’t fit like that.” He gestured with the hand not holding the sheet to the couch, sounding exasperated like he had been explaining this to you all night. “It’ll only work if you’re on top, so get up so I can lie down first.”
You didn’t process what he said really, you just knew that if he was being persistent and you didn’t do as he asked he’d never let you go back to bed. You squinted as your eyes adjusted to the light and swung your legs off the couch, standing on stiff bones. Sherlock immediately made to get comfortable on the couch while you stood dazed and confused and he cleared his throat expectantly when he had finally got settled. He was on his back with one arm holding the sheet up between himself and the back of the couch allowing room for you to climb over and snuggle right into him.
All you could do was blink and hold his stare as he waited expectantly, still holding the sheet for you. You didn’t think he was asking you to lay with him, especially with how close you’d two be. Sure, you shared your bed before, but there was always enough room for you both to have your own space. You could tell he was getting embarrassed by your reaction, or lack there of.
“I didn’t think this would be rocket science, even for someone like you.” His nervousness was showing as he yanked his arm back down and curled into to himself like a child. You jumped into action so you wouldn’t upset him any more and shook his shoulder as you whined, partially from exhaustion and from missing the chance to sleep next to him.
“I’m tired, I’m sorry! I didn’t realize what you were asking. Come on, open up. Let me in.” You continued to shake at his shoulder until he looked back at you. He looked wrecked from drinking all night and you knew this bout of sobriety wouldn’t be as easy on him in the morning but you were sure he looked holy.
Sherlock reluctantly brought his arm up again and you wasted no time sliding under the sheet and tucking yourself under the crook of his arm. He smelled like beer and mouthwash and Sherlock and you thought you were going to go into cardiac arrest when he brought his arm back down on you, subsequently pinning you down to him. It was definitely a tight fit especially since the couch barely fit Sherlock but you had decided that if you had the opportunity to sleep with him like this every night that you would. Back pain be damned.
The steadiness of his heartbeat was already working you back to sleep. Sighing content, you let your body fully relax and sink further into him.
“You never answered my question.” He shifted next to you and kept you close to him all the same, his head leaning to rest on yours.
“Hmm?” You made an incoherent sound, your breath evening out as you fell asleep.
“My question,” he whispered more so to himself as he worked it out in his head. The feelings he found himself harboring for you were ones he had never felt before. He thought  so highly of you in a way he couldn’t understand even if he wasn’t the best at expressing it. You were patient with him when he got on your last nerve and was amazed by him when other people would tell him to piss off. You were always kind and warm and made him feel human even after he spent so long separating himself from his feelings. He couldn’t stand the idea of you looking at anyone else the way you looked at him when you thought he wasn’t looking.
So yes, he thought. Yes, he would love you in the morning. He’d love you when you’re angry with him for putting himself at risk during a case and he’d love you when you were overly tired and petulant after he made you stay up all night to keep him company in the lab. He loved that you valued him regardless of what he offered you, and that you always showed him that even if he never reciprocated it. You were never embarrassed by him, you always tried to learn about what he was interested in, and you never doubted him even when he was wrong.
Girlfriends weren’t naturally his area... but he didn’t think he would mind if it was you. He liked being close to you and physical touch wasn’t something he had sought out often before. He found that he chased the opportunity to be near you at all times. He thought you looked lovely in scrubs and a lab coat and even lovelier in your everyday wear, even if you considered it plain. He had begun to notice the way other people stared at you when you walked by and it left him with the most unsettling feeling. But then you’d smile at him and despite himself he’d smile right back and he wondered if anything in the world mattered to you besides him. Because in those moments, nothing mattered to him besides you.
Sherlock woke up alone again the next morning with the worst headache he’d ever had. Light was shining through the curtains and he cursed the sun for rising another day as he covered his eyes and groaned. Peaking through his fingers, he saw that the Advil and water had been moved to the coffee table for him and when he reached out for it he noticed the note on the table. He sat up with one hand gingerly holding his head as he read it.
“Got called into work to help the girls. John and Mary are coming over for lunch, so text me what you want me to bring home. We can’t serve our best friends buttered thumbs for lunch. I’ll see you soon!
  -Y/N xx”
He held the note in his hand, contemplating what his next move would be. You were interested in him, that he knew for sure. He’d contemplated casually mentioning to everyone that you were dating, but he technically hadn’t asked you to be his girlfriend and you two had never talked about any mutual feelings. Maybe he’d kiss you when walking you to your taxi, but he knew he’d make you stay with him instead of letting you go home. Possibly tonight when you were laying in his bed he’d tell you it had to be you, it could only ever be you.
Leaning back against the couch, he rubbed at his eyes and decided he’d call John over early and he’d help him sort it out. John always helped him. Standing up was harder than it looked apparently, as Sherlock wobbled to the side and fought the urge to puke. Perhaps he should shower first, surely you wouldn’t say yes to being his if he didn’t look his best.
He remembered how he looked and acted last night and winced. On second thought, maybe you would. You had already given yourself to him for better or for worse and soon enough, he smiled, he would give you himself in return.
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yoditorian · 3 years
reverb - strange meeting
din djarin/reader
the second instalment/first entry (?) of this universe!!! i only initially intended painkiller to be standalone (and it can still be read as such) but it had such a warm reception and i wasn’t quite ready to let din and hunter go so here we are
series masterlist // main masterlist
word count: 2.4k // warnings: swearing, inappropriate thoughts/fantasies, reader gets hit on, impatient writing, violence, blood, 18+ pls no babies
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You fucking hate working with other hunters. No exceptions.
Bounty hunters are selfish and greedy and, the general rule is, you can’t trust any of them as far as you could throw them. Yourself included.
Oh, but it’s a big number though.
Big enough that even with a four way split, you could top off your savings enough to finally replace your piece of shit ship for something slightly less piece of shit. Maybe spring for a hull that isn’t held together with duct tape and prayers. A galley you can actually turn around in, a decent cargo hold, space for an on board carbonite freezer so you wouldn’t have to use the bunk room as a quarry cell. You’re already daydreaming about all the things your new ship will have when you key in a simple ‘yes’ to your new guild rep on the comm. The meeting coordinates come through only a moment later, and you’re off.
Nevarro stinks of sulfur. That’s your first thought as your nose wrinkles and the ship’s ramp lowers, creaking all the way down until it hits the ground with an unceremonious thud.
The second is that they overcharge for docking. By a mile. 
Still, you fish around in your pocket for your credit chip and try not to flinch when you tap it against the attendee’s reader. The payout that awaits you makes the eye watering amount a little easier to swallow, at least. 
You’ve not met Greef Karga yet, not face to face anyway. He’s popped up on your holo a few times in recorded messages to pass along guild updates after your previous representative disappeared mysteriously - not that there’s much mystery when you consider his debts had him owing everyone and their mother at least a thousand credits, including yourself. 
You follow the directions he’d sent you. Under the archway, through the market stalls, left at the fountain in the centre of town, can’t miss it. Except you almost do. If you couldn’t hear the clinking of glasses and dull murmur of conversation from the open doorway, you would have walked right past it. The outside is just as dusty and crumbling away in the humidity as any other building in this town. You’re starting to miss the dry, cracking heat of your old guild base at Tatooine. 
Karga, at least, stands out in a crowd. 
Him you definitely can’t miss. He’s all booming laughter and royal coloured robes, lounging in a booth across from the bar. So, you’re spared the embarrassment of hanging around in the hopes someone will call you over. He shoos a Gamorrean away from the table, grumbling about unpaid debts and waving you over in the same breath. You slide into the round booth across from him and, as friendly as he seems, you get the feeling he’s itching to get down to business. 
“You have a job for me?” 
He studies you for a moment longer, before a smile quirks his lips.
“You certainly don’t waste any time!” Karga laughs, and you let the relief sink you a little more comfortably into the booth.
“My last rep wasn’t one for pleasantries.” 
“Your last rep swindled every last one of his contacts, I’d have thought you’d want some assurance I won’t do the same.”
You size him up, not dissimilarly to the way he did you, and shake your head. The relaxed set of his shoulders despite your scrutinising gaze, the expensive embroidery on his robe, the way his smile is just this side of smarmy. You know exactly where this man comes from.
“You seem honest enough for a magistrate.”
That seems to shock him, though only for a moment. Karga recovers with a hearty laugh and a good-humoured point in your direction.
“We’ll be hard-pressed to get anything past you, won’t we?”
If luck has any intention of being on your side, he won’t try. 
He seems satisfied enough with your mutual assessments of one another and launches straight into the finer details of the job. Four leading members of an underground crime ring on Oshira turned on the fifth and went into hiding, only they didn’t quite finish the job on the fifth and now he’s out for blood. He’s given specific instructions to scoop them up after they’ve met up, to avoid suspicion; though he’s not overly bothered about the state they’re returned in, so long as they’re alive enough that he can kill them slowly. But four quarries means four hunters. You don’t manage to stop your nose from wrinkling at the reminder of the split reward, but Karga assures you as he slides a single puck across the table: he’s sending his best. 250,000 credits is nothing to turn your nose up at, even before the guild takes its cut and the rest is shared out. A nice little nest egg to tip you over into the green on your ship savings. Perfect.
The group waiting for you at the docking bays the next morning is an odd one, that’s for sure. Standing around kicking the stones at their feet are a Zabrak, a human, and a - a Mandalorian. Well, that’s something you don’t see everyday. 
The Zabrak introduces himself as Xeko the moment he spots you heading for them, jogging over to take your hand in a greeting better suited to slimy dignitaries than a bounty hunter. He’s been in your eyeline for all of five seconds before he extends the offer to blow off some steam after the job, you don’t miss the way his tongue flicks out over his lips as you take your hand back.
“I make a point of not shitting where I eat, you should probably do the same.” You nudge past him gently to move forward and introduce yourself to the others, breathing a silent sigh of relief when he doesn’t seem overly pissed off at the rejection. 
Pavlan Kar, the human, apologises for his colleague’s forwardness with a tight smile that seems so well rehearsed, you have to wonder how much of his time Xeko spends hitting on other hunters. He explains you’ll all be taking his ship, big enough to take four carbonised quarries plus the four of you, and that the job itself shouldn’t take more than three days. Everybody has their puck, everybody knows the plan. 
That’s all you get when you turn to offer the Mandalorian your name. And you should feel a little affronted at the gruffness of it, but something about that voice shoots straight down your spine - and it’s more than a bit of a fight to keep your legs from turning to jelly under the weight of his gaze. 
You hold his eye, at least you hope it’s his eye rather than his forehead or an eyebrow, for another long moment and hope he mistakes it for a challenge rather than the distinctly unsavoury places your imagination has wandered off to. Places full of whispered praises in his gravelly tone and those leather gloved fingers wrapped around your neck and - okay, time to think of unsexy things. You don’t know what kind of tech he has under that helmet, but you’d rather he didn’t get a chance to guess why your heart rate has jumped. You’re the first to break contact, and scurry off towards the open ramp of Pavlan’s ship before you can say something stupid. 
What most people don’t realise about bounty hunting is that it’s mostly waiting. Throughout the galaxy, you’ve met all kinds of people who assume your life is fast and exciting and full of adrenaline. In reality, you spend at least a few hours on your ass for every five minutes of action. 
You’re set up outside of the dingy looking cantina, tucked just inside an alleyway across the empty street from the entrance. Xeko and Pavlan are covering the exits inside the building and, though you’re not completely sure where Mando is, you can feel his eyes on you every now and again. 
Movement from the doorway has you straightening up suddenly, but it’s not your quarry. Xeko is barely visible as he snakes through the shadow of the buildings, following his oblivious mark step for step. It’s reassuring that when Karga said he was sending his best, he meant it.
It’s only another few minutes before two more bodies slip out of the doors, staying close to the wall in a fruitless attempt to go undetected. Two of the quarries, yours and - and Mando’s. You send a prayer up to the Maker in a last ditch effort to stay professional, and hope whoever’s listening will grant you the sense to keep your mouth shut.
A flash of silver in the dark of the night, just in front of you. So he’s on the tail too. Good, you know you could handle the both of them if you need to, but you’d rather not get blood on your favourite jacket.
Din watches from the rooftop as you stalk your prey, slinking in the darkness just behind the unsuspecting quarries. He’d have half a mind to see if you could take them both on if he didn’t think you’d swipe his cut out from under him for the trouble. Still, a traitorous part of his mind thinks it’d be worth it just to watch. 
In the end, it’s really not much of a fight at all. 
Your target hangs back for a few seconds. Only a moment, but it’s enough time for you to jab a taser rod into his spine and pull him back into the alleys’ shadows with you before his partner even notices. Din’s night vision shows you clipping binders around your unconscious mark’s wrists, stuffing a rag from your pocket into his mouth so he doesn’t shout when he wakes, and it sends Din’s mind to dangerous places. Places where it’s his binders and your wrists, where he’s looming over you in dark alleys on distant planets under different circumstances. Oh, it’s tempting. Even more so when his own quarry backs up to investigate the shuffling noises and you clock him right in the face with no hesitation.
You almost jump back when Mando appears behind the second target, still reeling from his hopefully broken nose. He looks even bigger in the dark, with the light of the moons glinting off his helmet like something from a horror story. Then again, you’ve never been all that afraid of monsters. 
The second mark tries - note: tries - to fight back but he’s all flailing, uncoordinated limbs that barely even phase Mando. From what you can tell, the vain attempts to land a hit only seem to serve to piss him off. He headbutts the quarry in the nose, a dull clang in the still of the night, and the man drops to the floor. If you didn’t break it, Mando definitely did. You catch sight of a tooth lying in the dust, the blood that had sprayed from his mouth caught you both just a little. You wipe away the tickle of it as a stray drop slips down your cheekbone. 
And it shouldn’t be as hot as it is, the blood splattered over the rusted red of his armour, but you find your eyes linger on it a little longer than you intend them to. Watching it slide through the grooves of his chestplate, pooling in the indents. He shifts ever so slightly, just barely, and if you weren’t staring so unabashedly you probably wouldn’t even have noticed. You flick your eyes to the helmet to find him watching you just as closely. Whoops. 
Stretching a foot out, you blindly aim a kick at the quarry’s ribs with your boot and he groans.
“At least you didn’t kill him.” You hope the quirk of your eyebrow and shrug of your shoulders is enough to dislodge the tension that’s settled heavily between you. 
If you didn’t know better, you’d say he sounds about as wrecked as you feel. Good thing you’re smarter than that. Though, you do take a moment to admire his ass as he breaks eye contact and bends to tie the bounty’s ankles together, ready to be hauled back to the ship. Sure you told Xeko you don’t shit where you eat, and that’s mostly true, but exceptions can be made. 
A quiet exhaustion seems to overtake everyone on the journey back. All four marks frozen and ready for collection, the blood cleaned from your cheek, even Mando emerges from the fresher on that first night looking cleaner than he did when you met him. Despite the tiredness that follows a hunt, you have to squeeze your thighs together at the memory of how smoothly he handled his target. You excuse yourself to one of the spare bunks and try your best to think of anything else. 
Return journeys always seem shorter than you expect, and before you know it Pavlan is guiding his ship into a docking bay on Nevarro. You follow the others down the loading ramp and into town as a couple of dock workers begin unloading the carbonite slabs. Mando brings up the rear, and you wonder if it’s a coincidence that you can feel a set of eyes on you all the way to the dingy cantina. 
“Congratulations on such a successful job, my friends!” Greef Karga stands from his booth and waves the four of you over, such a beaming smile on his face it’s hard not to return it as the small crowd parts for your group. 
He’s reassuring you that the payout has already been deposited into your accounts, the bounties are being secured as he speaks, or something along those lines. Honestly, you’re not paying all that much attention beyond confirmation that you’ve been paid. You’re a little too preoccupied with inappropriate thoughts about the wall of beskar standing across from you bending you over the table to do much of anything. 
Look, you’ve never been that into exhibitionism before, but who knows?
Din doesn’t need to look at you to know you’re sizing him up again, bright eyes tracking his every move. The set of his shoulders, each slight tilt of his head. He’s used to spending a while under the microscope of everyone he meets but, for once, he doesn’t mind the way you linger on him a little longer than polite company might allow. Bounty hunters, at least, are far from polite company.
“Solid. See you around.” You nod and turn to leave the dusty cantina without a backward glance, maybe walking a little slower than usual for the sake of the visored eyes that follow. And if you put a little extra sway in your hips? Well, lucky him. 
You fucking hate working with other hunters, though there could be one exception. Maybe.
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TAGLIST (add yourself here):
@keeper0fthestars @thevoiceinyourheadx @firstofficerwiggles @1800-fight-me @ew-erin @chatterbean @darnitdraco @greeneyedblondie44 @captain-jebi @sarahjkl82-blog​ @thatonedindjarinfan​ @thisshipwillsail316​ @amneris21
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please-buckme · 3 years
A Broken Heart.
Lee Bodecker x fem!reader
Chapter 4
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Chapter warnings: none.
Chapter summary: You and Lee try and hash things out but there’s more to Lee than meets the eye.
Series Masterlist
Chapter 3 // Chapter 5
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The drive started off very awkward and completely quiet. You both cleared your throats from time to time to defuse the tension, which didn’t make a lick of a difference. It’d been years since you rode in Lee’s cruiser and the last time you sat in that very seat he’d broken up with you. Your chest heaved at the memory. You still felt the phantom tears against your cheeks when he drove you to your house. Never would you have guessed you’d be right back here at his beck and call. You thought you were stronger than that, clearly not.
You thought Lee’s hold over you had disintegrated a while after you left town, but clearly it hadn’t. He says jump and you say how high. Your breath hitched in your throat at the thought of it. He looked over at you which made you look over at him. His eyes were still that piercing blue that always left you speechless. His teeth were just as white as you’d remembered as you watched him toss a piece of candy in his mouth and grin.
“What’re you thinkin’ about, girl?”
You swallowed hard, “Heard you ain’t drinkin’ much these days. That why you’re eatin’ t candy now?”
He scoffed, “How did you get from drinkin’ ta candy? I can’t just have candy for no reason or just because I like the sweet taste on my tongue?” He smirked and suck the piece of candy into his right cheek. You watched him toss it around cheek to cheek before he spoke again, “And who told you that, anyway?”
You followed your arms and turned your gaze out the passenger side window, unable to answer him while watching him seductively eat a piece of candy, “I have my sources and I don’t ever remember you keepin’ a whole fuckin’ bag of candies in your car, is’ll.”
“Fuckin’ Karl.” He mumbled under his breath, trying to stay out of ear shout but you still heard him, “I stopped by Sandy’s on my way in and she gave me the candy, happy?” He asks rhetorically with a hint of sarcasm.
“Elated.” You answer him dryly anyway, “Why’re we goin to Ruby’s when there’re plenty of diners in town and are you even allowed to take the cruiser this far outta town, Bodecker?”
He sighs, “Why so many questions? I feel like I’m being interrogated.” He asks, already knowing the answer. When you’re nervous you can’t stop anything that passes your lips. You don’t like awkward silence and you’ll do anything to not have to sit in it. He always found that kind of annoying but aslo adorable at the same time. Eventually you’d start messing with his pens and steal a piece of his candy.
“Because I don’t trust you and I sure as hell don’t believe that bullshit about us ‘talkin things out so we can live in the same town again.’”
“Well, can you believe that maybe I just wanna catch up?” He asks, becoming a little frustrated.
“Why Ruby’s?” You repeated, stealing a piece of candy as Lee predicted. He missed having you around, he just wished it were under different circumstances.
“Because it’s your favorite.”
“Am I supposed to be flattered or something, that you remember my favorite diner?”
“Okay, you win. I officially regret this.” He sighs, slapping his hand down on the steering wheel. He seems annoyed but not angry. You watch his annoyed expression fall on you as he sighs. For some unknown reason you burst out laughing, leaning against the passenger door.
He laughs, “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing it’s just.. you’ve changed so much and yet not at all. I still know every look and every sigh and.. every move you’re gonna make before you even do it. It’s kinda refreshing.. but I still hate you.” You watch his face turn up into a smirk, displaying his gorgeous teeth. He almost looked pained as if he hadn’t smiled in decades.
“God, I missed you.” He admitted, immediately clearing his throat. He didn’t mean to say it aloud but it clearly wasn’t up to him anymore, his heart was speaking for him too. He watched you fiddle with the candy wrapper as you processed what he said.
You could feel his hesitance. Did he really miss you or was it just him trying to make you feel comfortable? You didn’t know how to respond, so all you said was, “Okay.”
Once you got to the diner, Lee rushed you to the back booth. You knew why, of course. Everyone in town seemed to be appalled with your very existence, as if you’d done something. You wondered if they actually knew why they didn’t particularly like you or if they were just following the crowd. Like if one person were to speak on your behalf and say you’re a nice girl if people would treat you differently. You just have to find that one person.
Lee sat across from you in the sparkly red, plush booth, you thought he looked kind of silly, big, professional man in a tiny glittery booth, but you kept that to yourself. The waitress came by and gave you both a menu, taking your drink orders before walking away. You scanned over the many different food items, suddenly remembering you hadn’t had anything to eat all day. It was eight in the morning and all you could think about was the pancakes.
You eyed the pancake special, becoming a bit more giddy than expected and Lee noticed.
“What’re you so happy for?” He asked with a goofy smile of his own.
“Nothing, I just haven’t had breakfast and the thought of pancakes excites me, is’ll.”
Lee chuckled, “You can get whatever you want, doll. It’s on me.”
“Damn right it’s on you. This was your idea.” You remind him just before the waitress comes by with your drinks; two waters and a coffee.
“What’re we havin’?” She asks.
“Just coffee for me and pancakes for this one.” He says with a tilt of his head towards you.
“S’at all?” She asks, both of you nod. She takes your menus and walks away again.
“So, what did you wanna talk about, Bodecker?” You ask, taking a sip of your water.
“First of all, you’re killin’ me with this ‘Bodecker’ and ‘Sheriff’ shit just say my goddamn name.”
“Hmm, remind me what it was again?” You pretend to think, tapping your index finger against your chin.
“Lee!” He’s genuinely annoyed now.
“That’s right. Um, no. I think ‘Bodecker’ and ‘Sheriff’ work just fine, more professional, if you will.” You begin to fidget with the straw in your water, twirling it around in the ice. You didn’t like how this conversation started, you felt suddenly pressured to do something you didn’t wanna do and that made you nervous.
“Why are you bein’ like this?” He asked with a confused expression on his face.
“You wanna know why?” You came on a little stronger than expected as you felt your cheeks heat up. For being the one to cause your awkward situation, you didn’t think Lee would need an explanation. You were a little applaud he’d even ask for one, especially knowing what a touchy subject it is for you.
“Well, if you’re gonna get all pissy, then no.” He put his hands out in protest, giving you a bewildered look, wouldn’t wanna upset the Sheriff, now would we..?
You sighed, “I’m sorry, it’s just- I haven’t said your name once since.. the last time we..” you trailed off.
“’The last time we’ what? What do you mean?”
“Can we just drop it? I wanna talk about how we’re gonna deal with me living in town. You gotta get people to stop ignorin’ me or actin’ like I’m some exotic animal they ain’t never seen before.”
He chuckled, “what do you mean? How they act like you’re ’some exotic animal’?”
“They stare at me in awe, mouths wide open, along with their eyes. You’d think I’m famous or somethin’.”
“Well, I guess in Knockemstiff, you might just be famous.” He grinned.
“Thanks for that. Just put on my tombstone ‘here lies the girl who got dumped by the Sheriff’... that’s my legacy.” You fade off, thinking of how tragic that actually sounded. You suddenly felt a burning in your chest. Your anger was building and you knew just who to let it out on.
“No, that’s not your lega-“
“Why me, huh?” You ask before letting him finish. “Outta all the girls to torment, why me?”
“Because I loved you.” He said with glossy eyes as if he’d wanted to say that to you in particular for so long.
“You sure as shit coulda fooled me. I’ve wasted a lot of time on you, Bodecker. I mean when we dated and after we broke up. I was a mess and the only person to make it better was you and.. and you never showed up.”
“You don’t think I wanted to?” He asked, losing his temp on you.
“No, I don’t, not because you loved me, anyway. If anything you only would’ve showed up as a way to forgive yourself.”
He scoffed, “How could you possibly think that?”
“Because.. you gave up on caring about me and my feeling the second you chose her. The second you agreed to be with her, behind my back, and dump me, is the second you lost the privilege of being my person.”
“If I could go back in time and undo what I did, I would. I’m sorry, y/n. I really am.”
“For what? For what you did or for how it turned out?”
He sighed, “Both.”
“I know you’re miserable and I know you don’t love her. So, did you really give up on us because you were power hungry? Being Sheriff meant more to you than our future together?” Tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to fall.
“Yes, but I regretted it the second I saw the first tear you cried that day. I wanted nothin’ more than to take it back, say I was jokin’ or somethin’ but I couldn’t. The look you gave me in that moment.. I knew I’d already lost you. And yes, I think about where we’d be if I didn’t completely ruin us.” He faded off as he told you the daydreams that never leave his mind, “I picture us renovating your momma’s house, puttin’ up a white picket fence, havin’ a couple babies on your hips, my babies. Everyday I imagine it’s you I drive home to, not Laura-Jean. Sometimes I just picture you sittin’ on the porch with me on a hot day drinkin’ your momma’s famous sweet tea. And if I close my eyes I can see you laughin’ and with sun shinin’ right down on you, kissin’ your beautiful skin.”
You look around awkwardly, trying so hard not to make eye contact. If you make eye contact you’re done for, he might as well take you out of the diner that second because you’re good as fucked. You wanted to believe every word Lee said, you wanted to chop them up and eat them with your pancakes, but you can’t. He did you so wrong in the past that you just don’t think you’ll ever believe him or trust him in the future.
Lee looked at you pained but you couldn’t see it.Your eyes counted the speckled dots on the table in front of you, desperate not to look up, until. “Y/n, look at me.” And you did. Why did you look up? “You loved me in a way no one ever had and I fucked it up. I’m truly, deeply sorry for that, y/n. Whether I’m sayin’ it more for me or you, I don’t know but just know that I live with this mistake everyday of my miserable life. But, hey, at least I’m the Sheriff right?” He joke, giving you a sad smirk.
The sadness in his blue eyes made you want to crumble, get up from your seat and wrap him in your arms, but you don’t. All you can think about is how he reacted when you wore the same except look.
“Yeah, at least you got what you wanted, besides the picket fence and two healthy boys to call your own, and me. Happily married and sun kissed” You brushed it off as if his daydreams of you being married with children meant nothing to you, when really your entire body was buzzing. “And, just so you know, I’m way past needing to hear your apology. Right now I wanna eat my pancakes and work this shit out. Being gawked at like an exotic animal has gotten old. I’d like to be invisible again.”
He gave you a weak smile, “Okay.”
“Alright, here’s your pancakes and syrup. Can I get you anything else?” The waitress asked after handing you the warm plate of pancakes.
“You chocolate milkshake for the road, Doll.” He smiled up at, making you miss the loving smile he used to give you.
“Comin right up, enjoy.”
You talked, well, Lee talked while you ate and came up with a plan. Anytime he heard someone in town gossiping or spreading rumors he would interfere and steer the conversation in another direction. He said he couldn’t exactly defend you because it would look bad, especially during the campaign season and word would get back to Laura-Jean.
“Has she asked you not to talk to me yet?” You asked, stuffing your face with the last bite of pancakes.
“How’d you know?” He wondered.
“I was her best friend for 15 years, I know how she is.”
“You know about her crush on me when we was datin’?”
“I can’t believe you never saw it. I knew she liked me before I knew you liked me.” He admitted.
You felt a blush creep across your cheeks, “Why not date her then? Woulda saved us a lot of heartache, don’t ya think?” You grinned but felt the pit in your stomach expand, again.
“Girl, I knew I loved you the second you said my name. That’s why I wanna hear you say it so badly. It sounds so sweet comin’ from your lips.”
You cleared your throat, desperately trying not to fall for his games, “Well, I don’t know what to tell you. Sayin’ your name is like a sin to me.”
“You never minded sinnin’ a little when you were with me, what changed?”
“Check please!” You motioned for the waitress. “I’m not feeding into this, Bodecker. I’ve played your mind games and I lost. You just worry about gettin’ everyone off my back and Laura-Jean won’t ever hear of us speakin’ or seein’ each other again, because we won’t be doin’ either.”
“You’re no fun.” He frowned.
“I used to be and look where it got me; Heartbroken and alone.” The waitress brought the check and the chocolate milkshake to go, “I’ll be in the car.” You said before standing from the booth and leaving the Diner.
The car was locked when you got there, so you stood and waited, twirling the straw around in the shake. You could help but think about Lee. How could he be so nonchalant about your past relationship?
Yours and Lee’s relationship meant everything to you. He was your first serious boyfriend and the love of your life. You felt like that meant nothing to him. Like you were some chick he had on the side for those 3 years y’all dated.
You sighed, taking a sip of your milkshake. Even with how angry he makes you, your mind slips away to the daydreams he has about you. He pictured y’all being married, which was no surprise to you because you guys talked about getting married all the time when you dated.
You closed your eyes, picturing it all. Two rowdy, little boys playing in the front yard, Lee sitting next to you on the porch swing with his arm wrapped around your waist. You could hear his boyish life ringing in your ears.
You were so lost in the daydream you hadn’t heard Lee walk up. You didn’t even know he was near you until you smelled his familiar musk and felt his hand touch your waist. Now you knew he was close, but before you could even think to open your eyes, Lee gently pressed his lips to yours in a quick peck, resting his forehead against yours when he pulled away. You hadn’t reacted the way you thought. You thought you’d recoil, spit in his face or throw your milkshake in his face. Instead, you felt the milkshake slip from your fingers, falling to the dusty ground as you grabbed his face, bringing him in for another kiss.
This kiss was deeper. You both felt every emotion you’d had bottled up for so long. Every tear that you shed and every crack in your heart was being mended just by the feel of his lips. You missed the feel of his freshly shaved, aftershave covered skin against your hands, the feel of his lips and how ridiculously plump and pink they were, or the little grunts he makes when you scratch at the nape of his neck.
You felt his protruding belly press against yours, pinning you up against the cruiser. The kiss became deeper once his tongue entered your mouth, causing you both to moan at the familiar tastes you both shared.
“T-take me home.” You pant against his lips.
“I’ll take you anywhere you wanna go.”
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Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
Taglist: @haydens-moles , @c00lkidvibes , @tcc-gizmachine , @buckysm3talarm , @gogolucky13 , @cryptidcasanova , @heavenlyseb , @writersbuck , @teddy-bearbaby , @bbmommy0902 , @sweetllamaparadise , @thereblogcrusader , @aleemendoza2425-blog , @frostbytebaby , @jessyballet , @emotionallyandphysicallydone , @sarge-barnes-sir , @generalbagelcookieslime , @lady-loki-ren , @dime-piece-xo , @greeneyedblondie44 , @cherryblossomskye , @amelia-song-pond , @thedaughterofwandavision , @vghz82 , @vintagepigeon , @bxmaaa @steverogers123-blog , @quxxnxfhxll , @rhislean , @pinecrest , @jackiehollanderr , @girlfriday007 , @fanofalltheficsx , @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable , @krazykatkay456
Dm to be tagged :)
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A full, entire list of headcanons for a day with:
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1. ☼ waking up with him ☼6am-8am
i don’t know about y’all, but i like to headcanon that todoroki’s morning face is absolutely adorable 🥺
he doesn’t wake up like mr. perfect whenever you see him, but since it’s so early in the morning, his cheeks are just- so- squishyyyy
he looks like a fricken baby with the softest expressions ever
he stares at you and grins, still lying down and stretching his arms out
todoroki doesn’t look at his phone first thing in the morning, or even go to wash his face once he wakes up
the very first thing he does when he wakes up is to gently wrap his arms around your still body, as he kisses your scalp and holds you in the quiet of the morning
he likes to stare at your face, so calm and just so… at peace
he caresses his hand on your cheek before kissing your nose 🥺🥺
he wakes you up in such a gentle way that it’s just not even funny omfg-
i like to imagine that he opens up the curtains for gentle light first, and opens up the window for a cool wave of air
he takes your hand, “good morning, princess.”
“‘morning, my prince, but can we have like,, five more minutes-”
“i already know five minutes is the same thing as ten minutes for you. we should get up while we can.”
“alright, fine, but good morning to you too,”
his hair is ruffled in this ADORABLE WAY that makes my heART SIMPLY COMBUST
for breakfast, i LiKE tO tHiNK tHaT hE TakEs BaCon AnD sLapS iT oN hiMsELf-
i’m only like,, half-kidding, but uGH PLEASE GIVE HIM SOME SOBA AND LET HIM DO THE REST
man’s got everything handled, don’t worry ‘bout it 😌😌
for morning training, it starts as early as 7 in the morning
it’s nothing too intense, more of just him doing yoga
he literally looks like a fricken stick trying to bend and he’s just so awkward and flustured like ????
or either, man’s is SLAYING IT and hitting that tree pose, absolutely nailing the downward dog and killing it with the cobra
you laugh at him as he smiles, and expect him to do the,, lil,, lingering touches if y’all know what i mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
you had to buy multiple yoga mats because he ended up singeing them all on accident when he got flustered
and yes, his left side sets on fire when he’s flustered, and that is just the softest thing
2. ☏ [2/5] going to online school with him ☏ 8am-12pm, 2pm-4pm
todoroki makes sure that you focus, which is kinda a problem if you’re like me
…and you just don’t focus-
dw though, because if you ever zone out, man’s will be sure to be prepared because he can and will force you into getting focused again
he promises you a kith whenever you finish a class 🥺🥺❤️
“i love you, but i really don’t want to do this today.”
(honestly, i would like to headcanon that you probably do online school with rolling chairs, so you’re probably gonna be spinning whenever you get bored)
“and i love you, but here we are, my love. the day will be over before you know it,” he brings out the softest smile ever before cupping your face and pecking your nose
since todoroki has online class as well, he sits next to you to be able to hold your hand off-camera beCAUSE YAS
if you two ever get caught, his left side literally lights tf up
you thought man’s would be cool and collected the whole time, but NOPE HE’S JUST AS FLUSTURED AS YOU BABY
but you put it aside and say you were just petting your cat
todoroki also most definitely has some sort of fancy candle or a spray or whatever that he uses to stay focused
once or twice, he’ll most definitely spray way too much, so in one instance you had to go outside
in the backyard
and do your homework there as the wind blew all of your printed papers away
but anyways-
todoroki is on the top of his game to make sure that yOU STAY HYDRATED
he smiles at you whenever he sees that you’re stuck, and the way his eyebrows furrow in such a cute way just fricken asdfghjklkmnbvcxzaqwertyujhgcwjvhhviu
if you ever get burnt out, he plants a kiss on your forehead and holds you until you have to go to your next class, and gets you a wet towel to just feel better and *sparkles* fresher
oh and FIGHT ME, he most definitely opens up the doors and uses natural light rather than turning the lights on
if you ever feel frustrated or just feel too overhwhelmed, he takes your hand and asks you to breathe with him before pulling you into a hug
he would be such a good companion for online school, please keep him 🥺
3. ♨ lunch + study sessions with todoroki ♨ 12-1pm
hear me out, todoroki literally makes the best soba in the world
expect him to use his quirk and make it colder bc no one wants warm soba
especially todoroki 😠😠❤️❤️
while you’re taking a nap or you’re trying to catch up on your homework, man’s is making absolute magic in the kitchen
when he calls you into the kitchen to eat, everything is set in such an aesthetically pleasing way
“todo, you made this?”
he’ll grin and say quietly, “no, my love. someone attacked and came in and made this and left through the window.”
he’s such a dork sometimes we love that
you also take a lot of photos before you eat, and the way your eyes light up fills him with so much happiness
“how does it taste?”
“you’re making me sound like i’m on master chef or something, one second, i’m still taking the photo!”
but when you do eat it, every time, even when you might not like it– you compliment him
and he literally acts like a child in that time and i think that’s ADORABLE
as for the study sessions, he makes sure that you actually focus instead of wasting the hour you guys have together
and even if you don’t want to, he drags your butt from where you were procrastinating
“it’s out of love.”
“out of love? babe i was having such a nice nap, are you kidding me?”
todoroki just grins as he opens up the windows for ventilation to study
i like to headcanon that he honestly probably listens to classical music when he studies
he despises jazz
i should literally make a list of headcanons for class 1a and their music taste-
he sends you little texts whenever he sees you get bored and go on your phone
4. ☼ ☽ [4/5] showers with todoroki + cuddling ☾☼5-8pm
you had a long day at work, and you were just getting things ready and preparing to go to bed
tired and exhausted, your body trudged towards into the bath for a much needed shower
you rubbed your eyes, drained and exhausted as your eyes locked with todoroki’s
…wait, todoroki’s?
“ah! i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to, just-”
he peeks his head through the shower door, “no, i don’t mind it. care to join me?”
“i- wha?”
but come on, how could you reject something like this? you stepped into the shower before goin’ like “JEEZ WHY’S IT SO COLD????”
todoroki just stares at you, insanely confused, “…what do you mean?”
“you should at least raise the temperature a little, if that’s okay with you?”
being honest, todoroki genuinely forgot that cold showers weren’t a universal thing– it was only then that he realized, since the tea kettle incident, he’d almost by-default take cold showers
but he’d honestly do anything for you, so he raises the temperature as he holds you, his skin soft and the shower finally beginning to steam up a bit
todoroki uses the best shampoo smell in the entire world
just imagine the best scent in the entire world, but at first, you could only find a hint of it, and you thought that what you could smell was all you had
but then WABAM, one day an entire jackpot just shows up with everything
that’s what it feels like showering with todoroki
honestly, the man’s there whenever you need him
definitely loves to play with your hair in the shower, his hands are somehow so soft as he kisses your scalp
but shoto tries his best not to take too many peeks, and if he does he apologizes lmao
OH OH and he most definitely uses your lotion on one instance, so this one time when you saw him come out of the shower you’re just like,, “is that,, my lotion?”
he just stares and nods. “yeah.”
you laugh as you cup his face in your hands, “it smells good, i like it. but keep in mind i have to pay for that-”
he probably says it’s fine and uses endeavor’s credit card
even when you’re in the shower though and he sees your body for the first time, he flushes like crazy
what is this feeling??
he might see your stretch marks, he might see your scars, your acne, whatever it is you’re insecure about, but he gingerly and just so carefully kisses them all
“you’re… beautiful.”
for cuddling, he probably does the same thing– he holds your hand, and if he notices your scars, he kisses them and pulls you in closer to his chest
please kiss his scar btw, he might be kind of sensitive about it, but it definitely makes him feel less insecure about it
he might be honestly going on his phone and looking through the news, or he might be looking at cooking videos ngl-
*cough cough soba*
he caresses your cheek, expect him to not know how to act at first
but then he decides to try making the first move and spoons you
you make him so insanely happy
5. dating todoroki would include…
hate to break it to y’all’s, but man’s takes an eternity to ask you out
he probably went to the bakusquad for love advice
the poor bby is so confused, and at first, he’s convinced he has a disease
“i think… i’m allergic to y/n.”
(he’s still with the bakusquad,) “what do you mean?” denki honestly be tapping his pencil as he stares at todoroki
“whenever i go near them– i end up feeling weird, i suppose. i get nervous. i don’t know why though. i feel oddly giddy when i talk to them. should i get it checked out?”
at this point, mina and denki’s efforts to hide in laughs are in vain
when they actually burst out, they end up laughing so hard that they get tears in their eyes
todoroki is so confused, “???????”
sero def joins in with the drama, “i-” he stops to snort, “todoroki, have you ever heard of a crush?”
todoroki stands, dumbfounded for a solid minute before his ENTIRE left side just starts toasting
“i… i do like y/n. i like y/n. i like y/n. i like y/n.”
POOR BABY GOES CRAZY and repeats that statement for a solid minute yet again
he’s very confused and flustered at the same time
todoroki honestly tries asking the entire class what to do for his date, and everyone is saying something completely different:
“a movie theatre, kero.”
“an at-home dinner, maybe? you can save money-”
“study dates are very important.”
“✨ take her to the disco ✨“
“go to the amusement park!”
“maybe you two can just have a walk around town?”
“go to a strip clu-”
at the end of the day, todoroki’s left more confused than he ever was before, so he just decides to go for it all on his own
after a few more hours of contemplating his date and life choices, he decides how to ask you and where to take you
once he musters the courage, he asks you to meet him after class
you’re lowkey confused, but definitely giddy to be able to meet your crush again
at first, todoroki had this entire speech planned, but the moment he saw you, he stopped and forgot all of his words
“uh, do you want to eat food?”
took a while for you to realize what he was implying, and the way he was flushing and looking at the floor was just so soft and you nodded–
“you mean– go on a date?”
todoroki, still very much hiding his face, nods
“haha, i’d love to! where should we go?”
it takes him a while to compose himself again as he stares at you,
“would the ice skating rink be okay?”
so that day, that’s just what you did :DD
at first, todoroki’s kind of scared to hold your hand in case he ends up getting too caught up in himself
but eventually, you let him know that you don’t really mind as you head over to the rink
Elsa Todoroki for 2021™
man’s is a NATURAL
he be gliding everywhere, and you can see him for a split second, smiling as he skates around so fricken gracefully and i think that’s adorable
todoroki laughs into your ear as he pulls you in to help you balance
you two were skating normally, until you were suprised in the back of the rink as you fell over
“are you okay?”
“yeah, i’m good, don’t worry about it-!”
he pulls you up, his hands firm against yours
for a split second, you make eye contact for a few seconds too long
he finds himself lost in them, as he tightens the grip on your hands, your body still leaning against his arms as if you were in mid-salsa dance
he gazes into your eyes, before thinking: “this is the person. this is the person that i want to spend my whole life, an entire life with– they’re so strong, caring, kind… and there’s so much more to them than i thought.”
…before pressing his lips onto yours, and suddenly, everything stops
your mind is empty and blank, when you realize:
shoto todoroki is kissing you
and you were kissing him back.
you almost forget that breathing is a thing before you realize that you were nearly out of breath as todoroki pulled away before kissing you again, his hands cupping your face as you pulled closer against his chest
when you finish, you see that parts of his jacket were smoking after the kiss
literally smoking
“that was… that was… wow.”
todoroki laughs, “wow was right, a word i’d use.”
you’re about to talk again, when you hear screaming and cheering in the background
“LET’S!! GO!! Y/N!! AND!! TODO!! ROKI!!”
and yas– the entire bakusquad, willingly or unwillingly followed you there
even if it was a lot, todoroki’s happier than ever as he kisses you again
and all you could say?
that day the best day of your life.
thank you for making it this far, love!! this will be a continued series with bakugo + izuku coming up next, stay tuned :) to join my taglist for the next few characters, click here ^^ 
taglist: @cherry-cake-pies​, @xuxisushi-1​
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vanillann · 3 years
the third rule debacle (emily prentiss x fem!reader)
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a/n: this request spark something in me. also my wlw are always so soft omg it’s so cute 
word count: 1.9k
warning: swearing and sexual innuendos
emily prentiss masterlist
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Emily Prentiss had three rules that she followed in her life, she normally didn’t like these types of rules but these three were important.
Rule one was never to let her mother know too much. She learned that the hard way after she told her mother about this boy she liked or thought she liked, and she invited his entire family to dinner to talk about it.
Rule two was never let Penelope say she’d be DD for a night out. She never actually stayed sober, she loved pretty drinks with umbrellas in them, and Emily didn’t mind being sober most nights.
Rule three was don’t ever date a coworker, which is something Emily was known for at FBI Headquarters. She just thought it made things messy and complex for no good reasons, close friends were great but anything more was a bad idea.
Until they got a new teammate from the CIA, who asked to work closely with fewer international crimes, who sat across from Emily with a sticky sweet smile that made Emily have a sweet tooth.
She hated rule three so much it was giving her stomach aches because she sat there like a goddess and Emily wondered why she even made this rule anyways. She was starting to look dumb every time she’d wink from the other side of the bullpen at her or when she told Morgan he “wasn’t her type” then turned to look at her.
“Come on Em, you’d look so hot together!” Pen moved her glass on the table, her word somewhat slurred and Emily was confused about how she was already wasted.
“I think I’m on Pen's side this time,” JJ tilted her head to Pen but never lost eye contact with Em. JJ was getting annoyed at the pinning, so annoyed she started ranting to Henry about it.
“I don’t date coworkers,” Emily played with the glass of water in front of her, playing with the droplets as they fell down to distract her from her own problem. Could it be easily solved? Yes. Would it be? Probably not.
“But what if she is your exception,” JJ spoke sincerely, so sincerely it scared Emily shitless.
Pen slammed her fist into the table, her mouth wide open as she sang “you are my only exception” and Emily recognized the song quickly. It was Hayley Williams for crying out loud.
“Who’s an exception?” Em looked over her shoulder at an overly confident Morgan and normally she would have loved to see him but it made her feel worse. Morgan was supposed to pick up (Y/N) which meant she was now here and Emily would be left pining for her all night.
“(Y/N),” JJ spoke softly, looking around Morgan to try and find the girl in question.
“She’s getting a drink over there.”
Emily looked to where Morgan’s finger pointed, smiling lightly when she spotted the girl leaned against the bar with a little smile on her face. Even under the rough bar lights over her head, she looked like something you’d rip from the magazine just to tap it to your wall.
She looked like everything Emily wanted in someone, minus working together.
“Just drop the silly rule,” Morgan dramatically rolled his eyes, watching Emily come back down to Earth.
“It’s not a silly rule, it’s serious!” Emily looked between her friends, hoping at least one would back her up but she was left empty-handed. She knew they were right, it wasn’t that serious but it felt serious. What if it ended in flames?
She already came to the team late, would they kick her off over this? Yeah, okay, maybe she was overthinking it but to Emily, this was the biggest reason she didn’t date coworkers.
(Y/N) came around the corner like a fast-moving bullet, her arms wrapping around JJ’s shoulder in a hurry. Her excitement bounced off her to Emily quickly, like it always did.
“(Y/N)! We were just talking about you!” Pen reached for the former CIA agent, her hand flying over her mouth as sound as she realized what she said.
“Glad to know I’m a topic of conversation,” she smiled slightly at Pen, squeezing her hand before she spun and spotted Emily watching her. A smile was quick grace on both of their lips, which just made the rest of the team's points made.
“How could we not talk about you,” Emily did her best for the comment not to come off too flirty but by JJ’s smirk she failed miserably.
“Well I hope it’s dirty like my martini,” the girl winked, smiling when the taller dude from the bar brought the drink over with a smile to the girl's energy. Emily shook her head and smiled to herself.
How couldn’t you adore that?
“So, is Spencer coming or-” she trailed off, looking to her other teammates to find her answers about the sweeter boy.
“He’s flying out to see his mom tonight,” Morgan nodded, his smile flatter slightly but he bounced back quickly.
“Man, I was hoping he’d be here so I could see him dance!”
The conversation was easy there like it always had been. (Y/N) was a great fit for the team, had everyone wrapped under her finger in seconds without trying. Emily knew she had imprinted the team forever, she had imprinted her forever.
“(Y/N), look at this baby panda!” Garcia reached across JJ, her pink blinged phone glittered under the lights of the bar. Without much thought, Pen pushed her phone father until her knuckles pushed the martini from the hardwood table into (Y/N) lap.
Her face was one of shock, looking down at her lap as the liquor pooled in her lap. Then a little smile painted across her cheeks and suddenly she was laughing, like throw your head back and make the room stop laughing.
“Better not let my PO find me,” she joked, smiling when JJ took the few napkins from the table and tried to clean up the little mess that was made. Pen continued to apologize, her eyes welling up with tears before (Y/N) reached for her hand.
“Pen, it was just an old Green Day shirt. Don’t worry sweets, as long as it wasn’t the Chemical Romance we’re clear,” she smiled at Pen, which made the blonde release drunk giggles.
“I’m gonna go clean up,” she waved off the table, taking a few of the napkins JJ had with her as she pushed back everyone until she found where she was looked for. Emily watched her back until she could no more, her eyes suddenly trained on the door.
“Go talk to her, I’m begging you,” JJ reached across the table, her hands clapped together with pleading eyes.
“Rules were made to be broken Em,” Morgan shrugged, his body already moving so Emily could slide out the small wooden booth.
“Says the FBI agent,” Emily smirked and Morgan slid out the booth anyways. She knew they were right, it was clear as day she needed to confess something. She knew (Y/N) felt somewhat the same, she at least hoped.
Her boots were moving over the sticky floor of the bar before she registered that she left the table. Her mind followed the same route (Y/N) did seconds ago. An older man reached out to catch her attention but she walked right around him. No soul could get in the way of her right now, because she finally was ready to break rule three.
Fuck rule three, rule three was made for the scared girl who didn’t know what she felt like, but she was going to find out.
Her hand lightly pushed open the door to the bathroom, smiling when she spotted her standing in front of the mirror with the paper towels in her hand. She looked up from her shirt, smiling at Emily in the mirror than looking back at the mess.
“Gotta piss?”
“Oh god no,” Emily let out a little laugh, she didn’t say anything funny but she knew she couldn’t stay serious if this was going to go her way.
“Good, I wasn’t giving my bathroom,” she smiled under her breath, something Emily never found that attractive before she did it.
Emily finally walked into the bathroom, letting the door lightly shut behind her. She realized how harsh the red tank top as a leather jacket was against the white tiled of the bathroom, but standing next to the girl, woman, in the Green Day tee with a stain down the front and the most acidic washed jeans she’d seen, she felt right where she belonged.
“Can we talk?”
“Of course Em,” she spoke without looking up, her hand moving to the tap to turn on the water.
“Are you free Sunday?”
Her hand stopped on the cold water knob, her eyes slowly moving from the tee to her own eyes. She couldn’t believe she had said it that smoothly too. She didn’t stutter or try to fight it. She didn’t wanna fight now she felt anymore.
“I was thinking dinner,” Emily leaned on the wall beside the sink, her finger coming up to her mouth as she bit her fingernails, cursing Spencer for bringing it up as her nervous habit, now she can’t stop.
“Like date dinner?”
Emily gave her best smile, hoping that would make her more inclined to say yes, although she was hoping she liked her more to just say it to start with.
“I thought you didn’t date coworkers,” (Y/N) turned so her side was leaning against the sink, her body now facing Emily’s right on. That just made her more intimidated.
Emily didn’t really know what to say at first. Does she give her the long version about how she thinks they’d be good? Does she just tell her things have changed? As her brain wrapped around something to say, her brain went back to Pen singing the Paramore song and she couldn’t stop the smile that split her face in two.
“You’re my exception,” Emily spoke the words casually, shrugging as if she didn’t think over her words over words forever.
But it was worth it as (Y/N) smiled, pushing off the sink and reaching out from Emily. Her hand curled at the back of her neck, her face pulling closer to her own as their lips collided. Emily could feel her lip gloss running off her own lips onto her own, and nothing made her smile more than knowing she had proof now.
She was kissing her and her lips were as soft as frosting and Emily was so thankful for her sweet tooth. She was her sugar high she’d never come down from. As their kiss became the ghost of one, the world filled back in. She remembered she was in a dingy bar bathroom while her liquor ran into her shirt more and more.
“I’m actually completely free this Sunday,” (Y/N) licked her lips, smiling to herself as she looked up at Emily with the most innocent look in her eye.
“Never pictured you tasting like strawberries.”
Emily smirked, leaning in for another because she needed a taste of what breaking rules felt like.
“You thought about how I’d taste.”
��Oh all the time,” she rolled her eyes and smirked but leaned in herself because while she was her sugar, Emily Prentiss was her spice and she wasn’t going to stop reminding them both.
Emily smiled a little harder as she exited the bathroom because she both ruled three for the girl she’d break the law for.
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Title: Hallow-Peen {One-Shot}***
Chris Evans x Reader
Warning: Cursing, Pregnancy Kink, Smut, NSFW, Exhibitionism, DO NOT READ AT WORK
Words: 4.1k
Summary: Halloween fun with Chris at a haunted house.
Note: Don’t judge me with the title. I was drawing a blank, and by the end, I had a better one, but I said what the hell let’s keep it. LOL. I hope you enjoy it. Happy Halloween!! 
Thank you guys for reading!!!! If you enjoyed this please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG. 😊  ❤️❤️
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
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  Halloween in Massachusetts means one thing, no matter which part. Scary fun. Salem may be the place of the witch trials that took place, but the entire state of Massachusetts goes crazy for Halloween. Usually, every year Chris being the adorable man-child he is, he would beg to go trick or treating. He’d wear the most basic costume in the world, usually a different animal onesie, just to get as much candy as possible. Candy was his sole objective--well, candy, dressing Dodger up in a costume and seeing all the kids' costumes.
 This year because of the pandemic, things are a little different. He decides that the only way he’ll be okay giving up the option for trick or treating is if you do something Halloween related. That was when he thought up going to a haunted house. You weren’t feeling like it because mother nature had the nerve to fuck everyone over and made it snow. Who wanted to get dressed in a costume that was probably most likely skimpy to freeze because she had the audacity to say, here humans take this? You were in a shitty mood, especially seeing that twenty-twenty was already at peak fuckry levels.
“Come on; you’ll be inside. It won’t be that bad,” Chris continued trying to convince you.
 Even though you were doing your hair and makeup getting ready to go, he could tell you really weren’t feeling it. You looked up from your seated position in front of the bathroom mirror to see Chris come around the corner with a camera on.
 “What are you doing, Chris?”
 “Making memories, sweetheart.”
 You rolled your eyes and went back to applying your mascara. You only felt like this twice a month. You knew this week’s irritability was only because of your body conspiring with mother nature and Chris to put a baby in you.
 Chris came closer and placed a sweet kiss on your exposed shoulder then trailed it up to your neck where he took his time. Thanks to your traitorous body, you moaned.
 “Don’t be mad. How about I put you in a good mood?”
 Chris’s free hand wrapped around your stomach to rest possessively just below your belly button. The warmth from his hand felt so comforting and soothing, but it also felt more than that. When he sunk his fingertips into your flesh, you felt the carnal undertones.
 “And just how do you plan on putting me in a good mood?”
 As a response, Chris nibbled your earlobe and pulled you back against his body. The press of his hard frame against your back. Your body working against you hummed, making you moan again.
 “I think you know just how I’ll put you in a good mood,” Chris whispered as his hand made it to the knot of your towel. With little to no manipulation, he had your towel falling to the floor. With lips pressed to your ear, he took a sharp inhale and moaned.
 “You’re so beautiful, baby.”
 From the mirror, you watched his eyes ravage your body. His eyes rested at your breasts for several long moments before they traveled down your body, only to stop again once he reached where your thighs met. The look on his face was that mischievous, aroused look. He slithered his hand up your sternum to cup one of your breasts before squeezing it. You both moaned in unison.
 “Mm, I’m sorry, baby. I forgot,” Chris cooed as he gently tweaked one of your nipples between his fingers. A soft mewl fell from your lips.
 That was when you remembered he was recording.
 “Is there a reason why you’re recording me?”
 A grin as wide as the Cheshire cat’s spread across his face before he licked his lips to bite his bottom lip.
 “You’re such a perv. How many of these memories do you have, sir?”
 Chris shrugged nonchalantly as he peered off to the side as if he didn’t know an exact number.  
 “Two, Six, twelve somewhere in that ballpark,” he answered as he turned you and slid you back onto the sink. After a few seconds, he’d handed you the camera.
 “What am I supposed to do with this?”
 Chris again shrugged before he kissed your neck, then your shoulder. He trailed his lips down your body until your pert nipple was in his mouth. You softly sighed out and slumped back, resting against the mirror. Chris slowly swirled his tongue around your skin before he quickly flicked his tongue against your bud. Another moan escaped you. Moving your hand so he was in focus of the camera, you watched him through the display. Chris peeped up to you then quirked his brow before he gave you a small bite. The action sent your back arching, and you jutting out your breast to him like offerings on a platter.
 When he pulled back, he had your nipple between his lips. When it slipped from his mouth, the jerk and sudden cool air had you groaning. Chris kissed a path across your stomach and dropped to his knees before you. Following him with the camera, you pushed it out of your mind that he knew you were practically powerless to say no. He knew that this week he could have you whenever however he wanted. The look he gave you before he fastened his lips to your sex said he knew it full and well. Jackass, you thought.
 It was a brief thought because the sensation of his lips on your clit stifled any other possible thought than fuck yes. Your eyes briefly fluttered closed while your hand lowered, completely forgetting the camera within your grip.
 “Sweetheart,” Chris murmured. The coxing tone in his voice had you looking at him again.
 “At me.”
 The way he said it was so sexy. Sinking your teeth into your bottom lip, you brought him back into focus on the camera screen again. that was when he kissed your clit in the slowest, most exaggerated way.
 “Shit,” you rushed out. Chris softly smiled before he repeated the action two more times.
 It was the that linguistically skillful tongue came into play. He licked, he flicked, he swirled, and he prodded. It was clear he wanted to tease you, make you so on edge that you would lose it. He was close to his goal. Keeping the camera on him, you got lost in the pleasure he was giving you. When you felt him dip his tongue into your heat, you brought your legs up to rest on the edge of the sink.
 “Mmm, you taste better than candy, baby,” Chris said against your sex.
 “So we can stay in tonight cause your trick or treat feast is right here.”
 Glancing at you through the lens, he smirked then sucked your clit into his mouth again. This time he wasn’t so gentle. The pressure quickly built-in your gut, and within seconds, you were coming. Chris wouldn’t let you clamp his face between your legs. He had his hands pressing your thighs back to keep you where he wanted. When he didn’t release you once you’d finished, you felt another creep up on you, and that one wiped you out.
 When Chris pulled back, his lips and beard were glistening, making you smirk. You watched him lick his lips clean, not wasting one drop, and you bit your bottom lip again.
 “You’re the devil,” you joked, making him laugh out loud. The sound bounced off the bathroom walls and had your belly quivering.
 Before he got up, he kissed your clit once more, making you arch again.
 “I prefer puppet master,” he teased, quirking his brow. Asshole knew this was not nearly enough. He knew your body wanted more. Chris took the camera from then turned it to you.
 “I could help you with that if you want,” Chris offered while palming his appendage.
 You hated him. You were in the process of changing your birth control with the appointment scheduled for next week. This meant that you were birth control free, and Chris knew this. Ever since you’d had the talk where you both decided that you wanted to have kids together, you’d seen a whole different side of him. Every time you made love, it became apparent he had a huge pregnancy kink. He always made sly jokes that he’d put a baby in you. You found it funny the first few times, but you quickly realized he meant it. That was why you decided to get off the pill and opted for something more reliable that didn’t depend on you remembering to take it.
 You not on birth control and ovulating was torture, and he knew it and played on it. Your eyes lingered at his hardness, and your mouth watered while your sex spasmed. You began to think and calculate if you could risk it. As if he knew it, Chris moved his hand so you could see the magnitude of his desire for you. Chris crept to you close enough for your hand to grip him. a groan escaped his lips as the camera he held was pointed at your hand, fondling him.
 “He wants to say hello.”
 Meeting his eyes, you watched him lick his lips, and you were closer than ever to risking it all. Using your feet, you pulled at the elastic of his shorts. In seconds, Chris was helping you, riding his hips of the material to stand before you bare from the waist down. Again, your sex pulsated, wanting his invasion more than anything. His dick rested on your pubis and spasmed every few seconds. You wanted him so fucking bad. Seeing you having difficulty making up your mind, he swiped the tip of his cock up and down your sex, nudging your clit. Every time he did, you whimpered. When you felt him circle himself at your opening, you almost wrapped your legs around his waist to pull him close. Almost. You closed your eyes, trying to find your strength.
 “Do you want him to?”
 Chris’s voice was husky. You bit your bottom lip and audibly gulped before you slammed your thighs shut. He didn’t need your words. Smirking, Chris nodded and backed off, pulling up his shorts. When Chris not so junior disappeared inside the shorts, you groaned.
 Chris snorted, tapped the backside of your thigh closest to your ass. “Not yet, sweetheart, you’ll get there. Let’s go; Scott is ten minutes out.”
 With that, he walked out of the bathroom. You already regretted your decision.
 After finishing your makeup and hair, you put on your costume that was face mask compatible and walked into your living room to see Chris, Scott, and his boyfriend all waiting for you. Tens of pictures, a few posts to IG, a few tik toks, and countless sly ploys at teasing you, the four of you were off. With Scott driving and you and Chris in the backseat, you focused your attention on social media rather than the sexy man beside you with his hand on your thigh. Every so often, his grip would tighten then loosen only to do it again and again. With each tightened grip, you noticed his hand creeping higher and higher. He was not slick.
 By the time you got to the haunted house, it was dark, and the parking lot was packing up. The four of you walked to the line and waited for your turn. Chris, with his surgical mask in place, hugged you from behind.
 “You’re quiet. You okay?”
 “Perfectly fine.”
 He nuzzled your neck and moaned. “Cold?”
 “I’m okay.”
 “Let Dr. Evans know if you’re not.”
 The man wanted to kill you.
 It didn’t take long for your turns to come. After listening to the attendant shout out the rules, the four of you cautiously entered. You didn’t mind getting a little scared on Halloween. That was the point. As you walked through the entrance, you looked around at the décor that was clearly meant to be terrifying. The blood on the walls looked so realistic you paused.
 “It’s okay, sweetheart,” Chris whispered before kissing your temple and taking your hand.
 You walked along the designated path, taking in your surroundings. You knew the first scare would be coming up soon, and you wanted to be prepared.
 “This isn’t so bad,” Scott said. You glanced at him; he was laughing as if this was the homestretch rather than the beginning of the torture.
 As expected, someone dressed in bloodied slaughterhouse gear popped out of nowhere, revving his chain saw pulling a loud scream from you. Chris’s loud laugh echoed around you before you pushed him back when he draped his arm around you.
 “Not funny!”
 You walked ahead with the rest of them behind you, but not even four steps later, a trap door popped open, and out came a group of women dressed as the scariest witches you’d ever seen.
 “Oh my god!” Your shriek was loud but not louder than Chris’s laugh.
 Throughout the entire haunted house, there were jump scares galore. There were some that were scarier than others and some that had even Chris and the guys shrieking every now and then. Though you didn’t want to come out, you were enjoying the night. By the time you made it out, you were so glad to see the night sky.
 “I can’t believe you guys got scared,” Scott teasingly said to Chris and his boyfriend.
 “Those last few rooms really got me,” Chris replied.
 “Not nearly as much as they got, Y/N.”
 All eyes landed on you, making you cross your arms and pout.  “I didn’t even wanna come,” you whined.
 Chris snorted and approached you. “Poor baby. It’s been a hard night for her. we should cut her some slack.”
 Rolling your eyes, you turned your back to them and saw another Halloween attraction.
 “Ooh, is that a funhouse?”
 “Yeah, it’s up for one night. I heard mention of it on the news,” Scott informed.
 “Let’s go,” you blurted before walking off.
 It wasn’t part of the plan, but why not, you thought. It didn’t take long to walk across the field to the funhouse that was nearly deserted. Once there, you were informed you were the last bunch for the night before they closed up and packed it up. Chris paid the entrance fee, and the four of you walked in.
 “First one out wins,” Scott’s boyfriend said before dashing off to the right, leaving you and Chris to go left. You could hear him and Scott giggling like children until one of them tried to quiet the other.
 After a few minutes, the four of you crossed paths, which had all of you laughing.
 “They’re so cute,” you said to Chris once you were alone again.
 “Yeah. They’re not the only ones,” he said, wrapping his arms around you at the same time the lights flipped, coating the entire funhouse in a black light that was usually used in some of the putt-putt golf places.
 “This just got ten times spookier,” you said.
 “I don’t know. I think it just got ten times better. I like you in the dark.”
 You spun in his arms and kissed him. You’d been holding it in all night. Chris moaned and dropped his hands to your ass. His fingertips grazed the bare skin just underneath your ass, making you moan on his lips. Chris delved his tongue into your mouth to curl around yours before he began backing you somewhere. When your back touched a cold surface, you pulled away and slipped out of his arms.
 That was when you saw it was a magic mirror. “Wow.”
 You and Chris stood there as the mirrors began to move, changing design.
 “Holy shit!”
 Neither you nor Chris could stifle your laugh, hearing Scott and his boyfriend shout out in unison.
 “Did you guys know the mirrors moved?”
 “Nope,” Chris shouted back at them.
 “This is fucking awesome,” Scott exclaimed as the mirrors stopped moving.
 You and Chris continued on your path, searching for your way out of the maze. Every few minutes, the mirrors shifted, making it impossible to remember where you’d come or where you were going. Stopping, you spun around, trying to decide on the way to go. At that moment, you felt Chris’s lips on your neck, nibbling your skin.
 “I can’t think when you do that.”
 “Why do you need to think? We’re alone in here. I’m sure there are other things you can do besides think,” Chris coaxed.
 “Oh, really? Like what?”
 Chris’s hand came around to cup your clothed breast, making you melt against him. You could feel the beginning stirs of his erection pressing into your back.
 “I love you, sweetheart.”
 “I love you.”
 “Little Red Riding Hood liked the big bad wolf, right?”
 You knew very well where this was going. Smirking, you bit your bottom lip.
 “I’m sure in the beginning in the forest, she thought he was okay.”
 “Well, we can call this a forest,” Chris suggested, making you smirk.
 “We could. The mirror forest. Why do you ask Mr. Wolf?”
 Chris groaned by your ear then moved his hand to trail down your body to rest at your pelvis.
 “This wolf is ravenous.”
 If he only knew how hard it was to resist him and how ravenous you were right now too, you thought.
 “Ravenous, you say? How so? You ate not too long ago, Mr. Wolf,” you countered.
 “One taste is never enough. Can you help little red riding hood?”
 Chris then bit your shoulder before dipping his hand under the hem of your too short skirt to make connection with your searing pussy.
 “I told you this costume was trouble.”
 “I was supposed to be wearing it around the house, if you recall. This was your idea,” you hammered home.
 Before he could speak again, you pulled yourself together and dashed off.
 “Tell you what, Mr. Wolf, you’ll have to catch your meal tonight,” you sang before disappearing.
 You giggled as you dashed around corners. If it was one thing Chris enjoyed, it was chasing. When you were sure you’d made enough turns that would elude him, you leisurely strode through the funhouse maze, counting how long it took him.
 “Little Red,” Chris sing-songed. “I can smell you, princess.”
 “What do I smell like?”
 Chris’s voice was deep and menacing but in the sexiest way. Once he said it, you heard his footsteps speed and knew he was coming. Running behind corner after corner, you didn’t put much thought into the direction you were going. The exhilaration of the chase had you so excited that you didn’t even see him come from behind one of the corners until it was too late.
 “Little red riding hood.”
 The look in his eyes had your belly fluttering and your panties soaking. Slowly you backed away from him.
 “My, my Mr. Wolf, what great big eyes you have,” you said.
 “All the better to see you and your curves, little red.”
 You smiled and watched him take one step to you, making you take another back that made him slide his tongue across his lips.
 “My, my Mr. Wolf, what a long tongue you have.”
 “All the better to lick you with, little red.”
 He took two more steps to you. You only took one back. Your eyes dropped lower, your attention being drawn to the tent in his pants.
 “Oh my Mr. Wolf, what a big cock you have.”
 Chris smiled widely, eyes locking with yours, giving you that Gemini Flanagan smolder.
 “All the better to fuck you with, little red.”
 Once the words escaped his lips, he pounced on you, lifting you into his arms then pressing your back against one of the mirrors. His lips found yours and took control of a searing, soul-sucking kiss that left you so breathless you were at the point of risking it all.
 “Fuck it,” you grunted out. You could feel Chris smiling on your lips.
 His hands slid down, cupping your ass underneath the red skirt you wore. When you felt his fingers glide against your sex, you whimpered.
 “You’re so wet. Is this all for me?”
 You quickly nodded your head, no longer interested in keeping him at bay. You wanted to feel him, and you didn’t want to wait.
 “Fuck me!”
 Not needing to be told twice, Chris slipped your panties to the side with one hand and opened the fly of his pants, letting lose what your disloyal body craved. In a matter of seconds, Chris plunged his cock into you, sheathing himself to the hilt. You shrieked out but bit onto his shoulder to stifle the sound as much as you could.
 “You guys all right?”
 Chris didn’t stop thrusting into you; he was too far gone with desire. Locking eyes with you, you knew he wanted you to respond.
 “Yes! Eh-em, yes, we’re—we’re—fine,” you stuttered, trying to keep the pleasure from your voice to keep it even toned.
 It was hard. Your jaw dropped when Chris rotated his hips, sending his cock against your walls. You flung your head back, banging it onto the glass.
 “Fuck, you feel so good, princess. So fucking tight,” Chris hissed out.
 His pace never slowed or wavered. He kept it steady, kindling such a fire within you that you knew you’d be coming in no time.
 “Mmm, you’re gonna make me come, baby,” you hastily whispered.
 “Come on this cock, babygirl. Come for me.”
 The way he said baby girl had your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Chris changed your body's angle using the mirror as a stabilizing force as he held you by your thighs at the crock where they met your pelvis. The new angle had you moaning loudly.
 “You love daddy’s dick, don’t you?”
 “Yes, I love daddy’s dick. Don’t stop Chris, don’t stop fucking me.”
 The way his thrusts sped, you knew he was close. He’d been holding out the whole week just as you had. It was hanging on by a thread.
 “You want it?”
 “You know where. Fill me up, baby.”
 Chris’s eyebrow quirked as he looked at you with a question in his eyes.
 “Don’t say--,” Chris began.
 “I want it.”
 That was all the permission he needed. He pulled you up and hugged you to him, then kissed you.
 “I’m gonna put this baby in you. You want it?”
 “Yes, baby, give it to me!”
 Chris’s face contorted, and his thrusts staggered. You clenched around him, making him lose his control. As he groaned and whimpered, you did too.
 “Take this dick baby, take it. Have my baby.”
 “Yes, yes, yes!”
 You felt him erupt within you, and it shook you to your core. Your body shook, and you hugged him close, afraid you’d float away from the height of your ecstasy. After several long moments of the two of you coming down from your shared orgasm, Chris moaned into your ear.
 “My, my Mr. Wolf, what a big load you had.”
 Chris smiled, shook his head, then kissed the tip of your nose. “All the better to knock you up with.”
 The two of you bust out laughing together, completely oblivious to anything else around you. When you quieted, you found Chris’s eyes on you.
 “What’s wrong?”
 “I’m sorry. I’ve been trying to crack you all night.”
 You snorted at the pitiful look on his face. “I know, I’m not an idiot, and you’re not as sly as you think you are. I know you’ve been using my weakness this week against me.”
 The smirk he gave you had you rolling your eyes. “I hope you smirk like that when I show you the fruits of your labor,” you teased.
 About five minutes later, you and Chris met Scott and his boyfriend outside, and the four of you walked back to the car ready to call it a night. Once the four of you were in and on your way, Chris grabbed your hand and kissed it.
 “My, my Mr. Wolf, what a big cock you have,” Scott said in a teasing voice, making both yours and Chris’s jaw drop.
 “The better to fuck you with,” Scott’s boyfriend replied, making you and Chris gasp.
 “Oh my god, Scott!”
 “You two are some freaks. In the funhouse?!
 The entire drive home was mortifying as the two of them teased you the whole way.
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maybedefinitely404 · 3 years
For You Became My Lighthouse (Part 2)
Genre: hurt/comfort
Pairing: romantic Prinxiety
Content: argument, crying, a decent dose of awkward but it gets resolved!
Word count: 4.1k
Comment: This is the fourth time I’ve tried to post this--- Part 1 HERE!
Roman, is everything alright?
Roman ran a hand through his hair at the message, checking the time at the top of the screen. It was late, far too late, so it was safe to assume that Logan had heard about the spat from Virgil. He should have been home by now. It was just… impossible to convince himself to actually leave the rehearsal studio. He had a younger acting class tomorrow and was perfecting his lesson plan- even though he already knew it was perfect, and his director had already approved it. Just, anything to keep him from going home.
He’d been a dick. Such was obvious; from the second his finger had hit send, he regretted approximately everything in his life that had led to this moment. That day had been particularly bad, overrun with rehearsals he was either taking part in or directing, and gearing up for tech week of a large production. Who knew trying to block a scene with a flurry of pre-teens could take so much out of you? Rinse and repeat the cycle with two more classes to teach back to back and an achingly long dance rehearsal, add in a desperate and fruitless search for a replacement lead in his upcoming directorial debut, and you’d have what Roman would categorize as a “shit show of a day”. 
All he wanted to do at the end of it was spend some time with his boyfriend, without having to talk about his day, so he’d suggested the most basic date his fried brain could conjur. Then his work desk was unceremoniously reacquainted with his forehead as he smacked it into the wood, letting out a groan that bordered on a yell. Luckily, minutes ago everyone had abandoned the theatre, and he’d been trusted with the keys to lock up from a stagehand. He just had a couple more things to do, and then he could drive home. 
Getting a reply of denial from Virgil was nothing new. In fact, he’d been warned in the transition from reluctant acquaintanceship to inevitable friendship, that he tended to veto ideas if they were sudden, or too daunting, or if he was just feeling shitty. It was something that Roman never considered a deal breaker, and he’d slowly come to much rather enjoy a night of cuddling and watching television than going out anyways. Call it ‘getting old’, call it ‘Virgil’s homebody ways creeping into his psyche’. So usually, getting his plans rejected was no big deal. 
Except for today, when he was well and past his limit of frustration, and things not going to plan. He’d typed out and sent the snarky reply far before he’d thought it out whatsoever, and ranted out complaints that hadn’t ever crossed his mind before, which he immediately regretted. In a moment of shame so great it caused physical nausea, he tossed his phone into one of his desk drawers and slammed it shut. 
It buzzed once, twice, and then went silent. 
Until, of course, it began to go berserk an indecipherable amount of time later, and Roman couldn’t ignore it. Seeing Logan’s text, along with about a million missed calls from him and Patton, broke the fragile sense of calm he’d tried to achieve while working. 
He didn’t want to go home and face his consequences. Childish, yes. Well deserved, also yes, but he was afraid of Virgil’s inevitable anger. If this led to a breakup, a fight that wasn’t recoverable, he’d never forgive himself. 
And now…
Roman, is everything alright?
I can see you’ve read my text message.
I’m at work. 
You’re inconceivably moronic. Get home. Now.
Roman sighed heavily through his nose, clenching his jaw. He began typing out another snarky response- because apparently he never learned- when another text came through.
Virgil was in significant distress last I spoke to him and he has stopped answering me and Patton. Go. Home.
Please. If not for my sake, then for Virgil’s.
Roman barely had the sense to lock the doors of the building in his rush, throwing the spare key back in through the mail slot and booking it to his car. He sent some sort of confirmation that he was going and tossed the phone to his back seat. Virgil hated when he used it while driving.
It was only on the drive back, on unusually empty roads, did he realize it was well past nine. He hadn’t even noticed the time passing by.
Most of the lights in the apartment complex were still on when he pulled into the car park, but their window visible on this side showed only darkness. He wasn’t used to entering a dark apartment.
Their flat was silent, the living room only illuminated by the oven clock and the dim city lights from the balcony. He toed off his shoes as silently as he could, wincing when he kicked their shoe rack, and decided he’d risk turning on the light. When he finally found the switch and flicked it on, he couldn’t help his gasp. 
The room had once been a pristine display, he could tell. A white table cloth adorned their usually bare dining room table and a half burned candle stood as its centrepiece. He approached it in a daze, cautiously resting a hand on the plate of ravioli nearest to him. Cold. Long cold; the pasta was starting to get crusty. 
He picked up the two plates, intent on throwing out the food. It definitely wasn’t safe to eat anymore, and he didn’t feel like warding off an attack of ants in the morning. One of the towels hanging off the oven handle was drenched in what looked like marinara sauce, and it looked like there was some more spilled in the crack between the stove and the counter. That would be fun to clean. 
Both hands full, he opened the cupboard containing the garbage bin with a socked foot, and promptly froze. 
Part of him cringed at the clang the dropped plates made on the counter, but the louder part of him was just repeating a mantra of ‘holy shit, holy shit, holy shit’ and it was considerably out-screaming the other. Hands now shaking, Roman picked up the small box from the sink edge, ignoring the dried, crunchy texture of more tomato sauce on the outside, and opened it. 
It took every ounce of strength for Roman not to collapse to his knees, guilt instantly crushing the air from his lungs, a thousand times heavier than it had been before. An elaborate dinner, a ring… there had been a plan. That’s why Virgil had rejected his offer to go out. 
And he’d been such a dick to him. 
Speaking of which, where was he?
Roman closed the box and set it back where it had been. Their bedroom door was slightly ajar, and the most obvious place Virgil would be, so he padded over and creaked it open just a bit more. The light from the hallway cast a beam onto the bed, illuminating first a mess of hastily thrown clothes; his button up shirt he only used for fancy occasions on top of the pile. 
Virgil’s huddled form was easy to make out, curled away from the door, his only movement being the steady rise and fall of the blanket as he breathed. Figaro lifted his head from where he was settled in the crook of Virgil’s knees and gave Roman an indifferent mrow. 
He couldn’t get into bed with him. There was no scenario where that was the right move. It wasn’t the right time to talk about what had happened, not so late and when they were both riding high on emotions and tiredness, so accidentally waking Virgil was not the way to go. And even if he was sneaky enough to not wake him… a part of him just felt it was wrong. Not when he didn’t know Virgil’s stance on him at the moment.
Or his stance on the relationship.
Well, couch it was. He acknowledged the crumpled weighted blanket and sound blocking headphones- clear aftermath of a bad panic attack- with a quiet curse. Somehow that pit in his stomach got even bigger, making him nauseous as his shame took a physical form. 
He could only pray that they would come back from this. 
Roman’s sleep was fitful, to say the least. At best, he drifted into a state of half-consciousness, where his thoughts could be somewhat quieted down, but the discomfort of the couch and the heavy weight in his heart were still palpable. Inevitably, one of their neighbors would make a noise or the building would make a settling creak or a distant dog would bark, and the state would be broken, leaving Roman wide awake and wracked with guilt once more. He’d never noticed how loud the world was until he wanted nothing more than for the noise to stop. 
The sun was just peaking into the window when their bedroom door widened and Roman flew up, using the back of the couch to steady his sudden sitting position. When their eyes met from across the room, Virgil in his pajamas and face hidden in shadow, a tenseness settled over the room that neither had experienced in their relationship thus far. Virgil froze in the doorway, wavering slightly. It didn’t appear he wanted to be the one to break the silence. 
Roman stood slowly, as though not to spook him.
“Hey,” Virgil whispered with a sniff, and even in that one word Roman could hear the scratchiness of his voice. “I just...uhm,” He cleared his throat, “I just wanted to get some water. I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“I was already awake. No… no worries.” 
Virgil looked down to his feet. “When did you come back?”
“I think just before ten.”
For an all too long moment, both of them seemed to find interest in every part of the room that wasn’t the other’s eyes. It wasn’t until Roman looked towards the kitchen in his awkwardness did he process what Virgil had come out for. 
“I’ll, um…” He pointed weakly to the kitchen and finally convinced his feet to move, filling up a glass from the sink while making a conscious effort to not look at the dishes or wasted food from the evening before. Unfortunately, he couldn’t stop the way his gaze drifted towards the box sitting next to the tap, and judging by Virgil’s sharp inhale, the look hadn’t been subtle. 
He took the glass back to the other, watching him take it with an uncomfortable, “Thanks.”
Virgil downed the glass in one go, his shaking hands almost causing him to spill. He barely had time to take a breath before Roman had zipped the empty glass back onto the counter.
“Do you want more?” He asked, already refilling the glass.
“No, I’m… it’s okay.” 
Roman placed the full glass on the counter quietly and the two were swallowed by heavy silence once again. The clock ticked impossibly loud as they stood, fidgeting, wanting this moment to be over but not wanting to be the one to start it. 
Virgil took a shuddering breath and wrung his hands together.
Roman stared resolutely at a single water drop making its way down the glass.
This was his fault. He’d started it. It seemed only right that he break the tension that almost suffocated him, so even as his mind screamed for him to shut up and every muscle in his body turned to liquid, he opened his mouth to speak.
“Virgil, I-”
“I’m sorry.”
That effectively stopped Roman in his tracks. All night, he’d crafted a collection of apologies, from eloquent monologues to stumbling pleas for forgiveness, but in not one of his countless scenarios had Virgil apologized. 
“I know… I know I can be a lot to handle, I know, I swear. And I was more outgoing when we first met, because I thought I had something to prove and it always exhausted me and I hated it but then we became… I don’t know, official? And closer and… and more comfortable and I didn’t think I had to do that anymore, I didn’t have to keep pushing myself so far!”
“V, stop-”
“The panic attacks and the anxiety and all that shit are a lot for other people and I know that but I didn’t know it was too much for you, I didn’t know you were tired of that and I can be better, I swear, I swear I can go back to how I was in the beginning, just please don’t leave.”
Virgil let out a choked sob and Roman couldn’t stop himself from rushing forward, intent on holding his stupid, stupid boyfriend until he realized this was in no way his fault, only for Virgil to back up before he could do so.
“I’m- I’m not trying to guilt you, I’m sorry, I just, I love you, and I can be better, I can, just give me a chance, please-”
“Virgil, baby, come here.”
This time when he reached forward, Virgil allowed himself to be pulled into his boyfriend’s chest, basically collapsing against him as soon as Roman’s arms tightened around him. The dam broke moments later and Virgil finally let go of his own hands to grab the back of Roman’s shirt with a sense of urgency.
“Please don’t leave, I’m so sorry,” he begged raspily into Roman’s shoulder.
“I’m not going anywhere. I promise.” 
Roman hung onto him almost as tightly in return, rocking them back and forth, finally allowing himself to cry. He shoved his face into Virgil’s hair, peppering small kisses and apologies to the crown of his head in between sobs. 
Virgil whined when Roman finally pulled away, but he didn’t go far, cradling his boyfriend’s face in his hands and wiping his tacky cheeks with his thumbs.
“Virgil, I cannot apologize enough for yesterday.”
“What are-” he hiccuped, “What are you talking about? It was my fault.”
“No, no, no no no no no,” Roman whispered, fighting that damn lump in his throat once more. “I had a spectacularly shitty day, and I took it out on you. I was leagues out of line. It wasn’t fair to you and I’m so, so unbelievably sorry.” 
As if the strings were cut on a marionette, all the tenseness dissolved from Virgil’s shoulders and he slumped forward, bumping his head weakly into Roman’s chest. “Can we sit down?”
“Yeah, of course.” Roman clumsily led him to the couch and sat on the adjacent cushion, assuming that if Virgil wanted to talk, he’d want his own space. His assumption was incorrect, however, judging by how Virgil crossed the space almost instantly and buried himself in Roman’s side like a koala. He shifted them both until he was laying on his back, Virgil splayed across him .
“I thought you’d be more upset with me,” He muttered, freeing his hand to run it through Virgil’s hair. His fingers raked through his own tears trapped in the locks and he grimaced.
“I don’t know what I’m feeling right now,” responded Virgil, accompanied by a shuddering breath, “I just need to know that you’re really here. And I need you.”
They were quiet for a moment, watching the sun begin to peek through their window, until Virgil spoke again sardonically.
“If this is a dream, I’m gonna be so pissed.”
Roman snorted despite himself and felt Virgil’s responding half-laugh from where he was tucked against him.  
“I agree. I thought I’d fucked up for good this time.”
A disgruntled meow made Roman crane his neck over the couch, watching Figaro stretch languidly in their bedroom doorway. The cat sidled over to his food bowl and sat pointedly next to it. Feed me. 
“Later, Figaro,” Roman groaned, all too comfortable with Virgil as his blanket. A small part of him was worried that if he moved them at all, the spell would be broken, and they’d lose whatever peace they’d settled into. 
Well, that wouldn’t do at all, not by Figaro’s standards. The cat gave an upset mewl and trotted over to the couch, leaping up with grace and batting Virgil’s legs. It was that pettish action that made Roman realize that Virgil had turned stone still on his lap. Figaro changed his approach to headbutting at his arm in a clear attempt to get pets, but Virgil’s hand stayed still by their sides. 
“What’s going through your head?” Roman murmured. 
“That stuff you said, about me… not contributing to the relationship…” Virgil croaked, and Roman stilled,  “What can I do to-… to fix that? Because I wanna fix it.”
“Baby, no,” Roman whispered, that shame-nausea returning, “I-” He groaned, dropping his head onto the arm of the couch behind him, “I was being an asshole. I didn’t mean that.”
Virgil didn’t budge, still deliberately ignoring Figaro’s futile begging for attention. “Then where did it come from?”
He took a breath deep enough that Virgil rose and fell with his chest, and Roman was struck with the profound urge to pull him closer and never let him go. But that would likely make him feel trapped, and that wasn’t productive. “You remember when I dragged you to that improv show my students put on last year?”
“You introduced me as your boyfriend and we found out the class had placed bets on whether you were gay or not. I don’t know how it wasn’t obvious.”
Roman gasped in mock offense. “Maybe they just were trying not to stereotype!”
“Your phone case is a rainbow-”
“Anyways!” He interrupted, resuming his gentle threading through Virgil’s hair, who snorted but otherwise gave in to the affection. “Remember what happened after?”
It had been a fantastic show, and Roman had been exceedingly proud of his little students, especially since it was his first time ever teaching a class. After the night, when the betting chaos had settled and everyone quickly adopted Virgil as theirs now, they’d pleaded to play a few more improv games before the theatre closed. Seeing as it was their last class, hence the performance in the first place, Roman had acquiesced. But neither of the men had expected for the gang of pre-teens to latch onto Virgil and beg him to play too, despite him having zero theatre experience. 
“Remember what they said?”
“They tried to pack all your lectures into five minutes of information.”
“I don’t lecture, I dazzle.” 
“They thought you were straight.” 
“Only some, and that’s not the point!”
Virgil finally lifted his head, pulling his hands up so he could lay his chin on top of them. He smiled weakly. “Then what is the point?”
“The most important rule of improv is to keep the scene going. No matter what nonsense you have to pull out, just never leave a scene flat.”
There was a quiet moment while the other processed that before, once again, that layer of hurt reappeared on his face. He pushed himself off Roman’s chest in preparation to get up. “So… you’re saying you saw that argument as another scene you had to keep up.”
“No, shit, that came out wrong,” Roman insisted, and Virgil paused suspiciously, “I’m saying, that in a moment of panic, I fell back on bullshitting my way through it! That’s literally what I do for a living!” 
The distrust gave way to resignment and Virgil chewed on his cheek, turning his attention to the window. He sat all the way up on Roman’s legs, leaning back on his shins. “How do I know you’re not bullshitting me right now?” He said. 
“Because,” Roman followed him up, careful not to move his legs and dislodge his boyfriend, “You know I like when the bed is made, and even though you hate making it, you always do when I’m out of the house before you.”
Virgil looked down at his thumb.
“Because you let me choose the music in the car.”
“... you don’t like loud music,” He muttered, picking at the skin around his cuticle.
“You adjust your work schedule to come to every single one of my shows.”
He shrugged. “It’s not that big of a deal.”
“Yeah, but you hate working mornings. You let me rant about all my theatre stuff, even if you don’t get any of it.”
“I’m learning.” A faint smile was breaking through.
“You tell me when there’s spinach in my teeth, or my hair is messy, or if I’m acting like an asshole.”
“Well, that’s easy enough.”
Roman reciprocated the smile at that, taking Virgil’s hands in his own to stop the attack at his nail. “I’ve been watching you better yourself for years, even if it’s been really, really hard.”
“What does that have to do with us?” Virgil asked with a small blush, switching his fidgeting tactic to fiddling with Roman’s fingers. 
“Every time you do something that betters yourself, you help us, Virgil.” He leaned forward slowly, giving Virgil the time to move away if he wanted to, and rested their foreheads together. “Yesterday, I fucked up. Badly. You said you were anxious and I still acted like a dick. I kinda thought you’d hate me.”
“I could never hate you,” Virgil whispered, seemingly before he had a chance to process it, because his blush multiplied tenfold. Roman grinned. 
“Aw, is someone feeling sappy?”
“Shut up, jackass,” He retorted, bonking their heads together ever so gently. 
“I’m so sorry, Virgil,” Roman said after their giggles and blushes had faded, “It won’t happen again, I swear.” 
In lieu of answering, Virgil closed the already scant distance between their lips, and despite Roman using all of his self control to not sigh into it, he found himself doing so anyways. All the tension bled out of his shoulders at once as Virgil pulled away, pressing one more peck to the tip of his nose, and then leaning back with a small smile. 
“So… that means we’re good?”
“We’re good.”
“Thank god,” Roman groaned, flopping back and dropping his arm over his eyes dramatically. He heard Virgil’s quiet snicker before he resumed his job as a blanket. Except this time, instead of nuzzling his head into Roman’s neck, he could feel the distinct edge of a chin digging into his sternum.
The hand lifted from his eyes to see Virgil staring at him, that goofy little smirk on his face. 
“I love you, idiot.”
Well, now they were wearing matching goofy little smirks. 
“I love you too.” 
That seemed to satiate him, because he gave a little nod and laid his head more comfortably on the other’s chest. He could have left the conversation there, content to just let them lay there in peace until the world fell away- or Figaro grew more insistent on being fed- but Roman just couldn’t banish the one persistent thought in the back of his mind. 
“Were you actually going to propose?” He blurted.
Virgil tensed for a moment, and then gave a resigned sigh. “...Yeah.”
“Well,” Roman furrowed his eyebrows, desperately hoping he sounded casual, though his heart was pounding far too loudly to not be heard, “I would have said yes. If you did.”
“Oh?” Virgil lifted his head. “You’re blushing, Princey.” He could hear the smug grin.
“Nooo…” Roman whined. His arm draped once more over his eyes in a weak attempt to hide the redness, but he drew it away only moments later when Virgil didn’t retort. 
The man was staring at him with an odd mix of disappointment and amusement, huffing out a breath as he watched Roman’s eyes.
“This wasn’t how I was planning to propose,” He sighed, “It was supposed to be all perfect, and romantic, and stuff. And the surprise is ruined now.”
“I’m sorry,” whispered Roman, continuing before Virgil could cut him off, “If it’s any consolation, I think a proposal in our pajamas, on the couch, would be very us.”
“You’re not in pajamas.”
“I slept in these clothes, they count as pajamas.”
Virgil snickered. Roman counted five breaths as the other’s face melted from a smile to anxiously knit brows, worrying his lip between his teeth as he looked down at him. It took another three for him to speak.
 “So…uh... will you…?”
Roman’s face split into a grin, “Yes, Virgil. Obviously.” 
Virgil’s expression morphed to match his and he swooped down to kiss him again, though they barely could with how much they were smiling. They both devolved into giggles, happy to just stay wrapped in each other’s arms, until Virgil broke away with a gasp.
“Let me grab the ring!”
“Ring can wait,” Roman argued, tightening his grip around his waist to keep him in place, “I want cuddles.”
And so they did.
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pynkhues · 3 years
Brio 45 and 81
Thanks, anon!
This fic is set in my Center & Circumference universe, but you don't have to have read that to read this. Just know that they've been together a little while, but are as cagey as ever, haha.
(Tiiiiny spoilers for the last part of To Face Unafraid, but just little ones)
45 floating on your back in water + 81 cloudless summer sky
“Playa del Amor,” he hums, and Beth’s neck twists back just enough to see Rio grin. “What? You rather I take you to Cabo?”
“I don’t want you to take me anywhere,” she replies easily, a practiced retort that Rio knows as well as she does at this point, and when he breathes out a laugh, Beth drums the point home, reaching for their closet door. “If - - when - - we go on a vacation, we’ll go together.”
He seems pleased at least by the when – something even she can admit is the result of a lot of wearing down – his Cheshire Cat grin smoothing out into something both exasperated and affection as he rolls onto his side in their bed. The movement is enough for the sheets to dip lower, to reveal the perfect V of his groin, the space where his happy trail thickens, and it’s like the sun sparks through the window to greet the sight, the warm light leaving him summer skinned and glowing, and she hates that she wets her lips. Hates that he clocks it (because of course he does), and she makes sure he sees her roll her eyes when his grin turns into a smirk.
“Anyway,” she says, standing up a little straighter and turning back around to open their walk-in closet door. “We don’t have time right now. Not with the new deal Mick’s set up, and definitely not with the kids still a month off summer break.”
He doesn’t reply to that, but Beth knows the kids really don’t factor into this particular vacation plan. Or they do, of course they do, but only in the sense of who’s going to take them while he and her drink tequila on his cousin’s catamaran in Mexico. Which - -
Beth huffs, flicking through a few of her sundresses, trying to find something that’s not going to be too suffocating in the June heat, more irritable than she should be. The conversation is one they’ve been circling since Christmas though, when he’d surprised her with a trip away – not for him and her, but instead one for her, Ruby and Annie.
The weight of it had been lost in the chaos with Judith and his (- - her) family, but when the three of them had had their feet up in front of the fire at the ski lodge, mulled wine sloshing about their heads as Annie and Ruby giggled their way through old memories, it had been more than gratitude she’d felt. More than happiness, more than - -
She doesn’t know, just more, and she’d gotten home and Rio had been there, reading glasses on as he’d tapped through accounts on his laptop, glitter on his neck from where he’d helped Emma get ready for her ballet recital dress rehearsal, and she’d straddled his hips before she’d even taken her shoes off, and she’d said - -
She hadn’t really said anything.
But she thinks by that evening he’d felt it too.
Even more so when he’d pressed swollen lips to hers and said next time, it’s you and me, yeah?
“The deal’s practically done, and ain’t there camp and shit?”
Beth rolls her eyes, reaching for one of her looser black sundresses, and she can hear more than see Rio scoot across the bed to drop his head off the edge of it, an angle she knows he likes just because he can see her better, or rather, see up the back of her robe when she bends over.
(Another gift, she thinks, briefly amused again. Although this one really was a gift for him given it barely covers her ass when she’s standing, let alone doing anything else.)
“Yes, I know where Cabo is.”
He snorts, and Beth turns around to walk back out of the closet, feeling the silk of her robe slip just a little, just enough she can feel it drag sweat back across her chest, and god, if it’s already this hot, she’s not looking forward to their air con bill for the quarter. She strides across the room to hook the coat hanger over the door of their en suite, before starting back to grab some clean panties, a bra, feeling Rio’s gaze on her every step of the way, and it’s silly, the way maybe she pushes her chest out just a little, points her toes to elongate her legs, the way her gaze darts, just to make sure he’s noticed.
(He has.
God, when does the spark she feels at that dim?)
“Ain’t talking about Cabo,” he tells her, voice a little lower. He’s still resting long on his side, head off the bed, tilted back just so, hands low enough on his belly his pinkies brush the thickening hair, feel the bristle of it that Beth’s all too familiar with, and she yanks open the dresser drawer. “Talkin’ about Playa del Amor. It’s on the Islas Marietas.”
And at least that checks out with the catamaran.
“On an island?” she asks anyway, fingers groping between satin, lace, cotton, and when Rio hums, low, warm, she decides lace.
“It’s a beach inside a cave, only there’s this big-ass hole in the roof. You gotta sail over from Puerto Vallarta, then swim down through this tunnel until it all opens up on this place. People call it the Hidden Beach, but that ain’t its name.”
She grabs out a bra, closing the drawers and turning back to move across the room, only to pause, the weight of his words sinking into the moment. She still can’t speak Spanish exactly, but she’s been picking things up, partially through the osmosis of being in a - - whatever with Rio, and partially because maybe she downloaded DuoLingo to her phone last year. Keeps it in a hidden folder, just in case Rio sees it one day and teases her, because there’s something in it, something fragile in the thought of learning for him, because it is for him, no matter how much she tells herself it would be good and useful to learn otherwise.
Still, she thinks, gaze darting back to his, watching him watch her, his gaze drifting from her face to where her robe reveals more cleavage than she’d usually choose to (again, a gift for him) and she thinks she can own this much at least.
“Playa del Amor. Well, playa means beach.”
He hums a low, drawling sound of affirmation, and Beth’s toes curl a little beneath her, her chest heaves, cheeks flush, and she wants to close the distance between them, wants to keep it, wants to straddle him like she did when she got home from that last vacation, god, like she did last night, but there’s too much in the words, resting thick and pregnant in their translation. Her pulse is in her ears, the thrum of her restless, wasting, wanting heart, and she swallows thick, looks away, and it’s only then that Rio speaks, his voice soft, gentle.
“Just meant it feels right. Place like that for us. Fuckin’ you on the Hidden Beach.”
And at least that feels right, feels normal, and Beth rolls her eyes, starts back towards the bathroom, but she steps deliberately sideways, puts herself in arms reach so that Rio grabs the knot on her robe, positioning her over him until she’s sitting on his face, and the first hot breath at her cunt has her dripping and god, at least this has always been easy.
Later, hidden and safe at work, she looks it up.
Playa del Amor.
Finds herself scrolling through pictures of floods of sunlight, staring as yawning earth reveals a perfect curl of sand, a tongue of vivid blue ocean. An oasis among relentless rock, a cradle of paradise hidden beneath clambering earth, gnarled tree roots, tangling, opportunistic weeds; protected by it too, from the wild tide of the Pacific.
Dreams of braving that ocean, sinking into it, facing the darkened tunnels that lead to the light. The cold of shadowed waters before breaking into the heat.
It’s too easy to see herself there then. Feel herself there. Drifting on her back, sun-warmed water gentle at her back while her chest, cheeks, thighs pink under the glare. Too easy to hear distant seagull calls, lick salt from her lips, feel sand at her toes, to see Rio swimming out to meet her, his body long, strong, ocean parting to take him.
In her head, he doesn’t kiss her, he touches her – her hands, breasts, back, face. Especially her face – fingers tracing her lips, her cheek, brushing her wet hair back, and Beth thinks:
Playa del Amor.
She thinks:
Beach of Love.
Send me a sensory prompt (Good Girls, The Umbrella Academy or Succession)
Also hi, hello, I'm doing a thing where I try to do a prompt fill ficlet every day. You can read yesterday's here.
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ffakc · 3 years
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Pony - a Jeffrey Dean Morgan fanfiction
I’ve always wanted to write a story from JDM’s POV, especially when it comes to eating 🐱, because I imagine he’d be really good at it. I also got really lost in this when writing it and got insanely turned on, so I hope y’all feel the same way!
@negans-attagirl @happysgal @iluvneganandjamie @mrsnegan
I had grown out my beard for the newest season of The Walking Dead. Negan was going to be in prison for the next year, so I had to look the part. I also hate shaving, so this was my dream come true. I was also promoting my new movie Rampage with my buddy Dwayne. Dwayne Johnson, that is.
My gal also loved the long, grayness of it all. She had been texting me flirty things all day from the hotel room and it was absolutely driving me wild. It’s damn near impossible to do press junkets with a raging hard on.
“Reading the script, this is exactly the movie I’ve always wanted to-“ my phone pings loudly, “Aw, shit. I’m sorry, man. I meant to turn my phone on silent. Cut!” I joke and glance at the text from my Princess: I want to ride your beard like a pony, Daddy. I exhale loudly and shove my phone in my pocket.
“You good, homie?” Dwayne asks.
“Yeah, I’m fine, thanks! Just family stuff,” I reply. My pants were painfully tight in the crotch at this point. “Anyway, where were we?” I place my glasses on top of my head. “It’s just one of those classic popcorn flicks, you know?”
The interview seemed to drag on as my phone silently buzzed with filthy messages and pictures. What a dirty girl I had.
“What the fuck was that?” I smile at my gal. She looks adorable in my hoodie and her short shorts.
“Did I do something?” she replies, feigning innocence as she slides her legs between mine, running a finger over my lips and kissing me. My breath quavers as she moans into my mouth.
“Teasing Daddy while he’s trying to work. Bad, bad girl,” I groan as she grips my balls gently as she nibbles my neck. She reaches into her back pocket and I hear a jingling sound. A puzzled expression takes over my face, “What do you have there, Princess?”
“Since you’re going to prison for the next year,” she giggles and pulls a pair of handcuffs from behind her, “Maybe you should get used to wearing these bad boys.”
“You think you’re in charge, hm? Might I remind you who your Daddy is-“ I smirk. She grips my throat, cutting me off by making me lose my breath.
“I’m in charge tonight,” she growls. “Lay on the bed, Daddy. Flat on your back, come on,” she commands, snapping her fingers.
“Yes, Mistress,” I do as I’m told. My gal meant business. I look up at her as she walks around the bed.
“Good boy. Don’t move,” she praises. She strips her clothes, revealing a skimpy, crotchless number. I hold out my hand to pull her into a lustful kiss. “I said, ‘don’t move’. Did you not hear me?” Her stern tone sends a chill down my spine. She sucks my finger and throws my hand back on the bed. I giggle like a little kid, her dominant streak was amusing. This role reversal was going to be fun. “Is something funny, Jeffrey Dean? Take your shirt off.” I follow her orders and she grabs my arm and cuffs one hand to the headboard, then the other. She pulls my glasses off, folding them and placing them on the nightstand.
“You sound like my mother,” I smirk.
“Oh, so I’m ‘Mommy’ now?” she bites her lip, trying not to laugh and stay in character. I glance at my cuffed hands.
“What are you going to do, baby gi- I mean, Mistress?” I ask. She leans down and laps around my nipples. I suck my teeth, god that felt good.
“I’m going to make you my fuck toy tonight,” she moans in my ear. She climbs on the bed, straddling my chest. I could feel the slickness of her dripping pussy, leaving a small damp spot in my chest hair. “If it’s too much, just tap my thigh hard three times”. I felt like I was about to bust out of my jeans, but she made it clear I only existed for her pleasure. I felt more submissive than I ever have in bed with her and it was so fucking hot.
“Baby doll, I don’t think I could ever get enough of your pussy,” I moan. She inched closer to my face. My breath was hot against her inner folds, giving her chills. “I’m ready,” I murmur. She smelled utterly scrumptious. The Tommy Hilfiger perfume coupled with her salty, sweet wetness was intoxicating. She pressed my head between her deliciously thick thighs as she rocked against my mouth. I wanted so bad to squeeze her ass to bring her closer, but I wasn’t allowed.
“Jeffrey,” she whimpers my name. I’m lost in a sea of bliss. I love making her feel like the goddess she is. “Your beard feels so fucking good. Oh Daddy!” I smirk and go back to work. I circle my tongue around her clit, sucking it between my lips. She grasps my hair as my head gets squished a little tighter. I chuckle softly to myself, I know that means I’m doing my job right. I lick a stripe from her entrance to her precious jewel. “God, your gray hair drives me insane,” her hips rock faster and I try to match her movements with my mouth.
“Does it now? You love that I’m old enough to be your dad? You love with age comes,” I kiss around her drenched inner lips, “Experience. You love that I take care of you, don’t you, Princess? Daddy loves you.”
“Fuck yes, baby. Oh my god!” her thighs begin to tremble and the familiar throbbing sensation begins like a faint drumbeat from deep inside her walls. I squirm beneath her, wanting release so bad, but I’m not allowed. “Please let me cum, Jeff! Please!”
“You’re in charge, remember?”
“Jeff, I’m going to drown you in my-“
“Fucking drown me, doll. I won’t waste a single drop. God, you taste so sweet.“
“Jeffrey!” my gal screamed out as her juices soaked my beard. I lap my tongue like someone who hadn’t drank water in weeks. She shakily slides down my chest, grabbing the key from the nightstand. She unlocks the handcuffs and collapses onto my chest. I pull her into a kiss.
“Making you feel good,” I say in between kisses, “Makes me feel good. I would go wash my face, but tasting you in my mustache turns me on all over again. You sure have a yummy little treat there, sugar. I love the shit out of you.”
“I love you too,” my gal is still catching her breath.
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phoenixblack89 · 3 years
Fera Ingris
Chapter 1 - Dealing with Dixons
It's finally here people! Eekkk! It'll be up on A03 later when I turned my laptop on. Been teasing this for soooo long.
My wonderful tag list:
@lilythemadqueen @boondoctorwho @darylsgirl @autocon23 @browneyes528 @fandomsaremykryponite @writingdeadangel
"Yer take care of yourself lass, don't worry about us."
Phoenix sighed at the man on the other end of the phone, twisting the silver rosary he had given her for her birthday many years ago. The world had changed dramatically for them all since that day. Their history bloody and violent and God sent. 
"Are ye listening lass?" 
"Of course, I'm listening! It's you who isn't! I'm on the way to Atlanta now!  As in I'm already in Georgia! I can't let you three rot in there when we've got things to do!" 
"Lass, we can take care of ourselves. Connor wants to know if ye got our package?" He asked, she stifled a laugh at the noise of the pair fighting over the phone she could hear. 
"Yea I got it. Haven't opened it yet though" she replied, the bike's engine growing colder under her. "What's in it? You guys shouldn't be sending anything. You're lucky Duffy and Dolly got it t' me before I left Boston."
"I know lass but ye need t' keep those safe fer us." She smiled hearing her other friend's voice, clearly having won the battle for the phone. "Look things are getting bad here. You're safe now but things are gettin' weird, we'd never forgive ourselves if anything happened to ye. I love ye too much" 
"I love ya too, you idiot! I'm gonna get you all out. We have a mission! I've got a bag full of your stuff right here on my bike, your clothes, coats, guns." 
"Aye. What?! No? Yea. Let me say goodbye a' least?" Phoenix knitted her eyebrows, hearing the man talking to someone else. A prison guard maybe. "Lass we have t' go. I'll call ye back when things settle aye?" 
"Yea. Just tell me where you are at least?" 
"Sorry lass I got to -" 
The line suddenly died on her and she frowned, shaking the phone and seeing no signal. She ran her hand through her short dark red hair and started the bike up, speeding quickly towards Atlanta and her boys. 
The sun shined through the thin, flimsy material of the tent, shining directly down into the sleeping pairs eyes. The short, spiky, dyed haired young woman groaned and threw her arm over her face. She sat slowly and yawned. She'd had that dream for weeks, wondering what had happened to her friends. 
Had the prison been overrun by the monsters that lurked in every corner? Were they dead? Or worse... Had they become one of those things? 
She'd slept after her watch shift, which surprised the girl as she had been having a bad bout of insomnia for the last two weeks. Ever since... 
No, she thought don't think about it. 
She glanced at the young boy laid next to her and smiled. When Carl asked if he could sleep in her tent with her the night before she had been hesitant (mainly because Lori rarely let him out her sight) but Lori had said it was okay and she was not going to fight against the long-haired beauty. 
Lori had also said it would be good for her, get her to trust others again. And honestly the boy reminded her so much of her old friend with his boundless energy and smiles. 
A gentle tap to the roof of her tent set her senses on guard. She grabbed her long calf length boots and her Bowie knife and slowly pulled the zipper up. A sigh released from her throat as she squinted up at the crossbow welding man in front of her. 
"We goin' hunting or what?" He snarled at her, obviously still mad at the woman from their disagreement yesterday. It wasn't her fault. He had spooked her... 
Merle approached the dark red haired girl sat by the quarry lake silently. Something was up with her and he was determined to find out what. The sight in front of him worried him slightly, she was nervous and kept flicking her head around. Had she been bit? He was thankful the darkness of the twilight hid him somewhat as he watched. She hissed as she pulled the bloody bandage off her left hand, flexing it and hissing through her teeth. The soft sound of something hitting the surface of the water, made his heart thump. It wasn't raining so why did it sound like it was? 
He came right behind her and watched as she rubbed at the wound, it oozed blood and yellowish white pus as she gritted her teeth. Infection was setting in. Daryl called out his name from camp and the girl spun and noticed him there. 
"Ya shouldn't be down 'ere by herself girlie." He whispered, kneeling and gently taking her hand, examining the injury intently. "Now wha' we gonna do abou' yer hand? Yer can't take what I offered yer."
"Burn it again. Only thing we can do. Not like we can wander to nearest pharmacy, throw my hand on the counter and say fix it, is it?" She hissed as he prodded a sensitive spot, Merle chuckled slightly and helped her to her feet. 
"Nah but China is headed t' the city tomorrow. I'ma go too. I know my meds and I'll get yer what yer need t' be right as rain again, Lil sis." He said with a smirk as they climbed back up the slope to the camp. Daryl and Shane spun round at their footsteps and Merle smirked. Officer ass-hat was on one about something. 
"Phoenix! Where have you been?! We told you to stay in camp until you could fight!" Shane whisper-yelled in her face. 
"Easy there officer. Girl just needed a second by 'erself... Gets a bit loud round here." Merle defended her, placing himself between the well musculared man and the girl who seemed to shrink into herself. "She's fine. I was a watchin' her." 
"I bet you were Dixon." Lori said under her breath. Phoenix glanced at the woman with eyes narrowed. The majority of the camp thought the Dixons were rude, brash and shouldn't be there. Only Phoenix, Glenn, Andrea and Shane knew of the incident that had cemented the brothers in the camp's good graces, well in their good graces. 
Phoenix sat down at the small fire infront of her tent and sighed, her ears picking up on raised voices coming from the Dixon tent. It sounded like Daryl was majorly pissed about something and Merle was defending himself.
Isn't any of your business she thought ignore them.
She gazed deep into the fire, the heat warming her frozen limbs nicely. She hated the cold, not that it was cold but she felt like she was sat on a box of ice in just her underwear. She had experienced working in much colder situations, hell the Irish rain was colder than this. The sweat on her brow made her eyes ache and she closed them, leaning her head back.
"Ahh!" She shrieked, jumping up and thrusting her knife backwards towards whatever had grabbed her shoulder. A deep grunt sounded and her hand was twisted, causing her to release her grip of the blade's handle. 
"Ain't no need t' try t' gut me girl." Daryl growled, his gruff voice instantly calming the nervous woman. She sighed and held her hand out, Daryl raised his chin and regarded whether to return her knife or not for a moment. He relented at her raised eyebrow and dropped it into her left hand. She hissed in pain and clutched at her wrist. Quicker than she could pull away, he'd wrapped his hand around her wrist yanking her closer and pulling the bandage off her injury. He could see how raised and angry it look, grimacing slightly as it oozed at his poking. Tears of pain welled in her eyes as she grit her teeth, he grumbled under his breath and glanced over his shoulder at his older brother. Merle nodded and raised the half empty bottle of whiskey in a salute. "This why Merle is leavin' right?"
"Yea, told him he didn't have to." She whispered as he released her arm, her skin tingled at the lose of contact. Daryl ran his hand over his neck and bit his lip. 
"Ye need meds. Ain't happy a' him, riskin' his neck fer someone like ya." He groaned under his breath. Her mood soured and she shoved him away. He stumbled for a second and threw her a glare. "What the hell is ya problem girl?"
"Someone like me Dixon? Huh? What exactly do you mean by that?!" She folded her arms across her chest. Daryl's eyes flickered downwards for a second to how her arms pushed her breasts higher and more together. 
God she's gorgeous when she's mad he thought, his cock twitching in his jeans. He ducked his head and scoffed.
"Ya know what I mean, can't even hunt without hurtin' yaself." 
"Go away Dixon." She turned on her heel and stormed off up the bank, and climbing up the RV ladder to take watch. Daryl sighed and slopped off back to his brother, who was laughing, finding the whole scene hilarious.
Phoenix nodded up at the hunter and pulled on her boots and grabbed her bow. She followed Daryl over to his tent where his brother was preparing to go into the city. Merle gave her a once over as she approached, his eyes narrowed at the bow across her back and the stains on the bandage around her left hand.
"Mornin' Firebug." He drawled as the pair stopped. She nodded and heaved her backpack tighter to her shoulder beside her quiver of arrows. "Y'all gonna be alright t' hunt wit' tha' hand?" He questioned, giving his brother a glance. Daryl gave Merle a hooded lidded look and nodded his head up. "Don't wanna waste my time if ya gonna drop down dead on poor Darlena 'ere."
The girl smirked and shoved the older man's shoulder playfully before flipping him off, striding towards the treeline.
"You watch 'er baby brother. She's one of us now."
"Hmm" Daryl said, glancing at the girl as she waited just under the cover of the trees for him. Merle gave a low chuckle and Daryl glared at him. "Stop."
"Come on baby brother, don't be like that." Merle stood and patted him on the shoulder. "Ya been pining after 'er for weeks now. Just give her some of the ol' Dixon charm. If ya even have any!" He barked out a laugh as his brother scoffed and walked away, joining the girl and disappearing into the woods.
A low whistle drew her attention and she glanced in the direction of it. Daryl raised his hand and pointed off towards the copse of trees in front of him. Keeping her body low to the ground and her steps feather light she approached him. Her eyes darting out at the small herd of deer in front of them, they'd finally found them after two days in the woods. She raised her hand and pointed to the smaller of the two bucks. Daryl nodded and gestured he was going to try and get around them so if they darted he could take a shot. She nodded and crouched lower, using the shrubs to hide her. Daryl wandered away silently as she waited for his signal. 
A loud shriek pierced the air and the deer scattered. Daryl swore and took off after the smaller buck, Phoenix following him at a distance. 
They stopped by a small creak, Phoenix dipping her hand into it and running it over the back of her neck. She felt like she was on fire, yet icy cold at the same time. The infection in her hand had well and truly set in, she needed to be careful or she'd drop and not get back up.
"We go a littl' further then stop fer the night." Daryl mummered beside her, wiping his soaked red rag over the back of his neck and down his face. She nodded, eyes staring off into the stream. He watched her carefully, the way her hair at the back of her neck was slightly curly, the way her ears twitched as if she was a rabbit or a deer hearing a predator. He found her beautiful and mysterious. A riddle he wanted to solve. He couldn't help his attraction to her physique either, the woman was beautiful. Not perhaps every man's wet dream but he found her incredibly sexy. 
He admired how she wore gothic, all black, metal studded and chained clothes despite the heat, her short dyed dark red hair, the regrowth hinting at sandy blond, spiked with sweat these days that cried out to be tugged as she was kissed, the slight thicker set of her thighs, buttocks and stomach, he much preferred a girl with a bit of weight than the skinny, almost starved look some of the women up at camp had; the ink he could spy under her clothes was calling out for him to discover exactly how many tattoos she had and why she'd chosen them. He had seen a glimpse of the tattoos on her by accident when he'd stumbled upon her at the lake having a quick swim and also when he'd found her in the woods. She kept herself well covered normally, she said she got sunburn easily. He could spy an interesting shaped scar across her collar bone when she wore lower cut shirts, not that she did very much now. 
Not since he'd saved her in the woods a week or so ago. 
He loved how well they worked as hunters together. She knew enough to track decently and was surprisingly quiet on her feet, despite the heavy metal covered, thick platform soled boots she chose to wear. They're only issue seemed to be that they butted heads constantly when not hunting, both taking verbal swipes at each other whenever they tried to have a conversation, sometimes she'd slap him on the arm; Merle finding it hilarious and entertaining to join in. Damn Merle, was his fault she got hurt in the first place. If he hadn't egged her on about her lack of hunting abilities, she wouldn't have been out in the woods by herself in the first place. 
He sighed quietly as she raised to her feet and moved away, eyes scanning the forest floor for the deer's tracks, finding them and leading the way.
Daryl grunted as he lowered himself down beside the girl, who was turning a stick through the weak fire in front of her. The night was silent except for the light wind. He silently settled down against the log and took out of one of the squirrel for the pair to eat. Daryl made quick work of gutting and skinning the small rodent and shoved it on a stick to slowly roast over the flames. The girl's eyes drifting upwards towards the stars. She looked so peaceful that he didn't want to disturb her. 
"We gotta head back in the morning if we don't find the deer." She nodded and pulled her arms around her own shoulders, shivering slightly. "Come 'ere." He said, holding his arms open for her to settle beside him. Daryl usually hated touching others and being touched was a rarity for him but he'd made the exception for her while they hunted. It was simply for survival he told himself. If she got too cold she'd get sick and then the group wouldn't have a hunter when he and Merle left. And he'd feel that guilt all his life, the kids needed fresh meat so he was doing something for the group. Nothing to do with his stupid little crush. Nope, he was doing it for the group. She shuffled closer and wrapped an arm around his waist. Her head found his chest and she sighed, feeling the heat from Daryl seep into her cold bones. Daryl frowned, she felt hot yet she was shivering like crazy. 
That damn hand. 
He pulled her closer and ran his hand cautiously up and down her arm. She flinched at first then relaxed into his embrace. 
"Ya alright?" 
"Yea. Just cold." She whispered, her warm breath causing goose bumps across Daryl's chest. She blinked slowly, feeling sleep call her. The smell of Daryl's warm body lulling her, she had missed falling asleep in a man's arms. It was familiar and comforting. She felt safe, warm and protected despite the dead walking. 
The sharp whistle drew her attention to the left. She nocked her arrow and let it fly, hitting the deer in the hind leg causing it to run. The two hunters had caught up to the deer earlier and were driving it towards camp. Daryl was in the rear urging it forward, while she made it turn in the right direction when it veered too far to the left. 
She spotted the steep banks that marked the outer edges of the quarry and smiled. 
Almost home.
Taking another shot to steer the deer towards the lower bank she smiled. The group would eat well tonight. She stumbled and shot at the hind leg again. The deer in one last desperate burst of energy slipped out of her sight but it was very close to camp. Wouldn't take long for them to catch up.
Phoenix paused and braced her arms on her knees, Daryl whistled in question, asking if she was alright as he walked by her. She held up a hand in reply. He grumbled and walked away. She could hear yells and the sounds of stomping as she neared the rocks that hid camp. 
Daryl was knelt on the ground and looking over the deer. 
"Think we could cut around the chewed up part?" He said looking up at Dale and the others. Phoenix's eyes narrowed as she spotted a new face amongst the men. The group of men didn't seem to notice her as she joined Daryl at his side, subconsciously seeking his protection from the stranger. Fear made her heart pound loudly in her ears as Daryl stood. 
"I wouldn't risk that" Shane said quietly, Daryl sighed dejectedly frustrated he hadn't been able to feed the group more. 
"That's a damn shame. We got us some squirrels... About a dozen or so. That'll have to do."
"Oh my god!" Amy gasped as the head of the walker suddenly began to gnash its teeth. 
"Come on people! What the hell?!" Daryl exclaims as he releases a bolt through its undead head. "It's gotta be the brain! Don't y'all know nothin'?!" 
Phoenix smirked, shouldering her bow as she followed Daryl back into camp. She gave a glance over her shoulder at the group behind her, noticing the exchange of looks between them. 
"MERLE! MERLE! Get ya ugly ass out here! Got us some squirrel! Let's stew 'em up!" Daryl calls out, Phoenix swivelling her head to see where the elder Dixon was.
"Daryl, just slow up a bit. I need to talk to you." Shane called, his hands on his hips as the group avoids Daryl and Phoenix's eyes. 
"About what?" Daryl queries, pausing his march around the camp. Phoenix, instinctively, taking Daryl's back with a bad feeling in her gut. 
"DD... Hear him out." She whispers as Daryl narrows his eyes in suspicion. Daryl glances at her briefly before turning back to Shane. 
"About Merle... There was a... There was a problem in Atlanta." The former officer sighs, his hand reaching out as if to pacify the man. Phoenix grits her teeth and reaches for the gun hidden behind her shirt slowly, sensing this was not going to end well. 
"He dead? "
"We're not sure..."
OH shitttt Phoenix thought, slipping the brace of squirrels and her bow off her shoulder. 
"He either is or he ain't!" Daryl stated, his voice raising in anger as his face grew more dark. 
"No easy way to say this so I'll just say it." The newcomer said quietly, stepping into the discussion. 
"Who are you?!" Daryl asked, confused slightly as to what this stranger had to do with his brother's disappearance. 
"Rick Grimes." 
"Rick Grimes?!" Daryl spat aggressively, his face a mask to the hurt and anger underneath. "You got summit ya want t' tell me?" 
"Your brother was a danger to us all, so I... I handcuffed him on a roof, hooked him to a piece of metal... He's still there." 
"What the fuck!?" Phoenix snarled as her eyes narrowed at the newcomer. Her stance widening, readying herself for a fight. Daryl began pacing, his eyes meeting hers, she gave a barely there nod in agreement with him. 
"Hold on... Let me process this. You're sayin' you handcuffed my brother to a roof and you left him there!?" Daryl growled as he paced, the woman edging towards Shane, out of Daryl's path to Rick. 
Daryl growls loudly as he throws his rope of squirrels at Rick, who dodges them easily. 
"Hey! Watch the knife!" T-Dog yells as Daryl pulls his knife. Shane dodges Phoenix and gets behind Daryl, quickly putting him into a chokehold. Phoenix steps up behind Shane, her own knife slipping into her grip, her gun giving a low click as she removed the safety and pointed it at the curls of Shane's hair. 
"Okay... Okay..." Shane whispers, lowering Daryl and himself to the ground. 
"You'd best let me go!" Daryl gasped, struggling to free himself. 
"Do as he says!" Phoenix snarls, her Beretta a mere breath away from Shane's skull. 
"Chokehold's illegal!" Daryl grunts, thrashing his legs. Phoenix lowers her gun to Shane's shoulder, ready to pull the trigger if needed. 
"You can file a complaint!" Shane laughs weakly. "Come on man. We'll keep this up all day."
"Like shite we will. I'll shoot ya first mate!" The red head growled as Rick kneels in front of Daryl and Shane, his head tilting to the side. 
"I'd like to have a calm discussion on this topic. Do you think we can manage that? Do you think we can manage that?" 
Daryl grunts, ceasing to struggle, slapping his hand out to the side of him; silently signalling to the woman to stand down as Shane hums in question. 
"Mmm...Yeah." Daryl replies. 
Shane releases him quickly and steps away as the younger man raises himself to his feet. Shane's eyebrows raised as Phoenix pulls herself to her full height, him and Rick giving her a worried glance. She smirks and makes a show of putting her knife and gun back into their places. Rick turns to Daryl and rubs the back of his neck slowly. 
"What I did was not on a whim. Your brother does not work or play well with others."
"It’s not Rick's fault!" T-Dog interrupted, the large man stepping closer. "I had the key... I dropped it!"
Phoenix scoffed, glaring at the man. 
"Ya couldn't pick it up?!" Daryl questioned, his anger disappearing and being replaced by worry and anxiety. 
"Well, I dropped it in a drain."
"If that’s supposed to make me feel better, it don't." Daryl snapped as he shook his head, pacing in a small circle. Phoenix joining him at his side and glaring daggers at T-Dog. 
"Maybe this will... Look, I chained the door to the roof... So geeks couldn't get at him... With a big ass chain and padlock. Its got to count for something!"
"Hell with all y'all! Just tell me where he is... So that I can go get him." Daryl choked out, his voice cracking with tears as Phoenix gently placed a hand on his shoulder. 
"So we can go get him." She declared, daring anyone to argue with her. Daryl gave her a tiny up nod at her and squeezed her hand on his shoulder lightly. 
"He'll show you. Isn't that right?" Lori spoke up from the door of the RV, she looked to Rick quietly awaiting his reply. 
"I'm going back." He stated quietly. Lori sighed and walked into the RV. 
Phoenix pulled on her long studded leather jacket and secured her axe into the specialised holster on her back. Daryl stood beside her silently, chewing his lip. The Brit have a slight wobble as she got lighter headed and Daryl's mind came to only one solution to a major issue between the pair.  
"Hey DD. You ready to go get Merle?" She asked, bending to tie her boot laces.  "Yea... Ya not comin' though."  
"What!? You can't be serious DD! You need me with you so those picks don't leave you there as well!" She snapped back as he turned to walk away. 
"Nah. Ya hurt. Too many geeks in the city fer ya axe. Stay here. Keep safe." He argued back, she growled in her throat and pushed by him. His hand wrapped around her arm in a bruising grip.  
"Listen... Stay here. I don't... Just... Fuck." He hissed. "Merle will be pissed. Real pissed." 
"He'll of been baked in the sun ya mean! He is gonna be stir fried from the heat! He's gonna need someone to calm him down. He ain't gonna hurt me DD... He wouldn't hurt me." She sighed, her head beginning to throb. "I have to Daryl. I owe him one!"  
"Nah ya don't!" 
"Yes I fucking do!"  
"No. Ya stayin' here!" 
 "I'm going!" She yelled, hands on her hips.  
"NO! And that's final!"  
The pair continued to argue for several more minutes until Shane interrupted them, the pair literally chest to chest and needing to be pulled apart before fists began to fly. Phoenix huffed and stormed away into the woods as the man agreed with Daryl. Daryl glared after the fiery woman before stomping off to the truck, missing her turning back towards the camp and leaning against a tree with her arm crossed against her chest.    
Phoenix glanced at the truck Daryl stood in. She wanted to wish them luck but knew Daryl was still angry with her. He looked in her direction and nodded his head, a small smile gracing the corner of his mouth. She sighed and walked towards him, he knelt down at the open shutter and tilted his head towards her.  "Keep safe in the city DD." She whispered, gazing upwards into the man's sky blue eyes. He nodded and chewed his thumb. "Bring Merle back. Wouldn't be the same round here without that dickhead." 
"Yea. Be quieter fer sure." He chuckled, smiling fondly at the girl. Phoenix reached up and pulled at Daryl, forcing him to brace himself against the ledge as she hugged him with one arm against her chest. Daryl slowly relaxed enough to enjoy her closeness and leaned his head on top of hers.  
"Please come back." She whispered into his ear as he pulled back slightly, his eyes flitting around camp to make sure no one was witnessing the exchange.  He nodded lightly into her neck, his arm coming to loosely hold her waist. He breathed in her soothing subtle scent and closed his eyes to help him memorise thee moment, just in case. He cleared his throat and pulled away, feeling a certain part of his anatomy starting to stir. She smiled weakly at him with teary eyes and walked away.  
Phoenix turned slightly, the breeze making her hair wave over her face softly. Thee sun shining behind her making her hair look like flames licking across the crown of her head. The bruises and cuts across her face hidden in the shadows of her face and hair.  So beautiful Daryl thought, smiling slightly. His mind locking the sight into his memory as he stood and waved to her.  
"Stay safe!" He called to her, she nodded and waved back. Her cheeks tinting pink at his loud show of concern as she smiled softly.   
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whatifxwereyou · 3 years
Ashes Chapter 10: Grief
Pairing: Liu Kang x Reader
You take a crack at grieving together. Now this definitely feels like progress. There's much more going on here than meets the eye.
A/N: Hope you're all having a lovely Sunday <3 thank you for reading, i really appreciate you! This is a long, long chapter but I couldn't find a place to break it up.
First Chapter << Previous Chapter Next Chapter >> Chapter Index
Against your better instincts you followed Liu Kang to the first floor of the hotel and into the bar attached to it. The lights were dim inside, a tactic to keep patrons inside longer by losing track of time. The more time they lingered the more money they would spend. You’d gone to a casino with Kung Lao a few times and had completely lost track of time. You and Liu sat at a table near the entrance to the lobby. You watched people as they walked through the lobby while Liu ordered something to eat.
Things were awkward.
You weren’t sure what to say and Liu didn’t seem to, either. It was just him eating while you watched the world pass by in the lobby. You imagined what their lives had to be like, what kind of adventures they were returning from, the sorts of nights they were having. There were happy couples and less than happy couples, tired families, and drunk stragglers.
Then, much to your surprise, Liu filled the silence. That wasn’t something he had often done. You had once been comfortable with silence alongside each other. That was no longer the case. He told you stories about when he’d first gone to the academy, about adventures he’d gone on with Kung Lao. They’d been troublemakers but you’d always known that. Kung Lao had told you some of these same stories but his perspective had been very different. It was comical to hear Liu’s point of view and it had broken the awkwardness.
In fact, the awkwardness was completely forgotten. You laughed when it was appropriate and Liu pushed his empty plate aside. You were grateful that he had broken the ice. Hearing him talk more like his old self made things much easier.
Then you told him stories about trips you’d gone on with Kung Lao. Liu was a rapt and generous audience, commenting in all the right places, laughing when it was expected. Even if he’d already heard the stories from Kung Lao, he acted as though they were new and exciting to him, just as you had done for him.
These had been stories you’d wanted to tell him for years but had been too afraid to be that close to him again. You tended to get closer when you spoke, like two kids sharing intimate secrets. That was often how you’d wound up in each other’s arms when you’d first been sleeping together. Sharing stories had gotten them close and then one thing led to another.
You hadn’t gotten this close since then until now.
And yes, even now, you found yourself getting closer to him as you talked. You were both leaned on the table close to each other. You had your hand on the side of your neck and realized that your body language was a little flirtatious without having meant to. The waiter took the empty plate and asked if you needed anything else. Out of politeness you ordered drinks just for show.
The drinks looked tasty. You wanted to drink it but knew it was a terrible idea. You were with Liu which made it a far worse idea than it would have been otherwise. Especially with everything going on over the last week. It was late too, another strike against you. According to your phone it was past midnight already.
Conversation faded as you sat close together and the mood fell into sadness. You were both thinking the same thing. After talking about Kung Lao for hours how could you not be? Thinking about anything other than how much you missed him and how sad you were would have been unnatural.
“I know that it’s selfish,” you began while fiddling with the edges of the soaked napkin beneath your glass, “but sometimes I wonder if he thought about me in those last moments.” Liu’s gaze turned up from your hand but you avoided his eyes. His eyes were dark and sad, as if he didn’t want you thinking those things. “I hope that he didn’t. I hope…” You drifted off with a sigh. “I honestly don’t know what I hope anymore. I’m so mixed up.”
“Of course he thought about you, Y/N.” He placed his hand over yours to stop you from playing with the napkin. “I know that because I thought about you then. So, of course Lao did.” You furrowed your brow. Why would Liu think of you? He’d lost his brother. All he had to have been thinking about was his grief and what he could do to help. “He loved you.” You inhaled sharply. “And no matter how much we’ve been fighting, Y/N, it kills me to see you heartbroken.” You rolled your eyes and he grasped your hand a bit tighter. “No, really. This has been hard for me. Okay?”
“Okay.” You looked to him so skeptically that he laughed. You knew that it was hard for him but you weren’t sure that the cruel things that he’d said the last few days had anything to do with his difficulty dealing with it.
“I know that I’ve broken something here. I don’t… I don’t know how to fix it.”
You averted your eyes and looked to the drink so close to your hand. Liu followed your gaze and furrowed his brow.
“That won’t fix it either, Y/N.”
“Yeah, that definitely made it worse.” You looked away from the drink.
“I don’t know. At least we’re talking now. We weren’t before that. We were avoiding each other.”
“Maybe you were avoiding me. I wasn’t avoiding you.”
“Sure you weren’t.” Liu pulled his hands away from yours and you did too. You’d been holding them for too long without realizing and it seemed you’d both realized it at the same time.
“You have no idea what was going on in my head, Liu.” You tapped your finger on the table as if to tell him, again, that he couldn’t assume what you were thinking.
“Because you were avoiding me so how could I?”
“Like you weren’t avoiding me or something!” You threw the accusation right back at him and much to your surprise, he shrugged.
“I was absolutely avoiding you. I felt guilty. I feel guilty.” He fixed the tense with a roll of his eyes, lips perking up into a smile for only a second.
“I wasn’t avoiding you, Liu.” You folded your arms on the table. “I was avoiding everyone. It didn’t have anything to do with you.” You hated that you could feel his eyes on you, that he had such an intense stare. You could feel the path of his gaze as he looked you over. “I was sad. And tired. Tired of everyone looking at me with pity. It was… look, I know it was bad. I was isolating myself. I wasn’t avoiding anyone in particular, Liu. Sure, it hurt to see you but only because I was sad for you. It wasn’t… like that though.” You felt like you’d said too much and also not enough at the same time. This wasn’t an easy conversation to have.
“I hadn’t considered that.” His voice had softened and he gently placed his hand on your forearm. His hand was warm and comforting, thumb gently brushing against your skin.
“Yeah. That’s what I keep trying to tell you but you won’t listen. Don’t make assumptions, Liu. It hurts me to see you like this, of course, but it wasn’t the reason I didn’t want to see you.” You laughed a little in disbelief. “You’re the only one who could have possibly understood my grief and yet… I didn’t want to diminish yours. Then I finally get the chance and the courage to talk to you and I was… so incredibly wasted that I don’t remember much of it at all. I barely remember you joining me for a drink.” You leaned back in your chair in frustration, folding your arms beneath your chest nervously.
“…you didn’t seem wasted.” He pushed his hair back and then leaned his arm over the back of his chair, turning to face you. He seemed frustrated and you couldn’t rightly blame him for it. You wondered if he had thought that you weren’t drunk, that you would remember what you’d done. Had he thought you’d been crawling into bed together to find solace in each other’s arms? Then you’d run off in a panic. Oh no, you felt like an asshole. Your heart was suddenly racing. You had told him not to assume what you’d been thinking and there you’d been assuming what he’d been thinking. Damn.
You’d made so many mistakes in the last few weeks that it was laughable. You were a tornado, uprooting everything in your path. Damnit, Kung Lao. You closed your eyes and then pinched the bridge of your nose. There was that damn guilt again. It would never end. You were just so sorry for everything. You couldn’t fix anything.
“What are you thinking?”
“That I wish our last conversation hadn’t been a promise to figure things out.” You huffed. That had been the very first sign of the funnel clouds that had started this. That was where you’d started doing damage. “That I had just told him I’d loved him and we would figure it out. Everything would work out. Instead, we fought and it was all left hanging before I had to leave. We barely even said goodbye. I figured that we’d fight about it when I got home and then makeup the way that we always did.” You couldn’t have known. You knew that. It still hurt though. Liu seemed to understand. You were glad that he didn’t belittle you by telling you not to feel the way you felt. You were tired of being told that.
“It’s not like you could have known but… I get it. I didn’t get to say goodbye either. There’s no way to know, Y/N. If we had known then we wouldn’t have let it happen.” Liu looked as though this thought had weighed heavily on him, too. “We would have stopped it.” He leaned against the table again. “I couldn’t stop it.” You placed your hand comfortingly on his shoulder and he stared at his hands. “It replays in my head sometimes.”
“I can’t imagine having that in my head.”
“I’m glad that you don’t, Y/N.” He closed his eyes and you gave his shoulder a comforting squeeze before turning back to the table and admiring the drink once again. It probably didn’t even taste good anymore. Watered down with the ice all melted. Probably wouldn’t even give you a buzz. You’d kill to be drunk instead of feeling as miserable as you were. Much to your surprise, Liu laughed, hands folded neatly beneath his chin.
“Kung Lao didn’t tell me that he was planning on proposing.” He laughed again as though this were very funny but you didn’t think it was funny. In fact, you thought it was weird.
“Really?” It was hard to believe. Kung Lao wasn’t exactly good at keeping his excitement to himself and you were sure that he’d had to talk to someone about it or at least get consultation on the kind of ring and the size and all that. It had been a beautiful ring. You didn’t know what had become of it. It wasn’t an expensive looking ring, quite the contrary, but it had been very Kung Lao. That was all that you’d needed. You weren’t the type to care much about jewelry. You barely wore any to begin with. “You did seem pretty surprised when I told you. I thought the two of you talked about everything.”
“We didn’t talk about you. Not like that at least.”
“I’m… well, I guess that’s unexpected? That’s what I mean to say.”
“I think that Kung Lao was afraid of what I would say if we talked too much about you. Either that or he just knew that I was still… the way that I am.” He folded his hands together on the table as if unsure what to do with them. “Kung Lao understood that this… this was complicated.” He gestured to you with just his index finger without turning toward you.
“Oh.” Your stomach sunk into that pit again. You let your fingers nervously play with the napkin again. Had he really been thinking about it all this time? Had he been feeling like this throughout your entire relationship with Kung Lao? Just watching from the sidelines while his best friend got to experience love and happiness while he’d sacrificed any chance with you that he’d had? You had never given yourself that much importance to either one of them but there he was, fixating on something that had happened years ago. It wasn’t so farfetched now that you thought about it. You hadn’t exactly gotten over him either. You thought that you had but this week had proven how untrue that was. You were still heartbroken after all these years.
He grasped your hand and you returned the gentle squeeze he gave it. You expected him to get go but instead he held onto it like he would lose you if he didn’t.
“I wish that he and I had talked about it. That we hadn’t avoided it.” He sighed and you smiled. At least you weren’t the only one who talked that way.
“Do you often dwell on the things you didn’t do, too?” You smiled and he nodded but seemed to think that was obvious. It was but it also felt nice to hear it from someone else. You wondered if that was partially what all your fighting had stemmed from. Maybe Liu Kang was dwelling on his regrets and trying to change some of them. He was doing a piss poor job, you thought. “I think about that kind of thing all the time.” You pulled your hand back from his when he made no move to let go. You leaned back. “I think Kung Lao would have loved it here in Hollywood. I used to make martial artists from his favorite movies out of ink for him to fight all the time. He loved that.”
“I remember.” Liu Kang smiled fondly but he was lost thinking about other things.
“When I went sightseeing earlier, I took pictures of things that I thought he’d want to see. It was… it felt nice.” Liu scooted his chair closer to yours, knee gently pressing against yours.
“Can I see them?”
You pulled the phone out of your pocket and showed him the photos from your day out. Major landmarks you’d visited, random pictures of passersby, movie posters, stars on the Walk of Fame. You scrolled through them, explaining them and why you’d taken them. Then you stopped on the last photo that you’d taken on the beach the day before. You kept that picture on the screen for a time. You could feel the sadness radiating from it. Then it felt like a great weight was set on your shoulders. You were grateful for the pictures of Liu. Even if they weren’t the happiest memories, they were important.
“You’re right, Y/N. He would have liked that.” Liu seemed just as weighed down but he still smiled fondly at you. “That was really sweet of you.” You set the phone down.
“Maybe that’s something I can keep doing. Then maybe it won’t feel like such a… weight. I could honor his memory by doing things that I know he would enjoy rather than being so… sad all the time.” You watched the screen go dim on the phone. “And I am. I’m sad. But maybe I won’t always be. And I know…” You held up your hand to quiet him before he could object because you had heard every mental health mantra in the book by that point. “I know that it’s okay to feel the way that I’m feeling but I also can’t help but think that he wouldn’t want me to be this sad. Even when we were fighting, he tried to make me laugh.” You smiled at the memory.
“Yeah, he’d be furious with me if he saw how upset I’ve made you the past few days.” Liu smirked.
“Yeah. Probably would have smacked you right in the back of the head.”
“Oh, probably way worse than that. If he knew I’d made you cry? Oof…” He laughed at himself. “And I would deserve it but at the same time… we… let so much go for so long. I never felt good about it.” He moistened his lips nervously and you tried not to stare at them. You really did, but it was impossible. “I was never good at being dishonest, Y/N.”
You looked down at your hands and then back at your drink. It would be so much easier to have just gotten drunk and then forgotten this night too. Talking was exhausting. You wanted the courage that liquor brought. You could tell him that he deserved happiness just as much as Kung Lao had. And that you would happily suffer for the rest of your days so that he could have peace and joy.
“If he could see us now.” Your voice felt small and frail.
“He’d smack us both upside the head.”
“And we would deserve it.” You watched the condensation drip on the side of your glass.
“We need to talk.” His voice was somber.
“It does seem to keep coming back to that, doesn’t it?”
“Yeah. I think you’re right about it though.”
“How so?” You’d said so many things the last few days, you couldn’t remember that specific thing.
“It’s going to be a fight.”
“Well…” You began but then drifted off and laughed, deciding not to say the first thing that came to mind. You had said that earlier, hadn’t you?
“I almost started a fight just now.” You turned toward him and he cocked his head curiously.
“Oh? Do tell.”
“No… no, I don’t think that I will.” You brushed your thumb nervously over your other hand. “Because we willfight and we’re in public, Liu. It’s one thing when we’re in the middle of the woods to scream at each other but… another here.” You gestured to the other busy tables surrounding you. The bar was still bustling with people despite the late hour.
“Try me.”
“Umm…” You said in a higher tone and he laughed. “Your temper has been pretty off the wall the last few days. And I have a tremendous amount of self-loathing right now but not enough to actually start a fight in the middle of a busy bar.”
“Well, what if I said that I was feeling pretty in control right now?” Liu Kang offered. Wow, he really wanted you to start that fight. You couldn’t decide if that was impressive or not.
“Okay. I was going to say considering that you… broke my heart with a lie all those years ago and then bottled all that up so you could watch Kung Lao find happiness at the expense of your own that it was… most definitely going to be a fight.” You watched his expression shift and it was almost comical. His lips flattened into a straight line. He leaned back in his chair, arm rested on the back of your chair, fingers tapping against it.
“Yeah. Mmhmm.”
“Still feeling in control?” You winced.
He inhaled sharply and rotated his neck and looked as though it were taking all of his self-control not to say anything.
“See? I told you that I almost started a fight. I tried to give you an out, Liu.”
“Yep.” The emphasis he had on the word was comical. It was clear that he had some thoughts on what you’d said and that it was taking every ounce of his willpower not to act on them.
“You’re mad, huh?”
He nodded. You laughed, resting your elbow on the table and resting your head in your palm.
“It’s not funny.”
“It’s a little funny.” You batted your eyelashes at him but then looked away. “I’m sorry.”
“No you aren’t.”
“Okay, I’m not. It felt a little nice to give you a taste of your own medicine.” Your smile was forced and fell quickly. “This has been… painful.”
Liu nodded and then leaned next to you against the table. “I wish I could go back. I can’t. I know I can’t. I still keep thinking about it.”
“Do you though, Liu?” You scoffed. He’d made that clear. These ‘what if’ scenarios had become exhausting.
“What would you have done? If I had asked you to stay with me, what would you have done?”
“I don’t know the answer to that, Liu, because that isn’t what happened.”
“But if…”
“I said that I don’t know.” You took his hand and held it on the table with both of yours. “I don’t know, Liu.” When he went to object again, you looked to him seriously. “Stop.”
“I keep kicking myself.”
“Stop, Liu.”
“You don’t get to tell me how to feel just like I don’t get to tell you how to feel.”
“I’m not trying to, Liu. All we have is the here and now. The past is the past. I keep telling myself that too. It’s hard, but it’s been done.” You held his hand comfortingly. “It doesn’t matter that you lied then.”
“Y/N, I…”
“It doesn’t matter that what you said was a lie because it was what I believed to be true.”
“How could you have possibly believed that was all you meant to me?” His frustration radiated off of him. You let go of his hand and turned away. “It was months, Y/N.” Apparently, the past wasn’t the past to Liu Kang. “Months. Not just a handful of nights where we were desperate and lonely. Months and we…”
“Liu, we came here to mourn.” You stiffened up.
“We need to talk.”
“Not in public we don’t. Not now.”
“Then when, Y/N?” His voice rose a little and you snapped your gaze to him but said nothing. “You waited to talk to Kung Lao and…”
“That’s not fair.”
He turned his gaze away from yours and you held your head in your hands, pushing your hair out of your face in frustration. You were so tired of this. Tired of the guilt and frustration. It was killing you.
“We were supposed to be grieving together. Not fighting. That was the deal, remember?”
“Yeah, well I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“You have no idea how badly I want to take both of these drinks, slam them down, and go pass out somewhere instead of having this conversation with you,” you grumbled.
“So, do you just drink all your problems away now?”
“No, but I wish I could drink this away. Would be nice.”
“Is that why I couldn’t tell that you were so wasted that night? Why I didn’t realize you wouldn’t remember if we…”
“Stop, Liu.” You snapped at him and then grabbed his hand again to plead with him. “Stop. Seriously. What are we doing?” He didn’t seem to understand. “We had a nice night for the first time in so long and now we’re picking fights with each other. Why? To feel something? I… Liu, I’m so tired. I can’t do this with you tonight.” He shifted uncomfortably so you let go of his hand.
“Yeah. I guess it’s easier to fight than it is to actually deal with any of it.”
“Is it though?” You joked in that playful high-pitched tone. He chuckled but his smile fell quickly.
“I’m worried about you.”
“I’m worried about you.”
“I’m okay.” He assured you.
“Are you though?” There was that sarcasm again.
“Are you?”
“Oh, absolutely not.” You hoped that your sarcasm would help cut the tension a little and he laughed, so there was that. You were quiet but not for long. You were afraid of what he’d say to fill the silence so you filled it. “I was thinking that maybe we could… do something nice together at some point for him. Make a list that would honor his memory and then go through it.” You tried to bring the conversation back around. Liu stared at you in surprise. “Obviously, you don’t have to be part of it if you don’t want to be but I thought it would be nice for us to have something to do together that wasn’t so… destructive.” All they really had right now was grief, sex, and fighting.
Liu placed his hand over both of yours and then tilted you to him with his other hand. His thumb brushed over your chin, sending a shiver down your spine. Then he tilted you upwards and much to your surprise, his lips pressed against yours. Your heart shot into your throat and you made to pull your hands back but he grasped them gently. His lips were soft and sweet and while you hesitated, Liu didn’t. You forgot where you were and why you were talking. You forgot that you were supposed to be grieving. It felt to you like it was taking all of his energy not to push the kiss further. His hand cupped your cheek, practically taking up the entire side of your face. It was a nostalgic and terrifying feeling.
You hesitated only for that first second but it was second nature to want to return that kiss. God, it felt nice to be kissed and even nicer that it was Liu. His touch had always been like his arcana, fiery. His lips were a fond but heartbreaking memory. It made your chest ache in both the best and worst way. You shivered all over. His hand tangled in your hair, pushing it away from your face and holding you in the soft, slow, and intimate kiss.
There was no liquor involved this time. No excuse that could be made on behalf of either of them. Liu Kang had kissed you and you had kissed him back. His lips pulled back from yours, but lingered close, close enough that if either of you spoke then you’d be touching again. His breath was hot against your lips, slow and measured and you were afraid to open your eyes, afraid of what he’d say after that.
A few blissful seconds had gone by where you’d forgotten about everything in between your days together and now. His lips weren’t a memory anymore, they were right there, begging to be kissed.
Finally, you opened your eyes when Liu didn’t move or talk. You didn’t look into his eyes, afraid of what you’d find. You looked at his lips, so close, slightly parted. Then your eyes darted to where his hand still rested over yours on the table. You pulled your hand closed into a fist beneath his palm and he gave it a soft squeeze.
It didn’t matter what the guilt was doing and oh boy, there was guilt. Because beyond that, stronger than that, was a deep and desperate longing that you’d bottled up and clung to for years. You had a draw, a connection that was impossible to fight. It seemed increasingly likely that the only reason that connection had thinned was because Liu had lied and retreated.
Your heart was hammering in your chest and you could feel Liu’s eyes on you, his hand still tangled in your hair. You dared to look back up at him against every instinct in your body that told you to pull back and put your foot down.
If he kissed you again then you wouldn’t stop him. You were weak. You knew if you didn’t stop him then one thing would lead to another and you would wind up together and this time there would be no alcohol to blame it on. As much as you had mentally joked about wanting to remember the fun you’d had with him, you knew the guilt would be devastating.
He was thinking it too. Every so often, Liu wore his heart on his sleeve and this was one of those moments. He wanted to kiss you again. He wanted to so badly but he knew what would happen if he did.
Then the bartender was announcing that the establishment would be closing in five minutes. They were to pay their bills and be on their way. Other patrons began to gather their things and get ready to leave.
Liu let you go and you pulled back almost simultaneously. You ran your fingers through your hair to shake it out and then took the bill that the waiter left on your table and shoved some cash at it. You hoped your math had been done well enough. Your brain was just in no mood for numbers. Liu double checked and you would have usually been annoyed but right now you were grateful. He handed you back an extra bill that you’d shoved in there and you would have laughed had your heart not been beating a mile a minute and your hands hadn’t been shaking.
Somehow it was two in the morning. You’d stayed there the whole night. If you hadn’t ended up kissing then you would have been proud of yourselves for having made it through the whole night and several difficult conversations without screaming at each other.
If it wasn’t one then it was the other.
You gathered your jacket and slipped it on your shoulders before walking with Liu into the lobby. You took their time, letting other patrons make their way to the elevators first. He kept looking at you and you kept searching for a way to end the night that didn’t lead with more bad decisions. But he hadn’t said anything either. You needed to say something to either end the night or decide where to go next. If either one of you said something, it was likely that that you would end up arguing. If you could just not mention the kiss it might be fine.
Because if you fought, you’d probably end up kissing him. One led to the other and the other caused the other. It was a vicious cycle.
“Would it be okay to walk you to your room?” He broke the silence, something quite brave all things considered. You considered making him say goodnight before they got in the elevator but then you’d have to take the stairs to avoid him and that would be silly. Besides, what was the harm in it? He’d walk you to your room and you’d be free after those few more awkward moments.
“Sure.” You were surprised you didn’t sound haughty thanks to your nerves. It wasn’t that you were mad at him. You were mad at yourself. Mad that you let him kiss you, mad that you’d returned the kiss, mad that you’d wanted to keep kissing him. Worst of all, you were mad that it had felt so damn good.
The elevator was awkward and silent. Liu leaned against the back wall, arms folded over his chest, eyes on the floor. You slammed the button for your floor about twelve times more than necessary and then stayed close to the grid of buttons. Just a few more minutes and the night would be over.
You were coaching yourself not to let him into your room. Why had you even considered it? You didn’t think that he would ask to come in. If he were smart then he definitely wouldn’t try to push his luck. Then again, Liu Kang had become a very different animal over the last week. He was more impulsive than you were used to him being.
The problem was that if you let him into your room then you would absolutely end up sleeping with him because you wanted to which was one of the most frustrating thoughts you’d ever had.
The doors to the elevator opened and so you led them down the hall toward your room. His was only a few doors down. You had purposely not gotten rooms next to each other but it was still close enough that it wouldn’t be too terribly out of his way. You leaned against the door to your room, holding your keycard against your phone behind your back.
You wouldn’t let him in.
You couldn’t.
“Thanks for spending the evening with me.” Liu looked to the door behind you and then back over you. “And for forgiving me.” The moment was less awkward and Liu didn’t seem like he was going to push you. You were thankful. You could still taste his lips on yours and you’d have that memory for the rest of the night.
“Oh?” You chuckled. “Did I forgive you?”
“Uh…” Liu looked suddenly nervous, his soft smile fading. “I guess that you didn’t.”
“Liu…” You began with a sigh, nervous to start a fight. But you had to talk about these things eventually. “I’m still mad about a lot of the things you’ve said the last few days.”
“And we still have to talk about that.”
“Yeah, look, I understand that you’re sorry but you have also made it clear that you meant much of what you said in the last week so it’s not as simple a thing as forgiving you.”
“Yeah.” He took a step closer and took your free hand. “I understand that. I’m still grateful that you didn’t tell me to shove it the way that you had every right to.” He brought your hand to his lips and placed a kiss on the back of your knuckles. You rolled your eyes so hard that he laughed.
“I know you far too well to think that you’re charming, Liu. Especially after the last few days. Nice try though.” You pulled your hand back from him and he shrugged but he had a grin on his face. That night he’d implied that he thought you’d sought too much solace in drink. That was far from charming. You’d said plenty of unpleasant things to him too. You were on evening footing with lack of charm.
“I am charming, Y/N.”
“Go to bed, you giant dork.” You weren’t opening that door until he’d walked away. You didn’t trust yourself. It would be so easy to invite him inside and take out some of that pent up frustration. You knew he was thinking it too. The way that he lingered, the way that his eyes darted down to your hand where you held your key and back to your eyes. Inviting him in would definitely take care of some of that frustration you both felt at least until tomorrow. Then you’d be even more frustrated. “Goodnight, Liu.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
You watched him walk away and then retreated into your room.
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anayaahwrites · 3 years
KOT Ficlet #5 (Momoya Natsu/ Yoshinaga Atsumu)
When the lights start flashing like a photo booth (And the stars exploding, we'll be fireproof.)
Warning: Themes of underage drinking and implied sexual content.
Natsu roughly based on this art by @sasukeslove
A small AU on MomoYoshi's first meeting:
Natsu is six when he learns about Angels.
He’s perched on mama’s lap, carrying a new storybook with tiny hands and slowly pronouncing all the words. Her proud smile encourages him to read the larger words too, the ones he’d avoid out of embarrassment—something about a pro-fe-cky and a pro-mice that He exists up there somewhere, over the pillowy clouds watching down on them.
Mama tucks him in that night and tells Natsu to close his eyes and pray because Angels only come to good boys.
He’s ten when it all sounds like bullshit to him.
Over the years, Mom’s rosy smile had withered into a fatigued sigh, a cry for help to the God that never answers no matter how much they pray. Dad was more a guest than a resident. He came around once in a while to eat lunch—with a taut smile plastered eerily over his smooth features—and swiftly vanish to not return in that week .
They’ve stopped waiting for him and Natsu stops asking questions.
He’s thirteen when he meets Sei, a child around his age, except so much more charming and calm and composed for someone that carried half the same set of genes Natsu had. He learns of his father’s betrayal and is honestly shocked at his own lack of surprise. Still, he questions his God and why why why would He let mom’s heart shatter like that?
Sei is quick to laugh and tell him that God doesn’t exist and mom is just a victim to their monster of a father.
So he goes home that day to his outraged mother, hair coloured like glittery Christmas tinsel and sapphire lenses replacing his usual shade of honey brown. She snaps at the sight, yelling at him till her throat closes up, till nothing but a harsh sob escapes her and he lets her. They both had to cope somehow.
By the fall of his fourteenth year, he gets pierced four times and stops talking to his mother almost completely.
To hell with dad. To hell with God.
Natsu is fifteen, and he doesn’t care about anything anymore.
He’s fifteen and quickly realising from his daily job as a guitarist in the club that girls aren't attractive no matter how much they flock around him. He still humours them sometimes, a touch here, a kiss there since the pay is good enough for him to add some extra service on his part.
Mom plies herself with work as often as possible, to douse her misery in the decayed scent of piled papers and clunking keyboards. She leaves Natsu to deal with everything else on his own like the obedient son he is, letting him go like dad left her.
Natsu is alright, though. He’s done this far longer than she knows.
He stops reaching out to her, stops talking to someone up in the skies, settling instead to live a tranquil life in the shadows, under the dependable shade of music. He hates people. He hates the world.
Natsu is basking in the warmth of another uneventful day in the club, when in walks a boy out of fucking nowhere and his entire world tips on its axis.
The boy takes shaky, wary steps as if he were balancing on a trapeze. Dark black bangs like thick black rain spill over the side of his face, half covering wide brown eyes. Splotches of pink and porcelain white stick out where his sweater ends and skin begins. He’s small and delicate and beautiful, Natsu’s heart skips a beat. Or two. Or maybe three.
And why should he lie? Natsu has seen beautiful, quite a few varieties of it too. But this…this was different. This was unreal.
The boy looks around nervously before he catches something and there’s a spark in those hazel eyes, sharp and electric, a smile tugging at his lips.
Natsu follows his gaze. On the stage lies his own guitar—a pre-performance habit for people to know he was next. He took great pride because this itself garnered more clusters than anyone in the entire house.
Natsu smiles. So he was a fan.
He downs the customary shot of vodka, waving at the people before hopping on stage and wrapping the sling around his neck. He scours the audience for a familiar face and it doesn’t take a lot, to spot a splatter of ink black in the crowd, batting eager eyelids at him. The smaller boy realises the attention on him and glances behind to confirm his suspicion.
By the time he swings around, eyes blown wide in a stare, Natsu plays the first chord.
In an instant, his expression shifts to a mix of awe and interest, a silent worship and a loud cheer compiled in one small, thin body. He claps more than anyone else in the room, beaming like a floodlight by the time Natsu finishes.
It was nothing strange. He played among cheers every day but none felt as satisfying with this voice hooting and clearly standing out from his regular gang of squealing girls. He throws his head back laughing back stage when no one is there to see.
By the time Natsu gets out on the floor again, a little more thrilled for the night and dressed in something less flashy, he’s gone. He screws his lips in displeasure and asks his friend to make him something stronger than the usual.
This happens more nights than not, and it was frustrating him.
The moment Angel boy—as he’s dubbed him, steps in through the door, Natsu traces his every move and quickly registers a pattern. He only comes around on days the club was the busiest—specifically during Natsu’s performance, talks to no one and leaves before he has the chance to even ask a name.
Not that Natsu was interested in him or anything. He was just curious, is all—why this boy looked like a starved pet every time he saw him on stage and if he really smelled like soft winter blankets and warm fireplaces, all angelic and pure.
Okay, so maybe he was a little interested.
Months pass like that.
The mid-November chill comes with its blistering snowstorms and the club is jam packed—winters were some of their busiest months—and Natsu’s up to perform. Instead of preparing, he watches the door resolutely from the bar, tapping impatiently at the table.
As routine, it barely opens a crack, and he sees a sliver of ebony snaking it’s way through the crowd. The boy stands on his tippy-toes which don’t give him much of a view, so he does these tiny jumps—that are so adorable, for a second Natsu forgets his own name—and scowls when he notices no guitar on stage.
He checks the time, the stage and then scans the crowd. The anticipation throbs through Natsu as he follows his eyes cross the room in slow motion, dragging dragging until they eventually land on him. Everything stills—the thundering music, the singing and all he can hear is the low thump of veins against his skin.
It’s over in a flash.
“That your Angel boy?” The bartender gestures at the figure turning tail and running, drying the pad on his prized work station. He skillfully pours two coloured liquids into an oddly shaped glass and passes it over the counter to him.
Natsu hums, swirling the absinthe stained drink in hand, eyeing the smaller boy gasp as a couple slams against the door, clearly piss drunk with her suspended over his thighs and gyrating her hips into the man.
“Hey, chief.”
“You think I can get off early tonight?”
The man raises an eyebrow. “Like when?”
“Like now.” Natsu answers, never letting his gaze falter from the head full of black hair slowly receding through the crowd, horrified.
The man guffaws, lifting a glass of water—since he can’t drink on duty—and clinking it with Natsu’s.
“Must be fuckin’ Christmas if you’re taking interest in anyone, so I’ll let this one pass. Don’t scare him off now. He already looks like a trembling lamb.”
Natsu knocks back the contents, swallowing the liquid till it numbs his entire mouth and smirks.
“I’ll try.”
So he follows the boy. Hands are immediately all over him from faces he recognises in passing—a girl he once kissed, someone that made him cake, but he pushes them off.
His boy of interest forces the hood of his shirt up all the way, and glances behind him once before increasing his pace. Maybe the lights are really getting to him and maybe Natsu is a little tipsy when he reaches out to grab his hand.
The boy flips around to lock eyes frantically, as if a ghost had seized him.
“Hey.” Natsu musters his sweetest smile.
“Hi..” The boy replies.
And oh, his voice. It’s sugary sweet and so so soft like—like actual rolls of smooth and silky cotton had woven them. He blushes fiercely under Natsu’s relentless gaze and stares where their hands were connected in a tight grip as if it burned holes through him.
Natsu frowns. “Don’t run.”
The boy’s gaze shoots up, and he’s pulling away.
“I-I’m sorry I really h-have to go—”
“It’s my birthday.” Goddamn, he must be really wasted to admit that. Now that he thinks about it, what did he just drink?
Twentieth November, the day he was born and incidentally also the day he found his father’s tongue down another woman’s throat, holding a child over his shoulder.
“Oh,” The boy stops, pursing his lips and letting the hood go all the way down before flashing easily one of the most ethereal smiles Natsu has ever seen.
“Happy birthday.”
“Thanks,” he replies awkwardly. “It’s not going really well.”
Natsu nods. “It’s nothing different.”
“You want it to be special?”
The buzz in his nerves practically screamed a yes to that—he wanted something to remember, to bury the horrible memories he associated with this day, for the days he wished he was never born in the first place. He wanted to fit it all in this one boy in one night, this angel he didn’t even know, to free him from himself.
Natsu tightens his grip. “Dance with me?”
Oh boy, the alcohol was talking.
Angel boy looks at Natsu with wide doe eyes, peers back at their hands and gulps. Natsu frowns and releases his hold. He was drunk, probably a little more than he’d admit to, but he didn’t want to pressurize anyone—not when this boy already looked so out of his element, a beige hoodie and skinny jeans in a club full of scantily clad folk.
But he reverses the roles, grabbing Natsu by the fingers so delicately, he releases a soft hum of satisfaction. He rubs fingers between his own, feeling the brush of calloused fingertips on them. It reminds him of mom’s soft chest rising and falling when she slept beside him because he was her ‘perfect little angel’ and made him feel safe.
He misses it. Misses being safe. Misses being loved.
“Okay,” the boy mumbles, peering from under his natural hood of hair with a light smile. “Okay. Let’s dance.”
Natsu doesn’t really know what he’s doing anymore. The lights blink and they’re suddenly in stop motion. It tricks his brain into thinking of them as pictures trapped some place in his brain forever. So he stares and stares and captures the blush spreading like wildfire across the boy’s face, a smile widening in tandem with the soft beats.
They’re two faces among a thousand on a random winter night. The music isn’t his type nor is his attire anything to be proud of. But this boy. Holy heavens, if he isn’t the prettiest thing ever then the stars should be ashamed because damn, he’d beat them even on a bad day.
His hair sways—a steady swing of left right left right and a pleasant smile sits snug on his features like that’s where they belonged, that’s where they had always belonged and Natsu closes his eyes when their hands meet again.
This is perfect.
It’s when the music stills that they transition to a slower lull of movement, and the blaze of liquor in his blood emboldens him into yanking the boy a little closer. He lets him fall with a small plop on his chest and laughs when he rubs his nose, scowling.
“Why do you never wait back?” He asks, exhaling at the warmth the boy’s presence brings. Natsu puts his hand around his waist and he swears, it was like he wasn’t human, like someone had sculpted him out of clay, moulded to near perfection. And maybe he’s treading into dangerous waters, but his mouth had a mind of its own and there’s nothing he could do to stop it.
“I always look for you after I’m done but you’re never here.”
Pair of hazelnut eyes sheepishly peer at him.
“I’m sorry. I’m just.… not good at socializing.”
“So you say,” Natsu laughs, “But you’re doing better than me.”
“No way!”
“Yes way.”
“You have to be kidding me you’re so cool—and and so beautiful I really cannot—since the beginning I haven’t been able to take my eyes off—”
He squeaks when he's dragged closer by the small of his back. Their eyes meet. Natsu sees flashes of every happy moment of his life mirrored in them; His first recital, mom’s naturally loud laugh, the first time he played the guitar. They reach into Natsu’s soul and drag out his joy like the reel of a kite.
“I thought you were an angel,” he chuckles so close, he feels the boy shiver against his cheek. “I still do. Everyone here calls you Angel boy. Score a drink from them with that name sometime. I’m sure they’ll oblige you.”
“Angel? I—” He breathes a giggle, twisting silver strands with his fingers. “If there’s any angel here, it’s you.”
But this is fake, he wants to say. It’s fake, artificial, made of desperation because he never wants to look into the mirror and see his father’s face staring back at him. He won’t be him. He won’t.
“Atsumu,” he says. “My name is Atsumu.”
“Atsumu.” Natsu repeats in his head till it rolls naturally over his tongue. Like Atsu meaning heat and summer and everything bright and cheery.
Natsu purposefully lingers near his ear, to breathe his name in the air, smiling, content.
“ ‘Tsumu. It’s cute,” he hums. “You’re cute.”
“Are you drunk?”
“Definitely.” He chuckles.
Atsumu whispers, low and uneasy. “C-can I ask you something?”
“Mhmm.” At this point, his voice gave him a greater high than the drink he had downed fifteen minutes ago. Or was it an hour? He couldn’t really tell and decided very quickly he didn’t care, anyway.
“Why don’t you.. come to school?”
Natsu’s eyes open a crack to glimpse at the boy who trembles softly under him, as if he were admitting to a crime.
“I—” he continues in alarm, “I swear I’m not a stalker I just—Oh my god please don’t misunderstand me—”
“Calm down.” Natsu shushes, smiling apologetically at the few people around him that had been torn out of their aggressive make-out session as if they weren’t the ones that needed a room. God, if he sees another dick hanging out, he’ll have to bust out the chainsaw in the basement and go wild.
“So,” he leads them to a quieter corner with very few people and lesser eyes their way. “School,” he waves a hand dismissively, “It’s boring. Lots of people. Annoying questions. You know the drill.”
“Right,” he gulps. “Right so, I’m uhh—in your class I don’t think you noticed and I’m from an instrument club and someone asked us a question. Something about erotic sounds—wait that sounds bad—not erotic erotic but.…Ah, I’m bad at explaining.”
Natsu doesn’t keep back the dreamy giggle that leaves him, swaying lightly to the music. He’s exactly as he imagined—hell, even his name was spot on—all warm and giggly and fluttery.
“I’m still listening,” Natsu smiles. “Go on.”
Atsumu scrunches his nose and continues. “So one of my club seniors—he comes of a little rough but he’s really nice—went to one of my other seniors house who I think he really likes, and her mother told him it’s—I’m sorry am I too confusing?”
“I think I can manage.”
“Okay, so basically, her mother says it’s the pause in between his words and actions. The space that is just…there. And so I was writing about it—because I write everything—and Oka-kun saw my book.”
Natsu scowls. “Oka is annoying like that.”
The boy giggles this time. “Funny. He said you’d say that.”
“It’d be nice if he attempted to change it, then.”
“And so he told me you play music, where you work and that maybe you could do something good for once—I didn’t say that he did—So…” He moves his hand vaguely around them. “Here I am.”
Natsu hums against his head, bringing him to a slower pace as the song changes.
“I’ll have to thank him for that.”
“You’re not..angry?” He says through furrowed brows. “Oka-kun said you would be if you found out.”
He’s certain if Oka showed up here uninvited, Natsu would promptly kick him out. Because Oka is annoying. Atsumu however….
“So? Did you get your answer?” He asks instead.
The smaller boy makes a face, pulling all his features in to make his button nose stand out more than it already does and pout.
Natsu laughs. He’s been doing a lot of that today. Laughing.
“I’ll take that as a no.”
“Don’t get me wrong! Your performances are splendid and I really can’t get enough of them but the answer…I still haven’t reached a conclusion.”
Natsu plays with the fingers in his hand, shuffling to let them sink into the gap between his. Atsumu stares and responds by shyly tucking his fingers in.
“Want me to help you?” He whispers, tapping the side of Atsumu’s waist with his other hand.
“Can you?” He whispers back.
Can he? Yes. Should he? Probably not.
But what use is logic anyway, when a boy the embodiment of a sunny summer day amid a bitter winter stood enclosed in his arms?
Yeah. To hell with logic.
Natsu sways his hips, raking his free hand through Atsumu’s hair. He releases a pleased sigh when the tiny fingers between his tighten as if it were the only thing anchoring him to reality, which was good. Natsu felt the same, like his sanity was slowly slipping through open fingers.
“Spaces…exist everywhere. In words, in voices, in time…” He draws their joined hands to his mouth, dragging wet lips over porcelain skin. Atsumu shudders, breathing in sharp, shallow exhales.
“These hands..there’s a space in between them too if you look carefully. We’re so close,” fingers tighten around his shirt. “But still never close enough.
He runs a palm down the boy’s face that angles and angles till plush, red lips are within kissing distance. They part and blow warm clouds of air that taste mint and chocolate in his mouth. Natsu smiles. “Space is where there is distance. Space is where there is intimacy. Space is where there is friction. And this exciting gap that keeps us wanting to be closer till not even an atom could squeeze in—” he leans in closer, “—is erotic.”
He backs away while he has the physical capacity to do so, before the alcohol overrides every decision in his head and they end up a tangled mess of limbs in some random hotel room, but Atsumu having none of it.
He pulls Natsu to himself, clutching the pleats of his shirt and tugging him down to his lips. Teeth knock loudly against each other and Natsu hisses lightly, parting to lick the tingle in the tip of his incisor away.
“S-sorry!” Atsumu covers his embarrassment behind shaky hands. Natsu wraps thin fingers under his chin, reeling him in slow and steady and closes the distance. It’s soft, like a snowflake on a tree, virgin snow settling on frozen water and ironically, melts him. It boils and freezes, ignites his soul into a firework of bursting flames. He’s touching, feeling, pulling until every inhale feels like fire in his lungs.
“Closer,” Atsumu murmurs, throwing nimble hands over his shoulder and locking their lips together like puzzle pieces on a gameboard. “Make the space go away.”
It’s chaotic, and it’s magical. Like every star in the galaxy twinkled around them tonight, like every blossoming flower settled wherever Atsumu touched him. He’s drunk on vodka, drunk on happiness, drunk on love.
Closer. Natsu pushes a knee in between his thighs. His mouth hangs open in a silent moan, eyes slowly rolling into the back of his head.
Closer. The hands in his air pull him in for another searing kiss, pressing for entry, to delve deeper, deeper into themselves. Atsumu nibbles lightly on his lip and Natsu lets him bruise him for tonight. To wreck him, destroy him.
They settle for a slower casual rhythm when they part to breathe. He keeps them moving on the floor, smiling against a pair of swollen lips.
“School suddenly sounds much more interesting.” He says.
Atsumu squints incredulously. “We can’t do this at school.”
Natsu shrugs, pecking the tip of the boy’s nose. “Shame.”
“Then you’ll come?” Atsumu bumps his forehead against Natsu’s. “I’ll really see you tomorrow?”
“If you can walk home straight after tonight, then sure.”
Atsumu gasps and slaps him across the back, blushing as they leave the club, hand in hand, away into the wintery night.
Natsu turns sixteen—a little drunk, a lot happy—but he’s sixteen and he can pinpoint this as the day he falls in love even years later.
And every other birthday is insignificant but so much better, spent at home, in the arms of the boy that saved him in just one night, all those years ago.
Mom only ever asks where he’s going and who he’s moving in with while he packs his bags to leave. She frowns when he answers with the widest smile on his face, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“An Angel.”
Ignore the sloppy writing haha. I'm writing this while travelling back home after a god awful six hour exam.
It felt too plotless to post on my ao3 kdkcd—
If you look at the colouring of Natsu I based it on (go give @sasukeslove all the real love), I imagine the art as the morning after when Oka's annoying Natsu and Atsumu walks in through the door (≧▽≦)
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