#and yes this is me starting yet another wip while still not having my current wip finished lol
burningblake · 9 months
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ASH BEGINS TO FALL | A High School AU ↪ Ace and Nancy meet for the first time at Keen High, while he's still a senior and she a sophomore.
He doesn't notice her at first. Frankly, it looks like she'd rather not be noticed. Unless it is normal for sophomore girls to hide in the farthest corner of the library during class recess hours. He's arranging some of the students' returned books on shelf ZA when he finally catches a glimpse of her through a gap in the stacked tomes. And of course, he immediately recognizes her—The girl who made the volcano erupt.
Read on AO3
He doesn't notice her at first. Frankly, it looks like she'd rather not be noticed. Unless it is normal for sophomore girls to hide in the farthest corner of the library during class recess hours. He's arranging some of the students' returned books on shelf ZA when he finally catches a glimpse of her through a gap in the stacked tomes. And of course, he immediately recognizes her—The girl who made the volcano erupt. 
Only now she's slumped against the wall, head buried between her elbows. And from the way her shoulders are trembling, he knows that she's crying. 
He hesitates at the adjacent aisle, his eyes rounding, as a surge of protectiveness waves through his chest. Ace doesn't understand it. Even though he does have a crush on her. But he's had many crushes in his seventeen years of life and he barely knows this girl for it to be any different. For the time being, though, he's willing to attribute it to the fact that he's a cop's son. Granted, former cop. But the protective instincts must be an inherited thing. 
He doesn't mean to check her out, the details rather register on their own. The way her jeans curve around her hips, and the green color of her top flatters her pale skin, and her unique shade of red hair curls around at the edges. 
For several seconds, he just stands there, arguing with the idea of going near her. It's obvious that she's chosen this setting for the chance to be alone. So the prudent thing to do is to grant her the space. 
He almost does that, tucking the books back into their gap, and turning away. But in his haste, he's done a lousy job of the placement. The volumes tumble back out. He barely has time to throw his hands out, as they cascade to the floor with noise—A thunderstorm would have probably been quieter. 
The girl raises her head with a soft gasp. 
"Who's there?" she demands, her voice clear and firm, despite its dampness. It almost sounds as though she expects something really scary to be there. 
Ace stumbles out to the start of her aisle, palms raised. "I'm sorry, didn't mean to disturb you."
Or maybe he did. Considering how his heart flutters at entering the radar of those sharp, perceptive eyes. She gapes at him quietly for a while, all red eyes and wet cheeks. And despite everything, he thinks that she looks adorable. 
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ressjeon · 2 years
desperate | pjm (m.)
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pairing: model!jimin x pa!reader
summary: being Jimin's assistant made you immune from his flirty tactics, but somehow you find it hard to resist him when he unusually becomes desperate.
rating: 18+ | word count: 3.8k
genre/au: smut (a bit of plot if you squint)
warnings/content: crude language, masturbation, fellatio, handjob, deepthroating, face fucking?, switch dynamics, a lot of pining ig, cheeky jimin that has many lustful thoughts and he's a brat too oml
a/n: been a long while and this is unplanned as always lmao. was supposed to be posted on the 14th but the universe said no so i couldn’t post it. anyways, this is for the 2nd anniversary of this blog’s official debut in this community so why not post a fic of the person who made me start writing in the first place, as the first fic of 2023 just like he was my first fic in this blog (just in time with vibe’s release, his solo album announcement and his official partnership with Dior too! 0.0). thank you Jimin for being my light, i love you 🥰
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― masterlist — navigation — wips
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You’re currently on your knees, helping Jimin out with his problem.
Not that kind, goodness no. He’s been doing practice poses for his shoot as soon as he arrived like he always does in each photoshoot. You ignored his flushed look when he entered the studio, already knowing his morning routine and went straight for the pre-shoot meeting. Everything was smooth until you noticed some stain on his black pants when you were checking him for any final touches.
So here you are now, dabbing the wet wipes around the spot on his thigh while he’s leaning against the frame of the glass partition behind him. 
He’s lucky that most of the staff are not here yet so you have time to remove the stain from his pants, a cum stain that almost made you scream when he told you sheepishly that it was from some girl he fucked this morning before coming to the studio.
“are you still mad? i told you i didn't realize she’d be a creamer”
In any other situation, this would've been a strange exchange with someone you essentially work for. Jimin has no filter in the way he talks to you but you don’t really mind it as you do the same. You and he have grown closer to one another each day since you started working for him so these types of conversations became normal between you both.
It's one of the perks of Jimin hiring someone around his age for a personal assistant. You've been with him from the very start of his career, barely scraping anything during that time with the both of you fresh from graduation. When he initially asked you, you looked at him incredulously because his plan was quite risky. Jimin understood your hesitance but he was surprised when you finally agreed after a bit of consideration.
Your friends said that it must be the puppy eyes that he constantly gives you but no, you knew of Jimin during college. It’s common knowledge from your mutual acquaintances of how hardworking he is and you’ve witnessed it a few times before so you said yes because why not. You're both in the same boat anyways, still looking for other jobs and who knows, if this works then it will be great for your future careers. 
You remember when Jimin got his very first paycheck, running up to you with a tight hug and asking you something that you’ve been wanting for a while. You were confused but then he cracked a smile and revealed that he wanted to treat you as a gratitude for doing your best to find casting calls and gigs for him. You were happy of course, with both of your hard work finally coming to fruition.
This dynamic you have with Jimin as a very close friend and colleague has been pretty balanced as the years go by. There are times when you fought, unavoidable with your contrasting personalities but you both became comfortable with one another regardless. This makes your teamwork efficient with more understanding from both sides as your relationship gets closer.
“believe me, it’s hers, not mine i swear” he adds, repeating what he explained earlier when you don’t answer him.
Thoughts aside, you do, of course, believe him because Jimin’s one of the most responsible guys you’ve ever known. He always comes prepared for photoshoots and arrives early to do last-minute check-ups despite what his shenanigans are the night before like earlier today. He’ll never go bare with anyone to avoid risks because he already experienced some scares before from past hookups.
No answer from you still but it’s partly because you've been in shambles on the inside with what you feel for him these days. You’re not only annoyed by this whole thing but you also felt uneasy at what he said. You’ve been used to it but you somehow felt the sting when he explicitly laid out his latest hookup. 
You’ll never admit to yourself or him why because it would be unprofessional.
At the same time, you’ve also been fighting to focus only on finishing up what you’re doing, occasionally straying your eyes toward the glass windows to calm yourself down. He was practically naked in front of you, with his damn gold necklace where its round pendant dances around his belly button and pointing down to the huge bulge he was sporting. And it would’ve helped if he’s covered, at least while you’re still on the floor. But apparently, he felt the need to not zip it up and just wear it as it is, torturing you with his sculpted body. 
You shouldn’t mind it but you’re a bit suspicious because Jimin’s always been involved in his photoshoots. He always consults with you regarding his outfits even if it’s not part of your job. He often asks for your input as well, discussing his ideas with you before he gives them a go. For this shoot, he picked this specific hooded jacket among all the ones that you’ve shown him, insisting on wearing it without anything under it because this one is apparently very loose. 
Which became an immense distraction to you. 
You remember zoning out earlier in the meeting room when Jimin was picking the final photos from his pre-shoot, trying all the concepts that he’s been wanting to do. You were already a mess with his slicked-back hair and exposed body along with his tight pants. And now you couldn't stop staring at his veiny hands as they hovered around the pictures. The gold rings on both of his index fingers didn’t help either, turning your focus on them instead of listening to him explaining to you and his stylist. 
Jimin of course notices and teases you like always. Though he’s been doing it more frequently these days, adding more to the brewing tension between you. 
He ran his fingers through the pinned pictures on the pegboard and casually picked up the pictures near where you were standing by the edge of the table. He leans closer and closer so you have to fight the urge to look at him, instead focusing your attention on talking with this stylist.
“you alright, __?”
You just scoff and roll your eyes at him, brushing him off with an excuse of being sleep deprived. He’s doing this on purpose, he could’ve lied to you earlier about fucking someone because how is he still hard? Thankfully he zipped up for now so his oversized jacket covers it but you knew he had a hunch about why you’d been acting weird around him right now.
Jimin's been smiling, knowing that his current hairstyle has been your favourite. He noticed it when he had his rainbow blond one last time where you couldn't stop touching his hair, hands constantly on it whether hair spraying it or simply tugging its strands whenever you can, reasoning that it's looking messy though it's not.
You couldn't stop looking at him too, eyes staying on him more than you ever did since working for him. That's why he specifically talked to the stylist and the photographer about bringing this hairstyle back for this photoshoot since it’ll also fit with his whole look. Also, you’ve been sneaking glances at him today which has been lifting up his mood. It just adds to how hard his dick is already, affecting you this much makes him very excited for today.
“Jimin, you can't do the shoot with this” you will yourself to ask, relieved that your voice came out sterned. When you look up at him, Jimin swears that his cock just twitched at the view of you in this position, his thoughts playing a different scenario where you’re giving him the suck of his life.
“then help me..” he mindlessly responded, totally not paying attention to what you’re referring to. He's not sure really, his mind’s still hazy and all he can think of is the ache of his balls from not being able to cum earlier.
“i’m trying” you grumble, ignoring his pouting. He’s adorable when he’s like this, and he uses that on you when he wants something. Sometimes it works when he combines it with his affectionate touches but you have to be strong this time. You’re not even sure what he’s specifically talking about but then you’ve also been occupied in trying to fight off your growing lust for him. 
Jimin’s pout turns into a grin after catching your eyes flickering from looking anywhere and on his bulge again, he can sense how your hand’s so tempted to touch it with how much you’re gripping his pants. Your hand continues to fidget, eyes unfocused as you continue to wipe off that stain as hard as you can just in case. You don’t look annoyed now either, but you’re wearing a struggling expression that tells him just how conflicted you are at this moment.
You’re beyond torn because that fucking tent of his pants is dissolving your annoyance little by little with sinful thoughts already creeping up your mind the longer you stay down the floor. 
“where are you looking at?”
“the city view looks good from here”
You automatically answer, clearing your throat in the process before gathering up the pack of wet wipes and the damp cloth along with a bowl of cold water from the ground. You avoid looking at Jimin’s face because you knew he was going to try something now that he noticed your slight slip of judgment.
“yeah, the view is amazing but my view from here is better”
“up or down?” 
“both, but i’d say down. you’d say the opposite, right __?”
You almost dropped what you're holding at his remark but this is nothing new to you: Jimin shamelessly throwing his lewd innuendos at you at any chance he got. You indulge him in it, after all, it’s just harmless flirting between friends, something that you never expected when you took this job. Sometimes it's part of your banter, you doing the same thing to him which catches him off guard sometimes when he's focusing on something while working. You especially do it when discussions of his escapades come to light, which you helped in arranging because of his demanding schedules.
Yes, you’re this dedicated to your job even if it sometimes causes an ache in your heart. 
“why? didn’t you fuck someone?” you deflect, not giving him the satisfaction of knowing how much he’s affecting you.
“yeah but i didn’t get to cum, couldn’t…” he trails off as he closes his eyes and grabs his crotch to hopefully feel a little bit of comfort but it's no use. He wants to tell you why he couldn't, wants to let you know who has been stopping him from getting off with other people but you don't care anyways.
“then get rid of it, you still have time”
You state with urgency, nervously looking around if anyone saw but everyone’s been doing their own thing. Patting his thigh, you stand up from your kneeling position and push aside your want to help him in getting rid of it. He might be good at hiding his expressions but he does look like he’s been struggling for hours since he arrived on set. Jimin didn’t do anything but huff before retreating to the dressing room to take care of his problem.
Now that most of the staff are here, you check in with them for any possible last-minute changes. It took your mind off Jimin a bit but your eyes couldn’t stop glancing at the door of his dressing room. You shake your head, pushing yourself to focus on your current task. It’s still early but you want to make sure Jimin’s ready when the scheduled time for his photoshoot is on. This is an important shoot for him so you just hope that he finishes as soon as possible to not keep everyone waiting. 
After you’ve double-checked everything, you decide to fetch Jimin. Nearing his door though is making you more agitated than you already are. You’re about to knock when you hear his loud, sexy groan. fuck. 
You haven't really heard how Jimin sounds properly because each time you catch him fucking someone, either during his breaks or random times when you need something for him to confirm, his partners’ moans usually overpower his so this is quite new, and you won’t deny that you'd love to hear more of it.
“oh fuck..fuck”
Jimin being this loud causes you to panic at the possibility of anyone in the studio hearing him like this. This might not be new for some of the staff but still, you just don’t want everyone to hear how he sounds like. 
You took a deep breath before wandering your eyes around if anyone was watching but thankfully, everyone was busy.
He wonders if you’re listening, purposely moaning louder than he intends to as he fists his cock. You probably don’t care and if you ever catch him, you’ll just ignore his attempts and scold him for taking too long at this. It’s always been the case with you but he does find it amusing to piss you off more.
So when he hears the door opening, a smirk creeps up on his face before opening his half-lidded eyes.
“shut up” you seethe as you approach his propping form on his vanity. He thinks it's just one of his imaginations again, indulging him with his fantasies. But when he feels you grab the chain of his wrap necklace towards you, his eyes open fully before releasing a small gasp. The smaller chain loop fastens gradually around his neck when you begin pulling its long chain gently while looking into his eyes. He maintains eye contact and you notice the hunger and mischief in them as you continue to pull his necklace.
“s-shit” he whines quietly, though the smirk still remains on his gorgeous face as his hand continues to stroke his cock even faster. His other hand reaches for the dark bottle of lube, bringing it in front of you before pumping its nozzle on his very angry tip.
He closes his eyes again, placing the bottle back on the table while his other hand spreads the lube around his dick. You’re speechless for a second with this whole show he’s putting on, pausing to watch him. It’s when his other hand comes up in an attempt to touch you to come closer that breaks your reverie, swatting his hand away.
You stare him down, brows scrunching while contemplating what to do next. This would be crossing whatever boundaries you have with Jimin both in your personal and professional relationship. You had to look away from him to think this through. You’re used to seeing him semi-naked with other people before but not like this. Him now naked from the waist down in front of you, his tight black pants pooling around his ankles.
It’s Jimin’s desperate whimpers that made your mind up. There’s no point in denying wanting the same thing he desires from you.
“i’ll help you but don't make a sound” you command and he nods, too fucked out to respond because all he wants is his release.
Your hand replaces his before you kneel on the hard floor, immediately swallowing his cock to not waste more time. One of Jimin’s hands is on your head at once, not gripping your hair but just holding onto you for support because fuck, your mouth feels so much better than his hands, hell it's even better than pussies he’s had before.
It’s you, of course, Jimin has always thought about how much better you’ll be at pleasuring him than others. He smiles after noticing your demeanour change as soon as your mouth envelops him. It must be the lube flavour that he specifically picked knowing apple’s one of your favourites. Your mouth is greedily sucking him in now, warm tongue lapping up the entirety of his cock.
"you were drooling for my cock earlier, hmm? bet you wouldn't mind sucking me off in front of everyone outside" his mocking tone shudders, his attempt of gaining control wavering with you being encouraged by what he said. You bob your head faster, opening your mouth more to take him deeper cause the view from where you are is spurring you to do more. Jimin in his fucked out glory is a sight to watch, his gold link earrings swaying as he tosses his head back, his plump lips getting swollen from him biting them to hold his moans in.
You want to see more of it. 
When Jimin’s not closing his eyes from the pleasure, they never leave yours as he stares right into them. He surprises you when he gets up from leaning on the vanity, his hand moving from the top of your head down to the back of your neck to pull you closer to him. This made him push deeper into your mouth so you loosen your jaw, the new angle allowing more of his length in your mouth. As soon as his tip reaches the back of your throat, you’re unable to stop releasing gurgling moans when it nudges further.
“can’t..believe..you’re.. choking on my cock right now..”
Jimin rasps needily as he rolls his hips slowly, deeper with each thrust. The vibrations from your moans are not helping him in holding his orgasm longer. He’s been trying hard because he wants to prolong this, relish this view of you on your knees and your mouth on him because who knows if this will ever happen again. He’s losing himself, grinding on your face while his hand starts massaging your nape in time with his thrusts.
Now you’re confused because you for sure thought that he’ll start fucking your throat roughly the moment you allowed him but he’s not. You take a deep breath through your nose as you come up, readying your throat in case he’ll change his mind later when he’s close to cumming. But the way he’s touching your nape is making you relax, distracting you from your main reason for helping him in the first place.
He’s close already, his cock's been throbbing before you started bobbing your head earlier. His pace also changes a bit faster but is still slow and you’re confused as to why he’s been holding back. His breathing turns erratic and his lower abs are flexing. You know it so before he does so dig your nails into both of his meaty thighs before one of your hands leaves and pushes away his hold on your head. 
You take him deeper until your lips reach the skin of his crotch, immediately pushing back when he grabs your head again, releasing his cock from your mouth which causes Jimin to whimper in frustration.
“that's for making me wipe other girl's cum on your pants” you glare at him, voice hoarse from taking him that deep in your throat. Standing up from kneeling was making your legs wonky, feeling numb from your previous position but your mind’s not on it with your prior annoyance resurfacing because of his attempt to pacify you.
Jimin, however, begins laughing.
Your brows rise from his reaction, totally not expecting this because you were really sure that you already got him under you.
“so you’re jealous after all,”
“i’m not, i wouldn’t help you if i were” you counter, avoiding his eyes as you pull his jacket back on him, it was slipping on one side already, showing his muscular arms and the tattoo on his ribs. Your fingers have minds of their own when you start tracing each of the letters, causing Jimin to shiver at your touches but the devilish smile remains on his handsome face.
“but you’re doing it to prove something, right?”
You don’t know how to answer him and you don’t want to tell him the truth because it’ll just feed his already massive ego. Instead, you grab his swollen dick, hot and heavy in your hands and begin stroking him roughly. The slick from the lube, his precum and your saliva made it easier for your plan. There’s no way you’ll let him, he’ll never be able to make you admit it.
The smile disappears from his lips as his whole body shakes with a cry, not expecting your punishing pace on him. You want to look at him, to watch his smug face morph back into a pliant one.
But you can’t.
Jimin couldn't cum earlier while fucking another girl because all he can think about is you and now you’re doing what exactly he’s been imagining for months, years. You’re still not looking at him, your brows scrunching in focus on jerking him off. He can’t stop himself from bucking into your hands when your thumb starts flicking his mushroom tip, nudging his frenulum with your index finger before squeezing his shaft each time you do it.
You’re honestly amazed at how Jimin manages to hold off his climax this long but it shouldn’t surprise you when he has such incredible control of his body. It’s when your other hand reaches out to pull his necklace again to pull him towards you, that he finally gives in. It never crossed your mind that modifying this necklace by combining it with his gold link could serve as an advantage for you when playing with him.
Jimin’s hand leaves the table to muffle his mouth, eyes somewhat begging you to let him cum. You smile and he lets himself go through a series of incoherent cries, still covering his mouth like you ordered him to. And despite knowing how loud he can be, you quickly move to remove his hands to finally hear the delicious moans that he’s been obediently keeping. 
He continues to rock his hips despite the overstimulation, trying to catch your eyes and when you do look up, he’s back to purposely biting his lips as he gapes at you with his dark brown eyes.
He’s grinning while still biting his lips as he shoots more of his cum into your hands, it’s spilling all over but most of it landed on your black sheer top, especially on the sleeves.
“Jimin what the fuck! you came so much..” your enamoured eyes are focusing on his slit that’s still releasing loads of his sticky cum around your fingers.
“yeah, been holding them back” for you, he wants to add but he just chuckles, breathlessly and all giddy while eyeing you. It could be high from his mind-blowing orgasm but it’s more with how he basically just covered you with his cum.
You look cute when you’re annoyed, grumbling because of the stains on your sheer puffy top. Some of them are on your black leather pants too, and this just adds to his amusement as he watches you walking around frantically, looking for something to clean you both up with before his photoshoot finally commences in about a minute or so.
Jimin’s not sorry of course, seeing his cum stains on you is stirring something carnal in him. It's his way of marking you because you're his now, well, kind of. He'll just make sure to properly mark you next time.
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e/n: i initially wrote this around the time it came out and during his birthday but wasn’t planning on posting it until later cuz i do have other priority fics but i just have to since i wasn’t able to post him last year 😭
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rainbowcaleb · 3 months
FICLET FRIDAY : Hot boi by the sea
Prompt: summer vacation | Rating: T | Pairing: shadowgast | WIP, currently 2400 words
A/N : I rediscovered this fic from June last year and have been finishing it for posting! Enjoy this longer snippet from the middle of the fic…
“But you! I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear so little clothes!” She gestures at his outfit, the black linen sleeveless top and loose plum silk trousers.
“Oh, Light.” Essek mutters and uses his free hand to shift the wrap of his shirt a little more closed. His clothes suddenly feel so scandalous, despite being practically required for this coastal heat.
“Oh no, nonono, I’m sorry Essie, I didn’t mean to make you feel all self conscious, but is it really such a bad thing to be a little ogled at?” Jester looks so earnest that Essek feels compelled to answer.
“It is because you are right; it has easily been decades since I’ve worn such garments in public. I may have been a child last. You all have certainly…relaxed me, but I think my comfort level still has legs to stretch.”
Caleb’s hand is back, now brushing against his shoulder, still so careful to touch what is still covered in fabric. “If you’d like, I have a spare shirt packed, if you wish for another layer.”
“No.” Essek says firmly. “Thank you. I think perhaps the challenge is good for me. I would like to see the ocean, and partake in –what was it Jester?– the local iced poles.”
“Pops, but yes Essek!” She snaps the fingers of her free hand. “It’s hot boi summer, let yourself look hot!” She leans forward enough to catch Caleb’s eye on Essek’s other side. “Even Caleb agrees.”
“Ja, I—” He starts, mouth making a couple silent word attempts before continuing. Then he stands straighter. “Yes. Yes, Jester is right. Your chosen outfit is quite…” He trails off, eyes caught in the sheen of Essek’s pants and looking completely lost for correct words.
“You. Two. Are. Dating.” Jester sighs with the gusto of an elephant trumpet. “At some point you’ll see each others’ dicks so you should really stop blushing over clothes. Unless you have doodley-dooed already and you’re trying to throw me off?”
“Jester!” Essek’s sounds are the squeaking mouse to Jester’s elephant. “We, no, what we do is between us–”
Caleb, despite being tomato red, replies in a fairly reasonable tone. “You are one of our closest friends, but there are some things that will stay between us. For explanation, I was simply…flipping through my mental dictionary and coming up short.”
“Hot boi.” Jester rolls her eyes. “It’s his nickname for a reason.”
“You do look—” Caleb gives him a radiant grin, the bastard. “Very hot.”
Essek wants to bury his face in the inside of his robes, but alas his robes are absent and his shirt is far too low cut. “Thank you Caleb, I think you do too.”
“What, this?” He gestures at his open white shirt, offering a lovely view of bare chest and chest hair, and thigh length linen shorts. “You should see my swimsuit.”
Jester breaks out into a giggle and then quickly tries to stifle herself. Essek and Caleb share a look; it certainly sounds like there is mischief afoot.
“Blueberry.” Essek lets the word roll around his tongue, trying out the nickname. Jester looks at him delighted. “Speaking of swimming, we have been walking for quite a while and have yet to reach any sight of shore. I kindly ask again, this is a tourist town by the sea, correct?”
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sentientcave · 6 months
It's WIP Wednesday once again! I've got some Impound for you because it's been a while and it's still not finished (I've been working on Sparrow instead and just hit 55k today which is pretty exciting).
Contains: Blue collar Simon, Price as a cop, petty nonsense from men who should know better, but they're unfortunately not very emotionally intelligent
That’s when he saw the cruiser, parked on the street out front, too close to the fire hydrant.
Not blocking it, exactly, but still too close. If it were anyone else, he’d’ve let it slide, since the fire crew would still be able to get to the hydrant. But it was Price, and he’d just warned him about this very thing.
He pulled out his phone. “Hey, Johnny?” he said as soon as the line picked up, not waiting for Johnny to speak. “Send Roach out to city hall. Got someone parked by a fire ‘ydrant.”
“Fer fuck’s sake, Si, isnae the feckin’ cop again?”
“It is. I’ll come round to handle the paperwork. Won’t make you do it.”
“Awlright, but dinnae let him catch Roach at it neither. Ye know he’ll say somethin’ stupid and get his arse arrested.”
“Oh I know. Lad dun’t know ‘ow to keep his trap shut.” Simon hung up and headed back inside, hardly paying attention to the meeting, his eyes flicking back to Price over and over again, and holding whenever he found Price looking back. It was clear that neither of them retained anything said, too busy glaring at each other over the heads of the people sitting between them.
Simon got out of the building first, and stood off to the side to smoke another cigarette, leaning against a tree where he could get a good view of Price’s reaction when he came out to find his cruiser missing yet again.
He didn’t disappoint. He came out of the building a few minutes after the initial crush of humanity, talking to Kate and Nikolai. Price stopped in his tracks a little ways out the door, focused in on where his cruiser was supposed to be, and immediately scanned the vicinity, his whole body going rigid, hands tightening into fists, shoulders squared up for war, jaw set like concrete. His blazing blue eyes found Simon, and he marched over without saying a word, leaving Nikolai and Kate looking confused, and then amused when they realized what must have happened.
Price stopped in front of him, fury radiating off of him like heat off an engine, all that energy practically warping the space between them. “What’s your fuckin’ problem, mate?” he asked, jabbing a finger against Simon’s chest.
“No problem. I was ‘ere the whole time, wasn’t I?” Simon batted Price’s hand away, resisting the impulse to punch him for having the nerve to lay his bloody hands on him in the first place. Price was lucky that Simon was so rehabilitated now. That he had his temper on a good strong leash these days. “If you din’t want to get towed, you shunt’ve parked there. Not my problem if my people know ‘ow to do their jobs and you ‘aven’t got a clue ‘ow to do yours.”
“You don’t want to start a war with me, son,” Price growled.
Simon leaned forward, the barest curve of a smile on his lips, eyes narrowed and flinty. To his credit, Price didn’t flinch, didn’t move back, didn’t drop his eyes. He wasn’t intimidated by Simon’s size, like a lesser man would be. “You don’t want to start a war with me, old man.” He wasn’t sure there was much difference in their ages, if any, but if Price was going to try and talk down to him with the son shite than Simon was going to shovel it right back, like he was an unruly teenager in a rebellious phase. “I’m not goin’ to be pushed around by a fuckin’ badge. You don’t get special treatment because you wear a bloody uniform.”
Price’s jaw clenched even tighter. He had an impressive scowl, one that could probably level anyone else. “Watch yourself,” he grit out, like each word cost him something to force from his mouth.
Simon leaned a little closer. Their noses were almost touching. He could feel the currents of air stirred up by Price’s breath on his own face. “Or what?” he asked.
“Or else,” Price said, too angry to come up with anything resembling a real threat.
Simon pulled back with an amused grunt, and turned away, glancing over his shoulder dismissively. “See you as the impound lot, hm? I’ll be waitin’.”
In the end, it was Gaz who came around to pick up the cruiser.
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yoonia · 1 month
Some writing updates (before I log off for a while):
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Postponing today's update on The Bedroom Hymns due to personal issues. I'm planning to still post the chapter this week because I'm planning to post another thing next week, but I guess it'll depend on whether or not I can get more done today
Chapter 22 is currently 75% done, with a total word count 11k words. The chapter might end up around 13-14k words and I'm not planning to split this chapter up because the next chapter needs to focus on something else entirely
Spoiler: will they reunite in this chapter? yes, and this one's going to be a bit fun. and sorry, no, there's no sword fighting
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Ever A Never After: Act 2 is now at 19k words, and I still have about 2-3 scenes to work on
I'm going to finish this chapter and if it does end up with more than 20k words, I'll be releasing Act 2 in two separate chapters
This is what I'm planning to post next week while TBH is on a short break
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The rewriting process of Carousel is currently ongoing
I just finished rewriting chapter 1 last week, but I'm planning to start updating the chapters here once I'm done working on more chapters
I might begin posting the updated chapters on Wattpad next week once chapter 2 is done, so you can catch up with the upgraded version there if you want to read faster
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Blood Moon Rising is also undergoing some changes as I'm re-editing and republishing the Wattpad version
The Tumblr version will be updated once I'm done with this process or perhaps when I start posting new chapters
I'm currently considering on prioritising posting on Wattpad first before sharing on Tumblr since I'm working on this story one small chapter at a time so I can finish it faster (let me know if you're okay with this!)
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These are the stories that I've been focusing on lately with the addition of some fic commissions that have been on pending. Feel free to ask anything about my WIPs! (ps. just don't ask about other WIPs that I'm not opening my draft for. if it's not mentioned, then I'm not working on them yet!)
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tailsbeth-writes · 5 months
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Saw the open tag from @taste-thewaste on this! This took me down memory lane a bit 🥲
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Red, White & Royal Blue mostly but I'm happy to write Heartstopper and og Skam.
I've written for Riverdale, Teen Wolf, Skam France, Wtfock, Druck, Skam Italia & Shadowhunters in the past.
Top five fics by kudos:
Digital Love Letters (RWRB)
i try hard to get back inside your arms alive (RWRB) - and particularly insane as I posted this last week! 🥰)
Right Kind of Wrong (Riverdale)
your heart is your masterpiece (RWRB)
a frightening magic I cling to (RWRB)
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! They make my day, I screenshot my faves. I also love when someone finds a fic that has lots of chapters & I get a flurry of comments 🤌🏻
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Tricky, I don't usually finish on angst. Echo (Wtfock) follows on from a very horrendous part of the show or Season 5 - Magnus (Skam) never got finished so it's been left in the midst of angst.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them end on a happy note but Love, Henry (RWRB) is probably the happiest.
Do you get hate on fics?
I think there was a little back when I started in Riverdale but I think it more anger on their part for a topic I could have written more sensibly I suppose? I've had critique on fics now but never hate.
Do you write smut?
I've written it one time years ago & it felt weird. I loooove writing foreplay though! But I've not ventured into smut in my current fandoms. That might be something I do though, my bigender Alex fic might go into that if there's sequel.
Craziest crossover:
I've only done one and it was a Riverdale meets Teen Wolf, it was a Christmas special and they had to help reunite Santa with his reindeer. While I haven't watched Riverdale for ages, I'm still really proud of that fic!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, thankfully!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, I'd love that though 😄
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but I'd absolutely love to collab this year, in the RWRB fandom in particular y'all are so talented 🥲
All time favorite ship?
Firstprince (RWRB) probably. Wilmon (Young Royals) is a close second atm, I'd love to write some YR fics soon. I'm still a massive Yousana (Skam) and Davenzi (Druck) shipper too. Oh and Nathan/Annalise/Gabriel (TBSATDH) - can't remember the ship name! That show got cancelled too soon & it was basically like a fix it for the books.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a Teen Wolf reader insert fic with a pregnancy story line that I left on a huge cliffhanger but frustrates me but not enough to motivate to finish it. I also have my Skam season 5 - Magnus fic that I'd love to finish one day but I haven't found the plan I made for it originally.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and character voice I think?
What are your writing weaknesses?
Plotting? I'm good at writing scenes but writing a longer storyline in fanfic is something I struggle with.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
If you can do it, go for it! I wish I could incorporate more Spanish in my RWRB fics but alas I only got French or German at my school, I only stuck with French. Maybe I'll brush up & add some in for Henry (RWRB) or Nick (Heartstopper).
First fandom you wrote in?
Riverdale, I haven't seen it in years 😅
Favorite fic you've written?
i try hard to get back inside your arms alive is the probably the one I'm proudest of and while it isn't finished yet Her Royal Highness is up there cause it combines so many of my favourite things, I'm getting to explore darker topics in some scenes while also putting Henry in drag - fanfic catnip for me quite frankly!
I'm not sure who has done this already but I'll tag folks I want to see answer this: @heysweetheart-writes @candyspandemonium @firenati0n @onthewaytosomewhere @callumsmitchells & of course, open tag 💛
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eusuntgratie · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @jdeanmorgan 😘
How many works do you have on ao3? 264. holy shit!
What's your total ao3 word count? 428,688
What fandoms do you write for? men's hockey rpf, rwrb, rwrb rpf, 911, 911 rpf are the ones i have current wips for although its been a minute since i've written buddie. i'm an rpf bitch lately.
Top five fics by kudos: open my heart and let it bleed onto yours (sterek, teen wolf), (be a) good wolf (sterek, teen wolf), safe (sterek, teen wolf), partner (buddie, 911), home (sterek, teen wolf) these haven't moved in a while my new fandoms are not as big as teen wolf those fics did some numbers
Do you respond to comments? nearly always! i love engaging with readers, but even if its just an emoji or a thank you i usually respond.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? probably hold me like i was forgiven (tknp, men's hockey rpf)
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? recently, and in the most traditional sense, maybe dance with me so we don't cry (firstprince, rwrb)
Do you get hate on fics? i write a lot of rpf, so yeah. not on hockey fic, but actor rpf tends to bring it out in people 🙃 i got more comments that irked me on disaster than i'm used to bc i didn't do what some people expected, but only one or two of those i'd consider hate.
Do you write smut? yes! the fic i posted today, you could've texted (ryliver, 911 rpf) is pwp.
Craziest crossover: i don't think i've written one? i'm not opposed but. not yet.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i know of
Have you ever had a fic translated? no but i would love that! eventually i will tackle translating one of mine into spanish.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? i've cowritten a series but not a fic, but only the ones i wrote are still up
All time favorite ship? impossible question. i don't ever really get over/move on from a ship completely i just shift to mostly reading/writing something else. stucky, sterek, buddie, firstprince, tknp, and sidgeno are probably my big ones that are like, ingrained into my soul at this point. but they absolutely are not the only ones i care about. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? i have a bunch of sterek and buddie wips that i'm not sure i'll ever get back to. the buddie ones certainly have more of a chance but. i don't know. shadow (buddie) and stilinski construction (sterek) are two i think about every so often but i'm not sure i'll finish.
What are your writing strengths? who knows. dialog maybe? when i have it nailed down for a character which isn't always. giving a little glimpse of a world and situation in a short fic, maybe? sexual tension, perhaps. i feel like i write good blowjobs.
What are your writing weaknesses? uh, plot? action? why would my characters DO anything when they could just talk and think and fuck. kissing is so fucking hard to write.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? on the rare occasion it actually makes sense for the character im fine with it. i've written some spanish dialog in fic. but just because a character speaks another language doesn't mean they'd randomly start speaking it in the middle of a conversation or something.
First fandom you wrote in? stucky/captain america/mcu. my first fic was Captain America and the Winter Soldier Read Thirst Tweets
Favorite fic you've written? if i had to pick right now it would be disaster and forgive me, father for very different reasons <3
tagging @lostcol @bigassbowlingballhead @jbarneswilson @voxofthevoid @oxfordslutphase @onward--upward and anybody else who wants to do it!
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diggingupgrave · 1 year
Magnificently Cursed... the blog post ✨
My writing log says it’s been exactly a year since I started writing Magnificently Cursed, my Dark Academia Inuokko Magic School AU! I find summer to be insufferable (my apologies to the sun) so I took an escape hatch to an early fall last year and immediately fell down this massive rabbit hole. Not only did I write the whole fic and make overly-intricate graphics for each chapter… I also made a ton of other content that I simply didn’t have enough time to post! (Fall is but one season… unless you’re me, and it’s two, because fuck summer) So as a little anniversary gift to me, I’m going back through the archives and finally putting everything in one place. 
Let’s start with the character mood boards, shall we? 
Toge Inumaki: 
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I wanted Toge to have an earthy/natural, vintage-y feel, while Yuuta was all sleek and new. I’m still completely obsessed with this library-lizard aesthetic for Toge.
I low-key wound up buying a brown sweater after searching online for literal hours just like the one in the upper left so we could twin. That duffle coat still has my whole heart. Lavender mug inspired by Neara 🥺
Yuuta Okkotsu:
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The lil ghostie patch 😭 I still think Yuuta would look hot as hell in all these clothes- especially the speckle-y fisherman sweater. Coat game is strong here as well. 
... so is it obvious that I spend too much time on Canva yet? 😅
The Timeline: 
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My outline wasn’t outlining and I resorted to making an in-world calendar to make sure the dates were realistic. Each chapter is a different color, and the lines represent what days the chapters covered in-world. The corresponding stars represented each chapter’s posting dates… except the real life dates didn’t line up with the fictional dates (rude), so those thursdays were actually saturdays? I think? I'm actually not 100% sure what past me was up to here, to be totally honest 😅
(also, politely ignore that bit that says “epilogue - december” 💀i’ll get to it when i get to it. I don’t really like the idea of it being *over* so maybe i'll just gatekeep that bit forever)
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⬆️ Example of aforementioned “outlining,” which, yes, is unfortunately littered with as many potential tweets as actual organization 💀
Not pictured: the outline for the first three chapters… when i thought this fic… would only *be* three chapters. 🪦
Writing Log:
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I wrote all 92k between July 13th and September 13th (including 60k in August, nanowrimo style)!
Honestly would love to know what her regimen was because i immediately went back to being slow and undisciplined. I don’t foresee this coming august looking anything like this, lol.
Also, sidenote, hilarious that I took a break to work on it would make a whole in the middle of this? Because I literally just finished that piece this week and posted it today 😅
The Playlist:
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Spotify proving that July 13th commitment! If you start a wip without procrastinating and making a playlist for two hours first... did you really start a new wip?
The playlist was three and a half hours and i would listen to it nearly every day, sometimes multiple times in a day 💀. Listen during a rainstorm for peak vibes.
(other favs not pictured: The Butterflly Effect’s cover of “Lay All Your Love on Me,” Sabrina Carpenter’s “Decode,” Liz Longley’s “Rescue My Heart,” and "Nothing's Gonna Happen" by The Staves) 
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(fall baking... toge's fav pumpkin muffins of course)
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(my toge sweater knockoff)
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(editing buddy... clearly working very hard)
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(cider donut cider... for the ✨vibes✨)
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(obsessively drinking massive pots of harney and son’s victorian london fog tea as i tried to interpret my own bullshit)
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(me celebrating actual halloween like i didn't start in july)
.... ANYWAY (if you made it this far 😅) many thanks to anyone who read/kudos/commented/supported this fic, because (if you can't tell already) i had so much fun writing it.
Currently, working on another longfic rn that's also promising to destroy my life... but you never forget your first 😘
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tar-thelien · 7 months
Thank you for the tag @lordgrimwing
I haven´t written in about half a year XD, I got like four current WIPs tho I guess, my kidnap fam one, the one with Erestor, the one with Nerdnel and Elrond, and the angsty one with Maglor in the third age - I should begin again...
The WIP that currently makes the most sense is the one with Nerdanel and Elrond, Caranthir and Arafinwe is there too as guest stars, so here is the start of it;
Grimwing´s is here
Tagging everyone who wants too!!
Standing outside the art study, Elrond looked nervously around the garden it was in. Lifelike statues were standing around, hidden in bushes and behind trees, as well as below bridges, looking as if they had been placed randomly, yet that only made them look more like moving people. When caught only in a glimpse of the eye Elrond could have sworn he had seen two of them move. Their painted red hair of stone moving around the tree they were hidden behind.
When having interred the big garden of the manor Elrond had almost walked into one of the statues and yelped out loud as he came face to face with Makalaure, only his black shinning hair had faded as had the color of his skin and clothes, making way for the marmor beneath, and small cracks could be found in him.
“Are you sure you want to talk to her?” Arafinwe asked, noticing his hesitation.
Looking up at the older elf quickly Elrond nodded harshly.
“Yes! Of course. It´s what I wanted,” he murmured, “it´s what she owes me. As well as what I owe her,” he added as an after thought.
“What she owes you?” Arafinwe answered with a lifted eyebrow as he quietly chuckled at the Peredhel´s glare shot at him, “what she owes you.”
Nodding one finally nod, Elrond takes a step towards the door and slowly pushes it open at Arafinwe´s instructions before being met with a wall of heavy dark red fabricks in his face, of which has been pushed at him by the wind.
“I did forget to tell you, she tends to have curtains covering both her windows and doors when having a certain visitor.”
“Sounds like she is planning a murder,” Elrond murmured as he pushed his way through the fabric and the dust particles coming out into the open while facing the high king of Valinor.
Open having escaped the heavy curtains he turned around and was hit with even more dust particles, as well as the sound of clinging, like a hammer hitting rock, but a surprising amount of light too, coming from a ceiling window as well as some of the big windows on one of the walls being left wide open.
All over where there standing status. Some of them illustrateing objects, some people, other animals, all in various states. Some already looked done, although they didn´t have the same glint of light in the eye he had seen of some of the status in the manor, or garden, others still just a block of cold stone.
More curtains were heading down from the painted ceiling working as fine walls.
“This way,” Arafinwe said as he showed Elrond through the maze of sculptures and rocks, as well as carelessly placed tools and even some books.
Behind one of the curtain walls, where the sound was louder, a woman could be seen carving into a piece of stone standing on a wooding table, small pieces of stones and dust falling from it. Her long red curly hair had been pulled up in a bun at the back of her hear slowly falling from itself, letting smaller strands of the hair wind around her white loose lased tunic and dark brown loose pants.
In the closest corner, another elf could be seen, with shiny dark straight hair hiding most of the person's face. Some heavy fabrics and wine purple and black occipied the form leaving Elrond to wonder how much the elf was overheating. A pair of hands, now still standing at their presence, had been busy embroidering a red undershirt, where the only thing that could be seen of the person´s skin.
“Heri Nerdanel,” Arafinwe said cheerfully, opening his arm up but now walking close to the green eyed glowing woman who had turned to look at them with surprise.
“I thought you were the servants bringing the tea.” she answered with a lifted eyebrow, clearly not happy about being interrupted in her work.
“I would like you to meet my friend,” Arafinwe continued, unbothered by the cold look he received, “Elrond. He knew your oldest as you might know.”
Frowning the woman shot a quick glance to the other elf who had now returned to embroidering, although stiffly as if listening intensely, “yes. I have been told,” with that she turned back to them, lifting her hammer over her head, “and if you raise one word against any of my sen´s I shall throw stones at thy heads!”
“Herinya-” Elrond began, with surprise straining his otherwise smooth voice with a crack, but was interrupted by the sound of another door than the one they had entered, opening, and a moment later one of the servants of the place stood before them bowing quickly before speaking: “Herinya, it is ready, and standing in the pavilion.”
“That! Would be our tea.” she said with a cold glare, “Onya, do you still want tea, and would it bother you if… our guests… joined us? To talk about whatever they deem so important I guess, I can tell them to come back later and talk with me alone if this is too much at the moment.”
Both Arafinwe and Elrond turned their heads towards the elf in the corner, Elrond with surprise, Arafinwe with a small smile as the figure nodded, making the vail of hair rustle and showing a half bun at the back of the neck which was keeping a surprising amount of hair actively away from the already covered face.
“Thank you Moryo, we won't be long. We came with happy news but wanted to deliver them ourselves so as not to obtain a lot of unnecessary attention.”
Huffing the elf stood up quickly and went to his mother's side taking her outstretched hand and his as he pressed himself up to her glowering at them with cold mithril eyes. So much as Maedhros that Elrond shuddered.
´Moryo´ Elrond thought, ´that must be short for Morifinwe, which would mean he had now seen the fourth son of Feanor and was on the way to meet him. Caranthir the dark.´
Studying the scowling face Elrond thought it was a more fitting name than he had ever thought. The stern brows and drown back mouth, made him look as if he was snarling, mashed with the sharp hooded upturned eyes and red birthmark spreading across the left side of his face as well as his left ear that looked as if it was dipped in heavy big golden earrings a copy of the right, except from the mark.
Both seemed to have shunned the Noldorin braids for some reason, although Nerdanel made sense for what she had been doing, it was hard to find out why Caranthir didn´t wear them as Maglor and Erestor had always spoken of him as an elf of traditions.
“Have all your brothers returned yet?” Arafinwe asked as they sat down at the elaborate table sat up in the pavilion outside of the art study.
“... No.” Caranstir answered after having grabbed for a biscuit which he had slowly taken a bite out of before answering slowly and hard.
“Turca has joined Orome´s hunt again, although he seems to live more in solidarity now than before, and at times the Ambarussa joins him,” Nerdanell shot in carelessly, “Nelyo is on his way, and with him surly will both Finno come and Kana, wherever he has been hiding.”
“Ahr…” Aranfiwne said with a slight frown and stole a glimpse at Elrond who gave him a pointed look, “yes, of course.”
“Herinya, you might want to know that both Maedhro- Maitimo and Makalaure were like- they raised me and my brother, and I love them dearly, and so did my brother, and it was a great pain to me when Maitimo decided to leave for Mandos. Know he needed the peace-” Elrond started to say but held a pause to draw breath from the dramatic lift of the lady's red brow lifting.
“After Maitimo, left, Makalaure, drowned in his own despair and left to wander the shores of what land was left.” strolling off he looked at Carnistir who had snorted as he had mentioned Kanafinwe´s despair, “-after many years of misery for him I did find him at the shores.”
Silently the two elvers before Elrond and the youngest son of Finwe stared at them emotionless.
“Then has he entered Mandos now?” Nerdanel asked coldly, with a slight shake hidden under her stiff shoulders.
“No,” Elrond muttered looking down at the cup of tea, yet to be drunken of he hadn´t noticed had been placed before him, “I fear that if he entered he shall never return and that it will not bring the healing he needs… and I am selfish when it comes to my fathers.”
“So where is my Hanno,” Canristir hissed, “does he resent my choice so much?”
“Your choice-?” Elrond halted.
“No! Of course not Moryo! Kanafinwe is merely not feeling well at the moment. He is a bit tired from the travel over Ulmo´s realm, he has already apologized to your Hina I have let myself be told,” Arafinwe quickly cut in but was only answered with a grunt from Carnistir, “told? He might as well have spread a rumor!”
“I tell you, he has not the mind to do that now,” Arafinwe sharply replied, “and your son has returned with him, and I have been told, from him, that he wishes to know if you wish to visit him, or if you will rather he visit you?”
“Son?” Elrond said with a confused look but was otherwise ignored.
“Where does he live?” Nerdanel asked, “my doors are always open for him, for long have I waited to meet him from all the stories I have been told of my second Indyo, and I have heard Tyelpe speak of him as if he were two! I heard he was the High King´s Herald for a time.”
Happily, she looked at Canristir who looked confused back at her.
“Ah,” Arafinwe said with a little chuckle, “that was-”
“That was me.” Elrond said.
With a frown and a confused smile, Nerdanel leaned closer, “no…? Are your parents not Earendil and Elwing, and my sons merely your caregivers for a few years? The situation must have been hard on you and your brother?”
“I see them as my fathers just as much as Earendil,” Elrond replayed, now too with a frown, had the lady not known that? “If a bit different.”
“Makalaure later went as far as to adopt Elrond and his brother, and Maedhros, of course, had no choice but to follow, though I do not think he minded much. Although it seems not many know or accept it. I had wondered why you had not come running but it seems no one did tell you, Verresse.”
“... I did not know,” Nerdanel said with a surprised look on her face slowly turning into a wide smile. Beside her, Caranstir looked empty at them with an open mouth, as if he had been ready to say something, “then you too are welcome here!” Nerdanel exclaimed happily grabbing for Elrond´s hands over the table, showing pastries and small biscuits out of her way, “whenever you want!”
“Thank you Herinya, you are-” Elrond started surprised at the sudden change of mood of the lady in front of him.
“Call me Haruni,” she said with a soft smile, making her eyes wrinkle upwards.
“Yes, of course, Haruni,” Elrond said with badly hidden surprise and wonder, “I am honored.”
Smiling Nerdanel shook his hands, “you are family. Now! Do you have any ideas where your Rendole can be found?”
“No.” Elrond said after a moment of hesitation and flinched as Carnistir made to stand up but was grabbed by his mother and guided down to sit again.
“Amil!” he hissed in a low voice. “His name would be Carnisen Moriattefinwe?” Nerdanel informed.
“No, I´m sorry Heriny- Haruni, although I would love too to meet… my… Rendo…”
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scknight05 · 4 months
20 Questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @racerchix21 and @tizniz (retroactively lol) quite a while ago but I'm just now getting around to doing this.. This is the first time in forever I've been on a device that hasn't been my phone or ipad.
Tagging: @warpedpuppeteer @heroofshield @neverevan @daffi-990 uuhhh... and I guess anyone else who either hasn't done this or wants to do this. No pressure to the tagged people either.. just didn't know who to tag.
1-How many works do you have on ao3?
Currently.. 2.. 😅😅 I had 3 and one point but I deleted one thing that in the end I didn't like. HOWEVER I currently have about 4 or 5 WiPs that I'm hoping to maybe start posting some more stuff soonish if life stops getting in the way.
2-What’s your total ao3 word count?
3-What fandoms do you write for?
Currently: 9-1-1 (during my ff.net days I've also done some Stargate stuff as well).
4-Top 5 fics by kudos?
1-SIMPLE MISUNDERSTANDINGS 2-All is Lost Again (But I'm Not Giving In). 3-5: TBD lol
5-Do you respond to comments?
I try if I don't forget
6-What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Haven't gotten around to one yet...
7-What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
It's probably gonna be one of my current WiPs lol
8-Do you get hate on your fics?
Haven't yet but I'm sure it'll happen with some of my ideas I've got planned.
9-Do you write smut?
Negative. Just don't think I can do it any kind of justice to be honest.
10-Craziest crossover?
Published or unpublished? 🤣 If we're going with PUBLISHED, then I had (guess it's still there) a Stargate Atlantis/Torchwood crossover over on ff.net. UNPUBLISHED.. well then we'll probably have to go with my Legends of Tomorrow/Power Rangers Dino Charge (It's a multiverse story that didn't feature the characters/crew in the show other than a mention here or there... that has now bled a bit into 911 territory as well) that may or may not ever see the light of day... Depends on my mood.
11-Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Don't think so. Nothing has probably ever been good enough to warrant theft haha
12-Have you ever had a fic translated?
13-Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Contributed some ideas but nothing more than that.
14-All time favorite ship?
Probably gonna get some hate here but... oh well.. -Chiley (Chase/Riley), Buddie (Buck/Eddie), Tevan (Buck/Tommy), Stackhouse/Markham (this was from Stargate Atlantis and let me tell you.. for two extremely minor characters, those two launched an impressive ship!! Hell they didn't even have first names!! And yes, I jumped in on that ship as well! Obviously since I'm mentioning it!)
15-What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Probably the Stargate Atlantis/Torchwood one... Or my "Silver Saber" story (Power Rangers Lost Galaxy.. My mind does drift back to that idea every so often but I doubt I'll ever redo anything with it.)
16-What are your writing strengths?
Creating the general idea/premise probably.
17-What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually putting thoughts into words that sound good.
18-Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
If it works/fits then I'm all for it I guess but... thats about it.
19-First fandom you wrote in?
Power Rangers.. I've always been the creative kid and I was writing fanfic BEFORE I even knew that was a thing.. I was just "writing stories" at that point lol
20-Favorite fic you’ve written?
Don't have one yet.. I like some of my ideas but I don't really have a favorite story YET to be honest.
Not part of the questionnaire thing but I'm thinking about starting a side blog just for writing stuff, the kinda give updates and share ideas even if I'm not able to get any actual writing or posting done... haven't decided fully yet.
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malinowaj · 4 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
thank you @wilmonsfolklore for the tag 💜
disclosure to start with: i have 2 ao3 accounts and the other one has been very much abandoned for reasons.
How many works do you have on Ao3?
What's your total Ao3 word count?
right now 43,384.
What fandoms do you write for?
currently, only young royals.
Top five fics by kudos
(i am going to be annoying and not share links because, again, there is a reason that other account has been abandoned.)
always losing to win
thank you
need somebody to knock me out
keep your eyes peeled
tied between the moment before and 1000 miles
Do you respond to comments?
yes! it might take me a while, but i do. (i am, however, the absolutely worst at leaving comments myself.)
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i think the right answer is a fic i wrote for a friend that only exists in her birthday card. of the ones i've published, it might be need somebody to knock me out.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
what if i haven't written it yet? (in other words, wilmon endgame in every universe.)
Do you get hate on fics?
Do you write smut?
Craziest crossover:
haven't written crossovers.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no. the perks of being in a tiny fandom before i guess.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i was going to say no, but there might have been a thing we started with a friend but never published, so maybe yes.
All time favourite ship?
gotta say wilmon. (but also in a very iykyk manner - and aging myself - against all odds i loved sernando back in the day.)
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
there is a doc sitting on the desktop of my old laptop that i started in 2017, i think. it sat there while i did a whole degree and i opened it like once a year, thinking i'd do something with it. i didn't, even though i sort of still like the premise.
What are your writing strengths?
i feel like someone else should answer this for me. in a way the fact that i'm writing at all? oh, actually! i love to do my research and hope that shows.
What are your writing weaknesses?
when things get out of hand, they truly get out of hand. (i write quite a lot for work but have character/word limits, so the fact that i can write without those is so liberating.) also, the fact that i don't describe surroundings/what things look like etc. i like it when others do, but it's not something that comes naturally to me. plus maybe the fact that since english isn't my first language, my vocabulary is somewhat limited.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
love it. however, i'm a very all or nothing person, so i don't do it myself. (unless you want all dialogue in swedish, which i'm sure no one does.)
First fandom you wrote in?
i have roots in sports rpf and i'm not ashamed of it.
Favourite fic you've written?
since always losing to win is still very much a wip, i'm going to say 1000 miles. i just loved doing research for it and may have spent hours looking up different cars, photography techniques and hotels in california that have the right kind of pool.
no tags, but if someone wants to do this, i'm going to love reading the answers.
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fateinthestars · 11 days
Yes, I know it isn't Wednesday but I've apparently not posted for nearly a week and wanted to point out that I am still here, so here have an SCM Fanfic WIP update post
1 (NEW). Untitled (Fae!King Tauxolouve/Reader)
Current word count: 935. This is for a request and is part of why I'm doing this update now - so that you know I've started it. 😅 This may or may not take a while though, AUs are a) not my usual forte and b) I'm gonna need to do some world building stuff most likely.
2 (NEW). Pushed too far (Probably Huedhaut/MC)
Title, pairing, and pretty much anything else subject to change in this one. This isn't actually written at all yet, but an idea that vaguely came to me whilst working earlier. If I can work out how to do this (or for another pairing but I think this is the one that is going to pan out the best for what I have in mind) it'll basically lead to that god switching departments. 😅
And just to remind everyone (and myself I guess lol) what else is still on the list from last update, none of which have been touched since then:
3. What the Future May Bring (Huedhaut/MC)
Current word count: 1,093. Yeah I've still not gone back to this one yet. I really want to get my focus back onto it cos I thought I had a clear idea but it was a long time ago when I jotted the first thousand words down. But it'll probably be the request fic first now.
4. Sleepless! (Aigonorus/MC)
Current word count: 3,902. I'm still torn with this one. Which may mean you might see a different Aigonorus fic from me (cos I really do want to give him a full length story).
5. Future Help (Ichthys/MC)
Current word count: 488. As before, this one is rather on the back burner at the moment.
6. Untitled (Ichthys/MC/Huedhaut)
Current word count: 688. Rating: Likely M due to dark themes (if I ever finish this one. The base of this might be reworked actually).
7. Fiery Encounter (Aigonorus/Reader)
Current word count: 714. I had a sudden idea for something and what I already have written for this one is the result. Hopefully someone out there is interested in an Aigo/Reader fic.
And now for the two that didn't exist last time I did a list (yeah there's a reason I shared that meme I did the other day...)
8. Untitled (Huedhaut/Tauoxlouve)
Current word count: 1,057. The start of a vague idea I had for these two. There's actually two others I'm considering (though one would be in my Karno/MC universe and I'm not sure about doing that)
9. Light vs Dark (Huedhaut/MC)
Current word count: 582. As you can probably tell from the title this has the under realm in it and maybe I ought to move away from that a little for a bit. That said this one is going to give me an excuse to write more Hiyori so...
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luthordamnvers · 11 months
20 questions game
Thank you @fazedlight for the tag!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 10.
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
196,109 words out at this very moment.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Supergirl. Most notably Supercorp. I've written Dansen, and there is a Rojarias WIP somewhere.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
As you wish (Medieval AU) I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush (Post S6, except Kara had an ex-girlfriend) A Battlefield Proposal (takes place in 619) Feeling the weight of the sun (Here we come, blue and green) (DEBS AU) Instead of hate, please pass the scones (S5 fic)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, I try my best to reply to all! Sometimes it takes me a while because I save them for depression hours. The only fic I have not replied to all the comments is "A Battlefield Proposal" and that's because people be asking about a sequel, and Idk how to respond to that...
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't know her.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All my fics have happy endings, it's a necessity.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far. I've been very lucky in that sense.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I- tried? Like There are 2 fics when there is smut. Is it good? idk. I know it's that writing smut is FREAKING HARD, and I tip my hat to every smut writer out there.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not really? At most I wrote Donna Troy (Wonder Girl) from Titans in a fic. But it was a glorified cameo, for my nefarious purposes. Have I even watched Titans? No. But I needed the vibe.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, as far as I know.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not yet. But I do plan on bamboozling someone into writing an AU with me, just because they know a lot about the topic.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Listen, I wracked my brain thinking about this. But Supercorp got me back into writing after over a decade. I'm still living with the brainrot, the others ships have faded after a few months. Close second is Korrasami, tho.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I started drafting a fic where Kal confronts Kara for revealing her identity, and how it puts his identity in danger. And how he doesn't trust Lena, and Kara goes bananas because of it. But I don't think I will finish that version of the fic. Maybe another iteration, tho.
16. What are your writing strengths?
No idea, dialogue? Connecting plot? Outlining?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually writing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
English is my another language. So I do that constantly. If have to write any other language, I'll try to ask someone who's a native speaker, after going through a translator.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
As you wish I had SO much fun writing it. And It was a short fic, so I didn't have to wreck my head thinking too much about it. Then, DEBS AU which was the polar opposite. It was long, and I fried my brain trying to translate the movie (one of my favorites) to a story that made sense for the characters, and still felt fresh but still with the essence of both the movie and the show.
Tags, but no pressure: @awaitingrain @hrwinter @innamorament0 @helpbutton95 @nottawriter
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nutcasewithaknife · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
@bbcphile and @difeisheng thanks for the tag! :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
309,516. Which is actually insane, I'm not sure how or when I did all that
What fandoms do you write for?
Used to write for The Witcher, Supernatural and BBC Merlin, but not anymore. Currently writing for The Untamed and Mysterious Lotus Casebook (mostly the latter). There's one Love Between Fairy and Devil ficlet in there somewhere. I can't see myself making the space for anything else soon :')
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
One Ignorant Bard and His Witcher - The Witcher, geraskier (3.1k)
The Sins of the Father - BBC Merlin, canon divergent fix-it (11.5k)
You Can't Escape The Thoughts on a Rainy Day - The Untamed post-canon sangcheng (57.5k)
Foolish - modern au sangcheng (29.1k)
Are You Listening? - post-canon yunmeng shuangjie reconciliation (5.8k). It's part of the series that #3 on this list spawned!
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to respond to every single one, but nowadays it's just once in a while when I can. I read every single one multiple times like a lovesick fool tho <3
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have a terribly hard time writing fics that end angsty, the best I can do most times is bittersweet. That being said...
It will never be the same (1.5k) - Jiang Cheng returning to the Jiang Ancestral Hall after Guanyin Temple and speaking to his dead family. The night after Guanyin Temple, Jiang Cheng finds himself standing in the Jiang Ancestral Hall. Some things, long realised but unspoken, finally get said.
Found (34.5k) - Lan Wangji's angsty boy winter, set mid-canon during the 16 years wwx is dead and brimming with OCs. I really wanted to wallow in what made him the man he is during those years. Naturally I sent him off to a village beyond the Jianghu and gave him a boyfriend. It's incredibly angst filled and the ending is hopeful, but still sad by my standards.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm a hopeless sap! Too many of them are happy endings!! Given my current MLC brainrot, I'll have to say it's the three post-canon liansanjiao fics I've written with them being soft together and at peace <3
I have a special soft spot for Foolish though, because Jiang Cheng deserves a happy ending story ;-;
Do you get hate on fics?
I'm not popular enough for hate hehe
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
YES!! It took a lot of work but now I do! Sometimes very explicit, sometimes not. It's mostly chaotic and soft and at times emotional. Laughter and banter during sex is cocaine to me and it shows.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Sadly, no
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have gotten a couple of requests to translations into Russian and French, but none of them ever went through as far as I know
What's your all-time favorite ship?
You can't do this to me I refuse to pick ;-;
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Oh, there are too many, but the one I'm most invested in rn is a postcanon MLC fic where difang manage to save Li Lianhua's life and very many Feelings are had.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue is what I've been told. Specifically, I think I do a good job of finding each character's voice. This is something I've been consciously working on and I think it's been paying off, especially the last year or so!
What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot!! I cry every time I need to plot anything. That's why most of my fics are mostly just Vibes
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Ohhh I'd love to do that though I haven't yet. I think it would mean fewer people would read it, but that has never stopped me from writing a thing >:)
First fandom you wrote for?
The first I posted was a Witcher fic, but the one I started writing first was BBC Merlin. It still has a chokehold on my psyche
Favorite fic you've written?
AAAA once again i refuse to choose ;-;
Tagging @istgidek1234 @redemption-revenge @angryteapott @wuxia-vanlifer @omgpurplefattie (no pressure)
If you're a fic writer, feel free to give it a go even if you're not tagged!!
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Make Me Write
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Thanks for the tag @elbritch-kit! I hope your writing went well ♥
Rules: Make a 24hr poll listing the titles of every WIP you want to work on. (It’s fine if you only have one, still make a poll for the vote count)
I have so many WIPs in my folder, I decided to use a wheel to chose three for me... i'm kidding but it will end up this way one day. Anyway, you can find the contenders under the cut if you want to know more about them (or you can vote based on vibes only) :
I'm not tagging anyone but consider this an open tag (and don't hesitate to tag me if you do make a poll 🥰)
When her ex-bestfriends knock on her door and ask for their old band to get back together, Nat slams the door in their face. Somehow, this is not the end of the story.
-> I'm technically almost done with the first draft, I just need the last chapter... Yes it's been on the back burner for three years, your point? 😭
Lorelei Douxruisseau had always had the unfortunate tendency to get into trouble on her own. It didn't matter if it was about pissing off a Goddess, starting a war or terrorizing a village or two, all these dubious decisions were always motivated by the same thing: boredom. And it was this same boredom, Lorelei's secular enemy, that encouraged her to push open another Witch's door unannounced. And to meddle in their messy ritual. But really, it's not her fault. After all, who'd have guessed that behind their brilliant idea and idiotic ritual was the last of the Maledictus, eh? Not Lorelei, that's who. After an ill-prepared ritual and a poorly negotiated contract, when the Mighty Ones find themselves projected into Lorelei Douxruisseau's past, the whole fabric of the universe shakes and the veils of time are torn apart. Faced with an amnesiac Lorelei devoid of magic, they'll have to be patient if they ever want to return home. And they'll have to pray that she doesn't slit their throats when she regains her memories.
-> I'm on the third book for this series and it has been kicking my ass big time. I had to cut it in half and put one half in the fourth book, and I was so pissed I haven't picked it up since.
Jo Hautain is in love with a vampire. It has been her reality since her girlfriend has been turned, seven years ago, and yet, she still manages to be surprise but the utter bullshit that came with this life-changing transformation. What do you mean Lou has to bond with an established Coven to rule her bloodlust ? What do you mean Jo is not enough ? Still, she is not one to go gently into the night. If the Rodins think they are worthy of Lou, they will have to prove it. When the vampiric masquerade ball Lou has been invited to (and which Jo crashed) takes a turn for the worse, she must come up with a new plan to ensure her girlfriend's survival while trying to preserve her own heart. Unfortunately, Lou isn't the only one having issues of the supernatural variety. Iris suffers from a rare fae disease currently trying to kill her, Charlie still can't accept being a wolf three nights a month and is sinking even deeper into despair as time goes by, Alex longs to return to the sea, despite knowing it would be her undoing. And Ana is hunted and hounded by the Virulentes, the less-than-human leaders of the witch's community, who resent her "abusive use of magic". Add to the mix two customers too charming for their own good, a mysterious Coven settling back into their town and a ghost from the past lurking in the shadows, and Jo is ready to throw the towel. No, really, it's not easy being to be the only sensible one around, but someone has to do it. Jo just wishes it would be someone else, for once.
-> This is my July Camp NaNo project and I'm 16k in out of 20k so I'm doing pretty well. Is it good? Meh, maybe not, but at least it's moving forward unless the other two XD
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leofrith · 10 months
[20 Question Fic Writer Tag]
I wasn't actually tagged by anyone and I would never usually do this but @ainulindaelynn said anyone could consider themselves tagged and this one looked fun so here I am. 🤪
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Five! Four one-shots and one multi-chapter WIP.
2. What is your AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Assassin's Creed, formerly (but I'm sure I'll be dragged back into it at some point) Star Wars. I also have a bunch of old WIPs for Pacific Rim and (🤢) the MCU but never completed/published any of them.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
I only have five fics posted so:
Hideaway - 147
Bright Skies - 136
Press On, Move Along - 92
Out of the Cold - 35
Honor Bound - 22
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I try to respond to every comment I get, even if it's just a short little acknowledgement. Because I would like people to know I see them and appreciate them so they keep commenting. <3
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Press On, Move Along. Everyone died, dude.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet! 🤪
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, as of like... three months ago. I have yet to publish any of it though and it'll probably be a long while before I do, but I also have a little one-shot that may be done long before then if I decide to actually finish it. In terms of "what kind" I think it's pretty vanilla. IDK how else to describe it.🧍🏻‍♀️
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not generally, except for the AC Star Wars AU that has taken over my brain. I'm not even sure I would count that as a crossover so much as a fusion AU because there are absolutely no Star Wars characters in it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I'm not positive this person was copying my fic, but I distinctly remember not long after I posted Hideaway coming across a fic with the same premise (Din playing hide and seek with the kids on Sorgan), which followed all the exact same plot beats as mine. And I do mean exactly. Obviously the plot itself is not particularly groundbreaking and I think there are plenty of other similar stories out there, but this one was similar enough to set off alarm bells.
I didn't end up doing anything about it because again, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and it could have easily been a coincidence, but obviously if they had fully reposted my fic then that would be a different story.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Actively written a fic with another person? No. Plotted a fic from start to finish in a months-long series of increasingly deranged DMs? So many times. Hi Parker. :)
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Girl... I can't answer this. I don't know about "favourite" but if I had to pick a ship that has made me crazy for the most amount of time, it's probably Mako/Raleigh.
15. What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will?
I still think about my post-Mando s2 fix-it fic every once in a while but I honestly doubt I'll ever finish it. Disney has pretty much killed any care I once had for this show and it fucking sucks. :/
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm not even being modest right now I just actually don't know lmao. Anything that I might qualify as a strength isn't consistent enough for me to feel justified in calling it a strength.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Overthinking my use of commas, editing while I write, feeling directionless when I don't do enough planning ahead of time but feeling suffocated when I do too much planning ahead of time. Also just being sooooo fucking slow, but I think that can be attributed to the overthinking.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I avoid it as much as humanly possible. If someone is speaking another language I'll usually just note it in the text somehow or, as has been the case with Honor Bound a lot of the time, purposefully write from the POV of a character who doesn't speak that language which, in addition to conveniently sidestepping that issue, works well as a narrative device.
I just absolutely hate the thought of putting Google translated dialogue in a fic and having a native speaker cringe their way through grammatically incoherent dialogue lmao.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Marvel >:(
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Honor Bound obviously holds a special place in my heart but Out of the Cold is really good. Like really good IMO.
No-pressure tags: @orphiceonian, @aeide, @findusinaweek, @reiverreturns, @basimibnishaqs, ????? anyone else who wants to <3
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