#and yet here we are :(
mmelolabelle · 3 months
Armand is someone who has been has been trained (in brothels, by Marius, and by 500+ years worth of life experience) to adapt himself to what the people around him want. Throughout seasons 1-2, different people get very different versions of Armand, depending on who they are and who’s retelling the story at the time.
It’s the primary way Armand protects himself, whether he’s a teenage sex slave or the oldest, strongest person in the room. It’s how he controls people. Fundamentally, it’s the only way Armand knows to make people love him (an approximation of love at least). Worse, it’s the only way Armand knows how to love — by twisting and contorting himself into whatever form he thinks his current obsession wants or needs him to be. He even does it to his victims for crying out loud.
And then here’s Daniel, who is constantly seeking authenticity and truth. Who’s bullshit detector is never “off”. Who cannot tolerate any kind of masquerade, manipulation or lie – no matter how kind or well intentioned. Not out of any moral or ethical objection, but because Daniel simply cannot leave things well enough alone once something attracts his attention. He has to know. He has to see where it goes and how it ends.
“It’s my job, I’m built this way”
“It’s in your nature, Mr Molloy. Couldn’t get out the door without lobbing one more bomb.”
Daniel knew something was off about “Rashid” from the beginning, so he began to pick the situation in Dubai apart until Armand revealed himself. And then he kept going until he completely destroyed the narrative Armand had spent 77 years constructing.
Daniel deliberately and systematically pulled “Armand, Amadeo, Arun” apart and laid him bare with nothing but but a laptop, some free time, a near-suicidal disregard for his own personal safety and a mouth that just wouldn’t quit.
There’s power in being seen, in being known, ugly parts and all. What would it feel like, to be completely exposed like that for the first time in centuries?
So yeah it makes sense to me that Armand, who puts on all these acts and artifices to draw people in, but which only serve to ensure they’re kept at a distance, would turn his big sad orange eyes on the person who blew them all to smithereens and be all “…I wanna do this forever, actually.”
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mushmallowmiloart · 2 months
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When you and your husband successfully convict someone of murder.
No text version + reference image:
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offline-nobody · 1 month
thinking about the hermitcraft multiverse again
thinking about the fact that only some of the hermits seem to be the same characters from previous seasons, while others seem to be completely new ones
thinking about false arriving in season 9 ready to meet up with gem again after leaving her behind, only to discover that this gem doesn’t seem to remember the moon crashing
thinking about pearl and etho casually making jokes about decked out 2, while tango sits there absolutely baffled trying to figure out what the heck they’re talking about
thinking about cub meeting up with scar each season to find out what scar he’s dealing with this time, and just how different he is from the last one
thinking about joe hills forgetting that they’re talking to a new cleo, and leaving her constantly confused after conversations, cause they can almost remember what he’s referencing, and yet she doesn’t
thinking about the hermit multiverse again, and how only some of them remember the past seasons, and how they take that
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backpackingspace · 9 days
Sometimes I revisit the tgcf source material and have to realize all over again that hua cheng is the sane ghost king. And it's not that he's a better person then the others, or like not insane. He just watched the other ghost kings and took notes on what not to do.
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calebisdrawing · 6 months
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Godfrey Gwilym, the prettiest revenant in Barovia.
Free free to use in your home game! Want to support me on my quest to take over D&D illustration? Give me a couple of bucks over on my Patreon!
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jonasiegenthaler · 7 months
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njd@nyr | 11.03.24
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ocegion · 22 days
do i ship silverflint? no, not per se, i wouldn't say so
do i think there is something extremely fucked, weird, and intensely insane going on between the two of them, the exact nature of which is lost in an unfanthomable depths of all the kinds of feelings two human beings can feel for one another, all at once? yes, yes i do, and it is really compelling
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projectbluearcadia · 1 month
Random OM! Lucifer imagines (18+ MDNI)
(Assumes dom!Lucifer x GN!MC)
MC dancing with him. Any dance, really, whether it's the Vienna waltz, Flamenco or just party dancing.
Him accidentally picking up mannerisms (e.g. gesturing at nothing) from MC and having it pointed out to him
Him attending a church sermon and later getting into a heated theological discussion while forgetting to restrain himself from shouting that Lilith is not his girlfriend (look it up).
Him forgetting where he puts certain things, like his coffee cup. Something which is not helped by TA-LL stealing it. At some point, it just becomes a war of stealing each other's cups.
Getting pressured encouraged by Diavolo to marry a human or angel for political reasons, and Lucifer only growing to like said human/angel much later in his life.
Luci pulling MC under his desk with no explanation and MC going along with it because they're down bad for him.
Lucifer getting irritated with himself for being turned on by small things like MC kissing him out of nowhere or MC saying something cute like, "For fuck's sake, Lucifer, get your ruddy arse out of that damn chair and go for a walk (with me, implied)."
Lucifer being able to tell when MC is horny and teasing them about it quietly but constantly.
E.g. Coming up behind MC, and if no one is around, briefly putting his fingers in their pants/up their skirt to give their sex the slightest amount of attention, only to leave MC aching for more. Bonus points if he makes them beg for the attention first.
Lucifer getting very sexually frustrated because MC is arguing with him and pretending he's fine right up until he and MC make up. He keeps a mental tally of how many times he wanted to fuck MC's brains out, and as "compensation," that tally is the number of times MC will orgasm within the next few days.
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auspicioustidings · 10 months
Firewatch Part 9
Summary: Johnny and Kyle come to a realisation and you take a chance to escape.
Words: 2.3k
CW: Kidnapping
You had mostly expected to wake up in Price's arms, but you instead woke up to see him asleep in one of the armchairs. He was a big man, it was a little ridiculous to see him sleeping in a chair. You glanced out the window, it looked like it was maybe late afternoon. 
Had Price stayed the whole time then? If he was going to stay why not climb into bed with you since that clearly seemed to be their play here? It kept you so off balance that none of them had… Well there were plenty of horror stories on the news for you to imagine. And they had kidnapped you. Four men had kidnapped you and had made it clear they at least wanted you. It was starting to sink in that at any time they could decide to have you and there wouldn't be much you could do about it. But they hadn't. The one time one of them hadn't backed off as soon as you asked there had been consequences for him.
You felt more rested if still exhausted, but it was enough to feel anger building again. It was infuriating that they weren't monsters. You didn't want them to be because the thought was terrifying, but at least then you'd know where you stood. At least then you could be solid in hating them rather than finding them to be the kind of men you would have liked to have known before this mess. 
It was a temptation to just roll over and go back to sleep in some form of protest, but you resisted and got out of bed as quietly as you could. Price didn’t stir and for a moment you had the mad thought that you could sneak out the window. You still didn’t have shoes, but if you snuck out and they didn’t notice would it give you enough of a head start? Would you even be able to navigate the woods? There was a dirt trail for cars to come to and from, it must go the whole way to town if the police had visited. If you followed it, kept just in the treeline so you weren’t so easily found…
You were starting to drift towards the window in a bit of a trance, the only thing snapping you out of it was the sound of voices somewhere else in the cabin. You paused and focused in to listen.
“--love her anymore?”
“Come on Soap, you think the same.”
“...aye maybe. Naw really what we signed up for is she?”
“That’s it, better bury our girl out in the yard then.”
“Och I’ll miss her ye ken? Spent so long loving her.”
You’d take your chances in the woods.
“I think I might actually have a crush on her.”
Soap gave Gaz a look that belayed the fact he thought what had just come out of his mouth was utter nonsense. He was sat at the kitchen island, fingers rubbing the fabric of the blanket Ghost had stolen from your house. Dosia was grumpily headbutting Soap’s legs and then pretending she hadn’t now that nobody she actually liked was about to pay her any attention. He had originally tried to pet her and gotten hissed at, so now he was steadfastly pretending she wasn’t showing him any affection to make her feel better. 
“Ye’ve been in love with her for a year and now ye have a crush?”
Gaz sighed and rested his head on his arm, staring at the fabric in his fingers. It was a blanket that didn’t seem like it belonged to you anymore. It had belonged to the girl he had loved that was true, but she had never existed had she? She was this delicate little thing, a pretty little dove he had wanted to keep on display and care for. 
That was not the woman in the cabin with them. No, that woman was brash and swore and fought. She had fuck all manners when she ate and snorted when she laughed and was trying to pretend she hadn’t. She treated her cat like it was her baby. She wasn’t some innocent little lamb either, she was a great kisser and wasn’t shy about barking at him to shove his fingers in her. By all accounts, that woman was not someone he would ever think was one he would like.
It terrified him actually. You were real now and you were not what he thought, so why was it so easy for him to let that dream girl go? Why did he touch this blanket and not feel a damn thing after all that obsession? Instead there was another feeling bubbling up when he thought about you. He didn’t know if it was love, but then he was pretty sure what he had been feeling was never love in the first place. This new feeling was thrilling and fragile but he wanted to keep it. 
“I like her. The real person. She’s sort of a pain in the arse but she’s fun.”
“The real person?”
“We really fucked it all up didn’t we?”
Soap sighed and leaned over the counter, head lolling into one hand while the other played with the edges of the blanket. The tangible object they had associated with you all this time. Or well, that they had associated with some imagined girl. They really had fucked it all up. 
“So now ye just don’t love her anymore?”
“Come on Soap, you think the same.”
All things considered, he did. He smiled with a bittersweet fondness at the blanket, feeling like he was letting go of something. 
“...aye maybe. Naw really what we signed up for is she?”
“That’s it, better bury our girl out in the yard then.”
The two looked at one another with a grin. It was a silly thing to bury a blanket. But it was what it represented that was important. It was burying an obsession with someone that wasn’t real, wasn’t a person. It was letting go of what they thought they had wanted and embracing what it was they had, because even after so short a span of time they had realised that what they had was so much better. It was real. You were real.
“Och I’ll miss her ye ken? Spent so long loving her.”
He shared a small smile with Gaz. Johnny didn’t know how to pick apart the flurry of emotions in him and figure out how he wanted this to end, he just knew he wanted to keep talking to you, learning about you. It was going to be a lot harder now to keep you here against your will now that he liked you as a real person, but he was nothing if not a selfish bastard.
They put the blanket lovingly aside, Johnny gave Dosia some scratches behind the ears which she duly pretended was not happening while purring and they got to work making a frankly irresponsible amount of brunch in the hopes they could get to your heart through your stomach.
It was a miracle Price hadn’t woken up. A small part of you knew it meant he was exhausted as well, that this was hard on him. Well his two men were already about to get rid of you and presumably start again with a nicer, more receptive girl. She probably enjoyed cooking and cleaning. Was probably going to be wonderful and submissive and would never yell at them. Johnny would never lose his temper with her. Simon would never wind up punished because he lost control with her. Would Price go and buy her favourite shampoo? Would she like tasting oranges from Kyle’s fingers? You had.
The “road” really wasn’t much of a road. It was painful to walk on in bare feet and you were hissing every time you landed on a particularly sharp stone. You saw there was a pick up truck and considered stealing it, but you didn’t want to go searching for the keys knowing it increased the likelihood of you getting caught. When you glanced in just to make sure they weren’t in the car you saw it was a stick shift. Well that idea was out, you had learned on an automatic and would absolutely stall loudly if you tried to drive this thing.
So you were walking. Not running because you would absolutely wind up with a broken ankle and then you were really screwed. You could grit your teeth through it. Your mind drifted to what the hell you would say when you emerged. If you told the police the truth then all four of them were going to jail. If you lied then they would be free to take you again. Christ you felt bad enough about Simon being banished to the tower, could you handle all of them being put in a cell?
God it was sweltering, a stark comparison to how cold it had been last night. You had to take off the hoodie and tie it off around your waist. Maybe you should tear it apart to wrap around your feet? But then what happened when the sun set and the cold came in. You hoped you would be out of the woods by then. This place would be terrifying in the dark. 
You stayed just off the road in the treeline, hoping that it would make it tricky to spot you from the tower if you were under the trees. At some point you stopped taking breaks fearing that if you stopped again you would not be able to get up. Your feet hurt, you were thirsty and hot and hungry. You wanted to curl up with your damn cat. It was with a dose of self-loathing that you realised you wanted to laugh with Kyle when she was mean to Johnny.
When you heard the distant rumble of the truck you moved further from the road, waiting for the sound to pass. They knew you were gone then. Were doing the most obvious thing first and going down the road to see if you were on it. You were far enough in the trees that you couldn’t see the road anymore. You hadn’t thought you had went that far, maybe only a few minutes, but you were turned around. You turned, trying to figure out which direction the road was with a mounting sense of panic. 
Fuck. Idiot! You had seen the stories about what happened to people who went off the trail this far in the forest. It was fine near the edge where your cottage had been, where there were little walking trails (although admittedly the first few times you had ventured out you hadn’t spotted them), but this far out? You knew that they always said you should stay where you are, wait for someone to come and find you. Except they had no way of knowing which part of the road you had left from. 
At least if you died it’d be on your own terms you tried to rationalise. They were going to kill you, but you had no guarantee they wouldn’t brutalise you first, so maybe wandering out never to be seen again was better. Just because your heart stupidly told you they were good people didn’t mean they were. You hoped they kept Dosia at least, they seemed fond enough of her. 
You were angry at the tears welling up, knowing that you couldn’t really afford to lose any hydration. There was a sudden bitter regret for making fun of those survivalist shows. You should have paid attention. Were you supposed to try get to high ground? No, you should find water. Did you just pick the direction that was your best guess to get to the road? You’d be able to see the stars when the sun fully set, and the brightest would be North you thought. Didn’t much help knowing North because you could not visualise a map. 
Your feet were so sore now. You sat against a tree, the discomfort of sitting on the ground vastly outweighed by the relief of getting weight off of your feet. You didn’t want to look and see how bad it was so you ignored it. You just let your head fall back against the tree trunk and closed your eyes, imagining you were back home. If the men that had kidnapped you were in your little imagining it was not something you would ever admit out loud.
Simon Riley did another rotation. Price had called it in an hour ago and ordered him to keep a watch for you while they searched on the ground. Fuck he was so mad at you, what were you thinking? When they got you back he was going to cuff you to the fucking bed anytime they left you alone. Night was falling, the temperature was dropping. 
“Come on sweetheart, give me something” he mumbled, looking for any sign from the trees. 
You would never have made it on foot even if you had taken the road, not without shoes, not so late in the day. It got dark out here, so dark you could barely tell where you were going without a torch. What the fuck had happened while he was gone? He trusted his team, he couldn’t entertain the idea that they might have been so cruel to you that you thought dying out there was better. 
It was another 8 hours until there was finally an update from Price over the radio.
“Found her. Get home Simon, she’s in a bad way.”
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impishtubist · 5 months
It is always such a breath of fresh air when someone draws fanart of Sirius where he has muscles and body hair.
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almostreading · 3 months
i'm having a hot girl summer (staying up till 4 am every day watching or reading romances when work starts at 8 am)
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guardian-angle22 · 2 years
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"You haven't changed a bit, huh."
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offline-nobody · 6 months
fun fact: any fictional couple can be a t4t couple as long as you’re not a coward
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mmelolabelle · 2 months
due to the worsening economy we’ve had to make cutbacks, so Alys Rivers will be playing the roles of the Weird Sisters and of Lady Macbeth to any easily influenced Targaryen men who decide to invade her castle
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No, but the more I think about it (and the more I obsess over the Adar and Damrod scene), the more I just really need to see Adar and that sword of his in action (and yes, I'm aware that sounds vaguely...dirty. 😈😈😈. I'll leave it up to you to decide my intent.)
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Seriously, I am not normal about this man. Feral. Unhinged. Losing my ever-loving mind (and...happy about it???)
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thatsbelievable · 10 months
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