#and yet somehow STILL seems to think that she somehow did nothing wrong...
rhys-ravenfeather · 7 months
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pastryfication · 1 month
an oscar x deaf reader, maybe she’s friends w someone working in mclaren and visits. the reader almost gets into an accident and oscar saves her, mad that she wasn’t paying attention and yells at her only to realize she’s deaf. he apologizes and he starts talking to her after that day.
close save | oscar piastri
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pairing: oscar piastri x deaf reader note: i know close to nothing about lip reading and deafness, all info used in this is something i’ve googled, so feel free to correct me if something is wrong!! also, i’ve tried something new with writing it mostly from oscar’s perspective, so let me know if you like it xx
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the midday sun beats down on the mclaren garage, casting long shadows over the bustling crew. it’s been a long morning of prep work, but oscar doesn’t mind—he thrives in the intensity, in the noise, in the hum of engines that fill his ears.
as he turns to grab a drink of water, something catches his eye. a young woman is standing just outside the garage, looking around with a distracted expression. you’re not wearing any of the usual gear or badges that indicate you’re part of the team, but there’s something familiar about you. oscar narrows his eyes, trying to place your face, when he notices something alarming—a forklift is backing up, and you’re right in its path.
without thinking, oscar drops the bottle and sprints toward you. his heart pounds as he closes the distance, yelling for you to move, but you don’t react. panic grips him as he reaches out, grabbing your arm and yanking you out of the way just in time. the forklift lumbers past, the driver oblivious to the close call.
oscar’s chest heaves as he turns to face you, adrenaline coursing through his veins. “what the hell were you thinking? you could’ve been—” he stops mid-sentence, noticing your startled expression. your eyes are widened, but not in fear of the near-miss. it’s something else.
you blink at him, your mouth moving soundlessly, and suddenly oscar realizes what’s wrong. you can’t hear him. the realization hits him like a punch to the gut, and the anger he felt a moment ago is instantly replaced by guilt. his face softens, and he steps back, his hand dropping from your arm.
“i’m- i’m sorry,” he stammers, his voice suddenly quiet, as if lowering it might somehow make up for his outburst. “i didn’t know . . .”
you tilt your head slightly, as if trying to read his lips, and oscar feels a wave of helplessness wash over him. he raises his hands, fumbling awkwardly as he tries to communicate. he doesn’t know any sign language—he’s never needed to—but he gestures toward the forklift, then back at you, hoping you understand that he was just worried.
to his relief, you nod, giving him a small, understanding smile. you point to your ear, then shake your head, confirming what he’s already guessed. you’re deaf.
oscar takes a deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts. he feels terrible, not just for yelling at you, but for assuming you were ignoring him when you couldn’t even hear him in the first place. “i’m sorry,” he repeats, mouthing the words more deliberately this time. he hopes you can read his lips.
you nod again, your expression kind, and motion that it’s okay. oscar feels a strange warmth in his chest at your forgiveness. he still feels like an idiot, but at least you don’t seem to hold it against him.
at that moment, lando appears from the other side of the garage, waving enthusiastically as he approaches. “hey, mate! you met jon’s sister yet?” he calls out, clearly unaware of what just happened. he jogs over, grinning broadly. “oscar, this is-”
“jon’s sister?” oscar repeats, cutting him off. the pieces fall into place—jon, lando’s personal trainer, had mentioned his sister visiting today. he hadn’t put two and two together until now. “right. i didn’t realize . . .”
lando’s grin falters as he notices the awkward tension. “oh. uh, yeah . . . she’s deaf, by the way. did i forget to mention that?”
oscar shoots him a look, but lando just shrugs, mouthing an exaggerated “sorry!” before turning back to you. “i see you’ve met oscar, then,” he says, switching to a more careful, lip-readable pace. he introduces you properly, and oscar watches as you sign something back to lando.
lando nods and translates, “she says thank you for saving her back there.”
oscar feels his face heat up a little, embarrassed but also strangely proud. “no problem,” he says, and then, after a pause, he adds, “i should’ve been more careful. i’m sorry if i scared you.”
lando relays the message, and you just smile, giving oscar a thumbs up.
over the next few hours, oscar finds himself glancing over at you more than once. he feels a strange pull, unable to tear his eyes away as you move through the garage, interacting with your brother and some of the crew, completely at ease despite the noise and chaos around you.
at one point, you catch him looking and wave. oscar waves back, feeling a bit foolish. when the day winds down and most of the team starts packing up, oscar spots you sitting on one of the low walls outside the garage, watching the track.
he hesitates for a moment, then walks over and sits down next to you, keeping a respectful distance. you look over and give him a welcoming smile, and for the first time, oscar doesn’t feel nervous. he doesn’t know how to sign, but he doesn’t need to. you sit there together, quietly watching as the sun dips lower in the sky, painting the track in shades of gold.
finally, oscar turns to you. his phone is open in his notes app, and in there he’s written: would you like to get a coffee sometime? maybe you could teach me some sign language.
you raise an eyebrow, then nod, your smile widening as you sign something to him. oscar doesn’t understand it yet, but he knows one thing: he’s definitely looking forward to learning.
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iiping · 1 year
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kaveh snapping at alhaitham for buying another ugly wood carving… except he forgot it was his birthday 👀
read my short fic on twitter here or see more below! 🫶
“This looks absolutely nothing like me!” Kaveh snaps at the rough-out Aranara carving that suddenly shows up one morning, looking so blonde and angry.
Alhaitham comes out of his room at this moment and walks over to their common shelf where the architect stands.
Kaveh has a meeting with a particularly frustrating client today and he’s feeling so anxious that he cannot help but snaps at Alhaitham too, “How many times do I have to tell you not to bring ugly wood carvings into our home!?”
Alhaitham looks at Kaveh, his lips tightens. Something unfathomable flashes across his eyes and disappears just as suddenly.
“Do whatever you want with it then,” Alhaitham says finally after an awkward silence. Then he grabs his key from the shelf and turns his back to walk towards the front door without saying another word.
Kaveh looks at him leaving the house in puzzlement. It is not a rare occasion to see the Scribe not bothering to argue with him but Alhaitham never walks away after saying only one sentence before. He looks as if he’s angry or even…pouting? Kaveh is not sure if that word can describe Alhaitham.
Maybe Kaveh did something wrong? He gasps at the thought.
Is it because the smell of the cream soup he made yesterday was too strong? Or maybe it was the fact that the house is now so messy because he’s in the middle of tidying up things? Or maybe he moved or touched some books he wasn’t supposed to?
Kaveh ends up thinking for the whole day. He even spaces out during the client’s meeting and almost drops the model when he tries to present his plan.
He thinks and thinks but nothing comes to his mind. They have been on unusually pretty good terms lately, so he cannot think of something recent that might have made Alhaitham upset.
Kaveh is so deep in thought he almost bumps into Collei on the way home.
“Ah! Sorry!” Kaveh exclaims then realizes who it is, “Collei! I didn’t know you were in town today!”
Somehow, the trainee Forest Ranger looks shocked to see him. She quickly picks up something that fell to the ground when they bumped into each other earlier. Kaveh catches a glimpse of a small green box with yellow ribbon before Collei swiftly hides it behind her back.
“It’s so good to see you! Wanna grab something to eat?” Kaveh asks, ignoring her suspicious behavior. He’s not ready to go home just yet, not when he still hasn’t figured out what he did wrong.
“Uh, sorry I have somewhere to be today,” Collei replies nervously, avoiding to meeting his eyes, “If you will excuse me, I really need to get going.”
Then she takes off before he can say another word.
Kaveh ruffles his hair in confusion. What is going on today?
After wandering around aimlessly for a while, he decides that he has no other place to go except the good old Lambad’s Tavern.
He sits down at a table and orders a drink even though it’s merely 5PM.
“Hey, Kaveh!” Lambad shouts his name from behind the counter, “That one’s on the house! Happy Birthday!”
Oh. Shit.
A realization strikes him like a bolt of lightning.
“How could I forget!” he cries, standing up abruptly, “It is my birthday!”
He tells Lambad that he’ll take a raincheck on that glass of wine before leaving the tavern. Kaveh rushes home as fast as he can and finds Alhaitham standing in front of the shelf with the Aranara carving on one hand and a bag on another.
Alhaitham raises his eyebrows when he sees Kaveh practically flying from the front door.
“No, wait—-“ Kaveh tries to catch his breath, “D-don’t throw that away!”
“Oh?” Alhaitham puts down the Aranara and turns to face the architect. “Seems like you finally remember something.”
“Sorry for what I said this morning,” Kaveh blurts out, “I know it sounds like an excuse but that client’s project kept me frustrated all night and I shouldn’t have taken it on you.”
Alhaitham looks at him silently.
“Alright, alright,” Kaveh puts two hands in the air, “I apologize for calling it ugly.”
The Scribe lets out a chuckle right this second. It is clear that he does not intend put up any fights with Kaveh on his birthday.
Alhaitham hands him the Aranara in question and asks, “Will you also stop calling my other wood carvings ugly?”
“Well, I wouldn’t go that far,” Kaveh replies with a beaming smile. His eyes light up as he takes the wooden figure in his hands.
Alhaitham gives him birthday presents every year but they are usually books or drafting tools. This is the first time Kaveh has received something custom-made. Well, from anyone, really.
“I don’t know what’s gotten into me this morning,” he mumbles, feeling the rough wood under his fingers. “Sure, it looks a bit cruder than that one in your bedroom which I kind of like, but the more you look at it, the mor—- Hey!”
“I changed my mind,” Alhaitham announces with a straight face, the Aranara is now back to his hand. “I’m taking it back.”
Kaveh blinks.
“What did you just say!?” he raises his voice.
“I don’t see any reasons why it should be in the possession of someone who doesn’t appreciate it,” he replies simply while putting the wooden figure in the bag, then starts to walk to the entrance hall.
“How do you know I don’t appreciate it!?” Kaveh follows him, trying so hard not to yell at his back, “This is ridiculous! You just gave it to me literally a second ago!”
That does not make Alhaitham slow down one bit. In the heat of the moment, Kaveh charges at him without thinking.
Next thing he knows, they are both on the floor with Alhaitham being beneath him. He quickly snatches the bag from the Scribe’s hand and sits up.
“Ha!” Kaveh exclaims, raising it in the air in victory. “You cannot walk away from me this time! Don’t you know that it’s rude to take back what you have given!?”
When there isn’t any response, Kaveh glances down, only to see that Alhaitham is covering his face laughing.
Kaveh looks at this scene in disbelief.
“Were you just teasing me!?” he asks with a high-pitched voice, “Oh my god, who are you? What have you done to my Alhaitham?”
“I couldn’t help,” he is still laughing, “You should’ve seen your face.”
It’s extremely rare for Kaveh to see a silly side of Alhaitham, let alone seeing him laughing like this. Kaveh stares dazedly at him, completely forgetting why he was mad in the first place.
“You can have the Aranara,” Alhaitham says with a smile, “Will you get off me now? Although I don’t really mind—-”
Kaveh interrupts this sentence with a cough, just realizing what a dangerous position they are in. He shifts to move out of the way, but at this moment, a small piece of paper falls of the bag and lands on Alhaitham’s chest.
The Scribe’s eyes widen as he moves to reach for it, but Kaveh is quicker.
Seeing what’s on there, he is speechless.
Alhaitham covers his face again, but his ears are turning visibly red. The worse thing is, Kaveh can also feel his face burning too.
“You carved this,” he asks softly, “for me?”
After a while, Alhaitham admits with a sigh, “Yes.”
Kaveh is dumbfounded. He assumed that it was merely a commission. Never has he ever thought Alhaitham would go that far to do something like this for him.
“That’s why you’ve been coming home late for the past week!” Kaveh just remembers how unusual it was when he said that he needed to work overtime.
“You knowing this wasn’t part of the plan, I was too careless.” he says flatly and decides to pull himself up, unintentionally getting closer to Kaveh. “Now it’s good time for you to forget you have seen that workshop receipt.”
“Nuh-uh,” Kaveh pokes his chest, “This Aranara is now worth a million mora to me.”
“You have just burdened yourself with a new enormous debt then” Alhaitham teases.
“I think wood craving has grown on me.” Alhaitham smiles, “So I’m afraid you’ll have to put up with these ugly figurines for now.”
“Come on, they are not that ugly,” Kaveh chuckles, “But we do need to set up a proper corner for them so they don’t disrupt the current aesthetic.”
The Scribe can’t help but roll his eyes at this comment.
“Seriously though, thank you” Kaveh softly touches his shoulder and looks directly into his eyes, “It’s the first time someone did something so special for me. I will always treasure it.”
The Scribe stares back at him and without a warning, Alhaitham pulls him into his arms and whispers to his hair, “Happy Birthday, Kaveh.”
After that, Collei, along with Cyno and Tighnari, burst open their front door right when they are still hugging in the hallway. Kaveh’s face turns as red as a tomato as Alhaitham helps him up on his feet.
The night cannot be more perfect. The house is filled with the smell of good food, laughers and joy. His most favorite dishes are laid out on the table and the gifts are waiting for him to open. Wine never tastes better and even Cyno’s jokes are funnier than usual.
Kaveh watches as everyone starts to eat and cheerfully discuss about what games they are going to play tonight. His heart aches a bit thinking of how much he does not want to ever lose this; his friends, his happiness, his home.
And when his eyes accidentally meet with Alhaitham’s, he cannot help but wonder, would things turn out differently if he hadn’t met the Scribe at the tavern that night where he had taken Kaveh in?
He tries harder now to stay happy, to actually listen to some of Alhaitham’s advice, the sensible ones at least.
“Don’t burden yourself with something unnecessary from the past and from the future”, he would say.
So instead of dwelling on the past regrets and unknown future, Kaveh thinks he is ready now to find comfort in the present happiness.
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planetaryupscaled · 4 months
Disenchanted 5: Second Chance
Male Reader x Karina
Tags: 9k, anal, creampie, dp, oral, threesome
The story is not ours, we alternate the original story to match our desired settings.
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Over the following days leading up to my “marriage counselling session” as I would like to put it much to Karina’s disdain, my feelings on the matter slowly turned from quiet apprehension to anxiety.
Throughout the past couple of months, sneaking around like a bunch of teenagers was such a turn on. The impromptu meet ups and rash actions, down to what went down with Hajoon and Yeonjun, all of it was as a whole, extremely satisfying. My affair with Karina was a rush of fresh air, the fact that I had been fantasizing about her for all these years only for everything between us to come to fruition almost felt like fate.
With Jaewook not knowing a thing while their marriage fell apart never really pulling on my heart strings, till now. He was bound to find out, there was not a chance in hell that Karina and I could hide our chemistry at the best of times, let alone while fucking. It was something I tried to mentally prepare myself for, a task that Karina seemed to have resigned to fate. I could tell by the way she acted that week, her only focus was her kids, career and me.
Jaewook was well and truly out of the picture at this point, he was, how did she put it when describing Hajoon and Yeonjun? He was merely a prop to satisfy her new found desire to be filled simultaneously, to feel the pulse of multiple men release inside her over and over again. The night of the foursome unlocked a different side of her, unchained and willing to settle for nothing less but satisfaction, she was insatiable and I loved it. I would do anything for her, even sacrifice a poor man’s heart and pride if I had to.
I had a brief conversation the night before the meet up with Jaewook. It was for all intents and purposes, the most awkward conversation I have ever had.
“Hey... I suspect you have spoken to Karina?” Jaewook said, his voice was sombre, yet hopeful.
“I- yes...well- about that...” I started.
“Just- please...I...we...have run out of options,” Jaewook replied solemnly.
“I mean... do you really think this is a good idea?” I asked, hopeful he would reconsider.
It was a turn on for me to share Karina in this way, knowing I was the one who satisfied her to the fullest but there was something about doing this with her unsuspecting husband that made the whole ordeal wrong somehow.
“K- Karina and I have spoken about it, it was my idea, I’m thinking if we can get the spark back- perhaps...maybe...” he said.
“I don’t get it...there is no turning back after this,” I said.
My words were empty laced with a hefty dose of hypocrisy. There was no way back no matter what, I just did not want to get caught.
“It- it’s fine, it’s better than what we have now.” Jaewook replied almost defeated.
“I- ok...” I said caving in, knowing I was going to go through with it anyway.
“OK...good...say 6pm, I will send you the details.” Jaewook said with renewed optimism.
I nodded internally, putting down the phone with a sigh, it was really going to happen, this was actually going to go down.
The morning, my eyes shot right open, my body prepped but my mind was still cloudy. Karina kept telling me to let it go, just let it happen she said. We were like polar opposites at this point, almost like I was the one cheating on my other half. I smirked remembering her outrageous comment a few days before. She wanted me to save all my goodness for tonight.
Basically, a vow of celibacy or anything sexual to make my release inside her that much more pulsating as she put it. She really had changed over the past few weeks, coming out of her normally composed shell, demanding what she wanted when she wanted. I loved her for it, it was an extremely sexy trait. Off course I followed suit, making sure I was primed to seed the fuck out of her married pussy that night. My cock twitched just thinking about it, the guilt from the past few days slowly being replaced by a hunger, a lust for what was about to take place. Feeling my phone buzz beneath my pillow I swiped it open only to be greeted by a scantily clad Karina dressed in nothing but some tiny frill line under wear.
“You ready for tonight?” It read.
I replied with a cheeky wink before getting dressed and packing my things. The drive up to the woodlands would take just under two hours, miles away from civilization, it was the perfect setting to heal...or in our case...fuck our problems away. Karina had asked me to stay a couple of nights, with the option of a cabin room or a more adventurous tent setting, I had chosen the latter, not wanting to be near Jaewook for the meantime as much as I could help it. After about 45 minutes I was out of the city, the winding roads welcomed me like a snaking entrance to my truth, my darkest desires. It was calling me, my mind almost in a trance like state as I pictured how tonight would go down, how Jaewook would react, his facial expression as I penetrated his wife over and over again. How long would it take for the penny to drop that this was not our first time? That I had flooded Karina’s cunt with my sticky cum many times over to the point that she would leak from her slit moments afterwards, on occasion going back to him, to his arms. It filled me with trepidation, yet at the same time excitement, almost relief that our passionate affair would be fully in the open.
“Hey stranger...” Karina smiled as I pulled my car up at the cabin.
Jaewook was there waving his hand.
“No worries, we will all get time to get to know each other.” He said in jest.
His joke fell a little flat, eliciting a sharp jab from his Missus as I grinned awkwardly.
The cabin looked just like the ones you see in the films, dark brown decking surrounded by pine trees that lined the outskirts of the property. Despite its foreboding facade the inside of it was warm, a hearty fire was burning bright in the living room, with one of those thick tartan throws in front. I smiled inwardly at the setting, the wood burning fire, cozy looking sheets, it was a setting for one of those porn sets. Karina could read my mind, shaking her head comically as she hid her laughter from Jaewook.
“So... drink?” I said tentatively, setting my bags down by the foot of the door.
“Drink it is!” Jaewook replied, breaking the awkwardness, gesturing towards the kitchen.
“Karina, why don’t you show Minho his tent...Glamping I am told.” He said with a smile.
Pouring me a whiskey on the rocks, I took it straight down, giving me the much-needed kick for tonight’s events as I followed Karina out into the garden. It was more of a vast wooded space than a garden and my large tent was more like an outdoor wooden hut, its roof shaped in a horseshoe complete with working heating and a shower. This was definitely not camping, it was more like a posh outbuilding which overlooked the wooden cabin, having a perfect view of the balcony above.
“Thats...our room.” Karina said, tracking my eyes to the balcony.
The way she said our, making it sound like she was referring to me as she shot me smile before pulling me in for a deep kiss out of eyesight from the main cabin. Her lips tasted sweet, like she had just had a cocktail a few moments before. Laced in sugar, her tongue dove into my mouth, searching my oral cavity with her slickness as I sucked on her soft pink lips.
“Relax...” She said, pecking me on the cheek, leaving a lipstick mark smudged on my face.
I smirked, shrugging my shoulders before sighing.
“You sure you want to do this?” I asked tentatively.
Karina merely smiled, kissing me once more before squeezing my crotch firmly.
“Cum in me first...” she whispered, mirroring what she said to me moments before the sweaty foursome that kicked this all off.
She left leaving the door open, brushing her hair behind her ear as she stalked her way back to the cabin, the soft taps of her heels scrunching against the broken stone pathway. I sat down on the bed, the rustic looking accommodation giving off a strong nordic feel, like I was in the middle of Iceland. I had always wanted to go there, maybe after this Karina and I could go? I shook the daydream out of my head, hearing Jaewook call out to me from the back door of the cabin.
“Bud, everything ok?” He asked.
“Yeah... just- settling in.” I replied.
“Everything...check out, ok?” He asked warmly, popping into the room.
“It’s- perfect.” I replied, clasping my hand on his shoulder as I followed him back to the main house.
“Good- well...Karina and I were wondering if you would like to join us for dinner in a bit, I just need to pop to the shops to get a few supplies.” Jaewook said smiling.
His trust in me was astounding, leaving me alone with Karina knowing what I was here to do was either a masterstroke or a naive move. My thoughts were on the latter as I watched his car snake down the driveway and disappear out of view. Just on cue I turned around to see Karina, her pert rear sticking out slightly as she seductively removed her tight jeans, rolling them down her slender, toned legs, kicking them over to me as she disappeared into her bedroom.
“I need a refill...” Karina called out, shaking her wine glass at me.
We both knew that was not what she meant, she wanted to be filled in other ways as I entered the doorway and stared at her beautiful figure. The smoothness of her skin left me feeling weak at the knees, her bra already removed as the ravishing housewife sat with her back away from me looking back in anticipation.
“What will it be?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.
“The usual...” Karina replied seductively.
“I want to feel you cum inside me...” She whispered, biting her lips.
It was enough to set any man off as I unbuckled my jeans only to be met by her hands running along the length of my legs, tugging at my underwear, desperate to uncover her prize. My cock sprang to attention, narrowly missing her eye as I lowered my hands down towards her exposed breasts, massaging her soft mounds till her nipples stood at attention. Giving her perfect tits a firm squeeze, I rolled my eyes into the back of my head the moment she took me into her warm mouth. It was instant, my dick being deep throated inside Karina’s moist mouth. Her lips slurped at my shaft, sucking on my meat as she covered me in her silky saliva, covering me fully as my tip rested on her tongue, being teased by the suction coming from her full lips as I ran my hands through her hair. Gripping her head slightly, Karina tilted her face up at me, allowing me to fill her cheeks with cock as the mother of three sucked on my slick dick as sensually as the first time I had penetrated her mouth.
“You...eghmm...taste...mmphhh...so...mmm...fucking good.” Karina moaned against my length.
“Better than your husband? I asked with a cheeky look.
“Fuck my mouth...” Karina replied, as if to prove a point.
I rested the underside of my shaft on her slippery tongue while staring deeply into her brown puppy dog eyes before pumping my cock between her married lips. I watched in awe seeing my length swallowed up inside her wanting mouth, my tip excreting a few drops of precum on her tongue as I held Karina steady and fucked her mouth.
“Mmmphhhh...gluck...gluckk...gluckkk...” Karina hummed, taking my cock inside her luscious mouth over and over again, feeding on my dick.
“Fuck Karina...turn around...” I moaned through gritted teeth.
I slipped out her mouth with a delectable pop, all the saliva coating my length now dripping onto the wooden floor as Karina kicked off her nonexistent underwear which I picked up and held to my face, taking in a good breath of her moist sexual juices smothered on the bottom of her panties. She studied me with a knowing look on her face, hugging the white sheets as she lay on her front, lifting her leg for me ever so slightly.
I knew what she wanted and how she wanted it. The feeling of her brown eyes boring into my face signaling she wanted me inside her, deep and hard. I did not want to disappoint, pumping my cock a few times with my fist before spreading her slick labia with my fingers and spearing her married cunt with my twitching cock, stuffing her cunt with my thick meat. The feeling of filling her completely never got old, the hug of her pussy caressing my shaft as I thrust downwards and up into her love channel smashing my tip against her cervix. The force, rocked Karina, grimacing with a mixture of pain and pleasure as I punished her from behind, her slickness creaming all over my shaft as we mated like rabid animals. Sweat was pouring from my face and onto Karina’s perfect form, pooling in the small of her back where I pressed down, pushing her face into the pillows below, ramming as much of my cock into her tight cunt as humanly possible. The sounds of slapping flesh were permeated by grunts and wails, my balls crashing against her tight rear as I bent over, welcoming her tongue between my lips.
‘Mmmm...fuck...fuckk...deeper...deeper...please...pleaseee...ughhh...” Karina wailed, her face covered in perspiration as I cupped her breasts, pulling her to my chest.
She was basically kneeling upright, my thick cock still penetrating her precious pussy, stretching her gorgeous pink walls out as I fucked the shit out of her. Feeling her body gradually tense up, her ass was first, then the walls of her womb, followed by the trembling of her bronze thighs.
“shitttt...baby...babyy...right...there...” Karina moaned, gyrating her hips onto my groin as I bottomed out inside of her.
“Tell me what you want, SAY IT!” I grunted into her ear.
Grabbing a fistful of my hair, she breathlessly whispered into my mouth.
“In me- cum…inside me...” Karina said wearily.
“Louder!” I yelled into her neck.
“Fucking cum inside me! dump…your…cum…inside me!” Karina screamed in euphoria.
Her body trembled in my arms, stretching and spasming in my grasp as I tamed the her, gripping her hips as I rammed my cock deep inside her womb, erupting with ferocity.
“Karina- Fuck…” I moaned exasperated.
My weeks’ worth of cum came sprinting out the gates, peppering Karina’s married cunt as I continued to feed her tight pussy my salt spunk. She flicked her hips in time with my thrusts as I continued to pump my potent sperm right up inside her slit, jet washing her cervix with my sticky semen as she milked my shaft dry. It was a mess, her snatch was overflowing everywhere, being pushed out with each pump as I pulled her close, seeding her womb and painting her uterus with my cum.
“Ohhh god...I can feel it running inside of me...” Karina said with a smirk.
Our kiss was deep and fleeting, hearing the front door unlock and Jaewook place the shopping in the kitchen.
“Honey...” He called out.
“Shit” We both said in unison, Karina smirking cheekily at me.
Karina’s eyes shot open in fear, yet she still held me close, giving me one final rotation of her hips to suck out the final few drops of thick spunk from my spent cock. Slipping out of her thoroughly fucked cunt, I grabbed my clothes, slinging them in the corner as the remnants of our love affair dribbled onto the wooden floor, Karina’s grool sticking to my thighs as we disengaged.
“Shoot...” I said, scooping it up and tasting her slick sweetness before she ushered me behind the clothes rack.
Karina flipped off the light swiftly, managing to put on her bra, albeit lopsided, before turning away from the door just in time for Jaewook to knock.
“Babe…you in there?” He asked, easing the door open.
“Hey- you.” Karina said, rather flustered.
The room was rather dark, as the sun had gone down already but you could still pick out her features in the dim shadows. Jaewook sighed, almost expectantly, I could see his head move up and down slowly surveying his scantily clad wife.
“Where’s Minho?” He asked, closing the gap.
“He went for a walk.” Karina replied convincingly, skirting away from Jaewook’s outstretched hand.
“I... have to prep dinner.” She followed up, trying to work her way around towards her jeans sprawled on the floor.
There was a strange tension in the room as I held my breath steady, trying my best to remain silent. It was clear to see observing the couple this close that something was not right at all. Karina almost seemed as if she did not want to be touched by Jaewook who in turn kept pursuing her for some semblance of closeness. It was an endless cycle that I knew only had one outcome.
“Karina...wait.” Jaewook said, wrapping his arms around her slim waist.
They were right in front of me, my face hidden only by a row of coat jackets and a few shift dresses. I could still smell Karina’s perfume on her hanging clothes, sweet on the senses assaulted by the powerful smell of her sticky sexual juices still smeared on my legs, I loved it.
“Jaewook wait, Minho might come back any time now.” Karina said reluctantly.
“Pfft...I mean we are all going to go through with this, what’s the harm in... starting a little early?” Jaewook replied.
I could see the outline of his hands roam her chest, unclasping her bra and letting it fall to the floor. Almost as if taking the path of least resistance Karina shrugged off his hands.
“Just- make it quick...” She said, peering at me behind the clothes rack.
Even through the darkness, I could tell her face was more apologetic rather than anything else, as if she was ashamed to be doing this right in front of me.
“Karina...I...have...missed...you...so...much,” Jaewook said, his breaths getting shallower as I heard his zipper go down.
There was a slight pause as he held her close, spreading her legs shoulder width apart and easing Karina over. Just like the first time I witnessed them two fucking, it was doggie style, his preferred choice of penetration it seemed. Moving one of the coats ever so slightly, I peered through the darkness, Karina catching the glint in my eye off the moonlight streaming through the window. She took a deep intake of breath as I saw her facial expression change from uncomfortable to a hint of pleasure. Jaewook gently pushed forward, spearing his wife’s cunt in one motion, bottoming out in her slick, tight pussy.
“God...you are so wet...” Jaewook said, almost pleased with himself.
“I- uhhh...came...prepared,” She shot back almost immediately.
It was a sordid sight, seeing the woman that I loved being fucked by her husband, each pump of his cock causing my pre discharged spunk to flow so effortlessly out of her. The squelching sounds of his meat irrigating Karina’s sex of my seed as he filled her precious womb was oddly, a massive turn on. I could feel my member start to grow, unconsciously dropping my hand to rub my tip.
“Jaewook- hurry...ughhh.” Karina moaned unconvincingly.
He picked up the pace, the sounds of his hips smashing off her ass now all you could hear, drowning out his grunts of pleasure as he pumped his wife. Karina was rather unbalanced, rocking back and forth as she fell backwards on top of him.
“Wait, wait, just…just lie back...let me...” She said, her breathing a little ragged.
“God baby, it’s been too long... fucking ride me.” He said, lying on the bed with outstretched arms.
Karina pushed her ass out, sitting on his lap, rotating her hips and looking directly at the clothes rail. Gaining a bit of confidence, I stepped out slightly uncovering my cock through the fabric so that she could see what I was doing. We locked eyes as Karina rode her husband in reverse cowgirl now, straddling his lap and flicking her hips.
“Ughhhh...ughhh...just...like that...” Karina moaned.
I watched as Jaewook grabbed her hips and pulled her towards him, stuffing more of his cock into her primed and well fucked pussy. Taking the opportunity with Jaewook being distracted, I grabbed Karina’s soaked underwear from the floor, wrapping it around my stiff cock and jerking methodically. Rocking my head back I could feel Karina watching me, her moans were getting loader as I could tell Jaewook was rubbing hard up against her cervix. Staring at each other again, I picked up the pace which she duly followed, riding her husband wildly, fucking more meat into her tight cunt.
The sight of her getting railed was hitting the right buttons, my balls starting to churn as I felt my cum travel up my shaft and shoot from my tip. I was quick enough to catch every drop inside her soft silky underwear, continuing to milk my dick of my essence while watching Karina approach her crescendo.
“Ughhhh...I’m- I’m...cuming...shitt...ughhhh.” Karina wailed, her arms outstretched towards me.
Jaewook was bucking his hips, pumping his straining cock into his wife. His hands gripping her hips as he reached the point of no return.
“Karina...baby...take it, fucking...take...it...” Jaewook groaned, taking all his frustration out on forcing more of his cum deep inside her womb.
He was still cumming inside her when I stepped forward, pouring my cum down Karina’s open mouth, pooling on her lips as she swallowed my load sensually, taking my fingers with it as I stuffed her drenched underwear into her mouth. Karina and I locked eyes once more, her hands spearing out to my crotch, giving my spent cock a few pumps before tasting my semen on her fingertips. I knew this was the beginning of a long night, seeing her motion towards the door while still flicking her hips and milking her husband. Ducking low and grabbing my clothes, I slipped silently out the room, making my way to the cabin to clean up.
I had no idea how long I had been in the shower afterwards by the time Karina came knocking on my door. She wore a sheepish smile on her face as I opened the door, only to be greeted by Karina in the tightest little outfit I had ever seen her in. Dressed in a white miniskirt and some sort of crop top bra, she kissed me on the cheek, slapping my balls, before giving me a cheeky little dance routine.
“Dinner in five, wear something- comfortable.” She said, winking at me before returning to the house.
I was in utter shock, this evening had been crazy already, in some ways more outrageous that the night with Yeonjun and Hajoon. This was with her husband... and he seemed to be all for it. Walking through the backdoor, Jaewook greeted me immediately with a beer.
“Hey man, thanks for... going for that walk earlier, me and Karina had time to reconnect...” He said with a sly smile.
“What are you guys talking about?” Karina said, as she popped open a bottle of wine.
“Nothing… just about our little warm up earlier,” He said, jovially.
Jaewook’s mood had taken a turn for the better, buoyed by his little fuck session with Karina earlier. Unbeknownst to him, I had already... how do we say it... pumped and dumped a weeks’ worth of my pent-up seed deep inside her marital cunt. There was probably a good chance that a few of my soldiers were swimming around in her womb right now.
“Well- practice makes perfect.” Karina, shot back in jest.
“Well...I think you enjoyed yourself babe.” Jaewook said with confidence.
‘Jaewook? seriously? time and place.” Karina replied, her cheeks going red as we caught each other’s glance’s.
“This looks amazing Karina.” I said, changing the subject.
The table was all laid out, a full-on roast, a bit heavy I thought given what we were about to do. Saying that however we would need a lot of energy so maybe it was the correct decision. It was a strange atmosphere at first, the awkwardness was palpable will we got to the second bottle of wine.
“So, Minho- are you...excited about later?” He asked raising his eyebrows.
“Who said anything about later, now is as good as any.?” I replied, winking over at Karina as I took another sip of beer.
“Easy, can’t have you throwing up all this well-prepared food.” Jaewook said laughing.
The banter continued throughout the night, both Karina and I eye fucking each other whenever Jaewook looked away. It was getting harder and hard to hide our chemistry as I offered to do the dishes, brushing Karina’s hands as I picked up the dirty plates. The look she gave me almost made me pin her tight frame against the kitchen table and rail her right there. We both knew she would have let me, irrespective of Jaewook being there or not.
“Ehh leave it in the sink.” Jaewook said, a slight slur in his words.
“Yes...lets...crack open another bottle in the living room.” Karina said, squeezing my hands discretely as she passed by.
The small gesture brought a smile to my face as I followed the couple to the living room, complete with a brightly lit fire and tartan rug on the floor. I remembered my first though of the setting, like a porn set.
“All we need is a camera.” I blurted out.
Karina looked at me shocked, her expression was priceless as she slapped my arm rather firmly.
“Ha…I love the way you think.” Jaewook replied, finishing off his drink.
“What do you say babe?” He followed up, kissing Karina on the cheek and pulling her close.
“I- don’t think… no, not tonight.” She said, slightly embarrassed and taking a seat on the far side of the couch.
Jaewook looked at me rather disappointed to which I just ushered my hands down signaling him to drop it. Karina gave me an appreciative smile as Jaewook sat down next to her leaving the single leather-bound seat next to the fireplace for me. From this angle, I could see all the way up Karina’s bronze leg, my gaze practically eye fucking her next to her husband which did not go unnoticed.
“So... here we are...” Jaewook said rather suggestively, grazing his hand on Karina’s knee.
“Do...you like him watching babe?” He followed up, taking another sip of his beer and drifting his hand ever so slowly up her smooth thighs.
“Mmm...hmmm.” Karina sighed never leaving my gaze as I felt a tug in my trousers.
This was it, the moment we had been working up towards, for the past week or so. Jaewook’s eyes were filled with lust as he leant over, kissing Karina along her nape, his tongue extending, licking her down her chest, freeing her left breast from her top. I could feel the tension in the room slowly dissipate, replaced my sexual energy emanating from all three of us. Studying every contour of her face, she closed her eyes, rolling her head back the moment Jaewook made contact with her sex, his fingers audibly penetrating her labia as I heard the slickness of her cunt squelch with each thrust of his forearm. Watching Karina, mouth agape, staring back at me while Jaewook sensually fingered her was one which would stay with me forever.
“Ughhhh...” Karina moaned gently as Jaewook pleasured her cunt.
“You see Minho...she isn’t as intimidating as you thought.” Jaewook said softly, increasing the thrusts of his fingers.
Karina had her legs wide open at this point, giving me a perfect view of her husband inserting another two fingers into her perfectly slick pussy, the way her lips hugged his probing digits were complimented perfectly by her soft moans and gyrating hips. I felt my cock stir in my pants again, unzipping my trousers to comfort my straining cock, eager to get in on the action.
“Looks like our guest is almost ready...” Jaewook said, his voice in a sex fueled trance.
“Lie down for me...” He said, kissing Karina on the neck and feeding her his fingers.
Lost in a drunk lustful haze, Karina lay down, spreading her legs for him as Jaewook positioned himself between her toned thighs. Her head rested on the couch armrest, face turned towards me extending her tongue in my direction. With one swift thrust, Jaewook had fucked his cock right up to the hilt, causing the couch to creak under the force.
“Ughhhhh...” Karina moaned; her eyes fixated on my raging cock as I pumped myself to the sordid view in front of me.
“Fuck… you feel so good baby...” Jaewook moaned, grabbing her by the hips and railing his dick deep inside her womanly cavern.
Each thrust of his cock bringing about a sharp groan from Karina who had now reached out a hand towards me beckoning me to come closer.
“It’s OK bro... come...have a try...” Jaewook said, pumping his cock into Karina once more.
Taking one last swig of my beer I kicked off my trousers and walked over to Karina’s face. Her head was overhanging on the armrest, perfect for what I had planned. It was almost as if she had read my mind, pulling me in close for a deep kiss before whispering in my ear.
“Cum down my throat...” She said, licking me up my cheek as I positioned her upside-down, head between my legs.
Jaewook saw this little interaction but it did not affect him in the way I thought it would. I was sure he must have known there was something going on with Karina and I by how comfortable we were in each other’s company, the countless stares across the room must have been seen by him at least once. Now a passionate kiss while he was balls deep inside her would be the final straw. Never the less, it seemed to spur him on, egg him forward as he intensified his pumps into Karina, fucking her cunt with reckless abandon.
“Minho...do...it...fuck...my wife’s mouth...” He groaned through gritted teeth.
Karina’s eyes were wide and longing, her breasts bouncing up awkwardly with each full force fuck from her husband’s. Reaching up between my thighs she wrapped her tiny hands around my base and began to jerk. Her thumb running circles along my slit whilst her other hand squeezed hard on my balls as I positioned my tip at the entrance of her mouth. It was such a sexy scene, seeing Jaewook thrust his meat all the way up Karina’s tight cunt while her face lay upside down between my legs, mouth at my mercy. Not taking a moment to process anything I pumped my hips forward, stuffing her mouth full of my cock till my tip reached her tonsils.
Spit was pooling at the side of Karina’s mouth, her lips wrapped firmly around my shaft as both Jaewook and I pumped her from both ends, ravaging her pussy and oral cavity all at once. It was savage the way we pleasured ourselves without a thought for her comfort, lost in a world of our own as he railed her tight body relentlessly. Grabbing both of her breasts, I squeezed down hard on her nipples making Karina moan around my meat as Jaewook gripped her hips even tighter, eager to stuff her cunt with as much of his cock as he could. The feeling of Karina’s tongue lapping up my precum dribbling into her mouth was euphoric, her lips providing just the right amount of suction as I skull fucked the housewife on the sofa. I groaned at her touch as she popped me out of her mouth and allowed me to teabag her. Taking each of my orbs between her lips, then both at the same time, while jacking my slippery cock covered in her warm saliva as I continued to knead her perfect tits. Looking up, Jaewook was close, it was strange as Karina had always requested me to cum in her first. It was like we were thinking the same thing as I looked down and saw her eyes pleading with mine, knowing her husband was close she popped me back in her mouth and began to suck me with ferocity.
“Fuckk...karina...suck...me...” I moaned, gripping her face and fucking my meat deep into her throat.
She was gagging but did not care, eager for me to win the race to spill inside her first. Karina was good, her tongue finding a rhythm with my penetrative strokes as I pumped her throat, she sucked my tip on exit making my balls churn hard. I could feel I was there, running my fingers through her hair once more I fucked her face deep into the armrest with a loud thud. My cock exploded between her lips as a torrent of cum flooded her mouth, Karina’s lips remained pursed, sealing my seed inside her oral chamber as I continued to pump her throat full of my warm sticky sperm. The whole sight must have triggered Jaewook, seeing me pulse down his wife’s throat with ferocity he thrust his cock as far as he could into her tight cunt unleashing his load inside her twitching womb.
“Fuckk...babee...” Jaewook growled, his cock spasming with each subsequent follow through as Karina rubbed furiously at her clit.
We were filling her up at both ends, pumping our seed deep inside her pussy and mouth at the same time as she writhed in pleasure. Bending over her face I took her pert and sweaty nipples between my lips and began to suck, rubbing at her throbbing clit as Jaewook continued to thrust his cock inside his wife. My member was still between her lips as Karina continued to keep my cock as a prisoner within her mouth, not stopping for a moment in sucking me bone dry, she wanted to get me hard again. I could hear her swallowing with each suck of her lips, taking down my sperm into her stomach as I felt her thighs start to tense.
“Ughhhh...fuckk...minho...minho...fuckkk...baby...” She moaned as I attacked her clit with my fingers.
I looked up between sucks of her tits, seeing Jaewook withdraw his spent cock from her cunt as I felt Karina suck down hard on my cock once more, her tongue working wonders around my meat, bringing it back to life as she climaxed hard around my fingers. Fucking her with my digits with deep strokes, I basically scooped Jaewook’s cum out of her cunt as I fucked her face while rubbing deep inside her pussy, reaching her g-spot and applying pressure.
“Babeee...” She yelled, bucking her hips as she squeezed her legs shut around my hands, twitching in pleasure.
Her juices were all over my fingers, together with Jaewook’s essence which I fed into her waiting mouth. It must be the first time she had tasted his cum as his expression was priceless. By this time, I had already regained my hardness, slipping from her lips with a slurp. She looked at me and I knew what she wanted, kneeling up and extending her hands towards me. Picking the sexy ass up I guided her to the nearby wall, her hands on my shaft, jerking it. With a look of lust Karina looked at me and then nodded, raising her legs for me, before glancing at Jaewook.
Knowing what she wanted immediately I closed the gap, pushing my tip into her wanting sex with ease. Karina’s pussy juice and grool, together with Jaewook’s cum creating a thick film of lubricant for me to penetrate her aching cunt.
“Shit...you…fuck...me...good...” She whispered in my ear as she wrapped one of her legs around my waist.
My thrusting starting off slow, building in speed and power, I wanted to savor every moment inside her married pussy while Jaewook watched behind us. The pump of my hips slapping against her groin each time I fucked more cock inside his wife was such a thrill. Having Karina whisper sweet nothings in my ear knowing I was going to seed her cunt while her husband watch, turned her on to no avail.
“Cum in me while he watches...” She whispered repeatedly into my ear.
“Fill me up baby...just like that.” She followed up.
I picked up the pace, filling her womb with more of my cock as I smashed up against her cervix, my tip attacking, reaching maximum depth as I fucked her onto her tip toes. It was at that point I had an idea, picking Karina up and turning her around.
“Her ass Jaewook...fuck her ass...” I said breathlessly, pumping my dick deep inside her twitching pussy.
“What...umm...but...she does not...” Jaewook started.
“Fucking do it.” Karina snapped back.
He followed suit, grabbing her waist as I spread her ass cheeks for him. I could tell when he filled her anal cavity by the look on Karina’s face the moment she was stuffed by two cocks simultaneously.
“Fuckk...” Karina groaned into my mouth, wrapping her hands around my neck as her thighs tightened around my waist.
“Fuckkk Karina...your ass...it feels...feels...amazing.” Jaewook moaned, rolling his head back.
“Over there, Jaewook lean against the banister.” I said motioning to the stairs.
All three of us waddled over to the stairs as Jaewook leant back on the cool wooden railings. Karina knew what was coming as I pinned her back firmly onto Jaewook’s chest as he continued to irrigate her ass with cock. Kissing her deeply she bit my lip hard as I she held on tightly to my shoulders. Reaching forward I gripped the wooden rails either side of Karina’s and Jaewook’s head before ramming my cock hard and deep into her cunt. The force withdrew Jaewook’s cock from her ass, slipping out of her tight fuck hole before he recovered and reentered her asshole.
“Ohhhh...fuckkkk...ughhhhh...ughhhhh...” Karina screamed.
Her face was all scrunched up, a mixture of pleasure and pain as I fucked my cock deep inside her married pussy, her cervix taking a battering as my crown smashed repeatedly against her insides. The walls of her cunt no longer tight around my shaft, almost relaxed now, accepting defeat as I had my way with her, ramming my cok hard and deep into her wanting slit, stretching her pussy out while Jaewook thrusted up her tight ass.
It was a thing of beauty, perfect teamwork, all three of us working in unison, Karina accepting our meat, Jaewook and I fucked Karina with vigor as we pumped her full of cock. The noise of slapping flesh and groans rung out everywhere as I felt my balls churn once more. I could see Jaewook grimacing behind his wife as Karina moaned desperately in my ear.
“Minho...Minho...I’m close...fill me up...fucking...dump...it...in...baby...” She moaned in euphoria.
“fuckkk...minhoo...” She screamed, biting down hard and climaxing with two men filling her up.
I had no idea if he heard her say that, if he did, he did not care, too caught up in pumping his staining cock up inside Karina’s anal cavity to notice, his face now pent up, ready to unload.
“Karina...baby...I’m...I’m...coming.” I groaned, kissing her deeply as I thrust my cock deep inside her cunt one last time.
Bottoming out inside her womb I unleashed a flood of cum inside her pink folds, pumping my potent seed into her precious cunt. I could feel her pussy lips struggle to contain my load as I continued to pump her cunt full of my sperm, my sticky semen dripping down my thighs as I painted her pink walls white. All the gyrations set Jaewook off as I felt his hips jerk. He was dumping his load into her gaping ass while I fueled her cunt with my cum. Both of us unloading inside Karina in unison, jet washing her insides with our cums was as seedy as it got. Feeling her scratch at my back as she accepted both of our loads was perfect, her body twitching in my arms while I filled her womb to the brim while Jaewook filed her anally, injecting her with his sticky sperm.
The three of us stayed in this position for what seemed like forever before Karina slipped free of our grasp and dropped to her knees taking both mine and Jaewook’s cock’s between her lips. Seeing Karina suck on both of us, licked and drank up the remnants of both of our loads
“Take me upstairs...” Karina said, looking up at me while pumping my shaft in her right hand and her husband’s in her left.
Without saying a word Jaewook picked her up and carried her over his shoulders up the stairs. I watched, studying her rear and taking in the utter destruction of her lower half dripping with copious amounts of spunk and sex, smothered all over the back of her thighs and along her ass cheeks. It looked like Jaewook was in the best mood I had ever seen in a while as he turned to me at the top of the landing, waving for me come join them.
“Minho, get up here.” He bellowed enthusiastically down the stairs.
I ran up with a spring in my step anticipating the next steps on our messed-up fuck affair. As I entered, Jaewook already had Karina up against the wall, his face buried in-between her luscious legs as the sounds of his tongue working overtime on her freshly fucked cunt was all you could hear. He must have had my load smeared all over his face but it was too late, Jaewook was too far gone, lost in a mad lust fueled rage, eagerly sucking Karina to completion while she writhed against his face. Stepping forward I planted my lips on her mouth, tasting her tongue while we swapped spit. Moving behind her I lifted her right leg on top of Jaewook’s shoulder, giving him more access to explore her sex with his mouth. I wanted her ass and she knew this the moment she felt my tip brush her rosebud. Karina was still red raw from the anal fucking Jaewook had given her downstairs, his seed still leaked from her asshole as I ignored all notion of morals, resting my crown at her tightest entrance. Karina looked back at me, taking my lips between hers and biting down hard.
“Fuck me...” She whispered in my ear.
“Take me nice and deep…” She followed up, drinking down my spit as she pushed her ass back onto my lap, piercing her anal canal with my cock.
It felt tremendous, her tightness coupled with the softness of fucking Karina anally was immensely satisfying. Each pump of my hips spewing Jaewook’s load which rested deep inside her asshole to come flowing out, like a river of seed, dribbling purposely down her legs as I stuffed her ass full of my meat. The sounds of Jaewook slurping on his wife’s slit was getting louder, my thrusts deeper, stretching Karina out as she rolled her head back on my shoulder.
“Ohhh...aahhh...fuckkk...me...ughhh...suck...me...shitt…” She yelled, bucking her hips as her climax reached its peak.
Karina ground her hips hard onto Jaewook’s mouth, fucking his face with her cunt as I continued to rail into her rear from behind, feeling the aftershocks of her orgasm contract her anal cavity around my shaft, sucking on my slick cock in earnest, begging me to fill her void. I was close, so close, gripping Karina’s hips tightly as I fed her my meat, ramming my cock hard and deep into her asshole, fucking her raw.
“Baby…” Karina moaned, to which Jaewook released his face from her cunt lips only to be pushed back down by her wandering hands.
“Babe...” She moaned again.
I knew she was talking to me, I knew what she wanted as I doubled down and fucked her ass harder and deeper than before, bottoming out in her anal canal as I felt my spunk building. Karina tensed her walls up just in time, sucking my sperm out the tip as I coated her asshole in my sticky seed, pumping wave after wave of sperm into her bowels.
“Fuckk...karina...” I growled like passionately, feeding more of my seed up her tight married ass.
Like a man possessed, I lifted Karina off Jaewook’s face and dumped her face down on the bed, fucking my spasming cock deep inside her ass as we interlocked hands in the prone position. Grinding my hips into her rump, Karina pushed back softly, gagging to be filled up by my load as the last of my cum fired into her ass. I rolled over, absolutely knackered as Karina regained her breath slapping my arm, smiling at me seductively, sweat covering her face her hair all over the place.
I could feel Jaewook’s eyes on us, leering at Karina as he joined her on the other side, rubbing eagerly at her red raw rump while pointing his tip at her thick lips. Just like our time with Hajoon and Yeonjun, Karina was beyond caring about their fractious marriage, the only thing that mattered in this moment was fulfilling her deepest desires, to be filled repeatedly and fucked long and hard, like one massive mating ritual. She opened her mouth, accepting Jaewook’s cock between her lips and began to suck.
“Ohhhh...Karina...just...like...that...” He moaned, smiling over to me.
Running his fingers through her hair he forced her mouth deeper onto his length fucking right into her moist gullet as he fed his wife more of his meat. The slurps from Karina’s mouth were infectious, goading me on to filing her from the other side once more as I ran my finger up her moist labia, slipping my fingers deep into her cunt while she sucked her husband. Her nectar was all over my digits, translucent grool sticking to my palms as I penetrated her cunt over and over again, finding her g-spot once more and stroking her with rapid flicks of my finger.
“Yesshmmm...” Karina moaned, on Jaewook’s cock, feeling me invade her cunt with my fingers.
Gyrating her hips on my palms I looked up at Jaewook who had a grin on his face, savoring his wife’s lips wrapped around his shaft. I placed my spare hand on the back of her head, forcing her to take him into her throat as she looked at me alarmed, eyes watering.
“God you are a bad one Minho.” Jaewook said chuckling as Karina shot me the dirtiest look before sucking down hard on his cock once more.
“Let me cum down your throat baby.” He moaned, thrusting into Karina’s mouth with rapid pumps.
She shook her head, comically smiling at me around Jaewook’s meat.
“Uhhhh...uhhhhh.” Karina moaned, releasing Jaewook from her mouth and jacking his cock.
The look on his face was one of disappointment laced in a bit of jealousy as he looked at me, Karina massaging my sack with her fingers.
“But...you let him unload in your mouth, I’m your husband...” Jaewook said, his voice showing a growing tone of annoyance.
Karina shot me a look of concern at the abrupt turn of events before I chirped in quickly.
“Mate I probably put her off with my taste, besides I basically had her pinned down at the time.” I said laughing awkwardly.
“I guess...” He replied, distracted by Karina pressing his slit with her thumb.
I looked at Karina slightly relieved, with danger averted for now, she took it in turns blowing Jaewook and I while frigging her sopping wet sex.
“God Karina you suck me so good.” I groaned, fucking her face gently with my cock.
“She sure knows what she’s doing.” Jaewook said breathlessly.
“Mmmmm.” Karina replied spreading her warm spittle along my length while pleasuring me with her lips.
“Dance for us...” Jaewook said, suddenly, taking a step back and sitting on the foot of the bed.
Giving me one last, long suck, Karina took me into the back of her throat, nibbling at my crown on exit before slipping me out of her warm mouth and standing up. Karina had something about her tonight, a hunger that grew as the night went on, right now she looked insatiable, her lips pursed as she swayed her body in a trance like slither, swaying to the music playing in her head.
Jaewook and I gave our full attention as Karina gyrated in front of us, reaching out with both bands and jerking slowly at our erect cocks, straining to be inside her once more. Glancing over at Jaewook, he wore the same face that I saw when Karina was riding him earlier tonight, a lustful anger that I could not explain. Partially due to the frustration he faced when doing anything he wanted with Karina physically that was, always rebuffed in some way or another. With me she was as free as a bird, allowing me to take her any which way I pleased, in her mouth, pussy or ass, I was spoilt always for choice.
“Karina baby, do me like you did earlier...” Jaewook said subtly.
She glanced over at me smiling, which I returned in kind, remembering the semen soaked panties I stuffed in her mouth while she climaxed on her husband’s spurting cock a few hours ago. Turning around seductively, Karina gave us one final wink before lining herself up with Jaewook’s throbbing cock. In one fluid motion the sexy housewife opened her legs and dipped her body down upon her husband’s cock, impaling her slippery cunt on his meat till she bottomed out.
“Ohhh...god...” Karina mewed, feeling Jaewook fill her unfaithful pussy.
I had lost count on how many times she had been seeded, how many times I had dumped my cum deep inside her married pussy, fired into her uterus and pumped into her cunt. Just seeing her with Jaewook knowing I was the one she wanted drove me insane. Their position was different from earlier with Karina leaning back placing her hands on Jaewook’s chest. His palms supporting her weight, gripping Karina tightly by the waist as he pumped his dick right up into her tight cunt.
“Fuck baby you feel better than ever...” Jaewook growled, ramming his cock deep inside his wife.
The slap of his balls against her slit really got me going as I planted on long kiss on her mouth, tasting her spit between my lips. Stalking her like a tiger, I walked over till I was between her legs, watching Jaewook penetrate her perfect pussy over and over again. The smell of sex and fresh grool was in the air along with cums oozing out of Karina’s ass crack and cunt. Looking at her seductively, she knew she was about to get well and truly fucked, my tip grazing her throbbing clit as I fisted my cock head a few times to get myself nice and hard.
“You ever taken two cock inside your pussy at the same time Karina?” I asked in a sinister tone.
Her eyes shot wide open, mouth unable to protest as Jaewook continued pumping her cunt with his meat, gripping her waist and thrusting as far as he could go within her pink walls. I kissed her once more, squeezing down hard on her breasts as I lined myself up with her slit, Jaewook still fucking her nice and deep. Without a moment’s hesitation I pushed forward, feeling the walls of Karina stretch out, my cock was sliding up against Jaewook, a surreal sensation no doubt. In the cold light of day, I would never even contemplate it, but looking at Karina, in this moment, I wanted to fill her out, stretch her cunt as much as possible, stuff her with as much meat as she could take.
“Aawww...ahhhhh...godd...ughhhhhhh” Karina grimaced as I pushed halfway in.
Jaewook gripped her even tighter, figuring out he was not the only one inside her pussy right now as I also invaded her space, deciding to bury his cock right up inside her womb as we jostled for position. It was a tight squeeze, I could see her labia engulfing mine and Jaewook’s cock’s, we were splitting her cunt in half. With one final thrust I was in, balls deep. Both Jaewook and I resumed our pumping, smashing her cervix with the tips of our cock’s in unison as we filled her womb with our meat.
“Ughh...wait...Guys...UGHHHHH”. Karina screamed.
Her face was all screwed up, hands wavering under the increasing pressure of both Jaewook and I drilling her cunt mercilessly. The slaps of my balls against her red raw pussy now causing her to hyperventilate as I gripped her breasts and kissed her deep, forcing my tongue into her mouth and thrusting my meat deep inside her womb. Karina had now collapsed on top of Jaewook almost like a rag doll as we had our way with her. Every time he pumped more meat into her pussy I followed soon after, double stuffing her vagina, stretching her to the limit. Karina and I locked eyes in this moment, her face glazed over in lust as my palms massaged her abused clitoris while penetrating her depths.
“Cum for me...” I whispered into her ear, increasing the thrusts of my cock into her pussy as Jaewook doubled down on his pumps.
“UIghhhhh...ahhhhh...ohhh...shit...shittt...ahhhhh” Karina screamed.
Her legs were shaking, her pussy just taking the mass penetration. Feeling her walls finally contract around our shafts, she nearly passed out, shaking in pleasure as her cunt creamed all over our member’s, coating us both in her luscious nectar as I felt my balls pulse.
“Karina...Karina...keep...going...” I said gritting my teeth.
She pulled me close, gyrating her spasming cunt to take us both in.
“Knocked me the fuck up...” She whispered.
It was all I needed to hear, thrusting my cock deep inside her walls as I bottomed out against her battered cervix, my cock exploding inside her as I coated her walls white. Wave after wave of my sperm poured out into her welcoming cunt, seeding her married pussy as my pulsing dick seemed to trigger Jaewook. He started unloading too, spraying his warm sticky cum inside Karina’s well fucked pussy. Spurt after spurt, both from Jaewook and myself, peppered her unfaithful womb as we flooded her with our warm cums, seeding her cunt as she reveled in the feeling of being pumped full of sperm. We were fuel injecting her pussy for a good five minutes, never stopping in thrusting into her womb as we eventually came to a stop, Jaewook slipping out first to a torrent of cum cascading out of her slit. We were spent, Jaewook was finished, eventually falling asleep on the far side of the bed.
It was in this moment that Karina and I knew the truth, it was truly over between her and Jaewook, this was almost like the final goodbye, only he was not aware of it. Karina looked at me longingly, her face tired, body used and abused. Yet despite this she managed to crawl into my arms and kiss me gently, taking me into her mouth as I caressed her shaking body while Jaewook slept beside us.
“Thank you...” She said.
“For what?” I asked.
“For doing this, for him, for me...this is it, my parting gift for him...my goodbye...” She replied.
There was a hint of sorrow in her eyes at all the years that they were together which I washed away the moment my lips touched hers once more. Stroking her inner thighs she barely registered I was inside her again, scooping out the messy cum oozing out her slit.
“I guess this is your Truth and Reconciliation.” I mused, kissing her forehead.
“Yeah, I guess so.” She said, looking at me playfully.
“What...you want more?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.
“Well...he’s asleep...so…” Karina replied.
“So…?” I asked, amused.
“So... cum down my throat while he’s not watching already.” She said devilishly.
With that, she was on my cock again kissing me down my chest ever so slowly, slurping down my meat between her lips as her tongue lapped up the remnants of my cum, previously released inside her married cunt. Running my fingers through her head while I fed her my straining cock, I reveled in the feeling of her tongue the underside of my shaft, teasing me with each lick.
“Take it...Karina...all...the...way...” I moaned, letting her gorge on my cock.
“Mmmmm...” She moaned around my cock.
Her soft hands massaged my balls in a calculating manner, squeezing my sack softly to elicit my precum to release onto her soft tongue. Each bob of her head allowed me to fuck her face deeper, glancing over to Jaewook sleeping peacefully, unknowingly next to the man who would be pumping his cum down his woman’s throat any second now. It was something she never did for him, ever, a fact I always loved as I cupped her face tenderly.
“You close...?” She asked between slurps.
“Ughhh...yeah...just...a little...more...” I moaned.
“Dump your load in my throat...fuck my mouth...” Karina replied, looking up at me wantonly.
I gripped her face and did just that, pushing my meat all the way down her gullet before releasing my seed into her mouth.
“MMmmm...mmghhhfff.” Karina moaned, taking my sperm into her stomach.
She kept sucking, her lips never relenting as she drank down my sperm with an unmatched appetite. I could tell she loved the fact that Jaewook was right next to us as she kept looking at him while sucking on my spurting dick.
“You suck me so good.” I sighed.
Stroking her face, she showed me the mess I had made in her mouth before swallowing my sticky semen in one go.
“I guess...we better tell him...” I said, with a cheeky smile.
“Hmmm...tomorrow...tonight I want you to fuck me some more...” Karina said seductively, jerking my spent cock in her hands.
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aestherin · 2 months
goal 30: something wrong
NOTES: this took longer than i thought 💀 anw it was more tamed than i imagined omg yay!! ^^
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Scaramouche thought the car ride home was plenty suffocating, but nothing could compare to how heavy the air was once he got home with his mother.
An extensive home that is reasonably far from other neighboring houses, with a spacious lot surrounding the house itself. It could've been such a perfect home — if not for the two broken people living in it.
As his mother remained silent while the two of them exited the car, Scaramouche thought he had at least the whole night to prepare for his mother's outburst. Alas, they haven't even made it to the front door yet, and he had already started hearing something.
He merely turned to her, not even saying a word.
"Just what happened?" Scaramouche could not get something from his mother's voice at all. She wasn't yelling — it would be out of character for her to do so anyway. But she obviously wasn't happy either. But at least it wasn't that cold, too?
At a loss for words, the young man forced himself to focus his gaze on one random thing, perhaps the grass peacefully lying on their front yard.
'I'll just have to let her say anything and everything she wants to say, and I'll say nothing. And then tomorrow, we'll just continue like nothing happened,' he thought.
And so he did, letting his mother's words pass through one ear to the other. 'How can you let yourself play like that', 'how can you allow people to see you like that', 'just what would they say about you now', 'this isn't what we trained for'... Nothing he wasn't used to. It was all alright. He can go through another sermon session just fine.
Until he was knocked out of his stupor by a certain statement from his mother.
"Perhaps I should've gotten between you and that companion of yours I saw in the freedom wall. I think she is distracting you, maybe you should stay away from her."
A sudden surge of rage came over him, prompting him to finally meet eyes with his own mother. Ei was slightly taken aback, not used to receiving such a hateful look from her one and only son.
The woman could not utter a response, still in shock at the state her son is in. She was so used to him being so indifferent whenever they talk, making it seem as if her advices and sermons have no effect at the slightest.
Meanwhile, Scaramouche, at the lack of response from his mother, could not stop himself anymore.
Scaramouche felt like a balloon — thinned, worn out, and keeping too much inside.
Much more than he could handle.
And his mother's words that night felt like a sharpened needle.
"Why the fuck do I always have to do what you tell me?" He finally snapped.
"Can't you see that I'm trying?! And yet you always see something!" Scaramouche gritted his teeth.
"You always see something to criticize! You always see something like a flaw! You always see something wrong!" He yelled, shortly followed by a bitter laugh. "Heck, maybe you even consider my birth to be something wrong."
A swift slap cut him off.
Somehow, the physical pain inflicted by his mother got him out of his continuous outbursts, replacing his seething anger with shock. No matter how cold and strict his mother was, she had never gotten physical with him.
Refusing to believe what just happened, a wondering Scaramouche looked back up to his mother's face — only to see her eyes dripping and her cheeks stained.
'Are those tears?'
'My mother... crying?'
"How could you say something like that Kunikuzushi?"
"How can you treat your life so lightly like that?" Ei sobbed. "Your birth wasn't something wrong — it was the most beautiful thing that happened to me."
The young man just stared at her, probably in disbelief.
"You are my son, a part of me, something even more important than myself —"
"— and that's why I never wish to see you hurt."
"Hah," Scaramouche scoffed. "Really?"
The man could not do anything but laugh ironically. She doesn't want to see him hurt, she says?
'I hate to break it to you mom, but you've been doing that for so long.'
How many lies would she feed him tonight?
"I don't want you to suddenly commit a mistake while playing, put yourself to shame, and be unnecessarily criticized and judged heavily." The purple-haired woman said. "And if that happens? Then what? You'll be so affected by all the backlash, and then you'll finally lose yourself?"
Scaramouche swore he never expected to see his mother cry so hard. In fact, crying was one of the things he thought his mother was incapable of doing. But what was she saying?
Where is she getting all this from?
"I don't want anyone precious to me to ever experience that again."
"What the heck are you talking about, mom?"
It was a slip of the tongue, unconsciously going back to what he once used to call the woman in front of him. A slip of the tongue that he failed to catch, but did not go past his own mother, whose memories of the days when he used to call her 'mom' flashed by her eyes.
But before she could even explain herself, someone else made their presence known.
"Your mother had a sister, you see."
It was Yae.
His mother's old friend.
“Have you ever heard of Makoto?” The pink-haired lady asked. Scaramouche could not see the relevance of her question, but he decided to humor her nonetheless. “Who?”
“My twin sister.”
“You had a sister?!”
Scaramouche thought he knew a lot about his mother. But really, is he even qualified to say that he knew her if he knew nothing about her past before having him? Everything he knew about Ei were memories of them together. Her being a loving mother to him when he was little, her having Yae as her only friend, her suddenly changing her parental practices once he started his soccer career — all of them were memories of her after his existence.
Only now did he realize he never knew anything about his mother’s past.
Yae sighed. “How is he ever going to understand if you never told him about Makoto, Ei?”
“It’s too dark of a story. He might not be able to handle it.”
“And you think he can handle your coldness and strictness forever?”
“What, do you want me to discourage my son from his dreams of being a top soccer player by telling him that my twin sister fucked up on a game just once, got so many backlash and became the people’s punching bag, went depressed up to the point that she couldn’t handle it anymore and eventually lost herself?” Ei spat out. “I don’t want to scare him off from achieving his dreams, but I can’t also risk the possibility of him having the same experience as my sister.”
What the fuck?
Merely processing the things he was hearing already required so much from the young man. He could not bear to disturb the conversation between the two ladies, lest there are still some things he should hear.
“So you set high expectations for him?”
“It was the only way I thought of.”
“Have you ever considered the thought that you yourself may actually be ruining his dreams for him?”
“What?” Ei turned her gaze to Scaramouche for a moment, allowing her to once again notice the state that her son was in. Trembling hands clenched into fists, focused yet glossy eyes, and brows furrowed — she couldn’t tell if they were out of fury or confusion. Perhaps it was both.
“You are making your son hate that dream of his that you sought to protect with the way you are treating him, Ei.” Yae walked towards the young man and lightly tapped his shoulder. “What this kid wants is to have fun playing, not play under constant expectations and strictness from his mother.”
Scaramouche looked up at her, who only smiled at him in return. “Isn’t that right, Kunikuzushi?”
He turned his face away from her and immediately swatted her hand from his shoulder. “What would you know about what I want?”
“Oh? But was I wrong?” She grinned. “No response? I must’ve been right then.”
“Shut up.”
“You’re just salty I’m right.”
“I am not?” The guy scowled. “Stop making things up you annoying hag —“
“Uh, excuse me?! What hag?!”
A certain purple-haired woman remained all throughout the banter between her son and her friend. When was the last time her son spoke to her without reservations like that? No, when was the last time they even had a proper conversation, one where he isn’t replying with words not even amounting to a handful?
“Ei, I want to ask you something.” A voice brought her out of her trance. “How do the other players on your team look whenever they practice and play?”
“Tired.” Ei described exactly how the boys on the team looked whenever they were on the field. Their whole beings drenched in sweat, their limbs trembling, their breaths hurried.
But despite everything, she remembered that they were having fun.
“But were they having fun?”
“They were.”
“And how does your own son look whenever he’s on the field?”
For the first time that night, absolute silence reigned over their abode’s front yard.
“See?” The pink-haired woman smiled. “Don’t you want Kunikuzushi to have the same experience as everybody else on your team?”
For the first time, Scaramouche heard the two words he thought he would never ever hear coming out from his mother’s mouth.
“I’m sorry.”
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KEEP MY HEART — scara x reader smau
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erwinsvow · 4 months
Heeeey, Shea. How are you?
I just wanted you to know I love your stories. Kook trio reader and shy reader are my favorite. 
I know that's not how it went, but I really think in another universe, Rafe would have trouble getting to date shy!reader because she just wouldn't realize he was flirting hard with her. Maybe a bit of self esteeming issues or because she's inexperiente. But, anyway, I see her being completely oblivious about all his efforts and being like "he's so nice, guys. No, he would never flirt with me. You guys are insane" and everyone else would be like "girl... what?".  
Thank you for your stories, they keep me smiling. <3
- T.
hi t!!! thank you so so much for your kind words, it means so much. i am so glad you love the different readers on this blog! i think your idea is so cute and funny, it suits them perfectly. here's a little bit based on what you sent and i hope you enjoy ♡
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since the day you had met rafe—truly met him, not counting the multiple instances where you had passed him in tannyhill attached to sarah's hip when he hadn't even realized you'd been there—you had been a little confused about the newfound attention he was giving you.
you felt it was strange. sarah was always going on and on about how mean rafe was, how badly he treated others and how he never spared a minute to talk to anyone. but she must have been exaggerating. right?
the rafe that you were becoming more and more acquainted with was nothing of the sort. from the time he had driven you home a few weeks ago to now, he had been nothing but nice—offering you a ride everytime you were at tannyhill, asking if you wanted anything when he was on his way out. he even went out of his way to find you at the country club, stopping to say hi even if it was in the middle of one of his golf matches.
it was nice. it was really nice. everything sarah had told you about him seemed to be completely wrong, but then you realized it. rafe was probably trying to be a better brother, and starting with being nice to sarah's friends was likely a good jumping off place.
with this notion firmly stuck in your mind, you proceeded to go about your days, smiling sweetly at rafe when he was being so nice and reminding yourself to tell sarah—her brother was making a big effort, and it deserved to be recognized.
"did i see rafe walk away from the course to say hi to you?" sarah asks, and you look up at her, a little surprised. you hadn't brought it up yet, and in all honestly, didn't know when you would.
your other girl friends look a little closer at you—surprise evident on their faces too. you hate being the center of attention but somehow it feels even worse like this—they're all getting the wrong impression.
"yes.. he's being very nice. i think he's trying to make it up to you, y'know, for being mean like you say he is."
"by being nice to you?"
"by being nice to all of us," you add quickly, looking at the other girls, waiting for them to pitch in.
"he's never been nice to me."
"i don't think he's even ever said hi to me."
"so how exactly has he been nice to you?" sarah asks, and you feel your face burn. they still have the wrong impression and you have no idea how you'll correct them.
"well not much," you lie, clearing your throat. "he just gave me a ride home a few times. and he said hi a couple times here. and got me a soda from the gas station the other day."
"not much?" your friend questions.
"he never asks me what i want from the gas station-" you interrupt sarah, eager to make sure they stop speculating.
"he was just being nice. it was nothing, i-"
"what's next?" sarah asks, cocking her head at you. "don't tell me, he lets you pick the music in his car?" she laughs, and the others do too, but you stare back at her blankly.
"just once or twice," you mumble, suddenly finding your drink and the misty glass far too interesting.
"oh my god. he's totally flirting with you." you whip your head up so fast you think you got whiplash.
"you're insane. that is so not what this is. he was just being nice."
"if any other guy did this, you'd be picturing your future wedding-"
"it's not just any other guy, it's sarah's brother. do you see the kind of girls he goes out with? that's how i know he's being nice, i'm nothing like them-"
you feel incredibly flustered, face hot and playing with your hands like you do when you get nervous. your friends are laughing, and though you know it's not at you, you still hate the feeling, feeling like you might burst from the intensity of the emotions you're experiencing right now. first and foremost—the fact that maybe rafe wasn't just being nice to you.
"yeah?" you hear, though you don't look up. "then why's he walking over here right now?"
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eastend-if · 8 months
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You keep having the same dreams over and over. It happened, years ago, before you left. You thought you had left Eastend behind for good.
It seems you can never truly escape your past. The Priest had warned you.
There's a girl you've never seen in your dreams. Yet, she seems so familiar - as a forgotten teddy bear you left in the attic of your home. She feels right, she looks wrong, she's wrong. Because she's not you, she says. And the two of you stand on the road...a bright light blinds you but the smell of iron reaches you. You do not need your eyes to deduce the ending of the nightmares.
Metaphorical dreams have never been your forte...except this is real. On the day you arrive, she's still alive. And smiling...laughing...walking with her friends. She looks like a normal girl of your age.
You black out - from the shock you think. The familiar iron smell being all too close, it makes you nauseous. At least, the earthen scent that lingers on your clothes counters it a little.
Why are you in the woods again?
....Why is there blood on your hands?
Welcome home, whispers the wind.
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• Customize the vessel whether be it in looks, personality or identity.
• You are free to romance four of the cast. Maybe more, there are many eyes on you.
• Your choices will shape you as they shape the town. They will have consequences on the people around you and those who aren't anymore. Be careful you never know what effect the ripples may have.
• Explore your past to shape your future.
• Fight your nightmares should you be so inclined - or welcome them, there might be surprises in the deep dark part of your mind?
• Choose whether or not you'll doom your childhood town - although, that might not be left to you. Leaving is an option too, after all, you've already left once.
• Survive - or don't. You didn't think you were the only one who could save them, did you?
Eastend is rated 18+ for sexual themes, substance use, explicit language, explicit violence, death and more.
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Beverly Arevalo [F,23], your childhood friend. At least, one of you perceived it that way. She has always been difficult to read and understand, you were one of the few who could years back. Maybe you can rekindle your friendship - maybe it will grow into more. The only thing you know for certain is that there are many unknowns surrounding Beverly.
Aina Valen [F,26] is that stereotypical preppy girl, at least what you know of her. You were never quite close when you still lived in town, but things have changed and so have both of you. Surprisingly enough, she works at the library now, having taken over her brother. You're not aware of what happened between them, only that she seems overly bored whenever you pass by the vitrine. At least she insists on telling you you are the 'spice' of her days, whatever that may mean.
Benjamin Li [M,26] his preferred nickname, Benji has always shown kindness to you and this didn't change with your unexpected return. He somehow always has a nice word for you or others in his vicinity, it's refreshing quite frankly. There are always critters following him around but they say animals are good judges of characters so that's a good sign, right?
Hezekiah Lyncroft [M, 24] was always a pain in your ass, even younger. Always arguing with you over anything and nothing, he was the reason for many headaches. Back then, there were rumours about his home life, ones you remember well. At least, he seems to be in a better place nowadays, even though he's still a pain to be around. But not all pains are bad.
+ familiar faces and strangers you've yet to meet
Demo stands currently at 5.8k words. It is meant as short introduction to the setting and story. Hope you enjoy despite the length :)
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hotxcheeto · 1 year
Hiii 👋 i'm really obsessed with your writing 😳 so may i request a top!ellie x fem!reader smut where ellie wakes up in the middle of the night cause she has nightmares of losing the reader so she goes to the kitchen to get a drink and then cause the reader feels the bedside is empty the reader searches and finds ellie then they have a heartfelt conversation that turns into an emotional lovemaking session :,) all the angst, fluff, and smut combine 👍 we love that
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Ellie Williams x Fem!Reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, smut, angst, tribbing, kissing and making out, mention of reader being dead ( in ellies dream ), talk of nightmares, very emotional love making, top/switch! ellie, bottom/switch!reader ( it lowkey varies but ellie does have more control ), idk this an emotional rollercoaster
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - i was feeling angsty after watch jjk and this just happened along with that. i love it, i love you ty for sending the request even tho it took me months!!
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There was something about you, that Ellie had never dared to bring up. A knack... per se.
She didn't wanna ruin it, or mess with the way you acted.
Whether consciously or subconsciously, you seemed to follow her.
The way you were never far behind at the bar or out and about in Jackson or seemingly always near her when she was moving around your shared home, you'd somehow have something you just needed to do right beside her.
In the kitchen? She could be eating while you were cleaning or rarely vice versa. Painting? You were beside her reading or playing with the cat you'd found on patrol that seemed to follow her all the same. Laying in bed? You were likely knocked out beside her or watching whatever movie she'd put on to keep herself busy.
Busy... from thinking. Far too busy to listen to your ramblings sometimes, which you always seem to catch. Poking her cheek and knocking her from whatever bad dream that had caught her in the daylight.
She'd blink a few times while you chastised her for not listening, of course though, you knew why. You always seemed to know why. But she liked when you wouldn't mention it, it helped her forget easier.
But you couldn't always be awake when it happened, which is why she sat dead silent on the edge of the bed with her back to you.
Facing the door to the bedroom with dead cold eyes, not even the cat purring startled her from her still state. She always slept on the side closer to the door. Always.
There was something wrong with her, that's what she just kept thinking. You were so calm, so sweet, so... okay with what you'd gone through. Why couldn't she be the same? Not such a burden, like a child you'd care for, a needy mess you didn't sign up to clean.
It's all she could wonder while standing up from her spot on the mattress and creeping towards the door. Opening and leaving it ajar so as to not wake you with the click of the knob.
She chose her floorboards carefully, and each stair she stepped on, she picked a different spot. But nothing could keep you sleeping for much longer, eyes opening when you reached for an empty, yet warm, spot on the bed. A knack, she laughed, just a thing that came with love.
The cold water didn't soothe her, staring out the window at the empty field and the moon. Staring like it was staring right back, glass clutched in her grasp while her breathing stayed short and stuttered. A tickle in her throat, a choke here and there, a frown on her lips but no noise came out, no true sound passed her teeth.
Crying. She was crying.
Warm, salty tears dripping down her freckled flesh, skin cold and unwelcome. It was so different from yours, why did you like it so much?
When she'd love you, there was something about the way you touched her, caressed, if she willed. The way you so delicately danced your fingers across her shoulders while she tried her best to pleasure and please you.
But it'd been a long time since you'd made love, or even fucked for that matter. Unable to look you in the eyes for long, nor speak to you in extended sentences. You'd always give her a kiss, always.
Good morning, goodnight, goodbye.
Sometimes she'd hold your hand, but you had learned not to reach for it because sometimes it made her nervous.
For a while, she wouldn't change in front of you. Wouldn't turn her back because you'd see all the new scars, only letting you when you offered to bathe her. She cried though, when you did.
She loved you though, adored you, worshiped the ground you walked on because you were something incredible. A rare find amongst the normality and depravity.
A glistening pomegranate in a field of rotten tomatoes.
You were Persephone, and she? Only Hades.
"A bit early to be awake, hm?"
You sounded like a melody, even when exhausted. Your steps are so much lighter than hers could ever dream of, no wonder you snuck away in the mornings so easily to surprise her with breakfast when she'd had a bad night. But she never got to surprise you with breakfast, you were never up late crying into her arms or begging her not to leave.
Screaming at the air and clawing at yourself in your sleep.
"Couldn't go back to sleep." Her voice was cold, scratchy, like a broken record that couldn't speak correctly. "I guessed that..." You muttered, moving to stand by her side, looking out the window as well.
"There a unicorn out there or somethin'?" You asked softly, almost as if it was a genuine question, tilting your head before turning to look up at her. Eyes then flickering to the glass she was squeezing.
"No." You heard her, but didn't glance at her. Soft hands reaching up to take the cup away and set it beside the sink. She didn't put up a fight, she let you take it from her. Not like she needed it anyway.
"Hm... is there... anything special out there?" You stood in front of her, reaching up to her face this time, holding it though as if it was just as fragile as the glass you'd just held.
You wiped away the wet streaks, getting her to finally tilt her head to meet your eyes. She'd been afraid to look, scared each time of what she'd see but it was never anything bad.
Though, it was like looking under the bed for monsters before you could rest and sink away into a Candyland esc dream.
You would always be just a little bit afraid of what you'd see.
"No..." She was much more light in her tone this time, seeing you nod your head and feeling you wipe away her tears. "Then why're you staring?" You tucked some of her longer hairs behind her ears, smiling at her.
"I don't know, I just..." She sucked in a breath, shaky and half intentional, her deep frown and teary eyes returning. "I just wanted to... I don't..." "It's okay, Ellie."
You took your hands from her face and moved down to hold her hips. It felt secure to her, you knew that just by the way she shifted to lean towards you, into your body, sharing your warmth while closing her eyes.
"You wanna go sit outside? Get some air?" You questioned, holding the back of her neck while massaging away the anguish she held physically. The swing on the porch knew just how much she held as well.
"No.. not..." Her eyes opened again, a deep, guttural breath being taken in. "Not tonight?" You beat her to speaking, seeing her agree and feeling her set her hands on your forearms, gently pushing you away. "C'mon then..." You said.
You accepted that at this moment she didn't want to be touched, instead opting to begin the walk back upstairs and to your bedroom. Hearing her following behind until you reached your side of the bed, that's when she halted on the other side of the room.
"Ellie... the bed misses you." You sat on your side, patting hers.
"Why do you stay?" You could've missed the question, it almost flew over your head from how dead quiet it was. Her voice was the pin drop in the room besides the wind that made your cream colored curtains blow.
"Because I want to and I love you a lot, now c'mere m'cold."
Things stood still for a split pause, her feet soon carrying her over to sit beside you, but she could only stare at her hands.
Whether covered in blood, water or your secretion, she hated them.
What they've done, what they've touched.
"Where's your ring?" You raised your eyebrow, holding her hand up in the light. It was gone, but the tan line of where it had been was very much apparent, the woman almost never took it off.
"I took it off to wash my hands... I- I got dirt on them and- and..." You breathed, setting her hand back in her lap as she explained. "That's okay, we'll put it back where it belongs tomorrow, okay?" Ellie hummed, grabbing your hand to hold it before you could fully pull back.
"Unless you want a divorce, but lawyers are so expensive and I like cuddling with you." You pouted, always seeming so serious when you spoke silly nonsense, it nearly made her crack a smile.
"I'd let you have everything."
The end of the world was here. But yes, let's talk lawyers.
"I wouldn't let you give me all that." You then said, peeking up at her through your lashes. "Half and half. You get the porch swing though." She snorted, tilting her head down to press her forehead against yours.
"I do really like that porch swing."
You sat like that for a moment, feeling her warm breath tickling your lips. She'd forgotten and that was enough, the thought of your cold dead body that had haunted her awake slipped from her mind.
Because your forehead was hot and you'd then kissed her with a tepid mouth. It meant you were alive.
She didn't let up when you pulled back though, moving closer in a chase for affection. You allowed it as well, placing your hand on her cheek, feeling her still chilled skin. She wanted more- needed more.
But then, Ellie pulled back.
"I'm sorry.." She wiped her face, pushing her hair back in the process while you moved to keep your gaze on her. Taking them away to be able to see her. "Tell me what's wrong."
You were as cold as ice when she shut her eyes, but warm in reality, she tried focusing on the way your palms ran down her upper arms, soon pulling her into a hug.
"I'm right here." She muttered something in response, holding you back while staring at the wall. Taking in the scent of the new soap you'd gotten from a lady in Jackson to try out. It was like sitting in a flower field, and you were doubling as the sunshine too.
"See?" You asked, bringing her hands up and under your shirt to your chest, allowing her to feel your heartbeat. "Feel that?" Ellie hummed, taking a moment to actually feel the thump, thump, thump that she couldn't feel in her dream.
You were so soft, always, she wondered how you did it because compared to her rough, calloused fingers, you were something entirely different. She knew that, so it didn't surprise her when the feeling of your flesh never changed when her grasp moved down, yours just lightly holding the back of her hand.
Her thumb met your nipple and you watched the fabric move as she ran over the little nub. A little gasp escaping your lips when she did, it'd been a long time since it had, and almost immediately you felt the gut feeling that you'd pushed from your mind to give her space.
"Ellie..." You muttered, resting your forehead on hers while you both watched her move to your other breast, her other hand also making an appearance as it slipped beneath the garment as well, sliding upward.
Slow, drawn out, her mouth capturing you in a kiss to distract you from her touch. Little though, could take you away from her after being deprived of her love for so long, you loved her so much if she said jump, you'd ask how high.
And god those highs were to die for.
"I missed you..." You whispered, kissing her again and again, she hadn't wanted to talk and you got the hint. If you were hungry, she must've been starving.
Her hands went lower, leaving your breasts and she pulled away for just a mere second to slip off the shirt. Then her own came off and she tossed it aside with yours, bare from the waist up with skin on skin, just how she liked to lay.
God, she missed you too.
You were wearing pajama pants that were slightly too big on you, they'd drag on the bottoms of your feet if you didn't pull them up a bunch. She liked to chuckle when you'd get all frustrated with them, but they were your favorite pair.
She thought about this while pushing the waistband down to run her fingers along your hips. She was being light, not squeezing or grabbing, caressing instead.
"What do you wanna do?" You asked, pulling back to kiss her jaw sweetly, listening to her breathe in and out, shuddering from the contact. "I want you..." You let out a 'hmph' sound, pecking her neck before pulling back while holding her shoulders.
"Let me then..." You hummed, lightly guiding her to lay down then you kissed the spot between her eyebrows. Trailing down until you lifted yourself back up, staying straddled on her pelvis, teasing her by running your nails along her lower belly.
Tugging her sleep pants down while also taking her boxers with, you leaned to kiss her abdomen before continuing them along her legs. You then kissed her knee when she helped you remove them, sliding back up to lay against her with a lopsided smile and a want for more kisses.
And as your lips met hers again and again, you slid your own bottoms away and aligned yourself with your wife. Such a knack you had for fitting together, like two puzzle pieces because you knew what she needed and wanted. But Ellie knew the exact same... with you.
You both let out a noise and a gasp when your cunts touched and your clits grazed. Staring into each other's eyes while you began humping against her, looking down only to slip a hand around the back of her leg pushing it up and over before it caught itself on your thigh.
But she wasn't gonna let you do it all, not when she'd pulled away so hard it could've given you whiplash. She'd finally tightened her grip, moving you in a way that you had no control, letting her take you though you were on top.
"God I love you." You said, pitchy and breathless while turning back to look at her, feeling her nails digging into your shoulders and her arms moving to pull you as close as she could while you moved back and forth with her guidance. Allowing her legs to suck you in.
You dripped against her, you and her mixing while you moved slowly back and forth. You wanted to feel every inch of her while your little buds showed each other as much affection as you planned to give her tonight.
"I hate when you doubt that." That was your final murmur when you took her face and brought it to yours, tasting the faint toothpaste and enjoying how she became more confident in her want.
"I know." She mumbled, letting out a low moan when you began moving just the slightest faster, dragging your mouth along her jaw and neck leaving your mark while inching you both towards your release.
You wanted it so badly, but you didn't want to give up the moment just yet. No, because you didn't know when you'd get another and for a mere second that felt like decades you pulled away.
She kept you moving, keeping her hold on you while humping into your body again and again, your hips didn't falter. But you did, and she noticed, watching you curiously with a hint of desperation for you to return.
She was so pretty, why couldn't she see what you saw?
"I love you."
A whisper as you both were rocked over the edge, coming against her with a cry while she tried to muffle her noises. You wouldn't let her though, grinding against her clit with your own, bucking your hips and making her whine and then make a noise that was a soft yell.
You just kept going though, going until you fell against her completely, tucking your face away in her neck. You could've laid there forever and a day, never moving or twitching. Like heaven and you were its top angel.
"I love you too." She whispered, almost unsure of herself, not of the words though. "I know." You smiled, sitting up and grabbing her hands to hold. "I always know, baby."
You had a knack for that.
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charlotteharlatan · 1 year
Do you ever think about what would have happened if Mary Hodges (formerly Mary Loquacious) hadn’t interrupted Crowley and Aziraphale’s “intimate moment”?
Because I do. I think about it a lot.
First off, the way that this shot is set up is perfect. Mary - Mary who had a key role in the whole “Antichrist shuffle” fiasco, and who is a walking reminder of the approaching apocalypse that will separate Aziraphale and Crowley - is literally coming between them. The show is full of these beautifully simple, yet easy-to-miss moments that only last a few frames.
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Now, on its surface, this part of the scene mostly plays as humorous because Crowley and Aziraphale are sexless-by-default, non-human entities who just happen to come across to most humans as a very aesthetic queer couple. So naturally, Mary makes the same assumption as every other human that so much as glances in their direction, and isn’t that a laugh?
Except that…she’s not actually wrong about it being an intimate moment. Not just in the physical sense, although I think this is the closest we see them physically get in the whole first season (not counting being literally inside each other’s corporations, I suppose).
But it’s intimate in the emotional sense too, because Crowley is worried and stressed about having lost the Antichrist, and now on top of everything else he’s got Aziraphale calling him “nice” and poking at some very old wounds (if he’s so “nice” then why did he Fall?). And Crowley is also probably *frightened* - they’re inside a former Satanic convent that kept regular contact with not just Crowley himself, but also Hastur, and probably other demons too. For all Crowley knows, someone from his side could still be lurking about; they could overhear and get them both in big trouble.
And as if all that weren’t enough, I don’t think I’m imagining a healthy dose of frustration with Aziraphale in the mix either. Just a few minutes prior, the angel essentially tempted Crowley into miracling the paint stain out of his coat, and then broke their rules by saying “thank you” for it. Aziraphale has spent at least the last few centuries sending him some very mixed signals and we can see that Crowley is done with them dancing around each other. That game was more or less fine before, they had time, all the time in the world. But now, in just a few days, all the time in the world will be ENDING. And yet here’s Aziraphale, playing the same game as always, acting like nothing between them has changed, even though they both know better.
So yeah, it all comes to a head in that moment, and Crowley (sort of understandably) loses it a bit. He won’t actually hurt Aziraphale and they both know that, but he has to get across to the angel SOMEHOW that he’s experiencing some Big Feelings. And he doesn’t have a whole lot of options as to how to do that. He’s too worked up to communicate effectively. So he goes with the wall slam. This causes an emotionally charged situation which we’re primed to think will have an emotional payoff - the camera pulls in close, a dramatic transition, drawing us in to the tension of the moment right along with Crowley and Aziraphale.
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And then there’s Aziraphale, who…doesn’t defend himself at all. Aziraphale, who is kind but far from defenseless, who used to guard the gate of Eden with a flaming sword, who was supposed to fight in a platoon of angels in the final battle. He’s no pushover, and yet he lets himself get literally pushed over. It doesn’t even seem to occur to him to stop Crowley, not even as he’s wrinkling his precious coat.
And maybe this is just my read of this scene, but Aziraphale’s reaction to Crowley coming into his personal space is interesting in and of itself. He doesn’t act as if this is the first instance of Crowley being that close to him - and it is CLOSE. Their lips are centimeters apart. Their noses are touching.
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And one might well say that all of it happens so fast that Aziraphale is caught off guard and freezes up, but as so many have already pointed out about this scene, just after Mary interrupts he looks…blatantly longing, and then more than a bit put out.
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And after Crowley lets him go, he casually fixes his clothes and goes straight back to bickering. Which may be partially a defense mechanism, because they don’t have time to talk about what just happened, there clearly won’t be any emotional resolution right now. But really, wouldn’t “you go too fast for me” Aziraphale be more rattled if that were truly the first time they had crossed that physical boundary and shared space like this? He looks affected, certainly, but quickly shakes it off.
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And, to take it one step further: Aziraphale knows Crowley. He knows what words are likely to set him off. He has an established pattern of having Crowley do things for him, based on Aziraphale’s own prompting (see also: wordlessly asking Crowley to help Hamlet become a hit). Aziraphale does as much tempting to get Crowley to do “nice” things as Crowley does to get him to do “naughty” things. All of which is to say, Aziraphale may have actually been baiting Crowley here, but the bait is just a little too effective, and Aziraphale isn’t fully prepared for the intensity of the response he gets. But there’s a strong case to be made that by calling the demon “nice,” he’s looking to get a specific reaction out of Crowley. Again, not the healthiest form of communication, but it’s what they have in this context, because honesty would be too dangerous.
Which brings me back to my point: it IS an intimate moment, in more ways than Mary could have possibly realized, and what if she hadn’t walked in on them? How would Crowley have finished his sentence that got cut off, and how would Aziraphale have responded to it, to Crowley’s outburst of emotion, or to their proximity?
Maybe he would have gently and politely pushed Crowley away - but to me, something about his expression and body language says he wouldn’t have. Because Aziraphale is tired of dancing around this too, actually, and in the heat of the moment, he may just have closed the distance. Especially if they’ve had “intimate moments” before this one.
And between you and me, I think they did, and I think it was after Crowley saved Aziraphale and his books during the Blitz. It’s a solid explanation for the increased tension between them in the holy water scene.
Anyway. This meta has been sitting in my drafts since before the first trailer came out, S2 is only nine days away, and I’m clearly very normal about all of this.
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koenigami · 2 months
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exes to lovers with togame jou. tags : +18, fem!reader, nipple play, fingering, mentions of cunnilingus, some hiragi x reader, angst to fluff to smut? wc : 1,9k
You broke up because you both believed that it was the best. For both of you. You believed that it was what you two needed in order to grow, to find yourselves, to be happier.
But neither of you were. Happier that is.
Because through every new step of your life, you had to suppress the urge to text him. Send him pictures of your new apartment, tell him about the sweet old lady next door, tell him about the new show that you started watching. Letting go of a lover is never easy, but Togame was most but foremost your best friend that you had fallen in love with at a young age, and that your heart could not seem to let go of.
And as it seemed, he was not faring any better. Because the moment you spotted each other in the bar that you used to go to together, neither of you had it in you to control themselves. One shy "Hi.", another hopeful "Can we talk?", mixed with one or two drinks, and you found yourself relapsing.
Before either of you could properly bid goodbye your initial dates, you found yourselves at Togame's place. Little had changed after two months, you noted as you walked through the little apartment. The same curtains that you had bought him ornamented his windows. Your cup was still neatly placed beside his in the upper open cupboard. The picture on the bedside table which you took on one of your first dates was also still there. A little dusty, but it was there. Though somehow you felt as if nothing seemed to be the same.
“Did you- ” You sounded breathless, your bared chest heaving rapidly up and down as you barely dared to ask what’s been on your mind this entire time. Togame stilled as he intently looked down at you, though you couldn't stop squirming when his thumb didn't cease tracing your areola. “Mmh, Jou…”
“Did I what?”
“T-The girl you were with. Did you guys- ”
“You wanna know if we slept together?” Date was what you actually had aimed to say, but that did it as well. He said it so casually, and you thought that you even discerned a tinge of disgust in the way he spoke. And the fact that you didn’t know whether that disgust was directed towards you or mentioned girl made your stomach churn uncomfortably.
The moment your eyes started to nervously wander to the side, you felt the warmth of Togame's hand seep through your skin as he guided your head to properly look at him.
“I barely even know her. We- ” He sighed, and it was only when he leaned down, the black bangs tickling your forehead, that you noticed the dark circles underneath his eyes which all of a sudden also seemed to wander around the room. “We did go on a few dates but-”
But it felt wrong. But she was not you. But he couldn’t stop thinking about you, because no matter where he went, you were everywhere. You were in the fresh air that he breathed in, in the morning when opening the window in his bedroom. You were in the sweet tune that the birds would sing on his way to work. You were in the beautiful sunset that he'd get to see on his way back home.
You were still in his heart.
He didn’t say it, yet somehow at the way he was silently looking at you, you could tell what he meant.
Your teeth sank into your lips when Togame's hand slid down to your pants and undid them enough for it to slip into your panties. His lips parted the slightest as he exhaled shakily when he felt how wet you were. Tracing your slit with his thumb, he spread your arousal and you couldn't help but buck your hips into his hand when he grazed your swollen clit.
“And you?-”
Both of you cursed when his middle finger slowly entered you with a squelching noise. Your pussy squeezed around it but you kept mewling about how it was not enough. You needed more. More of him. Further profanities spilled out of Togame's mouth, and both his thumbs hooked into the waistband of your bottoms before his husky voice reached your ears again. “Fuck. Lift those hips for me.”
In a swift motion, he helped you rid yourself of your pants and panties before he nestled himself back between your thighs. This time, however, you felt two fingers carefully pry your walls apart until they were knuckles deep inside you.
“M-Me?” He made it hard for you to think straight. Hell, even looking at him was difficult when your eyes nearly crossed as he kept grazing that spot inside you. Shit, he definitely had not forgotten how your body needed to be touched to get the right reactions out of you.
“Yeah. You and Hiragi apparently.” You keened when the pad of his thumb drew circles over your clit. Slowly. Way too slowly. “At least, that’s what I've heard.”
Your eyebrows creased when the coil in your stomach started to tighten, but you knew that you were nowhere near relief. Sex with Togame was never fast or rushed. The line between foreplay and the actual act was blurred, because you didn't think that the former was even necessary with him. One look of his was enough to make your legs quiver and spread wide for him. But he had always preferred taking his sweet time with you.
You need to savour the good things in life. That was what he had always told you while you'd watched his face disappear between your thighs.
You whimpered his name when his fingers stilled inside you, your walls desperately clenching and unclenching as if wanting to pull them in deeper. “I-It’s true but it was not like that. It’s not like we went out on dates or-”
“But you did fuck, right?”
The silence that followed was deafening. The clock on his bedside table ticked. Time kept going forward but you were frozen, and there was this sudden feeling of guilt tugging at your heart. It was the same guilt that had made it so hard to even get aroused whenever you had lain down in Hiragi's bed. The same guilt that had made you sob in his embrace whenever he actually did bring you to orgasm. The same guilt that never seemed to leave despite his reassurances that you did nothing wrong, that you had nothing to be sorry for, that everything was going to be alright.
You tried to come up with so many things to forget Togame. To distract yourself. Up until this day, you were not sure how Hiragi had ended up being the one to keep your bed warm. Maybe it was the familiarity. Being intimate with another person that you had known for years and trusting them seemed to be easier than meeting someone new. But in the end it did not even matter because nobody could ever make you feel as warm as the man right in front of you.
Wordlessly, as if too embarrassed to say it out loud, you nodded. Though, your heart squeezed painfully at the hurt expression on his face, and the sudden jerk of his fingers inside you made you gasp audibly. His hand beside your head clenched into a tight fist before he spoke lowly.
“You did, huh? Was he any good? Tell me, did he make you cum?”
Togame watched your eyes glaze over with unshed tears the second he spoke, and he regretted it in that same instant. When did he stoop so low? It was not like he had any right to be upset, though the simple thought of someone else touching you, kissing you- It drove him mad. Especially because it was his own fault for letting you go.
“Damn it. I'm sorry, doll. I didn’t-”
“He did-” The words quickly tumbled out of your mouth. Almost too quickly for Togame's liking, though he did not deny you when you fisted the front of his shirt and ushered him to lean in closer to you. As if it was second nature, he kissed you so softly when your lips started quivering the slightest bit. There was a tear that rolled down your temple that he wiped away before his lips delicately connected with the apple of your cheek. He cooed when you sniffed and wrinkled your nose, and left some more kisses along your face until you seemed to be calm enough to resume.
“He did but it meant nothing, I swear. Every time I c-came... I thought about you, Jou. ‘T was always only you.” You swore you were starting to see things when Togame's eyes turned glassy, the green in his eyes sparkling brightly in the dimly lit room. He didn't even give you a chance to utter another word before his lips were on yours. Your teeth clashed and his tongue slipped into your mouth, licking and sucking at every bit of you that he could reach. The kiss was urgent, almost dizzying. He was kissing you as if he was trying to savour every last bit of you, as if he feared that you would slip right through his fingers.
"Jou-" Your palm lay flat against his chest as you tried to push him back and let you breath for a second, though the moment you noticed how fast his heart was beating beneath your hand, you let him. You let him have all of you because you realised that he needed it. You both needed each other.
The empty feeling you suddenly felt was nearly painful when he planted both forearms beside your head, his lips travelling lower to your neck where he stilled.
"Tell me that you won't leave again, please. I-I've been feeling so lost without you." He croaked, his voice raw and weak as he pressed his forehead into your collarbone, his skin feeling how against yours. "Shit, Choji's been giving me hell because I couldn't stop acting like a goddamn loser."
Your bodies quaked as you laughed tiredly, and when Togame lifted his head to look at you with red, droopy eyes, you could feel your heart doing summersaults.
"Just come back to me-"
"Hey." With nothing but utter care, you cupped his cheeks in your palms as if he was the most delicate thing in the world. Your thumbs brushed over the wet stains along his cheeks, and you realised that this was meant to be. You realised that you had to lose each other in order to love each other. "I'm here now, alright?"
Seeing the timid smile slowly stretch across Togame's face, made you feel so warm and tranquil inside. Even more when, out of the blue, he grabbed your face and started peppering kisses all over it until all you could do was succumb and simply giggle at his sudden eagerness.
"Yeah. Yeah, you are. My baby's here." He mumbled between each little peck before his lips hovered right above yours, your breaths mingling until you felt like you were about to breathe each other in.
Amidst the serene silence that lingered in the room, the clock kept ticking though you couldn't hear it. It's like time was frozen, and all that existed in that instant was you and him. That's how it will always be. Only you and him.
"Jou?" You eventually muttered his name after another beat of silence.
"Can we please fuck now?."
"Yes, ma'am."
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keilanana · 4 months
𝑻𝒐 𝑫𝒆𝒇𝒚 𝑭𝒂𝒕𝒆
ᴏ. ʀᴇɪɴᴄᴀʀɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ɪs ᴀ ᴛʜɪɴɢ, ᴀᴘᴘᴀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ
You find out reincarnation actually exists the hard way and sort of maybe go through the five stages of grief?
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Your death comes to you in the most embarrassing way on your thirteenth birthday.
On your way home from school, you had decided to take the long route and found yourself walking across the edge of a bridge, arms held out to help you keep balance and your mind somewhere far away.
Unfortunately for you, though, your far away thoughts cost you your focus, so you failed to remember that it had rained last night, and the bridge was still wet from the storm's assault in result.
All in all, your realization came too late in the form of you slipping and falling into dark, deep, rushing water that sung with triumph when your form fell into its embrace and sunk into its depths.
Death didn't last long, luckily enough, but that was only because you somehow opened your eyes just after closing them in acceptance of your inevitable end.
Needless to say, when you woke up—expecting either the gates of Heaven, the fiery pits of Hell, or perhaps nothing—to find yourself staring up into the eyes of two women you had never seen before in your life, you were pretty confused.
One of the women, who just so happened to be holding you, for some reason, had [S/t] skin, long, [H/c] hair, and fox-like [E/c] eyes that stared down at you with such pure adoration, you nearly did a double take to see if maybe your eyes weren't working as well as they used to due to, you know ... dying.
The other woman was quick to take your focus from the other one, though, and that was probably because of the fact that she had horns and goat ears??
Maybe you were right about your eye sight, after all. It clearly must've had something wrong with it now, if you were starting to see people with horns and goat ears.
"[Y/n] ..." The whisper of your name makes you return your attention to the woman holding you, and she smiles down at you, emitting a sort of warmth that had you snuggling closer to her before you could even think of stopping yourself. The action seems to please her, because her smile grows and she pulls you closer, placing a kiss atop your head.
You hear the other woman chuckle, the noise fond and just as warm as the presence of the one holding you, and then watch her from the corner of your eye as she draws closer and slips her arm beneath you, wanting to cradle you as well.
"Welcome to our world, little one," you hear her say, and with their combined warmth, you can only keep your eyes open for so long before exhaustion consumes you once again.
(In the back of your mind, the horned woman's words echo; "Welcome to our world"—something meant only to be a greeting to the new being they've brought to life, yet despite this, you can't help but feel as though it also alludes to something deeper.
But for now, sleep comes first, and you promise yourself that you'll only feel semi-disappointed when you wake up and learn this was all only a dream.)
You're going to lose your shit.
It was not a dream. This is not a dream.
You end up balling your eyes out for hours. The two women you had thought to be mere figments of your imagination (your new parents, apparently) panic throughout the entire ordeal and do everything they can to get you to stop, but for as bad as you feel for making them worry, you just can't stop because you were dead you were supposed to be dead how is this even possible—
The only peace they get is when you're asleep, but even then, those moments can only last for so long before the nightmares—the memories have your eyes shooting open to fill with tears in seconds, and then the cycle starts all over again.
Your parents (no they're not they can't be yours and you can't be theirs oh god do they even know what's happened to you back home what happened to your body) are, understandably, very concerned. Since coming home, you've done nothing but cry and cry and cry, and nothing they do can get you to stop. They've already tried taking you to the doctor, believing for a horrifying moment that you must have been painfully ill, but the appointment only ended with the man—eyes filled with sympathy for the couple—telling them that you're actually perfectly healthy.
"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that there isn't anything that I can do to help you," he'd said, your cries just as loud as ever and making the [E/c]-eyed woman holding you—Penelope Ophelia—gather you up from where you were sitting on her lap to rock you gently in her arms in a desperate attempt to soothe you.
"Really?" Penelope's lover, the woman the horns (that the doctor doesn't seem to notice, mind you), sent the doctor a pained, frustrated look. "Nothing at all?" she asked.
He only shook his and apologized again.
You don't know how long it's been, nor do you care. All you know is that you were dead, and then you weren't, and now all you've ever known most likely doesn't matter, because who knows if you'll ever see it again?
But then one day, as if your world couldn't be turned upside down anymore than it already has, you manage to catch Penelope's loud gasp above your crying, and then—
"Willow! I think I know why [Y/n]'s been crying!" she says, suddenly rushing over to you and lifting you up for a closer look at your head. "They have horns coming in!"
You hear someone—Willow, obviously—spit their drink out from the other room, and the shock you feel at Penelope's words turns out to be all it takes for you to finally stop crying.
'Horns'? Did you hear that right?
Clearly taking your stunned silence as a sign for whatever reason, Penelope begins to coo at you and bring you close to caress your head and kiss it, and—Oh. Oh.
You can feel them: the horns, small bumps on your head (for now), everytime Penelope's delicate hands brush over them. The movements are gentle and careful, obviously out of fear of accidentally hurting you and setting your constant crying off once more, and your mind is so caught up trying to piece together an explanation for—for all of this—that you don't even notice Willow coming into the room, a bright grin on her face as she takes in the small nubs growing from your crown and says:
"Would you look at that?" She laughs and takes you from Penelop's grasp to hold you up in the air like that monkey from The Lion King did. "Looks like I win the bet after all! Ay, little satyr?"
Willow laughs again when she sees her wife playfully roll her eyes, and you—for the first time since you've been brought to their home—remain silent while your entire world crumbles around you.
The Percy Jackson series was a gift to you from your grandparents on your eleventh birthday, and you've been obsessed with it ever since.
When you found yourself sighing over the boring, mundane life you lived, you would open the books and get lost in the world of Camp Half-Blood: imagining yourself as a camper, wondering who your Godly parent would be, and grinning at the idea of getting to befriend the main cast and join them on their adventures. While you were stuck inside doing homework, Percy and his friends were out fighting monsters and meeting Gods, and a part of you—the part that always longed for something more—would wish you could reach out and join them.
And now here you were, in a world clearly not like your own, and one of your new mother's is apparently a satyr.
(You are, too, but you're not really ready to process that just yet.)
It wasn't possible—it couldn't be possible. It's not like satyrs were only relevant in Percy Jackson, after all; there are plenty of stories out there that included the mythological race! You couldn't have possibly just so happened to get reborn into the world of the book series you've adored for two years! It just—it wouldn't make sense! Clearly, one of your new guardians being a satyr was a mere coincidence. Nothing more, nothing less.
"Chiron wrote to me, recently," sighs Willow as she plops down onto the couch Penelope had decided to read a book to you on. "Looks like the camp's satyr situation is a lot more serious than I thought, if he's sending me letters and asking me to help out again."
You choke on your own spit and have Penelope frantically patting your back before the woman can even respond to what her wife just revealed.
Then, when that whole ordeal's finished, Penelope lays you down in your crib after her and Willow take turns kissing your forehead, and now you're left alone to stare up at the canopy painted to the ceiling, losing yourself to your thoughts.
This ... isn't a dream. Yeah, that's been pretty obvious for a while now, but the assurance made your shoulders feel a little lighter. This isn't a dream and ... it's a lot.
You ... What should you do? You don't know how you got here, and you honestly doubt that there's a way out, so ... Again, what should you do?
Taking a deep breath, you close your eyes and decide, for now, to just go over what you do know:
1. You've been reborn (no duh, but sometimes you just have to repeat that to yourself to properly get it through your head).
2. Your 'parents' are two women by the name of Penelope and Willow Ophelia. Willow is a satyr, and Penelope (as far as you know) is a human.
3. Again, you've been reborn, and into the world of Percy Jackson of all places.
The bigger, more logical part of you kind of wants to start crying again. Out of literally anyone in the world—your world—why was this happening to you? Everyone you've ever known, all you've ever known, are suddenly gone, and all because you decided you wanted to walk along the edge of a stupid, slippery bridge.
It's just ... so frustrating. You were never perfect, you never wanted to be perfect, but you liked to think you were a good person, at least. What could you have done to deserve this? Who could have thought you deserved this?!
Yet, still, for as badly as you want to freak out (to cry, scream, break something) you can't deny that there's a small part of you—the part of you that always knew, even if you didn't want to fully admit it to yourself, that you could never conform to what society expected from you, that wanted nothing more than to just jump into the pages of your beloved books and live out the rest of your days in Camp Half-Blood, fighting monsters and challenging Gods—that feels just a little bit ... giddy about this. Because for as much your old family tried, for as much as they loved you, they just couldn't understand why you were the way you were; couldn't make you feel seen in the way Percy, Annabeth, Nico, and all of the other demigods did.
And, Gods, that was just the biggest part of it, wasn't it?
Even after everything they'd gone through—the ignorance of adults not willing to understand, the apathy of other kids who thought lesser of those not like them, the loneliness and confusion because you didn't know what was wrong with you—they had still found a place to belong. Found people to belong to. And ... and ...
And you wanted that. More than anything in the world, back then.
But this was not your world anymore. This was theirs.
And now that you've thought about it, you realize that there's one more thing you can add to the list of 'Things I Know':
4. You've been reborn into the world of Percy Jackson, and you've already read a step-by-step guide on how to live in it.
(That morning, when Willow comes into your room to bring you down for breakfast, her forest green eyes swell with tears.
Your smile was just as beautiful as her and Penelope knew it'd be.)
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Next Chapter ->
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teratosfavouritesnack · 2 months
Hi can you do a part 2 of the ghost lover boy? Like Y/n is being repeatly being bratty and the ghost starts punishing her but of course she cant see him because he's invisible?
Hiii dear, thank you for your request and sorry for the late reply! I already had half an idea how to continue this story but I tried to mix it with your suggestion. Hopefully you like it 💜
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ghost x afab!human - bratty behaviour (kinda), ghost creature doing ghost things, p in v, mirror sex, use of ghost hunting tools, it talks!!! :o
You were wrong. The ghost was no lover boy, just a prankster through and through.
You don’t know exactly how you expected the dynamic to evolve after the events of that day, but you certainly didn’t think it would change so drastically and… not really for the better.
Has this been its intention from the very start? To harass you, play with you and your emotions until you surrendered and offered yourself to it , only to then take it all away? Has it only been having some fun with you and did not in fact care about you at all?
You wish you had an explanation for its sudden disappearance, but you don’t. And you’re so upset about it. So upset that you can’t find peace in your own four walls, because everything makes you think of it and all its stupid pranks. So upset, you can’t even find pleasure in touching yourself anymore because you can’t fuck your cunt the same way its fingers have, you can’t recapture that tingly, almost electricity-charged pressure you felt inside you when it pounded your hole with its hand, no matter how much you attempt to.
You’re losing your mind. It can't just give you a taste of something so delicious and addicting and then take it away a second later! It’s not fair! You need to catch its attention again, try however you can. You exasperate the things that always induced it to harass you; unashamedly bending over the furniture and waiting for it to grind against you, pushing your ass in the air as much as humanly possible whenever you’re doing the laundry, spending a longer time in the shower box hoping it would join you, walking naked around the house more times than not to give it easy access to every inch of you… You do anything to get it to touch you again but nothing seems to work. It’s as if it has completely vanished, as if it’s gone for good from your house. But somehow, you know it ’s still there. You can feel it. Watching you. Maybe laughing at you, at how desperate you look and act. It ’s mocking you, you’re sure.
Resentment merges with desperation, pushing you to buy some of those fancy gadgets paranormal investigators use on their hunts. You place sensors throughout the house and always carry a spirit box on you. You’ll catch its invisible and elusive ass one day or another, you’re sure! To what end? You don't truly know. You didn't think things through. Perhaps you just want to take a win over the ghost, instead. Annoy it, as it has done to you. But as the days pass, the sensors don’t pick up any signal, the spirit box is dead silent and you feel bluer than ever. All is calm...
Until it isn’t.
You invite people over, something you learnt in the past the ghost does not like in the slightest. But the ghost isn't around anymore, is it? You have no reason to be concerned about what it likes or not.
Except you have, because it is still here. Hiding so well from all your stupid tools. Pissed off by their presence, yet even more by the strangers you allowed inside its home. Especially that one fool who seems to orbit around you like a moth to a flame. It hasn't been this displeased in ages, and it can't keep itself hidden any longer. It needs to reclaim its possessions.
The sensors go off all at once, causing everyone to jump in their seats. You told your friends about your haunted house before, but no one believed you; now they all do as the lights go crazy and all kinds of trash is thrown in their faces, forcing everyone to rush to the exit.
Everyone except you.
You’re shocked… but also delighted. You secretly wished something like this might happen. You hoped that disregarding its desires would lead to retaliation. And when you feel that familiar thrilling touch on you again, oh you are ecstatic! Its grasp is a little rougher this time, as it grabs you around the waist and drags you all the way to your bedroom. All the way in front of your large mirror, where you watch your clothes come undone, ripped by unseen fretting hands. Where you can see one of your legs pulled off the ground and your hole stretched open by... nothing. It's mind-boggling to feel so stuffed while being unable to gaze upon the thing that makes your sensitive walls throb so desperately. When it starts to move, you realize it is the ghost who's inside you, with its cock swallowed to the hilt by your cunt. The sensation is unbelievable, so blissful, and unlike anything you've ever experienced before. You don't have any words to describe it. And even if you did, you'd forget all of them. Your mind goes blank when you feel its hand seize your jaw and turn your head downward, forcing you to stare at your hole spreading open and shrinking again as it pushes its length all the way into and then out of you in slow but deep thrusts.
Is this a punishment? Is this a reward? Is this a way to claim you as its own? To make you realize that it is in charge.That it can toy with you anytime it wants, and you have no say in the matter. Whatever does this mean... You do not care. You only care about the pleasure rising in your lower belly, the heat pervading your entire body, the exquisite pressure you feel in your womb as its cock finds that precious spot deep inside you, with one arm wrapped possessively around your waist and the other keeping your leg up.
You’re so out of it, so lost in seeking your release that your ears almost bypass the robotic beep coming from your pants, sprawled at your feet. However, the disembodied voice that follows reverberates through your entire being, instantly pushing you over the edge with a muted scream.
"Pretty. . . . Cunt. . . . All. . . . Mine. . . . . Taking. . . . Me. . . . So. . . . .Well. . . . . Made. . . . For. . . . Me."
You hope it will never leave you again, but if it does... Well, now you know how to make it come out again.
 🪷. You can leave me a tip on ko-fi if you want to support me
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amica-aenigmata-naboo · 10 months
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Astarion x plus size! Y/N - drabble - 1.3K WC NSFW 18+
Warnings: insecurities, yelling, self deprecation, fluff on fluff on fluff, Astarion being a big sap, loveeeeee
Part 2
You and Astarion had been together for 8 bliss filled months. You knew you were in love with him the day he asked you to be his. Yet you never said it. He hadn’t said it either. Honestly, you were still amazed he was with you. You knew your size wasn’t perceived as conventionally attractive or desirable. It used to bother you, but you were quite comfortable in yourself now. Until it came to Astarion. It was like you were trying to hide any and all fat on your body when he was around. He had never made any negative remarks, quite the opposite actually. You just knew one day he would wake up and see through the honeyed fog of lust and find somebody who matched him. Somebody perfect, just like him. 
You watched as Karlach played in the stream, she had such a child-like wonder about her. It made you happy to just be in her presence. Shadowheart sat on the shore with you, meditating. Everyone else was back at camp. 
“Come on Y/N! Come play!” Karlach yelled, splashing a bit of water at you. 
You got up wading into the water up to your knees. Thankfully you wore shorts and a massively oversized top. You felt comfortable enough around everyone to be seen like this. You and Karlach flicked water at each other, finding rocks and shells to take back to camp. You talked about nothing and everything. Gale and Wyll made their way down, even Lae’zel. The weather was just too good to not enjoy your little beach. You didn’t see Astarion make his way down the hill. He walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You lurched forwards, not used to touching as you were still nervous about it - especially when he touches your waist/stomach. Your foot slipped on the soft mud beneath you, you fell forwards. You caught yourself, avoiding any injury but you were soaked. Your clothes clung to you, your body on full display. You scrambled up, crossing your arms over your torso. You pushed past Astarion as he held a hand out to you. You rushed up the hill and to your tent, stripping your clothes off. 
“Darling? May I come in?” Astarion said from the front of your tent.
“Not right now Star.” You tried hard to hide the waiver in your voice, or the subtle sniffles you were letting out. You layered on clothes, wanting to hide within yourself somehow. 
“Love…” he said, barely peeking inside.
“I said not now! Please just go away…” you yelled, sounding harsher than you intended. You laid on your bedroll, curling into yourself. You cried until you fell asleep, the moment earlier exhausting and overwhelming you. 
Astarion backed away from your tent. He had never heard you yell before, much less at him. He racked his brain, not exactly sure what he did wrong. It clicked after a moment, he touched you. You two had never established boundaries verbally but you knew he was ok with touching. You, however, were only ok with light touches that didn’t really invade your person. Holding hands, a kiss, caressing your face - all things he had done before that you seemed to be happy with. But today, perhaps he had overstepped. When he saw you and your radiant smile, so full of joy to just exist in the moment looking for shells and splashing about with Karlach. He acted on instinct, without even properly thinking it through. He felt positively wretched. Out of everyone he understood most how awful it is to have physical boundaries crossed, and he crossed yours. He walked to his tent glumly. He would seek you out later, right now he wanted to give you the space you deserved. 
You woke up later. The crickets outside chirped and you could hear the campfire crackling. You rubbed your eyes. A blanket had been thrown over you, a note was folded up on your table. You got up and snatched it. “Find me when you wake - A” You sighed, closing your eyes. The way you yelled at him echoed in your mind. You were flustered, you hadn’t meant for it to sound so mean. You peeled off your coat, feeling hot and constricted in all the layers you had piled on. You left your tent in a sweater and pants. You felt less anxious than you had earlier, knowing your campmates didn’t care what you looked like. All you cared about was that Astarion had touched your stomach, the spot you were most insecure about. You couldn’t act like it wasn’t there anymore, you had to face him. You willed back your misty eyes, preparing for the worst. You softly called his name outside of his tent, waiting for him to call you in. He did, and he looked just as nervous as you felt. Your stomach dropped but you tried not to show it.
You sat rather far from him, wanting to have space between you both. “I’m sorry I yelled at you.” you spoke first.
“I’m not worried about that darling… I am worried about the fact that I hurt you.” he spoke softly but you could hear the guilt in his tone.
You looked at him, confusion dripping from your face. “I wasn’t thinking… and I know that isn’t an excuse, but I’m sorry I crossed your boundary. It won't happen again… that being said, we need to have a talk.”
Your blood ran cold, a cold sweat covering your back. This was it. You nodded stoically, convincing yourself not to cry. 
“I would like to know where you are comfortable with me touching you. I, personally, am comfortable with you touching me wherever, whenever.” he smiled at you gently, a simple twitch up the corners of his mouth.
Well… this is not where you thought the conversation was going. “I…” you tried to collect your thoughts, “I do like your touch. I want you to know that. I love it, in fact. What happened earlier wasn’t anything to do with you, I just…” you paused, unsure if you should even tell him. 
He looked at you with his big pleading eyes, you had to tell him or this wall would intrude upon your relationship.
“I am insecure about my… size… my weight. I know you have had many diviner conquests, and you yourself are a vision… I just… I don’t know… I don’t want to disappoint y-” you were cut off by his lips melding into yours. They were soft but you could feel a fire behind them. 
“Respectfully, darling, shut up.” he kissed you again, deeply. As if trying to convey a multitude of feelings at once. “You are perfect. And you are not a conquest, you are the one I…” he paused, his eyes flicking between yours before he spoke again. “You are the one I love. And I love all of you.”
You were shocked, you were sure you felt everything about your relationship deeper than he did. And yet, here he was saying he loves you. “I love you… I’m so sorry about this whole thing.” you scooted closer to him, reaching for his hand. 
“Don’t be sorry. I understand insecurities, nasty little thoughts that cannibalize you from within.” he cupped your cheek, “You have nothing to worry about. You are perfect, I love everything about you.” 
He sounded so sincere you couldn’t help but tear up. “Can we… work on expanding my boundaries? I want to touch you, and have you touch me… I just need some time to get comfortable. Get out of my head, ya know?” you asked, picking at your nails. You hadn’t talked about intimacy with anyone else before, not like this. 
“Of course little love… we’ll go at your pace. Honestly, I’m excited to do this with you.” he smiled, his fangs making an appearance. “I love you, endlessly.” he said as he kissed your cheeks before landing on your lips. The kiss was sweet, almost like it was sealing a promise.
“I love you, endlessly.” you spoke on his lips before connecting your mouths once again.
Naboo's Note:
Hello! I hope everyone enjoys, I haven't seen too many plus size reader inserts with Astarion so here is my shot at it. As a plus size person I think this kind of representation is important and very validating. Post again soon, love you guys!! Thanks for all the likes, comments, reblogs, and requests!! XOXOXOXO
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annwrites · 4 months
this isn't you.
— pairing: billy hargrove x fem!reader
— type: part of a series
— summary: billy is the only one to notice something is wrong with you & attempts to learn the truth, even if you refuse to give it to him.
— tags: billy worrying about you. billy sharing his lunch.
— tw: domestic violence
— word count: 1,211
— a/n: this is an outtake from my thoroughfare series. just pretend the background in the gif is some lockers or something lol
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Billy watches as you enter English class. Your eyes downcast—dark circles beneath them, books hugged close to your chest, brows furrowed. Altogether, a distant look about you. 
You’re not yourself today. He can tell. Something is wrong. 
He keeps silent as you set your materials on your desk, your brow twitching, and jaw tight. He glances down, and your hand trembles as you retrieve a pencil from your pencil-case, the writing utensil dropping to the floor.
You wince as you bend down to grab it, hand coming to gingerly hold your abdomen before standing once more, setting it upon your desk, then sitting.
You don’t look at him once. 
He doesn’t like this. Seeing you…in pain? If that’s what you are. 
It seems it. 
He doesn’t like there not being a smile on your face; light in your eyes. An alluring look about you. Which really just translated to you being your usual self. It took nothing from you—no trying whatsoever—for him to be drawn in. To want you.
Perhaps you’re just a bit under the weather. Tired. 
He leans forward, very gently tugging against the end of your ponytail. 
And you tense up, shoulders squaring. But you don’t react other than that. Don’t turn around to chew him out. Where was his sweet girl today? Not with him, clearly.
He does it once more, practically begging for you to do something—anything—even if it’s screaming in his face to cut it out.
And then you turn, and a smile crosses his face.
There she is, he thinks. Until you look at him with empty eyes. His stomach drops at the disturbing sight. 
“Please, Billy,” you say in a whisper, your voice so fucking sad. “Not today. Okay?”
He leans back, hands clasped atop his desk. “Fine.”
You turn back around then, slumping forward, resting your head atop your fist.
A muscle in his jaw feathers. 
He remains quiet, keeping his hands to himself, and focuses on naught else but you for the remainder of class.
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Once the period has dismissed, he follows you out to your locker, watching as you wince yet again as you go to shove a book onto the top shelf. 
He leans against the locker next to yours, crossing his arms. “What’s up with you today?”
You falter for a moment, then shake your head lightly. “Nothing. I’m fine.”
“Bullshit. This isn’t you.”
“Because you know me so well.”
Better than you might think, he wants to say. He’s spent weeks watching you from afar. Feeling…whatever the fuck it is that he feels for you. A feeling that he’d initially wished away. But now…the feeling fills him with warmth. You do.
“Are you hurt?” He asks, glancing down to your stomach, then back up to your face.
You tense up, which he quickly takes note of, your eyes widening infinitesimally. And then you return to the way you were. 
He goes to reach out for your waist, ready for some damn answers, but you quickly swat his hand away.
“Stop it,” you hiss. 
He crosses his arms again. 
You sigh in frustration, then swallow down the lump in your throat. You ignore the stinging of your eyes at his so-called ‘concern’. He doesn’t care. No one does. Or, rather, wouldn’t. 
You can’t tell. Because if you did, it would only make things so much worse. There’s nothing he can do.
In all actuality, he would most likely use it against you somehow. Call you a coward for just lying there after your father had shoved you—causing you to fall—then kicked you with his steel-toed work boots still on. You nearly want to ask Billy if he’s been in any fights before—you’re sure, with his ‘bad boy’ persona about him, that he’s surely been in a few tussles—and if so: how to tell if you have a broken rib? But asking such things would make it too obvious. What’s happening to you. What will continue to…
“I’m on my period and cramping, okay?” You look at him then, glaring, hoping he’ll now drop it. 
He glances down your body, then back up. He doesn’t much buy it.
You continue. “You want to go into the girl’s bathroom and see the proof or something?”
He smirks and you could nearly breathe a sigh of relief at the sight. “You want me to come in the bathroom with you, honey? Earn my red wings, maybe?”
You roll your eyes, grabbing your materials for your next class, slamming your locker and then walking away.
He watches you go, knowing you’re lying. And knowing that unless you tell him what’s truly wrong, there’s nothing he can do. If he found out someone had hurt you… Give it time. They’d fucking pay.
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When lunchtime comes, Billy forgoes his usual table of fellow troublemakers and instead finds you seated alone in the corner, as always, staring out the window, idly pushing food around your tray, not bothering to take even one bite.
He makes his way over to you, sitting heavily next to you, and your head snaps in his direction. 
“What’re you doing?”
He takes a bite of his burger. “Eating,” he says with a mouthful of food.
You merely shake your head then, looking back outside, not wanting to bother with him any further today. But, as always, your plans never coincide with his. 
“What, you don’t like cheeseburgers? What’s wrong with you?”
Play with me, he’s silently asking. 
“I’m not hungry.”
He frowns. He then gently taps your foot with his under the table.
You lie your head down then, lightly groaning. 
He chuckles, and then does it again.
He shrugs. “Not a good day unless I’ve gotten on your last nerve, sweetheart.”
You roll your head to the side, resting it atop your arm, staring at him.
He nearly chokes on his next bite at your lovely eyes boring into his own. 
Your stomach growls, but you choose to ignore it. Every time you think you want to take a bite, you remember last night…or the fact that you have to return home after school, and a queasy feeling then overtakes you. 
And then you glance to his fries, and he notices. 
He picks one up, holding it toward you. “You want to take it, or am I going to have to hand-feed you?” He smirks. 
You reach out, taking it from him, your fingers brushing against his own before popping it in your mouth and slowly chewing.
He hands you another and you quickly eat it as well. 
You’d chosen not to get fries yourself, not wanting to waste more food than you had to, incase you couldn’t even keep the burger down. You’d intended to eat it to at least attempt at getting something on your stomach, but as soon as you sat down and began staring out the window, your mind had taken you elsewhere. And you’d felt sick almost immediately.
He pushes his tray between the two of you then, nodding toward the fries, encouraging you to keep eating. And you do, with a quiet “thank you”, to which he gives a small smile in reply.
He then rests his foot next to yours, and you share the rest of his lunch in silence.
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cupidscrule · 8 months
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Stepdad!Leon X Fem!Reader
Cw - p in v, daughter chasing after dad, stepcest, noncon(?) Unprotected
WRD- 1.5k
You always knew your dad was hot, total babe back in the 2000's ever since you were a kid your friends always gushed over him, and it was fair, always thought it was gross though. Like he's YOUR dad, stepdad yeah but he still raised you, sure he had a cute face, big arms, his pornstar tits were an add on. But he was Dad, nothin' more, But fuck the way he cups your cheek when your sad, hugs you, gives you that awkward Dad kiss. Just makes you yearn for him, which is wrong you know it's wrong but it's like that itch.
Your friends are always tellin' you how lucky you are, not only is Dad hot, he's nice y'know? Real good dad, picks you up everyday, gets you real nice things. Best guy honestly can see why Mom picked him!
"Hi kiddo, you wanted to check out that new place-?" Dad said opening your bedroom door, stupid fucken smile on his dumb hot face
'bury your face in my tits'
"Oh no -! It's okay- really I'm real tired"
'fuck me till I can't breathe'
"Huh- alright, come down soon dinners gonna be ready, and sorry Moms not home yet she said she'd be here in a few weeks 'k?"
'i wanna scream your name'
"Oh it's alright, and of course dad!"
With that he left, shutting the door halfway, dick move but it probably wasn't on purpose, the smell of his colone in the room, only imagining Dad stuff you up. God your disgusting, this is dad. Fourth something year old DAD, since when did you have these thoughts about him, as a kid sure you always thought he was cute 'ohhb I would totally date someone as big and strong as my Daddy!'
But it was LIKE, not actually him. But you can't stop thinkin' about him, wanting Dad to shove your face in the mattress pull on your hair, do the shit they do in pornos. Nasty thoughts, feeling gross and hot imagining all the shit you wanna do with the poor guy, as he just stood there not knowin' thinking your his innocent little daughter who could do no wrong! Oh no she would never have sex before marriage! Oh no my little girl doesn't even cuss!
Yeah right Dad, mhm. Actin' like in middle school my friends weren't blushing over you, whenever you walked in.
Fucken idiot, your little girls not pure, she's not good. She ain't innocent, hell she fantasizes about fucken you every day. It doesn't matter, nothings ever gonna come of this right? Just walk downstairs, eat dinner with dad and go back in your room and sleep it off.
"Sweetiee you finnaly came, how was your day?" Dad says sitting across from you, he didn't even cook. Fucken liar this was clearly some bullshit from a 4 star restaurant he just put on a plate. "Oh it's fine, nothin' much." You say staring at the table, trying to distract yourself from him, how he smells, how he sits, how he opens his mouth, the way he moves his bangs out of his dumb face, his breath. The intoxicating feeling of just bein' near him now.
"Are you okay?"
"Why'd you ask that? You know I'm always fine-" you say in response, playing with your fingers, avoiding his gaze. God feels like a crush in primary school, messin' up words and giggling to your friends about the fastest guy. "You just don't seem like yourselfer Hun, you can always talk to me you know that?" He says, feeling his eyes on you, not in a creepy way more an endearing way which somehow made your entire situation worse. "yeah- I know, don't worry it's fine!" You mumble, lookin' up at him, god he really was dreamy, just wanting him to- NO no more fantasy's.
You finish up, so does he. He just gives you that concerned Dad look before you get up and run back up the stairs like a bitch and lock yourself in your room, typing into Google
'how to stop liking your dad'
'is it normal to have a crush on your dad'
'is it illegal to fuck your step dad'
Jesus Christ your search history, just laying on your side in your bed. Thighs squeezed together tryna' stop thinking about dad, you've seen him shirtless before. Yeah you felt a little hot in your core before, anytime he hugged you you felt so- just so warm. Not the lovey Awee dad and daughter warm, more like if your boyfriend hugged you nice and tight! Feels good, feels warm and fuzzy, pit in your stomach that can only be filled by one thing.
Tossin' and turnin' it's only 6:00pm shit, Dad's still downstairs probobly watching some old movie, he really likes thoughs for some reason, and westerns it's kinda creepy but your the one who wants to fuck him so you really can't be judging. your thoughts are too much to bare, a girl can only last so long on the edge, panties soaked thinking about shit, and hell when you can actually recreate what you want, Nothing's stopping you. Other then ethics but who even cares anymore, walking downstairs to Dear ol' Daddy, bingo.
"Mm- Dad-? Can I talk to you?" You mutter walking up behind the sofa he's laying in, playing with your fingers, how do even address this like,
'Oh yeah dad! Can you just bend your daughter over and fuck her till she's blubbering nonsense, you raised her since she was seven but y'know !!'
"Hm, yeah of course, what's the problem bunny?" He says sitting up, glancing behind him to your miserable face, little frown on your lips. He raises a brow seeing your face, you felt all fuzzy feeling your throat get dry, the hell were you supposed to do?
"Uh Dad, can- can you come upstairs" you mutter looking at him, feeling your chest get heavy. Of course dear Daddy doesn't wanna disappoint you so he gets up and walks over to ya
"What's wrong, Hun?" He says, so sweetly fuck. Looken' all concerned for you, just fall into his chest, even though Dad was in shape he had fatass boobs, real nice to put your face in whenever he hugged ya. Just like always as a concerted Daddy does he puts an arm around you, pulling you nice and tight, "Baby?" He says in that same voice, pullin' your face away from his body, looking down at you.
"Can- can we just sit down" you say grabbing his hand forcefully and leading him to the nice leather sofa, you didn't know much about Mom but she really liked expensive shit and this was the only thing at home she bought..
You push him onto his back, his head resting on the arm, he looked kinda confused, like a puppy! You crawl over on top on him, ass rested on his lower pelvis. "Hey Bunny this is a little- whats wrong?" Dad says trying to carefully lift you off of him, awe stupid Daddy actin' like you're just gonna listen to him
"Dad just let me do this- please, you love me right?" You say looking at him in the eyes, pout on your stupid lips, he just nods slowly as a response. Unzippin' his jeans, wow this really is a shitty porno plot.
'Cute stepdaughter seduces and fucks her Dad while Mom isn't home!'
Jesus Christ you fucking creep.
With his pants open pulling out is fat cock, he wasn't hard which kinda hurt, you were being all cute and all dad did was just sit and stare in shock. Like sure you were gropen him and stuff but he could put some effort in it? Whatever doesn't matter-? You sit on his thighs pulling off your night pants, your panties were already wet from earlier, sadly it seemed Dad didn't really wanna reinact your fantasy so you gotta do all the work, flicking your garments to the side, crawling back onto him. Placing your hips over his Dick, and taking it in, feeling his tip touch your cervix "Mm- fuck-" you murmer, taking a second before getting used to it, slowly moving your hips back and forth, feeling ever little movement. It was euphoric, hands on his chest, looking at his face he looked like he was trying to not enjoy it, but you could tell he was. You felt his breath get heavier anytime you went faster, such a good boy.
His fat dick bruising your womb, your walls squeezing against him, you could hear Dad muttering curse words under his breath, made you feel kinda better about this whole thing. Going to your high and getting that numbing feeling, stomach felt warm, brain all fuzzy and messy collapsing onto him, feeling that warm stuff leaking out of you, pulling yourself off Dad, laying on his chest, glancing up at him, seeing his flushed and disturbed face, awe it was so cute!
He probably felt horrible but you felt amazing, fuck best experience. Putting your arms aside his
"I love you Dad.." you spout into his shirt
"Your Mother can't hear about this B-bunny.." he replies, putting one of arms on your back, you could feel his chest go up and down so cute.
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(I didn’t find any info if your askbox is closed or not, if you are not taking up requests you can ignore this!)
But hi :) how are you? how you are doing well
this is a bit personal, but would you mind doing either a Headcanon or scenario with reader x turtles (romantic/crush stage) with a…Hopeless reader? Kinda someone who had to tell themselves that love isn’t on their life journey and that seriously bother them? Lol
this weekend I’m gonna attend a friends wedding, while meeting with some shared friends before the wedding, one of them quoted corpse bride’s scene “to Emily, always the bridesmaid, never the bride” for me (most of my friends are married or dating long term), usually I handle the lack of a love life fairly well (by not thinking about it or just making jokes about it lol) but tonight it kinda really bothered me, a lot.) a lot of my friends treat me being single as something I don’t out efforts in it? But holy shit I do, and it really hurts to see them saying or acting like I’m not doing enough? Anyways. I guess the request would be how the turtles would react to a reader who kinda just lost hope, who agrees with the quote even if it makes her very sad? Kinda trying to wing the night lowkey but turtles can sense it hurt her (maybe Vern said the quote lol, or something similar… that’s something stupid enough for the falcon to do 😅)
I hope makes sense, if not I apologize for the messy ask. Have a good day / night
I'm sorry that happened. Your friends definitely need to stfu about that lol dating and relationships are fun, but nobody NEEDS them. If they need a RELATIONSHIP to feel fulfilled, they have shit to figure out.
Definitely been there tho. And being single can be horrible. I see you
Scene: Your turtle has been secretly pining for you for a while now. Hasn't got the guts to say anything yet.
TMNT x Lonely Reader
- He could sense your reaction instantly, despite how well you hid it.
- Your micro expressions, the slight but sudden shift of your bodyweight away from Vern- Leo almost didn't catch that you had smiled and laughed at the comment.
- His own reaction was visceral and overwhelming, at least it was to him.
-He remained still by your side, but the urge to...he didn't even know. Hide you. Push hard at Verns shoulder- something.
-Geez. He hadn't felt like this since he was a child. Like he could protect his little brothers or you from judgment or cruelty.
-He couldn't.
-He sucked in a breath through his nose, scrambling for self-control; watching you handle the interaction like an adult. Forcing himself to as well.
-But it did satisfy him to see that Vern physically felt his animosity. The guy took once glance at Leo before he instantly stuttered an excuse to walk to another conversation.
-"Vern is an idiot." Leo scratched out, desperate to keep what he really wanted to say to you at a minimum. "There's absolutely nothing wrong with you."
-You seemed surprised at that, glancing up at him. But your quite, sincere smile made it it worth it.
- "Always the brides maid, never the bride, huh?"
- "What?" It was a reactive response. Before you could even register what he had said, or the sudden amount of hurt- or embarrassment you felt.
- Raph had turned wide, expectant eyes on Vern as well, something Vern noticed instantly.
- "Well, yunno." Vern stutteres, trying to stay focused on you. "I've seen ya at these events a lot but you never bring a guy around...or-"
-"See that girl over there?" Raph suddenly said, leaning down a little to point your gaze in the right direction.
- "Yeah." You said quietly.
-"Who's that girl, Vern?"
-Vern looked back at you guys, shrugging and putting his hands back in his pockets with an air of pride. "She's my girlfriend."
-Raph smirked, his voice somehow both condescending and unusually soft. "Vern met her a week ago. That makes her..." Raph trailed off, looming back into his full height, towering over Vern. "The sixth one this year, right. Makin' you real good at givin' advice to pretty girls, Falcon boy. Careful with that."
-"Jesus. I'm just- I'll be over there." Vern sighed, awkwardly stepping aside then walking out of sight.
- Raph said nothing, instead turning to you. "You alright?"
-You were desperate not to say everything you wanted to. "Much better." You said instead, looking up at him. Hoping the softness you saw there was a reflection of what you felt for him too.
- Donnie couldn't even react or register the words before you were handling it. Shrugging and waving Vern off.
-He was horrified. His eyes were glued to Vern, completely confused that the guy had missed how rude of a statement that was.
-The conversation came and went, and while he had a wonderful time, he was entirety focused on you.
-While you didn't seem MISERABLE, you were different. Something had obviously changed. And it was Verns fault.
-You had no reason to feel pressure of that kind. You were perfect the way you were! No one should ever, ever, ever make you feel anything less.
-The thought that you did made him physically sick to his stomach.
-He might not have caught it in time to say anything in the moment.
-But Verns apartment locks, car, computer, and bathroom pipes all giving him a hard time all in the next 24 hours?
-A complete and utter mystery...
-"Yeah you should listen to him." Mikey said.
-Shock coursed through you. "What?" You looked at him, wide eyed, heart in your throat- "W- I should-"
-"You should listen to him." Mikey repeated, noding solumley, starting to confidently strole around Vern. "This guy has fantastic dating advise. You don't even know, girl. Look at him!" Mikey's smile was as bright as the sun, gesturing to Vern as if he was a plater he was showing off to you.
-"He's been on this earth so long, his life experience exceeds our very comprehension, girl."
-Vern made a sudden puzzled expression while yours melted quickly into a smile.
-"He's got recipes too. Qualifications, evidence, the whole nine yards. Guy has like- twelve grand kids-"
-"I- C'mon, Mike-" Vern was catching on.
-"Ohhh.. yeah, that's right. No grandkids. But he does have a wife. They just had their fiftieth anniversary-!"
-"I'm not that o- He's joking with you." Vern tried to explain. "I'm not married."
-Mikey snapped his fingers as he had remembered something, suddenly getting much, MUCH closer in Verns personal space.
-"Oh yeah, that's right. You're not married. I forget that your on, like, your sixth girlfriend this month. Maybe actual advise sounds like..."
-Mikey stepped away from Vern, standing infront of you. "Keep those standards up, girl. Pretty face like yours? You could have anyone you want."
-You couldn't stop smiling.
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