#andre kato
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had a want to make a dodomeki character for awhile but I finally nailed down a good idea and design that I like a lot.
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tickledpink31 · 6 days
Have you ever thought of a Phantom of the Opera Au? I recently just watched it
Ah, Phantom of the Opera. I remember my first experience with being the 2005 movie and falling in love, then I fell in love even harder watching the 25th anniversary (Ramin Karimloo is still my number 1), finally a friend and I watched the show live with Chris Mann (he's hilarious btw he made a parody of Music of the Night).
Could you just imagine a Phantom reverse harem-type story. Christine's already busy with Erik and Raoul, why not add more into the mix with Minako? I can think of a few roles for the boys.
Minako is, of course, Christine Daae, the ingenue and rising prima donna. She's got a bit more gumption and assertiveness because, well, she's Minako. She's going to kick someone in the gut at some point with her heels. (Still adore Christine, though. She didn't deserve all that manipulation and torment.)
Malleus feels like he fits the role of Erik/Phantom the most—a lonely, tortured soul who has a talent for music (Malleus canonically plays string instruments. Also, his VA, Kato Kazuki, was in Phantom Black, Japan's own version of Phantom of the Opera)
Hear me out, I think it would be great if Leona was a grumpier version of Raoul. He himself isn't the one sponsoring the Opera house, it's his family and he's forced to attend the performances. I'd say he's closer to Hadley Fraser's Raoul, who is slightly more of an ass (sorry, Hadley. I love your performance, I swear). He only became invested when he was reunited with Minako, his childhood friend.
Riddle could also be a good Raoul too, but I don't see him getting involved in the arts much less fund an opera house. His involvement would probably go as far Trey and Cater taking him to a night at the opera then being enchanted by the new prima donna.
Kalim and Azul are Andre and Firmin respectively, the new managers of the opera house. It fits them so well, Azul being Firmin as the greedier businessman of the two while Kalim being Andre who genuinely loves the arts and is actually invested in how the theatre behind the scenes work.
Vil is either Madame Giry or Carlotta. I can see him being this hardass dance teacher, but him being the prima donna fits him so well too. He was miffed about how strange disasters kept happening as he performed (caused by Malleus) and felt insulted that he was replaced by Minako not even two minutes after he walked out of the performance. He did start seeing Minako in a new light when she offered to be co-leads of the opera house and discovered that they compliment one another based on their own strengths and weaknesses.
Idia is a much shyer Joseph Buquet, a stagehand, and has had many close encounters with the Phantom because of his position being behind the scenes often (don't worry, Malleus won't kill him). Unlike, Joseph though, he doesn't really talk about his Phantom sightings out of fear of being a victim to his punjab lasso... except to Ortho and later on, Minako.
Ace and Deuce are both Meg Giry as background dancers and good friends to Minako. Actually, all the first years could be Meg Giry too as either dancers or stagehands.
If I were to add the rest of Diasomnia to the mix, they would be a mix of Madame Giry and Nadir Khan. They know Malleus the best, but they are enablers at worst. They know how dangerous Malleus can be and tipped off Leona or Riddle on how to successfully beat him and rescue Minako once everything goes to shit.
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kwardo · 29 days
Day One
Thou hast stumbled upon mine Animal Crossing blog. I'll keep this updated as long as I don't lose interest in the game, which tends to happen a lot. I'll be playing the first game, as it's the only one I haven't paid much attention to. Besides the very basic objectives this game has to offer (achieve perfect town status, house upgrades, more..?) i wanna try and obtain all the NES games legitimately. I also *have* to replace the trees in town with golden trees. I just need to.
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Starting off, I get taunted for being lonely. And I thought this was supposed to be a comfort game. I'm not really sure what he means by "getting friends to come here", though. Gamecube doesn't support online play, but maybe he knows more than I do? Maybe I'm just ignorant. Still, he shouldn't comment on my social status. I used to love this guy in City Folk. He was humble. He loved his fans, he loved *me*. But it turns out he's an asshole. Well, what more could you expect from a dog? I hope he gets kicked out of whatever label he's signed to. Let's see him handing out mixtapes on the street. Maybe that *did* happen, which would explain his humbleness in further installations of the series. I'm hoping it did. Anyway, I board the train, and I get approached by an anthropomorphic cat. Guess what he utters.
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I mean, this feels like a poorly disguised fetish. It's like he *wants* to drool on me. It's like he said that, expecting a positive reaction from me. It's like he wanted me to say "Oh, no worries! I'd love to have your sloppy saliva on my clothes!". But that just won't fly. Not with me. I refuse to take part in this guy's sick fetish. If this is the first thing he says to an acquaintance, just imagine what's on his hard drive. Thankfully, this is the only time you see him in-game (and thank god for that...) But since I'm a kind soul, I put up with him. He figured out that approaching me like that wasn't exactly appropriate, so he resorted to small talk. Asked me for my name and all. I put in "Dre". It's short for "Andre".
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He just laughed in my face. I'm starting to think that this guy is more of a social cripple than me. It's not like his name is any better. This is the first time I've seen a cat named Rover. That's the equivalent of being a man named "Aubrey", so I suggest he keeps his mouth shut.
He starts interrogating me. Asks me what town I'm moving to. Why I'm moving. Now, I try to maintain an image of glamour and wealth, but truth is I'm broke. And I'm forced to tell him that. I'm forced to tell him that I can't afford a roof over my head. He's guilt tripped into helping poor 'ol me find a place to live.
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Just try and tell me this doesn't sound like two dope peddlers discussing profits. And here I was, thinking that this guy is just a gooner incapable of running a business. I never would have imagined that he'd be in the crack game. Dirty money or not, it doesn't matter. I need a home, and I need one fast, cause this train's gonna reach it's destination someday. I'm also not entirely convinced that he's helping me out from the goodness of his heart. He's a porn-addict, after all. He's probably doing this in the hopes of crawling into bed with me. Absolutely disgusting.
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I get off the train, and *damn*. I look absolutely terrific. I bet all the quirky girls in town are gonna be throwing petals at my feet (that is, if they're not fast asleep already...). Yeah, I arrived in town a little *too* late. 22:39 (that's 10:39PM for you yankees). Gonna have to put off my lady killer antics for tomorrow, unfortunately. I know, I need to get my priorities straight, and my priority right now is finding a place to sleep, preferably warm. You can't see him in the image, but Tom Nook is *right* there! He's the only person in Katos (that's the name of the town!) awaiting me, and it's not because he wants to give me a housewarming welcoming ceremony. He's awaiting me purely for his own gain! He informs me of the loan prices, and they're quite generous, actually. First loan is 19.800 bells. Now, if you didn't know, bells are based off Japanese Yen (I *might* be lying here. I read this on the Animal Crossing Forums years ago, but it makes sense, right? Nintendo is a Japanese company or whatever.) Now, 19.800 Yen equates to 135.360 US Dollars. Now, I'm convinced that this is a money laundering scheme. Tom Nook is a dope dealer, and he's loaning off houses as a cover. 135 Dollars with no interest? It's a little shady.
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This is the aftermath of my first deposit. I only had a thousand bells on me. Now, he mocks me for being impoverished, but I laugh back at his comically elongated nose. Just look at it. You could stack donuts on that thing. Kissing is probably very complicated in the Nook family. He offers, no, he *forces* me into working for him. Usually, I'd salvage my dignity and smugly refuse, but these are grim times. This doesn't stop me from slacking off, though. I'm gonna go and make a plethora of friends!
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*Ow*. That's what I get for slacking off. You think this is an elaborate scheme by Nook to punish me for not happily waltzing into his shop immediately? Cause I don't. I think this guy is just an asshole. From now on, August 22nd, he's my enemy number #1. He's gonna leave town whether he likes it or not. There's a good reason as to why every acre around his house is devoid of residents. I think he's hiding something. Maybe he's involved in the whole drug thing? I feel like he would've been forced out of town by the other villagers. Tom Nook *has* to be the one keeping him here. Surely the others would not tolerate him, unless they're in on the whole thing too...A cartel town.
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Now, I was approaching this guy's shop, mood ruined, until I stumbled onto this ball. Now, kicking the ball is quite fun, actually. It makes bouncy noises. They're such a joy to listen to. So much so, that I couldn't help but share the sound with the 2 people reading this blog. Now, I didn't realize that my microphone was on, so you're gonna hear me flicking the joystick around, but it's the thought that counts, right? :)
Now, this lady got mad at me for some reason. I was mistaken with some "hipster" (who could that be?). I suspect that this "hipster" dude is gigolo. The dialogue is *very* revealing. "I've been waiting here all night!". No comment.
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She profusely apologized once she realized I wasn't her man. Weirdo. I'm starting to think that I'm the only normal one here. I don't even want to know what the rest of the town roster looks like. Better stop slacking off and get a job.
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Wow, starting off great... This business doesn't seem profitable. Look at what he's selling here. Wallpaper, carpet, and a shovel. I'd get rid of those right off the bat if I was him. How often does one buy a carpet?
"**41.9% The percentage of the U.S. flooring market represented by the carpet industry in 2015, according to statistics from Marketing Insights**"
I'm too tired to try to decipher the meaning behind that statistic, but it's either saying that 41% of people use carpet, or that 41% of people don't. And there's a cactus and umbrella, too. *Nobody* buys that stuff. Maybe if he opened up a bakery he wouldn't be forced to operate in a shack. You don't launder money like this.
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As punishment for being late, he made me wear this preposterous costume that I'm too ashamed to show here. He tasked me with with planting flowers, claiming that it would be "aesthetically appealing to visitors" or whatever. I wasn't really listening, was too distracted by his absurd nose. I did whatever any self-respecting person would do and planted the blossoms outside my soon-to-be residence. It's not like a bunch of poppies would make his sorry shack look any better, no? No.
He told me that I can't proceed without getting along with the townies. Actually insufferable. I don't wanna introduce myself to any more dodos, but orders are orders, and as much as I'd love to disobey them, sometimes you gotta be responsible.
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Hey, it's not all that bad. This girl likes me (platonically! I'd never go out with a frog). It seems that she has her own merchandise, too (Note the cutesy frog T-Shirt she's wearing). Wow, there's one stable person here! She even let me walk into her one-room house.
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*Oh*. Maybe the umbrella business really *is* profitable?
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I also had to say hi to the mayor. He was at the wishing well, for some odd reason. Now, guess where you can ask for an apology? Exactly here, at the wishing well. I feel like he kills off his opposition in order to stay in power, and now he feels remorse. That's why he's here. Tom Nook even says that "You can find him by the wishing well", so this is a regular thing for him. The things people do to stay in power. You can even see how startled he is to see me there. "Eh? Whuh?" He's acting like he just got busted. Now, he's trying to distract me here with some really odd questions, like asking me which family member I respect the most. The reason he's asking me this really random question is because he worries. He worries that I know the real reason as to why he's at the wishing well. Now, I see right through him, but I play into his game. I know he wants me to say that I respect my Gramps the most, but I said Grandpa just to piss him off. He's probably divorced, too, so that's just adding salt to the wound, right? He promptly gets pissed off and starts boasting about his status. I don't care! Oh, also, the wishing well could be a metaphor. There's water in a well, and he has blood on his hands. How do you wash away blood? With water, obviously. The signs were all there, and I'm probably the first to notice them. I'd like to point out a pet peeve I have with this game. It's about the music you hear in the tutorial (when you work for Tom Nook). It's one of the best songs to come out of this series as a whole, and yet you only get to enjoy it for, what, 20 minutes? It's a shame, cause this would've worked as a 1-4 pm theme really well. Here, have a listen.
It's the biggest missed opportunity of this series. If I was smart enough, I'd mod this in as hourly music. But alas, I am not. I've just barely figured out HTML.
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I had to advertise my employer's business in a letter. Now, I know how much *everyone* hates getting mailed ads, so I thought I'd try something more experimental here, so I wrote this mantra. It's supposed to represent the shop calling out to him. 50/50 chance it will work.
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Turns out this game has cops. That whole "cozy, comfort game" facade has fallen. They operate a lost & found thingy, so I took advantage. Yes, I've been in town for 20 minutes and I already lost 2 of my tees. Silly me!
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Turns out that Bob is here! He stuttered when I introduced myself and he's obviously socially inept. Asking me to give something to someone else when it's him that should be doing it? He's obviously doing it to avoid talking to..Oh, it's Spike. The asshole bull from earlier. I don't blame him for shifting that quest on me, honestly, I'd do the same...
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Wow, okay, this means war. How could he call Bob a loser? The poor kitty is just scared of the world...I'm not letting him get away with this. I told him to sleep well tonight, because I will be banging my shovel against his bamboo fence anytime he gets rest, starting from tomorrow.
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That scared him off good, so he gave me this really ugly shirt to try and bribe me into bestowing mercy upon him. Not only was the shurt ugly, but it also had sweat stains, bleugh. Into the dump it goes!
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And just like that, I was done. I had paid off an additional 1,700 bells. It was NOT worth it, not one bit. The worst part is that I all the shops are closed now. I can't even dig up the daily glowing spot. That's a thousand bells I'm missing out on. We'll get 'em next time, I guess. For now, I can just go home and take a gander at what furniture I got gifted.
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Yeah, I didn't mention this, but the villagers give you stuff when you run errands for them. They usually don't say *that*, though...
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This is just bonkers, now. I have a kiddie table that's as big as my house. I guess that's where I'm sleeping tonight. There's also this thing I stole from the Police Station in the bottom right corner, but I'm not really sure what it is. It looks rad, though, so it's staying. And that was all. Writing this was *exhausting*, it took me about 2 hours, and for what? So that I can have 2 people read it? I'm *really* hoping that I don't get bored of this game quickly, cause that's what tends to happen when I try to get back into City Folk. Hopefully this one has something that keeps me coming back to it. I'll go and get some good sleep now.
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mrlancer · 2 years
My Favorite Books of 2022
I think I did decently well at reading in 2022 and the book I'm reading now, I'm not anticipating finishing before the end of the year (it's The Stand by Stephen King), so now is the best time to post about my favorite books of the year.
This year, I read 80 books. 27 of those were the manga Blue Exorcist, and I'm never sure about whether to really count those in my book count, but I am going to count them as 1 big book for the purpose of this list! So, that takes me down to like 54 books.
So, let's go through my list each month, and pick out favorite book(s) from each month! Maybe I won't have a favorite from some months...
Bold means it was a good I really enjoyed! I
I'm going to hide the list under a keep reading line because otherwise this post might be too long for some people!
Dune Messiah -Frank Herbert
A Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin
Memoirs and Misinformation - Dana Vachon and Jim Carrey
Mergers and Acquisitions - Dana Vachon
A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet - Becky Chambers
Everyone In This Room Will Someday Be Dead - Emily Austin
Diary of a Bookseller - Shaun Bythell
Call Me By Your Name - Andre Aciman
The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller
I read nothing
A Clash of Kings - George R.R. Martin
Almond - Sohn Won-pyung
Human Acts - Hang Kang
Love in the Big City - Sang Young Park
Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism - Amanda Montell
Kindred - Octavia E. Butler
Blue Exorcist 1-27 - Kazue Kato
Children of Dune - Frank Herbert
Mindhunter: Inside the FBI's Serial Crime Unit - John E. Douglas
Hamnet - Maggie O'Farrell
Columbine - Dave Cullen
The Witches: Salem 1692 - Stacy Schiff
Get A Life Chloe Brown - Talia Hibbert
Alias Grace - Margaret Atwood
A Man Called Ove - Fredrik Backman
Shadow and Bone - Leigh Bardugo
The Benefits of Being an Octopus - Ann Braden
Siege and Storm - Leigh Bardugo
World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War - Max Brooks
The Plague - Albert Camus
Ruin and Rising - Leigh Bardugo
I Want to Die but I Want to Eat Tteokbokki - Baek Se-hee
Cursed Bunny - Bora Chung
Crying in H Mart- Michelle Zauner
Shoko's Smile - Choi Eunyoung
I'm Glad My Mom Died - Jennette McCurdy
IT - Stephen King
Mexican Gothic - Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Know My Name - Chanel Miller
The Last Magician - Lisa Maxwell
The Cat Who Saved Books - Sosuke Natsukawa
Carrie - Stephen King
It Ends With Us - Colleen Hoover
The Final Revival of Opal and Nev - Dawnie Walton
They Both Die At The End - Adam Silvera
A Wizard of Earthsea - Ursula K. Le Guin
Salem's Lot - Stephen King
Tokyo Ueno Station - Yu Miri
The Tombs of Atuan - Ursula K. Le Guin
The Devil All The Time - Donald Ray Pollock
Circe - Madeline Miller
Babel - R.F. Kuang
Taaqtumi: An Anthology of Arctic Horror Stories - Aviaq Johnston, et al
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid
Hell Of A Book - Jason Mott
Picking an actual favorite from these is too hard. I read so many great books this year, and obviously some months I read better than others. Actually, I would probably bold more than I have, but I felt bad about bolding more than like 2 per month, though I did do that in like September.
There were only really like 5 or 6 that I didn't really like, but pushed my way through.
I'm quietly aiming for 100 books next year, but I'm not gonna force myself for that, because whenever I aim for goals like that, it just takes the fun out of reading, so I'm going to set my goal at like 5 books and anything more than that is going to be a win for me!
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mudaship39 · 3 months
Character Bio of the Afro Asian Pasifika demigod and Afro Latine Native alien hybrid main character Part 1:
Dossier, Profile, Record, & Archive: King/Queen Kana’i Akana or Atami Latu/Ataahua Akana:
Real Names:
Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika names: 
Hawaiian name: Kana’i Akana/Ataahua Akana
Tongan name: Atamai Latu/Alisi Latu. 
Samoan name: Enele/Fiva Tofilau 
Marquesan name: Hauarii/Heiata Tetuanui 
South American Indigenous Ameridian name: Cauã/Ceci Amaru Juruna
Asian names: 
Japanese name: Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato
Vietnamese name: Hao/Hồng Trần 
Chinese name: Guang/Biyu Wei 
Afro-Latine name: Francisco Alejandro Diego Garcia Ochoa/Francisca Alejandra Maria Garcia Ochoa
American/English name: Alexander Mack Taylor/Alexandria Macy Taylor
French name: Charles Andre Monet/Charlotte Amélie Monet
Alien extraterrestrial name: Zana Saani Kayuth Adrjin. 
Demigod/Deity/Titan name: Makoa Kalani/Kamalani Kalani.
Ethnicity: Afro Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native.
Racial Identity: 
A mixed Southeast Asian Vietnamese, Afro European Black British, East Asian Japanese, East Asian Chinese person of color, & Black American person of color. 
Is mixed European French, European British, & American English.
A mixed South American Colombian, Bolivian, Argentine, & Chilean Afro Latine person of color.
Cultural Identity: 
A Polynesian Hawaiian, Samoan, Marquesan, and Tongan Indigenous Pasifika of Oceania. 
South American Baniwa and Embera Indigenous Ameridian of Colombia. South American Chorote Indigenous of Bolivia and Argentina. South American Aymara Indigenous of Argentina, Bolivia, & Chile. South American Diaguita Indigenous of Chile and Argentina. 
Middle aged. Has longevity as a demigod metahuman and alien hybrid superhuman with a supernatural and superhuman lifespan.
Born in the 22nd Century. Currently alive in the 60th century as a metahuman and superhuman
Libra Dog
A Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika Oceanic demigod 
Elemental God/Goddess 
Power over earth (earth, stone, rock, sand, & metal), nature (nature, wood, & plants), water (water, ice, snow, frost, & blood), fire (fire, lava, & magma), air (air, wind, fog, & steam), storm (storm, lightning, thunder), poison (poison, acid, corrosive), light, chaos, spirit, mana, magic, life, death, & shadow. 
They as an alien hybrid received their powers naturally as a mutant through biological or genetic mutation.
An alien Iuyamanian and Etanxiian extraterrestrial hybrid. They are a shapeshifter as an alien hybrid. They are queer and trans as someone Indigenous third gender. Their masculine, feminine, nonbinary genderless, and androgynous gender forms reflect that. 
He/she/they are an alien Iuyamnian and Etanxiian alien hybrid. Iuyumanians are warm blooded mammal aliens with orange skin, yellow eyes, red hair, & red and black striped fur. Etanxiians are cold blooded reptilian and amphibian aliens with reptilian scales and avian feathers. Etanxiians also have green skin, blue hair, and purple eyes. His/her/their mother’s alien form and his/her/their alien form both reflect this. 
When he/she/they are in his/her/their transformed alien form without clothes or worn armor the reptilian/amphibious aspect of their heritage lets his/her/their male and female external genitalia become internal and his/her/their other genitalia merge with other aspects of himself to form a cloaca. The mammalian aspects of his/her/their heritage and fur highlight and define his/her/their body while at the same time providing discreet concealment. The reptilian aspect of his/her/their heritage provides him with natural armor as a result of scaled skin with a slightly iridescent sheen.
Alien hybrid mutant with being a shapeshifter as mutation 
Mutant who got other mutant powers through chemical mutation because of a super soldier serum injection with red, blue, green, & purple ooze in vials.
His alien hybrid mother and alien hybrid aunts and uncles as mutants received their mutant powers through temporal, esoteric, spacial, chaos, quantum, dimensional, or reality mutations.
As mutants they are immune to further mutations so chemical or biological weapons or infestation like Zerg, Flood, or Tyranids
Bionic/Cyborg as someone with firmware and software implants and bionic and cybernetic implants and enhancements.
Regular Human Height:
Depends on gender and gender identity.
He/she/they have transformed gender forms and untransformed gender forms.
He/she/they have a 5’10” and 5’11” male masculine untransformed form that identifies with he/him pronouns. 
He/she/they have a 6’0” and 6’1” female feminine untransformed form that identifies with she/her pronouns. 
He/she/they have a 6’2”  and 6’3” nonbinary genderless untransformed form that identifies with the pronouns of they/them. 
He/she/they have a 6’4” and 6’5” nonbinary androgynous untransformed form that identifies with the pronouns of xer/xers. 
Super soldier height:
As a super soldier after experimentation and enhancement of the super soldier program:
Masc form: 6 feet
Femme form: 7 feet 
In power armor: 
Masc form: 7 feet 
Femme form: 8 feet
Demigod Height:
Masc: 7 feet
Femme: 8 feet
Alien Form Height: 
Masc: 9 feet 
Femme: 10 feet tall
God/goddess true form: Tallest mountains or volcanoes with armor and weapons the size of skyscrapers. 
Depends on gender and gender identity. 180 to 200+
Deity form: Metric tons. 
Body Type: 
Lean, tone, & athletic body type
Athletic, fit, graceful, lean, lithe, nimble, slim, slender, toned, willowy. Masculine alien hybrid form 
Herculean, muscular, stocky, strapping, tall, towering, toned. Feminine alien hybrid form
Strongman physique for masc kane divine form
Built, muscular, statuesque, imposing, buff, & strong body type for wahine/vahine femme divine form 
Bone structure: 
B,H,W or Bust, waist, hip measurement: 
5’10” to 5’11”: 38/32/38 
6'0” to 6'5”: 40/34/40
Human Form:
He/she/they like short hair styles. 
He/she/they like the pompadour, clipper cut, pixie cut, or crew cut. 
He/she/they like medium to long hairstyles 
Afrocentric hairstyles of braids, twists, & dreadlocks
Fade haircut 
Afro Hawk haircut 
He/she/they have a clipper cut, crew cut, high and tight, Ivy League, pompadour, or clean shaven hairstyle in masculine male form. It’s tightly coiled. It is a tall or high Afro tapered on the sides. With a low skin fade with a design and locs on top. The design shaved into their low skin fade is a sacred geometrical alien extraterrestrial symbol. The locs are braided with alien metal braids as an alien hybrid superhuman. The locs are beaded with divine wooden beads as a divine demigod metahuman. Some parts of the locs are dyed red, blue, purple, or green. 
Long ponytail that is partly shaved in a punk look. Single or double three strand flat braid. When in female form when shapeshifting as a metamorph, changeling, or shapeshifter. Sections of his/her/their hair are adorned and braided with divine bamboo wood beads, ash wood beads, elm wood beads, holly wood, & pine wood beads. Sections of his/her/their hair are braided with alien metal bronze, silver, & gold metal braid beads. 
They also wear their hair in a bouffant hairstyle. He/she/they structured part of his/her/their loosely knotted or twisted pinned up buns with divine silver, brass, & gold wire. Sections of his/her/their hair are adorned and braided with divine bamboo wood beads, ash wood beads, elm wood beads, holly wood, & pine wood beads. Sections of his/her/their hair are braided with divine bronze, silver, & gold metal braid beads. 
Hair texture:  Fine, lush, luxuriant
Hair look/state: Brushed, voluminous, shiny
Alien Form:
Bundles of tendril, cord, or tentacle-like hair similar to Yautja Predators or Zerg infested Sarah Kerrigan that are tied together in a long ponytail. His/her/their bioluminescent cord, tentacle, or tendril-like hair help with telepathy and empathy. They help them breathe, see, hear, & taste. These tendril-like hairs are braided with alien metal and divine wooden beads. This alien hair is an important link to their alien extraterrestrial culture. The tendril, cord, or tentacle-like hair comes out of a head crest of his/her/their alien skull.   
Hair color: 
When not transformed: Black. 
When transformed: white, red, gold, blue, green, or purple.
He/she/they have light brown, to dark brown, to black hair in his/her/their untransformed form
Facial hair: Permanently clean shaven cuz of an accident using an alien laser (from their alien hybrid mom’s alien grandmother) as a shaving razor as a teenager 
Body hair: 
Color: Black
Chest: none 
Back: none
Arms: a lot 
Legs: a lot 
Eye color: 
When not transformed: Dark Brown. 
When transformed: white, gold, blue, green, red, or purple.
He/she/they have dark brown to black colored eyes.
Eye Shape: Their eye shape is based on their Afro Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native ethnicity and heritage. 
Eye Sight: They are near sighted and have myopia. They wear metal and plastic glasses. They were holographic glasses. 
Skin color: When not transformed: As an Afro Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native their skin tone is terra cotta, russet, ochre, sepia, or umber. Kissed by the sun. 
When transformed: gold, blue, green, red, & purple.
Their bioluminescent skin absorbs solar radiation, lunar energy, cosmic energy, & natural energy to give them superhuman and supernatural strength, perception, endurance, speed, lifespan, intelligence, agility, senses, durability, reflexes, and flexibility. The absorbed solar radiation, cosmic energy, and lunar energy also powers their optic blasts, energy blasts, breath blasts, & flight as an alien hybrid
Birthmarks: The birthmarks they have are 
Skin Condition: They have chronic illness of eczema 
Stretch Marks: They have stretch marks at their armpits and thighs as someone who exercises, does sports, lifts weights, does martial arts. As well as someone afab who has given birth. 
Hand Size:
Hand Description:
Shoe Size: Depending on gender form size men’s 11 to 20 or women’s 10 to 20 
Dominant Hand: They are right handed. 
Scar marks: 
Healed scars from experimentation. Healed scars from torture and interrogation. Healed scars from self harm caused by mental illnesses.
Extra features:
Base form: The ultra-dense muscles and tendon strength of a gorilla, the wingspan of a massive prehistoric bird, the hearing and echolocation of a bat, the infrared vision of a serpent, the venom of a fire basilisk, the eyesight of an eagle, the balance and sense of space of a jungle cat, the saber teeth of a smilodon, the sense of smell and pheromone sensitivity of a wooly mammoth, the sense of touch of a catfish, the bite force of a megalodon,  the ultra-dense skin of a T-Rex, the disregard for pain of a wolverine, the healing speed of a dire wolf, the regeneration of an axolotl, the pack mentality of a raptor, the absolute poison resistance of an opossum, the magnetic sensing abilities of a sea turtle, the electroreception sensory abilities of a platypus, the ability to channel electricity like an electric eel, the ability to generate a powerful neurotoxin like a puffer-fish, and finally the ability to change his/her/their skin color at will like that of a chameleon. After the metahuman and superhuman experimentation, the super soldier serum, & superhero training. Their base form has these things in one streamlined and sleek mostly human demigod and alien hybrid form. 
Alien Form:
His/her/their transformed form has alien hair, skin, & eyes. 
His/her/their transformed form’s body is covered in mammalian fur with stripes, avian feathers, and reptilian and amphibian scales (that covers his/her/their chest, back, arms, & legs). 
His/her/their transformed form has webbed clawed (retractable) hands with opposable thumbs and webbed clawed (retractable) feet with opposable toes. 
His/her/their transformed form has a prehensile chimera tail that is covered in avian feathers and reptilian scales. 
He/she/they are an alien Iuyamnian and Etanxiian alien hybrid. 
Iuyumanians are bipedal warm blooded mammalian aliens. Iuyamanians have orange skin, yellow eyes, red hair, & red and black striped mammalian fur. Iuyumanians have clawed (retractable) hands with opposable thumbs and clawed (retractable) feet with opposable toes. Iuyamians have a prehensile tail. Iuyamanians have a lion-like mane, dire wolf-like lupine canines, lupine gray wolf-like ears, dire wolf-like snout, kitsune nine tailed fox demon-like whiskers, & retractable smilodon-like saber teeth. They have four eyes. They are bipedal and quadrupedal and are capable of running faster on four legs. They can reach speeds of up to 120 miles per hour and can run 80 miles per hour for hours.  
Etanxiians are bipedal cold blooded reptilian, avian, & amphibian aliens with avian feathers, reptilian scales, and amphibian scales. They have reptilian scales, non-corporeal ethereal avian feathered wings that allows them to fly at 350 miles per hour. Etanxiians have webbed clawed reptilian hands and webbed clawed feet. Ethanxiians also have green skin, blue hair, and purple eyes. Etanxiians have a reptilian prehensile lizard tail. They have three eyes. Etanxiians when in reptilian form have reptilian retractable serpentine fangs and forked tongue. When in avian form Etanxiians have a avian raptor beak, avian eyes that see near 360 degree vision, and avian raptor clawed feet with talons.
His/her/their mother’s alien form and his/her/their alien form both reflect this. 
Reactive Adaptation: They adapt constantly and get stronger when either pushed to the brink of death. They then heal after life threatening injuries thanks to their healing factor, superhuman healing, constitution, and durability. They are often revived after dying. They adapt constantly and get stronger when fighting someone equal or beyond their level. They adapt very quickly whether it be magical or energy based attacks. They steadily grow more powerful and efficient the more they struggle. They recover quickly from injuries. They adapt quickly when learning their opponents movements, strengths, strategies, weaknesses, and attack patterns. They then can read their next attack minutes or seconds ahead.
Dominant, potent, or latent genetics. The First Born or Scions or Etanxiians or Iuyamians. A race of highly advanced beings with extremely potent and developed genetics.  They were advanced by a tier zero or tier one species of alien humanoids called the Titans, Primordials or First Ones who experimented with their dna or genetics on a species wide scale. The Iuyumanians and Ethanxiians can create offspring with other humanoid races. Those hybrid children can become just as powerful, if not more powerful, than their full alien humanoid parents. They are compatible with other alien humanoids, alien hybrids, divine beings, demigods, cyborgs or bionics, and augmented and enhanced humans. 
Aquatic Form:
They have an aquatic bipedal form for swimming underwater that looks like a were shark. This form has mako shark skin on their body, magical elemental hair made out of seawater, mako shark fins on their body, great white shark fin on their back, webbed clawed feet, webbed clawed hands, seven inch megalodon like teeth in their mouth, bull shark gills on their neck and chest, tiger shark stripes on their arms and legs, glowing blue eyes, kaluga fish fins on their face, blue and green sturgeon like fish scales on their body, a great white shark tail, whale shark spots on their chest and back, & a humanoid merfolk or triton like face. They have glowing bioluminescent skin. They have glowing ethereal Atlantean tattoos and Atlantean characters on their bodies. 
They have Indigenous Pasifika tattoos on their face, neck, chest, back, arms, & legs. They wear Indigenous Pasifika jewelry such as bracelets, rings, & necklaces. They wear shark tooth necklaces. They wear Atlantean steel combat armor decorated with sea turtle, manta ray, shark, & dolphin designs. Their weapons are Atlantean swords, axes, spears, clubs, & war hammer made out of atlantean steel. They rule with a five pronged quident made out of Atlantean steel and a circlet of power made out of precious metals and decorated with gemstones. These weapons are enchanted with arcane elemental magical water and serrated with seven inches long megalodon shark teeth. They can swim up  to 200 miles per hour. 
As a Bionic/Cyborg:
Cyberpunk Cybernetic Implants and Enchantments:
Biopunk Bioware:
Bionic Implants and Enhancements:
Software and Firmware Enchantments:
Metahumans and superhumans genetically engineered to be peak mental and physical specimens of the human race. They are meta humans and superhumans turned supersoldiers through years of mental conditioning and carefully administered drug regimens.
They used genetic engineering to create super soldiers with telepathic and empathic ability.
Using a combination of surgery, drugs, and mental conditioning. Regular and I rdinary humans can be given the reaction times, physical abilities, and psychic abilities of metahumans and superhumans.
A wetware implant that lets them learn new languages, record short-term memories, do research via augmented reality, and edit their own long-term memory.
Legendary tier iconic military grade cybernetic and bionic implants and enchantments and firmware and software implants and enhancements all over their body. Including their eyes, nose, ears, chest, arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, & toes. Even their skeletal, muscular, nervous, and digestive system, etc is enhanced and augmented. 
They have combat modifications that include synthetic muscle fibers that they can overclock to induce superhuman powers, lower their own ability to feel pain, and reinforce crucial joints. It can also temporarily hijack their nervous system, skeletal system, & muscular system for evasive maneuvers.
They have faster reflexes, higher regeneration, more durability, higher tolerance to toxins, immunity to diseases and control over the body to an incredible degree.
Bioware is also genetically modified cultured tissue that can be implanted in people in much the same way as cyberware, bionics, and cybernetics.
Cybernetic and bionic implants for superhuman senses of touch, taste, hearing, smell, & sight 
Electromagnetic spectrum for superhuman vision including ability to sense gamma radiation, microwaves, x rays, & radio waves
Weapons implanted in a bionic arm or leg 
Sensors for biometric analysis for lie detection
A built in net connection at any location that has wifi
Storage compartments in a bionic limb
Built in armor around vital organs
Ballistic, plasma, energy, laser: bullet and arrow dodging through a sensor detects incoming projectiles
Cooling or heat radiating mechanism that allows the implantee better heat or cold resistance
Sensors that can pick up RF or electrical activity
Configurable vocal tract that can emulate the voices of others well enough to fool voice print recognition systems.
Voice synthesizer to imitate another's voice and/or other sounds.
Computer riding shotgun in the visual cortex that looks for patterns and movements humans don't easily notice that functions as a counter to most forms of camouflage.
Internal oxygen supply with hours of breath in an oxygen deprived area. Refills using the implantee's breaths at the same rate as usage.
A targeting computer that can fire a weapon much more quickly and accurately.
The ability to plug in a micro-manipulator arm that can perform very delicate repairs
The ability to plug into a powerful exoskeleton of power armor or frame of a mech suit
Replacement nervous system is immune to the effects of electric shocks
Has many mod slots for upgrading and customizing nano machines, cyberware, cybernetic implants, & bionic enhancements 
Brain computer interface that allow uploading and downloading data
Can plug in to hack holographic computers, holographic smartphones, holographic televisions, & other electronics through cybernetic and bionic fingers
Transfer their consciousness to another suitably equipped body
Co-processor  built in computer with software that can carry out numerical computations. Other domain-specific AI (e.g. voice recognition, pattern recognition) that can carry out much better than an unmodified brain can.
Hive consciousness: brain can tap into a network of other, similarly equipped brains (where reception is available) and can share skills or knowledge in some manner.
Human metal and alien metal enhanced and augmented skeleton for supernatural strength, endurance, and durability. Almost impossible to break bones. Combined with other cybernetic and bionic enhancements.
Carbon nanotube bone augmentation for near unbreakable bones.
Metal reinforced joints for supernatural agility, flexibility, speed, & reflexes
They have cybernetically enhanced reflexes and flexibility.
Nanorobot muscle cell augmentation
Muscle reinforcement and enhancement for increased strength, reflexes, stamina, durability, speed, endurance, flexibility, agility 
Microchip implants that allow fast diagnosis and monitors health in real time
Ability to grow metal claws over their biological claws 
They have double-edged scalpel like blades implanted under their fingernails and claws.
Has nanomachines for supernatural healing
Holographic Skin that can change elements of appearance: skin color, hair color, eye color, etc.
Active Camouflage for invisibility by bending light with a field of energy. Active camo that is able to render the user invisible or nearly invisible, to the naked eye. Also works against many forms of electronic scanning. The active camouflage warps light around the user's body in such a fashion that surfaces behind the user are visible through the user's body. 
Smart camo that blends in with the environment with camouflage that after coming into contact with almost any surface replicate both its pattern and texture. Multiple surfaces could be mimicked at the same time. Works against thermal scanning.
Cybernetic eyes with Cortical Implant with night vision, thermal vision, x-ray vision, ultraviolet vision, etc.
They have lenses grafted over their eyes.
Internal Weapon Bay with compartments for hidden weapons. 
Neural interface to download information from a digital store.
Cyber and bionic brain with implanted external memory
Modified brain to have a better sense of smell, sight, hearing, taste, & touch.
Enhanced legs with greater speed, agility, flexibility, & stealth capabilities. 
Sub-dermal plating with armor that protects against tissue damage. 
Dermal carbon nanotube to make skin highly resistant to damages.
Increased density of fast-twitch muscles to increase reaction time
Increased nerve density to grant better body control and higher degree of dexterity.
Auto-releasing implanted drug suppositories with stimulants, drugs, medicine, etc. 
Bionic heart with increased endurance, stamina, constitution.
Bionic liver, lungs, kidneys, etc. with immunity to most poisons, drugs, & alcohol.
Chemical sensors to give targeted ultra sensitive smell.
Chemical sensors to give targeted ultra sensitive smell and taste
Ultrasound sonar to aid vision and let the user see inside things.
Tiny magnetic crystals attached to neurons so the user can feel magnetic and electric fields like a shark.
Subdermal micro machines that can restructure the user's face making them look like anyone they want at will.
Extra rods and cones to allow for greater perception of color, modified rods and cones to see into the infrared or ultraviolet, reflective layer at the back of the eyes (like cats) for user to have better night vision.
Small mechanical heart that kicks in at full power during times of stress/exertion 
Modified ears to hear better.  
Shockskin. It's a layer of capacitors and conductors implanted just under the skin. It is arrayed in a lattice over prosthetics. It administers an electrical shock to people they touch with it if activated.
Shock nodes on legs, knees, knuckles, & elbows for unarmed combat
Increased clotting to help staunch wounds
Decreased pain sensitivity
Prosthetic cybernetic or bionic eyes with immunity to over-stimulation from bright lights or stun weapons like flashbangs
Prosthetic eyes capable of linking up with a "smart-link" weapon scope
Bionic and cybernetic enhanced brain capable of “full immersion diving" while on the internet, computers, or brain hacking. 
Bionic and cybernetic brain capable of bio scans with upgraded firewalls to prevent brain hacks
Bionic brain with upgrades to enhance any type of hacking/brain hacking
Blood/organ nanites to help the immune system and help repair damaged cells, tissue, & organs as necessary.
Nano technology allows a faster and safer healing process and an enhanced immune system.
Auto-releasing implanted drug suppositories (combat stimulants, medicine, stimpacks, pain suppressants, etc.).
Internal bladders of drugs to be released on mental command, ranging from painkillers, to insulin, to berserker combat enhancers.
Homing devices for tracking targets
Extra metal limbs. Other than summoning extra magical ethereal limbs to hold several weapons in combat. There are a wide variety of additional limbs you can interface with. It has the same selection as prosthetics. They are especially of use to those who want to have the benefit of cybernetics or bionics but wouldn't give an arm and a leg for it. They are attached usually in a non-invasive manner. With harnesses and electro-adhesive pads, and or interface using high speed wireless. They have extra metal limbs for faster inventing or lab testing as a scientist. When out of power armor they can interface with extra metal limbs by wireless connections for combat or to help when inventing, engineering, science, creating etc.
Metal wings. There are a wide variety of additional limbs you can interface with. It has the same selection as prosthetics. They are especially of use to those who want to have the benefit of cybernetics or bionics but wouldn't give an arm and a leg for it. They are attached usually in a non-invasive manner. With harnesses and electro-adhesive pads, and interface using high speed wireless.
Super soldier (ways super soldiers are made in the cyberpunk science fiction near future and far future: cybernetic implants, bionic enhancements, alien plants, nanites, growth hormones, organs harvested from aliens, & super soldier serums)
Assigned female at birth or AFAB
Non Binary
Mahu/Fakaleiti/Fa'afafine Indigenous Pasifika Third Gender of Oceania 
Third gender of Amerindian Indigenous people of South America 
Gender Identity: 
Nonbinary Bigender or Genderfluid
Has both male and female genitalia 
Sexual Orientation: 
Regular pronouns: He/him, She/her, they/them. Neopronouns: Xer/xers. Ze/hir. Indigenous Pasifika: Oña 
They shapeshift gender forms based on their current sex, gender, and gender identity 
South American Indigenous Colombian spirituality 
Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika pagan.
Jaothean alien polytheistic pagan religion
Autistic as someone with autism
ADD or attention deficit disorder, ADHD or attention hyperactive disorder, OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder, & hyperlexia.
Addiction Disorders: 
Kanai Makoa Latu/Attahua Kamalani Latu is a recovering addict and alcoholic. They used to use alien and magical drugs and alcohol as a metahuman and superhuman to deal with abuse and trauma. He/she/they is a former alcoholic who drank magical alcohol meant for demigods, gods/goddesses, & titans. He/she/they used magical drugs meant for magical spellcasters. They used magical alcohol meant for magical humanoids such as fae elves, dwarves, gnomes, goblinoids, & giantkin. He/she/they drank Spirit, Myth, & Devil’s Tongue. He/she/they were a former addict who used alien drugs meant for metahumans and superhumans. He/she/they used drugs meant for cyborgs and bionics. He/she/they used alcohol meant for alien hybrids and aliens. He/she/they were addicted to Blaze, Nitro, Supernova, Nightfall, Burnout, & Light Speed.
Chronic Illnesses: 
They have several chronic illnesses. The main character for the near future and far future cyberpunk science fiction superhero character has real world chronic illnesses that affect their superpowers. They also have alien chronic illnesses and mystical chronic illnesses that affect them as a demigod and alien hybrid. They have chronic illnesses that affect their skin or eczema. They have gastro intestinal chronic illness of Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, etc. They have a neurological chronic illness of epilepsy. They have a chronic illness of diabetes. They were diagnosed as a child, preteen, and or teenager. Was hospitalized, diagnosed, and treated when it first happened. Took magical fantasy medication to treat conditions. Based on magical versions of our western and eastern medicine. They take medication for their chronic illnesses regularly every day in the morning, noon, & at night after eating breakfast, lunch, & dinner. They drink a lot of water daily to combat medications' side effects and to regulate their body. Their chronic illnesses was inactive for a while. They have had several remissions throughout life. They see several human and alien specialist doctors throughout the year a few times a month annually. They dropped out of college when the chronic illness remission got severe and their medical condition got bad. They left school to deal with disabilities of autism, neurodivergence, chronic illness, mental illness affected by said illness, & their prosthetic limbs. Went back to school to finish degrees after medical conditions got better. Affects their daily life as a superhero. Their autism, neurodivergence, chronic illnesses, mental illnesses, and prosthetic limbs affect their daily life.
Mental Illnesses: 
Depression, anxiety disorder, panic attacks, schizophrenia, BD or bipolar disorder, BPD or borderline personality disorder, DID or dissociative identity disorder, & PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder.
They shapeshift gender form based on their current sex, gender, and gender identity. So they also shapeshift based on the different plural systems or main system currently in the headspace. 
He/she/they are physically disabled as someone because he/she/they were disfigured in combat during war. 
Disfigured by a hard-light sword wielded by a female alien super soldier who fought for the Earth Space Military
Later had their right arm replaced with a bionic and cybernetic prosthetic arm
Later had his/her/their left eye replaced with a cybernetic and bionic prosthetic eye. 
He/she/they have a hard light and plasma burn scar from the top of his/her/their eyebrow to the bottom of his/her/their cheek.
Hypersexual as a result of the trauma being a survivor of rape, abuse, assault, & domestic violence at the hands of three abusive exes (four armed female alien Migua, Atlantean sorceress Hinesy, and anthropomorphic alien wasp empress Ziewei) who were their ex fiances. Want to reclaim autonomy so they have sex on their own terms.
As a result of abuse and trauma:
It was similar to what happened to Indigenous Pasifika in those haole sanctioned schools in Oceania and Indigenous people in the residential schools in turtle island
Kidnapped in front of their childhood friends as their friends ran to call the aid of their Asian Pasifika demigod and Afro Latine Native alien hybrid parents.
Blackbirded (or native kidnapped, exploited, and enslaved from their indigenous lands) from their home in Polynesia
Blackbirded (or native kidnapped exploited and enslaved from their indigenous lands) by metahuman and superhuman traffickers 
Blackbirded and forced to mine alien ore on colonized terraformed planetoids, asteroids, and comets colonized by the Terran Dominion
Blackbirded and forced to pick alien planets on alien crop plantations  on colonized terraformed alien moons and planets colonized by the Terran Dominion 
Human and alien non native settlers took advantage of their illiteracy of certain alien languages as a demigod and alien hybrid child. 
They were forced to pray to their gods instead of their own 
They were captured and taken to a place where metahumans and superhumans like them were forcibly assimilated by human and alien traffickers for the illegal space black market 
They were forced to speak their tongue instead of their own language
Their long hair as a Afro Latine and Asian Pasifika was forcibly cut and they were forced to wear unfamiliar and uncomfortable clothes to condition them
Generational trauma of Samoan, Tongan, and Hawaiian ancestors and Amerindian Indigenous of South America who went through similar things on earth because of English and Spanish settlers
Experimented on by the scientists of the settler colonizer government of earth as part of a black project on a black site to become a metahuman and superhuman child soldier till they were a young adult 
They were denied food and water to break them and to discourage others from rebelling against them as he/she/they were seen as the leader and protector of the others as the oldest 
When rebellion and escape was thwarted they were interrogated and tortured
Gladiatorial pit fighter that fought magical and alien humanoids, beasts, creatures, animals, & monsters for the enjoyment of rich human and alien elite on an alien planet 
Escaped and became a rebel soldier later rebel leader who fought against terra government once they learned Earth was responsible 
Captured and tortured by Earth and Terra government 
Brainwashed and mind controlled to become a metahuman and superhuman super soldier for the Terran Dominion space military to conquer worlds to expand earth’s dominion and hegemony over several solar systems and a few galaxies
Fought in proxy wars across Asia, Europe, Africa Oceania, Australia, and the Americas as a metahuman and superhuman child soldier when they were a child until they were a preteen 
Fought in proxy wars in many planets, several star systems, and a few galaxies as a metahuman and superhuman child soldier when they were a teenager until they were a young adult
Fought against Earth and the Terran Dominion after they were free through telepaths and empaths of the rebel army from the mind control and brainwashing (by human and alien telepaths and empaths of the Terran military)
Is stateless or someone without a nationality as a result and repercussion of him/her/them leading the rebellion, revolution, civil war, and insurrection against the Earth and Terran Confederation to take them out of power. Most were able to escape Earth, seek asylum in neighboring solar systems, or go into hiding in outer rim galaxies. 
Unfortunately the consequences for Valeria Garcia, Joanna Jacobson, & Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu, the leaders (of the insurrection, revolution, civil war, and rebellion) unfortunately are more severe. 
He/she/they were told if they returned home to Oceania or South America as an Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native they would be assassinated (by spec ops and black ops paramilitary operatives or military supersoldiers) or captured (and imprisoned on a black site prison planet) by the occupying settler government of Earth. 
After the creation of the Federation composed of the now independent and sovereign Sol, Vega, & Polaris Systems most were allowed to return home by the new intergalactic government of this cosmic alliance after the fall of Earth and the Terran Confederation. 
Brainwashed, conditioned, & mind controlled to become a corporate samurai and cyber ninja for mega corporations.
Was a contract killer hitman, shinobi/kunoichi cyber ninja assassin, private soldier, & mercenary for mega corporations.
Fought in international and intergalactic corporate wars for national, international, & intergalactic mega corporations.
Broke out of mind control and conditioning to become a street samurai and hacker. 
Brainwashed, conditioned, & mind controlled to become a supervillain without their consent 
Became an antihero out necessity yet didn’t agree with the current superhero ideology 
Chose to become a superhero out of their own choice and agency
As a demigod and alien hybrid he/she/they went through many demanding and grueling trials even for a metahuman and superhuman to become a champion and hero. After completing them once they died as a mortal they were given divinity and became a full god/goddess/third gender deity
Died several times. Few as a demigod. Few as an alien hybrid. Resurrected a few times.
Died stopping a super weapon from being fired stopping the Terrran Hegemony from committing intergalactic genocide. The reason they died stopping the super weapon is. The super weapon was going to be fired by the Terran hegemony/dominion/empire to commit intergalactic genocide to get a few star systems or a galaxy to surrender to them. They were sent to destroy it by a self-destruct button on a console deep inside the facility of the super weapon. The terran dominion/empire got wind of this and sent an agent to destroy it. Making them destroy it manually with a bomb. They died weaponizing the warhead and destroying the super weapon.  Died stopping the Galaxy Buster. 
When they died they were buried in a metal coffin to be shot out into space after a military funeral as a former super soldier. One of their alien spouses and partners who can fly using solar radiation picks up the coffin after using a star fighter. She flies out to the star system (of her home giant planet) that has a few suns, several moons orbiting each planet, & many planets orbiting the suns. She puts the spacecraft on autopilot and sets a flight path around the orbits of the stars, moons, & planets. She puts them inside a power armor with a jetpack. She proceeds to take them out of the coffin and opens up the cargo bay. She then has them absorb solar radiation, lunar rays, & cosmic energy from her star system to revive him/her/them by inputting the orbit to the ai of their personal power armor suit. 
After absorbing all these rays, energy, & radiation they are revived but also dangerously supercharged from all the excess energy and radiation. Like a few hundred percent more than normal as a demigod and alien hybrid. They were like a mini star about to go supernova. Their hair, eyes, skin, hands, feet, & mouth were blazing with energy. Optic blasts from their eyes, breath blasts from their mouth, & energy blasts from their hands were radiating with power. The power armor suit was able to absorb some of the excess energy to overcharge the defense and offense abilities of the suit but not enough to absorb all of the excess energy. Thinking that an enemy force comes to fight them, seeing them, their alien spouse and partner, & knowing some parts of their alien hybrid ancestry as a result of being an enemy of their alien hybrid mothers people. And the revived demigod and alien hybrid proceeds to fight them to burn the rest of this energy.
Died from stopping a large meteorite from destroying a space frigate. Kanaloa Hawaiian God of the Underworld in some more modern reimaginings. He is a student of Milu. He revived him/her/them. He/she/they met him in a metaphysical trial since he is a god of the underworld. It was a trial of reflection since he asked him/her/them to be introspective in this trial.
Died fighting for the rebel army against them once they were freed by allies that the ship cruiser frigate corvette or battle cruiser they were on was shot by plasma or laser batteries or cannons that shot them out into space and they died from lack of oxygen. The power armor suit was locked by the AI and it wasn’t permanent death but it does count as they were clinically dead for several minutes. Also has consequences on them physically mentally and emotionally after since death shouldn’t be a simple thing even for a demigod and alien hybrid character. A dream-like trial occurs in the afterlife before they come back to life. Haumea, the Hawaiian goddess of birth, talks to them in the afterlife to help their rebirth.
They were killed by a behemoth created by adamantine, mithril, divine iron, heavenly bronze, stellar titanium, & celestial steel and other magical metals. A monster made sentient by arcane and esoteric aether and nether. It was created by demigods, deities, & titans. It was commanded by enemy gods and goddesses. The being was sent to destroy a  county by enemy gods and goddesses upon hearing their demigod existence. It was sent by the Norse as a rival pantheon. It was sent as a result of Odin, old king of the Norse gods, learning the relationship between the Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid and their Norse demigod partners. The partners being Aesir Ylva Helga Olafsdottir (Asgardian and Vanir hybrid demigod child of Skadi) and Josefine Yrsa Hansen (Norse demigod child of Freya). He/she/they sacrificed themselves by overloading their alien hybrid and demigod powers to destroy the monster to save a county in a colony of indigenous and citizens of color that were targeted when it was sent to find him/her/them. 
They were revived by being placed in a healing vat or regeneration tank full of blue, purple, & green liquids that healed them as an alien hybrid. The healing vat also had nanites that repaired, upgraded, & customized their cybernetic and bionic implants and enhancements.
They were slain by a spear with a blade made by the strongest metals in the omniverse that cut through the chest of their power armor. The power armor’s weak point was exposed by an explosive javelin coated with unknown substances that pierced the back of their power armor. The javelin was thrown from across the battlefield. After it pierced their armor it exploded. It was created by remnants of the earth government and Terran dominion regime. It was wielded by a leader of the Forces of Evil. 
When they were brought back to life, because of how they died, what happened to them when they were alive, what happened to them in the afterlife, & how they were brought back to life.
Their mind was possessed, their heart was corrupted, their mana was contaminated, their soul was tainted, & their body was decayed. They had to be purified and healed by nanites, medicine, healers, potions, and magic when they were resurrected by talismans, charms, & amulets.
Main System: 
Kana’i Akana or Atamai Latu/Ataahua Akana or Alisi Latu
Plural Systems: 
Goes his/her/their South American Indigenous Ameridian name:
Cauã/Ceci Juruna
Goes by his/her/their Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika names: 
Hawaiian name: Kana’i Akana/Ataahua Akana
Tongan name: Atami Latu/Alisi Latu. 
Samoan name: Enele/Fiva Tofilau
Goes by his/her/their Asian name: 
Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato or Guang/Biyu Wei. 
Goes by his/her/their Afro Latine name: 
Francisco Alejandro Diego Garcia Ochoa/Francisca Alejandra Maria Garcia Ochoa. 
Goes by an English name: 
Alexander Mack Taylor/Alexandria Macy Taylor.  
Goes by an Alien name: 
Zana Saani Kayuth Adrjin .
Goes by demigod and later god/goddess name: 
Makoa Kalani/Kamalani Kalani.
Superhero alter: Dogooder
Antihero alter: Eclipse 
Supervillain alter: Warlord 
Different alternates or plural systems so different base form templates as a shapeshifter to differentiate their main system or different plural systems. They all have different personalities, likes, dislikes, preferences, styles, etc. They have similar cultural identity, racial identity, and ethnicity. They have similar xeno and demigod hybrid identities. They have different sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation though depending on the main system or plural systems. 
Some of these are reclaimed words that they use to take away power from those who discriminate them like marginalized communities with certain slurs 
As an alien hybrid superhuman: 
Gene snatcher, xeno
As a demigod metahuman: 
False ones, half breed, cast off, outcast.
As a bionic/cyborg:
Rust dick, bolt brain, tin man’s bitch, cyber bastard, oil bag, socket fucker, bot, toaster, clicker, beeper, tin man, can opener, assisted, chip head, half fleshbag, scrap ass, tin tits, augmented, Siri, beep boop, Cortana, gear boy/girl, computer, calculator, toy soldier, clanker, wind up, scrap heap, cog, nuts and bolts, chrome dick, metal mind, chrome dome, droid, & wire head 
0 notes
Annet (Nightwish) and Minniva - last ride of the day
hala oi..kalouy jud oi..
magtan aw nalang ka..mabuhi ka ba or dili mabuhi man pungkol or unsa or buta or bulhog..disable por eber..
motulon nalang sa laway ug mopiyong kay mao na jud..kapalaran...
kana kuor sa tuhod..kabayo sa dughan ilaga bation na nmu pero naa ra ka mopadayon....
permi kuna bation pud gagawin ko parin man...
para sa kaayuhan..kasagaran sa akong na trobol..palit lang ako...
\kay dili ko sugot ana...
kamao ko mopa isog sa usa katalawan makahatag ug kusog nila or kaisog,.,.nya naa ko..wala lang gasulti lang naa ko gauna..ipakita..
manila gibuhat na kuni..
balikon pa lagi unta nako to didto ug akong balihan ang gate ako sila e free..
naa may mga amigo nako na mosukol ug bisag san didto kay louy sila slave ug gipang abusaran ni human ryts..
pero wala nalang..mga uban didto minaw kay nako manulti ko kay isog daw..
lahi ang tagalog makaminos mag bisaya man..hahay...
bayot man gud nang mga tagalog...bisaya isog..isog na bloodline sa pinoy..bisaya at maprinsipyo..
tagalog..pa cute-cute lang sila..pag artista naman lang mo oi..not all..pero mao akong nakita didto.///pinoy vs pinoy..kay ni panig ang uban sa company..hadlok wala kaon goro..bawng sayop pagkwan sa mga taw...giinsulto sa sariling lugar..ubos ra ba ang pinoy..:)
pagka charrr,,,
mura kog si andres bonifacio doon,,maong uban mangita jud nako basta naa sila probs//
minaw nako..ug ma okey na sila..
malouy ko nila..how i wish ato na tym lagi...
ako man sila gi interbyo akong nauyonan uban..ako sila tabangan maka work dako sweldo...dili didto sakit ray aboton nila doon..gamay pa sweldo ug wala sa sakto..tultyor gipaagi lag trabaho..insulto sa kaugalingon pa why mo sugot ka..hadlaon ra ug cctv..:) nagkatawa ko samot lagi..kay kana ila camera na gibutang bisag asa..atu na gamiton nilag balik ipakita mao nay gipangbuhat sa mga taw sa sulod sa 10 hours..hungitan lag one pan lihok gihapon..lagota tan awon lagi..ganahn ko luwason sila..uban kay tarung maka work og sakto ang salary,,
mo asenso..kato akong nauyonan na mga tarung na taw ug kugihan..
naa man ko mga kaila kaduolan..family..friends,,,pero lisud pa akong sitwasyon gud..dili pa ko kaduol nila,..,lahi pa akong name man..nalata sa scam bag:) curse kaayo..nawala tanan kung kinsa ko..wat ako bloodline or apelyido..
magkatawa nalang ko magtan aw sa akong self ug motulon sa laway..dawaton..din lets go:)
with a smile:)
..kamu pud goodhackers pagtarung mo..kay naa mang offer unya ninyo sa future nindot na job ug okey ang salary...
makja kaon kag lami..trabaho ug tarung lang..dili tapol-tapol..nya pagtinarung lang..yaw na lagi ana mga bad moves..kapoy ug patuwad oi!!!:)
naka uyon man jud mo seguro patuwaron:)
kana pa jud ang suwang ug tuhod itukod ,mao pay pilion kani daw kay lisud.,.,pong pang naka tablang surayda:)
peace:) (2)
or bisag asa///kasagaran palit lang ako..mopa isog talaga sa mga api..
din mapa bilib nako...sauna pa..college pa///..  -->
kung ????  ???
basta nalang oi1!:)
ps,,dili ko mahibulong ang lord of the ring movie nitan aw kog milyon times...
dili ko pul,an man...:)
paksit,,one of my fav movie..
ps: iloveyou my prettiest friend
 my christmas..youve got me babe..
iloveyou..stay true>>be you..((colgate)) :)
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wweallresultspage · 2 years
WWE NXT Results - February 7, 2023
1. Zoey Stark def. Sol Ruca in 3:47
2. Dabba-Kato def. Dante Chen in 2:41
3. Isla Dawn def. Tatum Paxley in 3:08
4. Carmelo Hayes def. JD McDonagh in 13:19
5. Lyra Valkyria def. Valentina Feroz in 2:52
6. Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo def. Odyssey Jones in 5:17
7. Elton Prince & Kit Wilson def. Andre Chase & Duke Hudson in 9:30
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rickygoldman34 · 2 years
Hello everyone Ricky Goldman here.
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Its NXT Vengeance Day 2023 live from the spectrum centre in Charlotte,North Carolina. NXT is back on the road and has that PPV feel back.
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1st match is Wes Lee vs Dijak for the North American championship. Wes showing his acrobatic skills early on,the action spills outside the ring and back in just as quick,Wes looks for a win but nope. Dijak is angry and throws the champion out of the ring but back in where Wes trades blows he then throws him out the ring and dives on him. Back in and Wes picks Dijak up only to him down again. Wes off the top rope but Dijak catches Wes and slams him down but Wes kicks out. Back and forth action now Dijak can not put the champion away here. Wes up to the top rope and hits a senton put Dijak kicks out then throws him out the ring and into the barricade he then puts him in a chair putting a broom across to trap him,he then leaps off but Tony D'angelo and Stacks is there to stop him. Back in the ring,super kick from Wes and a poison currana to retain.
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Next up is Kayden Carter and Kitanna Chance vs Fallon Henley and Kianna James for the NXT women's tag team titles. The champions in control from the early going before the challengers take over with frequent in and out tags. Kitanna with a cross body outside the ring on both Fallon and Kianna,now back in. Kianna with a cutter from the ring apron taking her out, Fallon is on her own but won't give up. Kianna back in on the action and pushes Kayden off the top rope, then Fallon goes for the pin to take the titles.
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Next is Carmelo Hayes vs Apollo Crews in a 2 out of 3 falls match. Both men try to feel each other out and alot of ground game to begin. Carmelo pulls out high flying action,now its back and forth now. The action spills to the outside where Apollo hits a moonsault from the ring apron onto Carmelo who on the floor on the outside. Back in,still no one with a fall here. Back and forth they go at it,both men looking great. The action continues to flow with both men looking for the 1st fall here. Carmelo taps out Apollo to go 1-0. Apollo tries to get back in it and looks to make it it 1-1. Daba Kato at ringside but it doesnt make a difference because its Carmelo Hayes going over 2-0.
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Onto the next one and it will be Pretty Deadly vs New Day vs Chase U vs Gallus in a fatal four way match for the NXT tag team titles. All tag teams looking good,Pretty Deadly controlling the action to start. Kofi tags in and looks to get it done,Gallus and Chase U getting thier shots in. All men on the outside and a suplex from the top onto them all. Duke Hudson looked to put one of Pretty Deadly through the announce table but got put it by Gallus. Andre Chase takes over inside the ring but here comes Gallus again,now New Day but Kofi takes slammed on the outside. Gallus back in to hit a slam and become champions.
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lokaleblickecom · 2 years
Moerser Turnverein 1850 e.V. baut Sport für Menschen mit Behinderungen/Handicaps aus
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Was in 2021 als Herzensangelegenheit mit der Sportart Specialhockey Moers (Hockeysport für Menschen mit einem geistigen Handicap) begann, soll sich in 2023 weiterentwickeln und auf den gesamten Verein ausgerollt werden. Heute – so Andreas Bögner und Dr. Kato Kambartel (Vorsitzende des Gesamtvereins) – spielen rund 25 Menschen von jung bis alt bei uns im Verein Specialhockey und davon dürfen bereits 2 Teilnehmer (Simone Ohlig und Andre Bobnic) für das Team Deutschland spielen. Eine sehr bemerkenswerte Entwicklung und aktuell finden vor allem auch junge Menschen den Weg zum Specialhockey Moers Team.  Neben dem, dass wir Menschen mit einem geistigen Handicap den Sport ermöglichen, möchten wir ab 2023 auch Menschen mit einem körperlichen Handicap den Weg in den Sport des Vereins ermöglichen, führen Andreas Bögner und Dr. Kato Kambartel weiter aus. Fast alle Sportarten des Vereins können auch im Rahmen des Behindertensports ausgeübt werden. Zu nennen sind hier vor allem die Fachbereiche - Badminton - Basketball - Leichtathletik - Volleyball - Schwimmen - Tischtennis - Feld- und Hallenhockey (als Specialhockey Moers)  Darüber hinaus betreibt der Moerser Turnverein u.a. auch noch Yoga, Body-Fit und REHASport. Selbst die Sportart Boule kann auf der Anlage des Moerser TV gespielt werden.  Was ist das Ziel und warum diese Entscheidung im Rahmen der Vereinsentwicklung?  Wir beschäftigen uns schon eine ganze Weile mit der Thematik und der Idee, den Sport des Moerser TV zu öffnen und inklusiv werden zu lassen. Specialhockey Moers hat gezeigt, dass es geht und wir unseren sportlichen als auch menschlichen Horizont enorm erweitern konnten. Der nächste Schritt ist daher einfach, denn in Moers lebt nach statistischen Werten eine Vielzahl von Menschen in allen Altersklassen mit körperlichen Einschränkungen und Behinderungen und hier wollen wir gerne ansetzen und Moerser aber auch sehr gerne Menschen aus den umliegenden Kommunen und Städten in den organisierten Sport holen und gemeinsam mit ihnen Sport treiben. Warum soll nicht ein Rollstuhlfahrer bei uns auf der Laufbahn seine Runden „drehen“ dürfen oder es im Basketball oder Tischtennis probieren? Warum soll nicht ein Mensch mit einer Beinprothese gemeinsam mit unseren Leichtathleten laufen? Warum sollen Menschen mit Einschränkungen sich nicht einfach beim Moerser TV sportlich bewegen und mit uns gemeinsam das Vereinsleben genießen und entwickeln? Es spricht nichts dagegen, wir müssen es nur versuchen, so die beiden Vorsitzenden des Gesamtvereins. Gemeinsam mit dem BRSNW (Behinderten- und Rehabilitationssportverband Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V. und prominenter Unterstützung möchte der Moerser TV ab Anfang des Jahres eine Strategie und unterschiedliche Maßnahmen sowie Aktionstage entwickeln. Sport beim Moerser TV für alle Moerser, so könnte das Motto heißen! Der Moerser Turnverein 1850 e.V. sucht daher und ab sofort Menschen mit körperlichen Beeinträchtigungen, die sich neuen Herausforderungen stellen und sich sportlich bewegen möchten.  Ansprechpartner im Verein Moerser TV 1850 e.V. Andreas Bögner Geschäftsstelle Filder Straße 148 Melden Sie sich telefonisch unter 02841 - 22190 oder per Mail unter [email protected]. Read the full article
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mellowyknox · 6 years
Netflix “Narcos Mexico” Main Titles
Design Director: Nic Benns Illustrator: Miki Kato Producer: Tim King Music: Rodrigo Amarante
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/301886930
Creator: Carlo Bernard, Doug Miro Director: Josef Kubota Wladyka, Alonzo Ruizspalacios, Amat Escalante, Andres Baiz
Cinematographer: Luis David Sansans, Damian Garcia
Year: 2018
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andrewlloydwebber · 4 years
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The Phantom of the Opera in Tokyo, Japan, 2020. (Although, some photos might be from earlier productions).
Shiki (the producer) never labels the actors in their photos, apparently they want to make the show the star and not the individual actors. The only one I’m 99% confident in labeling is Susumu Kato, I believe he’s Raoul in all the photos.
The overall cast is...
Christine Daaé:  Sai Yamamoto / Chiaki Kainuma / Asami Iwashiro The Phantom of the Opera: Masayuki Sano / Yuta Iwaki / Yosuke Iida Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny: Susumu Kato / Kenichi Mitsuda Carlotta Giudicelli: Aya Kawamura / Yoko Takai Monsieur Andre: Morito Masuda / Yusuke Kitazawa Monsieur Firmin: Koichi Taira / Toshihide Mura Madame Giry:  Aiko Toda / Jihye Hwang Meg Giry: Yu Matsuo / Mariko Gosho Ubaldo Piangi:  Yasunobu Yamaguchi / Atsuto Yamada / Takata Nagai Monsieur Reyer: Ura Makotonori Auctioneer / Monsieur Lefevre: * Kaname Shimura Joseph Buquet: Yuichi Mitsuke / Nobuhiro Kawahara Don Attilio / Passarino: Osamu Takai
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only took nearly a month but round 2 with this bitch. alt form edition
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krinsbez · 4 years
Random Thoughts
So, hey, remember I decided to come up with a Pulp Hero Inktober prompt list for next year, and asked for help?
Turns out it wasn’t as hard as I thought’d be. I’m probably gonna keep tweaking it, but still, I’m insufferably pleased with myself. I feel like I have a good mix between big names and less-well known ones, and of various sub-genres and media. Tell me what you think?
(I couldn't decide between the prompts being specific characters or something vaguer. Decided to compromise and do both, so each day you have a character, and also a theme which that character is an example of).
1-The Shadow/Dark Avenger
2-Doc Savage/Science Adventurer
3-The Green Hornet andr Kato/Partners In Crimefighting
4-The Scarlet Pimpernel/Proto-Pulp
5-Moon Man/Wanted By The Law
6-Shaft/Two-Fisted Detective
7-The Question/DC Comics Pulp
8-The Spirit/Mask and Fedora
9-Moon Knight/Marvel Comics Pulp
10-The Black Bat/Scarred by Crime
11-Hellboy/Weird Pulp Hero
12-The Whisperer/Lesser Lights
13-Domino Lady/Spicy Pulp
15-Sherlock Holmes/Great Detective
16-Dick Tracy/Comic Strip Pulp
17-The Rocketeer/Retro-Pulp
18-Fu Manchu/Pulp Villain
19-Challengers of the Unknown/Hero Team
20-Tintin/Kid Hero
21-The Green Lama/Secrets of the East
22-The Executioner/Lethal Justice
23-Indiana Jones/Adventurer-Archeologist
24-Phantom Rider/Frontier Justice
25-Conan/Pulp In the Past
26-Mandrake/Magic and Mystery
27-James Bond/Secret Agent
28-G-8/Aviator Hero
29-The Phantom/Legacy of Justice
30-Buck Rogers/Space Hero
31-Batman/Pulp Super Hero
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livingdanishly · 6 years
Hi! If it's not too much trouble, could you recommend some danish-language songs or music groups?
I’ve found some songs from the different artists too, because some of them also make English songs too :)
Music groups:
Magtens Korridorer - “Pandora” | “Lorteparforhold” | “Kom Og Mærk”Johnny Deluxe - “Drenge Som Mig” | “Drømmer Jeg”Bamses venner - “I En Lille Båd Der Gynger” | “Vimmersvej”De Nattergale - “Uha Da Da” | “Det Går Slet Æt” | “Han Ska’ Bare Lige Ha’ Det Regnet Ud”Gasolin’ - “Rabalderstræde” | “Kvinde Min” | “Refrainet Er Frit” | “Sjagge”Nik og Jay - “Lækker” | “Boing” | “Hot”Venter På Far - “Der Er Garanteret Ikke Nogen Der Gider Høre Denne Sang”Gnags - “De Vilde Kaniner” | “Slingrer Ned Ad Vestergade” | “Mr. Swing King”Danser med Drenge - “Hvor længe vil du ydmyge dig?”Tøsedrengene - “Indianer” | “Sig Du Ka Li’ Mig”Halberg Larsen - “Magi i Luften”Brixx - “Video Video”Rollo & King - “Ved Du Hvad Hun Sagde” | “Der Står Et Billede Af Dig På Mit Bord”Brødrene Olsen - “Smuk Som Et Stjerneskud” (English Version)Laban - “Hvor skal Vi Sove I Nat?”Tv-2 - “De Første Kærester På Månen”Nephew - “Hjertestarter” | “Gå Med Dig”Shu Bi Dua - “Danmark” | “Sexchikane” | “Den Røde Tråd” | “Hvalen Hvalborg”Tørfisk - “Æ Hund Uden Bagben” | “VLTJ” | “Lugter Lidt Af Fisk”Djämes Braun -“Farlig Tiger” | “Kom Og Giv Mig Alle Dine Penge” | “Traktor” | “Fugle”Tommy Seebach - “Hip Hurra Det’ Min Fødselsdag“ | “Disco Tango”
Medina - “Vi To”Topgunn - “Tilbud” | “Dejlig” | “Længe Siden” | “Ingen Andre” | “Veninder”Rasmus Seebach - “Olivia” | “Der’ Noget I December” | “Millionær” | “Lidt I Fem”Thomas Holm - “Nitten”Natasja - “Gi’ Mig Danmark Tilbage“Celina Ree - “Når Du Rør Ved Mig”Cisilia - “Vi To Datid Nu”Joey Moe - “Million” | “Smukkest På En Søndag”Anne Linnet - “Barndommens Gade” | “Tusind Stykker” | “Forårsdag”Thomas Helmig - “Malaga” | “Det Er Mig Der Står Herude Og Banker På”Trine dyrholm - “Danse I Måneskin”Lars Lilholt - “Kald Det Kærlighed”Anna David - “Fuck dig”Sarah - “Okay” | “Når Du Rør Mig”Teddy Edelmann - “Himmelhunden”Niarn - “Bare Sig Til” | “Antihelt“KATO - “Dumt På Dig” | “Hey Shorty”Pharfar - “La´ Mig Rulle Dig”Wafande - “Gi’ Mig Et Smil” | “Uartig”Shaka Loveless - “Tomgang” | “Ikke Mere Tid“ | “2 Mod Verden”
If you’d like some Danish satire and campagne songs - here you go!
Nik & Ras - “Fugt I Fundamentet”Talbot, Clemens og Nøhr - “Stjerner & Hvidt Lys”CO3 feat. Josefine Frida Pettersen - “POLEN SMELTER”Nederen Forældre - “Filips far”Rasmus Bjerg Sangen (Fraværskampagnen) - “Klokken Var Lidt I 10″Sofie Linde & Martin Brygma - “Du smadrede min telefon”Linda P og Anna David synger duetVelgørenhedssangen “Afrika”
Here’s some old classics from older Danish movies!
“Knalde Kalde”“Jeg Har Så Mange, Mange”“Når En Sailor Går I land”“Susanne, Birgitte Og Hanne”“Piger”“Er Du Dus Med Himlens Fugle?”“Buster”“Krummes Sang”“Tryllesangen”“Blops Godnatsang”“Julebal I Nisseland”“1-2-3-4″
I hope you can use this!
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theyfactor1 · 2 years
The Y Factor
MANday: When Men Lose Libido
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Libido ergo sum (Desire, therefore I am)
Over the past 4 weeks, how often have you felt sexual desire and how would you rate your level of sexual desire?  How men answer this question could reveal the presence of significant sexual dysfunction.  Men’s libido, or sexual drive, may be temporarily disrupted due to mental fatigue and anxiety, but usually decreases with aging, although most men keep some sexual desire into their 70’s.  
Decreased libido involves reduction in sexual thoughts and fantasies, interest in sexual intercourse, frequency of sexual activity, and sensory sexual stimulation.  In younger men, underlying depression, anxiety, fatigue, and substance abuse can lower sexual desire.  Most other causes of decreased libido in men include cranial nerve diseases, endocrine diseases, medications, old age, and testosterone decline.  By age 70, 30% of men will have low testosterone levels, characterized by lower libido, erectile dysfunction (ED), lower energy, depression, and fatigue. 
Recent studies have also shown chronic cigarette smoking, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which causes difficulty breathing during sleep, and nocturia, which is awakening one or more times to urinate at night lower both men’s libido and Testosterone.  Here’s another stat: 4% of men over age 50 have symptomatic OSA, which is treated with CPAP breathing devices or surgery.  Nocturia, caused by common prostate issues, lowers Testosterone due to interrupted sleep cycles. Treating OSA and nocturia will help reverse low Testosterone and improve sexual drive. Although not FDA approved, the antidepressant Bupropion (Wellbutrin) has also shown to improve men’s libido.  Testosterone enhancement or replacement therapy will also restore normal Testosterone levels after correction of any afore-mentioned reversible factors.
If you’re worried about a significant recent loss of sexual drive, schedule a visit with The Y Factor team at one of our six locations across the greater Houston area.  Your provider will obtain a detailed medical history, perform a physical exam, and order necessary lab tests.  After diagnosing the cause of lower libido, the provider will offer appropriate treatment options to restore your sexual drive.
Kim, S. D., & Cho, K. S. (2019). Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Testosterone Deficiency. The world journal of men’s health, 37(1), 12–18. doi:10.5534/wjmh.180017
Rizk, P. J., Kohn, T. P., Pastuszak, A. W., & Khera, M. (2017). Testosterone therapy improves erectile function and libido in hypogonadal men. Current opinion in urology, 27(6), 511–515. doi:10.1097/MOU.0000000000000442
Shigehara, K., Kato, Y., Iijima, M., Kawaguchi, S., Nohara, T., Izumi, K., Kadono, Y., Namiki, M., & Mizokami, A. (2021). Risk Factors Affecting Decreased Libido Among Middle-Aged to Elderly Men; Nocturnal Voiding is an Independent Risk Factor of Decreased Libido. Sexual medicine, 9(5), 100426. doi:10.1016/j.esxm.2021.100426
Yasin, W., Ahmed, S. I., & Gouthro, R. V. (2019). Does Bupropion Impact More than Mood? A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Cureus, 11(3), e4277. doi:10.7759/cureus.4277
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Andre Piliszek is a certified Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP-C) and brings to The Y Factor over 25 years of outpatient clinical experience as a certified DOT medical examiner, Nurse, Medical Assistant, and Radiographer.
In 1992, Andre graduated from Houston Baptist University earning a Bachelor of Science degree with a double major in Chemistry and Biology. He then graduated with honors from Texas Chiropractic earning a Doctorate of Chiropractic (DC) degree in 2007. During this time, he was also inducted into the Omega Psi Honor Society. In 2011, Andre also graduated with honors from Hardin Simmons University earning an additional Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Nursing (BSN). In 2020, he then graduated from Texas Woman’s University earning a Master of Science degree (MSN) with a specialization in the Family Nurse Practitioner tract. He was also recently inducted into the Society for Collegiate Leadership & Achievement honor society.
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middnitedesigns · 6 years
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The almost full cast of our in progress webcomic, Andre is WEAK! It’s missing the parents and grandparents, and another whole organization lol! Its a pretty big world lol here are the names! 
Andre, Rita, Sam, Drake, Nuru,
Jinn, Kimiko, Sand, Kato, Gerald,
Jezika, Jake, Benny, Octavius, Cynthia,
Veronicka, Mikko, Carlos, Fernando, Ami
Paulo, Lilia, Mercedes, Benny’s cousin, Gregor
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