#animation is such a valid and lovely form of art :(
ittybittybumblebee · 2 years
I wish i had time to do more animation bc im not bragging when i say i think im pretty good at it, i just sortof have an instict about how to apply weight in movement and i just wish i could show you guys it more bc i really love doing it and i wish i had time to do more
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mindfulstudyquest · 5 months
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❥﹒♡﹒☕﹒ 𝗯𝗲 𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗿 ( 𝗮𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 !! )
𝟭. improve your writing skills ( ✒️ )
i feel that not everyone has the perception of how important it is to know how to write. you don't have to be a poet, nor the new emily brontë, but fluid, conscious, rich writing makes the difference. really. you could write a page without saying anything at all, but if that damn page is written good and smoothly, then you can be sure that you will get extra points. take the time to improve your writing skills, the best advice i have for doing so is reading. read as much as you can. read novels (non-fiction in this case doesn't help because the content is preferred rather than the form), read contemporary authors – you don't necessarily have to read sophocles' tragedies, but read quality stuff. expand your vocabulary, your knowledge of syntax, learn to use punctuation! and then write, tell stories, write love letters, write reviews of films, books, cultural festivals, open a blog on tumblr and write to practice, reread what you write ad nauseam, until it is perfect, until the form of your essay is pulitzer prize worthy.
bonus some of my favourite authors (tell me in the comments about yours!): ian mcewan, banana yoshimoto, haruki murakami, george orwell, josé saramago, albert camus, khaled hosseini, hanya yanagihara
𝟮. develop critical thinking ( 💭 )
if you have always studied passively by absorbing information and vomiting it onto a test sheet then you have wasted your time. taking on information is not enough, you need to know how to rework it and develop your own idea about it. especially in the arts and literature one may disagree with certain information provided by a textbook. developing critical thinking is not easy, especially due to the school system that teaches us to standardize thinking. always consult all available sources on a given topic, compare them, analyze contradictions. it might be difficult and tiring – our brain spends more energy processing two conflicting pieces of information than processing two pieces of information that agree – but it will be worth it. by practicing critical thinking and improving your argumentation skills, you will not only be able to improve in your studies, becoming able to present complex topics and make interdisciplinary connections, but also in daily life, you will become much less influenced and manipulated by external information.
𝟯. find yourself an interest ( 🌷 )
it could be anything, but find an interest that excites you and you enjoy and do research about it. watch videos, documentaries, read articles. it doesn't have to be school-related, it must be an external topic that you are passionate about and that allows you to rediscover the joy of studying and learning every time school seems to suffocate it. sometimes i'm not in the mood to study for exams, so i dedicate myself to my personal research and finally find my spark, my seek for knowledge. for example, my interest is true crime, it has always fascinated me since i was little, but yours could be wild animals, makeup, comics, ships, planes, ocean flora, literally anything. there is no constraint.
𝟰. analyze your mistakes and recognize your wrongs ( 🫒 )
there is no shame in making mistakes. everyone makes mistakes, we are human, but the real sin is getting bogged down in mistakes, refusing to acknowledge them, and continuing to make them again and again. we should be continually growing, continually discovering ourselves, both intellectually and emotionally. how many of you were the "gifted kid" when you were little and then grew up into burned out high school / uni students desperately seeking academic validation? there comes a time when talent isn't enough, you have to put in the effort, and this doesn't make you less intelligent or gifted, in fact, quite the opposite. dedicating time and attention to your personal and intellectual growth also means having to ruminate on your mistakes. it's scary, but it's the most effective way if you really want to improve. take a notebook and at the end of the day reflect on the highlights and the wrongs, what you could have done better, where you would like to push forward tomorrow, what you achieved today. did you make a mistake? first ask yourself why and then look for a way to solve the problem, make every bad moment a lesson, a brick on which to build the version of you you wanto to become tomorrow.
𝟱. don't be afraid of doing researches ( 🧃 )
the amount of fake news and misinformation online is appalling. opening any app like tiktok or instagram we are inundated with information that is often (not always, but not so rarely) inaccurate. don't be afraid to conduct your own research, if you have time to mindlessly scroll through tiktok you will also have five minutes to read an article regarding that information provided. don't know the meaning of a word? look it up before using it. not sure about a piece of information? check it before using it in your argumentation. in the age of immediate access to data we have no excuse to be superficial.
𝟲. master communication ( ♟️ )
mastering communication is essential in both personal and professional realms. it's the cornerstone of building meaningful relationships, whether it's conveying ideas effectively in academia or fostering connections in the workplace. developing strong communication skills not only enhances your ability to articulate thoughts but also empowers you to listen actively, empathize with others, and resolve conflicts constructively. ultimately, honing these skills cultivates confidence, credibility, and success in all aspects of life.
𝟳. push yourself out of your comfort zone ( 🧸 )
build your confidence. confidence is uncomfortable. don't be afraid of it. you are young, this is the right time to experiment, take risks, discover who you really are. this is the best time for you to do those things that you would otherwise never do, you don't want to regret later in life that you didn't accept that scholarship, that trip abroad, that job opportunity, because you didn't feel comfortable enough. do things that take you out of your comfort zone until everything becomes your comfort zone. go on solo dates, be a social butterfly, tell the girl at the bookstore you love her t-shirt, go to the theater alone, eat at a restaurant alone, take that trip. if it goes badly, you'll only have one funny story to tell.
𝟴. stay informed about the news (but not too much!) ( 🌍 )
this might be controversial, but: stay informed about the news, just don't overdo it. personally, i am an easily influenced person and i realized that being constantly exposed to the bad things happening in the world had drained me and made me terribly depressed. don't get me wrong, you need to be informed about what's happening in the world and in your country, just being constantly surrounded by horrible news repeated ad nauseam on TV programs is of no use. be aware.
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jealousmartini · 9 days
Fun fact! In my home reality, I am an interent sensation whose been around since 2016 on youtube, known for:
My 2 hour long rambles about my personal opinions of random stuff. My first youtube video was actually of me rambling about something. This was when I intend to use my youtube account like a journal. Back in 2016 to 2018, my topics and opinions was seen as either really intriguing, strange, or pretty valid. But over 2020 and onwards, tiktok gets a hold of my videos and all of a sudden I'm a "problematic creator" lmao.
[ Fun fact! In a series I made in 2018 called "The purpose of life" I talk about law of Assumption, manifestation and the theory of there only being one way to live life correctly is the most popular series I made, and I am openly a manifester. ]
My art and animations. I am an OG animation meme artist, responsible for a load of some well known animation meme trends in the animation/artist community, my persona, Keisha (full name Keisha la keisha) is one of the most iconic, well loved and synonymous persona in the art community, on youtube if not on the Internet.
[ Things "Keisha la keisha" (me) is known for/things that remind everyone of keisha: ]
Quiches. It's literally in her name
Her iconic half up, half down spikey hairstyle
the colour orange, oranges, her first orange tshirt, LITERALLY anything that is orange (koi fish, pumpkins, carrots, the sun and stars literally anything)
Jerseys in any possible form (jersey themed mini dresses, jersey shirts, jersey themed jackets) and off the shoulder shirts
My iconic headphones with antennas
the numbers "06" and "20" (my birthday is 20/06/06)
red panda's (its her representative animal) bunnies (I own two bunnies named tiff and maple)
a series I'm making called "My name isn't Keisha" (click here and scroll to the bottom to understand)
Charms (mainly because my fanbase name is called charmings)
Martinis (because of my account names envious martini and jealous martini)
My art styles, known as the "Martini's artstyles"
Names the Internet refer to me as:
The Quiche tm., Quiche(a), spikey buns, literally any type of orange (Satsuma, tangerine), the manifesting martini,
My music. As i am an active artist, i am also an active music producer. Most of my music has been used for animation memes, tiktok audios, and a lot of people mistake me for a kpop artist (it's one of my most popular genres along side jersey club).
My face being clipped from my livestreams as meme reactions. You'd be suprised at THE AMOUNT of memes made from my videos there is literally a trend on tiktok called "'I don't know keisha/envious martini-' YES YOU DO." where fans will make a compilation of tiktok audios that actually originated from my videos
The meme "Are they lovers?" "Worse" because of mine and Rodrigo's very popular relationship throughout the years
Being known as "the most uncancellable creator", "Youtube's best animator"
Would you be a Charming? ((o(^∇^)o))
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(Posting my threads on tumblr so I can talk to fellow Akane/Rankane enjoyers, part 2) (manga exclusive, I haven't seen the 80s anime)
Love, attraction and image with Ranma and Akane:
Akane wants to feel beautiful and wanted. She dresses very cute and feminine, but she doesn’t necessarily believe she’s beautiful as she is. She's sensitive to this but she's mostly just going to punch you and move on if you insult her. Her world doesn't end there.
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A key experience for Akane is feeling like she needs to stop being herself to get the love she wants. I think this is part of why she can be clueless and/or has no fucks to give about male attention. It’s not "validating"…. but she cares if it comes from the boy she likes.
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Akane is not looking for validation or to be aspirational, she's looking to be loved/wanted by the one she wants. Ranma helps her develop ticker skin as he constantly teases her (because he doesn’t know how else to get her attention) it’s pigtail pulling, but she has limits.
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Ranma wants to be handsome/beautiful too. He’s as sensitive as Akane (maybe even more) but for him, attention is as validating as fighting and winning (being aspirational = winning). It's all he’s ever known, so he’s terrible with feelings: everything must be a challenge
This has nothing to do with Ranma being interested in anyone but with his confidence and image.
He deeply cares about his girl form being pretty.
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Feeling pretty is tied to getting male attention (and using it to his advantage) even if he doesn’t want them. Even if he likes girls, it’s the same with them: having attractive girls fighting over you is a huge ego boost, even if he feels uncomfortable or annoyed by them.
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Female attention is tied to Ranma feeling “manly” and “aspirational,” it’s not just a simple ego-boost, it affects his general confidence too. This is very clear when Shampoo “rejects him.” Her wanting him? other boys envy him (manly, aspirational). Her rejection is tied to public judgment.
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Ranma knows he can be a jerk, but caring about his image is also caring about being likable. Also, Shampoo is very forward, which flusters him, but he’s not truly tempted as he only cares about being interrupted and/or tries to initiate or go further with any contact when it's Akane.
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Ranma is ambushed or put into situations against his will a lot. Even if the naked female body (outside his own) gets him all blushy and shaken (and if the following is also part of A Plot) the only person he shows that he wants and cares about seeing naked is Akane.
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(Much to say here with this two pages. Akane walks a fine line between being perceptive/getting clouded by her insecurities. She does and doesn’t let Ranma’s taunts really get to her. Ranma is on his knees, crushed by not seeing her naked – similarly to how he's also all pouty and sulks because he didn't kiss Akane for real when Akane uses tape in whatever the fuck that school play was– while she’s like “damn maybe I AM uncute”… but then she’s goofy lol)
It says a lot that he doesn’t care about Shampoo’s cute bridal look (he does when it’s Akane in both European and Japanese styles).
When Shampoo shows him her interest/feelings, Ranma is put-off and pulls away. When it’s Akane, he pulls closer. now he's the one ~staring~
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It’s a shock when Shampoo is suddenly hateful (tbf it shocks Akane too) but the focus for Ranma is on his image. "Am I not attractive? Am I a bad guy?" but when it’s Akane, Ranma is in shambles and it’s all about Akane’s feelings. He's in love with her... but does she love someone else?
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Akane figures his shit out, but when paired with her insecurities (and Ranma going too far cuz he isn’t thinking of anything but wining) it pisses her off. On the other hand, I think part of why Akane likes him is that he can be strong and confident where she isn’t.
Part of Ranma being a jerk is that all his functioning braincells are dedicated to martial arts and winning no matter what. He starts to learn as Akane gets through to him, but having such strong feelings is difficult to manage. The more he likes her the harder it gets.
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Even then, when Ranma crosses a line and really hurts Akane, he can’t about anything but how to fix things with her, even if he doesn’t fully get what he did wrong or how to make it better. He tries anyway.
It's easy to say words with no feelings attached to it, but when the person he’s in love with hears it’s too difficult because it matters too much, it’s too vulnerable (which can feel like the opposite of the manly strength he’s been taught he needs to have). The stakes are too high.
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Same with calling her cute. It's *hard* because of all the feelings attached to it. telling her she's not cute (even though she very obviously is) is not just pigtail pulling, it's also armor. Look at him "taking it back" with her rejection (though it's his own fault)
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Still, Ranma shows he’s in love constantly. He gets into fights for Akane, not just when it’s serious (Herb throwing her, Shinnosuke because he's jealous) but even because she lost a non-consequential volleyball match… because it made her cry (challenging the girl he sees as responsible for Akane's tears to a cheerleading match).
It’s the type of thing that made Akane fall for Ranma, even if he puts his foot in his mouth a lot. she can count on him/trust him when it matters the most. alas he’s a teenage dumbass so she can’t trust him on the little day to day details that would reassure her (tumblr has a limit on how many images per post I can post lol maybe I should link them).
Part of it are her own insecurities clouding her judgement (worsened by Ranma being an idiot) cuz what if ranma prefers the “cuter” girls? she’s the “uncute” one after all. What if it’s not just a taunt, what if he means it. What if he’s just trying to win some stupid fight again... (worse example of this would be Ranma "trying to steal her heart" so the suit that boosts her strenght would get jealous/leave her, and in the middle of it regrets it, thinking "I'm such a pathetic loser for doing this," etc, and then he's the one being charmed/having his heart stolen by Akane's cuteness/sincerity and wants to hug her because he wants to, not because of the plot... but then she finds out about the plot and thinks Ranma didn't mean any of what was happening between them)
I think that's why she’s so quick to agree to marriage at the end (even though it's still too soon) after his tearful love confession. She’s his ride or die, ready to do anything for him (just see how far she goes in that final arc) she just needs the reassurance that he really does want her (same goes for ranma with her).
Love this moment because Akane doesn’t play about Ranma. he might be an idiot but he’s her idiot. It also says so much about the characters: it’s not that Akane has a problem with Ranma getting into challenges for the sake of his image in general.
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Her problem is when he jumps into challenges (that could be taken as romance) without checking with her first, to agree and honor her terms/limits. the times it ends with her sending his ass flying is when he gets carried away without thinking shit through, crossing her lines.
As much as Ranma cares about his image, he will make a fool of himself for the sake of winning a challenge... and akane. He doesn’t play about her either. He keeps running headfirst into situations he’s not crazy about just so Ryoga can’t make a move on her.
A running gag is that every time Ryoga tries to touch Akane, Ranma gets between them in female form, even though he's no fan of being ~romantically held~ by other guys. Watching her hug another guy is the bigger torture for him (he gets just as pissed as Akane when she's jealous)
Ranma cares about his image, but even if validation can come from others, the one person he cares about impressing is Akane. He gets the most angry when he feels humiliated in front of her (and in turn cares about nobody disrespecting her just as much)
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He deeply cares about how Akane sees him. She's the one he cares about impressing the most (he doesn't say this shit to his rival Ryoga or to Ukyo who's also seeing him in that weakened state etc)
Also about image: no one in the circus after them sees the full picture of who they are, they idealize them. Akane and Ranma see each other's true selves, not just at their best but also at their very worst/most pathetic/embarrassing... and they still love each other
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 3 months
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"We see Aegon in every form. He is powerful then vulnerable, calculated then frantic, playful then desperate, desperately seeking validation and respect from his council and the people of Westeros."
"He is a cacophony of chaos, laced with deeply embedded trauma. He is unpredictable and dangerously explosive."
"Still doesn’t feel real, but I am enjoying every second of it and I’m dedicating myself entirely to the work."
"Aegon is exhausting to play and definitely takes a piece of me, but I am happy to give him that in exchange for this freedom and creative fulfilment."
"I don’t think about that."
"You can’t, otherwise you wouldn’t turn up to work."
"Turn up, put the wig on and let rip."
"Sleep is important."
"He takes a lot from me, so sleep is key."
"The danger of it. The raw and electric energy. The fact that it is different every night and the way it keeps you as an actor sharp and precise."
"I couldn’t be an actor without doing theatre."
"It’s where I go back to, to find inspiration and courage."
"Being curious, being fascinated by human behaviour, obsessing over body language, social interactions, coping mechanisms, idiosyncrasies that stem from insecurities."
"Trying to be a sponge to everything I see and hear."
"Collecting as many things as I can and bringing these to life in an authentic, truthful way."
"An old teacher of mine, Richard Goodwin Brown, was a huge influence on me."
"Getting this far is my greatest achievement."
"My biggest goal is to be old, on my death bed and look back at my career with pride, in the knowledge that I did my best work, worked with some great people and made some lifelong friends on the way."
"I love my dog, Ziggy. I love music, art and poetry. I love animals. I love and need wide open spaces, peace, quiet and water."
"I love a night in a dark pub, round a table with trad musicians, fiddle, guitar, tin whistle, bodhran, whiskeys and pints of guinness, singing Ireland’s songs until the early hours."
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Here’s some positivity for Dungeon Meshi introjects!
All introjects belong in the plural community and deserve to be respected and uplifted as they are. Of course, this absolutely includes introjects from the series Delicious in Dungeon, or Dungeon Meshi! Y’all are an important and cherished part of both your system and our spaces, and we are so happy to have you here! So here’s to all the Dungeon Meshi introjects out there!
🐉 Shoutout to Dungeon Meshi introjects and systems with Dungeon Meshi introjects who have been inspired to cook more because of the series!
🍽 Shoutout to Dungeon Meshi introjects who are sourced from the manga or anime, but not both!
☀️ Shoutout to Dungeon Meshi introjects who formed due to their system’s or a particular member’s special interest or hyperfixation!
🐉 Shoutout to Dungeon Meshi introjects who have a deep love for magic, fantasy, and food!
🍽 Shoutout to Dungeon Meshi introjects who are hoping to source separate for their own comfort and safety!
☀️ Shoutout to Dungeon Meshi introjects who love their source and feel strongly connected to it!
🐉 Shoutout to Dungeon Meshi introjects in non-Japanese systems who have changed their name as a way to respect Japanese culture and naming traditions!
🍽 Shoutout to Dungeon Meshi introjects who are sourced from fan fiction, fan art, or other fan works!
☀️ Shoutout to Dungeon Meshi introjects whose skills and abilities in source have transferred to their system, either in real life or in their headspace!
🐉 Shoutout to Dungeon Meshi introjects who have complex or conflicting feelings about their source!
🍽 Shoutout to Dungeon Meshi introjects whose source is a minor or background character, or an OC created by their own system!
Dungeon Meshi introjects, we hope that your future is filled with comfort, happiness, and self-acceptance. Know that there is nothing wrong with being sourced from an anime or manga, or to have a source which is new or was recently released. You’re real, your identity is valid, and you matter just the way you are!
Please do your best to treat yourself and your system with kindness and gentleness today. We hope you can find some time to relax and take it easy, regardless of how you feel about or engage with your source! Thank you so much for reading, and have a great day!
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homestuckconfession · 6 months
As a Jake liker who isn’t super interested in Dirk or DirkJake, this cannibalism stuff is starting to get really annoying. Like I get it if you just like it, and I respect alternative interpretations, but canon Jake wouldn’t eat people. Like full stop he just wouldn’t. Why the hell are people seriously factoring this into their analysis of him? The only things that support it as a headcanon are extremely subjective and could also be used to justify things like basic relationship anxiety and whatever what have you. And that’s fine!!!! But I’ll admit, going to my favorite characters tag and seeing it become full of untagged gore of some other guy is grounds for annoyance.
I saw people say that you shouldn’t criticize it as the interpretation is based on an acearo reading of affection/their relationship or whatever, but honestly as an acearo person I don’t see it and I don’t think that’s a valid justification for as to why your headcanon should be exempt from people getting annoyed with it. It’s like the new Davekat in the sense that people who are mischaracterizing the relationship feel entitled to be able to have their fun in a public space and not suffer any type of scrutiny. I’m sorry but you can’t love gore and think it’s super hot and sexy, and then become immediately uncomfortable whenever people detached from you see it and voice grievances with having to see/interact with it. You’re literally posting it public for all to see, and as such the public is allowed to go back to their own corner of the internet and post their opinions of that publicly. You don’t get to police that just because it makes you upset that people don’t think that Jake having attachment issues constitutes people eating.
Jade has more overt “cannibalism” themes with her grimbark form and her intense desire to feel a connection, Davesprite is portrayed as a prey animal in comparison to her. Kanaya literally eats people actually in canon due to being a rainbow drinker. But no, DirkJake, the DaveKat of fandom intellectual types, is the true cannibalism ship. Because everything alpha kid related always has to loop back to everybody’s favorite white boy. And please don’t analyze or think critically about that phenomenon, because it might introduce others to alternate perspectives which is practically violence on tumblr or something.
Anyway tldr; I’m usually just mildly annoyed that I can’t consume content of one of my favorite characters without having to sift through the most ooc torture porn of the guy he’s most commonly shipped with, but now I’m pissed off that they’re pulling a “you can't handle messy queer art that's nuanced and explores dark subject matter” when they’re literally talking about self indulgent DirkJake yaoi. At this point I’m asking you to please get over yourself and accept the fact that not everyone has to agree with you.
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disruptivevoib · 6 months
hi! ive listened to some of chonny jash's songs but did not realize that there was really a story? Or i vaguely knew but didn't have the time/energy to get into it and with the release of the bidding animation ive realized theres like a bajillion awesome animations and art and i want to get into cccc but have no clue how. also why does soul have a trident.
OH man!
The story of CCCC has an overall seeming narrative, but much of it's smaller points are interpretive due to Jash himself leaving it up to fans of the album. But! Overall it kind of goes like:
-Jash or, what most people call Whole, splits as due to mental dissonance and waning mental health. (Time Machine Reprise).
- Whole fades into Soul (End of TMR into Dream) and from there its Mucka Blucka as a sort of introductory song. The recap for a story you have or haven't heard yet.
- (The entire album is a time loop! Which is a big metaphor for the cycles of mental health and illness people go through.)
- From there its the section called "Cacophony" which starts off with Soul, but eventually it turns to Heart and Mind + their fighting and inability to see or listen to one another or their points of view. Of course, as Logic and Emotion, they both have valid ideas or opinions, but believe themselves so contradictory that the other must be evil or out to get them.
- Heart attempts to shoot Mind, as referred to in Ruler of Everything. Literal or Metaphorical as you take this, it is seemingly symbolic for an attempt at one's own life if not self sabotage. If not then both.
- The rest up until Soul Eclectic is sort of just the Mind and Heart fighting and their own personal views each on the situation.
- Soul in The Soul Eclectic reaches his breaking point. Threatening to kill them all (A more direct attempt at suicide)
- Mind and Heart in the subsequent songs decide to get their shit together.
- (Two Wuv) Soul realizes that not only can they be happier now but that trying to force themselves to conform to society's ideas of mental health or belief or love is just plainly unbeneficial. Sort of a song about unapologetically being yourself.
- Welcome To Tally Hall is a tribute to Tally Hall themselves more than anything.
- This transfers into Concord soon after! Concord is Whole or Jash by himself, though many of the songs seem to carry themes from Cacophony in them. Self sabotage, disagreement, importance placed on the wrong thing, the idea that no one person is better off than another. It concludes with Taken for a Ride. Which is also sort of CJ's epic "im burnt out as hell" song towards the end. But exaggerated to my knowledge for lyrical shenanigans.
That is CCCC as neutrally told as best as possible. I highly recommend forming your own ideas on it, but I'd be happy to also discuss more in depth my opinion on each song should you or anyone else express interest!
Getting into the Trident: The fandom took the metaphor of "Tridential Sovreignty" and "This trident he formed (found? Lyrics.) is both weapon and motive" and said "Soul's got a trident" to which Jash responded with "Absolutely yes he does now" Same with the crown most people put Mind in, and that is referenced in the "Trident, Crown and Blindfold" line.
Soul really did get noose imagery, a trident and a mask. All Heart n Mind got were a blindfold and crown. Lmao
Though Heart is also commonly drawn with wings. Which is semi-canonical according to album covers. I choose to ignore them because I don't particularly have an attachment to the idea!
Getting into the fandom itself, I can recommend looking around for the Chonny Jash Fan Server (CJFS) Discord link. But it can be extremely intimidating and even I just stick to discussion and one other thread channel. (Sides from my au channels which pop up every once a month or so).
Important note is that only Tally Hall covers have to do with HMS. Any of Jash's other music (of which I highly recommend, always) is unrelated. There is also a fan QnA somewhere that was done like a year ago now which has some neat answers in it.
I, again, am happy to go into my interpretations of HMS and the music as a whole but skdmsm saved you the reading hopefully should that be undesired!
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nijigasakilove · 1 month
Wahhh this was a wild episode I didn’t think Niko would finally hatch!! Think we’re gonna start seeing proper fights now too! From story to art this was the best episode yet, it’s crazy we had to wait 30 episodes in to get the big bad finally but better late than never
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First of all I love how Niko hatches and starts berating Mey Mey for spilling all the secrets to the girls lmao serves him right for all the times he’s been mean to them like not letting Iroha walk Komugi in Niko garden. I like Niko’s design though, if she gets a human form I definitely see her being a gyaru
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We finally have proper named antagonists and know the big bad! I love Zakuro and Torame already and their sibling like rivalry is fun, they completely overpowered the girls though wow and this was just their first day on the job. The animation was so good for the fights. I felt some Yuri energy from Torame when she was messing with Nyammy lol. That’ll be fun to see play out
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“Does this mean we’re the bad guys” man seeing Iroha so broken and lost was rough, but it’s nice to have antagonists who have valid points. You can’t even be mad at them for hating humans after they were shunned and driven to extinction. Before the cures can do anything, they’ll have to sort out their feelings. Can’t wait for next ep
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
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What fans say:
Inside Out:
Besides the fact of "being a Pixar movie", this movie is a masterpiece, and it has really impacted me. Its message about accepting that "bad" emotions such as sadness are part of life and have its positive side and that "good" emotions like joy can be negative and toxic is really important and one that I'm still trying to internalize 8 years since I first watched the movie.
The animation is absolutely gorgeous, with a unique style. The music is wonderful, the story is touching. What's not to love!!!!!!
It's beautiful! If I'd watched this as a young girl it would've done something to my brain, in a good way. It's about being stifled by England and those in power, in 1600s Ireland. It's about little girls becoming best friends. It's really sweet, and wonderful. I love the scene where Robyn gets to really have fun and play as a wolf.
Wolfwalkers has beautiful stylized animation. The story is about conflict between the oppressive English colonizers of an Irish town, and their old ways of living in harmony with the forest. When the main character Robyn is in the town, the style she and the backgrounds are drawn in have an angular style made up of flat shapes that don‘t turn in perspective, similar to a woodcut print, showing the limitedness of the town worldview. When Robyn is in the forest at first she is drawn in the town style, but as she is introduced to Mebh, the style shifts to a loose, pencil-lined style with soft shapes and forms that turn three-dimensionally. Later, at key points in the story, Robyn shifts between these styles to reflects whether she is conforming to or breaking away from the town‘s rigid system. It‘s a beautiful way to subtly tie animation to storytelling. I also of course love the story for its queer, environmentalist, and anticolonial themes. It‘s an excellent movie and everyone should see it.
It has some wonderful animation, especially in the wolf scenes, and tells a story that pulls from the history of the English colonisation of Ireland.
The art style is gorgeous and the story is lovely.
It is the most beautifully done 2d animation I've ever seen, beautifully drawn and with such interesting stylistic choices for the backgrounds and the character design, the best shapes. Perspective is really played around with in wide shots that show the town, giving it an even more boxy and closed-off feel to it! My favorite scene would have to be when the song Running With The Wolves by AURORA plays. It makes me cry like a baby they're so beautiful and playful and free and learning to have strength and courage.......
It tells a really beautiful story about identity and friendship and being brave enough to stand up to your oppressors
The animation is gorgeous and well-utilized to convey tone/mood and also little wolf girls are valid and the scenery is [chef’s kiss]
The animation is really stylized which I like. The art style is one-of-a-kind, changing slightly depending on what's happening in the story. Like, for example, Robyn, one of the main characters in the story, started being drawn using cleaner lines when she was still "civilized", in contrast to Mebh, a girl from a tribe that lives in the forest and can turn into a wolf. As Robyn started becoming "wilder", spending time w Mebh, the lineart becomes more sketchy. It's just a really really pretty film. The story is also really really good. The characters are complex and develop throughout the movie. You can understand why Robyn's dad acts the way he does, but still allows him to see the errors in his ways. Also Mebh and Robyn are just fuckin adorable. This movie made me cry so hard and I hardly ever do that Also the soundtrack? MYGOD. perfect. Favourite scene is definitely Mebh and Robyn's wolf scene where Robyn was learning how to be a wolfwalker. The music and animation in that is so good. Idk i really i really love this movie bc it feels so... ALIVE. It uses the animation medium really well, doesn't shy away from the 2Dness and stylizeness of it, which I wish more animated stuff would do.
The animation !!!! Is so gorgeous !!! The art style is so gorgeous, in some places super details and in some moments mimicking medieval styles with symbolic (rather than realistic) perspective, it's so so so beautiful. The music is also amazing, and the story is beautifully put together, it will make you weep.
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spritebug · 7 months
What do you think the MS characters studied during FCU/at university generally?
Thank you for the ask! ^^
My FCU knowledge is very limited, so I’m sorry if this is ooc or goes against cannon 😅
I’ve also never done something like this, so I hope the layout is okay!
What the main Mystreet characters studied at FCU/College/University
Like I say, I don’t remember much of FCU. So this will be based on their MS and PDH personalities!
(Also I’m British so I’m sorry if I mixed anything up!)
-I strongly think aph went into a creative subject.
-Specifically Graphic Design or Drawing and Painting
-I also think she could have taken Creative Writing, after realising that she could make Fan fiction her entire job if she just “got it published”
-turns out it wasn’t that easy.
-(I think she’d have considered a Veterinary course, but decided against it after realising she’d have to see some of the animals pass on)
-I truly don’t talk about Katelyn enough.
-The easy answer is obviously a sports based course.
-Such as studying/training for volleyball or Sports Coaching.
-BUT I think she also could have done something in Drama, specifically Acting and Performance.
-I think she would have taken up Boxing Lessons during this, either for fun or to try cover her love of Theatre.
-It’s easy, I know. But I really think she probably would have taken a Bakery and Patisserie course.
-If we’re also talking in universe stuff, then I think she might have taken some form of Magics Classes.
-And depending on when her dream of starting a maid cafe started, she could have taken Business Management to try and do that.
-I like to think she had a part time job at the Meif’wa scouts as a scout leader.
-(Probably also considered Veterinary as an option)
-This man was way too difficult
-But it’s okay we love him anyway
-I think Garroth would be the type of person who just panicked and applied for a course in whatever he got the best grades in at the end of secondary/high school, even if it’s not what he wanted to do. (Which is valid)
-He probably could have continued in Baseball, but realised he’d rather keep it as a hobby and not a career.
-Garte absolutely offered him an apprenticeship at his business, and definitely tried super hard to get him to accept.
-Thankfully, Zianna pushed for him to do what he wants not what Garte wants. We love zianna.
-But, Garte definitely made him do a part time course in Business Management “just in case”
-Garroth doesn’t know what he wants to do in life yet, and that’s perfectly fine.
-Ahhh zane. Just as difficult as his brother.
-I think he could have done English Literature or some form of Poetry, gotta get the angst out somehow.
-But other things MCD and the wiki also make me think he could have done Business management to try and please his dad and become the favourite child.
-Garte probably offered him the the apprenticeship after Garroth declined it, but it was too late to accept.
-He probably considered an art course because of his love of MLP 2D animation.
-I have so many opinions
-Okay, so for some reason I really think Vylad would take a Photography course. It just makes sense in my mind.
-If not photography, I think he would have taken any course that involved him having to travel in order to study.
-I think Vylad learned at least 1 other language during college/uni.
-Probably took baking classes at one point, but kept eating his projects before he could present them.
-I don’t think Garte got around to offering him the apprenticeship, but he wouldn’t have accepted anyway.
-This man. I love him, but his wiki is….lacking compared to everyone else’s.
-But we continue anyway
-I’m tempted to say he didn’t go to Uni/college, and instead helped on his parents farm for a little while or did some form of Apprenticeship.
-if he did I think Laurence could have continued football/soccer, but I think he’d get bored and choose something else.
-I think Laurence would be the type who chooses his courses based solely on what he enjoys doing, without a real plan on what to do afterward. (me too)
-I think he would have taken a culinary course, mainly surrounding savoury food.
-college/uni is probably where he learnt Japanese.
-I think Cadenza would have convinced him to do a part time Fashion and Beauty course “or she’d disown him”.
-Definitely did Babysitting as a part time job.
-Dante. One of the hardest out of this list.
-I’m honestly so stumped for our dear Danny boy
-I can imagine Dante going into something like Engineering or Film.
-I literally have no idea why, it’s just all I picture when I think about it. I wish I could provide more information
-I think he probably got a job pretty early after leaving Secondarily/High school. Like just something small, not a stable forever job.
-I think College/Uni has to be around the time he toned down his PDH-era flirting.
-I feel like Travis could have went into Media or something along those lines.
-Or social studies
-He seems like he’d do an apprenticeship somewhere, but I’m not sure where.
-he’s a tricky one
-he definitely did cooking lessons at some point
-I think college/Uni is also where he learnt a martial art
-He defiantly went to the same place as Dante
-I think Aaron didn’t have much control over what he studied. I think he was heavily influenced by his parents.
-Definitely took Business Management
-Definitely took some form of Werewolf classes
-And definitely lost interest quickly
-100% made use of the on-campus gym. He probably spent more time there than classes.
-Magic time
-Definitely took multiple Magic Courses.
-Specifically about Familiars and Witchcraft
-Took bakery classes on the side, and tried to mix the two together.
-I think she could have also taken gardening on the side.
-I think Nicole’s dad would have tried to convince her to study Law or Politics, but after less than a year she switches.
-I think she would have taken Sport and Exercise Science, to better herself and others.
-I think she could have taken Veterinary part time too, like a wildlife sanctuary or something.
-She probably took martial art classes in between classes.
-yes I’m including our girl
-She absolutely took Fashion Design.
-And possibly Beauty on the side.
-She knew exactly what she wanted in Secondary/High school, and she hasn’t changed her mind since.
-Definitely took self defence classes
-Also helped out at her parents farm for a little while.
I hope this was okay, I had to re-do the whole thing three times cause I kept accidentally losing all the progress 😅
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chaifootsteps · 10 months
You know how i cope with the fact that Helluva Boss is "wasted potential: the show"? By gaslighting myself into tinking thats not an actual cartoon, but a fanfic of one better adult cartoon from another universe:
In some other paralel universe, there is an aclaimed adult Cartoon that aired in adult swim from the early 2000's, called "Helluva Job", wich follows the wacky adventures or 4 demons, all very different in personalities and have a hard time working together, triying to get out of their miserable life as the lowest class of demons in hell by working on killing humans in exchange of money from those who commision them those murders.
Every episode its about them trying to get their new target, a premise thats kinda repetitive but the show manages to make it fresh avaery episode with its creativity.
It had a wacky absurd humor that doesnt take itself seriously, sometimes based on very silly and cartoony things happening to the protagonists, it also had a very, VERY dark humor that would make kinda fucked out jokes about taboo themes (kinda like drawn together), wich made many people belive that the show "didnt age well" despite still being hilarous. It also had some sexual humor, but it was very limited and always with clever jokes that arent just the characters screaming the names of genitals.
Robo-Fizz, The Cherubs and Verosika are some of the recurring villains that where remembered for having neat designs very charismatic personalities. Even the people that never saw the show know them and loves them.
The show was also know for having a lot of criticism of capitalism and rich people hidden behind clever dark humor, that didnt distract from the sillines of its show.
Stolas is just a recurring joke of "that one creepy old man Blitzo sleep with because he is rich and has to do it to keep his job", he never gets more than 4 minutes on screen and its always him being an steriotypical rich asshole who abuses his power and makes gross comments to Blitzo (and he is very classist and racist). Stella is just the woman thats married to him and she tries to be a decent wife, but she is clearly annoyed with him and clearly she just waiting for him to ask divorce.
Stolas also dies in the finale of the show when a metor falls over him, Blitzo celebrates this in the most childish and exagerated (but also extremely funny) way possible.
The art style was like a combination between Clone High and Dexter's laboratory, with the use of exagerated shapes to form its cgaracters. And the animation was just decent, but its praised over the character designs, wich are simple yet efective and creative
The show got 2 seasons and those were enough, it was remembered as one of the darkerst yet funniest cartoons that ever aired on adult swim, and how people still rewatching it years later.
Meanwhile, Vivziepop is some popular artist in the fandom of that show thats know because, for some reason, she got obsessed with Stolas fucking Blitzo, and she insist that their relationship is the most beautiful thing ever, and hates Stella for some headcanons she created about her.
She wrote the know fanfic "Helluva Boss" wich is basically her mischaracterising every character into becoming this really boring, flavourless version of themselves and get reducted to one aspect of their personality. And her trying to gaslight us into thinking that Blitzo and Stola's relationship was some misunderstood tragic wholesome romance, because "Stolas actually loved him!". Almost everyone in the fandom makes fun of this fanfic.
Extremely valid, Anon. To get by in this bitch of a world, sometimes you've just got to gaslight yourself a little.
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unearthlore · 7 months
🖤 I'm Lord Torlure/Tax • adult • 🗣️🇲🇾🇺🇸🇫🇷 • God of Boundless Love and Deathly Emptiness • empath, superfeeler 🖤
Brain is dead, please don't take it personally if this account (accidentally?) gave you a 'weird' like/follow/whatever
Commission form • Digital art TOS • YouTube
✅ DM-chat regularly to be friends! And be explicit with your intentions, or I'm going to be confused. "I read your pinned, and I was hoping we could be friends!"
I'm begging for dorkiness, I fell in friendship with the guy who spammed me 50 pics without warning of his day at an anime con
✅ Tell me about your projects! Just ask for validation! Yes, you can remind me more than once simply because I'm
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ℹ️ You have to come to me because the Tumblr wilderness is an atomic bomb on my mental health
🗞️ Archive: @/unearthlore (📍You are here)
🌉 Urban fantasy comic: @mihinisland
🐉 TF2 OC relationship anarchy: @monsterlore
☁️ Thoughtdumps: @taxlecrivain
👁️ Divinecore comic: @thetorlurecult
📺 Multifandom: @magnetengineer
Have a great day; you always deserve self-love; may you always be safe from Fearmongers, Guilters, Shamers and Baiters (FGSB)!
🏠 This house has always been anti-abuse and has always thought before speaking so as to not be FGSB!
👁️🖤 Lord Torlure Loves 🖤👁️
👁️🖤 Lord Torlure Loves 🖤👁️
👁️🖤 Lord Torlure Loves 🖤👁️
👁️🖤 Lord Torlure Loves 🖤👁️
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rene-hl-trashcan · 2 months
The Gremlins and the Dark Arts
In this house, we favour the Dark Arts 😂😂
Here's my gremlins' thoughts on the Dark Arts plus their personal favourites and the potential fields of the Dark Arts they would eventually indulge in.
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He sees Dark Arts as a mere weapon to be used appropriately and strategically whenever the situation calls for it. Perfectly aware of the caveats of practicing the Dark Arts, Sylvan is willing to trade anything he has for the benefits the curses offer, provided he deems it a balanced exchange. The fact that he doesn't really believe in souls helps this decision-making since he has no fear of losing something he doesn't believe exists. Sylvan usually plays along with the people he loves, validating their opinion and being supportive all around if they say they believe in souls and destiny despite he personally thinks that those are utter nonsense. With this mindset, it is a given as he grows older, he will eventually dabble in necromancy. Corpses are just materials to him after all. Sylvan also believes that no knowledge is too dangerous and forbidden to be utilized in his life and that any sacrifices made in the process were worth the result. He has high trust and confidence in his logic and ability to think on his feet, believing that whatever Dark Arts he decided to use, was the best and most convenient option for the situation he was in. When it comes to the Unforgivable Curses, Sylvan absolutely loves all three of them and has no qualms in putting genuine intention while casting those curses. He thinks that Avada Kedavra is the holy grail of efficient and quick battle. As for Crucio and Imperio, he delights in how useful those curses are in getting the upper hand in combat. Since he operates on a mostly logical track, his mindset was if there comes a situation where the curses need to be cast on him or his loved ones, he would offer himself to be at the receiving end. Anyone else would be fair game, and there would be neither regret, guilt nor shame coming from him because those people clearly don't matter enough for him to offer himself to take the brunt of the curse
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She also operates similarly to Sylvan (they were meant to be the two versions of the same person after all 😆) and she also sees the Dark Arts as a mere weapon to be used appropriately and strategically whenever the situation calls for it. Though, she is far more careful when it comes to dealing with the caveats of the Dark Arts. Being practically yeeted across the multiverse from her cold abusive family to join Sylvan's warmer and loving family ended up changing her perspective on the existence of a higher being. She believes that meeting Sylvan was both a gift and a divine intervention, which consequently, caused her to believe in souls and destiny. Unlike her counterpart, Sylvia is constantly worrying over the impact using the Dark Arts would have on her own soul, hence the reason necromancy is an instant nope for her, even if it only involves animals because she thinks that it was disrespectful to the soul that once owned the corpse. When it comes to the Unforgivable Curses, she only uses them whenever she can't come up with any other options that fit the situation, and almost always avoids Avada Kedavra. The Killing Curse is always the last-ditch resort for Sylvia, only using it when she has to. Crucio is the curse she favours among the Unforgivable Curses, simply because she hates being crowded and overwhelmed; while Imperio feels too intrusive (she isn't fond of any form of mind-control) for her to be comfortable in using as frequently as she does Crucio, even to enemies.
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Riz is no stranger to the Dark Arts. Before migrating to England, his family is infamous in the area as the dark wizard family (complete with the standard inbreeding and muggle-hating supremacist of a typical pure-blooded wizard family of their time). He is fairly neutral and indifferent to the Dark Arts since he has far more invested interest in Muggles' science and technology development to bother caring much about the Dark Arts his family practices in. Riz is adept and skilled in the Dark Arts though, having been trained in them since young, spells and potions alike. He doesn't care much about them but finds them very convenient to his benefit. Though, he does grow genuine intrigue in Dark Arts after meeting Sylvan, who introduced him to the different Dark Arts of other cultures that Sylvan had encountered while travelling the world. Riz considers the Unforgivable Curses as a necessity for his well-being and survival. While his family assumes the myriad of conditions that the whole lineage of the family suffers is a bloodline curse, Riz is well aware that it actually comes from their broken genetics stemming from their family tradition. Due to his condition, he knows that he cannot afford to be thrown around in battle, as he wouldn't be able to feel the pain at all. If there's something that his healing charm and potions couldn't heal, he wouldn't be able to tell that something is wrong until it is too late. It is a risk that he is perfectly aware of, thus his preference for the Killing Curse. The risk of him getting an injury that he wouldn't be able to detect is significantly minimised if he killed his enemies first. He doesn't enjoy it nor does he feel any regret or guilt over using the curses. Riz knows that he wants to live, and the curses are his best survival strategy, so he is very indifferent when he uses them. The Unforgivable Curses are nothing more than a necessity for his survival similar to eating or drinking.
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Mildred does not favour the Dark Arts at all. While she was able to understand Sylvan's and Sylvia's perspective on the Dark Arts as super useful weapons to have in their arsenal, as well as completely encourage Riz's constant use of Avada Kedavra for the sake of his safety, Mildred personally thinks that the curses are unnecessarily cruel and painful. As a result, she couldn't cast any of the Unforgivable Curses at all, unable to put genuine intention into it. When it comes to other forms of Dark Arts like necromancy, love potions, and voodoo, Mildred actually found them to be very interesting, although she will never approach them. She believes that all life has a role in this world and to disrupt the order of nature using the Dark Arts would invite bad karma into her life, which she would rather avoid. She doesn't judge and is fairly accepting of her peers who favour the Dark Arts, but Mildred is very firm in her opinion against dabbling into it herself. Once she has better control over the ancient magic, she starts favouring those instead as it provides quick and easy deaths to her foes.
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thecryptidart1st · 7 months
I was supposed to make this about 27 followers ago but
Thank you everyone for helping me reach 2500 followers :)
It’s been a wild year.
More important news under the cut! (in the form of a small rant)
This is a bit of a rant, but I appreciate all of you for hanging in there, but I feel like it’s important for me to share this:
It’s been officially a whole year since my longest friendship ended. Many tears have and continue to be shed; there’s some things I still feel guilt over and there’s a lot of things that piss me the fuck off to this day. And I still have mixed feelings towards my ex as a result. And it’s understandable, as it’s a wound that continues to heal slowly.
I used to worry a lot that I wasn’t being a good artist because I made a lot of art based on other people’s properties. I used to worry a lot about how Soldered Wires and The Orange Grove Boys would continue forward without my ex, cause I would run ideas with them on how to pursue the stories for both. I even worried that I would have to stop using Sammy because a lot of his character was built between the two of us (which I find it ironic given he canonically is a kid of divorce). I’m still worrying about one character in OGB because that character was based on my ex and their childhood experience.
But I kept drawing, because I realized that I was the one in control of the pen.
FNAF made me happy in times when I felt low and Michael Afton was my spirit animal, so I continued to draw FNAF. And when I felt ready, I brought Sammy back in.
And the story for Soldered Wires could be what I wanted it to go from here on out; I didn’t need anyone’s validation or guideline but my own.
And everyone who’s been following me is the result of me continuing to live my life and to keep drawing what I’m passionate about! And the positive response for The Orange Grove Boys is encouraging me to draw them again too :)
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I think the best thing to come out of this breakup was the fact that I started to put myself first, instead of always putting myself second after everyone else; I finally pursued therapy, finally came out to everyone I loved, and finally embraced being Michael.
I’m still crying over what a huge relationship I had lost, and that’s okay because they were a friend since childhood. Did I miss them when I saw the Barbie movie or the FNAF movie? Absolutely! I was so worried of the empty seat next to me for a long time…
But I realize now that I opened up about my feelings to not only my family, but most of my other friends too…and when the time came, I found myself no longer worrying about the empty seat, but appreciating how many seats I had filled around me :) The highlight of my year was having almost a FULL ROW of friends and acquaintances next to me watching me freak out over the FNAF movie.
And now on this day, I can celebrate the first dosage of my HRT with them. After so much healthcare bullshit, I finally got the boy gel :)
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It’ll be a long journey still for figuring out how masculine I want to appear, but I wanna thank you all for being here with me.
And I know these next few weeks are going to be difficult, as there’s going to be a death in my family very soon. So thank you all for being so patient when it comes to how often I post art for my main art blog, The Graveyard Shift & Vernal Lagomorphs as I grieve for my relative…
So once again, thank you all for being here, for engaging with my art, for helping me get through the heartbreaks and loss, and for being my support through my gender journey 💜💜💜 May another 500 peeps join us in watching me freak out over another FNAF game :P
-Michael / thecryptidart1st
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woahitsairi · 8 months
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Hii!! this is my presentation post!🩷
• i’m Airi, Ria for friends🎀
•i’m 18 y.o (7th september 2005)🍰
•i live in Rome,Italy🏛️
•i love mangas,anime,sanrio,animals,hp,marvel,horror movies,occult,books,cooking,drawing,music,the sunset,flowers,perfumes,art,my friends,my daddy and a lot more!!🤍
•i’m asexual,panromantic and non-binary🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
•i’m taken since 30th march 2023 with daddy🩷
•i’m satanist,not evil!!🪿
•i’ve a cat(Misa) and 3 parrots (Nox & 2 Nuggets)🐈
• i speak🇫🇷🇩🇪🇮🇹🇷🇺🇪🇸🇬🇧
•i’m autistic & ADHD🫶🏻
•i’m not anti k1nk,but this account is SFW so i don’t talk abt that✨
•i’m not a zionist,i’m with Palestine🇵🇸🍉
•i’m also a pet regressor🐇
•my DMS are always open to talk and make friends🍼
•My musical tastes are really so wide, here’s my spotify profile! (I want to specify that i’m an adult,so it can happen that there’re playlists & that in my playlists there’re NSFW songs or with references & explicit language)🎧
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝
•if u’re transphobic, homophobic, sexist, zionist, racist, etc
•u don’t think all religions and cult are valid until they hurt someone
•u don’t support neopronouns,u support/u’re pedos and zoophily
•u don’t support and discriminate people with disabilities of any kind
•u don’t think neurodivergent people are valid
•u don’t support people with trauma and/or mental illnesses
•u don’t think agere,petre ecc are valid as a safe coping mechanism
•u think self diagnosis aren’t valid
•u’re anti kink and/or u do kink shaming: Many people use kinks as a coping mechanism to try to live with some traumas so no, it's not up to anyone to be able and having to judge these people badly, they’ve the right to do what’s best for them especially if they don't hurt someone
•u judge people without a valid criteria
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝
•be nice
•respect my pronouns: they aren’t negotiable and I’ll NEVER change them for someone who wants to talk to me
•if u aren’t part of the agere and petre community u can easily ask me all the questions u want (without disrespect obv)
•I'm autistic so please be careful and maybe use the tonetags
•respect my triggers and don't try to use them against me on purpose to make me feel bad,i’ll block u and add u to blocklist
•My enbyf’s also my daddy so no, I'm not available in looking for a CG
•u can vent with me,just ask first please.Sometimes I’ve terrible days where I’ve a hard time interacting and listening to others when they vent, but I really love helping others so I'm here for anything ^^
•u can send me memes,cute pics and posts and everything abt ur interests
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝
•Forms of manipulation such as gaslighting and guilt tripping
•Food: I suffer from being eating and arfild so anything that’s connected to food like calories etc.
•SH: I've had some bad sh seizures and the agere/petre’s helping me stay clean for as long as possible
PS: abt my DCA and the SH I’ll probably post screens of my progress of the time when I was sober
•Whatever concerns the sexual sphere: I'm an adult and I often get involved in sexual acts with my enbyf, but that absolutely doesn't mean that I don't get triggered by sexual things when I'm little!!
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