#anni '10
gregor-samsung · 1 year
“ In quarta scoprii il patriottismo: cantando in coro con le mie compagne Le ragazze di Trieste. A casa, papà era fiducioso nella vittoria; la mamma stava in pensiero per i suoi fratelli (anche zio dottore era al fronte), e per tutti i soldati. Si raccomandava a papà perché ottenesse «l’esonero» per quelli che erano padri di famiglia (loro dicevano «il zónero»). Il patriottismo era una cosa dei signori. In paese cantavano il famoso «se vuoi veder Trieste – la guardi in cartolina» e io ne soffrivo un po’. Ma Ciota andava piú in là. Cantava con aria cupa e vendicativa: e quei signori che han gridato viva la guerra or che hanno un figlio sotto terra viva la guerra non gridan piú. Capivo che non si poteva contrapporre a quel «sottoterra» le «ragazze di Trieste». “
Lalla Romano, La penombra che abbiamo attraversato, Einaudi, 1964¹; p. 155.
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locallibrarylover · 9 months
*by live theatre i mean plays, musicals, operas, ballets, concert versions of musicals, staged readings, & things of that nature. EDIT: YES this includes amateur, local, kids, high school, & community theatre. almost every show i've seen has been local
if you want, list the names of the shows you've seen in the tags!
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“I can tell TV from real life, Jeff. TV has structure, logic, rules, and likeable leading men. In real life, we have this. We have you” is still one of the most METAL fucking lines in the entire series like??? abed just gagged him like that??? in front of EVERYONE??? insane. I’m still not over it. goddamn
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formulanni · 26 days
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just one lap ahead
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Taglist: @st-leclerc @rubywingsracing
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kald-dal-art · 5 months
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Second compilation post of my latest victor art. These are a lot fun to draw and think out so appreciate all the feedback I have gotten for this series. We'll see if I end up making all 75 Victors or not ksdjhfa
Part 1 / Ko-Fi
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itsmariejanel · 5 months
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is this how it happens? is this how you make friends as an adult? you stumble upon someone wonderful, and all of a sudden, you’re close? - cakle, rachel harrison
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marvelstars · 4 months
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So you remember that time Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru had to ground Luke to the farm because of his actitude and he decided to leave and seek his own life with all the certainty of a world weary Tatooine kid so Darth Daddy decided to unconciously intervene before his little boy died in the desert. No? It´s a nice story.
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Annie helped Luke find shelter for the storm until they were attacked by a Kryat Dragon who took Annie away
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Star Wars Tales #15
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cardiganv · 7 months
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"any time now he's gonna say it's love," you never called it what it was,
til we were dead and gone and buried…
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allisluv · 2 months
What are your top 10 THG characters!? :)
oooo anon this is such a hard one i love all of them equ--
katniss. begging yall to wake up and appreciate that there would be no series without the girl on fire.
lucy gray. writing a song abt ur bitch of an ex and singing it right in front of him? iconic behaviour. catching coriolanus out in a singular lie and bouncing? the ultimate power move.
finnick. he is the sweetest, cockiest human to ever walk the face of the earth and he deserved so much better than what he got. still bitter over his ending if you couldnt tell.
johanna, my favourite man-hating lumberjack lesbian. she'd be the type of friend to back you up, even if you're in the wrong. im in love with this woman.
peeta. he had to be in my top five. i dont trust people who dont like him. i just wanna hold him in my arms and tell him everything will be alright
annie. if annie has ten fans, im one of them. if annie has one fan, its me. if annie has no fans, please come to my funeral. enough said.
effie. she is a fashion icon and although she sometimes says the wrong things, her heart is always in the right place <3
sejanus. his death ripped my heart out of my chest. he was such a sweetheart and all he wanted to do was be part of a better world :((
haymitch. him falling off the stage at the reaping will forever make me burst into laughter. hes hilarious, i just adore him. his bond with katniss never fails to make me sob.
cinna. people don't talk about him enough and it makes me so sad. his death killed something inside of me. he served cunt 24/7 -- hes so baby girl (hes a grown man)
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gregor-samsung · 2 years
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Una piccola impresa meridionale (Rocco Papaleo, 2013)
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steam-beasts · 2 months
In a general sense, who was infected via bite/scratch ratter than getting the suspicious coal?
Salty - got attacked by a feral Porter. He actually doesn't mind being a reptile-like beast. It means he can go visit Rusty and crawl up Cranky's support beams to talk to him better, plus, he can swim!
Diesel - got scratched up by a feral Duck. Duck suddenly remembered the beef he had with him and just went up and scratched him, then left. He refused to elaborate.
Mavis and Daisy - got cornered by Thomas, Percy and Toby while trying to escape Ffarqhuarr.
Bertie - Got bitten while trying to keep his passengers safe.
Annie and Clarabelle - couldn't go anywhere and got a bit scratched up.
Henrietta - was attacked by a feral Toby. Tried reasoning with him, but it was too late.
Carolyn - was chased around a bit, but escaped. If she could, she would spray water at them. She now treats them like big kittens whenever they act all adorable, and treats Diesel 10 like a dinosaur if she ever sees him.
Cleo - managed to hide from the infected. She's still secretly afraid of them, and has to have Ruth reassure her that they're still the same engines she got to know before.
Ace - escaped, he still treats the engines and infected road vehicles as his friends, but he also treats them like Australian wildlife, and sometimes just pisses one of them off to see what happens. He tried that with Edward to see if he could get on the old guy's nerves. Spoiler; it worked after the 1000th time.
Paxton - got jumped by the NG engines, all at once. He's pretty unnerved now when he goes to the BM quarry and literally squeaks when an engine just suddenly pops out of one of the tunnels without warning. He also struggles to understand Rusty. That little diesel just sometimes spawns everywhere Paxton looks. Rusty's an definite enigma...
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aycief · 1 year
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happy zeronos day / (late) yuuto birthday !!
[ID: a digital illustration of the interior of the Zeroliner, seen as if looking into a box, on an off-white background. Yuuto is sitting at the booth in the foreground, smiling very slightly as he reaches forward for some food in front of him. Deneb is happily standing next to him, wearing an apron and holding his hands together. around the car are various yellow and green party decorations, including confetti, streamers, bunting, and party hats. pieces of Deneb candy are also scattered around. next to Yuuto is a pink heart-shaped pillow, and there is another on a seat in the back of the car next to a plushie of Toppy—a yellow pointy-eared mascot character with a star at the tip of his tail. in the background surrounding the outside of the car are two white sparkles and dotted stars. the second image is zoomed in on Yuuto and Deneb. /END ID]
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jikimo-world · 3 months
Bold of you to assume Nonno Rome was brave and Italies are not, because just imagine him in 219 b.C. when some elephants randomly crossed the Alps, invading his land.
Even the aliens in Egypt heard him screaming
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kald-dal-art · 3 months
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Finally after so long I have an access to a scanner so have some of my THG/TBOSAS drawings from my sketchbooks, so hope you enjoy these
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allbornscreaming · 4 months
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ST. VINCENT St. Vincent (Self-Titled Album) — February 24, 2014
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almea · 11 months
Seeing Raven and Qrow smiling at each other was so good and healed my soul a little. My beloved corvid twins.
It's not completely clear to me whether Raven has been around Vacuo prior to this or if this is the first time they've seen each other since Haven, but I'm going to die either way.
I also feel so vindicated because even pretty recently I've seen people being like "Raven wanted Qrow dead" and "Qrow disowned Raven" and it's just like. One, if Raven actually wanted Qrow dead, by the nature of her semblance, he would be dead. And two, the way Qrow asks Yang about Raven at the end of volume 5 always made me feel like that was a lie. To me, the tragedy of Raven has always been that her family is so ready to love her and she's just like "No" and they're like "Raven, for fuck's sake."
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