#annoying is when my breathing gets so uneven my vision starts to go and my throat gets so dry from gasping that it feels scalded
confinesofmy · 1 year
the cousin i confided in yesterday explaining how i was triggered told my other cousin (that i'm even closer with) that she was really annoyed with me for taking issue with something that wasn't even that big of a deal anyway so uhhh i'm not initiating contact with her again for a while lol. she seemed mildly annoyed when we were talking about it but i don't pick up cues well over the phone and that didn't really make sense anyway bc why would someone be annoyed at me calmly explaining one of my triggers and discussing what we can do to make everyone more comfortable next time it happens lmao so i was like "oh she's not really annoyed you're just feeling insecure bc you're irrationally afraid of showing emotions" but noooo she was fucking annoyed. she did think i was being difficult for no reason. she doesn't have fucking basic empathy for me. cool cool, cool cool cool.
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veryace-ficrecs · 9 months
LawSan Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
kiss it better by adietxt - Rated G
When Sanji comes to, there's a bite of pain down his lower back, not far away from the scar he got from the avalanche in Drum Island. It's dulled, he slowly realizes, a hazy throb at most at the back of his mind, and he blinks, trying to clear his persistently blurry vision. It doesn't work. He blinks again and starts getting annoyed when his senses don't work as well as they expect him to, but just as he struggles to sit up, there's a hand on his unhurt shoulder, gently pushing him back into the bed. There's a low murmur near his ear, calming, and Sanji relaxes. He would recognize Law's voice anywhere.
"You're a Damn Fool" by Elillierose - Rated T
After a sudden storm while leaving Punk Hazard, Law goes overboard. Without thinking, Sanji dives in to save him. However, the fluctuations in the water's temperature worsens a condition he'd been trying to cover up. Ridden with guilt, Law does all he can to make sure he recovers.
Come Back [Be Here] by curlystrawhat - Rated G
“There was no ID on the scene?” asked Shachi, another one of his friends, everyone oblivious to Law’s inner tumulte “Is there any way to find out who he is?” he asks “My boyfriend” Law talks, automatically, lifeless even, he can’t breathe Everyone around who heard it whip their heads to stare at the doctor in shock, Law can’t blame them, he never talks about his personal life here. “What?” Shachi asked, stunned “Law, what’s his name?” Law feels his chest constrict, the air getting thinner “S-Sanji” he wheezes “Oh God, Sanji” he’s starting to hyperventilate, he can’t do this, he can’t Or Law was working a normal night shift on the ER, when the ambulance comes with a victim of a violent attack, turns out, the victim is his boyfriend. What the hell is happening?
easy as breathing by dollcewrites - Rated T
Drowning was the most pleasant thing Law had ever done.
Don't Leave Yourself In The Dark by amberlazuli - Rated M
Law might be a doctor, but he’s not accustomed to playing nursemaid. However, in this case, he can’t even say that he minds all that much.
Lucid Dreams by avoidingavoidance - Rated E
On the way to Dressrosa, Law has to find some way to keep himself sane. Unfortunately, the safe haven he finds comes with some unexpected side effects.
Little pleasures by robinelli - Rated E
All the ways Sanji can be happily bisexual and in bed with Law.
The crew finds out and Zoro is strangely annoyed.
An anthology.
Crush by Alexis_C - Rated T
The Strawhat Pirates have a crush on one Trafalgar Law.
go ahead, cut deep by revolvermonkcelot - Rated M
[Sanji understands then that he is a toy. A fun little distraction Law gets to trot out when his existential terror or crushing loneliness or just plain fucking boredom threatens to overwhelm him. Animals like him don’t understand kindness, he thinks, biting down on his own irritation; they catch a glimpse of underbelly and think it an invitation to feast. And he’d be far more fucking angry about it were it not for the wounded stink rolling off Law in waves; sick-sweet, like an old injury left to fester. A thick and cloying fear. What is Dressrosa to you? Sanji asks. He half expects Law to withdraw; to stalk away, affronted by his boldness, but he just pauses for a long moment. Lets out a long, uneven breath, lips curled in a bitter facsimile of a smile. Hand loose at Sanji’s throat. The end, probably, he says.] or: Sanji gets an earring
Bedside Manner by tulikettu (mamonaku) - Rated M
a severe injury forces Sanji to recuperate on the Polar Tang. Fortunately, Law is on hand to oversee his physical therapy.
Quiet Before the Storm by AnonymousKitten - Rated G
Law falls asleep on the Sunny's deck. Sanji has a crisis
Summer Island's heat by Mukashii - Rated E
The Mugiwara have been sailing in the heat for some time and finally reach a summer island where the crew's cook will meet the captain of the Heart by chance. The temperature will rise a notch when Law decides to get closer to him during their stay.
It Doesn't Matter by Roselle_Storm - Rated G
“It doesn’t matter.”
Sanji felt his heart jump at those words but forced himself to focus on the rest. It’s impossible that Law is his soulmate. They have crossed paths plenty of times before. Those can’t possibly be Law’s first words to him.
Forever by Roselle_Storm - Rated G
Sanji has a nightmare and Law comforts him
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amrv-5 · 2 years
It's a 💌 from me! And then a wildcard pick of your choice from the list <3
hello helen!!!! & thank you!! answers (and excerpt!) below the cut....
wildcard: 💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
Best feedback is either someone else's analysis OR somebody asking for my own analysis of a scene/moment/chapter whatever. If it would not be insane and annoying I'd release meta-essays with every chapter of everything I wrote lmao i LOVE talking craft and interpretations.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
I'm particularly excited for the way that I think my Hawk Goes Home (working title for the longfic) piece has been able to sit with the experience of unfixable loneliness (no spoilers but I swear to fuck it will have a good ending I realize that this does not sound positive as it stands). It was cathartic to write, and I sure hope it's cathartic to read. Relevant excerpt:
BJ had a few drinks downstairs, reluctant to go upstairs to the bedroom. He was hoping Peg would be asleep by the time he decided to turn in. 
In the meantime, he listened to the radio, feeling odd and hollow and off balance. The old songs from the 30s and 40s made him melancholy, rife with longing for the nostalgic warmth of a life he’d never had. He frowned through a run of three songs he remembered Hawkeye singing in surgery. 
He poured himself a few fingers of scotch, and leaned back in an armchair, his eyes closed. 
The rain was bucketing, the air damp and cold. BJ couldn’t feel his toes. The body under his hands steamed, the red-purple shine of an exposed intestinal tract hot in his grip as he checked for perforations. It was his fifteenth or fiftieth hour. His third-ever marathon surgery in Korea. He was new, and green, and green. He was starved, but couldn’t bring himself to eat; watching Hawkeye passively chew a bite of a baloney sandwich by leaning back from an open abdomen, where a soldier’s punctured stomach leaked half-digested C-rations into the surrounding cavity, horrified him. He felt like he might cry, but knew he couldn’t. It might blur his vision at a critical moment in the surgery. 
All at once he felt himself start to collapse. Not physically, but psychically, spiritually. Something internal and critical started to crumble, and his hands no longer felt like his own. His breath came in staggered, uneven gasps, his vision tunnelling. He couldn’t go on like this. It simply wasn’t possible. He wasn’t strong enough. This was the end of his road. He was going to snap, and his brain would gently, paternalistically separate him from reality for his own good, and he’d never get back. End of. 
Hawkeye cleared his throat, and said something BJ didn’t hear. 
Somebody touched his elbow, maybe. He didn’t notice. He was doing an incredible job with the surgery, he noted from a thousand miles away. His hands were amazing. They didn’t even need him. 
“Someday I’ll meet you again,” somebody was saying. 
No. Singing. 
BJ glanced up, struggling to control the vector of his gaze. 
“Tell me where, tell me when,” Hawkeye sang. He was no Frank Sinatra, but his voice was strong, and clear, and warm. It was the sort of voice you liked better than a radio voice, because you knew it really meant what it was singing. A voice with feeling, that was it. 
“Each night I’ll wish on a star,” Hawkeye sang, catching his eye. He might’ve been smiling under his mask. It was impossible to tell. “That you stay as you are!”
“You have my heart, but my heart wonders when,” BJ joined in, trying to reach the high note that Hawkeye seemed to manage so effortlessly as the feeling returned to his hands, “we’ll meet again.”
Dear one, this is our fate! Partings and sad goodbyes, sang the Hawkeye in his head. BJ was beginning to suspect that he’d always live there, that there would always be one Hawkeye Pierce, frozen at age thirty, looking out from behind his eyes. Never changing, always charming and a little sad, until BJ was old and bent and eighty-nine. And the Hawkeye in his head would stay young forever. It seemed, somehow, exactly what he deserved. 
Dear one, I’ll always wait—wait for that blue horizon! Hawkeye sang, two years distant. 
Turner Layton played the piano beautifully, BJ thought. His chest was starting to hurt, so he socked the rest of his drink and turned the radio off. He stumbled getting up the stairs, his limbs loose and his head full of the past. 
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proserpina-magnus · 3 years
Hi! Can I request a young Sirius black x reader smut? Readers boobs are all tender and swollen and Sirius makes her feel better? Sirius black is definitely a boob guy
Thank you so much for you request! I really liked this idea and I had fun writing it! Hope you enjoy. xo 
Sirius Black and breast worship 
Word count: 1601
[ warning: fem reader, description of aching breasts, slight praise kink, slight degrading kink, tittie slapping (mentioned once), breast worship, smut, titty fucking, mention of the words ‘slut’ ‘‘good girl’  etc...] 
You let out a deep sigh, your breast uncomfortably pushing against your bra. You felt the wire dig into your ribs, making you twist and turn to try and get it in the right position. 
You tried to focus on your food, watching as James did something stupid to try and please Lily, it didn't work. You kept twitching in your seat, your fork twirling around your uneaten food as you felt waves of ache wash over your chest. 
"Something wrong?" Sirius whispered to you, taking a sip of his water as he eyed you suspiciously. You had been acting weird all morning, and it wasn't doing you any better that most of the guys wouldn't stop staring at your chest. 
"Just fine," you muttered, fork scraping against your plate as you move your shoulder blades. You wanted to toss your bra away, going bare would at least give you some comfort for the ache. 
"You don't seem fine," your boyfriend mused, his shoulder clinking with yours as he finished his drink. You glared at him, already fed up with how your day was going. You felt hot in the face, your throat sweating as you blinked back some sensitive tears. 
"Yeah well I'm not, I'm uncomfortable and my tits fucking hurt," you whispered angrily to him, keeping your voice low in case anyone bystander would catch what you were saying. 
Sirius pushed his plate aside, standing up before helping you stand as well. 
"Where are you two going?" Remus asked eyebrow raised as some of the people at the  Gryffindor table looked towards your direction. 
"Just a well-needed break is all, don't wait up," Sirius told them, pulling you along the dinner hall. You let him, hoping he was going to provide some comfort to your aching breast. 
"Why didn't you tell me this morning? I would have loved to be buried in your tits," Sirius asked, walking past talking portraits and statues before he got to the fat lady. He quickly said the password, pulling you along quickly up the stairs. 
"I thought it would go away, Sirius please hurry they hurt," you whined, feeling your breast bounce against your bra as you make your way up the stairs, Sirius turns quickly eyes instantly going to your clothed chest. He gave you a smirk then connected his lips with yours. 
"Shh, I'll take care of you real soon I promise," Sirius cooed quietly, leading you to his empty dorm. Once inside and the door locked with a charm, his fingers were opening your blouse. You let him undress you, helping him pull off the fabric. 
He came to sit at the end of the bed, bringing you closer with a hand on your hip as he looked up towards you. 
"Hurry up," you said, unhooking your bra as it fell against the floor. Sirius let his eyes wander to your exposed chest, your breast flushed and tender as you exhale from the release. 
His hands instantly came to rest on them, palms massaging your aching tits as your hands found their way into his hair. 
"Fuck they look so swollen baby," Sirius said, his fingers finding their way to pull against your nipple as you crawl onto his lap. 
"Just touch them please, you make them feel better," you told him, pushing your chest into his hand as you let your eyes fall shut. You let out whimpers as he massaged your breasts, tears coaxing your vision as you felt relief wash over you. 
The weight of them disappeared as Sirius kept playing with them, your breast slowly releasing the tension as it got messaged by his well-needed hands. 
"That feels so fucking nice, you have no idea" you whimpered, shoulders relaxed as you lean into him. Your hips meet his, you easily fall into a subtle grind. You open your eyes briefly, seeing Sirius's face. His pupils were blown wide open, he looked like the happiest man alive. You chuckle, making your chest bounce as you can almost see Sirius roll his eyes into the back of his skull. 
"God, can I fuck you? Please we have 20
Minutes, I wanna see your tits bounce," Sirius said straight forward, he stared into your eyes with a pleading look. His bottom lip almost quivered as he gave you his famous puppy dog eyes. 
"Sure, but I don't wanna ride, you do the work," you say, getting off his lap as you fall against his bed. Sirius smiled, liking the new position as he started to undress himself quickly. 
He kissed you gently, his hands working to get rid of your skirt. He didn't even take off your underwear, pushing them aside as his fingers came against your soaking slit. 
"Your so wet baby, just from me playing with your tits?" Sirius teased, before lining his cock with your slit as he looked up towards your eyes. 
"Oh shush Sirius, you wanna fuck me or not?" You told him, annoyed that your breasts weren't getting any attention. The ache slowly came back, making you whine as you stared up at him. 
"May I?" He asked gently, the tip of his cock slowly pushing its way inside you. You deeply inhale, nodding your head as you hold right onto his shoulders. 
He pushes in slowly, not stopping before he's buried hilt deep inside you. You exhale, getting used to the feeling as you find his hands. You bring his hands to your chest, making a whimper as you feel him take them.
"God your so fucking pretty," Sirius said, his palm massaging your breast once again as you let out pleased moans. 
"I know," you winked at him, moving your hips as you guided him into moving. Sirius was absolutely awe-struck, his eyes wide as he fucked into you just right. 
Your back immediately arched when his cock found your sweet spot, making you cling onto his flesh as you pressed yourself against him. You felt the relief fill you again as Sirius's hands worked their way to massage the underside of your breast. You enjoyed it, glowing in the feeling of being completely pampered. 
"You like when I fuck you, don't you slut?" Sirius muttered loudly, his fingers hooking against your nipple as he gave them a generous tug. Your eyes opened quickly, breath catching in your throat. 
When you didn't answer right away, Sirius let his hand come down to slap against your tender breast. Making your skin jump as you let out a loud whimper, you heard him chuckle before massaging over the forming red spot. 
"I like when you fuck me, you make me feel so good," you praised him, feeling his hand ease up as he rolled your breast between his hands gently. You spread your legs wider, letting him hit every curve that was offered as your head fell against the pillow. 
"I know you do, such a good girl for my cock," Sirius praised back, smiling as he pulled his hands away before placing them onto the back of your thigh. 
He brought you closer, hips jerking into you as his cock filled you deep and hard. Your breath was uneven as you came closer to your high. 
Sirius watched your tits bounce with each thrust, the sight almost making him cum hard. He fucked you faster, thrust becoming uneven but godly. You were almost screaming at the pleasure, your hands grabbing anything you could find as your eyes shut tight. 
"Gonna cum against my cock?" Sirius asked, voice sweaty as he fucked you through your orgasm. 
"Oh fuck, please don't stop," moans were leaving your lips quickly, you couldn't even process what you were saying as euphoria washed over you. 
You felt him pull out, letting you take a moment to catch your breath. You opened your eyes, watching as Sirius continued to stare at your chest with a grateful expression. 
"You didn't cum," you told him, a bit of guilt washed over you before you saw his happy expression. 
"No, I will," he said, you gave him a confused expression. He couldn't possibly want to go again? You only have a few more minutes until class would start. 
"Can I fuck your titties please?" He asked, sending you a small smile as you only nodded. Sirius made a loud sound, he was incredibly happy that his dick would be buried into your chest. 
You slid onto your knees, his wooden floor felt hard against them but you couldn't care as you positioned your boobs against his cock. 
Sirius grabbed your hair, running it through his fingers as he let you take the lead. You bounced your breast against his cock, spitting against it to create more friction. 
The sight of you made Sirius almost cum, he didn't take long before he was groaning out his appreciation and white fluid coated your chest. 
You pulled back, your breast less swollen and tender as they lay covered in cum. Sirius watched for a moment, taking in the glory of the sight before him. 
"Your a fucking goddess," Sirius concluded, kissing your forehead before running off quickly to grab a towel. He cleaned you up swiftly, making sure to massage your breast between his hands to make sure they weren't still sore. 
"Do they feel alright, they don't look as swollen," Sirius asked, helping you into your clothes before putting on his own. 
"Yeah, they feel better. Thank you," you told him, kissing his lips while helping him buckle his belt. 
"Any time," Sirius winked, heading towards your next class.
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
An Accident
Yeah... you may have seen this before, earlier this week when I accidentally posted it. Anyways, this is a part 2 of the Todoroki clan being obsessed with reader's hair. So, um enjoy.
Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
Yandere Todoroki Clan:
Rei is obsessed with reader’s hair.
She’s taken such good care of it, and after years of hard work, your hair now reaches just around your butt. Your hair is healthy, thick, luscious, and cut into a smooth, U shape; of course all trims are done by Rei herself because she doesn't even trust professionals. And even though you’ve asked Rei on multiple occasions to cut it short, at least up to the middle of your back, she just wouldn’t, always saying that you’re being unreasonable. But you’re not; you’ve given her multiple valid reasons.
For example, Rei and Fuyumi do your hair themselves. And initially, they would let you choose whatever hairstyle you wanted, but now they pick one for you, saying they know which one will suit your outfit of the day better. Rei likes to do double buns, or ponytails tied with ribbons or just one high pony with a pretty big bow on the top of your head. Fuyumi on the other hand makes super intricate hairstyles, and while they look pretty, only you know how much pain your scalp is in. Fuyumi does your hair as if you’re her doll, yanking and twisting hard, saying that she needs to be this rough to achieve the distinctive braid patterns. Thankfully, Rei usually does your hair most of the time.
One of the main reasons you've begged Rei to let you cut your hair short is how much time she (and you) would safe. Since your hair is so long, it takes a lot of time for Rei to put in hair masks, serums, oils, etc. It takes even longer to wash and dry them out, and then style them as well. But she smiled oh so kindly, and told you that she doesn't mind. She looks forward to taking care of your hair, forcing you to sit between her legs for hours as she applies some expensive magic growth oil, ignoring how you didn't like this.
And even if your hair is curly naturally, like even 4C curly hair, Rei will have it straight as a stick in no time (don't bother telling her that you like it natural). But don't worry, its still quite voluminous.
Of course, Rei washes your hair herself, telling you that you’re simply not capable enough to manage it. (At least she lets you wash your body yourself.) And due to your hair being so long, it takes time to not only wash it, but also dry it. Rei will detangle using a wide tooth comb, starting from the bottom and working her way up. Then she’ll dry it with her cold breath, and if required, call Enji to dry your hair with his heat. You like it when Enji dries your hair, because he does it quickly and your hair becomes far smoother.
And its not just Rei and Fuyumi that are obsessed with your hair, the boys are just as fond of it as well. Enji likes to card his fingers through your hair while he’s working on some papers or listening to news, his warm hands always putting you to sleep in his lap. Its an adorable sight, gives him a sense of peace.
Shotou also likes to run his hands through your long hair, especially after a stressful day. The feeling of his fingers through your smooth, long locks, it calms him. And if he’s feeling extra stressed, then he might braid your hair loosely as well. He always wears a scrunchie on his wrist for you.
You wouldn't ever admit it, but you enjoy it when Natsuo played with your hair. Its like he can sense when you're having a headache. He'll have you sit on the floor while he takes a seat on your bed, and then his fingers will do their magic. He knows exactly where to put pressure on your scalp, and exactly how much force to use. His massages always relieve your migraines, and he always massages with expertise to ensure their is proper blood flow in your scalp.
While you are more than happy to let Natsuo touch your hair, you hate it when Dabi's around. If you didn't know better, you'd think he wants to rip your scalp off. He knows how much it annoys you, always pulling at your ponytails, tugging at your braids, even yanking it a few times when you ignore him. And you've complained to your family, but all of them say that "oh he's just playing around." Or "no, he just misses you. He's only teasing." And when you ask Dabi to stop it, he'll just smile and say "big brother privileges."
He's insufferable.
Everyone gets to play with your hair, but God forbid if you do. Oh no, apparently you'd "destroy it", as if you're not capable of managing your own hair. You're not allowed to open your ponytails because, quoting Rei, "you're yanking your hair. You're going to rip your follicles- baby, stop. Just let me do it." But you know that she does that because she wants to brush your hair with the soft, bristle brush before you go to bed. And somedays, Rei doesn't tie your hair in a bun or something, letting your hair fall, and it gets in your way, and even then you're still not allowed to put it up because "oh honey, your hair needs to breathe too. If you keep it in a pony, the band will leave a mark in it." Honestly, everyone finds it adorable when you're dressed in your little, fluffy skirt paired with a cozy oversized sweater, all mad and pouting, trying to blow the hair strands blocking your field of vision. Like a little baby.
While Rei looks at your hair and sees years of her hards work and patience, all you see is losing control over your own life. And you are. They decide everything for you, from the clothes you wear, the food you eat, and even things you should like and dislike. They choose when you should go out, what you should watch, when its time for bed. They disregard your opinions and feelings, and if you show that you're frustrated, then its means that you're just throwing a "tantrum", and you need to be put to bed like some cranky child. You've told them that they're too overbearing, but they always say that they just love you.
What kind of love is controlling?
They're so lost in their delusions, that they don't even see the deteriorating effects it has on you mentally.
Actually, one person did see them. Dabi.
He saw how much everything was overwhelming you, how you were near tears when they talked over you, made choices for you.
He felt a bit bad for you, just a tad. Mostly, he felt there was another opportunity to mess with you.
When Dabi came to bother you one night, tugging at your hair again, this time a bit harder than usual, he saw you were ready to cry. You didn't even bother saying anything to him anymore, just kept quiet and did your best not to cry. Of course, now he ridiculed you. Called you a little crybaby and used that annoying patronising tone with you. And just as he was about to leave, he said "if your hair bothers you so much, why don't you just cut it, you big baby?"
As if something had finally snapped in you, you let his words echo. Why don't I cut it? What's stopping me?
Was it because you had learned to just give in?
You didn't even realise you had walked to your bathroom until you were holding a pair of scissors. Which surprised you, because you weren't allowed to use scissors unsupervised. It was almost as if a sign from the universe motivating you to do it, and definitely not Dabi who left them on the sink.
Holding the pair of scissors in one hand and a chunk of your hair in the other, you hesitate for a second and wonder what will Rei do. But before you could stop yourself, you cut.
I'll cross that bridge when it comes.
You start low, maybe 2 inches above your hips. It looks okay, but maybe you could cut a little more. And a little more. And a little more. Before you know it, your hair is around shoulder length, in an uneven, chunky bob. Its not perfect, but somehow you feel much better. Like you’ve finally gotten some control back. Wiping your tears away, you ruffle your hair a bit, the cool air on your neck adding to the feeling of freedom. You feel normal, happier, peaceful. Things you haven't felt in years. And all because you had 3 am meltdown.
After you cleaned up the bathroom, you went back to bed, anxious how everyone will react in the morning. Maybe they won't care. You thought. Its only hair. My hair.
Everyone was waiting for you at breakfast the next morning, and to everyone’s surprise, Dabi had joined them as well. Rei was cooking up some eggs, while the kids chatted. Enji was suspicious of the mischievous glint in Dabi’s eyes, and it was filling him with unease. Just as he was about to question him, you walked in.
Everyone went silent.
Then Fuyumi let out an audible gasp, while Dabi chuckled darkly. Natsuo, Shotou and Enji looked at you with their mouths agape.
“Good morning.”you greeted them.
Rei, who was facing away from you, finally turned towards you. “Good mo-”Rei’s breath hitched, eyes blown wide, as the plate of bacon fell from her hands.
Its funny how everyone in the kitchen, including you, had the same thought at that moment.
What the fuck?
Taking a deep breath, you moved to sit in your usual spot between Fuyumi and Rei, but Shotou suddenly pulled you back and pushed you into the seat beside him. He knows his mother is in a better state mentally, but something tells him not to risk it. Fuyumi snapped next, quickly getting up and cleaning the mess on the floor while Enji pulled Rei, who was still staring at you in disbelief, to sit beside him. You remained indifferent to everyone’s stares, quietly eating your food. As soon as you were done, Shotou got up and quickly pulled you out of the room, Dabi following close behind.
They sat in your room as Shotou looked at your hair with worry. “Looking nice, doll.”Dabi chuckled as he plopped down on your bed beside you. “Thanks.” you mumbled. “Y/n how did- why did you- why did you cut your hair?” Shotou asked, still looking at your choppy hair. “Do you not like it?” you asked. “N-no I do. But what will mom say-” “Shotou, its my hair.” you snapped. “Yeah, Shotou.” Dabi mocked. Fuyumi and Natsuo soon joined you guys, worrisome looks on their faces. “Why did you cut it? Oh my god, do you even know how much trouble you’re in?” Fuyumi was freaking out. “Its my hair.” you rolled your eyes. They ignored you. “Okay, okay. Shotou why don't you stick around with Y/n for a couple of days? Fuyumi and dad will try to keep mom away from her.” Before Fuyumi could nod, you stood up. “No.”
Natsuo looked at you confused. “what do you mean “no”?”
“I mean no. I don't need Shotou to babysit me. I can handle myself.” Fuyumi walked towards you, reaching her hands for you but you backed away, “Y/n, sweetie-” You cut her off ,“Stop treating me like a child.”
Shotou spoke this time, “Its for your protection-” “Protection from who? Our mother? Why?”your words dared them to say the truth. To agree that Rei was unstable. They didn't say anything.
A few days had passed by and things were returning to normal. Almost normal. Rei still had this thousand yard stare when she looked at you, but she never said anything. Cutting your hair was the best decision you had made, because not is it only easy to manage, but it also got the family off your back. Rei doesn't wash your hair anymore(although you think she's just not over the shock), Fuyumi doesn't need to do your hair, they dry faster, and all of your brothers (including Dabi) doesn't mess around with them anymore. Enji was the first to adjust to your new cut, he even complimented you one day.
Did you feel guilty because you know how attached Rei was to your hair? A bit, but then realised that you needed this. You need some control over your life, and if this is how they react to your new cut, then maybe you could start taking back reigns over other aspects of your life as well.
You thought that maybe Rei had finally gotten over it a week later, when you were laying in the bathtub, enjoying the hot bath. When you heard her walk in, you were a bit startled. Why was she here- is she finally over it? "Um- hey." She smiled at you. "Why are you here?" She took the bath stool and sat behind the tub. "You know why." She replied and started rolling her sleeves up. Is she here to wash my hair? "Oh, are you here to wash my hair? I don't need help with that anymore now that they're short." Rei smiled again, this one looking forced, before dipping her hand in the tub. "No, silly." And with that, Rei froze the entire the tub in 2 seconds. The ice trapped your limbs, and reached up to your clavicle. The sudden change from hot to cold had you jolt, but you couldn't move due to the frozen ice. "Mom-!" You heard the buzzing sound of a trimmer and then felt Rei entangle her fingers in your hair to yank your head back. "I'm here to complete your haircut." You tried moving your head but her grip on your scalp was unrelenting. She started trimming the right side of your head, moving it slowly as to get every single hair. "Honestly, you should've come to me. I do agree that it'd be a good idea to start again." Tears fell from your eyes, your teeth chattered and you could feel your heart beat slow down as the cold seeped into your bones. "M-mom, I'm col-d. P-please s-stop..." Rei was done with one half of your head. "You know, I read somewhere that your grows thicker if you cut it. I'm sure that after I've shaved your head, your hair will grow even fuller. I've already gotten some new oils and hair masks! Maybe we could do them together." You couldn't hear anything besides the slowing of your own heart beating. Your breath had started to become shallow, you couldn't think about anything except for how painful ice could be. Your lips were turning blue, eyes were getting clouded with black spots, all sensation from your body was losing. Just before you lost consciousness, you heard the bathroom door open and a panicked yell.
You felt warm.
When you came to, your entire body felt warm and weighted, probably due to the heavy blanket spread on you.
Opening your eyes, you found yourself in a dimly lit room. It was...your parents room. Why am I here? You turned your head to look around but your eyes stopped at the large figure sitting on a chair next to your bed.
The figure's head snapped towards yours. "You're awake." He paused. "How- how are you feeling?" You moved the blanket off you, your body felt dense and ached. "Warm and...sore. What happened? Why am I in your bedroom?" Enji shifted in his seat. "I think its best if you stay here from now on, so that... your mother and I can look after you." Your eyes widened. "What? Why?" You moved to sit up but then a pain shot through your head. "Ah shit." You hissed in pain as you went to massage your temples but your hands halted at the feeling of your hair... or lack there of. You tried to run a finger through your choppy bob cut, but all you felt was your shaved head. Your eyes met Enji's, looking at him in disbelief as you recalled the events that had led up to this. "Darling-" You jumped off the bed and ran towards the vanity mirror, praying that this is just a nightmare. But as you looked at your reflection, you realised that this was the terrifying reality you were living in.
Tears dripped from your eyes as you took in your appearance. Trimmed- no, shaved pink hair. You couldn't see a single bit of hair above the roots, only a baby pink scalp. She had not only trimmed your hair first but then also proceeded to shave your scalp off. Your head looked like it had peach fuzz.
You couldn't bring yourself to look away, not even when Enji placed a hand on your shoulder. "Y/n-" He didn't even what to say. He was still in shock from what would've happened if Fuyumi hadn't yelled for him when Rei was-
Enji shook his head. Now's not the time. You're here and you're fine. You're fine. Enji pulled you towards him, burying your face in his chest as you cried. "You're fine." He repeated, more to himself than to you. "Why- why would she do this?" Your voice was muffled by his chest but he understood. He understood your pain and it tore him apart that he still wouldn't be able to help you.
Enji honestly didn't know what to tell you. He didn't know what words would bring you comfort. "It... it was an accident." His chest rumbled as he spoke. You pushed yourself away from him as you looked at him perplexed.
"What?" Your eyebrows raised, nostrils flared and blood rushed to your face. You were going to blow up.
"An accident? Is that what you said? Oh okay. Was it an accident when she froze the fucking tub? Did the trimmer accidentally fall from her hands to my head?! Oh and did she accidentally pull the razor over my head?!" Angry tears fell from your eyes but you were far too enraged to care.
Enji opened his mouth to say something but he was cut off by the sound of the bedroom door opening. Turning around you saw her.
Rei was standing there with a tray of food and water. Her face turned to shock before turning to happiness. She set the tray on a nearby table before she rushed towards you, her hands reaching for your face.
"Angel, you're awake-" you pushed her hands away roughly as you backed away from her.
"Dont you dare touch me."
The couple, they had never heard your voice such hostility. It wasn't like you. Rei shook her head as she tried to reach for you again, taking another step in your direction. But you smacked her hands away again. "I said don't touch me!" Your yelling had got your siblings to rush in the room, wanting to see what the commotion was about.
Rei's eyes shifted from you to Enji, looking at him for help, before they returned back to you. She took a deep breath before speaking. "Y/n, darling. What's wrong?" You scoffed at her soft tone that tried to quell the storm of negative emotions bubbling inside you. "What's wrong? What's wrong? I don't know, you tell me, Rei. Why the fuck am I bald?!" Your head was pounding with rage, raw unbridled anger.
When Rei didn't say anything, Fuyumi stepped forward to help her out. "Y/n its-"
"Shut up."
Fuyumi's- everyone's eyes widened. Of everyone, you never even rose your voice at your favourite sibling. But to hear your voice turn so cold towards her, it shocked everyone. "Y-Y/n-" she tried again but you cut her off. "I said shut up. I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to Rei and she'll answer for herself."
Enji placed a hand on your shoulder, pulling you back slightly. "Have some respect. She's your mother-" You yanked your shoulder away from his grip. "No, she's not!" You inhaled deeply, trying to stabilise your voice. "No, she's not. You're not my dad. I'm not a part of this family. And I'm so sick of playing this game."
Dabi's eyes narrowed. "Stop being an ungrateful brat. You've been given all the luxuries one could only imagine, spoiled to no end-" You laughed. "Did I ask for anything?" "You never had t-" "And all these luxuries that you're talking about, I didn't get them for free. I had to give up a lot. No, wait-" you laughed again, tears blurring your vision. "I didn't give up anything. You all took it. Yeah, all of you snatched everything away from me. My family, my friends, my privacy, my sanity, everything. And you-" you moved towards Rei, pointing a finger at her. "You have been the most greedy one of them all."
Rei's jaw fell open, as she shook her head. "No-" You shook your head.
"Yes! I gave you everything. I let you dress me up in those god awful clothes, feed me whatever you wanted, stick to your side like glue because you don't like it when I was out of your sight for a more than a few minutes. For fucks sake, I didn't even go to college this year because you weren't ready to see me become an adult!" You ran a frustrated hand through your hair. "I played into your sick little fantasy. I let you treat me like a child, talk to me like I'm some helpless baby. I let you touch me even though it disgusted me to no end. I never even complained when you gave me ice burns because I was throwing a tantrum." You looked at the rest of your family, and they were shocked to hear that last bit. You smiled cruelly at them. "Yeah, you didn't know that did you?"
Rei was crying herself by now, as she reached out for you once again but you moved away. "I let you have everything. All I wanted was this little bit of freedom, for my own sanity. But you couldn't stomach that could you?" Your head hung low, your tears hitting the floor.
"Why do you have to be so selfish?"
Your voice held so much pain and defeat. Rei couldn't help but engulf you in her arms, wrapping herself around you tightly before you could even protest. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She cried out. "I- I promise I'll fix this! Yes. I-I've already gotten you some new hair oils! They say that they'll help you grow 6 inches in a month! Oh and Natsuo also brought some stuff for hair growth! Some vitamins and- Natsuo whats that spray called? Minoxy? Mi-minoxidil! Yes! He said that'll help you grow your hair in no time! Doesn't that sound nice? You'll have long hair like before!" Rei pushed back to look at you. You couldn't believe it.
"Are you- are you really that delusional?" Your voice was so soft, almost like you would break any moment now. "Are you so blind to see what you're doing to me?" Your eyes held so much pain and confusion. "Sweetie, don't worry- mommy will take such good care-" You pushed Rei away from you, your anger rolling back in full speed. "YOU ARE NOT MY MOTHER!" You shrieked. "Y/n-" Shotou tried to interject. "I'm not a part of your fucking family."
Enji stepped towards you. "Calm down."
You looked at him. "You said that what happened was an accident. What will you do if another one happens? And you're not around this time to save me? Hmm? What will you do? Continue playing house with my dead body?!"
Rei's sobs shook her body. "Shut up. Think before you say stupid shit like that." Dabi spoke this time, moving to stand between you and his mother. "Or what? You're going to hurt me? More the reason why all of you, but especially you-" you pointed at Rei "deserve to be in that nuthouse-!"
You were on the floor before you could even process what had happened. Had you- had you fallen? But when the searing pain of the burn on your cheek came alive and you looked at his hand that had erupted in blue flames, you realised what had happened.
Dabi slapped you.
Your cheek felt like someone had placed a hot iron on it, the sting spreading to your entire cheek, but you were far too shocked to care about the pain.
Dabi slapped me.
Shotou, Natsuo and Fuyumi quickly rushed to your side, picking you up and out of the room, while Dabi stood there in stunned as his own hand throbbed. The image of his handprint branded on your scared face wasn't going to leave his mind anytime soon.
Enji hesitated, looking at his wife and son in disbelief, before leaving the room to look for you.
Rei walked towards Dabi and smacked his arm. "What did you do?!" She yelled at him. He opened his mouth to explain but nothing came out.
"She's your little sister, Touya! W-why would you do that?!" Rei scolded him.
He hurt you. Like Enji hurt Rei.
He hurt you.
Rei sighed before closing her eyes and engulfing Dabi in her arms. "Its okay. Its not your fault." She rubbed his back soothingly. "It was an accident, wasn't it?"
Dabi wrapped his arms around his mother, burying his face in her neck, before nodding.
"Yes. It was an accident."
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So... how was it?
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wolferine · 3 years
Heart Skips a Beat
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: Natasha faces her worst nightmare when a rescue mission goes wrong…
Warnings: Violence, blood
Word Count: 1276
Even with your respirator, you still have a hard time seeing through the smoky air. You carefully wade through the uneven piles of debris while dodging the ceiling beams and cables hanging down like vines. Steve assigned you to search the 3rd floor of the 12-floor condominium, but so far, you haven’t located a single living person.
“Hello? Anyone out there?” you call. With your enhanced hearing, you hear something shuffle in the rubble. A hand pokes out, bloody and white with dust.
“Here!” a feminine voice responds.
“I’m coming!” You leap over holes ten-feet wide and balance on beams thinner than a windowsill to reach them. You kneel to brush some dirt aside and find a young woman lying beneath a large ceiling panel. You click the microphone button on your collar and tell your team, “I got a live one on the third floor.”
“So bring them down,” Clint responds.
“I was just getting to that, thank you for the suggestion.” You grab the ceiling panel and toss it aside, offering a hand to the woman. She accepts but cries out as you pull her to her feet. There’s a piece of rebar, nearly as long as your arm, skewered straight through her calf.
“Hold on, it’s okay.” You remove a tourniquet from your pocket and cinch it around her upper thigh. “Let me carry you. I’ll get us out of here.” You gently pick her up bridal-style and retrace your footsteps. Her arms wrap around your neck as she clings to you like her life depends on it.
Then you remember that the staircase had long ago crumbled, and you’d gotten up here by climbing. There was no way you were getting down the same way.
“Um, wait, I didn’t think this through,” you admit to the woman, but she’s in too much shock to catch your joke. “Hey, guys,” you address your team again, “There’s no staircase for us—”
“So jump.” Natasha’s voice crackles in your earpiece and you smile. 
“You are all so very helpful today.” You look around to find an alternate route. Two stories down, part of the floor is still intact. You had used it as a platform to jump up to the third floor—it should be able to take your weight coming down, right?
“Hey,” you say to the woman in your arms, “There’s no stairs, so I’m gonna have to jump. Just hold on to me and don’t look down, okay? I won’t drop you.”
She nods and tucks her head against your chest. You tighten your hold on her and take three great steps, pushing off into the unknown. You land on your feet harder than expected, but your enhanced bones take the impact in stride. From there, it’s just a simple path through the rubble back to the street.
“I’ve got a live one!” you shout, and paramedics rush towards you with a gurney. “She’s got some rebar through her leg, so be careful with her.”
“We got her,” the paramedics assure, helping you set her on the gurney.
“You’re gonna be okay,” you promise the woman, patting her shoulder.
“Thank you,” she whispers, her hand lingering a little too long across your chest.
“You take care of yourself now.” You wave as the paramedics roll her away, then turn around and see Natasha walking towards you with an expression of jealousy. “What?” you ask, removing your respirator and wiping sweat off your forehead.
“Did you have to carry her like that?” Natasha says.
“Carry her like what?” you respond. “She had some rebar in her leg, Nat, I was just trying to—”
“We’re in public. You need to be professional.”
“No, you’re just jealous.” You step towards her, close enough to see the flecks of brown in her swirling green eyes. “Because I carry you like that to our bed all the time—”
“Don’t lead her on like that, you’re never gonna see her again.” Natasha steps back, but you see the blush in her cheeks and the twitch of a smile on her lips.
“I’m just doing my job,” you say. “Besides, I’m already in love with someone else.” You reach for her hand and squeeze it gently.
“Looks like Y/N found the last live one.” Steve comes up behind Natasha, his face streaked with soot and his hair matted just like yours.
“Perfect. So, we’re done here, right?” you say.
“Not just yet. We’re still not sure what caused the collapse—”
“Oh, come on, Steve, you know how these building owners are,” you interrupt. “They cut a bunch of corners, don’t build up to code, and then the whole thing comes down at the slightest—” Natasha shuts you up with a glare.
“How much longer do you think we’ll be here?” she asks.
“Could be a while. There you are, Barton.” Clint falls into place next to you.
“Well, if we’re here long enough, maybe we can hit up the nightclubs,” you say, throwing a glance at Natasha, but she doesn’t look at you. “Or, we can get some shawarma. That’s always a fan favorite.”
“Y/N.” Clint clears his throat.
“Sorry.” Sometimes you go a little too far, but that’s just how you are. Doing your line of work isn’t easy or normal, and you always try to keep things fun and light.
“We can celebrate after we’ve got this mess sorted out,” Steve says. “So what we need to do next is—”
You hear two gunshots; all of you do. But you’re the only one who gets hit.
The first bullet tears through your right shoulder and it feels like you’ve been struck with an anvil. Your body jerks upward and your blood sprays across the faces of your teammates. Before you even start falling, the second bullet spirals through your lower back and you swear you feel your organs explode. You stay standing, swaying slightly. You see the expression of shock on Natasha’s face, then the blood on her cheeks. Your blood.
“Shots fired, shots fired!” Steve leaps forward and slams Clint to the ground. Clint rolls out from under him and takes cover behind a car. Steve looks back and sees Natasha still standing, looking like a deer in headlights. None of your limbs seem to work. The respirator slips from your hand and your legs finally buckle to the right. “Get down, Nat!” He pushes himself up and tackles her to the ground.
“Everybody get down!” Clint yells. Paramedics and police officers scatter, civilians run in all directions.
Your right arm cushions your head from slamming on the asphalt and you hear your heartbeat in your ringing ears. The pain is dull, an annoying background sensation, and you’re not even aware of the blood pooling beneath you. Maybe you should’ve worn your bulletproof vest, but you hadn’t planned on being shot during a rescue mission.
Natasha stares at you helplessly, watching you gasp for air. Instinctively, she tries crawling towards you, but Steve flattens his weight on her.
“Don’t move, Nat!” he orders. “Stay down!”
But she doesn’t hear him. She only sees you. She sees your eyes glaze over, your fingers clawing weakly at the ground, trying to reach out to her. She sees the blood puddle forming around your body, practically drowning you in a sea of red.
Darkness pulls at the edges of your vision, threatening to swallow you whole. Your chest flames in agony with each shallow breath you take, and the darkness becomes more and more tempting. Your eyelids flutter; you don’t have the strength to keep them open. You don’t hear Natasha screaming your name as you blank out.
Click here for Part 2!
AN: I never thought I’d write fanfics again, but this brilliant idea popped into my head when I was watching 9-1-1 and I just had to write it. This is also the first time I’ve written a reader-insert story and one with no planned ending, so we’ll see what happens!
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domthedevil · 3 years
could you do satan next? for the be gentle series i mean. i really liked both so far!!
Yesssssssssss. Gentle Satan makes me weeeeeeak. Actually had another request for soft Satan so I hope this holds you over until I finish the other one haha. Who should “Be Gentle” next? ( > w > )
Be Gentle pt 3
Warnings: Satan x afab!MC, loss of virginity
Satan hates losing bets. And any competition with Lucifer meant he was going to be more determined to win. But...it’s not like the outcome is up to him. It’s your choice, your body, your decision. Thinking it was ultimately juvenile to discuss further, Satan made his way to his room. Maybe focusing on something else would take his mind off of things.
Satan knew his yearning for you would be returned when you were ready. But he hadn’t expected it to be so soon. You wanted company while you worked up the nerve to ask him. Not sure if he’d be excited or annoyed by your inexperience. Satan’s usual smile immediately eased your nerves as you sat next to him on his bed.
“M-Me?” Satan cleared his throat a moment before regaining his composure. “I mean- are you sure you’re ready?”
Your chuckle made his face burn a pale pink. Kissing him softly, your palms rested against his chest. His own ran up the small of your back, rubbing soothing circles up your spine. Guiding you slowly, he had you straddle his waist as he remained seated. The hands on your back moved to your front. Teasingly brushing over your erect peaks. Though a thin layer of fabric separated your skin and his touch, the sensation was still able to excite you.
As one hand busied itself with the buttons on your uniform, the other rubbed roughly between your legs. The small jump of your hips startled you both, but you wanted more of his touch down there too. Helping him fulfill that need, you tore at your own clothing to remove anything you still had on. Satan however stopped your hands to slowly draw out each layer that left you. Your chest heaved as he pressed his body against yours. Now his clothes were the only barrier.
Holding your arms at your sides so that you couldn’t rip off his own clothing, you saw a seductive smirk cross his face. Rolling you both over on the bed, your back now resting against the soft sheets. Kissing at your neck deeply, he gently pressed his hips against yours. A firm member pressing between your legs, through his pants made your walls clench in anticipation. His hard cock was ready for you. Satan used a skilled tongue to distract you from his roaming hands. Nimble fingers teasing and pinching at your clit and nipple.
“S-Satan...it feels hot.” You managed to make out through bated breaths. As soon as you were finished however, his lips were back on yours. His tongue was back to tangling with yours. A slow pulse shook you from your clit being toyed with. His touch was gentle, but very intentional. Like he already knew what places would drive you mad.
“Is it still hot? Should I stop?” His voice was low and laced with arousal.
“N-no. Please don’t.”
“Hm hm. I’m only joking kitten. Keep mewling for me.”
His pinches grew harder and the rolling finger tips made you whine with pleasure. Light and pleasurable nibbles left pink trails down your neck. You wiggled under his touch, feeling a little over stimulated. But it felt too good to stop. Your hips bucked against the fingers teasing your sensitive pearl, telling him you wanted more and more. His fingers explored a little lower, cautiously touching your entrance and covering his fingers in your slick.You whimpered and moaned as he softly prodded your entrance.
Slowly, two fingers pressed inside you. Rubbing at your soaking wet walls from the inside. Your mewls turned to loud moans and panting. Your hands gripped at the sheets below you. Every way he moved or touched inside of you made waves crash against your heated core. Using the hand not inside you, Satan unbuttoned his pants and pulled his hard dick out. You admired him from your position. Satan was thick and long, the plump head of his cock made your mouth water. His hands moved at an even pace with his fingers. He was just as excited to be inside you as you were. But the red across his cheeks showed he was still emotionally connected to you. Not just overwhelmed with lust, but also considerate.
Your soft moans brushed against his lips as he rubbed at himself faster. The fingers inside you began scissoring and stretching you. The pad of his thumb pressed against your clit as he continued moving inside you. Leaving his cock to twitch on its own, he removed his pants and parted from you only a moment before removing his shirt too. The little light that was in the room contoured his body, your heart started pounding harder.
“Satan...” you sat up on your hands to watch him move back on to the bed. “Come closer. I...I want you.”
You could hear him swallow hard before letting a confident smirk grace his features. Pushing you back with one hand, he pushed your knees over his shoulders to almost bend you in half. You could feel and see the way his long, hard member rubbed against your folds, covering itself in slick. The tip of his cock lightly bumping against your clit.
“You’re really so adorable MC. Giving yourself to me like this makes me so happy. You know...I’m honored to love you.”
“D-don’t say that out of the blue...” his words made you fluster slightly. Your arms covered your face in embarrassment. His chuckle was sweet, and the hands that pulled your arms away were warm.
“Don’t hide. I want to see your face. I want you to see mine...”
Managing the nerve to do so, you stared back into his emerald colored eyes. The soft look he gave you twisted slightly, as did your own, as he pressed himself against your heated entrance. Once lined up, he pushed himself forward with a quick thrust, thinking it would take some of the discomfort away. But you were still left gasping after the sharp tear ran through your pelvis. But it only lasted a moment. Satan stayed still, watching your face and body for signs to stop. Satan’s breathes were uneven as he felt your body flex all around him. Truthfully he could have come just from feeling your body move around him. But he held back.
Finally, now that the feeling of being full was growing pleasurable, you asked him to move. He started with short shallow thrusts, making sure his pace wasn’t too fast. Though he’d always day dreamed of fucking you rough and until you were begging for more, he was going to be especially gentle with you tonight. The soft expressions of pleasure he watched change across your face made his heart pound faster.
“How does it feel MC?”
“G-good... No...I-it feels great actually.” You couldn’t meet his gaze as you moaned loudly. “H-harder, please.”
Satan’s hips responded before he could think about your request. Harder it is. Dipping further and further into your tight pussy, his eyes closed as your virgin walls squeezed him tightly. You felt his cock hitting spots you’d never reached before. Filled you in places you didn’t know could be filled. Each thrusting of his hips made your breathing hitch and mix with your growing moans.
“MC...I love you.”
“I-I love you. “
The heated kisses exchanged made everything sensation at once build up. You were getting closer warmer and tighter as he hit one spot in particular. Holding you tightly around your abdomen, Satan moved quicker, harder. The chase for his release was starting to overcome him. You saw small stars frame your vision before a hot wave shot through your core. A gasping moan parted you from Satan’slips as you rode out your first orgasm. Satan’s cock stilled, a gasp slipping from him as he came suddenly. The feeling of being enveloped in your wet, warm walls was too much. The thick ropes of seed inside you only added to the dulling warmth.
“M-MC! I’m so sorry, are you okay?”
You were catching your breath as he slid from within you. He watched you with a worried expression as you turned over on your side. Your body still felt hot all over, but you wanted more already. You nodded as you pulled him to lay under you.
“More than okay.” Your legs straddled his waist as you looked down at him. “Can we...do it again?”
Satan chuckled as he sat up to kiss you. Nibbling your lip subtly.
“My kitten already wants more? Of course I’ll keep playing with you.”
This is a continuation of a request. Read the others here:
Be Gentle (Levi x AFAB!MC)
Be Gentle (Belphegore x AFAB!MC)
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babyflossy · 4 years
you have to wait | n.jm
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pairing; jaemin x fem!reader
summary; you weren’t sure how jaemin stayed so calm every time you decided to tease him, but you aren’t going to complain.
genre/warnings; softdom!jaemin, smut, fingering, dirty talk, pet names, daddy kink, teasing, overstimulation, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), lowkey kinda filthy
word count; 3k lmao i’m going to hell
if you were asked why you found teasing jaemin the most fun thing in the world, you wouldn't be able to give a straight answer. there was just something about the harsh angle of his jaw when he clenches it, and the way his fingers leave hot trails up and down your thighs when you sit next to him that is simply addicting. in fact, jaemin himself is addicting to you, and you are weak to his power over you.
tonight is no different and you see the familiar twitch of his eyebrow when you let your hand trail a little too high on his thigh. under the dim lights of the restaurant, you doubt anyone would even notice what you're doing, but you can tell it's annoying him anyway. a larger hand covers your own and he looks down at you with sharp eyes, pulling your hand off him and back onto the tablecloth.
for the next few minutes, you decide to let him eat in peace, sipping your drink every now and then, making sure to lick the excess off your lips a little too slowly. he doesn't fail to notice and you watch in satisfaction as his eyes drop to watch the movement. as if realising he's falling into your trap his eyes snap back to his food, adam's apple bobbing as he swallows harshly.
"don't you think it's a little hot in here?" your voice sounds innocent enough but jaemin freezes when you pull on the straps of your dress, the neckline slipping far too low for his liking. it's obvious to him what you're trying to do and he refrains from rolling his eyes. you were always one to push his buttons at times like this.
a few quiet moments pass, the lull of the chatter in the restaurant making it so much easier for him to focus on the trail of sparkles your necklace leaves as it slips far further down your chest. he gulps again, mind flitting between filthy images of you in nothing but that necklace and the dainty heels adorning your feet. then your hand is back on his thigh and his jaw clenches again, regaining his composure.
the way he murmurs your name is stern but not intimidating, simply a warning that you need to stop before he loses his patience. you pretend to contemplate his thinly veiled threat, thinking about the two possible outcomes. did you want him rough or not? you think back to last time you made him angry, the hickeys and the bruises from his fingertips and decide you don’t want it that rough tonight. with a sly smile you remove your hand, instead choosing to toy with the cutlery.
the rest of your dinner passes in much the same way; playing with the cuffs of jaemin’s suit jacket, twirling the pearls of your earrings with your fingers delicately, all whilst shooting him the same smile you hope is pure enough for your intentions to be concealed to the people around. at one point you manage to sneak your hand up the whole expanse of his thigh to the quickly hardening bulge and he nearly chokes on his water, cheeks flushing and strong fingers prying you off him. “you have to wait until we get home, baby.”
the words provoke a whine from you and jaemin huffs out a laugh, secretly loving how you always seem so desperate for him. after a few more pointed glances and lingering touches he stand abruptly, waving over the waiter and throwing a stack of notes onto the table.
you try to suppress a smirk as he guides you out the restaurant, hands on your hips keeping you in front of him to cover the obvious erection in his pants. hsi breath is hot on your neck as he thanks the waiter holding the door open for you.
once outside he pulls you beside him, an arm wraps around your waist and he looks down at you with an almost unimpressed expression. “you need to learn a lesson in patience, angel.” whatever commanding tone he’s going for is muffled by the giggle he lets out when you start pressing feathery kisses to his cheek.
“it’s not my fault you look like a literal god in that suit, jaemin.” the compliment tints the tops of his cheeks pink and you kiss his nose for good measure.
“well, you look simply delectable in that dress, baby.” his voice doesn’t change but he stares you down with something darker in his eyes that has your thighs pressing together. jaemin notices and smirks, pulling you to the car quicker.
the elevator ride up to your shared apartment is tense and the final ding signaling you were on your floor sounded like music to your ears. jaemin slips his hand into your and pulls you down the hallway, fishing out his keys and unlocking the door in record speed. he kicks it shut behind you and you’re pushed against the wood before you can register what’s happening.
jaemin’s lips are hot with need, pushing against yours with such ferosity you grip his shoulders to anchor yourself. for a moment, he drops to your neck and sucks harshly on the delicate skin under your ear, blowing on the spot as he pulls away and it makes you shiver. he wastes no time in fisting the fabric of your dress around your waist, tapping your thigh to tell you to jump. once your legs wrap around his hips he expertly manouvoerus you into the bedroom without breaking away from your lips.
moonlight shines through the room to your face as jaemin throws you onto the bed, taking a second to admire the ethereal glow of the watery filter. once against impatient, you lock your hands behind his head and pull his lips to meet yours in a fiery kiss. there’s nothing aggressive about it tonight, only hot and needy but still careful.
one of jaemin’s warm palms tips your head up to enable him to deepen the kiss, nibbling on your bottom in a way that makes you gasp. he takes the oppurtunity to slip his tongue into your mouth, sucking your own to the rythmn of his hands moving up your body.
they stop on your breasts, kneading the soft flesh under your dress and making you let out a moan that sounds desperate even to your own ears. it goes straight to jaemin’s dick, however, and he reaches down between your bodies to rub at the tops of your thighs.
sick of waiting, you break away to tell him to hurry up but words die on your tongue and morph to a whimper as his fingers ghost over your clit, settling on either side of the sensitive bud and pulling. the movement elicits another feeble whimper and a buck of your hips to try and get more. he chuckles, finally pushing your soaked panties down your legs and throwing them into the room behind him.
without the wet fabric blocking him, jaemin can pull his fingers through your folds, cursing at how wet you are. “fuck, baby,” he groans into your neck, “you need me that badly, huh?” you’re not sure how his teasing manages to still affect you after so long together but the words still make your thighs close involuntarily.
he treats you to one quick circle of your clit before he pulls away, dropping himself to lie inbetween your legs, head resting on your chest and eyes staring up at you deceptively innocenlty. you know what he wants you to do and you don’t stop the roll of your eyes. “go on, sweetie.” his voice is sickly sweet and you can feel your cheeks heating up.
“really? haven’t we done this enough already?”
“none of this sounds much like begging, baby.” as if to rub in his power over you, he pushes himself up onto his arms and makes to move away. “i can handle myself if you don’t want to–”
“no, no, no,” whatever pride you have left is buried immediately and you wrap your arms around his shoulders to prevent him moving away. “please, jaems, i need you so badly.” to your disappointment, he still doesn’t look convinced and you swallow the last remnants of your dignity before leaning up to his ear to whipser, “i need your cock so so badly, daddy.”
delight fills you when you feel him freeze, mocking smile fading from his face as his dark eyes meet yours again. “such a needy baby.” this is a good sign, you know, and you feel excitement fill you instantly as you realise what he’s goingto say next. "tell me what you need."
you could cry with happiness, instead choosing to crash your lips against his again. this time it’s messier, teeth clashing and lips bruising but he still pulls away with a smile. “fingers, please, i need your fingers, jaem–”
just as he’s making his way down your body he pauses and shoots you a pointed look. “ah, ah, ah. what do we call me?”
“that’s a good girl.” you hate how the words make your heart flutter.
just as you wished, you feel cold fingers prodding at your entrance. slowly, he eases two in and you groan at the stretch, leaning into his shoulder and pressing kisses to the base of his neck. the pace he sets is unforgiving and you moan loudly when the tips of his fingers tap the soft spot in your that makes your vision swim. “right there?” he coaxes another moan from you when he focuses on that spot specifically, pulling his thumb up to rub at your clit.
“fuck,” your breathing is uneven, chest heaving as you bite into his shoulder. all you can do is chant curses as the knot in your stomach tightens quickly. “i’m gonna cum.”
“already?” the teasing’s back. fantastic, you think dryly. “but, baby, i’ve barely done anything.” despite his words, he doesn’t slow down his fingers, instead choosing to do the opposite and speed up until the lewd sounds of your wetness overpower your whimpers. “let go, angel, daddy’s got you.”
you cum over his fingers with a cry, legs shaking and eyes screwed shut as his fingers keep their unforgiving pace. when the aftershocks have calmed down but his fingers haven’t you look down at him to find him staring up at you with a cheeky grin. the thumb on your clit presses down harder and your hips buck involuntarily at the overstimualtion.
jaemin’s free hand pulls at your dress’s loose neckline until your lacy bra is exposed. the hand travels inside one of the cups, pulling your nipple in a way you can only moan at. at this point, everything else has faded to the background, the only thing you can focus on his hands that are barrelling you towards a second orgasm before your first one has even worn off.
“you gonna cum again, princess?” just as his voice breaks through your blissed out haze, his lips drop to your clit, sucking the bud into his mouth. your teetering on the edge of bliss once again and the soft grazing of his theeth on your clit and his fingers pressing into your g-spot finally push you over. colours burst behind your eyelids and you chant his name like a mantra, unable to stop your legs closing around his head.
when he at last pulls away from you, you’re trying to catch your breath, eyes still shut and legs still jolting. "look at you, such a mess." he mumbles before his lips encase your own. you can taste your own sweetness on his tongue as he licks around your mouth.
it’s only then that you remember jaemin’s still completely clothed, his suit looking painfully tight over his crotch. as if reading your mind he sits up, slipping his arms through his jacket as you finger at his tie until it loosens enough for you to pull it over his head. now free of the most restrictive items, you grasp at his belt buckle before he helps you, laughing at the frustrated sigh you let out.
jaemin wastes no longer and pulls his slacks and boxers down his legs, kicking them off the egde of the bed. once free of the clothing, he pulls your own dress up and over your head, leaving you in nothing but your heels that you still haven’t taken off and his favourite red lace bra. he slips his hand under you to unclip the lingerie and pulls it from you.
“my heels–” you protest as he flips you over, pulling your knees up to get you in position.
“leave them on, they make your legs look sexy.” if you were in any other circumstance you would have laughed and teased him but the tone of his voice is deadly serious and you back off. “can you take me now, or do you need a minute?”
sure, your thighs ache, and you still haven’t caught your breath, but the fear of disappointing him is too strong for you to argue. “now.”
“are you sure? you just came twice in a row–”
“please, daddy.”
you hear him curse, rubbing the arch of your back before he leans down to kiss between your shoulder blades. “fuck, baby, you have no idea what you do to me.” hands grope at your ass and jaemin pumps himself a few times before bumping his tip on your clit. you tense as he starts pushing in but one swipe of your clit and you’re putty in his hands. literally.
the strength abandones your arms and your head falls into the pillows as he bottoms out, groaing deeply at the feeling of your walls fluttering around him. slowly, he pulls out and slams back in, the harshness of the action making you bite the pillow to muffle your scream. jaemin notices and loops his hands around your shoulders, pulling you up so your back is flush to his chest, one hand staying around your waist to keep you upright. “i wanna hear you, babygirl.”
his dick stretches you so perfectly you have to find purchase on his thighs to keep yourself grounded. your head lolls back onto his shoulder when he hits your sweet spot again, nothing but a high pitched whine leaving your lips. it’s different to your normal moans, desperate and sharp and it makes jaemin’s hip stutter. he doesn’t wait to tell you how you much he loves it. "god, the noises you make are incredible."
as if to prove his point, another strong circle over your clit and it draws the same noise from you. he keeps his fingers there, resting two on either side of your bud and pulling, just like he did earlier, but this time it feels so much stronger after all the pleasure that’s been loaded on you. “daddy,” you choke out, head turning to suck at the stop under his ear that pulls a moan from him. “i’m so close.” as the coil in your abdomen tightens his pace increases until your moans are so loud you’re sure the neighbours can hear.
jaemin doesn’t seem to care, however, only encouraging you on. "c'mon, angel, i know you can be louder than that." and you are, as he delivers a particularly storng thrust that pushes you straight over the edge of ecstasy again, your third orgasm crashing down onto you unforgivingly.
when the thrusting of hips doesn’t let up you go slack in his arms. “i can’t– jaemin, it’s too much–”
he shushes you before you can finish, dropping his head to press a gentle kiss to your lips. it’s delicate and loving and to oppose to how he’s handling you and it leaves you dizzy. “can you be a good girl and take it? do it for daddy.” you’re shaking as he chases his own high. you want– no you need– to show him how good you can be for him and you grip your hands over his where they rest on your torso. “i’m so close baby, you’re doing so well for me.”
with a few final thrusts and you clenching around him, he’s spilling into you, hips stilling to press himself as deep as possible into your tight core. the moans he lets out into your ear are raspy and deep and nothing short of angelic. you shiver as he pulls out, his cum starting to drip down your thighs and he sets you down on the mattress as if you were made of glass.
“you did so well, baby,” he giggles when he lays down beside you. all he manages to get out of you is a sleepy smile. “i’m gonna clean you up, okay?”
you don’t have the energy to reply and feel your eyes drooping as he brings a warm cloth to clean the sweat and cum off you legs. when he’s finished, he drops it in the bathroom and moves back to you, stroking your legs comfortingly as he pulls your shoes off, setting them gently in front of the wardrobe before finally slipping into bed with you.
the covers are pulled over you and you feel his arms pull you into him. “i love you.” you mumble a reply and bury your face into his chest, thoroughly worn out but also feeling strangely warm.
the last thing you remember before you slip into sleep is jaemin’s soft words as he kisses up and down the sides of you face and you smile.
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moonbeamwritings · 3 years
annoyances and nosebleeds
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Summary: In which you really hate Tōru Oikawa (or, more accurately, the time you realized that may not be entirely true).
A/N: this is my first haikyuu fic, so pls be very gentle with me! let me know what you think!
If there was one thing you knew with utmost certainty, it was that Tōru Oikawa was the single most annoying person you’d ever met. 
Not only did his gaggle of fangirls make you late for class at least once a week, blocking nearly the entire hallway as they giggled and whispered among themselves about who was giving Oikawa a present this time, but the boy himself was arguably more obnoxious— if that was even humanly possible.
He was aggravating and smug, always teasing you about his higher grades and poking and prodding at you for being single. So what if maybe, sometimes— on very rare occasions— you found his smile kinda cute in a “I want to punch him in the face” sort of way? You hated him and no amount of charm was ever going to solve that.
Your heart raced as your teacher worked through the list of partnerships for an upcoming project, leg bouncing restless as you waited, breath caught in your throat. As you heard your name being called, you prayed to whoever would listen that you wouldn’t end up with him.
Across the room, Oikawa was working through a similar internal monologue. He hated you in equal measure, that much was true. He hated your stick-in-the-mud attitude and the way you rubbed your grades in his face. He hated the way you glared at him and his fangirls in the hallways or the way you made a point of congratulating Iwa-chan on volleyball wins, but refused to do the same for him. 
He hated the confident lilt in your voice when you contributed something in class and the bright, almost blinding, light of your smile as you laughed with your friends at lunch. Well, maybe ignore that last part. Oikawa hated you. Plain and simple.
“... you will be working with Oikawa.”
Oikawa heard Iwaizumi and Makki snickering at the news, sending him teasing glances as they joked about his bad luck. Oh, if looks could kill.
Meanwhile, you’d decided that today, and the next two weeks where you’d be subjected to Oikawa’s company, was about to be the lowest point of your life. You couldn’t wait.
The moment the bell rang, signaling the end of an incredibly long day, you watched out of the corner of your eye as Oikawa sauntered over to your desk, teasing smirk already on his face.
This was gonna be good.
“It seems the tides of fate have blessed us both, hmm.” The way he spoke your name, tacking on a sarcastic honorific as he put on a front of sweetness, made your stomach churn.
“Trust me, Oikawa,” you bit back, closing your notebooks as you packed your things, “I don’t like this anymore than you do.”
He pouted, planting his hands on either side of your desk, leaning down to invade your line of vision, “I don’t know. I think you do. You are secretly in love with me, after all.” 
He watched in amusement as your face contorted in disgust, “and lest we forget I am smarter than you.”
“Bold words from someone who took a volleyball to the face last week.” You refused to look at him, shoving the rest of your things in your bag in an attempt to make this conversation as short as possible.
Your words only seemed to spur him on though. You could practically hear the way he was smirking, the bastard. “Hey, I thought you said you don’t come to our practices with all of my… hmmm, what did you call them again? Fangirls, was it?”
As you zipped your bag, he leaned over again, this time successfully getting you to look at him, “Are you a fangirl?”
With a huff, you stood from your seat, brushing your shoulder against Oikawa’s as you moved towards the classroom door. “I would rather keel over and die, Oikawa. Don’t flatter yourself.”
He caught up with you quickly, falling into stride with you as he shot a hand up to grip at his chest, “You wound me. I don’t think I can possibly go on.”
“Good,” you spoke resolutely. “Listen, I don’t want to talk to you any longer than I have to, so let’s make this as painless as possible. Just meet me in the library when you get out of practice.”
Without so much as a backward glance, you clicked your locker shut and ventured off, completely ignoring the mocking words Oikawa threw your way, whining about how he could really feel the love from where he was standing. Asshole.
The first meeting went about as well as you’d expected, with Oikawa arriving well after when you knew volleyball ended, seemingly more interested in making you suffer than he was in actually getting work done.
“Will you quit it? I’m not carrying this whole thing because you’re too lazy to do anything.”
He had his head resting in his palm, eyes memorizing the little crease between your brows as you got more angry. He wasn’t really listening to you and you could tell.
Sighing, you pressed two fingers against the inner corners of your eyes. “I hate you. Have I told you that yet today?”
“You might’ve once or twice. Or a hundred times. I’ve started to lose count,” he replied with a playful smile.
The next few meetings carried on much the same. You met with Oikawa after volleyball practice, you would get about an hour of work done before he began picking on you again, doodling on your papers or teasing you about being in love with him, and then you’d go home and complain about him to your friends.
Your life fell into an incredibly mundane cycle— go to school, meet with Oikawa, go home, and do homework— day in and day out. Until one particularly bad day sent you reeling, in more ways than one. You’d woken up late, forgotten an assignment, failed a test, and that was only the beginning of a very long list of grievances. It was overwhelming, to say the least. You’d been feeling the academic pressure for weeks; as if you had a storm cloud looming over you, invading your mind and making it harder and harder to work on your homework. You knew what needed to be done, but it never seemed like it was good enough, especially not today.
So, as you sat and waited for Oikawa’s practice to end, you allowed yourself to cry. Dark clouds usually meant rain, didn’t they? Hot, wet tears cascaded down your cheeks, slipping off your chin only to splatter across your papers, smearing the ink as they went. Furiously, you attempted to stop the flow, wiping tear after tear away until you finally resigned yourself to the pathetic mental image of what you must look like— alone, crying in some back corner of the library as you tried to muffle the hiccups that threatened to spill from your mouth.
In your flurry of emotions, you failed to hear the muffled thud of sneakers along the carpet.
“Hey,” a gentle voice called out, “you okay?”
Bile slipped up the back of your throat at the idea of being caught by him, the sound of his voice nearly reinvigorating your tears as humiliation burned your skin. Barely able to muster the courage to speak, you simply nodded your head, wiping the remaining tears with the soft sleeve of your sweater.
Picking up your pen and completely ignoring the uneven sound of your voice, you began taking notes again. “Let’s just get to work.”
Oikawa was quick to sink into the seat across from you, mind reeling at what he’d just seen. His mouth fell open as he watched you, eyes still glassy, as your pen glided across your notebook.
You had just been crying. You didn’t really expect him to just carry on with the project, to just ignore the distress he’d walked in on, did you?
He gave you a hard time, pushing your buttons and making fun of you, but all along he’d assumed it was little more than hatred— physical and verbal manifestations of how frustrated he was that you wouldn’t give him the time of day. Now, with concern gripping at his chest after having seen you fall apart, he wasn’t quite sure what to think anymore.
“You’re not really about to act like nothing happened, are you?” A mirthless chuckle sounding from his throat, a tentative hand reaching out to stop your pen. “I know you think I’m an idiot, but this is downright insulting.”
“What do you want me to say, Oikawa? Don’t act like you’re some knight in shining armor after all this time.
“I’m not heartless. Tell me what’s wrong.”
His words were short, leaving absolutely no room for debate. It was now or never.
“I’ve just felt a lot of academic pressure recently, that’s all.”
Oikawa nodded along and for once in his life, seemed to be genuinely listening to you. His hand hadn’t left yours.
“And?” He urged you to continue, leaning in slightly to take in your words.
“It’s just been a lot. I get good grades, sure, but it never seems good enough.”
Oikawa’s eyes widened, your words sounding all too familiar. He’d had these exact conversations with himself as he sat in front of his TV, watching volleyball footage over and over again. He was good, but there was always someone better. He knew how exhausting that could be, knew— too well — that nagging feeling of worthlessness despite hard work.
Maybe you weren’t so different after all.
“I feel like that sometimes too,” a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it squeeze of your hand, “maybe we can learn together.”
You didn’t respond, you weren’t sure you could. It was as if the entire image of Oikawa you’d crafted was crumbling, fragments of hatred tumbling to the sides to reveal, what you could only assume was the real him. And in this moment, though you’d never admit it, you were grateful.
You nodded, “I think I’d like that.”
Oikawa had to bite back a jest, some ridiculous passing comment about how he knew that you’d been in love with him all along, but he didn’t in favor of savoring the gentle smile you’d graced him with.
The rest of your little meetings were amenable and your encounters in the school hallways even more so. It wasn’t a complete 180, but it was definitely noticeable.
Your friends caught on to the shy smile on your face after Oikawa shot a wave in your direction and practically the entire volleyball team had seen Oikawa blush after he’d seen you at lunch one day. And both groups were going to get to the bottom of it if it killed them.
“You were at each other’s throats literally just last week,” your friend groaned, sending pieces of popcorn across the table and into your hair. “What the hell happened?”
“I told you, it’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing,” your other friend piped in. “You actually considered going to volleyball practice the other day. You’ve never gone willingly.”
“And, you actually smiled at him in the hallway!”
You brought your voice down to a whisper, not wanting to be overheard talking about something so stupid, “I don’t like Oikawa. He’s annoying and full of himself. You guys are seeing things.”
They were unconvinced.
Oikawa hadn’t been faring much better.
“Shittykawa,” Iwaizumi smirked, “you sure changed your tune.”
Oikawa rolled his eyes. “What’re you talking about?”
Iwaizumi pitched his voice up, a poor rendition of his best friend, “I can’t stand them Iwa-can~ How am I ever going to survive?” He dropped the act seconds later, elbowing the other player in the ribs, “Meanwhile you actually seem to enjoy doing this project with them.”
Makki and Mattsun laughed along before Mattsun interjected, “Don’t forget the blush!”
“Oh,” Makki howled, “how could we forget? He looked like a pink highlighter.”
All Oikawa could do was huff. “I don’t like them.”
And boy was he wrong.
With the project coming to an end, Oikawa laid awake, staring at his ceiling as he thought about how exactly he’d spend his time now that you weren’t meeting with him in the library every afternoon. Would you keep hanging out? Would you come to his games? What if you stopped smiling at him in school, returning to the bitter back-and-forths that had been so common before?
Oikawa shot up in bed, chest heaving and eyes wide. He liked you.
Oh no.
Across town, cuddled under the comforter in your own bedroom, you thought about Oikawa— as you had been most nights since you became partners. As your mind wandered, you realized that by now, you’d memorized the color of his eyes and that you could decipher exactly which of his smiles were genuine and which weren’t. You smiled as you thought about the feeling of your hand in his, about how warm his skin had felt against your own.
Your heart was in your throat. You were heading down a point of no return, one in which only humiliation awaited you. You liked Tōru Oikawa.
How cruel.
On your walk to school the following day, you’d decided that avoiding him would be the easiest option from here on out. The project was done and you were saving yourself the embarrassment of falling for someone who clearly would never be interested. You’d convinced yourself that day in the library had been a fluke, a trick of the light. He didn’t like you.
You ducked out of sight when he was about to pass in the halls, you pointedly looked elsewhere during class— whatever you could to suppress whatever feelings you had for him. All the while blissfully unaware of the effect you were having on the setter.
He knew this would happen, knew that the moment the project was submitted you’d begin to act differently, but he hadn’t thought you’d ignore him entirely. He almost missed the biting tone of voice you used whenever you scolded him, at least then you were looking at him, speaking to him.
He’d been so out of focus that during practice he’d taken one of Iwaizumi’s spikes directly to the face, sending blood dribbling down from his nose.
“Go take a walk,” Iwaizumi demanded, waving a hand in the direction of the door. “You’re no good if you’re just gonna stand there like a love-sick puppy.”
Sighing in defeat, Oikawa headed off, pinching the bridge of his nose as he went. His feet carried him along the tile, looping through hallways until he found himself outside of the library. You wouldn’t be in there, right? You didn’t really have any reason to be, not anymore.
Body on autopilot, he followed the familiar path, counting stacks as he walked along the main aisle. Rounding the final corner and expecting to be disappointed, he pinched his nose harder.
You let out a squeak at the sight of Oikawa, supposedly in the midst of volleyball practice, emerging from the stacks like a zombie, nose bloodied, face red and shiny with sweat.
“What are you-”
“I like you. A lot.” He had no idea where the words came from, but he wasn’t about to take them back now.
“Ha ha, very funny. You haven’t used that one before.”
A look crossed Oikawa’s face— one you hadn’t seen since the day he’d caught you crying.
Your stomach flipped, “You’re not joking.”
He shook his head, using the back of his hand to wipe away the blood that was still steadily trickling from his nose.
“I like you too.”
A smirk crossed Oikawa’s face, a joking lilt taking over his serious tone, “I knew it.”
You rolled your eyes good-naturedly, bringing a hand up to rub your thumb against his cheekbone. It was sticky with sweat, but it was either that or landing a kiss to his lips and interrupting his nosebleed. Gross.
“Wanna meet me back here after practice?”
“God, yes.”
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pi-cat000 · 3 years
BNHA: Kakashi dimension hops crossover (2)
Summary: Kakashi gets dumbed into the My Hero Academia universe through random plot devise.
Characters:  Kakashi Hatake
Fandoms: My Hero Academia and Naruto
WARNINGS: Mentions of violence/injury
Life in his hospital bed passes slowly while he waits for his chakra to replenish. Always a sluggish process for Kakashi. With nothing to do, nowhere to go and a significant lack of motivation to find either, there is a lot of time to think. Too much time. With what was shaping up to be the fourth great shinobi war, there was no time for reflection or resting. To suddenly have this much downtime thrust upon him is throwing him through a loop. And he doesn’t even have his periodic trips to the memorial as a distraction. If only Sakura could see him now, resting and recuperating like a good injured shinobi.
Doctor Wada, the ever-attentive physician, returns a few more times to ask more questions and offer more reassurances. He seems set on his theory that Kakashi’s yet to be properly identified quirk was the cause of his memory problems. Kakashi runs through a sweet of memory and vision tests. A baseline for later testing when his eye is healed he is told.
“The police have a few questions regarding your situation. With your permission, they would like to conduct an interview,” says Wada on Kakashi’s third day of being officially awake, “Of course, as your doctor, I have the final say in the matter so if you would rather wait just say the word.”
Kakashi gives another bland smile, “Ah, you are too kind.” Police…as in, an authority the dealt with civilian conflict? “I think I’ll answer their questions. Wouldn’t want to stall an investigation.”
He had been wondering when or if he would be investigated. How similar would it be to Kohoha’s internal police force?
“Humph. If you think you’re ready for it.”
He maintains his smile. It was as good an opportunity as any to continue gathering information with the bonus of breaking up the monotony of waiting in a hospital bed for his injuries to heal. Doctor Wada spends the rest of the check-up muttering about pushy police officers and how underappreciated his medical opinion was.
The two men that come to question him are wearing matching uniforms which are very telling of the sort of organisation they belong to. White and dark blue. Not made to camouflage or reinforce. Restrictive seaming around the arms, preventing any extreme movement. Their shoes are sturdy but inflexible with heavy soles. Manurable but not designed for any excessive combat. Not a uniform you would give a force intended to physically subdue threats. Whereas Konoha’s police force was comprised mainly of genin and chunin, these men were closer to civilians in pure physical ability. Ah, but he is beginning to suspect that this was the norm here. The people here were softer in a way that was hard to define. 
Kakashi watches them approach, seated upright in his bed, hands resting loose in his lap, aiming it create an impression harmlessness. One good thing to have come from agreeing to this interview was getting his own private hospital room. Now there was no one around to raise an alarm if something went wrong and he was forced to act.
“Good morning,” The older one of the two starts, politely dipping his head, “Kakashi was it?”
“Hmm,” he smiles, “Morning.” There is a pause like they are waiting for him to give his last name. He doesn’t.  
“Well,” The man clears his throat, “I am officer Takata Toyokazu, currently in charge of investigating the circumstances surrounding the assault on your person.” An ID card, very similar to Konoha’s own ID cards is presented, “This is my partner. We’re from Hosu’s Central Police and we have a few questions if you don’t mind answering them for us.”
“Ah,” Kakashi eyes the ID, lamenting the fact that his sharingan is covered under a swatch of bandages and thus inaccessible without obvious movement, “I am afraid my memory just isn’t all there. Apologies in advance if my responses are lacking.”
He lets a little humour leak into his tone. It was time to do a little prodding and gauged how this place's ‘police’ conducted their investigations.
“Yes. We were informed about your memory problems.” The two share an obvious glance and there is a definite note of scepticism there. “Nevertheless, any information would be appreciated.”
“Of course.”  He easily agrees, shrugging, projecting an air of casual nonchalance.
Takata blinks “Right,” and Kakashi can practically see his brain stalling, “Well, you were found on the corner of First and Eleventh street in Hosu’s Central Business District. Would you say this is accurate?”
Kakashi thinks for an exaggerated moment, “I do remember a lot of people. I think someone called for help?”
“You were picked up in an ambulance yes. Do you remember what happened before that?”
“Hmm, I was attacked…there were a lot of trees.” He nods like he has just delivered a useful bit of intel.
“Trees?” Is the deadpan response.
“You know…tall plants with leaves and a….”
“We know what trees are. So, you were in a place with a lot of trees before you were in Hosu’s business district.”
“A park maybe? There are a few around Hosu. Do remember anything else. Distinctive landmarks?”
“Ah,” he waits for a beat, “No.”
Kakashi is the subject of a disbelieving squint. “No names. Streets. Nearby locations?”
“Nope. All gone.” He says cheerfully and Takata’s brow twitches into an irritated frown.
“You were admitted with multiple stab wounds. Do you remember how you got them?”
He shrugs, “A knife probably.”
“Well, do you remember anything about who was holding the knife?”
“OH!” The two men startle at this sudden exclamation, “It was a man.”
There are a few seconds of silence. “What did the man look like?”
“I don’t remember that bit.”
This time he gets a very obvious frown. Apparently, realising that the current line of questioning is getting them nowhere, the officer motions to his partner and is handed a large envelope. After some shuffling around, a paper file is produced and flipped upright in Kakashi’s direction. It is a photograph of kunai, shuriken, senbon, razor wire and assortment of other weaponry he carried around on his person. He had wondered what the hospital had done with his stuff.
“These are the weapons found on your person when you were admitted to hospital. All confiscated. It’s illegal to carry these sorts of thrown weapons and knives in Japan.”
He scans the photo with interest. The image has his weaponry all laid out in neat lines.
“Really?” He is not even faking his curiosity this time. No one carried around any weapons at all? That wasn’t just a trend limited to the hospital? 
“Yes.” Comes the short response, “what were you using them for.”
“Oh, I don’t remember,” he says gleefully, “How scary.” And gets another round of scowls. After doggedly refusing to give more than vague answers and misdirection, the two increasingly frustrated men prepare to leave.
“If you do remember anything, please call.” A small paper card displaying a string of numbers is presented to him. “You’ll have to come down to the station and give an official statement once the hospital clears you as well so don’t forget. We’ll  get in contact if any arrests are made regarding the perpetrator.”
Kakashi knows enough about investigations to recognise that one, the two standing next to his bed were searching for some specific information and had found Kakashi’s responses lacking, and two, they had no idea who Kakashi was and knew even less about how he might have gotten here.
In the end, they just leave. No threats. No mind games. No attempts to arrest or move him to a secure location for further questioning. Nothing. Kakashi follows after the pair, pausing behind his door to listen to the two talk just outside his room. Officer Takata is obviously angry going of his slightly uneven breathing.
“That was a waste of time,” he grumbles.
“Do you think he was lying?”
“Oh, that smiley bastard definitely knows something more than he is letting on. Tch. Memory problems my ass…”
The is a pause before the younger man asks, “still think it’s connected to that Hero Killer sighting from a few days ago?”
“If he is telling the truth then no. The stabbing lines up with the Hero Killer’s MO but the target is all wrong. There is no Kakaski with a ‘sharingan’ quirk listed on the Registry or as any Hero, Sidekick or Hero agency employee. If he did have a run-in with the Hero Killer, it wasn’t targeted. Probably annoyed the guy into stabbing him if anything.”
There is the sound of footsteps as the two men begin to retreat down the hall.
“A dead-end then.”
“Yeah, looks like it.”
“What a shame. I thought for sure, what with the extent of the injuries, that this was a Hero Killer case. Perhaps it was another Villain? Or a vigilante maybe?”
“Who though? Hosu doesn’t have any active Vigilantes or big-name Villains. Not ones who go around stabbing people to that extent. You saw the hospital report. The man was seconds away from bleeding out and that head wound was obviously aimed at disabling his quirk.”
“Tch. Without any leads, we have nothing to go on. And if Kakashi is a Villain or criminal himself, there’s no evidence and nothing we can pin him with other than a fine for carrying banned weaponry.”
The voices grow fainter as the two walk further away from his room. They seemed suspicious but not overly concerned with Kakashi’s lies so it is not a huge surprise that nothing came of the interview. Despite their obvious irritation, their response had been ones of mild annoyance and moderate distrust. If either of them had had a kekkei genkai it hadn’t been used. Perhaps, their abilities weren’t suited to interrogation. Kakashi had been obtuse enough that surely, they would have been tempted if it were a possibility. It does conform to a general trend in which people underestimate his threat level, treating him  like a civilian. It was probably for the best.
Kakashi returns to his bed and stares at the paper card with the numbers. Obviously, they expected him to know what to do with it. Something to do with communication. Probably related to the small plastic devices nearly everyone in the building carried and spoke into on occasion. A radio of some sort. He had seen a few with numbers running across them. 
From the exchange, he has a few more points to consider and mull over. Villain. Hero. Vigilante. He knows these terms, has heard people in his ward mention them before and knows they are important in some way.
Having a new room meant he needed to relearn everyone’s schedules.  While doing so, he finally pinpoints why the people here feel so off. They lacked a level of…weariness…vigilance…that was both hard to describe and hard to notice until it wasn’t there anymore. Kakashi eyes the young nurse as she enters his room yawning, fixing her hair up as she walks, talking over her shoulder at someone behind her.
He had always thought the civilians of Kohoha lived free from most trouble. Not completely relaxed but still having a calm enough life. Well, calm when the village wasn’t being invaded. Now, he is revaluating that opinion.  When compared with these people, Kohoha civilians were stiff, suspicious, almost paranoid. Konoha’s people had hardiness to them, a useful trait when living in a Hidden-Village. They were especially wearily when it came to interacting with shinobi no matter how banally and harmless the shinobi acted. It was an attitude to be expected when there was a very real chance of deadly injury should the shinobi be unfriendly or unstable. A very real possibility with all the war and ever-present threat of enemy invasion and chakra monster attacks.  
Or maybe that was just his own experience as he never really interacted with many civilians and he his reputation wasn’t great.
“Hello Kakashi, how are you this evening,” The nurse greets him with a relaxed grin. He gives his bland smile and watches as she checks the various medical apparatus around Kakashi’s bed.
“I talked to the ward supervisor about your television. It should be working now.”
“Is it?”
Kakashi knows what a television is…they had a few of them in T&I, used for surveillance, and for a few more for monitoring remote training grounds like 44’s Forest of Death.
“Here is the remote. There are quite a lot of channels so now you’ll have something to keep you entertained.” He stares at the metallic rectangle object. He thinks that there might be a cultural difference between his understanding of a television and the nurse’s because watching an interrogation was never something he found particularly entertaining.
“Maybe it will help jog your memory as well.” The nurse gives him an encouraging smile before returning to her work.
Kakashi examines the object, bemused, “Ah, thank you Ms.”
“My name is Iori Ie I handle this ward on weekday evenings. I’ll be happy to answer any other questions if you have any. Anything to make this transition process easier.” She is sincere in her next assurance, “Just you wait, by the time your injuries are healed, we’ll have you right back up to speed.”
Television is…interesting and somewhat baffling. It’s not that Kakashi hasn’t seen examples of this sort of technology before now, it is just the availability and use he finds strange. Whereas a sensible village might hoard any new technology of its own use, here it is distributed and shared without limit. There was one of these things in every patent’s room! The same went for the information it communicated. Information so undervalued there was almost too much of it. Kakashi gives up trying to make sense of anything a few days into gaining access to the television and its hundreds of ‘channels,’ pumping out a constant stream of information. Some of it was obviously fictional, movies, entertainment, but most of the time it was hard to tell if what he was looking at was staged or if he was misreading a cultural difference. There were ‘channels’ devoted to daily status updates, delivering ‘news’ on everything from the weather, local politics, villain attacks, general crime and everything in between.
One thing he does confirm is that he is nowhere near any hidden villages or even on the continent, maybe not even in the correct world. This place was separate. This village or city as it was called, consisted of millions in a country of billions. There were more people in ‘Hosu’ than there were in the whole Fire Country. A logistics nightmare for sure. No wonder security was so lax around the hospital. Kakashi shakes his head and ends up switching off the television. Never would he have thought that having too much intel could be a bad thing.
“Ms Iori how would I go about getting something to read,” he asks the next day. She seems to be genuinely happy about his sudden sudden request. Kakashi hasn’t spoken or interacted much since waking, to busy trying to gauge whether the people surrounding him were threats.
He ends up with a pile of old manga volumes detailing the heroic adventures of some up and coming Hero protagonist and a stack of thin ‘magazines’ belonging to the nurse’s grown up son. The magazines are full of Hero analysis, speculation, and rumour like some sort of super detailed self-defeating bingo-book.  He just…doesn’t understand why anyone would let this sort of information circulate.
At least now he has a better idea about what a Hero and Villain was. A Hero was this word’s shinobi equivalent- if shinobi went out of their way to draw attention to themselves- acting more like a police force in that they managed threats to civilians instead of taking commissions and repelling external threats. Actually, they were nothing like Shinobi apart from their use of blood line abilities in combat. A Villain was like a missing-nin, hiding among the ridiculously large civilian population…sort of…
He needs to start working on a way home because he definitely doesn't understand this world.
NOTE: When Kakashi discovers the internet his brain will explode. 
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hiyaluronic · 3 years
Because there can never be too much Laurits whump in this fandom. I filled in some of the blanks when Fjor and Ran decided to try and kill Laurits. Not beta’d and wrote in the span of about an hour so forgive any mistakes. Most dialog is taking from the English subtitles as well.
He couldn’t breathe.
There were hands around his throat, ironclad and restricting. Laurits floundered for a moment, the pressure on his neck increasing as he was pulled from the safety of the ground and left to dangle like a gaping fish in Fjor’s grip. Laurits struggled to take even the tiniest gasp of air, his numb fingers scrabbled uselessly against Fjor’s hold while his lungs burned and raged in his chest - demanding air. 
“We could have been allies, Laurits.”
Even though his head was pounding and bright splotches of white had started to starburst across his vision, Laurits tried and failed to slam his hands against Fjor’s wrists. Hoping, even as the edges of the world began to fade into a darkened grey around him, he would be able to release the other man’s hold on him. 
“A family, possibly. But, you had to go and choose Magne and his stupid ideations. You are nothing more than a bastard son and a wasted promise.” 
The harsh tone seemed to rattle some primal center of his brain. Somewhere deep inside the fiery ache of his chest something sparked to life. Laurits kicked out blindly, satisfied when he felt his foot connect with something tangible and he heard a grunt of pain before the pressure around his neck disappeared, leaving him to fall to his knees with a wheeze. His throat contracted painfully with each sad attempted breath he was able to muster. 
“Please.” He whispered, voice rough and uneven, lungs still working to draw in air. “Stop.”
Laurits winced when harsh tendrils snaked through his hair and pulled his head back, his neck taught and exposed as Fjor glared down at him. “You betrayed us.”
Something in his nose crunched when Fjor’s fist slammed into his face. A rush of blood down the back of his throat had Laurits gagging and wheezing. He moved sluggishly, unfocused, as he pushed against the hand in his hair. “I didn’t!”
He winced when another hit to his temple sent him sprawling to the ground, Fjor having let his hair go in the process. Laurits swallowed against the taste of copper and quickly tried to back away, eyes wide and one arm stretched in front of him to ward off any more hits.
“P-please stop, I’ll do anything!”
Fjor growled down at him, the man’s eyes burning bright orange in his uncontrolled anger, “You gave him the key!”
“B-but I didn’t know what it was for!” He begged, scooting back a few inches more. “I thought it was a protest mission! I thought-”
Another hit - to his cheek this time - had him crashing into the landscape rocks that lined the sidewalk outside his home and sent the world spiraling into a brilliant kaleidoscope of colors. “Fuck.”
“The punishment for treason...is death.”
Laurits gasped, limbs shaky and uncoordinated. He tried to swallow his fear and be brave in the face of his own possible demise but when Ran appeared from behind Fjor’s shoulder, one of her arrows nocked and at the ready, a frigid cold settled deep in his gut. He remembered seeing her take that same weapon to kill Wenche. “If you kill me, you’ll never get Magne. He’s got the hammer.”
Fjor huffed in disbelief, a smirk tugging at his lips. “The hammer is useless in his hands. He’s lost his powers.”
Laurits shook his head, his own knowing smile stretched thin on his ashen features. Powers or not, his brother was nothing if not a force to be reckoned with when someone threatened those he cared for. “No, you’re wrong,” His voice shook, whether from adrenaline or false bravado, Laurits was unsure. “He’s gonna wipe you all out, and there’s nothing you can do to stop him.”
He flicked his gaze towards Ran when he saw Fjor raise his hand, watching her loosen her grip on her bowstring, his words seeming to cause hesitation in the two of them. Laurits licked his lips, a little more sure of his continued existence.“If you spare my life, I can save you. I have the one thing… that can kill him.” 
Ran pulled the bowstring taught once more, annoyed. “Nothing can kill a god but the old weapons.”
At the woman’s words, a shrill squeal drifted down from his opened window. “The only thing that can kill Thor is Jormungandr, and I have him.” 
“You lie.” Ran hissed.
Laurits squeezed his eyes shut at the same time Ran loosed her arrow and mentally prepared himself for the pain of death. After a shaky breath and the absence of agonizing pain, Laurits opened his eyes to see Fjor had caught the arrow inches from his chest. 
“If you are lying to us, you will long for something as sweet as the release of death.”
Laurits swallowed and eyed the tip of the arrow as Fjor pushed it slowly into the fabric of his hoody, stopping just short of piercing the skin beneath.
At the loud call, Laurits startled and looked from the arrow tip to see Fjor’s bright orange eyes boring down at him. 
“Do. you. understand?”
He swallowed hard and nodded.
“Good.” Fjor stood and handed the arrow back to Ran. “Bring your little pet to us tomorrow. If this thing is truly who you believe it to be then perhaps we can make a compromise, brother.”
Laurits sighed and slunk back onto his elbows, adrenaline leaving him weak and aching. He opened his mouth to ask what would happen next only to be caught off guard as Ran kicked him hard in the head, sending him crashing to the ground and causing the world to blink out around him.
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wesimpforxiao · 4 years
Say My Name and I’ll Be There: 4.4
"I don't feel any different," you answered Zhongli's questions as you examined your reflection in the mirror.  They had explained everything there is to know about the situation now.  My eyes...  Your fingertips touched the glass in which they stared back at you.  "Will my eyes return to normal?"
"As far as I recall my last encounter with this incident, no.  They will remain true to the eyes of their savior."
"But if Childe's joining us..."
"Just say you have contacts," Aether shrugged.
"Contacts?" You and Zhongli jinxed yourselves.
"Is...that not a thing in this world?" Your confused expressions gave him the answer he needed.  "They're basically...well...colored objects that you can put on your eyes.  They can be used to replace glasses or to change eye color."
"U-uh, okay..."
"Just say you got them from a merchant travelling from Fontaine.  They gave me a kamera device, so I'm sure these could fall under their expertise, right?"
"Perhaps," said Zhongli.
"I'm not sure I can do this."
"It's really not that big of a deal!" Paimon comforted.  "We can answer for you if he asks in front of us!"
"No, not that," you sighed.  "I'm not sure if I can pretend we're on good terms after Granny died.  I mean, he took the house from her and kept it all a secret from me."
"You won't have to," Xiao's voice came from the far wall.  "As long as you're the only one visibly suspicious, we can still make this work."
The team packed their essentials and left Quince Village.  Xiao said he had something to attend to, so no one waited for him.  That was until you passed by the cemetery on the way out of the village.
He was there, standing at your Granny's grave, with a bundle of silk flowers and glaze lilies in his hand.  You stopped alone in your tracks while the others continued to walk along the path, unaware of the rare sight of Xiao mourning a mortal soul.  His expression revealed nothing that was going through his mind as he placed the bouquet against the stone.
It was kind of...unsettling, actually.  The beautiful scenery coupled with a beautiful young man wearing a solemn frown as he stared at the rock in front of him; the rain clouds passing overhead having yet to release a single tear; the fresh flowers placed next to your wilted ones. A simple reminder that death was inevitable and that his death too, would also one day come to pass.  It was eerie, yet the sight filled your chest with a warm fuzziness.  He was paying his respects to a mortal that had no relation to him, but he did it for you.
You walked away before he had the chance to sense your presence.
"Adeptus Xiao! And...you, Traveler?"  Ver Goldet's panic transformed into a slight confusion before she shook her head to refocus on the matter at hand.  She glanced around to make sure they were alone on the balcony of Wangshu Inn.  "I have some urgent news to discuss with you, Xiao."
"Say it."
Goldet glanced questioningly at you and Zhongli before continuing.  "T-there was a harbinger here."
"Childe?"  Aether shifted.
"No, no."  She shook her head frantically.  "Well, yes, but no.  Childe and another harbinger were here.  A woman."
"Signora?"  The traveler tensed, as did Paimon.
"What is she doing in Liyue?  I thought she still had business with Mondstat?"  The mascot shared a nervous glance with Aether.
"I think so," Goldet nodded at Aether.  "I didn't know what to do.  It's unusual that there would be two harbingers in the same area, especially out in the open like this.  I think a storm is coming."
Xiao and Zhongli exchanged worried looks before the adeptus spoke.  "I will look into it."
"Thank you, Xiao.  Let me prepare some almond tofu as a token of appreciation."
The yaksha noticeably perked up hearing this, and you choked back a laugh.  So adorable!  That thought had unknowingly reached Xiao, bringing a dusting of pink to the tips of his ears.  You were too busy gushing over him to notice.
Once Ver Goldet left for the kitchen, you asked the question that was on everyone's minds.  "Now what?"
"We stick to the plan," answered Xiao, though there was a subtle hint of concern in his voice.
"And you're sure you're not allowed to interfere?" You addressed Zhongli with furrowed brows.
"I formed a contract.  I cannot break it."
The adventure team was camping just east of Luhua Pool.  You were at the bank of the pool, gathering water in a bucket so that the group could use it to cook lunch.  It wouldn't be long before the team reached Liyue Harbor and rendezvous with Childe.  A shiver crawled down your spine every time you thought about it.
Can I really keep my temper in check when we team up with him again?  No...But then again, we usually butt heads every day.  Maybe he'd see it as normal?  You took the opportunity to scoop water in your hands and take a sip.  Mm, such a crisp feeling.  You gathered more, this time gazing into the water's reflection.
"What the f--!"  You scrambled to your feet and your sword was now in your hands.  "W-what the hell, Tartaglia?!"  Adrenaline fueled your thumping heart.
"Ahahaha! Sorry, sorry!" He chuckled loud enough to scare the nearby cranes away.  "And here I thought I'd have to travel further to catch up with you all.  It's been what, a week? It feels so long ago.  So, comrade, where is everyone?"
You readjusted your grip on your weapon and kept it pointed at him.  Your breath was uneven to the point of slight hyperventilation.  They're a hundred yards away from here.  Should I tell him?  Your eyes flicked behind the harbinger.
"Ah," he noticed your glance and peered over his shoulder.  "Well, did you need help with that bucket?"
"Stay back," you ordered through clenched teeth.  Your hands were shaking now.
"There's no need to point that at me," Childe's smile faded rather quickly.  He reached towards you--
"I said STAY BACK!"  Your shout was enough to scare the fish away.  
Childe raised his hands in surrender.  "What's gotten into you? Did something happen?"  He examined you carefully.  "And what happened to your eyes?"
"Hey!" Paimon and Aether waved at the top of the hill and interrupted the tension in the air.  "We were on our way to get you!"
The harbinger dropped his hands and turned around.  "Greetings! You should've seen the look on her face! I just about scared her half to death," he returned his gaze to you and his voice trailed off at the last sentence as if he were making a fool out of you for being so paranoid.  "Now then, I should take that for you."  He picked the bucket up and began walking towards Aether, his lips forming a frown once Zhongli and Xiao came into view.
You collapsed to your knees once the adrenaline left your body and your sword fell out of your hands.  One of them made their way up to your chest and clenched the fabric that covered it in an effort to calm your heartbeat.  He was here, and sooner than expected.  He could have struck you down if Aether and Paimon hadn't shown up then.
"Are you okay?"  Xiao appeared before you.
"Uh-huh," you inhaled shakily.  Your fear overshadowed your anger towards the harbinger.  Why you had gotten so terrified, you weren't sure.  "He came out of nowhere."
"He's dead if he lays a finger on you," Xiao muttered aloud.  He held his hand out, and you took it.
Late afternoon, early evening.  You were growing increasingly agitated at Childe's insistence of a fight.  "I'm not in the mood, Childe," you growled.
"Oh come now, ojou-chan! It's clear you want to fight me nooow," he cooed.  "I'll just keep annoying you until you decide to entertain me! And besides, I think you secretly want to take out your pent-up rage on me, no?"
You glared daggers at him.  "Oh?  And what do you think I'm angry for?"  You stomped towards him until you were looking directly up at him.
"Dunno," he shrugged with a smug smirk.  "Care to indulge me?"
"Fine."  You yanked your sword out of the tree stump you had stabbed it into.  "Come at me."
"Uh...should we stop them?"  Paimon twiddled with her fingers as she watched you resume a fighting stance.
"I-I don't know," Aether scratched the back of his head and looked to the adepti for a solution.  They just watched you in silence.
"I thought you'd never ask, ojou-chan," he licked his lower lip and rushed at you.  You ducked before his hydro blade could hit your head and slashed your sword at his torso.  Childe dodged and countered.  His weapon collided with yours above your head.  "Would you care to tell me why you suddenly hold a grudge against me?"
"Tch.  I'll pass."  You pushed his blade back and used the momentum to lunge at him.  He shoved you to the ground and pointed his blade at you.
"You've gotten sloppier," his lips curled into a sneer.  "Looks like we still have work to do on your swordsmanship."
"I'm just getting started."  You rose to your feet and readied your sword.
"Do not let anger consume you, comrade.  It will seal your defeat.  Instead, hone it as a weapon," he advised you as the two of you clashed for the second round.
"I don't need your advice!"
He twirled his weapon and gracefully disarmed you.  Your sword clattered to the ground a few feet away.  "It's clear you do.  I've mastered every weapon known to man.  If you think you can scrape by and conquer your foes without learning from me, you're wrong."
If it's his goal to get to me, then why train me?  You plucked your sword off the ground and stared at its hilt in your palm.  You caught the Xiao's reflection on the steel blade, and a strange light obscured your vision.  
Images upon images upon images.  Bloody battles.  The clashing of metal.  The hollow screams of daemons past.  The rush of adrenaline, the thrill of battle.  The overwhelming sense of dread.  An icy shock burst through your bones, and you suddenly felt wide awake and hyperaware of your surroundings.
"Again."  Childe resumed his fighting stance and thrust his weapon towards you.
The light blocking your sight faded and you instinctually sliced your blade through the air.  You parried his blow without so much as looking at him.  How did I do that?  You faced him and realized he was just as surprised as you were.
"Good," a spark lit his eyes up now.  He thrust his weapon at you again, this time at your head.  And again, at your side.  And once more at your legs.
You parried every attack, and with unmatched agility too.  Then it was your turn.  You turned the tables and began attacking him, less recklessly than you usually fought.  He eyed you carefully, dodging and parrying your sword, but did not strike back even when you were wide open.  Thinking and analyzing.
I never taught her these moves, he grit his teeth and sent an annoyed glance toward the yaksha.  How did he manage to improve her skills so suddenly?  He may have done endurance training with her, but I never once saw them practice combat.  He taught her this past week, didn't he?
"Not bad," Childe praised as he leapt back.  "You've been holding out on me, haven't you, ojou-chan?"  He took note of the predator-like look in your eyes, much like that damned yaksha's.
You swallowed your surprise and glanced at your sword.  These movements weren't my own.  They were Xiao's.  You sent a subtle glance his way, and noticed that Zhongli had a small smile on his face.  Xiao's expression was as unreadable as ever, but he was no longer crossing his arms.
"You shouldn't take your eyes off your opponent," the Harbinger swung his lance at you. You spun yourself downward and swept his legs from beneath him.  "Ngh!"  He landed on his butt and dropped his weapon.
"Who said I wasn't paying attention?"
Coming up next:  A harbinger’s interrogation, the hunt for teeth, and Dragonspine.
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pillage-and-lute · 4 years
geraskier Internet friends(?) au
Hello Llama! Is it heavily influenced by watching Youtubers react to Corpse Husbands voice? Yes. Have I ever played Among Us? No. This one kinda got away from me, and it’s not really what you asked for, but I hope you like it. 
It started with Yennefer. Everything in Jaskier’s life (usually the bad bits) seemed to start with Yennefer. He loved her, she was his best friend and the best verbal sparring partner he’d ever had, but after a night out, she always had the best ideas. In the sober light of morning, covered in glitter and (once) in a jail cell, her ideas were the worst.
This time it started with Yennefer asking if her friend could join the Among Us game. Jaskier didn’t have any objections.
“White is kinda sus,” Jaskier said a few minutes later.
“Shut up, Buttercup, you’re only saying that to distract from the fact that I caught you venting.” Yennefer was the black crewmate. She was also right.
“I’m just saying,” Jaskier said into his mic while popping open a soda. “He hasn’t said a single word all game. Anyway, what kind of a nickname is Wolf?”
It was like the rumble of a god, the sort of god that gets carved out of marble.
“Holy fuck who was that?”
“Me,” said the wolf, in that same beautiful, gravelly voice. Jaskier almost spit out his soda. He leaned towards his computer, fluttering his eyelashes although no one could see.
“Well hellooooo wolfie,” he said.
“Hmmm. Yen’s right. Vote yellow.”
Jaskier watched his crewmate spiral into space.
Yennefer sent him Wolf- Geralt’s -number. He sent a quick text as he microwaved dinner. 
“So Wolfie, do they call you that because you growl?”
No reply as he ate the microwave dinner at his tiny, crappy table, in his tiny, crappy apartment. He was getting really tired of eating this shit, too. He went to check the mail.
Jaskier prided himself on looking his best. On workdays. Or going out. Going to get the mail? Not so much. Except there, in the elevator, was Jaskier’s stupid apartment building crush, His neighbor, who he shared a bedroom wall with, who was relentlessly sexy, who always seemed to be in the elevator at the same time. Shit.
Pure white hair at, what, probably twenty six? Twenty seven? He didn’t look old though, he looked kind of timeless. Like a demigod. If Hercules hadn’t been Greek he would have like that. The man gave Jaskier a beautiful, tiny smile, slightly lopsided, almost a smirk, really except it didn’t look mean. His canine, barely visible was slightly more pointed. 
~Fang~ Jaskier thought faintly. He blushed and nodded and wished he wasn’t in grey sweatpants. 
Oh shit. The grey sweatpants. Without underwear. Ohnononoonohnohnohono. He hoped his sexy neighbor didn’t think he was a creep. 
The man brought his arms up and put his hair into a man bun. Jaskier watched the way his arms flexed in his tight black t shirt. Maybe he was a creep. Then his sexy neighbor dragged the hair tie from his wrist with his teeth. 
Jaskier made a squeaking noise, sure his knees were about to buckle. A pale hazel, almost golden gaze was turned on him.
Just then the elevator, jittery at the best of times, made an ominous creaking noise and jolted to a stop. 
Jaskier and his neighbor locked eyes. Then the lights went out.
Jaskier leapt for the emergency button and the red emergency light came on. It was kind of sexy, in a red-LED-lights-in-a-dorm-room way. Jaskier would know, he’d graduated just last year. He was trying very hard not to think about the tiny space he was trapped in.
He hated small spaces.
His neighbor, who only looked better in the red light, was frantically texting someone. He seemed to send one text and then open another. He cocked his head.
Puppy. Jaskier thought. It was better than thinking about the death trap elevator. Sexy Neighbor sent a short text. Not a second later Jaskier’s phone vibrated. They locked eyes.
Jaskier looked at his phone. A response from Yennefer’s friend, Geralt. 
“No,” it read.
“Wolfie?” Jaskier said.
The sexy neighbor’s sexy eyebrows raised. 
“Geralt,” he said. The voice was spine tingling in person.
Jaskier surrupticiously swiped a sweaty palm across his sweatpants before sticking his hand out to shake. 
“Jaskier, its nice to meet you.” They shook hands. His grip could crack a boulder, but it was gentle somehow. “So,” Jaskier said, mouth dry. “Quite the coincidence. How do you know Yennefer?”
Geralt opened his mouth but the elevator rocked suddenly, the emergency light flickering. Jaskier sank down the wall and whimpered.
Geralt was there, crossing the elevator in a half step and kneeling by Jaskier. 
“Are, are you claustrophobic?”
Jaskier nodded, his breathing fast and uneven. Geralt smelled really good, part of him thought. The rest of him was focusing on the black spots forming in his vision as the panic took hold. 
Geralt sat and pulled Jaskier close, holding him back to chest in his lap.
“Take deep breaths with me, its okay. In,” a pause. “And out. In. And out.” His voice was so calming, he could do ASMR videos, Jaskier thought, lack of oxygen making his head fuzzy. It was a shame he couldn’t seem to do as Geralt said.
The elevator jolted again. Jaskier fainted.
He awoke dead, probably. Geralt was shirtless and staring down at him. No, still in the elevator but lying down now, with something soft under his head. Geralt’s t-shirt most likely.
Geralt brushed some of Jaskier’s hair from his eyes. 
“Oh good,” he rumbled. “You were only out for a moment.” Jaskier sat up slowly and Geralt pulled his shirt back on. Pity. 
“The light’s back on,” Geralt said, looking at him so caringly Jaskier could have wept. “I think that’s a good sign, but there’s no signal on my phone, not enough for a call.”
Jaskier nodded, trying to relax his breathing. He couldn’t talk. Being speechless was almost as bad as small spaces.
“You, um, asked how I know Yennefer,” Geralt said. There was something desperate in his voice, and Jaskier suspected he didn’t like talking this much but wanted to keep him calm.
“I met her when she was helping move her friend in.”
“What?” Jaskier found his voice. “When she helped me move in? Really?” He’d been complaining to Yennefer about the unfairly beautiful man next door for almost two months, and shed known?
“You’re Buttercup?” Geralt said, tilting his head in that baffled puppy look again. 
“Only when she’s annoyed at me.”
“I’ve been complaining about you for months,” Geralt said.
“You complain about me?” Jaskier didn’t think he was that bad a neighbor. To his surprise, Geralt blushed.
“Not exactly complain, more like...” Geralt sighed and slid his phone over. It was a sent text to Yen.
Yen you have to help me, he’s in the elevator and he’s gorgeous. He’s in these tight sweatpants, Yen. And his hair is all messy like he’s been running his hands through it. Like somebody’s been running their hands through it. Sweet Jesus Yen he isn’t wearing underwear and I would not be able to make eyecontact if he spoke to me Jesus I’m a creep. I’m trapped in the elevator with the prettiest man ever.
Jaskier looked up, grinning widely. The elevator shuddered to life and began it’s slow descent. “That was quite the panic text. But I’ve been sending her very similar voice messages about you.”
Geralt grinned sheepishly. “So you don’t think I’m a creep?” he said.
Jaskier shook his head.
Geralt winced. “Will you think I’m a creep if I tell you I’ve been going down to check my mail when I hear your door open? I kept wanting to ask you out but I was so nervous...”
He trailed off when Jaskier leaned in.
“Kiss me, please, wolfie?”
Jaskier got a kiss.
There were firefighters as they exited the elevator, as well as the building manager, looking pannicky, but they answered a couple questions and took the stairs back up to their apartments.
“So why are you called Wolf?”
Geralt grinned, somewhat salaciously and opened the door to his apartment. “Wanna see?” 
Jaskier took his hand as Geralt lead him back to his bedroom. His pulse kicked up. Geralt smiled back at him, that same grin, that same heart-stopping hint of fang and...
On the bed was the largest wolf plushy Jaskier had ever seen.
“My Goddaughter won it and gave it to me at a fair the day I met Yennefer.”
“He’s pretty cute, for a wolf,” Jaskier said. He wasn’t looking at the plushy.
What did you think? It really ran away from me and I know it wasn’t really what you asked for so if you’d like me to give an internet friends AU another go let me know.
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jimakuchan · 4 years
And They Were Roommates...
Part Fifty
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The village of Gaipan was a sleepy town, surrounded by a gorgeous landscape filled with some of the tallest redwood trees Zuko had ever seen. If it weren’t for the stressful situation he found himself in, he might have taken a moment to appreciate the beauty of the sun sinking into the horizon amongst the tree tops.. but unfortunately now was not the time to take in the wonders of nature around him. 
“Uncle would be so disappointed” Zuko thought to himself. Iroh always chastised him for not appreciating the little things in life, but everything happening right now was not a little thing. It was a very big thing. A possibly life changing thing was about to happen to Zuko, and despite the pep talk Aang and Sokka gave him, Zuko’s leg was shaking from nerves. He could feel his hands clamming up, his knuckles turning white from how hard he was clenching his fist, and his entire body was on edge... waiting for the other shoe to drop. 
The entrance to the camp sight was just around the corner, and Katara was taking her time with driving on the uneven dirt road. It took everything within Zuko’s power to not yell at her to speed up. His friends were here doing him a favor, he needed to be patient. He took a deep breath in, holding it in his lungs, relishing in the burn before he let the air escape out his mouth. Memories of the text conversations running rampant in his head, the fear that he was too late sitting comfortably in the forefront of his mind. 
“Just stay calm, everything will be alright” Zuko heard his mother’s voice in his head, but it felt like a lie. How long had he been lying to himself? About his feelings towards Y/N, his family, his friends, Spirits his life? Everything felt like it was spiraling out of control. What was that exercise Aang taught him again? In for four out for four? Mindfulness? Zuko couldn’t remember and frankly didn’t really care to at the moment. 
“We’re here” Katara’s voice echoed throughout the SUV. Zuko felt it then, the drop. His stomach was swirling inside of him and he felt the bile rise up his throat. It was now or never. Zuko felt so sure of himself when he sprinted outside of the apartment earlier today, where did that energy go?
“Are you okay man?” Sokka placed his hand on Zuko’s shoulder, a reassuring touch that he so desperately needed. It grounded Zuko, and he started to believe the lie his thoughts told him moments ago.
“Yes” Zuko replied, Sokka furrowed his brows but didn’t comment on it any further.
“Okay then let’s go!” Sokka’s face broke out into a wide grin, how he managed to stay so calm and collected all the time was beyond him. 
“Yea go get your girl Sparky!” Toph shouted from the middle seat. Zuko looked around at the faces of his friends, hope filled all of their eyes. He wished he could have an ounce of their faith. With a deep sigh he exited the car, taking his first step in the dirt and looked at the campsite around him. The rest of the gaang followed suit soon after. 
“Do you know what cabin she’s in?” Suki asked as they were walking towards the small campsite. A litter of log cabins surrounded the large fire pit in the center. It was a pretty decent place for a corporate retreat, something Zuko might even consider doing in the future. That is, if this all ended well. He didn’t think he could handle visiting the place where he was painfully rejected within a business setting.
“Not sure I just know it’s the women’s cabin. I’m sure we could ask someone.” Katara answered. She sounded sure of herself, but the way she was fidgeting with her bag gave her away. She was nervous too, and that’s when it dawned on him. Jet. The bane of their existence was here, and Katara hadn’t seen him since he caught him cheating on her with Y/N. Zuko admired her bravery. He had talked this out with Y/N, how much what Jet did to them hurt her, but he didn’t dwell on it too much with Katara. The possibility of running into him must be bothering her. Aang must have picked up on Katara’s nerves too, because he went to go hold her hand and kissed her cheek. Katara smiled at the gesture, and Zuko hated the jealous feeling that crept into his gut. 
He wished he could be that way with Y/N, to hold her hand and kiss her cheek when she was feeling down. Did they know the gift they possessed? To be unapologetically affectionate with each other? They must know. Zuko could see it when they looked at each other. He just hoped that he could have that in his future with Y/N.
“Over there! That’s Y/N’s cooler on the porch!” Zuko looked to where Suki was pointing. The cabin to the far left of the fire pit must be hers. The bright red cooler filled to the brim with stickers sat neatly next to the front door of the cabin; he could see the bright yellow EI sticker she bought from Ember Island on the front. Before he even realized his feet were moving, Zuko sprinted towards the cabin. He nearly tripped on the rickety steps on his way in. With a bit too much of his strength, Zuko slammed open the cabin door.
“Y/N?” Zuko shouted inside. The cabin itself was decent, four beds lined the back wall with a wide window separating each pair of beds. The bed next to the window had Y/N’s duffel bag resting at the edge of it. A kitchenette was to the right, filled with the snacks Y/N bought for the trip. To the left was a small table with a few chairs, Y/N’s travel mug sat on top of it in the center. Yep, this was definitely hers.
“She’s not here” Zuko nearly jumped out of his skin from the voice that sounded too close to his liking. He turned around to see a short woman with a blunt bob haircut. Her bandana was slipping off her forehead nearly covering her eyes, where she wore an annoyed expression on her face. Smellerbee.
“Where is she?” Zuko asked mirroring the other woman’s annoyance. He didn’t have time for small talk.
“You think I’m going to tell a total stranger the location of my coworker? You must be dumber than you look.” Smellerbee responded with a huff. Zuko narrowed his eyes at the small woman in front of him. If this was any other circumstance he would have been grateful that she was protecting Y/N, but at the moment Zuko only felt rage.
“I’m Y/N’s roommate and I need to talk to her. It’s important.” Smellerbee looked at Zuko like she’d rather be anywhere else than where she was, and it was really testing his patience.
“She left to go to the lake with Jet awhile ago. You follow that path behind the cabin and it’s a straight shot.” 
“Thank you” Zuko brushed passed Smellerbee and ran towards the path, nearly knocking into his friends in the process. He could hear the shouts of his friends behind him, but Zuko didn’t pay any attention to them. It was like he had tunnel vision as he ran through the trees towards the lake. The wind whipped through his long dark hair, sweat forming at the tip of his brow. The trees blurred together as he raced down the path. If Zuko was paying better attention he might have noticed the rustle in the bushes to his right, but he wasn’t paying attention at all. So when he collided into the hard body in front of him, Zuko was knocked flat on his ass.
“Spirits watch where the hell you’re going!” Zuko could recognize that voice anywhere. That arrogant tone only belonged to one person, and it was the last person on Earth that he wanted to see.
“Jet” Zuko gritted out through his teeth.
“That’s my name don’t wear it out” He responded with a curt laugh. Jet stood up and brushed the dirt off his pants and extended a hand to the man on the forest floor. Zuko took it as Jet helped him to his feet. He might hate the guy, but he didn’t want to give Jet the satisfaction of knowing his mere presence bothered him to no end.
“Where’s Y/N?” Zuko asked, aggravation flooding his voice. Jet didn’t respond at first, and just stared at him. He eyed Zuko up and down, as if to size him up. Jet just laughed again, and Zuko was one step away from punching him in the nose. 
“Oh wouldn’t you like to know?” 
“I don’t have time for your bullshit Jet, just tell me where she is” Zuko took a step forward, towering over Jet’s figure. He took great satisfaction in the gulp Jet took when he did. “Good” Zuko thought to himself, “I hope you’re nervous you fucking prick.” 
“I’ll tell you where she is...” Jet paused, and Zuko’s patience meter dropped to a near zero. “Eventually...”
“You will tell me now. I’m not taking no for an answer” Zuko clenched his fists, ready to force his way past Jet if he was going to waste his time. 
“Let’s have a chat first, man to man. It’s been long overdue...” Zuko was about to walk past him when Jet grabbed onto his wrist. “Besides... I have some information you’d want to know concerning Y/N” 
Zuko could feel his heart sink at such a simple statement. Information. He knew that Jet couldn’t be trusted, but Zuko couldn’t resist his curiosity. He turned around to face the man he loathed, a smug look painted his face as he dropped Zuko’s arm.
“You have 2 minutes, don’t waste it” Zuko crossed his arms across his chest, waiting for the other man to speak. Jet tilted his head towards the fallen tree off the side of the path, beckoning Zuko to follow. The silence was thick as they both sat on the rotting tree, rays of remaining daylight peaking through the trees that surround them. It was eerie, how quiet it was. Just the whistling wind around them to break up the unforgiving silence. 
“I know you hate me, but I just want you to listen for a bit. Then you can be on your merry way” he began, Zuko just stared waiting for him to continue. Jet took a deep breath, fiddling with the toothpick between his teeth. Gross.
“I just wanted to apologize to you, for what I did. It was fucked up and I’m sorry” That... was not what Zuko was expecting, his eyes widening in surprise. So this was what he wanted to discuss? 
“I was.. an angry person back then. I felt like you’re family personally ruined mine. To be fair I was right, but it was just your dad. Not you. It wasn’t your fault that your dad and his company evicted my family. Hell he kicked out his own son, why would he care about kids from the projects?” 
Zuko remembered the day Jet found out who his father was. Before then they were friends, two boys pissed at the world and the cards they were dealt in life. They use to sneak out at night, and roam the streets; stealing booze from liquor stores, smoking pot in parking lots, and just relishing in the feeling of being young and angry. Zuko felt that Jet was the first thing that was his and his alone. Jet chose to befriend him, not out of obligation because of his sister, at least that’s what he felt at the time. They shared secrets in the dark, with only the neon lights of the city keeping them company. Yes, Zuko never told him who is father was, but he did tell him a lot of the abuse he faced. How he was afraid to come home and face his father’s wrath. How he used to wish for anything to stop the pain. He cried in front of Jet that day, and Jet held him and told him he felt the same. That all changed when Jet found out about Ozai. He called Zuko to come out like normal, but instead of the promise of cheap thrills he lead him to an alleyway and beat the shit out of him. Zuko held his own, and eventually got the best of him, but the price of winning the fight was losing his best friend. He told himself he’d never forgive him for what he had done that night, and now the same boy, now a man, is next to him once again with the sun setting around them asking for forgiveness. 
“Fuck man you were my best friend.. and I threw it all away for what? Something completely out of your control? Because of someone you hated as much as I did? Losing you is one of my biggest regrets.. close second is what I did to Katara and Y/N” Jet hung his head low, his shoulders tense as he hunched over. Zuko didn’t know what to say at that moment, stunned into silence. He understood what Jet was feeling, succumbing to anger is much easier than processing other emotions: sadness, guilt, pain. Over time the anger just becomes a part of you, and it lashes out. Jet didn’t have anyone to help him move on from that like Zuko did.. he was alone. 
“I’m so fucking sorry Zuko. I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness.. like I don’t deserve Y/N’s.. but I want to try and be better. I know my apologies and promises in the past have been empty and hallow.. but I can’t keep doing that shit anymore it’s exhausting” Jet looked at Zuko then, his eyes shining from unshed tears. Jet was asking for forgiveness now, like Zuko had done many years ago. 
“I forgive you. For what you did to me..” Jet visibly deflated, finally releasing the breath he had been holding in, his body sagged in relief. 
“I don’t know if we could ever be as close as we were before... but if you’re willing to try I am. On a few conditions...”
“Name it” 
“Stop acting like a total ass to Y/N. That shit needs to end” Zuko requested.
“You also need to apologize to Katara, she’s one of my closest friends and I can’t be friends with you if you haven’t done that. She won’t forgive you as easily as I did, and she may never do and that’s her right. You still need to though, it’s what she deserves.” Jet visibly shivered, an angry Katara was a terrifying sight, but he nodded in agreement nonetheless. 
“And finally you need to tell me where Y/N is” Jet laughed at this, but it wasn’t the smug laugh he used before. It was genuine this time.
“She’s sitting at the dock by the lake, at least that’s where she was when I left her.” He nodded and put a hand on Jet’s shoulder, the two men shared a moment of peace before Zuko went to stand up. Before he walked away Zuko turned to Jet and put out his hand, his way of extending an olive branch to the man he once called his best friend. Jet accepted it with a smile and they shook on it, what ‘it’ was neither of them knew.. but it was something. Change? Moving on? Something along those lines.
Zuko was the first to let go and turned to walk down the path, the sun light fading quickly. Before he got too far Zuko remembered he had one more thing to ask. 
“Hey Jet!” Zuko shouted, Jet turned around surprised.
“What?” he shouted back.
“You’re not dating Y/N again are you?” Zuko questioned, he needed to know before he made a complete fool of himself in front of the woman he loved. Jet let out a full belly laugh, nearly folding himself in half. Zuko quirked an eyebrow, unsure of what was so funny.
“Is that why you hauled your ass out in the middle of nowhere? You thought I made a move on her? Nah I wanted to apologize like I did with you. As if she’d ever take my ass back.” Zuko sighed with relief, but before he turned around Jet spoke again.
“The only bones she wants to jump are yours!” Zuko felt the heat rise to his cheeks, a smile growing on his face. He only hoped Jet was right as he ran further down the path towards the lake. 
As Zuko ran towards the lake the smile never left his face. He couldn’t ignore it anymore, Y/N definitely felt the same as he did. He could do this, he could finally tell her how he felt. With newly found confidence Zuko ran as fast as his legs could carry him. He could see the lake through the trees, he was close, so close to her. One more turn and he’d be there. 
When he finally made it to the small beach surrounding the lake Zuko whipped his head around desperately trying to find the dock. It was getting dark, both the sun and moon shared the same sky when he saw it. Saw her. 
Y/N was sitting at the edge of the dock, her feet dipped in the inky black water beneath her. The golden light of dusk shined on her hair as it swayed with the wind, her skin glowing as if she was made of stained glass. Zuko took a moment to admire her from afar as she sat blissfully unaware of his presence. He slowly walked towards her, gathering every ounce of courage he had.
“Y/N!” Zuko yelled out as he got closer to the dock. Y/N jumped, clearly surprised at his sudden outburst.
“Zuko? What are you doing here?” Y/N asked as she pulled her feet out of the water. She slowly stood up, trying not to put too much weight on her bad ankle. 
As Zuko got closer he thought about what he was going to say to her. He thought about how she took his breath away when he first laid eyes on her, how her smile lit up her face. He thought about all the little things he loved about her, how her nose scrunched up when she laughed and when she was annoyed. How she liked to dance around the apartment in her pajamas when she was stressed out. How she put way too much much sugar in her tea, and how she cried when she watched videos of baby ducks. He loved how much his Uncle loved her, his friends, and even though she would never admit it, his sister as well. He loved how she was patient, not only with others but with herself as well. He loved that she knew how to bring the best out of him, and how she was the reason he reconnected with the gaang. In such a short amount of time she became one of the most important people in his life. He wanted to tell her all of this and more.. but instead he said:
“I brought you the bracelet I made you” Zuko reached into his pocket and fished out the friendship bracelet he made with Kiyi. It was a pathetic little thing really, the pattern was inconsistent and the knots at the end were way too big, but he made it for her because he loved her. 
“You came all this way... to give me a bracelet?” Y/N asked, her head tilted to the side in confusion. Zuko wanted to smack himself, he barely even started and was already failing miserably.
“Um no that’s ugh, not the only reason” Y/N was looking at him waiting for him to continue. Zuko could feel himself drowning. “Why is this so hard? It’s simple. Three words. I. Love. You. Wait should I say I’m in love with you instead? Y/N says I love you to her friends all the time. What if she says I love you back but she means it in a friend way? I don’t mean it in a friend way. Shit I’ve been quiet too long. Say something you fucking idiot!!”  
“Zuko are you alright? Are you coming down with something you’re really red” Y/N raised her hand to feel his forehead but Zuko caught it. She furrowed her brows together, her eyes piercing right through him as he stood their awkwardly holding her wrist. The sky was turning dark, the only source of light was the moon that rose above them. It was late and he was wasting precious time. 
“Fuck it” Zuko said as he dropped her arm taking a step towards her, closing the insufferable distance between them. 
“What are you talking abou-” Y/N was interrupted with the feeling of Zuko’s lips on hers. It was chaste, but not without feeling. Instantly Zuko melted into it, her lips were as soft as he imagined so many times before. The skin on her cheeks felt warm under his hands where he gently held them, but before Y/N could even register what was happening Zuko pulled himself away, gracefully resting his forehead on hers. Zuko opened his eyes to see Y/N’s eyes blown wide in surprise,
“I’m in love with you. Spirits, I’m so in love with you Y/N” Zuko wished he had a camera then, because the look on Y/N’s face he wished he couple capture forever. He tried to memorize the details of her face, the way her eyes sparkled in the star light, the little gasp she let out that he could taste on his tongue, but most of all he wishes he could capture the smile she gave him. It fit her so beautifully in a way that only she could. She let out a little laugh, the one that made her nose scrunch up in the way he adored. 
“What took you so long?”  Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed all over his face, every inch she could. She kissed his lips, his cheeks, his nose, his eyes, his scar, his lips, his lips, his lips, over and over again until they were both gasping for air. Y/N’s heart was so full she felt as if it would burst at any moment. 
“In case you couldn’t tell, I love you too Zuko” Y/N giggled in between kisses. Zuko wrapped her arms around her waist pulling her closer to him. Even then he felt it wasn’t close enough. Zuko slowly felt his way up her back, trailing his fingers up her spine, touching her in the way he always wanted to. One arm remained tightly wound across her waist, while the other caressed the base of her head. Y/N gently moaned at the feeling and Zuko swallowed it. He wanted to take everything she was willing to give, nothing more and nothing less. Zuko wondered if she could feel his heart pounding in his chest, as Y/N wondered the same. 
They were in their own little world, completely oblivious to everything around them. Zuko and Y/N weren’t paying attention to the fact that they weren’t alone anymore. Neither of them heard the splash towards the other end of the dock, or cared to notice Sokka flailing in the water with Katara standing above him looking very pleased with herself.   
A/N: FIFTY CHAPTERS AND THEY FINALLY KISS!!!!! CAN I GET A HELL YEA!!!!! This series is my baby and I'm so beyond thrilled that we made it!! I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter 💕
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wondernimbus · 4 years
breathe — draco malfoy
pairing: draco malfoy x female!reader
prompt: her death leaves behind a void in draco’s chest nothing can ever fill.
t/w: death and mentions of anxiety
requests are open. please refrain from plagiarizing my work!
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Five months.
He's gone five months without her. And he's determined to keep going—he has to. He has to. 
But goddamn does it bloody well hurt.
In the middle of a quiet cemetery stands a boy in a black suit and a cluster of white roses clasped in his hands, eyes staring but unseeing as he stands over one of the countless tombstones with his heart in his throat and what feels like a gaping hole inside his chest.
"I miss you."
Snow falls from the sky. Bits of it sink deep into the fabric of his suit, fall into his hair, some onto his face. But Draco doesn't feel it, the bite of the cold. His knuckles may have turned a pinkish red from the frost and his blond hair may have turned stiff from the flakes of snow stuck in it, but he doesn't feel cold.
He's been cold for five months now. He can't feel it anymore.
"It's been a while, hasn't it?"
It has, says the voice inside his head that keeps him company when he feels the loneliest—when the pain becomes too much to bear—the voice that he knows isn't real and hates that it isn't. The one that sounds painfully like her.
"Yeah," Draco continues, bottom lip trembling, and it's not because of the snow. "I'm doing okay." He lies. Keeps lying. "I think I'm getting better."
He's not. He can't get better, not when he sees traces of her everywhere, even when she isn't really there.
He sees a wooden desk and remembers her with her head bowed over a sheet of parchment, tongue poking out of her lips in concentration as she chides him—"Not now, Draco, I'm studying"—he pulls out an old chessboard from the crevices of his closet and remembers her grinning in triumph over winning a particularly intense chess game even though he lost on purpose—he walks past a park and remembers lying on the grass in the Hogwarts courtyard with his head in her lap and her fingers raking through his hair as she told him Muggle stories of love and tears and laughter and everything in between. Stories with happy endings; so unlike Draco's and hers.
He squeezes his eyes shut; tears fall and trickle down his cheek onto the ground, joining the bundle of snow at his feet. 
"Life hasn't really been the same since—"
A sob tears its way up his throat and out of his lips before he can even think about suppressing it. 
"—since you left."
With his other hand—the hand that's not grasping onto the bouquet of roses like it's a lifeline—he wipes his tears away aggressively, almost angrily.
"I've started talking to myself a lot lately even though I know you're not going to respond because I've been so used to you being here to listen and now you're not."
Another sob. Pathetic, says a voice inside Draco's head. Not her voice. Never hers. She would never make him feel bad for feeling things—no, she'd crouch down next to him on the floor, wrap her arms around him and say "Everything's going to be okay, love. I'm right here with you. Right here" and he'd look up at her and start crying even harder, because in a world where his parents expected too much from him and he was never good enough, he had her.
Or, well. He used to.
Draco clenches his fists, nails digging crescents into his skin as his breathing gets uneven and the air suddenly feels too tight. He tries to ground himself by inhaling through his nose and exhaling through his mouth and repeating the process—
"That's it, love. Keep breathing. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." 
Draco took another shaky breath, trying to focus on her face even though her features were blurred and he didn't quite know where to look through the tears obscuring his vision.
Panic attacks. He hated them. Hated the hand that felt like it had reached straight into his chest and started squeezing. Hated the tears that slipped out of his eyes almost automatically.
"It's okay, Draco. Breathe with me."
He inhaled deeply, closing his eyes, shoulders trembling from the effort. "You're doing such a good job, Draco," she said gently. Draco let out a long, shuddering breath. "You're doing so well. Now breathe. Breathe with me. In through the nose, out through the mouth—that's it, love, keep going. In through the—the—" her voice broke. Draco couldn't see it—and maybe it was better that way—but she'd started crying at some point.
"In through the nose," she continued, swallowing back a sob. "Out through the mouth. I love you, Draco. You're gonna be okay."
"I know you'd probably get mad at me for this if you were here, but sometimes.. well.. sometimes I find myself wishing I was dead."
And even though there's no one around that's listening and Draco is the only living, breathing soul among the countless graves, he feels exposed. Bare. Like he's laid his biggest vulnerability out for the rest of the world to see. 
"I wake up everyday," he says slowly, a crease in between his brows, "I stare up at the ceiling for a little bit. And then I get up, eat, sleep. Get up, eat, sleep. Over and over and over again."
A pause. "It all just seems so.. pointless," he bows his head, staring at his shoes as though he's ashamed. And he is. He's ashamed that he's like this—because he knows that if she were here (which she isn't, says that annoying little voice at the back of his head) she'd smack him upside the head and say
"Don't be ridiculous, Draco," she rolled her eyes, glancing up for a brief moment before transferring her gaze back to the textbook in her hands. 
Draco fell quiet again, staring into the embers of the fireplace. Maybe it hadn't been the best idea to ask her to drop everything and run away with him on a whim.
A few seconds passed in silence. She looked up at him again out of concern to find that he hadn't moved at all. A twinge of sadness plucked at her chest and she sighed, closing the book with a soft snap as she set it down on the floor. 
Draco lost himself in his thoughts sometimes. It wasn't a common occurrence, but she'd seen it enough times to know how bad it could get inside his head. It was a side of himself that he only felt comfortable enough showing to her and her only—a side that he'd kept well hidden under the facade of arrogance he always had put up.
It was when he would start thinking about—well—everything. How he never seemed to match up to his parent's expectations no matter how hard he tried. He'd think about his obligations as the heir of one of the oldest pureblooded wizarding families. He'd think about his future and wonder if he deserved one with her with that dirty mark on his wrist.
Usually it would take quite a while to snap him out of his reverie, but tonight Draco seemed more lost in his thoughts than ever before. When she got up from the carpet to sit down next to him on the couch, his eyes were still hazy and unfocused. "Draco," she murmured, sitting with her feet tucked underneath her as she turned to face him. "Draco?"
Her hands reached out for Draco's, fingers slipping into the spaces between his own of their own accord. At this, he blinked, his gaze clearing, and looked at her. 
"Love," he breathed quietly.
She pursed her lips in a small smile, squeezing his hand in hers. "I'm here," she told him, basking in the silence of the Slytherin common room, only interrupted by the sound of her and Draco's breathing and the crackling sounds from the fireplace. She shifted on the couch to make herself more comfortable, leaning the side of her head on Draco's shoulder and ignoring the ache of sadness in her chest that would always come when Draco felt down.
"Galleon for your thoughts?" she whispered.
Draco unlaced her hand from his to slowly trace the lines on her palm with his index finger. "It'd take much more than a galleon, love," he whispered back, and there was a ghost of a small smile on his lips, but it was blanketed by the worry etched deep into his face. 
The corners of her mouth tugged up into a sad smile. There was nothing in the world that she wanted more than to rid Draco of all the worries plaguing his head. He'd grown up surrounded by so much despair and for years he had no one but himself to carry his burden with, but now here she was. And even though she'd already done everything she could to help him—and she continued to do so every single day—it never felt like it was enough. 
"You know you can always tell me everything, yeah?" she said quietly, looking up at him from the corner of her eyes. 
Draco, with his gaze fixed on their hands, nodded. "Yeah."
"I mean it. Always."
He smiled, and it was a real one this time. "I know."
The snow has stopped falling. Draco tastes tears, hot and salty, on his tongue. 
"I'm going to keep going, though," he tells her. Hangs onto the tiny sliver of hope he has that she is out there somewhere, listening. "I'm going to.. I'm going to keep getting up and eating and sleeping until it doesn't feel so tiring anymore. Okay?"
Silence. "Does that sound good, love?"
Like shouting into a canyon and waiting for an echo that would never come. 
"I know that's what you'd want," he says quietly, gritting his teeth. "For me to keep living. Not to give up. So that's what I'm going to do."
"Don't give up."
Draco snorted out a laugh. "Shouldn't you be telling yourself that?"
He was sitting with her at their usual table in the library; the one right by the window near the restricted section. She had a Potions quiz tomorrow—Draco being the "smartass" he was (or so she called him), didn't need to study, but she did. Him being her boyfriend, he'd offered to tutor her, unaware that it was easier said than done. She just couldn't, for the life of her, get the terms right. 
She scoffed. "I don't need to tell myself that. I won't give up no matter what—you, on the other hand.."
Draco scrunched his nose. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"I'm just saying you have a tendency to stop trying and call it a day."
"That is a lie."
"Is not."
"Well, I suppose it depends on the task—if it's tutoring you, then anyone's bound to give up.."
"Hey!" she reached over the table to smack him on the shoulder. He swiftly dodged, laughing. She rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress the smile on her face as she sat back down. "Maybe I should be getting a different tutor."
"Or maybe you should just be studying harder."
"Or maybe you should actually be trying to teach me—"
"I am!"
"—without giving up halfway!" 
Draco huffed. "Okay. Fine. Let's try this again. What's another word for wolfsbane?"
"Um," a pause. "No idea. Okay. I'm sorry." 
He let out an overly dramatic sound of complaint. 
"Don't give up, Draco," she reminded him, fighting back a laugh. "Don't give up."
Draco crouches down next to the grey tombstone already decorated with all sorts of flowers from friends and family and places his own set of white roses right next to her name. With hands that won't stop trembling, he pulls out a tiny box from his pocket.
"I was supposed to give this to you after the war," he says quietly, presses his palm to the snow under which he knows she's resting, looking as breathtaking as she always has with her eyes closed.
"I wish I could've given it to you when I had the chance, but.."
"Don't do this to me, love."
Draco couldn't think straight. He gathered her into his arms and cradled her the way he had done countless times before, except this time she wasn't smiling up at him with a familiar sparkle in her warm eyes—no, she was limp and cold and her eyes were open but unseeing. 
"No no you can't—you can't do this to me—" Draco was gasping for breath that wasn't there. Choking on his tears, he shook his head repeatedly, rocking back and forth on the ground, "Look at me, love, you promised you wouldn't leave—"
In the middle of a destroyed hallway, with the battle of Hogwarts in full fledge all around him, a boy in bloodied robes and an entire ocean caught between his lashes knelt on the ground, cradling the only person who had ever mattered to him in his arms as she did exactly what he was begging her not to do—
"You can't leave me like this, love. Don't leave me like this, please please—"
—and died.
Left him. Just like that.
In the middle of the empty cemetery, a boy in a black suit kneels next to a tombstone, hands shaking as they gingerly set down a small, golden ring on the grave marker. Pulling out his wand, he whispers a spell and enchants the beautiful golden band to stay there for as long as the world exists.
Draco closes his eyes, inhales through his nose, exhales through his mouth.
And then he leaves. 
Just like that.
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belleta · 3 years
The Forest - Part One
Consists: Supernatural, SKZ as different SN creatures, adventure, romance, drama, action, ......still trying to figure out all the details....lol XD
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"Come on Y/N!", I was racing around the house. Trying to make sure I had everything for this trip. "Omg Y/N, let's GO~!" I swear to the universe she's going to thank me later. " I'm coming child!" I screamed back. Alrighty I just need my retainer. I bounded up the stairs and glided down the hallway with my cotton socks. Bursting into my room, I quickly scanned it for the sparkly emerald case. I caught sight of it out of the corner of my eye, "Boom!" I ran forward and snatched it off my windowsill. While leaping for my door, I paused and turned back to what I call my sanctuary. Call me paranoid but I'm kinda afraid of camping in the middle of the woods. Ever since I watched "The Blair Witch Project", I've been creeped.
It doesn't help that Jazzy forced us to watch the film, previous to this morning. I was drifting in the fairy floss clouds of my mind when a loud honk poured water on them. I sucked in a breath, blowing raspberries. Padding back over to my bedside, I grabbed my Ice Bear plushie. Giving it a quick squeeze and finally deciding that he's coming with me. Galloping back through the house, I made it out, locked the door and hopped in the back seat like a spring rabbit. "What took you so long?" I gazed up through my fringe at my girl bestie Jazmine. She had long beautiful honey blonde hair, and a mousy nose. Her blue eyes were alike with pebbles under a lake, with cheeks connected by a dash of light freckles. "I swear I just aged waiting for you" and Danny, our guy bestie. I've been best friends with Danny, since 3rd grade. Jazzy moved over during the 5th grade. All three of us have been with each other through thick and thin. Daniel was Hawaiian Japanese descent, had perfect colorful nails and absolutely gorgeous eye makeup. We were all dressed in casual, comfy clothes for the trip. Jazmine, or Jazzy as people call her, as the oldest. She was driving Danny's dad's truck. It was spacious and definitely was fit for the environment. Danny, second eldest was in shotgun and I, being the "baby", was in the back. "I was just making sure I have everything." The two rolled their eyes. Danny looked back at me "Girl, you need to chill. We've got everything and more" the boy stated. "I know, I know.....I'm just paranoid, you know.....being in the woods for a week" I looked down at my feet and played with my fingers to cover my embarressedness. "Awww, is the baby scared", Jazzy giggled, imitating a child. I swatted at her, "Let's just...finally go" I grumbled, reaching inside my bag to pull out my headphones. "Fine" they answered teasingly. While Jazzy was pulling out, I fastened myself and slid my headphones on. Bluetoothing them and unlocking my phone, I scrolled through my YouTube Music playlist finding the one named 'Bell Mix'. After that, I went back to the truffula trees and fairy floss. Just listening to my music and thinking about things. There were a couple times, where I thought I might get sick, but I had remembered my motion sickness bracelets. In your face! It's better to set out a little later, rather than having our vehicle reeking of my insides. 2 or 3 hours went by, or something. I'm not really sure, my brain doesn't really have a sense of time when I'm inside of it. We stopped to use the bathroom, get food and fuel at a gas station, maybe 2 hours away from the forest. "Can I, can I, can I, can I PLEASE?!?" I had been begging Jazzy to let me buy a bag of Haribo for 10 minutes now, and she was starting to break. I'm very persuasive as you find out, and I happen to be a very prominent weakness to many throughout my life. She finally gave in and I bounced away to the candy isle with glee and happily picked out a bag, promising to share. Jazzy just rolled her eyes and paid for our things. We trotted back to the car and continued our journey. It was nearing the end of 2pm when we finally arrived at the edge of the forest. It's lushes were absolutely perfectly splendid. The road continued for a hot minute, until it gave away to dirt and rocks. We didn't want to stray too far from the dirt road, so we slowly kept moving in until I suddenly exclaimed at the sight of a pretty little clearing. It had a few little bushes marking the edges, thick but soft looking grass, and a little dirt patch at one side that should be perfect for a firepit. We pulled over to take a look around, flattening a few bushes in the process. As soon as the truck came to a stop I shoved the door open and sprung down onto the flourishing forest floor. The first thing I did was take a deep breath to soak in the sweet scent of the untouched earth. I reached up, stretching and cracking a few of my bones in the process. Then I raced through the trees and undergrowth, toward the beautiful glade. It felt so nice to get away from civilization, I had always loved
getting away like this. Being able to recharge away from annoying people and sounds, my fears of the night were long forgotten. I was two steps away from the grass when I suddenly tripped over something. Tumbling forward and scratching my cheek. I landed on my face, but on the bright side it was luckily with no rocks around. The dirt however spared me at nothing, crawling into my fresh scrapes, was a sharp and quick stinging as I grabbed my face. "Seriously Y/N, we haven't even completely left the car yet and you've already managed to hurt yourself" Jazzy declared. Danny chimed in, "Did you hurt yourself at all?". Quickly inspecting myself, I responded "Yes, a tiny bit on my cheek, hands and knees", I could hear them muttering to themselves about how reckless I was sometimes. They started toward me and as I waited for them to catch up, I decided to look around and figure out where to put things for these next few days. While ogling the decently wide stretch that was conveniently shielded by a mighty sugar maple. I thought I saw something in the undergrowth a few meters away from me. I grabbed my glasses and narrowed my eyes, but right when I thought I saw whatever it was, two flashes shot in the opposite direction between the ferns and disappeared. They were kinda hidden but I could sorta make out one of the shapes was darker and slightly bigger. The other was a little bit easier but still was difficult, it was kinda brown, or maybe reddish? At that moment I felt two hands on my shoulders, "Let me see", it was Jazzy. She inspected my injury. "It'll be fine, just wash it off", "Okie-Dokie-Artichokie", she laughed and ruffled my hair. I gazed back at where I saw the two shapes but not even the bushes were still moving. "Hey!" I cocked my head back to the voice "Can you help me?" Danny was struggling to unpack from the back. "Sure thing Danny-O" I quickly stood up, maybe a little too quick. My vision went funny and I almost stumbled. "Oh my god Y/N! Be careful!" Jazzy scolded, "My bad!" I was a little all over the place at the moment. Finally we were on this trip! I mean, I waited 6 months for this and it's finally here! I'm not all childish, I'm actually very 4D. I'm just really excited okay? I more carefully walked back to the truck, where Danny was struggling to keep ahold of what appeared to be the tent. Over the course of the next hour and a half we set up everything. Goofing around and laughing. Danny had been pulling too hard on our sleeping bags, to wedge them out of the trunk. And had accidentally fallen onto the slightly wet dirt, causing a very prominent brown streak across his gray sweatpants and sky blue tie dye hoodie. I was currently on my way to find the stream that is supposably close by, with a screenshot of google maps and a compass. Service wasn't exactly a 5 star out here, but I didn't mind too much. I brought a portable WiFi router with me, so if Jason Vorhees just decided to pull one, we could call for help. Every so often I would hang a wooden heart ornament on one of the tree's branches, so if this was the correct way then we would never get lost. Also so that I didn't get lost right now. I had been making these last night, for these exact reasons. I swear only dumb people don't mark their surroundings, this is one of the main reasons why people disappear and are never found or get lost. There are no traces of where they've been, like these fruit loops really-...... After about another 20 meters I started hearing the sounds of water. It became louder and louder really quickly. Is there a waterfall here? I pondered, while quickening my pace with curiosity. 35 seconds later I came across a thinning in the trees and beyond a clear water stream. I finally broke out of the shelter provided from the thick leaves, the sun kissed my skin with it's warm touch. I looked around and sure enough, there was a small waterfall that looked straight out of a fairytale. It had multiple uneven levels, with smoothed boulders everywhere. And to top it all off, it had little water plants scattered around it. Absolutely
beautiful.... I scanned around and spotted a few giant boulders poking into the stream. I carefully picked my way over to them, clutching onto Danny's muddy clothes. Hopping onto the sunlight warmed stones, I positioned myself perfectly so that I could reach the water but wouldn't fall in. I reached into my pocket for my zip lock of natural soap, of course I didn't want to hurt this literally untouched land. I leaned down to dunk the fabric into the stream's crystal-like water and kneaded the brown smudge. It was decently cold, just perfect for a stream. I turned back to the small bag with a green bar wrapped with brown paper and a little herb decoration. I unzipped it and reached for a tiny hand towel I brought with me so that I would have a better grip on the soap, even if I got wet. After dunking the clothes in I took the bar of soap and swiped it all over. I dipped it into the water once to help the bubble come, then I started aggressively rubbing it. Once the outfit was foaming with suds, I slapped it into the brook. Holding onto the sleeve I rub it harshly all over to get the stains out. It was relatively still easy because the events of cause were only moments before. I was starting to disappear into my thoughts, getting deeper and deeper and deeper....... And just then a crash and from the trees, followed by snarls and barks. I was so lost in my thought that this jolted me into the canal. The water suddenly became ice cold, my scream had been washed away. A surge of water filled my lungs from the way my mouth was open to yelp. I could still hear the sounds of fighting every so often, when I would surface. My head was hurting, my skin was stinging and my lungs were screaming. Someone.....please help..... It was hurting so much, I was trying not to panic. So I could find the surface and get back to shore. I would break through it's crisp arctic clutches every so often and would cry out for help but then get cut off by the now frosty darkness. I was giving up to the stream and submitting to the coldness. Letting it swallow me whole. I was numb, I couldn't feel my body being thrown around anymore, Is this how my story ends? No! I don't want to! I still have things to do! I need to graduate, and find my passion! I need to find a man who will love me as much as I do! I need to birth young and care for them! I want to grow old with my partner happily! I can't die yet! I just can't! But it was just so cold. I had stopped moving violently, so I guess I had been poured into a lake or something. I didn't care anymore. My blood felt frozen, I couldn't even bend a finger. That's when I felt a force near me, it parted the waters. Moving me in a different direction with its power. Then not long after I felt something grab hold of me in an awkward way. I was starting to be pulled into another direction, as the water streamed around, parting to let me and whatever that was saving me through. Then I broke through the surface and that was the last thing I felt before slipping into a comfy unconsciousness.
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