#anon analyses
problematic-ra1nb0ws · 11 months
A Sou sprite was leaked. So. I have some thoughts about this.
YTTD Spoilers, of course. Read on for not only long walls of text, but as mentioned, SPOILERS.
Firstly, here’s the sprite:
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The three intriguing things about this image:
• He isn’t wearing his scarf.
• He’s avoiding eye contact.
• His fists are clenched.
This pose looks like guilt, or pensiveness. Wanting to admit something, maybe apologise.
If there’s one thing that I want to cross off: I don’t think this is a flashback, despite how it looks to be.
I think most would assume this is a flashback based on the lack of the scarf, yet I disagree.
In fact, I believe it’s much more likely that this is a sprite for 3-2, where Sou undergoes character development. It’s understandable that his arc continues after the standstill in 3-1 (presumably due to Midori, Kanna’s passing, Midori’s passing AGAIN, etc…) in a way that balances the gray area of ‘logic vs emotion’ with his character - which as we know, the main theme of YTTD.
I think the best way to explain this is the theme of ‘truth vs lies’. Within all lies, there is a truth. Within all truth, there is a lie. A lie may eventually become a truth. A truth may eventually become a lie. The truth is seen as the truth if it’s fully believed to be the truth. A lie is seen as a lie if it’s fully believed to be a lie.
We can switch this to the terms of logic vs emotion. Within all emotion, there is logic. Something seen as logic may eventually become emotion. Something seen as emotion may eventually become logic. Logic is seen as logic if it’s believed to be logic, & vice versa.
We know Sou is a more emotional person by the second main game, but was originally seen as somebody villainous, calculating his every move to betray others; eg, the laptop scene. ‘Something seen as logic may become emotion’ is pretty much Shin in a nutshell.
“Now, how does this relate to the sprite?” The themes of the game. Logic vs emotion.
I’m going to refer specifically to the scene when the cast go to the fourth floor, when Sou tries to rebuild his image as a logical person before Keiji fucking punches him down metaphorically.
I think 3-1 was more highlighting Shin’s logical side again - rebuilding his persona after being idle. Him being idle was probably a mix of processing Midori’s presence, grieving over Kanna’s death, & not going into a mental breakdown & snapping at everybody. He recovered from the 3rd one, so he spoke up about ‘tag’ & whatnot.
So, in 3-2, it makes sense for Shin to show his emotional side again.
Or, to get to the point once & for all, apologise for his misdeeds.
& if not apologise, at least admit his wrongs.
I think the most likely situation for this sprite is for 1: Keiji puts him on the spot, or 2: he apologises by himself. Let me give an example for this -
Keiji: Sou… We can work together, but we need to get over our differences. You may see yourself in the right & is wrong, but you’ve done things as well.
Sou: *That one sprite that shows up in the gun scene* …
Keiji: …
Sou: *This sprite* …
Sara: (The atmosphere is tense..)
Then Sou can go either route. I want to see him admitting it, being emotive, though I can see him masking again.
But that doesn’t particularly explain the missing scarf, does it?
I’d like to assume there was a scene where he threw away his scarf.
Sou: I’m done… I’m done with being related to him. Relying on him……
Sou: I can survive by myself.
Sou: I have to.
Sou: For… For Kanna.
Or something of the sort.
Or maybe once he apologised, he threw it off. Then there was the tense silence. We’re only left to wonder.
So. TLDR: Sou goes through character development, admits he was wrong, joins with the other cast members & kicks ass.
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paimonial-rage · 1 year
i am completely fine without the one shot!! i am actually more interested in the analysis, haha! if you don’t mind, here i go! I’ll send another ask addressing the other topics. (sorry this is kinda long).
i think my strength lies in being self-aware. i’m always reflecting and doing after reviews of my actions, but sometimes i get overwhelmed by my imperfections and i laze around rather than act in ways to better myself. i’m working on this because i believe my destiny is determined by me. there are things i cannot control therefore i want to control the things i can (myself).
many of my friends have mentioned i’m an easy person to talk to, but i’m not good at replying or comforting, haha. they’re rather surprised i like dark humour and i can be mean as a form of tease despite first impressions of me commonly being “you look very innocent”.
send me a message and i’ll probably reply 2 weeks later — calls are for the Real emergencies. i try to be patient and understanding, and sometimes it unnecessarily bleeds to my inability to say “no” or put my foot down. i don’t really like gifts, but i love hanging out with friends. even if i didn’t get to say anything, i like being present and hearing them chatter.
lastly, i love animals and eating but i’m a picky eater, lol. it has gotten better as i trained myself to just eat whatever is presented, but i can be uncontrollable —watch me chug 1L of milk without hesitation but cringe at prawns even though i will eventually eat them. — @milkstore
Ooh, Milk (sorry I couldn’t find what you go by on your blogs), can I just say that I find the desire for self-awareness a very attractive trait. Some people tend to get frozen by their imperfections, preferring to stew in their weaknesses rather than change. They become overly negative and sensitive, complaining and venting because they don’t want to admit they’re addicted to their misery. You’re not like that. While there are times you do become overwhelmed and fall off track, it’s never a permanent thing. You always get back on your feet once more.
To me, you seem like the kind of person that, while you may feel you’re not necessarily “warm,” you actually care a bit too much. You have an inability to say no, which I’m wondering is the reason why you take a while to reply to messages. To reply means assigning yourself responsibility to a situation, to give emotionally when you do not have the energy reserves to fully do so. Going off on another limb here, I’m wondering if you’re the type that only wants to give your 100% to your friends, never anything less.
That’s why… okay, hear me out. I know he isn’t the most popular character, but he is definitely one of my top 5 favorite characters, but…
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I can’t exactly say how people feel about him in this community, but it doesn’t really feel they give him the credit he deserves. The reason why I feel he’d match you well is that, like you, the goal of continuously bettering himself is something he always keeps at the forefront. Not only that, I feel like he’d keep you accountable and you’d do the same for him. You both will never be stagnant in a relationship.
Unlike the kind of relationship I feel a lot of people want on this website, a relationship with Gorou wouldn’t be drowning amounts of soft times, fluff, and kisses the whole time. While you are similar in some ways, you are still both different. You’re introverted while he’s extroverted. You enjoy teasing while he’s incapable of it. You don’t seem as open to trying new things while he is. You have a hard time verbalizing your boundaries while he makes it a point to do so even if it’s hard. However, I don’t think these differences will hinder a relationship, but will cause you to grow as people.
That being said, Gorou is not a slave driver and neither are you. You both will not force each other to improve, nor harp on each other’s faults. You both understand the need to rest. You both understand that you will fail from time to time and that’s okay. I think the fact that he will do his best to be encouraging with you will drive you to do the same with him. At the same time, you both are not weak people, so I don’t think this would be a regular thing. You both will care for each other, but at the same time will not be caretakers.
I can see you feeling Gorou is a bit too much at times being that he’s quite active. He’d view you as someone not communicative enough (in the area of replying to messages). In the friendship/dating stage, I can see him completely bypassing the phone calls and visiting you at home to ask you if you want to go for a walk. That being said? I personally feel like everyone needs someone like that in their lives. We all need someone that breaks the monotony and brings us out of our own heads. At the same time, you’ll teach him moderation, that people also need time to themselves and also to relax.
Seeing that you both rate quality time highly as a love language, I imagine you both would have a very leisurely relationship. I imagine him dragging you out to go hiking and enjoying nature. He’ll chat about the letters he’s got for his That’s Life magazine job, you’ll tease him, he’ll get flustered, you’ll laugh because his reaction is cute, you’ll know you should go easy on him but that only makes you want to tease him more. Overall, the kind of relationship that will not weaken over time.
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miyakuli · 3 months
user huskerdustfanart is reposting a lot of arts in the huskerdust tag without crediting the originals
Hello anon! yes I know :'(( already made a warning post about them because they also promote weird links while reposting those arts ><"
I tried to message them, they replied that they won't do it anymore but that was a total lie because they keep to repost works without bothering to credit...... The only thing I can do for now is to put myself the credits in the replies, hoping people would see it and not reblog from them. I also contacted some artists if they need to report it.
That would be helpful if the fandom avoid that blog (=v=)"
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xelasrecords · 4 months
Hi, I was reading your works and think you have a really good understanding of characters so I wanted to ask. Do you see any scenario in which Jumin would push MC away for her own sake? Extreme cases like if his father embezzled from the company but Jumin took the fall and had to go to prison for the maximum amount of years. Or if he lost all his wealth and couldn’t afford security anymore, but still had people after him. Would he want MC to stay with him even though he wouldn't be able to protect her/give her a "normal" life?
Your marvellous mind! This makes my brain tingle. If you see from the times he's faced with threats and his bad ends, there aren't any scenarios where he pushes his loved ones away for their protection. That's more Saeyoung. Jumin is like a dragon that hoards his precious things. The more he's threatened, the tighter his grip on his loved ones would be. His biggest fear is to lose everything he holds dear, so he builds up his security to be impenetrable.
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If Jumin had to take the fall for his father's embezzlement, I think he'd set up emergency funds and security for MC and hide them away from the media before he goes to prison. He has a private island where MC can stay. These plans may even have been set up way before as a precaution. He'd try to make MC's life as comfortable as he can and hope she would wait for him to come back.
If Jumin became poor and had bad guys coming after him, it's possible that he'd go to Saeyoung for help. He's not above pleading for his lover's safety and be indebted to someone when he can't hold up a fair bargain. I'm also thinking about when he tries to give Elizabeth the Third to V because he doesn't think he's a good owner, so I'm tempted to say he could push MC away if he thought she deserved better. But even then, he can only part with his cat because he knows she'd be with someone he trusts. He is still in control.
More importantly, Elizabeth is a cat who can't choose him back on an equal stance. MC can. You know how pliant Jumin is over MC's words. If MC told him they wanted to stay with him despite everything, how long do you think it'd take before Jumin's resolve broke? Maybe they could run away and start afresh where nobody knew them. It wouldn't be surprising seeing that he takes this route in his BE2 DLC. Maybe MC could protect him instead. Maybe they could work together to protect their relationship and future.
When faced with imminent danger, Jumin snaps into ultra logical mode. So if he actually pushed MC away for their safety, it wouldn't be due to pure angst. It'd be a calculated act where he had some control over.
Also, during the RAE crisis, Jumin's confidence never falters. He still believes there's something he can do to protect the RFA and he toils away endlessly for solutions. All the while losing his job and friends and half his assets. It's this that makes me think when everything goes to hell, the only person he can trust is himself and therefore MC is the safest with him.
Jumin's selflessness isn't by giving up his lover. It's by giving everything he has to protect them even at the cost of himself.
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rubra-wav · 3 months
I know your read are closed, so you can delete this if you want or save for later but what about Vox x reader who is INCREDIBLY similar to him
(Yes it is and official now. You also got me into Vox and I love him and his toxicity<3)
[ Entry #11 ] Vox with a reader who's incredibly similar to him
A/N Split into 2 parts because I have different thoughts on this one 🙏
Also some of these go into different posts I've made with headcanons and posts I'm gonna make atsp so yeah.
I strongly believe that option 2 is the best type of partner for someone like Vox.
CW: SFW, gn!reader, this is written with romantic relationships with him in mind but platonic in section 2 would also really work ngl
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Someone exactly like him
- Exactly like him?
- He would actually hate you straight up.
- That's not in a self depreciating Vox actually hates himself way either-
- He wants constant power and control over everything and everyone.
- So someone trying to do the same? That would piss him off and honestly just make him try fight you into submission.
- Because if you're exactly like him, you would be trying to do the same to everyone, including him.
- I also get the sense that he wouldn't like someone like himself because dude needs to feel individual and special or his ego shatters to a million pieces lmao.
- So someone who's got the exact same personality, mask, motivations, even issues as him is an instant fuck no.
- He's very likely got a pathological fear of being replaced due to being an older tech demon (constantly trying to change his parts to be new and the best there is), so someone who's exactly like him, as maladaptive and parasitic to everything and everyone is instantly going to have him feeling threatened.
- May even try to pull a 'there can only be one' and possibly try to take you out over that. Especially if you're gaining notoriety at all.
- If you're just some random, he will probably just scoff and hypnotise you to stay tf away from him. May also try to shackle you into a contract under him because it gets his sadistic ass off to exercise power over those he deems a potential threat.
- The thing about being fake is also that fake usually knows fake. Shitty people see other shitty people. Especially when that shittiness is similar, let alone the same.
- He would be able to see through your shit, and you would likely be able to see through his too which would terrify him.
- He has his mask of perfection over his mask of being a total asshole to stave off anyone who scratches below the surface, and that sits over the actually vulnerable person he is under everything.
- So you being able to see that he's fake is instantly going to have him gunning to take you out or silence you in some way.
- Not to mention, he doesn't want to see his own flaws as being flaws. He needs to be seen as perfect (both by others but also himself) and deludes himself into thinking he's a God amongst men just waiting to become even more powerful then he already is.
- So having someone who is an exact mirror of not only his false presentation he puts out but also every single terrible, shameful thing about him?
- That would be absolutely chilling for him.
- I also say this because someone who's the exact same as him wouldn't want to change or better themselves at all either. I'll elaborate on why I mention this in the next section.
Someone who is like him but not an exact copy of him / or who was exactly like him but is recovered
- I think that a lot of the above would still apply, however, it would be less to the point that you would actually be an extremely desirable partner for him.
- In the beginning he'd absolutely still see you as a threat and try to avoid you/bring you down to a lesser position of power then him.
- But if you manage to get him over that with you?
- Yeah he's gonna be into a relationship with you.
- Vox needs a partner who can push him to change, to actually love him properly, but also satisfy his need to fight/ feel like he needs to win in the relationship and actually fight back against him on an equal playing field.
- A partner who's gunning for control and power but like. To a less extreme point, then what he goes at with devaluing the other person completely in that process would be something he's into.
- It's extremely entertaining to him to have rivalry in a partner, so if you are also publicly at odds with one another on the outside?
- Yeah, he's gonna be going crazy about it.
- Even better if he's losing the public rivalry.
- He will complain like an absolute bitch but the more you take his power - perceived or not - over you and your actions away from him, the more you're going to ease him into trying to mend his bs.
- Again, equal playing field is what's important. If he doesn't see his partner as an inherent equal then that's gonna be bad for obvious reasons, you being alike to him in several ways would level that more/make it easier to level.
- Also its good because if you've already managed your own similar/ former same behaviours, then you already have an idea of what direction and buttons to push with him to get him doing better.
- You would have a better chance at easing him into recovery to actually change rather then the chance that he'll pretend to change to manipulate you, or that he'll just push back out of spite because it feels like you're trying to control him.
- It's not all the same dealing with more complicated bad behaviour, of course, but it does certainly give you more of an idea of what will work as to what won't that other partners who are unlike him wouldn't have.
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I kinda went more analysis here then overall warmth/drabble - sorry if that's what you more wanted 😭 I was just very excited to analyse this idea.
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heraldofcrow · 3 months
come on you of all people have to make a choice on who is getting the blue ribbon in Malenia vs Sephiroth
they are your stabby children?
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(incoming “angry” rant this is mostly light-hearted and non-serious, so please don’t worry 😅)
I am the QUEEN of not pitting two bad bitches against each other and instead I will gleefully say “fuck you” to all the versus battle shit that fandom loves to drool over and point out how these two would actually be pretty well-matched in most things and why MALENIA AND SEPHIROTH SPECIFICALLY SHOULD STOP BEING PITTED AGAINST OTHER CHARACTERS IN GAMING LORE BECAUSE THAT’S ALL PEOPLE EVER DO WITH THEM FOR FUCKS SAKE—
*throws Vergil’s stupid lawn chair out the window*
I spent hours and hours defending Malenia in the trenches on YouTube and Reddit back when the TRAILERS were just coming out. I STILL GET NOTIFS FROM THIS ONE THREAD OF ESSAY COMMENTS I WROTE ON YOUTUBE WHERE I TRASHED SOME SMUG DUDEBRO THAT WAS HATING ON MALENIA AND ACTUALLY MANAGED TO WIN THE SUPPORT OF 75% OF THE OTHER GAMER KIDS THAT READ MY RETORTS BECAUSE I WAS ON FIRE. (I am bragging a little, yes. I am still proud of that moment. No, I don’t want to ever re-live or re-read that cringe again but it was fun while it lasted).
I fucking think Radahn is pretty badass and a cool character, but the moment he showed up as the rival to Malenia, there were people worshipping the ground his horse walked on. As soon as the game was out, it took a couple of days for everyone to take his side in literally everything from morals to combat prowess, and Malenia just got dragged through the mud. Worst ER fandom era. I’m so tired of it and I left it behind, but dammit, I still stand with my view that Malenia deserved better from the fans.
She deserves to have her story analyzed and treated with care and her boss fight to be treated as a worthy challenge. There I said it.
Also, her strength is incredible. She is disabled and rotting from her core, but she can still do THIS?
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She’s so fucking beautiful, I am gonna cry. That’s her trouncing her own disabilities to keep fighting. That’s her stunning waterfowl dance where she moves like a dancing bird.
And then she has her god-form where she becomes a vessel for an Outer God so powerful that it reshaped an entire part of the continent, and she can BLOOM, absorbing more and more power. She kills players every moment with this these days. Out of the 9 billion deaths that Elden Ring has caused players, Malenia claimed over 300 million of those when the stats were last checked. One of the best bosses in Soulsborne history and almost certainly the toughest.
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She is an absolute powerhouse, and MORE IMPORTANTLY, a well-written, tragic, and morally complex character with an amazing story that I wish I could summon the brainpower to articulate in full.
And Sephiroth is the same if people can set aside all the fucking stereotypes and popular gamer perceptions of his character for five seconds.
This is him as a kid aged somewhere between 13-15:
He has his own “Waterfowl Dance” called the Octaslash:
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…where he moves faster than the eye can see. He cuts through moving bullets, big-ass troop transports, and dozens of soldiers in the blink of an eye. He can also summon fire so aggressively that it completely obliterates the surrounding environment.
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When he has his later powers, he cuts through enormous buildings and metal structures, he can throw….city ruins…at you,
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He can….change the weather???
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He can impale snake gods on giant…woodchips lmao?
He can fly without and with a wing, he can cut through different dimensions of time and space, he can shapeshift with his alien mother’s power, and he has an angelic god-form just like Malenia:
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….with which he has the potential to destroy the Solar System….
And he summons a Meteor that is big enough to destroy an entire planet in the game
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And it….almost does….
But see, Sephiroth CAN still be stopped. Malenia CAN still be stopped. They both have limits, and are beaten by The Protagonist Swordsmen. None of this powerscale shit matters with them because they both end up defeated anyway.
Sephiroth can summon that enormous meteor but Malenia fought the man keeping the stars in check to a stalemate and still left him crippled. Malenia has an Outer God backing her up with power, but Sephiroth has his own alien god mother backing him up with power.
Both of them also have the theme of refusing to just fucking die around them too, and I respect that.
Malenia has an incredible in-depth and tragic story with a strong connection to her brother and the horrors of her own existence.
Sephiroth has a shocking and tragic story with a deep connection to his mother and the horrors of his own existence.
One is a fallen hero turned into a villain, one is a fallen warrior with crumbling and desperate morals.
I only said Sephiroth was more terrifying than Malenia because he is vicious, unlike her. Malenia isn’t trying to burn all of humanity to death. She just wants to defend her brother as his champion. I’m not afraid of her as a villain or anything. I can see that she’s trying her best.
Sephiroth is brutal and cruel after he turns to the dark side and is meant to be terrifying as the enemy. He doesn’t have a cute little Millicent looking for him to restore his dignity. He’s completely isolate and moves like a prowling shark. That’s that.
Ok, I’m done.
Love you, anon—and yes, I love my stabby children and will defend them until I’m fucking dead <33
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lu-is-not-ok · 1 year
what are your thoughts on the AEDD egos? I can see how the theme of experimentation and exploitation relate to Gregor but i don't really see what Heathcliff has to do with it
Alright, cracks knuckles. Time to figure out what I can come up with here.
Under the cut we go.
Let's start with the Shock Centipede itself. Cruelty and exploitation is absolutely one of its main themes, but I think there is something more we can look into here.
The Centipede's Mirro Dungeon event involves a choice between shocking it or forcing it into water, two different methods of inflicting pain on it for the sake of a nebulous "better result". I'm going to focus on this aspect of this theme of exploitation specifically - putting someone or something in pain for the sake of progress or improvement.
Another potential theme I want to note here is perserverence. As a boss fight, Shock Centipede does not die upon reaching 0 HP, but rather stays on 1 HP for several turns as a "final struggle", as it's put in its Observation Logs.
Likewise, in its Mirror Dungeon event, while it is noted to stop moving upon being shocked, it notably does not drown when its tank is filled with water. It's clearly in pain, writhing and "dancing", but it doesn't succumb.
Let's apply both of those themes - pain for the sake of progress and perserverence - to Gregor and Heathcliff.
The connections here are immediately obvious for Gregor. Hermann put him through horrible trauma and likely invasive procedures for the sake of making him into what she considered a good soldier. I think the fact that Gregor ended up not suffering from as many side effects as the other Old G Corp soldiers adds to this theme. Gregor was treated as an improvement on the formula, in exchange of him having to go through a war and serve a role in it that he didn't ask for.
However, just like the Centipede, Gregor persevered through it. He survived the war, and he continued to try and live a somewhat normal life. Even as he trauma got in the way, he kept on living. Survival is a Sin, he'd tell Yuri, but who cares? Even if it is a Sin, you should keep on living anyway.
While we don't have enough information on Heathcliff to be able to make as clear of a connection as we did with Gregor... I think we can reverse-engineer here a little bit and speculate on what AEDD means for Heathcliff's potential backstory.
For one, we know two things for sure about Heathcliff's background - he's from the Backstreets, and he was part of a Syndicate at one point in his life.
I think in this case the theme of Pain for the sake of improvement still applies, but in a noticeably different way to Gregor's. Say, have you ever heard of the saying "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger?", the idea that the pain you're going through will leave you a better person for it?
In my opinion, that's exactly what Heathcliff's AEDD signifies. The idea that the pain and cruelty he might have gone through in the past is what made him stronger. What is impossible for me to tell at this stage is who would hold that opinion. Is it the opinion of someone Heathcliff knew and who had put him through a significant amount of pain, or is it his own opinion that he developed as a way to cope with his trauma? There simply isn't enough information to know for sure just yet.
Applying the theme of perserverence is a lot simpler here. It's clear that Heathcliff's life was rough, likely full of abuse and heartbreak. And yet, even having gone through all of that, he keeps going. He keeps living on with his chin held high and doesn't let anyone get in his way.
I'd also like to look at their dialogue lines real quick, as I think there's something interesting to be read from them.
When it comes to their Awakening lines, I think they're meant to signify the kind of torment they've been put through in their lives.
Gregor was forced through horrible trauma because Hermann wanted him to endure it, to become a better soldier for it. It was calculated, "just enough to kill", or in this case, just enough to leave lasting damage, but no more or less.
For Heathcliff, it was pain that aimed straight for his heart. While it's in Heathcliff's character to be excited about violence, I think in this case the tone of his line could signify that the person who hurt him saw him as just something to play with. Either that, or that's how Heathcliff views them in retrospect.
Likewise, I think their Corroded lines have both of them almost fully take the role of their own abusers, something that is already hinted at by the E.G.O taking on the form of a labcoat-like suit, the uniform of the people that likely tortured the Centipede itself.
When Corroded, Gregor takes on the role of someone like Hermann, a mad scientist who hurts other people because they are the test subjects. They aren't "people" to her. An idea that gets further carried over by the ID on the AEDD's outfit being crossed out in its Corroded version.
If it wasn't already obvious that Heathcliff considers Cathy as his abuser from his Awakening line, I think his Corroded line cements this. While I haven't read Wuthering Heights, I do know one thing about it - and it's that Cathy and Heathcliff were both toxic to each other. I think that's what Heathcliff's Corroded line ties back to, how Cathy was horrible to Heathcliff partially because he was also horrible to her.
Alright, that was a lot. Thankfully, I think the Sin analysis here is actually quite straightforward!
AEDD is a Gloom damage E.G.O. Gloom as a Sin represents actions done under the pressure of negative emotions. It implies severe emotional stress which. Yeah. Yeah I would fucking think an E.G.O representing the effects of the abuse its users perservered through would be Gloom.
There's also another angle to look at here, and that is the fact that AEDD has its users act in the shoes of their abusers, as implied by the dialogue lines. Whether it's biting back at their own abusers with the exact same tactics they were hurt with, or whether this ties into an idea of a cycle of abuse, I'm not entirely sure. The one thing I am sure of is that it would still count as something motivated by emotional stress, thus Gloom.
When it comes to Sin requirements, they're the same for both Gregor and Heathcliff, that being Gloom and Envy.
Gloom, of course, makes sense, as it's the severe emotional stress that distates one's actions when forced into a situation that AEDD represents.
Envy, on the other hand, represents actions done as a reaction to other people's actions. Which. Yeah. Yeah that is exactly what's happening here. It's Gregor and Heathcliff reacting to and lashing out at the abuse they suffered at the hands of other people.
I never know how to properly end these E.G.O analysis posts but uh. Yeah. There you go. That's what I got on the funny electric bug that symbolizes abuse E.G.O.
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chuuya-fan-page · 8 months
yeeeaaaah, the minute I saw that tiktok was referring to sigma as “she/her” I knew it was going to be full of takes based on a bastardization of canon. like no shade or disrespect to anyone who does use those pronouns for sigma, i don’t get why but that’s not my business, but the facts are that if you’re dealing explicitly and unbiasedly with what actually is canon, which this tiktok pretends it is, then the facts are that that’s just not canon. acting like it is, tells me that this person has their own idea of what canon is and it’s not an accurate picture
Headcanons are all well and good, I am fully for any and all pronouns for Sigma honestly, but like you said, that user is merging their headcanons with canon, they are not stepping back to view Sigma without the lens they have imposed on him. And we see that their interpretation is suffering because of this.
BSD is something that has to be viewed without bias sometimes, because if you ignore the characters you hate or dismiss relationships because you prefer other ones, you are not going to get the full picture.
Some examples of this is that the BSD fandom hates Mori so much, which comes from a fair place of disgust at his actions, but it's to the point that they ignore him entirely, and refuse to acknowledge his existence, which is a terrible decision given that he is one of the smartest, most powerful (in terms of status) and knowledgeable character in BSD.
Another example is that some Soukoku shippers will prioritise Dazai and Chuuya's relationships with one another over other's that are just as important, such as Chuuya and the Flags, or Dazai and Odasaku, which leads to an interpretation of them that makes them seem codependent and isolated from others. Even the inverse happens, where Soukoku antis will refuse to admit that Dazai and Chuuya have a canon, platonic partnership based on trust and years of working together, a bond that is deeply important for both of their characters.
I've found I enjoy BSD more when I look at it from an unbiased lens. Of course you can have favourites and characters you hate, god knows I do (Ace you slimy motherfucker, I'm coming for you and your hairline), but you should allow yourself to explore the entire world, investigate the characters you dislike; you might find yourself liking what's below the surface, acknowledge the relationships that aren't romantic but are still important. Look at the entirety of BSD, because Asagiri is frankly a genius, and his worldbuilding and character development are some of the best and most beautifully crafted examples I've ever seen.
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eemoo1o-tfrmoo · 7 months
bit of a hot take but gustav should've gotten torch the typhoomerang after torch hit that growth spurt
the only reason he had was given fanghook was because he was copying snotlout and it sealed his fate as recurring gag rather than realized character like stoik or gobber
In the books, the Monstrous Nightmares are said to be reserved for chiefs and sons-of-chiefs — the best of the best — and in the first movie this is repeated with:
“And then, there's the Monstrous Nightmare. Only the best Vikings go after those. [They have this... nasty habit of setting themselves on fire.]”
(The use of “nasty habit” here makes it seem as bad as smoking (literally) or nose picking and I love that.)
In the books, that fact is beaten into us with how, a) Toothless isn’t a member of the chieftain’s preferred species, and b) Fireworm, Snotlout’s dragon, is. (And so is Hookfang, Stoick’s dragon in the books, partnered by the Gronckle Newtsbreath.)
So seeing as this “only the best Vikings go after [Monstrous Nightmares]” is set up in the franchise just as in the books (albeit never really spoken of again, there is a wonderful fanfiction about it, though), I think it’s quite poetic that Snotlout and his little brother Gustav both have Nightmares! They’re the best!
And who doesn’t have a Monstrous Nightmare that you’d expect to because “only the best Vikings” go for them?
Stoick certainly doesn’t. Nor does Gobber, or Dagur, or Heather, or even Spitelout!
(Sure there’s background characters just to fill a scene in HTTYD 2 and 3, but that’s that… oh, and there’s Sven but let’s just say he’s the best whiner and get it over with. YOU RUINED THE METAPHOR, SVEN-LY!)
I headcanon that Hiccup sees himself in Gustav a bit (Gustav is, after all, a hiccup, even if never explicitly stated in canon), and seeing as he couldn’t get a Night Fury, the Monstrous Nightmare being for “the best Vikings” was probably a good next choice… plus his idolisation of Snotlout (that RTTE kind of ruined) swayed his decision a bit, but that’s also because he was only “trained” in training a Nightmare, anyway!
And I love The Flight Stuff (Fanghook’s debut episode) because it’s so cute! B-plot with the twins is stupid, but look! Hookfang is good with kids! Cute!! The taming of Fanghook is also uncouth and unconventional, but that’s also Gustav to a T anyway!
I love their relationship, because Fanghook is so sweet and you could say that after Gustav is told to let him go but it’s revealed he doesn’t, it’s almost like forbidden friendship of sorts, huh? Huh?
Granted, he could have had that with Torch but what’s done is done. The boys ever are adorable.
In fact, as for the ‘copying Snotlout’ situation: I agree! That’s exactly why they did it. But it’s fun to think of metaphorically, annnd… he was also only thirteen! It’s just a throwaway line, but in @otwdfanfic’s fic Once There Were Dragons on AO3, Gustav says this (yes, I know it isn’t canon but it made me realise this), and Gustav’s whole story line is dedicated to the finding of Fanghook!
Cute cute cute. They love each other to bits.
TL;DR: I respect this HC but I’m a nerd who loves the “true bond / soul bond” shit and so I’m just digging my heels into the gravel and clinging onto the protein-filled-whatever with my teeth.
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deus-ex-mona · 6 months
Heyooo so like do you think you could explain the Someya brothers relationship? It’s peaked my interest since the new songs with these two revolve around each other…
Yujiro and Koichirou aren’t related by blood, right? 🤔
Also, what do you think about the new songs that just came out?
Thank you so much for your time 💛💛 Happy New Years 💕
hi! happy new year~~!
this got kinda long so there’s a cut here for length sorry~~~
ngl i’m kindaaaaa fuzzy on the details about the someya bros’ relationship, but long story short, they’re stepbrothers (with koichiro spawning from the resident longleg tamagoro and yujiro being tae’s son, of course) who were kinda pitted against each other when it came to learning how to perform (kabuki) from tamagoro, because longleg’s gotta longleg ig.
then yujiro gets disinherited because the longleg’s still longlegging and koichiro takes to the kabuki stage by himself as the local “national treasure’s” sole heir. so, like, i’m guessing that the events surrounding yujiro’s disinherition may have led to their (frankly terrible) brotherly relationship of “an inferior older brother” and “a superior younger brother”?
though this dynamic carried on pretty much for as long as yujiro longed to perform on a kabuki stage, just like koichiro does (if we were to take the lxl movie’s word for it). then yujiro became an idol and started to work towards a different dream, breaking off from the path (kabuki) that he used to follow koichiro down, which i guess made koichiro start to see yujiro in a different light?
like, imagine you have a lifelong rival who strives for the same goals that you do. however, this rival of yours is less skilled than you, so you naturally grow to have a sense of superiority over your rival, taking satisfaction in crushing them while having full knowledge that they will never be able to beat you when it comes to your shared goals.
however, one day, your rival decides to aim for a different goal, completely ditching your shared goal and stuff, and they actually seem to be doing pretty well in their path to achieve their new goal. how would you feel?
because i get the feeling that koichiro’s initial response to that was to feel betrayed, in a “why are you running away (from kabuki)?” sense.
though, over time, koichiro seems to have gradually come to terms with yujiro’s idol activities, and their relationship naturally (albeit slowly) improved as the days passed, with them going on walks together and bickering with each other like brothers would. which, y’know, is cool of him in a way. he’s learning. he’s still kind of a brat, but he’s growing despite his past mistakes.
as for yujiro, well, he seems to have been looking out for koichiro in his own way from the very beginning? like, man chose not to go against koichiro’s mistreatment, opting to just lower his head and accept it instead.
was it an act of self-sacrifice to protect koichiro’s ego or something? heck, even in the lxl movie, he just took everything koichiro dished at him, and only fought back when koichiro dared to mock his bf aizo. which is. pretty unhealthy, yujiro bro. just tell him you have a proper brotherly love for him for goodness sake. your communication skills s u c k.
um. anyway.
tl;dr: stepbros made to learn kabuki because of their father. older bro gets disinherited, younger bro gets an attitude and mistreats older bro. this continues until older bro becomes an idol and begins to walk his own path. younger bro feels betrayed/annoyed at his older bro for “giving up” on kabuki. younger bro does eventually accept the fact that they have different dreams and supports older bro. seems like older bro has always been looking out for younger bro though, even though he doesn’t say it.
thoughhhhhh seriously, i’m not a someya expert or anything, i just like making fun of the longleg, so… if someone with a degree in someyaology could chime in, it’d be greatly appreciated~~~
as for the new songs, nagisa’s new song is the best of them all, no question. thanks for coming to my ted talk—
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lanaevyssmoved · 7 months
i feel so self conscious . about my favourite character list ? like i need to delete it apologise and run and hide. why
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Here’s my view on the dynamics on this chaos I call YTTRP. Political ver.
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These 4 kind of. Rule this place. Everybody ends up splitting into one of these, or stay entirely neutral. It’s pretty obvious to tell who goes to each section. Kirigiris in the ASU-NARO, Onyx in the Laurier, Eleanora (no clue who the fuck that is) in the Raven, Deidre in the Royals… Etc etc etc.
You join the Ravens by fucking. Oathing. To god n shit. They honour… It’s in the comments.
You join the Lauriers by request. You have to receive admission from the Laurier family.
You join the Royals the same way, but you’re also let in by becoming a knight to the family. They honour their power, & seem to control the people.
ASU-NARO is just working for the fucking company. Only people at the higher ends of the clans actually know ASU-NARO is a clan. This clan is despised by all who know it.
“…Hey, something new was sprouting around. ‘Veritas Aurora’? You think they’re trying to get into the clan system? …Well, that depends. What do they take pride in? …Truth? Oh. They hate ASU-NARO. Makes sense.
You can look in the comments for the Laurier-Raven drama!!!
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This is how I imagine the place. Plus that one wall of corn Ayano burnt down. & the forest near the hospital. Yeah. Structure.
Nayeays I’ll update this relating to what information I get kdkvkskvkd.
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paimonial-rage · 1 year
Alr time for u to be read me like a book!
I would consider myself a ambivert, I truly enjoy spending time with my friends but god do I have a social battery-
I still wanna hang out but I'm just mentally drained and need a break, just give me a sec and I'll be back in the game! Idk why it would be needed but I'm a Leo. I'm not physically fit in any sort of way. I'm sorta the person that's in the middle of groups u can say? Ik a lot of popular people but others don't know me.
I get along with fairly everyone even though I hate a lot of ppl 💀
Whenever u see me I'm usually just listening to music, reading, drawing or just plainly spacing out. I also always look like I'm tired and done. I plan to major in art or something with writing in the future. I can be very insecure about myself and my body. It's a really huge problem I have, I feel uncomfortable in my own skin.
I don't think about it to often and have fun with my friends! I'm pansexual ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᵇᵗʷ
I'm chaotic but the therapist friend at the same time, don't ask how that works. Uhh all in all I'm not very interesting tbh,
((author's note under a cut on why this took so long))
Anon, I was just complaining about this recently on my main blog, but you give off side character vibes, aka my absolute favorite kind of character. You're the kind of character that supports the main character(s), but everything about you makes me just wish the author spent more time fleshing you out.
The job of a side character isn't easy. You're the glue that keeps everyone together. You keep the group on the right path. You take care and make sure others are having fun, but you don't have many people to check in on you. Because side characters are friends with the protagonists, they often think that they're not interesting. But this is only because they compare themselves with the shiniest people around. Of course you would seem dull in comparison! However, what you gotta realize is that there is a reason why popular people want to hang with you, you know? They have all the people in the world they can choose to befriend, but they all chose you. Don’t forget that. 
That being said, because you are both an ambivert and someone that acts as a therapist to other people, I think you would be the most compatible with someone that you do not need to be “on” with and someone you don’t feel you need to take care of. After you’re done having fun with your larger friend group, you have someone to come home to. I think you also need someone to slow you down before you wear yourself out. That’s why I think you would match with:
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If you were purely a nice person, I would not pair you up with him. Albedo is not the easiest to get along with. He’s involved in his interests and doesn’t like people wasting his time. Where you differ from a nice person, anon, is that while you enjoy interacting with people, you are not a Disney princess. You admit you hate a lot of people. You do not feel the need to wear a smile every single second of the day. Despite this, you shine in your interactions with others. 
I can see you as someone Albedo would initially dismiss, but through interactions you would become someone interesting to him. You are a bundle of contradictions—friendly, yet judgmental; sociable, yet needing space; beloved, yet not well known; large friend group, but solitary hobbies. You represent a lot he can come to learn about the world. And, I feel that you are someone he can trust to receive honesty from. 
Like I mentioned before, I can see for you, he would be someone you wouldn’t feel the need to be “on” with. You don’t need to be high energy. And, I feel he is someone you’d have a fun time being honest with, like your irritation for people. He’d probably find it interesting to listen to. Sociable people always have interesting insights about people, you know? On top of that, you both have interest in art and reading, so that’s something you can do together. 
As for the discomforts you feel with your own body, Albedo would be the kind of person that would only mind if you mind. If you feel that there are things you would like to change, he will assist you with it. If not, then he is fine either way. Still, he will keep an eye on you as you seem like the type that pushes yourself. If you're not feeling well, he'll see to it that you're eating the right foods, taking the correct amount of rest, etc.
Lastly, though, the reason why I chose Albedo is that honestly I can see that you both would enjoy talking shit about people you don't like together. You'd both have fun. I can see that his blunt and dry opinions would make you laugh, probably saying the things you were thinking but didn't dare to bring forth verbally into existence.
I just imagine as someone that is social but has their limits, Albedo is someone you can turn to at the end of the day after all your chaotic excitement has worn off. He is not high maintenance, nor is he high voltage. He isn't possessive, nor is he clingy. As a whole, I just imagine that he'd feel like home.
Anyway, I am so sorry this took so long. I got slammed by life, then finals, then slammed again, then went on a sudden trip, etc etc etc. I wanted to write you a oneshot to go along with this, but then I suddenly came to the conclusion that, wow! I am worst than I thought at writing romance and fluff!!!
With the message and after messages you sent, I found myself wanting to write more. The story I wanted to tell was not something I could portray in a couple thousand words. Insecurities are something that I do not want to gloss over, nor do I want them to be the summation of a person. I also hate the fluffy "you are perfect the way you are uwuwuwuwuw" crap. Life doesn't work that way. LOL With insecurities, there are two choices: change or learn to be okay with them. No one choice is more right or wrong than the other. But to convey this meant taking over the whole story, and dang it we want something cute!!
To me, bonds and relationships mean more if there is solid conflict. I had two choices: settle for a more empty cute short fic or figure out how to address insecurities while also making the story actually fulfilling as a romance. I learned I was unable to do the former, so I tried going with the latter. Aaaaand then I ended up burning out my brain. orz
So until the time I am hopefully able to write a short story to my satisfaction, I am sorry but this will be sitting in my shelf of unwritten fic ideas.
But again, I am so sorry for the long wait. ;v;
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formulapookie · 24 hours
Do you think Marc totally over performing over the other gp23 bikes was a factor on Bezz's nive to Aprilia?
Do you think he is having regrets for not choosing Pramac where he would have gotten a factory bike
ok so Marc move definitely took a hit on Bezz psyche, but as it did on every driver regardless of their contract
maybe the closeness to Marc that came by riding the same bike and the way they were all outperformed by him made him realize he needed to get his own space.
not the safety of the place he’s been in since the al earlier days with Vale and his crew but a new experience
which can be challenging, difficult but can reserve surprises
No i don’t think he regrets it, maybe he’s thrilled and a bit scared because it’s HUGE on his part to distance himself like that but imo he did a good thing
my first reaction (desperation) was more because of incertitude and the presence of Martin rather than the move itself
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tuesday-is-a-good-day · 10 months
"Chuugly wants to be Dazai so bad 😂" He literally had yelled at a hallucinated verison of Dazai in stormbringer about how he didn't want to be like him. But alr then, chuuya hate blog, whatever you say.
Yesss!! Exactly!
Thank you for bringing this up, because this is a really important point for Chuuya!
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This scene is really interesting to me, because Chuuya's subconscious is going fucking whack, the people he imagines are speaking his internal thoughts, the things he thinks he deserves to hear, that he should give up, that this is his fault,
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That he should die.
Chuuya's mind in this moment is trying to tell him he should give up, which is why he thinks of Dazai. Chuuya is a fighter, he doesn't like that Dazai would want to stop fighting, that's not a part of his mindset and not something he can accept.
Even more than that, in this moment Chuuya is scared, he's scared of the Flags blaming him, he's scared of the Sheep telling him he deserves this, he's scared that Dazai might tell him to give up.
Chuuya does not want to be like Dazai, full stop, but chuugly (we should start calling them that) doesn't wanna hear that, because that means their bullshit takes have no grounds in canon, and they don't like listening to reason.
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fairyhaos · 9 months
in love with how to fucking write!! i started a few months ago with a couple of shitty writings so id love to make a good use of your guide. i still need to practice a lot since im not a native but wanna write in english (i feel like it conveys the message better and less cringey). so thank you for the guide, hope to see more tips in the future!
alsooo do you have any fics reccs? (kind of wanna see the writings you found interesting)
thanku so much omg!!! i really do hope my guide can be useful, and just send an ask if you want any advice on anything <3
as for fic recs, my immediate thought is to direct you to my ao3 fic rec list which is basically my holy grail of ao3 fics. they're all member x member stuff though, so if that's not your thing then a couple of yn fics i like are:
you say the stupidest (sweetest) things
by @ savventeen, seungkwan x reader
reader's personality is sooo vivid and is such a beautiful example of finding a voice for your characters! also it's really cute and i just love the idea so much
as the sun dies, so do we
by @kyeomyun , joshua x reader
very very good working with tension through the use of time. the thickening of time, of slowing everything down to make sure you can feel every excruciating second as it ticks by? the perfect way to create angst fr ✨
most of the yn fics i read are just really fluffy short oneshots which you can find under my #fairyhaos.recs tag ^^ these were a couple that i could tie back to techniques ive talked about in my htfw series, and i assumed you might want to see examples of my bullet points in fics ive really liked!
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