#anon it sounds like you might be having a weird day too. i hope it gets better <3
maxlarens · 2 months
Hi! Can i request friends for lovers with lando saying "i can't seem to take neither my eyes, nor my mind off of you, [name]." ✨🫶 thank you
usually i am so Consumed by the idea of the ✨Tension✨ of friends to lovers that i never do a confession scene but here is me making good on that finally. i hope u liked this anon!!!! sorry it took a while.
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In hindsight, you think you should have woken up that morning and known. Known via some cosmic force that today was going to be it— the day you’d been waiting basically a decade for, the day you don't think you'll forget as long as you live—
Instead, you wake up bolt upright at three in the morning, heart beating frantic in your chest, to five missed calls from your best friend.
"What?", you groan, angry, into the phone, then, realising he's calling you at three in the morning, a more concerned note seeps into your tone, "Lan, is that you? You alright?"
"I locked myself out," is the gravelly reply.
"You locked yourself out?"
"I— yes," he hisses down the line, "I forgot my keys okay."
You snort, say, "You're a silly billy," without thinking anything of it.
You'll attribute it to sleep deprivation later, but you'll also find that Lando thinks nothing further of it, too used to you throwing affectionate nicknames his way—
"Shuddup," he mumbles.
You think he's drunk, at least tipsy. He'd said something offhandedly on your FaceTime call yesterday about going out with a few friends you don't know. Besides, there's a slur to his words, a tiredness.
"Come up already," you tell him.
"'M right outside."
You hum in confirmation that you've heard him, put your phone back on the nightstand and slip out from under the covers. You're wearing a sweatshirt that's three sizes too big it might be Lando's and pink fuzzy socks, you feel goosebumps rise on your legs as you pad to the front door. You lean heavily against the wall, closing your eyes as you unlock the padlock and swing it open for your friend.
Lando stumbles in. You twist around to look at him. He's not as drunk as you thought he might be. Sleepy though. You can tell by the squint of his eyes, how they're red rimmed and the mess of his hair. Run through too many times with his hand.
"You want your spare key?", you question as Lando turns on his heel, finding you at the sound of your voice.
He frowns, looking at you like you've grown two heads. Crease forming between his eyebrows.
"Nuh," he shakes his head, then reaches forward to take your wrist, hauling you back through the apartment, "Let's go sleep."
You shrug, acquiescing as he leads you to your bedroom. If you hadn't just been woken up from a dead sleep you might have felt a little weird about it. Paid attention to the stirring feeling low in your gut. Instead, you slip into bed and pull the covers back for Lando without a care in the world.
It's not that weird, you think as he kicks off his shoes and rummages around on your hanging rail for a shirt big enough for him. He finds one that you're sure was originally his. You look away as he changes, shucking out of the short sleeve button up you'd helped him pick out, peeling off chinos you'd also picked out. There's a pair of his gym shorts laying around somewhere, you know it— but he doesn't bother to look for them. Just pulls the t-shirt on over his bare tan chest and climbs in next to you.
You've done this before. Many times. And the two of you make a deliberate point of not being weird about, even though it's been a point of contention in every relationship either of you have had to date. And you don't know what it is tonight this morning, but his presence next to you is making your chest tight. Something skitters up your spine as he slots into your space.
As casual as ever he slings an arm over your waist, tugs you closer to him and presses the line of his nose into the back of your neck. Briefly, he reaches to swipe your hair out of the way, mumbling something about it tickling him.
There's something set ablaze in your stomach.
"G'night, babe," he mutters, breath fanning your ear.
God. You have to suppress a shiver. The babe thing isn't even anything different, he calls you that often enough mostly when he's had something to drink, there's just something about it right now. When you're sleep-woozy and he's just undressed in front of you. Maybe you had a weird dream about him again and you can't remember it, even if your subconscious does.
You bite down on your tongue, answer, "Sleep tight, Lan."
He hums. You crack your neck to stop from letting out a noise that would be utterly indecent right now. Unaware, Lando puts his nose right back in the same spot. You lie there for a while, wired and buzzing, until you hear his breathing steady and deepen as he falls asleep. And even though you feel like every nerve ending in your body is on fire, sleep finds you too.
You wake up again, later, to the morning sun pouring in through your curtains. It lights up the empty space on the bed in front of you. Acreage of bed, pillow, not taken up by anyone.
Still, on your other side, Lando's in your personal space to a degree that you don't realise at first. You wake up disoriented, grappling to remember the events of early that morning. There’s still no cosmic thing telling you that you need to remember today. Commit every single second to memory as it happens. You try to roll over, feeling warmth at your back but not thinking anything of it until Lando gripes something unintelligible into your ear—
Okay. Memories return to you now.
You start to contextualise the skin on yours.
Lando's arm is still slung around your waist, but his hand has made it's way underneath your jumper. Fingers dig into the plush skin of your bare stomach, clutching like you'll slip out of his grasp if he's not careful. Somehow, the other arm has forced it's way under your pillow and you can feel the line of his body against your back, where he's gotten as close to you as he could manage. His legs tangle with yours, one of them spreading out into your space, strewn diagonally across the bed. His knee presses up into the meat of your thigh.
You try not to think how easily your bodies fit together.
You're still for a while. Drifting in and out of sleep. You're comfortable, above all else. You don't really want Lando to move. This certainly isn't the first time you've woken up like this, tangled up with each other, you're betting you'll be able to pass it off with a silly comment once Lando wakes up. You'll extract yourselves from each other and get on with your day like usual.
No big deal—
Lando wakes up half an hour or so later and acts like nothing out of the ordinary had happened. He yawns loudly into your ear and rolls over without fanfare—
No big deal—
It's only when you're in the kitchen together— cooking bacon and eggs while Lando drinks coffee from your espresso machine— that the cracks start to show.
You glance at him sideways, watching as he gnaws at the inside of his mouth. His eyes slip off you, directing to the sizzling pan, “What’s up?”, you ask, “Something happen?”
He shakes his head, too quickly, “No. Nope— I—”
He tapers off his sentence, shaking his head. Nose scrunching momentarily. You raise an eyebrow but don’t think much of it. It’s Lando, he’ll tell you if it’s important. Plus, you’re kinda busy right now making sure the eggs don’t burn. A few minutes pass, you ask him to grab plates. He says okay and then drags out an,
“Um,” for so long that you’re a little concerned.
Something nervous flutters in your chest, you’re turning the heat on the burner down low before you know why. You’ve just been friends with Lando for so long, you know when there’s something heavy in his words, when there’s something on the tip of his tongue.
You turn to give him your full attention, your eyebrows furrowing as you look up at him.
“Plates, Lan?”
He’s staring at you. Like, staring at you. Like, slack-jawed, eyes glittering, staring. Like how the guy looks at the girl at the end of every rom-com ever. Like how Harry looks at Sally in every fucking scene of your favourite movie of all time. Like—
Shit. Do you have a massive fuck off pimple on your face? Have you turned blue? Are you being completely out of your mind delusional right now? Because there’s something suddenly wreaking havoc in your stomach. And you really do want to believe that Lando is looking at you in that way, and not just because you’ve got something embarrassing on your face—
“Lando,” you say, firmly, urgency to it, “Spit it out.”
He shakes his head.
You put a hand on his bicep, “Lando.”
It’s got to be that. It’s got to be—
God, your chest feels tight. Your skin feels like it’s on fire. He’s not even said anything yet!
It’s got to be—
He blinks. You think your sudden intensity has made him nervous because he rolls his shoulders and cracks his neck from side to side. A little groan escapes his lips.
“I just—” he sighs heavily, as if it’s too hard to force out; but he’s still looking at you, “What if, I was— ugh, no, nothing, it’s fine—”
“What if you were what?”, it’s out of your mouth before you can think. You think you know exactly what the end of his sentence is. You think perhaps you are too. A pause, then, being braver than you thought you could be, you add, “In love with me?”
He looks immediately as if you’ve sucker punched him right in the gut. Eyes wide and wet and red-rimmed, like kicked puppy, a pleading dog. There’s something scared, nervous, in the set of his shoulders as well. You watch them draw up to his chin as he tries to sink into them.
“Why would you say that?” His voice is downright panicked, “How did you know that?”
Your heart stops beating in your chest, drops into your stomach and falls right out your ass. You shake your head,
“I didn’t. I didn’t. I just guessed, Lan,” you realise your hand is still on his bicep, you squeeze, “Are you?”
“Am I?”, he looks slightly incredulous, baffled at what you’re saying like it’s supposed to be obvious that he is, “Jesus. Of course I am. I can’t– I can’t stop thinking about you. You’re there all the time. And y’know, I see you and you’re just,” he waves an arm between the two of you, gesturing up and down at your body, “You’re fucken’ gorgeous. And you don’t say a thing when we wake up together and I’m basically, on top of you—”
“You don’t say anything either,” you gripe, even though there’s something like joy clawing up your throat, “I thought it was normal.”
Lando tips his head back, groans something halfway filthy, “Normal. I didn’t let half my exes sleep over, and I turned around if they did sleep in my bed. And— fuck, y’know— my keys are actually in my pants pocket right now. I was out drinking and having fun and all I could think about was how much I missed you. How much I just wanted to like, crawl into bed with you.”
“You arsehole.”
“You arsehole,” you repeat, “I would have let you in anyway. You didn’t have to lie.”
For a long minute, Lando gapes at you like a fish out of water. Briefly, you think maybe you’ve screwed it by being too mean. It’s never stopped you before, but you’ve also never been in this exact situation with Lando before, frighteningly enough—
One second you’re running through all the possible apologies you could give to make it better, to smooth it all over, and then the next Lando is kissing you—
Or, you feel his hand on your chin first, your mouth forming the first letter of shit, sorry Lan, and then suddenly his mouth is slanting across yours. He tastes a bit like morning breath and a lot like bitter coffee, but his mouth is wet and soft and your lips slot together so perfectly. You put a hand in his curls and find that it feels different to when you card your fingers through his hair.
He’s got a hand on your waist and he’s digging his fingers into your jaw like you’re going to pull away from him without warning and never come back.
“Lan,” you say into his mouth, he pauses long enough for you to speak, lips hovering, nearly touching, “‘M not going anywhere.”
He shakes his head, slanting forward to kiss you again, “No, you’re not,” he pulls back again, pressing his forehead to yours, green-as-grass eyes boring into yours, “Please say you’re in love with me right now?”
Despite yourself, you raise an eyebrow, “Are you in love with me?”
He sighs something ragged out through his nose, kisses you again, says, “‘Course, I’m in love with you. How could I not be,” into your mouth.
You hum from the back of your throat, tongue slipping forward to press against his teeth, tangling against his, “Then of course I am, Lan,” you echo.
How could you not be?
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u just know all of lando's gfs/situationships HATED the fuck out of her
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nouearth · 1 year
lessons in kissing.
dick grayson x male reader x peter parker.
summary: dick and peter become your professors in kissing 101 (& more).
wc: 6.2k. genre: smut. warnings: top!peter, top!dick, bottom!reader, handjobs, blowjobs, kissing, cum-swapping, mouth-fucking, threesome, unprotected rough!sex, reader's first time, characters are aged up!
notes: yeah, so um... this might be my dirtiest smut yet. this was also my first time writing a threesome soooo, i hope i did okay? thank you, anon!
request by: anonymous.
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“you’re lying! you’ve really never kissed anyone before?”
“dude, like, ever?!” peter gasped, and you turned towards him, slowly nodding while you grew cautious of everyone’s confusion. 
“not even when you were in kindergarten?” you twisted your neck for the nth time at the sound of dick’s voice again, and shame unexpectedly crept onto you the more the two men collected their bafflement together.
your cheeks and neck flamed as they both stared at you, bewildered as if your confession was akin to an unmasking of a superhero—like a family of lemurs, a small one, you’d reckon.
“geez,” your hand clutched onto the can of sparkling water harder before downing it, ridding your insecurity in several hard and fizzy gulps. “if i knew i was going to be interrogated, i wouldn’t have told you guys in confidence.”
“no, it’s just…” a careful exchange was puzzled together by the two men. dick shrugged and peter stammered, following you into the kitchen of his apartment. “i mean, not to make you feel weird or anything, but you’re not ugly.”
“i- pete, was that supposed to be a compliment?” your eyes narrowed at him jokingly, maintaining the coldness of your gaze to break peter into nervous stammers. 
“w-what, no!“ he shook his head and approached you closer, a mixture of awkward laugher filling the feigned tension between the both of you. “wait- no, i mean, yes! it’s a compliment.”
you’ve always found it cute.
“i think what peter means is…” bouncy steps followed you two into the kitchen, more-so to sate his appetite for pizza after losing his tenth consecutive match on a game, but consider his curiosity piqued. a mouthful of pepperoni and cheese didn’t stop him from joining. “you’re handsome, he talks about it all the time.”
“dude...” peter grumbled and instinctively turned his body away out of your sight, sipping at nothing in his cup. the only fizz left was the glare he sent dick; like a sparkler on holiday festivities. 
“oops, my bad,” another bite, and dick took his cup of soda to gulp the grease down. “we find you handsome—though, i’m pretty sure (m/n) knew that since i hit on him when we first met.”
“god,” you laughed it off, picking the pizza box of gloopy cheese to take it in your mouth. “can you imagine? my first kiss being with you? or even peter?”
yes, you can imagine. those thoughts had run rampant since you met them in freshman year of university, expanded upon it even. what would it be like to date dick? how soft were his lips? and the same for peter. sometimes, you’d even think about making out while he was in his spider-man costume, but that fantasy was shamefully bookmarked into a deep abyss of thoughts, only sprouting when you would touch yourself at night.
“why?” peter turned back, almost offended, while dick’s laughter joined you, and you swear you can feel a draft from how quickly he twisted around. “is that weird?”
“kinda?” the conversation made you shift on your feet. it was more intimate than what you were used to, and they knew it too, judging by the way they both stared at you again—hyenas. “i mean, i guess it’s because we’re so close now, so…”
“pft, that never stopped me,“ it was like a magic spell drew that confession out of dick. your fingers would have to be cut to coerce that out of you, but you weren’t dick—shameless and confident, you admired it on good days. 
nonetheless, you and peter both gave dick a questioning look. offended would be a regular person’s first reaction, but from the brief exchange you and peter shared, it was unanimous that curiosity took the lead.
dick’s gaze shifted from you and peter, and when the silence drew out for longer than he would’ve thought, a welcoming draft in the room awaited his rebuttal. “come on- you seriously think i stopped thinking about you guys just because we’re best friends now?
“dude, you think about me?” peter’s eyes widened. it would’ve been hilarious if you weren’t involved. you would’ve passed this off as a banter, no more than that. 
you hated to admit it, but you felt yourself throb at this revelation. blood rushed downwards in light speed and you were barely conscious to the drone of peter and dick’s chatter, but you shook it off, laughing at their banters like you aways did.
the day went on like usual. peter’s collection of video games kept you guys entertained for a few hours. when you felt fatigued from mashing your thumb onto the buttons for the ninth match, a walk downtown sufficed. laughing and bantering were the core of your friendship with dick and peter—like every friendship you’d imagine.
but at its finest, it was their vulnerabilities to you, and yours to them, that kept the foundation strong. they trusted you with every secret of theirs, aided them in a few missions of their own, and your friendship thrived. 
the next few days haven’t been exactly the smoothest. you were quieter than usual, and they both took notice because you’d pick at your food while their voices—questions and comments—were ignored, passersby to the street of hearville.
was it that weird to have never kissed at your age? to never have had sex? to not even have had held hands with another guy? they never made fun of you, but you couldn’t help but let these thoughts run rampant.
no. no, it wasn’t. people have their own pace. mine... just somehow happens slower.
you weren’t insecure, but you still felt weird. you suddenly became moody when you saw dick and peter, like you want to be left alone, push them out of your apartment when they drop a visit, drop their pants and suck them off-
dick and peter.
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“teach me.” you suddenly spoke out and the two men looked up from their plate of food, exchanging a look with each other before questioning you, humored because you barely spoke all day. the tv played in the background and you were all sitting on the ground, eating off of peter’s very… very small coffee table.
“ah, i almost forgot what your voice sounded like, (m/n)!” dick laughed, twirling his fork into his pasta before shoving the food into his mouth. 
you made a slight pout, only because they weren’t taking you seriously. though, to be fair, you have been acting weird all week.
“with what?” peter noticed, a little more serious in his inquiry. but food was more of a priority for him, you can see him practically sweating at the thought of leaving his spaghetti cold.
“pete, you can still eat-“ you laughed, taking a bite of your food. 
“oh, thank god.” and peter does the same, chowing down on his spaghetti after a hard day of saving lives.
dick cleaned his palette with a cold gulp of soda, a refreshing hiss when the bubbles trickled down his throat. “so, teach you what exactly?” he continued on. “fighting? oh, dude, are you going to be a vigilante-“
“no, no! does it look like i have the strength to be like batman or something?” 
“well, i’m guessing that’s why you came to us for training?” dick amused himself, and peter chuckled, much to your annoyance. 
“guys, i don’t want to be a vigilante.” you grumbled, beginning to bury your confession deep in the pit of your stomach somewhere. “or a superhero, or a guy in a spider-suit with weird web things.”
“hey, they’re not weird-“
“i want to…” it was calming to watch the way your fork swirled itself into the pasta, metal tongs pierced and capturing a wave of sauce and spaghetti all in one swirl. “learn what it’s like to kiss.”
peter choked on his glass of water.
you continued, hot in the cheeks because you can see peter’s widened eyes even when you look away. “handjobs, blowjobs, everything…”
and a piece of dick’s meatball was caught in his throat.
a low drone accompanied the silence once the tv was muted and while a huge weight lifted off your shoulders and chest, you felt small knowing how vulnerable and weird your request sounded. 
“so, you want us to teach you how to…” dick cleared his throat and you feel like you could hear a smile, but you weren’t sure if that was your mind trying to convince you that everything was fine. “kiss and… other things?”
“yeah,” you continued to avoid your gaze, opting for the wooden floor instead. “i know, it’s weird. you don’t have to say yes or anything, it’s just-“
“is that why you’ve been acting stand-offish lately? peter was worried. he was the type to always blame himself of someone else’s behavior, no matter how much you tried to reassure him. though, you guess, he technically was the reason why you became so moody—part of it, anyway. 
“mhm.” the silence was defeating, you can hear their necks turn to look at each other—of judgement, most likely.
and it was all but confirmed when you can see them hopping back onto their feet and running—running as far from you as possible. “guys, wait, i’m sorry-“
you looked up and watched them dash to peter’s bathroom, immediately chasing after the trail of their steps in bewilderment. “what are you-“
“first step, make sure you have good breath.” dick handed you your toothbrush, his spare one at peter’s already brushing into the foaming spearmint in his mouth.
“atleastluntilhelikeyousenough” peter gargled thick and incoherent, brushing into his jumbled sentence.
“uh-huh, okay… seems a little obvious, but…” you spread the toothpaste on the bristles of your brush and began brushing, a smile forming because you have to brush the front teeth too—but also because of your best friends.
you can always count on them. 
“you ready?” dick naturally became the leader of this impromptu training program. he was the most experienced considering how many women and men you caught him with, and as much as you hated that when you were roommates with him, his expertise was needed in this moment. 
“yes.” you sat in the middle of peter and dick, rubbing your sweaty palms against your shorts. a mere flash of regret ignited inside of your beating heart, but peter rested his hand on top of one of yours, squeezing ever so gently to warm and soothe you—to pacify you.
and your worries were quelled when dick does the same, his smile softer, countering his usual playful attitude. “just stop me whenever you feel uncomfortable.” he made you feel safe.
you looked at peter, and he nodded in agreement, his fingers now intertwined with yours. he had always kept you safe, feeling safe, this was a normal feeling towards him. “same with me.” “i will.” your voice was quiet in the bedroom, a mere soft whisper, but they recognized your will to be more vulnerable with one another, to blossom. and dick appeased it with a kiss.
light and feathery at first to test the water, but once dick heard your breath hitch, he applied more pressure in between your lips, capturing them in a slow waltz that kept you on your toes, yet flat on your feet to contain your excitement—your relief. 
it was awkward at first, to find your footing. your nose would bump into his, teeth as well, but dick chuckled, assuring you this will always happen.
unbeknownst to you, dick’s been wanting to do this since he met you, and he savored every second. “remember what i told you… build it up.” he reminded you because you were getting eager, following his lead but returning his kiss in hard sucks. “nice and slow.” 
peter’s palm on your thigh pressed gently onto your bare skin, mistakenly under the lift of your shorts because he was too in awe of the kiss, but they grounded you from your brief flight to the heavenly clouds nonetheless.
“nice and slow…” dick repeated, and you succumbed to his reminder like a prodigy. “that’s it.” it lasted for a few seconds longer until you pulled away to capture your breath again. your lips tingled still, remembering the taste of spearmint when dick’s breath ghosted on your skin.
“was that okay?” an innocent question, but you swore you stole that exact same tone from a porn you watched the other day.
“a natural,” dick laughed, stroking your hair back and you’ve never see him so affectionate—loving, as he doted on you. “try it on peter. more touching though, if you’re okay with that.”
you nodded and turned your head, meeting peter’s gaze with a flushed smile, your lips slightly swollen from your previous endeavor. “I’m okay with that.”
“me too.” peter smiled, only softening when you leaned in, and it completed hid against you when you captured his smile with a kiss. 
his hand gently placed on the back of your head when you did and he pulled you closer into him, returning the kiss, and spilling his breath into yours, while at the same time, drawing yours out. “rub my chest, i like it when people do that.” peter whispered in between each kiss.
you do as you were told, a gentle hand to peter’s broad chest, and you feel yourself tightening, satisfied with how intimate this all is as you felt the muscles on his chest through the fabric.
in the meantime, dick’s been squeezing at the bulge in his pants, containing his will to completely ravish you simply by watching the way you and peter made out. he’s always been observant, noticing the strong twitching of peter’s own erection, and soon yours when peter slid his tongue into your mouth. 
it was tantalizing—breath-taking— watching intimacy build up and vulnerabilities become unimaginably pliant before him. the pink muscles looped and swirled with one another, spreading and sharing sticky saliva until your mouth and peter’s were practically coated in it, glossed in sheen.
when peter pulled away, your lips were immediately stolen by dick again, kissing you with more strength than before, stubbornly refusing the chance for you to restock on oxygen as he wanted a taste of you too. the air became thicker, harder to breathe, but you basked in the taste, the wetness of dick’s tongue, and allowed yourself to become weak in his arms when he took you in, embraced you closely. “mmf...” you moaned out, breathing harder.
but just like dick, peter wasn’t finished with you, directing his tongue and lips to the back of your neck when you turned away. his ticklish and fleeting kisses pulled you back into peter’s arms, but dick noticed and pulled you forward: a stubborn game of gentle tug of war. 
they wanted you, every piece of you. it was telling as peter sucked into your neck, venomous and poisoning, and when dick began directing your hand under his shirt, allowing you to feel his toned stomach and chest, and eventually his clothed erection, making you squeeze around it with an open palm.
lessons have completely escaped to the back of minds, and all that remained was pure lust.
“it’s okay if you don’t want to.” dick reassured. though, ironically, his hand atop of yours, relieving the ache in his pants continued.
through swollen lips, you managed to mutter, distracted by peter’s bruising sucks to other areas of your neck and skin, whimpering when he bit a little too hard. “i did say teach me everything…” his hands were under your shirt now, warming your bare skin with his palms, excited, but fleeting as they immediately tied to the buttons of your shorts when you gave the okay.
“hey, hey,” dick laughed, watching the way peter has grown grandly impatient. “you’re going to scare him, horn dog.” he left a kiss on your lips, a quick one before leaning past you to kiss peter.
you watched in awe at what a kiss was supposed to be like: burning with ease and passion with every stroke of their lips, no hesitation at all—just a moment of time that they’ll remember. you backed into the bed and leaned against the headboard as they kissed at the foot. you don’t remember having your hand down your shorts, but you do, palming yourself to your own private show.
the kiss ran sloppy, drool dripping down either chins, stained with intimacy, and clothes were quickly tossed to the side, with no care in the world.
you followed.
even though you were similar height to peter, he was stronger—they both were. and now, you felt smaller as they climbed onto the bed, towards you, bare and hardened. you watched breathlessly, as their cocks swung heavy with heat. peter’s pre-cum dripped thickly in yearn for something to fuck, while dick’s throbbed for something to fill—a porn scene come to life—and you were left agape, jaw and legs.
“kinda surprised we’ve never done this sooner,” peter said, you weren’t used to his voice so low. kneeling on the bed, by your left hip, he took your hand and kissed the palm, the wrist of it, skimmed his lips over your forearm before guiding It toward his cock, aching for your touch. “though, was hoping i’d have you to myself, but…” gently, your hand was cradled to wrap around his shaft, warm and running with veins, it pulsed. “this works too.”
your chest rose with every spoken word, and peter has never looked hotter. taking control of you like that made your skin crawl, a spell that commanded you to move your hand back and forth, conjuring you to pump him in slow strokes.
contrary to his overall demeanor, his actions were of warmth. caresses to your head, doting on you with honey dripping from his gaze and cotton in touch while you sinned. 
you didn’t know where to look—to fall in love with the way peter gazed at you like a painting in a museum, or to salivate over the way his pre-cum leaked thickly over your hand when you squeeze it out of him, like a bottle of maple syrup.
that became more a problem—a dilemma—when you felt a wetness over your right nipple, then a sting when dick bites to get your attention—selfish and stubborn, like always. “are you sure this wasn’t a tactic to get all three of us in the same room? you seem comfortable.”
he tongued your nub, flicking back and forth to make you squirm, to hear the sound of your moans, to be the reason you have trouble sleeping at night. alongside, his palm ran over your body—chest first, down your stomach, and finally, your erect cock and balls.
you watched, breathless, continuing to stroke peter’s cock and he’d lean over to give you a few kisses here and there. for the most part, he was content like this, watching you squirm while maintaining to do the best to pleasure him.
“no, i swear- it’s just-“ dick played with your balls, squeezing and tugging on the tight sack to loosen them. every man was sensitive down there, you were no exception. “you guys made me feel safe, so…”
“well,” you looked up when peter spoke, his eyes fluttered shut, and you only got them to open when you thumbed the slit of his head, rubbing slick all over his glans, then the length of his cock when you continued stroking. “we are superheroes.”
you all laughed, switching gazes between the both of them, but it was dick’s mouth suddenly wrapping around you that made you concentrate only on him.
“oh, fuck…” warmth surrounded you, inhaled you in one shallow breath, before dick pulled you out of his wet mouth, taunting you with the loss of heat.
“it’s just like kissing,” he said, licking a stripe over the underside of your cock, tonguing his favorite spot: the neck of the glans and the frenulum. dick followed the lines of flesh with precision, leading the very tip of his tongue into the duct of your urethra—once again, tonguing it while his eyes focused on you, devious. “but let curiosity take you further and explore every part of their body.”
“m-mm…” you were sure there was meaning to his words, but they fell on deaf ears. instead, you focused on the ample heat that engulfed you again, moaning.
“every.” dick took you in and pulled you out with a pop.
“fuck-“ you breathed out, curling your toes into the sheets.
“part.” holding your cock up and stroking sloppily, he inhaled your ballsack. sweaty and musty, they must’ve been, but dick devoured the scent, the taste of sins with hungry sucks and licks—ardent and full of fervor.
and at the moment where you most expected to let out a moan, it was shoved down your throat when peter suddenly situated you in between his legs and filled your mouth with his thick cock, smelling of sweat and sex when you inhaled near his trimmed hairs.
“come on,” peter briefly pulled out, tapping the plump tip over your lips. “you learn best when you demonstrate what you’ve been taught.”
peter covered your view of dick, but you weren’t sure if you needed to see him because you felt every maneuver of dick’s tongue, now drowning your cock with his mouth while he continued assaulting your sensitive balls, tugging and squeezing. 
you looked up and peter never looked bigger, more intimidating, but it’s become your new addiction, and you take his cock, holding it thick and take in what you can. it was barely past the tip before you could feel yourself gagging, but with peter’s reassurance, you swallow more of him every time you went down, slicking him up with your spit.
“how’s he doing, pete?” your cock was left cold when dick pulled away to speak, but he made up for it with his hand, stroking his spit with your cock.
“he really is a natural.” peter chuckled, watching you with a scrunched face of pleasure whenever you pulled him deeper into your mouth. almost down your throat now, but he pulled his cock back completely before you can fully take him. “you try.”
“fuck, yes.” dick leaped over and used the spit from your length earlier to lube his own cock, spitting in his palm and stroking when it wasn’t slicked to his likening while peter scooted back to kneeling at your side, stroking himself now.
as your head was positioned in between both their cocks, dick’s was bigger, thicker—a mouth stretcher you’d imagine. but peter’s was longer, veinier, and the only thing they had in common was that their balls hung loose. in porn terms, hung like a horse. 
and on this very day, you considered yourself a lucky man because you have no objection to either, no will to pick and choose.
“look at you,” dick’s voice was rugged, deep, and he pushed his cock past your swollen lips. there was a clear difference in girth. your mouth was stretched wide, and you could only hum a sound of satisfaction, even with the slight sting from the stretch of skin. “who knew you’d be such a cock lover, hm?” 
“he can’t get enough of it, god…” peter was in awe, salivating and stroking quicker at the sight.
two hands kept dick’s cock still in your mouth while you sucked on the bulbous tip like a lollipop. the rest of your hands stroked whatever you couldn’t mange to fit in your mouth. you were apologetic at first, but dick’s smirk told a simple story of his ego, clearly aroused by the size of his own cock as it only grew wider when you struggled downing him, gagging with a whimper.
“come on… (m/n), you can do better than that. you were so good at sucking peter off, kissing us too. what happened?” dick pulled away to stroke himself with your spit, but he quickly buried any excuses into your throat when he pushed himself into your mouth.
“you’re too comfortable now, (m/n). you’re slacking…” peter joined the banter, and when dick pulled out of your mouth, peter’s cock replaced the loss of warmth to your surprise.
holy shit, this is happening.
like a see-saw, the two men alternated in filling your mouth, stuffing saliva further and further down your throat, without allowing a single excuse from you to escape. it’s buried now, deep in the pit of your stomach, and all you can do was be the prodigy that they wished for you to be.
when it was dick’s turn to stretch your mouth, you made sure that peter’s cock wasn’t left abandoned, stroking him with distracted strokes, and vice versa when it was his turn at your throat. you overworked yourself in pleasuring your two best friends, making sure they were satisfied with you, with your mouth as you took more of them without a single plea for a break.
“fuck, there we go…” occasionally, dick would take control by holding the back of your head and fucking inside of your tight mouth. drool leaked down either corners of your mouth while you let him, tears brimming in your eyes when your throat tightened again, a familiar feeling that dick encouraged to hold back. “there’s my star. taking cock like a good student.” 
if there was one thing that these very brief lessons have taught you, you were exactly what they named you: a cock lover. you slurped at whatever—whoever—entered your mouth absentmindedly, spat on cocks that have begun to look more or less the same, because it was dizzying now. your cock was left alone, but it stood tall and proud, throbbing as the two men harassed your face and mouth with their erections. one would gag you while the other had his balls shoved to your face and nose, sliding its wet, dirty slick all over your skin, staining you with lust.
it alternated like this for a while, and you were content, so was dick and peter. but you needed more—something to fill you elsewhere that wasn’t your dirty mouth. and you pleaded with your eyes, looking up at your best friends with delighted tears, a mouthful of cock, and a gaze only a cock loving whore could have—and they recognized it. 
peter was reluctant to pull away, he was so close. but he’s always been selfless. he released his hold on you and it was a struggle to pull you away, but he did with your lips suctioning off with a quiet pop. a thick string of spit that once connected between your lips and peter’s cock laid like webs on your chin, cooling as you watched the two men reposition themselves.
“i’m going to assume we don’t need a lesson in how to finger yourself, hm?” dick whispered against your swollen lips and kissed you again. you were entranced under his tongue, swirling all over yours like ocean waves while you touched yourself to his licks. you twisted and pinched your nipples, tugged on them with the occasional help from dick, then stroked your cock while dick continued from peter’s original trail of bruising kisses to mark his own territory on your body. you were as horny as they were, if not hornier, and you needed them inside of you, in any way possible.
“fuck, i need you guys so bad.” breathless in your moans, your legs squirmed when you felt something wet between your thighs when they were raised, peter’s nice girth sliding in between the plump skin. 
he thrusted himself slow and steady while he worked on your hole, reaching down to prepare you with his lubed digits, one by one. you’ve done this before, they were surely aware, so it wasn’t a unit that was particularly focused.
in between preparation, your mouth remained on dick’s cock again, delivering him your fullest attention with several lathers of your tongue, sucking hard and hollow, deep into your throat. you remember what he taught you and occasionally stuffed your mouth with his balls, sucking on the weight and letting go with a pull because you got off on seeing how they tensed and jiggled when you did.
“i’ll go slow.” peter leaned in with your legs hooked over his shoulders, bending you back, and kissing the tip of your nose when he was close enough to your face. “tell me if you want to stop.”
once you nodded, allowing him the will to deliver on his promise, peter made sure to lube himself up once more before pushing inside of you, slow and steady. he was careful, watching your face as it scrunched when the head slid in—burned when the rest of him filled you to the brim.
it was almost like you couldn’t breathe. it was too much, to be bearing all of this pain alone, but at the same time, you held peter close, wrapped your arms around him to prevent him from leaving you while you buried tiny whimpers into his neck, because you don’t want to stop feeling it, so full and devoured. it was written all over their faces when you glanced at them—they didn’t want to stop either. 
peter and dick decorated your skin in wet kisses, distracting you from the pain while peter began to find a rhythm. although slow, you were beginning to familiarize yourself with this pain. soon after, pleasure, when he struck something inside of you, a certain spot.
“oh- peter, right there, fuck.” your legged tightened around him and the sweat from your thighs rolled back onto your stomach when peter re-adjusted himself to fuck you at a higher angle, folding you onto your back. 
“yeah? right here?” peter thrusted into that spot dead-on, like a dart to a bullseye, and you groaned, your throat aching in pleasure, but dick pacified it with his cock again, filling you up once more. “oh fuck, look at you. all of your holes are filled up, fuck… so fucking tight”
“baby, you’re doing a great job, god…” your heart beat when dick called you that. it was always something he said as a joke when he arrived to your place. honey, darling, you name it, but the fact that it came out so genuine, it made your skin flush red and you could only respond in moans while you sucked him off. “i think he likes it when you fuck him like that, pete.”
for the first time, you felt wanted. 
peter’s thrusts were hard and strong, his balls swung into with every rhythm. you can see the muscles in his thighs flexing whenever he pounded down into your tight hole, your bodies colliding like waves to a rock. it stung whenever his skin slapped into yours, sweaty and musky, but the sinful sounds were well-worth the prize as you basked in them, in the taste of dick’s cock, the sound of peter’s grunts, the flutter of dick’s eyes when you gargled his cock again, deeper, the sweat dripping from peter’s forehead and body—the bedroom hailed of sex. it rocked of brutal creaks and slams as both of your holes were violated and filled to the very brim, all driven by pure lust. 
after some time, they switched spots, tag-teaming so dick can have his turn at your hole. unlike peter, he was rougher, immediately pounding into you because he was sex-crazed about you, couldn’t stop thinking about you since day one of meeting you.
“fuck, better than i’ve ever imagined,” he laughed into your mouth, kissing you sloppily, and pulling away when peter’s cock impatiently wedged himself in between the kiss, and you were back to sucking and jerking off cock again—no complaints. “still so tight, even after peter fucked you so hard…”
“it’s like he was made to be a whore, right?” such vulgar language from your best friends broke the original portrayal you had of them. now, all you could think about was how they wanted to absolutely make a wreck out of you, de-blossom your naive thoughts of what your first time should’ve been like.
it wasn’t what you had imagined. it was supposed to be with one person. a full-time commitment to your relationship. a loving pair holding each other close when they both climax. it was going to be special.
but this… you thought to yourself as you were fucked into the bedsheets with absolutely no mercy, your ass pained and bruised from dick’s muscular hips driving into you every time he came down, harassing you in that familiar spot again.
this was… peter pushed on your bottom lip with two fingers to open your mouth, then spitting in the void, some catching onto your tongue, before shoving his swollen cock inside of you again, aching to touch—to fuck.
dick palmed your cock as you writhed, bent under him, moaned around peter’s long cock. he gathered all of his strength left to tickle you deep, to reach inside of you with his cock, breathless and panting with every thrust that rocked the two of you together—three, when peter fucked into your mouth. 
this was so much fucking better. 
“holy shit-“ under dick’s touch, you came hard in several thick ropes, all over his fist, and then the sweat of your body when he opened his palm. you were a natural shooter, accidentally spraying your face with your own thick semen, and you heard peter and dick moan in unison, in awe.
seeing you dressed in cum like this had them race each other to their climax. dick fucked you harder, his grasp on your hips bruising and white, while peter held onto your head and met your throat with his cock, repeatedly forceful in strength. you gagged around him, and they only benefitted from every sound you made.
“fuck, i’m going to-“ you watched peter’s abs flexed, tightened as his stomach pooled with pleasure, and you can hear the holy bells ring when he pulled out of your mouth, jerking his wet and slimy cock off until he came undone in thick spurts, all over your pretty face. not a single shot was missed, painting you in white like a canvas with every last drop.
you were still high off of your own orgasm, and you turned your head to watch dick fuck himself into you, clearly wonder-strucked by the scene before him. you were covered in cum all over. they beckoned him to join, the many loads on your body. they were begging now, a mantra of pleas pulled him closer to you, and he can smell the sex off of you, inhaled peter’s musk as well, and again—those holy bells rang.
with the speed of lightning, dick pulled himself out of your abused hole and climbed over to kneel over your chest, fucking into his fist while simultaneously jerking his cock off over your face. to your cum-covered body, to peter kissing his spunk off your cheek and chin then your lips, to the taste of your own cum when you swiped a load off your chest and fed it into dick’s mouth. he suckled, bittersweet salt spread over his tongue, and he was ravished by the taste of you. 
dick then pushed his hips out and aimed his cock over your lips, still connected to peter’s for a messy kiss, stroking until the only reason he tore his gaze away was because his lids fell heavy, ceased his sight to roll his eyes back, and came with a shudder. thick ropes of cum inked on your face and peter’s, but most of it fell to your connected lips. 
“fuck, that’s hot…” dick muttered, rolling his shoulders back while he milked himself to you and peter making out, cum-stained and all. you moaned at the taste, saltier than yours and peter’s, and peter does the same while scraping a load of warm cum from the corner of your cheek and into his mouth before kissing you again, swapping the gloopy residue with a sloppy exchange of tongues.
he was envious, watching how the sticky load caught onto your lips then peter’s when he squeezed himself dry. before you and peter could take all of his cum for yourself, he leaned down to join peter for a kiss, stealing the mound of cum that peter has expertly hidden on his tongue. dick didn’t know who he was tasting anymore. but whether it was you, peter, or himself, it was delectable, and he wanted to share the delightful taste with you. he spat the mixture of cum and spit inside of your mouth before webbing his lips to yours, sealing it with one final breathless kiss.
“so, are lessons still on for next week or?” peter lay by your side, and dick joined the other, still dizzied from his high as telling by his shut eyes and drawn out pants. 
“i mean… i’m still up for it if you guys are?” you said, leaning over to press a kiss to peter’s cheek. you took his smile as an answer and looked to dick for his.
“mm... yeah.” dick sleepily opened his eyes, his locks stuck to his sweaty forehead while he buried himself under the blanket. you felt his arms wrap around your waist once he got comfortable, muttering a kiss to your shoulder before dozing off. 
“we’re good teachers, pete.
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nouearth. please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works. andif you like this story, please reblog and leave a like!
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So this is a weird ask but I figured an Actual Welsh Person would be the person to go to, and you've been pretty gung-ho about the language thing. So I hope I'm not bothering you with this.
Is there a cultural consensus on foreigners learning Welsh? I'm American and I don't have a single shred of Welsh ancestry. My family is historically German, and we've been here since the English Colony days, so it honestly seems really weird even to try to claim some tie to German heritage.
Anyway, my point is, I have absolutely zero legitimate claim to the Welsh language. I don't plan to travel to Wales in the foreseeable future. I have no reason to learn Welsh except that it sounds pretty and I enjoy a challenge.
Putting aside the issue of "lmao it's gonna be stupid difficult to learn an endangered language if you don't have anyone to speak it with" (I have a loose plan for dealing with that, and the experience of learning two languages to "can read most novels without needing the dictionary" level without anyone to speak them with in person already) entirely, do you reckon it's okay for me to study Welsh? I know Americans are really, really bad about just kinda assuming the whole world belongs to us, and I'm trying not to do that here. Especially because Welsh IS endangered.
I imagine your average Welsh person probably doesn't care what some random American does. But like, for people who care about the language...Would it be considered disrespectful or overstepping for me to study it? I don't expect you to speak for the entire country, of course, but I respect your opinion and I feel like you'd have a grasp on what the general feeling towards a foreigner like me might be.
Thanks for your time.
I honestly, truly, do not understand how the discussion around cultural appropriation has been twisted in the cultural zeitgeist to such an extent that people now feel anxiety about learning other languages.
This is not a personal attack on you, Anon - the gods only know that you clearly care and want to do the right thing, and that's beautiful and wonderful and also I will come back to extolling your personal virtues at the end of this post, so stay tuned. But I do want to take a moment here to talk about the broader issue at play, which I have seen echoed multiple times elsewhere, because fuck me what are we doing to ourselves.
Learn. Languages.
That is what languages are for! To be used for communication. If you don't learn languages, you are forcing everyone else to use yours. How have we somehow, as a culture, twisted that into being the less selfish option? How have we done that? I posted my favourite Welsh idiom recently, and someone reblogged it and wrote in the tags that they loved the idiom and would start using it, but they would do so in English because their "Welsh pronunciation would make their Welsh grandmother spin in her grave."
What kind of mental gymnastics is that?
How the fuck do you twist it so badly that you think taking a Welsh idiom for your own and exclusively using it in English is less offensive than saying it in Welsh but maybe a bit wrong? I've literally had people proclaim to me that they're learning Welsh on Duolingo but they never speak it because they're too self-conscious, and they tell me this not to highlight a massive flaw in themselves that they need to work on, but as though I'm supposed to pat them on the head and thank them for... still making me speak English to them.
There was that post where a Deaf blogger received an anonymous ask saying learning sign language is cultural appropriation, as though Deaf people haven't been calling for Sign to be taught in schools. As though a Deaf person being entirely isolated in everyday hearing society unless they have an interpreter with them is less offensive than a hearing person being able to use BSL.
Like, these are not sacred or religious languages. The purpose of Welsh or BSL or what have you is not to perform the Eleusinian mysteries. It's a living everyday language, same as English -
Except it's not the same as English. As Anon here so rightly points out, Welsh is endangered. That means we are desperate for people to learn it. That's how it will survive. That's how we reversed it from 'dying language' to 'living language', in fact - we managed to get lots of people to learn it. You know what is a threat, though? People not learning it because, like poor Anon here, they've been somehow convinced by Western society that you're only allowed to learn languages if you personally have a historic or cultural connection to them that you can prove via six forms of ID and a letter of recommendation from a druid. Or people never using it because they're too embarrassed to try and risk losing face by getting it wrong, or maybe sounding a bit silly, and thus forcing us to use English anyway. Those are threats.
Anon. Listen to me, feel the sincerity of my words: we adore you. We adore you. You cannot imagine how appreciated it is when someone learns Welsh. You cannot imagine how touched we are that you wanted to, that you tried, that you respected us enough and considered us valid enough that you made the effort. Our closest neighbours are the very people who are still trying to stamp out Welsh to this very day. Do you know the number 1 reaction I get, by a country mile, when I tell English people that I speak Welsh? It's some variant on a scoff, and the sentiment "Why? What's the point? Bit useless, isn't it?"
By a country mile. That's the reaction I expect, and brace for, and is overwhelmingly what I get.
So when someone who isn't Welsh actually chooses to learn Welsh?
Imagine what that feels like! To go from not-even-hidden disgust, from outright mockery and often active suppression campaigns, to a foreigner earnestly telling me that they love and respect my language so much they're trying to learn it. Imagine how that feels.
Please learn Welsh. Please learn it. We will love you for it. We will build you a statue. We will bake little Welshcakes with your face on in icing sugar. We will write you poems in complex rhyme. We'll name an Eisteddfod prize after you. We'll name at least, like, three sheep after you. Thank you, thank you so much for even wanting to learn. You're a delight and a marvel and a wonder. Your hair looks great today, as it does all days. You're a strong, independent human being of immense wisdom and compassion. If this were a Welsh myth you'd be a wise salmon the heroes came to for advice. What a fantastic human.
The welcome awaits if you choose to learn
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hangesdarling · 6 months
Idea! Hange who finds out her rival in the scouts is actually just a massive bottom
rivals, right? — h. zoë
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PAIRING. Hange Zoë x female reader SYNOPSIS. You and your rival Hange were forced to sleep in one tent for an expedition. CONTENT. 18+, MDNI, nipple sucking, fingering, oral sex, a bit slow burn WORD COUNT. 2.1k A/N. sorry anon i missed the part where they're scouts :") they're both section commanders on this one though. hope that's alright!
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"I'm not sleeping with you," you groaned, the irritation sharp enough to cut through the night. 
"You make it sound weird when we're just sleeping in one tent," Hange said with an amused laugh, padding up the tent floor with a few blankets so it wouldn't be too rocky to lie down on. 
So annoying, you might be thinking. Hange always acts coy, teasing even as if your constant clash and rivalry were an amusement of some sort. Years of training and expeditions, even as scouts, Hange always managed to be linked with you. Both were labeled the smartest, both became section commanders at the same time, and both were considered respectable researchers. Your titles always one up with the other, a tight competition you never seemed to have an agreement on. 
"Ugh, why is it always with you?" You mumbled behind the notebook you're scribbling on. It was loud enough to reach Hange's ears. 
"Sorry, dear. Every tent is occupied," they said simply. Hange placed two makeshift pillows, peeking over the tent as if waiting for you to come inside. You glanced in their direction but turned away almost instantly. 
"I'll be out here for a while," you muttered, focused on scribbling on your notes. Hange looked over your shoulder in curiosity, crawling beside you. 
"Observations, huh?" Hange remarked, pushing their glasses up so their eyes could follow your scribbles. 
You blushed at being observed, quickly hiding the notes you were writing. 
"Nah, just listing why my research is more relevant than yours," you saved yourself from awkwardness, pulling a smug smile. 
Hange laughed, tilting their head almost mockingly. "That's kinda pathetic, don't you think?" 
"Heh, not when I get those two titans for my experiment," you replied, lips curling into a smirk. 
Ah, so damn stubborn, Hange thought. They shook their head lightly, still amused by how you managed to pull this stubborn behavior with them for years. You're typically kind and soft-spoken with other scouts, an authority to be respected, not feared. But Hange finds it almost ridiculous when you both act like bickering children around each other. 
"Would it kill you to share a titan with me? Besides, Erwin said we only get to capture one titan each."
"Out of all people, you should know that won't be enough," you replied. The situation you're both in just hardens your stubbornness. How could humanity thrive and gain knowledge when research is always limited? Tight budget, the shitty authority; Survey Corps never seems to run out of problems. 
"Well, we have to work with our limited resources, you know," Hange explained. "We're not supported enough in terms of this. Our supplies are insufficient. That's probably why we're sharing a tent."
"I'll do something about that," you mumbled like a steadfast promise. "Just go to sleep for now."
Hange looks at you for a while, perhaps in admiration or judgment. But in any way, they see the reflection of their resolve. 
"You should sleep too. It would be a long day tomorrow. Good night, Y/N."
Do something about it, huh? Hange slept with that curious thought, wondering what risky method would you try to pull in the next few days. 
Being outside the walls stopped feeling new after your tenth or fifteenth expedition. As a scout, you always have some sort of fear just from the countless tales of unsuccessful expeditions and a tower of dead bodies after one. 
 But now, you managed to expertly map through the routes outside just from memory. Where titans roam the least or the best view to watch over their behavior. 
You were sitting atop a branch of a large tree, binoculars in hand, and planning where to stage the capture. Your mind went through the manpower and equipment sent with you outside, wincing at the fact that the capture could be dangerous. Hange managed to develop a catching net some months ago, ensuring a safe capture. However, with the tight route and a precarious amount of titan, you doubt that this capture would be entirely safe. 
From another tree, Hange was watching titans, observing how slow they usually walk without bait. They are focusing. Supposedly. 
But now and then, their binoculars would travel over where you sat, the lenses perfectly capturing your distress at the current conundrum. 
No sooner, you felt another presence at the tree—Hange's familiar footsteps, careful to reach you on that wide branch. 
"You're worrying about the route, isn't it?" you heard them whisper behind you as you lowered your own binoculars. 
"Not just that," you sighed defeatedly, head on your hands. "I was thinking that two titans really wouldn't be enough for us even if we shared."
You handed Hange your notebook much to their surprise. They flipped over the pages, gaining an understanding of your concerns. Your desired experiment might be ambitious and idealistic but it would be helpful if you succeeded. But with resources so limited and countless lives to take into consideration, how would you able to do this?
Hange sat beside you, still thumbing over some pages. Even if you're turning your face away, Hange could tell you were trying hard not to tear up from the frustration and possibility of loss. This was important for you after all. They've watched you study, observe, and create all of these for over a year. 
They placed a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it lightly before saying, "We could do something about this, you know that. Come with me."
"Why do you always kick your blanket off when you sleep?" Hange asked curiously one night in the tent. 
"No, I don't."
"Yes, you do! I had to tuck it beneath your feet at least three times last night," Hange argued. 
"My, don't bother with it..." You brushed it off, turning away from them to hide your face. You tried to trace back since when Hange Zoë's relationship with you became so casual, almost friendly. If your mind wanders far enough, you might consider something else happening. Affection, maybe. But you shrugged all those thoughts off, reminding yourself that the plan you agreed on was purely for science and the advancement of humanity. 
"But you're weak to coldness," Hange continued, covering you in several layers of blanket, ignoring the pout on your lips. They had a grin on their face when they said, "Don't want my research partner getting sick, do I?"
"We're not research partners," you frowned.
"Eh, why not? I just told you my whole plan and you agreed with it."
"Doesn't mean we're partners from now on."
"God, you're one stubborn lady," Hange chuckled, a sigh escaping their lips. They pulled their blankets over them, slowly dozing off. Outside, the night was filled with the gentle chirps of crickets, chorusing at one point. Even with such proximity, you could feel Hange's warmth, their gentle breathing only conveyed that they must also be awake. 
The next morning, you and Hange's plan set into motion, traps were located strategically in a different route. Both of you were taking full liability for what would happen in the days to come, informing the soldiers about the need to capture four titans to sufficiently conduct the research. It wasn't the safest plan, some were hesitant but many trusted your scheme since all of you share a common goal. 
You commander your unit, imparting knowledge of the best actions to take. But for the remaining hours, your eyes remained on your notebook, pretending to check details to reach the optimum result. However, Hange knew you had an entirely different reason. Maybe to interact less with them, afraid they would bring up how you two ended up tangled in each other's arms last night.
"I'm just letting you know that won't happen again," you said flatly, eyes boring upwards through the tent as you lay down. 
Hange turned their head to you, their lips forming into a subtle smirk once more. "What is?"
"Um, last night..." you said in a low voice. 
"Ah, you mean when you're hugging me so tightly?" Hange asked smugly. 
You bit your lip, trying to save yourself from this. "I was asleep. Not responsible for my actions, but forgive me for disturbing your sleep."
Much to your surprise, Hange hovered over you, their deep brown eyes glinting almost knowingly against the dark space inside. The atmosphere thickened, your heart ramming louder than the sounds of night. 
"No need to apologize for anything, sweetheart," they whispered, their eyes following your lips the way your eyes do for them. In that heated moment, all that you've both held in flooded out like a dam breaking and gushing to spill over. Hange placed a firm hand on your shoulder, keeping you pinned on the blankets as their lips met yours. It was a firm kiss, your lips nearly melting into each other's. Your hands traveled on Hange's hair where you tug and pull them closer. Hange sat you up in their lap, gaining better access of your neck and chest. Their hands snaked under your clothes as they ask for permission to go further each time to which you only nod. 
"If you want to have me so bad, you shouldn't have spent years being annoying," you muttered into the kiss. 
"Says the one who wouldn't let go of me last night," Hange smirked, a thumb circling your clothed breasts. "Besides, you should've picked up on it early on. You're so smart after all."
"You know, you look more attractive when you shut up," you muttered as you fell on top of Hange. Their flushed face look at you expectantly, expecting you would dominate this whole ordeal. After all, they saw you in that dominant, commanding light after years of leadership. 
But Hange noticed how flustered you were just from being on top of them. Your thighs kept straddled on their lap, your hands resting on their shoulder, not knowing where to hold on. Hange smirked, taking it as a sign to flip you over once more. Their breath was warm against your ear as they whispered, "It's okay, Y/N. Let me do it for you."
Hange locked your lips in a kiss once more, bundling your shirt on your chest. Their lips slithered from your lips down to your throat, reaching the trail between your breasts. They kept one firm hand on your wrist as their tongue gently circled one of your nipples, sucking their lips on the hardened bud.
Hange covered your mouth before you let out high-pitched noises from the sensation. 
"Shhhh... You don't want your subordinates to hear you, right?" They smiled against the darkness. 
The night was slow and heated as you let Hange do wonders with their mouth and fingers, always managing to draw out a soundless moan from you. Your lips could only part, your hands clenching around their body. They were amused to see you follow along and nod with their wishes, so compliant with their charm.
Hange had the button of your blouse open, your breasts spilling out into their face and the warm flesh of your stomach open for their wet kisses. 
"You know," Hange began, drawing their fingers in and out of you at a teasingly, slow pace. "I didn't expect this much submission from you."
"Shut up, Hange..." you breathed out, a hand over your eyes as you were beginning to write against their fingers. Hange held down your hip, tugging your pants a bit more so they could have more access to you.
"As you wish, m'lady," Hange placed a kiss on your clit before gently lapping up the warm wetness gathering on your slit.
Hange kept on until the faint light of dawn slitted through your tent. You forgot just how much stamina they had to draw one orgasm after another from you. They only stopped when you've whined and writhed enough under them, pleading for a break. Hange fixed up your clothes, smoothed out your hair, and drew the blanket over you again as if nothing happened. Their wet lips kissed you once more as they said, "You still have a few hours to sleep. Sleep tight, sweetheart."
The capture will take place during the afternoon. The equipment was set, and the soldiers were preparing their ODM gear for however long the capture may last. 
The scouts passed by, even some of your friends, noticing the slight shift of the atmosphere but couldn't quite put it into words. Maybe this time their section commanders weren't bickering as usual. They went with that fresh start in high spirits,  brushing off their suspicions whenever they saw Hange place an arm around your waist or whisper something to make you laugh or blush. Your unit didn't think much of it, even attributing it as a minor hallucination or a ripple in the universe. There's no way their section commanders are getting affectionate.
After all, you're rivals, right?
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likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated, sweethearts <3
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leahrintarou · 7 days
Hey this might sound weird but I’ll do my best to explain could you do a suna fix where he works for you dad working on cars together at you family owned garage that is on you property and you two secretly like talk and other stuff ;)
✩₊˚.⋆ DENIAL - suna rintarou
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CW: swearing, make out sesh (suggestive maybe), petname "angel" used, y/n is in denial, suna is in love. he's a tease, reader uses she/her, i love this man oml Word Count: 2.3k Author's Note: DOESNT SOUND WEIRD AT ALL, ANON! i hope you enjoy :). ty for reading. make sure to send in a request if you ever have any ideas that you want me to write <3
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y/n wiped sweat from her brow, leaving behind a stripe of grease residue. she was currently working at the family owned car shop that he dad has been around ever since she was a child. the second she was able to gold things on her own, she's been by her dad's side helping him every chance she got. she loved it and couldn't imagine a better lifestyle.
however, there was a catch that came in the form of suna rintarou. he stood a few feet away from her, finishing up the final touches on one of the cars that was recently dropped off at the shop for a maintenance check. a lazy smirk was on his lips when y/n's eyes caught his figure.
"its rude to stare, y/n."
y/n was tempted to throw the tool in her hand directly at him but thought twice, opposing from the idea. "i rather stare at a wall. don't flatter yourself." she rolled her eyes. that might've been a lie and might've been the truth. suna was attractive, that she could confidently say about him. however, she would often catch herself admiring him way too often.
how his bottom lip always tucked between his teeth as he was focused, his lazy and low-lidded gaze that would intimidate any customer that showed up, hence the reason why he called y/n over anytime assistance was needed.
"all you have to do is give them a little smile, dude."
"why would i smile at a stranger who expects me to charge them a penny for a week's worth of work?"
suna chuckled at y/n's words. he was dressed in loose fitting jeans that were stained with oil. his hoodie matched that oil stained design and somehow, he was still able to make it appear to look like something out of a fashion magazine.
"right, sure." he shook his head, leaning against the car after shutting it's hood. "you know the more you deny it, the more i know that you like me, right?"
"me liking you? your cockiness makes me sick." she shook her head. "if i had to choose between you and oil spill, id pick the oil."
suna didn't miss a beat. "you say that now, but it sounds like you'd enjoy getting dirty here with me."
her pulse quickened, and she cursed herself for reacting. he always did this-teased her just enough to make her flustered, but not enough to cross a line. he'd been working here for months now, and ever since he'd started, it had been a constant back-and-forth between them.
she liked to pretend he annoyed her, but he had this frustrating ability to crawl under her skin and make her feel things she didn't want to admit. her dad was in the back, probably fixing some engine part, leaving her alone with suna in the main garage. she grabbed a rag and wiped her hands, desperate for a distraction.
"you got something to say, or are you just going to stand there grinning like an idiot all day?" she muttered, turning her attention to the car in front of her. "hey, i'm actually working here," suna said with mock innocence as he bent under the hood of a car. "just trying to keep this place running smoothly. you should thank me, y'know? without me, your dad would be way more stressed."
she rolled her eyes. "you're delusional. dad could run this place fine without you. suna's eyes flicked up to meet hers from under the hood, a mischievous glint in them. "maybe, but it's more fun having me around, isn't it?"
her face heated up again, and she cursed under her breath. how did he always manage to get under her skin like this? "you're lucky you're good with cars," she muttered, pretending to focus on the engine. "otherwise, you'd be out of here."
"i’ll take that as a compliment," he said, standing up and stretching, his hoodie riding up just enough for her to catch a glimpse of his toned stomach. he smirked when he noticed her staring. "like what you see?"
she scowled and threw the rag at him, which he caught effortlessly. "you wish, suna."
"yeah, i do," he shot back, leaning closer. his voice dropped, teasing, but softer. "come on, y/n. you can’t pretend you don’t like me forever."
she swallowed, not trusting herself to speak. she hated how easily he could fluster her, how he always knew exactly what to say to make her heart race. but he was also frustratingly right. as much as she tried to ignore it, there was something about him that drew her in. the teasing, the flirting, the way he always seemed so calm and collected, like nothing ever rattled him—it was annoyingly attractive.
"i can try," she muttered, turning her back to him.
he chuckled again, but it was softer this time, more genuine. "you’re fun to mess with, you know that?"
"glad i could be your entertainment," she deadpanned.
"you make it too easy," he said, leaning against the car again, watching her. his gaze was heavy, and it made her skin tingle. "but seriously, y/n. you’re not fooling anyone. i know you like me."
she huffed in frustration, finally turning to face him. "what makes you so sure?"
suna’s grin widened. "because if you really hated me, you wouldn’t let me get away with half the stuff i say to you. and you wouldn’t get all flustered every time i do this—"
his thumb met with the area just above her eyebrow, wiping away the smudge of grease. her breath hitched, and she cursed herself for reacting. his eyes locked onto hers, and for a second, the playful teasing was gone, replaced by something deeper, something that made her stomach flip.
she slapped his hand away, even though her heart was beating out of her chest. "you’re so full of yourself."
"maybe," he said, his voice low. "but that doesn’t mean i’m wrong."
she hated how right he was. she hated how he made her heart race, how he always seemed to know exactly what buttons to press. but more than anything, she hated that she kind of liked it. before she could respond, her dad’s voice called out from the back of the garage. "y/n! suna! i need a hand back here."
she jumped at the sound, grateful for the interruption. quickly wiping her hands in a rag, she turned toward the back. "coming!"
suna followed her, his presence a little too close for comfort. as they approached the back where her dad was working on a stubborn engine, she tried to shake off the lingering tension. but suna, of course, wasn’t about to let it go.
"hey, y/n," he whispered as they walked, his breath warm against her ear. "you never answered my question."
"what question?" she muttered, refusing to look at him.
he leaned even closer, his lips brushing her ear as he spoke. "do you like what you see?"
instead of answering, she clenched her jaw, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a response, and settled on throwing her elbow back to meet with his abdomen. he caught it just in time and pulled her back to him.
"that's not nice, angel."
"oh, fuck off."
hours later, after her dad had gone home and the sun was setting outside, the garage was quiet. she and suna were the only ones left, finishing up the last of the work for the day. the silence between them was heavier now, the teasing from earlier still hanging in the air.
"you’re quiet," suna commented as he wiped down his tools. "something on your mind?"
"nope," she lied, trying to focus on organizing the wrenches on the wall.
suna smirked, walking over to her. he stood behind her, his presence looming, and she could feel the heat of him even though he wasn’t touching her. "still mad at me for making you flustered earlier?"
"i wasn’t flustered," she scoffed.
he chuckled, and she felt his breath on her neck. "sure you weren’t." she spun around, glaring at him. "what do you want, suna? why do you always have to mess with me?"
his smirk faded slightly, and for a moment, his expression softened. he stepped closer, and suddenly, she felt like there wasn’t enough air in the room.
"maybe i just like being around you," he said, his voice quieter now. "ever think of that?"
'well you make it hard for me to like being around you' she thought to herself.
y/n stared at him, caught off guard by the sincerity in his tone. this wasn’t the usual teasing suna; this was different. she opened her mouth to say something, but the words got stuck in her throat.
suna reached out, his fingers brushing her arm, sending a jolt of electricity through her. "you're killing me, y/n."
her heart pounded in her chest, and she hated that he was right. she hated that, despite all the teasing and banter, she actually liked him. more than she wanted to admit. "you’re insufferable," she muttered, but her voice lacked its usual bite.
suna’s lips twitched into a small smile, and he stepped even closer, closing the distance between them. "maybe. but you still like me."
she rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t help the small smile tugging at her lips. "unfortunately."
suna grinned, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "knew it."
y/n barely had time to react before suna closed the space between them, his lips crashing against hers in a way that was both surprising and inevitable. there was nothing slow or gentle about it—it was hungry, desperate, like he’d been holding back for too long. her breath caught in her throat, but she didn’t pull away. instead, she found herself pushing into the kiss, gripping the front of his hoodie as if she needed to anchor herself to something real.
suna’s hands found her waist, fingers digging into her sides as he pulled her closer, pressing her back against the workbench. she sighed against his lips, her heart pounding so loud she was sure he could hear it. every nerve in her body felt like it was on fire, every touch of his lips against hers sending sparks down her spine.
he broke the kiss first, just enough to rest his forehead against hers, their breaths mingling in the heated space between them. his voice, usually full of teasing, was low and rough. “this is what you were in denial of for so long?”
y/n blinked up at him, her mind still spinning from the kiss, trying to find her words. “shut up—” but her voice came out breathless, and she hated how easily he unraveled her.
suna’s lips curved into a slight smirk, though there was something softer in his eyes now, something that made her chest tighten. “you’ve been pushing me away for so long,” he murmured, hands warm against her skin. “but i think you wanted this just as much as i did.”
“you’re wrong,” she tried to snap back, but the way her voice shook betrayed her. she hated that he was right, hated how much she wanted him, how much she had been pretending not to feel anything.
“yeah?” he whispered, his thumb tracing the line of her jaw. “then tell me to stop.”
y/n opened her mouth, but no words came out. her mind was screaming at her to push him away, to tell him he was wrong, but her body wasn’t listening. instead, her fingers tightened in the fabric of his hoodie, pulling him closer. “i hate you,” she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper.
suna chuckled softly, leaning down to brush his lips against hers again. “you don’t hate me.”
this kiss was slower, more deliberate, like he was savoring the moment. y/n’s breath hitched as his hand slid up her back, pulling her flush against him. she could feel the steady thrum of his heartbeat through his chest, matching the frantic rhythm of her own.
when they finally pulled apart, suna’s eyes were darker than she’d ever seen them, his smirk replaced by something more serious. “you can’t keep pretending you don’t feel anything,” he murmured, his voice soft but insistent.
y/n bit her lip, her heart still racing, her mind a mess of emotions. “and what if i don’t want to feel this?” she asked, her voice shaky.
suna’s gaze softened, and he reached up to cup her face, his thumb brushing gently over her cheek. “then stop lying to yourself,” he said quietly. “because i’m not going anywhere.”
her chest tightened at his words, the sincerity in them catching her off guard. she didn’t want to admit how much she cared, how much she had been holding back. but in this moment, with his lips inches from hers and his hand still resting on her cheek, it felt impossible to keep pretending.
without saying another word, she leaned in again, capturing his lips in a kiss that was softer this time, less rushed, but just as intense. she didn’t know what this meant, didn’t know what would happen after tonight. but right now, with suna’s arms around her and his lips against hers, none of that seemed to matter.
suna wiped his hands on a rag and tossed it aside, the sun casting an orange glow through the garage windows. the day had slowed down, leaving only the two of them, the steady hum of the shop’s quiet settling around them. he stretched lazily, catching y/n’s eyes on him for a split second.
“alright, i’m heading out,” he said, his voice smooth as always. his eyes lingered on her, softer than usual. “you need anything before i go?”
y/n shook her head, busying herself by wiping down a tool. “nah, i’m good.”
suna took a step toward the door, hesitating for a moment. the smirk on his face softened into something gentler. he gave her one last look before heading out.
“see you tomorrow, angel,” he called over his shoulder, his tone light, almost teasing.
y/n glanced up, catching his eyes just as he disappeared through the door, the sound of his voice leaving a warmth in the air even after he was gone.
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likes, reblogs, and comments are well appreciated! <3
got a request? send it in and i'll write it :D
Taglist: @nemoo888 @delicatexmoonchild @flowerpjimin @tedcruzumakii @sugacor3 @selysixn @mitsuyas-version @matchaismylove @cyberrthegreat @ivydoesit23 @riririntaro @ilovechickfilasauce @sincerelyzee @daydreamteardrop @greenmanshoe @scatteredskittless @seastarchive @tired-jaz
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eustasskidagenda · 11 months
Could you maybe write a scenario where reader gets super drunk and Kid takes care of them. I think he’d seem mad but actually be really sweet
Thank you!!
Hello, dear anon! Thank you for your request. I'm always happy to write with Kid and I had a lot of fun with this one! Hope it meets your expectations.
☆Kid (trying) to take care of a drunk s/o
CW : alcohol, cursing, vomiting, and mentions of sex, fun, fluff, g/n reader
WC: around 1,300
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Your whole world is completely blurred. How many beers have you consumed since the beginning of the evening? Too much, you even lose the count. You just get carried away by the happy mess created by your fellow mates. From far, the Victoria Punk crew might seem scary, weird, or even rude, but it's like a big family of marginalized people and you love cheering with them. But now, you feel really drunk. Way, way too much alcohol in your system, you’re totally intoxicated.
"One more," you mutter under your breath, slurring all your words. Heat is on his way to bring you another cup of alcohol when a large manicured hand falls on the table brutally. "No fucking more, you moron." You try to frown but you're way too drunk, so you just fail miserably and start laughing, trying to grab the beer. "Come on Kid, don't ruin the fun." You're forced to scream because the punk music inside the bar is way too loud. "You're so weak, how can you get so drunk with a few beers?" He mumbles, glancing angrily at Wire and Heat. They were supposed to take care of you, but now you're so drunk that you struggle to keep your eyes open and laugh stupidly at Kid. The way he looks annoyed is amusing. Or maybe it's just the alcohol running through your vein that makes everything funny. Your eyes are wet with alcohol and your cheeks are completely red. You’re in a good mood. The music is great and you're with your friends. Kid is just killing the fun, as always. 
"Come on babe, just join us." You say, showing the place next to you. Kid growls, takes the tankard away from you, and grabs your chins, trying to cross your gaze. "Tomorrow, don't fucking cry because of your hangover, you did that to yourself. Now, we go back to the Victoria Punk, the party is over for you." You just giggle because he looks funny with that angry expression on his face. It's like seeing a tulip almost exploding. "I'm not kidding, y/n" 
You pout with wet puppy eyes. Kid growls. "I won't change my mind", he snarls. Yes, maybe you look cute with that expression on your face, but nothing can change Kid's mind. He's way too stubborn and right now, he's mad at you. Even if you were with Heat and Wire, something could happen. And if someone hurt you, he would never forgive himself. 
"Move your ass, y/n." You don't move and laugh heartily, the music pulsating inside your head. The guitar and beats are both excellent. Trying to follow the music's rhythm, you move your head, but you're too drunk and end up vomiting on the table and the floor. Kid reacts quickly by grabbing your hair and taking it away from your face. He's muttering curses under his breath. "Goddamn!" He hands you a napkin he just stole to Heat and wipes your mouth. Afterwards, he offers you a glass of iced water. "Drink." You are too dizzy to think anymore, so you accept his help and swallow all the cold water, sighing of relief. "Can you stand up?" Kid asks, throwing the dirty napkin on Heat's face. It's his punishment for letting you drink too much. 
You try to stand up and fail miserably, but before your body hits the ground, Kid's strong arms are around your waist. Even though he's mumbling and growling, he still looks sweet right now. You nuzzle your head against his bare chest, he growls, cheeks as red as his hair, but he lets you use his chest as a pillow and carry you outside the bar. His heart beats quickly against your head, and you can feel it. That sound is something you love, it's like a lullaby. Often, you're worried for your dear captain, he's way too cocky and one day, it might cost him his life. You are terrified by that thought.
Outside, the air is cold and fresh. You inhale the night air deeply. Yes. Better than a mixture of sweat and alcohol. "You're not cold?" Kid is an hot-headed, and even his body is always warm and hot. So you shake your head. "I feel sick," you complain. "Don't you dare vomiting on me or I throw you to the sea." He's so unserious you can only laugh. Playfully, you start to kiss his neck, pinching his nipple, before fondling his chest. "Honk honk" You giggle and press his toned muscles repeatedly. "What the hell, you're a fucking child…" He just sighs, too tired to fight back and honestly a bit flustered. You look absolutely idiotic and yet, you're so adorable, laughing heartily while playing with his chest.
Once you finally reach the Victoria Punk, Kid just stomps through the ship and gets to your shared bedroom, throwing you on the bed. You whine, half asleep and half sick. The headache is starting to reverberate in your head and your world is completely blurred. Yes, maybe you drank too much tonight. "Get changed," he commands before leaving the room. You can hear him mumbling something like, 'How the fuck am I supposed to deal with someone who's drunk, that's Killer responsability"
You laugh. He's trying his hardest.
You try to untie your shoes but end up failing miserably on the ground. So when Kid comes back with some water and pills, he honestly wants to facepalm.  You look like a stranded seal. First, he drops off his stuff on the nightstand and then sits you at the edge of the bed. "You're better off forgetting everything about tomorrow," he growls before kneeling down and removing your shoes. Kid only kneels for one thing, that thing that makes you shiver and leaves you both exausted and satisfied. So, this situation is completely unexpected and you can't help but smile, intoxicated by all the alcohol you drank earlier. "Kid is kneeling in front of me, Heat and Killer will never believe me!" 
He snarls 'Shut up,' completely embarrassed, before standing up. He unbuttons your shirt, takes off your pants, and leaves you with your underwear. His eyes can't help but take a look at your beautiful body. He just loves every single detail about you. Oh, he would love to run his callused hands on your skin, driving you to new heights. But right now, you're too drunk. If you vomit on his face while he's fucking you, it will remain in his mind forever. More important, you're wasted and your mind is too dizzy. He'll wait. So he just gives you the water and pills and watches closely until you swallow everything. 
"Now, just sleep and stop annoying the hell out of me." He pulls the blanket over your nose and places his hand on your forehead.  You grasp his wrist. "Stay with me."
Heavy sigh. "Of course I stay, dummy. I won't sleep on the ground just because you're feeling sick, that’s my bed too" Sleepy, drunk, dizzy, you struggle to keep your eyes open. Kid's lips touch your forehead, and you're unsure if you're dreaming or not. You heard a soft whisper of 'you're a fool but I love you, sleep well' Did he actually say that? Ain't no way, you must already dream. 
And then.
When you wake up hours after, with the worst hangover you have ever had. You laboriously sit on the bed. Kid has already left the room. Maybe yesterday was just a dream created by your intoxicated mind. On the nightstand, there's a fresh glass of water with pills. You grab the mirror that Kid made for you, made of metal, for sure. Immediately, you notice the red lipstick that has been smeared on your forehead. 
So, it wasn't a dream.
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suskz · 6 months
so if you’re not busy I was just thinking about a fic or Drabble abt Chans teeth. Okay that sounds weird, but like biting. He has such sharp lookin canines. OML and He’d be so proud the next morning too! And I feel like he’d def manhandle you. Bud probably had a size kink too. Like am I mental. Probably. Am I giggling kicking my feet like a middle schooler. Also yes.
Kinda just had to talk abt it!!! Have a good day/night
pairing: Bang Chan x fem!Reader
w/c: 1,2k
tw: jealousy and possessiveness ; smut ; dirty talk ; Chan leaves marks even tho reader told him not to, but she likes it too ; painful but also pleasant bites leaving ; (subtle) size kink.
a/n: my first ask!! ^^ Initially I was thinking about writing a shorter thing, about like 300/400 words, but it turned out longer. Hope you like it anon!!
I think Chan would love to leave marks on you, yk, "marking his territory". He’d be so proud to see you covered in marks that he himself left. If your or his friends saw them and pointed at them, his ears would turn red, but deep down —not so much deep— this thing turns you both on and just pushes him to leave more of them.
Overall, the evening went well.
You had fun, you had a nice time with your friends and that new dress you bought last week looks so good on you.
Maybe a little too good. But that won’t be the reason why your friend, sitting next to you, placed a hand on your thigh while laughing. Must have been a mistake.
But Chan didn't see it the same way. His steady gaze on that filthy hand that grabbed your naked skin that way, and the way he firmly grabbed your thigh when, a few seconds later, your friend’s hand moved, indicate that he was trying his best to restrain himself.
And that sent thrills of excitement through your body.
The way he held you for the rest of the night, putting his arm around your shoulders, grabbing your hips so tightly, the way he looked at your friend and the way he ate you with his eyes, they made you wet so much that for a moment you even thought of leaving with him in the middle of the evening to do better things.
Chan isn’t usually possessive, or at least not that possessive, but who wouldn’t be in front of a scene like that?
And that’s why, back home, his lips are on yours, and his hands are all over your body, from your thighs to your breasts, soon naked.
He takes his time with you, worshipping every part of your body he can reach, from head to toe. He licks every flap of your skin and leaves hickeys first on your breasts, then on your thighs, and bites on your asscheeks, making breathy moans escape from your lips.
"Don’t leave visible marks." you quickly warn him. You have to go to work tomorrow, and it would be very awkward to walk around with your neck covered in marks that clearly speak of the night you had.
He leaves only wet kisses on your neck, but once his cock gets inside of you, you both lose every crumb of thought you have.
It’s the first time he fucks you so hard. His movements have a little faster pace than usual, but they are deep and aimed as much as possible at your most sensitive spot.
All the things you might want to say come out in moans as your legs shake.
"You’re mine," he groans, "fucking mine".
And your mind is too fuzzy to understand that his teeth are sinking into the skin of your shoulder.
And he feels like he can cum just from this, from knowing that he’s marking you as his and you can’t do anything right now to stop him, because you like that too, and he can tell by the way your pussy clences around his cock.
In the heat of the moment his mind can think of nothing but how fucking beautiful you are, spread like this under him, leaving him in control of everything, of your body; how you have totally submitted to him and his touch. How small you are under him and how your little cunt swallows his dick.
His hips falter for a moment and a higher moan leaves his parted lips.
His teeth bite your neck and he moans at the arousing feeling that this causes him.
His hands now grip your hips tighter, "You will show that friend of yours these marks tomorrow, yeah?". His tongue licks the flap of skin that his teeth have just bitten, "He will finally understand who you belong to; today it seemed like he still hasn't got it." his jealousy finally shows, but you’ll rethink his words tomorrow, now the only thing you can think about is reaching your imminent orgasm.
"C-close." you warn him, and at your words he brings two of his fingers to your mouth, which you suck, wetting them with saliva, and brings them to your clit, pressing hard —but not enough to hurt— and moving them in fast circles.
"I should register you— send him the video, so he can s-see what he’ll never have," he moans, "You'd like this, yeah?".
And you’re so close, so fucking close. All you need is…
His teeth graze your neck once again, giving you a bite that's both intense and pleasurable, despite the pain, and you both moan loudly, finally coming. His fingers stop moving and his hips give the final thrusts to ride out your highs.
It’s only the next morning, when you stand in front of the mirror of your bedroom’s bathroom ready to brush your teeth, wearing your underwear and the first tank top you’ve found lying between all your clothes on the floor to cover yourself at least a little, that you really realize what he did last night.
Your eyes widen, "Chan!" you call him and he can clearly hear you, being awake and the bathroom door being open.
"Mhh?" his voice is muffled by the pillows.
You sigh, looking yourself in the mirror and touching the various marks on your neck and shoulders, hissing at the painful feeling that runs through your body.
He reaches you silently and wraps his arms around your waist, hugging you from behind and burying his face in the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent.
You sigh again, "I told you not to leave visible marks; I have to be at work in an hour, how do I hide these?".
He leaves a sweet kiss on one of the marks he left on your right shoulder, and you hold back a slight sound of pain. "I wouldn’t mind if that dear friend of yours who was with us yesterday sees them," he says, raising his head to lock eyes with you in the mirror, "there are a couple of things that he seems not to have understood." his grip tightens just a little around your waist.
"Are you jealous?" you smirk turning your head in his direction. He looks at you for a few seconds in the eyes, then tilts his head slightly back to give you a playful bite on the nape. You moan in pain and pull away from him, putting a hand on the slightly painful bite and looking at your boyfriend, who wears an offended expression.
“Good luck hiding them." he teases you and is about to leave, but your words stop him.
"You little…" you stop in mid-sentence, looking at yourself in the mirror and starting to think about how to hide the bites, but he turns in your direction.
"You little… what?" he urges you to finish the sentence.
"It doesn’t matter." you answer without paying attention.
You don’t notice, in fact, that he’s getting closer to you until he scoops you up in his arms like a princess. You instinctively cling to him as he carries both of you back into the bedroom, spinning around first, nearly making you scream from fright and surprise, and then throwing you on the bed.
He then goes to the closet as if nothing had happened, "That’s what you get". At his words you stick your tongue out.
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lvlyghost · 1 year
I LOVE YOUR WRITINGS SO MUCH 😩❤️😍 the way you characterize ghost is so good I can't 😭❤️ I wanted to ask if you could maybe write something for me since your writing style is sooo good frfr
How about ghost and reader have an argument that was started by ghost and he goes a bit too far breaking the reader and making them cry and be just a shell of themselves how would he feel when he sees the readers state and how would he fix it with a happy end please
Broken Wings
Pairings: Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader
Summary: After a night out, things seem to take a turn in your relationship with Ghost.
Word Count: 2.1k
Tw: angst, hurt/comfort, self doubt, jealousy, probably ooc!simon, curse words. lots of grammar mistakes, poorly edited you know the drill🐝
A/N: i loved this request sooo much, though i did have a lot of trouble when writing it since i wasn't feeling too inspired. also had two different stories but ended up deciding to post this one i might post the other one idk, hope you like this anon! I did try my best🫶🏻🤍🩷✨corrections are appreciated; remember english isn't my native language 🐸
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"I like you." You said with big bright eyes.
"But no one can know about this. Just you and I. That's enough." He answered, hand tracing the side of your face.
You blink rapidly. You have always been daydreamer. It caused you tons of problems although you tried to do your best when you were out on missions. Ghost is walking ahead of you, boots sinking in the sand beneath your feet. The waves crashing on the shore is something you like listening to and seeing too but under different circumstances. Both of your gear clink with every step you take, it's the only sound as well as the sea that swallows the tense silence that falls between the two.
Things have been rather... strange since two days ago and you've tried to talk to him about it. It wasn't weird for Ghost to push you back every now and then, he was a complicated person and you couldn't be more different from one another.
You were the sun and he was the darkness that came at night or so he had said one night at the common room back at the compound. He was stoic, grumpy and hardly found himself enjoying somebody's company. You on the other hand, even though you wouldn't consider yourself the most outgoing person like Johnny, still you liked talking unlike him. You loved going out with the task force. And most importantly you loved when Ghost joined because you loved him, you loved having him around, despite his gruff responses or annoyed looks.
You jog though your legs shake and tiredness sets in your body.
"How much farther until we get there?" You ask, ignoring the fact that his frame goes rigid when you speak . He doesn't acknowledge you at first. All you hear is a small sigh leaving his lips. You kind of wish he wasn't wearing the damn sunglasses so you could see his eyes.
They always said a lot.
"Thirty minutes. Give or take." The answer is short and cold, breaking your heart a little more than before. Still, you decide to try again.
"Sir, is something bothering you?" Before he can stop it he scoffs, shaking his head. "What?" Brows furrowing on your features. "Simon..."
He stops all of the sudden, turning to face you with a tense stance.
"First of all don't bloody use my name out here. Secondly it's your own fault we've been walking for hours. So don't go asking if something's bothering me, Sergeant."
Taking a step back you open your mouth.
"My fault? I was doing my job!"
"Didn't know your job was to get your fucking head blown off!!" He seethes. "Fucking hell you can't be this reckless and expect me to clap at your poor acting on the field." Your heart begins to race, he had never said such things to you. Taking a small step back your grit your teeth, you hated that his words were making your eyes blurry. This was the Simon you never wanted to see. And yet there he was. "Now we lost the damn intel thanks to you." He spits. But something isn't adding up.
"It's not just that. You've been acting strange for a few days now, Ghost. Don't come and tell me it's just because I did what I was supposed to do!" He stiffs yet again. Jaw clenching so hard you fear he might break it. "Not missing the way you avoid me ever since..." you close your mouth shut. "The pub..." he shifts his weight from one foot to another. The waves are increasing and now reach your feet, dampening your boots. And then you remember him storming off the local pub before he even finished his own drink. Everyone had heard the hard slap to John's arm when he had tried to calm him down. God why didn't you pay more attention to that moment? Because you both had agreed to keep your distances? And going after him was out of discussion? Then the next day you'd barely seen him, just for a short moment during debriefs and that was it. The moment you had gotten up from your seat he was gone. And today you were supposed to go to a special op that had soon become a problem that eventually led to the two of you in the middle of a beach, it was a cloudy day and if it weren't for the heavy layers you wore you're certain you'd be shaking. Sometimes –and you were ashamed of it– you were oblivious to many things and it seemed that Ghost's anger toward you was one of them this time. "What happened?"
He inhales deeply.
"It's over. That's what happened."
Your heart sinks and you swallow hard. Your whole body loses color when he mutters those two words. Out of all the things, all the possibilities you thought he'd say to you, he decided to end everything. Shaking your head you try to touch his hand but he doesn't let you.
"Ghost where is all of this coming from I don't understand!" You choke out. "We were fine..."
"No. You were fine. If I wasn't enough you should've just said so."
"Stop... you... what the hell are you talking about???"
"Nothing that matters anymore. Keep walking and don't say another word. That's an order."
He turns and keeps walking as if nothing just happened. As if he didn't just completely broke your heart.
'You were fine'.
What was that supposed to mean? You think, walking a few meters behind him, scared to even say anything else; to even try to grab him by the arm and force him to talk. It would only make things worse right now.
By the time you reach the safe house it's started to rain the silence between the two is deafening and tense. Ghost's cold demeanor and hurtful words have left a scar. Never in a million years would you think you'd be here, with a broken, shattered heart and no explanation from his part.
Words that pierced through your soul.
That day something died inside you. And he was the reason.
Two weeks, three days and seven hours.
That's the time that's passed since that day at the beach. Two weeks since Simon broke you and gave you no reasons.
You're a disaster.
You barely eat or get any sleep. There's dark circles under your eyes and you're sure you've lost some weight too. Ghost has been gone on a mission alone with Johnny for a week now, which left you with a lot of spare time to think about the two of you.
More tears stream down your face when you remember that day. Had you missed something important? Was Ghost's mind somewhere dark? Somewhere it shouldn't be? God knows he was... difficult to say the least. But every single time you tried, tried to be there for him. Did those late nights at your home meant nothing? Had he not seen the way you looked at him? Had you not shown him enough of your affection? Everything you'd do for him if he simply asked?
Getting up from your bed you get ready for another day. Not bothering to lace your boots just shoving them inside your shoes you walk down the hallways until you get to the training room. Gaz is talking to John in the far corner, the Captain's arms are crossed over his chest while Kyle frowns and shakes his head. You don't to even go and salute them as you normally would do, instead you put your earphones on and hit the treadmill.
It doesn't last long though; after one minute someone stops it by pressing down the off button. Your brows knitted together as you stop, turning to look up at Gaz who smiles politely.
"Sorry for that, sweetheart. You okay?" You nod, but say nothing more. "Come here." He pats your shoulder and helps you down from the treadmill. If you could smile now you would. But no even the faintest, softest grin leaves your lips. Gaz takes a quick glimpse at your face and rubs the back of his neck. "You know, Soap and Ghost just got back. Heard Lt. was asking about you."
"Oh." You murmur. "Okay." You don't move nor dare to meet his eyes. "I'll just head back to my room."
"Uhmm. I- what I meant is he's looking for you..." Shaking your head you walk away, not having the energy to face Simon right now. And why did he need to see you? Made pretty clear that you two were done, therefore was no need to see each other unless it was work related.
"You really do like it here don't you." Your body goes rigid. This was supposed to be your safe place. The roof of the armory was rarely visited by anyone at this hour. Simon's voice seems softer than ever before but you don't answer. Not even turn to acknowledge him. You hear muttered words and then he crouches down to your level. "Price said you're not eating. Do we have to send you to the military counselor now?" How dare he? After all he caused this. You know he doesn't mean it in bad way, somehow he cares for you deep down. Your hands ball into fists, fighting the urge to snap at him, to push him down and just break him the way he broke you. But you don't because you still love him, and could never bring yourself to hurt him. Simon is staring intently at you, waiting, hoping for any sign. He knows he shouldn't be here. Bloody hell he knows you shouldn't even look his way never again. He deserves it. Every bit of it. "Talk to me, love. Please." It's a low whisper. A plea.
"What do you want Ghost?" You ask softly. Simon leans closer, sitting down with his legs propped up against his chest and arms resting on his knees. It's a funny look for someone his size.
"Jus' wanted to see you." You scoff playing with your hands, refusing to lock eyes with him because if you did you'd be done. "Wanted to explain..."
"Then just do it!" You sob. Your lower lip trembles. "And then leave."
"Fine." He agrees. "But I'm not leaving. I- I made a mistake, and took it out on you okay? I was scared."
"Scared?" Your head snaps to where he is sitting. It's painful just to look at him. "Why would you be scared Ghost?" You retaliate
He grumbles, never fancied when you called him that when you were alone. Quite the contradiction given the fact that he told you not to call him his name that day at the beach.
"Because I saw you." He points out. "That night. Everything you're missing for being with someone like me. Can't even show proper affection because it's not me... and you deserve more than that. More than me."
"No. Lemme finish, love." He swallows. It's always amusing how controlled he seems. "I lost it, yeah? You looked so happy. How on earth do I deserve you, on what universe do I deserve ya'?"
Sucking in a sharp breath you recall the moments that preceded the events. The sound of music blasting through the speakers, when you joined the rest of the soldiers on the other side of the pub. Private Miller had slung his arm over your shoulders in a friendly manner. You laughed and drank too much that night, it was joyful. Everyone was there, your team. You never thought he felt that way about it.
"Oh my... Simon." You cover your mouth and cry silently. He hesitated for a moment before pulling you close and into his lap. "Should've known something was wrong. Forgive me... I should've stayed with you, follow you after you left." You cry out.
You were scared too, for very different reasons. That he'd get tired of you eventually, that if you weren't cautious enough your secret would be known. Both would get suspended thus separated and discharged.
"No, love. You shouldn't have to go running after me. I should be running after you. Now forgive me, say you will. Or else I might just lose myself for good." You cradle his face in your hands lifting the balaclava just above the bridge of his nose. Thumb tracing his lower lip. Your tears have dried.
"I've missed you so much, Simon. All you gotta do is talk to me, always." He tightens his grip around you. "You think Price would let us go home tonight and not ask questions?"
His chuckle is short and soft.
"Yeah. I think he's known for a while now."
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hopelessdazai · 1 year
Hiii! I love your writing, please ignore this if your requests are closed I’m on mobile and sometimes it’s weird with showing symbols and stuff TT could I request fem reader head-canons with dazai,Chuuya and atsushi, basically they haven’t seen eachother in a long time (mission or whatever) and they’re being intimate again but the boys are like way more sensitive since it’s been ages please. Sorry if this doesn’t make sense or some things are wrong English isn’t my first language.
of course anon! I'll do my best . this might be a big one !! I didn't write any scenario sections because the post was already so so long, maybe another day !!
"Missing you" nsfw headcanons
contents ; nsfw, dazai x reader, atsushi x reader, chuuya x reader, reader is fembodied, switch!reader, biting, crying from pleasure, needy needy boys, breeding kink if you squint, biting, oral ( both recieving )
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Dazai Osamu -
god he is so touchy with you the exact second you're home. immediately his hands are on you and making you shudder the moment you're through the door. he was so patient waiting, he needs you now so so bad :((
he'd tried to pleasure himself while you were gone but it just didn't do the job like he would've hoped. it was so difficult without you and for sure everyone was hearing about it. (u can slap him it's okay)
he's praising you more then normal, before you went away he'd told himself that he'd do just fine without you but it's really made him realise how much he treasures and needs you. he just loves being close to you!!
you'll hear this multiple times on the list but god he's so loud. as soon as he's inside you he's making sounds you'd barely even heard from him before, whimpers and whines like an animal in heat.
there's definately multiple rounds. good luck trying to get back to work tomorrow, if you're 'lucky' enough he'll coax you into another one in the morning.
he misses so much about you :((. the sounds you make, the way your walls are so warm and inviting, your taste, how soft your skin is. everything like that!! he just loves you so much.
he probably won't be letting you go on another mission for a while. he couldn't handle all that time apart again!!
he cums pretty quickly the first round. he almost forgot how good you feel, so when he's bottomed out inside of you it's almost like reality sets back in.
tears up a little too. he's very very sensitive!! the time away from you was so stressful and having you so close again and like this is too much for him.
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Chuuya Nakahara -
he doesn't wanna pressure you back into it and be begging as soon as you get back like dazai does. he gives you time to relax again and cooks dinner before anything. he wants it, so bad, but he's scared to overstep immediately.
he's so lovesick, as soon as you give him the allowance to his hands are on you and his fingers are in you. he wants you to feel good, and hopefully if you feel good enough, you won't leave him again!!
say goodbye to the usual loving pace, you feel so good around him that he can barely control himself. sure, it's passionate, but he's rougher with you then he normally is. he's pent up!!
switching positions so often, he wants to make up for the time lost. one moment you're sat over his face and the next you're face down ass up as he hits deep inside of you.
again as I said, he's louder then usual. he tears up a lot quicker then dazai does, because it just feels so so good to be back inside you again.
he holds you so tight, in this time his favourite sort of positions are generally ones where you can be as close to each other as possible. he for sure would love to half hug you while he fucks you.
your markings he left previous probably wore off in this time, so he's remaking you during the session. he doesn't want to let you free from the constant reminder you're his!!
he doesn't go as many rounds as he usually would, he orgasms a lot quicker due to the time away so he's just trying his best to pleasure you enough to then hold you all night long. fully satisfied and stuffed with his cum :)
so many kisses. be it sloppy or tender, throughout the entire act his lips are on yours. he misses the taste of your tongue, and eating you out can only go so far.
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Atsushi Nakajima -
you thought the other boys were loud? rethink after you've heard atsushis volume. he's whining like a wet animal and you better just pray your neighbors aren't hearing it.
if you've ever wanted to peg him this is your chance. he's missed you so badly he'll literally let you do anything with any kink as long as you give him a night.
hes so loving with you !! if you ignore his nails digging into you as he clutches onto you for dear life, he's so soft and tender as he readjusts to the feeling of being in you again.
hes a biter. like very much. much like chuuya, the usual small markings he left are probably faded by now, but he's missed the taste of your skin so much that he can't sinking his teeth into you when near orgasm.
he doesn't cry like the others unless you peg him, and if you do so you'll barely even manage to get a sentence out of him. he is just so sensitive :((
he'll take you anywhere in this time. be it up against a wall, on the couch, over the kitchen countertop or in the usual side of the bed you always do. as long as its with you, he doesn't care !!
he wants to taste you again for sure. you'll have at least a couple rounds where he makes you cum on his tongue, he's so eager with it too.
it's all giving the day you're back. usually he's shyly asking for a blowjob at the end of it, but today it's all you!! ( no denying if you offer though. )
he didn't try to pleasure himself the entire time you were gone. poor baby, it never felt as good as you did, so he decided to keep himself until the day you returned.
I hope you enjoyed!! thank you for all the likes on previous posts. - zai
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lyranova · 5 months
Hi can you write a college au + coffee shop au fic of delinquent Nacht x f!reader where the dynamic is NOT bad boy x good girl but bad boy x dense girl. Where both of them are college students and reader works part time as a barista. Please include Morgen and Yami as side characters.
Hiya anon, I apologize for the wait! Of course I can, and I did my best to work in Morgen and Yami as side characters. Also this isn’t really as fluffy as most other fics, this is more…neutral I guess? But I still hope you enjoy~!
Taglist: @loosesodamarble
Word Count: 1,315
Warnings: None
You watched as your newest co-worker, Nacht Faust, struggled with the coffee maker. He cursed and glared as it made a very unsettling hiss, and you couldn’t help but shake your head.
This guy…why on earth did he lie and say he had experience when he clearly did not?!
As you watched him continue to struggle, you couldn’t help but recall the day he had come up to you at school and asked if your parent’s coffee shop still needed another employee. You had told him that they did, and all he did was nod in response and walk away.
It had been really weird; but then again Nacht had always been weird ever since you two were kids, so it wasn’t really a surprise. But after he came up to you the next day and announced that you two were co-workers now as well as classmates you had been surprised!
You sighed and shook your head, you couldn’t believe that your parents had agreed to hire one of the most well known delinquents in town. But at the same time, you knew that your parents had a soft spot for him…
And so did you.
“ Good morning you two!” Morgen Faust greeted happily as he walked into the shop.
“ I wouldn’t say their morning is ‘good’ if that sound is any indication.” Yami Sukehiro, the other delinquent in town and Nacht’s friend, said as he winced at the awful hissing sound.
“ And I wouldn’t say your morning will be good if you don’t shut up.” Nacht muttered in irritation as he glanced at his chuckling friend.
You rolled your eyes before quickly greeting Morgen, ignoring Yami, and walking over to Nacht.
“ Here,” You began as you walked up behind him. “ You gotta do it like this.” You instructed as you reached around, grabbed his hands, and began to show him how the coffee machine worked.
“ I’ve got it,” He muttered, his voice quiet but as he turned away you swore you saw his cheeks were now bright pink.
You tilted your head, why was his face red? Did he maybe get too warm working with the coffee machine?
“ You sure?” You asked, and when he gave you a nod you released his hands and stepped away from him, walked out from behind the counter, and walked towards Morgen and Yami.
“ I take it that training isn’t going well?” Morgen asked you with a nervous laugh, and you shook your head.
“ Nope, not at all,” You sighed as more cursing and a loud crash could be heard from Nacht.
“ It could be worse,” Yami began as he leaned back in his seat. “ He could’ve burnt down the coffee shop already.”
“ Don’t say that, or he just might!” You exclaimed in panic, an image of the coffee shop burning down flashing in your mind. Yami laughed while Morgen just shook his head.
“ To be honest, I really don’t understand why he applied here,” You admitted after a moment. “ I mean, I know he needed a job…but why did he apply here of all places?”
“ Hm, I wonder,” Morgen hummed mysteriously, his eyes telling you he knew exactly why his twin had applied there.
But lucky you didn’t have to wait very long to hear the reason.
“ He applied here because he likes you, you idiot,” Yami explained as he crossed his arms.
You stared at the pair for a moment, your eyes blinking rapidly as you tried to process what he had just said, but then you laughed.
“ That’s a good one Yami, you should make jokes like that more often!” You laughed as you patted his shoulder.
Morgen and Yami exchanged a look.
“ He…isn’t joking,” Morgen admitted hesitantly, his eyes now holding a serious look in them. “ That was the sole reason he applied here.”
“ That punk wanted to find an excuse to spend more time with you outside of school,” Yami added.
“ You…really didn’t know?” Morgen asked softly, and you shook your head slowly.
That didn’t make sense; Nacht, your childhood friend, liked you?! There was no way that was true…
But as you began to put all the pieces together, everything made sense. He would act hot and cold with you, he would say and do things that felt a little out of character for him, and whenever you got too close or held his hands like you did a moment ago his face would turn red and he would look nervous.
He liked you…
“ Why?” You muttered in confusion, you brows furrowing.
“ Why what?” Morgen and Yami asked in equal confusion.
“ Why does he like me? Out of all people?” You asked them in disbelief, and Yami shrugged.
“ I dunno, why don’t you go ask him?” Yami suggested, with Morgen nodding in agreement.
But you just stood there; your mind going a mile a minute as you tried to decide what to do, when suddenly another loud crash rang out through the coffee shop as a couple of mugs broke.
“ I…I-I need to get back to work,” You muttered as you walked away from your friends and went back behind the counter.
And for the rest of the day your mind was completely filled with nothing but Nacht and this new revelation.
“ You okay? You’ve been acting weird since this morning.” Nacht asked as the two of you stood outside the now closed coffee shop. He always walked you home after work, claiming that it was dangerous for you to walk home by yourself late at night.
You had laughed, saying that you could handle yourself, and he agreed but said that it didn’t hurt to have someone watching your back just in case.
But now that entire memory looked completely different than it had before…
“ Yeah, I’m fine.” You told him softly as you finished locking the shop and turned around to face the street.
Nacht’s eyes narrowed, not believing you for a second, and just as he was about to tell you so you spoke up.
“ Do you like me?”
He felt his heart stop dead in his chest at your question, and as he slowly turned to face you he noticed you were still staring out at the street.
“ Where did you hear that from?”
“ Yami and Morgen.”
“ Tsk, those two...” He muttered in irritation as he also turned to face the street. When he got back to the dorms he was definitely going to give them an earful, especially Yami!
The air quickly became thick and awkward as you and Nacht stood there, but eventually he sighed.
“ Yeah, I like you,” He admitted softly, his gaze drifting towards the ground.
You hummed.
“ Do…you also like me?” He asked you hesitantly, his voice even softer than before. The tone sounded nervous, and slightly afraid.
“ I don’t know,” You admitted softly as your gaze also drifted towards the ground. “ Everything feels…different now between us.”
Nacht nodded slowly.
“ A good different, or a bad different?” He asked as he looked over at you, trying to gauge your emotions through your expressions, but you weren’t giving anything away.
“ I think…it’s a good different,” You admitted softly, your brows furrowing in thought. Nacht let out a soft breath he hadn’t realized that he was holding.
It wasn’t a direct confirmation, but it wasn’t an outright rejection either.
“ I think we’ll have to spend more time together for me to figure it out,” You told him as you finally looked up and turned to face him. “ Is that alright?”
Nacht’s eyes widened and his brows raised in surprise, but he quickly composed himself and he looked away shyly.
“ I think I can work you into my schedule,” He said with a small grin.
“ Great! So should we have dinner tomorrow after work?”
Nacht turned to face you again, his grin widening, and his head nodding in agreement.
“ I think I can make that work.”
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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stupidlittlespirit · 3 months
HIII may a request a drabble of fem-bodied reader giving virgin reigen head please 🙏🏾 this might sound weird but I really liked how you wrote his virginity and made it seem genuine ykwim?? TYSM and there’s no pressure to write it ❤️ take ur time :)
oh anon, you're in luck.... I've been meaning to write a blow job all week and you've spurred me into action, so not only do you get a drabble, you get to be the first to receive my crappy attempt at designing a header! Congratulations, try not to get too excited at my artistic prowess now....
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Rating: NSFW Type: Drabble Tags: Oral sex, swallowing, virginity mention, semi-public sex, Reigen being a fucking jerk, professional grade blow job. Word count: 2239
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It had started as a joke. 
A passing comment one night. You’d been going back and forth about non-existent sex lives and your own lacklustre suitors, holed up in a tiny dive bar, several glasses deep with your boss whilst laughing and teasing one another in a way that anyone else overseeing might call inappropriate for a work outing.
Except a joke usually stays as just that: a silly thing spoken once between friends that isn’t mentioned again. This, however, has never quite been put to bed. 
“Maybe if you kept one head busy, you wouldn’t lose the other so quickly,” is all you’d said that night, grinning up at him from where you’d been slouched across the table. A cheeky jibe with only a gentle heat behind it.
“And what makes you think that’s a problem I'd have?” Reigen had scoffed around his cigarette, affronted like he’d never mentioned his own virginity to you in a shy, drunken confession several months ago. You’re not even sure he remembers doing it. 
Wary to bring it up again for fear of spoiling the mood, you’d shrugged. “You just strike me as the type.” 
Reigen had laughed, a little too loudly and a little too forcefully. “As if someone like me would do that. I get plenty of practice, I can hold out for hours, thank you very much.” 
The lie had been blatant and every time you think back on it, you’re certain Reigen had to have known how obvious he’d sounded, and yet…. The topic has come up at least twice since and every time, Reigen has pushed for you to take it back, and without fail you’ve always refused. 
Again, today, Reigen had made an unprovoked comment about his outstanding prowess and, as is your nature, you’d been unable to help throwing out a teasing call out of his Loudest Man in the Room routine alongside a half-hopeful bet of him barely making it ten minutes.
And, as is Reigen’s nature, he’d snapped back with yet another poorly thought through comment: “Well if you’re so fucking sure, why don’t you come find out for yourself?” 
Which is why, on a rainy Wednesday evening, close to the end of office hours, you’re spending the last quarter of your day on the cold tiles of the shop floor with your boss’ cock buried deep in your throat. 
You’re tucked neatly under his desk, hidden from view of the unlocked, slightly open office door as you work him with your mouth, spit slick on your lips and rapidly coating the hand that you hold the base of his cock steady with. 
Reigen’s legs are spread wide in order to nestle you between them, the heels of his cheap loafers digging into the ground, desperate for purchase to counter the sliding wheels of his desk chair. 
He’s been doing his best to keep himself under control for the better part of the entire two minutes that you’ve been down here and he’s been failing miserably. His grip on the desk’s edge is white knuckled, his breathing laboured and ragged between his low groans, and when you open your eyes slightly to check on him, the poor thing looks wrecked already. 
His face is bright red and there’s sweat on his brow like he’s run a mile. Reigen’s gaze is glassy with pleasure, looking right through you until he senses your eyes on his and that famous charade comes crashing back down like it always does. 
“Not so-“ A gasp of breath. “Not so smart now, huh?” He chokes out, mouth twitching up into a mean grin. 
You’ve never rolled your eyes mid-blow job before, but Reigen often manages to bring out the worst of your impatience and this is no different. He’s utterly unbearable. You absolutely must make him cum. 
Swiftly, you release him from your throat to pull off up to the head of his cock before you swirl your tongue wickedly around the most sensitive part of him, and Reigen moans loudly, high pitched and pathetic, his wise-crack dying in his throat.
The buckle of his belt jingles as his hips twitch forward and you hold his thighs tightly to still him. This is your turn to get back at him, no matter how much he thinks he’s in charge here. He grows impossibly harder in your mouth and you can tell, instantly, that he’s going to blow his load any second now. 
You can taste the sweat on his skin, the salt of it mixing with the growing pre-cum on the head of his cock, and your eyes fall closed in pleased preparation: both for the mouthful to follow and the gloating rights you’ll have for the next week or so. You’re not going to let this go for a long- 
The phone on the desk rings, shrill and loud.
Reigen jolts so suddenly that you almost gag on him and your eyes fly open in shock to meet his. For a second, you still, sharing a look of mutual surprise. Technically you’re still on the clock: it’s quarter to five and you’re not due to shut for another fifteen minutes, but it isn’t often that you get a client so close to the end of play. 
The phone continues to bleat about its annoying presence and slowly, Reigen’s look of surprise shifts into one of flustered cunning. A lopsided smirk grows on his reddened mouth and he visibly steels himself before he reaches one hand out towards the phone. 
“Keep my head busy, right?” He breathes, smug and slightly relieved, and abruptly you realise he’s about to checkmate you with your own suggestion. 
You go to pull off of him, to talk him out of it, but Reigen is in his element when he thinks he’s got the upper hand. There’s not much that can stop him and before you can even lift up halfway, his free hand finds your hair, fingers tangling in it tightly, and he pushes your head back down. 
It’s firm but gentle, and in spite of his cavalier attitude, his know-it-all masquerade, the look in Reigen's eyes conveys a soft request for permission. A hint of affection simmers under his obnoxious front. It’s so unexpected that it makes your stomach flutter and you offer no resistance to his half-demand, sinking back down and taking him with ease. You'd rather hand him the advantage than have to examine that feeling too deeply right now.
Reigen clears his throat and snatches up the phone, clicking the little answer button and launching straight into his preferred persona. “Spirits and Such Consultation,” he says, voice only slightly wobbly. “How can I help?” 
You can hear the customer on the phone say something, their words garbled through the receiver, and Reigen hums in acknowledgment. His eyes lock with yours again and as requested, you return to your work.  
You move your head slowly to begin with. If Reigen wants to be a smart ass about things, why shouldn’t you torture him a little bit? As far as you’re aware, this is his first blow job: it would be terrible to leave him with a disappointing impression, after all. Might as well set the bar high. 
Every pass of your wet mouth is agonisingly slow, drool slipping from the corners of your lips as you lave spit across every inch of his cock. Reigen isn’t impressively endowed by any means: he’s perfectly average, in fact, but it allows you to be enthusiastic in your affection. You can take him deep and hold him there without too much trouble, and it gives you a bit of an advantage even though he’s trying his best to outlast your efforts. 
You bob your head up and down slowly, watching him with fond amusement as he attempts to keep himself together for the sake of professional dignity. 
“I’d be happy to help,” he says, a little strained. “Spirits and Such prides itself on always going the distance.” A smirk ghosts across his face, evidently tickled by his own joke, and you’re not sure how it’s possible for someone to be so fucking annoying even mid-coitus. 
Clueless, the customer thanks him profusely and launches into a chatty over-explanation of their problem. Reigen clearly isn’t listening to a damn word the guy is saying: every fibre of his being is directed into hiding the fact that he’s on the receiving end of a thorough blow job from his secretary.
You decide that the best way to get a little own-back on him is to mirror his game. Reigen likes to be a show off and although you can never even dream of getting close to his level of showmanship, you’re happy to try. With a vulgar smack, you release his cock from your mouth and press a coy kiss to the tip, your tongue chasing it with sloppy attention and the hand that you hold him steady begins to work the soaked base in time with your tongue, the motion squelching quietly with every talented twist of your wrist. 
Reigen exhales heavily through his nose and bites down on his lower lip with a shudder, unable to look away despite the client still droning on in his ear, and this time it’s your turn to offer a prideful grin.
Making a show of it, you run your tongue up and down the underside of the head slowly, the saliva allowing your lips to glide along the skin in a tantalising tease of movement, and just as Reigen opens his mouth to respond to the customer with a meaningless affirmative, you take his full length back into your mouth in one fluid motion, all the way to the base with practised ease. 
Reigen’s hope of playing it cool is scuppered instantly and he fails to catch the pathetic little sob that tumbles from his mouth. His fingers tighten in your hair, pulling the strands so hard that your scalp burns and tears prickle the corners of your eyes. 
“Fuck!” Reigen gasps, one knee banging the desk as he convulses forward violently. 
The client on the phone says something and Reigen scrambles to save some face: “So sorry!” He chokes out, not sounding anything of the sort. “Emergency in the office! Call you right back!” And then he’s hanging up, tossing the phone onto the desk and gripping your hair with both hands. 
He rocks his hips up once, twice, and then he’s cumming hard down your throat with a broken and outrageously lewd moan. 
You’re prepared for his reaction and you swallow around him, happily taking whatever he has to offer and staying put even when some of it trickles from the corner of your eager mouth, ruining the front of your blouse. A consummate  professional, through and through. 
When it’s clear he’s done, you reach up to extricate his fingers from your head and Reigen slumps back in his chair, letting you go without argument. 
A mix of drool and cum trails from your lips to his cock as you push his chair backwards to give yourself room, wetness dripping down your chin, and you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. 
Reigen, panting hard and splayed out in his seat, rubs the sweat from his brow. “Fuck,” he says again, swallowing thickly and trying to catch his breath. “Fuck.” 
You laugh quietly at his debauched state, entertained by his frustration, and glance toward the clock. “That was like, four minutes,” you say, and it’s hard not to sound proud about the achievement. “I win.” 
Avoiding your gaze, Reigen grimaces at the wetness on the crotch of his slacks and huffs. “That’s not fair,” he mutters, ears red. “And you used your hand too, that’s cheating. It doesn’t count.” 
This guy is a fucking nightmare. “Don’t be a sore loser,” you smirk, climbing to your feet and ignoring the creaking of your knees. 
Despite his soiled suit, Reigen tucks himself away and buckles his belt again without comment. His unusual silence belies his embarrassment. Once he’s a little more decent, he casts a glance your way and gives you a once over, nose slightly wrinkled.
You’re expecting him to say thanks, maybe even offer to return the favour, but instead he stretches out one long leg and kicks you gently on the ass, encouraging you to step out from behind his desk. 
“You’re a mess,” he quips, as though he doesn’t look like he’s just emptied almost every fibre of his being down your neck. “Clean yourself up. I gotta call this guy back.” 
You stumble aside, gaping at his unbelievable (yet admittedly unsurprising) gall. Every time Reigen opens his mouth, you’re always amazed at how well he manages to push your buttons, and just as you start across the room, tongue bitten to hold back a snarky remark, Reigen calls your name. 
You glance back to where he’s sitting, his feet kicked up on his desk, the picture of his usual charismatic, jerk-off self, the phone pressed to his ear. “It was six minutes, actually,” Reigen says matter-of-factly as the line rings. “And you owe me ramen for cheating.” 
Before you can even think of responding, the client answers on the other end of the phone and Reigen shifts back into his salesman’s spiel, effortlessly slipping into character as though nothing unusual has occurred. 
“Terribly sorry about that,” he apologises, trying hard not to smile at the mess on the front of your shirt. He meets your eyes and winks, charming and cheeky. “Something unexpected came over my secretary.” 
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haha suck-retary (please clap)
{header image source, edited by me}
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
Okay so absolutely loving your writing sm <3
So I had this idea while, of course, scrolling down the aaron x reader tag so like you dont have to write it if you dont want to but i wanna throw this out here bc otherwise itll stay stuck in my brain
But like reader who is just,, incredibly shy? Like in social situations they put up a front and you would never expect them to be shy because theyre very present and speak up often despite almost blending in the background when quiet. But its a whole other story at home and such?
Like, Aaron notices and first thinks theyre uncomfortable with him but he slowly realizes that this is like, their love language ig and showing vulnerability? Quiet time, acts of service and such yk? Like, they always put up a front and to drop that (not entirely ofc but a decent amount of it) is just the highest form of trust bc theyve been ridiculed for being shy? And the shyness is much more present in the bedroom, especially when he praises them they just get even more shy and hes just so so gentle :(( like asking if theyre okay, going slowly and asking to see them when they hide their face but never forcing them to and just like praising them when they do and the praise kink of them just sticks its head up and its just the purest form of being together? Like, its not rough but gentle and its soft and theres really no other word than making love for it and its all just :(( and the aftercare the man would provide is just AHHH😭❤️
Oh dear im so sorry but i got sucked into the fandom and got obsessed by hotch and then your writing so- this is so long so imma shut up now but i just needed to throw it out there tbh before id explode from all the hotch ideas i have in my mind that im not writing myself or giving to any writer bc what if they think the ideas are weird or too long like rn- but anyway imma shut up have a nice day/night and hydrate <3 (also you might see more of me if you dont mind long ass rants in the middle of it like this one- if you do mind just tell me to shut up im not gonna be mad or anything <3/srs)
my sweet sweet 🧽 anon <33 this took me a while to write i'm sorry!! i hope you've been well!! i think about you a lot and i haven't forgotten the kind words you had sent to me <3 i hope you enjoy this!! (and ofc i don’t mind long rants i LOVE talking about aaron <3333)
nsfw - minors dni
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
“Can I, honey?” you heard Aaron’s words as he wrapped his hands around your wrists.
You had been covering your face as you usually did when your boyfriend went down on you. After making you finish, Aaron had made his way up again, urging you nicely to look at him.
With a nod of your head, you gave him permission to gently remove your hands from your face.
“There you are.” He smiled at you.
“Hi,” you said, softly, unable to keep yourself from smiling a little.
“Hi,” he answered, just as softly. “Do you wanna taste yourself, baby?”
“Mhm…” You nodded, staring at his chin instead of his eyes.
Your own eyes closed involuntarily, as he lowered himself and his lips touched yours. You opened your mouth, allowing his tongue to touch yours. Knowing where that tongue had been before it was inside your mouth, made you even more excited for what was coming next.
Aaron placed his hand on your hip, giving it a squeeze and then moved it down your thigh, wrapping your leg around his body. “Open them wider, sweetheart.”
Only a few moments later, Aaron was inside you, rocking his body against yours, in a pace slow enough to be considered both romantic and tormenting.
“Good?” he breathed heavily on your mouth.
“So good…”
“I love you,” he moaned, his face now buried in the crook of your neck. He left open mouthed kisses on your sensitive skin after every little whine of yours. “I love your body. I love the sounds you make. I love the way you take me like you were made for me.”
“I was,” you sighed, because you really were. There was no man in the world you’d let yourself be this vulnerable around, other than Aaron. Your Aaron.
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days-until-burnout · 2 months
ur fics r so awesome dude.
i was wondering if we could get a boat boys fic where etho is essentially just a human sized puppy following joel around lol, because that's pretty much their dynamic. like if joel tells etho to do something he'll probably shut up and do it y'know?
and joel's definitely cat vibes, begging for attention and then being all grumpy when he gets it.
i dunno where i'm going with this. uhh i hope it's vaguely reqlike? i just wanted to read more of ur boat boys and ur writing in general lol :)
that is a pretty good reqlike in my opinion 😌 you get a gold star in reqasking ⭐ also, lucky anon you are, im finally back to my clacky keyboard so comfy writing 🎉 _____
📧 Day 44 -
Characters - Etho/Joel Words - 984 Time - 30 mins Content - Modern AU | High School AU
In hindsight, Etho became attached by very little. But at the time, when they were younger and barely able to see over the table even on their tiptoes, what Joel did was life changing. A true feat.
He barely remembered what it had been about, but he remembered being on the floor, his vision blurry with tears in his eyes, hiccups on his throat, sniffs and snot on his nose. There was pain somewhere on his body, maybe his butt where he had fallen over, maybe his chest where he had been pushed from. He remembered trying to not cry, holding back the pained sounds, but his trembling lips betrayed him. 
His vision cleared a little with every blink, with every long sniff, then the world seemed to stop for a moment. The group of confused kids and Etho watched as the aggressor kid toppled over, breaking into sobs almost as soon as they hit the floor. And there was another boy behind, just lowering his arms, staring at the aggressor with an unreadable expression. Etho stared at the boy with brown hair and brown eyes, a red panda on his yellow shirt and lighting on his shoes. The boy stared then promptly turned around and walked away, almost bored yet confused about the situation. They boy had saved him like a knight or superhero beating the bad guy, then leaving. 
Etho decided then, that he owed his life to that boy. 
And now that he is older, he realized ‘owing’ his life was an exaggeration. 
But he had sat next to the boy the next day and let him borrow his favorite markers. He found out, written in big bold letters on a piece of paper and the table, that the boy’s name was Joel. And Joel liked to color and play, and Etho liked making Joel happy. 
It was easier back then, doing things for Joel. As they grew, Joel looked weirded out, always questioning his intentions. And really, Joel had all the reason to. He would randomly pop up beside him with a treat, or he would grab a too high book on the shelf for him, or Joel would find himself with Etho’s pen from all across the classroom. Maybe he was overdoing it, but just a little, because it was too easy to simply… do it. 
Again, Etho was attached by very little. 
Today, the morning had been fine and sunny, though it got chillier later in the day. It was a matter of hearing it once, even through the grapevine, that Joel was cold, and nearly a minute later of finding out, Joel would have his jacket around his shoulders. When they entered high school, it was much harder to keep track of him, because there were more people and they had different groups of friends, and life always seemed to get in the way. Etho would try, always, despite Joel scolding him to stop smothering him. 
He should, but Joel looked too cute in his oversized jacket that he might have forgotten to actually listen to what Joel said. 
Oh, well, there was always next time to hear. 
They did not talk often, Etho realized as he reached a red light, pressing the light’s button before stepping back, momentarily distracted in his mind. The rain continued to tap on his umbrella, incessantly. But few things could get him to stop thinking about Joel, and the one other thing that could make him stop thinking about Joel was Joel himself. 
It happened quickly, one second he was alone and the next someone had scooted over under his umbrella, pressed shoulder to shoulder. Etho turned to the side, catching a glimpse of green peeking over the hood, green in between browns, and he knew. 
“Joel!” he greeted, way too happily despite the horrible weather. It was almost unthinkable that the morning had been sunny and so hot, now cold and pouring. The light was still red, so Etho took the chance to switch the umbrella between him, almost leaning it more towards him to cover him better. Joel was soaked, and he did not want him to get sick if he could help it. 
“Shut up, Eefo, you’re annoying,” Joel grumbled back, not even looking up at him. And Etho should have felt sad or hurt, but he was almost used to the dismissiveness, and learnt rather early on that Joel would never push him away regardless of what he did. So he beamed under the mask, because he realized that maybe they could have a conversation. 
“I’m getting my driver license soon,” he said, then hummed, turning his head ahead to look at the light. “Might be a car alongside it. You won’t have to walk in the rain again.”
“And what if I like walking in the rain, huh?!”
“But you’ll get sick!”
The beeping signal interrupted them, forcing them to cross, side by side, shoulder to shoulder. Joel tried to speed walk, probably deciding that this was not worth it, but Etho was good at keeping up. He was not half as sporty as Joel was, but he was good enough to keep up, and that was all he really needed. So he kept up, holding the umbrella above him, eventually slowly down after the sound of soles sliding. 
 It did not take long for Etho to guide the way. Though he knew the route to Joel’s place, Joel seemed unbothered or at least did not voice annoyance when he continued heading to his own house. He would drive him home later, or his parents would. It happened plenty times before. 
“Maybe I could drive you to school too. We can go together, and then I’ll drive you home after.”
Joel simply scoffed. Etho said nothing else as Joel linked a hand on his arm. Shoulder to shoulder, side by side, they walked under one umbrella.
so. yeah. back to the grind now. i dont feel at all refreshed, but we ✨ cope ✨ ill probs be doing some requests. and maybe, maybe some inspired by art to get back in the groove >.> nudge nudge wink wink also, i guess this fic is a pre-relationship? or maybe relationship. who knows. it doesnt matter. this could be purely platonic or qpr for all i care. it's whatever my boys. that's all that matters
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k-slla · 8 months
I see your requests are open. 🙏🏼
Can you write something where reader is a hunter and she and dean aren’t particularly friendly. Maybe she thinks he’s a bit of a dick. Reader wears baggy clothes and doesn’t really dress like anything other than a hunter. There’s a case where she needs to look feminine and sexy and dean says she can’t do it and she proves him wrong obviously and ends up turning him on ridiculously in the process. So much that he ends up mastabating in front of her and it’s super hot!!! 🥵 🙏🏼
Minute Past Midnight
A/N: Hi, anon, thank you for this request, I hope you'll like it!
Warnings: 18+ONLY, enemies to lovers, mutual pining, mutual masturbation, fingering, implied unprotected PinV, car sex, teasing (takes place around se10-11, so possible spoilers)
WC: ~5k | My Masterlist
All mistakes are mine! Feedback is appreciated!
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“What do you mean by “Y/N will get it done”? Have you actually seen her?” Dean took a mean jab at you. You couldn’t help but scoff. “Gee, thanks, Dean, for the word of confidence.” You snarled at him as you got up from the library table, where you and the boys were putting together your next game plan for stealing the Compass from Jacob Styne. The one and only device that could help you to find the Book of the Damned to remove the Mark from Dean’s arm. Because, well, you had to be honest with yourself - Dean had changed a lot with it. It was expected of course, with the Mark it being a curse and all. At least you didn’t have to deal with him when he was still a demon. That would have been the last drop for you, so you were very grateful that Sam and Cas got that handled on their own.
“Of course she can do it, Dean! We’ll just have to find a way to get to him.” Sam turned the laptop towards Dean and you, nervously pacing around behind Dean’s chair. “And I’ve done it already. His family will be hosting some kind of gala, for marrying off their daughter, which..I don’t know..sounds kind of.. actually a lot of weird to me.” Sam said, lightly grimacing at the screen. 
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“So, we’ll have to gatecrash their party.. Don’t you think they’ll recognize us?” You were a little skeptical. Sam gave a quick look over your clothes. “I think we’ll be safe, if we just look the part.” You groaned, knowing what this will lead to. You’d have to wear a gown. Yuck. There was a reason for you why you dressed the way you dressed, baggy jeans and oversized sweaters were your go to, and that reason was comfortability and practicality. That was important for you on hunts. 
“Well, I’ll be looking for a gown then. When’s it happening?” You sat atop the table next to the one boys were sitting at. Sam focused on the computer for a minute, looking for the exact info on the party. 
“It’s..in two days.” Sam finally said slowly. You gulped comically loudly. Two days to find a dress, shoes, and figure out the whole situation with your hair and make up. It..will be great.
Dean suddenly got up from the table. “Well, we’re screwed then.” He sighed loudly and turned to leave to the kitchen. “What do you mean?” Sam asked curiously. Dean turned around and looked back at you two. “Sorry, but look at her. She hasn’t seen a dress for once in her life. What makes you think she can seduce Styne AND steal the Compass from him? We might as well accept the fact that the Mark is not coming off my arm. We’re screwed!” Exasperated yell left his lips, making him push some books off the shelf next to the door he was standing. 
“Jesus fucking Christ, honestly, Dean! Is there anything you can do and not throw a fit like a six year old with it? Have I ever let you down in the past five years that we’ve known each other? Have some fucking faith in me. I'll get it done. And even if we don't get the Compass, we'll find some other way then.” Now you had lost your temper too, and your breathing quickened when you saw Dean storming back to stand in front of you. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.” He said with a feigned sweetness. “But as long as you look like this?” His eyes ran over your outfit, and he didn't even need to say anything specific about it, you knew exactly what he meant with that look. Who would ever look at you? “I will have a hard time trusting that you can seduce anybody. So yeah, I'll start thinking of plan B.” He turned to leave again, walking straight past the books he'd pushed off before.
You glared after him angrily. It got personal for you, and you were determined to prove him wrong.
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For the whole next day you were looking for a dress for the gala. It was exhausting. The plan was for you and the boys to attend the gala, and while they were keeping an eye out for anything suspicious, you were “entertaining” Jacob Styne, because he was probably the one who's possession the Compass was in. 
But you did it. You found the perfect dress. Silk black spaghetti strapped A-line gown with a deep neckline and a slit running dangerously high up your thigh. You were nervously pacing in your room, before going out to Sam and Dean. You were so out of your comfort zone. You couldn't have any weapons on you, if you wanted to get really close to Styne. If anything goes wrong, you have to trust the boys to get you out. 
“Y/N, come on! We'll be late!” You heard them call you. You stopped on your doorway and took a few deep breaths to calm your nerves. “Here goes nothing.” You whispered quietly.
Walking into the War Room, where Sam and Dean were waiting for you, you suddenly got self-conscious, but you couldn't show it out. You felt naked. Dean choked a little on his whiskey.
“I know, I know. I look ridiculous. He's not gonna fall for it.” You mocked him annoyingly and grabbed your phone from the table. 
“Actually..you look…nice..really nice.” Dean said slowly, shifting in his chair uncomfortably.  “Thanks..you do too.” You said carefully as your eyes traveled down his body. He really did look good in a tuxedo. You noticed that Sam wasn't dressed. “Wait, why aren't you dressed?” 
“I'm not going. You two are.” Sam smirked. “Come on, you really thought it would work if you marched in there with both of us in tow?” He asked when he saw your suddenly blank face. Those bastards played you. Sam knew you would never agree to go there with Dean alone, and he waited until the last minute to tell you that. Now that you're dressed to the nines, you had no other choice. What was supposed to be maybe even a little bit of a fun night for you, just got awkward. You did not want to be alone with Dean. Not at all. He was too big of a dick for that. And with that revelation, the last bit of your good mood was gone.
“Whatever. Let's just go.” You turned around quickly, so that the skirt of your dress twirled in the movement, revealing your leg from the slit. You heard a groaning behind you, followed by a low “fuck” from Dean. He got up from the chair and you looked back to see if he followed you. Instead, he held his tux jacket in front of his crotch and was really flustered. “I- ahem, I forgot something..uhh, in my room. Be back in 10. Mmm.. actually..make it 15.” You rolled your eyes at him “Is this a joke?” You asked incredulously. He looked back over his shoulder. “I can't go out like this! I'll have to take care of it.” He hurried towards his room. 
“For fuck’s sake, Dean! Hurry up!” You yelled after him, not bothering to hide your annoyance. “Fucking joke..” a quiet mumble, meant only for yourself, slipped past your lips.
Sam stifled a laugh. “Good luck, Y/N, you'll need it.” 
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About an hour later, you and Dean walked into the manor. Both grabbed a glass of champagne and tried to keep a low profile for a while to gather some information on Styne.
“So, I'll go find Jacob and get the Compass from him. I'll call you when it's done or when I'll need some back up. Go and “mingle”, I guess..” You smiled at Dean and started to make your way to the other side of the room to the bar, where you saw Jacob sitting a bit earlier. 
You clumsily “stumbled” when trying to sit down and caught yourself at Jacob's shoulder, pouring a little Champagne onto his lap. “I'm so so sorry, sir!” You quickly grabbed some napkins from the top of the bar and started to pat his pants dry. “I am really sorry.” You looked at him, batting your eyelashes. “It's alright, miss. All's good.” Smiling at him widely, you managed to sit down next to him, lightly brushing your bare leg against his. He flagged down the bartender, who didn't leave him waiting. “Let me buy you a drink. What would you like?” he smiled at you charmingly, making warm blush climb up your cheeks and you almost forgot why you were there in the first place. He was handsome, you couldn’t deny that. You turned to the bartender and said the first drink that hopped into your mind. “French 75, please.” 
“You heard the lady, and Whiskey for me. Neat.” 
Both of your eyes were dancing on each other's faces. For you, that was just an act, but you had no idea what he was thinking. Your mind was occupied with Dean and some lucky girl who he probably had with him already, but you had to get that sight out of your mind immediately.
“I haven't introduced myself yet. Jacob Styne.” He said and took your hand to place a kiss on it. “Irene Rivera.” 
“My pleasure, Miss Rivera. What would you say, if I suggest taking these drinks to my room?” 
You bit your lower lip teasingly. “Mm, I’d say “lead the way”.”
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You walked through the maze of hallways, remembering your path for later to send directions to Dean in case you needed some rescue.
You got up to his room and as soon as he closed the door, he put away your drinks and his lips crashed onto yours and hands started to feel up your body. You knew he was searching for any hidden knives or a gun. He wasn't stupid, and you definitely weren't stupid to take weapons with you. In turn you moved your hands over his chest, feeling something possibly resembling the Compass in his jacket's pocket.  As you faked your pleasure of his hands on your body, you pulled away from his kiss, panting hard. “May I- may I use the restroom quickly?” He pointed towards the right of you. 
You shut the door behind you and exhaled deeply.
After getting your phone out, you shot a quick text to Dean. 
“In his room. He has the Compass. 2nd floor, left hallway from main staircase, last door to the right. Be here in 10!” 
You stared at yourself in the mirror, giving a little pep talk. “You can do this. Just a little sleight of hand. Probably a little more kissing. Nothing you haven’t done before.” You took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom.
He was sitting down on the couch already, with your drinks in hand. 
“Join me.” You sat down close to him and took your drink from him, but you didn't dare to take another sip from that. Instead, you put the glass to the side table and went to straddle his hips, kissing him carnally. “I think we were in the middle of something.” You whispered against his lips, cringing on the inside from how desperate you made yourself sound, but it was all just part of the job. With intention to slip the Compass out of it, you started to push his jacket off his shoulders. His kisses moved down to your chin, drawing low moans out of you, and then up again along your jawline.
“Tell me, Miss Irene, how stupid do you think I am? Did you really think that I would fall for your little scheme?” He whispered into your ear and caught your hands to keep you strongly in place. You started to struggle with desperation to get off of him. “Fuck! Let go of me!” When you saw he had no intention to release your hands, you kneed him hard to his balls and got off his lap.
“You stupid bitch!” He groaned out of pain and quickly tripped you with his leg to stop you from getting away. “No! Dean!” He pinned you down to the floor, one hand holding your wrists while the other one closed around your neck. “Dean! Help!” You screamed out before he cut off your air. “Dean? Not as in Dean Winchester?” Your eyes started to water quickly, you still tried your best to fight him off, squirming under him as much as you could. Where was he? “Please.. don’t..” But Styne clearly enjoyed the view of you squirming under him, slowly starting to give up the fight. “Oh, sweetheart, it’s too late to start begging now. If Dean finally decides to join us, this party will be really fun!” he grinned down at you.
“I don't think so.” Dean had stormed into the room and hit Styne in the head with his gun. It had no effect on him and his hand was still around your neck. “You have to try harder than that if you want to sav-” Dean suddenly pushed him off of you and held against the floor while five shots rang through the air. You gasped loudly and coughed hard to normalize your breathing again.
Your ears were ringing loudly from the shots fired close to your head. Dean helped you up from the floor and pulled you into a quick hug. “Are you alright?” You gathered yourself before nodding at him. Dean let go of you and squatted down to search Styne’s pockets for the compass. After securing it in his hands, he guided you out of the room. You heard quick steps coming up the stairs, from more than one pair of feet. You had no gun and there was no way that Dean could take all them on alone.
“We have to hide.” You whispered and pulled him towards a door, you were happy to discover it to be an empty closet. “In here.” Both of you held your breaths, as you stood in the small space, your bodies pressed tight together, and you waited for them to pass your door.
You felt something hard press into your thighs, and while you knew that he wouldn’t even see it because you were backed against him, you still felt the need to lift your eyes up. “Dean..” You said slowly. “What?” he whispered back. “Please..please tell me that it’s not your boner pressing at my thigh?” you blurted out, without thinking. Dean started to choke on air after your question. “Wha- uhh..it’s not..just uh..my gun...”
Not knowing what had just possessed you to make you this bold, you turned around as quickly as you managed in the small room and palmed his dick through the pants. You had never been this forward with a man before so you blamed it on the adrenaline rush from the fight before. “Really? Is that the same “gun” you’re holding in your left hand, or one for backup? Because..” you looked up at him through your lashes and continued rubbing his cock. “..this one’s much bigger…and thicker.” You squeezed him tightly, making a trembling breath escape from his lips. “Don’t do this, Y/N..please, not now. Don’t tease me like that.” he begged quietly, trying to back away from you. Squinting your eyes, you smiled at him. “What? You don’t like being teased? Am I too mean to you?” You let the words roll slowly off your lips, enjoying the strained expression on Dean’s face. “Heh, ahem, just a little, yeah..” He gasped out as you let go of him. You brushed your thumb over his full bottom lip. “Take it as retaliation. You’ve been a complete dick to me for the past five years. Payback’s a bitch, isn’t it?” You smirked at his speechless face and opened the door slightly, to check if it’s safe to go out again.
You heard yelling coming from downstairs, as Jacob’s family tried to find whoever was responsible for his death. “If we do it quickly, I think we can sneak out of here.” You whispered over your shoulder to Dean and slipped out of the door, checking your left and right before motioning Dean to follow. You quietly snuck through the hallways, trying to avoid getting caught. Unfortunately it didn’t go that well.
As soon as you got downstairs, you were spotted and under direct fire. Dean started covering you, but it still wasn’t enough and you got grazed by a bullet in the shoulder. “Ow, fuck!” You shouted and ducked down immediately. “Are you okay?” Dean asked between shots. “Yeah, just a graze. I’ll be fine.” You were almost at the front door and when Dean pulled it open, both of you bolted towards Baby.
Safely in the car, Dean pulled away from the spot with the squeal of the tires. “Let’s get onto the main road, then we’ll make a little stop and I’ll help you with your shoulder, alright?” He took a quick glance at you. “Okay, yeah, thanks.” you said quietly, looking only at the road. 
You were driving in silence, only sounds coming from you were occasional groans, when you moved your arm. Luckily it seemed to you that the cut wasn’t that deep that you’d need stitches, although you knew you'd let Dean make the final decision. 
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After a few minutes he pulled aside from the road, got out of the car and walked to the trunk to get the first aid kit. You followed his lead and climbed out of the car. Sitting on the hood, you kept the pressure on your wound until he finally joined you. 
“We only have some vodka here to clean your wound, it’s not the best, but it’ll do until we get back to the Bunker.” He gently removed your hand from your shoulder to take a closer look at the wound. “I think you won’t need stitches. But it’ll hurt like hell.” You only managed to nod a little, knowing very well that it’s going to hurt. 
“Wait, wait, wait.” You stopped Dean from cleansing the gash. His proximity and smell of his spicy, leathery cologne made you slightly dizzy and...needy. “I need a sip of that.” you reached out your hand and waited for him to hand you the bottle. “Uh..okay.” He couldn’t hold back his surprise. You chugged three big gulps from the bottle, enjoying the warmth of alcohol spreading inside you.
That's what you thought it was. Or it was just the effect of Dean on you. You handed the bottle back to him, and the last of the vodka left in there, he poured onto your shoulder, making you bite down on your fist. “Son of a-!” Dean immediately applied pressure on the wound, slightly lessening the stinging sensation with that. “Shit, that hurt!” You couldn't hold back a light laugh. 
“Told you.” he said with a small smile while he dried your skin around the graze before applying a bandage over it. “All done. You'll live.” He leaned onto the hood of the car next to you.
Your eyes locked into his and you smiled fondly at him, gratitude clear on your face. You tried to remember the exact moment you actually fell for that man. Was it at the first sight, when he had saved your life? Was it just after he invited you to live and hunt with them a few years back? Or maybe it was the moment when you saw how desperately Dean was ready to fight for his loved ones. He was always ready to save his baby brother, no matter what it took from him. He may seem like a complete dickhead at first glance, but in reality Dean was the most selfless, most compassionate man you had ever met.
“Thank you, Dean.” He looked at you with a surprised expression, as if he didn't believe you had really said those words. “Hey, no worries. We were caught in the fire, I'd patch you up again if needed to. We did it though. Got the Compass.” Comfortable silence fell around both of you as you sat there on the hood, enjoying the brisk air around you. You were admiring the stars in the clear night sky when Dean suddenly broke the silence. “You did good today, Y/N.” You snorted loudly. “Yeah, right. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you saving me from him.” You said quietly and kicked your eyes down to the ground. “Damn it, woman, take the compliment. You know that I don't usually give them lightly. You did good. You're a good hunter.” 
You rolled your eyes at him. “Really? So that's why you've been a jackass to me for the past years?” 
“No. Not because of that.” You raised your eyebrow in confusion.  
“It's because..well.. you're…you.” He suddenly seemed nervous. “Dean, you're not making much sense.” 
He took a deep breath and held it for a moment before continuing. “You're you, Y/N, amazing and beautiful in your most natural way. I’ve thought all these years that if I was just an asshole to you, it would be easier for you to push me away and for me to not think about you all the time. But I was wrong. It is not easy for me to get you from my mind.” You turned away your gaze from him, to hide one tear that freely ran down your cheek. You had no idea. You had no idea that your feelings for him were reciprocated. All this time you've been thinking that he really sees you just as a hunter, not even as a woman.
“Dean, I-” He cut in before you could finish the sentence. “Yeah, I know. You don't feel the same and don't know what to say. You don't have to say anything. Honestly. I get it. I know that I'm not the easiest to be around, not to speak of being someone you'd ever fall for.” He sighed and got back into the Impala. “Dean, wait!” You hurried after him, climbing into his lap as soon as you got into the car.
“Stop it!” You panted, slightly out of breath. You turned his chin up, face towards you and looked him straight into his eyes, that were glimmering even in the darkness. “You can't just say all those things and then run away from me without letting me answer, because..” you got lost in his eyes and the warm breaths leaving from his slightly parted lips started to intoxicate you with the way they were flowing over your skin. You knew that no words could really give away the feelings you had for him, so you gathered the courage and just kissed him hard.
At first you felt like Dean didn't know how to react to your kiss, but as soon as you started to nibble on his lip, asking permission to enter his mouth, he deepened the kiss and his fingers slipped under your dress, with blunt nails digging into your hips he pulled you closer. You chuckled against his lips, feeling his erection through his pants again. “Really? You're hard again?” He bit your lip teasingly. “Mm, not again sweetheart, since we were in the closet actually. Haven't really gotten time to do anything about it.” You shimmied backwards on his lap, leaning against the dashboard. You knew you were both waiting to release some of your past sexual frustration, but you were pretty sure neither of you had protection. “I'm not on the pill, do you have a condom on you?” 
“Ah, fuck. No, I don't.” Dean sighed defeatedly, running a hand over his face. You leaned back in to kiss him.
“Well, no worries, we can still have some fun, you know?” Your hand started to work on his belt buckle, to free his dick from the restraining boxers. You took his hand into yours and spat into his palm before guiding it down to his cock and slowly started to move it up and down. “I want you to jerk off.” His laughter rang through the car. “And what are you going to do?”
Without another word you moved back on his lap, leaving as much as free space between you as you could. You lifted both of your legs on the seat on either side of him, opening yourself completely to him, revealing your drenched lace underwear.
Your dress was moved up enough so it was just resting around your waist, thanks to the long slit it had. With a devilish smile, you hooked your fingers into your underwear and started to pull them away.
Due to the position you sat in, when they reached your knees, they were pretty much into Dean's face and you were not expecting what he did next. Dean lifted your left leg from his right and slightly bit down on your inner thigh, making you yelp, before pulling your underwear off with his teeth. “Ugh, fuck…you're delicious.” He muttered quietly, your panties still in his mouth. He pulled them out of his mouth and threw on the seat next to you. “Can't wait to eat you out. Can I please?” He looked at you with bright green puppy dog eyes. “Not now.” You whispered and slowly slid your fingers between your glistening folds, teasing Dean.
“Well, I'm going to play with myself. I hope you're not just going to watch?” You cocked an eyebrow at him and pushed one finger into your dripping pussy, making Dean groan at the sight of you. He began to slowly stroke his cock, catching a bead of precum with his thumb and spread it along his shaft, with deep sighs leaving his lips.
“Fuck, you're so beautiful. Big. Thick.” You moaned yearningly, wishing he'd be inside you right now instead of your fingers. The sight of him slowly massaging his dick, head resting on the seat, sighing and groaning softly, made you even more aroused, and you knew you wouldn't last very long.
“Did I really turn you on before we left for the gala?” you whispered, breathing slowly getting heavier from the pleasure slowly building deep in your core. “Yeah..you really did.” He offered a half-smile, as his eyes fell down between your legs, where you had your middle and ring fingers sunk as deep as possible into your pussy, while your other hand rubbed your clit. “What were you thinking of when you were masturbating then?” You had your eyes closed and you imagined him in his room, jerking off earlier in the evening.
“Look at me, Y/N, then I'll tell you.” He said quietly and you immediately locked your eyes with him, still fucking yourself with your fingers. “I was imagining having you in there with me. Feeling your beautiful lips around my cock, sucking hard, almost choking on it, or having you spread out on my bed, screwing all the hate you have against me out of you.. making you cum on my cock..” You ran your thumb again over his lips. “Oh, Dean, I don't hate you..never have..never will, but if hate-sex is what turns you on, I can always pretend.”
“Please..I need to taste you more, Y/N, so bad..” he begged and you pulled out your fingers, clenching around nothing when Dean lifted your hand to his mouth, closed his eyes, and began sucking hard on them. With one hand still rubbing himself, the other one found his way to your pussy, not letting you be empty for long, his long fingers filled you perfectly. That angle was so much better for him to finger you while you went back to rubbing your clit. You clenched around him hard, moaning and whimpering when his moves sped up, hitting the sweet spot deep inside you. “Oh, fuck, Dean, I'm-!” He was still sucking onto your fingers, and you had to brace yourself on the roof of the car with your other hand, when an intense orgasm overpowered all your senses. You had forgotten what words were and only whimpers were leaving your mouth when he continued fingerfucking you through your climax. You had now completely ruined his pants with your juices, but he clearly didn't mind, as he watched you coming off your high while he started to jerk himself off. “You're so fucking beautiful right now.” You were squirming in his lap, as he continued rubbing your clit, all sweaty and breathless from your orgasm. “The view I have right now.. fucking hell, you're..” he gasped and shut his eyes as he finally came hard, cum spurting onto your stomach. “Fuckk..!”He continued to stroke himself until he was all out. Both of you were out of breath, when you leaned into him to close the gap between you.
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Your kisses now were much sweeter, slower. “I ruined your dress, babe.” He whispered. You smiled against his lips. “I ruined your pants, so I guess we're even.” Your fingers ran through his hair, gently scratching his scalp, making him moan softly. “Thank God you always make us pack up some extra clothes for the hunts. Wouldn't want to explain this to Sammy.” 
You reluctantly pulled away from his arms and sat next to him, both of you still half-naked and not bothering to cover yourselves. “I think he'll be happy for us. Or at least that much, that he doesn't have to be afraid that we'll jump each other's throats.” For some time, you sat there in silence, still not able to think clearly. Even after that intense orgasm that you had, there was still desire burning inside you for his cock. “Dean…” you started, slowly moving your hand up his thigh again. “What if we make a little detour before going home?” You looked up at him with big doe eyes. “What do you mean?” He smirked at you. Your smile widened. “What if you fuck me right now like you imagined and afterwards we buy some morning-after pill and hope for the best?” You were clearly blinded by the arousal, but as you learned, so was Dean, when he hungrily pulled you back into his lap.
“Are you really sure about this, Y/N?” He purred against your neck. “Yes, I'm sure.”
Basking in the afterglow, you were both again breathless and speechless. “Oh...uhm..fuck..that was..yeah.” Dean had a hard time finding words to describe what you both just experienced. “Yeah..I know.” You smiled at him, totally satisfied with yourself now and you knew Dean was too.
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Taglist: @jackles010378 @cevansbaby-dove @deanwinchestersgirl87 @alternativeprincess94 @il0vebeingdelulu
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lambertdiary · 11 months
Same Mistakes
Anon requested: Dalton cheats on reader and she doesn't know but she notices their relationship is coming to an end cause he's acting weird and distant, then when she finds out and confronts him about it he begs her to stay.
A/N: As we all know I'm stupid and now my inbox is gone, but I started working on this request before I deleted it and I'm like 85% sure that's what the request said. If this is your request please let me know if this is what you wanted!! Thanks for requesting, I hope you like it!!
Word Count: 5.2k+
Warnings: angst, cheating, language, heated arguments, brief mentions of sex
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She had a bad feeling but she was too scared to look into it, terrified she would be right. 
Truth is, she started feeling like that just a few weeks ago, when she went back to Dalton’s dorm to surprise him with lunch and found an empty room and the bed unmade from somebody sleeping on it. Any other day that would’ve been completely normal, but she had stayed with him the night before and made the bed as soon as they both got up to get ready for class, leaving a perfectly made bed for them to come back to. 
Before that day, she would’ve never in a million years thought that Dalton would cheat on her. He had always been so loving and caring, even before they started dating, and once they became a thing he would constantly remind her how much he loved her, and on special days he was the most romantic person ever, and she always thought that she would spend the rest of her life with him, but now… she didn’t wanna think about it, but she couldn’t bury the thought of him with someone else after it crossed her mind briefly while looking at the messy bed.
Later that day she asked him about it, trying hard not to sound like she was accusing him of something, but his excuse just made her feel worse, her suspicions growing.
“What do you mean?” He asked as he inspected his bed, unsure of what was wrong with it. 
“Well, you know, I made the bed this morning before we left, remember?”
“Oh, uh- yeah, I came back to- to take a nap” He stuttered, not even looking at her. 
But it kept happening, a few more times.
Things started to change after that. He cancelled on the plans they had, he suddenly was too busy every afternoon and her presence might be a distraction, he was so tired at night he didn’t have the energy for anything and he even asked her to go back to sleep in her own dorm, claiming the beds were too small to comfortably fit two people, even though they were used to sleeping together.
Long story short he was distant, he was never around anymore and even when he was, she felt like she was missing him. He was just… different, and she was beating herself up wondering what had changed.
He on the other hand didn’t miss her, seeing he didn’t make an effort anymore and he could go days without answering a text or returning a call, ​​and it was not because Y/N took a long time to reply, she would always respond in a heartbeat if it was him. If it weren’t for her visiting his dorm every now and then to make sure he was doing okay, they wouldn’t talk to each other at all.
But today she was feeling hopeful. It was their anniversary and they had a date night planned, a date he didn’t cancel, so she took the entire afternoon to do her nails, her hair and pick a beautiful dress to wear. Her makeup took her a while but she still managed to be ready on time, so she made her way to his dorm, her palms sweating when she knocked on the door.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” Was the first thing he asked, wiping her smile off of her face.
“I thought we would go out tonight” She replied, looking down at her hands to hide her disappointment.
“Oh- I guess I forgot to tell you but I remembered I have an important project for tomorrow, so I’m not gonna make it” The door was barely open and he was standing where the crack was, blocking his room as he held the door with a strong grip.
“Okay” Her voice was so faint she barely heard it herself “Do you need help? I could stay here for a couple of hours”
“No, don’t worry about it. I think it’s better if you leave”
Tears pricked her eyes, swallowing the small lump forming in her throat “Why?”
“Well, I’m busy with schoolwork and you can’t really help me with an art project, can you?”
She shook her head slowly “I guess I’m leaving then”
The tears she had been holding started to fall as soon as she turned around, she could feel her mascara clumping on her eyelashes and forming black streaks down her cheeks, ruining the contour and highlight she applied in hopes of impressing her boyfriend. She ran upstairs, knocking on Chris’ door desperately. 
“Oh my god, Y/N. Are you okay?” Chris asked her when she saw the mascara tears.
She shook her head as she entered the room, small whimpers leaving her lips as she tried to stop the crying.
“What happened?” Chris took her hand and guided her to her bed.
“What about Dalton?”
“I think he’s cheating on me” She had never said that out loud, and saying it broke her heart even more “I wish I was crazy but the signs… I know he is”
“I’m not trying to defend him or anything, but what makes you think that?”
“Everything, Chris. He has been acting so… distant. Ever since-” She stopped herself. She never told anyone his relationship with Dalton wasn’t doing so well, making up excuses to cover his. She just wanted to hold on to everyone else thinking they were a perfect couple.
“What? Have you guys been fighting?”
Y/N took a deep breath before saying “Remember the last night I stayed over at his dorm?” She nodded in response “Well, later that day I went back to surprise him with lunch, but he wasn’t there and the bed was a complete mess, and you know I always make the bed when I wake up. He said he went back to take a nap but you know Dalton, he has a hard time sleeping and when he does sleep it’s never during the day”
Chris didn’t know what to say, she wanted to comfort her but she didn’t know how “And he’s been acting weird since then?”
Y/N nodded, wiping her tears “Yeah, he’s been pushing me away since that day. Telling me he doesn’t have time to hang out, which I understand but not even answering a couple of texts? And cancelling every date we had planned?”
“Is that what happened today? I thought it was your anniversary”
“It is” She was nibbling on her lip profusely, looking up so tears would stop falling “I don’t know what I’m gonna do”
“Have you told him how you feel?” Y/N shook her head, she hated confrontation and she was hoping she didn’t have to do that “I think you should go talk to him”
“Right now?”
“If not now then when? You say you’ve been feeling like something’s off for a while but you haven’t said anything to him”
“I don’t know Chris-”
“If he is cheating on you then you need to break up with him, you don’t deserve to be in that situation and you deserve to know the truth”
Y/N inhaled as she considered what Chris just said. She was right, but she wasn’t ready yet “I really want to know, but I can’t”
“Why not?”
“Because what if he is?” Tears started rolling down her face again, Chris hugging her tight as soon as it happened “I love him and… I just want things to go back to normal”
“I know you do, but believe me, it’s better if you know”
Y/N stayed there for a while. She decided to go talk to him, but she needed to put herself back together before confronting him. Chris helped her to wash her face and fix her hair, comforting her and offering to stay with her once they were done talking. Y/N accepted, she didn’t want to be alone, she knew it’d be a long night.
Once she felt better, she went downstairs, repeating in her head everything she wanted to tell him. She knocked loudly, and didn’t stop until he opened. He looked annoyed, and she stormed into his room as soon as he opened the door.
“What are you doing?”
“We need to talk”
“About what?” 
She blinked at him twice, did he not think they needed to talk? “About us, what’s going on?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”
Okay, now she was mad “Dalton, you have been ignoring me for days, and I understand if you’re busy but it doesn’t explain you pushing me away at all times”
“I’m sorry if you feel that way”
There was a moment of silence, both of them staring at each other as she tried to remember the questions she was supposed to ask, but none of them seemed to make sense now that she was standing in front of him “That’s all you’re gonna say?”
“What do you want me to say?” 
“How about you tell me exactly what’s going on”
They were both raising their voices, but Dalton especially “I told you already, I’ve been busy with projects-”
“I could’ve stayed here with you, like we have done before”
“But why would you want to stay?”
“To keep you company, maybe?” 
“But all you do is lay on my bed while I try to paint”
“Dalton, do you know how many afternoons I’ve stayed here with you just so we can spend some time together? And you don’t even care anymore, you didn’t even cared to say thank you”
“I never asked you to stay,” He mumbled.
She scoffed before shaking her head “I wanted to, you know I worry about you when you work on a project for too long, you tend to overwork yourself-”
“I. Never. Asked. You. To. Stay” He interrupted her, his tone punctuated with each word “I would’ve been fine without you, I don’t need you in my hair at all times” His eyes hardened, his mouth opening to speak again “Don’t you have better things to do?”
“I just- I guess I thought you liked to be with me”
“I do, but you don’t have to be so clingy all the time”
She didn’t say anything, hoping she heard it wrong or that he’d apologise, but he didn’t “What?”
“You know, we do everything together and-”
“No, we used to do things together, not everything” She corrected him.
He took a deep breath, as if he was done dealing with her “Right. Look, I’m tired, we can talk tomorrow”
Y/N nodded, holding back the tears as she walked towards the door “Happy anniversary” She said before slamming it closed, running back to Chris’ room.
Dalton sat on his bed with his head between his hands for a moment, how could he forget? He took a deep breath as he got up, looking for a ribbon and a canvas he hadn’t touched in who knows how long. 
He made his way to Chris’ dorm, he was sure that’s where Y/N was, and knocked on the door a couple of times before saying “Baby, I’m sorry. I was caught up in schoolwork and I didn’t realise what day it was” But he got no response “Y/N please, I know you’re here, will you please talk to me?” “Go away, Dalton” Chris was the one to yell, making Dalton realise he would not be able to fix it, not tonight anyway. 
“Okay, I’m leaving this here, I- I love you”
Y/N skipped school the next day, her sore eyes and pounding headache being the only things she could think about. Well, that and Dalton.
She was staring at the portrait of them, the portrait he painted for their one year anniversary they were supposed to celebrate the day before. It looked… unfinished, like he didn’t even care enough to finish it but the paint wasn’t fresh, so she was wondering how long ago he stopped working on it.
The days after that were rough, long nights of wondering what she could have possibly done wrong, but even then she didn’t talk to Dalton. He tried to, a couple of times, but she needed a little bit of time.
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★
Everyone went home for thanksgiving, but she couldn’t afford to travel across the country and back so she decided to stay on campus. She wasn’t planning on going home anyway, she had made plans to go with Dalton to meet his parents and siblings and spend thanksgiving with his family, but obviously that wasn’t happening anymore.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” Chris asked as she put down her suitcase.
“Yeah, don’t worry about me” Y/N gave her a reassuring smile before hugging her “Have fun, I’ll miss you”
“You could come with me, you know? My parents love you”
“I know” She replied as she pulled away “But I need to catch up on all the classes I skipped”
“Okay. Well, I’ll miss you too, but I’ll be back in a few days”
They hugged one more time, Chris letting her know she could call her if anything happened. Y/N was thankful for Chris, she really was, but sometimes crying alone did more for her than having someone telling her ‘everything's gonna be okay’, she was tired of hearing that.
Hours later she found herself catching up on her homework for three different classes. It wasn’t really that much of a workload and she didn’t need to stay up all night to do that, but she was going to anyway. Perhaps she wanted to be productive, or maybe that was her trying to occupy her mind from the possibility of her boyfriend cheating on her.
She looked at the clock, it was 11:30 PM. She sighed, scribbling the answer after reading the question on her laptop, her eyes sore from staring at it for too long, when a text message interrupted her.
Unknown: Attachment 1: Image Unknown: I heard they have been at it for a while
That text message induced such a great shock on her tired, worn out body, tears falling down her face as soon as she read it. She didn’t wanna open it, but her curious mind was stronger.
Tapping on the notification, she prepared herself mentally to confirm her suspicions. And they were confirmed.
Her vision was blurry from the tears, but she was able to see Dalton standing at the bottom of the stairs in the art building, and he was with someone else, except she couldn’t see who it was, the big jacket and a beanie protecting her identity. He was smiling down at her, eyes full of… love? Those blue eyes she thought he reserved for her only, but clearly she was wrong. His big hands were around her waist as hers went around his neck, and his lips were stained with lipstick.
She broke down crying, curled up on her bed as she wore one of Dalton’s hoodies that still smelled like him. She now knew what the truth was, but she didn’t want to accept it. What happened to them? When did he stop loving her?
It was like her heart was ripped from her chest, all that time they spent together down the drain like it was nothing, like it all meant nothing to him.
She didn’t know for how long she cried the night before, but it was now 1 PM and she was just waking up, so she probably cried for hours. There was nothing left she could do to save her relationship so she made up her mind to break up with him as soon as he came back to campus.
Y/N: We need to talk, just let me know when you’re here
The message was left unanswered, as usual. She rolled her eyes and put her phone down, returning to her facetime call with Chris.
“Do you know who that is?”
“No, sorry” 
Y/N sighed as she sipped her hot coffee “What about the number? Do you know who sent the picture?”
“What’s the number? Maybe I can ask around to see if any of my friends know”
Y/N sent her the phone number, along with the picture of Dalton and the other girl “Thanks. Don’t show anyone that picture thought, I’m already embarrassed as it is”
“Embarrassed? Y/N, he should be the embarrassed one, you didn’t do anything wrong”
“Maybe I did-”
“Y/N no, stop doing that to yourself. We both know it’s not your fault”
She nodded “I can’t help it. I just don’t understand”
“Understand what?”
“Was I not enough? Why did he need to find someone else?”
Chris hated to see Y/N going through that, how she felt like she was not enough or that it all ended because of her, and she hated Dalton for causing all of that “I know it’s hard right now, but I promise you’ll understand that none of this is your fault. Y/N you’re amazing, and he’s an idiot for not realising”
Talking to Chris made her feel better, but all those terrible emotions came back whenever she looked at the picture again, a million questions in her mind. How long has he been doing this? Who is she? Does he still love me? What did I do wrong?
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★
A couple of days later Dalton finally answered her.
Dalton: Just got back, I’m in my dorm
Her heart sank at the notification, she didn’t want to talk to him, she didn’t want things to be over. There was still a part of her that hoped everything was just a misunderstanding, hoping he wasn’t cheating on her and she was just a friend. But deep down she knew the truth, and the possibility of it being a mix-up was down to zero, and after he made it clear that he didn’t wanna be in a relationship with her anymore, she decided to fulfil his wishes.
It was a long walk to his dorm, the cold weather bothering her more than usual but she still was slow, dreading the conversation she knew was about to happen.
She took a deep breath before knocking on the door, Dalton opening it almost right away.
“Hey” He said faintly, worried he got caught.
“Hi” She entered the room and looked around. She had been there a million times, and so many of those times were special little moments they shared together, but right now it felt like she was disconnected from the space “How was your break?”
“It was good. I’m tired but it was good” He tried to give her a smile, but stopped when he noticed her stare full of fury “What did you want to talk about?”
Seriously? “I’m breaking up with you” Her voice was weak, but she did not dare let a tear slip past her waterline, he didn’t deserve to see her cry. 
“What?” The shock in his eyes looked so real that Y/N almost believed him “Why?”
“Did you really just ask that?”
“So that’s it? We’re over?”
“Dalton, come on, we’ve been over for a while” She stepped closer to him, pain and anger written all over her face as the tears struggled to stay on her eyes “We didn’t even feel like a couple anymore, Dalton, you forgot our anniversary, and that day you made it clear you wanted nothing to do with me. And to think I planned a beautiful night for us and bought you an expensive gift. Do you have any idea how stupid I felt?” 
“I didn’t know you were feeling like that”
“Of course not, when have you ever listened to me anyway?”
Dalton rolled his eyes “Okay, I understand but we don’t have to break up, I already explained what happened that day, I was busy and completely lost track of time”
“And I guess she doesn’t have anything to do with this?” Y/N showed him the picture, his demeanour changing immediately.
“Y/N I- I’m sorry, baby I’m so sorry” His eyes and his voice softened as he tried to reach for her, but she turned around and wiped the tears that left her eyes, a million questions flooding her mind.
“So it’s true” She was just confirming to herself what she already knew. Anger and pain washed over her body. Why her? Why her when she’s been nothing but perfect to the man she loved the most?
“Baby, I can explain” 
Y/N turned around to face him again “Who is she?” He shook his head, his eyes begging her not to make him say it while hers watered “Who is she?” She repeated.
“You don’t wanna know”
“Why? Cause I might find out you’re cheating?”
A few tears started to roll down his face, his hands desperate to hold hers “I can’t”
“Why not?”
“Cause you’re gonna hate me even more” Y/N stared at him, even more tears falling as she tried to think who the girl could be. 
“Did you two- did you sleep with her?” His nod was barely perceptible, if she didn’t already know the answer she would’ve missed it. Maybe he was right, maybe it’d be better if she didn’t know. 
“I’m sorry, baby I’m so sorry”
“Stop it”
“I know I fucked up but she doesn’t mean anything to me, I swear”
“Shut up, Dalton. I just… I don’t understand”
“Let me explain-”
“And I don’t care how many times you apologise, how do you expect me to forgive you?” She took a couple of steps back, trying to figure out what caused him to do such a thing “Even if we stayed together and got married and started a family, how can I ever look at you and not think about that?”
“Baby I want all of that, I want the rest of my life with you, like we talked”
“That was before you ruined everything”
“I know what i did is wrong-”
“But we can work this out”
“What? No, Dalton, stop”
“Just give me another chance, please”
“Is that why you've been so distant, huh? Was she here on our anniversary?” Dalton didn’t say anything, and the flashes from Dalton’s knuckles turning white from holding the door closed that night creeped her mind. Her heart ached so much that every time she breathed deeply, it was scorching her to the core “How could you do that?”
“I shouldn’t have done that, I’m sorry”
“Stop apologising”
“You know I didn’t mean it”
“Just stop… god”
“Y/N just hear me out, I swear it only happened once”
“Are you fucking kidding me? I know that’s not true. Do you know how many times I came to an unmade bed? And how many excuses you made?” He stayed silent “I don’t care how many times it happened, you still did it and nothing is gonna change that”
“I know”
“You’ve been hurt before, right? What if I was the one cheating, would you just forget it ever happened and come back to me?” Once again, he didn’t say anything “Of course you wouldn’t. Dalton, how could I ever forget what you did? Or everything you said to me when we were fighting, and the fact that you lied and- and cheated-”
“But you came all the way here”
“Because I care, and you… you never cared, you never tried-”
“I care, I care so much. Baby please, you have to believe me” He tried to reach out to her, but she pushed his hand away.
“No you don’t, and if I’m here it’s because i know after this we’ll never see each other again, we’ll never talk again and this just has to end”
“But I don’t want it to end”
“Well, you ended it when you cheated on me”
He stared at her for a moment before saying “But… I want you, she didn’t mean anything to me” He approached her again, his hope growing a little when she didn’t stop him. He put a strand of hair behind her ear, softly brushing her cheek “I know I fucked up but I can’t go on without you, I just can’t”
“Well you have, countless times while I was left in the dark wondering if I had done something wrong, crying myself to sleep when I couldn’t get a hold of you, Dalton, and in the meantime you were with her”
“I’m sorry-”
“And you have the nerve to say all that shit to me, acting like I was suffocating you, when in reality I was trying to save us!” She pushed him away.
“I’m so sorry”
“No, you’re not”
“Y/N, I’m sorry, please let’s talk about it”
“Fine, let’s talk about it. Was she worth it?” He shook his head, ready to leave his pride behind as he kneeled in front of her as he grabbed one of her hands “What are you doing? Stop”
“I promise it was an accident, it won’t happen again”
“An accident? Dalton, are you hearing yourself right now?”
“Please, don’t let me go” The grip on her hand tightened, pulling her closer to him.
“Isn’t that what you wanted?” 
“No. I don’t want anyone else, I want you, Y/N”
“You don’t have to worry about me anymore”
“But everything I said… I meant it, I love you Y/N and every second we’ve been together has meant everything to me, baby you have to understand”
“I’m not lying, you know I’m not” She pushed his hand away, rolling her eyes when another tear rolled down his face “I know I don’t deserve it but please… just one more chance and I can fix this”
“Give you a chance? I gave you a chance when I believed your excuses, when I forgave you for cancelling every date we had planned, when I tried to understand why you locked me out and when I almost forgave you for forgetting our anniversary, I gave you so many fucking chances!”
“But I swear it wasn’t like that, she meant nothing.”
“You’re unbelievable… god, what are you saying?”
“Just think about how great we are together” He said, trying to hold her torso, but once again she stopped him. 
“Dalton, stop that”
“We’re a great team, aren’t we? We understand each other so well, we know each other better than anyone else, god, I’ll do anything, I swear”
“No, it’s not gonna work”
“Yes it will, and I’ll make sure of that”
“No” She was having a hard time blocking out how much love she still had for him, but she wasn’t forgiving him, there was no way.
“I swear I don’t want anyone else” He held her hands and started kissing them, his lips giving her a sense of home that she missed “Y/N please, I love you” 
“I know” Her response was weak as she started crying again.
“You know I love you and I would do anything for you” He continued kissing her, a few tears falling on her hands “Do you still love me?”
“I love you… oh god” She released one of her hands from Dalton’s grip, squeezing her eyes shut and covering her face.
“See? It will work, we will make it work” Y/N shook her head, she was feeling stupid for almost falling for that “Baby look at me, everything’s gonna be alright. Just think about how great we’re together”
“Who is she?” She dared to repeat the question as she looked at him again.
Silence filled the room for a moment, his voice barely above a whispered when he finally answered “Annie”
Annie, her roommate Annie. She was in Dalton's art class, and she was the reason they met when Annie introduced them one day after their art class. She felt betrayed on a whole new level, not only by Dalton but by her too. They were friends, they had been roommates since day one so they were close, how could she do that? And these past weeks when she had been mourning her relationship, she was there the whole time and she knew exactly what was happening.
“How long?”
She was getting annoyed at how long it was taking him to answer her questions “The day we went to town… I walked with her to your dorm after our class to pick you up but you weren’t there yet”
“So you did it in my room?” It wasn’t really a question, and she felt even more disgusted at the thought of them in her own room.
“It was one moment of weakness”
“One moment of weakness?” He nodded, his hands now holding on to her hips “But it didn't stop there, did it?”
“I’m sorry”
She swiped the tears away to her temples “What does she give you that I can't?”
Dalton shook his head quickly “Nothing, you’re everything I could ever ask for”
“Then why did you do that?”
He didn’t have an answer, he didn’t really know how it happened or why it kept going, but he couldn’t deny he was enjoying it before he got caught “I don’t know” He whispered.
“Do you love her?”
“No, of course not. I love you” He was holding her tighter, convinced that if he held her long enough she’d want to stay.
“Oh my god, I’m so stupid”
“You know it didn’t mean anything, it was a mistake-”
“Get your hands off me, I’m leaving” She said as she tried to free herself.
“Baby, please don’t leave, you have to hear me out”
“Dalton let go, I don’t wanna be here” Her words struggled to come out from how much she was crying. 
“Please no, I don’t wanna let you go” He looked up at her, his eyes begging for forgiveness “Let’s just talk about it, yeah? Let me explain”
“Save it Dalton, it’s over” 
“I’m sorry, I won’t do it again. This is obviously my fault but I’ll do whatever it takes to get you to stay” She finally freed herself, and her only goal was to go back to her room. She turned around and headed to the door, his hand tried to come to stop her, but she flinched away. Y/N could hear him spittin nonsense, but she was drowning out his words “Baby please, I love you”
She turned around to face him one last time, spotting Dalton still on his knees in the middle of his room “So you’ve said, but how can you hurt someone you claim to love so much?” He was about to say something, but she didn’t wanna hear it “There’s nothing you can do to get me to stay, you threw everything away”
“I know, my love, but-”
“I’m gonna leave and you’re gonna stay here, just… leave me alone, I don’t ever wanna see you again”
Y/N exited the room, leaving Dalton alone and a complete mess. He regretted what he did, and he wanted to think that if she would just give him a chance to explain she’d forgive him. But he knew that would never be the case, and that his mistake was bigger than any apology, she was right to leave him.
He stared at the door for too long, taking in every emotion he was feeling: remorse, anger, pain, agony… he just felt like life was being sucked out of his body because he ruined the most important part of it, and there’s no one to blame but himself.
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Thank you so much for reading! Please let me know what you think, likes and reblogs are highly appreciated!!
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magniloquent-raven · 3 months
What do you think of an AU where Billy lives post season 3 and gets adopted by Murray and Alexei?
They would probably have a dynamic very similar to the El and Hopper's one in season 2.
What do you think?
OOooo an anon blessing my inbox, hello 💜
I think it would be an absolute mess tbh. At least at first. Because Billy is difficult, and Murray is prickly at the best of times (and not above fighting with children lmao). Alexei might be the least confrontational of them, but he's more likely to get a kick out of all the arguing than try to stop it.
Mostly aimless rambling under the cut lol
I'm thinking no Hopper death fake-out in this AU? He never liked Billy much, despite how polite the kid always was when he got pulled over. Something about him always seemed off. But then he nearly died saving El. She pulls him aside while Billy's in the hospital, and with that serious crease between her eyebrows, tells him just enough to convince him Billy doesn't have a home to go back to. So he makes arrangements.
And like. Murray isn't exactly his first choice. But. He doesn't have a lot of options. He needs someone with the funds and the space to house an entire traumatized teenager, and it needs to be someone who knows what happened to him.
It's temporary, Hopper assures them. The kid's eighteen, he just needs somewhere to stay while he heals up and gets enough money together to get a place of his own. It won't be that much of an imposition. It's the right thing to do. Say yes, because he needs somewhere to go, I swear to god, Murray.
Billy treats Hopper doing him a favour like it's a punishment. He's sullen the whole way there. Silent in the passenger seat of the cruiser, a half-full duffel bag in his lap. He doesn't want to be back in Hawkins with Neil, but that doesn't mean he wants to stay with some creepy guy and his weird Russian roommate. He can take care of himself, and this charity bullshit is fucking insulting.
Thing is though, Billy doesn't outright say that. He doesn't talk that way to adults, as a rule. Neil's rule. He will say please and thank you, no matter how wooden it sounds. He takes his issues out on peers, not the people with power over him.
So he barely says two words to Murray and Alexei that first day. They're not exactly thrilled to have him around, so they're not getting in his business anyways. It's awkward. Billy holes up in the guest room Murray's been using for storage, and alternates between restless sleep and staring at the water-stained ceiling.
It takes three days for Murray to get annoyed at Billy's I'm On My Best Behaviour act. It's insincere as hell, and Murray's always hard pressed not to call people out for lying. So he prods. Under the guise of small talk, at first. He asks how Billy knows Hopper. Asks what he's planning to do once he's healed up more. Mentions that Max has called like four times and Billy has yet to even check the messages.
Which. Does not go over well. Billy knows what he's doing, Neil does it all the time. Asking pointed questions, hoping to get a rise out of him. If Billy reacts he has a reason to punish him. If Billy breaks, he's not strong enough, not good enough. He needs a firmer hand, more discipline. But just because Billy knows doesn't mean he can stop himself from snapping, lashing out, getting angry and defensive and sneering.
And then he braces himself for the fallout. A belt, a hand, an insult. Punishment for not keeping his mouth in check. It's instinct, getting keyed up, waiting, waiting...
For a hit that never comes. In fact, Murray seems relieved. Delighted. "Fucking finally," may have been his exact words.
So Billy's just wound up over nothing, without direction he's snapping at shadows, flinching and biting. But no one seems to mind the teeth.
They argue a lot after that. Billy and Murray. Over music being played too loud, and whether Billy's allowed to drink when he's still got hospital stink on him, and dumb, inconsequential shit like that. Sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's Murray saying too much and Billy tasting blood. Sometimes it's Billy getting pushy and entitled, using his scars as an excuse to take up more space than he was invited to.
Meanwhile Alexei just seems to be along for the ride. Billy teaches him some English swear words (mostly by accident and then definitely on purpose) and Alexei returns the favour. They are both absolute menaces when Murray declares he's going grocery shopping, and they've taken to teaming up about it. Murray is this 🤏 close to kicking Billy out after Billy introduces Alexei to Metallica and discovers that he likes it.
And then there's the gay thing. Like. Murray and Alexei aren't hiding their relationship, they decided it would be too much work and if the kid had a problem with it he could find somewhere else to live. But they're not super obvious either, just. Naturally. So it takes Billy a minute to realize. In his defence, he's got a lot going on.
It's not a huge grand reveal, he just sort of. Notices some things. And then puts the pieces together. And then panics. He spends the entire day after his revelation hiding in the guest room. Panicking.
He doesn't know why exactly it terrifies him so much. He doesn't have to hide from Neil anymore, and barely anyone even knows he's alive, it's not like there's going to be rumours going around about Billy shacking up with some old gay dudes. But he feels exposed anyways. Self-conscious. He starts to wonder if Hopper knew somehow, and that's why he's here. Maybe the girl who was in his head has been going around telling people about him.
The next day, he manages to come out of his room, but he isn't over it. They notice him acting weird, despite how hard he tries to keep it under wraps. Alexei figures it's a PTSD thing, they all know Billy has nightmares. He's entitled to some off days.
But Murray clocks him. Because of course he does. He flinches when Alexei touches Murray's shoulder, briefly, innocently, but Billy has to look away and that's when Murray realizes.
Not the why of it, not at first, but he realizes that Billy's being weird about their relationship. And he doesn't handle it the best. He's started to like the kid, is the thing. Billy's a pain, and he's an awful little brat, but he's grown on him. Like a hissy little cat that never lets you pet it. It's not nice, but sometimes it does cute little cat things and you're endeared anyways. Billy can be funny, sometimes. He helps out around the house but pretends not to. And he's unexpectedly smart.
And now he's being. Like this. And maybe it sort of hurts. So maybe Murray says some things he shouldn't. Pointed comments, from what Murray knows about Neil he's sure that's where this came from, and he doesn't hesitate to let Billy know that. Billy might've moved states to get away from his father but it looks like he might've brought him along for the ride anyways.
Which obviously does not go over well. And it's the way Billy responds, his fear and the cadence of his anger. That has Murray saying "Oh, this is a self-hatred thing." Without thinking.
It's the first time Billy cries in front of them.
It's not for long. A moment of shock, and tears slipping down his cheeks, he's there just long enough for them to see his face before he bolts, and locks himself in the guest room.
They don't ever really talk about that whole conversation. Not outright. It takes weeks for things to go back to normal. Billy's back to not saying much of anything, and Murray feels guilty enough not to push about it. Alexei's trying to mediate, for once, but it doesn't help. Everyone involved is too stubborn to take advice.
Months later, when Billy's a little bit drunk and a little bit sleep deprived, he finally admits out loud that Murray was right. Entirely out of the blue.
They still don't discuss the fight, not directly. They just. Talk. About growing up queer. About parents. It's a little stilted. A little awkward. But it's a turning point. And it's good.
misc. thoughts:
Alexei helped open the new gate and is therefore a little bit responsible for what happened to Billy? When Alexei realizes this he starts coddling Billy to make up for it. It's little things at first, buying him sweets and letting him choose what they watch on TV, but Billy starts to notice him walking on eggshells and gets irritated, pushing to see where this sudden grace will end. He kind of just assumes he's being treated this way because of his injuries, but when he eventually finds out who Alexei actually is and what he did shit kind of blows up. Billy straight up leaves the house for the first time since he moved in. Just walks out. Alexei tells Murray what happened and Murray gets angry at Billy, only realizing later (after Billy comes back, at like 3am) that he was so pissed because he was worried
Hopper has no idea that Murray and Alexei are together, and part of the reason Murray was so annoyed about taking in another stray is because babysitting would cut into the time he can spend with his boyfriend
Everyone in Hawkins (except the main characters) thinks Billy is dead, and this has been really hard for Max. Neil left, and she's glad he's gone, she's glad Billy's away from him and that her mother doesn't have to deal with him anymore. But it's also extremely difficult to watch her mother grieve both Billy and her marriage.
Briefly considered making that thought Billy had about Hopper putting him up with Murray and Alexei because of the gay thing actually true
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