#anon tysm literally this
magpod-confessions · 4 months
i saw the ask that was saying jonelias hate was homophobic but wtgfs hate wasn’t lesbophobic and didn’t want to reblog it because i didn’t want to get involved in drama but. yikes.
the wtgfs thing- no, it is absolutely not lesbophobic to be more interested in the main characters than a side ship. that does not change the fact that misogyny and lesbophobia are a pervasive issue in popular and fandom culture. i feel like it’s possible to acknowledge that main wlw ships being ignored for a side mlm pairing is something that happens, and that’s bad, and it is also not inherently misogynistic to be less invested in a side wlw pairing.
the jonelias thing- yes, treating jonelias like some terrible morally reprehensible thing is silly, and no it’s not somehow inherently sexual. there are many darker/more questionable ships that are significantly more widely accepted, and not everybody is going to be interested in jmart. a lot of people like corruption arcs and would have found that to be more interesting. however, you cannot just call someone a bigot because they prefer the canon ship over your fanon interpretation. a lot of people aren’t going to like a ship like jonelias, for plenty of different reasons. maybe it doesn’t fit the way they see the characters, they would prefer jon regaining his humanity and healing in a healthy way, maybe they just don’t like it. that doesn’t make them inherently homophobic. you can disagree with someone and dislike their ships without it meaning they are a bad person.
the mean lesbian thing- i feel they missed the point here. the issue isn’t jonny writing women as mean lesbian stereotypes. none of the characters even have a canon sexuality beyond tim and jon liking multiple genders and jon being somewhere on the ace spectrum, and even those are vague. the issue is fandom stereotyping, seeing women in a terrible situation under pressure getting angry at a man and then deciding they must be mean man hating lesbians. seeing a man who has a sense of humor and is presumably bisexual and deciding he’s a flirty slut with the emotional capacity of a teaspoon. seeing a violent woman who cares for another woman and deciding she must be a masculine butch lesbian and other interpretations are somehow wrong. etc.
can we please all just acknowledge that nuance exists and differing opinions aren’t evil
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puckgoss · 5 months
Okay great! Same anon from before. BTW, love your blog! The others seem to have a clear bias but I love how you keep it real over here. Super interesting as well! Now with the real deal...
Justin Bieber is super nice, he seemed genuinely honored and happy to be there. Him and Mitch Marner are sooo cute, Justin was so supportive of him all the time and cheered backstage so much. He's also cool with Crosby apparently, saw them talking a lot. Met Hailey briefly and not surprised, just classic model behavior, glasses on inside, didn't say hi to anybody just a slight smile. It's fine I guess but compared to Justin who was a ray of sunshine seemed kinda odd. Michael Bublé did not 'accidentally' take a huge dose of weed, he was joking about how high he was and laughing about smoking more afterwards. Will Arnett is like a drunk uncle but not drunk. Both nice. Tate McCrae is soo sweet! I felt her because we were only like 5/6 women backstage and she was the only female captain, also with an ex who is an NHL player so already has that "puck bunny" reputation, so her being there was cool to see. Her BF was also backstage, but I don't think the players knew it was her BF haha, a colleague and I noticed at least 15 of the guys walking up to her and chatting it up. Ones I remember that looked flirty are Sway, the Hughes (they talked throughout the whole weekend and they're all around the same age so may have been friendly but you know how men are), Elias Lindholm, Elias Petterson, & Mat Barzal. She obviously talked to a lot of people but these I remember looking more like them trying to get somewhere with her. Her and her BF are so cute though! He was very touchy with her. Saw her talking to Boone Jenner for a while, but he seemed just friendly. He is also her ex's teammate so wonder what that's about.
Auston Matthews is actually really charismatic. At one point the whole dressing room went quiet and we heard him singing "Baby" by Justin Bieber. We all cracked up haha. The Hughes brothers had a fight the first day, don't really know about what but Jack walked in upset and Quinn wouldn't even look at him. Both with their frowning RBF. McDavid had the same attitude as Hailey Bieber LOL. He softened up a bit when talking to other players but otherwise he is super cold always. Pasta and Travis Konecny also seemed to lowkey hate each other. Colleague told me Travis doesn't like Pasta at all but can't 100% confirm that as I didn't hear it directly, just an interesting rivalry. The Canucks players were like a group of mean girls, they literally stuck together the entire weekend, even if they were drafted to separate teams. Vincent Trocheck flirted his ASS off with several women, myself included. Found out later he was married. Swayman is truly a nice person, I think he and Boone Jenner were the only ones who said hi to the whole crew and also goodbye. Also saw him and Georgiev have a bro-hug after they lost the game and he said something to him that made him really laugh, it was very cute. The Hughes also seem to not like Suzuki, avoided him all weekend. Cale Makar is like a doll haha he is so awkward all the time and everytime he speaks his face looks like he immediately regrets it.
That's all at the top of my head, but if there's anything else you want to know LMK!
ahaha ty ty! i def have my biases when it comes to teams but i try pretty hard to keep it neutral and not give my biases away 😭 as for players i don't have any faves or rly think any are angels so i have no preconceptions there
omg there is so much to unpack here idek where to begin
justin bieber - he did seem so happy to be there the whole time lol he loves hockey and the leafs i think that was all 100% genuine! so sweet
hailey bieber - sounds abt right lol
michael bublé - lmaooooo tell me ur from vancouver without telling me ur from vancouver.... iconic he was so funny that whole weekend
tate mcrae - ya i forget her bf's name but i was aware he was there n they do seem v cute together! love all the wifed up guys chatting her up ahaha except barzy n petey they get a pass. another anon on here was telling me all the CBJ guys & wags liked tate a lot so doesn't surprise me that boone & her were friendly
hughes brothers - jack n quinn having a fight is soooo funny omfg i can't. also being bitchy towards suzuki like 😭 funny bc they're so tight w cole caufield (esp jack) n suzuki n cole are teammates and besties
mcdavid - you comparing mcdavid to hailey bieber is fucking sending me dsiofjdskghdfjklgh he is so awkward...
TK - TK having beef w pasta is soooo funny
canucks - canucks players "like a group of mean girls" i'm dying omfg 💀 lindholm was drafted to a separate team ya but he was only traded to the canucks like a few days before that so that was the first time they were really meeting him
trocheck - flirting his ass off with multiple women dsfknadslfkjgfng his kids were literally on the ice watching the skills comp w him that's soooo bad
swayman & jenner - being sweethearts aw that is nice to hear
cale makar - "like a doll" "awkward all the time" "every time he speaks his face looks like he immediately regrets it" perfect no notes!!!
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Love train 🚂💖💖💖! Send this to all the blogs you love! Don’t forget to spread the love! 😊
Thank you! I will!
You anons are going to make me cry because of how nice you're being.
Spreading the love train with @xxtc-96xx, @pokemon-ash-aus, @dxzziie, @mewtwoandme, @ask-the-royal-absol
Once again, Anon, thank you
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necrotic-nephilim · 24 days
for the ask game (i'm so happy you're still doing it!)
in a bit darker version of canon, one of the antikilling batfam members actually kills someone (i'm thinking dick or tim). maybe it's an accident, maybe the're spiraling and reach a breaking point or maybe something happened that irrevocably changed their worldview. how do they feel? do they cover it up? do they continue killing? who knows about it, who helps them cover it up, who joins them? how does bruce, the rest of the family and hero community react if they find out?
for the ask game!
ugh i LOVE when characters are pushed over the edge and have to deal with the consequences of their actions. especially Dick and Tim who are just. both so dedicated to their moral codes and having them shatter. you get both versions bc i have thoughts. we'll start with Tim
there are a lot of routes you can take Tim killing someone. but i specifically would have it happen right after the Titans of Tomorrow and/or Lonely Place of Living arc, where Tim faces an evil older version of himself who's very pro-murder and has led the Titans down this dark path as Batman. because that's what Tim's afraid of becoming. he's afraid of what being Batman would do to him, and he's afraid of whether this future is inevitable or not. so to have Tim in this mindset of hypervigilance of what he's capable of and he kills someone anyway? i'd love to toy with the "is the future inevitable or can we change it" concept. i like the idea Tim's kill is Captain Boomerang, given the death of his dad and all. Tim insists up and down to Bruce that he can handle this mission, it won't be too personal for him, he's fine. and the funny thing is, he feels fine. he's compartmentalizing all his feelings pretty well. so well, in fact, he doesn't realize he's killed Boomerang with his bare hands until it's already done, and there's blood everywhere and Tim has to figure out what to do. he has to cope with the inevitability of the future he's convinced he just set into motion.
he would know, realistically, there's no hiding it. especially not from *Bruce*, who knew Tim was on this mission. someone's going to notice Boomerang is missing sooner or later no matter how well Tim cleans up this crime scene. honestly, i think he'd call Helena. he's close to her, and she's pro-murder, making her the least likely to judge him for it. what he doesn't expect is that when she shows up, she takes the blame for it. she fully looks Batman in the eye and says she murdered the guy and somehow, Bruce buys it. Tim keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop. because more than just committing murder, it'd terrify Tim to get *away* with murder. to know it was just that easy, he had to call one person and it all went away. Helena doesn't even seem particularly bothered by taking claim for it, she's killed men for less and she thinks she's helping Tim with this, helping ease his conscious on the whole thing. she even tells Bruce that Tim tried to save Boomerang, that's why Tim is covered in the blood. it makes perfect sense to Bruce he doesn't think about it further. so Tim falls deeper into this spiral of knowing what he's gotten away with. and of course he doesn't open up to Helena about the Titans of Tomorrow stuff, so she has no idea how this could rattle Tim so much. why he doesn't believe her when she promises him this is just a one-off thing for him and she knows he won't do it again.
i think Tim's spiral would just keep going. it's one of those paradoxical things, where he is his own enemy. he's convinced himself he is this thing, so he's becoming it. what could've been just a one-off moment fo weakness with a man who hurt him and he got away with becomes an obsession. Tim can't stop considering how selfish it is, that he gets to kill Boomerang and yet everyone else has to live with the people who hurt them being alive. i think it'd be fun, if Tim turned to Tony Zucco, or someone similar who's hurt a member of the Batfamily. it's not a serious idea, it's a late night thought that plagues Tim. if he knows how he would do it, then he can avoid actually doing it. very "Opeidius trying not to fuck his mom" complex. but the more Tim tortures himself over it, the more he notices how easy this is for him. to plan out how he could murder just about anyone and plot a clean getaway for no one to even know there was foul play. he doesn't act on it. he refuses. but it consumes him. if he's awake, he's thinking about how he'd kill the people who hurt his family, and how easily he could get away with it.
eventually, Tim forces himself into early retirement. it's so sudden, no one expects Tim to just suddenly say he's hanging up the cape. everyone has at some point, gotten cold feet and insisted they were done with the life, but Tim. he really means it. he stops being a vigilante completely, he doesn't even like running comms. he starts to isolate himself just to be sure he won't get to close to someone to want to kill for them. no one can really get through to him and talk to him about what's going on, and it's been enough time since the Boomerang incident that no one, not even Helena, seems to put the pieces together about that being the catalyst to all of this. they want to respect his decision, but something is clearly wrong and no one can figure out what it is. they try to reach out but well. the world keeps turning. there are crises and villain attacks to deal with and eventually, it slips on everyone's mind to check on Tim because they have to save the world again.
in the end, it all comes back to that inevitability. Tim does kill again. who he kills and how he kills them doesn't even matter, and that's the worst part. he knows it doesn't matter because this was a path he set himself down bc he could never avoid it in the first place. he kills and he gets away with it, even when he's not a vigilante. he never would've ended up on this path if he hadn't seen his future self. grandfather paradox and all that. eventually, Bruce does find out. but by then it's too late, and Bruce has no real hard proof, just a suspicion he can't tell anyone else because everyone would just jump to Tim's defense. Tim has Bruce in a corner, and for once. Tim starts to kind of enjoy the game. madness spirals babey.
and of course, the Dick version
i know, with Dick, we all like to talk about that time Dick technically made the Joker's heart stop by beating him so badly. and sure, that's a fun canon moment. but it's the *Joker*, you know. i think Dick accidentally killing someone is far more fun if it's just. some henchmen. some low level villain who would've at best gotten a five year sentence for what the did. you can almost rationalize it, when it's the Joker. but when it's no one? it's just some guy? that's crunchy. that's far worse to handle. Dick wouldn't mean to do, it was the stars aligning for the worst situation. he doesn't pull his punches because he's tired and angry about something unrelated he doesn't even remember. and he just. keeps punching until some random guy is dead underneath him. and there's no bringing him back.
Dick would confess *immediately*. like, he'd firmly believe he needs to face consequences for what he did and it's the only way to rectify the situation. Bruce has taught him everybody deserves justice and Dick is sticking to those guns. he tells Bruce, he tells the Titans, hell, he even tries pretty hard to turn himself in to the police. of course no one will let him though. because it's *Dick*. they know it was an accident. they know Dick would never dream of doing that on purpose and that Dick shouldn't destroy his life for a mistake. and Dick is so torn up that no one will let him face real consequences. everyone tries to tell him stories of the people they failed to save, but to Dick, this is different. this isn't getting there too late and the bomb goes off, this is beating a man with his own fists until he felt the guy's chest cave in and still going anyway. the guilt eats Dick alive.
Dick would have a panic spiral, but very different to Tim's in the above. instead of being terrified and self isolating, Dick forces himself into overdrive. if he can't get anyone to let him face real consequences for what he did, then he has to make up for it. he has to save *every person* he can. he's overworking himself on this desperate need to be better. he knows it's unsustainable and so does everyone else, but Dick won't stop until he literally collapses. because if he had energy to kill someone, then he has to have energy to save someone.
there of course comes a breaking point. Dick stretches himself too thin and i think the culmination of it would be a long talk with Bruce. maybe Bruce opens up about the people he failed to save and they really discuss it all. Dick's guilt, his fear of himself, his anger, all of it. it's probably the closest Dick comes to therapy about all this. i do think. it's fun if some more unsavory people like Slade find out about what Dick did and try to use it as an in to manipulate Dick. pull the whole "you're no better than me, now we both know what you're capable of". and Dick has to fight that. he's stuck between a genuine support system and Slade or someone similar trying to drag him down. bc Dick knows he's not a killer, but deep down that voice inside of him is impossible to silence completely.
though i think Dick comes out stronger at the end of it, he would falter, for just a moment. he has a brief time where he almost gives in, or maybe he starts to give in. he agrees to be Slade's apprentice, unable to cope with his guilt. he's so close to killing again, but it's the light at the end of the tunnel, realizing he could never do this again. it snaps Dick out of it. he's never going to uproot the worst of the guilt from his chest but he's proven it to himself this isn't who he is. he's able to be stable again and it's all a growing moment. that said, it still haunts him. when Jason comes back from the dead, he hears whispers that Dick killed someone, and Jason holds it over his head in fights. villains know about it. maybe it even taints Dick's image, the whispers of how Nightwing beat a guy to death once. sure, he grows from it and all, but it never *quite* leaves him.
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thatmightyheart · 5 months
your art is literally amazing 🙏🙏🙏 i adore your fma sketches :)!!
oh thank you so much!! ^^
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i miss jen T-T can we see her again please?
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canon trivia: she's an Austen fan. pride and prejudice is her favorite book <3
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princessg3rard · 6 months
you seem pretty cool. i’m sorry you’re getting so much hatred and harassment for literally just existing as an israeli jew. if it helps, you’re not alone. myself and most other jews have been through similar stuff. it sucks and it beats you down, but we’re a strong people and you’re a strong person. we’ll all get through this. every violence, every hatred thrown at us is survivable, because we’ve survived it before. i think there’s brighter days ahead.
tysm anon this really means more than u think <3 it sucks sm that we all know what it’s like to be hated like that, but we’re also such strong people and as my dad says, “we’ve been thru pharaoh, we’ll survive this too” :)
i know it’s a coincidence I get so much encouragement and support on purim, but I can’t help but love the full circle moment :3 we as a people have always been about life and survival, mostly out of spite, and today is the day we celebrate one of those times - that feels right that my inbox and notes are flooded with love (thank u all so so much, really) <3
brighter days are ahead, and we will live to see them. we will live despite everyone and everything that wants us dead. it’s a promise <3
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msmargaretmurry · 9 months
this is so… https://x.com/yanoforsure/status/1743120761940762905?s=46&t=bAD5FtiXuUGilfnwtByrxA
(link to tweet but this is the important part:)
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UM???? ANON?????? HELP?????????????? im not ok. im so mad the nhl didn't send this man to the asg. with the NARRATIVES out here like THIS?????????? we could have had it all (the possibility of a single on-camera interaction) i am going to go lie down in the potomac river
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lotus-pear · 8 months
OMG you are the skk artist you skk is so good you had no reason to make chuuya and dazai so hot
i will never beat the allegations……..will i………..💔💔💔💔
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nomairuins · 28 days
i like overthink everything now it makes me feel so dumb. i used 2 be able to just talk 2 ppl but nowadays every single thing im like Is that actually going to make them hate me. Yes probably. and then i just dont respond which makes ppl hate me. this is how it is
#ive been overthinking 1 light and casual mildly funny response to something but im worried itll come off as disrespectful and dismissive And#make me seem stupid and uncaring all at the same time. and also be seen as insulting. but like idt itd be insulting right like. im not#saying what it is so ig for all you guys know im like I mean if i say All your shit suck ball and i hateit kys. <- thats not the thing i was#going to say#like it doesnt matter now the window for response is closed now but i feel stupid bc i shouldve just said it it was light and casual. im so#bad at keeping convos gojng im convinced im not going to survive. In like a light and casual way like in a He will not make it through the#winter joke way. dw. im not going to do anything bc i had One failed interaction. if i was going to do anythjng itd be bc of the 8000000#other failed interactions. But im not. anyways. it just makes me feel so useless 😭 like i want to respond i want to talk to ppl so bad but#i feel like i mess things up Irreparably every time i speak OR i take too LONG overthinking my response and then i just cant respond bc its#been too long and then its been 3 years and the only messages ive ever sent r my intro message and 1 message 2 years ago that nobody#responded to at all. or the conversation stopped immediately after. and like i used to be better at this i was lkke. talkative in a couple#muts servers like. i talked 2 ppl daily in those servers and i had fun and like. I was an important part of the group and i felt like it#but i just feel like such an outsider for Everything and its literally my fault bc i cant just like. Talk. The explosion. bc im always like#im gonna try im gonna do it this time im gonna get it back im going to finally be Good connor and im going to fix it all and make a Good#solid friend group and ill find HEALTHY LOVE and i wont selfsabotage and ill move out and have a job and ill balance it well and ill start#all my hobbies and ill have a great routine and be so loveable and on top of it and not stressed and content and happy and roll with the#punches and then theres a single hiccup and im like Well fuckinf whatever im going to be an unemployed hermit forever and im going to die b4#im 25 anyways so Who cares and also im digging a little hole for myself. and its like. AUGHH ik i just have to persevere and overcome but#even saying that feels so stupid its not fucking hard its Talking to ppl. like. i literally if ive ever said a word to you i had to think#avt it and strategize how to respond right even for like. like. it makes it sound like its not genuine it is#like for example i want to say hey i love your art! but then i freak out and im like thats not normal thats like a rly generic comment they#hear that all the time theyll thjnk im being polite and my brains like hrmmm rewrite Your art changed my life. It shaped me. Ill never be#the same. Nad im like ok too far overcorrected go back and the sentence generator is like Your art has colors 💯 like. GOD. WHY IS IT SO#difficult. and then usually i either just dont say anythinf and feel awful abt it 4ever OR i send it on anon and then i spend like 15#minutes ibsessively slightly tweaking the apelling and capitalization and punctuation to make sure it doesnt seem like its me just in case#it Is the worst possible thing to say but then i see the response and itll be like AWWW TYSM :] THIS MEANS A LOT or whathaveyou and i feel#stupid bc i couldve just Told them this to their face and it wouldve been a good positive interaction we had. but instead i had 2 hide and#tyoe entirely differently so they couldnt sniff me from my typing style. and it soesnt even feel like the thanks is actually 4 me bc i#tweaked the message sm. and it still makes me happy that the oersons hapoy but its like. that couldve been a nice mutual interaction#like not that i need a personal ty i compliment ppl when i Want to compliment ppl and when its genuine yk. i dont do it so i get mutualpoint
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ssivinee · 11 months
500 of you guysssssssss🥳🥳🥳🥳
so thankful for you guys who read my fics, and im so glad you guys enjoy them. there's more to come!!! ALSO SEND THOSE REQS NO MATTER WHO ITS ABOUT AND EVEN IF U JUST WANNA CHAT SEND THEM🙃🙃
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cryingforcrocodiles · 2 years
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garfieldstim · 4 months
hello smiles!! i return with another kpop request :0 may i request a stimboard for jungsu xdinary heroes? i'd love if it could be based around the troubleshooting solo concept image where he's holding the lantern, with maybe stuff like lanterns, urbex, graveyards..... stuff of the like!! i hope finding the image isn't too much trouble since the album came out so recently and i'm pretty sure you'd be familiar with it already tehe
-👑 (shh u probably know who i am but being an emoji anon makes me feel cool /silly)
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jungsu(xdinary heroes) with urbex, lanterns and graveyards for 👑 anon
x x x / x - x / x x x
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 8 months
Hey , you good?
Feels like u didn't upload anything for a week so I thought we should check up on you
hello !!
This is so sweet ! I’m doing good rn thanks for asking 💗💗 i was actually thinking about writing lately since ik i havent posted msorry yall😞🫶🏾🫶🏾 I’ve just been busy w school , but I’ll try to write more since im currently on break (wipeeeee!!)
i have a lot of ideas and requests from you all which im SUUPPEEERR( franky voice) happy and grateful for but i think that writers block has been hittin lately and it’s made me wanna keep away for a while if that makes sense😭plus I’ve been recovering from a nasty cold i had 😞 but I’ll bounce back in absolutely no time !!!
super sorries for being away and for not posting, but thank you sm for reaching out and being patient with me, lotsa love💗💗💗🫶🏾🫶🏾!!
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lunetual · 1 year
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roda, e-chan, and gk: proud xiwoo fan club members      + bonus: rap b victory!
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Lmfaoooo that ask ab sugu opening jars n stuff for u made me think. imagine sugu dating someone that was the eldest child™️ . Like someone that’s just so used to doing things for themselves and not asking for help with anything. He walks in on u cooking something for urself?? Drops to his knees clutching his heart as if you’ve fatally wounded him. Sees you washing the dishes or doing chores??? You’re literally about to give him a heart attack. Witnesses you overworking yourself (especially if it’s for the sake of other people)?? Is genuinely, wholly, absolutely horrified. The walls are caving in. He’s hearing colours. He’s shaking and writhing around on the floor like a little worm having a seizure. He can’t even breathe what on earth is he to do… 💔💔— stsg anon >:)
NO BC STSG ANON. ur MIND. sugu x eldest child…. sugu x eldest child……. the POTENTIAL here. god im losing it I AM KISSING UR BRAIN MWAH MWAH….. we need to talk abt this we neeeeed to acknowledge how perfect this is literally WHAT
ohhhh my god. the way he would be so………… offended and doting and worried. like. i think that his mother instincts would JUMP out w an s/o like this because he’s just ?!???? you’re just so used to managing on your own and it kinda breaks his heart i think :((( and he’s literally exactly the same way LMAOO it’s just one eldest child + one neglected only child trying to take care of the other because being on the receiving end w/o giving something back makes them wildly uncomfortable 😭😭
AND STSG ANON I LAUGHED OUT LOUD READING UR ASK he would be soooo horrified so flabbergasted…… “drops to his knees clutching his heart as if you’ve fatally wounded him” PHDJDHDH HE WOULDDD HE WOULD!!! god FORBID you cook for yourself while he’s in the house smh smh… he would genuinely get offended like do you suddenly not like his cooking???? are you tired of it???
he starts spiralling a little LMAO but no you just dont want him too spend too much time on you….. :(( and THAT reallllyy offends him like. ohhh this is such a tasty concept i cant think. u always do this stsg anon </3 but eldest child x sugu rlly is the most bigbrained thought EVER
“the walls are caving in. he’s hearing colours. he’s shaking and writhing around on the floor like a little worm having a seizure. he can’t even breathe what on earth is he to do…” <- PSHDHDDB THIS IS THE REALEST THING EVER he really has a full body reaction he’s sooo 😭😭 our sweetiepie!!!
and ohhhh if you overworked yourself 🥺🥺🥺 i agree sm he’s genuinely heartbroken like he HATES it. he hates the idea of you running yourself ragged taking care of others when you arent even taking care of yourself (let’s be clear!! this man is a hypocrite LMAOO but he also feels especially heartbroken because he knows what it’s like)….
i think it might be uncomfortable for his s/o because he’s so stubborn!!! he’ll coax you into sitting down on the kitchen table while he finishes what you started ; insists on washing the dishes or at least drying them while you wash them ; forces you to relax and unwind LMAO like this man is strong ok he’ll literally pick you up and carry you away if he needs to . bundles you up in blankets so you cant escape. it might make you uncomfortable because it’s just so foreign and he’s sooo insistent on taking care of you :< he’s so sweet but obv it would feel a little scary if it’s something you’re completely unaccustomed to….
aaaa but !!!! i think this pairing could work out SO well w a bit (a lot) of communication bc both sugu and reader would have to learn to compromise and let themselves be taken care of… i still see sugu being the main caretaker because it’s genuinely in his nature but he’ll let you take care of him if ONLY so that you’ll feel more comfortable being taken care of yourself <33333
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