#another vessel in a winter coat
ghost-of-you · 6 months
One day 5sos woke up and wrote red line.
One day 5sos woke up, went into a studio, and recorded red line.
One day 5sos released red line into the world and forever altered my brain chemistry.
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awearywritersworld · 1 year
the three times gojo thinks he might be in love and the time he knows for sure
gojo satoru x reader summary: title says it all w/c: 1k tags/warnings: ft baby megumi. fluff, then some more fluff. gumi refers to reader as mom. one curse word. brief reference to canon typical violence. a/n: i am ridiculously soft for this man. he needs a hug masterlist check out my latest work for gojo here
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the first time it happens, it's the dead of winter and you're both still teenagers. it's the year before the star plasma vessel mission, when everything in gojo's life feels like it's falling into place. he has friends, real friends, for the first time in his life.
you drag him, kicking and screaming (it's all for show, he'd go anywhere with you), out to a snow covered field. you innocently beg him to turn off limitless, and of course he acquiesces, only to be pelted in the face with a snowball.
he throws himself into the snow upon impact, arms flailing dramatically. "i'm dead! you've killed me!"
you join him on the ground, arms out stretched and nudging the fabric of his coat. "hm, then i guess i'll have to drink all the hot chocolate by myself-"
"i have returned to the living realm!!" he shouts, shooting up into a sitting position. "had to fight god for it, told 'im i couldn't bear to leave my (y/n)-chan!"
"oh, you are so full of shit," you accuse with an amused smile.
you gaze at one another as the snow falls around you silently, both somehow feeling warm despite the frigidness of the air. his glasses have slipped down his nose, giving you a glimpse at his eyes. you're thinking about how the flakes blend in with his lashes before melting away entirely. he's thinking that he might be in love with you.
some time passes before the second instance, which takes place in the spring. gojo makes his way around campus, looking for wherever you and megumi ran off to. the small boy has been attached to your hip ever since gojo brought him home two years ago.
when he finds you, you're both splayed out in the grass and pointing up at the clouds.
"that one looks like a dog!" megumi exclaims excitedly.
"and that one looks like it might be his ball, don't you think?" you question. he agrees wholeheartedly with an enthusiastic nod.
after awhile, megumi sits up, rubbing at his eyes. "can we go inside now, mom?"
there's a split second he doesn't realize what he's said, but when it dawns on him, he looks down right scared. "'m sorry!"
your features soften and your heart soars before you're gathering him up in your arms.
"oh, my sweet boy," you coo.
rocking him back and forth, you hold him for a few passing moments. he hides his face in your chest, his hands gripping onto your shirt as if it's his life line.
you pull away just enough to see his face. you'd do anything to stop the tears swimming in his eyes, just like any mother would. "you can call me whatever you like 'gumi."
"yup!" you assure, bopping his nose with your pointer finger. it earns a small giggle.
gojo watches as you rise from the ground, megumi's head now resting on your shoulder and his arms around your neck. you're humming as you walk back toward the buildings.
gojo's legs are like lead and his heart feels as if it's shifted up into his throat. for the first time, he thinks about getting married, about having a family. your face is at the forefront of every image that forces itself into his mind.
the third time happens in the dead of night. megumi is asleep and the two of you decide to watch a movie, but you're yawning before he even presses play.
you sit so close to him that you can feel the warmth radiate from his body and although you fight to keep your eyes open, you can't help but be lulled to sleep.
he tenses for a moment when your head lands squarely on his shoulder. it seems as if you're both frozen, but then you let out a soft snore as your body shifts and your hand moves to his stomach. he finally relaxes.
your hair had fallen across your face and he pushes it back behind your ear so that he can see you. he tries to ignore the urge to brush his fingers across your cheekbone, or over your bottom lip. he fails.
gojo remains still for hours, and it feels strange to the usually hyperactive man, but he's terrified of disturbing you. terrified that you'll pull away from him and he'll never get to feel like this again.
he lets that stupid movie play through twice, but he spends most of the time stealing glances at you. he does eventually turn the tv off and the only sounds that remain are the trill of summer crickets outside his window and your soft, slow breaths.
he has no idea what time it is when he falls asleep, but when he finally does, he dreams about that day in the snow.
leaves fall at your feet as the two of you make your way down the sidewalk. every now and then, your fingers brush against his and it makes his heart skip a beat. he wonders (hopes?) if anyone has mistaken you for a couple.
you come across a familiar mansion, one that the two of you exorcised together as teenagers. it feels like a lifetime ago. you stop at the gate, a bronze glint on the ground catching your eye.
crouching down, you brush away shades of orange and red to reveal a memorial for all the people who had died on the once cursed property.
"for the lives that were taken here, and for the lost soul who took them... may they rest now in the afterlife."
gojo scrunches his nose, about to make some comment about how pitiful it was to commemorate a cursed spirit, but the words die in his throat when you look up at him with watery eyes.
"this is so beautiful," you remark, turning back to the engraved words.
he shoves his hands in his pockets, peering down to read over the words once more. maybe he'd missed something?
"this community was so fearful, remember? people lost friends and family here." he nods even though you aren't looking at him, watching how your fingertips move across the words as if you're considering them further. "the spirit scared them and it stole from them, but they still regard it with sympathy and kindness.. it takes strength to do that, you know?"
he feels his chest tighten as he registers your words. for a fleeting instance, he feels like an asshole for ever finding it pitiful, but that was the thing. you have such an easy way about you, a sort of gentleness he had yet to find in anyone else. the time he spends in your company seems like the only respite he ever gets from the horrors of the world.
he hasn't answered you yet, so you look back to him expectantly. "don't you think it's beautiful, 'toru?"
god, he could fall to his knees right then and there. he could roll over and die on the chilly concrete and he'd consider it a privilege to have died by your side.
i love you. i love you. i love you. those are the only three words his brain can muster.
"yeah," he finally chokes out. "it really is."
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literateleah · 2 years
sorry the girls who don’t get red line or think it’s boring just don’t get it. like what’s not clicking babe he’s spelling it out. maybe listen to the atmospheric guitars and train noises in the background and you’ll find grief in your heart idk
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edge-oftheworld · 4 months
i'm on the red line sinking aperol watching as they walk right past it as if they never cared and go and blow up another and another vessel in a winter coat
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harleychick91 · 9 months
New SuperCorp Story!!!!
The Winning Bid (rated T)
Lena finds herself donating ten thousand dollars as she and a board member’s wife get into a bidding war. The prize? A date with National City’s Girl of Steel.
AO3 and FFN
Rubbing my temples, I stared at Sam and Jess who sat across from me. Both looked perfectly content after their outlandish proposal for the fundraiser. Are you kidding me? Auctioning off a date with Kara, well Supergirl, as a prize for National City’s Winter Fundraiser. It would bring in funds but how do I ask that type of question to my best friend? How will I feel seeing Kara on a date with someone? Especially another woman. She’s not been on a date since Mon-El. Is she even ready for that?
“Miss Luthor?” Jess questioned. “Are you alright? You have that look in your eyes again.”
“The one where she’s trying desperately to not admit she’s head over heels for her best friend and the thought of someone on a date with said best friend makes her skin crawl?” Sam’s eyes narrowed. “Definitely,” she chuckled. “If you strain too hard, you may burst a vessel. How are you going to explain that to Kara?”
“Shut up, Sam,” I grumbled. The action caused the brunette to laugh harder. “I could fire you.”
“You could,” she smirked, “but you won’t. You love me and Ruby too much.” Becoming serious, Sam continued. “The fundraiser is in a few weeks so you’ll need to ask Kara soon.” Hearing a soft knock, the woman grinned. “I wonder who that could be? Someone who has permission to freely walk in and knock on your door.” Jess looked between the two of us, refusing to make a sound. The tightness of her jaw barely hid her amused grin.
Running a hand through my hair, I tried to compose myself before the reporter entered. “Come in, Kara.”
“Hey!” Blue eyes fell on Sam and Jess. “Oh, am I interrupting a meeting?” Placing her bag and jacket on the coat rack, Kara studied us. “Is everything okay?”
“Lena has a question for you.” Sam stood with a grin. “Jess and I were just leaving. See you soon.” With that, the two women left. “Oh, Lena!” Sam popped her head back in. “See you at the meeting this afternoon.”
“Leave,” I smirked. I should fire them both. Sadly, both are far too good at their jobs to lose. Sighing, I leaned back in my chair.
“What’s going on? I could feel the tension as soon as I walked in.” Taking a seat, Kara’s brows furrowed. “And your heart rate is elevated.” She paused to listen again. “More than just too much caffeine.” Does she always listen to my heartbeat? My stomach dropped remembering a few select late nights after having one too many drinks. I hope not. “Lena?”
“Nothing is wrong,” I tried to smile. “I have a meeting with the board later today and have a favor to ask you.”
“Sure. What can I do?”
“I need Supergirl’s help,” I began. “The board has put me in charge of the door prizes for this year’s charity event.” Kara nodded, unsure of where I was going. “As you know, most of the attendees are of higher tax brackets so the prizes need to be elevated to compensate. Sam and Jess had the idea of auctioning off a date with-,” My voice trailed off. I swallowed a groan. “With Supergirl.”
“Oh…” Kara’s face fell.
“Obviously, you can say “no” and I’ll figure something else out.” Half of me wants you to say no but I have no idea what else I’ll do. I can’t exactly auction myself up.
“It’s for the children’s hospital and Toys For Tots, right?” I nodded. “Then I’ll do it.”
Relief washed over me. “You really don’t have to if-,”
“Will it help you?” The blonde studied me.
“You have no idea how much,” I sighed.
“I’ll do it,” Kara smiled. Please, don’t say it. “That’s what friends are for.”
Forcing a smile, I thanked the blonde and changed the subject. “When is Eliza flying in? I’m sure you and Alex are excited to see her.”
“We are!” She beamed. “Mom insisted we still have the Christmas party.” Kara paused, becoming bashful. “I hope you can make it. Alex invited Sam and Ruby. Everyone else will be there too.”
As if I could say no to that hopeful sparkle in your eyes. God, I’m wrapped around this woman’s finger. “Of course I’ll come. I bet you’ve already decorated for Christmas.”
“Yup!” Kara beamed. “Day after Thanksgiving I put everything up.”
“Of course you did,” I grinned. I love seeing how happy Christmas makes her.
“Halloween is your holiday and Christmas is mine!” She paused. “Have you decorated yet?”
My stomach dropped. “I don’t normally decorate since…” My voice trailed.
“Oh…” Kara fumbled, brow creasing.
What is she planning? I know that look. “Do I need to bring anything to the party?”
“We do a gift exchange each year. All gifts are under fifty dollars.”
“I’ll make sure to pick something up then.” Besides the gift I got you yesterday. “Did you have to promise not to use your x-ray vision on the gifts?” I teased.
A light blush tinted the reporter’s cheeks. “Yes,” she shrugged. “Years ago.”
Chuckling, I smiled at the bashful woman. “Well, I appreciate your help. I’ll pitch the idea to the board this afternoon and let you know if the idea is accepted.”
“Sounds good.”
Realizing Kara only brought her bag and jacket, my brow furrowed. “Did we have a lunch that I forgot about? Or coffee…” Flipping through my planner, I skimmed this week’s page for anything highlighted in blue.
“No, no. I was on this side of town for a story and wanted to say hi.”
“Oh, okay.” My chest warmed. She wanted to drop by just to see me. Ugh! Kara, just friends don’t do things like this. Not that I’m not happy to see you. “It’s appreciated since I know how busy both of us are this time of year.”
“I’ll always make time for you,” Kara smiled with a soft blush.
“Well, seeing you is always a welcomed surprise.”
Finish reading on AO3 or FFN
Happy Holidays!!!!
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divine-misfortune · 1 year
Mushy May, day 6. Snow days.
Rating: Teen (very brief mention of the idea of something saucy.)
Pairing: Zephyr/Ifrit
Words:  792
Summary: The stupid things Zephyr does for their golden retriever of a boyfriend.
Zephyr had never been fond of the snow. Even as a freshly summoned ghoul, before time had worn on them and their vessel. But Ifrit loved the snow like a fish loved water. It melted around him and turned to icy water in his hands. Neither of their bodies were made for the winter weather, his burning too brightly, and theirs too raw. That never stopped Ifrit though. Nothing ever really stopped him when he wanted something. 
But Zephyr was fond of Ifrit, stupidly enamored actually. And that love, that stupidity, is what made them offer to accompany an overexcited Ifrit out into the first snowfall of the year. His tail had wagged with all the enthusiasm of a golden retriever when they did, nearly knocking Mountain’s glass off the coffee table. He was so excited he was practically buzzing as he went to find Zephyr’s coat and boots for them. 
Minutes into the adventure outside, they were already regretting it, but they wouldn’t say that out loud. Not when Ifrit’s eyes were sparkling. He always seemed to be in awe of the beauty of winter, no matter how many years he’d spent topside. 
It was mostly the cold that made Zephyr miserable that time of year. Somehow it only served to stiffen their joints further, there was a time they didn’t think that was possible but they were proven wrong. When the weather started to shift, their knee took to clicking with each step, and their muscles outright protested most quick movements. The ice didn’t help. Everything was slick and precarious, nothing too sturdy for their cane to find stability on. Ifrit always let them hold onto his arm when the walkways weren’t properly salted, and in their eyes he was the sturdiest thing in the entire abbey. 
Ifrit would spend hours out there if not for the lack of daylight, and Zephyr tried to give him as much time as they could but eventually the dull and somewhat far away pain in their hip reared its ugly head. It was sharp and angry, the muscle drawn so taut they feared too much more movement might just tear them in two. 
The fire ghoul was nothing but sweet, truly. He’d gathered their aching form in his arms and carried them all the way back to the den, and despite their insistence they could manage the rest, brought them right to their bed. 
Zephyr hissed as they settled onto the foot of the bed, perhaps sitting down too fast for their own good, but the idea of standing for another second made their stomach knot. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t realize we were out there so long-”
“Help me with my boots, please.” The air ghoul interrupts him, knowing full well that Ifrit will babble himself in a spiral of apologies for the rest of the night if they don’t. “I don’t think I can untie them.” 
“Oh-! Right, yeah.” 
Ifrit knelt in front of them and they bit their lip. If they didn’t feel like there was burning glass being pushed into the spaces between their bones, they might have reached out for a fistful of his dark messy hair. Pulled at it to drag him closer, he’d have gladly warmed them that way…But the pain is prevalent and insistent. Another time. 
He picked up their boots and took their coat and made a step for the door but Zephyr grabbed his sleeve before he could get far. 
“Throw them on the floor, I’ll deal with it later…Just come lay down with me. You’re the reason I’m freezing, so you get to be the reason I’m warm for the rest of the evening.” 
“That, um,” he chuckled a little and did as he was told, discarding their things onto the floor before starting to kick off his own shoes “that’s only fair I guess.” 
It didn’t take a lot of convincing, it never did. It honestly took more convincing to get him out of their bed than in. They let him settle first before slowly maneuvering themselves under the covers. Getting into bed was probably the worst part, forcing their tensed body into a resting position wasn’t exactly easy. Heat was already rolling off Ifrit in waves when they finally managed to lay down, and he took the liberty of cuddling up to them so they didn’t have to wriggle any further. 
Zephyr let out a sigh of relief when Ifrit’s arm draped over them. He rested a hand on their offending hip and laid his head on their chest. 
“You’re the sweetest space heater, I think I might just have to keep you.” They teased and Ifrit nuzzled his cheek against them, a low purr of approval rumbling out of him. 
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ace-of-gay · 2 years
The run and go
This is a song fic, the song is the run and go by twenty one pilots, from the vessel album
Bucky x reader
Angst and comfort
1857 words
Warnings: ptsd, mentions of guns, war, cling on the outside of the tower, feelings of shame worthlessness anxiety and depression, mention of war, thunderstorm
No pronouns, skin color, weight etc mentioned.
Edited to the best of my ability
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Something about the word coming out at random stuck him weird, leaving a gash in the place of a forgotten scar to the mind, peter was going to homecoming and just so happened to be talking to Mr. stark about it needing the day of patrol off. Its not peters fault, in no way is it anyone’s fault. surely it should have left him fine, i mean he went through a lot in wakanda to have his mind back to himself.
That night going to bed his mattress felt ever so slightly harder and his body just couldn't warm up correctly, yes his mind was his by the moment to moment view but looking backwards the ptsd he faced made it impossible to not be affected.
Footsteps down the hall woke him up around five in the morning but the windows showed three at the latest, too early for people to leave their rooms.
In seconds he’s back in hydra, spikes of adrenaline, anxiety, panic all flaring, his heartrate rocketing, the whirring of the plates in his arm, the glint of artificial light reflecting off of the metal, his mind didn't pick up on the fact he has a completely new arm almost as if everything was black and white.
In that moment it took him straight back, He had just killed another victim, winter had taken another persons fragile life, the last one he hoped from the back of his corrupted consciousness, they were coming to do the same exact thing to him, to turn his electric anxiety into electric shock to rewrite his memory, a new man a new tool same words, homecoming.
Taking everything in his barren room and barricading his door, disregarding the sound of heavy furniture being practically thrown from one side of his room to the other, it didn't matter because in this state he couldn't take all of them, one after another they would have stepped over bodies to take him down, put his mind back into submission.
His mind in a mix of locations it didn't matter that he was in the stark tower anything and everything in this moment was hydra and he couldn't take the risk of them getting to him.
That little version inside his head saying he was okay was drowned out by the thrumming and pounding of his heart in his ears, the only thing he could think was that its a dangerous climb but the balcony just above the one connected to his room was temporary safety.
The team was alerted that he was climbing the side of the building, this is the type of scenario where they should have Steve but he was on a mission out of the country.
What winter ridden Bucky hadn't realized in his haze was that the floor above his was the labs, the balcony was connected to the common room on that floor where the occasional outdoor experiment would happen, so when he haphazardly climbed over the banister and stumbled through the doorway just for the room to be covered in 'experimental' equipment it surely didn't help bring him from his moment.
Looking around symbols stood out, they weren't hydra, the lab coats weren't stained or ripped, and the three people running in weren't from Nazi Germany, everything was in English, the people were in modern clothes, nothing fancy or professional.
He couldn't think of the names of any of the three guards? Or were they soldiers, who are these people were they doctors? "Bucky you need to focus on something" was spoken out, from who he’s not quite sure but all it did was cause winter-Bucky to tense up, chest puffing forward, shoulders stiff and face dead of emotion.
"Everyone out" a new voice echoes from around the corner, rushing footsteps running in, "out now, please" the person directs with the others following after a moment of persuading glances, it was just him and them.
Him and you.
You’ve seen his somewhat like this once before, the only thing that helped was a familiar face and a few words he'd recognize.
"Soldat stand down" something in your voice spoke home, your eyes shared a recognizable flick of kindness.
Walking towards winter-Bucky you keep your direction obvious, your hands out of your pockets and everything purposefully untucked, you didn't share a threat whatsoever, his mind still on guard he follows you with a steady gaze, you go over to the fridge and pull out a couple waters, proof in the sealed lid that it hasn't been tampered with.
"Follow" you walk out of the room to a hallway that lead to a stairwell, instead of going down back to the floor of rooms you go up to the lounge floor with plenty of spaces to calm down and relax
"Please have a seat soldier, take a drink of water if you desire" you sit yourself across from him on the couch, he seats himself stiffly in the chair, opening the water and rushing to chug it before it can be taken "soldier, breathe, its not going anywhere, there’s plenty more if you’d like at any point"
Something in your words melted winters stiff robotic mannerisms, "you’re safe, you know that?" You question but his face stays hardened.
"Your name is James Buchanan barnes, your best friend is Steve rogers. Bucky, I’m y/n we are dating, you’re safe here, nothing is going to happen, you’re not at hydra anymore"
His brows relax, still staring at you waiting for you to continue.
"Its 2022, we are all safe, you’ve been out for several years, you are not the winter soldier, you are Bucky, my Bucky"
You can see his eyes shift to his hands as if he’s thinking deeply, trying his best to take in everything you say, trying to save all the warmth of your voice in his mind, the way it resonates from your chest tells him that he’s home, he just needs a moment, some time to collect himself, to let himself think clearly.
The screaming anxiety, rush to run to save himself inside his head silences when you stand, this is a big risk you’re taking but you have a feeling it'll help,  something you remember Steve telling you about when he had helped Bucky during one of these episodes.
His mind isn’t going to visually remember you but touch is something else.
You hold both of your palms upwards for him, but winter-Bucky, someone who was used and abused as a killing machine right now in the moment flinched back like a scared puppy. This definitely helped you determine when the flashbacks had taken his mind.
He reluctantly placed his right hand in yours, the fear and pain his left arm brought him very obvious. The shame of what he’d done, all washing away when your touch cascade from his hand to his arm and back down to his fingertips, taking his left hand in your own and doing the exact same thing but this time tracing the groves in his arm.
Lacing your fingers into his, he closes his fist around yours, watching as the plates of the vibranium shift and fall into place, the fact he can feel everything, the sensations that tell his brain you’re warm, warm is safe and safe is home.
You lead him to standing, his mind in this moment a broken soldier, home from the war, his eyes hold a righteous version of despair, he hated it, despised every second of the harm he had to do, no wonder Steve hated bullies. The war is his mind, four different Bucky's.
James Buchanan Barnes 'jerk, punk' Bucky, sergeant Barnes, winter soldier, and your Bucky, each one leading to how he responds to your actions.
The times melt away, he’s right here with you, your Bucky is closest.
Opening your arms you falls to your arms, jagged broken sobs, confusion, regret, fear, shame and so much more, but he’s here, sobbing silently, hardly giving himself a moment to breathe, your warmth even just in your eyes makes now fall back completely into place.
He’s still utterly fragile, his mind still at risk of faltering in consciousness.
The rest of that day he spent wrapped up in your arms, there wasn’t much he could do without his brain trying to destroy all efforts he’s made since hydra. "Hey love? Do you want me to sleep in here with you or go back to my room?"
He thinks for a moment weighing everything, all he wants to say is 'tonight i need you to stay' but he doesn't want to cause anymore problems than he already feels he has, "I’m okay, ill be fine once I’m asleep."
"Alright you just let me know if you need me and ill be there, i promise" nodding,  he wasn’t really going to, of course not, he’s a grown man, he can do this himself, he doesn't need to burden others with his fragile life.
When everyone had gone to sleep it surprisingly didn't take too long for him to follow suit, a light dreamless slumber, short lasted when outside comes a crash of thunder, that shouldn't scare him, it never has but because he was much higher in elevation than where he would have been during his years of normalcy and his followed ones at hydra, thunder this loud shook his bones, the same way the recoil of a gun happened to.
He shoots up in bed, he can’t let it happen again, "c'mon James get it together, your fine, its just thunder, you’re a grown man time to act like one" he mumbles out to himself, getting up to close his window, going over to his mini fridge and getting a water he walks back and forth in the room reminding himself of everything you and Steve have told him.
He had no idea you could hear him next door, you get up leaving your room, knocking on his door he quickly opens it and lets you inside.
"Did the thunder wake you?" He pulls you into his chest, instantly taking a caring role, you shake your head, "i could hear you berating yourself, its okay to feel what you’re feeling, its okay to fall apart and let others put you back together" he places a deeply loving kiss to your lips, interrupting you.
" i Don't want to have to call you in the nighttime, you need your sleep
Don't wanna give you all my pieces
Don't wanna hand you all my trouble
Don't wanna give you all my demons, you have your own traumas, your own struggles i cant just drown you in my own, i should be used to them they shouldn't be able to drag me down" he chokes on each word he states, he feels like he doesn't deserve it, doesn't deserve kindness, his eyes wilt away from your own
Taking his face between your hands you make him look at you "I don’t want to watch you struggle
From several rooms away tonight I'll be here to stay, I’m here whenever. Because I love you "
Okay so i changed my method of writing it, i didn't wanna make people cry
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merry-the-cookie · 2 years
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jojikawa · 2 years
I would love love LOVE to read some more of your Aatrox x reader story! if you'd be so kind ofc <3
Sure! I enjoy writing the romance so much!
𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝 𝙞𝙨 𝙖 𝙒𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣
wc: 2.8k
tw: brief descriptions of violence, Tsundere Aatrox
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Whenever Aatrox would retreat into his sword, by starving himself or by defeat, he had begun to dream.
It wasn’t too often when these dreams would occur but a small part of him would look forward to them. Anything was better than the claustrophobic prison of nothingness. In his slumber, he would dream. As a woman, he lived in a cottage, alone in the woods. There were no signs of fear, happiness, or anger. It was only him and a baby.
The dreams would always end with blood and screaming. The baby he held was replaced with a pile of flesh that coated his hands with blood. He would scream at the sight and he didn’t know why. Aatrox wasn’t scared of anything. These were nightmares to anyone else but he feared nothing.
A poor human traveler came by and saw the sword of the Ascendant, Aatrox. He was intrigued by its glow. What was it doing all by itself in the middle of the forest, the traveler thought. How much would it sell for? The combination of curiosity and greed was a plague against humanity. It would be its downfall. Aatrox would use this new human as his vessel to move around once again.
Aatrox looked around. He was in the world again. It was gloomy and moist from the rain. Everything looked so sad. There was no sign of you either. Why did that make him feel bad?
“WOMAN!?” He roared to the top of his lungs, expecting you to just “appear” and have his name roll off of your tongue like sweet honey. He didn’t know your name. Your true name. He wouldn’t call you Death or even Lady Death. HE WAS DEATH.
Aatrox, Aatrox, Aatrox.
Death called his name like a mother would her son who just wouldn’t listen to her. And just like a child, he looked for you. He felt drawn to you. He knew you had to be somewhere. Did you get bored of him already? He hoped not.
The Darkin wandered for days not being able to find you. Maybe he could summon you again? Yes. That would be such a great idea. Why didn’t he think of that first?
Aatrox ravaged villages and settlements. He left no survivors. Life was no good anyway. The only thing these mortals would miss out on was your beautiful face. Right before they succumb to their wounds.
It was no use. Despite all the carnage. You didn’t appear. You didn’t tease him. You didn’t trace his horns with your fingers. You didn’t climb onto his shoulder to whisper things in his ear that seemed to calm him.
That’s fine. He just needs more victims. What’s one more settlement? One more? Another? And another?
The only thing he was surrounded with were the dead bodies of men, women, and children. Where were you? Where did you go? Did you even…exist? Did he finally go mad?
Yeah. He had just gone mad. Meeting death? Spending time with her? Dreaming from the perspective of a woman? Everything was finally taking a toll on him.
Night fell and he wandered Runeterra some more. He needed to find more people to kill…or finally a warrior that could put him out of his misery.
He had come across a winter hamlet. It was lit here and there with torches and lights. The watchmen didn’t seem to see Aatrox yet. With his vision, he could see a far distance away. What caught his attention were people in an old wooden house. Two of them. A woman and an old man.
That woman…who was that woman?
She looked like you. There were no demonic features and dark attire, but he knew it was you. You looked so full of life.
He didn’t like it.
Anger filled him more than any feeding ever could. A foreign drive possessed him and all of his thoughts were murderous and violent.
Screaming of terror filled the night sky as mortals laid eyes upon their new god.
“You are not long for this world.” You grabbed the hand of the dying old man before you. He wore a smile as he drifted in and out of his painless death. “I know.” He replied. “But will I finally get to see my wife again? Did you stay with her until the end just like you did me?”
Your lips parted. You’ve done this for eons but it’s still hard to break the news. “Yes.” You curled your lips into a small smile. “She’s missed you and can not wait to-“
The cries of mortals filled your ears. Your heart sank. You couldn’t hide the sadness that covered your face. “I’m so sorry.” You whispered to the old man. You took his life without another thought. You collected his soul and returned to your Darkin suitor.
In only minutes, this settlement was no more. Aatrox was huge. Much, much taller than what you’ve seen before. He’s killed so many.
“How could you?” You uttered, looking at all the destruction that was once bustling and crowded. You struggled to not step on any bodies that had been left by him. For once, you frowned at Aatrox. Your patient smile was no more.
When he saw you, he wanted to yell at you. How could he? No. How could you? You abandoned him. You didn’t come when he called you. He searched for days. He spent days by himself and he couldn’t understand why.
“Why are you here?” He growled, finishing the very last warrior that stood in his way. Black butterflies emerged from the trees and bushes. They landed on the people and claimed them. “I like to visit humans before they die.” You answered. “But you just had to intervene.”
You noticed that Aatrox seemed to dislike your butterflies. He cut at them and could crush them in his hands if he were quick enough.
“Leave them.” You commanded firmly. He did not listen.
You turned away. You couldn’t stand to look at him. Your chest was hurting from sadness. You hated that this was the natural order.
You shook it off. You always shook it off.
You looked down at your feet. “Everyone dies alone.” There was a child. A girl. She held a toy and had a petrified look. Your words finally grabbed his attention. “I’ve always been alone.” Your sentences seemed disconnected but Aatrox was still very much interested in what you had to say.
Before you could continue, you were lifted off of the ground by a large hand. It was Aatrox. He dropped you onto his shoulder, to which you clumsily hung onto. You smiled at his actions. He still wasn’t accepting you, but you didn’t believe he traveled to the Freljord for nothing.
Aatrox has many, many questions for you but his arrogance prevented him from asking them. He preferred to listen to you speak. Eventually, you would come out and maybe tell him yourself.
“You’re so big now. Why did you kill them?” You asked quietly. This made the Darkin scrunch his nose up in disgust. He refused to voice the reason why. He didn’t want it to sound like he missed you or that he was worried. “And why did you destroy this camp of refugees?”
You got a good look at him. His face was unchanging from the scowl that showed his sharp teeth. His face always seemed to be like this.
“Why did you come after me?”
You felt the sway of Aatrox’s walking come to a halt.
“Shut up, woman. You may be a god but you are a fool.” He grumbled, refusing to make any eye contact. When he hissed and said “hurtful” things, it made you wonder what his reactions would be if he were a man and not a monster. “And why are you so mean?” You added, leaning your head against his now much, much bigger one.
Aatrox didn’t answer you. He only resumed walking to a place. Wherever a place was. Your smile softened and faded a little. “Aatrox, do you dream?”
It was almost funny that you asked such a thing. He instantly thought about the nightmares he would get. (If you could even call those nightmares.)
A woman and a baby.
“I don’t sleep.” He replied, almost seemingly pretending to not pay any mind. You laughed. “I know you don’t right now but you do go dormant.”
Aatrox stayed silent.
You brought your hand up to his horn and stroked it softly. Smiling at him, patiently, you repeat yourself again. “Do you dream?”
“…Yes. I dream.” He confessed. He didn’t harbor any resentment for you in his voice, but it still rumbled and shook you to your core. “And what do you dream about?”
Aatrox explained to you that he doesn’t normally dream. He didn’t believe it was possible in his current state, but he did it. The Darkin nonchalantly recited what he remembered from his slumber.
The woods. The cottage. The baby.
Blood. Screaming. Fear.
As Aatrox went on, keywords began to stand out to you. Your once cheerful face contorted. Your eyebrows knitted together and your perma-smile erased itself from existence. Now replaced with a cold line.
You didn’t realize that you began talking over him when you finally spoke. “Why would you dream of this? How could you see such things?”
Aatrox noticed that your tone of voice changed. You didn’t sound like the version of yourself you always presented to him. You sounded…sad.
“What is it?” The Darkin barked at you impatiently. Your mouth remained shut. You refused to elaborate. It was too much pain to say and obvious if he just thought a little harder about it. You removed your hand from his horn, earning a grunt from him.
“There was a time long ago when I attempted to have a family.” You explained, your tone low and you talked slowly. You didn’t want to have to repeat yourself for him. “But Death can not create life. My domestic life didn’t last.”
Ah. Things finally made sense to him.
Aatrox was intelligent enough. He could understand the implications regardless of his situation. The only thing he couldn’t understand was why. Why could he see this? He knew he should have held his tongue but he couldn’t stop himself from finally asking something.
“Why was your child slaughtered?” His tone of voice sounded insensitive. If he were a man he would easily be slapped across his face by such disrespect. You were the only person in the world who could never be offended by Aatrox.
“I’d have to start from the beginning.” You choked out. “I didn’t have a mother or father. I was just…born like this. I was idle for thousands of years after I was created. I couldn’t move, see or think.” Your experiences almost sounded similar to Aatrox’s imprisonment. “Then this world was created. I could suddenly feel everything. The noise of creation was louder than anything I’ve ever heard.” You sighed, before looking up at the sky. It was a full grey as clouds formed, it would begin to storm soon. “And I fell in love with it.”
“You fell in love with such a worthless floating rock?”
His words didn’t wound you but they did displace your mood. You narrowed your eyes at him, pitying him for having such a mortal view of the world. Perhaps, this was his way of taking his anger out at you for disappearing. Either way, it was not justified.
“I did. Mortals find it hard to comprehend but I will be patient with you. I had a husband, who I loved very much.” You closed your eyes and tried to imagine that time so long ago. Aatrox’s eyes narrowed at the thought of you being married to someone else. He didn’t like the sound of that.
“I…I can’t remember what he looked like.” You smiled sadly. “It was many lifetimes ago. I told myself that I wouldn’t love anyone else.”
You hadn’t heard any feedback from Aatrox. He was truly a good listener but this time you felt like he wasn’t listening to you.
“What? Are you jealous?” You teased him, leaning over to try to get a look at his face. “Why are you speaking?” He growled at you in a low tone. You rolled your eyes. “Do you even know what I said?” You reached down and tried your best to show affection. He would always melt at affection. But he was too big. You sat on his shoulder like a nest as he carried you.
From that moment forward, you spent a great deal with Aatrox again. You hadn’t mentioned anything else about your attempt to live as a human. The mortal side of him couldn’t help but wonder more. Were you happy at all? What if your child lived? He even tried to imagine what your life was like. If he were still a man, would you have been interested in him? Would you be impressed by his Ascendant form, a time before he was a Darkin?
He tried to imagine your voice as you would greet him after a long time of being away. The desperate thought of you waiting for him to return home like a wife would for her husband. Aatrox couldn’t imagine you without anyone else but him. His imagination filled in the blanks, replacing any instance of another partner with himself. If he could, he would give you another child.
These feelings only strengthened when the effect of his killings wore off. He was small enough for you to be more affectionate, as you would put it. When you teased him, you would cup his cheeks. When he would snap at you and look away, you would remain happy with him. Still smiling and redirecting his gaze back at you. You would tell him stories of the warriors you’ve met. You would make your jokes about how their strength was nothing compared to his. Your beauty was ageless. Your personality was nothing that he had expected from a Goddess of an act as grim as death.
You had been admiring the wings of your Darkin suitor when something changed inside of him.
“I’ve never met a creature born on this planet with wings so beautiful.” They were outstretched and it was like you could see the stars. “It’s almost like-“
You reached out to touch them once again when the bigger creature had grabbed your wrist. It was firm but nothing like the violence you endured when you first crossed paths.
“What is your name?” He questioned. It wasn’t polite but he didn’t growl or bare his sharp teeth at you. You liked when he spoke like this. You could really enjoy his accent. “My name is Death-“
Aatrox yanked you forward by your arm, causing your bodies to meet. He held you close and wouldn’t let you go.
“Your name is not Death. I am Death. You are just a woman. Tell me your name.” He commanded, not at all realizing what he was doing. This wasn’t like him. Not one bit. You placed your hand on your face and shied away. He was so emotionally stunted by his situation. You pitied him sometimes.
“My name is (y/n).”
Aatrox didn’t expect you to actually answer when he asked. He believed you would say something cryptic or flirty.
“What will you do after I die, (y/n)?” He said your name with such venom. If you didn’t know any better, you would’ve thought he hated you. You placed your free hand on his face. It was stiff and hot like fire. He was angry.
“I will mourn you every year.”
Mourn him? He would never see you again!
“So you will take my soul and put it in your pocket like all the other trash you collect?” You felt him squeeze your wrist more with every word. “Aatrox…” You frowned at his bitterness. There was nothing you could say that would please him. “What do you want me to say?”
Aatrox didn’t reply. He gritted his teeth, unable to hide how monstrous he had become. You tried to pull your wrist away but he continued to hold onto it with you leaning against him for support. He hesitantly raised your wrist to his face, making you place your other hand on his cheek.
You were so used to him pushing you away and hating your gentle touch. “Aatrox?”
The Ascendant-turned-Darkin had been around for nearly 6000 years. He experienced the same careless cycle of inflicting death but never being able to be killed. You made things bearable. Even when trapped in a sword, he didn’t completely hate everything.
“Stop speaking.”
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Next part will probably be a smut 🥹❤️ Stay tuned for that.
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costons · 1 year
Chapter 3 above ^^^^^^
Egghead - The island of the Future. | Monkey D. Luffy x Reader.
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Chapter 4
~ Egghead - The Land of Science. ~
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A few days later in the thousand sunny:
The Crew seemed to have awakened from their winter slumber. The winter falls has sprung into deep action. After so long, when I looked up at the skies it seemed as if they were breaking free and opening for an unknown world, the waves thrashing, the thousand sunny quaking over the ocean sea.
The sun shines down on me and gives me light but there is nothing that fills my soul with joy. The wind flaps my coat like some form of rejection, ruffling the material, scratching the skin underneath before changing thoughts to the potential iceberg issues up ahead.
The iceberg that sunk the mighty ship and killed all aboard with such fright. With a shudder I am reminded that in just a matter of hours I will be going out on this same water filled vessel. In another matter of hours the boat will recreate the scene from a popular history book I had been lended from my childhood years.
The very scenario that caused many sailors to kill themselves rather than endure what came next. But how can one forget the sound of an iceberg snapping a ship apart? This very day I will find myself sailing past the massive snow-white giants with its menacing cold dark ocean floor looking for land.
For miles upon miles upon miles the ice builds to perfection and then shattering when you get too close to the surface. My journey will not be an easy voyage either, it will require skill and strength that only certain people are qualified for. The next island, it shall be a challenge we all must face even if it spits the reckoning death on ourself.
It is a trek of endurance that one must always learn, not an overnight ride that seems simple enough. But is does take time, time is something no one has much of anymore. Not those who dwell on the island and still hunt down whatever they can find, remembering what fellow folks had said back in Wano. Thinking back at the major flame incident, I lift up my coat slightly to reveal a rational burn mark that's been carefully examined and treated for.
People forget things once they leave it behind.
Perhaps we should learn from that. I never knew such rules existed in the beginning of my life. Never heard such words spoken, nor seen any for myself.
Though,  One could always think for themselves and do things however they wished. People would say different things but then again you did what you thought was right, being you.
Looking out at the horizon I am able to look far away beyond my sight but upon noticing an island, turning back to the fellow members, noticing them shouting commands at one at each other as I stood gripping the rails. Our progress shall become slower than what they were hoping for but nonetheless, We Are headed towards a new beginning...The beginning of another adventure...I guess...for us all.
"Furl the Sails! The wind is too strong!" Jinbe demands, looking off at the navigator whom seems to be complaining. "Are we close to making land, Nami?"
"Brr! It feels like we've entered an Islands Climate zone!...I guess the next island is a winter Island!" Nami shouts, shivering away from the cold, replying to the Fishman.
But her voice was almost unheard, yet again we failed to reach the next destination as soon as planned. Was it a fate of man made or naturally formed? Why do we lose so often on our journeys through life.
The waves crash on, farrowing faster then before.
It seems as though it will rip off anything that isn't fastened or tied down.
We're tired, drained and cold. As the sun has risen ever higher it takes more work to maintain a balance.
Tiredness overtakes us all and makes us lazier than ever, huddling together to keep warm. We hold on tightly while resting within our dreams. The thought of our purpose fades.
What exactly are we doing here? The moments before our captain shouts,
"Hey Nami! What in the world is that?!" His voice piercing the sky, pointing out to the strange enormous ball forming in the sky ahead.
peering over the edge with a gasp.
Standing up in front of me stands an imposing enormous ball form.
It was frighteningly big, looming larger than the buildings I had known back home. It would look like an ancient artifact compared to what we've known since. As I take a closer look, I notice that the surface of the ball is covered in intricate patterns and designs, almost like a map of some kind. I can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder as I gaze upon this mysterious object.
Without warning, the ball begins to glow with a bright, pulsating light, causing me to shield my eyes.
"Yohoho! It looks like an Afro!" Brook exclaims, staring at the huge rounded ball, pointing to the current and then towards his hair.
"A rapid temperature change is dangerous! We got to run, Jinbe! We'll be swallowed up!" Nami shouts loudly, gaining the attention of everyone.
"Leave it to me!" Jinbe clamou knows they has a long way to go, they cannot afford any delays as there might not be time to make it back.
But while some leave quickly, others linger. A little ways away from them, some watching in despair, longing for their friends but knowing they can't do nothing.
"Wait! Someone's in the water!" The captain, who are leaving notices, pointing at the sea which is churning violently due to strong winds and currents.
A distant call echoes across the waves, a lady shouting for help.
"No..he's right! I can hear a lady in distress!" Sanji shouts, looking at the navigator, practically begging to turn the ship around.
"I'll cut it." Zoro blankly says, gripping onto one of his katanas, glaring at the current ahead.
He nods once, holding out the katana, its sharp blade gleaming in the light.
Sanji eyes him nervously, sensing that something's wrong but he had no idea what. Shouting, "You'd better not leave a scratch on the lady!"
Zoro glares at the Love Cook, "Do you trust me?" flashing a devilish grin, before he runs towards the current.
"Bird Dance!" Zoro yells out, cutting the current in halves, grabbing the lady.
However, before he could throw her onto the deck, she clung to the opposite edge, and was pulling herself back into the sea, clearly determined to keep her distance from Zoro due to the forceful grabbing.
Zoro yelps, anger bursting inside of him, glaring at the woman.
She continues pulling herself back, but with only five meters separating them now. It's close, so very close! So very dangerous! But...but, it could also end well. With a hard pull, Zoro managed to grab her shoulder, pulling her onto the ship.
With Sanji rushing forward, Zoro grabbed hold of her other arm, pushing her towards the cook. In disbelief Sanji shouts, "What the hell is going on?! Glaring at the Swordsman, noticing how he shoved the lady right before his eyes.
Whistling over, gaining their attention. I shout, "It's not the time for fighting you know?! I mean..Luffy and Chopper were just flown away!" Frustratingly pointing to the two in the air, wailing.
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sofsversion · 11 months
i'm back with another one. red line. you can ask me one back if you like?
red line!! underrated in my book. it has some iconic lines like “another vessel in a winter coat” which is so good every time, but:
On how to love if you lose yourself
Every hour tickin' by, I'm thinkin' 'bout you
I reminisce your memory, and what did I choose?
A sentimental comedy, the joke is on you
It's on me, too
idk but i feel like it makes you think about how we love the people around us, especially when we have nothing left to give. (clearly haven’t decided to analyse a single thing since the hsc)
give me a 5sos song and i’ll give you my favourite lyric
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glitterblazercalum · 2 years
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“i’m on the red line, sinkin’ aperol, another vessel in a winter coat” - red line, 5sos
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ghost-of-you · 2 years
Am I just waiting for my time to go? I hear the whistle for the doors to close. Another vessel in a winter coat.
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bandsanitizer · 2 years
for me it’s the you don’t go to parties -> blender -> caramel -> best friends -> bleach -> red line
because ydgtp alludes to someone who isn’t in their (the “I” in the lyrics) life and while this could be a friend or partner, it’s clear that there’s a lot of missing them that’s going on. it’s throwing parties to get people to show up only to realize the one person they want to be there doesn’t even go to parties now. and with that realization they contemplate kicking themselves out.
which with the party scene painted, the first verse of blender talks about seeing someone across the room. the idea of a blender making circular motions and being thrown around and bounce back and forth through emotions, can tie to the idea that they finally spot the person they’ve been looking for in ydgtp. but instead of anything changes they go back to how they always do.
that transitions into caramel, which develops the sensation of repeating the same actions that led to an initial falling out. it’s the last lines of the chorus and the “it used to be easy” that convey a sense of prior experiences very similar but yet each time it gets more difficult as if instead of working through issues or making changes, things just continue to get more difficult—they aren’t working anything out. and ending with “love is like a landslide, I kiss you goodnight / it used to be easy” functions as a sort of goodbye. it’s the beginning of letting go.
arguably I’d say those lyrics also convey a sort of “sleeping with your ex” vibe, which isn’t necessary for any sort of interpretation but I think that helps the transition into best friends which focuses on friendship and having people who call you on your shit and accept you and are there with you. it’s the speaker also deciding to hold on to all the hood of that. all the memories there. in contrast to the leaving at the end of caramel, it’s an act of holding on. the verses are a little less platonic perhaps and just examine the process of considering what they’re looking for in love and life. it’s the contemplation that change requires—that without understanding what exactly we’re looking for or what we have, there’s difficulty in pursuing what we want in life.
which then goes into bleach where after they’ve remind themselves of their friends and the importance of the other people in their life, it’s still clear that there’s themself and all the coping they have to do that can’t really be done by anyone else. support systems are incredibly important, but they have to live with the memories and work their way towards feeling better. it’s chasing the idea of erasure and forgetting—bleach is the awareness of everything that is changing, not being able to stop the change, and not quite knowing how to navigate it yet. whether it’s a break up or falling out with a friend, it’s part of moving forward that would just rather not have to deal with it at all bc who really even wants to face all that?
then they conclude on red line which tackles the idea of running from problems and arguments. it’s avoiding confronting issues and numbing it out (alcohol mention + “another vessel in a winter coat”). it’s the result of bleach that they’re left a little lost, a little empty, a little unsure. so similar to the idea of driving til they find what they’re looking for and going going going that carousel conveyed earlier, they’re sitting on the red line until they can figure out where they need/want to go. that instead of being stuck, at least they’re moving. it’s the idea of a passive moving forward—of going through the emotions until they can figure it all out.
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moonbythecabstan · 2 years
Favorite Lyrics From #5SOS5:
Complete Mess:
"This evanescence always fleeting like a flame, but I'm never one to change. Am I?"
Easy For You To Say:
"Last night, I lied. I looked you in the eyes. I'm scared to find a piece of peace of mind. I swear to you each and every time I'll try and change my ways."
Bad Omens:
"These bad omens, I look right through them. That's what you do when you love somebody."
Me Myself & I:
"All these broke hearts, but mine's the one bleeding. Bullshit I feed myself. Me and my selfish appetite. I did not need your help. Now it's just me, myself, and I."
Take My Hand:
"Always hits me I'm always shifting"
"I tried to keep my head above the ocean of my doubt. I'm feeling like a dreamer. Don't you try to wake me now."
"On the day that you leave me I'll forever be bleeding love. As forever comes closer, hope the world spins slower."
"Got me feelin' alright when the feeling's all gone. Got me feelin' uptight every moment you're gone. Got a piece of your mind and I'm gonna hold on. It's a hell of a ride, lovin' you."
You Don't Go To Parties:
"I'm still here in the darkness, back where we started. You made me a heartless monster."
"I always stay too late, I should kick me out. Oh, I wonder who I'm looking for 'cause you don't go to parties anymore."
"Is it just the way we are always burning through the roof? Oh, I guess only the stars would know the truth."
"A visceral feeling that I can never leave behind and it's under my skin, but I can't reach in when you know were I've been. So we play pretend. It used to be easy. It used to be easy."
"Love like a landslide. I kiss you goodnight."
Best Friends:
"Life is like a poem written on the bathroom wall. A decorated list of all the things you've felt before. It's not a perfect narrative. There's beauty in mistakes."
"I feel you under my tongue next to every word that I should have said. No matter how far I run, memories always seem to catch up again."
Red Line:
"'Cause I been spending all this time alone. I'm on the Red Line, sinking Aperol. Another vessel in a winter coat."
"I know my mood's been swinging all day. Weaponized words can get in the way. Nothing I say ever coming out straight. When I pull through, hope you feel the same. Without you, baby, I don't even know myself."
"You're like staring at the sunshine, burning into my mind, 'cause I can't even look at you. I'd die all day and every night just to miss you."
"Fight about it. I don't want to fight about it. I'm already screaming inside."
"We keep on dancing when the room is on fire. Spend all our money on our dirty desires. We keep dancing when the room is on fire and I can't let it go."
"Crying eyes. I don't need a reason to get high tonight. High tonight. I just wanna feel alive."
"Diamonds turn to puddles, no-one's feeling what I'm feeling."
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redrattlers · 2 years
What’s your favorite song and lyric on 5sos5?
oh god what a question! my favourite song since the album release has consistently been caramel! i LOVE that song!!! and i’m really fond of a lot of lyrics on the album, i can’t really choose so here’s a few i really like:
another vessel in a winter coat - red line (this one paints SUCH a vivid and specific picture, like my heart pinched the first time i heard it and i’ve been equally devastated and obsessed with it ever since)
love like a landslide, i kiss you good night - caramel 😢😢
i feel it in moments, a semblance of free, between all the gaspin', i finally breathe - easy for you to say (ouch)
my life's just a carousel spinnin' around, i'd pay again just to keep from stoppin' it now - carousel (double ouch)
the whole chorus of best friends because i love friendship and i love the way they describe it <3333
and oh my god all of bleach really. i wanna occupy your brain?? be the only livin' space in your head??? and when you're fillin' up your lungs, mine's the only name that's under your breath??? brought a knife to a gun fight?? but the hurtin' is all mine??? i feel you underneath my tongue?? next to every word that I should have said?????? ITS SO HARD TO WATCH EVERYTHING I WANT EVERYTHING I WAS SPINNING DOWN THE DRAIN??????? HELLO??????lyrically bleach is my fav 100% it’s phenomenal (and it hurts ❤️‍🩹)
send me some “what’s your favourite” asks?
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