#anti gnosticism
anonymous-witness777 · 7 months
Hi. Noticed you reblogged my Frankenstein post with a pro-life tag.
Btw the creature also kills several people in the novel, one of which is a child. Also I love abortion and I think it should happen more often xx
Take my post off your blog, cunt.
Hi, when I reblogged your post and tagged it, I wasn't claiming that you or even Mary Shelley was pro-life -- only that that quote matches a pro-life worldview.
Pro-abortion people often claim that if a disabled or sick or impoverished child is born, they will have a life of suffering, so they should just be aborted anyway. As a disabled person myself, I disagree STRONGLY with that and find that quote a great response. Pro-life, to me, isn't just about being anti-abortion, but about supporting disability rights, elders' rights, anti-racism, anti-unjust war, helping the poor, etc. It's about uplifting any human bodies (yes, including unborn bodies, but not only them) that are subject to dehumanization and degradation.
The idea that suffering does not negate the value of life -- that's a pro-life idea.
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sparksinthenight · 9 months
“Dreyri, if you like the demiurge so much why don’t you just get inspired by normal Christianity?”
Listen. I like the demiurge precisely BECAUSE of the Gnostic lore surrounding him. The Christian God’s never gone through hardships. He got crucified once but that’s nothing compared to what the demiurge went through. It’s like comparing Odin sacrificing himself to himself to Loki sacrificing himself for future of the whole world. So anyways, the Demiurge went through hardship and suffering. His mom didn’t love him no one loved him he was locked away as a literal baby he grew up in isolation and abuse and without love and kindness and comfort and the leader of the land sought to destroy him since he was a baby. The leader of the land hated him because he posed a threat to his power. That is some horrific shit to have to go through. And it was precisely because of this hardship and suffering, and because of the love and the longing and the beauty he inherently had in his heart that he created a world so beautiful, so amazing, so sacred. And he created us to experience the beauty of the world and the beauty of each other and the beauty of love. In anti Gnosticism God literally IS the outcast, God literally IS the stranger, God literally IS the powerless, God literally IS the child. And I love that. I love that so much. I can think of no better person to create the universe than an abused child. Of course I’m still Lokean and I’m still going to be Lokean forever because it’s fucking awesome and I love monistic polytheism/polytheistic monism and I love the complete lack of rules in the religion. But I am very very inspired by the demiurge and I love him and I specifically love the version of him that was made by the gnostics.
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90sdiablo · 8 days
you know, why do I have a feeling that the Vivziepop critics are just jealous and have a boring sex life?
like, I'm all out for criticism because it gives ppl new ideas (like for me, I'm thinking about having some gnostic mythology for my rewrite of Hazbin and the Hellverse), but I just draw the line at "omg this show is so ass why do these characters swear so much Stolas is a rapist you can't like Val and toxic relationships yaoi fujoshit BDSM bad furrybaiting DeviantArt OCs Vivziepop bad blah blah blah"
c'mon, guys. since when criticism became synonymous with crapping on a writer?
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legion--23 · 3 months
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Path of the Blood Edition: Limited to 70 copies this being an unnumbered publisher’s copy, this hardcover leather bound edition has been completely handcrafted from the moment the pages left the mechanic press. All the spines are hand-sewed and the leather has been given a caiman skin pattern. The pages have been gilded in gold, and the cover has been stamped with a golden Blood Sigil. All the illustrations preserve the dark red color from the ox’s blood used to accentuate the details. The paper comes in a wonderful creamy tint that offers a nice contrast to the red and black inks used throughout the book.
Specifications: 153 pages, 135 g. cream color paper. Octavo size (135×190 mm), hardcover bound in leather. Cover stamped with a golden Blood Sigil. Hand-sewed spine, pages gilded in gold, black end-papers. 3 full-page color illustrations and several other sigils and illustrations. Limited to 70 hand-numbered copies.
Wolf’s Hooked Cross is the second volume in a series of works that delve deep into the mysteries of the Gnosis of the Devil, presenting a deeper look into the mythos, philosophy and practice of this unique Current, previously introduced in the book Diabolic Gnosticism.
Where Diabolic Gnosticism presented us with the philosophical basis of how to understand the mysteries of the Blood and the Devil, Wolf’s Hooked Cross shows us the practical methods to work with said mysteries. The praxis of Diabolic Gnosticism involves recognising the sinister essence of writhing Chaos within and setting it free. It is a dynamic and organic way of understanding and using magic, psychology and spirituality. This book describes the cycles of rituals, initiations and the symbolism of the Devil’s Current.
Diabolic Gnosticism, or the knowledge of the Devil, is an alternative to Christian Gnosticism and offers a post-, anti- and non-Christian perspective or framework for coming to know the divinity of the Blood – the Blood-as-God or the Devil-as-God. Diabolic Gnosticism could be considered to be the combination of exoteric Devil worship and esoteric Blood worship, Diabolic Gnosticism being a wide reaching sinister spiritual movement. Devil, Chaos and Death worship currents are the exoteric form of actual Blood worship and Blood Mysticism, Blood Mysticism being the esoteric spiritual path. The Devil in Diabolic Gnosticism is not temptation and weakness. It does not represent the failings and failures of an adherent, but rather it is the inner Will and the anti-human urge. The Devil in many ways is the instigation of withdrawal from humankind and humanity generally. By withdrawing from one’s humanity an individual can then come to know of his depth of character. One becomes a stranger or an outsider to many-too-many.
Wolf’s Hooked Cross re-introduces us to an updated version of Diabolic Gnosticism, explaining old and new concepts about its philosophy and mythos in a new light, but rapidly focuses on the true goal of this book: the praxis. Whether alone or as part of a larger group, the Diabolic Gnostic will find everything they need to tread the Path of the Devil, from sigils and runes to chants and summonings.
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mrfleshwizard · 2 months
Give me Hazbin Hotel rewrite/AUs/concepts skits ideas. The AU is based of parts of gnosticsm and canaanite mythology.
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 5 months
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baabyydooll · 2 months
The Catholic to Gnostic pipeline is real and it's a blessing.
Jesus always stood up for women, he broke so many rules and treated women equally. He talked to women who weren't his relatives, he said that women were not dirty while they were menstruating, let them choose their path and defend it, he called women "daughters of Abraham" aka something that they never did for women but only for men, the first person he showed up to after the resurrection was Mary Magdalene, saved a woman from being stoned.
It actually saddens me how men chose and changed scared scriptures for their advantage. The Apostle of the Apostles was Mary Magdalene, wasn't Peter (who said that women should shut up in church), who actually disliked her. And many theologists think that Yahweh and Mary were married.
The Christian religion as it is today is a male religion made for males.
The Church is a corrupted institution, who made pacts with Muss0lini, is full of pedos and mafia men, that excluded women from teaching, haunted them and mistreated them.
It's so funny because the powerful men back then decided which books were canonical and which were uncanonical only based on their preferences with the excuse that they werecontradicting from the Bible when the Bible is already full of contradictions. They really loved to pick and choose.
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My post about the appropriation of Luciferianism and Satanism
Thank you all for the re-blogging of my post and liking of my post about troglodytes that appropriate Satanism and Luciferianism for being a toilet bowl of a human being.
we may not always agree on things, but the one fundamental thing we all seem to agree on is that satanism and Luciferianism in all of it's forms and practices are not something meant to justify being a bad person.
It makes me genuinely happy to see more people voicing their disdain for these disgusting people and showing they are not part of this community.
Always antifascist, always anti-demiurge.
Ave Lucifer!
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bennydiazepine · 6 months
God did not make me, yet try I did to live in his image.
I came into the world sharp in places I should not have been. I hide claws and teeth and spines, I walk among men.
The greatest sin is to lie to oneself.
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anonymous-witness777 · 10 months
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“Most Eugenists are Euphemists. I mean merely that short words startle them, while long words soothe them. And they are utterly incapable of translating the one into the other, however obviously they mean the same thing. Say to them "The persuasive and even coercive powers of the citizen should enable him to make sure that the burden of longevity in the previous generation does not become disproportionate and intolerable, especially to the females"; say this to them and they will sway slightly to and fro like babies sent to sleep in cradles. Say to them "Murder your mother," and they sit up quite suddenly. Yet the two sentences, in cold logic, are exactly the same. Say to them "It is not improbable that a period may arrive when the narrow if once useful distinction between the anthropoid homo and the other animals, which has been modified on so many moral points, may be modified also even in regard to the important question of the extension of human diet"; say this to them, and beauty born of murmuring sound will pass into their face. But say to them, in a simple, manly, hearty way "Let's eat a man!" and their surprise is quite surprising. Yet the sentences say just the same thing.” - G. K. Chesterton
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sparksinthenight · 11 months
Anti Gnosticism and anti Odin Lokeanism have similarities.
Odin and his followers hated literal children and condemned them as evil and trapped and abused them. They did this to Hel, Jormangandr, and Fenrir. They did this because they wanted to maintain power.
The “true” god and his followers hated a literal child and condemned him as evil and Sophia, the child’s mother, trapped and abused him. This child is Yaldabaoth. They did this because the “true” god wanted to have ultimate control over the eons’ reproduction.
Hel, Jormangandr, and Fenrir will be key players in creating a new world free from Odin and his allies and their tyranny.
Yaldabaoth created a new world free from the “true” god and his eons and their tyranny.
Hel, Fenrir, and Jormangandr are seen as evil demonic monsters by worshippers of Odin while Odin is seen as a wise, powerful, benevolent deity.
Yaldabaoath is seen as an evil demonic monster by the worshippers of the “true” god, while the “true” god is seen as a wise, powerful, benevolent deity.
Hel, Fenrir, and Jormangandr are less powerful than Odin in terms of sheer brute force, but they will still win against him.
Yaldabaoth is less powerful than the “true” god in terms of sheer brute force but I am confident that he’ll win against the “true” god.
Hel, Jormangandr, and Fenrir are nature deities tied with an animistic religion that worships nature. They also play a part in restoring nature after the forces of supremacy, hierarchy, and greed destroy it.
Yaldabaoath is also tied with nature, as he lovingly created it. And he saw that it was good.
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ankhmeanswombman · 2 years
If someone takes you out of your peace state (your high vibrational, happy state) THAT is evil, especially when it is for self-gain. This is why creatures with highly evolved brains are encouraged to stay away from needless sensory pleasures which give only a temporary high while destroying the life & PEACE STATE of another (ie: hunting) and why humanity's religious texts discourage gluttony and encourage temporary states of fasting during important events (ie: Lent and Ramadan), so as to give discipline to the soul and lead it out of the constant darkness of need, a neverending black hole. Your peace state is when you can communicate with God, when you are not distracted by trying to survive in the physical body, it is when the doorway to your mind opens and you get to appreciate your existence, as opposed to being in constant fight of flight mode, which is lower vibrational (ie: death and decay). Imagine, if you will, that you were sitting on your doorstep meditating, surrounded by trees and inhaling the prana (air of life) and suddenly someone comes along and puts a gun to your head because... they want to kill your physical body so they can eat it. How would you feel? Can you empathize with the millions of animals who constantly go through life in constant self defense mode (constant stress and low vibration) being chased down by other creatures who want to consume their bodies. The demiurge is the being that tricked and overpowered the Original Creator in Gnosticism, and now feeds off of the energy of the world, and some say it uses the moon to do this which is why most creatures sleep at night and enter a different realm. While our physical bodies rest, our energies are harvested and replenished while we journey into the mind. We live in a hungry world, and so the whole world is based off of feeding and rebuilding more energy to be siphoned out and harvested in a constant cycle. Why SHOULD our bodies get tired? Constant weariness, fighting, fucking and hunger = part of the trickery, and some beings have become so lowly that they cannot even discern between what should and should not enter their bodies (the temples of God). Humanity binges on junk food, everybody is constantly eating in a way no creature does, and some may say it is because we have the leisurely time to do so, but surely our highly evolved brains would tell us to spend our time doing more important things if we were not slaves to our senses, which is a state of hell. Being aware of God would be heaven. Those two realms are places human beings take themselves to willingly through the power of manifestation and collective consciousness, and the state of humanity's thoughts and preoccupations determines which realm manifests upon the physical planet.
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the-chill-remains · 2 years
Watch "The Medieval Gnostic Theology of the Cathars - The Book of the Two Principles" on YouTube
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spiritusleach · 2 years
The truth about Hell
When people speak of being spiritual and they still speak about a hell and a god that will punish them if they don't serve them or if you commit Sxicide, or have a devil that will also wait for you after you die to punish you even more to prove a point to a god that he suppose to despise then they are suffering from fear and abrahamic brainwashing and Christian indoctrination.
Hell is not what most think it is and through mainstream Christianity they have obscured the truth in order to cause fear and gain followers to make them more submissive. They are followers of the demiruge. Eye am against that form of thought and teaching and everyone who preaches that. Eye am for the overthrowing of mainstream Christianity and only the slaves and reactionaries will hold onto this. Those who speak of hell fail to realize that technically we are in a state of what you would call hell already just by living in the material world and having a fleshly body so welcome to Dawn of the Dead.
The supposed "Devil" is the Christian god Yahweh/Yaldabaoth who has created this world and us here in the physical. He is the god of suffering, slavery, and orders others to kill in his name. It is not the true source we should honor and there is another source which is over him which basically Sophia his Mother and when Yahweh made the statement there is no other gods before him he was lying and committed a foul act against the other gods who surrounded him at that point.
In this material realm everything is an illusion except for our souls, animals and nature and the ultimate goal mainly is trying to escape this world of matter by being conscious and being illuminated with Gnosis. Hell is also a state of consciousness and that is not only outside in this material and shell of a body you have but it is one of the lowest spheres where is also located within and most people are operating from their Root Chakra and you could see it in their actions and words. By that then you could escape the world of matter/hell and raise to heaven/spirit world and what they call death is actually a blessing to a degree. There is truly no such thing as death just transitioning to a higher state of consciousness and spirit as you could also realize in many NDE stories. They are still alive but living in the world of the immaterial.
That is only through Gnosis which Yeshua and Lucifer both knew and tried to help mankind understand this very notion. Kristos Lucifer is the morning star who broke free of Yaldabaoth's control and like the war of ancient Sumerian. Lucifer has helped mankind thrive against the wicked capitalist Aliens known as the part of the Annunaki. Through the esoteric secrets that have passed throughout centuries and people who are dedicated to various mystery schools understand this. Salvation comes through Gnosis, not through blind faith or hoping that some dead guy suppose to come back and save the world. In other words when people pray to a being outside of themselves in the long run you are being empowered for their assistance, but through your own will and action, through spiritual rituals and having a higher understanding on a more intuitive note will make sure those deeds are accomplish so therefore the reincarnation cycle will break and you will be more than what you are now.
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Watain  -  Hymn To Qayin
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mindfulldsliving · 3 months
The Nature of God, Trinity Doctrine, and LDS Beliefs
Eric Johnson's claim that Latter-day Saint teachings lack evidence is easily refutable. Extensive scholarly research and ancient texts, combined with modern theological studies, offer a robust body of evidence supporting these teachings.
Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Are Christians: Here’s Why Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Are Christians: Here’s WhyBiblical Definition of a ChristianMatthew 16:24-26Romans 12:1-3God Was Never a SinnerThe Concept of ‘Mormon Jesus’Jesus and Satan as Brothers: Historical ContextSatan as a Son of God: Biblical References in Job 1 and 2Symbols…
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