#anti transtrenders
thejdog2000 · 2 years
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I felt a little salty about this today.
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xenineshroom · 1 month
I've seen people who are otherwise ideologically opposed to me- speaking out against the revisionism happening with theyfab. I'll even take folks who are like, "well it's not a slur- but it's just plain dishonest to act like it has anything to do with critiquing transmisogyny." Like 4chan cis men invented it, it's a slur still drenched in its original transphobic misogynist context- but whatever! These folks have a better platform to stand against this shit than I do because they share community with the people defending it. I don't care who does the convincing or how.
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trans-wojak · 7 months
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Patriarchy something something gender is not real or whatever trenders said
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darksou07 · 2 months
I honestly don't think the name "cringe culture" works to show how harmful it actually is. The name for that should be bullying. It's the act of shaming someone for doing something others call "cringy".
Fakeclaiming is a literal form of violence against disabled people.
"Transtrenders" are GNC trans people or nonbinary who are targets of literal transphobia.
Hard to tell when something is violent with these names, but they are. Whenever you see the words "cringe culture", "fakeclaiming" or "transtrenders" remember this: They are violence against minorities that cause harm to very real people who exist outside online spaces.
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sirenium · 11 months
'You need dysphoria to be trans' motherfuckers when they realize the 'trender' they 'called out' for having xenogenders is a dysphoric trans person: erm actually you're still not trans cuz I don't understand you! >:(
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genderstarbucks · 11 months
Trendervember Day 3: Trendersoft!!
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chaos-in-one · 2 years
Transphobes: You can't be trans!!! You're not dysphoric and your gender is too weird and you don't even try to pass!!
Me: oh, so sad
Me: Anyways *continues to be trans*
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little-cowby · 1 year
It's so hilarious how much energy transmedicalists (and they're queer ilk) put into their hate for anyone who is a version of queer they don't like. I'll admit once upon a time I was the same. I was truscum and proud but then I realized I was just hurting myself and in turn just making random people upset for just being themselves. I put limits on what I could and couldn't do, how I could and couldn't express myself. Then I let myself do whatever and I can say with 110% certainty that I feel so much fucking better. Like, we're all in this together. This world is so fucked up and society isn't gonna treat any one of us right, from the super stealth binary trans person to the sparkledog-turned-human who uses 50+ neopronouns and xenogenders with no dysphoria. Our planet is literally burning, I don't think someone using neopronouns is gonna be the reason society collapses.
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turtally-tubular · 1 year
transmeds???? in MY 2023?????
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bwarkz · 2 years
16 self hating truscum when trans people don’t hate themselves or their bodies and don’t do everything they can to pass according to arbitrary standards made up by cis people:
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stench-core · 1 month
sometimes I wonder if people remember that:
'tranny voice' - even shortened to 't voice' - was something that specifically targeted trans men and like, the whole brand of harassing 'transtrenders' applied to trans men as equally as it did trans women, and our king [sarcasm] kalvin garrah was the main driving force of anti-trans masculine rhetoric such as 'you can't have big boobs' 'you can't like your boobs' 'you can't wear colours' 'you can't dye your hair' 'you can't be effeminate' 'tranny voice' 'you can't have a weird name' 'you can't be disabled' 'a real trans man wouldn't say that' and so on, bolstered by mega transphobes blair white and arielle scarcella
when we're told we aren't actually targeted in any specific way when, yes actually, we were and are targeted in specific ways, but the only people who talk[ed] about it were other trans men, trans mascs, and nonbinary people who were specifically targeted by this trans medicalist rhetoric, and then trans women who stood up for us were [and still are] told that they were 'forcibly transing little girls'
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selfmedblves · 9 months
Anti-transmasc posts all are basically like "this policy created by radfems is transmisogynistic and the trans guys are responsible". Like no? I don't support afab only housing nor does any transmasc I know.
Transmisogyny is definitely a problem. No one should denies that. Transmascs aren't responsible for transmisogyny. Transmascs and transfems face different problems. There is no one trans experience. No one transmasc, transfem, or enby experience. Brianna Wu is more privileged than pretty much every trans person I know. Her privilege isn't universal.
I'm transmasc but I'm queer and disabled. My experience isn't universal. Some transmacs might have it worse than me. Some have it easier. I can't definitively say all transmascs are privileged when I know it isn't true. There are shitty transmascs, but please don't group me in with someone like Buck Angel who would call me a transtrender for having long hair.
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insecateur · 1 month
just got reblogged by some blog with "dni transtrenders and anti-transmeds" in their pinned or whatever i assume this isn't somebody who follows me but just in case it is you are not welcome here lol kindly fuck off with that shit, thanks 👍
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Idk why calling transmasc people "cunts" & "bitches" in an insulting way is so normalised by fellow transmascs and trans guys in the Anti-Transmasculinity and transandrophobia tags.... like you realise you're just doing toxic masculinity and transphobia right?
Trans women never asked you to do this and it's pretty transmisogynistic and chauvinistic to claim you're doing it on their behalf or to fight for their liberation when it's actually the same self centred bullshit that predatory cishet men do when they go "I'm a feminist and all men are trash (but not mee I'm one of the good ones)"
the tone of many of these kinds of posts is very "I'm not like those other guys I'm one of the cool guys who is better than all the whiny boys who are behaving like girls (Derogatory) for talking about Anti-Transmasculinity and I'm gonna prove how feminist I am by calling them cunts and bitches and telling them they aren't real men because IMO 'real men' (white pericishet abled men) don't face gender based oppression or talk about facing it"
it's just very thinly veiled truscum "you're a transtrender for talking about Anti-Transmasculinity " BS trying to hide behind "I'm defending trans women & fighting transmisogyny by calling out these whiny bitchcunt tboys who won't man up and suffer in silence for the good of trans women like I do" when you're not even centring trans women in this kind of "advocacy";
you're just doing the classic thing of making it all about your own insecurities with masculinity and attacking other trans people for not being 'stoic' enough about transphobia and violence they face & claiming that trans women benefit from our erasure and silence .
Like you realise most trans women don't see you hurting trans dudes, misgendering them or mocking trans survivors of DV & SA and go "woo yeah this helps me fight transmisogyny & SA and DV against trans women please tell another guy that he deserves to be SA'd or detransitioned for being whiny"
and it's pretty telling of your unexamined transmisogynistic assumptions about how this behaviour must somehow benefit trans women that your first go to for "how can I be an ally to trans women? " is apparently to seek out trans guys and tell them they deserve sexual or domestic violence while calling them bitches and cunts and misgendering them to try to threaten them into silence on issues that effect them
... Just yuck behaviour like how to say you agree with terf rhetoric about trans women being pro DV and SA MRAs without saying it.
Seriously if you want to advocate for trans women and trans fems (and trans neuts) try to actually listen to them and stop trying to use them and their struggle for liberation (which is inextricably entwined with our own) as an excuse to play out this tired self obsessed "I'm more of a real man than you" dominance paradigm BS
And also maybe while you're at it listen to some of your fellow trans men and transmascs talking about their own issues and don't be so quick to assume without cause that they're blaming trans women for Anti-Transmasculinity existing in the first place or that they think trans women as a group are oppressing them.
Like there's a HUGE difference between talking about societal violence from cis people, lateral in community violence and anti transmasculinity and going into terf GC & radfem BS that claims that trans women are "using mAlE pRiVeLeGe to rule the trans community and oppress the poor TIFs" & listening to the good faith discussions and understanding what people actually mean when they talk about Anti-Transmasculinity and transandrophobia actuall helps you to quickly identify and discard BS terf rhetoric that tries to pretend to be pro transmasc rather than just writing off anyone speaking on these issues as "you're just a detransitioner (Derogatory) in waiting you're not a real trans man because real men don't have or talk about problems"
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handweavers · 1 year
my babaji (grandfather) who observed kesh (unshorn hair) wasn't being gender nonconforming for having extremely long hair, that's not something that's gendered in sikhism but me having long hair is read as gnc or feminine by white people when it's got nothing to do with subverting gender at all actually. and then you get self loathing "anti-transtrender" white tboys on here who have nothing better to do than harass other trans people who aren't performing their white supremacist bullshit ideas about gender to their personal satisfaction. absolute loser behaviour
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
DWRP is more active than regular fandom DreamWidth, but it's full of people who are anti-queer in the weirdest ways. They're queer, but they use words like "transtrender" and "fujoshit" and "asexies". They hate how prominent slash is in DWRP but bash people who play female characters as playing self-inserts/playing Mary Sues and decry female characters who have sex as "cock-hops". Playing a lesbian or bi woman is equated to being a 40 year old guy who jerks it to lesbian porn and reveals "neckbeard qualities", even if you're an out lesbian yourself. NB people are regularly mocked on both Plurk and in anon communities as "thembys" and "genderspecials".
DWRP has also slowed down hugely in the last 5 years, with many major games closing and most new games not lasting half a year. I once accidentally started wank when I said I don't consider someone who only replies to 2 comments or less a month a roleplayer, and people rushed in to argue that we're all just too busy to reply to more than that many comments and the only way you have more time than that is if you're a NEET. Play non-white non-anime characters and you're a SJW trying too hard to be "woke". Autistic is used as an insult fairly often.
Which is another facet of DWRP to consider: the weird hatred of other DWRPers everyone in DWRP has. You're a NEET, a neckbeard, a basement dweller, a wage cuck, a fast food cuck, etc. The anon gossip communities get way, way more activity per day than any of the actual game communities do. Gossip about people regularly runs dry, so instead discussion is rehashed of people who were subjects of previous wank/gossip, sometimes including people who played during the LJ era and never played on DreamWidth because they left when the mass migration to DW happened. I have seen people get accused of being another player who was the subject of wank returning for having the same given name as someone who was the subject of wank circa 2006. People are that level of desperate to get some excitement going among their small circle of friends who want there to be A Big Deal (TM) of some kind going on.
Fandom DW is far from perfect but I would highly recommend, even if you're bored, sticking to it and not DWRP. RP on there is a much more conservative (but identifying as "centrist", for some reason) environment and if you're reading this blog, my guess is you don't think trans headcanons are the work of transtrenders woke-ifying fandom and it's not gross neckbeard behavior for a lesbian to write a lesbian character. If so, this is definitely not your scene.
Activity is not the same thing as a fandom place being good.
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