#anti uchiha sasuke
xeavy · 3 months
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moon-trees · 5 months
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watermelonsloth · 7 months
I think the reason why Naruto fans get so passionate and upset about the series is because of how real it can be. Naruto isn’t about paragon heroes outdoing dastardly villains. It’s about human beings fighting tooth and nail to survive in a world surrounded by death. It’s about broken systems made and perpetuated by broken people.
The Hyuga clan isn’t just antagonistic or pretentious, they practice slavery.
The Uchiha clan weren’t just killed by some raging psychopath, they were systematically massacred.
Itachi isn’t just cruel to Sasuke because he’s a bad brother, he’s cruel because he’d been told time and time again that you can only survive by being cruel and he wants nothing more than for Sasuke to survive.
Nagato isn’t trying to take over the world just for the sake of power, he’s trying to take over the world because it beat him down to the point of believing that the only chance at peace there is is the world being forced into compliance through fear.
Iruka isn’t hard on Naruto just because he’s a strict teacher, he’s hard on Naruto because he knows from experience how unforgiving the world is towards orphans.
Kakashi isn’t just some silly and slightly lazy teacher, he’s a contract killer still grieving his loved ones and struggling to do better without knowing how he’s supposed to.
Sakura isn’t just a fangirl, she’s a normal girl in a very dangerous and abnormal world constantly being made to choose between what she’s supposed to do and what she feels.
Sasuke isn’t just some edgelord, he’s a survivor who lost everything then gets repeatedly told that he has to choose between keeping what he’s gained and doing better than his brother.
Naruto isn’t just trying to be the best Hokage there ever was, he’s trying to prove his worth to a society that abandoned him just for existing and, in a way, confirm his worth to himself.
The Naruto story is about humans trying to force themselves into the role of weapons because that’s what they were told they had to be. It’s a story where everyone is a perpetrator but no one is trying to do wrong. It’s a story where everyone is a victim but no one is a perfect victim.
The world and the characters aren’t simple and trying to simplify them only takes away from them. So of course we get passionate about showing off all the reasons why they shouldn’t be simplified and all of the ways they’re complicated. Of course we get upset when we see others simplifying them or selling certain aspects of their characters short. Of course we get upset when the series itself simplifies them. Of course we get upset when the series chooses to abandon them. Because it not only feels like the characters are giving up, it feels like the series is betraying anyone who chose to get invested in its complexities.
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meowmada · 9 months
Nothing just this
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
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Jason Todd.Also Megumi Fushiguro.Also Percy Jackson but by P*rcicos and gods fuckers specifically.Also Todoroki Shouto.Also Sasuke Uchiha.Also Ichigo Kurosaki.Also Hobie Brown.Also Marshall Lee Abadeer.Also Prince Zuko.Also Nicholas D. Wolfwood-Y'know you guys get it
(Oh woah,almost 400 notes and like almost 100 at least don't realize i'm insulting you and calling you basic pick mes.Well,thanks for liking and subscribing anyway ig)
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maoam · 5 months
The claim that Sasuke is a misogynist is so unfounded it's not even funny.
Rejecting Sakura's romantic advances is not misogyny. This is something that seems very difficult for many to understand.
Telling Sakura that instead of constantly harassing him with date requests she should train so she could actually contribute to their team is not misogyny. It's the truth.
Fighting back when Sakura is trying to assassinate him is not misogyny. He has fought against other men too, and he would have fought if a man came to assassinate him instead.
Not caring about Sakura's business during the war arc is not misogyny. He didn't care for Kakashi's either.
Calling Sakura annoying when she is disrespecting Naruto, her own family, Sasuke's family/clan or Sasuke's goals is not misogyny. Even the genjutsu is not, because he did it due to her ignorance, not because she's a girl.
Not liking it and telling them to get off of him when Sakura and Karin jump on him and harass him despite his protests is not misogyny.
Sakura suffering because of her feelings for Sasuke is not misogyny from Sasuke nor his fault in any way, she's responsible for her own feelings.
The only person Sasuke ever bowed to (while using honorifics) was an elderly woman. Said elderly woman just wasn't annoying or ignorant like Sakura. He also acknowledged Karin as a strong kunoichi, despite her less flattering actions towards him.
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abattre · 6 months
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Naruto fans develop empathy challenge go !!!!
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I don't care what you think but Sasuke and Naruto should have eloped and traveled the world together.
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sasucaty · 3 months
i am not a sasuke uchiha apologist because he has nothing to apologise for.
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Sasuke by Kairyan_zcl on artstation
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sasukesun · 3 months
sasuke loves sakura so much that he kept in his heart what she said about how great it was to have no parents and decided to let his daughter not have a father <3
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mochiajclayne · 5 months
aside from the fact that everyone can't figure out the depth of naruto and sasuke's bond, it's genuinely so funny that on the surface, they know just how much those boys influence each other because kakashi openly says that naruto's driving force is sasuke then obito says that naruto was meant to be the pawn to test sasuke. it even came to the point that all you need to do is say their name and the other one would fucking react. orochimaru perfected that tactic and triggered feral naruto. they might not understand that bond but they know how it works on surface level. and they take advantage of it.
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moon-trees · 6 months
I absolutely can not stand when people say Sakura deserved better - SHE LITERALLY GOT WHAT SHE WANTED. She's the one who chased after, obsessed over and basically annoyed the boy she wanted into getting with her, when Sasuke REPEATEDLY told her to fuck off. He could not make it clearer he was not interested and now she's miserable with a husband who couldn't care less about her and IT'S EXACTLY WHAT SHE WANTED.
It's not Sasuke's fault he was pressured into getting with her. He was literally guilt tripped about how he doesn't love her even though she apparently loves him so much (she literally tried to kill him).
One of them deserved better, and it definitely wasn't Sakura.
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valleysofdolls · 3 months
istg i’ve never seen a valid reason used by someone explained why they hate sasuke.
90% of the time it’s basically them saying he didn’t react to trauma the way they wanted him to (or doing trauma olympics using naruto, gaara, kakashi, etc as examples of “thEIr TrAUmA DiDN’t TUrN thEm iNtO aSSHOLes”)
5% is again, using very valid trauma from a 7 year old witnessing the death of their entire clan by their brother and being forced to relive it for 3 days, as a way to say he’s “too edgy and emo”
and the other 5% is used by shippers (mainly SS), shaming him for not reciprocating feelings he never felt for the other character
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saschuv · 5 months
Thinking about how sad the end to Sasuke’s story is and how his grief and anger is minimised.
Rewatching parts of Naruto and seeing Naruto declaring to sasuke to put all of his hatred onto him and that he’s the only one that can take it is actually so strange. Don’t get me wrong this isn’t hate for his character (okay maybe mild hate because he does do a lot wrong, but so do most Naruto characters and I’m not here to get into that rn). It’s just I find it kind of off… (I know people use this moment as a great sns scene and I have no hate against that ship! This is nothing to do with sns) Sasuke’s grief for his clan and deep seated anger at the village and world is beyond valid. Naruto’s declaration feels slightly entitled? I understand they were friends for a bit and went through a lot together during the short time they were a team and how sasuke is one of Naruto’s first proper connections so it’s all very important to him and so on. It’s just… this isn’t about him? He’s got nothing to do with this? I know it’s about trying to “help” sasuke who is self destructing to get revenge and justice. I’ve spoken before how this fandom compares characters’ traumas a lot and how that’s odd, including how Naruto doesn’t compare to sasuke - both had truly dreadful childhoods, I just think they’re two different traumas and whilst both lonely, are lonely in different ways and for different reasons. And also sasuke is so much more than just lonely. Naruto doesn’t understand Sasuke’s trauma and doesn’t understand his anger. The whole of team 7 disregarded his grief and trauma. At the end of the show Naruto fails to give the Uchiha any justice as hokage and sasuke is manipulated into believing he needs to “repent” and to protect the village. It’s such a sad story. I could say a lot more and this isn’t well articulated at all but anyways… if people disagree or have another interpretation I’d love to hear!
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
"We need more male characters who aren't stereotypes about their gender!!!"You guys can't even handle the idea that a character being an adult man dosen't mean he's horny all the time or up for casual sex just because he's hot
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