#anti vaxxers are dumb
jackhammerhim · 3 months
My mom used to be antivaxx but then she asked her doctor brother and sister in law if vaccines are dangerous and they were like "would you rather have a dead child or an autistic child" and so I have been vaccinated. Even after a vaccine gave me like a rock stuck under my skin (still dont know what that was) I still get all of my vaccines so. Thank you mamma
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dddemigirl · 1 year
I’m seriously listening to a woman who works here say that covid/vaccines were about “population control.” Not everything is a conspiracy theory, Becky!
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redtail-lol · 1 year
The silly funny goofy moment when ur being threatened with suspension for not having vaccinations that you literally did get but your stupid pharmacist didn't put them in the national registry then you moved states again and now your school thinks you don't have them DESPITE HAVING PROOF FAXED TO THEM THAT I GOT THOSE VACCINES kill me
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After watching a bunch of videos of people faking tics due to the vaccine, including a guy on Twitter dressed up as a clown saying everyone else needs to be afraid and conspiracy brained all I can think is: "ah yes, the true sign that someone thinks critically and rationally, by believing that everyone else is susceptible to or already is completely brainwashed except for yourself."
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jesterkilljoy · 6 months
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scrabble-scribbles · 1 year
Bets part about college is hands down learning stuff that makes those idiots who ignore science and basic social structures so much funnier. Like, you don’t even know how fucking stupid you are, and it’s GLORIOUS
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malewifespike · 2 years
It’s not a family vacation until someone cries
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wintersmitth · 1 year
In the year of 2021 Gregory House goes viral on TikTok. It's a shitty, bad angled shacking recording, and there's background laughter of another man, but you can clearly hear the angry, ruthless, nasty mocking of every dumb anti-vaxxer under the sun, done by an unshaven old man, glaring into the camera with loathing.
And that's how Cameron, Chase, Park, Addams, Taub, and many more other former colleagues find out that evil bastard who used to terrorise them at work and then died in a fire, is still alive and kicking.
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cock-holliday · 1 month
Always gotta laugh a little when people are like “I don’t believe in sympathizing with [conspiracy/oppressor group] but yes, it turns out X thing IS driving people more towards it, so fascinating, anyway I don’t feel bad for those people at all and actually think they should die but wow, this study really does show how fast people are getting radicalized by [propaganda], anyway, they’re so stupid”
There desperately needs to be a shift from the idea that the two ways to respond to conspiracy/right-wing/bigoted takes are 1. “Wow stupid dumb idiots”, and if you don’t do that, then 2. “Poor widdle babies lemme coddle you.”
It’s such a painfully liberal way to respond to things and misses the point of understanding not equaling agreeing. Understanding and sympathizing are tools of deradicalization.
Most anti-vaxxers are not worth arguing with but the theory and conclusions are worth deconstructing, because more reasonable people on the fence are going to get pushed deeper in by “stupid idiot doesn’t know what’s good for you—trust the government.”
Bigoted conservative blue collar guys are not worth arguing with but the theory is worth deconstructing because small towns being abandoned by “progress” are going to be radicalized by “dumb hicks scawed of technology?” coming from city liberals who will never have to work with their hands.
Zionists are not worth arguing with but allowing either narrative of “all antisemitism is made up” or “arguing about antisemitism is irrelevant because this is about Palestinians” allow Zionists to frame themselves as the only response to genuine antisemitism. Not talking about the actual antisemitism Zionists still face allows them to pretend all opposition is antisemitism, and bystanders who “trust Jews to say what’s antisemitism or not” are convinced antizionism is antisemitism.
Male loneliness as a concept isn’t worth discussing when it comes to violently misogynistic men, but it is worth talking about in terms of how patriarchy hurts even the most cishet privileged man AND much more pressingly: how marginalization of men gets ignored because of the radfem belief that maleness cancels out their oppressed identities.
Americans obsessed with conspiracies about human trafficking are often not worth engaging with but the discourse around it IS. Facing the reality of what sexual abuse DOES happen is necessary, reframing how immigration exploitation allows for much more horrific abuse of migrants than even the most sheltered suburbanite can imagine would happen to their blonde children if they were snatched from their manicured lawns is necessary.
Every conspiracy is rooted in truth. Reasonably disgruntled people are the best recruits because “smart” people dismiss their legitimate concerns and say what’s real is fake, so when vile people acknowledge the truth and twist it, you get radicalized nuts out of reasonable people.
It is essential to understand the root of these issues and attack that, not to convince the most extreme of the camp but to convince those on the precipice that an extreme and often bigoted conclusion is unwarranted. People recruited into cults are either abandoned or feel abandoned by their communities, boys on the internet have their actual worries dismissed and become angry and reactionary and entitled in spaces that accept their rational fears and tell them an irrational conclusion is needed. Radfems took their legitimate anger at the system and warped their conclusions in an attempt at regaining control. People are rightfully afraid of the government and don’t know how to identify propaganda so every move must be nefarious. People exploited and experimented on have justifiable reason to reject mandates—these people are still wrong, but about the conclusions, not their feelings. The feelings must be met with acceptance, and the conclusion picked apart.
All these groups feel out of control, not listened to, disempowered, and isolated. Not all will be right. Not all will be worth engaging with. But so many more people will suddenly slip into a radical pipeline because the only people who listen to them are reactionaries. You do not owe everyone your patience or time or explanations or deradicalization—but if you want to pull people away from these dangerous ideologies you have to understand how they were seduced in the first place. You have to grapple with the seed of truth that allows these wrong conclusions to hold up.
And *I* want fewer people to come to the conclusion that the reason they haven’t been duped is because they are just soooo intelligent and morally superior that this kind of indoctrination would never work on you because 90% of you are DNC shills and the exact puppets that help fuel right-wing radicalization.
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wealmostaneckbeard · 3 months
As a Transhumanist I have a moral obligation to support every humans right to bodily augmentation/alteration/autonomy. Now I will clarify what I mean by that:
I'm not sexually attracted to transgender people but I support their right to correct their own hormonally wayward bodies. Believe me, I've tried to see their erotic/aesthetic appeal but it's not happening. I think it would be very dumb to base one's politics entirely on one's kinks.
Speaking of kinks, lets talk about breeding, or rather the opposite of it. My definition of personhood does not include "people living inside of, or fused with, other people" so anyone with a uterus should be allowed to get an abortion without being charged with murder. Zygotes, embryos, and fetuses don't have their own bodies so they don't get to have bodily autonomy. Any argument that can be made to defend the unborn can also be used to defend the rights of tumors, bacteria, and viruses to occupy the body.
Which brings me to my next point, I despise anti-vaxxers on principle. Their definition of augmentation and physical harm is not based on scientific evidence. Scientists have died studying effective methods of disease control. Rather than respect their sacrifices, they instead trust the lies of grifters. I am consoled that their lifespans are truncated by their own choices. But I am saddened that they unintentionally take other lives to the grave with them.
In conclusion, the flesh is not inherently perfect but through science, it can be, for a little while at least. Death comes for us all but it is a natural process that can be understood and delayed.
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thelonelyrainbowguy · 3 months
Hi I wrote a poem about the strange experience of being on social media these days. TW for current events and the general shittiness of the world (genocide, transphobia, homophobia, murder, diet culture, racism, sexual assault, etc).
Social Media
Cat picture.
Child homicide.
Funny meme.
Ongoing genocide.
Human rights in violation.
More transphobic legislation.
Makeup look that's new and now
Microplastics in the clouds.
Crochet project.
Police violence.
Family photo.
Complicit silence.
Turned a van into a house.
Dog playing with rubber mouse.
Endangered animals in the wild.
Have you seen this missing child?
Art tutorial.
Vacation pics.
The air we breathe is getting thick.
This is how you get rich quick.
AI art is all the rage.
Want some more? Refresh the page.
Shrinking paychecks.
Pyramid scheme.
Baseless hatred.
Quick recipe.
Half of women have been assaulted,
But the nice guys can't be faulted.
Taxes cut for billionaires.
Help if you have cash to spare.
Racist comments.
Jaded eyes.
Violent threatening.
Political lies.
If you care you will bear witness.
Your life's so much easier than this.
Another state is turning red.
Pay for treatment or I'll be dead.
Homeless friends.
Low-interest loans
Brand-new gadget.
Combat zones.
Kind person's inbox filled with hate.
Here's a tip to lose some weight.
Half the country is on fire.
Can you blame me for being tired?
Constant input.
Brainwaves numbing.
Need distraction?
Eternal scrolling.
This will save you; you should buy it.
Here's an app to track your diet.
Kids overseas starve to death.
This gum will freshen your breath!
Tropic cruises.
Payment plans.
Body shaming.
Bloody hands.
Girl was raped beneath the bleachers.
Threats of hellfire from the preacher.
Brick by brick, blow by blow,
Batteries are running low.
Whole countries reduced to rubble,
While we stay in our safe bubbles.
The poor all starve while rich get richer.
Here's another dumb cat picture.
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
Dealing with RWBY V5 Yang Haters on Youtube
Tumblr media
I swear to god, trying to reason with rwby “critics” is like trying to reason with flat earthers and anti-vaxxers.
They don’t pay attention, they have memory loss, cognitive dissonance, and values dissonance.
And why the hell are people accusing Blake of gaslighting Nora in volume 8?! Are people seriously accusing Ruby of gaslighting Penny?!
How are people SO GOD DAMN DUMB?
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memmst · 4 months
Why are all of the 2024 candidates for president so bleh
Biden (old man who is kindof strange)
Williamson (a self help author and spiritual counselor)
Phillips (heir to a liquor store)
Trump (orange man who is a criminal, racist and a twitter user)
Haley (a TikTok hating trump ambassador)
Brinkley (a pastor who is relying solely on god)
Kennedy (an anti-vaxxer)
West (an all right dude actually)
Stein ( a doctor , also pretty good)
Desantis ( a bigoted homophobic dumb-donkey)
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jellogram · 2 months
The screens here are playing clips of little children talking about how it's easy to obey the FAA and only bad dumb people pick fights on planes and it's honestly pretty effective. I think all PSAs should be presented this way. Let's make anti-vaxxers listen to children explain how vaccines work in little kid language
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justiceamberheard · 2 years
Just read the juror’s full statement/interview. Completely idiotic. He said the jury discounted pretty much all evidence from friends, family, paid employees, and paid expert witnesses
So according to his logic, you must be abused in front of total stangers, then somehow identify that total stranger to interview for it to be “credible.” Any witness that knows you vaguely is not “credible.”
I just don’t understand how some could listen to Dr. Hughes, probably THE LEADING expert when it comes to IPV in intimate relationships, and be like “yeah this person isn’t credible, because she is paid money.” Dr. Curry had pretty much 0 experience with DV and should have been discounted completely. According to him, experts should do work for free.
Some real anti-Vaxxer shit imo. At the end of the day I think it comes down to misogyny (the jurors hyper-analyzing Amber’s behavior), laziness, and stupidity. I wish I could have been in the juror room to hear their dumb conversations.
This summary is spot on. The jury had no idea what they were doing.
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kravitzkrusher · 4 months
Idk i don't do well with the whole "the pandemic affected everyone and the entire world suffered" because yes. Sure. Everyone for the most part stayed inside for a couple weeks. But the pandemic DECIMATED the lifestyles of so many people in some ways that just straight up didn't happen to others.
The millions of people who died or lost family members to COVID.
The cost of food and housing became too much for most families and now over 60% of American kids live in poverty and are also food insecure.
Kids who went to middle/high school during the pandemic and had to be stuck inside with their parents 24/7 while abuse rates skyrocketed. On top of literally getting their asses beat every day, they missed their prom/homecoming/graduation/first date/first school sports game ALL OF THAT NORMAL BASIC TEENAGE LIFE was gone. And they're in their 20s now without any of those core memories.
The younger kids whose parents didn't teach them the basics because they were too busy. The kids who can't read in the 6th grade. The kids who were raised by Andrew Tate and Sexxy Red because once again, their parents are too busy and for whatever reason couldn't be bothered.
The wives who left their husbands in DROVES making this one of the biggest mass exodus of marriage.
The Only Fans girlies who made a couple good paychecks before their job got oversaturated with celebrities and now their nudes are online forever for like $2.
The immunocompromised who never got their lives back.
The people who bought NFTs and lost all their money.
The people who worked with anti maskers and anti vaxxers and had to work in unsafe environments, risking their lives
The people who got long COVID and are permanently disabled with no resources to help them
The essential workers doctors/grocery/dentist/delivery that never took a break from work and never stayed home and never "experienced the bitter lonely solitude of the pandemic that everyone went through". because they HAD to be close asf to people every single day and work their asses off so we literally DIDN'T ALL DIE off in 2020.
The people who got kicked out of their homes, Mary!! The people who became homeless!! Because they lost their jobs and couldn't pay rent! And the landlords didn't care!
I could go on. But the fact of the matter is the pandemic did NOT affect us all the same.
We all struggled yes but in completely different ways. Some more than others. I was lucky enough to be a grown single adult at the time, so kids or spouse was stressing me out, but I very much lost my home and was forced to sleep on an antivaxxers couch for six months until I could afford housing again. I very much did have an abuser reach out to me trying to use the deathfear of this pandemic to get me back in their clutches. I have had people wave life saving money in front of my face, trying to lure me to do all kinds of horrible degrading shit. Everyone didn't go through that. It would be dumb of me to assume other people struggled the way I did.
Yes, this pandemic traumatized everyone but please. Ellen Degenerate was not suffering. Elon Musk was not suffering. Dwayne the Rock Johnson was not suffering. I'm not saying some people did not go through shit but by June 2020 some of y'all were still in your house, still making money, still taking care of business, and still healthy. And that is SO FUCKING MUCH to take for granted especially in the year 2024 after successfully living through a world bending nightmare.
The pandemic did affect everyone. But not everyone suffered.
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