#antisocial beep
nicothedestroyer · 2 years
When that one cousin who lives in a different country comes to the reunion
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disdaidal · 6 months
Them: Look, here's a cool resource!
Me: Oh yay!
Them: In order to access that, you must join our Discord group!
Me... oh nay.
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robobee · 1 year
fuck my stupid baka life
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uhohdad · 1 year
Saw your post and came running babes. I love your writing you're so amazing and talented💕 I would like to req König x fem reader fluff where they've been trying for a kid and borderline give up after a bit but than one day when he comes home from a long mission he's surprised to find out she's pregnant 💕
✨ Konig x Reader, surprising him with pregnancy ✨
thank you for the suggestion!! you are so sweet, anything for you my dear 💕 I hope you like it
It was depressing. It was really starting to feel like the universe was playing a cruel joke on you.
You let out a sigh just quiet enough he wouldn’t hear it through the bathroom door.
“It’s still cooking!” You yell back, but it’s a lie. You don’t have it in you to ruin his dreams just yet. That stupid little lone blue line had already robbed you of your fantasy like a punch in the gut.
Maybe you had deserved it. Maybe you wanted it too much or maybe not enough or maybe you weren’t managing the stress well enough.
But Konig didn’t deserve it. He should get to live in the fantasy a little bit longer. You knew how bad he wanted this. How excited he was to be a Papa.
You scowl at the pregnancy test.
Stupid little blue line. Get a friend, won’t you?!
Your hands find your face and you let out a little groan.
When you open the door slowly, the disappointment is apparent on your face.
He knows what that means. He pulls you into a hug, wrapping his strong arms around you, “Oh Schatz. It’s okay.”
You take a deep breath against his chest, inhaling the scent of fabric softener. Your words are muffled against him, “It’s just - I really got my hopes up this time. I feel so stupid for doing that. Why do I keep doing that? You think I’d learn my lesson by now but no, it doesn’t get easier.”
You let out a big sigh, “I’m sorry, Konig.”
He leans down to gently kiss your forehead, his fingers gently tracing up and down your back. “You’re too hard on yourself.”
You grunt into his chest in response.
He gives a weak smile and pulls away just enough to look at your face, keeping his hands on the small of your back. “Maybe we should take a break. I think the stress is getting to you, meine liebe.”
You let out another huff, trying to will away the tears threatening to spill over. You bury your face back into his chest. “Yeah, I think you’re right.”
He plants another kiss on the top of your head, his hand soothingly continues rubbing your back, “Even if it doesn’t ever happen, I’m still the luckiest man in the world to have you. I wouldn’t give that up for anything.”
You finally wrap your arms around him, giving him a squeeze, “Love you Koni.”
“Love you too, meine schatz.”
Konig’s three weeks into a four week mission when you find yourself kneeling in front of the toilet, last night’s dinner making a reappearance.
When your body finally gives you respite, in between deep breaths and rinsing your mouth out, your first suspicion is something was wrong with last night’s dinner. You did cut it close with some expiration dates.
The next clue is your chest and back. You’re thinking your period must be around the corner at just how sore they are. Your heating pad gave little relief.
When the nausea doesn’t subside the following days, the suspicion arises.
Before you even let yourself daydream, you immediately take a test. Not going to get your hopes up this time, oh no. Nip it in the bud fast, you can’t handle anymore crushing disappointment.
The timer on your phone beeps and you check the test laid flat on the counter.
Little blue line! Who’s your friend?
Okay, probably a false alarm. Not the little blue line you know. The little blue line you’ve become very familiar with is a loner, antisocial, doesn’t bring friends to the hoping-to-soon-be-expecting-party.
So you try again, mustering up what little urine you could on your second go.
Wouldn’t you know it? Another positive.
Okay, okay. Promising, but not enough.
Three. You need three little blue lines with friends. Yes, because twice could still be a coincidence, right? Three sets of little blue lines and then you can get excited.
Chug some gatorade. Wait for it to pass. Pee on the stick.
You don’t even wait the full three minutes the pregnancy test package recommends. The two lines are already distinct. You close one eye to make sure your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you.
You let out a squeak, loud enough it carries throughout your empty home.
So giddy you can’t help but bounce up and down on your feet in excitement.
It’s happening!
Oh, this moment you’ve been waiting for, all those negative pregnancy tests that had mocked you time and time again, they can fuck right off, because now you’ve got a bun in the oven.
You wished Konig was here to share in your excitement. You let out a groan, knowing having to sit with your secret for another week was going to be painful.
You don’t even let him put his gear down as you run into his arms, squeezing him tight. “You have no idea how much I missed you!”
He was caught off guard by your quick incoming, but returns the warm embrace after steadying himself and letting his bag roll down his shoulder and to the floor. He’s got his hands on the small of your back. “How ever much you missed me, I think I missed you more.”
You scrunch your nose at his corny flirting and smile up at him, having to tilt your head back to do so.
“I brought you back something.” He says, and you feign surprise, even though he always brings you back a gift when he leaves for long stints. Something to let you know he was thinking about you while he was away.
He lets go of you with a squeeze and digs into his discarded bag before presenting a little pale blue box. You take it with a lovedrunk smile. “Awh, you didn’t have to.”
He shrugs and watches as you pull out the the necklace he had picked out for you. It was simple, dainty. Intricately delicate chain of gold links.
“Oh, Koni,” You say softly, holding it up in your hands to get a better look at it, “It’s beautiful. Thank you.”
“There was a wonderful market in one of the towns we were stationed at. It reminded me so much of you, schatz. You would have loved it.”
There was always a wonderful little market in a cute little town. You wondered how much of his missions he fluffs up for you, how much he censors. He doesn’t want you to worry about him while he’s away.
You never push. Somethings you’re better off not knowing.
“I have a surprise for you too.” You say, cheeky smile plastered on your face.
“Oh?” He asks with a flick of his brow.
You give a high hum, retrieving the little paper gift bag you’d made for him.
He takes it gently in his large grip, carefully removing the tissue paper as he peeks inside. He removes the gift on top, a small black fabric. When he carefully unrolls it, the shape of a newborn’s onesie appears, with the words ‘I ❤️papa’ stitched on the front.
He doesn’t catch the words on the front, “This might be a bit small for me, Schatz.”
You giggle at his joke, and it takes him a second to catch on. The realization doesn’t show until he pulls out the ziplock bag holding your positive pregnancy tests.
He looks at you with wide eyes. “Really?” He asks, soft and sweet.
“Really.” You say, big smile on your face.
“You’re serious schatz?”
“Dead serious.”
He pauses for a few moments. Processing it all.
And then he laughs, closing the gap between you two, picking you up and giving you a twirl. “Oh, Schatz, this is great news!”
You wrap your arms around his neck, resting them on his shoulders.
“We’re going to be parents! A baby. Our baby!”
You nod, your smile wide and eye-crinkling, “Our baby.”
He kisses you, long and deep, it had reminded you of the first time he kissed you, after weeks of the tension building between you both.
Ah, you had missed him so much.
When he pulls away he rests his forehead on yours, his grip firm on your hips as he keeps you pressed against him. “I’m so happy, Schatz. I love you.”
“Love you too, Koni.”
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swe3troses · 1 year
10 things I Hate About You pt.2 (Jack Hughes X Reader)
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‘I hate the way you drive my car...’
Bianca got up with a start looking at her father offended.
“But she’s a mutant! What if she never dates!”
“Then you’ll never date, ooh I like the sound of that,” her dad says smirking as he rubs his hands together before continuing,
“And I get to sleep at night, the deep slumber of a father whose daughters aren’t being impregnated!” he said facing Bianca before his very out-dated pager beeps notifying him that he had an emergency call at work, he points at Y/N and quickly says
“We will talk about Sarah Lawrence later!” he says as he walks out the front door
“Fine.” Y/N replies going up the stairs to finish her book without having to be annoyed by Bianca.
Bianca’s nostrils flare as she rushes towards the end of the stairs looking up at Y/N 
“Can’t you find some blind, deaf guy to take you out so I can have one date!” Bianca shouts
“Sorry Bianca you’ll just have to miss out on the witty repartee of Trevor ‘eat me’ Zegras.”
“You suck!” Bianca says walking away
“You suck!” Y/N mocks back walking up the rest of the stairs.
Luke waited in the library for Bianca, he had learned French and found time in between hockey to be able to teach her French, something Quinn thought he was an idiot for.
Bianca storms in, Luke thought she looked gorgeous. Bianca had her long black hair in a ponytail and a red headband to hold back any falling pieces. She was wearing a red long sleeved crop top with a floral skirt and tiny red heels. Luke’s throat went dry as he opened the book, his hands shaking.
Bianca rushes towards Luke, being almost a foot shorter than him and that makes Luke go wild, he just stares at her before Bianca speaks “Can we make this quick? Troy and Dani are having an incredibly horrendous public breakup in the parking lot,again!” she said, smiling up at him.
His cheeks turned red “Well, uh I thought we would start with pronunciation?”
“Not the gagging, hacking and spitting part please.” she said folding her arms over her chest
“There is an alternative, French food, with me, this saturday.” 
“You’re asking me out?” she said her red lips growing into a smile
“That’s so cute? What’s your name again!” she said, making luke embarrassed.
“Luke Hughes. Listen, I know your dad doesn’t let you date, but I thought that if it was for French class he would,-” he said before Bianca spoke again.
“Oh wait a minute, Lyle..”
“My dad came up with a new rule, I can date when my sister does.” she said before Luke cheers
“Really? Do you like beach houses because me and my brothers have a beach house and-”
“A small problem Luca, In case you haven’t heard, my sister is a hideous breed of loser.”
“Y-yeah I noticed she is a little antisocial…Why is she like that anyway?” Luke asked leaning closer to Bianca 
“She used to be really popular, but she got sick of it or something. So then she became some moody indie rock loser.” Bianca replies as she makes a smug face at the talk of her ‘bitch’ sister.
“Yeah..but I am sure there are many men who wouldn’t mind going out with a difficult woman…like…Extreme dating!”
“You think you could find someone that extreme, and you’d do that for me?” Bianca replied holding his hand 
“Hell yes! I mean…yes.” Luke said before shrinking down in his seat. Luke’s mind immediately went to his older brother…Jack Hughes.
     Luke and Quinn saw their brother at hockey practice at around 2pm, Luke had already told Quinn and decided what was going to happen. He was pushing people into walls and gliding the puck into the net with such ease and then doing a very cocky celly, the rest of his teammates looking at him with fear.
“Hey brother, what’s up my man…” Luke said as he approached
“Yes, Luke? Is there something you need?” Jack said as he went to sit on the bench taking off his skates as his brother talked to him with his gear still on.
“Can you maybe take out this girl, Y/N, you’re the only one I know who could handle her-” He tried to say before being interrupted
“No way Luke, I am not taking out some chick, for your benefit.” he said as he walked to the locker room, not even glancing at his brother before taking off his jersey while walking into the locker room showing his toned back and his chest guard.
“God, of course he said no.” Luke said as he got on the bench as he took off his skates while Quinn skated off the ice and sat next to him.
“What we need…is a backer…someone who could convince Jack…” Quinn says before looking at Trevor and immediately knowing who his target was.
“Hey Trevor…” Quinn said as he skated towards Trevor. Trevor gave him a look.
“What’s up Hughesy, what do you need?” Trevor said as he skated around the ice rink.
“I need you to ask Jack to date Y/N L/N. Now here me out, all you have to do is pay him, and you may score a date with Bianca…” Quinn said desperate to help his little brother out.
“Fine, Bianca sounds nice…Ok I’ll do it, you owe me.” Trevor said before skating off the rink and going towards the locker room and approaching Jack.
“Hey Jack…buddy…Wanna go out with Y/N L/N for a couple bucks?” Trevor asked Jack as Jack stripped down to his boxers grabbing his regular clothes which consisted of a white t-shirt and blue swimming shorts. Jack gave him a confused expression.
“Why does everyone want me to go out with this chick? She got brownie flavored nipples or something?” Jack asked while taking out his vape and taking a hit.
“It may have something to do with her younger sister…Bianca L/N…But I’ll pay you 50 bucks a date.” Trevor said as he smiled
Jack didn’t even care, money is what caught his attention, he couldn’t get a job because he was too focused on hockey, so getting money for taking out a girl, a girl he thought was kind of pretty, it was perfect.
“Fine, I’ll do it, but I want the money in advance. Now I’m gonna go try to ask this girl out while you sit here in uniform.” Jack said before taking another hit and walking out of the locker room with a mission on his mind.
“Hey girly.” Jack said as he approached Y/N who was at her locker grabbing her books for psych.
She looks towards him with an amused smile. She was wearing a white long sleeve top, a long blue skirt and black chunky sandals, her h/l h/c hair was let down with half of it up.
“Why hello?” she said looking at him with a slight smirk
“What are you doing pretty girl?” Jack said as he looked at her
“Trying to grab my notebook for psych as a certain white boy is pestering me.” she said as she finds her book and slams her locker closed
“Mm I wonder who that boy is.” Jack said as he smirked at her “Do you maybe wanna go out sometime?” he asked, using his charming white smile to grab her attention. “I’ll give you a hint.” she says as she pulls open her locker revealing a mirror and pointing it at Jack. Jack looks at her with a shocked but amused face..now this girl has caught his attention, he is still in it for the bet, but Y/N…she was starting to make this a bit more fun and exciting for him.
A/N: Sorry this chapter is short, drivers ed and summer assignments are driving me crazy...anyways heres the next chapter, the third chapter will be uploaded soon, thank you for reading sorry for the delay
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shed-the-god · 9 days
Some Funkin’ Adventure! BF
Taking a small break to yap about SFA! BF
(I’ll write a fic about this in a bit)
Some baseline things about the boy:
He’s antisocial (ASPD) and autistic
He has a loving family, they mostly keep to themselves/are busy
He has a closer relationship with his mother than his father as she was more involved with raising and disciplining him; his father basically locks himself into his office to write
BF is also half Angel from his father’s side and Japanese from his mother’s side
BF is the oldest brother, being 19, Ritz is 18, and Miku is 16
Now that we got the basic stuff written, here’s some more facts about him :)
BF is very laidback, but chaotic; he’s also just the same little guy when he’s chilling 👀. He does everything for thrill and doesn’t worry much of his health bc of him being an Angel (I’m writing something about that so you’ll get more information then). He’s a huge romantic at heart and just protective of his loved ones in general. He doesn’t easily let people in and prefers to keep to himself; so if he doesn’t wanna talk, to you or in general, he beeps. His love language is quality time and affection 👀
I haven’t really been able to nail completely what his fears are, but I do have ideas. Most of his worries would be focused on the people around him and loss (thanks Pico). Since he doesn’t let many people into his heart, he considers those that are, higher priority than others and would do anything many things for them. I doesn’t like seeing his loved ones in pain, and especially hates losing them in anyway(again, thanks Pico).
Anyways I have to get back to my school work
Enjoy 🫡
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belaprus · 1 year
Dottore x reader: being his assistant (pt.2)
One month had already passed, and you had made sure to observe him thoroughly. He eventually had gotten accustomed to your presence, neutralizing it completely. You were cool with it, just barely disappointed. This was to be expected from an antisocial freak like him, and, fortunately for you, you weren't there for theraphy. It's just that you were so bored by his obsessive routine: at 6 AM, when you punctually came to his laboratory, he was already tinkering with his ampoules, trying to make a drug powerful enough to make his subjects endure the pain better. Sometimes he even talked to himself or to the drugged children, undisturbed by your presence:
"With supplies running low, I can't have you die after only some minutes of treatment, right? Now be a good, strong boy for me... Survive just a little more"
Seeing him like this was unnerving. In the past month, he had made sure to ignore you if not for the strictly necessary things, so you had even given up in trying to hold a conversation.
The sound of the cardiac monitor had turned into a blank beep after mere seconds. Next thing you saw was papers shattering and the whole desk flying into the air, hitting the wall. 'Talking about anger issues here'. You didn't bat an eye: if he was to hurt you, he would definitely be deprived of all of his funds. ----------- He was fully aware of it. Still, her being there, watching him in this pitiful state, was so unsettling. Was she really that neutral to him? Not everyone had enough guts to not even try to dodge, even if it wasn't needed. Either she had some sort of blind trust on him, or she knew her thing. Maybe she wasn't even capable of perceiving danger. The latter looked like the most plausible answer. After the first time they had met, he hadn't forgotten the pain derived from her attack. Nothing like what he's felt before in his life, but he felt like she was using but a feeble fraction of her full power on that occasion. It was such a low blow to his pride, being overtly subject to her in such a way. He wanted her out. His lab, his only personal space, his domain, was haunted by her presence. Yet she was quiet, not doing anything but watching, and that was enough to unsettle him. What was she thinking? Was she judging him? It would be no news to him, but he felt like she was trying to see directly through his person, not caring about his attitude or external behaviour. Plus, remembering of her knowing about his past as Zandick always put him in a sort of latent state of anxiety.
While dissecting another child's body, he noticed he couldn't concentrate enough on it. He perceived her subtle change in expression: 'she noticed', he thought to himself. She was like a hawk, waiting for the prey to be in the right spot and taking it away. After a few seconds, she got a bottle of water out of her purse and silently handed it over to him. 'What is she doing? Is she trying to coax me?'
"You've been working for twelve hours straight already. Drink something, at least"
The “at least” part sounded much like a “come on”. He hated being looked down upon like this. There may have been a tint of concern in her tone... Though little did he know about people's ways of expressing emotions. This lack of knowledge had always been his soft spot, and somehow she was constantly poking at it. Was she doing it on purpose?
" *Sigh* Are you still there?"
Now she sounded pissed. It was too late to accept now, his pride wouldn't allow it after being spoken to with that tone.
"I never asked you. I don't need it"
"If you faint or do something wrong during an experiment, you'll be in even more trouble than you are now." 'Bla, bla, bla' "Your mind would be wasted if you don't take care of it" 'Bla, bla, bla' "What's that-- a ruin hunter?!" 'Bla, bla-' "wait, wha-" -------- A loud sound of metal scraping against metal had Dottore abruptly exiting his trance state. Time wasn't enough as he turned to face a deadly ray of energy coming right to him... But it was enough for you to push him to the right with you and take a part of the blow on your left arm. You were about to turn the mechanical giant into ashes, but as you stood it had already fallen to the ground by itself, suddenly turning off.
You then fell too, knees on the ground as you watched the thing laying in front of you with utter shock painted all over your face, a pool of blood emerging from under the monster's body. Your next thought was him. You looked at Dottore as if searching for explanation, but he didn't even turn to look back at you: he was blankly staring at the ruin guard, so deep in thought. Your gaze moved on to a lock of silvery hair hanging from his mask, partially sticking to his face. Was he sweating?
'Is he... Scared?'
But something seemed off. At the very moment this thought had crossed your mind, you saw his eyes glowing with endlees amazement and wonder. You were absolutely creeped out by it. When he finally met your eyes with his, you couldn't help seeing him smile maliciously. ----------- 'So she isn't immune to the sense of danger, after all'
A crooked feeling was attacking his already crooked heart. Adrenaline was rushing through his veins and his instinct was running wild: 'She's judging me. She couldn't possibly have seen through me, after all', he thought while her expression was slowly changing into that of worry.
She was laying out her hand: "Are you ok?"
'Is she stupid? She's talking to the direct source of her fears like it's nothing'
This time, she wasn't pissed. Her eyes glowed with a new emotion he couldn't quite figure out. Pity, maybe? Was she pitying him? How dare she? But his pride was too slow to act, this time: it was too late when he realized, he had already taken her hand.
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
How would your OCs (The Anemoi and Sparrows if you need a limit) react to Gourmand? Like they have full knowledge that's a folk god right in front of them.
hmm... well Sparrows, while not religiously active especially not in the Global Religion, is still a follower of the folk religion (praying each night before bed kind of stuff). so She's falling to her knees and bowing deeply. she'd be kind of scared on the basis that 1.) it's a being of incredible power (even though she knows for a fact that there's nothing but kindness behind those eyes) 2.) it's a. fucking stranger n her antisocial ass is Quivering Gourmand would do some nice gesture like bonking his head against hers gently n she'd calm down though. the Folk Gods are seen as loving parents by the followers
Zephyr is inspired by Joan of Arc, so if you know the beginning of Joan's story at least a little, you might know that her relationship with the holy is a little special. she'd be similar to Sparrows, except instead of falling down completely she'd only come down to one knee. similarly to a knight. she's their fighter and will act as such too
Boreas would go "void below, what the *Fuck*." and try to ignore it. the whole ginormous Hivemind is nervous
Euros kind of depends if it'd be later in his relationship with Sparrows or before/at the start. if before, he'd silently back away while sort of glaring. doesn't like that the real God is here and would quite like to jattison it out of his chamber, but he can't be sure what it can do like this so he logically tries not to mess with it if it's later in his relationship with Spars, he's reacting similarly to her (since she accidentally recruited him). he's also falling into a respectful bow. he wouldn't be really Scared, but he'd be nervous if he doesn't offend the God by what he was built to be (replacement god and ALSO with the name of a Folk God in his own- dammit, Sparrows calls him Caper Specifically to dodge the Folk God name) but like. it'd be chill. one gentle headbutt later n he's beeping in fascination @ Gourmand
Notos is treating Gour same as Saint. incredibly polite greeting, respectful speech to it which includes that it is willing to offer its services if needed/desired and it goes back to its work
Haboob would be at first startled n reserved, tilting her head at it. Gourmand mirrors, she finds it funny n that makes her determine that this is a friend. so she starts asking questions even though Gour prolly wouldn't be able to really answer. she's the only one of these would Pet the guy
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woodpengu · 3 months
I need a readout on my arm regarding decompression needs. Just a simple little beep-booper to let me know if it's:
Go outside - fresh air
Go outside - sunshine
Social time - in person (being around ppl without actually engaging with them; ie mall, cafe, train, bus, etc)
Social time - friends n fam (actual peopley engagement)
Physical contact - platonic (hugs, kisses, cuddles, caresses)
Physical contact - nonplatonic (snuggles, makeout, make me feel hot n bothered and gimme dat sweet sweet relief)
Antisocial time
Horizontal time / Nap
Why do I have to play Guess or Trivia with myself every time? Just gimme what I need!
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yourbestpalpercy · 1 year
Playtime With Percy hcs. Getting the Pal and Tamaterror ones out of the way first
The reason why Pal doesn’t attack until the 3rd charge is because it took him a while to use to having limbs. The guy wouldn’t stop falling if he tried before getting used to them.
Bruti is very antisocial and the only way to get him to interact with anyone is to put a wall to run through.
If left alone/without Pal, Opti will immediately take charge of the Tamaterrors because he’s the most qualified.
Bruti is the dumbest of the group but he’s trying his best. Lanki and Roachi typically protect him from Opti’e bullying. If Pal’s available, he gets very aggressive as he is constantly trying to get them all to get along.
(Also, as I’m watching Dawko play the night)
Lanki: Sounds like a skill issue
Pal: YOU-!
Lanki likes stealing Pal’s kills for fun. This also got him banned from the internet unlike his brothers who promised not to use such language to Pal’s face.
Pal doesn’t know what to refer to the tamas as and only for jokes or getting his point across does he ever call them sons.
Bruti likes to help Pal get around…which typically means throwing him from room to room. Bruti is unaware that this damages Pal.
Roachi is a pest and usually steals food during hours. Percy has allowed Pal to use his body when shooing away Roachi and it’s siblings (the other roachis).
Pal has also agreed to keep the tamas hidden during hours but he’s definitely not happy about it as that means he can’t explore.
Mother Moose is typically on top of Pal trying to sneak in and play with the kids. If detected, Pal is, naturally, stuffed back into the storage room.
Out of all the animatronics, Rowan is the only one who really talks and has befriended Pal. Understandably, everyone else is very hard on Pal and his terrors. Especially Percy.
Pal has yet to try and correct his mistakes as he thinks he’s at least SLIGHTLY justified.
Every once in a while, Nick will come by to make sure the animatronics are all good which usually means dealing with the Pups stealing important parts. In fact, the only folk they don’t steal from is Pal…for obvious reasons.
The Poodle Pals are heavily territorial and often scrap with The Poodle Pups.
Yes, Nick has to repair Pal, the Tamas and Pals too. It’s always extremely awkward between Pal and Nick. They don’t usually talk and whenever Pal tries to start up and conversation, Nick presses his face into the stand, lying that he’s struggling and needs to keep him still.
Despite being territorial, the Pals are very sweet with Nick and adore their checkups. The Tamas are in the same boat, excitedly bouncing around and beeping in their own language to tell Nick their stories.
Farmer Felix is very much exes with Rowan and Rowan doesn’t like him much. He tolerates Felix though.
Charles usually tries to cheer up Rowan whenever he’s down about Felix.
Charles also likes to tell really bad puns.
While they don’t interact a lot, each of Pal’s allies get along with Percy and his gang.
Rowan and Pal
The Pals and Percy
Charles and Lanki
Bruti and Felix
Opti and Mother
Roachis and the Pups
The custom night characters are also around but everyone chalks them down to hallucinations and every time someone claims they saw them, poof. Gone again.
Viola usually only comes out when there’s violin music.
Whenever Viola and Opti meet, Opti has this moment and pure confusion and mild existential crisis as the tamaterror in her face looks near identical to him/it.
Helios is very, extremely hyper. It’s a wonder he can stay hidden at all. Bruti likes Helios’ stealth and always tries to learn from him.
Sunny and Lanki hate each other for no known reasons
Lanki also dislikes Helios
Helios: I- That’s what you hate me…?
Helios: I…you- huh..?
Sunny: Oh look, Lankibox is here
Lanki: SHUT UP! I am not like them!!
Sunny: You’re quite loud like them
Lanki: I yell SOMETIMES!
Sunny: You’re also very annoying…
Lanki: GAAAH! Disappear already, you pretentious vision sheep!
Sunny: I’m not a hallucination. You’re just bad at Searching. Pathetic considering you’re really good at Hiding.
Lanki: HISSSSS!!
I’ll add tags later-
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letterstome42 · 1 day
Dear 42 year old me,
I was out last night in Cambridge for a concert. I biked there because the venue isn’t far from my apartment and it’s faster and easier than driving or taking the bus. I was in the travel lane to take a left turn when the car behind me beeped at me which made me jump a little. I turned around and this SUV was right behind me so I flipped them off. Maybe that was rude, but the beeping was uncalled for. When I made my left turn the car threw a cup full of ice at me. It missed and the ice scattered all over the road. I felt so annoyed. It’s hard not to be annoyed at car drivers and the way they’re so predisposed to violence. The fact the driver attempted to assualt me because they were irritated at sharing the road with a cyclist is frustrating. The fact that we’ve normalized the violence car drivers regularly and unashamedly engage in is horrifying.
This area is a densly populated, mixed use area where college students and local residents gather on patios, outside of barss, greenspaces, and sidewalks. It’s an area full of apartments, businesses, and restraurants. The car that threw the ice at me almost immediately had to stop at the next traffic light. It’s so ridiculous to be in so much of a rush to wait at the next traffic light that you would attempt to assualt another traveler. I don’t want to be an angry person but it’s so hard not to want to hurt those that hurt you. If we are what we do, that means we can’t explain away our actions by what has happened to us. If I don’t want to be an angry person who does violent things I must not do those things. Not even in response to someone else’s violence.
I sometimes feel so angry. I used to feel rage constantly and worse of all, I felt my rage was justified. It probably was. People were awful to me and so I was awful. I behaved horribly and I felt terrible about myself and about everyone else. Last night, I felt annoyed, but I moved on quickly. I continued to the show and mostly forgot about the incident. I have complained about it to a few friends, but I am trying not to internalize this incident and use it as an excuse to act with aggression. I’ve made so much progress and I don’t want that to be undone by one rude and dangerous driver.
There is so much to be said about car drivers and car culture in the United States. There is so much to be said about the violent and antisocial behaviors that car drivers exhibit. Car drivers kill so many people each year with their reckless and selfish actions. But last night, I didn’t die. I went to the concert, I saw friends, I had a good time. I don’t want to be angry, but I don’t want to die next time. It’s so hard balancing what I have to do to survive and what I want to do to live.
I guess I’m telling you all this because you know. You know how angry I was before. You must know that I’m trying now. And you would know what comes of all this trying. I do hope things are better and I continue to be a person that I like. I feel better about myself. I hope I don’t feel the way I used to feel about myself.
Anyway, thanks for listening! I hope 42 is treating you (us) well! <3
With nothing but love and kindness.
From me to me.
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dashawfrostart · 3 months
These Two Weeks In "Time & Again" #18: Everything Is 99% Ready For Printing! (Through Blood And Tears... Almost 🤣)
Hallöchen!.. All of a sudden, two weeks have passed. And I didn't even notice. To be completely frank, I haven't been feeling very comfortable over the course of those 2 weeks. Difficult life endeavours are sure not helping the situation, and I keep feeling antisocial - even more so than before (meaning: a bit less social than my normal introverted self). Intermitting work, home stuff, pushing it with "Time & Again" (still the top priority in my life), and simply being a human being has been a tad tense and somewhat distressing for me... So the emotional background is not exactly a candy right now. That said though, it doesn't mean that I'm not trying to persevere. Because oh booooiiiii, I sure doooooo!!! 😎 (keeping it up as the cracks are growing is something that Lothar is struggling with in his day-by-day life, that handsome bastard. His situation is a little different though)
Although it might seem that the amount of work on "Time & Again" that had been done was nowhere near tremendous, some things were subjected to substantial and quite important transformations. Plus, as per usual, considering writing short posts is most certainly NOT my forte, this post is most likely gonna be very wordy - but it will also contain a bunch of WIP screenshots. So brace yourselves - and more screenshots pop up as you go further ahead into the post. (Also, brace yourselves for a little bit of beeped soft cuss, because it had to happen)
... But before I begin today's oversized tale, I have to ask a curious question (because changing the topic randomly is what I excel at 😎):
How do y'all feel about cover artworks that have little, to nothing, to do with the story itself?
That's quite a daring question, isn't it? And I know that some might be frustrated with such a choice, shall the artist resort to such a rebellious decision. But lately, I've discovered that, to me this is not an issue. It's a difficult question, really, and it's a matter of a personal preference, for sure. I like puzzles and mind-bending stories. I like questions, and I like hints - and yet, I do not necessarily ask for any answers at all. As I read stories, I love co-creating/co-writing them in my imagination rather than reading about unnecessary [in my humble opinion] and meticulously explained points of the story that would've been better off kept in the dark, for the sake of the reader's joy. I also like stories that start somewhere from the middle and provide no introduction/exposition whatsoever. I'll figure it all out as I go ahead, all by myself. I don't see a problem at all. Perhaps, you can already see a certain correlation with "Time & Again" and the way it's written. But back to our question! I don't mind it when the cover art is a bit... off. I think it really depends on the story, on the author/artist, and the idea it is trying to convey. I don't take things like that as something offensive or disrespectful; I treasure creativity, and I deeply rejoice at the signs of mystery, and I love the excitement that a cover art like that could reward me with. But I would like to know your humble opinion on the matter, as well.
They reason I asked is because the cover art for Chapter 6 is still the only one that does not have a clear design in my pile of sketches. I think I will come up with the idea for it on the go, during the development, but currently 've got absolutely nada de nada (except for a meme sketch. Frosty loves old-skool dank memes. The meme sketch is not exactly suitable for the cover art tho, so I'll stash all my precious thoughts of longcat deep in the corner of my heart so that it doesn't accidentally pop up on the cover design).
But back to the topic now!!! Finally!
In the previous post I promised to head further and farther into the mysterious forest of the techy depths of 2D art creation.
So, I've been working on the "Clean Cut Edition". One of the most important objectives in this respect for me was the conversion of Chapter 1 into a Letter page format. The original release had a different width/height ratio - it was based off the European/Worldwide page standard that is A4 that is narrower from the sides (more in-depth info about the differences between Letter and A4 page sizes is here). I know, I know, Imma dummy: I should've done it right from the start. But I didn't, because back then in 2020 I couldn't even imagine that I might want to print my story someday. But wait, there's more! 🖐 My second objective after changing the page format/ratio was to add full bleed to all the pages for the proper printing - plus add a little more cushion to the speech bubbles to make sure nothing gets cut off when printed. I know, I know, Imma dummy: I should've done it right from the start (deja vu feeling here, anyone?).
So this is exactly what I've been doing during those 2 weeks of online absence 😁. AND I DON'T EVER WANNA DO THAT EVER AGAIN, NEVER EVER IN MY LIFE. Full bleed areas forever now, for all my projects, regardless if they go to the printers later on OR NOT. That's all. 🙅‍♀️
As you might've already guessed, I did not feel particularly happy about having to redo everything manually. That would've been a nightmare!.. 😱💀 And a supermassive amount of work...
However, I knew that I needed to fix some stuff manually anyway. Moreover, not everything was actually as hopeless as it seemed to begin with: on some files, the backgrounds already extended enough beyond the canvas boundaries, so I only needed quick fixes to make them look good. So I started off with the simple stuff first, such as the cover arts (oh boi, talking about cover arts a lot today!).
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☝ Here you can see how much the full bleed area extends, thanks to the areas that are not filled with white colour. Cover art for Chapter 2 was super easy to add full bleed to. Actually, none of the cover arts needed any desperate measures. Somebody was half-smart a few years ago 😁😅
And yet again, I'm eager to dream about the [sadly] non-existent AI algorithms that could've been INCREDIBLY helpful in my situation! From the older post you already know that I'm not opposed to AI when it comes down to help with already existing stuff and with the prospects of automation, which in the end results in saving precious time. And to me time is of the essence right now, because I would rather invest my time and effort into the new chapter of the story rather than trying to recreate neater full bleed areas on already existing pages to make everything, well, printable. More content, new content, please!!! So my obvious thought was to utilize the help of the modern technologies and to use AI generators to automatically expand my pages to create bleed areas! Nice, fast, and simple, innit?!
So after a short search, Brian stumbled across a plugin for Krita called Krita AI Diffusion. And it sounded awesome!!! The manual said it can outpaint - meaning, it can extend the artwork beyond the canvas boundaries. And that was EXACTLY what I needed for my work! For that, I even updated Krita to version 5.2.2, for earlier I've been always using 5.0 😅 After setting everything up, installing the server and the packages as the manual suggests, after learning about it and playing with the settings for a while, I came to conclusion that...
The Sc***ße doesn't effing work for my bloody task 🤣
The plugin seems to work very well for what it is, but sadly, not for extending the canvas to create full bleed areas suitable for printing - which was THE task I specifically installed it for. It fills up the empty areas just fine, but... it doesn't really guess what I want or doesn't guess the pre-existing patterns.
For a test, I took the title page of Chapter 1 and requested to extend the canvas based on the artwork. I wanted the AI to simply extend the hexagonal cells pattern 40 pixels in each direction. After 5 minutes of thinking, it got me... a wooden pattern (as represented on the close-up screenshot to the right). That was a good guess, no doubt... But alas, far from what I needed ideally.
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But I had a hack: since the high-res version of this background has been already created earlier as I'd been working on Chapter 5, I decided to swap the backgrounds and just scale the new one to the size suitable for printing. Didn't have to generate the pattern all over from scratch. Yay!
But the real test was to make the AI extend the actual comic page with a complex artwork on it. I took one of the first pages of Chapter 2 and tried the Extend function on it. Again, after, like, 5 to 7 minutes of it thinking, it gave me... some intricately designed fairytale-stylized forest pattern - with a heart on top nonetheless. Mind you, it also smudged Jeanny's pretty face to make her look as if she's a horror vision of sorts. (another kind of Abomination, maybe?..)
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Yikes forever! 😬🤢 After that I pretty much understood that AI will have no use for me right now.
I will write a more in-depth review of Krita AI Diffusion plugin for the sake of contribution to its development, and to provide precious user feedback in one of my future posts.
In cases like that, one always wonders to themselves: what will be more time efficient right now?.. Trying to fight with the new unknown tech, learn it and make it work to automate the future work? Or is it more time efficient to simply do everything manually instead of potentially spending hours and hours on something that might not even work out in the end?.. I took a less risky path this time, obviously.
Well, since the help of the modern tech was out of question... I buckled my pants, mentally embraced the amount of work ahead of me and... pressed on. Because what else a starving artist will do in this case?..
To my surprise, it actually didn't take too much time. Some pages did tho. I DON'T EVEN WANNA TALK ABOUT SOME PAGES. Goodness gracious, I'm so happy the work is done now!!! Below there are some examples of what my pages look like now after adding full bleed to them ("safe zones" are included on the templates, too. I made my templates all by myself, based on the professional printers' templates I already had downloaded):
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Surprisingly or not, extending Chapter 3 was as easy-peasy task - perhaps, because the chapter features relatively simplistic artworks, at least of the foreground.
And finally, "Clean Cut Edition" includes some little visual and textual improvements, not because that would've been better for printing, but because I said so. For example, as shown below, I rewrote the scary background font on the angry Jeanny panels to make it more readable, and I almost completely rearranged and redrew the speech bubbles on the bottom of the second page of Chapter 2. Now they look much more lively and playful, and fun. And no random tree patterns and hearts, for crying out loud. *cough cough*
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I s'ppose, that is quite enough of reading for today. You guys must be very tired of my giant tale that stretched out across time and space.
So I bid farewell for now. The next step will be quite exciting 😁
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m1shapanda · 1 year
hi im getting over being antisocial anymore the silliness will continue after the beep
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bakasurvivor · 3 years
Apparently if you have an empty main blog some people assume you're a bot...well, then I may have to start using this stupid place. I can't decide yet what I want to do with it so for now have this.
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💅💁‍♀️My responses while avoiding responsibilities:
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sassyyscorpio · 5 years
I have accepted that hopefully I will never be anything more than a rich man or women’s wife and I’m ok with that
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