#any like if u personally have an issue with femininity
cosmics-beings · 11 months
i remember some tfp fans were really mad when people drew tfp starscream super feminine and stuff and it's like, find something else to get mad about. in a fandom where a lot of the male characters are literally feminized by fandom or just flat out seen as women then why was it just a problem to y'all when it was HIM who went thru it.
#yall don't get mad when people unironically call tfp megatron (or any megatron) wife or whatever or make him femme#and in tfp he's already big hipped and thighed so y'all don't actually have to try that hard#i just think there's a lot of people who tend to project onto startscream so hard#and they have some weird ick. with femininity#and whenever they see him being portrayed as femme it makes them uncomfortable#because it goes against how they feel about themselves#i have never seen any other characters get flack for being portrayed as overly feminine by the fandom- and I'm saying all characters#but with starscream#ever month or so i do see people getting upset#and trying to tie it back to something werid#when literally every other character gets the femme beam#any like if u personally have an issue with femininity#fine#but damn don't project that on anyone else#anyway#as a femme genderfluid person#and coming from a community where my feminity was denied#i really loved seeing feminine portrayals of rstarscream#and then#when i saw people really trying to make it this big thing#and portray it as negative#it really hurt me#and it's like on one hand people can say stuff like heterenormativity#but then this wouldn't even be related to shipping or whatever#and other characters again were given the femme beam#it's just#people had an issue with starscream getting it#and didn't think for a second that maybe a lot of transfems and other femme queer folks may see ourselves in him#idk idk didk#it was just crazy to me
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learnastrowallura · 12 days
10th house ruler in the houses
Ideal career <3
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I have made a post about the 10th house if you wish to know more about it.
1st house: modeling, content creation (focused on YOU, your opinions, your reviews, your personality), leadership/innovative jobs, anything that makes you shine
2nd house: becoming a chef, taking on lucrative projects, huge focus on accumulating material wealth, staying authentic and true to your values and making sure it doesn't fuck w ur emotional stability and stuff- no sacrifices
3rd house: consider working in a family-run business, utilizing writing talent, maybe something debate related, teaching elementary school/little kids, something mind stimulating
4th house: stay at home mom/dad or working from home, babysitting, having a more obscure job and being private about job matters, having a job that allows you to be family oriented as well, providing for your fam being a motivation of urs
5th house: art, creativity, modeling/makeup artist, hair stylist, social media manager, going with the flow, innovation, laid back/light hearted when it comes to duty, being quite lucky in the career side of things
6th house: administrative work, athletic field, diet expert or nutritionist, doctor, being quite involved in your work matters on the daily and taking it seriously, work relationships (coworkers, subordinates, superiors) being relevant for better or for worse
7th house: tbh I'm drawing a blank on this one 😭 I'd look at the sign of the 10th house buuuuttttt anything/anywhere that you feel comfortable as/in for a while should be good. This also indicates maybe meeting someone special at work? 👀 or working together with/creating a business with your long term partner. Also be aware of how ur relationship with ur business partners goes cuz it's important especially deals involving contracts
8th house: accounting, investment, stocks, real estate, finance jobs basically anything that involves other people's money and also maybe inspector jobs, detective work esp homicide involved (ace attorney vibes lol), performing autopsies etc u get the idea and we could also add occult related jobs as well
9th house: spiritual work, teaching individuals esoteric matters, astrologer, tarot, palmistry readings, jobs that allow you or even encourage you to be like a forever student and stuff
10th house: traditional jobs, CEO, career success is important to you and you tend to prioritize it regardless of whatever else is going on in ur life, any jobs that requires a high level of achievement and handling pressure with grace
11th house: social media related, working within a group, collaborative effort, compromise, maybe prioritizing other endeavors centered around making an impact such as activism, vouching for the oppressed and volunteering
12th house: therapist, readings, helping people work through their issues and do shadow work, alchemy work aka turning pain into power, also helping individuals achieve balance in the mental as well as spiritual plane (feminine and masculine energy for example) etc
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Of course this is very general!! You need to look at loaaaads of other stuff but yeah comment down below your 10th house placements
Thank you for reading <3
Paid readings available
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sharkboywrites · 8 months
Hi! Can you pls write halsin and astarion (Gale too if u can) with a trans male (transitioned) who feels insecure about appearing too feminine and thinking about cutting his long hair cause he thinks they’re too feminine? Sorry this just my insecurities. This morning I cut my hair and gold I wish I hadn’t cause I loved my hair but ppls told me they were girly so.. yeah. Regrets. Sorry about the mini rant. So Uhm would love if u could write so,è comfort, no worries if u can’t! Thx for being a mlm writer and love that u started writing for bg3! Have a lovely day!
Halsin, Astarion, and Gale with a Dysphoric FTM S/O
A/N: Took me about two years but I'm finally trying to get back to writing after falling down shitposting hell, yaay. So sorry to hear about your problems with hair (and also that it took me so long to get to it :/), hair can be a really complicated thing when you're trans and even though I cut mine as short as possible I still end up feeling too feminine most of the time. sorry that these are kinda short, I'm easing myself back into writing after a while of not writing at all, even personal works, after a family emergency.
Ftm reader, male reader, he/him pronouns used, heavy themes of dysphoria
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Halsin makes his morals clear, that things should be as nature intended it
This includes things like hair, and that hair growing out is a natural thing whether you're a man or woman
Obviously he's okay with hair cutting, his would be much longer if he hadn't, but he also supports the idea of letting your hair grow out, letting nature choose it's path, his hair is still near his shoulders after all
So when you come to him about your worries of your hair being "too feminine" he's very adamant that this is a normal thing
He assures you that hair is natural, and that people can have any length and it will not affect who they are as a person
Whatever you decided, cutting your hair or keeping it long, he will continue to assure you that no matter what hair length you have, you are still a man and the man he loves
Just know that Halsin loves you no matter what, you are a man and he will do everything in his power to make sure you know that
Like Halsin, Astarion is really doesn't think much about hair length and it equating to gender
Astarion had met plenty of men in his life, many of which having long hair, some even long enough to go all the way down their legs to their ankles
And yet these men were still just that, men
Some quite masculine still, and not any less attractive to him
When you come to him with your troubles, he's immediately going to try and help you
He'll help you style your hair to find a way that you like it
He'll tie it all up, tie only certain parts of it up, twist it and braid it, until you find something that you like
Every time you find a style you like, because of course he'll keep going until you find multiple you're comfortable with, he'll tease you about how silly you were for thinking having long hair made you feminine
I mean, look at this man
His hair is short, but it's stylish, he takes good care of it, and he'll for sure know how to make it so that you'll like this
He'll make you feel as masculine as possible while playing with your hair, making sure you know just how loved yu are, as you are, a man
Gale himself has longer hair
Obviously it's not very long, about a bit longer than his shoulders, but he's confident about it most times
When he does get insecure about it, it's not because he doesn't feel masculine, it's because of his general insecurities with himself
So when you open up to him about your issues, he's not exactly sure how to help
He'd never considered that this could be a reason someone would be insecure
He encourages you to keep your hair long, although he's not very good at comforting you
He may try to mess around with your hair like Astarion, and he doesn't do as well, but he does well enough
You find a few styles that make you feel better and he promises to do his best to try and make it right every morning just for you
If you do want to cut it off, he won't stop you, even supervising to make sure you don't mess it up too bad
If you regret it later, he'll hold you close in an attempt to comfort you
Again, he's not great at comforting, but at this point he's also more comfortable and it does the trick
Before or after cutting your hair, he may use astral projection to try and make you feel better about your physical appearance if you really want it
Gale may not be the best in these situation, but he tries his hardest to do what's best for you and what you want, comforting you all the way through
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Wooo I'm back to writing, ty for reading and have a nice day!
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natsmagi · 11 days
The hyperfeminization of Arashi by the fandom has been such an issue for the longest time: from forcing her to wear pinks, skirts, dresses *ALL* of the time, to constantly making redesigns of her outfits to fit what they deem to be more feminine. It isn’t a problem to wear any of these, and trans women do wear a lot of these, but the problem is that it not only is not true to her character, but the people who do these things only conduct such because it’s what THEY think is more feminine (because it is what was considered traditionally feminine). When in reality, Arashi herself is already feminine. Everyone knows the writers struggle to respectfully portray her character at times, but her principles have ALWAYS remained the same, and clear. She doesn’t enjoy her gender identity being paraded on, she is comfortable in the clothes she wears. It’s especially frustrating when people redisgn her to always wear dresses, have longer hair, and other things they think makes her more feminine when Arashi chose to dress the way that she does. She likes pants, she likes short hair, the whole point of her character is loving the way that she is- why would she change it so drastically the way that the fandom does? They act as if she is a damsel in distress, when Arashi is one of the most strongest and confident characters. She’s in touch with her emotions most times, and wouldn’t willingly choose things that would make her dysphoric. It’s especially upsetting when the fandom does these things because it begins to hurt real transfem people, and in turn hurts the rest of the community because of how high these expectations go. They expect Arashi to be 100% feminine all the time, degrade her when she shows a bit of masculinity, which then becomes real life transphobia in expecting trans women in real life to hold these standards. This then hurts other trans people in expecting transmasc to be 100% masculine all the time, or non-binary/agender/etc. people to be 100% androgynous all the time. We must accept that Arashi is trans. People think they do already but don’t ACTUALLY accept that she is. They use the pronouns and correct such, but they don’t correct the internalized transphobia they have because they don’t think they have any. Arashi has stated that she does enjoy exploring masculinity at times and feels comfortable to do so, and so we must accept that she will be exploring masculinity when she feels like it: just as any other transfem person would. The people who constantly parade her identity make me think that they don’t surround themselves with other trans people, because they would know that many trans people explore their expression in different ways. Why is it okay for trans masc to wear makeup, dresses and skirts while not having their integrity questioned yet transfem cannot wear pants, have off days or just explore masculine expression when they are already comfortable with their identity?
All in all, it’s disgusting to constantly police Arashi’s gender identity just because it was uncomfortable for the viewer that cannot accept that transfem are allowed to explore their gender identity
!!!!!! YES EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU EXPLAINED IT BETTER THAN I EVER COULDVE!!!!!!!!!!! i agree with u 100%
i dont have much more to add but i will say i feel like people often forget that queer identities are REAAAAAAALLY NUANCED AND COMPLEX. like. you dont need to look a certain way in order to Be something. theres plenty of cis women who prefer wearing pants or having short hair or whatever, so why cant trans women??? why do we always need to fit so perfectly into these little boxes society places onto us in order to be viewed as valid and respected?
being queer is about defying norms, not creating new ones. You can act like youre a trans ally all you want but if you refuse to accept or acknowledge the nuances that comes with being trans and the unique and individual relationships we all have with our assigned gender and masculinity/femininity as a whole, no matter how often you use the correct pronouns, if you keep needing us to be and look a certain way in order for you to acknowledge us as actually Being our gender for YOUR comfort, youre transphobic.
its frustrating how feminism used to be a push for allowing women to dress and act however they want (aswell as having rights ofc) But now for some reason we're right back at square one where women need to be soft and delicate and petite and wear pink dresses or else youre not a real woman or youre seen as lesser. That is not queer allyship, nor is it empowering women
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i-cant-sing · 3 months
I'm surprised by how open you are about your views on 'controversial' topics. As someone who works in a hospital and a certain group of university in the US, I had to sign a contract that prevents me from speaking out on these matters. How do you manage discussing such topics in your role?
I mean where I'm from, we have much bigger issues than just someone's opinions. Idk what controversial topics youre talking about, but i dont be just going about and giving my opinions to everyone and anyone. No, not everyone gets it and my time is far much more valuable than to talk sense to an ignorant person who will just make it look like im banging my head against the wall. Also because opinions are constantly changing because Im also in a growing age and im still learning new things everyday. if you were to see my views from 10 years back, youd be surprised. but then again, i was still a teen back then and i was easily influenced so back then i used to think being a feminist is being "anti man" or that being "feminine" is wrong and weak, which is not true obviously.
again idk what controversial topics youre talking about, but im gonna take a guess its about the gaza genocide being comitted by israel and look, there is only one fact, not opinion but FACT! and thats that Israel is murdering Palestinians actively, torturing them, doing ethnic cleanising and still trynna defend themselves for murdering babies in the worst way possible, and then some. there is no other side to this- there is no excuse for israel to do this, not now, not then and not ever. they are comitting crimes WAY WORSE THAN THEIR OWN HOLOCAUST, and its so enraging to see how nonchalant they are about it, how they have ZERO humanity, how they are actually worse than the NAZIS- imagine being worse than Nazis.
now back to your question- how do i manage giving my two cents on this? I'm Muslim, and even if I wasnt i think its the pretty obvious and sane thing to do, but Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "Whoever sees something evil should change it with his hands. If he cannot, then with his tongue; and if he cannot do that, then in his heart- and that is the weakest of faith"
So if anyone of you can go volunteer in Gaza, or give humanatarian aid or donate, then he should do so. If you are not in a position to do that, then you should speak up, go to protests, post on your socials and raise awareness and keep up the boycott. If you are not even able to do that for whatever reason, then at least in your heart you should know that this is evil, go pray for palestinians, and keep on reminding yourself so that you dont get brainwashed into any western propaganda ever again about how Muslims are just deserving of this horrendous hate crime on such a level.
secondly, my reason for speaking up about this is because lets just forget for a moment that palestinians are majorly muslims and this is islamophobia. lets just consider them humans, okay? u could hate muslims adults all u want, but kids dont really have that much of a grasp on religion right? so, do you think that if Israel has and continues to comit a massacre on this level while the entire world watches, while everyone calls them out on their shit, while they have repeatedly documented their own disgusting tortures and crimes against these palestinians, have been called out by UN and the INTERNATIONA CRIMINAL COURT numerous times and they still continue on with this genocide, then what makes you think that you or i are safe?
If we let this continue on, if we dont speak up, then this is just giving a free pass to not only Israel but also anyone to go absolutely batshit crazy on any other country. The very fact that youre not in gaza and sitting in your home safe and cozy is by pure luck. But luck runs out eventually. And karma comes. What goes around, comes around. You stay quiet today over this matter, you dont try to help palestinians, then no one's gonna come for you too.
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conceptofjoy · 16 days
any advice for new girls
like tgirls? hm.. im not a trans girl so im pulling from my experience as black trans person whos struggled w being able to be feminine.
i guess if i had to say, do it weird, do it the way it makes you happy. eurocentric beauty standards and white supermacist/patriarichal caricatures have already said their piece about us, but gender expression is so much more than just masc and fem.
if passing feels so far a way, what can you do instead to distance yourself from an image you’ve at best felt neutral about and at worst hated. a lot of alt subcultures were pioneered by queer and/or people of color! do u see something thats wormed its way into ur brain but thought maybe this could only be for other people? go for ittt, build up your collection of cool shit. ofc theres the issue of money, but there has always been broke alt people, you can always find tips online. through those, you can find community and people more than delighted to see you for who you are.
AND.. and and and and, pleaaaseee do not be comparing yourself to white skinny girls on the internet, find models that look like YOU. trans women who have gotten weird with it and are vocal about their own journeys. you do not need E to be a woman, and though the people irl may think so, life is a transitory (lol) process. you dont just suddenly look like the woman you’ve always dreamed of, work on the foundation and your self confidence as you grow. also be safe, i love you.
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mothinabottle · 17 days
Hey hey I don't know if I've asked you this already (if I have I'm so sorry I have the memory of a goldfish that embodies an orange cat ^^")
I'm planning on making my dol pcs in the Sims4 and I was wondering if it'd be alright if I did the same with yours? I wanna have my friends dol pcs live under a roof (and see what chaos will ensure and post about it xD) once I've set my computer back up and done all the updates...there are so MANY updates ;-;
I understand if that's not alright with you though ^^
Dearest, it is more than alright! In fact, I am really flattered that you'd like to recreate them in the Sims 💙
Pls do tag me whenever these little demons do stupid shit, because I know they will.
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Did a small relationship chart with the final school uniform designs to guide u a little.
Resumed description of each PC below
Hana is quite easy. She/them is obsessed with having a perfect academic record and is the most prideful person you'll ever encounter. No one can be better than her at school or she will lose her mind.
Partygoer, academic genius, socially dumb, can barely boil water and usually stresses herself to the point of fainting and bleeding. Prefers to talk things out. Smokes a lot, drinks a lot
Neat room, everything organized except from the amount of papers scattered around. Likes to show off trophies and medals. Tons of band posters. Her electric guitar is her most prized posession. Voice has an incredible range and is very powerful, thus a great singer
Hana crossdresses a lot to go out and such. Only wears female clothing at school. Extremely tall (1.95 cm). Doesn't know what to do with her life
Masculine body, fit but max ass. It's difficult to describe her, but some drawings give a hint of her body type
Kari is tricky. Really violent. Anger issues. Fights a lot. Scars on her arms which she covers wirh her clothes. Manipulative, really easy to anger. Cannot draw for shit. Prefers having short hair but is scared of being seen as less feminine.
Overdoses on pills regularly. Sexual things are a sensitive topic, but isn't above using her body to get what she wants. Really small (1.47cm). Does her best to be seen as an angel, has a meltdown if sometimes makes her realize she is less than pure.
Room looks like an elegant room of a hotel. Extremely fancy with expensive stuff, but it looks so soulless it hurts.
Really curvy body. Max tits and ass. You get what I am saying
You can make her chubby, though. She would be happier if she was chubby like when she was a child. Only thin because fear of not being seen as conventionally attractive.
May is the trickiest. Since she is "dead", most things are left up to how you want her to be.
Important stuff would be:
-Very meek,
-Loves space and anything related to it. Best subject used to be Science
-Very kind. Selfless to the point of being an imbecile.
-Loves nature and is a huge dreamer.
- Hobby is knitting and watching movies.
-Unlike the first two, she always dreamed of having a family. Doesn't matter if big or small.
That would be all to kinda build sims for them. You can DM me if you have any doubts!
Thank you for this opportunity, teademoness, dear! 💙💙
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nightcolorz · 1 month
it's so crazy that people are out here making literal terf arguments over a fictional gay couple
also it was taking me out how that reply was literally citing examples of Louis' textual racial oppression as evidence of him being a subtextual woman like is that really what we're doing now?? Lestat owns the Azalea on paper because Louis can't own it as a black man during Jim Crow not because Lestat is equally invested in running the business as The Man like it's 1000% Louis' thing, and ignoring the strategic ways he operates his business black man just bc you're uncomfortable with the moral nature of that business is so blatantly insulting to Louis character and agency it's ridiculous. Like if Louis is a woman the majority of these people are being unironically sexist towards her because they like the boring self-insert wattpad version of her they created in their heads rather than the actual character.
sorry for the rant you can feel free to ignore it but that was driving me crazy
don’t apologize for the rant I’m so happy u sent me the rant bcus now I feel like I’m not crazy 😭😭. I didn’t actually read that one reply bcus the weird font changes gave me a migraine, but I skimmed enough to know what their thesis was 💀.
the terf shit is genuinely insane. I think a lot of this interpretation comes down to cis women with internalized sexism and transphobia (and racism cough cough) choosing to interpret Louis and lestats relationship in a way that aligns with their heteronormative narrow minded view of relationships (especially abusive ones) bcus they r unable to interpret a story about a gay black man being domestically abused by a flamboyant white man in a way that doesn’t revolve around the oppression of cis women bcus they believe that cis women are the central and only victims of oppression and domestic violence.
even tho it is explicitly shown to us that Lestat is able to abuse louis bcus louis is socially oppressed as a black man and lestat has societal power over him, ppl feel the need to put this “he’s also a metaphor for women” angle on it bcus they don’t want to confront the reality that men, especially men who are oppressed bcus of race or queerness or disability or any number of things, can be abused by their partners, and often are. I’ve noticed a lot of cis women have a problem with acknowledging that men can and do experience oppression that is “for women”. Domestic violence is often leveraged against women, but men are also victimized by it too, and stories about men who r abused deserve to be told without being “secretly about women”. This is especially weird since Louis is a black man, and I think a lot of this interpretation is happening bcus a lot of ppl subconsciously believe that black men can’t be victims of abuse or violence without being somehow women. Which is fucked up, obviously. It also undermines the actual story being told about a black man trying to navigate abuse and power structures by suggesting it’s actually about misogyny, bcus the implication is that misogyny is more important or legitimate then a black man’s experience and therefore he is just a mouth piece for a “real issue”
this is also why I think ppl argue lestat can’t be feminine bcus he abused Louis. They think that a feminine person can’t be an abuser, so they think that when I say lestat is feminine, im actually invaliding that he’s an abuser and suggesting he’s actually not abusive (bcus he’s fem). Believe it or not, u can be feminine and flamboyant or be a woman and at the same time be domestically violent against ur partner. Lestat’s feminine self expression and behavior is completely irrelevant to him being abusive, and he can be abusive and leverage his privilege over Louis while still being a feminine person. I think cis women have a problem with this bcus they are frightened to admit that they are capable of being instigators of violence despite being women/feminine . So friendly reminder, femininity is not the same as being morally good or pure, and femininity and victimhood are not the same. Trying to paint lestat as this embodiment of masculine and patriarchal ideals when he is very much a feminine queer man just bcus u insist that abuse has to fit into ur narrow minded view of what an abuser and a victim looks like is well, ignorant.
so Ppl who r socially oppressed are often victimized, and women are often victimized bcus they are socially oppressed, but Louis is socially oppressed and and that does not make him a women. Got it? 💀
It’s also important to acknowledge that Louis is a pimp who uses the victimization of women to gain social status and money for himself. Equating his suffering with the suffering of women is just not accurate when the show explicitly demonstrates to us that Louis is able to use the victimization of women to his advantage. Louis still operates within the patriarchy as a man, and him being abused by another man doesn’t make him less of a man, doesn’t make him akin to a woman thematically, and doesn’t mean he experiences misogyny the way women do in the narrative
(also, just a disclaimer, I’m not talking about ppl who headcanon Louis as trans or gnc or feminine, that is all awesome and a great way to express urself and how u relate to him. What I’m talking about is ppl who say that iwtv is thematically about domestic abuse against women bcus Louis is presented as the woman in the relationship since he’s abused by lestat )
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frankiebirds · 3 months
re one of ur last posts - what are ur nonbinary elle and spencer hcs?? :))
AH i actually dont have that many so a lot of these literally just came into my head. also i'm very sorry this mostly became "elle helping spencer realise he's nonbinary" headcanons, i'll have to think more about elle :((
this one is not my headcanon. i tried to find whose it is but for the life of me i cannot track it down, so if anyone knows please tell me so i can link them: they share a wardrobe. the only one who remembers which clothes initially belonged to which person is spencer, for obvious reasons. EDIT: got this from this post by @/spritehouse
elle has her shit figured out pre-canon but isn't doing anything about it because it's 2005. spencer does not have his shit figured out until after he gets with elle
well. he has it a little figured out. he knows there's something to figure out, he knows he isn't a cis man, but he's just like. i have way too much going on in my life already to think about that so i will ignore it <3 because that's worked out so well for him
pre-figuring his shit out, spencer is constantly (and largely unintentionally) mixing "menswear" and "womenswear". i really struggle to see a version of spencer where he and diana didn't experience serious financial issues after william left, and even as an adult, high-quality private psychiatric care like diana's is expensive. so, the majority of his clothes are thrifted (yes, i know about the $500 cardigans in later seasons. gifts from rossi <3) and he doesn't really care what section of goodwill he finds them in. so he's constantly wearing, like. a men's shirt under a women's cardigan over men's pants held up with a women's belt. post-figuring his shit out, this becomes intentional and he starts blatantly mixing styles. the kind of thing that gets him stopped in public by someone going "hey you know that's a women's...?" and he goes "yep! :D"
by contrast, elle, while she largely has things figured out, does not present the way she wants to for safety reasons. spencer helps her gradually feel more comfortable presenting the way she wants while she helps him figure out his gender stuff
as for reid's gender stuff, i think for a long time he's really overly fixated on labelling himself. the closest any label comes is bigender but that doesn't feel quite right and he has a lot of unnecessary angst about it. (not projecting at all shut up). eventually he's venting to elle one day about how he feels this and this and this about his gender and if he was to describe it he would describe it like this but he just can't figure it out. and then elle gets genuinely confused because it sounds to her like he very much has figured it out. it takes a long time for him to understand and accept that there isn't a magic word that will describe all parts of him, and he may never find one. and that's fine
elle does spencer's makeup. he looks in the mirror and cries.
penelope is the first person they come out to and she is DELIGHTED to have other trans people on the team. one more and they outnumber the cis people...
morgan is next. spencer says "we're nonbinary" and morgan says "is this like a 'we're pregnant' situation or are you actually talking about both of you" and elle hits him in the head. spencer immediately feels many times less anxious than he did before. i love u morgan
morgan asks spencer in private if he wants him to stop calling him pretty boy. spencer tells him to please never stop. calling him "pretty", an adjective usually used to describe women, paired with "boy" makes him very happy. with this in mind, morgan starts calling elle "handsome girl". elle pretends to be nonchalant about it, but it makes her really happy.
they never tell gideon. spencer can't handle the thought of him reacting badly. (gideon was under the impression that spencer was just closeted this whole time. oops!)
like i said, spencer REALLY likes being described as masculine and feminine in the same breath. when elle first introduces him to her friends, she says "this is spencer, she's my boyfriend" and spencer runs away to stim in private. elle's friends are very confused.
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astrolovecosmos · 1 year
The 3rd House & Sibling Rivalry
Sun in the 3rd House: Competition may be intense in the family dynamic or among siblings, but this placement is associated with favoritism, and they may not experience too much sibling rivalry due to them being used to "winning", shinning, getting attention. Siblings may feel like they live in this person's shadow. But this person can also get frustrated, disappointed, and tired by high expectations and despite possibly being the golden child, they may see all the attention, praise, and even worshiping to be unfair - they are held to unrealistic standards and their siblings are not.
Moon in the 3rd House: Is associated with being highly understanding, intuitive, and empathetic towards siblings. May feel like they need to protect or take care of their siblings. Sibling rivalry may not be common with this placement, but if there is any it is likely connected to ideas around family loyalty and tradition or from a desire to please a parent, especially the mother. Sibling rivalry may be harder to recognize, it may hide behind passive aggression and manipulation.
Mercury in the 3rd House: Is commonly interpreted as a positive or friendly relationship to one's siblings. Their relationship may be highly supportive, could be like close friends. But sibling rivalry can easily exist here. Arguing and trying to one up each other may be common and stem from a desire for each other's attention, attention from parents, or a desire to fit in with the family somehow. Rivalry and competition can get childish, selfish, and sometimes pushed too far. Sometimes their rivalry may stem from playfulness, learning, and respect.
Venus in the 3rd House: Is associated with a loving, close, harmonious relationship with siblings and possibly family or community. Sibling rivalry may not be too common here but can exist if a sibling is craving acceptance from a parent or even another sibling. Their rivalry may revolve around vanity, petty topics, and jealousy. Venus's association with the feminine could mean that a relationship with a sister, aunt, female cousin, or mother plays a center role in how competitive and close they are to their siblings.
Mars in the 3rd House: Competition or sibling rivalry may be very likely for this placement. Mars in the 3rd may mean home or the dynamic among siblings is a battlefield. On one end of the spectrum this individual may have grown up feeling stimulated, confident, and powerful with conflict and competition. Their relationship is like a strong brotherhood of warriors, gladiators. The high-energy of Mars feeds their relationship. Mars can mean a dynamic among siblings that is passionate, excitable, straightforward, and busy. On the other end is a dynamic that involves bullying, aggression, too much ego, and confidence issues. The relationship may be filled with burning, destructive fights, separation or estrangement, annoyance, and anger. Because Mars is associated with masculinity, a brother, uncle, male cousin, or father may play a center role in how competitive and close or unclose they are to their siblings.
Jupiter in the 3rd House: This typically indicates a fun, warm, exciting, optimistic relationship with siblings. Jupiter signals a positive relationship with one's siblings, but sibling rivalry may get large and dramatic. Competition and fights may center around how larger than life one can be or how much attention one can get. Jupiter is the planet of generosity, expansion, growth, the big picture, indulgence, overdoing it. Here one may get reckless and irresponsible with siblings. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" may be a good saying for this placement. Here one may try to impress their sibling or teach them a lesson and then fail in a big way due to impulsiveness or foolishness. Fights may be caused by accidents or misunderstandings. Large fights or damages to the sibling relationship may also be caused by differences in beliefs, especially as they grow up.
Saturn in the 3rd House: This is the sibling that has to step into the role of the parent or be the most responsible brother/sister. Sibling rivalry might not be that common, what is more likely is a sibling that rebels against their possible authority, question their role in the family, or frequently criticizes them. Control issues may exist in their dynamic with siblings or in the family. Competition or rivalry likely stems from an overly strict upbringing, a need for parental validation, burdens from the parents, or unrealistic expectations from the parents. This placement may also paint a picture of a sibling who takes on all the guilt, blame, and work of other siblings. They can be protective, loyal, and dependable to their sisters or brothers. Competition may also be tightly linked to themes of reputation, career, and materialistic success.
Uranus in the 3rd House: Famous for being the family rebel or the detached sibling. Despite their "aloof" or estranged reputation, sibling rivalry can be very apparent and active. Sometimes the competition, pranks, and teasing may stem from this individual needing attention, from boredom, or an attempt to stir up the family dynamic and drama because there is a lack of change or growth. Sibling rivalry can get silly, childish, may involve peers or humiliation or competition in public, and may involve a lot of innovation. A lot of competition may also exist in the intellectual or social realm somehow. But this placement can have a relationship with their siblings that balances playful and healthy rivalry with a supportive and stable bond. Uranus in the 3rd can prompt someone to be a curious, individualistic, perceptive, and smart sibling. One area they may get highly competitive about is their individuality, independence, self-expression, and intellect.
Neptune in the 3rd House: This may be a sibling who is hard to place blame onto. The sibling who never gets in trouble. Possibly the lost or forgotten sibling. The overprotected, oversensitive, or over coddled sibling. Rivalry here can exist and it can get messy and dramatic. But many times the rivalry or competition gets diffused out by their elusive or manipulative nature. This individual may quickly stop fights with siblings or stop a sister/brother from picking on them by talking their way out of trouble, running to someone else for help, hiding in their room, or a cold shoulder. One's family dynamics might also discourage competition or rivalry. Neptune in the 3rd can struggle with standing out or expressing themselves among siblings. They can be highly impressionable and may be highly competitive or instigating if their siblings are this way. In a heated and turbulent environment this person may be unexpectedly cruel, harsh, or theatrical in their fights or competition with siblings. This can also be someone who is caring, receptive, intuitive, gentle, and forgiving towards their siblings.
Pluto in the 3rd House: Here teasing, rivalry, conflict, and competition with a sibling may go into the realm of abuse or neglect somehow. That is at the most extreme end of things, overall this placement is associated with power dynamics and possibly control issues in the relationship between siblings. Pluto in the 3rd may indicate this person always feels like they are losing to their sibling OR the opposite, they are always the winner, the one on top, the one with the power among their brothers and sisters. Sibling rivalry usually is more than just competition or a thirst for thrills and confidence, for these people "rivalry" is usually conflict, insecurities, or deep wounds in disguise. Pluto is a planet of empowerment, and it can be associated with healthy confidence and willpower. But when this individual does practice healthy competition with siblings it will likely be in a way that is understanding, protective, and maybe even compassionate or gentle. Here Pluto may feel or seem like Neptune, Venus, or Moon in the 3rd when their softer side comes out in sibling dynamics. Even with a healthy sibling relationship, Pluto in the 3rd will likely always question or check their level of power and influence among family/siblings. They may frequently feel powerless or in need of more power, or they may struggle with feelings of shame and self-destruction because they recognize their misuse of power. The relationship with their siblings is likely intense, deep, and maybe transformative.
Chiron in the 3rd House: There could be a possible wound for this person that surrounds their relationship to their siblings, community, learning/education, or around sibling rivalry. Here any ideas around sibling rivalry could be touchy. Teasing, pranks, arguing, games could have all gone too far. A closer relationship with one's siblings may be important for healing. There can also be a connection to dropping all forms of rivalry to protect each other. This is the wounded sibling, the dynamic with one's sibling can involve themes of sacrifice, martyrdom, healing, fighting, being a scapegoat, victimhood, instability, and apathy vs. empathy.
Juno in the 3rd House: It would be interesting to see if those with this placement find that sibling rivalry comes out in who each sibling is dating. Do they frequently compare partners and families? At another level could be a sibling who feels like they need to protect or keep their brother or sister from having a partner or their own family. Competition and the dynamic may hinge on their or their siblings' ability to connect with, find, or love a spouse, and possibly with themes of self-love, attachment, and dependency. This individual's parent's relationship/marriage is greatly impactful and memorable on their relationship to their siblings and the dynamic of sibling rivalry. With a very healthy relationship, their sibling rivalry may be in shallow topics or somehow still a vessel to judge each other's partner (but maybe not out of competition but concern).
Pallas in the 3rd House: May indicate rivalry centers around each other's skills, insight, or perceptions. Sibling rivalry or sibling relationship may be important to developing one's intuition or problem-solving skills. It would be interesting to see if this placement manifests as siblings always trying to fix the other's or family's problems or one upping each other by being the "fixer". They may also highly compete against each other's talents.
Lilith in the 3rd House: Whether Asteroid, Black Moon, or Dark Moon, this could indicate sibling rivalry is somehow related to rebellion. Relationship with community, education, siblings, or extended family may be related to their darker or most unhealthy side in some way. Relationship with siblings could also be a route to liberation somehow too or towards deeper introspection and healing. All 3 Liliths have their own associations and functions but when talking about sibling rivalry all 3 likely relate back to themes of freedom, rebellion, control, and subjects or feelings that are typically labeled as taboo.
Ceres in the 3rd House: Here sibling rivalry may revolve around how much attention and nurturing one is getting from a parent, especially the mother. Could also mean this sibling is the one to act as a mother or nurturing role to their siblings.
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limeade-l3sbian · 1 month
hi sorry if this question sounds nonsensical, english isn’t my first language!
i’ve noticed a lot of bisexual women have this ongoing phrase/joke of “do i want her or do i wanna be her” in relation to their attraction to certain women and the more i’ve noticed it the more i’ve noticed i don’t think i’ve ever seen a lesbian say such a thing so i became curious, do you as a lesbian ever see a woman where u want to be her rather than want to be with her? to me there’s something inherently male gaze-y/pandering about such a wish in most cases it’s used since it’s usually always connected to the physical when i see bisexuals use the phrase. like they would want to look a certain way, be perceived by society a certain way, sometimes even directed at women who are clearly very male desired.
this isn’t to say men and women can’t find the same women attractive but i’m again talking about the concept of wanting to be someone else. i think a lot of bisexual women and i’m saying this as one myself even if i don’t struggle with that issue, seem to have very strong heteronormative tendencies. in the sense that even their desire to other women somehow still has to somehow pander to a male centered world, if i’m making sense?
so i’m curious if you or any other lesbians who might follow you ever wanted to be a women whom you initially simply thought you yourself were attracted to.
of course seeing traits in someone else and finding them enviable to an extent is very human, but i do think it’s interest how bisexual women in particular have linked it only to their female centered attraction. i don’t see bisexual men use it, i don’t see bisexual women use it with the men, unless the bi women identify as non binary. i don’t see straight women and straight men, gay men, use it. and i’ve also never seen lesbians use it.
it’s kinda interesting to me!
Well, far be it from me to speak on the mindset of bisexual women or other lesbian women. I can only really speak with certainty for myself. Personally? The category of women I want to "be with" and women I would like "to be" are pretty distinct for no other reason than I have a very specific image in my mind of what I would like to look like or "be" but would not be all that interested in dating a woman who fit that description.
Personally, when I see this joke by bisexual women, I see it aimed at women who are actually more butch presenting! So it's interesting that you usually see it aimed towards more traditionally feminine women. I would imagine it's this conflicting feeling that, since it isn't all that serious, becomes comical.
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tiramissyoucake · 1 year
Can't Handle Rejection
Hyoma Chigiri X reader, siren X human AU, all characters are 18+, this story follows the logic of sirens luring in people by singing and then killing them to eat, reader and Chigiri’s families are mentioned but no specifications, 1.6k words
CW: Reader almost drowns, Chigiri doesn't know if he wants to kiss or kill reader <3, little proof reading
Notes: I haven’t written in forever akdkskd I’ve been playing lots of the new Zelda lately- kinda overwhelmed with the freedom the game gives but other than that it’s fun, im not super proud of this but here u go Chigiri content
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Chigiri had always been one step ahead of his fellow sirens, whereas they had issues attracting people not knowing their preferences, Chigiri was blessed with feminine features and an athletic masculine upper body to fulfill any fantasy.
Regardless of whoever’s preferences, they would be insane not to accept such a beautiful specimen calling them over, until today when he met you.
Your family thrived on fish selling business, so you were no foreigner to sea legends, your parents had told you stories of creatures that roamed the waters like the vicious Kraken, the murderous leviathan, the most memorable one was a warning tale of sailors mistaking hungry sirens for mischievous mermaids and ultimately they became nothing but siren’s dinner.
Your father had been ill for some time now, so it was up to the rest of the family to pitch in and do his work; today was your turn. You had caught a bountiful amount today thanks to your insistence on sailing further out, yet now as the sun was setting and clouds were greying you figured it was time to go home.
The ride home was painstakingly quiet save for the distant warning rumbles of thunder, you enjoyed the silent comfort the water brought however the stories your family told you lingered in the back of your mind causing you to shake your head and reason with yourself: “they’re just stories from faraway, even if they’re real, they can’t possibly exist here”.
For the majority of your trip, it was ambient sea sounds until you heard a certain sound pierce through the crash of waves and rocking of the boat, a tune, carried by a lovely voice that enchanted your body to stop all operations and look for the source. You noticed a man, roughly your age, flowing hair you’d only assume a mythical creature would have as the color was completely uncommon for humans to have.
He was singing, if you hadn’t known any better you’d say he was serenading you, he laid on one of the rocks near a distinct structure of rocks (your family had simply dubbed this ‘the pile’ as a landmark in case someone lost their way) looking absentmindedly into the distance.
You grew concerned, sure his singing was wonderful but what was he doing out here? No person is supposed to be able to swim this far away from shore. A storm was approaching and he seemed all too relaxed at the situation at hand, you mentally debated if he needed any help to get back to shore yet you were too unsettled by how nonchalant he seemed.
Once he’d noticed you, or at least pretended to, he pulled his sweetest smile briefly stopping his singing, he had to hold back any traces of hunger showing on his face as he noticed you drop the oar. One of his hands came out from under the water and stretched towards you, inviting you to take his hand.
‘Easy pickings’ he thought until he noticed your features slowly contort from wonder to realization, to horror. This alarmed him, did you break out of the trance already? That’s not possible, that’s too quick for a human. He was right as he noticed you fumble to grab your oar and propel the boat away from where he was.
Your family warned you, deep down you knew these stories shouldn’t be taken lightly. You never saw any creatures reminiscent of your parents’ tall tales but every fiber of your being told you to stay away from him, no matter how beautiful he looked, no matter how wonderful his singing.
when you turned back after you’d felt a gaze on you, you found the singing man was gone.
No human has ever rejected Chigiri’s invitation, every time he would lock onto a target they would soon become nothing but bones, so how were you able to see through him so easily?
He thought nothing of it, if he wasn’t able to lure you then surely the storm approaching would take you by surprise and throw you overboard right into his arms, he followed your boat from under the water.
However seeing you work rapidly against the rising storm both irritated him and intrigued him, you refused to give up against the storm, he would’ve respected that had he not seen so many sailors perish to the might of the sea and the rage of the storms easily.
You moved rapidly between tasks, not taking a moment to even think of your next course of action, as if you were a trained sailor. Chigiri would momentarily poke his head out of the water to watch you before sinking back to continue following you, he noticed you closed in on the shore and a sense of angry defeat filled him; how dare his dinner escape his grasp so easily? You should be flattered that he even spared you a glance.
He couldn’t follow you further, he couldn't risk mankind seeing him, he turned away and sunk below the water, his curiosity had finally been satiated with the boredom of watching you. Yet the moment he was far enough he was surrounded by a burst of water pressure against his back.
Turning, he saw your body struggle through water before seeing your convulsing muscles settle in defeat against the current.
‘This is insane. This is completely and utterly stupid.’ These thoughts kept echoing in his head as he dragged your body through the water onto the shore, laying you down on the sand as he looked over your features.
No one was crazy enough to leave their houses in this weather so he trusted that no one would see him. Looking at your limp body he settled his hand over your chest trying to feel your heart, moving to press the side of his head onto where it would be to listen closely.
Ba bump… ba bump… ba bump…
Relief flooded his chest, he grew confused at the feeling, why did he care about you? You turned away from him, you witnessed a beauty such as him and you turned away, he ought to devour you right now! It was only fair given your species ate from the ocean; so he should be allowed to devour you with no regrets.
Chigiri tried to rationalize; he wanted to stick with his predator instincts but for some reason as he slightly parted his lips and leaned down to your throat, baring his sharp teeth to do what he intended to since the moment he saw you, he couldn’t do it.
No matter how much force he used he couldn’t close his jaw around your throat and sink his teeth into your flesh, he wouldn’t allow himself to. He couldn’t kill you without knowing what caused you to turn away, his pride never felt so damaged. Chigiri couldn’t believe himself, wallowing in self-pity because this ugly human turned away from him!
“… no, you’re not ugly...” he mumbled at his cruel thoughts, you weren’t ugly but you sure did have the audacity to deny him. As he loomed over your unconscious face his hair slid from behind his shoulders draping your face in a makeshift curtain as if hiding his admiration away from prying eyes.
“You’re cute…” He breathed out as he felt the storm’s rain pitter-patter on his exposed back and watched the drops dissipate onto your face and slide down your peaceful features, he wiped away any drops that would cause discomfort if he were to let them run.
“... how dare you turn away from me?” he couldn’t help but ask knowing the only response he would get is your exhausted breathing.
You weren’t dead, thank goodness, he could feel a few harsh breaths escape your lips and fan his face. You were on the verge of death a few minutes ago and yet you looked so serene right now, it made him angry how pretty you looked even after almost drowning.
Chigiri aimed to kill you but ended up saving you, and even now he was only mad for petty reasons. What is this? What is this disgusting feeling? He raised his hand and moved away your hair strands that stuck to your face from the water, how long had he been staring at you like this?
He heard distant yelling over the storm, your family had taken note of your absence, hurriedly backing away into the water as best as he could given he had to hide his lower half, he panicked and looked around rapidly. He didn’t want to leave yet! He didn’t get his damned answers! Mentally cursing at your insistence to stay unconscious he had no choice but to escape quickly.
The storm helped conceal him, he peeked above the water's surface for a moment to see you get carried away by someone as another person looked you over for injuries. He couldn’t hear what they were saying but they seemed both relieved at your survival and shocked by it, as if they thought you were a goner. He assumed they were your family or some close acquaintance, it doesn't matter, he turned away and swam back to his corner of the sea.
Upon return, Chigiri remained quiet at his own family’s greetings of his return, usually, he would boast about his most recent kill and even mock his victims as he usually thought their struggles to escape death were laughable. But today he lost, he had you in the palm of his hand, his teeth centimeters away from puncturing your tissue, yet his ego denied letting you die without an answer and in the end, he failed to even get one.
Chigiri swore he’d return and look for you, he’ll decide what he’ll do with you in the future. For now, Chigiri wasn’t sure if he was glad that he was there to save you or if he was regretful that he didn’t rip you apart when he had the chance.
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1-800-c0sm1c · 2 years
Hey!! Sorry if I’m doing this wrong I am new to this kinda stuff but do u mind writing headcanons on how the p5 phantom thief boys would take care of the reader when they’re on their period? If not it’s fine!
꒰baby im yours !꒱
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p5 boys when their s/o is on their period headcannons !
character x afab!reader
includes joker, ryuji, yusuke, and akechi !
warnings : mentions of periods, obviously lol
a/n : its shark week for yours truly so i thought now is the best time to write this :D i wasnt sure what gendered reader you wanted, so i just decided to leave it as afab, hope thats alright :))
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maybe this is biased, but i feel out of everyone on this list hes the most prepared.
like, hes not overbearing but he knows just enough to spare you both any awkward conversations.
he doesnt have any feminine products in his bathroom since its technically shared with leblanc customers and he doesnt want to embarrass you or anyone else, but you know theres always a few of whatever you need in his school bag or his dresser!
hes a very calm person, which can be very relieving, especially when you accidentally bleed on something.
you both were hanging out one day after school, and when you got up off of his bed to go make some food, you noticed a red spot on the sheets.
you were internally freaking out, trying to figure out what to do knowing how some guys tend to find it gross, while ren literally just comments "dont worry about it, i needed motivation to do laundry anyways." and asks if you need anything.
you feel like youve just been given whiplash, no way thats it, hes so cool with it?
he even gives you a pair of his boxers and sweatpants since you bled through your clothes, and when you come out of the bathroom hes got a steaming hot cup of coffee and some chocolates on the counter all ready for you. <3
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confused, embarrassed, and a little bit (a lot) dramatic. he tries to act like its not a big deal, but in reality he doesnt really know anything about periods, and hes convinced youre secretly in a lot of pain. (which i mean, you could be depending on cramps… but you get what i mean.)
hes horribly uneducated on this topic, and definitely the worst person to be stuck with when you start. 
hes calling ann asking her to explain what to do with the reddest face youve ever seen. 🧍
ryuji definitely thought it was a little gross at first too, but once he understood it was just a normal thing your body did he felt more okay about it.
hes trying super hard to be a good boyfriend, but hes stuttering over his questions. barely able to ask you if he needs to get you anything.
i swear his eyes almost popped out of his head when you said all you wanted was for him to shut up and cuddle with you. 💀💀
he tries to be there for you as much as possible, but if you tend to get more angry, just note that hell try to stay away a bit. 
he has issues keeping his temper under control, even when it comes to you, and he doesnt want to start any unnecessary arguments.
at the end of the day, communication is key when it comes to you guys relationship, he just wants whats best for both of you!
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yusuke has probably never felt the touch of another human being before you so hes very… confused to say the least.
what do you mean youre bleeding? and its normal? this happens monthly? his mind is blown.
i dont see him being weird in the way he wants to use your period as inspiration for a painting, but weird in the way that hell track it.
maybe this just a personal thing who finds it weird when a guy wants to track when your on your cycle, but it seems right up yusukes alley 😭.
hes a little strange, and he just wants to help! but he also doesnt really know what hes doing, so his presence can be a bit overwhelming.
gets pouty when you end up snapping at him, but once you explain why hes a lot more aware of how much hes bothering you.
hes also willing to get you whatever you need, as long as youre buying.
one time you had asked him to get you pads/tampons, and he called you 30 minutes later saying that he didnt have any money…
however, unlike someone else on this list, hes not embarrassed about it. more so genuinely curious, as he loves learning about you and he thinks its important to know how your body works!
hell probably draw you something nice as well if it makes you feel better. :)
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oh boy, akechi sure is a character. and i think with him it depends.
usually though hes just a pretty average guy. hes not stupid, but he also isnt the best at understanding your emotions, or his own, for that matter.
youre in public, akechi talking to one of the tv hosts after hes finished appearing on a show, and you gently tug on his jacket to let him know you started your period, and need the restroom. 
hes conflicted, whats supposed to come first, you or his reputation? when it comes to him, he makes any simple situation way more complicated in his head.
he makes an eternal sacrifice to shoo away the people talking to him, and he quickly takes off his jacket to wrap it around your waist. you both find a bathroom nearby and he paitently waits for you outside.
when you walk out, he offers to pick up whatever you may need (including some food) and take you home.
at your front door, he kisses your cheek, but cant help but noticed the nervous expression on your face.
its only then when you mention that akechis jacket is, in fact, a light color, and is most definitely stained now with bright red blood. his face goes blank, and youre worried for a second he might be mad.
he only shrugs at that, same detective prince smile as always, and jokes that youre paying for his dry cleaning.
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ca-suffit · 2 months
Hi! I really like your opinions on IWTV characters! I wanted to ask if you could explain the "painting Louis as feminine is antiblack" view other people have? Also if you could reference how showmey0urfangs argued this as I follow her but can't seem to find it😭 I really don't understand how it's antiblack. I see it as the opposite.
As a black person who was raised by a father who embraced his feminine side and often raised his voice on the importance of how hyper masculinity of black men is used as a weapon in media to create a hostile mindset for black boys that stops them from growing as a person, I see that Louis being in touch in his maternal side that often depicts femininity is quite the opposite of antiblack.
I think it's progressive and forward thinking that a black man can be feminine without the theatrics of it all. (I consider Louis more in touch with his feminine than Lestat)
hello and thank u! <3
here's the main post on the topic from showmey0urfangs. this was from the latter half of 2023. I'll give some history too since we're here (idk if ur new or not but this is a general post too for anyone who might not know any of this).
after this started (and sometimes continuing to today), ppl amplified a lot of talk about "feminizing" louis and promoting mpreg just to push back against this on purpose, bcuz most black fans didn't agree with her opinion. I don't think the fandom as a whole knew about this a lot tho bcuz the fandom doesn't tend to pay attention to black fans in the first place.
showmey0urfangs also was usually putting all these ppl on "fandom PSAs" and trying to get the fandom to turn against them bcuz of stuff like this, although it was always reframed as some kind of "shipping discourse" or smthng instead. she constantly targets black fans or anyone otherwise who talks about race in order to defend white fandom and then uses her identity to shield herself from criticism about it. here's long examples of it in the past (mostly the bottom half of the post) and here's an example she did with me in the last few months. this is literally the whole reason this account and most ppl on it are anon, bcuz this is all the fandom does to ppl to avoid ever talking about the real issues.
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astroyongie · 5 months
Astroyongie Podcast S1 EP2
Notes done by @killuachii<3
Censored Version
i have a question about felix and his new person in your reading you said this person isn't usually what he would go for and now i wonder what kind of person this is 
person has very feminine energy, def a girl, not much information, relationship seems very recent, there was something fishy → forcing himself
is she an idol?
Doesn’t think so, just a friend he had 
Who is Hyunjins crush? Or is that something you will never tell us? 
Burger king 
yongie, will you give some tea about ateez member? (Anyone)  
jongho not with gf
seonghwa very laid back rn 
any tea ab txt? 
Yeonjun still with his girl, some issues 
beomgyu in complicated situation, mental problems 
kai: relationship
taehyun: balancing
not much on soobin
Can i ask why seonghwa & wooyoung get bad reputations among others idol? 
Doesn’t remember seonghwa having bad reputation, is just hot tempered 
wooyoung very open which can cause issues due to the culture in Korea
who is yeonjun gf?
Someone from Cencored
Oh! I wanted to ask about your Pendulum! I also have one and I kinda know how to use it, but how do you go about asking about idols partners? Also sometimes I feel more connected and sometimes I just feel nothing... Any tips? 
Can’t share, isn’t comfortable with sharing how she practices. if you want to feel more connected: pendulums have a personality of their own, doesn’t work by itself, spiritual guides and energy will connect and use it to communicate which can sometimes be dangerous, need to practice in a protected circle, set a safe space, always do pendulum in same space, yongie personally doesn’t have a close connection with pendulum bc it is very hard to manage energetically, sometimes pendulum is going its own way 
Is Sunghoon enhypen still with his 'Taurus' gf? Thx 
Can u give us some clue more about hyunjin's new partner? 
No information, but physical connection, wants to move on from kfc 
What did you mean in your readings with felix needs to be protected from the reality of his life with his idol image? 
One part can not speak on, he is someone who is very easy to influence, a lot of things impact him a lot, he is trying to protect his image → things of his past could have a huge impact 
do u have any tips on how to detach from a person? i find it quite hard to let go of ppl good or bad cause i feel weirdly “attached” :3 
will depend on type of relationship, it is not easy, not something you can do in a month or two, a lot of dedication, process relationship (What is the reason? Why do you want to detach? Etc.)  THERAPY
Why Jungkook, lee know & eunwoo suddenly hang out? I mean lee know with 97 liner 
doesn’t have an answer 
how to deal with disorganized attachment (leaning avoidant)  
therapy, can be very impactful on relationship with others, problem with connection
what CAN it mean when someone like is extremely affectionate and then avoidant, is it confusion? or insecurity what things could it be? 
Ambivalent attachment
Did you learn about numerology or matrix destiny too? 
Yongie’s not a maths person 
is it possible to read someone's energy through a screen? 
Yes, most goes from eyes, if they can see them it’s easier to read someone 
Yongie, can i heal my phobia? I have thalassaphobia (scared of ocean) even when i only saw that on the screen i feel terrified. And based on my parents i never went to the sea before, so is it possible that the phobia come from my past life? 
Fear and phobia have different meanings, phobia → impact well-being, should go to therapy, past lifes: phobia comes from something, if there is nothing in your surrounding that could explain your fear (like a person being scared of that exact thing) or it can be transgenerational. if not, then it could be connected to past life 
How do you interact with angels or start deities with them? 
Two of them very different, they start the interaction, angels: interaction are kind of limited, prayers to them every night and set candles in their honor. deity: praising and giving offerings, self love, energy as offering, offerings and not ask for something in return, deities aren’t there to serve they need to be served, lighting candles to communicate
what is your opinion on if a christian prays to someone else than god? do you think it's a bad thing? 
Depends on the person’s beliefs, personally doesn’t think it’s a problem, should stay in the christian pantheon 
how does connecting with passed ones work? i have heard of it before can u share a bit about purpose and how it works? 
Yongie doesn’t contact dead people, but a lot of cultures do, contacting them directly → you’ll never know if it is really that person, if you ant to praise/honour them → altars and such 
I meditate every day before sleeping. During deep meditation, I sometimes hear strange sounds like eerie laughter, whispers in languages I don't understand, or tinkling sounds like a cold bowl. Sometimes, I find it difficult to differentiate whether these are sounds from my imagination or actual messages or sounds from astral beings. What do you think? 
Shouldn’t meditate before sleeping since you are in a vulnerable state while sleeping
whats your opinion on haunted dolls? 
Doesn’t really believe it, one of her phobias, haunted object could be charms or could be objects that trapped energy of the previous owner
Could someone reincarnates as an animal? Or only and always human? 
Yes, they can, an animal can also be reincarnated as a human, has done a reading where someone’s cat was their great grandma 
i have heard of something called egg belief??? they believe that bad ppl will be reincarnated as the victim of the actions they did to other ppl but i personally dont believe it because it would like mean that victims are at fault if something happens to them 
tricky, karmic chains could be connected 
Do dreams tell us something we need to do or is it feelings we already have?
no, dreams are made up from your mind and tries to process something. they do have meanings but its the inner domain
what are like consequences ? when for example youtubers make content with ouija boards 
most things are made up/don’t do it seriously
what is a spiritual awakening, how does it happen? 
When someone starts being more in tune with spirituality, could be due to almost death experience or traumatic experience
what happens to us after we pass (after ur beliefs) im curious 
when we die our souls leave our body to get into the veil which is the bridge between the spiritual and the physical world. Then we go to the spiritual realm for a while eventually reincarnation
But how to break the karmic chains yongie? 
Difficult to answer, depend on what karmic chains you have 
i feel u once addressed this on ur blog but can it happen energies dont immediately reach the veil what happens exactly? 
They do because they have to, since they can't be on the physical world
Yongie, can cannabis, meth, and other psychedelic plants use trigger to awakening/ enlightenment 
personally doesn’t think it triggers it
can energies after they pass and leaves physical body, cant they stay as a spirit on earth or something like that? 
Hopes they just go to the realm, bc people who are stuck needs to relive death constantly which isnt fun
if yongie had to pick 3 idols to smoke with
jaehyun, wooyoung, chanyeol (to see how he acts) or woodz („maybe if he is high he would want me“)
so if a dead person appears in my dream it means something? 
yongie how do i manifest a toji fushiguro build man 
camp outside a gym (and get Sukuna's number for me)
is hyunjin dating anyone from ateez/sunwoo?
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softhaus · 8 months
I just saw a tiktok about women who are only attracted to mascs and like...... Its really kinda frustrating me and I can't tell if I'm just reading way too far into it and seeing things that aren't there. I don't think the person has the intention to offend which is why I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt that I'm the stupid sensitive one but I don't know.....
Like to paraphrase the tiktok is about this person who is saying that they think some wlw (they specifically said wlw) aren't actually into women they just want men. The reasoning for this outcome they came to was because of their personal experience of when they presented more masc in the dating scene. They stated girls would get the ick from them displaying any sort of girlyness after thinking they were masc. They also said "how can u say u like girls when u don't like the girly side of girls..."
And if I'm being forreal like I get the irritation especially if u don't identify as butch and ur just in general androgynous or masc in appearance and then being held to an expectation that ur butch (or even stone butch) and I get that it's upsetting when someone changes their mind about you once you get more comfortable with showing yourself past first impressions but like...... They have the right to not be attracted to what they aren't attracted to 😭 it doesn't suddenly mean they aren't wlw and idk the whole argument of like u like girls therefore u have to like the gender norm traits/appearances that are expected of girls to actually truly be wlw..... It feels somewhat gender essentialist in a strange queer way??? I can't explain it but like this is why "my gender is lesbian and I'm attracted to other lesbians who's gender is lesbian" makes sense to me cause it doesn't define us into boxes of "girl" and whether there is an expectation that "girl" is girly.... I really can't explain it but I hope this makes sense.
Another lowkey thing is I can't tell what they mean by girly cause that's so broad like do u mean u wore dresses and presented more feminine or did you have a trait that those girls associated with a gender? Like be more specific because those are two different scenarios imo (example like sewing or gardening or being soft spoken is not a girly trait/hobby it's a thing that shouldn't be gendered and if someone breaks up with u over a trait/hobby/interest they deem as girly and not masc then that's their own issue but if they're attracted to butches and then you show up in makeup and a dress they probably aren't gonna be into you and like that's okay?? It doesn't suddenly make them not wlw)
Idk just a strange tiktok all around and the comments are just full of what you would expect
This part is also just 100% speculation and assumpative but I feel like they wanted to say lesbian but changed it to wlw cause it's more broad and way less offensive to say "some women just want men with pretty faces" then to say that some lesbians want men. Idk.... It's just when u say wlw know that that's including femme4butch femmes and they're exactly the ppl u are criticizing here and exactly the ppl you are claiming to "actually want men"
Makes me feel like they'd claim I wasn't a lesbian if I told them I liked when dykes have facial stubble :/ something that I personally don't see as gendered but a lot of ppl do
I'm definitely open to hearing other opinions on this!! like maybe I'm being too sensitive about it
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