#any sign of a cop and i yawn already
nocturnalazure · 2 years
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sashaisready · 10 months
Chapter Six - You Already Know
Bucky Barnes Mob AU x Femme Reader
You're hard at work in Pepper's Bakery when notorious mob boss James 'Bucky' Barnes darkens your doorway one typical afternoon, and life is never the same again.
18+ - see Masterlist for full list of warnings
Series Masterlist
Chapter 7
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You felt like a zombie during your shift, lifting your limbs was like wading through water. You’d nearly called out sick, but didn’t want to leave Wanda to hold the fort by herself – especially if Bucky and his stalkery thugs paid a visit. You had hardly slept after you discovered Sam in the car. It was unsettling. You wondered how long Bucky had been doing it, kicking yourself for being too oblivious to notice that you were being followed. You hated how violated it made you feel.
You had gone to work looking at each car that passed you, eyes searching for the familiar vehicle. You checked parked cars, cars halting at stop signs, cars turning down parallel streets. You didn’t see anything, but resented the paranoid wreck you’d become in a matter of hours. Then it hit you that they might have switched vehicles and you’d have no idea if they’d already passed you.
Wanda took one look at you and knew something was off, grilling you until you gave it up. You were embarrassed, truth be told. You’d gushed to her about Bucky and then you had to confess that he’d had you followed for God only knows how long. You felt foolish. It was arrogant of you to think you could tease a mob boss for months on end without any consequences.
Wanda’s eyes bugged in shock, horrified by this development.
“That’s so fucked up…” she said gently.
“Yep” you sighed sadly as you laid out the fresh stock.
“And you haven’t spoken to him since?”
You shook your head, stifling a yawn. “Nope…But if I had a crystal ball I’d assume that might change today”.
Wanda thought hard. “Are you going to go to the cops?”
You glared at her. “And say what? The employees of a man I flirt with at my bakery were parked outside my house at 3am on a public road where anyone can drive? They didn’t approach me, they were just sleeping in their car? Oh and that man just happens to be notorious mob boss Bucky Barnes, who you probably take bribes from?” you respond, sharper than you intended to.
Wanda gritted her teeth. “Well…when you put it like that…”
You sighed again. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you. I know you’re trying to help. I’m just tired. And y’know…weirded out”.
Wanda nodded. She moved towards you and pulled you in for a hug. You accepted it gladly, allowing her embrace to comfort you.
“Thanks…I needed that” you murmur.
“Anytime. Look…I don’t mean to scare you, but I have to ask. Do you…do you think you’re in danger?” she asks cautiously.
You pause for a moment, considering the question. “Honestly? No. I don’t feel like I’m at risk. I’m just…very spooked” you explain.
Wanda nods, chewing her lip. You can tell she’s worried.
The bell above the door rings, breaking you two from your thoughts. Your heads spin to check who it is, only to see Bucky, Steve and Sam walk in. Their faces are solemn, it suddenly feels very warm in the room, as if you are standing right by the oven.
“Morning, gentleman” you call over to them, your tone indignant. “I would tell you what our specials are today, but I’m guessing you have already sent someone by to check”.
Bucky exhales, staring at you fiercely. His eyes are as penetrating as ever, hard to tear away from.
“Can we talk?” he asks gruffly.
You pretend to think for a moment. “Uh…no” you fire back sarcastically.
“C’mon Doll…” he replies, taking a hesitant step towards you.
“Don’t call me that” you spit.
He holds his hands up defensively. “Alright. I won’t. Look, I just want five minutes of your time. No tricks. And then I’ll be out of your way. Deal?”
You eye him suspiciously. “Just five, and then you’ll leave?”
He nods. “You have my word”.
“And you’re not going to send your goons to follow me home or anything creepy?” you ask sternly.
He shakes his head. “Nobody is going anywhere near you. I promise”.
You glance over at Wanda who gives you a small smile, reminding you that she’s here if you need her.
Your head snaps back to Bucky. “Alright, five minutes. But I don't want an audience”. You look to his men.
Bucky signals to Steve and Sam who swiftly exit the shop. You follow behind them to the front door, putting the latch on and flipping the ‘We’ll be right back!” sign in the window to be sure that you aren’t interrupted by any customers. Wanda looks at you expectantly but you nod to show you’re okay, she nods back before disappearing into the back room.
You fold your arms in front of your chest and lean against the counter, waiting for Bucky’s justification.
He clears his throat and begins to speak “So-”
“How long?” you interrupt briskly.
“How long?” you repeat, knowing full well he understands what you’re asking.
“Uh…since the start” he admits sheepishly.
You splutter. “Jesus fucking Christ” you hiss, covering your eyes with your hands.
“Look, I’m sorry. I know it’s a lot…”
“It’s so creepy! What the fuck?” you bark.
“Can you just let me talk? Please?” he snaps back, irritated now.
You shrug angrily and wave a hand gesturing him to speak.
“I’m sorry. I know how this must look. It must’ve been scary for you when you found them. You were never supposed to know…”
“Oh, well that’s fine then!” you scoff.
He looks at you warningly and you roll your eyes, allowing him to continue.
“…The fact is I do a lot of that. It comes with my job. After that first day I knew we’d be coming here a lot because the food was good and the men would want to. And that means I’d be interacting with you a lot. And that means I had to check you out. I have enemies everywhere, Doll. You’d be amazed. And you’d be handling my food so…”
You scoff. “Oh come on Tony Soprano, I’m just a Baker”.
“I know that now. But I didn’t. Look, I know it sounds crazy. But you know who I am. What I do” he looks at you earnestly, his eyes glued to yours as he talks.
“Also Tony Soprano is in the mafia…not the mob…”
You scowl at him and he holds his hand out defensively. 
“Not the time…okay I get it…”
He takes a breath and continues.
“Years ago, I started going to this coffee shop downtown. Loved the place, went several times a week. Until one day I’m grabbing my latte and the damn manager tries to turn a gun on me. Turns out an old client of mine with a grudge had cornered him, tells him he knows I’m in his shop every week and offered him $3000 to take me out when my guard is down. Said he could guarantee the cops wouldn't pursue it either. He didn’t get very far, poor kid had never pulled a trigger in his life, but it made me very cautious about where I spend my money, you get it?”
You gasp. “God, that’s horrible…”
He nods. “I know. $3k? I’m worth more than that…” he chuckles.
You shake your head with disapproval but are unable to hide your smirk.
“So you see, that’s what it was. Just to check you weren’t going to be slipping arsenic into my doughnuts or meeting with any of my...ex associates. And so we kept an eye on you. Maximoff too, very briefly”.
Your eyes widen as you listen to him talk, shocked by how casual he is about it all.
“It was soon pretty obvious to us that you weren’t cold blooded killers and didn't have any criminal ties. And here’s where I fucked up…because I know I should’ve stopped but…I don’t know. I started enjoying my time with you more and more. And I started feeling protective of you, I just wanted to make sure you were safe. So my men continued to keep an eye on you. It wasn’t all the time, just here and there. I know it’s creepy and you have every right to be mad…but that’s why. I’m sorry I scared you. I promise they won’t do it anymore. I think sometimes I’m so caught up in my world that I forget how it appears to people outside of it”.
You’re struck by the sincerity of his tone, if he was spinning you a yarn to keep you sweet then he was doing it convincingly. You open your mouth to speak, but no words come to you as you try to absorb everything you’ve heard. You’re horrified that you’ve been followed without your knowledge, your instincts tell you to get as far away from this man as you can. Yet a tiny part of you lights up at his admission that he enjoys his time with you, and that this was all motivated by wanting to protect you – as twisted as that might be. You're like a moth to a flame, unable to keep away.
“You don’t have to protect me” you reply with irritation. 
He nods, the beginnings of a warm smile curling onto his perfect mouth. “I know. I’ve overstepped, I’m really sorry”.
You find yourself annoyed that you can feel yourself relenting. He’s just so smooth, his words roll off his tongue so effortlessly – his charm envelopes you as you’re swept downstream, unable to keep your head above water. If he’s manipulating you then he’s doing a great job.
“You really enjoy your time with me?” you ask shyly.
He grins, cocking his head to the side as he drinks you in.
“Well, put it this way. This bakery is all the way across town from my home. I can’t get here without getting stuck in traffic, and I pass at least three other bakeries on the way. I've spent thousands of dollars in here. So what do you think?”
You blush, dropping your eyes to the floor. “Well, we are the best…” you reply gently.
His grin widens. “That’s also true”.
You sigh. “Alright. You’re not totally forgiven…but let’s put it behind us. BUT I don’t want to see an SUV anywhere near me from now on”.
He exhales, clasping his hands together in gratitude. “Thank-you, that means a lot to me”.
He leans in and places a gentle kiss on your cheek, your face burning as his lips make contact with your skin.
You nod, slightly flustered by the whole exchange.
“I should get going” Bucky says as he checks the time on his phone. “But I’m glad we straightened this out”.
You nod again, still slightly unnerved by it all, but giddy from his attention.
“Hey, do you think I could get your number?” he asks, handing you his phone.
You feel a surge of excitement in your belly, nodding as you take it from him and add yourself to his contacts. A burst of images fly through your head – being on a date with him, kissing him, walking hand in hand, sinking onto a mattress with him…
“I’m surprised you don’t already have it…” you say coyly as you pass the phone back.
He smirks, looking at the entry in his phone. “Well, I could’ve…but I thought you’d prefer the old fashioned way”. He winks at you as he heads to the door.
“Bucky…” you call out to him.
He turns to face you expectantly, one hand already on the door.
“What…uh…what happened to the coffee shop guy with the gun?” you find yourself asking, unable to resist scratching that itch.
Bucky’s face hardens, he drops his gaze to the floor momentarily before his focus shifts back to you again. His eyes are suddenly cold, a world away from the affection you found in them just moments before.
“You sure you want to know?” he asks chillily.
You pause, shaking your head as you stare at your feet.
You already know.
His face softens again, flipping over the sign and unlatching the door.
“I’ll see you around, Doll”.
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steamy-linguine · 3 years
Hi! I enjoyed your fanfictions and I saw your request was open! :) So.. May I request rk900 (Richard/nines) x gn! officer reader? You can do whatever plot you desire!
Apathetic (RK900 x Reader)
I got this as a request and your wish is my command! I decided to do a continuation from my first RK900 pairing where the reader and him were set up as partners already. Hope you enjoy (:
To read part 1 click here
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Your eyes stared out of the window as it felt like time had been dragging on slowly. You watched the entrance to the old apartment building and still no sign of the suspect coming in or out.
You and Nines had already went inside to see if the suspect was home but was no where to be found.
“It’ll be back. It’s best if we wait outside in the car Detective and then we can bring it in for questioning.”
Although the android was usually always right about these kinds of things it had felt like this time he was so wrong. It had been an hour and still nothing. You began yawning as you pulled your phone from your pocket and began to scroll through mindlessly.
Not even a minute in and your phone dinged a new text message coming in.
From: Hank
How are you and nines holding up? You guys on your way?
You looked over to the android whose eyes were too focused on the building to even notice who you were texting.
You put your focus back on the screen before typing out a response to Hank.
To: Hank
Yeah we’re fine just the suspect wasn’t home so we’re waiting around until they return.
You quickly sent the message before the three dots appeared on the screen.
From: Hank
Alright. You and him getting along by any chance?
You frowned at the text before typing out a response.
To: Hank
I’m trying to keep it as professional as possible between us. After all whether I like him being here or not, he’s my new partner.
You sent the text quickly before placing your phone back into your pocket.
“Nines, how much longer do you think this will take?” You asked him as you looked over to him. Nines frowned at your impatient question, an expression he often gave you which furthered your hatred for him.
“Detective, I feel as if you doubt me on this. Do you not believe the suspect will return home?” He asked you bot even bothering to look at you.
Now it was your turn to frown. “Truthfully I don’t, not if he knows he’s being hunted he wont return to the first place the cops will show up to.”
“That’s where you’re mistaken.” Nines said.
This was how conversation would go between the two of you. Short but filled with annoyance and subtle digs, it was annoying and quite tiring to hear complaints from either one of you to Fowler. You were trying to adjust to having the new partner but some adjustments took time.
You still would think of Connor and how even though he was programmed nearly the same as Nines, there was still something a lot more human to him underneath all those wires.
Nines was a fantastic detective, that you could not take away from him but his icy stare and cold demeanor and shortness made you not want to even attempt conversation because you knew he truly was a machine and nothing more than that.
“There it is Detective. Let’s go.” Nines said.
The two of you got out if the car making your way to the suspect who was standing in the front of his building with groceries in his hands.
“Excuse me, Joseph Clark?” You called for the man who turned to look at the two of you.
“Detroit police-“
Joseph dropped his bags quickly and began to take off. Without any hesitation Nines began chasing after the man and you followed.
Joseph would take quick turns and Nines would follow with you shouting from behind ordering the man to stop. Joseph rounded the corner and Nines followed while you ignored that path and took a different way.
Nines increased his speed as Joseph did the same. He couldn’t believe how fast this android was. Nines was the only android it knew to be of the latest technology yet this one seemed to be faster making him wonder where it was assembled.
Joseph threw down pallets behind him making Nines jump over them quickly as he turned the corner. Soon enough you emerged from another alley in front of Nines holding your gun up ready to shoot but the screams around you caused you to halt.
“What are you doing detective?! Shoot!” Nines screamed in your ear.
The gun became heavy in your hands and you let it down slowly as Joseph disappeared through the crowd of people.
“Shit…” you mumbled to yourself. The crowd dispersed quickly and you could feel Nines eyes boring a hole into the back of your head.
“You let him get away…” he grumbled.
You holstered your gun and turned to make your way back to the car when a strong grip pulled you back.
“Do you have any idea what you did? You let the suspect get away!” He scolded you and you tore from his grip. “I couldn’t take the shot! There were people around! I could’ve hit anyone!” You tried to explain your reasoning but the look on his face showed no care for it.
He shook his head, “I have a task to accomplish and that’s to bring the suspect in for questioning until we have our killer. I cannot keep failing my missions or else-“
“Or else what? Nines I cannot take a shot when we have innocent lives around it’s risky!”
“I will not be deactivated like RK800 who was incapable of doing his job-“
Without another word you slapped him hard. It may not have caused any pain for him but it was enough to catch him off guard.
“Don’t speak of him like that.” You said while pointing a finger at him. You gave him a icy stare, the tears welling in your eyes before you hurried off to the car.
After the two of you arrived back at the station, you said nothing to Nines. He watched you and he waited but he knew you would say nothing. He began to wonder if you and Connor had ever fought like this at work.
By the time the office was thinning out and the sun soon was down you grabbed stuff quickly making sure to say goodbye to everyone except Nines. He watched as you left, a frown upon his perfect artificial face as his LED spun yellow.
“Lieutenant Anderson.” Nines called to the old man who was sitting at his desk. Hank caught Nines gaze and sighed as he got up to see what the android wanted.
“Yes Nines?” Hank asked not sounding very enthusiastic to speak with him.
“I understand that (y/n) is not too fond of me and I’m sure no one else in the office is but I would like to get back to a more suitable environment where I could complete my work without the tension between me and Detective (y/l/n).” He told Hank. Hank crossed his arms as he pursed his lips, “Nines, although you are advanced and I have to admit, you do a damn good job, but you aren’t him.”
Nines hard features softened at Hank’s words.
“And it’s something (y/n) is having time to adjust to but you don’t understand the lost their dealing with. I suggest you ease up.” Hank left Nines to sit at his desk and contemplate as he went back over to his.
Nines did remember your first interaction together. You were obviously so angry and full of so many emotions he could still remember when you would look up to him your eyes full of anger and tears whenever you’d catch a glimpse of him.
It was hard for him to understand the love you had for the RK800. How could a human love a machine?
He had thought maybe you would be over it by now but he had misguided your feelings that you had-still have, for him.
The suggestion came into his view and although he was not in the mood for chasing after you and what felt like having a deja vu moment, he decided to not fight whatever urges he was having. He got up, Hank watching him from his desk as Nines signed off his computer and left the office.
The first place he went to was your home but you were not home. He decided to call Gavin who told him to “piss off plastic prick” before hanging up in his face. Nines then called Hank who was not thrilled to be getting a call from him but Hank gave the name to the bar you were usually at.
Nines walked in the smell of smoke and alcohol heavily present in the air. Everyone watched as he stepped inside, completely ignoring the ‘NO ANDROIDS ALLOWED’ sign that was beside the entrance in the window. The faces around him displayed shock and anger but Nines simply gave them cold stares.
He did an ID scan until yours popped up and there you were hunched over the bar with a shot in front of you.
He sat beside you not saying anything as you chuckled, “Even when I go to a place with no androids you still manage to find me. Who ratted me out?”
“Lieutenant Anderson.” Nines said.
You scoffed as you downed the shot and placed the glass back onto the bar.
“I thought after our first interaction we would move past this Detective (Y/L/N).” Nines said with no ounce of emotion in his sentence.
The bartender filled your glass with the liquor. “We would be passed this? What? I tell you I cared for him and I’m supposed to be over him Nines? We’re supposed to be best fucking friends now? Really?” You shook your head as you grabbed the shot glass and downed it with ease, the burn becoming familiar in your throat almost like water.
“Detective, I just want the same thing that you want. A partner to work with so we can get through this case-“
“No Nines, that’s where your wrong. We don’t want the same thing because what I want is dismembered and somewhere in a recycling field. Do you not recall what you said to me today? Nines you don’t understand anything I’m going through because you lack actual human emotion.” You told him before looking back down at the bar.
Nines eyes narrowed at you as you tried to ignore him. “Detective.” He said.
You looked up at him with tears brimming your eyes. Nines features softened a little at seeing this.
You said nothing as you got up, wiping your tears quickly before pulling out money from your pocket and slamming it on the bar. You gathered your things quickly and left the bar.
The people around looked at Nines who quickly got up to go after you.
“Detective! Wait!” Nines called after you multiple times.
Finally you stopped as you turned to look at him.
“Look, if your gonna come here and tell me to suck it up I’m gonna tell you to go fuck yourself.”
Nines slowed down in front of you leaving some space between the two of you. He shook his head, “I spoke with Lieutenant Anderson.”
“God Nines now is not the fucking time to talk about this case-“
“It’s not about that…The Lieutenant told me how you felt about him…I knew how you felt of RK-Connor, as soon as I saw you lay eyes on me.” Your frown softened as you heard him say his name.
“I apologize for my behavior earlier…It was not my place to make a comment or any of them I have in the past. I know I don’t understand what you had with him and I don’t…I don’t want to replace him because I can’t.” Nines said.
You could feel the warm tears slide down your cheeks as he spoke.
“Thank you Nines.” You said.
Nines nodded and you tried to wipe away your tears quickly.
“I’m sorry for being so emotional it’s just…It’s a lot.” You admitted.
Nines took a step closer and wiped away your tears as he said. “From my knowledge on grief it is not easy to let go. Instead of remembering him as he is not here, remember the better memories.”
The first time you met Nines you hated him. Although after he stopped you, you thought maybe he could be different from your expectations but this time, this time you know something was off.
He was feeling something.
Nines pulled his hand away.
“Did you drive Detective?” He asked and you nodded. He held out his hand and you placed the keys in his palm. The two of you walked to your car and got inside.
Nines started the car and began to drive to your place.
After your arrival, he walked you to your front door and opened it for you.
“I do hope our relationship will improve after this Detective.” Nines said.
You looked at him, “It requires effort from both ends Nines. I will see you at the office, goodnight Nines.”
Nines said nothing to you, usually like he always did and this didn’t catch you by surprise. Sometimes even simple dialect was too much for him. You walked inside shutting the door leaving Nines on the porch.
He was conflicted.
He couldn’t understand this but somehow had the urge to comfort you.
Was this that same thing he felt before?
He decided not to stay on your porch contemplating but instead let out a sigh.
“Goodnight (y/n).” He said lowly, something he knew he should have said back to you.
He quickly got off of your porch and left you for the night.
A/N: I was thinking of making this a mini series. If you think so, comment below (:
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Question- how are major drug withdrawal symptoms treated? Like in the event they're severe enough to either be life-threatening or simply feel like they're life-threatening like psychosis?
Good question!
It's different for different drugs and how much the person generally takes, which is why it is so important for people to be honest about their drug consumption. Seriously, we don't tell the cops*. That's your private health information.
People come into the hospital for a lot of reasons and a lot of people take enough non-prescribed drugs that they are at risk for going into withdrawal. The most dangerous drugs to withdraw from are alcohol and a drug class called benzodiazepines, which mess with the same brain chemicals and alcohol. These withdrawals are absolutely life threatening and need to be prevented during hospitalization. Most other drug withdrawals are unpleasant, but not necessarily life threatening.
Someone who admits to consistently drinking more than about 3 standard drinks a day (or regularly using any non-prescribed benzo) will be placed on a CIWA precaution. This includes being given a medication that partially replaces the alcohol (usually chlordiazepoxide or phenobarbital) placed in a bed with padded rails (to prevent injury in the event of a seizure) and every 4 hours will be assessed by a nurse for signs of withdrawal.
The assessment, with each of the following rated 0-7 or 0-4 based on severity:
Is the patient experiencing nausea and vomiting?
Is the patient experiencing tremors or shakes?
Is the patient sweating?
Is the patient experiencing anxiety?
Is the patient experiencing agitation/more active than normal?
Is the patient experiencing tactile disturbances (burning, numbness, pins and needles, crawling sensations)?
Is the patient experiencing auditory disturbances (sound sensitivity, auditory hallucinations)
Is the patient experiencing visual disturbances (light sensitivity, visual hallucinations)
Is the patient experiencing headache or fullness in head?
Is the patient oriented to location/date/time/self?
Based on the total score, a dose of a rescue medication, usually lorazepam, is given, and the patient re-assessed in an hour. For a lower score, the dose is usually lower, and for a higher score, the dose is usually higher. If the patient experiences seizures, or consistently scores extremely highly even while taking the highest dose of the rescue medication every hour, they may be heavily sedated, intubated, and sent to the ICU to prevent neurological injury and death.
Opioid withdrawal, though not life threatening, can have very unpleasant symptoms. Usually the patient is given methadone or buprenorphine to ease symptoms, and dose adjusted to response. However, the patient must already be in withdrawal prior to the first dose of buprenorphine, because buprenorphine can bring on sudden and severe withdrawal symptoms if the patient currently has an opioid in their body.
Withdrawal from opioids is graded according to the COWS scale (also administered every 4 hours), rated 0-4 or 5 for each of the following symptoms based on severity:
Pulse rate
Pupil size
Bone or joint aches
Runny/stuffy nose, tearing eyes
GI upset/nausea/vomiting/diarrhea
Anxiety or irritability
Goosebumps on skin
Most of the time, treatment with buprenorphine (or even methadone) will not ease all symptoms. Symptoms can also be treated directly with anti-nausea or antidiarrheal medication, muscle relaxants, antihistamines, antipsychotics, and other symptom-managing medications as needed.
Other drug withdrawals are treated according to symptoms, and not necessarily treated with a specific replacement medication unless one is available and there is a protocol for use like CIWA or COWS.
*The only time the cops are called in a medical context is if you say "I am planning to hurt/murder/rape this specific person and I have a plan to do so" at which point we place you on a legal medical or psych hold (a document that legally allows us to physically prevent you from leaving the hospital) and call the cops so they can protect that specific person in the event that you do manage to leave the hospital. We may also call hospital security if you are threatening to hurt someone on the property, or make threats against staff.
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forhereyesonlyyy · 3 years
love call. // iz*one, kcw. // one-shot.
in which missing your hardworking girlfriend causes you to do ungodly things, like staying up until two in the morning to drag her out for a late night date.
word count: 2.2k
author's note: chaewon on the brain all day 🥰 this is just something short and sweet for all my fellow chaewon thinkers 😩☝️ i wish to see her on a stage again 🥺
tags: fluff, wlw, established relationship, goofy, is it obvious i'm running out of things to say here.
warnings: none.
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Perhaps your friends were right when they said that your girlfriend was the only person that could get you to act right because if she were around you right at this moment, you wouldn't be walking around the empty streets at two in the morning wearing shorts and a simple jacket. But you couldn't sleep to save your life, and you were getting tired just pacing around your room. Besides, what's a better plan than to take a short stroll around the neighborhood?
You could have probably watched another Netflix movie or played until your eyes started burning, but contrary to popular belief, you actually wanted to live beyond your 40s. It's not like walking around in the dark with absolutely no regard for what might be watching in the shadows was any safer, but at least you were having fun!
The city was practically dead anyway. Not even cars were seen driving around the streets. It truly felt like you were the only person in the world, and you loved that feeling. But it would have been more lovely if your girlfriend was with you.
Being an idol sure is demanding. I hope she's taking care of herself.
As if she could hear your thoughts from the other side of the city, your phone starts ringing and the special ringtone you set up just for when she calls or texts you starts filling the air. You immediately pulled out your phone and grinned when you saw her contact name on the screen.
You eagerly pressed the green button and put the phone against your ear, "Hi, beautiful."
Kim Chaewon laughs from the other line and you could feel your heart growing twice its size. Oh, how you longed to hear her laugh in person instead of through your phone. IZ*ONE has been busy with their Japanese promotions and they only got to go home a month ago, even then they had to attend a lot more activities. They had no time for rest, or to have a nice day off. It was the main reason why you have been so very worried about your girlfriend.
"I knew you'd be awake. Can't sleep?" Chaewon asks. You could hear her grunt, she was probably getting ready to sleep. While you appreciated her checking up on you at this ungodly hour, you wished that she just went straight to sleep. God knows how long of a day she probably had.
"As always. What's your excuse?" You jog across the street, your eyes fixed on the glowing sign of a cafè. Now you were fully aware of how you just stumbled into a street full of stores that are open until after midnight, and you have never been more thankful for bringing your wallet with you.
"Not to sound like I'm in love with you but," Chaewon pauses, and you could almost see her biting her bottom lip out of both nervousness and enthusiasm. "I was missing you— have been missing you. A lot. Too much, maybe?" Chaewon laughs at herself, and then mutters some nonsense that you couldn't decipher because her words made you stop on your tracks and tear up just a little.
Maybe you were too sensitive, or too dramatic, but you couldn't even put how much you missed her into words. For the months she was gone, you lost count of how many times you wished she would just come back to you. Perhaps you really were too attached, because at some point, you were in over your head at the thought of Chaewon realizing that romance did not have a place in her life as a rising star.
It was your biggest fear, getting abandoned by the person you love the most. Before Chaewon became your girlfriend, she was your most precious childhood friend. There was not a time in your life where she was never there for you, and you truly belived that your friendship would go on for the rest of your life.
You realized that your feelings for Chaewon was more than what a normal person would feel for their best friend when you entered your new high school together. She was just... glowing when you both attended the entrance ceremony, and you vividly remember how she gently took your hand in hers and promised that she'll do her best to make you proud.
But she didn't need to promise anything. Chaewon was already perfect in your eyes, you knew she wouldn't disappoint you ever.
Then on the same night she was announced to be a member of IZ*ONE, Chaewon expressed her gratitude to you by coming into your house and wordlessly kissing you while in tears. You didn't need her to confess her feelings through words since her kiss had already told you everything she wanted you to hear.
And now here you were, stronger than ever despite not having been seen each other for months too long.
"I miss you too, Chae," You replied after collecting yourself. There was no way that you would just allow yourself to break down in tears in the middle of the street. "Tell you what, the moment you're free to hang out, I'll get you that delicious strawberry cake we always loved consuming."
Chaewon laughs again, and the sound just makes you grin like a crazy person, "I'll hold you to that, (Y/N)." A yawn escapes her, and she groans. She probably knows that now you know that she's tired, you'll go on and on about how she should go to sleep. And you most certainly will!
"Go to sleep, baby. I'll text you when I wake up." You said. You did want to talk more, you wanted to hear Chaewon's voice for so many more hours but you'd hate to be the reason why she's so worn out. There will be opportunities some other time, I just have to be patient.
"Mm~ okay, I will," You hear some shuffling in the background. It was Chaewon making herself comfortable in her bed. "Wait. (Y/N), my love, are you seriously outside right now?" Your girlfriend questions. And all of a sudden, she didn't sound so tired anymore.
You scratched your head, "Um. No. What makes you think that?" It was never a good idea to lie to the person that knows you better than anyone else, but you had to try!
"I can literally hear the wind against your mic." Chaewon said. You squeezed your eyes shut, of course you would lose the battle before it even started.
Sighing, you turned away from the various shops, "Fine, fine. I am outside. I just... took a little walk because I couldn't fall asleep. I'll be going back home now, where I'm safe and where my beloved wouldn't yell at me." You replied with a teasing smile although Chaewon couldn't see it.
"It's dangerous to be out so late in the night, babe. I thought I told you that if you can't sleep, you can just call me?" You could hear Chaewon sit back up. Her tone was firm, you knew you couldn't joke around with her anymore. You take a seat at the nearest empty bench and snuggled yourself in your jacket. It was getting colder, but something inside you told you to not go home just yet despite your girlfriend's scolding.
"But you've been overworked to the bone, Chae. I didn't want to be an inconvenience," You admitted. You nervously fiddled with the zipper of your jacket. "You shouldn't even be calling me right now, you know?"
"(Y/N)... I'll use my time however I want, and if it's to talk to you, I'll take every sleepless nights I can get," Oh, you were so hopelessly in love with this woman. You leaned back on the bench as tears suddenly started falling down your cheeks. It absolutely infuriated you how Chaewon just knew what to say to you. "You're never a bother, okay? I love you, I really do." Chaewon means every word that she says, you could feel it in your heart.
You held back a sob, "I love you more, dummy."
Chaewon explodes in a burst of adorable giggles, "You're the dummy here! But in all seriousness, please go home. I wouldn't want you to get sick when I'm not there to take care of you." Even though your girlfriend was right, the brightly lit shops further down the street made several light bulbs in your head illuminate, and you just couldn't pass up on the opportunity to do that.
"Yes, ma'am. I'm going back now." You said, now jogging towards the bike rental shop. The staff sitting by the entrance gave you a small wave as you approached him.
"Good girl," Chaewon yawns again, and you hear her collapse against the pillows. "Don't stay awake for too long now. Love you." Her words were slurred, you just knew she was one second away from running off into dreamland.
You smiled brightly, "Love you more." And with that, you hung up. You finally looked at the old man sitting by the bikes with shining, eager eyes.
Genius, that is what I am.
Exactly thirty minutes later, you start regretting your life choices. You were standing right outside IZ*ONE's backyard dead in the night, it wouldn't be surprising if someone mistakes you as a burglar or an obsessive fan and decides to call the cops on you. But you were already there, you would only wear yourself out if you decide to turn back now. Taking a deep breath, you carefully dropped the bike on the ground and took out your phone.
Before you could think to contact Chaewon once again, the sound of footsteps hurriedly approaching made you panic. I'm really about to be arrested like this, huh? It's been a fun life I guess.
As if it the deity of fortune was looking down on you, Kim Chaewon stands a few meters in front of you wearing a shocked look on her face and a single slipper on her hand. It was probably what she was going to attack you with, had she not realized that it was you who had technically snuck into their backyard.
You smiled sheepishly at your startled girlfriend, "Surprise?" You barely finished speaking when Chaewon throws herself onto you, literally. You lost your balance and fell into the grass. Chaewon squeals into your ear and plants several kisses onto your face, and you laugh as she does so.
Chaewon pauses and holds your face for a good minute, staring at you as if she couldn't believe that you were right there with her. Then she engulfs you in a more gentle hug, and you wrap your arms around her waist, taking pleasure in the feeling of her loving embrace. Gods, you were about to cry again. It has been way too long since you were physically with Chaewon. You were almost willing to forget whatever plan you had and just cuddle with her for the rest of the night.
"I thought I told you to go home and sleep, you dummy!" Chaewon hits your shoulder, almost in tears herself. You raised yourself from the ground so that she was sitting on your lap, and you rested your head on her shoulder. Just her mere presence would have been enough for you, but now that she was right there, you didn't dare to not take advantage of the moment.
You hugged her closer than you ever have before, and you tilted your head to look into her beautiful eyes that never ceased to make you feel safe and appreciated, "I really love you, Chaewon." The pure sincerity on your voice was what really pushed Chaewon to let go of the restraints and let her tears fall free.
"I love you. I'm glad you're here." Chaewon slightly drips her head down to catch your lips with hers. It felt as if a collection of the world's biggest and most beautiful fireworks had set off inside your heart as you returned the affection. Chaewon always had that effect on you, she made every kiss feel like the first time and it just absolutely makes you swoon. The way she would carefully run her hand through your hair during it all made your heart go crazy.
You were never going to get tired of being in love with Kim Chaewon. Even if the two of you somehow ended up being on the opposite ends of the world, your hearts would always be together. Or something like that.
"This is probably a dumb question, but," Chaewon pulls away and smiles at you. Oh, yeah. Her smiles make your brain go haywire as well. "What are you doing here, anyway?" Your girlfriend asks.
"I'm taking you out on the best date you've ever had, baby," You said with a wide grin. (You never knew, but every time you showed her that stupidly cute smile, Chaewon falls for you even more.) Your face falls immediately a second after, however. "I-If that's okay. I mean, it is pretty late and you're exhausted."
Chaewon beams at you, and gosh you could just feel all her love through it, "I'd love to go on a date with you, (Y/N)," She then takes your face in her hands again, and her eyes immediately drop down to your lips that she has missed so very much. "But maybe after this."
Yeah, now that was a plan you could get behind.
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
A Place Called Home | Chapter 10
Genre: Hybrid!AU, Poly!AU?, Soulmate AU, romance, fluff, humour
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: vet!reader, Arcticfox!Seokjin, Panther!Yoongi, Goldenretriever!Hoseok, Wolf!Namjoon, Calicocat!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Rabbit!Jungkook
Summary: Having saved your own injured hybrid, you were determined to try and help any other hybrid that crossed your path who needed saving. But being a vet in a small hospital wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to do more, you wanted to make a difference. You wanted to give them a home.
You're having to work a lot more, feeling guilty that you're hardly around for your own hybrids. One night, Yoongi gets into trouble and needs you to bail him out. But what you didn't expect was to have new hybrids move into your house that very same day.
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“Ah...” You finally closed the main door of the house, slumping down on the ground. You had just finished a 36 hour shift because the medical residents were called back to campus for their exams, so the hospital was even more short staffed. 
“(y/n)?” You heard Jimin’s voice and opened your eyes, smiling tiredly at him. He stood up from the heating lamps and made his way to you.
“You’re home!” His tail moved excitedly. 
“Yeah.” You stroked his head. Behind him, Taehyung bounded down the stairs. He jumped into your arms, burying his head into your shoulder. You yawned tiredly, leaning into his warmth. It was lulling you to sleep. 
“Jagi, are you falling asleep on Tae?” A voice chuckle and you opened your eyes again, seeing Jin and Namjoon. One, two, three, four... Wait, you had 5 hybrids, not four. You stood up on your own, shaking your head as you looked at all the hybrids in the room. Where was Yoongi? His classes were supposed to end at 6 today. 
“Where’s Yoongi? He was supposed to be home 3 hours ago.” You frowned. The other 4 looked at each other. 
“We haven’t heard from him. His phone is off.” Namjoon informed. That made your blood freeze. Did they mistake Yoongi as a stray and capture him? 
“Wait.” Your phone rang and you pressed the device to your ear. As you listened on, the four in the room saw a frown evident on your face. That wasn’t a good sign. 
“WHAT?!... I-I’ll be right over!” You jumped to your feet.
“(y/n), what’s wrong?” Namjoon asked. You were giving off such strong emotions that all of them felt it. They knew that something was terribly wrong and it had to do with Yoongi.
“Yoongi is in trouble. Jin and Namjoon, you’re coming with me.” You mumbled and grabbed your coat, ready to leave the house again. 
“You two just stay here.” You told them and left. Where Yoongi was, it would be too much for Taehyung and Jimin. You were already distressed, you didn’t need two distraught hybrids to care for. Right now, you needed to get Yoongi out. When you pulled up to the gravel road, Namjoon and Jin immediately grew rigid at the vibe.
“Let’s go.” You gulped, stepping out. The three of you immediately held onto one another. This was a scary place to be. This place was only for feral hybrids. It was dark, run down and there were loud noises from coming inside. 
“Why is Yoongi here?” Jin asked. 
“I don’t know. I just got a call that Yoongi and some group attacked another hybrid and was brought in here.” You shook your head. Of course, that was ridiculous. Yoongi would never hurt another hybrid.
“Excuse me, I got a call about my hybrid? His name is Min Yoongi.” You went up to the warden in front.
“Right. Please come with me.” The male stood up and you all followed him through a door. When he stopped in front of a dark cell, you saw a small figured curled up in a corner. There was a shock collar around his neck and an ankle brace around his leg that chained him to the wall. 
“W-What did you do to him?!” You gasped, seeing the state that he was in.
“Madam-” The warden started.
“How dare you do this to him?!” You immediately went into a rage, screaming at the male. 
“Madam, your hybrid and a few others attacked another hybrid. But we were alerted and all of them were brought here. The collar and the ankle are there in case he goes feral again.” The warden explained. 
“He is not feral! Don’t you say that about him! He’s not part of some hybrid group, he is my family. Did you even ask him what he was doing there?! Of course you didn’t and just forced him here against his will. You have no right to treat him like this!” You continued to scream at the warden. Jin held your hand.
“Jagi, you can deal with this later. Your priority is to get Yoongi out of here.” Jin whispered softly.
“Unlock the door. Now.” You said through gritted teeth. The warden nodded, opening the door for you to enter. You choked on a sob as you entered. Yoongi was so distraught he didn’t even notice you were there. 
“Yoongi... Baby?” You called out softly. His eyes perked up first, hearing you call his name. He stood up, his nose and eyes red from crying. On instinct, he tried to rush to you but the chain that attached him to the wall held him back, making him fall to the ground. You ran forward instead, dropping to the ground to hold him in your arms.
“Well?! Are you dumb?! Unchain him now!” You sneered at the warden.
“Madam, I have to remind you of your behaviour.” The warden stated. Nonetheless, he proceeded to remove the chain and shock collar from Yoongi. Yoongi cried softly, pressing his face into your shoulder.
“It’s okay. I got you.” You whispered. 
“I didn’t hurt him. He was getting hurt and I wanted to help him. You need to help him, (y/n). He’s badly injured.” Yoongi’s whole body shook against you.
“The injured hybrid, where is he?” You asked. The warden confirmed that he was still in the building, in a different cell from Yoongi as there was still the risk of him being feral. 
“You idiots didn’t think to get him medical care? All you’re worried about is whether you will get hurt but did you think about him?! Bring him to me now, I’m a doctor.” You commanded, flashing your doctor’s card. The warden nodded and led the three of you out. You left Jin and Namjoon to comfort Yoongi in the lobby while you went to tend to the injured hybrid.
“You said you’re afraid of him being feral? He’s unconscious!  He’s got a fractured wrist and he’s all bruises up. I’m bringing him out of here.” You said, checking on the unconscious hybrid.
“No, you listen to me. You messed with the wrong family. I’m letting my mother know about this. You may know her, (y/l/n) (y/mom/n).” You frowned and the warden went pale. Your mother had that much of an influence and the warden knew he would definitely lose his job. 
“Get me a wheelchair.” The warden got it for you and you hoisted the unconscious hybrid onto it. You wheeled the injured hybrid out in a wheelchair. 
“(y/n).” Jin came up to you. Yoongi still looked shaken.
“He doesn’t look too bad. I’ll treat him at home.” You told them. Namjoon took over, carrying the unconscious hybrid while you held Yoongi. 
“If you have your hybrid’s papers...” The warden said and you showed him Yoongi’s papers. After that, you signed whatever papers you needed. Luckily, under doctor’s jurisdiction, you could take the other hybrid with you.
“Next time check his collar before you bring him in. What’s the point in making them wear collars if you’re just going to chain them up and threw them in jail cells.” You spat angrily, taking Yoongi’s papers back. Yoongi was still glued to your side as you went to the car. Jin drove you all back. 
“Remind me to call my mother in the morning.” You told Jin, who nodded. Entering a spare bedroom, you began to treat the injured hybrid. 
“Boys, let’s give them some space.” Namjoon ushered Taehyung and Jimin out of the room. 
“But...” Taehyung whined. 
“You’ll see them tomorrow morning.” Jin coaxed and they left, making you let out a chuckle. Yoongi stayed by your side the entire time. 
“Are you injured?” You asked as you gathered your supplies, Yoongi shook his head, keeping his head down. Looking at the unconscious hybrid, you tended to his broken wrist, placing it in a splint. Then, you cleaned his cuts, putting bandages over them.
“Wanna tell me what happened?” You asked softly, not looking up from what you were doing.
“I was leaving when I heard some crashing from the alley. After smelling blood, I went to see what was going on when I saw these strays ganging up on this other hybrid. He was already injured so I jumped into to help and we got into a fight. The security guard of the school saw us and called the cops. They thought I was part of that gang. But I swear-” He panicked. 
“I know, Yoongi. Breathe... It’s okay. I know you will never hurt someone. I believe you.” You held his arms, patting his head.
“I think he’s a golden retriever. I haven’t really come across that many domestic hybrids before.” Yoongi said.
“You should go rest, Yoongi. You’ve had a long day.”
“I don’t want to sleep without you.” He whispered. You nodded your head, understanding him. Using your hand held ultrasound machine, you checked for any internal bleeding. 
“He’s fine.” You told Yoongi and he let out a sigh of relief. Leaving Yoongi to take a shower, you went downstairs to let the other 4 know of the situation, as well as tell Jimin and Taehyung the gist of what happened with Yoongi. It was sad and you knew Yoongi was definitely traumatised from the situation.
“If the boy wakes up at any point, let me know immediately. Goodnight, boys.” You smiled and hugged all of them.
“I promise you, they’ll be punished accordingly. I’m not letting this go.” You told Yoongi. He nodded and your eyes trailed to the cuts around his neck, where the shock collar had imprinted on his skin.
“Can you let me treat you?” You asked first. Yoongi nodded and you grabbed your first aid kit. As you moved closer to clean the wounds, Yoongi’s grip on your thigh tightened as he tried not to flinch. You whispered comforting words to him and you slowly wrapped the bandage around his neck, as well as his ankle. Once you were done, Yoongi finally relaxed.
“Kitten, do you have any more of those pills?” Yoongi suddenly asked.
“Yoongs, you know I really don’t like you being on those them.” You sighed. When Yoongi was still having nightmares, there were sleeping pills that you would give him to help him calm down and sleep.
“Please.” He begged.
“Yoongi... I...” You didn’t know what you should do. 
“I can’t even think straight. It was like I was back in the ring... I don’t want to think... Please, (y/n).” He cried in your arms. 
“Alright, just tonight.” You got up and went downstairs. Accessing your medicine safe, you unlocked it and took out the bottle, shaking out a pill into your palm. Grabbing a glass of water, you headed back upstairs to the room. Yoongi took the pill and downed it with the water.
“Go to sleep.” You held him as he slowly drifted off. You didn’t like giving him the sleeping pills since he could be dependent on them and they’re very potent but for Yoongi to beg you, you knew he was really desperate.
“Chim, don’t you want food?” 
“No... I want (y/n) to wake up.” You were woken up by a conversation happening outside your room. You chuckled, hearing Jimin. 
“She’ll wake up soon.” 
You got out of bed and went to wash up. The previous day and night had been so hectic that you slept in, waking up at 3 pm. Before leaving, you crawled on the bed, feeling Yoongi’s cheeks. 
“Yoongs, let me take your temperature.” You took the thermometer from your nightstand. Yoongi opened his eyes partially, obediently letting you put the thermometer in his mouth. Once it beeped, you removed it. You frowned when you saw that he was indeed running a fever. 
“Sleep more.” You whispered, kissing his cheek. Slowly, you opened the door and Jimin jumped into your arms. 
“(y/n)!” He smiled. 
“Good morning... or afternoon. Let’s lower our volumes, okay? Yoongi is not feeling well so he has to rest.” You said and he nodded happily. Walking down together, you were greeted by your other hybrids around the kitchen island. 
“Hey.” You smiled at them. 
“Yoongi’s running a fever. Probably from all the stress yesterday, I’m gonna fix him some porridge.” You told them. 
“I’ll do it. Why don’t you eat?” Jin said. 
“You’ve been doing a lot the past few days. You should rest too, let me do it then I’ll eat.” You smiled and kissed his cheek, going to the fridge to get what you needed. In the porridge, there were some vegetables and minced chicken. Yoongi liked meat and you knew if you didn’t put some sort of protein in there, he wouldn’t eat it. 
“Have you guys eaten?” You asked the 4 as you placed the lid over the pot to let it reduce. 
“We have but Taehyung and Jimin haven’t.” Namjoon shrugged. You looked at the two, raising a disapproving eyebrow at them. 
“We wanted to wait for you.” Jimin pouted. 
“Alright. But next time, just eat first, hmm? Wouldn’t want you guys starving.” You ruffled their heads and plated their food for them and yourself. Checking on the porridge one last time, you sat down between them to eat. There was sounds from upstairs. 
“He’s awake.” Jin stated. You tilted your head. 
“The stray.” Namjoon finished. You swallowed your food and pushed out of your chair, heading upstairs. You knocked on the door before entering to see him sitting there.
“Hey?” You called out cautiously. 
“Hi!” The golden retriever perked up, turning to you with a smile and wave. He looked so animated, as if he wasn’t injured and unconscious just a few hours ago. You couldn’t help but let out a laugh in disbelief. 
“Are you feeling okay? How’s your wrist?” You asked. 
“Don’t worry, I’m feeling fine. A little sore but nothing I can’t handle. But I see you fixed me up! I hope that black panther hybrid is alright... Thank you for helping me, by the way. I’m Hoseok!” The golden retriever rambled, holding his uninjured hand out to you. You blinked in confusion, processing what he said before shaking his hand in yours.
“Uhh... Hi. I’m (y/n). You’re welcome. I’m glad to hear you’re feeling fine and yes, Yoongi is fine. He’s resting now.” You smiled.
“Oh, that’s good to hear! You know, you’re really cute, you remind me of Jungkook. Oh no! Jungkook! I have to get back to him.” Hoseok’s eyes widened in realisation.
“My little brother!” Hoseok informed.
“Let me grab my keys and I’ll send you home.” You said and Hoseok nodded. Taehyung and Namjoon offered to follow you to send Hoseok home. But when you pulled up, it was an old, abandoned house. You followed Hoseok in and he was tackled to the ground by a bunny hybrid. 
“Hyung!” He stood above the golden retriever. Namjoon just hid you behind him for safety.
“Hyung! Where did you go? You’re injured!” The bunny hybrid checked his brother, seeing the bandage around his brother’s wrist.
“I’m fine, Kookie. These nice people helped me. I was jumped last night and this human’s hybrid saved me. She even saved me from the feral shelter.” Hoseok gestured to you. The bunny finally noticed your presence and stood up. He gave the three of you wary looks.
“Feral shelter?!” Jungkook looked like he was going to have a heart attack from his brother’s words. 
“Yeah but I’m out because of her.” Hoseok grinned. 
“Hi. Jungkook, right?” You started. 
“How did you bail my brother out without him being adopted? We’re strays, we don’t have tags.” Jungkook questioned you, ignoring your question.
“I’m (y/n) and this is Namjoon and Taehyung. I’m a doctor. Don’t worry, your brother is fine, except for a broken wrist and some superficial injuries that should heal in a few days.” You explained with a smile. Jungkook looked puzzled but nodded at your words. 
“Do you two have an owner?” Taehyung asked and the two stiffened.
“We did. She moved and left us behind. But we’re fine on our own.” Jungkook said coldly.
“I have no doubt that you can take care of each other. But this house is old and doesn’t look like there’s heating. I would actually like to offer for you two to stay with us. Just for the approaching winter. I can also care for your brother’s wrist.” You asked, making all the hybrids look at you in shock. Were you really ready to house 7 hybrids?
“(y/n)...” Namjoon didn’t know what to say.
“We don’t need your help!” Jungkook grew angry, his foot tapping against the floor angrily.
“Jungkook, be nice. They rescued me and nursed me without asking for anything in return. There are 5 other hybrids living with her. She’s a nice human.” Hoseok told the younger boy. 
Jungkook gave Hoseok a weird look, annoyed that his brother was so easily bought by you. You understood why he was so guarded. They were already abandoned before.
“You can stay for the winter and leave after that. I won’t stop you.” You shrugged. Jungkook still looked unconvinced.
“Okay!” Hoseok agreed.
“HYUNG!” Jungkook shouted in outrage.
“Oh, stop being a worrywart, Kookie. She’s right, we’ll freeze to death this winter.” Hoseok said. You couldn’t help but laugh. Hoseok was so positive and bright like the sun.
Here you were, driving home with Namjoon, Taehyung and two new hybrids in your backseat. When you pulled up, Jimin was rolling around in the sheets under the heating lamp, enjoying and basking in the warmth despite the cold weather outside. 
“(y/n)!” Jimin ran over to you but backed away slightly when he noticed the new people. 
“Hey, Chim. Where’s Jin?”
“He’s feeding Yoongi hyung in your room.” He informed. 
“Alright, I would like to speak to the 5 of you. Jungkook, Hoseok, I hope you don’t mind sharing a room.” You informed. The two brother nodded and you led them to the spare room Hoseok stayed in. The two were alright with sharing a bed, being brothers. Your hybrids all gathered in your room. Yoongi was awake but still a little disoriented. 
“Hey, how are you feeling?” You asked. 
“Sleepy. Jin hyung said you have some news to share with us? Taehyung texted us while you were in the car to catch us up to speed.” Yoongi explained. 
“Well then, share your thoughts.” You looked up at everyone. Yoongi opened his mouth again but you cut him off. 
“If you’re gonna say that it’s my house, save it. This place is all of yours as well. I’m sorry I made such a decision without you guys but you know I can’t let the two of them stay in an old house during the winter.” You crossed your arms.
“I was gonna say, let them stay.” Yoongi said.
“Really?” You were shocked.
“I wouldn’t want them having to fight the cold either. It sucks that their owner abandoned them. They don’t deserve it.” Yoongi shrugged. The other four nodded in agreement. Taehyung was happy to have more people to play with while Jimin was still shocked when you told him that he had a say in the house too, even though he was not actually a permanent resident.
"Jimin, are you okay?” You asked. 
“I-I’m a little shy... B-But I’ll be o-okay.” Jimin stuttered, feeling anxious when he realised all attention was on him. 
“Sweetie, I don’t want you pushing yourself too much. You have been doing great since you started staying here so we’ll just take baby steps, hmm?” You rubbed his ears. 
“I know it’s hard that all 7 of you are going to live here. Thank you for letting them stay.” You said and gave them all a hug.
“I have more people to play video games with!” Taehyung cheered.
“Doesn’t Yoongi play with you?” Jin asked.
“But he sucks at games, keeps losing.” Taehyung pouted, making Yoongi glare at the tiger. You chuckled, happy to see them all getting along. The 4 healthy hybrids decided to watch a movie together downstairs while you called your mother. You explained to her the situation that happened yesterday and she took note of it, promising that this matter will be dealt with.
“Sleep here.” You insisted and Yoongi nodded, getting comfy under the covers. You gave him some medication to help with his fever. 
“I’m going to check on Hoseok and Jungkook.” You told him and he nodded. 
“Hoseok? Jungkook?” You knocked before entering. 
“I’m sorry it’s not much. We can go shopping tomorrow and get you more clothes. I’ll also get you separate beds.” You told them. Hoseok nodded his head while Jungkook raised a skeptical eyebrow at you. 
“Why are you being so nice? You don’t even know us.” Jungkook asked. 
“Well, you trust me enough to come into my home. I don’t know why I shouldn’t be giving you back the same trust. If you’d like, the others are watching a movie downstairs if you want to join them. I’m still tending to Yoongi in my room so you’ll meet him later.” You smiled. 
“Yoongi?” Jungkook looked over to Hoseok. 
“He’s the hybrid that saved me yesterday. He ended up in the feral shelter too.” Hoseok explained. 
“I’ll leave you guys to do what you want to do. Feel free to help yourselves to anything in the house, including the food.” You waved and exited the room. Jimin was waiting for you. 
“Can I stay with you?” He asked. You smiled and nodded, bringing him to your room, where Yoongi had fallen asleep. Getting back into bed, Yoongi wrapped his arms around your waist while Jimin got comfortable on your other side, letting you put your arms around him to comfort him and his nerves. 
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Had to Give In (Couldn't Give Up) (Gottrosenali) - Writworm42, Fromthenorthernskies
A/N: Here it is, folks. Perhaps THE most iconic Franco-Anglo collab since the hit 2007 movie-I-haven't-seen Bon Cop/Bad Cop. This was incredibly fun to write, and Emerald and I had a blast bringing this fic together. We really hope you guys like it!!
Of course, it wouldn't be what it is at all without our lovely beta Holtzmanns, who single-handedly removed 43728497 commas for us. Your patience is legendary and appreciated, friend <3 <3 <3
Title from I Don't Do Drugs by Doja Cat ft Ariana Grande.
SYNOPSIS: A bad flight and surprise plans convince Denali that his birthday probably isn't going to be very happy; that is, until Mik and Rosé step in to give him the best present he could ask for.
Saying that the plane ride from Chicago to New York had been rough was, in Denali’s opinion, probably one of the biggest understatements someone could make. What was supposed to have been an hour and a half gravol-induced nap had turned into a six-hour nightmare, all thanks to an unexpected rainstorm that had turned up out of nowhere, delayed their flight, cancelled it, delayed the new one, then kept them grounded in the plane itself for an extra hour. Add a thousand gate changes, and by the time the crew had actually let them off at Kennedy, Denali had been regretting not going ham at the duty-free liquor counter back at O’Hare.
But it was all worth it when he walked into the passenger pickup area and saw Mik and Rosé waiting for him with wide smiles, birthday balloons, and lavishly-decorated WELCOME HOME signs.
He broke into the biggest grin of them all, outshining even the ones of his boyfriends, finally free after all the hurdles of the day. His pace picked up, but Denali didn’t even have time to fall into a comfortable fast walk before Mik jumped right into his arms, giggling. Denali wobbled on his feet for a moment, even though he had expected Mik to do exactly that, but he wouldn’t have changed it for anything. He was back with them, after such a long time, and for his birthday, too — nothing could top that, he was certain of it.
“Come on, let him go, he must be tired after all that happened today,” admonished Rosé, and Denali saw Mik pout but finally slide off, still refusing to let go of his hand. He didn’t mind at all, especially when Rosé gathered his long-lost forgotten luggage on one hand, and started to pick up all the things they had brought to welcome him.
He still found himself dragging down Rosé a bit, getting a soft kiss at last after his stupid stressful day. Denali also let a whiny Mik claim one as well, trying his best to keep it pretty tame since they were still in the middle of a big airport with lots of people moving past them. “I hope you two haven’t planned the biggest party of the year for tonight, because I’m exhausted,” started Denali with a chuckle, which quickly died down when he saw the sheepish looks his boyfriends shared. “Okay, what can I expect?”
“Let’s just say we might have gone a bit overboard with inviting people,” admitted Mik, rubbing the base of his neck with his free hand.
“In our defense, we didn’t know you were going to be stuck on a plane for six-ish hours.”
He barely kept in a sigh, even though Rosé was right. As they fell into their Uber, Denali was still stuck in his mind. He had wanted nothing more than to have his boyfriends for himself all evening and night; they could go celebrate his birthday with their friends in the next few days. After all, he was supposed to stay for almost a week, so what was the hurry?
That, and Denali had clearly underestimated how horny he was for them, now that he was stuck in the middle, pressed against them firmly. He knew they didn’t have too long to stay in the car, more or less thirty minutes, but it was plenty enough for him to feel the heat of them nearby — it was plenty enough time for him to go crazy with how Rosé’s hand was lingering on his thigh, and how Mik was all cuddled to him on the side, his warm breath hitting his neck.
It was a fact that didn’t slip past Mik, ever-observant as long as sex was potentially involved.
“Don’t worry, gorge,” the youngest’s whisper was low and teasing in Denali’s ear as he drawled, “Just a few hours, and then we’ll be back home to give you your real present.”
It was less reassuring than Denali was sure Mik meant to be, but at least Rosé hadn’t seemed to have heard them - if he had, Denali knew for a fact that he would have amped up his teasing by now, and Denali wasn’t sure he could survive that without damaging his Uber rating.
Luckily, they stopped briefly at Rosé’s apartment to put away Denali’s suitcase, and Denali couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he kicked his shoes off, the ache in his feet soothed by the familiar feeling of Rosé’s hardwood floors under them as he headed for the bedroom. Rosé and Mik both followed, and for a moment, Denali almost thought that he’d get a little relief — a cuddle maybe, a quick handjob if he was lucky. After all, they still had about half an hour before they’d have to head out for dinner. And things actually did look like they were coming up for Denali when Rosé told him to lie down with a quick kiss on the lips, both his boyfriends allowing him to rest as they put his clothes away for him.
Unfortunately, that was as far as it went; the minute his body melted into the mattress, Denali’s eyes couldn’t help but fall closed, and he was out like a light.
When he woke up again, Rosé and Mik were laid on either side of him, the former tracing lazy patterns on his arm as the latter spooned him from behind, holding him snugly as he nuzzled into Denali’s neck.
“Did you have a good nap, baby?” Rosé’s voice was soft, his smile gentle, and despite the way Denali was kicking himself for the missed opportunity, he couldn't help but nod as he let out a yawn.
“Do we have any time left before dinner?” The thought came to him as the sleep left his brain, unfogging his mind and making him painfully aware of where he was, what his boyfriends were doing. What else they might be able to do to him, if they had any time left.
But Rosé shook his head sadly, sitting up and gesturing for Mik and Denali to do the same. “We’re already late,” he sighed. “Sorry, baby, but we have to go, the others have been waiting for a while.”
Sure enough, when Denali checked his phone, their group chat was full of messages from Kandy, Jan, Lagoona, Joey, Kahmora, Utica, Olivia, and Symone demanding to know where they were, if they were alive, and if they could go ahead and start getting drunk without them.
“Trust me, this hurts us as much as it hurts you, gorge,” Mik teased as he helped Denali up and off the bed. “You wanna change before we go, by the way? I mean, it’s your night, so you can go in stained sweats if you want, but the restaurant isn’t exactly a McDonalds…”
“He’s trying to tell you it’s fancy,” Rosé cut in, tossing Denali a button-up and neat pair of slacks. “Come on, get changed, I’ll call us a cab.”
Denali didn’t know what he’d expected, but in retrospect, he really should have guessed it was going to go this way. They had barely arrived, and he had barely taken a seat between his two grinning boyfriends when he felt not one, but two hands brushing against his clothes underneath the table. He was ready to bet all the money in the world that Mik had spilled the beans about how antsy he had been in the car earlier — because that was usually how they worked, even if he was usually the one plotting with either of his lovers instead. This was wildly different, and just thinking about it wasn’t helping him in any way.
Denali turned his head just in time to catch Rosé watching him with amusement, his typical smirk clearly playing on his lips, especially as his hand squeezed his upper thigh more firmly. He barely stopped a squeak from leaving his throat at this, and he knew with certainty that Rosé had caught on — and that usually meant he would be relentless. Denali didn’t know how long they were supposed to stay here, but it would be hellish at best. It couldn’t be any other way, not when he felt Mik’s lean fingers slide right under his button-up.
And he was expected to stay calm and keep on with everyone wishing him happy birthday and giving him gifts? Yeah, Denali wasn’t too convinced about that one. He wasn’t sure he could will his body to stay rooted to his chair, instead of ignoring the very public setting they were in and pouncing on the two of them.
Which is exactly why he escaped towards the bathroom the second he had his chance - their friends had been distracting his boyfriends while they took pity on him for a moment to let him eat without having their hands on him all the way through. It may have been the best of all sufferings, but Denali wasn’t equipped to deal with it right now, not until they took care of the mess they created.
Denali looked at his reddened cheeks in the mirror, knowing it wasn’t only because of the drinks he had downed so far this evening. He could only hope that their friends hadn’t noticed too much of this. He was well aware of the reputation they had amongst their friends circle, one that they could barely keep their hands to themselves whenever they were together, as duos or all three of them.
“Ah, so that’s what you’ve been doing. You okay, baby?”
“I told you, he was gone for way too long,” replied Mik with a wicked glint shining in his ocean eyes, locking the door behind him.
“As if you two didn’t plan to get me here,” Denali snorted in response, but he couldn’t say he was mad, not when his lovers were walking towards him, grabbing his wrists and pulling him in to close the distance between them all.
“Don’t pretend like you don’t love it,” Rosé chuckled, reaching up to cradle Denali’s chin in his hand, swiping his thumb gently over Denali’s bottom lip and smirking when he swallowed hard.
“So what, my big birthday present is a romantic bathroom blowie?” Denali tried to make his voice sound sarcastic, but the waver in it betrayed that he was rapidly falling under his boyfriends’ spell, especially when Mik’s hand snaked around to grab his ass.
“Don’t be ridiculous, gorge,” Mik got up on his toes to bite at Denali’s earlobe, tugging it with his teeth as his grip on the other man’s ass got a little firmer. “We’re much meaner than that, aren’t we, Rosie?”
Rosé simply hummed, dropping his hand from Denali’s face down to his belt, undoing it swiftly and plunging a hand into his pants to palm Denali’s cock through his underwear.
“What’re you--”
“ Shh ,” Rosé cut off Denali’s question with a finger on his lips before his other hand slipped below the band of Denali’s underwear. “Why don’t we give you a little temporary relief, huh?”
“Just enough to get you through dinner,” Mik added, winking, and Denali swallowed hard, but melted into his boyfriends’ touches, unable to resist anymore.
As it turned out, Denali and his lovers had two very different definitions of ‘temporary relief.’ They edged him mercilessly for the next few minutes, and he came back to the table harder than he’d been when he left, struggling to act natural as he used Mik and Rosé as shields walking in front of him to hide his erection from his friends. Not that they didn’t all know exactly what had gone down; in fact, with the smug bemusement on their faces as he took his seat again, he wouldn’t be surprised if Rosé or Mik outright bragged about it before coming to torment him.
“Just think about how much better everything’ll be after we get home, baby,” Rosé comforted Denali with a wink and a hand tracing up his thigh as they took their seats again, and as much as Denali wanted to pout at the statement, his heartbeat quickened, and he found himself distracted for the rest of their outing. Luckily, his friends took pity on him after dessert was finally finished, all of them just-so-happening to decide they were ‘too tired’ to go to the club and that they should head home for the night. And not a moment too soon, either; Denali swore that Rosé wasn’t even finished telling the cab driver where to go before Mik was loosening Denali’s belt once again.
“When we get home, it’s gonna be all about you, angel,” maintaining at least a modicum of decency, Rosé slipped his hand into Denali’s pants without undoing them completely, Denali’s dick straining against the fabric of his underwear as Rosé got him worked up with deft, teasing fingers. “Anything you want, we’ll give to you.”
“That’s right, it’s your turn to use us ,” Mik threw Denali’s often-used plea back on him with a nip to his neck, smirking against Denali’s skin when the older man whimpered at the sensation.
“Just a few minutes longer, baby boy,” Rosé promised. “Can you be good for us until then?”
Denali was too far gone to do anything but hiss out a needy yes.
He wasn't too sure how he managed to get inside Rosé’s apartment without begging them pitifully to take care of the mess they’d created and entertained all night long.
But still, they at least made it all inside, the door duly closed and locked behind them. It was better than some of the times they’d fallen into a passionate embrace right in the middle of the hallways or in the elevator; Denali was sure they had traumatized at least half their neighbors in their respective cities.
He stopped thinking altogether when Rosé firmly pushed him against the door, and Denali felt the sheer need to wipe off his stupid smirk from his face. His wrists were pushed down, restraining his movements and he whined, trying to fight against the hold to no avail.
"Come on, what happened to giving me what I want?"
Rosé merely chuckled, gently deepening one of the marks they had left earlier in the bathroom. Denali bared his neck more, letting his boyfriend do whatever he wanted.
"Baby, I said we'd give you whatever you want, but I know this is what you want, isn't it? Don't you want to use us and guide us in whatever way you want, but only after you're turned on enough?"
Denali hated how right Rosé was, and clashed their mouths together to avoid answering. He was deeply pleased by the soft groan he got in response, finally freeing his wrists while Rosé was distracted.
But that didn't last — while they had both moved a bit farther away from their front door, still kissing, Denali felt soft hands take hold of his wrists again, a warm body pressing itself on his back. Even through his button-up, Denali could feel the heat of bare skin against his spine, shivering and breaking the kiss to turn his head over his shoulder.
He had been wondering where his other boyfriend had gone, and now he had his answer, as Denali saw the mischievousness play in Mik's darkened ocean eyes. "Whatever you want, baby," he murmured softly, relaxing his hold after a moment to let Denali decide what he wanted to do next.
Denali turned around fully, fascinated by how the youngest had taken his time away to remove most of his clothes already, his hands touching his chest almost reverently. Denali felt Rosé push himself against his back, effectively taking Mik’s previous place, and mouthed at his throat.
He sighed contently, bringing Mik closer to him, but raised an eyebrow when he felt something hard push against his thigh. "Baby, did you get all ready for little old me? Bold of you to assume that's what I'd want," Denali snarked with a breathless laugh, feeling Rosé’s hands unbuttoning his shirt with dexterity.
"It's not bold if I know that's what you want in the end, even if you play hard to get," retorted Mik simply, his hands dropping to help Rosé finish undressing their lover.
Denali has seen Mik wearing a strap-on a countless number of times at this point, witnessed firsthand the change in confidence and demeanor simply having the harness fastened onto the younger man’s hips could bring. How Mik’s jaw became set and the mischievous twinkle always in his eyes turned up just an inkling more, and how the planes of his abdomen always framed whatever cock he was wearing in a way that was so tantalizing, Denali almost couldn’t take it. But it didn’t matter how often Mik’s strap brought Denali to his knees; each time was like the first, and tonight was no exception.
“D’you like my new toy, angel?” Mik cooed, stroking along the shaft of the dick waiting between his legs.
It was one Denali felt like he’d seen before, but didn’t remember Mik having - long and thick, with more ridges and a steeper curve than most of the toys Mik had in his collection. In fact, it wasn’t the kind of strap-on Mik usually went for at all. So then…
The memory clicked in Denali’s mind suddenly, his breath catching in his throat as he thought back to about a month ago, remembering just where he’d seen Mik’s new cock before.
Michelada: bbies SOS im dying for a new dick
Michelada: help me pick?
The texts had been followed by three links, different sex stores that were usually their go-tos for toys. Denali remembered perusing each site leisurely, trying to imagine what Mik would look like with each dildo he saw, until finally reaching one that he just couldn’t move on from, one that had looked absolutely perfect and that he’d just known Mik had to have.
One which, perhaps not so coincidentally, was now right in front of him, close enough to touch. And before he could stop himself, he found himself doing just that, reaching forward to wrap his hand around it, feel over its ridges and imagine what they’ll feel like inside of him--
“No,” Rosé slapped Denali’s hand away, coming up behind him to wrap his arms around his waist as he clicked his tongue in disapproval. “What’s the rule, baby boy?”
“Come on ,” Denali groaned impatiently, unhappy with having been cockblocked for the umpteenth time tonight. “Isn’t this supposed to be my gift? Just let me--”
“Gifts can be taken away, sweetheart,” Rosé reminded Denali with a low growl, his grip around the younger queen’s waist tightening. “When you want something, what do you have to do?”
As if to hammer in his point, Rosé wrapped his other hand to rest on Denali’s throat, and Denali swore he could hear Rosé’s breath hitch when he swallowed hard against the older man’s palm.
“Please, Mik, please can I touch your cock?”
Mik smiled, taking Denali’s hand and bringing it to his lips to plant a chaste kiss on it before looking back up at Denali. “Wouldn’t you rather put something other than your hand on it, doll?”
Denali’s eyes widened at the suggestion, and before Mik or Rosé could say anything else, he found himself dropping to his knees, grabbing the toy to hold it steady as he licked his lips. “Whatever you say, daddy .”
Seeing Mik shiver at the title was worth every bit of teasing, and Denali couldn’t help but feel a flash of amusement as he finally wrapped his tongue around the head of Mik’s strap.
Denali suddenly remembered how much he enjoyed doing this when he felt his boyfriend’s hips twitch lightly underneath his fingertips, which were resting on Mik's lower body. Nothing but pleasure shot through his veins at feeling his knees press harshly to the cold floor; Mik's hand pulling on his dark hair the more he took him in; and seeing Rosé palming himself from the corner of his eyes.
He wanted a lot of things from them for his birthday, but right now he didn't want to be anywhere else. He didn't want to do anything other than please his youngest boyfriend while their lover watched them, absolutely enraptured. Rosé seemed on the edge of acting up, barely holding back, and Denali didn't want him to.
Rosé had been right earlier, not that he would admit it out loud. Denali wanted to get riled up until he couldn't think of anything else, and only then have the permission to use them without breaking any rules.
He wanted Rosé to make him beg and Denali knew exactly how to handle it so it would happen. "Daddy," he whined, "wanna feel you too…"
Rosé hummed, coming closer to them and ruffled Mik's hair softly, pulling him forward to bite down on his bottom lip. Denali revelled in the groan that Rosé got from their lover, tilting his head in curiosity when he saw the oldest whisper something in Mik's ear. Denali wasn't too sure of what the other two had talked about, but the mirth he witnessed shining in both their eyes as they turned to him was enough. He stayed still, knowing better than to disobey them so clearly.
He’d only let himself be pulled up to his feet when Rosé grabbed his hand, winked, and dragged them both towards his bedroom. Denali didn't know what he was in for, but he trusted them. He knew he'd have a good time, as long as they were all together, the three of them.
Denali was eager to know just how far he could stretch the lines of their rules for the sake of being a birthday boy, and that's exactly what he tried — he escaped Rosé's firm hold on his waist to push an unsuspecting Mik down the large bed, watching his ocean eyes widen. Denali knew he needed to take advantage of their position while he still had the upper hand, and shrugged off his button-up and pants in the same breath. He wasn’t surprised to have Mik’s full attention, gaze riveted on how Denali’s dick fully strained against his underwear, picture completed with the wet spot already there. It wasn't surprising with how teasing his boyfriends had been all damn evening, edging him without any care.
Denali let one thigh slide over, effectively straddling a dazed Mik and watching him intently. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Rosé come closer, a warning playing on his traits, and Denali channeled all his inner strength to turn around. He wiggled his finger in what he hoped was a threatening way.
"Stop," Denali said in a rough, low voice. He was pleased to see Rosé freeze, and continued with a smirk, "Sit. Let me have my fun."
As his boyfriend did what he wished, Denali added on to it, "Y'know what? Why don't you take off your clothes, too, you're a bit overdressed between us three."
Even if Rosé’s hazel eyes narrowed dangerously, he still did what was asked of him, and Denali almost got off on that power alone. "Come here," he mumbled, just as awestruck as Mik had been watching him earlier.
To have Rosé so pliant now clearly meant that he would pay for it eventually, but he didn't mind — he barely got to play with them like this, usually more at ease with being at the entire mercy of their whims.
But it was his birthday, and he could still feel the hot shiver running down his spine when Mik had said Denali could use them. Even if his body wanted to get pushed between them as they ravaged him until the night ended, his mind still wanted to enjoy this rare opportunity.
Obsidian and hazel eyes met like a storm, and eventually, Denali won the stare-down, bringing his free hand to push Rosé down his bed too, the older man going willingly. Their eyes never broke contact, and Denali felt the same need to touch him, make him scream his name endlessly, in whichever way he could.
He had all the power now, both of his lovers down under him, with Denali straddling one and loosely pressing the other one down into the mattress. They were watching him with such love and trust, Denali knew all these weeks away were worth it in the end — just so he could be with them. His heart fluttered when Rosé covered his hand with his own warm one, and when Mik gently stroked along his thick thighs.
Now Denali just needed to get to work, having them both waiting eagerly for his next move.
“I think you should go get the lube," he leaned down until his nose was inches away from Mik’s, the urge to kiss him only spurred on by the way Mik was clearly thinking the same thing. The younger queen was angling his face up, slowly and hesitantly craning to try and close the distance between himself and Denali. But Denali wouldn’t let him, stopping him instead with a hand on his throat, a gentle reminder of the task at hand.
“Earn it,” he challenged, and it was both the right and wrong move.
A fire lit up in Mik’s eyes, and he could feel Rosé shift under his hand. He barely had to process it all--Rosé’s hand on his wrist, Mik’s hands on his shoulders, firm pushes and pulls flipping their positions entirely to pin Denali down again.
“Isn’t he cute, Rosie?” Mik chuckled as he began to work his hands over Denali’s body again, trusting Rosé to pin Denali’s wrists down firmly as he continued to tease him. “He still thinks he’s in charge.”
“Silly thing,” Rosé clicked his tongue, though his smile stayed affectionate as he leaned down to nip at Denali’s jaw. “I said we’d spoil you, baby, but that doesn’t mean you’re the boss here.”
“So bad with manners today,” Rosé cut off Denali's would-be protest with another bite to his jaw, a little harder this time. “Please what, baby boy?”
“Please, daddy, please fuck me, open me up for you, fuck, it’s been so long…”
“Good boy.”
With that, Mik slid away to grab lube and a condom, leaving Rosé alone to attend to Denali.
“What do you need from me?” Rosé landed one more soft bite over Denali’s pulse-point before continuing to travel along the line of his neck, kissing and sucking and teasing with little kitten-licks as Denali squirmed underneath him, savouring each and every sensation.
“Your mouth, daddy, please,” he panted breathlessly as Rosé moved to his collarbone, then down over his chest. “Need you on me.”
“You wanna fuck my face, baby?” Rosé raised his head to look up at Denali, but his teasing didn’t stop; he brought a hand to one of Denali’s nipples, tracing over it with his thumb as Denali nodded resolutely. The tension hardly lasted though; as if right on cue, Mik crawled back onto the bed, eyebrows knit in equal parts curiosity and amusement.
“Who’s fucking whose face now?”
"Well, I think Nali wants me to go down on him and use me, but I'm not sure if he’s earned it," chuckled Rosé, letting one of his hands still roam along Denali's upper chest, teasing the base of his throat. "What do you think, baby?"
"I think… and only because it's his birthday, we can entertain some of his demands. Maybe. If he remembers some manners," smirked Mik, sitting cross-legged and watching them.
"Please, I'll be good, I promise," Denali whined pitifully, trying to get back their attention to him. He watched as his boyfriends traded a gaze, and shivered helplessly underneath it.
"Okay, baby — you'll get my mouth, but if I see you trying to fuck it before you get permission, you can be damn sure it's the only thing you're gonna get tonight, birthday or not," Rosé said in a rough, stern voice. "Do you understand?" he asked, starting his descent, hazel eyes focused on Denali's face.
"Yes, daddy, I do," Denali barely managed to get out, as Rosé had started to trail his lips along his aching dick.
He bit down on his tongue, trying to avoid giving them the satisfaction of seeing how far gone he already was, especially after having them rile him up all evening. He took in a large gulp of air, willing his hips to stay down and not buck wildly, knowing Mik would easily call him out from his position. His ocean eyes were focused on them, trailing down from Denali's face to how Rosé was working him — and he knew his boyfriend. He knew Mik was enjoying the show more than he let on; Denali could see it in the tightening of his jaw and the way his fingers flexed on his own thighs.
Almost against his will, Denali let out a loud moan as he caught Mik's eyes at the same time that Rosé firmly took his cock inside his wet mouth, instantly hollowing his cheeks. He felt his hips twitch, and grasped at the blankets to avoid the temptation of guiding Rosé himself. He needed to be good if he wanted to have his rewards, after all.
"Rosie, fuck , don't stop, please, please," he blurted out, and he caught the mischievousness clear in his lover’s eyes.
Denali was sure Rosé would have been smirking if he could have, without a doubt pleased with himself. Conscient that he had slipped earlier, his self-control waning by the minute, Denali turned to Mik with dazed eyes. "Daddy, please, please , can I just guide him? I'm so close and I've been so good, please!"
He watched as Mik came closer to him, dragging his chin upwards, his fingertips lingering gently along his jaw. His boyfriend seemed deep in thought for a second, but he finally nodded after seeing his clear desperation. "You've been good, baby boy; ask him if he still wants to, but you can."
Denali was about to actually ask Rosé when his boyfriend only took Denali’s hands and brought them to his own head and shoulder, winking. Denali groaned as he felt a stronger suck, and he harshly pulled on Rosé strands of hair, his nails scraping along his scalp. His hips canted up, so close as he was, and when Denali felt Rosé's throat relax around his length, he moaned hoarsely. His head fell back on the pillows, and his back arched, absolutely drained. Denali was left a panting mess as Mik slowly stroked along his forearm. Rosé, on the other hand, was watching him with amusement, making a whole show of wiping off his mouth.
“How do you feel, gorgeous?” Rosé came up beside Denali, kissing him gently on the cheek as the other man tried to catch his breath. It was a good question, given just how much Denali was feeling in that moment--spent, happy, relieved, excited. Calm.
“Like I’m ready for more,” he finally said, unable to help the wry smile that curled at the corners of his mouth, and he could tell by the way both his boyfriends hummed in satisfaction that that was exactly what they were hoping to hear.
“Was hoping you’d say that,” Mik winked as he popped open the bottle of lube, squirting some onto his fingers to coat them. “Now scoot up the bed a little and open your legs.”
“Yes, daddy.”
Denali shivered as slick fingers started to circle his hole, then sighed contentedly when Mik finally eased his fingertips in, leaning down to kiss the discomfort away. He’d missed the warmth of Mik’s tongue against his, along with the soft moans he always let out into his mouth. He felt Rosé’s eyes lingering as he watched them make out, his fingers stroking through Denali’s hair to get him to relax even more.
“Fuck, you’re tight,” Mik pushed in a little farther, pumping in and out smoothly while he watched Denali’s face for any signs of discomfort.
But Denali was fine; in fact, he was more than fine. He felt amazing, each rock of Mik’s hand and crook of his fingers sending pleasure that’s almost electric coursing through Denali’s body. But the best part of it all, the sexiest thing Mik was doing?
“You look so pretty like this, baby,” Mik’s eyes shone with love, his voice almost reverent as he scissored his fingers, smiling when Denali let out a mewl. “Taking my fingers so well, so good for me. I love seeing you like this, Nali. Wish I could keep you like this forever.”
God, was that feeling ever mutual.
But Denali was known to be hasty, sometimes even too much for his own good — he wanted more, so much more. He had waited all night for it and yes , coming once already had helped, but not so much when there was something so tantalizing and new he couldn't wait to experience. Denali knew he was supposed to let Mik tease him and play by their rules, but he was struggling to let it play out without doing something. Rosé was far from helping his restraint, too, when he was watching them so intently and letting both his fingertips and his lips roam along their bodies wherever he could reach.
And then Mik crooked his fingers just right, making him whimper loudly, his back arching and hands trying to hold himself steady on his shoulders. "Please," he started, but finished on a breathless moan, as Mik pushed back harsher, and Rosé’s hand brushed against his cock.
"What do you think, Rosie, is he ready for this?"
Denali watched as his two boyfriends eyed each other, seemingly pondering on their next action — if they wanted to take pity on him or make him beg even more. Denali really hoped it would be the first one, because he remembered how Mik’s dick had felt earlier, on his hand and in his mouth. He felt it push against his inner thigh, causing him to tremble lightly. He wanted, no, needed to have him inside, making him see stars as he'd clench around him—
"Look at him, baby. I think he'll snap if we don't give him something soon," smirked Rosé, turning Mik's face to kiss him too, but they didn't have time to deepen it as Denali whined pitifully to get their attention back.
"So needy," cooed Mik, pulling back his fingers finally, kissing the frown off Denali when he suddenly felt empty. "Are you sure you're ready?"
"If you don't fuck me with the dick that I've thought about ever since you fucking bought it in the next thirty seconds, I will never let you touch me again," Denali threatened, hissing in warning when he heard the warm chuckle of Rosé next to him. The older one seemed quite skeptical of what he had said, too. "Don't try me," Denali warned once more, whacking at Rosé's forearm. "Else I'll extend this to you too."
"You're the worst out of us, Nali. Your love language is literally touch. You wouldn't make it," teased Rosé, with that typical smugness.
"Yeah? Wanna see me try it, starting now?!"
However, his threat fell short when he saw Mik hover above him once more, eyes sparkling with mischievousness. "I don't think you wanna start now, this is just starting to get interesting," he advised, his warm hands moving thick thighs farther apart, and Denali lost his breath for a moment. His heart was hammering in his chest with anticipation of Mik's next move.
But it wasn’t Mik who acted first - rather, Rosé reached out to graze his hand down the planes of Denali’s abdomen, fingers scratching down Denali’s stomach and stopping at his pubic bone and lingering there.
“One more time, baby,” he whispered, winking over to Mik before looking down and locking eyes with Denali again. “Be polite, take back your little threat, then we’ll make you feel good.”
There was no way around it; if Denali wanted to be taken care of, he’d have to swallow his pride and do what he was told.
“Touch me. Please ,” he whispered hoarsely, finally giving in to what he’s wanted this entire time. “Touch me. Use me. Ruin me.”
As soon as the words had left his mouth he felt the air in the room change, becoming just a little lighter.
“Let me know if I’m going too fast,” Mik’s voice was gentle, his lips soft and fingers light as he stroked Denali’s cheek, gave him one last kiss. They all knew it was just a gesture--Denali liked it rough, after all, the whole world knew that now--but it was one that meant a lot to Denali just the same.
“Don’t hold back,” he half-ordered, half-pled, and apparently it was all the permission both Mik and Rosé needed.
Denali let out a shaky sigh of relief as Mik finally eased his way in, each ridge and curve of the strap making him shiver as Mik pushed deeper. Meanwhile, Rosé’s hand continued its way down Denali’s body, finally sliding home between his legs to wrap his fingers around Denali’s already-aching cock.
“My, my,” Rosé teased when Denali bucked into the feeling of his lover’s hand on his shaft, only to gasp when Mik began to thrust into him experimentally. “Already excited, are we? Look, Mik, he’s already half-hard again!”
Denali blushed fiercely when Mik looked up and broke into a grin, the sight of his boyfriend’s semi spurring on the rhythm of his thrusts. It was too much, especially when Rosé started to stroke up and down his dick, Mik snapping his hips a little harder to go a little deeper. Denali tried to shy away, tried to hide his face in his hands so that his lovers wouldn't see, but of course neither of them were willing to make it that easy.
“No baby, no being shy,” Mik bit down hard at the juncture of Denali’s neck. “Rosie, make sure he doesn’t get too bashful, yeah?”
It was entirely too easy. Rosé didn’t even break his rhythm stroking Denali’s dick as he grabbed his wrists and brought them up over his head, pinning them down firmly and making it impossible for Denali to wriggle free.
“There we go,” Mik timed his kiss with another thrust and giggled when Denali moaned, trying to squirm for more. “So pretty like this, all blushy and helpless. Doesn’t that feel so much better, angel?”
Denali opened his mouth to answer but Mik picked up speed again, changing his angle slightly, and he found himself lost for words, unable to do anything but mewl as Mik hit up against his spot at a relentless pace.
Stuck between Rosé holding his wrists tightly while he continued stroking him without any trouble even if he squirmed around and Mik still hovering above him and smiling wickedly as he kept his rhythm steady, he wasn't too sure he could last long. Denali could feel the strength of the grasp the youngest had on his hips, knowing that if he kept it up, it would eventually bruise — not that he minded. He enjoyed it. Denali enjoyed it when they left the gentleness behind for a moment, only to rough him up.
He fought vainly against Rosé's hold on his wrist and only got a hum in return, nails digging into his skin. His chest heaved and he arched his back when both his boyfriends decided to go all out at the same time - Rosé twisting his hand just right on his length, lingering on the head to tease him more, and Mik thrusting harshly, his head falling into his neck to moan right against his ear.
"Please," Denali keened, the high-pitched sound resonating against the walls of the otherwise silent apartment.
"Are you gonna come already? Oh baby no, no, that won't do," cooed Rosé, slowing his movements much to the dismay of Denali. He looked desperately at his boyfriend, pleading silently for his cause, but he knew Rosé wouldn't relent, not right now.
"You can hold on a bit longer, no? We just started," Mik smirked, punctuating his statement with a deeper snap of his hips and Denali's head fell back to his pillow. "It will feel better if you let us build it up. Can you do that, baby boy?"
Denali inhaled sharply, trying to recenter himself and not focus entirely on them making him feel so good, on the pleasure building up, but even if he had already come once, the entire night had been enough to rile him up for a good while still.
"Yes, daddy," he answered breathlessly, and he saw the appreciation shine in both his lovers' eyes.
Mik slowed his movements enough for it to feel only teasing inside him, just short of brushing against his spot everytime, and it was driving him absolutely crazy. Added to how he couldn't move his arms, and the lazy strokes of Rosé’s hand against his dick, he just wanted to disobey for once and come now, not later like they wanted.
Denali also knew how it would please them to watch him go wild, trying to keep from misbehaving the best he could. He turned to the only solution he could think of: talking and telling them how he felt, and hopefully it would be enough to distract them from their quest of leading him right into pure madness.
"You feel so good, both of you. Don't want you to ever stop making me feel like this," he started with a hoarse voice, already seeing the effect of it on them. "You’re driving me absolutely insane, please…"
“Tell us just a couple more things,” Mik winked, not breaking his stride, and Denali swallowed hard, waiting to hear whatever idea the youngest had come up with.
“Who’s a pretty boy?”
Fuck. So they were playing this game—not only giving Denali praise but making him praise himself, adding just that touch of humiliation that always put him right on the edge. It was downright cruel, but he was too far gone to fight now. So instead, he played along.
“I am,” he whimpered, earning some faster thrusts and a few flicks of Rosé’s thumb over the head of his cock.
“And who makes the cutest sounds when he’s close?” Rosé followed up, grin positively evil as he quickened his pace a little, making Denali cry out at the overwhelming feeling.
“I do!”
“And who do you belong to, baby, who’re the only ones who can make you feel like this?” Mik was returning to his previous pace now, a fact that was so relieving, Denali almost forgot to answer.
“You, daddy, you and Rosé, only you two make me feel this good, you make me crazy, God, please let me come please—“
“Tell us what you are, sweetheart,” Mik leaned down to whisper in Denali’s ear, his voice taking on a soothing tone when Denali sobbed in response.
Another flick of Rosé’s wrist, a change in Mik’s angle, and Denali couldn’t hold back any longer.
“I’m a good boy, your good boy, please daddy, I need to come so bad, please— oh, oh, fuck, fuck—“
Rosé and Mik must have known he was at his limit, because they didn't ask anymore of him. They just kissed him and praised him and finally, finally told him he could come. Rosé’s hand was painted white with come as Mik continued to fuck Denali through his orgasm, milking out every bit of pleasure they could possibly give him. And by the time he could finally see straight again he didn’t care how tired he was, or how sore, or how much his lovers had tormented him. He was happy and sated, high on pleasure, and he wouldn’t take the feeling back for the world.
He was ready to call it a night, especially after the hectic start of his day, but somehow Denali knew his boyfriends wouldn't stay restless for that long. He just wasn't too sure if he could handle having them all over him for the third time in such a short period, no matter how much he wanted to please them. He felt pleasantly sore all over, and he knew he'd have trouble moving in the next few minutes.
Denali was about to tell Mik and Rosé just that when he heard the rustling of the sheets on the bed, followed quickly by heavy breathing and soft groans. He opened blurry eyes, turning his head towards the side of the mattress.
He was only half surprised to see Rosé hovering above Mik, with the oldest keeping his wrists firmly pinned above his head. Unlike him before, Mik wasn't even trying to squirm underneath their boyfriend, merely trying to kiss him instead, whining when Rosé moved away slightly.
Denali's eyes widened when he caught the free hand of Rosé moving down to Mik's hips, already untying the strap with practiced ease and smirking while doing so. Denali already knew what would happen — he had witnessed it happen so often before with different variations maybe, but it still stayed the same: his boyfriends taking care of each other after he was left fully sated.
He loved to watch them play together and seeing it unfold in front of his curious eyes. They traded roles so easily according to their moods, often without even a need to actually ask out loud. Denali was always eager to know what would happen and this time wasn't an exception.
He had just started to come down to earth, slowly moving himself to sit against the headboard, now with an even better view of his lovers kissing fervently. Rosé was already making a mess out of Mik, and Denali could hear him moan, even if it was slightly muffled.
Denali's dark eyes followed the way Rosé’s arm flexed, relentless with his pacing; he watched as the oldest broke the kiss to tease Mik’s burning skin. When Rosé firmly bit down on his pulse point, Denali could hear Mik pant, finally putting some struggle to the grasp Rosé had on his wrists.
Rosé tutted gently at this, slowing his movements enough to have Mik complain, but Denali figured Rosé was already riled up enough by having taken care of him with Mik earlier, and Rosé promptly picked up back his former speed. From the wicked glint in his eyes, Denali knew Rosé wouldn't stop there and make Mik come just like this, and he sat up straighter against the headboard more than ready to watch them. He wasn't going to miss a single second of it if he had his way.
Denali could feel his body reacting to all he was seeing and hearing, and he hesitantly trailed a hand down his chest, not quite ready to have direct stimulation but also wanting to bank on the warmth he still felt lingering in his lower stomach. And it only increased when Rosé turned a hungry look towards him, licking his lips as he cocked his head towards the youngest.
“Go wild.”
Denali didn’t need to be told twice. They worked in a smooth motion, Denali taking Rosé’s place without so much as a moment gone to waste, kneeling over Mik and boxing him in.
“Can I go down on you?” Denali took his time kissing over Mik’s body, voice full of hope as he whispered the question against his skin. Mik swallowed hard in response, and Denali could practically hear the younger man’s throat as he nodded.
“Need to be opened up, but want your tongue first…”
“Why not both?” Denali winked, and Mik rolled his eyes, but laughed nonetheless.
“Just fuck me already,” he shook his head, still laughing a little.
Denali didn’t have it in him to deny his baby any longer. He began kissing his way down Mik’s body, taking time to explore the places he knew made Mik go wild. And of course it worked—by the time Denali finally made his way to the apex of Mik’s thighs he was nothing but a puddle beneath him, squirming and sighing and very clearly putting effort into keeping his arms on the bed, not grabbing at Denali and pulling his hair like Denali knew he wanted.
“Spread your legs a little wider, angel.”
Denali looked up with wide eyes to see Rosé hovering beside them, hand stroking along his cock as he watched the sight in front of him. With a wink, he tossed Denali their bottle of lube before sitting back on his heels, still stroking himself and waiting.
“I’m not going to deprive you,” Rosé shrugged. “Play with him as much as you’d like, darling. He’ll let us know when he’s ready for me.”
“Please,” Mik added breathlessly, and Denali decided right then and there that he couldn’t wait anymore. He coated his fingers in lube and turned his attention back to Mik, finally setting to work.
Up until then, Denali hadn’t realized just how much he’d taken eating Mik out for granted. How much he’d missed the taste of his boyfriend on his tongue, missed feeling the twitch of his thighs and the buck of his hips under his ministrations. How he’d missed the way Mik’s little sighs and moans clued Denali into exactly what he was feeling as he circled his entrance with wet fingers, easing inside of him slowly and pulling out whimpers that were music to Denali’s ears. He could do this forever, he really could--but he knew that right now, he needed to control himself. Rosé was watching and waiting for Denali’s permission to take over, and Denali wanted nothing more than to see the older man make their boyfriend come undone.
Then again, taking his time meant torture for both of the other men, and after all the shit they’d pulled this evening, didn’t they deserve it?
So he kept going relentlessly, pulling out every move he knew and even trying out some new stuff, until both his boyfriends looked like they were right on the edge of losing control.
Perfect. He had them right where he wanted them — and while he kind of wanted to continue riling them up just for the sheer pettiness of it. For how they had acted all day, Denali also wanted to see them have their moment.
He pulled himself away abruptly, watching with a smirk as his boyfriend helplessly tried to bring him back but to no avail. Denali had already moved back to his original place, easily trading his position with an overly eager Rosé, who had never seemed more ready before. He let one of his hands trail softly along the length of the older one’s arm, their eyes meeting for a few seconds. They shared everything in that simple gaze to be enough that words were unnecessary, but Denali still needed to push through in the near silence of the room, apart from heavy breathing and soft rustling of the sheets. “Take care of him.”
Denali broke into a small grin when he heard the chuckle his boyfriend let out. “You know I always do, but is he really ready?”
“Yes I am, now come on,” Mik loudly whined, grabbing Rosé’s body closer to his own. “And don’t say I’m impatient, just do something!”
Denali watched amusement unfold on Rosé’s expression but he still kept quiet, probably only because he was just as close to losing all his self-control. Denali was well aware that otherwise, Rosé would have just held back to see how much he could get away with before actually fucking him. While neither of them were the best at denying what Mik wanted, both in bed or not, Rosé usually had a better handle on it — especially if the youngest was acting up a bit.
Denali was startled out of his thoughts when he felt a hand squeeze his leg, and he caught smoldering blue eyes watching him. He held his gaze, not wavering when blunt nails dug almost painfully into his skin. Denali only dared to move his eyes away when Mik himself broke their stare down, taking the whole scene in for the first time.
It didn’t matter that he had seen similar scenes so many times before. Something was always fascinating in witnessing his two lovers move so fluidly together, both of them grunting and moaning and whispering sweet nothings at each other between kisses — only for them to enjoy; only for him to see it. Denali watched with rapt attention as one of Rosé’s hands clutched the wrinkled up sheets near Mik’s face, while the other held on to one of his thighs. He was pretty certain that it would come to bruise on his pale skin, but it wasn’t something that bothered any of them.
He watched as one of Mik’s legs hooked around Rosé’s hip, wordlessly encouraging him to continue his actions, as if he would even dare to stop like that. They both were way past the stage of teasing, having taken it out mostly on him before. Denali could see it in how Rosé’s thrusts were already wild and uncontrolled, paces away from the way Mik had controlled his own when Denali had been in his place. He could see it in the thin layer of sweat shining on both their bodies, with how they were both shaking. He could see it in how Mik’s back was arching off the bed, his nails dragging along his leg, only making him more involved in what was happening in front of him — not that Denali wasn’t already with how he was biting down on his already bruised bottom lip, dark eyes focused on them and a hand lazily touching himself.
He had been more or less trying to keep silent and not distract them from their time together, but it was difficult with the kind of show they were putting on for him. Every moan dragged out longer and sounded louder. They purposely exaggerated the deep rocking of their hips so he could clearly see what was happening. It was almost a blessing that Denali had already come twice in a row because otherwise, it would have been a problem. He was more than happy to just give himself a bit of pleasure without any pressure of coming again.
Denali barely caught the rough, low voice of Rosé saying he was close, and his eyes fell to a bright eyed and deeply flustered Mik, knowing without him saying anything that it wouldn’t take that long for him to come either. Not that he needed the indication, with how the indents of his boyfriend’s nails were littered around his leg. Denali was sure he had avoided a few scratches on Rosé’s shoulders and back because of it.
And then he got an idea, a wicked one, and smirked.
“You think you two can come just like this? No, I’m not done watching you yet — it’s still my birthday gift, yeah?”
Denali had to give it to Rosé, he did slow down once his brain caught his words, even if he groaned in displeasure at his intervention. Mik, on the other hand…
“I hate you,” the youngest grumbled, still letting his leg fall off for a second, his head falling back to the pillow now that Rosé was only slowly and shallowly pushing into him. Denali laughed at his misery and shrugged.
“What happened to the ‘we just started’ from earlier? Doesn't that apply to you two as well?”
“Come on, you’re evil,” retorted Rosé, huffing through both annoyance and the strength he needed to keep from bucking wildly as he had been doing before.
“Keep it up and you’re not coming,” he warned in a sickly sweet tone.
“You don’t make the rules —”
“It’s my birthday, I kinda do,” Denali argued, “you two had fun torturing me, so let me do it, too. I’m not that evil, I’m gonna let you come… eventually.”
While neither Mik nor Rosé looked particularly happy about the situation, they didn’t fight Denali any further. He suspected that they couldn’t, not while distracted like this. Their self-inflicted teasing was getting to them both, and Denali felt a spark of smug satisfaction as he watched both of them get closer and closer to cracking. Mik’s cheeks had practically set ablaze with effort and his hips twitched just the slightest bit, clearly unable to lie still completely. That was okay; Denali would give him that at least. After all, the clear effort the younger man was making was surprisingly cute. The fact that he wasn’t quite able to be good, and was unable to control himself completely was even better. Couple that with Rosé’s panting breaths, little whines of need just barely audible underneath that, and it was almost enough to get Denali going again too.
“You both look so precious like this,” he teased a little further as he let his hand wander down slowly between his own legs, beginning to play with himself lazily. “All needy and desperate. Bet it doesn’t feel so good when you’re on the receiving end of it, huh?”
“You like it and you know it,” Rosé retorted, but Mik’s whimper at the taunt betrayed that maybe, just maybe, Denali’s boyfriends were enjoying it just as much.
“Oh, I’m having fun, that’s for sure,” he grinned. “Tell you what, Mik, baby, you’re getting pretty vocal--tell me how you feel, and maybe I’ll let Rosé go a little faster, yeah? It’s only fair, after all.”
He knew he was going to get it the next time they did this, that neither Rosé nor Mik would forget the kind of shit he’d pulled tonight. But he could worry about that tomorrow. Right now, he was set on just enjoying the way Mik was struggling to find his words.
“What, you don’t want more?” he prodded again, grin widening. “Aw, how disappointing. I guess you really can come this way. Okay, Rosie, looks like you’re stuck like this--”
“No, please, fuck , feels so good, but I need more, please, Nali, let me have more?”
Denali couldn’t tell what was hotter--the desperation in Mik’s voice, or the way Rosé looked caught between betrayal and a plea of his own as he looked from Mik back up to Denali, checking for his next move.
“Good boy,” Denali hummed. “Alright, you can fuck for real now. But ,” he added, chest swelling with giddy excitement as he warned, “You both still need to ask to come, and if you don’t come together, then whichever of you would wind up coming last won’t be coming tonight.”
It was a false threat, in reality; Denali planned on pretending to take mercy, to enjoy hearing one of them grovel before he revealed the ruse, if it came to that. But he wasn’t going to let them know that. And in any case, the idea of them coming together?
He couldn’t help but stroke himself a little faster at the thought.
Denali didn't have to wait long to see them fall into action, Rosé instantly picked up back the speed he had from before, while Mik pulled at his hair, getting him closer, almost sobbing in relief. Rosé hummed appreciatively, leaning down even more to capture Mik's little whimpers into his mouth.
Denali let his eyes focus on his two lovers, knowing how close they still were, even when he had interrupted them for a moment. His hand brushed against the head of his cock as he picked up speed, and Denali moaned hoarsely, getting a look from Rosé, and a whimper of his name by Mik.
Denali didn't know if he was going to come once more just by watching them, but he didn't mind. It was enjoyable, and there was almost nothing more satisfying than to witness his two lovers fall off the edge.
He almost lost it himself when Rosé brought a hand down on their boyfriend’s hip, squeezing his bruised inner thigh and making him moan — and Denali might not have had the best point of view with how Mik's raised thigh was hiding it, but he knew what Rosé was doing, and it was more than enough. Especially when the sheer idea of it was mixed up with the high-pitched sounds Mik was letting out now. Denali felt a shiver running down his spine, his chest heaving. Hearing them taking pleasure was always making him crazy, and tonight was no exception. His hips canted up into his tight fist, and he fought to keep his eyes open to watch the scene in front of him unfold until the end.
Denali heard Mik’s scream first, but in his defense, Rosé's moan resonated only a few seconds after, and he stopped stroking himself instantly to the sound, wanting to take it all in without distraction. Vaguely, in the back of his mind, a voice told him they’d disobeyed, hadn’t asked like he’d told them to, but right now, he couldn’t bring himself to care. It was too satisfying to see them both in such pleasure, enjoying each other, enjoying him watching. He didn’t want it any other way.
Both Mik and Rosé were panting loudly, and Mik had his eyes firmly shut, an arm now flung across his eyes as he tried catching his breath under the strength of the orgasm. Rosé on the other hand had more or less no more strength left in his body, falling halfway on top of their boyfriend.
Denali got closer to them, gently stroking along Rosé's spine, the older one arching his back to get more of his touch. He leaned down to push back a few strands of dark hair from Mik's forehead, his boyfriend mumbling something he couldn't pick up. He dropped his body on the bed, staying slightly up on his elbow and waiting for them to come back down fully.
“Hi,” he turned a soft smile towards Mik, who was the first to look up again, the fuzzy, sated bliss in his eyes making Denali’s heart warm.
“ Fuck, that was good, ”  Mik let out a breathy laugh in response, wiping the sweat from his brow as a tired smile broke onto his face.
“You definitely put me through the works, I’ll say that,” Denali teased, stooping down to give the younger man a kiss.
“I think you still aren’t done, though.”
Denali and Mik both turn to Rosé, who in the time since Denali had shifted his focus away had pushed himself up onto his elbow, looking them both up and down with a bemused twinkle in his eye. And for a second, Denali isn’t really sure what he means, until he looks down and--
Oh .
“Huh,” Mik looks down at Denali’s semi, eyes wide with half-shock, half-satisfaction at what he and Rosé had done to their boyfriend. “I gotta say, I knew you were pent up, but three times? I’m impressed.”
Denali blushed fiercely, the heat in his face only intensifying when Mik and Rosé both tittered at his reaction.
“Don’t be embarrassed, baby,” Rosé teased, scooting closer and running a hand up Denali’s thigh. “It’s okay. Here, I know you’re tired--let us take care of you one last time, then we can relax, yeah? How does that sound?”
Denali weighed his options for a moment, but shook his head, unable to stifle a yawn as he did. The truth of the matter was, he already knew he’d be sore tomorrow, especially after everything he’d been through today. He didn’t need to add a broken dick on top of that, since he knew how relentless his boyfriends could be. He’d need to be in tip-top shape for the next week, otherwise he’d never survive.
Besides, there was a part of him that kind of felt like he didn’t actually need anything more, no matter how much his boner tried to say to the contrary. He’d been lavished with attention all evening, every need met for him, and even watching his boyfriends just now--sure, it turned him on, but his satisfaction with the display had gone beyond that. Because it wasn’t just sexy seeing Rosé and Mik fuck, it was also just plain nice for lack of a better word. Hearing Mik’s moans, seeing Rosé’s hips buck in such a wild, yet measured way--it filled Denali with a sense of contentment that was second to none. After all, there was nothing better than seeing Mik and Rosé happy, engaged with and enjoying each other as they played together. In Denali’s mind, that was the real treat of seeing them fuck, so really, did he even need anything else?
“I’m good,” he shrugged, moving up the bed to lie back against the pillow and making grabby-hands at both his boyfriends. “Now c’mere and cuddle me, will you?”
Rosé and Mik both obliged happily without another word.
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I can’t stop thinking about Basira in the aftermath of the Unknowing.
Basira coming back to herself after reasoning her way out of hell, seeing the smoking ruins of the House of Wax and no one else there, no Tim no Jon no Daisy.
Basira picking her way through the rubble, her throat raw with smoke and screaming, searching for any sign of the others and finding nothing.
Basira receiving a phone call and knowing before she even looks that it’s Elias, of course it’s Elias, of course he already knows.
He tells her what to say to emergency services when they arrive, and she does not have the will to argue.
Basira compartmentalizing all her feelings away, dealing with the cops and the rescue crews with a brisk and emotionless efficiency, answering endless questions and feeding them Elias’s blown-gas-main cover story. She tells them that there are three people still inside, maybe trapped maybe dead, and she does not allow herself to feel anything.
Basira wanting to go home but knowing that someone from the Institute should be here to identify the--someone should be here. So she stays, and she waits, as the rescuers recover Tim’s body, Jon's body. She stays, waiting for them to find Daisy too, waiting and waiting and--
At some point, she stops waiting.
Basira making the arrangements for Tim and Jon to be sent home.
(There's no reason for any of them to think that Jon is anything other than dead. He's not breathing, no heartbeat. He's sent in the coroner's van alongside Tim.)
Basira dealing with all the mundane aftermath of their near-apocalypse, alone.
Basira driving home, alone.
Basira arriving back at the Institute, alone.
She knows that she should report to Elias, but she heads down to the Archives first, knowing somehow that she will find Martin curled up on the cot in Document Storage, his phone clutched tight in his hand. Waiting.
Waiting just like she did, for someone who is never going to reappear.
Basira realizes that in all that time that she was waiting she should have called, should have given Martin some warning of the news that she brings in the absences around her. The part of her that knew what this news would do to him had been pushed aside with everything else that was too dangerous to let herself feel, and she didn’t even think of it. 
But what would have changed, really?
Basira waking Martin reluctantly, watching his expression go from surprise to relief to hope, then crash back down into the yawning emptiness of grief when she answers his harried questions about Jon and Tim with a look held a little too long, a short shake of the head. There are no words for Martin's loss, for hers, so she does not attempt them.
It’s not until he asks what happened that she realizes that she doesn’t actually know. She tells him what she can.
Basira leaving Martin sitting on the edge of the cot with his face in his hands--she has no skills to help him through this and no comfort to offer, and she needs to tell Elias what has become of his Archivist.
Basira finding Elias in his office, waiting for her, despite the hour. He listens to her report with interest, makes the appropriate noises of distress and professional sadness, and the whole time Basira feels that she is telling him things he already knows. 
He asks her where she sent Jon's body, and she tells him. 
He stands, gathers his coat, and says it's time for him to be getting home, and suggests she do the same. He leaves before she can respond.
Basira standing in the corridor outside Elias's office, alone, staring at his closed door for far too long before she decides she may as well do as he said.
Basira arriving back at her empty flat, the flat that she does not share with Daisy (did not share, never got to share, will never share, now, despite any hopes, daydreams, of a future where that changed.)
Basira, home safe. (Is she safe? Are any of them safe? What is safe when it feels like she's been emptied and nothing is left inside her but the spaces where people and potential futures and her faith in the world used to be?)
Basira, alone. Not sure why she's the only one who made it. Not sure what in the world she is supposed to do next.
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 years
Riven x Musa
Ok, so I keep seeing posts everywhere that basically badmouth S8 and after seeing ten seconds of the trailer (YIKES to the animation, what’s wrong with the industry that they are making everything anime? Powerpuff Gen Z, I’m looking at you – obs: I didn’t watch it fully yet) I can see where some of the criticism is coming from but anyways…
My favorite Winx!couple EVER has always been Musa x Riven since I was kid and first watched the show (Netflix is not helping ‘cause I ship them even there).
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I remember yawning at Bloom/Sky, rolling my eyes at Stella/Brandom and making a completely incredulous expression that I could literally feel forming on my face at Helia/Flora (can anyone say ‘unrealistic’?). Timmy/Tecna are a second favorite.
And why my Winx OTP are Riven x Musa followed after Timmy x Tecna? Because it reflects real life. In real life you’re not gonna stumble into people whose real and deep relationship problems are solved in twenty four minutes (not even that considering that some episodes present the “problem” half-way through said 24 minute-episode).
The breakup between Riven and Musa in S6 (spoilers everywhere after all) was one of the most mature breakups in the history of breakups with the hope for the future (yes, I’m completely ignoring S7, sue me, the whole thing was one huge filler anyways). And, after reading a lot of opinions on both ends (defending Musa/attacking Riven and defending Riven/attacking Musa) and watching the episodes in question (reuniting through reconciling) I think I can give my own analysis.
Since Musa AND Riven (individually and as couple) are my favorite characters in Winx, I think I CAN give a fairly unbiased view (hopefully).
*clears throat*
Ok, keep in mind that I’m defending BOTH of them, because I ship them too hard not to.
Musa Being OC (sometimes being called ‘brat’): C'mon, people! Musa and Tecna are OC since S4 anyways, where are the tomboy and the nerd? With the sneakers, T-shirt and comfortable-looking clothes? Noooo, now they all need neat skirts and hot pink high heels and long, glamorous hair. Do they look good? Of course, but and I would totally be less pissed if there was ANY indication on the reason for the change. Are they just maturing? Expressing themselves differently? Crowd mentality? Tune and Stella finally broke Musa down and Tecna followed soon after? Was it just to please Riven and Timmy? ANYTHING (even the 'pleasing a boy’ would at least be A reason - a ridiculous one that would piss me off, but A reason none the less), was just a sudden impulse that took?
Sure, we can talk about “character growth” until we are blue in the face, but the matter of the fact is that there was none.
The changes we see in Musa and Tecna are basically the creators making them more like the rest of the Winx (I’m including Aisha in this too, where is the sporty girl that matched the boy’s interest in extreme sports? C'mon! Even Bloom and her Girl Next Door looks are replaced with Bratz and Clueless-level of outfits).
Is anyone really going to look me in the eye and say Stella wasn’t a shallow (if friendly and good-natured) Mean Girl? She got better, but as I re-watch the show (currently in S3, meaning almost half-way through the content), Stella still worries more about her hair than anything else even while under literal fire.
More and more, Musa, Tecna and Aisha are losing their identities and what made them, IMO, the more badass Winx.
How did the two on the left went from this…
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… to this:
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Yeah, yeah, Musa still sings, Tecna still technobabble and Aisha is still a Warrior Princess but Aisha was the first one to go Bloom and Stella on us with Musa and then Tecna following soon after. It’s not just their clothing style, it’s the way they carried themselves too.
Right now? The only thing keeping them apart is their BF blues (different kind of blues) and some personal interests (singing, shopping, tech, the whole drama with Domino/Sparks, etc). But that’s IT, their personalities are going down the drain!
Sorry for the long-winded text, but the reason I’m expressing my disappointment at their change is because Musa’s reaction fits it. S6 we have such an AMAZING breakup (didn’t even think that was possible, WTH, right? Amazing breakup?) only for her to be mad as hell at Riven at S8? Bad writing, that has been dragging her (and the rest of the Winx) down to becoming just one unilateral, shallow character (the Specialists are also falling into that pit, what in the world did they do Helia in S8? He sounds like Thor telling about his “brave exploits” there, yikes). And continuity what? What continuity? Do they even remember how the breakup was written?
But ok, let’s put the Audience View aside for a moment and focus only on the In-Universe terms.
S6: You’ll always be my hero.
S8: What on EARTH are you doing here. 
I laughed a bit, the contrast just got to me but instead of getting mad at one or the other like most of the fandom, I laughed.
Musa followed that by saying that Riven has not maintained contact and just in that I would be beyond pissed as well and giving my support to Musa. WTH, Riven? I think that each season is more less six months to a year? Sort of? Still, zero contact for so long even after ending on amicable terms and wanting to stay friends? And he went off on his own! A text now going, “I’m not dead” would be the bare basics for Musa not to worry herself bald!
BUT then I also read comments about how this was a two-way street, why didn’t Musa call either? That’s unfortunately something that I very much doubt will ever be explained. One of those: did it or didn’t it? Musa could have called and went straight to voicemail with no signs of life from Riven or she might not have called and just expected him to call as if feminism were dead and all initiative must come from the guy (which doesn’t even fit because they parted as friends).
Since we have no info on the above, I put it on both of them. It’s not fair to say, “HE should have called!” or “Why didn’t SHE call?” because we don’t have fricking context. So the only thing we can take is: no contact.
BECAUSE I put the lack of contact on both of them, Musa’s reaction was a little too much, however, Riven shows up all smirks and leaning against a tree with his arms crossed and I would have flashbacks to S1 if it wasn’t for the animation style that made all the guys look like girls. Dude! Not the time for that kind of posture. Not saying that he should be all sheepish and rubbing his arm as if he had done something horrible (again: we don’t have context on the no contact) but a more neutral approach was warranted here. Nobody does themselves any favors with that kind of attitude no matter what how high of a horse they may be (rightly or not) riding on, if anything I would react like Musa solely on that one.
Next episode we have that Riven convinced the guys to follow the girls in some mission and Musa was angry. Again: I would be too. WTH? Yes, yes, they helped and if it wasn’t for them, the Winx would gotten seriously injured but Musa did have a point saying that this demonstrated that they had no trust in them and need their hand held, it was no sanctioned mission like on Earth after all. BUT, Riven does something that I would never expect from in S1-4: he explains, he reasons it, he puts it in all the words that he does trust Musa and co and that he only wanted to show that he’d be there for her (you know? One of the main issues in S6 that made them breakup in the first place? His inability to conciliate Specialist work with supporting his girlfriend and ultimately failing or feeling like failing in both?) and Musa still pouts, crosses her arms, and turns around. Geez. I expected that one from Stella, not Musa. I think the closest Musa has ever come to THIS was back in S2 when Jared explains that Riven was the one to recommend that he interview Musa and yada yada yada and she got mad and stomped off on the poor guy that didn’t even understand what was going on (only to immediately apologize to Jared and recognizing that it wasn’t him that she was mad at… like I said: what character growth?).
Riven then goes to show that he indeed grew when he asked for advice from Sky and Brandon (WTH, right? Can we picture that happening back in S1-3? He very grudgingly would LISTEN to UNSOLICITED advice from Nabu and Helia in S4-6). And does a very, very goofy and embarrassing show of affection. Yeah… again… I can picture Stella loving the light show with her face for IDK how many people to see but not Musa (although can we really blame the guy after the series went out of its way to make Musa all Stella-like? Clothes, attitude, the only thing missing is making Riven carry her shopping bags around and call him “Shnookums” (although the mental image is already enough for me to fall over laughing, just for the face Riven would make). Still, I have to count that one against Riven if only because (as much as the show gives only lip service to it) Musa isn’t Stella.
Riven being mind controlled (again) aside, those two are back together. And on the overall? Riven showed more growth than any other character in the show COMBINED (he is the Zuko of the show), that doesn’t go to say that he didn’t make mistakes since coming back in S8 (but that was more a guy trying to win back a girl than… betraying his friends for a pair of nice legs or… IDEK like in S1 – where, mind control or not the show itself made sure to make it clear that he had free will) or that he is now the one out of Musa’s league. I think that NOW it can actually work… if the show allows him to keep the progress, Musa is the next to see her flaws and work on them (which she showed to be able to do since S2) and put effort in the relationship. The difference between them is that Musa can actually work on herself and the relationship at the same time. That’s not me saying she is better than Riven in any way, everybody has their own pace and their own way to cope, to improve and to self-reflect.
I still root for them.
PS-IDK why, but I read posts about how Riven changed so much and posts about how all his progress disappeared and he is now back to his S1 attitude and I’m just cofused. Yeah, different of opinions and so on, but such opposite opinions on the subject of a guy whose relationship was focused on three episodes? 
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What a Time to be Alive - Diego Hargreeves x reader Season I
Chapter 8- I Heard A Rumor
Summary: Five’s healing from his shrapnel wound, Diego’s been arrested, now it’s up to you and Allison to find Vanya.
Masterlist - where all the other chapters are⚔️
Tagged: @sambucky8 @white-wolf-buckaroo @2cuteforyourlies @la-vie-en-amour1 @fandomoverlord221 @thatfandombitcch @alonewolfsblog @starrrybarnes @winterboobear11
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The drive to Jenkins grandmothers house is long and silent, the two of you settling into a nervous quiet. Allison worried for Vanya, while you’re worried for what’s happening with Diego. Of all the times for him to get arrested and it’s right when you guys get a lead. Perfect. You cross your arms as you lean yourself against the door, closing your eyes tight and taking a deep breath as you open them once again. Looking out the window at the scenery, it’s dark out and raining heavily as Allison drives. Deciding now is as good as ever, you close your eyes and lay your head against your arm, trying to catch up on some sleep, hoping the ride goes faster.
When you open them again it’s early morning, the sun is still hiding behind the clouds leaving the world in dull blues, pinks, and oranges. You shift your gaze over to Allison who looks like she’s about to fall asleep at the wheel.
 “I don’t think you’d survive a car crash...so in other words, I’ll drive the rest of the way there. Deal.” You tell her with a bit of tired humor in your voice, she gives you a weary nod, slowing the vehicle down and steering it off the side of the highway.
 You both get out, switching positions, as you start the car up beginning to take down the road again. You glance over at Allison who’s already passed out on the window, “Good talk.” You mutter to yourself, content with the comfortable silence.
You get off the highway, making a couple turns here and there until you reach a gravel backroad. This is it. You cautiously make your way down the drive, past trees, ferns, and other greenery. You’d honestly be enjoying the surroundings of nature more, if this trip wasn’t about finding Vanya and her crazy boyfriend. 
“Allison wake up, we’re here.” You whisper, reaching out to nudge her shoulder as you park at the bottom of the small gravel driveway. She startles awake, looking at her surroundings, relaxing once she sees how calm you are.
“That seemed fast. Thanks for driving us the rest of the way...I was seriously about to pass out at the wheel.” She explains with a yawn, you let out an amused puff of air.
“I’ve been in a car wreck before....I know surprising right...it’s not what I would consider, a fun experience.” She lets out a small chuckle at your early morning bluntness, it still amazes her how unfazed you’ve become to traumatic events that have happened to you. You’re guessing it all stems from the rapid healing and whatnot, you’re body doesn’t exactly give you a proper second to contemplate your injuries. Already deciding to heal everything quickly and get on with the next problem.
The both of you get out, slowly walking up towards the cabin, deciding to find a side entrance instead of barging in through the front. It’s best to be subtle, unlike some specific individual who you will not name. You slyly stalk your way to a low window, Allison right behind you.
 “See anything?” She whispers as you peer carefully through the glass, not catching sight of anything of any real importance.
That is, until your eyes land on a black violin case, “Vanya’s violin case...but that’s it, I don’t hear any movement.” You whisper back, moving away from the window to face her, “Let’s get out of here, they can’t be that far.” You add glancing around the old cabin, she agrees and the two of you turn to leave.
“Someone better have fucking died, why are we stuck in goddamn traffic...in the countryside...literally nowhere. We’re not even in the city, what the hell?” You angrily ramble as Allison sits at the wheel listening to you go off. It takes another ten minutes to finally make it to some restaurant type business plaza area where something out of the norm has defiantly occured. Traffic is at a standstill once again as you look out the passenger side window at the various policemen wandering about in the nearby parking lot. She suddenly gets out of the car, noticing police cars surrounding some fenced off area with police tape all around it. You grumble, opening up your own door, flipping up your hood and hastily following her. She grabs a scarf that was hanging from off of a sign, walking over to the police tape and lifting it up to make her way into the off limits zone.
 “Allison what the fu..” You start to tell her as a police officer gets to her first. 
“Hey! Pardon me. Hey! I gotta ask you to stay behind the lines. We had an accident here last night.” He explains, halting her from walking any further. You make it to the yellow caution tape, standing on the outside like a civilized person.
 “What happened here then?” You wonder, not unnoticing of the narly blood stain smeared on a nearby wall. Shit maybe someone did die.
“Ma’am. The line, please.” He adds, still wanting Allison to get behind it.
 “Okay. Yes. Sorry.” She says, lifting up the yellow caution tape and standing next to you.
“Got a lot of stuff on the ground, okay? To be wary of.”
“What happened?” You ask again, really curious as to what’s holding up traffic. 
The officer sighs while putting his hands on his hips, “We’re trying to figure that out. As soon as we do, you’ll be able to read it in the newspaper with everybody else. So have a nice day.” The officer says turning to walk away. Allison takes off her sunglasses, “Look officer, is there any way we..” He snaps back around his eyes shooting wide in surprise, “Holy shit! You’re Allison Hargreeves. I saw you on tv like two nights ago in that Sandra Bullock movie about underpaid teachers that rob a bank.” He excitedly rambles on. Rolling your eyes you flip your hood back, not caring if he recognizes you since Allison has taken it upon herself to blow cover. Your hair falls around your face as you blow a puff of wind to get a piece out of your eyes, this overly enthusiastic police officer’s mouth drops open once again. His face contorting from confusion to shock to realization. Ah, shit..he does indeed recognize you to your great surprise. He points to you excitedly, “No freakin way, you....you’re.....you’re...Y/N. This is crazy, you’re the Olympian! Of the frickin’ Umbrella Academy.” He gushes passionately, you purse your lips together, internally cringing a bit at hearing your old superhero name. The name you were given due to your likeness in powers and obvious immortality, to that likeness of the Greek gods and goddesses of mythical lore. You truly haven’t heard that name in many, many years, apparently you still have some old time fans.
 “Yep, That’s us.” You fake smile at him, Allison doing the same, enjoying the recognition way more then you are.
“Oh! Wow. Hey. Never in a million years could I have thought I’d be in the presence of Allison Hargreeves and the Olympian. How bout’ that. What a day, huh.” He says, at a loss for words and what he could say next to his two idols, you and Allison just stand in an awkward silence. “Copy, Cheddar?” Speaks a woman’s voice from his cop radio. He quickly goes to answer, “Yeah, what do you got, Fred?”
“Hospital called. Perp from last night just regained consciousness.” She replies back. “Copy. I’ll be right over.” He says back, his face morphing back to that of an excited child’s, “Wow. Allison freakin Hargreeves and Y/N...the Olympian! Wow. My wife’s not gonna believe it.” He gushes yet again, you’d love to bitchslap that smile right off of his stupid face along with his dumb stereotypical small-town cop mustache. Allison just chuckles, as you cross your arms, “Anyway, I...I..I..I gotta go. Work stuff....Yeah.” He says almost sadly. “Yeah, of course. Sorry.” Allison answer with, as Officer Cheddar walks past you two, headed for his police car. “Actually, that’s...why I’m here. I’m... I’m researching a role. A law enforcement role.. with Y/N.” She explains giving you a quick side eye, you turn your head away from them, trying to hold in laughter. No fucking way is this cop gonna believe that load of bullshit. “In Jackpine Cove? We haven’t had a murder here in years.” He tells her. “Oh, uh...it’s about, um...a small-town cop who takes down a drug cartel. In fact, maybe I could tag along while you conduct some official police business? I promise...I won’t get in the way. I just...I think you could really, um...help develop my character, if I could live a day in the life, you know.” She tells him, hoping her little fib will do the trick. He nods carefully thinking it over, “Day in the life, huh? Eh..Come on. Follow me.” You’re eyes widen as your mouth drops open, how in the fuck? And she didn’t even have to rumor him, Allison you sly dog. She gives you a hopeful glance as the two of them start walking towards his car leaving you in the dust.
“It’s fine, I’ll just trail along...gotta get the car....that you’re leaving in traffic.” You grumble as they shut their doors, you walk over to your own vehicle. Opening up the door and getting inside.
When you finally made it to the hospital, Officer Cheddar wouldn’t allow you near the wounded victim, calling it official police business or some shit. Allison gave you an apologetic look as you walked out the sliding glass doors without another word. 
Leaning against your car, you watch cars come and go, birds going about their day, and listen to the sweet sound of leaves rustling in the breeze. Ever grateful for the lack of car horns honking every ten seconds. As well as the usual nasty smells radiating from parts of the city and coming from god knows where else. You close your eyes, letting your mind wander.
What was happening with Diego? Is Five’s injury healed yet? Was Klaus okay? And where the hell was Vanya? So many questions and concerns throwing themselves at you, and oh right. There’s an apocalypse happening within the week. Things just are not going tremendously well this week, well that’s not entirely true. Considering you’ve had some pretty stellar times with Diego here and there, all very nice times indeed. Ah, but of course, Allison would get to have a fun little detective adventure with the local idiot. And she didn’t even have to rumor him! Even now she always gets what she wants, she always has, no..stop..you can’t think like that. You stopped giving a shit about who got the most attention long ago, you’re not about to start feeling resentment now. But your mind can’t help itself as it starts to saunter into darker grounds.
“Number Eight, if you weren’t so focused on the safety of Number Two, this mission would have been an utter success. But due to your lack of consistency when engaging in combat, you deliberately discontinued the annihilation of those four crime bosses. Jeopardizing the lives of their hostages, and all so Number Two wouldn’t get shot.....wounds heal.” Snaps Sir Reginald Hargreeves, as the whole of the Umbrella Academy plus yourself, sit around the dinner table. He’s verbally beating you down for saving Diego’s life on the Umbrella Academy’s latest mission. Where all of you surprise attacked a crime boss and his minions in his own mansion. You freed multiple people that where there due to human trafficking and other depraved things concerning illegal drugs and whatnot. It was successful to say the least, but a maid got shot in the arm when you decided to save Diego’s life instead. A mistake that Sir Reginald would not miss, nor would he ignore.
You glare up at him from across the table, “That maid survived. What? Would you rather have Diego die, or have a normal civilian live with some small injuries?” You ask him, as calmly as you can muster. He puts his fork down, sitting back, “You are part of the Umbrella Academy. Act like it. I will have no further arguments out of you for the rest of this meal, is that understood?” He replies sternly, cutting you off from further arguing, he takes a bite from his fork while watching your every move. You clench your jaw in frustration, no matter what you say he won’t care, “I understand.” You mutter through clenched teeth, turning away to focus sourly on your meal that you could care less about enjoying at the moment. The rest of dinner is held in an awkward silence.
As you’re returning to your room, Luther comes walking around the corner, headed for his own one. “Why do you always try and talk back to him? I mean, he is kinda right. You should have helped that woman, that’s what we’re there for.” Explains Luther as the two of you walk down the hallway.
“Of course you’d agree with him, why do I even bother.” You growl at him, rolling your eyes.
 Suddenly Allison walks out of her room, joining the two of you stopped in the hallway.
“If you’re here to tell me I was wrong for talking back I’ll shove my foot up your ass.” You deadpan, her face grimacing in disgust.
“That’s lovely. But a little advice, Y/N, if you want to stay on his good side, just shut your mouth and try to be less of an asshole.” She tells you like a scolding mother, you shake your head at them, “All you two have to do is exist and follow everything daddy tells you. While the rest of us get kicked under the rug. He likes you two the best, you know. But I don’t even need to tell you...I’m positive you both are capable of already understanding that.” You whisper yell at them, sick of all their high and mighty comments, just don’t talk and let Reginald boss you around. No way. “Whatever.” Mumbles Allison. “You just don’t know how to be normal, or how to not be a smartass.” Sasses Luther rudely.
“What? We are literally the closest thing from normal for fucks sake.” You snap at him giving him a what-the-hell-are-you-serious face, he crosses his arms in annoyance.
“Don’t swear. You know we can’t say stuff like that. Dad or Pogo might hear. And Y/N, stop trying to start stuff. You wonder why Dad makes sure you’re last for everything, he doesn’t exactly like you as much....then again neither do I.” You look at him with a poker face, trying your hardest not to bitchslap him right now. It’s honestly incredibly tempting.
“I’m really feeling the family love, Luther. And by the way.....all of you suck.” You add bluntly, flipping them off as you turn on your heel and walk angrily into your room, slamming the door in their faces. 
You sat in the middle of your floor for a good hour just fuming with quiet rage, until everything started to simmer down. They all get on your nerves to no end, and the only ones you can stand for longer then two hours are Vanya and Ben. Klaus is fun for awhile, that is on most occasions, until he starts trying to get you to see how long you can hold your hand over a flame before it hurts to much. Oddly fascinated with your ability to rapidly heal yourself, oddly enough you’ll usually do it, but you can only take Klaus in small doses. Then there’s Diego, who you’ve formed a solid love/hate relationship with. He’s just so weird, one minute he’s acting super cute and funny and trying to impress you or show off his knife skills so incredibly hard. Then a second later. Luther, Allison, or Reginald walks into the room and he’s being a jerk. Pretending like you don’t exist, and acting like such a hard-ass, it’s stupid. Klaus swears he’s got the fattest crush on you, but sometimes you’re not so sure, that kid gives you hella mixed signals.
Suddenly you hear a knock at the door, “If it’s you Luther, I’ll shank you with a paintbrush.” You tell this mystery person, crossing your arms as you look up at the door. You hear a soft chuckle from the other side, “No need. It’s just Diego....uh...could I come in? Please?” He whispers from the other side, your heart swells and you quickly get up to open it. “What’s up loser, I hope you’re not here to crush all my hopes and dreams.” You quip opening up the door wider so he can walk in, you closing it once again. He walks over to your carpet, sitting down by a bunch of random pillows. You soon follow, sitting across from him. “So, whatcha doin here?” You awkwardly ask him, confused as to why he’s in your room, not that you mind, but still. He fiddles with one of his daggers, looking down at his hands, “Uh, I wanted to say thanks for saving my ass yesterday. Sorry you took the fall for it, that was pretty badass of you to stand up to Dad.” He tells you still avoiding eye contact, you smile at him, “Well, I’d rather not have my favorite frisbee partner kick the bucket.” He smiles at that, finally looking up at you. “Yeah, we make a pretty good team, huh.” He glances down again at his dagger, nervously twisting it in his hands, “So, uh, Y/N. I..uh...have something to um...tell you.” He looks up at you, you can hear the thumping of his heartbeat quicken as a light blush dusts his cheeks, he continues, “Please don’t think I’m weird...but I really...like..yo..” Before he can finish his declaration of how he truly feels for you, the door bursts open. Revealing Luther and an angry Reginald, “Number Two. Number Eight. You were strictly told to go to your rooms and not come out until morning. I will have none of this, Number Two, out!” He snaps.
“I’m already in my room.”
He gives you a deadly warning glare as Diego gives you a sad look before bolting out the door. Reginald following as Luther gives you a snide smile, practically silently laughing at you. Fuck off, Diego was about to tell me something important you pricks. You would have liked to say, but thought otherwise, a wonderful moment utterly ruined.
Oh the fun childhood memories that stay with you to this day, intrusively barging their way back into your brain when you’re alone. Damn they all were little pricks back in the day, huh. All you tried to do was stand up for others and keep them safe, but all that the others wanted was to desperately please Reginald at any given opportunity. And that was the first time Diego truly opened up to you, it was short lived, but it was the start of something amazing.
“Y/N! Y/N! Hey!” Shouts Allison who’s running to you, your head snaps up at the sudden noise.
“What? I can hear you, calm down.” You tell her, pushing yourself off the car door.
“Vanya and Leonard Peabody were just here this morning. They were here, when we were at the cabin, they must have come back. We gotta go.” She hurriedly rambles, taking the keys out of your hand and opening up the drivers side. 
“Well shit.” You run around to the passengers seat, hoping in quickly, as Allison takes off towards the cabin.
The drive is thankfully short, but by now the suns beginning to set as a new darkness starts to engulf the land. It’s beautiful and calming to feel the night air and listen to the wind sway the pines back and forth. But you have no time to fully enjoy it, to worried and on guard for what you and Allison might run into.
“What the hell. Why’s it so windy all of a sudden.” You say aloud, shutting the car door and turning to walk up the gravel driveway. “Yeah, this is definitely odd.” Mutters Allison, equally as puzzled.
As you both reach the porch, the sound of Vanya’s violin wafts its way out and into the quiet night air. It’s beautiful, with the exception of all the lights and other porch furniture that’s swaying to the wind, er music. You’re not completely sure what’s going on. “Vanya? Is that you?” Shouts Allison as she looks into a window, quickly walking up to the door and opening it. No regard for safety, come on Allison we talked about this, you think to yourself as you follow her into the windy cabin. “Vanya, there you are. What is going on?” Allison half yells, bringing Vanya’s attention to the two of you. “Hey V.” You wave at her awkwardly, as she stops playing her violin.
“What are you two doing here?” She questions, trying to figure out how you would have found her, and most importantly why?
“We came to find you. Are you okay?” Allison worries. “Yeah.” Vanya says with a small but confused smile.
“Vans, you wouldn’t happen to know what’s causing all the spooky ghost wind? Now would you?” You question her, giving the room a short look around.
Allison walks in closer, “What do you mean, me?” She asks, confusion clear on her features. You furrow your brows, puzzled as well. “I mean....I made those things happen. With my powers. Turns out I’ve had them all this time. It’s weird, huh?” Vanya tells the both of you, her voice holding a tinge of resentment.
“It’s in..it’s incredible.” Allison gasps, shocked and amazed at this new information.
Vanya’s face falls, “But?”
“Can we just leave now. We’ll all have a nice lovely conversation about it in the car.” You rush, feeling the tension in the room starting to increase, as you attempt to get things rolling.
“Why?” Wonders Vanya. Allison glances down for a moment, sighing softly, “You’re not gonna want to hear it.” She warns, oh right, we gotta tell Vanya about her psychotic boyfriend. That’s gonna go well.
“Well, that’s never stopped you before.” She adds dryly, ouch. But well deserved.
“Leonard Peabody? His real name is Harold Jenkins.” Allison pauses for a moment, letting the information sink into Vanya, “Remember when I couldn’t find anything in the library on Leonard? It’s because Leonard Peabody doesn’t exist. Harold Jenkins does.” She explains, Vanya listens in silence, not sure what to believe anymore.
“She’s right. He was in prison for 12 years. The sick fuck murdered his father when he was 13...his pops might have had it coming..but still.” You tell her, further backing up Allison’s facts.
“This is...insane. His dad was an engineer at the..” Allison cuts her off, “I have the police report in the car, Vanya. I can show you.”
“I don’t...I don’t understand.” Vanya says shaking her head, not believing in these obscene facts. You walk closer to Allison, who’s standing a couple feet away from Vanya. “Leonard, Harold, Yeah man. It doesn’t make a lot of sense, and it sounds crazy. But we were in his house, this wack-job has pictures of us with our eyes gouged out.” You urge, trying to help her understand. Her brows furrow in agitated bewilderment, “Wh..What?” She starts as Allison quickly interrupts her, “I promise I will tell you everything in the car, but it is not safe.” Rushes Allison worriedly as she grabs Vanya’s arm, pulling her a couple feet towards the door. “No, stop.” Objects Vanya, sitting down in a rocking chair, Allison falling to her knees in front of her. “Look, um...I can’t imagine how hard it is for you to hear this...how you feel right now, but I..I love you, and I just...I wanna be here for you, as your sister.” Pleads Allison, desperately trying to get Vanya moving and away from this place. You stand back, folding your arms in concern, you can feel a heavy uneasiness crawling over the room.
“There’s just no way. I love him. This just doesn’t make any sense. And this power...I don’t know. I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know what to do.” Mutters Vanya, her face washing over in troubled distress, overwhelmed by everything that’s happening.
“Now I understand.” Whispers Allison, apparently remembering a long forgotten memory, “When we were four. Dad told us you were sick. You had to be isolated. We were so young. None of us knew to question it. But then he asked me to do something I never understood...until now. He made me an accomplice.” Explains Allison shamefully, bowing her head down in disgust for what she did. You watch Vanya’s shocked face, you had no idea any of this happened. And clearly neither did she.
 “You did this to me?” Whispers Vanya.
“I...I didn’t realize.”
“You knew this whole time? That I had powers!” Shouts Vanya, getting up off the rocking chair in a fury. “No, no! I didn’t understand until we came today, until I saw it.” Pleads Allison standing up as well. You just stand back and continue to watch the shit-show, damn, this family continues to surprise you to no end.
“Well, now it all makes sense. This is why you never wanted me around.” She cries, anger and sadness fueling her.
 “What? No!”
“You couldn’t risk me threatening your place in the house, your...your dominance.” Vanya continues, her temper rising by the minute. “That is not true.” Adds Allison, Vanya screaming back, “You couldn’t handle the fact that Dad might find me special.”
“You are special, with or without powers.” Snaps Allison desperately. 
“Don’t...Don’t say that!” Screams Vanya, her face a mask of hurt and anger. “We have a chance to start over.” Allison tells her calmly, Vanya not buying into anything, “You destroyed my life!” She yells. You throw your hands up to your hypersensitive ears, not being able to stand the shouting anymore.
“Oh, come on Vanya. Everything is out in the open. We can move on.” Begs Allison getting frustrated. Vanya shakes her head, “Oh, I’m moving on. But not with you, or Y/N, with Leonard.” She snaps, you interject for the first time, “With Harold, the crazy bastard remember.” She ignores you, screaming back, “With Leonard! The only person who has ever loved me for me!” Allison stands back, lightly chuckling at the ridiculous thought of this random psychopath loving anyone. “Look me in the eye and tell me you’re not threatened now.” Says Vanya calmly, you look around you as the wind begins to pick up in the cabin once again, shit.
“I don’t wanna argue with you.” Begins Allison, Vanya vocalizing her rage, “Then go! I don’t want your help!” She wails, you cover your sensitive ears tighter.
“Vanya, I love you!” Allison cries, begging her to listen.
“Stop saying that!” Screams Vanya, even louder then before. Allison’s face scrunches up in confusion as she looks around the windy room, “Are you okay?”
“I said go!” A second later the lights above Allison shatter, raining down glass into your hair and hers. “Please don’t make me do this.” Begs Allison, at her whits end, and out of ideas on what to do about Vanya’s growing outrage. You take a step back, your legs hitting the front of the couch, afraid of what she’s about to do next, “I heard a rumor..” Allison begrudgingly starts, without warning Vanya reacts with lighting speed, you watch on in horror as Vanya whips her violin string across Allison’s vulnerable throat. Slitting it in one clean motion, your eyes shoot over to a shocked Allison, then deep red blood begins pooling out of her neck. Her eyes go wide as she raises her hands to stop the bleeding, you and Vanya race over to her as she begins to fall to the carpeted floor. “Allison!” Screams Vanya, terrified at what she had just done. “I didn’t mean to...I didn’t....I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” She cries, glancing at you then back to Allison as hot tears begin streaming down her face. You listen to the strained gasps coming from Allison, as you rip off the bottom of your shirt and place it firmly where the injury is, doing your best to stop the bleeding. While Vanya’s hyperventilating next to you, you can hear Leonard urging her to get up and follow him out the door. He rushes over, grabbing her arm roughly and pulling her away, you snap out of your trance of saving Allison’s life.
Racing after them, Leonard shoves a hysterical Vanya out the door, before he whips around to face you, who’s staring daggers at him from the doorway.
“The Olympian. It’s an honor to finally meet you.” He says with an agitating grin as you sneer at him.
“Well, I wouldn’t stay to excited about it for much longer.” You snap, he chuckles at that while taking a step back.
In an instant you lunge at him, pushing him ferociously into the porch railing, the boards snap as they catch his weight. He staggers to his feet, wiping a smear of blood from his mouth and letting out a ragged cough while giving you a sly smile as he goes to picks up Vanya, “You won’t be able to move for quit awhile. And that’s all we need.” He tells you mysteriously, turning away and hastily limping down the steps, hand in hand with Vanya. You snap out of your daze, going to take a step to finish the job when your stomach has the most intensely jarring sharp pain, practically screaming at you to stop. You look down, this fucker stabbed you with a Swiss Army knife. “Goddammit.” You groan, grabbing its hilt and pulling it painfully out of you. Some blood squirts out and drips onto the wooden floor. You grimace, lifting the bloody blade up to your nose, you take a small sniff. “Oh fuck.” You deadpan, he coated the blade with some type of poison. You’re not sure what from, but you can tell its been tampered with, this dick knew what the fuck he was about, damn he must really hate the Umbrella Academy.
Knowing you probably only have a couple minutes left before the toxins fully reach into your system. You drop the knife, stumbling over to a barely conscious Allison. You fall to the floor, grabbing the arm of the couch with your left hand. Your whole body feels sick and you start to sweat heavily, you’re not sure if you’re about to vomit or not. Luckily it passes, replaced by an intense agonizing pain stabbing at your stomach, at least you can still breath. You crawl to Allison’s legs, leaning yourself against the couch, fighting to keep yourself awake, you have to stay awake, you have to fight through the poison that’s desperately trying to kill you. But everything feels so fuzzy and you can hear your own heartbeat pounding in your ears. It’s deafening. Nonetheless you crawl forward, reaching your right hand up to press gently onto her bleeding wound. 
You don’t know how long you’ve been slumped on the floor in agony, straining to keep your eyes open as bloody drool seeps out from the side of your mouth. But you could have swore you just heard the sound of car doors slamming shut. A moment later the screen door bursts open, Luther entering first, followed by Klaus, Five, and Diego. Luther races over to Allison’s left side, since your slowly dying on her right. Klaus kneels down in front of you, lifting your head up, it’s so hard to move, your body feels like it’s on fire and tied down by a thousand ship anchors.
“Y/N, what happened? What’s wrong with you?” Pleads Klaus breathlessly, terrified that you’re not healing right away. It’s how poison works, it won’t kill you, but damn will it keep you awake in a half dying state until the affects wear off.
Diego suddenly materializes from up above you, your vision is so blurry, you could barely tell it’s him. You can’t clearly make out a single comprehensible word from either of them. But a minute later you can feel yourself being lifted, and carefully carried out the door and down the steps. Where you’re then put into a car, your head and shoulder is leaning against something soft and warm. Presumably Diego or Klaus but you can’t tell anymore. Then the vehicle begins to move, the dull rumbling of the engine, forcing you into a half-conscious state. You don’t remember the ride home.
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sgtbradfords · 4 years
Please could you write a Chenford prompt with this: “Who were you with?”. Thank you! 💖
Thank you for the prompt hon! I hope this does what you requested some justice! It almost stumped me, but then I had an idea about the future and well lord knows my muse had enough fun with it then. ;) Enjoy!
Captain Tim and Lieutenant Lucy Bradford had both turned in for the night, laying in their king-sized bed, talking off and on about things they had heard throughout the day at the department as Tim read the book in his hand, Lucy reading something on her phone.
“He’s going to be late.” She mumbled, noticing the time.
Tim never looked up, turning the page in his book. “He won’t be late.”
“Admit it, he’s going to be late and you can finally pay up.”
Tim looked over at the clock on the nightstand. “He’ll cut it close but he won’t be late, he’s never been late a day in his life.”
“No, because he’s your son. But you may as well pay up now Bradford, he has less than two minutes.”
“Only when he walks through the door at 23:01 Bradford, will you be getting any form of payment.”
The clock hit 10:59 and Lucy began counting down the seconds in her head, making it to twenty-three seconds left when the sound of a thud, something heavy hitting the ground echoed through the house.
They both jolted, Tim’s right hand and Lucy’s left reaching for their guns in the nightstands before thinking better of it.
Heavy footsteps sounded as the person climbed the stairs, stepping on the eighth step, the wood creaking under the pressure as it always had over the past twenty years.
“You ok?” Lucy asked, arching an eyebrow as the person walked into their room. “Just learning to walk?”
“I’m fine, tripped over my feet.” He said, carefully falling onto his stomach on the bed, burying his face into the comforter.
“Did you lock up?”
He sighed, rolling his eyes as he lifted his head. “Yes dad.”
“Did you turn off the lights?”
“I think?” he said after a second “I’ll check before I head to bed.”
Lucy wrinkled her nose as a smell assaulted her senses, “Larson Wade Bradford. Did you not shower after the game?”
“Did you use soap? Because you smell like a locker room.”
“Yes mom. You can smell test me if you want.” The teen said as he stuck an arm out.
“I’d prefer not to.” She told him, pressing his arm back down. “Just shower again before bed.”
“You done good tonight. That hit in the third looked brutal, you feeling ok?” Tim asked, placing his book to the side, taking off his reading glasses.
“Conners checked me out and said I was good to go but I swear that linesman hit me right in the lung, knocked the breath out of me. I’m sore, and my head hurts a little.” He shrugged.
“Let me see.” Tim said as he got up from the bed, moving next to his son.
Larson lifted his shirt, the left side of his skin black and blue as Tim began pressing on his side, Larson wincing when it became painful.
“Shit!” he cursed before gritting his teeth.
“Nothing’s broken.”
Lucy cringed at the sight of his marred skin as she got out of the bed, moving to the bathroom, searching the drawers for what she was looking for. She came back, two small white bottles in hand.
“Here, take these.” She said, opening and shaking out two pills into her palm, as he grabbed them and threw them back, dry swallowing. “And put this on after you shower again.”
“Was she this nice to you after you almost died?” joked Larson as he sat back down on the bed.
“Which time?” Tim asked as Lucy lightly slapped his shoulder.
“There’s not been that many.” Lucy told them, rolling her eyes as she climbed back into the bed.
“I was shot on your second day, you flipped the shop, I was infected with a virus, yet another car crash, you were buried alive, another car crash, and how can I ever forget the day you had to ride with Harper and you found that bomb. All within your first year as a boot, sweetheart.”
“You weren’t there for the bomb, I threw the guy out the window.” She smirked. “Besides, look at all the fun we experienced together!”
Tim rolled his eyes. “Your mom calls getting stabbed and shot at fun.”
“No, I’m not talking about that!” She said with a look on her face. “We used to have to go undercover together all the time even after my probationary year.”
“Pretty sure Wade shipped it.” Lucy told him simply.
“No one says shipped any more mom.” Said Larson.
“I’m pretty sure half the department shipped it Luce, you know how much money Wesley won from that bet.”
“Uncle Wesley won over like seven hundred dollars, right?”
“Correct, each person had to bet a hundred dollars.”
“A bunch of cops betting for when two people would hook up, who would have thought.” The seventeen-year-old said rolling his eyes.
“Hey! We got nine hundred dollars to put in your college fund from a bet so no complaining. It’s go big or go home.”
“What is a bet going on right now that involves us?”
“There’s the one of whether or not you father will retire with in the next five years.”
“Not happening.” Tim said as he placed his glasses back on, returning to his book.
“That’s what he thinks.” She stage whispered. “You were cutting it close to curfew tonight.”
Larson grimaced as he rubbed the back of his neck, looking away, a tell-tale sign he had inherited from his father. “Sorry.”
“Who were you with?”
“Hailey, Tyrell, Jonas, Nyah and Max. We went to the diner on Apex.”
“The one with the smiley face pancakes? And you didn’t invite me?”
“No I didn’t invite you, you’re kinda old mom.”
“I am not, I am forty seven! Forty seven is not old! Your father’s closer to sixty than fifty, if anyone is old it’s him!”
“Leave me out of this Luce. Besides, your daughter already thinks I’m a grandpa.”
“She’s twelve, besides she’s only calling you that because she doesn’t like it when you pick her up from school in the shop.”
“It was one time. When you get a call from the principal asking you to come for a meeting because your child punched someone and broke their nose, it warrants the shop. Besides that was before I knew she had punched another kid for bullying someone. We even went for ice cream! I think she is just calling me a grandpa to spite me.”
“Are we sure she’s not adopted? Because I was an angel at her age.”
They both looked at Larson, giving him a dubious look. “Sure you were and remind me again, who broke the window with a slingshot when they were her age?”
“Don’t forget he called 9-1-1 when he was six because he couldn’t remember a phone number.”
“Why remember a number when it’s programmed in your phone!” he argued.
“Scared me to death when you came flying up the drive, I had no idea what was going on.”
“He hung up the phone! And when I couldn’t get ahold of you, not knowing he hid the phone, I freaked out ok.”
“I know honey.” She said placing a kiss on cheek. “To answer your original question Larson, I know for a fact I spent thirteen hours in labor with her, she is in fact your sister, thank you.”
“She’s just inherited your mother’s rebellious streak a few years early.”
“My rebellious streak? You were the definition of a stereotypical bad boy Mr. Bradford.”
“You would have loved it.” He smirked.
“I find it hard to believe you had a rebellious phase mom.”
“Have you met your grandparents?”
“Good point.” He said as a yawn escaped. “I think I’m going turn in for the night, coach wants us at the field house by nine to review the tape.”
“Night kiddo, love you.”
“Love you guys too.” He said as he sluggishly walked out the door. “Oh, I’m taking Hailey out for lunch so I won’t be home until sometime tomorrow afternoon.”
“Ok, be careful. Text one of us if something changes.” Lucy said as he closed the bedroom door.
“You know, I think we’ve done a pretty good job with him.”
Tim smiled a twinkle in his eye as he placed the glasses and book on the nightstand. “I think we have too. Let’s just hope Angela and Wesley are ok with our son dating their youngest daughter.”
“How much you wanna bet Bradford, that they’ll both be boots by the time they’re twenty-five?” Lucy asked smirking as she walked her fingers up his arm, causing Tim to growl as he tackled his wife to the bed, his bodyweight pinning her to the mattress.
“How much do you wanna bet boot, that they’ll be married to each other by the time they’re twenty-eight?
“Wager the usual?” Lucy asked as Tim began kissing and sucking on her neck, causing her to shiver, even after close to being married for twenty years.
“As long as they don’t give us grandkids within the next ten years, it’s a bet.”
“We haven’t done this while they’ve been home in a while.” She gasped in his ear as his lower half thrusted against her, Lucy pulling down the sweatpants he was wearing. “Think we can still keep quiet and not get caught old man?”
Tim smirked as he reached for the hem of her nightgown, pulling it up as she pulled her upper body off the mattress, placing a thirsty kiss to his mouth before mumbling against his lips. “Guess we’ll find out tomorrow sweetheart.”
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Cold Hearted?
This is incredibly late for me, but I finally got there!! YAY! Ok, so this was something completely different for me. Day 8 of Kinktober brought me face to face with Enji Todoroki (Endeavor). Now, most of you probably know that in the past I would refuse to write for him, but I recently had a change of heart. This is the first piece I have ever written for him. Again, please don’t get angry with me if this is something you don’t like. Just don’t read it if you don’t want to, please don’t pick on me for my choices,
~Lesbian peanut
Word Count:4929
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Enji Todoroki, a man who rose through the ranks of the Police force and was appointed as the Captain of a specialised team whose job it was to undertake covert operations. His rough exterior and gruff attitude had earned him a rather harsh, crippling reputation over the course of the years he’d been active on the force. Many officers outside of his own department had taken to calling him the cold hearted, hot headed Captain, who ran a squad of delinquent cops who should never have been on the force to begin with. You on the other hand had been a teenager when you had first met the man, though it definitely wasn’t under the most flattering of circumstances. Enji had saved you from dying when you had launched yourself out of a third story window of a burning building, your last-ditch attempt to escape the raging flames behind you. He had been the one to catch you in his arms and stayed with you until the paramedics were able to see you, but you’d never forgotten the way he had carried himself with such pride. Back then he had only been starting out, making a name for himself only came later in his career with hard work and a hell of a lot of determination.
The experience of facing death that night had made you re-evaluate your life choices and you lost a lot of friends due to the changes you made. You straightened out your life, bunkering down in college with your studies and took every step necessary for following in his shoes. You had entered the Police force after graduating from the academy and quickly moved up from being a rookie, wanting nothing more than to be able to meet the man who you owed your life to. It took a few years but eventually the opportunity arose for you to transfer out of your old department and straight into a covert squad, you took it; knowing better than to scoff at an opportunity like that. It had come as a complete surprise to you though when you had walked in on the first day in the new department and had smacked straight into Enji, it had shocked you further to learn he was now your Captain. You couldn’t understand the stigma that hung over the members of your new squad, they were all here for the same reason and sure they had an unconventional way of getting justice for the families of the victims; you were no exception on that front.
Enji was without fail the first person to walk through those doors in the mornings and was almost always the last person who would leave sometime late in the night. The hours in this department were completely different from those of which you were used to, they were ridiculous and from time to time when a case called for it, the whole team would stay the night to keep the Captain company while solving the case. There were nights where you would be the last person to leave the department, taking as much time as you could spare to comb through any and all evidence in order to find something that may have been overlooked by others on your team. Tonight, had happened to be one of those nights, the late hour of the night finally catching up to you when your head smacked against your desk with a sickening thud.
Wincing, you rubbed at your forehead as a yawn pushed past your lips and you leaned back heavily into your chair. You stretched your arms up and backwards over your head, wincing when pain shot through your shoulders. Hours had passed since you sat down at your desk, sifting through the evidence with a fine-tooth comb had left your shoulders tense and apparently led to you falling asleep at some stage. You shifted your right hand over your shoulder and rubbed tight circles into the knot that had formed there during the night, trying desperately to relieve some of the tension that had built up within your body. A Shower sounded like a really good idea to you right then, something which made you want to head home for the night and being the last person in the department meant you had to lock everything up. You sighed as you pushed away from your desk and shuffled off towards the locker room, the precinct was extraordinarily quiet this time of night; something you found to be rather calming.
You jolted to life as you spun around on the spot, your eyes locking with those vibrant turquoise ones across from you. Those eyes had a distinct way of making you feel like you were staring out over an endless ocean, the feeling warm and comforting in an odd way. You blinked quickly as you straightened up and rubbed at the back of your head sheepishly. Enji had scared the shit out of you when he had called out your name, his voice had sounded surprised when he had spoken.
“Evening, Captain. I thought you had already headed home for the night?” You inquired as you looked over at him, quirking an eyebrow in an inquisitive manner.
“I was just about to lock everything up and head home, shouldn’t you be doing the same thing?” He asked as he frowned, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched you closely. He could tell by the way your shoulders were slumped and your eyes were struggling to focus, that you were beyond exhausted.
“Yeah, I was just about to. Don’t you have people waiting for you at home or anything like that?” You asked as you turned, unlocking your locker door. The locker door creaked open as you pulled it back, swinging it around before reaching into its depths and retrieving your duffle bag of personal belongings. You turned your head fractionally, peering over at Enji and seeing the way the expression in your Captain’s eyes shifted.
“Not anymore, once I had a wife and kids waiting for me at home. We made different life choices and went our separate ways.” Enji explained solemnly as he shrugged his shoulders before focusing on you and locked his eyes with yours. “What’s your reason for still being here?”
You pouted as you puffed up your cheeks and shrugged your shoulders. “I figured I’d comb over all the evidence we have for the current case and see If I could find something we might have missed previously.” You answered truthfully as you slung the duffle bag over your shoulder and headed for the exit.
“Nothing…” You mumbled in a defeated tone before sighing heavily and glaring down at the ground angrily. It was frustrating to not have turned up anything new in the case, late nights like this usually turned over some form of new evidence.
“That’s not what I meant,” Enji shot back as he moved out of your way and motioned for you to leave first. He watched you as you headed for the front doors of the precinct, stopping to look back at him and shoot him a questioning look. “What’s the other reason you’re so ok with staying behind so late when everyone else has gone home for the night?”
Your eyes widened as Enji walked over to you, nodding his goodbye to the officer behind the reception desk before moving to open the main door for you. looking into his eyes you could feel the concern that was hidden in their crystalline depths, how anyone could ever call this man cold-hearted was beyond you. “I… I d-don’t know what you mean.” You stammered as you walked out of the precinct and down the stone steps towards the street.
Enji’s eyebrow shot up as he chuckled softly, stepping down the steps after you as he shook his head. “You seem to have forgotten that I’m your Captain, (Name).” He exclaimed as he stopped next to you and gazed down into your eyes. “I didn’t simply walk into that sort of position; I worked my arse off for it and over the years I have seen many tell-tale signs when it comes to lonely people. You happen to tick a lot of those same boxes.”
You snorted as you shook your head, a pang of regret hitting you square in your chest as you looked away from him. “You don’t know what you’re talking about, Captain.” You mumbled before turning and walking off down the street.
“Where are you going?” Enji called after you as he motioned in the direction you had been walking.
“Heading home…” You stated as you pointed down the street, as though the answer should have been completely obvious to him.
“Walking? At this time of night, you’re going to walk home?” He asked incredulously as he placed a hand on his hip.
You shrugged as you hoisted your duffle bag higher over your shoulder and rubbed at the back of your neck. “I don’t have much of a choice, my bike is in the shop having work done; I’m on foot until it’s done.”
Enji stood there watching you for a moment, hung up on the idea of you walking home alone at the early hour of the morning. He knew that you were more than capable of taking care of yourself and he didn’t want you to feel like he was trying to crowd you. He frowned as he ran a hand through his spiked-up hair, looking over into your eyes briefly before making a decision. “Perhaps you’d allow me to walk you home then? I could keep you company until you get to your front door.” He offered as he motioned in the direction you had to go.
Your eyes popped wide as you stared over at your captain before looking over your shoulder, it wasn’t like you lived a great distance from the precinct and you didn’t exactly have a reason to say no to him. “Ah, sure… if you want to.” You agreed as you turned on the spot and started walking.
It didn’t take long for Enji to catch up with you, his six-foot something height making outrunning him almost impossible. One of his normal steps was working out to be about four of yours and it was a little intimidating to realise just how much taller than you he was. He was easily a foot and a half taller, towering over you and making your neck hurt as you tried to look up at him. The two of you walked in silence for a while, your eyes never leaving his face as you tried to figure out this man who otherwise struck you as a reclusive man. You frowned as you thought over the few interactions, you’d had with him during work hours and the fact he was always the first one to walk away from them.
“Captain, what are you doing? Why’d you offer to walk me home?” You whispered finally, your curiosity finally getting the better of you.
“Honestly, I’m not too sure. I’m well aware of the fact you can handle yourself and don’t need protection, so it has nothing to do with that.” Enji muttered as he tilted his head back and looked up at the dark abyss above. “Could be the fact that I’m curious about something.”
Your brows knit together as you turned your head to look over at your superior officer. “Ah… curious? What the hell do you have to be curious about?” You quipped as you tighten your grip on your duffle bag.
“You.” Enji smirked as he dropped his head and looked down at you, his eyes locking with yours and freezing you in place.
“Excuse me?” You breathed as your heart raced in your chest.
Enji smiled fondly as he stopped and turned to look back at you, his eyes skimming over your body and noticing the way you were shaking. He sighed heavily as he slipped his jacket off his shoulders, walking back to you and draping the oversized jacket on your shoulders. “It’s cold, you shouldn’t be walking around without a jacket.”
Heat flooded your cheeks as the warmth of the man’s body washed over your own, the jacket hanging down to your knees as you pulled it in tight to your body. “Thank you…” You whispered tenderly as you pulled the collar over your lower face, smiling behind it as you breathed in his cologne.
“Let’s keep walking, (Name).” Enji spoke softly as he placed a hand on your back and pushed you forwards gently, satisfied when you resumed walking of your own accord.
“You’re avoiding telling me what you’re curious about.” You spoke up as you looked up at him, not allowing him to get away with dropping that little bombshell on you.
Enji chuckled as he walked next to you, unable to get over the fact how big his jacket was on you and proud of how adorable you looked being swamped by it. “That is true.” He admitted finally and smiled as he walked beside you slower. “Tell me (Name), did you think that I hadn’t noticed you watching me? I catch you when you’re staring at me in the work out room and when you think that I’m not paying attention to you.” He rumbled as he reached down and took your hand within his own.
You couldn’t believe the words that were assaulting your ears, all you wanted to do was head home and have a shower but running into Enji was proving to be a detour. Here was the man you admired more than anyone else in your career, the man they all said was cold hearted and he was being anything but! You looked up into his eyes, there was so much love and affection in his eyes as he watched you. The way his hand had engulfed yours, his larger fingers wrapped securely around your much smaller hand and hiding it completely. This man was making you weak, he was making it almost impossible for you to think of anything else other than him.
Enji was easily six foot something and compared to your short arse, that was incredibly tall. Had that ever stopped you from taking every opportunity possible to think about him, or watch him during his gym sessions? No, no it hadn’t. You knew how well built your Captain was, you knew he had filled out over the years too and had earned himself some scars from calls that were way too close. You had caught yourself on several occasions drooling over Enji but you had never entertained the thought of acting on any of it. Now, he was making that collective decision difficult and you weren’t sure you wanted to ignore it this time.
Your cheeks felt as though they were on fire as his admissions of having caught you staring were spoken aloud, never had you thought that he was paying attention to you. It had never crossed your mind as a remote possibility, considering that he always looked as though he was busy with the tasks to hand. “I’ve been watching you longer than that…” You whispered truthfully as you pulled his jacket in closer to your body and tried to hide as much of your face as possible behind it.
“Oh? How long exactly are we talking about, (Name)?” Enji murmured as he shifted his hand, lacing his fingers through your own before pulling your body in closer to his side. “You’ve only been a member of my squad for the last couple of months.”
You slipped your eyes shut as you tucked your nose inside his jacket, feeling like a small child next to this man. “Well, you may not recall it but there was a girl that jumped out the third story window of a burning building. You were on the ground below and caught her in your arms, staying by her side until the paramedics were able to tend to her.” You explained as you tilted your head to the left, pressing it into his arm as you walked with him.
“I remember, it was one of the few saves that really stuck with me over the years. It was one that happened and no one wanted to keep reminding me about the fact I had done a really good job of saving someone, I was a rookie at the time too. It’s nice to see that you lost that goth look though, it hid a lot of your beauty and I prefer the way you look now.” Enji confessed as he shifted his arm and draped it around you, pulling you further into his warmth.
“I have you to thank for that. I’ve remembered you all these years and it was because of you that I wanted to become a Police Officer. If you hadn’t caught me that night, I’m not sure where I would be right now.” You admitted as you snuggled into his ribs, your body warming up faster now the wind was off your skin. Enji chuckled above your head and a small smile pulled at your lips. You pulled him to a stop and looked up at the front door to your apartment. “This is me…”
Enji blinked as he looked up at your apartment, his hand tightening around yours respectively as he thought about letting you go. He felt your fingers tense against the back of his hand as you pulled in closer to him. You pulled him along with you as you stepped up the stairs to your front door, his feet coming to a stop on the step just before the top one. Enji watched you as you unlocked your door and cracked it open partly, turning to look back at him. He could see in your eyes that you didn’t want to let go of his hand and the way your nails were digging into his skin was further proof. Enji smiled as he leaned down towards you, pressing his lips against your forehead as he gave your hand a firm squeeze.
“You’ll see me tomorrow, (Name).” he whispered against your forehead before moving to pull his head back.
“Enji!” The sound of his name leaving your lips caught his attention, long enough for you to grab a hold of his face and press your lips to his.
Enji gave in as he kissed you back, not wanting to hold back as he deepened the kiss. He had wanted to know how your lips felt and what their taste would be like. His imagination had done you no justice, your lips moving against his effortlessly as a fruity taste entered his mouth. He groaned as he slipped his hands down and around your back as he kissed you, his tongue flicking out against your lips. You responded by parting your lips, letting his tongue press into your heat before dancing with yours.
Before either of you knew it, air was a requirement and you pulled your head back partly to draw in a deep breath. Your lips brushed against his as you placed feather kisses against the plush skin. “Enji…”
“Tell me to leave, (Name).” Enji breathed against your lips, his voice full of lust as he held you close to his own body.
“I don’t want to.” You responded as you shifted your head and nipped along his jawline.
“If you invite me inside, this won't end with a kiss.” He warned as he slipped his hands down lower over your back, resting them just above your arse.
“Get inside!” You ordered as you stepped back with him, pushing the door open as you led him into your house.
Enji chuckled as he booted the door shut behind him, his hands finally finding purchase on your arse before lifting you off the ground and against his hips. “Can’t say that I didn’t warn you.” He cautioned as he rubbed at your arse firmly.
“I’m sure I can handle you, Enji.” You mumbled against his neck as you gave a soft moan.
He smirked as he moved and pressed you up against the wall, knocking something off your hallway table as he leaned down towards you. He growled as he rocked his hips up, grinding his dick against your heat and groaning low in pleasure. The moan you gave against his ear, had his dick twitching in his pants and straining to be released. Enji moved, biting down along your neck before pushing the collar of your shirt aside and biting over your shoulder. He smirked as he felt your thighs press into his side, squeezing him as he continued to grind against your heat harder.
“Enji… please?” You whined as you arched your back and pulled on his hair roughly.
Enji groaned as he pulled his hips back, reaching between your bodies and undoing his pants. He held you pinned to the wall as he pushed his pants down over his hips and pulled his dick free from its confines. Your gasp from above his head was enough to tell him that you had managed to see his dick. HE chuckled as he lifted his head and looked into your eyes, licking his hips as he tucked a hand into the front of your pants.
Your cheeks heated as you rolled your hips back and reached your hands down, undoing the zip on your pants and wriggling them over your hips. Enji was quick to aid you in your actions, his larger hands replacing yours as he moved your pants. Your legs were pulled away from his body as he let your pants and panties slide down along your legs before hitting the ground. A moan pushed past your lips as his mouth latched onto your jaw and bit down, sucking firmly as his hands found purchase on your hips. Your legs pressed into his sides again, squeezing as much as you could but you felt so tiny being caged between this man and the wall to your back.
He smirked against your jaw as he rocked his hips forwards, his dick sliding along your folds and becoming coated in your juices. He groaned and moved his head to bite the side of your neck, chewing on the flesh and ensuring there would be a mark left behind. Enji reached down as you moaned against his ear, gripping his dick and pressing the head against your folds. A groan caught in the back of his throat as he pushed his dick into your quivering pussy, your walls clamping down around him and trying to pull him deeper.
“God, you have naughty fucking pussy, (Name). I can feel it squeezing around my dick, you’re so fucking tight!” Enji groaned louder as he pushed his dick further into your soaked heat.
You moaned loudly as you tangled your right hand into his hair, your left hand dragging across his back and catching on the material of his shirt. The feeling of his fat dick stretching your aching pussy was overwhelming, your head dropping back against the wall as you curled your toes. You had always figured he would be big but now that you’d seen; you highly doubted you’d fit it all. Many nights you had imagined what it would be like to ride yourself crazy atop his dick, masturbating to the thought alone while riding a dildo; the likes of which didn’t compare to his actual size.
“Fuck, your pussy takes my dick so well (Name).” He complimented as he pushed his dick deeper into your heat. The loud gasp that came from you as he pushed further in was different than your other sounds. He leaned his head back to look into your eyes and smirked as he went completely still. “Seems like I’m as far as in as I can go.” Enji whispered as he rubbed your arse firmly and pressed you into the wall harder.
Your breath was caught in your throat as Enji held still, the head of his dick pressed up against your cervix and sending pleasure throughout your body. A soft whine escaped as he drew his hips back, sliding all but the head of his dick out of your pussy. Fuck, did you feel empty when he finished moving, the head of his dick the only thing stopping you from feeling completely void. A cry of pleasure ripped from your throat as Enji thrust his hips right back up into your pussy, hitting your cervix and sending wave after wave of pleasure through your system.
Each thrust of Enji’s powerful hips had your back hitting against the wall, your hips aching with your efforts to keep your legs around his own. The sounds that left your lips were unintelligible as he pounded your pussy, burying as much of his dick as he could into your needy heat and driving you crazy. Your imagination was a curse, it hadn’t even prepared you in the slightest for the beast of a man that was currently wrecking your pussy. The stretch from his dick was euphoric and the ferocity of his thrusts was exhilarating, pushing your body to its limits rather quickly.
You could feel your body riding up along the wall as Enji pushed you higher along it, bringing you up to a more suitable position for his height. Your fingers twisted and pulled on his hair as you crumpled his shirt beneath your other hand. There was a weakness in your legs, the likes of which you had never felt before and you knew it was entirely Enji’s fault. Whimpers and moans fell freely from your lips as his thrusts grew rougher, his mouth finding every exposed patch of your skin and leaving behind marks. There was no way you were going to be able to walk into work tomorrow and not be grilled by your teammates.
Enji groaned as he felt your walls clamp down around him, his hips pressing forward as he pounded your tight little pussy. You seemed so small, trapped between him and the wall like you were. He bucked his hips as you rolled your hips forward, his hands clamping down over your hips and pinning them back against the wall. The moan that was pulled from your throat was delightful as he gave a hard thrust of his hips, pressing right up against your cervix and holding there for a moment.
“You have such a dirty body, (Name). I fucking love it, god I wish I hadn’t waited this long to chase after you.” Enji admitted as he pulled his hips back before driving them home hard.
You cried out as your body arched forwards, only to be slammed back against the wall as he thrust his hips harder and faster. Heat was spreading throughout your body as pleasure spiralled and coiled in the pit of your stomach. Your legs were shaking as you began to lose feeling in your toes, Enji’s hands shifting along your thighs and holding your legs up as you lost strength in them. You moaned his name against his ear as you pulled his head in against your chest, rolling your hips desperately to meet with his thrusts.
“Enji… ah, fuck Enji!” Your words turned to babbles as you dropped your head back, your eyes slipping shut as pleasure clouded your mind. Your voice was lost as your climax hit, your orgasm ripping through your body as you dug your nails into Enji’s back harshly.
Enji groaned and bucked his hips roughly, his dick pulsing as your walls clamped down around it and desperately tried to milk it. He pressed his head into your breasts firmly as he thrust his hips harder, chasing his own climax as he pounded your pussy. He closed his eyes, relishing in the fact he was finally able to have this moment with you. He was proud that he finally had you on his dick, that you had been as willing to be with him as he had hoped. Enji lifted his head, looking at the fucked expression plastered on your face as he moved his hips harder. That was all it took, seeing what he had turned you into was more than enough to push him over the edge. He groaned out your name as his hips gave a violent stutter, his seed spilling into your heat.
You panted as you leaned heavily into the wall, feeling the warmth as Enji came inside of you and his semen filled your womb. Your fingers raked through his hair tenderly as your chest heaved. Wave after wave of pleasure seeped out of your body as you came down from the rush, your walls clamping down around Enji’s dick firmly. You mewled softly as Enji began to plant feather kisses along the expanse of your neck, his hands tight around your thighs as he held you against the wall.
“Shit,” You breathed as you moved a hand to run it through your hair.
“That good, huh?” Enji quipped as he nipped at your jaw playfully.
“It was fucking great… maybe next time we make it to the bedroom first?” You giggled as you nuzzled his jawline before placing a kiss to his jaw.
Enji laughed as he rubbed your thighs and pulled his head back, looking directly into your eyes as he calmly spoke. “No, let’s see how much of my big dick you can fit into that little mouth of yours.”
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I’m alive!! And I’m here with another prompt fic that @randers198 requested. If you have requested a fic, I promise they are in progress!! I’m not writing them in any particular order. Just when inspiration strikes and I get an idea so that’s why it may seem like it’s taking so long. Also, I’ve been bombarded with school for the past couple of months so I haven’t really been writing much. Also, my one-shots (all my fics really) get a little long *insert facepalm* but I do hope it’s worth it! 
I’m hoping to get back into the swing of posting more regularly! Things seem to be slowing down for the moment so I’m gonna try to take advantage of that and write a bunch! 
Also, with season 8 coming soon (insert excited screaming), I am hoping back into the deep-dive, hard-core, fangirling, shipping train that is upstead! I can’t freaking wait!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyways, enough of my rambling! Here’s #62 “What the hell is your problem!?”
*title comes from sleeping at last’s song ‘two’ (you may have picked up that I have a slight obsession with sleeping at last)
sweetheart, you look a little tired
Jay almost always woke up before her. She had never known him to sleep soundly past six and on weekdays he was usually up at five or even earlier sometimes. 
It was a habit that had been ingrained into him during his time in the military and one she didn’t think he’d ever really outgrow.
Sometimes, he would get up when he woke and start his day by running or working out (he had tried to get her up too but it failed more often than it succeeded--she was more of a six-thirty am runner). He would get a shower, be dressed and have a coffee pot full of coffee waiting for her all by the time she forced herself to roll out of bed and come downstairs.
But more and more often, Jay had been staying in bed after he woke, preferring to hold her till she woke up. Hailey was fine with this arrangement, liking the feel of his strong arms wrapped around her and knowing that when she turned over, she would be met with bright green eyes and a smattering of red freckles.
So this morning when she woke, feeling cold and empty and alone she felt a little disoriented because she hadn’t woken without him at least somewhere in their bedroom in quite sometime.
She knew even before she opened her eyes he wasn’t there but she moved her legs and threw an arm in the direction of his side anyway, hoping to feel his warm body next to hers.
Hailey sat up, looking to her left with a frown at the tangled sheets but no Jay. She scooted over and found that his side was cold which meant he had been gone for a while but his phone was still on the nightstand and his clothes from the previous day were still thrown over the chair in their room.
He wouldn’t have gone anywhere without his phone and he was notorious for leaving his clothes strewn about on the floor unless she told him otherwise so she didn’t think he had gone somewhere and come back.
She hopped out of the bed, calling his name softly as she poked her head in their closet and ventured into their bathroom just in case he was taking a shower or something but he wasn’t there. She glanced at the clock on her nightstand and saw it was actually later than she thought. She must have forgotten to set her alarm last night--they had gotten in pretty late from a raid.
Brushing through her hair with her fingers, she pulled it up into a ponytail with the hair tie on her wrist as she walked downstairs upon not finding Jay in any of the rooms upstairs, “Babe? You down here?”
Hailey peeked into the living room and saw that there were blankets on the couch but still no Jay. She bit her lip, starting to get a little concerned when she walked into the kitchen to find him sitting at the island. His elbow was resting on the counter, propping his head up on his hand and he was looking off into space, bleary eyed.
“Jay, honey,” Hailey spoke softly, padding further into the room, being careful not to accidentally scare him.
It took a few seconds but eventually he blinked, focusing on her figure standing in front of him.
She put a hesitant hand on his chest, “Jay? Are you okay?”
He recovered quickly from whatever stupor she found him in, shrugging off her hand and stretching nonchalantly before pecking her cheek. She watched him grab his coffee cup off the counter as he slid off his chair, forcing her to step back. He moved to the sink and poured the still half-full cup of coffee down the drain, stetting the mug down.
He nodded to the coffee pot, “I made coffee.”
“You didn’t answer my question,” Hailey prompted, crossing her arms. He turned around and she ran a meticulous eye over his appearance, biting her lip in concern.
He was wearing sweat pants and a form-fitting t-shirt which wasn’t all that unusual except he preferred to sleep in boxers and even then, he never slept with a shirt on but the couch looked slept on. His hair was sticking up slightly and he looked tired, his eyes faintly red.
Jay tilted his head in confusion, yawning, “What question?”
She raised an eyebrow, “I asked if you were okay. And I was calling your name earlier. Did you not hear me?”
“Oh,” He scratched the back of his neck, “I uh--Just a little out of it this morning I guess, with the raid and all. I’m just tired.”
Hailey furrowed her eyebrows; she wasn’t quite sure she believed that, “Was it just the raid?”
He sighed, rubbing his forehead, “Okay, maybe I had a nightmare earlier this morning.”
She huffed in exasperation, giving him a look, “How many times have we talked about this? Wake me up. I’m right here.”
He smiled and he looked back to his normal self if not a little tired, “I know, I know but since we got in late last night I wanted you to get as much rest as possible. I was fine, I promise. Nothing I couldn’t handle on my own.”
He checked his watch, “We need to get ready or we’ll be late for work.”
She was still standing in her spot in the kitchen with her arms crossed when he came over to give her another peck on the cheek before retreating upstairs.
Slowly turning towards the direction Jay went, she narrowed her eyes in suspicion and concern. She was pretty good at spotting when he’d had a nightmare. She usually woke up when he was having it but she hadn’t this morning and when she’d found him in the kitchen with that spaced out look on his face, he had acted odd. Different. 
She wasn’t sure what it was but there was definitely something going on and she was going to figure it out.
The morning passed relatively smoothly and she kept an eye on him but she couldn’t detect anything really wrong. He seemed a little quiet and maybe a little more subdued when discussing things with the unit but that wasn’t anything to be worried over. He just seemed tired but then he’d sort of snapped at Adam and retreated down the stairs to grab some paperwork they needed.
It had clearly taken Adam aback and he turned in her direction but she responded with a shake of her head, telling him without words to let it go because she wasn’t sure what was going on and she wasn’t sure if she should push it just yet. Not unless whatever this was got in the way of the job.
Adam seemed to get her message and didn’t say anything about it. The day continued and she could tell he was trying to cover whatever it was that put him in this mood and he did an admirable job but she knew him. She could see through his act.
It wasn’t till Voight sent them to a scene did she feel the need to intervene and force Jay to tell her what was wrong.
Hailey eyed him carefully, watching as he jumped out of the truck. He hadn’t said anything the whole ride and while that wasn’t entirely unusual, there was still this broodiness she couldn’t quite put a finger on. 
They approached the scene, a patrol officer guarding the crime tape that had already been set up. Hailey glanced at Jay and when it was clear he didn’t intend to say anything she addressed the cop as Jay started to duck under the tape.
“We’re Intelligence.” The cop nodded and Hailey followed Jay in ducking under the tape, jogging to catch up to where he was starting to crouch down beside the body.
She stood beside him watching as he pulled the tarp covering the victim back to examine the bullet hole right over his heart. There were no signs of a struggle and it looked like the bullet had hit him point-blank in close range.
Hailey glanced at Jay who was still squatting, looking at the body but he seemed a little out of it. She furrowed her brows, “Jay? What do you think?”
He glanced at her then, shrugging his shoulders and standing up, “Don’t know yet.”
Jay turned and walked to a couple of patrol officers who were standing off to the side. Hailey frowned at his short answer, taking a couple of hurried strides to catch up to him again.
“You were first on the scene?” Jay’s tone was short and to the point and he almost sounded irritated. He was never one for much small talk when working a scene but he never sounded like he didn’t want to be there which was the vibe Hailey was starting to get.
She didn’t say anything though, instead she watched him carefully out of the corner of her eye, on high alert for whatever was bugging him.
“Yes sir,” The patrol officers turned to them, their postures straightening and their eyes widening. They also looked a little pale and fidgety which meant that they were probably, most definitely rookies and Jay was in a mood. Just great.
Jay pulled out a pocket-sized notebook to jot down information, glancing up at the two rookies that stood nervously in front of them, “Any witnesses?”
The two officers glanced at each other before the taller one piped up, “Yes sir, there was a lady on the scene when we arrived.”
Hailey frowned, glancing quickly around, looking for said lady and she saw Jay do the same. He turned back to the officers, a hard look on his face, “And where is this lady? We need to speak with her.”
“Um,” The shorter one swallowed, “After we initially spoke with her she said she needed to go pick her kids up from school so we got her information and we uh,” Both officers visibly gulped at the growing anger coming off of Jay and Hailey herself was a little taken aback at how aggravated he looked, “We got her information and let her go.”
“I’m sorry, you let her go?” Jay’s jaw clenched, “You don’t have the authority to let witnesses go. This is a murder case and you might have just let the killer walk free. She might be headed to Canada for all we know! Of all the idiot things two patrol officers could do this is about biggest.”
Hailey’s eyes were wide; Jay didn’t get riled up very often and when he did, it was most likely because someone deserved it. The officers had made Intelligence job harder and Jay was right, they should have kept the witnesses till she and Jay showed up but the rookies didn’t deserve this kind of treatment.
Jay was practically oozing irritation and he was rubbing the back of his neck like it was stiff. Hailey grabbed his elbow to drag him off to the side. This had gone too far; whatever it was that was putting him into this mood needed to stop.
“Jay,” She hissed, flinging a quick glance back towards the patrol officers who still looked a little shell-shocked, “That was uncalled for. Yeah, they made a mistake but you didn’t have to yell at them like that. They’re still inexperienced and they aren’t going to learn anything if you keep telling them all the things they did wrong. You know better than that, Jay. You know what’s like to be in their shoes.”
Hailey let out a huff, rubbing her forehead in thought watching as Jay didn’t say anything. He just had this funny expression on his face, “What the hell is your problem!? I mean, it’s not just this. You have been acting strangely all day, first this morning and then you’ve been in this funk, snapping at everybody. And now this? This isn’t like you and this isn’t from a nightmare.”
Jay didn’t say anything, just standing in front of her and Hailey got a good look at him. She cataloged everything from the way he was standing to his facial expression, trying to figure out what it was he wasn’t telling her about and then it finally clicked.
There was finally a little crack in the mask he’d been wearing all day and she could see how utterly miserable he looked, his forehead scrunching together like he had a headache and it hit her like a ton of bricks.
“Jay, are you sick?” Her face held a mixture exasperation and concern, “You don’t feel well, do you?”
Her hand immediately went to his forehead, “Honey, you’re burning up. Why didn’t you say anything!?”
How did she not notice this? She’d been watching him carefully all morning but it had never occurred to her that he might not feel well and now that she thought about it, he had felt a little warm when she’d brushed up against him in the bullpen earlier today and just now when she’d grabbed his elbow.
Jay shrugged, but even that looked painful to him now that he wasn’t trying to hide his illness from her, “It wasn’t that bad at first.”
Hailey’s eyebrows furrowed, her hand moving to rest on his neck, “At first? Meaning it’s worse now?”
He grimaced at his slip-up but didn’t try to refute her. She sighed, removing her hand from his neck and Jay missed the coolness and comfort of her hand immediately.
She reached into her back pocket, pulling out her phone, scrolling through her contacts then raising it to her ear. Jay frowned, “What are you doing?”
Hailey gave him a look that brokered no argument, “I’m calling Voight to tell him we’re going home.”
“What!? No,” He protested weakly, “I’m fine.”
She gave him another look, angling the phone slightly away from her mouth, “We’re going home and that’s final. You have a fever.”
Voight must have picked up because Hailey quickly moved the phone back to it’s proper position, “Hi Sarge. Yeah, we’re at the scene but you’re going to have to send Adam and Kim because Jay’s sick. I’m pretty sure he’s got a fever.”
There was a pause and he watched Hailey nod, “Yeah, apparently since this morning.” Another pause, “I was planning on it if it’s not too much of a problem.”
Hailey chuckled at something their boss said before saying goodbye and hanging up, sliding her phone back into her back jean pocket. She turned back towards Jay, holding her hand out, “Give me the keys. I’m driving.”
She could tell he wanted to fight her but he must have thought better of it because he nodded his head and reached into his pocket for the truck keys. Once he handed them off, she was making her way to where Jay had pulled the truck up to the scene, Jay trailing behind her looking like a miserable little boy who didn’t feel well and had gotten in trouble on top of it.
Hailey smiled to herself as she got into the driver’s side. He was her little boy and it was her job to take care of him even when he was stubborn and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
Once he climbed in, Hailey started the truck and headed towards their house. It was quiet and Hailey kept sneaking glances at her husband and she couldn’t believe he had hid how badly he was feeling because he actually looked pretty terrible.
Now that his guard was down, she could see how tired he really was and there were two red spots that had shown up on his cheekbones. He looked feverish and miserable as he laid his head against the window, his eyes closed. And he looked a little pale too.
Hailey pulled into the driveway, taking the key out of the ignition and unbuckling her seat belt. She opened her door, looking over at Jay who had fallen asleep. He must have really been sick to fall asleep in the middle of the day in a car.
She reached over, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder so she didn’t scare him, “Jay, honey,” She spoke softly, “We’re home.”
He shifted, his eyes opening blearily. She rubbed his arm, “Let’s get you inside. You’ll be a lot more comfortable.”
Once he was mostly awake and sitting up, she hopped out, shutting her door to come around to his side. He opened his own door and he was moving slowly like he was in pain and Hailey was starting to worry that this was more than a simple fever.
She followed his slow steps up to their front door and she quickly nudged her way in front of him so she could unlock the door for him. Once the door was open, she followed Jay to their living room and watched as he gingerly sat on the couch, his hand going to rest over his eyes.
She sat beside him, her hand going back to his forehead and she could have sworn it felt hotter than it did a few minutes ago.
Hailey frowned again, “Jay, tell me what hurts. I think you have a pretty high fever. What are your symptoms? And be honest with me.”
Jay removed his hand, letting his head loll in her direction. He cast her a bleary, sad gaze and Hailey felt her heart break at how pitiful he looked as she carded her fingers through his short hair.
“My head hurts,” He admitted. When he didn’t say anything else, she prompted, “And?”
He threw another glance in her direction and she knew how much he hated admitting that he wasn’t feeling well.
“And my body aches.”
Hailey bit her lip, “I think you have the flu, Jay.” She did another feel of his forehead and he leaned further into her, “I’ve heard it’s pretty bad this year.”
Jay gave a low groan, breathing out, “I can believe it.”
Even though she felt bad for him, Hailey couldn’t help the small smirk that came across her face, “Well, if someone would’ve gotten their flu shot this year, they wouldn’t sick.”
He looked up at her from where he was resting his head on her chest with puppy dog eyes and an adorable pout, “Don’t make fun. I don’t feel good.”
She gave him an exaggerated sympathetic look, brushing his hair back lovingly, “Oh my poor baby.”
Hailey bent down to give him a swift kiss on the top of his head before removing herself out from under him. She helped him lay down on the couch, pushing a pillow under his head and taking off his shoes, “I’m going to go take stock of all the medicine we have in the bathroom and then call Will to see what I should give you.”
“Hailey,” Jay whined, his eyes following her as she walked around the couch and into the kitchen, disappearing out of his sight.
“You’re taking meds. No if, ands or buts about it,” She called back to him as Jay grumbled loud enough to be heard.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
All day, Hailey answered every beck and call he had made, always with loving touch and soft kiss on his forehead. 
After getting flu information from Will, they’d determined the correct medication for him to take and she’d run out to the closest pharmacy. She came back with his favorite type of juice from when he was little and a golf documentary she’d just happened to see.
After some initial grumbling on Jay’s part, he finally decided to drop his ‘tough guy’ act and give into the care Hailey was trying to provide him with for which she was grateful for. Mostly because she wasn’t having to force feed him his medicine anymore.
It was still a pain to get him to take the medicine she was giving him but at least he wasn’t outright trying to refuse her. The complaining was still in full effect though especially because the medicine Will had told her to get wasn’t in pill form. 
But then she reminded him that she could always to take him to get shots instead and he usually stopped being grouchy and grudgingly swallowed the liquid Hailey was holding out in a tiny measuring cup.
She would refill his cup with juice or water, bringing it to him on the couch as she tided up the house, taking advantage of the unexpected time off to tackle chores. Always asking him if he needed anything and occasionally sitting with him for a half-hour or so to give him the comfort she could see he wanted.
And right now she was in the kitchen, making his favorite soup. He would never admit it but Jay secretly relished this time. 
He didn’t much care for being sick but he loved it when Hailey played nurse. She reminded him of his own mom when he got sick as a child but more than that it proved how great of a mom Hailey would be some day.
He didn’t get to see this side of his wife very often. Playing the role of domestic housewife, picking up and taking care of him and while he wouldn’t ever want her to give up the things that made her a freakin’ bad-ass detective, he enjoyed seeing this softer side of her. 
Hailey, the wife. Not Hailey, the cop. Watching the things only he saw.
She didn’t dote often but when she did, he would take it. Even if that meant feeling like crap.
“Hey honey,” Hailey came into the room with a bowl of soup in her hand and his medicine in the other, “You feel up to eating something?”
He sat up, trying not to wince from his sore muscles, “Yeah.”
“You don’t have to eat all of it. I just want something in your stomach other than juice and medicine,” She deposited the half-full bowl of soup into his hands before pouring the proper dosage of medicine in the small measuring cup for him, “And speaking of, it’s time for another dose of your medicine.”
Jay took a bite of soup, watching Hailey warily as she held out the cup full of purple liquid and grimaced at her stern look. He sighed and put down the soup. 
He had learned quickly that it didn’t go well if he tried to refuse so he decided he’d better just get it over with and take the stuff. He was still looking at Hailey with a sulky look as he obediently drank the disgusting medicine before making a ‘yuck’ face.
She took the cup from him and handed him his juice to wash it down with, giving him a satisfied smile.
“See, that wasn’t so bad was it?” He knew she was teasing him and he gave her a grumpy face. She chuckled, kissing him on the forehead, “You enjoy your soup. I’m going to go wash the dishes.” Hailey gave him a mothering look, “Call if you need something.”
Shaking her head, Hailey walked back into the kitchen to clean up. She put the medicine on the end of one of her counters before going over to dish out the rest of the soup into storage containers to put into the fridge.
She was glad that they were heading into the weekend, giving her more flexibility to look after Jay. Unless there was a major case that came up then she would be able to finish up the paperwork from the past week at home.
Hailey planned to keep Jay on the couch, resting and taking his medication the entire weekend so that hopefully by Monday he would be well enough to go into work. If that meant babying him for a couple days then so be it because he was a nightmare when everyone was at work but him. 
He was constantly calling all of them to ask for updates on whatever case they were working on because he was bored.
And while Hailey had never really known him to get sick like this, she knew what he was like when he got injured so she figured it would be similar.
In the whole time Hailey had known Jay, he had maybe gotten a couple of colds and never during their married life so this was a somewhat different experience for her. She was more used to gauze and PT exercises. Not soup and liquid medicine.
But fortunately, or unfortunately, she was a pro at getting Jay to take medicine because he gave her a hard time even with pills which made no sense to her but he always tried to convince her he didn’t like how narcotics made him feel and any antibiotics he was prescribed was making his immune system weak.
He was just stubborn. But she could be stubborn too.
She supposed she would be thankful for the experience when they had kids of their own who inherited their father’s stubbornness. 
Lord help her when that happened.
Hailey rinsed a dish, thinking of Jay in the other room and the events of the day. 
He had gone from moody and trying to cover up his sickness to a needy little boy who wouldn’t take his medicine, moping around her. 
Jay always tried to put up a tough guy act and it usually worked but not with her. Once he had been convinced to give it up, he was the most high-maintenance man she knew. She knew how clingy he could get when he was injured and it seemed to be even more so when he was sick because he had been calling her into the living room to ask for company all throughout the day.
She almost laughed out loud at how domesticated they had been today. She almost felt like she was playing house but it was real. She really had a husband who needed her from time to time, picking up after him and making him a homemade dinner. Something they didn’t usually have time for.
And while she wouldn’t trade her high-action life for anything, she secretly loved when these slow days came. Which usually meant Jay was injured but in this case he was sick and she couldn’t deny the satisfaction she got from taking care of him. Of doing the mundane things that came with a house and a husband.
Not that she’d ever admit it but standing there doing the dishes, listening to the Black hawks game Jay had turned on, knowing that he was in there, laying on their couch, well-taken care of made her heart swell in a way she didn’t ever think she’d ever get to experience.
The feeling of a safe, happy home and a bright future full of love. 
Even if that meant taking care of a grumpy Jay from time to time.
Was that ending to cheesy for you... I’m so terrible at endings but hopefully it wrapped the story up in some sort of profound, cohesive way. This started out as a small little sick fic but turned into a mammoth of a thing and honestly I wasn’t really sure what I was writing... I just knew I wanted Hailey to pick up on Jay’s not feeling well at work hence the prompt. Hopefully you enjoyed it and I’m trying my best to get through all these prompts but seeing as how I’m incapable of writing things under a thousand words, it takes a little while. I’m also trying my best to work on Dancing in the Minefields if any of you are following that...I know you guys deserve the next chapter but I’ve sort of lost steam on it and I’m trying to find the grove again. But in other news I have a couple of big fics coming your way and they are in progress but I’ve decided I’m not going to post them until it’s totally completed so I don’t leave you hanging!!
Anyway, let me know how you liked this prompt fic and I’ll see you next time! 
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carnalpleasure · 4 years
Part 2 of hospital!jim x reader 🏩 i didnt plan on writing a part two so lets see where this goes!!
warnings: drug mention, hospital mention, lots of angst?
Cupid & Psych
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You and Jim spent the rest of the night talking. He filled you in on what life was like in Palos Verdes. It was vastly different from your life in Santa Monica, even though the cities were only 40 minutes away from each other.
You chose to live in Santa Monica though. Poor Jim never had a choice when his parents moved him and his twin sister to the most stuck up city in LA county. The locals guarded their beaches more fiercely than wolf packs guard their territory. A rabid wolf wouldn’t stand a chance against a PV soccer mom.
Santa Monica was the polar opposite. It proudly shared its shore with the misfits of Venice Beach. They had everything from ferris wheels and roller coasters to freak shows and street performers. The residents were just as unique and eccentric as the city.
Almost every building was covered in street art. Some of it legal, most of it not. But all of it was beautiful to you. That’s why you chose to run away here.
But restarting your life didn’t bring you the kind of excitement and freedom you thought it would. No matter where you moved, your demons packed their emotional baggage and came too. And that’s how you ended up in the emergency room of the UCLA Health Center.
Jim talked for hours about his adventures with the Bay Boys. They were his only escape from his hellish home life. He idolized a few of them. Not just for their surfing skills, but for their freedom and their pride.
They didn’t care when some pissed off old people started yelling at them to get off the cliffs. Or when angry locals threatened to call the cops on them for playing their music too loud. They didn’t worry, they just flipped them off and partied harder.
But the best thing about hanging with the boys? They always had something around to take the edge off. Liquor, pills, weed, it didn’t matter. He wanted to try it all. And he did. And that’s how he ended up in the emergency room of the UCLA Health Center.
You’d had plenty of your own experiences with drugs. Anyone could walk down the Venice strip and easily meet some old hippie holding shrooms, acid, oxy... whatever the vice, it could be found in Venice. So for every shameful drug induced story he shared with you, you had one to match. And he was so relieved to have someone he could relate to.
The two of you quickly came to realize how many similarities you shared. You were the same age, although he was a few months older. You both loved being in the ocean, even in the winter. You both had neurotic moms and absent dads who preferred their new families. You were both young, lost, alone, and looking for a way out.
Your family was just as dysfunctional as his. Chaos had always surrounded your home like a curse and you got away from there the first chance you got. And now you avoided them like a virus.
But Jim wasn’t so lucky. Tomorrow he would be going back home to take care of his manic depressive mother. And he’d have to put on a brave face for his sister, even though he thought she was so much stronger than he was.
“She has it hard too,” his said with a frown. “My mom treats her like shit.. because she’s young, I guess?” he shrugged, sighing softly. “I don’t know. But it’s different. My mom puts pressure on her to look nice. Yeah, that sucks. But she’s got me doing everything with her now,” he groaned.
You were both lying in your beds now. There was barely a foot of space separating the beds, but you were both lying on the very edges, as close as you could possibly get to each other.
He was lying curled up in a relaxed fetal position, his face resting comfortably on the pillow and his hands tucked under. And you were lying on your side, propped up on your elbow to get a better view of him.
You were mindlessly playing with your hair, running your hands through the length of it and curling it around your fingers. You didn’t notice yourself doing it, but he couldn’t take his eyes off you.
You could see his eyes getting sleepy now. His blinks becoming slower, more drawn out as he fought to keep them open. Neither of you wanted to fall asleep tonight. It was like an unspoken agreement. You just kept taking turns talking to try to keep each other up.
“It’s not easy being.. Mommy’s Favorite,” he said sarcastically, cringing at the name and pouting.
“It’s like a full time fucking job.. all these new responsibilities. I’m paying bills and balancing checkbooks and I don’t even know what the fuck I’m doing.”
You could see him getting worked up. He was talking faster, his brows furrowed, and his bottom lip trembled. There was so much anger in his eyes but he looked like he just wanted to cry.
“I’m not ready,” his voice cracked.
Without thinking, you immediately got up from your bed and crawled into his. He slid back to make room for you, holding the lightweight blanket open until you were safely tucked away under it with him.
He pulled you into his arms from behind and you curled into his body. He broke down the instant he got his arms around you. You could hear his quiet sobs as he buried his face in your neck. You could feel his tears softly rolling down your skin.
He was holding you so tight, his whole body formed to match the curve of yours. You turned to roll over so you could face him. He quickly hid his face in your chest, and you held it close, running your fingers through his hair and up and down his neck softly.
That seemed to soothe him pretty quick. After a few minutes of lying with his head pressed to your chest, listening to your heartbeat, feeling your fingertips on his skin.. his breathing relaxed and his tears stopped.
The feeling of your fingertips brushing against his skin made him feel better than any high. You kissed the top of his head and he thought his heart was going to burst through his chest.
When he finally got all the tears out, his eyes fluttered up at you to gauge your reaction. He’d never cried in front of a girl before, besides his sister. He was basically trained to put on a happy face all the time and never show any unpleasant emotions. He almost felt mortified for letting you see him like that.
You just smiled down at him lovingly and let him wrap himself around you. His legs intertwined with yours and he rested his head on your chest. He closed his eyes, and you thought he might finally drift off to sleep. But he took a deep breath and quietly continued.
“She keeps calling me the man of the house.” He sounded so sad the way he said it. He needed to vent and you were the first person he felt comfortable enough sharing any of this with.
He couldn’t even talk like this with Medina anymore. She didn’t treat him the same anymore. She treated him more like a kid. It felt like she was always judging him now. For his choices, his habits, his friends. He always felt like he disappointed her.
“Really-“ he hesitated before finishing his thought, looking up at you nervously. You kissed the tip of his nose and that was more than enough to comfort him. “Really.. I think she’s just using me as a stand in for the husband she can’t let go of..”
He said it so quietly. There was fear in his eyes. It was the first time he’d ever admitted it to himself or to anyone. He could never say it out loud because it made him feel so guilty to think about his mom that way.
You ran your fingers lazily up and down his back, dragging your nails gently. You just wanted to take his mind off everything somehow. Give him a distraction. A different feeling to focus on.
His hospital gown was loosely tied at the top. You tugged on one of the strings until the knot unraveled and the back of his gown fell open, exposing his sun-kissed skin.
His muscles were firm and toned from all the paddling against the waves. Yet his skin was baby soft. He had freckles all across his back and shoulders. You traced your fingers over the little constellations, playing connect the dots with his beauty marks.
Your fingertips trailed lazily across his shoulders and down his spine. He just signed, easing in to the feeling of your touch. Resting his head comfortably on your breasts and nuzzling his face into them. He closed his eyes and a little yawn escaped his lips.
“Go to sleep, Jimmy,” you whispered tenderly in his ear before placing a soft kiss on his temple. He smelt like vanilla.
“I don’t wanna leave you,” he whimpered into your chest, shaking his head.
It melted your heart and then broke it. You’d been avoiding thinking about it all night, but the sky was already getting lighter out. You were going to be split up in just a few hours. As much as you wanted to hope for a happy ending, you didn’t expect this prince to come back for you.
You were still searching for something to say back when you felt his arms tighten around your waist. “Stay with me,” his voice was soft, almost fragile.
You had to say something to soothe him but you didn’t want to lie to him either. It physically hurt you to see how much he needed someone to love him. And god, you would’ve been the best at it.
If you had met each other under normal circumstances, you would’ve dated. Fallen in love. Made a family of your own together. And you’d never fuck it up. Your kids would be happy.
You may have been given a second chance at life, but you weren’t that lucky.
“I’m right here, baby. You can go to sleep, I’m right here,” you carefully assured him. You kissed the top of his head and brushed your fingers tenderly across his cheek. He nestled into your chest and your steady heartbeat slowly lulled him right to sleep.
But you didn’t dare fall asleep that night. You were in bed with an angel and you were going to cherish every last moment you had with him.
He’d spent the first few days watching you sleep, falling for you before he ever got to know you. And now here he was, spending his last few hours sleeping in your arms.
You couldn’t help but feel like Juliet, holding her late lover’s body for the last time. And you could understand now why she drove a dagger through her heart right after.
She was right. Parting is such sweet sorrow.
💕taglist: @sexwon131 @jimmason @whatcodysaid @theneverendinghunger @angelicmichael @thewarriorprincessxo (lemme know if u wanna be removed! xo)
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The universe can be a bitch (Part 2/2)
(this is a continuation of Nightcap)
Pairing: Sebstian Stand x OFC
Warnings: alcohol, smut 
Words: 5448
Summary: The rest of the day goes by rather smoothly, but when Anna finally arrives at her hotel, she found Anthony, Chris and Sebastian in the hotel bar as they are staying at the same hotel she is. Anthony can convice her to join them for drinks. She tries to ignore him to her best ability but Sebastian has his own ideas...
Previous chapters: Part 1
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tag list:
@himynamebel00  @obliviatevamps​​
Anna arrived back at her guests’ dressing room just in time. The good thing about being late, it gave you no time to think too much about the things you were doing or had just happened in an office across the venue.
“Alright, gentlemen. Good to see you all found your way back after lunch. It’s now time for your signing booths and as a great finish to this day, we have your panel”, she told them and waited in the open door for the three men to walk out and get going.
“Nice choice with the top there”, Sebastian said as he walked past her. “Shut up”, she rolled her eyes and looked at her printouts once again. “Trouble in paradise?”, Anthony asked with a pulled up eyebrow and seemed to enjoy this little back and forth. “It would feel like a paradise to me if you all would get going to your signings already”, she said with a fake smile and led the way through the hall towards the big door out to the general area.
Right at the door, Melvin was waiting for them to accompany the Civil War group through the fans. “Better?”, she asked him with a little side look. “Way better”, Melvin said with an approving nod and held his left fist up for a fist bump. She smashed her knuckles against his and couldn’t hold back a laugh.
Melvin really was one of the funnier security guards she had worked with in the last few years. He did a great job in guiding them through the crowds that gathered as soon as the men came closer without being too rough or pushing people aside. But to be fair, the fans were behaving really well.
Anna allocated her protégées to their signing booths and when she saw that everything was going smoothly, she walked over to the hall where they would have the panel to see if they were ready for them. People already started to gather at the entrances and were soon to be let in. She already saw that this was going to be a big crowd.
Anna couldn’t imagine speaking in front of such a crowd, let alone being funny and witty like Anthony was when she watched him speak about 90 minutes later from the side of the stage. He was sitting on a couch next to Sebastian and Chris was sitting in a big chair to Sebastian’s left. The interviewer was great as well, especially when he pulled out a bag of plums as a joke Anna didn’t get because she hadn’t seen the movie, but everybody cheered and laughed. Sebastian was taking a big bite of a plum and the juice was dripping over his lip onto his chin. Anna caught herself staring and wanting to lick the juice right off his skin.
Anna coughed and quickly looked away to calm herself down again. She felt her cheeks blushing. It had never happened to her that a man could do this to her without even touching or at least talking to her. He was just sitting up there, talking to the crowd or his fellow actors and friends and the way he did it, with such confidence, excitement and pure joy made her want to…ride him until he screamed her name.
Jesus Christ, what was she thinking? She really needed some fresh air. And a drink. She really needed a drink!
Outside the hall, Anna ran into Susan and they had a quick chat about the day so far and the work at such an event to get her mind off things until they heard the final applause from inside. Anna went back in just as the three actors finished the last photographs on stage and greeted them behind the curtains when they came off stage.
“Great panel, you guys. The crowd loved you”, she smiled into the little circle they had formed. “This actually marks the end of today. You’re free to go and I will see you tomorrow at 10 am”, she said and felt like a teacher dismissing her class. “It was nice to meet you, Anna”, Anthony said and hugged her goodbye. Anna was a bit surprised by that but hugged him back. Anthony was a really loveable guy and you immediately liked him when you met him. Chris hugged her as well and thanked her for her work today.
If he actually knew how hard she had worked all day long to contain herself around Sebastian and to do her job…
Then it was down to Sebastian. “Good job today”, she said to him which was the truth. “No hug?”, he playfully pouted and opened his arms. She wanted to say no but she knew it would look weird and more suspicious than if she just did it. “Of course”, she said and tried to put on a professional smile. She kept it short and almost jumped away from him when it was over.
“Okay, see you tomorrow”, she waved at the three of them and walked over to the employees area since Amber was here to escort them out, which Anna was very happy about.
While all the guests and the first fans started to leave, the staff, including Anna, had a meeting to talk about today and the next and final convention day. New schedules and printouts were handed out and after long 80 minutes everybody was dismissed.
“Now let’s get you to your hotel, you poor thing look like you could use some sleep”, Susan said to Anna and patted her shoulder. Just when Susan said that to her, Anna felt how tired she actually was and she couldn’t wait to get to the hotel and sleep until the next morning.
They got Annas suitcase and hopped into the next free cab they could find. Susan told the driver where to go and Anna almost fell asleep in the soft cushions of the backseat.
She must have actually drifted off because she felt like the cab had just took a left turn and then Susan told her that they have arrived. “I’m meeting with some friends from the convention for drinks later, if you want to join, you’re more than welcome”, Susan said as they walked through the doors of the hotel.
Before Anna could answer, she had to cover her mouth with her hand because of a big yawn that came just at the right moment. “Oh, poor thing, where is my head? You clearly just want to go to bed”, Susan shook her head over her own stupid question. “You just quickly check in and then straight to bed, okay?”, she said and held Anna an arm length away, with her hand on her shoulders. “That’s the plan”, Anna smiled and then hugged Susan goodbye. While Anna walked towards the reception, Susan quickly went to the elevators to change and then go back out again.
Anna received her key card, grabbed the handle of her suitcase and walked over to the elevators. She pushed the button and waited for one of the doors to open. “Hey Anna”, she heard behind her and turned around. She didn’t even notice the entrance to the bar of the hotel before, but now Anthony was coming towards her right out of that very door.
“Hey, Anthony”, she greeted him, kind of relieved that it was just him. “I didn’t know you were staying here as well”, he said and hugged her. “I didn’t know it myself until now. My colleague just brought me here, didn’t have time to check in this morning”, she explained. “Me and the guys are having drinks, come join us”, Anthony offered. The guys? Sebastian was here as well? Of course he was staying at the same hotel. She had to concentrate really hard not to roll her eyes.
“That’s really nice, but I’m very tired. I’m glad I’m not falling asleep standing here”, she said and hoped he would not try any longer to invite her for a drink. Well, he didn’t get the memo…
“Come on, just one drink. I think we all could use one after today. See it as a nightcap”, he suggested and stood in front of her with an inviting gesture towards the bar. Nightcap…if this one turned out like the last one she had, she wouldn’t get much sleep this night either. She wanted to say no again but somehow she knew he wouldn’t give up and she didn’t have the power to hold against him. Also Anna really craved a drink.
“Alright, just give me 5 minutes to get my suitcase up to my room and freshen up”, she sighed and just at that moment, the elevator arrived to take her up to her room. “And don’t you dare cop out, I’ll find you and drag you down myself”, he joked but Anna wasn’t too sure about it. She was 90 percent sure that he would actually do it.
“Yeah, yeah, just order me a drink…anything with alcohol will be fine”, she said and had to smile when she saw Anthonys satisfied face that he was able to convince her to join their little after work drinking. What was the worst that could happen? Both of them had to behave in front of Chris and Anthony and she really needed him to.
Anna got up to her room and tried not to pay too much attention to the comfortable looking bed in front of her and walked right into the bathroom to remove her make-up and wash her face with cold water to wake her up a bit. She brushed her hair and put on just a little mascara to look alive. She then changed her clothes to a blue top and a white knee long skirt. Anna was glad she had a second pair of high heels with her. She would have loved to wear her sneakers but that would look just stupid with the skirt. And to know that Sebastian was down there, she at least wanted to look decent.
She grabbed her keycard and when she was about to leave the room, caught her reflection in the mirror by the door. A little lipstick couldn’t hurt. Anna rushed back to the bathroom, applied a berry colored lipstick and then finally left her room.
Downstairs at the bar, she looked over the room with a searching view and discovered Anthonys face at a table in the back corner. She walked over and he saw her first. “Anna, I’m glad you actually came”, he said and got up to greet her with hug and let her slide onto the bench of the booth. “I didn’t dare to stay away”, she laughed and sat down. She ended up sitting in the middle of Anthony and Chris, which she greeted with a little sitting hug, and Sebastian was sitting across the table from her. She just gave him a nod and a little mouthed Hey.
“We ordered you a drink. Sebastian recommended a Jack Daniels”, Anthony said and placed a glass with brown liquor in front of her. “I thought you might like it”, Sebastian said with a flirty voice before he took a sip from his own drink. “I came to like it recently”, she said and looked straight at Sebastian when she took her first sip, remembering how she tasted it on his lips the last time. He looked right back, with a smug grin on his face, basically eyefucking her. Chris and Anthony exchanged some looks that Anna and Sebastian didn’t even notice.
“So, Anna, tell us a bit about yourself”, Anthony said and turned himself a bit to face her. “Is this a job interview?”, Anna laughed, happy that she could distract herself by looking at Anthony. “No, no, but we don’t know anything about you and you probably know anything about us”, he explained. “I wouldn’t go that far, but I know a few things; just the basics really”, she waved off. “Where do you come from?”, he kept asking. “Originally, I’m from Chicago, but I moved to New York for work with my sister when I was twenty, that was…ah, 7 years ago”, she told him. “Sebastian lives in New York too. It’s a miracle you two didn’t run into each other at some point”, he said and threw a little side look to his friend.
Anna turned her head as well for a second and caught Sebastian rolling his eyes. “It’s still New York, I don’t think that’s a miracle at all”, Chris joined the conversation. “Yes, I think so too”, Anna laughed and looked at Chris. “You’re from Boston, right? My brother in law is from there”, she said. “Oh really?”, he asked with honest interest, at least it seemed to her. “Yes, he’s a great guy, but that seems to be Boston number one’s export”, she joked and Chris actually blushed a bit.
She took a quick look at Sebastian to see his reaction about her flirting with his friend. He just looked at her with a light grin on his face like he was saying, “Nice try”.
“They got married 4 years ago and moved to New Jersey. A year later their daughter Rebecca arrived and last month we celebrated little Nicky’s first birthday”, she told them and didn’t know why she gave them the life story of her sister Marissa. Probably to avoid talking about herself because there was really nothing to tell.
Apart from last night, there wasn’t happening anything exciting or remotely interesting in her life. And that’s although she was meeting a lot of rich and sometimes actually famous people at the events she worked at.
“Is she your older sister?”, Anthony asked. “She’s actually two years younger and I hear that every time I go back home. For my mother, having your life together, means having a husband and kids”, she said and looked down at her drink which she took a big sip of. She started to like that drink and not just because of what or whom she associated it with.
“Oh I get that. Both my sisters are married and the oldest has 3 kids and my mom keeps reminding me that I’m not getting any younger”, Chris said and took a sip from his beer. “Oh no”, Anna laughed and felt weirdly connected to Chris because of their moms.
They kept on talking a bit more about their mothers and siblings and then moved on to Annas job in New York and she told them a bit about some weird guest requests or ones that were hard to handle.
The waiter had just brought her second drink, a Cosmopolitan, her absolute favorite, with a little piece of lime on the edge of the glass.
Anna felt more comfortable around Sebastian, probably due to the alcohol she had consumed without having something to eat, but she felt good. Actually she felt a little flirty and this time she directed it towards Sebastian to see what he would do with it.
While Anthony and Chris told a story from shooting the last Captain America movie, Anna looked at Sebastian when she took a sip of her drink. When she put her glass down again, she took the lime and put it up to her mouth. Just like after a shot of tequila, she put her lips around the fruit and sucked the juice out of its flesh. Little splashes of it dropped down her chin and she licked her lips to catch it. Sebastian, who had been leaning back in his chair, sat up straight and rested his elbows on the table, leaning closer to her. With her thumb, she caught the drops off her chin and sucked them off. Sebastian licked his lips as a reply to it.
“Alright, it’s getting pretty late, I think I’m gonna go to bed”, Chris said and ripped Anna out of her stare. She didn’t even notice that the two had stopped talking. She was weirdly embarrassed and looked down to hide her blushing face. “You’re right, it’s late. I should go to bed too”, she hastily said and didn’t dare to look at Sebastian again to not make him take it as an invitation. “No, stay, your drink is still half full”, Chris waved it off and almost pushed her back down onto her seat.
“Anthony, you’re tired too, right? Accompany me to the elevators”, Chris said and looked at him very intensively. “Nah, I’m good”, he shrugged his shoulders and looked at Anna and then Sebastian with a big grin. “That wasn’t a suggestion”, Chris said through clenched teeth, still trying to hold up his smile. Sebastian dropped his head, clearly getting what his friends or more like just Chris, was trying to do.
Anthony got up very unwillingly and Chris and he hugged her goodbye. Anna lightly shook her head as she watched them walk away. “Did you tell them about us?”, she asked with an angry look on her face. Tomorrow would be one hell of a day!
“I didn’t need to. You were basically sucking that piece of lime dry while eye-fucking me, right here. And I happen to know you're not too bad at this sort of thing”, he smirked and took a sip from his drink. Anna rolled her eyes. “Oh, shut up”, she sighed.
“I don’t get why you’re still trying to convince yourself that you don’t like me”, he said and leaned back in his seat again. “It’s because I don’t like you, we just shared a…night together”, she responded and had to hold back a descriptive word like awesome, mind-blowing or orgasmic.
“If that doesn’t make you like me, what will?”, he joked and ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m working at the Wizard World which makes you a client. My contract actually forbids me to like you”, she said and took another sip from her drink. “You’re off work right now”, he held against it and thought that this was reason enough.
It started to make her mad that he was taking everything so lightly. It annoyed her so much because she would love to be able to forget about her work ethics and just give in to him but she just didn’t do stuff like this. She has always been the good girl. If she had known that Sebastian was a client, she would never have let him into her room last night, let alone her pussy.
But god, those blue eyes and the way he was looking at her…she would really love to give in…just one last time…
She grabbed her glass and emptied it with one sip. “You’re right, that’s why I go to bed”, she said determined, grabbed her keycard and scooted out of the booth. Sebastian dropped his head with a huff.
When Anna was like two steps away, she turned around and said, “Are you coming or what?” and then started walking towards the elevators. Sebastians head shot up and he looked at her with surprise that quickly turned into a dirty smile, but Anna just kept on walking and didn’t even see his reaction. She pressed the button for the elevators and tried to calm the butterflies in her stomach. This would only count as cool if he would follow her.
Just as the doors slid open and Anna stared into an empty elevator, he suddenly spun her around and pushed her in until her back hit the mirrored wall. With a little side-bend, he pushed the button for his floor and even before the doors closed, he pressed his mouth onto hers and let his tongue slide into her mouth. Her fingers ran through his hair, pulling on them to get him even closer to her. She bit and sucked his lower lip and felt the rush of having him that close and she wanted to feel his hands all over.
Anna didn’t know what had gotten into her but she sure hoped that it would be Sebastian in a few minutes!
The elevator stopped and it took them a second to realize that the doors had opened. Sebastian let go of her mouth and took her hand. He guided her to his room. A little green light lit up when he put his key card into the lock and then the door swung open. “Just so you know, I paid for our drinks”, he said with a smirk. “Was about time”, she said as she walked into his room, turned around and kissed him again before he got the chance to close the door.
He put his hands on her ass and lifted her up. As a reaction, she wrapped her legs around his waist and he had to push the door close with his foot. Her skirt was rid up at her waist and his hands were touching her bare skin. For a second she wished she wouldn’t even wear panties right now just to see what his reaction to this discovery would have looked like.
“Remember…what you…said…to me…earlier today?”, Anna asked between kisses. Sebastian just nodded as he walked into his bedroom, carrying her on his waist. “I wanna hold you to your word”, she mumbled at his lips. Anna could feel very clearly how much he remembered their little talk at the coffee bar.
Instead of carrying her to the bed as she had assumed, he walked over to the big window that went almost from top to bottom. He put her down and spun her around. Anna supported herself on her hands pressed against the cold glass. It looked like they were pretty high up, but she was still afraid that someone could see her. But no light was switched on in his room and standing here in the dark room made it feel even more like a secret and it sure turned her on.
“Don’t turn around”, he whispered at her ear and then sucked at the soft skin behind it which caused her head to drop back onto his shoulder. His hands wandered from her sides to her front and up to the straps of her top. He pulled it straight down together with her bra, resting it on her rib cage, just enough so he had access to her breasts. He pinched her nipples hard with his fingers which caused her to gasp and stick her ass out, meeting with his crotch and his hard cock. She could feel it pulsating through his jeans.
Sebastian put one hand on her back and slowly pushed her upper body down so her ass was high up. The next second she felt his hands pull up her skirt that had went down a bit when he had put her down, all the way up until it was rolled up at her waist. With one flowing motion he pulled down her panties all the way to her ankles. She inhaled loudly as the cool air was touching her wet center, but she wasn’t able to catch a clear thought because the next moment she felt Sebastians tongue gliding through her wet folds, all the way from bottom to top. “Oh fuck”, she pressed out, arching her back and stuck her ass out even more.
Just when she thought it couldn’t get any better, she felt two fingers glide into her throbbing pussy. “Sebastian”, she hissed and leaned her forehead against the cold glass. “God, you look so hot, Anna”, he said and she could hear how hard he tried to control himself. Oh, how she wished he wouldn’t! Just when she thought he would let her come, he pulled his fingers back out and she felt cold where his mouth had been. She wanted to see his face, to touch him, but he had told her to not turn around and she really wanted to know what he was up to.
Anna heard the rustling of clothes being taken off and dropped to the floor and she bit her lower lip in anticipation. Then she heard the sound of a package ripped open. “Do you have any idea how hot you look with your ass stuck out and your panties dangling at your ankles?”, he asked and she had to close her eyes to keep her from coming right there from hearing his words.
He slightly pulled up her right foot a bit to remove her panties from one leg to spread her legs a bit further. He rubbed his rock hard cock along her drenched pussy. Without further warning he pushed all the way in, causing Anna to scream out loud. “Fuck”, he said through clenched teeth. After two, three slow strokes, he started to pick up the pace, holding her steady at her hips.
Standing in front of him, with her ass out, still in her heels, he was able to push in deep with every thrust. The room was filled with the sound of heavy breathing and their bodies smashing together. “Oh god, Sebastian, fuck me hard”, she pressed out with a moan, pushing herself further against him with her hands on the window. She didn’t even care if somebody would see them right now. She wasn’t able to form any clear thoughts in her head besides the wish for Sebastian going even deeper than he already was.
Her head was pulled back by her hair and her next moan got stuck in her throat. “Tell me what you want, babe”, he grunted close to her ear. “I want you to make me cum”, she moaned and the thing she felt wasn’t just warm, it was hot, burning hot, rapidly building up from her center, rushing over her whole body. She started to clench her walls around his hard, throbbing cock and couldn’t wait for the moment her orgasm would wash over her. Literally a second before it happened, he pulled out. “Hey!”, she spat out in confusion. He spun her around again, picked her up and let her slide right back onto his cock.
He moved forward until she had the cold glass of the window in her back which caused her to inhale loudly and she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I want to see your face when you come”, he mumbled and pressed his lips against hers. She immediately opened her mouth and let in his tongue, eagerly sucking and playing with it.
“I’m going to come”, she mumbled into his mouth. Sebastian pulled his head back. He pressed her against the window while he fucked her hard and fast and Anna started to see stars. She wanted to close her eyes because she didn’t know if she had the strength to keep them open, but she knew how much it turned him on to watch her come. So she concentrated on his face, locked eyes with him, sinking into his stare, much like she was in trance. She entangled her fingers in his hair.
Anna felt her orgasm come in such big waves that her breath got caught in her throat and a deep guttural sound came out of her mouth as she came around his big, hard cock. Her nails dug deep into the skin of his shoulder. She inhaled loudly as she was able to breathe again and actually saw little stars in front of her eyes. “Oh god!”, she groaned loudly.
Sebastian carried her over to the bed and put her down without pulling out. He placed her right at the edge so he could keep standing up straight as he continued to fuck her. Anna wasn’t sure but it looked like he didn’t come yet. He held her legs up by her ankles as he pounded into her dripping pussy that was still throbbing from the orgasm. Anna pulled her shirt and bra off. Her panties must have fallen off her ankle as he had picked her up.
“You…look…so…fucking…hot”, he grunted with every thrust, his disheveled hair made him look even sexier than he already did. His face was flushed and little drops of sweat glistened on his forehead. To know that she was responsible for the way he looked right now turned her on so much and she felt that warm feeling again. She didn’t even know that it was possible, although she had heard from multiple orgasms, but she always thought that this was an invention from Sex and the City.
“Sebastian”, she just said and it sounded like she was begging. He moved slower now, almost pulling out, just to thrust back in as deep as he could. “Oh god”, she moaned. Sebastian wasn’t able to form any words. He just grunted and concentrated on not coming too early. He could feel that she was on her way to come again and definitely wanted to see that happen. He pushed her up on the bed and followed right away. He wanted to be close to her when she came again, just like before. He wanted to stare right into her eyes, feeling her melt in his arms, moaning his name.
“Come for me, Anna. Come for me”, he mumbled at her ear, his hips starting to move uncontrollably. He knew he couldn’t hold it much longer without exploding. Sebastian lowered his head and sucked her hard nipple, biting it. Annas breathing became heavier and louder and he could feel her walls tightening around him. Oh fuck!
He couldn’t hold it back any longer and pounded hard into her as he came with a loud and deep grunt. The feeling of her walls clenching around him made him come so hard like he didn’t have sex in months. It was unbelievable what this woman could do to him.
Even minutes later, both were breathing heavily, lying next to each other. Anna was still wearing her heels and her skirt was rolled up at her waist. “That was unbelievable”, she said. Out of the corner of her eye she saw how he just nodded, not ready to form any words yet.
Anna wanted to remove her shoes and skirt but she didn’t know if she was even supposed to. Last time, Sebastian left her room almost right after they were finished. Now she wondered if it was her turn to get dressed and leave.
She probably should, right now, and not drag it out until it would be embarrassing. Because tomorrow would be embarrassing enough when she was back at work.
“Don’t you want to take off your shoes? Or do you want to sleep in them?”, he suddenly asked and she looked over to him. “Do you want me to stay?”, she asked and hoped it didn’t sound too hopeful. “If you want to…I hate sleeping alone”, he said with a smirk and moved his face closer so he could kiss her gently on her lips. “I guess, I could help you with that”, she smiled and kissed him back.
Then she rolled over and got off the bed. She stepped out of her high heels and pulled down her skirt, well aware that she was full on showing her naked ass, but it was dark, just a few street lights providing the room with a soft light.
Sebastian pulled up the blanket from beneath him and held it open for Anna when she crawled back in. She cuddled up to Sebastian, resting her head on his shoulder. The little light in the room allowed her to see the bite mark she had left on him last night. She followed the little half circle with her finger. Sebastian put his hand up to touch the part of her skin where he had bitten her today. “A bite for a bite”, he said and Anna chuckled.
All of a sudden she felt very tired and worn out. Staying up that late and two orgasms really took their toll. “Goodnight, Sebastian”, she mumbled at his shoulder and wrapped her arm around his waist. “Goodnight, Anna”, he whispered and wrapped his arm, the one she was lying on, around her back.
She took a deep breath of his scent. She would enjoy every second of having him that close to her. It would end soon enough when they would part ways tomorrow after the Con. She also didn’t want to think about the consequences she would have to face if anyone found out about them, she would have time to deal with it tomorrow.
This moment right now belonged to her and Sebastian. She snug up to him even closer and a few moments later drifted off into a deep, well earned sleep.
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ohallthecrushes · 4 years
Insomnia // Arthur Fleck x Reader
A/N: I’m baaack, lol. This request was in my box for some time, but I finally finished it. I hope you like it. :)
Summary: Anonymous requested: Reader doesn't sleep often because they have really bad nightmares that result in anxiety attacks. Arthur is super worried. Reader would fall asleep for a few seconds before snapping awake and grabbing either a redbull, soda or a coffee. Arthur feels bad about this but he ends up slipping a sleeping pill in reader's drink. Reader passes out n he takes them to bed. He comforts and calms them when their nightmares start.
Word counts:2320
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You didn’t know when your nightmares exactly had begun and what had caused them. What more important you didn’t know how to stop them or at least avoid all factors that triggered them. What worse, you couldn’t hide your anxiety and the effects of the lack of sleeping you’d recently experienced.
You couldn’t focus on anything, your memory barely function properly and your mood was lower than low, you became more irritated and jumpy.
So brittle in Arthur’s eyes.
To be honest, you felt bad for Arthur even more than for your own self. Bad for him having to see you in that poor state you’d been in, bad for him wanting so desperately to help you, but couldn’t and therefore being extremely worried about you. Constant nightmares and lack of sleep put a bad impact on your health and look, in a strange way you had found a way to deal with it though - tons of energy drinks, coffee and staying awake seemed to help you avoid your nightmares. But it was very unhealthy and that way of copping was destined to fail eventually.
You didn’t want your boyfriend to be worried about you. He had his own struggles and fears to deal with. Arthur was such a sweetheart as your boyfriend, he always tried his best for you, and he always took care of you when you were in a bad shape mentally and/or physically, and he gave you his strength to get through the day when you needed.
He was always there for you, and vice-versa, you were always there for him too. You were strong together, you supported one another, understood each other and you were one of those couple that with no single doubt were meant to be.
But even with all the love and support, sometimes things got too bad and ugly that neither of you knew what to do anymore to fix it.
Your nightmares only got bad with time and even with Arthur’s care, therapy and your both efforts to try to reduce the stress, you still were haunted by dreadful and tiresome images.
You started to drink a lot more Redbull and coffee than usual to stay awake, a lot more than any other drinks you had. Way too much for Arthur’s taste.
He observed you even more attentively than before. He noticed every signs of your distress and anxiety and he was deeply concerned about you. He didn’t want you to know that, but he was freaking out inside for not being able to help you get rid of the problem.
He completely understood it, he had very similar problem with insomnia as well. He was haunted by nightmares from time to time that caused him to wake up all sweaty and afraid. He couldn’t sleep because of his anxiety and depression. The only relief he had was with you sleeping by his side, comforting him when he woke up after having a really bad dream.
For him it had gotten better after you moved in together. His insomnia had clearly withdrawn and he slept more peacefully beside you. You were his angel and teddy bear, his one and only, and you were more than he could ever imagined.
He didn’t understand why it was different for you. He tried to figure it out as well. He even took into account that he might be the reason for your nightmares, that maybe you hated living with him but couldn’t admit it. Those thoughts made him very sad, but then he reminded himself how often you were saying that you loved him and how much comfort he was giving you by simply being in your life.
You loved him, he had no doubt about it. But you were in distress and pain and that was making him so worried and concerned. He knew how terrible and exhausted insomnia was. He didn’t want you to share the same fate as him. You didn’t deserve it. His. One. And. Only. Didn’t. Deserve. It.
He clenched his fist everytime you left for work after only a few hours of sleeping. As you took your fifth Redbull at work, Arthur were smoking his tenth cigarette and clenched his fists angry at his own helplessness.
One night, you woke up almost screaming, with a heavy beating of your scared heart in your chest and with tears in your eyes. For a moment you didn’t recognize your bedroom, so real that nightmare was, you had been detached from reality and still in your nightmare even after you woke up.
Arthur was by your side awake as well, his arms already wrapped around you firmly to protect you from invisible monsters from your head. His lips trembling, but calming you down with soft words and taking you back to him, ensuring you that nothing would hurt you, nothing would even try as long as he was with you, and he’d always be with you, no matter what.
You looked at him, you looked at his worried face and you nodded your head trying to believe him. You couldn’t say a word, your body was shaking, but you tried to even your breathing with his as he put your hand on his chest, letting you feel his heart beating and his chest moving steadily, so you could synchronize with him.
For the next few minutes you were siting on his lap and rested your head onto his chest. He was stroking your hair and telling you sweet nothings.
You felt falling asleep again, but you shook yourself out of it as soon as you realized that.
- You need to sleep - he said with a worrying voice.
- No, I- I can’t - you disagreed as you already knew that all you needed was an energy drink - I have to go to the bathroom and...
Make myself a coffee - you thought to yourself.
Arthur was aware of what you didn’t say, though he also had some idea. Idea that might not be good in moral sense, but...
- Mhmh... - he kissed the top of your head and let you slide off his thighs - Go to the bathroom, and... meanwhile I’ll make you a tea. What do you think? Instead of coffee?
- I don’t know... - your voice was low, you couldn’t look at his face, knowing that you were disconcerting him much more than his heart could take. But there was nothing you could do about it, or at least that’s what you thought.
- Herbal tea will calm you down and I’ll stay with you all night to keep you company if you want to stay awake.
He took your hand in his, searching for your eyes trying to assure you that he’d be there protecting you all night, that you didn’t have to worry.
You licked your lips and sighed - I don’t want you to be awake because of me. You go to work at 7, you need to get some sleep...
A faint smile appeared on his face.
- As well as you darling - he thought, but said - I’ll be fine - instead.
He walked you to the bathroom door and then headed to the kitchen. As a kettle was placed on the stove, he took your favorite cup and a bag of herbal tea. The idea he’d had before came back to him and his eyes landed on a blister pack of sleeping pills. He hesitated when he reached for it. He didn’t know if that was something he should do or not, but he couldn’t think of anything else. He only meant good for you and he was sure that it was something you needed. Also he knew it wouldn’t do any harm to you. He was cautious with pills. It wasn’t the first time he slipped some pills into someone’s food and drinks.
He counted the pills, minding how many he could gave you. His plan was as simple as it could be. Maybe a little desperate too, but what else could he do? You hadn’t been sleeping properly for a week now and it was getting only worse. It was another night when you forced yourself to be awake. It broke his heart to see you suffer like this.
The water was boiled and he heard you flushing the toilet, so he hurried and mangled the pills into your drink.
You walked out of the bathroom and found Arthur standing in the living room with a cup of tea in his hand. He was ready to go back to the bedroom, but you stopped him.
- Let’s sit on the couch, ok? - you said with a tired voice before you yawned.
You yawned again as you sat down and searched for a remote control.
Arthur sat down beside you and put the cup on the table.
The tv clicked and the screen lightened up with a bright blue color.
He wasn’t interested in whatever was on the screen, his eyes were on you, examining the dark bags under your eyes.
He wanted to kiss them, but he didn’t want to be weird about it.
He lifted his arm for you instead and you quickly took your tea before you made yourself comfortable under his protectiveness.
You both were just cuddling, not so much invested into watching a movie. You were sipping your tea and wondered if Arthur would let you make yourself a coffee later, while Arthur was just waiting until his plan worked.
It started working pretty soon after you yawned the third time and felt your eyelids getting very heavy. You forced them to stay open, but you couldn’t focus on anything you were looking at. Your vision weren’t blurry, just... it’s like you were dizzy, but in a different unknown way.
You rubbed your eyes and took a big sip of your tea. If not tea than maybe coffee would keep you awake.
You moved and leaned forward to put the cup back on the table, but somehow you missed the tabletop that apparently were farther than you’d thought and you almost dropped the cup.
- Damn it... - you shook your head to wake yourself up, but it only made the dizziness stronger. Your body felt weird to you, like it lost its strength, your perception was deceiving you and you had no idea what was happening to you.
Arthur’s hands hold your arms as if he was afraid you could fall down. He guided you back and gently pressed you to his chest.
- You sure, you don’t want to go to the bedroom, honey? - he said with a soft almost pleading voice.
He felt bad about the pills. Also worried that you would be upset at him if you found out. He hoped you just slowly drifted into a dreamless sleep, but he knew you would be trying to stay awake.
Not for long of course.
Fighting with sleeping pills were pointless.
- I’m good, Artie, just... - you wanted to say something, but forgot the word - I need to... - you pointed at the bathroom as you slowly stood up.
- Yeah, sure, sweetheart. Just come back quick, alright?
You nodded and took two steps before you felt lightheaded and you had to throw your hands up to regain the balance. It was as if you were walking on an invisible rope. Way too high above the ground.
Once again you felt Arthur’s hands saving you from falling as he grabbed your waist from behind you and helped you stand straight.
- Are you alright?
- Umm, not sure... - you turned around to him and your vision became more darker. It was weird. You heard the tv was on, but it was as dark as if it weren’t. The vertigo in your head just continue making you lost your balance.
You couldn’t stand anymore. Your legs were weak. They felt too light, like in contrast to your heavy eyelids. You managed to grip on Arthur’s shirt before you felt yourself falling.
- I’m sorry... - Arthur’s voice reached your ears right before you lost your conscious.
He effortlessly caught your ragdoll body from falling on the floor and lifted you up. He talked to you as he was carrying you to the bed.
- Don’t worry Y/N, you’ll be fine. I’m right here beside you. You needed to sleep, you see... I had to do something. But don’t worry, it’ll be a deep sleep with no dreams. You’ll feel better when you wake up, I promise.
You couldn’t hear it in your sleep, but he talked to you anyway as he placed you gently on the bed and kissed your forehead before he slipped under the cover to lay beside you.
You seemed to sleep peacefully for the rest of the night while he kept his promise and stayed awake to watch over you.
When you woke up, Arthur was already gone. It was 10a.m. and you couldn't remember when was the last time you slept for so long. And so deep. You didn’t remember if you dreamed about anything and it was better that way. You felt rested and those weird experience from earlier disappeared. Your morning had started good, though you were disappointed that Arthur weren’t present.
You looked at his pillow and saw a paper apparently torn out from his journal. You unfolded it right away and smiled to yourself. You would recognize his handwriting anywhere.
“Dear love,
I hope you had a good sleep witout any nitemares and that you feel beter now. I also hope that the rest of your day passes in a good way too. I can’t wait to see you again and hold you in my arms! I love you so so so much my One and Only. :)
Lots of kisses, Arthur”
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