#anywaY long rambles but yes yes anon i agree with you
fryday · 4 months
I think about this a lot but they definitely obviously are considerably different off camera and I think the closest we got to seeing that is not all the current videos but the final google feud with all the whining and play fighting and general dumbassery
hugely agree. i generally have a case to make for videos in which they are slightly tired / low energy for whatever reason - why? because the walls lower!! when they just don't have it in them to lean into being DnP™️, they just become dnp. the people, the best friends, the lovers, etc. i loooove the final google feud, and i loooove the pizza mukbang video, for this same reason.
(edit: more recently i would say the sisyphus video had very much this same vibe. some exceptional softness + whining going on in that video)
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crystallizsch · 7 months
Random Thought, please humor me.
SURPRISE: YUUSHA GAINS MAGIC (By absorbing the Magic around her & dealing with Overblots)! Even better, she doesn't need a Mage Stone to control it! What would Yuusha's Unique Magic be & how does she use it? How would Jamil react?
"Magic makes people feel too powerful. Too entitled."
"That is not what magic does. That's just your fear. Fear is what can't be trusted."
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HELPPP anon your random thought sent me down into a rabbit hole and i was hyperfixated on this for at least a WEEK 😭
anyways i also had an agonizing realization that yuusha is somewhat twisted elsa/anna because she has:
braid in front ✅
light-colored hair streak ✅
love interest that used her for his schemes ✅
desire to connect with people bc of years of loneliness (and emotional instability) ✅
unresolved childhood trauma in general ✅
(and probably more idk, these are the ones that stand out to me at the moment)
i haven't thought about frozen for YEARS and somehow it's still haunting me.
i have a lot of mixed feelings about this realization in general but the reason i brought this up is because i ended up basing yuusha's unique magic on frozen (not the ice powers part, but more the emotions aspect since elsa's powers work based on her emotions) while also still having aspects of yuu's own personality on it.
(also I'm sorry in advance i keep on dropping random lore about yuu and jamil's dynamic that only makes sense to myself hndsfhdsj)
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I'm your friend. You don't have to hide. SHOW YOURSELF.
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"Show Yourself" forces the target to say what's actually on their mind as long as she touches them. Since she's not particularly powerful and skilled with her own unique magic in the beginning, it's limited to skin-to-skin contact, and it only lasts for as long as she's touching her target.
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If Yuu trained it more, it doesn't have to be skin-to-skin, just as long as she makes some kind of physical contact with her target; and it could last for as long as she wants even if she is no longer making physical contact. (But the longer she keeps it up, the more blot accumulates.) Yuusha would mostly just use her unique magic to mess with people. It'll only be rare that she chooses to use it for something serious.
To add more onto how Jamil would react to these magic shenanigans: They've both agreed on not using their unique magic on each other. To do so would be a breach of trust. (Of course there would be special exceptions but generally that's their agreement.) And since Jamil is still a scheming prick (affectionate), her "Show Yourself" unique magic would be useful. Plus, Yuu would not be against using her unique magic 99% of the time since she is also aware of the usefulness of her ability. Jamil would insist on helping Yuu out on how to use her magic because there was no way she'd get the hang of it immediately. And he knows she would refuse to ask any other (capable) magician for help.
An alternate idea that I scrapped was "Let It Go" where it's essentially Yuu telling her target to let go of their (usually negative) emotions. But those feelings can't just disappear so Yuu basically absorbs them so now it's her burden to carry instead. I scrapped it because I can't settle on how it works. (But it still had angst potential so I couldn't help but draw a bit about it anyway.)
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(extra rambling below about yuusha overblot thoughts if anyone's interested hdlfhjgj)
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this is a brief tangent from the original question because i also thought, "hey what if she overblotted, wouldn't that be fun"
i could see the overblot going in either two ways:
yuu accidentally hurts grim (or another friend) with her magic. she’s so distraught thinking that even with magic she can't protect those who are dear to her. and so during the overblot she will not actively try to hurt anyone but instead exhausting her magic reserves in an intentional attempt at self-destruction. (yes i also see the frozen parallels shhhh)
something happens that was simply THE LAST STRAW. now she’s too pissed at everyone that she no longer cares about what happens to her or anyone else, going on a destructive rampage. which can also be considered an intentional attempt at self-destruction.
either way, basically, if she can’t go home she’s just going to take herself out and/or the school instead. the girl is not okay.
(there's actually nothing good she can home to, but she's convinced she'll be happy again if she returns. but she doesn't know that because she can't remember shit about her home. that's a separate lore dump post hgdsjfkld)
also the blot monster behind her would look something like marshmallow (elsa's snow monster from frozen) :)
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(i also used to have a similar idea for yuusha. i planned to have her be immune to magic *because* she was absorbing it and she didn't realize. leading to an inevitable overblot) (but i scrapped it because yuusha became my victim for jamil x yuu stuff) (like if i can't have the excuse to have jamil use snake whisper on yuu then what is the point)
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lucky-teo-dreamer · 7 months
DRAWING REQUEST.... you draw a lot of shoka, fret, and rindo who are 100%%%%% awesome and i would LOVE to see your take on nagi,,,, perchance also as a squid or octo kid (her nerdy side makes me think she'd be more of an octo kid but up 2 u) or with a cool pokémon like scolipede,,,, or whatever you think,,,, anyways even if u dont do this rq i just want to let you know that i wuv ur art
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-you're literally too kind and since you were the only one i got i went ahead and gave you a whole lil canvas of nagi!!!
-I hope you enjoy these i certainly had a blast drawing her after so long!!! The first one i started was her with the scoliopede cause i thought that was such an epic idea of her having one i think it listens to her ramble about her game all the time!!!
-AND YES i agree nagi would be perfect as a octoling!!! while i dont play the weapon myself i thought maybe she'd be a splatana user :] hdhdhd
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5and3nevermind · 4 months
Hello! A few days ago I was thinking about yoonmin (as I often do hehehe) and I started thinking about jimin and his gender. Now, I'm not sure if he identifies as anything other than male, but it's safe to say that he has struggled with masculinity and toxic expectations when he was younger. There have been some instances in the last few years were there have been some non-bn references, the first ones that come to mind are the fotoshoot with the bigender symbol and taemin's words on suchwita (“jimin also has that gender-neutral charm and also delicate”).
What I wanted to ask you is how do you think gender has impacted yoonmin?
I don't know if you've ever received an anon about this topic but I was curious about your opinion 😅
Personally, I think Jimin struggled a lot in his early years since he felt the pressure to fullfil this assigned strong masculine roll within the group (when they made him lift his shirt and do things like that). From what he's said in interviews, he later learned to accept himself and I can only think about how reassuring it must have been to have someone as accepting and supportive as yoongi by his side. I feel like yoongi is the kind of person who would encourage him to freely explore his gender (his bestie Halsey uses she/they pronouns by the way) and especially through his art (when face came out some ppl interpreted as Jimin talking about his gender and I found it very interesting).
Anyways, I feel like I'm just rambling haha. To sum up we don't know if he's 100% non-bn, he may still identify as a cis man, but still it's safe to say that he has been exploring his gender in the past.
(We'll probably never get a confirmation if he's actually non-bn, unless things in Korea change A LOT.)
Hi anon! Your question about gender in terms of yoonmin is a good one and something I have wondered about too!
First of all, I agree with you regarding Jimin and his relationship with gender. We’ve gotten many clues (and what I would consider more than clues) about this.
In regards to yoonmin as a pair, one thing I’ve noticed are the types of words Yoongi uses to describe Jimin. Yes, he’s called him handsome. But he’s also used gender-neutral or even traditionally feminine adjectives to describe him: “sexy,” “pretty,” “small and cute.” I think he does this because he knows these are the type of words that Jimin enjoys. Typically, when someone gives a compliment, their words are tailored to fit the person they are complimenting.
Another example: when Yoongi quoted the k-drama line to Jimin backstage in Newark, he quoted the male character’s line thus placing Jimin in the female role in that scenario.
(Likewise, Yoongi seems to be perfectly fine with Jimin referring to him as “cute” and “baby,” which to me shows a level of open mindedness that, unfortunately, many men lack.)
They’re both smart people and they’ve been in the entertainment industry long enough to know how fans analyze things. So, even if the female lead in the Like Crazy choreo isn’t Jimin’s reflection (although I believe she is), he at least would have known that some people would interpret that way…and he was fine with that. Similarly, by now Yoongi knows what many fans think of his Cypher 3 verse. Yet years later, he included that verse, unchanged, in his D-Day set list.
I’m rambling now, but my point is they have both demonstrated an accepting/progressive attitude toward these issues and have not attempted to “set the record straight” when it comes to gender (or sexual orientation, for that matter).
Obviously, Yoongi and Jimin are individuals and each of them has their own unique feelings about gender. We can see differences in terms of how they present themselves. But I do see commonalities in terms of their way of thinking, their acceptance of themselves and their acceptance of others. I hope that makes sense!
Here’s Jimin playing with the idea of gender roles and putting himself in the feminine role: shocked that he’s been caught shirtless, while he places the viewer, who is likely to be female given Army’s demographics, in the role of the voyeur (typically thought of as the masculine role). He seems to love doing this, turning the tables and offering unexpected and non-traditional portrayals of gender roles.
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Here’s a video of Jimin talking about how he’s changed and grown over the years.
Here’s a video of Jimin showing (again) that he’s comfortable playing with the idea of traditional gender roles.
Here’s Yoongi saying in an interview that everyone is equal.
Here’s a photo of Yoongi wearing his pride Vans.
Here’s a really cute video of Yoongi with a male fan. (He is treating the male fan the same way he’d treat a female fan, giving the high-five and the cute pout. Like he said in the interview, “everyone is equal,” and he treats fans accordingly. I love this video!)
In Yoongi’s case, I understand that these are not examples related to gender specifically. I see these as clues to his world view and his inclusivity, and of course I’m sure he extends that way of thinking to Jimin.
I hope this made sense! Thanks for this ask, anon!
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veiledwinter · 8 months
I so didn't mean for this to be this long. I'm sorry, please bear with me.
(Sorry for any spelling errors my English is not perfect)
You ever think gaz would be the type of guy to just one day decide "that's mine" and subtly (idk how to spell) worm his way into your life?
Like, say you've been friends for a long time, but you haven't seen each other in person for years even if you regularly keep in touch. You're not the type of person to post pictures of yourself so when the two of you finally meet up again he's not really ready for it.
Sure, he thought you were pretty before, but the small things you've changed, like the way you do your hair or the way you hold yourself now, have him hooked. He plays the long game, of course, ever the charmer. He is the reliable friend you can go to if you need anything. Feeling lonely? Movie night! Need to vent about work? He's always here for you. Feeling stressed and overwhelmed? He'll be right over to reassure you that everything will work out in the end.
He finds it endearing that you worry about him when he has to leave for work and promises to stay safe. He picks up on your hobbies and interests, the things you love and want and the things that irritates you.
Then, one day, he gifts you a beautiful white dress and tells you that he wants you to come with him to this event his going to as his date.
You, of course, agree. The dress is very extravagant, but you don't comment on it because you love it, and there's really no point making a fuss over something you like.
When you arrive, everyone's so sweet towards you, and they're congratulating you though you don't know what for — you just assume they're being nice or they must be mistaking you for someone else until Kyle makes his way over to you and tells you that you're gonna be late for you own wedding.
You're too stunned to protest because you realize he planned your wedding and invited you to it without you even knowing. And honestly, you're not apposed to it. I mean, where's the harm in marrying Kyle Garrick?
WAAHH, this is my first ask ever, but I really need to spread my Kyle agenda because not a lot of people write for him, and I think that's such a injustice.
ANYWAYS I hope you have a great day! And don't forget to drink water!
Anon this is so good like I'm not even sure how to add on to this but I'll try!
Oh yes Kyle and making himself the most important person in your life. I just imagine him putting the wedding together — careful to ensure everything is to your liking, because this is for you.
He's just so enamored with you, he misses your warmth when he has to work and your little rambles about the things you like.
And when the wedding does roll around you're not as apposed to it as you think you should be. I mean, he technically went behind your back and did this without your permission but it's Kyle.
He's so sweet and handsome and patient with you, you find the idea of being his wife more appealing than anything. And really how can you say no when he looks at you like you hung the stars.
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cookie-kisses · 1 year
Hi! Welcome to the cookie writer community here there are a lot of nice anons and many amazing writers! I noticed your post about taking requests when I was looking at most recent cookie run × reader stuff and saw you and thought I'd send in a request and welcome you! Also it's cool you're a yandere writer too! Not many writers are a fan of writing yandere so it's nice to see another yandere writer to add some spice to the mix! Oh and you do male reader writings? Neat! I like gender neutral since it involves everyone but...despite being a female...seeing so many x females well...it's like only having one meal over and over again. You just end up wanting something different and new, yaknow?
Anyway sorry for that ramble! Just already excited to see some of your more romantic writing!
Now...may I request an affogato x a sweet, cuddly reader hcs? If you wanna do a one shot instead, that would be fine! Like maybe the reader found affogato after he was forced to flee from the dark cacao kingdom and decided to take him under their wing and nurse them back to health and let him live with them? Maybe the reader also treats them sweetly and never falls for their manipulation because they are so sweet, it just flies over their head and they just think affogato is being nice and always offers him hugs and welcomes any hugs! Bonus if the reader secretly knew the whole time about who he was and what he had done...buuut had heard his story about his sad life (the whole asking to sit in a chair with no comfort thing) and wanted to give them a happy life to turn them good...aaaaand possibly hope affogato chooses to stay even after he recovered because the reader loves their cuddles and actually has a crush on them...and affogato finds out by either overhearing a convo where the reader's friend calls them insane because of what they were doing or affogato finds their diary!
(Scroll down to banner cut to skip authors notes if desired.)
Oh my sweet, sweet anon. My sweet, precious anon, thank you. You don’t understand how infatuated I am with Affogato Cookie. He’s one of the reasons I started writing!
My account is actually about a year old, but due to massive writing block I never posted any content. I also agree on the same repetitive content! It’s quite disappointing reading a piece of content that’s really well written, but Y/N is automatically female. (Especially without any prior notice.) I use my blog to give an opening to male readers but otherwise make it gender neutral to be inclusive.
And yes! I write yandere content (within reason.) The stories tend to be more bitter, but the bitterness and conflict is what makes it interesting. I wish for my content to provide something new!
When I saw Affogato Cookie’s name pop up I nearly jumped out of my seat, I will surely have fun with this.
Cw: Minor swearing
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The frigid snow of the Dark Cacao Kingdom beats down on the land, temperatures reaching below zero. A blizzard hurdles from north, The Black Citadels doors locked up tight, villagers barricading their house windows, cake hounds and cream wolves huddling against each other. Even the beasts of the lands couldn’t stand the cold.
The freezing land of the kingdom was no place for a cookie to stray out alone, yet Affogato cookie found himself trudging away from it. Exiled for treason with no one to turn to, he wandered the frigid hills. Affogato cookie cursed himself. He was close to having everything! He almost had it all, but now he had nothing. Again
Affogato cookie didn’t know where he was going or where he was. His sight was blinded by pure white fluttering around him, the frigid cold clung onto his body. Snow hugging onto his eyelashes and finger tips. Every step took more energy than the last, the cold finally taking its toll.
Unable to support himself any long his knees collapsed with his body. His vision blurred, head filled with cotton. He failed to see the approaching figure before passing out from the cold.
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Laid in the corner, Affogato cookie slept unconscious atop of a wooden bed. His body was blanketed with a fluffy, wool cover. It was a humble cabin, limited space, but it was a home nonetheless.
Clinking could be heard from the kitchen. There you were, working in the kitchen before fixing a bowl of soup, your eyes fixating on Affogato cookie.
You found Affogato cookie passed out in the cold while wandering for lumber. It wasn’t the smartest move because of the blizzard, but your idiocy saved a man. You know who he was, your friend warned you about him before you moved away from your home village. They always suspected something wasn’t right, but you couldn’t have cared less. You were head over heals for that man. You knew everything. This was your chance to treat him ever so sweetly and maybe even do something more.
Your mind retraced the events once more, thinking of different scenarios before being interrupted by the squeak of the bed frame. Affogato Cookie sat against the bed, dazed, before gathering his composure and haughty demeanor in an instant when he spotted you. Even when exiled, he couldn’t let his sweet facade slip again, no?
Placing the bowl of broth onto a serving tray you placed the board along his lap with a spoon alongside it.
Affogato Cookie slowly felt a smile curl his lips. What a lovely opportunity this was. Oh, how he thanked you for saving him. Sweet praises slipped from his mouth, putting on a sultry voice.
“What do we have here? Oh how strong and brave you must’ve been to save me from such a strong storm! Aren’t you something?”
He laced his words with the sweetest sugar, complimenting your strength, kindness, generosity, anything he could think of to get you to fall under.
But to his dismay, you stood unfazed by his sweet remarks, instead thanking him before questioning about his condition.
“Are you feeling alright?”
“Do you need anymore blankets?”
“Are you comfortable?”
“Is there anything else you need?”
His facade wavered slightly, partly irritated his smooth talk didn’t work, partly because he didn’t expect such warmth. He surely didn’t expect you to offer him a place either.
“Stay as long as needed but please, spend the night at least.”
Knowing he had no other option, he accepted. Where else would he go?
Despite his exile, it didn’t stop Affogato cookie’s desire for control and admiration. Often he’d coil around you as he crooned compliments. He spoke with constant sugar coated praises and faux sincerity, grazing your body with gentle touches. He’d cradle your cheek, leaning in, whispering sweet things. All attempts to make you melt, waver, and bend.
“Aren’t you a lovely, thing? Heh heh.”
“What have we here? Oh aren’t you adorable…”
“Hm hm hm- why, aren’t you a dear.”
“Can I ask you a favor? You’re quite the strong one..”
But despite all his efforts, your demeanor never faltered. You’d smile at him with the genuine, sweet smile he always seen you wear. You’d return the affection leaning into his touch, but never quite bending the way he wanted you to. Your demeanor soon started affecting him. (Oh, the sweet irony.) He couldn’t help but find his face flaring up whenever you smiled with such kindness at him.
The more time Affogato Cookie spent around you the more conflicted he was. Constantly you pampered him, always making sure he was comfortable and happy. You were quite physical with your affection too, reciprocating his touches. When Affogato brushed up against you it was empty sweetness, nothing more than a deceitful attempt, but your touches were filled with mesmerizing warmth. He could feel his composure melt bit by bit and he had no idea what to do about it.
Slowly he started to consider the idea of just settling in. Perhaps he wouldn’t have to pull strings for admiration after all. You were so sweet, he might’ve even caught something for you.
His arrogant facade finally slipped off one day when you cuddle alongside him by the fireplace. He melted into your side and basked in the warmth. Yes. This was a life worth living. He finally had someone by his side, a loving companion, maybe something even more. His eyes fluttered closed in content, leaning against you warm body.
You sat still as he slept on your shoulder, a small smile crept on your face. Sighing contently you cradled him in your arms once more and carried him up to your bedroom, tucking him in. You smile gently and pecked his forehead. You couldn’t help but stare at him with adoration, he’s so beautiful to you, and now you finally had him with you. You wish you could get closer.
However, a knock from downstairs pulled you out from your daydream. Gently you treaded down the stairs, reluctant to make any noise.
Opening the door you were met with a familiar face. A former friend from your home village stared at you, a concerned expression on their face.
Your heart sank to your stomach. If you wanted to see their face again you wouldn’t have moved away from the village.
You interupted.
“What do you want?”
“Erm- have you possibly seen, you know- euhm Affogato Cookie around recently?”
The cookie treaded cautiously with their words, their voice not above a whisper. Your eyes narrowed, you knew what this was about, but you feigned ignorance.
You craned your head sideways.
“Well- I just wouldn’t want you to get hurt or anything. You know what he’s done…”
Your face contorted into one of irritation.
“Don’t start with this again.”
In an instant their tone rose, their anger fluctuating as they spoke.
“Oh, I’m sorry, it’s not like you love the man who tried to overthrow the kingdom and start a cult!? I’m so sorry that you’re fucking insane!”
Choking out an irritable laugh the two of you bickered at the front door, spitting out meaningless insults.
Meanwhile, upstairs the string of voices woke up Affogato Cookie, miffed he was woken from his sleep. But Affogato being a nosy man, his interest piqued from the commotion downstairs. Walking half way down he peeked his head over the wall, listening in. Your argument nearly became a screaming match.
“Are you drunk?? You love a fucking psychopath! He’s a power hungry mooch!”
“Oh, I wonder who caused him to be this way? You and the village did! This wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t abuse a goddamn child. All he needed was love! And that’s what I’m giving him now. How about you fuck off and let me live my life?!”
“You’re dense! You can’t jus-“
The door slammed in their face.
Your hand rested on the doorknob, barely able process anything. Your other hand shook violently. You turned your head looking behind you, your eyes met Affogato’s. Your face as pale as the snow. Neither of you blinked as you stared at each other, not a word slipping out.
Affogato cookie slowly crept down the stares, standing just a few inches from you.
This was not how you planned things to be! They weren’t supposed to know yet- what if he didn’t even feel the same? You should’ve just closed the door. Thoughts of rejection ran through your head, failing to see a smile spread across his lips and his advances. Finally, you were snapped out of your head when a pair of lips pressed against yours.
“How amusing. I am blessed to be yours.”
Your face flushed as you returned the kiss, a shaky breath of relief leaving your body. You couldn’t be happier, tears prickling in the corners of your eyes.
“I love you.”
“I love you too darling.”
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fatuismooches · 9 months
So, we all know that she has her robot that carries her around, I hc that she doesn't like walking that much and the robot carries her pretty much everywhere. And with you being her lover, naturally, she wants you to be with her pretty much everywhere. The robot ends up carrying her in one hand and you in the other.
Now imagine if the robot broke down on a day she had harbinger meeting to attend to... She didn't want to go, 'cause it meant walking all the way from her lab to the palace.
You try to convince her that those things are really important. She agrees that they are, but isn't her well being more important to you? ☝️😠
She just really didn't want to walk there, but you knew it would be more trouble than it's worth if she didn't show up, so you make a suggestion... Something you wouldn't do if she was anybody else.
You carry her on your shoulders, all the way from her lab to the palace. You were hesitant to make this suggestion, but it became clear to you that she wouldn't leave any other way.
Thankfully she wasn't too heavy, but the path to the palace wasn't really a short one. You thought you could finally have a break when you reached the door to the room where the meeting took place.
Then you heard the soft voice of your lover asking you why did you stop. 🙂
Turns out, the meetings can take a while and there's nowhere to sit during it. She can't stand for that long. 😞 Like fym, and I can with you on my shoulders?
Yeah, guess we'll find out since you did have to do it otherwise the whole trip would be for nothing.
Oh, and don't worry, she already informed the Jester that you're coming with her so you can't use "I can't attend the meeting since I'm not a harbinger" as an excuse. 🥰
Thankfully no one really commented on it. Childe was about to, but was silenced by the intense glare of the Marionette which was deadlier than usual. And you did get a dirty look from Scaramouche.
After the long meeting, your legs were slowly giving out. Thankfully, Sandrone noticed and was like "we can sit down for a while if you're tied" and you're like, "we?".
Yeah, you're replacing her robot for today, so she just has to sit on you. She finds out that sitting on your lap and feeling your warmth was actually quite comfortable. She wonders why you two haven't done this before.
After all of that she finally fixes the robot and you thought you were done.
NOPE! Now she constantly insist on sitting in your lap while she works, even after the robot is fixed.
But she has ran into one small issue. She likes the comfort of sitting in her lap, but the robot can move her where she needs to be when she's sitting in it's hand which makes her more productive.
But no worries, your smart lover has figured out a perfect solution. You sit on the robots hand while she sits in your lap. As goofy as it looks, it's both comfortable and productive, and it makes her happy.
[P.S. Can I be the 🦀 anon please?]
UGH YES I LOVE YOU 🦀 ANON... It is very rare that Sandrone is not seen either on her robot or on a regular chair... she doesn't even need to fight herself because the robot can for her... why would one get up if they have no reason to? Now you have no problem with walking places but your lover is rather insistent on having you be carried with her. It's rather fun! The robot holds its hands close to each other so you two are practically brushing shoulders! Very easy to hold hands. (Only in private of course.)
Although it's rare for her heavily invested in robots to malfunction, it can still happen on occasion but it's not a problem since she's very intelligent and efficient. However, this time she did not have the time because the meeting was far too close. She's annoyed but on the bright side, she doesn't need to deal with the irritating voices of her co-workers (Childe especially) but you aren't interested in seeing the Jester in the lab again for a "friendly reminder".
When you offer to carry her all the way there, Sandrone genuinely laughs at the suggestion (you always come up with the most entertaining ideas) but nope, you're dead serious. You will get your wife there, even if it means you need to cross bridges and endure the biting Snezhnayan cold! Even if your legs and shoulders collapse! (The thing you do for her... at least she's rather petite. Your wife said although you weren't as comfortable as her robot, she appreciated your warmth.)
Ahhh it would be so funny depending on how tall you are... If you're tall she would be well above most of the other Harbingers, literally looking down on them... even if you're short (like me 💔) it would still look really funny mwebfwew all while Sandrone has a straight face and you're dying. (You know, even though Sandrone thinks she's winning by hogging your lap, you can still take revenge by squishing her to death!! You may have gotten a death glare from her but it's okay!!)
Ouuuhh,, i can just imagine,, your arms snuggly wrapped around her waist as the robot moves the two of you up and around all the time... it would be so fun even though you're really doing nothing but watching her work,,,
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sukirichi · 3 months
me thinks tsumu didn’t actually get her drunk so she’d sleep with him. i think his blabber mouth let out the fact that the royal family is completely fucked and mentioned the affair - probably to get brownie points with the model or because he’s mad at rin for being likely to be king or something. and getting her drunk was supposed to be a safety net to ensure she doesn’t remember any of their conversations regarding that topic. she wakes up and feels blindsided that he’d try to do something so gross, she lets the info out? IDK i feel like something corrupt happened between the two that didn’t involve sexual relations…. maybe she was the one to take that photo and tsumu getting her drunk was his way of trying to erase it, like she’s drunk he takes her phone deletes pic - problem solved! i just feel like the amount of times he apologised SPECIFICALLY to sunarin… it’s just way too suspicious.
onto the man himself. y’know how i was talking about my nendoroid? imma cover his ears when i say this; if he’s genuinely so arrogant to think that sticking to his dogshit fuckass plan is the only option (because he doesn’t wanna damage his pride even more and admit he’s wrong) im gonna deck this man myself. sleeping with itinerary ON YN’S BED??? OHHHH BITCH YOU HAVE ME SO FUCKED UP RN. her only safe haven and it’s been tainted by that man whore and his woman crush wednesday…. i cannot WAIT for yn to fuck up iriler cuz she got on my last nerve like i genuinely didn’t think that was possible but damn. she deserves just as much heat as rin cuz atp do you not have ANY fucking sympathy for another woman?? you need to get some mediocre loveless dick wet so bad, you’ll do it on someone else’s bed in their locked safe space??
i have some theories but with the ending of the chapter i just need to take a few more laps, whew im like malding so hard rn. TAKING OFF THE FUCKING RING? LIKE THE AUDACITY OF THAT FIVE HEAD. it’s such a slap in the face because despite everything that happened - yn was STILL thinking of suna and how to help him and then the betrayal of them doing it in her room, AND HE JUST TAKES HIS RING OFF AND LEAVES??? IRIS HAS STOLEN EVERYTHINGGG, that line where yn was trying to reassure herself like “it was your ring on his finger.” and then cutting to that ring being left on the bed side table … suki you got me so fucked up i feel like i could run a mile rn.
there IS a way for their relationship to be redeemed tbf, idk how many readers would agree with it but i feel like the redemption would be something a little like how it was in the hamilton musical, like we just finished the reynold’s pamphlet track. i think with the redemption their relationship is definitely not going to be warm and it’s going to be a lot less loving (not loveless but yn isn’t going to give her love easily to him).
me personally, i’m just hoping if ushi becomes king he allows divorces so yn can get out of that relo and so can kiyoomi, they both deserved each other and i don’t think they could ever ignore each other for too long, especially not after that entire trip where they built their connection with each other.
i’m done rambling now, i’m sorry if my ask got a bit incoherent, this chapter had me fucked up more than any other one JUST because of the ring, like my heart actually broke when i read that. anyways im so sorry for the long ask 😭 enjoyyy
- shhh anon
shhh anon!! ah i’m always so happy to hear about your theories pls don’t think i am bothered by the long asks 🥹 for tsumu hmMMM lowkey shivering in my boots because i think you’re reading my mind and seeing all the secrets of dtd… hmm… can’t confirm anything as of now but i agree with you! he would definitely pull that just to get brownie points and get laid + getting her drunk was vv intentional on his part… i’m so sorry, he’s so horrible in dtd!! but you’re right, tsumu is one suspicious guy aafghsjkla
yes pls cover nendoroid suna’s ears!! canon suna does NOT have to hear any slander, and i’m so sorry to our pookie bear that i gave him such awful roles in this story... fr like out of all places, why on the reader’s bed?! the castle is HUGE he could’ve chosen anywhere but that (although we’ll see why he brought iris to reader’s bed in ch13 muehehhe.) AND THE NICKNAMES FOR IRIS IM CRYING IRILER?? ITINERARY? HELP 😭
OMG YES THANK YOU FOR NOTICING!! like reader’s monologue was like “that’s my ring he’s wearing even after all that happened” because that was like, her only source of comfort and reassurance that in SOME WAY, he’s still hers yknow? but then HE TAKES IT OFF AGAHJSK. but yes yes i see where you’re getting at – the redemption arc is not going to be warm at all. actually, tiny spoilers ahead, i’m not even sure i can call it a redemption arc (won’t give context hehe, you guys will see for yourselves.) but i cannot wait to see how things will change if ever ushi becomes king. he’s a very traditional guy too, so we’re not even sure if he would legalize divorce. he’s a stickler to the rules, and as much as he wants the best for his brothers, his main priority is to sticking to what the kingdom wants – so that’s a downside if he becomes king. kiyoomi though like pls i’m so in love with him, i want him to be endgame so bad!! they do deserve each other, and their chemistry + bond is just so natural for me. i think they would be happiest with one another ngl 🥹
and please don’t apologize for the long asks bb!! i actually get so happy whenever i see that people take the time to share me their thoughts, it means the world to me 🥺💫🌷
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celeste444spacey · 2 months
can i combine dominant thoughts + states + acceptance of my desires all together? people often are seperatedat in two groups "dominant thoughts manifest" or "states manifest" i agree with both groups, dominant thoughts is thinking in your favour and states is just accepting your desires as yours and knowing its yours! thoughts?
They both work. Manifestation for me is a cocktail, a mixture of multiple different theories and laws and methods.
I am so sick of people bringing down one method/ law just cause they didn't like it. I think we should normalize to let people use what works for them.
Similar to how i use law of attraction and assumption both.
Not every technique or theory will be for everyone and that's okay. I am not saying that people are hating or whatever but i'm just saying cause it sparks intense debate when it shouldn't even be one.
Please realize the end goal is what sparks joy for you, what rewires your brain, what makes your self concept better and most importantly something that you don't resist. As long as it makes you feel happy and strengthen your belief and works for you that's all you need
Anyway back to you anon.
I'm so sorry i rambled on but it had to be said 😭😭😭
You are absolutely correct and your take is definitely something that resonates with me as well 🤍🤍. SO YES BY ALL MEANS APPLY IT.
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Why hello,Hera here. I saw your Carmilla ramble and just wanted to say that I 100% agree. However,I feel like she makes sense somehow? Let me explain! We clearly see her as this respectable (yes,Velvette stay put) fairly modest woman, but I surmise that's a clear “don't judge a book by it’s cover” type of thing. And..yes,I would put photos but I cannot do that in anon...anyway.
Let's look at her. She is PERFECTLY portrayed as a hypocrite. Yes. Obviously there were some..character writing issues to say the least but she IS a hypocrite. Not just because she sells weapons; what does a hypocrite do? Say stuff and do otherwise, to their own advantage. She does everything she does to save her daughters and herself, saying to not cause war but outright attacking Vaggie AS SHE SET FOOT inside her chambers. She couldn't care less about other sinners,and that's WHY she sells weapons. She's a bad person, she sells guns to make other sinners outright attack eachother. Why? To bring more Sales of course. If you know you're in danger then..let's just say, wouldn't you sell your soul for some security? People have sold them for far less after all.
Secondly, notice how she's outright manipulating Vaggie,maybe Zestial even? She does absolutely NOT care about them. The only thing she has ever done for Zestial for all I remember in the show was stop Velvette from causing problems during the meeting,and when she felt like she was losing control over it — as someone manipulative would do — she shuts her down sending her away. She understood she f-cked up and TO NOT RUIN HER FACADE she literally admitted everything just to keep the strings stretched thin. And that's the thing about the final stretch: It can keep stretching for however long she wishes it to. After keeping it from people you must either speak up about it or let the situation fall into the hands of fate which isn't really reccomended when you're trying to guilt-trip someone with a heart wrenching Song,no?
ABOUT SONGS CAN WE PLEASE SPEAK ABOUT OUT FOR LOVE? that song is absolutely screaming: “I didn't tell you this for my own advantage but I'm trying to distract you by telling you to fight for who you love yes whoo totally cohesive with what the main trope is!”.
Last and probably least, we take english as the official and outmost canon language in which the show is written. However, in certain translations DURING the overlord meeting — more specifically while velvette sang respectless — she said “I warn you that sooner or later you will pay for it, If it were up to me I would kick you out of here!”. Now, I know this is probably to actually make it rhyme but IT'S NOT JUST THAT. Because if we take a little more objective view we understand that she is exactly the type to be so aggressive. She sells weapons,attacks Vaggie, Stays behind closed doors when she could've HELPED her, and look at what information she actively chose to withold versus what she said up until out for love? . Think about it,She cares for herself and for her daughters..which brings me up to the first point.
Now, you're probably right and she's Just badly written but THERE'S STILL HOPE! I hope-
Ah you are certainly onto something. I also noticed that she basically confirmed Velvette's words by shutting down the meeting just to not ay it directly. Like, it was a terrible choice. She's obviously not as strong and wise as she poses if one (1) loud lady was able to disarm her so quickly. She's as short tempered as Vox or Val considering that Vaggie she attacked for no reason. I honestly agree with everything that you've written because it makes sense. I'm sure her being just a hypocrite wouldn't bother me that much if it wasn't for the way the show frames her. I can't really describe it I feel like it insists, I should see her in a positive light. That's not the case with any other Overlord. Even Rosie is explicitly shown to be profit-driven and manipulative (don't get me wrong, I would die for this woman but she basically told Charlie "here's how you can convince my people to die for your cause without telling them that they will probably die"). But Carmilla is just fierce, protective, supportive and reasonable. Dunno, I hope they will fix her somehow in season 2 since she's probably not going anywhere.
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
Kumusta ka na, CC? Well- Hi! It's me again ;v;
I LOVE that idea of them knowing multiple languages, especially if it's something kind of niche like Tagalog or Filipino ;v;
Although I like to imagine that when they speak the language, it's like how they teach you in a school setting: aka the Formal language. Which is not how the native speakers usually use. So I'd like to propose another scenario:
"Oh, what do you want to tell me?"
"Promise me you won't judge, MC?"
[sigh] "Sa bawat ngiti mo, para akong sinasalubong ng umaga sa gitna ng karimlan."
"What? Is it something I said?"
"Grabe ka naman, Satan.." [small tear]
"Wait- MC I—"
And the opposite where they think they finally understand the language enough until MC pulls out every learner's worst nightmare: slang and/or metaphors.
"Huy! Ang lakas ng dating mo sa akin!"
"...huh?? 😀"
Also, can I be known as the "🎹" anon? If it's not much ;v; I hope to know your thoughts on this yet another ramble ;"))
And again, stay safe and healthy!! Whenever and wherever you are :DD
Welcome back! And yes, of course you can be 🎹 anon! I will add it to the list!
And yes, I'm pretty in love with the languages headcanon... I kind of think of Satan as having taken the time to study a ton of languages from the human world, especially so he could read books in their original languages. So I actually agree with you 100% about his use of the languages being very formal! Since I tend to think of him as mostly learning through self study and books.
For the rest of the brothers, I like to think that some of them learned different languages due to actually living in different places in the human world. The language changes depending on my mood lol.
I also think of it as Satan in OG, so he's been around for a long time and has had plenty of time to study all the different languages. So I like to think he knows quite a few.
I kinda think Lucifer might also have studied a decent amount of languages. For some reason that just feels like something he might do.
Anyway, I had to use some Google translate and I have to say, that first one sounds like poetry. Then the second one I was like... what does this mean? So I think that's exactly accurate.
I love the idea of Satan being confused by the slang/metaphors, too. I would think he would take that opportunity to ask you what it all means. He would want you to teach him those nuances!
In fact, I think all of the brothers would want to learn MC's native language...
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4th-make-quail · 18 days
This is the anon who came to you about reading rpf and being embarrassed about it in general a few weeks ago.
I wanted to say a couple things. (All positive!)
Thank you for answering my ask, it meant a lot. You brought up a couple of points I hadn't considered but now do.
As per usual I am obsessed with your writing and eat it up pretty much every time you drop a new update
I love that we can all collectively agree what Eric and Assad have going on is pretty entertaining to watch, but I wanted to bring something up.
I can 100% see it if in some way, Eric is kinda like his mentor. Yes, they are besties, AND YES they are definitely feeding into the fandom, but I bet you Assad is learning so much from someone who's been doing what they do for a long long time. Have you SEEN the hype that Eric has been giving him on insta and Twitter? It just makes my chest hurt because Assad 100% deserves all the hype he gets. And I think Eric is the person to lead the charge. Im hoping that with everything going on, he gets the ego boost he soo deserves.
Anyways, thanks for reading my ramblings if you made it all the way to the bottom. Hope your feeling better!!
AW nonny, I'm so glad it helped you! It came shortly after I'd actually been thinking about some of your points actually, so it was a very well-timed ask! And thank you so much!! I'm definitely feeling better than I was haha 💚💚💚
Big agree with you here, I love to think about their mentor/mentee relationship too - especially since they're both super into theatre! Knowing that even Rolin said he was fanboyish about Eric's casting makes me feel like he's probably really respected as an actor and source of all these stories and knowledge of his craft, you know?
I absolutely love the hype Eric's been giving him too, it's just so SWEET!!! I'm unsure if it's as a response to that thread on twitter where one person was talking about the humility of UK POC actors, but even if it was it's still just too fucking cute.
All of this makes me think about a small scene where they're talking about acting techniques, maybe directing techniques too since I know Assad was doing that thing The Fox and the Grapes. I can always picture them super clearly getting into real intense discussions about their craft (I'm showing my lack of research/knowledge about acting stuff here I feel lol) and about different ways of approaching roles, learning lines etc etc. I just like to think about them hanging out and interacting and having so much fun together (in Prague!!!)!
Thank you for the ramblings nonny, it made my day that my answer before helped you! I love to receive any and all ramblings, so please do feel welcome to drop in my inbox any time (and that goes for anyone!)! 💚
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ronanceisintheair · 2 years
So you talking/asking about Fake Dating AUs has kept me up at night for the past few days with brainrot. I mean, College!Fake Dating ronance? Picture this: Nancy at Emerson and Robin at Northeastern for linguistics and basically Nancy is chasing some story in the late 80s/90s punk scene in the city. Basically because she likes having a partner in crime -cough likes having her Birdie in hand-holding distance at all times cough - she enlists Robin's help. Cue makeover 2.0, Nancy edition, when Robin insists that Nancy is not going to blend in unless she dresses like a Buckley. Now imagine Robin on her knees in front of Nancy again, doing some kind of final touch (folded cuffs for extra gay?). When they finally get to a punk party, Miss Nancy Denial Wheeler keeps on getting distracted by how hot Robin looks, and her target mistakes her blatant staring for them being a couple. In a moment that imitates rambling Robin at her finest, Nancy accidentally agrees, sparking a weeks-long fake-dating scenario that obviously leads to passionate confessions by Boston Harbor. Anyway, thanks for coming to my tedtalk and I apologize but I needed to say something or I would scream.
*I'm gonna act totally normal when I answer this*
First of all, picturing Robin giving Nance a makeover this time has me on my knees. Furthermore Nancy in a *Buckley* esque look, holy hell.(Robin would be feeling some type of way I just know it)
Secondly, yes Nancy rambles her way into fake dating Robin, not only because this girl is out of her element and is entranced by Robin being in her element, but as if she hasn't dreamt of saying yes to being Robin's girlfriend at least once or twice...or thrice. Yea maybe she's short circuiting a little(And shit if Robin doesn't easily roll with the curve ball and that makes Nancy even more smitten, it's like they haven't lost their touch.)
Undercover, underground, fake dating au. Sign me the fuck up. Sign me up anon! Do not apologize for placing gems into my ask box!
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(adhd lance anon) ahshjdbjdsjd help me omg that’s actually not what i was thinking when i sent that in but i actually LOVE where you took that idea anyway because as someone with adhd (i mean don’t we all have adhd if we’re on tumblr-) i’m suddenly realizing that lance is So Me actually and that maybe i was unwittingly thinking about my experience with adhd when i sent that in?? LOL
i was actually thinking about the fact that i really love driving my car and i have to go out for a drive at least once a week or else i go ape crazy. like i HAVE to drive my car. it’s just an animalistic, primal sort of need for me as an emotionally bedraggled college student who has no time for anything else but schoolwork most of the time. it’s enrichment for me.
and then i thought about lance and was like oh he’s just like me fr?? because i think we all agree he’s an outdoorsy guy, like he Needs to be outside breathing in the fresh air basking in the sunlight appreciating the greenery of the real world, but he’s so damn BUSY all the time and confined to a tiny sad little office and it is not healthy to cage a dragon like that. he needs to go for a walk in the forest or an afternoon flight at least once every few days or he gets hangry(? you know the feeling) about it, hence the stress ball and the dedenne cage- those are WONDERFUL ideas btw!! i can just imagine lance trying to play it cool when he accidentally flings it at cynthia’s face one day during a meeting and she’s determined to find out who did it LOL
mb for the long incoherent ramble but HAHA i just love projecting on this man!! :’)
Oh yes!! I immediately took it as ADHD Lance my bad alsklklshs haha.
But this is so real!! Lance canonically loves to travel. He's always a nature guy in my eyes. Having 10 foot tall dragons makes it so you're spending most of your time outdoors with them.
He loves any kind of weather as well, snow is fine when it's not freezing his hands and his team. Rainy days are his favorite. He loves the smell, how it makes plants grow, the cool breeze, the way his Dragonair sings in the rain, and how Gyarados roar like thunder.
Don't get too afraid when you see some guy in a dark cloak out in the foggy rain. It's not the Grim Reaper, just a Dragon Master enjoying the rain.
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chvoswxtch · 5 months
hi again, court!
it's once again the anon that sent the massive ass paragraphs rambling about the punisher after i finished watching it. i feel like i should either just un-anonymise myself or give myself a name or something to make it easier to identify myself?? but idk?? i'm still new to tumblr so i dunno how these things work
anyways, just wanted to say, i also am just so happy that they are taking the reboot seriously!! i only really got into like the daredevil/punisher in like the past year or so. so i feel like i don't really have the same grounds to stand on as some longer term fans but i just remember being so disappointed with karen/foggy originally not being part of born again so i'm so so glad that that changed and we have the true trio back. and frank being in it just makes me SO happy because i have become incredibly incredibly attached to frank (it might be a little unhealthy but big strong men who are morally questionable is my type haha)
i totally agree with season 2 feeling rushed, it definitely felt like some of the plots were supposed to be fleshed out more or like storylines would have carried on into a season 3 and billy not being fucked up enough is SO FUCKING REAL. like frank literally BRUTALISED him but he comes out looking okay?? like idk?? it just doesn't look convincing i feel like ben barnes' acting is good and he plays the subtle psycho (though you're right, him being more outwardly bloodthirsty and vengeful would have been AMAZING) but the visuals don't hit right. but this is such a wider issue with pretty actors in hollywood?? especially cause they also did it when he played the darkling in shadow and bone. i dunno if you ever watched shadow and bone but like his character should have been way more scarred but they just didn't make it as brutal as it probably would have been in reality and it makes me so mad because i just don't understand why??
AND THE WILL THING, LITERALLY, WHEN HE FIRST CAME ON SCREEN, I LOOKED AT HIM AND WAS LIKE 'is that?? is that WILLIAM LAMONTAGUE??' and then everytime he came on and was being psycho, i was like 'someone get jj to sort her husband out' and also this is so DUMB but i love to think that this is what will was doing during criminal minds and that's why we never see him, he was just off being pilgrim and terrorising frank, obviously it doesn't really work timeline wise BUT the thought of it just makes me laugh so it is now my headcanon.
I HAVE FOUND ANOTHER MADANI LOVER. that makes me so BEYOND ECSTATIC. I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW HAPPY THAT MAKES ME. karen is literally a stronger woman than i could ever be. both with madani and tbh with frank, i dunno how she doesn't crumble in front of either of them. like i wish i had karen's strength. but like yeah if madani even LOOKED at me, i would be spilling all of my goddamn secrets. i'm so glad i'm not the only one who sees the lack of love (i may end up trying to fix that with some fics hehe)! i am such a whore for her, it's actually insane. like the past few days since i finished watching it, she has been on my mind 24/7, what i would let her do to me is EMBARASSING. i love that woman so much and i'm so glad i'm not alone.
i'm done ranting for now but i cannot promise i won't ramble in your inbox again. i truly have punisher brainrot (and criminal minds brainrot too but that's not important right now)
thank you for reading my ramblings again <3
welcome back nonnie!
totally up to you love! if you’re not comfy coming off anon & wanna give yourself a lil nickname, that’s totally fine with me :)
don’t even worry about how long you’ve been in the fandom, that doesn’t matter. you’re here & your opinions & feelings are just as valid as everyone else’s. to your point about big strong men with questionable morals: yes
I haven’t watched shadow & bone but I have seen ben’s character in that role and maybe he’s the problem like maybe they try to make him look bad & it’s just impossible bc it’s ben barnes 🤷🏻‍♀️
LMAO pls that would be so funny. hey will what have you been up to lately? oh nothing just terrorizing the punisher in new york no biggie
karen is a strong woman bc the second frank or madani looked at me like that i’d fold & be like yeah literally anything you want I will give you. if you do end up writing any madani fics pls send them my way! i’ll get around to writing for her eventually. it’s been hard for me to focus on writing anything other than bodyguard frankie bc that’s my baby
I don’t ever not have punisher or criminal minds brainrot so pls feel free to rant with me anytime <3
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mushroomwriter · 7 months
Hermanos anon here - WHY WOULD YOU PUT THAT GIFSET ON MY DASH AAAAAAAH!!!!! i came out here to have a good time and honestly i feel so attacked rn
Anyway, so happy for you that the exam is over and you passed <3 I actually have exams coming up myself lol so I completely understand... also have you heard? Berlin was renewed for s2! Really really hoping Alvaro returns and we get Sergio and hermanos rights in the next season 🤞 (and to fill the need for hermanos content!!) Also pls don't feel like you have to make a set again soon, happy to wait until you get the inspiration, and ofc it's always a good idea to rewatch their scenes, instant serotonin boost - just skip that minor scene that shall not be named at the end of the Mint Heist 😭
Haha I'm sorryyyy! It's something I realised long back but I never had the chance to inflict the angst on anyone else lmao. you added the cherry on top with how you worded it "literally a little brother begging his big brother not to leave him, and knowing on some level that he'll never be able to make him change his mind" 🥺 in some way he would've known right at the moment nairobi and helsinki emerged alone so seeing him going from denial to desperation. hurts
(pt 2) YES, brotherssss!!! Oh, the fact that Andrés is so selfish and narcissistic otherwise just makes the hermanos bond even more special to me?? it hits different than if they'd just been relatively normal/good characters, idk. And yes that's such older brother behaviour of him!! I will tell you some happier observations of mine this time. One of my favourite "older bro" things Andrés does in the series, when he and Sergio sit down to drink together, he ALWAYS pours wine for Sergio first. In the bella ciao scene, his wedding scene in s4, even s3 he literally wakes up Sergio to come have breakfast with them, which means he didn't even allow either Martin or Tatiana to start without his hermanito lol. It's a very sweet minor detail that melts my heart. I can totally imagine them in the Toledo house, pretending they don't know each other but then andrés does little things like these, serving Sergio first or preparing coffee for his brother just the way he likes it before making his own cup :') OH, the feels. Yes, I agree, I definitely think the Bella Ciao lyrics are foreshadowing, and that is exactly what happened in the end. (I have been struck by that thought too, more than once 🥲 it's heartbreaking isn't it? especially when you consider that oslo/moscow had their loved ones with them when they died + a funeral. nairobi had a funeral too. tokio had rio with her before she died. but andrés had none of that, sergio was miles away and then ofc they had to escape leaving him behind... don't think about the guantanamera scene lyrics in this context too. Poor Sergio :( (pt 3) Btw sorry for how long this got!! Please feel free to put everything under a cut if you want 😅 I'm just out here rambling like there's no tmrw. Back to the happier note (omg we really just keep switching between angst and joy) I love that idea!! Yeah, I can definitely see them having that as an inside joke, something that only they share from their childhood memories, it's very sweet! Sergio "I don't dance" Marquina WILL dance if his big bro requires, and it makes me a puddle everytime. Somehow he has the most stiff yet adorable dance moves ever, I loved those moments we got. Andrés mirroring Sergio's moves in the guantanamera scene never fails to bring a smile to my face. Unironically, I used to watch that scene so many times during the pandemic days. I was not doing too well but those few seconds seeing them smile and laugh and dance despite everything used to give me such comfort :D I was glad to see your reply (and once again, completely understand, hope you're taking care of yourself <3) Thank you for putting up (and being so kind) about my rambles, glad you like them! And ofc, please feel free to tell me to shut up if I get too annoying 😭 As always, such a JOY sharing the enthusiasm for these heist bros with you and i hope you have a great week!
AT LEAST WE CAN SUFFER TOGETHER!!! And talk about Sergio, who usually considers every single possible outcome, Never considering his brother could die... whew!
Thank you so much! The best of luck on your exams!! (If you've already taken them, I hope they went well!) I saw that, yeah... and speaking of the spin-off I watched some more of it, I need to watch the fifth episode next... anyway, they better use that new season to give us some new hermanos content or ELSE 🔪🔪 like, just Andrés mentioning Sergio was enough to reawaken my heist brothers obsession, an actual new scene with the two of them would be so Powerful (also I miss Sergio sooo) Thank you, I'd like to gif them again soon but right now the inspiration isn't really on my side, UGH. But I really hope watching and rewatching their scenes (and looking for possible quotes) can help! Honestly since I love pain I will probably watch the Scene That Shall Not Be Named as well but I promise I'll proceed with caution...
Well, I can't blame you, angst is made to be shared! Poor Sergio, he really is in denial at the beginning, huh, insisting Andrés should get into the tunnel... and that's another thing that gets me, because truly there was no time, waiting for Andrés and not blowing up the tunnel basically meant getting captured, and yet Sergio who's usually so cautious and always aware of every risk just refuses to see it. Andrés must get into the tunnel and to safety! And then he gets more and more desperate when it really becomes apparent that it isn't going to happen :(
Oh, I definitely agree! Part of the appeal of big brother Andrés and of their bond imo is the contrast between their usual demeanor and how they behave around each other. When they're together they're a big brother and a little brother, you know 🥺🥺 OOOH thanks for sharing! I don't know if I ever noticed that (if I did I forgot) it really is sweet! I'm smiling a bit at the thought of Andrés not allowing Martín and Tatiana to have breakfast because the most precious hermanito in the world is not there yet! I love that thought! I enjoy picturing how it was for them in Toledo, having to pretend they didn't know each other, and the image of Andrés finding all the sneaky ways to take care of his hermanito makes me melt <3
What can I say, Bella Ciao, Guantanamera, they truly looked at the lyrics and went "ooooh 😈" That completely breaks my heart, like it makes Sergio's grief even WORSE.
Please never apologize about how long your message gets, as far as I'm concerned it only means I have more stuff to enjoy (also thank you for reminding me I can put this under a cut, I probably should lol) It's kind of amusing how we can switch between oh no Andrés was killed and Sergio was completely helpless and awww nice little childhood memories but hey it's great how they give us tragic and happy thoughts both! I absolutely agree about Sergio having the most stiff yet adorable dance moves ever, at some point he's basically like "ok, since I'm doing this with my big brother I'm... actually enjoying it, but this doesn't take all my awkwardness away" and it's so CUTE, Alvaro plays it so well! And Andrés mirroring his moves makes me smile so much!! It truly is a comfort scene and I'm glad it helped you through those times (man, it was surreal).
Thanks so much for your patience! And nooo don't worry, I LOVE your rambles!! It really is a real joy to talk with you about these brothers!
Thank you so much, I hope you have a great week too! (And if you're still studying for your exams, well, I wish you a productive study and hope it doesn't stress you out too much!)
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