#anyway!!!! just needed this one here <3333333
pxrxmoore · 1 month
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mattodore · 11 months
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kisses him goodnight
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mothocean · 5 months
Didyou guys know that. Raphaella la cognizi
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jazeswhbhaven · 6 months
Hang Up Raphael, I'm gonna get to know him better ♱♡‿♡♰ (Christmas Miracle L-Card PROLOGUE Spoilers I)
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Hi hi once again lovelies, it is I your admin <;3 (i really need a name for you all to call me huh) Anyways, We're on to Raphael and I took way too many screencaps for this so I had to like pick and choose which ones I'm gonna use lol there were SO many good moments not to highlight. So just so you know, the beginning of it literally starts the same way as Michael's prologue with Minhyeok making a wish, us seeing his brother yadda ya (hmmm and here I thought it would be slightly different I guess not) And after that we're gonna dive right the fuck in. As per usual this is a two-parter, get yourself a snack and let's gooo ♨(⋆‿⋆)♨
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So our MC was invited to Avisos in this story to celebrate x-mas but it's very different from what they're used to. Samba, festival clothing, parades, etc. Avisos be gettin' down I swear. But MC is over here like "the samba has nothing to do with-" Let them party. It's fine. Everyone celebrates differently and the Avisos citizens wanna shake their ass to some feel good music.
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Naberius coming in to call them out on their thoughts, here is when I find out he can technically read minds so I'm gonna have to be careful around him...cause does that happen automatically or does he just do that when he feels like it?
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I think it's cute he's feeding MC btw, but MC being guilty about what they said makes sense because it's like telling someone when you go over their house you don't like how they do something. Because you could...just wait until you get home or something don't tell me that while you're here lmao
So in this scene Naberius explains that he had the turkey cooked and made just because he knew humans ate two types of meat (really three if you feel) during christmas and wanted to make MC comfortable. It also sounds good as fuck because sauce was dripping down MC's chin.
But Naberius was treating it more like a chore than what a lover would, so this has me headcanon that Naberius is possibly part of the ace (asexual) family! now I'm unsure if he'd be demi, gray, or just full on ace but regardless, he's being cute feeding MC like this.
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Our troublesome two...it's literally like watching two brothers fight and it's funny to me. Like Amon please don't take Stolas' juice T^T it was literally in his hand when he took it lmao
Also that sounds good too because it was fresh from a fruit bowl....my diet would be terrible in Avisos they eat so much and so many good foods ;.; (my ibs would probably kick my ass too)
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So while Amon and Stolas are squabbling, Naberius is just like chiding them as per usual and MC asks where Bael is. He's working (poor bby let him REST) and this is when Naberius says that Amon and Stolas should be working too and only he was asked to look over MC during the festivities and that they usually have to patrol around because things get crazy lol
Stolas ofc is like yeah who the fuck cares we don't get to celebrate anyway so I'm taking this time to do so xD
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He also adds that he's usually not outside during this time anyway because ppl annoy him with their happiness. (omfg Stolas is me on most days like why are all you outside? There's too many fucking ppl outside, go back to your own houses while I do grocery shopping then you can come back out)
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Amon chimes in that Stolas likes staying in his dark room and how mature that is despite how he looks. Stolas gets really offended and threatens to kill him (that's on brand for our bird bby, he's so adorable)
ANYWAYS what Amon really does like to bring up that Stolas looks so young and honestly it's just like...I can see why he would be irriated about that coming up each time.
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Amon ignores him of course and says he wants to make memories with MC (he's so fucking cute omfg) and Naberius whacks him on the head to remind him that he has work to do and he can't just be doing whatever.
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AMON YOU CUTIE LOVE YOU <3333333 He's adorable, like I'd hang out with him all day if he wanted me to. (I also can imagine that since he gets flirty in the beel event, he'd probably feel comfortable enough to do a l o t more flirting when it's MC/you with him)
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So Naberius brings in some lore about Avisos, bascially stating that they always need to celebrate something and there's no real reason for them to do so. As I stated before, this country loves to fucking party like I swear there was always something going on. He did bring up that he's slightly glad it's chilled out since the war (must of been that bad if a war makes him happy they stopped)
And MC is just like oh do you guys believe in Santa then or no?
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And then our sexy sexy Beel boo enters the chat
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He's so hot for this, thank you for bringing me gifts bby <3
So naturally all of his nobles are happy to see him, Amon especially and he brought them gifts!!!
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He basically brought everyone back souvenirs from the places he's been. That's so thoughtful because he took time to think about what each person would like. This is also something I do when getting gifts for ppl and every day they reveal more about Beel it makes me be like "yup that's why I was paired with him"
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Now we get to see what he got MC and oh.....
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MC was just saying they were happy that they got to experience some adult items from Hell so they were grateful and would use it well, and while I love that response....
I would be creaming my pants already because I KNOW he bought that with the intention of MC using it with him and you know what....
I have immediate needs that need to be addressed and I'd let that be known.
But the topic of a christmas miracle starts being brought up again and Beel explains that there's always weird things happening in Hell around this time and well...he thinks it's best that you don't question it and just go with the flow
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See? Don't think about trivial things, just let your mind be free. Don't stress about the things you don't know for now.
While that goes against every fiber of my nuerospicy brain to not know what the fuck is going on and not freak out about the things I don't know....i'll just let him distract me with that d*ck
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And he's so cute he put his face all up in MCs and was like yeah we're going on a date later btw. After he was done delivering presents to the other citizens (he's getting the best bj known to man for this because what he got something for everyone?????)
BUT we are interrupted by some loud sounds...
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So it seems once again Raphael, just like Michael just fucking crashed into shit without any warning only the funniest thing about Raph is that he was fucking eating the food at the stalls LMAO
Mans got priorities.
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So we get some repeat lore about Raph, we got a little bit from the halloween event where it was Ppyong that explained how dangerous he was. And well from reading his comic he's literally as bloodthirsty as his seraph comrades...once he likes to play around and torment folks a bit. And if you're another angel that he does not like for any fucking reason yeah you're in the crossfire too. Raph's hands are rated E for everyone.
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Naberius is over here growling and challenging him and Raph with those big balls of his (hehehe) is basically being like yeah you sent for me so don't trip. But that's the thing I don't think anyone particularly called for him...though it does seem like there's a specific angel that likes bothering a specific country. Raph-Avisos, Gabe-Gehenna, and Mike-Tartaros.
And then from here he starts giving critiques on the fucking meat and the customer service of the stalls and I'm like Raph bby.....why are you doing this lmao He's such a true villian because totally coming in and taking the local's food and still not satisfied with it tracks.
But....it seems my lovely peeps that tumblr has alerted me that's all the photos I can add here so we'll end it! Meet me in the next post <3
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olivyh · 1 year
Hi hi! I hope you don't mind, but I'd like to request a Jamil x reader fix where Jamil, grabs reader all panic like " there is a dangerous and vile creature in my room and I need your help to kill it!" and you think it would be something really serious but it's not.
It's just a ladybug,
There's a ladybug on his bed, and the poor boy doesn't want to get anywhere near it.
But reader helps get rid of the "vile creature" anyway, they just don't kill it. (Reader:... Vile creature? Jamil: not another word)
Hii!!!! I don't mind at all!!!! I actually have a lot of Jamil requests rn and I'm so happy because I never really get to write for him!!! I also like fluffy requests <<3333333 Also I might start doing notes in italics (Like that) to make the divide easier- is it easy for everyone to read? I know some fonts can be hard for some people, so I was wondering if italics works! Enough ofmy rambles!! On w the story!!
It was a normal day at NRC, with you having taken Jamil back to Scarabia after classes, chatting with him about practice as he smiled down at you warmly, your hands intertwined as you stepped through the mirror. He had dismissed himself to change out of his uniform, leaving you to sit in the common room. 
Now, it was not often that you had seen your lover lose his mind. Sure, you had seen the subtle twitch of his eyebrow or the way his jaw clenched when Kalim or one of his teammates had gotten into trouble, or the way that he had to fight his eyes from rolling when you would make a dumb joke or try to pamper him, stifling the smile that would creep up on his lips as he would turn his head. 
So when you hear an ear-splitting scream from his room, you shot up in your chair, heart racing as your mind turned over anything that could have happened. You race to his room, feeling your face pale as your heartbeat hammers in your ears, a pit forming in your stomach as you twist the knob and throw the door open. 
"Jam?!" You breathe a sigh of relief when you notice that he is unharmed. His hands shake at his sides and you can see the cold sweat forming along his forehead. His hair is slightly disheveled, and he stands in the corner of the room in his tanktop, sweatshirt balled up as a weapon in his hands. His eyes widen as he turns to you, taking a moment to catch his breath as he strides over to you, holding both of your biceps and hiding behind your back, effectively using you as a shield. "What happened?!"
"There is a dangerous, vile creature in here and I need you to kill it!" 
"Dangerous?" You ask, voice quivering. You had known of all the oddities in Twisted Wonderland by now- the plants that could make someone shrink or grow and the roots that would howl when you pulled them from the ground until your ears rang and you had to sit in the infirmary for the rest of the day. Jamil was skilled in self-defense, and he was incredibly knowledgeable about anything that could cause harm. You bit your lip in fear thinking about how horrible this thing must be if even he couldn't bear to be around it. 
A small speck flying across the room snapped you out of your thoughts. You felt Jamil's hands tighten on your arms, and you could swear you could hear his teeth creak from how hard he was clenching his jaw. It lands on the wall and you sigh, stifling a giggle. 
"It's a ladybug."
"Get it out. Now," His voice was low as you wiggled out of his firm grip, holding his face firmly between your palms and pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose as he huffed. "Please. Before it moves again!"
"Okay! Okay!" You giggle and climb onto his bed, trying to stabilize yourself as you walk along the comforter and cup your hand on the wall. You feel the ladybug fly toward your hand, its small feet tickling your fingers and you giggle. "You know, in my world, ladybugs are good luck!"
"Not here," He sighs and takes a hesitant step back when you jump off the bed, cupping your hands and giving the small insect some room to crawl around. 
"They're not scary," You walk over to him. 
"Get rid of it!" He holds his arms up and backs himself into the wall as you smile. "It's not funny." His face goes stoic again, aside from the way his eyes blink rapidly from your hand to your face. You slowly raise your cupped hands and watch him press himself further into the wall. "Baby, it's not funny." His voice raises a bit as you watch him gulp. You feel a little bad but also... he teases you much, much worse. 
You drop your hands and chuckle. "It's a little funny!" He pouts and gently flicks your forehead. "Is that any way to treat your generous savior?"
"I'm cooking dinner. That's your treat," He deadpans and backs himself away from the wall, walking with you until you hit the common room. You can hear his footsteps grow distant and you notice that he's trailing behind you. 
"Help me?" You ask, trying to give him your most innocent stare. You notice his eyebrows furrow on his forehead as he sighs, hanging his head slightly as he nods, the bells along his hairline jingling softly. You lift your arms slightly and motion for him to cup your hands in his own, which he does so hesitantly. You can feel him rest his chin against the nape of your neck, as well as the slight flinch when you open your hands and allow the small bug to fly out. You watch it go and smile, smiling when he buries his face in the crook of your neck and his arms move to wrap around your waist, pulling your back flush against his chest. 
"Are you okay?" He nods and you smile, wiggling in his hold to turn around. "Come on, let's make dinner."
He nods and lifts his face from your neck, smiling until his eyes wander to right above your head, eyes widening. You follow his gaze and you both silently watch the small ladybug drift back into the dorm and bumble cheerfully down the hall. 
"Did it just...?"
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alienaiver · 11 months
omg omg 88 and osamu … i hope it’s fluffy hes boyfie ok ty ty kiss for u too
HI MY LOVE... I AM.... INCREDIBLY, PAINFULLY SORRY FOR TAKING TWO MONTHS...🫡🫡. i am hiding in my attic after this 🤡 KDJSKDJKSD but ehre we are!!!!!!!!!! 🥺🧡🧡 i hope youll like it <3333333
number 88 gave the sentence “I will never stop fighting for you. I will never stop protecting you.”!!!! isnt that romantic!!
this is some fluffy fluff but its a fantasy/royalty au and an assassin involved, but no gore-y mentions of deaths!!! <33333 it came out as 894 words! thank you for sending one in, i hope you enjoy it!!! :')
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The room is dark as you sit by the wooden desk, fiddling with all the items laid out in front of you. This is Osamu’s … lair, you could say – and he’s messy. It’s not so much an office as it’s his living quarters. He’s rarely here anyway, only in-between missions. You learned early that he prefers to sleep in the stables anyway, weapon at the ready.
He’s out right now, on a mission sent by your mother, the queen. There’s been upheaval underneath the finer layer of society, mentions of coup d’états and rotten hate. Threats towards you, the sole heir has even been issued. It brings unease into your heart.
Your mother is not necessarily a popular ruler. She’s headstrong with a heightened moral compass that she isn’t afraid to act on and punish those needed, which, in her defense, has lowered the general crime rate. So, she’s not a bad one either.
But alas, she has also created a divide and unknowingly made an underground mob of criminals.
This is where Miya Osamu comes in. He’s hired as the kingdom’s assassin – and he’s currently also the man who receives your affections.
You met in the Gardens for the first time ten years ago, when he was just a stableboy. He didn’t recognize you nor your title as he approached you without apprehension. It delighted you, seeing how isolating being the royal heir could be.
Originally, he only acknowledged you to apologize for his twin’s behavior. You were surprised, thinking it had been the same boy who’d thrown grass at you for telling him off when he pulled branches off of the tree. You’d sat and talked for an hour after that.
You slump down onto the chair with a sigh. Reminiscing your past with him is not going to bring him back earlier – or any safer.
You pick up the fountain pen and fiddle with it, dipping it in ink. You fold up your sleeve so that you can doodle on your arm. Osamu has tattoos – you’ve always dreamt of matching him.
”Is that considered proper entertainment?”
You yelp out as you drop the pen, spilling ink on the fabric of your garments before it hits the floor, rolling off and disappearing somewhere underneath the desk. You’ll purchase him a new one.
You put your palm to your chest and heave in a grounding sigh as you spot Osamu crouched on the windowsill, looking at you. He seems happy to have managed to scare you but he’s trying to suppress the glee. You shake your head and get up from his chair.
“Welcome back.”
He jumps down easily from the sill with a smile as he unwraps his utility belt to place on the big chest next to the window. You’ve always been curious as to what he’s hiding inside. When he nears you, he gently takes your arm and pulls it towards him. He wants to admire your handiwork it seems. You just hope he doesn’t touch your pulse point directly and feel the velocity in which it is pulsing. You’d surely pass out if he ever called you out so directly.
He whistles as he turns your arm, “this one reminds me of my rose,” he notes and your breath hitches sharply. He looks up at you from underneath his eyelashes, hoping you do not see the blush adorning his cheeks. To his luck, you’re much too focused on the part of your body where you connect at the moment. You’re concerned with the sweat emerging from your palms.
“Your majesty?” he asks and you’re pulled back to the moment. You hum out a reply as you retract your arm, straightening your back.
“I have taken care of the threat.” He says, his voice unusually official near you.
Right, the threat aimed at you. You slump and sigh. “I can feel your unease,” he says, reaching out for your arm again. He hides his hurt well when you pull it behind you, out of reach.
He remembers his place. He’s just your assassin.  
You smile weakly before you raise your gaze again to look at him, “I’m happy to hear so, do not misunderstand,” you also raise your arm again in an effort to mend the hurt he thinks you don’t see, grazing his cheek slightly. He can’t help but lean into your palm for a split second before he collects himself.
“But you are correct. The apprehension will not leave me. This is the third one that you’ve been tasked with. Under the woodworks they will continue to emerge and I…” you trail off and silence grows together with the distance between the two of you. Osamu refuses to let it continue like this; he grabs the arm by his cheek and turns his head slowly. With only a few millimeters of air separating his lips from your skin, he makes an oath, “I will never stop fighting for you. I will never stop protecting you.”
Your breath hitches again but your heart relaxes immediately, knowing that he will always support you, even if it’s from the shadows. Before he pulls away, you push your hand against his lips so that they finally, completely connect. To your delight, he doesn’t hesitate or move away.
Everything will be okay, as long as you have Miya Osamu by your side.
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corruptratcat · 1 year
Hi heellloo!
It's me Ribzyz from wattpad :)
I've literally read like every chapter from your Headcannons or Oneshots books,and oh GOD DO I LOVE THEM.
Hshwjej Anywaysss-
I'd like to request pretty please!
What about a Es,Mahiru,Amane(platonic for Amane)x GN!Reader?
I was thinking of The scenario where Reader is determined Guilty,and you know,gets beaten up from Kotoko's attack.BUT,They actually die.That's it lol.
Soo Scenario+Angst!
Oh and please do not rush yourself to do this request!Take all the Time you need,and remember to drink,eat,and rest!
Also ignore this if you can't do this!(OR have a similar request!)
Hello! I hope you don't mind if I did headcanons instead cause it's multiple characters, and sorry for not posting for a long (a month ∑(゚Д゚)) time! And thanks so much! This message means a lot to me <33 !!! Anyways here it is <3333333
Es, Mahiru, Amane(p) x gn!reader | headcanons
Angst | Reader that died by being beaten up by Kotoko
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They feel, a lot of guilt from hearing this news, they know it's their fault for voting you guilty and voting her innocent, they want to do better cause of this and will 100% vote Kotoko guilty.
They'll cry for days losing someone they're close to, like you, they know that they've already felt guilt when their final verdict for you was guilty but...
Jackalope just watches not caring that much and telling Es that their verdict matters. The result of their verdict could lead to what, moments like these.
Es wants to improve, Es wants to do better, they're quite traumatized, even if they didn't get to see your death, they'll get angry when seeing Kotoko, probably be pissed when seeing her at their next interrogation with her, they know they'll vote her guilty anyways...
Es might overthink about the prisoners next move after this, they'll try to calm down but they can't, they feel as if they've also committed a sin, they indirectly murdered you... They need to do what's right.
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She saw it all, honestly really traumatizing, if only she could've saved you in some way! If only it hadn't been this way. The moment when Shidou was unable to save you and she had watched you die, she kept crying, holding your dead corpse in her arms, the crying went on and it felt as if it never stopped
She's honestly more sadder than before, she doesn't know what to do without you, you were the one that genuinely made her a lot more happy in MILGRAM, but look at you now, gone.
She'll convince Es to make Kotoko guilty, even if Es had already been planning that ever since they heard about the beatings.
Honestly, quite sad that she's pretty much hopeless at this point, she's weak and she has lost someone that she loves, she can't even try to even smile no matter how she tries, even if she needs a hug you can't give it to her cause you're dead 😭 (I'm sorry)
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Traumatized as well, actually everyone here is traumatized so what's the point of saying that, but aside from that hearing these news she's devastated, if only she prayed enough she could've saved you, but no, you weren't saved
She'll blame it a lot on Shidou and Kotoko, she'll be very aggressive to both, they caused the death of a person who cared for them and treated her like their little sister, she'll avoid them as much as possible.
She'll be, well of course very sad from this, even if the other prisoners tried to comfort her, they couldn't give the same amount of care as you did, you dying is like loosing something important, because you are important to her!
Instead of just convincing Es to make Kotoko guilty, she'll definitely convince Es to vote Shidou guilty as well, because medical treatment is useless to her, you need to pray to keep someone alive and healthy!
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softbobamilktae · 5 months
Hello! Hi! I see that you are an avid book reader and I am here to kindly ask for book reccomendation reccommendation recommendations. I at long last have some time to return to the wonderful world of reading and I very much long to hold a book in my hands and get lost, but alas I cannot find one that piques my interest. You look to have good taste and I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
Yours sincerely,
P.S. <3333333
P.P.S. Why is "recommendation" so hard to spell?
Hello friend! You don’t know how happy seeing this made me! 😆
Be warned this is going to be a long post because I read a lot of books last year that I loved…so…yeah…
I feel like I need more to work with than just “give me a book rec” butttt 🤔 I suppose we can make this work
I mostly read fantasy but I assume you knew that since you follow me 🤨👀
(Unless mentioned otherwise these are all trilogies or duologies)
If you like puzzle games I’d definitely recommend The Inheritance Games 😌 I thoroughly enjoyed that trilogy and it made my puzzle mind go brrrr
As for fantasy, I have quite a few to recommend
If you’re into classic fae (as in…darker stories I suppose) I’d recommend The Cruel Prince and These Hollow Vows. They both have deeply romantic undertones but they’re more heavily focused on the politics that the stories revolve around.
*The Cruel Prince also has two novellas that go with it and a sister duology about the main girl’s younger brother, so if you’re looking for a world to get immersed in and keep reading, I’d seriously recommend reading that entire world.
If you’re looking for more whimsical fantasy I’d recommend Caraval and Once Upon a Broken Heart. They’re sister series that are semi-connected and they both have very immersive fairytale vibes. These two are heavy on the romance aspect but they also have great plots that carry them!
If you’re into low fantasy where there’s a bit of magical element in the plot but it’s not overwhelming, I’d recommend Six of Crows and Defy the Night. Both of these books have amazing plots but they focus more heavily on the relationships between the characters and how they trauma they’ve experienced has shaped their personalities. Six of Crows is a lot heavier of a read, so if you’re looking for something lighter, start with Defy the Night.
If you’re looking for fantasy that’s just a bit fun, I’d go with Assistant to the Villain. This book was very silly and fun while also dealing with serious topics. It was, however, to my dismay, a trilogy with only one book out…so…be warned.
If you’re into dragons and war colleges I’d recommend Fourth Wing, but keep in mind that this one has smut and lots of swearing. Despite the fact that this is one of my favorite books, I give this recommendation very loosely because of the content in it.
As for standalones, I have a few great recs:
- The Forgetting
A sci-fi (?) mystery about a city where everyone loses their memory every 12 years. Lovely characters and great plot.
- The Half-Life of Love
Absolute tragedy of a story that you know will end awfully from the start but you read it anyways and then sob your eyes out.
- Greymist Fair
A paranormal Brothers Grimm-esque collection of related stories. The town of Greymist Fair is very enchanting, and the way the stories all tie together is so much fun.
- The Stars We Steal
This was sci-fi and I read it in 2020 so honestly who knows what happened in it but I remember really enjoying it 🤷🏻‍♀️
If you want to see everything I read last year and my reviews of it all, you can go to my 2023 reading recap
I also have a short list of sappy modern romance novels if you’d like, so send me another ask if you want those too! This post is too long already 😆
P.S. I think recommendation is so hard to spell because it sounds like it should have multiple double letters…hence why I say “recs”.
P.P.S I love the way you type. Very eloquent and lovely use of words.
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p0nyo17 · 5 days
My idea for the scarover imagine because i absolutely cannot rewrite what i just wrote within a short time period
Scar broke into rovers hotel room and pinned him to a wall. they have a cute flirt and then start kizzing. Scar brings rover to the bed and strips and teaisngs rover. Rover does his cute shit and scar preps him. then they fuck like rabbits that love each other very much. a bunch of words about passionate love making sounds and scar grips rovers titty and shit. OH AND THERES A FLASHBACK WHERE ONE OF THEIR SHARED NIGHTS TOGETHER ROVER LET scar suck on his nipples which are inverted(my hc) and by the end of the night at least one of them was popped out and IT WAS SO GOOD I CANT BELIEVE I FUCKING LOST IT I NEED TO START WRITING ON NOTES AND NOT DIECTLY ON HERE 😭. anyway and then they climax and scar cums in rover and stuff and then they sleep together and dream of a world where they arent seen as enemies but just peace individuals. the end <3333333
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jasonsmirrorball · 1 month
I RANNNNN HEREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO INTRODUCTIONS NEEDED I WANT TO KNOW ABT 1 & 2 & 9 & 10 & 13 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TELL ME EVERYTHINGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ILY<3333333 - @teddybeartoji
mickey ur so fine ur so fine u blow my mind n i love you heheheheheheheeheheh
1. nose kisses or forehead kisses?
forehead kissies for ro always!!!!!!! i think i'd be the type to give him a kiss on the nose or chin playfully though hehehehe but i want alllllll the forehead kisses
2. neck kisses or thigh kisses?
neck kisses <333 love the versatility of neck kisses. they can be a casual affectionate peck or something more and in my mind it's like. it can be a reassuring thing too but it's also so intimate ??? even if it's in public, without being too much pda ?? to me anyway lol
9. playing with each others’ hair or giving each other back massages
playing with each others' hair!!!!! usually i grow my nails out so i'd scratch his scalp when we're just lounging around and i think he'd be the type to twist my hair around his finger and play with it that way absentmindedly while we're watching tv or something. ugh i'm sick 2 my stomach i love him so bad
10. constantly saying “i love you” or only say “i love you” during really serious/romantic moments
i wanna say i'm a constantly saying i love you girl but i think that's only a little further into the relationship even after we've confessed that we love each other. i think we both get so shy about it but when we get there it's all the time. at the end of every phone call, before one of us leaves the house etc etc
13. stay at home dates or out on the town dates
stay at home dates but i like the idea of doing something special occasionally. i think we'd do out on the town dates if they were something other than formal sit down dinner dates, like going to see a movie or going to a festival or something. i like the idea of cute lunch dates so much because they're so much more casual and easy going, i feel like that would suit the both of us better <333 stay at home dates would be movie nights i think or something like that <33
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bookwyrminspiration · 7 months
hello my lovely loveliest dearest favorite quil <333 I have finally actually returned with a slight rebrand and many tales to tell.
How are you bestie!!! I missed you So SO much and it's literally so rude that I can't send you all of the things that make me think of you. Like I swear my partner is gonna be jealous at this point because I'm literally like omg I literally need to show this to quil. It is a necessity. (If you're wondering it was a hoodie that had the classic university logo and said Silly Goose University and I decided that we needed them to match with our friendship bracelets.)
Anyway I am eyeing your new writing up very very closely and am itching to go to Ao3 and read ALL of it. (The urge is quite strong now that I have started Thinking about it, however this ask is taking long enough bc I have to take Wiggle™ breaks because holy bestie I am SO happy to talk to you once again.)
Speaking of your writing I was struck with the most incredible fantastic amazing art idea after looking at some of my old wings AU doodles. However, my drawing tablet went through the shredder (<- Puppy) I have to WAIT. To give the full idea justice but trust me bestie I'm so excited to show it to you.
Anyway I've been extra ramble-y but HI HOW ARE YOU I MISSED YOU WHAT IS GOING ON WITH YOUR LIFE.
I'd love all of your thoughts and feelings and I miss you and ily and I'm so happy like I kid you not this ask has taken. So much effort because I cannot sit still writing this to you. I have. The Dumbest Smile on my face. <3333333
(Please note that this ask is meant to be read as if I am laying on your bed kicking my feet in the air while excitedly talking, thank you 😌)
TOBI!!!! I was just thinking about you the other day!! My dad and I were watching Labyrinth for the first time in a while, and when I realized the baby's name was Toby (i'd forgotten) I just went...ah..Tobi...I hope he's doing well...
I'm doing alright! I've been very busy this semester, and we are approaching finals so it's probably only going to get busier soon. But! This has been my first semester mostly in person in a very long time! And I'm officially fully in uni rather than dual credit, so I'm somewhere else now and have met SO many people. Actually am planning to meet up with one of them tomorrow to go to a restaurant/museum for class! And to watch a few movies with two others sometime soon.
lots of reflections on that because relationships of all kinds have been. rather difficult my whole life, so we'll see what happens here! also would 100% wear some silly goose university hoodies with you <3. move aside tobi's partner I need to glue BOTH of his hands to mine. forever
Also!! If you read my fics I'll love you forever and ever and ever even more. This new titz one has been sitting for several months, but I finally pulled it back out! And I am rather nervous about it because Fitz and Tam are both particular characters, and so combining them just makes them even harder to write. and THEN! throwing in Fitz's Alvar feelings makes that EVEN MORE difficult. but! it was also an absolute delight to work on so I hope you like it :)
and holy shit wings au art!!! i trust you so much I am so excited to see it--and don't worry about however long it takes! wings au is years in the writing, i've got experience with patience. wait btw, I don't know if you're aware, but I'm attempting to post the epilogue soon! I have the rough draft and the anniversary is coming up, so I'm hoping to have it edited to post on the ending's anniversary. it's a little over a week away, but also finals are descending AND its nano, so we'll see what happens. it WILL be out by the end of the year for certain though (and during october I went through and re-edited the whole thing for grammar and details--it's ridiculous how many its it's mistakes there were because i KNEW the difference. i'd just autopilot do one or the other and not catch it in my quick edits)
I keep pausing to do little claps and stim because. tobi!!! it's so so cruel we can't lay in bed kicking our feet together, i have missed you so so so much! what has been up with YOU? how has your life been? what's up with the blog migration--if you want to talk about it. also totally cool to simply accept it and move on. i just like talking to you and it's very nice to see you again :)
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cosmicbrowniefan · 2 years
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I beg of you for the hurtiest most comfortiest hurt/comfort stranger things headcanons you can spawn from your genius brain PLEASE (your writing gives me life thank you so much)
OMG OK I GOT YOU!! so i’m just gonna splurge my brain here and it might be a little chaotic but that’s just how my thoughts are working rn. gonna focus mainly on our byler boys in pain and comforting each other but lmk if there’s anyone else you want to see focused on
so i think that the party definitely loves going to theme parks
and mike will go on rides with everyone else but no one knows that he actually HATES roller coasters
well, no one except will
so mike is going around with them all day going on roller coasters and shit and trying his best to hide all of his anxiety and no one really sees how off he’s acting but will’s radar is very much intact
on the way home mike is being super quiet because he’s trying to calm down from a super anxiety-inducing day and he doesn’t want anyone to know
(they are in lucas’s minivan btw, lucas and max are up front, dustin and max in the middle, and will and mike in the back)
will knows just how to calm mike down without being super obvious, though
he reaches over and grabs mike’s hand and squeezes it a certain number of times (each number of times means different things: 1 for yes, 2 for no, 3 for i love you, 3 and a thumb tap for are you okay?, etc.)
and mike responds with squeezes, and gives will a small smile because will always knows how to ground him back to reality
and when they go home they both hang out at mike’s house and will just holds his boy and they sit in a comfortable silence and watch one of mike’s comfort movies
and will gives him forehead kisses and just <3333333
perfect way to make mike feel better
another headcanon!! will getting his wisdom teeth out!
so will gets his appointment to get his wisdom teeth out when he’s about 16
and will hasn’t come out to his family or the majority of his friends yet, he’s only come out to mike at this point (who also came out to him and then they started secretly dating and yadda yadda yadda you know the bit)
but anyway. will gets this appointment scheduled and he’s super quiet the whole way home but the second he gets in his house he goes straight to his room and just. breaks down
he’s not scared for the surgery but he does have that fear that he’s going to come out while under the anesthesia 
well mike comes over for dinner that night and joyce tells him that will is in his room and he walks in to see will just sobbing into his pillow
so mike quickly goes over to his side and holds him from behind (because will doesn’t like people looking at him while he’s crying)
and after a few minutes will calms down a bit and slowly tells mike what’s bothering him
which. mike completely understands the fear
so mike rubs will’s hand and tells him that, although it’s a scary thought, you’re more in control of your words than you think, you just don’t remember it much
and mike ends up messaging joyce and offering to take will home after the surgery and take care of him so she doesn’t have to miss a day of work, which joyce graciously accepts and tells him to call her if the two need anything
and hearing this news INSTANTLY puts will at ease
flash forward to the surgery
without the anxiety, will is just about the flirtiest loopy person ever on anesthesia 
mike has to make will sit in the back seat because will kept trying to lean over and kiss him while he was in the passenger seat
but mike and will cuddle after the surgery and everything is ok <3
and let me just throw in a brief max cameo bc i am OBSESSED with this idea
i am a huge believer that mike (despite his scrawniness) can and will physically fight anyone who dares to mess with his friends. however, in steve season one fashion, he tends to lose these fights. one day, mike is in the lunchroom and one of the basketball idiots starts bullying eddie and calling him slurs. well, one thing leads to another, and mike ends up with a black eye.
this might be hard to believe, but MAX COMFORTS HIM!! those two get on each other’s nerves a lot, but max is actually the best listener and comforter in the world. after the fight, mike is really quiet and closed off and kind of pissed at the world and just shuts himself in his room. no one’s quite sure of the best way to help him, so max heads into his room and just kinda sits on the floor. mike is on his bed and barely looks over before asking what she was doing and she just said “sitting”. and the two of them go into a comfy silence and after a few minutes mike starts talking about the fight and how upset and embarrassed he feels and max just quietly listens, which is just what mike needs. bonus: after a little while, mike sits up and pats the bed for max to come over and sit, so she does. and she brought a little makeup case into his room and fixes up his black eyes and gives him some cute eyeliner at the same time <3 mike is very thankful for her
thank you for the ask!! i'm so glad you enjoy my writing omg, i really hope this is what you were looking for! keep the asks coming!! i love answering these :)
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
hiii i love your work smm so can you give me a txt ship please<333
well im an infp/j , pisces, female and have a lightish bronze skin tone and freckles ( she/her ) my favourite people are my family , friends and txt lol txt helped me in the most difficult times of my life and im sooo grateful for them and i really hope i can go to a concert one day
anyways i also love being alone time, my hobbies are reading, listening to music and art and shopping and watching kdramas or any show. I am confident , empathetic and very emotionally mature I alsoooooooooooo love eating and everyone knows. pizza , fast food, home cooked food alll of ittttttttttt. Im also very very romantic, and love being affectionate to those im comfortable with. Consent is a big thing for me. oh yeaaaah and i have black shoulder length hair, average weight and height for my age. im also a perfectionist and when i want something done i have to do it myself. my love language is physical touch i love hugs and kisses and cuddles lol but i need to be reaussured quite a bit. i love art and maths, the logic behind it all is so fulfilling and fun. I'm quite intelligent i think ha i speak italian well but understand it best , english fluently a bit of spanish and arabic. i also find it so hard to open up and showing my vunerable side so i am a very slow burner but when i feel 100% comfortable you'll hate how clingy i can be. i really enjoy listening , so im more of a listener than talker. Also when i love, i love hard. im always smiling and im VERY sarcastic. I think and daydream alot which is good and bad. ah im also very dirty minded lol and when im stressed i like to tidy my room and clean.
oh my lord the way ive just sat here and waffled about myself for like half an hour ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh im so sorry you have to read this all. i think i repeated myself like 30 times too....thank u in advance, i love ur blog, its like a safe haven
L <3333333
Thank you so very much darling! ❣️🤍❣️
I lowkey had a little trouble on who to ship you with at first because i could see you being well with all of them! Buttttt anyway 😋
I ship you with…
Choi Yeonjun!
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Song recommendation: Everything - Kehlani
- Ride or die couple, Y’all are both so loyal and always have each others back !
- Okay y’all would have such a nice and loving relationship with eachother, plus y’all would be a so stylish frrrr 😌
- I could see you guys like going out and shopping together, and he’d take you to all the best shops in town, and say like if the total came to be a HUGE amount (even if it was a small amount too) He would just hand you his card with the sexiest smirk on his face
- Okay you guys are always going to the most coolest dinner spots for date night, usually every weekend y’all go somewhere fun and hip!
- He is so affectionate to you and LOVES your freckles (he thinks they are the cutest thing in the world omg)
- Boy spoils you with his love fr, like hugs kisses anything, and he all know he is good with his words so he would always reassure you when he needed to!!
- Okay he would fine it so COOL that you speak italian ( me too🙋🏻‍♀️) but he would ask you to teach him and would be so eager to learn! Would also die if you called him any pet name in one of the languages you’re fluent in 😫
- Oh my gosh Like some days you guys will be all on eachother (sometimes y’all are just so clingy and cute omg)
- Plus let me tell you how he would get so turned on if you made any dirty remark to him (he just can’t contain himself around you like dude I know she’s gorgeous but chilllll)
- Honestly he likes your perfectionist personality, he’s a chill guy and likes to have things in order sometimes, also coming home to a clean room is always a plus LOL
Thank you so much for your request and I hope you enjoy this!!! 💖🤍
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woozi · 1 year
MA YZAAAA <3 (hehehe)
first of all,, hello <33 how have you been? and what have you been up to? <3 i hope classes and uni in general are not getting to you that much.
also the drama i told you about "doom at your service", after finishing it my opinion has changed a little, it was a nice drama overall but after the first 8, the story seemed like it was being stretched for no reason </3 i have nothing to watch these days hdksekks this time last year i had 2521 and business proposal to keep myself entertained but this year there is nothing 😭 even gose isn't here </3, did you find something interesting to watch? or read? i haven't had time and will to read hsjsksjs </3
but today i did go out of my comfort zone and watched a movie called medianeras (sidewalls), it's pretty melancholic but i liked it, ( idk why google or some reviews are saying it's funny or rom com 😭, it was actually sad and reflective but had a good ending imo) it's about how urban and internet lifestyle have had the opposite effect on people and have made them feel lonely despite having everything in one click. it was,, different. probably something what i was expecting from chunking express jshdjsjsnns
but in midst of all this i love love how booseoksoon came through 🥺 they brought back the spark hdjddj i love all the songs ( tho just like you, i love fighting and 7pm a little bit more than lunch ), it was so wholesome to see them have fun performing 😭 also youngji's feature fits so well <3 i can't stop talking about it hskdks it felt so natural <3 i haven't been this satisfied with a feature song in a long while ( same with 7pm ). if there was anything else fighting! needed it was definitely her. it made me so happy to see bss performing with her and peder <33
they made my feb for real.
( also something about leader seok gets me fr, he's been extra glowing these days <33 love that )
also the carat day live 😭 they all looked so good 😭😭😭 i missed seeing our sebongs together <3 the teddy bear scenes are still running in my mind lmao
i actually got mild cold and cough last week so at the moment that's what i have been up to : recovering from it and trying to read a book dhdjsj, seasons changing got me this time. it'll be summer now here and i'm already tired of it tbh 😭 how is the weather treating you? i hope it's good
omg also, i've become obsessed with checkers on plato btw! ( i've understood the basics of it but the difference between the original and the international rules is still slightly confusing for me udkgsd )
hope you're doing great yza 🥺🤍 sending you lots of good energy and clear sky days
i've been so so busy the past two months so it's like life's on 3x speed for me dfjkfdjkfdjkfd but it's my last semester anyway so <33 JKFDJKFDJK HOW ABOUT U <333333 HOW HAVE U BEEN WHAT HAVE U BEEN UP TO!! 😋😋😋
ALSO NOOOOOOO THAT SUCKS </3 maybe the writers didnt think they'd get that far lmfao 😭 AND I KNOW </3 that was such a good era for dramas, i hope they come out w really good ones </3 i heard the glory's v good? but i personally haven't checked it out yet and i'm not really into revenge type dramas so dfjkffd but i've been watching movies more these days!! i've been trying to watch cult faves/classics that people always talk about and that i've never had time to watch heheh ALSO SO TRUE ABT NOT HAVING THE WILL TO READ 😭 idk why it's also so hard for me to get back to it, i used to read like, 2 books a week at a leisurely pace
EXACTLY <3333333 bss really came at the perfect time!! and u're so valid for that <33 i'm really glad they had the chance to collab more w/ other artists, esp peder!! not only was the song so fucking good, their interactions were also so sweet to witness 🥺 he seems like such a nice guy to hang out w LMFAOOO AND WAIT URE SO RIGHT??????????????????????????????????????? leader seok >>>>>>>>>>>>
i'm ngl i haven't even watched it yet i just skipped to the teddy bear part 😭😭😭 i only got to see clips of them, and REALLLL it feels like it's been forever since we last saw them tgt 😭
ALSO NAURRRRRRRRRRRRRR </3 that's such a pain in the ass :/ i hope you're feeling much better now and that you won't get sick any time soon!! there's only 2 types of weather where i'm from since i'm in the tropics, so u dont need to worry abt me <33
AND PLATO FJKFDJKFDJKF I COULD NEVER THANK U ENOUGH FOR IT i've avoided so many awkward moments in uni bc of it JKFDJKFDJKF also didn't know they had different rules 👁👄👁 what i do know though is that other ludos have different rules as well w the 1s and 6s which i only figured out when i played w someone else at another platform DJFDJFDJKFDJK let's play some time again if u're free!! <3 or we can also watch a movie 😋
hoping u're even better and that the days are endlessly kind to u as u have always been to me <33 love u thank u for always checking up on my disappearing ass 🥺🥺🥺 MWAH
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What are your top five *throws a dart at a spinning wheel* tropes(please add commentary if you'd like)
FOUND FAMILY!!!! im suchhh a suckier for this one<333 tho i am somewhat picky w/ it [I Fucking HATE Adopition Tropes Sososoossoos much, also just. the found families that get thrown into the nucular family structure sucks as well like!!!! found family is abt breaking the norm and etc etc anyways] idk i just love affection given to someone by choice<33 like i CHOOSE to love you. I CHOOSE to be here is just soosoosoo comforting for me
2. QPR queerplatonic relationships r soooo<3333333 like what else do i need to say
3. crack treated seriously, idk man i just love buckshit insane premises played out w/ a straight face<33 i love well written crack fics soso much
4. non-sexual intimacy i just want to see my blorbos get washed by their lover/friend iughhhg<3
5. 5 + 1 oughhrhghh idk man just<33 i love seeing how this fics usually play around w/ parallel n shit and ive read some wonderful fics w/ this premise !!
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milfweirdal · 6 months
hi gray, i just saw your edit of al from comedy bang bang and i was wondering where you got your clips from because ive noticed i never seen some of them before and i was bewildered bc i thought i finished the whole thing.. also possibly need it for an edit idea too LOL
Hi anon <3333333 i am sorry to say that the source I previously used is now unavailable. RIP soap2day 💔 I've seen some episodes of season 5 available on other similar streaming websites, but only in 480p :( not ideal for edit purposes. I'm away from my computer rn and will be until the new year otherwise I'd try to find you one of those cos its better than nothing. I may have seen some on dailymotion sometime? Still low quality, unfortunately, but could be worth looking there.
Anyway I continue to be on the lookout for a source of HD episodes of comedy bang bang myself, especially season 5. If I find them, I will try to find some way of getting that link to you. I'll post about it here like COMEDY BANG BANG ANON DM ME I HAVE THE LINK. Sorry to disappoint and I hope you're having a good day ❤️
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