arctixout · 8 months
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hair flick
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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2005 European Grand Prix - Fernando Alonso(my personal post-race highlights)
+ bonus Mark Webber
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feelbokkie · 1 year
When he has to keep your relationship a secret
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☀️Feelbokkie M.list☀️
Part 2
genre: disgusting amount of fluff
pov: 2nd person
description: Subtle ways bf!skz simps for you when he can’t reveal your relationship.
pairing: bf!skz x reader
warnings: there is like one swear word
word count: 1,934
©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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방 찬 (Bang Chan)
Makes a playlist
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Loves you and also wants to keep your relationship private anyway
But also adores you and wants to show you off
He thought it would be fun to mess with Stay too
So he just started playing music that spelled out your name with the titles during his lives
He didn't do it all in one day because he was scared that someone would figure it out immediately
So he spread it across several lives
After he was done spelling out your name, he would just play your favorite songs
Or songs that would remind him of you
Or a song that you two heard while you were together and formed a core memory to
Would be blushing smiling like a dumbass while the songs are playing, remembering you and all the happy memories
Makes a playlist with those songs and shared the link on his bubble
He adds songs to it periodically so fans don't read too much into the order and see your name
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이 민 호 (Lee Min-Ho)
A special hand sign
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He's not the type who is big on matching couple items
And you were okay with that, he wasn't supposed to talk about your relationship anyway
But he was so in love with you, he wanted to tell the world
So he came up with a hand sign that he could do during performances and vlogs
Spent a lot of time researching sign language to make sure he wasn't going to do anything offensive or stupid
It also needed to be small and not complex so he could sneak it into dances
The first time he did it in a performance, he sat down with you and watched your reaction to the video
"Why did you do that? Did you forget the move and freestyle?"
You had sat through enough rehearsals and watched enough of their performances to know the choreography, especially Minho's parts, to know that he was not supposed to do that
"No, I did that on purpose." "Why?" "For you." "What?"
He let you sit confused for the rest of the video before finally explaining
The hand sign is meant to let you know that he loves you
And misses you
And is thinking about you
He did it every chance he got
It got to the point where Stay noticed and just thought it was a Lee Know Quirk™️
Naturally, they adopted it
You thought he would be annoyed that Stay was doing it too
"They're just helping spread and amplify my love for you."
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서 창 빈 (Seo Chang-Bin)
Wears a necklace with your name
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Genuinely does not care about having to keep it a secret
Wants to shout it from the rooftop
And has
The only reason he keeps quiet is because you don't feel comfortable being in the spotlight
But he will wear a necklace with your name on it
Like a dog collar
It literally says "If lost, return to Y/N"
Smug bastard
Refuses to take it off
Won't even tuck it inside his shirt
Will even purposely show it with your name facing out in pictures
It has to be edited in every picture
It's either edited to read "If lost, return to Stay," made to look blank, or edited out completely
Stay thinks that the return to Stay is the original so they made their own versions of it
"If lost, return to *insert select skz member*" or "If lost, return to Stray Kids"
Fans don't try to read the necklace anymore, they just think it's the Stay one
It's also a tiny locket
Which you only found out about 3 months into him owning the necklace
Naturally, there is a little picture of you in it
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황 현 진 (Hwang Hyun-Jin)
Couple rings
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He wears a lot of rings anyway, so nobody would think about the one that you two share being a couple ring
It was the one ring he never swapped out so Stay just thought it was his favorite
They aren’t wrong
That thing is always on his person at all times
If it doesn’t match an outfit for a photoshoot or a performance he’ll either wear it as a necklace or in his shoe
One time he tried to be creative and tied it to his hair so you could see it when they did a close up for a performance
Naturally, the ring flew off when he was dancing and it was lost
Couldn’t even go on stage to look for it when he realized because another group was on stage
Had a mini panic attack and called you crying while the guys tried to help find it after the show
You tried to calm him down over the phone and tell him that you two can just buy a new one
He didn’t want a new one, he wanted that one
He knew he could buy a new one, but he couldn’t buy the memories that came with the original
He won it in a claw machine during the date where you two made it official
It was one of those games where the prizes are actually expensive and good quality
After you two redeemed the rings, he got down on one knee and “proposed”
“Y/N, will you make me the happiest man alive and allow me to be your boyfriend?”
And on your one year anniversary you two got each other’s names and your anniversary date engraved on the inside
A few days later a staff member brought the ring and told him how they found it when they were taking down the set
After that he made sure all of his performance clothes had a tiny pocket on the inside just for his ring
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한 지 성 (Han Ji-Sung)
Paints one of his nails to match yours
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It started randomly
You two were watching an anime together and you were painting your nails because you needed something to do with your hands
When you finished, you saw how engrossed be was in the show
So you painted his pinky nail to see if he would noticed
He didn’t
After you finished painting his pinky, you contemplated painting the rest of his nails to see how far you could get
Decided against it since it would be a waste and he would just take it off soon anyway
“Look, we match!” Drawing attention to your handiwork
He looked confused at first
He saw how happy it made you and decided to just leave it
You were honestly surprised to see the nail polish still there 2 weeks later and slightly chipped
He was not happy to see that you had painted them a different color
“We don’t match anymore.”
It’d take you a second to realize that he was talking about the nail polish
"Let's get that fixed, shall we?"
"Can we put it on this finger this time?"
He would point to his ring finger
Wears his nail polish like a wedding ring
Has gotten to the point where you just text him when you changed the color
Would not let his stylist remove the polish or paint over it anytime he had to paint his nails for work
That nail was reserved for you two only
Fans thought he was just trying to be stylish and different with the singular different color nail
He bought a large set of mini nail polishes so that he would be prepared for the next time you went and painted your nails
Takes them with him on tour with him so he can keep up
Stares at his hand fondly and thinks of you
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이 용 복 (Lee Felix Yong-Bok)
Matching bracelets
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He was helping you move out of your parents' house and into your first apartment when he found a bracelet making kit
Persuaded you into taking a quick break so you can make bracelets
You taught him a few simple braids that he could weave together on his own
Took him a few minutes but he got the hang of it
When you two were finished, he suggested that you two swapped bracelets
Only takes it off when he has to for work or when he's taking a shower
Stay once made fun of it because it was so out of place with all of his expensive accessories
"This is the most expensive accessory I own, actually."
He felt bad because the one you wore was like a shoelace compared to his
You had incorporated both his and your favorite colors and somehow added little heart beads
Bought his own kit and practiced making bracelets until he was satisfied
Surprised you with the new bracelet
"Now I have one for each arm." "You can just take off the first one." "Why would I do that?" "You don't have to pretend to like it." "Why would I pretend to like it? I love it, you made it for me. A Lix original."
Would try not to cry, and fail miserably, over those words while tying the bracelet for you
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김 승 민 (Kim Seung-Min)
Keeps a photo of you in his phone case
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You two went and printed photo cards of each other at the mall one day
It was one of those kiosk where you could upload personal photos and they print out in photo card form immediately
You guys have two each, one individual photo of each other and your favorite couple photos
He keeps the couple photo framed and takes it with him on tour
But the one of just you? That's on his person 24/7
He considered getting one of those phone cases where you could insert a photo card or a clear case but he knew that would only cause him trouble, you two were meant to be a secret
So inside the phone case it went where it couldn't be seen
That thing is so protected, even if his phone fell into a sink full of water, your photocard would be fine
Pulls it out and stares at it when he's sad
Or tired
Or anxious
Or stressed
Or mad
Or drained
Or happy
He's so in love with you that he's always staring
Especially when you two are apart for long periods of time
If you two are unable to video chat but can talk on the phone normally, he'll pull out the photo card so he can at least look at you while talking
Panics any time his phone is missing
That photo cards, and the countless other photos he has of you on his phone would be gone forever
If you ever ask him about where he keeps his picture of you, he will lie and say it's at the dorm or something
You can't know how much he is actually in love with you
Sometimes the boys will find him asleep clutching his phone and when they go to try and take it so that they can charge it, they realized that he was just staring at the photocard taped to the case
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양 정 인 (Yang Jeong-In)
Sets a picture of you as his lock screen
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It took a lot of work
Chan had to help him figure out how to do it at first
If anyone looked at his phone, they wouldn’t see you, they would see a random landscape
But, if anyone held down on the lock screen, they would see the landscape pan over to you and you would be smiling at the camera
He saw that trend where people were turning live photos in to lock screens and figured it was the best compromise
Plays the video often when he misses you
Just sitting there, looking at his phone lock screen
Is careful how he holds his phone in public, does not want to accidentally trigger the video to play
Gets teased and called a simp for how often he looks at his phone smiling
But he doesn’t care
He just want to see the love of his life
Buy me a coffee?
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serxinns · 22 days
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You hated them... you hated them all they were just too overbearing! The flirting thr kissing the unwanted touching everything and whenever you told them to fuck off they'll just coo and baby you saying "thats very mean! Darling! "
They kept always crowded around you it's no surprise there Iida always insisted on study dates every chance you could get your mom would always pressure you to join her private tea party and insist it would be just the two of us the way she said it creeper you out so you would always make excuses or just awkwardly walk away leaving her confused and a bit pissed. Denki is always on your ass whether it be teasing or playing around he kept clinging to you like some puppy it was Cringe honestly...
Izuku yapping about heroes even if you weren't listening, Kirishima and Shoji trying to show off by flexing their muscles, Mina or Hakagure always gripping your arm too tight or hugging you until you couldn't breathe and you had to hit them harshly on the back and they dared to complain about it Aoyama guy always trying to stuff your face with cheese even tho the smell of cheese makes you nauseous, ochako was ok untill she started making me go bake with her and suprise suprise! Momo joins her and it always turn into some competition about anything which takes the fun out of baking
You couldn't even talk to your other friend in PEACE shinsou was your go-to friend ever since your classmates started being overbearing you would rant for hours about them and he'd listen heck he let you chill in his dorms for a while or longer you couldn't be asked for a better friend, but back to the story you were just peacefully talking to shiso at lunch until bakugo and his petty little gang came over there everyone smiling at me expect bakugo ofc just glaring at me like I did something wrong, "is.. there a problem?"
"You damn right it's a problem! Your sitting with hyno shit over there!" He said pointing at Shinso "Bakubro that's not very manly!" He said in a stern tone but you had a feeling he wasn't scolding him, "what everyone's trying to say come sit with us y/n you don't have to be alone!" Mina said in a fake sickly sweet voice I swore I saw her eye twitch a bit but you didn't back down easily "im not alone tho I got shinso and I'm fine where I'm at you can eat your lunch and have fun without me" the squad got silence and awkwardly walked away but sending one final glare at shiso
Another time when you were talking with Kendo and Monoma at 2nd you kinda disliked Monoma or thought he was some crazy lunatic just because he kept ripping on your classmates but the 2 of you weirdly got along mostly because of your distasteful experience with your classmates, if the two of you weren't ranting about how your classmates were, the two of you would talk about hero stuff (mostly monoma bragging about being the best hero) or just talking about your interests and laughing at Monoma's antics and chaoticness
Kendo on the other hand made you feel like you had a friend she knows how overbearing and overwhelming your classmates get, so she would try to pull you away as best as she could despite the glares, snarls, and scowls she swore she heard from them she still wanted to help you one day you were dragged by hakagure and Mina to go to their room to play games but Kendo quickly grabbed the back of your shirt with paint hands to pulled you away "sorry gotta borrow them for a sec!" And quickly ran off
"Thx kendo I was about to snap at them and cause a scene" She smiled at you "No problem! I felt you were uncomfortable and had to do something ugh those classmates never leave you alone huh?" You chuckled your so grateful to have a friend like Kendo "anyways let's hurry and go to this "awesome" place monoma keep spamming my phone about" you playfully rolled you eyes and walked with Kendo
Meanwhile your classmates glared at the window Cleary pissed off it "seems like those pest need a lesson.." izuku said voice laced with vemon
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lulureadsandwrites · 2 months
Hmmm.... How would Alastor realize he has begun to feel a sort of... affection for a reader? (Basically he's developing feelings and he realizes it).
hii this is my first work for alastor so forgive me if it's a little ooc and if you guys have any tips or requests, please let me know :))
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Alastor Falling For the Reader
pairing; alastor x (gender not specified) reader warning; ooc alastor (probably), a little bit of angst if you squint, cannabalism (its alastor what do you expect), blood, no dialogue (is that a warning?) perspective; 2nd person, in the eyes of alastor though if that makes sense?
so you first joined the hotel because of charlie
you weren't a parent per se to charlie, but you stepped up after lilith left to god knows where
(literally, god knows.)
and when lucifer was quite neglectful
so after getting you settled into your own room charlie wanted to introduce you to everyone
she had called a meeting to everyone in the main parlour
the reason alastor was so interested at you at first wasn't your kindness, or charisma, or even your charming smile
as much as he thought it was nice
it was your colour pallet
yes, as weird as it was, you were the only one in the hotel with blues and purples in your hair, outfit and makeup.
since the vision spectrum of a deer was limited to cooler colours and hell was filled with reds, blacks, and pinks it was refreshing for him to see something other than black and white
after a deft introduction from himself and quite a sloppy one from the others should he add, you all were spread around the bar drinking your respected drinks
and after a solid and quite warm welcome, you headed to your room and off to bed
the reason you and alastor grew close was because of your shared love of jazz music
there was no one else in the hotel who enjoyed the genre so it made you a bit more tolerable to him
as the weeks turned into months, you had grown close with most of the original people in the hotel
though, you couldn't find yourself getting close with angel
nothing against him of course, it was just hard to find common interest with him
personally, i don't see alastor falling easily, so it would take a lot, and i mean A LOT so idk what you did but congratulations
as yours and alastors platonic relationship grew, so did the want to be even closer with you
he was very up in your personal space and you couldn't say that you didn't like it
when he realised he wanted a romantic relationship with you he short circuited
let me expand, you two were enjoying dinner in one of the dinning rooms that had come with building up the new hotel
alastor was enjoying his weekly venison heart and you were indulging in some red wine and VERY MUCH COOKED deer
you had told him something about texture issues but he wasn't really paying attention to the words that came out of your mouth
he was more so just watching the way you slightly smiled while talking to him
anyways, as you had finished your meals, you had realised alastor had some blood dribbling from his mouth
you had tried to get him to wipe it off but he couldn't quite get it
so you had walked up in front of him and wiped it off with your thumb
not just that you had licked your thumb clean
in a twisted way, that was just really attractive to him
as soon as he realised his attraction to you he had to quickly excuse himself
after these newfound emotions that he had registered as love he ignored you
yeah, probably not the best move on his end but to be fair, he had never fallen in love before so that was his immediate reaction
he saw his affection for you as a weakness
you tried to talk to him?
oh apologies he has that thing he has to do since he's an overlord
and it was frustrating you, a lot
after a full week of him ignoring you, he decided to get advice from the best person he knew
when rosie had told him off for ignoring you, he knew he fucked up
not sure why that's would it took
she had told him that love shouldn't be seen as a weakness but a tool that he could utilise to make himself stronger too
basically out for love but in rosie's style lol
so when he came back to the hotel, he went to your room and knocked on the door
you had reluctantly let him in to explain himself
and while he didn't outrightly admit his feelings for you, it was pretty obvious
after a kiss on your hand, and a very long spiel of how sorry he was, (bro is down BAD i swear) you had forgiven him
now the next hurdle was trying to bring himself to ask if he could court you.
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yelena-bellova · 1 year
Twenty Years Later: Joel Miller x F!Reader - Chapter Six
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Chapter Six: Road Trip
Plot: Joel, Y/n and Ellie continue to make their way cross country, and Joel and Y/n’s truce is heavily tested.
Warnings: tlou ep.4 spoilers, language, insinuation of killing, mention of a p*rn magazine, guns, (16+)
Word Count: 7.1k
A/N: This chapter feels like filler, but there’s still lil’ nuggets that will come into play later. Thanks to HBO for throwing that curveball of a Friday episode, now I gotta hustle to get the next chapter out within two days 😂
As always, this series is 16+ and I will not be tagging anyone who does not have their age in their bio. Gotta look out for younger eyes 👀
I hope you all enjoy this one and prepare for the next one because….anyway, enjoy!
June 2nd, 2002. Austin, Texas.
Joel and Y/n had gone out for three weeks, equaling a total five dates. Between their respective work schedules and Joel being a parent, they had to get creative if they wanted to see each other. They’d meet on their lunch breaks or, if they were too busy, Joel would stop by the hardware store in dire need of help finding something and only Y/n could possibly help him. It gave them a good twenty minutes or so to wander the aisles together.
On a particularly slow Tuesday afternoon, Y/n was doing inventory. Joel and her had made plans to grab coffee on his way home and she was counting down the hours till he came through the door.
A small voice broke her out of her daydreams, “Excuse me?”
Y/n turned and met the face of a girl, no older than maybe thirteen. She had dark skin and a head full of curls pulled back with a scrunchie. She looked slightly out of breath, but determined.
“How can I help you?” Y/n asked curiously.
“Are you Y/n?”
She confusedly furrowed her brows, “Yeah…”
The girl huffed with a grin, “Okay, good. I asked, like, three other people where you were and they had no idea.”
Y/n awkwardly smiled along with her, “C-can I ask how you know my name?”
“Oh,” the girl snapped back to the current conversation, “I’m Sarah.”
“Sarah…” Y/n repeated, wracking her mental index of high school friend’s kids, before it hit her. Her eyes widened, “Wait…Sarah…Miller?”
She nodded, “Yeah.”
Y/n’s body locked up, to say she was surprised was an understatement. Joel had told her that he wanted to wait a while before introducing her to Sarah. He hadn’t had a serious girlfriend since Sarah’s mom and was trying to figure out the best way for them to meet. Y/n hadn’t taken any offense, she’d supported it, actually. She’d never dated anyone with a kid and she wanted to do everything as close to perfect as she could.
“D-does your-“ Y/n braced herself against her inventory cart, “Does your dad know you’re here?”
Sarah’s mouth twisted, “Not exactly.”
“Uh-huh,” Y/n replied, suspicious, “And not exactly means…?”
“Not at all,” Sarah nervously smiled.
Y/n gathered the little oxygen left in her body and laughed. “How did you get down here if you’re by yourself?”
Sarah shrugged, “I took the bus.”
“Ah,” Y/n nodded, “And you ride the bus alone without your dad’s permission a lot?”
The girl gave a guilty smile and balanced on the heels of her Converse. It was all the answer Y/n needed.
“So, why are you here?” Y/n asked, feeling like she was doing something wrong.
Sarah sighed, “I got tired of waiting for my dad to introduce me to you. I’ve asked him, like, ten times and he keeps saying no. I knew you worked here so…I figured this was the only way I could meet you.”
Y/n couldn’t help but be a little touched, and also terrified. She was more nervous about impressing Sarah than she had been Joel.
“I mean,” Y/n rubbed her forehead, “Yeah, I knew your dad was waiting to introduce us but…I didn’t realize his daughter was a secret mastermind.”
“Oh, you have no idea,” Sarah smiled, resting a hand on Y/n’s cart, “So…you’re dating my dad.”
Y/n nodded, “Seems that way, yeah.”
“Well, he really likes you,” Sarah replied, “Like, really likes you. He’s in a way better mood than usual.”
“Is he now?” Y/n inquired.
“He’s smiling all the time, he’s cooking,” Sarah’s face turned serious, “Which never happens ‘cause he kinda sucks at it. He’s even singing.”
Y/n raised an eyebrow, “Singing?”
Sarah nodded, “Uh-huh. Just under his breath, but still…”
Y/n was trying hard to restrain her grin, but Sarah was making it difficult. It was nice to know Joel was as uplifted by their short time together as she was. She’d practically been floating down the aisles.
“He’s just never this happy and…” Sarah shrugged one arm, “I really wanted to meet whoever was responsible.”
“Well,” Y/n smiled, “Your dad’s pretty great. And he loves you, never stops talking about how well you’re doing in school and in soccer…”
Sarah’s posture visibly improved upon hearing the compliments.
“Look, my dad’s never going to work up the nerve to let us all hang out together,” Sarah began to explain, “But the county fair’s on Friday night, me, him and Uncle Tommy are gonna go and it would be really fun if you came.”
Y/n inhaled deeply, a family outing. Was she ready for that? Were her and Joel at that point?
“I don’t know, Sarah,” she hesitate, “I should really talk to your dad first.”
“No,” Sarah urged, taking hold of one of Y/n’s hands, “He’ll just get all squirmy and frown and say that it’s not time yet.”
Y/n thought for a second, “He does frown a lot.”
“A lot,” Sarah chortled, Y/n joining in soon after, “Just think about it. Please?”
Y/n was between a rock and a hard place, or rather, the guy she was dating and his crafty daughter. She wanted Sarah to like her and they were already a step in the right direction. She didn’t want to blow it.
“Okay,” she relented, “I’ll think about it.”
“Yes,” Sarah cheered under her breath, still holding onto Y/n’s hand. “I gotta go, the bus is gonna be back any minute.”
As she moved to go, Y/n took a step forward. “I-I really don’t like the thought of you on the bus by yourself,” she objected, “Why don’t I drive you?”
“But you’re working,” Sarah replied.
Y/n gestured to the empty space around them. “I think they’ll survive without me for twenty minutes.”
Sarah gave a small smile, she was getting to spend more time with the woman she had a million questions about. Sneaking around had paid off substantially.
“Come on,” Y/n removed her apron, draped it across her cart and pulled her keys from her pocket, “You can tell me what your dad’s been singing on the way.”
The two girls headed out of the store, giggling to themselves as Sarah did an impression of her father humming old country tunes to himself while washing dishes.
Later that afternoon, Joel arrived to pick Y/n up for their quick coffee. When he arrived, she was nowhere to be found. After asking around, and finding out she had stepped out momentarily, he decided to wait at the empty checkout line for her.
Y/n walked back into the store with a new spring in her step. Sarah had not only spilled a lot of dirt on Joel, but she had talked about herself a lot. Y/n felt like she’d already been able to make a connection.
Joel spotted her before she did him, waving a little to catch her eye.
“Hey,” Y/n greeted, apprehension taking over.
“Hey,” Joel replied, his smiling fading the closer he got, “What’s that look?”
“What look?” Y/n asked, unaware of how nervous she appeared.
“You look like a kid with their hand caught in the cookie jar,” Joel smirked, taking her hand lightly into his, “What’s going on?”
Y/n sighed, she’d been trying to figure out how to broach the subject of Sarah all the way back to the store. Joel’s gentle touch was only heightening her nerves. “Why don’t I drive us to coffee?”
Joel squinted in confusion, “Okay…”
The two of them drove off in Y/n’s old Toyota, but she waited until they had their drinks in hand and were walking down the main street to start talking.
“So Sarah came by today,” she blurted out.
Joel nearly choked on the sip he’d been taking, “My Sarah?”
“Uh-huh,” Y/n nodded, anxiously holding the cup close to her chest.
“H-how’d she get down the-“ Joel began to ask before pressing his lips together and shutting his eyes, “She took the bus, didn’t she?”
“Yep,” Y/n answered.
Joel sighed, he was already starting to find grey hairs across his head. Sarah was going to turn the whole thing silver before she was 16.
“She said she was tired of waiting for you to introduce us so she was going to do it herself,” Y/n retold the story.
“Yeah, sounds like her…” Joel replied with a loud sigh, “Look, I know you wanted to meet her-“
“Yeah, but I was perfectly fine with waiting,” Y/n was quick to say, “You said you wanted to do this the right way.”
“Yeah, well, the right way was decided for us,” Joel sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. “So what’d you two talk about?”
Y/n smirked over her coffee cup, details of the conversation still fresh in her mind. “Girl stuff,” she answered, quickly taking a drink.
“Why don’t I believe you?” Joel asked with an eyebrow cocked.
“She, uh, she invited me to the fair this weekend,” Y/n changed topics, “With you guys.”
“Ah,” Joel nodded, he didn’t know whether or not to thank Sarah for speeding his relationship up. Lord knows, he was too nervous to do it.
Y/n held a hand up to Joel, “But I didn’t give her an answer. I wanted to talk to you first.”
With the obstacle of Sarah’s approval out of the way, there was nothing to stop him from saying yes. And he didn’t want there to be, he was just used to using excessive caution around his family that anything else felt unnatural. 
“You should come,” Joel answered, turning to Y/n with a shy smile.
Y/n inched back a little, placing her hand on Joel’s arm, “Are you sure? Joel, I don’t want to insert myself anywhere.”
“How can you insert yourself somewhere you were invited?” Joel replied, settling his hand over Y/n’s, “Come.”
Taking a deep breath, Y/n knew that this was a big step for them. Joel’s daughter was his world, and Y/n was being given the privilege of being a part of it.
She blew out her cheeks, “Okay.”
Joel’s smile was earnest, rubbing his thumb over the back of Y/n’s hand. 
“If all goes well, I won’t have to hide you so much,” he said.
“Yeah, I don’t think you’re doing that great a job,” Y/n chuckled at Joel’s confusion, “Johnny Cash?”
Joel’s face turned sour, “Can’t believe she told you ‘bout that.”
“Hey, I thought it was a cute story,” Y/n held her hands up in surrender, “Your daughter thought it was a laugh riot.”
Joel lightly rolled his eyes, letting them rest afterwards on Y/n’s face. A stray bit of hair had fallen in her face, thanks to the breeze, and Joel brushed it away, cupping her cheek.
Joel and Y/n had made the decision that they wouldn’t take their relationship any further without having Sarah’s approval. They had yet to even kiss.
“If this works out,” Y/n started, “You’re not gonna be able to get rid of me.”
“Who says I want to?” Joel muttered, their close proximity allowed him to lower his voice.
They both knew if they stayed in the moment a second longer, their wills could cave. Y/n shoved her coffee cup between their mouths, allowing them both a breathy laugh.
“Come on,” Joel reached down and clasped Y/n’s hand, “I gotcha for a little while longer.”
The two of them walked off into the Austin evening, savoring every short second they got together.
2023. Somewhere in rural America.
Joel, Ellie and Y/n had been driving for one day and no one had yet to end up in a body bag. A win if ever there were one.
That wasn’t to say they hadn’t come close. Joel and Y/n’s truce was an uneasy one and with the promise made to Ellie that they’d get along, their arguments had phased to thin lipped smiles barely concealing their disdain for one another. Still, their guns had stayed in the holsters. That was progress.
Joel pulled over at an abandoned gas station somewhere, needing to refuel. Ellie headed off to the bathrooms while Y/n and Joel went about setting up the siphon.
As Y/n handed Joel a rag, she noticed the state of his hand. It was still healing, and after using it so much in one day, it was beginning to shake.
48 hours ago, she would have let him suffer, but in the interest of a truce…
“Here,” she scooted closer, taking the siphon into her hand.
“I got it,” Joel protested.
“I know you do,” she placated him, gently prying his hand off the device, “Now move.”
She inched him out of the way and took over attaching the device. Joel crouched next to her in the dust, he felt useless if he wasn’t working.
Footsteps signaled that Ellie was coming back. She glanced over the abandoned car at Y/n and Joel.
“We have to do this every hour?”  
“Gas breaks down over time,” Joel answered, “This stuff’s almost water. Back in the day, we’d drive 10, 12 hours on one tank. You could go anywhere.”
“So where’d you go?” Ellie asked.
Y/n continued working, bouncing the memories off that threatened to stick in her mind. 
“Pretty much nowhere,” Joel answered, it was technically the truth, but so there was unclaimed life resting in his ‘pretty much.’
Y/n huffed a large breath into the siphon, the gasoline dripping into their canister.
“Nice,” Ellie complimented, “How does that work?”
“It’s a siphon,” Joel explained as Y/n monitored their levels, “It’s when liquid…travels against gravity because pressure-“
Ellie nodded smugly, “You don’t know.”
“I know it works,” Joel quickly replied.
Y/n smirked and looked over her shoulder, “Please teach us more about physics, professor.”
Joel frowned at his ex before turning his attention back to a walking Ellie, “No wandering.”
Ellie thought a moment, “Okay,” she went into her backpack, “This is your fault then.”
She whipped out a small paperback that made Y/n shut her eyes in exhaustion. “Oh, sweet Moses, not that book…” she muttered.
Joel started to speak, “Wha-“
“‘It doesn’t matter how much you push the envelope,’” Ellie recited, “‘It’ll still be stationary.’”
Joel blinked, Y/n let her forehead rest against the car.
“‘No Pun Intended: Volume Too’ by Will Livingston,” Ellie held up the book to Joel, “Volume Too. Look, you get it? Too? Like t-o-o?”
Joel mumbled something under his breath and got up.
“‘What did the mermaid wear to her math class?’” Ellie asked her captive audience, building tension in the silence, “‘An algae bra,” she laughed, “Like algae bra. ‘I stayed up all night-“
“No,” Joel shook his head, like that word carried an ounce of power with Ellie.
“‘Wondering where the sun went,” the girl continued, “‘And then it dawned on me.”
“Feel free to wait in the truck,” Joel suggested, crossing his arms across his chest.
“Well, Y/n thought it was funny,” Ellie retorted, she’d tested the jokes our on her watcher back in the QZ.
“I laughed at one out of, like, fifteen, Ellie,” Y/n grunted as she got to her feet, “That’s not the win you think it is.”
“Okay, but just know,” Ellie held up the book again, “You can’t escape Will Livingston. He’ll be back. There’s nothing you can do to stop him.”
Ellie took her backpack and her jokes and walked back to the Chevy, leaving Joel and Y/n by themselves.
“You get that book,” Joel started, trying to break the silence, “I’ll roll down the window.”
“Oh, that’s not even the worst of ‘em,” Y/n replied, wiggling the toe of her boot into the ground, “But they make her smile. Like I’m in any position to put a stop to that.”
Joel glanced over at Y/n, taking a temperature reading of her once again. It was hard to see so much of the person you’d once loved with your whole heart mixed with who they’d become. Every once in a while, he got flashes of his ex-girlfriend in the light she used to radiate. But something inevitably came through and blew out her flame. More than often, all it took was his mere presence.
“We should be good,” he said, changing his train of thought and kneeling down to pack up the siphon.
Y/n took the gas they’d collected and carried it back to the truck. Heavy as it was, she wasn’t about to ask Joel to help her. She’d lived through twenty years of their dystopian hell-space, a gas can wasn’t about to best her.
Once the truck was filled up, Joel and Y/n hopped in the front seats with Ellie sitting in the back.
“Must’ve been some truck,” Ellie commented, staring out the back window at the fleet deserted vehicles.
“Yeah, they used to stick big-ass plows on them and clear the roads for their tanks and such,” Joel said.
Ellie spun around in her seat, “I wanna see a tank!”
“You will,” Joel replied, “Tanks, choppers, all that stuff. But they’ll fight the wrong enemy. Just scattered around now.”
By now, Joel was background noise to Ellie as she dug around the back of Bill’s truck.
“I got somethin’,” she announced proudly, waving another cassette tape in between Y/n and Joel. “Here, does this make you all nostalgic?”
Joel took the tape from her, it was Hank Williams. Y/n and him shared a sideways glance, if Ellie had any musical knowledge, they’d have been insulted. 
“This is actually before our time,” Joel handled the cassette.
“Great,” Ellie settled back in her seat, unamused.
“Doesn’t mean it’s not good,” Y/n stated, watching Joel pop the tape into the player and adjust the volume.
The speakers flooded with the warm sounds of the country legend. Something about it made both Joel and Y/n relax into their seats a little more.
“Oh, man,” Joel mumbled to himself, briefly closing his eyes and letting the music wash over him.
“Yeah,” Y/n absentmindedly replied, staring out her window.
“Got somethin’ else,” Ellie announced, the sounds of magazine pages flipping behind Joel and Y/n, “It’s, uh, light on the reading, but it has some interesting pictures.”
Y/n and Joel peered into the dashboard mirror, catching a graphic cover. Their protests overlapped.
“Oh, no, no, no, put that back.”
“Ellie, don’t read that.”
“That’s not for kids, Ellie.”
“There’s nothing you need to see-“
Ellie opened up the centerfold of the x-rated magazine, her jaw dropping at the sight, “How would he even walk around with that thing?”
“Ellie,” Y/n unbuckled her seat belt, flipping around in her chair and stretching into the backseat, “Put it back.”
The girl slid to Joel’s side of the truck, too far away for Y/n to reach. “Hold you horses,” she argued, “I wanna see what all the fuss is about.”
While Joel watched nervously through the mirror, Y/n was not so easily defeated. She kept clawing at the air, trying to rip the magazine out of Ellie’s hands. Ellie turned away just enough so Y/n’s fingertips barely touched the paper.
“Why are all the pages stuck together?” Ellie asked.
“Uh,” Joel elongated, unsure of what to do, “The-“
“I’m just fuckin’ with you,” Ellie burst into laughter, reaching past Y/n and slapping Joel’s shoulder with the magazine.
Y/n slid back into her seat, moving as far away as she could from Joel’s shoulder.
Ellie unrolled the back window, the whipping winds blowing through the truck. She tossed the magazine out with a grin, “Bye-bye, dude!”
Y/n sighed and put her hand to her temple, nearly laughing at the absurdity of the moment.
They drove for most of the day, answering Ellie’s occasional question, but mostly sitting in silence. Somberness would fall over the truck whenever they passed by some piece of the old world, ruined and rusted by time. They drove by an abandoned amusement park, a rickety coaster still standing. A sign for what used to be a Love’s truck stop. A bridge that had collapsed at some point in the last two decades. To Ellie, it was a lost future. To Joel and Y/n, it was the world they didn’t know if they’d ever see again.
When the skies grew began to grow dark, there wasn’t much driving left for them to do.
“All right,” Joel announced to the truck, “That’s enough for the day.”
One part of their agreement was that Y/n would trust Joel’s ability to get them to Wyoming. Her rebellion against his every word made her want to argue that they could go a little longer, but she was trying to keep up her end of the deal.
Joel pulled off the main road and drove them into the nearby forest. They set up camp deep enough that they were hidden, but close enough to the road to escape quickly, should the need arise. Joel and Y/n took care of preparing dinner, using a portable stove and cutlery they’d taken from Bill’s house.
Eventually, they all sat down to a lukewarm meal of ravioli. Ellie practically inhaled it while Joel and Y/n tried to make it last.
“Slow down,” Joel cautioned.
“This is slow,” Ellie replied with a full mouth, “What am I even eating?”
“That is 20-year-old Chef Boyardee ravioli,” Joel answered.
“That guy was good,” Ellie complimented, stuffing another piece in her mouth.
Joel stared down at his meal, “I actually agree.”
Y/n swirled a piece around her plate, “It’s technically food.”
“How long are we staying out here?” Ellie inquired.
“I figure I sleep tonight,” Joel answered, “And drive tomorrow, all day, all night, and get us to Wyoming by next mornin’.”
“You know I can take a shift, right?” Y/n asked, Joel’s stony silence served as his reply, “Ah, so you do know and you’re choosing to ignore it.”
“In the interest of gettin’ us there the quickest, it’s better I drive,” he stated.
“Yes, navigating a highway,” Y/n retorted, taking a sarcastic tone, “That’s men’s work.”
“What happened to getting along?” Ellie smirked as she watched the exchange.
Joel and Y/n glanced over at her and backed down. They had to watch themselves.
“So can we start a fire?” Ellie changed the subject, “I’m freezing.”
“Now, why am I gonna tell you no?” Joel replied shortly.
Ellie shrugged in defeat, “Because Infected will see the smoke.”
“No, fungus isn’t that smart,” Joel said, “This is too remote for Infected, anyway.”
“People?” Ellie came back with.
Joel nodded.
“So what are they gonna do? Rob us?”
“Oh, they’ll have way more in mind than that,” Joel answered, never once looking up from his plate.
Y/n had lived a vastly different life than Joel had, post apocalypse, but she knew the horrors people willingly committed against each other. Being cold for a night was the ideal.
Once the sun set, the three of them rolled out their sleeping bags, another courtesy of Bill and Frank, and set up for the night. Y/n laid her head next to Ellie’s, while Joel stayed on the complete opposite side of them.
Ellie took a whiff of the inside of her bag, “Actually smells kinda good.”
“Well, that would be Frank’s then,” Joel quipped.
“If mine smells like gunpowder,” Y/n held her sleeping bag up, “I’m gonna assume-“
“Bill,” Joel took no time in answering.
Y/n nodded, “Copy that.”
Before they could lay down for the night, Joel and Y/n made a point of each checking their shotguns and laying them at their sides.
Ellie and Y/n nestled into their accommodations beside one another, Ellie pulling something out of her backpack before switching the lantern off and turning on her flashlight. Y/n’s back was turned, or else she would have put a stop to what was about to happen
“Joel?” Ellie eventually called out, “Y/n? Joel?”
“What?” Joel jumped to attention, he still moved with the urgency of a father. 
Y/n turned over, “What is it?”
“Can I ask you a serious question?”
“Yeah,” Joel said for both of them.
Ellie sighed deeply, “‘Why did the scarecrow get an award?’”
Y/n and Joel both looked over at the same time to shoot Ellie a glare. She kept a straight face as if she really needed the answer.
“Because he was outstanding in his field,” Joel answered.
Y/n groaned, “Oh, God, there’s two of you.”
“You dick,” Ellie laughed, “Did you read this?”
“No,” Joel turned over, smirking only to himself, “Now go to sleep.”
Ellie victoriously smiled, having successfully chipped away at a little bit of the ice man’s exterior.
“Admit it,” Ellie whispered to Y/n, “You like them.”
“I will smother you in your sleep,” Y/n mumbled into her pillow. She’d never admit to cracking a smile.
They had just settled back into the sleepy silence when Ellie spoke up again, this time truly serious.
“Those people you said…there’s no way anyone knows we’re here, right? No one’s gonna find us.”
Joel and Y/n both stiffened, they could only guarantee so much. Where they were was as close to safe as they could get. But that wasn’t something you told a scared kid who wouldn’t admit to being scared. You gave them hope, confidence.
“No one’s gonna find us,” Joel confirmed.
“Okay,” Ellie accepted the answer and flipped over. 
Y/n lay on her back, staring up at the stars. Her paranoia had softened the longer she survived, but laying in the middle of the open woods with a big flashing red sign above that read ‘FREE KILL HERE’ was resuscitating it.
A few feet away, Joel was feeling the same thing. He couldn’t pretend like he was fearless leaving himself completely vulnerable. And now that he knew Ellie was nervous, it only woke him up further. He eyed the shotgun, calculating in his head how little sleep he could make the drive on. If he counted on Y/n to take one of the shifts, they could still make good time…
They both unzipped their sleeping bags at the same time, turning to one another in the dark. No matter how hard they tried, they were on the same wavelength.
Y/n sighed, “You take the first shift?”
Joel’s nod had a heaviness to it, “Yeah.”
Y/n settled back onto her side, this time facing where Joel was heading to take up his post. She fell into an uneasy sleep, only after keeping watch over Joel until her exhaustion forced her to stop.
It was a few hours later, Joel eyelids were beginning to droop. His ears were beginning to ring. He needed sleep.
After doing one last scan of the area, he walked back to their campsite. He came over to Y/n’s sleeping bag, ready to wake her, but stopped.
He stared down at her, her lips slightly parted, her hair framing her face and her lashes fanned across her cheeks. The frown she carried throughout the day faded in sleep, softening to a content expression as if she was between the bliss of unconsciousness and the evil of the waking world. It was the most at peace Joel had seen her in the last few days.
He couldn’t bring himself to wake her up.
She’d be mad at him in the morning, he knew it. She’d berate him for thinking he didn’t need her and probably make a crack about him falling asleep at the wheel. That was fine, he thought as he went back to his post, he’d take it. Anger and nostalgia were waging a battle within him, and right now, he was allowing his wistful memories to win.
Y/n woke up to the smell of coffee brewing and the rustling of something in their truck. Seeing that Joel wasn’t in his sleeping bag, she grabbed her shotgun and bolted upright. The barrel of the weapon found Joel, packing up the truck, cocking a brow at her.
Y/n exhaled and set down her gun, running a relieved hand over her face. “You didn’t wake me up,” she said when she came to fully.
“I had it covered,” Joel said softly, not wanting to wake Ellie yet.
“I didn’t ask that,” Y/n replied as she stretched, already annoyed with him. She rolled out of her sleeping bag and got to her feet. “Well, I’m driving this morning. I’m not ending up dead just because you’re stubborn.”
Joel didn’t look up as he tied his sleeping bag up. Right on cue.
“Coffee’s on,” he changed the subject.
Y/n felt like Joel knew that would distract her enough to move on. He wasn’t wrong. She reached over to grab her backpack, feeling around for her travel mug. Her hand graced the plastic butterfly she’d taken from Joel’s apartment, freezing as she did.
Grief, much like heartbreak, had to be danced around. If you got too close, self destruction would swallow you whole. Y/n collected her thoughts and led them back to where she was, quickly finding her mug and zipping the pack up again.
Ellie rolled over, awake finally, and sniffed the air. She scooted over to where Joel had the coffee boiling and carefully opened the lid. 
“Ugh,” she gagged, “What the fuck is that?”
Joel turned to her, “You don’t like coffee?”
Ellie grimaced, watching the bubbling brew a second longer before throwing the lid back down and rolling back onto her pillow.
“Uh-uh,” Y/n shook her head, nudging Ellie with her boot, “Up and at ‘em, come on.”
Ellie stuck her middle finger out, “Fuck you, man.”
“Up,” Y/n repeated, tugging on the bottom of Ellie’s sleeping bag.
The girl moaned and sat up, glaring at Y/n, who went to pour her mug of coffee. Whether it was the first sip of caffeine shifting her mood or she simply was making an effort, she wasn’t sure, but when Joel walked over with his mug, Y/n poured it for him.
“Thanks,” Joel mumbled, “Why don’t I drive for three hours, you take over after?”
“Two,” Y/n countered, “Those bags under your eyes make you look like you’re in a fucking Tim Burton movie.”
Joel sighed, remembering the truce. “Fine.”
Y/n and Joel finished packing up their supplies and the three of them were back on the road in minutes.
“Is that what the Starbucks in the QZ used to sell?” Ellie asked, eyeing Joel’s mug.
“Well, there’s was a lot fresher than what Bill saved up, but yeah,” Joel answered, “This is what they sold.”
“The world used to run on this stuff,” Y/n added.
“Smells like burnt shit,” Ellie mused, smirking over at Joel.
Joel, straight faced as could be, raised his mug and took a big slurping sip. Y/n bit down on her lip to keep from rewarding him a laugh. 
“Eyes on the map,” Joel ordered.
“76 west and then 70 west for, like, ever…” Ellie read, Y/n had taught her how to navigate directions and she was still getting the hang of it.
“Where in Wyoming did you say your brother was?” Ellie asked Joel.
“Last contact came through a radio tower close to Cody,” Joel answered.
Ellie scanned the map, “Cody. Cody…Cody…ah, man. That is deep up in there.”
Y/n peekd over Ellie’s shoulder to take a look, “Do you know where he would have gone other than there?”
“Odds are he’ll be near a settlement,” Joel answered, “Probably close to another city out there. Ain’t too many of ‘em in Wyoming.”
The second part of his reply was meant more for Ellie. She was getting a crash course in geography.
“Chee-Yen,” she read off.
“Cheyenne,” Joel corrected, he’d studied that map so intensively that he could have found his way around the state blindfolded.
“Chey- really?” Ellie double checked before reading again, “Cheyenne…Laramie…Casper? What’s his name?”
“Whose name?” Joel asked, avoiding the question another five seconds.
“Your brother,” Ellie replied.
Joel paused, “Tommy.”
A wave of nostalgia crashed around Y/n, hearing his name made her think of cheap beer and belly laughter.
“Younger or older?” Ellie continued to question Joel.
“Why isn’t he with you?”
Joel sighed, stretching his neck out slightly, “A long story.”
“Is it longer than 25 hours? ‘Cause I think that’s what we got,” Ellie asked, turning around to Y/n, “Do you know?”
“No, I don’t,” Y/n clocked Joel in the dashboard mirror, “And if I’m risking my life to find him, I think I deserve to know.”
Joel met her eyes in a fleeting glance, she was backing him up against a wall.
“Tommy’s what we used to call a “joiner,” he began to explain, “Dreams of becomin’ a hero. So he enlisted in the Army right outta high school. A few months later, they ship him off to Desert Storm,” he allowed for Ellie’s confused gaze, “That’s what they called that war, it doesn’t matter. Point is, bein’ in the Army didn’t make him feel much like a hero. Cut to twelve years late, outbreak happens. He convinces me to join a group makin’ their way up to Boston, which I did…mostly to keep an eye on him, keep him alive.”
Y/n’s stomach turned, she wasn’t just hearing about what had become of Tommy…she was hearing about what had happened to Joel after they broke up. Gaps she’d wanted filled for twenty years.
“It’s where we met Tess,” Joel continued, breaking for a sip of coffee, “And that whole crew, we, uh…well, for what it was, it worked. And then Tommy meets Marlene. She talks him into joinin’ the Fireflies. Same mistake he made when he was eighteen,” Joel’s tone turned bitter, his voice quivering an almost undetectable amount, “Wants to save the world. Pipe dream. Him. Fireflies, all of ‘em…” he didn’t dare meet Y/n’s eyes, “Delusional.”
Y/n lifted her feet up and hugged her knees, she knew the remark was meant for both her and Tommy. And while her anger with Joel hadn’t lost its momentum, she let him continue. He needed to get it all out.
“‘Course last I heard, he quit the Fireflies too,” Joel went on, “So now he’s on his own out there, and…I gotta go get him.”
The car was washed in a somber silence. Only one of them was brave enough to break it.
“If you don’t think there’s hope for the world,” Ellie said, “Why bother going on? I mean, you gotta try, right?”
“You haven’t seen the world,” Joel said, a little wistful, “So you don’t know. You keep goin’ for family. That’s about it.”
The five words pierced through Y/n’s heart, the wooden arrow splintering inside the chambers. Each syllable was like taking a knife to the carefully placed stitches around her soul.
“I’m not family,” Ellie said, blissfully unaware of the situation surrounding her.
“No,” Joel agreed, “You’re cargo. And I made a promise to Tess. And she was like family.”
Numbness set in and Y/n rested her head against the window, focusing on the rolling fields of rural America. If Ellie wasn’t in the car, she would have let herself go off on Joel, but it wasn’t the time.
“What if you don’t find him?” Ellie asked the man.
“I will,” Joel replied,
“How do you know?” 
“I’m persistent,” Joel stated before switching gears, “You got up pretty early, if you wanna grab more sleep.”
Ellie scoffed, “I’m not even tired.”
Within a few minutes, Ellie was beginning to doze off. Y/n gently tapped her shoulder, gesturing for her to climb into the backseat. She helped pull her through and Ellie settled against the opposite window.
Joel drove them for an hour in silence before Y/n couldn’t stand being still anymore.
“Pull over,” she told him, “Let’s switch.”
Joel was tired enough to listen to her, stopping the car in the middle of the road. They unbuckled and got out, meeting at the front. 
“You’re wrong, you know,” Y/n said once they were face to face, “About Tommy, about the Fireflies…all of it.”
“You wanna prove me wrong, have at it,” Joel replied, disgruntled by the whole idea.
“Tommy wanting to be a hero is him wanting to help people,” Y/n kept going, “To fight. To do the right thing. When has that ever been a bad thing?”
Joel nearly scoffed, “Maybe when it gets him killed.”
“If he’s still here after all these years, maybe you need to stop looking at him like he’s some idiot kid. You don’t get to judge the people who are trying to get some of this,” Y/n spread her arms out to the wide open space around them, “Any of this back. It’s a hell of a lot more than you seem to be doing.”
Joel rested a hand on the truck’s hood, “Maybe I don’t feel the need to waste my time on a pointless cause. Last time I checked, that was all the Fireflies ever accomplished.”
“At least I’m doing something,” Y/n fought back, “I’d rather spend the rest of my life on a pointless cause and go to sleep with what’s left of my soul than sell it to the devil and not recognize my own damn reflection.”
Joel felt the last part of her sentence push into his gut like the tip of a spear. She was hitting too close to home without knowing it.
“‘Keep going for family,’” Y/n repeated, practically spitting the last words, “When was the last time you fought for anything?”
Joel reached out, grabbing Y/n’s arm roughly as she turned away and spun her around. If she hadn’t dug her boots into the asphalt, she would have fallen right into him.
“You don’t know what I’ve fought for,” he growled, his eyes boring into hers.
Y/n’s chest rose and fell rapidly with rage, inching her face closer to his to show him she wasn’t afraid of him. “Neither do you,” she seethed.
Their breaths mingled in the few inches left separating their mouths. Neither one of them were making any real threats, there was simply too much tension between them to ensure a safe car ride. They needed to let it out.
Joel realized his fingers were digging into Y/n’s arm, it had happened when she had moved closer to him. Habits were tricky to break, but the body didn’t hold grudges like the mind.
The close proximity wasn’t lost on Y/n, but she was able to free herself from it before muscle memory took over. She yanked her arm out of Joel’s grip and took the keys from his other hand, stomping around to the driver’s seat and getting in. Joel unhappily followed, and their wordless journey continued…
Joel caught maybe thirty consecutive minutes of sleep while Y/n drove them. It wasn’t that she was a bad driver, he just wasn’t used to not being in control of a situation. He gripped the map tightly as they drove into downtown Kansas City.
Surrounding them were rusted abandoned vehicles, but the tunnel in which they needed to go through was blocked entirely by a semi. Y/n brought the car to a halt, glancing over at Joel knowingly.
“Wait here,” she told Ellie, who had just woken up.
Joel and Y/n got out, Joel grabbing their shotguns from the backseat. He handed hers over and the team took calculated steps towards the tunnel. Joel crouched down to get a peek at the open road waiting on the other side of the mess. The semi was parked that way deliberately.
Joel walked back to the truck, Y/n only a step behind him. They got back in their seats seat, Ellie squeezing over the glove compartment. 
“Where are we?”
“Kansas City,” Joel answered quickly, taking the map from her. The three of them studied it.
“How far back do we have to go to get around this?” Ellie asked.
Joel traced their route with his fingertip, Y/n tugged the map closer so she could study it too. There weren’t a lot of options if they had a prayer of getting to Wyoming within their time frame. They could either go back, costing them a few more hours, or take their chances passing through the city.
Y/n sighed, everything she was about to say went against what she wanted to say….
“It’s your call.”
Joel was honestly surprised that she had relented so quick. “Screw it,” he muttered, “Head back ‘round the tunnel, get on the next ramp. We’ll be back on the road, minute tops.”
Y/n put the truck in reverse and backed them up, swinging around a shoulder of road that would take them into the city.
“You guys are my eyes,” Y/n said as she navigated the first set of streets, 
“Tell me where to go.”
“Look for any signs,” Joel instructed while Ellie read the map.
They drove for about five minutes, having gotten no closer to finding the open road.
“Where the fuck is the highway?” Joel complained.
“I can’t tell from this,” Ellie let her hand fall against the map, “I’m all turned around.”
Joel was trying to help Ellie navigate while also keeping an eye peeled for potential threats. “Well, don’t look at the state map, look at the inset,” he directed.
Ellie groaned, “Well, I don’t know where we are in that either! This is my second day in a fucking car, man. I mean, I think we’re heading north?”
“I don’t even see any fucking signs,” Y/n mentioned.
“It’s gotta be the right,” Joel said, shaking his head, ”What the fuck?”
“Y/n stop,” Ellie exclaimed.
Y/n threw on the brake, bringing them to a halt in the middle of the street.
“Is that the QZ?” Ellie asked, her eyes wide as she peered over Y/n, “Where the fuck is FEDRA?”
Joel and Y/n got a look at where the Quarantine Zone should have been, zero military presence. That was unfathomable.
“Hey,” a voice called, their attention was drawn to a man limping towards their truck, “Please help.”
Y/n and Joel’s blood ran cold, they knew exactly what was about to go down.
“Put your seatbelt on,” Joel told Ellie, throwing his on as well.
“Aren’t we gonna help him?” Ellie asked innocently.
Y/n said a silent prayer to anyone who was listening for survival.
“No,” Joel answered, looking to his ex, “Drive. Now.”
Y/n pressed her foot down on the gas pedal, the “injured” leaping out of the way. The man cried something out she couldn’t hear over the blood pounding in her ears.
“Y/N!” Ellie screamed.
Y/n was too busy driving to see what Ellie and Joel were watching, but the message was received when a large object got dropped on their windshield. Y/n swerved, Joel reached over to steady the wheel as she regained control. In their mad dash effort, they didn’t notice the strip of nails ahead of them. The truck shook as its tires began to deflate. 
“Fuck!” Y/n yelled, “What do we do?”
“Hard right into that building,” Joel shouted, there was another guy in their path, “Now!”
Instincts ignored, Y/n pulled to the right, holding her breath as they smashed through the glass windows of the nearest building.
TYL Taglist: @bachiracore @stolenxkissess @kayleezra @the-wistful-reader @allthesesonsofbitches @goth-detectives365 @trippovert @rh1nestonecowg1rl @emiliaserpe @khaleesihavilliard @frietiemeloen @gracie7209 @dorck26 @thegirlnextdoorssister @alanis-altair @mariwinns16 @whosscruffylooking @endofthexline @alexiaricciardo @eonnyx @pedrosmexicangf @scarlettequinn @ao-sleepy @toinfinityandbeyonce2 @deanlovescassie @turmoil-ash @sorrowjunky @kpopslur @xxlilyxx90 @midgetpottermills @presidential-facts @scoopsnini @tubble-wubble @jamesdeerest @burninggracesandbridges @star-wars-lover @lucyhotchner @cococola-cocaine @witheringhqarts @fall-writes @alwaysdjarin @xxmoonn @emilia-the-artist @wand-erer5 @boneyarrd @lizard-zombie @itwasallinmyhead1 @cassidylea123 @paleepeaches @mxltifxnd0m @kettlekatie @ultimate-cinephile @gloryekaterina @caramelkatsukis-bitch @whovianayesha @memeorydotcom @deadunicorn159 @get0ut0fmyr00m @siriuslymooned @emmyeed @superbreadsoul @hellu-people1 @ourautumn86 @inas-thing @noraapple05 @givemylovetoall @luvwanda
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dorkszn · 3 months
divine dogs and their owner + megumi fushiguro
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— art by @leafwt / sfw under the cut / reader gets called “pretty” but has no specified gender
peace was a rare thing in your neighborhood. for a little street with little houses, it had a lot of noise. so, the heavy breaths of two canines coming in your direction was no surprise.
water drips down your fingertips as you scrub at your bike that was covered in dirt from some asshole on the street. you hear footsteps hitting the pavement along with the sound of nails tapping against it. you turn your head at the sound and see two dogs rushing at you.
you drop your rag when the one dog stops in front of you, dropping into a sit. his tongue hangs out of his mouth while his chest heaves up and down. “hi buddy,” you greet him with a smile. you wipe one of your hands off before dropping it onto the dog’s white fur. he’s soft beneath your touch and his tail wacks at the grass behind him.
“where’d you two come from, hm?” you question, turning to look at the 2nd animal. the black-furred dog sniffs at your grass, dousing his nose within the dirt. he picks his head up to look at you, giving you his version of a smile. the two share a face and a mysterious red triangle symbol on their foreheads.
you reach out to rub the others head, his eyes squeezing shut at the contact. you sit in awe with the canines, forgetting all about the bike behind still waiting to be cleaned.
suddenly, a boy with black hair runs into your yard. sweat glistens on his skin and the tank top he’s wearing defines his toned arms. he looks ready to scold the two but his deep blue eyes land on you, long eyelashes hanging low over him.
“uh… sorry about them. they ran from the yard,” he says softly, awkwardly glancing away from you as explains.
“oh it’s no problem. i needed some company anyways,” you reply with a smile. then you sit in silence with the boy and the two dogs. the sun’s hot rays beaming at the 4 of you. without a second thought, you reach your hand out from where you were sitting in the grass. “y/n.”
he gently takes your hand and shakes it. “fushiguro megumi,” he hums.
“megumi, cool. so, do they have names?” you ask, looking at the dogs playing in your grass.
“oh yeah, the white one is satoru and the black one is toji— satoru, stop!” megumi’s words are interrupted by the white dog dipping his snout into your bucket of water. the boy quickly sweeps up the dog into his (strong) arms.
“aw, they must be thirsty. i’ll get them some water,” you offer, standing up and starting towards your home before megumi can deny. you quickly come out with a bowl of cold water and a water bottle in your hand.
the two rush over to the bowl, immediately taking in the cool relief of the water. you sit on the stairs of your porch and call megumi over. a slight flush takes over his cheeks and you can’t tell if it’s from the heat and your invitation but he joins you anyways. you hand him the water bottle as he sits beside you.
“thank you,” he nods quietly, cracking open the bottle. “they never run off, I don’t know what happened today.” he adds.
“summer heat gets into everybody’s head,” you joke with a small snicker. “i don’t mind, they brought a pretty cute boy with them.”
a snort like noise leaves megumi and he begins coughing while water falls from his lips. you quickly pat his back until he’s done. “i— sorry,” megumi mutters, an embarrassed look coming over him. you just chuckle at him in response. “and thank you. i think you’re, uh, pretty too.” he mumbles rapidly.
you sit in shock for just a second before smiling warmly. “thanks, megumi,” you reply. the soft sounds of the summer as you sit on the wooden steps, looking off into the distance.
“so, do you need any help with your bike?” he questions. you turn your attention back to him then glance at the bike.
“sure,” you nod.
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Poly! Jegulus x gn! Reader - When there is no logic, look deeper
A/n: I decided to go with a different analogy for James's and Regulus's relation than I normally do (and what everyone else normally does.) So have fun with this little drabble!
Summary: Your relationship with James and Regulus through Remus's perspective.
Warnings: Swearing, brief mentions of child abuse, brief mentions of mental health issues (if you squint,) I think that's it? You have been warned!
The Three P's:
[Pronouns used: you/your] [Pov: 2nd person] [Pairings: (romantic!) (poly!) jegulus x reader, (romantic!) wolfstar, (platonic!) marauders]
I do NOT support J. K. Rowling, or any transphobic/homophobic things she says (or anything she says really), or TERFS!
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Regulus and James fit together, in a neat messy puzzle. James's darker skin contrasting with Regulus's more pale, like the sun and it's moon. Recently, Remus had been reading some muggle plays of man named Shakespeare, and just by looking at the two, he could tell that he would've written down every piece of their love story, until he knew it by heart.
The enigma, the question, he just couldn't find the answer to was you, because Regulus and James were different sides of the same coin. Slytherin and Gryffindor, light and dark, sun and moon. You just didn't fit as nicely into the big picture.
That's what he used to think anyway, before the marauders and everyone else had gotten to know you. To Remus, he used to think of you as a temporary escape for the two boys, as you were the only one out of the three who had a normal life. It was harsh, but it was the only answer to the equation he could come up with.
Remus's life hadn't been full of answers, maybe that's why he tried to find the solution, so there would be no more variables. So he didn't have to attempt to find the solution later, when they most needed it most. So maybe, just once his life could be left with more answers than questions.
Action reaction, like getting bit by a werewolf - he was one of them now. Finding Sirius, James, and Peter on the train - becoming friends. Gaining feelings for Padfoot, confessing them and becoming a couple. (Okay, maybe there were multiple steps to that equation.) Everything had a solution, something he liked to find to keep himself sane. When everything else in his life was swirled with insanity.
You fitting into the equation didn't follow a path of logic, it was completely and utterly crazy.
Now, he sees what he didn't before, the way you would stay with James even when the smile slipped from his lips. How you would listen to Regulus, and give him space to talk about his family troubles, why he stayed.
You would let James cry, and make Regulus giggle, the planets didn't just revolve around the sun now. Now the moon and it's star revolved around you.
You were a nebula, because when a person looked at you, they gasped in wonder. Everything unknown and beautiful was you, a glittering cloud of normalcy and love. Nurturing but fleeting if need be.
One time, Sirius said he and his brother were the stars, and you only laughed, shaking your head.
"Regulus is like the moon, for so long we thought we couldn't reach him, until we did."
Remus's boyfriend looked startled, Remus could agree with the feeling. How had you, just made sense of someone so complex, with so many strings and layers, with just a sentence?
The werewolf wanted to see how you would respond if he asked you about everybody at Hogwarts, about the ministry, his family. Instead, he asked you about your other boyfriend.
"James?" You smiled softly, and for some reason it warmed Remus's heart, that when you thought about his friend, you immediately were happy. As if just thinking about him was enough to revel in his sunlight.
"James is the sun, he's bright, but sometimes his brilliance gets the peoples eyes, it can annoy them. Until he gets farther away." You still had a pleasant look upon your face, but your eyes were brightly alight with sadness. "Then it's winter, and they long for summer again, because then the sun could be there to warm them a second time. Regardless of its blinding sunlight."
Remus thinks, that was the moment that he started to understand why James and Regulus had both fallen for you. You were the beautiful unknown, a nebula, out of reach, but oh, so beautiful to gaze upon.
Remus still didn't quite comprehend how you fit into the grand scheme of things, but he thinks, he starting to see the big picture.
Words 670
Hp Taglist: @regulusblackswhorecrux
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imagine--if · 3 months
A/N: I've missed writing for Eddie 🥹 hope you enjoy reading! And happy 2nd anniversary to The Batman movie!! Can't believe I fell in love with the film and its characters two solid years ago, and super hyped for the sequel 🖤 A Bruce Wayne/Battinson imagine will be coming soon, so stay tuned!!
Wordcount: 1.3k
Time period: Riddler Year One, Issue 6 (beginning of The Batman)
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He hated it when you were gone this long.
It was okay if he knew where you were, if you were working or out with a couple of friends, someplace he could track you through your phone. Through windows. Through anything. As long as the sun was still out and he knew exactly where you were, could reach you whenever he wanted, he could keep his grip on his mentality, and at least half-focus on his plans and preparations.
But he couldn't do any of that right now. Which led to the inevitable.
Pacing his shabby little apartment that you somehow managed to make a little brighter, tidier, something close to home, closer than he'd ever got before. But now, it was cold and dark and empty, painfully quiet, apart from his uneven, staggering breaths that Edward tried in vain to swallow down.
It was a simple job. Too simple. Sneak into the Penguin's rooms at the Iceberg Lounge, plant the bug, slip out again, unnoticed. And you would either be very much unnoticed, blending in perfectly with. there's of the deceptively beautiful girls and boys who danced and flirted and drank at the bars and around round tables and tall, glossy silver poles stretching up into the high ceilings of the club. Or you would be pulled aside by some pervert that thought you were as pretty as Edward himself did, maybe by the Penguin, or that pig Falcone.
He shouldn't have set you. Too risky. Send a follower? No, too complicated; not enough of them yet, everything still growing and finalising, piecing together in a lovely puzzle crafted by his mind. You might well go unnoticed, but if he dared go himself, it would be a horror show.
This was a baadddd idea.
The smooth click and glide of the lock twisting and opening up the heavy front door made him flinch out of his thoughts, murky green eyes jumping to the short hallway with hope and fear in his gaze. The same hope a puppy gets when its owner comes back home, the same fear a madman harbours in a dizzying craze, living off the what-ifs and obsessions their mind feeds them in the darkness.
When he speaks, it's in a rush, words tripping over each other and his voice catching, stumbling forwards to grip onto your shoulders with his soft but firm, trembling grip.
"You were gone too long," Edward insists, his fingers digging into the fabric of your sweater, searching for your warmth and reassurance, his eyes trying to take in every part of your face at once. "Too long... and I was worrying, and I felt sick, and I- you can't do it again, please, please, because-"
"It's alright, Eddie," you cut him short gently in amusement and sympathy, your arms fitting snugly around his neck as you embrace him. You easily fill him shiver at the contact, starving, aching, as he hugs you back with enough force to make you breathless, digging his face in your neck needily with a soft whining sound.
It's almost funny, how desperate and childlike he can be, all big green eyes sparkling with joy and awe at how readily you give your affections to him, his skin bare of any sweet touch from another being in Gotham other than yours. But he doesn't want anyone else's now, anyway. The rest of Gotham can sink into its corruption, and his hope incarnate can dance above the waves.
He gazes up at you in a slight daze, speechless, and you smile at him the way you do, the way that makes him smile back in giddy wonder, his thoughts spinning around and around like a carousel, all bright, pure lights and ethereal tunes.
"I miss you," Edward mumbles, half to himself, his stare wandering to study your eyes, your nose, your lips. "Always."
"I missed you too," you reply earnestly, "but it was worth it. I did what you said."
He blinks at your words, his attention circling back as he looks up into your eyes in curiosity and a sweet, almost innocent light, one that doesn't at all match the moment.
"I bugged his office," you clarify, nodding, "in and out. No one saw my face, and if they did, they won't remember it."
Edward lets out a slow breath, his expression loosening from intrigue and thought to the depths bubbling to the surface, his eyes spiked with venom and his words hushed with a small smirk.
"Oh," he mumbles, before giggling slightly, blinking up at you in pride and unhinged malice. "I love you."
You beam at his words, your fingers stroking down the plump curve. of his cheek, an action that makes him shudder and his breath catch in his throat, his eyes round and adoring.
"I love you too, Ed."
"I- I'll give you everything," he promises, his words rolling into lovestruck rambles between repeating your name, "everything I have. Every... everything."
There's that strange but familiar feral hunger in his eyes, not violent, but full of untethered passion and obsession, of love and lust, of everything he's never experienced before. And now that he is, he wants it all, wants it now, to feel everything at once and lose himself in endless spirals of pleasure and ecstasy that rakes up his spine and makes his voice crack and break-
"I'll never," Edward continues in a whisper, tugging you deeper into his arms, walking back and down onto his couch and pulling you with him, "never let you go. Everything will happen as it should, and I'll be there to get you... again, and again, and again, and again, and-"
You let him keep rambling on, his cheek rubbing against yours and ducking into the hot curve of your neck like a cat, his damp lips skimming your skin mindlessly, hanging onto you with his surprisingly strong grip, even though there's nowhere else to go. Tonight, there's nothing but the Riddler, his arms trapping you inside all that he is.
Black and green screens of computers running code down their displays absently fills the night with an eerie but almost comforting glow, polaroid pictures of his targets, red ink scribbled harshly in question marks and accusations over the glossy print. For you, there's a separate case of shots, most taken with you knowing, across the room in his apartment, with Edward grinning and giggling when you glare at him weakly in amusement and protest at the constant flashes and printing of pictures and mugshots.
No escape. None at all. You're with him for life, because you let him in, and like a virus, he ran through everything that makes you, you, drinking it in and fantasizing up until this very moment. A moment where Edward forgot about the blood he shed and the streams up for his cult following, the big board pinned with pictures and news clippings and rage in the form of black and white. He just clung to you fiercely, inhaled you, to do it all again the next morning, still trembling with the warmth and tremors of raw desire and love.
I am there, but cannot be seen," he whispers in your ear, nuzzling impossibly closer to you, his fingers lacing with yours, "to have me costs you nothing. To be without me costs you everything. What am I?"
You've heard this one before. It was in one of the little notes he left you during your first few meetings with him, and every one of his riddles seemed to have something to do with you, with how he saw you, absolutely angelic with no flaws, no blemishes, gorgeously unharmed by the wicked world of Gotham.
"Hope?" you guess correctly, glancing up at him expectantly, and he giggles again, his fingers tracing over your lips boldly, caught up in the moment and his own wonderful world of puzzles and clues.
"Or," Edward smiles brightly at you, resting his forehead against yours... and answering with your name.
✧༺ 𝓉𝒶𝑔𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉 ༻∞ (message me know if you want to be removed. ghost blogs/dead accs have been removed.)
@misadventures0fdes @junebugp @simestandswithtaylorswift-blog @carley-carley-carley @lostbunn @dragovegogrimborn @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night @edwardspumpkinpie @murderbimbo00 @sweetums0kitty @beel-mcburger @cml-san @jervis-tetch-my-beloved @bimboanime @phoenixgurl030 @dangerouslittlefairy @yoyoanaria @yaeyuuki @vinxlsketches @beenz-beenz @ghoulsgraveyard @birds-have-teeth @repostingmyfavs @r3ptiliaaa @for3v3rda1sy @glitterycheesecakegladiator @moonwritesblog @lilyevans1 @httpsunflowersleep @hxney-lemcn @callsigncrash @bokksieu @skateb0red @philiasoul@felicityofbakerstreet @deadlights-darling @ireadandream @tinyryder @kpopgirlbtssvt @truecobblepot @jessicainhell
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transmascaraa · 4 months
!lyney and lynette bday special!
since it was your bf's and his sister's bday, you decided to surprise them with something...
bf!lyney x gn!reader (ft. lynette and freminet)
author's note: HAVE YOU SEEN HIS BDAY ARTTT?? BABYGIRL IS ADORABLEEEEE😭💗 anyways i hope you guys like this cuz i tried my best to do something special for his(and lynette's) bday and yeah👍
"happy birthday, magic man!"
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-it was finally that day.
-the 2nd of february.
-your boyfriend's birthday, lyney, and his twin sister's, lynette.
-you and freminet, their younger brother, had been planning this surprise for weeks now, you needed it to be perfect
-they really deserve it, even more than that
-so, as for what you and freminet got lynette...
-you got her a fancy dress, some cute hair clips, and a cat plushie, that looked like her!
-you were confident that she'd like it.
-and as for lyney...
-a bouquet of flowers. roses. all kinds, all types, roses.
-lynette and freminet told you that his favorite flowers are roses but told you to blame it on the little birdie.
-you, separately, also bought him a fuzzy warm red blanket, but sprayed your perfume/cologne on it, so it reminded him of you.
-while the both of you bought him his favorite candy, to which you were sure he would love!
-and finally, you and lynette planned out a perfect date for you and him.
-this is how it went...
-"hey, lynette, so i thought about bringing him to an expensive date with me, what do you say?" you asked her while sipping your tea.
-"how expensive are we talking? $100-$200 or like you eat money for lunch?" she asked, glancing at you from behind the teacup.
-"hmm... like... we eat money for lunch." you replied, smiling innocently.
-"alright... i recommend "gâteaux de coeur". it's very expensive, and that's why there's not much people there. it'll be worth it, i think." she suggested. (help i used google translate for "heart cakes" is it correct???)
-"i'm on it!" so you were already reserving the seats...
-a bit later, you decirated your whole entire house.
-gifts everywhere.
-with the help of freminet, of course.
-the two of you set up everything, and then freminet called them to come tomorrow.
-and so, tomorrow came soon.
-lyney and lynette rang the doorbell, but nobody opened it.
-you and freminet hid behind the couch, with confetti ready in your hands.
-"hellooo?" lyney said as he opened the door. it was unlocked.
-"happy birthday!" you and freminet jumped out when they came in, blasting the confetti everywhere.
-"o-oh... wow... thank you..." lyney could barely speak, he was left flabbergasted by this.
-he was so caught off guard that he had no mask on anymore. pure shock.
-"woah... thank you, you two." lynette added. she's usually there with a neutral expression on her face, but she was surely surprised this time.
-so, after talking a bit and eating some cake...
-freminet and you gave them the gifts. they opened them, all 4 of you sitting on the floor in a circle.
-first, lynette opened her presents.
-"i love these... the plushie... it's cute. and the dress is nice too. and these hair clips will come in handy." she said, thanking you both.
-and then, lyney opened his.
-he saw the gifts, and just buried his head in your thighs. he was blushing hard.(most normal lyney behavior)
-"thank you..." was all he muttered, inhaling your scent from the blanket that he put close to his chest, and your scent itself...
-it was the best birthday he could ever ask for...
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urrockstar-xe · 1 year
bad friend - j.m x fem!reader
posted may 2nd, 2023, 5:19 pm
anon asked: Hello!! Can I request a JJ Maybank x Fem!reader where they are dating with prompt 8. “You know you’re my favorite right?” “I better be” Maybe reader gets into a fight with John B. JJ doesnt really know which side to choose, (between best friend and girlfriend), and reader gets mad/hurt/offended whatever and walks away and JJ follows her
note from xe: strayed a little but I hope you still enjoy it! also this has no actual scene from obx involved I just kind of went with it and sry that jb is kind of a dick.
wordcount: 0.6k
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“You know what John B? At this point, I don’t give a flying fuck about the gold, I don’t care about being kook rich, I don’t care about Rafe not being in prison and I don’t care about these stupid fucking treasure hunts!” 
Your yelling was warranted, John B had been giving you shit all day about how you just don’t seem to care enough like everyone else. And he was right, because “The gold ruined my fucking life! I have nothing! Nothing John B! This is all I have, this group of people right there is It for me” 
John B scoffed, earning a glare from Kiara as he still wasn’t listening to you. “You know what I think, Y/n? I think that if you really felt that way, you’d care more, right now you’re just being a bad friend” 
“Hey, man-” Pope tried speaking up but you lifted your hand telling him to stop. JJ hadn’t moved from his spot by the railing, and Sarah and Kie were already seated in the boat you were supposed to leave on. 
Sick of fighting for a right to have feelings you began walking away, quietly speaking as you left “Fuck you, Jb.” 
John B rolled his eyes, dropping it and going to the boat. Pope sighed. “Are we gonna at least wait for her?” “Pope, do you want a chance to get to this cross or not?” 
JJ watched as Pope and John B got into the boat with the girls, before looking back in the direction you had just walked in. “Hey, you guys go ahead, we’ll catch up.” 
“JJ, what do you mean-” “Just go without me I’ll meet you guys later!” and with that, he was off. Following the trail, you had just taken. 
It didn’t take him long to catch up with you, it never did. “Hey there, pretty lady,” He said, coming up behind you. You turned to face the boy, now leaning against a similar railing to the one JJ had just been leaning on a few moments prior. 
He smiled at you, not expecting one back but getting a small one in return. “They leave?” you asked softly, your eyes not leaving JJ as he moved to stand beside you. “Yeah,” “without you?” “I’m sure they’ll make do,” JJ joked, nudging you slightly.
You moved your gaze to the floor, wondering what to say next but speaking before figuring it out. “You understand right? Why I’m exhausted? Why I can't keep doing this but do it anyway?” JJ began nodding along but you continued before he could verbally respond. 
“Like why it’d be hard, that doesn’t make me a bad friend, right? I do everything for you guys. I hope he realizes that I hope they all do. I hope you do” As you finished, you looked back up at your boyfriend, seeing the soft look on his face.  
Suddenly JJ threw his arm around your shoulders, grinning at you. You caught the vibe he was throwing your way, he was trying to lighten the mood. You helped, taking the old baseball cap off his head and putting it on your own, smiling at his hat hair.
“You know you’re my favorite right? Like even Pope can’t compete” You scoffed lightheartedly, “Yeah, I better be”
JJ fixed his hair before he stood in front of you, slowly walking backward as he spoke, “Wanna go back to the chateau? Think there’s some beer left in that cooler” You were already following his lead, “It’s probably warm” he shrugged in response, “so we’ll drink it warm”
“What about the cross?” “If they need our help they can just, I don’t know, yell super loud,” You laughed at this, and laughed some more when JJ fist-bumped the air before turning to walk properly and putting his arm around you. 
“So steal John B’s beer?” “Steal John B’s beer”
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mariariley · 9 months
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Russell Adler x reader
✪ relationship headcanons ✪
2nd person
female reader
NSFW warning
Word count: 1.1k
masterlist || have a request/ask? Here are the rules <3
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He prefers keeping it professional so he would never date a woman that works with him
In his free time he tends to approach a stunning woman he sees sitting alone at a bar. He's respectful and would only aim for single girls (even though he can definitely steal bitches-)
He would make cheeky jokes about his ex-wife, spontaneously letting you know he's single as well
He prefers his girl loyal and respectful because that's all he is. He also doesn’t like envious women
His way of flirting is very casual. He can "rizz you up" without even trying, make your cheeks glow bright red with a single sentence
He's quite experienced and definitely knows what he's doing. He doesn't mind age gaps as long as they're legal
I would say he's quite picky actually. He goes for the looks, elegant or unique, independent, anything that can tell him that you're sticking out in a way
He's very good at reading people so with merely a small talk he can tell if you're worth his time or no, if you're, how he likes to say, "just a pretty face"
As your partner he's very old school and passionate
Doesn’t mind if you’re just a housewife, that’s kinda his jam anyway
He likes using nicknames such as “doll face”, “sweetie” and the classic American husband one: “honey”
He would strictly keep you out of his work, not keeping you informed at all. He would claim the only thing you should know is if he's alive or not
On longer, more serious missions you two could end up out of contact for weeks just because his job requires so (which might cause arguments just like with his ex-wife)
He loves when he comes home after a hard day and you greet him with warm dinner. He would always reward you for that
He likes buying you stuff, nothing too expensive but still not affordable for everyone. He just loves spoiling you
Perhaps he would think about marriage a bit too quickly. He's a divorced (traditional) middle aged man after all, he would love to put a ring on you to mark a new fresh start and leave everything he has with his ex-wife behind
He isn't crazy about having children but wouldn't mind becoming a family man. Nevertheless, it is not that easy considering his job so the agreement on forming a family might take time (only if you want kids that is. If not, no forcing)
In bed he likes taking it slowly. He's very passionate and likes making it hot and intense
Taking his sweet sweet time, showing you all experience he's got, somewhat edging you the whole time would always make you arch your back and grab onto his hair in heavy overstimulation every time
He likes oral, prefers rather giving than receiving. It’s crazy what his tongue can do
Loves women’s breasts. Doesn’t matter what size, he just loves them in general, his favorite part to kiss (and collarbone and shoulders)
He prefers missionary so he can kiss you all over and have a proper look at you. He always whispers how good and tight you feel around him or: "You're taking it so well, sweetie", "That's my sweet girl"
He also likes the spooning position where he gets to hold your leg up
He especially loves doing the "exhausting" cowgirl when he's already drained your battery with a heated session of rough thrusts. He'd just lay back, smoke his cigarette and enjoy the view of your legs trembling while struggling to ride his girthy cock
"Come on, honey, just a little longer" he'd encourage you with a sly smile on his face
He loves when you moan his name or just Adler. Considering that's what they call him at work, it would really get him going, making him feel dominant
When you'd moan his last name he would grab a fistful of your hair, grope you tighter and go rougher, perhaps leave a couple of hickeys on your neck, breasts and collarbone
Sometimes he likes bending you over his office desk and make you take it from behind as he'd, as usual, smoke a cigar while giving you backshots
He would grab your chin or hair, making you look at him over his shoulder. He loves seeing your uncontrollable expressions of pleasure while hitting your g-spot over and over again, telling you how beautiful you look
He never pulls out. If you're having unprotected sex, he loves looking at his hot sperm leaking out of your gapping, pulsing pussy (excuse my language)
He would make sure you're clean and comfortable after, always keeping your limp body in his arms while smoking yet another for complete pleasure. That cigarette after sex is like a cherry on top for him
Speaking of being clean, he's a king of hygiene. His hair is always shiny and soft, his clothes always fresh out the closet and, of course, an expensive cologne is a must
He has very strong body and facial hair so his beard grows back quickly. When he's at home he always takes care of it, every third or fourth night a soothing smell of aftershave fills your nostrils
It's difficult for him to be 100% precise considering his deep facial scars so sometimes he cuts himself by accident. He loves when you take care of the small cuts
Speaking of which, you're the only one he allows to touch his scar. He loves when you kiss it and admire it
He's a fan of beauty marks, especially if you have any on your face. He will kiss all of them, maybe even count them for fun
He loves playing with your hair, brushing it, braiding it, anything really. He thinks women's most beautiful (physical) features are their hair and smile (also loves when women wear strong lipsticks, red is his favorite color)
If you wear glasses, expect him to buy you bunch of expensive frames. Glasses are his passion, he would even buy you sunglasses to match his
Big fan of jewelry, especially necklaces and earrings. On a mission in another country, when he'd walk past a jewelry shop, he would always stop and take a look
He's a nightmare for every jewelry shop because he is picky and he will make the employees turn the whole thing upside down, trying to find a perfect piece for you
"Honey, I'm home! And I brought you something~" would be the well known greet whenever he comes home from a long mission
He might be a reserved man but that isn't stopping him from putting his job aside just for a little while and treat you with honesty and passion
In fact, he fears something will happen to you if anyone finds out you're his s/o. He's secretly very paranoid he's putting you in danger by just having you in his life
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Dividers by @firefly-graphics 🥀
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brooooswriting · 11 months
A very timid Hello from your best customer broko loco anyway hi I'm out of my request block anyway
How about some hurt/comfort with our baby gurl
Tara Carpenter
I had two prompts in mind either Tara having a nightmare about Gf killing R Orrrrrrr It was her killing R (
(because she killed Ethan so her subconscious is making her see herself killing R) so R comforts her and reassures her
R getting into a fight when she was taking a stroll with Tara and Sam because some 4ssh0l3$ called our Fav duo murderers so Tara is patching up R afterwards
R taking care of T after the 2nd massacre like bringing her thing (painkillers, snacks, food, cuddles)
Those were my ideas but you can also do whatever you want Idm
Have a good day broko loco <3
Tara Carpenter x reader
A/n: so I haven’t really been writing lately and I need to get back into it so yeah
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“It’s just so much you know” Tara complained as you two and Sam walked around New York City. It was a small tradition you build up as soon as you moved here. You walked around to figure out the best ways through the city, it made Sam feel safer while you and Tara just liked to walk around. Her hand was slipped into yours, fingers carefully intervened.
Tara loved complaining about college during these walks, you loved listening to her and Sam would do anything for her little sister. There were a lot of people who didn’t recognized you guys but some did. Nobody ever said something, you were unsure of wether it was because of sams killer glare or just their common sense but you were happy about it.
You knew them during the attacks in woodsboro but you weren’t with them. At least not until the end, you and Tara kept your little flirt private which was why you weren’t attacked. You only arrived when everybody else was dead, you were at the party and you forgot your phone which was why you turned around. The way Tara broke down into your arms made you believe everything she told you, there was no way that she faked that.
“I know, but you’ll be fine. You’re a fighter through and through and something like college won’t bring you down” you told her, squeezing her hand for good measure. “She’s right, you’re gonna do great” Sam added smiling at her sister before checking the street over her shoulder.
You walked through a small park where a group of three boys, around 22, sat and watched the three of you. You watched them suspiciously, slipping your hand out of Tara’s and instead slipping your arm around her waist to pull her closer. Tara smiled up at you, unaware of the situation while Sam looked out for a man around the corner. You listened carefully, hoping to hear any kind of movement but it was quite for a moment.
“Look, that’s the murderer and her slut sister. I knew I recognized them from somewhere” one of the boys said causing you to slow down. “Fucking murderer. Both of them. They should have ended dead” another one added which made you stop. “I’d still fuck the slut tho” the third one said which finally made you snap. You turned on your heel and stalked over to the group. “What did you just say?!” You nearly screamed out on your way, Tara still standing at the same spot completely confused while Sam had a stare down with the man around the corner.
“What’s your problem huh?” You asked again, stepping up to the one who said he’d fuck Tara. “I could ask you the same thing, why don’t you go away with your two murderer friends?” He asked puffing out his chest, trying to scare you. At every other time you’d probably been scared but not now, now all you could feel was rage. “Say that again and watch what happens asshole” you dared. “They are murderer” the one next to him said. You were quick to punch him straight in the face, his nose immediately started bleeding and his eye started to swell. The one you talked to before drew his arm back but you were quick enough to dodge it, not seeing the third one make his way towards you, his fist landing in your stomach causing you to groan. You turned as quick as you could, your fist landing in his stomach this time before you turned and kicked the other one to the ground.
By now Sam was done with her stare down and finally noticed your fight, “fuck y/n” she mumbled and went to your help but Tara held her back. “She will kill you if you go there, she’s fighting because they called you a murderer and if you hit them it will be contra productive” she explained, it pained her to see you like this but she knew you were strong and she didn’t want Sam to suffer even more.
It took you five more minutes before they finally gave up, your face and hands were bruised and you were spitting blood but you won. “Gosh, you’re so stupid” Tara mumbled as she ran up to you and hugged you, pulling you close to her which caused you to wince. “Are you alright?” Sam asked as she walked closer, wrapping an arm around you shoulder. “M fine. Thanks. Can we maybe go back?” Both of them nodded and turned around to walk back to your apartment.
This time Tara wasn’t holding your hand, she was scared that she’d hurt you. The nervousness and the guilt was radiating off of her, so you wrapped your arm around her waist and pulled her into you which made her calm down. Sam was also somewhere else with her mind but you knew that something like a hug wouldn’t fix that and you knew she wasn’t going to talk about it in front of Tara so you decided to ask her about it later.
When you arrived home Tara immediately ran to the bathroom to get some things for your knuckles, giving you a moment with Sam. “You alright?” You asked her quietly so T wouldn’t hear.
“Yeah, it’s just that… thank you y/n. You protected us and you stood up for us. It was the nicest thing anyone ever did for us so, thanks” she answered squeezing your shoulder before disappeared into her room.
“I got everything that may be helpful. Like gauze, disinfectant, bandaids and some other stuff” she told you, quickly pulling everything out and cleaning your wounds on your hand. You kissed when the disinfectant started to seep into your flesh. The brunette quickly apologized before putting on the band aids.
When your hand was finally cleaned she moved on to your face, focusing on the wound above your eye. This time she warned you before putting on the disinfectant, which made it a bit less worse. You couldn’t help but admire her focused face, the way she bit her tongue and how her brows furrowed. It nearly made you forget about your headache.
“Do you need anything else? I’ll give you some painkillers as soon as you’re in bed and some snacks too” she told you and you smiled before pulling her closer to plant a small kiss on her lips. “Thank you” you said before kissing her another time and another, distracting her from her work.
“Stop, I gotta clean the rest of your wounds and I wanna take a look at your stomach” she giggled when she finally convinced herself to pull away. “And you taste like blood” she added. You smiled sheepishly and kissed her one last time before pulling back.
She sat on your lap as she looked at the cut you had on your lip, her legs on either side of you as she titled your head down to get a better angle. “This Looks okay I guess” she mumbled to herself as her fingers carefully touched the wound. You were getting bored and started to play with the hem of her shirt.
When she was done with your face she moved on to your stomach, there wasn’t really anything she could do about it. It was a bit bruised but there werent any cuts nor any placed that were so sensitive that she should be worried.
You both got changed and laid in bed, Tara made you swallow some painkillers and gave you some of your favorite chips before letting you decide what to watch. She made sure that you iced your hand and your nose, even if it might not be comfortable. She knew that you didn’t like the cold but there was nothing she could do. “Is there anything else I can do for you?” Her voice was soft and still filled with guilt which made you hurt inside.
“T, you know that I did it on my own account right? It’s not your fault or anything. I decided to do what I did” you said as you cuddled closer to her. Her body melting into your which made you melt too. “And even more important, I’d do it again and again because nothing is as important to me as you are” you added and kissed her head.
“I love you, a lot. Not just because of what you did today obviously” she grinned and titled her head up motioning for you to give her a kiss which you did.
“I love you too baby” you grinned as your hand rubbed up and down her back.
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Wedding vows
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Man, choosing a gif is harder than I thought *cries*
Pairing: Nie Huaisang x f!reader
Word Count: 4856 words
Warnings/tags: fluff, just love all around, Chinese wedding ensues, suggestive content, smut, this one is nsfw minors dni
Notes: (C/N)-your clan's name, (Y/N)-your name
A/N: This is the 2nd part of Proposal. You can read this is as a stand-alone, but some context might be lost. I can't believe its done, have a feast, dears!
Special thanks to this post, for providing information about Chinese weddings. I did take some liberties, but at least I did it knowingly.
It's been almost a month now that you were living in the Unclean Realm. Your brother agreed, begrudgingly at first, to let you go before the wedding because he saw how painful it was for you to stay away from your soon-to-be husband. In the end, he saw it was the right decision to let you get used to your new home beforehand.
Just one week before the wedding basically everything was turned upside down in the Unclean Realm. Both you and Nie Huaisang took part in the planning as there were no close relative of his who could take on the task. He, of course, had an exceptionally good eye for decoration, and while he was busy with clan leader's stuff, you coordinated the disciples and servants when needed.
You quickly got used to the almost colourless picture of the Unclean Realm and appreciated the calmly elegant black-grey-silver colours of your new home. The vivid red and gold decorations of the upcoming wedding, hinted with a little bit of silver, almost felt weirdly out of place now. As you entered the main hall to check on the servants' progress before retiring for the night, you stopped in awe at the entrance. Almost everything was in place now, only some adjustments were needed here and there. A huge smile spread across your face, as you couldn't help but imagine yourself entering the hall on Huaisang's arm, dressed in beautiful red and every guest's attention on you.
Speaking of Huaisang, you wondered what he was doing, as you haven't seen him all day. You decided to check on him before returning to your chambers. As you passed down the hallways, the servants were busy lighting some lanterns for the night. The sky already started to darken, and they politely greeted you as you passed them by. The guards also haven't paid attention to you, you were allowed to move freely, and they quickly got used to your presence after you moved in.
When you approached Huaisang's door, you knocked lightly to let him know of your presence but didn't actually wait for him to open the door himself. With guards present, his door was unlocked so you figured he hasn't retired for the night yet. You entered and instantly noticed his sitting form by the desk. He seemed to be completely engrossed in something, which you assumed was official documents. A light, calming incense could be smelled in the air of the warmly lit room. As you stepped closer, you noticed the not-so-neatly scattered papers on the table and some even around it on the ground. You also noticed a brush and ink, probably for writing letters. His usual fan also sat discarded on the edge of the table. Yes, he was definitely working all day, you concluded.
You stepped next to the table on his left side and shot a quick glance at the paper in front of him. It was clearly clan business. He only became aware of your presence in that moment, and he looked up at you with a tired but happy smile playing on the edge of his lips.
"Miss (C/N), it's so good to see you! Only you can make this miserable day better!"
"Oh, Huaisang, I'm sorry you had to work all day! I stopped by the main hall, and everything is almost completely ready now. You should check it out tomorrow. What's all this anyway?" You asked gesturing at the scattered papers all around his desk.
"You wouldn't believe it! Almost all of this are letters offering support, inquiring about accommodation, or asking for details about the banquet. There are also official papers about finances and clan politics. And I have to sort these out before the wedding! Why does everybody want a piece of me?"
"Hmm, I think," you pretended to think hard while you sat down next to him on the ground, "you are quite a catch."
He let out a disbelieving sound, but you continued, counting on your fingers.
"You are wealthy, the leader of one of the four big clans, a clever and intelligent man, you are a very talented artist, you have great taste in clothing, you do what you need to but don't meddle in other's business, you are funny and kind. Oh, and have I mentioned exceptionally handsome?"
"Ahh, stop, stop, stop, stop!" He protested, nose scrunched up and hands held out in front of his chest.
You let out a short laugh because of his adorably childish attitude and turned your body so you were sitting face to face now. You reached out and grabbed his hands. So warm and soft, they fit perfectly into yours.
"I'm serious," you said looking into his eyes.
And he believed you. His face straightened out, his eyes searching yours, lips parted only a tiny bit in awe, but you couldn't help but notice. He also noticed where you were looking, his eyes wandering down to your lips in turn. When your eyes met again, you could see the question in his eyes and you leaned closer to him, a barely noticeable movement. But that's all he needed. The next moment he leaned in, and his lips were on yours, hands moving around your waist to pull you closer. You gasped, one hand touching his chest for purchase, the other reaching up to cradle his cheek. His kisses were slow and sensual.
"I don't think you should praise me this much. I might become overly confident," he whispered into your lips between kisses.
"Well, surely we don't need another peacock."
You let go of each other's lips and burst out laughing, your foreheads touching the whole time.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
The day of the wedding arrived quickly. As you were getting ready with help of your maids, you listened to the commotion outside as guests continued to arrive. Everyone had to settle in their temporary rooms and led to the main hall where the wedding will take place. Once everyone was here the ceremony started while food and drinks were being prepared by the servants for the following banquet.
You were quite nervous because basically the whole cultivation world will witness your union. At least the other three big clans, the Lanling Jin, the Gusu Lan and the Yunmeng Jiang were obviously invited, and some of the smaller clans too thanks to your side. Jiang Wanyin was Huaisang's old friend, while Lan Xichen and Jin Guangyao were Nie Mingjue's sworn brothers so you were sure they will be attending. Lan Wangji apparently made up some excuse, so he didn't need to come and if you were honest, you liked it this way. His achievements certainly deserved respect, but he was famously uninterested in, even disgusted by celebrations which involved lively music and drinking.
Putting on the wedding dress was the quickest part of the whole procedure as braiding your hair in the Nie style and preparing your make-up took a few hours. Finally, your head was covered with a red veil to complete the look. Soon you were being led out to meet your husband the entrance of the main hall. Nervousness rose in your chest, but it subsided somewhat when you arrived. You were signaled to stop, and you felt warm hands gently wrapping around yours.
"Huaisang?" Your words came out as barely a whisper because somehow you felt like the wedding atmosphere shouldn't be bothered by talking.
"I'm here," he answered in kind and squeezed your hand a little as reassurance before wrapping a soft red silk ribbon around your wrist. It was to ensure you won't trip as you could barely see anything through your veil, and it also symbolised your union.
You only noticed the soft music and light chatter in the background when you started to walk up the few stairs leading to the main hall. But the hushed voices completely stopped when you stepped into the hall. Thankfully you knew how the room was prepared, so you remembered that you only had to take a few steps before you reached the pillows placed on the ground for you to perform your bows. Huaisang also made sure to make measured movements and helped you the best he could in signalling when you needed to stop walking and kneel down.
Being led by Huaisang while you almost couldn't see anything felt strangely romantic to you, like he was the only person in the whole world you could trust and to whom you could give complete control over yourself. This vulnerability felt frightening at first as you could feel every guest's eyes on your back, like realizing a dangerous predator is stalking you in the forest. But soon your senses focused completely on Huaisang. You could almost feel his warmth radiating through the cloth that bound your hands together.
You bowed in sync, first to pay respect to Heaven and Earth, second to Huaisang's parents, and finally to each other. You stood up and felt your legs shaking from relief and happiness. You were married! You still couldn't believe it. Soon you heard the commotion as your guests stood up and drank a cup of liquor to your marriage. One by one they approached you to congratulate you and wish you health and happiness. Huaisang held your hand in his and you could feel his palm was sweaty from nerves, but you didn't mind. You thanked the guests for their well-wishes and also said farewell. You recognized some of the voices and you were glad that your husband will be taken care of by people like Lan Xichen and Jiang Wanyin during the banquet.
The few hours you spent alone, sitting in silence on your now shared bed in Nie Huaisang's room felt like a relief after the ceremony. So far everything went well, you completed the wedding without any mishaps, and you hoped that everything goes smoothly at the banquet too. Time flew by surprisingly quickly while you meditated. Your focus was disturbed by muffled voices coming through the closed door. When it slid open, you could hear the finishing sentences of the two people's conversation outside.
"Don't be nervous. Everything will be fine," you recognized the soft and calm voice of Jin Guangyao.
"Thank you, San-ge," replied Huaisang, and closed the door behind him as he stepped into the room.
He didn't move for a few seconds and the anticipation in you grew stronger and stronger. You were patient the whole day, but now you just wanted to finally see him, see him in his wedding robes. He walked closer, ever so slow, hesitation palpable. In the dim light of the candles, you could see his silhouette when he stepped in front of you. You felt it when he finally grabbed your veil at the sides and with a quick motion, he lifted it up, letting it float down to the floor.
You were not one of those old traditional couples in the sense that you already knew each other before the wedding. Yet now, when both of you finally looked at each other, it felt like seeing a heavenly being for the first time. Wide eyes, lips parted you marvelled at each other's beauty. He has seen you in your dress during the ceremony, but your face adorned with tasteful make-up and your hair decorated with jewelry, braided specially to signify you were now the wife of a Nie took his breath away. You, on the other hand, had to take in his full visage. His red robes, with gold and black woven in, were of a thinner material than his usual attire, so it perfectly accentuated his snatched waist and wide shoulders. The guan in his hair were gold and it had a bolder style than his usual silver ones, just like the braids. When your gaze stopped at his face your breath hitched in your throat because of the open love and desire you saw in his eyes.
"You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," he finally spoke, his voice low.
"I...," you had to clear your throat after not speaking for such a long time, "we should drink the alcohol," you managed to say, standing up and walking to the table nervously.
You poured the fine liquor into two small cups and handed one to Huaisang. He took it gently and waited for you with his arm held out. You joined him, holding your own cup, and you intertwined your arms as you drank the alcohol with one gulp. When you finished you looked at each other, arms still linked and smiled, feeling the tension of the day leaving your body. You almost knocked your heads together as you wanted to put the cups down back on the table at the same time.
"We should sit down," he suggested, but the suggestion sounded like a tentative question.
You nodded your head. He must be tired after entertaining your guests, you thought. Luckily, he was not drunk so his friends must have kept a close eye on him. He could also direct some of his qi to get rid of the alcohol, but that also exhausted him after a while. You knew what was expected of you on your wedding night, but you didn't want to pressure him if he felt too tired after such a long day.
So, you sat on the edge of your bed in silence for a few moments before you felt his hand reaching out for yours. You flicked your gaze over where your hand rested on the bed between your bodies. His hand was not much bigger than yours but still big enough to cradle yours, and you always marveled at how soft and warm they felt. You noticed how his other hand were playing with the jade pendant hanging from his belt and you moved your free hand to gently lay on his thigh. You intended to soothe his nerves, but the moment your hand connected with his leg, you felt his muscles twitch. You looked up into his eyes and what you saw made your breath quicken. His dark brown eyes looked almost completely black now as his pupils widened. For a split second his gaze moved down to your mouth, and you did the same in return. You noticed how his lips relaxed, opening only the slightest amount and you found yourself wanting to kiss him so bad. When your gazes met again, he leaned towards you slowly, still holding your gaze, gauging your reaction.
And your lips connected.
It felt like fireworks exploded between you. You felt how his hand pushed yours into the mattress as he leaned in closer, his body weight shifting to his arm between you. His other arm sneaked around your waist to pull you closer, as he always did when you were kissing, only this time the kiss was different. It was much more forceful, brave, and charged with desire.
When you let go of each other's lips for a moment, both of you were breathing hard.
"I love you so much. You are the best thing in my life," he breathed into your lips, and you swore you saw his eyes shining.
"I love you too, I love you-," you said in return, the last syllable muffled as he captured your lips again.
Sitting with your feet on the ground while your body turned towards him started to feel uncomfortable, so you moved to sit on his lap, not letting go of his lips or hand for a second. When you settled your weight on his thighs, he moved his hands to your cheeks at first, then moved them down to your neck, tracing your collar bones with his fingers. You grabbed onto his robes and let go of his lips with a sigh. His hands moved away immediately, thinking his touch were unwelcome.
"Don't stop. It... felt good," you said nervously and smiled shyly at him.
This time he moved his hands to your waist, where the sash held your garments together.
"May I?" He asked seriously, his voice trembling a little.
You gulped and nodded your head rapidly. His touch was featherlight, you almost couldn't feel it when he reached for the opening of your sash and carefully removed it. The material of your robe loosened, and he moved to remove your outer garment entirely. You realized you were sitting on the skirt, so you needed to stand back up if you wanted to remove the whole thing.
"I need to get up to get this out of the way," you said to him when he freed your arms and only your undershirt remained on the upper half of your body.
You quickly realized that part of his nervousness came from the fact that he didn't want to scare you away, so you warned him of your intentions beforehand. He nodded and reluctantly let go of you as you stood up from his lap.
The room was warm, but you still felt a slight chill as your outer robe descended to the floor. The coldness faded when you looked into Huaisang's fiery gaze and the air suddenly felt impossibly hot as he stepped closer to you. His hands moved to your shoulders, gently caressing them and slowly moving towards your chest. Your breath quickened, his light touches searing hot through your thin undergarment. A shiver ran through your whole body as his hands gently cradled your soft breasts and he sucked in a sharp breath when your nipples hardened under his thumbs.
"Please, Huaisang, I want to feel your touch on my skin!" You felt a little embarrassed about how whiny your voice sounded, but you wanted to show him how much you wanted his touch.
He leaned in to kiss at your jawline and neck while his hands deftly removed your undergarments. As your clothes pooled around your ankles, he took a step back to admire your naked body. You suddenly felt self-conscious, and your hands instinctively moved to cover yourself up. Huaisang noticed it and took your hands into his to stop you.
"Don't be shy. I still can't believe I've managed to get myself such a beautiful and intelligent wife" he said, looking into your eyes the whole time.
You wanted to say something witty and clever, but the moment felt too sincere for it, so instead you answered:
"Don't forget that I wanted to be yours."
He stepped closer to you again, his mouth finding yours. He kissed you like a drowning man, never wanting to let go of you. His hands roamed over every part of your body he could reach and you wanted to finally touch his skin too. Your hands tugged on the lapels of his dress, signalling you wanted it off. He broke the kiss when he felt a more insistent tug.
"Take it off!" You managed to breath out and he chuckled at your insistence.
"You want more of me, huh?" He asked with that cocky self-assurance he only used with his closest friends back at Cloud Recesses.
You crossed your arms across your chest with a defiant look and you must have looked funny standing like that while being stark naked. But it worked, and Huaisang looked at you as if he were saying "Fine, fine," and reached for his belt. The strength gradually left your arms as you watched him undress, and by the time he only had his white underrobe on, your arms were hanging by your side.
When he moved to remove it too, you couldn't just stand there anymore and stepped in front of him, grabbing onto his hands. Your sudden movement startled him a little as his focus were completely on his clothes. You reached for the cloth that bound his underrobe together and undid it slowly, looking into his eyes the whole time. He moved his hands out of the way and followed the path of yours with his eyes as you reached up to his shoulders, pushing the light fabric down.
And he stood there only in a pair of white trousers, chest bare, skin like pristine jade, accentuated by his dark hair cascading down his back. You couldn't help but marvel at his beauty. As a healer you saw many men and women in various stages of undress, mostly injured soldiers. At those times your interest was not particularly focused on their looks, but you remembered how strong and muscular they were. Now, as you were looking at your husband's bare upper body, you realised that you never really found them attractive. Compared to them Huaisang had a soft body, but his chest was nicely toned and you could see the lean muscles of his arms.
You reached up and traced his collar bones with your fingers then moved downwards and stopped on his chest. You could feel how strong and fast his heart was beating under your right palm. His skin was so soft, smooth and warm, you couldn't help but tenderly caress the shape of his pecs, noticing how his small nipples stood at attention from your touch, much like yours before. You slowly slid your hands down to his stomach, following the made-up path of the cute little moles that were scattered everywhere on his skin. You felt the muscles tensing under the skin of his stomach as you went even lower, stopping where a soft patch of dark hair disappeared under the band of his underpants. As you ran your fingers over his happy trail, loving how the soft hairs tickled your fingertips, you heard Huaisang biting back a whiny moan. Your eyes moved back to his face and oh, what you saw took your breath away. He bit down on his lower lip, eyebrows furrowed, as he watched with half-lidded eyes where your hands were going.
You moved your hands out of your line of sight and your gaze lowered past the waist of his pants. He was already hard enough to form a nicely visible tent in his pants. You realised there was no turning back if you took the next step and it scared you a little, but also made you incredibly excited. You wanted it and you wanted him, but it still surprised you how boldly you reached down and caressed him lightly through his pants. This time his moan was deeper, more guttural, and he almost literally fell on you as he rested his forehead on your shoulder. Your knowledge was mostly medical about how the male body worked, so the late-night conversations with your already married friends came in handy. You felt proud about how much your touch affected Huaisang. Your next caress was a little firmer and you felt him twitch under your palm. Gathering his every strength, Huaisang stepped back and pulled you towards the bed.
"(Y/N), please, it's been too long, and I fear I won't last long if you keep this up. I want all of you tonight. Can I show you how much?"
"Okay," your voice was barely a whisper, and you let yourself being laid down on the bed.
Huaisang quickly got rid of his remaining garments and carefully removed the intricate guan, now only a black silk ribbon keeping his hair together. As he climbed on top of you, you instinctively opened your legs to make room for him as he rested his weight on his elbows next to your shoulders. This way he was the only thing you could see, but there was nothing else you wished to see at this moment. A large amount of his long hair fell over his shoulders and caressed your cheeks. He was so beautiful as a soft smile played on his lips and you reached up to kiss him. It quickly turned heated and Huaisang soon left your lips in order to kiss all over your face and neck. Then he moved lower and grabbed one of your breasts with his hand while he occupied his mouth with sucking on the other nipple. Your sighs of pleasure encouraged him to move his hand lower while his mouth kept playing with your nipples.
At first your hips shied away from his touch but when his deft fingers found the most pleasurable spot between your legs you couldn't bite back a moan. His mouth left your breasts as he moved to carefully watch your reaction while his other hand kept your legs in place.
"You are doing amazing, you are so wet already," he praised and slowly pushed his index finger inside you.
"Huaisang...," you moaned his name as you watched his finger disappear inside you.
This was something you already tried yourself on lonely nights but the fact that it was his finger made the experience completely different and so much better. He moved his finger slowly in and out of you and when you felt like you couldn't take it anymore, he removed his hand. You whined at the sudden loss of contact, but he moved back on top of you and kissed the complaints off of your lips.
"Are you ready?" He asked, and you were never this sure about anything in your life.
"Yes, I want you, please."
He reached down and guided his cock to your entrance, rubbing it over your wetness, using your combined arousal as a lubricant. Even this little delay and the feeling of his hot member so close to where you wanted it made you squirm. He was looking into your eyes the whole time and you saw how he had to fight he urge to close them when he started to finally push inside you. He was slow and careful, and when he was fully seated inside both of you stopped to catch your breaths. The stretch was unfamiliar but not unpleasant. You moaned when you felt his cock twitching and your insides tightened around him in response. Now it was his turn to let out a shaky breath as he let his forehead rest against yours. He simply couldn't hold his composure anymore, so he slowly started to pull out and push back again. At first you felt a tiny prick of pain, but it soon faded and was replaced by pure pleasure. And he was quick to react to your signs, so when you reached up and grabbed onto his hair to find support, he knew he found that special spot. Soon you were a moaning mess, being so close to your release and he was no different, his skin shining from sweat and strands of his hair sticking to his cheeks and neck.
"a-Sang!" You repeated over and over, and finally hearing you calling him that, it was enough to push him through the edge.
He sealed your lips in a desperate kiss, one of his hands reaching down to rub your clit, his other arm shaking from the effort of keeping his body from fully collapsing on top of you. The feeling of his desperate thrusts, his hand on your most sensitive spot and his shaky moans calling your name finally triggered your orgasm. You felt your inner walls clenching impossibly tight around him and you desperately clawed at his back, not really caring at that moment if you were leaving marks on his skin.
He collapsed on top you, the last of his strength leaving his body as both of you tried to catch your breath. Your vision slowly cleared, and the ringing disappeared from your eyes as you subconsciously caressed his head and shoulders. He burrowed his head into the crook of your neck, and you swore you could hear him practically purring like a cat.
The air in the room slowly started to dry off the sweat from your bodies and it soon made you both shiver. Huaisang rolled off of you with a series of unintelligible whines and went to fetch a cloth to clean yourselves up. He wetted it with the prepared warm water and carefully cleaned your most sensitive spots. He couldn't help but leave some lazy kisses around your hips and thighs in the process and the feeling of his gentle touches were almost enough to lull you into sleep.
He quickly cleaned himself up too and climbed back into the bed next to you, pulling the luxurious covers over your naked bodies. You moved to lay your head on his chest, positioning your ear over his heart, its steady beating made you feel completely safe. He sneaked his arms around you, pulling you even closer. You looked up at him and you smiled at how his hair was a complete mess now, yet he looked so handsome in the faint glow of the candlelight, his eyes shining with so much love you thought your chest will explode because of it.
"Thank you, tonight was incredible," you said as you drew small patterns on his chest with your fingers.
You swore you could see his ears redden even in the faint light, and you planted a soft kiss on his pecs before you fully relaxed in his arms.
"I love you a-(Y/N), get some sleep now," you heard him say before you fell into a blissful sleep.
ps. I have a half written morning-after snippet, let me know if you are interested and I'll finish it.
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cameronspecial · 8 months
would you please consider making a 2nd part to The Other Drew maybe them going on reading dates and him bringing her lunch to work, her coming to his games 🥹
The Other Y/N (Part 2)
Pairing: Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Sex, Swearing and Stealing
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.5K
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The screams of the crowd overwhelm the girl and she really wants to leave, but the need to be here for her boyfriend overrides any instinct to run. Her seat is close enough to the court that she can clearly see the sweat dripping off of his face as he plays. No matter how many times Drew tries to explain the rules of basketball to her, she still has no clue what is going on. The blow of a whistle for a foul stops the game and the crowd quiets as Drew gets ready to take the shot. The bouncing ball draws everyone's attention. He takes a second to look in Y/N’s direction and the confidence in her eyes gives him the courage to throw the ball. 
The ball circles the edge of the rim, going round and round before falling through the centre of the hoop. A loud horn sounds to announce the end of the game and the whole court goes crazy with celebration. The rest of the players turn to congratulate him, but his attention is fully on her. He runs into the stands and once he reaches her, he picks her up in his arms. “I couldn’t have done it without you, Darling. You are my lucky charm,” he announces, spinning them around in a laugh. She gives him a massive grin and brings their lips together. He finally puts her down and with her encouragement, he goes to celebrate with his teammates. 
After a night out celebrating with his team and an early morning celebrating together without clothes on, Y/N has to wake up early to head to work. A naked Drew groans, rolling over to watch her put some clothes on. He doesn’t comment on the fact that she is putting on one of his sweatpants and t-shirts; his closet is practically hers now anyway. “Why are you up? Come back to bed, Darling,” he groans, reaching an arm out to tug her closer to his bed. She gives a little giggle as he pulls her onto the bed and wraps a leg around her waist so she can’t escape. She tries to wiggle out of his grasp, “Baby, you know I have to go to work. Now, please let me go. I promise I will be back in your bed before you know it.” He gives a little sigh in defeat. “Fine, I’ll let you go. But I want you to pick out the next book we read together. We are done with The Midnight Library and it’s your turn to pick.” She nods, “Okay, I will. Anything in specific we are in the mood for?” 
“Hmmm, maybe a Greek mythology retelling. The one I’m reading in my Mythology literature course is boring as fuck.”
“Sounds good. I’ll try to see if I can find something more interesting.” 
Y/N is helping a little girl choose a book when Drew walks into the store. “How about this one? It’s about a princess with magical powers?” she suggests, holding up a book with a princess on the cover. A grin spreads across the girl’s face. She grabs the book with thanks and runs off to her mom. Y/N smiles, heading back to the front desk to see her boyfriend waiting for her with a paper bag. 
“Hey Baby, what are you doing here?” she asks. She leans over the counter to give him a quick kiss on the lips. He holds up the back so she can read the logo, “Brought us some food to share, Darling. When can you take your break?” She looks towards the clock and does a little math in her head. “Aww, thank you. Bianca is coming back from her breaking in five so we can head to the back then,” she determines, starting to get back to work with scanning the new inventory. He nods at her statement and goes to look around the store. When Bianca returns, Y/N takes Drew to the employee break room. 
The store isn’t very big, so the break room is really just the stock room with lockers, a fridge, a microwave, and a small table pushed into a corner. As soon as they sit down at the table, Drew is sure to pull her chair close to his so he can wrap his arm around her waist. She takes out their burgers and rips the bag open to have easy access to the large fries inside. They begin to eat in a comfortable silence. “Have you found a book to read yet?” he breaks the silence. She finishes chewing her food before answering, “Yeah, I was thinking of Circe by Madeline Miller. I’ve seen some pretty good stuff about it on Instagram and I liked the Song of Achilles.” 
“I’ve actually been thinking about picking that up myself. Some girl in my class was talking about it the other day. Good choice, Darling. Do you guys have it in stock  or do you need me to pick it up before tonight?” 
“No, we have it so I can get it once my shift is over. What are your plans for the rest of the day?” 
“Austin and I are going to watch a movie, so if I don’t respond to your text that’s probably why.
“What movie are you watching?”
“Not sure. We are going to choose at the theatre. What time are you off? Should I pick you up?”
“I’m done at four, but Bianca can give me a ride. I’ll just meet you at your house. I’m sorry, Baby. We gotta wrap it up. My break is almost over.”
The frat is filled with rowdy boys all having a laugh when Y/N comes back after work. She greets most of the boys, yet she doesn’t stop to talk to any of them because she knows where the one person she wants to talk to is. Like always, the back deck is decorated with fairy lights and a red and white checkered blanket is laid out on the floor. Pillows and charcuterie boards litter the blanket. Drew stops rearranging a board at the sound of the sliding door opening. 
“Hi Darling, how was work?” he welcomes, settling himself on a pillow so she can lie down on him. She rests her head on his stomach, “It was fine. Nothing special happened. Having you come for lunch was the highlight of my day.” He smiles at her words. “It was the highlight of my day too, Darling. I love you,” he moves the hair away from her temple and gives her a kiss. She takes out the book from her tote, “I love you too. Can you read first, please? I miss the sound of your voice.” His smile turns into a grin and he takes the book from her hands. Her head turns on his stomach, so she can look at his face and her ear is pressed against him. He starts to read from the book. They take turns reading and feeding whoever is reading until both of their eyes feel droopy. They call it a night, packing everything up before heading up to his room. 
Drew never thought his girlfriend would be by his side right now. It is the night before his game against his big rival team and they find themselves sneaking into the team’s storage closet. “I can’t believe you are doing this with me,” he whispers while picking the lock. Her mouth finds the shell of his ear, “I can’t let you do this by yourself. Plus, their cheerleaders were jerks to me last time you had a game with them.” 
“How come you didn’t tell me? I would’ve had a word with them.”
“It’s okay. I saw the head cheerleader fall on her face when you were in the changing room. It was funny. Now, hurry up before we get caught.”
He finishes with the lock and she runs inside to get the mascot costume. “Hey, you aren’t supposed to be here!” a voice yells from behind them. They turn to see a security guard running their way and he takes her hand into his. They start running toward the exit. When they get to the outdoors, they look for places to hide and come up empty. The only thing Drew can think to do is something he saw in a movie. He gently spins her against the wall and places his hand above her head. His finger lifts her chin up. His lips capture hers and they start making out. The security guard quickly shines his flashlight in their face before moving on to look in another direction. 
The giggles they let out when he leaves probably give them away, but they don’t care. They run to his car while laughing like maniacs. “I can’t believe we got away with this,” she awes, looking at the mascot suit in the backseat. He gives her a quick kiss, “I still can’t believe you did this. It’s like you are a completely other Y/N.” 
“What can I say? I have multiple sides to my personality.” 
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mariacrow · 10 months
This is my first time asking for a request-
Can you do Dreadwing and Predaking and use the trope their in love with reader and reader is oblivious to their them.
(Take all the time you need 🐝)
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Dreadwing x reader x Predaking
2nd person
female reader
love triangle
AU where the reader is the only human on the Nemesis, working as an assistant in the lab or repairing
AU where Dreadwing is alive
oblivious reader, envy, possessiveness, stalking
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Your oblivious state is kinda excused considering you're neck deep in lab work. Lord Megatron won't let you BREATHE. In fact, Predaking noticed you caught Dreadwing's optic, he was stalking you, following you around the Nemesis and checking lab's security cameras, often seeing you with Dreadwing. That's why he told Megatron the commander is keeping you away from swift progress. He was trying to keep you focused. He knows how much you love playing with giant robots and get easily distracted by them. Or he was just jealous because he was fond of you as well and wanted you all to himself.
You stayed longer this evening, not leaving the work undone. you were sitting on a control panel in the lab, struggling to navigate through the decepticon high tech and reach any touch pad - it's like a goddamn exercise every time you work on their computers.
Dreadwing came back after a successful mission and immediately went to check on you. Dready has a cruuuush~
Well it's not like he was expressing it. He was keeping it strictly to himself but he's never able to hide a light blue blush in his cheek plates when he feels your small, tender touch on his forearm or when you give him a wide, honest smile.
"Miss Y/N." he said while approaching you, always formal no matter what.
"Commander Dreadwing." you said respectfully as you took your eyes off the computer for a millisecond to look at him.
"Why are you still working at this hour?" he asked while curiously looking at what you're doing.
"I can't leave the work undone. I need to note today's formula progress, Shockwave's orders." you said while still struggling with the control panel's touch sensitivity.
"I am quite sure that is Knockout's job."
"He was needed... elsewhere. By elsewhere I mean he needed an urgent buff job." you said through a light chuckle.
That made Dreadwing smile a little while not taking his optics off of you.
"Do you require any assistance?"
You looked at him and sighed, stretching your back, "I'm almost done anyway. But I really think they should've found someone with bigger hands for this job." you said with a pinch of humor again as you continued storing data.
"I think so too. You are... far too small for this."
SIZE KIIIIIIIIIINK. His own words made him start daydreaming. He stared thinking of your petite, fragile body in his servos, holding you with great tenderness, trying his best not to hurt you. As he was taking a better look at you, he started wondering how your hair feels like, how your skin feels like, your clothes even...
He cleared his throat before he spoke: "Y/N... I was wondering if-"
He was interrupted by the lab door opening and the heaviest footsteps on this ship approaching. You both turned around to see Predaking proudly walking with his servos behind his back and his huge chassis puffed out.
"Commander Dreadwing. I was sent by lord Megatron himself to check on our assistant. Am I perceiving an act of distraction?" Predaking asked.
"No, I was merely-" Dreadwing got interrupted by him again.
"I was asking her." unpleasantly said the predacon.
"Uhm.. n-no, sir, commader Dreadwing wasn't distracting me at all, he was simply.. keeping me company. It can get too quiet in here." you tried keeping a positive tone.
"Hm. Understood. Is the work done?"
"Almost, sir."
"Almost!?" displeased predacon started, "You are far past the deadline!"
"But sir, Shockwave told me-"
"It does not matter what Shockwave told you, Megatron is your lord and master and he wants those notes delivered NOW!" he lied just to get Dreadwing out of the lab.
"Predaking, she is doing her best-"
"Commander Dreadwing, I do not recall asking for your opinion. I will ask you to leave the laboratory and stop keeping our comrade away from progress." Predaking said in a monotone manner.
Dreadwing didn't want to make a scene even though he REALLY wanted to beat his robo lizard aft. He frowned as his upper derma danced in irritation.
"Very well." was all the wise commander said before leaving, being a bigger person. All he wanted to do is ask you out, dam.
"Sir, he really wasn't-" Predaking interrupted you as he very gently placed his giant servo on your shoulder.
"Let me do the work for you, little one."
"Do not fret. That was merely a part of an act. I do not need Dreadwing reporting to Megatron about this." even though Dreadwing was the first one to offer help. Predaking knew because he was behind that door all along.
"If you say so, sir, but I'm almost done-"
"You will take full credit for your work." Predaking, the king of interruption, gently wrapped his servo around you, picked you up and placed you on the floor.
"Get some rest, Y/N." he said with a mild grin on his face before he turned around to face the computer as he started putting a cherry on top of your work.
You smiled back at him and said your goodbyes and goodnights as you walked away.
Predaking: ...why are you still here-
Y/N: door sensors don't work for me- *standing there in front of huge closed door like🧍‍♂️. You're too small for door sensors on the Nemesis to see you*
Predaking: oh- right- *as he rushed to help you open THE GODDMAN DOOR* how do you manage to open doors when there is no one around to help you-
Y/N: I throw stuff at the sensor🧍‍♂️
Predaking: oh. 🧍‍♂️
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Dividers belong to @straywords 🖤
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