#anyway I did realize for this project that I have to run an AI search for comparison and hooooo boy that'll be fun
essektheylyss · 10 months
I have finished the last annoying part of my quarter and thank FUCK.
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elevator buttons (and morning air) - cressder
@winterrhayle THIS IS SO LATE I’M SORRY ELLIE ILY <3 for the smgh gift exchange!
word count: 2137
cress asks her (very cute) apartment neighbor to help her catch a spider, while struggling with infatuation.
- <3 -
“Um… hello?” 
The confused face of Cress’ next apartment neighbor searched her own, and Cress wondered if it was too late to back out.  They’d made eye contact exactly once  before, when they’d gotten in the elevator together. The girl had returned her smile, so Cress figured she was nice enough. 
A singular smile was probably not the best basis for asking a favor of someone at 7am. Especially this kind of favor. And talking to strangers was very high up on the list of “things Cress hates.” 
It was definitely too early for this. 
Then the sight of the spider that had crawled across her keyboard filled her mind and she shuddered in her slippers.
“Erm… hi.” Cress wound her hand in her hair, very aware that it was early and she’d probably just woken this girl up. However, as she looked her neighbor up and down, Cress realized that she looked very much awake- with a smudge of grease over her eye and hands covered in work gloves.
She also realized that grease, googles, and all, her neighbor was pretty.
Talking to strangers was one, very stressful, thing, but pretty strangers she was attracted to? Abort, abort. 
“Come in?” Cress was grateful as the stranger pushed the door open, despite the fact that she hadn’t managed to come up with anything to say. Cress shuffled in, her overlong t-shirt she’d slept in brushing her knees. Despite the grease stained work tank top her neighbor was wearing, she still had sleep shorts on, which made Cress feel a little better about being in her pjs. 
Cress cleared her throat awkwardly, her hands straying to braid her hair subconsciously. “I’m Cress, and I live next door?”
Great initiative! You sounded like you were asking her a question!
“Cinder.” The girl- Cinder- introduced herself hesitantly. “Nice to meet you?”
“Can you help me get rid of a spider?”  Cress blurted, hands in her hair coming to a standstill.
Cinder looked slightly taken aback, but bemused. “Sure?”
Cress breathed an internal sigh of relief. Thank God. She isn’t even looking at me like I’m weird. 
“I was finishing an assignment when a huge one went across my keyboard, and it was, like, three inches long. Well maybe not that big, but you get the point. I hate spiders… ” She realized she was starting to ramble and flushed, strangling her hands in her hair. “I’m sorry to bother you, especially in the morning.” She emphasised.
Cinder shrugged. “It’s no problem, I was up early working on an assignment anyways.”
The assurance gave Cress barely any relief. “I can offer you food?” She added, hoping to smooth over the fact that she existed.
Cinder laughed, and the slight tension in the room was released. “In that case, I’m sold.”
Cress peered over Cinder's shoulder, and caught sight of a workbench pushed against the corner of the room. Perched on the edge was what looked like… 
“A bot?”  Cress loved coding AI tech, and was actually majoring in computer science.
“Yeah, I’m a mechanic, well technically an engineer, but I do some other personal projects on the side.”
“That’s so cool!” Cress felt her grip loosen from it’s anxious hold. “I’m a coder, and AI tech is some of my favorite.” 
“Really? I have a bot named Iko, and she’s been mentioning something about color changing eyes? While she loves my physical additions and such, I’m sure she’d appreciate some technological improvements.”
Cress beamed. “Wow, a personal bot? I’d love to check her out sometime!”
“That would be great.” Cinder held her gaze for half a second, before they both looked away. It might’ve been Cress’ ever overactive imagination, but she could’ve sworn she felt sparks. Then again, that happened every time her useless lesbian self made eye contact with a pretty girl, but still.
What is this, a rom-com?
Cinder cleared her throat, before leading them to the door. “Show the way?”
Cress leapt at the opportunity immediately, leading them to her apartment. Cress pushed open the door, forcing herself not to jump away as soon as it opened a crack.
“I’ll go first.” Cinder must’ve noticed her anxiety, and she gave her a comforting smile that both soothed Cress’ heart and made it beat more erratically.
Taking a steadying breath, Cress followed Cinder in, leaving the door open in case she needed to make a quick exit.
Cinder grabbed a glass from the counter, which also made Cress feel lighter. Setting spiders free was better than killing them, even if they were spiders the size of her thumb.
“By your laptop right?” Cinder gestured to the work table, and Cress nodded with a nervous gulp. 
A leg crawled up and over the desk and Cress jumped, clinging to Cinder. The tan girl sagged under the sudden weight, one arm coming up to support her from underneath.
The sudden touch made Cress freeze. She realized her arms were wrapped around Cinder’s neck, and she was clinging rather tightly. I just quite literally jumped into a super cute stranger’s arms. Stars help me.
Cress considered hopping down, when the spider ran across the floor by Cinder’s feet.  She squeaked, and clung tighter. She vaguely thought of how awkward this must be to Cinder, but there no fucking way she was touching the same ground the spider was on. 
Also, Cinder was remarkably buff and did not seem to be struggling at all. 
Must be all the mechanic work? Cress thought with a slight flush.
Stop thinking about a girl’s muscles! We’re in the middle of a crisis here!
Cinder scuffed her foot, and the spider raced back up to the table. Cress winced, and watched through partially closed eyes in awe as with her free hand, Cinder dropped the cup upturned on the spider.
“I got it!” Cinder’s voice was right besides her ear, and Cress widened her eyes. The spider was indeed secure in the glass, and Cinder’s hair was in her eye.
With a blush, she fully realized her position once more. Her heart sped even faster than before, which she didn’t know was possible. Cinder smelled of car grase and faintly cinnamon. A combination that was shockingly attractive. The thought made her flush even deeper, as was the fact that her bare legs were gripping a small strip of the neighbor’s midsection where her shirt had ridden up.
“Ahaha,” Cress laughed awkwardly, doing a weird shoulder pat thingy. “Thank you.” Is this flirting? 
Cinder tilted her head to look at Cress, and from their position, the movement made their faces remarkably close. With yet another squeak, Cress dropped to the ground so fast she stumbled.
“You’re welcome.” Cinder’s voice was bemused as she bit her lip in an attempt not to smile. It was distracting, but soon Cress was giggling. Cinder joined her, and all her anxiety melted. 
“Alright, there’s still Part 2.” Cinder cautioned, gesturing to the spider. Cress considered it. 
“We can drop it in the flowersill.” Cress suggested, gesturing to the window.
“Flowersill?” Cinder repeated.
“Oh.” Cress flushed a tiny bit in embarrassment again. “I don’t exactly know the word for it but like, those cute little flower beds that attach to windows?”
Cinder shrugged with a smile. “Works for me.”
After poking around a bit, Cress came back with a piece of paper. Cinder bit back a smile again, and Cress found her gaze pulled to her lips. “This part might get a little scary, if you need to hop in my arms again.” She said it wryly, teasingly, but Cress suppressed the urge to bury her head in her hands and disappear forever.
Rather than jumping into Cinder’s arms again, she settled for hopping on the counter and keeping all parts of her body away from the table and floor. From her new perch, Cress watched as Cinder slid the paper under and brought the spider to the window to release it. 
Breathing a sigh of relief, Cress gave Cinder a wide smile when she turned back to her. Cinder smiled back, and her eyes crinkled. Cress’ heart fluttered again.
“So… grease huh?” Cress realized what a weird conversation starter that was and blushed as Cinder raised an eyebrow.
“Well- you smelled like it and there was some above your eyes and well-” Cress stuttered to a rambling stop because she really didn’t know how to explain why she said that. She didn’t know why she said that.
“Oh.” It was Cinder’s turn to blush as she scrubbed at her eye. The grease stubbornly remained, and Cinder’s nose was wrinkling with concentration through the effort. Cress tried to repress a smile, but it was impossible.
“Here, let me help.” Reaching to the side, she picked up a cloth off the counter. Running it under water until it was damp, Cress gestured Cinder forward. Hesitantly, her neighbor stepped towards her, and Cress lifted the cloth. Carefully, she brushed away a few strands of hair, and Cinder’s breath hitched a bit. Cress thought hers did too. She gently rubbed at the grease, and with the soap on the cloth, it came off of Cinder’s reddening face with little effort. 
“Maybe we should try a collab sometime?” Cinder seemed to almost blurt it, catching Cress by such surprise she almost dropped the cloth. The moment had felt like a pause, and the disruption startled her. The girl had seemed so calm and collected, but the chink in the armor was just as nervous as Cress.
Despite her initial surprise, she glowed at the suggestion to spend more time getting to know her cute next door neighbor, and resisted jumping off the counter and spinning.
“That would be amazing.” Cress hopped a bit in excitement, and Cinder gave her a fond smile.
“Do you want to stay for breakfast?” Cress wasn’t sure what compelled her to ask, and she buried her hands back in her brown tangle of hair.
“Oh!” Cinder seemed pleasantly surprised, and Cress beamed. “That would be great!”
“How do pancakes sound?” Cress crossed to the fridge, practically buzzing with excitement as Cinder followed right behind her.
“Amazing. And can I help?” Cinder was right at her shoulder and Cress nodded, uncertain if she could find coherent words as she got out the supplies for pancakes.
Cinder grabbed a bowl that was, unbeknownst to her, filled with pancake powder.  Her face lifted in shock  as it poofed out of the bowl, covering her features in a layer of powder. Their laughs mingled as they poured water into the mix, and Cress felt lighter than she had in weeks. Cinder took to sitting while Cress heated the stove and got the eggs going. Occasionally, she would sneak a look over at powder-covered Cinder and grin to herself. One time she almost burnt the eggs as she got distracted.
"Here." Taking a dishrag from the stove handle, Cress swiped it quickly around Cinder's face - considering - a little too late that she just should've just given the rag to her. Two times in one day!
Cinder coughed a bit, her hands going to fiddle with the ends of her sleeves as she leaned back on her heels, pink in the cheeks.
"Thanks." She managed. Cress smiled, plating the eggs and getting ready to start cooking the pancakes.
After a few minutes, they had settled into a steady conversation about their studies and work. Cress filled with excitement as they discussed plans to build a robot that could make them ice cream. It had started as a joke, but the more they talked about it, the more realistic the idea became.
"I would make sure it has strawberry for myself." Cress was saying. "What about you."
"Butter pecan." Cinder responded immediately.
"Oooh, good choice. French vanilla would be my second."
"Me too!" Cinder replied. "Nothing wrong with a classic."
The more they conversed, the more Cress was enamored with Cinder's wit and sharp mind. She'd always been a romantic, falling in love quickly. But she'd learned her lesson in the past, and was happy to bide her time and truly get to know Cinder.
A timer on her phone rang, and Cress jumped.
"My first class is in 15 minutes."
"Oh!" Cinder stood up as well. "Yeah.. here's my number." She scribbled it on a napkin. Cress grinned as she wrote hers on another napkin.
Handing it off to Cinder, their fingers brushed. It was far from the first contact they’d had this morning, but it filled Cress with a feeling of hope nonetheless.
Cinder tipped her head, giving Cress a simultaneously sweet and wry smile. “Call me if you see any more spiders.”
Cress laughed, waving at Cinder on her way out. “Will do.” 
She knew that spiders weren’t the only thing she’d be calling about.
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lardguz · 3 years
Panic in the Pantry
So I've been really into Ze//ro Esca//pe lately, and I noticed there was like, no weight gain writing for the series, probably because the games themselves are pretty serious most of the time. But I'm gay and a loser so I wrote a thing of Si//gma trying to solve the Pantry escape room by eating everything in sight!
A tall, muscular young man stood in a hallway in front of a door flanked by two other people: another tall young guy who was much thinner and lankier than the first one and was wearing a ridiculous circus ringleader getup, and a short, skinny girl with white hair. The three of them stared at the door in front of them, which had the word “Pantry” being projected from the front of it somehow. The three of them were just one third of the people in this facility as far as they knew, and they were being forced to play something called “The Nonary Game Ambidex Edition” by someone called Zero. The tall muscular man named Sigma and the other half of his bracelet pair, the small girl named Phi, had teamed up with the blonde man in the top hat named Dio, and opened one of the chromatic doors to proceed to the next round of the game. This had led them to the hallway they were currently in, facing the door to what was apparently going to be a pantry.
Sigma turned to his two teammates and motioned towards the door. “So, this place has a pantry. You think that means there were people living here before this game started?”
Phi rolled her eyes and responded in complete deadpan. “No, I think they were just expecting us to be here for a while, Sigma. Of course people were living here. Who else would have built this place?”
“I dunno, they have an AI rabbit in the main computer, who’s to say if this place isn’t run by robots or something?” Sigma retorted. He crossed his muscular arms and glared down at the white-haired girl, who was staring right back at him, unflinching. Dio placed a hand on each of their shoulders and spoke in his usual slow, condescending voice. “All right, all right, settle down you two. We don’t have time for lover’s quarrels right now, remember? We gotta find the key cards for the Ambidex Gate. So let’s get a move on, okay?” Sigma and Phi grumbled in reluctant agreement, and Sigma moved to open the door.
What greeted the trio was a room filled with walls and walls of drawers, each one meticulously labeled with which foods it contained within. The three of them immediately set about examining each drawer. “This is… a lot of food,” Phi whispered as she checked another drawer. “Why did they stockpile so much of it, do you think?”
“Probably so they could keep building this fucked-up murder game without having to make constant trips to the grocery store or something.” Dio responded, pulling out a container of spaghetti from the drawer he was checking. He looked at it with a hint of disgust on his face. “Urgh, it’s all prepackaged food though. The kinda shit that’s loaded with preservatives and stuff to make it last forever. This shit is so unhealthy. Whoever built this place must be a total fatass after living off this for God knows how long.”
Sigma paused as he opened a drawer of udon stir fry bowls. “Wait. Maybe this food isn’t for Zero.”
Phi looked up at him, raising one eyebrow inquisitively. “What do you mean, Sigma?”
He grabbed one of the bowls of udon and ripped open the packaging. Sigma grabbed a noodle with his bare hand and dropped it into his waiting mouth, and spoke as he chewed. “Well, if th’scape room’sh a pantry, maybe th’ puzzle’sh gotta involve thish food!” He swallowed and continued explaining himself. “I mean, why else would one of the escape rooms be a pantry? We probably have to eat a certain amount of the food here to unlock the door or something!” The dark haired man reached his hand into the udon bowl again and grabbed more noodles to eat as Dio and Phi stared at him incredulously.
Phi sighed heavily and went back to searching the room herself, but Dio was laughing too hard to continue doing much of anything. “Hahahaha, holy shit, Sigma, you’re a damn genius! You got this whole game all figured out, huh?” The blonde man’s voice was dripping with sarcasm, but Sigma didn’t care. He was convinced he was right, and so he kept eating his udon stoically. When he finished the first bowl, he reached into the drawer and grabbed another, and another, until he’d cleared it out entirely. When Sigma straightened up to open the next drawer, he felt his middle wobble slightly, and he looked down. His stomach stuck out just a little bit, a nice coating of soft fat just beginning to form over his formerly toned abs. Shaking his head, Sigma opened the drawer anyways, reasoning with himself that if this was the solution to the puzzle, he could sacrifice his muscles for now. Plus there was probably a weight loss antidote as a reward in the safe! He grabbed the packages of curry from the drawer he opened and kept eating, trying his best to ignore his gradually growing waistline.
After an hour in the pantry, Phi and Dio had turned up no hints to solving the puzzle themselves. Sigma also hadn’t encountered any hints, but what he had done was clear out six whole drawers of provisions, and it showed. His outfit, once baggy and poorly fitting, now clung to his new chubby body, accentuating every roll and fold. His blue button-up shirt rode up on his torso, no longer able to be tucked into his matching pants whatsoever. The buttons were beginning to strain against his growing gut, and the short sleeves dug into his fat upper arms. The waistband of his pants was clearly straining as well, his belly and hips oozing over the top of it to form a plush muffin top. His thickening thighs and calves caused the fabric of his pants to look like an overstuffed piping bag, and his ass, which had already been pretty round and desirable before, was starting to feel like it would burst out of his painfully tight pants at any moment.
Sigma had to sit down for a moment to rest, all this ravenous eating tiring out the young man immensely. He sat with his belly in his lap, rubbing it slowly to try and ease off some of the discomfort from his ever-tightening clothes, when suddenly he felt a hard slap on his fat ass from behind. He yelped in surprise and whipped around to see Dio grinning mischievously.
“Now, now, Sigma, c’mon! We don’t have time for you to be resting on your fat ass!” The blonde man chuckled as he tipped the rim of his top hat towards the pantry drawers. “After all, you said so yourself! The solution is probably related to aaaaaall that food! So you gotta get back to eating as fast as possible, so all of us can get the hell outta here!”
“But, my clothes—” Sigma tried to whine, but he was cut off, this time by a disgruntled Phi. “Ah ah ah, no. Shut up, Sigma. You committed to this stupid plan, and we’re gonna make sure you see it through to the end whether you like it or not.” The girl prodded him in the side with a slim finger, which sunk a couple inches into his flab. “Understand?”
Sigma sighed heavily and hoisted himself back up, almost falling over from his sudden shifting weight. After catching himself with one of the drawers, he opened it and began clearing it of its contents. After another few drawers of food were emptied into his stomach, Sigma heard a snapping noise and felt cool air on his gut suddenly. The release of the building pressure of his lower gut straining against the bottommost button of his shirt was enough for him to realize said button had finally come flying off, which meant the rest were probably soon to follow. The sweet release of his painfully tight cloth prison within sight now, Sigma sped up his consumption considerably, shoveling down packaged pizzas and burgers with ease. Two more buttons went soaring off as he feasted, and his massive gut surged forth like a tidal wave of lard. It flopped over the waistband of his pants and reached almost down to his thighs, his crotch still visible for now. The remaining three buttons at the top of his shirt held strong, but his shirt was being stretched across his chest much further than it was meant to, looking more like an oversized bikini top than a button-up. His chest had fattened up considerably, transforming his huge pecs into even more huge breasts, larger than even Alice’s. With the shirt holding them in place for now, like a bra, they didn’t sag to the sides of his growing gut yet. The seams of the short sleeves were starting to creak and groan from how tight there were against his flabby bingo wings, little diamonds of his arm fat starting to ooze through in small rips. His thighs were starting to do the same to his overburdened pants, seams popping every time he moved his legs even slightly. When he bent down to open a drawer that was closer to the floor, a loud ripping sound came from behind Sigma, and Dio started cackling mockingly. Sigma realized with a cold start that the seat of his pants must have been ripped by his growing ass. His chubby cheeks flushing pink, Sigma’s round face, now accompanied by a full double chin, was hot with embarrassment. He looked down at the drawer he had just opened, filled with packaged cupcakes, and wondered if this was even worth the embarrassment at this point.
Before he could make a decision, though, Phi appeared in front of him and leaned down to grab a package of the cupcakes. She tore it open and popped one into Sigma’s unsuspecting mouth, stifling an exclamation of surprise. She held the package out to him as he chewed on the pastry. “You’re not giving up on your plan already, are you, Sigma. What if this really is the solution? You’re so far into solving it already, may as well see it through to the end, right?” She gave Sigma a reassuring smile, and he immediately felt at ease again despite Dio’s laughing still ringing in his ears. Sigma took the package of cupcakes from Phi and smiled, his chubby cheeks causing his eyes to squint. “Thanks, Phi. It’s nice to know at least one of you believes in me.” She mumbled a response that Sigma didn’t catch, but he was already shoving the rest of the cupcakes in his fat face, so it didn’t matter to him.
Another half an hour had passed, and Dio and Phi had decided to make themselves busy with helping Sigma with his plan instead of exploring the rest of the room. The college student was having some issues reaching the lower drawers now, and walking was getting to be a little bit of a problem too, so they were helping bring him more of the provisions for him to eat. The obese man currently stood with one open drawer at chest level, shoveling the food from it directly into his mouth. His double chin had grown into a triple chin, and his neck was slowly being replaced by rolls of soft fat instead. His chubby chipmunk cheeks had begun drooping, looking more like the jowls of an oversized dog instead. The sleeves of his shirt had ripped open a few minutes ago, setting his wobbling arm fat free. His jiggly biceps slapped against his chest every time he lifted more food up to his mouth. His shirt’s one remaining button strained against his growing moobs, massive tears beginning to form in the fabric stretching across his squishy breasts. His stomach rolls had folded over themselves, forming a three tiered flabby apron that went down to his thighs. The button on his pants had burst off a while ago, and his pants seams were all but gone, just a few threads managing to keep his overfed thighs and beanbag sized ass cheeks from bursting out of them entirely. After finishing the drawer directly in front of his face, Sigma turned his bulk towards the pile of food Phi and Dio had gathered for him, and began waddling towards it. He had to spread his legs uncomfortably far apart to keep his thighs from rubbing together, and even then they still did. He also couldn’t bend his legs anymore, his knees buried under rolls of fat from his jiggly thighs. His oversized ass cheeks, each roughly the size of a couch cushion, drooped down about the same distance as his massive gut, and had lost all semblance of shape and tone, now just two squarish blobs of pure lard. The lowest roll of his apron of a stomach slapped against his thighs with every slow, deliberate step forward, sending his entire body wobbling with each one. It took him three minutes to walk ten feet across the room, and the already massive young man was wheezing for breath by the time he stopped. After catching his breath, Sigma grabbed a package of spaghetti and meatballs off the top of the pile, tore it open, and poured it directly into his fat mouth. Then he did the same for a pizza, a meatloaf, a plate of fish and chips, any and everything in the pile was unceremoniously devoured. The last button of his shirt ripped off its overburdened thread and went flying, narrowly missing Dio’s head. The button pinging off the wall seemed to be the signal the rest of Sigma’s clothing had been waiting for, as every remaining seam burst one after another, sending his massive body surging forth.
Dio turned to Phi as Sigma continued stuffing his face without pause, a look of disgust plastered on his face. “He’s still going! The guy is buck-ass-naked in front of us with only his little boxers on, fat as a whale, and still keeps eating!” The blonde tssked loudly as Sigma began shoving crepes into his mouth. “What’re we gonna do about this lardass?”
Phi cocked her head to one side, thinking. “Well, he’s clearly not going to stop til either all the food is gone, or he can’t reach it anymore, and I kinda want to see how far he ends up taking his stupid idea.” She looked straight at Dio, a smug smirk plastered on her face. “Let’s just help Sigma finish his little job and then we can figure out the room ourselves, without his whining.”
Dio chuckled and gave Phi a conspiratorial wink. “Say no more, little miss. That is fuckin’ devious. I like your style!” He sauntered over to the massive food pile he and Phi had made and began handing dishes directly to Sigma’s greedy hands, his fat sausage fingers immediately grasping anything placed near them and emptying it into his mouth. Sigma’s arms were now so fat that his wrists were starting to sink into his own arm fat, and his pillow-sized arm rolls were constantly squished between his multiple layers of love handles and his massive breasts, thus forcing them to rest at an angle at all times, and making it steadily harder for him to reach his face with his food-filled hands. His face looked like it was slowly being absorbed into his fat body, chubby neck rolls and multiple chins surrounding his drooping jowls which were starting to block his vision somewhat. His chins and neck rolls blended together, flowing down his front like a river of flab, nestled between the valley that was his moobs. Shreds of his blue shirt still clung to his breasts, some stuck underneath the pillow-sized bags of fat which sagged horribly to the sides of his gut now that they were free from their cloth prison. His plush side rolls and back fat were fully on display now, showing clearly how his arms were never going to be able to rest at his sides ever again, and that even if he were to try and lay down, he wouldn’t be able to get flatter than a sitting position with all his multitudes of back rolls propping him up and pooling around his body. The topmost layer of his stomach was wide enough to be used as a bed for a medium sized dog, and was too heavy for anyone to lift even on its own. The middle layer folded over on top of where Sigma’s belly button once was, creating a cavity underneath that was probably almost a foot deep now. The middle and bottom rolls of his enormous stomach were pure lard, soft and jiggly, and very, very heavy. The bottom of the lowest roll reached past his knees now, dangling just a foot off the ground. His legs were as thick as tree trunks now, every inch of his adipose-stuffed thighs and calves touching no matter how far apart he spread his legs. Even his toes were fat now, though they could barely be seen with the mass of flab that was his lower calves slowly starting to engulf his ankles. His misshapen, flabby rear end was almost touching the floor as well, each overstuffed bean bag chair of an ass cheek protruding well over a few feet from his morbidly obese body. His boxers hadn’t been destroyed by their mass yet, but the overburdened underwear looked more like the world’s skimpiest thong, with Sigma’s boulder-sized butt cheeks swallowing the stretched fabric of the garment between their bulbous forms. Phi perched herself on top of one of his massive moobs and started dumping food from the pile directly into Sigma’s waiting mouth, his heavy fat-swaddled arms too tired to lift anything more himself. Dio, being much taller than Phi, merely had to lean against Sigma’s increasingly more squishy side to place more food into his pile of chins, which doubled his rate of consumption considerably. Dio and Phi shared a conspiratorial wink. This was the final stretch of Sigma’s stupid plan!
One more hour passed in the pantry before Phi shoved the last prepacked pie into Sigma’s greedy mouth. She sighed in relief and hopped down off the man’s oversized chest, and stepped back to take in the enormity of her bracelet pair mate. Somehow, despite his incredible size and weight, Sigma was still standing on his own two feet. Whether he could still walk remained to be seen, and Phi didn’t have her hopes up very high for that. The young man was ridiculously obese, probably pushing close to half a ton weight-wise now. A loud belch erupted from Sigma’s mouth, his face a bloated parody of what it used to be mere hours ago. His neck rolls pushed his jowls up around his face, making it look like he was sinking and using a life preserver to keep only his fat face afloat. His arms were so swollen they were barely recognizable, the only hint to their existence as arms being the sausage-shaped fingers poking out from the ends. His massively saggy moobs slumped to either side of his stomach, wobbling with every wheezing breath the mountain of a man took. His love handles bunched up underneath the flab-filled bingo wings of his arms, multiple side rolls forming above his hips that were wide enough to fill an entire sofa by himself. His overstuffed gut now reached the floor, the lowest roll pressing firmly into it even when standing upright. His legs looked like a bursting overfilled sausage casing, his thighs' dimpled fat pressing each other so far apart it was utterly insane that he hadn’t fallen over on his fat ass yet. Especially when you considered Sigma’s ass was so stuffed and loaded with squishy fat that it, too, now almost touched the floor even when he was just standing, and his boxers looked like a few pieces of string stretched across the wide expanse of his cheeks. His feet couldn’t be seen behind his wobbling apron of a stomach, but if they weren’t obscured by that mass of pure flab, they would still not be visible; the fat from his calves had collapsed over top of his ankles, hiding his feet entirely. Overall, Sigma had grown to nearly four times his size in just a few hours of clearing out the entire pantry.
Sigma gazed blearily past his enormous chest and stomach at his teammates, letting out another loud burp. He spoke in a voice that sounded unfamiliar to him, the amount of fat coating his vocal chords causing him to sound huskier, with a deeper voice, and his jowls and chins affecting his speech somewhat. “Did… haah… th’ dooh ohpen? Haah… shohl…ve… th’ puzzshle?” he wheezed. Phi groaned. “Of course you didn’t, you moron! We told you that stuffing yourself wasn’t going to be the solution!”
Dio chuckled and clapped a hand to Sigma’s flabby lovehandle. “Yeah, but we knew you’d never shut up if we didn’t let you try it, so we decided to just let you do your thing, and now here we are!” The blonde man pinched the soft side rolls, forcibly wobbling them back and forth, causing a cacophony of Sigma’s rolls and flaps to slap into each other loudly. The man moaned in discomfort, but Dio continued his torment, delighting in watching the helpless Sigma jiggling all over.
Raising his voice to be heard over the noise of the shockwaves rippling all over his half-ton of flab, Sigma spoke in a husky whine. “Sho then… haah… whuh ah we… haah… gunna do to… haah… eshcape?” Phi patted the lowest roll of his stomach sympathetically before speaking. “Well, Dio and I are gonna figure out how to actually escape this room now. Together. Without you, Sigma.”
The blubbery man burped again before speaking. “But… haah… whuh am I… haah… how do I… haah… help you guysh… haah… sholve it?” He looked upset, like he’d failed both Phi and Dio with his stupid plan by becoming useless to them both. Phi turned her back to him, ignoring his question entirely. Dio stopped jiggling Sigma’s soft side rolls and followed the short woman to see how he could help. Sigma was left standing in the middle of the pantry, the weight of his failure pressing down on his conscience just about as much as the weight of his fat was pressing down on his body. He’d never eaten so much in his life, not even when he was partying constantly in his freshman year of college. How did he think this was a smart idea? He was so stupid! No wonder Phi and Dio let him do this to himself just to get him out of their way. Just before Sigma’s self-pity party was going to get too sad, Phi shouted from across the room. “Hah! Got it! Told you I could handle it, Dio!” She strutted triumphantly back across the pantry towards Sigma’s weighty form, Dio following at a distance, grumbling. “Well, I figured you’d be fine, but I also thought maybe you could use a man’s help. A smart man. Not like big ol’ land whale over there.”
Phi stood in front of Sigma’s stationary form, waving up at his bloated face. “Hey, Sigma! I got the key to get out of here from the safe. There’s some other stuff too but none of it’s of much use to us right now.” The near-immobile man breathed a sigh of relief. At least one of them had managed to solve the escape room. “Thash grea’, Phi!” he said aloud, still surprised at how different his voice was now, “Sho are we leaving now?” He tried to look down at the girl directly in front of him, but couldn’t see her past his enormous gut, moobs, and chins. Phi must have realized this, as suddenly she was jumping in the air and landed directly on his flabby chest, standing in front of his face. She looked him up and down before speaking. “Sigma, do you think you can still walk?”
Sigma wiggled his toes experimentally, nodding decisively as he felt he could still move his feet at least. “I c’n proba’ly walk, yeah. Migh' take me shome time though. Shorry.” Phi patted his jowls reassuringly. “Don’t worry, Sigma. I’ll make sure Dio doesn’t leave without us. Just take your time, okay?” The agile young woman hopped back down, running ahead to keep Dio busy, leaving Sigma to begin his most arduous task of his life: walking a few hundred feet across a room and getting through the door. Slowly he began moving his right leg, the fat coating it shifting past his left leg and slapping against the bottom of his drooping stomach. He moved his left leg forward slowly, essentially walking in a very slow, heavy, exaggerated waddle. His gut touched the floor and the front of his legs the entire way, slapping into his gelatinous thighs every waddling step, sending its entire expanse of rolls wobbling like a pendulum. His shapeless ass cheeks balloon out behind him, jiggling like jello every time he moved even a little. Sigma’s fat face felt like it was on fire, his cheeks bright red and sweaty from the effort of moving around a thousand pounds of fatty flesh across a room. His breath was coming in rasps, mouth agape and panting, his multiple chins wobbling as his chest heaved from the exertion. After something like ten minutes of waddling his fat ass towards the door to escape the pantry, Sigma finally stopped to catch his breath. Taking big wheezing gulps of air, his massive breasts shaking from any slight movement of his chest, Sigma spent another five minutes just preparing to leave the door. Finally, his breathing about as stable as it could be with his lungs being crushed under a half ton of body fat at all times, the enormously overfed man began taking small, waddling steps towards the door. Three.. his thigh slapped loudly against his lowest gut roll. Two… he grasped the door frame with his pudgy sausage fingers. One… he slowly inched his wide body through the door, until suddenly, he stopped. Why am I not moving anymore? He thought to himself, before trying to pull himself forward again. Still nothing. What the fuck was stopping him? He couldn’t turn around to look because his neck was so encased in fat that he couldn’t rotate his head at all, but Sigma didn’t really have to look to guess that the cold metal digging into his soft hips was the door frame, and that his ass was too wide to fit through the door. Well, fuck. That’s not good. Sigma swore internally, before calling out for help. “Hey, Phi… haah… Dio? Haah… haah… there'sh a… haaaaaaah… pro’lem! Pleashe… haah… haah… help?” After a few seconds, Phi returned from further down the hall, Dio not far behind, both taking stock of the situation in front of them. Sigma was fully wedged in the doorway, his massive gut and chest hanging in front of him slightly as his hips, thighs, and couch-sized ass were clearly jammed in the other side of the door. Dio sighed. “All right, big guy. We’re gonna need to get extra help for this. Hold tight.” Sigma whined as the left, calling after their retreating forms, “Guysh, don’… haah… leave me… haaah… behind… haah… buh pleashe… bring… haah… haah… bring… shnacksh… hungry…” Phi stared at Dio incredulously as they ran to find the others. “He just asked for snacks. After all that, he’s still hungry. Unbelievable. Maybe he really will end up the size of a whale before this is all over.”
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buzzykrueger · 4 years
The double loss of a childhood - a not-so-brief analysis through Gon and Kite
First of all, this is kinda messy because I was writing and power went off </3. I wouldn’t even call it a meta, more of a psychological analysis. 
It's so complex the way Togashi works through symbolisms. Gon and Killua had to let go of their childhood and childish behaviors. Had to make challenging choices. While two of the few grown ups who cared about them and gave proper attention to their relationship, are the perfect imagery of children: new Kite and Bisky.
These two are the greatest and overall positive influences within Gon and Killua lives in terms of adult Hunters, always looking out for the boys. Both of them are experienced, opposing the appearance of a child.
The irony is that, while Bisky and post-CAA Kite look like children (Kite is a child now, to be honest), Gon and Killua are, actually, real children facing painful and forced coming of age, enduring conflicts that even adults can fail to cope with properly - and this has been acknowledged by Knov and Shoot, also two experienced Hunters that got mesmerized by how those two kids could still fight, despite everything they saw and been through. 
Anyways, Gon and Killua got their emotional development and their lack of experience put under extreme conditions, forcing them to break their dynamic without proper thinking, basically facing the war, the complexity of morals and relationships like adults.
That said, I’ll won’t be deeply working some points that I’m assuming you are all familiar with, like Gon’s reaction because Kite has been the fuel of his search for approval and being valued, or like how difficult it is for Gon not to handle things alone. 
First of all, Kite is indeed Gon’s fuel for his journey. For the first time, someone cared to tell him the truth about Ging, and made him feel a little bit important. Noticed. Someone stayed by his side, for a short moment, and gave him a reason.
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And if you take into account that he died two times before Gon’s eyes, it makes everything more shocking for the kid.
“Huh, what do you mean?”
Pitou has killed the physical adult Kite, but the rebirth itself “killed” the father figure imagery that Gon saw in Kite. Resembling now a girl of similar age as Gon's, Kite can not be kept as a replacement for the mentor and father Gon didn't have. And this is a heavy loss, because it took Gon’s goal away from him.
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It's also a very smart and symbolic way to end this desperate journey around the urge of becoming deserving of proud, especially from Kite, the one who gave his life a purpose. Because Gon has stated, back in chapter 7, that “Kite seemed to be prouder of him (Ging) than he was of himself”, so he wants to walk the same steps as his biological father to make someone proud of him the same way. He can't project his goals around others anymore - and like the Koala Man said, the heart must be fed, or you’ll end up doing the same things again and never getting satisfied with the outcome. What you seek must be found in yourself.
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But what Kite sees, in this chapter called Repentance (337) is that Gon is probably not ready for the amount of reflection waiting for him. Kite then sees no good in weighting his shoulders any more. The moment where he asks Gon “sorry about what?” is important, because it’s where Kite and the readers get to understand that Gon needs a break before realizing it.
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Kite, then, avoid this subject. Gon is not ready.
Instead of throwing the truth about what was the real issue here, Kite first gives Gon craved the most: he praises him for being able to defeat a stronger enemy that Kite himself could not. 
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The boy’s reaction, though, it’s not what we would’ve expect from Gon.
Gon shows no trace of excitement over the fact he has accomplished his first goal - he was able to impress Kite. But, why is this so important? Because this is a breaking point for his journey. Gon doesn’t feel like he cares about this anymore. If Kite is not the same, he shouldn’t be either. If being approved doesn’t mean the same, meeting Ging is pointless. His past self has died, alongside with Kite  - figuratively and directly speaking.
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The troubled boy acknowledges that "if it wasn't for Killua (name separated from the rest ‘cause he has his special spot) and everybody else, I wouldn't be here". This means a lot for Gon’s development and grief, because the moments where he feels he’s messed up or must redeem himself, he doesn’t mind getting hurt or overcoming fear in order to handle “his mess” all alone. If he proves himself and protect the ones he loves, he will do it. But he needed help, and this is something he doesn’t feel proud of. 
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That’s when Kite shifts the engine once more. 
It’s useless to make Gon feel better addressing old desires. Like Kite himself, Gon also got a second chance. They are both letting go from their past. 
With a sweet tone, Kite breaks the cycle of the strong father figure: it's the same for him. Kite, the major inspiration for Gon, says that he didn't make it alone, too - and that doesn't make him less strong. He can’t be this parental figure anymore, maybe he didn’t even know he was. The only thing he knows, is that there are different types of strength. They are not weak for having friends and needing help.
With this, Kite closes the curtains. A strong and admirable Hunter, that wasn’t any less powerful for needing help. Gon shouldn’t be ashamed of this kind of strength: the power of making others wanting to be with him. Something that could not coexist with following Ging steps - Gon must belong to himself and separate him from others’ expectations.
That’s the final act of the mentor Kite, where he dies as a projection. Funny is, this moment with Kite holds some good parallels with the next chapter, where Killua and Gon part ways. Though I don’t think they’ve meant 100% the same, there are some hints that Killua also kept the soil fertile for Gon - but this is yet to be addressed in a future post.
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Back to the story, Kite’s not a parent, not even an grown man anymore. He pushes Gon forward to meet Ging, because that’s the one thing that will end this cycle, definitively. No one to look up to, to pursue admiration from, and getting blind from fear of being weak and left behind. He must face change. This desire to be approved even if it costs his life has reached an end. This part of his journey must be accomplished - and left behind.
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Gon can now center his journey around developing his self-esteem, thoughts on himself after knowing his own worth. He has a lot to make up for with Killua, but he had been forgiven. The soil is fertile once again, the seed of self forgiveness can grow. He can come up with a goal that centers around love with proper growth and responsibility, without others having to make up for self-esteem he lacks. He’s a traumatized child, that probably never put much thought on how lonely and scared he felt before he acted, and his coping mechanisms mimics his lack of experience.
He can now be free of the thought that, if he sacrifices this "undeserving being" he is on his mind, people will choose not to leave. Because giving up on his life wasn’t the right way to let them feel safe around him. They’ve left anyway. Everyone thanked him and look like they’re not mad, and he has found his father, but why things still look... unsatisfying? What meaning Ging even holds for him, still?
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Losing his first goal is like losing his past self, and his childhood. Gon can’t walk backwards, though he comes back to Whale Island, things are not the same anymore, just like him. Losing the imagery and the person Kite is a twist of cycle, losing the urge of meeting Ging is cutting ties with this past self and this mad search for his own value in wrong sources, and now he has to understand what he wants and can do the way he is.
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He must figure it out on his own, how he can grow from this and how to fix things before he finds a new goal. He has found something more important than the thing he was once hunting. Or better saying, someone. Someone that should’ve, yes, shared his feelings instead of creating distance - but he knows this certain someone left him with a smile because he cared. Killua will never overbear him, but can’t be the one to analyze everything for him anymore.
Gon has been forced to slow down and think, because in loneliness, there’s no one to impress. There, is where his identity will be found.
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When you care about yourself, you learn how to take care of others. True, changing hurts. Losing childhood hurts. Losing strong beliefs and having to reconstruct yourself is a process. Bereaving children mostly don’t get proper attention because their anger, isolation and dismissive attitudes are often scolded than embraced, because they’re expected to endure loss like adults.
The dead don’t come back to life. Last minute, saved by the most important person in his life. But changing is the only inevitable thing while living. Kite was that important, but he must go away from the responsibility Gon has, unconsciously, put him through. Now, his journey consists of a blank page, waiting to be written once again with this new self, in order to learn how to fix his relationship with the one he loves the most. Killua wasn’t planned to exist in Gon’s life. They didn’t expect to run into each other, but as soon as they did, they’ve slowly changed their goals. Things seem off right now, but there is no room for replacements or masks. 
Gon might have not noticed, but his goal wasn’t the same already. Meeting Ging brings not the same feeling anymore, especially because Killua was the first thing running Gon’s mind when thinking about this meeting, a major indicative that Killua was, already, his top priority over his father - and maybe he never put a second thought on that, the way Gon is single-minded.
But now there is room for a lot of thinking, and there’s something we must remember, an optimistic hint that I’m saving its analysis for the separation meta:
“Gon is not the type to break a promise twice”, Killua has once said. 
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dragoqueen · 3 years
Whoops! Wrong Way 7/8
Summary: Peter has been living at Avengers Tower for 2 years, known to the workers and Avengers as Peter Parker-Stark-Rogers.  When his teacher announces that they're going on a field trip to Avengers Tower, or SI,  he's going to have to attempt to survive a day of embarrassment and keeping a secret identity.
Words: 2278
“Parker!” Flash calls from across the hallway, “you. Here. Now.”
Peter quickly walks over to Flash, peering cautiously around the hallway in a search for cameras. Flash seems to realize what he’s doing and also looks for cameras. Upon spotting one he grabs Peter and throws him into an empty storage room with no cameras. “What the heck was that in there?” 
“W-what? What are you talking about?” Peter stutters. 
“You know what I’m talking about! That stunt you pulled with the Avengers? Making everyone think that they know you and with the Avengers? Making everyone think that they know you and have some sort of training with them. I’m not falling for it. You better fess up now or you’ll regret it.”
“Flash, I- I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Fine then, have it your way, Peter.” 
The first hit comes, causing Peter’s spider-sense to flair up. Warning! incoming  hit, face. But he can’t do anything about it. From there, each hit comes one after another. Finally, when Peter’s slumped up on the floor in a fetal position, Flash decides he’s done. “Have fun missing out on the rest of the trip, Peter,” he says, leaving the room. 
I… I just have to ask FRIDAY for help. She’ll send help. “F-FRIDAY?” Peter says to the ceiling.
“What do you need, MiniStark?”
“Can you ask MJ or Ned if they can meet me in whatever room this is? Tell them discreetly and make sure no one sees them leave.”
There’s a pause and for a second Peter thinks he’s doomed to lay here until his healing gives him enough strength to find someone. But then, he hears FRIDAY’s voice, “they have been informed and are coming your way.”
“Thanks FRIDAY” he manages to say before blinking once… twice… then, darkness. 
“Ter…? Eter…?” what? What’s the noise, Peter thinks to himself. 
“Peter, can you hear us?” 
Slowly, he opens his eyes, quickly moving his hand up to shield himself from the bright lights. “Shoot, FRIDAY can you dim the lights please?” he hears MJ say before the light in the room seems to go to a darker glow, allowing him to open his eyes again. He looks around. In front of him are his two best friends. “Guys? What happened? How long was I out?”
“Only for about 30 minutes. FRIDAY alerted us that you were hurt and needed us. The intern lab part of the tour is almost over, are you okay?” “I, uh… I guess? I think so.”
“What happened?”
“I… it was… nothing I just…”
“It was Flash wasn’t it?”
He sighs, “yeah.” 
“Y’know, Stark’s going to kill him.”
“NO! Please, no. Dad can’t know. He will kill him and I can’t deal with that. People will find out about my relationship with the Avengers and then they might figure out that I’m Spiderman and I don’t want to deal with that. Once I graduate and I finally decide it’s okay, I’ll reveal my identity. Until then I just want to be me, Peter Parker. Ordinary kid who might’ve sort’ve gotten accidentally bit by a radioactive spider.”
“I know Peter, but… I think he might already know. FRIDAY?”
“Boss and SSMWP (Star Spangled Man with a Plan) have already been alerted. Baby Monitor Protocol, Baby’s Gotta Boo-Boo has been activated.”
Peter groans, “I’m surprised they’re not here already. They’re probably working on getting Mr. Harrington fired and Flash expelled and took off recommendation for any good college in the country.” 
“He deserves it. But we need to get back to the class, do you think you can walk?” Slowly, Peter uses the wall and MJ to stand up. He takes a single step forward, testing his ability to walk. Finally, when he realizes he’s able to walk, he lets go of MJ and takes a few steps on his own. He spreads his arm out and does a quick spin to face them, waving his hands almost as if to say “ta da”. “Great, you can walk ya dork. Guess that Spidey-healing of yours works faster than I thought.”
“Yeah, Uncle Bruce has been working on protein shakes and bars for me that increase the speed of it. Do I have any bruises that are visible?”
“You have a scar above your eyebrow and a small bruise on your arm, but that’s it.”
“Thank goodness. Let’s get back to the tour group before anyone else figures out that we’re gone.” 
“Alright, but take it slow okay? We don’t need you passing out again.”
“Aye-aye captain,” he says, giving her a mock salute. 
Before they leave MJ hands him a bottle of water and a protein bar. The protein bar was made specifically for Peter and helped with his enhanced metabolism and healing. Both MJ and Ned, as well as the Avengers when they were out with Peter, had them on hand. He eats it quickly, throwing away the wrapper in the trash and chugging the rest of the water as they leave the room to resume the tour.
They make their way back to the tour, quietly slipping in to the back seemingly unnoticed as the rest of the students watch Bruce give a demonstration on one of the intern’s newest projects. Mr. Harrington looks at Peter, giving him a stern look before quietly making his way over to him and pulling him to the side, “where were you, Parker?”
“I, I was in the bathroom?”
“You were not in the bathroom for 30 minutes. Flash informed me that he saw you trying to steal files from one of the rooms, is this true?”
“No, sir! I would never do such a thing. And anyways, all of the files are digital so I would have to hack into the SI mainframe and with FRIDAY that’d be nearly impossible.” “Listen Peter. You’re a good kid. Really smart. In fact, I have no doubt that when you go to college you’ll have no trouble getting an internship here. But, Stark Industries doesn’t accept high schoolers, no matter their smartness. This lie has gone far enough. Once we return to school you and I will be having a conversation with the principal as I have no other choice but to recommend you for expulsion.”
“But, sir! I’m not lying! Has nothing here you’ve seen today proven that?” “Peter, hacking into an AI and paying off the staff to pretend to know you isn’t proof. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were exempt from any chances of receiving an internship at Stark Industries. Now, go join the rest of the class. We will talk about this later.”
Peter slowly retreats back to Ned and MJ, head staring at the floor, trying not to make eye contact with Flash or Bruce. When he reaches his friends MJ gives him a questioning look, “Harrington is going to try and expel me,” he whispers.
“What do you mean? Why?”
“For lying and “trying to steal SI files.”
“But you aren’t lying, and why would you steal files? Ned asks. 
“I don’t know. Let’s just… try and make it to the end of the day. I’m sure Dad or Aunt Pepper will clear it up and I’ll be fine. If not, well, I guess it’s time to actually go to MIT.”
“Dude, no. You can’t leave us.” “I’m not saying I am, but if I get expelled it’s not like I’ll have a choice. You guys can still come over and we can still hangout. Just… not at school.”
MJ sighs, “Stark better be able to figure this out, otherwise I’ll fight the school myself.”
“Thanks MJ,” Peter grins, turning back to focus on what Bruce is talking about. 
“... so, that’s why we now have a testing room with bulletproof glass. Now, if you guys want to wonder around a bit, just try not to disturb the interns to much and leave if they say you’re bothering or distracting them.” he spreads out his arms, motioning for them to wander around the room.
The group disperses, walking around to look at different projects and some asking a few questions. Even Flash and goons look interested in what the interns are working on. Bruce walks casually over to Peter and his group, “hey kid. Where were you? Was my presentation really that boring?” he asks.
“Nah, got held up. Although, I’m sure it was great. Did Dad sign you up for this?” “Unfortunately. Except I’m not trying to embarrass you. However, there is another… surprise for you?”
“What is it-” he’s interrupted by a voice from across the room shouting, “Petey!”
Peter turns and sees Morgan running over to him. The interns around the room smile, used to the presence of the young Stark around the labs and actually enjoying her benign around. She was sweet and their favorite of Stark’s kids, after Peter. “Hey Morgana! What are you doing here?”
“Me and Happy are playing hide and seek! I decided to come see you.”
He laughs, “does Happy know you guys are playing hide and seek?”
“Nope!” she giggles. 
“Come here M,” MJ says, opening her arms towards the little girl. 
Morgan squeals in delight and runs to MJ, happily being picked up and swung around a few times before settling on her arms. Peter smiles before looking up at the nearest camera, “Hey FRIDAY, can you tell Happy that Morgan is down here in the Coffee Induced lab?”
“Of course, MiniStark.” she replies. 
While they’re waiting for Happy to meet them they begin wandering around, chatting with a few of the interns and entertaining Morgan. A bit before Happy finds his way to the lab, Mr. Harrington spots the trio carrying around the young Stark and quickly makes his way over to them, “Mr. Parker, what is the meaning of this?”
“You mean the child?” “Of course I mean the child. Who is she and why is she in this highly dangerous lab?” “Sure, it’s actually fine. She’s Stark’s daughter and actually hangs out in the labs a lot. With adult, or teen, supervision of course.” one of the nearby interns chip in. 
“Well adult supervision or not, a child should not be in a lab.”
During all of the commotion, Flash has taken a notice to Morgan. He instantly recognizes her from different press and runs over, “Hey MJ, why the heck are you holding Tony Stark’s daughter?” “Because she wanted me to hold her, why else Flash?” “You shouldn’t be holding her. She’d probably be way more comfortable in the hands of someone more higher-class then you. Isn’t that right, Morgana?”
“It’s Morgan! And no. I prefer MJ. she’s a lot nicer than you, meany.” Morgan snaps. 
At that moment, Happy finally appears from the elevator, out of breath. He spots the situation and quickly runs over to the group, relieved to see he didn’t completely lose Morgan. “Morgan! Peter! Thank God I found you all. Morgan, what are you doing down here? You know you’re not supposed to be in the labs without supervision.” “But Petey and his friends are down here, so it’s fine!” she says. 
“Come here, let’s get you upstairs and get you a snack, alright?” “Yay! I want Uncle Bucky’s cookies!” she exclaims, quickly transferring herself from MJ’s arms to Happy’s arms.”
“Thanks for helping Peter, I’ll see you tonight, alright?”
“Alright Happy, see you later!”
The rest of the class, having turned their attention to the commotion happening with Stark’s kid, just continues staring. How does Puny Parker know Tony Stark’s daughter? And how does his friends know her too? Mr. Harrington, still in shock, hasn’t been able to say anything at all. Flash, on the other hand, has a bucket load of things to say, “what the actual fuck Parker?”
“I- uh, what?”
“What the fuck is happening here. First the stunt with the scanners. Then pretending to know the interns. And then the thing with the nerf gun battle. How the actual heck are you doing this?” “Maybe he just wasn't lying, Flash.” MJ says, noticing that Peter seems to be at a lack of words at the moment.
“No, regular interns aren’t able to do this stuff. Regular interns don’t know the avengers and Tony Stark’s daughter. So what’s happening.” “Flash, I really don’t know what to tell you. I’m an intern here, you know this, or should. That’s all.” Flash tries to continue the conversation but Mars announces that they now have the chance to attend a Q & A with the Avengers themselves, causing everyone to rush over to the elevator, chatting amongst themselves about meeting the Avengers and the different questions they're going to ask. Flash glares at Peter before whispering, “when we get back to school, you’re dead Parker. Especially after I expose you in front of the Avengers at the Q & A.”
Peter watches in disbelief as Flash moves back to his goons and chats with them like nothing just happened. He looks to his friends for support. MJ shakes her head and wraps an arm around his shoulder, guiding him over to the group as they pile into the elevator. Ned offers him an apologetic smile. While in the elevator MJ promises to not let Flash get anywhere near Peter while Ned comes up with suggestions to let Peter stay at Stark industries when they leave so that he won’t have to interact with Flash when they get back to school. None of them notice the lack of Avengers in the Q & A room until a door slams open by the stage scaring everyone, including Peter. 
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anthonyed · 5 years
Day 4 + 5: On A Date + Kissing
There was a time when Tony remembered things. Things like the time of the day, the date and the last time he’d eaten and showered. Right now though, his mind is a swamp of all things but miscellaneous.
The smell of burnt metal had sunk into his pore and become one with him. Which means, “Urgh.”
A light chuckle issues from somewhere within the four walls he’d trapped himself in and Tony straightens up, suddenly alert. His eyes scan around the wide area, for a while seeing nothing but wires and furniture and projects and projects and -.
“Steve!” He exclaims in delight, face helplessly splitting into a too wide grin. His skin tingles upon spotting the small bundle of perfection curled up in his favourite piece of furniture of all time; like a little cocoon of heaven carved especially for Tony because that is all he needs after his head finally stopped spinning with problems.
A soft purr satisfaction rumble in his chest as he rolls himself all the way across the work station to where his heaven’s situated, “Hey, Tony,” Steve greets when the chair comes to an end at the foot of the couch. He looks soft and warm, all wrapped up in Tony’s cosiest blanket which he keeps draped over the couch and he’s curled up with his sketchbook, pages open to a work in progress.
Tony stretches and pops his stiff joints with little happy sighs while Steve observes with a fond smile. “Finally came to Earth?” He asks once Tony’s done and Tony pokes his tongue at him impishly. His stomach rumbles then, betraying his mundanity and while Tony glares at it in disdain, Steve chuckles and holds up a plate of saran wrapped sandwich in his sight. “Eat,” he says while Dum-E rolls up, helpfully presenting a bottle of water.
Tony says his thank you to both of them and starts digging in. Halfway through his meal, he realizes that Steve’s staring and guiltily offers a bite to which Steve shakes his head, no, then keeps on staring until Tony’s nape prickles and he puts down the empty plate, starting on Steve with a full mouth, “Whu?”
Steve colours high on his cheeks and the tip of his ears, shaking his head as he ducks and laughs nervously. Tony takes him in and wishes he’s bestowed with the liberty to lean in and kiss Steve on the nose.
On the mouth, along his neck, down his chest, and – well, you get the gist.
Harrumphing, he gives a slight kick to Steve’s curled up legs and makes a face. “What?” He asks again after swallowing. When Steve looks up, he’s properly blushing, neck flushed red and he scratches the back of his head and says, “Nothing,” and then, “I should go.”
“Why?” Tony asks with a poorly suppressed whine. He’d just pulled out the zone and now Steve’s leaving? Already?
“Well…,” Steve trails off before pulling a breath and looking Tony straight in the eyes as if he’s trying hard not to burst a vein. “If I don’t go now, then I won’t make it for our date tonight,” He says softly. Too soft that Tony gulps the shock and replies with a dumb “Whu?”
Steve blinks, blue eyes searching and he looks like he’s panicking. Tony feels like he’s going to faint himself; two second away from smashing his face on the coffee table. His heart is racing, pulses jumping and he’s feeling uncomfortable hot. Throat dry and all.
“Our date.” Steve says faintly.
Tony swallows painfully, “Oh.” The fuck? “Right, of course.” What the actual fuck? “Our date. Which is at…,” He drags, hoping Steve will fill in but Steve doesn’t so he ends with, “Tonight. Clearly.” He huffs a nervous laughter. Play cool, play cool – Jesus.
“Chop, chop.” Tony chases him when Steve starts squinting suspiciously at him. “Hurry up and dress pretty. I like my date looking pretty.” He babbles, pushing Steve to the exit as his ears ring in panic. Steve blinks like a deer in the headlight; wide and adorable but wide – panic, wide. Tony winces. “Or just come like this, your wish. I like you anyway. That’s why we’re going on a date!” He finishes ceremoniously, hands thrown wide apart like ‘tada’ and he waves at Steve opening and closing his mouth like a gold fish on the other side of the glass door.
“Jarvis, pull up the shop’s footage from when Steve entered.” He orders between clenched teeth, grinning and waving as Steve boards the elevator and once their door closes, Tony’s grabbing for his hair and yanking. “Did I ask Steve out?”
“Yes, sir. At precisely five past four this evening.” JARVIS replies with a subtle peppiness to his tone which Tony squints at but ignores for the footage of himself sitting ram rod straight in the middle of the workshop surrounded by a sea of holo-screen and there’s Steve walking up to him with a plate of sandwich.
“Volume up, please,” Tony murmurs distractedly, zooming in to the two men on the screen. He watches unblinkingly and listens carefully to every word spoken; the usual reprimands for keeping long hours from Steve and Tony’s witty replies even in his zone-out stage – which is frankly, impressive, he knows, he’s been told before too.
Then the bickering leads to mild flirting until it isn’t mild anymore because Tony says something about; “Yeah sure, like you’d date me,” to Steve who not only looks offended but recovers quickly to retort a haughty, “Why wouldn’t I?”
To which then Tony says, “Seven o’clock today works for you, Cap?”
“Only if it’s Italian,” Steve smirks and Tony – Jesus Christ – leans so close into Steve’s space that on screen it looks very much like they’re kissing - which is no way, because Tony would remember such if something like that happened right? Like, come on! His life’s dream is to be with Steve and if he fucking forgets something so crucial like kissing Steve, he’s about to set himself on fire and send his arse straight to hell – and says something too soft to be registered by the system. And Steve appears to ask him something, again, too soft and Tony yanks hard at his hair in the present.
For a long time, he’s frozen. The footage plays until it stops and Tony’s looking at himself looking at the footage on the screen. It’s JARVIS who interrupts his state, clearing throat like a through gentle-AI, “Sir, may I take the liberty to remind you that you have date with Captain Rogers in exactly thirty minutes from now.”
“Oh fuck.” Tony expresses faintly, feeling extremely light headed as disbelief clouds every single section in his brain. But, in for a penny and all that right?
“I have a date.” He stands up. “With Steve.”
“Indeed, sir.”
Then louder and clearer, he repeats, shaking off the disbelief. “I have a date with Steve Rogers.”
“In 29 minutes -,”
“Glad to be of service sir.”
A quick shower and a brief meltdown in the closet after, Tony’s about as ready as he can be to a date he doesn’t remember asking but has every bit dreamed of. To make things worse, Steve looks utterly delectable.
“Hey,” He says, as if he’s not melting Tony on his feet looking like he does in a form fitting navy dress shirt. He got a blazer on his arm and a nervous look in his baby blue eyes, “Not sure if I need a jacket or not.”
Tony wants to whip him back upstairs, straight to his bedroom and strip him naked. You don’t need anything, “You’re perfect.”
Steve blushes and Tony inhales sharply, making sure that he’s still grounded and not up in the air, floating.
Tony takes Steve to that one place he’d never taken anyone to before; the one place that exists in his memories only because it’s where Maria used to take him to when Tony does well in his exams.
It’s stuffy, there is way too many tables in a too small space but never is it ever crowded. The walls are decorated with tasteless vintage photos and art pieces. The entire place is run by a pair of too old Italian couple; the husband runs the kitchen whilst the wife takes care of the customers and neither of them speaks English. Tony absolutely adores it.
Steve’s taken aback the moment he enters the place, but Tony reminds himself that if anyone can see the beauty of this place and appreciate it as much as he does, it’s Steve.
It’s why he decided to bring him here. It was as clear as the day the minute he asked himself; fuck, where do I take him – and Tony had just known.
And he was right. Two minutes after, Steve is glowing with the light of discovery, gushing, “I love this place,” and Tony hasn’t even showed him the best part yet. He waits until he’d placed their orders, tongue rolling smoothly in fluent Italian as he kisses Elena and asks for permission while Steve observes with an unfamiliar intensity in his eyes.
Manuel usually takes some time to whip up the orders. Although Tony had asked Elena a favour and reserved the entire place for only them, it still isn’t going to make Manuel any quicker on his old bones and creaky joints. So he stands up and offers a hand, palm side up, to Steve who takes it with an interest and follows as Tony wordlessly leads him behind the counter and up an immediate staircase hidden in the corner.
It’s a spiral iron staircase that is too narrow for even a perfectly standard sized male body like Tony’s. But Elena is petite and Tony knows for a fact that she still uses it because she had just said so. Confidently, albeit a little anxious because he can’t help it – he’s on a date with Steve! – Tony pushes open the old wooden door and steps out into the rooftop of the three storey building.
The evening breeze is pleasantly cool for a summer evening and Steve’s hand in his is deliciously warm in contrast. Tony closes his eyes for a brief second and relishes it before he turns to regard Steve.
Steve’s looking at him and only him; singularly focused, uncaring of the bright orange night sun that’s too stubborn to slip past the horizon or the cooing birds in the distant. Uncaring that even by Tony’s standard, this is the most beautiful roof top scenery he’d ever seen in his entire life – with potted plants and their blossoming flowers surrounding them - and right then, Tony feels incredibly privileged to feel the heat of Steve’s gaze on his face.
He wonders what Steve sees though, as he squeezes his hand in his. His own eyes dart all over Steve’s handsome face, searching, and he decides he’ll just ask him. But the moment he parts his lips, words ready on the tip of his tongue, Steve decides to speak.
“You’re stunning.” He says, stepping closer. Tony holds his place and lets Steve curl a hand around his neck, thumb pressing gently over his pulse point, caressing. “I could paint you like this” he murmurs, letting go of Tony’s hand to trace a curve over Tony’s ear and back before he fits the heel of his palm under Tony’s jaw, gently nudging Tony’s chin up and when he steps in impossibly close; both of their breaths intermingling; hot and heady, their foreheads touch.
“Tell me I can kiss you?” Steve’s breath brushes over Tony’s lips, his mouth barely an inch away from slotting perfectly with Tony’s and it aches to wait, hurts to even breathe out a ‘yes’ but Tony manages. Daze as he fascinates himself with the curl of Steve’s fair lashes and the ridiculously gorgeous golden way they glow under the sun.
He can point the precise second – down to millisecond - when Steve’s lips meet his. He knows he’ll remember it by the way his heart stutters and jump circuits, and the exact pressure, in mmhg, with which Steve’s fingers press into his skin and pulls him closer. The exact temperature and the direction of the wind; Tony knows.
He knows, but all those details blur out in the back of his head like a swirl of paint dropped into a jar of water. They’re present, but insignificant to the greater details of how Steve feels against him, his body temperature, the hitch in his breath, the way he kisses – him, him and all him. Nothing else.
Tony drowns, willingly helpless, into Steve and Steve, he drinks him in.
The sun is red when they finally resurface and realise that there are things more interesting around them and only each other. But still, Tony thinks Steve’s the most of them; the most interesting, the most brilliant, and all.
It’s that giddy love-stupid brain of him, fuelled by all those happy hormones yada, yada - he knows. But he doesn’t care as he intertwines Steve fingers with his and giggles. He’s been in enough relationships to know that this high will fade in time, but right this second, he’s happy and is unapologetic about it, because it’s Steve and Steve likes him enough to go on a date with. To kiss him, and well, Tony’s over the moon.
He hasn’t even shown Steve Maria’s favourite blossom before Elena’s curious head pops out. Reluctantly, he leads Steve back downstairs for their dinner, marvelling how for the first time in forever, Manuel’s faster than him. He tells Steve that; about Manuel and Elena and about those potted plants and one of them which Maria loves the most. He tells him about Maria and Steve takes his hand, asks Tony if they can come back again.
“Next year, same place, same time.” Tony jokes, but not really. Eyes anxiously searching for Steve’s and relief floods in when Steve smiles in that mischievous way he does when he’s up for the challenge and is bloody sure he is going to win it.
Love-high fades, Tony knows. But the love itself, that he feels for Steve? That is staying because it’s stayed for years now and it hasn’t gone anywhere. He knows Steve like the back of his hand, knows him and loves him with all of his heart, so with utmost confidence, he says; “It’s a date.”
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saramelcky · 5 years
Fragments - Chapter 2
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Bucky Barnes x Mom!reader
Summary: Y/n searches Grace with Bucky, meeting Sam for the first time. As the two come back home, Bucky deals with Sam’s teasing and opens up with Wanda. At the same time, Y/n gives some explanations to her friend, wrapping up the day.
Word count: 2.3k
Chapter Warning: Sam being a dick. A few insecurities. Is fluff a warning?
A/N: Okay folks, I don’t like this chapter at all. Yes, Grace is cute, but isn’t she always? So, I don’t have a lot to say, but if you expect some romance soon, well it will be awkward, like a lot.  Feedback and critique are well welcomed. Please don’t repost any of my stories without my permission but reblog if you want to!
Fragments Masterlist
Little steps echo through the common floor corridor, the little girl is wandering through the tower without a goal, she takes the lift and when requested she asks FRIDAY to take her to the fourteenth floor (as it is the biggest number she knows) and arrives in this big, dark corridor with only two doors, one of them semi-opened and with the light on inside. Giggling, she runs to the light and spies through the door.
“BOO!” The little girl shouts opening the door wide.
In the room, there is a man who, hearing the sudden scream, grabs a pillow and almost throws it at the door but stops instantly when he realizes there is a kid there giggling at him.
“Who are you kid?” The man asks.
“I’m Grace.” she says with a big smile.
“Hi Grace, what are you doing here?”
“I broke my arm. What’s your name?” She shifts from a sad face to a happy one in a couple of seconds and this makes the man in front of her concerned and confused.
“I’m Sam, what do you mean you broke your arm, can I see it?” He worries.
“I was at the park and I fell back, a big man helped me and took me here.” Grace explains staying partially behind the wall.
“And do you know this man?” He inquires right before going next to her to see her broken arm
“My mommy called him Bucket, I think.” she responds.
“Oh, you mean Barnes. I knew he was a part of this.” He mutters “Can you please give me your hand so I can see how bad your arm is?” 
“My mommy has my broken arm," she responds showing him both of her arms, "I don’t have it.” 
He notices the stump under the sleeve and realizes what Bucky has in his mind. “Alright, is your mom with Bucky?” Sam asks taking the kid’s left hand.
“Yes, Bucket was hugging my mommy because she was happy.” Grace answers walking to the elevator 
“FRIDAY, where’s Barnes?” He demands the AI.
“Mr. Barnes is in the gym on the tenth floor with a guest” she informs them
“Take us there.” Sam adds
The elevator is still there from before and takes them to the gym. “Don’t let go okay? Stay near me” Sam directs the child, who nods.
“It’s incredible, I’ve lost my daughter in the fricking Avengers tower. I’m such a bad mom” Y/n mutters to herself 
“You are not a bad mother; you don’t know how many times Steve ran away from me or his ma” Bucky chuckles
“How could you hear that?” She genuinely asks “I was almost thinking it” she laughs as it is incredible 
“Enhanced hearing,” he explains as it was normal for him "you know, super soldier and stuff.”
“Ohhh, right. I’m sorry I must have sounded rude” she apologizes.
“Not at all, it’s common being interested in...me. God this sounded really bad” he responds blushing a little.
“We, um, I think we should search Grace on the next floor.” Y/n suggests before hearing the elevator opening.
“Don’t let go okay? Stay near me” she hears a masculine voice talking. She looks at Bucky who recognizes the voice.
“Sam? Is that you?” He asks looking out in the hallway. Seeing his friend with the little girl frees him from a weight he hasn’t realized he was holding.
“Y/n! I’ve found her” he tells her.
“Oh, dear god, Grace! Why did you go away?” Y/n rushes, picking her up.
“You were hugging Bucket and I was curious” the girl admits “but I made a new friend, he’s Sam! I scared him before, but he became my friend anyway” she bubbles.
“You scared Sam? How?” Bucky teases laughing.
“Oh, shut up Bucket” Sam responds marking the mangled name.
“How did you call me?” He dares his friend.
“You heard what the little girl said” Sam rebuts.
Grace is laughing at their bickering, they seem more like children than avengers, but it’s just how they are.
“Okay, that’s enough guys! Bucky, I think we need to go home. If you leave me a contact, we can arrange a date to take the measurements, is that alright?” Y/n interrupts the men.
“Yeah, I can leave you my number” Sam nudges him on the side “Or my email, you know I’m learning more about technology every day” he laughs a little.
“Your number is fine, I guess” she blushes a little “I only have the commercial email and it would be a mess, I’m sorry.” she explains, trying to take out her phone while holding Grace.
“Wait, just put your number here, I’ll send you a text so you will have mine too” Bucky stops her.
She types her phone number and hears the notification of Bucky’s message. “Alright, see you soon, I guess.” she says goodbye to the men and Grace requests to hug them both before leaving.
“Man, that was awkward.” says Sam.
“What? The hug? No, she was cute” Bucky responded.
“No, you were awkward.” the man returns laughing.
When Y/n and Grace arrive at home, Lucy is still there, reading a book on the couch. “Hey, we’re back” Y/n greets.
“Hello, there!” Exclaims her friend.
“Where have you been other than the park?” She asks while helping Grace undress, noticing the missing prosthetic, she will ask about it later.
“First of all, how are you sure we didn’t just stay four, almost five, hours at the park; second of all, we kind of skipped lunch so while I’m cooking her something to eat could you please let her wear some clean clothes? Thank you so much” Y/n says.
Lucy doesn’t protest, but she’s very curious: in less than five hours the all sad and demotivated Y/n became this active and new woman she hasn’t seen in five years, she wonders what happened to them.
Bucky and Sam take the elevator to the common floor again, they live in different flats but on the same floor instead of on their own like the others so, if Bucky needs anything because of the nightmares, he goes to Sam quickly. The short ride is silent but weird enough. Sam is watching him, thinking about what the other has done, and in what awful situation he has put them.
“You know that the project doesn’t work like that” Sam speaks as they get off the lift.
“What?” Bucky asked.
“That kid, she can’t have that arm you know that, right?” He repeats.  
“Why not? After all, it’s my fault she doesn’t have her prosthetic anymore” he disagrees.
“First of all, you exactly know why. Pepper explained to us the procedure thousands of times. We already have enough volunteers for Tony’s project” Sam explains. 
“She’s not part of the project. She has never been. I’ll pay that arm for her” Bucky responds as they sit on the couch.
“Hey there, what are you fighting about again?” Wanda arrives from the kitchen.
“Barnes in here decided to be Mother Theresa to a little girl who needs a new prosthetic arm and her mom.” Sam tells her.
“Ohh is that for Tony’s project?” She asked happily. 
“She won’t be part of it goddammit!” Bucky burst to lose his calmness.
“Alright we get it, Barnes, you fell in love” Sam provokes him.
“Sam, come on!” Wanda reproaches the man as Bucky leaves the room.
“You’re an idiot” Wanda interrupts him “you know how lonely he felt since Steve has left. They were probably the first people he has talked to in days excluding us” She recalls, going to Bucky’s room.
“Turn off the oven when it goes off okay?” She asks him before leaving.
Wanda walks to Bucky’s door finding it strangely unlocked. “Bucky? Can I come in?” She knocks on the door.
“Yeah yeah.” he responds.
Wanda opens the door and sees the super soldier laying down in bed, staring at the ceiling.
“You did a good thing Bucky, you know?” She reassures him “and Sam can be quite a dick sometimes” she adds.
“I agree” he smiles a little.
“I want to let you know something and then, if you want to, you can talk about today. Alright?” She asks and he nods.
“It’s not important what happened today to let me say that you can move on, from Hydra and Steve. You deserve it.” he looks at her as he hears his name, having a melancholy feeling spreading from his chest.
“So, how’s it going today?”
Bucky explains to Wanda how he has met Y/n and Grace, what he knows about them and how good he had felt together with her.
“You know Wanda, I didn’t expect me to talk to someone this early after what happened...and when I saw how much she cared about her daughter, I realized that maybe I don’t want a lonely life anymore. But it’s like a curse, I haven’t seen happiness since the 40s, even in Wakanda I had these dreams and paranoias about Steve and guess what, they turned to be true so...” 
“Maybe you should let happiness enter in your life and not chase it like a mad man, would you try that for me?” She breaks in.
“If you want...I’ll just stick to go out more often, it will be better than nothing I think” he promises.
“That’s fine, but now text her, even just for that famous appointment” she suggests smirking.
“Okay, fine. I’ll write to her. I just need a moment alone; I’ll be back for dinner” he responds with a tight smile on his lips.
“Sure Buck, see you later.” Wanda says going out his flat.
Bucky feels overwhelmed, for over seventy years he hasn’t felt emotions and since he escaped from Hydra, he is more in alert than in any other time of his life. Feeling that bit of happiness and joy, sprinting out that little girl after everything that happened to her, makes him feel alive again and he can still feel her tiny arm embrace him saying goodbye.
After two fairy tales and some cuddling Grace falls asleep for her afternoon nap. Finally sitting down on the couch, Y/n takes a breath of relief as this crazy day is slowly coming to an end.
“So, would you mind to tell me what happened at the park since Grace doesn’t have her arm anymore?” Lucy interrupts her relaxing.  
“God, it’s a long story” she answers.
“I have a lot of time” the other retorts.
Y/n puffs and sits up straight on the couch.
“So, uh, where do I start. We were at the park; Grace saw this really big Labrador and went to pet it. She came back and bumped into a man and fell back, breaking the prosthetic arm” she takes a long breath before continuing “The said man was Bucky Barnes, okay? He felt bad and suggested to buy us a new arm but then he took us to the Avengers tower and explained to me a couple of things about the arm. Grace put a little game on us there, she escaped and wondered around the tower, I lost her, and I was going crazy when Falcon...uh Sam, found her in his apartment. So now I have to organize an appointment with Bucky for Grace’s arm and just thank them for it I think” she explains. 
Lucy stared at her friend for the whole speech, both shocked and happy. “So, you’ve met an avenger, got a new arm for Grace, went to their tower and then have met another one? That’s wild” she surmises.
“And I’m super tired even if it’s not evening yet” Y/n leans back when she hears her phone going off with a notification.
“Uhhh, who’s bothering, my god!” She groans.
When she reads the sender, she shuts up immediately.
“So, who it is?” Her friend asks.
“Bucky, actually” she responds.
“And what does he say?” 
“Just things for the arm I think, I don’t want to open it” she confesses.
“What? Why not?” Lucy is confused.
“I don’t know. It’s just fear, I think. I’ll read it after by the way” Y/n says.
“Alright, as you want. If you need to talk about him, you know you can” her best friend reassures her.
“There’s nothing to gossip about him, he’s just kind. That’s all” she declares.
“Okay if you say so” Lucy shrugs. 
“What?” Y/n protests. 
“Oh no nothing” her friend, lies “it’s just that I think you should read that message” she advises her.
“Yeah, I’ll do it later. I told you that before” Y/n repeats.
“Read it now. Trust me” Lucy insists.
“Okay I’ll read it,” she says unlocking the phone “God, why are you so pushy?” She sighs.
As Y/n opens the message she has to read it a couple of times before acknowledging the meaning of it. “You told me to read it because you read the preview, didn’t you?” Y/n asks Lucy.
“Well yes! He asked you out!” She pipes.
“Oh god no” the other laughs, “He asked if I was free for having breakfast tomorrow morning.” she responds putting her phone back.
“So he asked you out! I’m so happy” Lucy is jumping of joy. Y/n, mad laughing, interrupts her.
“Is that a no?” She asks.
Y/n just can’t stop laughing as her friend keeps taking suppositions. After some tries, she calms down and finally stops the friend’s trying.
“He asked me if I could have breakfast with me, and added to bring Grace too” She laughs again “you are so cute when you get excited for me” 
“Oh god, I’m so stupid” Lucy laughs too.
After laughing together for another moment Y/n stops.
“Oh shit, I haven’t answered him yet!” She says before laughing out loud once again.
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Outsider Pt. 18
Pairing: Step Dad!Tony Stark x Teen!Reader
Word Count: 2k
Summary: The team can’t decide on a plan of action, and Thor finds out what’s happened.
A/N: I’m so sorry about the tags guys, I have no idea why they’re not working!
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You woke up covered in sweat. In the few days since you sent the letter, your condition only got worse. Cletus’ patience wore thin, demanding to know why the search hadn’t been called off yet. It was little consolation that you were able to convince him that the letter probably hadn’t been delivered yet. You were running out of time, and once you realized you weren’t going to get any better, you decided to take the next opportunity, no matter what. 
When you heard him unlocking the door, you scooted to the edge of the bed. He entered, holding yet another bowl of oatmeal, looking as ill tempered as he had in the days before. He handed it to you, and you took it, appearing grateful, and grabbed his hand as he turned to leave.
“Please stay,” you begged. “I miss your company.”
“I have a lead on a buyer.“ His cold gaze landed on you, but you met it with a soft smile. 
“That lead will still be there later. It’ll be fine,” you coaxed, patting the spot beside you. 
You tried to be careful not to lay it on too thick, even though this guy was so far in his mind you doubted he’d notice the change. Still, you weren’t about to take any more chances.
He sat, and you scooted closer, tensing slightly when you felt the key through his pocket against your leg. 
You caught yourself again wondering what you would do when you got out. Were you underground? How far would you have to go before you ran into another person? How long would you leave him in there before telling the police where he was? And again, you had to remind yourself it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that you got the key and locked him inside. If you succeeded, you’d have all the time in the world to find help and make decisions. If you didn’t, well, you didn’t want to think about that.
“You’re not eating,” he said, dragging you from your thoughts.
“Sorry. Just thinking.”
“The future.”
He giggled, a sound you hadn’t heard in a while, and you met his smile with one of your own. Though this time, yours was genuine. 
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
At the tower, everyone was in an uproar. Your mom was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and was in the hospital, while Bruce had a Code Green and was currently in one of the holding cells until he could regain control of himself. The team couldn’t come to a decision on what to do, and it was driving a wedge between them. Natasha, Vision, and the Sams argued they should pull back; give Kasady the space he needed to make his move. 
“Are you crazy?!” Dean shouted at his brother. “Every minute we don’t look is another she’s with that monster! He could be hurting her!”
Natasha cut in before Sam could respond and escalate the situation. “I get it, it sucks, but he’s not going to come out of hiding if he sees we’re still sniffing around.”
“And what if we miss him? What if he actually has been coming out, and no one’s seen him? They could slip past us, and then we’ll never find her!”
She sighed, knowing it was useless to argue with Dean. “Bucky,” she pleaded, “you know from a tactical standpoint it would be better to wait him out.”
“Are you done?” he huffed, meeting the redhead’s stare dead on. “‘Cause if ya are, I need to get back out there. For all we know, he’s got months worth of supplies and intends to wait us out.”
“Um,” Peter piped up from his spot on the couch, drawing every eye to him. “If we’re voting, I’m for keeping up the search.”
“What are you doing here?” Tony asked. “I thought I told you to go home.”
“I did, Mr. Stark, but I’m back now.”
Tony groaned, frustrated with the boy. “Look, I appreciate you want to help, but it’s dangerous and I want you to go home.”
Peter frowned, and as he walked to the elevator with his head hung low, he decided next time he was going to keep his mouth shut. Even if they didn’t want him out searching, he would at least be in the know on what was going on as long as the others didn’t realize he was there.
He was joined by Steve and Bucky, the former of which gave him a sympathetic squeeze on his shoulder. He was about to ask if he could join them on the search anyway, but when the elevator doors opened, Happy was already waiting to drive him back to Queens.
Peter returned the following day, and kept quiet. As he’d hoped, no one paid much attention to him. He was just a fly (or spider) on the wall, taking in everything around him. A couple of times, one of the others warned him Tony was on his way, and he’d hidden until the coast was clear.
The weekend came, and Peter had asked FRIDAY to grant him access to a spare room. There was a knock on his door the following morning, and he swallowed thickly, thinking maybe the AI had ratted him out. When he opened the door, Sam Winchester was stood there, smiling.
“Morning. Tony’s left for the day. You can come down now.”
“Oh,” Peter sighed in relief. “Thanks, I’ll be down in a minute.”
“You have your laptop with you?”
“Good,” Sam grinned. “Bring it with you. We could use another pair of eyes to scan security footage around the city.”
Peter perked up, happy to have something to do other than listen for any tidbits between everyone’s arguing.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Thor was furious he’d not checked in with his Midgardian friends sooner. By the time Heimdall had seen their frantic search for a missing girl, her life force was quickly diminishing.
The guards quickly moved from his path as he stalked angrily across the palace. He’d spotted Loki, a book in hand, possibly on his way to the gardens, and grabbed the front of his tunic.
“Brother,” he greeted in annoyance as he was dragged along. “I assure you I want no part in whatever you have planned.”
Thor ignored his protests, only speaking once they reached the Heimdall.
“Stark’s child has been taken by a madman.” He thrust some shackles into Loki’s hands, receiving a raised brow from his brother. “Restrain him. I’ll be along with the others shortly.” Loki scoffed, causing Thor to grab him by the back of neck. “I’m warning you, do not let him escape.”
“And what of my freedom?” he asked, eyes narrowed. “Surely you don’t believe I’ll be welcomed on Midgard with open arms.”
“No,” Thor admitted, “but the girl is their priority. Once she’s safe, and her captor apprehended, you may return before anyone questions your presence.”
Loki wasn’t convinced, but if there was one thing he could trust, it was Thor’s unwavering faith in him. With that, and the leverage he was sure to gain for his good deed, the others should hesitate long enough for him to make his getaway.
At Loki’s approval, Thor signalled for Heimdall to send them to Midgard. Loki separated from him only moments before he reached the tower, and he wondered briefly if he’d made a mistake in choosing him to help. Regardless, they didn’t have much time, so he pushed his doubts to the back of his mind as he stormed into the building.
“Thor!” Steve approached. “Thank goodness you’re here. We need help.”
“I know where she is.”
Bucky meant to use the distraction to leave, but stopped at the god’s words. “What?! How?”
“Heimdall has seen her. We must hurry.”
“Let’s go!” Peter jumped off the couch, pulling his mask on.
“Not the boy,” Thor addressed Steve in a low voice. 
“What? No, you can’t leave me here!”
Bucky was about to argue that trying to stop him would just waste more time, but the grave look in Thor’s eyes told him whatever they were going to see was going to be hard on all of them, let alone a sensitive kid like Peter.
“Go find Winchester,” he said, nodding toward the door. “Then call Tony and tell ‘em to meet us at the hospital.”
“No,” Peter whimpered, intent on holding his ground.
Steve stepped in, kneeling to look Peter in the eye. “It’s not that we don’t trust you to have our backs, or that we don’t think you can handle it, we know you can. I just don’t think she’d want you to see her like that.” Peter was about to argue again, but he didn’t give him the chance. “We don’t know what we’re walking into, and what she’s going to need is a friend by her side while she deals with everything that’s happened; a friend who isn’t going to see her any differently than they did before.”
Peter didn’t like the idea of staying behind, but he understood Steve’s reasoning. He sighed, nodding, and left to find Sam and Dean while the other two left with Thor.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Bucky’s head swam as they landed, but he recovered quickly enough to see the gathering crowd on the opposite side of the building before following Thor inside. They were met with many projections of a dark haired man, each silently pointing them through several hallways and a few flights of stairs. Bucky momentarily paused beside an opened door, his eye being caught by what seemed to be hundreds of photos of you wallpapering the room from top to bottom. He might have walked inside to investigate had he not heard an unfamiliar voice shouting obscenities in the distance. When he realized he couldn’t hear you, he rushed past Steve and Thor, following the yelling.
His stomach turned as he finally reached the room. Kasady was laughing now, probably at his paling face as he saw the same dark haired man wrap a green cloak around your still form.
Loki looked up as the others entered the room, swallowing thickly as he steadied you in his arms. “Her pulse is weak.”
Bucky stepped forward, lifting the cloak and grimacing at the gashes and bruises littering your body. The most prominent was Kasady’s name carved from your chest down to your thigh. He reached for your wrist, needing to feel for himself that your heart was still beating, and tried not to dwell on the implication of the ring adorning your finger. He slipped it off and handed it to Steve.
Steve quickly took you into his own arms. “Thor, your cloak. The people outside…”
“I’ve cast an illusion,” Loki said as Thor covered the parts of you Loki’s cloak didn’t. “They won’t see you.”
“Hey! You can’t take her from me! She’s mine!” Cletus screamed, getting angry again.
Steve thanked Loki, ignoring Kasady. He and Thor headed back out, pausing when he Bucky didn’t follow. “Buck?”
Now fixated on Kasady, Bucky dismissed him with a wave. “Get her out of here.”
He wasn’t pleased, but he didn’t have time to argue. Without another word, he followed Thor out of the room.
“You’d be dead if it weren’t for the other man,” Cletus said from his spot on the floor.
“How’s that?”
“You wanted to take what’s mine. And then he came. He made you mad too, didn’t he?” He paused, waiting for Bucky to reply. He didn’t. “I should have killed you anyway.”
“Doubt you could’ve,” Bucky finally answered.
“How’s that?” Cletus mimicked.
“Dean’s alive and well,” he said, watching the fury settle onto Cletus’ features. “Already released from the hospital and everything. If you couldn’t even kill a normal civilian, how would you have gotten someone like me?”
A grin slowly crept onto Cletus’ face. “It doesn’t matter. She’ll never be yours, or his, or anyone’s. She’ll always belong to me.”
Bucky regarded the man for a moment. He was in rough shape, with no shortage of wounds of his own. He looked around the room then, seeing the rusted bed with an old mattress, a small table, skull beads and dead flowers, as well as what he assumed was a shattered vase, scattered on the floor. 
He turned to Loki, who’d been quietly watching the exchange. “You said you can get us out of here without being seen?” Loki nodded, and Bucky returned his attention to Cletus. “Good.”
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girls-scenarios · 6 years
To Feel Human (Part 1)
Idol: Irene (Red Velvet)
Prompt:  Could you make android au with Irene and fem!reader? The reader created Irene and wanted Irene to learn about human feelings. Although, sometimes Irene feels like she’s a burden to the reader and leaves temporary. At the end, she comes back they love each other ❤️
Writer: Admin Lee
A/N: Ok this is gonna be a pretty long one, which is why I separated it! I already have most of the second part finished, I’m just working on the ending. Anyways, I took some liberties with this one, but I hope you like it! This one has been super enjoyable for me to write, and I was very inspired by one of my favorite fics: Zeitgeist by leeyoobin on AO3!
Part 2
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It started as just an off-the-wall idea, in the living room of one of your friend’s house, Yeonjung’s, to be specific. Along with the rest of your closely knit group, including Yoojung, Yuha, Eunwoo, and Jihyo, you had talked of AI’s, their advancement, etcetera. This was shortly after college, when you had finally earned your Bachelor’s degree in Bioengineering, and a Master’s in mechanical engineering. With an adoration for movies like Ghost in the Shell, and an affinity for problem solving, this was able to motivate you enough to begin a new project: making the first android for personal use. Unfortunately, you weren’t the first with the idea and skills needed to create true artificial life. However, so far the androids on the market have been widely restricted, kept only to be used by large-scale companies with supervision, the military, and other government operations. So, you felt the compulsion to take the risk of creating one more suited for use by the average person. And after a few days of thinking it through on your own, you ended up pitching the idea to Jihyo over lunch.
“You want to...What?”
“Well, I didn’t think it’d be a bad idea, you know? Someone to keep the average person company, help around the house, take care of pets... Stuff like that.” You explained, trying your best to sound reasonable about the idea.
“That sounds great and all, but what about the parts? And the facility we’d have to use to build it in? Half of the things we would need would most likely be illegal for regular people to get..”
You paused, thinking for a moment. “How about Eunwoo’s girlfriend, Kyulkyung? She has some corporate connection, I’m sure.. She’s not an heiress for nothing.”
“I- Ok, we could ask, but it’d probably be a stretch, even for her,” Jihyo replied, always the realistic one. “And I’m assuming you won’t be able to do this alone, so I’m texting the rest of the group, just to see if they’re interested.”
A week or so later, Kyulkyung was able to text you, voicing her enthusiasm for the project, as well as her ability to obtain what your group needed. She was more than happy to help, and coupled with Eunwoo’s impatience, they were able to discreetly transfer some packages of parts and tech to a borderline-abandoned company warehouse near the small town you lived in.
Everything was now sitting in boxes in the now less-empty warehouse. With the help of your friends you took the time to meticulously go through and somewhat organize the amalgamation of parts you had received. There was also a rather large one that you had yet to open. Weird, because Kyulkyung had never really said anything about a package that big. Nonetheless, your curiosity got the best of you and you opened it up.  
A discarded android was what you found. Telltale light on its temple blank, lifeless. You had never been this close to one, really, and found it fascinating that something could look so human. You turned in Jihyo’s general direction and got her attention.
“Hey, Jihyo!” You called, and she turned away from what she was doing, walking over to where you stood. “I didn’t know this would be a repair-job, did you?”
“Oh, yeah. When Kyulkyung suggested the idea of fixing up a deactivated droid, she said it’d be easier on all of us. No one would really look into it if something irreparable were to go missing, so she just took this,” She gestured at the inactive android. “and said it’d be more efficient to just fix it up. A lot more inconspicuous for the company, too. Sorry, maybe I should’ve mentioned it.”
“No, it’s fine! You’re right about it seeming easier, I was just surprised,” You explained, eyes still locked onto the body in front of you. “Since we only have to fix it up,we should finish a lot faster, don’t you think?” You could see her nod out of the corner of your eye, and she walked off to resume her work.
Taking note of it’s features, you saw it was a female model, not too hard to tell. Its skin looked soft and pale, and this surprised you, but made sense after thinking about it. Maybe the people that worked with them often wanted to feel more at ease, so the appearance was made to look lifelike. It’s hair was relatively long, and dark in color. You knelt down in front of the container, reaching out to touch the body lying in front of you, but stopped yourself mid-reach, now realizing the gashes and dents in the model (most likely one of the reasons why it was in the scrap pile). Deciding it was a better decision to take care of everything else before dealing with the android, you shut the box gently and went to ask your friends what they needed help with.
The week had finally ended, and you and your friends worked day and night to get the warehouse up to par. There was a platform set up with wires and tubes to hold the android while it was being worked on and programmed, a couple of shelves stocked with spare parts in the corner, some computers and generators, and the android itself - still in the dark, hard plastic container it had arrived in. Not ready to unpack it quite yet, your group took the weekend to relax and prepare for the hard work to come.
Upon meeting again Monday evening, a matter needed to be taken care of before you all could begin: would the android stay here in the warehouse, or would one of you take it home with you once it was completed? Lottery was as good a method as any, and you all put your names in a small box that Yoojung had picked up. After a bit of shuffling the names within the box, Yuha grabbed a slip of paper. She then read aloud:
Looking up from paper, she smiled and jokingly commented, “Have fun getting the robot used to that beast of yours.”
You laughed, imagining how your dog - a Newfoundland named Walter - would act around someone new in the house.
With that now taken care of, you began work once again. This time, finally ready to start working on the android. Eunwoo opened up the box attempted to pick up the body inside.
“Damn, this thing is heavy.. Yoojung, could you bring a rolling cart or something?”
“Sure,” She replied with a chuckle, then within a minute, brought back something the android could be moved more easily on. “Here you go.”
They both managed to get the droid on the cart, and in half an hour, hooked up all the wires from the android to the computers nearby. Then came the more difficult part: repairing the android itself. Not an impossible task, however, it was quite daunting. From what was on the container it arrived in, the model seemed to be a CX100, which didn’t necessarily matter to you outside of which parts were correct. So after finding the model type, you worked on getting familiar with the software Kyulkyung sent with the rest of the tech, hoping to figure it out in enough time to get a diagnostics test run soon. It was getting later in the day though, and your friends had obligations outside of this, so they were gradually saying their goodbyes until it was just you. However, you didn’t mind this, and understood they had lives of their own. Unlike you, who had a flexible schedule working from home (you wrote articles and edited for a science-related magazine). This was one of the few exciting things happening in your life right now, and you didn’t want to waste the time you had.
4 hours had passed since you were left alone. You were still messing around with the computers and getting a handle on the general anatomy of the android in front of you and were now feeling comfortable enough to begin tinkering with the programs necessary to work on the robot. Getting the diagnostics software package up and running, you look at the data now popping up on the screen in a list based on importance of the issue. There were several biocomponents that you found were damaged, as well as a critically low amount of Thirium 310 (a type of liquid that circulates energy and electronic info throughout the android). The software showed which of the synthetic organs were damaged in a 3D model of the robot, so it was a lot easier for you to search the boxes and containers for the parts that it required. You left them out to be cleaned, along with a sticky note listing what they were and how to properly clean them, as you had read over the procedures in a document that had also accompanied the software. It would make more sense to do it tomorrow anyways (when you weren’t running on two Red Bulls). Not exactly known for being a night owl, the work was going starting to go a little slower, even with the help of energy drinks. So you decided on calling it a night for now, figuring that you had accomplished enough for one evening.
The next two weeks went by surprisingly fast, and there was an impressive amount of productiveness despite everyone’s schedules getting busier as the year was drawing to a close. It was nearly the end of September, and as the temperatures dropped, your spirits certainly didn’t. The android was nearly in full repair, with the parts being cleaned and replaced, Thirium replenished, gashes and dents mended. You all felt more than accomplished at your progress, considering that all was left was putting some final touches on the programming. Collectively, you had all decided that an android with a capability to be gentle, courteous, reliable, and helpful would be one of the best options for a robot with the intent of personal use. Therefore, the appropriate behavioral abilities were added into the matrix. However, with parts of the company’s system still being there, you discovered the android had already been embedded with a neural net - thus giving it a way of thinking, of being, similar to humans.
Now, for the moment you had all worked so hard for. With the programming complete, the android was ready to be activated. The small group that had put an insane amount time into this project was now all gathered around the small platform where the android was kept while being repaired. Kyulkyung had taken a day off to join the ensemble, just as excited to see the finished product in action.
“So, it’s really going to act like a normal person?” She spoke up, inspecting the multiple tabs still on the computer screens that surrounded the platform.
“I mean, that’s what we’re hoping for, for the most part. I think what we were working towards was an ability to act like someone you’d see every day - or a friend even.” Yuha explained, typing some things into the computer before shutting down a few tabs. “Those were just some diagrams of what needed to be fixed.” She stated, turning back to face the group in the rolling chair she was lounging in.
“Are we ready to start it up, then?” Yeonjung inquired. “I want to see how it acts when it wakes up!”
“Yeah, I think so. Eunwoo, would you do the honors?” Jihyo asked, gesturing to the button on the laptop that would start the android up.
“Sure can!” She exclaimed with a thumbs up, jumping over to the monitor. “Everyone ready?”
You all nodded your heads, eager to get the android running. The anticipation was killing you for sure because you knew it would be staying with you tonight. Eunwoo pressed the key, causing the computers to whirr with activity. The temple light on the android lit up a bright blue, and its eyes opened.
“I am model CX100, how can I help you?”
You spent the next hour or so going over all the basics: making sure the programming was compatible with its neural net functions, checking to see that the body was moving correctly, and testing things like vision and other sense modifications that you had improved upon. The android complied with every request you made of it without a hitch, and soon, you were finished. By this time it was already dark, but the group couldn’t help but be enamored with the artificial intelligence. They spent at least an extra hour asking it a plethora of questions, to which the robot answered all of them to the best of its ability. However, before it was time to take it home for the night, you held a quick meeting.
“(Y/N) just be careful, okay? Try to keep its presence on the down-low, we don’t need anyone getting suspicious, especially since it’d be Kyulkyung’s job - and potentially our careers as well - on the line.” Jihyo stated seriously. You understood, of course, getting caught would only end badly for you all. So you nodded, promising to keep it out of sight as much as possible.
With that out of the way though, everyone soon broke off from the ensemble to head home, leaving the android in your hands.
“Ok, CX100, we’re going to go to my house where you’ll stay for the time being. I have an extra room where you can stay, so that won’t be an issue.. And maybe tomorrow we can get you some more clothes.” You explain, now aware that the only thing it was wearing was a hospital gown. Functional for setting up, yes, but maybe not for everyday wearing. Figuring it’d fit in some spare clothes lying around at home, you didn’t think it would be much of an issue for the ride there.
“Thank you.” Short and to the point.
Maybe you’d just need to warm up to it.
You arrived at your house without a hitch and opened the door for CX100. The two of you then walk up the small pathway to the large wooden door of your two-story abode. Maybe you didn’t need all the space, but you got it for a deal, and though it was a little rustic, you enjoyed the tranquil atmosphere it had.
“Wait here a second, I have a dog.” You stated, not wanting the android to become too surprised at your rather large pet. “He’s a Newfoundland, so he’s kind of big, but he’s really sweet so don’t worry too much.”
You then opened the door, inviting the android in first before following soon after, closing the door behind you.
“Walter!” You called.
Within a few seconds, your Newfoundland was bounding down the stairs, and jumping right into your arms. He covered your face in kisses before looking up at the new house guest. Walter slowly stepped over to where CX100 was, sniffing and wagging his tail as he got closer. The android seemed to dislike him, a sour expression on its face as it backed up into your coat rack near the door. Sensing the robot’s discomfort, you called your dog back over to you before telling him to go lay on the couch in the living room adjacent to the entry. He understood and trotted away.
“He’s a bit much, I know.. But I’m guessing dogs aren’t your favorite now, huh?”
“I can’t say they are. He’s very large and… eccentric. Though I will become accustomed to his presence, as I assume he is your pet.” It answered monotonously.
You nodded and beckoned CX100 to follow you to its room, one of the spares you had in the house. It was the closest to yours, so you’d be able to easily check up on it overnight if needed.
“Feel free to move some things around, change it if you want. It’s your room now, so please make yourself at home,” You mentioned softly. “I’ll be downstairs for a minute to feed Walter, if you need anything, let me know.” And with that, you left the android to get settled.
The night carried on as usual, save for the addition of your guest. The droid acclimated quickly, and you watched it find its way around the house like it had been living there forever. Its modified features were definitely making themselves known now: the photographic memory, use of its senses, etcetera. This was promising news, and you would definitely have to keep your colleagues posted.
Once it finally came time to go to sleep, you contemplated asking CX100 to spend the night in your room, if for nothing more than to keep an eye on it for its first night outside of the makeshift lab. You came to the conclusion that, yes, it would probably be a good idea to keep an eye on it overnight just to make sure its sleep sequence went smoothly. Although it doesn’t need as much sleep as a human does, you concluded that the android would need more time tonight to process the day’s activities.
Walking to its room, you knocked once before opening the door. CX100 was sitting quietly on the bed, seemingly staring off into space. You cleared your throat to get its attention, which snapped the android out of its thoughts; this prompted it to look up at you.
“Would you mind if you stayed in my room? It’d just be tonight, I wanted to keep an eye on you to make sure everything is running normally.”
“Yes, it will not be a problem,” The android answered. “Would you like me to relocate myself now?”
“Sure, thank you.” You were completely ready for bed so, you followed the android out into the hall, turning off the few lights that were still on as you went.
Soon, you were able to watch as the android went into its dormant state with Walter cuddled up next to you as the blue light on its temple went from a constant glow to a dim flash of color about every 10 seconds.
You now felt relaxed knowing that everything had gone smoothly for the night, and that there had been no problem whatsoever with CX100, albeit its slightly reserved personality. This wasn’t really a problem per se, however, the delay in showing the emotion you hoped it was capable of would most likely take some time.
Upon waking up in the morning, you noticed two things; One: CX100 wasn’t in your room any longer, and two: Walter wasn’t there either. You promptly got up and went downstairs, only to find your dog lazily napping on the floor underneath the kitchen table, and CX100 cooking breakfast.
It noticed your presence, and looked at you from over its shoulder. “Walter has been fed, I assumed two cups of food was adequate for a dog of his size,” It stated, looking back down at the bacon that was sizzling away in the pan on the stove. “and I’m in the process of preparing breakfast, is that alright?”
“Y-yeah, definitely. Thank you.” You replied, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. It was still relatively early, 7:26 to be exact. Going to the fridge, you grabbed some juice, along with a cup from the cabinet nearby, and went to sit down at the kitchen table. After a few minutes, you spoke up.
“Don’t you think getting called CX100 all the time is boring?”
“I have not. It is the name of my model, should I not address myself as such?” It inquired, setting the now cooked bacon on a plate, along with some eggs and a biscuit.
“That’s true, it is. I just thought, maybe for something a little less suspicious in case we were to go out of the house, would an actual name be nice?”
“If you think it is a choice that would benefit me, then please do.”
“Do you want to decide? On both whether you want one or not, and what your name would be?” You questioned, genuinely out of curiosity, but also partly for the purpose of testing its mental abilities.
The android seemingly went into deep thought for a moment and looked down at the wooden floor. It hadn’t necessarily had to make a decision of its own before now, but now given the chance, it hesitated. It was built to be more human, had the capabilities to suggest, decide, request - the list goes on. The LED flashed yellow, just for a moment, before assuming its normal, blue glow.
“Irene.” The android stated, now making eye contact with you. “I would like to be called Irene.”
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my-love-peterp · 5 years
Mistaken Chapter Seven
please like and rb/comment <3
Word Count: 4268
Fic Summary: Peter Parker has been given the responsibility of bringing in a new recruit. Now, as an adult, he realizes that none of the trashy YA novels he read in high school could have prepared him for this. There was a storm on the horizon, and all they could do from the Tower is watch.
Chapter Summary: So this is definitely a chapter on my list of necessary revisions HOWEVER,  I’m writing one from some other characters POV just to shed some extra light on the circumstances surrounding what happens in this chapter. I think for sure we’ll get some Tony vignettes and maybe Steve and Darcy as well, just assessing Kaida and Tony and their states of mind (fragile, not great) and get into some motivating factors. Also, I know it’s a long time in coming but the big bad is coming soon. It’s not just Kaida vs herself as the main conflict in this piece. 
Warnings: drinking, smut, the like
Chapter One   Chapter Two   Chapter Three   Chapter Four   Chapter Five Chapter Six
The next day, I was reading the next book on my to be read list when Peter came screeching into the common room. “Cranewood!!” He practically shrieked as he ran, hips first into the back of the couch I was lounging one. He miscalculated his own speed and toppled over the back, faceplanting right into my lap.
“Oh my god, oh my god I’m so sorry I didn’t-oh, Jesus, I’m so sorry I just totally invaded your personal space and literally put my face there and oh my god.” He cut his own self off and blushed so deep, the tips of his ears almost flowed red. Peter licked himself back up and adjusted his blue sweatshirt before running his hands through the hair on the back of his neck and refusing to make eye contact with me.
“Y-yeah what’s up Kaida,” he managed to squeak out before coughing and clearing his throat, lowering his voice to compensate. I just stared back at him expectantly, dog-earring my page before slamming the book shut between my thighs. He blinked twice before shifting uncomfortably between feet. I swear, for an adult man, this boy sure acted like a gawky sophomore a lot.
“Oh. Oh yeah!!! We’ve met before. Cranewood School for Girls. Technically you and Spider-Man met but... I’m hurt that you were never even going to mention the first time I saved your life. What’s up with that? And also how did a Hydra ghost end up on Long Island at an elite prep school for upstanding young women and-“ I tuned him out unconsciously.
In truth, I had completely forgotten my run in with Spider-Man when I was 13. My sister and I were much too busy then still readjusting to a normal lifestyle we’d never had and covering our tracks while breaking enough laws to provide for ourselves, day in and day out.
Nadia had laundered enough money that We had more than enough for a down payment on a small apartment in the Long Island area and I was proficient enough in my mimicry and illusion work that we were able to enroll in school with a late start due to our “parents” and their extremely generous donations. It certainly helped that Nadia and I were both whip-smart.
I remembered the day Spidey was talking about. Some jack booted Hydra thug had stormed the grounds and held my class hostage, because his primary target, Anna, who was the daughter of a senator, was my classmate. Luckily, she sat about as far away from me as popular so the Agent was never able to see my face. I didn’t realize the whole upset was over until I had felt a large hand rubbing my back.
Of course, it was Spider-Man that came to my rescue. That day seemed to repeat itself over and over with no end sight. Of course, he was comforting me. His super hearing was the first power I’d ever assimilated by accident. We should test that more in the lab.
As I opened my mouth to finally suggest a battery of tests to Peter, FRIDAY started shouting instructions to be heard over the loud clang of the emergency bell.
Science could wait.
A few months later
The alarm cut through my concentration. It turned out to be just a bigger Code Green false alarm. We’d had two in the last week. I’m not blaming it on any specific individuals but there’s was something to be said in the 200% uptick in near Code Green’s since Dr. Jane Foster and Darcy Lewis, intern and mechanical engineer extraordinaire returned from Reykjavik. But who was I to complain? After the relocated to the Tower back in May, just three months ago, there were more Strawberry pop tarts in the pantries than I’d ever seen before in my life. And it was so relieving to have another ‘devil may care’ woman around the Tower.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Natasha for all that she is but she’s just a teacher to me. And Wanda read as more of a mom friend in my mind. Darcy is the kind of girl you make up desperate housewives drinking games with. We gravitated toward each other immediately, bonding over baking, needling Tony, and then bemoaning the lack of clubbing appropriate company. She also held no judgment for me about my past, which I couldn’t believe until I saw her and Bucky making googly eyes at each other from across the room, then it all clicked.
Darcy Lewis had become my best friend, big sister and closest confidant and just a week’s time. Now, a few months later, there were still no hydra threats and my probation was set to be lifted this evening. “The perfect time to go clubbing “ Darcy had declared it, before enlisting my strengths to remove, forcibly if necessary, the science squad from their labs. And then to force them out into the world of the living. The only member to straight up refuse was Tony, as was expected. We had been… Cordial to one another but never anything more. I am nearly positive he had Friday keep tabs on my location just so he could avoid me at all times. Inevitably, we would run into each other Coming and going from our quarters or as we made our way to and from our designated lab spaces. I still didn’t quite understand why Tony lived on the same floor as the rest of the Avengers when I knew damn well he had his own penthouse in the tower.
Anyways, my lab was certainly something to behold. The calling it my lab was a bit of a stretch considering I didn’t build anything really, I just tested my powers and checked my biological markers with gadgets that Tony, Bruce, and Dr. Helen Cho had come up with together. We were still waiting for a contact from a group called the guardians who would potential he be able to determine what part alien I am. But it was the world’s most high tech library/relaxation room/artist’s studio. All to make remaining in it all day for the sake of data aggregation tenable.
To say I was bored out of my mind at first was an understatement. But over time I began to have visitors. Darcy was a daily, and surprisingly, so was Pietro. Peter and Bucky also visited, if less frequently. And, oddly enough, Vision was there almost all the time. I asked him about it once and he shrugged (how does a former AI program shrug so effectively) and simply stated that my presence combed his mind. Whatever that meant.
In any case, I wasn’t as bored or lonely anymore. In fact, I could almost swear that something was developing between Pietro and I.
Earlier this week, as I was doing the Times word search and also project in my powers to deflect incoming projectiles, my hair was flipped up and into my face, causing my concentration to skip which led to a tennis ball smacking me right in the face. Above me, Pietro burst out laughing and DUM-E beeped apologetically.
“I don’t think I can forgive you for this,“ I deadpanned, reaching back to jab him in the kidney, which he promptly dodged, all the while still cackling. When his laughing fit finally subsided, he stood back up straight.
“I have an idea, “he announced proudly.
“Stop the presses everyone, and called the Vatican, Speedy here has an idea. It must be a miracle. First one in a decade. The world must be ending,” I replied, looking at him and trying not to smirk. I will give him props because the obscene shocked and hurt that filled his face moments later was almost convincing. He chuckled and moved to sit on the stool next to me. He said nothing, only staring at me.
“Okay Zippy, what was your big idea?”
“You haven’t tested your instinctual and biological responses enough. For example, the fight or flight instinct is recreated too imperfectly in simulated situations to be of any use to you. However, there is another way around that beyond throwing yourself into open combat.” I tilted my head, waiting for him to continue. He leaned forward placing his hands on my side and leaning closer. Hesitant but not opposed, my eyes fluttered chat. Instead of kissing me as I had assumed (hoped!) was his plan, I felt his lips brush against the shell of my ear. I shattered at the sensation, anticipating.
“I have a question “, he whispered. I mumbled my acknowledgment and it took me a few seconds to process what he had said and by that time it was already too late. “ are you ticklish,” he had whisper gently. Now he was mercilessly attacking my side with one, extremely quick fingers, whenever I moved to try to escape, he was there.
I collapsed to the ground, giggling breathlessly before I cut myself and put on my grumpy face. Pietro smiled lazily and shifted so his knees were on either side of my thighs.
“ if you tickle me again, I’ll scream,” I warned him.
“ I bet I could have you screaming my name,” he replied cheesily.
“ I actually hate you right now. I’m considering making you my official arch nemesis. I might make T-shirts. And badges. Definitely badges.”
“Who’s making badges? Didn’t you know nemesis badges are so last season? This is why you should consult the great and powerful Darcy on all things,” came the snarky voice of my best friend from the lab door. I urgently pushed Pietro up and off of me. But as was the theme of the day, I was seconds too late, and Darcy saw us in a position that looked extremely compromising without context.
She raised her eyebrows at me, cheeks twitching as she managed, for once, to hold back whatever retort she thought of once she saw me beneath Pietro. Instead, she readjusted herself and offered me a hand to pick me up off of the slightly dusty floor. I made a mental note to give DUM-E the Swiffer tonight.
After I was back on my feet and thoroughly dusted off, Darcy approached the silver-haired man who was currently leaning against one of my shoulder high bookshelves, jabbing her finger into his sternum. “You hurt my sister and I know an Asgardian who can make your life a living hell. And no, I’m not talking about Thor. Plus, you should be scared of me, I’ve bested him in combat once before and I can certainly take you. So watch yourself Maximoff,” she growled before stomping away, grabbing me by the wrist and dragging me along behind her. “We’ve talked about this,” she hissed at me after her suite door slammed behind us. She’d been silent the entire elevator ride down to her floor. I loved Darcy but she was still a little paranoid about FRIDAY always being present and listening in.
“Darcy it wasn’t like that, he... tickled me?”
She snorted in disbelief. “Yeah, I bet he did. Looked like he wanted to do a lot more from where I was standing kid. I’m telling you he’s bad news. What do you see in him anyway?”
I scoffed at her insinuation that somehow, Pietro would be the rotten one between us. “Dee I was literally sleeping with Tony Stark a few months ago while I had intimate knowledge of his fiancés fate. Plus I’m not exactly innocent in literally any sense if the word...” I trailed off but she just glared at me, which was her way of telling me that we weren’t leaving until I answered all of her questions.
I sighed and plopped myself down on her cozy armchair, putting my feet up. “It’s just... he’s easy to be around Darcy. It’s not hard, I don’t have to think about anything twice, there’s no pressure. He’s funny, makes me smile, puts up with my shit. And he doesn’t want more from me than I’m willing to give. We’re as easy as breathing.” I blinked, shocked at the words that had just come out of my mouth. Sure, I would admit to having a crush on the guy, he was hot and snarky. I loved that. Wait, love? I really was losing my mind.
“You know what, forget anything I just said. Let’s go out clubbing like you suggested and find me a man to get under for the night. I have to blow off some steam. I’m delusional and sappy over here.”
Darcy shrugged, noncommittally. “What?!” I demanded, confused as all hell.
“If you really feel that way about him, you should tell him. He may not be pushing you to give more than you’re ready for, but is he going to be prepared to give you everything you want, or is he just here for the safe convenience of it Kaida? You two have been prancing around each other like orphaned fawns, afraid to let yourselves get hurt and calling it sacrifice for the other. Or maybe he just doesn’t care and wants to play dirty because you’re available and convenient. “
I was a little hurt at her words but I could see the truth behind them. It was time Pietro and I had a chat. But not before I went out and had fun with my best friend. I relayed that thought to Darcy who excitedly squealed as we plotted to get the Science Squad out and about with us.
That brings us to now. Several of us piling into the biggest limo I’d ever seen. Bruce, Jane, Nat, Clint, Thor, Wanda, Pietro, Sam, Helen, the super soldiers, and even Peter had elected to join Darcy and I out tonight. It was certainly going to be one for the history books.
Smushed as we were in the back of the vehicle, it was oddly calming. For the first time today I felt as though I had time to just think for myself. I brushed my hand along my inner left forearm and shivered as a chill climbed down my spine. The perfectly raised but horrifically off-kilter writing simply read ‘cereal?’ today. Not much to go on if I were actively looking for my soulmate. Not that I would.
Whatever being it was that decided that two halves, or sometimes thirds or fourths of the same soul, would be imprinted with the first and last words their counterparts said for that day, was a complete and total madman.
It wasn’t a whole lot to go off of. I knew they were older than me because I’d gotten the marking before I could speak and I was advanced for my age. I knew they were New Yorkers just by the way they’d mention certain places and things offhand.
But I wasn’t looking for them. It was fairly obvious to me, at that point, that becoming a fixture in my life was beneficial to absolutely no one. And, based on the blip of feeling or insight I’d get mentally from my soulmate bond, whoever they were had a strong sense of duty. Someone who felt duty bound to a person like me would only end up dead.
And yeah, maybe I was kidding myself and these were really just excuses to protect myself from losing more of the people I cared about but honestly who gave a fuck. There were millions of people in this city. What were the odds we’d even run into each other?
Too high. But there was nothing I could do about that.
And then, after what felt like hours, the car stopped and the group spilled out on to the sidewalk before scrambling to the door of the club, bypassing the line. It was one of the classier, more exclusive establishments in town but not too high brow to preclude any riff-raff.
Cue Darcy Lewis, the bane of all rationality. Darcy’s personality was that of an instigator. I, on the other hand, would never back down when challenged. That meant five tequila shots in five minutes in addition to getting three random numbers. Just for fun. A few shots later and Darcy hauled me on to the dance floor.
We writhed and twisted around each other, alternating between cackling at one another and concentrating on looking appealing and feeling sexy. Her hands roamed my body and rested on my hips as I playfully ground myself back into her.
I could see Natasha posted up in the corner, sipping a sea breeze and keeping her eyes open. Bruce stood a few feet away from her, nervously twitching but slugging back some whiskey. Clint was at the bar pounding back beers with Helen, Jane, Thor, and Sam. All seemed deeply invested in a manic take the Asgardian was telling, arms flailing and making weird shapes as he attempted to act out whichever feat of heroism was on tap for tonight. Wanda stood behind them but looked a little lost. That’s when I noticed that Pietro and Peter were both missing.
Peter was easy enough to find, he was perched next to the top of the stairs, keeping up surveillance of the entire place, the boy having no idea how to relax. I was about to mention Pietro’s absence to the brunette behind me when the wind rushed around me. Suddenly, I wasn’t on the dance floor with Darcy but back at the bar with Pietro.
“What the fuck dude,” I bit out, slapping his arm. “You can’t just speed someone without permission, it doesn’t work like that.” Pietro just shrugged and smiled lopsidedly. It was the kind of smile that got him off for everything. And now was no exception.
“But Kaida, you promised to show me what body shots were some day. I would like to do them now if that is okay. I still have not learned all of your silly American customs.”
I was just gone enough to nod eagerly while my body flushed hot. Body shot demonstrations were requested and so they would be done. We started simple, cleavage shots, I showed him with Darcy and then he practiced on me. His scruff scraped pleasantly against my overheated skin and I trembled. Then Darcy whispered salaciously in Pietro’s ear as I rested up against the bar. In a flash, Pietro‘s hands were squeezing around my hips and I was laying on top of the bar, shirt hiked up.
Tequila was poured and salt sprinkled around my Navel by Darcy freakin' Lewis, who, just hours earlier, had scolded both Pietro and I for our touching antics. But now, here she was, encouraging Pietro to haul me on to the bar. Before I could process that emotional whiplash, Pietro’s face was hovering over my stomach, a wicked smile filling his expression. I squirmed and he responded by dipping his head, using his tongue to swipe up the salt from my body before continuing down and sucking on my navel, slurping up all the tequila. My body was positively on fire. I opened my mouth in a breathless moan and nearly choked when my best friend shoved the rind of lime between my teeth. Her face was quickly replaced by Pietro’s. His eyes burned into mine, his pupils were blown, dark and hungry. He placed his mouth over mine, biting down surprisingly gently so lime juice with a hint of a taste that must be pure Pietro flooded my mouth. Icy fire burned through my veins as I completely forgot the discomfort of the hardwood bar pressing against my back. We were drawing closer and closer to each other as Pietro decisively removed the line from my mouth.
The trance was broken by a cough and a throat clearing. The Spiders Two, Peter and Natasha, were standing behind Pietro, arms crossed. Nat’s face was expressionless, but Peter‘s emotions were somewhat clear. He looked uncomfortable, annoyed and something else I couldn’t quite get a read on. My mouth fell open in a drunken grin, as I waved awkwardly to them, attempting to lift my head and slide off the bar and to my feet. Unfortunately, I was still more than a little boneless from the whole “Pietro‘s lips and tongue on my body“ situation, so, while I did manage to slide off the bar, landing on my feet and my high heels was a whole different story.
Long story short, I simply didn’t. Fortunately, when you’re friends with other enhanced people, their reflexes are typically pretty good. So I felt long, pale arms lock around my middle and stop me from falling. I grinned widely again at the feeling of thick ropey muscles encompassing me.
As I righted myself, the arms remained around me, hints of spicy cologne filling my nostrils when I slouched back into the warm body that stood behind me, closing my eyes and tilting my head back to nuzzle into Pietro’s neck. His breath caught and he let out a weirdly high pitched squeak in surprise.
“Oh shoot,” I stammered reflexively, looking down, “did I step on your foot or something? I know these heels can be a bitch.” It took me a minute to realize why what I was seeing felt so wrong. Instead of the tight black jeans Pietro had been wearing that night, my rescued had on dorky khakis and a blue button up. Peter.
“Fuck, Peter I didn’t know it was you, god damn I like almost assaulted you there. I’m so, so sorry. Jesus Christ, no more tequila for me ever.” I just kept rattling off apologies until he waved me away and Darcy took my arm to lead me out to a cab that was pulling up for us. It was time for me to go home, so Clint was being sent with me to supervise and make sure I made it back to the Tower in one piece and then he’d take one of Tony’s cars to drive back to his farmstead. “I’ve gotta take the kids to school tomorrow. Laura has a doctor’s appointment and I’m trying to be a good dad. You know, the whole nine yards. Or at least as good of a dad as a world-renowned assassin can be.” He ended up using the ride to babble on TL me about everything Nathaniel was getting up to at the moment and the big fiasco when he found out he was named after a girl and the killer meltdown when his parents rebuked him.
Clint deposited me in the elevator and hit my floor for me before he took off to the tunnel leading towards our parking garage. For the first fifth floors, everything was silent save for the occasional squeak of a gear or run of a pulley. Until the elevator stopped on one of the lab floors. I should have realized at that moment that all but one member of the Science Squad had been out that night, but it didn’t until I saw him step into the elevator beside me.
We stiffened simultaneously as Tony and I took the other in. Taking opposite corners, we studiously ignored each other as the elevator began moving. It was uncomfortable and deafeningly quiet, but that was probably more than I deserved. And then, as though whatever cosmic being had a direct line to my thoughts coupled with a sick sense of humor, the elevator froze, the lights went dark and an alarm started blaring, quickly followed by the emergency sprinkler system.
So to recap, I was trapped in a metal box, in the dark, being pelted with cold water, quite similar to what my parents used to do to Nadia and me.
It was at this moment that I had my worst panic attack to date. The sharp sense of panic cut down whatever buzz I had built up from the night before. Pure unadulterated terror flooded my chest as I collapsed to the floor, twitching. My chest heaved with silent sobs, my trauma reminding me that if I made a sound, Nadia would be punished and vice verse. Tears streamed down my cheeks and bile coated my throat. I could hear tony working frantically to desired the elevator panel and talking at me. I couldn’t hear what he was saying. It didn’t matter. I was too far gone.
Minutes, maybe hours passed. Before I could think clearly, I was entirely disassociated and then sleeping in a wet puddle on the floor of our stalled elevator.
When I woke up the next morning, I was in my own bed, drowning in an oversized hoody that I recognized as one I had stolen from Bucky weeks ago, that if I had to guess, he had originally stolen from Cap. It was royal blue number with a vintage style logo for the Brooklyn Dodgers, whose move was still a sore spot for Steve Rogers.
I sat up groggily, head pounding. As I finger combed my hair and stood to use my restroom, I heard gently snores coming from the plush sectional in my living room. Lo and behold, the Tony Stark was slumped over, not even under a blanket. The events of last night all came flooding back to me and I flushed a bright pink in embarrassment. I’d never shown just how deep that particular weakness ran for me. I turned back and tried to tiptoe out of the room and down to the communal floor for breakfast when Tony’s voice stopped me in my tracks.
“I think it’s time we had a talk.”
TAGLIST: @peeterparkr @private-bucky-barnes @laurfangirl424 @bucktitybarnes
15 notes · View notes
By Any Other Name: Part Three
Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader
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Summary: [Y/n] Stark is an acclaimed journalist (and infamous anonymous hacker) who has dedicated her career to uprooting corruption. She has worked hard to separate herself from her brother’s reputation and his world. Now, however, she finds herself right back in the fray as Sergeant Barnes resurfaces. For some reason, Bucky is drawn to [y/n], and she finds herself betraying not only her convictions, but her family as she joins him on his path to redemption.
a/n: If you want to be tagged let me know! Thank you for all of the wonderful feedback! Next chapters will have a lot more romance in them, so stay tuned!
Part two
From the center of the hangar roof, [y/n] couldn’t explicitly see the fight, but the explosions were enough to give an impression of the war below. She had promised Steve she would remain hidden as she hacked into the quinjets system. Her job was to start the engines, enter Bucky’s coordinates, and then act as their defense to prevent Tony from hacking into the autopilot mid-flight. Her assistance would be invaluable, her presence unnoticed, and her consequences minimal. Simple orders, easy instructions, no sweat. However, things went awry- as they do when the future of humanity is at stake.
The hangar shook beneath her as someone collided with the wall. The familiar sound of a repulsor ripped through the air. [y/n] jumped as Sam blasted into view, flailing as he attempted to regain control of his wings. More eruptions followed.
“What is going on down there?” She inquired through her comm. A series of shots rang through the other end as Steve answered with ‘a slight miscalculation.’
This was unlike any battle she had witnessed before. In New York, despite the chaos, everyone knew who the enemy was and there was no hesitation to pull the trigger. Here, however, their adversaries were the people they had on speed-dial, the friends they fought side-by-side with, and -in [y/n]’s case- the brother that raised her. The objective wasn’t to kill the enemy. It was to save their family. She loved the people down there and she had to fight for all of them- even if it meant fighting against half of them.
“Ok, I’m coming down.” [y/n] transferred the controls on her computer to the screen on her arm.
“Negative, Stark. You aren’t cleared for combat. We need you up there.” Steve ordered. “Do not leave your station.”
[y/n] chuckled, jumping off of the black trunk she perched upon. “No offense, Cap, but I’m not a recruit, and I’m not helpless. You need me down there more.”
She ran her finger along a crevice in the crate, and the line began to glow. Taking a step back, she watched as the box unfolded and then morphed into a familiar shape. Her bike is sleek and black with gold trim. A TRON motorcycle, equipped with her very own AI. [y/n] didn’t allow herself to remember that this was her favorite christmas present from her favorite engineer as she mounted the bike.
“Hello OSCAR.”
The bike ignited beneath her, “Hello, mistress Stark.”
“Wanda, I could use a lift.”
“I’m a little preoccupied at the moment,” the witch grunted in response. A red blast of energy encompassed a plane as it hurled toward Vision.
With the only members of the team capable of flight previously engaged, a daunting realization settled in [y/n]’s stomach. She had to get down on her own.
“OSCAR, you know that scene from Fast and Furious 7?”
“I feel compelled to remind you, miss, in the words of the esteemed Brian O’Connor, ‘Cars don’t fly.’”
“Good thing this isn’t a car then, buddy.” She shuddered and took a deep breath, assessing the roof before her. 200 feet stood between her and the edge. She hoped it was enough. Physics was always her brother’s specialty.
[y/n] tightened her helmet and the visor lit up, showing the calculations OSCAR was running through. As she checked the battery, he explained the speed and stability she needed to survive the leap.
“Probability of stable landing: 39.4%. Probability of landing without injury: 12.6%. Probability of death: 78.9%.”
“Thank you, OSCAR, for that encouraging assessment.”
“You did not program me to be encouraging. I have been wired to be cynical, calculating, and caustic. While I may not be able to act as your ‘hype man,’ I can offer you a sardonic comment.”
“Choose wisely Oz. These might be the last words I ever hear.”
He cleared his nonexistent throat. There was a moment of silence as he considered his words. With a deep breath, [y/n] settled forward on the bike, bringing her feet up, and gripping the handlebars.
“Do it.” His monotonous voice whispered, “You won’t.”
“Bet.” She smirked and pulled the clutch. “OSCAR start the ‘Bad Decision’ playlist.”
Bucky dodged an iron pipe swung by Rhodey. Just as they moved to initiate another attack, the opening drums of Black Betty sounded from above, followed by the rev of an engine.
They shared a look of confusion, glancing around the airport to search for the source. Suddenly, a shadow passed over them. They looked up.
Time seemed slow as her tires left the roof and [y/n] realized why Tony enjoyed flying so much. In that single moment of suspension, she was unbound to the earth, soaring.
Then the ground was rushing toward her. Her tires collided with asphalt. Her body came down hard on the seat, and her first thought was if someone could break their tailbone.
Turning the bike abruptly, she skid to a halt between Bucky and Rhodey, both of whom had dived out of her way. They stared at her perplexed, horrified, and in awe.
She slipped up her visor to reveal the grin of a child who had finally hit a home run, turning back to check if his mom was paying attention.“ Did anyone else see that?”
“[y/n]? What the hell are you doing-” Whatever Rhodey began to say turned into a series of stutters as his body seized up. He fell to the ground and spasmed in beat with the pulse of the repulsor.
She stared at War Machine for a moment, concerned, but quickly turned toward Bucky with an expectant look. “Need a ride?”
Stunned, Bucky glanced from Rhodeys convulsing body to the cane in [y/n]’s grip, finally landing on her eyes. Her whole visage lit up with innocent exhilaration.
He took a shuddering breath, realizing his heart beat had sped up. There was something oddly endearing about her excited grin, astonished by her own badassery. Bucky was entranced.
The bike lurched forward just as he saddled on. His arm slipped around her waist instinctively in an effort to hang on, the odd shape and speed of the bike being far different to what he was used to. In his other hand, he gripped her cane.
“Hey, Nat!” [y/n] exclaimed, a grin forming on her face. Natasha smiled back sweetly, delivering a swift kick to Clint’s chest, knocking him away. She was holding back.
“[y/n]! I love your suit.” She complimented. “Leather looks great on you.”
“You have to tell me how you keep your hair so flawless,” [y/n] inquired, leaning forward on the bike. Natasha laughed, but it caught in her throat at the man who peered over [y/n]’s shoulder.
The smile fell from Nat’s face as she realized they were on opposing teams. Bucky's arm tightened around [y/n]’s waist, almost protectively. His breath was hot against her ear and she could only imagine his confusion. Cautiously, [y/n] brushed her hand over the one clutching her side. As gently as she could, she grasped it, signaling for him not to attack. “So I’m guessing our trip to the mall is gonna be postponed.”
Natasha shrugged, not moving to initiate a fight. “It’s probably better for us to go dress shopping without bruises anyway.”
In that brief exchange, more things were said than Bucky could pick up on. In all those years since she had entered [y/n]’s life, Natasha had developed an incredible friendship with the journalist. [y/n] had given Nat a taste of normality. The assassin had grown to cherish their movie marathons, late night gossip and days spent dressing up and scoping cute guys out at the mall. [y/n] had given her a life she never thought she could have. She was indebted to her in more ways than one.
Nats eyes flicked to the cane in Barnes grip. It looked like a twig in his hands. A pang of guilt struck her as she recalled the role she played in permanently crippling her friend. She was the one to call [y/n] for help in taking down SHIELD, and it was her fault [y/n] was on the highway when the crash occurred.
Natasha made her decision. In truth, she had already decided that she would never harm her friend again after DC. She wouldn’t fight [y/n], which meant she wasn’t getting to Barnes, because if she knew her best friend she knew she was stubborn.
“We have plenty of other friends to fight, I’d say we can postpone this duel too.”
The smile that graced [y/n]’s lips was sad, but her eyes were grateful. Barnes looked between them, utterly lost, but Nat just waved to her friend before dashing away.
A smirk made its way to her lips. She had noticed the way [y/n]’s cheeks flushed as the soldier pulled her into him, and she couldn’t wait to tease her about it later.
“Something just flew in me!” Scott panicked, grasping his chest. [y/n] looked over to see Vision phase through the giant and project a beam of light across the tarmac. The beam cut through the tower directly in front of the hangar. Her eyes widened as she realized Bucky and Steve were too far away to make it on foot. Before the tower began to crumble, she was already pushing her bike to the top setting, racing toward the super soldiers.
[y/n] shot across the tarmac. Red energy encompassed the falling debris, and she thanked the gods they had Wanda on their team. The boys startled as she pulled up beside them, Bucky nearly knocking her off the bike before he recognized her.
“Get on!” She ordered, jumping off the bike. Steve followed the command, but Bucky hesitated. He stared at her.
There was a cut across her forehead, and she had lost her cane in the chaos.This bike was her only means of escape. They were leaving her utterly defenseless. He could only hope her brother would show her more mercy than he had received. Softly, he grasped her hand with his human one. She didn’t flinch.
“Thank you,” he whispered, mounting the bike. She nodded, her eyes wide with fright. Bucky held her gaze as Steve sped away, a strange ache is his chest as they left her behind.
Tagged: @chipilerendi @dottirose @gambitsqueen
36 notes · View notes
Whumptober, day 11
Tony didn’t hear from Stephen in the last week which was usually weird, but the man had his own work to protect the reality as everyone knows it and Tony wasn’t the one to complying about that. Not that he had any right to, to be honest. They were friends, maybe close ones since he convinced the man to be his ‘awesome facial hair bro’, but that was all. He had no idea what happened between him and Palmer after that Tony himself reversed the Snap, but he was pretty sure they both were head over the heels for each other. And Tony didn’t plan to ruin whatever relationship the doctor had for a stupid crush. Though he couldn’t even deny that he had a stupid crush for Stephen Strange. They somehow speak every day at least one of them was out of the country, or their dimension if was Stephen, and keep updated about stuff both in Kamar-Taj or with the other Avengers.
With the passing of time, they started to speak about more personal arguments, and Tony understood how lonely Stephen’s life was, he spoke a lot about Christine and Wong and his students in Nepal, though he sounded always happier when Peter swung by. It was like listening to the kid, only less over-enthusiastic. Not that Stephen let Stark understand, but the man could recognize some scheme he used in the past.
That day, he was working at the new War Machine Mark III after having tried and failed to call Stephen four time. ‘He’s probably chasing some student in the Forbidden Forest’ He repeated to himself, still tinkering with the suit. Rhodey repeated to him over and over again that he didn’t need an update, but it was like speaking with a wall when it came to Tony, and anyway, he felt better to keep his friends safe. Which was the reason why he was also working on something for Stephen, but, again, it wasn’t like the Sorcerer needed to know.
He let one of his hard rock playlists play in the background and came back to his blueprints, trying not to think about Stephen and the fact that he shouldn’t have missed the man so bad. Anyway, it was easy for him to be dragged again in the workshop routine and rapidly any thought he may have had on Stephen was dismissed in favour of his researches on how to integrate nanoparticles braces which could replace the real ones Rhodey needed to walk.
His hands were flying over the touchscreen keyboards and through holographic projects and data. Somehow, it was the best place where to be, for the genius. He could pretend to feel comfortable among people and he usually was, though he was never as happy as he was when he could close everything outside the workshop doors and work on whatever crossed his mind. Bruce told him he was two different men, one who he showed to the world, and a more private one. Tony knew Banner was right, he also knew he showed that side of himself only to Rhodes, Banner, Peter, probably Nat, and Stephen. The people he really cared about.
He glanced to DUM-E which was moving dangerously close to his workbench with the fire extinguisher and backed off immediately with a sad beep, and went back to his work. Which was why he didn’t notice the golden sparkling portal opening in the middle of the lab until Stephen stumbled against the concrete. The portal collapsed at his backs a moment later and that was weird.
“Stephen?” He asked, dismissing the projects with a fast movement of his hand. From the other man, no answer came, and Tony all but jumped over the table.
Stephen was lying on the floor and his hands were fumbling, though Tony couldn’t understand if it was because of the nerve damage or there was something wrong with the Sorcerer. “Dumbledore…?” He asked, again, hoping that the ironic tone could hide the fact that Tony was definitely worried.
It took some minutes in which Stark was mildly panicking to Stephen to speak. “Where am I?”
If that was supposed to calm Tony, it didn’t work at all. Stark cradled the other’s head in his hand, trying to understand what to do and bringing his steel-blue eyes at his owns height. His eyes were almost black, and it was clear that he couldn’t really picture where he was, again, Tony couldn’t say if it was panic or something else. But it was a terrible view.
“Fry,” He ordered, without even needing to tell him to run scanning on the man. Then he went back looking at Strange. “You are in the Compound, in my workshop.”
Stephen nodded, very, very slowly. And now Tony was sure that there was something wrong with him. He wasn’t like it was the first time Stephen did something strange, no pun intended, but he usually came back from some dimension who left him high or extremely clingy which was something Tony was more than willing to help with. Whatever THAT was, well, was a fucking mess and Tony didn’t know what to do to help the man.
“Strange, I need you to speak with me, ok?” He asked, but Stephen seemed to doze off again and, fuck, why was Friday so slow? And why the wizard’s pulse was so weak?  He was going to ask his AI to speed things up when her voice filled the workshop.
“Doctor Strange seems to present symptoms of hypothermia, boss.”
What the fucking fuck? Stephen’s hand wrapped around Tony’s arm as if he was trying to tell him something, but he had no idea of what to do. He knew for sure that he couldn’t leave Stephen like that but, again, he didn’t want either to do something which could bring things to a worse point. “How do I help him?”
Stephen was barely conscious, by now, and his breath was terribly shallow. He knew nothing about hypothermia, but that, for sure, wasn’t a good sign. While Friday’s voice went on again, he started to search for Bruce’s number on his mobile. “You should strip him off of wet clothes and give him warm ones, boss,” Friday informed him. Tony nodded.
“Send the bots in my room, and call Bruce,” He ordered, a moment later the beep of the line was all over the workshop. Tony’s hands ran on Stephen’s clothes, stripping him off from his too many layers of sorcerer robes. “Goddamned belts!” He almost screamed it took him some seconds to realize that the Cloak was helping him, undoing the belts for Stark. “Thank you, pretty carpet.”
Once they managed to take Stephen’s clothes off, and Tony tried not to stare but the man had a very fine body and how he didn’t even see it before, the Cloak wrapped itself around its owner. Tony looked at it, knowing that, of course, that wasn’t enough for the time being and everything he had to raise the temperature in the workshop could as well burn Stephen.
“Tony?” Bruce’s voice came from his mobile.
“Bruce, thank god you picked up,” Tony tried not to sound too panicked, though he knew he had to be fast. Stephen was still passed out and it didn’t matter how tight the Cloak was protecting his body. “Stephen isn’t feeling well. Friday told me is hypothermia… I took his clothes off.”
Despite everything, Tony could hear Bruce chuckle before answering. “Do you have something like an electric blanket? Or hot packs. You have to warm his torso, neck and groin…”
“I have the Cloak,” Tony answered, looking at the red cape which was clearly trying to do whatever in its power to increase Stephen’s body temperature. “I’m in the workshop, and I don’t want to leave him.”
From the other side of the phone everything went silent for a while, then Bruce continued: “Ok, it’s not the best way but can work in the meanwhile. Try to use your body to warm him. Just, get under the Cloak as well, it will steady your temperature.”
Tony nodded, hoping that his bots will arrive with new clothes soon and then he looked at the Cloak. “Have you hear the other doc, pretty carpet?”
The Cloak nodded in that weird way it had to make others understand what it said. It rose from Stephen’s body what was necessary to Tony to reach the other man. His workshop floor was one of the most uncomfortable superficies on which Tony had ever lay, and holding Strange like that was the sweetest hell ever for Stark. He tried not to think about that and focus on the fact that Stephen’s pulse was too slow, while he let run his hands on the sorcerer’s torso and neck, as Bruce said.
His skin was freezing. “Friday, turn the heating on in the workshop,” He said. It took almost too long, in his opinion, but after some minutes, when the bots already arrived, Stephen started to shake, grasping at Tony’s shoulders and reducing the already minimum distance between their bodies. Tony wasn’t going to complying, repeating to himself that the other man was looking for his heat.
The genius had no idea how long they stayed like that, but Stephen’s breath stabilized after a while and when he opened his eyes they had again that light that Tony loved so much.
“Why am I naked?” He asked, in a whisper. At that question, the DUM-E beeped, bringing both of them to turn and see the bot with Tony’s clothes.
“Hypothermia,” Tony let out, forcing his eyes to go to the ceiling which was better than looking at Stephen’s face, right now. “I was keeping you warm.”
A soft smile cracked through Stephen’s lips, and Tony started to move back, leaving the other man his space to get up and get dressed again. Once he rose from the floor, Tony took his good time admiring the man’s back. He was in his underwear and one of Tony’s worn t-shirt in an eye-beat. And then Stephen turned and was staring straight at Tony.
The genius ran a hand in his hair, trying to do something which wasn’t looking at him. It wasn’t so easy but Tony was used to wearing the perfect society man mask. “Well, this had been fun, but let’s try not to do it again, ok? You scared the shit out of me.”
Stephen nodded. “I’d rather not to reply the travel in the icy dimension which isn’t the one of Frozen before you decided to call it like that, but I don’t mind the ‘I’m naked in your house’ part.”
And then he opened a portal, leaving Tony there, his jaw almost on the floor, while he tried to understand what the hell did that mean. A moment later, the sound of an incoming text came from his mobile phone: “I meant it for real, douchebag. -SS”
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mayparkerblogs-blog · 7 years
Just Your Average Morning  {Part 4}
I’m seriously loving writing this series so I hope you guys are loving it too! If there are any avengers that you want to see more/less of, or if you have any suggestions, just comment what you want to see below! Your wish is my command! Better prepare yourself for this next part, though, because things are about to get interesting ;) New to JURAM? You might want to read the prologue, part 1, part 2, and part 3 before you begin reading part 4. 
[reminder: Y/N’s thoughts are in italics]
warning: slight mention of blood, sorry if you get queasy around that stuff
avengers x fem!reader
You clocked in for the night about an hour ago, but never fell asleep. The dawning thought of having to start all over yet again kept your mind wide awake. You braided and re-braided your hair twice, shopped for clothes online, finished season five of The Office, and were about to start watching The Darkest Hour when the tv screen suddenly turned black. That’s weird, I wonder if Netflix is just under maintenance or something? You tried turning the cable TV on, but nothing happened. You poked around the back of the TV, looking for broken wires, and finally gave up when all of the lights turned off. You groaned and went to flick them back on, when nothing happened. 
“Hey Friday,” you called out to the intelligent AI, “Is something wrong with the power?” 
“Yes ma’am, it seems that our central power is being-” Friday stopped mid sentence. 
“Friday?” No response. “Friday, did Tony set you up to do this?” Nothing. Your uneasy feeling worsened as time grew and the power still wasn’t on. 
What happened to the power system? Can I try to fix it? If this is just some mean prank Tony is playing on me, he better be glad that I’m leaving. Your nerves began to subside when you remembered that you weren’t alone in the compound. Peter’s still here. Peter’s probably already fixing the problem. I’ll just make my way down to his room and see if he’s in there. 
You threw one of Wanda’s sweaters she let you borrow over your pajama top, slipped on a pair of fuzzy socks, and retrieved a flashlight from the bedside cabinet before venturing out to Peter’s room. As you walked down the ominous hallway you heard a CRASH coming from the kitchen. From around the corner you could also see the barely visible waves of a distant flashlight. Something’s not right, I better call Peter. You fumbled your phone out of your sweater pocket and quickly pulled up Peter’s contact name. Come on Peter, answer. You paced in a small circle as the phone rang once, and then twice. Then, you heard it. Peter’s ringtone. You knew he was close by, but you just couldn't see him. The dim light of the distant flashlight was now closer than it was about a minute ago, and you could hear what sounded like a group of people running in your direction. 
The Avengers must have just returned from a mission and Peter went to go greet them and dropped his phone in the process. Sure, that makes sense. 
A heavy weight was lifted from your chest as all suspicions dropped and you began walking towards the common room and passed Peter’s room, who’s door was cracked open a little bit. As you got closer and closer to your destination, however, something seemed wrong. 
From the sound of it, way too many people are in the common room for it to just be the avengers. Also, that was definitely not Tony barking orders at people. Why would Tony be barking orders at them, anyways? They would have just gotten back from a mission. I’ll try texting Peter. 
You: Hey Peter- it’s Y/N. The power just went out and something weird is happening. I can’t tell if everyone just returned from their mission really early or if it’s a bunch of people here to fix the power outage. Tried texting Steve and Tony, but neither one of them responded. Pls respond so I know you’re ok!
Peter’s text-tone echoed through the hallway yet again. 
Now where is that damn phone? 
You heard some disturbed murmurs from the occupants of the common room, but assumed it had nothing to do with the soft ding that resonated from your hallway. You decided that it was a better idea to just find and shut the ringer off rather than let it go off all night, so you searched the surrounding plants, chairs, and small tables. While you were searching for Peter’s phone, however, you accidentally tripped over a chair leg, cause you and the unfortunate chair to come crashing to the ground. 
Shit. They definitely heard that. 
“Down that hallway! Find out what caused that noise! Don’t just stand their, you ignorant buffoons, GO!” You heard a very angry German man scream. 
A stampede of potentially dangerous and armed strangers was headed straight for you, and you didn’t have an escape route. The next room to run and hide into was a while back, and you had no idea where the nearest exit was. Aw fuck! You began to run down the hallway in a desperate attempt to escape from your unwanted guests. The feet which carried you had no idea where they were going, or what the hell they were doing. They just wanted to get away. Then, all of a sudden, your feet weren’t running anymore. Something had attached you to it’s body, and was now hoisting you into the dark rafters. You began to scream for Peter, but something was slingshotted at your face and covered up your mouth, prohibiting any noise from escaping that big pie-hole of yours. You tried to resist the force that was pulling you up and up and up, but you couldn’t break free from the strange rope that was wrapped around you. 
Oh God, what is happening?
Through the darkness, you could see the figure that was pulling you towards him. Or her? You honestly couldn't really tell. Your plan: defend yourself by any means necessary. These home invaders weren’t going to get the best of you. You grew closer and closer until finally, you were being yanked up onto the metal beam the figure was perched on. You began thrashing every limb possible to get away from your captor, only to find out that it wasn’t a captor at all. 
“Y/N, Y/N! Hey, it’s me, it’s me, it’s just me, you can calm down now! Yeah, there you go. Breathe! I’m not going to hurt you. It’s just me. Peter.” 
What the hell is Peter Parker doing up in the rafters? And how did he get there? 
“Yeah, sorry about that. I wasn’t about to let those guys just come and get you. And if you screamed, they would know where we were hiding.” He said in a soft whisper. You looked down to see groups of men in all black below you, unaware of your presence above. 
“How did you get up here? What’s that weird rope stuff? Something that Tony made? Who are these people?” You stared at Peter, dumbfounded. He furrowed his brow and cocked his head to the side like a little puppy dog.
“Have you never heard of Spider-Man before?” He asked. You shook your head no, but realized the name did sound familiar.
“Oh yeah, Natasha told me about him when I first woke up.” 
Oh shoot, you big idiot. He doesn’t know about the whole ‘being shot out of the sky by Iron Man’ thing. 
“Well, that’s me. I’m Spider-Man. And that weird rope stuff that I saved you with is just industrial strength webbing- I made it myself. I only have so much of it in my web-shooters right now, and the rest of it is in my suit. Actually, I’m about to run out, which puts us in an even bigger pickle.” Peter sighed and ran his hands through his hair, visibly stressed out. “Wait, woke up?”
Do I really have time to explain this?
“Well, Peter, I have a secret just like you do. I’ll try to make it quick because the compound is currently under a fucking siege but basically I’m from another dimension and I fell through some wormhole while I was walking down the stairs one morning and that wormhole brought me here and I was in a free fall straight to the ground right above the compound but Tony thought I was a missile and so he shot me out of the sky so then I lost a lot of blood and Steve Rogers had to donate some of his blood to me in a transplant to I could live and we thought I could have the serum but it turns out that I don’t which makes me completely useless and vulnerable in our current situation.” Now that you were currently under attack, you could kind of see why Tony thought it was a good idea for you to leave.
Peter stared at you, dumbfounded. “Wow, Y/N, that’s a lot of information to take in all at once.” He grinned and shook his head and you smiled back at him while the two of you watched the men below you. “Yeah,” you replied, “It’s pretty cra- oh wait, shh, I think they’re talking about something important.” You tuned into the conversation going on between your invaders.
“Mason,” said the big, tall, and very German guy. “If my memory has not failed me yet, I believe you sent in a report that stated the compound would be inhabited tonight, is that correct.”
“Yes sir,” replied one of the soldiers. “I saw Captain Rogers depart for Washington yesterday morning. As for the rest of them, they left in the evening to handle the decoy in Paris. They shouldn’t be returning for at least 18 hours.” How does he know so much about what happens inside the base? Has a mole been working in the compound?
“And the interns?” the German man said. 
“Stark’s interns were sent home before the team departed for Paris, sir. Had me send ‘em all home in the same cab around 12:15 except for one kid, who was supposed to stay later for a special project. According to my data, General Rathmore, the same amount of individuals who entered the compound also left the compound. There shouldn’t be a single breathing lifeform left on this base.” The soldier responded with a lack of confidence.
“Then please do explain to me, soldier, why I heard a telephone ring not once, but twice, and a chair has been knocked over!” The German, who you expected to be General Rathmore, whipped around and shot the soldier called ‘Mason’ in the leg. “Unless you wish to join Mason in his punishment, I expect the rest of you to complete the mission quickly and without error. Squads Delta and Blue, continue the mission with haste. This anomaly has already set us far behind schedule. Crimson, guard the exits. If anybody is in this compound, they will not be leaving tonight. Hail Hydra.” The squads scattered to their various destinations after chanting ‘Hail Hydra’ a few dozen times. “Soldiers,” General Rathmore called out to the departing team, “Shoot on sight.” You gasped and almost cried a little, but Peter covered your mouth before any whimpers could get out. The two of you watched the last of the Hydra agents disappear, leaving ‘Mason’ behind.
You and Peter stared at each other in utter disbelief. “Holy shit, Y/N, what are we gonna do? This is Hydra! These guys are serious! That dude just shot another Hydra dude for no reason! We need to call Tony like right now.” Peter’s voice was shaky with fear and anxiety. You stared at the injured man below while Peter attempted to phone Tony. “The line didn’t even ring.” Peter said with a confused look on his face. “Oh my God they must have cut out communication to anything outside of the base. We can’t warn anybody about our situation. We’re all alone. What do we do?”
Why is Peter asking me what to do? I’ve never fought anybody before, I haven’t even been here for two weeks yet. I’m no Captain America, I can’t lead a mission.  What happens if I get shot, or if Peter gets shot? I don’t even know how to get out of this building on my own.
“Why are you asking me what to do? I’m no hero! You’re Spider-Man! You’re used to this whole ‘saving’ thing.” You stared at Peter, who looked rather disappointed in himself and in the situation. “What I do know is that man below us needs medical help. If we don't stop the bleeding, well, I’m not sure he’ll make it.” You could already tell that Peter was not ok with this idea.
“Are you, are you kidding me, Y/N! You heard the crazy man.. shoot on sight! What if we try to help him and he pulls a gun on you or me? We don't have any suits or gear to protect us.” It came to your attention that you were still only in your pajama pants, fuzzy socks, one of Tony’s old t-shirts you stole from the laundry room, and Wanda’s grey sweater. Peter, on the other hand, only had plaid pants and a stupid chemistry shirt, not even any socks. We really aren’t prepared to do anything. 
“Damnit, Peter, I don't even have a suit! Or armor! Or anything! I don’t know how to shoot a gun and I certainly don’t know how to throw a shield! I don’t have any super strengths or skills, and I’m only above average level intelligence.” Your fear towards the situation turned into frustration.
“Come on, Y/N, you’re plenty smart. You’re probably one of the fastest thinkers I’ve ever met! But, now’s not really the time to talk about that. We’re in the middle of a situation. Whether you have the serum or not, I need you, ok?” You smiled and nodded back at Peter, receiving a smile and rather fierce nod in response. 
You stared at each other in silence, not knowing how to proceed. 
“OK, so, um, here’s the plan. First, we should go to the training room to see if any gear was left behind. That way, you could have something to defend yourself with and maybe we find a more efficient way we could communicate to replace our phones. Then, you can stay in the training room while I go and get my suit from the lab. Once I have it on, I’ll meet you in the training room and we can decide what to do from there. Sounds good?” 
Ok, Y/N. All you have to do is sit in the training room and stay hidden so you don't die while Peter gets his suit and tries not to die while doing so. Can’t be that hard, right? 
“Ok. Sounds easy enough. But before all this, let’s prop the injured Hydra agent up against the wall and try to stop the bleeding. We can tie off the wound with my sweater.” You looked down to see if the man was still alive, but there was nothing below you except a pool of blood. 
“Shit!” you whisper-shouted.
“He probably heard our entire plan.” Peter said.
“And we should probably get going now, right?”
Peter shot a web to the ceiling, grabbed you by the waist, and softly lowered the two of you to the ground. It’s now or never. You and Peter slurked past the pool of blood and continued down the hallway. 
After a couple minutes of inching your way through the compound, you only had one more corner to turn before the final stretch to the training room began. Peter spun around and shot a big smile at you, followed by two thumbs up.
“See, Y/N?” Peter whisper shouted as he walked backwards into the entrance of the hallway. “And no problems at all! Like literally, Y/N, this couldn’t have been better! Well, I mean of course it could have been better, like wecouldbeinbedrightnowinsteadofsneakingaroundthecompoundinthemiddleofthenight, but anyways we could have d-died but we didn’t and I’m just so glad we’re-” Suddenly Peter was thrown across the room and slammed against a wall by some sort of strange space-manipulator thingy just as he was turning the corner. 
Oh God. 
Peter groaned as he rolled around on the floor, grabbing at his back. You ran over to help him, but a hydra agent grabbed grabbed you by the waist from behind and started dragging you away from your little spider-friend. You squirmed and jolted the best you could, screamed as loud as humanly possible, until finally, you hit him. Your torso twisted around far enough in away that you could deliver a hard blow to his jaw.
Except it was more than a hard blow. 
You sent the guy flying backwards. You couldn't tell if he was passed out on the floor from pain, or he was too embarrassed to get back up. You stared at your fist in shock, and then turned around to Peter, who was now wobbling over to you. 
“Are you ok? How did he just sneak up on us like that? What was that thing he hit you with? Is your back ok?” You said frantically while checking over your shoulder for more Hydra agents.
“I’ll probably be sore for the next couple days, but don’t worry, Y/N. I’ve been hit by harder things.” Peter chuckled and made his way to the training room, peeking through the window for any hydra goons before entering. The two of you speed-walked to the equipment room and shut the door behind you. Safe, for now. 
“You hit that guy really hard, Y/N. I’ve never seen anybody pack a punch with so much force before.” Peter commented as he searched through lockers and cabinets.
“I’ve never seen me pack a punch like that. Well, I’ve never punched anybody before so I’ve never seen myself punch in the first place.. but I read somewhere that people can get like crazy amounts of strength in crisis situations. Like that one guy who lifted a car to save his dog.” You replied, not looking up from the locker you were sifting through. 
“That wasn’t one of those power anomalies people get from adrenaline, Y/N. That was pure strength.” Peter added. You finished looking through the last locker, which you assumed was Wanda’s, and found nothing. 
“Hey, Y/N!” Peter called. “Come over here, I think I found something for you to use.” You hopped over to Peter, who was staring at something in the corner. Steve’s shield greeted you with it’s familiar star and patriotic colors. Peter turned to you with a sly grin on his face.
“Are you sure you don’t have the serum?”
@sataninsatin @markusstraya @tinyclockss @sassyandclassyx
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engnews24h · 5 years
Jan Čurn (Apify): We are downloading a billion pages a month from the web
Eng News 24h Jan Čurn (Apify): We are downloading a billion pages a month from the web
Apify is a young Czech company that based its business on providing a platform for downloading and structuring web data. Its turnover last year exceeded $ 1.5 million, has 30 employees with 25 of them being programmers, and is used by around 300 customers worldwide.
Although the company was doing well last year, it also plans to raise capital from venture capitalists this year to further scale the business worth millions of dollars.
How did you actually think of building your business purely on data collection from the web?
The idea originated years ago at Matfyz, when we found out, in a completely different (AI / ML) project, how difficult the data from the machine web is to read. It was a project of automated download of used car data. Here we realized that the quality of automated downloads is often so low that it would be worth developing a project that chooses exactly the opposite procedure, where the need for manual setup is not a bug, but a major advantage.
Today, we can confidently say that we are working to open up web data to the world. On the one hand, there is the indisputable fact that most of the information is very difficult to read on the web. On the other hand, we are convinced that it is often a pity to work with this data. If you have to, or want to work with, a lot of web data, collecting and structuring it is basically just a slave that robots can do better for you, and you can use the saved time and creative potential for something more useful.
Specifically, it looks like we have our own platform for web scraping and web automation, where you can automate virtually any conceivable process that you can manually perform in a web browser (downloading and structuring data, viewing product catalogs, automating forms, uploading files , invoices). The platform itself is very general and can be used on virtually anything – from data extraction, emailing to data transformations. Data is downloaded in a structured form (typically in the form of a table), based on the categorization that the customer initially enters.
The big advantage is that if you have page data divided into specific attributes, you can easily work with them. You can easily perform further analysis on them, you can monitor the competition, prices and composition of e-shop products etc. These scenarios are almost unlimited and it depends only on your imagination, what you use them for.
Who actually uses such services on your platform?
This is a huge heterogeneous range of subjects from around the world. We use garage start-ups, state administration and huge corporations. As for the use cases themselves, they range from checking court files in Argentina to monitoring and comparing used car offers in Europe or real estate offers to monitoring e-shops in the Czech Republic.
Again, it is not an exhaustive list, sometimes we are surprised when a customer comes to us with an idea that has not yet occurred to us in the context of date scraping. For example, we use the US nonprofit Thorn, which aggregates data from various messy servers and erotic services to help find lost children and detect sexual abuse of minors.
What are the most common recurring scenarios?
The most common way to use the Apify platform is to download products and offers from e-shops, ie classic e-commerce, it is also popular to aggregate property offers or monitor competition. But we also use banks and credit card issuers in compliance. Often, they need to have proof for regulators that their product pages at that time looked so and so and met the legal requirements. Similarly, we are used by customers who need to check that Internet ads are displaying correctly (at a given time and place).
For example, does a ticket comparator use you?
In general, for data scraping, this is one of the popular use times I've forgotten a bit. As far as I know, we have some customers who use us this way, but in general we don't see all the customers doing on our platform. We have two types of customers, one coming and wanting a turnkey service, where we have a pretty good overview of what they are using our service for. The others use us purely as a platform and set everything up by themselves, we don't see into their business there.
Is there any other interesting use you haven't mentioned?
An interesting use time that I did not mention is still machine learning. For machine learning, you need a huge amount of data to begin learning the algorithm. If you are not Google or Facebook, you may have trouble accessing such datasets at the beginning, but at the same time they are at your fingertips on the web. We have more customers who use us just for downloading datasets, for example Google Images can be pretty well aggregated in this way, or various catalogs.
Another frequently used use time is also aggregation of Google search results. This is useful, for example, for analyzing how different search phrases are performing. Because Google itself (intentionally) does not provide an API for results, so we successfully substitute this feature.
How does Google respond to this activity? I suppose he probably doesn't like automated queries.
It is true that Google is trying to partially limit it, but some e-shops, for example, block data scraping efforts much more strictly. Basically, Google does just that if you override the number of queries from a single IP address (the limit is about 300 queries per day), it will show you a captcha, which is an easily bypassed problem. Maybe it is because they themselves scrape data from across the web, and a different approach would be quite hypocritical.
So you have purchased tens of thousands of IPv4 addresses that you shoot?
Exactly, we buy the addresses we rotate and sell a large part of them to our clients. We use two kinds of IP addresses – datacenters, which we have in the order of thousands, are relatively cheap and fast, but they are suitable only for specific purposes. We mainly use residential addresses for downloading.
The problem with data center addresses is that they are quite easy to detect and block. An alternative is therefore to rent user IP addresses. It's actually a legal botnet. The way it works is that there are services that lease user IP addresses and you then download them directly through their computers through a proxy server. You can obtain IP addresses from a specific city or state if needed. Addresses are obtained quite legally, people most often exchange access for a “free” VPN connection, download a free game, or directly pay for renting an IP address (these are units of dollars per month).
Does the fast growing cost of IPv4 addresses interfere with your business model?
I think they are still relatively accessible for our needs, so not yet. Officially, the addresses have run out, but there are still a large number of companies that historically own huge blocks of addresses that they like to get rid of or lease. This created a relatively self-sufficient free market.
Returning to artificial intelligence, how do you see the real possibility of using AI and ML in data scraping?
At present, machine learning in data scraping can be used effectively only in a very small percentage of relatively well structured data cases. ML may also be able to help you set up your robot today, but it still has to be checked by a living person.
But we are not giving up on this idea, we even have one project on Matfyz to use AI for automatic data extraction, so we will see.
When I pause for a while on those non-profit projects, how did the idea come about? Shopkeepercame from you or TopMonks?
Originally, the idea appeared two years ago at the hackathon Datafestťák in Hradec Králové. There my colleague met Jakub Balada and the guys from TopMonks and Keboola and thought that a similar project could be done as a browser extension. Ideally, each of us could bring our added value to the project, we were able to collect data, TopMonks have a wealth of experience in creating extensions, and Keboola knows how to work with data well.
However, we did not invent the project entirely on a green field, we had previously provided a report with data analysis from Black Friday, which started the whole idea in the form of extensions to the browser. As the project gained in popularity, we started to devote a little more to it, the website was created, the number of e-shops was gradually expanding and so on. Today it is our heart matter.
But it's not your only nonprofit project, can you bring them all closer?
Another, relatively young issue is cooperation with Michal Bláha on State guardsfor which we are scrapping, for example, data from Facebook with comments from politicians for later analysis of sentiment. For the State Watcher, we have also been downloading documents from the councils' sites that do not provide their data in the form of API for some time.
As Shopkeeper gained popularity, the biggest e-commerce players resigned and started sending data themselves instead of throwing sticks. But not everywhere the approach was so helpful, I know, so there was a pre-trial challenge, can you say something more?
I hate to blur it, but one e-shop was very hard to bear and we solved it by stopping downloading the data. However, it was the only one of the big ones with a turnover of over a billion, the others take it much more sportingly and send us the data themselves, precisely to avoid inaccuracies in downloading.
Can you be a little more specific, was it Notino?
I do not want to comment, but you can see which of the big e-shops are missing there, and it will be clear. Anyway, it is a non-profit project and it is difficult to accuse us of some evil will or that we are drawing attention to cheating others to enrich ourselves.
No, but it can be challenged if the downloaded data is inaccurate.
This is a thing that can happen (for example, if the product name is poorly mapped), but if it happened, we were always very sorry and we were dealing with it very quickly.
How much do companies today resist scraping their data from the web?
This is happening, but the pre-trial challenge is already a bit extreme, mostly using technical means such as blocking IP addresses with too many queries, captchy or browser fingerprinting (in order to recognize the browser user from the robot). In general, however, in the US, for example, the trend of web scraping is rather to resign and take it as a normal part of web life. US courts even ordered LinkedInn last yearto allow hiQ Labs to perform data scraping because network users have provided their data in the belief that it will be public.
Is there any part of web scraping that you already consider to be an edge, such as collecting email addresses?
We have the terms of the service that it is not possible to use it for any illegal activities, but it is up to everyone who uses the service. One of the things that is already behind us is also creating false accounts for various services just to gain access to their data. But what is publicly available on the web is, in our opinion, free to download.
Finally, some numbers, how many pages and how much data do you download from the web per month?
Our volume of downloaded and transferred data is about 3.3 petabytes (3315TB) in 2019, we have downloaded an estimated 11 billion pages, but the number is growing fast, we are currently downloading about 1 billion pages per month (hundreds of TB).
Are you working to optimize this volume?
We work on many levels, but that would be a separate interview. Our whole system runs over Amazon Web Services, which has no technical problem with large data volumes, but it can also be nicely priced, so we are constantly optimizing and paying for data transfer is one of our biggest infrastructure costs. We use AWS because a large part of our customers are from the US and we generally need excellent connectivity from all parts of the world.
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Have you ever thought about switching to Google Cloud?
Yes, but that huge amount of data locks us up a bit with the current vendor. If this ever happened, we would have to migrate all data at once, otherwise we would not pay.
Source: lupa.cz
Eng News 24h Jan Čurn (Apify): We are downloading a billion pages a month from the web
from WordPress https://ift.tt/37PsQdG via IFTTT
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realfinemood · 7 years
I know people are on their like second or third playthroughs already but whatever I am apparently very slow okay. 
All of Kadara, Vetra’s loyalty mission, and a couple sidequests below:
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Kadara is the first planet I’ve gotten 100% on. Mostly because I tried as hard as I could to get everything done in one go because a) it seems to take so much longer to get anywhere on Kadara (seriously why is there no option to just go straight to the badlands??) and b) Gwendolyn Ryder hates this planet so freaking much. She’s so tired of being told “you weren’t there” because she cannot imagine how terrible the Nexus could’ve possibly have been that this hellhole of a planet seems like a better option. Everyone is terrible. Oh that guy that seems like a decent fellow just trying to help people, also he created the drug that everyone’s getting stoned on. Oh that guy who seems to be doing a decent job of giving people shelter, actually he murdered a bunch of Angarans over water filters, plus they were assholes price gauging starving people anyways. There’s people mind-controlling people. There’s people eating people. The freaking water kills you. She just wants off this damn planet as soon as humanly possible.
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Reyes, I am so sorry. You seem like a like a lovely yet shady as fuck dude, and I promise (hopefully after they “adjust” m/m romances) that there is a guyRyder romance in your future, but Gwendolyn just has zero fucks to give him. Maybe if it had been on any other planet it would’ve been different. The charm just did not work on her and quite honestly IDK why he even bothered with it after a point cause she quite blatantly didn’t care (I may have punched him as a distraction whoops). Sharing a drink was nice though, and she was pretty surprised by the honesty there.
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Which is why she was seriously pissed off by the Charlatan reveal. (I assumed from the get-go but Ryder was honestly surprised by the whole thing, she never expected to ever even find out who it was.) There was no love lost between her and Sloane, and she would’ve been fine if the duel had ended with Reyes’ winning. But since some people have no sense of fucking honor, she not only saved Sloane, but attempted to shoot Reyes as he ran away. 
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That certainly will not come back to bite her in the ass, nope. (Due to misunderstanding on where the mission took place, I ended up finding the collective base after the fact. Which made her even more okay with her decision - even if the outcasts are terrible it’s not like the collective weren’t terrible either. Will have to find that beforehand next go around. Maybe people will actually be alive then…)
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But anyways, her mutual hate-on with Sloane turned into a mutual dislike but grudging respect, ala Aria, so there’s that. I shot down Sloane’s deal in the first convo so I feel like I didn’t see very much of her this playthrough? I’m definitely reading Nexus Uprising beforehand, so who knows, maybe I’ll be 100% on her side next time. (I do expect to see all of the dark!Shakarian AU based on her and Kaetus though because seriously.)
Also, an actual thing that happened when I realized I’d gotten 100%:
Me: Gee, it’s weird that I’m at 100% and there’s been no surprise Architect. Guess they just don’t have one on this planet.
Game: Hey one last thing, can you go find out what happened to this random dude who supposedly went after some giant beast?
Me: Sure I guess, sounds easy.
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Me: I don’t know what I expected.
Vetra’s loyalty mission
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First to get it out of the way - considering I’m still on like part 17b of Drack/Cora/Peebee’s loyalty missions, the fact that Vetra’s is “here you go, this is the mission!” was a little disappointing. But then again it works with the fact that Vetra would have no idea what was going on anyways.
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Ryder thinks Vetra is amazing, so of course she believed she was just being modest about the whole thing, right up until “Vetra” started talking. It seemed obvious at that point that it was Sid, so I’m glad they had Vetra catch on pretty quick about it. I liked the not-really-stealthy stealth prison break and Sid’s realization that “wow actually your job kinda sucks”. Ryder supported Vetra’s judgement for most of the run, though she did fall back on “she’s your sister” when asked if Sid should help - that ain’t Ryder’s call to make. Sid didn’t leave the mission particularly thrilled, but Ryder probably would’ve said the same things had it been Scott. Back on the ship she did point out that not telling Sid about everything probably doesn’t help. And flirted with her some more because goddamnit I will get this romance to start if it’s the last thing I do, which it certainly seems to be likely at this point.
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I do wonder why Sid and Vetra have different markings though. I know family markings aren’t canon and are a fanon thing, but surely they’d have the same colony ones? Then again there’s a ton of barefaced Turians which is weird too.
Life on the Frontier / Little Things That Matter missions
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After that it was some sidemissions, which turned into Addison’s Shitty Decisions hour. I did Sid’s Life on the Frontier mission, because she at least went about it properly this time. After some searching around it turns out, surprise, Addison massively fucked up, armed people that hate the Nexus, and caused Initiative ships to be attacked. I sided with Sid because what the fuck Addison, you did this because you didn’t think Ryder could do her job, what about our relationship suggests that she’s going to hide your fuck ups?
And while I was doing that mission, I found something pinging me and then found a satellite that exploded in my face. Turns out, Addison went behind Tann’s back which resulted in a massive security issue because of course it did. And more people that were in charge of the Nexus hightailed it out! What the hell man. Searching some more and hey, it’s all because the doctor super wanted a baby. And that apparently changes everything because… ???
What the actual fuck is with this game and babies? Gil’s “friend” Jill is bad enough, but who sees the Nexus struggling to survive and decides, “yes, this is totally the time to add more mouths to feed”?? Of course they didn’t have a plan for when they were going to take everyone off contraception, they didn’t have a plan for how to keep people from starving! I do not give a shit that she’s the first pregnant human in Andromeda, she’s stealing vital supplies all because she couldn’t handle waiting to have a baby?? What the actual fuck.
Ryder Family Secrets
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That one’s on hold until I get the last outpost up, so I went and checked some more memories with SAM. Hi mom! Hi bro! Nice to see you out of a coma for a change!
So the mysterious benefactor is TIM, right?? Who else a) knew and believed the Reapers were coming, b) had enough money to throw away on the project, and c) would be fine completely ignoring the Milky Way’s history of AIs to finance a more invasive one. It would also explain the clearly shitty vetting job the Initiative did on its people (as well as why exactly they have the top secret Normandy plans). Still holding out hope that Cora’s last name isn’t a red herring as well.
Other random things
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Peebee and Ryder still aren’t the best of friends, but her shiny drone present has gone a long way in getting them there. Her name is Viv the VI and she’s adorable. She replaced Spot, Ryder’s assault turret, and joins Droney the combat drone in her robot army. 
I have decided I am terrible at crafting. I have tried multiple times to craft a weapon, and each time it seems way less powerful than a premade one at a lesser level. So I bought a damn Black Widow VI and am sticking with it. (Seriously, 90% of the time I forget the fact that I also have a pistol equipped, even if it means abusing the sniper rifle by using it as a shotgun.)
Also can I just say, this story from Jaal might be my favorite email so far:
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dantelaw21 · 4 years
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 299
Click on the video above to watch Episode 299 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
All right, welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. This is Episode 299. We’re one away from big Episode 300. I’m gonna call this episode where everyone is getting old and wearing glasses except Chris. I just realized all of us are now wearing glasses except Chris. Yeah, well, you guys spending too much time in front of your computers. There we go. Yeah, gotta change it around. This is the year we try to get ourselves off to the computer. So anyways, welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. We’re gonna say hi, real quick catch up with everybody. And then we got a couple quick announcements before diving into the questions. So I’ll start on the bottom here since it’s cloudy weather element Marco. How you doing today? I have my lights on. That’s why it looks so bright. Yeah, it’s raining. It’s supposed to be raining. So finally got me with the lights on. But I can’t complain this nice a warm, actually. I’m kind of trying to hide trying to blend into the background. So Google doesn’t see me.
It’s all good man. I’m gonna
Having a good time.
Outstanding All right. Well, let’s work our way around. Hernan you got those new glasses what’s going on with you?
Yeah, man, I’m just trying to trying to blend in. I got I got glasses and now you got glasses. I mean yeah man we get rid of this and have a beard and growing a beard. Damn it. You’re doing the 50 K I might do the 50 now, so good man these are blue light blocking glasses, you know? Because there’s one this one guy show me one this really nerdy yellow like super like
orangey glasses and they make you look stupid. I know I won’t be wearing next week.
Yeah, do you don’t think the big square bc birth control glasses make you look stupid though right now, man. No, I can’t I can talk like this. Nobody will.
But a lady repellent. Yeah, exactly. say wait a second. Are you wearing those or are you being forced to wear this?
What this one glasses. Yeah, I’m just kidding.
You look good. I was just wondering maybe you’re making you know this light and blue light blue light blocking. I’m still confused. Why are you wearing blue light blocking glasses in the middle of the day or now? Yeah, well, it’s time. 5pm So, five 6pm So, all right. Well, before we tell everyone all about our AI problems, let’s see Chris, how you doing today? Man? Doing good, man. I hit the gym for like, I don’t know, like after another two week break for the first time again. Sore all over again. Hit the leg so hard. So yeah, like, I’m pretty sure you’re gonna feel the same way. Next week?
Yes, definitely. Yeah, I’m headed out. Taking a couple of weeks and hitting the road literally going to be gone for a couple of weeks and doing some trail running. So for those of you in the northwest, you know what mountain trail was? Yeah. We’re going to be doing a run around Mount St. Helens, as well as doing some visiting up there. Go to some campgrounds and stuff. So, Bradley, how about you? How are things on the East Coast today. Good. Happy to be here I’ve been trying to
do I’ve got a bunch of lead gen projects I’m working on. And so I’m trying to spend as much time on those as possible. But I’ve had a really good month in real estate flipping land and I’ve got a lot of deals coming in right now. So it’s kind of hard because I’m, I’m conflicted, the real estate money is really damn good. So I have to do I have to pursue that when it comes in. But at the same time, I’ve got other projects I’m trying to work on. So it’s kind of difficult balancing right now, but I’m happy to be here and got a lot of stuff coming up. So that’s the end. Well, we got a few things I want to mention to everybody real quick. First of all, is kofu. Live as we’ve been saying that is still on, we got a lot of cool,
cool stuff we’re going to be talking about. You can find out more about that at Boku live.com not just the cool stuff, but also what you can get. So head over there, check out the VIP ticket, I highly recommend it. We have priced it accordingly. We really want people to grab the VIP ticket and get
The most out of this. But if you want, you can grab the VIP plus as well and get some one on one time with us, which if you were going to book that separately, I mean, we know roughly what each other charge but I didn’t sit down and like calculate it out, but it’s a hell of a deal. So if that’s something you want to take advantage of, go grab one of those. There are limited number of those because we can’t just sit around talking to everybody all day. Unfortunately, we do have our own businesses and agencies to run. So go and check those out. We got some more information coming out later in August about the guest speakers and exactly what they’re going to be covering. But we got some great stuff. Jeffrey Smith is going to be joining us again and we’ve got two more agency owners along with Rob Beal and dedhia is going to be giving a case study to so tons of stuff and more. More to come. So again, poku live.com. Now, something else I want to talk about and Bradley, maybe you can share some info. I just got the link to this. You’re going to be talking with Jeremy from Press Advantage on Monday. Correct.
Yes, Monday at 3:30pm.
We’ve got another webinar with Jeremy, one of the CO owners of Press Advantage, which is the press release service that we’ve been using. I mean, primarily for several years now I’ve been with Press Advantage for six since. They’ve pretty much since they launched, so five or six years, maybe even longer than that. But anyways, he only opens up the subscription offers that he’s done for us. Rarely, let’s put it that way. Very rarely does he open up those subscription offers. And he’s, um, he’s prepared or planning to do that again next week. There are some new features that are been rolling out for Press Advantage and it’s just a good time to do so. And we’ve been asking him to open that back up again for some time. So he’s, he’s actually doing that for us next Monday at 3:30pm. So be on the lookout for the link. If you don’t, if Adam doesn’t post it here, you’ll get it via email plus in the groups and sign up for that any of you that are using press releases consistently for your marketing, whether it’s for clients or your own projects, we highly recommend them. They work incredibly well. I use them a lot. And so if you’re doing a lot of them, it’s probably best in your best interest to have your own subscription. And next week’s a good time to get it. So be there. Definitely, yeah, so that’ll be Monday. 3pm Eastern, and I thought will be Say that again. I believe it’s 330 Let me double-check. No, it’s 3 pm. I’m sorry. Yes. 3pm. Okay, so 3pm Eastern, and we will be sending out an email about that. I did just post the link. So stay tuned for that. But if you are interested in what press releases can do for you, then I highly suggest showing up plus Jeremy like Bradley said it’s gonna have a very special offer going with that. Yeah, real quick, guys. If anybody you know, before you even go on the webinar for that if, if you want to see how to use press releases in a way that just works incredibly well. Just go to our YouTube channel and search for press release SEO, and you’ll find
The webinar that we did, it’s also at MGYB. If you look in the webinar section on MGYB, the store, you’ll see that there’s we did a Marco and I did a webinar about how we use press releases and PR silo stacking. So essentially siloing press releases together. And it works really, really well. And I would highly recommend it if you’re on the fence or considering getting your own press release subscription that you go watch that webinar first so that you have an idea of how powerful they are and how to use them the best way. Definitely, will Bradley beat me to it. I was going to say speaking of MGYB and a lot of you guys took advantage of the awesome Fourth of July sale we had last month. There’s still some good stuff going on. If you had some updates coming so go check out mg y v.co for your done for you services. But yeah, as Bradley said up there, you’ll see the little webinar button click on that. And then there’s a bunch of the best practices webinars which is just basically free, great training information. So go check those out. So here’s a bit of something Why don’t we bundle the Press Advantage offer with Local PR Pro I’m just throwing it out there we don’t have to decide right now but I mean it just it goes hand in hand let’s let’s work it out and make them an offer they can’t refuse so they get results right away the way we do that. And one more thing before we go I don’t want to set any hard dates because it’s a work in progress. But there’s something coming for Syndication Academy. Yeah, look new flavor.
We’re working on it. We’re working on it guys. Let’s say sometime towards the fourth quarter of the year sometime. Look for it. It revamped updated when I bought properties. I don’t know how you can make the best better but we are.
Yeah, yes. Yeah. And I was gonna say I was gonna turn into t test I’ll keep this one short because we can’t really say much about it. But yeah, the webinar go get signed up for that. Keep your eyes and ears peeled about Syndication Academy and Bradley’s going to be doing some testing for some additional link building based stuff. And we’ll just leave it at that for now and say that, should that go? Well, that’s definitely something we’ll be letting everyone know about. Yep.
Cool. All right, guys. Anything else before we dive in? We’re good. All right. Let’s do it. Grab the screen.
You guys are seeing my screen correct?
Yep. So yeah, right.
What Phone Number To Use When Setting Up The GMB For A Local Lead Gen Site?
jump right into it. So olana says, Hi guys. Setting up a local lead gen site. Haven’t got a phone number for it yet. Would you wait until after you have the number to set up the GMB? Yes, I think you have to actually you have to have a phone number. As far as I remember. I haven’t set up a GMB in quite some time, but I’m pretty sure you have to have a phone number. Also, which of the following Do you use for lead gen an 800 number, a one 300 number. I’ve never even heard of that mobile or local landline with a reader.
I prefer using call rail. I still use call rail. I’ve used call fire in the past and I’ve got a ton of numbers in call fire comm that I would like to port over to call rail is a better platform. It gives you a ton more features. It’s inexpensive, but it takes it’s a long process of porting numbers. So I just have two accounts. I’ve got call firing call rail. I prefer using call rail. Again, I use call rail for several of my lead gen assets as well as my own real estate business. Because I use a lot of phone numbers for tracking marketing purposes and stuff. But I really, really like call rail. Does anybody else have any suggestions?
Call rail. I can’t say anything else. It’s what I use. Yeah. And no, not an 800 number. All right. So if you’re going to work local, which your car it no matter where you go, you don’t want that 800 number you want that local number you want people kind of like that local numbers I’ve seen better results with a local number than an ad hundred number unless you’re widely known for having that 800 number. Does that make sense? Or did I lose everybody? So 100 works when you’re widely known like like, something like roto rooter, let’s say or plumbers nine one, that kind of thing. But if you’re local and you want people to you to want to create that familiarity it really helps to have that local number.
Yes, I agree. I use answerconnect.com to send phone calls into a call center so that the phone always gets answered. It screens the calls there’s a ton of benefits for using a call center. And I have been since 2013, the same account, answer Connect comm I really can’t say enough good things about them. And so they give you an 800 number but you can forward or redirect local numbers to the 800 number which is what I do. That way. You know, I can have multiple lead gen assets all funneling into that with their own separate local numbers, but all funneling into the same call center if it’s for the same service provider, essentially.
But there’s a lot of really cool things. And by the way, guys, I’m working on a lot of lead gen stuff right now, and I’ve got some case studies I’m working on that I’ll be making public, not just within our groups. And I’ve also got some things that I’m going to be introducing to everybody when I do make that case studies public that I think will help a lot of you with your lead gen business. I can’t really talk much about it right now, but I just kind of wanted to tease it. So there you go.
How To Generate Quality Content For A Niche Blog If You Don’t Like Writing?
The next question is, Hey, guys, I want to set up a niche blog, but I don’t like writing How can I generate the quality content myself for my niche blog? Will the generated content be good enough for niche blogging? Thanks, Content Kingpin.
When I first started in SEO and local lead gen way back in, you know, 2010 timeframe. I was actually doing blog posts. Right after, I’d kind of developed the Syndication Academy method, and because it was just working like crazy good, I knew that blogging was going to be the way to populate the networks and get results. And so I was actually blogging for industries that I knew nothing about. I was actually writing the posts myself. And it was incredibly time-consuming. And it’s frustrating because I had to learn a lot about the businesses and the topics and such. And I, fortunately, I got introduced to content curating, and I don’t remember who introduced me to it or whatever, but I kind of started reading about it. And then I bought a couple of courses about content curating, and some plugins and all kinds of stuff. And I started curating content and I got much more efficient at generating content. And he also I didn’t have to know as much about a topic because you can just find subject matter, you know, find articles on the web or content. It doesn’t have to be articles. It can be podcasts, videos, infographics, slide presentations, it could be a number of things that are based around the topic that you are writing about that are written by or produce the contents produced by subject matter experts or SMEs. And you can get really good and really efficient at producing content by just being able to find and locate content developed or produced by subject matter experts. And then curating it and creating a unique post based upon using, you know, snippets of content from the subject matter experts, it’s already been published. So that’s, you know, been my preferred method. And I was actually doing that on my own. I use some tools and some plugins at the time. But once my business got to a certain level, it was just way too time-consuming. Even with using curated content, I was too time-consuming for me to produce it myself. So I developed training and hired a virtual assistant and handed it over to them and she’s still with me today. By the way, her name is Esther she’s still my primary number one blogger that works for me right now.
But anyway, long story short, I ended up training multiple virtual assistants or bloggers or curators as what they are really, with that training. So I kind of polished it up a bit. And that’s what Content Kingpin is, which is one of our training courses. And it’s the same process that my bloggers all use today, I talked about a couple of tools, but we still primarily do everything manually. Just using like a like Feedly. For example, to the group and categorize content feeds that we know like and trust that then we can use to all So a quick glimpse my bloggers go in for whenever they’ve got to produce or publish a post, they’ll go in and just look at Feedly select that particular category or folder for the project that they’re working on. And it will show all the content that’s available than the recent content that’s available around that particular topic. And then they can choose a topic to blog about to curate a post about and then pick and choose a few articles that will either reinforce that the idea that they’re trying to convey with their posts, or sometimes they’ll do like argumentative posts where they’ll try to show in a different opinion from what perhaps others are saying. So they’ll show two sides of the coin, if that makes sense, as two different competing opinions about the same topic anyway, it’s great, it works incredibly well, it also creates co-citation. And so we highly recommend you check out Content Kingpin, it’s one of the best ways to do it. Not only that but if you were to use that site type of the system, the Content Kingpin method, then you can get away from doing it yourself. So you don’t have to publish I mean, I would learn it first. You know, learn it and understand how to do it first, but then you can actually put a virtual assistant that you hire through the course and have them do it for you, and you can kind of just managing and guide them until they get up to your standards. But that’s the best way to do it. Guys. I call it hands-free content marketing and it’s a great revenue source too because it really is simple.
Once you understand the topic concept is really, really good to anybody want to comment on that Content Kingpin doesn’t get enough credit for does what it does. People don’t understand it, I think because they get all the all this different information about unique content and duplicate content and all this bullshit that’s out there. That’s nothing. Really if it were so places like Huffington Post’s would not exist. Google News would not exist unless curated content was okay. But not only Okay, whether it was good I’d be how much traffic does it get Bing, Yahoo. All they do all day long is republish story. Huffington Post is a collection of republish story that all it is and all you’re doing with Content Kingpin is republishing the story. You’re summarizing them right taking power, whatever it is that you do it. And you’re adding your own commentary and proper attribution and it’s a done deal. I mean, it’s so simple. And yet people try to make it so much more difficult than it really should be. But yeah, totally Content Kingpin for the win. You know, and it’s interesting. I’ve just pulled this up because I did this and if you guys remember masterclass, we had a, we had a kind of a middle-tier webinar coaching program that we had called masterclass for a number of years. And I did this as a local case study, Gainesville home pros, and I’ve never done anything with it since I think that was back in 2015. Oh, look at that. It says account suspended. That’s interesting. That’s one of my Okay, well, anyway, I would sure like to show you that blog because that was curated content, the same method. My blogger Esther, who was the first one I trained using that method, produced all the content on that site using curated content, and they were beautiful posts and unfortunately, it looks like that account has been that hosting account perhaps has been suspended. I have done anything with it years. But I would like to show you guys some examples of that. But I don’t have anything that I can show you right now off the top of my head. But anyway, it’s it works really, really well the posts come out beautiful if you do it right. I would highly recommend going through Content Kingpin.
No, because there are a few things that you have to do in order to not infringe on copyright. So for example, you don’t want to curate images that can get you into trouble, asked me how I know.
Because you’ll get extortion letters from like Getty Images and other you know, asshole law firms out there that are just looking for people that have republished images without copyright, without rights to it. So there’s like a lot of things. There’s not a lot of things, but there are a few things that you really should do to make sure that you’re covering your ass when you’re curating content. So again, I highly recommend you go through the product, it’s through that program. It’s a really, really good program. It’s the same that we use today. You know, there are a lot of tools out there that can help you to manage content curating, but we’ve already.
He’s found that it really just is just as quick and easy because what happens with a lot of these tools is they stop being supported over time. We know one of them was Curation Suite that we actually promoted. And fortunately after promoting it, and after a year or so, like the support just stopped and it kind of fell off the face of the earth. The same thing with a bunch of curating plugins that I’ve used over the years, they just eventually fall off the market and they just don’t get supported. So we’ve learned to just stick with the manual process and it’s you know, once somebody becomes efficient with that process is really is a very efficient way to produce content. So you don’t need all the additional tools and plugins and things like that. So that’s why I recommend that product because it’s a Content Kingpin because it will teach you how to do it manually and then you can teach a VA how to do it by just putting them right through the same training. It’s a great question though.
What Training Do You Offer In The MasterMind That You Can’t Get In The Syndication Academy?
Jason says I’m currently in the Syndication Academy 2.0 and I was wanting to know all of the different features and benefits in the mastermind that you don’t get in the Academy. Is this all of these different training you offer in the mastermind if I joined the mastermind, can I get a discount for the cost of the academy? Okay, so first of all the mastermind you have direct access to my partners and me, as well as all the other members of the group, which we have a lot of really savvy marketers and agency owners and CEOs and such in our group. But you also have direct access to all of us to where you can ask us questions in the Facebook group at any time. We’re in there answering questions often. Plus, we each host our own separate webinars inside the mastermind. They’re bi-weekly webinars. So every two weeks each one of us hosts our own webinar. So you get to come to ask us questions at length during the webinars. Like you can post questions ahead of time for the webinars, we’ll do site audits, we’ll you know, look at your, your SEO, your you know, on-page stuff off-page stuff, we’ll help you with projects if you need it. Plus, as I said, you get to you know, come to ask me stuff, or Marco stuff or Adam, or Hernan or Chris any one of us. So there’s a lot of benefits in there that we don’t provide anywhere else we’ll go as deep into, whatever subject you want to go into, you know, and that’s one of the things that we can’t do on a free setting like this or any in any of our other groups. So the mastermind is definitely where you want to be if you want to get all that, as well as Syndication Academy is included in that. So you can cancel your Syndication Academy account if you join the mastermind because it’s included in that as well as all of our products under $300. Anything over $300 you get a significant discount. So there’s a ton of benefits to be in the mastermind. Anybody else wanna?
Yeah, I would just say Jason, if you just started Syndication Academy, if you’re just getting into it, then contact support and we’ll refund whatever you paid for Syndication Academy and you can or you can apply it towards them. However, you want to work that out, we’ll work it out for you. We always do. Why because membership has its privileges. So that’s why we do things the way we do and yes, I mean, above all else is this group of people like-minded people who are working towards what we call POFU position of Fuck you, where you have the kind of power and money where you can pick and choose your clients, your clients come to you instead of you going knocking on doors on $500 clients who are a pain in the ass. So rather than doing all that you getting all you get all of this training, you get the mindset training, you get the how-to get all of the collective knowledge, and then you have five, almost six years of webinars. Now some of them of course are dated, but we do we’re not doing webinars every week. It’s either Bradley or me like we take every other Thursday. You got Hernan, you got Adam. Yeah, Chris, everyone is giving you their perspective and their take on things so you get all of these different points of view, all of this all of these different experiences coming to you and helping you in whatever it is that you’re trying to do whatever it is that you’re trying to achieve. So it’s not just what you get as far as training. It’s the people and the relationships, the networking that you can do inside the mastermind like I know people who are working together in different projects, and we tell people to become the big fish in a little pond. But then some of them go on to and I’m gonna mention his name, for example, to dominate in the Fort Worth area. And you got another one in Minneapolis, St. Paul, the Twin Cities you got someone in the Dirty South, right South Carolina, Georgia area, who are Domini who may have started as the big fish in the little pile or becomes the little fish in the big fish in the little pond. But then they move to a bigger pond. So that we’re always pushing. We’re always encouraging people. That growth means you go to make more money until you reach a stepping point where you say, Okay, I met, hopefully, this is where I want to be, this is how I want to do it. And if I choose not to work tomorrow, I can do that because the process and the systems and everything else that I’ve gained through being in the mastermind, will take care of me not being it, the system is there, so I don’t have to be there. And I mean, just the way that this happened and how this happened, and how people finally are able to step away and say, Man, I can spend time with my family and I can relax and I can do the things I want to do, rather than having to do the things that I have to do things that I must with no other choice. So I think that that’s just one of the greater things about the mastermind is that mindset that awful, you’re going after that poof hopefully you get on that path. And it’s it becomes your magnificent obsession. I thank you CTF letcher for that. But it becomes your magnificent obsession. You’re going after that and there is nothing that can get in your way of achieving that powerful, that’s when you know that you’re there. And that’s what we’re there for. So, just because you brought up CT, and we don’t have a lot of questions, so I know we got time when we did the interview with CT Fletcher, I’ve created this text document. It’s been on my desktop ever since. And hopefully, nobody gets offended because CT Fletcher likes to cuss a lot. Say but here’s a lot of here are the quotes that struck me when we were at when we really were Marco interviewing him. I was on the webinar, but it was really Marco interviewing CT Fletcher, who’s a powerlifter. He broke a ton of records for a while. But anyway, some of these are really funny. I’m not gonna read them out to you, but you remember these Marco? Absolutely. I love them so awesome. I still watch them. Will will is king. Yeah, man. Oh, man. Oh, man. He’s so good. You ain’t pretty motherfucker. Yeah, you ain’t that birdie.
So funny. I mean, that one right there cracks me up too. I laughed out loud. Anyways, I just thought that was funny because I happen to notice it on my desktop the other day and I giggled about it. You just brought it up.
Would You Recommend A Subdirectory Or Subfolder On The Same Domain When Creating The Blog?
So anyway, Jason, next question says, Hey, guys, I have an e-commerce website using WordPress with WooCommerce. Would you recommend a subdirectory? Or folder on the same domain and load a new WordPress and create a blog? Yes, that’s what we’ve always recommended. I mean, I don’t do any e-commerce stuff. But I mean, in the past, I have done some SEO for some e-commerce clients. But it’s not something I’d like to do. So I got out of doing it, but we’ve always recommended it. So do you have control over like essentially a content distribution engine, right, and that’s WordPress is great for that? So you can either put it in a subfolder or directory of the root domain or what we always recommended was to put it in a subdomain instead. And that’s because a subdomain is still treated as content have a separate web entity or separate site, I should say, a separate website than the root domain. So that if you’re in your content distribution, you do something spammy, which if you follow our methods, you won’t have any trouble, at least, we, you know, as it stands right now, but Google could change everything in a moment’s notice. But we’ve never had any issues. But if you put in a subdomain, and you were doing something spammy or something, Google changed its rules, all of a sudden, and something became spammy, they wouldn’t affect the root domain, which is where your e-commerce site resides, it would affect the subdomain only. So we always prefer, like, you know, you could put blog as a subdomain to whatever your domain is, or whatever you want it to be news or something like that. And that’s what we prefer to do. But you could put it in a subdirectory. But yeah, that gives you the opportunity then to do all your content marketing. Remember, if you’ve got an e-commerce site, and you’ve got product categories, for example, you can mirror those same categories. We talked about theme mirroring all the time.
If you don’t know what that is, you know, it’s essentially duplicating or mirroring your site structure on other assets. So you have if you have product categories in your eCommerce site, you could mirror those same categories as content categories, or you know, in WordPress, just categories are the same. You could title them and everything the same as what they are on your eCommerce site. And then you can publish posts, blog posts, or sporting posts. That’s kind of a link building method that in place them within those particular silos or categories in the WordPress site, distribute them out to a syndication network, mirror, all of that stuff on a G site, and our ys drive stack, press releases, all that kind of stuff. You mirror all of that together, and it works really, really well to push power to your, you know, your ultimate destination, which would be your e-commerce product pages. So you want to comment on that. Yeah, we used to recommend going to a subdomain because we wanted to protect the root cause we were doing. let’s admit it, we were doing a lot of evil stuff yes to the subdomains, we were blasting them to the point where if we had them connected to the route, any penalty would pass to the root. What we’ve done is we’ve taken a step out, because now everything goes through our SEO power shield. And so now the route is protected.
And so in order to push even more power, by all means, put it in a subdirectory because then you’re accruing everything inside the root when you go into that subdirectory rather than stepping in a subdomain, which is treated as a separate website, so you’re one hop away from your root domain anyway and you’re losing link equity. When you’re anytime that you’re one hop or more away, you lose link equity at the top. When you’re in a subdomain, you don’t lose that link equity is even when you’re in the root. You don’t lose that link equity when you’re in a folder inside the root. You don’t lose that link equity because you’re not a hub away. You’re in the root, now if you do want to protect it, then you just install in the dub dub dub. So that’s where you would do the root because that’s a subdomain anyway.
So that’s how you do it. But we have the SEO PowerShell it’s not necessary anymore. Because everything that we do goes through our SEO power shield, which amplifies and protects. That’s why we call it the SEO, power shield. It powers it up, it amplifies and it protects it shields it and so that my recommendation would be totally totally unless you’re planning on doing a whole lot of evil stuff to that subdomain go with a sub but with it should be with a folder inside the root.
What Type Of Brand Property Link To Use In A Press Release?
Awesome. So next is BB BB. Look, you’ve gotten better, buddy. Your questions are a lot shorter and not quite as many. So I think we’re finally getting through to you, man. And I’m just giving you our time baby. It’s we’re always like having you here but he says Hey guys, number one does that the link to a branded property in the press release should be to the property or to one of its pages that were syndicated by RSS. Well, it depends on what you’re doing. But so, my strategy and again, it’s covered in the press release SEO, or piece PR silo stacking webinar that we did Marco and I did. Again, you can find that at MGYB or just go to youtube.com slash semantic mastery use the channel search feature search for press release SEO and you’ll find it you know, right at the top go watch that. Because what I prefer to do is we you know, we’re constantly blogging for clients or for projects period. So that populates syndication network, right, we’re building topical relevancy and depth to our silos, right depth to a particular topic. And then they syndicate out to syndication networks, right. And within every single post, within the proper silo architecture, we’re always linking back up from the post back up to the top of the silo page, which is the page that we’re trying to drive traffic to. Right. So what we do what I do is I always, you know, I like to publish press releases that are highlighting or showcasing a recent blog post. And that links to the blog post URL, which within the blog post, actually links back up to the page on the site. But I mean, you don’t have to use that strategy all the time. That’s what I do. Because I consistently publish press, we’re consistently blogging and we’re consistently publishing press releases for all of my clients or my lead gen asset. So it just works out really well because we’re providing deep links, so links further down into a silo that helps to power up with proper silo architecture, it helps to power up the entire silo and helps all of the different keywords that we’re targeting within the silo start to rise or surface in the search engines because of those deep links, right. So that’s my preferred method because it adds more diversity and it’s linking to multiple points.
Within the main money site, as opposed to always constantly hitting the homepage or just the product or service pages, the top of silo pages in other words, so I like to do deep links, but it depends on what you’re doing. If you’re not doing a lot of press releases, if you’re you know, you only got a budget for a handful of them, then it might be better to actually hit your homepage and or your top of silo pages, that kind of thing. So it really just depends on what your overall content marketing strategy is, and what you’re going to be linking to, you know that that’s going to determine where you’re going to link to from within your site. Okay.
That’s it that said, I always almost not 100% but we almost always link from within press releases to a page or post on the money site. Unless we’re doing a two-step which again, go watch the press release SEO webinar, and you’ll understand what I mean. But for example, if a client as all my local clients have Google My Business profiles. So if we publish a post when we publish a blog post on the blog, my blogger also for most of my clients will end up publishing a GMB post that points a link back to the blog post. So essentially, the GMB post is nothing other than a summary of the blog post itself with the same featured image as the image for the GMB post the photo, and then the button link, the Learn More button link links back to the blog post. So sometimes our press releases will actually link to the GMB post URL, because that ultimately links to the blog post URL, so the two-step process there. But you can also and I’ve talked about this almost every week now for the last like two months on Hump Day hangouts baby so I’m sure you’re aware of what I was what I’ve said. But you know, if you’ve got particular keywords that you’re trying to push, then you can actually go extract the post URLs from like, for example, the blogs on your syndication network, so blogger, Tumblr, WordPress, you can go extract these post URLs that are where the re-syndication or of the published the post that you publish targeting those keywords. And you can link to those within press releases too if you want to because again, that’s tiered link building. So it’s helpful in anyone, but you don’t have to. I prefer to link to those blog post URLs using daddy as link building from an MGYB because I like to use the press releases to link directly back to the money site, or two primary tier one assets, such as a GMB profile, GMB map, Id page, any one of those types of things when it comes to that.
That was a good question. By the way, bb though. Yeah, that that was a really good question. Now, I mean, the link building varies it depends on how much power you’re trying to push and where and everything is gonna be where it’s needed, where everything’s needed. Because sometimes it’s just one press release, push, can get you to where you need to be. Other times, you’re going to need way more. Yeah, there are other times when you’re going to need even link building into the press releases. There’s no one set rule because sometimes it’s just the SEO power shield coming, coming in, right coming online. And that’s enough. And sometimes it doesn’t even have to do with the competition because we’ve seen it even in some tough keyword sets that you start ranking like right from the SEO power shield. So this totally ended depends on the no definitive answer for this, other than, you’re going to have to get your press release. If you’ve set it up correctly. And you hit your top-level category rather than just like everybody does your homepage. Then your top-level category will flow and it’ll push all of that power so that everything benefits from it, including the top-level category, not just the longtail keywords, it’s how we teach it now. We teach people to go from the top-down instead of bottom-up it
It’s a little different, it’s kind of the same thing except we’re going. For example, if we want to rank for gold futures, this is just an example. It’s incredibly difficult to rank for that. But we would go even one, one level higher, we would go after the gold category, the entire gold category to pull up the gold features category instead of trying to push it up with all of the long tails. And I’ve seen that it has a greater effect when you try to go for that top-level category. on everything else, not only the longtail but the subcategory that you’re after. So I’m always telling people you go one level up. So keeping this in mind, then it’s up to you. I always tell people that we have to be scientists when we’re gauging how it is that we’re going to do this. What effect we’re trying to create, you’re going to have to create your link building and press releases are part of link building. You’re going to create it so that whatever you’re trying to benefit the most guests
The most benefit out of what you’re doing. And so you approach it that way. Yeah. So it varies. That’s the short answer. It varies. It depends, right?
Can We Use The PR Stacking Strategies With Article Directories?
Next, can we treat an article direct article, an article directory as press releases, meaning publishing, as the PR stacking and also linking to actual prs? Okay, I don’t do any article directory stuff I haven’t for years, not saying that it can’t still be useful. I just haven’t because they’ve been known to be spammy. I think a lot of the links from those get discredited. It’s much better to get like, you know, articles instead of being published on article directories, which were always known as SEO like, honey, honey, what do you call them honey, honey holes or whatever you call them. But I’m not saying that it won’t work because I don’t know. I haven’t tested it in years. If I was going to do it, maybe I would do it. Where I was only linking to SEO shield assets or like you say, can you link to PRs? Yes, that would be fun because press release wherever press releases published is going to be able to handle those type of links, you may be able to push good link equity to them, or even, it doesn’t really matter because they’re not your money site. So I, I, again, I haven’t used article directories in probably five or six years.
And so I don’t really know whether they’re still viable or if they’re still helping at any level. But if I was going to use them, I would do it too. I would use them to link only back to tier one asset not directly to the money site. And press releases are a great thing to link to. So, Marco, I know you don’t use article directories either.
I used to, it’s not necessary anymore. I don’t need to go that far. Right. The way that we’re doing it pushes so much power that we don’t need to go. I mean, when you’re already at number one, like how much better can you go than the number one.
So maybe at some point with some of the case studies that we’re doing and everything else that we have coming on e-commerce and everything else that we’re experimenting. Yeah, I would say that we can do that. But right now, or maybe we need to do that. But right now the way that we’re doing things is not necessary.
What Do You Mean By Kitchen Sink Spam?
Agreed. The last question was, what do you mean when you say kitchen sink? It gets me confused. Yeah, when I say kitchen sink spam, or when we say that, that just means using link building tools and throwing every kind of link like even some real spammy stuff, at whatever your target is. So like when we say you can throw kitchen sink spam at it, it means you could use some of the most god awful links in the world and throw them at, you know, point them at a particular target and still benefit from it. We would never encourage anybody to do that with their money site. And in fact, we prefer to still use better links.
Even if you’re using spam tools, for example, like you know, our link building master dedhia he uses a ton of link building tools but he always recommends that your the links that he builds to whatever your targets are, which we always recommend tier-one entity targets or your SEO shield essentially. But he always likes to suggest recommends using two layers two levels of contextual web two Dotto links. And then throwing if you want a third tier of links, you can throw kitchen sink spam at those contextual web two dot o links. So that’s what we mean by kitchen sink spam, it means pretty much anything under the sun, that’s a link. And a lot of those would be toxic if they’re not used properly, but they can still provide a benefit if used properly. And that’s what we talk about when we talk about you know, you can hit SEO power shields with kitchen sink spam, and they’ll end up ranking. We don’t recommend it. We still recommend using the contextual web to Dotto links. Add your first and second-tier links that are being built to your tier one assets. But you can always throw kitchen sink spam behind that if you wanted and still receive a benefit Mark has done several tests I have to, but we even did the Marco and Rob did the kind of public case study for the DC plumber and just hit it with like over a million kitchen sink spam style links, including porn porn links, and it ranked and it’s probably still ranking today. So and we just had someone in RYS Academy reloaded last week, come in and tell us that they tried the million kitchen sink, spam link test and got really good results and 89% increase in traffic month to month. Wow. So it works. However, think of it this way. If garbage links work, how much better? Will quality links work? How much better will the way that we do the tiered link building right? contextual tiered link building
How much better is that, not only for now but long term when they come looking? The first thing that they look for is that kitchen sink spam, that that the automation is is what Google is looking for. And we’re kind of hiding in plain sight because we’re not giving them what everybody else is doing. We’re doing it a little bit differently. And it just playing work. So when you’re thinking about going after that, that million links, and yeah, you can pay 50 bucks in fiber, and there’s going to be complete TSA, and it’s going to be truly, truly garbage type of stuff that you don’t want to look at. Why would you do that to your project? Why would you do that when it can show up in your link profile? Do you want that? Because we had that showing up for DC plumbing. We had those links index, man. And seriously, you didn’t want your kids looking at that you didn’t want you to want to be sitting there with your wife. Looking at some of that stuff that was coming through it was it was like, the really bad garbage man.
So why would so when I’m talking to people, my question is if you want to test and you don’t care, you don’t care what shows up in the link profile, you don’t care about anything. You’re just trying to make you make some money. It’s a fun test, then, by all means, do it. But if it’s something that you care about, why would you mistreat something that you care about that one?
Can You Blast The Press Release And Drive Stacks With Backlinks Without Negative Impact On The Money Site And GMB?
Okay, next is Gordon, what’s up Gord? It’s been a while he says, Hey, guys, hope you’re safe. And well just have a quick question. When using press releases or an ROI S Drive stack through the MGYB store. Can you blast either or both of them with hundreds or even thousands of backlinks without any negative effect on your money site? Or GMB listing? And if so, will that increase the SEO juice flowing to either entity and help them to rank? Thank you very much. Yeah. And that’s, I mean, that’s exactly what we were just talking about.
We prefer to build links to our tier one entity assets such as the SEO power shield, our last drive stack, g site press releases the organic press release organization page, you know, the idx page, anything like that. And that’s if you set it up correctly, you’re not going to have any negative results whatsoever, which is why we set the things up the way that we do. That’s why we call it the SEO power shield because it shields it’s like, I’ve always called it an SEO firewall, right? It creates a firewall around your money site. And so that’s exactly what we’re talking about. embeds and or backlinks work really, really well. In fact, you can even take your money site it for example, and you know, embed it in a G site and then hammer the G site page with backlinks. And that’s going to help your money site page benefit without there being an actual direct hyperlink on that page. Does that make sense? So yeah, that’s what we were just talking about. With Bibi’s question when we just hammer our assets with backlinks because it helps to push ultimately it flows down through to whatever our target destination is, which could be a GMB asset.
Could be a Google Site could be a money site. It could be all three of those. So yes, that would work. Any comments on that?
Should You Interlink A Post If The Main Article Has 5 Jump Links?
No, that’s perfect. Pavlos up, he says, Hey guys last time, I missed an opportunity to say thank you. Well, you’re welcome. Pavlo He says, question in one of your videos, you said that I can copy main silo page content and create a post. The Post will be canonicalized back to the main article, the canonical link itself will be a jump link to the Main article.
The question is should I interlink these posts if I have if the Main article has five jump links, and I’ve created five posts from the main content? I think I kind of vaguely remember this conversation we had on Hump Day Hangouts, but I’m not quite following the question. I think what, what I was talking about if and hopefully, I’m not off base here, but prefer using long-form content now for content for websites or for money sites, instead of in the past, like, you know, five years ago, you know, you could create a kind of thin content type of silo page. And then each supporting a keyword that you would find within your with your keyword research. So all of the supporting keywords that you would stack within a particular silo, I just always use spreadsheets for that. So I create a column but my top-level keyword at the top, you know, the column header, and then I would go extract all of the relevant supporting keywords and key phrases and put them in underneath that in that same column right in a spreadsheet. And then that would be that that goes to my bloggers, for them to produce content around so that they highlight one of the supporting keywords within the correct silo. And it used to be that I would create kind of thin content, top of silo pages, and then target individual longer tail keywords with blog posts, but that becomes repetitive redundant. And it doesn’t work as well what I found as having a long-form top of silo page now, that contains a lot of those supporting keywords so that broken down into subheadings, right, so and I think that’s what you were talking about is when I mentioned that you can create long-form content, and even put a table of contents with jump links at the top of the content, which is really good for SEO. And then you can actually create blog posts targeting those longer tail phrases that are already present on the silo page itself right to top of silo page that have jump links to them and then link from those supporting articles within the blog post to those jump links. Because then it’s, it’s, it’s linking to the top of silo page, but it’s also reinforcing that longer tail subheading or keyword, right, so that’s supporting keyword. If that’s what you’re talking about, then let’s see. The question is should I interlink these posts with the Main article as well? Five jump links. And I’ve created five posts from the main content. Yeah, I mean, I don’t I can’t get too far into this Marco would kill me if I did.
But if you’re interlinking, your supporting posts correctly, daisy-chaining them together then and they’re just linking from post to post. And from within each post linking back to the top of silo page, even if it’s at a jump link, a jump link to the top of silo page to some section on the top of silo page. Yes, that would work. That would work really, really well. Actually. Any comments on that Marco?
Sorry about that.
A lot. Ah, no, it’s not really something that I’m willing to talk about in a free gotten a free forum like this. They are not going to get into that because it just puts so much power and it gets around everything that Google can throw at you. So no, that’s fine. We’ll leave it at that. Okay.
But yeah, just get creative with it. Think about you know what you’re doing with your structure. And I don’t like to if I don’t know where you say you can just clone copy main silo page content and create a post, I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t do that on the same site what I was talking about with cloning or copying or mirroring, right is within the G site. Right. So if you’ve got your top of silo page, and you’ve got all the content on the page, you can always create, we recommend mirroring that top of silo page on the G site. And then if you had supporting posts within that category on your money site, I don’t typically duplicate or mirror posts onto a G site unless I’m having trouble ranking a particular keyword in which case then I will create child pages on the G site that is each child a one to one ratio, child page for every post within that silo, and then just embed those in there and that’s what I was talking about with the jumping links, you can actually create jump links from the G site back to the money site there. But again, that’s more kind of mastermind stuff or heavy hitter club stuff. So hopefully you got some value out of that. But I wouldn’t copy top of silo content and republish it on the same blog from your money site. I wouldn’t. Personally I wouldn’t do that I would have new content curated, not written because I use curated content for blog posts, the curated targeting the keywords that I’m trying to push that is on the top of the silo page if that makes sense. Okay.
So another good question.
Jason says thank you. Yeah, so he’s already watched all the Syndication Academy videos, that’s okay. If you join the mastermind if you just joined recently, the Syndication Academy join the mastermind will up make it worth your while we’ll refund your Syndication Academy purchase or apply it towards your first month of mastermind or something like that, and then you can cancel that subscription. So, yep, baby says great. We’re almost
What Are Your Thoughts On The Statement That You Can Flatten A Complex Silo Into A Simple Silo?
Got a timer almost out of question. So this is good timing maybe says great. What do you think of the statement that each complex silo can be flattened to a simple silo? And if a site isn’t that big, is it better to do the flat? Yes, I always, always recommend using simple silos where possible and guys, I’m going to be updating the training, I was really hoping to get that done for today, but I didn’t. And so I’ll try to have it done by next Wednesday. But in the process, street process doc that I created for our methods and for me, you know, our methods are what we sell as done for you services and MGYB for those of you that aren’t aware of it, if you go to semantic mastery comm slash process, I’m going to bring it up. It’ll you guys can take a look at this. For those of you that haven’t already been exposed to it, this is the process street process doc that I created to that has a lot of training in there with a lot of it’s the why we do what we do.
And what you can expect from it the How is we point to our training products for the how but or the where to get it as the links over to MGYB but these are the website silo architecture, the training videos that I created, you know, five years ago or whatever, they’re, they’re still valid, but my overall process has changed slightly right it’s evolved slightly and so I’m going to redo those silo training videos where I go into what a simple silo is what a complex silo is a difference between a physical silo and a virtual silo and what I prefer to use and why I’m going to redo those videos and that will go into here the website section of the worry list entity based SEO process doc and when I do hope I’ll have this done by next week guys I really wanted to get it done by this week but I haven’t even started on it. So I’ll try to get it done by next week. And then again guys you go to semantic mastery comm slash process and you take a look at all the stuff that’s in here. There’s a lot of training here. And so anyway, that said, Yes, I always recommend a simple silo. For most projects. I’m not going to say for the most projects for most local projects, which is what I do, almost exclusively, simple silos will suffice. I used to always try to build complex solids because I thought it was going to be better. And then maybe there is some benefit to it. But what I found is a complex silo is complicated. Hence the name complex silo. And so it’s difficult to build it create some kind of funny issues that are hard to reconcile with the URLs with the slugs and that kind of with permalinks and that kind of stuff. So I prefer to stick with a simple silo, it’s much easier to manage, it’s easier to map out when you’re in the build process. So I like using simple silos for most local projects. That’s all that is ever needed. In fact, with a simple silo, if you’re using our methods, you’re going to be the on-page SEO is going to be far superior to what most of your competitors are doing anyways. So it’s not really necessary to do a complex silo. If you’re doing a very broad site with a lot of categories and subcategories, then you might be necessary to do a complex silo. But, as I said, I always try to simplify where possible. We’ve had a ton of people over the years, join one of our groups, and they map out this incredibly intricate silo map of a site. And they, you know, probably spend hours and hours and hours mapping it out and creating drawings to show the silo structure and everything and then they present it and say, What do you think you think this would work? And it’s like, Well, yeah, but it could have worked, you know, eight levels previous, where it was like a much simpler build, and you got to save yourself a ton of time. And we don’t say that to pick on anybody, but it’s because I think we as SEO types, try to overcomplicate stuff all the time, and I’ve learned over the years to try to simplify as much as possible and get results with a much simpler process and simple silo structure is the way that I prefer to build 90 95% of my sites.
commenting. I totally agree. I don’t know why people get themselves into trouble with complex silos like right from the start. Yeah, if it’s a brand new project that there’s no need for for a complex silo, unless it’s like, I don’t know, like some type of e-commerce website and you’ve seen those where there’s a bunch of complex subcategories and while category, subcategory, sub-sub categories and all of these things that really complicated but I tell people to look in the beginning, you’re good with your homepage, and three categories, three top-level categories, the three main keywords that you’re going to go after to start making money, push all the power that way, as needed. And as you see more opportunities for top-level categories. You add them, right because then your whole setup is done. And whatever you add is going to benefit from everything you’ve done previously. But if you start mapping it
Out complex from the beginning. How are you going to push the power that that’s going to need for every page and post and subcategory and sub subcategory that you’re trying to create? you’re dividing up the PageRank in such a way that it’s not going to push the initial power that it could have. There’s no way because there’s no way to keep the link flow going the right way. Let’s put it that way. Yeah, but if you keep it simple, minimize the number of categories Don’t try to go after everything at once. But just three, three categories. That gives you enough to write for about four months when you get our D keyword research. I’m sorry, that that’s not available right now. But I did keyword research gives you enough to write about four months on those three top market level categories on those silos. And then you can go and see like which one is more complicated, and you just break it up instead of making it a subcategory? You just make it another category that’s related to that one category that you already have no need to overcomplicate things I hate when people try to do that. It doesn’t have to be all that difficult. Yeah, and it’s fine because like I said, we’ve experienced that a lot over the years, and I’m not gonna lie. In years past I did the same thing, I would always approach new projects with the complex silo, trying to map all that out. And it just it became overwhelming, it became too much of a bitch too, you know, too difficult to manage the projects. And again, it creates a lot of funky issues, if you’re trying to share subcategories with other categories, especially in local like, for example, if you have, you know, your topical or service-based silos, which would be like, you know, like Tree Removal would be one silo, for example, and another silo could be tree trimming, which in reality, I’ve learned over the years that you really don’t even need to create silos for Tree Service sites because they’re all synonyms for each other. Google considers tree removal and tree trimming as synonyms anyways. But most of my tree service projects are
Still siloed like that. And if you were trying to duplicate location-based silos within each one of the topical or service-based silos, it creates some real funny URL issues that you have to reconcile. And it becomes difficult to do so or vice versa, if you had location-based silos, as your top-level silos, and then you tried to have subcategories of services, then it creates some issues too. So I learned a long time ago just to go with the simple silo structure, so much easier to manage so much easier to handle. So anyway, yeah, I totally recommend going with simple silos where possible. The last question and we’re at five o'clock. So this is a good stopping point is BB says should we have a form in the branded properties for collecting leads? Absolutely. If you’ve got form code that can be embedded in other sites, absolutely. I’m actually using I’m not going to talk about what I’m using just yet because it’s part of the case studies and I’m working on but I’m using a new lead generation tool.
It helps that has a form builder in it that works really, really good. And I’m actually embedding the form and multiple properties. Now g sites, you know, a lot of different places that I’m actually embedding the forms now because they work really, really well. And they direct all the leads back to one central location that then gets distributed out. So yeah, absolutely, there’s no doubt, I always try to put most of my businesses run on phone calls more than a phone like. In other words, the leads that I generate for businesses are more phone call leads than they are web form submissions, but I don’t ever want to not provide that as an option. So I used to, I used to really just push phone calls, but now I’m pushing the lead form submits as well, because I’ve got a really cool application that I’m using that helps to distribute the leads to wherever I want them to go. And again, I’ll reveal some of that in the coming week’s guys, but I absolutely recommend if you have a form, form code that can be embedded on other sites use it. Okay.
All right. Thanks, everybody for being here.
We will see you guys next week. Thanks, Marco for sticking around. All right. Have a good one. Thanks, everybody
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 299 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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