#anyway I’ve never played NiGHTS Into Dreams but I really want to
Hello, Dreams of an Insomniac Tumblr. I felt the urge to write DoaI fic and the Sitcom AU is my opportunity. Two things that I’m unsure on because I’m VERY new to the DoaI Tumblr community:
- I don’t know everyone’s pronouns for sure. I know Alex has been confirmed they/them, I’ve predominantly heard it/its for Clyde, and for Winfrey I’ve heard both they/them and he/him, but went with just they/them to be safe.
- I don’t know the full details yet of Clyde and Winfrey’s dynamic, so that’s why I kept it a bit more ambiguous.
If there's anything I got wrong or any details you want me to know please let me know because I'd like to try to engage with this community because y'all seem like great people
Anyway enjoy this short story
Alex opened the door slowly, making sure that their new roommate wasn’t in view. It wasn’t. They quickly ducked inside and locked the door, then leaned against the wall and heaved a sigh. They were still exhausted from the events of a few nights ago, when they had found Room 66. They still needed to record that tape, and finish that plan to break the woman they had interviewed out. They still didn’t understand. Why weren’t they in trouble? Surely they would face some consequences for their actions. Surely they weren’t going to get away with what they’d done.
They raised their head slightly as they finally registered some noise in the living room. They walked in to see Clyde lying on the couch, watching something on the television. They sighed. At least it was safe. “Hey, Clyde,” they said as they walked in.
Clyde lifted its head and wagged its tail a bit as Alex sat down next to it. “Hello.”
“Did you just wake up?”
“Not just.”
“What are you watching?”
“I don’t know. I just turned it on and let it play. I like the noise.”
Alex quickly checked the curtains. Closed. Good. Clyde’s secrecy and safety was the most important thing. “If you don’t mind, can we turn it off? I need some quiet.”
“Oh. Okay.” Clyde slinked toward the TV and turned it off, then resumed its lounging position on the couch. It noticed Alex’s tired expression. “Are you okay?” it asked.
“I just need a bit.” Alex closed their eyes for a second, trying to get the image of that giant Veldigun in Room 66 out of their head. “Sorry. I’m just… still worn out from the other night.”
“Want to talk about it?” Clyde tilted its head slightly. “What did you see?”
Alex was silent for a minute. They’d done their best to not think about it or talk about it too much until they were able to fully process it. Finally, they nodded. “I’ll show you the tapes in a bit, if you want, but as for what I saw… ugh.”
Clyde shuffled around, going from a relaxed, lounging posture to an attentive and serious one. There was clear concern on its face. “There were bad things in there. Right?”
“Yeah. Lankmann himself, and of course the Veldigun he’s keeping there…”
That got Clyde’s interest. It leaned forward. “Veldigun? Like me?”
“Your kind, yeah.”
Alex pursed their lips. “I didn’t get a name. They were really tall, probably around 12 or 13 feet standing up… muscular, bulky… They had two really thick horns on the side of their head, as well. Really curly ones.”
Alex paused a bit. How did it guess... “Yeah. They were blue.”
Clyde sat back, pulled its knees into its torso, and wrapped its tail around itself. Alex heard it make a sound it never had before. It whined. The noise was almost like a dog whimpering. “Are you okay?” said Alex, scooting a bit closer.
Clyde was silent for another few moments before it finally spoke. “Winfrey…”
It was Alex’s turn to sit back and pull their knees up to their chest. Clyde had never said that name before. “Winfrey?” Alex repeated. “Is that their name?”
“Yes,” said Clyde.
“You know them?”
“Are they a friend of yours?”
Clyde kept silent.
“A partner?”
Clyde didn’t answer.
Clyde closed its eyes. “That Foundation… has Winfrey?”
“They appear to.”
“Can we save them?”
Alex stared long and hard at Clyde. They had never seen the Veldigun look so… vulnerable. So afraid. Winfrey was obviously very important to it. It clearly didn’t want to see them hurt.
“Give me some time to think up a plan. I need to break someone else out of there first. Then we can try to get Winfrey out. Ok?”
Clyde was silent for a long time, then nodded. “Ok…”
Alex nodded and stood up. “I’m going to go take a shower, and then we can talk more. That ok?”
Clyde gave them a short nod, remaining in their curled-up position. Alex walked quickly to the bathroom. They felt horrible now, knowing that Winfrey was Clyde’s… friend? Family member? Partner? They didn’t know. All that mattered was getting the woman who had helped them out of the asylum, and maybe, if they could, letting Winfrey know that Clyde was safe…
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julie-loves-cake · 1 year
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Slap a Bow on It
 "Contrary to popular belief, Danny wasn’t stupid. He could be a bit oblivious, but he always got there in the end. So when Danny woke up the next morning and realized that last night wasn’t a dream, he had an epiphany. He was being courted by the super hot and apparently undead crime lord who ran the haunt on the other side of the street."
@deadonmayn Day 1: Courting Rituals | Flickering | Dinner is interrupted by a rogue/gang fight | "Are they gone yet?"
TW: Danny is thirsty as hell, mentions/allusions to nsfw but nothing explicit
AO3 Link
   Danny blinked.
   He could only assume that the crime lord, illuminated purely by the light of the fridge in the otherwise dark apartment, blinked back. The helmet didn't give anything away, red plating and slanted eye whites impassive. Good for being sexy menacing. Not so good for reading emotions.
   Danny blinked again, wiping the rheum from his eyes with pinched fingers. He squinted once more at Red Hood, who for some reason was in his apartment at - Danny glanced at the clock - three in the morning. He seemed perfectly content to be digging through Danny’s fridge, if a little sheepish at being caught.
    He should probably be more angry that his apartment was broken into. He absolutely was when he first woke to the uncomfortable feeling of an uninvited guest in his lair, but after seeing the vigilante’s arms laden with food his metaphorical hackles relaxed. The apartment was shitty anyway. 
   If anything, Danny was confused as to why he was here judging his fridge’s contents and playing Tetris with tupperware. It wasn’t like they knew each other. 
   Danny blinked a third time just to really make sure he was seeing what he was seeing, "...Hi?" 
   "Hey,"  Red Hood unfroze, seemingly recovered from being caught, and resumed stuffing what looked like a container of tamales into his fridge. 
   Danny couldn’t help but feel sullen at the dismissal. He'd woken up only for the admittedly hot trespasser with thick thighs to barely glance at him. Unacceptable. 
   "Do you want anything to drink?"  Danny must have been momentarily possessed by the ghost of Midwestern manners with how urgent the offer seemed. 
   "Nah," Red Hood stuffed another container into the fridge, turning to look back at Danny, "You don't have any allergies, do you?"
   Red Hood nodded, pulling out a bag of rotten lettuce. He held it away from himself like it might try to bite him. In Danny’s experience, it very well could. 
   “Do you ever clean out your fridge?”
   Danny shrugged, “It’s finals week. I’ve got to keep my GPA above 3.5 if I want to keep my scholarship. No chores. Only study.”
   Red Hood nodded solemnly as he threw the lettuce into the trash, “No chores. Only study.”
   They fell into silence. Danny watched as the crime lord sifted through his fridge, pulling out rotten food as he went. “Is this because I decked that mugger? Cause’ he deserved it.”
   Red Hood very pointedly threw the expired milk carton into the trash can.
   “Okay then…” Danny yawned, “Well if that's all I’m going back to bed.”
   Danny shrugged, turned on his heel, and left the crime lord to rifle through his kitchen.
   When Danny awoke the next day, he was greeted by a clean apartment. The absence of crumbs on the freshly swept floor felt odd on his feet, although it was certainly much more pleasant. The trash had been taken out and a new bag had already been installed. He passed by the sink on the way to make coffee, the dishes that had been filling it suspiciously absent. 
   Danny would deny to the ancients and back that his knees went weak when he found the coffee maker already set and filled with grounds... his sister must never know. 
   As he waited for the cup to brew, he opened his fridge for creamer only to come face to face with more home cooked food than he’d ever seen in his life. Danny pulled the food out plastic container by plastic container to stare at in disbelief. Tamales, chicken mole, Mexican rice, enchiladas, and carne asada… It was only a handful of containers, but still. It wasn’t as if his parents had done much in the way of cooking with all their time spent in the lab. Jazz could throw together something basic but nothing like this.
   The local hot crime lord slash vigilante had broken in at three in the morning to feed him and clean his apartment. Huh.
  No time to think about that. He has a final on differential equations in five hours and minimal time to cram. Danny stirs the creamer into his coffee, heats up some Mexican rice, and sits down at the untouched mess of notebooks, paper, and textbooks on his kitchen table. 
   He studies until he has to leave for the exam, only getting up to refill his coffee and get more food. The tamales are pretty fricken good, but they make it hard to focus on the numbers scribbled across his notebook. It’s like each bite is urging him to go back into the kitchen and cook, which is odd considering that Danny can’t cook and he already has enough food to last him through the next day or two (courtesy of the sexy crime lord). 
   He leaves the exam room feeling good only for his mood to immediately crumble when he remembers that he has an aerodynamics final at eight the next morning followed by gasdynamics at one. He takes a brief break to faceplant on the table, scream, refill his coffee for the umpteenth time, and eat some more food but inevitably resigns himself to pulling an all-nighter. Time becomes liquid after that. It’s all just a blur of numbers and properties and instructional videos. 
   At some point, he registers another presence in the apartment. Danny recognizes the ecto signature from the night before so he pays it no mind. Let Hood poke around, Danny has to read more about Newton’s Third Law. What was he going to do? Feed him again?
   The answer was apparently yes. 
   The background noise of shuffling in the fridge and washing empty containers stops and is replaced by soft, mechanical-sounding breaths. Hood is standing next to him, plastic container in hand as he watches Danny run through the Quizlet on his laptop. 
   Danny’s got around eighty percent of the terms memorized. Just another twenty percent to go. He types in the answer for a new blank. 
   Red Hood pokes his shoulder.
   Danny grumbles. His response came back wrong.
   His shoulder is poked again.
   Danny ignores it and moves on to the next blank.
   He continues unbothered for an uncertain amount of time. The words on the screen are blurry like he is trying to read underwater. His mouth splits into an entirely too wide, jaw-cracking yawn. His uninvited guest coos at him as Danny rubs at his eyes. The next thing he knows, his laptop is shut closed and moved away. It feels like any and all visual processing is delayed. Danny stares blankly at the spot the computer used to sit.
   Something slides in front of him to replace the laptop. His core chirps when he realizes it's food. Hood’s answering chirp as he guides a fork into his hand is deep and rumbly with the faint stutterings of a purr. Danny starts to purr in return as he sleepily munches on the casserole.
    Before long the empty plate is taken away. Danny slumps down on the newfound table space and tries to fight off sleep. 
   “I think it's time for you to go to bed.”
   “Noooooo! I’v gotta study fr' aero’namics.”
   “You’re slurring your words there, handsome.”
   Danny’s sleep-deprived brain screeched to a halt. His core chirped to attention, “Flat’ry ain’t gettin’ you nowhere.”
   “It was worth a shot.”
    Danny smushed his face further into the wood to hide his blush and distracted himself by blindly reaching for his coffee mug. Upon noticing, the vigilante moved it out of reach. Danny whined into the table.
   “You can’t overwork yourself like this, Danny,” Red Hood carried the mug to the sink and poured it down the drain. Cruel, cruel man. “I know you’ve got exams but your scores won’t be any good if you go into them like this. You've got to take care of yourself,”  He lightly squeezed Danny’s shoulder. Danny hadn’t even heard him move across the kitchen. “Can you do that, darlin’? For me?”
    Danny groaned, “F’ne. But only cause’ ur hot.”
   The vigilante snorted. It sounded odd through the helmet but not bad. “I’m happy to hear it! Now let's get you to bed.”
   Contrary to popular belief, Danny wasn’t stupid.
   He had been helping his parents in the lab since he was four, and he was nearly a straight-A student before the accident. He was an aerospace engineering major with a hefty GPA of 3.8, and most importantly, he’s had extensive lessons on ghosts, the Infinite Realms, and their culture. 
   He could be a bit oblivious, but he always got there in the end. 
   So when Danny woke up the next morning and realized that last night wasn’t a dream, he had an epiphany. The thought kept running through his head as he stared at the food in the fridge, the clean apartment, and the prepped coffee maker. 
   He was being courted. 
   He was being courted by the super hot and apparently undead crime lord who ran the haunt on the other side of the street. 
   Danny had never been courted before! 
   Sure, occasionally there was someone who tried to shoot their shot, but it always fell flat in the end. It was an unfortunate side effect of being undead. Every human relationship he had felt… lacking. Like it was missing something. 
   Val had come pretty close. All the fighting and shooting felt like a mimicry of ghostly courtship behavior. It's what had drawn Danny to her in the first place, but Val wasn’t fighting him in a display of power and capability. She had genuinely wanted to end him. 
   There was also the incident with Kitty, but she was overshadowing Paulina and mimicking human behaviors. There was never any ghostly courtship involved, and besides, she was only dating him to make Johnny jealous. 
   This is Danny’s first time being properly courted!
   What is he going to do about it?
   He decided that the question could wait until after finals.
   The next few days pass by much the same as before: a tortuous cycle of studying, caffeine, minimal sleep, screaming, and exams. Red Hood continues to stop by and deliver food. Danny has got to figure out the dude’s actual name or a nickname or something. He refuses to keep calling his potential partner Red Hood. When you take away the scary crime lord persona it just sounds like a condom brand. He could always use a pet name, but it feels wrong given that Danny hasn’t shown much reciprocation outside of allowing Hood into his lair. Instead, Danny settles on greeting him with a trill and a series of chirps. 
   As soon as he finishes his last final he flops face down into bed. Tomorrow he’ll get to work on reciprocating Red Hood’s efforts. His kitchen is blessedly clean of any ecto contamination. Without the food fighting back, he should be able to whip up something presentable. How hard could following a recipe be?
   Danny was wrong.  
   Staring at the stove which was somehow on fire, Danny couldn’t help but finally understand why Jazz had never allowed him in the kitchen. He quickly rushes to turn off the heat. Danny doesn’t have a fire extinguisher. He’s a broke college student with just enough money to live on the outskirts of Crime Alley. Why would he ever be able to afford a fire extinguisher? 
   Danny slams a lid over the pot to smother the flames erupting from it and wacks the stovetop with a damp towel. As the fire dies down he glares at the somehow burnt gnocchi sitting ever so innocently in boiling water. He probably could have just iced it. The ice would melt into water and put out the fire, right? 
   He takes another look at the ruined food as the bubbles die down and decides he’s probably just cursed. Not all hope is lost though, Danny reasons as he dumps the ruined gnocchi down the garbage disposal. So Italian cuisine was not his forte. That’s okay! He’ll just try a different recipe!
   The recipe said quick and easy. 
   This was neither quick nor easy.
   He dumped the carbonized remains of food into the trash with a sigh. It was French toast! How could someone go so wrong with French toast? The kitchen looked like something had exploded in it for ancients’ sake! 
   Danny thunked his head onto the counter, uncaring of the milk and eggs coating it. An entire loaf of bread gone and not a single edible piece of toast to show for it! He groaned. Maybe he just… wasn’t cut out for this whole courting thing. 
   Dejectedly, he lifted his head and began to wipe down the counter with paper towels. He really liked Hood.
   He was funny! While he mostly left Danny alone during his study sessions, Danny had seen the viral videos. Hood knew how to crack a good death joke, and the compilations of him ragging on Batman were something to aspire to. 
   He cared for people! The sponsored soup kitchens and homeless programs were an open secret in Crime Alley, and the working girls were paid well. The street kids knew they were safe in the Alley because anyone who tried to touch them would end up with their head in a duffle bag. Red Hood protected them.
   And ancients was he hot! Thick thighs for days and strong arms that could probably lift Danny like a couple of grapes. Danny wouldn’t mind being thrown around by a guy like that. He would happily let him pin him to a wall and box him in and then Danny could sink his fangs into his shoulder and then- 
   Okay! Stop! Too far! That’s awfully ambitious for someone who can’t even cook a proper courting gift. Think, Danny, Think! 
  Okay… okay. So he can’t cook. That’s fine because Danny can build. He’s been building things since he was practically a toddler. He can make something easy peasy!
   What about a gun? Red Hood seemed to like guns. Danny’s core purred at the idea. If he had to guess, the vigilante had a protection obsession of some sort. A gun was something that could protect Red Hood but also be used to protect others in his haunt and directly feed into his obsession. Yes! The gun idea was good.
   But then again, Hood had been working with Batman more and more frequently, and with that had been using guns less and less. How often could the gun be used? No, no. This courting gift should be usable in all scenarios. 
   What about a knife? Yes! A knife could work! As far as Danny knew, Batman didn't have anything against knives. Surely a knife paled in comparison to Robin's katana. A knife was sneaky and quiet, good for stealth missions unlike a gun, and easier to carry for everyday use. 
   Danny hummed, nodding to himself. He’d do the knife first and save the gun for later. He was going to need supplies. 
   Danny wiped the dripping egg away from his forehead before it could get into his eyes. But first, he was going to need a shower.
   It could’ve gone worse.
   Despite basically being raised reverse-engineering his parents’ inventions, Danny had never tried to make a knife. He could gut a microwave from the local back alley dumpster and Macgyver it into a functioning weapon, but building a makeshift forge on short notice and hammering steel down into a smooth curve was a whole different ballpark. Luckily the local trade school had a forge, and after some good old-fashioned bribery, they allowed Danny access. That was the first problem out of the way. Unfortunately, the second problem remained. It was fine. Danny was used to thinking on his feet. 
  After many YouTube videos and failed attempts Danny had a somewhat presentable blade. With a saw edge on the top and a sharp curve similar to a khukuri on the bottom, it certainly didn’t look like a beginner's design.
   He probably shouldn’t have skipped straight to a more advanced shape. Danny hadn’t managed to fix the slight warp of the blade, and maybe the practice beforehand would have done him some good. Regardless, it was too late to fix it after the ecto wash, and he didn’t think the warp would affect the performance too negatively. Besides, with the ectoplasm infused into it the knife should cut through ghosts with no problem. 
  Danny had spent entirely too long trying to find the perfect shade of red leather for the handle, but in the end, he accurately matched it to Red Hood’s helmet. He had wanted to incorporate some protective runes into the leather, but he had no idea how to make a lasting pattern that wouldn’t affect the user’s comfort. Eventually, he decided it was an idea to be saved for another project. 
   With his courting gift complete, all that was left to do was break into Red Hood’s lair and give it to him…
   That sounded wrong. Give the knife to him. It’s not an innuendo! Great. Now he’s thinking about those thick thighs again. Stop! Bad Danny!
   He shook himself to dispel the train of thought. Danny had a different, more pressing problem to deal with: How could he present a knife to a vigilante without it coming across as a threat? He didn’t have a box for it, and the knife didn’t have a sheath yet. He could always make himself the box and store it in his chest, but watching someone pull random items out of their body was apparently gross and disturbing, or so he’d been told. What if he just-
   Danny yanked open the kitchen junk drawer and began to root around. After a few seconds of sifting, he pulled out his prize and ever so gently stuck it to the knife. The green gift bow was squished on one end but remained comically large on the blade. He bounced up and down on his toes. It was so stupid that it just might work. 
   Feeling the cool rush of invisibility, Danny phased through the wall of his apartment to greet the early morning light beginning to peak over the buildings. Floating in the air for a minute, he absently fiddled with the bow on his courting gift. With the city starting to wake, Hood should be returning to his lair. 
   It didn’t take long for him to fly past the unseen territory lines and into Crime Alley. Danny had crossed through Hood’s haunt before. It had never felt aggressive like some in the Ghost Zone. Red Hood's haunt was more curious, probing with a warning to behave himself. The haunt felt different this time around. Now it felt welcoming rather than wary, warm. If Danny closed his eyes, he could almost imagine being held in a protective embrace. His core hummed in response, seeking out the other’s resonance. 
   Danny had never been to Hood’s lair. He hadn’t even been given directions, but he didn’t need them. He'd simply follow Hood’s ecto signature to where the haunt’s energy was most concentrated. Like the dead equivalent of a bloodhound. 
   Danny took his time meandering toward the heart of the haunt. He’d never been this far into Crime Alley before, and he didn’t want to get turned around. That was a lie. Danny was nervous and stalling. Doubts flew unbridled through his head.
   What if the knife wasn’t good enough? What if the bow didn’t work? What if Red Hood thought he was threatening him? What if Danny blew his shot? Danny had already screwed up so many other things in his life, he didn’t want to screw this up too!
   There was only so long he could stall. Jittery with nerves, Danny floated outside a decrepit apartment building. The entire structure was practically drenched in Red Hood’s ecto signature, but it radiated in waves from a unit on the top floor. Danny took a breath to steady his racing heart and struggled to quiet his core. It was now or never. 
   He cautiously phased halfway through the wall, chirping in greeting. The apartment was clean and orderly. The fireplace and full bookshelves gave it a homey feel that sharply contrasted with the worn and weathered bricks on the outer wall. The lack of weapons was a surprise. Even if he couldn't see them Danny figured they were still there, well hidden in the otherwise normal apartment. 
   A surprised sound draws his attention to the man on the couch. He’s built like a quarterback, lounging on one side as he struggles to stitch a laceration across his ribcage with a needle in one hand and a handheld mirror in the other. It's hard not to get distracted by the autopsy scar running cleanly across his collarbone and down to his pelvis. Danny wants to lick it.
   Piercing blue eyes search the apartment, arm lowering the mirror. Danny is thankful that he's still invisible. With the heat flooding to his ears, he’s sure he’s as red as a tomato. Danny’s practically drooling at tousled black and white hair and the long scar reaching up from under his jaw to his hairline like a flower stretching for the sun. His crooked nose, clearly broken and healed many times over, only adds to his beauty. Red Hood is truly a modern-day Adonis.
    Hood’s wounded side finally registers in Danny’s brain, rearranging his priorities and catapulting his obsession to the front. Immediately he lets his invisibility drop, absently shoving the knife into his chest for safekeeping. Hood makes a distressed sound as he does so which urges Danny forward. His hands hover worriedly over the man as he pushes as much help/comfort/safety/concern into his aura as possible. 
   He reaches to take the threaded needle from Red Hood’s hand only to be nudged away.
   “It’s fine. I can do it myself.”
   "Hood, let me help."
   "Jason,” he licks his lips, “My name is Jason."
   "Jason," Danny gently cups Jason’s face in his hands, "Please let me help, Jason."
   Blue eyes gaze into his own. The ever-so-faint hints of green within them are captivating, swirling in a hypnotic dance that leaves Danny in a daze. Finally, Jason looks away and nods, breaking the trance between them and passing the needle over.
   Danny allows himself to revert to the mindset of his vigilante days. He stitches the wound with a single-minded focus, practiced hands falling back into a familiar rhythm. Jason watches the entire time, staring intently at his face as he works. Danny struggles to keep his core quiet and pretends not to notice, taping a bandage over the cut. His fingers graze over Jason's body, checking it over for any other injuries. Jason allows it to happen with a distinct feeling of affection/amusement. 
   “Are you hurt anywhere else?”
   “Nah. The kevlar usually prevents stuff like this. I was just unlucky.”
   Danny runs his fingers through the white tuft in Jason’s hair, pushing the strands out of his face. His core kickstarts like an engine with a vengeance, humming and searching for Jason’s core song in anticipation. Danny squeaks, stumbling backward. He smothers the sound and quiets his core, but with the look on Jason’s face, he hadn’t been quick enough.
   “Sorry!” Danny stutters out, flushing. 
    Jason’s expression shifts to confusion, “Why are you apologizing?”
   “I’m being way too forward,” Danny drags his hands down his face in embarrassment, “We haven’t had a spar yet and fuck! I haven’t even given you your courting gift yet, but here I am! Invading your space and trying to harmonize! I’m so sorry.”
    “Lucky for you I like forward,” Jason gently grasped his hands, lowering them away from his face. His palms felt warm against Danny’s skin, “Is that what you shoved into your chest earlier? A courting gift?” Jason punctuated the sentence with a gentle kiss to Danny's slow pulse.
   Danny nodded, stunned. Tearing his gaze away from Jason’s lips, he reached into his chest and pulled out the knife. Jason chuckles, his eyes crinkling in mirth, “You put a bow on it?”
   Danny grinned, his fangs on full display, “Well I had to make it presentable, didn’t I?” 
   He gets down on one knee, head bowed and knife held upwards in offering as if he were a knight presenting a sword to a king. Jason gingerly lifts it out of his hands, cradling it like a precious gem. Danny watches as his fingers trace the edge. 
   “It feels like you,” Jason looks to Danny for answers, eyes wide with wonder and a beautiful flush on his face.
   “I wanted to make sure it was effective against ghosts, but it's hard to find enough clean ectoplasm around here. I sorta just… used my own?” Danny rubs the back of his neck with a wince, “Do you like it?”
   He waits in anxious anticipation as Jason stands from the couch. Jason sets the blade gently down on the coffee table behind Danny before tugging him into his arms, “I love it, baby,” his words vibrate over a purr that Danny can feel in his bones, “Just don’t go hurting yourself for courting gifts anymore.”
   Danny groaned, tucking his face under Jason’s chin. “You have no idea how much that narrows my options down.” 
   Jason laughs. 
   Danny pulls away to look up at him, lightly batting at Jason’s peck “I’m serious, Jason! I can’t cook for shit! You’re gonna need to wait a long ass time until I can get my hands on more ecto. I hope you’re ready to wait because it’s going to take me months to build that gun now!”
   “You wanted to make me a gun?” 
   “Yeah? I was going to have one ready in the next few weeks but-”
   Jason’s smile is dazzling as he leans down to press his lips to Danny’s. Danny forgets to breathe as he melts into the kiss. He’s tugged forward until they are chest-to-chest on the couch, cores close together. Danny’s not sure whose core starts to hum first, but the sound is unmistakable as they waver between pitches. Danny bites at Jason’s lips, making a pleased sound when they part for him.
   It’s weird to be doing this before a spar. It’s backward, unconventional. Danny can’t find it in himself to care.
   It’s a wondrous thing when their cores synchronize. Something finally clicks, like a lock snapping into place, and suddenly Danny can feel so much. The humming harmony of their cores permeates every single one of Danny’s nerves. The rush of giddy happiness is unlike anything he’s felt before. He can feel Jason, too. The rampant emotions fling between them until it's hard to tell whose is whose. In Jason’s arms with a core bond in place, Danny has never felt so secure in his life. 
   This. This is what he's been missing. 
   Danny breaks away from their kiss to nip at Jason’s jawline, paying special attention to the scar. Jason makes a pleased sound, tugging lightly at his hair.
   “Your teeth are sharp as fuck.”
   “Aren’t yours?”
   Jason nuzzles under Danny’s shirt collar and into his shoulder. Danny shudders as he feels canines dig into his skin. They’re sharp, but not as sharp as his. 
   Danny giggles, pressing a kiss to Jason’s hair. “I want to see how skilled you actually are with those teeth. Once you’ve healed we can have a proper spar.”
   “I’ll show you a proper spar,” Jason grumbles. 
  Suddenly Danny is pinned, lying on the couch with Jason’s weight on top of him. Jason kisses his cheek, tucking his head back into the crook of his neck with a contented sigh. It's like the world's best weighted blanket, Danny thinks as his eyes droop shut in relaxation.
   They remain like that in silence, basking in the positive emotions and comfort of their new bond. It’s about ten minutes later that Danny finally breaks it.
   “Why me?”
   “Just… why court me? I know I pass through your haunt now and then but we’ve only actually seen each other like… once. What could I have possibly done to catch your attention?”
   “You punched a mugger.”
   “Yeah… so?”
   “You knocked the fucker out in one blow before I could even lift a finger.”
   Jason lifted his head to give him a pointed look.
   Danny stared back.
   “Do you have a competency kink!?”
   Jason flushed, ducking his head back down with a groan. 
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pshcomforts · 4 months
➳ i wanna be yours | psh.
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roommate!sunghoon x fem!reader (feat. jisung and a few other members from nct dream)
“secrets i have held in my heart”
synopsis: you and sunghoon are roommates, and he’s grown tired of you and jisung constantly making up.
warnings/content: written in third pov. HEAVY! suggestive content and sexual tension (but nothing really happens). cursing/strong mentions of intercourse. toxic relationship with jisung (sorry). not proofread. this was kinda cliche..
comments, likes, and reposts are appreciated :)
word count: 4.3k
a/n: part two — ₊˚ʚ dress ɞ˚₊
current song playing: i wanna be yours by arctic monkeys
↻ ��� II ▷ ↺
0:46 ─────|────────────── -2:17
“good morning, sweet girl.” y/n’s boyfriend complimented. she woke up with small kisses planted around her face.
“jisung, stop!” she giggled, swatting away as she tried to get out of his grasp. he laughed along, pulling her into a cuddling hug as she gave into it.
“sorry, i’ve just been wanting to kiss you since last night.” the girl rolled her eyes at him, being in a giddy mood before he got up.
“do you really have to go?” she softly pouted, feeling her heart break at the thought of not seeing him for an entire day. “sorry baby, i have to. it’s work,” jisung replied, throwing on his shirt as he got up from the bed.
after getting his clothes on, he opened the door with y/n following behind. as he left the room, he walked towards the door, almost leaving before catching a glance at sunghoon, her roommate.
“hey sunghoon!” her boyfriend excitedly said, raising his hand so they could do a man handshake. hoon only refused it though, not bothering to say anything back as he glared and walked away.
jisung muttered out — “asshole” — as he shook his head from the fact that they used to be friends.
“i’ll see you after work, baby.” he quickly said to y/n, not even bothering to give her a kiss before leaving.
she dumbly smiled at herself, hands on both cheeks to cool herself from the blush as she closed the door. “fucking barf,” a low voice said.
y/n automatically rolling her eyes after words were said before looking at sunghoon, who was gagging.
“fuck off hoon,” she said as she crossed her arms.
he gave a scoff at her words. “so you guys made up again huh?” a nod came from her as he only laughed. “like fucking always.”
“did you sleep on the wrong side of the bed today?? why are you being so moody at such an early time?”
“i, in fact, did sleep on the wrong side because of your ass.” y/n’s mouth shut. “i always sleep wrong because of how much you guys are fucking after making up. stop forgetting you have a roommate.”
she rolled her eyes at him as his bitterness pierced through her. sunghoon didn’t even want to say it, but he wished it was him. he wished it was him that was with her, wishing that it was him who’d treat her ten times better than jisung ever did after an argument. before the stubborn girl could even argue back, he intervened, “why do you keep going back to him anyway?”
“excuse me??”
hoon blinked slowly as he let jealousy get the best of him. “you heard me. why do you keep going back to an asshole like him?” his gaze stayed on hers and he could tell she was starting to get pissed off.
“it’s not your issue to worry about.”
there was a roll in her eyes as she was getting easily annoyed with her roommate. before she could walk away from the scene, he interrupted again — “except it is. every fucking night, he breaks your heart and i’m always left to pick up the pieces for you. and yet- you still go back to him. when are you gonna learn that he’s not the one for you?”
y/n stayed quiet for a second. she attempted to try and block out the last sentence as she said, “then stop being there for me. i never asked you to do that.” there was a sense of hurt in her tone. she knew she was a fool for going back but she couldn’t help it. whenever jisung called, she’d go back in a heartbeat and sunghoon would always have to be the one to comfort her right after. her eyes were quick to water with pain as she felt betrayed.
“you’re never gonna learn, are you? you keep going back to him, kissing his ass and making sure he’s okay when you’re not. you’re not making it any easier on yourself. he doesn’t deserve you..” his voice trailed off, feeling an aching pang in his heart as he always watched the girl he fell in love with go back to an asshole. how could he not love her? everything about her was how he imagined his love life would be, they were doing couple things without even noticing it — and jisung had to be the one to introduce himself through him first. he got to her before hoon could, seizing the chance to snatch up someone like y/n.
“you’re worth more than this relationship. when are you gonna realize that this shit with jisung is never gonna heal? don’t be stupid.”
his words felt like stabs in the back from a knife. everything offended her and though it was the truth, she couldn’t really handle that right now.
“shut up.” she finally responded, eyes staying stern on his as tears fell down. this time, it was him who made her cry and not jisung.
sunghoon felt his heart tear apart from her crying tears but she needed to hear the truth after constant days of just silent comforts he’d give her. her stance was still and the silence filled the air. as his heart ached from watching her cry, he tried to get closer to her — reaching a hand out but she moved back. her teary eyes still stayed on him, a look of hurt and betrayal present on her face as she couldn’t believe what he said. “y/n..” he licked his lips and swallowed down a gulp while his eyes blinked in fear of losing her.
she stepped away again, eyes fluttering from the tears that bled down her cheeks. the girl he loved turned her back against him, not saying anything as she rushed to her room and closed the door behind it.
sunghoon followed behind, getting to her a little too late as the door closed on him. his hand let out a soft smack against it as his eyes closed from the concern. he let out a quiet sigh before slightly yelling, “i’m sorry y/n..”
he felt tears wanting to be let loose as he had just realized he fucked up. he just wanted her to know the truth, to know that jisung was never gonna change from his shitty behavior.
he always swallowed his pride, but he couldn’t this time. seeing how sweet they were with each other was something he never wanted to see, and it sparked jealousy. he walked away though, leaving her to fend for some space as he didn’t want to intrude any further.
for the next few days, they’d constantly ignore each other. y/n often did it to hoon more than he would to her. the only reason why he ignored her was because he didn’t want to make her even more uncomfortable than he already had, so he kept his distance.
there was something about going through each day without talking to her that had him almost lose his mind. the lingering glances they’d make towards each other would kill hoon. each time he could possibly talk to her again, she’d reject it before he could. it hurt him.
sunghoon missed her so much. even if they were under the same roof, nothing just felt the same again. not talking to his friend who knew almost everything that went on about his life was strange, and he didn’t like it. all he wanted was to make it right, but he knew she needed time.
however, everything almost took a change as y/n decided to go to a party with jisung. in which coincidental, sunghoon had gone to as well. perhaps not too coincidental as hoon and jisung still came from the same friend group.
the male roommate dreaded it though. he didn’t want to see the asshole called jisung there, tonguing down someone he couldn’t call his. unfortunately, he still went. jay reluctantly guilt tripped him to go as they were finally able to see their longtime friend, jake again.
“where is she…” he mumbled to himself, head turning left and right to try and catch a glimpse of her anywhere.
as he approached his friend group closer, he heard distant yelling. with caution, he went to the sound, only to find a familiar voice in the making.
“i can’t fucking believe you jisung!”
he hurried his steps in a rush of her voice. oh fuck.. please be okay, y/n… he thought as he continued till he stopped where the scenery was.
there the two of them were… his roommate and her boyfriend arguing in the middle of a party.
“just fucking listen to me, stop being like that and listen to me for once.” jisung groaned out with an irritating tone. his hands tightly gasped onto her wrist after speaking out.
the sickening action from him made sunghoon jump to his feet and go closer to where they were. he grabbed hold of jisung’s collar and in a swift move, hoon landed a smack on his face. the latter fell backward from the punch and landed on his ass.
“sunghoon??” y/n yelled, quickly looking at him as his arm extended out in front of her to not let jisung get any closer.
his head turned to meet her eyes. “are you okay?-“ and just like that, a hit was sent to sunghoon as well. a hurtful groan was let out from him as he wanted to stay on the cold floor for a second, but couldn’t when he saw y/n in the distant vision. he quickly stood on his feet again, seeing jisung slightly chuckle with a bloody mouth and fists up to fight more.
he tried to land another hit on hoon but he moved in time, the boy getting enough time to send another punch that had him land on the floor again. in a sudden motion, the two started tussling — hits being made left and right to each other as little mumbles of insults were heard.
as much as y/n wanted to stop the fight, she knew she couldn’t risk herself getting in. so, she hurriedly grabbed jay and the rest of hoon’s friends to break them apart. jay and heeseung held onto hoon, pulling him away as haechan and jaemin pulled jisung.
“don’t you ever be that rough with her again!” hoon yelled, wanting to send more punches towards the jackass.
y/n was near jay who held him back, worriedly scanning her roommates face as he had a few cuts on him.
“sunghoon, stop this! it’s jake’s party, don’t make it a bigger deal than it should be.” jay shouted, shaking hoon as his grip on his shoulder tightened to grab his attention.
sunghoon let out a regretful sigh, knowing that he most likely blew his friends party. “you’re right..” he mumbled, scrunching his face and turning to his side where his eyes finally met y/n’s after long days of avoidance. his heart thumped though his face was aching. his hand went to his stomach, trying to stop the pain that exuded from there.
“this is all just fucking bullshit,” jisung said, rolling his eyes as he still had some rage in him.
though he still wanted to fight more, haechan and jaemin convinced him to just leave; the two apologizing for his behavior to the enha members before leaving with him. y/n watched them go, not bothering to go after that asshole as she’d rather stay with him.
“ah shit..” hoon murmured, his hand clenching on his stomach in pain. “hey hey, you okay?” heeseung asked, his hand placing on hoon’s chest for support.
“yeah i just..” he stopped his words, struggling to get through them as he felt his body start bruising up.
jay quickly glanced at y/n. “you think you can take care of his wounds?” the sudden question shocked her. “me?” he nodded.
“shouldn’t we take him to a hospital?”
“he’s not that badly hurt, and i think he’d rather have you patch up his wounds than one of us.”
jay and heeseung sneaked in quiet laughs as hoon didn’t even have the energy to tell them to shut up. “you can patch him up in a room down the hall.” the silver haired boy confirmed.
y/n shook her head though. “no I’ll just.. uhm patch him up at home.”
with said, the two members let go of hoon as his arm wrapped around her neck and they left to home. the two enha members laughed to each other, mumbling little sayings of “he’s gonna get it tonight.”
the car ride was quiet the entire way though as she drove them home, both not wanting to say a word until they reached to their place.
as soon as they got there, she settled him onto the couch. “just stay there, i’ll bring the first aid kit in our bathroom.” she said, hearing a deep groan leave his mouth as the pain started to eat him up again. not too long after, she came back with the kit as promised and opened it up.
“let’s clean your face first… you have a lot of dried blood.” y/n spoke with disgust as his face scrunched in pain. “sit up,” and he did.
she first cleaned a part of his eyebrows that had blood drawn, a sharp and clean cut hit there when jisung’s rings got through his skin. she dabbed it with a part of an alcoholic wipe.
a hiss from sunghoon was made — “ow!” — his hands quickly held onto her arms for comfort. the grip he had on her tightened as his eyes screwed shut. “that fucking hurts,” he mumbled afterward, an exasperated sigh leaving his mouth.
“well stop moving around then idiot.” she shot back, hands shaking a little from how close she was getting to him. after another few minutes of exaggerated groans from hoon, she finally finished up the first wound with a small bandaid on there.
“are we done yet?” he sighed, just wanting the night to end as he constantly felt his heart racing just from looking at her.
y/n slightly smiled. “no hoon, i still have to clean your mouth, and check your bruises.”
he threw his head back in frustration and she only giggled to herself about it, finding fun in how annoyed he was getting.
the girl turned to the first aid kit on her other side, hands fumbling through the box to find other alcohol wipes and bandaids. as she was turned, sunghoon’s eyes never left her presence. he kept his gaze on her, looking into how much she was caring for him. he was confused, his heart was pounding inside his chest from pain and joy in getting her all to himself.
“oh, here it is!” she exclaimed, head quickly whipping to hoon’s side that brought him out of his oblivion state. y/n turned back to him with more wipes and bandaids, excited to finally clean up the nasty blood mark around his mouth. as she opened the wipe and began to reach toward his mouth, hoon stopped her with the grab of her wrist.
her confused face almost caused a laugh to erupt from him, but he didn’t. “maybe i should just do it myself y/n..” he softly said, his eyes that met hers now became faint with assurance.
getting too close to his roommate like this didn’t feel like a good idea after all. if anything went further, he didn’t know how much he’d be able to control himself from wanting her. “don’t be ridiculous hoon, this is the least i should do for you.” she retracted, hands that were held by his still going in to wipe the blood.
he hissed at the feeling, letting his hand that held hers fall to his side as he just let her do it after all. every hiss was a pang to her heart, she couldn’t believe he did such a thing for her. her eyes always softened at his scrunched face that tried to uphold the alcohol burn.
“almost done.”
y/n continued to clean it up, wiping all the blood away as she felt his intense stare on her. she felt like her heart was gonna jump out of her from the constant pounding. “stop staring hoon…” she quietly said, still averting his eyes as hers gazed at his lips instead.
“sorry.. can’t help it…” sunghoon responded, taking a gulp afterward that was noticed by his favorite girl from his adams apple bobbing.
there was an urgent need to kiss him suddenly, to just taste the blood on his lips and let him hiss in the kiss from the pain. she wanted to give in, feeling everything in her body scream to just go for it as she tried holding back.
“you’re too close to me.” his low voice spoke, eyes still strong on hers as he observed her shutting her eyes from his words.
“fuck hoon…” her soft whisper was like honey in his ears, and he wanted to hear more. he wanted more but he restrained himself from doing further damage to their relationship.
with slow hesitation, y/n didn’t even realize it but her face had pushed itself closer to hoon’s; close to finally tasting his luscious lips. the sexual tension was kicking in, heat exuding everywhere as the simple act of their faces being close had them both weak.
“are you gonna clean my wound or just stare at it?” he whispered, a smirk being displayed as it straightened y/n up. she quickly pulled away, throwing the bloody wipe to the side while ripping open a bandaid. her body turned away from his again and he quickly scrunched his face from how close they were to kissing.
‘fuck.. i shouldn’t have asked that…’ he thought to himself, mentally face palming as he continued to watch her every move.
“let me check your cheek hoon, it looks pretty bruised.” she shakily said, ignoring his question and the obvious desire they both had as hands were already reaching for his slight purple-colored cheek.
gently, her hand held the pain and she observed it. sunghoon felt everything inside just basically heal from her one touch. he closed his eyes once more, reeling everything from the touch of her fingers. “you okay?” she softly spoke, eyes scanning through his face for a sort of confirmation from him.
he gave a half smile, heart exhilarating from the emotions he was having. “yeah.. thanks to you,” he said back with the same soft tone.
the girl’s face lit up at his words, eye smiles showing through as her thumb constantly left soft touches on the cheek.
“i’m not going back to him anymore. tonight was the last time i intended to be with him, that’s why he was yelling.” she suddenly said, her words catching him offguard. his eyes shot open — “you’re not gonna go back this time?”
she smiled at him even more. “no.. i didn’t want to deal with a jackass like him anymore.”
he only nodded in approval, feeling proud that his roommmate finally had the courage to leave him. “how do i know you won’t just go back on your words like always?” he softly questioned, hoping that he wasn’t too harsh with his words. y/n let out a light laugh as she continued to observe his bruised cheek.
“because…” she paused for a second before continuing, “not speaking to you for these past few days were more painful than it ever was to leave jisung. it made me realize that it was never gonna be him, but you.”
sunghoon tried to bite back from fully smiling as he let his adrenaline go wild. his heart thumped at the thought of how she was as much distress as he was when apart. “you can stop smiling like an idiot hoon,” she spoke as she stupidly smiled herself. his hand covered his face for a second, feeling shy while saying — “sorry, can’t help it. hearing that was just satisfying.”
“he did fuck you up pretty hard though,” she commented right after, letting a small breath of air that sounded like a laugh leave her throat as she watched in amusement of hoon’s reaction. his face fell blank, rolling his eyes and turning his head away. “can you not say that?” he jokingly replied while still trying to cool down from the confession. she let out a quiet “sorry” before the two continued to giggle with each other.
“you got bruised around your stomach didn’t you?” y/n asked right after, eyes growing with worry as her lips were still curled into a sweet smile. the 5’11 boy only nodded, his face looking down in a rush of embarrassment.
in sudden movement, she shifted around and found her legs to start straddling on both sides of hoon’s thighs. catching him offguard, he tried to form a sort of sentence with shock in his tone — “w..what are you doing?”
as she continued to try and comfortably settle herself on top of him, she only responded with, “i have to check your stomach for bruises, don’t i?”
indeed , the surge of confidence threw hoon off, but once he found it challenging, he gave a suggestive smirk and placed his hands on the back side of her thighs. he pulled her closer by a tug as he stayed careful to never lose eye contact with her.
“then check it,” he said with comfort.
so she did, hands shaking as they reached the hem of his shirt. was she really gonna do this?
y/n gulped, feeling a wave of nerves hit her. she knew sunghoon’s gaze was upon her, getting the sense of the heavy tension being built up while her fingers quietly fumed with the fabric of his shirt. after what seemed like eternity, her hands had atlas found the courage to lift it.
she paused for a second, immediately admiring his toned body that had been covered with purple colored marks. she heard him hiss a little as her hand slightly ghosted over the bruises. nothing the little touches become a seeping pain for him, she stopped her hands from going any further.
“does it hurt that bad?” the girl asked in a concerning manner, eyes starting to sparkle with light tears washing over.
sunghoon chuckled in return at her troubled state — “just a little, but don’t worry.. it’ll heal soon.” his hand then went to her cheek, pulling it up so that their eyes could meet like they’ve always been this entire night. “i’ll be okay,” he reassured.
y/n couldn’t help but grin a little, feeling her awoken heart heal from the comfort he gave.
his thumb retraced itself to her lips, softly rubbing it as he simply admired how gorgeous they looked. fuck, did he want to kiss her. he wanted to feel them on his and more.
✩ ‘maybe i just want to be yours’ ✩
as if she read his mind, she started to pull in closer to him, closing the gap between them while their chests came in contact. her hands found its place on his broad shoulders, thighs still on either side of his as she continued to stay on top of him. she stopped when their lips were close to touching, faintly ghosting over his as the sexual tension started to rise again. he pined for her, wanting to close the little gap they had and she did too. they both wanted it.
staying as each other’s roommates, they played with each other a little — pulling close and then pulling away when their lips would almost meet. it continued on like this before sunghoon felt the need to intervene — “maybe we shouldn’t y/n…”
she shut her eyes, gulping a harsh sigh as her lips pressed into a line afterward. her heart burned from the tormenting sensation.
“you just broke up with jisung,” he confirmed. hoon stayed soft with his eyes, careful to make sure she knew she wasn’t the problem.
“i want this as much as you do.” she whispered with a scratchy voice.
✩ ‘i wanna be yours’ ✩
he smiled at the words that sent a wave of joy to his heart. “i do too gorgeous,” he said, letting their heads quietly bump with each others right after. “you’ve had a long night though and you should get some rest.” sunghoon assured, watching y/n as she only nodded in agreement.
after a few more seconds of being in close contact, she pulled away; leaving his body and heading off for the night but not before hoon could send her away with a kiss on the forehead.
“sleep well,” he mumbled to her as she only smiled and said her good nights as well. he watched her leave — feeling the sudden, cold air hit as her high body temperature was no longer near his.
the poor boy threw his head back, sighing in loud defeat and exhaustion. “so close to kissing..” he mumbled to himself, throwing an arm over his eyes for eternal darkness. he stayed in that position for a moment, scrunching his face time to time while he ran through the highlights of the night in his head.
afterward, he decided it was time to sleep as well. sunghoon dragged his body to his room in tired eyes, finally giving in to the temptation of sleep.
sparks flew between the two and nobody could deny that, perhaps it even ignited more than just stupid tension always happening. the night ended there though; hoon and y/n quiet in their rooms as they stayed contemplating whether they should’ve kissed or not.
knowing it was better that she was in a contented state to kiss her, her roommate was glad to know that she was at least never going back to that asshole he wished he never called a friend. with that thought in mind, he was finally able to sleep soundlessly as y/n let herself fall asleep as well in the thought of her roommate, park sunghoon.
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evanpeterswhoresblog · 3 months
i'm soooo glad you're back!!! love your writting so much, was thinking about some ghostface¡ tate or shit yk...like everyone who flirts with reader end murdered
i’m sorry this took me so long to do 😔 but i sorta did my own twist on this request, hope you don’t mind… i love it… anyway… :)
Tate Langdon x f!reader
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warnings: murder, smut, stalking, obsession, very toxic, manipulation, very minor talk of drug use… virgins, yeah idk what else it’s just stalker tate being crazy for you
summary: tate’s loved you since the first moment you met, and he would do anything to be with you… anything…
word count: 4.4
You stare at the boy in front of you, a mix of emotions stirring inside you. He’s your age still, you aren’t too surprised at that. You’re more surprised at the fact that he’s in front of you. It’s been so long since the last time you saw him. You remember the pain, the pure fear that paralyzed your body the last time the two of you had an encounter. It still makes you uneasy.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, your voice weak.
He shrugs. “It’s Halloween.”
“There’s been plenty of Halloweens Tate and this is the first time I’ve seen you here. What do you want?” You reply in a harsher tone than.
Tate shrugs again and starts to play with the sleeves of his sweater. You can’t believe this is real. You want to close your eyes and pretend this is all a sick dream, though you haven’t slept in years. After a few seconds, you cross your arms over your chest and take a deep breath. This isn’t going to be easy.
“Tate the fact you even have the balls to try to find me is crazy, what happened? Did you suddenly feel some sense of guilt? Are you finally sorry for what you did to me? I don’t even care if you are sorry, I don’t care about anything except the one question I’ve wondered since the night it happened,” you say.
“What question?” He responds.
“Why?” Your eyes start to burn. “Why did you kill me?”
Tate had never seen any girl as beautiful as you. Never. Not in a movie, not in a magazine, nothing. From the first time he saw you in kindergarten, he knew there was something special about you. Of course, he didn’t know it would grow into what it did until middle school when his hormones took over. His feelings for you quickly transitioned from a pure crush to a sick obsession. And the best and worst part of it all was that you had no idea.
You never really spoke to him. He was out of your league. You were popular, but not braindead popular like the people you surrounded yourself with. Tate had seen you in some of your classes. You were smart, you got the best grades in those classes. You had plans for yourself after high school, unlike your friends. That knowledge only made him admire you more.
The problems began when you started going out with one of the popular boys in your group, David. He was awful for you; Tate didn’t understand why you chose to have such a relationship with someone like that. He’d watch how David would wrap his arms around you in the hallways, leave small kisses on your cheeks, and whisper words in your ears that made your face turn bright red. It made him furious.
What did David have that he didn’t? Why was he so special? Tate knew he could give you more than David ever could. So, why were you with him?
Tate quickly became blinded by rage and jealousy.
At night he’d lie awake, the knowledge that you might’ve been out there opening your legs for another boy making him sick. That’s when the fantasies began. He imagined killing David. How would he do it? Where? In what way would leave the least amount of blood on his clothes? The image of his mutilated body consumed Tate’s thoughts. He liked it.
It was around that time that he had found the mask.
It was a strange mask he found in the basement. It had a long white face with black holes for the eyes and a long mouth. He wondered which resident of his house had left it there for him. He didn’t know, and frankly, he didn’t care. All he knew from the second his eyes fell upon that mask was that bad things were going to happen.
He started going out at night and driving by David’s house. The mask he wore gave him a sense of power he never knew he could feel. At first, it was innocent. He’d simply drive down the other boy's road and look through his window for a few minutes before leaving. But all it took was one second of seeing you inside to blow the whole thing up. He was livid, seeing red. He decided he needed to bring his fantasies to life and get rid of David for good.
Halloween was when the opportunity to kill David became undeniable. By that point, Tate had been stalking the two of you for a month so he knew the basics. Which room was Davids, how to get into his house, and where his parents were most likely going to be. He had it all planned out. So, on Halloween night he put on the mask along with black robes that covered his entire body and ventured to the other boy's house, ready to kill.
He brought a knife, and when the time was just right, he snuck in through one of David’s open windows and started his game. He crept through the empty house, not making a sound. Getting to David’s room only took him a few minutes and what he heard from outside the door made him not regret his choice at all.
“Yeah, I know, listen she’s so close to finally giving it up to me and that’s what I’ve been working for this whole time. Once it happens, I’ll dump her, easy,” David spoke into his phone. His voice was cocky. It made Tate clench his jaw in frustration.
“Because dude, do you know how many girls from school I’ve already got under my belt? Y/N is just gonna be a name on my list. Yeah, whatever, I gotta go anyway I need to shower for the party, maybe I’ll get lucky, and she’ll drink too much. Okay bye.”
Before David could even get up from his chair, Tate kicked the door down and stormed in, too overpowered by his rage to think about anything but slitting the other boy's throat. He pounced on him, stabbing the knife into any part of his body he could reach. David screamed, but Tate quickly silenced him by shoving the knife down his throat. He felt empowered, he felt thrilled at the sight of his dead peer. It was amazing.
Tate didn’t waste much time gawking over his achievement, however. Once he was sure David was dead, he quickly pulled the knife out of the boy and fled out the window and back to his car. As he drove through the small neighborhoods of your guys' town, he wondered how big the news would be. Would you cry? He hoped you wouldn’t. Not over that asshole. You would move on, and Tate would wait however long it took.
The news of David’s death spread faster than wildfire and consumed Westfield High’s drama for weeks. Out of all the kids in the school, you took his death hardest. Seeing you so depressed almost made Tate regret his actions. He couldn’t bear seeing you tear up in class or show up to school two periods late. You weren’t like that.
However, as the days turned into weeks, you started to appear healthier and happier, and soon enough you were back to your normal self. Tate was glad, you were always so much prettier when you paid attention in class. He decided it was time for the second part of his plan to finally act. Though he was incredibly nervous, he knew it was then or never. He couldn’t risk you getting a new boyfriend that he’d have to kill again.
So, one day, he followed you into the library when the two of you coincidently had a study hall during the same period. His heart was beating so loud he could hear it in his ears. There you were. sitting at one of the tables alone studying, and he was going to speak to you. He’d thought up conversation starters all morning along with taking a few extra hits off his bong to help with the anxiety.
He shook the nervous thoughts from his head and grabbed his notebook from his backpack before walking in your direction. Your head was down, your hand moved aggressively across the paper as you wrote your notes. Tate stood at the other side of the table for a few seconds simply admiring you. His hands were shaky, his breathing uneasy. God, you made him lose his composure by existing. It was excruciating.
After he was done staring, he spoke, his voice quiet. “Hey y/n, do you mind maybe helping me with some of that psych homework?”
Your head shot up, your eyes instantly meeting his. He swore he couldn’t breathe. You, y/n, were looking at him on purpose. At that moment he didn’t care about what you were going to say, he didn’t care if you completely rejected him. All he cared about was how good it felt to have your eyes on him. Such innocent, loving eyes.
“Oh, yeah of course Tate that’s actually what I’m working on right now. Just sit, we can do it together. Unless you’re like super behind,” you answered.
“Are- Are you sure?” He couldn’t help the uncertainty. Did you really say yes to him?
“Yeah... should I not be?” You replied with a smile.
“No- sorry.” He sat down across from you. He could smell your perfume; he’d never been this close to you. “I just wasn’t sure if you even knew who I was.”
You chuckled. “How could I not know who you are? We’ve literally been in the same school system together since kindergarten.”
“I don’t know. You’re you know popular and stuff,” he said as he opened his notebook.
“Not really, besides even if I was that wouldn’t automatically make me forget anyone. But anyway, you can use my notes in a second, I’m almost done with the page,” you responded. You looked back down at your work and started writing again.
Tate nodded despite you not paying attention and watched as you wrote. He felt like that whole conversation was another one of his daydreams about you. Was he really sitting across from you? Or was it another mid-class nap? He cracked his knuckles to make sure he wasn’t dreaming and thankfully, he wasn’t. It was all real life.
“Sorry if this comes out as creepy, but I feel like I haven’t seen you around in a while. I mean, when was the last time we even spoke?” You suddenly spoke, your eyes back on his.
“I guess you weren’t looking hard enough to see me,” he said with a shrug. All his confidence was a facade because on the inside he was losing his mind.
He noticed the way your cheeks slightly turned pink before you replied. “Yeah, I guess I wasn’t. But I should have been.”
He knew deep down you were going to be his for so long, but at that point, he knew he had already achieved his goal. You were his.
“What is this place?” You asked as you clutched your cardigan around your body.
Tate smiled and grabbed both of your hands in his. “I told you it’s a surprise. Patience is a virtue.”
“I have patience, but I also have a lower body temperature than usual and it’s bothering me so I would really appreciate it if you’d just take me to the surprise already,” you said, a small smile forming on your lips.
“It’s seventy degrees.”
“Yeah, but it’s also windy at the beach and it’s probably colder than seventy because of the ocean’s temperature.”
Tate sighed and leaned his head down to press a small kiss on your lips, a feeling he still hadn’t gotten over. “What am I going to do with you?”
“Terrible, naughty things I hope,” you replied, kissing him again. “But please lead me to your special surprise beach spot.”
Though he wanted to stand there and kiss you all night, Tate obeyed your request and began to lead you further down the beach. It had been a few months since the two of you started talking, and to say it progressed would be an understatement. Tate had truly underestimated how easy it would be to capture your attention. All you wanted was a sweet, caring, genuine boy and he could be all those things easily.
So, after a month of being friends, he asked you out and you said yes. The relationship grew deeper with each day, and it didn’t disappoint him one bit. He loved everything about you. The way you’d lie on your bed with him and talk for hours, the way you’d make your relationship with him public by holding his hand in the halls, and most importantly the way you never expected or wanted him to change to fit in with your friends. You liked him for who he was, and it melted his heart.
It was your three-month anniversary, and Tate wanted to make it special. Even though he knew before the two of you got together that you were a virgin, he didn’t know to what extent you were. He quickly became aware you had done most things already, just not full sex. At first, he was annoyed at the fact that you weren’t completely his because he had never done anything with a girl before you. But after the first night, you went down on him, he wasn’t that upset anymore.
On this night he planned to take the next step with you. He had it all set up. The blankets, the lights, all of it. As the sight of his setup came into view, he watched your face light up. You squeezed his hand and grinned up at him.
“Is this really for me?” You asked.
“Yeah, do you like it?” He replied.
You nodded and sped up to reach it, dragging him with you. Once you made it you dropped down to sit on the blanket, urging Tate to do the same. “This is so cool. You’re the first boy to ever do something like this for me. I love it.”
“I’m glad, I know how you like sentimental things,” he said as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. “And I’ve been wanting to show you this spot for a while. I used to come here a lot as a kid and watch the waves with my dad... before he left. I wanted to make it special with you because you’re not like my dad. Right?”
“No, I’m not. I won’t ever do anything to hurt you like that. I lo- I like you Tate, a lot.”
Tate only stared into your eyes, his heart beating faster than it ever had in his life. You almost said you loved him. He knew then that night was going to be the night you finally gave yourself to him. Something in your eyes made him certain. Your eyes were dark. You stared up at him as if he were the only boy in the world. There was a feeling in the air, one of lust and fear.
“I’ll never want to hurt you either,” he mumbled after a few seconds. “I doubt I ever could.”
You gave him a small smile and placed one of your hands on his cheek. You caressed the skin with your thumb as you slowly started to lean your face toward his. He accepted your lips on him, kissing back instantly. It was the moment he’d been working up to for years. He was finally going to lose his virginity to you, and you to him. Nothing would ever compare.
The sound of Nirvana mixed with skin slapping filled Tate’s room. He couldn’t help the moan that left his lips when he looked down at you. Your back was arched so perfectly, your waist looked impossibly small, and your ass looked incredibly big. The side of your face was smushed against one of Tate’s pillows. You were so red, so loud you had to bite your hand to spare the whole house from hearing. Tate took in a deep breath and slapped your ass, his thrusts not faltering for even a second.
“Fuck baby, you look so pretty right now. You take me so well,” he whispered. He wrapped some of your hair around his hand and yanked you up, making you practically scream. “Yeah, you like that. You like being manhandled y/n?”
You let out another moan but didn’t reply. Tate slapped your ass again and threw you back down to the mattress. He leaned over you, your sweaty body feeling perfect against his. He was close to finishing. He’d already made you cum a few times that day, so he wasn’t too concerned about where you were. All he was concerned about was getting closer to you before he came.
“I love controlling you, you’re so helpless. Fuck I’m so close,” he mumbled in your ear. “You’re mine, all fucking mine forever. I’ll kill anyone who even tries to take you away from me.”
You made a noise and Tate couldn’t hold back any longer. He came inside you, his cock pulsing heavily. You groaned; his cock was hitting your cervix too hard it hurt. He waited a minute or so before finally pulling out and moving to the spot next to you on the bed. He’d never felt anything as amazing as having sex with you. He was breathless.
He was so caught up in his thoughts about what just happened that he didn’t notice your sad expression. When he eventually looked at you, he saw your frown. Immediately he turned to his side and faced you, reaching out one of his hands to brush a few of your hairs behind your ear.
“What’s wrong baby?” He asked.
“Nothing,” you replied.
“It doesn’t look like nothing you look sad; you can tell me whatever it is.”
You sighed and turned your head to meet his gaze. “Why do you like hurting me? Like during sex and stuff. You’re always so rough and I don’t know you’re really mean and sometimes the stuff you say is… scary.”
“How is it scary?” He laughed.
“You said you’d kill anyone who would try to take me away from you,” you said.
“Yeah, I would. I swear I’ve said this shit to you before. I would do anything for you, or to keep you,” he responded.
“Don’t joke about that Tate, you know I’m scared of killers because of what happened.”
“Oh, so this is about David? Why are you even thinking about him y/n he’s been dead for months. Do you miss him, or something is that it?” He questioned; his tone harsher than before.
You scoffed and sat up. “You’re seriously making this about me missing David?”
“Well, is that what this is about?”
“You’re unbelievable,” you muttered before you stood up and started to get dressed.
“Oh, my fucking God y/n I’m sorry for whatever I said wrong while we were fucking. Can we just move on already? I don’t see what the big deal is,” he snapped.
“No, we can’t just move on. You scare me sometimes Tate like genuinely. I know you mean it all in a sweet way but it’s weird. I love you but you don’t hear me saying I’d kill people if they talked to you or looked at you a certain way. That’s not normal.”
Tate sat up. “I wish you would say those things. I wish you loved me as much as I love you. I’d do anything you ask; I would shoot up the fucking school if you wanted me to.”
You looked at him, he could see the terror and fear in your eyes. “Are you serious?”
“Of course, I am. I don’t get why you’re acting so scared. I’d never hurt you I don’t even think I could if I wanted to, you mean more to me than any person alive or dead,” he answered.
“You’re sick,” you mumbled. You grabbed your bag and walked to the door. “I think we need some time apart; you aren’t sane.”
His heart practically stopped. “What?”
“We need to stop seeing each other for a little while, I can’t take this insane shit Tate. I’m sorry. You know I love you, but I need you to get some help before I can be with you.”
Before Tate could reply, you left. All he could do was stare at the door, a million thoughts roaming his head. Did you really just break up with him? Was that it? Did you just throw away everything the two of you had because you felt his love was too strong? It didn’t feel real.
As the night progressed, he tried to call you, dozens of times. But each call was either declined or rang out. His anxiety grew with each ring of the phone. Why weren’t you replying? Who were you seeing? Did he really mean so little to you that you could leave so easily? His mind spun with scenarios, each one worse than the last. By the end of the night, he had convinced himself you were cheating on him, and the following days only worsened his state of madness.
You ignored him completely in school. Every time he tried to talk to you, you either turned away or walked away completely. It hurt him terribly. He couldn’t understand what had changed so fast. He chased you around the halls for days, trying his hardest to get your attention. But it never worked. And so, his love for you began to fade into an awful rage.
He couldn’t let you just walk away from everything the two of you shared. You were his. Only his. He couldn’t let you leave him, not like his dad. He hadn’t spent his entire life chasing you just to end up losing you. No. So, he began to formulate a plan. He’d leave you alone for a few days then calmly ask you to meet him at the beach, in the special spot he once made for you.
He wasn’t surprised that his plan worked. You were predictable.
When the night came, he made sure he was prepared. He snorted a line, packed his bag full of your favorite things, and set off. As he walked down the beach, he made sure the knife he hid was secure in his pocket. It was smaller than the one he’d used on David, but it would do the job just as efficiently.
You arrived a few minutes after him, a sad expression on your pretty face. He fought the urge to run to you with open arms.
“Thank you for coming,” he said. Only a few feet separated your bodies, he wished he could close it. But he needed to be patient.
You took a deep breath, you looked nervous. “Yeah, look Tate I... I’ve thought about it and I... I really think we should stop seeing each other for some time.”
“Why Y/N? I love you, so fucking much. I’m sorry for what I said, I can change, I won’t say shit like that ever again. I’ll be gentle, I swear. Just give me the chance I can be whatever you need me to be,” he replied desperately. He opened his bag and pulled out your favorite candy. “I love you; I really do. Please give me another chance.”
He watched your eyes fill with tears. You wanted to give in, he could see it in your eyes. But you only shook your head and wiped a fallen tear from your cheek.
“No. I’m sorry. Tate, you aren’t gentle, that’s not who you are. And I don’t want you to pretend to be someone you aren’t.”
Tate swallowed hard. “You promised me you’d never leave me; you said you were nothing like my dad. Was it all a lie?”
“Of course not!” You exclaimed and took a step closer to him. “I love you; I really do. That’s why this is so hard.”
“If you love me, why can’t we work this out? Don’t lie to me Y/N.”
He couldn’t stop his eyes from watering, nor could he stop his lips from quivering. He dug the bouquet of your favorite flowers out from his bag and held them out to you.
“Please,” he mumbled. “I need you.”
You caved. You wrapped your arms around his waist and held him tight. He could feel your muffled cries on his chest, it pained him. You were a sensitive sweet girl; it was both your blessing and curse.
“Maybe in a few months, we can try again, I don’t know.” You looked up at him with bloodshot eyes. “We just can’t be together right now. And I mean we’re going to graduate soon, and I might go to a college far away, how would that even work? But I don’t want to hurt you.”
“It’s too late for that Y/N, you’ve already hurt me.” He dropped what he was holding and dug one of his hands into his pocket. He touched your face with his other hand, your tears covering his palm. “You’ve planned on leaving me this whole time. I wanted to give it another try you’ve made up your mind. I guess it just comes down to one thing.”
“What?” You asked.
“If I can’t have you, no one can,” he whispered before he pulled out the knife and plunged it into the side of your neck.
“I killed you because I loved you,” he answers. “Because you were going to leave me and find someone else.”
All you can do is stare at him in silence. You think back to everything that happened. How could you have been so blind? It couldn’t have been your fault though. He would’ve killed you anyway. You think back to all the times Tate made you uneasy, all the times he would say things that creeped you out. Deep down you must’ve known that’s who he is. Maybe you knew all along.
Maybe you loved him because of his darkness.
You exhale a long breath. “We don’t have that long till midnight.”
You shrug. “Wanna hook up?”
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pixiesfz · 6 months
can u do reader x leah williamson where reader has a nightmare? xx
OFCOURSE I CAN! I’ve been having these weird dreams lately so I’m gonna play on that so this should be fun for me.
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plot: y/n keeps on having these series of dreams and Leah tries to help her out
warning: nightmares, mentions of stabbing and killing idk, I’m writing this on my phone.
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You woke away with a jolt as you caught your breath “again?” You whispered to yourself as you took in your surroundings.
You were at Leah’s and you hadn’t told her about your dreams yet but you thought they would go away if you were in her hands.
Maybe all those romance books you read were lies.
You took your time getting out of the bed, you didn’t want to wake up Leah and you tip toed your way out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where you poured yourself a cup of water.
You sat on the couch with your now empty glass as you cuddled yourself. You could never sleep after a nightmare it was something you never grew out of.
But these nightmares lately weren’t very scary as such but you woke up so scared as if it was real.
“Y/n?” Leah’s voice filled the room as you looked behind to see your girlfriends blonde hair enter “I’m here” you said and you saw her walk into the room, her hair up but her bangs were fallen out, she looked beautiful and you smiled at the site.
“What you doing out here? She asked and you looked down “just had a weird dream is all” you shrugged “was it a nightmare?” she asked, now sitting down next to you.
“Sort of” you explained “but it’s just different” you said and she perked her head up “different how?” she asked and you shook your head “it doesn’t really matter it’s stupid anyways”
Leah put her hand on your hand which sat on your thigh “hey nothings stupid about a dream” she said and stroked your hand “well then it’s silly” you shrugged and she smiled “if the dream is big enough to take you out of my bed then it must be serious”
You smiled at her slightly dirty joke before leaning into her embrace and cuddling her side “can we talk about it in the morning?” You asked and she nodded “of course” she smiled and kissed your head “so you wanna sleep here?” her breath now fanning over your ear as you grew more comfortable on top of her.
You nodded with no words as your tiredness took over you and Leah smiled “okay”.
When you woke up you had to remind yourself of the night before and then you thought about the dream.
Leah deserved to know about it, you guys were getting serious and your sleepovers were slowly turning permanent.
“Leah?” You croaked out and she slid her hand through your strands of hair “yeah baby?” She asked “I’m ready to talk about the dream” you said and you felt her body nod.
“It starts out fine, I’m with you and the dogs and then I might be at work with the news crew and filming another weather show-“
You felt Leah softly laugh and you turned to her in a grin “don’t laugh this is my dream” you said and she nodded “sorry I still just find it funny that I bagged a weather girl” “shut up!”
“Okay then continue” Leah smiled and you sat on your elbows with Leah under you “like I said it starts early with me doing normal day things and then once I get home there’s always someone there with me, they have a mask on and their either trying to kill me or take something for me, at first it was scary but now I just wake up with my heart racing and shortness of breath almost as if-“
“You were in the dream” Leah finished for you and you nodded “yeah” you said and Leah smiled “I read something like this once” she said and you rolled your eyes “Leah buzzfeed does not mean actual facts” you laughed and she pointed at you “I actually learned this from a book actually.
“Oh yes your reading phase” you smiled and she now rolled her eyes “Like I was saying” she said and you smiled, looking up at your girlfriend “it could maybe be a warning”
“I’m going to be killed?” You asked and she crossed her head
“No, maybe you will get betrayed by someone that could explain the mask that this ‘person’ always has on that could resemble a person you are close with” you nodded at her words “or it couldn’t be” she said quickly.
“Or it could just be a vivid dream?” You asked and she nodded “some dreams just come for no reason” she explained “maybe your doing something in your daily life that you want to stop” she said “you did say they’re sometimes trying to take something”
“Yeah but” “No buts” she cut you off with a smile “If you have the dream again, wake me” she told you “but-“ “what did I just say about buts” and this time you laughed.
“Maybe he’s trying to take my house” you smiled and Leah smirked “What would you do if he took your house “Well I would stay with my girlfriend, she’s beautiful” you listed “she has these bangs that she complains about but I love and she also is the captain of the women’s England team how interesting-“
You were cut off with Leah’s lips on yours and you smiled into the kiss.
“Y/n” Leah said as she pulled away “yes?” You asked “Do you want to move in with me?” She smiled and your smirk grew “well of course” You said “but I would have to let my girlfriend know”
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faithshouseofchaos · 4 months
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I’ll never leave again— Bodyguard!Max verstappen x reader
Mentions drinking/drunk reader Allusion of smut/wet dream 🤭 Readers a bit of a stubborn brat Max is a bit cocky and possessive but In a good way Max does abandoned the reader for several months with no contact Temporary Bodyguard!Carlos Kidnapping held hostage and tortured angst fluff hurt comfort
Word count of 12258
Tagged— @astraeaworld @ashy-kit @alwayzbeenale @67-angelofthelordme-67 @a-casual-romantic @amatswimming @badassturtle13 @bblouifford @barcelonaloverf1life @bbtoni @clowngirlsstuff @charlesf1leclerc @crashingwavesofeuphoria @eugene-emt-roe @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @faithsotherhouseofchaos @formulas-bitch @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @hangmandruigandmav @hrts4scarr @hollie911 @ironcowboycopnickel @jeffs77 @lightdragonrayne @ladymarvel27 @lollypop90907 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @moss-on-tmblr @natailiatulls07 @norrisleclercf1 @omgsuperstarg @oconswrld @otako5811 @purplephantomwolf @scotlynaurora @toasttt11 @vellicora @venusisnothere @vivwritesfics
Max Verstappen has been with you since the beginning of time. He was the son of one of your father's employees. So it was natural to see Max from time to time growing up and eventually he disappeared for years and resurfaced as your bodyguard. Max lingered around like a bad smell. You couldn’t get rid of him for anything. And you tried everything to get rid of Max.
“God Max you ruin everything” you whined stomping your feet on the ground like a child.
“I’m sorry I was just doing my job,” Max says lightly shoving you into your room. Max was pissed you had snuck out of the house to meet up with a random hookup in a random hotel. Busting into the hotel room seeing you half naked underneath a random man made Max see red.
“Shut up,” you say through gritted teeth. “I’ve had it with you. Stop acting like my dad” You were always a wild child so it came as a surprise when Max would reprimand you. But secretly that’s exactly what you liked about him. That he was more than just your bodyguard.
“In case you forgot Princess it’s my job to look after you remember that if you get hurt or worse killed I don’t get paid,” Max says.
“I’m no princess anymore! I’m a woman, damn it. I can take care of myself” you say standing up and crossing your arms to prove your point.
“And anyway what’s the big deal, he’s just a guy I met on Tinder”
“What if he was out to hurt you? You never think about that” Max says angrily coming closer to your face which makes you flinch slightly.
“What if he took advantage of you?” He continued getting closer.
“What if he just wanted one thing from you?” He says now just inches away from you making you take a step back.
“You’re an asshole Max,” you say through gritted teeth.
“I may be but I’m not the one putting my life in danger so some random dude can have his way with me,” he says softly.
“I’m just looking out for you. I care about you. I love y-“ he catches himself.
“Forget it,” he says, turning around ready to leave the room.
“Wait,” you say, not liking the idea of him leaving while being mad at you.
You grab his arm and turn him around to face you.
“What” he says looking you right in the eyes. There is so much intensity and sincerity behind the glance but you’re not ready for that yet. You’ve always been afraid of falling in love so you just play it off like it’s nothing.
“Never mind,” you say brushing past him.
Your body language is cold and dismissive but you can tell Max is having a hard time not showing that he’s hurt by the way you’re acting.
You head to the bathroom to take a shower. It’s going to be a long night.
You step inside the shower letting the water hit your body with a slight sting but the sting is welcoming. You stood there for a while thinking about your encounter with Max. You wondered if he really cared about you or if he was just being jealous.
You wash yourself up and then step out of the shower. You wrap a towel around your body and head to your room.
You get dressed in one of your comfiest pajama sets and decide to just sit down and watch some TV. You were feeling a little upset after that interaction with Max but you just brushed it off.
As you’re sitting on your bed about to flip on the TV, you smell a familiar smell. You smell the cologne that Max always wears.
You know that smell anywhere. It’s his scent and you instantly realize that Max has been in your room. But he’s not here right now so the question is, where is he?
You get up and look out the window hoping to see him. You have a clear view of the driveway from your window since your room is on the top floor. You wonder if he’s out there looking for you or if he has just been in your room and left.
Suddenly you feel a presence behind you.
You turn around to look behind you and there he stands. Max.
“I just want to talk. Can we talk?” He says in a soft tender voice.
You are filled with emotions. You are both nervous, angry, and confused. It’s so confusing. You were ready to hate him a minute ago now he’s here standing in front of you looking genuinely concerned. He cares.
Your mind is racing with different thoughts and emotions and just as you are about to say something he grabs your hand.
“What do you want Max? I’m tired and I wanna go to bed” you said
“I know that you are hurt. But you were out there all alone with a random guy. What if he did something to you?” Max says in a frustrated and concerned tone.
“How could you be so reckless? Do you think this is a joke? Do you think bad things only happen to other people? He looks you dead in the eye, making you feel uneasy and guilty.
“I was just looking out for you. I do care about you. I would never let anyone harm you” he says softly pulling you to him and embracing you. You let out a sigh of relief. You’ve been waiting for an act of kindness like this.
“I’m sorry for snapping at you but I was just worried is all,” he says letting you go.
You look at him for a few seconds before responding. Maybe the thought of him caring about you was all you needed. Your guard is finally down. You look at him nervously.
“I’m sorry too… but you don’t have to be so possessive you know,” you say with a bit of sass.
“It’s late, you should go to bed, good night Schat,” Max says, leaving you standing in the middle of your room.
You watch him go and feel an overwhelming amount of sadness wash over you. You wish he would stay. Wish he’d stay and hold you in his arms.
You hear the door shut and the click of the lock and you decide to go to bed. Before you know it you’re in a deep sleep.
The next morning you wake up feeling refreshed and rested. You’ve had an eventful night with many ups and downs. You make your way downstairs to get some breakfast and notice that the house is completely silent.
There is no sign of life so you take it upon yourself to make a quick breakfast. You’re just putting the finishing touches on your eggs when you hear the door shut from behind and you immediately know who it is.
Max. He’s here. As you turn around you see him right behind you leaning against the kitchen counter.
“Good morning” you hear him say softly. You feel your heart beating in your chest and just look at him for a moment. Something happened between last night and this morning. But something about the way he’s looking at you is making you feel warm and fuzzy inside
He walks behind you and without warning puts his hands on your shoulders. You feel the warmth of his touch and find yourself turning to face him again making eye contact. The intensity of his gaze makes you feel butterflies in your stomach.
He pulls you closer so that the two of you are face to face and you can feel his breath on your neck as he leans in closer. Your body is filled with a wave of electricity as you feel the adrenaline coursing through your veins.
He puts one of his hands on your cheek and gently cups it while he stares blankly into your eyes. You feel his hand sliding back and you know he’s about to kiss you. You close your eyes and wait for it.
The moment his lips meet yours you feel a rush of intense pleasure. He pulls you closer and you let him embrace you. His lips move slowly against yours giving you the utmost pleasure possible.
The kiss becomes hungry and passionate and not long after Max's lips leave yours and trail down to your jaw then to your neck making you tip your head back and moan out.
The sound of your moan is enough to drive Max crazy. He digs his hands into your hips and pulls you closer against him. You can feel the warmth of his body against yours as the kiss becomes more intense.
But it isn’t enough for Max he needs to taste you so he lifts you onto the countertop without breaking the kiss. His hot breath against you sends shivers down your spine. You can’t stop yourself from letting your arms wrap around his neck. The intensity of it all has the heat rising inside your body.
Max pulls away from you long enough to take off your shorts and panties. Max pulls you forward pries your thighs apart and says
“Wake up”
“What?” You say confused
“I said wake up,” Max says
And just like that you jolted awake and looked around your room and realized that you were having a sex dream about Max.
You snap back to reality with the loudest alarm of all time. It took you a few seconds to realize that what you had just experienced was just a vivid dream. You sigh and let yourself relax. Your brain is flooded with emotions now. Emotions towards Max. Emotions that you never thought you would have.
You take a few minutes to collect yourself before the door to your room swings open.
“Morning princess“ you hear Max say in a lighthearted and teasing tone. You are shocked to see him there at your door and can’t help but feel embarrassed about the dream you just had.
You try your best to maintain your composure but you can feel that your face is as red as a tomato and your heart is beating fast. Max walks over to your bed and sits down on its edge. He is not phased by your embarrassment.
“Did you sleep well?” He asks, looking at you with a hint of playfulness in his tone.
“Uh… yeah….” You mutter out nervously, your cheeks still flaming red. You want to be cool and pretend like you don’t feel any embarrassment but it’s hard to stay in control. Max knows something is off and the worst part is he knows you’re trying to keep it from him.
“Good because today is the day that you learn some self-defense,” Max says Standing up “So get dressed and meet me down in the gym” he adds before leaving the room.
You’ve never felt more confused in your life. You are now more suspicious than ever about what’s going on with Max. He seems unusually cheerful today and the fact that he wants to teach you self-defense has you second-guessing the situation between the two of you.
You don’t have much time to ponder as you hear him shout out to you from down the hallway.
“Hurry up! I’m waiting!”
You quickly change into your workout attire which consists of some workout leggings and a sports bra. You look good in your workout attire it’s form-fitting and brings out the curves in your body.
After you put on your workout attire you head down to the gym to finally meet up with Max.
You finally make it to the gym and see Max waiting for you. He gives you a once-over before nodding his head in approval. You can’t help but notice how good Max looks in his workout attire. His clothes cling to his muscles and it shows off his impressive physique.
You try your best to keep your composure and not admire Max’s body but it’s hard. The man is built like a Greek god. You’ve always wondered why he dresses so conservatively when it comes to his clothes when his body is covered with muscle and definition.
You feel like you’re being watched. Your every move is being observed and judged. You feel yourself getting nervous as Max continues to stare at you.
“Are you ready? Are you paying attention to me or just my body?” He asks with a smirk and cocky smile.
Before you can respond Max steps closer to you to get your attention. He is now standing right in front of you and his body is so close to yours that you can feel the heat radiating from his body.
“I’m ready,” you say slightly embarrassed
“Good. Let’s get to work”. He says putting his focus back on the drill as he steps back and gets a safe distance away from you.
You feel your body relax and your breathing return to normal now that you’re no longer feeling trapped. You can’t help but steal some glances at Max as he moves through the drill. His body is tight and fit, and he looks hot in his workout gear.
You watch as the sweat drips down his face. The exercise is taking a toll on his body and is causing him to break a serious sweat. The sweat makes his T-shirt cling to his chest and shoulders and it defines his muscles. All these factors cause you to feel a sudden rush of affection and lust for Max.
“You ready for a break?” Max asks as he wipes the sweat from his forehead with a towel. The sight of the sweat dripping from his body makes you want to lick every inch of him. He is the epitome of perfection to you.
“Yeah, I could use a break,” you say nodding your head. You can feel the heat rising inside you and it’s not from the workout. It’s from seeing Max in his workout gear and sweating like an absolute animal.
“Good, let me go get some water,” Max says turning around as he wipes the sweat from his head once again.
The sight of his toned and muscular body in a tight T-shirt gets your body all sorts of worked up. Your mind flashes back to your dream again and you are reminded of just how much you desire Max.
You feel embarrassed by the fact that your mind keeps drifting back to the dream and your fantasies. You try your best to keep them at bay but it’s hard to concentrate when Max is looking so damn good in his workout stuff.
Max comes back a few minutes later with a bottle of water and passes it to you. You drink the entire thing in one sip and let out a quiet and slight moan as the water slides down your throat.
The moan doesn’t go unnoticed as the faintest of smirks appear on Max’s face. The fact that he caught it makes you feel embarrassed but at the same time, you can’t help but notice him smirking at you.
You feel nervous and embarrassed as he’s watching you like that. Your body feels hot and your face flushes red. You feel your heartbeat speeding up and the lust inside you intensify.
You catch your reflection in a big mirror nearby and quickly notice that your face is red and your breathing is slightly erratic. You look away quickly to avoid Max seeing just how flustered you’ve become. Max just smiles at you as he watches you fumble around.
“Ready to start back up?” He asks with a smirk on his face.
“I’m done for the day Max don’t forget you work me so when I say I’m done that means I’m done,” you say walking out of the home gym to take a shower you needed to get away from Max
“Fine,” Max says as he sees you walk away. You feel relieved to finally get away from him. But as you step out of the gym you get a glimpse of Max leaning against the door with his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk on his face. The sight of him makes your body shiver with excitement.
You quickly head to the bathroom to take a much-needed shower. You’re feeling a lot of things right now. Your mind is filled with fantasies about Max. You dream about him every night. This morning your dream felt so real you could feel him all over you.
You turn the shower to the hottest setting and step underneath the scorching jets of water. You let the heat wash over you in an attempt to wash away all the confused emotions you’re feeling right now.
Yep, a cold shower it is then you thought as you turned the cold water on. The cold water hits your body and sends chills up and down your spine. You suddenly feel your body shake with an overwhelming sense of relief. The sudden cold snap brings you back to reality and washes away the overwhelming fantasies and desires you had from your dream. The hot thoughts are gone and you are left feeling a bit guilty and embarrassed by your thoughts.
You turn off the cold water and dry off. You start to wonder if there is possibly a meaning to this dream you are having every night. You can’t help but think about the implications of it all.
You begin to contemplate the possibility that maybe you and Max have a connection that neither one of you is aware of and that this dream means you are longing for him on a deeper level.
The two of you seem to have gone back to your usual banter and back and forth. But something has changed, you feel like your feelings for him are getting stronger and the sexual tension between you both is starting to be undeniable.
You two have come to the consensus that your arguments and bickering are just a cover for something deeper that you both know you feel. But neither one of you dares to address the issue directly and admit it to the other. There is a silent tension between you two and it’s getting thicker by the day.
“Do you have to Hoover like that!” You snap annoyed by his presence once again
“Do you have to be so annoying?” Max teases back in his arrogant and cocky tone. He doesn’t move from where he stands. You know in your heart that he is purposefully doing this just to get a reaction out of you.
“It’s just so much fun. The way you get so mad at me every time. Don’t you see how adorable you look when you’re angry?”
You feel your blood start to boil the way he is talking to you. You can’t believe that he still thinks this is a joke. The playful tone in his voice is making you madder and madder. The tension between you both is growing and you can feel the sexual tension getting thicker with every word that leaves his mouth.
“What’s wrong with you? Why do you let everything I say get to you?” Max says mockingly. He has this smirk on his face and it’s obvious that he’s trying to make you mad. His voice has this playful and teasing tone to it that is getting under your skin.
“Nothing just back off,” you said, annoyed.
“Fine, I will,” Max says in his most sarcastic tone. His tone makes it clear that he is not going to leave you alone but rather he is about to mess with you even more.
As you go to walk away you feel Max grab onto your arm. You look at him with a pissed-off expression as to say “Let me go” but as you look at him your anger suddenly evaporates as all you can focus on is the way he’s looking at you with this grin on his face.
Your breath becomes shallow as you look into Max’s eyes. These long intimate stares between you two are starting to make you feel things you’ve never felt around him before. It suddenly feels as if the world is standing still and all you can see is him and his eyes locked on yours.
Your heart races at an alarming pace and you feel your body trembling underneath his touch. The heat from his strong arms holding you tight is making your cheeks red and your heart pound in your chest.
“You know. You look beautiful when you’re mad. Your face flushes and you look even more gorgeous than usual” Max says as he keeps staring at you with his signature smirk on his face. The way he’s looking at you makes you feel like he’s about to eat you up.
“Ugh just stop it!” You snap back. The way he is staring at you is making you so uncomfortable that you don’t know how to handle the situation. You’ve never seen his eyes look at you this way before.
“Stop what? Staring at you? Or is there something else about me that pisses you off?” Max says as he gets closer to you. Your body begins to tremble the closer he gets. The sexual tension between you two is thick and almost tangible. You can feel it just by standing next to him.
“You know what Max I'm gonna go to bed so good night,” you say walking away to your bedroom.
Your mind is filled with conflicting emotions and thoughts about what is going on between you two. You feel confused, angry, and embarrassed all at the same time.
“Good night princess” Max calls out to you as you walk away. The nickname he gave you makes you blush and feel embarrassed all over again. But even though your feelings and thoughts are all over the place, one thing is apparent and that is this undeniable sexual tension that is still lurking around.
“Fuck off” you yell back
You hear his loud laugh as you head into your bedroom. You can’t help but feel frustrated by all this unresolved tension between the two of you. You’ve both developed these emotions for one another that neither is acknowledging and it’s causing this intense heat and desire between the two of you that is making it hard to keep a lid on it.
Needing a break from everything you got dressed and walked over to your bedroom window and opened it slowly and quietly and then you climbed out and left. You needed to let loose and knew of the perfect way to do so. You showed the bouncer your ID and he let you right in.
The loud music pumping through the club fills your body with excitement as the bouncer lets you in. You feel unburdened by everything outside these walls. You can forget all the confusion and tension that’s been between you and Max inside these walls and just let loose. The adrenaline from the music and the rush of all this atmosphere makes you feel alive.
You head to the bar and order a drink. As you take a sip all the confusion from your mind disappears instantly. You feel completely at ease now. You don’t care about the emotions or what is going on between you and Max, all you wanna do is get as drunk as possible and have a good time away from all your stress and problems.
The night progresses and the drinks keep coming. You feel more and more carefree and liberated. You lost count of how many drinks you had and you don’t care one bit. You are having a good time and enjoying every second of it.
Eventually, the alcohol begins to cloud your brain as you dance around with strangers in the bar.
With the music blasting loud through the speakers and the alcohol flowing freely through your body you feel like the world is yours for the taking. Your inhibitions are completely thrown out the window and you don’t care what anyone thinks of you. You are letting loose and enjoying the attention and admiration you're getting from the men in the bar.
The night continues and you’ve lost count of how many different men you have danced with. All the attention, admiration, and alcohol have made your body feel so loose and airy. The alcohol has clouded your thoughts and you’ve forgotten all about Max and your unresolved emotions with him.
The evening has turned into night and you’ve lost track of time. You can barely keep your balance at this point and a lot of the time your eyes struggle to focus. You’re so drunk that you don’t even realize someone placed a new drink in your hand. You just keep drinking and don’t even ask where it came from.
Max can’t believe that his precious princess is in the bar completely drunk and wasted to the point where she can barely stand straight. His anger and frustration are mounting as he watches her dancing with the men in the bar and getting drinks from strangers. His anger is quickly replaced with rage as he starts to think about all the men in the bar trying to take advantage of her. He is about to explode with anger and frustration at the sight of her.
Max can’t just stand back and watch this happen, he has to get her out of here. But as he watches her it’s obvious that she doesn’t even recognize him or see him at all. All she is interested in is letting loose and enjoying the attention she is getting. This is driving him mad because she is his only priority and to see men trying to take advantage of her like this is making him see red.
Max pushes his way through the crowd and makes his way over to her. He has to get to his princess and get her out of this situation.
The club is packed and crowded with people and as Max pushes and shoves his way through it feels like an eternal pit of bodies. He can’t just stand back and watch all these men fawn over his girl so he keeps pushing forward until he sees her dancing with another dude.
The rage inside Max boils over as he watches another man touch and feel her body. He suddenly feels the primal and territorial urge to protect his girl from these other men. He can’t just let her do whatever she wants with them.
The jealousy inside Max is rising to a point where he can barely control it. She is his princess and only his and yet these other men are getting to touch and feel her body while he hasn’t. The way she is letting them take advantage of her makes him feel sick and furious.
Max pushes the random dude off her and grabs onto her arm tightly and roughly. She is so drunk she doesn’t even know it’s Max, all she can see is this angry-looking dude grabbing onto her and pulling her away from the crowd.
“Hey, let go of me!” She yells in a drunken slur. But Max doesn’t let go and just pulls her further away from all those predators. He keeps dragging her until he takes her outside and to a dark and secluded area away from the crowd.
“You better let me go,” she says as she tries to get loose from Max’s grip but he doesn’t let go. He is too angry to listen to what she’s saying. He just keeps dragging her further away from the club so they can talk in private without anyone nearby to hear them.
“Are you insane let go of me!” She says angrily. She can’t believe that he just randomly pulled her away from the crowd and out into the dark. Her drunken mind can’t understand that he’s trying to get her away from the people trying to take advantage of her and that he’s just trying to protect her.
“It’s for your good!” Max yells back angrily. The fact that he is trying to protect her but she can’t understand it makes him even more annoyed. He keeps tightening his grip on her hand, making her feel scared and trapped in his grasp.
“Let go of me!! You stupid idiot! I can take care of myself!” She slurs back at him. The alcohol has clouded her mind so much that she can barely speak a clear sentence and she’s not thinking logically. The more she struggles the tighter Max’s grip gets as he keeps dragging her towards the secluded spot.
“Shut it, you’re drunk. These men have already been all over you and I’m not gonna sit here and let them take you home! Don’t you get it? I’m trying to protect you!!” Max yells back angrily. He has had enough to where the jealousy and anger are starting to show through and he can’t contain his emotions any longer.
“I don’t need your protection!” She yells back angrily. Her drunken slurred speech is barely making sense and the more she talks the angrier she gets. She can’t understand why Max is being so mean and aggressive towards her. She can’t even tell that he is worried about her and just trying to get her out of this situation.
“What do you not get!? You’re drunk and those douchebags were trying to take advantage of you. That’s why I took you out here!” He yells back at her in frustration. He is starting to feel the adrenaline and rage pumping through his body as his anger and frustration grow.
“So what!? I can handle myself perfectly fine!” She slurs back and continues to try and get loose of his grasp. She tries to break free but can’t. Max is much stronger than her and is easily able to hold onto her tightly.
“Oh really what’s my name?” Max asks
She freezes and is confused by the sudden unexpected question. She squints her eyes trying to concentrate and think hard about his question. She’s so drunk that she can barely even focus on him let alone remember his name.
“God you’re such an idiot. All you care about is having fun and getting wasted. Do you even remember my name?” He asks and his tone changes from anger to annoyance as he sees she can’t remember his name.
“Is it Sid ?” You slurred
“No you dumbass it’s Max, do I look like a Sid to you?” He says angrily. He has no patience for your drunken stupidity right now and it shows in his tone of voice.
“See you can’t even answer a simple question right. All these other dudes in there have been kissing you and touching you and you can’t even remember my name. You’re drunk off your damn ass and I can’t just let you go like this.”
“So we’re going home and we’ll talk about this in the morning,” Max says opening his car door and helping you get in.
“Where are you taking me!” She yells back at him angrily, her tone is not a question it is a statement and it’s one of anger and frustration. She can’t believe he dares to take her away from her fun night out and take her home.
“I said we are going home. It’s late and I’m not going to risk having you out here all night and getting taken advantage of. I am trying to protect you so just shut up and stay silent.”
“I don’t need protection, dumbass. I can handle myself just fine!” She slurs back. The alcohol has made her arrogant and defiant and she can’t believe that Max dares to protect her from her damn self.
“Yeah, clearly you can’t handle yourself. You’re barely able to form sentences and you don’t even know what the hell is going on and I can tell you would let any man take you home right now if I hadn’t grabbed you. So as I said we are going home.”
“I hate you,” you said, turning away from him to look out the window.
“Well good because I’m not here to be your friend in any way,” Max says, starting the car and driving back home.
The drive back home is silent and filled with tension. Neither of you says a word to each other as you both sulk in your thoughts. When you finally reach home Max pulls the car into the driveway and turns off the engine.
He then gets out of the car and walks around to open the car door where you’re sitting. He turns to you and stares at you quietly, looking at you with an intense and serious look on his face.
“Get out and go straight to bed.” He says sternly. He is still furious and disappointed in you for getting so drunk and letting randoms touch you like that. The fact that you can’t remember his name also doesn’t help the situation at all.
He holds his hand out to you and looks at you expectantly like he’s waiting for you to take his hand. He wants this night to be over with but there is so much unresolved tension and emotions between the two of you that he knows there is no way this can be put behind you that easily.
The alcohol has completely taken over your mind and you can barely even walk but somehow you manage to take his hand and slowly get out of the car with the help of him steadying you. He keeps his hand firmly gripped on yours the whole time as he leads you inside the house.
He leads you up the stairs quietly and he doesn’t say a word to you the whole time. You can feel the angry and frustrated energy radiating off him and you can’t tell if it’s directed at you or himself. And the whole time your mind is a complete blur and you struggle to even form a clear thought or word.
He leads you down to your room, the room where he guards and protects you every night from the dangers of the outside world. That’s where he wants to protect you from all the men who tried to take advantage of you. But he can’t stop himself from feeling angry and frustrated that you got so drunk and gave strangers the chance to touch and feel you like that.
He helps you lie down in bed and then pulls the covers over you as if you are a little child. You feel a wave of embarrassment wash over you as he stands by your bed and looks down at you. You feel embarrassed that he had to take you home and that he has to put you to bed like a little kid because you drank too much.
“Please stay with me?” You asked, grabbing his hand.
“No,” Max says, pulling out of your grasp and leaving your room.
The rejection stings you like a dagger. The last thing you want at this moment is to be left alone with your thoughts. You just want the warmth and comfort of someone to soothe you and help you forget this awful night that has turned into a huge mess. Your eyes begin to well up and tears start to fall onto the pillow as the loneliness and misery hits you like a ton of bricks.
He knows exactly how hurt and vulnerable you are at this very moment, but he struggles to show his softer side. It feels strange to show kindness and compassion to someone he’s so angry at. It feels hypocritical. So instead he walks away from your bedroom and decides to go downstairs to the living room to cool off.
He sits down in his chair and stares down at his hands. All he feels is anger and disappointment towards your actions tonight. His mind is a mess of thoughts and emotions and he finds it hard to rationalize them in his head. He is trying to process this entire night and to make sense of it all.
Max finally concluded that he couldn’t stay here anymore he can’t stay here he needed a break he needed to go home back to Holland to clear his mind.
The frustration and anger inside of him reaches its boiling point and he can’t take it anymore. He can’t stay here and keep protecting you from yourself just for you to turn around and continue to put yourself in dangerous and reckless situations out of your reckless behavior. He is sick of it, sick from the worry and the stress and the constant fear. He needs to get away. He needs space a break and a chance to clear his mind.
He knew that there was no way of him falling asleep after all the emotions that had just stirred up within him while sitting in that chair. He needed to return home and try to clear his head and get away from this mess. He stands up from the chair and starts walking towards the front door. He can’t wait another minute in this house with you. He needs to leave and put some distance between the two of you.
You wake up the next morning with a nasty hangover. Your head is pounding and your stomach is in knots. The events of last night slowly creep back into your memory and the embarrassment and shame creep in as well. You can’t believe you got so drunk and acted so stupid. But as you lay there you realize there is also another feeling creeping in, one that you haven’t felt in a long time. The feeling is an intense loneliness and sadness that starts to fill your chest and spread throughout your entire body.
Getting out of bed you made your way to your bathroom to shower. You needed to wash the night before away.
The water from the shower washes away the dirtiness of last night and you wash away all the shame and embarrassment of getting completely wasted. When you step back out into your room you feel refreshed and renewed, but the loneliness is still there hanging over you. You’ve gotten so used to having Max around at night and you’re not sure what to do with the emptiness you are feeling inside your chest.
After Getting dressed you open your door expecting to see a disappointed Max. You instead met with a man standing outside your doorway.
He had dark thick hair a stubble brown eyes and he was toned and muscular he looked as if he was a god.
“Who are you?” You asked looking around for Max.
“I’m Carlos your new bodyguard,” Carlos said in a thick Spanish accent.
“Well, Carlos where’s Max?” You asked
“He left”
“He…left?” You said confused
“Yes, he left this morning. I believe he went back to Holland” Carlos says calmly. The unexpected news that Max left hits you like a punch to the stomach. You’re speechless and all the feelings of sadness and loneliness suddenly come rushing back even stronger than before.
“Why didn’t he say goodbye? Why did he just leave me? Was he mad at me?” You ask Carlos all at once. You’re not used to Max not being around and you’re feeling anxious and nervous without him. This news is like a dagger straight to your heart and your chest is tightening up with anxiety and fear.
“He didn’t tell me many details and you two have a very…complicated relationship,” Carlos says in a very calm and monotone voice. Carlos always had a calm quiet and stoic personality and he seemed almost completely unaffected by your emotions right now.
“But… he’s not coming back? Like at all?” You ask and the tone in your voice sounds like desperation and panic. You don’t know what to do without him or how you’ll be able to sleep at night without him protecting you.
“He didn’t tell me the exact details. He just said he needed some time away from you, that the situation with you has become too much for him and he needed to get away and clear his head.” Carlos says calmly. His stoicism and calm demeanor seem out of place in the situation as he talks about a very personal relationship between you and Max.
“He didn’t tell me the exact details. He just said he needed some time away from you, that the situation with you has become too much for him and he needed to get away and clear his head.” Carlos says calmly. His stoicism and calm demeanor seem out of place in the situation as he talks about a very personal relationship between you and Max.
“Well, when is he coming back?” You ask and you feel a mix of panic and desperation starting to swell in your chest. You need to know if he will be coming back or if this is one and done. You’re not sure how you’ll be able to adjust to life without Max being around.
“He didn’t give me an exact timeline. He just said it would be a while and for me to take care of you in the meantime.” Carlos says looking at you with a calm expression. You can’t read him and you don’t know what he’s thinking and feeling right now which makes you even more nervous and anxious
“Wow you know how to ease a girl's mind” You walked past him and headed to the kitchen to find some food
“I believe he will be back eventually so there is no need to be distraught,” Carlos says calmly and monotone. You roll your eyes and give him a sarcastic remark as you walk past him. He didn't tell you anything that you wanted to hear. He just left with no explanation and now you have some random guy standing outside your room like he's supposed to protect you with no warning at all.
Eventually, you got used to having Carlos around he even gave you the nickname Expreso de desastre caliente and Tren descarrilado (hot mess express and train wreck) because that’s what you were.
Life with Carlos as your bodyguard was tame; he wasn't Max by no means. You learned that he was great at cooking.
You still hadn’t heard anything about Max coming back. You missed Max. He would still be here if you hadn’t acted out and drove him away.
You and Carlos became familiar with each other as the months went by. He was always calm in any situation and was very different from Max. Max was very strict and stern and would never let you get away with anything. Carlos on the other hand was much more relaxed and laid back. His protective side only really came out when there was a threat or danger. Otherwise, he was very gentle and friendly.
But despite your initial discomfort and apprehension, you did grow to really like Carlos. He was a good cook and he never got upset or annoyed with you like Max did. But even though you liked him, part of you still missed the protection and comfort that Max provided you. You started to long for Max even more and the loneliness started to creep back into your heart.
After many months without any word from Max, you finally accepted the fact that he was most likely not coming back. It seems like he was done with you and his feelings and emotions had probably changed. And despite how much things had changed and how much you missed him, you continued with your life and adjusted to having Carlos as your bodyguard.
You two became fairly close and you enjoyed his company. Despite not having the same deep emotional connection that you had with Max, you still enjoyed having him around. But you couldn’t help but notice that the loneliness and emptiness you felt was still nagging at you inside. You missed Max and wanted him to come back so that you could be reunited with him and no longer feel lonely and empty.
More months went by and you were living your life and you and Carlos became very close, but you still couldn’t shake that feeling of empty loneliness that had permeated every inch of your being, and you couldn’t help but miss Max. That constant empty loneliness never lifted and you missed his warmth and presence that always seemed to bring your heart comfort and reassurance.
You start to wonder if you will ever hear from Max again. It’s been so long that you fear the possibility that he might have completely moved on and forgotten about you. Even though you had adjusted to life without him and had become close to Carlos, your heart still ached for Max and you still couldn’t shake that emptiness inside of you.
You woke up this morning to another sex dream about Max. At this point, you were sexually frustrated and couldn’t get any relief no matter how much you tried. So you left your bedroom slamming your door and stomped all the way downstairs.
“What’s wrong with you?” Carlos asked looking up at you.
“Nothing,” you say bitterly, still sulkily walking down the stairs and sitting down on your couch. You were in no mood to chat with Carlos or to tell him anything. He just couldn’t compare to Max and you were starting to resent Carlos for that.
“Really because that pour on your face says different,” Carlos says.
“Just leave me alone. I’m not in the mood to talk right now.” You snap at Carlos. The fact that he’s even trying to have a conversation with you right now pisses you off because he could never understand a fraction of the pain and frustration you were dealing with inside.
“Hey hey hey I’m just trying to help,” Carlos says holding his hands up
“How the hell can you help me, Carlos?” You snap at him angrily. It’s clear that you want to be left alone but Carlos was being too nice and calm for you like always and you didn’t know how to handle it.
“I’m frustrated ok I’m sexually frustrated there I said it,” you said.
Carlos stares at you and is slightly taken aback by your admission. You have never spoken this openly and honestly to Carlos but you just couldn’t contain it anymore.
Your anger and frustration towards the situation is boiling over and you just want to let out all of your frustration on someone. Carlos just happens to be the closest thing to you so he gets the brunt of it.
Carlos just stares at you in disbelief for a second before he lets out a breath and sits down next to you. He doesn’t know what to say or how to comfort you at this moment. Your honesty and openness catch him off guard and you can’t help but feel embarrassed and foolish about how you’re acting right now.
“Are you… um…. I mean do you need some help?” Carlos asks you and he is a little taken aback by the sudden conversation turning in this direction. You never expected him to ask you something like that but you guess that he was just being genuine and wanted to help.
“Well the Spanish are known to be generous lovers,” Carlos says with a shrug of his shoulders
That was not the response you had expected from him. You roll your eyes and scoff at his reply. “Is that so?” You say sarcastically. You aren’t sure how he’s supposed to help you with this but your curiosity has been piqued and you want to see where this conversation is going to go.
“Well, I guess we are… it’s in our blood. It’s natural for us to love passionately.” Carlos says with a shrug and a smile. The way he says it makes you feel very uncomfortable and you roll your eyes again.
“That’s great but I don’t think that helps the situation here.” You say frustrated because this convo was going nowhere and it was only making you feel more annoyed and uncomfortable. The whole topic was uncomfortable and awkward and you don’t even know why you brought it up in this way.
“I’m sexually frustrated Carlos I haven’t had sex In almost a year” you admit looking into his darkened brown eyes
Carlos stares at you for a long minute and seems taken by surprise by your honesty and bluntness. He looks at you with a little bit of shock and you can’t help but feel embarrassed and awkward by how honest and direct you were being. You didn’t think he was going to say anything else other than that but he doesn’t look disgusted or turned off by what you just admitted to him.
“I see…” is his only response. He sits there pondering what to say next and what the solution might be to your problem. There was no doubt that he was very attracted to you as well but he also knew you were off-limits since he was supposed to be your bodyguard.
“Can I help you with your problem?” Carlos asked looking at you
That wasn’t the response you expected. You felt yourself get a bit hot and flushed upon hearing this. You were very surprised that he would say something like that. You knew he found you attractive and that he was very charming but you never expected him to outright offer to help you in this way.
“Why? We can’t… we wouldn’t… it’s not… I mean…I can’t.” You start fumbling with your words because you don’t know what to say or how to respond to this proposition he just made.
Carlos just stares at you with a smirk on his face. He can see the desperation and the conflict inside you to deny him but also to accept what he’s offering at the same time.
“Are you sure because the way you flushed and rubbed your thighs together is to say that you need relief?” Carlos says
Your eyes widen when he says that. You didn’t realize that you were giving away your desperation and lust so easily. You sit there completely flustered and embarrassed that he brought your subconscious movements to the forefront. Your body wanted release but your mind and consciousness were fighting back.
Carlos is very caught off guard by your sudden movement and he stares at you with an amazed look on his face. You have to admit that you’re surprised too because there was no way you expected to be doing this right now but your body had taken over and you weren’t thinking rationally.
You moved quickly and now you were on top of Carlos with him pressed back against the couch. You wanted him so badly and couldn’t think clearly. You needed him to make you feel good and release this tension that had been building.
The way your body moves to straddle him makes him very tempted. You can see the desire in his eyes as he stares up at you. You can feel his breath on your neck and his hands slowly start moving to your thighs.
You leaned down and began to kiss Carlos hard and passionately. His hands moved from the top of your thighs to your grip your ass. You have a bruise there in the morning but you don’t care.
Your kiss was more desperate and urgent than ever before. The desire and thirst in your body were unquenchable and there was no way you could get enough of Carlos. You’re lost in the feeling and the heat of the moment and you didn’t care how hard or where on your body you were touched because you just wanted more.
It was undeniable that the feeling was mutual. Carlos started to kiss you back with the same intensity and passion and his hand moved up your body until he was caressing your breast. His touch was sending ripples of pleasure throughout your body and you couldn’t help but moan and squirm on top of him.
Your kisses became wild and frantic and the desire grew inside of you to a point it was overwhelming. You wanted him so badly and he wanted you. Your kisses became more intense and it felt like your bodies were one. You wanted to stay in the moment and never let it end.
Your breathing became rapid and your body moved with a desperate rhythm. You wanted nothing more than to be lost in this moment with Carlos and let him take you further than you have ever gone before.
The next morning you wake up and feel a bit awkward and hungover from the intense night before. Your body felt a bit sore and tired and the feeling of the previous night was still fresh in your mind. You were still shocked and a bit embarrassed by how fast and intense things had heated up with Carlos. You were almost certain that your body had bruises on it and you were ready to get up in the bathroom and check but you were still really tired.
You’re about to try to get up again and go to the bathroom but you can hear a strange noise coming from downstairs. You listen closely and hear what is like a struggle going on in the living room. You immediately freeze and become tense and afraid.
The noise is loud and intense and you can hear things being knocked over and things being smashed. You begin to feel terrified and anxious about the situation. Something is wrong and you can't just sit here and do nothing about it.
You quickly jump out of bed and quickly put some clothes on before heading to the door. You take a deep breath and try to prepare yourself for what you might see on the other side. You feel like a deer in headlights but you know that you have no choice but to face whatever is waiting for you on the other side of the door.
You slowly walk to the door and take another deep breath. Your heart is pounding so loud in your ears that you can tell that it's pumping adrenaline so intensely inside your body and your mind is thinking so many thoughts at once it's hard to process everything. Your body moves almost automatically to the door and your hand slowly reaches towards the knob.
Your hand grabs ahold of the knob and for a moment your body freezes. You don't know what you're about to face or what you will come across when you open the door. You stand there frozen with the doorknob in your hand, waiting for the courage to open it and face whatever is on the other side.
Opening the door you step out and bump into a frazzled Carlos.
“We need to go now,” Carlos says grabbing your hand and pulling you back into your bedroom.
“Grab your go bag,” Carlos says barricading the door with your dresser you did as he said.
“Put your shoes on” he informs running to your window and opening it
“Listen to me and listen closely when your feet touch the ground. I want you to run into the woods. I'll be right behind you” Carlos says helping you climb out.
With all the adrenaline pumping through your body you don’t ask any questions or wonder what is going on. You trust and follow Carlos blindly with an intense sense of urgency and fear. As soon as you’re out the window Carlos quickly follows behind you and then begins running into the woods. You follow him quickly and run as fast as you can after him.
You run as fast as you can and try to keep up with Carlos. You can feel the tension and seriousness in the situation and you can tell that something really bad is going on. You have no idea what is going on but you feel like you’re life is in danger and you trust Carlos to keep you safe during this situation. Your mind is going a million miles a minute and the sound of your footsteps crunching on the forest floor is the loudest thing you can hear right now.
You follow Carlos through the woods and he seems to have a clear direction where he’s going. Your focus stays locked on him and you keep your eyes trained on his back as you try to keep up with him. You’re breathing heavily and you can tell that you’re running out of oxygen quickly but Carlos keeps his pace so you have no choice but to keep going.
You keep looking ahead and after ten minutes of sprinting you feel like you’re going to throw up from all the exhaustion and fatigue. You have no idea how much longer he is going to keep taking you through the woods like this but you have to follow him no matter what. The fear and anxiety of this situation are overwhelming and you can feel your whole body breaking down from the intensity of it all.
“I need a break I can’t keep up,” you said hunched over taking deep breaths.
Catching your breath you looked up and noticed that you lost Carlos.
“Carlos?!” You called out heaving
You look around anxiously and can’t see Carlos because all the trees look the same and the woods seem to go on forever. You called around for him but he did not respond and the fear and anxiety of the situation grew even more intense. You started to freak out a little bit and you wanted to scream out for him but you couldn’t even get the words out.
Just then you heard a scream come from the distance. It sounded like Carlos and your eyes snapped towards the sound of his voice. You started to run in that direction calling out his name. “Carlos? Carlos where are you?!”
You keep running in that direction with all the adrenaline and fear rushing through your veins. Your body was tired and you could feel that your breath was short and quick. If he was hurt or in danger, you had to find him now. You kept running through the woods and finally saw a movement ahead and you hoped it was him.
You keep running in that direction with all the adrenaline and fear rushing through your veins. Your body was tired and you could feel that your breath was short and quick. If he was hurt or in danger, you had to find him now. You kept running through the woods and finally saw a movement ahead and you hoped it was him.
You kept rushing towards the movement and you saw that it was Carlos. You slowed down as you got closer and he was being held at gunpoint. Four men were surrounding him and were holding him hostage. Your heart sank when you saw this situation and you immediately stopped in your tracks.
Carlos was begging for his life and the men around him were demanding that you show yourself. They did not look like nice people and you could tell that they were not going to let Carlos go anytime soon. You were so relieved when you found Carlos but now you have to figure out how to get him out of this situation.
Carlos made eye contact with you and mouthed a single word “Run”
You immediately understood what he was trying to say. He wanted you to run away right now and leave him to his fate. Your heart broke for him but you had no choice but to listen to his pleading and run away. You turned around immediately and started running in the opposite direction with all the speed and strength you had left.
You didn’t get very far as you bumped into one of the masked men who grabbed your arm and dragged you back to the group of men
You were so stunned when the masked man suddenly grabbed you and pulled you back towards the group. Your mind started to race with thoughts and your heart started beating so fast it was hard to think. You were scared and anxious and you didn’t know what they were going to do with you now.
Two of the men grabbed you by the arms and held you firmly in place so you could not get away. You were shaking and your heart started beating so fast it felt like it was going to explode. The more you struggle the tighter the mask men hold you. They were strong and you couldn’t even move an inch.
The third man came up behind you and pressed the butt of a gun to your head. You flinched and froze in scared silence. Your heart skipped a beat and you felt like you were going to pass out from fear. You could feel the cold metallic feel of the barrel of the gun pressed against your head.
“We need them alive,” the leader said.
“Are you sure, boss? I don’t think they’re going to cooperate with us and it’s a lot simpler to just off them now. Less work.” One of the men said while holding you tightly.
“I’m sure! I have a better plan for them. We’re bringing in a few more men to help transport them somewhere. They both need to survive and you need to keep them in one piece.” The boss said firmly.
“Understood boss,” one of them says while moving behind you and tying your hands together tightly. You tried to resist but the men were too strong and you could not escape their grip. You felt helpless and terrified.
The man moved to a third man and put his hands behind your back and he tied your hands tightly together. You are now tied up tightly by these men like a prisoner. The fear and tension in your body were rising with each move the men made. You feel trapped and you can’t help but wonder what the leader's plan is and what he wants with you and Carlos.
The masked men dragged you and Carlos to a building a few miles off from where they first found you. You and Carlos were forced into a dark room and you could not see your surroundings. The masked men tied you both to chairs and started to put sacks over your heads.
You were feeling a mix of fear and confusion. You couldn’t see anything but you were still able to hear everything that was going on around you. The room was dark and you could feel an intense amount of anxiety starting to build up inside of you. Your breathing began to quicken and you were sweating because of the fear building up inside your body.
“Carlos answer me please” you cried desperately for an answer. Carlos doesn’t respond and you hear only the sound of his breathing. You don’t know whether he is still alive or if he’s passed out from the pain and suffering you both endured in this room. Your fear was growing and you wanted to scream out for him to say something but you felt like your voice had been completely drained of all strength. You were so desperate for him to be alive and for him to respond to you.
You felt a sense of relief when you felt the tap of Carlos’s feet against yours. It was a small gesture but it was reassuring to you when you needed it the most. It told you that he was still there with you and that you weren’t alone in this fight. It gave you an instant comfort that everything was going to be okay and you weren’t going to have to do this by yourself.
As the minutes passed you continued to tap your foot against his and it became a form of communication in the absence of words. The sound of his foot tapping yours was calming and it felt like he was telling you that he was still there with you and that he was going to support you through this horrible situation you were going through. You felt a sense of relief and comfort with each tap of his foot against yours.
You continued to tap your foot against his and you could feel the tears still streaming down your cheeks. Your eyes were so heavy and you could barely keep them open anymore. You wanted to fall asleep but you didn’t want to let your consciousness slip away in case something happened to you or Carlos.
A few days later you wake up hearing gunshots coming from outside the door and the feeling of terror takes over your body. You had been waiting and praying for someone to come and rescue you guys and now it seems like the prayer has been answered. The shots get closer and louder and with each shot your heart skips a beat. You hear voices coming from outside the door and you try not to let your imagination run wild and instead you focus on your breathing.
You hear the doorknob click and the door opens suddenly. Your heart jumped up in your throat as your eyes strained to adjust to the bright light. The last few minutes seemed more like a lifetime of fear and uncertainty and now it was coming to an end. You waited for a second and then finally saw something that you were hoping to see.
You see a group of armed men who bust into the room and aim their guns at the masked men. You can’t believe your eyes and you don’t know if this is real or if you had just lost your whole mind in this situation alone. You couldn’t even scream your relief or excitement you could only stare and keep your eyes on the armed men. The voices of the masked men were raised and they were shouting something but with the adrenaline pumping through you, your mind wasn’t processing what they were saying.
You see a group of armed men who bust into the room and aim their guns at the masked men. You can’t believe your eyes and you don’t know if this is real or if you had just lost your whole mind in this situation alone. You couldn’t even scream your relief or excitement you could only stare and keep your eyes on the armed men. The voices of the masked men were raised and they were shouting something but with the adrenaline pumping through you, your mind wasn’t processing what they were saying.
One of the armed men walked towards you and the other walked towards Carlos. The other men followed behind him and they all kept their guns aiming directly at you and Carlos. The man who was walking towards Carlos pulled the sack off his head and let him out of the chair.
The man walked over to you and cut the ropes on your hands and arms. You tried not to move fast because your body was still so weak and exhausted but you could not contain the joy and relief you felt in your body.
The feeling of being freed from those ropes felt like the best feeling in the world. You felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders and you couldn’t wait to get up and hug Carlos. You were still shaken and anxious from all the tormenting you had endured but now it was finally over.
The man grabbed you and helped you up from your chair and you almost fell to the ground from sheer exhaustion and relief. You tried to stand on your feet but you were still shaky and the man that had rescued you held you in his arms to keep you standing.
The armed man let you go and you immediately ran over and hugged Carlos. You couldn’t stop the flow of emotions that were pouring through your body and your tears streamed down your cheeks as you held onto him tightly. You were in each other’s arms and you couldn’t believe that you had made it out of this situation alive and together.
Carlos held you in his arms tightly and you could feel his heartbeat racing through his chest. The fear and anxiety that you both had felt was melting away and you could feel the relief and joy that you were both feeling in this moment. You were so grateful to the man that had rescued you both and you couldn’t believe that both of you had survived this awful situation together.
A few days have passed since you and Carlos were rescued from the horrifying situation. You both spent some time in the hospital to recover from the physical and emotional trauma of the whole thing. You are feeling much better, although both of you are still a little shaken up by the entire ordeal. You are both so grateful to be alive and you cannot stop thinking about how close you both came to death.
You spend the next few days in and out of consciousness when you finally come to you look around the room and see a figure holding your hand in theirs. The smell of his cologne gave him away to your senses Max it was Your Max.
You’re still so weak you don’t even need to open your eyes to know who the figure is. The smell of his cologne is unmistakable. You smile to yourself before slowly opening your eyes and looking over at him. The memories of what happened flood through your mind again and you squeeze his hand tightly.
As you squeeze his hand he squeezes back and you feel relief and comfort wash through your body. You can tell by his look that he is happy to see that you’re awake and conscious again. The memory of what happened is still fresh in your mind and you don’t want to think about it anymore. You instead focus on his face and his warm touch.
“Where were you?” You asked crying
He smiles and wipes away the tears from your cheeks with his thumb and gently cups your face. “Don’t cry, I’m here now and everything is going to be okay.” He says softly and he kisses your forehead.
You lean into his touch and let out another tear. It had felt so long since you had felt his warm touch and just being able to be close to him again made everything else feel less real. You hold his hand tightly and you don’t want to let go.
He holds your hand tightly and continues to rub circles on your palm. “I’m here and I’m not going to leave you again,” he says in a gentle voice. This feeling of safety and comfort is soothing you and you feel yourself relaxing in his touch.
You close your eyes and let out another breath. Your body is still so weak but just being close to him is making you feel stronger. The smell of his cologne is so comforting and you felt like everything was where it should be. You were safe now and you were with him.
He continues to hold your hand and he keeps rubbing the circles on your palm. He doesn’t say anything and you can hear his breathing becoming slower and deeper. You feel his body relax a bit as you continue to hold your eyes closed. Everything feels right.
When Carlos went back to Spain you kept in touch by calling and texting every few weeks. You also kept in touch with Max who had become your boyfriend over the course of the past year. It’s been a year since you and Carlos were abducted and tortured and you both have come along way in healing.
“Another nightmare?” Max asked holding you
“Yeah, another nightmare.” You sighed into his chest. The nightmares kept coming and you didn’t know if they were ever going to end. You were still dealing with the trauma of what happened a year ago and your nightmares were becoming more frequent.
“I’m tired of these nightmares” you said as you cuddled closer towards him. The feelings of anxiety and stress overwhelmed your body and you just wanted to feel safe and protected.
“And I’m tired of seeing you go through them.” He said wrapping his arms around you. He pulled you closer and kissed you on the forehead. “I’m here and I’m not going anywhere. These nightmares will stop eventually.” He said softly while still holding you in his arms.
“I love you max” you sighed softly into his chest
“I love you too.” He said softly and he leaned down and kissed you softly on the lips. In that moment you felt safe and comforted by his touch and by this whole exchange. The feeling of having Max in your life made the whole past year seem like just another long bad dream.
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teyamsatan · 1 year
High Infidelity III (the end)
Adult!Neteyam x (f)Metkayina!Reader x Ao'nung
Warnings: smut (fingering, oral - m and f receiving, spitting in mouth, anal play, p in v, creampie, praise kink), mentions of cheating, cursing, violence, blood, 18+ minors dni for the love of god !!!!
Word count: 6k words
Notes: honestly i need to be doused in holy water after writing that, but i'd probably just burst into flames anyway. i hope you enjoy reading the last instalment of High Infidelity, and I hope it's everything you've ever wanted and more, cause omg, did I enjoy writing it besties. thank you for all the love of this series, I really felt it. i love you all sm xoxoxo
previous part (x)
You know there's many different ways that you can kill the one you love
The slowest way is never loving them enough
Do you really want to know where I was April 29th?
Do I really have to tell you how he brought me back to life?
Neteyam’s face snapped in the direction of your voice, an unreadable expression marring his beautiful features. 
“What did you say?”
You were boldened and empowered by the ache running through you, by all the feelings that mingled into a cocktail that looked a lot like bravery, that looked a lot like you were going to finally give in to your biggest desires and wildest dreams. 
You moved closer to him, taking slow, purposeful steps, until you circled around him and kneeled in front of him, in between his legs, placing on hand on each knee to help you, and you couldn’t help the way your heart fluttered as you noticed the goosebumps on his skin where you touched him. 
You looked at him intently, wanting to show him that you meant it, that you were in this, that there was no doubt in your mind, no wavering in your resolve.
“Neteyam… I want you to fuck me. I’ve needed you, ached for you since the moment on the beach, since you apologised, since you were kind to me and showed me there’s more to life than men who take and take until there’s nothing left. That there’s more to love than what I’ve known all my life. That when it’s right, you’ll know it in your gut, you’ll know it in the way your whole body reacts like it’s been set on fire, or like it’s been set free. 
I should have called it off the second I knew I started having feelings for another. I was afraid, afraid of the consequences, afraid of breaking people’s hearts, afraid of broken expectations and unfulfilled bonds, but I am not anymore. I’m not afraid anymore, the only thing I am afraid of is living without knowing this feeling, living without knowing I’ve done everything in my power to give in to you.
You told me one day I’ll beg you to fuck me. So here I am. I am begging you to fuck me. To take me. To show me all the things I know only you can. The things I only want you to.” 
Neteyam’s expression turned wild and fervent, and you felt the growl he let out deep within you, deep in your core. His hand went to your jaw, that he brought closer to his face, so close, your eyes were struggling to focus on him, and the tint of green in his yellow eyes. You found yourself tracing each gleaming dot on his face, each stripe that marked his skin like a battle scar, his full lips that were parted, the deep breath that came out through them and into you, and you inhaled deeply, closing your eyes, allowing yourself to drown in the weight of his presence, in the weight of the feelings he brought out of you. 
“Fuck, you have no idea what you do to me. You have no idea what I’ll do to you. I told you you will beg me to fuck you, but baby girl, when I do it, I’ll do it until you’ll beg me to stop. Until I’ve made you come so many times, until you’re so drunk on my cock you can’t see straight anymore.” 
“But not tonight. I don’t know what happened in the time you went away, but we are doing this the right way this time. I won’t risk losing you again. You can sleep it off, sleep the drink off and the night off, sleep Aonung off, and tomorrow, if you’re ready and you’ll still want me, I’ll be here for you, and I’ll be yours forever.” 
You whined as he let your jaw go free and your mind twirled with images of his words come to life, burned in your imagination forever, gnawing at you to make them come true. 
“But I want you now. And I know you want me to, I can see it in your eyes. I’m here, I’m begging you, isn’t that what you wanted?” 
“That is what I wanted, just when you’re sober and not reeling from Aonung’s mistakes. Come, I’ll take you home.” 
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You woke up dazed and confused, needing a long while before realising you were back in your marui, back to the comfort of your sleeping mat and loosely wrapped in thin covers. You slowly rose, quickly regretting it, as the motion made you dizzy and nauseous and want to reconsider every moment that made it so this was your current life. Flashes of last night and all the hurt it brought with it started appearing in front of your eyes, furthering your sullen mood and unhappy state. So much happened, so much that you would give anything to forget.
As the world settled a little around you, you noticed a little trinket on your mat, next to where you lay your head. It was a bracelet, you noted in shock. A beautiful, intricate bracelet, crafted with a technique and materials characteristic of the Omatikaya.
You immediately removed the bracelet that was already on your arm and swapped it for the one you were holding tightly in your palm, and tried to not think what a perfect allegory this was, how this was the beginning of your new life. The beginning of new love. 
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Your body loved the touch of the breeze as it caressed your skin, soft and tender, like a lover. It was necessary, like the air going in and out of your lungs, keeping you alive, allowing you to keep going. You tried your best to relax, tried your best to remove the anger and anguish for one man, need and ache for another, both of which felt like poison coursing through your veins, and tried to replace it with other, less intense emotions, like the relief of knowing, despite the hurt and the pain, that you could finally be free of Aonung, free for the first time in your life to make your own decisions, to live outside of the expectations and the burden placed on you since you were young, free to follow your heart, free to grow and be yourself, and to discover who that is to begin with. 
You felt entranced by the beauty of the nature surrounding you, that you grew up with, that you’ve experienced every day of your life and yet somehow never took for granted, never fully got used to it, as you allowed your feet to feel the soft grainy sand beneath them and the water splashing over your ankles and calves as you walked on the beach that felt like your safe space, like your haven in the storm. You thought about Neteyam and his words, about the bracelet he left on your pillow and how it felt against your arm where it now resided and it will continue to for as long as you could help it, how even this gift was a perfect metaphor of your past and present. Aonung’s bracelet was beautiful and opulent, with rare stones and shells, with what he thought you wanted, but in reality, it was harsh and it scratched at your skin every time it was on your body, leaving friction burns and scratches that left you bruised and bloodied if you weren’t careful. When you lost it, you didn’t realise it, you just felt freer and weightless. Neteyam’s bracelet was understated and carefully crafted, with soft leather and round, polished pebbles, and it felt like velvet touching your skin, it felt safe and healing. It felt like the calming nature around you, like the warmth of the sun caressing your skin. It felt like new beginnings.
As your mind wandered over the events of the past few weeks, and those of the past few years, you came to the conclusion that this, this whole mess, is not about Neteyam or Aonung. Not anymore. It might have started that way, it might have been what set everything in motion, but it wasn’t the whole picture. This wasn’t about two men. It was about you and your life, your past and your future, and who you wanted to be moving forward. It was about realising that the shackles that bound you to one destiny were loose and rusted, and with a little force, you could be free of them, free at last to be more than who your chains led you to believe. The dark feelings that possessed you made you aware that there was more to you than what you thought, than what everybody thought. The ache and need you felt for Neteyam showed you you were a woman now, a woman who wanted to learn and explore her sexuality and learn what makes her body tremble, what makes it convulse in pleasure. Kissing him and letting him explore your body allowed you to see you were capable of wrongdoings, you weren’t just a two-dimensional being with only positive and light coming out of you, but you had a darkness in you, you had the capability to be selfish and put your own needs first, something you have never done before. The anger that enveloped you when you heard Aonung cheating on you, the thirst for revenge and vindication, the way you told Neteyam that you wanted him, showed you that you were strong, that despite your and everybody else’s view that you were frail and weak, and not a warrior, there was something in you - a power, strong and unflinching, an infinite untapped potential that you swore you would get to know in time. 
You were so deep in your own thoughts, that the tug of your arm that spun you around almost knocked you to the ground, and you had to swallow the vomit that rose in your mouth at the harshness with which you were handled. 
“We need to talk.” 
As soon as the world stopped spinning around you, you were able to make out Aonung’s body and his face, sullen and tired, and you knew instantly he was battling a mean hangover, much worse than yours. You found yourself smirking at his state, hopeful that he was suffering and revelling in knowing he did. 
“I’ve been looking for you for fucking ages.”
“Well, you found me. What do you want?” 
Aonung’s eyes went wide at your words. He wasn’t used to you talking in such a way, determined, devoid of tears or quivering lips, of soft words and a trembling voice. 
“What do you mean what do I want? You fucked off with another man last night, with the tree hugger of all people, and you’re asking me what I want? I want you to explain to me what he was doing there, and why you chose to leave.” 
You were so shocked by the nonsense coming out of his mouth, so flabbergasted that the only thing you could think to do is laugh. A crazy, maniacal laugh that continued until there was no more breath in your lungs. 
“You know? I knew you were a selfish, self-involved, self-centered jerk for so long, and yet I was continuously blinded by my own desire to see the best in people, the best in you. I held a flicker of hope that the kid I knew was still there, somewhere deep down inside of your shallow soul, but I see now I was blind. You want to talk? Fine, let’s talk. How long have you been fucking another girl, Aonung?” 
You watched as Aonung’s mouth opened and then closed, and did so a few more times, while he was trying to come up with an excuse or an explanation, and you felt so free, so weightless, it was like you were floating. No more guilt, no more angst plaguing you, just a light, soft feeling, like a warm hug or sleeping on a cloud. 
“Was yesterday the first night? Was it a drunken mistake? Did causing me pain, almost forcing yourself on me turn you on so much that you just needed to do it desperately, that you couldn’t help yourself?”
Your questions were once again met with nothing, no sounds, not even a twitch of the ear or of a facial muscle, no hint that your words were even registering in his mind. 
“Come on, Aonung. You said you wanted to talk, let’s talk. Did an Akula get your tongue?” 
“Fine, if you don’t want to talk, how about I talk? We’re over, Aonung. So, so over. You want to know why Neteyam came to get me yesterday? Because he’s a better man than you will ever be. Because even on your best day, you aren’t even a fraction of him on his worst day. Because in a few weeks, he has managed to make me feel things you never have, because in just a few weeks, he showed me there’s more to me than what you led me to believe, more to love than what I grew up thinking. And you know what else? I let him do things to me you could only dream of. I let him touch me in ways you never will, let him pleasure me in ways you couldn’t if you tried. And it was amazing. And I will do it again and again, while you will live your life knowing you blew the best thing that ever happened to you.” 
Unsurprisingly, that seemed to wake him up from whatever trance he found himself in. The surprise clear on his face made way for panic, a quick brush of sadness that settled finally on anger, deep-seeded anger, manifested through flared nostrils and shallow breaths. 
“What did you say?” 
“You heard me. Good luck, Aonung. I hope one day you grow the fuck up, but it won’t be for me to help you through it. Not anymore.” 
“You’re such a fucking slut, aren’t you? You act all high and mighty with me, refusing me what’s mine, what was MY right, and you go give it up to some asshole you just met? I guess it’s true what they say, it’s the quiet girls. Always the quiet girls.” 
You tried to not let it affect you, his words, his horrible words that somehow manage to pierce through you like knifes, and kept your gaze steady on his face contorting in anger. 
“Leave, Aonung. Don’t make this harder than it has to be.” 
You turned around to follow you own advice, but found yourself again being yanked back like a rag doll by his much larger hands wrapping around your arms and pulling. 
“I’m not fucking done, you sl-“ 
The bone crunching noise that rang in your ear as Neteyam’s fist made contact with Aonung’s nose was weirdly satisfying, and you watched as the Metkayina man was knocked straight to the ground, blood pouring from his face and dripping down his chest. The impact was so powerful that his blood splattered over your face, painting you in red spilling drops. Whatever form of sympathy you felt for Aonung left your body the moment he called you a slut for doing something he was doing behind your back just a night ago, while not taking any accountability or exhibiting any ounce of remorse. You felt a sick satisfaction, watching him try to gather himself, hand on his nose, forehead scrunched up in pain and confusion.  Neteyam put his body in between you and Aonung, taking a few steps in his direction. 
“Leave. Now. If you ever, ever touch her again, if you ever look the wrong way at her again, the next thing I break is both your legs.” His voice was low and unflinching, calm and unperturbed by any emotion. He was scary. So scary, you felt that voice in every fibre of your being, and you assumed Aonung did, too. You watched as he got to his feet slowly, and a little wobbly, turned around and started walking away.
“I would tell your parents it was unfortunate, but it didn’t work out. That you felt like I wasn’t the right person for you and you felt bad stringing me along. That you fell in love with someone else. You choose, but I would hurry. Unless you want me to tell them what happened, but then you might not get to keep your family jewels, and I’m sure the girl you were fucking behind my back last night would be very disappointed about that. Good riddance, Aonung.” 
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You couldn’t stop staring at Neteyam, at this man who drove you to the point of madness, who made you want to do things that Eywa herself would cower in shame at, whose back was tensed with each deep breath he took as he watched Aonung leave like a wounded animal, like the coward he was. The adrenaline was coursing through your veins, making you light up with excitement and need, making you pant with the aftershocks of the fight, with animalistic desire at how powerful and forceful, how brave and imposing he was. As Aonung disappeared from sight, and from your mind forever, you watched as he turned to face you, a desperate wild look haunting him. He approached you and you were able to take note of the blood on his face, that adorned him like war paint, and on his knuckles as his hands found their way to your face and hair. 
“Are you alright?” 
You just nodded, too overcome with his presence and all it invoked in you to be able to speak. 
“I’m sorry you had to see that. That you had to go through that.” 
You shook your hand and placed a hand on his, smiling softly. 
“It’s over. It’s finally over.” 
You couldn’t wait any longer, would not wait any longer, and you swiftly closed the gap between you and kissed him. Kissed him the way you have dreamt since the moment you saw him on the beach, kissed him like your life depended on it, like your sanity hung in the shaky balance between his touch and your body, like he was everything. The taste of blood on his lips did nothing to deter you, emboldening you instead, and he moaned in your mouth before deepening the kiss, lifting you in his arms effortlessly until your legs wrapped around him. He only broke the kiss to replace your mouth with your collarbones and chest, and you threw your head back as his touch brought fluttering in your stomach and throbbing in your core, that was calling for him, begging him to fill you. 
Neteyam knelt slowly with you still in his arms, handling you like you were no heavier than a child. His strength and physique never failed to amaze you, and right now, neither did the bulge that brushed against you as he guided you onto the ground. You propped yourself up onto your elbows and stared at it, at him, until he smirked and lifted your gaze onto his own by a touch of your cheek. 
“Like what you see, princess?” 
You gulped and nodded meekly. He took your hand in his and placed your palm on his hard erection, and you couldn’t help the way you started feeling him, tracing its curve and girth, or the soft moan that escaped you at its feel, at how tight the loincloth was stretched around it, at how big he felt, at how empty your brain was at the thought of it slamming into you over and over until you saw white.
He spoke lowly, teasingly, while reaching for your loincloth, that he loosened and removed without any effort. 
“Feel that, baby girl? It’s all for you.”
He pushed you on your back by placing a hand on your chest and used a little force to spread your legs, and you were puny in his hands, malleable to his touch, willing to be whatever it was he wanted you to be. He swallowed as he took you in, admiring you while his fingers trailed over your folds, reaching down south until they circled another little puckered hole, eliciting a small gasp from you at the prospect of what was coming. 
“All for you. All for this pretty pussy, and your tight little ass, for this fuckable mouth.” 
“So, so fuckable, I don’t even know what to start with.” He pushed two fingers in you without any warning and you dropped to the ground and arched your back almost on command, so excited to finally get some release, any release, like you have needed for so long. Soon enough, it became too little, and you found yourself needing more, much much more. 
The bucking of your hips was met with a mocking chuckle and words that made you whine in frustration.
“Not yet, baby. Not yet. You’re not ready for my cock yet. We need to get you ready, and you need to be a good girl and get me ready. Come on, on your knees, my love. Gonna fuck this pretty face, first… what do you think? Do you like that idea, pretty girl?” 
You moaned at his words, but did what you were told, rising on your knees, noticing dripping going down your leg as you did so, and came face to face with his hips as he rose in all his perplexing, over 9 foot glory. Being so close, so close with the bulge you were just caressing earlier, knowing faintly what was hiding underneath, made you almost vicious, and you found yourself reaching for his loincloth, untying it hurriedly, your urgency making Neteyam scoff lightly, patting the top of your head in a gentle and surprisingly loving motion.  
“So eager, my love. Eager to get stuffed with my cock, aren’t you?” 
As the loincloth fell to the floor, so did the rest of whatever pathetic inhibitions you had left, taking in his length, that was even bigger than what it felt like under the loincloth, so big in fact, you were genuinely concerned at how it was ever going to fit in your mouth, fit in you. Your wide eyes didn’t go unnoticed by the Omatikayan, who lifted your chin so you could meet his gaze, and whatever expression he was met with made a low growl emerge from his lips, and you felt yourself clench around nothing. 
You couldn’t wait any longer without his touch, without feeling him, so you tentatively grabbed his cock in your hand, struggling to make your fingers meet as you wrapped around his base, and you started stroking him up and down, all the while grinding on the ground, trying to get any relief from the enormous pressure building in your core. Primal curiosity took over you as you closed your lips around his tip, dying to feel the taste of the liquid spilling from it and you moaned around his cock as it was better than you could have ever foreseen. The sound and vibration made Neteyam push your head closer to his body, and you gagged slightly as his impressive length made its way down your throat. 
“That’s it, baby. Look how well you’re taking my cock. You’re doing so well, princess.”
Without any warning, he started a slow pace in and out of your mouth, holding your head in place with his hands, and fuck, you loved how he was using you as his own personal sex doll. It was so obscene, so filthy, so so good. He felt so good in your mouth, his sweet taste flooding your every sense, welcoming him further in, until your nose was touching his hip bone and his balls were slapping against your chin with every thrust. You wrapped your hands around his thighs, propping yourself to get a better angle, to be able to suck him off the way you wanted, the way you knew he wanted.
“Look how you’re dry humping the ground with my cock so deep in your mouth. You want to be fucked, don’t you, baby? Such a slut for my cock, aren’t you?” 
His unrelenting pace made tears appear in the corner of your eyes, spilling down your cheek, mixing with the saliva pooled around your mouth, that dripped all over his balls. 
“You’ve never looked prettier than when you’re getting your face fucked. So pretty, princess. Those fucking eyes looking up at me, all innocent, so wild, so - fuck, you will be the death of me.” 
“Gonna let me come in this pretty mouth, huh? Want to suck me dry, baby girl?” 
You mewled approvingly around his cock, hallowing your cheeks and pushing your tongue against him to drive him to his release sooner, wanting, needing to feel him, to own him, a piece of him, like he owned you, like he would - forever. 
“Ohh, fuuck - fuck, princess, just like that. It’s like you were born to suck my cock. Doing so well for me, baby.” 
Hot spurts of thick liquid came shooting down your throat and the deep guttural groans he released as the orgasm washed over him was almost enough to bring you to your own - you’ve never heard something more erotic, something more salacious, something better, in your life.  
“Good girl.” He slowly removed himself from you and pushed you back into the ground, towering over you, his still fully hard length slapping over your inner thigh haphazardly. “Do you feel what you do to me? Feel how hard I still am for you? I’ll never get enough of this body, princess. You will be dripping in my cum by the time I’m done, this is what being next you does to me.” 
His lips crashed against yours aggressively, and his tongue pushed past your teeth into your mouth, exploring you, tasting himself on your tongue. His cock twitched and brushed your dripping folds and you whimpered in his mouth. He smirked at the sound, and positioned himself alongside your core, started slowly grinding his length on you, teasing you, bringing new tears to your eyes and unintelligible sounds to his ears, that revelled in it, that thrived off of how much of a pitiful, writhing mess you were under him. 
“Please, Neteyam. Please, fuck, f-“ 
“You’re still not ready for me, princess.”
“I-I’m ready, please, I’m so fucking ready!” 
He tutted in disapproval and removed his body from yours, leaving you empty and aching. You tried closing your legs together, but that too was promptly interrupted by his hands, keeping them far apart. He started a torturous ritual of kissing and licking every part of your body he had access to, masterfully avoiding the only places you wanted, needed to be touched. He started with your collarbones, and down your sternum, alongside your abdomen, and hip bone, your thighs, and inner thighs, and you were crying, the pleasure so great, and yet so incomplete it was hurting you, it was turning into pain. 
“Neteyam, I - “
“Hush, baby. Let me take care of you. Let me show you why it couldn’t have been anyone else but me.”
With that, he placed a tender, barely there kiss on your bare pussy, then another one, and another one. His mouth closed around your clit, sucking on it softly, alternating between it and kitten licks, and the rough texture of his tongue made you see stars, made you convulse around his mouth. His tongue moved languidly, drawing numbers on your swollen pussy, pushing into you and lapping at the liquid falling down his chin. You tasted like heaven to him, like a ripened summer fruit, like a flower in spring, blossoming around him, inundating his smell, coating his tongue in its aroma. He loved seeing you like this, all of this, falling apart at the seams in pleasure, tears prodding at your eyes, lips parted and cheeks flushed, chest heaving up and down, hands in his hair, pushing his tongue deeper in your sopping cunt. He loved all of it. 
Two slender, long fingers made their way inside of you, feeling you, curling them to massage the perfect spot, the spot he found last time, the spot he knew would make you come undone, and he couldn’t help the arrogance in his tone as he talked. 
“Come for me, princess. Let me hear how good I make you feel.” 
Your orgasm flushed over you, the most intense feeling you have ever felt, and you now understood why he edged you for so long, and even in your dazed mind, you were grateful that he seemed to know your body better than you knew it yourself. 
He continued licking at your entrance, not wasting a drop of your cum, not when it was better than any liquor, better than any drink he’s ever been fortunate enough to taste. When he finished, he got back on top of you until you were face to face, and you noticed weakly the glistening on his chin as your juices coated it, and the smirk he had on those beautiful lips that was unrelenting. He knew he was amazing, he knew what he was doing to you. 
“See, baby? I know what you need. I’m what you need. Open your mouth.” You did so, no questions asked, and watched as he spit in your mouth, licking your lips in order not to miss anything, humming to yourself as the taste of your own cum registered on your tongue. 
“Feel how good you taste. So fucking good, princess.”
“I think you’ve suffered enough. I think it’s time you get what you deserve for being such a good girl. The best girl.” 
You felt his arm on your abdomen as he reached down and aligned himself with your folds, his bulbous tip rubbing against your warm, aching entrance. Slowly, gently, he starts sinking into you, allowing you to feel each inch, allowing you to take in the delicious stretch, and the feeling of you wrapping around him brought shivers down his spine. The mewls escaping your lips fuelled his hunger for your body, fuelled his need to push you until you were so overstimulated, you were blacking out with him still deep inside your cunt. 
“Eyes on me, baby girl. Look at how deep in you I am, I want you to watch me fuck you.” Neteyam’s cock twitched inside of you at your incredulous expression, at your wide eyes and fucked out face as your stomach deformed slightly, a bulge appearing every time he pushed deep into your cervix. It drives him to the point of insanity, that look, and he starts a maddening pace, quick and rough, rutting into you deeply, watching as your tits bounce with every thrust. 
Your mind is blank of any thoughts and full of immeasurable pleasure, unholy sounds escaping your lips like a prayer, like a litany to keep going, to not stop, because fuck, this is the best feeling of your life, being so owned, so free, so helpless, so in control of your own desires, so full, full to the brim with pleasure, with love, with his cock. You start to see stars, as the now familiar feeling draws closer, and your entire body starts shaking in preparation for the wave you knew was about to hit you any second. His thrusts are unrelenting, hitting your cervix mercilessly as your walls tighten around him, wanting to keep him, to never let him go.
“That’s it, baby. You’re clenching my cock so tightly, want to come all over me, princess? Want to cover my dick with that sweet cum?”
“Yes! Fuck, yes! Yes yes yes!” 
Your eyes roll in the back of your head as the orgasm drowns you in overwhelming, toe-curling sensations, and you start doubting you will ever see or hear properly ever again, as the world is enveloped in a white, over-exposed glow and your ears lose their ability to discern the waves and the birds flying above you. 
“We’re not done, my love.” You barely registered his manoeuvring your now limp body, turning you upside down, so that your chest was flush against the ground as his hands lifted your ass up, his cock once more prodding at your entrance, and you whine, crying as you are barely able to understand what is going on, much less able to appreciate the way he’s spreading your ass cheeks, massaging them slowly, purposefully, while he sinks back into your wet, sensitive, throbbing cunt. 
“Neteyam, I can’t anymore… ’s too much.”
“You can, baby. One more for me, come on. I promised you I’d fuck you til you can’t see straight anymore, and I don’t think we’re there yet.” 
“You say you can’t, but look how good this pussy’s taking me, look how it moulds around my cock, how you’re squeezing me. You’re so good for me, princess. I can’t believe I get to do this, can’t believe you’re mine.”
A slap on your ass makes you yelp in pain, waking you up like from a daydream. 
“I need to hear you say it, my love.”
“’m yours, Neteyam. Yours.” 
“That’s right, you’re mine. And I’m yours. You own me.” 
You can’t help the way you instinctively push back on Neteyam, can’t help the way, even in this fucked-out state, you’re still searching for more, you still need him deeper, need him to fuck you dumb, fuck you until you’re passed out on the sand. You match his animalistic thrusts the best you can, moaning loudly, wildly, as each of them takes the breath out of your lungs, as each of them fills you up to the brim, as each of them takes you closer to that third release. 
“M-more. I need more.”
“You filthy girl. Such a slut for me, aren’t you? My little slut, drunk on my cock.” 
You gasp as his thumb traces your asshole, then slowly removes it and brings his hand to your face, his other hand caressing your lower back. 
“Open your mouth, pretty girl.” You did as you were told, and he pushed two fingers inside your mouth and down you throat, and you sucked on them, allowing your tongue to trace in between them, coating them with your saliva. 
“Good girl.”
He moved his hand back to your ass again, and slowly pushes one finger in, ignoring the mewling sounds spilling past your lips. He started moving his finger in and out of you slowly, adding the other, all the while rutting into you like a rabid animal in heat, pushing you forward with each thrust, holding you tightly by your hips, leaving imprints on your sensitive skin that you knew would be bruised when this was all over. You loved it. 
The feeling of his cock burrowing deep inside your core and his fingers moving in an out of your ass slowly was too much, and you were bracing for the snapping of the coil that has been tightening inside of you, knowing that when it snapped, so will you, and your last remaining consciousness. 
“You gonna let me cum in this pussy? Want me to fill you up real nice, paint those pretty pink walls white?” 
You tried to answer, but only ugly whimpers came out, and by the sound of his melodic laugh, you knew he took that as a yes. 
“Come on, princess. Be a good girl and milk my cock dry.”
You didn’t need to be told twice, as the orgasm took everything out of you, and you would take everything out of him, as a result. He was right. When he was done, you were so drunk on his cock, you really couldn’t see anymore. And as he lowered his body on yours, resting his chest on your back and peppering small, gentle kisses on the back of your neck, whispering sweet nothings and telling you how good you did, you knew you were excited not be able to see straight every day, for the rest of your life. 
thank you again to everyone who likes, replies and reblogs and asked to be tagged, i love you all x
@jackiehollanderr @afro-hispwriter @sanranrin @universal-s1ut @neteyamforlife @arminsgfloll @avatar-on-top @neteyamsyawntu @farleyis @jjkclub @doulcha @adaiasafira @teyamsmate @ang-taylorsversion @junnniiieee07 @americanbeauty-americanpsycho @thatonegirlwiththebeanie367 @netemoon @shayligames-blog @hotmenwhoree @yan-ghost-yan @iikatsukii @rgbsona @moneyoverl0v3
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slayfics · 1 year
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A girls night at Mitsuri’s house. Don’t worry your secrets are safe here.
Warnings: NSFW themes hinted at~
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You arrived at Mitsuri’s doorstep feeling excited for what the night might bring. You couldn’t believe the Hashira found some downtime to plan a girl's night. You wondered what other girls she might have invited to come over. But overall you were excited to take a break from the serious work of hunting demons. 
You knocked on the door and Mitsuri threw it open almost immediately. 
“Yay! I’m so glad you made it!” She exclaimed and pulled you into a hug. “Let me show you who else came!” She said as she grabbed your hand and pulled you into the room. You saw Aoi and Kanao sitting around a table piled with deserts and tea. 
“Hi girls!” You waved.  
“Hello.” Aoi said seriously and Kanao just smiled sweetly at you. 
“Feel free to have as many desserts and tea as you want! I can always make more!” Mitsuri said as she pulled you down to sit on the floor. 
“What is our first task Miss Knaroji?” Kanon asked. 
“Hm?” Mitsuri looked confused.  
“Miss Kocho said this night was so we could all get special training from you.” Kanao explained 
“Oh right!” Mitsuri laughed. “Well actually we're just here to have a girl's night. That can be extremely refreshing for the soul you know! And Miss Kocho thought it would be a great exercise for you to express some of your feelings.”  
Kanao’s face turned white, but she kept a straight face and did not speak again. Training was something she could handle any time of day but expressing her wants and feelings was extremely challenging for her.  
“Sounds ridiculous to me. What are we supposed to be doing here anyway.” Aoi spoke. 
“Oh you know gossiping, talking about boys, the fun stuff! I’ve never had a girl's night before because I've been so busy as a Hashira. It would be nice to just be normal girls for one night. I really wanted Miss Kocho to come too but she said she had to go on a mission.” Mitsuri said. 
“Boys... you want us to sit here and talk about boys?? That seems like a waste of time. I’ve got injured demon slayers to check up on.” Aoi replied.  
“HEY! You mind your manners when talking to a Hashira! Miss Kanroji risks her life every day to keep us safe! So if on her day off she wants to talk about boys you better believe I’m going to sit here and do it, and I suggest you do too!” You spoke. Aoi seemed to be humbled by this and placed her head down. 
“Oh, it’s ok Aoi I understand. You don’t have to be here if you don’t want to.” Mitsuri said, looking hurt. 
“No I want to be here, I apologize.” Aoi said grabbing some tea off the table. “Please continue.” 
“Well tell me what’s been going on with you girls?” Mitsuri said and sipped some of her tea. 
Everyone was silent. No one knew how to begin or what to talk about. Being in the demon slayer corps robbed the girls of having any real childhood or adolescents, it was daunting to think what normal girls would sit and talk about. 
“Umm... I really want to play with Master Tokito’s hair.” You started bravely hoping to get some conversation started and fulfill Misturi’s dream of having a normal girls night.  
Kanao’s face got even whiter, and she started to sweat. 
“Yes! Me too! He has such beautiful hair I would love to braid it like mine one day!” Mitsuri smiled.  
“Wow that would be so cute, do you think he would let us??” You asked. 
“Hmm I don't know, maybe if we asked nicely or tricked him into thinking it was a training exercise of some sort.” Mitsuri giggled. 
Aoi and Kanao exchanged bewildered glances at each other. 
“Oh come on what boys do you two want to talk about?” You asked, turning to look at them both.
Kanao started to sweat more. 
“Miss Kocho told me a secret about you two, but I won’t share if you don't want me too.” Mitsuri teased. 
“A secret???” What secret could she have said about me?” Aoi exclaimed.  
“Well, we are all girls here and this is a safe place, so I’ll tell everyone. She said you cried SUPER hard when Inosuke got really hurt. Do you like him?” Mitsuri asked.  
 “Ooooooooo!” You said teasing Aoi. 
"WHAT?! Of course I cried I thought he was going to die!” 
“And that would have made you very sad, huh?” You nudged Aoi.  
“Why wouldn't it???” She said defensively.
“Ugh..” You exclaimed giving up. Aoi clearly wasn’t ready to admit any feelings she had for the swordsman, or maybe she hadn’t realized it herself yet.  
“Hmm I have an idea. I think we need help from some more ladies.” Mitsuri said and brought out a pen and paper. She wrote quickly then gave the letter to her crow. “Don’t worry they are trained shinobis so they will be here shortly.” 
“You invited Uzui’s wives??” You exclaimed. 
“Yeah! I think they would enjoy this too! Plus they are experienced ladies so maybe we can get some advice.” 
Before you knew it there was a knock on the door. And the three girls entered. 
“I want to know all the secrets!! What is going on?!” Suma explained bursting through the door and sitting down eagerly.  
"Well, Aoi here likes Inosuke but doesn't want to admit it.” You winked and stuck your tongue out at her. 
“WHATTTTTT? NO THAT IS NOT E-” Aoi started to protest but was cut off.  
“Aweeeeee that’s sooo sweet!” Suma said clasping her hands in front of her. "What do you like about him?” 
“Umm uh I don’t ..” She started to stutter and get flustered. Then attempted to change the subject “What do you three like about Mr. Uzui??” 
“Yeah! What is it like sharing?? No judgment but tell us please.” You asked eagerly letting Aoi off the hook for now.  
“We don’t share! He loves us equally. He always makes sure to take care of each one of us.” Makio said. 
“Awe, how does he take care of you?” Mitsuri asked innocently 
“Well he spends time with all of us, brings us gifts and he-... How old are you girls again?” Makio asked, blushing and smiling, placing her hand on her neck. 
“OOOOO! Say no more.” You laughed. “Well what about you Mitsuri. You gathered us here. What boy do you want to talk about?”  
“Oh, I don’t know.” She said instantly turning bright red. 
“What about Iguro? From what you said in our previous letters it sounds like he comes over a lot.” 
“Oh no no!” She waved her hand. “He only comes over to help me brush and feed my cats.” 
“You think a boy like that is actually coming over because he is interested in your kitties?” Hinatsuru asked curiously, tilting her head to the side.  
“Oh he’s interested in another kind of kitty alright.” Suma laughed as Makio hit her. Mitsuri turned even brighter red. 
“What do you mean?” Mitsuri asked.
“Oh it's obvious he’s totally simping for you. He’d do anything you’d say! He even gave her these socks everyone.” You spoke while pulling on Mitsuri’s green socks.  
“You really think he likes me??" She asked. 
“I know so. Bring him over right now let's play with him.” You suggested. 
“Oh no I couldn't do that!” 
“Sure you could! He’s a Hashira he can get here fast.” You protested. 
“Is he fast?” Suma asked and laughed. 
“Cut that out, they aren’t ready for that yet!” Makio said, hitting Suma again. 
“I think that poor snake boy would pass out around this many girls.” Hinatsura laughed.  
"That sounds fun I want to see!” Suma said.  
“Oh, another time another time! I really wanted this to just be a girls day!” Mitsuri explained. 
“If you brought us here for advice though, all these demon slayer boys are extremely unnerved by you girls.” Makio said.
“What do you mean?” Aoi asked. 
“Well, most only know the demon slayer corps having joined so young. Girls elude them. So, if you want our advice just walk around knowing you have quite a lot power over them and could probably get most of them to do whatever you say.”  
“I don’t get it. What would we want them to do?” Aoi asked innocently. 
“Come and find me in a few years.” Hinatsuru laughed and blushed. “But if you like one of them just go for it ok. Give them a kiss or something and watch them pass out and get a nose bleed, it'll be funny. We never know how much time we have left in our business anyway.”  
“Wow thank you Hinatsuru!” Mitsuri said still blushing a bit.  
“Hm makes sense. Alight that’s settled I'll go give Tokito a surprise kiss tomorrow. If he slashes my head off, I'll come back and haunt you though.” You said to Hinatsuru laughing.   
“Ok your turn.” Suma said turning to Kanao who was so white and sweaty that it looked like she was on the brink of passing out. 
“You don't have to share if you don’t want to.” Mitsuri said. 
“Miss Kocho thought it would be good for you to speak your mind though. Think of it like a training exercise.” You encouraged her. 
“And this is a safe space we will keep your secrets. Are there any boys you like?” Mitsuri asked.  
Kanao did not speak a word but shook her head no profusely. 
“What a liar.” Aoi said and tilted her head away. 
“WOW! Betrayed by your own sister!” Makio laughed. 
“Tell us! Tell us!” You and Suma chanted. 
Kanao opened her mouth and with the tiniest amount of breath muttered “Tanjiro...” 
“OOOOOOO!” Everyone exclaimed, even Aoi, who had finally lightened up.  
“That is soooo cute you two would make such a cute couple!” Mitsuri said clapping her hands together. 
Kanao went back to her white face and not speaking another word. 
“Aoi you and Inosuke would be super cute too!” Mitsuri said.  
“Wait, Insouke! That’s the other boy that helped Lord Tengen! He is super valiant and has some great qualities... In the tummy area.” Suma said pointing around her stomach area and laughing. Aoi’s face turned red. 
"I suppose I haven’t noticed.” She said turning away. 
“What!” Kanao exclaimed, turning to Aoi.
Everyone froze at Kanao speaking up so loudly for the first time.
“You checked on him every single day multiple times when he was already healed, and I see you eye him while he trains!” 
“WOOOOOAHHAHAHA” The other girls laughed at the feuding sisters. 
“Ok fine!” Aoi gave in. “He is an above average looking swordsman... and I am fond of him. He makes me smile. HAPPY EVERYONE??”  
“Oh I’m so proud of you!!!! That was so brave admitting your feelings!! Thank you girls, this has already been the best girl's night I could have ever hoped for!” Mitsuri said cheerfully.
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louloulemons-posts · 8 months
Wayne’s Hot Cocoa
Eddie Munson X Fem!Reader
Summary : Nightmares were the worst, the Munsons made them better.
Word Count : 1.5k
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Warnings : not proofread, 1am writing, mainly uncle wayne x reader fluff, angsty, fluffy, happy ending, talks of bad homelife, reader lives with the munsons, bad parents, fem pronouns and phrases used, no use of Y/N
A/N : you are loved 🫶🏻
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Nights with Eddie made it easier, that was true. However, the warm hugs from the curly haired boy weren’t always enough to keep the monsters away. The monsters that came in your sleep, those that you knew weren’t real but made your skin crawl, your heart beat faster and you to become damp with sweat.
They weren’t real, but the feeling they created was.
Jumping away slightly, your eyes flicked around the dark room in panic. The soft snores of Eddie giving you a sense of comfort, along with pulling you back to reality.
Under the rays of the street lamps you could see his long lashes kissing his cheeks, hiding where a beauty mark lay under his eye. His curls were in his face slightly, coming on of the hair tie sat at the back of his neck.
His mouth was slightly open, lips plush in a small pout. His face was soft, beautiful, calm with sleep. You were thankful it wasn’t him having these dreams and it was you.
Eddie knew about them, knew they were a hell of a lot better, but also knew that they snuck up on you every now and again. He knew your past, your struggles, your fears and helped as much as he could. You both needed rest, both needed sleep, he couldn’t care for you all the time - as much as he’d love that.
Your throat was dry and scratchy, and Eddie had drank the last of the water in your glass hours before. Slowly moving his arm from your waist, you got up off the bed as quietly as possible.
You didn’t really need to, once Eddie was asleep he was dead to the world, normally kicking you off the bed in the process. Taking the glass from the side table, you went on your way.
Soft footsteps as you padded through the small trailer, not knowing the time. The sky whispering that it was still late, stars glimmering in the distance.
The tap was loud, but wasn’t everything louder when you were trying to be quiet. Taking slow sips, you tried to steady your heart, make your hands stop shaking. It wasn’t real - not anymore anyway.
“Honey?” The deep voice made you jump, not realising that the older Munson man was now stood next to you. “Holy cow I’m sorry,” he said, a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“It’s alright, did I wake you?” you asked, praying you hadn’t. Wayne was a hard worker, he needed all the rest he could get. He smiled, “No, I’ve not long come home. Just eaten some dinner.”
There was an empty plate and cutlery in the sink, you hadn’t even noticed them. “What are you doing up? That boy being a bed hog?” Letting out a slight chuckle, you shook your head.
The man sighed, “Bad dream?” You couldn’t even reply, couldn’t meet his eyes. Just a simple nod. “I’ll make us some cocoa, go sit down. I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Oh no Wayne you don’t-“
“Don’t argue. I want to.”
Seeing the uncertainty on your face, he squeezed your shoulder once more, saying in his kind tone, “I promise.” Whispering a soft ‘okay’ you went to the sofa.
It smelt of smoke, most soft things in the trailer did. When you started staying more often Wayne told Eddie they’d have to smoke outside.
You didn’t mind of course, you felt guilty taking a place in Wayne’s home. He was a kind man, and he loved you, or so Eddie told you.
He never batted an eye when you’d show up late at night, in an array of states. Wayne was there. Just like Eddie. The Munsons were your lifeline, your family.
You sat with your legs crisscross on the couch, picking at the loose threads at the bottom of your pyjamas. Planet of the Apes was playing on the TV, old and crackly, it was something to focus on.
A steaming mug was placed in front of you, deep blue with ‘Nevada’ written in a funky font, from Wayne’s trucking days. The hot chocolate was topped with cream and marshmallows causing a soft smile to dance on your lips.
“Knew it’d cheer you up,” Wayne said, taking a sip from his own identical drink, but it was in his prized possession - his Garfield mug.
“Thank you.” Taking the warm drink into your hands, it’s helped them to stop shaking. The heat warming your cold fingers.
“Was it the same one?”
“Yes. It wasn’t as bad, but it’s just been a while,” you took a breath, “I just want it to go away.” Wayne hummed, placing his mug on the coffee table in front of you, “In time it will.”
“Yeah,” you whispered, taking a sip of your own drink, the cream making a mess of your nose. “It’s been what? 2 months since the last one?”
“About that.”
“Honey it was happening every day. I’d call that progress. I know you want it to stop and it will, it just takes time.”
Nodding your head, you met the man’s dark eyes, “I know. You and Eddie have helped so much-“
“You don’t need to thank us. We love having you here.”
“I just feel like I’m in the way. I feel like I should just go back.”
“No,” Wayne said, it was a simple statement, “I’d never let you go back there.”
“What happened to you was wrong. You didn’t deserve any of it, and I’m so sorry it took me so long to see the signs. But now you’re here and safe, I will not let you get hurt by those people again.”
“But why?”
“Because your family and family doesn’t do that.” You eyes became glassy. The mug went to the table. You were his family. You never really had a proper one of those.
Similarly to Eddie, you’d lost a parent, your dad. Your mom fell into bad habits, fulled by her various partners. Any negative emotion was taken out on you.
“Don’t cry Kid,” Wayne said softly, brushing away a tear. His hands were tough and worn like the hard worker he was, but they were soft and gentle like a parent should be.
“Thank you. I know you told me not to say it, but thank you for being my family. I- I love you Wayne.” His face dropped slightly, his own dark eyes filling with tears, “Oh Honey come here.”
His arms wrapped around you, holding you close to his chest. The smell of his aftershave and cigarettes was a common comfort. A smell you loved.
His stubble brushed your head as his kissed you lightly, “I love you too kid.” You stayed like that for a while, arms wrapped around one another. “You can stay here forever.”
The movie continued to play and you got comfy, both taking drinks of your cocoa. A beautiful silence settled between you. A silence of a father and a daughter, a loving quiet. The enjoyment of one’s company without many words.
That was until a door creaked and heavy steps came towards the pair of you. Looking up you met a pair of sleepy eyes and crazy hair. “Where’d you go?” Eddie asked, his voice rough with sleep, as he plopped himself next to you.
“Just came for a drink,” you spoke, placing the still warm mug in his hand. He hummed, drinking a bit, “Wayne’s famous cocoa.”
You nodded, placing your head on Eddies shoulder, your own hand finding Wayne’s.
“Everything okay?” Eddie asked.
“Just one of those nights.” His eyebrows furrowed in concern, “Sweetheart-“
“Don’t worry Son, she’s okay.”
“Thank you Wayne,” he nodded to his uncle.
“I am okay. I promise, me and Wayne spoke. Think I’m gonna be staying here for a while, if that’s okay with you?” Eddies face broke into a grin, “Of course it’s okay. I love you being here.”
The love you felt was unconditional, it was something that you knew would never leave you. It was beautiful and pure. The kind of love you never expected to find. It was the love you needed. The love you deserved.
Your eyes became heavy, listening to Eddies heart you drifted off.
“Thank you for looking after her,” Eddie spoke. “Of course. Think she needed a parent tonight.”
“You are the best parent you know, we’re lucky to have you.”
“Don’t get all soft on me, now take your girl to bed. She needs some rest.”
Eddie nodded, shifting you gently, arms coming to rest behind your back and under your knees. The journey was a short one, Wayne followed behind him the whole way.
Placed on the bed carefully, you didn’t stir, body clearly exhausted. Eddie brushed the hair away from your face, smiling at you softly, at the peace you were feeling.
Moving round to his side of the bed, Wayne pulled the cover up over you, speaking softly, “Goodnight Honey, night Son.”
“Night Wayne.” The older man pulled the door too, allowing some beams of light to sneak through. It gave you comfort on bad nights, to know you were safe, you weren’t lost in the darkness.
Eddie pulled your back into his chest, holding you close. Nuzzling his face into your neck, he placed a soft kiss behind your ear, “I love you.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
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A/N : all the love for uncle wayne!!!
Thank you so much for reading!
Please leave any requests 🤍
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supernovafics · 5 months
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making a mixtape for boyfriend!eddie
wc: 730
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
“i don’t know if i should trust this since you titled it “awesome mix volume one.””
“shh, don’t make fun, or you’ll never get a volume two.” 
eddie nodded and smiled at you before overdramatically making a show of “zipping his lips shut,” which only made you laugh and roll your eyes.
over the past few months of you two dating, you fell into an almost weekly pattern where eddie would play new albums for you and always make you mixtapes as ways to introduce you to his favorite bands and artists; which made sense because he loved music. and maybe you didn’t like every single song he showed you, but you loved the happy smile he’d get on his face as he played you something that you hadn’t heard of and talked about a specific instrumental part or lyric of the song.  
you were a little different, you had other things that you’d drone on and on about— things that if it was anyone else eddie wouldn’t have necessarily found interesting, but just hearing you talk about it made it interesting to him. he could listen to you talk about your favorite book or some old movie you watched for forever. 
these little differences between you two were probably one of your favorite parts about your dynamic. 
things slightly changed last week— eddie wanted you to make him a mixtape. it was a request that slightly surprised you, but you of course did it anyway. 
“okay, so there’s not, like, one genre or whatever on this, it’s kinda a little bit of everything. just some songs i’ve liked for a while and more recently, and some remind me of you and us. i think i did, like, twelve songs. i can’t fully remember now–”
eddie stopped you mid-ramble with a kiss on the cheek. “just play it, sweetheart.”
you grabbed the tape from him and got up from his bed, placing it in the tape deck of his stereo and pressing play before settling back and sitting across from him. 
seconds later, the opening beats of sos by abba started playing and eddie smiled amusingly at you. “abba?”
“no questions or judgements until the end,” you told him seriously; well, as serious as you could with your boyfriend smiling at you. “just enjoy the music, munson.”
he nodded, a smile still on his face, as one of his hands started absentmindedly stroking your knee. you were wearing his hellfire t-shirt and a dark pair of his boxers; you always liked being in his clothes when you were spending the night at his place, and seeing you wear anything of his always made him fold. he would’ve been on you in an instant, kissing your lips and then finding that certain spot on your neck that always made you giggle, like he did most nights, if you two weren’t already doing this. 
when the song went from abba to sweet dreams by eurythmics, eddie wanted to say something teasing but he didn’t because he knew that he would only receive a playful scolding or eye roll from you in response.
he ended up liking the queen and tears for fears songs you put on the tape, but what he enjoyed the most was admiring you, watching as you bopped your head along to the beat or mumbled some of the lyrics. in all honesty, he barely paid attention to most of the songs playing, it was too hard. you looked too adorable and that was all he really wanted to focus on. 
he wanted to commit this entire moment to memory. 
the last song that played was another one by abba, gimme! gimme! gimme!, which felt like a full circle kind of moment, and you didn’t make any move to grab the tape once it stopped. 
“so, should i start working on volume two?” you asked playfully as you scooched closer to your boyfriend, letting your knees bump his and reaching out to grab one of his hands. 
he only leaned in and kissed you in response. it was slow and sweet and he practically pulled you into his lap in the process.
you smiled at him when you pulled back a bit to catch your breath. his hand was still cupping your cheek and your lips ghosted over his as you spoke. “i’ll just take that as a yes.” 
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taytrashmouth · 11 months
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The summer I’ve waited for
Jeremiah fisher x female reader
TW: drinking, swearing.
Description: you’ve been friends with Jeremiah forever, back in Boston you are inseparable, what happens when he invites you to cousins this summer
You met Jeremiah at school when you were 12, he’s always been funny and kind, he was nice to you when no one else was.
You were best friends since the first moment you met, the only thing that sucked was that he was never around for summer.
But this year, at 16 he invited you with, Susannah was so happy you were coming with, Belly would have a girlfriend and she loved you like her own.
The drive down to cousins was long, Conrad drove, Susannah scrolled through her phone in the passengers seat while you sat in the back with Jeremiah.
Your leg was bouncing up and down rapidly, what if it was awkward, what if belly didn’t like you, what if you ruined the perfect summers Jeremiah spoke of so often-
Your thoughts were broken when jere put his hand on your bouncing leg.
“Hey what’s wrong?” He frowned.
“Just nervous.” You shook your head.
“It’ll be so fun having you around, and I already know belly will love you, besides you’ll have me by your side, you’re stuck with me for three whole months.”
You couldn’t help but smile, he had no idea how much you liked him, he was the only boy you’d liked for 5 years. Spending 3 months with him sounded like heaven.
When you arrived Jeremiah showed you your room, right across from his. The house was gorgeous and the sound of the waves was magical.
You sat outside by the pool looking out at the ocean once you’d unpacked. Absolutely mesmerized.
It wasn’t until you saw Conrad, Jeremiah and Steven (you’d seen him in photos) throwing belly into the pool while she kicked and screamed.
“You guys that wasn’t funny.” Belly spoke.
“Yeah guys not cool.” You walked behind both Conrad and Jeremiah, hands around their waists. As they both turned to look at you, you pushed as hard as you could pushing them both in too.
They both yelled and you and belly laughed.
“I love her!” Belly laughed and smiled at Jeremiah, gesturing to you.
“Yeah me too.” He smiled subtly and looked down at the water, making you blush.
It was a few days later that you sat at the kitchen island waiting to watch a movie with belly and the moms that belly said something that surprised you.
“You know I’m so happy i finally got to meet you cause you’re like really cool, and because jere talks about you non-stop, he thinks you’re so smart and he tells us all these stories about you being like the coolest person.” Belly rambled.
“All good things I hope.” You chuckled, blushing slightly. “ I’m sure he doesn’t talk about me that much.”
“No there was a point I wanted to be you, and I hadn’t even seen your photo- I was like 12 but still”
You both giggled.
Summer went on, you went to parties with jere and he taught you how to play beer pong, you both sang karaoke at this tiki bar on Saturdays, he showed you all of his favorite spots in cousins. Late night drives and long walks on the beach.
Everything was perfect except you couldn’t help but feel that he loved belly…..and it hurt.
But there were moments where you allowed yourself to dream, to feel as though he liked you back.
The night by the pool when lover came on the speaker and you smiled at the sound of your favorite song.
“Let’s dance.” Jeremiah spoke. You looked up at him as he stood up and held out his hand. “You need to practice anyway.” Referring to the deb ball, belly begged you to do it with her.
You didn’t know how the hell to find a date, you only liked, and wanted one guy.
You smiled and gave him your hand. He pulled you up and held your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck and you began to sway. He spun you around slowly once or twice but soon it was just the two of you in this moment, looking into each others eyes.
“You’re a good dancer.” You whispered.
“I have a good partner.” He smiled, both of your cheeks burning.
Then there was the day you tried on your debutante dress, you looked in your bedroom mirror, only seeing the parts of yourself you hated.
That’s when Jere barged in with a smile, rambling about something Steven just did, but when you turned around he stopped dead.
“Holy shit…” he let out.
“I know-“ your voice was laced with insecurities but he didn’t let you fished before moving closer and making you spin around.
“You’re perfect.” He smiled and held your cheeks, you leaned into his touch wishing this moment would last.
Tears filled your eyes, he was healing all your wounds, damage he didn’t even cause.
“Thank you.” You smiled back.
When Taylor came out for belly’s birthday she bought belly a purple swimsuit, she had a pink one and she had bought you a dark blue one, because she knew belly liked you, and wanted you to be included.
You were insecure, people at school had bullied you your whole life, your weight fluctuated a lot and you weren’t exactly comfortable in a bikini.
When you didn’t go down to the pool after about 20mins jere came to look for you…
He found you in your bathroom, looking at yourself in the mirror in your new bikini with tears running down your cheeks
“Hey hey hey, what’s wrong?” He asked with a frown, immediately pulled you into his chest.
You hugged him tightly and he stroked your hair.
“I hate it.” You chocked.
“What? What do you hate?” He held your shoulders looking at your face now.
“Me, they way I look, fuck, I look like a whale compared to them.”
Jeremiah almost laughed.
“Them? Belly and taylor?”
“Yeah and like every other girl at this stupid beach.” You cried more, but he wiped away the tears that fell.
“Turn around.” He smiled, you grumpily spun.
“Exactly what I thought, no sign of a whale…and y/n….you’re hot, don’t tell belly or Taylor I said this but you’re like way hotter than them.” He exclaimed.
You chocked a laugh.
“Really?” You frowned again.
“Definitely.” He hugged you again, and made jokes as you washed your face before following him back to the pool.
“I found her!!! She was trying to make sure she was still hotter than all of us.” He joked as you walked out the doors to the pool.
Taylor smiled, “I knew that bikini was your color, it’s literally so hot.” Belly nodded in agreement.
Steven gawked at you as you climbed into the pool and belly hit him on the head.
It wasn’t until you were walking along the beach as the sun set, a week till the deb ball and still you had no date.
“Hey!” Jeremiah called as he ran down the beach to catch up.
“Hey.” You smiled back.
You talked about a lot of things as the sun began to set.
“Still no date?” He asked.
You shook your head,
“Seriously? I don’t believe no one’s asked you.” He spoke as if you were the most precious thing that any guy would want.
You shook your head again, a few guys had asked, but you didn’t really want to go with them. So you told them no.
You continued to talk about the ball.
“Mom told Conrad to ask Belly, but I think she’ll be pissed if she finds out he didn’t actually want to ask her you know?” He spoke.
“Yeah, I’d be pissed if that happened to me.”
“That’s why I swore off these things, drama creating nonsense, I’d only make an exception for this one girl-“ he spoke slowly but you cut him off.
“Yeah, it sucks that Conrad’s taking her-“
“What?” He stopped walking.
“You like belly….don’t you?” You frowned.
He scoffed and looked off to the side.
“You’re really really dumb for someone with straight A’s, you know that?” He asked.
You frowned even more.
“I’d make an exception for you n/n….”
Your whole world stopped for a minute, looking into his ocean eyes.
“I’m just waiting for you to ask me……” he looked at his feet.
“I didn’t ask because I needed to know you wanted this, I couldn’t do it because i could never forgive myself if I screwed this up, us…” he looked back up at you.
Your heart was pounding, your head was exploding and your stomach erupted with butterflies.
“Will you go to the ball with me Jere?” You smiled.
He sighed with relief and smiled the biggest you e ever seen.
“Fuck yes!!!!” He wrapped his arms around you and spun you in the air before putting you down.
You laughed, feeling on top of the world.
“You sure about this?” He asked looking down at you.
“It’s been five years of crushing, I’m sure.” You joked.
“Good because I really want to kiss you.” He smiled.
He leaned in and your lips met, it was like two pieces of a puzzle. So passionate yet soft. This was the summer you’d always wanted, the summer you waited for.
As you broke apart for air you both smiled and entangled your hands, and you walked home in the dark, waves crashing against your ankles.
“I liked you before we were even friends you know.” Jeremiah spoke up.
“Yeah, I saw you in the hallway one day and I knew, that the pretty girl by locker 34 was going to be my wife one day.”
You smiled, and laughed with him, as you swing your hands back and forth.
“Really? I still had braces….why me?” You asked with a frown.
“Because I love you, you idiot!” He yelled, he turned and kissed you for the second time that night. You smiled into the kiss, and the waves crashed into your calves.
“I love you too…I always have.” You told him. “And I’m not sure about ‘wife’ just yet, but I’m just waiting for you to ask me..” you quoted his words from earlier.
He smiled and got down on one knee, his shorts were wet and your dress was blowing in the wind. You threw your head back in a smile.
“Y/n l/n, will you make me the happiest golden retriever and be my girlfriend,”
“Fuck yes!!!!”
He got up and you held onto each other like it was the last time you’d hug.
When you arrived back at the house, he dragged you up to his room, rummaging in his drawer to find something.
“I uh- I got this for your birthday last year, but I chickened out of giving it to you because I though it might overstep a boundary or something.” He explained as he sat next to you on his bed and handed you a box.
You carefully took off the lid and revealed a sliver locket, the letter J engraved on the front, you opened it up and on the left was a picture on Jeremiah giving you a piggy back ride, both of you smiling so widely. And on the right the lyrics ‘at every table I’ll save you a seat’ were engraved in cursive.
You closed the locket and stared at the J, then at him, tears in your eyes.
“Because I really know you.” He pointed at his initial.
You smiled, tears falling.
“I love you, you’re perfect.” You smiled, looking at his beautiful eyes, and smile, thinking of how thoughtful he was, how kind, how funny, he was yours, and you were his.
He helped you out the necklace on, and you never took it off
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writing-for-life · 6 days
The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known
Or: Does Morpheus really have commitment issues?
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[Bear with me, I’ll get to this panel 🤣]
I’ve read many times that Morpheus supposedly has commitment issues, and it always has me scratching my head a bit…
I personally rather think he is desperate to commit. He so badly craves a serious relationship that he is prone to rush into it and build it on wonky foundations, but he has certainly no commitment issues as we would commonly understand them.
Is it in his nature though to be truly seen and understood when he is [a] Dream? And can dreams ever last? These are the much more interesting questions in my view. Let’s have a look at the romantic relationships we know of…
Killalla: Walked out on him. That wasn’t his lack of commitment. If anything, he came on a bit strong while she was still assessing her feelings for him.
Alianora: He fully committed to her despite basically being bullied into it by Desire. And they were happy for “a goodly while”. For those in doubt: “Goodly” doesn’t mean “a bit”. It means “great, large, long.” And the fact that Alianora couldn’t go back to her own plane because she had stayed in the Dreaming too long corroborates that they were together for a long time. Probably longer than any human relationship ever lasts, because I doubt “a long time” means “a couple of years” for someone who is 12 billion years old.
And now I’ll sandwich the relationship we hardly know anything about between some random (?) panels to also make a point why I think it might sit here in the timeline…
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Titania: Who knows. Sounded like an affair, and as if they both had no intention of committing. He was clearly very fond of her though, and I can never shake the feeling that we should look a bit deeper into AMND and find the parallels between Auberon, Titania (not hard, and they are pretty much pictured as estranged) and Bottom. There are many ways to get confused with a jackass, you know? 🤣 Plus, Bottom is the one who gets to play Pyramus in “Pyramus and Thisbe”. That’s the ultimate blueprint for “Romeo and Juliet”: Ill-fated love of catastrophic proportions, people are dead by the end of it. That’s why I often wondered if the affair with Titania was actually pre-Nada, and the inspiration for Shakespeare wasn’t random (it wasn’t random for The Tempest either). I mean, it wasn’t random anyway because it was a parting gift, but I also don’t think it was entirely random with regard to their relationship. Wild head-canon of course, but maybe not that wild (he also says that Wendel’s Mound was already a theatre before humans walked the earth, so there’s that)? And even if he wasn’t committed (we quite frankly don’t know if he intended to but she didn’t or couldn’t), she and the Fae meant enough to him to give them a play as a parting gift.
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Nada: Killed herself after one night, but that wasn’t down to lack of commitment on his part. Again: If anything, he came on far too strong, wanted to be with her and was far too pushy about it.
Calliope: We don’t know how long they were together before they had Orpheus. Could have been a while, could have been only a shortish time. But even if we assumed they had him fairly quickly—they were still together when Orpheus, who was mortal, got married to Eurydice, so even if he got married young, we’re still talking something in the realm of +/- 20 years, and that’s the absolute low-ball-estimate. And while they had started to drift apart (considering what we know from Calliope), they were still on good terms and had no intention of splitting up until the whole Orpheus drama caused a rift they couldn’t mend. Again: That’s not someone who has commitment issues. It’s a relationship breaking down over hurt, stubbornness and grief.
Thessaly: Again, she was the one who left him and caused his dramatic interlude in the rain. Were they ill suited? Yes. Did she feel neglected and went into a strop over it? Yes. Did he not get that she felt neglected? Also yes, but that’s not lack of commitment. That’s his not getting that people aren’t mind readers (must be hard if you’re probably one yourself 🤣) and, by and large, need assurances of love. He doesn’t get that these women don’t understand they have his love; he can’t grasp that line of thinking because it is all so clear to him when he loves someone: They have him, what’s the issue? Is that a not so great way of (not) communicating when you’re having a relationship to someone? Absolutely. Is it a commitment issue though? Absolutely not.
I think Morpheus doesn’t really have commitment issues in romantic relationships—wouldn’t that almost be antithetical to his nature? Rules and responsibilities. Yeah, about that one…
What I do think is that he struggles with the mortifying ordeal of being (not) known by his lovers. Because how could he? He is Dream. That is his problem. Dreams cannot be fully known or understood. He is very eloquent but at the same time a very… confusing communicator. I don’t want to say “bad”, because I feel that’s not getting to the bottom of it. Again, it is the nature of dreams to be confusing and strange, open to (mis)interpretation, hard to grasp and understand. And they also stop being dreams once they become real. All of that is true and hence makes relationships both hard for him and those involved. Is he truly not willing to commit though?
I still find that hard to believe…
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Herbie (M) ~Bang Chan | 02
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Pairing: Mechanic!Chan x F.Reader Themes: Smut | Fluff | Friends to Lovers (kind of) Word Count: ~5k | AO3 Synopsis: As it turned out, your hot mechanic friend also had a crush on you. After rocking your world in his repair shop’s office, you wake up the next day on his bed in his clothes, ready to spend a lazy morning together. [This is a second and final part to Herbie]. Warnings: curvy/chubby reader · pet names · this is like super domestic · graphic depictions of intercourse (smut warnings under the cut).
Due to all the abovementioned warnings, this story is intended for an adult audience only. Minors please do not interact.
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Author’s Note: does it count as friends to lovers if they already fucked and were planning to go on a date???? i honestly don’t know lol. but anyway, i felt like writing the morning after the events of Herbie, so here we are ! i think i’ve gotten all the wiggles out with this one, so for now i hope this remains as a two shot~
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Smut Warnings: oral [F.Rec] · nipple play · protected penetration (piv) · honestly there’s hardly anything to warn about this is all so soft
Disclaimer: the story represented in this work does not represent Stray Kids in any way; anything described in this story and all actions performed by the characters are purely fictional, this was created just for good fun.
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You could feel movement all around, you could hear movement all around. The gentle rustle of fabric, soft tapping sounds on the tiles, the flow of water… You weren’t really sure if you were fully awake and actually noticing these things, or if you were still dreaming. All you knew for sure was that the pillow under your head, the one between your thighs, and the duvet over your frame were incredibly soft and comfortable.
After a long while, you felt movement again, and then you felt warmth. 
The gentle feeling of plush lips on your forehead brought your senses back to the land of the living, and, in a second, you remembered. Herbie had died on you, Chris had saved you once again, he’d made you feel loved and wanted and cared for in just a few hours, he’d brought you to his place and talked with you until you both were too tired to keep your eyes open, he’d given you one of his t-shirts to wear to bed, and right now, he’d just kissed your forehead and he was pulling away.
“Where you going…?” You mumbled, blindly reaching for him.
Chris chuckled, leaning in and pressing a kiss on your cheek. “I have to walk Wolfgang. I’ll be back in no time, you continue sleeping. Hm?”
A pout made its way onto your lips, but you hummed in agreement anyway, because there was no way you’d stop him from taking Wolfgang on a walk. Wolfgang deserved all the walks.
With one more kiss to your forehead and a ‘be right back, beautiful’, Chris left the room, and after a few minutes you heard the front door open and close behind him. You changed positions, laying on your other side–taking special care to move the pillow between your legs with you, because there was nothing more comfortable when you had big thighs than having a pillow between your legs when you laid on your side.
As you laid there, only half awake, your brain started recounting the events of the night. You’d been at Chris’ place a couple of times throughout the past handful of months, but never this late, and never this long. You’d always been comfortable with him, but yesterday, sitting face to face on his sofa, with Wolfgang napping on the floor right by your feet was just something else.
It was nice to be able to talk so freely with him, even more than you were already doing before. The topics ranged from what you were going to do with Herbie, to commenting on whichever show you both had been watching these days, and even to heartfelt confessions.
‘Always knew I was attracted to you, but I’m gonna be fully honest, the moment you kept talking to me after our two hour video call where all I did was ramble about Pokémon, I knew there was no going back for me’, Chris had told you, and you had simply laughed, telling him how oddly specific that was, to which he also laughed and offered a ‘you’re laughing, but I’ve seriously had people ghost me after something like that. Some just don’t get it!’
You clearly fell asleep again, because the next thing you registered was Chris slinging an arm over your waist and pulling you back to his chest. You vaguely registered the ‘welcome back, baby’ that came out of your mouth, just like you vaguely registered Chris’ lips on your neck, pressing soft kisses on your skin while he mumbled a ‘thank you, pretty’.
You laid there in Chris’ arms for a while, until he started to snore and you started to feel like you really needed to go to the bathroom. Chris was holding on tight to you, so you had a bit of difficulty pulling yourself away from his embrace. He seemed to barely even register it, his snoring remained steady as you walked past a sleeping Wolfgang, out of the room, and into the bathroom.
After relieving yourself and splashing a bit of water on your face, you cringed a bit at the fact that you couldn’t apply your moisturiser, but as you looked at the brand new toothbrush Chris had given you last night, sitting right next to his in a cup on the sink, you figured it was a small price to pay for being here. You looked at yourself in the mirror, admittedly smiling a bit like a fool as you remembered the events of the night again. Sigh, I’m down bad, bad, huh? was all you could think while a small giggle passed your lips.
With a fresh face, an empty bladder, and a minty mouth, you finally made your way back to Chris’ room, yawning and stretching a bit before you finally tucked yourself back under the covers to find a pouty Chris looking at you with only one eye open. You just smiled at him and gave him a quick peck before you snuggled closer, tucking your head under his chin.
Chris hummed, bringing an arm under your neck to curl around your shoulders, just as he took a hold of your thigh to hoist it over his hip and push a leg between yours, essentially tangling your limbs together so you could be as close as possible. Even if it was just a simple gesture, your heart was racing, feeling just so incredibly full.
“Would it scare you off if I told you I like waking up with you on my bed?” Chris mumbled against your hair, leisurely dragging his hand up and down your bare thigh as he spoke.
“It takes a lot to scare me off”, you chuckled, giving in to the urge of attaching your lips to his collarbone. How could you not kiss him there when he was shirtless and his skin looked just so incredibly kissable? And even more so when the gentle morning light filtering through the drapes was enough for you to see his skin flush with each peck of your lips.
After a few moments of you just kissing Chris’ collarbones, his chest, his neck, you felt the warmth of his hand leave your thigh, only to appear again on your chin. He tilted your head up a bit to get you to look at him. There was such a sincere smile on his lips, you just weren’t sure where to focus, on that smile, on his brown eyes, or on the barely perceptible freckles under them. You just couldn’t help the heat that spread over your face at the sight.
“You’re so incredibly beautiful, you know?” Chris leaned in, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “And cute”, another one on your cheek bone. “Pretty”, and another on the tip of your nose.
Heat pooled in the pit of your stomach, just with his words and his gentle kisses you could feel minute shivers running up and down your spine and the fine hairs on your arms stand on end. Before you could even say anything, Chris was kissing you, slowly, tenderly savouring you. He returned his hand to your thigh, squeezing all the way up, holding you tight against him as he finally reached your bum to sneak his fingers under your underwear so he could grab a proper handful, eliciting the tiniest moan to fly past your lips and get lost in his mouth.
You brought your hands to his head to card your fingers through his hair, lightly scratching his scalp as you went, and, with a groan, Chris moved, gently pushing you onto your back as he laid on top of you, not stopping the movements of his lips against yours for a second.
With a hand still tangled in his hair, barely pulling the strands, and the other roaming his back, you just let yourself enjoy the feel of him pressed against you. His warm skin under your hands, his weight on you, his lips on you, there was honestly nothing else on your mind other than Chris and his warmth.
Finally detaching himself from your mouth, Chris trailed kisses all the way to your neck, where he settled to suck and nibble on your skin, making you squirm and whine softly. One of his fingers twisted on the side of your underwear as he continued his motions on your neck, seemingly in no hurry to take the garment off at all, almost like he was doing it just to keep his fingers busy, or even to tease you a bit–if that were the case, it was certainly working.
Trailing all the way back up your throat, his mouth found yours again, and he kissed you deeply, pushing his tongue inside your mouth as soon as you parted your lips for him. He was wearing only his boxers, so you could feel him already hard against you. That, coupled with his kisses, with his hold on you, had wetness pooling at your core, all combined had lewd noises escaping your mouth.
When Chris finally untwisted his fingers from your underwear, he propped himself on one elbow for leverage, moving his hand up from where it’d been pressed against your hip, slowly dragging it all the way up to your ribs, bringing the hem of the tee you were wearing with it, encouraging goosebumps to raise on your skin with the soft movement.
“Mind if I take this off?” Chris mumbled against your lips, pressing a brief kiss on your lips for good measure.
You just shook your head, giving him the go-ahead. If he didn’t get you naked now you were sure you’d combust, you never thought you’d ever needed anyone in your life quite like you were needing Chris at this very moment.
Chris shuffled a bit, moving to kneel between your legs just as he took a hold of the hem of your t-shirt, carefully pulling it over your head, leaving you in nothing but your knickers.
“Fuck…” You could see his eyes jump all over you, taking in the sight of your bare chest, and it occurred to you then that he hadn’t seen your full naked body last night. He might’ve ravished your cunt like a starved man, but that didn’t seem to stop him from blushing at the sight of your bare breasts. “Look at these…”
Cupping your tits, Chris squeezed them gently, kneaded them, just overall felt them in his hands, warming you up, and you couldn’t help but flush. 
“Thought you were an ass guy”.
Chris’ eyes snapped back up to yours, and he laughed, but the movement of his hands didn’t stop. “Baby, I’m an everything guy. Fuck, wish I had more hands. Wanna touch you everywhere”.
His comment made you laugh, too, but the sound quickly caught in your throat as soon as his thumbs dragged over your nipples.
He did it again, with a bit more pressure this time. The action had heat creeping on your face, and you couldn’t help but bite your lip to contain the obscene sounds that were threatening to come out of your mouth. Chris, on the other hand, looked absolutely delighted.
“You’re sensitive here, too, huh?” He had a smirk plastered on his face, and whichever thought that was crossing your mind completely flew out the window the second he started to roll your nipples between his fingers, applying the tiniest bit of pressure, just enough to make you close your eyes and your thighs twitch. “Don’t hold back, gorgeous. Let me hear those pretty noises I know you can make. Hm?”
You didn’t think you could flush any further, but here you were, feeling heat everywhere. On your face, your neck, between your legs… And the feeling seemed to intensify the further he worked your chest, the further you let quiet noises slip out of your lips as you barely held his gaze.
“Want… Want your mouth”.
As soon as you said the words, Chris dived, gently sucking one of your nipples into his mouth. You simply moaned, threading your fingers through his hair once again to further push him against your chest. With his mouth on one nipple and his fingers on the other, his motions had sparks of pleasure coursing through your body, shooting straight to your now aching core.
Chris focused on your chest for a while, shifting his mouth from one nipple to the other occasionally to provide equal attention, mumbling mindless words of praise in between, ‘gorgeous tits… So soft here, huh…? Wanna kiss you all over…’ effectively driving you up the wall. You yourself could hear the desperation in your voice whenever you moaned or whined or whimpered under his tongue, and it was right when you were close to begging for more that he finally detached his mouth from your chest entirely, swearing under his breath.
In one swift movement he’d yanked your underwear off, pushed your legs apart, and found his way between your thighs, attaching his mouth to your clit and sucking on it. The movement was so sudden you just couldn’t contain your sounds of delight, what started as a moan ended as an incredulous laugh that Chris matched immediately, the rumble of his laugh enhancing the tingles of pleasure that extended to all your limbs. He removed his mouth from your heat only long enough to shift his weight so he could lay comfortably on his stomach, take a hold of the back of your thighs, and push them towards your chest to get better access to your centre.
As soon as his mouth resumed its motions between your legs you sighed, melting completely under the gentle nudges of his tongue.
After bringing one of your thighs over his shoulder, Chris blindly reached for your hand. As soon as he found his target, he took a hold of your hand and brought it to his head, and you couldn’t help but chuckle softly as you dragged your fingertips over his scalp.
“So you… Like it when I play with your hair?”
Chris just hummed in response, with a hint of a smile in the way his eyes crinkled at the corners, sucking a tad bit harder on your clit to make his point. You just laughed, not because it was particularly funny, but because it was the only way your body knew how to express the feelings coursing through you right now. And when you tugged on his hair, he just buried himself deeper, closing his eyes and humming once again, a sound of unadulterated satisfaction that had fire burning deep inside of you.
He was moving just so leisurely, like he had all the time in the world to be just here, right between your legs, a complete contrast to how borderline desperate he’d been last night. Every time he opened his eyes and looked at you, you could barely even hold his gaze, the slow but precise licks and sucks and kisses had your head swimming, had you quietly moaning and whimpering as you got lost in the stars twinkling in his eyes.
Much like yesterday, he looked at you with want, need, hunger, but in a different way. A softer, gentler way that somehow also had your toes curling, had you throwing your head back in glee, and had your heart growing ten sizes in your chest.
Detaching his lips from you briefly, Chris got a finger in his mouth, thoroughly coating it in his saliva to then bring it to your entrance, pushing it in to lightly massage your sweet spot as the hand he had on the thigh over his shoulder kept squeezing your flesh.
You could feel your legs start to tremble as he added more fingers, as he increased his speed, stuffing you full of three of his digits while his hand moved up your thigh to rest on your lower belly, kneading and gripping the soft skin in tandem with his mouth on your clit and his fingers in your cunt, and you honestly were starting to think you’d died and gone to heaven. 
You genuinely weren’t sure how long Chris spent working you up, touching you, kissing you, fucking you open with his fingers, kneading your soft flesh with his hand. It could’ve been seconds, minutes, or even hours, but neither of you seemed to mind or care at all; all you cared about was the feel of him between your legs, the smell of his shampoo on the pillow below your head, his hair between your fingers, and how incredibly close he was getting you to your impending release.
Nothing had ever tasted sweeter than Chris’ name on your tongue once he finally pushed you over the edge, nothing had ever felt as satisfying as the way he softly sucked and licked at your clit to drag the very last wave of pleasure he could out of you. Your body slumped when you started to come down from your high, and your legs twitched a bit when he placed one final kiss on your clit and removed his fingers from your still sensitive walls.
Chris kissed his way up your body, lightly sucking on your skin as he went until his mouth found yours, leaving you breathless with the passion of his kiss and the slow grind of his hips against your core, surely getting his underwear drenched in your juices as he continuously dragged the outline of his erection over your folds. He didn’t seem to mind or care at all, in fact, he seemed to be just completely lost in the feel of you under him, in the feel of your tongue against his own, and the feel of your fingers gently running down his back.
“Baby…” You mumbled, resting one of your hands on his shoulder and the other on his round bottom. “Baby, need to breathe”.
Chris chuckled, pulling his mouth from yours to repeatedly kiss your cheeks, finally stopping the movement of his hips between your legs, but keeping himself flush to your body. “Sorry”.
“No, you’re not”, you laughed, still slightly breathless, but you hugged him tight anyway.
“No, I’m not”, Chris gave you a cheeky smile, looking absolutely pleased with himself, and, honestly, while you still felt pleasure coursing through your body from your orgasm, you just couldn’t find it in you to pretend to be mad at him.
Pulling himself off of you fully to give you a breather, Chris got rid of his underwear, and you propped yourself on your elbows to just look at him in all his glory, broad, strong, naked… 
“You’re unfairly handsome, you now?”
Chris giggled, a pink tint coloured his cheeks, and he shook his head side to side while he found his way between your legs once again, kneeling on the bed, sitting back on his heels and looking down at you with an incredibly fascinating mix of endearment and lust swimming in his eyes. Scooting as close to you as he could, he placed a hand on your thigh just as he brought the other close to his mouth to spit on it. After spreading his saliva all over his shaft, he finally closed his fist around his length to leisurely stroke himself.
“I wholeheartedly believe you’re the pretty one in this relationship”.
A teasing smile spread on your face, and you quirked a brow at him, ignoring any possible self-deprecating comment your brain immediately came up with at that moment, choosing instead to focus on holding back the laugh that was threatening to come out of your mouth. “Oh? So we’re in a relationship?”
“If you want to be”, Chris tightened his hold on your thigh, but kept the movement of the hand working his cock the same slow, steady pace.
“Do you?”
“I do”, Chris answered in a heartbeat, giving you a genuine smile, an adorable smile that made his eyes disappear and his dimples show on his cheeks, and you were sure your heart was about to burst out of your chest.
You replied confidently anyway, because if there was one thing that Chris made you feel was confident, and fearless. “I do, too”.
Chris was about to say something, but whatever it was died on his tongue, replaced with a groan when Wolfgang suddenly jumped on the bed and found his way towards you, sniffing you and attempting to lick your cheeks, making you laugh while you tried to pull away.
Chris let go of his cock immediately, taking a hold of Wolfgang’s collar to keep him from jumping on you and crushing you. “Dude, this is quite possibly the worst moment for you to show affection. Go away”.
Wolfgang, however, took this as a sign to start playing, shifting his attention from you to Chris in a heartbeat and trying to jump on his shoulders, hitting your leg with his wagging tail in the process. “Dude!”
You honestly couldn’t stop laughing.
“Come here, you giant twit”, Chris scooped Wolfgang into his arms. With admittedly a bit of difficulty since his dog kept trying to play while Chris held him, he got out of bed and left the bedroom entirely. You could hear Wolfgang’s tail hitting the walls as they went, just like you could hear Chris lecturing him. ‘You can’t do this to me. You gotta understand the act of making puppies is very, very sacred. Think of the bro code, dude. You can’t just interrupt and jump on my girl like that!’
Your laughs turned to soft chuckles, and you reached for your eyes to wipe the tears that had collected at the corners. Shuffling could be heard in the living room, and then you heard running water.
After a moment, Chris came back into the room, huffing in annoyance, and ruffling his hair. The sight of his length half hard and bobbing between his legs with every step was oddly amusing to you.
“What’d you do?” You asked as soon as Chris was back into your arms and nestled between your legs so he could kiss you.
“Gave him a scolding and a Kong filled with treats to entertain himself”, he mumbled between kisses, propping himself on an elbow.
The cold feeling of his still slightly moist hand dragging down your side made you shiver.
“Don’t scold Wolfgang. He’s a good boy, he just wants to play”, you chuckled, speaking between kisses.
“What about me?” Chris pulled himself away from your hold, reaching for his nightstand. “I wanna play, too, but I can’t if he’s here”.
“Got performance anxiety?” You watched Chris rummage the first drawer of his nightstand, where he clearly didn’t find what he was looking for.
Chris chuckled, opening the second drawer and rummaging the contents there, too. “Why? Wanna get fucked with an audience? Can’t give you that, babe. I want you all to myself”.
He finally found what he was looking for, a condom, which he immediately opened and rolled over his once again fully hard length. “Besides, doesn’t it unsettle you a bit to have Wolfgang specifically watch us have sex?”
“Only if he tries to get involved”, you chuckled.
“Freaky, huh?”
You licked your lips when Chris got comfortable between your legs again and started to drag the head of his cock up and down your slit. “Not even close to being the weirdest thing about me”.
“True”, he chuckled. “The way you wash the dishes both fascinates me and puzzles me to this day”.
He just kept dragging the tip of his length all over your cunt, spreading your juices around, stopping at your entrance sometimes but not going in. He was very obviously teasing you, and you couldn’t help but whine. “Babe…”
“What?” He grinned at you, brushing your clit with his tip briefly, only to dip back down to tease your entrance.
“Christopher”, a pout made its way onto your lips, just as you rolled your hips to try and get him to go in. Sadly, it didn’t work. If anything, it only made Chris giggle.
“God, you’re just so cute”, he was giggling still, and you would’ve probably said something about it, had he not eased himself into your heat with one swift movement, filling you up fully, making you gasp. 
Chris leaned into you, propping himself on his elbows to plant a kiss on your lips. You simply hugged him close, caressing his lower back, softly tracing the dimples there with one of your fingers just as your free hand made its way to his bum again, squeezing once he started to move, ever so slowly.
“So, so cute”, Chris mumbled against your lips, and you just hummed in response. 
Parting from your lips, he started a trail of kisses from your cheek to your neck, mumbling between each press of his lips against your skin. “So soft, too…”
He dragged his hand up and down your thigh, squeezing sporadically, keeping that slow pace of his hips. “Tight…” 
You couldn’t help but whine, your brain once again turning to putty with every drag of his cock against your walls, with every tight squeeze to your soft flesh, with every love bite he left on your skin… Bringing your other hand to his buttock, you grabbed a handful in each hand, revelling in the way Chris groaned against your neck and how his pace picked up the tiniest bit.
A part of you–a very needy, greedy part of you–wanted to beg him to go faster, to go harder, but another part of you simply wanted to enjoy his slow and precise movements, especially when Chris seemed to be enjoying it all just like this.
As you dragged the tip of one of your fingers up his spine, he swore under his breath and kissed you, so deeply you weren’t sure what had you involuntarily clenching around him, if it was the feeling of his tongue against yours, or his cock stretching you open and hitting the utmost sensitive areas within your walls.
Detaching himself from your mouth, Chris pressed his forehead against yours, the lack of barrier letting your soft moans freely spill from your lips.
One of his hands found yours, linking your fingers together, holding it tight and pressing it to the mattress as you mindlessly whispered sweet nothings to him. How good he felt inside of you, how well he was fucking you open, how handsome he was… Anything and everything that came to your hazy mind, all while Chris just groaned lowly, sounding just so incredibly lost in the feeling of you and your body it almost made you lightheaded.
Burying his cock as deep as he could, he stilled, catching your mouth in a heated kiss when you buried your hand in his hair and tugged.
“Sit on me”, Chris mumbled against your mouth, pressing a brief kiss on your lips right after for good measure.
You simply nodded in response. The sudden lack of his body heat, of his length inside of you, of his weight on you, almost gave you whiplash, but you moved regardless, and as soon as Chris was on his back, you straddled him, keeping yourself lifted enough to align his cock with your entrance.
You couldn’t help but moan once he was back within your warmth, just like Chris didn’t seem to be able to hold back his groan of satisfaction when he was snugly buried to the hilt. Bringing his hands to your hips, he squeezed hard on your soft flesh, swearing under his breath as he took in the sight of you fully sitting on his lap.
“Fuck, look at you–” He all but choked on his words as soon as you started to move, bracing yourself on his chest for leverage so you could bounce on his cock.
“Was this what you’d imagined?” You asked, admittedly a bit breathless. “During your–Fuck… Your hip thrust sets?”
“Baby…” Planting his feet firmly on the bed, and with his tight grip on your hips, Chris started to thrust up, so suddenly you fell on your elbows at either side of his head, moaning loudly. “It’s… So… Much… Better”, he emphasised each word with sharp thrusts, hitting your walls just right, making you whine.
You tried your best to match his pace, bringing your hips down when he brought his up. You could feel your soft flesh rippling every time your bodies collided, and you honestly couldn’t contain the sounds that were flying past your lips as Chris kept relentlessly ramming into you.
“You’re a fucking dream”, Chris groaned, pulling one of your arms behind your back and holding it in place with one of his strong hands to keep you flush against his body, chest against chest, while his other hand moved from your hip to grab a handful of your ass. “You take it so fucking well, fuck…”
All you could do was whine as you buried your head in the crook of his neck, attaching your lips to his throat in an attempt to muffle the pathetic sounds that were coming out of your mouth. As soon as your free hand made its way into Chris’ hair and tugged, he groaned, and his hands tightened their hold on you in response.
The longer you stayed there taking a pounding, the longer your clit rubbed against his lower abdomen, the more you felt your sanity slip between your fingers, leaving nothing in your mind but Chris and his cock ramming into you and his hands holding onto you.
You wanted to tell him how close you were, but you honestly weren’t sure if the words came out of your mouth at all. All you knew for sure was that after one particularly hard thrust you finally found your gratifying relief, mindlessly biting on Chris’ shoulder to somehow keep your mind a bit grounded through it all.
You vaguely registered Chris swearing, loudly, repeatedly, until the hand on your rear pushed you flush against him and the most delicious sounds flew past his lips as he came. You clenched around him, somewhat on purpose, somewhat because he just sounded so incredibly hot when he groaned and moaned so close to your ear you just couldn’t help your body’s reaction to him.
“Fucking hell…” Chris mumbled, turning his head enough to absentmindedly press kisses on your cheek, finally letting go of your arm and your buttock so he could wrap his arms tightly around your waist, holding you close.
You turned your head fully, catching his mouth in yours for a slow, gentle kiss, moving the hand that had been held on your back to softly caress his cheek while the other simply played with the more than mussed curls on his head. 
You both laid there for a moment, until Chris muttered a ‘gimme a sec, baby. Gotta get rid of this fucking condom before I go soft and cum gets everywhere’. 
So you got off of him, dropping to the side to catch your breath as you watched him leave the room to dispose of the soiled latex and come back in less than a minute. As soon as he was back on the bed he asked you to lay on top of him again, and you did, chuckling a bit once you straddled him and rested your weight on him.
“So this is why you wanted me, huh? So you could use me as your own personal weighted blanket?”
Chris just laughed, wrapping an arm around your waist and burying a hand in your hair to softly massage your scalp. “How do you even come up with this stuff?”
“I’m a part-time comedian”, tucking your head under his chin, you couldn’t help but sigh, feeling content, and immensely satisfied.
Chris hummed, placing a kiss on the top of your head. “And a full time cutie”.
You pulled yourself away from his neck briefly, regarding him with a smile before you kissed him.
“Have you ever had Venezuelan food?” Chris asked as soon as you pulled back from the kiss, softly caressing your back.
“No, why?”
“There’s this really good place in the city centre I think you’d like… Was thinking maybe we could go there tonight”.
You quirked a brow at him with a teasing smile on your lips. “For our date?”
“God, yeah”, Chris giggled, blushing a bit as if he hadn’t just fucked you dumb, and somehow the sight of him blushing made your face heat up as well. “For someone so dense, you’re incredibly confident sometimes, you know? No wonder you got me all smitten like a fool”.
“Ohhh, you’re smitten?” You couldn’t help but tease him further.
“And like a fool. That’s a very important part”, Chris grinned at you.
You kissed him, because why wouldn’t you when he was so cute and hot and his lips were so kissable? Especially when he was almost glowing with the after-effects of his high, and when he was looking at you with borderline sparkly eyes.
“I like you so much, Chris. It’s embarrassing”, you mumbled against his mouth, pressing another kiss on his lips to emphasise your statement.
“At least we can be embarrassing fools together”, Chris giggled, but the sound quickly turned into an annoyed groan as he felt the bed dip again when Wolfgang jumped on it, carrying a penguin plushie in his mouth, doing little hops, and wagging his tail so fervently all you could do was coo and laugh.
Herbie had indeed been a bad financial investment, but, at this very moment, all that monetary loss seemed to pale in comparison to how happy and full you felt. As you rolled off of Chris and he lunged at Wolfgang, essentially wrestling with his dog while he laughed, you were more than certain that it had all been worth it, and that you were more than ready to build your romantic relationship with Chris.
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Tagging: @raspbinniecreme · @staaa96 · @oiminho · @starshine-moon · @biribarabiribbaem · @100layersofdaddyissues · @dearalice · @alexis-reads-fics · @xcookiemonsteer · @knowleeknow · @chanlovesme · @liminaldaydream · @sstarryreads · @svngiem · @notastraykid · @princelingperfect · @peepeepoopooharrie · @aestheticsluut · @skzhomiehopper · @cessixja · @mimzibee · @hipsdofangirl · @djeniryuu · @floatingcoffecup · @hakunaamaatittiessss · @minnysproutgriffinteddy · @moonmooncr · @waiting-for-the-barbarians in purple: can’t be tagged. If you want to be removed (or if i tagged you incorrectly) from the list just PM me. If you want to be added fill in this form~
© therhythmafterthesummer 2023. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate.
Constructive feedback (or even keysmashes, really) is always welcome :)
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trenchcoat-turtle · 10 days
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Summary: All of his brothers have found their person. Meanwhile he’s stuck pining for Leo’s girlfriend’s roommate. Why does the girl of his dreams have to be taken?
“Hey Raph!” I called as I walked into the lair.
“Hey, y/n. If you’re looking for Whitney, she and Leo are already in his room.” He snickered.
“Oh, yeah I was looking for her, but I definitely don’t want to accidentally interrupt anything.”
“With how long it’s been since they last saw each other, I wouldn’t recommend it.” He chuckled again.
“You guys have been really busy lately, huh?” I asked him.
“It’s been a tough couple a weeks.” He shook his head. “Foot activity just keeps growing. It feels like an impossible task to protect the city from them sometimes.” Raphael responded.
“I can’t imagine. You carry so much weight on your shoulders.” I replied as I placed a comforting hand on his arm.
His eyes lingered on mine before he seemed to shake himself from his thoughts.
“Anyway, enough about that depressing shit, how have ya been?” He asked.
“Well, I’m single.” I laughed. “Finally got the courage to break it off with him.”
A bright smile graced his green face.
“I didn’t realize you two were having problems.”
“Yeah we have been for a while. I found out that he wasn’t cheating on me like it thought. No, the reason why he is gone all hours of the night is because he joined the foot! I was so disgusted, I would have rather he had been cheating!” I ranted as I pulled a bottle of wine out of the overnight bag I brought with me.
“He what? He is a member of the foot now? Oh shit, just wait till I get my hands on him.” Raph spoke as he cracked his knuckles.
Then almost distractedly he asked, “You spendin the night?” He motioned towards my overnight bag.
“Uh, yeah if that’s okay with you. I don’t want to stay at the apartment alone tonight.” I shrugged.
“Well since you’re stayin, you wanna watch a movie or somethin?” He asked as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck.
“Horror?” I asked hopefully as I filled two cups with red wine.
“Do we ever watch anything else?” He laughed as he took the wine from my hand. He took a swig of the rich red liquid and made a face.
“What? You don’t like red?”
“Nah? What happened to the sweet white kind you always bring?”
“I thought we should be more adventurous.” I waggled my eyes as I spoke.
His mouth dropped open a little before he quickly gained his composure. He gulped down the rest of the wine in his glass.
“Let’s go pick a flick.” I stated and he followed me out of the kitchen.
After a short deliberation we decided on Evil Dead 2. We both got comfortable on the tattered couch. Him on one end and myself on the other. After the first death in the movie, I found myself inching closer and closer to him.
“I need to stretch my legs, do you mind if I lean against you and stretch out?” I finally asked him.
“Y-yeah of course.” He replied with a bit of a stutter before motioning me over.
I snuggled up next to his side and stretched my legs across the length of the couch. His arm came to rest around me as he pulled me close.
Halfway through the movie I had completely stopped paying attention. The only thing I could think about was how good it felt to be in his arms. I was relishing in it.
Was relishing in it, until Mikey came into the room.
“What is goin on with you guys?” He asked suggestively.
“Watchin a movie. What’s it look like numb nuts?” Raphael grumbled as he held me to his side to keep me from putting distance between us. He also sent a death stare at Mikey that made him get the hint. I’ve never seen him give up on teasing so quickly.
“Oh, right. Well, good night y/n.” Mikey replied before turning around and all but running from the room.
“What was that all about?” I asked with a laugh.
“You know how Mike is. Always tryin to play match maker.” He shrugged.
“And what if he was trying to play match maker with us?” I asked him as I looked up at his green eyes. I twirled the end of his mask in my fingers.
He gulped. “I won’t let him drive you crazy like that, don’t worry.”
“Oh, I don’t know. I think he’d be pretty successful. On my end anyway.”
“You’re serious? A girl like you with a guy like me?” He scoffed.
I sat up and faced him. The movie all but forgotten in the background.
“Yeah, Raph. What is that even supposed to mean? You’re hot, strong, sweet, and funny. Why wouldn’t I be interested in you?”
He was speechless for a moment before finally saying, “You have no idea how long I have wanted you.”
“If it’s half as long as I have wanted you, I do think I have some idea.” I cupped his cheek with my hand. “I had been planning to break up with what’s his face for a long time because you are who I truly want. I was just afraid of what he might have done to me if I had.”
“You know I will always protect you. You ain’t gotta worry about him.”
I leaned in and kissed him. He responded back immediately. The kiss was needy and before I knew what was happening he was pulling me onto his lap.
He deepened the kiss and I felt a bulge through his pants. The skirt I had worn was pushed up around my thighs and I rubbed against his erection. He moaned against my lips further spurring my hips into motion.
Breathlessly I asked, “Bedroom?”
His response was to pick me up from the couch and carry me to his bed.
AN: sorry for any mistakes! I wrote this on my phone since my laptop is being buggy.
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wayfayrr · 8 months
This is based on @sketchyspook's Mask - the hero of terminal! he's a lil gremlin who in this decided to pull a sky and break out of his game. He just wants a sibling though so can you blame him?
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“Hey we were thinking about going out tonight [name], you want to join us?”
“Nah, I’ll be honest I was planning to stay in tonight. Just want a rest you know, got some old games I’ve been planning to replay.” “Fair, if I hadn’t promised someone I’d join them I’d probably be doing the same. See you around sometime [name].”
After how hectic everything has been recently it’ll be nice to have a night in where I can just zone out and do next to nothing; really what better way is there to do that than by playing through Majora’s mask for the, what 50th time? It’s such a nostalgic game to me that it can’t be anything other than my go-to relaxing game. Besides that though, really it’s just fun to fish using the fierce deity mask. Something about an ancient war god going fishing like that? It’s a fun break from the rest of the game.
Something feels different this time though. I can’t quite pinpoint what but even the opening cutscene feels different. There’s more static than there should be, it just feels wrong. There’s also this feeling, I’m probably just being paranoid, but I swear someone’s watching me. Judging me even. Like they’re trying to evaluate me for something, I just can’t tell what. It’s nothing I’m sure. Just need to shake it off and carry on playing. 
Saving it after getting the deity mask feels like a good point to leave it off for the evening, how long have I even been playing? I could’ve sworn it wasn’t that long but - It’s past 2?? It’s never taken me this long to get to this point before, maybe it’s been glitching way more than I thought. I mean it felt like every few minutes I lost control over Link, oddly enough it was only when his model was facing the screen. My controller must just be acting up, I knew buying the cheapest one on eBay would’ve been a bad idea, of course, it’s gonna have some issues. Just turn off the game and go to bed, it’s that easy [name]. Your bed’s comfortable anyway, you’ll fall asleep in no time. 
What’s that sound? It’s barely enough to wake me up, am I hearing things? What’s gotten into you tonight [name], first being paranoid while playing, now hearing things? Am I coming down with something? Just try to go back to sleep and deal with this in the morning. 
Okay, I can’t just be feeling things now, did something fall on me during the night?
No, it feels far too much like a person, but then who is lying on me? And how did they get here? Opening my eyes to a blonde kid who looks suspiciously like Link doesn’t feel quite real, maybe I’m still asleep and something fell on me and affected my dream? Oh, what am I kidding myself? I’m awake. I’ll just try to gently wake him up to get some answers, if he doesn’t wake up then at least I can move him so I can get a look at just how he got here. 
“Bewegen Sie mich nicht, ich fühle mich hier wohl.”
So he didn’t like that then, my german is rusty but even then it’s clear enough what he meant by how he’s trying to get closer to me in his half-asleep state. He’s going to be staying right where he is for as long as he can get away with it. All I can hope for in the meantime is to try and find out he got in here without moving. There isn’t any broken glass or windows so he didn’t get in that way, it would be insane for a kid to break in just for hugs as well so that rules out that possibility. 
There is broken glass though… by my laptop… what?Of all the - my laptop is shattered. How did that - did he? My laptop is broken and there is a game character in my arms, that has to be related, doesn't it?  
There are tiny cuts and fresh burns on his arms, ones that look like they could be - did he?
That would explain how my laptop broke. There are more questions from that though. Such as how did a video game character get out of my laptop and into my arms?? And why? Answers aren’t going to show themselves and theres only one person who knows why he did this. 
“Kid? I know you don’t want to move, but can you tell me what’s going on? How you got here at least?” That seems to have woken him up a little, enough for him to look at me now even though he looks very bitter he’s had to move. Now that I’m getting a better look at his face though, he’s certainly link but he looks a little different to how he does in the game. White streaks in the front of his hair, paler eyes and far too many scars for someone his age. It’s like he’s picked up traits of the fierce deity mask, you know what if he’s here in my room real like this why couldn’t he look different from in game?
“Ich kann, ich tue es nicht - I don’t want to be in the game any more, so I got out.”
“Can I ask how you got out?”
Alright no answer for that besides a quick look at his hair, must be a sore point for him. I won’t press him on that until he feels more alright to talk about it.
“Is there any reason you wanted to well, be like this link?”
With a gesture to how he’s decided to lay on me, he has at least a little bit of shame as he looks away from me before mumbling something just loud enough that I could hear.
“After you playing through it for so long, you uh, you feel like an older sibling to me. So I’ll stay here with you [name]?”
It’s either he can stay with me or he’ll go out to the street, not that I have the heart to throw him out, after everything I know he’s been through. That I’m partly responsible for putting him through? If I didn’t play his game, he - he wouldn’t have had to go through that would he. It’s my fault. 
“[name]? You aren’t upset at me are you? I didn’t - I didn’t mean to make you cry, I can - Nun, ich denke, ich kann - if you don’t want me here I can go back.”
“No I don’t - of course I don’t think that. I’m sorry link, I made you keep reliving all of that. I never even knew that you were - oh god I’m so sorry link.”
He paused at that to think things over for a second, most likely about to say something although I can’t tell what from his body language. Is he crying now? Shaking slightly while leaning towards me like he wants a hug, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was crying after everythin-
“You wouldn’t stop crying because you were blaming yourself for ‘hurting’ me. Now we’re even so you can stop crying about it.”
As much as I hate it he is right, somewhat, one single bite doesn’t exactly make up for everything that I put him through but I’m not going to say that aloud incase he bites me again. Inspecting my arm there is a neat mark from his teeth, kid’s got a strong jaw I’ll give him that.
“Alright [name] I’ve seen a few things of your world when you were playing, but um would you mind showing me what it’s like? You’re my big sibling now so I think that’s just what you have to do.”
“Oh about that, why do you see me as a sibling?”
A shrug with yet another glance at his hair like it holds the answer. 
“I’m not the only one who sees you as my sibling, I know the deity has kinda unofficially adopted you as well.”
“Huh? The deity? Like the mask, the thing you use in game? Has adopted me?”
“Mhm, he’s the one who encouraged me to get out, it’s a little complicated but basically I wore the mask a bit too much.”
Just another thing I’ve done wrong then, or maybe not seeing as he seems to be fine with what is happening and the fact that it’s gotten him out of the game. 
“You gonna explain what you mean by that?”
“Nah not yet, gotta come to terms with it myself as well before any of that.”
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