#anyway I'm bored and my things to help me go to sleep aren't helping
caramelarchive · 9 months
╾ Assorted Box of Headcanons
like a box of chocolates!
for L (strawberry chunk white chocolate swirl), Light (orange tang dark cocoa drink), Misa (chocolate mint icecream parfait) and Matsuda (chocolate mousse + full milk cream) I have moved to my main @lawlietscaramels please follow there for new content!
L: strawberry chunk white chocolate swirl
I think L's actually very prone to getting freaked out by jumpscares and unexpected loud noises. For this reason he hates horror movies and thunder. If he happens to experience a fright like this, he'll either go very very still and start trembling, OR he will jump ten feet in the air, drop whatever he's holding, and curse loudly.
I don't think L swears much outside of that, actually.
if you wear glasses he'll just put his hands on your face at any given moment to push them up your nose because the lenses aren't even in front of your eyes any more and what is wrong with you.
he would not kiss you if you have recently eaten something that does not contain heart-attack levels of caffeine and sugar.
yeah he's actually pretty germophobic.. at the same time man will straight up forget to have a shower/shave/brush his teeth.
well actually for that last one he just eats peppermint candy and calls it a day.
When L's handcuffed to Light, they sleep in the same bed. Well, usually L's still working, but he actually does a lot of things in Light's side of the bed. Like eat his food. especially crunchy crumbly food. petty ass.
if you can manage to sit on his lap while he's in his 40% frog pose you can stay there.
you will be used as a stress ball.
feed him sweets. he'll melt once he's distracted from work enough to realise your fingers are pressing the candies into his mouth
what lovely hands you have perhaps you should put them in his mouth
L loves the rain but I think he would prefer experiencing it in a small garden rather than a rooftop. or just in a driveway. the rooftops are just too high. he can see everything and it makes him feel small at a time he wants to feel at one with the whole world.
I'm seriously debating over whether he can square dance you drunk or if he has three left feet because it's one extreme or the other
his wardrobe looks like Homer Simpson's.
sigh. I kind of feel like L is often too busy to shave and usually has some degree of stubble. if you don't like it help him shave please he'll die kiss you
L probably has a lot of burner phones but no matter how you contact him, even in person, you're only allowed to call him L or Lawliet when you are completely completely definitely alone and you'll usually have to whisper. whisper in his ear and lick his neck he will literally shiver
anyway the point I was ACTUALLY going to make is call him lollipop (sweets. and sounds like Lawli-pop)
likes to just stare at you. no emotion in those pretty bottomless grey eyes of his but his internal monologue has suddenly switched to describe everything he likes about you.
big sucker for kisses. no time. :(
Light: orange tang dark cocoa drink
Okay but Light, when he isn't Kira, would actually be the sweetest boyfriend alive. Now yes I know he's portrayed as bored and apathetic but if he fell in love he would fall HARD!! to the centre of the earth!!! in his confession he might even propose getting married and raising 10 kids!!
honestly this kid shuts himself off from other people as much as L does, the only difference is that he's easier to get to. be his friend. ask about him.
sigh he'd buy you flowers.
he's got such a goofy laugh he sounds like a baby hyena or something.
Light is the kind of guy who would have the weirdest dreams. like "my entire class from high school went to a water park and I uncovered a cult that was plotting to kill me and sacrifice me to the teacher and-" if you let him explain in detail it's going on for hours.
every time L eats his food on Light's side of the bed, Light cuts his nails on L's side of the bed. petty ass #2
he would not like an "orange tang dark cocoa drink."
I feel like the best way to meet Light would be through the school's debate team. I started thinking about this when watching the musical (it wasn't a debate team but it WAS a debate)
omg if you managed to BEAT him?
who is this. he must know immediately. and also you were wrong back there- you hang out in the library? why hello there
his favourite food as a child was dinosaur nuggies. he thought they were made from dinosaur meat.
he still loves dino nuggies
okay as for when Light IS Kira. some of this is for if you have a relationship beforehand, some if you meet after.
you're actually one of the few people, along with Sayu and to some degree his parents, who he REALLY doesn't want to tell in case you hate him. but at the same time would you like to be the first angel of the new world?????
so he tries to figure out what you think of Kira. God or the Devil?
please love him. please don't hate him.
and let's be honest even if you don't think much of yourself you'd be much better help than Misa, who cut her life in half anyway.
I think Light's the kind of guy who, if he did perchance meet you as a detective on the Task Force would condition you to like him with a neat little psychological trick we like to call POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT.
you get something you like every time you see him and soon enough you get excited to see him!
at the same time he's constantly making you question whether Kira SHOULD be caught, all Inception style.
you'll love him. or you'll die. jk! (he's not)
Misa: chocolate mint icecream parfait
when she was little she wore rainbow clothes. real 180 when it turned to black black black.
loooves the beach.
sand! sun! swimming! bikini modelling! seashells! surfboards! sexy men with no shirts on! LIGHT WITH NO SHIRT ON!!!!
Misa has a really large collection of earrings of all types. kittens, the solar system, swords.
If you're friends with her she'll eventually pull you along to a modelling gig. No matter how much you protest, it will eventually happen. You'll just be there. Just pray Misa didn't forget to check the schedule and today is lingerie day.
she has 4000 photos on her phone, 3500 of which are selfies and 1750 of which have you in them.
her favourite Pokémon is Stufful!
Misa loves making origami and had a couple hundred paper cranes hanging from the roof of her bedroom when she lived with her parents.
This girl's FAVOURITE thing to do is hold hands. She would never let go if possible. Paint her fingernails and do her makeup, she'd be utterly devoted to you forever and ever. She'll do the same for you if you want.
Has a great singing voice!
Loves flowers. she reminds me of sunflowers in particular. give her bouquets. she'll put them everywhere and watch them slowly die with a smile.
Out of all food "types" I think Misa would like pastries and bakery food the most.
Her favourite letter used to be "L" but then she met L and it immediately became "H". "L" is now number 26 on the list.
Misa has the biggest collection of unused stickers and stamps to ever exist. She thinks they're really pretty.
if you're dating her or even someone else, DOUBLE DATES. anywhere and everywhere. parks. movies. restaurants. she will show up in your bedroom at night.
dressed up as the grim reaper for the past 5 Halloweens straight. only ate candy in pink wrapping.
she's a little like a cat in that she's prone to just knock coffee over paperwork or press her hands all over your keyboard. but, like a cat, she's too adorable to be angry at.
pick her up. spin her around. kiss her.
Matsuda: chocolate mousse + full milk cream
got really excited when Misa started talking about Pokémon but realised she just liked them because they're cute.. sob! he just wants someone to play Pokémon Go! with him!!!!
a very good chef. more actual meals than pastries etc though.
ughhhh his chicken parmigiana tastes like HEAVEN. the salad on the side is LIQUID GOLD.
just a silly little man who takes four tries to tie his tie properly every morning.
he can walk on his hands *bites lip sexily and accidentally breaks the skin, gets an infection and goes to hospital*
sigh he's so pathetic I love him
but goddamn. you guys remember that episode Matsuda overheard the Yotsuba meeting?? When he got his colour like L and Light AND HIS EXPRESSION???
sometimes he has unintentional moments like that, so serious and cool.
If you were dating him during the Kira case he'd ask L to help him erase every single record of your name to protect you. if L didn't agree the first time he'd make sweets with you to give to him. Matsuda is as cunning as anyone when he needs to be, though he hates doing it and can usually get along with puppy eyes.
"you really don't have to do that" when you tell him you love him or kiss him or just smile at him. he's too nice for his own good.
please coach him out of people pleasing.
I think he'd be really into camping actually!! can you imagine him in a silly little hat sitting around a campfire and toasting s'mores and damper?
His ENTIRE face lights up when he sees you. He thinks he's slick about hiding his crush from you but he really isn't.
he would just die if you had time to cuddle and watch a movie together one night. little kissies and calling him cute and really in general not watching the movie, just cuddling
He'd be the best friend EVER. super supportive and funny and generally just great. he'd make you soup if you got sick. he would hold your hair out of your face when you threw up. and then he would probably have to throw up too.
sorry that got a little gross dhbdbd
uhh Matsuda only drives Mazdas. he thinks it's funny (the name of the car came from the surname Matsuda). I think he'd like blue cars.
he likes to decorate the Task Force for the holidays to bring cheer and raise morale. he's the one reason nobody's gone insane yet (except Light but that couldn't be helped)
𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖙 ˏˋ⋆˖⁺˖⁀➷ 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 + 𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜
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darkwitchingflower · 6 months
ITS BEEN A WHILE but here's things me and my friends have said as pjo character pt 4/5???
Annabeth: That's not very feminism of you (@wraith--2)
Hestia: maybe build like a life size bread bloke (@carpcranium)
Leo: Feels like my toes are bleeding but it's just cause they're defrosting (@wraith--2)
Percy to annabeth: Nooo pookie don't leave ill get her a spider abortion (friend not on tumblr)
Annabeth: I thought I'd die before seeing common sense in this gc (friend not on tumblr)
Jason: It's not boring to want money and to not be even more mentally ill (@indecisivenb)
Leo: Sure bud (me)
Piper: Jesus was not straight (@wraith--2)
Some random camper in the dining pavillion: Hes staring into my soup (@wraith--2)
Leo: Everyone needs a piece of Leo (friend not on gc)
Leo: Me dehydrated: must not drink sex juice (@wraith--2)
Jason: Me and Percy cockfight like 3 times (@chefchennan)
Piper: Harry x hermione
Ron x jesus or smth
Luna x whoever tf she ended with? (Friend not on tumblr)
Mr D to someone being given a quest: You don't have a choice
They don't have a choice
It's equality all around (me)
Piper: Im not a people pleaser, im a woman pleaser (friend not on tumblr)
Jason (idk why but i instantly thought Jason): saggy balls? (@chefchennan)
Thalia: From your local asexual xx (@wraith--2)
Thalia: Homicide on Pinterest is an interest (@wraith--2)
Chiron: oh that's nice to see! A camper with a smile! (My criminology teacher)
Annabeth: ye I made percy smile by telling him I didn't like him in greek! (Friend not on tumblr)
Apollo: Will! Thoughts on be crime do gay?! (@carpcranium)
Thalia about Frank: Me and him are still friends we shoot kids together yesterday (@chefchennan)
Will doing some form of doctor test idk: I'm gonna skedaddle into your scrotum (@wraith--2)
Thalia: I f**king love garlic bread yummers. Its gotten so bad that I eat is everyday. I sweat garlic butter and shit out logs of bread. It's an endless cycle and I remake the garlic break with what I unleash (friend not on tumblr)
Percy to Annabeth (leo helped after frank found them in the stables): Thine eyes are blessed with the sight of her. Her.
Who I wake to every morning and think of
Who I dream of at night
Aphrodite has forsaken me yet she is my light
The waves will roar and crash
And I know, she is always up for a smash (@wraith--2)
Leo to literally any girl with a pulse: When I see her thoughts are gone
And all I can do is simply long
She could never be mine
Yet still I pine (@wraith--2)
Rachel thinking abiut percy: Days will pass and the sun shall set
All the while I'd place a bet
That I'm still there
Twirling my hair
Dreaming of something that was never fair (@wraith--2)
Thalia: is is the most fun I've had in ages, I'm trying to teach the bot aromanticisum (@wraith--2)
Thalia: As a matter of fact I am definitely aromantic but thanks for the suggestion (@wraith--2)
Leo, he meant to say floppy disks: Have you ever seen one of those floppy dicks-...🤏 (friend not in tumblr)
Mr D: Anyways orgies (@wraith--2)
Will to Nico: She's like nah, no love hearts have an onion were like Shrek now (me)
Percy: When I go to sleep I'm going to dream about gay sea creatures aren't I? (@wraith--2)
Annabeth: It's okay I'm a big girl I cry into my pillow (@wraith--2)
Annabeth: ohhh right in the trust issues (@thatonelazyghost)
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undeaddollz · 2 months
patrick hockstetter analysis hi, i realize there was spelling mistakes on my henry bowers one but i'm really too lazy to go over it all and fix em so if theres some on here too then ignore it! don't come at me for the hypothetical disorders i'm saying patrick may have, i do believe he probably is on the spectrum somehow and i will not listen to anyone who says otherwise.
patrick is SO INTERESTING, the disorders that i suspect he has is possibly CIPA as he doesnt show much reaction to pain and possibly some sort of BPD or autism but im more sure of CIPA. but it's confirmed for him to have solipsism he doesnt think other people or things are real, the reason he killed his little brother avery is because he felt avery was real and his parents were taking attention away from him. he doesnt like deviating from his schedule, he expects dinner to be at the same time, parents to be in bed at a certain time every day but the baby took away from that and so he suffocated avery to death. i believe he also has a sort of god complex as he thinks he decides what happens in the world. he doesnt think him harming people and animals matters because they aren't real anyways and meerly toys for him so he doesnt get bored. we don't get a lot of background on patrick let alone his parents but the movie gives us jack-shit about him. he's obviously a pyromaniac and doesnt seem to have any reaction to pain, laughing when henry hurts him after patrick sexually assaults him. he has a sort of psychosis, he doesn't love anyone besides himself but its not in a narcissistic way. he doesnt really have attachments to anyone, his family could die and he'd just be worried about whats for dinner. he'd only be upset cause it ruins his schedule. He would be upset if bowers gang died but simply because they bring him entertainment and its someone to bully kids with. I feel he probably was subjected to some sort of trauma when he was younger, possibly sexual or some form of neglect. people arent usually born acting how patrick does and all the adults shown in derry seem to be abusive or neglectful. his favorite past time is to torture kids and animals, he enjoys taking their lives, he has a fridge full of tortured animal corpses, mainly cats. since the fridge is his favorite thing it gets used as a factor of his demise, after sexually assaulting henry he goes to his fridge and is killed by pennywise. he loves to spend time at the barrens/junkyard since thats where a lot of the violence happens, those places being frequent bowers gang hang out spots. Bowers gang is scared of him, most adults are too. theres rumors floating around of patricks hobbies so people often let him do whatever he wants as to not agitate him. I dont know if victor and belch exactly know about the fridge as its a little hidden away in the junkyard but henry knows, when patrick teases henry for "letting him" sexually assault him henry shouts "if you fucking tell anyone about this im telling everyone about your fridge and you'll be taken away" or something similar. Henry keeps him around since 1, hes deeply scared of patrick and doesnt want to anger him 2, he also finds ways to entertain henry, helping him blow off steam from the abuse at home on other kids and sometimes animals. henry seems to be a big fan of animals but when he starts to go crazy after patrick dies he shows similarities to patricks behavior, growing violent with dogs and cats and being more murder-driven with his bullying. patrick seems kind of obsessed with henry but it could just be finding henry useful or a good source of entertainment and he can torture henry to end up getting what he wants. patrick is only fueled by his own selfish desires, he has no exact motivation for doing anything, other than him deciding he wants to. psychosis can be drawn out by not sleeping sometimes and maybe patrick could suffer from hallucinations, in the movie it seems he's scared of what he's killed coming back to life but honestly i dont think thats really accurate as i dont think that is something he would think about and he already feels no guilt about it so i think it was just the movie being stupid again. so if he does have hallucinations i think he would be indifferent to them, maybe only being annoyed they arent always at the same time every day.
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desultory-novice · 7 months
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[Trimming for length...!]
...Mechalor Anon, how dare you take my attempts to give them a vaguely implied happy ending and convince me (challenge level: super easy) to turn this into something Truly Horrific... ANYWAY!
Snowflake!Noir and Adeleine, aka...**** ****...
Adeleine, as always, takes up art. She's more unsure of herself, so she's been experimenting with different crafts, trying to find the one that fits...whoever she is now. Noir waits tables at Kawasaki's while learning how to cook from him. He's stuck with his collar but the encroachment seemingly stopped with 02's defeat so...that's good.
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[This timeline MUST have a Happy Ending. See? They're even smiling!]
They have a home at Castle Dedede when they're not out...enjo... sorry ENJOYING!! Dream Land; the soft cuddle bear penguin king unable to NOT care about these two in every reality, apparently ^^
Overall, they're not fine. All that shock and trauma in rapid succession, followed by being in communion with a dark power, letting it gently infuse their souls for decades to help escape their awful waking life, only to be very psychically available as it was destroyed and then waking up in a perfectly ALIEN situation that only pushes the two of them closer together is totally not fine though!
Today was another good day...
[Warning: horror, body horror, original attempt at biblically accurate Kirby last boss, semi-realistic eyes, no salvation, character death]
:Adeleine smiles wide, hopping onto the large bed where Noir sits:
Adeleine: "Ready?"
Noir: "Only if you're ready to lose two bucks."
Adeleine: "No way! Today was a good day! It's going to work!"
:Adeleine gears up to pry at Noir's collar, trying to break or otherwise remove it from him. It still refuses to budge:
Adeleine: "...Nghhhhhhh!"
:Noir wryly shakes his head:
Noir: "Ready to call it quits?"
Adeleine: "...Noir, are you sure you didn't accidentally glue this thing to you and you've been too embarrassed to tell me the truth?"
Noir: "Says the girl who sewed the shirt she was wearing TO my apron when I asked you to fix the ties on it for me. I didn't know you hated being apart from me that much, Adeleine!"
Adeleine: "No~ir!!"
Noir: "Anyway, no, I didn't and that's two bucks you owe me."
Adeleine: "...I don't have any money. They don't even use it here. Why do you keep betting me? What would you buy, anyway?"
:Noir replies with mock seriousness:
Noir: "...Chiropractic work for all the neck damage you've given me trying this thing every single day."
:She pouts before finally letting a little laugh slip through:
"...Adeleine, listen, it's okay. You don't need to worry about me..."
Adeleine: "It's not okay though! Dark Matter's supposed to be all gone now. Everyone said so. So...why aren't you better, Noir...?"
:A faltering smile to match her growing sadness:
:Keep lying to your sister, boy. You're an expert by now:
Noir: "...I am better. We're both better. Right...?"
"I mean, isn't this place a lot better than home? You're out there painting and sculpting and sewing and building and who knows what else and I'm...making less guests sick at Kawasaki's every day!"
:He laughs a hollow laugh. She doesn't laugh with this time:
"...Just cause this stupid thing is still stuck to me doesn't actually MEAN anything. It's just a boring hunk of metal. Nothing more."
:It doesn't still whisper to him. A thousand lost souls crying out to be one again:
:She crawls into his lap:
Adeleine: "Still...I'm...scared, Noir. I'm scared for us. Nothing feels right anymore... What if, the next time I go to sleep...I wake up someplace new again? What if...it's someplace without you...?"
:He hugs her tight, their shivering bodies fitting together perfectly:
:Why do you shiver, children? It is not cold here. It is too warm:
Noir: "C'mon, snowflake girl. That's not gonna happen anymore. We've stuck together so far and we're going to keep sticking. Right?"
"...And anyway, today was a good day. You said it yourself."
Adeleine: "Yeah..."
Noir: "We just have to keep having good days. Don't let the little things get to us. We've still got each other. ...We can do this..."
:Back to sleep. In sleep, we are safe. Only in sleep. Though... ...They ask us to wake up here They worry when we do not wake up:
:Outside the door to their room:
Meta: "...Your majesty."
Dedede: "Whaa?! It's not what it looks like!!"
Meta: "I have no idea what you're implying."
Dedede: "So, uh, what brings ya here, Meta Knight?"
Meta: "The same reason as you, I would suspect. To check on the status of our guests from Shiver Star. How are they?"
:Dedede points inside, where the two siblings sleep cradled in each other's arms, akin to how they were found. Though, it's a little uncanny to see them continue to sleep that way:
Dedede: "See for yourself. Sleepin' peacefully. At least, I hope so..."
:A bit of worry makes its way onto his face:
"...Adeleine's right, Meta. We beat Dark Matter. Twice. Hell, maybe more! Sure, we've had a host of problems since then but Noir's..."
Meta: "Do you believe that, my liege? That we have defeated it?"
Dedede: "What do you mean by that?"
Meta: "...When you look at those siblings, what do you see?"
:Dedede looks back inside the room:
Dedede: "I see two kids. Quiet. Respectful. Scared of trouble but they don't cause any. They mostly stick to each other but I seem 'em out there slowly trying to make friends with the others..."
Meta: "...You are a good man, my liege."
:Dedede balks and puffs up his chest:
Dedede: "That's 'Great' and get it right!"
Meta: "......Then I take it back."
Dedede: "Hey!"
:Meta fixes him with a fierce, burning gaze:
Meta: "Look at them again, sire. Not with your eyes."
Dedede: "......"
:Dedede can see it, their matter is locked in a twisted spiral, Soul and Dark feeding each other, tightly intertwined, and growing still:
Meta: "Do you see it?"
Dedede: "...No. I don't see nuthin'."
:Dedede turns away:
"And before you ask me to look again, I don't WANT to see it. They're just two kids, Meta! Just two small kids! They haven't hurt nobody!"
Meta: "...In the beginning, it was just the boy. He was sick with Dark Matter. I didn't know how he was still alive. He could have easily been a threat to the kingdom and not just because of that sword."
:Meta shuts his eyes, regretting his lapse:
"I...had hoped the presence of his sister could alleviate that some. But Dark Matter is not so easily tamed. It has grown fast, feeding off the two of them. It is already more than twice what a normal member of their species should be able to handle without being consumed."
Dedede: "...Right. That doesn't sound good. How do we stop it?"
:He sees Meta Knight's expression and rephrases:
"...How do we save 'em, Meta?"
Meta: "I believe, my liege..."
:His lowered eyes go to Galaxia's handle:
"...the answer will depend on your definition of 'save'..."
Meta Knight's words hung heavy on him.
King Dedede shut his eyes and decided to continue along as if it was nothing. Just...keep making the place as comfortable for the two as he could. Maybe the knight was wrong? Maybe it wasn't too late?
It wasn't long after that. The trigger was something forgettably small, as simple as a thoughtless suggestion or an accident; one of them gets hurt, bleeds a little, maybe. It only needs to be one of them, so inextricably are they linked that the resonance of the other's echoed pain races across Popstar like a sonic boom. Dark clouds swirl in, covering the whole planet, blocking out the star's brilliant light.
King Dedede rushes out. He doesn't want to know-without-question what is the cause this time. He wants it to be something unknown. A new invader; not his familiar tormentor, the foe he knows so well.
But he knows exactly what it is because he is already mouthing the words to a waiting Meta Knight. "The kids! Where are they...?!"
"Look up..."
It is a cruel joke to him. Always, Dark Matter had a way of getting inside him. But every time, it had been his body. Never had it succeeded at invading his heart.
He wishes this one would take his body.
...Take me instead...
But the two violet eyes are not looking at him. They arc laterally with rapid movements, back and forth, back and forth, stretching to the edge of their vision, looking for their other half they know to be there, felt through the comforting grip of tightly twined fingers and hinted at in the reflection of wings like the points of a snowflake...
" " yI at kH Ou er Bt ls lN 'o ti Ir " " | " " Dt ol nu ta LF ey aM vl el MA es Ai ls oi nh eT " " | " "It Ji um sm ta WD ad no tG Tp oU Ds rU ee ak ma FW ou ro FY od ri eD vy eh rW" " | " "Hr ee lH pe Hv ia mS" "
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"...Give them back..."
" " ...eK di en dg eD De gd ne id Ke... " "
...He will not get them back...
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ZERO THREE's dialogue reads:
"It Hurts Noir / It'll Be Okay" | "Don't Leave Me Alone / This Is All My Fault" | "I Just Want To Dream For Forever / Why Did You Wake Us Up Godammit" | "Help Him / Save Her"
...The last one you can probably guess...
Mechalor Anon's full post below. Sorry I took the worst possible ending choice you offered and SOMEHOW MADE IT WORSE!
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Noirs Saved: 2 (Gijinka, AU AU) Noirs Failed: 1 (Snowflakes)
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cityandking · 7 months
game night
oc kiss week '24 // minah/riya + canon divergent (1.1k) riya belongs to @msommers, who suggested this. thanks tabby xo
The game is a bit of a slog, truth be told. There’s an unexpected showing from Leo right at the end, and Rhydian honestly has the bluff down if only he’d just commit, but all in all it’s a tepid thing. Cian folds when he should keep raising—Minah knows he has a good hand, and she’s fairly certain Nanna’s helping him out given how often the mabari circles the table to bark at nothing—and Riya sits puffing next to her, sliding a few dull silver coins into the pot when she should fold. Minah's two sovereigns poorer herself and still more bored than disappointed. It's that sort of night.
Leo calls it in the end. Less for his winnings—it’ll all just go into whatever he cooks next, so really they’re paying it forward to themselves—and more for the hour, which is small and black and tired. The nights have been like that lately, endless and stifling with the weight of the Blight looming over them, but the only thing worse than the heavy night is that moment when they all trail off to their individual bunks to wait for morning alone. Minah tries not to let it get to her—she's a night owl anyway, and long, sleepless nights mean more folk around looking for entertainment, which means a laugh or a game or a bit of coin.
But tonight is slow, and drab, and heavy. Endless.
“It’s late,” Cian echoes, almost apologetic as Leo stands and slides his winnings into his purse. He rises with a stretch and a somewhat disconcerting pop. “And I don’t think need to lose any more money. Not that this wasn’t fun, but…”
Nanna bounds to him as soon as he starts gathering his things, making a brief pit stop to get a scratch from Leo. Riya stays seated at the table, counting her losings.
“You can always win it back,” Minah invites. Rydian’s flat mouth presses down even flatter as he gets up, and Cian gives her a look like he knows exactly how much shit she’s full of. It’s a familiar sort of resignation, and it brings out half a smile at least. “Or not. Just an invitation.”
She doesn't say, What else are you going to spend it on? but the sentiment is there.
“Same time next week?” Leo offers, which is decision enough for everyone. Minah tips him a salute, two fingered and loose, and he waves them goodnight. Riya tucks her purse away, a little slower to head out than the rest of them. Not quite ready to sleep, maybe.
“Chin up,” Minah says, nudging at her with a knee. “You didn’t lose as badly as you could have.”
“What a relief,” Riya drawls. “I always prefer to only lose a little.”
"If you've got another game you'd prefer, I'm all ears."
"I don't mind cards."
"But you'd rather something else."
Riya slides a look her her, slantwise and a little sour. "You said it, not me," she returns, sweetness of her tone at perfect odds with her expression. Minah snorts.
"D'you not enjoy my tender hospitality?"
"Is it tender?"
"I like to think so."
Near the door, Cian pauses, looking back at them with a question written across his face. Minah waves him off, all assurance. They’ll turn in in their own time. He hesitates a moment longer, but Nanna is insistent about bedtime, and there’s really no dissuading her when she gets an idea in her head. Rhydian follows on their heels, and Leo is already long gone, keeping his old man hours. He’ll be up before any of them, probably.
It leaves the two of them quite alone, siting at the table with nothing but a deck of cards and the weight of the night.
"Maybe I could help, if you'd rather something else," Minah says, leaning back in her chair. It must be nearly third watch, but the game has done nothing to burn off that nudging tremor of worry that sits in her chest. Riya, though...
"Did you have something in mind?"
“I might have a few suggestions.” Minah prides herself in that. Maybe they aren't talking about the hazy stormcell of apprehension lingering over the city, or the slow, sunny rotting they’re all doing, aware of the horde at the edges of their collective consciousness but slow to strike, but they all feel it. It’s a sticky, heavy sort of summer. Who couldn’t use a distraction, really?
"I'm all ears," Riya says, and something about the way she says it, all dragged out and inviting, draws Minah's attention in a new, different way. She gives Riya a look, long and contemplative, and— It's not the worst idea. She's done stupider things in her time.
"I'm just not sure our types of entertainment mesh," Minah deflects, a little to be an ass, mostly to see if Riya will push it. She gets a look in return, equally assessing, and Riya settles her chin in the palm of her hand.
"I'm not opposed to trying something new."
Minah shrugs. She says, "Alright." And she leans over for a kiss.
Riya kisses about like Minah expects—adroit, thorough, like she knows exactly what she wants and how to get it. Minah lets her lead, more interested in seeing where this goes than in bringing it anywhere in particular. Besides, its been a while since she's spent time with someone who knows what they're doing, and Riya—in spite of everything else—most certainly knows what she's doing.
"So what do you think?" Minah asks when they part, a little more breathless than anticipated. There's a familiar thrill under her skin. "More to your liking?"
"I didn't think those particular cards were on the table," Riya returns, touching the corner of her mouth. Minah tracks the motion of her hand and the way her lips curve in a smirk at the attention, and she tamps down on the familiar spark of irritation. She expects that, though—and it's always easier to weather Riya when one is prepared for her to be insufferable.
"If you're not interested—"
"I didn't say that," Riya corrects. "I'm just surprised."
Minah shrugs. There's not that much to be surprised about. She's bored, buzzing and disinterested in hunting down other entertainment, and curious in a terrible sort of way. And Riya is here and bored and interesting. It's fairly simple arithmetic.
"You're thinking too hard," Minah says, and she punctuates it with a kiss right at the corner of Riya's mouth, right where her fingers sat a moment ago. Leaves it there like bait. "Don't take it too personally. You're not the only one who likes other sorts of games."
She leans past Riya to grab the deck, shuffling them and tucking them into her pocket, and she's halfway out of her chair when a hand touches her knee, slides up the outside of her leg to rest at her hip. Minah glances down, waiting.
"If you want to play," Riya says, and Minah drags her up, cards forgotten. It's a long while before either of them turn in for the night.
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patibato · 3 months
[Bitter Sweet Sixteen] 002-A07 - Unbreakable Boys
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Nayuki: Here, have some coffee.
Momiji: Ah… excuse me. Thank you.
Nayuki: Aren't you overdoing it? The Day Team's study tour is tomorrow, right?
Momiji: Yeah… but, there's still some work that I have to finish no matter what before we take off.
Nayuki: I can help, if you want. There's things to prepare for tomorrow as well.
Momiji: No no, that's not necessary.
Nayuki: …Do you know what time it is right now? You won't get to sleep at this rate.
Momiji: Huh- 8pm!? Th-that's not good.
Nayuki: So then, where should I start?
Momiji: I'm really sorry…! Um, in that case-
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*door opens*
Daniel: Hey, welcome ba-… damn, that's a lot of luggage you're hauling there.
Momiji: I just got back. These are all the essentials I'll be needing from tomorrow-
Sorry Director. It looks like they might fall, so could you please carry some for me…!
Daniel: No way, I make it a rule to not work overtime. I'll wait for ya by the sofa, chop chop.
Aah, feels so relaxing~ having both my hands free~
Momiji: Kh…!
Nayuki: I can carry them. Allow me.
Momiji: No, you kinda seem more unsteady than me, so it's fine. I can't trouble you any more than I have.
Really, thanks for all you've done today. You helped me with my work right down to going shopping with me.
Nayuki: Don't mention it. I'm glad I could be of help.
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Daniel: Insect repellant, sunscreen, cooling sheets, wipes, bandages, fever medicine, travel sickness medicine…
I was hoping you'd bought some good stuff… but it's all boring shit.
Where's the booze? The snacks? The food?
Momiji: Not here. They're for sixteen year old kids. They can't even drink medicine.
Daniel: You don't need medicine. And wouldn't stuff for adults be fine at that age anyway?
Momiji: Huh.
Nayuki: Looking it up, it seems they are indeed just at that age where they can take medicine for adults.
Momiji: That was quick! Thanks for that. I see, so adult medicines are fine…
Nayuki: Apologies for not noticing while we were shopping.
Daniel: I mean, ain't that better than the other way round? Y'know, giving kids stuff for adults.
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Momiji: (Alright. With this, I've conquered the shopping list…)
(I got some adult medicine too, just in case. All that's left is to wait for tomorrow-)
Ah, come to think of it…
Momiji: ("Hama Asunaro High School"… "incident"… and search.)
Let's see, what is this…
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One day in June, around twelve at night.
A mysterious explosion suddenly occurred at the old school building of Hama Asunaro High School, located in Hama's 5th Ward.
The school building tragically collapsed, but fortunately no students or teachers were caught in it, leaving no casualties. As the cause of the explosion is still unknown, it is currently being investigated.
Momiji: (Come to think of it, there was news about an explosion before…)
(Th-the building got messed up this badly…! They must have been at the scene, yet they're perfectly safe…)
(I'm really glad they didn't get hurt… but as I thought, there's no way something of this scale was the work of chi- …no.)
Daniel: And wouldn't stuff for adults be fine at that age anyway?
Momiji: (Daniel-san was saying so earlier, they might not be at an age where they count as "children" anymore.)
(Uuuh, other than that…)
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I heard from some friends in Hama, said the sound was terrible lol, BOOM lol
It's bad enough that there's so many students, the increase in onlookers at the school gates is annoying.
Oh yeah, a student from Asu-High went missing recently, didn't he. Bet it's something to do with him.
Signs of a conspiracy?
Asu-High must reveal the truth imminently!
Momiji: (Aah… it caused a storm on dazzle too…)
(A student disappeared… such a terrible thing happened.)
Akuta: I'll definitely bring 'em on the day of that "study tour", so leave it to me!
Momiji: (I got a reply on PeChat earlier saying "Done!", but-)
(I wonder if the week starting tomorrow will end without any issues…)
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Akuta: Sensei, over here!
Muneuji: Good morning.
Sakujiro: Good morning. What a blessing that the weather is pleasant.
Momiji: Right! Good morning-…
Nanaki: …
Kiroku: …
Ushio: …Yawn… tired.
Momiji: …
Ushio: What. Is it so weird for people to yawn?
Momiji: Ah, sorry. I didn't mean to look at you like that…
(The mood seems low, but everyone gathered here properly. …I'm really glad.)
(Akuta-kun got through to them… thank you…!)
Akuta: …
Momiji: (Ahaha. …I'll have to express my gratitude again later.)
Muneuji: Sensei, here are the letters of consent from everyone's guardians.
Momiji: Thank you. You gathered them up for me, huh?
By the way, there's no need to call me "Sensei". I'm not officially teaching staff, after all.
Muneuji: Is that so? Then, how do you wish to be called?
Momiji: Hmmm… call me "Chief".
Muneuji: Understood, I shall do so. -Well then, until later.
Sakujiro: …As expected, he's used to unifying students. He is both the Club Head of the Anthroposophical* Astronomy Club and the Student Council Vice President, after all.
Momiji: The An…?
Sakujiro: The Anthroposophical Astronomy Club.
Momiji: I see. So that's the reason for his reliable demeanor.
(He feels more cooperative than when we met before. I wonder, just what did Akuta-kun say to convince him…)
Sakujiro: The Anthroposophical Astronomy Club.
Momiji: Ah, yes, I've got it now.
Akuta: Here, Muneuji… your turn next.
Muneuji: Right, put it in here please.
Momiji: (…They put something in that cute pink pouch… Returning something he borrowed, maybe?)
Sakujiro: Well then… I will be going by car, so I shall make my way off first.
Momiji: Right, see you there. Be careful on your way.
Sakujiro: Of course, you as well. Safe driving may get there faster than a plane.
Momiji: -Alright, everyone. How about we get going too?
Akuta: YEAH! My heart's all okay to go, Sensei!
Ushio: Actually, where are we going? It wasn't written down.
Momiji: Y-yeah… I was thinking it could be a surprise.
(I was actually in such a rush with making the proposal that I just forgot to write it down, but…!)
Ushio: …Huuuh. That sounds like a lie somehow, but I'll just go along with it.
Momiji: That works. …Ahem.
Uh, the place we'll be heading to now is-
*From Wikipedia - "Anthroposophy is a spiritual new religious movement which was founded in the early 20th century by the esotericist Rudolf Steiner that postulates the existence of an objective, intellectually comprehensible spiritual world, accessible to human experience."
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accessories-game · 4 months
OC Questionnaire Tag
Tagged by the lovely @talesofsorrowandofruin over on this post!
Rules: Pick an OC or group of OCs and answer the three questions posed in character. The put forward three questions of your own and tag some people.
My questions:
What's something you wish you'd figured out sooner?
How long do you think you could survive if you were lost in a wilderness?
What's the most interesting conversation you eavesdropped on?
I'll be using Stella, Layla, Ilya, Eliot & Pippa from Accessories to Murder to play along~
1. What's something you wish you'd figured out sooner?
"I suppose it might be smart for me to say asking for help. I have a frightfully difficult time reaching out for fear of being burdensome, but the results are so often not as bad as I feared. I simply can't imagine running the shop without the tireless efforts of Mr Lewis or dear Camelia."
"Simple: knowing which jobs aren't worth takin'. The amount of headaches that kinda thing could've saved me..."
"Perfect literacy for the languages I intended to speak. Such things help to keep a lower profile. Slang is also something I had difficulty with but no longer struggle with."
"There was a rather famous play that I thought I had figured out but it turns out I had it all backwards. Looking back it's all terribly obvious now but I suppose that's not the sort of answer you're looking for."
"Never agree to buy a house close to the river, no matter how good a deal it sounds. My rugs are positively ruined and I don't think any of my plants have forgiven me."
2. How long do you think you could survive if you were lost in a wilderness?
"I'm not certain about surviving in the wilderness. I've barely seen much of the outside world being more of a city girl. Let's be charitable and say a matter of hours, shall we?"
"Hmm, maybe a week? I'm no stranger to going without but a life like that sounds pretty rotten to me. I'd get done in by being bored than going hungry or anything."
"Much longer than my last attempt, which was years ago now but I remained undetected and in good health for months."
"On a good day, between 3 days and a week. I should know, I have tried before... a fascinating experience but not one I'd recommend."
"What, alone? With no one else around at all? That's not really nice, is it? I'm not sure I'd last a day lost and out there. Just the thought's put me on edge now..."
3. What's the most interesting conversation you eavesdropped on?
"I can't say too much as I was rather young at the time but I believe I overheard an assassination being planned. I didn't quite understand the full gravity of it all then and I think part of me thought that this planned hit for intended for me! I couldn't sleep for weeks afterwards."
"Ooh, the scandals I could tell you about. I tell you, some of these people just think they're stepping into a second home getting in a cab and just start spillin' all sorts to whoever's listening. Probably all just idle gossip anyway."
"Not one I am fond of remembering. It was from my time as a translator back home. It saved my life as well as the man held captive but it is also why I can never go back."
"It was never the complete conversations that I found interesting. My father, brilliant man and better detective, was as much a source of mystery to me as he is an inspiration. I remember overhearing fragments of hushed conversations with people I didn't know. I know everyone from the press to the police say he's a big part of the corrupt element in town... but I never did believe that."
"This one time, I had someone come to me looking to find his old sweetheart from before The Flood. Very tragic, very heartbreaking and... somehow I knew she wasn't dead. I took a moment, you know, to gather my wits and that and out the window, I could just heard the words of the song he had just told me this girl sang. Anyway, it turned out that she was looking for him and had been singing the song all around the streets hoping to find him. I'm sorry, I just love telling that story. I love a happy ending."
And now... I tag @vellatra @noisette-tornade @kyuponstories @raichana @teresashiho @maskedemerald and @cool-mint
Your questions:
What do you do when you are lost?
What's something mundane that gives you the creeps?
How easy is it for people to trust you?
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bphantom01 · 1 year
ARC V MONTH DAY 18 - D/D/D - Different Dimension Day
A kind-of manga-inspired AU (but not rlly? Idrk) Just a lil over 800 words.
A/N: HEADS UP i haven't read all of the manga (literally like only some chapters in, and I forgot reading abt it for a long time. Yeah I should go finish reading that soon… (from what I've heard, excluding that one scene, its good anyway. And it did pique my interest for a bit).
And bc of that, this doesn't take place in any part of the Manga (& only contains some elements from it if ud even count em) so its literally an AU. Also, Yuya & Yuzu aren't here. Let's say they're just sleeping somewhere in their head for this one.
This is kinda inspired by this post & one of @/tetsuya04's (not sure if I should tag u :,)) recent b-girls in the manga art!
Relationships: Light Yuto/Ruri, everything else is platonic (I'm getting bored of writing that lol...)
Warnings: exactly two ‘shit’ words i think
‘Over there, Ruri,’ a voice whispered into her mind. ‘That's him, right? Or at least the brother of the guy—the one we knew traveled from the past to this timeline, like us.’
‘Yes, Rin. That's him alright,’ Ruri thought back, peering at a certain boy from the corner of the small bar she was in.
‘Oh good, we finally got him,’ another voice whispered within her mind. ‘One of those Sakakis… Quick, we should get that USB from him while he's just sitting there.’
Ruri sighed. Serena, impatient as usual. ‘Yes, yes. I'm going.’
She stepped out of the shadows unnoticed.
‘But Yuri,’ Yuto thought as he drank some chocolate milk. ‘We're doing this for Yuya, remember…? It's for his sake.’
Things have been a bit complicated recently for Yuto and his brothers… And there was the possibility of Yuya knowing the truth and getting caught by Reiji…
Somebody accidentally fell onto him, making him spit some of the chocolate out.
He looked at the floor to see who it was, but he couldn't make out who they were as they sported a midnight blue cloak.
“Ahh, sorry…” The person apologized, kneeling to try and regain themself. By the tone of voice though, he made out that the person was female. “My mind has not been functioning correctly recently… and maybe I had a little too much drinks.”
Yuto smiled at them. “That's alright, ma'am. Do you need help?”
“Oh no, I'm alright. Thank you, though.”
When the person got up, Yuto saw some purple strands of hair spill from the hood of their cloak.
And when the person looked down on him, he was met with the most gorgeous pink eyes he's seen.
Something about them rang a bell in Yuto's heart and mind, almost enough to make him fully remember a memory…
A certain, small memory from a long time ago, one that seemed to be felt with joy and laughter.
It's been a long time since he's recalled something like that that didn't include his brothers.
‘Yuto-nii?’ Yugo called. ‘Why're you frozen? Are you okay?'
‘I'm fine, Yugo.’ “Well then ma'am, suit yourself. Be careful next time.”
“Will do.”
Another chord was struck.
That voice… He hadn't noticed it before, but it was… Familiar.
‘Hey guys… Does that person look familiar to you? And her voice, too?'
‘Well, it certainly made me feel something…’ Yugo mused, his metaphysical self seen only by Yuto and the rest of the brothers observing the woman with wild interest.
‘Yes, I agree with Yugo here. She sure does ring a bell, at least for me, too,’ Yuri agreed. That person sure caught their interest, and in an unusual manner, too.
Yuto decided to try and see who it was. He got up. “Excuse me, ma'am, but can you—’
‘Do you mind me asking about your name?’ Yuri interrupted. ‘Sheesh, know how to be polite, brother.’
“—do you mind me asking about your name?” Yuto quickly corrected, as even if it wasn't necessary, Yuri would continue to insist anyway.
“I do, actually,” she responded, although rather gloomily. “Why'd you want to know my name?”
With the other person, voices raced in her head.
‘Oh come on, there you go again, falling for his charms.’
‘Says the one who keeps teasing her for crushing on him in the first place.’
‘Oh shut up, Rin. And that was years ago.’
‘Girls! Stop it,’ Ruri interfered. ‘I'll try my best… Gee…’
“Just out of curiosity,” Yuto shrugged.
Ruri looked down. “My name…” She paused.
‘Ohhh no…’ Rin said, clearly unamused. ‘Don't—’
“Ruri. Ruri Kurosaki.”
‘Ah, shit. Get ready for the chase.’
That was all it took for Yuto.
Suddenly, it was like a locked chest had suddenly been opened in his mind, causing a plethora of memories to rush their way into his—and his brothers’—brain.
‘What is all this!?’ Yugo exclaimed.
‘Memories, Yugo…’ Yuri clarified, also amazed at the sudden remembering. ‘Memories hidden and abandoned, left to decay and be forgotten because of the mission we set for ourselves to get Yuya out of this mess.’
“Ruri…” Yuto muttered.
If he recalled correctly, he was the sister of a dear old best friend of his, someone named Shun Kurosaki.
And also… His long lost crush. Her… Occasionally, he does think of her and her family… But to see her in person…
“Well, I'm off now,” Ruri nodded, pulling the hood of her cloak to her face, “...Yuto.” She walked to the other side of the bar, where another door was.
She knew his name!
‘Wait, if they're here too...Yuto, the USB, is it still there?’ Yugo asked, floating around him in search of it.
Yuto himself checked his pockets, but the USB wasn't anywhere in them. “Oh, shit…!”
He then looked at Ruri. “Wait, Ruri, how-how'd you get here!? And the USB—”
But before she could answer, she had already left the room.
Ending A/N: uhhh i wanted to post this on manga day but decided eh and posted it now.
Now this is just and idea, but I'm thinking of idk maybe writing one one day (don't hope on this too much ill prolly give up on the thing) myself? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ def with more emotion, influence of backstory, & other plot-related things when I may plan the thing.
But if someone else wud/cud do it, I might (emphasis on might) give it a read ;))
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liliallowed · 10 months
Imagine if the player got bored or something and used Y/N as a vessel to flirt with Dust.
That would be so out of pocket.
hmmm. well that is a good idea but...
I was thinking something even more interesting.
I won't elaborate since that plotline is for my Thornbound souls fic but yeah I've had this idea before. just... with a plot twist or... two
in the meantime though enjoy this short little fic!
you were in the lion's den and one mistake could cost you your reset.
but you liked to gamble. going all in on a bet made your heart beat fast with excitement.
how good WAS your y/n impression actually? you were fairly confident you could mimick their behavior and personallity...
though... it would be even more natural to have the vessel be in full control... while you simply observed and felt things from their perspective. let them take the lead.
or maybe they would? as long as they made the same choices y/n would've made anyways, there was no distress in the soul and they'd be completely in sync and unrecognizable. but?
one missed heartbeat... a TINY BIT of indecisive behavior and they KNEW he'd pick that up on the MOMENT their soul studders.
they knew he had his senses hyperfixed on this humans pathetic mushy soul.
what did he see in them anyway?...
you sigh feeling a slight throb in you head but it disappeared the moment you open your eyes.
you can't help but notice a familiar hooded figure is watching you, his eyelights observing you silently.
🩶[close your eyes again and pretend to be sleeping so he'll go away. it's just a dream y/n you're still dreaming.]
"stop staring at me."
"... why are you still here... am I still dreaming?"
you close your eyes swiftly as you try to ignore the sound of your definitely NOT real paralysis demon strapping closer... closer...
he's right there you don't dare open your eyes you KNOW his face is only millimeters away from yours cuz you can FEEL his eyelights digging into your soul.
nope. you aren't seeing him. he's fake. you're just tired. he's not real. you just need to MOVE your hand and see if you can touch air.
... your hand... slips through the air. there's actually nothing there?
you open your right eye squinting... nothing there.
you open the other one to get jumpscared by his face against.
🩶"EEP! "
[eye roll]
[stare into the void. maybe he'll go away???]
you let out a small scared squeak ducking under the comfort of your pillow... then look back.
yep. still there. still VERY MUCH THERE.
/your ears barely pick up the sound of a small chuckle./
/you're starting to see the appeal actually... this vessel is kinda adorable./
before you can make a choice however,
you find yourself glaring at the skeleton as you step out of bed, walking up to him with a stubborn face.
"why are you here?"
/huh... without input? they're pissed hehehehe./
"just checking up on you" he shrugged.
"don't you have some... demon thingy to catch or something." you mutter half heartedly.
"lost their trace. soooo knowing that freak YOU'RE the most likely person they'll cling onto"
/PFFFFT- *spits out coffee*/
/HOLY FUK... dude... dude I'm not sus. I swear./
"... I think I would KNOW if I'm possessed." you roll your eyes.
"I can tell" his grin sharpens.
"can you stop giving me vague threats!? I'm NOT GONNA... GO ON SOME DUMB... cosmic black hole time warping... WHATEVER THE HELL YOU SAID!" you glare at him.
"it's okay. take your time. either the mask slips or you're right and I'm just paranoid. the more we talk the more I'll get to... test your answers."
"you're fucking crazy."
"I know what I am."
🩶"just leave me alone... last thing I need is you telling me my choices aren't my own. FUCK off."
his sockets squint... as if he's looking for something in your stubborn face...
but... he doesn't find it.
he sighs.
"I'll look around again. DO NOT LEAVE . I WILL FIND YOU."
he warps away.
now was your chance to get out! yet... you feel inclined to stay. you don't want to leave-
stay??? why should you stay? HE KIDNAPPED YOU? why did you hang such a silly though+
a skeletal hand pulls at your soul TEARING it through the vessel.
"GOTCHA" he chuckled.
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ener-chi · 5 months
Here's a 5am update because I have the flu and this fever is keeping me up and have nothing better to do, so (: TL;DR Reiki, School Changes, and Experimenting with Acupuncture Points
First off, I kind of had like a "Reiki Re-Awakening" as I'll call it. I was doing laundry and mine had some extra time so I was in the community room bored, and just peeking under the TV at me from the perfect angle from where I was sitting was a Reiki book.
I hadn't heard of it before (and ya know, this screams of synchronicity) so I picked it up and thumbed through it, and immediately decided to borrow it.
The book is called Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art by Diane Stein. It is... incredible honestly. It talks about Reiki and some techniques in new ways that I hadn't heard before and it really clicked with me. It also blends in some TCM concepts, which I immediately latched onto. I would highly recommend this book honestly - just be aware that if you aren't Reiki attuned you won't be able to do Reiki or anything in the book until you get your attunements (:
Anyways, the timing of this book and everything else in my life - Reiki just like. Completely enveloped me. I have been just SURGING with Reiki lately, and just been doing soo much Reiki work, on myself and others. I have had some things happen when doing Reiki that are nothing short of miracles. It blows my mind every single time.
So yeah. Basically Reiki is a very very big part of my life and my practice now. I think eventually I would LOVE to do Reiki and acupuncture concurrently. I'm super curious about the effectiveness of it - but I suspect highly of it.
Speaking of which - school! I had some big realizations regarding this. I realized that I have been so busy trying to be good at school that I wasn't actually learning any of the material, and that I kind of have forgotten why I am here in the first place.
I remembered that the whole reason that I came to this school was to study energy, and to study Qi - what it is, how it works, and how to manipulate it for different purposes and healing etc.
Because of this, I realized that I needed to switch my degree plan. I was in a dual masters/doctoral program, but I realized that didn't suit me and that I need to switch to the MaC program instead.
The difference is herbs. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) isn't just acupuncture - it's also moxa, bodywork, a few other things - but especially herbs.
The dual program is 4.5 years, and 1.5 of those years is just straight up herbs. And I realized that while learning herbs would definitely help me treat people in a deeper and more effective manner - it's irrelevant to what brought me here in the first place - to study energy, and Qi.
So yeah. Some big changes, but really good and necessary ones. Also, now that I've rekindled my passion, I've been having a lot of fun experimenting with acupuncture points and energy work and stuff.
Like me and my partner got pretty sick with the Flu this weekend (still dealing with it). But it's been really interesting to experiment with acupressure on different points, and seeing how it feels but also how it helps my symptoms, which surprisingly is alot.
Like my partner was having a really hard time with sleeping due to a nonstop cough, and I was able to help their cough subside and breath easier. They also had a frontal headache that they almost had instant results with.
And for me - I've noticed that acupressure on certain points was able to help some nausea that I've had. But not even 30 minutes ago I've been up with a terrible fever, and I did acupressure on certain points in a certain order to clear heat, and my fever like immediately started going down and I started feeling better and now I think it's almost gone as I'm typing this (:
It's very cool and fascinating to me that I am able to achieve such results with simple acupressure, no needles - needling would be much more effective.
But that's exactly what I want to study and experiment with - I want to be able to affect my Qi and other people's energy and bodies with my own energy and Qi. I am fascinated with the idea of treating according to TCM with more energy woek and qigong than needles, and I am really excited to start learning more (:
Anywho, I think that's it for now. Thanks for reading! Hope everyone has a wonderful day today!
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gurugirl · 7 months
Guruuuuuuuuu it's meeeeeee 🍸 Tomorrow is the weekend and my brother is coming to town to visit and he wants me to entertain him but I'm exhausted so wish me luck! And I've been meaning to stop in and say hi but I've been so busy since I was promoted at my firm. Just everything has been a big whirlwind. But I love it.
Update ~ My ex (the one who I kept sleeping with after he broke up with me) is seeing someone else now! It's so funny too because the last time he tried to hook up with me apparently he was dating her and I almost gave him and invited him over too. I'm so glad I was too tired because when I found out he'd been seeing this chick (who I know by the way but that's a different story) I was like doing the timeline in my head and yeah... it's very possible I slept with him while they were dating but as far as I know they're not exclusive but for me that's an ick. I'm not casual like that. So I had to go get STD tested and that's when I decided to block him completely. I am a well educated, grown adult who is on her way to some very successful career and saving up to buy a house (on track for end of year) and I'm fucking around with some loser asshole still? So yeah... that's all in the past and I know last time I said it was over with us but this time it's for real 😅
How have you been?? How's school and Mexico and your adorable dog?
Also I just read the ex's dad Harry last night and I'm absolutely hooked already. I don't make it on tumblr often anymore unless I need to shut my brain off after a grueling day at work but for this one? Honey let me tell you how well written and absolutely gripping it is and it's only part 1. No one does that tension like you and this one is no different. So I'm just here to tell you that I will be reading this series and opening up Tumblr every week for this one because it's so good already. Not one paragraph was boring or out of place. That's such a pet peeve of mine when I'm really into a good story and there's a chunk that absolutely does nothing to move the plot forward or it's just for funsies but that takes me right out of the experience of reading when a writer starts to add too much just for bulk.
tootles! -🍸
OH MY GOSH! I've been wondering how you've been! Congrats on the promotion attorney girl!! Amazing! You are such an inspo! 🎉 Busy is good when you're doing something you love! And I hope you have an amazing time with your brother. How nice that he's coming to visit! I miss my brother like you can't even imagine so it's making me all teary eyed just thinking about it.
And I'm so glad you are officially done with the ex. What a weirdo trying to sleep with you while he was seeing someone else. LOL. Men just aren't always the smartest but you were right to get tested because you never know. Smart girl!
And things are good here! The weather is warming up so midday is quite warm! School is good! I took an accelerated communications class and just finished that one (8 week condensed class) and now I'm just waiting on grades to be posted and still have another class I'm taking currently but I think spring break is soon? Also my dog is so fun. He's kind of showing his age these days but he gets 3 good walks every day so he's not just relegated to using the bathroom in our backyard. The walks help with his mind and his body and it puts him in a good mood (me too lol). He has pups he likes to play with up the street but that wears him out and he limps back home after he plays with them because his hips are sort of aging so he usually winds up resting for hours after 20 minutes of playtime. Anyway I could go on about Barry... he's the love of my life (don't tell my SO lol).
So happy to hear your thoughts on ex-boyfriend's dad! Thank you hon! I'm so flattered 🥰 Love that you enjoyed it!!
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I'll Let the Seasons Change My Mind (4/10)
featuring: Bowser, Luigi
wordcount: 762
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Luigi can't help but wonder if the sensory room Bowser built was also partially an act of self care for himself— He can't say he'd blame the man, sometimes it's easier to do things when it's for other people, isn't it?
The thought doesn't come from thin air, whether it's true or not. The Koopa king, once feared among all the lands and kingdoms who knew of him, is now curled up comfortably on the soft ground, almost… purring in his sleep as Luigi threads his hands through his hair.
With it comes more questions; If some battles began as a result from frustration that he couldn't regulate, if the obsession with Peach was a 'favourite person' situation…
Is he Bowser's favourite person?
The thought flusters Luigi, having him draw in on himself despite the fact that the only person here that could notice or judge is currently very unconscious.
What a situation to be in… What if Peach's refusal is what had him keep coming back? What if Luigi's acceptance and more time spent together lead to the King being bored of him eventually, tossing him to the side in favor of someone new and better? He doesn't think it's hard for anyone to be better than him.
But then again— He could be the healthiest option, despite all his flaws. While Bowser has been very kind, creating this space… Luigi would have been happy without, all he wants is some company that'll actually care for what he has to say, listen to him. Bowser's proven himself more than capable of this, going out of his way to make the human comfortable.
Even if it's all some strange act, well, at least he'll have tangoed at all.
During all of this thinking and drawing in on himself, he's naturally ended up with his hands to himself again. Luigi can't help but force the slightest chuckle at the ridiculousness of it, head tilting when when he notices big red eyes slowly open to look at him.
"Ah, did I wake you up?"
Shaking his head, Bowser curls closer, letting out a content huff. Turns out Luigi makes a pretty decent living teddy bear— And who is the human to argue? "Could practically feel you overthinking… Purring is meant to make you relax, you know."
"It is?" Luigi titters. "I didn't know that… But I am relaxed. Look at me, eh?" He gestures vaguely to himself, happily slumped against the King. "Boneless as a Boo!"
That earns an amused brow raise. "I think I prefer you as a boneful Italian." Bowser decides, snout nuzzling against that soft cheek. "You must be comfortable. I'm surprised you didn't go home…"
"Did you want me to? I can—"
"Never." That rumbles out like more of a growl than a purr, tail coming around Luigi to prevent him from walking away— Before Bowser realises that's maybe not the greatest natural reaction, clearing his throat as he relaxes his body language again. Luigi, strange man that he is, hadn't even thought of moving a muscle anyhow, perfectly content where he is. "I apologise, I'm still learning."
"Not at all! I like that you enjoy my company so much." The Italian soothes, hands coming up to pet that snout. "But, while we're learning… We should talk, I think."
"Discuss a dowry?" Bowser predicts, tail back to a simple sway. "Easy; I will give you anything you want."
"No— I would only want you, anyway, so that's not even…" Luigi waves a hand nonchalantly, as if that isn't the most casual confession drop in the world. "Just us. And, maybe you can meet the parents, if you'd like."
"Humans too?"
"No, my father is a Shy Guy, and my mother, Cheep Cheep." Luigi answers, managing to keep a poker face for a grand total of 2.5 seconds before bursting into a fit of giggles. "Yes, both humans."
Narrowing his eyes, Bowser smiles, awkward and lopsided— And absolutely perfect. "You have a strange sense of humour. Is that common among humans?"
"Mm, all different tastes… Most of mine aren't common." He admits, before pulling finger guns. "I have an acquired taste." Smooth.
The King groans at that, playfully nudging Luigi to knock him over. He's just realises he's in love with a complete dork. "I think I hate you, actually."
"Yeah, yeah~" Luigi snickers, reaching to use Bowser's hand to pull himself back up. "So… Parents?"
"Parents." Bowser agrees, fixing Luigi's hat properly onto his head. "You're lucky Kamek's already taken a shine to you."
"I'm lucky to have you."
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hollowpuppet · 11 months
Awake late because I stayed up, can't sleep now due to my own doing. I have to be productive tomorrow.
I keep pointing out things that I'm doing wrong. But thinking about how to fix those things and actually putting in the work is apparently too much for my whiny and lazy butt. All I do is complain, complain and complain. Sure dude complain about the things you keep causing, keep complaining about things that you know jack shit about and keep complaining about the petty things. Keep complaining like it would substitute for fulfillment and a fucking personality.
Do I honestly think this complaining is endearing somehow? Do I honestly believe that this is a person, I should be? Complaining is easy at the end of the day isn't it? Yet for all the 'mistakes' I make and point out and 'prize' myself on knowing myself I do seem to avoid the uncomfortable truths, don't I? It's a wonder how anyone tolerates me especially in bigger doses as I can't stand being stuck as the disgusting person I actually am.
At this point I've rattled on and on about how much I 'hate myself' so much I've been getting bored. Am I sure that is the case, me? Because at this point it seems like you are doing it to be like 'oh woe is me, give me validation please' and if not that it's probably something to appease what I guess to be my gigantic ego. Despite saying that I 'know I am a terrible person' and 'don't think I'm better than others' I haven't seen it in my actions.
Did I really think I would conveniently forget how my actions don't match up with my words? I am far more judgemental, egotistical, stuck up, spoiled and terrible than seem to realize that I am. But sure ignore all that, because that will calm me down. Like my thoughts and actions aren't problematic and rotten to the core.
I wouldn't hate myself if I didn't deserve it, I wouldn't have as my hurdles if I didn't create them and I wouldn't be this irritated if I had seen any goodwill and willingness to work from myself. Thus far all I have been is a parasite. It might be better to be patient with myself but honestly I'm not really sure how much patient I need to be with myself, can be even. I am not sure I deserve to be patient with myself anymore.
And despite this rant I am sure that I won't change, that I won't do enough to actually do and be better and that I will go back to this cycle no matter what I say or 'reflect on'.
I won't remove myself from the equation, as that would do more harm than good, not to mention that I wouldn't be able to follow through anyway. And while I know I'm taking it way too lightly, I still can't help but think that it'd be nice if I got in a fatal accident at times. Or not wake up after falling asleep
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spooky-draws-stuff · 2 years
Chapter 1 (The dragon Au)
About: fun au where Marvin opens the wrong portal and now they're in a world with dragons.
"MARVIN! NO! Jackie shouted as he hurriedly fell into the portal following Marvin. Chase hung onto the couch as he was pulled in, and Schneep struggled to hold Chase. Jameson watched and looked at Schneep with a sense of urgency. He dove into the swirling portal. Anti sighed and followed them. He laughed as he pushed Robbie into the portal. He decided he wanted to go with the egos.
A few weeks later……
The sound of clanking metal. A hammer struck an anvil as a man in full armor forged himself an axe. A friendly doctor in comfortable cloth armor attire greeted Jameson with sign language. "A few more minutes please." Jameson signed. Schneep nodded and waited patiently as he watched Jameson return to his work. When Jameson was finished, he slung his new axe over his shoulder. Schneep stared in wonder, was it Jay's strength? Lost in the beauty of his blue eyes. Jameson smiled and signed politely. "Do you like it?" He lifted his newly forged weapon into the air, and the shiny metal reflected a glint of sunlight. Schneep hugged Jay and rested his head over his shoulder. Jameson wrapped his arms around the doctor.
Marvin poured over a series of maps, and they floated around her, sparkling like glitter. Chase looked rather bored, and was busy carving himself some new arrows. Anti of course was sleeping, rolled up in a blanket. He held a knife tightly in his hands. Next to him was a belt of knives and a handbag.
Jackie was busy polishing his sword and whistling his favorite song. He looked cheerful. Robbie however was not amused and he gazed somberly at the landscape. He pulled his cloak closer to him and wiped tears away from his eyes as he glanced at Marvin and spoke.
"Will we ever be able to return home? I miss my watercolors and chocolate bars." Robbie stared quietly at the ground.
The maps around Marvin dropped suddenly. She quickly wrapped her green cloak around Robbie and comforted him. "Sweetie, don't cry. I've been talking to the dragons lately and they know how to get us home. I just started planning our Journey." Marvin hugged Robbie tightly and placed her hand over his head.
Robbie banged his fists into the dirt and shouted. "I don't want to learn magic anymore! It's too hard! I can't make plants grow like you can!" He shuddered, but liked Marvin's hug.
"Maybe green magic isn't right for you. That's okay! There's all different types of magic. You could learn how to manipulate water and turn it into ice, or control weather. Maybe you want to learn the abilities that your psychic type dragon has." Marvin's encouraging words stopped Robbie's crying.
Robbie looked at Marvin with innocent eyes. "Well, it was easy to talk to them. But they don't have a name. None of the dragons do. I've always wanted to be able to create force fields and predict movements. Maybe fly?" Robbie's voice was filled with excitement and hope.
Marvin grinned. Anti might be able to help you with the flying thing though."
She whispers to Robbie. "I still don't trust him. Especially when he stole Jackie from me. Be careful." Marvin gave Robbie another hug before leaving.
The other egos were sleeping. Robbie couldn't sleep. He stared at Anti, expecting something to happen. A chill filled Robbie as he felt hands around his neck. "Get up. Now." Anti growled. Robbie punched Anti's face.
Anti didn't flinch. "Aren't you tired of waiting to learn something new? Ugh just do it now. I don't need those puppets anyway, since that stupid Marvin decided to get us stuck here. I only chose to follow you puppets because I was getting bored of trying to control everything. Now follow me." Anti's eyes glowed brightly and he let go of Robbie's neck but instead pulled him by his arm.
"I've been observing Marvin lately….I'm going to teach you something...Interesting….but you have to keep it a secret, got it?" Anti pointed a pocket knife at robbie.
"Ugh fine...But I'm not a puppet am I? Why didn't you go after me?" Robbie inquired with curiosity and concern.
Anti giggled. "You're the only ego that's not annoying. I appreciate you...Somewhat." Anti admired his reflection on his knife.
Robbie rolled his eyes. "Yeah, thanks for being so nice to me." he spoke sarcastically. "Just teach me already!" he wined impatiently.
"You see that bottle over there? I put some..stuff in it. Hehehe...drink it…" Anti talked in a strange manner.
Robbie picked it up and stared at Anti with suspicion. "Are you trying to hurt me?"
Anti shook his head no in response. "I've been looking through Marvin's notes. I've read his magic books before. He was working on a potion to communicate with the dragons. I changed it and followed different instructions. It'll give you dragon wings." He talked softly with confidence and ease.
Robbie sighed, a look of doubt striking across his face. He drank the potion and then screamed in agony, falling to his knees. Anti laughed maniacally and glitched away.
Robbie screamed as he felt something inside of him changing drastically, the bones rearranging themselves and growing. Bones sprouted from his back and rapidly covered themselves with muscle, forming into wings.
Henrik woke up in a panic and grabbed his staff racing towards Robbie. He pushed his staff into the ground and it glowed, shooting a healing beam at Robbie.
"What happened here?" He exclaimed in worry. His eyes widened in surprise. "Robbie, you…." he stuttered and adjusted his glasses. "Have wings! Haha! What a fascinating medical development! Schneep pulled out a book and started taking notes.
"Please, someone help me….I feel sick…." Robbie groaned as he stood up and walked back to camp. Schneep ran after him. "Come back! I want to study this so I can help you!"
The next day
Jackie yawned and stepped outside of the cabin. "Good morning! Why did everyone sleep outside? I built us a house already.
"We know. We just wanted to have some fun and look at the stars." Marvin muttered, rolling in the grass.
"Well uh..I made us breakfast!" Jackie held a plate of blueberry pancakes.
"nooo blueberry pancakes not again!" Jameson signed in frustration, his hand movements quick and precise.
"Seriously, is that all you eat? Can't you make us something new?" Robbie replied.
"Hey Marvin always carries seeds with them, okay? She had some blueberry, some wheat and tomatoes...Maybe oranges? We don't have many options right now. Still have to study the plant life around here." Jackie responded.
"Fine." Robbie ate the pancakes.
Anti looked bored and was busy sharpening his knife.
@n-anon @septicwriters
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cuntwrap--supreme · 3 months
This is what I have to deal with fucking daily. These kids sit on their balcony and make out and smoke weed and blast music so loud it sounds like it's playing in my room. I'm losing my fucking mind. If you don't know how to live in an apartment, go live in a house. For fucking real. They're both kids with very nice cars with Nashville plates. They have a $2000 dog. Their families obviously have money. Go someplace where it's not as annoying if you're an obnoxious cunt. I've covered their door in passive aggressive sticky notes. Considering sticking my head out my window and screaming along with any songs I know, just to be rude back. Maybe I'll take up learning metal vocals, but only practice when the other people who live here aren't home. Ruin their time. I was trying to read on my balcony because it's nice out tonight and now I can't read period because it's so fucking loud everywhere. I can't hear shit playing on my phone unless it's at damn near max volume. Tons of people here work construction and leave at like 5am. I have to leave for work at 7am. Tons of kids live here. People are trying to sleep right now but these entitled kids think it's ok to be as loud as they can be because loud = cool (?????). They're also smoking weed inside, which should be an automatic cancellation of their lease, but the apartment doesn't want to kick them out until their lease expires (in 5 fuckin' months!!!) because housing is so expensive. Which like sure. That's fine if it's something like you forgot to clean up after your dog or paid 3 weeks late 7 months in a row. But this is actively disturbing everyone else's nights. Literally no one wants to listen to Purple Rain so loud you can hear it the next block over. Eyes Without A Face is not so much of a bop that people on the other side of the complex need to hear it.
Any time I talk to anyone in the building they say things like, "It has to suck living next to 20. They're so loud. I can hear them through your walls. Thought it was you at first!" That kind of shit. When I moved in (same day they did) they'd parked their Uhaul in such a way that I could not get to my door, and it took 3 hours for them to move it - 5 feet, which gave me a whole 7ft of space in front of my door but not to the right of it. When I took my Uhaul back for another load (small, so I only got like my bed, dresser, and couch on the first go), they'd reparked in the same place, so I had to go find them again and ask them to move; they claimed they thought I was done, and I asked who moves into an apartment with literally just a mattress, dresser, and couch and nothing else. They were so embarrassed by that that the dude's dad helped me move my heavy stuff upstairs. The guy there has scratched and dented my car enough times that I, someone who struggles with walking, would rather park an extra 200ft away than risk my vehicle being damaged any more by this insufferable child. They also take MY spots. Parking is assigned here. My apartment has 2 spots. They're unlucky and their apartment has 0 based on where it's placed, meaning they're supposed to be parking 200ft away where I park. And I've told them before that I'm disabled and struggle with walking and they kinda just said to fuck off. My sister has seen this shit several times, and was here to help me move, and hates this guy as much as I'm sure everyone in his life does. We went to get food the other day and he wasn't home, so she took his (my!!!) spot. When we got back to my apartment, he came out, hands on hips, and just stared her down. So she loudly proclaimed that she wanted to come see my cat and just sat on my couch watching TikToks for an hour before she got bored of being a dick and went back to her boyfriend's house. He immediately reparked his car - sideways, because this guy can't park his Mercedes straight to save his life. I can't imagine the damage he's done to the cars of other students on campus.
Anyway. Every day I live here and have to listen to 80s pop or Sound Cloud rap or indie rock at max volume, I become closer and closer to morphing into the joker.
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rainey-staerie-daize · 3 months
Was thinking about something the other day, and the post I just reblogged just reminded me about it...
Do I have commitment issues? And do they stem from the fact I never quite felt permanent as a kid?
I'm autistic, which means I was predestined to kinda suck at making or keeping friends. But on top of that, I was moved schools more than once in elementary. I didn't want to, but moving houses changed what I was zoned for. I got used to not having a permanent set of peers.
I stayed in the same middle school all three years, but everyone had history with each other that I didn't. I felt like an outsider. I wanted to go to the same school as a friend from elementary, but my mom forgot to sign me up, so that didn't happen.
Stayed in the same high school all four years. It was a Magnet school, so what I was zoned for didn't matter. I craved moving schools again, though. Stability seemed boring at that point, and at least I could still go to class when I woke up late if I went to the one within walking distance. The school I went to was across town and I had no ride if I missed the bus.
I wasn't close to anyone in high school. There were people I considered friends, sure, but it finally clicked that they were acquaintances and nothing more when none of them showed up to my sweet 16. Didn't help that they could hang out after school on a regular basis, and I lived across town. I once ran into a classmate outside of the 99¢ store when Mom and I had just picked up Roxie, and it was a total trip to me! I forgot that that's a thing that just happens when you're in the same neighborhood as your school.
I brought up moving schools to my mom when I started living with her more and my dad less, but she was like "but it's a Magnet school! And you'd be leaving your friends behind!"
Bitch, what friends? And I got bored with the Magnet program halfway through freshman year. She switched my sister's school, though, and she was happy where she was!
I graduated high school and attended a university. The parties didn't always have the same people because the school population was huge. The campus was like a small city. Fresh faces every day, except for my classes, but I didn't socialize much in those. No point in making friends if they're gonna leave my life anyway.
Now I use VR. VRChat is one of my favorite apps. The social environment is similar to my university: good luck running into anyone you know. Sure, I have about a hundred "friends," but good luck at catching them online. Only about five of them are online at a time. It feels a little empty sometimes, but I would take that as a sign to take the headset off and get some sleep.
I've started using an app called Banter more recently. It's newer, so there are fewer users. And there is an event system in place, kinda like my university's events and parties. I see a similar group of people almost every time. Most don't have previous history because they met in Banter. The few that do aren't people that are online a ton, I'm pretty sure.
I've started getting closer to a person or two in both VR apps. And I find making plans to meet up with them both exciting (because I like hanging out with them) and nerve-wracking (for the discussed reasons, I suspect). Like, holy crap, what if I do something to fuck up our relationship? And they no longer want to be my friend? I can't be saved by moving away. That's not a thing in VR!
So I might have a fear of commitment. Woo. And they're not even romantic relationships!
And I wonder if that fear extends to why I feel bad about picking a major, too. WoOoOo!
And all this also means that I have no frame of reference for how a friendship is even supposed to be. Like, is #3 being clingy? Or is he being normal and I'm being avoidant? I have no fucking clue!
I needed therapy fucking years ago.
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