#anyway anyone want to play diversity maps with me at some point
tripping balls as i am watching old mcyt videos
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sanpatron · 2 years
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Anonymous asked:
so uh.... thoughts on Saints Row 2022? heard its uh.
its bad. really bad. "You butchered everything" kind of bad
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I don’t wanna turn this into a full-fledged review sorta deal, but I feel like as your resident Sai/nts Row man, I should at least talk about my thoughts a little bit. Though before I get into anything, I wanna say two things.
First; despite my feelings towards the reboot, I really don’t hate it. I was super disappointed by it in a lot of areas, but I’m not like “oh my god this is the worst thing in the world, I can’t believe the developers broke into my home, kicked my dog, and then set my place on fire”. A lot of reviews have been crazy harsh and I just think that kind of attitude is tiring. But again, that’s just me.
Second; I feel like I might have to reevaluate everything given the recent announcement on how they’ll be fixing up a lot of things. For anyone curious you can learn more about it here. Not entirely sure how substantial any of the fixes are gonna be (I mean it ain’t like they can redo the story), but I guess we’ll just wait and see.
Anyway, my thoughts will be under the read more!
So to basically summarize everything, I think at the very least the gameplay is like mid to decent at best. There’s a lot of weird shit involving the combat where it doesn’t feel as good as it might have in previous entries (I’m sure we all know about gameplay feel and etc). But I don’t think it’s bad enough to make me not want to go around the map and fuck around, And once co-op has been fixed, I’m sure that’ll help substantially too.
The activities can be fun, but they don’t feel as integral to the story as they should be. They’re more like blatant padding cause the story is so weirdly short for whatever reason. Like in the first two games you didn’t even have to complete them all in their entirety to continue the main missions, just do enough to earn the Respect you need to unlock more. Not only that, but they’d let you earn Respect through other methods as well; stunts, diversions, buying stuff, etc.
The map is a step up from Steelport TREMENDOUSLY. There’s a lot more character and variety to the city, but it’s still missing a certain sort of something that made me really fall in love with Stilwater. Probably the grime? I think it might be a bit too clean in some aspects. Also if you’re gonna have a big corpo faction in the game, then you definitely need to make them feel a lot more oppressive than they’re depicted. Like ULTOR had their hands in everything compared to Marshall.
Now my biggest issues are regarding the plot and the new cast. The plot is way too short. Like ridiculously so. It feels like some basically had an outline or a draft of what they wanted the story to be, and wound up just using that while totally forgetting to beef it up. The stakes aren’t really there, we don’t have much to see when it comes to the rival gangs, the tone is frankly all over the place, and for a game that was marketed as an origin story, it really doesn’t feel like much of one. Especially for the main four because they’re already so close with each other when you start the game.
Also I don’t hate the new group entirely. Like in theory they could work out well. But the biggest problem is that I think they play it too safe with them. For a bunch of career criminals who decide to form a gang cause of really uninteresting reasons, the writers REALLY wanted to portray them as good people. And I know that’s a bit rich given what I’ve been doing with Boss here, but I always make it a point to say that he’s more than capable of starting shit whenever he feels like it. He just sees no reason to.
If you’re going to write about a gang then don’t hesitate in making them assholes! Like I’m sorry, but there is no way in hell this weird sanitized version of them is going to work out or even be remotely interesting. It feels like the misconception of what “morally grey” characters are. Honestly “sanitized” is they key word here; from the gang, to the tone, to even the violence that’s played out. All of it feels way too clean for my liking.
Anyway, I could go into further details about stuff like them trying to go for spaghetti western themes at literally the end of the game, or some gameplay choices that I don’t agree with, but like I said, I don’t want this to be a full-on review of SRR. Just wanted to get some thoughts out there.
Hope this answers your question well enough!
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acerace · 3 years
...you have opened my eyes to a vast universe of VintageBeef lore that I was unaware of. I knew about the New Hermit Order, of course, and the UHC invention, and I've watched a few of his CTM things but -- I will take all the info and lore you feel like giving out because Beef is amazing and my knowledge is so small.
Vintagebeef my beloved <3
So the thing is, right, until about 2016 I only watched two (2) youtubers- Vintagebeef for Minecraft and aDrive for Pokemon (and funnily enough both of them are named Dan irl). So I've watched most of Beef's videos over the years and have a general knowledge of most of his stuff, except because it's been like a decade I don't remember where most of the lore comes from XD
The thing with him is that he doesn't do Lore tm the way other mcyters often do lore- he doesn't have an extensive RP series to draw from like Grian, doesn't have a solo world with steadily increasing amounts of lore like Etho or Zisteau, and while he's played on SMPs and been involved in storylines before it's not really the focus of his episodes unlike with Evo or Legacy or Empires
So where does that leave us?
IRL, Beef always has multiple series running at the same time. Often he's playing on an smp while doing a singleplayer, often modded, series as well as a CTM or modpack with a group of friends. For example, right now he's playing on Hermitcraft, doing weekly Pixelmon and Building a Zoo episodes, and a CTM map with Slip. And to me, this translates to one thing: Beef is an adventurer. He travels frequently- he explores a world and when he decides he's done, he leaves for the next one. That's the basis of my personal interpretation of his series and his character for my writing.
Ok so reading this back, this got extremely long and didn't explain much in the way of lore, somehow? If anyone has any additions to add please do so, I am very definitely leaving out a lot and would love to see what other lore people remember and are using for Beef! I didn’t include the Hermitcraft stuff since my memory of season 4 is blurry (his base was themed after the Martian, that much I know, and he and Iskall were buddies :D) and most of the s5 NHO lore is best watched from Bdub’s perspective from what I remember, and the only s6 stuff is a single line in Hermitgang and then the Area 77 arc with its possibility of an NHO reunion which we did not get rip. And s7 of course had the cloning machine and also the Podzol Party as the main lore. So all the original rambling is still below the cut though it is very long, and I'm gonna bullet point the main stuff here instead:
Actual canonical things:
Invented UHC and was the only survivor of the first ever uhc (Mindcrack UHC s1)
Married to an ender dragon (one of the UHCs I think), later father to a different dragon (Mindcrack season 3? I think?)
Might not have legs if you choose to take that joke as canon (Mindcrack s2)
Was a wizard (RAD)
is a zookeeper (Building a Zoo) 
Had a wife and kids (Sims in Minecraft)
Part of the Trial of the B Team court case (Mindcrack)
NHO founder, founder of the Podzol Party (Hermitcraft)
Created a cloning machine that sort of works (Hermitcraft)
Played the Forest which is I believe the first time he and Keralis played together (look up the trigger warnings for this one, it's a horror game)
Was the creator/owner of Sourceblock SMP (featuring some familiar faces if you know Legacy, Empires, or MCC) and there is literal magic from a mysterious sourceblock of water that teleports people and summons mobs and probably more stuff that I haven't seen yet since I'm still watching it myself
Things you can infer:
Good with animals (Life in the Woods, Pixelmon, Ark)
Is a car nerd (irl and all of the car games he's played)
Is a highly experienced adventurer who has traveled through dozens of worlds both vanilla and modded, across multiple dimensions (Twilight Forest, the Aether, the Betweenlands, Limbo), completed dozens of monuments, fought in blood sports, survived apocalypse after apocalypse, tamed dinosaurs, and played a lot of prop hunt and golf with your friends
If you're looking for what to watch for lore purposes, I'd say the Mindcrack UHCs and Team Canada's RAD series are pretty good, definitely Sourceblock and HC s5, plus the Diversity CTM maps and Ruins of the Mindcrackers maybe? And Mindcrack Prank Wars for the chaos and the origin of Team Canada. And if you can handle horror than the Forest is fun and if you don't do horror you can watch the Pojkband play golf or prop hunt they're hilarious I love them sm I want a Pojkband reunion So Bad 
Beef's first series was a singleplayer series in beta 1.4_01 though he had played the game extensively before that, and was a big fan of Guude, having watched his own Minecraft videos. The series was functionally a hardcore one where if he died Beef would delete the world and start again! I haven't actually Watched this series so idk if he died or how often lmao. When Guude made Mindcrack, which was btw one of the very first Minecraft SMPs, he also hosted a competition for people to join, and Beef submitted a video (which is still viewable on his channel I believe!) and won, and was added to Mindcrack in season 2 :D (fun fact, Guude said that even if Beef hadn’t won he would have added him anyway) 
Two running jokes emerged from Mindcrack- pulling a Vintagebeef and Beef doesn't have legs. The first is a reference to Beef dying of fall damage (I believe the exact instance was him trying to jump into his swimming pool and failing spectacularly) and after the incident, every time someone died of fall damage they were pulling a Vintagebeef. The second joke comes from Guude, who joked that the reason Beef wasn't going to a convention was because he didn't have legs, and then he pranked Beef's base by building a giant pair of legs at the entrance to his castle so you had to walk between them to get into the base. This joke has long since died and both Beef and Guude feel pretty bad about it iirc because there were people who genuinely thought Beef was disabled and were emailing him supportive messages and stuff oops. So if you go looking on the Salad or find old Mindcrack fics, you might see references to Beef having prosthetic legs!
Mindcrack also brought about the creation of several Player groups- Team Nancy Drew, Team Canada, and GOB to name a few relevant to Beef. Team Nancy Drew consists of Beef, Pauseunpause, Guude, and Baj, who formed to investigate a prank on one of the members but I forget who. They're named Nancy Drew after the detective! Team Canada also formed in retaliation to pranks, with it consisting of Beef, Etho, and Pause, the three Canadian members on the server (not including Adlington who moved to Canada but never joined the group). There was also a Team America who pranked them with American flags everywhere. GOB is Guude, OMGChad, and Beef, who played stuff like the Ragecraft, Pantheon, and Monstrosity ctms together but that's way down the line lol
Team Nancy Drew is also notable for inventing UHC. It was Beef's brainchild but it was the four of them who first played it! The first UHC had the four of them working to kill the dragon with no natural regen, with everyone dying but Beef, who "won" the UHC. The second uhc was still dragon focused and iirc is where Beef married the dragon? Memories are hazy but they do kill the dragon in this one I think. UHC was then revamped as a pvp event and became a regular Mindcrack game every few months, featuring most of the Mindcrackers and several special guests, including Dinnerbone, who as we know Thanos-snapped Doc's arm out of existence as a result of Doc killing him in one of them
In one of the seasons of Mindcrack, Beef invited swedish Mindcracker and good friend Anderzel to go caving with him and invented ABBA Rules caving, where the winner takes it all. ABBA Rules is a game where each ore (and also dungeon loot like nametags) is assigned a point value and the person with the most points at the end wins and gets to keep all the stuff collected from the game.
In Mindcrack season 3?, Beef punched the ender dragon in an... awkward area, so when the dragon died and left the egg behind, Guude said Beef was the father of the egg XD I don't remember if I watched s3 so I have no idea if anything Happened with this concept but *history of the world voice* you could make lore out of this!
So Team Canada has played a Lot of CTM maps (which fun fact were pretty much invented by another Mindcrack member, Vechs, with his Super Hostile series! Super Hostile has a bunch of things called "Zistonian", which are references to another Mindcrack member Zisteau, who has a very wild singleplayer series with even wilder lore but I digress). In Ruins of the Mindcrackers, they had a running joke that Beef was Etho and Pause's mom, which is a joke we can leave in the past actually /lh. They also played all the Diversity maps, Sky Factory, Terra Restore, Uncharted Territory uhhh and a couple more ctms and adventure maps! Each map kinda has its own story so in Diversity 3 for example they were trapped in a simulation? I think? Team Canada also recently played the Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons modpack, aka RAD, in which Beef was a wizard with a magic staff that could do anything from summon lightning to control hostile mobs.
Sourceblock SMP is a vanilla survival 1.14 series that ran for one season and the series starts with each of the Players being drawn to a strange sparkling water source that, once they touch it, brings them to the Sourceblock world. It also summons a giant zombie at one point. There's probably more lore for this series but like I said I haven't watched it all the way through yet 
He has a Patreon server called VintageCraft and has done a series or two on there as well, and played a few UHCs with them, so lore that how you will! 
Beef also played a few popular mods, notably Pixelmon, Life in the Woods, and Feed the Beast, with LitW being singleplayer and the other multiplayer. He's also recently played the Zoo and Wild Animals mod a lot. He did a short series with the Minecraft Comes Alive mod where he married one of the villagers and had two children, so that's canon now :D he’s played a Lot of Pixelmon starting when the mod first came out iirc (he chose Turtwig in his first series and built a Grass gym, then made a Normal gym in another series in uhh 2016) and he still plays to this day. Quite a few Hermits played on his Pixelmon servers with him, like Wels, Etho, Iskall, Stress, Slip, Zueljin, and also Guude and Phedran (a Mindcrack adjacent player and creator of the LitW modpack) and a few Mindcrackers on the older servers 
Mindcrack and friends played a lot of other games too- 7 Days to Die, Ark Survival Evolved, Unturned, to name a few, so you can pull a lot of lore out of these as well. Speaking of friends and non-Minecraft games, Beef teamed up with Pause, Keralis, and Slip (a former Hermit) to play the horror game the Forest, which saw them stuck on an island trying to survive against terrifying mutated human... things. They played it a few times as the game updated but as afaik it's the first time Beef played with Keralis and possibly Slip and since the game starts with the Player's airplane crashing, that could totally be how Beef first met them in-universe 
I... think? that’s everything I mentioned in the tags? There is probably way more stuff I’ve forgotten that stems from inside jokes and things that happen within each series, but I hope that was a) helpful and b) at least somewhat comprehensible lmao 
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s-c-r-i-p-s-i · 4 years
Candy is Dandy but Liquor is Quicker
[Dead by Baelight’s Kinktober // Day 8 and 18 : Outfit/Skin, Cornered]
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🖤  🖤   🖤 “Don’t come any closer,” you warned shakily, backing up against the boarded-up door as he stalked forward, every step radiating confidence. “Or you’ll what?” He asked, leaning in. “Arrest me?” Playfully rattling the costume handcuffs on your belt, he set his gun against the door. You stared up at him, eyes wide as saucers, and he just snorted, curling a finger in your hair. “Darlin’…” Tilting his head, his fingers traveled lower, slowly ghosting over your neck, your collarbone…. You inhaled sharply in frightened anticipation, goosebumps rising, only for him to skim over your chest entirely, plucking one of the mini bottles from your bandolier. “I would love…” Long, bony, but strangely elegant fingers unscrewed the cap, flicking it off where it clattered across the floor somewhere. “To see you try.” 🖤  🖤   🖤 Pairing: Deathslinger (Caleb Quinn) x F! Reader
Rating: Explicit
CW: non-con/dub-con, bondage, drinking, smut, canon-typical violence
Word Count: 4,927
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Something… odd had been happening lately.
Not the cankerous growths and sickly orange flowers that were always so abundant this time of year - or whatever passed for a year in this everlasting hell. By no means was that unprecedented.
Ask anyone who’d been there long enough to know and they’d tell you; there was a certain… cyclicity to things. Recurring phenomenon - the red envelopes, the flowers, the mysterious gifts wrapped up like Christmas presents. Always sequential, always in order, like some crude imitation of seasons. (And for what? No one ever aged a day.)
No, this was something new.
And new, in the Entity’s realm, was never a good thing. But… You had to admit, this seemed mostly harmless.
Look - It’s not like you were ever really in control of what you wore here, anyway. Most of the time, you were just stuck with whatever clothes you were wearing when you rolled into the fog. Sometimes She (that omnipotent thing in the sky) threw you in something else. Nobody ever really paid it much mind. The Entity worked in mysterious ways. And people, frankly, had more important shit to worry about.
But then when the flowers started blooming this year, things got a little weird.
She -…
She started putting people in costumes.
Cheap polyester numbers, mostly - the kind you’d buy from a big-box store, straight from one of those awful clear vinyl bags.
…It was starting to look a lot like Halloween. Jack-o’-lanterns even began appearing, scattered around the campfire and adorning the generators.
And nobody knew what the fuck was going on. Hell, not everyone even knew what Halloween was. You had quite the diverse cast; some people weren’t even from the same world as you.
The general vibe around the campfire was just… mild amusement if anything. You had a chuckle, then moved on. That was just the way of things. Everyone had these… survivor blinders on. You guess it was hard to get phased by something so minor when you all got murdered on the daily, but…
But you weren’t content with that.
You always had trouble just accepting things at face value. You wanted to know why.
Like - was the Entity stroking out? Things always did get a little strange around this time. Almost as if She were sick.
It was rare, but there were these little… Well, Feng called them glitches, and it was apt a term as any. Just little things, here and there, like She couldn’t quite enforce the rules of her own game.
Almost everything in this world seemed to be harvested from people’s memories. So… Maybe she was starting to pull things at random. Spiraling.
Was this the synaptic failure of a dying god?
Probably not, but there was nothing to do besides let your mind wander, and it was the only theory you had.
And then….
Then She whisked you away to Frontierland in the gaudiest slutty sheriff costume known to man and pit you against the goddamn cowboy.
Yeah, no - that was about a step too far to have been a happy accident.
Maybe you were thinking too hard. Maybe She just had a fucked up sense of humor.
When the fog cleared, you found yourself in the saloon with the others. You half-heartedly laughed it off (“Yeah, yeah. Okay. Very funny.”) and then moved on. Business as usual.
But not before rolling your eyes and discreetly downing one of the liquor minis from the shitty novelty booze bandolier sewn to your costume behind everyone’s backs.
At least She had the decency to stock it.
You were finishing up cleansing a totem when you heard the telltale crack of a gunshot split the air from all the way across the map. Not anywhere close enough to be dangerous, but a dead giveaway as to who you were up against.
…And cold hard proof that your little outfit was far from coincidence. The literal and proverbial smoking gun.
The moment you heard it you deflated, head falling back.
Seriously? What the fuck was She playing at?
Why you?
It wasn’t much of a conscious decision; you found yourself plucking another bottle from your bandolier and knocking it back without a whole lot of thought. You were obviously going to need it. Staring blankly ahead, you incredulously shook your head as you thumbed the moisture from your lip.
Okay. Alright. That was it, for now, you decided.
The Entity gave you a fully loaded bandolier - seriously, you were armed to the teeth with the little mini bottles, to the point it was actually kind of heavy. But you already felt a little weak in the knees after just two shots. It had been a while, so your tolerance was understandably nil. You didn’t want to be useless to your team. More importantly, it now felt critical you get out of there without running into the killer.
The Deathslinger was one of those ones. Not overly talkative, like a couple of the killers were, but he definitely got a kick out of the whole thing. There was a stark difference between the two camps, so to speak - the ones who only seemed like they killed because they had to, and the ones who were completely in their element. And he was obviously one of the latter.
It was that goddamn laugh. Low and sultry. Chuckling whenever he hooked someone or when a survivor did something exceptionally dumb. Even when you weren’t the target of it, you’d come to associate it with pure humiliation.
And you just knew that he’d take one look at you, in your stupid sheriff costume, and… Oh. You were steaming mad only thinking about it.
So you made it your personal mission to avoid him this trial. And to do that, you had to actually get out. Which meant no more drinks for you!
You should have known She had other plans.
You did your best to keep a low profile, tried to make sure you were on the opposite side of the map from him at all times, while still being useful. A difficult balancing act.
But you couldn’t just leave your friends hanging.
When you saw Meg’s aura flare out in distress as she was lowered onto the hook, you began making your way over, quick and quiet and praying to every god you knew that he would be long gone by the time you got there.
And, lucky you, there was no sight of him. So you crept towards the hook, privately taking solace that at least you weren’t alone in the goof factor; Meg was all dressed up like Wendy - the fast-food icon. The Entity really outdid herself, the braids were right on the nose, and you were almost loosey-goosey enough to make some stupid quip. Almost. Maybe when she wasn’t dangling from a meat hook.
You pulled her off the hook with care, but just as her feet touched the ground, another gunshot rang out, this time much louder. A spear whizzed by so close that you could hear it shear through the air just before it embedded itself in the post, inches away from you both. No sooner had you whipped your head around to find the source than the sound of shoes pounding against the ground filled your ringing ears.
You looked back and Meg was gone. Peeled off like a bandaid.
You decided you better get the hell out of Dodge too.
First things first, you needed to get out of the open; that was just asking to get shot. So you made a mad dash for the saloon. You figured you had a good head start since it should have taken him a hot minute to retrieve the harpoon, dislodge it from the hook, shove it back in the gun… Sounded like a whole ass process.
Except, when you looked back behind you he was hot on your tail. Trail. Hot on your trail.
You made a snap judgment, deciding you’d try and lose him by running up to the second story. Was it cheap? Absolutely. He obviously had some kind of bum leg, unless that brace was some kind of bold fashion statement. Not that it had ever slowed him down, any. But you were desperate. And all’s fair in love and war, right?
Swiftly turning the corner, you galloped up the stairs and dove into the first room you saw, hopping through the window.
By the time your eyes adjusted to the indoors and you realized it was a dead-end, it was too late. The only other exit was boarded up, and you could hear his boots unhurriedly thumping up the creaky steps like he was in no rush at all. Step. Step. You rushed to the boarded-up door and gave it a good open-palmed slam to test its strength - you’d seen killers smash through these like they were cardboard, but it just wouldn’t budge. Shit.
He was getting closer. You could hear his spurs. Hissing, you banged your fist against the boards in frustration. What, impending injury wasn’t bad enough? She had to add insult, too?
The footsteps stopped, and so did everything else, it felt like. Holding your breath, you slowly began to turn around. There he was in the window, backlit and silhouette, dusty sunlight filtering through his ghostly white hair. You had to admit, he cut a striking figure, something cinematic. There was just the trouble of the gun. Aimed right at you.
Didn’t have to climb over the window if he just reeled you to him. Smart man.
Before you could think to dive for cover or something smart like that, he began lowering the gun. It was hard to tell what expression he was wearing, backlit as he was, but you could feel those spectral eyes looking you up and down. From your cheap western style boot covers, all the way up your legs to your fluffy petticoat and layered skirts, the ill-fitted booze bandolier slung around your shoulder… and finally, the gold, plastic 5 point sheriff star nestled between your tits.
Oh God. Here it comes…
He didn’t even have to say a word, hot embarrassment already surging to the surface before he even opened his mouth.
“Well. Pardon me.” You could make out the glint of dirty teeth in the dark as his grin spread. “Didn’t know you were an elected official.”
Why the hell was he exempt from this bullshit, anyway? You’d seen Ghostface in a devil costume, and Myers in a cat ear headband, so you knew they weren’t immune. Maybe the Entity thought he looked stupid and campy enough as is. But… she couldn’t have dressed him up as Woody from Toy Story or something? He probably wouldn’t have gotten it, but you would have found it funny. Maybe then you wouldn’t have felt so small and humiliated.
You hated this. You didn’t even know what to say until he started climbing over the window. Then you had a pretty clear idea.
“Don’t come any closer,” you warned shakily, backing up against the boarded-up door as he stalked forward, every step radiating confidence.
“Or you’ll what?” He asked, leaning in. “Arrest me?” Playfully rattling the costume handcuffs on your belt, he set his gun against the door. You stared up at him, eyes wide as saucers, and he just snorted, curling a finger in your hair.
“Darlin’…” Tilting his head, his fingers traveled lower, slowly ghosting over your neck, your collarbone…. You inhaled sharply in frightened anticipation, goosebumps rising, only for him to skim over your chest entirely, plucking one of the mini bottles from your bandolier. “I would love…” Long, bony, but strangely elegant fingers unscrewed the cap, flicking it off where it clattered across the floor somewhere. “To see you try.”
And on that note, he finally tipped it back - you watched his adam’s apple bob as he swallowed it down. Shaking the empty bottle at you, he slipped it back into its holster on your belt. “Bit frivolous, you know.” He commented, curling his finger in and snapping it back. “A flask does just fine. No need to reinvent the wheel.”
“Right, well,” you huffed, and moved to squeeze past him - he was clearly in good humor, at least, so maybe he’d let you off easy. Wasn’t a little whiskey and a laugh good enough?
Apparently not.
You were immediately met with an arm shooting out, hand landing right beside your head, caging you in.
“Woah there, where d’ya think you’re going, sweetheart?” He smirked down at you, a crooked thing that flashed his teeth, scarred lip snagged over a canine. You’d never noticed before, but one of his incisors had a gold crown. Now that you’d noticed, you couldn’t stop looking at it, the alcohol still floating around in your bloodstream turning you into some sort of easily distracted magpie. He was missing one of his bottom teeth, too. It was… kind of a mess in there, huh? Smelled like whiskey and tobacco.
“You got me all the way up here, I’m not too keen on leaving already.” Sliding his hand from the door, he guided you away by the small of your waist, and you… you just kind of let him, stiltedly trying to follow his direction.
“So how about you…” You reached the bed and he grabbed you by your shoulders, turning you round to face him. “Just sit your pretty ass down.” Just a slight push and you were bouncing on the bedsprings, palms catching your fall.
In the back of your mind you were already fearing the worst, but much to your surprise he just sat down next to you on the edge of the mattress, looking almost comically large and out of place on the twin-size bed. All you could do was blink at him dumbly, unsure what was happening.
He took a long breath through his nose. It felt like forever before he finally released it and said, “Have a drink with me.”
“I…” You drew out the word dubiously, clearly meaning to decline. You were already too tipsy for comfort considering present company was a killer.
“Didn’t ask,” He said gruffly, pulling two bottles from your bandolier and offering you one. “Indulge an old man. Or we’ll do it the hard way.”
Hard to argue with that! You didn’t know what the hard way was, but you didn’t want to find out. So you took the bottle, lips pulling together in a tight, awkward half-smile when he clinked his against yours.
This was weird. Awkward, and in a whole different way than you’d been preparing yourself for.
You actually found yourself glad for the burn that flooded your body as you downed the shot, heat loosening your tense limbs and taking the edge off this… incredibly odd situation, if only slightly.
Besides the obvious threat, it felt like maybe, despite everything… he was really just a lonely old man. In want of someone to drink with. A slice of normality. Isn’t that what you all wanted? You guessed it couldn’t hurt. It was keeping him away from the generators, anyway. Buying you all some extra time.
And… maybe this was what the Entity wanted. The reason she brought you here like this.
“Now, miss,” He spoke, and you turned your gaze up to him, blinking owlishly, your head swimming. There was a lot to take in at this distance. All these different textures. Scars and stubble and pockmarks. You found it all fascinating. “I’ve got to be frank with you.”
You know, you hadn’t really heard him speak at length before, but you were starting to realize that his whole aesthetic, he didn’t really sound straight out of a spaghetti western like you might expect. There was a trace of that, especially in his vocabulary, but his accent was much more reminiscent of… Canada, somehow. With a slightly Irish lilt.
It was ludicrously unexpected, and something about it just made a dopey smile float onto your face. You didn’t even realize you were doing it, until his eyes drifted down, and he huffed with almost fond incredulity.
“Think that’s funny, huh?”
You’re almost positive you missed something he said. You heard it, you just didn’t… process it right. This time when he spoke, you tried to pay attention.
“I don’t usually go taking what ain’t mine, but damn if you don’t look like a present addressed just to me.”
It was your turn to huff, bobbing with amusement. “Okay, cowboy, I know what it looks like, but…” It wasn’t like you chose this outfit.
“Honey,” he interrupted, “I think you’ve mistaken me for the wrong kinda wrangler. It’s not cows I’m after.” He paused, tipping his head as if reconsidering, smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “But if a heifer’s in need of a good driving…”
It took you a solid minute for your brain to catch up. He was content to watch the cogs turn until it did.
He just called you a cow!
A cow in need of a good dicking!
Your mouth hung open in shock and he - he just laughed.
“Little slow on the uptake, aren’t cha? Had a few already? How bout one more?” His hand began trailing up your leg, dirty fingers slowly dipping beneath your pure white petticoat.
Suddenly, one thing was very clear.
You had to get out of here.
Shaking your head, you tried to stand, but you were swiftly reeled back as soon as your feet hit the ground, pulled into a hard lap, all bones and brace and knobby knees and God knows what else.
“We’re gonna have one more,” his voice materialized right beside your ear, tone final as he pulled another mini from your belt. You shook your head, whimpering some protest between tightly closed lips as he pressed the bottle to your mouth. Behind you, you heard him sigh through his nose like a beleaguered bull. Then his other hand came round your face, pinching your nose shut.
You didn’t wait around for your lungs to give out. There wasn’t any point in that. You knew he wasn’t going to give in. But you did. Almost immediately. Your lips parted for air and got tequila instead, swallowing sloppily as you tried not to choke, rivulets of amber dripping down your chin while he murmured, “There you go… Nice and easy…”
His hand lowered to your throat to tip your head back, your world spinning as a wet sensation dragged across your chin, the man licking up the tequila in one broad and obscene lick. That rotten chuckle inundated your senses. “Awful cute when ya can’t even keep your eyes straight.” He tapped his fingers along the column of your throat, adding in afterthought. “Awful cute anyway, but I’m not really in the mood to fight just for a little company tonight. You gonna be good for me now, darling?”
“…Uh-huh.” You nearly sobbed out the sound, voice meek and pathetic. But you’d be lying if you weren’t starting to feel… sweaty under your skirts, inner thighs getting embarrassingly slick. That always happened when you were drunk, but never this bad.
And despite all the awfulness churning in your stomach, you still felt heat pool in your gut as he cooed, “Good girl. Not at dumb as you look, are you?”
You didn’t even realize he was actually expecting an answer until he probed again, “Are you?”
You quickly shook your head.
Humming, he seemed to accept that, because he was soon re-adjusting you on his lap and catching your lips with his in a messy kiss. He tasted strong and dry, your tongue prickling like your taste buds were trying to retract at the mere slide of his against yours; like salt on a slug. When his hand crept up your skirt this time, you didn’t try to stop him, even as his middle finger began tracing your sopping panties, dipping into the wet seam. You could scarcely think, devolved into a gooey pile of nerves and feelings that he was amusedly plucking at.
Peeling your panties aside, his fingers parted your folds, a pleased rumble emanating in his throat and vibrating in your mouth when his thumb brushed against your clit and your hips twitched in response.
You were gasping for breath by the time he finally pulled his mouth away, but he gave you no time to recover, already pressing two fingers past your resistance. In some attempt to ground yourself, you grasped at his arm as they began curling and pumping inside you, but your weak, drunk grip made it about as easy as catching clouds.
At some point, your barely-there vision drifted towards the window and you dimly realized you were facing it, completely exposed. That if anyone came up the stairs, they’d be able to see everything.
You’d just have to hope his heartbeat would be enough to keep them far away from the saloon. Eyes fluttering to the ceiling, you pushed the thought from your mind. It wasn’t hard. Not when the feeling in your stomach was reaching a fever pitch, nearing the point of no return.
In some ways, he was a lot gentler than you were expecting. Which was good, because you felt hopelessly vulnerable right now, helpless and disorientated in his lap, his looming over you making your mixed up brain feel protected even though some part of you knew that wasn’t right.
Everything felt numb except where he touched you; the heat of his breath on your neck, the kisses he pressed to your skin, the scrape of his beard, the brush of his long hair against your shoulder. All your wires were crossed, every little sensation going straight to your core.
Gasping out as your climax crashed over you, your hips lurched, thighs trying to snap closed around his hand. Unbothered, he just kept stroking you through it until your hips finally began to sink back down and your cunt stopped desperately trying to milk his fingers. Withdrawing slowly, he pressed them into your open mouth, the tang of your own juices spreading across your tongue. You didn’t know what it said about you that your blind instinct was to obediently suck, but that’s what you did, and he breathed out in a low, steady hiss.
“Careful, now. Fool me too good and I might have to keep you.”
Pulling away, he encouraged you to lay on the bed, settling between your legs. You watched the ceiling drift then snap back to place every time you blinked while he fiddled with something - you weren’t sure what until he was fixing your arms above your head and the apparently not-so-novelty handcuffs from your costume were being snapped around your wrists.
Then his hands were skating over you appreciatively, over your ribcage, the curvature of your waist almost reverently. “Guess the good Lord finally answered my prayers.” He murmured, flicking the plastic sheriff star between your bosom. “Not really how I woulda done it, but beggars can’t be choosers, eh? After all…” The man sighed, fingers curling into the top of your blouse and slowly dragging the gingham fabric down over your breasts until they were revealed to his eerie, quietly covetous eyes. “We don’t exactly have all the time in the world, do we?”
What was that even supposed to mean? It seemed to you as if you had nothing but time. Maybe not in this particular trial - and as if to punctuate that thought, you felt a generator kick to life, the familiar thrum of hope in your bones.
Did he know something you didn’t? Or were you just too foxed to follow?
Exhaling, he rolled his hands over your breasts, admiring the feel of them for just a moment. It seemed like he wanted to take his time with you, but the reminder that you were on a timer was the spur in his side that eventually pushed him to move on.
You heard him audibly fiddling with his belts and wondered if you were getting out of this alive. It was cold comfort, but at least you’d probably managed to save everyone else. Not very heroic when it wasn’t even really your decision. But it was something. Maybe. Something to cling to as you felt the heat of him slide across the mess he’d made of you.
Whimpering, you curled inwards from your core as he entered you, bound hands lifting up and both grasping at his chest at the feeling of being run through. By no means was it violent. It didn’t hurt, exactly. But it had been a long time, and he was unforgivingly long and solid and foreign. An intrusion on your body.
“That’s it. There you go, gorgeous. Hang onto me.”
You did, your hands abandoning his chest to loop over his neck, accidentally knocking the hat off his head in your bound fumbling. He didn’t seem to care, swooping down to take your lips again while you struggled to get used to the feeling of him moving inside you.
With how wet you already were, it didn’t take all that long before pleasure started to win out, every little bump and grind against your sweet spot pulling you closer to the edge again, his mouth muffling the pathetic stream of sounds trying to escape yours.
This time, the fall from the top was a slow one, liquid heat spilling out across your core - though you weren’t quite aware how literally until you felt it physically starting to pool beneath you, a wave of embarrassment flaring when you’d realized what just happened. Okay - you didn’t - that had never happened before, drunk or not.
Your hopes that he didn’t notice were dashed as he pulled away to chuckle heatedly in your ear. He wasn’t far behind though, laughter broken by a groan as his hips snapped against yours, burying himself deep as he could go. You felt the alien jerk of his cock inside you, radiating warmth.
Panting, he nuzzled at your neck as he came down, whiskers scratching at your skin. You felt… suspended in place, not sure what came next. But you guessed it wasn’t up to you. Hesitantly, you let your fingers slip into his sweaty white tresses, the texture thick and rough like the mane of a horse, dusty and… probably unwashed for God knows how long.
There was that awkward feeling again. Like you were two pieces of a puzzle that didn’t fit no matter how you turned them, but you weren’t allowed to leave.
Eventually, he took a deep, centering breath and withdrew from you, guiding your hands back to the bed and clicking open the safety release of the handcuffs, setting you free and letting them fall wherever on the floor.
Rubbing your wrists, you groaned in discomfort as he dragged his fingers through the mess, pushing his cum back inside you. No. You just wanted to be done.
But then he pulled your panties back into place. Pulled your shirt back up. Smoothed your skirts down.
His gaze lingered on you for a long moment before he heaved a big sigh and finally dismounted.
Pulling you up by your arm so that you were sitting up, he grabbed his hat from the bed, and you felt him plop it onto your head and adjust it.
“Suits ya.” He said softly, and it was the first thing he’d said in a while. Part of you was waiting for the other shoe to drop, not sure if he wanted a thank you, or…
He eyed you for another long moment, like there was something more he wanted to say, but… Instead, his gaze flicked down to the bandolier round your chest.
You swallowed hard as he plucked the last two bottles from your belt, the thought of taking another shot making your stomach churn and your gag reflex curl.
Patting your thigh, he bonelessly plopped himself in the nearby chair, rolling his eyes as you just stared at him. “Go on, get.” He snorted, uncapping one of the little bottles. “Don’t fall down the stairs on your way out.”
He was letting you go? Just like that?
You hesitated, something about this seemed… unfinished. You weren’t sure if you wanted to go.
But you didn’t want to wait around until he changed his mind, either.
So you uncertainly began heading towards the window, pausing when you remembered - “Your hat…” You reached for it, intending to give it back, but…
“Keep it, I don’t care.” That sounded unexpectedly crabby, and when you looked back, he wasn’t looking at you. He was staring at the wall, avoiding your gaze as he tipped back a shot. “Wear it if you want to see me again. Don’t if ya don’t. I can take a hint.”
You blinked, unable to believe he was sulking. Now. After everything.
Your fingers hovered over the brim of the hat. You needed to quash this now, while you still had the chance. Your conscience was screaming at you, leave it, don’t encourage him, don’t even give him hope.
Don’t bring it to the campfire. Don’t anything. Just… leave it on the windowsill, you told yourself. It shouldn’t have even required thought. Nothing about this was okay.
You didn’t even know his goddamn name.
And yet… You found your hand slowly lowering, falling back down to your side. You gave him one last, long look before grabbing the windowsill.
You could always decide later.
🖤  🖤 🖤
Thank you for reading!!!
🖤  🖤 ����  
Thank you Pugge for beta'ing most of this!
I do not know WHY this took me so long to write but I’m fairly happy with it. Sorta wasn’t the direction I originally had planned for this, but what can I say, I’m cursed. I got the Midas touch, except instead of gold, everything I touch turns to non-con.
This piece was written for Day 8 and 18 of the 🔞 Dead by Baelight 🔞 Discord server’s Kinktober. Anyone over 18 is welcome to join here.
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mysterioh · 5 years
The Ignorant Beauty and The Beast of New York - Ch. 6
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SYNOPSIS: Y/N is an exhausted bio major. Steve is danger with a capital DANGER. She thinks he’s a sarcastic prick with an impressive knowledge of art history. He thinks she’s cute even if she’s only running on one brain cell. All he wants is a single date, but she’s adamant upon denying.
I’m Your What Now?
Ah, Columbia University. The pride and joy of New York. The mecca for philosophical thinking and scientific advancement.
It kept only the cream of the crop. Sons and daughters of the wealthy, valedictorians, and exceptionally bright international students. The future president. The next Plato. Another Einstein.
There was a certain standard that came with being a student here. The ooh's and ah's and the jealous eyes that bore into their backs were natural for these Ivy League students.
And yet as Steve stood there he found it to be like the overpriced Catholic school he spent twelve torturous years at. After school, he didn't really see a reason to go to university. His future was predetermined and he had no desire to go against it.
Steve wasn't stupid. He was intelligent. An expert in combat and tact and a mogul in the business world. His performance was better than his peers with their fancy degrees and certifications. He had them under his foot and they only moved when he let them.
It just went to show that knowledge and wisdom didn't come from going to a fancy school. It came from experience and hard work, rigor, and determination. But even so, he couldn't help but feel an odd sense of pride in his chest when he learned you attended Columbia.
Mrs. Rogers, you genius woman.
He sprinted up the steps and in towards the overarching gate. It was like a world populated by teenagers. Here, twenty-five was considered middle-aged. They milled around clad with backpacks and textbooks usually in a small group of three or four. Some passed by on bikes while others strutted to the beat of their music.
There were a plethora of styles. Punks and goths. Preps and jocks. Basic white girls with their leggings and UGGs. Snazzy poets in all black and topped with berets. Those avant-garde chicks that had an aesthetic like none other. Diversity was key at Columbia. The world was being represented here.
Steve passes by, following google maps on his phone to find the Student Resource Center in a hope to find you there.  
A day ago…
"Okay," Sam sighed, holding a paper in his hand with a laptop sitting on Steve's desk. "Quentin Beck, a biochemical engineering student at Columbia. Around twenty-one years old and is most likely a total geek."
"Hey," Steve warns. Bucky snickers like a child, chomping loudly on some potato chips.
"Sorry," Sam replied. "No social media accounts. Not even an old facebook. You sure this chick's not a hermit?"
"She's probably focusing on her studies. She's diligent."
"You're defending her as if you know her," Bucky piped up.
"I do know her," Steve said.
"Yeah, that's why you're googling her like a pervert."
"Shut up before I punch your teeth out."
"Anyways," Sam called them back. "She's on the school website."
"She is," Steve pushes him to the side. "Lemme see."
"There's no picture. It's just a list of tutors."
"She's a tutor? Smart chicks are so hot."
Bucky rolls his eyes. "I can hear your heart pounding all the way over here," he said lazily while sitting at his desk.
"Get your dirty shoes off my desk."
"Make me," Bucky taunted.
"So it's got hours of availability here," Sam said scrolling down. "Like when she's working."
"Ya know Sam I know you're a freak and all, but this is low, even for you," Bucky said, his feet still on the desk and his right hand greasy with potato chips. "I didn't know you were as big of a creep as Stevie."
"I wouldn't be talking, Mr. I stalk my ex's insta at four in the morning." Sam retorted, making Steve chuckle.
"I don't!"
"Bro, I saw you the other day!"
"What the hell are you doing at my house at four in the morning, you freak?"
Nat walks in to see the three lazing around and sighs. Sam quickly slams the laptop shut and Bucky slips his feet off the desk.
"What are you three doing?" She asked.
"Nothing," Steve smiled.  
"For NY’s biggest mob man, you sure do suck at lying." He frowns. "You're also pretty horrible at signing your own damn name on important papers." She said, waving a paper in her hand. "What the hell are these hearts?"
"That's not me!" He retorted with a light blush. "How do I know it's not you?”
"You really think I have the time to do that?" She snapped at him. "We've got shipments coming in today and you have a meeting with the Gambino head tomorrow. Do you have anything prepared?"
"No…" he whispered.
"Am I the only one working around here?!" She shouted making the three cringe at her shrill voice. "What have you three been doing all morning anyway?"
"Planning," Bucky spoke up and Steve whipped his head towards him. Bucky if you say anything.
"Yeah, we're planning Steve's wedding."
Nat almost snaps her neck by the way she turns to look at him. Her red locks bouncing around as she turns. She gapes at him with a million questions.
Steve sighs, rubbing his face with his hands in embarrassment.
"Stevie, you're getting married?!?!"
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"Sn2 Reactions have bulky bases and only occur when you have…" you said, snapping your finger to remember what comes next. "Wait, don't say it," you stop Quentin. "Primary carbocations!"
"Correct," he smiled, looking up at you from the flashcard in his hand. "Man, you're just killing it today."
"I've been studying," you informed. "...and living in Chubbic's office.
"And it shows," Quentin chuckles.
Tutoring was slow today with only a student here and there, leaving you and Quentin with some prime time to study.
"I swear all you ever do is study," Quentin said.
"No, I don't," you denied. "Last night, I played Overwatch till three."
"Okay, scratch that, you're a geek." Quentin corrected. You huffed.
"No, I am not," you retorted.
"Y/N, you don't do anything but school and work. You don't even go to parties or socialize with other people."
"People are overrated. I have better things to do with my time."
"Like what?"
"Like...stuff," you said.
Quentin rolls his eyes. "You can't keep living a shelled life, Y/N. It's not healthy."
"I don't see how it isn't."
"You have to go out and make friends. You're gonna go crazy if you sit in your apartment forever," Quentin sounded like a mom.
"Quentin, my dude, it's the 21st century. Technology exists."
"That's not good for you either!" Quentin sassed then sighed. "All I'm saying is that you should be more open. Not everyone is out to hurt you."
You sink in your chair with a frown. You look out the window of the second floor to watch people walk by meters below. "But that’s how it always is in the end," you murmured. Quentin frowns. "Besides what do I need anyone else for? I have you."
Quentin's heart skips a beat, but he tries to ignore it. "But what if I'm not here? What if I have to leave?"
You sit up. "Where are you going?"
"I applied for this internship for this company in London."
"Wow, Quint! That's great!" You exclaimed. "I know you'll get it!"
"Thanks," he chuckles at your enthusiasm. "But I just worry about you sometimes. You're going to be all alone if I leave and I worry if you'll be alright."
"Then I'll call you every day!"
"Y/N," Quentin said with a lopsided smile. "I'm being serious."
You exhaled, masking the fear of him leaving by giving him a bright smile. One that's always only been for him. "Don't worry about me, alright? I'll be fine. You go out there and show 'em what you're made of. You're gonna kill it."
"Yeah?" He asked and you can sense the nervousness in his shaking hands.
"Like my good friend Naruto once said…" you alluded. "Believe it!" You said, giving him a thumbs up.
Quentin groans while crossing his arms. "You still watch that crap?"
"It's cool!" you defended.
"I swear you're a nerd."
"Hey, Quentin," Angelica from the front desk called walking towards you.
"There's a guy at the desk asking for you," she pointed.
"For me?" He asked puzzled. She nodded before leaving.
He gets up to leave. "I'll be right back. E1 reactions are next," he reminded. You nodded with a chuckle and took the cards he left.
Quentin walks up to the desk to find a blonde dressed stylishly at the front desk, chatting up one of the employees.
“Oh, Quentin,” Maria at the desk said as he arrived. “This is Mr. Rogers.”
Steve turns to look and his shoulders drop. “Uh, sorry, I think they’ve got the wrong person.” Quentin furrows his brows in confusion. “I’m looking for a Quentin Beck.”
“Um, I’m Quentin Beck,” he replied awkwardly, shaking the photo id that was around his neck.
“No, no,” Steve shakes his head. “I’m looking for a girl and her name is Quentin Beck.”
“There’s only one Quentin Beck here and he’s a man and it’s me,” he said in the nicest way possible.
Steve snorts. “Just because you grew a little beard doesn’t mean you’re a man,” he guffawed.
Quentin blinks once and then twice and a third time for good measure. “Excuse me?”
Back over at the table, you wondered what was taking Quentin so long. Taking a sip from your Hydroflask, you crane your neck to get a view of the front desk. The head full of blonde hair and spread of broad shoulders was hard to miss. You choked while drinking. Quickly placing your bottle on the table, you pat your chest in need of air.
What was he doing here?
You quickly jump up and run to the two. Steve catches you in the corner of his eye and pushes past a fuming Quentin.
“I knew I’d find you here!” he exclaimed.
“What the hell are you doing here, you freak?” you seethed.
“What do you think?” Steve chuckled, loving the way you pouted at him. “Here to see you, princess.”
Your cheeks burst in color and before you could say anything Quentin spoke.  
“Y/N, you know this guy?” he asked.
“Y/N, so that’s your real name,” Steve takes both of your hands in his. His smile is so bright that you cringed under him. “I knew it wasn’t Quentin. I mean it doesn’t even make sense,” he starts to ramble and you just listen. “To think someone as pretty as you would have a name as ugly as Quentin. Like who the hell names their kid Quentin these days anyway?”
“Ah, Y/N,” Steve sighs dreamily. “It’s like a sweet melody to my ears.”
You tried to reply, but all you could let out was a garbled jumble of words.
“Quentin’s a good name!” your brunette friend jumped in.
“Yeah, if it’s the 18th century,” Steve deadpanned, before turning back to you. “Anyways…”
“Y/N, who the hell is this guy?” he questioned irritated.
“Uh, well, you see, um…” you tried to explain.
“Been keepin’ me a secret, huh, baby?” Steve chuckled. “I’m Steve, a friend.”
“We aren’t friends,” you hissed, breaking from his grasp. “How many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone, huh?”
“Wait,” Quentin butt in. “Is he that guy?” he pointed at Steve while looking at you. “Is he the bad guy?”
“Bad guy?” Steve asked you, making you blush under his gaze. “So you have been talking about me? Y/N, sweetheart, I ain’t a bad guy. I promise I’ll be nothing but good to you,” he said with a wink.
It’s like every ounce of sass inside of you is gone and you’re left speechless. Screw this man and his way with words.
He takes your hand in his and brings it to his soft plump lips before Quentin butts in and swipes your hand.
“Yeah, she told me about you,” he hurls at him, his voice firm and his grip on your hand firmer. “Who the hell do you think you are, messing with my girlfriend?”
Steve is taken aback by his words and you gape at Quentin. You’re his what now?
Quentin looks towards you and sends a message with his eyes. Just play along.
“Y-yeah,” you stumbled at first, “Quentin’s my boyfriend and I like his name! Actually I love it because I love him.” you straight up lied. Steve’s brows creased in irritation and he had the biggest frown on his face. You wrap your arms around Quentin’s. “So leave me alone, freak,” you hissed at him.
Now it’s Steve’s turn to be speechless. Your words pierce through his heart like a bullet. It’s like being shot in the core of his spirit over and over again until there’s a big gaping hole.
“Listen, jackass,” Quentin calls him back. “If you even look in my girlfriend’s direction, I’ll rip your eyes out,” he threatened, before turning around and taking you with him.
“Wow,” you whispered to him. “I think he bought it.”
“You’ve got a lot of explaining to do,” he said, clearly dissatisfied.
“Shut up and kiss me on the cheek.”
“What?” he freaked out with a light red creeping on his cheeks.
“Just do it,” you ordered quietly. “And wrap your arm around my shoulders.”
He sighed. “The things you make me do,” he groaned, making you chuckle quietly. He places a sweet kiss on your cheek while hooking his arm over your shoulders protectively. He turns his head to see Steve still standing there. His face twisted in a scowl and fists balled so tight you could see white in his knuckles.
Quentin’s sharp blue eyes locked with his own. His gaze was as deadly as a violent act with an intensity that had the fearless mob man’s chest tighten. His eyes drilled out any notion that it could all be a hoax. Either he was a really good actor or there really was something between the two.
Whatever it was, Steve stood still with a strange sense of deja vu. He was a hopeless romantic and hopeless in all things that concerned love. And as he watches your retreating form chuckling at something the boy whispered in your ear, he regrets even thinking he had another chance at love.
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pensurfing · 4 years
I Surrender.
By the time I actually post this, it’ll be near the end of the year and I’ll be near my burnout. Each year, usually I take an unannounced, but quiet, break. 
2020 feels different this year. Usually, I return in January; but this time I don’t think I can return. Too much happened in so little time and as a small creator, business, entrepreneur, small EVERYTHING I can’t ignore what lurks over my head. An ultimatum. 
I was in denial about it.
I thought maybe if I pushed making the decision back as far as I could, something would change. That as long as I worked hard, promo’d my sales and merch, did as many virtual cons as I could, something would change. Networking in newer groups, looking around for clients, and wanting to make new merchandise; name it. I did it. Work hard and reap the benefits later; while that is true there is also no shame in knowing when to quit as well. I was in denial about how long the pandemic in the States would last. I was in denial about needing help with my mental health. I was in denial about so many things in my surroundings. The biggest thing I was in denial about was my importance, impact, and ability to move forward with where I was with my art journey. The biggest reason why I was able to keep it up was due to the constant questions of “How’s it going? What are you up to? How are you?” No one (at least the way I see the world) actually answers this truthfully. So I just kept saying fine and for a while, I genuinely believed it. I lied to them. But to be fair, I lied to myself too.
I was angry about it.
I stayed here for so long.
I was angry that I felt ignored; angry that I reached out and others had their hands tied as well; angry that I still managed to make sure others didn’t drown like I was drowning & didn’t think to help myself because I’m stupid; angry that the pandemic did last this long in the States; angry at me for not pulling some magic trick out a hat that I’m not sure existed; just angry. (tw: self-harm, vivid imagery) I was so angry I took it out on my debit card and self-sabotaged my good spending habits. I took it out on my legs and arms and broke a seven-year long streak of not hurting myself; I carved myself up entirely and punched the bricks of my house. I took it out on people. I don’t quite know how yet, but I feel like I did. Maybe I had a shorter temper than normal; I stopped reaching out and making sure I fully listened to their problems. I kept caring more about them than myself during this phase. And they just kept taking. And I became an empty cup, they moved on; I see that I’m just disposable. Which, isn’t wrong. All I could handle and still can handle is heavy convos with my therapist. (I don’t have her anymore, that’s right. I can’t afford her anymore.) All I could handle was trying to write it out, map it out, talk it out.
I was angry I didn’t see a point anymore. I felt like I didn’t deserve the tiny wins I did see because I didn’t go through some kind of threshold of pain and suffering to earn it. I was angry and the crumbs tossed my way in the name of “diversity” and “trying to hire black” because of guilt and white performance. I was angry being lead on with a tiny thread of hope because that thread was bigger than the nothing I’ve gotten this entire time. I was so angry and blaming myself for things that were completely out of my reach and capability. I was just really angry.
I tried begging my way out of it.
I looked for online classes of any sort to traject myself into a sort of hope. Buying hundreds of dollars in books, classes, anything in information I just didn’t have prior to the pandemic; and now because of the pandemic, the information will be obsolete as the world adjusts and readjusts to its changes and collapse in remaking itself. Making flash sales on my website if it meant seeing eight dollars by the end of the month. 
I didn’t stay here long because of my own twisted viewpoint of begging.
I was depressed about it. 
I stayed here the longest. It was already enough having the above marinate within me; add to the mixture of new relative drama, relatives passing away, and just not being in a healthy household... I grew tired. I stopped taking care of myself. Anyone with depression can tell you that dealing with that darkness is an uphill battle; usually, the first to go is my hygiene. But I just slowly stopped drawing altogether. I don’t draw when I’m not together. I’ve mentioned this many times over the years verbally and in written form on here. So I just kept taking breaks. I had a small string of commissions here and there, but that was the only illustrations I could create and that was its own battle. 
I tried mentioning it to people I was close to, but after a while hearing “it be like that sometimes” just isn’t helpful and isn’t worth explaining the story. So I just stopped talking. And not having my therapist made it harder. Especially because I have a lot of emotional dumpers who don’t understand boundaries. I don’t blame them, but after a while of nonconsensual emotional dumping I had to stop listening to another group of people because I just couldn’t handle any more weight; either they didn’t see I was drowning or didn’t care. It doesn’t matter anymore. 
I couldn’t enjoy the walks recommended by many; not even my favorite restaurants; or shows; or books/mangas; food in general; people in general.
Listening to music at least helped the “I’m sinking” feeling. But it was quickly ruined with “well intent” friends with; “Maybe if you drew something you’d feel better”, “Sketch, paint, it’s therapeutic”, “dRaW”. You get the picture. It had a double sting because it acknowledged two things: These ‘friends’ don’t know much about me and what brings me happiness; This isn’t about my happiness, but more about their own selfish requests to see more work from me because they don’t know anything else besides “I’m an artist, I draw, therefore that is all I am and all that can ever make me happy”.
See it this way: You have a friend. Friend is a musician. Your friend is slowly going deaf and loses their hearing. You can at least do small, everyday sign language. But not enough to handle a full conversation. Until your deaf friend can afford that hearing aide, talking to them will be a bit harder. But instead of learning more sign, you complain about how the person can’t hear as well anymore, so they become “quieter” and you stop reaching out to them. Projecting the “why can’t you just listen”. “You know what will make you feel better? If you play your music again, make mixes. We miss that.” “You sing, why not sing to make yourself feel better.” If the person cannot hear, how can they continue to make sure their craft is correct? In tune? On tempo? If a person is not in the mood or mental capacity to draw, then how can they draw? If all you can see is that you only know about friend is that they are a musician, can they really be a friend? Or just acquaintance?
Projecting the thing you get joy from said ‘not ok’ person and just demanding they do more of the thing you enjoy isn’t helpful; but selfish. Because in that case it isn’t about the person, but you and your expectations and things that you get from said person. Once they stop giving you the thing, then it’s about ‘how-dare-you-not-give-me-my-thing’. And I stopped caring to go through this consistent loop and being talked over when trying to explain myself.
I sat in my bathtub more than I had in years; the irony is this is comforting. So for weeks, this is where my mind and mental capacity have been. Sitting in my tub, with a blanket, my phone, and my switch. I’ll stay there all day and go to bed; sometimes I’ll sleep in the tub and stay there all day. I listened to music. Just daydream. I write a bit more now for my own purposes. It’s been nice. But not enough to get me out of a funk.
I finally accept it.
I’m just a person to be there and happy for others and their things. I think I finally get that now. I’ve slowly removed myself from social media and with the expectation of performance. I’m not a performer; I’m supposed to just be the audience. While this isn’t an “I quit” because this is all my job experience the past few years now, this is just an “I surrender”. I’m used to the fact in my waking life I’m no person’s ‘favorite’ or ‘go to’; so I guess now I’m coming to terms with that with work and with drawing in general. I have company clients I’m wrapping up work for but after that, I’ll be taking down my commission information and artist alley gallery. etc. I’ll shut down the store; I’ll do one last sale and either give away/throw away my extra items.
I just have to start entirely from square one. Maybe negative one? I went on what feels like the world’s longest pity party to say I’m taking a break, and seeing how the world broke in 2020 there is a chance I won’t be able to come back. And I don’t want people jumping me say “how dare” “you don’t try hard enough” or “shut up and just wait until next year/try again next year”
I’m covering my bases. If things look up then I’ll just happily delete this later.
But I can’t just ignore the reality of it all. I’m not ok and I haven’t been. And I just want to stare at my ceiling guilt-free for a bit. (I did this last night and it is fucking gross looking, gotta clean it.) 
Stay safe, stay indoors, and stay clever.
[[TL;DR: After continuing to get beat down by the world the past two years, this year pushed me past a tipping point. I can’t keep being a lukewarm illustrator at best and I am slowly wondering if I even want to; I want the space to figure that out. And don’t want the same friends who tell me “draw this, color this” to hound me on that decision either: it has the same energy when a kid with asthma can’t breathe and you talk over them and say “just inhale and exhale”.]]
I hereby release me from the pressure to post consistently because honestly, it is the only time I hear from anyone anyway So this is me choosing silence for a bit.
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flakandforay · 5 years
MMA and MAMA 2019 Theory
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welcome back loves to another theory with me!!! so it really has been a while since I have done any theory, mainly because homegirl is stuck in uni and is dying in it with useless group mates but anyway, i finally got back to doing another ever since I watched the MMA and MAMA 2019 ones and wow, there is so much to unpack. 
also, a huge congratulations to our 4-Daesang winners aka BTS who not only swept all of the Daesangs in MAMA but MMA in 2019. honestly, still shocking considering how we all know how the industry is like lmao. but anyway, let’s begin.
if you want to support my ko-fi, feel free to do so
⇝ theory masterlist 
theory: if I were to compare their MMA and MAMA VCRs, I believe there’s more to analyse for the MAMA ones because of the length and also because MMA’s one, I believe the hints are more centred around the individual performances and set ups. 
So starting off with MMA, looking at the VCR. I am putting it out there is literally I Need U all over again. The camera pans out to Namjoon, Seokjin, Jimin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung and lastly Jungkook. For some reason, this has me thinking of the HYYH the Notes pairings that I keep mentioning throughout the theories about them. (read here) These were similar to that of Wings, but I guess Namjoon and Seokjin’s pairing was the one of the BST JP and instead of Taehyung being that Omelas boy, though some may say it’s Jungkook (because of how he is the youngest and he is affected by all and in this theory, Taehyung is the trigger), maybe could explain why the camera pans out to Jungkook last. 
do you not think that the setting reminds me of of HYYH? the whole light, couches thing etc 
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But moving on, if you see at 0:49, you see the shadows of the boys walking behind them at the back but somehow settling behind each respective member which I find extremely creepy and somehow reinforces that the next instalment is Shadow but at 1:05 it shows the lighter. 
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One could recall it being one of Yoongi’s key charcateristics as he smokes and across the HYYH the Reel, or in the I Need U MV, but at the same time, common with Jungkook’s Little Matchstick Girl story and of course not to forget, just like here In the VCR, how Namjoon worked at the gas station and somehow dropped the lollipop on a cash but it caught fire etc which somehow related to his death in one of the theories.
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We had Namjoon’s strong Persona intro and you could see at the back, the words ‘shadow’, ‘ego’, ‘what am I to you’ etc, scribbled behind though repeatedly. The words ‘shadow’ and ‘ego’ should be signifying the next two releases for bangtan’s map of the soul trilogy series based on jung’s map of the soul book which focused heavily on persona, shadow and ego along with many other theorists who believed that the other two instalments of the series to be called ‘shadow’ and ‘ego’. Other identified scribbles include ‘Im Not What’ ‘Happen to Me’, ‘No More Dream’, ‘Who are you, Who Am I’, ‘Dream, Love, Happiness’ etc. But anyway, after the Persona stage, the intro of ‘What am I to you’ is played and I swear it was Dark and Wild all over again before it went on to ‘Boy in Luv’ and parallelly, they moved on to ‘Boy With Luv’ such a stark contrast but shows their diversity. Afterwards, a short VCR with the truth untold instrumentals playing in the background before somehow they decided to crush my heart and played mikrokosmos and hearing Namjoon’s words is making me feel things.
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Anyway, moving on, after that stage ended, the VCR played again with how Jungkook woke up and this idea of trying to figure out who he is, as he watches various screens of himself across the years with eg Save Me, No More Dream , fake love playing, danger, the lines ‘I’m still looking for who I used to be, who I am now., before Namjoon hugs him (note the Wings pairing) before the rest comes together in this formation. Yoongi, Jimin, Namjoon, Jungkook, Jin, Hoseok and Taehyung; Taehyung was the last one. 
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similar to this 
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this reminds me of this open room in fake love as well for Seokjin.
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Then somehow in the midst of this, they show how the boys ‘appearing’, Jungkook forming from the clouds, Namjoon from the leaves, Jimin from smoke, Hoseok from the ‘fake love coloured setup’, Taehyung from ‘the spray can’ (he even had the sound effect of the spray can, Yoongi from fire and Jin from what seems to be in a room full of mirrors..? it seems oddly familiar but I can’t pinpoint as to where this is from. And yet after all this, as they all gaze into the screens, somehow only Taehyung is the one looking unsettled, at most a really really small smile, not sure if it was on purpose or just coincidental, 
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Jungkook’s ment cntinues ‘who I will be in the future’. At 18L47, it focused on Jungkok’s eyes to expand and show the milky way galaxy.  Then it moved on to the start of the Dionysus stage but somehow we are surprised to find 7 individual stages.
But moving on, apart form bangtan’s group stages, there is a need to pay close attention to the individual stages of each member. i bet bangtan’s main goal for these year end shows is to somehow showcase their humble beginnings with their underrated songs hence why they performed n.o., we are bulletproof pt.2 and boy in luv at both year end shows across, asides from promoting their later songs such as mikrokosmos, or boy with luv.
Notice the transitions among each individual stages. It’s literally their whole discography, more focus was on here rather than showing a vcr ,though the vcr they played was of the I need u feels and you cannot tell me otherwise once I placed the references here. One for their similar outfits and the I need u sofa cut scene in the MV with this MMA VCR. Not to mention it kind of reminds me of the HYH Epilogue VCR when they were taking a family portrait.
Anyway, the individual stages started off with Taehyung, with no more dream but the level of sophistication and performance was amazing but also quite heavy considering the no. of back dancers yet somehow they’re in this gladiator outfit/warrior outfits with the skirts. Also, the 4 people hanging from the hoops at the top, it casually reminded of te Olympics but that’s just my opinion and in no relation to this. Do take note of how altered the sound is to sound more like it’s fit for a battle scene, those loud hits of the drums etc and the resounding ‘la la la’ a sa battle cry or possibly an anthem. Note the scenes at the back to be mostly of the Greek/Roman kind of architecture. 
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Next, it transitioned to Seokjin whose song was Danger and interestingly, this kind of Greek/Roman concept continued on, as now they leveraged more on Seokjin’s looks for this stage with lesser dancing in comparison and made him stand on top of this makeshift Trojan horse. Take note of how the music for Danger instead of the hard hitting kind of song, it becomes a little bit more majestic, royal even but with power. Though Seokjin relatively dances way lesser, his stage presence and looks was enough to dominate the stage, like my god, just look at him??? Also, the back up dancers outfits seem to continue on with this. And when he really took the reins and let it whip to have this yellow horse run as though he whipped it, it ran across the screens (satisfying really), it changed to something more melodic.
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Here, you hear the acoustic version of I Need U which was actually played before unlike the other 2 versions of the songs (and actually the rest of the members’ as well), it was played at one of the year end show sin 2015 in which Yoongi actually played the piano and Jungkook was dancing, they were promoting Run at that time. But oh how this is so befitting for Jimin and his contemporary movies, it’s really so graceful, ethereal and wow. But they made this I Need U version more melodramatic with the use of strings such as violins and cello, listen to that rendition and melodies as well as the triangle I think (I literally forgot the name of that instrument) but then it moved on to Fire with Yoongi. 
Honestly, I don’t think anyone knew it was Fire until it started because of the really really hard hitting bass that really became outright rock and loud cries of ‘La, La, La’ and what sounded like ‘Jin’ although I am pretty sure it’s not but you get my point here. Honestly, thought the fire in the screens looked like a dead giveaway but with how hard the beat is hitting that became rock, it almost sounded like a mantra not to mention how loud and how great the drums sound here. Also note how Yoongi isn’t doing much, just minimal dance moves  like a body roll.
I must say the transition from Yoongi to Jungkook is quite abrupt because of the sharp contrast in the transition between their stages; from rock to something more pop? It’s a bit hard to adjust to, also the version for Save Me is so so different but yet so nice, it’s much more synthesized here and the choreography is centred to how the beats are in the music. To think this was done by Jungkook as well.
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At 25:54, we are seeing 7 lights to represent 7 stars, which apparently, this constellation represents Corona Borealis. It represents the crown the Princess wore on her wedding day when she married Dionysus. (see where we are going with this). You could see that throughout all of the stages, an additional light to represent a star was added after each performance and at the end with Namjoon, the Corona Borealis was completed. 
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Now, going back to Hoseok’s part with Fake Love but a much more EDM version to showcase his popping and then finally, we have this version of Dionysus, but look at that intro with the chorus singing and it showcases Namjoon. Although he is walking, it reminds me when he changed his jacket in 2017 for another year-end performance as he walked across the stage but now it’s for the staff. Literally, Namjoon is not doing anything but walking, but look at his stage presence????? 
And this was how Dionysus began but again with the 7 constellations, they really brought the 2 tiger balloons that they used at the concerts with them here at the MMA, with the foreign women throwing flowers which coincidentally was a Greek tradition.
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Yet again, before they start their performance, we have the same guy sounding the horn. But now we have guys in fedora hats which I am still confused as to why they are there. Well I did some research and turns out the use of fedora hats originated from a popular Russian play but the word originated from the Greeks themselves.  
The name Fedora is derived from the Greek word theodoros, which literally means "gift of God."  -History of Fedora
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I will like to sidetrack now to talk about the guy in the veil. so someone speculated on Twitter about the use of the veil in Greek culture and so this is how i went down to do my research etc and reading a paper on it. I have highlighted the necessary parts. 
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after reading this, one could say that the veil is a form of expression for anger. but mainly anger, then emotional pain and lastly grief. it can also be seen as ‘a form of retaliation, the victim’s way of punishing the offender’s breach of the rules of interaction’. you may consider seeing it as being petty, in a way of giving the silent treatment or just not giving one’s full attention but again, this goes deeper than on surface value. kinda interested to see how this would pan out in the future. 
However, enough of the hat and veil talk and its history, now going back to the performance. They even brought out the horses so honestly tell me what is going on. So doing more research, I dug out some. The reason why I am focused on the symbolism of these things inn Greece is due to the consistent Greek culture that is being cultivated, perhaps prior to the Dionysus one but it seems to be well incorporated in the various stages as well such as the Trojan horse  in Jin’s stage which was used to invade and win the war in Troy. But going back to the history of the horses, they symbolize wealth and status. The horse was often affiliated with heroes and Gods hence seeming to be far ‘important’ to the native Greeks. Not to mention the gladiators as well. Though gladiators were common with the Romans, the Greeks had them too but not as prevalent as the Romans. Interestingly, the Greeks refer them as ‘barbarians’.
For the Greeks, the gladiators were more of sacrifices to the Gods and those who emerged victorious during the Olympic games were blessed by Zeus and offered Zeus praise. In a way, if I were to put it in a different context, Zeus could be seen as a power play figure in terms of Big Brother (read 1984 theory here). Not entirely the same, but similarities are present. 
What is the link of Dionysus in all of this? Well apart from the song of Dionysus by the boys, as well as inclusion of the iconic grapes for wine-making and thyrsus, I found something interesting that could explain the use of Dionysus in all of this.
As we all know, Dionysus was the god of wine, grape harvest and in some others fertility as well. He was known later on to be ‘androgynous youth’; not exactly a man but a ‘man-womanish’. With his long history, ‘Dionysus had crossed boundary between life and death, and he was often portrayed as the god who crossed the boundary between the civilized and uncivilized and the known and the unknown.’. Somehow this makes me think that perhaps Seokjin is Dionysus, the idea that he is the one conscious enough throughout the HYYH universe that time is rewinding itself back to the fateful day where one by one, the boys kill themselves and he is the one trying to save them all. Not to mention, I still think the theory still holds that somehow Seokjin could also be seen in purgatory where he tries to give them back their innocence through using the lilies (read I Need U JP theory here). 
Interesting fact was that Dionysus was ‘born of fire and nursed by rain’. Opposites that link Yoongi and Jimin as well.
Based on here, apart from the fact that Dionysus was actually half mortal, he had the power to raise people from the dead, which was how he raised his mortal mother, Semele, from the dead.
Some others speculated about the whole Gods concept in which they claim BTS to represent of the 12 and basing it on their performance. This is what they came up with.
RM – Dionysus Jin – Athena Yoongi – Hephaestus Jimin – Artemis Taehyung – Apollo Hoseok – Zeus Jungkook – Poisedon
If we based it on this now, this could explain the certain dance breaks together here. Hoseok and Jungkook, Namjoon and Jin, Jimin and Taehyung then lastly Yoongi by himself. Yoongi is the only one being independent in a way. I guess also why they did the N.O. break was because they did not perform anything from that era (that + YNWA, BST, DNA and Answer) but then again, we are blessed by their whole discography. 
so first of all, their VCR especially for MAMA was heavily reliant on time periods.
Basically, what was relayed in the video is as such. The calling; future.
It started with the damn hourglass again, when will it stop??
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They showed in the VCR these 7 white-veiled guys who I assumed would be them and is them but is also a carry over from the MMA scene in which during Tae’s stage and before Jin’s one, you see the white veiled guy next to the horses.
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The VCR had very interesting transitions which reminded me of the Wings short stories with the various symbols, not to mention the fact it was heavily focused on Hoseok’s eyes which was similar to his short film of MAMA. The transition in and out of it. Past meets future. I will bet that this was Hoseok’s eye just by seeing the shape and also here’s a reference from MAMA. 
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The VCR had very interesting transitions and glitches, literally throwback to the 2017 MAMA VCR. That barren one person scene reminded me of DNA. 
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MAMA VCR Screenshots 
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The last picture reminds me a bit of BST, like the part where Yoongi plays the organ. Here’s a reference photo. 
More VCR screenshots just giving me the vibes of BST. 
MAMA VCR Screenshots
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BST MV screenshots 
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Then the VCR stopped and BTS performed N.O. a really throwback song followed by We are Bulletproof Pt. 2. Notice how the VCR changed to intro them performing N.O. the whole scratches reminds me of MAMA for some reason, MAMA being Hoseok’s short film. Honestly, I thought it was great because they showed everyone that this was their origins to their success and they never forgot about it despite being how big they are and how they got their popularity through other genres and not the original Hip-Hop kind that they were promoting back then. They had the iconic hands again.
After this, VCR continued to show the past meets the present. They showed the boys during backstage of the concert, during it and think about it as the way it was edited to be like Burn the Stage and Bring the Soul movies. Those kinds. They showed the Mnet debut showcase. ‘We doubted ourselves all the time, we tried to overcome the fear we encountered. They showed their first win on the music show with ‘I Need U’. ‘Dreams are our realities from now on.’  This was said by Namjoon. Now showing all of the Daesangs that they achieved throughout the years starting with 2016 and how Yoongi cried. ‘We are no longer sad or pain’.
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Past meets present: World.
The Vcr showed the 7-veiled guys and this was their arrangement, Tae, Suga, Jin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Jimin and Hoseok.
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Do you not think this positioning of the veiled guys remind you of the fake love cloak stands. So from a clothes stand to a veiled person. 
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They then performed Boy with Luv and Mikrokosmos. During Mikrokosmos, they had stairs shown behind them before they pan out to the VCR again that started off with an hourglass. For some reason those veiled guys appear again and to be exact there are 7 of them. Not to mention the hourglass glitching giving me the BST JP. Vibes. When the phrase ‘all our time’ came out, they really had some collisions much like DNA.
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cue the fake love MV with the smeraldo flower. 
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Look at the stairs behind them. I went to check and do some research etc. Based on this, the ladder is most commonly known to be the connection between heaven and earth. Notice how it’s heaven and not hell. There is no mention of the underworld or hell. But if we were to look at this, I did some more research about the symbolism of stairs in Greek mythology. 
A lot of the references is that the ladders/stairs are to be the connector between heaven and earth; there was no mention again of the underworld. But another closer research showed this. 
In the temples that have them, it seems likely that one stair was intended for ascending, the other for descending.
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Here it talks about well, it’s a one-way kind of stairs, it’s not one where you can use the stairs for both up and down but rather a separate one. Also, these stairs were commonly found in temples of Zeus, Apollo, Aphrodite, Athena, Hera etc which if referred on top, are some of the Gods that the boys were speculating to be. 
Yet, looking inside the article, they talked about ‘epiphany windows’ and my brain suddenly malfunctioned because epiphany windows????? E P I P H A N Y???
Epiphany provided an inherent sacredness and enhanced the-role of the temple in expressing sanctity.36 Even without actual "windows" forrestaging or framing events, epiphanies could be expected in and around temples.
An epiphany (from the ancient Greek ἐπιφάνεια, epiphanea, "manifestation, striking appearance") is an experience of a sudden and striking realization.
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so again i did more research, epiphany in Greece is like the ‘festival of light’. 
On Epiphany, the Greek Orthodox Church performs

 the ‘Great Blessing of the Waters’.
 This ceremony is usually performed twice, once on the eve of Epiphany which is performed in the church, and then again on the actual day outdoors with priests blessing large bodies of water, sea, rivers, lakes etc.
This reminded me of Jungkook with his performance with the water. But anywa, about epiphanies, I might just do another theory for that sometime later. 
Now moving on, 
Future meets present: Calling
Past meets present: World
They reiterated these two concepts back again at the end of the VCR.
Present meets future: Eternal Journey
Eventually they were all of the veiled guys but particularly Jimin was the first one.
All our time.
The VCR then showed the boys with props/items.
Hoseok -> Frame Yoongi -> Hourglass Jimin -> Polaroid Camera (Retro) Namjoon -> Mic Jungkook -> Recording Camera (Retro) Taehyung -> Violin Jin -> Opera spectacles
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Interestingly, these items as seen from this Twitter are considered to be retro, they still remain relevant despite them looking old. However, if you were to think of it in relation to the HYYH universe, Hoseok’s frame that he held reminds me of the MAMA portrait that was shown in the short film of his called MAMA but at the same time it reminds me the link between Hoseok and Jimin as they both stare at the same picture
Yoongi’s hourglass does not hit much of resemblance upfront but if you were to consider the meaning of the hourglass which is to tell time, specifically how much time left. You would think of the pairing between Yoongi and Jungkook; in a way Jungkook was running out of time to save Yoongi. In some alternate universe, Jungkook failed to save Yoongi hence the I Need  MV, and if you read based on the notes, the incidents between Yoongi and Jungkook do not happen all on the same day, but relatively near to each other. However in the Euphoria MV, it could be seen that Jungkook managed to save Yoongi, even in the webtoon series, Jin managed to save Yoongi as he found out what time was he going to die and which motel, but though Yoongi did not want to be alive.
Jimin’s retro polaroid camera, similar to Jungkook’s retro recording camera, they do not have much resemblance to the HYYH universe but rather their true personalities in which both Jimin and Jungkook engage in these kind of hobbies. Rather these things, coincidentally are more prominently found with Jin throughout the HYYH universe. In the HYYH Prologue and later on, Jin was the one known to have both a polaroid camera and a recording camera that he uses to capture the moments with the boys hence the idea of whether or not Seokjin was reliving the moments or not. (read Prologue theory here).
Before their last stage of Dionysus, the camera panned out and you see various animals as constellations eg goat, dolphin, lion, cheetah, goblet etc. Interestingly, if you look at here and here, it seemed as though Dionysus had the power to also transform into a lion or a bull and the latter shows that his symbols were leopard skin, panther and cheetah. 
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But the main one was the snake eg anaconda but the backup dancers were the ones in fedoras just like in MMA. thought that was an interesting edition. 
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anyway, throughout these 2 award shows, one could say they are riding on the whole Greek theology and concepts without ever culture appropriating it. i am sure they have been doing their own research and I can’t wait to see what else is in store for them. 
JOURNAL ARTICLEINTERIOR STAIRCASES IN WESTERN GREEK TEMPLESMargaret M. MilesMemoirs of the American Academy in RomeVol. 43/44 (1998/1999), pp. 1-26Published by: University of Michigan Press for the American Academy in RomeDOI: 10.2307/4238755https://www.jstor.org/stable/4238755Page Count: 26 JOURNAL ARTICLEAnger and the Veil in Ancient Greek CultureD. L. CairnsGreece & RomeVol. 48, No. 1 (Apr., 2001), pp. 18-32Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of The Classical Associationhttps://www.jstor.org/stable/826867Page Count: 15
[Photo Source] Bighit Entertainment  Credits: maxine ☕️ DO NOT REPOST ©
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f-nodragonart · 5 years
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What Defines a Dragon (for worldbuilding purposes)?
alright, I think this is gonna be the final FINAL draft of this nonsense (or at least, the version I’ll be able to go back and edit p easily when needed). idk WHY I thought it would be a good idea to jam a ton of info in the flowchart itself rather than delegate it to the text of the post, but we learn from our mistakes I guess
disclaimer that I’m much more familiar w/ biological classification, so the sociocultural route is a bit sparse. if anyone has further suggestions/fixes for that route, I’m all ears
anyways, for anyone who came here for a straight answer concerning what “counts” as a dragon in terms of real-life culture/history, or even just popular media... I have to laugh
y’all, “dragon” in real life is a cultural term, and as I will discuss in this very guide, sociocultural constructs can be... difficult. dragon definitions vary wildly by culture, and serve very different purposes across different cultural narratives. and that’s if the term “dragon” even exists in that culture’s language in the first place, and/or if that culture wants their creature to even be associated w/ the (often Western) baggage that accompanies the word “dragon”
point is, there’s literally no solid “yes/no” answer to the question, “is this creature a dragon?” you can ONLY answer that question with context. the purpose of this post is to help guide you through that context in terms of worldbuilding (under the assumption that dragons actually exist in a given world)
that said, while the criteria for dragons outlined here may appear loose at times, trust me when I say even the loosest definitions require some boundaries. not to stifle creativity here, but having no clear definition of “dragon” can be more than a little frustrating for our audience. if we label everything from a beetle, to a snake, to a winged wolf a “dragon”, our audience won’t take the term seriously; it won’t hold weight as a realistic part of our world’s lexicon that actually MEANS something. guidelines of some sort are essential, even if they're somewhat arbitrary, depending on context
also keep in mind that some of these approaches can occur simultaneously. a culture could have a taxonomic term that is applied in a systematic way to describe a certain lineage of organisms, while also using the same term in a slightly different functional/colloquial context. for example, “plant” is a valid taxonomic descriptor, but it is often colloquially used to encompass fungi as well, as a means of differentiating “plant-like” organisms from animals
that all out of the way, let’s start:
What defines a dragon?
Well first, are you grouping creatures based on biological or sociocultural lexicon?
Biological: go to 1
Sociocultural: go to 6
1: Biological
Is this classification based on evolutionary relation (cladistic taxonomy) or adaptive similarity (morphology, ecology)?
Evolutionary relation: go to 2
Adaptive similarity: go to 3
2: Evolutionary relation
Biological taxonomy (specifically cladistics) is tricky, but can work out pretty well if you're familiar with evolutionary theory and can nail down specific constraints. This post provides a more in-depth overview of taxonomy (specifically the Taxonomy/Classification section), but I’ll briefly talk abt it here as well.
Cladistics traces direct descendance/genetic history, and as these relations are mapped, certain groups will naturally "nest" within other groups, thus building a "tree" of lineages that connects all life to one another.
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This is classic monophyletic grouping-- where a group consists of all descendants of a common ancestor, as defined by their shared apomorphies (the derived traits that are unique to a particular clade). There are other types of grouping that will be more useful in other sections (see 4), but you just need to worry about monophyly on this route.
This grouping is based on homology-- the assumption that certain organisms have similar traits because they descended from the same ancestor who passed on those traits to their descendants, thus making these descendants closely related.
Now, we have a lot of characteristics to consider when drawing out evolutionary relationships. Just, tons and tons. And it really all depends on how your dragons originated. Are they descended from ancestral mammals, reptiles, fish, or even invertebrates such as insects? Are they even more distinctly separated from other organisms-- perhaps they diverged as far back as a wormy ancestor, or they might have had a completely separate life-creation event? All of these different origins would result in wildly different sets of dragons, and distinct sets of traits used to classify the dragons of these various settings.
And this doesn’t even get into the unique constraints of the world your dragons may live in. See the Universal Biology section of that evolution post for more information on this front, but basically there are many ways to make a world, and not all of them have to be Earth-centric. (However, the first step to understanding fantasy biology is to understand our Earth's biology; this makes it a lot easier to warp and bend fantasy bio to your whims)
Either way, there are so many traits that could possibly define dragons, you really need to think long and hard about your dragons’ evolutionary origins, how these origins are reflected in their structures, and how this all relates back to the world they live in. I can't cover every possible divergence in bauplan/behavior that could reasonably be used to define a clade of animals, so I'd suggest reading up on basic animal taxonomy-- specifically what apomorphies define certain clades.
If you need a place to start, then in terms of dragons and their wildly diverse bauplans, one of the biggest differences to keep in mind is limb number, imo. I get into the complexities of hexapodal evolution here, if this is the direction you want to take.
3: Adaptive similarity
While evolutionary classification relies on "nested" direct descendance, adaptive similarity (at least as I define it here) groups organisms by certain adaptive morphology, behaviors, ecological functions, etc. whether the organisms are closely related or not.
This type of definition isn’t necessarily useful to taxonomic classification, but it’s essential to ecological observations and adaptive evolutionary theory. If you don't feel like planning out a rough evolutionary history for your dragons, this may be your next best bet for labeling.
I personally feel that there are two main ways to approach this, both of which often bleed into one another: morphology and ecology. I’ll be using magical ability as an example for both of these paths depending on context, but there are plenty of other traits you could choose from for this route.
Morphology: go to 4
Ecology: go to 5
4: Morphology
Here we'll be grouping dragons by their morphological/physiological traits. Yes, the taxonomic route technically uses the same approach since we can't do in-depth fantasy phylogenetics. However, rather than using homology, we’ll be utilizing analogy-- the assumption that similar characteristics are a result of the organisms in question facing similar environmental stressors that would require similar traits to survive and thrive.
For example, the "sabre-tooth suite" is a group of extinct animals that are part of different taxonomic groups (felidae, marsupials, etc.), yet evolved traits and bauplans that are uncannily similar (giant canines, a bulky feliform frame, etc.). Thus, grouping these animals together provides researchers an accessible label and a springboard to study how/why this convergence came about.
For a more fantastical example: perhaps similar environmental stressors in several distinct habitats push certain species' spiritual abilities to the brink. Eventually, a lucky critter or two from each habitat was born with a higher ability for spiritual/magical manipulation. Viola-- the beginnings of a new physiological ability, as determined by a specific set of environmental circumstances.
It may also be useful to utilize polyphyletic grouping here if you want to compromise taxonomic and adaptive classification.
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As you can see, paraphyletic grouping cuts certain nested clades out of a broader clade for the purpose of defining a group based on a larger range of similar traits. Here, mammalia and aves are cut out of the clade amniota in order to define the group “reptilia” which shares traits such as hard scales and egg-laying. In this instance, these traits are ARE passed down from a common ancestor, but the whole clade isn’t included in the definition due to morphological divergence, so it isn’t strictly descendance-based taxonomics either.
5: Ecology
Functional ecology refers to the 'roles' certain species/populations play in an ecosystem. This is heavily dependent on what niches these organisms fill, which could be based on diet, migration patterns, or just about any other behavior or physiological trait that could affect an ecosystem.
For example, riparian macroinvertebrates are often split into functional feeding groups (typically shredders, predators, grazers, and collectors) depending on what they eat and how they physically eat their food. These are important labels because the way they eat has distinct impacts on the river ecosystem.
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However, most of these creatures aren't closely related, and many are only in these groups during the larval stages of their lives.
“Guilds” can also be a useful way of grouping certain populations/species together in order to better understand their interactions. A guild is a group of species that utilize the same resource, often in a similar way, and is defined according to the attributes, locations, and activities of the species involved. Guilds aren’t strictly defined, and can vary depending on exactly what sort of interactions you’re looking at, what organisms are being included within the community, and the boundaries of the community being studied. Thus, a guild could be as broad as, “Seed-eating animals of the Amazon rainforest,” or as narrow as, “Birds of a central 20x20 acre plot of the Amazon rainforest who eat seeds no larger than 2 cm in length.”
For a more fantastical example: magical abilities would likely have unique effects on a given species' surrounding environment and communities. Thus, any species with magical abilities may deserve ecological distinction for impacting their environments in very specific ways.
While this classification is similar to the morphological route, the distinction here is that ecological groups are defined by their impact on their environment, whereas morphological groups are defined by how the environment has impacted them. These two routes obviously bleed into each other quite a bit, but it can still help to figure out what direction you’re approaching the definition from.
6: Sociocultural
On this route, we’ll start unraveling the labels of your world's dragons by approaching from the perspective of those making the labels in the first place.
This is NOT to assume that the alternate biological route ISN’T affected by the perspective of, say, theoretical researchers-- science is as much about perspective and decision-making as anything else. However, in that route, the perspective is really just you-- the creator OUTSIDE the world-- defining ecological/evolutionary relationships in a world you have full control over. Here, we are undertaking the perspective of the characters/cultures INSIDE your world who are making labels for things in a world they don’t necessarily have control over.
For ease of writing, I’ll be constructing this route under the assumption that your world’s ‘labelers’ are human, but that doesn’t HAVE to be the case. Your labelers could be literally ANY creature that you are assuming as your narrative perspective-- hell, it could even be the dragons themselves! If your labelers aren’t human, then you’ll prolly want to do some deeper worldbuilding into these creatures’ psychology and/or sociocultural understanding of the world before you try to figure out their relation to dragons in particular. Otherwise, you may not have enough of a narrative base to jump off from!
Anyways, sociocultural lexicon can be a bit tricky when you’re first figuring it out. It may feel so loose and undefined, how can any boundaries be set for definition? It may help to first figure out the functional role of dragons in your labelers’ culture, then perhaps fine-tune it with some psychological organization.
Functional roles: go to 7
Psychological: go to 8
7: Functional roles
This route is very similar to the ecological route, but in this instance we’re focusing on the function/role a group of creatures plays which directly affects the “labeling” culture in question, not necessarily the overall role a group of creatures plays in their ecosystem (though these routes may still overlap).
So, before we define the function of dragons to your culture, what is the function of the role the culture is defining in the first place?
is the role critical to the culture’s survival (source of food/other resources, dangerous predator/resource competition, keystone species in the culture’s immediate environment, etc.) or more of a casual observation (a source of rare but nonessential resources, a strange creature that is interesting/beautiful to observe, a creature you can commune with to gain arcane knowledge, etc.)?
figuring out the role the dragons’ role itself plays in a culture will often reveal what criteria is used to define dragons. If dragons are important for the resources they provide, then they may be defined by the “materials” they’re composed of (shiny scales, tender/tasty meat, healing/magical blood, etc.). If dragons pose a direct threat to the culture, they may be defined by their temperament (vicious, territorial, bloodthirsty), and/or the physical threat they impose (hooked claws, speed, large size, stealth, fire breath, etc.). If dragons play a critical role in a culture’s home environment, then the dragons may be defined by their skills (any kind of magical proficiency, elemental breath/control, etc.), and/or their temperament yet again (benevolent, mysterious, etc.). If dragons are valued for their appearance (and perhaps associated behavior), then they’d prolly be defined by that appearance (color/iridescence, display features, melodic voice, etc.).
Labeling of this sort is not always cut-and-dry, as oftentimes these roles will overlap, or individual dragons may not hit every checkmark of a culture’s definition of “dragon”. “Bloodthirsty” and “benevolent” are both rather subjective descriptions, after all, and if your dragons are multi-faceted individuals like real-life organisms (which I certainly hope they are..), then their individual interests will shift in time with their environment, and these interests may pit them against OR bring them in line with humans in turn.
It’s worth noting that many indigenous cultures recognize this fluidity/flexibility in the temperaments and roles of various species in their environment, whereas stricter binaries are the result of modern Western trends. Labels are important for communication, but real-life is hardly so accommodating to the boundaries we attempt to draw.
It’s also important to think about what sensory organs are critical to your labeling species/culture. Humans are a HIGHLY visual species, followed by (in my opinion) tactile, so we tend towards descriptions of shape, size, and color. This doesn’t HAVE to be the case for your labeling species, however-- perhaps they focus much more on sound, or scent? Or maybe behavior is more important than morphology?
8: Psychological
Approaching from a psychological angle doesn’t necessarily answer WHAT defines a dragon-- you’ll still need to visit #7 for that, if you haven’t already. However, a psychological base may help better organize your thoughts on your culture’s criteria for dragons.
There are tons of theories about how we group/label things, but the two theories I'm going to focus on here are exemplar and prototype theory. These theories could very well occur in tandem, but it's easier to talk about them separately.
Exemplar: go to 9
Prototype: go to 10
9: Exemplar
Exemplar theory states that the more we encounter different examples of a Thing, the more representations (exemplars) of that Thing we have stored up in our memories. This builds up a subconscious list of traits that all these exemplars share which categorize them as that Thing, despite any unique/differing characteristics they may also display. Thus, as we learn and encounter more examples of the Thing, we can slot these new examples into the pre-established mental category of the Thing rather than trying to define them as completely new, unique things.
For example, when we learn about birds in our youth, we encounter all sorts of species of bird that we're told are birds, despite unique characteristics.
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Thus, we ever so gradually learn to pick out their shared traits (feathers, beaks, wings, etc.), and recognize those traits in newly-encountered species of bird.
When it comes to dragons, the culture in question may encounter many different species over time, and eventually come to recognize defining/critical traits shared among all these species. This subconscious list of traits ultimately defines these species as what this culture labels "dragon", despite any other unique differences that may set certain species apart.
10: Prototype
Prototype theory states that we initially develop an ideal prototype of a Thing which has all the characteristics/traits we'd expect any example of that Thing to have. With that prototype at the center, we categorize and grade the membership of other examples of the Thing around it, with more central examples being "more perfect" and outer examples being "less perfect".
For example, we may have a mental image that pops up when we think "bird"-- this may very well be our bird prototype.
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Then we grade birds on their "birdyness" compared to that bird prototype, with some birds being more "birdy" than others.
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When it comes to dragons, the culture in question may have a dragon prototype of a specific species that they subconsciously compare to other creatures. This “ideal” species has all the traits that the culture considers essential to the broader definition of “dragon”, and is used to grade all other species’ “dragon-ness”.
-Mod Spiral
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jace-the-writer-guy · 5 years
A dream game of mine
These are the ideas I often come up with for a dream game, and it just combines so many elements from different things I've played or watched videos of into one huge and crazy thing that would be amazing to see and play. It's pretty much a pipe dream in this lifetime of mine but I can't help but imagine it. So without anymore stalling, here's all my ramblings about it.
I would just really love a game like Skyrim is, but just... more. Like Skyrim has a bunch of the adventure/exploration elements I love in a game, but I didn't think it had enough diversity in scenery and it all felt cold because of the part of the world it was set in.
I would love a game that was like Elder Scrolls Online in size with all the different provinces you can go to with all that land to explore between the snowy areas, desert areas, and forest/jungle areas and all the settlements that would be scattered throughout. And all the scenery in that game was beautiful to me. And along with that, add the crafting/blacksmithing stuff from ESO too, because that was the main thing I did when I played the game. I created everything I used from different swords and armor.
And speaking of swords and armor, I'd love the game to have what ESO does, which was have there be different styles of weapons and armor you can craft after you read the plans or whatever for it. Like a steel sword can be one style, or you can craft it in another style but it would have the same stats, just a different look. Same with armor too. Or a greatsword could be more on the skinny side, or you could make it be a massive weapon like what the Buster Sword is.
Whatever weapons you favorite will be visible on your character and you can choose where you want something specifically placed. For example, a Ranger could have their bow across their chest and back and their quiver of arrows at their back either behind either shoulder or at their waist, or on their thigh while they have a dagger on one hip and a sword on the other. You can't have too many weapons on your body though. There would be a weapon wheel you can bring up that lets you choose between what weapons you have favorited.
The weapons and armor would be highly customizable too. Like with armor, you could mix and match different pieces or furs to make something unique to you, and for weapons you could add different accessories to them like jeweled hilts or carved bow shafts.
As for the exploration, I think it would be a phenomenal thing to focus on in a fantasy game. With so many environments like what I mentioned above with forests to snowy areas, there can be some absolute magic to be discovered like beautiful lakes or ponds, or something like my Heaven's Clearing area I created in my RWBY AU. Mountainous areas with waterfalls cascading down the rocks? Giant trees in a gorgeously lush forest with a treehouse village? A snowy village deep within the mountains? An ancient and run down fortress in a canyon with only one small valley to access it? Sprawling cave systems in the mountains? Tropical beaches? A beautiful oasis hidden in the middle of a vast desert? Explore and you can find stuff like this and more.
Examples of the sights you could see. I don't know the artists sadly. I found these all on Reddit at r/imaginarylandscapes)
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And if and when you find this stuff? Build there if you want! It could be like Fallout 76 with the C.A.M.P. thing, but you have such an extreme amount of freedom to build kind of like in Minecraft, and have the building be like a mix between Minecraft, 7 Days to Die, and Ark. Build what you want from a nice, cozy little cabin in the woods, or a big estate on the mountainside with the waterfalls going under the house. Make it as big and as grand, or as small and as cozy as you want it to be with loads of decoration stuff you can build, and with different variations to the decorations. Different styles of beds, candles, wardrobes, chests, doors, windows, whatever. Just give unmatched variety. And of course for all of them, you would have to go out and find the materials, like for a simple cabin you would have to go out and either buy the lumber, or cut it down yourself. Or if you want to just dig into the side of a hill or mountain and mold your home from there, you absolutely can, given you have the equipment to dig it all out. Or you could just be a nomad and camp around anywhere you wanted while you travel and not be held down to one place.
Character customization would let you be able to make the character you want for a fantasy game like this is in my imagination. Loads of different hairstyles, body types, eye/hair/skin colors, customize your height to be the size of a Goliath (in D&D) or a gnome and so on. Pick from a variety of races from human, different races of elves, dwarves, halflings gnomes, goliaths, orcs and tabaxis', mix races, and more. And in game, you can really pick any type of clothing/armor style you want from even more choices. And along with that, you can of course pick different classes for your character to be from a fighter/warrior, to a ranger, to a magic user, to a bard, or whatever. You pick your skills from a huge list of stuff for each class and you go around and do what you want to do as that character. And like with Dragon's Dogma (one of my favorite games), you can change your class instead of being tied into one class at really any point in the game that you felt like. And you can multiclass too and combine any two classes you want to try.
Magic in the game would be more... magical. Like you start out with basic spells if you're one of the magic using classes with sorcerers getting a bit more, but it all starts out as just looking very dull. And when you train and level up your magical abilities and find new spells out of the huge selection of them in the game, the magic gets more and more bright, vivid, colorful, vibrant, and flashy too so you can actually see the results of all the levels you poured into your magic.
It wouldn't just be exploration though, considering weapons, armor, and magic would be in the game. There would be so many different jobs and ways to make gold to choose from, and there would be multiple long running quests you could accept that would be like something from D&D. And a thing for that is that the game can either be single player and you can pick a party of NPCs to join you through your adventures, or you could switch it over to multiplayer and invite a few of your friends in to explore the world together or do these quests and split the rewards from both the journey itself and the reward for completing the quests. The questscan have different styles, like serious ones and some where there can be some fun, like a Borderlands mission.
And as something in between these quests, you could have different jobs you can choose from like I mentioned. You can start your own mine or lumber yard to sell ores, precious gems, or wood to anyone (NPC or player) that wants/needs it. You can do guard duty for someone, you could scout an area out for any dangers for someone wanting to build a house or for military, or chart out unknown parts of the world and draw a map of it (provided you take a cartography skill) and sell them to people. You could even just be a simple hunter and hunt game to provide meat and pelts for yourself and for trade. Or be a bard and make some music between more somber songs or uplifting ones, or ones where you just tell the tales of events that have happened in the game. And for that, the game would have a huge score of music. And there would be bounty hunting quests as well, and sometimes they can lead into something more.
You have the choice between if you want to be a combat focused character or a trader/craftsman focused character or something along those lines. In single player, you could hire an NPC bodyguard and they would be extremely competent (unlike the referees in WWE games :p) in battles in order to protect you. Or in multiplayer, your friends could provide your protection while you create trade routes or gather materials, or explore the world for treasures. And it could be the other way around with you being the bodyguard and your friend being the one you're protecting too.
Choose your own backstory from a huge list of options. You could have a backstory as a simple farmer, a guard, a soldier, a trader, a blacksmith, a mercenary, or a craftsman to name a few. Each backstory comes with a specific set of gear depending on the backstory and an area of the world you start out with and in. Like a mercenary would start with light armor and a battle axe, having just completed a job in the colder regions so you would have fur cloaks and armor or you could have just completed a job in a more tropical spot of the world.
And romance too! You could have your character romance any NPC in the game no matter if they're male or female, unless they're already married. Or if you want to do a bit more, romance them both! Start a family with them, and hire bodyguards to protect them while you're out adventuring, if your spouse doesn't have any combat skills of course. Or hire bodyguards anyway to secure your childrens' safety.
See a dog you want to adopt? Adopt it! Same with cats or any other animal you might see up for adoption or for sale from somewhere. Each province have different kinds of pets you can get, so traveling the world for your perfect hunting/travel buddy or housemate may be something to do. And you can name your pet too. Or you could even capture and tame a wolf or tiger or something in the wild too if you wanted. Also, you can pet your pets. Give them attention!
For travel, you could either carry the bare essentials on your character and just walk either alone or with a companion by your side, or you could save your gold for a horse or go tame a wild one to ride through the world. And on top of that, you can buy different types of wagons to carry all the things you need to set up a larger camp for yourself or for your companions. Larger wagons mean the need for an extra horse. And you can also buy or craft accessories for your horse and wagons, like different saddles or canopies respectively.
And also for travel across the seas, you can either pay for passage on a ship or save up gold to buy your own and hire your own crew to go on voyages. Along with that, one thing you could do is become a pirate if you chose to in case you didn't want to just spend your days on land, or become a trade vessel to transport goods from place to place, or you could even just have it become a passenger ship and take gold to take people across the sea. Search for buried treasure and pillage other ships as a pirate, or discover an island to claim for yourself and your friends.
One thing that would be in the game would be hunting, from small game all the way up to dragons. The hunting is something I enjoy so much in Red Dead Online that I would love to see it in a game like this with so many animals and creatures. Of course there would be stuff like boars, deer, bears, and animals like that but there would also be fantasy creatures to try to hunt, and the biggest, baddest, most difficult, and most rewarding would be dragons if you chose to hunt them. But you could just stick to hunting normal animals too, because that can be very rewarding in its own way like with what I said before about hunting. And of course, you could go fishing at one of the many rivers, streams, ponds, or lakes in the game too.
There would be two separate modes you could do between a more casual experience or something more hardcore. The casual mode would be that you don't have to worry about eating, drinking, sleeping, or worrying about temperature to survive while the survival mode would include all those things, plus the need to watch out for poisons, venom, or diseases or anything like that so players can enjoy the game how they want to enjoy it.
One thing about the game is that there is single player and multiplayer of course, but the multiplayer would have private servers and public ones for if you only wanted to play with friends, or if you wanted to take it online and interact with a bunch of other players. And on top of that, there would be separate servers for players who only want to have a peaceful time with other players where they can't attack each other at all, and servers where PvP is fully on for the players that want the danger of dealing with other players that want to take them out so there aren't those types of people in the same servers. Choose your server, choose your experience.
Another thing that would be a part of the game is full, unrestricted mod support. Create mods for the game to craft it into something truly special either with different weapons, armors, spells, quests, races, or anything. Download any mod you want at your discretion, no matter what it is. And the mod support would span all platforms the game is on with absolutely no restrictions regardless of platform or the content of the mods.
To make the game even more special, you can create a new character at any time you want, and your previous character will still be wondering the world while you're starting anew. And if you end up finding your other character, you can form a team with them and easily switch back and forth between the two. That would make it possible to create your own adventuring party rather than hire NPCs or relying on your friends. Or, you can just have your characters be completely separate. And if you wanted to, you could possibly romance your own characters if you can't find the right NPC in the huge world.
The hud would be something very simple, with a health and energy/mana meter, a mini map, and radar. Each thing here can be toggled on or off so you could just have your health and energy/mana showing while turning off the radar and map, or you could have it all be turned off to have nothing on your screen for a more immersive experience. You can switch between third and first person to increase that even more.
Basically what I want is some huge fantasy exploration/adventure/action/RPG, something so huge with so many things to do that it has such an immense amount of playability and replayability. Something set in an hugely detailed and gorgeous world with multiple large provinces/climates/biomes. It would take an insane amount of time to try to explore every little part of the world, along with completing all the quests. And there would never really be a shortage of quests because they would keep being added every once in a while to the game through free updates, along with the ones added through mods.
That's all I have to share about this huge, crazy, borderline impossible dream game of mine right now. I might add more to it if/when I think of more. I hope you all enjoyed the read if you decided to read it. I'd love to hear what you guys think, and I'd love to hear your own ideas if you have them.
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sisterofiris · 5 years
Hey! My students and I in Greek class are trying to adapt Achilles and Hector's fight in Iliad XXII as a comic. Well, they handle the writing and I handle the drawing^^ Anyway, I think you're the best person I know to ask: for Hector's armour, which ancient people should I try to reference? I know the historical Wilusa was part of the Hittite empire but it doesn't mean they were Hittites... Can you help me? Thanks!
I know you said you didn’t need this answered after all, since Hector is wearing Patroclus’ armour in that passage. Still, this is a wonderful question and for the sake of anyone interested in the historical Trojan War era, I want to discuss it anyway.
The first point we need to explore is the question of Trojan political allegiance, and more broadly, Trojan ethnicity. In the early 13th century BC, the city of Wiluša (now identified with Troy) fell under Hittite authority. This would mean that in the mid- to late 13th century BC, the most likely time a historical Trojan War would’ve happened, Troy was technically part of the Hittite empire. Note, however, the use of the word technically.
In the ancient world (and right up until the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 AD), empires, like any other kind of governed land, were perceived differently than in the modern era. There was no concept of a single “country” with a single ethnicity, culture, language, or religion. Even borders were a lot more fluid, which is why maps like this one are inaccurate. The coloured area can better be described not as Hittite “territory”, but as the Hittite zone of influence. Lands in that area were bound by treaties to the Hittite ruler, like Wiluša was, and thanks to trade there was naturally an influx of Hittite culture (as well as an outflux of local culture to the Hittite heartland), but these lands were usually ruled by kings in their own right. Both politically and culturally, they retained a large amount of independence.
Think of it a bit like the modern British Commonwealth: the ruler of New Zealand is technically Queen Elizabeth II, and if the United Kingdom declares war on another country, New Zealand is bound by treaty to support the UK. But New Zealand also has its own prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, and despite British cultural influence, New Zealand has a distinct culture of its own.
This diversity of local cultures was particularly strong in the Hittite empire. The Hittites were extremely fond of adopting local cults, rather than forcing local people to give them up, and Hittite identity itself is very hard to define. This makes it all the more likely that, while there must have been a Hittite element in 13th century BC Troy, it wasn’t the only one - nor even the dominant one.
So who were the historical Trojans? What did their culture look like? What language did they speak? And most relevant to your question, how did they dress?
No state archives, or any kind of written texts, have been excavated in the ruins of Troy, so it’s very hard to answer these questions for certain. The only writing found to date is a scribe’s seal with Luwian hieroglyphs, which suggests that there were Luwian-speaking people in Troy. This is not surprising, since Luwian was commonly spoken in Anatolia, especially western Anatolia, at the time. On the other hand, this seal says nothing about which language or culture was dominant in Troy. Maybe most Trojans did speak Luwian, and identify as Luwians. But until we find more evidence, we have no way to know.
Personally, I would wager that like most trading centres of the ancient world, Troy was a melting pot of cultures. At least eight languages were known in Ḫattuša, and I don’t see why Wiluša would have been any different. Walking along Trojan streets, you might have encountered Luwian scribes, Hittite governors, Gašga mercenaries, Lukka immigrants, Ugaritic traders, Egyptian sailors, maybe even Mycenaean diplomats - and more. Whatever the dominant culture was, if there even was one, it coexisted with many others.
As for the ruling class to which a prince like Hector would’ve belonged, we’re entering very speculative territory, but I would like to offer a guess. The name of the Wilušan king who drew up a treaty with the Hittite ruler was Alakšandu - that is, Alexander. In the treaty, among other divine witnesses, he calls on Appaliunaš, a name that has been identified with Apollon. Both of these elements find an echo in the Iliad, where Paris Alexander is prince of Troy and Apollon is the city’s tutelary deity. This could point towards the fact that there was a Greek/Mycenaean element in the Trojan royal family. I would certainly not say it was the only element, among other reasons because there were also non-Greek royal names in Troy (Alakšandu’s predecessor was Walmu; Priam’s name has been linked to Luwian Pariya-muwa). But I could easily imagine Trojan royalty to have been Mycenaean in some way; maybe they were Mycenaean immigrants who seized the power and adopted local cultural elements, or maybe a local prince married a Mycenaean princess who passed on her culture to their children, or maybe they were locals with a strong appreciation for their neighbours across the sea. Whatever the reason, this would again reflect the situation in the Iliad, where the Trojans speak Greek and partake in Greek culture to a large extent.
All this said, to get back to the original question, I would imagine that a historical Hector might have dressed in a mixture of Mycenaean, Hittite, Luwian and specifically local clothes. Maybe he wore a boar-tusk helmet gifted to him by a Mycenaean noble. Maybe his sword was crafted in the Hittite style, but inscribed with Luwian hieroglyphs. Maybe he wore a tunic dyed purple in Lesbos. Maybe he harnessed his locally-bred horses to a Hittite chariot. Maybe he dressed exactly like his soldiers, or maybe he looked nothing like them. There’s a world of possibilities to play around with. And honestly, as a history student with a passion for fiction, I would LOVE to see writers/artists render them.
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tlbodine · 5 years
A Decade of Horror Recommendations: Millennium Edition
After my 2010s horror recs post, @comicreliefmorlock asked me to do some for older films. So I figured I’d just work my way backward. 
The lists might get a bit shorter and less diverse as I go back in time as I’m not as well-versed in older horror films, but I’ll toss out some recommendations for what I’ve seen and maybe some will be new to you anyway :)
Long post under the cut! 
2000: A Surprisingly Good Year for Horror 
Maybe we don’t think of the Y2K year as a big one for the horror genre, but it was still riding the tail end of the slasher/teen horror revival. Some must-sees:
Final Destination: I’ve written pretty extensively about this movie and it’s no surprise that I like it a lot, even if the sequels get downright ridiculous. The original still stands on its own feet. 
Ginger Snaps: Maybe one of the best werewolf movies, period. Smart writing and a strong female cast as an added bonus. 
American Psycho: Did you know this came out in 2000? I honestly always thought it was older, somehow, maybe because by the time I watched it in college it seemed like everyone had seen it. Fun fact: did you know it was directed by a woman? 
What Lies Beneath: Part psychological horror, part drama-thriller, and sporting a surprisingly A-list cast. It has some well-worn tropes, but it’s a solid watch. 
Battle Royale: Speaking of movies that seem like they’re way older than they are, did you know Battle Royale only came out in the year 2000? 
There were a smattering of Asian imports in 2000 but none of them quite got their feet under them. I will make a shout-out/honorable mention here for Blood: The Last Vampire, an anime film that’s pretty well-known and gets referenced a lot. 
2001: The Beginning of the End (for a little while)
Some solid stand-alone titles came out this year, but it also was the start of when the 90s revival started to dwindle down, I feel, with plenty of disappointments to go around. Scary Movie didn’t help much (and it also launched a whole trend of really awful spoof movies, which tried real hard to kill the comedy genre for a long time, imo). Anyway, some recs! 
Jeepers Creepers: The director is an unfortunate sack of shit, but the movie is quite good. The first part, which draws heavily from a true story, is especially chilling. 
Thirteen Ghosts: An underrated gem. The plot twists too much for my liking, but the ghost designs are super cool and the whole concept of the house is neat. A+ for originality. 
The Devil’s Backbone: Maybe my favorite Guillermo Del Toro film, and a damn good ghost story to boot. 
Suicide Club: A Japanese import that feels a bit ahead of its time in terms of pop culture (and internet culture especially). Features a couple of squick-heavy scenes I still struggle to watch (but, like, in a good way). 
Ichi the Killer: Another Japanese import and my introduction to Takashi Miike, who makes me more viscerally uncomfortable than just about anyone. 
It’s also probably worth mentioning From Hell, the Johnny Depp movie about Jack the Ripper, which many people enjoyed. I personally strongly dislike the film for reasons I can’t fully explain. 
2002: Wait, That’s When That Movie Came Out? 
I feel like 2002 was a big year for me in the “movies I enjoy but didn’t watch until years later” department, probably because I was a teenager with minimal access to decent cinema. It was also a rocking good year for Japanese horror. 
28 Days Later: A movie that brought about the return of zombies in a big way, and also introduced (or at least popularized) fast zombies. Also it’s super scary. 
May: I don’t even know if May counts as horror, but it’s a dark, quirky movie that I try to make everyone watch because I love it so much. 
Ghost Ship: Honestly the bulk of the movie is pretty forgettable, but the opening scene is one of my favorite moments in gory cinematic history. 
Signs: M. Night Shyamalan’s last decent movie or his first shitty one, depending on who you ask. I liked it a lot when I first watched it, and it started to fall apart more and more as I got older. 
Ju-On: The Grudge: One of the better-known Japanese horrors and one whose tropes still get referenced and re-used. Skip the 2004 remake and watch the original trilogy. 
The Ring: Probably the best-known Japanese horrors and maybe the import that put “Japanese horror” into public consciousness. 
There was a lot of shlocky dreck in 2002, some of it decent (Cabin Fever) and some of it downright awful (Pinata: Survival Island/Demon Island). I should also mention Red Dragon, based on Thomas Harris’s novel of the same name, which quite a few people liked (I’ve only seen it once but I recall being underwhelmed). Also an honorable mention to Dog Soldiers, which I have not seen but which I hear frequently recommended as an A+ werewolf film. 
2003: Wow that’s a lot of dreck 
Look fam nobody said these film recs would be objective. There were a ton of horror movies that came out in 2003, I just didn’t really like hardly any of them. Some exceptions: 
Willard: The movie that made me want to start keeping rats as pets, which says more about me than it does the film. It’s a great movie, though, the first thing I ever saw Crispin Glover in (and god, he’s amazing), and one of the few films that I think is better than the book. 
Identity: A pretty decent psychological horror starring John Cusack. Watch this and 1408 together as a double-feature for maximum fun factor. 
House of 1000 Corpses: Look, if you’re reading this blog, you probably already have an opinion one way or another of Rob Zombie. The movie’s on the list because it’s arguably historically important, not because it’s objectively good. 
A few other notable moments from 2003 included a Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake (just watch the original, but if you insist on a remake, this is one of the better ones), the second Final Destination film (the last good one in the franchise), the Jeepers Creepers sequel, Freddy vs Jason, Darkness Falls, and Dreamcatcher. Like I said, there were lots of movies that came out this year, I just don’t think they were very good. 
2004: Oops we created torture porn 
I was in college at this point, which meant I was watching less horror than at any other moment in my life (I had a roommate who really hated scary movies) so maybe that’s why I haven’t heard of the majority of movies that came out that year. Or maybe they were all just really bad, hence why I still haven’t seen them. Hmmm. But! A few shining stars: 
Saw: Obviously a classic. I’m lukewarm about the franchise, but the original is an excellent film and well worth watching, especially given the impact it would have on the next many years of horror cinema. 
Shaun of the Dead: Hilarious, and honestly one of my favorite zombie films of all time. 
Dumplings: A Korean important you likely missed in 2004 but may have seen in a Three Extremes compilation. Well worth the watch if you’re not squeamish. 
Otherwise 2004 was pretty lackluster. Some forgettable franchise installments, some shlocky creature features, some unnecessary remakes. Lots of titles I’m unfamiliar with, though, too, so somebody tell me if I missed a big one that year! 
2005: Ehhhh
Just a couple important titles this year too: 
Hostel: Not a great movie. In fact, pretty damn campy. But an important one to watch to understand the torture porn genre. 
The Devil’s Rejects: See above re: House of 1000 Corpses. Hit or miss but a well-liked film by Rob Zombie fans. 
And  you know what, I think that’s actually it. I mean there were other movies -- a remake of The Fog,  the infinitely predictable Hide and Seek, the second Saw installment, and of course Doom. But it just wasn’t a great year for horror, imo. One shout-out here though for Wolf Creek, which is on my to-watch list; I haven’t seen it so I can’t vouch for it, but it does get recommended to me a lot. 
2006: Mostly more of the same 
Did we seriously have a Saw movie every year in the 2000s or what? No wonder everybody got sick of them and thought all horror was torture porn for a while. Talk about market saturation. 
Anyway, some shout-outs: 
Stay Alive: This movie is ridiculous, but I love it a lot. It’s about a video game that kills you in real life, and is a more successful video game movie than most actual adaptations. 
ReCycle: An Asian import. I missed this one entirely when it came out, but it’s one of my favorites to have discovered in later years. It’s a seriously cool movie, both fanciful and deeply uncomfortable. Content warning for abortion, but it’s not what you think. 
Otherwise, just some mostly soulless remakes (The Omen, The Hills Have Eyes, The Wicker Man), some franchise installments (Saw III, Final Destination 3, The Grudge 2). I will give an honorable mention to Black Sheep, which is so-bad-it’s-good ridiculous, and to that cult favorite Slither. 
2007: Wait, is horror getting good again?
Well, not quite, but we’re back on the map with some promising additions in a year where the genre seemed to be struggling to rediscover its identity: 
The Mist: One of the better Stephen King adaptations. 
30 Days of Night: A divisive entry in the canon, but a pretty interesting piece to study for anyone interested in vampires. 
28 Weeks Later: Not exactly a direct sequel to the earlier 28 Days Later, and probably not as good of a film, but pretty good in its own right. 
1408: Watch this one with Identity (see above) and enjoy a night of John Cusack going crazy in hotel rooms. 
The Orphanage: One of my favorite horror films of all time, both deeply unsettling and agonizingly sad. 
Paranormal Activity: The highest-grossing film of all time thanks to its low budget. Also what we can blame for the burst of popularity in the “found footage” style. 
Dead Silence: A movie that still frequently gets recommended and delivers some solid spooks. I’m not as fond of it as a lot of people, but it deserves a mention for how often it gets referenced (and for playing “killer ventriloquist dummies” straight as a trope). 
Trick r Treat: A Halloween classic. 
Of course the year brought us another Saw and another Hostel, a contentious Halloween reboot, another stab at I Am Legend (often adapted, rarely well), and a smattering of other sequels. I have not seen The Girl Next Door but based on how rarely I hear it recommended compared to the book, I imagine I’m not missing much. Borderlands was OK but, for my money, forgettable. Oh, there was also Grindhouse, a double feature which I quite enjoyed (I saw it in theaters, where it came with a warning for length, which I found amusing) but which history does not seem to have remembered positively. 
2008: Did Somebody Order a Recession? 
Back to slim pickings, although I admittedly have not seen most of the films released that year (I was pretty damn broke in 2008, so maybe that’s why). Still: 
Let the Right One In: Skip the later English remake, you cowards, and watch this with subtitles. It’s so good. SO GOOD. An unexpected twist on the vampire story, and kind of a romance to boot. Sort of. In a really messed up way. 
Cloverfield: A couple things are neat about Cloverfield. One, it was an early adopter and trope-setter for found-footage movies. Two, it successfully spawned a franchise where none of the movies feel related at all. Three, it launched with some really cool viral marketing that was utterly ahead of its time. On the downside, the shaky cam may in fact make you vomit if you get seasick easily. 
Repo! The Genetic Opera: A classic. Also may in fact be the only film of its kind, or at least the only rock-opera scifi-horror that comes to mind. 
I haven’t seen Pontypool, though it’s on my watch-list -- I’ve heard it’s quite good. Ditto Tokyo Gore Police which delivers, to my understanding, exactly what it says on the tin. Speaking of movies I didn’t see, can we take a moment to appreciate that a film called “Sauna” with the tagline “cleanse your sins” came out this year? Jfk 2008, are you OK? 
2009: Why are all the best horrors comedies this year 
It really does become obvious just how much the genre was floundering to figure out what it was doing the latter half of the decade, because the movies are so weirdly hit-or-miss. I do have some favorite hidden gems, though, alongside a couple well-known recs: 
Zombieland: A genuinely funny feel-good zombie comedy-horror, feeding right into a growing cultural fascination with zombies. 
Jennifer’s Body: Is this a comedy? Is this a horror? What is this? I’m not sure how to classify it but I sure do like it. 
Antichrist: Ok I don’t know if this is a recommendation per se, but if I had to watch this with my own eyes, I’m making y’all watch it too. Have you ever wondered what it might look like to watch a filmmaker have a psychotic break while making a movie? That’s almost literally what this film is. 
The Human Centipede: This is a cop-out because I have not watched these movies and I in fact refuse to watch these movies because the premise is fucking stupid, but I will acknowledge the historical, ah, importance? of this film in the greater scheme of 21st century horror. 
Dread: One of my favorite movies, and the film I recommend to anyone who wants to watch a torture film done right. I love the shit out of this movie. Please go watch this movie. 
Grace: Deeply disturbing and pulling approximately zero punches. It’s one of the best films to tread the “horrors of motherhood” territory, which is saying something because that’s very fertile (ha, ha) ground. 
I actually have not seen Drag Me to Hell or The Last House on the Left, although people have recommended both to me. Anyone want to chime in with how good they might be? I also want to make a shout-out to Daybreakers, which I feel like nobody ever talks about but which actually has one of the most fascinating vampire concepts I’ve ever seen on film. The movie itself is kind of boring and forgettable, but the idea is really neat. 
And that wraps up my journey through the 2000s in horror. Next decade: The 90s, coming right up! 
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soulvomit · 5 years
I’ve reinvented myself several times, but there’s one reinvention that could never “take.”
I was in some groups that had traditional-adjacent viewpoints a long time ago. I hoped that somehow I could learn to be socially “normal.” I thought that what I was learning in these groups could map to same-gender relationships as well since I’d gotten about half of the same critiques and policing from LGBT culture with the main difference being the hair and clothing styles they preferred women to have. The idea of having to pick one specific gender expression uniform and wear that same look day in and day out, is something I ran into in BOTH settings. LGBT culture gave me a few different ones to choose from where mainstream cookie cutter Stepford Wife culture gave me only one, but it still felt like prescriptivism. I’d already gotten a lot of “bad woman” messaging from homosocial LGBT environments so figured that at least the hetero version of “bad woman” programming would be something I could be resigned to and get the majority of the culture’s support. (I wonder if this is what’s going on sometimes with ex-LUG women who suddenly go whole hog into really conventional hetero culture. “I’m a bad woman anyway and will always be a bad woman, at least I can still have hetero passing privilege since my basic badness can never be fixed.” Yet performing “good woman” didn’t get me any of that. It just made me feel worse about myself. I wasn’t trying to date men, or really trying to date *anyone* at that time - I was just trying to feel “normal,” and figured that this performance would make me more “normal,” because they sure did represent themselves as normal.   It was initially about being part of a singles culture that could teach me how to perform Womanhood(tm), whatever Womanhood(tm) was. It was before these groups started to really radicalize, it was during a really fucked up point in my life, and I wasn’t involved that long (about six months?). Both groups were some of the most toxic groups of women I’ve ever been in, but they internalized their toxicity as “we are the NORM, and learning to be part of the NORM is painful.”  I wondered at one point if my dating preferences (toward women) were because I was “performing womanhood wrong” and if only I performed it RIGHT, then more men would like me, and I could just choose one of them, right? (The irony is that I got about 50% of the same messages in homosocial LGBT culture, with some minor changes in flavor!) Here are some of the things I learned: * always fake more social capital than you have because social capital is 100% of why men marry some women but only date or sleep with other women. (These women believed this.) * Only one style of dress is acceptable. There is a “look” that books like The Rules and quasi-trad matchmakers like the Millionaire Matchmaker, tell women to wear. There was practically a branded Rules look and it consisted of a blouse with a pencil skirt, flat ironed hair, ALWAYS going out with makeup on (in case you meet Mr. Right in the produce aisle). Later, I learned that this dovetails into traditionalist men expressing that they do not like trendy or “fashionable” clothing on women (but don’t like single women to look like prudes, either). So basically that left me doing a once over of “too sexy? not sexy enough?” every time I left the house even though I wasn’t really interested in dating anyone. * Don’t talk about your own aspirations or interests. * Don’t be too excited about anything of your own.   * You have to always be dating whether you want to or not, because you have until 30 to lock someone down who will be a good provider (which is what you should always and only be looking for), and if you’re over 30 then you have to look even harder. You should be dating two different people a week and not commit to monogamy until you get a marriage proposal. * Men do not like trendy or “fashionable” clothing on women unless it adds to the man’s level of social capital.  * Men don’t respect you once they know you have a sexual history * What other women in a room are wearing, REALLY REALLY MATTERS. Be sure to wear a skirt and heels everywhere, and if other women in the environment are wearing jeans then it just brings down the environment somehow. * If the other women in the room are somehow not doing all these rules then it drags the entire environment down and you should move somewhere else, because the men won’t treat you right. * The slut-shaminess of it all! There was a real belief that relationships and sex had some kind of market rate and that women were in a bidding war.  In this framework, other women’s sexual preferences and habits and history really, really matter and have anything to do with whether or not *you* will find love. If you’re being treated like shit, it’s not men who ruined it for you, it’s other women, for setting their standards too low.
* If you’re over 35 then you are only attracting people who are settling for you, and no one will ever REALLY have strong sexual feelings for you unless it’s somebody horribly broken in some way. (This is the one big thing that LGBT culture didn’t have, it’s ageist, but not ageist in the same way that hetero culture is.) * Men who aren’t sleeping in their mother’s basement only want women who meet these really narrow requirements (the irony being that after I left the groups, the opposite proved true over and over.) * If you attract someone *into you* and you’re "undesirable” (not having an ideal body, not being white enough, not being “normal” enough, being a nerd) then it means anyone attracted to you, is also “undesirable” in some way. If a man likes a woman who doesn’t meet these women’s standards of social capital then it’s open season to mock the couple, and it’s open season to try to find something wrong with him.  (This REALLY fucked me up. It played into a lot of fucked up self image issues I already had.) * Faking a whole personality is okay. * The moment you start dating someone, there’s a timeline you have to abide until you get married. If the other person doesn’t propose to you in a year (you are NEVER supposed to bring up engagement or marriage) then you should dump them. * NEVER bring up your own wants, never bring up marriage or your future plans. Date the person who “surprises” you with what you actually want. * One group consisted mostly of professional women who seemed to be engaged in perpetual class warfare with other women. This group seemed to be more about women describing their dates and the clothes they wore with an obsessive focus on how they looked, and how many compliments they got. * Meeting people in friend groups is never okay because they will never “value” you the way they “value” a total stranger they’re chasing. This is a weird belief I’ve seen in the dating world for decades, going as far back as my teen years, and I bought it myself for a while. And then when I finally got into a GOOD relationship, that DID have mutual “valuing” as the groups expressed it but also had passion, which the groups expressed wasn’t supposed to exist in “good” relationships - it was somebody I’d been friends with for years, where we knew each other really well. * Strong sexual attraction to your partner in the beginning is taken as a red flag that he’s probably “bad”  * Get with someone who is far more attracted to you than you are to them so that you can leverage their feelings to get what you want * Getting commitment is about negotiating  * If a woman dates men who don’t propose marriage, it’s the woman’s fault somehow, and the assumption is that ALL WOMEN want to get married  * If you end up in a relationship with someone of another race, or with someone who is a smidge younger, or with someone who has basically normal middle class levels of social capital, it must mean something is wrong with you. (There are a lot of women in these groups who considered being an average person who gets with an average person, to be settling horribly - it’s practically a mirror assumption to those that male incels often have.) And according to these groups, this is NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN. Yet when I was in the *real world* talking to *real people* away from internet groups, most people seemed to have good relationships. There was also an undercurrent of racism in one of the groups (not the other, which was pretty diverse) and that’s the reason I finally left one group and that’s when I learned that traditionalism and fascism are often fellow travelers. Which started the whole unravelling of a lot of American traditionalism for me. Also, women’s actual feelings about anyone - like my feelings about women vs men - were completely irrelevant because women were supposed to just respond to men’s feelings anyway and not have feelings of our own. (With that in mind, a lot of these women couldn’t wrap their mind around women being lesbians, because women aren’t supposed to have those kinds of feelings toward either men OR women, amirite?)  What I noticed after I left the group is that most relationships I knew in real life, did NOT form the way that any of these groups thought they formed.  I also noticed that if you do all the things these groups asked you to do, then it actually attracted the WORST men - it was practically a step by step how-to on how to attract the most misogynist, controlling men. It was easy to fall into this kind of thinking because it’s what my mom’s always believed, and the complaints these women had about other women were the same ones that my mom often had about me, and their assumptions were the same ones my mom has. So I thought that “fixing myself” to fit my mom’s rules and having a support group to do it in, would fix the rest of my life. I didn’t go very far with my “trying to walk away from being LGBT” because at some point during this, I developed intense feelings for a woman friend that lasted for some time. (We didn’t get together, but this did break me out of wanting to do a whole personality reinvention and makeover.) The funny thing is that once I walked away, I stopped seeing the world that way. I noticed that in real life, most people’s relationships did not meet the standards of these women’s. They were taking ideas that really only apply to the culture of very rich white men, and trying to map that to the rest of the world, when it’s really only how the very most entitled, privileged men see the world, and you don’t have to be a Barbie doll if you’re not looking for someone who’s looking for that. The Rules DID teach me how to pull off a more polished look and more polished behavior in professional settings, for what it’s worth. This is something I’d had a problem with for a long time, because I got into work that expected professional standards of women yet I’d never really known how to look and act the part. (The gender-prescriptive part of “being professional” is especially bad. Especially now that I’m middle aged with chronic pain and just don’t want to do heels, girdles, and nylons. There isn’t a single traditionally female shoe style that I can wear anymore. If I can’t be professional in pants and walking shoes then fuck it.) But if this was the NORM, then why did MOST people I knew, manage to be happy enough without doing ANY of these things? And these ideas seemed calibrated to only a particular type of ideal romantic partner (the “high type clean cut” as old school employment ads used to call him) as if no other people even existed.
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
Alt Fleet Origins
idea i wrote up during my absent spell a couple months back; alluded to a few times and decided it was time to post it:
Consider this: the core group of the Fleet and thus the characters you might consider the central characters (Sierra, Terezi, Rose Quartz, Grimlock and Undyne) are the members of the generation that made the FLeet what it is, but they’re not the FIRST generation of the Fleet
They didn’t found it, but shaped it into what it is now, making them the heroes who defined the Fleet, gave it power and brought them home after ages of suffering and nomadic flight, but there is a lot that predates them
In short, it expands on the culture of the Fleet and makes it about more than just them!
This does require tossing out a lot of my original ideas for the Fleet’s origin and the foundations of the AU (Sierra discovering the Matriatrix and finding the other founding groups during the course of several adventures, building up their collective powers and creating the basics of the Fleet), but heck with it, some of the ideas I’ve had for this are SUPER fun and make a lot of sense within the AU
The actual founding generation goes back much further, perhaps an additional several hundred years prior to the birth of Sierra, who being the least difficult to map to realistic ages, makes a good barometer. The Fleet’s core ideas (it’s codes of honor, the way they handle things, and the basic social concepts) go back to the original founders, who banded together for mutual survival in a hostile multiverse where they were outcasts.
Most of the original groups are still represented here, but their ancestors are the ones who came into the fold first, so to speak.
(Greater detail and worldbuilding below)
I’m thinking there were probably no human members of the group, and came later; possibly humans are a bit of a rarity in this AU, at least in terms of population. Elves, dwarves, tieflings, they’re more common, but bog-standard humans are simply less common than you might assume.
The Homestuck contingent is represented by the troll ancestors: Neophyte Redglare as their leader, the Dolorosa, the Disciple, maybe the Executioner and the Signless. Additionally they had a large number of trolls allied to them, effectively they’re the Beforan versions of the ancestors (though giving them different relative ages for the sake of interesting divergence, like making Porrim a primordial vampire) until Beforus fell in ancient times, and the struggles of survival shaped the Beforus characters of the dancestors into the wiser but harder characters on par with the Alternian ancestors. While likely revolutionaries, these specific trolls were mainly just trying to survive without a homeworld, and being unwilling to take Condy’s ruthless measures to claim one for their own. Redglare would be the original wielder of the Matriatrix here, eventually passing it on to Sierra.
Because the troll kids (Terezi, Vriska, Feferi and the others) come later, presumably this means that you had to have access to all the troll ancestors genetics to get them. This might mean that, for a while, ALL the ancestors were part of the Fleet or had their genetics acquired somehow; this has interesting implications for Mindfang and the Condesce.
The Gems are, quite simply, the Crystal Gems. Possibly the core group (Rose, Pearl, Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst, Bismuth) with additional crystal gems rounding out the population. They were also just trying to survive, and specifically avoid restarting Homeworld, the circumstances of the Crystal Gem Rebellion are way different here, and possibly unrelated to Earth, though it’s also quite possible that Homeworld was outright destroyed prior to those tensions building up into full revolution. The human characters, at the beginning of the Fleet, wouldn’t have been born yet. Lapis is off somewhere else doing her own thing, Peridot possibly hasn’t been born yet (???) and Jasper MIGHT have a servant of Rose before leaving to join the Stingers once they’re formed to amass her own glory, or else had no idea Pink Diamond survived.
The Transformers present an interesting possibility: maybe Grimlock is actually younger here? I like him having participated in the Autobot/Decepticon wars too much to have him been born recently, but if the war was more recent, that might play into things. I’ve implied that the Cybertron Civil War took place many eons ago and shaped history across the multiverse, but it’s possible that this can be fulfilled by the children of Primus carrying out the same narrative cycle repeatedly, with the Autobot uprising dating to, at most, a thousand years ago. This would make the Autobots SIGNIFICANTLY younger than usual, and also let me mess around more and make things even more AU.
An alternative possibility is having Transformers (And other long-lived beings that don’t mature physically) grow up as a response to emotional growth; they are prompted by life experiences to mature and change, but don’t do it in a vacuum. Thus, Grimlock and the other Autobots can be millions of years old but until they go through exceptional circumstances, they don’t change much over time. Leaning towards the former option of them simply being way younger than I normally do it, simply because I VERY RARELY make the Autobots younger than series average and it might be fun to mess around with that.
In any case, the founding Autobots would be a smallish group mainly led by Elita-1, Arcee, several others of note (Ultra Magnus, Jazz, ect.) and of course, Wheeljack and Ratchet, who are Grimlock’s parents. Grimlock himself may have been alive at this time, but he remained taciturn and withdrawn after the things he suffered, and doesn’t become a major player until later. The smallest in overall number, but the largest in terms of power. Most of those would, of course, be fembots.
The Undertale roster is largely unchanged, since they seem kinda long-lived anyway. They probably provide the largest initial population for the Fleet, because of the sheer diversity and monster girl possibilities they provide! Monster Musume characters would also be included in their numbers; specifically the monster moms. Toriel, as queen of the monsters and perhaps led by portents she believes the monster goddess, Mothra, has bestowed upon them, leads her people (the Undertale characters; the human ones and Deltarune characters are born later) to find a place to survive, and eventually bond with the rest of the Fleet.
Add in additional characters and groups as needed, with some provisos: no humans at all at this point, they come later. Secondly, this version of the Fleet is a large band of nomads, perhaps numbering several hundred at most for the first generation or so, traveling from continent to continent and then world to world via teleportation gates they discover, uncovering a mystery that eventually leads into the overarching conspiracy that the Fleet will later investigate.
They are thus a convoy, staying on the move from their enemies and just trying to survive. They have kids, mind their own business, but can’t help being heroes and getting a bit of a reputation; eventually they wind up being superheroes of a sort.
Redglare, as mentioned, is the first wielder of the Matriatrix for the FLeet. I dunno where SHE got it (found it? it was passed down to her by a mentor?) but she uses it in a very different way from Sierra; the modding and power-enhancing scene requires an economic base and adventuring capability the proto-Fleet does not have, at this point, but they are able to use some of its powers to begin changing themselves to stay alive and relevant. Possibly the first signs of hyper proportion power levels begins here. But no one has any idea how to use it, and as in the current time, must experiment: Redglare ultimately does not learn the specific abilities Sierra did, but combines its alchemizing abilities with her innate Mind powers to draw abilities from those around her, combined with the zeitgeist of the area around her and, in a sense, weaponize the narrative to randomly generate abilities and spell effects. She is ultimately far better at the subtle abilities and Sierra still falls short of living up to her skills. Redglare is the first champion and leader of the Fleet, the heroine they all adored, and leaves big shoes to fill. (Her fate is… open to debate.)
Eventually, there is a second phase around the third generation of children and the signs of the Matriatrix’s gifts imbuing them with hyper fertility and devouring/pregnancy powers so that the Fleet is associated with nomming themes and producing huge amounts of children. By this point they have multiplied by several hundred members, both taking in anyone who wants to join their merry band and reproducing… a LOT. Gems and Transformers have been changed to be able to have super pregnancies, but not to the one-woman population booms in the present. This significantly alters the dynamics for their people, since the difficulties of resources for making new Gems and Transformers is a major problem for reproduction; possibly something similar applies to trolls, as I imagine the mother grub not being a natural part of the reproduction, but akin to a biological cloning machine inducing inbreeding due to over reliance on it.
Around this phase, two things happen, in no particular order, but as a result, some humans enter the Fleet. Again, humans are a relatively rare and severely underpowered species, and possibly in the process of dying out. But their greatest place of utopian ideals and success is the world-nation of Wakanda, reimagined her as a massive ringworld inhabited by humans, robots and the creations of ancient humans. It is a distillation of Marvel, with the entire human population being mutants; powers are universal, and the older generation of BNHA characters also originate from here (All Might, Inko). The Fleet seeks shelter, and for some time, calls Wakanda home. This utopian wonderland becomes the Fleet’s first true stable homeland, and eventually the beginning of their spaceflights; eventually they can no longer remain after Wakanda is devastated by Evil, and the notion of Wakanda becomes a spiritual homeland they home to one day reestablish.
By this point, the clan social system that eventually replaces biological families entirely begins to manifest, growing out of the social structures of Wakanda and the factionalism present within the newborn Fleet itself.
The other thing that can happen before or after the joining with Wakanda; the discovery of ancient cloning facilities, in which humans played a part. Great mechanisms to produce vast amounts of cloned offspring lay dormant, but fully functional, and providing the Fleet with valuable lost technology that will become the basis for later bio-tech. The facility contains information on the twenty-eight hundred trillion different bloodlines of the many species recorded, among them human bloodlines that still have a claim to the last dynasties of Earth in its pre-Cataclysm hey-day, and the offspring of those bloodlines would have tremendous cultural influence due to their descent from the last great powers of their people.
The Fleet begins what will become a solemn vow to resurrect life whenever possible; eventually they will start gestating fallen species, but they begin by simply starting the machines back up and raising the resulting children on their own. Among these are the first human members to be born into the Fleet; these include the human guardians from Homestuck (Pop Egbert, Mom Lalonde, Grandpa Harley, non-abusive Bro Strider) as well as anyone explicitly confirmed to be human and born into the Fleet; of note, the human SU characters from an older generation, most prominently Greg Universe.
Additional time passes, more generations come and go, and the Fleet’s initial powers grow more advanced; rebirth via pregnancy becomes a viable technique though not as widespread as it will become, and extends life spans considerably. Hyper huge proportions and recreational modding become more common, and with Redglare’s increased control over the Matriatrix, the beginnings of the Fleet’s superpowers status beings.
Now we come to the birth of the ‘current generation’; the characters the AU focuses on. Sierra, the other TDI characters, and the Homestuck kids and trolls are born. (Analogues to the Beforan characters as they are in the dancestor bits are also born roughly around this time.) The human characters in question (mainly the TD and Homestuck humans like Jade, Roxy, Jane and John) are a mix of being born from the cloning processes and offspring of the human mutants. The trolls, though, are explicitly the biological children of the troll ancestors, even if they are not raised by them as per Fleet custom.
Thus, everyone effectively grows up as friends and have an established society that predates them, putting less of an emphasis on them as the sole heroes; they stand on the shoulders of those who came before.
Sierra winds up becoming a protege of sorts to Redglare, and Terezi, as her descendant, suffers a great deal of pressure to become as great as her, while Redglare does her best to just let her descendants have a happy, ordinary life.
At some point, though, Redglare leaves the story. However it happens, she passes the Matriatrix onto Sierra, when all expectation was that Terezi would continue her legacy. This causes a great deal of tension between the two, even though they are very close prior to this. Eventually it is repaired, but not without damage.
In her childhood, Sierra befriends Grimlock (Effectively being his human companion friend, in TF fandom terms), bringing him out of his gloomy shell and lightning him up a little bit into the hero we all know he can be.
Sierra’s discoveries, as well as those of her friends (most predominantly Feferi, who is effectively the mother of modding) and the leadership of their particular group begins to shape the Fleet into what it is, setting the stage for its current position as it grows and changes.
(This also means that Vriska, and perhaps a good chunk of the Stingers, were originally part of the Fleet, perhaps those who opted for personal gratification or glory over the Fleet’s heroic intentions.)
Some other consequences is that the Fleet initially grew gradually, slowly absorbing people into it over time and then growing just a bit faster at a time as the Matriatrix’s powers expanded into others… and relatively recently, their expansion went from a few worlds and a single fleet to multiple ones, and a MASSIVE population explosion that continues even to this day. This rapid expansion is clearly terrifying to most people and a serious threat to people who originally saw them as hedonist outcasts and rogues challenging tyrants.
The second one is a theme of building things over the course of multiple generations, but suddenly the plan is askew. Redglare, the seemingly immortal wielder of the Matriatrix, is gone. Her plans, whatever they were, are suddenly stalled and the Fleet doesn’t have a rudder; people depended on her and revered here, and Terezi and Sierra wind up having to take the reins and inspire people. Sierra the heart-felt champion and the one they adore, and Terezi winds up the one with a plan and purpose people can root for.
Things build up and expand from simpler roots, growing more complex and better than what their forerunners initially created. They might be standing on the shoulders of giants, but they’ll grow far bigger than their parents did.
(The metaphor is somewhat muddled by the fact that the Fleet’s stronger people genuinely regard ‘growing bigger than a planet and using your finger to destroy a kaiju’ as mid-tier feats, but the point still stands.)
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dietaku · 5 years
Amazing Quest 1: Chapter 4
The fourth chapter. You know how it is. Thanks for reading!
Chapter 4: 2 Million Leagues Under the Sea!- We get another sepia tone flashback, this time of an only slightly-younger Hiro and Emilia. Emilia: Well… your form is good. But you swing your sword like a little girl. Hiro: I don’t like hurting people, sis. Besides, everyone knows YOU’RE the messiah the Pudding tribe has awaited! I’m only here because mom had that bottle of aged tequila lying around. Emilia: That has nothing to do with anything! You need to have more confidence! … Wait, I got just the ticket! Emilia runs behind Hiro and plays with his hair. Hiro: Um. What’re you doing? Emilia: I’m giving you a Pudding Warrior Knot in your hair. It’s an ancient custom of our tribe that when a Pudding Warrior comes of age, he gets one! Hiro: Oh. That’s pretty neat. Emilia finishes, presenting the now French braided hero, Hiro, we know now. Hiro: Somehow I feel more fabulous than before. Can’t quite place my finger on it. Emilia: It’s perfect! You’ll be beating up Dark Puddings before you know it! The scene fades, then returns, Hiro, Ozma, Kimyawa and Loyroll laid out on a beach. Hiro: Ungh. I wonder why I never dream in color. Hiro gets up and the others join him. You’ll soon discover this area is only one screen wide, so you’re left to exhaust every possibility until you investigate the water. Not just any water, though, the ONE specific square, just to the left of center. Many players wasted HOURS trying to find this event flag, and many people wrongly believed it was an anti-piracy measure. Nope. Just shoddy programming. The mermaid from before surfaces. Mermaid: So, thief, ready to pay up? Ozma: Hey! We don’t even HAVE a thief in this party! Hiro: Just a reasonable facsimile. Loyroll: You flatter me, as always. Mermaid: You yoinked the goods from that place without paying its rightful owner! Kimyawa: Isn’t that technically liberating it? Mermaid: QUIT CHANGING THE TOPIC! Kimyawa: What’s your name, Stranger-chan? Mermaid: I’m Mancala! Call me Manny and I’ll punch ya in the mug, got it?! I’m the number one marine merchant mermaid you’ll ever see in the sea! Ozma: Meh, mehmehmeh? Mancala: Ignoring that. The point is you took stolen property. So I’m gonna maroon you here until you pay up! Hiro: (Great. Now what do we do?!) You then get a prompt which can result in some different dialogue options. 1) Barter 2) Lie 3) Beg -Barter- Hiro: Okay. It was just a few things. Can’t be THAT expensive. What’s the tab? Mancala: Well… since you asked so nicely! Mancala brandishes an abacus and begins calculating. Mancala: The items total net value, plus the emotional damage to this delicate mermaid, plus interest, plus tax not withheld, plus tax withheld, social security, deducting the “asked so nicely” fee… it all tallies up to a measly 36 trillion gold! Ozma: Can I crush her head like an overripe melon? Hiro: T-trillion?! Are you MAD?! Mancala: If you’re nice, I’ll even include the “cute boy” deduction! That would knock it all the way down to 34! Loyroll: And certainly a deduction for yours truly, if I may be so bold? Mancala: I’m not into girls. … Much. Loyroll: Pardon? Hiro: There’s no way we have that much. That price is absurd. I refuse. Mancala: SAY WHAT NOW?! -Lie- Hiro: What if I told you I know of a great treasure?! It’d more than make up the difference! Mancala: Okay, I’m listening now. Kimyawa: Hiro-ni-chan! You DO?! You’ve been holding out on us?! Ozma: Hiro, how could you?! Loyroll: Most unfabulous of you, my friend. Hiro: … Mancala: … Hiro: Err. Friendship is a sacred treasure, above all material wealth in the Pudding society! Ozma: (So it was just a lie…) Mancala: *Sigh* -Beg- Hiro: Please don’t make me beg. I am not a proud man. Ozma, Kimyawa & Mancala: (This is about to get really hot…) Hiro: (Suddenly, my pride is flaring up within me and I don’t know why…) Loyroll: Well? We’re waiting. Hiro: On second thought, I think I’ll just take a moment to absorb the scenery instead. Mancala: (Darn…) Regardless of your choice, it comes back to here afterward. Mancala: This isn’t getting us anywhere! Hiro: Is there no way to come to an agreement on this? Mancala: Well… you could be my servants for a while! Y’know, help with this, that and the other for a bit and we could call it square! Hiro: I somehow get the impression you’re more ambitious than that. Mancala: Aww, you flirt~! Hiro: (Not the intended reaction. Why does it feel like my life is in danger now?) Ozma & Kimyawa: *Stare* Hiro: At any rate, we don’t have the kind of money on-hand to pay. So I guess we’ve no choice. Mancala: Well, you’re in luck! I just so happened to overhear some of the Dark Puddings talking about the Water Talisman. Hiro: You did? Where is it now?! Mancala: In the Octopus Garden. It’s some ancient ruins not far from my hometown, Mermania. Regrettably, those have been locked up tight since far back as anyone can remember. But I just so happen to know some juicy gossip that may lead us to a key. The Legendary Ice Key! Hiro: Sounds like a lead! Ozma: Or a diversion from the main plot. Poh-tay-toe, pah-tah-tow. Mancala: Either way, I need some henchmen and you need the talisman, right?! I knew it soon as I saw that birthmark! Hiro takes a moment to examine himself. Hiro: Okay, seriously, where is this birthmark you people keep going on about and why do I not see it? Mancala: But that whole “air-breather” problem… there’s only one fix for that! Hiro: Oh no, not another racket… Mancala: Calm down, calm down. It’s a Mermaid’s Kiss! Hiro: Oh. Is that some kind of stone? Or maybe a plant? Or— Mancala leaps from the water, her tail morphs into legs, allowing her to glomp Hiro. Accompanying in a loud, cartoonish “SMOOCH” sound effect, which always gets a giggle out of me. Hiro: W-whoa. That was… brusque. Ozma: *Furious* Kimyawa: *Envious* Loyroll: *Yawns* Are we ready to go now? Then we can enter the water and dive to the underwater map. Though, thanks to aquatic canyons, we can’t just go anywhere we want… yet. Our first stop is down south a ways at Mermania, a recurring city throughout the franchise. There, we can get the “Bikni” armors for our female party members, which give a serviceable boost in defense to each. Hiro and Loyroll can get the “Trnks” which are a step up, but not as huge of one. How does an armor that covers less protect more? It is one of the long, lost legendary mysteries of JRPGs. Anyways, if we talk around at the merchant’s guild here, we’ll learn that Mancala has lost her trader’s license 17 different times due to “questionable practices”. The others roll their eyes when they learn this news but refrain from commenting. After talking to enough merfolk, Mancala fans out from the party. Mancala: Okay! We got everything we need? The legendary ice key is held in the underwater volcano! Hiro: I’d question the physical possibilities but somehow I feel like I’d just be encouraging you at this point. Mancala: Oh, don’t be so glum, chum! It’s pretty much a straight line there! … With a few curves and bumps. And a giant, angry dragon at the bottom. Hiro: Ah. There’s the hitch. I was waiting for that. Loyroll: Slaying a dragon? It’s a tad cliché but I think we can handle that! Mancala: Then what’re we waiting for?! Let’s do it! Ozma: What? You mean stroll up to the dragon and punch it in the face? Mancala: … Yes? Ozma: Metal. Kimyawa: Sugoi, Ozma-chan! At this point we can move back to the ocean floor and the cave in the top-right area is open now. Had we gone he previously, Hiro would’ve met the Giant Sentient Block, a really existential gag that plagues AQ players for years to come. In fact, in the early-internet era, whether this pseudo-character even existed was up for debate, as most of his appearances in this game are very easily missed. The cave itself is pretty straight-forward, except about midway, where the current puzzles spell out great confusion for those who tried to brute force the puzzles, which would flush them down a comically oversized pit where you’d battle the Toilet Snake monster, which is obsessed with poison attacks. Otherwise, the local monsters like the Munchkinfish, Seaweeder, and Poof Fish are actually quite weak compared to other monsters around this level. Here you can find a Coral Abacus for Mancala, replacing the nonsense “TmSn” Abacus she comes with normally (the Japanese name is “Termite Snack” and I guess they were okay with letting everyone assume it meant “Thompson” or something!). Afterward, you just press on down the stairs… up until you enter the gameshow chamber. Yeah, that’s not a joke. The party fans out and stands behind a podium as a huge, anime octopus-man plops down in a suit and tie. Octopus: Welcome, ladies and gentlefish to Amazing Quest: The Game Show: The Video Game: Home Edition v. 1992! I’m your host, Otto! And you lucky heroes are in for a treat today! You get to try my quiz game challenge! Win and you’ll receive fabulous prizes! Fail and you get… well, nothing! Are we ready to play?! We then get a prompt of “Squid yeah!” or “Fin no!”, but obviously the game won’t let you progress until you at least TRY, so, yeah… Otto: Question 1 will be an easy one to get your feet wet! What tribe is Hiro from? We get a prompt between “Pudding”, “Protagonist” and “Team Laser Explosion”. The answer is quite obvious. Otto: Correct! Question 2: What is Ozma’s family name? This one is a little trickier, being given the possible answers “Trouble”, “Tohrubble” and “Toruble”. Just be aware of what her name REALLY is, and you’ll be fine. Otto: Great job! Really kraken ‘em up! Question 3: What mystical artifacts, when united, unleash a great and terrible power? The answers this time are: “The DisKord Stones”, “Hell’s Bells”, and “The Talismans”. Interestingly enough, the other options are shout-outs to DOS-era adventure titles, which AQ4 later also shouts out to. Otto: Whooo! Now we’re gilly getting into it! Question 4: What elemental affinity is the first boss of this game? The prompt is just Fire, Water and Pie, so the answer is obviously water as it was the monster in Fog Tower. If you say Pie, Otto’s arms drop to his sides, as he turns to face the player directly and will stare at you for 10 tedious, unnerving seconds before prompting you to try again. Otto: ALRIGHT! Last one and this one separates the squids from the suckers! Question 5: Which of these is NOT an element of magic?! The answer prompt this time is four options wide, including: “Music”, “Emotion”, “Boobs” and “Food”. You’d only know the answer to this if you read the instruction booklet – which specifically references the elements of magic in the AQ universe. This is kind of a jerk move by the game devs, as losing the manual in the early SNES era was a foregone conclusion by all but the most dedicated collectors. The answer is technically food, but the AQ manga series actually contradicts this during the “Great Pudding Cook-Off” arc. Otto: N-no way! What an amazing contestant we had on the show! Everyone, put your fins together for our new winners! A bunch of fish suddenly leap-on screen and shake about excitedly as the SNES strains to emulate the sound of uproaring applause. Then they retreat to whence they came. Otto: How do you feel? Hiro: A little drunk? Otto: YOU HEARD IT HERE, FOLKS! Now, enjoy your fabulous prizes! For answering all five correct, we get 3 “Fishy Hats” which are helmet upgrades that anyone in the party can put on. We’re then booted from the quiz room and resume our trek through for a few more rooms up until we reach the boss chamber. There, there’s a huge hole in the center of the room, glowing red. Hiro: I have to assume this is where the dragon awaits us. Mancala: Better go up and check just to be sure, Hiro! We’ll wait back here, where it’s safe! Hiro: *Sigh* Very well. One moment. Hiro walks to the lip and looks down. Hiro: Deep. But I don’t see anything. Hiro kicks a small stone from the lip down below, then puts a hand to his ear to listen for it. Hiro: … Deep. Very deep. But I still don’t— The screen begins violently shaking. Hiro: Well, I’ve been wrong before. -Boss Fight!- Trench Serpent LP: 7500 MP: 1000 This gigantic beast is a real threat at last! I hope you took the time to level up on your way here! Your best bet is use Kimyawa’s Fox Flip, if you’re leveled high enough to have it by now, which can briefly confuse the monster to some considerable effect. However, it mandates being quite a bit over-leveled to use here, so she may be money ahead to spam the Mirror of Kii. The serpent’s most dangerous move is “COWABUNGA!” which sends a killer tidal wave over the party – never mind that we’re already underwater during this fight. Your Pudding Swirls should be sufficient, provided you’re not careless. If you monitor your HP burn, you should come out on top. -Boss Fight!- Hiro: Whew… that was surprising. Mancala: Look! The Ice Key! A banana in a block of ice floats down to Hiro’s hands. Hiro: I lack the words. As usual. Mancala: We have it! Now we can go to the Octopus’ Garden! Hiro: Tell me it’s not a quiz game. Mancala: Probably not! Loyroll: Life is far more fun when you never know what comes next, right? Hiro: I guess so. At this point we –can- go on to the next area, if we wanted to. However, a hilarious and easily-missed Easter egg awaits those who return back to Zaius and Heston. The people gather at a neutral ground once you walk into one of the cities. Hiro: Okay. Everyone. Watch very carefully. I’m gonna bring peaceful resolution to this once and for all. Hiro brandishes his sword, then cuts the Ice Key clean in half. Mancala: HIRO! WHAT THE HELL?! Hiro: Just watch. This is going some place. Hiro takes the banana free of the ice, then peels it from center-out on both ends. Crowd: WHAT?! N-no way! No one has ever… how did he DO THAT?! Hiro: See? Now you understand: there’s more than just two ways to do something! And each is equally valid. And now we all learned an important lesson, right? Crowd: HE HAS ANGERED THE VOLCANO GODS! Hiro: Beg pardon? The camera pans out as a nearby mountain erupts into a volcano, the magma pours out and wipes out both villages in a flash. It then cuts back to the party. Mancala: Oh. Right. This place is ruled by the twin brother gods of volcanoes: Rilk and Klir. They also had very particular food habits. And banana peeling was one of their sacred doctrines. Hiro: … How was I supposed to know that? So with two more destroyed cities under our belts, we find the Melted Blade, a new sword for Hiro as we return to the sea for the Octopus Garden. The garden is a 3D maze, using a really curious fixed-perspective isometric view and water spouts that move Hiro up and down as you run through. People have wasted HOURS of their lives here due to the numerous deadends and confusing layout. This is also only the first screen. The second area has moving platforms which Hiro must traverse in order to cross a river. For some reason, this ordeal seems quite nostalgic, doesn’t it? The third area introduces the garden’s true gimmick – the octopus jars and the red and blue octopi. When you get here, the party fans out. Mancala: Ah. I’ve heard of this room. We have to approach it from a certain angle! Hiro: I don’t suppose you know what it is? Mancala: Grandma said this: red octopi are friendly and will pull you near them for a closer look! Blue octopi are shy and if approached, will politely move you away from their homes! But don’t fear – neither will harm you! Hiro: What on Earth does THAT mean?! Mancala: I dunno. Why? Hiro: … Kimyawa: Nii-chan, I think I understand! The octopi-tachi are different colors here. Red will pull us near from far away and blue will push us from near to far. And the room is full of holes in the floor. So, to progress, we need octopi-tachi to move us from one spot to another. Hiro: So the riddle lies in the color and the distance. I see. This is the most head-scratching moments in the game, not due to the base mechanics, but to how fiendishly clever the rooms that lie ahead really are. As explained, red octopi reach out three or four spaces ahead to grab us, but will ignore us if we’re one or two spaces out from them, and blue octopi ignore us at distances of three or greater, and will move us away from them three to four spaces if we approach. Using this knowledge we must move about the map step by step to progress. The first room is very simple and just a test of how each works. The second room adds more walls and holes in the floor to test your critical thinking. The third room adds floors that collapse once stepped on (which reset if you leave and come back) and the final room adds conveyer belts for a touch of twitch-reflex testing! Even with random encounters turned off for these moments, this still routinely gets ranked in the top 5 most hair-pullingly frustrating dungeons in the series. Once you get to the end, we see another pit not unlike the underwater volcano end area. Mancala: Oh? Is this the center area of the Octopus Garden? Ozma: Ugh. Not a recolor boss fight. How uncreative can you get? The area rumbles as a large, purple Trench Serpent rises from below. Kimyawa: Ozma-chan, Snake-san didn’t like that comment. Hiro: Get ready, everyone! Before the battle can begin, something flashes across the screen, and the serpent roars, sinking back into the abyss. Hiro: Wait, what? Who was that?! ?: Light Puddings! Prepare yourselves! Ozma: Uh. Strictly speaking only one among us is a Pudding! A tall, slender man with an oversized tower shield on each arm stands before the party. Man: I am Praetorian Mih! Hiro: Of course you are. Loyroll: I understand your frustration, my friend, but you must admit, he’s got style! Mih: You’ve done enough damage, Light Pudding! It’s time your little escapade— Hiro: Excuse me. Mih: What? Hiro: How are you breathing right now? Did you kiss a mermaid too? Mih: Huh? Hiro: We’re underwater, so I just wanted to know if we did the same thing is all or if there was a better way. Mih: Kiss a mermaid? What are you on about? Everyone knows mermaids aren’t real. Mancala: *Ahem* Mih: Bah! I tire of this. Enough banter! Have at you! -Boss Battle!- Praetorian Mih LP: 8800 MP: 750 Praetorian Mih is every bit the human wall his massive design and dual-wielding shields might indicate, coupled with by far the most LP of anything we’ve yet encountered. The best thing to do is to use Ozma’s Table Flip in hopes it reduces this giant’s defenses and use Pudding Swirl with Hiro and Kimyawa in order to give him the offensive edge needed to compete. Loyroll should use the Mirror of Kii, exploiting Mih’s middling magic defenses. Mih’s most annoying ability will be “Safe & Sound”, a special technique accompanied by an unusually cool trumpet solo which will render him virtually invincible for two rounds before he opens up with a party-wide physical blow. However, if you can weather this, he has a 3 turn cooldown on the ability, so he cannot spam it. You’ll have to play the endurance game just as much as he does, but if you keep it up, you’ll send him packing. -Boss Battle!- Mih: Hahaha! Not bad. Not bad at all. But it will take way more than that to defeat the Human Wall, Praetorian Mih! Hiro: How many more times are you going to introduce yourself?! Loyroll: It seems our unstoppable tempo has met with an unmoving mountain! Kimyawa: Nii-chan, I think you’re mixing your metaphors. Ozma: Don’t give up. I have an idea! But I’ll need your help, Mancala! Mancala: Huh? Uh. Okay! Lay it on me! What’s the plan?! Ozma palms Mancala’s head in her hand. Mancala: Eh? Wait, what— Ozma then hurls Mancala head-first into Mih, who slides back as she impacts, coming to the rim of the pit behind him. Mancala falls flat, stars circling her head. Mancala: BARF! Mih: Hahahaa! You must be truly desperate to resort to such flailing, desperate measures! Ozma: Oh, am I? Mih: Huh? What did you…? Oh no! Mih panics, desperately attempting to run as the cliff below him gives out and he plummets into the pit below. After a few seconds of a whistling, falling sound, we hear a violent crash below. Kimyawa: Yatta! Hiro: That was, uh, a creative way of dealing with that. Ozma: I’m pretty pleased with myself. Mancala: My poor head… I’m gonna feel that for weeks! Ozma: Oh, walk it off. Mancala: How do you walk off a headache?! Hiro: C’mon, guys. The water talisman must be… huh? Do you guys hear something? The area rumbles distantly. Suddenly, an explosion rockets up from the pit, sending the party skyward. Hiro: He exploded?! Loyroll: Not just him! The serpent too! Hiro: BECAUSE THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE, RIGHT?! Something shiny flies among the party. Kimyawa: Sugoi! The water talisman! Guy-nii-chan! Ozma: I got it! Ozma grabs Mancala’s tail and swings her around, causing Mancala to grab it. Mancala: STOP THAT, YOU CRAZY BITCH! Ozma: But it just feels SO RIGHT! How can it be wrong?! Ozma learns the Dual Tech – Fish Slap! She’ll grab Mancala’s tail and swing her about like a flail, dealing great damage to a single target. This move deals water-type damage. And we get the Water Talisman! Ozma: The important thing is that we got the Water Talisman now, right? Hiro: No! The important thing is that we’re ABOUT TO FALL AND DIE!!! Ozma: Such a gloomy gus… The party is then viewed falling, crash-landing in a seaside village on the opposite side of one of the underwater canyons that previously prevented our passage from Mermania. They pick themselves up and survey the town. Mancala: Oh! I know where this is! This is Trackland, the town known for its enormous race track and horrible, crippling gambling debt! Hiro: That seems… informative. Never heard of a place that bagged on their own town when they were naming it. Ozma: Might as well have a look around. I don’t see anything else we can do for now. Here we can buy some upgrades, like Kimyawa’s CatCap helmet, Ozma’s Blaz Knuckles and Hiro’s Shing Sword, provided you didn’t find the Melted Blade earlier. By talking to the locals, we learn the Dark Puddings have already ransacked their town, and now their sole joy remains in the race track – famous for being so long it’s also the main highway to the next town! We then go to talk to the operations manager to find a means down said road. Hiro: Hello. We were wondering if it would be alright to head down the race track to the next town. Ops Guy: No, no, no. You don’t “head down” the race track. You RACE down it! That’s why they call it a RACE track! Mancala: Yeah? Then why do they call something you drive on a parkway and something you park on a driveway?! Ops Guy: Look, I don’t make the rules – I just enforce them. If you try any funny business, I’ll run your butts down and drag you back here for the biggest lecture of your lives! So race properly or don’t race at all! The party leaves the room, then spreads out again. Hiro: Well, so much for the direct route. Ozma: Anyone have any ideas? Loyroll: Why not do what he said? After all, a race sounds like fun! No one can keep up with our tempo! Mancala: We can’t just run the track. We’d pass out from exhaustion before we hit the midway. We need something we can ride. We need a pack mule! Hiro: A town renowned for its race track? Well, there has to be a ranch nearby with animals for such an occasion. Let’s ask around. Heading over to the ranch on the east side of town we can talk to the rancher – a strangely feminine man in a long, white trench coat. Hiro: We need— Rancher: A monster for the race, right? Hiro: Wow, you’re— Rancher: I am pretty awesome. Moreover, you’re wasting your time. The Dark Puddings raided my ranch last month and I’m still putting the pieces back together. Hiro: Isn’t there anything— Rancher: Yeah, if you get a few million going spare, I could lend you one of my thoroughbreds I’ve been raising. Hiro: We don’t have— Rancher: Neither does anyone else, bro. If you want the bargain bin, you’re in luck. This way. Hiro: Are you going to let me— Rancher: No. The rancher leads us over to one particular pen where a sad, squat lizard-like creature with a camel’s hump, two wings and two tails, weighed down by mace-like appendages crawls out. It coughs out dust on Hiro’s boots. Hiro: Is it dying? Rancher: I can only hope. This here is the bottom of the bottom of the barrel. This is the last of the Griffohumps. Hiro: Okay, you’re gonna need to explain that one to me. Rancher: It’s half griffon, half camel-dog. Its eyes also don’t align properly and it’s wantonly flatulent. I’ll let you take it for 100 gold. Take it or leave it. Hiro: Well, that’s a very reasonable price. For an unreasonable animal. I was thinking more of something like a horse… Rancher: Then you’re out of luck, chum. What little I have left other than this guy is for rebuilding and repopulating my ranch. Hiro: Looks like I don’t have much of a choice. We then get a Yes/No prompt, which is entirely pointless as saying no means we just walk around town until we go back and say Yes. In the GBA remake, however, if Kimyawa is level 37 (really, only a few levels higher than the average for this segment) and knows her Fox Inferno technique, this entire segment takes on an entirely DIFFERENT connotation as Kimyawa can replace the Griffohump as our pet in this minigame. But that’s creepy. So I’ll stick with the SNES version, thank you very much. The Griffohump is then dropped into a special Virtual Pet-style menu, which we can access whenever we want by speaking with the rancher. We’re then prompted to name the little guy – his default name is “Stinky”. We can feed it either mundane items, or special items the rancher will offer to sell us, which influence its stats. We can train it in minigames, or by fighting it like it was a monster encounter – which is the most effective means to raise it. Unequip the party and let it beat on the party and its stats will skyrocket, especially if it KOs the party. We can also have Hiro pet it and talk to it, which makes Hiro spout off nonsense jokes that were poorly translated from their original Japanese counterparts. You may persist in doing this as long as you’d like or until you hit the ludicrous 999 stat caps. Really, if you get it to around 150 in everything, Energy, Speed, Acceleration and Defense, you don’t need anything more than that. Return to the ops guy. Ops Guy: You again?! Didn’t you hear me?! Hiro: We’d like to enter the race properly now! Ops Guy: Really now? Well, that’s an entirely different story. Ready to begin? We then get a Yes/No prompt. Select Yes to continue. Ops Guy: Alright! To the starting line! This cues up the race minigame, with Hiro sitting astride the Griffohump, who is barely larger than his owner. The race itself involves running to the right-hand side of the screen as other racers try to jump on/over us. We’re ranked as we go and we must be in one of the top three places in order to win the minigame. Failure to do so drops us off where we started the race and Hiro mumbling something about “Not being on his A-Game today”. Clearing in higher ranks nets us better money and item rewards, but nothing worth freaking out over just yet – but they do get better as the plot progresses. But if we manage to win in 1st, 2nd or 3rd, we reach the chapter’s end! Narrator: And thus, Hiro and his party, riding gallantly atop Stinky, gracefully coast across the valley. What awaits them ahead? Only time will tell… We then get the Griffohump Feather, a key item we can use to access the virtual pet minigame from anywhere, anytime! Don’t forget to feed him from time to time!
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skylights422 · 6 years
Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Review
[Cross posted on pillowfort and dreamwidth]
A little while back I finally purchased Castlevania: Curse of Darkness. I had been wanting it for some time since it was another castlevania game on the PS2, and because I was very interested in the different playstle (various weapons, the innocent devils you summon and evolve to help you fight, the diverse landscapes), and I must say I wasn't disappointed! So let's go through and analyze it section by section. PLOT/CHARACTERS While the castlevania series tends to have simplistic plots, and in certain ways curse of darkness does as well, I found myself really enjoying the cutscenes for this one. The subplot with Saint Germaine and Zed gave an interesting air of mystery, and the main plot had characters that were charismatic enough to keep you invested despite the fact they don't really bother to explain much of anything in regards to backstory or lore. Plus, even with the lacking explanations it still felt like it had more going on than in LoI, which I appreciated. For those unfamiliar with the plot of the game, it follows a man named Hector who used to be one of Dracula's generals before betraying him once Dracula started killing humans indiscriminately. Hector was one of two 'Devil Forgemasters' in the world, humans who could summon creatures known as Innocent Devils to do their bidding. We're told they are also more easily swayed by Dracula's curse, and that it is considered dark magic, but that's all we ever learn about them. The other devil forgemaster, Isaac, remained loyal to Dracula and had Hector's wife killed in return for Hector betraying him. So the game starts out with Hector charging into an abandoned castle and demanding to fight Isaac to the death, even though at this point it is unclear if Hector has any weapons on hand and has not returned to devil forging. I gotta say, I really loved Hector as a protagonist. He was bold but courteous and had a righteous fury and determination that was a ton of fun. He also just had a very cool design, and I liked that he could use so many weapons (I think in nearly all the cutscenes he only fights hand to hand though, and I really love the mental image of him taking down Isaac with his beam sword and devils, Dracula, and Death with his bare fists xD)and he overall just worked as a lead character for this type of game. Isaac was a wonderfully over the top villain, and while none of it was elaborated on there was enough hinted at backstory/depth that he still felt interesting even if the main appeal was how deranged and sort of flamboyant he was. Isaac also apparently had a younger sister who looked exactly the same as Hector's dead wife, named Julia. Both of these facts are never explained (how did Hector never learn Isaac had a sister before? Why do the two totally unrelated women look identical? Who knows), but I really liked her as a character anyways. She was the shopkeeper of the game and the support character and she did all that with a lot of grace I thought. Oh right Trevor Blemont was there too. I'm sure he's great in Castlevania 3 when you play him, and I did enjoy his character in this game, but he was also very much a walking plot device. He was against you when the game wanted tension and supported you when the game needed you to use his Belmont magic, but then he sends you off to fight all the final bosses alone despite his entire reason for being there was to fight the final bosses and spent most of the game insisting he would beat them first. He was like a weird rival character who dropped out of the rivaling business for no apparent reason. I mean the reason was Gameplay, but a better in-story reason would have been appreciated. The end of the game was pretty decent, it wrapped everything up more or less, though I thought Hector deciding to move in with Julia in the middle of the mountains was a little weird. I love them as a brotp but I did not appreciate the romantic nod they were trying to include, she looks just like his dead wife for crying out loud! Overall though I thought the plot and characters for the game were Good and got the job done, so good job game. GAMEPLAY I LOVED the gameplay for Curse of Darkness. I liked getting to run around and fight the monsters, I liked leveling up my Innocent Devils and watching them learn new moves to help me destroy stuff, and the Chair Side Quest was the greatest thing the game gave to me. Honestly, it only added to my love of Hector, because you could interpret the whole thing as him having some kind of mind-room thingie where he collects chairs/benches/other things you can sit on (I laughed more than I should at some of them I'm not gonna lie). Like he just poses dramatically on all these chairs and its amazing. And the weapon crafting and combos were a lot of fun (he can apparently use the electric guitar very enthusiastically lol). The only downside to the gameplay was there was no sprinting feature (you do a lot of backtracking through confusingly designed areas, it got a little headache inducing at times), and I wished there was some kind of projectile weapon or something to make the fighting more varied than just the combos (which I admittedly took forever to discover) since you do so much excess fighting to level up in this game. But overall I really enjoyed the gameplay even with its flaws. The levels, I might add, while confusing and a bit ridiculous in layout at times, looked fantastic and all felt pleasantly different from each other, even the ones that were thematically similar. So if the maps had just been designed better the levels/areas would have been perfect. MUSIC/AESTHETIC The music was absolutely fantastic in this game! Castlevania usually has great soundtracks and this one is no exception. It was all very energetic and catchy and fit the mood of the game really well. Could have maybe had more stylistic variety, but that's a very minor complaint given how well composed all of it was. And i really liked how all of the levels looked! The graphics were pretty good, maybe not as shiny as LoI? But it captured the vibe of the game perfectly and still had some great visuals so it worked out. CONCLUSION To sum up, I really only have a few critiques of this game. Mostly it was an awesome experience to play, I had fun watching the cutscenes in both languages and seeing where the plot was going, and the chair side quest, as mentioned, gave me unparalleled joy. It was appropriately paced and about as long as it needed to be (unless it wanted to explain more, which would have been  nice, but also would have made it a much bigger game potentially). The maps were fun to go through when you hadn't explored much of it yet but eventually became a nightmare to maneuver, but the jamming music sort of made up for that. The characters really spoke to me despite all the unanswered questions about them. Actually its prime fanfic material, I may have to get on that sometime. But basically I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who likes popcorn gothic vampire slaying games (which is pretty much the Castlevania series in a nutshell, there's a reason I want to buy all games released during or before the PS2 era). 8.5/10
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ikesenhell · 6 years
Down in the Rain
This is part six of To Honor And Protect. You can find all other IkeSen works of mine here.
Their lessons were back on, and each and every one of them killed him. 
They weren’t alone anymore. Usually Sasuke sat in, but sometimes it was Hideyoshi, or Shingen. Other times, Lord Kennyo himself sat in the corner of the study, busying himself with ancient books. He felt the eyes on his back as often as he saw the flit of a gaze under eyebrows. 
She wasn’t much the same when anyone was looking, but he could tease hints of her back out. One time he misspoke during their history lessons, and she got so tickled that they both dissolved into laughter, leaving Lord Kennyo confused in the corner. Her eyes glittered when they shelved books together. She played with the silver chain around her neck when deep in thought, and every time his heart thumped so hard he half expected to pass out. 
“Mitsunari.” Lord Kennyo stopped him one day as he went to leave. “Indulge my curiosity.”
“Yes sir?”
“They tell me you weren’t recruited to the Nine so much as condemned to it.” His dark eyes searched Mitsunari. That was just fine. Mitsunari smiled cheerily back. 
“I’m afraid I don’t understand. It’s always an honor to be in the Nine.”
“They say,” Kennyo followed up, sharper this time, “that you were a mage of some power.”
Mitsunari considered carefully before answering. “I don’t know that I’d say of some power, but any magic at all tends to attract attention. I suppose it was simply interesting enough.”
Either the lord wasn’t up to the task of threading the diplomatic needle, or he simply thought Mitsunari oblivious, but either way, he let it go. 
The Barracks never stilled now. A never-ending stream of information poured in from Shingen and Mitsuhide’s spies, painting a confusing picture of backward tactics at the border. 
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say they were exercising a diversion.” Shingen remarked, tracing the path of the Western Army’s route. 
Nobunaga hummed. “A diversion for what, exactly?”
“That’s the golden question, isn’t it?” Mitsuhide grinned as if the game of war were merely checkers. “But if I were to stretch my imagination, I’d say they were looking to destabilize our region as well as they could before attempting an invasion.”
Their leader narrowed his ruby eyes. “Ah. So you’re suggesting they’ll attempt an assassination?”
“Perhaps. Maybe a coup. Either way, I have little but rumors to rely upon. We should employ our good senses either way.”
“Cowards.” Kenshin sniffed. “Send an army. Fight like warriors. Then we must up the defenses.”
Ieyasu huffed, leaning over the map. “Fine. If they’re going straight for the royal family, they’ll have to work for it.”
“That’s the spirit.” Masamune grinned and slapped his friend encouragingly on the back. “Ieyasu and I can handle upping the wall defenses. Put us straight on those front lines.”
“Obviously Shingen and I are spoken for,” Mitsuhide drawled. 
“Which leaves the King, the Princess, and Lord Kennyo.” Nobunaga rubbed his chin. “Kenshin, you make the most sense guarding His Highness with myself. Hideyoshi, Yukimura, you take care of Lord Kennyo. Mitsunari--”
“Wait.” Hideyoshi cut in. “Wait. Allow me to trade with Mitsunari.”
“Because--” Hideyoshi paused. “I think Mitsunari and Yukimura have a great working relationship.”
With a snort, Nobunaga repeated the question. “Why?”
“Look, I think--”
Rolling his eyes, Kenshin cut in. “Because he doesn’t want the lovesick puppy to be responsible for the Princess.”
And it was out. Any pretense of blindness the other eight had slipped away, Hideyoshi’s expression twisting.
“No,” he snapped, “I don’t want Mitsunari’s emotions to be used as leverage in a combat situation.”
“It’s hardly inappropriate.” Nobunaga remained as cool as ever. “Mitsunari has the most incentive to keep her safe. I highly doubt he’d allow so much as a single hair on her head to fall without her say-so.”
“At best, this is a bad idea. At worst, we’re actively using--”
“Hideyoshi.” Mitsunari cut in. “May I speak for myself?”
All the others fell silent. Rising to his feet, Mitsunari bowed before them. “Let me protect her.”
Kenshin fixed his green-blue gaze on Mitsunari. “Can you keep a cool head? Will you hold yourself together if she comes to harm? Can you keep your sense if she is threatened?”
He held fast, staring Kenshin down. “Have I ever failed to analyze a situation properly before enacting a secure plan?”
“Need I remind you of the last time you were under emotional duress and granted power?”
Point taken. Mitsunari shut his eyes. Would he? “That was many years ago. I cannot promise I’d never use that in her defense, but that is simply an extension of my job.”
“Please think about this,” Hideyoshi implored. “Really think about it.”
“I’ve made up my mind. I’m happy to accept this position. Please allow me to do this for myself.”
With that, Nobunaga nodded his head, and it was done. As they filed from the hall, Mitsunari felt doubt flicker in his heart for only a moment--and then it was gone, replaced with nothing but resolve.
The month passed with the quiet thrum of his lovesick heart as much as the heavy crash of waves. His feelings grew like unchecked weeds into the thick of his throat, watered to life with every glance she graced him with. Their routines were different now: he didn’t return to the barracks at night. Instead he took up residence in the tower, same as Sasuke, close enough to their charge to be useful. 
She took her mornings in delicate silence. Mitsunari never felt so lonely and full in his whole life. The wind rushed around them and the ocean thrashed outside the windows, the crackle of fire warming her tea the only sounds to remind him that this was real life at all, that she wasn’t an angel his mind dreamed into life. In the quiet dawn he was brave. Maybe she was, too--maybe that was why they brushed up against each other in the kitchen, knuckles kissing as they parsed through bread and expensive cubes of sugar, tea leaves and cups and bread. Sometimes he pretended to spill things just to have an excuse to stand by her longer, bound by the sweetness of her perfume. They never spoke. That would break the spell. Eventually the rest of the castle was up, too, and with the rustle of voices, it shattered anyway. 
And night--oh, blessed, blessed night--she took the steps up to the top of the tower and lingered there. Storm-born winds swept through her hair and skirts and flung them out toward the ocean. Stardust scattered over the length of her arms and pooled in her eyes, the gloss of her full lips swelling in the moonlight, and every time the darkness fell, Mitsunari wondered when he might snap utterly and shade her mouth with his. 
Somehow he didn’t. Instead he hovered on the brink of madness each waking hour, dipping himself further and further into the well of her eyes and wondering when he might never get out again. 
“Father is to announce the wedding date today,” she informed her bodyguards one damp afternoon. Rain sprinkled outside the window, scattering over the waves. “I suppose it’s to be a public thing, despite the weather.”
Mitsunari wondered, selfishly, why it couldn’t be postponed, but forced a smile on anyway. “Well, I’ll see to it that you stay dry.”
Sasuke pushed the glasses up his nose and nodded. “And I’ll be only a few steps away at any given time, so maybe I can employ my ninja arts and sweep the water away.”
That got her to laugh. “Oh! Well, if that’s how it works, then I suppose so.”
They fetched an umbrella and headed down the stairs. Mitsunari tried not to fantasize about sharing it with the Princess too hard, but--Lord Kennyo emerged in the doorway, followed by his own entourage, Hideyoshi, and Yukimura.
“Good morning.” He bowed before the Princess, who returned the gesture. “I thought I might escort you to the speech. I brought an umbrella for the occasion.”
“It would please me.” She responded, formal as always. “Thank you.”
Ah. Mitsunari set the one he’d gathered down by a cloak stand, avoiding Hideyoshi’s mothering stare. As a group, they left the tower and headed toward the square. 
A podium arranged for the brief announcement sat squat in the vast marketplace. The people already milled around the edges, eager for news. A royal wedding was exciting, after all. Mitsunari tried not to resent everyone involved and plastered on his smile for the Princess, nodding reassuringly at her every time she glanced back at him. 
“On your guard,” Hideyoshi hissed. “Mitsuhide thinks something might happen.”
Of course. It was too obvious a target. Subtly, Mitsunari separated from the group and eased around the edge of the stage, positioning himself as close as possible to the Princess’ side. Tactically speaking, this was a nightmare. So many people in one space, so many rooftops facing inward, so few places to hide...
He wasn’t exactly surprised when it happened. 
The speech had only just commenced when Masamune’s bellow cut through the ceremony. Mitsunari didn’t need to understand him. Brash as their One-Eyed Dragon was, he wouldn’t interrupt without a reason. In almost perfect unison, the Nine drew their swords. Just in time. The crowd screamed and parted like a flood, three men breaking forward from different positions toward the stage. 
Kenshin caught the first. He swept from his place with wave-grace, his arms fluid as water and sword a deadly silver ribbon, setting upon his opponent. Nobunaga intercepted the second; his sword became the hammer of the Devil, a grave marker not yet embedded in the heart of the soon-dead. And the third--
Mitsunari watched the seconds tick by in half-time. The third lifted a crossbow, readying the bolt. The only two men close enough to stand between their targets and a certain death were gone; the King was nearly ducked, Lord Kennyo drawing his own weapon, but the Princess--
Something in him snapped. 
With savage focus, he yanked his sword free and sliced his hand open. Blood spattered on his uniform, but he didn’t care. Instead he extended his arm. 
“Mitsunari!” Hideyoshi yelled from a thousand miles away. “Mitsun--”
He crushed his fingers closed. 
The man twisted on Kenshin’s blade crumpled and shrieked. Kenshin took one step back before the victim howled again, his neck wrenching with one sickening crack, and then all his blood swept in a massive tidal wave into Mitsunari’s hands. Two thoughts passed through him: the man with the crossbow was slipping his hand into the trigger now, and if he acted, he could wrap the blood around his neck, bring him thrashing into the air with a dripping noose--
The Princess wouldn’t want that. He didn’t want that. And Mitsunari recovered himself in a fractious, tense second, flinging his hand up into the air, and the blood coalesced into a pearly force field. 
And the bolt shattered against it. 
Yukimura had the last one in the next moment, forcing him down with his spear. Mitsunari released the magic and watched the wall dissolve. All was silent for a long, long time... and then he realized what he’d done. 
“Well.” Mitsunari forced the usual cheer into his voice, trying his best not to acknowledge the horrified stares on him. “Well, I suppose I do have to answer for that, don’t I? It is forbidden, after all.”
“Mitsunari--” The Princess tried to go to him, but Sasuke held her back.
“Don’t worry.” He smiled at her, doing his best to be calm, and knelt before the King. “Don’t worry. It’s alright. I know what I did.”
“Mitsunari!” She yelled again, trying to shake Sasuke off. “Father, don’t do anything, he saved us--he was doing his job--”
But the King said nothing. Hideyoshi and Nobunaga came to his side, silent and serious, and clasped him into irons. The Princess burst into tears. 
“It’s alright,” he soothed. “It’s okay. Don’t cry, Princess. It’s okay.”
“We’ll handle this matter later.” Kennyo announced gravely. “For now, we have to see to the people. Take him to holding.”
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