#anyway as i type this some of the knots i was stressing about have *just* come untangled and i can send off some positive 'thing is done!'
drunkhee · 2 months
exam season sucks ──── ⵌ ENHA HYUNGS
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pairing: student! enhypen hyung line x afab! reader genre: fluff , crack wc:0.4k
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synopsis ; reader is stressed over exams and they try to help MAKNAE LINE
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heeseung ★彡
heeseung realises a bit too late that you were stressed out, as you were already in tears with your head resting on your hands. as you were about to bash the book onto your forehead, heeseung swipes the book away from your hands.
'baby...' he frowns putting the book aside. 'come here.' he smiles as he heads towards his bed, following after him. you were engulfed into his warm embrace as he hums you a tune. the tune was from the first song he ever sang to you, and it made you relax with the thought of the memory.
'are you feeling better now, baby?' he smiles as he strokes your hair, pulling you closer to him.
jay ★彡
he has been watching you for a while. initially jay thought that your rigid and stiff posture was because you were focused, but he soon realised that you were holding in tears as you dreaded your exams. he approaches you from behind and places his hands on your shoulders.
'you're so tense babygirl, you've got this exam ok?' he whispers into your ear, massaging your shoulders. jays fingers apply pressure, undoing knots you didn't know you had from studying.
'does this hurt?' he would occasionally ask as he moves around your back. 'you're doing great baby, i'll do this again if your back starts hurting again ok?'
jake ★彡
jake insisted on studying on his bed, which wasn't a good idea on his part - he couldn't focus at all unlike you. where you were busy typing away, he was too - doing a 'how fast can you type' test online. and many more.
as he got tired from his many tests, he closes his laptop and scoots towards you. you haven't written anything. nothing.
'y/n? are you, uh, okay? baby?' he asks looking at you who's sat there frozen. jake takes the laptop off of your lap and puts it away giving you a hug. 'aww baby, i'll give you a hand later ok? i've finished mine anyways. cuddle break?' you nod as he wraps his legs around you and you melt in his arms for the next few minutes. or hours.
sunghoon ★彡
you were both studying at the library when he hears your stomach grumble. he was already sick of studying, but he noticed that you were still doing work so he waited for a sign from the heavens to relieve him from the demon called studying for exams.
'y/n do you wanna grab some lunch?' he asks as he starts putting his stuff away. he looks at you when you didn't answer, 'oh no, baby...' he says rushing over to your side.
'i can't leave, i'm so not ready for this exam hoon. ' you grumble, eyes not leaving your screen.
'come on bubs, you're just gonna get grumpier by the second. my treat.' you look up at him as he flashes you his smile. how can you say no to that?
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vi's thoughts;
PURRR i have an exam tmr which i should really be revising for rn... BUT IM NOT anyways its 12AM i need to get up at like 4/5 to study sm more so good bye yall :D
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(c) drunkhee 2024. pls don't steal/plagiarise my work ! lmk if you wanna be in my taglist!
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paladin-heart5 · 2 months
Save Her (Part One)
Leon Kennedy x Reader
Summary; Leon's fiancee has been captured by an underground black market group. He needs to save her, but once he does, he needs to prepare for her recovery.
CW; hurt/comfort, captivity, swearing, blood/bruising, mild suicidal thoughts. (lmk if I missed anything)
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Three weeks. For three weeks his best friend, no, fiancée, has been missing. And after all that time stressing, all those sleepless nights, he's got a solid lead. An underground gang that sells bio-weapon prototypes. They buy blueprints off the black market and build them to sell to high bidders. With the intel Hunnigan found, they gotta be the ones who have her. The question is, why would they take her? They better not be experimenting on her. He'll have to put a bullet through every head, just like the undead he spent most of his life killing. Maybe he'll do it anyway. When he came home from work one day, he found the door broken open, many signs of a struggle, but they still got her. No ransom notes, nor blood. The anger in his eyes was strong, they can't just take her away like that. She's going to come home safe and sound. She has to. 
“The location has been sent to you, but you'll need to be careful getting down. There's likely going to be some form of security, definitely cameras. Keep your head down.” Hunnigan explains as Leon, Chris, and Rebecca gear up. Leon knew he couldn't do this alone, he needed his friends. Jill is on another mission, and Claire is traveling for TerraSave. Chris wasn't going to let him do this in the state he's in. Barely a wink of sleep, very little food in his system. He had to force him to do both just so he wouldn't kill himself. He can't save her when he's passed out on the ground. “Head to the warehouse, clear the area, and find the hatch. The rest I won't be able to help much with.” She finished explaining, earning a nod from Leon.
“Got it, thank you, Ingrid.” He says softly. Ingrid gives a hint of a smile.
“I care about her too, bring her home safely.” She states, pointing at them. Leon chuckles and gives a two finger salute. The three of them are off in no time, settling into Chris’s jeep before taking off. Rebecca looks through her computer for possible access to the cameras at the warehouse.
“It doesn't seem like there are many camera's underground, just in the warehouse itself. So I'm guessing there might be some muscle down there. Judging by some old files, their number of sales on the black market have increased by 40% in the last three months.” She explains to the men. Leon's leg bounces anxiously as he listens, Chris frowning as he thinks. 
“I just don't understand, what do they want with Y/n?” The muscular brunette asks. Rebecca hums and types for a couple of minutes before answering.
“My guess, using her knowledge as a biologist to build their newest experiment. Though I can’t seem to get through this inscription, so I won’t know for sure until we get there and see it for ourselves.” The professor explains.
The echoes of men cheering down the hall caused a spike in her heart rate. The cold floor of the cell she’s on makes her shiver as she sits in only a dirty hospital gown and undergarments. Her hair is greasy, and knotted. She'd kill for a shower if she wasn't so weak. Y/n hugged her knees to her chest, the chains connected to her ankle making a clanking sound. Bruises and cuts litter her skin, all that fighting ended in such pain. She just wanted to be home, resting in bed with her soon to be husband. But those words from the fuckers that took her. They haunt her, every day she starts to believe them.
“He's not coming for you, doll."
“And even if he did, he won't love you.”
“You belong to us now.” 
She squeezes her eyes shut as she holds her head. Tears starting to prick her eyes for the hundredth time since she's been stuck here. Leon would never leave her like that. He loves her, he promised that when he proposed. “He's just having trouble finding me.” She mutters, but still; as time goes on, hope continues to fade.
The ringing of gunshots caused her to wake with a start. She can hear shouting and footsteps all around. Y/n curls up and covers her ears, too afraid to even try to see what's happening. Could be friend or foe, but it's hard to tell at this point. All those torturous nights of scaring her into talk, forcing her to do tests. She's simply too tired to move, to think. She's not even sure she wants to live anymore. 
“Leon! Check all the cells! We have to get her out quickly if we're gonna blow this place.” A familiar voice called out, followed by footsteps nearing her cell. Why can't she remember that voice, and did he say Leon? As in her soon to be husband? Perhaps her mind is starting to play tricks on her. That little bit of hope left could be tricking her. 
However, the footsteps get louder. A shadow of a man draws closer, and she isn't sure what to do besides try to hide herself. When the footsteps stop suddenly, she peaks her head up slightly. A tall man, fairly muscular and sandy blond hair stands in front of her cell. His eyes are a beautiful blue, but they seem dull. As he sees her, his heart stops, breath hitches. It's her, his future wife. Y/n stares at him in disbelief, this definitely has to be a trick, that man looks just like Leon.
“Y/n..” The sound of her name was breathy, but it immediately made her feel a sense of comfort. His voice, deep and smooth, it's very soothing. Though she still can't be sure that her mind isn't playing tricks. She hugs herself tighter, shaking as he approaches slowly. He kneels down in front of her, worry and sadness clear in his eyes. He frowns and slowly reaches his hand out towards her face. A whimper escapes as she tenses, which only makes him feel worse.
“It's me, baby. It's Leon.” He says softly, managing to graze his fingers along her cheek. Her eyes widen, they look almost lifeless to him. They become glossy as tears quickly begin to pour. 
“You're- you're really.. here?” She asks quietly, earning a nod from the blond. The tears fall heavily down her cheeks as a loud sob racks her body. Leon quickly grabs her hands, trying not to let himself fall apart because he just can't. He has to be strong for her, he needs to get her to safety. Chris runs by and hears her cries, stopping in his tracks. He looks over and his eyes widen. He begins to step into the cell, noticing the chains. He then pulls out a set of keys that he collected from one of the guards.
“Leon, here.” He calls softly, giving him the keys. Leon looks back and smiles thankfully. “Where's Rebecca?” He asks, quickly unlocking the chains around Y/n’s ankles. 
“Grabbing the files so we can figure this out. Let's go, quickly.” Chris states before rushing out. Leon looks at his fiancee and cups her cheek. 
“Baby, I'm gonna get you out of here, okay? Just hold on to me.” He watches her head nod in acknowledgement before carefully lifting her up. She grabs his vest as he carries her bridal style, following where Chris went.  Her glossy eyes wander around tiredly as they move. Everything feels fuzzy, the sounds of gunfire become muffled. Even Leon's voice fades in and out, but when she realizes he's talking, she looks up at him slowly. He holds her close, realizing how pale she is. When they finally find Rebecca, she goes to Y/n to check on her. 
“We have to get her to a hospital. Now.” She states with a firm tone. The two nod and get what they need. Chris sets up some C4 in the computer room before they all rush out. Another group of guards enter the hallway, guns blazing. Leon takes cover, shielding her from harm, while Chris and Rebecca clear them out. Once they're all down, they run out to the warehouse and jump into the jeep. Leon looks down at his lover to see she's unconscious.
"Shit, Y/n!" He calls, trying to shake her awake, but she's out cold. He feels her neck for a pulse, luckily it's there, but faint. He shouts at Chris to hurry, and Chris detonates the bomb before speeding to the hospital.
Please be okay.
A/N; Welcome to the first part of my first little series! Hope you enjoyed it, more to come soon!
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fortheb0ys · 3 months
Okay okay okay
Pet play with Jeff vs Graves would be soo fun to see
Jeff only really gets rough if provoked, feels awful after usually unless it's sex. Then he's probably pretty satisfied, but even then he's really not that rough. Really gotta work him up to being rough, let him blow some steam in a safe environment where he won't be afraid to be "bad."
He has his moments, overwhelmed and probably panicked, especially after Shauna and her "book club." But he's not inherently a bad dog. He's a good boy, just needy and clingy, probably a bit insecure and wary around people.
That biting issue isn't awful after being with him for awhile, probably actually able to train him over Shauna. But sometimes he'll bite if something feels too good or he's frightened, but I can't imagine putting him in his kennel again over it. They're accidents, lost in his head like last time and everyone's learning from it
Rough and mean for the hell of it. Is not satisfied by slow sappy shit unless you really work him in, or his day was genuinely terrible. But usually? Graves is wrestling and probably straight up sparring with you for dominance that he doesn't want.
Bites bites bites all the time. You look like you were thrown to the wolves after leaving a session with Graves, cannot train this out of him. It's his god given right as a puppy. Fuck him with a dildo with a knot? It's soo over for him. Eyes rolled back and drooling everywhere. 0 thoughts in this pups brain, literally none at all as he's shooting blanks over and over again.
He's bratty, mouthy. Loves to tease and be pampered. Stressed at work? Scratch behind his ears and coo at him and he's melting away, itching for that weight of a collar around his neck.
Anyways 😭 idk if any of that makes sense but you get to have my rambles anyways!
AHHHH I WANNA DIG A HOLE IN YOUR SKULL TO LIVE IN YOUR BRAIN AND EAT YOUR THOUGHTS!! THIS SO PERFECT😭 This is fucking perfect! I'm so sorry if none of this makes sense.
Jeff is gentle natured. Only ever violent when really pushed in a corner or someone's threatening people dear to him. He's definitely not in control of his mouth when he experiences any overwhelming emotions. He would bite his lip, the inside of his mouth or tongue and not realize. He'd start panicing or whine when he taste blood.
He just doesn't like to be treated rough at all. Rough means punishment. He needs reassurance that he's not a bad boy and that no one's mad at him.
I feel like Jeff gets let off the handle more than he should. Don't want to push him and break his trust. He's, for the most part, well behaved. If he does something wrong he's most likely going to beg for forgiveness before he could get reprimanded.
His kennel isn't really for punishment. It's more of a safe space for him. Just plushies and throw blanket. It's only ever punishment if the cage is closed.
He likes everything soft and sweet, especially nicknames. Cute one like buddy, puppy, pumpkin, etc. He loves to be spoiled. Kisses and praises more the material things.
Shauna lets him stay at your place some weekends and as much as he loves spending time with you Jeff questions why Shauna doesn't love him anymore. He definitely soooooo fucking clingy. The type of dog to wait outside the bathroom door.
Shauna probably wouldn't have much patience with training him. Would give up quickly or scold him a little too hard. Gentleness is key in reinforcing Jeff's good behavior.
Graves gives the vibe of one of those pitbulls named 'Cupcake' or 'Princess'. He can be sweet but violence is in his nature. I think he reacts violently because that's how he was treated. He's violent with both play and sex. He'll violent rip apart toys and goes through them so easily. Old wounds can never heal properly cause he just bites over them (I have a fic talking about this actually).
Graves thinks if he does his mission he'll get rewarded but is let down constantly by Shepherd. He'll finish his mission and all Shepherd gives him is a cold pat on the back and his paycheck.
Yes, Graves loves the money but he craves to be praised both cause of his ego and his deep need to be wanted. If someone wants him, they pay.
Shepherd calls him a dog with a bone. He'd somehow learn of Graves' puppy play. Use it against him and for sometime Graves let him. He's loyal to the ones he's close with and it took alot to break that trust. But seeing his men, the ones he views as a pack, die made him snap.
So now with a new 'handler' he's never going to be fully trusting. He gave it away and it backfired.
I think Graves bite more so to show ownership. Yes, he has violent tendencies but he like to see markings. It's way of him keeping some level of control. Plus he just genuinely like to do it.
Graves accept no punishment. If boundaries are crossed or his actions too severe, just go quiet for a few days to scare him. He'll think he'll be abandon and will crawl back. It's a bit cruel but it's the only thing that works.
He has money so spoiling him with gifts isn't going to win any favor. He just wants someone to 'play' with. Honestly he'd probably pay. Of course, most of the paycheck is hush money.
Graves requires a lot of energy burning activity aka sex when in his head space. He's a busy man and doesn't get to relax often. I can imagine his has those heavy chain collar. Chain him somewhere and get him to fuck himself on a knotted dildo while trying to finish work than fuck him for hours after.
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Seldom Self-care Sickness
Prompt: Hopelessly Bad at Self-Care
Pairings: Wandanat x R
Word count: 1.4K
Summary: you were pretty bad at looking after yourself when It came to getting work done. So much so you made yourself sick. But your girls love you all the same.
TW: fever, Flu, non-sexual nudity, implied sexual joke (just one), slight angst, traumatic past (mentioned)
A/N i feel like all my fics are kinda the same thing… im considering opening up requests once i figure out how to…
“honey your going to get sick if you don’t take breaks. love your working yourself into the ground.” Wanda cooed. you brushed the hair from your eyes and went back to work, huffing slightly.
“your probably worse than nat, my love, take a break and we can cuddle.” Wanda tried again.
nat huffed “shes defiantly worse than me at least i take breaks every once in a while.” Wanda shot nat a glare and she went back to typing out her mission report.
you knew they were right, you hadn’t slept or eaten or even stopped to pee lately. work was all you could think about. with the last mission you went on failing you felt the need to prove yourself. after hydra you had always had issues with self worth and work ethic. mainly you didn’t feel you had any. your worked yourself to the bone until your girls picked up the pieces, which they didn’t mind, after all they loved you. you had grown up on the ideology that in order to be valuable and loved you had to earn your keep. of course even a whole year after your rescue the things they taught you were hard to shake off.
“‘m fine wands i need to get this done anyway.” you sighed when she began massaging your shoulders feeling the pent up stress you held in your neck and back. you let your eyes drift shut for a second revealing in the idea of a break before they snapped open and you went back to work. Wanda sighed heavily and retreated back to the bedc to snuggle into nat. every once in a while she shot you a sad look but you huffed and continued writing out the reports.
“baby i brought you some water for a reason. you may want to work but you do need to drink.” Wanda cooed, and you placed down the pen with a bang, emptying the glass while holding Wanda’s eyes the whole time. you wiped you hand over the back of your mouth, replaced the glass on the table and picked up the pen again. Wanda sighed knowing you had at least had some water now which she supposed was better than nothing at all.
she had just began to doze off against Nat’s thigh when a sneeze startled her awake. you grinned sheepishly and waved a hand.
“Pollen count.” you said dismissively and Wanda shot a pointed look at the closed window.
“I need to work.” you cut her off.
“what you really need is to rest.” nat said without looking up from her own report.
“why don’t you harass Natasha for a bit Wanda.” you huffed the room feeling uncomfortably warm.
“because i know when to stop, unlike you.” nat shot back without any malice.
Wanda sighed and began to lazily trace patterns on Nat’s thigh which shivered under her touch. slowly she began to fall asleep again. only to, once again be woken by a sneeze. followed by another three. when you had stopped Wanda raised an eyebrow. she stood up wand walked over to your desk. hands on her hips. “right thats enough, come to bed or i’ll make you, your going to get sick one way or the other now and i don’t need you to be writing nonsense with a high fever.” upon closer look she saw the slight shaking you body was doing, open betrayal.
“right.” Wanda said sounding frustrated at your lack of response. swiftly she laid the back of her palm on your forehead before you could react she tutted.
you moaned at the feeling of cool skin against your fevered face, which felt like a fire was brewing. under your skin.
Wanda’s eyes went wide “baby.” she scolded “you have a fever, no wonder you don’t feel good.” she sighed using her hand to draw the sweaty hair from your face. her fingers tangling in the knots.
nat appeared by her side. she put one hand under your knees and another on your back as she scooped you up bridal style. she was concerned at your lack of protests as she did so and shot Wanda a worried look that was quickly returned. how had you gotten sick so fast? carefully Natasha deposited you on the bed and Wanda went to find a thermometer.
Nat brushed the hair from your face and your eyes fluttered shut in content.
“honey, you need to look after yourself better” she cooed her fingers carding your hair backwards.
“alright.” Wanda said reappearing with a small thermometer. “open” she said tapping a finger on your jaw. you glared but complied.
“good girl.” Wanda said using a finger to close your still open mouth after she slipped it under your tongue.
Wanda hummed and rummaged through the cupboards to find some medicine. “just in case your fevers high we might give you some medicine or even a shower.” your eyes lit up making her chuckle
“not that kind of shower my sweet. save that for when your better.” she winked. you slumped against Nat’s shoulder.
“aww your too cute when you pout baby.” she cooed. the thermometer beeped and she carefully took it out when you faced her. holding it away from you and Nat she read off the number.
“102.7” she said frowning at it. “baby thats too high.” she sighed.
“love you go start the shower and i’ll bring her in when your ready.” nat said as if you weren’t there. which in some ways you weren’t, your eyes had taken a glossy effect as you stared into space. but at the word shower you began squirming in Nat’s lap.
“shh shhh shhh” she cooed in your ear. “it’ll be ok, Wanda and I will be with you the whole time.” you knew from past experience how much a fever shower sucked and were under no compulsion to have another. nat scooped you up as Wanda called from the bathroom, the sound of running water coming through the door. you stopped wriggling in Nat’s arms and succumbed to your torture. going limo as nat shot you a sad look as if she felt sorry for you and you began pouting again.
“shh bubs its alright”
carefully she peel off your sweat soaked clothes and passed your shaking form to Wanda who set your feel down and pulled you flush to her front.
“aww its ok my sweet.” she cooed, running her hands through your wet hair. after a few minutes the shaking was less and Wanda was satisfied you weren’t as warm anymore, they helped you out of the shower. you were still clinging to Wanda while Nat dried you off with a fluffy towel. she helped you step into a pair of fluffy pj pants and into one of Wanda’s shirts. after you were dressed Nat carried you back to the bed so Wanda could get dressed herself.
carefully she set you down and pulled the thermometer out of the draw where Wanda had stashed it earlier.
“open up bubs.” she cooed and you did so with sad eyes.
you were nestled in a mountain of pillows when Wanda remerged and you made grabby hands for her. nat was laid by one side and Wanda by the other, you placed your cheek on her thigh and after a second your eyes drifted shut.
the beep surprised you and you felt Wanda’s fingers remove the stick from your mouth. she looked down at it and sighed.
“101.2 better but still not good.” Wanda looked at Nat who gestured to you, who was half asleep and struggling to keep your eyes open against Wanda’s thigh. you would close them before opening them suddenly only to blink for a few seconds before they slide shut again.
“go to sleep my love. we’ll be here. we’ll keep you safe.” Wanda cooed as Nat ran her hands through your damp hair.
the feeling of her fingers on your scalp drew you to sleep and soon the girls smiled at the soft snores they could hear coming from their tired and sick girlfriend.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
I don't know how it would happen- maybe a spell gone wrong, or a curse, or some weird type of plague/pandemic, but:
During Dream's time in the fishbowl, the world changes.
People change, biologically, and now suddenly have secondary genders. It was chaos, at first, but now it's generally accepted (or maybe only some of the population was touched by it for the ~angst~) and named.
Long story short, poor Hob is an Omega. He's never had an Alpha because it just never felt right- they all smell off to him and generally give off the feeling of wrongness even if they're perfectly fine people.
Then Dream walks in at the New Inn and suddenly Hob feels like all is right in the world. Dream smells amazing, he feels right, and oop, Hob might be in pre-heat.
Anyways Hob explains what he can and Dream takes him upstairs so they can Fuck and Hob gets his first knot of many. <3
(also this would be work as a BDSM AU as well, let's be real. and would probably be funnier lmao)
I love this set-up!! What an absolute nightmare for Hob! Imagine being a normal ass human for 500 years and then suddenly boom. Secondary gender. One that makes him feel vulnerable and weak for several days each month. Also, the heats are worse if you're not mated!
So when Dream comes back Hob is having a crisis. He's hanging onto his job (only just), and he's managing to keep away from the swarms of alphas who want him. People keep telling him that if he doesn't take a mate soon then he'll miss the chance to have babies, and even though that isn't even true its stressing out his biological clock!
He says all of this, without entirely meaning to, within the first half an hour of his reunion with Dream. Being in pre-heat apparently makes him just blabber out everything.
And Dream nods very seriously and takes Hob by the hand, and tells him that he isn't the best choice but he'd treat Hob right, if Hob will only give him a chance. Hob possibly faints onto the table for a couple of seconds. And then drags Dream up to his flat (Dream has never been dragged before. He quite likes it when Hob does it).
Does the entire pub hear Hob getting railed and knotted? Yes. Yes they do. And he isn't even sorry about it. He comes down in the morning with a limp and a massive mating bite. The "I got fucked by my alpha" scent pervades the entire street for DAYS. Dream is a little bit smug about it. Just a little.
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marc--chilton · 2 months
(mgv) WOAH OK I JUST GOT BREAKING NEWS ON MGV BIOLOGY!!! KIND OF GROSS!!! INTERESTING TOO (update: i've been typing for at least one straight hour)
re: the term "litters" (disclaimer i am not in the medical field but i do like to look at diagrams) (second disclaimer this ended up being an anatomy lesson i am sorry ? )
okay so i have been wondering this entire time about the actual reproductive capabilities of people in the mgv. and where "litters" come from if (depending on the creator's own canon i guess) most folk are just having single babies. that's how it goes for my version of it anyway. so where do "litters" come in??
first we look at how doctors would define sex at birth, just male or female. OBVIOUSLY this the most basic, un-nuanced take of dimorphism anyway BUT i am not in the headspace to go into that tangent. just penis or vagina (if you're intersex gosh are they gonna try to fuck you over :( awful stuff) right, uterus or testes.
their secondary sexes don't show any signs outwardly for the first 15ish? years because their secondary systems are dormant. it depends on the person, 15 is just the minimum age they'll allow (i imagine this is a hot button topic). presentation any time under the age of 15 is incredibly dangerous because the process can put enough stress on the body to send them into cardiac arrest among countless other problems.
the secondary systems veer this way and that. the organs themselves adjust themselves not unlike gonads in embryos that can shift until it decides (through nature, nurture, whatever it may be is unknown) on alpha, beta, or omega.
alphas end up developing sperm (or bolstering pre-existing systems if they already do), are probably hellish to raise in a traditionalist family. dicks get knots, clits become knots during rut. the organs anchor in the front internally close to the primary reproductive system to bind with them.
omega organs will go backwards instead and attach to the lower GI tract and fuse into it and the ends balloon into a secondary uterus. omegas in heat are mechanically constipated -- no really. the canal gets swollen and inflamed and closes the colon, it's a workaround for the fact it's anal impregnation and is where you suspend your disbelief a little more okay.
betas are people whose secondary organs don't pass the arbitrary guideline on the spectrum of "omega" and "alpha". betas vary the most while also carrying over less of the more extreme traits in alphas or omegas in moods, instincts, urges, etc. secondary fertility varies with some factoring into their primary systems (male betas might get pregnant, female betas possibly could impregnate) while some betas' secondary reproductive systems don't develop much at all (this is the closest we get to irl people)
back to my original point. litters
male alphas and female omegas are the most standard coupling. since the ice age, since female omegas had the best odds of keeping the genetic line going. the term litters for humans came not from how many babies (or pups) were born at a time, but because since both primary and secondary reproductive systems can be impregnated, F-O can have more than one baby in succession. the fetuses of F-O individuals can have different fathers, and can be smaller than babies born singularly to prevent interference with F-O's mobility
while the rate of "litters" as a statistic has gone down over the course of evolution, the use of the term has stayed surprisingly steady. in cases of "true twins" (identical or fraternal twins who developed in the same womb) (or triplets or etc) some folks consider that a litter. "false twins" are those that develop one fetus per primary/secondary systems and are the only ones that ever qualify in textbooks as "litters"
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copiousloverofcopia · 2 years
Please don’t stress over it! I appreciate all your hard work!!! I would love for the cock corset to be more with a fem reader but just had to share the information about the ghoul pants because I found it hilarious that theirs is in the back while Papa’s is in front hahaha but please don’t rush ❤️ much love -cock corset anon
Hey Ghestie,
Sorry for how long this took, but as you know Papa and I have littles and I have a full-time duty that I attend to within the Ministry, so things get hectic...
Anyways I wanted to do a little extra for this so here you go and please please let me know if it was worth the wait!
So here we go.....
The Cherry Stem
Also available here on AO3!
Defintely NSFW below the cut!
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It was dark, the cloudiness of your vision intensified by the billowing of smoke from the other side of the bar. The scent of stale ale and liquor lingering in the air as you sat mindlessly stirring your cocktail. You leaned into the well-aged bar having it  support your frame as you devoured maraschino cherries—one after another. It wasn't food–not really, but at least you’d have something other than alcohol fermenting in your gut. You pushed the empty dish away from you, some guy named Jim refilling it with the glistening fruit as you took a swig of the rest of what remained in your glass.
At this point you didn't care, spirited away within your mind, trying to block out the world around you. Your low humming depression, exacerbated by your recent break up, unable to be placated by the usual suspects. Instead, sending you out the door and into the only bar open this late at night—hours after the others had closed. 
"Hey…uh…Jim was it?" You called. The older gentleman with the scraggly beard turning to face you, drying a glass with a rag and placing it back on the rack. How cliche, you thought as he approached you.
"You ah…need sumthin?" He asked.
"I want to show you a trick." You told him unsure of what had even sparked the impulse to do so.
"Shoot." He said placing both hands down on the bar and leaning in to see what you were going to do. You grabbed a single cherry. Pulling it into your mouth and pulling off the stem, chewing it up and swallowing it back as a bit of its red juice dribbled over the corner of your lips. 
The barkeep looked at you, completely confused until you sucked the stem back into your mouth. You swished it around a bit, twisting your tongue and pulling it with your teeth until from within your lips appeared a perfectly knotted stem.
"Well, I'll be–" he began before a voice from behind you spoke. It was masculine with a thick Italian accent and playful tone. A voice that made you feel intrigued. 
"Well, that was truly something." The man said as you turned around on your stool. Your eyes locking with his. They were mismatched, one a beautiful shade of green. The other, surprisingly white. 
Surrounding them were dark circles that would rival raccoons. He was handsome, but in a way, you couldn't quite describe with his light brown hair—a touch of gray, full lips, a distinguished cleft chin. Not your typical type yet somehow, he held your attention—as you held your breath.
"Just a trick I learned in college. Another way I occupied my time when I should have been studying." You laughed. 
"Sí, we'll seems you've perfected it." He commented, running his thumb and forefinger across his bottom lip. 
"You...ah want something?" Jim asked.
"I will take a gin and tonic grazie. So mind if I?" He asked, gesturing to the stool next to you as he awaited his drink. You shrugged, turning away when he took your chin in his hand. Your breath halted within your chest as you held still, unsure of what was going on when he took his thumb and wiped the dribble of cherry juice that lingered on your lip. He watched in astonishment as he sucked his thumb into his mouth, as he sat down beside you.
"Did…did you just?" You asked, completely at a loss for words.
"Ah well you see cara mia I'm only in town for the night…so I figure why waste time on the formalities." 
"I'm sorry?" You inquired, a bit tipsy, but what was left of your wits picked up on his sordid intentions. 
"My name is Copia, but you cara can call me C." 
"Well...ah…ok C...I'm Y/N. What brings you to this run down place anyways?" You asked, trying to pretend that things were cool but baffled that you were continuing on the conversation. 
"Well my band and I just finished a show, and well…honestly it was open." He chuckled, your own laughter soon following. He was so very charming. The way he stroked his chin, the piercing gaze of his mismatched eyes, and his voice—-rhythmic and smooth. Everything about him felt so enchanting. Almost as if you were under a spell. 
Jim slung Copia's drink down the bar, the ice clinking off the side of the glass as the mysterious man caught it in his gloved hand. You watched him take a sip, enjoying the taste of it as it met with his lips. He seemed at ease, making himself comfortable on the bar stool and striking up a more personal conversation.
"So Y/N… tell me the reason you are in a place like this?"
"Men. Well, one man in particular." You groaned, popping another cherry into your mouth.
"Ah sí. For the most part they are no good." He laughed. You sat for a moment, a bit surprised at his reaction, while Copia looked intently into your eyes.
"I mean, it's more than just that. But it's nothing I wanna tell some random stranger in a dive bar in the semi-questionable part of town." You explained, hoping to leave it at that but he pressed on, bringing his hand over to pull a cherry from your dish. He held it against his lips, pulling it in to chew and swallow. The manner in which he did this, clearly meant to inspire something within you. You felt your face heat, the telltale sign of his effect on you shown in your rosy-tinged cheeks. 
You were at a loss for words. You weren't sure if it was the alcohol or the fact that you found him rather handsome, either way you felt your breath hasten and your heart start to pound. Cobia placed his hand over your own on the bar, your eyes darting down to it. Lips parting to carefully exhale your held breath. 
"Tell me cara, because I'm not that convinced. Is it really just a man that bothers you?" He said, running this thumb over the back of your hand. 
"It's everything." You blurted out, shocked at just how easily he pulled from you a confession. Momentarily you thanked God you didn't have any state secrets to divulge, as apparently the alcohol—and company made you unexpectedly loose lipped. Somehow with this man you knew, deep down, God had nothing to do with it. 
"Everything, is that right?"
"I just…I mean…well I'm not happy. My job is nothing but a headache. I don't feel any fulfillment or sense of accomplishment there. My friends…heh…well they are few and far between. Oh and family…well let's just say I'm the punchline to every joke they never wanted to hear. I just feel lost…honestly I feel like I meant for greater things." You explained. The conversation continued, time seeming to stand still as you poured out your heart and soul to this man—this strange, mysterious man. "Does any of this even make sense?" You asked him. 
"Sí, makes perfect sense. Maybe you just need someone to shepherd your way." Copia grinned. His words sent a heat from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Your heart, still pumping away as the two of you stared at each other. Your silhouettes, highlighted by the dim pipe lights. You couldn't have predicted what happened next, all you knew was that you were compelled to ask him.
"And just who would shepherd me? And to what?" Copia took another sip of his drink, licking his lips free of the remnants as he answered.
"Yours truly. I am the one for which you seek. It's not all the time that I find such a wayward lamb to add to my flock." 
"Who even are you?" You asked, entranced and curious. You were just as scared to know the answer, as you were desperate to hear it. 
"I am Papa. Papa Emeritus the Fourth, the dark Pope. The unholy Leader of Lucifer's church on Earth—our one true God..." He said, your pupils dilating and your jaw dropping as he spoke. Somehow you knew he was telling the truth. The implications, coupled with the effects of your drink, making you lightheaded. You fought the urge to run— instead remaining firmly seated.
"I...ah...must be headed back home." You said, throwing down a couple of fives on the bar for Jim what's his name and trying to smoothly, and quickly, slip out from your seat.
"So soon…" he asked, grabbing your arm as you stood.
"I think I should go." 
"You know what I say is true. I can take you away from it all cara. If you come with me, become a Sister of Sin in his service…in my service…I know you will learn to love life again. Allow me to show you the wonders this world holds. Allow you to live deliciously." Copia pleated, his voice striking a nerve, but also hitting you right in the undeniable throbbing that resided between your thighs.
"What do you want from me?" You asked, peering back at Jim and some other misfits that occupied the other end of the bar. Had anyone heard this conversation between the two of you? Heard this man's words, the same ones you had fallen from his lips? Copia pulled you back to face him again. 
"Come with me to the alley. We could go out back together. Talk it over." Copia persuaded, but you knew he had no intentions of talking. Still you had to ask.
"Oh and do what?"
"For starters…I want you to come show me what else you can do with that—talented tongue of yours." Copia explained, his candor wildly forward. 
"I'm not so sure I…" You began, Copia rising to stand beside you at the bar.
"Well, if you're not interested, then I must…" he started until once again your impulse to speak got the better of you.  
"No no no…I just…I just have never done anything like this before." You explained, completely mortified by the fact that you were even considering his proposal. Here you were, at this clearly godforsaken bar on the corner, contemplating carnal actions with a strange man who claimed to be a Satanic Pope. 
"Well, no one can force you. We are all about free will. But I will wait for a bit…just in case you change your mind Y/N." Copia said as he nodded to Jim and walked out the front door. 
You stood frozen still. Your chest aching as you struggled to control your breath. You knew that if you walked out of that bar right now and went home that you would forever wonder what would have happened if you followed him out. You were scared, anxious, worried—but even more intrigued. 
You had to know. You grabbed your leather jacket from the stool beside you and headed out the back door. Jim shook his head as he watched you disappear outside.
The alley was cold. The wind whipping through it and sending a chill down your spine as if it had been personally tunneled towards you. You crossed your arms, stepping down off the steps and searching for any sign of C. You looked left and right, watching as debris, carried along in the wind, traveled down the alley–no sign of the dark Pope anywhere. You began to wonder if you missed your chance—that was until you felt the weight of a hand pressed into your shoulder. 
"I knew you couldn't resist cara." Copia hummed into your ear, his breath hot and tingly. You dropped your head to the side, allowing him to bring his mouth against your flesh. His lips, leaving strawberry marks in their wake as his hand reached around to snake beneath your favorite dark-wash denim.  
"C...I…ah—" You gasped as Copia nipped your neck, his gloved fingers massaging your aching pussy beneath your panties. He smiled against you, gently rubbing the dampened spot that grew with every second. This wouldn’t be the first time you hooked up with someone at a bar against your better judgment, but tonight was something else entirely.
"Mmm…you like the way it feels sí? I can give you so much more cara." He growled, grabbing ahold of your face to kiss him. You hummed against his lips. His tongue, slipping into your mouth and tangling with yours, heated and lustful. Even the simplest of his touches, bringing you sensations never experienced before.
"I need…" You whined, rutting your cunt against his fingers, praying that he'd slip them inside you. 
"Need what Y/N? My fingers, my cock?" Copia asked, the words sending Hellfire through your veins. You couldn't reply, only moan and whimper against his ministrations. It's then he surprised you, slipping his still gloved fingers inside your warm pussy. 
"Ah…mmm…" you moaned, The heated leather sliding in and out of you with ease. Copia's mouth hung open, realizing just how wet you had become. You closed your eyes to block out all other sensation when he pulled out of you. You gasped, Copia spinning you around to face him. You stared at him, watching as he sucked your juices from his gloves. Finally pulling them off with his teeth and shoving them into the pockets of the dark black pants he was wearing. An amalgamation of fabrics and textures, designed to draw the eye—it worked like a charm.  
Copia looked you over, pushing your hair behind your ear. He drank in the sight of you, smug at already having you so disheveled and messy. You felt the warmth building up inside, so much so you’d forgotten about the cold. Your body needed more from him, more of his touch, his attention, but he would not give it—not yet. 
“On your knees.” he commanded, his eyes ablaze with lust. You did as you were told and kneeled before him—a god to be worshiped. You came face to face with the lace up of his pants. The corset-like enclosure, holding back the large swell of his cock that pressed hard against it. Your mouth watered at the sight, running your hands up along the fabric covering his thighs–threadbare, frayed, and tattered. 
Copia, once more, took your face in his hands. Bringing your eyes back to his own. “Do you accept me?” he asked you and without hesitation you pledged yourself to him. 
“Yes C…Copia…Pa–Papa.” You mewled as he brought his thumb into your mouth. You sucked on it, teasing him with the promised talents of your tongue. The same talent that had caught his eye with the cherry stem.
“Then take your unholy communion, be made anew, washed in our sin.” he purred, rubbing the bulge of his pants with his free hand. You started at it, mesmerized and drooling with the wish to have it inside you. You reached out to pull the tie when Copia grabbed hold of your hand. You stared at him, dumbfounded.
“Don’t you want me to—”
“With your mouth cara. You're a big girl you know what to do" Copia groaned, releasing your hands as you watched his cock twitch inside his pants. Even just the sight of it made you throb, feeling the wetness lathering the inside of your thighs. Your cunt was begging to be filled by him as you rubbed your legs together praying for the friction you so desperately craved.  
You opened your mouth, tongue glistening in salvia as you prepared to perform yet another trick. You pulled the ties into your mouth one at a time, using your tongue and teeth to loosen the hold. Copia’s eyes meeting with yours as you stared back up at him. The pants fell loose, but the ties still remained laced. 
You slipped your tongue under them, drooling all over his lap, as you pulled each and every section open. Copia’s mouth, dropping in amazement as he watched you free his cock from the confines of his pants. It now hung freely in front of you, thick and dripping. You felt your insides pulsing just looking at him. Hoping that this would lead to him filling your pussy with that magnificent shaft.  
You kept eye contact, watching Copia’s face as his huge cock slowly disappeared into your mouth. His head falling back, as he enjoyed you sucking and pressing along the shaft with the tip of your tongue. His cock fully seated in your throat, gagging you a bit as you bobbed your head up and down on it. Copia grabbed a fist full of your hair. His moaning and grunting, growing more desperate with each pass of your tongue. You swallowed back with him inside you, never once using your hand to touch him. You felt him begin to shutter, yanking you back by your hair as his cock popped out of your mouth. The precum decorating your lips as you sat back on your calves, confused and hazy. 
“Y/N take off your pants and panties.” Copia told you and he grabbed ahold of his leaky cock.
“Just do it. I will anoint you, claim you as mine in the eyes of our god right here, right now.” he vowed, trying to refocus, his sensitive cock red and swollen. You removed them, Copia bending you over and running the head of his cock through your dripping wet heat. 
“Ah…C…” you whined as he pushed it in past your folds, gently easing in and then slamming full force the rest of his length inside of your cunt. He gripped tight to your hips as he thrusted his juicy thick cock into your cunt. Over and over, his hands holding you steady as you tried to help stay balanced, palms slipping along the brick side of the building. 
“Oh fuck…la tua figa è così deliziosamente stretta cara. Ho bisogno di sborrare dentro di te—” Copia cried, wincing as he tried to hold back, but the way your cunt felt surrounding him, silky and warm—he was fading fast.   
“Oh shit…I don't know what you just said but…oh my god you feel so good. Don’t stop, I'm so close. Copia please!” You pleaded, feeling your pussy tightening up around his width with each and every thrust. He could feel it too, pounding inside you, the unmistakable tug on him. The sensation, sending him to the edge. 
“I will paint your insides with my seed. I’m going to cum inside you. Make you mine.” Copia hissed, bucking his pelvis against you over and over, cushioned by the swell of your ass. “This is it cara mia. I can’t hold bac—-” Copia yelled as he exploded inside, your own walls shaking and contracting against him as your orgasm ripped through you. The pressure from your combined satisfaction, leaking down your thighs. A profane display of lust, out in the open for the world around you as you cried out, nails scraping the wall and a bit of blood filling your mouth as you bit down on your lip. 
You had never been so overcome with pleasure. Nor had you ever fallen so deep in such a short amount of time. The late hour and your aching thighs, bringing you back from your sex hazed state. Copia panted, working to quickly tuck his messy, soft cock back into his pants—not bothering to re-lace them.
You stood up a bit woozy. The head rush from being bent over for so long leaving you weak, when Copia brought his mouth back to yours, pushing you up against the building. You relaxed into it, questioning if this was even real. Whether you had passed out in the dish of cherries at the bar. Copia pulled back, still trying to steady his breath when you were hit with a flash of bright light.  
Suddenly a cream Buick LeSabre pulled into the alleyway, startling you as you instinctively pulled close to Copia. You felt unnerved, shutting your eyes tight and listening to his heart beating away inside his chest. He smiled wide, as he buried his face into your hair. Taking a deep inhale, “They’re with me amore.” he whispered. 
You turned to look at them, the headlights illuminating the two of you as two men stepped out from the car. Or were they men? You couldn’t be sure. Both wearing all black suits and large helmet-like masks, attune to something you’d see in a 70’s science fiction flick. Copia nodded over to them, both of the “men” getting back into the vehicle as he looked back down to you. 
“Vieni con me sorella e ti porterò fuori strada.” Copia said, this voice thick with romance and promise. As you walked together, hand in hand, to the car you felt something. There was black magic and ancient power heavy in the air and all at once you knew you were now a part of it. You were His. You knew then life would never be the same—and it never was. 
La tua figa è così deliziosamente stretta cara. Ho bisogno di sborrare dentro di te.- your pussy is so deliciously tight dear. I need to cum inside you. 
Vieni con me sorella e ti porterò fuori strada- Come with me sister and I will lead thee astray
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thestormthatrises · 1 year
#moshang fic idea
The one where SQH practices shibari daily:
It started out, as most things do, as a drunken idea. It was the end of a long week. That was preceded by a long month. To say nothing of the year that came before that! And his life? Ah! SQH really needed a drink. Or two. Or three. He was lonely. He was drunk. He wanted to do... Something. ANYTHING! Anything else than just work and despair about his unfair lot in life.
SQH remembered all those sexy images from comics and magazines lost to time and another world. How beautiful and content those women seemed to be, all tied up in beautiful webs of satin and silk or dark rope. It had all been so... Pretty.
Hell, he even put much of what he'd seen in this damn book he was now living in.
But he never tried it out on himself before.
Well, be it by boredom, distress or the sheer alcohol in his system, he was gonna do it now!
It wasn't a great start.
As a millennial taken away before kinks had how-to *safely* blogs, he hadn't know exactly what type of rope to try or how to make it pretty like the pictures.
He just found some scraps of rope he had lying around and went to work, drunken fingers Tightening messy knots all over his body untill his torso was hugged completely by the coarse rope.
And it felt quite nice, actually.
Yeah, the rope stung and bit at his flesh. Yeah, the knots were ugly and bad. But... It felt. Nice. Secure.
Like a hug.
He felt centered and put together. Something was holding him in place in this mad existence. He could focus on his body, his breathing-- his breathing evened out.
It felt... Nice. Good. Great, even.
He liked it.
He liked it a lot, actually.
And so it began that SQH experimented with his new... Discovery.
He really wanted to say kink - the poor lonely, *aging* virgin in him was desperate for some sort of sexual mark stone -, but the truth of the matter was that it wasn't even sexual.
He just... Kinda liked it.
He liked how it felt. He liked how it made him feel and think. He liked how it made him look.
(He was the ugly duckling of CQM but the ropes... He looked pretty with the ropes)
So why not find the best way to feel and look good?
He tried so many different types of rope. So many patterns. So many knots. He'd just popped open a bottle of wine and went to town with rope and his notebook, detailing every part of the experience.
Self-shibari was becoming his metaphorical best way to spend a Friday night!
(Not that he had 'friday nights', of course. He couldn't have that type of consistency in his life. Always working. Always busy busy!!
But when he did have a rare moment to himself. A fleeting instant of peace where he wasn't exhausted and stressed, he'd unwind with the little Rope he had and...
And breathe.)
And after many, many nights and even more bottles, Qinghua found what he liked best.
For relaxation, he liked silk black ropes, with heavy knots and constriction on his chest and waist. So tight that he could feel it when he breathes.
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For work, he liked to use leather ropes, that dug into the meat of his body and bit at him when his posture was bad or when he felt exhaustion almost take him. He liked it around his neck and chest and upper arms.
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It felt good. Great. Perfect, even.
It felt like an embrace from a lover he'd never have, that would never leave him.
Nobody... Actually cared for or about SQH. Not back *then.* Not as a child. Not here, in this goddamn sect..
Nobody cared for the bruises on his arms. He was always filled with bruises for one reason or another anyway.
Nobody cared if he was hurt.
Nobody cared if he was well.
Nobody even saw him. Not really.
The ropes sometimes felt like his only lifeline to sanity, tethering him to this god forsaken world.
SQH started wearing shibari under his clothes as a mistake.
He'd fallen asleep on night with it still on; too fascinated, drunk and melancholic to give up that embrace just yet, and had woken up late the next day.
The knots had been too intricate to undo in a timely fashion And he was loathed to just cut it all up.
So he put layers on top of layers of clothes on top of it all and hoped for the best as he dashed to the meeting he was late for.
It was, hands down, the best work day of his whole life.
It should've been the most stressful, he knew. He should've been freaking out that someone was going to find out his dirty, not so dirty, secret.
But the ropes weren't visible under his Peak Lord costume.
And, again, no one gave a shit about him.
They all looked past him with a vague look of annoyance or dismissal on their Faces and that was that.
The ropes were also doing their magic, grounding him in a way that made his brain all fuzzy.
It was wonderful!
His Martial siblings even saw him smile. Genuinely. For the first time.
There was no turning back from this bliss.
MBJ found out about his servant's indiscretions when, when he had moved to beat him (badly. Qinghua had been late. MBJ didn't like to be kept waiting. He needed to be punished); as he picked up that sneaky little cultivator by the scruff of his collar...
A flash of black came to Full view.
The demon prince growled, his sharp nails tearing at the yellow silk of An Ding.
"My king!!" There was an attempt of modesty on Qinghua's part, holding the tathered clothes close to his chest.
MBJ didn't stop though. He was driven. More layers were ripped More black he could see.
And intricate, inky web of diamonds all over SQH'S back.
He turned the cultivator forward, pushing his hands out of the way. The dark lines came together around an empty heart shape over Qinghua's sternum before plunging down and hugging his soft, pale Waist and then further... Further...
"...What is this?" He demanded, the urge to punish completely gone. It had given way to an alien sense of wonder, a hungry sort that made him want to-- need to touch.
And then SQH went and knelt before him.
And begged.
"I'm so sorry, My king please! This servant is dirty! He's a degenerate! Forgive this worm, my king! I'll never do it again!" He was shaking.
"I asked you a question, Shang Qinghua"
He was crying.
"It's... A technique, my king. A... Well, it's used sexually. A sexual Technique for lovers. The binding of one's love.... To make them beautiful and helpless..."
MBJ got mad again. Shang Qinghua had a lover?!
"But but but not me, my king! Never me! Who would even want me? Ha ha no! I I I just do it because it helps me"
"Helps... You?"
"yeah, yeah-- I mean, it--" god, how to explain?? This was so embarrassing! But MBJ looked like he was going to kill him. He needed-- "It helps me think."
"It's nice, ok? It feels nice to be held! It helps ground me in my task. I know it's dirty and ugly but it helps"
Fuck! Why was he crying again??
Why was he crying when he was going to die all over again??
Why couldn't he have a dignified death for once??
Why was life so cruel that he couldn't have one good thing?! Just one thing for himself that made him feel nice and pretty and good--
Death didn't come.
MBJ just stared at him for what felt like an hour and then kicked him down so that his chest hit the ground.
"Don't be late again" he said and then proceeded to expect SQH to go on as if nothing happened.
He... Couldn't do that.
The ropes weren't working anymore.
His chest was too tight. He couldn't breathe. His sling felt too hot. Even the soft silk felt too rough in it. He couldn't stop crying. The shame and the despair were too great.
Why had MBJ felt the need to know?!
Why couldn't he just leave SQH alone??
Why couldn't he just have this?! This one thing?! His own thing?!
He wasn't hurting anyone! He wasn't doing anybody harm?!
Why did his king have to go and find out and become disgusted and dismissive and angry at him?!
He would never be able to look MBJ in the eye Again!
His hands clawed at the rope, trying to be free of this shame.
"What are you doing?" Came low and dangerous from above him.
SQH couldn't answer. He didn't have enough air inside him to make into words. He could only claw at his chest and try--
"Answer me!"
"You hate me!" Came out choked, strangled. "Why do you hate me?! I love you so much! Why do you hurt me and hate me and humiliate me?!"
MBJ stepped back, utterly shocked, confused, angry and... Concerned.
"What did you just say to me?"
"I just wanted to be good--I just wanted to be good for one thing. Why do you hate me?! Why do you do this to me?! Is it because I'm weak? Because I'm ugly?! I try so hard for you"
SQH was hyperventilating.
He felt like he was having a panic attack.
No, actually it felt worse than that.
He felt like he was dying.
"why do you hate me?" He whimpered, gasping for air. "I love you so much... Why did you do that? How could you do that?? I love you so much-- I just wanted to be good--"
The air was thick with distress, sorrow and pain. Hot and salty with scent of SQH'S tears and sweat. But unlike earlier, his tears and his pleading did not arouse... Whatever it was in MBJ.
They sickened him in the worst way.
They sickened him with guilt.
Poisoned him in a way that he couldn't even feel elation for the human's confession.
He could just stare at the broken form SQH made on the ground and feel...
He was bare now, torn open by the demon's claws. Red from pain and shame and his own blunt nails running down His sides in a manic attempt of freedom. He was frantic, humiliated, mad--
Because of MBJ.
Who he loved.
MBN wasn't good with emotions. He had forsaken them with his uncle's betrayal. He had only just begun to feel things again because... Because of the human at his feet.
This insane little rat of a person that was the only one he could rely on. The only one that was for him. The only one for him...
He didn't know what to do.
(Twitter poll decided their fate)
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The ropes came undone as he stalled. SQH tore at them, pulling away messily at dark webs as he tried to breathe. He cried. He choked. He shuddered. He broke.
Again and again. Like a wave against a stormy beach.
And it was...
Well, it was scary.
There was no other way to put it.
MBJ had been through and seen many many awful things. Theirs was not an easy or kind world. You had to be either as strong as him or as resilient as Qinghua to make it thru it all.
If not, you were dead.
But this wasn't death.
This was shattering.
The high that had kept SQH together ever since that fateful night was gone.
He was crashing hard.
Crashing at his king's feet.
Crashing... Because of MBJ.
And in such a way that... That he didn't seem he would recover.
And that was so... So scary. Terrifying.
(MBJ didn't want to think of a world without Qinghua in it. A future where his servant wasn't by his side. A life were he couldn't have the human--)
Qinghua hugged the tatters of his robes to his chests, shaking at the cold of MBJ'S displeasure. It was all he could do. His strings, all that had been keeping him together, had just been brutally and abruptly cut.
He didn't even feel strong enough to fly away.
However, as the cultivator felt his thoughts spiral, a heavy weight fell again on his back.
A strange, unfamiliar, *soft* weight.
MBJ had draped his fur cloak over his servant's shoulders.
SQH lifted his watery, incredulous eyes up from the ground and found that demon was so Much closer than he had last noticed.
MBJ was still unreadable to him but... He looked a tad less murderous than before.
"This king will touch you" MBJ warned.
"Y-you don't have to" Came automatically. Help seldom came without strings attached and he had already Made such a fool of himself. Already tested out whatever patience MBJ had for pathetic things. Already shown himself disgusting and ugly and--
A cool finger pressed against the middle of his feverish forehead.
"Qinghua" that deep, rich voice was hard to ignore.
A cool feeling rushed thru his aching head, his burning lungs, his red, abused skin.
"My king..."
"Yes" and it was almost like a purr. Fuck, since when was Airplane shooting towards the sky a cat person? "Focus on this king" MBJ ordered, calm, measured, honest.
And SQH obeyed, focusing on How good that cool touch was against his skin as MBJ placed his full palm over his tear stained eyes. He focuses on the qi circling his stressed meridians. He focused on MBJ'S even breathing, trying to match it with his own.
And, as the tears dried up, he was made to focus On the way MBJ'S chest felt. The demon prince picked him up from the ground and hugged him, tight, and--
And it felt nice, ok?
It felt... Good.
It felt *perfect.*
SQH buried his face against MBJ'S chest and tried really hard not to cry again but it was difficult.
He couldn't remember the last time someone had ever hugged him out of their own volition.
"I'm sorry" he whimpered, lost and heartbroken.
Why did it have to be like this? When he was like this? When he was this? Why now?
Strong arms tightened around him.
"...This king was the one in the wrong" MBJ rumbled. "You needn't apologize"
"But... But I'm disgusting."
"Qinghua is not"
The cultivator whimpered again, burying himself even further into the demon, as if trying to burrow a way into his chest cavity.
"I'm a bad person" SQH said, his words muffled against the mounds of MBJ'S breasts.
"..." He was. A little bit. His servant was petty and vengeful and a traitor. But MBJ liked him that way
SQH was *his* petty, spiteful, vengeful little rat.
"Qinghua isn't that bad."
"You... You hate me" the human sniffed, looking up at the demon who held him so tight it was wonderful.
MBJ met his gaze and shook his head. "This king doesn't hate Qinghua."
"I swear it."
SQH closed his eyes and allowing himself to clutch tightly to MBJ'S solid frame.
"Ok..." He conceded. "I believe you, my king"
A beat of silence. SQH sighed.
"...Thank you"
Another beat of silence. MBJ laid his chin against the crown of Qinghua's head.
"...You're welcome."
(SQH doesn't let go of MBJ.
MBJ takes him home and the poor man just can't let his king go. MBJ is forced to bathe with SQH, eat with SQH, lay down next to SQH and keep hugging him tight as he does it too.
It's nice.
It's good.
It's perfect.)
(Eventually - THANK ALL THE GODS AND SAINTS - SQH does start doing shibari in a sexual way too.
He teaches MBJ his favorite knots and MBJ ties his consort up when he sees that SQH is overworking himself.
He likes to tie his husband's arms behind his back and Have him kneel on a cushion beside him on the throne, where he can pet Qinghua's hair and feed him delicious morsels and delicacies and then fuck him brainless after royal duties are done 💙)
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fullmetalgirl98 · 4 months
30 days Hypnosis Mic challenge
DAY 10: a thing that's not canon but you think it is
🎤 Doppo smokes.
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For the avoidance of any misunderstanding. The image above is not an original idea of mine but is a repurposing of a wonderful fanart I found on pinterest and whose artist I unfortunately could not identify with certainty. After a quick research, I may have been able to figure out that the artist is this person (twitter) but since the profile is protected, I could not get confirmation and consequently ask permission to use the art. For that reason, being me myself deeply opposed to reposting and editing other people's art, I entirely redrew it by my own hand and colored my own lineart. So please don't alert the state police, don't alarm the original artist (in case you know them...in fact, please do tell me who they actually are, if you know and have figured out which art I'm referring to), don't scream plagiarism, and do not repost (mainly because this art should not exist at all). Thanks for your cooperation.
I've been thinking a lot about what to talk about today, because I was planning to talk about what I believe (and I think we all believe) to be the trauma suffered by Hifumi thanks to Honobono…but I would have risked this post being blacked out on tumblr and I would also have to be particularly careful about how to talk about such sensitive topics without hurting anyone's sensibilities, so I preferred to avoid...but I won't detach myself that much, because of course all the knots then come to a head anyway.
C'mon. You can't tell me that you don't also think that Doppo is the type to have a cigarette once in a while. I can see him smoking so well! It's something that fits him perfectly! Also, let's be honest guys. Doppo is cool in his own right (even if he doesn't realize it), but with a cigarette in his hand??? the level of sexyness increases tenfold. Let's talk about it seriously for a second. Doppo, in fact, has never been shown smoking a cigarette, but I firmly believe that he feels the need to do so from time to time. And by that I absolutely don't mean that he does it in a Samatoki-mode way (who feels the need to smoke even when in fact he doesn't feel the need at all (???) just because his body is completely ADDICTED) or in the way that a nervous person smokes a tactical cigarette during a break from work because it has a calming effect on the nerves. No, not in that sense.
Doppo is not a smoker who walks around with a pack of cigarettes in his pants pocket. Let's say that he doesn't have the habit, that's it. But I truly believe that there's a pack in the desk's drawer of his office and one in the drawer of his bedroom. A pack that sits there almost completely intact, because a cigarette is pulled out just once in a while, a pack that will probably last a couple of years lol. That's a pack of cigarettes which however can provide some relief in some particularly stressful moments. And I don't mean the usual moments when Doppo freaks out, no. I'm talking about the serious moments, the emotionally important ones. The ones in which Doppo deeply reflects on his life and wonders how to behave to make Hifumi feel safe, what to do to actually make him feel protected.
Doppo is a lone smoker. I've always pictured him that way. He doesn't smoke in company, because, as I said, he doesn't have a smoking habit. But he smokes when the sun sets or at night, when the moonlight enters between the curtains of the window, when he can't sleep because his head is full of thoughts that torment him (am I covertly-not-covertly promoting again the hifudo fic that @justanotherniky is writing? Nooooo, absolutely not).
And then yes, why not…. who said he can't have a cigarette every now and then during a moment of stress caused by work? Lol But only when he works from home. Because being seen like this by Hifumi is fine.
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idk-wha-ahm-doin · 2 years
How about a birdrick kiss after a night out in alien bars?
Here you go:) Hope this was what you asked for! And sorry if it's a little short.
Also posted on Ao3.
"A-And you know what I said?" Rick drawled with a drunken grin, pausing for more drama. "Mind your own b-bee-siness!"
Birdperson downed his next shot, though he wasn't as gone as his once-best friend. "The queen wasn't offended?" He furrowed his brows, struggling to comprehend the story he'd just been told. "You do realize they aren't normal bees on planet Earth."
"Yeah, yeah." Rick brushed off with an unnecessary slap on the wooden table. His- less inebriated- friend slightly winced at the glare from a few people around. "They-they're sentient and their stings are pure poison, w-whatever man. All I hear is fuckin' baby noises." He spat out, smirking still. "Whah!" He then continued with his best impression of an infant wailing.
"Are you calling me a coward?" The hybrid raised an unimpressed eyebrow. "Rick, please keep your voice down. You will get us kicked out by the rate you are inhaling your shots." He said as-a-matter-of-factly.
The man huffed, but fortunately didn't seem to have the energy to argue about it. "Fine. Anyway, yeah. B-barely escaped death 'n all." Another shot. "Uh, another?" He called the Birdman behind the counter, who complied without a word.
"I'd imagined someone would be there to soften the rashness of your actions." Birdperson pursed his lips. "Now that we are not there to stop you."
"If you mean Morty, he's my p-partner in crime." Rick grinned, head unsteady even though he was sitting. "I do this dumb shit with him. Well, when he-he's not bein' a bitch." He loosely shrugged.
The other hummed almost absently. "Good for him."
His silence must've been odd, because Rick stopped in his tracks as well. "Y-you alright, B-Bird- BP?" Unfocused eyes concentrating on him. "I'm doin' almost all the talking."
"Oh, uh, yes." Blinked the bird-human hybrid. "Merely worried about my daughter. We left her alone at the nest if you remember." That wasn't quite what occupied his mind. But with their brittle relationship at the moment, perhaps it'd be best not to speak of it.
"Ugh, that megabitch-spawn?" Every time he made a reference to his daughter and former wife, Birdperson was more encouraged to keep his thoughts to himself. The drunken one still cringed, aware of his mistake. "Shit, I-I mean sorry- I'm-"
"That is, alright I suppose." He cut him off, tone slightly sharp. "I have come to the conclusion that this is just the way you speak. It is still more polite than hiding the fact that I had a daughter to begin with before it suited what you wanted."
The hidden tension felt between them was leaking into view, and it was a frustrating type of relief to acknowledge the elephant in the room.
What he didn't expect was for the other to avert his eyes in shame. "Jeez, I- I guess I should be sober for this." Sheepishly rubbing the back of his flushed neck.
"For what?" Birdperson narrowed his eyes, resisting the unreasonable urge to stare at it, which he failed at. "Is there perhaps another surprise you have for me?"
"Fucking Christ- no!" Rick Sanchez harshly shook his head know, face twisting in a scowl. "I'm an asshole, but not that much. I-I've been meaning to apologize." He stressed.
The knots in his brows unravelled to some cautious degree. "Apologize?" He echoed, having a tone of disbelief to it.
When they were quiet, the rest of the bar sounded dead to one's ears.
Silence had never bothered the feathered one like this.
Birdperson listened more than he spoke. He needed to hear in order to decide what to say next.
But right now, it felt like any word would suffice.
Rick was the one to volunteer and take the weight off his shoulders with an uncertain gulp. "Well, yeah. And don't-don't make me say it- we both know exactly what for."
One shared glare and he did know. "I won't." Faintly reassured the hybrid. He knew how difficult it must've been for his former best friend to put together words in this order. It was the most he could get out of the most fucked up man in the galaxy who could get away with anything if he wanted to. A part he secretly admired.
Looking away from his stare, Rick pretended to be interested in some television programme on air, tip of his ears tinted red.
A ghost of an amused smile sat on the other's mouth, eyes lingering on the skin. Did Rick seriously think he was subtle? This type of behavior made him question his IQ sometimes. "You formed a bond with Tamantha Jr." He got the scientist's attention again.
"I told you, that's not how it works- ugh." Rick groaned out, cutting himself off midsentence. "I mean- I guess? I-I'm good with children- I-I had one, remember? Now, can you just let me go back to whatever the fuck's-"
"Rick." Birdperson calmly demanded.
"Why are you running away from me?" He pulled his lips into a straight line. "Can you not put the past behind? Years have passed, Rick. Everything, changes." He dared address the actual elephant in the room. "Can't you?"
Running a distracted tongue on his lower lip, Rick's gaze rose to meet his, eyes more scrutinizing, looking like he'd sobered up. "Yeah, BP. Everything does change. Which is why Imma have my way with you if you don't stop fucking ogling me."
Blinking hard a few times, Birdperson tried to digest what he was accused of so unexpectedly. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me." Whispered Rick with a warning tone to it, towering over him as he rose from his seat. "Believe me, I'm trying to put the past behind. You're the bastard who's not letting me. What's your deal, BP? Don't break me."
With the way his best friend's voice broke halfway, for the first time in a while, Birdperson was uncertain. Unsure of whether Rick was threatening him or begging him. He swallowed the dryness in his throat. "I couldn't if I tried, Rick."
His face was closer now, his trembling snort blowing warmly on his face. "Right. Cause that's what you think, you gorgeous asshole."
"Y-your voice is shaking." Birdperson tried to frown, squirming in his seat, ironically finding their places to be swapped. Unreasonably, even his breaths betrayed him by coming out as ragged.
"Yes, Birdperson. It is." The man hissed, grabbing his chin. "Now look at me, fucker! Who's running away now?!"
As if only to shut him up, the other turned his glaring back to the center, but that stubborn part vanished from his mind in a flash when a nose roughly collided with his.
The pain from the collision stopped him from feeling the set of demanding lips sliding pressing into his and the hand that snacked around his neck at some point for a few moments. And when he did, it was too late. He pressed back and angled his head for a deeper kiss for the flutters in his lungs, but wasn't met with equal resistance, making him open the eyes he didn't remember closing.
"You have got to be-"
No snarky answer came, only a light snore.
Sighing in exasperation, he almost threw the unconscious body back in his seat.
"Are you sure you wanna keep him?" Questioned the bartender, nose scrunched up in distaste. "Just saying."
Lips pursed with strain, Birdperson's eyes lingered on the steady rise and fall of the man's chest. "I need more alcohol to answer that question."
"Coming right up."
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gotenandtrunkz · 2 years
Consummate post of Truten scenarios
Bc honestly sometimes it just eats me up inside
- they're hanging out as guy friends and bros but then what they thought they could do as a normal encounter ends up registering a bit differently, e.g. they watch porn together and it gets weird rather than they being confident theough to the end, they kiss for fun and for the sensory input but it ends up feeling like a bit more than that, they take a sensual bath and the line between metairony and genuinity gets crossed, they make out, Goten sticks his tongue in Trunks's ear and Trunks actually likes it, etc etc
- they dont see each other for a while (incidentally, they have a falling out, trunks goes into space in GT, etc) and when they reconnect they are very happy to see each other and the consummate (sorry to use that word twice in the same post) affection has no reason to limit itself to the accepted conventions of platonic intimacy. But this is a Truten post so they fall in love as well
- maybe not romantic maybe not sexual but they develop a sensual relationship. I can see that . That's pretty much what I've been saying. Sensual attraction. Goten does love to bite ppl that's true
- The idea that one of them is Not Straight and has some sort of attraction for the other and it probably goes unrecognized for years. Breaks my heart. Then they fall in love ❤
- "just a little bit" by Kids of 88 but with less sex appeal . Trunks is stressed out from work and Goten in his sensory-seeking ways gets him to take a bath with him and there are bubbles and scents and hes rubbing his shoulders and Trunks doesnt know how he got here in life but also hes not surprised bc Goten has always been this way. Domt know where I was going w this one. Well I can see it feeling a bit like, like Goten's lust for strange encounters is insatiable. Like Trunks has no choice and has never had a choice in the matter. But this is a lifetime truth so hes not feeling indignant or defensive, hes just resigned to this weird back rub with no thoughts or feelings in his head. And it feels almost selfish and scary in that sense, like bonding with someone who needs you rather than who loves you; like Goten just needs to have this sensory bathtub adventure and it has nothing to do with Trunks, and this is going to go on until they die and no satisfaction will be reached for either party. But if Trunks were to express any of this in words then Goten would be like "Trunks what the fuck are you talking about." And honestly yeah that was some weird shit to say tbh. Trunks isnt a sensory seeker in the same way but he does have a certain relationship with the senses (his sense of smell is very particular and sensitive I think for example) (it's the family autism) (Tarble is the same way btw) and having been reared alongside Goten has only made that more true. But Goten doesn't think of it like that and he honestly finds fulfillment in sensory adventures. He loves to be able to do this. And he loves being helpful tbh. Hes glad that Trunks is willing to try to relax and let him do this. Like honestly "dont worry abt nothing" type of relaxation. Align-your-chakras-and-come-back-to-yourself relaxation. The one thing tho is that Goten has put on some "mood music" that is Rob Zombie playing on low. But then they fall in love anyway
- smth abt the back of Goten's neck in GT. His clean hairline. Something abt Trunks coming back from space a changed man and he and Goten catch up and end up at the skatepark after dark like old times and they share a hug. Something abt the gentle scent of Goten's neck, the exposed skin and clean hairline. Smth abt comfort and familiarity and titillation all the same. Something about "Dude did you just sniff my hair." Anyway
- idk smth the pain and frustration of falling in love w someone you're already sick of but having a knot in your chest to contend w anyway really gets to me. It strikes fear in my heart I think
- FROOT OLIVER NELSON MIX. Young love and all that. The majesty of what predates language. The ardent mystery of love and sex and the winds that you cant see but drive you nonetheless. Thoroughly distressing yet inexorable. Your very necessary mind is meant to just accept that it cant understand what it cant put into words. Really gets to me sometimes
- Oh yeah and of course the idea that Trunks is the president of capsule corp and he lets that slag Goten waltz up into his office and sit on all of his furniture
- Goten is NOT a slag but a very caring soul <3
- Trunks is honestly a very chill dude. And Goten doesnt really give a shit about anything. Therefore the objectively correct way to portray Truten is that theres no drama or feeling but they just like start dating or whagever. But this post is for the things that really get to me sometimes so we're not gonna include that stuff
- Goten Shows Off His Gay4Pay Skillz and slonks silly-sloppy on his shit WITH the scallywag swag. And then they fall in love
- the idea that there are some real constrained emotions present. Teen angst and "I hate you so much" by Anarbor. Whatever
- Oh I forgot about the one wjere Trunks has to wear braces for his janked up city-boy teeth and Goten finds it disturbing and irresistible that he has metal in his mouth ("it's not natural....") and he keeps trying to lick his braces and he keeps trying to get Trunks to eat gummy things so that he can clean his braces with his tongue like a fun scavanger hunt. And literally Goten is the one who keeps putting his mouth on his but he keeps reeling back and with genuine fear saying "DUDE STOP TRYING TO KISS ME! IM JUST TRYING TO LICK YOUR BRACES.." and Trunks is literally not doing anything hes just trying to keep his eyes on his video game and hes angry about this. And Goten keeps kissing him anyway. I'm sorry this was suppsoed to be a serious post let me try again. Ok how about Goten is self-assured in this and keeps trying to tempt him with gummy worms and the such and he knows on some level that hes being funny but honestly he doesnt know what this is doing to his buddy Trunks. Like this is the most action thag Trunks has ever had and idk hes saving face but sometimes he plants bags of gummy worms where Goten will see them just to put the idea in his head. And he does this with shameful and desperate fervor. And he plays it so cool and is like "Goten that is SICK I'm not gonna let you do that again.." and he means it and the disgust is real. But on some level he craves the intimacy of having someone lick his braces. It's fucked up
I think that's pretty much it thanks for listening lol... Post originally drafted on 8.31.22
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amortensie-moved · 2 years
heyyyyyy nixie!!!! how are you? i've missed randomly stopping in to admire the cats on your blog, hit you with a string of incoherent nonsense, and then disappear again. in fact, i've missed it so much that i've come to do just that <3
so,,,,, if you saw me ask cass these same questions, don't think about it. in fact, forget you saw it at all because it makes this soooo much more mysterious,,,,,, i have some random yet specific questions for you to answer. they will make some semblance of sense in approximately 14-21 business days, i promise.
what is your favorite food?
favorite color?
favorite song(s)?
favorite tv show/movie?
favorite book genre?
favorite hobby?
do you have any random habits?
what is your love language (when it comes to giving and receiving)?
what is one thing that you think you’re just incredibly amazing at? (the more random the better, asdfghjklkjhgfd)
what is one thing we should never entrust you to do/complete?
what languages do you speak/understand? are you currently learning any?
what is your ideal type when it comes to a romantic partner?
if you were getting a small tattoo (and I mean babie size) where would you get it?
is there anything simply iconic about you that you think the public ought to know?
anyway, ily bestie <3
super glad to see you on my blog! i’m doing quite well, thank you very much! i’ve missed your presence so much, and like you, i’ve also been on and off in activity in this site due to personal busy-ness.
while i am a teensy bit curious, the questions do seem like such fun, so here are my responses after the cut:
1. i love love love sinigang! its this filipino soup that i’ve only ever tasted homemade, and boy it is delicious! this is a recipe that nearly every filipino household has memorized in their own little way, and it just reminds me of home
2. yellow :)
3. once upon a december from anastasia or alternatively, to mix it up, your ex lover is dead (final fantasy mix) by stars
4. ohh this question is hard. a recent fave of mine is the sound of magic which is constantly giving me brainrots every other day, but merlin is a show that will constantly live in my heart!
5. classic literature! i love all types, but gothic literature is particularly interesting to me. also love fantasy!
6. my favorite hobby is crocheting and knitting! i group them together as they are essentially the same fiber art, just different methods to create v similar things
7. i sing random opera notes when i’m nervous lol ( not particularly good at it, but somehow vibrato and high notes are unlocked in those occasions )
8. i give love through gifts! my go-to gift is to crochet a tiny heart stress plushie for people and ahh theyre and i get so happy giving them. i love sharing food or even just odd things i find. as for receiving, i am such a sucker for words of affirmation. heartfelt silly notes my beloved <3
9. i am practically an expert at untangling yarn and knots by now. after being into the fiber arts for about three years, its safe to say i’ve done it far too much.
edit: i forgot to mention this before, but proud to say that one of my weirdest best talents is that i can accurately mimic a goat sound. in addition to this, i can make rlly weird sounds out of this and shift the vowels so it just sounds really odd and cursed 😭. its hard to explain— but its my favorite trick to show off and make people laugh in confused horror
10. i am known for being one of the biggest hazard myself. i am super clumsy, and my sense of self preservation is usually thrown out the window when it comes to tasks that are physically taxing. in addition to this, my fatal flaw is perhaps my un-athleticism
11. other than english, i’m understand tagalog! it is my first language, and while i don’t speak it much, i understand it fluently. as for learning, i’ve been studying french for two years now, however i am far from fluent (yet).
12. ooh this is an interesting question! i haven’t had a non-fictional crush in a while hah so its more difficult to narrow down a specific type. besides the general criteria ( like not being an asshole ), overall, i just look for someone who is really sweet and caring! being smart is also a big plus for me, as i would like someone whom i can share my academic interests with. and i’d prob like someone who is a tad more extroverted than me to balance my reservedness. think golden retriever energy.
13. i would prob get one below my ear on my neck. i feel like its a cool enough place, and i can always hide it with my hair or makeup if necessary.
14. i am like halfway through owning a small business hah. at the moment, i’ve just been selling locally through crochet/knit commissions, but i am in the process of expanding to online! and, for anyone who is a mutual and interested, i might share my public insta acc for it via dm if you pinky promise not to share it linked to my tumblr ( it has semi - personal info )
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minhosbitterriver · 6 months
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ot8 x gender neutral reader.
content warnings: shibari, sex, intense emotional connection, anal fingering (male receiving)
summary: i love shibari with my entire soul and i feel like we as a society don’t talk about it enough — particularly about how emotional it can be if done right.
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Chan would like tying you up but would mostly enjoy being tied up himself. I feel like when you first proposed the idea to him, he was nervous but decided to try for you anyway and ended up loving it. He’s a guy that is constantly dealing with stress and anxiety, so it’s almost a healing experience to fully let go of control and letting you do whatever you saw fit. It usually ended with you riding him gently, and he’ll be the type to tear up a little after you both cum because the time you’d just spent together was so deeply emotional.
He himself doesn’t get tied up, but I feel like he would like tying up his partner using the shibari method. I feel like he would enjoy it quite a lot, especially if it leads to some electrifying, intensely emotional sex once the tying part is done. Like he’ll be thrusting into you deeply yet slowly, massaging all the sensitive spots he knows of while doing so. He wants to hear your moans that sound so preciously different from the way it sounds during regular sex — this one comes from the serenity of your mind, it’s everything you feel pushed into the soft sounds he coaxed out of you. Your face, the sounds, the way your body moved in rhythm with his despite the restraints — he’ll cum and keep going until he’s had several orgasms and he can’t anymore, nothing turns him on like being like this does.
Tie him up. He’ll tie you up every once in a while, but mostly him, especially if done in front of a mirror. I feel like he’d be the kind of guy to enjoy watching himself being tied up with pink rope, and the way you’d leave a trail of kisses everywhere. He adores having sex with you like that, and he’ll cum if you play with his hole just right. He’s so soft, so buff and strong but he’d look so stunning tied up like that, whimpering your name as he grows more and more needy.
I feel like this might be a genuine kink that he has, but it might be reserved to the lovers he shares the deepest, most intense connections with. Something about the way he describes himself as an emotional guy, his artistic perspective, his gentleness — everything makes me feel like he’d love this as much as I do. His touch would be so tender, and he’d caress your skin with every knot he made, and once you’re all tied up he just pulls you onto his lap while you’re both naked and he just holds you for a moment there. Like it’s not necessarily a sexual thing for him, just the amount of trust it takes to be in that type of mindset while tied up like that. It’s a form of bonding for him. He also likes being the one tied up by his lover, and he’ll be extra clingy and would need all the praise in the world before, during and after.
🪢 HAN.
He would definitely be the one to be tied up, he’s just the kind of guy who adores being at the complete mercy of his partner. It’s the ultimate sign of trust and intense love for him — he trusts you to care for him when in such a vulnerable state, and therefore that shows how much he also loves you. Constant eye-contact is very much needed, he needs to see your face, your expressions, everything. Kissing is more than encouraged as well, just call him a good boy or a pretty baby and he’ll be melting on the spot.
Something in my gut tells me that he would be the one to briefly bring it up as a kink he’s heard about before and found interesting, but then once you do research and seriously suggest trying it, he would be nervous. Perhaps it’s the level of intimacy, or the fear of doing it wrong — but he would need some time to think on it. Eventually, he’ll agree and it’ll lead to the most mind-blowing sex either of you have ever experienced. His hands are just so soft and gentle as he ties you up, and then when he finally fucks you, it’s all praises and eye-contact and him just fully catering to your every need for as long as you wish.
Doing shibari with him would be a bit more rough, I think. He’ll be domming you, but it’s a mixture of stern and soft. The time spent tying you up would be soft and he’d have his twinkling brown eyes on you the whole time while making you laugh a little with his jokes to soothe you. But once he’s inside of you, it’s like an animal takes over and he’s thrusting in and out of you at such an ínstense speed, you have no other option but to scream his name as you cum several times before he does.
🪢 I.N.
The first time you both experiment with shibari, he’s the one getting tied up. He’s not much for physical affection, but something about it made him grave for kisses and squeezes as often as possible. He needed constant reassurance as you worked, he was evidently nervous since it was new to him. It didn’t lead to sex though, because as soon as you wrapped your hand around his cock, he was feeling a little overstimulated but he didn’t want to be untied; he just wanted you close, to feel your skin on his while his mind floated away. Like with Hyunjin, shibari served as a bonding experience for the two of you.
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(🏷️) taglist : @grandpafelixx
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© minhosbitterriver 2023 | do not plagiarize , repost , or translate any of my works onto other platforms — it is forbidden with or without credit ! the works of authors are protected under copyright laws and policies , tumblr is my only platform . if you see my work elsewhere , please let me know and report !
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what-if-nct · 1 year
Hii so yesterday I decided I’d try a mix of spells and manifestations. I’m still quite new to all that so I was just going with the flow. Anyways I combined a few different methods. Whilst listening to a love frequency/subliminal I drew a sigil and wrote down various affirmations such as “I will be successful in love” “I will attract someone with whom I am romantically and emotionally connected to” “I will be decisive in love” (I can be quite indecisive and it can be an issue sometimes). And then I tied two strings together by tying 3 knots (one for a more interesting love life basically, one to be successful and confident regarding love and one to attract an ideal person). I then stopped listening to the frequency/subliminal and held the string and repeated my list of affirmations 3 times and then held it as I counted to seven seven times (as the 7th house is the house of love in astrology). I tied a golden wire around the string and kept it in my book that has the sigil and affirmations in. But when I was tying the wire and for quite a while afterwards my hands were shaking so much? Idk if that’s connected to what I was doing and if that’s a good sign or not.
Also, tysm for explaining more about human design and I found the websites useful! I’m a generator too! It really does make sense cause like I don’t normally do something without much thinking and when I do it gets messy and complicated and then I get stressed out. But like I was thinking like how would this work with various types of manifestations and spells cause if naturally I get better results if I wait a bit and then respond would that be in conflict with some things? Idk tho. Also the digestion part too?? It so true. I do typically fast throughout the day and I’m totally fine but others are a bit surprised. And I often do need some sort of stimulation for me to eat.
Oh that's fine, just make sure to ground after every spell and ritual, bring yourself back down and eat something like a cracker or cookie. You're fine it's not a bad thing just energy. And I think you work with your type when it comes to magic and manifestation. Like even just an inspiration or a sign could be something you respond to because you will get that gut feeling if it feels right or not. And someone said when it comes to manifesting look at your design sense, that's how you manifest. For me mine is feeling. So I just have to feel what I'd feel as if I had that thing already. If it's inner vision then you can visualize what you want to manifest. Like you just have to work with your chart and read everything you can find.
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heisenho · 3 years
Karl x Fem!Reader that also has the ability to bend metal and being his little apprentice. Like they go from mentoring to lovers?
[Karl Heisenberg x Fem!Reader]
Warnings: 18+, MINORS DNI! Good ol' pussy eatin', Karl being a bit of a dick, just normal re8 stuff.
A/N: This was so fun to write, i do hope you like it! Thanks so much for this request! This is more... uh reader loathing karl and then letting him mentor her, and then they become lovers. i hope that is okay dfijffnwfjw
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“Fuck!” You screamed out, stomping your foot. “Why can’t I just live with Lady Dimitrescu?”
You were growing angry. Rage boiled inside of you. You let out a loud, shrill scream and slammed your foot against the metal you were supposed to be moving around with your fucking mind.
Another yell. You grabbed your foot and fell to the ground, rolling in the dirt for a minute.
“Get the fuck up.”
You stopped your rolling and your eyes shot towards Heisenberg. You stood up and glared at him. You crossed your arms and stepped closer to him.
“Girl,” Heisenberg growled, “You do not wanna do that.”
When you were first sent to live with Heisenberg, you were sure it was going to be hell, he was terrifying. But now, it was hell because he was being bossy.
“You’re lucky I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. Otherwise... You’d be-”
“What? What would I be?
Your arms fell to your sides, your fingers digging into your palms. You screamed again and turned to stomp away from Heisenberg. His jacket rustled and you ignored it, thinking he was probably going to fuck around with his powers just to show off.
Show off, he did.
A piece of metal came flying towards your legs and wrapped around your shins, knocking you to the ground. A scared noise fell from your lips and you scratched at the ground, trying your best to stop whatever was happening. Once it registered that you were not about to get away, you let yourself slide towards Heisenberg.
The metal around your legs began to pull you upwards and you tensed. You truly had not expected to start fucking floating. The metal tightened as your moved higher into the air, thankfully Heisenberg seemed to not want to drop you.
“Oh, if only there were a way you could escape this.”
You swung your arm out and let out a strangled, stressed scream as he caught it. “Karl, let me down right now!”
Blood was starting to rush to your head. Heisenberg was deadpan, watching you struggle. He didn’t look comfortable, but he also was letting it happen. As you were leaning up, pulling at the metal, Heisenberg reached up to you, the metal falling and you dropping into his arms.
He quickly set you down and began to walk back to his factory. “C’mon, we’ll try again tomorrow.”
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You looked down at the metal and tried your best, really giving it your all, and moved your hand outward, towards it, but nothing happened.
“Karl,” you let out a soft whine, “I can’t do this.”
Karl came up from behind and sighed. You knew for sure he was about to pull some more bullshit, so you tensed. Karl’s face dropped, his eyes softening, but you couldn’t quite see that. You could, however, hear Karl sigh.
“We’re gonna try something different.” Karl stepped behind you and your body only tensed even more.
Karl placed his gloved hand on your bicep and slid it down your arm, causing your breath to catch in your throat. “Focus on the metal,” he brought your hand upwards and uncurled your fingers, which were digging into your palm. “Just think about moving it, it’ll come naturally.”
You nodded and relaxed into him, “Okay.”
Suddenly the metal moved. You gasped and practically ripped away from Karl, your excitement bubbling over. You turned and looked at him with wide eyes.
“I did it!”
“Told ya it wasn’t hard.”
You huffed at him, “You literally dragged me around the dirt yesterday, sir! Do not go talking about this bein’ easy!”
Karl snorted, “Whatever, girl,” his eyes rolled behind his sunglasses. “Now, we can get to the actual training.”
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You stood across from Karl, in the scrapyard, your fingers twitching at your sides. You were finally getting good at whatever the hell Miranda had “blessed” you with, and Karl was taking training up a notch.
The metal began to float around you causing you to feel a little anxiety. You brought your arms up, palms facing Karl, and you pushed some of the metal back towards him. As you did that, he snapped his fingers, effortlessly causing a piece of metal to fly at you. A short whine escaped you as it scraped your cheek.
Warmth ran down your cheek. Blood.
“Not fair!”
“Life isn’t fair, Kitten,” Karl smirked.
You blinked, and your hands fell down to your sides. Your entire body tensed and without even thinking, you caused the metal to shift around you. Every single piece, even the ones near Karl, hit the ground. Hard.
“That’a girl!”
Karl walked towards you and smiled proudly. Your stomach twisted and you swallowed hard. Something about that pet name, and the way he said it... He had your stomach in knots. You gave him a nervous smile and nodded.
“Thanks. I totally meant to do that.”
Karl laughed, “Let’s go inside, I think that’s enough for today. Anyway,” Karl brought his gloved hand to your cheek, “You’re bleeding. You need to clean that up.”
Without thinking, you swatted him away and leaned back from him. Karl, unbeknownst to you, was not a fan of that reaction. His face dropped, slightly, before he gave you a cocky grin once more.
The both of you walked in, and you knew you were going to have to deal with your new feelings, one way or another.
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It had been about a week since ‘the incident’ and you could not get the way he called you ‘kitten’ out of your head. He hadn’t said it since, he had barely gotten close to you unless he was training with you, and even then he kept his distance.
You had to find a way to relieve stress and you had to find one soon. Being a desperate woman, you decided, when there was a family meeting, you were going to find one of Alcina’s daughters and ask her for help.
And you did just that.
“Daniela,” You pulled her to the side and prayed that Karl wouldn’t find you, “I need help.”
“Ooooh~” She let out a laugh, or what you could only assume was a laugh, “what does the newest member of the family need?”
“Please keep quiet, this is important to keep between us, and only us.”
“Of course,” she grabbed your shoulder and smiled at you.
‘Maybe she’s trying to make me feel less scared?’ You thought. “Anyway...” You tried to shrug her hand away, “Look, do you ladies have any... toys. Just, like, around the castle?”
“Toys?” Daniela cocked her head, “I didn’t think you wanted to play with men?”
Your eyes widened, “No! Sex toys!” You hissed at her.
Her eyes lit up, “Oh! Of course. Follow me, my cute little pet.”
And just like that, you were completely set up to relieve your stress.
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Finding a secluded area was not the easiest. So many of Karl’s little experiments wandered around. But once you found it, you were ecstatic.
You were sprawled out on a small pallet you had made. You had surrounded yourself with some metal, a barrier between you and the creatures that could find you. Keeping it up was becoming a hassle, especially once you started feeling immense pleasure.
You had been messing around with yourself for a good half of the day. You had somehow convinced Karl to let you wander off and not work that day. He said he had things he needed to tend to, and let you go off on your own.
You were taking breaks in between sessions, but nothing was like the real thing. The vibrations of the toy were sending shockwaves through your body. You were getting close to the edge, toes curling, eyes rolling back, and body tensing. And, unlike all your other orgasms, you let out a loud whimper.
“Hey, girl-” Karl called out, obviously looking for you.
“Karl-” You moaned out, not registering Karl’s voice.
Something had come over you, you were completely wrecked by the thought of Karl having his way with you. To the point where you called out for him. And he most definitely heard you.
The metal dropped around you and you, suddenly, you were forced to face Karl. Once and for all. A scream ripped from your throat and you closed your legs, pulling your large, button up shirt, over your knees.
“Fuck!” You yelled, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t-”
“Damn,” Karl, being the extreme gentleman he was, noticed you weren’t entirely comfortable and covered his eyes. “If you needed some help you could have asked.”
“Karl!” You shouted throwing the sex toy to the side. Face burning, body trembling, mind filled with pure embarrassment, you just sat on the floor, “Shut up!”
Suddenly, you realized what he said. Your jaw dropped and your arms, that were wrapped around your legs, tensed.
“Last chance,” Karl smirked, eyes still hidden, “you obviously need-”
That was all he needed to hear. His hand dropped from his face and he stalked towards you. Without a word, Karl leaned down, picked you, and tossed you over his shoulder. Letting out a small gasp, you hung down his back. One of his hands held you steady while the other rested on your ass.
The both of you reached his ‘room’, just an area with a mattress on the ground not as many experiments around. Karl placed you down on the mattress and leaned over you, he peeked over his sunglasses at you.
“You have no clue how long I’ve wanted this.”
Heisenberg’s mouth was the shell of your ear, his breath causing your body to react in the best way possible. He pulled back and stared you down, like a predator ready to devour their prey. Your knees knocked together and you were looking up at Heisenberg with big doe eyes. His large calloused hand grabbed one of your knees and he pulled your legs apart, gently.
“I was wondering where that shirt went...”
“Well, maybe if you had more shirts you wouldn’t have noticed.”
Karl chuckled, a rumble coming from his chest, and you felt like you had made some type of mistake, “Are you sure you wanna get that tone with me, kitten?”
“Yes...” It sounded more like a question than an answer, but the confidence was almost there.
“How are you so bratty, yet so cute?” Karl positioned himself between your legs.
You shrugged, unable to find words to say. Your brain was malfunctioning at the worst time. You had thought about this moment, even dreamed of it, and now there you sat, looking like some deer in headlights. You were vulnerable and so small compared to him.
“You sure you’re up for this, kitten? You’re looking a little-”
“I’m good!” Your voice cracked, “You have no clue how much I’ve wanted this- you. I just kinda thought you... hated me.”
Karl cocked his head at you, “How? You’re fucking amazing. I thought you hated me, the way you tensed when we were training... I just assumed you were afraid.”
“Karl,” you spoke so calmly, as if you weren’t almost naked and completely vulnerable under him, “as I said before, you dragged me through the dirt with metal...”
“That was just tough love,” Karl smirked down at you, before his facial features softened, “I can make it up to you?”
You nodded, wondering what he had in mind.
“Lean back,” he moved down, positioning himself between your legs, his body keeping your legs from closing.
You complied of course, and leaned back for him. Your back hit the mattress and you let out a shaky sigh. Karl began to softly kiss up your thigh, his large hands pulling your legs further apart. Your hands gripped at the bare mattress below you and you arched into Karl’s mouth.
Once he reached your cunt, you let out a soft moan, waiting for more. One of Karl’s hands gripped at your hip, while the other pulled your shirt up further. His hand quickly moved from your shirt and to your bare ass.
“I promise, I’ll be gentle,” Karl murmured right before his tongue licked a stripe up your pussy.
You gasped. God, it was everything you had imagined, and better. His tongue quickly found your clit and he sucked at it, briefly, before getting back to your pussy.
You let out a soft hum of pleasure, your hands knocking his hat off and grabbing at his hair. You pulled at it and Karl immediately stopped.
“Girl,” his chest rumbled, and his eyes snapped up at you, “I don’t think you’re prepared for what that brings.”
You couldn’t answer, you were genuinely too in the moment to register anything but your own pleasure. And you were getting close to cumming. Your back arched, and your toes curled, once his lips met your throbbing pussy again.
“Karl,” your voice was loud, but not loud enough.
“Kitten, who’s making you feel this good?”
“You- You are!”
Your feet jerked, pulling you up on your tiptoes, and your back curved, causing your hips to push into Karl, letting his tongue go deeper.
“Karl! I’m- I’m gonna-” You were cut off, everything becoming too much.
You gasped loudly and the entire factory shifted and groaned. Your eyes screwed shut and your entire body tensed under him. Karl did not slow. You felt the metal around you beginning to move.
Your eyes snapped open, just in time for you to witness the metal starting to come to life around the two of you. You fell, your back colliding with the mattress once more, and the metal fell back down. The factory stopped creaking, the only noise now being your loud panting.
“Damn, girlie,” Karl brought his face up to yours, “you’re more powerful than I thought...”
Karl gave you a kiss, and you quickly deepened it. Your arms wrapped around his neck and held himself above you. Your legs wrapped around his waist and you softly mewled beneath him. Reluctantly, Karl pulled away and pressed his forehead to yours.
“How about-” he paused, thinking about his wording, “how about we take this shit over? Fuck everyone else. Me and you, kitten, that’s all that matters.”
You quickly answered, unsure if it was the fact he just ate your pussy, the love you felt for him, or your genuine hate for Mother Miranda. Or all of the above, “How about we fuck first? The vibrator just wasn’t doing it. We can think about world domination after sex.”
“I like the sound of that.”
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pleasantanathema · 3 years
Reiner Braun | Instinctual Invitations
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Pairing: Reiner Braun x Fem!Reader
Rating: Explicit (18+ Only)
Warnings: ABO Dynamics (Alpha Reiner x Omega Reader), Breeding, Marking, Mating, Knotting, Heats, Ruts, Frenemies to Lovers
Word Count: 5k
A/N: Part of my Nine Muses Event to celebrate 9k! Follow the link to read other fanfics I’m writing to celebrate. This was definitely a labor of love. I’ve fallen back into my appreciation for ABO dynamics, and Reiner just screams “perfect mate” to me. 💜
          No one made suppressants stronger than Hange. They never divulged just what was in their special concoction, but all you knew was that it was damn near impossible for someone to discern that you were an Omega.
           You’d even fooled that naive, arrogant, hubristic Alpha partner of yours for years. There was a particular disdain you held for Reiner. You could never really name it, but all you knew was that working with the giant man made your instincts sour. He seemed so good on the outside, all prideful charm and heavy pats on the shoulders of his peers, but when the two of you worked cases alone, his charisma always had a bite to it.
           Maybe it was because he could tell there was something equally off about his “Beta” partner, maybe it was because he had some pent up rage inside him he only let seep out around you. You didn’t know, you didn’t care. You were patiently waiting for him to be re-assigned to the Behavioral Science Unit like he’d requested last month, but Erwin’s dawdling with the request had you worried he wasn’t about to separate his most successful Scout partners, even if they didn’t get along.
           “Is my bow tie straight?”
          Reiner asked you to hold his drink while he fiddled with the offending cloth.
           “You didn’t even look.”
           The whiskey from his glass was expensive, sliding down smooth when you took a drink. Rei let out a very frustrated noise, so loud and huffy it had the guests of the award ceremony glancing toward him. The hotel ballroom was crowded, filled with elites from Military Police, Scouts, even the fucking Garrison. There were too many people here to watch you and Reiner stumble over the acceptance speech; there were too many people here to judge that Scouts were being awarded this time around.
           “Now your fucking lipstick is all over it.”
           “Oh please, it tastes like cherries, you’ll get over it.”
           Both of you were nervous, flattered but timid about being given a Meritorious Achievement Award for all your fieldwork done killing and documenting titans around the outer-wilds of the city. Fighting for survival in the trees was less stressful than trying to make a good impression on the brass as you received one of the highest honors.
           You took another gulp of his drink before passing it back, trying to stave off the very worrisome nerves twisting in your gut. Sweat was forming at the nape of your neck, staining your palms. You shifted uncomfortably in your heels, feet feeling heavy.
           It made you feel some better that the usually proud Alpha next to you was just as worried about giving a speech in front of Dhalis Zachary. The Premier was known for being strict, for demanding that military appearance be of the highest standard in front of donors.
          Reiner was still fucking with his tie, angry muscles about to rip the threads of his tuxedo.
          “You look fine,” you sighed, toning back the bitterness. You moved away from the balcony railing, wrapping your fingers around the black polyester ribbon and tightening it into sitting straight under his square jaw. But for some reason, you couldn’t let go, nails gripping into the fabric.
          “Are you okay? You looked scared to shit,” Reiner plucked your hands off his tie, holding a wrist in each burning hand, “I can do all the talking, you know. You can just stand there and look pretty.”
          “Y-yeah, I’m fine.” You weren’t. You knew this feeling, it was old and familiar, a churning pain laced with need slowly brewing in your belly, making you sick.
          But your suppressants would take care of the issue, surely it was just your nerves that were making those heats you’d forsaken start to claw at you.
          You hadn’t gone through a heat cycle in three years. Hange had suggested you take time off once a year to let your body go through it’s natural process, but you’d been so damn busy that you’d neglected to do so. Besides, you never had any issues, just a few flare ups when a particularly good looking Alpha close to their rut got near you.
          This time was different, though, you could feel it. This flame wasn’t going to be extinguished once it got started—you’d have to go home after the gala and curl up, stop taking the suppressants in the morning so your heat could come to life in the next few days.
          God you dreaded that feeling, cunt always quivering and squeezing around nothing, sweating in a blanket nest that only carried your scent and maybe a lingering, nameless male scent from a one-night stand.
          “Hey,” Rei moved his hands to rest on your shoulders, shaking you, “get your shit together. We’ll be awarded in a few hours and then we can go the fuck home. Tired of being around your bitchy ass anyways.”
          His hands were too hot. They were sweaty like yours, making you feel dizzy.
          “I’m gonna be sick.”
          You could feel it. Reiner could smell it.
          “What the fuck is wrong with y—”
          He dropped the last syllable, golden eyes turning into molten amber the moment your scent hit him full force. You thought he’d take his hands off, that he’d give you some space, but those instincts to protect must have taken over because he was pulling you closer like that would help.
          “You’re a Beta, you don’t go into—”
          “Omega, Rei. I’m a fucking Omega and I don’t need you telling anyone about it.”
          You whispered your confession, eyes going glassy as you looked around the room, saw faces turning in your direction. Most of the old men here were mated, but that didn’t mean the building brew of the heat of an unmarked Omega wouldn’t catch their attention. Your neck throbbed, scent glands betraying you and pumping beneath your skin.
          You felt like clawing at Reiner’s chest, digging your fingers into the perfectly pressed designer shirt and burying your face into it to be overwhelmed by Alpha presence. You thought you could stave this off, but the nerves, this proximity to an Alpha...you needed to get the fuck out of here.
          “You’re going to have to take the award for-for both of us,” oh now you were stuttering, you were losing it, Reiner’s deeply masculine scent making you feel like a puddle. You hated these instincts, hated how it made you feel weak, hated how he smelled like the most inviting bakery and familiarity and how it made you want to fall to your knees and beg for the aching hole between your legs to be stuffed.
          “You can’t get home on your own, do you know how many Alphas would kill for—”
          You were pulling away from him, grabbing your purse so you could scrounge for those emergency suppressants to hopefully curtail this heat.
          The pills were absent, your resolve fading as you felt like crumpling into the floor and clutching your stomach. You knew people were starting to notice, noses in the air to find out where the overly sweet smell of an Omega was coming from.
          “I don’t need your help.”
          “Who else knows?” You didn’t like how the rumble of his voice made your skin tingle, made your panties feel too tight, wet.
          “Hange, Levi, the higher ups. They know, they saw it on my app-application. Said it would be…” you were starting to lose your train of coherent thoughts.
          “...best if no one knew?”
          Omegas were scarce. Omegas were weak. But you’d proven yourself in your training, you were too valuable for Commander Erwin to deny your approval into the Scouts.
          “Just—just tell people I got sick. That the stupid little shrimp hors d'oeuvres... f-fuck me,” you meant to say something else, something like they fucked with me, but all you could think about was how those strong hands felt on your shoulders and how they would feel so good pawing at your hips as he plowed into you to relieve your stress.
          Making a beeline out of the ornate, crowded ballroom, you had to excuse yourself as you bumped into a few backs and sides, stumbling over your feet as the clawing need in your stomach made you lose focus. You just had to get home. Grab a cab. Hope it’s not an Alpha driving, just get home to your nesting pillows and bury your fingers into your—
          Reiner was calling your name. If he was your Alpha you’d be stopping in your tracks to listen to his commands, but he wasn’t. He was your terrible, annoying...strong, capable, definitely had a fat cock…
          You didn’t know what you were thinking about when he finally caught up to you, pushing you outside the front doors. You wished it was winter, but it was a hot summer night, which just made the heat in your body worse, made your scent heavier, floating on the humidity. And there were people around, lobby boys taking in bags and tired families dragging their feet inside. Still the fresh air felt good, or at least it did, until Reiner invaded it with his scent again.
          “I’ll get you home,” he placed his hand on your lower back, palm touching bare, tender skin from the low cut of your dress, and you came undone. You pressed yourself into his thick chest, wrapping your arms around him and fisting them into the back of his shirt. You could hear him grunt at the contact, the two of you never the type of partners to go beyond a pat on the back or a punch to the arm.
          “N-not gonna make it home…”
          “Fucking shit I always knew there was something different about you.”
          He was dragging you back into the hotel, firm hand around your wrist.
          “I can’t help how I was born.”
          “Yeah but you could have fucking told me.”
          You quit your bickering as Reiner paid for a hotel room, you pressed to his side and trying to mask the scent of ripe, ready to fuck Omega underneath simmering Alpha. You snatched the key card on the counter from a very concerned concierge, listening but not really as she explained there were special rates for those in heat.
          “I didn’t want you to know.”
          People were staring now, the smell of Omega becoming so heavy it even bothered you. Rei tucked his arm around your waist, leading you toward the elevators. There was a sour, thirsty taste in your mouth as you listened to your heels clink upon the marbled floor. The scent of arousal was on him, but it wasn’t his fault, just his biology reacting to yours.
          You straightened your shoulders as you saddled up next to him in the elevator, watching the doors slowly close.
          “Shut up.”
          He was on you in an instant, heavy body pressing you into the mirrored wall.
          “I should have known,” his voice was low, like he was divulging a secret, “a little Omega under my nose all long.”
          You gasped as one of his hands skimmed up your thigh, thumb swirling circles upon your skin.
          “D-don’t do this here, I can’t—” you couldn’t take it, you were putty in his hands, already looping a leg around his thigh and fussing with the buttons on his shirt. You needed to feel his skin, needed to drown in the scent of an Alpha.
          You were half way through peeling his shirt off his pectorals, that goddamn bowtie still in place, when your throat began to hurt. Reiner actually laughed at you when you paused your hasty undressing, having to cradle the left side of your neck as your scent glands throbbed, begging for teeth to be sunk into the sensitive skin to be marked, claimed.
          “Don’t you dare think about m-marking me,” god you wouldn’t be able to stop stuttering until you were stuffed with something, until you were able to chase away the aches before they returned again in a few hours.
          “But isn’t that what little Omegas want?” He was toying with you, grin so cocky you felt like sinking your thumbs into his smile and hurting him. His fingers were under your dress, dangerously close to your aching sex. His hand was so hot against your skin, so calloused and strong. You felt like Icarus, like you were flying too close to the sun. The pad of his index finger curled against your panties and you could have sworn you were already burning.
          You lifted your lips to catch his, only to have him turn his cheek as the elevator chimed, signaling your arrival to your floor.
          You followed in his steps, tracing your dress hem from where his giant palm had touched it, your fingers moving it even higher to try to alleviate the warmth stemming from between your legs. The keycard was heavy in your hand, like it was about to open a door to something wicked.
          “I-I can take care of this myself,” your placed your back against the door to your room, “and I’ll pay you back for the fees, just let me—”
          “Just let you what? Go fuck yourself in misery for the next five days?”
          God he looked so tempting, so big. He towered over you, scents of sex and earth and spice, like black cardamum and the bitter burn of peppers. You wanted to sink your fingers into his blonde hair and pull, pull him down to you, into you.
          But you reminded yourself you’d be patiently waiting for him to leave your life. Mating with him could have him sticking around, could have the two of you fucking up and getting attached.
          “Y-you have to accept the award,” you were literally slipping into the floor, gut twisting so badly that it felt like you were being ripped apart, your heat bursting into full bloom after his teasing touches. Reiner caught your upper arms to keep you up, making you whimper, and you knew the last thing you wanted was to be alone, even if it meant ruining yourself on Reiner’s cock.
          “Your scent has made me harder than I’ve ever been in my fucking life. I paid for the room because I’m staying in it, sweetheart.”
          He took the card from your weak fingers and shoved it into the reader, a big, heavy palm pressing against your stomach and pushing you into the open doorway. He kept his fingers on you, twisting his knuckles into the fabric of your dress.
          “Rei, don’t—”
          “I’m so fucking tired of playing games with you.”
          The threads snapped with a twist of his wrist, the delicate front of your dress parting as the heavy hotel door slammed shut. His hands were rough, quick, tearing and pawing at your dress, your bra, and all you could do was moan and kick your heels off to be forgotten on the floor.
          He pulled his crisp black jack off his shoulders, tossing it onto a desk chair, trousers and everything underneath following.
          “I-I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” You were already on him, pressing your naked chest to his and standing on your toes so you could bury your face into his neck. You couldn’t help but to purr, that soothing musk of Alpha encompassing all your senses. Fingers sunk into his body, your tongue hot against his skin as you laid kitten licks to his throat.
          “No wonder I can’t stand you,” Reiner’s hands were gliding down your back, admiring smooth, willing flesh, “why you make me fucking crazy.”
          “Please shut up and fuck me.”
          His tempting hands found your neck, thumb petting at the sore, pounding spot on your throat. It only made your scent stronger, made you keen and practically fall into him.
          “Kiss me first, like you mean it.”
          You didn’t have to be told twice.
          Any fight you had left dissipated when his tongue slipped into your mouth, hands still encased around your neck and keeping you pliant for him to taste. Your nails sunk into his shoulders, toes hurting from strain as you pushed your mouth up into his. God he tasted so good, like the first taste of food after starving, and your body had been starving for years. Unknotted, unmarked, your body was screaming for him, looking for an Alpha to fill you in ways that your measly attempts over the years never could.
          Violence was on the tip of his tongue, you could taste it, feel it in the way he started to squeeze the delicate column of your throat. Rut was kicking in, the overwhelming pheromones of Omega making his body respond, ready to knot, ready to devour.
          Slick was pouring down your thighs as you kissed him, body overly ready for him. Your stomach was twisting in coils, so painful that it made you gasp and pull away from his kiss, ready to fall into the floor if his hands didn’t keep you on your feet.
          “H-hurts, so, so bad,” you whined, trying to focus your breathing.
          Reiner started slowly moving you back toward the bed, thumbs now petting at the apples of your cheeks as tears started to form in your lower lashes.
          “Shh, shh, it’s okay, Alpha will take care of you.”
          Normally, the thought of Rei referring to himself as Alpha would repulse you, make you gag at how arrogant he was, but in this moment it made you so weak, made you moan as he crawled over your body on the bed. You were so little under him, dwarfed by brawn, small prey begging to be snatched and taken.
          His title was on the front of your mouth, ready to fall out, for you to call him what he was to you, but the sliver of sense you had left kept it at bay. You knew calling him Alpha could put you in a heat induced headspace you might not be able to come out of, might have you making lusty, hasty decisions that you’d regret once this god forsaken heat was over.
          “Rei-ner,” it was forced, he could tell, the syllables stuck to your tongue.
          He nuzzled into your neck, purring as he fell into the intoxication of your scent glands. Hands raked over your body, each touch jolting you like electricity, the webs of nerves under your skin coming alive as he toyed with you. Your legs spread instinctively to make room for his hips, but he kept his weight off of you, propping himself on his elbows.
          “So fucking perfect,” he mused, thumb trailing along your swollen lips, smearing the lipstick he’d complained about earlier, “should’ve told me sooner. I would’ve fucked you through every heat.”
          His words made you coo, made your fingers weave into his blonde hair and pull him down for another kiss. You couldn’t get enough of his taste, whiskey and fire and something sickenly sweet, like pure honey over powdered sugar. Reiner was still holding back, you could practically feel growls stuck in his chest when your hands eagerly wandered over his plush pectorals.
          So big. He’d be such a good protector. Such a good mate.
          “Need you, need you, Rei, p-please,” you shifted your hips as you spoke, ready to flip onto your stomach so he could take you from behind. It’s how you got through all the heats you ever had before; face down in pillows, letting some Alpha fuck you senseless like nature intended. But his hands stilled you, pinned you down below him.
          “Wanna watch your face as I take what’s mine.”
          The tips of your ears felt scorched from his words and the blood in your body flushed under your skin.
          His. You wanted to be his, fuck, you wanted your Alpha, needed him, need him to knot you and—
          “Take me, f-fuck, I hurt so bad,” you were crying again, the pain in your womb like a knife sawing through flesh, twisting and turning.
          “Gonna take such good care of you.”
          And you knew he would. That’s the way Reiner was. A protector. A provider. Arrogant to mask the sweetness, prideful to hide the humility.
          Big hands cupped your cheeks as his cockhead brushed through your folds, sending your neck flying back as you screamed just from the relief of feeling him spread your overheated slick.
          “Gonna fill you to the brim with my cum.”
          That broke you. Your last little grip on your sanity was remembering that Hange’s suppressants didn’t mix well with birth control. You hadn’t been on the pill for years, and with how strong this heat was, how repressed your body had felt, you were probably more fertile than you’d ever been.
          “Fuck,” your hands found his face, and when he looked at you, you sailed away in the gold currents of his gaze, “breed me.”
          His massive cock started to sink into your tight hole, the copious amounts of slick gushing from inside of you making his penetration easier. But even still, he was so engorged with blood and hormones ready to knot that his fat cock struggled to breach that first tight ring of muscle. You hissed, not from pain, but from relief, so ready to be full that no amount of stretching would detract from your pleasure.
          Heavy hands were on your hips, pulling you down to take all of him in. He was finally growling, your walls constricting around him and making him go absolutely mad.
          “Gonna breed you, Omega, give you my babies, f-fuck yes, have you dripping with cum.”
          The blinding pleasure was almost devastating, making you feel numb, making you feel like this was all you ever needed in the whole goddamn world—all you needed was Reiner’s cock to bring you rapture, to have you ascending to the holy planes that zealots coveted.
          “Move,” it was a quick plea, your legs curling around his waist in encouragement, “please, please fuck me, breed me.”
          He started a slow pace, but was enough to have you spiraling, eyes fluttering shut as you got lost in him. One of his hands swatted at your cheek, just enough to sting.
          “Eyes open. Watch me, be with me.”
          You tried your best to obey, but the drumming of his cock in your cunt had you seeing dark spots even as your eyes opened again. Reiner kept his hand on your face, locking it around your jaw so you watched him as he fucked you, his beautiful, defined cheekbones tinted pink as he became overwhelmed with his rut.
          How many times had you looked at him before? How many days had you spent working alongside him, doing your best to avoid looking at him? He got under your skin, made you feel weak. Maybe this was why, maybe you were repressing just how much you wanted him. Maybe he was meant to be your—
          “Alpha,” you breathed it out, let it fan over his ears, let it sink into his psyche.
          The word felt like a relief, like a sin. That attachment you feared was already caging you in.
          His pace kicked up to something brutal as you acknowledged not just his biology, but his title to you.
          You screamed so loudly that it hurt, had your throat burning as your moans bled into whines and mewls as he took from your willing cunt.
          A cacophony of sex filled the hotel room, the sound of primal grunts, shrill little screams, of flesh against flesh, balls slapping against your ass, his cock ramming into your squelching, drooling pussy.
          “That’s right, fuck, you’re mine, Omega. Mine.” He repeated the last word a few more times as he bent your legs farther back, straddling your thighs with his muscular legs as he folded you into a mating press. His cock began to stroke that sweet, spongy spot inside of you at the new angle, drilling into you at just the right curve to have you cumming before your body could even enjoy the build up.
          You shattered, cunt clenching and as you were so pleased to orgasm around a thick Alpha cock. You were babbling nonsense, even thanking him for letting you cum. Just a string of pleas and AlphaAlphaAlpha pouring off your tongue and melting into his sweaty skin.
          Your orgasm had your scent fresh in the room, had your neck fucking pounding with the need to be bitten, to be claimed.
          Reiner could smell it, could smell your insatiable need, instincts picking up on words you just couldn’t say.
          “Let me have you,” he demanded it between kisses to your shoulder, lips trailing up and stopping at the saccharine reek of your scent glands just below your jaw.
          He wouldn’t claim you without permission, he wasn’t that kind of man, wasn’t that kind of Alpha.
          You fell into a symphony of moans, neck tilting back in instinctual insinuation, but mouth still unwilling to make that plea. But then his scent overwhelmed you again, like spicy hot peppers and the sweetest sugar flooding over your body. You knew that scent by heart, had smelled it in smaller increments every day for years, had tried to ignore it, but now you couldn’t.
          His cock was swelling inside of you, his ruthless pace and your lingering orgasm edging him closer to release. The hand on your hip had bruised your skin, perfect indent of his palm, his long fingers, etched into your skin. The other was pulling at your neck, pushing your face to the side as he skimmed the bridge of nose along your skin, waiting, wanting.
          “Omega,” he purred, calling you, begging you, “please, yours, mine.”
          He was losing his thoughts too, drowning in instincts and euphoria.
          Your fingers laced in his hair, pulling his mouth closer to what he wanted.
          “Yours, Alpha, f-fuck,” your acceptance was loud and clear, even through the fog and sounds of sex. One bite was all it took, teeth barely sinking into your skin. You cried from how good it felt, that ache finally silenced as his tongue lapped over that patch on your neck that could now only belong to him.
          A bond was tightening, something scientists still couldn’t fully explain—being marked, claimed, it tethered you to someone beyond all comprehension. It was like making a deal with a devil, selling your soul, and for you, it was an admittance to attraction and acceptance of intimacy that you felt with Reiner.
          The act of marking had his cock swelling inside you, knotting you and spilling his seed into your depths to stay. That overbearing fullness had you tumbling over the orgasmic mountain again, had you clinging and screaming, colors you’d never fucking seen before bursting in the corners of your eyes and traveling over your body like fireworks. You shivered in his arms, quaked, fell apart, and he held you. Purring, comforting, like he’d finally brought you home.
          Time didn’t seem to exist, lines between pleasure and pain so blurred that you couldn’t even feel the burn in your legs from being spread open for so long. You stayed in that mating press for what felt like hours. Reiner kept kissing at your neck, letting his scent blend in with yours.
          You’d never smell the same again. You’d always be tainted with him, carry bits of his scent with you forever. The thought didn’t even bother you, just brought you comfort, made you purr as your fingers lazily threaded through his hair.
          Finally, his cock became soft enough for him to pull out of you, lines of cum dripping from your abused pussy as he fell on his back next to you.
          The love hormones kicked in, had you curling around him even as you stretched out weary muscles. You were ready to sleep, ready to rest until the next wave of your heat came in a few hours and had you pleading for him again.
          But a pesky thought plagued your mind, a jealous one, one you’d never had about another Alpha before.
          How many other Omegas had wanted what was yours? How many of them had Reiner denied a claim to before you?
          “Why me?” you murmured into his heaving chest, fingertips drawing aimless circles in his downy chest hair.
          “Could ask you the same thing.”
          You sat up to look at him, to let him cup your cheek as his eyes flickered over your face.
          “How many Alphas have wanted you?”
          There was solace in knowing he had the same questions.
          “Haven’t had a heat since I met you.”
          Concern flashed across his face, that intensity you were used to seeing in his brow coming to life.
          “You won’t do that again.”
          His command made you feel warm, had your belly already pulling and churning and wanting again.
          “I won’t. Because even though you’re a shitty partner, you’re my mate.”
          That realization swept over him hard and fast, a range of emotions painting his features before he settled on a smile.
          His thumb petted your skin, bringing you in for a kiss.
          “You’re the only award I needed tonight.”
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