#anyway it's fine i'm fine i'm having FUN (sobbing)
textsfromthetva · 8 hours
I would have made a post sooner, but I've been too distressed to even talk about this.
Mobius is sick. That's my cat, for the uninitiated. He started throwing up food Thursday night, like, a lot, so we went to the vet on Friday, who concluded he had a fever, but other than that and the nausea, there were no symptoms. So that's an infection, right? No telling where, but he got a shot of anty-nausea meds, a shot of antibiotics, and I got a box of catch-all antibiotics in pill form, and home we went.
Problem is, he kept getting worse. Cats do this thing where, when they feel a bit under the weather, they go 'guess I'll die 🤷‍♂️' and stop eating and drinking, like little drama queens. So you need to keep them from starving themselves to death until medication starts working. Friday night I had to start force feeding him, which in the case of cats means mixing wet food with water, forcing their jaw open, and using a syringe (without a needle, obvs) to squirt food into their mouth, holding their head back to force them to swallow. It's not fun for either party, and for 36 hours I did that every other hour, including throughout the night. But he continued to get worse. He was sluggish and dehydrated. I kept feeding him. No improvement. He was miserable, I was miserable, it was fucking horrible.
Sunday night we went to an emergency vet clinic, because I couldn't handle it any longer, I needed someone to have another look. She concluded that his fever had gone up, despite him being on antibiotics. This is obviously very troubling. She convinced me to pay for some blood work, just the basics, and he's insured, so whatever. I told her the Good Girl died two months ago, from FIP (feline infectious peritonitis). When she came back she looked very grim, and had brought scanning equipment. A ton of stuff was totally fine, but there was one thing, that was alarming. A number that should be over 8 in healthy cats, with 4-8 being troubling, and under 4 being 'that cat probably has FIP' was clocking in at a 3 for Mobius. But his red blood cells were fine and his organ markers were fine, so she did an ultra sound to look for fluids in his abdominal cavity, which is another sign of FIP. There was nothing. She's worried that it's just because we caught it super early.
But, we decided to proceed as if he's got a crazy infection, he got another injection of anti-nausea medication, new antibiotics, some fever-reduction pills, and an appetite stimulant that's a cream you rub on the inside of their ears, so it's absorbed through the skin.
He started perking up a lot. Still wasn't eating though. So this afternoon my mom stopped by with ten different kinds of wet food they had lying around (cat breeder behaviour), and we created a huge buffet on the kitchen floor. All my plates are in play. And eventually he started eating some shredded chicken in jelly. I don't know if you've ever cried from watching a cat eat, but I was fucking sobbing.
At this point, 12 hours later, I've had to refill the plate with that single fucking kind of wet food four times. He's almost halfway through a big can by now!
So I'm choosing to be delulu right now. I'm choosing to believe that those numbers were off because he hadn't eaten. Because he's completely back to normal now, behaviourally, and surely, surely he would not get better like this if he was fatally ill and about to die.
Anyway, if he does die I'm going to break. Just FYI.
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queerofthedagger · 1 year
everyone's always like "ohh writing research is so incriminating pls fbi man in my phone don't think the wrong thing aha"
meanwhile, my writing research:
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pov you're writing fucking. stranger things fic. sigh
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bigbrainbiology · 2 years
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So I watched This Video on youtube, and now magical girls own my ass once again <3
Started out with space buns that evolved into roses inside glass bubbles on her head XD
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chaosandmarigolds · 2 months
Lil bit of Pre-K angst? comin right up!! (i don't know what im doing lol??? a short little one part of a dibble dabble, mentions of injury, car accidents, drunk driving death,
It was a promise.
He had knelt down to Olivers level, telling him that he would come back to him. He told the sobbing child that nothing would happen to him, he told Oliver that he would be fine.
Why didn't he think about Oliver?
How could he have not thought about Oliver?
How could he have not worried about you?
The call had knocked the wind out of him, he didn't even realize he was the emergency contact on Oliver's list beside you. The mission wasn't even dangerous it was stupid- a conference in a city a few towns over and he had...
"Is this a.. Mister Simon Riley?"
Simon looks up from the file he had been reading over, seeing Kyle and Johnny's eyes look up at him from the sudden stiffening of his posture.
"Mister Riley, unfortunately your wife and son-"
"M-my what?"
If his blood wasn't cold enough it certainly was when he heard your name followed by Oliver's, and he swore that everything began to slow. His feet where moving on their own, leaving Johnny and the team without an answer.
Everything was in slow motion, expect him.
a four-hour drive cut into one and a half. Two police cars tried to chase him on the freeway but he didn't care, easy to lose.
He had to pry the details out of the nurse, yet all she would simply say is that it was a group of teenagers 'pre-gaming' for a party, club hopping- and it was a Friday and fridays are when you take Oliver to his swimming lessons and then go get ice cream at the place down town-
She said you and Oliver were lucky to be alive, not quite stable, and that 'luckily' no one else was hurt.
Simon Riley was many things, he had cried enough times to make anyone pity him. Nor was he religious, for no God would forsake him as cruelly as he had been.
Yet that night, he cried tears and prayed to whatever God there was for a miracle.
(Anyway. that's it <<<3 I hope that works because I'm not super used to writing sad stuff, but it was fun to do! Feed back and comments make my day!)
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sunflower-lilac42 · 10 days
𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱, 𝗶'𝗺 𝗮𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 | 𝘭𝘩43 ♔
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➪ summary: the relationship between luke and his girlfriend is special, but the bond between his girlfriend and his brothers is adorable; or four times quinn and jack helped out their brother's girlfriend when she was in need
➪ warnings: finals (physics to be exact), hate comments, slight mentions to threats, car breaking down, slight mentions to being followed, fights, crying, asshole-ish luke
➪ word count: 3.5k
➪ file type: fic
➪ sunny's notes: welcome back to the blog, apologies for me deleting my account and coming back but anyway. I'll be posting the old fics here and there, i'm thinking about trying to get them all back before i start posting new fics. the taglist will be intact from before, but i'll only use it for the first couple of posts and then i'll probably stop using it until i start posting new fics again. i hope your guys' support will be the same or better as the last blog :)
nhl masterlist || taglist || navigation
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⟹ The One with the Finals | Quinn - Winter of 2023
The day before her physics final, y/n was in tears. There were papers not only all over her desk but on the walls and the ground as well. The whiteboard that hung in her apartment was littered with kinematics equations and a bunch of random vocabulary words that probably weren’t necessary for her final. 
More tears sprung in her eyes as she looked at her review guide, “Who the fuck knows this shit?”
Her roommates had already gone home, finishing their finals the day before so she was alone. It was almost 7 and she had been studying for six hours, maybe more. She knew she should stop and take a break, make some dinner, maybe even watch a movie, but she couldn’t, not now, not when her grade was on the line. 
She was so close, oh so close to being done but the last question was too much for her. It sent her brain into overdrive, the wires were crossed, and nothing made sense anymore, not that it ever did anyway. She let out a noise, a cross between a groan and a whine, and threw her notes down and her pencil across the room. 
She took a peak at her phone and noticed the mass amount of messages from her boyfriend, a few from her parents, and a few from Luke’s family. The boy was so worried that he made his parents and Quinn and Jack text her just to see if she would answer, but she didn’t.
Now, no offense to Jack (but offense) and no offense to Luke, but they weren’t always the brightest of the bunch. Which is why she called Quinn, tears still obviously present.
“I’m going to fail.”
“Y/n? Luke’s been calling you for hours.”
“Yes, I know. I was studying for physics, and I’ve concluded that I’m going to fail.”
Quinn sat up from where he was lying on his bed, “No, you’re not.”
She let out a sob, “I am and then I’m going to get kicked out of school and everyone’s going to make fun of me and then Luke won’t want to date me anymore and then you guys will stop talking to me-”
“Hey! Calm down, none of that is going to happen because it’s not possible, y/n/n. What’s your GPA right now?”
“A 4.0.”
Quinn laughed, “Stop being so hard on yourself. You’re fine. I promise you, but if you feel that badly about it, I’ll help you study.”
“No, I’m fucking with you. Of course, I’ll help you. You’re my favorite sibling after all.”
“I’m not even related to you.”
Y/n sent the PDF of the review guide to Quinn, who now sat at his desk on his computer. The two talked and studied with one another before Quinn realized the lack of color in the girl’s face, “Have you eaten yet?”
Y/n looked at him and then quickly looked down shamefully, “No.”
Quinn looked like he was going to yell at her but in reality, he was just worried, and the tiniest bit frustrated with her for not taking care of herself, not that he would ever tell her that though, “Go make dinner, you can bring me with if you want. I’ll even make my own.”
“No, you’ll think better if you eat.” That could’ve been a total lie, but she would’ve listened to him anyway.
She took her phone and computer with her, still talking to Quinn as she made some ramen - the good kind, not the crappy instant one. Quinn smiled, happy with himself for making his brother’s girlfriend - or if he had it his and Jack’s way, his sister -  take care of herself and feel better.
She had just gotten done with her final and she screamed internally, walking out of the room and heading to her dorm, waiting for her family to pick her up. She called Quinn immediately after she stepped out of the building. 
“Quinn! Quinn! Quinn! Guess what?!”
Quinn had been on his way to practice when he got the phone call, “What?”
“I passed!”
Quinn smiled, “See I told you, you would.”
“Thank you!"
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
⟹ The One with the Haters | Jack - Fall of 2023
It never really bothered her, and Luke always said it shouldn’t. Yet, when Luke started his rookie year and gained more attraction, so did she. They were worse than what they were before, they came in mass amounts, the words dug deeper, and everything seemed to escalate. 
This wasn’t something that should’ve burdened Luke, he had enough to deal with it being his rookie season and trying to perform as well as he could, he didn’t need to hear about his fans attacking his girlfriend as well. Luke was, let’s just say, the most oblivious of them all. So she didn’t really have to worry about him finding out about it, anyway.
However, Jack knew about her mood changes. Every time she visited the two in New Jersey, she distanced herself from them, she took notice of who was around them when they went out and strategically sat next to Luke so people wouldn’t make accusations of her favoring Jack over him but not too close to him that it would seem like she’s attached and overbearing him.
He also took notice of the comments on his brother’s Instagram posts or whenever the wags would post y/n at a game. 
‘He’s too good for her.’
‘Why does she even come? It’s obvious he doesn’t want her there, he doesn’t even play well when she’s there.’
‘She’s just using him.’
‘I don’t know what he sees in her.’
‘She’s not that pretty.’
Those barely scratched the surface of the comments. There were more, most about her looks and another good chunk of them just saying how the two didn’t make sense together. But the ones that hurt the worst, were the ones that came up once or twice in every ten posts. The ones that were about her using him, the ones that made threats to her and her family. The ones claiming that they knew everything about her life. The ones that said she was cheating on Luke with Jack or Quinn.
Jack had his fair share of hate comments, many of which he remembered from his rookie season. He knew how it felt to have someone close to him be praised so much and then be torn down for simply having a relationship with them and not being as good. 
The Devils were visiting Detroit near the late end of November and y/n decided to go to the game, hanging out with them the two days that they flew down early to be with her before the game. They were out at a restaurant and y/n was sitting in the very corner of the booth that they got.
Luke sat down next to her as Jack slid into the booth across from them, still bantering with his brother. Luke was oblivious to the distance between him and y/n, shrugging it off as if she was just hot despite the temperature outside. Luke and Jack continued to talk about the game, stopping for the waiter to take their order who just so happened to be a fan of the Devils. Y/n rolled her eyes as she subtly flittered with her boyfriend, giving Jack a look. 
The waiter walked away and Luke got up and left to the bathroom, “So when are you going to tell him? Or are you waiting for him to figure it out by himself?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Y/n dug her face into the menu, avoiding eye contact with Jack.
“Uh huh, sure. Then what are these?” Jack showed the girl his phone, comments from Luke’s most recent post showing. 
“There’s not much he can do about it anyways, they’ll keep doing it no matter what. Besides, they’re not wrong.”
“He has a right to know and no, nothing they say is true. You are Luke’s world and he will defend you until he dies. If someone is threatening you, which there is, he will find a way to stop it. And Quinn and I will help too. We want you safe.” Jack reached over the table to pat her shoulder. 
She nodded, “Just talk to him. Okay?”
Later that night, Luke was in bed with y/n, both of them on their phones. Luke was playing a game and y/n was on Instagram. She hadn’t actively searched out the comments but when she saw a post of her with 200 comments under it, she had to look, and they weren’t all that different from what she was expecting. 
“Can I talk to you about something?”
“Of course, what’s up?”
“Have you seen the comments?”
“What comments?”
“These.” She handed Luke her phone and watched as he scrolled through them, and before he could say anything, she took it back and showed him her DM’s. 
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier? We could’ve done something to stop this.” She just shrugged.
“Sweetheart, this is scary. I don't want you to have to endure this by yourself.”
“It’s fine, I’m fine.”
“But you’re not. I know everyone thinks I’m oblivious, and yes, sometimes I am, but I can see you’re hurting and you have been for a while. I might not have known why or how but I was so worried about you, okay? I’m going to do everything I can to stop this.”
Luke placed his hands on her face and she wrapped her hands around his wrists. His thumbs lightly rubbed over her face, just under her eye, as hers rubbed up and down his hands, stopping at his knuckles to rub over them as well. She smiled slightly at him but was still worried about everything that was going on. 
“Hey,” Luke made her look up at him. “Everything is going to work out, no matter how long or how much it’s gonna take. I’m going to get Quinn and Jack to help, I’ll have the team help as well. We’re all going to help to make sure you and your family are safe. I promise.”
She nods, “Okay.”
He kissed her forehead before her lips and pulled back to smile at her. 
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
⟹ The One with the Car | Quinn + Jack - Summer of 2023
Despite dating for three years, y/n was never really the biggest fan of letting Luke help her, she wasn’t the biggest fan of anyone helping her, to be honest. That’s why when she was in the middle of nowhere, scared out of her mind and not thinking straight, she hesitated to call her boyfriend. 
It was the summer, she had been visiting the Hughes family at the lake house and she had gone to get some food for dinner for her, Quinn, and Jack. She wasn’t lost per se, when she left she knew how to get back home, she had been there countless times before. Yet, she felt as if she was being followed and that scared her, causing her to go a different route home, one she wasn’t that familiar with, and even then she sort of knew where she was. 
The car was still following her so she decided to start taking random turns here and there and when she did the trick she was taught, take four right turns, they left after the first one. She let out a deep breath and continued to drive, just to see if they would pop up again, but they didn’t and now she was in the middle of nowhere, with an almost empty tank of gas. 
Back at the lake house, Quinn, and Jack sat in the living room. Ellen, Jim, and Luke decided to go out for dinner to a fancy restaurant, and the whole nine yards, the other three weren’t bothered to even move from their seats. In hindsight, should they have just gotten Uber Eats or DoorDash, yes, but y/n wanted to get out of the house, just to a certain extent.
She didn’t want to interrupt her boyfriend’s time with his parents so she called Quinn, voice wavering, “Quinn.”
“Hey, y/n. Where are you? We thought you would be back by now.”
“About that. I’m sort of in the middle of nowhere and there was this car that was following but they stopped but I also don’t know if they just left and are coming back because they knew I was onto them-”
“Hey, calm down. Send me your location, Jack and I are on our way. Keep us on the phone and if you see them come back just start driving.”
“I’m almost out of gas.”
“We’ll hurry, just keep a lookout, okay?”
Five minutes passed and the boys were almost already halfway there, speeding the whole way as much as possible. She looked up and in the rearview mirror, there were headlights, “Guys? Is that you?”
Jack and Quinn looked at each other in confusion, “No?”
“Well, shit.” Y/n turned her car on and immediately pressed on the gas.
The car didn’t follow her, simply turned on the street behind where her car had been, but she didn’t know that, so she kept driving until her car was out of gas, “I’m out of gas.”
“We’re almost there, you should see us, right… about… now.” She looked up and saw them, easily recognizing the car. She got out of the car and practically ran to them. 
Quinn hugged her back when her arms wrapped around him, “Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did anyone follow you?”
She shook her head, “I’m fine, just still a little spooked.”
Jack stood off to the side and only now had y/n just noticed, “Hi Jack.” She looked at him tentatively. Contrary to her belief, Jack loved hugs, especially y/n’s hugs. She always thought differently, so she always hesitated to hug him. 
Yet, when he opened his arms, she ran into them just as she did with his older brother, “Thank you for coming to get me.”
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
⟹ The One with the Fight | Quinn + Jack - Sophomore Year
“I just don’t understand, Luke.”
“Of course, you don’t you never do!”
They had been arguing on and off all day, everything the other person did set them off, it was hours of pointless and petty arguing. Realistically, they both had been in the wrong, but Luke screwed up the most. It was when they both found out that he would be going to Jersey. 
She had scheduled plans with friends earlier that week, but she would’ve dropped everything to hang out with Luke and help him pack. She offered to do that but Luke declined, saying he could handle it and he wanted her to go out and have fun with her friends. Truthfully, they had been spending almost every waking moment together since they knew.
“You were the one that told me to go hang out with them! I offered to help you and stay with you, but you declined!”
“I never said that.”
Y/n gave him a look that said all the different, “You’re such a fucking liar.”
“Oh, I’m the liar?”
“If you loved me, you would’ve stayed back, anyways. And you know what? I’m done with this conversation. Don’t wait up.” Luke took his duffle bag and suitcase and left y/n’s dorm. 
She stared at the door as it slammed practically in her face. The silence was deafening in the room, you could hear the barking of dogs and horns blaring from outside. If you listened hard enough you could hear the wind slapping against the window. 
For two minutes she stood there, staring at the door, body still and her hair blowing from the AC. She snapped out of her trance when she felt a lone tear roll down her face. Since then, it was one after another and she ran to grab her phone from her nightstand dialing Jack’s number.
Jack answered confused, “Hello?”
“I think Luke might be on his way to Jersey.”
“But he’s not supposed to leave yet.”
“We got into a fight and he sort of-” She choked on a sob, “stormed out of here with his duffle and suitcase.”
“What do you mean you guys got into a fight? You guys never fight.”
“Yeah well ‘never’ is a fucking stupid word. And this is totally not the point of this phone call, Jack. Can you just make sure he’s okay? I don’t want him getting hurt or anything.”
“Luke’s a big boy and if he decided to come here on a whim then he can handle it. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” Tears still were streaming down her face and she picked at her nails as she slid down the wall, landing on the floor. 
“What happened, y/n/n?”
“It was stupid, it was my fault.”
“You’re lying.”
“How would you know?”
“Your voice is more intense when you lie because you try to convince everyone you’re right by sounding more confident.”
“So why do you know that and not Luke?” She bawled to the older boy, placing her head in her hands, the phone dropping from her grasp.
“Y/n? Y/n!” Jack tried to gain her attention but failed, causing him to add Quinn to the call.
“Jack? Y/n? What’s up?”
“Y/n answer us.”
“What’s going on?”
“Y/n! Come on, please answer.”
“I’m sorry, I dropped my phone.”
“Can someone please explain to me what is going on? And where is Luke?”
“Luke fucked up is what’s going on,” Jack said, annoyed.
Y/n now sat against her bed and her phone propped up on the wall, switching to FaceTime, “We got into a fight.”
“You guys never fight.”
“Yes, I’m aware, now can we move on from that fact because it happened and it’s over with.”
“Sorry, sorry.”
“He was mad because he’s supposed to be leaving soon and I went out with my friends after I had already offered to stay back and help him pack and everything like that but he said no. So, he’s right, it is my fault. If I loved him, I would’ve stayed.”
There was a simultaneous silence from the boys before a loud, “He said that?!”
“Yeah? Why? Is he right? I knew he was right.”
“No, no, no of course not. He’s not right. He’s a fucking dick for saying that.”
“But I should’ve stayed with him, he’s leaving soon.” She sniffled, wiping her nose with her sleeve.
“Y/n/n, listen to me right now. Nothing you did tonight was your fault. Maybe something that we don’t know that happened you did, but what he said… you didn’t deserve that. He knows how much you love him and if he stooped that low to make you feel bad, then maybe he should take some time to cool off. I’m not saying that he should’ve left the way he did, but maybe some space is good.” Quinn explained to her.
She nodded but tears were still falling, “Do you think he’s going to break up with me? I mean, he’s going to go off and be in the NHL and I’m just going to be me. I’m nothing special.”
Jack and Quinn made eye contact through the phone and Jack went to say something but was interrupted, “You’re everything to me.” 
She snapped her head to the door and saw Luke standing there, his bag falling to the ground. She stood up quickly, wiping her face rid of any signs of her crying, “Luke.”
“How could you say that about yourself?”
Quinn and Jack hung up the phone, not wanting to interrupt their conversation despite them wanting to be there just in case he said something out of line. Luke wrapped his arms around the girl, “You are the most amazing person ever. I’m so sorry if I made you feel any differently.”
Y/n just shrugged, not bothered by that but more so the fight itself. Luke pulled back, saddened slightly by the lack of reciprocation in the affection, “And I am so sorry for what I said. I know you love me and I know I said you could hang out with your friends. I think just deep down I thought you would’ve stayed anyways and I was scared of leaving you.”
Y/n nodded and Luke’s hands went to her cheeks, wiping off the remnants of her mascara, “I understand, Luke. I just wish you would’ve handled it more like an adult than a teenager.”
“And I can’t even begin to explain how horrible I feel about that.”
“Can we just cuddle?”
“Anything you want.”
The two laid in better for a little while as they hadn’t wanted to do anything else. An hour later, y/n spoke, “I forgive you.”
“You shouldn’t.”
“But I do. Emotions were high and I know that shouldn’t be the way we should handle things but we’re both stressed and you’re leaving soon I just want to forget about it.��� Luke nodded, wanting to respect her wishes, “I love you, Lukey.”
“I love you.”
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⬂ 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗝𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲𝘆 𝗗𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗹𝘀 𝗧𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 ⬂
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joi-me-hoi-me-noi · 3 months
Hello, I saw that your requests were open and I wanted to ask if I can make one hehe, you don't have to do it or anything like that, but I'll leave the idea here anyway hahaha.
I would like to request a teen! Satoru Gojo x fem! reader and kid!Megumi (or gender neutral) Where Satoru Gojo and reader have known each other since they were little and they are both powerful, therefore when it is time to go on the mission to protect Riko Amanai she is also sent along with Satoru and Suguru,She also suffers because of Toji Zenin and basically everyone is traumatized (here we stick to the canon, doing the daily angst that our dearest Gege gives us..:) ) And basically after the events, reader and Gojo go to Megumi to make Touji's last words come true,I'd like to see a little bit of domestic fluff and a little bit of angst hehe...Reader seeing Toji in Megumi but at the same time wanting to stop because she knows they are completely different people. Happy ending :D
A/n: Thank you for this wonderful request, I'm pretty sure this is the first request regarding JJK in general so yippeeee! Enjoy!
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"Stay here with Misato, just in case that man manages to make it down here."
You simply nod, looking away. Something felt wrong, you could feel it in your gut. You feel Suguru's hand on your shoulder and you look up at him.
"Satoru's got this, he's the strongest there is. You probably won't even be needed."
You turn to Riko, the sadness building up inside of you. She looked like she was about to cry as well. You had so much fun with her, you'd miss her so much. She rushes into you for a hug, and you hug back tightly, your eyes welling with tears.
"I'm going to miss you." She buries her head in your shoulder. "I'll miss you too, bug."
You let go of her and watch as she walks forward with Suguru, leading her to the end of her life.
You and Misato finally hear the elevator coming down. Satoru made quick work of that guy; it really didn't take that long either.
"That must be him, right?" Misato looks at you, happily.
You start to smile as you felt the elevator growing nearby. Soon it fades, you detect no cursed energy from the lift at all. You start to activate your technique and Misato gets prepared to fight.
The elevator doors open then everything goes black.
"Y/n... Y/n!"
Your eyes slowly open as you wake up with a bad headache. You blink a couple of times and finally adjust to the bright light. Shoko stares at you in relief, smiling softly at you.
"W-What happened?" You suddenly remember the elevator and-
You sit up quickly, groaning in pain and being calmed by Shoko.
"Easy. Easy!" She touches her hand to your back softly, rubbing up and down.
"Is Satoru okay?!" She nods.
The door to the clinic opens to reveal Suguru, a solemn expression on his face.
"Suguru, what's wrong?"
"I gave Riko a choice of continuing to live or to die. She chose to live her life."
You smile, happy he gave her a decision.
You laugh softly, smile slowly fading. She couldn't have...
"She's alive and back at home with Misato...right?"
He stays silent, looking at the shiny floor of the clinic.
A sobbing scream was heard from inside the clinic as Gojo listened silently near the door.
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
You shoot awake from your bed, looking over at your boyfriend who is still sound asleep. Your hand unconsciously rubs the spot where Toji Zenin's bullet almost killed you. You let out a sigh and escape from the bedroom and into the kitchen area.
"You're fine." You open the fridge, the glow illuminating your face with the most perfect uncomfortable amount.
You lean your head against the fridge door and take a deep breath before grabbing a water bottle. You couldn't help but rest your head against one of the counters and sob. You hated how your traumatic experiences will always come back to haunt you. You wipe your eyes, take another deep breath and take a sip of your water.
Your ears pick up a light pitter-patter sound approaching slowly. You turn towards the noise, observing Megumi with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, stopped in the middle of the dark hallway.
"Hey Megumi, you shouldn't be up. What's up?" You crouch down in front of the counter as he continues his silent approach.
"I heard you crying and I couldn't sleep." The kid looked so much like him, he scared you sometimes.
"It's nothing to worry about." His eyes are so similar to his father's.
"I think it is if you're crying. Did you have a nightmare?" Everything is similar to Toji.
"So-Something like that. I'm almost an adult, it's nothing."
Megumi just stares at you blankly for a moment before wrapping his blanket-winged arms around your neck.
"Everyone's afraid of something." He leans in closer to your ear, whispering. "It's okay to admit it, I'm afraid too."
You smile and hug him tight, rocking him back and forth on the kitchen floor. He made you feel better, way better than before. He's just a kid, Y/n. He's not his dad.
"Let's rest together, yeah? It might be easier to sleep that way." He nods, tiredly.
You scoop him up and walk over to the couch. You lay on the couch with him cuddled up into your neck, softly breathing. Megumi fell asleep quickly. You brush your fingers through his hair, watching him fall into a deeper sleep. Soon, you follow him into a better dream than before.
Satoru wakes from his sleep and walks into the living room, knowing you got up in the middle of the night. He spots Megumi cuddling with you in his sleep and you hold him tightly.
He touches the small scar on the side of your head and then kisses it, bending down slowly. You're more comfortable with Megumi and he hopes you'll get closer to him from here on out.
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
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xcherryerim · 3 months
A Call Away (Help, I’m Still Hard!)
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Josh Futturman x gn!reader | word count: 1.6k
Warning: stablished relationship, Sub!Futturman, SoftDom!Reader, erectile medication, oral sex / handjob (only josh whomp whomp), toy usage, facial, porn without plot.
pet names used: baby, dear
Notes: I wrote this out of boredom, and i revised it ONCE so there’s probably a lot to of mistakes. If you want more smuts with plot and better writing than this consider checking my masterlist, thank you 🫶🏻
Summary: After taking some pills to have some fun by himself, the harness doesn’t seem to go away so he calls his beloved partner for help.
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"What's up, baby?" You softly said, eagerly waiting for Josh's response on the other end of the line. You could hear him take a deep breath, but he remained silent. His heavy breathing was the only sound you could muster, and the silence was deafening. It wasn't until you had almost hung up that he finally spoke, his voice husky and quiet.
"I know it's late, but can you come home?" He asked, his voice full of need and desperation. His tone left little doubt about the urgency of the request, and he seemed unable to hide his distress. "Please?" He added, his words sounded more like a plea than a request.
“Why? Is something wrong?” You were slightly concerned.
"Well..." He paused as if searching for the right words. It was clear that he was trying to gain control of his breathing. You could hear the light whimpers in his voice, along with the sighs and pauses that indicated his desperation. "I took some of uh... those types of pills, you know what I mean?" He hesitated, seeming to stumble with his own words. "I've tried everything; trust me, but nothing is working." He sighed. "I need you right now, please."
“Josh.” You sigh. “Why did you take those pills anyway?”
Josh let out a sob, his voice broken as he declared, "I wanted to stroke one out, but nothing seems to work for me anymore since I met you. So, yeah, I bought pills hoping they would work, 'cause I wasn't going to call you just to... you know. "
You simply replied, "But you’re doing that right now."
Silence continued for a moment as he finally muttered in response, "I know, I'm sorry. I'll pay you back. I'll do anything you want, please."
"Fine, I'll be there in six minutes." You responded immediately, your impatience making your tone sharper than intended.
"Please, please hurry." He begged with desperation in his voice, making it crystal clear how much he needed you.
You hit the road with a need and urgency that were unlike yours. This was no ordinary drive. The sudden rush to be with your boyfriend—his desperate and needy nature—fills you with excitement like no other. The laws of the road held no sway at all as you pushed the limits of the speed limit, determined to get to your destination as quickly as possible.
You entered his apartment using the spare key he had given you months ago, your steps quick and determined as you hurried upstairs. As you neared his room, you could hear his frantic breathing and see his hunched figure in front of the computer. Your picture was plastered on the screen, and his attention was focused solely on it.
"I need you, I need you," he panted, his hand moving frantically up and down his shaft until he heard the subtle creek of the door opening. When he realized that you were there, all the tension and desperation he felt immediately dissolved. "Baby, you're here!" He exclaimed excitedly, his voice full of relief and joy. "Oh, thank God you're here. I need you."
“I could tell.” You said this as you looked at the screen.
“You must think I'm pathetic, huh?”
"How could I think that?" Your words were comforting and reassuring, conveying your understanding and empathy. You gently took his jaw in your hands, looking into his eyes as you spoke. "Everyone gets needy sometimes; it's nothing to be ashamed of, but next time, don't wait, just call me."
Futturman nodded eagerly, seeming relieved by your words and encouragement. He turned his gaming chair in your direction, his erection imploring you to help him.
Your eyes caught a glimpse of his body beneath his shirt, and your stomach fluttered with excitement. You stepped closer, your playful mood leading the way as you leaned above him, your fingers lightly brushing against his thighs.
His eyes were locked on you, his face full of excitement and anticipation. "Like the view, Futturman?" you teased, the hint of a smirk crossing your face. You saw his face turn red with embarrassment, and you couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of admiration for him.
"Yes, yes, I do; I mean, it's you," he stuttered, his embarrassment making him seem even cuter.
As you bent down, the sight of his throbbing member filled your field of vision, the tip glistening with pre-cum. With a gentle smile playing on your lips, you began to trace its length with featherlight kisses, starting from the engorged head. Each tender peck sent ripples of pleasure coursing through him, causing soft moans to escape from his parted lips. His breath hitched with every caress, his hips twitching slightly under the stimulation.
Your movements were slow and deliberate, taking your time to savor the taste and texture of his skin. As your mouth moved lower along the veined shaft, you paused occasionally to let out a soft sigh, drawing attention to the wetness of your lips. This only seemed to fuel his desire further, his breathing growing ragged. You continued this dance, slowly covering his entire length with delicate kisses, never rushing, allowing the sensations to build between both of you.
With each pass, his moans grew louder, filling the room with raw lust. It was clear how much this simple gesture meant to him. Even though it might have been something small, it showed him that you loved him.
“Please.” He pleaded again, his voice trembling with urgency, but instead of rushing, you decided to take things slower. You knew that patience would make the experience even more intense for both of you. Leaning in close, you placed a gentle kiss on the sensitive tip before wrapping your lips around it. Slowly, bobbing your head up and down, letting his length slide deeper into your warm mouth inch by tantalizing inch. The feeling was enough to send shivers down his spine, his breath catching in his throat.
Each movement was calculated and controlled, drawing out the anticipation and building the intensity. Despite his earlier impatience, he found himself appreciating the slowness now. Every sucking and pulling made him shiver, the pleasure washing over him like a tidal wave. His grip tightened on the armrests of his chair, his nails digging into the fabric as he fought to maintain control. The rhythm you set was hypnotic, pulling him further into the depths of lust.
His deep moans and labored gasps reverberated throughout the otherwise silent space, creating an intimate symphony solely dedicated to shared pleasure. His hips bucked wildly, thrusting his hardened member deeper into your hungry mouth, seeking release. Yet despite his desperate pleas, you remained steadfast in your pace, teasing him mercilessly.
After several minutes of this tortuous yet heavenly treatment, you finally pulled away, leaving his head wet with saliva and precum. Breathlessly, you asked, "Do you want more?" His answer came out as a strangled cry, almost too low for you to hear properly.
"Ah, my dear, we can try something else," you murmured, standing up and heading towards the closet. Your gaze fell upon the discarded sex toys, and you quickly picked one of them up—a sleek and powerful vibrator that promised to bring immense satisfaction. Turning back to Futturman, you kneeled before him once more, placing a tender kiss on his forehead before reaching out for his length.
Gripping it firmly yet gently, you began to stroke him with long, firm motions, eliciting soft cries of delight from him. Simultaneously, you powered on the vibrator in your other hand, adjusting the settings until it hummed with vigor. Guided by instinct, you pressed it against the pulsing head of his cock, watching as his muscles clenched involuntarily. A muffled cry escaped his lips, followed by a series of short, sharp pants as the newfound sensation overwhelmed him.
Slowly, you traced the vibrator's surface along the underside of his shaft. The cold steel contrasted sharply with the heat radiating off his skin, amplifying the sensations coursing through him. Each brush of the vibrator sent jolts of pleasure racing through his core, causing his hips to buck uncontrollably.
Watching his reactions, you adjusted the angle ever so slightly, ensuring maximum impact. His moans became more pronounced, intertwining with the steady purr of the device.
Time seemed to lose meaning as his climax approached. Suddenly, he arched violently, his scream piercing the air as waves of pleasure engulfed him, his entire being convulsing with unrestrained euphoria. Unable to contain himself, he released, painting your body with his come.
“Fuck baby, I’m sorry.” Apologetically, he tried to wipe the stickiness from your features, but instead, you extended your index finger covered in his essence to your mouth and delicately licked them clean, savoring the tangy flavor with relish. An electrifying charge surged through him at this bold display of carnality, leaving him uncertain whether to fret or rejoice. One thing was certain, however: your sensual act reignited his flagging libido. His cock, which had been lying limp mere seconds ago, began to stiffen once more, responding to your audacity with renewed interest.
The sight of his twitchy member made you effortlessly push him onto the mattress, following suit and landing on top of him. Your lips sought out his, exploring his mouth with reckless abandon while your hands explored his form. Nips and kisses rained down on his vulnerable neck, eliciting soft moans that fueled your desires.
Drawing back slightly, you gazed into his dazed eyes and murmured huskily, "This night isn't finished yet, Futturman." A devilish gleam sparkled in yours, promising more adventures ahead.
Futturman breathed out a soft and nervous "Oh boy," his face flushed red with embarrassment. Then, your voice cut through the atmosphere, unexpectedly innocent and unassuming.
"You have cuffs, right?"
His face flushed a deeper shade of red as he stumbled over his words. "Oh my god..." He mumbled, both stunned and aroused. “I’m dating a freak.”
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writingdisposal · 3 months
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synopsis: How likely they are to baby-trap you
cw: yandere themes, mentions of forceful pregnancy (includes non-consensual)
a/n: I don't know how reproduction works in the Hazbin's version of Hell, but let's just assume it still works.
He isn't fond of the idea. As Hell's most charismatic celebrity, Vox believes in his social skills to be enough to keep you with him. Naturally a baby would bind you forever more, but does he really want some shithead running around? Taking your attention away? The thought has him set in a bad mood. If you happened to get pregnant, he'd tell you to abort it. If you happened to have a kid before meeting him, he'll use as leverage in fights. He'd say, "Why are you acting like such a bitch? At least, I'm giving that little cunt a roof over his head, so listen to me before I stop being so generous!" It's by no means perfect, but Vox can be reasoned with. Well, most of the time anyway. Overall, he disregards them until they become useful. If there are no children, he won't force it.
Haha, no. I think he would be a fine with children and he does consider the option, purely for the controlling and sadistic aspect. At the end though, it'll drive you further away from him, so he'll never force a chill. When you both fight however, he will come eerily close to you, static noise filling the room. "Don't underestimate my restraint, dear. If I wished, I could ruin you spectacularly." For this comment to slip, you'd need to really piss him off, like doubting his devotion or looking at someone else romantically. Overall, if you don't or do have children, you'll be fine. He won't really use them as leverage nor hurt them. Alastor would talk shit about you to your children though, not because he is angry with you, just for the entertainment and for your children to become offended.
Yes, he would force you to have a child, regardless of the circumstances. It's not because he likes children. God, he hates those whiny little shits..., but they are a great reminder of how much power he has over you. Valentino likes tormenting you. That is the only appeal you have to him, being a fun toy. The children won't bind you, but that will never be his goal. Seeing you sob uncontrollably is what he seeks and enjoys. Everything after is disregarded. "Oh come on~! Was it really that bad?" He laughs mockingly, puffing his smoke, "You'll survive, love." Either way you're fucked.
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a-midnight-smoke · 11 months
Keep him from breaking
Miguel O'Hara x m!reader
content: angst, hurt/comfort, a bit of fluff
trigger warnings: panic attack (not overly described but it's there), self-harm connected with said panic attack (scratching, pulling hair), mention of skipping meals
words: ~1 800
So, I finally wrote something again, and who would have thought that the thing breaking my 2 year writer's block would be fucking Miguel O'hara (it was predictable).
I don't agree with writers who characterize him as this suave flirt. Like, that is a broken, emotionally constipated, traumatized man, he would NOT make you call him papi, but then again, to each their own, write and read what you want, idc that much.
Miguel is a pathetic, wet cat, and so I wrote him breaking down in tears because he thought something happened to you. Call it emotional diarrhea after weeks of constipation. And that's my truth.
It's my first time posting a fic anywhere, I wrote this in one evening and then kept tweaking it for like 2 months and debating if I should post this cause I'm an anxious bitch, but finally said fuck it we ball.
Also, I'm a trans guy, and so my reader character will also be. I may write a gender-neutral reader, but not a female one. It's not really important in this particular story, but just so you know.
Also, also, english isn't my first language, so sorry for any mistakes. I appreciate feedback !
Anyway, if you like it you should like and reblog !! Thanks and have fun reading !!
Miguel's lungs were burning, but he couldn't stop. Not when he didn't know if you were safe. He needed to get to you. Make sure you're fine.
He crashed into your bedroom window, almost breaking it in the process. His red eyes darted to your bed, where you were not. You weren't in your bed. He called out your name but was only met with deafening silence.
He ran to the door, yanking it off the hinges in the process. Miguel could feel panic building in his chest, heart hammering in his ears.
He was in a trance, looking in every empty space in your apartment, calling for you, begging for you, and thrashing it when he didn't find you. He was breathing faster and harder by the seconds, his hands flying to his head to grab and pull at the strands harshly. Where were you? Someone must have kidnapped you, right? Why else would the apartment be empty?
The slight burn in his scalp didn't help to ease his rising panic, so he started clawing at his arms with his talons as he tried to think of what to do. He couldn't lose you, he couldn't. He needed you, more than life itself. He would tear the city apart to find you and had half a mind to do it already. He was heading for the window when-
The quiet janking of keys stopped him in place, staring at the front door, holding his breath. When he saw you enter, safe, sound and humming to yourself, something broke in him. Weeks of tension and stress finally catching up with him.
He pulled you into his arms, hiding his face in your neck as he started crying and hyperventilating, broken sobs escaping him, interrupted with occasional coughs as you stood still, stunned. His broad body enveloping yours, feeling you. He had to make sure he hadn't completely lost his mind, that you were really here.
As you got over your initial shock, you brought one hand to cradle Miguel's head, scratching slightly at his scalp and the other to trace soothing circles across his back, muttering soft reassurances.
But he couldn't stop hyperventilating, so you gently tried to pry him off of yourself, to no avail.
"Miguel? I need you to look at me, sweetheart." You cooed at him, and after some more coaxing, he pulled away, making sure you were holding his hands. Sobs wrecked through his body, face covered in tears and snot, bloodshot eyes accentuating the redness of his irises. He couldn't look away from you, couldn't stop touching you, afraid that you would disappear if he did.
You brought his hands to your chest, making it a point to breathe deeply and evenly.
"Breathe with me, Mig. Can you do that for me?" you spoke softly and slowly, trying to calm him down. He took a shaky breath that was interrupted by a coughing fit.
"Take it easy, sweetie. Just breathe with me."
It took some time, but his breathing started to finally even out, his sobs now just hiccups. His legs gave out, and you both tumbled to the floor, Miguel quickly wrapping you in his arms once again, listening and feeling your heartbeat. You hugged him back, resuming your earlier ministrations until he stopped crying completely. You stayed like that, on the floor of your trashed apartment, until Miguel spoke in a shaky, raspy from crying voice.
"I thought something… that something happened to you. When I couldn't find you here. That somebody took you from me." He grabbed onto you harder, digging his talonless fingers into your waist when you started to pull away, but you persisted, wanting to see his face. He reluctantly pulled away again, still holding your waist.
"Why would something happen to me? Why would somebody take me?" You would be lying if you said that seeing your, normally emotionally constipated, boyfriend in such a state of disarray didn't make you feel a bit anxious.
"T'was just this guy I was interrogating, let 'im get into my head." he mumbled. In hindsight, the guy was just a pawn, probably didn't know anything and was bluffing to get a rise out of Miguel. Which, combined with his high stress levels and deteriorating mental health, led to the situation at hand.
He tensed when he heard you sigh. Were you annoyed with him? Were you mad at him? You should be, he destroyed your apartment. You should just throw him out, really. He was good for nothing and did not deserve you. It would be better for everyone if he-
"Hey," your voice was still so soft, "get out of your head, Miguel." he slowly looked up to see you staring at him with a worried, but not angry, expression. You cradled his face, Miguel leaning into it instinctively and closing his eyes. You looked over him, over his bruised face, bloody lips and bloodshot eyes with dark bags underneath. He looked thinner than the last time you saw him, with his sunken cheeks. You scrunched your eyebrows.
"When was the last time you slept? And ate?" Well, that's embarrassing. Miguel looked away, feeling his cheeks heat up.
"Like four days ago? " He wished he hadn't said anything, he usually didn't, he would insist he was fine, but he was just so tired the words slipped from him without much thought. "Food's making me feel nauseas, so I started skipping meals."
The look on your face was something he didn't want to see ever again.
"Miguel, you can't keep doing this. You should have told me, or Gabriel, or anyone really. It's not healthy," you tried to catch his eyes, which he was expertly avoiding. He grimaced.
"You all have enough on your plate as it is. I make sure the multiverse won't collapse in on itself, I should be able to take care of myself. I'm a grown man." He withdrew his hands completely, ignoring the part of his brain screaming at him to not let go of you, going back to scratching at himself, which caused you to look down. Your breath caught in your throat. His forearms were completely covered in blood, which was still seeping from some of the deeper wounds where he tore his suit. You tried to take his hands into yours, but he crossed his arms over his chest, continuing to avoid your gaze.
"Miguel," you started, voice firm, but with a soft note, "you are not a burden. You never could be, not to me. I love you so much, it pains me to see you hurt yourself like this. It doesn't matter that you're a grown man, you shouldn't feel like you have to keep everything to yourself, like you can't reach out to me, or anybody, for help. Let me take care of you. You deserve to be taken care of, no matter what you brain is telling you." You sighed, calming your racing heart.
"I'm sorry, Miguel," he snapped his eyes to you.
"Why are you sorry?" His voice was quiet and hoarse.
"I'm sorry that I didn't see you struggling sooner, that you felt like you couldn't talk with me about it. Four days? Without sleep and food? You have to be exhausted, even with your mutations. How are you even thinking clearly right now?" He doesn't, that's why your apartment is trashed. He looks around the destroyed room, feeling his anxiety creep back up. He opened his mouth to talk, but you beat him to it.
"Don't worry, you'll help me clean up after you get some sleep and eat." You pulled both of you up, struggling a little with Miguel, who had gone quiet again. He let himself be guided to the bathroom, just now starting to feel the burning from his arms.
You undress the bigger man and move him around, all fight having completely sucked out of him. You wash his wounds carefully before stitching the deeper ones and starting to prepare a bath. Now, in the space of your bathroom, the only room that wasn't a complete mess, Miguel realized how exhausted he really was. Guess you really can't sustain yourself on pure spite and adrenaline.
When the water is ready, you guide him into the tub before getting in yourself. You were never more grateful for the big bathtub, fitting Miguel's bruised and tired body, and you straddling him. The water is amazingly hot, already working magic on his tense muscles. You start washing his face with a soft washcloth, careful of his split lip, cleaning him of snot and leftover tears and Miguel's cheeks are heating up, his hands gripping your waist harder at being handled so delicately. He still couldn't get used to your attentiveness. Your hands are gentle on his skin, moving down to his neck and chest, washing away the sweat and grime, mindful of his bruises and leaving soft pecks after washing them and working through the knots in his muscles.
He's finally starting to relax as you move yourself to wash his hair. Your fingers carding through tangled hair, starting to unknot it. You're humming a calming tune, while Miguel sits with closed eyes. Finally letting himself be taken care of. Letting himself be vulnerable. He makes a noise low in his throat, making his chest vibrate a bit before stopping abruptly. You don't pay it any mind, not wanting to draw him out of his relaxed state.
You finish washing Miguel, drain the water, and dry him off, wrapping the towel around his waist and grabbing another to dry his hair. You wrap up all remaining cuts and then guide him to your bedroom, thankful that he at least didn't flip the whole bed upside down. Among the chaos, you find his clothes that he left, helping him dress, since he was practically already asleep, and laying him down on the bed. After getting him under the covers picked up from the floor, you pull away to get ready for bed when he grabs your wrist and looks at you sleepily, but still a little panicked.
"I'll just get ready for bed quickly and get back, okay, sweetheart?" After a moment, he nods slightly and lets go of you, still reluctantly, but he doesn't let himself fall asleep while you're not with him.
When you come back, Miguel is laying with his eyes barely open, fighting off sleep. You smile at the sight and go lay down beside him. He immediately brings you closer, pulling you on top of him, but you just tangle your hand into his locks and listen to his slowing heartbeat.
"You okay, now?" You whisper into the dark but are only met with Miguel's quiet snores. You press one more kiss to his chest, right over his heart.
Sleep never came as easy as tonight.
Yes, Miguel stopped himself from purring.
I'm thinking of making a second part that's just pure domesticity and fluff, we'll see.
Anyway, my dog puked on my carpet while I was making final edits to this just now.
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elliesleftboob · 21 days
maybe we have more in common than you think part 1
Warnings: more fluff and angst, but still 18+, cursing, dealer!ellie, mean!ellie, alcohol and weed usage.
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As a kid you always loved dinosaurs, always expressing your love for them as you showed your parents fun facts about the Spinosaurus, but as you got older you lost your passion for it after Ellie fucking Williams bullied you for a presentation you had done in Highschool- you never liked Ellie but you were friends with Dina, Jesse, and Cat so you forced yourself to like her...
"hey" your roommate Dina says to get your attention, taking out your headphones you turn your attention away from the computer sitting in front of you. "Watcha doinggggggg?" Her voice hyped up, you knew she wanted something, she was always like this when she wanted something from you.
"what do you want?" You look up at her with a slightly worried expression, you never knew with her- last time she asked you for something was to go pick Ellie up after she had a panic attack on weed and she couldn't drive, but you wanted to see what she wanted.
"wanna come to Jesse's tonight?" She moves closer to toy with your hair- you sigh, whenever Dina was going to Jesse's to smoke, Ellie was there.
"will Ellie be there?" Your tone soft and slightly tired of asking this question.
"yeah but! So will Cat and I promise we'll make sure that she doesn't bug you"
You groan loudly.
"c'mon, you've been studying all day" Dina grabs the pillow and slams it on your back making you giggle loudly. "Fine-"
"yes! I love you!"
"yeah, yeah, lemme get ready" You get up and shower- keeping your hair down as you put on your baggy jeans, just mentally preparing yourself for the horror it is to sit in the same room with Ellie- memories crawling back to when you were younger
1 year ago -
"why do you even bother?" Ellie says to you, you turn your attention away from your phone to look at her "what?" you chuckle nervously.
"I mean like, you, yourself. Why even bother with college? you don't do anything anyways, always in your room doing fuck all"
You look at her in shock
"And you like dinosaurs still it's fucking childish" she laughs, tears swelling in your eyes as you look at your phone, she always does this when you're alone with her you think to yourself- "I- uh" your voice cracks "you fucking crying?" she frowns, you excuse yourself to the bathroom as you cry and cry, you weren't sure how long you had been crying for but obviously it was a long time.
"can I come in?" a familiar voice says, knocking at the door, you sniffle and unlock the door- eyes red from crying, nose red, and face flushed "Oh sweetie" Dina says, pulling you into a big hug, you sobbed in her arms for a few minutes before regaining yourself and calming down-
"what happened?" she says, Ellie looking at you and shaking her head, you knew she didn't want you to say so you just look at Dina and stay silent "ellie" you whisper, only loud enough for Dina to hear.
The rest of the night was silent, it was filled with Dina screaming at Ellie and telling her to stop bullying you and to stop being a dick, you always appreciated Dina but you felt like a little kid who couldn't defend themselves.
Present day
Yet again you are alone with Ellie in Jesse's living room when Dina went to get food with Jesse...
The silence was so loud
"you smoke?" Ellie says, trying to break the tension 'no' you quietly reply back.
"if you were wanna smoke, let me know" she looks at you "Ellie, what are you trying to do? If you want to bully me again just fucking say that instead of playing nice"
"I'm not, I'm trying to be nice Jesus" She lights her joint and you cover your nose as the smell of weed hits your nose-
more silence
Dina: sorry, it's taking so long- will be home in 15, everything going good with Ellie?
You: ya, she's tryna start a convo with me lol idk what to say
you turn your phone off and turn to Ellie, a very stoned Ellie who is looking at the lava lamp.
"you good?" you ask and she just laughs "yeah, man. I'm good"
you bite the inside of your cheek and nod, she turns her attention to you.
"Dinosaurs are cool man... I don't think i ever told you that shit" you giggle "what?"
"The Spinosaurus, that shit is sick! What's your favorite Dinosaur?"
this was unexpected, was it the weed? Maybe she wasn't a total bitch- but it's Ellie, too good to be true
"Uh, I'd say Stegosaurus or Triceratops, they're peaceful creatures- they mean no harm" you smile at Ellie and she moves closer, she's funny when she's high.
"I like the indoraptor" she blurts out, you frown "they are cool, dope as shit"
"that's.. Not a real dino els, it's a hybrid"
"the fuck is a hybrid?"
"I assume you watched Jurassic world part 1,2 and 3?" she nods "It's a hybrid of the Indominus rex and velociraptor genome" she nods even more, "interesting" she's lost in thought, you roll your eyes and chuckle.
"what's your number?" Ellie mumbles, the shock on your face, makes her blush slightly "pardon me?"
"What is your number" she says more clearly.... You think about it some more and give her your number- and that's how you started hanging out, she would come over to yours whenever Dina wasn't around or you'd go to hers when Jesse wasn't there- you'd watch her get high and play video games, just enjoying herself, you'd gossip about everything, for fuck sakes you even found out how much she loved Dinosaurs and talked to her about that or she'd ramble on about astrology, it felt like she was truly your friend until one night when Cat, Abby, Dina, Jesse, you and herself where all hanging out and Dina brought it up and Ellie denied it, you pulled her aside to talk to her.
"Ellie what the fuck?" she chuckles slightly as you manage to push her to the wall, obviously angry, she puts her hands on your shoulders to make you feel smaller "not like we were ever friends"
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a:n, sorry it's so short! It's my first time writing in this fandom! Lmk if you want a part 2
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(translator use, Sorry if there are any mistakes in this)
First, I love you, I'm super in love with hyugo and you're one of the few people who made x reader content with him, and the writing is so well done that God. It's beautiful 😭💙
Could I request some headcanons with a shy reader? Just like the one you did with Geo but with Hyugo?
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Reticence (Hyugo x Shy! MC/Reader)
Thank you for being so patient with me Anon and @cuentademeri *quietly despairs and prays for forgiveness* and for reading my work! I had fun writing this (however, reminder that I am someone who isn't even remotely shy,so if the shyness part seems inaccurate, well, I tried). Hope you enjoy! :D
P.S Thank you for the compliments. <33 They're appreciated.
A/N: Btw if I take longer to answer requests, it's not because I gave up on them, it's simply the fact I don't want to make this blog quantity > quality. Also an original work for TKATB shall be out soon, so uh rejoice.
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Reticence: an unwillingness to do something or talk about something, for example because you are nervous or being careful.
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When Hyugo first met you, he simply thought you were quiet, like Sol. Until he noticed you essentially never talked.
He wasn't concerned per se, more so curious. Did you feel awkward with him and Sol? Why even sit if you weren't gonna chat?
Tries to befriend you, is the type to wave to you and grin if he sees you around.
Is honestly a tad surprised when he finds out you're shy and reserved.
Doesn't have any issue with it though.
Will make more of an effort to chat you up. Words of affirmation and aggressive positivity galore. "The girls keep saying I'm hideous. I don't believe them but..." "You're not." "Yeah but-" "No buts! Those are for sitting! And I'm going to make sure said people who called you that won't be able to comfortably sit ever again!"
When you star talking more, he's a very happy man.
Likes it when you tell him things, doesn't matter what. He just enjoys hearing you chat about nothing.
He'll ask you at some point why you are shy. He's never been shy so he was curious.
You just explain you're simply not as outgoing as a lot of other people are.
But if you feel shy partially due to appearance woes? He'll tell you you look gorgeous! (He means it he just hasn't realised the extent of said words).
Oh, but if you get bullied? Doesn't matter for what, Hyugo'll fight those responsible (Sol's got too much on his plate already *sob*). Will stand up for you if conflicts arise, mf won't even bat an eye.
He honestly doesn't understand why people target you. You're sweet, cute, even funny when you start crawling out of your shell.
He's honestly angry about it.
He doesn't even fully understand why he feels so strongly about you, nor why he's so eager to see you.
Until one day it hits him. Hard.
It's not like he couldn't see it coming, he suspected it deep down, but refused to admit it.
He has too much shit on his shoulders to catch feelings, no matter how angelic or beautiful or smart you may be.
Alas, his heart has other plans, because it eventually will decide to beat solely for you.
Y'all are the classic "Shy x Outgoing" trope.
He's fine with it. He gets to boost your self-confidence, get you to open up bit by bit, until he's got tens of files on you; with only the necessities of course: - Where you were born - When? What time? - Parents? Carers? Financial situations (doesn't know about the debt teehee) - You get the point
Asks you out right after graduation if he's alive then anyway, to which you say yes. Obviously.
Becomes a very content guy, literally spoils you more than a king ever could. He's rich af.
Will hold your hand in public if you're shy or anxious, is okay with also not holding you if you wish although he will pout at the latter with his plump fucking lips.
Also boosts your confidence, eventually you and him end up having the most absurd, comical banter known to man.
Hyugo is am 11/10 bf, will cater for you, and will never tire of ensuring you're comfortable, content and cordial with him.
And you most definitely are. <33
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dolliehina · 2 months
Oh wow fem twst is top tier
Whoever’s your fav character you should indulge on (and if you’ve already done them how about fem Riddle 🌹)
♡ Reader is gn!, probably some mentions of girls with daddy issues, ONE SINGULAIR MENTION OF SMOKING AND PREMARITAL SEX♡
♡- If I'm being completely honest, I think dating fem Riddle would be so much worse than dating normal Riddle. She's much more brainwashed by Papa and is probably much for prone to fits or being spoiled. She's daddy's princess but with some emotional abuse sprinkled in. (Maybe more than a sprinkle)
♡- I think after she overblots, though, she's much better. She is much less emotional and calmer for sure (until she gets her period, have fun with that). But Fem Riddle is really trying to get better.. please be patient. She just wants love :(
♡- Fem Riddle is very cute, like a baby rosebud or strawberry! If you call her by the name "My Rose" or "Darling," she just melts. A good way to calm her down actually is to just be affectionate. She melts and immediately just calms down. Also, FAVORITISM, obvious fucking FAVORITISM. If you're dating this ruling queen, she will absolutely have favoritism towards you. You broke a rule? She gives you a warning. You ate one of her tarts? That's fine, you're her darling. She was going to share with you anyway!! (If you listen carefully, you can hear Ace and Deuce screaming in the background with collars on-)
♡- Fem Riddle has never gone shopping before. Her dad would always buy things for her, including her clothes. If you take her on a shopping date, she'll be confused af. There's so much?? What rules apply here?? What can you touch??? HELP HER- But if you are patient enough to help her, she absolutely adores shopping dates or window shopping. Mostly prefers the bakery, but she will refuse if you offer because of Papa... (Buy her one as a surprise. She'll be sobbing and eat it in a heartbeat when you're not around.)
♡- She's a very feminine girlfriend, she's into roses, high heels, beautiful dresses. Makeup, however? Zero experience. If you aren't good at makeup either, then she'll just drop the subject all together and move on. However, if you're good? She'll definitely ask, but with a red flustered expression because baby is shy.
♡- If you can't handle the amount of feminine and woman she is when she IS in charge??? If you can't handle that level of girlboss?? Leave. FUCKING LEAVE. As I said, favoritism, but don't abuse that, if you do, she can tell. She's shy, not stupid. She is seen as little miss perfect, so if you are dating her, don't expect her to do anything rebellious like sneaking out, smoking, or having sex before marriage. She's probably insecure about being seen as boring because of it, but just reassure her, and she'll kiss you! ♡
♡- Overall?? 7/10 girlfriend. Perfect for any gender, so don't worry, boys or girls. But she has many issues to work through and is kind of like a baby, so needy, and she expects to be pampered a bit. But if you're fine with that?? Cool. She knows the basic etiquette to being a lovely girlfriend once the healing is over.
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toomuchracket · 8 months
stress relief (sweetheart!george x reader fluff)
first george fic, who cheered?! day 8 of promptober. a weird little (well, long) fluffy end of high school moment about exam stress, and hitting things and smoking weed and kissing your new boyfriend to make you feel better. i've absolutely not a clue what came over me while i wrote this. but i think it's fun. and i hope you lot do too! <3
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you're stomping down the street towards your house when your phone rings. digging it out of your bag, your grumpiness ebbs slightly when you see it's george on the other end of the line. "hiya."
"hi, baby," comes the gravelly reply. george's voice is enough to send you into a fit of enamoured giggles anyway, but hearing him address you with the pet name - a recent development, a free add-on that came with the "girlfriend" title during the summer - has you practically skipping down the street. "how'd it go?"
the reminder of the horrible mock exam almost threatens to block out the enjoyment of talking to george, a black cloud over the sun. "fucking awful."
"doubt that," george replies. there's a shuffling sound in the background on his end; you know, even without seeing him, that he's moved to lean his elbow on something so he can adjust the phone and listen to you better. "but tell me all about it."
"it was just… bad. the questions were all worded so weirdly. felt so fucking thick trying to read them, g," you sigh, kicking at a stone on the pavement. "so obviously i've no idea if i answered anything correctly, because i couldn't fucking understand what they were actually asking, and if i don't pass this then i don't get to sit the actual exam, and then i've got no bloody chance of getting into uni."
your voice breaks on the final word, and so does the invisible dam keeping your tears in. despite doing your best to keep any sobs at bay, george immediately clocks that you're crying and goes into reassurance mode. "baby…"
"it's fine, i'm fine," you sniffle. "sorry, i know i'm being silly. how are you?"
"worried about you, angel. i don't like how stressed out this exam's made you feel, recently," george admits. "and i'm not letting you dwell on it from this point on, alright?"
"you answered every question, i take it?"
you frown. "i mean, yeah, but-"
"no buts, baby," george's voice is firm; it does something weird to your brain. that's new. "you answered every question in the paper to the best of your ability. don't try and argue with me on that one, angel. i know you did, because you never half-arse anything, and it's one of the things i lo-like most about you. and there's nothing more you can do about the exam, so there's no point dwelling on it, even if it was as shit as you say. yeah?"
you sigh. "yeah. you're right."
"i know i am," george's voice is smug, but it softens as he continues. "wish i was there to give you a hug right now, though, make you feel better."
"me too," you say wistfully, unlocking your front door and shrugging off your jacket before heading upstairs. "but i'll get one off you at the party tonight. or several. actually, i might not even let go of you the whole time."
you flop onto your bed, rolling onto your stomach and kicking your legs in the air as george laughs and says "i'm not gonna complain about that, babe. speaking of the party, what d'you want? matty's picking up in a bit."
"are you smoking?"
"was gonna, yeah. want some?"
"sweet. he says he's already got wine if you want it, too, but he'll get you vodka if you'd rather have that."
"no, wine's good," you say. "thank him for me, please, and tell him i'll pay him back later."
george laughs. "i've got you covered, babe."
you facepalm. "george."
"what? you've had a hard day. let me treat you."
there’s silence for a brief moment, as you ponder and then decide against debating with your boyfriend (even thinking about calling george that makes you smile); as stubborn as you are, george is ten times worse. if this was an in-person debate, a strategically-timed pout would give you the upper hand, but you'll never wear him down via phone.
"fine," you sigh dramatically. "thank you, babe. but you have to accept petrol money from me tonight."
"not a fucking chance. i have to drive past your house to get to matty's, anyway. he should be the one paying me."
you laugh. "if you're sure, babe. i'll get you back sometime, though."
"actually, there is something you could do for me tonight, if you wouldn't mind," george says slowly, voice deepening even more than usual. it sends goosebumps down your arms, and any and all sanity out of your head. "you could wear that top you bought at the weekend."
"the black one?"
"yeah," george's voice changes again; you can hear him blushing. "you looked really beautiful in it."
(his reaction when you'd opened the fitting room door last week had made you aware of that thought of his, but it's far nicer hearing him say it.)
"consider it done," you smile. "what time should i be ready for?"
"six? then we have time to get a maccies on the way."
"you do know the way to a girl's heart, george daniel."
george laughs. your heart flutters. "alright, baby. i'll see you in a couple of hours."
"looking forward to it," you smile, clicking your phone off. the goodbye feels unfinished, you think; the three other words you're too nervous to say to george seem to linger expectantly in your throat every time you talk to him, just waiting to be released from your lips to his ears. it's only been three months since you started labelling the relationship, but there were three of "dating" beforehand (following a two-sided drunken confession at matty's eighteenth), and another eight of crushing and pining preceding that - you know exactly how you feel about him. you just don't know when to tell him.
you nearly do, though, when he picks you up for the party later that night. after chucking your overnight bag in the backseat, you climb into the passenger seat and are immediately pulled into an absolute head-melter of a kiss.
george smiles as he pulls back from you. "hi, baby. you wore the top, i see."
"course i did," you grin in response. "have to keep up with you, don't i, gorgeous?"
"oh, shush," george shakes his head, cheeks pink. "right, let's get you some nuggets."
you clap, and your boyfriend laughs, a sound that continues from both of you as you make your way through the drive-thru and then to matty's. in between giggles and singalongs to the blink-182 album in the cd player, you feed george chips and chicken nuggets, the friday evening traffic stopping the two of you from being able to park and eat your dinner and still make it to the party on time. the vibe is in total contrast to your frustrated tears from earlier; now, doing shitty tom delonge impressions with your favourite boy in the world, you're ridiculously happy.
after parking outside matty's house, george turns to you before either of you can get out of the car. "listen, baby," he says softly, bringing a hand up to stroke your hair. "i know it's been a bit of a day for you, and i just want you to be alright - if you wanna go home at any point, tell me, yeah?"
your heart swells a little at his tenderness. you nod, pouting your lips slightly. "kiss?"
"gladly," george grins, lips on yours within seconds. like earlier, this kiss makes your head spin. 
unlike earlier, however, it isn't ended by either you or george pulling away; the two of you are so distracted by each other that you don't hear adam walking across the gravel towards the car. it isn't until he opens the passenger door that you pull away from george in fright, and then he speaks. "matty says no snogging in the driveway."
"tell him i'll do it in his fucking bedroom and see what he says then," george snaps. he kisses your hand. "sorry, baby."
"s'fine. hi, adam," you say, turning to your friend. "how are you?"
"betrayed, actually - you got a maccies and didn't ask if i wanted anything?"
"leave her alone, hann," george says, walking round to grab your bag and usher you out of the car. "she's had a stressful day."
"well, you're in luck, mate - oh, cheers," adam pulls you into a half hug as you pass him your final chicken nugget, and the boys lead you into the house. "matty found an unused piñata in the garage, so you can beat the shit out of that if it'll make you feel better."
"he just… found a piñata? just happened across it?" you ask, mildly bewildered (it's matty, after all), at the exact same time george ponders "what's he put in it?"
"he just found it, yeah. i don't know either," adam shrugs. "and he's literally put joints in it. no sweets. just weed."
george nearly pisses himself laughing, while you, as is your wont, ask a sensible question. "won't the force of the hits knock the joints apart, though? like, genius idea to put them there in theory, but will it work?"
"only one way to find out, i s'pose, baby" george says. "here, let me put your bag upstairs. i'll meet you in the garden in a minute, yeah?"
your boyfriend kisses you quickly and hurries upstairs, while you follow adam out to the garden, stopping briefly to hug some of your friends hello. only ross and matty are outside, the former reaching up to attach a unicorn piñata to a tree branch while the latter shouts orders at him. "fucksake, ross, that's far too high!"
"he's right, unfortunately, ross," you chip in, wandering over towards them and slinging an arm round matty's shoulders. "do you really want either of us jumping with a potential weapon in our hands?"
"he already is a potential weapon," comes the grumbling from under the branch.
"taking that as a compliment, actually," matty shouts, steering you away from the tree and hugging you. "hi, darling. where's g?"
"stashing my handbag for me."
"ok, good, because i have news and you're the only person i can tell," matty spins to face you, inhaling deeply and clasping his hands together. "i think i'm in love."
"ok?" you put your hands on your hips, underwhelmed. "you've already told me this, remember? last month?"
"different person. that wasn't real, this is."
"right. and you're only telling me because…?"
"well, it's someone like you i think i'm in love with."
"a girl?" you smirk. "i guessed as much, mate."
"smartarse," matty huffs. "no. i mean, like, she's proper smart. and serious about it. she wants to study law at uni. i'm totally intimidated by her, but i fancy her so much."
he stares at you expectantly. you stare just as blankly back. "and?"
"and i need your help," matty all but wails. "how do i make her like me?"
bless him. you smile. "well, you're in a band. that helps."
"really? even for pulling geniuses like you and her?"
"not to be dramatic, but that day i walked into the music room to tell you lot to shut up and saw george drumming to brianstorm? life-changing," you blush. matty smiles, genuinely. "but also, just don't be a gobshite, yeah? you actually being quite sensitive is unexpected, and it's nice. really."
"ok. thanks, mate," matty pulls you into a quick hug. "i wish she was coming tonight. be a lot more fun."
"we literally have a weed-filled piñata. we're peaking with fun."
he laughs. "true. and i did only meet her today."
you raise your eyebrows. "wait - on the set of your mum's show? have you told denise?"
"do i look like an idiot? actually," matty shakes his head. "don't answer that. no need to tell me."
"tell you what?" george wanders over to the pair of you, hugging matty and pecking you on the lips. "what are you two gossiping about?"
"what we're buying you for christmas," you say smoothly. "and how amazing a gift i'm now obligated to get you, because you won't let me pay for my own bloody weed."
the boys laugh, and george kisses you on the head. "speaking of, ross thinks he's perfected the piñata height. fancy a bit of stress relief?"
"ew, george, not in my house," matty faux-retches, then grins. "kidding. come on, lovebirds, let's beat the shit out of a unicorn and get stoned."
"and other normal sentences he's said today," george murmurs in your ear, making you giggle as you follow your friend towards the tree.
as you near it, ross holds a cricket bat out to you. "heard you were feeling stressed. have at it, mate."
"thanks, ross," you take the wooden stick, turning it over in your hands before turning to look at the host incredulously. "who the fuck in your family plays cricket?"
"how should i know?" comes matty’s equally-incredulous reply. "just hit the horse, please, i need a fucking zoot."
"fine. here goes," you say. "actually, shouldn't we put something on the ground to catch the joints?"
"good point. here," george pulls off his hoodie and throws it on the grass; you're momentarily distracted by his biceps through his long-sleeved t-shirt. "give it hell, baby."
you smirk, closing your eyes and thinking of the awful exam paper from earlier. all the frustration and stress hits your nervous system like a tidal wave; practically vibrating with rage, you swing the bat and hit the papier-mache before you with a satisfying thwack, denting it. the boys cheer, and it spurs you on even more - within minutes, you've beaten the unicorn to a pulp, its contraband insides (mostly) intact on your boyfriend's hoodie, and your insides the most stress-free they've been in a long time.
breathless, you hand the bat back to a wide-eyed ross, who claps you on the back. "impressive, actually."
"thank you," you bow, the boys laughing as they scramble to pick up the joints. george grabs two for each of you and your hand simultaneously, leading you towards the cushioned loungers near the kitchen window.
he sits first, settling you gently on his lap before pulling a lighter from his pocket. you're suddenly extremely aware of the chilly october evening air, and shuffle around so you can half-lean against george's hard chest; you gaze up at him, all sharp jaw and heavy eyes with the joint between his lips. "is this ok?"
"s'perfect, baby," george smiles, hand tracing patterns against the outside of your thigh. he lifts it, though, to take the joint out of his mouth. "you wanna go first?"
you shake your head. george smoking is an incredibly sexy sight; you want a clear head the first time you see it tonight. the flickering flame sharpens his cheekbones in the most beautiful way as he lights the joint, and the way he draws them in as he inhales it is nothing short of stunning. but nothing compares to the way he exhales the smoke, head thrown back in pleasure and faint moans escaping his lips - your thighs clench ever so slightly as he does, which isn't helped by the way he looks at you as he passes you the weed.
he doesn't seem to fare any better while you smoke, though; your eyes close in contentment when the inhale hits your airways (and a little groan of satisfaction involuntarily leaves you), but you open them to find george biting his lip while he watches yours.
it gives you an idea. passing the joint back, you ask a favour of your boyfriend. "will you shotgun me, please?"
george hums happily. "absolutely, baby."
you shuffle so you're sitting directly on his lap, facing him. whether it's the crispness of the night or the weed or just george himself, you don't know, but you're more aware of this particular bodily position than ever before. there's an energy you can't quite describe crackling in the night air - anticipation, maybe.
whatever it is, you like it.
"ready?" george asks, joint halfway to his lips. you nod, loosely clasping your hands at the nape of his neck and leaning forward. he inhales, your mouth opens, he exhales, and you do your best to take in as much of the smoke as you can. 
even though you've been smoking properly for a little while now, the best highs are always the ones you share with george; he seems to intoxicate you more than the drug does. given how much longer he's been smoking, you'd be forgiven for thinking that he doesn't feel the same way, but the speed with which he quickly lays the joint in a nearby ashtray (thank fuck the healys are a family of smokers, by the way) and crashes his lips to yours suggests otherwise. the crackling in the air ceases, but seems to find a new home in your body; sparks seem to fly from your lips to your brain, overloading the organ until all you can think is george, george, george.
yeah, you love him all right.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 7 months
Holy shit, Always on the Sidelines had to be one of my favorite fics. As a person with chronic pain I always feel like I’m pushed to the side and like I’ll never find someone who will love and care for me like that.
If you wrote more I would def be happy
(ok. im fangirling a lil bit because i absolutely LOVE your jamie tartt fics and i cant believe my fic has become one of your faves! anyway, here's a lil snippet after the events of Always On the Sidelines!)
Here On Out
Summary: You're out with Jamie and your friends, but then your leg decides to act up and you have a bit of a breakdown.
A/N: hurt comfort! also, i headcanon that Jamie is a 1D fan.
You're really fucking bummed out. You were having so much fun hanging out with Jamie and the boys, your friends, because, yes, his friends are now your friends and they all adore you and you them.
Anyway, you'd gone to a club with them that was having a One Direction night. Drinks were flowing and you were having so much fun dancing with Jamie, then singing at the top of your lungs with Keeley, taking shots with the guys. It was all so much fun...but then your knee started acting up.
You excuse yourself from the dancefloor and Jamie follows you with concern. But you brush him off, not wanting to ruin his fun.
"I'm just gonna rest for a bit. Go have fun." He hesitates and you practically push him back towards the dancefloor, "Go! I'll be fine!"
"Alright. But you tell me if it gets worse and we'll go, okay?"
"Okay," you shoo him away and as soon as he turned his back, you hobble your way to the bathrooms so you can cry.
As soon as you enter the women's room, you lean against the counter and let out a sob. You curse your knee for causing you so many issues. You can't play football, you can't be on your feet for long, you can't even last having fun with your fit as fuck footballer boyfriend! You felt so...broken.
Two women, a brunette and a red head, enter the bathroom laughing but then stop when they see you teary eyed. They immediately rush over to you, "Oh my God. Are you okay?" The red head asks.
"Do we need to kick someone in the dick?" the brunette asks.
You chuckle, "No. I'm fine...kinda."
"What's goin' on, babe?" the brunette asks, looking genuinely concerned for you.
You shake your head, "I had a knee injury a while back and it starts to hurt if I'm not my feet for too long or doing extensive movements."
"Do we need to get you someone?" the red head asks, wiping away some of your tears.
You shake your head again, "No. It'll go away eventually it's just," you let out a deep breath, "It just makes things complicated for me. Like, I came here with my hot boyfriend and we were having the best time and now my knee started hurting and I had to step away-"
"Why isn't your boyfriend with you?" the brunette asks.
"I told him not to worry about me. Didn't wanna ruin his fun."
The door opens again and Keeley lets out a sigh of relief, "Fucking finally! Jamie's looking all over for you! You're not answerin' your phone!" She suddenly takes note of your teary eyes, "Oh shit. I'm getting, Jamie."
"Wait, no-Keeley!" but your cries fall deaf on her ears as she rushes out in search of your boyfriend.
Red head looks back at you, "Wait, was that Keeley Jones?"
You nod, "Yeah."
Moments later, Jamie comes in, hand over his eyes, "Is everyone decent? No one with their undies down, right?"
You can't help but snort, "You're fine, Jams."
Jamie drops his hand and zeroes in on you, "What's going on?"
"Holy shit," brunette starts to freak out, "You're Jamie Tartt! You're-"
Keeley steps in, pushing red head and brunette out the door, "Right! Let's go dance, ladies!"
"But I still need to wee!" brunette exclaims.
"Hold it in!" Keeley replies aggressively.
It's now just you and Jamie left in the room. Jamie slowly approaches you, hands on your hips to steady you, "What's wrong?"
You let out a sob as you tuck your face into his neck, "I feel so broken!"
"Love, you're not broken."
"But I am! I can't keep up with you and I fucking hate it! I hate hurting all the time. I hate making you cut your time short when we're out with friends. I hate that you can't fully enjoy yourself when we're together. I-"
"Hey, hey. Look at me," he pulls back, gently holding your face in his hands, "You're. Not. Broken. Your injury doesn't define you. I mean, look at grandad! Sure, he had to retire 'cause of his leg, but he's still out there coaching us, giving us a hard time, still doing the things he likes to do. He doesn't let his injury stop him.
"And you shouldn't either. I don't care that if we have to leave parties or gatherings early because your leg hurts. All I care about is you and how you feel. I don't like you being in pain. That's why I always check in on you. I don't want ya sufferin'." He wipes the tears the slide down your cheeks.
"What if you get tired of me? Get tired of taking care of me?"
Jamie shakes his head, "Never. I experienced life without you and I was fucking miserable. Besides, like how cuddly you get when I take care of ya. Makes me feel loved and shit."
"Jamie Tartt, you're such a softie," you playfully say, nudging his shoulder.
"Only for you, love," he murmurs before kissing your forehead. You two stand there, just cherishing each other's presence for a bit.
Keeley then pops her head in and says, "You two coming out soon? 'Cause a line is forming and these girls really gotta go."
Jamie steps back and asks, "Can you walk?"
"I can limp," you reply.
He shakes his head, "Piggy back then," he turns his back to you, crouching down a bit.
You do your best to hop onto his back and he lifts you with ease. Keeley opens the door wider for you both, "Thanks, Keeley," Jamie says and his looks at the line of waiting women, "Sorry, ladies! Me girl wasn't feelin' well!"
Keeley follows the both of you to the booth where everyone was sitting and taking a break from dancing.
"Are you okay, Y/N?" Dani asks.
"My leg again," you sheepishly reply and the boys nod their heads in understanding.
"Feel better," Isaac says.
Colin chimes in, "Do you need help to the car?"
"Nah, mate, I've got it!" Jamie replies and pulls out a few hundred notes, passing them to Isaac, "Hope that covers our drinks and some of you lot!" the guys raise their glasses in cheers to Jamie and wave good-bye to the both of you.
Keeley and Roy follow you two out just in case.
"Can this count as some of me trainin', grandad?" Jamie asks.
"No," Roy rasps out and you giggle.
"Prick," Jamie mumbles with a smile.
When you get to Jamie's car, he helps you in and then gives Roy and Keeley a d hug good-bye. Roy nods at you and Keeley blows a kiss your way. You wave at them until Jamie drives away.
When you get back to Jamie's, he carries you to the bedroom you share. You undress while he runs a warm bubble bath for you.
Once it's ready you get in and he quickly undresses, sitting behind you. You sigh in relief as you lean back against his chest and he starts to softly massage your knee.
"See? Cuddly," Jamie murmurs against your neck and presses a kiss.
"I love you," you whisper as you close your eyes and let the water warm your body up.
Jamie's smiling wide. This isn't the first time you've said it to him, but it still makes him all bubbly inside when you say it.
"I love you too. Always will. From here on out."
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thewolvesof1998 · 6 months
Hiiii Wolf 💕💕💕
Buck and Christopher are baking Christmas cookies!
-how many are they making?
-what kinds are they making?
-what do they end up doing with them all?
And anything you can think of to describe the scene!
Have fun with it!! ☺️
Hi Saturn 🪐 !!!
I'm going to use this as my Tease Tidbit Tuesday!
Oh okay, so this sent me down a rabbit hole of sugar cookies and the types of frosting and now I'm going to have to bake some. So I had my first and only ever sugar cookie when I was in Ohio in March. It was sooooo fucking good and I'm pretty sure it was buttercream icing because it was so light and fluffy. I also love making white chocolate butter cream icing so I'm excited to make sugar cookies with it.
Anyways, your questions!
Buck and Chris are making Christmas cookies for Chris's class, maybe they're having a bake sale or maybe it's just to spread some holiday cheer, either way, they are making so many cookies, that the trays are spread out all over Eddie's kitchen. Here are Buck's inspiration photos (because of course he made a Pinterest board for it):
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And just image him and Chris making all of these cookies:
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And here's a snippet from Someone to be Gentle (which already had a cookie baking scene and I might have already posted most of this so if you've read this before no you haven't):
When Eddie walks in the front door of his house it's to the smell of freshly baked cookies and the sound of his kid cackling like he’s done something cheeky and he knows he’s going to get away with it because, as Buck says, ‘Look at that face, how could you be mad at him?’.  Eddie follows the sound, can hear the timber of Buck’s laugh join and harmonise until it’s a cacophony that feels like it’s rubbing aloe on his therapy raw soul. He rounds the corner into his living room and is standing in the door of his kitchen taking in the chaotic sense. There are trays, so many trays, of sugar cookies, half are iced in shades of green and white, the others laid bare. Chris still has his back to Eddie, head tilted back in laughter but Eddie can see Buck, can see the green icing smeared across his cheek and the fake look of outrage on his face that is betrayed by the laughter falling from his lips.  A far too familiar ache rips through his chest, his breath catches and eyes start to burn with tears that have become so common lately that he’s surprised they haven’t left permanent marks on his cheeks. He ducks away, not wanting his darkness to mar their happiness any more than it already has. He slumps down onto the couch, head already in his hands trying to push the tears back into his eyes as if that would erase the fact that they were ever there.  A hand lands on his shoulder, it stretches from scar to shoulder blade, “Eddie?” “I’m good, I’m fine,” He says without looking up, his voice all crackly with emotion. He senses more than sees Buck sit down opposite him, the coffee table creaking under his weight, Eddie always in tune with every movement Buck makes. His hand never breaks contact, the warmth and steadiness of his palm in sharp contrast to how Eddie’s shaking like a leaf.  “You know it’s okay if you're not fine,” Buck pauses as if he’s gathering his thoughts or courage, “You don’t always have to be strong with me, I’m not going to judge you or-or run away, Eddie.” Eddie shakes his head, “You don’t want this, it’s messy, I’m a mess,” as if to emphasise the point he wipes away snot with the edge of his sleeve.  “Of course I do, we’re partners,” Eddie’s eyes flicker up to Bucks, his edges are a blur because of the tears but his cheeks are flushed pink as they usually do when Buck’s on a passionate roll, “best friends, I-I want the bad as well as the good, I want to be there when you’re at your worst, let me have your back.” A sob tears out of his chest, it sounds an awful lot like Buck’s name. And he’s not sure if he’s folding forward or if Buck’s reeling him but his arms are around Eddie, holding him close to his chest and something snaps within him. His fingers twist into Buck’s shirt as he cries into his shoulder soaking the material with tears and snot in a way he hasn’t done since he was a little kid crying in his mother’s arms, before the ‘you have to be the man of the house’, before he learnt it was bad to show weakness. And he knows that's not true, been teaching his own son it’s not but it’s so much easier to be kind to others than it is yourself. 
The poem it's based on
first snippet second snippet
tagging people for Tease Tidbit Tuesday: @wikiangela @wildlife4life ​ @eddiebabygirldiaz @disasterbuckdiaz @spotsandsocks @try-set-me-on-fire @jesuisici33​ @bekkachaos @buddierights @spagheddiediaz @911-on-abc @hippolotamus @shitouttabuck @911onabc @exhuastedpigeon @malewifediaz @your-catfish-friend @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @watchyourbuck @king-buckley @chaoticgremlinwholikescheese @daffi-990 @fortheloveofbuddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @mangacat201 @theotherbuckley @hoodie-buck @eowon @rainbow-nerdss @nmcggg @pirrusstuff @evanbegins @giddyupbuck @sammysouffle @smilingbuckley @jamespearce9-1-1 @carrierofthepaperclips @jeeyuns @callmenewbie @thosetwofirefighters @monsterrae1 @princehattric @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove
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I'm sorry to bother you. May I request an Angry/ fluff?
I saw this one episode from Helluva Boss about moxie. He has a toxic father and being forced to wed, and Millie saved him from a forced marriage.
Can you put the fem!Reader in the same situation? Being forced to wed and their partner rescue them?
141 squad + Valeria .
If this is too much writing for you... You can ignore it.
a/n: hi!! Guess who just wrote all of this and didn’t save! Also- no writing is too much for me :)
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-you didn’t tell him, just imagining the tears in his eyes was enough to make you feel horrid. He was so sweet to you, he didn’t deserve this but you didn’t have a choice
-he didn’t know until he came by to say hello after a long mission only for one of the maids to tell him you were off getting married!
-his heart was racing, did you not love him? Were you actually doing this? Why? No. No it wasn’t you. It had to be your family.
-even though he wasn’t invited, he walked in anyway, sitting in the front seat with a mask to cover his face and his nerves on edge
-and seeing you walk down the isle was enough to make him cry before he sprang into action, grabbing you by the wrist and walking you outside before anyone could do anything
-“next time I see you on an isle it better be you and me, luv. Yah?” Gaz hummed as he kissed you right outside the churches doors, a smile gleaming on his face
-he always had hated your family, their little comments against you and their glares at him always making his blood boil, if he could punch all of them he would in an instant and would have fun doing it
-the second you told him, all teary eyed and sobbing? He felt a sickening sense of jealously overwhelm him. You were his girlfriend and if a single rich jerk wanted you they would have to put up with him
-he of course, showed up to your wedding, knocking open the door with pure adrenaline shooting through him as he picked you up over your shoulder and carried you out
-he was a mix of emotions, and his adrenaline didn’t calm down until you were with him in the car, in his arms once again
-“yer alright ain’t ye, Bonnie? or should I go back ‘n and punch one of ‘em for ye?”
-pretended to be okay with it, pretended to be fine with it, pretended to be okay with losing you even if he knew you were the only girl he had let in for a long time seriously
-he even saw you get up to the altar before he snapped. He couldn’t take it! He didn’t care if the fucking body guards hauled him away in the end he just couldn’t see you be unhappy
-of course everyone was shocked, including the poor groom who was just as uncomfortable as you were and was shoved aside by ghost
-ghost practically took you and ran. Didn’t even process what he did until you two were all the way at his apartment
-“fuck…. Hey, luvie- any idea on what we’re gonna do now or should I just hope your family doesn’t come and find you?”
-oh now he’s just amused. Your family trying to take away you? From him? Ain’t that just sweet. he didn’t take them seriously even at the wedding. He knew he could pull this off and hopefully keep you with him where you wanted to be
-inside he was honestly scared though.. what if you did want this? What if he can’t think of a way to keep you safe? What if he fails?
-he treated it like a mission. Step one; show up with a fast get away car and grab you before you even get to the church, step two: cuddle with you till he forgets all the stress (although he wouldn’t admit that part until you let him)
-he got you home in the end, still in your dress and still stressed from the entire ordeal.. but now he has you back, that’s all that matters to him.
-much to her men’s surprise, she didn’t… go in guns blazing! She simply payed people off. Oh your family is sending you to a country to marry someone? Too bad she’s there and the groom disappeared. Your family hides where you are? Whomp whomp, she’s already at the door ready to kiss you all over and simply walk out with you next to her
-over time it was practically a game for her, she knew you and her would marry eventually. Although she was starting to get bored of the white wedding gown she had seen you in at least five times now. Although you looked stunning in it all the same
-“you know, mi vida; when I marry you I should buy you a different dress. I’ve seen this one so many times it’s not even a surprise anymore, maybe you can choose it out and you can show it to me on the isle, hm?”
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