#anyway it's kind of little wonder that this point these two aren't looking at each other as love interests yet
songbirdseung · 4 months
pinky ring / sim jaeyun
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synopsis: jake made you a promise to marry you when you two were toddlers. he would fake propose until he really did get down on one knee.
pairing: childhood besties jake x reader
wc: 1.1k
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To your parents, it was all good fun. Seeing their child being proposed to by their childhood best friend at their favorite beach. Documentation was highly important to them, filming little you and little jake holding a candy ring pop in his hand, asking your hand in marriage. To them, it was adorable.
For young child you, you were petrified. At the time, your dad just gave a small talk on how to stay away from boys and you're definitely too young to get into a relationship. This happened when you called the actor on scene handsome when you were having a family movie night.
"We are too young Jake" pouting your lips, feeling bad for rejecting his proposal. Jake shrugs and hands you the ring pop anyway. "Fine, I'll just wait and get you a real ring".
That didn't last long because fast forward to the next year, he does it again. He has done it so much that for the next few following years, it had become an inside joke to everyone in your immediate family.
"You have rejected me for 4 years now" crossing his arms in a fit, Jake looks at you disappointed. "Maybe because we are only 12 years old?"
At this point, you aren't sure if he's doing this because he really wants to marry you or just to tease you and lead any guy interested in you far far away. Remembering all the instances where a boy would approach you during lunch and sit next to you and confess and say that they think you' re cute. There then comes Jake, wearing a smug smirk and says something along the lines of "I'm actually her future husband, please go away".
It makes you think about how you could never get away from Jake and his antics.
Even when you guys reached your teenage years, almost reaching adulthood, Jake never dropped the fake proposal joke. Like on your 19th birthday, at the restaurant he took you both to, he claims how he's your boyfriend and he's planning to propose soon, the waiter thought he was weird for saying that he wanted to propose soon with you sitting right there but nonetheless, he gave you both free desserts.
You thought at by the age of 14, he'd stop since you both are going through puberty, his feelings would change and he'd drop it due to his own pride and embarrassment, but no.
Now you both were 20, if you had to count how many fake proposals Jake has done over the years, it would reach 100.
"You can't say that we are too young, we're both legal adults and we basically known each other our whole lives." You turn over to him and flick his forehead, causing him wince in pain and shoo you away from him. "You're mean"
"You're the one that wants to marry me, so get used to it"
"Oh, so you're playing along now" He removes his hand from his head and pokes your side. "After years, you're finally warming up to the idea"
"Keep that up, I won't be anymore" Once you said that you realize how you didn't even deny it. Looking back at Jake who went back to playing video games, you take in his appearance and guide your eyes to follow the lines that make his side profile.
Jake was good looking, you knew that. He's always been the apple of your eye since you two were kids, then as you got to know him, his humor, personality, and behavior kind of sealed the deal for you.
"If you keep staring at me, I might disintegrate."
"Then, who is going to marry me?"
"We're still on that? I thought you didn't want to?"
"Make me your girlfriend and I'll rethink it" Now it was your turn to cause a ruckus in Jake's mind. He pauses the game and looks over to you, reading your expression wondering if you were serious or not.
That night, Jake stayed over. Unlike the other past sleepovers that you two had, this one was different because the way you cuddle into him now, it felt different. He was always yours and until now, just a different kind. He was now your boyfriend, not boy-friend.
With your dynamic and bond with Jake, it felt like sunshine and rainbows most of the times, being around each other all the time and knowing each other too well, you always found ways to fix things or any miscommunication that would come along.
Transitioning to relationship from friendship was surprisingly easy from the outside perspective but the thing with you and Jake was he was always a gentleman and treated you right and how you deserved to be treated, and of course vice versa.
When you told your mom the news, she did not show any surprised reaction, simply telling you how she saw it coming and was just waiting for this moment to happen, you dad shared a similar reaction, happy that it was Jake to be the one you were dating.
Fast forward to a whole year of dating Jake. People would say that you two were like a fairytale love, match made in heaven, meant for each other, all that. "Hey yn, maybe you should do that trend where you call Jake your husband"
"I'm pretty sure he's already seen that on tiktok, no?"
Still, even if he did, you were going to do it just to see his reaction. That same day, you two meet up after your last class ended. Waiting for you somewhere in the university's campus, you run up to him and give him a hug. "Someone missed me?"
In the car ride home, you guys both agreed to stop by your favorite restaurant and get some take out. Which was a perfect time to put your little prank in action. Just like everyone else, after placing your order, you ask Jake what he wants and tell the waiter. "Then my husband would like ___"
Once the waiter leaves, you finally take notice of Jake who is wide eyed, staring at you in awe. "There's no way you just called me that" To say he was a lovesick puppy after that was an understatement.
But now since you called him that, you have to keep calling him that. Because if you call him or introduce him as your boyfriend, he'll act surprised and startled. "Are you asking for a divorce?" "Do you not love me anymore?" "I thought I was your husband?" to name a few.
"I'm gonna have to propose now, for real this time"
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blacknedsoul-blog · 1 year
The divorce of the White Raven was the chronicle of a foretold death
Now that the White Raven divorce officially begins tomorrow. I wanted to do a little review of why I've been looking forward to this moment for over 40 chapters and the delicious drama to come. 
The chapters of Annabel and Lenore talking in the greenhouse are wonderful for many reasons, but mainly because they lay the groundwork for what the conflicts in their relationship will be from now on, simply put: these two just aren't on the same page. 
Annabel wants to save them both, Lenore wants to save everyone.
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Annabel calls Lenore "my favorite," "my darling," and "my petal"; Lenore understands "my companion animal" (and Annabel doesn't bother to clarify). 
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Lenore says they are friends; Annabel clearly knows they were a couple.
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Annabel tries to kiss her goodbye on the lips; Lenore kisses her hand. 
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As the comic progresses -and especially with the last chapter released by the Freepass- the more fundamental root of this problem becomes more apparent: the White Raven don't really know each other, they think they do and, incidentally, insist on not listening to each other.
The Annabel Lenore Knows
The "disappointment rooms" are a Victorian myth (I say "myth" because there is no evidence that they were a widespread practice, although there are cases like Blanche Monnier's, they did not seem to be particularly common. But they exist in this comic, so they will be treated as real in this essay) were isolated rooms where a family member with a mental illness or physical deformity was kept isolated from the world, making him or her an outcast. 
We don't know the real reasons why Annabel wanted to get close to Lenore (this scene make it clear that it was of her own free will, something Lenore knows), but anyway, this was extremely strange at the time, the kind of thing that could severely damage someone's reputation if it became public.
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In other words, for Lenore, Annabel not only pulled her out of the spiral of madness she was in, made her feel alive again, and treated her like a person (something that hadn't happened since Theo's death); she also put her reputation on the line to get closer to "the crazy woman in the attic". 
Add to that the fact that Annabel, like Lenore, is someone with an extremely protective personality, albeit in a much more subtle way: containing Lenore's outbursts by trying to distract her, complimenting her when she doubts herself, trying to give her a sense of purpose by asking her to write her a song, and automatically containing her own panic attack when she sees Lenore's horrified expression. 
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To Lenore, Annabel is someone who would rather destroy something that makes her happy and be hated than let Lenore suffer for her absence.
This is a gigantic contrast to the Annabel readers know, yes, the basics are there: she is seen to genuinely care about Prospero, and gratuitous violence against someone who cannot defend himself infuriates her. But Lenore does not dimension how Annabel's methods of survival (shaped by her trauma of not being heard, reasons why she machines her way through people) make her a Machiavellian, manipulative and cold-blooded person. 
The last time Lenore saw Annabel in a situation where she could do nothing, she saw her give up. But readers know that this time, Annabel is willing to burn absolutely everything down to get them both out of it.
That is why the Duke affair takes her by surprise. Never mind that Annabel has said she's willing to destroy or trample anyone to get out of Nevermore. The Annabel Lenore knows would not be capable of that.
The Lenore Annabel knows
This part is more difficult to analyze, because unfortunately Annabel's memories are tied to big mysteries within the plot. On the plus side, this comic is excellent at dropping large amounts of information at the point of detail. 
The most obvious: Annabel is carrying around the ring Lenore had when she burned down her house, in other words, "Leo's" charade worked so well that the two of them got engaged. In other words: Annabel has seen this woman burn down a family home (perhaps with servants inside), fake her own death, steal, take a continental trip, change her identity and pose as a man, all to save her from an arranged marriage. 
A very "you and me against the world" situation. A scenario Lenore made possible by lying to basically everyone, even Annabel herself, who must have spent at least a few months believing Lenore was dead until "Leo" knocked on her door. 
Add to that these two scenes: in the first, Annabel seems pretty convinced that Lenore has a good idea of what's going on here...
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And in this one, Annabel thinks Lenore is doing this out of guilt.
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Again, this is a huge contrast to the Lenore we readers have seen throughout the comic: a person who desperately wants to show others the affection and security that no one (except Theo and Annabel) has given her. A mix of a naturally vivacious and caring personality with traumas from which her need for control stems from anxiety and a terrible fear of abandonment. 
In this light, Annabel putting Duke in danger to keep Montressor away from Lenore was something that was informed, known, and something that Lenore would agree with, because the Lenore she knows would be willing to sacrifice anything to achieve her goal. 
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In that sense, that scene is foreshadowing. Not only did Lenore trick her into using a memory that Annabel does not have, but it comes right after Annabel confidently says that "no one knows Lenore better than she does.
The masks
One of the most painful tragedies of the White Raven relationship (besides the fact that it ended with both of them dead) is that one of the two has had to wear a mask on both sides of it: Annabel pretending that this relationship isn't as deeply ingrained in her as it really is, and then Lenore doing the whole "Leo" thing to be "the perfect fiancé" in everyone else's eyes.
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Their divorce is imminent because both of them (especially Annabel) are projecting onto the other the expectations they have that are a product of the few memories they have been able to recover, rather than really looking at the person in front of them. 
I'm going to enjoy all the beautiful character development that comes from here on out, because they both have a lot of unpacking to do separately from this divorce arc. And, I hope that, when they can finally reconcile, we also get to see how, for the first time in the history of their relationship, Annabel and Lenore can actually see eye to eye.
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tacky-optic · 2 months
The agony of being able to go through an entire tumblr tag from start to finish.... ANYWAY. we're back with more food for the hat trick niche ft. rare JigZeni pachislot (zeni acknowledges jigen for 0.1 seconds and jigen forgot he was there even tho he's driving)
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One thing I like about rarepairs is the flexibility. They're a headcanon/hypothetical breeding ground of potential without having to sacrifice too much of the character's integrity, because they rarely ever talk/barely have a relationship to launchpad off of! yaay :'D
So let's talk about how! Five how's, actually. Might've gotten a bit carried away with this one.
As with anything involving these two, somehow, some way, it always circles right back around to Lupin. It kind of has to, given their shared obsession and/or dedication with the guy. But that can split up into all sorts of scenarios, with some equally varied results (and some exceptions!)
~ Getting together in spite of Lupin
In which Lupin's basically that "I messed up so bad that I turned my girl date gay/my guy date straight" joke but everyone's still queer and it's just his partner hooking up with his rival because of how much he's been frustrating them both lately (and oops the proxy hate sex turns out to be really good) INHALES. Does that even make any sense.
I'm sorry but Lupin fumbling the ball is just so funny to me. It is a bit deeper than that, obviously, and this'd have some weird love triangle logistics because Jigen and Zenigata are still hopelessly in love with Lupin, in their own ways. But dipping into that is always complicated and messy-- JUST HOW WE LIKE IT.
This one definitely has the most jealousy on all fronts. For me, there's always this little asterisk on the JigLup/LuZeni pairings because someone's getting left out. Tell me Zenigata's chest wouldn't ache every time he watches Lupin and Jigen escape, an arm slung over the other's shoulder, cheek to cheek, laughs fading off into the cold, lonely night. Tell me Jigen wouldn't hate waiting in the Fiat for Lupin to lose his dogged hunter, mind wandering as to why he's taking so damn long. He grits his jaw when Lupin finally saunters up, victoriously spinning yet another pair of handcuffs on his pointer finger.
There's a silent rivalry for Lupin's attention that they might not even realize is going on until they blow up at each other about it.
It's difficult to tell if Lupin is being genuine or just messing around, especially for Zenigata. He asks Jigen how he deals with him, how he deals with.... everything. Just everything. The "will they won't they"s and the "does he really mean it"s. How does he stay so collected all the damn time. Jigen says he doesn't have a single friggin' clue. Maybe they make out sloppy style about it. Maybe they keep meeting up to vent, drink, exist in each other's company. During chases, Zenigata keeps dipping after Jigen instead of Lupin more and more often. Lupin's standing on a rooftop Pulp Fiction John Travolta style wondering where the fuck everyone went.
Ohhh jealous Lupin, where have you gone. Where did the tms writers hide your unchecked narcissistic ego. The other points after this support Supportive Lupin in some capacity but this one does not. The slow-burn's done slow-burning but it ain't over yet, baby. There's trouble in paradise and its name is Lupin the Third. He is Not Enjoying This. The two guys that are always looking at him aren't looking at him anymore and that just won't do. Drama ensues.
~ Getting together because of Lupin
Matchmaker Lupin! This is if Lupin's relationships with Jigen and/or Zenigata are more platonic-leaning (which is totally valid). The paired fics in Disreputable Company nail this dynamic perfectly imo. But as far as my own separate take goes....
They're both just so. So emotionally constipated. Intentionally or not, Jigen's been screwed over in the romantic interest department to many times that he's intentionally reduced his acquaintance list to how many fingers he's got on his right hand. Zenigata practically unloaded an entire clip into his foot as far as maintaining healthy family/friend relationships go. Spoilers for Zenigata Keibu, but he 100% knew what he was saying when he told Haruka he'd go back to her once he caught Lupin (I can never be yours), and that Zenigata's supposed to be the freest one! Bound not necessarily to Lupin specifically, but to The Chase forever.
Anyway. Jigen and Zenigata are Isolated. The fact that someone would consider them attractive is so foreign that they'd think its some kind of sick joke or ruse to screw them over instead of anything that could ever be even remotely genuine. They need someone to shove them out of their little self-made paranoia bubbles, and Lupin just loves to meddle in people's businesses. I dunno. I just think he'd think it's funny.
*dramatic finger point* "haha zenigata, you are banging my partner!!" "you... you tricked us into our first date? made the reservations?? th- the tailored suits???" "lu you friggin roller-skated out in a waiter outfit and immediately bought us the most expensive top-shelf booze they offered. not even remotely conspicuous about it" "lol yeah. good times"
He's just happy two of his favorite humans are finally getting laid for once, y'know?
~ Getting together for Lupin
Jigen and Zenigata are forced to team up. Okay, this scenario only goes down if 1) Lupin goes missing or is KO'd for a prolonged period of time or 2) the Truce demands they separate for a while. On top of seeing this play out in other fics, my good friend duke and I have been messing around with (a variant of) this idea for a while now (aka they've been letting me run around in their au Rampant and Unchecked. ty duke).
In ""canon"", if these two were to become at the very least amicable towards each other, this'd be the way to do it. In all honesty (and my personal bias for them aside), I'm genuinely shocked they haven't done this before. Not even an episode, tms? That 4-ish minute block in POTP is all you're giving me? One bar chat in the kobayashi sendoff ep. Okay. I'm not miffed i swear
Like I mentioned in this previous post, the idea of the two of them being able to function together without Lupin as a crutch is upsetting at first. They're used to following him to the Ends of the Earth and they're used to him living rent-free in their heads. They've convinced themselves that they're hopeless on their own, that if he disappeared for good they'd just go back to being two husks vaguely shaped like humans meandering around with no meaningful north star to head towards. Don't get me wrong, if the situation was Bad, Goemon and Fujiko would be devastated, too. But they could move on, albeit with a heavy heart. They're kind of known for heading out on their own should the situation call for it. But Jigen and Zenigata are in for the long-haul for better or for worse, whether they like it or not (they do not).
They're on edge the whole time. Hostile towards each other and passive-aggressive at best to any unfortunate folk they have to interact with on this stupid side quest they've been unwillingly shunted onto together.
It helps immensely that they're both "cut that out" people to anyone but themselves, because they can be that for each other. There's a lot of bickering/conflicts of interest and methodology. "You're being too harsh", "You're one to talk", "You're so goddamn stubborn", "You're such a hypocrite", etc etc. But holy shit they're so freakishly effective together, to a frankly terrifying degree-- maybe even moreso than with Lupin because they're honing the fuck in and nothing else-- no banter or bullshit-- and that's what gets them through to the end. Maybe it helps them come to terms with whatever sort of issues they've got going on, maybe it doesn't. Bare minimum, they come out of this with newfound understanding of each other. At max, uh.... see the point after this next one.
~ Lupin-adjacent
A shift in fixation. The slightest glance, the slightest exchange of eye contact for a second too long, the briefest moment of consideration, and the thoughts start spiraling. This is "in spite of Lupin" without the spite. The urge to know absolutely everything about someone, down to the marrow, just gets shifted a little bit to the right onto another guy. It's just them, in-between heists, with barely any mention of the Chase and anyone else involved therein. Their own little adventure away from the status quo. It's weird at first, sure, but it's new and exciting and real dang nice having things not revolve exclusively around him for once. It's a shot for Jigen to mess with Zenigata for once and the closest thing to a willing vacation Zenigata can get. Win-win! Well. Sorta.
The loneliness, though-- that's what makes itself most prevalent during the in-between times. They really don't have much left outside of the Usual. Forgetting the bare essentials, days blending together, moving around the masses like a ghost.... it's familiar, and it's common, not being sure whether they actually like someone or they're just desperately lonely. Zenigata wallows in it, Jigen shoves it down. They've got images to keep. but getting noticed for what they are is simultaneously the worst thing to ever happen and the highlight of their day. Real wholesome bonding material, ain't it
"I tracked you down for only you". "I dragged you into this issue because I want you here". "You get it".
~ Secret fifth thing
*points at playbohz mag* "lol wouldn't it be funny if zenigata was jigen's type??" *points at y series, miyazaki's zeni, island of assassins, that one manga where they put him in a tshirt, etc* "oh my god zenigata is jigen's type."
It's just a one-night stand lmao. I feel like I see this one a fair bit too, mostly because it's super duper simple and doesn't require a crap-ton of emotional angst setup just to get them into the same bed. It's the above point diluted into, like, an afternoon lmao. It doesn't have a lot of depth by design. Curiosity gets the better of both of them, plain and simple. They get buzzed enough at a bar, skip off to some motel to do what they gotta do one time and never speak of it again.
A part of me likes that, but another part of me in the deep deep recesses of my psyche is hollering "TACKY YOU GOTTA TURN THIS INTO THE SPITE BULLETPOINT!!!"
NO. For this one they get one nice hookup and THAT'S THAT. Sorry not sorry.
Maybe it's easier because there's actually something to decipher. There isn't some esoteric idea of "Lupin the Third, Gentleman Thief"; a mystery man(?) with a million little gadgets and masks and smiles; this unwavering, unpredictable force of chaos that likes taking shiny things from one place and hiding them somewhere else over and over again with no real rhyme or reason.
It's easier to find solace in turning to the guy next to you and going, "what do you think that is?" than in going up to "that" and poking it with a stick in hopes it'll give some sort of answer. "That" won't. "That" likes watching you guys flounder around together too much :)
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suuuupernovaaa · 1 year
Secrets | Hobie Brown x f!Reader
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The air is thick with smoke and body odor, and the sweet undertone of the mixed drink in my hand cuts through it, just barely, when I raise it to my lips. The bass from the speakers is so loud that I can barely hear myself think, and even though the music is good, I can't help but wonder if the band will be finished before the pounding headache sets in.
Amelia grips my elbow, pulling me towards the stairway. Just one flight up is the roof, and though it's packed with party goers and somehow almost as smokey as inside, it's much quieter.
Just the noise of traffic, chatter, people bumping into each other and apologizing, horns blaring, but no heart-thumping music.
I take a deep breath and lean on the hard concrete that lines the building, the only thing separating us from tumbling to the street far below.
"What's up with you?" Amelia asks, and I shrug, staring over the building down at the people walking by. It's nearly midnight, but the streets in this part of town always seem to be busy.
I wonder whose apartment this is, anyway? Hobie didn't say, and like usual, I didn't ask.
"Tell me." She gives me a gentle shrug. It must be the alcohol; tears gather in my eyes as I look back at her. "Oh shit. What is it?"
My mouth opens, and then snaps closed again.
"Is it Hobie?"
When his band is finished, Hobie slings his guitar over his back and scans the room for her. Usually, she'd be sitting near by, listening, smiling and waving, encouraging him with just her presence, but she slipped away near the beginning of their set.
Where did she go? She's been so weird lately...
She's nowhere inside, so Hobie makes his way up to the roof, nodding and giving hand-shakes to anyone acknowledging him on his way up.
Hobie takes a deep breath. The air is crisp and cold up here. He spots her, to the right, through the crowd. Her colorful hair makes her easy to spot anywhere, even in crowds like this, where blonde or brown hair is the minority.
He approaches and stretches out his arm to grab her, but he catches his name, and stops to listen. Maybe she'll say something he can tease her about later.
"Is it Hobie?" Amelia, Y/N's best friend, asks. Hobie is confused by the look on her face. Brow furrowed, lips turned down... what's he done to upset them now?
Y/N nods. "Well it's... it's not Hobie, really. It's my fault. I keep thinking he'll figure it out, right? Like, I am pretty obvious about it, aren't I?"
Amelia reaches over, and though Hobie can only see the back of Y/N, it's pretty obvious Amelia is wiping away a tear.
He tries to remember if he ever saw Y/N cry before... he really doesn't think he has. She's a woman of few words, and even fewer emotions. What's got her so upset now? What's it got to do with him?
"There's no point, though. He doesn't like me. It's just hard, being around him so much."
Amelia pulls her friend into her arms, and Hobie feels sick to his stomach. Is that what this is about? Was Y/N's flirting not a joke, after all? He'd just assumed... it didn't seem like she was interested in a relationship with anyone, so he hadn't bothered her about it.
Suddenly, Hobie feels like he's intruding on something really private. Amelia lets Y/N go, and he has to choose quickly - retreat, or interject himself into their conversation?
"Hobie!" His choice is taken from him as, finally, Amelia notices he's there. She glances at him, and back at Y/N, panic on her face. "Great set!"
Hobie tucks his hands into his hoodie and strolls over, trying to remain as casual as he always appears. "Not like you two would know, up here chatting."
He throws his arm around Y/N, pulling her close, pretending he can't tell that her nose is red and her cheeks are a little wet.
"Needed some air," she says with a small shrug and a smile. Hobie isn't one for grand gestures, but seeing the tears on her cheeks and knowing they're kind of his fault, it makes him want to shout how he feels in front of everyone, right there. He could stand up on this ledge here and shout it. Confess that he's been in love with her since the moment they met.
But Y/N would hate that, and he kind of hates it too.
Amelia makes an excuse about getting everyone a drink, and slinks away, leaving Hobie and Y/N alone.
Hobie takes a deep breath, and opens his mouth to speak.
Shit shit shit, I curse myself. Why was I crying? Why am I still crying? Hobie removes his arm from around my shoulders, and I quickly wipe my eyes with the sleeve of my sweater, hoping it isn't too obvious.
I know it is, though. Maybe Hobie will be polite and just ignore it. Not ask.
"I gotta tell you a secret," he says, leaning against the brick ledge, crossing one foot over the other. He tilts his head over, his hair flopping, and smiles.
"Okay," I reply, crossing my arms to stop myself from reaching out to adjust his studded necklace, which is just a little cock-eyed. I need to start keeping my hands to myself.
"I've got a big crush," Hobie says, his words running together in that way they sometimes do, causing a few second delay between them coming out of his mouth and me grasping their meaning.
It feels like a vice is starting to close around my heart, and a great lump rises up in my throat. The corner of my eyes start to sting. I look away, squinting into the distance. "Oh?"
Hobie rushes forward suddenly, grabbing both of my upper arms in his large hands. "Oh fuck, Y/N! It's you. Don't cry. It's you I've got that crush on."
I turn back to him, my jaw slack, and the tears don't know whether to halt or rush forth like never before.
"Oh yeah, for a while now. Thought you were just joking, y'know, teasing, all those times you said that stuff. About me being cute and all. So I didn't tell you. But, I'm telling you now. I have a giant, proper crush on you. Want you to be my girl."
He's still gripping my arms so tightly, and he's staring intently into my eyes. My chest is heaving up and down, and just one or two tears escape, falling down my cheeks.
Before I can wipe them away, Hobie cups my face in his hand, and uses his thumb to brush the tears from my skin.
"No more crying now," he says with a tsk, tsk.
"Kiss me then," I reply, my voice quiet and breathy, as he has truly just taken it away.
The corner of his mouth turns up in a very signature Hobie smirk. "With pleasure," he says, and brings his mouth to mine.
I have been kissed before. Some have been good, some have been bad, and some have been downright sinfully excellent.
None of them compare to this. The soft warmth of his lips mixed with the cool sting of his lip piercing. One of his large hands holding the back of my head so I can't escape, as if I would want to, and the other tracing over my shoulder, down my arm, and finally around my waist. He pulls me firmly to him, my chest pressing against his, and I wrap my arms around his neck, holding on as if I may truly fall off this building if I let go.
I lose myself in it. Months of pent up sadness, frustration, anger and love are released. I sigh into his mouth, and I feel his lips curl up into a satisfied smile.
He pulls away for just a moment to look down at me, and we grin at each other, ear to ear.
"Wow," I say.
"Let's go back to mine. I'll show you wow."
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antianakin · 1 year
I don’t know if you’re actually watching the Ahsoka series or not, but I was very curious on your thoughts on the newest episode, and the confrontation between Anakin and Ahsoka.
Bro traumatized her again. Lol. 😒🙃
I’m actually kind of satisfied that she showed a little resentment, but I still don’t like that she didn’t cuss him out or something.
Anakin not apologizing is infuriating at first glance, but I also think it fits his character.
It’s funny, if I think about it in a certain way: I wonder if Anakin himself views his “redemption” kind of the same way his fans do. He’s just like, “Why are you still pissed at me? I died stopping the Emperor, didn’t I?” 🙄
The only one I think he’d actually feel sad about is Leia, because of course he’d want his daughter to like him, but she never will now, because he fucking tortured her and blew up her planet.
You know… I don’t really view Anakin’s final moments as a true “redemption” in the eyes of the galaxy. George Lucas has a quote where he says parents are redeemed in the eyes of their children. I guess you could argue that Anakin redeemed himself in Luke’s eyes, but not the galaxy’s own.
And then there’s Leia, who will never forgive him or think of him as her father.
In a way, it’s almost fitting for Anakin, that each of his children represent something for him.
Luke represents forgiveness, and how it’s never too late to do the right thing.
Leia represents his mistakes and sins. As long as she lives, he’ll always look at her and remember the damage he’s done. She’d never let him forget it.
Which is funny, when going back to the recent Ahsoka episode, and how he was acting like a dick to Ahsoka.
Personally, I think he was purposely trying to piss her off to make her fight to not die.
Still though: he’s such a jackass. 😒
Anyways, I guess my main point is that I don’t view Anakin being a Force Ghost shows that he was “redeemed.” I view it more as a type of salvation. Like the Bible story where Jesus is on the cross with two other men next to him. And then one man decides to “believe in him” or whatever, and his soul is saved by the skin of his teeth.
This is kind of how I view Anakin’s act of saving Luke. His soul was saved, because he did a heel face turn at the last second. So The Force was like, “Good enough, I guess.” *Throws up hands*
Anyways, sorry for the long rambling. I hope you don’t mind the message. Haha. 😅 I just have found your blog really therapeutic, because while I like Anakin as the fascinating character that he is, it still just kills me how fandom woobifies him and blames the Jedi for their own genocide.
I don't mind this message at all, thanks so much for sending so many of your thoughts, this was great! It's going to be a long reply back, though, since there's so much to respond to and if you've been going through my blog, this probably won't surprise you.
I AM watching the Ahsoka show, I'm just putting my thoughts about it on a different blog to this one (this blog was created for me to be negative so I usually only review things on here if I KNOW I'm going to be negative about it, but I was hopeful I'd have positive things to say about the Ahsoka show lol).
I think I'm feeling RELATIVELY mediocre about the show. Like I don't hate the whole thing, I can see why it appeals to people, but it's not really hitting at what I would've wanted from a narrative perspective. It seems to be relying on fan service and pretty visuals rather than genuinely good writing to get them through. If you happen to be the fan being serviced, you probably like it fine. But if you are someone more like me, then you might be noticing that there aren't a lot of stakes, the character motivations are weak or missing, the two storylines aren't being spliced together very well, and the dialogue's just not that great. There's also several more nitpicky things that are really pissing me off about the show (the way they're treating Force sensitivity, Sabine being a Jedi at all for no good reason and how her character is being butchered, the very distant and aloof acting I feel like we're getting from everybody, and of course the requisite anti-Jedi bullshit that we can all expect from Filoni at this point).
But as for how I felt about Anakin and Ahsoka's scenes in the latest episode this week, I am personally of the opinion that it WASN'T Anakin at all. I know it's left ambiguous, so if people feel like it was truly Anakin in some way shape or form, that's fine, but I think it makes more sense to me personally that it wasn't. This is Ahsoka's manifestation of Anakin in a moment where she's literally drowning and emotionally at something of a low point and has to decide if she's going to live or not and that conflict plays out in her head the way we see it. I'm also open to the idea that this is one of those things where the Force "tests" the Jedi not unlike what we see happen on Ilum and Mortis and the Force is just utilizing Anakin's visage to bring Ahsoka's deepest fears out into the open.
What makes it interesting to me is that then we can look at the interactions as THIS IS HOW AHSOKA SEES HIM. Whether she thinks about it that deeply or not, THIS personality is how she remembers him. The immediate choice to be violent with her and test her fighting skills rather than talk to her more gently, the dismissive attitude he has towards her, the flickering back and forth between Anakin and Vader because she doesn't truly know which one he was most. He wasn't necessarily a great teacher and his way of teaching wasn't very Jedi-like, it's ruthless and merciless and unkind, and we see that reflected in their interactions in this episode, which could be a really interesting look at how Ahsoka still remembers him even if she didn't see it negatively at the time.
So him not apologizing isn't like... an indication of how Anakin might actually handle this interaction if it were truly him so much as just... Ahsoka being unsure sure if he WOULD apologize because she has no idea how much of him was Vader the entire time and Vader would clearly never apologize. I think the Anakin we see by the end of ROTJ probably would apologize at SOME point, especially if we're supposed to see him as redeemed and acknowledging/accepting of his sins, etc. But Ahsoka doesn't know that. Ahsoka probably kind-of knows through Luke that he turned back in his last moments, but she wasn't there for that, she didn't get to see it, and she obviously still has no idea what caused him to turn on the Jedi and become a Sith to begin with. Why did he come back for Luke and not her? Was it because she abandoned him? Did he just not care about her the way she thought? Was there something intrinsically wrong with her that he recognized from the beginning?
There's just too much uncertainty perhaps for Ahsoka to know if he'd actually apologize and she doesn't even necessarily need or want an apology so much as she just wants to UNDERSTAND. Because of course it leads into her doubts about HERSELF and whether being his apprentice (even for as short of a time as it was) has somehow influenced her to be more like him and if she should be worried that she'll go dark or cause a student of hers to go dark. If she doesn't know why HE made that choice, how can she trust herself? It's not entirely dissimilar to the statement she made at the end of the Wrong Jedi arc where she claims she's leaving the Jedi because if the Council couldn't trust her then she isn't sure she can trust herself, either. And now with Anakin going dark, she has to wonder if the Council saw something of that in her when no one else did, saw a future for her that she hadn't been able to see for herself yet.
I think personally I'd just rather look at this episode as the closest we're going to get to a "deep dive" into Ahsoka's psyche and character rather than try to analyze it as like "what does this say about Anakin." It's not Anakin's story anymore, it's Ahsoka's. Or it's supposed to be, anyway.
That all being said, I don't think it went far enough and I do dislike that we didn't get to dive into OTHER aspects of Ahsoka via other relationships in order to round out who she actually is. I don't think we know any more about her at the end of the episode than we did at the beginning. I don't think she really grows or changes through the episode at all. I don't know what the whole "choose to live" thing was about or how it connects to her overall arc because while, yes, she's obviously literally drowning in the moment, "choosing to live" is not something they've been exploring as an issue for Ahsoka throughout this season so far, so it didn't feel like this cool end to her character journey so much as just a really shallow one-liner made to sound badass without anything particularly profound behind it.
I think gffa said that one of the things you can tell about this show is that it's been percolating in Filoni's mind for so long that there's things he's leaving out because they're just totally obvious to him now and he's forgotten that the audience won't know some of it without being told or shown. If Ahsoka was depressed or suicidal or something like that, it never came across in the first four episodes. She barely seems to be struggling at all to me, personally. So maybe that's what Filoni wanted us to understand about her, maybe that was the intention, but it just didn't quite make it from his head into the writing or onto the screen.
And I keep going back to the Obi-Wan Kenobi show and the way they handled his character arc. They started him at a really low point where he's so CLEARLY depressed and just moving through life without actually living or finding any way to be happy. They spend so much time showing us how OUT of character Obi-Wan is in order for the pay off by the end and the slow growth of his character throughout the six episode story to feel satisfying. And while he's out of character in his depression, it's done in such a way that that's the POINT. We all know WHY he's out of character, we know what's causing him to be that way, it doesn't need to be explained because it didn't happen off-screen, it's literally the plot of an entire trilogy of films. It felt like a pretty natural extension of the state we last saw him in and it allows him the ability to actually have a journey that makes sense.
We've gotten NONE OF THAT for Ahsoka. Her relationship with Sabine is nonsensical and comes out of nowhere with zero explanation. Her weird thing about Padawans comes out of nowhere with zero explanation. Her aloof attitude is coming out of nowhere and does nothing to help us understand the state of mind she's in. She never seems to be acting SO out of character that it tells the audience how much she's struggling, but she's also SO flat that she no longer feels much like the Ahsoka everyone knew and loved from The Clone Wars. They're inventing new problems for her to have that make no sense instead of giving her a journey to actually deal with the problems she already had and hadn't gotten any resolution for. And they're unable to actually connect her problems from before into the Rebels storyline in a way that makes any real sense or feels genuine and meaningful for either Ahsoka or Sabine, so both storylines are getting half-assed and butchered in the attempt.
Personally, I think Ahsoka should've had a season set closer to ROTJ or even before it, just after she gets off of Malachor and 2-3 years prior to ANH, to explore her immediate reaction to Anakin's betrayal and have her overcome that on her own. Use original characters primarily, throw in Bail Organa or something if needed just to give her a quick plot, but let it be about AHSOKA. And only once her journey to finding herself is complete do we then move on to the Search for Ezra, which should be focusing WAY more on the Rebels characters than we're actually getting and should not involve any of the Rebels characters (except maybe Jacen) learning to be Jedi. Ahsoka would be a side character in this story because she has now had her story told and we can let Sabine and Ezra and Jacen and Hera be at the forefront of the story. (I also think we could've done something with Sabine that wasn't being a Jedi or her entire family being murdered off screen so she has an excuse to do a characterization 180 and act like a bratty teenager all over again.)
If I had to just change THIS episode a little, I have a few alternatives I've been thinking about. For one, I do just think we should've gotten to explore OTHER relationships beyond Anakin to emphasize the other things that Ahsoka is that aren't just "Anakin's Padawan." Rex, Barriss, Plo Koon, even Kanan or Ezra to try to make that connection to Rebels. She's been a friend, a commander, a rebel, a student, a mentor, an ally, a Jedi. She's been so many things that have nothing at all to do with Anakin and I think that might've been nice to explore as well. Yes, Anakin was important. Yes, she's fucked up about it. But that's not ALL THAT SHE IS. So I think starting off with her fears about Anakin is great, but then have her move on and sort-of go through it a little like Charles Dickens' A Christmas Story to show that she's more than this, too. This probably would've worked better if it had been a two parter thing rather than one 30-40 minute episode, depending on how many characters you wanted to throw in.
I also would've appreciated seeing her break and shatter at seeing Anakin. I wanted her to be ANGRY, to refuse to forgive him, to throw his betrayal in face. And then by the end of the episode, she lets it go. She's seen that she doesn't need to hold onto that anymore and it doesn't matter what choices Anakin did or didn't make, she's her own person and can make HER own choices. And so Anakin comes back at the end, and she's no longer angry. She can forgive him. I also would've wanted her to have been more snappy and frustrated and angry earlier in the season, as well, so we can TELL there's something simmering underneath that she's trying to keep repressed until it finally boils over in this episode.
The other alternative I came up with was the OPPOSITE idea where Ahsoka is basically just kind-of... in denial about it. She isn't acknowledging her own anger and pain and betrayal at all and she just wants to spend this time with Anakin the way they used to and Anakin is sitting there provoking her and trying to get her to break so she can let it all out. Eventually he gets her to admit it and get angry and yell at him and acknowledge her own pain finally so she can see how it's impacting her relationships in the present day. She's been trying up until now, but as Yoda's always said, sometimes trying isn't enough, and you just have to do or do not. She doesn't reject him at the end of this, but she can at least acknowledge what he did to her and how it's made her feel. You could even include some of her anti-Jedi bullshit in this and have her justifying Anakin's betrayal by saying the Jedi failed him the way they failed her and Anakin pushing back on that idea so that by the end of the episode, she can recognize that she's been blaming the Jedi because she's been uncomfortable with her inability to understand Anakin's choices and it was easier to blame the Jedi than live with that uncertainty.
I've discussed my feelings on Anakin's redemption a lot and they're definitely not in the majority. Personally, I just don't think he's redeemed at all. My definition of redemption is along the lines of "you can fix/undo the thing you broke/damaged" rather than just... "you decided to stop breaking things even if there's no way to fix it." It doesn't mean Anakin can't keep being a better person if he'd lived, or that he can't find redemption in more specific places (like Luke forgiving him for chopping off his hand), but that there is no redemption for what he did to the Jedi, to the clones, and to the galaxy at large. None. It doesn't matter what he does, it doesn't matter that he stopped himself and Palpatine, it doesn't MATTER. The Jedi and the Republic are still gone, the clones were still enslaved, the galaxy is still in shambles and traumatized from 25 years under the Empire.
You aren't the only one who's chosen to separate your definition of "redemption" from something else to make it make more sense. Someone else went for redemption being different from an absolution wherein you are just immediately forgiven of all of your sins because of one act or whatever, while redemption is the process of doing better. If that works for you, go for it. Personally, I just think Anakin isn't redeemed. He cheat coded his way into being a Ghost and the Ghosts don't make any sense anyway. I think it's definitely intended to represent his redemption IN THE NARRATIVE, like that's the point of the visual, but it just doesn't work for me, so I choose not to see it that way. It's ambiguous enough and the Force Ghost lore confusing enough that it's not that hard.
Your interpretation of Luke and Leia as the two sides of forgiveness is intriguing. I do think Leia could get to the point of forgiveness that basically looks like letting go of her anger because the man's dead anyway so there's no real point staying angry and understanding the history that may have led him to become the monster she knew, but that doesn't mean she has to LIKE him or ever consider him a father.
I think you could kind-of throw Ahsoka and Obi-Wan in there as different reactions to Anakin, too. With Ahsoka as someone who sort-of clings to who Anakin used to be and can't truly reconcile the two versions of him that she knew, and Obi-Wan as someone who rises above. Unlike Leia, he did know and love Anakin, but he is also able to let go of his anger and betrayal and accept Anakin for what he is now rather than pining for someone who no longer exists. And Ahsoka is the opposite of Luke as someone who also knew Anakin and loved him, but struggles a lot MORE with the revelation of who he was and his impact on her life. Everyone approaches Anakin and his relationship to them and his choices in a different way.
I wish the Ahsoka show wanted to explore any of that at all lol.
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ssadumba55 · 1 year
Dating Dr. Facilier Would Include
Request: Could we pls have some dating headcanons with Dr. Facilier from Princess and the Frog pls? Thank you🙏
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The two of you probably meet at some point due to your interest in his voodoo magic. Maybe you're just curious to see if the rumours are true or maybe you went there looking for trouble, either way it found you
He was intrigued by you the moment you stepped foot into the little rundown spot he ran his shady businesss
It's not the first or last time you make the visit, and at some point you have to wonder if you're going for the magic or the man behind it
It's dark magic, the kind your parents might have warned you about messing around with, so you don't mention it to anyone else you're close to but they notice the way you change.
The bags underneath your eyes, your snappy behaviour, dark magic sucks a little from you the more you do it and despite the fact that he's a conman he does feel a little inkling of remorse
He knows better than anyone what voodoo magic does to a person
At some point, when you drag yourself back to him, he just refuses to do it anymore
That's around the time the two of you start realizing you have feelings for each other. He takes care of you, helps you get back on your feet and in return you offer to help him find a way out of his sticky situation he's gotten himself into, practically enslaved by his 'friends on the other side'.
It's not a conventional relationship by any means
There isn't a lot of hand holding or PDA but there is cuddling, he definitely is a cuddler and the two of you spend hours just doing that
He will do anything for you, literally anything, even if it means digging himself into a darker hole with the magic he's using. He will not stand to see you suffer in anyway if he can do anything about it
He can't cook so if you can, he will appreciate and praise it constantly, even if your cooking skills aren't as great as you'd like them
He seems like the kind of guy who would grab random trinkets for you because they made him think of you
And don't get me wrong, your relationship isn't all good
Other people definitely judge you, they don't understand how you got tied up with him
He often feels like he's just a burden to you, you have to remind him you stick with him because you love him
He's definitely going to keep you away from any of that voodoo stuff now that he can protect you from it
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newtthetranswriter · 1 year
Please may I have a Fairy tail headcanon of Gray Fullbuster with a female S/O who has Edward Elric's abilities from Fullmetal alchemist. S/O joined Fairy tail when she was a young child not long after Gray did..S/Os unlimited abilities meant that she can basically create anything that she can put her mind too..she isn't nicknamed the metal mage for nothing. She isn't proud of what she had done back then..she earned those abilities to be a metal alchemist at a consequence of trying to revive her late mother..she was damn lucky that she didn't lose her body parts..she is a independent young woman in Fairy tail and a member of Team Natsu.
So, I've never done headcanons before, but I'll give it a go, hope you enjoy these. I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for, but I did my best, if you enjoy please feel free to let me now and don't be afraid to send ion more requests. Anyway Enjoy and have a good day/night. MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT
Alchemy isn't an exact science, things can go wrong, and that's what happened when you tried to bring back your mom.
Unlike past Alchemists who had tried to bring people back from the dead you were lucky, you saw the truths of the world but managed to hang on to all of your limbs.
With the knowledge of the universe giving you a major boost in your magic at such a young age, you needed to join a guild to help control and grow this power.
At the age of 8 you wondered into the guild hall of non-other than Fairy Tail, a legendary guild full of powerful mages.
You were welcomed with open arms by nearly everyone there except one kid who couldn't keep his clothes on, when you first meet Gray, he was cold to you, not to say you were really any better having just lost your mother for a second time.
As time passed you grew stronger and more confident in your abilities to manipulate the chemical structure of items and shift them into new things. You primarily specialized in turning things to metal to create more useful weapons.
Master Makarov saw your potential and by the age of 17 you had become an S class wizard known as the Metal Mage.
Along with growing your power the tension between you and gray only got worse, almost like him and Natsu's fighting but with a little more flirting
like I see you guys sitting at the guild hall ignoring each other until he pops off with something stupid about being better a making things with his magic and you just use your magic to make something to hit him with using the table and yell at him about covering his abs because in typical gray fashion he's probably in his boxers.
At first no one notices the more flirty comments until one of you calls the other handsome/beautiful directly making the other blush
Being as stubborn as you are you try to deny it for the longest time and so does he
Now if we add on the being a part of team Natsu, it gets more hectic
I'm talking Happy teasing you, Natsu trying to tease you but ultimately ending up fighting Gray for something he says, Wendy is just confused, Lucy and Erza think its kind of cute that the two stubborn mages wont admit their feelings, and then there is Carla who just thinks everyone involved is dumb
And when you guys finally get together i don't think a lot would change
like yeah you guys don't fight as much or the comments aren't as pointed but there is still playful bickering between the two of you
I just feel that Gray is the type to show affection by being sarcastic
also spend a lot of time just hanging out show off your magic to each other and getting ideas from each other
When you get together Happy still makes stupid jokes, Natsu still tries to tease you guys but fails, Lucy, Erza and now Wendy are secretly planning your wedding as soon as it announced you're dating, and Carla is happy for you two.
Now on to some other aspects of the relationship,
If you are having a bad day because of something reminding you of your past Gray will 100% understand, and try to help you calm down
He knows how hard it is to have a difficult childhood and lose your family so he's going to try to make it better
he may not be able to bring your mom back but he can try not to fight Natsu as much and stay close to you for support.
and vice versa, if he's having a hard time with let's say Juvia being annoying, You would be there to try and be a buffer, or if she doesn't take the hint just telling her off.
Overall I see Gray and you being very close and comforting when its just the two of you, but if you're with the rest of the guild or on a mission you know how to be respectful of everyone around you.
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catpop2 · 1 year
So uh... Earthspark Au idea
So you know how occasionally Starscream and Bumblebee somehow get paired together and goofy shenanigans insue? Like in IDW for example- Well take that but add some more shit to it- Like a lot more hand wavy magic shit to it.
Anyways spoilers for Earthspark Season 1, the whole thing. And also uh brain fart moment right here so its very rambly but I wanna try and get the main point across. I will elaborate it people are intrested tho.
Well I had a goofy au idea brainfart moment where after the events of season 1, the autobots and decepticons have to somewhat colaborate which each other to survive on earth. From finnaly freeing every captured Decepticon in the form of a transaction to get Starscream and his remaining seekers do an extended sweep over the entire earth in order to comfirm Dr Meridians death because oh boy his body mysteriously disapeared (And because Seekers aint called seekers for nothin, they hella good at tracking down anything that exists)
Other scheningans insue because Megatron wants to reconnect with his Decepticons and beocme friends with everyone- But like none of them are really having it, in fact the main motivator for any con is that they want to protect their new generation, the terrans, therefore they wont try and obliterate the autobots at every moment. This is specifically true for Starscream who literally cant exist in the same room as Megatron but gets absolutely swarmed by terrans the moment he is near them, most notoriously Hashtag and Twitch but mostly Hashtag.
And then there is Bumblebee, the mentor of the maltobots who will do anything to keep them safe- But not much can be done when your protégés are pestering the most dangerous Decepticon to ever Decepticon (Aside from Megs but he dont count anymore) So he has to just sit there and tolerate it-
Eventually though trouble arises once more and the maltobots have to fight for the freedom of their kind, now joined not only by the autobots but occasionally even a Decepticon or two whenever their expertise come into play, but the cons aren't doing it for the Autobots thats for sure.
Bumblebee is always with the terrans whenever he can be, but the five are more grown as each day passes, and far harder to keep an eye on, especially since the concept of war has been properly introduced to them. So when Starscream is there to provide intelligence or sneak stolen gadgets to Hashtag and Nightshade, Bee has to appreciate the weight the seeker unintentionally takes off his back. Afterall Starscream may be extremely dangerous, cunning and deceitful- But it certainly does wonders for him to be near sparklings.
Where the au comes into real play is when the threat of Dr Meridian resurfaces much to everyones dismay (Like pee paw willy over again).
The terrans and the kids are locked in tight combat, trapped in a very dangeorus and likley fatal situation of which they havent quite grasped the severity of. This time they dont seem to have the grace of Quintus Prime at their side as things look really grim, their only proper cybertronian assitance comes in the form of Bumblebee and Starscream who are forced to hold off the threat together the best they can before help can arrive. While the terrans do a great job of fighting alongside them as they have proved themselves plenty of times- It doesn't seem to be enough. All of them are left tattered, injuried and worse for wear- Particularly their two cybertronian gaurdians who had just taken on a fatal blow to protect them.
Quintus Prime, unlike the Maltos thought before, was with them, he watched them. He hoped, but there was little he could do, it was not like before...
But... There was a call, a plee. A promise of service. Not from the humans or the terrans. No...
Something else entirely- A presence akin to Primus itself- A spark, reaching out to him. Promising to protect.
Ah yes. The cybertronians. One of them had not yet given up yet, despite the fact he no long had functional limbs nor wings- It was present, nearby somewhere was also another presence, but so much weaker, so fragile and quickly fading.
No.. That couldn't work could it? They were already established sparks, born from the allspark directly-
Perhaps that could work.. Perhaps the Emberstone had a little extra light to give.
And so, from the rubble- Right as the enemy intends to strike another blow, two new protectors rise- And two new presences began to circulate between the thoughts and feelings of the Maltos.
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dtmsrpfcringe · 1 month
You really are a dumb fuck, aren't you? You repeated exactly what I said, then told me I was wrong for saying what you parroted back to me. Living in your brain must be fucking insufferable.
Your own words were that they did not know each other ten years ago. Incorrect.
They have both said that they have known each other socially (i.e., friends) since 2001. They did not become close until they were in Good Omens. Yes, that is what I said. That's what you agreed to after I corrected your initial false statement. My god, little wonder you think this blog is a good idea when these are your thought processes.
Nothing else you said makes the slightest bit of sense. I can't even decipher the point of that word salad, and I am a teacher. Why would Michael use the names of the characters when he is talking about the show that the characters are in? What? You are reaching so hard that it is comical.
You are a class act making jokes about a congenital defect that kills newborn infants. Is that the kind of thing the mother of a newborn infant who claims to be a nurse would do? We have established that you are lying about both of those things. You are just an awful person. When it comes down to the real point of this blog, you don't care about the greater good of the fandom. You only want attention. You are shouting about a tiny corner of Tumblr that draws no attention to itself. You bring attention to it. You make it loud. Even when it disappears, you keep bringing it back. What's the real point here? You want attention for yourself. You want to be the hero in a war that doesn't exist.
Maybe you don't ship the hairband. Maybe you just have bad taste in music? I don't care. Either way, you have no place calling out anyone when you support those losers. They are the epitome of the scum of society. Actual misogynists. One of them even murdered someone while driving drunk. That is just the tip of the iceberg. But someone no one knows said something mean about Georgia Tennant on Tumblr? Someone suggests that two men who keep talking about having sex and being in love might be in love. Better clutch your pearls over that! Pathetic.
bae that isn’t what you said. You said they’ve been friends for almost 25 years. Do you write things and just fucking forget them? Or can you just not stop lying?
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I can’t imagine being a teacher and just constantly being so goddamn wrong, I bet your students can’t stand you.
also saying you don’t have a brain isn’t making fun of a congenital defect babe. I’m neither lying about being a mom or healthcare professional. Most people I talk to pretty regularly here have seen my baby, and it would be pretty hard work to have an entire baby to…fake being a mom??? I’m not going to put my baby’s face on here to prove to someone like you that she’s real, and frankly I think it’s a little strange you wanna see that bad babe. Like? Your obsession with an internet stranger’s newborn (i guess infant now omfg) is kinda creepy.
As for my health certification, you don’t know shit actually. I busted my ass in high school to be licensed because of the people who helped me as a kid. Also I’m not a nurse😉 you are right about that. There’s more to healthcare than your RN and MDs lol. You seem like you’d yell at underpaid healthcare workers in the worst way possible.
you obviously did understand, but didn’t want to lick your wounds and slink into the corner.
btw this group absolutely does draw attention to yourself. I found these people by looking for cute Georgia and Anna stuff and finding hate and misogyny spread about them. As for Motley Crue, I hardly listen to them anymore, if literally ever. I haven’t posted anything about them in over a year and that is why I removed 2000 of my followers on instagram and made it private to have a personal acc. I just never bothered changing the username lol. So try again I guess.
Anyways here’s my daily reminder to you that David and Michael would be disgusted with you. Hope you have the day you deserve!
Keep sending these I think we’re falling in love boo🚨🔵🚨🔵
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Skip and Loafer Episode 8: Hot and Complications
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Well, another Skip and Loafer episode, another day of talking about a hell of a lot of stuff. A cute zoo trip plus a dramatic glimpse into the past that overlaps with a sleepover for the girls? There's certainly lots going on, and the episode takes advantage of that to fill it to the brim with information.
The thing freshest on my mind is probably the most surprising piece: Nao-chan and Mika. An unlikely duo for sure, but I love how it's approached. They both share similar experiences in regards to isolation and putting forth intense effort to fit in and be accepted, but were/are limited by themselves and because of that end up isolated and alone. It's a really really outstanding piece that the pair share, and I love how Nao-chan's able to look back on their experiences growing up, and despite how different they are to Mika's, sympathize with her and give her the words and confidence that she needs in those key moments. This clip of the pair of them summarizes it really well.
Anyways, back to Mika for some more. You really get a good idea of just how observant and knowledgeable she is as a character through episodes like this. She thinks about almost everything possible and finds the perfect way to act and respond, and she internalizes a great deal of what other people say. Case and point was her inner thoughts after hearing Murashige's story about middle school. The first thing to pop into her mind was why Murashige's experience was like that, and she uses that to belittle herself.
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It's just such a great piece. She's having a sleepover with her friends, who invited her, and all she's able to feel is isolation and guilt in regards to her self. And it works in perfect opposition to the outspoken Mika. There's two facets to her personality, and they remain at odds with each other. She might think little of herself, but she's also the kind of girl that will stake out her friends trip to the zoo with a guy. Now sure, there might be a little in there because she's in love with Shima and wants to take over Mitsumi's role, but that doesn't get in the way of her supporting her friend, and I think that's a great example of just how disparate Mika's image of herself is to who she really is, and does wonders to continue using Mika as a vehicle for showing viewers how damaging and heavy the weight is of expectations that are placed on young girls in society.
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If viewers thought Egashira was abrasive when we were first introduced to them, Ririka really is on another level. Her character does great at getting people to hate them right away, but there is more to it than that. I wouldn't go as far as saying it's "good" pieces that lurk, but there's certainly more than meets the eye.
The very first thing you pick up on is that Ririka and Shima have a set amount of space between them. No matter what, while they're walking Ririka is always comfortably ahead of Shima, and the episode tries really hard to make viewers cognizant of that space.
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So, what's the point? Well, if the conversation didn't make it clear enough, Ririka and Shima aren't exactly getting on like a house on fire. There's a palpable distance and apathy between the pair that permeates their interactions. To put it into words, it's the gaps between their lives. Ririka has moved on and is back into show business, while Shima has given up that life. The pair are for all intents and purposes, completely apart from one another. But there's one little thing that makes it interesting, and that's when Ririka looks back at Shima.
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Sure, a simple smile or softer face isn't really anything crazy, but compare it with the scenes of her looking straight ahead. She's deadpan.
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So, she's only happy when looking at Shima, and only looking back at him for that matter. I think most can see where I'm going so I'll cut to the chase. She misses the old Shima, the one that stood side by side with her and held her hand. The Shima that she was friends with and spent time together with, the one that only warmed up to her.
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It makes for a really great character. She uses that controversy over being around alcohol as a younger kid to hold Shima on a leash, and she does it for herself, simply because she doesn't want to lose him. At the end of the day, it makes her a very terrible and shallow person, but as a character it's a great approach and provides a very easy way to get conflicting thoughts in regards to them. All they want is to be beside Shima again, but what they're doing is pushing him further and further away.
Now, there's a whole lot of other stuff in regards to this episode, but I'm going to try and fly through it as quick as possible now.
The direction: I still really love how well they integrate that first person perspective into stuff with Mitsumi and Shima. It really just adds something to their moments that I can't quite put my finger on.
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Something that I can put my finger on though is the layering of the scenes. It's really simple stuff to add another table in front of Mitsumi and Shima or to throw some CG characters in the distance for movement, but it adds so much to the viewer's understanding of the scale and scope of the world. Just a little piece that makes you think, "oh yeah, there's more to this than just Shima and Mitsumi".
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What you can also get from this image is that the sense of space and distance in a lot of cuts in the series is still there. There's plenty of static scenes that characters move through quite well, and it's really nice in adding to that sense of breadth that makes you think about what lies outside of the viewer's perception.
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Alright alright, the last piece I swear. I really loved how the episode showed off the girls having fun with their sleepover, and placed Shima's quiet and lonely night against it. It really does wonders to show how separated Shima is from a truly normal life, and how his friends (namely Mitsumi) and Tsubame West are his bridge towards having experiences like that. Just a really great and simple piece that's really cute while still managing to tell something of importance.
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So yeah, Skip and Loafer continues to knock it out of the park with hit after hit. Incredible work all around to deliver something of this quality. Coming this far, I was really expecting to be betrayed by my own words from early on, but Skip and Loafer really is positioned to become an instant classic Slice of Life/RomCom.
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
Hey Cas ,
So i need some advice about a recent situation and last time I sent to you an ask you gave me wonderful advice.
So my older sister and my parents have never had the best relationship with each other but it seems like they have only gotten worse over time and when I was younger I didn't really see it but as I get older I see how bad it really is,anyway my older sister recently graduated high school and we were going to have a graduation party for her on a Sunday evening. She has never been the most like bubbly person but on the day of her party she was extra mopey and while we were getting the party ready she just kinda wandered around the house and it didn't really bother me but apparently it really bothered my parents and I could tell that it was getting on their nerves.So me and my two younger sisters (6 & 10) are upstairs just chilling in our room when we hear our parents yelling at my older sister and I didn't hear all of it but the gist of it was that she needed to cheer up and show that she appreciates the work we are all putting in to help with the party but they like yelled cuss words at her and she started crying at some point and they told her to get out of their kitchen and get some composure and I'm.not sure when but during therm screaming they told her not to be herself and I think that is terrible and me and my little sisters just kind of listened to it and my 10 yr old sister had to comfort the 6 yr old one while she was crying because I was to shocked. I've heard my parents say some pretty ugly things before but this was worse.
Then three days later on the ride back from the doctors office my dad asked me if I was ever upset about the fact that I'm adopted and I said no because it never really bothers me and he told me that it was okay if I am but it doesn't seem like that's true because of the way they are with my sisters issues with being adopted ( I think it might be abandonment issues) and I'm not sure how to feel about that.
So I also found out that apparently my mom told her friend about it and that makes me upset because it's not her friends business.
Then not only do they do that a few days ago my mom had me help her go through my older sisters room to see how much money my relatives sent her for college and when I tried to sort of hint at the fact that I thought that what she did was wrong by saying that I would be really angry and feel very violated she lectured me about how my older sister doesn't pay the bills and she would never have found out otherwise and she's only doing it because she is interested in my sisters life.
Ok sorry that was longer than I thought it would be but my question is am a bad sister for helping my mom and then not telling her what happened just because I don't want anymore conflict in the house and I think it really scares my younger sisters and I don't want them to have to deal with this but I also don't want to betray my older sister. I'm just feeling very torn because I can't protect everyone.
Thank you so much for your time sorry this is so long
❤, caught in the middle anon
Hi hon!
You are NOT a bad sister. Your mom is being kind of shitty for putting you in this position- SHE is the adult, and she should know better. Like...she shouldn't be encouraging you to go through your sister's things.
Remember, it's not your job to protect everyone. yes, you can be a good sibling and look out for your sisters, but you're not a parent! It's okay to do what is best for you- and if that's keeping the peace then that's fine! You aren't the one causing the problem here, you know? So please don't feel guilty for coping with it the best you can <3
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willowfolksong · 1 year
i think labyrinth suits baji, especially if the reader and baji are enemies
“uh oh, i'm falling in love” part is when theyre both catching feelings for each other but theyre both denying it to themselves because that's just ridiculous as they thought
“oh no, i'm falling in love” the part they realize that they really are in love with one another, but theyre hiding and still denying it but you can sense the pining
“oh, i'm falling in love” is the part where they just give in to their feelings😭😭
SO SORRY I RANTED TOO MUCH 😭😭 i jst had this thought and needed to share it after seeing the lavender haze fic
falling in love, again
Keisuke Baji x Reader
a/n: thank you for your kind words, anon. I wish you could see this. your ask inspired this fic, so thank you so much 🫶🏻. hope you can enjoy it ✨
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It wasn't supposed to end like this.
You didn't even liked him to begin with.
He was scary, loud, and incredibly disrespectful for no apparent reason.
He drops the book on the table and you recoil, anger simmering in your downcast eyes.
'This will only be for a month. Only a month and nothing else', you think to yourself, taking a deep breath and wondering why you said no when you were offered the possibility to move to a more advanced classroom, thanks to your notes.
You wouldn't have to deal with Keisuke Baji then.
"This book is crap and ain't no way I'm gonna read it"
"You have to" you say through gritted teeth "Or you'll fail this subject"
You're not even looking at him, but you know he's shrugging without a care in the world "As if I care"
"Aren't you one year behind already?" you ask him in a mocking tone. You really don't know where you got the courage from, because Keisuke Baji is definitely a guy no one wants to mess with "Do you want to be repeating again?"
He places both hands on the table and leans down, hovering over you like a panther about to jump on its prey.
"You little shit"
"Fine by me, you know?" you finish, and your voice is only a whisper now but you still get up, pick your bag and start walking towards the classroom's door. Never mind your shaking hands "It's not my problem anyway"
He calls your name when you're about to leave, and you only stop because you're genuinely surprised that he knows it.
"Fine, just ..." he sighs, shoulders sagging. Then he points to the book with an angry scoff "Let's just get this thing over"
It wasn't supposed to end like this.
It was going to be just one month, one month to get your teacher out of your back. He was supposed to be your good deal of the year. Nothing more, nothing less.
"Are you freaking kidding me?" he yells, and you quickly silence him by placing a hand over his mouth. His smile tickles your fingers.
"Be quiet!"
"You mean I could've just read the manga version, instead of the whole ass book?"
"No, reading the book is important for the test" you tell him, rolling your eyes. But then he's making a grabbing motion with his hands that actually makes him look like a toddler reaching for his parents, and you have to laugh and hand the manga to him "But I thought you would appreciate seeing the story like this as well"
"Oh, I appreciate it alright" he yells, grimacing when you scold him again, and actually making a quick bowing motion when he turns around to find the librarian glaring daggers at him from the front desk "Yeah, yeah, sorry. I'll keep my mouth shut"
"Good" you nod, grabing your books "I'll leave you to it then"
It's only two days before the test, and you want to do some studying alone in your bedroom, wich translates into frantically pacing back and forth and reading stuff out loud, but he really doesn't need to know that)
He calls your name when you're about to go out the door, and this time, it is you who apologizes to the librarian, who looks absolutely done with the two of you.
"Thanks for this" he smiles, and it's a sharp smile with a hint of fangs that has you blushing and praying he's too far away to notice how quickly the colour spreads from your cheeks to your neck "You ended up being way cooler than what I thought"
It wasn't supposed to end like this.
You were just meant to be the surprisingly cool nerd girl that helps him get a good grade, pass the subject, and then just becomes someone he casually smiles when he bumps you on the hallways.
"Why are you smiling?" he asks, and you smile grows even bigger.
"How do you know I'm smiling? Your eyes are closed"
He shrugs, and you snuggle even closer under the blankets "I just know it"
"I just do. I have a super power"
"You're a dork, that's what you are"
At that he smiles as well, and he even opens one eye to look down at you, with your head on his chest.
"Yeah well, but I'm your dork"
"I guess that is true"
"You chose me, so no backtracking now"
"Wouldn't dream of it" you laugh.
"Yeah, well. Because you wouldn't be getting rid of me that easily anyway"
"Yeah, you're totally stuck with me"
"Oh, I didn't knew you loved me that much" you say in a singsong voice, attempting to make a joke that clearly falls flat when Baji goes silent, and you have to actually look back up to see if he suddenly didn't just fell asleep.
"I mean" he starts, licking his lower lip in that nervous way that reminds you to your first kiss "I do love you"
One second passes.
Then two.
Then you're sitting down slowly and looking at him in bewilderment.
"I was just joking" you tell him, watching him immediately go from relaxed to surprised, then to defensive.
"Well, I'm not. You have a problem with that or what?"
Your mouth falls even more open, if possible.
"I love you and you're just gonna have to deal with that" he finishes, and then gets up in a flurry of blankets, and you just stay still and watch him quietly apologize to your cat for scaring her half to death on his way to angrily put his shirt back on and make a beeline straight for your window. The one he climbs almost every night when you're absolutely sure that your parents are sleeping already.
You only really realize he just confessed his love to you and immediately took off when you hear him start his motorcycle, and then you're running to the window he left carelessly open to shout his name, your parents be damned.
"I love you too!" you yell "So much!"
He flashes you that signature smile that you first saw that faithful afternoon at the library, and then disappears into the night.
You get scolded and grounded the next morning, but you still think it was totally worth it to see his blush right before he put his helmet on.
It wasn't supposed to end like this.
Because now... now you're going to have to spend your whole life getting over him.
You don't go to the funeral. Chifuyu tells you everyone was there. That his mother cried a lot. That a couple of them asked about you. You're only half listening.
Only when he places a hand on your shoulder you look up, to his stormy eyes that must look exactly like yours.
'Breathe in, breathe through. Breathe deep, breathe out'
The box with some of his stuff that his mother sent you stays under your bed until you move out of your parents apartment. You take it with you, because your chest still hurts even then, eight years later.
All because you fell in love.
In the great labyrinth of things that life is, you wonder if it was always meant to be like that.
It's the beginning of the year and you say yes when your teacher asks you about changing classrooms. You're going to miss studying with your friends, but you can still see them at lunch.
It's for the better. This is what's supposed to happen.
You graduate with flying colors. You go to college. The love you feel for the kitty you found starving on a side of the road and that has now become the queen of your bedroom and hogger of all your pillows, compels you to study veterinary science.
Life is good. Everything's like it's supposed to be.
Until one of your teachers asks you a tiny favour.
"You have to" you say, and the guy has the nerve to look all smug. As if he wasn't failing the class "It's the only way you're going to pass"
"Look, you don't have to be a little shit about it" he tells you, and you suddenly want to pick up the book he carelessly dropped on the table and smack him on the head with it "I know what I have to do. I don't need any bossy girl that thinks she's way cooler than she is telling me what to do"
"Okay fine! Whatever! Just do whatever the hell you want!" you yell, because you're 22, running low on caffeine and with a roommate that is going through the worst breakup ever, so you've been staying up all night doing your part in consoling her.
You don't have enough energy for this.
You're almost at the door when you hear him call your name, and a wave of emotions that surges seemingly out of nowhere threatens to topple you over, so you hold onto the door frame before slowly turning to look back at him.
He has apparently opened the book, and it's looking at whatever page he landed in with a furrowed brow.
"Fine" he relents, taking a quick look at you before closing the book back with a little more force than necessary, and plopping down on his chair "Let's just get this over with"
And you have a feeling, right in that moment, that this is exactly how things are supposed to happen.
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This work belongs to my Midnights: Sleepless stories 🕰️ collection, a series of reader insert fics based on the album Midnight, by Taylor Swift, with characters from Haikyuu, Tokyo Revengers and Blue Lock. ✨
You can still send an ask if there's any character you would like to see in any particular song ✨
Last: lavender haze
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lurkingteapot · 10 months
Last Twilight ภาพนายไม่เคยลืม Ep 2
I apologise in advance for inconsistent name romanisations, I TRY to remember what the official ones are for names I've seen but I also watched this without subs so all new names are a guessing game, and the EXISTING ones aren't consistent within the show, so. idk. I had a point. Reaction log!
is that his technical college/vocational school shirt?
"hunger is the best spice!" can I say Y I K E S
oh, she's a chef?
ooof the music when he asked about the dad
that's like. almost twice a foreign high-school teacher's salary.
asdfasdf Night
oh so Night is using Day's caretaker as his personal … idk, help? too? that'll be the source of zero conflict, I'm sure :grimacing:
(I'm going to have to comment of how much I love seeing Mark as a member of the main, not just recurring, cast for at least another two episodes. He'll get a lead role eventually.)
oh that looks like he's likely to run into it and make it spill though
>_> awww little prince + badminton? wonder who made that painting
I'd say don't stick your hand in there but that water looks like it BADLY needs changing/cleaning anyway
oof impressive
kinda weird to wander around the room while Day's asleep, think, but -- asdfadsfasd the PLANT
I really love how we get to see Jimmy just act here. NO speaking, we just get to see Mawk Mhok move in space. I love that
ow Mhok you don't just move people's stuff around without their consent
I love Phawjai (also fuck this she's Phawjai and he's Mawk, or she's Porjai and he's Mork, it's the same fucking vowel what in the romanisation hell)
asdfasdf he's such a LOSER I love him
omg Jimmy's skin ACTUALLY looking like a real person's right now? whoa
hey maybe you could ask Day to open the door for you
Onn … heh
adsfasdfasd they're so silly I love it
I like what they're doing with the eyework in the scenes with Onn and Day
YAY assistive technology
I love that that doesn't even seem to have occurred to Mhok here
and I think Mhok is just getting that Omm is not judging him on his looks
yep here we are
adsfasdf I love that Onn told Mhok
I'd just go, honestly, but I love that Mhok seems to think it's a challenge
oh, that's the little prince audiobook?
the music now that he's dropped the eye drops (hah) is like something out of a horror movie
he's gonna have to call for help
asdfasdfadsf oh Mhok that's gonna come to bite you in the ass, it's not your SHIRT that smells
dfasdfsdfsdfadsf oh dear
Mhok you can't just do that just 'cause he can't see
asdfadsf he Khun Nuu'd him
I TOLD YOU THAT TANK NEEDED CLEANING and also all that knocking must've been stressful af for the fish, just saying
oh that looks good
asdfdsfd the comic timing on "what are you afraid of" here was GOLDEN
horror movies, oh no
well shit
are you telling me they didn't even tell anyone he was in Thailand? what the actual fuck, Day's family
harsh, Day
look this kind of sitch is probably sorta not cool for Mhok
oh fuck poor Phawjai (also: called it)
oop this is gonna backfire so hard
oh shit there it is
oh, there's a part 5 for those horror movies?
BUT Day's down in the living room again, I notice
Phawjai, you absolute star
oh you'll leave the house with HER
Mhok trying to put himself in Day's shoes, huh. not sure if smart or offensive, but at least he's trying, I guess, which is more than we can say for most folks we've seen around Day so far?
Mhok's "fart proudly - stand behind me" shirt is taking me OUT
yeah, that makes sense
Day, wtf, that's so dangerous, I'm sure you've been on a scooter in Bangkok traffic when you could still see! you must know you can't tell for sure there'll be room for you to do that left and right of you!
a friend for the fish, huh, let's hope they don't kill each other
I hate to be this person but how often, exactly, are you supposed to use these eye drops, Day? I mean I guess his eyesight is going anyway, but …
I'm really enjoying the show so far. Solid. P'Aof material is being P'Aof material and I'm really enjoying that.
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myththefangirl · 1 year
After the Flood
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A little chapter I wrote based off this post.
"Ugly business back there, wasn't it?"
His words were easily heard over the crashing waves. Making Aziraphale turn his head toward him, still sitting on his rock. His blue eyes wide for a moment until it dropped to a frown.
"Oh, it's only you."
"I'm a demon." Crawley hissed, a little offended as he stepped toward the rock. "Aren't you meant to be intimidated?"
Aziraphale made a complicated face without a word, and turned away from him. His eyes were trained on the sea before him once more as Crawley took a seat on the far end of his rock. His curly white hair and robes were the same- and had been the same since the second he'd met the angel. Though his demeanor was off- disturbed. But Crawley didn't know what else to say, so he peeled his eyes off the angel and turned to the direction the angel was facing. They were looking out to the sea, and it was a nice sight, actually.
The sun reflected on the sea, waves crashed below them. The wind wasn't strong, but it waved Crawley's long hair. The angel beside him sat up straight, proper as ever. But he personally found the view a little calming, and let himself slouch as he spoke, breaking the silence.
"Quite the view you got here."
"I suppose."
"What made you come all the way out here?" He questioned.
"I couldn't be near the ark." The angel said quietly. "It made me feel guilty."
Well, fuck, angel.
Crawley inhaled sharply. "You said it yourself- that wasn't your decision."
Aziraphale's face twisted in worry as he fumbled with his hands, looking down. "But it was my side. Even if it was the ineffable plan, I couldn't..."
"I know." The words spilled out of Crawley before he could think and stop them. The demon slid across the rock, getting closer, hands gripping the edge of the stone. As if someone might hear them. But other than on a big boat- very far away- there wasn't anyone else in the world. Crawley scrunched up his nose in what he hoped was an amusing manner. "The ark's just smelly anyway. With those humans and all the animals."
The angel chuckled. "Yes-." His head snapped up, then toward him. "Wait, how would you know that?"
"You really think this piece of land has been around since the flood began, angel? I needed someplace to stay."
"You were on the ark?"
"Since it began to rain." He confirmed.
Aziraphale looked more surprised than outraged. "No wonder I smelt something! I should've known it was you. How did you hide so well?"
Crawley snorted. When had the angel gotten closer? "Have you forgotten I'm a serpent?"
"But you're huge. Surely I would've spotted you- or one of the humans."
He pointed to himself. "Demon. Stuff like physics don't apply to me. I could dance on a pin, if I wanted to."
With another chuckle, Aziraphale rolled his eyes. He seemed more amused than anything, now. With only a minor hint of annoyance- it was a win, in Crawley's book. "Well, then, I suppose I'll be sure to look for you and say hello."
"Very angelic of you, angel."
Crawley's endless mocking didn't detour Aziraphale from having a pleasant conversation with him. On the contrary, the angel gave his rebuttals, laughed, and mocked back just the same. Which only peeked Crawley's interest further- an interest he'd held since Aziraphale shielded him from the rain in Eden. Because he knew pretty much everyone was unbearable- but he'd also discovered that Aziraphale was the fun kind to be around.
"You know," Crawley took advantage of the silence. How long had the two of them been sitting on that rock and talking? "You and I aren't so different after all, Aziraphale."
The angel scoffed. "Crawley, ofcourse we are. We're an angel and a demon- complete opposites."
"Eh- not really. We're pretty similar if you think about it. We came from the same stock after all. We're basically coworkers."
"It's nothing like that."
Crawley shrugged. "If you say so.
"Ofcourse I say so!"
"Aziraphale, you don't have to be on guard with me." Crawley turned to him, resting his head on his hand as he spoke. "We've know each other-"
"For only a few centuries."
The demon rolled his yellow slitted eyes. "'M point is, if I was going to do something to you I would've done it by now, wouldn't I?" He said a little briskly before taking a pause. "And anyway, you must like me atleast a little bit. I mean, I'm pretty much the only one on this Earth to talk to."
Even before the flood.
Aziraphale didn't say anything.
"Anyway," Crawley pondered for a second, eyes flicking back to the sun's reflection on the water. "I bet you have tons of friends Up there." The demon couldn't have been the only one to every enjoy his company, after all.
"Actually, I've never... Fit in with the other angels." Aziraphale said slowly.
"You're fucking with me."
"Am not- and do watch your language."
"'M not sorry. But continue."
"There's nothing to continue, Crawley, I'm just stating that I don't have a lot of friends in heaven, that's all." The angel snapped briskly.
As a demon, his first instinct was to snap back, and he would've, had it been anyone else. But he kept quiet instead. He'd struck a cord. Asked a question he shouldn't have. But worst of all- regretted doing so this time.
He knew he'd let the silence linger on for long enough. "If it makes you feel better..." Crawley scowled at himself, though the words spilled out of him before he could stop them. "You're the person I talk to the most these days."
A small smile made it's way onto the angel's face as he faced him again. His voice soft, genuine. "You know, It's not so lonley with you around, Crawley."
"Likewise, angel."
The silence resumed, but this one didn't make the demon anxious. On the contrary, if was peaceful. Just sitting there, watching the wave crash and the remaining birds fly back and forth from island to island.
He hadn't noticed how close he had gotten to the angel, or rather, how close the angel had gotten to him. But he noticed now, and he also noticed how close the sides of their hands were. Even if he wasn't directly touching him, he could feel the angel's warmth. Still looking ahead, Crawley sllid his hand, until it was actually touching Aziraphale's.
He turned, only to catch Aziraphale looking down, his eyes going wide before looking into the demon's again.
"I think I better go." The angel stood up quickly, stumbling, the warmth was ripped away from Crawley.
"Where are you going?" Crawley jumped up after him.
"No!" Aziraphale cried as his wings appeared. "I have to.... To- go."
Aziraphale backed up as the demon took a curious step closer. "Heaven. Assignment."
"Maybe I could help."
"Goodbye Crawley." Aziraphale took off as quickly as he had opened his wings.
Crawley sighed, more confused than anything as he watched the angel in the sky. He grew smaller and smaller in the sky. Until Crawley couldn't see him whatsoever- and he felt so alone again. He let his knees weaken, and fell back to sit down on the rock again. Whispering even though he knew the angel wouldn't hear him.
"Til next time, Angel."
Thought I'd post this here too since it's only like 1200 words. I wasn't planning on writing today, but just like everyone else, I became rabid after I saw that picture. Hoped you liked this chapter, as well as the music that goes with it.
You can also find it (& more) on my Wattpad.
Edit: Here it is on Ao3.
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demonslayedher · 1 year
Nezuko's missing! We've got to go find her, at our local Aeon shopping mall!!
Yeah, it's that time again. Time to go check out another KnY collaboration, this time at a big handful of Aeon shopping malls across Japan. It's a simple two-part game, in which you walk around the mall, find four posters of characters posted in obvious locations to later receive a set of sticky notes, and three slightly less obvious posters with little voice clips of the characters which you can unlock after logging 1000 steps. Nezuko encourages you to be healthy!
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It's really easy to get 1000 steps just going between the different floors to find the posters, though I know the drive behind the collab was to encourage me to download the shopping mall app and wander into stores and buy things. Joke's on you, Aeon, not today! All I bought was lunch!
Also, the app was kind of frustrating. It took a while to figure out where to start logging my steps, because you need to get 1000 steps before you can supposedly login to another page to download a cell phone wallpaper of a basic Nezuko pose with the secret keyword that you need to unlock the three special voice spots, but then the web page asked for my point card info, and I fumbled that and lost the page, and then even though it had my steps counted it wouldn't let me back into the Nezuko campaign, and then while trying to troubleshoot that on the instruction page I saw a blurred image of the screenshot and could make out the secret code anyway, so... anyway!
The first spot was a poster of Muichirou (it seems they had Mitsuri last week instead), saying stuff like, "huh? Aren't you the kid who Tanjiro is looking for?" and the third poster was Tanjiro being like, "You found her! Thank you so much, I've been looking everywhere!" but I never found the second poster. Since only Tanjiro and Muichiro's seiyuu were credited as being featured this week, I have no clue what the second one would had been. A mystery...
Anyway, I went to the food court looking for something quick and stumbled upon a totally separate collab--fried octopus balls!
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Decision made.
And, since they have a different collab menu on different dates and there was only the Tanjiro and Nezuko option for today, decisions doubly made. I could had put it in a take-out box, but naaaah. The take-out box might or might not be used for future in the future for non-takoyaki purposes.
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While trying finish collecting each character from the regional keychain series, I found Himejima and takoyaki about a month ago. Why is he crying about takoyaki, I wondered? Is it because the takoyaki is so good he's moved? Does he find the octopus too cute to eat? Did he burn his tongue? No, I now realize it's because he didn't get to be included on the takoyaki collab.
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Don't worry, Himejima-san. They'll include you on more collabs in the future. There will be plenty more like these ones.
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ingravinoveritas · 2 years
Hiya, I am the anon from a post you reblogged regarding Michael Sheen and his female co-star from Amadeus (her name is Lily btw and she looks like a version of Sarah Silverman). For a total of 4 weeks he was rehearsing in my work building and I saw a few instances between the two. In the last week he was rehearsing on site I saw them lunching together. Both respectively on either side of a table reading their scripts quietly with no interaction. They weren't talking, or looking at each other. Just eating and reading. Towards the end of their lunch together, she got up and gave Michael a big hug whilst he was sitting down. Honestly it looked like she was consoling him. From the moments I have seen of them together I get a sense she really admires him and looks forward to being around him. Although it sounds like a stretch I do also get a sense that she is quite flirtatious. There was an occasion where Michael was sitting at a table and she was sitting on a table leaning toward him (cue imagery of secretary trying to pursue her boss). I do get the impression on his end that he is being careful around her. Perhaps he finds her attractive? Or perhaps he's trying to keep his distance because of his family situation? I also read your observations regarding AL not posting about Christmas and her family coming in from Sweden. Honestly I think they're coming in so that they can look after the kids and give her a break. She probably is exhausted herself because Michael has not been at home. But it definitely appears like he lives an exhausting separate life from them. I mean on NYE and NYD he is doing 3 performances in total. His regime must be sleep, eat, work, repeat and with his kids in tow that leaves little room to breath and have Mum and Dad time. So it makes sense to have trusted family over to look after the kids. On Tuesday I did get to see opening night of Amadeus. Was trying to spot a platinum blonde AL in the audience. I was pretty close to the stage maybe she was towards the back of the theatre. I kinda thought that she would post some kind of praise about Michael having a successful opening night, alas no. Michael and Lily kiss twice, and I could tell who the fans were in the audience because they were gasping when it happened. Or maybe they were gasping because it was uncomfortable to watch. I found it uncomfortable out of pure jealousy than the actual scene itself. He genuinely is a profound performer especially when the performance goes for 2 hours and 50 mins his stamina to be on point is remarkable. Anyway here is my tea. Simply observations. I do wonder if there is some connection between him and Lily. I wonder if she has become his confidante away from his home life while he is in Sydney. I can't imagine he has people to talk to that aren't his family in town so she just might be the respite he needs. Sorry for this being so long. Hope it is of some interest.
Hi, Australian Anon! Yes, I did see and quite enjoyed the message you sent to @problematicwelshman​, and I found it all very interesting, just as I do this. So I appreciate you writing in to share some more info with me! I love that you have this firsthand experience of Michael and have gotten to see him in the weeks leading up to the opening of Amadeus.
I think we’ve always known that Michael takes the weight of any production he is in on his shoulders, and I am sure that is especially the case here, where he is in the leading role. So to then have two small children and AL in tow on top of all that must undoubtedly be exhausting, and as you said, it would make sense for her family to fly in from Sweden to give her a break (at the very least, to attend the official opening night of the play after the previews, which seemed to be last night, rather than on the 27th). 
It’s also fascinating to hear about his interactions with Co-star Lily (who I am going to call such to distinguish her from his daughter Lily). I think we know that Michael has had a tendency to engage in dalliances with his co-stars (Lizzy Caplan and Caitlin Fitzgerald from MoS and Rachel McAdams in particular come to mind. David is a whole other separate case...). And Michael being magnetic and having a level of charm that just naturally draws others to him is not at all surprising, nor is the thought that CS Lily might have become enamored with him.
What’s interesting to me is his deliberateness in being careful around her. I can certainly understand the reason why, with him very publicly being there with his family (by “very publicly” I mean it being mentioned or noted in multiple interviews with the Australian media, all of which felt like deliberate PR). But it seems like just having another woman look his way makes Michael uncomfortable, or possibly afraid that whatever arrangement he and AL have in place will go to hell if he’s even slightly suspected of cheating. If that is the case, I find that a very strange and sad way to live, being in a relationship that seems to be so greatly lacking in any kind of trust.
I had hoped that if AL made a post regarding opening night, it would shed some more light on the strangeness of recent events. But what she posted did not do so, and managed to make things even weirder than before. AL seems to have used opening night to promote herself, as the caption barely mentions Michael (not even by name) or the play, and the pictures are of her posing with the poster of him the way a fan would. There is also not a single picture of them together. (Yet interestingly, they did take a picture when they went to see David’s play Good in October...)
As you said, it seems like Michael and AL are living separate lives together (which I also alluded to in this post) while in Australia. I completely understand the exhaustion of taking care of two little ones while Michael is working and that that is most likely why her family flew in, but the blanks you’ve filled in regarding CS Lily add to an already complicated/strange picture.
Thinking about AL’s caption on Insta, I feel like it was really her trying to seem “deep” and like she knows anything about the play/opera, but in reality, I don’t see her as much of a classical music aficionado, and I have a feeling she found the play boring. You mentioned CS Lily being his confidante while away from home and I could see that, too. AL is his actual girlfriend--not to mention an actress herself (supposedly)--but he apparently needs respite from her and seemingly can’t talk to her about anything, least of all this role and his preparations for this play which has consumed his life for the past month. I one hundred percent believe Michael has been talking to David on WhatsApp or Zoom, but he seems like the kind of person who needs someone to talk to in person as well, to feel their energy and body language in the room with him. It’s very likely, then, that CS Lily has become that.
I also appreciate the tea on the kisses between Michael and CS Lily, because no doubt that has created some tension/attraction (which I think is natural and a normal part of a performance, because you need that to effectively convey the emotion of the scene). But kissing someone for a few takes on a TV or film set is different from kissing someone every night on stage for a month straight, so who knows if that’s been part of the conversations he and CS Lily have had (or part of why AL has seemingly distanced herself from Michael since they arrived in Oz).
So yes, those are my thoughts on the whole situation. I think it will be interesting to see what unfolds as the run of the play continues (and after it ends later in January and they go back to the UK, for that matter). I guess we’ll see what happens...
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