#anyway so a bunch of this is bolded and italicized because i can see their dynamic going a bunnnchh
themyscir · 2 years
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FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other .
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other .
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other .
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other .
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purplesurveys · 1 year
Are you Guilty or Innocent of these things?
[A/N: Bold means guilty, no bold means innocent, italicized means ehhhhh sometimes I’ll be guilty of this but sometimes not.]
Liking pineapples on pizza I hate pineapple in general so they never go on my pizza. I’m also personally not a fan of the whole pineapples-on-pizza thing but if I see other people preferring them then it’s whatever.
Not drinking enough water I do skip water the whole day then drink a whole bunch of it in the evening, which isn’t the healthiest habit. At night I can probably reach 5-6 glasses.
Calling sick a lot at work Like, using up my sick leave credits? I rarely do so if it wasn’t a legit situation. Generally I also just rarely take leaves as it’s hard to get behind in such a fast-paced industry.
Leaving the dishes to "soak" in the sink a little too long It used to be a habit but not anymore. I hate leaving stuff out for too long and it makes me feel more at ease the sooner I clean up after myself.
Putting things off until last minute Yeah pretty much in all aspects where this is relevant. The only time I’d say I’m not guilty of this is at work because I’m super rigid with deadlines.
Not being able to keep a secret Depends. I’m mostly innocent and can keep a secret but there are exceptions where I can’t help but tell Angela. Making plans and canceling This was sometimes me in college, which I know is SUCH a shitty behavior; but I don’t do this anymore. I’ve experienced people canceling on me hours before said plan and I hate it so I avoid doing it at all costs.
Making impulse buys Yeah...hate this habit. Like I’m always 97% likely to buy something on impulse if I feel like I have extra money on me. A couple of months ago I got a bracelet I knew I was gonna lose in like two weeks anyway (I really did lose it eventually).
Having trouble saying no to others Yup, ESFJ struggles hah. I have a desperate need to please others all the time even if it comes at the expense of my own convenience.
Over spending Very guilty but I’m actively trying to address it now. I haven’t spent on anything in nearly a month, especially after I had to shell out 12 grand for my dog bite vaccinations.
Gambling I have never gambled and will never consider doing so.
Stealing something I’ve stolen an abandoned pen here and there in school, but it’s never gotten anything bigger or more serious than that.
Singing in the shower I’ll occasionally hum extremely softly but I’ve never broken out into song.
Sleeping naked I’ve done it a few times with a partner but I wouldn’t do it on my own.
Making New Years resolutions you can never keep I never make resolutions in the first place.
Being arrested I’ve never been arrested. Pulled over and gotten a ticket, sure; but not arrested.
Not studying before taking tests Might be the Asian in me but that just feels so wrong, lol. I always skimmed over my notes one way or another for every single exam or quiz.
Making up fake reasons to get out of plans with someone Not anymore but I did this a handful of times in college back when I had a partner and wanted to hang out with them instead (ew), or when I’d suddenly get hit with a wave of social anxiety.
Googling your symptoms Well, yeah. I kinda do that for every single inconvenience I experience with my body hahaha.
Peeing in the woods Have never done that.
Regifting a Christmas gift you didn't like Not guilty and would never consider doing this. I always get plagued with thoughts of how the gifter would feel if they found out.
Locking your car keys in the car You know what? Considering how clumsy and forgetful I can be all the time, it’s a miracle this hasn’t happened hahaha.
Road rage Ugh very guilty, especially in college. I know it’s not an excuse but Metro Manila traffic can be extremely frustrating, guys. Couple that with the fact that Filipinos are generally super inconsiderate and unpredictable on the road, and it all makes out to give you just a very stressful experience altogether.
Buying more books even though you have books you havent even started yet I don’t do this with books but have occasionally done this with notebooks in high school.
Wearing pajamas out in public Innocent. I did bring my BTS pajamas for the theatrical premiere of Yet to Come Busan but ultimately didn’t change into them because I got too shy and was afraid that people were going to judge me for wearing pajamas in public haha.
Breaking something and then lying about it For sure, especially when I was younger.
Ignoring phone calls and watching the call until it stops ringing Guilty but I don’t feel guilty about it. Message me first, you rude weirdo.
Petting every dog or cat you see As tempting as it can be, it’s potentially dangerous, so mostly innocent. For pets I’d typically just wave at the dog, then for stray aspins I would pet and interact if they seemed accustomed enough to people.
Cheating at a board game Eh, innocent. I don’t like playing board games anyway.
Dropping an ice cube and kicking it under the fridge I know it melts and evaporates and all but am innocent, that just seems so gross to me hahaha who knows the gunk that hangs out underneath the fridge...if I drop an ice cube I just drop in the sink and let it melt there.
Lying about your age Guilty, once. I wanted to try my first margarita, so I ordered one at 17. The waitress could immediately tell I was a minor though and I was shot down when I couldn’t provide an ID.
Watching cartoons as an adult Guilty, but again I don’t feel guilty about it haha. I literally watched a few Spongebob episodes with my sister yesterday.
Sneaking your own snacks into the movie theater Bringing in your own food in the cinemas here in the Philippines is allowed; you don’t need to sneak anything in.
Littering Innocent. I don’t get what’s so hard about putting your trash in your pocket or bag first.
Cutting your own hair Innocent, that’d be a recipe for disaster if I were ever to do it myself.
Looking for your phone when it's in your hand It’s definitely happened more than once; with my glasses, too.
Folding laundry but never putting it away LOL yeah. Why can I never manage to put it back in my closet? :((
Blocking people you dislike on social media Guilty but unbothered. I get annoyed fairly easily and a block is the quickest and most satisfying way to deal with people.
Giving someone a fake phone number Was never stuck in a situation where I had to do so.
Buying clothing that you never wear Yeah, guilty. It’s always the clothes that looked good on the mannequin but didn’t end up suiting me.
Putting a christmas tree up before thanksgiving Not relevant to me; I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving. My family does put up our Christmas tree in October, but that’s because that’s the practice here in the Philippines. You’d be the weird household if you only put Christmas stuff up literally in December hahaha.
Spending hours on TikTok watching videos TikTok edits are cringey for the most part, but I can spend hours going through IG Reels since the videos there are more straightforward.
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dimensionwriter · 4 years
Mechanical Heart
Part Seven
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Male Android x F! Reader
Warning: None
Word Count: 1852
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
You gripped the handles on your office chair as Axel stood in front of you with his arms folded. You didn’t know if you were supposed to talk first or him, but whatever was supposed to happen hasn't yet, only leaving you in this insufferable silence.
“I’m sorry for earlier,” you whispered, staring down. Axel still stood there and didn’t move a muscle. “I know you were trying to help me and I was being over emotional again. I’ll try to improve myself.”
Axel finally moved. He uncross his arm and walked forward. Squatting down, he rested his arms on the desk while leaning towards you. Your head was still down, afraid of what he was going to type.
He leaned forward a little more until his upper half was on the desk. You shrunk into the seat as his screen was right there in front of your face. You flickered your eyes up to see words flooding his screen.
“You aren’t over emotional, you’re perfectly fine. Emotions are perfectly normal for humans. It’s just me who needs to adapt to it,” he wrote in the same normal font, but had some curve to it. You scooted up in your chair as you shook your head at him.
“No, you’re fine too. I need to understand your morals too,” you spoke with a reassuring smile. He dropped his screen onto his folded arms. “I guess we both got to just get used to working with someone of the other species.”
Axel's head dropped down slightly as his finger balled into a fist. He seemed to be battling to say something. Quietly shaking his head, he lifted his screen proudly up and began to type. “Yeah, it’s just that I think I’m starting to feel-”
The door slid open and you both jumped. Axel almost fell off the desk before standing straight up. You leaned back into the chair to seem normal.
Spinning the chair nonchalantly towards the door, you were met with Screw standing at the door. A neutral face emoticon came onto their screen as they rotated their head between Axel and you.
“I hate to ruin your moment, but we need to do a drug bust and you two were the ones chosen,” he wrote slowly while tilting his screen from Axel and you. You hoped he wasn't getting the wrong idea right now.
"Of course, give us the address we will be right there," you said in what you thought was a normal voice, but it was pitched up and spoken too fast. You jumped out of your chair and walked towards Screw.
"I sent it to Axel," he wrote in a big font while looking at Axel. Axel gave a swift nod in understanding. He turned around and walked over to a cabinet in the corner that held all your weapons and supplies.
Tapping your shoulder, you turned around to see Screw writing extremely fast on his screen. "I see you two loose screws finally talked it out. And about what you asked for earlier, I changed my mind. I think it would be a lot more fun if you didn't have it. I prefer for the tension to keep rising."
Tension? What tension was he talking about? You know what, this is Screw you're talking about.
"I actually didn't want it anymore, anyways. And I don't know what you mean by tension, but I'm sure it will go away," you whispered with your head held high. A laughing emoticon appeared on his face followed by a gif of a lady smirking.
"Oh trust me, this tension will grow even more. I shall enjoy watching every moment of it," he said with an exaggeration in his use of cursive. Lifting a hand, you boldly flicked his screen. He may be your boss, but he sure doesn't act like it.
A hand grabbed your shoulder and spun you around. Axel was standing there with a bunch of equipment in his hand. He placed a majority of it on the table before leaving only what looked to be a bulletproof tank top.
"Lift your arms," he wrote slowly raising up the vest. Was he about to dress you? You are not a little child, plus you don't need one of those.
"Axel, I'm not putting that on," you said nicely while gently pushing it away. An opposing force went against you causing the tank top to be pushed towards you.
"They might have guns and you can be damaged if struck with a bullet," he wrote slowly pushing it towards you. You shook your head and pushed it harder.
A bullet proof tank top is a lot better than the old vest they used to use. However, it was still uncomfortable to wear and restricted a lot of your upper movement. You wanted to be at the top of your game for Axel. You didn't need anything holding you back.
"Please, put on the protective gear," he wrote with that sharper font with a slight red gradient at the bottom of his word. It's the chair situation all over again. However, this time you won't be a brat about.
"Fine, I'll put on the vest. But there's no way in hell I'm putting on the pants," you growled out pointing to the familiar fabric on the table. It was the equivalent of cement formed like pants.
Axel glanced at the pants then back at the tank top. Numbers began flowing across his face as he stared down at the tank top in his hands. His head spun 90 degrees to the pants on the table.
"After calculating all the possibilities, it would be safest for you to put on this item due to most of your internal organs being there. Although, I will bring the pants along in case of an emergency." He scrolled down a little to allow you to see the words. You narrowed your eyes at him and crossed your arms.
"I'm not wearing the pants," you said firmly. Axel froze as he looked around the room. His eyes landed on something causing you to look over too. He seemed to be focusing on the bean bag in the corner.
"If you wear the pants, I will get the second chair," he proposed with the word 'chair' bolded. How lowly does Axel view your will power? You were not some weak minded human. It's not like he would even use the chair like you intended, so why would you cave in?
You stood in front of Screw with the bullet proof tank top and pants on. Your old black police jacket was thrown on top black.
"Hey, Screw. When are we getting our new department jackets?" You asked pointing with your thumb to the back of your jacket. It's kind of weird that you guys made a big deal about the combining, but the public still sees you in your old uniform.
"We're working on a design," they wrote in an italicized font that wasn't as dramatically cursive like their usual one. Their screen turned behind you before turning back to you. Why were they acting so weird?
A pair of arms wrapped around your waist before you were slightly tugged back into a firm chest. You stood there in shock as Axel leaned closer to you. His screen had a slight pink hue to it that was barely noticeable; his screen appeared to be black, but there was a light pink colour reflecting off his jacket.
"Um, Axel?" You asked tilting your head forward to look at his face. Axel seems hesitant to turn his screen towards you.
"I was putting on the utility belt for you. Or would you prefer only the gun holster?" His words were written in that same old grey times new roman font making his intention feel innocent, but the arms around your waist and feeling of his body around yours said otherwise.
Stop it. He's an android. He doesn't know any better. Don't even begin to think that this is supposed to be intimate. It's normal.
"Oh, yeah I think the holster would be fine," you wheezed out with a forced smile. His arms departed from you and you let out a small breath you didn't know you were holding.
"So… are you going to keep denying this tension?" As soon as you read the words, they made them disappear. "Yeah, this mission shouldn't be that bad. Lots of reports about this building that we believe could be a hideout of some drug dealers."
It felt like you got whiplash from how fast they changed that attitude. You did need that information because Axel didn't seem like the type to give you everything and just shorten it. However, how can they go from talking about this random tension to the mission?
Axel's arms slowly slithered around your waist and once again, you were slightly tucked into his chest. You pretended he wasn't there as Screw continued to give information.
We were to first scoop around the area and see if there's truly anything suspicious. There is already confirmation, but we just need to be sure.
Wow, Axel is taking a while to put this thing on.
With confirmation, we will try to break it up and arrest everyone. Scan their faces to put it into the program. If we need backup-
Axel's body was definitely closer and his screen was laying against your shoulder. He's an android. He's an android. He doesn't do emotions like that.
There are polices stationed around just in case things get out of hand. So we just have to tap the backup button on my holster or Axel just send it out. It should go smoothly, just in case.
Axel finally slid away and you felt like you just ran a marathon. Your heart felt like it was trying to fight your rib cage right now. Not to include sweat pouring out of every pore.
"Officer, are you okay?" Screw wrote in bold letter and that bright gold colour. The cursive was so exaggerated that you could tell it was written in a teasing tone. As to push their teasing, they released a slight whirring sound that sounded too similar to cackling. "The tension getting to you?"
A gentle hand was placed on your shoulder and now it was your turn to hesitantly turn towards it. Axel screen was completely black except for the words written: "What's wrong? Are you catching a human sickness?"
"No, nothing. We should be heading out," he said with a tight smile. His posture tensed up and he looked about ready to type something. Taking that window of opportunity, you grabbed his arm and headed towards the door.
Screw gave you a mocking two finger salute that you returned with a glare. You were quick to pass by them before they could type anything else.
You had a feeling on what they meant by that tension. Although, they were mistaken to think that it was between you two. It was more one sided and it was all from your end.
Here's another one. I didn't realize I was already on part seven. It don't know if this series is getting too long. It might be getting around time.
Anyway, as usual, please leve a COMMENT and a LIKE. I'm working on setting up a commission post, so if you're interested you can message me with any questions.
Thank you so much for reading. Love you guys💜💜💜💜
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the-black-birb · 4 years
𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢'𝐬 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐲 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐!)
This fic features Bokuto, Akaashi, Kuroo, Kenma, Futakuchi, and a reader character. There are no explicit romanitc pairings.
Warnings: swearing and poorly attempted humor
Summary: a bunch of idiots go go an ice skating rink. Chaos ensues
A/N: this is part of a collaborative fic with ellie (@babiekeiji ) for qee's bday!! Happy birthday cutie ilysm
QeeDay Masterlist
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
Friday, 7:16 PM
waiyenn and futacoochieslayer are online!
waiyenn: KENJIIII ヽ(^o^)丿
futacoochieslayer: wot do you want from me
waiyenn: c’mon it’s the eve of my birthday be nicer to me
futacoochieslayer: but it’s not your bday yet 凸-_-凸
waiyenn: .
futacoocieslayer: wazzup
waiyenn: soooo about ice skating …
futaocoochieslayer: man don’t cancel on me now
futaocoochieslayer: i already bought passes
futaocoochieslayer: no one else is free
futaocoochieslayer: i’ll have to invite koganegawa
futaocoochieslayer: you want to see him on ice? i’ll be miserable
waiyenn: shut up im not cancelling
waiyenn: yet
futaocoochieslayer: go ahead and cancel its ur bday not mine, luv
waiyenn: make up your mind drama queen
waiyenn: anyway i invited a few of my friends along
futaocoochieslayer: ….. who
waiyenn: yk, akaashi and kenma…
futaocoochieslayer:  they’re quiet
futaocoochieslayer: they’ll stay out of my way
futaocoochieslayer:  that’s fine
waiyenn:... and kuroo and bokuto
futaocoochieslayer: is that 
futaocoochieslayer: the chest receive guy
futaocoochieslayer: with the really nice ass
waiyenn:  that’s the one
futaocoochieslayer: who won’t shut up.
waiyenn: :)
futaocoochieslayer:  it was supposed to be a nice evening yn
futaocoochieslayer:  we were supposed to bond
waiyenn: it’s my birthday kenji
futaocoochieslayer: ofc my bad
futaocoochieslayer: your birthday, your right to ruin it
Friday, 9:08 PM
akaashi and futacoochieslayer are online!
futaocoochieslayer: you’re the voice of reason, right?
akaashi: Pardon me?
futaocoochieslayer: listen idc if you guys come along 
futaocoochieslayer: hell, please come along! maybe it’ll make me look better
futaocoochieslayer: but i’ve been trying to get a date with yn for months
futaocoochieslayer: don’t mess this up for me
futaocoochieslayer: and don’t let your friends either
futaocoochieslayer: sweet dreams (✿◠‿◠)
akaashi: Oh my
akaashi: Alright, I’ll do my best.
Saturday, 7:56 AM
akaashi, applepi, and tetsubro are online!
akaashi: bokuto.
applepi: akaashi not capitalizing??
tetsubro: oh bokuto’s got him MAD mad
tetsubro: y’all pray for my boy bokuto nothings wrong w him he’s just a dumbass 
akaashi: bokuto get online this instant
tetsubro: bold of you to assume he’s even awake at this hour
captain_daddy is online!
captain_daddy: guys you wont believe what happened
captain_daddy: i woke up to chills
captain_daddy: do you think a ghost was in my room???
captain_daddy: maybe i could get on buzzfeed unsolved
applepi: i think u have to worry about more than a ghost
akaashi: bokuto.
captain_daddy: agaaashi ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
akaashi: would you like to share with the class what you and yn discussed?
captain_daddy: oh yeah!!!! i asked her if we were on for saturday
tetsubro: and she said…?
captain_daddy: we’re going ice skating instead!!!!
applepi: we’re going what?
tetsubro: bro u can italicize text????
tetsubro: that’s meta
akaashi: We’re what???
akaashi: when did we ever agree to that...
captain_daddy: ice skating!! it’ll be super fun!!!!
akaashi: Who are we ice skating with?
captain_daddy: yn ofc!! and someone else she said…
captain_daddy: futaba?
applepi: from persona?
akaashi: -_-
tetsubro: poor akaashi…...
tetsubro: what has the world come to
akaashi: do you mean futakuchi?
captain_daddy: yeah!! that one!!!
captain_daddy: ur so cool akaashi
captain_daddy: how do you know him?
akaashi: Long story.
tetsubro: wait if it was just supposed to be futakuchi and yn
tetsubro: ...are we crashing a date?
captain_daddy: nah yn didn’t say anything about it
appepi: she didnt say or u left too early for her to explain?
captain_daddy: nah bro she invited us
tetsubro: you’re sure?
captain_daddy: yes
tetsubro: positive?
captain_daddy: yes, bro
tetsubro: bro (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)ﻭ
captain_daddy: BROOO!!!!! ٩(♡ε♡ )۶
akaashi: yn might not think it’s a date, but Futakuchi does.
tetsubro: huh?
tetsubro: HUH????? 
applepi: fucking hell
applepi: lets get this over with
 Saturday, 10:36 AM
waiyenn created group [PARTAYYYYY]
waiyenn added futacoochieslayer, akaashi, applepi, tetsubro, and captain_daddy to [PARTAYYYYY]
everyone is online!
waiyenn: is everyone ready to embarrass ourselves on ice •̀.̫•́✧
futacoochieslayer: first person to fall buys lunch
applepi: no one’s going to fall for that
captain_daddy: UR ON FUTABA
futacoochieslayer: falling includes getting pushed over :)
tetsubro: it’ll be a miracle if no one ends up in the hospital by the end of this
akaashi: No one is going to the hospital today.
akaashi: We’re going to follow the rules that they have.
akaashi: If anyone can’t skate, they’ll have a partner and stay close to the wall.
tetsubro: @captain_daddy will u be my partner?
captain_daddy: ofc bro
tetsubro: bro…. (。>﹏<。)
futacoochieslayer: yn
waiyenn: no lol
futacoochieslayer: i didnt even ask
waiyenn: you’ll drop me
futacoochieslayer: i’ll fall for u ;)
waiyenn: man wtf 
applepi: im gonna hurl
applepi: wheres the skating rink anyways
futacoochieslayer: u dont know?
futacoochieslayer: lmao scrubs
futacoochieslayer: dont u live all the way in tokyo?
tetsubro: shit
captain_daddy: wait are we gonna miss it TT TT
appepi: bokuto ur literally sitting on the train next to me
applepi: We’re on the way to Miyagi
waiyenn: kenji can u send akaashi the address
futacoochieslayer: why do i have to
waiyenn: (。ŏ﹏ŏ)
futacoochieslayer: fine.
akaashi: I’m sorry, yn, I think we’re going to be a little late.
futacoochieslayer: more time for me and yn :)
waiyenn: it’s ok guys we can wait for you
tetsubro: wow yn
tetsubro: so cold
waiyenn: ???
applepi: ur just as bad as bokuto
Saturday, 12:43 PM
akaashi and futacoochieslayer are online!
futacoochieslayer: [address]
futacoochieslayer: don’t. ruin. this. for me.
akaashi: I don’t have to 
akaashi: I’m fairly certain you already ruined this for yourself
akaashi: Did you ever consider tell yn this was supposed to be a date?
futacoochieslayer: ah fuck
Saturday, 1:27 PM
waiyenn, akaashi, applepi, tetsubro, and captain_daddy are online!
captain_daddy: WE’RE IN MIYAGI BABYYYY
akaashi: We’re headed your way now.
akaashi: Are you at the rink?
waiyenn: nah we went to grabbed some lunch while we were waiting
waiyenn: there’s a panera bread that you’ll pass on the way
tetsubro: futakuchi paid for lunch right?
waiyenn: yes lol he’s not that bad
applepi: i see the panera 
applepi: is that futakuchi with you?
captain_daddy: HE’S SO TALL
tetsubro: word
tetsubro: from the way he was texting i was expecting an incel
tetsubro: he looks more like a chad
waiyenn: lmfaooo
futacoochieslayer is online!
futacoochieslayer: srsly yn this is why u were staring at your phone
futacoochieslayer: whatever happened to having a conversation
waiyenn: okay grandpa
futacoochieslayer: that’s grandaddy to you
waiyenn:  (▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿▀̿ ̿) i cannot see
futacoochieslayer: oh
futacoochieslayer: kuroo, right?
futacoochieslayer: i am a chad ;)
tetsubro: *///*
tetsubro: oya?
captain_daddy: oyaoya?
tetsubro: oyaoyaoya?
applepi: sigh
akaashi: Since we’re here can we please all stop texting.
akaashi: If you put your skates on wrong because you’re distracted, it’ll be dangerous.
waiyenn: yes mom
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thomas-mvller · 4 years
Tag games x 283129
Hello everyone so uh lately i've started to be more active on my music sideblog which means i've been hearting stuff like crazy for the past couple of months aka all the things i've been tagged in has been buried under all that nonsense SO because i hate leaving things undone i thought on doing them all at once and tagging a bunch of people so they can get a little distraction by doing them (as in, not all of them but whichever they might want to do)
Again: you do not have to do all of them, not even one if you don't feel like doing so! there's a game for everyone so hey!
Tagging: @havertsz @foreverbayern @germanynts @sherlockisonfire @debushit @sadiiomane10 @miasanmuller @elishamanning @abcde-fc @bbjim @littletentaclemonster @tamtam-elizabeth @minimalloss @pearfight and whoever wants to do this! if you see it, consider yourself tagged >:))
Alright, here we go:
1) I was tagged by @/tamtam-elizabeth and @/sadiiomane10 to post a capture of my lockscreen, homescreen and last song i listened to. Thank you both <3
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I used to be very annoying when it came to changing my lock/homescreen so now i just don’t do that often anymore (previous to that my homescreen was a pic of lfc winning ucl OBVIOUSLY) also i haven’t really been listening to music lately but i did have a depeche mode phase like two weeks ago and this was the song i replayed the most so hey!
2) “Get to know me” tag
Tagged by the always thoughtful @/tamtam-elizabeth , thank you and i’m sorry for taking so long ;-; <3
Name: Cloud
Birthday: sometime in november
Zodiac Sign: scorpio
Height: 5′4′’ or 1.65 (last time i checked..... which was like seven years ago)
Hobbies: lately it has been sewing facemasks 😂 that aside i like watching movies, random videos on yt, baking and crafting sometimes
Favorite colors: black, red and teal
Favorite Book: don’t think i have one :o
Last Song Listened to: barrel of a gun by depeche mode
Last Movie Watched: currently watching prince of egypt. if that doesn’t count then ben hur 😂
Inspiration or Muse: i really don’t know what to say here 😂
Dream Job: i still haven’t given up to my goal but at this point i just want a job that gives me stability and zero worries
Reason Behind my URL: Thomas Müller (German pronunciation: [ˈtoːmas ˈmʏlɐ]; born 13 September 1989) is a German professional footballer who plays for Bundesliga club Bayern Munich. A versatile player, Müller plays as a midfielde- okay no in all seriousness yess this url is bc of a football player 😂
3) Ten songs playlist tag
Tagged by the joy that is @/foreverbayern and the always sweetest @/havertsz . thank youuuuu <3
Rules: We’re snooping through your playlist. Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and then choose 10 victims.
Some months ago I made the mistake of transfering the songs i had in my old computer to my current laptop and there are some stuff that just........ should not be acknowledged so i can’t do shuffle HOWEVER i will choose ten random songs i’ve listened to/discovered this year (technically speaking is the same) so here it is:
art-i-ficial by x-ray spex
sunny afternoon by the kinks
desire lines by lush
paper cuts by incubus
pure love by hayley williams
spirit by bauhaus
no one knows by screaming trees
let’s love by suho
all we need is a dream by cheap trick
cosmonauts by fiona apple
bonus: you’re so close by peter murphy (god i adore this song)
I wouldn’t be surprised if these aren’t your cup of tea tbh 😂
4) “Core aesthetic” tag
Tagged by @/havertsz - i’m sorry for the delay ;-; and thank you <3
rules: search your name + "core aesthetic" on pinterest, get a moodboard & select a few photos that come up
i can’t really use pinterest so i googled it instead, as you might’ve guessed this is what i got 😂
ps: i’ve been informed not to use pinterest so if you wish follow this post’s indications
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ah this is so pretty, i loved doing this!
Tagged by @/germanynts @/havertsz and @/elishamanning to do this tag, thank you all <3
rules: describe yourself with pictures you already have saved. no downloading or searching for new ones. then tag 10 people.
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if you want further explanations for each pic... ask ahead 😂
6) “bold what applies” tag
Tagged by the always enJoyable @/foreverbayern, thank yoooou <3
rules: bold what applies to you and tag a bunch of people
- Appearance
I am over 5’5 // I wear glasses/contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing over tight clothing // I have one or more piercings (had three...) // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look  // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball caps backwards
- Hobbies and interests
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with my friends // I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush  // I have a best friend I have known for ten years // my parents are together // I have hooked up with my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long-distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
- Aesthetic
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep (i did that for a long time and i sicnerely don’t recommend it) // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire (quick story time: one time when i was 12 my friends and i sneaked into our seniors’ school anniversary activities and they lit this huge bonfire near the football field, it was nuts) // I pay close attention to colours // I find mystery in the ocean (spoopy shit) // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // Autumn is my favourite season
- Miscellaneous
I can fall asleep in moving vehicles // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote(s) // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
my god this is getting embarassing i had stuff long due ;-;
Tagged by @/tamtam-elizabeth. think you for thanking on me when doing tag games, i mean it :-: <3
How old are you?: 24
Surgeries?: one
Tattoos?: none yet ://
Ever hit a deer?: i have never seen one so... no 😂
Sang karaoke?: yeah... years ago 😂
Ice skated?: nope
Ridden a motorcycle?: had the chance but nope
Ridden in an ambulance?: nope
Skipped school?: a handful of times
Stayed in a hospital?: for a few hours
Broken bones?: nope
Last phone call?: i haven’t called anyone in ages 😂
Last text from?: my mom
Pepsi or coke?: coke but i don’t mind having pepsi
Favorite pie?: haven’t had one
Favorite pizza?: chorizo + corn + red pepper
Favorite season?: autumn
Received a ticket?: don’t even know how to drive
Favorite color?: black, red and teal
Sunset or sunrise?: both!
Favorite Christmas song?: don’t think i have one, maybe universe by exo?
Cupcakes or cookies?: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh good q, cookies?
8) “find your match” tag game
Tagged by @/tamtam-elizabeth, you’re allowed to punch me in the face at this point
Take the test
Reblog this post with what type you got
Tag 7 mutuals to do the same!
I got the Dreamer and my ideal partner would be The Innovator ?)
Seek out opportunities to collaborate with INNOVATOR types, who combine your lofty idealism with a focus on pragmatic solutions. The grounding energy of the INNOVATOR can inspire you to apply your imagination to real-world change.
that’s deep fam 😂 but okay!
9) “get to know me tag”
Tagged by: @/littletentaclemonster . thank you and sorry for the delay ;-; <3
nickname: cloud zodiac: scorpio height: 5′4″ / 1.65 last movie I saw: can you believe i managed to watch another thing while making this? anyway it was The celluloid closet last thing I googled: block site extension favorite musician: as of right now? depeche mode song stuck in my head: you’re so close by peter murphy other blogs: @/brltpop and @/s-lay-ing amount of sleep: as long as i can get (usually 7 or 8) lucky numbers: don’t think i have one dream job: whatever gives me stability what am I wearing: pajamas  favorite food: chinese, mexican and italian language: which ones do i know? spanish and english somewhat. i want to learn japanese and german :c can I play an instrument: nope favorite song: atm is YOU’RE SO CLOSE (8) random fact: my nails usually grow sort of square except for my thumb and index fingers, they grow round for whatever reason describe yourself in aesthetic things: ?????????? idk man, messy room? loose clothes? football? cd’s on a shelf, posters on the walls ?????
Tagged by @/littletentaclemonster you too can punch me in the face
Rules: Bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR: I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans • I play an organized sport  • I love dogs • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favorite season • My radio is always playing
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • I want to travel the world • I sleep past midday most days • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colors not words
EARTH: I wear glasses/contacts • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian • I have an excellent sense of time • My humor is very cheerful • I am a valued advisor to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything (sort of) • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally
Water an aether huh, i don’t know what to do with this information 😂
if you ask me i would very much appreciate it if you do the songs playlist tag bc i need recommendations thanks. Also massive apologies to the ones that were due since last year I had them in my drafts i swear!
Stay safe everyone :D
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greyias · 5 years
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Talk Like a Pirate Day 2019 | Rishi Datacron Treasure Hunt
09/19/19 - 8:30 PM US Central Time | Star Forge Server
Yarrr me mateys! Did ye scalleywags know that September 19th is Talk Like a Pirate Day? Neither did I before I googled it! But google it I did, and it seems like a perfect opportunity for another mini-meetup on the good ship server Star Forge.
“Avast ye barnacle!” ye might exclaim at me, “that’s tomorow!”. Aye. Aye. There were some wee giant beasties to be hunted down all across Rishi, and I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to get all three pieces of the treasure map until the very last moment. Mea culpa. BUT! Thanks to me matey, @grumpyhedgehog, we were able to acquire all of the necessary items to make this event happen.
Like secret achievements?
Amazing titles?
Permanent increase to your stats?
* - Just to be clear, the treasure is four datacrons
Then feel free to log in tomorrow on Star Forge server at 8:30 PM on the beautiful tropical paradise of Rishi, where we will embark on an epic quest to acquire the four hidden datacrons on Rishi. We must be in a group in order to get the datacron (for reasons I’ll elaborate on under the cut), so alas, I must pick a side to log in on. And it is Pubside, because that is where I live 95% of the time in-game**.
** - Impside players are more than welcome to join/follow us on our journey and communicate with the group via /say, but if you want to get the datacron while logged in on Impside, there’s some farming you’ll have to do. You might be able to follow along and grab it at the end, but there’s a possibility you will incur the wrath of the Kraken (I am actually serious, see below the cut for details), so you might want to have the appropriate buffs to be on the safe side.
Want to get your datacron hunt on? Awesome! Then venture below the cut to find out more!
The Short Version:
We’re meeting up in front of the cantina in Raider’s Cove at 8:30 PM US CENTRAL TIME (bolded and italicized since time zones are a thing)
I’ll probably wait around 15-20 minutes to try and give as many people an opportunity to join in before we start our journey. We shall dance, and drink, and poke at the pirates while we wait for our crew to join us.
Whisper “Greyias” on Pubside if you want an invite to the group, or put out a shout in the Tumblrchat custom channel (type /cjoin TumblrChat if you want to be able to talk outside of the group across the server)
Our first stop on our Treasure Hunt will be on Slave Island to get our first buff - the cybernetic skull
We’ll head back to Raider’s Cove to smear ourselves in sea pheromones so we don’t smell like a bunch of landlubbers
Then we’ll head to Sky Ridge Island to click on a poisonous rock. But it won’t poison us if we have our buffs.
PROFIT — it will point the way to our treasure, and the Kraken says we smell like friend so it will give us our treasure chest.
It sounds far more complicated than it is, I promise you. Fear not, I will be your guide.
The TL;DR:
SO. There’s actually a few steps involved in the process of getting this datacron, but it actually goes pretty quick and I promise it’s actually a lot of fun — especially when done in a group. If you’re curious about the full process/maps, I highly recommend this guide on Duffy. What I’ve done is I’ve gotten the three items that drop from the rare-ish spawns, so the only thing left is to do the actual hunt. 
As the Duffy guide explains, there is a hidden treasure chest at the end of a series of items/buffs you have to collect. Basically, these buffs prevent a giant underground tentacle monster from spawning and attacking you, throwing you up in the air, and entangling you in red string, etc. The treasure chest the datacrons are hidden in are on a rock, and if we smell like a “friend” to this deep sea creature (aka the Kraken), it will beat up the rocks and reveal the buried treasure. If we do not smell like a friend and we click on the rock, it will beat us to a bloody pulp.
There is a possibility, but I haven’t seen confirmation, that only one person with all of the buffs needs to do the proper clicking in order to spawn the chest and grab the datacron, but honestly... better safe than sorry? I’m not even sure if we had a 32-man operations group that we’d be able to beat the beastie. There’s like... eight tentacles that spawn and they all have like 3 million+ HP and lots of interrupting and stun attacks so... probably best to play nice with the giant sea monster rather than antagonize it.
Do I have to log in Pubside?
I cannot guarantee that you will be able to get the datacrons if you decide to bring an Imp toon, and cross-faction chat is difficult at times, so you might have a hard time keeping up. But if you just want to hang out with us treasure hunters, yeah, sure! Bring your Imp toon!
Do I have to dress like a pirate?
No. But it’s fun to dress like a pirate!
What if I already have the datacrons?
Come on anyway! I’ve already got them, but I missed out on some clicking things last time (oops), so I’m running again to get that last achievement.
Are we going to have a dance party with the Kraken?
Yes. Yes of course we are. Bring your booze and party Jawas and confetti droids and disco balls!
Can I fight the Kraken?
I mean... yes, technically you can. But maybe wait until everyone gets their datacrons first? He will kill us dead, I assure you of that.
What will I get on this treasure hunt?
Legacy Title: Incredible Smell Discoverer
Four datacrons - I forget what their new stats are called. They used to be aim/cunning/strength/willpower
Secret Achievement: X Marks the Spot*
*  — obtainable via clicking the rock with the datacrons, but you will want the buffs active so as to not anger the Kraken. 
Do I need to be any level/have completed any content?
Nope! All you need to do is to be able to actually get to Rishi proper, so you’ll likely need a toon that has access to a ship. There will be some areas with enemies, but the higher party members should be able to take care of anyone who looks at us funny. Except the Kraken. Don’t look at the Kraken funny. Having unlocked the Quick Travel points around Rishi will help in getting from point to point, but if you haven’t, I’m sure we might be able to do a few group summons to get around it.
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forehead-enthusiast · 4 years
A Buncha Tag Games (and yet not all of them)
tagged by: @eggyukhei mwah
tagging: this is a LOT of games so i’ll only tag @atinyphobe @nsheetee and @veonjun for the SECOND (2nd) game. if they or anybody wants to do any of the other games, absolutely go for it and say i tagged you <3 i’d love to see what you guys say!! (also, tk if you felt like you wanted to answer my questions from the second game i’d be interested to see!)
tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
ok SO the song that probably got me into rv 100% (also yes ik this blog is 99% nct but rv is my forever fave no question) was probably ice cream cake!! i had been a casual listener of many groups up until that point and had never really stanned anyone, but icc was so infectious i found myself watching it over and over. i had heard happiness and be natural before but hadn’t really listened too closely, so icc was the song that captured me. after that, dumb dumb only cemented my love for them more, and the red is still one of my favorite kpop albums to date. rv attracted me primarily because of their incredible vocals and their versatility in genres and concepts. i still get so excited wondering what they’ll tackle next!! they’re just soooo unique and have one of, if not the best discographies of any group. i cannot stress enough, I. Love. RV!! also they’re funny and gay so. anyway stream monster once it drops uwu
rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
1. what is your favorite song that’s been released during quarantine? ooooo honestly??? probably something off of Sawayama. literally every song bangs so hard i highly recommend that album to anyone!! i can’t pick a favorite off it but who’s gonna save you now is awesome and xs is just,,, chef’s kiss
2. what is your greatest mishap when you tried cooking? (or something you’ve witnessed) one time, while making soup at my late grandmother’s house on her like gas stove, i put a lid on a pot and somehow that led the pot to be engulfed in flames. IN MY DEFENSE i was like 7, and i’m great at cooking/baking now
3. what’s your go-to outfit or article of clothing? oh i love a nice dress. they can be casual or formal, and you look like you put effort into your outfit except i didn’t because i didn’t have to match anything yo!!!! also shorts have trouble fitting me cause i’m a weird body type so dresses tend to be very comfy for me
4. what is your comfort food? am i allowed to say like all food??? eating in itself is comforting,,, that sounds depressing but also i just like eating yummy food. i guess i’d say like my dad’s fried rice?? its my fave and no one makes it like him soooo
5. what singular moment in your life would you like to relive? i couldn’t tell if this meant like, a good moment you want to re-experience or go back in time and redo a moment and fix it. it’s kind of a hard question so i might cop out and go with a bit of a silly answer: i want to relive the hi touch with astro...... i wanna look at rocky’s beautiful eyes and touch moonbin’s hand ok,,,,
6. what is your favorite line and/or character from a movie, show, or book? i got a bunch but a few off the top of my head are genie lo (the epic crush of genie lo), ty lee, suki (atla), klaus, and ben (umbrella academy) 
7. if you could only choose one ice cream flavor and pizza topping/style for the rest of your life, what would it be? ice cream flavor: this very specific one from a local store that is banana ice cream with strawberries and oreo mixed in. it is heaaaavenly. as for pizza topping, i love a breakfast type pizza with an egg on top and like sausage and stuff!!!
8. what is the worst injury you’ve ever had or witnessed? funny enough, i’ve actually gotten badly injured quite a few times, and always on the face!! god hates me. the worst was probably when i hit a metal bench with my face and it took a chunk out of my cheek. i still have the scar! as for “witnessed” i accidentally broke a grown man’s rib once as a child, so i guess that would count.
9. would you rather explore the unknown of space or the bottom of the ocean? oceaaaan!! i answered this in some other game, but i like how mysterious and yet close the ocean is. like proximity wise it’s so near, yet there’s an insane amount we know nothing about. that’s so frightening but so intriguing
10. if you could be any cartoon character, who would you be? my first thought was literally “kirby. eat fast” GOD my followers are gonna think i’m just a glutton and they’re not even gonna be wrong im dying. but uhh idk mulan or smth?
my questions:
what is your go-to feel good movie?
are you the type of person who’s indecisive about buying, or the type to impulse buy once you see something you like?
do you prefer chocolate-y or fruity candy?
what idol do you think is most similar to you? (not your bias necessarily)
do you have any silly dealbreakers? if so, what are they?
what do you do to unwind?
what is a small thing you like to do for people you love? (be it sending memes, remembering their favorite shows, etc)
what’s/who’s your favorite myth/mythological being?
what is a non-typical pet you would want to have?
do you say pronounce data as day-ta or dah-ta?
rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people. 
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
the ultimate tag: answer whichever ones you want to because there are a lot and then tag a few blogs you’d like to get to know better! 
name: sarah
nickname: bells
birthday: april 17th
zodiac: aries
nationality: chinese american
languages: english, some spanish, some korean
gender: female
sexuality: baby bi bi bi~
height: 5′10
inspiration for muse: i suppose nct since i write for them the most?? but i feel like sometimes i come up with the idea before i think of a member so sometimes the muse is just my own fantasies oops
meaning behind my url: i made it at a time where loads of idols were getting bangs and honestly i believe most of them look infinitely better without them, thus i was and still am enthusiastic about foreheads.
blog established: like winter of 2018...?? i think
followers: over 2.5k but most deactivated/left during my hiatus lol
favourite animals: sharks, chickens, snakes, cats, penguins
favourite books: the epic crush of genie lo and then iron will of genie lo, PERIOD
favourite colour: pink and purple!!
favourite fictional characters: lol, again, genie lo, ty lee, suki, klaus, ben, and just a few more: richard and evelyn o’connell (the mummy), dave (dave), michael (the good place)
favourite flower: sunflower
favourite scent: baking chocolate, heating butter, blackberry, wisteria
favourite season: probably spring! i like warmth but not HEAT
average hours of sleep: ugh idek i sleep horribly
cats or dogs: both, but unfortunately i’ve never had either
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea but then hot chocolate
current time: 5:29pm
dream trip: go to paris and eat loads of pastries and enjoy the fashions and beauty of the city, and also learn to bake better maybe?
dream job: actress
hobbies: making jewelry, drawing, singing, reading comics
hogwarts house: according to the quizzes, all of them. people who have just met me think slytherin or gryffindor, people who i’m friends with think ravenclaw or hufflepuff, people who know me really well know you can’t box a person into oversimplified archetypes :’) in my assessment of myself, it varies by the day, but i think perhaps gryffindor today?
last movie watched: hot fuzz (a classic)
last song listened to: summer breeze by sf9
no. of blankets you sleep with: like 2
random fact(s): i won lego building competitions as a child, one of my dream roles is anastasia from the musical named after her, i played violin for a very short time, i bake the cakes for all my family and friends’ birthdays, i have strangely strong grip strength
10 songs i can’t stop listening to:
love me 4 me- rina sawayama
cherry- rina sawayama
in & out- red velvet
crush culture- conan gray
manic- conan gray
the king- conan gray
summer- pentagon
told you now- jeremy jordan (originally sung by sam smith)
fuck this world (interlude)- rina sawayama
someone who loves me- sara bareilles
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yeppeojiwrites · 5 years
beauty and a beat 9: exita acta probat//multigroup crossover
title translation: (latin) the result justifies the deed
summary : you attend cix’s debut showcase and make some new friends.
pairings : oc!reader x byounggon and oc!reader x hyunsuk (feat. the silver boy gang, ab6ix, and daniel kang)
warnings : none
a/n : after like 12 years,,,here’s a chapter i’ve been putting off writing,,sorry for no read more, i’m on mobile
plain text is english
bold text is korean
italicized bold text is korean with honorifics
Your phone buzzed in your pocket as you sat in one of the seats in the VVIP portion of the South Korean olympic handball gymnasium’s balcony.
18:54 : New Snap from ¡vanessa!
You swiped on your screen to see what your friend sent to you. You pressed on her name and saw a blurry photo of your currently wide-eyed friend in her pitch black room, the only light source coming from her laptop with the caption, “ARE YOU NERVOUS?????”
You tapped your screen once to close the photo and took a blurry photo of your own face with the caption “WHY ARE YOU STILL AWAKE??? IT’S ALMOST 5AM” and sent it.
She quickly opened it and responded with a photo of her laptop screen with the vlive website opened to the “waiting room” of CIX’s debut livestream.
You shook your head and turned off your notifications before pocketing your phone. You decided to take a quick look around the area just to see your surroundings. Some masked figures stood around the area while others who you assumed were the group’s parents and family members sat in their seats.
You looked back to the stage and tapped your fingers in expectation. Suddenly, the seat next to you was filled, spooking you a bit.
“I’m sorry if I startled you.” the person bowed to you.
“It’s okay. Thank you for worrying though.” you bowed in response.
The two of you stood up and cheered as the lights on the stage dimmed.
After watching your friends perform their debut song, the person next to you, who you assumed was an idol because of their mask and cap, turned to you.
“So who are you here for?” he asked.
You hummed for a second as you thought. “Everyone.” you answered. “How about you?”
“Everyone.” he copied your tone. You smiled at him before turning back to look at the stage.
“How’d you know that I spoke Korean?” you turned towards him again.
“No one on that stage knows English well enough to get you a seat up here.” he laughed.
“What makes you think I speak English?” you teased.
“I saw you Snapchatting someone and the app was in English.” he responded.
“You’re really sharp.” you noted.
“I have to be, especially in my field.”
You nodded in agreement.
After a couple more minutes of standing, you sat down as the CIX members started their talking segment. After realizing just how short your shorts were, you tried to tug the hem down to stop them from riding up. After a couple of seconds of adjusting your shorts, the man sitting next to you took off their jacket and offered it to you.
“No, it’s okay.” you shook your head and sat still. The man sucked their teeth and sighed before proceeding to lay his jacket over your lap. He held his hands over yours when you tried to give him his jacket his back.
“You need it more than I do. Just give it back to me later, alright?” he bargained.
You frowned but agreed anyways. “Alright.”
The two of you talked throughout the rest of the showcase, the person next to him chiming in every once in a while with some kind of quip or a giggle.
Twenty minutes after the arena was cleared out, a few security guards came to the VVIP area to escort its occupants to the backstage area.
“Did you watch Treasure Box?” your seat-neighbor from earlier asked you.
“YG Treasure Box?” you whispered. The boy laughed and nodded.
“You don’t have to whisper it. Nothing bad will happen.” the other boy laughed.
“I didn’t want to bring back bad memories.” you explained. “But yes, I did watch it.”
“Did you have any favorites?” your seat-neighbor asked.
“From the final line-up?” you asked for clarification purposes.
The two boys shared a look before looking back at you.
“That works too.”
“Hmm...Hyunsuk and Junkyu are cool.” you answered absentmindedly.
The two boys shared another look.
“We think so too.”
When you finally made your way to the backstage area with your two unnamed friends, you met eyes with Byounggon. His eyes lit up when you smiled at him and widened a bit when he saw who you were with.
“I just realized that I still have your jacket.” you turned to the shorter boy and handed him his jacket. “Thanks for letting me borrow it.”
“No problem.” he answered.
Byounggon finally made his way over to the three of you and flicked the smaller boy’s hat up a bit to get a better look at him.
“So I see you met Hyunsuk and Junkyu.” Byounggon threw an arm around your shoulder.
“Hyunsuk and Junkyu?” you asked. The boys in question took off their hats and masks and revealed themselves to be Choi Hyunsuk and Kim Junkyu.
“Why didn’t you guys say anything?” you asked them.
Hyunsuk shrugged. “You never asked.”
“I thought it was weird that you guys asked about Treasure Box but I didn’t think that it was you guys.” you sighed.
“It made us laugh, so you’re fine.” Junkyu smiled at you.
“So what did you guys think of the show?” Byounggon asked the three of you.
“It was really good! I’m very proud of you.” you smiled at him.
“She teared up at the fanmeet part.” Junkyu informed Byounggon. Your eyes widened.
“No I didn’t.” you reassured Byounggon.
“She was t o t a l l y crying. You could probably hear her blubbering from the stage.” Hyunsuk teased.
“Oh so that’s what I heard on stage.” Byounggon played along. “It’s nice to know that you care about me.” Byounggon laughed.
“I can’t believe I’m being bullied like this by. Mashiho and Yedam have taken your places as my favorites.” You turned to face Byounggon. “And Yonghee is my favorite CIX member.”
All three of the boys gasped dramatically.
“We were joking, please take us back!” Junkyu begged.
You playfully rolled your eyes before moving Byounggon’s arm from it’s place over your shoulders.
“I’ll let you guys talk. I’m gonna go find somewhere to sit down.” you said before walking away.
“I’ll find you later.” Byounggon yelled over his shoulder. You hummed in response.
After searching around the area, you found a free spot on a couch and sat down. You greeted the other occupant, Daniel Kang, and he replied with a bow before turning back to his phone and typing, barely-audible laughs leaving his mouth every couple of seconds.
“I think you and Jihyo are really cute together.” you whispered to him.
“Thanks,” he smiled.
You pulled out your own phone and checked your messages.
“Hey!” you heard a high pitched voice say from in front of you. You looked up and met eyes with Daehwi and Woong.
“Hey Daehwi!” Daniel quickly stood up and hugged the boy tightly. He turned to the other boy and greeted him. “Jeon Woong, right?”
Woong nodded. “Just call me Woong.”
Daehwi’s attention turned to you.
“Oh I know you! You’re Chan-hyung’s girlfriend, right?” Daehwi asked you.
Your eyebrows furrowed.
“Stray Kids Chan?” you asked in confusion. Daehwi nodded hesitantly.
“He said that we’re dating?” you felt nervous.
“Well...no...but I just assumed because- nevermind.” Daehwi shook his head.
The two other boys watched the exchange curiously.
“That’s Chan’s girlfriend?” Woong attempted to whisper to Daehwi.
You and Daehwi shook your heads at the same time.
“Definitely not.” you clarified.
Woong and Daniel shared a look before looking at you again.
“Anyways...I’m Daehwi and this is Woong-hyung.” Daehwi introduced himself and his groupmate. “But you already knew that, right?”
You nodded. “Of course. Your debut was really good by the way.”
The two boys thanked you.
“So who are you here for?” Woong asked you.
“All of them.” you answered.
“Hmm...I don’t know. You and Byounggon looked pretty close earlier~” Woong teased.
“Ooh~” Daehwi instigated.
“I see why you and Daehwi are in the same group.” you laughed. “But we’re just friends. I’m only friends with everyone.”
“That’s debatable.” Jinyoung chimed in from behind Daehwi, patting himself with a towel as he stood next to Woojin.
“There’s a second source.” Daniel said as he put his phone in his pocket.
“Byounggon and (Y/N) have an interesting...relationship.” Jinyoung wriggled his eyebrows at you.
You cleared your throat.
“Enough about Byounggon and I’s relationship...” you diverted. “Or lack therof. Let’s talk about Jinyoung’s relationship with the stage. You were amazing up there.”
“Aw thanks.” Jinyoung sat next to you on the couch. “You should debut too.”
You snorted. “This industry wasn’t made for me. I’m fine with making music behind the scenes.”
“You make music?” Daniel asked.
“She used to make music with with Stray Kids but now she works with Ateez. She made a bunch of other songs too.” Daehwi answered.
“Weren’t you signed with JYP?” Jinyoung asked. You nodded.
“I was on a contract for two mini-albums just to see how we would work together.”
“They didn’t offer you a full producing contract?” Daehwi gasped.
“They did but KQ Entertainment had a better offer so I took theirs.” you replied. “And it’s not like I’m too far away from JYP anyways so I can visit my friends if they’re available. My mom was really worried about me being alone while I’m here so she made sure I that wouldn’t be too far away.”
“How old are you?” Woong asked.
“My Korean age is 19 but I’ll be 20 in November.” you answered.
“So you’re my noona, right?” Daehwi leaned forward.
You cringed. “I’m just a few months older than you, don’t worry about honorifics.”
“Hey, (Y/N)!” you looked up and saw Byounggon waving you over as he stood against the wall.
“The boyfriend calls~” Jinyoung snickered. The boys you were sitting with let out a collective “Ooh~” as you stood up.
“I’ll see you guys later.” you said while shaking your head with an embarrased smile.
You walked over to Byounggon leaned against the wall so that you were perpendicular to the way that he was facing.
“So...” you started.
“What did you think of the showcase?”
“I already told you. It was amazing to see you up there.” you assured him.
“Really?” he smiled. You nodded.
“I’m really proud of you.”
He turned to face you. “Would you come to our first comeback showcase?”
“Depends on when it is.”
He leaned in closer and you leaned back.
“Aren’t you being too bold?” you laughed.
“Am I?” he smirked. He looked you up and down once. “I like your outfit.”
“Thank you.” You looked him up and down. “I like the white.”
“I do too but it gets dirtier than the blue does.” he sighed. “The coordi-noonas scold us a lot.”
“I guess you have to be more careful.” you smiled.
“I guess I have to since you’re telling me.”
“You wouldn’t listen to anyone else?”
“I’d listen to you first.”
You looked down and shook your head.
“I’ll have to leave soon. It’s getting late.” you informed him.
He pouted slightly but nodded in understanding.
“Do you want me to get you a taxi?” he asked.
“No it’s fine.” you assured him. “I’ll text you when I get home, alright?”
“Okay.” he pulled you into a goodbye hug. You hugged him back.
“Aww~” the boys on the other side of the room chorused.
“I’m really really proud of you. Congrats on your debut, Byounggon.” you whispered.
He tightened his grip around your waist.
“Thank you for coming to support me.” he whispered back.
“Thank you for getting me tickets to come support you.”
“You still owe me for that.” he said as he pulled away from you.
“What do I owe you?” you asked him.
“I’ll figure it out.” he tapped your nose. “Get home safely, alright?”
“Good luck with your music show performance tomorrow.” you pat his shoulder.
“You’re gonna leave without saying goodbye?” you heard as you left. You looked over and saw Hyunsuk and Junkyu waiting in the lobby of the concert venue.
“I thought you guys left already!” you walked over to them. “Are you guys leaving soon?”
Junkyu nodded. “Our manager is coming to get us.”
You nodded in understanding.
“Will you watch our debut showcase too?” Hyunsuk asked you.
“Of course. I’ll even rearrange my schedule just to see you guys.”
“What if we don’t debut?” Junkyu asked. Hyunsuk elbowed him.
“Then I’ll put in a good word for you guys at Seven Seasons.” you countered.
They laughed.
“We’ll see you around, (Y/N).” Hyunsuk smiled at you.
“For sure.”
ayy lmao things have been kinda busy this summer and i’ve been doing a lot of procrastinating but,,,i updated!!!
this update kinda sucks but i promise it’ll get better!! these are just the filler chapters until i get to the good part (spoiler: a reality show)
thanks for reading :)) i really appreciate it
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yoshichao · 4 years
the Smashers and their Host Ch11 Preview
[Read from the beginning here: x | Read the spin-off fic: x]
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[It has been OVER A YEAR since I updated this fanfic, and I am so sorry! To make up for the wait, I'd like to offer y'all a sneak peak at what I have done so far - which is over 13,000 words of content. I wrote it a bit out of order so there are gaps, which will be marked by these square brackets where I discuss what is supposed to go in those gaps. Also please excuse the lack of bolding/italicizing, that stuff all got removed in a transfer haha. If you’re new and have never read this fanfic before, you can click the links at the top to get caught up! Regardless, I hope you enjoy!]
A few days later, two new Smashers arrive at once. You somehow are outside at the exact moment they run into each other.
“Oh, I remember you!” Roy gives the white-haired swordswoman a grin once he’s recognized her. “You were one of the surprise fighters at the end of the final tournament, right?”
“Um, yes, I suppose I was…”
“Aw, don’t be embarrassed! I was invited late into the tournament season too last time. But now we’re both here from the start! Thank the gods…” That last part is mumbled, and you get the impression that Roy may have been worried about getting cut again. You don’t blame him.
The woman makes a sound of acknowledgement before finally speaking up with a somewhat forced smile: “Let’s both do our best then, shall we?”
“Yeah! Of course!” Bags in tow, Roy turns to approach the front door of the mansion. When he spots you standing there (eavesdropping like a creep), his eyes widen into saucers and he gasps. “Ah!! Somebody new??”
Oh geez, not this again. You quickly intervene and introduce yourself and your role in the tournament. Roy lets out a little laugh in relief.
“Ohh, so you’re just the host! That’s good, I was worried…” What? What was he worried about?? You don’t get to ask, and he doesn’t elaborate. “My name is Roy - it’s a pleasure to meet you!”
The other arrival takes a moment before they chime in with their own introduction. “O-Oh, and my name is Corrin…”
You didn’t see much of Corrin in the previous tournament, but there’s something distinctly… different about her than from what you remember. You think she has more scars, and the expression she wears is particularly somber and withdrawn. Did something happen to her recently?
You’re not even sure if she’s happy to be here.
“WHO WANTS TO HAVE A SLEEPOVER?!” Daisy bursts out the front door hootin’ and hollerin’ while Zelda follows her out casually. The Hylian princess spots Roy and gives him a smile.
“Hey, Roy. I see you made it back this year.”
“Yup. And it’s great to be back!!” Grinning he turns to Daisy. His eyes are practically sparkling. “Did someone say ‘sleepover’? I wanna join!”
“Sorry, no boys allowed. Girls and cool hosts only.” Daisy turns to Corrin, ignoring Roy’s look of dismay. “Hey stranger! Wanna join our sleepover?”
“Corrin, right?” Zelda gives the swordswoman a kind smile. “I assume you’ve just arrived, so I imagine you’d want to get settled in first. You don’t have to join, but the invitation is open all night - stop by anytime.”
“Th-Thank you…”
Daisy looks to you again. “Aaaand? You’re joining us too, riiiight?”
You admittedly like having the night to yourself - alone and safe in your room - but where’s the fun in that? It’s just one night. Besides, how crazy can a girls’ sleepover get? Of all the lady Smashers you’ve met, none of them have been particularly frightening or destructive. So this might actually be fun!
“Sure, I’m in. Sounds fun.”
“That’s a relief!” Daisy laughs. “Cuz, actually, we were planning on having the sleepover in your room.”
“What?? Why?”
“We assumed your room would be bigger than any of ours,” Zelda explains, and Daisy looks excited enough to start bouncing off the walls. “We’re not sure how many of us there will be, but…”
“And we can’t just have it in any old room, or else the boys might stumble upon us and listen in.” Daisy side-eyes Roy, who pouts at the insinuation. You can’t help but admit that their reasoning makes sense, but…
For some reason, you kind of feel like you’ve been tricked into agreeing to this.
“...I guess… we could use my room…” You dislike the idea of people seeing your room, being one of the last spaces you have to yourself currently, but… it’s just one night. And you won’t leave the room! You can keep people from snooping for one night.
Daisy squeals and scoops you up in a hug. Her enthusiasm and affectionate gestures do nothing to quell the anxiety you feel. “This is going to be the BEST. NIGHT. EVER!!!” She releases you. “So, where’s your room? I’ll tell everyone to meet there tonight!!”
Yikes, you don’t want people to just show up randomly! Your room is blocked off from the rest of the mansion, so you’re going to have to find somewhere to make a temporary path. “U-Uh… A-Actually, why don’t we just meet… in the lobby?? And then I can lead everyone there!”
There’s a pause. Daisy gives you an unreadable look before breaking out into another grin. “That’s a GREAT idea! It’ll keep certain people from knowing where it is!”
“Stop talking like I’m not here!” Roy complains, to which Daisy just snickers in response. You’re just relieved that you don’t have to reconstruct the mansion right now to match up with whatever directions you come up with on the spot. And along that train of thought…
“A-Also,” you start to add, “you should tell everyone to make sure they have everything they might need… It’s kind of a long walk from my room to, um, the rest of the mansion.”
“Oh, that’s a good idea. Thanks for the heads up!” You have to hold back a sigh of relief. If people aren’t entering and leaving your room, then you can reroute the hallways and keep anyone from snooping. Thankfully, Daisy doesn’t notice your little scheme. Zelda, does, however, seem to be eying you a little more intently, but just allows her companion to continue the conversation.
“Alright, I’ll go tell everyone the news and start finding snacks! Any requests?”
You shrug. “Not really. Just whatever you guys like.” Daisy looks to Corrin, who takes a moment to realize she’s supposed to say something too, and pretty much echos your response. Daisy frowns for a moment, but is quick to smile again.
“I’ll just bring a bit of everything then! See you tonight!!” And with that, she’s dashing back inside like a whirlwind of orange and chaos. The atmosphere noticeably calms once she’s gone, and a part of you misses it when the sudden silence drags out. It takes you a moment to realize that Zelda has lingered behind.
“U-Um,” you start, trying to avoid the Hyrulean’s amused gaze, “did you… need something else?”
There’s a pause, and Zelda looks like she has something she wants to say, but eventually just shakes her head. “No, it’s nothing. I’ll see you soon - and I hope you decide to join us, Corrin.” With a smile and a wave, she turns and follows Daisy back inside the mansion. Now you are left with an awkward Corrin and a groaning Roy.
“Awww man! I wanted to join you guys…” The redhead lets out a deep sigh. “It feels like it’s been forever since I hung out with the Smash gang.”
While you feel bad for him, you think you understand why he was explicitly uninvited. Aren’t sleepovers usually a “girly” thing? That’s how it is in the movies, anyways… Letting a bunch of guys join sounds like a recipe for chaos, and that is not a cake you are keen on baking.
“I’m sure there will be plenty of other opportunities for everyone to get together,” Corrin says, trying to assuage Roy’s pain. You decide to chime in as well.
“Yeah, I mean, everyone has been hanging out a lot since day one. Just the other day, we all went to the beach--” Roy’s face falls, making it clear he would have liked to join, so you quickly continue. “--a-and I’m sure everyone would like to go again, among doing other things, so… Next time everyone starts making plans for a trip, we can hang out, okay?”
His eyes light up. “Really?? You mean it?”
“Uh… yeah, of course.”
Roy cheers and does a fist pump, making you giggle at his enthusiasm. You notice Corrin crack a smile as well - it seems she’s finally starting to relax a bit.
“Hey,” Corrin begins, grabbing Roy’s attention, “if this is just um, a ‘girls’ sleepover, wouldn’t that mean the other boys are free? Maybe you could make plans with them…?”
“Ah! You’re right!!” Roy breaks into a grin and bounds towards the front door. “I’m gonna go see what everyone’s up to! I’ll see you guys later!!” And with that, he’s throwing open the door and rushing inside, reminding you somewhat of Daisy’s energy.
And then there were two.
“So, uh, are you thinking about coming?” you ask. While you’d like to start getting ready ASAP, you think it would be rude to just… go. Also, you’d like to have an idea at who and how many are coming.
Corrin hesitates, thinking. “...Do you think I should?”
Geez, how are you supposed to answer that question? “I think it’ll be… fun.” To your dismay, she catches your strained tone and raises a brow.
“You… don’t sound very excited. Would you rather not join? Or… is it because it’ll be in your room? If so, then why didn’t you refuse?”
It feels like there are no good answers here. Time to do what you do best: dodge!!
“I-It’s really not a big deal. I mean, I like hanging out with everyone, and I trust them…  I think.” That last part slips out accidentally, and you curse yourself for it. “I’ve just never really done something like this before, that’s all! S-So um, don’t worry about me. If you want to join, then you should join. After all, ‘the more the merrier’, right??” You let out a nervous laugh for good measure, and you cannot help but notice the way her gaze is fixated on you. Judging.
“...I see. Well, I suppose… I’ll think about it.” She pauses awkwardly as she glances elsewhere, and the solemn look from earlier returns to her face. Silence stretches out between you for a moment too long. “...It was a pleasure to meet you. I hope we can get along.”
Corrin gives you a bow of her head before turning and heading inside. Once she’s gone and the door has shut behind her, you can’t help but let out a deep sigh. That certainly was a whirlwind of emotions! What even just happened??
Oh, right. Sleepover.
As soon as you’re sure no one can see you, you pop to your room. You were just outside, but you feel the need to peek out the window anyways to check the sky. Disregarding the sporadic gloomy clouds in the distance, the sky is going to be getting darker soon. Are sleepovers supposed to start at nightfall, or do they start earlier around evening? Aw heck, you have no idea - and even if you did, you can’t count on the Smashers following tradition.
Either way, you need to clean. Fast.
Keeping your sixth sense tuned, you know when people start gathering in the lobby without having to go and check. You can’t tell who is there, so you wait until the crowd gets a bit bigger before you go down yourself.
You travel to the lobby by foot and rearrange the mansion as you go, making sure it’s a functional path without intruding on any of the sections of the mansion people may actually be using. The old path to your room did not go this way - it used to just be a straight shot from the top floor - so it requires a bit more work than it would have otherwise. Fortunately, you still have chunks of hallway lying around, so that’s less you actually have to conjure up. You finally connect the hallway you’ve been extending to a certain door, then step out. You are now in a corridor connected to the lobby.
As soon as you open the door, you could hear the chatter of everyone gathered in the lobby. Nobody notices you right away, so you can study the group from afar before you approach. Nine are gathered there: Daisy, Zelda, Peach, Samus, Robin, Lucina, Isabelle, Inkling, and… Jigglypuff? Official Smash Bros. documents refer any Pokemon by using gender neutral terms, so you’ve never been positive about the gender thing for them. You suppose the fact that they’re here means that Jigglypuff is considered “one of the girls”, which has always been a popular assumption to make among Smash fans. But who cares? There are more important things to observe!
Such as: Cute! Pajamas!!
The first to draw your attention is Princess Peach, all decked out in pink. She’s wearing a simple knee-length nightgown and fuzzy slippers. Held to her chest are her blanket and square-shaped pillow. She also has her hair tied into a ponytail! Cute!!
Beside her is Daisy, who is following her signature colour a bit more loosely. Her orange tank top has a purple pig on it, with the word “HECK” written beneath the picture. Her shorts are dark blue with a starry pattern to them. Tucked under her arm is a flower-shaped pillow, and in her opposite hand she has managed to crabclaw five bags of chips and candy into her grip. You also can’t help but notice how burnt her skin still is from your last beach adventure. As you’re studying it, the girls’ conversation changes to that very topic, punctuated by Daisy poking her burns to show off the changing colours.
“Look! And it itches soooo bad - I just want to scratch it!! Ugh, this sucks!”
“Maybe you should have put on sunscreen like the rest of us,” Robin points out wryly. Her pajama pants are long and look like they’re made from silk. The pink-and-black pattern matches her unbuttoned shirt, revealing another shirt underneath. This one has “Cool Mom” written on it, with a picture of sunglasses separating the two words. Do her socks have red hearts on them? It’s hard to tell from this distance. The tactician is holding a giant bowl of popcorn, which you can smell all the way from where you’re lingering. Samus reaches to grab a handful, but her hand is slapped away.
“Hey! You’ve already had enough. Save some for the sleepover.”
“Whatever, mom.” Samus gives an exaggerated eye roll, then breaks into a grin as Zelda manages to snag a few pieces of popcorn from Robin’s other side while she was distracted. Robin realizes what’s going on a second too late, and just shakes her head as she’s forced to watch the Hylian princess munch away with a smile. While Samus is just wearing a faded t-shirt, thick sweatpants, and fuzzy socks for her sleepwear, Zelda is wearing a tank top with a little frog in the corner and pants that poof out along the legs before resting snuggly around her ankles. Zelda’s purple blanket looks large and comfy like Peach’s - in contrast, Samus seems to have opted for a black sleeping bag instead of a pillow and blanket.
“Sunscreen is for the weak!” Daisy exclaims, ignoring the popcorn burglary happening across from her. As she shouts, she jumps dramatically, turning in midair before she stomps back into the ground. The way she’s oriented upon landing leaves her staring directly at you. It seems to take the Sarasaland princess a moment before she recognizes you.
“Hey!!! What are you doing over there?! Come on, so we can finally get this party started!!”
Somewhat reluctantly, you step out of the shadows, steeling yourself before everyone’s gazes. Even though they all look pleased to see you, you can’t help but feel anxious anyways. Isabelle in particular beams at the sight of you.
“Eeeeek! Your pajamas are so cuuuute!!” The cute secretary is wearing a green checkered nightgown, buttoned up and with a white collar. She’s also wearing white bunny slippers. You personally just picked your favourite PJs, which you didn’t think were anything special. All of theirs are much cuter… but that would be weird to say out loud!!
“Um, thanks,” you mumble, already embarrassed. Ah geez, hopefully this isn’t indicative of the rest of the night. You might not be able to survive.
You take this moment to check out the rest of their sleepover choices. Jigglypuff is wearing a green-and-white speckled nightcap, and the pillow the balloon Pokemon is carrying is larger than its body. Said pillow looks like it has two pillowcases on it - you can’t see the second one, but the one on top has colourful music notes on it. Lucina is the only one who looks a little awkward to be here, wearing a white frilly nightgown that looks like it belongs to her time period. Her hand keeps reaching for her sword, moving to tug on her clothes when it meets empty air. She’s probably not used to being without it. You feel bad to see her so uncomfortable, but it’s a relief to know that’s one less weapon that can be used to destroy your room.
Inkling runs up to you, speaking excitedly as she hops up and down. She’s wearing a plain t-shirt and shorts with Inkopolis brands featured on them. Her slippers are shaped like a black-and-white cat.
“Yeah, we wanna see your super cool room now!” Daisy agrees, barely able to stop herself from hopping around as well. “Let’s go let’s go let’s go!!”
You’re not sure you’d call it “super cool”... but you smile and nod anyways, pretending you are not nervous as all heck.
“W-Well, uh, if everyone is ready, it’s just this way--!” Out of the corner of your eye, you spot somebody eavesdropping stealthily in another room. You almost start to panic!! ...But then you realize who it is.
“Corrin? Is that you?” Robin peers around the corner after following your gaze and gives the white-haired swordswoman a warm smile. You notice Corrin visibly flinch after being spotted. “Come on out and join us - we won’t bite! Well, not until the tournament starts at least.”
Slowly, Corrin creeps out of the shadows to join the group. She looks visibly uncomfortable to have everyone’s attention on her. “Um… hello everybody. I.. didn’t want to interrupt…”
“You’re not interrupting at all, dear! Come, join us!” Peach says kindly. “But, Corrin… where are your pajamas?”
Corrin is still in the outfit she was wearing earlier in the day. Maybe she still wasn’t sure if she wanted to join or not.
“Um… I don’t really… have any…?”
“Well, that won’t do,” Zelda says. “You can’t have a sleepover without pajamas.”
“Oh… I’m sorry.”
“I have a lot of extra clothes,” you offer, feeling admittedly eager to get a move on. “You could wear something of mine.”
Corrin shakes her head and takes a step back. “I wouldn’t want to be a burden--”
“It’s no burden at all, honest! I have so many clothes I don’t even wear, so it’s really not a problem.”
Robin gently links arms with Corrin. “See? Problem solved. So, are you joining us or what?”
Looking a bit like a cornered animal as her gaze darts over all the expectant faces, Corrin finally sighs. “I… okay, yes. I will join your sleepover.”
“Yay!” Peach claps her hands together. “Shall we be off now?”
“Uh, yeah, l-let’s go.” Finally, this is happening. With no more interruptions, you start down the hallways you came from, keeping your eyes focused on the door at the end of the hall in an attempt to drown out your anxiety. There’s going to be almost a dozen people in your room! It’s stressing you out just thinking about it! As you’re opening the door that has become temporarily connected to your private wing of the mansion, you hear Zelda’s voice speak up from behind you.
“So that’s where this door goes…”
“I should have known!” Even though you’re not looking at her, you can hear the grin in Daisy’s voice. “That’s one locked door mystery solved…”
It doesn’t surprise you that some Smashers have probably been trying every door they come across. You don’t blame them or anything - you’d be curious too. At least they respect you and your property enough that they aren’t breaking locks (as far as you know, at least - you don’t have any proof for… certain accidents).
“Right this way…” You stand aside and let everyone else go through the door first. Daisy and Inkling rush through it enthusiastically, while the others enter at their own pace. Peach, Zelda, Robin, and Isabelle give you pleasant smile as they pass, while Lucina and Corrin look a bit more tentative, curious about the unknown territory they are walking into. Samus and Jigglypuff remain neutral, leaving you wondering what they could possibly be thinking.
When it’s finally time for you to step through the doorway yourself, you look around the lobby one last time for any stragglers or spies before quickly hopping through and shutting the door behind you. The second you turn the lock, you’re breathing a deep sigh of relief. Bam! Step one is done. You easily shift the mansion’s passages so the door once again leads to the basement, and no one in your party notices anything amiss. Now, even if someone did break the lock, they wouldn’t reach this hallway and find your room. Nope, the only way someone could follow you guys in here is if they could teleport… or if they started breaking down walls.
Hopefully, tonight would not involve another disaster like that.
“Just keep going - it’s a linear path from here.” This transitional corridor is admittedly not your best work - instead of stairs, it’s just one long slope to the top. Hey, you were on a time crunch! There was no time to get fancy! You at least have the red carpet rolled out, and a row of windows on one side and candlesticks on the other. For mood lighting, of course. A gentle light from the nighttime outside filters through the windows.
“Ooh, ominous,” Zelda says teasingly as everyone starts making their way upwards. Daisy bounds forward to get ahead of everybody before spotting an ancient mask on the wall. With a devious grin, she grabs it and holds it in front of her face.
“Bleh! Look at me, I’m a Masked Ghoul! Oooooo!” She laughs and puts the mask back on the wall. “Hey, we should totally have a Halloween party! We can decorate the mansion and everything!”
Inkling turns away from the window she’s peering out of and asks a question. You decide to be the one to answer.
“Halloween is a holiday where people dress up as monsters and then, um, scare people for candy.” Some universes celebrate it a bit differently, so that’s the best way you think you can generalize it. Thankfully, the others start chiming in to help explain it.
“Oh, yes!” Isabelle smiles at the mention of the familiar holiday. “You dress up and then go around the village asking people if they want a trick or a treat! And if you scare someone successfully, they have to give you a lollipop!” She pauses, frowning a bit. “Umm, it’s not my favourite holiday… but the villagers always have fun with it!”
“In other places, you just dress up and go door-to-door around the neighbourhood.” Samus has a wry smile with her own explanation. “Then strangers are supposed to give you candy.”
“You don’t have to dress up as something scary though!” Peach clarifies. Samus gives a mock-frown.
“But where’s the fun in that?”
“Wait, but what happens if someone doesn’t have any candy to give?” Corrin asks. Samus shrugs.
“I guess that’s when you play a trick on them?”
“Yes, that’s how it works!” Isabelle confirms. “If someone doesn’t have candy, then you have to play a nasty trick! Like, umm, giving them old and dirty clothes… or torn wallpaper…”
“I think the definition of ‘trick’ varies from world to world,” Peach says.
“I’ve read about the holiday, but I’ve never celebrated it,” Robin says. “It sounds like it would be fun though.”
“I guess we could try,” you offer. “We can’t really go trick-or-treating here, but we could at least dress up and decorate the mansion, if you want. Maybe have a… party or something?”
Daisy cheers. “YEAH! Let’s do it!! We can go to all the worlds and see who has THE BEST Halloween stuff!”
“You can rule Hyrule out - we don’t celebrate it at all.”
“I think it would be difficult to find anything from our world as well,” Lucina adds. Daisy hums.
“We’ll have to make a list of what worlds to visit… But we can do that later! Right now we got a SLEEPOVER to have!” With a whoop, Daisy runs up the hall, candle flames flickering as she zips past them. Everyone else follows at their own pace, with you lagging behind to make sure nobody tries sneaking back the way you came. Thankfully, they’re all too distracted by their new surroundings to notice you.
At the top of the long ramp, you pass through the doorway to enter your little box of a corridor. Everyone has paused to gawk at the little collection you’ve amassed here.
“Uh, sorry about the mess,” you say awkwardly, wishing you relocated all this stuff to one of your secret rooms. Something in your stomach drops when you see everyone getting a bit too curious about all the nonsense you have collected. “Um, the door is just over there…”
“Wow, this is so cool!” Daisy says, looking around before finally grabbing a trophy out of the mess. “Did you win this?”
“Uh, no.” You do not know if it’s something one of your ancestors won, or if it’s one of the many things that fell into your world by accident. The name has been scratched out, but engraved text on the golden trophy say it’s for something called “Chia Bomber 2”. You have no idea what kind of game that is (if it is one??).
“I see why you keep these up here…” You turn and see Lucina examining a massive stained-glass picture alongside Peach and Isabelle. The picture is of a person, but just enough chunks of glass are missing that you can’t tell who it was meant to be. It showed up in your realm completely shattered, and you did your best to put it back together, but you never found those last few pieces.
Next to them, Inkling and Samus are examining a robot leg. The rest of the body never showed up, and you never ended up figuring out what the keypad on the bottom of the foot was for. Jigglypuff has found a ghastly mask of some monster, giving it a wary poke and cringing at the rubbery texture. Corrin is standing awkwardly in the middle of the hall studying from afar, clearly curious but graciously refraining from touching anything.
“Oh, ew, what is this!” Robin laughs as she pulls her hand out of a cauldron, her hand covered in green slime. Next to her, Zelda has found one of your ragged and extremely fragile tomes.
Okay, it’s time to move on.
“H-Hey,” you try, hoping to get everyone’s attention, “aren’t we supposed to be having a sleepover...?”
You almost think nobody heard you, but after a moment passes, Daisy looks up and goes “oh yeah!!”. Everyone abandons their finds, and you let out a sigh of relief.
“Hey, you got a washroom in there, right?” Robin asks, staring at her slime-covered hand in amusement. You nod and claim the opportunity to hop over to the door, eagerly turning the handle and pushing it open. Robin walks in first and you point her in the direction of the washroom. You’re thankful when she pauses for only a second to glance at your room before continuing on.
When everyone else files in, you can’t help but feel self-conscious at your disaster of a room. All of your interests - laid bare for them all to see! It seems so much more cluttered when you have this many people here. Agreeing to this was a bad idea--
“That’s the biggest bed I’ve ever seen!” Daisy bounds over and flops down on it, bouncing a bit when she hits the mattress. “Oh wowww, it’s so soooooft! I could lie here forever.”
Inkling comes over and climbs onto the bed as well, smiling as she drops onto the sheets. Enthralled by the small bounce she experiences, she sits up and drops down again… and again… before she just full-on starts jumping around, whooping with excitement.
Remembering you have a hostly thing to do, you turn to Corrin. “Oh, before I forget! Let’s find you some pajamas!” You lead her to your closet, pulling the double doors open and flicking on the light inside. Still on the bed, Daisy twists her body so she can watch what you’re doing.
You didn’t think this would be a big deal, but nearly everyone comes over to check it out. You’re glad that your closet is absolutely massive, or else this situation would get crowded pretty fast.
“Haha, where do you even get all this stuff?” Zelda asks, wrapping a long blue feather boa around herself. Beside her, Daisy has put on a pair of massive heart-shaped glasses.
You shrug. “I just sorta find it… lying around.” You keep a variety in your room, but there are other rooms in the mansion where clothes are stored as well. Like with most things in your realm, you have no idea where they came from.
Jigglypuff and Peach are trying on hats and looking in the mirror with them. Lucina and Isabelle seem content to look at the various uniforms and formal wear you have. Returning your focus to the actual reason you’re in here, you lead Corrin to the pajama section. You tell her to pick anything she wants, and she seems to hesitate before gingerly digging through the selection. You notice her stop on a shirt that has a picture of a sleeping cartoon dragon on it, the words “good night!” embroidered onto a starry background. After staring at it for a minute with a solemn expression, she continues looking.
“Oh, this one is cute!!” Suddenly Daisy is at your side, snatching the dragon shirt off the rack. She’s wearing three pairs of goofy glasses and a blazer covered in question marks, but she shrugs all that off once she has the dragon shirt in her hands. “I’m gonna wear it!” she announces, and without waiting for anyone’s opinion, she pulls it over her head and down her body. It doesn’t quite fit her, but she’s beaming anyways and doesn’t express any discomfort.
Inkling wanders in the closet, staring in awe at the selection. Once she reaches the pajama section, she freezes at something in particular, before narrowing her eyes and approaching the rack. Slowly, she reaches for whatever caught her eye, resulting in her pulling down a shark onesie. Her tension is replaced by confusion as she examines it.
“They’re just pajamas,” you explain, assuming her suspicion spawned from fear. “It’s not a real shark or anything.” Well, unless it came from a universe where sharks are made of cotton, but you keep that possibility to yourself. Inkling’s expression lights up in realization and she puts on the onesie with a grin. It takes her some effort, but once she’s got it on, she bares her teeth and starts chomping at the air. Aw, that’s cute! You mentally remind yourself to take a picture later.
Corrin eventually picks out a pair of grey sweatpants and a plain t-shirt and you lead her to the bathroom so she can change. Along the way, you spot Samus going through your movies. Ignoring her, you step into the bathroom… and catch Robin snooping through your things.
“Whoops!” Robin pulls away from the cupboard she was peeking into and slams the door shut. She holds her hands up and grins. “Sorry, couldn’t help myself. Guilty as charged. You probably shouldn’t trust me to behave if I’m alone in a room filled with secrets.”
“It’s okay.” It’s just the bathroom, after all. That’s what you tell yourself, at least, to fight off the anxiety in your gut. “Um, Corrin needs to change, so…”
“Oh, of course!” Robin gets the message and follows you out, leaving Corrin to close the door behind her. Back out here, it seems everyone has emerged from your closet and have spread themselves out across the floor and your bed. Daisy and Inkling are still wearing the things they found in your closet, but it looks like no one else decided to take a souvenir. Robin sits on the floor between Lucina and Isabelle and brings the giant bowl of popcorn into her lap.
“Alright guys, what are we watching? The be all and end all of any good sleepover:” Samus holds up a different movie in each hand. “Romance?” She makes a face to express her distaste. “Or horror?” She grins and does a whispered cheer.
“Why not both?” Zelda replies. Peach nods.
“Yes, we could watch the scary movie first, then the romance movie later. That way, we won’t be scared before bed.”
“Fiiiine,” Samus groans exaggeratedly, a smile on her face. She opens the case and goes to put the horror movie in, but Zelda suddenly calls her out.
“Hey! Don’t we get any say in which one we watch?”
Samus turns and puts a hand to her chest in mock-hurt. “Are you saying you don’t trust my movie choices? Zel, babe… how could you say such a thing?”
“Oh, be quiet you!” Zelda laughs. “Maybe not everyone here wants to watch the scariest movie imaginable.”
“Whaaat? I don’t even understand those words you just said.”
“What’s the point of watching a scary movie if we’re not going to watch the best one?” Daisy adds, clearly sharing Samus’ tastes. Isabelle pipes up in a somewhat timid voice:
“U-Um, scarier doesn’t always mean better, you know…”
Lucina makes a noise of agreement while Samus rolls her eyes and scoffs. With the group at an impasse, Peach looks at you.
“Why don’t you pick a movie for us? You must have seen all these and know which one is best, right?”
Many pairs of eyes land on you, putting you on the spot. Aw geez. Samus puts the movie back where she got it.
“Yeah, that’s a great idea.” The bounty hunter scoots away from the entertainment unit and gestures for you to approach. “It’s all yours.”
“Pick a really scary one!” Daisy shouts.
“B-But not too scary please,” Isabelle adds. You are now left with a big choice here: which end of the spectrum do you want to cater to more? And, will they really like your weird movie picks??
With a sigh, you approach and study the spines of your movie collection, before finally deciding on one. You pull it out and stare at the unassuming cover for a moment before popping the disc in the movie player. As you set things up, Samus gets the lights, snickering maniacally at the quiet whimpers from the more skittish ladies present. The sky outside has grown dark, leaving the only source of light to be the TV. Corrin comes out of the bathroom just in time, clad in the PJs she picked out. Peach calls her over and, after closing the door, Corrin comes over and sits on the floor between Peach and Zelda.
“Is everyone ready?” you ask, finger poised over the play button. Daisy, Jigglypuff, Robin, Inkling, and Samus cheer and chant for you to push the button. Isabelle is already covering her eyes. Lucina suddenly looks awfully distracted by the bowl of popcorn. Corrin is silent, looking more nervous about the quantity of people around her rather than concerned about the movie. Zelda gives you a thumbs up while Peach smiles patiently.
You guess that’s the best you’re going to get.
“Okay,” you mumble, breathing out a wave of nerves, “here we go…”
And you start the movie.
Somehow, the lot of you ended up in some sort of blanket cuddle pile on the floor. You’re squished between Samus, Zelda, and Lucina, and at some point Daisy slid off the bed (leaving Inkling the only one up there, with a monopoly on all the abandoned snacks) to sit behind you. But breaking your proximity from everyone has been the furthest thing on your mind as you watch the girl on the screen run through the school to escape her unknown pursuer.
You may have seen this one before… but it’s still scary!!!
“No, don’t go in there - you’ll be trapped!” Lucina whispers, with her knees pulled to her chest and her hands ready to cover her face from fear. The banter between your little slumber posse has ranged from joking about the movie to trying to spook each other at tense moments, but that died down the further the movie progressed. The killings are gruesome and the mystery is tantalizing. Nowhere seems to be safe for the characters in the movie! And can they trust anybody? One boy was attacked and killed by their own dog completely out of the blue. And now, a girl is rushing into the attic and locking themselves in a storage room, foolishly thinking that would save them. In the movie, the doorknob starts rattling as the girl scrambles around, looking for a way to escape.
There’s a banging at the door - your door - and suddenly everyone starts screaming.
“No, don’t let them in!” Isabelle shouts, hiding under the blanket. Inkling falls off the bed from fright and scrambles to hide. Even the ones who have been the most lighthearted about the movie - Samus and Daisy - are looking at the door in your room with alarm. You mimic their expression, a thick sense of dread pounding in your ears, drowning out everything else.
Didn’t you disconnect these hallways from the mansion??
Who… or what... is out there??
Did you lock the door??????
You’re all so focused on the real life danger that the movie is practically forgotten. The door bangs and rattles again, and you feel several bodies around you jump in fright. Someone lets out a quiet shriek, while Zelda has prepared a ball of fire and Samus has taken out her pistol from somewhere, ready to strike if the intruder enters the room. The rattling stops and the ensuing near-silence is deafening - the screams from the TV suddenly seem louder than they’ve been all night, but no one makes a move to mute them. A moment passes and then…
...the doorknob clicks.
Very slowly, the door creaks open (your door has never creaked before!!), allowing a sliver of light to enter the room from the hallway. It casts a shadow upon the figure, making it impossible to identify who they are at a glance. As the door swings open bit by bit, your eyes take in all the features of the intruder’s form, exaggerated by the screams of agony coming from the TV and further jostled by whoever has just thrown their arms around you in fright. Razor sharp horns!! Monstrously tall!! And they’re holding something that gleams in the darkness!!! The figure lets out a low, evil chuckle.
“Oooooo, somebody told me you ladies were having a slumber party~”
Suddenly, the figure is laughing, and several people around you groan.
“Geez, you scared me--”
Palutena laughs some more, and the light is suddenly flicked on without your command. You haven’t exactly registered the situation yet, so you’re still frozen in place.
“Aww, you all look so cute and cozy! Were you really that scared~?”
It is at this moment that you better realize the situation you’re in. There are actually two pairs of arms around you - Daisy is clinging to your torso and is peeking over your shoulder, while Lucina has pinned down your arms with her embrace and is hiding her face in your shoulder. A moment after the lights turn on, Daisy relaxes her grip on you but doesn’t move away, releasing her tension with a laugh.
“What the HECK, girl! Were you waiting out there for the perfect time or what?!”
“Oh, was that a bad time? My bad.” Palutena doesn’t look apologetic in the slightest. You notice that the monster traits you thought you saw in the darkness were actually courtesy of her pajamas - a… cow onesie. She holds up the objects in her hands - in one is a large tub of ice cream and two bags of Oreos, and in the other is a handful of spoons. “Will treats make it better?”
Samus rolls her eyes and puts her pistol back in the holster hidden under her clothes. “Yeah they will, get over here you imp.”
Palutena makes an expression of mock-hurt. “Comparing a Goddess of Light to such a lowly creature of the Underworld? I didn’t know your opinion of me was so low.”
“More like the Goddess of Bad Pranks,” Zelda scoffs, and that leads into a lighthearted tirade about other Goddess titles for her. The murder scene in the movie has ended and it has moved to a period of calm, so it goes largely ignored while the new snacks are passed out. During this, Lucina seems to finally come to her senses and pulls away from you, her face a bright pink.
“I-I’m so sorry! I… didn’t realize I… I thought…” She glances at her mother, who is giving her a sly, knowing smile as she pats a still-trembling Isabelle. While you are a little embarrassed too (you’re relieved when Daisy finally releases you in favour of grabbing a handful of Oreos), you try to keep your expression calm and fluster-free.
“That’s okay, I understand. It was uh, pretty scary.” So scary that you forgot you could have just mentally locked the doors.
So scary that you forgot Palutena shouldn’t have known where your room was.
You peek over at the goddess, who has taken a seat in the oddly-shaped circle you have going on right now. She’s in the middle of a lighthearted conversation with Zelda and Samus, ignorant to your stares. You don’t want to voice your thoughts aloud, in fear of seeming too overbearing, but you are just consumed by unease. You’re pretty sure she can teleport, so that makes the disconnected hallways a non-issue… but…
Maybe one of the others contacted her? You glance around the group, foregoing trying to seem inconspicuous. Do the Smashers have like… cell phones or something?? You don’t think you’ve seen any comms device that they all have. So then… how???
“Should we restart the movie for Palutena?” Peach asks, finally reminding everyone that the film is still going.
“I-I think we can just umm, give her a recap!” Isabelle announces, unable to hide her fright. Lucina nods a bit too enthusiastically.
“Y-Yes, I agree! I mean, there are plenty of other things we need to do during this sleepover… right?”
“I guess you’re right,” Zelda concedes, and the two sigh in relief, much to everyone’s amusement. Everyone tries to pitch into the summary, making the movie seem like more of a jumbled mess than it actually is.
Conveniently, no one remembers to turn the lights back off.
The credits finally roll, and the blanket of tension finally eases up. Things never got as scary as they did before Palutena arrived, but there’s a clear change in the atmosphere once the movie is over.
“Whew! That was an interesting movie,” Palutena said, entirely unaffected by the spooks and gore. She’s easily the least rattled out of the group, and you’re not sure if you saw or heard any genuine fright from her during the entire second half of the movie. As Peach and Corrin start collecting the trash strewn about from the devoured snacks, Zelda leans back against the bedpost and smiles at you.
“Yeah, it was. I didn’t expect it to involve witches and magic by the end. That was a fun movie - great choice.”
Eek! Someone approved of your pick! You feel like you won the lottery - although, you can’t help but feel bad for the ones who clearly didn’t enjoy it that much…
“N-Next we’re supposed to watch a romance movie, right??” Isabelle asks, sounding just a tiny bit desperate.
“Why don’t we take a break from movies first?” Palutena asks, getting up and approaching your desk. You’re a bit worried at first, but it’s replaced by confusion when you see her grab your fancy old-styled interdimensional phone. It’s vintage as heck - it looks like it came from the late 1800s - but it has like a billion dials of various sizes on it.
“Are… we calling someone?” Lucina asks, clearly curious about your phone’s design.
“Ooh, can we get delivery out here?” Robin asks you. “I could go for a pizza.”
“Yeah, we could order something,” you reply nonchalantly. You turn to Palutena. “I uh, assume that’s not what your plan was though.”
Palutena waves away your concern. “Nah, this can wait until we order something.”
You go around the group and write down everyone’s order before ringing up your usual delivery joint. You didn’t know many people personally before the Smashers came, but your trusty delivery guy? They were basically the closest thing you had to a “friend” for years. You shared a giant order of pasta with them once and watched half a movie before they had to skedaddle and pick-up their next delivery. You never let it show how much you relished those moments in fear of seeming weird or overbearing.
Yep. You’ve definitely developed some great and stable relationships over the years.
“So, what did you want to do with the phone?” you ask Palutena, handing the phone to her after everything’s been ordered. She looks around the group with a mischievous grin and a twinkle in her eyes.
“As the Goddess of Good Pranks, I declare we grace the multiverse with our voices and whisper only the sweetest of promises and prophecies into their delicate, mortal ears.”
Peach claps her hands together, looking oddly excited. “Oh! We’re doing prank calls?”
“Prank calls?” Corrin repeats. “Is that… what it sounds like? You call people and you prank them?”
“Yes, that’s exactly right,” Palutena replies. “We dial random numbers and pull some kind of joke on whoever answers. Anyone want to provide an example?”
Daisy’s hands shoot out, reaching for the phone. “Ooh, me! I do!” Once it’s in her hands, she studies it for a moment before turning to you. “How do I use this??”
“Uh, here--” You go to take the phone from her hands, but she doesn’t let go once it’s in your hands. Some of your fingers overlap hers. Awkwardly, you pull away and settle with just pointing at all the bits. “These dials are for the date and exact time you’re calling. This one is for the universe, and the smaller one inside is for alternate timelines. Then this dial is just for the phone number or an equivalent communications line. Once you’re done, you just press this button on the receiver. If any of the dials are incompatible, it’ll auto-correct itself.”
“Whoa, cool!” With a grin, Daisy puts the phone on the floor, picks up the receiver, and starts turning all the dials randomly. Once she’s done, she presses the button. You quickly spin the volume dial so everyone can hear the other end. A dial tone rings for a few moments, before finally someone picks up.
“Hey man, just calling to tell you we’ll be at your place with the pizza in a few minutes. Sorry for the hold up - there was a lot of traffic, you see--”
“Huh? I think you have the wrong number - I didn’t order any pizza.”
Daisy pauses for effect, then reads off the phone number in a questioning tone. “This is your number, right?”
“Well, it says here you ordered ten thousand pizzas. And we got the pizzas right here.”
“T-TEN THOUSAND?! I didn’t order those! Why would I order ten thousand pizzas?!”
“I dunno man, you’re the customer.” The person on the other end stammers out their denial, but Daisy cuts them off as she holds back a smile. “Look buddy, we’re gonna be there in a minute and SOMEONE has to pay for all these pizzas. I don’t care who - we didn’t make all these just to dump ‘em.”
“I told you, I didn’t order them! And I’m NOT paying for them!”
“We’ll see about that, buddy. Or else I’m going to have to take you to court.”
“WHAT?! But I--”
“See you soon! Have a nice day!” Daisy hangs up the phone and immediately bursts out laughing, with several of the others following suit. Isabelle’s eyes are wide.
“But how are they supposed to pay for all those pizzas they didn’t order?”
“That’s part of the prank,” Zelda explains. “Nobody ordered ten thousand pizzas, and nobody is delivering ten thousand pizzas. But the person is going to be scared for the next little while that they are going to show up at their house.”
“Oh! I see!” Isabelle smiles in understanding for a moment before making a face. “Oooh, that’s a mean prank… I’d be scared too if I thought I would have to pay for ten thousand pizzas I didn’t order…”
“Well, I got a nicer prank for you,” Samus announces, taking the phone from Daisy. The bounty hunter spins the dials one by one before finally pressing the call button. It rings once before a groggy voice picks up.
“Mmmmgh… Hello?”
“Good mornin’, I’m callin’ from the Super Survey Committee,” Samus begins, putting on an exaggerated accent. “We’ve chosen you to be entered in a drawin’ for $10,000. All you have to do is answer a quick survey. Howzabout it?”
“Uhhh… okay, sure.” The sleepiness seems to leave their voice after hearing about the cash prize.
“Awright. Let’s start with your name.”
Conveniently, there is a sudden interference and the phone crackles. Samus is undeterred however, and continues as if nothing happened.
“Mmmm-hm. Gotcha. Excellent. Next, what d’ya do for a livin’?”
“Well, I’m uh, a student right now… but I’m also a detective! A great detective. Maybe you’ve heard of my grandfather - our family name is pretty famous.”
“Ohhhhh, yeah, yep. I’m talkin’ to a real celebrity, huh?”
The voice sounds pretty young, so you assume they’re one of those teenage detectives you’ve read so much about. There are so many of them in the multiverse, it’s kind of wild, actually.
“Alrighty, now that we’ve got that out of the way… You ready to start? You somewhere comfortable right now?”
“Uh…” There’s a bit of rustling on the other end. “Yeah, I think so?”
“Ya think so? Bud, I can’t start unless you know so. Aren’t you supposed to be a great detective or somethin’?”
“I-I know so! I’m as comfortable as a calm right now! Couldn’t be more comfy than this!”
Samus grins, refraining from chuckling like the rest of you. “If y’ say so. First question… what’s yer favourite colour?”
“Red!” As the survey begins, Palutena suddenly starts passing around a pen and paper. One by one, everyone writes down weird questions for Samus to ask. While the paper goes around, Samus keeps going with the “normal” questions.
“Favourite flavour of ice cream?”
“Mmm… chocolate.”
“Least favourite subject in school?”
“Uh… can I say all of them?”
“Sure. Would ya rather be famous or have world peace?”
A pause. “...Um! World peace, of course. Haha…”
“You don’t sound so sure, dude.”
“Hey! Of course I want world peace - who doesn’t? It’s just, uh…”
“Just teasin’ ya, bud. Never said you had to be honest in the survey.” The paper reaches Samus, and she takes it in her hand. “Ready to continue?”
“Y-Yep! Lay em on me!”
“Fabulous. Next question… would you s-smooch a skeleton…?”
Samus’ fake accent falls apart as she reads the first question, trying to hold back her laughter. Robin grins and does a fist pump.
“Ooh, that’s a good start,” Palutena says quietly. The tactician is extremely proud of herself.
“Uhhhh… could you uh, repeat that? Please?”
“Sure thing.” And this time with more confidence: “Would you smooch a skeleton?”
The other line is silent, obviously trying to process the question. Finally, they speak up again: “Is it, uh… a cute skeleton?”
“The cutest,” Robin supplies.
“Absolutely,” Samus says into the phone, and a nervous hum can be heard from the other end.
“...sure, I guess?? N-Not that I would - or do - but--”
“Next question!” You have to hold back your giggles as Samus enthusiastically cuts him off. “Tell me about your favourite body pillow.”
You peek around the group to see if you can figure out who wrote down that query. Most of them seem to be smiling or giggling… but no one is giving off anything that explicitly looks like a hint.
“A-A-A body pillow? Wh-Why would I have one of those?” The person on the other end lets out a nervous laugh. “And, hey, that’s not even a question…!”
“Whaaaat? You don’t have a body pillow? Yer really missing out - they’re great. Got one myself. Makes me feel reeaaal comfy on those lonely nights.”
Something about Samus’ tone and accent leaves you shaking as you try to hold in your laughter. Daisy, Zelda, and Robin aren’t faring much better than you - the Sarasaland princess is doubled over with a hand over her mouth.
The other end is quiet for a moment. “...Okay, well. Maybe… I do have a body pillow. It’s uh, this idol I like… sh-she’s just soooo cute!!”
[insert transitional dialogue here]
“Next question! ...Wait, there are kids present, I can’t ask this one. Skipping that...”
Palutena pouts and shakes her head disapprovingly as Peach, Zelda, and Robin start giggling.
“Uh, I’m not a kid. I’m seventeen…”
“Say you have to diffuse a bomb and millions of lives are at stake. You’re down to the last two wires - one will deactivate it, while the other… well…” Samus pauses for dramatic effect. “Which do you choose: red or blue?”
“Don’t I get uh, more information than that…?”
“Nope. Red or blue dude, tick tock.”
“U-Uhh… blue, definitely blue…”
Samus sucks in a breath of air and shakes her head. The voice on the other line grows panicked.
“W-Wait, was that wrong??”
“There are no wrong answers here, bud. Only consequences. Anyways… which do you prefer: cats or dogs?”
The rest of the questions play out similarly - the rest of the girls didn’t put anything else outlandish. You admittedly didn’t put down anything - you just couldn’t think of anything on the fly, and you wanted to keep the paper moving! You’re pretty sure you’re not alone on that either, because the final number of questions doesn’t add up to the number of people in the room.
“Awwwright, that’s all of them. Thanks fer yer participation - we’ll be putting these results to good use.”
[insert the end of the call and the characters discussing it. jigglypuff decides they want to go next.]
Jigglypuff asks if you have a phone book as it moves closer to the phone. You get up to drag one out from under your desk. This phone book only has the area codes for about one trillion universes (of which there is an infinite number of, of course), but it is still massive. You could probably kill someone with this thing. You place it next to Jigglypuff with a thump, and the balloon Pokemon opens it up and starts flipping through it, entirely unbothered that the book is almost bigger than it. It finally finds the number it was looking for and puts it into the phone, placing the receiver on the ground. The phone rings three times before someone finally picks up. A bored voice comes through on the other end.
“This is the office for Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale, front desk speaking.” The voice sighs. “Did you dial the wrong number? Hold on, I’ll get the phone book...”
You have to cover your mouth to hide your giggles, and you see Peach and Zelda doing the same. Samus and Robin are wearing wild grins. Jigglypuff’s expression turns devious for a moment before it sobers up, voice neutral when it speaks. You’re glad that your phone automatically translates both ways, or else your prank would probably be recognized right away.
“Hello? I’m looking for someone who can help me. I heard a rumour that Cloud Strife is joining the next Playstation All-Stars tournament - is this true?”
The other end is silent for a moment before the voice laughs awkwardly. “Uhhhh, I’m not sure where you heard that. You sure you’re not confusing us with Super Smash Bros.?”
“Haven’t you heard? He turned down the invitation for the next one, and he said he’s looking for a new and better tournament to join. So I suppose he’s not joining, then?”
“.......................Just a sec.” There’s some rustling as if the phone was being shifted, then the voice can be heard shouting enthusiastically: “BOSS! BOSS!!!!! GET ON THE PHONE, THERE’S-- THEY-- CLOUD STRIFE!!! WE MIGHT BE ABLE TO GET HIM--!”
A distant “WHAT?!” is heard and suddenly there’s a click, and a new voice is on the phone. “H-Hello?! What’s this about Mr. Strife--?!”
You can’t hold it in anymore. Everyone is laughing audibly now, and it takes a moment for the person on the other end to register what’s going on. “Wait… who is this? Is this a joke? When I find out who you kids work for, I’ll--”
“You’ll what? You’ll get us fired?” Jigglypuff scoffs and picks up the phone, holding it close. “Cloud Strife will NEVER join your tournament… and your miserable so-called Playstation ‘All-Stars’ will NEVER hold a candle to Smash Bros.”
Jigglypuff hangs up before the person on the other end can stammer out a response, and everyone in the room starts hollering. Wow, that was harsh. Of course, it’s not exactly wrong…
“What’s Playstation All-Stars?” Corrin asks among the cheers, unable to understand everyone’s reactions. Isabelle and Inkling are wearing similar looks of confusion.
“It’s another multi-verse tournament,” Zelda explains, “but it’s held pretty far from our section of the multi-verse. Around where Cloud comes from.”
“Who’s this ‘Cloud Strife’?” Isabelle asks. “Is he popular?” Even though she was called in as an assist character for the previous tournament, Cloud was invited so late that it looks like they never got to interact. She must have been too busy at the end of the season to even watch the fights.
“Oh, absolutely!” Peach responds, smiling. “Perhaps not as popular as Mario or Pikachu, but I’d say he’s as well-known as Link is.”
“Fans online often argue about which one is better,” Palutena adds.
“We actually went to the Playstation All-Stars tournament last season,” Robin mentions, bringing the conversation back around. You’re actually pretty surprised to hear this. “It coincided with the pre-Smash preparation so a bunch of us went ahead and… paid them a visit.”
“We crashed it,” Samus clarifies with zero hesitation.
Peach takes it upon herself to elaborate. “Well, most of us just watched it. Nobody interfered! Although, I believe a few Smashers received an escort out for throwing food at the stage…”
Daisy lets out a laugh. “Really? You never told me about that part! Man, I wish I could have been there.”
“Hey, that tournament was rigged and you all know it,” Samus says defensively. “It deserved everything we threw at it.”
“None of our favourites won,” Zelda tells you. “I think most of us who weren’t kicked out left before the final match.”
Robin just shrugs. “There were a few interesting characters in the tournament, but overall it wasn’t too impressive.”
Lucina frowns, murmuring almost inaudibly: “I didn’t think it was that bad…”
Palutena claps her hands, finally closing out the conversation. “Anyways, ladies and friends, shall we get back to pranking the multi-verse? Who wants to go next?”
“Oh, I will!” Peach announces with a smile, reaching over to take the phone. You’re not the only one in the room who is startled by this. Lucina is the first to comment on it.
“P-Peach? You too? But you’re always so… um, proper.”
“Don’t underestimate Peachy,” Daisy chides while Peach slowly dials a number, humming a tune as she does so. “She’s a pranking master.”
Peach suddenly looks up at you, smile still on her face. “Do you have a second phone?”
“Uh… yeah, hold on.” You don’t actually have another in this room, so you scurry over to your closet to appearify one away from curious eyes. This one is an antique - one of those “candlestick telephones” - but it has just as many dials littered across its slender frame. You usually kept this one in the study - a room you’ve been neglecting for awhile, so you’re glad to see something from it is still in one-piece. Exiting the closet, you return to the circle on the floor and hand the phone to Peach.
“Yay, thank you!”
[peach does her prank call. mc also does a prank call here. they're deciding on who's going to go next when...]
Before anyone can volunteer, there’s a knock from the window. Everyone else stares at it, baffled, but you leap to your feet and bound over to it.
“Food’s here!” you announce, throwing the curtains open. Outside, there is a figure clad in sleek silver, yellow, and black armour that covers them from head to toe. A silver and black cape flutters behind them. They’re standing on a similarly coloured winged hoverboard, holding a large bag branded with “7+13 LIGHT & DARK EXPRESS” and a heart-shaped emblem in one hand and waving with the other. As soon as you open the window, they hop off their board and start climbing in.
“Hey there, is someone having a party or what?” They see the group of Smashers sitting around the room, staring. “Oh, you really are having a party. Huh.”
“Geez, don’t say it like that,” you say lightheartedly. As the delivery dude opens up their bag, you move to your desk and start rifling around for some genuine space dollars. The stuff you could conjure up stops retaining its form shortly after it exits the realm. Thankfully, your ancestors were loaded and practically left the real stuff lying around.
“Okay, let’s see if I got all this right…” As they list them off, the delivery pal pulls each item out of his bag and stacks it all atop each other on their other hand. “One extra extra large pizza with mushrooms, herbs, and fine-cut dragon sausage. Twelve large Ambrosias. Three dozen Lava Cookies. Three cobblers - peach, coconut, and persimmon. Six Phazon Supremes.” They pause. “Haha, this is like a Smash Bros. grocery list.”
“Is it now?” Samus asks, smirking. The delivery guy looks up at the group.
“...wait a minute.” You can’t see their face, but you can tell they are looking back and forth at each Smasher. “You’re not… and you’re... “ They swivel on their heel to face you. “Dude. Is this a prank?”
“We have been doing a lot of pranks tonight!” Isabelle supplies helpfully.
“Every day I wake up and pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming,” you answer half-honestly as you hand them the money. You’ve finally accepted this is real and happening, but every now and then you still have to confirm it when something truly absurd happens. Like having a sleepover and doing prank calls with some of Smash Bros.’s biggest all-stars.
The delivery guy is just shaking their head as they count the money. When they speak up, you can hear the disbelief in their voice: “Uh, wow. Remind me to remind you to call me up more often. Maybe one of these days I’ll have time to get some autographs, ha!”
“Autographs? You want an autograph??” Daisy leaps up with a napkin in her hand and snatches an orange pen off your desk. She clicks it a few times in excitement, wearing a huge grin. “Well, how could I say no?!” She’s snickering to herself as she scribbles her name and draws a little flower beside it. Wait… is that a Smash symbol inside the flower?
Somehow, you get the impression she’s been wanting to do this for a long time.
“Ooh, me next~!” Peach grabs a pink pen from the desk and adds her own elegant autograph to the napkin. Everyone else suddenly crowds around the desk to cram their name on the napkin with their favourite colours. Zelda and Robin are similarly formal with their autographs. Samus’ starts with something that looks like an S and an A, but the rest just looks like a squiggly line. Jigglypuff’s looks similarly squiggly, but it adds a music note to the end. Palutena opts to write “Goddess of Good Pranks” in the biggest space available, then turning the first G into a cow head. You still don’t understand the cow thing.
Inkling and Isabelle draw their own face, but the latter adds “do your best!” beside hers. Lucina tries to write her name to be fancy, but it’s clearly not something she’s used to. After a bit of persuasion, Corrin adds her name as well in her normal handwriting. Once she’s done, she surprises you by holding the black pen she was using in your direction.
“Did you want to add yours…?”
“Uh… n-no, I don’t think that’s necessary.”
“Yeah, I already have tons of autographs from them,” Delivery Guy jokes, and you can’t help but snort. “But, oh man, if you’re associated with Super Smash Bros.... maybe I’ll have to get some more from you next time.”
The two of you may or may not have used your library to find and replicate signatures of famous individuals throughout time and space, and then sold them for a profit. Because, turns out working for an intergalactic postal service doesn’t actually pay that well. Who knew?
“I better not see that being sold online,” Palutena chides, as if reading your minds. Delivery Buddy just laughs, taking the napkin before heading back to the window.
“Oh yeah, I wouldn’t dare angering a goddess like that. Don’t want to get smited! ...Smote? Smitten?”
“It’s definitely smote,” Palutena replies, with such confidence and assurance that you think you believe her. “I will absolutely and undoubtedly smote you.”
“Sounds good - looking forward to it.” Yeah, you’re going to see that napkin being sold later. “Well, I’d love to stay and chat, but I have more deliveries to make. Call again sometime - ‘though Light or Dark, we’re always Express’!” They give you a two-fingered salute before revving up their hoverboard and shooting off into the dark sky. You lean your body out of the window to wave as they zip away.
“Thanks, Ven! We’ll call again soon!!”
“Dude, that slogan sucks,” Samus says as soon as you’ve closed the window. The food is already getting passed around, and your senses are assaulted by the variety of smells that have been introduced to the room. You’ve tried a couple of these (I mean, who hasn’t had pizza??) but there’s definitely a lot of new things to try here.
“Oh yeah, it totally sucks,” you agree as you sit down and help yourself to a paper plate, loading it up with anything you can get your greedy little hands on. “The owner of the company is super stubborn though and refuses to change it. They got enough complaints from the employees about it, so one time they held a contest to change it… and the winner was just the same slogan, submitted by someone who went by an anagram of the owner’s name but with an ‘X’ in it.”
“Wow,” Robin chuckles, biting into a slice of pizza. Isabelle pauses before she can bite down into her cookie, frowning.
“Does that mean… the owner got their twin to enter the contest?? It’s good that they seem to have a good relationship, but that’s just dirty!!”
Well, she’s half right.
“So, what’s this universe this company comes from?” Palutena asks with an unreadable twinkle in her eye. “Don’t think I’ve ever heard of it.”
“It’s located in an alternate layer of the multi-verse,” you explain. Then realizing not everyone here understands the multi-verse as well as you, you hastily add: “Uh, imagine there are an infinite amount of worlds that overlap each other in their coordinates, but they’re all in different dimensions, so you usually can’t interact with them at all.”
“An alternate universe,” Palutena clarifies. You nod.
“Y-Yeah, that’s it. So, you guys wouldn’t know about this world since it’s not in the same collective universe as us-- err, you guys.” Your realm can be a bit special at times, after all. A few of the Smashers still look a bit confused, but you decide to carry on anyways. “A-Anyways, Ven’s world is like, uhh… pretty normal, but multi-verse travel is a big part of the economy. For reference, Light & Dark Express is like a company for part-timers - Ven’s only working there over the summer.” Though… he’s been delivering to you since the first time you ordered from them. You once joked that it seems like he’s always on summer break, but he just shrugged instead of explaining you a thing. Ugh, alternate universes can be weird sometimes.
“That sounds interesting,” Corrin says, bringing you out of your wandering thoughts. Her gaze is fixated on the food as her expression turns pensive. You want to ask what she’s thinking about, but Inkling excitedly lunging for your phone distracts you.
“It’s my turn!! To do!!! The thing!!!!!!!” She lifts the receiver and starts wildly rubbing her free hand across the dials, clearly trying to get the most random result possible.
[inkling does her prank call, then is followed by isabelle's, zelda's, corrin's, and palutena's. lmao you see why i skipped around and ended up not finishing this? this was a lesson for me to no longer replicate the same activity 10 times for different characters in this fic. after all of them do their call, it is finally lucina's turn.]
“Okay… here goes…” Lucina picks up the receiver and starts dialing with a shaky hand. She hesitates halfway through before steeling her resolve and adding random numbers. Gripping the phone tightly with both hands, Lucina stares at it intensely as the dial tone rings out.
“Oh no, it connected!!” Lucina whispers, suddenly panicked. Peach puts a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“It’s okay, you can do it!”
“U-Uhhh… I...”
“Hello? Is anyone there?”
Lucina takes a deep breath before raising her voice to be heard. “I… Hey, you…! Umm…!”
“Uhh, hello? Who is this?”
“I… um, I-I’m hanging up!!!” And she immediately does just that, letting out a distressed hum as she buries her face in her hands. Samus and Jigglypuff start cackling, while most of the others (including you) are fighting back smiles and giggles of their own. Isabelle is the only one who gives her a genuine smile, placing a paw on her back.
“It’s okay, you tried your best! It’s actually pretty hard to do!”
“Do you wanna try again?” you ask, hoping you look more sympathetic than amused. Because you’re definitely feeling the latter. Lucina doesn’t even look up as she shakes her head in the negative.
“Don’t worry sweetie, momma’s gonna show you how it’s done.” Robin reaches for the phone with an air of confidence. “Amateur hour’s over, kiddos. Let me show you how a pranking master gets it done.”
Isabelle and Inkling let out awed noises. Samus raises an eyebrow at the tactician. “This oughta be good. Let’s see what you got.”
With a wicked smile, Robin starts dialling randomly. You’re all eagerly anticipating whatever Robin has in store for the unfortunate soul on the other end. The snacks are busted out again now that most of the takeout is gone, with most of the leftovers dumped into the empty popcorn bowl and passed around. You manage to snag a handful of chisps and chocolate chips before the bowl continues to the next person. As the dial tone rings, Robin dramatically cracks her knuckles in preparation. When the call connects, she brings the receiver close to her face.
“Why hello there! Is your refrigerator running?”
“...Robin? Is that you?”
Robin’s smile grows strained, alarm clear on her face. Samus bursts out laughing. Peach lets out a small “oh”, pinpointing the identity of the voice.
“Rosalina? Is that you?”
“Oh, that is Rosie!” Zelda laughs. “What a coincidence!”
“...Princess Peach? And Zelda too?” Rosalina pauses. “Oh, I see. You’re all at the Smash event right now, aren’t you? That would explain it…”
“Eyy, wassup space goddess?” Palutena chimes, chuckling to herself. “Where you at? Smash isn’t the same without you, party animal.”
You can’t tell if that’s sarcasm or not - you can’t imagine someone like Rosalina being a “party animal”. Unfortunately, her next words do nothing to clear things up in that regard.
“I told you I’m not a ‘goddess’... Regardless, I’m actually on my way right now - I was merely quite far when I received the invitation. The coordinates given are… not typically in the comet’s path.”
Yeah, you kind of are in the middle of nowhere… literally. It does make you curious however: how far in the multiverse does the Comet Observatory go? It kind of sounds like it’s not just restricted to the Mario universe…
Peach claps her hands as Daisy squeals with delight. Palutena nodding along to Rosalina’s words.
“Glad to hear you’re on your way, at least. A lot of us ladies are being invited back - we’ve got Sammy, Lucina, Jiggs, and Corrin here too, along with some new kids. Cute little Isabelle is a fighter this time!” Hearing that, Isabelle blushes and nervously says “hello”.
“Guess who got invited too!” Daisy yells excitedly. Rosalina chuckles on the other end.
“Greetings, Princess Daisy - I thought I recognized your voice. It will be lovely to see you all again. It sounds like it will be quite the tournament this year...”
“And y’know--” Robin suddenly leans in your direction, grinning playfully, “there is ONE person here who knows who else is coming back, but they won’t tell us! Isn’t that just plain rude of them?”
“Ooh! Rosie! Roooosie!” Daisy slings an arm around your shoulder and gives you a friendly jostle, even though Rosalina can’t see the gesture. “Our host is just the coolest EVER! You’re gonna love them! You should have seen the baseball game - they were like, pshoooo! And the ball hit Bowser’s big dumb airship! Ha!!! Serves him right!!”
Rosalina chuckles again. “It sounds like you’ve already started having fun without me. I can’t wait to meet them…” And suddenly you feel embarrassed - both from Daisy’s praise, and from Rosalina’s smooth voice. Is she actually excited to meet you?? No, she’s probably just being polite… or getting the wrong idea from Daisy’s description. You’re not cool at all!
“So how long do you think you’ll be?” Lucina asks.
On the other end, Rosalina hums in thought for a moment. “...My apologies, it will still be awhile… Certainly before the tournament starts, but…”
Daisy groans in disappointment. “But you’re gonna miss the super cool Hallowe’en party we’re having! Can’t you get here by then??”
“That would certainly be pushing it, so I’m afraid not. If it makes you feel better, I can have the Lumas dress up so we can celebrate it with you in spirit.”
“Don’t forget you have to dress up too!” Peach chimes.
“And show us pictures when you get here!” Robin adds. Rosalina laughs softly.
“Yes, of course. I’m sure I can put something together…” That last part is a murmur, trailing off into silence. She speaks up again after a moment: “Well, I’m sure I’ve kept you long enough… Oh, wait, you were the ones who called me, correct? Something about a refrigerator…?”
“D-Don’t worry about it,” Robin stammers, ignoring the snickers from the others. “You have a nice journey, alright? We can catch up when you get here.”
“If you say so…” There’s a hint of curiosity in Rosalina’s tone, but she doesn’t press the issue further. “I’ll see you all soon. May the stars shine down on you all…”
There’s a chorus of byes before Robin finally hangs up. Samus immediately starts laughing again, earning some playful finger jabs in the side from the tactician.
“Ooooh, you!! C’mere!”
“The pranking master, huh?” The bounty hunter keeps laughing as she blocks herself from Robin’s attack. “Man, you sure showed us!”
“Oh, be quiet you! What are the odds that I’d call someone we actually knew??”
As Samus and Robin suddenly find themselves in a poke war, Peach grabs the phone and moves it aside. “It’s getting late, so why don’t we get back to movies? It’s time for a romantic one, right?”
Samus starts booing between fits of laughter. Isabelle perks up at the mention of the genre switch. “Yes! Let’s watch something cute!!”
You opt out of picking the movie this time, letting the others crowd around your entertainment unit to pick something. You sit between Inkling and Corrin and get a headstart on reclaiming the snacks. Lucina has also stayed back, fetching herself another slice of pizza. As the great movie debate begins, you decide to strike up a friendly chat with the three around you.
“So… have you guys been having fun?” Oops, you can’t think of anything else! But, you are actually curious whether or not they’re having a good time. You do want to be a good host, after all!
Inkling is the first to reply, saying “YEAH!!” and giving you a thumbs up before she digs back into the collection of candy she has amassed. Wait, should she be having all this sugar? You hope the little shark-clad squidkid crashes before she decides to put her energy towards being destructive.
“I too have been enjoying myself,” Corrin replies. When you look at her, she’s giving you a soft but genuine smile, and it makes your chest feel warm. “Thank you for inviting me. And for the clothes…”
“Don’t mention it.” You were worried about the white-haired swordswoman considering how reserved she had been before, but she looks visibly more comfortable than before.
You notice that Lucina doesn’t answer right away, however.
“M-Me? Oh, um, I’ve been having fun,” she finally says after you prompt her again. You suppose between the horror movie and her botched prank call, the festivities haven’t been favourable to her. “If I must say… it is a bit… crowded for my tastes,” she admits after a pause.
“Oh, I agree with you there,” Corrin says lightheartedly, and Lucina visibly relaxes.
“Me three,” you add. “I’ve never had this many people in my room before. It’s uh, kind of weird. ...But fun, actually.” You find yourself smiling despite everything. Most of your anxiety from earlier is gone, now that you’ve gone this long without a disaster happening.
“Is that so…?” Lucina’s expression grows thoughtful, and then increasingly flustered as she continues talking: “W-Well, in that case, perhaps sometime in the future… just the three of us could--”
“Puff!” The three of you look up to see Jigglypuff whip a disc over the heads of the other Smashers. Daisy, Robin, and Zelda are working together to restrain Samus against the floor as Peach catches the disc and cheerfully sticks it in the movie player.
“Ugh, you guys suck! And you have no taste in movies!”
Once the movie is securely in the player, the others let Samus go with victorious grins. The bounty hunter sits up and harrrumphs dramatically.
“If you wanted to trick us into watching a non-romance movie, you should have picked something we haven’t seen already,” Zelda says, shoving a case back onto the shelf. Samus grunts intelligibly as she returns to your side of the room, eagerly grabbing a handful of chisps and shoving them in her mouth all at once, being sure to keep eye contact with the others.
“Ugh, you’re gross,” Zelda says with a laugh, no malice behind her tone. Robin moves to join Samus, forcing her to share the half-finished bag. The others gradually move away from the TV to rejoin the blanket pile, grabbing their snacks of choice.
[...Aaaaand this is almost the end of the chapter, so I'll cut it here to save the end for the actual release! As you can see, I just have a lot of gaps to fill in. I have notes for all the events I have to write, it's just a matter of sitting down and writing them. Thank you for reading then and for your patience - see you when "the Smashers and their Host" continues in (hopefully) either March or April!]
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go-diane-winchester · 5 years
Why destiel shippers should not speak about destiel endgame?
@the-winchesters-ruined-my-life asked the following question.
Tumblr media
Thank you for the ask.  A short while back, my prim and proper side, would have responded diplomatically that its a merely ship, an artistic platform, and therefore does not warrant any hate from most level headed people.  However, I have to realize that even art activates the tolerance threshold.  I used to read destiel slash out of curiosity.  There are many more like me who dipped their toes in the destiel cesspool, only to recoil in disgust when they realized that it was probably going to give them gangrene.  Destiel was a sweet little ship, once upon a time, until things dramatically changed for the worst.  Most people who ship destiel are extreme by design because that is how the meta writers designed their thinking.  Non heller fans contradict each other.  I don't see that with hellers.  Some upper echelon hellers says something and these fans just accept it without question.  Take for example, the following post, recently penned by @anti-anti-destiel, lamenting the impending end of SPN.
The first flaw, is the OP's name.  They are glitching the tags with a name like this.  Everything and everyone has an anti tag.  What makes destiel so special that it must never have an anti tag?  That is manipulative and delusional because nothing will disappear just because you wished it away.  People that are going to despise destiel are growing, whether OP sticks her head in the stand or not.   
Anyway, here is the post, which I edited where necessary and italicized.  My responses are in bold. 
....Season 15 will be the last, with another 20 episodes.
There has been talk about queerbaiting in the past, and whether or not SPN will go down in history as a show with a slow-burn queer romance, or whether it will be forever known as the most queerbaiting show in existence.
This is why non-destiel fans get infuriated.  If there are any ''good'' destiel fans out there, why don't they tell this entitled princess to stop ruining the reputation of a show that has genuinely made people happy?  SPNFamily is very ironic when you want to tear apart a show that gave made you smile for 14 seasons.  This alone makes me wonder if there are any ''good'' destiel shippers out there.  The other hot topic is that of queer baiting.  Notice how queer baiting is NOT up for debate.  I have seen the master list of ''proof'' that SPN is queer baiting.  The parallels, metaphors and prop analysis are extremely insulting to adult human intellect.  Performing Dean is perhaps the most biphobic concept I have ever come across.  There is a reason these meta writers don't want their head canon's discussed because they know that people with logic with wipe the floor with them.  I can almost picture Jensen bursting into laughter if he ever read that master list.  It is that nonsensical.  The meta writers claim they are being queer baited, and everyone believes it.  Nobody questions the writers.  Why? 
All the cards will be on the table in the writers’ room.
Dabb is destiel friendly.
Bobo is destiel friendly.
Davy is destiel friendly.
Steve is destiel friendly.
Meredith is destiel friendly. 
Buckner and Ross-leming are ???
Singer is ???
When a meta writer writes something like this, how come low level destielers don't ever question her?  Why not ask her:  if Dabb and gang are destiel friendly, then why is it that Cas didn't even get invited to 300th episode family dinner party?  They practically forgot about him.  BuckLeming are NOT destiel friendly, because Leming [along with Misha] claimed that an episode with a turning point was coming up.  Turns out there was no turning point.  Leming and Misha were just making a mockery out of the destiel fans.  Why is it that Leming was called out for that lie and NOT Misha? 
And why is it that the most important people in this equation are always left out?  Both Jensen and Jared have said time and again, that destiel is not part of SPN canon.  How come they get left out?  Do you think their opinion doesn't matter?  And if it doesn't, then why is that?  I would really like to know. 
Other numerous cast and crew are destiel friendly. And before someone starts, regardless of previous statements, Jensen is more friendly to the idea than you may think.
Why don't any of the destielers ask this meta writer HOW she knows that Jensen is friendly to destiel?  One fool told me that Jensen told her during a photo op that he was OK with destiel.  But yet he says on stage that destiel doesn't exist.  Now, why would he do that?  What makes these idiots think that Jensen is two-faced or spineless.  This meta writer said it, and everyone believed it.  Not a single person decided to cross-examine her regarding her claims.  Jensen doesn't like destiel.  He destroyed the only panel he shares with Misha.  I think getting death threats from hellers did it.  I don't blame him. 
Our main barrier is convincing Pedowitz and the Network Powers that be that it should happen.  Fandom has campaigned, tulpa’d, prayed, begged, etc. We will know by May, 2020, what the decision will be.
So she wants to rally a bunch of delinquents to annoy and aggravate TPTB.  And what fandom is she talking about.  There are many fans who HATE destiel, because of Jensen's death threats, as well as arson, kidnapping and vandalism threats.  Ordinary fans of SPN are fed up of destiel meta writers speaking up for every one of us.  The destiel fans are only a subsection of the overall fan base.  We would prefer if they didn't speak for us all.  Pedowitz has already acknowledged only J2 as the leads and TPTB has told them that the show will go for as long as they want.  So TPTB are acknowledging the leads opinions.  Neither of the actors are going to say yes to destiel. 
We have seen the hints in Dabb’s era, where it could go. He is ON BOARD, people. Whether you want to believe it or not. It’s so close to being fully textual canon. 
What did she see in the Dabb era?  Cas admiring Dean's looks?  No, he admired Sam's looks.  Dean telling Cas he loved him?  No, he said that to Sam.  Dabb is giving every other pairing its day in the sun, but not destiel.  Why is that?  I think it has something to do with the reputation destroying queer baiting accusation.  This person is fooling you in order to stay relevant.  I can tell you now, there are personal stakes involved in shipping.  In order to stay popular and relevant, meta writers will spin mile long yarns.  Meta writers are like a step up from a slash fic writer.  In a weird way, they are revered without any merit or qualification.  That is how gullible the destiel fan base is.  They never probe a claim.  And they never just enjoy their ship.  Everything has to be about canon destiel, ship wars [their latest victim is sastiel] and they never acknowledge criminal threats.  Being loyal to them means that you are popular with the bad crowd.  Let that sink in. 
So while some may be preparing for the eventual let-down, it is completely acceptable to keep the faith. If it doesn’t happen, it won’t be the fault of writers, cast, or crew.
Oh, no it will be the fault of the meta writers, like this joker, and Misha Collins.  Misha has actively queer baited his fans for ten years.  Its funny how Jensen is the bad guy for saying that destiel doesn't exist, but Misha is such a kidder if he says anything destiel and even cockles friendly.  Misha Collins is the only person on the cast, crew and writers who actively and vocally pushed destiel consistently for ten years.  So much so that he ignored sastiel.  He changed that at Nashcon for reasons unknown.  If you want to lash out at anyone for destiel not being canon, please go ahead and lash out at Misha.  The only one who gave you any hope was Misha. 
In conclusion:  I have only met one destiel shipper [receipt on my blog], who acknowledged that destiel shippers were becoming ghastly and that Misha was egging on the troublemakers.  She admitted that she didn't approve of his behavior.  Other than her, I have not come across another.  Other than this one person, nobody else deserves my empathy.  When SPN ends without destiel being canon, prepare for the hellers being mocked by all and sundry, due to all the many enemies they earned for the threats, attacks on J2 and the vandalism.  No one will feel sorry for them, because they ruined this fandom.  Remember, Destiel is not a religion.  Loving and believing it is not a prerequisite for being an SPN fan. 
Excuse the typos. 
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teachingtales · 4 years
How To...Be an Empath Without Being Overwhelmed
I saw this post and responded to it. I thought it may help others here. I asked the person if they wanted advice, they did, and so my reply is after the bold/italicized text. If you don’t know what an “empath” is, it’s someone who feels the emotions of others very strongly, and can find it overwhelming. The bold/italicized commentary directly below is a pretty standard example of what an empath experiences: 
Sometimes I feel like my heart is like 4 sizes too large because I care WAY too much about random things happening/people that I have literally no connection with. Part of it today is that I'm probably really close to my period, but I get like this a lot even when I'm not hormonal. Today, I saw a TikTok where a girl was taking a college class and everything is still online because of Covid. She said less than half of the class was showing up and no one turned on cameras and the prof seemed really sad. It was an environmental class, something this guy obviously cares about a lot and I just started sobbing. It's just so sad to think about these professors who just really love teaching people, and are used to seeing students faces every day, and now he's just talking into a void. like just a black screen. I cried for like 5 minutes about this 30 second tiktok. Little stuff like that just really gets to me. I played a dumb video game the other day (Journey to the Savage Planet) and you scan these little animals on this planet and the first one you come across the description of this animal literally says "loves you" and then you're supposed to kill a bunch of them. Do I just need to avoid media at this point?? The more visual it is (like a show, or a game or something) the worse I feel. Sometimes I even have a hard time reading books because I get so sad. This can't be normal. Does anyone else get like this? How do you separate your human emotions from things that really don't affect you at all?
It takes a lot of work to manage being an empath without shutting down or becoming overwhelmed, but I find it worth it.
A. When I’m overwhelmed with emotion.
In these cases, I analyze what’s getting to me and I find a place online where I can donate money. I donate what I can, it’s monthly but a small amount. I personally donate to a reusable pad charity that gets reusable pads to girls in regions where safe pads are hard to find (so they either use unsanitary things and get infections, or they miss school during their period and fall behind) and another charity that provides sun protective clothing and high SPF sunscreen to Africans (in Africa) with albinism.
I don’t know why these two in particular spoke to me...likely because oppressive religious concepts put them in danger and I grew up in a cult myself. Any amount you donate is helpful.
Sometimes I do a thing where if I’m buying too much c/s food, I donate an equal amount of money to different charities.
If you can’t donate money for some reason, then play the “grammar game” at https://freerice.com and each correct answer donates rice to hungry people. You can’t use an ad blocker since that’s where the money for the rice comes from.
I cannot fix all the problems in the world, but I can at least provide some help.
B. If I’m overwhelmed wanting to help someone I’m talking with who doesn’t seem to understand why they need my help.
This can be difficult but the best way to think about it is that I cannot help someone as an isolated concept; help can only happen if both of these things happen:
I am willing and able to help
The other person is willing and able to receive and enact my help
The problem of the empath is we desperately want to help others and, unlike most people, we are willing to put I’m the effort. The problems arise when the person is unwilling or unable to utilize that help. Help is like any other human interaction: IT REQUIRES CONSENT! This is something we don’t talk about in society, but it is simply inappropriate to force our help onto others. It causes them feelings of stress, inadequacy, frustration, self-hatred, and other negative, harmful emotions. As empaths, we don’t want anyone feeling that way, ESPECIALLY because of something we did or said! So I remind myself that if I force my help without their consent, then I’m contributing to worsening that person’s day.
C. The person wants my help...for everything. They are draining me.
This is likely the hardest one for us to manage, because we begin to feel responsible for that person’s wellbeing.
This type of person desperately needs a good friend, but because you’re offering help in one capacity they have decided that you are the person who will meet all their needs. This is an inappropriate relationship. If someone offers help with X, they are not also offering help with Y, Z, A, B, etc.. It’s like how I would be wrong to see a dermatologist for an eczema outbreak, but to call the dermatologist for help with my relationships, choosing healthy food at the store, asking for help picking a flattering outfit, and asking for advice on writing a resume or talking to a problematic coworker. The dermatologist is helping with ONE thing. Can the dermatologist offer advice on all those other things? Sure. But it’s inappropriate to think, “The dermatologist is helping me with eczema; THEREFORE, I will ask their help for all these other things.”
This means we as empaths need to set those boundaries. It’s okay for us to point them in the direction of someone who has more time and expertise to help them for another problem.
And, just like that dermatology visit, we must set a time limit. If you feel selfish at first, remind yourself that being “drained” means you can’t help as many people during the day AND that those extra hours spent aren’t actually getting that much extra improvement in their lives. It’s a better outcome to divide our time to help 3 people than to let 1 person swallow up all our time.
D. The person wants my ATTENTION, but not my HELP.
This one is tricky and can leave us feeling used and our time wasted. This person appears like Situation C, but each time they “totally promise” to use our advice, you find out in the next conversation that they didn’t use the advice or even claim to forget, or claim that we never said that advice. This person needs professional therapy. We cannot help them. If they cannot see a therapist in person for whatever reason, I have free and/or online alternatives for them.
I find that this person is ready to dump ALL their problems, even if they’re wholly unrelated to a problem you’re talking with them about currently. You find that when you try to excuse yourself from the conversation, they immediately try to start a new conversation. The more you try to excuse yourself, the more extreme the new conversation starters become, including talks of self-harm, suicidal ideation, inappropriate touching, and so on. These aren’t necessarily lies, but are ONLY brought up to keep your attention/concern/care. I call them “Pity Vampires”.
For Pity Vampires, I give them one helpful task to complete for the next time we speak, and I give a time constraint like, “Message me next week about your success.” If they message me next week with cheap excuses, then I refer them to a therapist (and the alternatives) and tell them I am unable to help them.
Typically, they will attempt to self-pity to manipulate me into helping them, such as, “That’s how everyone treats me, I thought you were different but you proved me wrong” or “I really am beyond helping, no one wants to be around me.” I reply to this saying something like, “Your response is deliberately manipulative to trick me into talking to you further. This is disrespectful and you’re asking me for inappropriate help. I am not a mental health professional, so it is rude and inconsiderate to use me as such. I am a person with my own issues. I’m happy to be a friend, but I am not here to be used by a person who is avoiding therapy.”
This sounds harsh but it is direct and truthful, which is what they need to hear because they’re either given pity or frustration. By expressing exactly why people keep leaving them, you are helping them see that it’s not who they are that is off-putting, but it’s how they treat others that is off-putting.
Similar to this person is the "Drama Vampire", who is combative for attention. It's similar to a troll in that they post to get a strong reaction, only they're being serious in their commentary and not trolling (trolls just post to anger people for fun, even if it's not their real belief/opinion). Drama Vampires are easier to spot and you can try talking to them politely to educate them on a topic. If they respond in an over-the-top way with insults and strawman arguments, you can say something like, "You are using straw man arguments and insults, and I'm not sure why. If you want to have a conversation about this, I'm happy to participate in civil, calm discussion. But if you're upset and looking to talk at me with common arguments that aren't anything I've ever said, then you don't need me for this since you're putting words in my mouth anyway. If you respond in the same way, I just won't reply. Either way, I hope you have a good day." 
You have to be careful to not be condescending, as it can sometimes come off that way. You can't include things like, "I just wanted to educate you but it seems you're in love with ignorance" or whatever. Just "Hey, I'm here to talk but not here to be yelled at, so if you respond with more of the same then I won't reply." 90% of the time, Drama Vampires respond with more anger and so I wash my hands of it. It is tempting to try to "reach" them with kind, rational words, but they aren't receptive to those at that time. If they are receptive, then after that "please don't be rude to me, I just want to have a discussion" comment they will soften up and you can have a discussion.
0 notes
woobaejin · 7 years
Youtube Series found »  {HERE}
Scenario: You’re a rising fashion/beauty YouTuber and your subscribers have been asking for you to start a vlog channel together with your boyfriend! 
*wanna one members speaking = “bold” / (y/n) speaking = “italicized” 
Yoon Jisung » [ grocery shopping ] 
“Afternoon everyone! So today, (y/n) and I are just getting some groceries for this week. My parents are in town and are planning to come over for dinner tomorrow and—What are you doing… babe we said no chocolate.”
Inspects fruits and vegetables together and bickers over which one is fresher.  Film your reaction when he makes food/brand puns. Laughs at his own jokes. 
Talks about trying to cook more at home instead of ordering take out all the time. Basically, trying to eat healthier and cutting back on the sweets. 
“Just got back home and finished putting the groceries away. We’re chilling now and looking up recipes because we both can’t cook to save our lives—especially (y/n)” 
“I’m going to literally stock the entire fridge with everything that has carrots inside. Don’t try me.” “Just kidding. I’m sorry. You’re the best and really pretty and I love you.” 
Ha Sungwoon » [ babysitting friend’s two-year-old child ] 
“So today I have a very special guest at the apartment… it’s Stella! We know how much you all loved her when she came to visit so of course, I said yes to looking after her. Stella’s parents are at an emergency business meeting and asked if we could watch over her for a couple of hours today. (Y/N) went on a food run and she adores this little one so she’s trying to rush and come back.” 
Is extremely active with Stella and is basically in love with her. Watches cartoons with the child and showers her with cuddles. Lets her play around with the camera and inserts clips of the uneven angles and cute baby smiles.
“Ah, (Y/N) is here! You went to Chipotle? You’re the best.” Gives you kisses and takes the food from your hands and places them on the counter. 
Films you playing with Stella and decides to have the child choose between you two and obviously he wins.
“Honestly, you somehow forced her to choose you. If I didn’t step out to get food, we all know who’d be the favorite.” “No need to be salty.” 
Hwang Minhyun » [ cleaning / arranging new apartment ] 
“Hey, everyone! (Y/N) and I are slowly but finally settling down in our new apartment. It’s been a really tedious process but we’re almost done. We’re going to do some cleaning around because you all probably know by now that I’m the clean freak out of the two of us.” 
Places the camera on the marble counter top and films himself mopping the floor and wiping down the windows.
Talks about how the adjusting process has been and gives tips on what you should do to make the “moving out process” easier. 
“(Y/N) just brought home more PR packages and keeps screaming from the other room about some huge collection… COME HELP ME WITH THE STOVE. WE’RE NOT COOKING TILL IT’S CLEAN!!!!” “BABY I CAN’T!! LET ME OPEN ALL OF THESE FIRST.” 
Films the huge mess you made and watches you talk into the camera about the new products and how you’re going to film a huge first impression video at the end of the month
Ends up cleaning after you and becomes a little agitated, but you shower him with kisses and he instantly forgives you.
Ong Seongwu » [“car prank”]
“What’s up everyone. As you all have probably seen two vlogs ago, (Y/N) decided that it would be a great idea to cover every inch of my house with my old fuccboi photos when my friends from high school came to visit me. She decided to sleep over last night which gave me the perfect idea. Since she’s so in love with the photos, I decided to tape up her entire car with them this morning and she’s running late to work right now so you bet she’s not going to have time to take them off one by one.” 
Casually films you quickly putting on your make up. Asks you if you forgot set your alarm (he turned it off purposely to make you wake up 15 minutes later than usual lmao) Tries to play it off cool and offers to make you a quick breakfast on the go. 
Watches you grab the sandwich and waits for you to yell out his name. 
“I lost them. Sorry! Drive safe and have a good day at work! Love you!” (ends up giving you his car keys anyways later on) 
Kim Jaehwan » [  karaoke night at your parents’ house ]
“So tonight is going to be a really fun one. (Y/N)’s parents invited us over for dinner tonight and that’s not even the best part though. We’re going to have a karaoke party with her relatives and I already know it’s going to be wild”
Films your mother cooking and basically, everyone from your immediate family loves Jaehwan and his jokes. You’re like wtf but is actually really happy that he’s getting along with everyone. 
“Jaehwan’s currently going through the list of songs on the karaoke machine and my dad is super hyped now. They’re about to do a duet so let’s see—” “YAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOO! C’MON OKAY OKAY!!!!” 
You film him dancing hilariously with your dad and uncles. Cracks up from second-hand embarrassment on the side with your cousins. 
Chooses to sing Beautiful (Goblin OST yES) while holding your hand at the end. Everyone is screaming over you two and you’re hella flustered but low key loving it. 
Kang Daniel » [ GoT Night / Sleepover ] 
“Good evening everyone! So I’m heading and sleeping over at (Y/N)’s place for tonight. She’s been traveling a lot and having a great time meeting you all through T*RTE’s sponsored tour. But we haven’t seen each other for three weeks now and yes as you can tell from my tweets. I’m deprived of (Y/N) and I miss her a lot.” 
Vlogs on his way there and talks about what he’s been up to and talks about his trip to the vet that morning with Peter. Mentions about helping you edit a couple of clips for your next beauty related video.
“Alright! Brought her favorite snacks and we’re supposed to catch up on Game of Thrones tonight definitely can’t wait.” 
Rings the door bell and grins happily when you open the door. Takes you into his arms tightly and showers you with kisses.
Cuddles on the couch and props the camera up on a stack of books. Listens to some of your stories about your trip and inserts clips of both of your reactions to an ep of GoT. 
“Okay, everyone. I think the vlog is going to end here. As you can tell, (Y/N)’s passed out,” pans the camera over at you briefly “And she’s still struggling a bit because of the jet lag so we’ll see you in the next one! Goodnight!” 
Park Jihoon » [ picnic anniversary date ] 
 Today is the mark of your one year anniversary and what better way to celebrate than to go on a picnic date. 
Jihoon films you making the sandwiches and sides before going into detail with which park you guys were going to. 
“It’s honestly a really clean place and our usual little spot that we go to is kind of hidden but it has a really nice view of the city and it’s super quiet. We haven’t been there in months and our first date was actually a picnic one too so we just wanted to relive some memories.” 
Helps you finish packing the utensils and the juices before heading out. 
Ends up speeding up the some of the clips and replacing the audio between you two with music. 
Briefly, talks about how you guys first met and how shy he was when he asked you for your number. “He was super red and nervous! I thought that he so cute so I ended up giving it to him and look where we are today!”  
“Alright, that’s basically it for now. We’re going to end the vlog here and enjoy the rest of our day. Promise that the vlog next week will be longer. Bye everyone!” 
Park Woojin » [ Mukbang ] 
Does a bunch of retakes on the huge amount of food you both ordered. Didn’t feel like cooking at all today, so ordered a lot of korean food through Postmates. 
“We know you all have been requesting us to do a mukbang today so here it is! (Y/N) will basically run through the entire list of food that we ordered today.” 
Watches you list out the foods while holding your hand. Would lift the dish slightly to show it to the camera. Smacks his lips and tries to hold in his urge to eat as you keep talking about different ingredients. 
When you give the go, he basically digs in and scoops food onto your plate.Silent majority of the time as he chows down his food. 
“Woojin.. we’re supposed to talk while eating” he blinks and smiles as he continues to chew quickly before speaking “Sorry. It’s still weird for me to talk and eat at the same time.”
You both talk about upcoming plans, new restaurants that you want to try, funny episodes between you two. 
Basically, you film him finishing every bit of rice and soup and gives him an applause. “I think I ate a bit too much…and I’m getting sleepy” 
Bae Jinyoung » [ Gaming at home ] 
“Hi, guys! Today, (Y/N) and I are just staying indoors today so the vlog’s not going to be too exciting. We’re not doing much and for the first time in history… (Y/N) has decided or more like I begged… her to play some games with me. A subscriber gifted us a couple of games for the Wii U so thank you!” 
Pulls you into the living room and “interviews” you with the camera on why you don’t like playing games. Promises that you’ll have fun!!!
“So she chose Mario Party—don’t worry we’ll read the instructions and stuff hon.”
Vlogs you screaming and punching the air and he is cracking up quietly in the back when you do the mini games. 
“WHAT THE HECK, I WAS SPINNING. THIS IS RIGGED. CAN WE REDO THIS GAME??” “Don’t hurt yourself please and don’t break the tv”
Tries to sit you down on his lap and calm you down but ends up getting elbowed in the face. “SORRY. HOLD ON BABE. I’LL RUB YOUR FACE IN A MINUTE!” 
Lee Daehwi » [ shopping for mutual friend’s big birthday bash ] 
Films you scanning around the mall from behind. Catches you whining about wanting to eat everything in the food court on camera.
“We’re getting some new clothes for our friend’s birthday bash that’s happening next week. The color scheme is pastel so we’re just shopping around. Not like she doesn’t have enough clothes in her closet to choose from already..” 
Follows you around with the camera and watches you pick out a lot of things THAT WEREN’T pastel.
“Uh no, you are not getting that. IT’S TOO SHORT. HECK NO!!”
Puts back more than half of the stuff you threw into the shopping bag because they were either too short or you had something extremely similar in your closet.
“What about this dress? It’s so cute and—” “SCANDALOUS AND SHORT NOPE.”
Finally, gives up and lets you buy it but will lets you know that he’s staying glued to you just in case any unknown single guy friends of your mutuals hit on you. 
Lai Guanlin » [ visiting animal shelter to adopt a dog ] 
Films a bunch of the dogs at the shelter. Inserts cute clips of you playing with the dogs. “If only we could adopt all of them..”
Describes the kind of dogs there and suggests going to your local animal shelter to adopt instead of shopping for one.
“Oh my god.. it’s a Shiba..” Films the black and white Shiba and instantly falls in love. Very calm and quiet. The dog slowly warms up to him but is still visibly shaken. Instantly knew at that very moment, that this was the dog for him. 
“So everyone.. I think we’ve made our decision. The workers were telling me how she was saved from the meat trade in Asia and she’s still kind of shaken up but I think she’s the one. She’s around four years old now and her name is Sylvie. We’ll probably change her name later on though.”
You begin to document the moments between the two. “Guess I’m going to be fighting for Guanlin’s attention later on.. Just kidding. Watch Sylvie end up loving me more.” 
“Babe, can you go fill out the paperwork? She’s sleeping on me and I don’t want to wake her up”   
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lazuliblade · 7 years
History of YOI fandom
As a YOI fandom grandparent, I felt it was my duty to write out all the fandom explosions for the newer fans who weren’t there to witness the big bang and gradual week-by-week creation of this universe. All the arguments, people blowing things out of proportion, blaming characters, death theories, awesome fans clearing up miscommunications, YOI breaking the internet... 
This isn’t a post to call out specific people on their arguments and theories - I’ll stay respectfully away from restarting flames and picking fights, thankyouverymuch. Rather, this is an overview of the topics and conflicting views that swept across hundreds and thousands of people and prompted strong reactions. I’m doing this now, because I know that 6 months later, 1 year later, 3 years later, etc. there will be new fans who will have many of the same exact arguments. We’ve been there and done that. I see fans now who say things without knowing where the spelling/quote comes from, or who don’t realize how much has changed, or don’t know why there are certain perceptions of characters. So here’s a little bit of passing down history.
I also don’t want to forget the crazy ride this was. Laugh with me at the silly theories; smile with me at how deeply YOI has impacted our lives. For those of us old-timers, let’s take a trip down memory lane. Remember when...
---------------- (Large arguments will be italicized or bold. Special thanks to @sachiro for reminding me of a bunch of stuff I missed, and looking over the draft in its various stages of being written and edited.)
Idea that there would be a love triangle (Yuri P.--Yuri K.--Victor)
Some fans started spelling Yuri Katsuki with two “u” in order to tell them apart.
Victuri ship name created for Victor x Yuri K. (in a comment to the PV)
The title
“lol ‘Yuri’ on Ice? Where are all the lesbians?”
“When it said Yuri on Ice, I thought we would get girls. Y’know what I mean?”
“Yuri on Ice? More like Yaoi on Ice! amiright?”
J.J. misspelling (English spelling “Jean Jack” instead of French Canadian “Jean-Jacques”)
you can see the remnants of this in the audience banners during the episodes, but it was corrected to “Jean-Jacques” on the official website and the in-show text
Phichit x Seung-gil ship created (there was more art for this than for Victor x Yuuri)
Episode 1
Victor vs. Viktor spelling arguments 
Although “Victor” is the official spelling and seen in-show, people argued that the creators are wrong and that we fans know better than them about Russian culture - thus the “Viktor” spelling was born.
People argued back that spelling is subjective and you can spell a name multiple ways and still be correct - thus transliterating his Russian name into English as “Victor” would be just as acceptable.
The YOI wiki held fast for a time on using official spellings and information from the official website, but the transition of power led to a new team that started using agreed-upon info rather than solely using official info. “Viktor” replaced “Victor” on the website.
this change from “Victor” to “Viktor” on the wiki happened around episode 2~3, but the arguments were in the page comments since episode 1 -- with moderators explaining their reasoning with sticking to official sources.
Victor is a flirtatious over-the-top character who will seduce Yuuri
Victor is the overwhelming seme and Yuuri is the shy whimpering uke.
People dropping the anime because Yuuri is overweight; people commenting that they don’t want to see an overweight main character
in addition, some people dropping YOI due to feeling that the series was “fat shaming” by using Yuuri’s weight as a point of comedy.
Conversely, some people praising that we have a main character that gains weight and actually has an overweight appearance. 
“Japanese Yuri” &“Russian Yuri” or “Yuri K.” &“Yuri P.” were used to differentiate between the two characters since they shared the same official English spelling “Yuri”.
Starting with ep1, “Yuuri” spelled with two “u” became more widespread due to convenience when typing.  
Japanese fandom simply used kanji for Yuri Katsuki and katakana for Yuri Plisetsky. 
Some fans argue that Yuuri is more correct because in Japanese his name is ゆうり(yu-u-ri). Other fans argue that “Yuri” is still acceptable transliteration because there are multiple spelling systems (Hepburn, etc.) and an alternative correct spelling would be with a macron (Yūri).
Fans point out that Yuri’s name would be spelled “Yuri” in official documents anyway due to lack of macrons on many keyboards.
Spoilers for episodes 1-3 were out because of the two Western fans who witnessed the first three episodes of YOI in a Tokyo preview screening.
fans relied on a certain blogger for info on YOI. 
“WHERE DID YOU SEE EPISODES 2&3???” was asked every 5-10 minutes (literally) and became an inside joke with us old-timers.
Yuuri = Yuzuru Hanyu, Victor = Evgeni Plushenko.
Some fans link characters with real-life skaters to encourage anime fans to watch real skating. 
Some fans saw these as one-to-one connections without considering that characters are a mix of various real-life skaters, and then went onto YouTube videos and spammed about “real-life Yuuri.” 
YOI fans being rude to skaters and sending emails to ship these real-life skaters (emails sent even to skaters who are married with kids)
Amazing researching fans:
find Victor’s apartment and the beach from the ending credits Instagram roll.
Love hotel
Makkachin’s name found in magazine Yuko was holding 
speculation starts on what “Makkachin” means and how it should be transliterated (Makkatine, Mocatine, Makkatin, etc.)
Comparisons of Yuuri to the main character from Parasyte due to similar appearances (Tadashi Hiramatsu, the character designer who adapted Kubo-sensei’s initial designs for animating, was the main character designer for Parasyte).
Speculation on the year in-series starts. 
Yoyogi for Worlds doesn’t match with Sochi as the GPF location.
Yuuri’s iPhone model is seen as a clue.
“Yuri on Ice” trends for 6 days on Tumblr
Episode 2
Victor is manipulative:
He’s a playboy and flirting all the time 
In episode 1 Minako mentions that he is desired by millions. 
His wink in episode 1 shows that he casually flirts with fans.
He will break Yuuri’s heart. He came to romance Yuuri, then drop him later.
He’s already pushing into Yuuri’s space with the chin-touching. That MUST mean he’s suave and planning to seduce and drop him.
“Victor calling him ‘piglet’ is so mean!” -- an extension to the fat shaming debate of episode 1.
Yakov’s angry comment to the press = more fodder about Victor being selfish and only there in Hasetsu for his own pleasure.
Victor is horrible because he broke his promise to Yurio x-number of years ago.
All of his happy smiles are a facade and he can’t actually be that nice. 
Counterarguments to trust the creators and wait to see more about these characters because it’s only been 2 episodes.
Koibito translation nitpicking (it’s not “girlfriend,” Victor is saying “lover.” It’s a gender-neutral term.)
people calling this queerbaiting
“It can’t get any gayer!” line starts to make its appearance.
Ship name “Victuri” cemented. “Victuri sounds like victory!”
Arguments about spelling it “victuuri,” because of the trend with spelling Yuri K.’s name as Yuuri to differentiate the two Yuri’s. 
Counterarguments that “Victurio” would be for Yuri Plisetsky, so therefore “Victuri” would be fine for Yuri Katsuki.
Evgenia Medvedeva starts watching around this time and posts comments on her twitter account.
The livestreaming IRC group is started. There were about 15 people tuning in (this grows to the hundreds by the last episode).
Mira makes her appearance (more of an appearance than the brief flash in ep1). Her name isn’t announced yet so some people nickname her “Natasha” (after the Marvel comics character Natasha Romanova/Black Widow)
Episode 3
Yurio was robbed. 
and all the counterarguments against this.
score calculating posts begin to show up.
“Victor is manipulative” evolves into “Victor is evil” 
“he didn’t keep his promise to Yurio”
people ignoring that he actually did keep his promise to choreograph a program
Eros story Yuuri tells Nishigori = parallel to how Victor will abandon Yuuri in the end. Victor is the evil playboy, confirmed!
People fighting this with meta about how Yuuri is the seductress keeping the playboy, and this was all Yuuri’s interpretation -- Victor may have had another story in mind and we’ll never know what it was. (<---until episode 10)
He forgot Onsen on Ice was about the competition and was there playing around as Hasetsu ambassador. He doesn’t REALLY care about the two Yuri’s.
“he didn’t notice when Yurio left and was having the time of his life with Yuuri on the podium”
Victor’s super-serious expression when Yuuri hugged him means he doesn’t care.
“Make a man pregnant” - the start of the ABO fic influx
“Katsudon ga daisuki da yo” is how we say “I love you” in YOI.
Boyfriend shirt has taken on a new level: boyfriend costume.
Yuuri and genderfluidity 
quite a few fics were spawned from this topic too
YOI is not yaoi -  how genre is not the same as tags. Posts clarifying what yaoi actually is and why Yuri on Ice doesn’t fit that genre at all.
Yuuri getting more confident by episode 3 already - initiating hugs and contact with Victor. “How much more gay can we get!? They already said ‘I love you’!”
Fanfic explosion 
due to Victor’s character being slightly more fleshed out, and the relationship between characters becoming more established
Top!Yuuri starts to make appearances
Going in blind to the episodes from here-on-out because the fan report from the screening was only through episode 3.
Real life skaters are noticing and posting on social media about YOI. 
Evgenia Medvedeva, Denis Ten,  Deniss Vasiļjevs & Stéphane Lambiel, Ashley Wagner, Danny O’Shea and many others from here on. 
Masterpost soon created to document all these skaters.
Kubo-sensei tweets about episode 4 being her favorite
Episode 4
Victor has cancer/is dying.
He was so dramatic and playful when he joked about balding. That means he’s hiding something. Balding = cancer. Therefore Victor is dying! (Note that cancer doesn’t cause balding, although it’s treatment with chemotherapy does.) 
Victor being that out of breath must mean something is wrong.
Victor’s comment about injuries = 
he’s hurt but hiding it
we can expect someone to be injured later
Rise of fanfiction featuring Victor with large past injuries he’s kept hidden.
Celestino getting annoyed at Victor = more fodder for Victor being evil. 
No coach likes him - that means he must be untrustworthy and there must be something that he’s hiding that we don’t know yet.
The Old Man in the onsen becomes a fandom celebrity for a while (captain of the ship)
Victor’s comment on Yuuri’s stamina = fic fodder
“You meet me where I am” - fans exploding at how meaningful this all is and how far they’ve come in four episodes.
“What do you want me to be to you”
---Victor said “koibito” but subs say “boyfriend”
---Daddy kink: “A father--” “Yes!” 
this is when we start to see this kink in fics and fanart/comics
Phichit makes his appearance. Fandom explodes with glee. People pointed out his appearance in episode 1 and more explosions of “no detail left behind”
Enter Lilia and her teaching Yurio.
Evil Lilia and Yakov
“Yurio should have stayed with Victor”
Kubo-sensei laughs at the rumors of Victor dying.
Everyone and their mother tries to learn to make katsudon - various recipes float around; Crunchyroll releases recipe (Nov 4). 
Jokes and critique about YOI dub (Gru!Victor; Russia(Hetalia)!Victor)
Episode 5
Victor obviously knows no Japanese at all vs. Victor obviously knows a little Japanese after living there for 6 months (about whether or not Victor understood Yuuri’s love declaration due to him commenting about the tie and not the confession)
Fan comics/art and fanfiction about burning Yuuri’s necktie
JARAN jacket (that one scene with Yuuri’s jacket misspelled)
Lots of flailing and dozens of gifs of the lip balm scene
awesome fans finding the exact Chanel lip balm
Yuuri’s confident walk = flailing and keyboard smashing moment (gifs with explosions behind him)
Hug meta (back hug; “do the hands on neck mean anything?”)
Minami is a chicken nugget (McDonald’s colors + being small)
First time we hear Victor’s thoughts - people discussing this
Victor’s image shifts away from “evil Victor” towards something a little more positive
Leaks of the Oh! Skatra!!! Tracklisting (Nov 6).
Duetto title makes people freak out
Speculation on who will skate what piece.
Speculation starts on who will appear in which GP series competition.
Pre-episode 6
Jealous/Possessive!Victor due to the ending image in ep5 of him wrapping his arm around a flustered Yuuri.
speculation on where that is and who took the picture
Dengeki, the website that posts teaser pictures and text of various anime’s next episodes, posted a teaser summary on their site that used quite a few innuendos.
Starting from here, YOI episode previews start to be released later and later. This becomes a running gag among fans who stay up to wait for previews. 
Episode 6
Chris makes everyone uncomfortable.
wet ice comments
People freaking out about the hand holding (“koibito tsunagi/lover’s hold”) then about the lip licking
Victor’s innuendo and lewd mouth animation
Victor actually is sexually attracted to Yuuri
Paired with Yuuri being comfortable with Victor clinging naked to him at the restaurant, and worrying that people would think he’s not serious about the competition = fans arguing how far they’ve gone
Queerbaiting arguments still continue ( “fujoshi bait” and “fanservice”)
“Ai ha katsu” (Love wins!)
Georgi is an Evil Witch
Leo = awesome representation (non-white character representing the U.S.A.)
Phichit meme ( “scandalized” with hand on mouth)
Phichit is captain of the Victuri ship
Kubo-sensei posts summary of The King and The Skater 
Pre episode 7
Dengeki, what in the ever living F is that preview summary (twitter)? Along with the shortened version.
Another preview summary wtheck comment - this time from a YOI animator, Itou Noriko
“Drastic measures”??? Will Victor hug Yuuri? Violence? Harsh words? Kiss on the forehead or MAYBE the cheek?
fanfics, comics, lots of speculation
Episode 7
Kiss vs. Hug
drawings/charts/tracings to prove it was a kiss
queerbaiting comments continue
Western fans ask Kubo-sensei for a direct answer; she’s amused that Japanese fans didn’t need confirmation yet Western fans did
Yuri on Ice trends on Tumblr for two days at #1 (previous episodes had trended in top 3 for about a day).
“Japanese censorship is what made them cover the kiss!” -- and the subsequent posts that stopped this misinformation.
“Victor is evil” continues - he was cruel in the parking garage and the queerbait lip hug was obviously just consolation
Chris, stahp! (more wet ice comments)
Guang-Hong is badass, Leoji ship sails further
Georgi is creepy, some people hate Anya, some feel sympathy for her
Georgi’s outfit = figure-skating Elsa (photoshopped pictures)
Head boop
Aired after the U.S. election - “episode 7 is the only good thing that happened this week”
“YOI singlehandedly saved 2k16”
Watchers dropping the anime because Victuri became canon.
some people liked the anime as long as it was still ambiguous. This kiss/hug scene made it much less ambiguous and left them feeling awkward.
some people liked it as long as the pairing was not mainstream - they liked being a niche shipper.
Conversely, more people started watching once they heard it was canon and not queerbaiting/fan service.
Johnny Weir homage with young Victor’s outfit and rose crown at European Worlds.
Johnny hears of this and adds YOI on his to-watch list.
Kubo-sensei tweets about a certain scene - confirms and does not confirm it as a kiss
pre-Episode 8
Will YOI talk about homophobia and LGBT hatred?
They’re going to Russia next - lots of fanfiction about Victor dealing with past and current homophobia, and how Yuuri and Victor would act during their stay in Russia.
Magazine had the titles for episodes 8 and 9 - “Victor returns to Japan” has people theorize about what could be drastic enough to have him return.
Kubo-sensei strikes again:
tweets about looking forward to Dengeki’s summary this week and ends up trolling the fandom.
being one of us and wanting them to get married already.
Makkachin’s name revealed to have no meaning.
Dengeki posts 5 hours later than normal.
Episode 8
Angry fans yelling “Why didn’t they use this chance to address hatred?”
People arguing about how this is nice because we already have so many other series about hatred and would it kill them to let us have ONE nice thing in life? Let’s just appreciate that we get a happy relationship with no prejudice or hatred from the world for once.
Kubo-sensei defending the hate-free world she created.
Seung-gil feather duster/parrot/swiffer comments and comparisons.
Sala vs Sara
official site and subs romanized her name as “Sala” but a more natural spelling would be “Sara.” (sala means living room in Spanish and Italian) 
wihin the week, the spelling was corrected on both the website and subs to “Sara.”
Mila Babicheva was also changed to Mira Babicheva at this time.
Makkachin-related tags and comments
#Don’t die Makka!
Speculation on what Yuuri will place - and who will make it to the GPF.
J.J. and the cross - many understood it as a religious motion, but it was soon linked by figure skating fans to Yuzuru’s cross motion to check body axis.
Kissing the ice - seen as “J.J. is so narcissistic and kissing himself,” then disputed by other fans as a sign of respect for the ice much like real-life athletes do with the ice, track&field, and court.
Yurio x J.J. shipping starts
Sub!Victor fanfic boom, BDSM, foot fetish, and other related body worship fics
YOI trends over Barack Obama (Nov 24)
Katsudon recipe released by Funimation on Yuuri’s birthday (Nov. 29)
Preview images for ep9 of Sara encroaching on Yuuri - some people worried that this would be in-series drama or that fans would ship it.
Dengeki still posting way later than they used to. This leads to lots of waiting and loss of hope for future episodes until…
Episode 9
Freaking out over the airport scene:
“What did Yuuri’s tears mean???” 
relieved/touched Victor cares for him and returns feelings? All the emotions catching up from their separation and the hard skating? 
guilt over hiding that he will retire soon? Sadness that this will only last 2 more weeks?
Clarifying why Victor brought up “proposal” (“Why does what Yuuri said sound like a proposal?”)
People “fixing” the subs (mis)translate the word “koto” as if it was the word “mono” and end up making Yuuri’s line to Victor sound super possessive/cheesy as a result.
Yuuri mentioning that he’ll win gold prompts discussions about “Does Yuuri need a gold medal to be happy? Is a gold necessary for his character?”
Fandom exploding over Yurio’s pure smile and friendship with Yuuri
People uneasy over Sara and Michele’s sibling relationship.
Mira x Sara ship gains steam and sets sail.
“Hug zombie” - the term given to Yuuri’s hugging spree
Johnny Weir planned to watch YOI “one episode per day,” but failed and watched two episodes the first day. Then binged the rest within two more days and caught up in time for episode 10 on Wednesday.
Naked Victor on the front page of NBC due to Johnny’s tweets
Crunchyroll releases Katsudon Pirozhki recipe (Dec 7)
pre-Episode 10
“Something round and golden” -- gold medal, wedding rings, cock rings, onion rings, golden snitch
Kubo-sensei fanning the flames
we were losing hope for teasers until... our saviors, Animate, took over for posting them. Dengeki still posted the identical teaser pics on their site, but did so at a later hour.
Preview lines about Yuuri recalling the previous year’s nightmare banquet.
Translation confusion led to people thinking it was a “nightmare bucket” “nightmare baguette” (and other attempts to find the correct foreign word) until someone pointed out that figure skating competitions have banquets.
Theories about what happened at the banquet. 
Episode 10
Yuuri buying one ring (with Victor buying the other) vs. Yuuri buying pair rings as a set 
would later be confirmed in a magazine post-series that Yuuri bought both rings
Are they really engaged or not?
Best plot twist ever.
The ending changes everything we ever knew about this series 
 people analyzing all the interactions since episode 1
“Poor Victor” comments and tags appear
“Victor was pining all along!”
Victor seen as super patient and willing to let Yuuri drive the pace (because he never brings up the banquet in order to respect Yuuri’s shyness). 
Victor flying to Japan with his dick out. 
Victor had a crush on Yuuri since the beginning.
“Victor is a dork who would do anything for love” mentality sweeps away previous malaise.
fanfic and fanart explosion of dorky, loving Victor 
This is when the loving!Victor image squashed any lingering remnants of evil!Victor 
Eros parallel re-interpreted as Yuuri being the playboy and Victor being the woman seduced and left behind. 
Victor is savage for making a program based on the banquet and thinking to skate it for a season. 
Pole dancers comment that the moves in Yuri on Ice reference actual moves (Yuuri is pretty good and has great grip strength; a couple of Chris’ moves are incredibly hard)
Otayuri (Otabek x Yurio) becomes a pairing
Beach scene discussion - was Victor angry or not, and why?
Hype for Kubo-sensei revealing that the GPF would have the most realistic animation of all the episodes.
Animate posted late (only a few hours before airing), but Dengeki even later.
Episode 11
“Scoring system is broken!”
Yurio’s score is literally impossible using the current real-life ISU scoring system (he’s about 5 points too high)
Yuuri scored low despite low number of technical mistakes
J.J. given a higher score than should be allowed because of his huge errors.
Discussion on Victor looking out at the ice during Yurio’s SP (“what was he thinking?”), and discussion about his flashback and burden
Chris’ mystery man ( “Chris’ boyfriend”? “Who IS that guy???”)
Half the fandom dies with Yuuri’s last sentence; half the fandom trusts Kubo-sensei (and comforts the other half)
Evgenia posts a tweet trusting everything will be alright
People’s view of J.J. changes - some sympathy and “??? I never expected to actually care for this guy!”
It seems everyone pitches their predictions about who will be on the podium.
“Phichit’s hamsters predict the podium?” theory
pre-Episode 12
We give up on teasers because they’re so late. Animate releases them a few hours before the episode airs.
Oh!SkaTra!!! Yuri!!! on ICE Soundtrack released about a day before the final episode aired.
“Spoilers” (but not really, because we had the tracklist since episode 5). We confirm the last two songs are the exhibition skates. People avoid Tumblr until the episode airs because of the “spoiler threat.” 
Episode 12
Breaking Tumblr, Crunchyroll, and Animate.
Crunchyroll released a statement on Twitter about YOI’s high traffic breaking it.
Tumblr crashed (traffic volume too high) right after the CR simulcast/subs came out around 4PM EST. It wasn’t fully fixed until several hours later.
Animate’s website crashed for the same reason as above.
“It wasn’t gay enough”
People feeling disappointed about the relationship between Yuuri and Victor because there was no second kiss or explicit “I love you.” People wanted something that could not be denied (wanted an “uncensored” kiss).
Others counter-argued that relationships can show deep love without needing an “I love you,” and point out how the relationship was built steadily throughout the series.
People feeling betrayed because Yuuri didn’t win gold.
“Otabek was robbed!” and “J.J. overscored!” complaints circulate
“I won’t kiss it unless it’s gold” prompted a legion of pictures/comics, and fics.
Gushing over the liberate use of ring flares
“History Makers” in the end credits - the extra “s” felt like an Easter egg to some.
Ice dance vs. Pairs - many fans mistake the final Duetto exhibition skate as Pairs when it’s actually based on an Ice Dance routine
How will Victor do both skating and coaching?
Will we get a Season 2? “See You Next Level” means a second season, right? 
After the series, we saw Oh!SkaTra!!! and the DVD/BD volumes sell ridiculous amounts - easily placing in either 1st or 2nd place on Oricon’s charts for DVD, BD, CD, and CD digital release. The Blu-ray and DVD volumes continue to hold high sales. Magazines continue to be translated. Some ideas/meta are confirmed and others become defunct.
It was a wild ride from way back when YOI was only a website and PV. Every week brought new ideas, writings, meta, art, and discussions. It was to the point where some weeks you would get in-depth meta and polished art just hours after the episode aired. In fact, there was so much made that you could easily reblog hundreds of posts in a day for the more explosive episodes, and meta would either get hundreds of notes or be lost in the current of new stuff appearing every few minutes. At the rate that it’s still going with new campaigns, events, and merchandise, Yuri!!! on ICE will be active for quite some time.
5K notes · View notes
The 3rd Annual Redford Awards - Winners
Hello, everyone, and welcome to what I’m calling “The Redfords,” named so because (as of this posting) the great Robert Redford has retired from acting, and naming these after him this time around felt like a decent way to honor that screen legacy, even though the name for what is basically the awards show I would run if it were my Oscars changes every year anyway, and it will likely change again for the 2019 awards (though definitely into something more permanent, I promise this time). It has been a long and arduous road getting here, so much so that I actually had to push back the announcement of these winners from the intended date by a day due to both scheduling issues and the greater context of what truly deserves Best Picture being really, really hard to parse out this time around, especially considering that the actual value of Best Picture has come to mean substantively more to me this year than in any year past what with the presence of Black Panther in the category at the actual Oscars and all that that means going forward for the broader culture. Still, I did manage to choose one; the awards have been completed, the winners have been chosen, and it is now finally time to announce the winners for the third annual Redford Awards.
 Best Sound Design: First Man
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Usually when I do these things, I tend to just capitalize or italicize who the winner is as I post the nomination list a second time, but the fact is I already posted the nominees once (if you need a refresher I will post a link to them with this announcement) and I don’t want to take up a bunch of space being redundant when I could instead say something nice about the winners and explain why I chose them specifically. Suffice it to say even though First Man didn’t rake in what it should have at the box office relative to quality, its sound design was undoubtedly the most impressive thing about it apart from every element of the lunar sequence coalescing into a truly jaw-dropping stretch of filmmaking. The sound design, yes, did also contribute to that stretch, but First Man is also the movie of 2018 that did its sound the best all the way through, even considering that while A Quiet Place’s whole thing is pretty much built around sound, it’s more about the sound editing than the sound mixing, and one half of a victory won’t win you the whole thing.
 Best Visual Effects: Avengers: Infinity War
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This one is generally pretty self-explanatory, but basically the central conceit behind picking a winner is not necessarily that it has the most visual effects, but that it has the ones you either don’t see or forget are visual effects during the movie because they make it believable that any of what’s happening is even possible. This year, sure, that happens to be the same movie, but what can you say? It deserves the prize, and I’m more than happy to give it out.
Best Screenplay: Daveed Diggs & Rafael Casal, Blindspotting
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The Oscars had a decent line-up of screenplay nominations this year, but considering the sheer volume of immensely creative scripts they had to choose from, most of them are fairly mediocre choices, with the likes of Sorry to Bother You and even Bo Burnham’s critical hit Eighth Grade being left out of the conversation, which is a real bummer considering Original Screenplay was Eighth Grade’s best shot for any Academy Award nomination. Perhaps the most overlooked, though, even in terms of what people were saying should be nominated in the Original Screenplay category, is absolutely Blindspotting. This script is about as sharp as they come, with witty, insightful commentary on socio-political issues, characters that you grow to care about, enough comedy to keep the whole thing going without feeling too much like a drag, and one of the most creative, original, and tense climaxes to a movie not only of 2018, but of the past decade.
 Best Original Score: Justin Hurwitz, First Man
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Future film lovers, and specifically film music lovers, will not look back kindly at the Academy’s decision to not even nominate this at the Oscars in this category. Justin Hurwitz’ score for first man is, both paired with the film and taken on its own merits, the most bold, unapologetic, and strangely unwieldy score of all of 2018, and while I do love Nicholas Britell (who should have won for Moonlight, by the way), this is the year that Hurwitz proved to all of us that yeah, he actually is the real deal.
 Best Cinematography: Alfonso Cuarón, Roma
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Just about anyone in my immediate sphere (in fact, even most people out of it) is already aware of the Academy’s decision to air this category (as well as editing, makeup, and short live-action film) during the commercial breaks at the Oscars, how stupid a decision it was, and how it’s been reverse due to film professional, critical, and general audience backlash, so I’m not going to get into those here because it’ll take too much time, and other people have ways of explaining it better than me anyway, so I’d recommend reading one of those posts/twitter threads/whatever. But yeah, let’s not play too much with our food; by far the best shot movie of the entire year is the one the writer and director of Children of Men and Gravity shot himself without the assistance of his usual go-to guy, Emmanuel Lubezki. The black and white brings a sharpness to the picture not often seen, the long, sweeping shots of life for Yalitza Aparicio’s Cleo as well as the city she lives in are well-staged and executed, and it’s all handled so smoothly you’d be forgiven for thinking this one was shot by an actual perfectionist A.I. or something. Seriously, folks, it’s stunning to look at.
 Best Editing: Barry Alexander Brown, BlacKkKlansman
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Studying film more and more over the years of doing this movie critic thing just because I want to and enjoy it has given me a lot more appreciation for the nature of film editing. A perfectly time cut or a long, unbroken sequence that’s well-shot will sometimes do the trick, and occasionally it’s more about what you don’t notice, but sometimes the best editing is just in how it feels to watch a movie strut its style and stick in your memory, and no film in 2018 did that like BlaKkKlansman.
 Best Character Design: Ruth E. Carter, Black Panther
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This category is really a combination of the Makeup & Hairstyling and Costume Design categories at the Oscars, made so in large part because I don’t understand enough about how much make-up and hairstyling impacts an overall movie (unless it’s like, really drastic, like Shape of Water fish suit drastic) and they’re both extremely important elements contributing to an audience’s overall impression of a character without said character even talking or doing anything. Presenting the whole package as one unit also acknowledges the aesthetic choices involved in a character’s overall look, and I like that, so that’s how I made it. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse very nearly took this category for how beautifully and differently rendered most of its characters were (especially the titular ones), but ultimately I think this one should go to Black Panther, not just because African tribalism and the clothing therein is a refreshing thing to see presented on screen in such vibrant and prideful fashion, but also because adapting costumes from comics into live-action is far more challenging than it sounds, and the fact that they pulled it off this well is something to commend.
 Best Production Design: Eugenio Caballero, Roma
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I was really tempted to go with Crazy Rich Asians on this one, but I soon realized that I was continuously thinking of this the same way most people probably think about visual effects: that the best production design meant the most production design. And while the production design in Crazy Rich Asians is beautiful and vibrant and deserves praise, it didn’t necessarily give the audience a whole lot of information about the characters beyond how rich Nick’s family actually is. Roma, on the other hand, had five entire blocks of Mexico City built from scratch based solely on its director’s memory, with not a single misplaced building, prop, or set piece in its entirety. Maybe there’s just something special about that that hits me harder than the design for Crazy Rich Asians did, but I also think it was the best production design in service of its story (both thematically and narratively) in 2018.
 Best Supporting Actress: Rachel Weisz, The Favourite
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And now we’re into the acting categories, the final stretch of road on the way to crowning that Best Picture winner I agonized over for almost an entire month. Marina de Tavira’s fantastic turn in Roma almost stole this one out from under Rachel Weisz, but like the viper she is in The Favourite, Weisz bit down hard and came out the other side with a Redford in her hands. It’s honestly astound how well she commands the screen in this movie (and a little bit scary), but it is all the more impressive when put next to the caliber of performances her co-stars are giving and allowed to shine just the tiniest bit brighter.
 Best Supporting Actor: Ben Foster, Leave No Trace
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No one except critics online talked about Leave No Trace during awards season, and I’m sad about it. That’s not the reason I’m giving it an award, but I just wanted to put that out there for good measure. Truthfully though, this is a fantastic performance once again from an increasingly underrated and undervalued actor (perhaps the best he’s ever been), and the best supporting performance from any male actor in 2018. I really do hope that sometime soon, the Academy and everyone else will finally give Ben Foster the recognition he deserves beyond his Hell or High Water nomination a few years ago.
 Best Actress: Olivia Colman, The Favourite
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Most, if not all, critics and general audiences (including myself) peg this award as going to Glenn Close at the Oscars this year for her performance in The Wife; however, I haven’t seen that movie, so I can’t nominate her for an award in an awards package that I personally put together, but best of luck to her at the ceremony. Despite her absence, there’s still an absurdly strong field of nominees, and none stronger than Olivia Colman’s performance as Queen Anne in The Favourite. She genuinely makes every single moment she’s on screen feel like something she, and only she, could believably do, wordlessly running the gambit from hilariously emotional to genuinely terrifying and making it all seem true.
 Best Actor: Christian Bale, Vice
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I don’t love this movie nearly as much as the Academy does, but the one thing we do both agree on about it is that Christian Bale absolutely stuns as former VP Dick Cheney, though a little help from the makeup department didn’t hurt and they’re sure to win that award at the actual Oscars ceremony. Plenty of other actors gave admirable performances in 2018, especially Bradley Cooper and Rami Malek (who also happens to be the best thing about his mediocre movie that no one seems to recognize is mediocre), but none of them ever truly became their characters quite the way that Christian Bale did with this terrifyingly accurate portrayal of perhaps the most powerful vice president ever to set foot in the White House.
 Best Director: Spike Lee, BlaKkKlansman
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Yes, absolutely, Alfonso Cuarón will be winning this one at the Oscars and probably deserves it more from the Academy’s perspective, but Roma relies on more than just the direction to keep it going. So does BlaKkKlansman I suppose, but the point is that the latter is fueled by its direction while the earlier is more guided. Both are spectacular feats and truly fantastic jobs done by both Cuarón and Spike Lee, but if BlaKkKlansman doesn’t have Lee’s fingerprints all over it, the entire thing could cascade and fall apart as a movie, whereas Roma might be okay but just might not look as pretty and feature a few more cuts; and that is why I’m giving Spike Lee Best Director.
 Best Picture: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
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When people typically think “okay, what is the best movie I saw this year,” they’re usually actually thinking about their favorite because art is a subjective medium in and of itself and there are only so many things you can study and observe about filmmaking and how it all comes together that aren’t subjective inherently, so they can’t really be blamed for it. What’s the best to you may not constitute what the best is to someone else, and it plays out like that with most people, and generally always will. Best Picture in the context of something like the Redfords, then, owes its justification to a few key beliefs I have about what a film I want to call the best of the year might look like; namely, these beliefs are that it should have something to say (whether positive or negative) that resonates with the audience it’s trying to reach, tell its story in an innovative and unique fashion, and set the stage for whatever corner of the medium it occupies to engage in an acceptance for change going forward. The change doesn’t have to be big or even particularly important necessarily, but it should be there nonetheless. This awards system and set of beliefs is often why what I consider the Best Picture of the year for an awards package like this doesn’t usually line up with what my favorite movie of that year actually is. That all being said, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is what I truly believe to be the best example of this from 2018. It reformed and re-shaped the genre it was in to such a degree that it elevated the status of the animation medium, the message about anyone being able to “wear the mask” of one of the most popular and beloved pop culture icons of all time also being a metaphor for facing fears, accepting yourself, helping others, and being an inspiration to people as you lead by example is a genius move that I can’t believe a theatrically-released, feature-length Spider-Man movie hasn’t attempted before (but is so perfectly suited to animation I guess I understand the hesitancy), and the method by which it told its story was so incredibly unique and innovative that every subsequent attempt to animate the same way this movie does to adapt anything will inevitably be compared to Into the Spider-Verse for the rest of time. That, and the fact that it’s also probably the most widely accessible movie of the three I had running for this award (the other two were Roma and Won’t You Be My Neighbor? for context), make it not only the ideal candidate, but the appropriate choice for the Redford Awards’ title of Best Picture.
 And there you have it, the Redford Awards are now officially complete. I’ll forgive you if you saw the length of this post and just “nope”-d outta there, but for the rest of you who stuck around and read to the very end, thanks for sticking with me all this way, and I hope you enjoyed your read. See you next year!
Link to nominees: https://thefriendlyfilmfan.tumblr.com/post/182203750531/the-3rd-annual-redford-awards-nominees
0 notes
thecorteztwins · 7 years
PLEASE REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG!  Feel free to add to any of your answers!  The purpose is to tell your partners about the way you write!  For the multiple choice ones, BOLD all that apply and, if you want, italicize if it’s a conditional answer!
– B A S I C S –
NAME:  90smun ARE YOU OVER 18?  YES / No IS YOUR MUSE?  Yes / No / Verse Dependent WHEN WAS YOUR BLOG ESTABLISHED? March 2015
– W R I T I N G –
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU WRITE WITH ON THIS BLOG? No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / YES (SOME PEOPLE) / Highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only)
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU FOLLOW ON THIS BLOG? No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / YES (SOME PEOPLE) / Highly (few people)
IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH TO YOU ADHERE TO CANON? Not at all / A little / Some / Mostly / Strictly / NA
DO YOU USE ICONS AND/OR GIFS? No / Gifs / Icons / Gificons
WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? Unplotted / OPEN-ENDED PLOTS (set up a meeting and see what happens) / SEMI-PLOTTED (ONE OR TWO STEPS AHEAD) / Fully Plotted Epics (plotted beginning, middle, and end)
HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? VERY SLOW (MORE THAN A MONTH) / Slow (3-4 Weeks) / Average (1-2 Weeks) / Fast (Less Than One Week) / Very Fast (Less Than Three Days)
WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) Fluff / Angst / Smut / Action  / Tragedy /Domestic / Family / Conversational / Hurt-Comfort Just...general, I guess? Like interacting in whatever way makes most sense for the characters and seeing what happens
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror / Comedy / Romantic / Drama/ Action / Adventure / Espionage
ARE THERE ANY THEMES YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WRITING ON YOUR BLOG? (not triggers) No / Yes There’s a lot of common tropes that I find sexist or otherwise problematic. I understand this is just fiction for fun, I’m not trying to police what anyone else does or implying they believe in the messages that I get from these tropes (ex: if you just love a villain enough, you can redeem them!) but for me personally, I don’t like to write it, since what I enjoy about the fantasy aspect of RP is that I get to escape the tropes I dislike in mainstream media. I also am uncomfy with writing with muses who come from or are inspired by Christianity. This includes angels, Biblical characters, and Christian demons. I specify Christian demons because there are a great many demons in a great many works that have nothing to do with Christianity (Buffy, Marvel, and any number of Japanese anime, for instance) I am alright talking about it, like I was just recently talking with another mun about one of my muses being an angel in her own guardian angel verse for her muse, but I do not want to actually write these things in RP. I was raised Christian and it just feels weird to me, despite being an atheist now. I am just fine with figures from most other pantheons, however.
DO YOU HAVE ANY TRIGGERS?  HOW DO YOU REQUEST IT TAGGED? No / Yes It’s not a trigger, actually, I don’t have panic attacks or anything, I’d just prefer to be able to block it on my dash---incest, rape, and animal death/animal cruelty. I don’t need any fancy/specific tags for it, just tag it with something relevant or tell me your custom tag, and I’ll block it myself.
– S H I P P I N G –
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / Familial (CANON)  / Familial (OCS)
DO YOU HAVE OTPS? No / chemistry only / Yes
DO YOU HAVE NOTPS? No / Yes Anne Marie and Magneto would be major NOPE NOPE NOPESVILLE for me. I realize that the “fanatically loyal female follower who is in love with the bad guy leader” is a super common trope in fiction (which is why it comes to my mind immediately for this question), but that’s NOT the case here. She sees him as a divine/religious figure, and her devotion is not sexual/romantic at all, it is purely about her desire to save mutantkind and the world from suffering, and her belief he will do that. Any kind of non-platonic dynamic between them would be dubcon (as she would not feel she could say no), inherently exploitative, AND SOMETHING SHE DOES NOT WANT. Besides the fact that’s NOT something I want to play, it’s not something I could ever see Magneto doing anyway.
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S SEXUAL ORIENTATION? Heterosexual (Fabian and Delgado) / Heteroflexible / Bisexual (Anne Marie, strong female preference)/ Homoflexible / Homosexual/ Pansexual / Demisexual / Sapiosexual / Asexual / Ambiguous (Chrome)
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S ROMANTIC ORIENTATION? Heteroromantic / Heteroflexible / Biromantic / Homoflexible/ Homoromantic / Panromantic / Demiromantic / Sapioromantic / Aromantic They all match their sexual orientation
HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY? Autoship / During Plotting / After A Couple IC Interactions / Several IC Interactions In / Slow Burn / Never {not open to romantic ships}
ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS? No / SELECTIVELY / Yes / Never Tried It Anything with Fabian is going to be toxic tbh
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? (canon history, age difference, complicated, etc.) No / SELECTIVELY / Yes *points to Fabian again* Darkshipping and the like is really not something I want or plan to do, but if something were to develop organically I might go with it. It really depends.
ARE YOU OPEN TO POLYSHIPPING? No / Selectively / Yes Anne Marie is fine with that. Chrome...has no opposition to it at all, but he doesn’t even want to deal with one person most of the time, let alone more than one. Delgado might agree to try it for a partner, but I’m not sure how comfy he’d really be with it. Fabian...Fabian wants a harem, as we all know, but of course how dare the girls not be totally all his :P Honestly, ships are super duper hard for this bunch, because they are devoted to the cause above all else. They are not just punch clock villains who see this simply as a job and can have a normal life outside it. It doesn’t work like that. Their relationships with people who are not Acolytes/Brotherhood/otherwise aligned with their cause are mostly going to be shallow, fleeting things, or tragically cut short/star-crossed. They simply cannot and will not be romantically involved, or often even friends with, someone who is not “one of them”. They do not ship with civilians/unaligned. They DEFINITELY do not ship with X-Men, Avengers, and other “heroes”. The exception to this is in AUs where they’re not Acolytes, so if you really want to ship (I’m not much of a shipper myself, but I’m open to discussing it) then an AU is your best bet.
– T A G G I N G! –
tagged by: @apprcnticesuprcmc tagging:  @avalanchiing, @wildtsukai, @welookoutforourown, @magnetician, @magnet-dad, @callmewiccan @kimikomasuda, @apocalyptus-secundus, @msgold63, @vulpanthropic, @monaluxsrpblog
1 note · View note
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I SENT AN ASK TO @breastforce​ A WEEK AGO, HOPING IT WOULD GAIN TRACTION WHILE I DIDN’T HAVE THE ENERGY TO POST MY WANTS AND NEED FOR (more) WHEELCHAIR USER REPRESENTATION  IN THIS SHOW AND FANDOM AND HOW I REALIZED ECLIPSA WOULD BE THE PERFECT CANDIDATE FOR IT, I WAS ORIGINALLY GOING TO TAG @breastforce, @marcodiazisatransgirl and @starbutterflyisautistic in my post addressing it to help spread the idea and gain more traction,since I love their ideas and representation they’ve created for themselves within the fandom and this has nothing to to do with anything but like, after ‘Girls Day Out’ I just got really pissed, for all the love these random side characters get, that nobody in general was drawing or even talking about Toby, or how Star vs. The Forces of Evil was the first children’s cartoon in an entire decade to, not only have a wheelchair user in their storyline, but also be the only wheelchair user on a children’s cartoon in an entire decade have their wheelchair users storyline not revolve around educating abled bodied people. While also having that character be BLACK. #DisabilityTooWhite (even in cartoons) 
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And afterwords, everyone was just all: Oh. That Episode Was Cute. :) I Guess. :) Nothing to write home about tho. :) Just Cute Fun Filler Fluff! :3  No Big Deal. :))) JUST WISH SOMETHING BESIDES FILLER WOULD HAPPEN FOR ONCE  NEFCY, LOL!!! XD 
MEANWHILE, MY CRIPPLED ASS IS OVER HERE, REWATCHING ALL OF TOBY’S SCENES AND PRAISING MY FAERIE GODMOTHER HAHA TOM I KNOW YOU HATE PHYSICALLY DISABLED PEOPLE BUT I FOR ONE AM HAVING A MOMENT!!!!  (also, can i just kinda.... give bonus for like, having a joke about parking spots but like, later making a point to show the person who actually needs it EXISTING??? Without having them be the butt of that joke because like... good writing???) So, after I’m done crying my happy tears about all this, I start thinking that the only thing that could make this even better is if the show featured another wheelchair user who was a girl... Cause aside from this bitch who’s name I had to look up from The Wild Thronberry’s, all the major wheelchair users have been boys. Then “Into The Wand” came out... and in my obsession with Eclipsa’s Tapestry I had an Epiphany ... THAT ECLIPSA IS THE ONLY QUEEN....
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I START THINKING ABOUT WHAT WE ALREADY HAVE. AND MY HEAD CANON MAY NOT BE A “THEORY” (bc in the case of wheelchair users we .... can’t exactly have coding the best we get is a cane your theories are still valid and needed and important an’ I wouldn’t have the courage to post this if it wasn’t for you I love you guys I’m so sorry .... ^ ^; <3 OX)  BUT MY POINT IS 
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(The rest of this post will be put under a “READMORE” and been de- italicized, de-highlighted and de-bolded as above, for reader convenience)
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   🎵 GONNA GET A LIL’ GRIM GONNA GET A LIL’ DARK, DONE LARKING ROUND’ HERE, FLEEING THE MEWMAN  DIMENSION  🎵 See? You know you love #GrimDark, just like you love my #DisabledQueenOfDarkness head-canon and now you have a ship name to post content in so you can stop causally forgetting the big ugly monster when you draw her, and don’t worry about how the  chair effects their relationship, it’s not like Ze wouldn’t need to kneel down to her to get on her level anyway, and in the words of Margo Diaz, the ship name itself is meant to be ironic humor on the shows nature, since I suppose  people want Star Vs. to be more “GRIMDARK”  I mean ...when I realized that short version of Grimalkin would be “GRIM” and Eclipsa is the (DISABLED)Queen of (DARK)NESS  so it’s perfect, no? Move over S/T/A/R/C/O and moontoffee this couple deserved all the attention AGES is ago, and for those of you already comparing the dreaded(CO)Couple to this one since ‘Baby’ I made the the Monster Lover Non-Binary and use ze/zir  pronouns, since Margo is Trans and “Grimalkin” is traditionally the name for an old female cat who is commonly a companion of witches. You’re welcome. 
Also, I’ve decided that Grimalkin is a Cheshire Cat/My Neighbor (Totoro) based Ancient Species called Ches(SIRE) not really sure how to spell this right yet but u know how it’s supposed to to sound in ur head, right? ^^; That basically zir job is Guardian of The Spooky Forbidden Dark Forest Just Outside of Mewni TM and to protect other creatures and Monsters from the Mewmans and Demons who want to kill them; i.e,   Zie hunt and kill the demon who want to kill the unicorn for their blood and demons are actually zir primary food source living in the forest and when you eat a demon you absorb their power (hence zir horns and size) and sometimes, more often than not, zie nurse the creature/monster who was being hunted back to health, should they be hurt (hence the SIRE part) cause like, Totoro, there’s a condition on if you can see them: If your heart is dark. So yeah, Grimalkin The Forest Guardian, feel free to recreate the Totoro poster now bc I just realized Umbrellas
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Just make sure to draw Eclipsa in her wheelchair when you do!!!! ^ ^ <3  When I sent this ask to Red however, it was because, with all the bombs coming down after ‘Baby’ it was because I felt as though I was... well running out of time, so to speak .... 
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How amazing foreshadowing would it be though after Toby and everything, if Eclipsa were actually a wheelchair user too and all the Past Queens of Mewni had different disabilities? And we had fan content to reflect that too like Autistic Star and Princess Margo? I'm making a post about it but like #DisabledQueenofDarkness & CpunkPastQueensofMewni should be a thing and after todays ep, I wanna get it goin' b4 Eclipsa is probs gonna get revealed to be abled bodied. Post for ppl to reblog?^ ^; ♥
So I asked @breastforce  (Red) to post that specifically so that people (the viewer) [her followers] could do one simple thing 
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The ask has  42 notes not excluding my own like, so surely that means at least HALF those people must’ve REBLOGGED IT to spread the word, right? 
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Huh ...  I see 38 apples with heart shaped holes 
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A cute baby narwhale in the ocean (who still couldn’t be bothered to reblog tho) @natiacollins <3
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And only three people who actually care.... 
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Why did I ask Red to post this ask again? Oh yeah... 
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And WHAT happened today? I HAVE TO DEAL WITH +5 POSTS THAT SHOW ECLIPSA STANDING UPRIGHT PARALYZED IN ICE AND NOT A PARASOL CANE TO STAND ON (she uses her Parasol/Wand for a cane/to push her chair sometimes, like Autistic Star sometimes bites her wand and uses it for other things, you’re welcome <3)
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 ....GIMP GOAT .......
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THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON FOR ECLIPSA /NOT/ TO BE A WHEELCHAIR USER AND FOR HER LOVER TO /NOT/ BE NON-BINARY. THIS FANDOM HAS THE MOST DIVERSE FREAKING NICHES I’VE EVER SEEN!!!! HECKAPOO! THERE’S NO REASON FOR STAR BUTTERFLY NOT TO BE IN A WHEELCHAIR /AND/ BE AUTISTIC!!!! “Star On Wheels” Hello?! Back when that episode first came out, I remember someone made this disgusting ablest comment about Star “becoming a Paraplegic lolXD” so please draw her in a wheelchair just to spite them!!!! OX <3 
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GET. OUT!!!!!!!!!
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So before I publish this, I just wanna add in the few things I forgot do to tiredness. 
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And that’s when Eclipsa gets 100% serious and her tone get’s kinda sad and soft like “ So because ze stepped in and zir part demon, zir just evil and an accessory for ‘Bad Girls’? Like those Scissors?” 
And Star’s like “HOW DID YOU-” but then Margo comes back with her mom and dad following and Rafael scoops Eclipsa off the floor and she’s like “Ooooo, Angie! Your husband is so strong ... Wait’ll you meet mine!” And Angie’s like “HAHA THANKS!” *whispers to Margo* “Howdoessheknowournames?”  
Rafs all insecure like “Whoisherhusband?”
Then later, they have her settled on the couch with a warm blanket and a hot cup of tea, Margo realizes Eclipsa has a permeant disability but still doesn’t trust her (thinking she’s faking, putting on some cliche act) so she just drops the bomb of “LOOK .... I know you’re a Granny and all, but ....aren’t you a bit too YOUNG to be disabled?” 
And without missing a beat, right in front of her parents, Eclipsa just grins and goes “Aren’t you a bit too young to have lived 30 years of your life in an alternate dimension and have the mark of Heckapoo,  JENNIFER RINK? ;3 ”  and goes right back to sipping her tea.
“....30 /WHAT/?!”
“....... Mark of /WHO/???!!!”  
*Raf gets sidetracked seeing her do a lil’ magic with her tea spoon when her eyes start to glow* “I’m sorry if this is invasive to ask, Mrs. Eclipsa, but ... Can you shoot lasers out of your eyes like these puppies?” 
Margo’s still horrified.  “STAR. HOW DOES SHE KNOW THESE THINGS????!!!??” 
Star’s just like “ CAUSE GRANDMA’S KNOW, JENNIFER! Grandma’s know!!!” 
Eclipsa’s like “That’s my girl.” 
“But Queen Eclips- ...GRANNY! You never answered Mr. Diaz’s question!” 
*sips tea* “The answer is that I most certainly can, Star.” 
*takes another sip of tea before adding* “But I only use my laser powers in the most EXTREME of emergencies.” 
*Finally finishes tea and there’s a flash of light and Eclipsa appears to be gone before Star feels something warm and fuzzy curled up on her lap * “Unless ... Anyone would like to see what I look like as a laser kitty? :3″ 
And I WILL make a post for all the Past Queens disabilities, it’s just I came up with a cute little pun for mine and I don’t feel comfortable making Mewni style puns for other peoples disabilities... ^ ^; So when I make that post the disabilities will just be listed as they are on Earth and #STARVSTHEFORCESOFABLEISM seems like a better catch all, since the term “CPunk” was coined by somebody else and means a very specific thing... ^ ^; 
But Eclipsa’s disability is called “Celestial Purrsy” (a play on my own disability, Cerebral Palsy)  and it basically means she has all the advantages/disadvantages of a cat ... ^ ^; It’s taken as a birth defect by the Mewmans because she looks like she has DNA from   different dimension? ^ ^; Like this is gonna sound kinda morbid and dark but they suspect she’s a “changeling” and that the alternative version OF Eclipsa (like the one of Star we see in “MathMagic”) 
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Somehow replaced/possessed the “REAL” one at birth because she was born with her little kitty eyes/mouth 
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and paws 
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Which she’s been made to cover up since birth in order to look more like a “normal” mewman , like think of the old wives tale of cats stealing babies breath and the dreaded dimension of Star vs. where cats  have human faces, on Mewni there’s basically this old wive tale of “Mewmans who have cat faces” and if they’re born that way it’s Bad Luck because they’re “The Cat Who Snatched The Mewmans Body” and that’s what they think happened to Eclipsa. That’s why they call her “Eclipsa” because they think “a dark shadow was cast over their baby” A “Fairy Godmothers curse” (The character of ‘Baby’ is actually described as “Star’s Fairy Godmother”in wikipedia summary. So maybe they think Eclipsa’s cursed with a cat face because the Fairy burped on her or or something AND THAT’S WHY THEY HATE HER SO MUCH OH MY GOSH. GET IT? AN OLD WIVES ABOUT BABIES BREATH? A FAIRY GODMOTHER CAT NAMED ‘BABY’? OH MY GOSH. They blame things like Eclipsa’s size and her love of food on Baby too, but that’s just another part of the stigma Eclipsa faces because her parents are arseholes. 
Eclipsa even went through Mewberty “wrong” because her Mewberty from actually looks a lot like Baby ... And other Mewmans are like “Eeew, what are you? you silly Cat/Bug/Moth thing we’re supposed to be strictly INSECT BASED!!!!” 
And instead of “BOYS” all she wanted to do was play with balls of yarn ...  She hoarded all the yarn, and then she actually CREATED the “Worlds Most Dangerous Creature” we see in ‘Inter-Dimensional Field Trip’ WITH THE YARN...  
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For what purpose though, her parents were concerned... 
She was basically treated as more of a prized house pet than a mewman, a Familiar meant to serve rather than the Queen she was met to be, and, like Star, she didn’t know basic magic ... As Queen of Mewni, she was a Familiar/Figure head, an “inspiration” to the kingdom more than anything and her husband at the time, a boarder-line powerless Mewman who never left his mewberty form by choice,  King Lunar (LOO-NAR) used her for her magic, she was barely allowed to use her wand and the parasol was always opened up and propped on her wheelchair behind her where she couldn’t  reach it in order to “shield her from the elements”, as Lunar put it. 
They married because he took her out to The Bloodmoon Ball on a pity date, dancing was required according to their parents, and their souls “accidentally” bonded.  Just as they intended.  
SO you all know cerebral palsy is a muscle thing, right? Well with Eclipsa, her “Celestial Purrsy” is A BIT more exaggerated like someone (Glossaryck) will sneak up on her and she’ll have a muscle spasm, even if she’s prepared for it, but if she’s not wearing her seat belt, she’ll do that kitty thing where she’ll end up clinging to the ceiling, cat noises and everything, and she has those weird ticks that I have where she’ll get a twitch through her body like .... 
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It’s less pleasant than Jiji’s in the context of that gif, but t that’s the  only way I know how to to describe it ... And then Glossaryck tries to get her to relax and “dip down” to try to get her off the ceiling but she just ... can’t do it... not because she’s afraid (it’s just an INVOLUNTARY REFLEX, EVERYONE CALLS HER A “SCAREDY CAT” OR APOLOGIZES AND NOBODY GETS  IT...) but because her purrsy effected muscles are so tense and she can’t unclench them cause ...her body is afraid it’ll hurt? ^ ^; So Glossaryck will have to call Lunar to help get her down and he’s part moth, so he’ll like make a big show of like, crawling up the ceiling to get her and he’ll do it extra slow just to freak her out more because he knows that she hates it when she touches her but she can’t show it cause he’s her care giver and her husband and she feels guilty for doubting his love and daring to think he makes her uncomfortable on purpose... yeah marriage problems ... ^ ^;  Sorry for creepy imagery ... ^ ^; 
Glossaryck tries to talk to Lunar about it and suggests that MAYBE she’ll be more comfortable around him if he actually lets her USE HER WAND... since she hasn’t  touched it since she was a teenager and WHO KNOWS HOW HER PERSONALITY HAS CHANGED SINCE THEN ... So Lunar’s like “FINE!!! HERE ECLIPSA!” (he can hand here the wand without effect on him since he doesn’t actually have hands to hold it with... he has feelers and mewberty goop... so everything just kinda... latches on to him all sticky ..... yeah, sorry for nightmare fuel again) Aaaaaaanndd we get our first glimpse of our Queen of Darkness then, wardrobe change and everything (the thorn crown doesn’t come in until she spends more time with Grimalkin and more specifically, when she’s evaluated by Baby and grows her apple tree later, when she’s been living with her Lover, they ask the Fairy Godmother to marry them right there), everyone is surprised by the transformation expect  for Glossaryck, who’s like  “Somebody’s been suppressing a lot of ANGER ....” *Looks over at Lunar* “Wonder what could be the cause* And then Lunar looks over at Eclipsa who looks about ready to KILL HIM an’ he snatches the wand away as quickly as she had it via his gross Mewberty goop and he’s like “SEE?! All that power is far too dangerous for someone so small look at what just happened! You just turned yourself into a monster when your supposed to be my sweet little muffin!”
 Now we get to Toffee’s relation to Eclipsa.... after the whole wand thing happened he was actually (supposed to be) her aid. Cause King Lunar become paranoid of his wife becoming “out of control” and needed someone to “control” her when he wasn’t there because                   “ (ableism) I’m too busy to be scrapping you off the ceiling every time you have one of your episodes!!!! (ableism)” So .... he tries some of the Mewman staff at  first ... But they’re all ether too condescending or just plain afraid of her and don’t even wanna touch her ... and Eclipsa knows this and plays it up to her advantage... So Lunar finally get’s this idea ... And he picks who he deems the most “intelligent” in the ... lizard prison... tells them that they’re going to “Keep an eye on the Queen”, takes them to Eclipsa’s room and Lunar’s like “Okay LIZARD I’m gonna show you what you’re working with here” And it’s just Eclipsa, alone, by herself, eating this big bowl of candy with her gloves off and pawing at the wrappers... 
And the lizards like “She looks SLIGHTLY less bored than I am...” 
“She’s hysterical ...” 
*mumbles* “ComingfromLunarTheLoon....” 
“What was that, REPTILE...?” 
“Nothing...! Yourbugeyedbenevolence...” 
“If you’re so keen on insulting someone today, just make sure you speak to HER in the slowest, weirdest voice possible!” 
Then the door slams and it’s perpetual “SURPRISE!!!!” voice until Eclipsa goes “Oi Lizzie! You like some tea from all that Buff- frog in ya throat?!” 
And then Liz drops the act like “Oh, I don’t eat garbage...” 
“Well, had me confused, you are what you eat...” 
“And you’re hysterical...” 
“Mm. So I’ve heard. But I’m sure the Buff-frogs don’t like hearing their fellow monsters think they’re ‘garbage’. That’s not a very nice thing to say about someone, is it? Even if it is used as an excuse not to eat them.” 
“I suppose that’s true... Are you going to strike me now?” 
“Why would I strike the hand that feeds me?” 
“On days like this, I can think of many reasons, especially if you’re hungry.”
*She edges the bowl of candy over to him* “Please. :3″ 
“...Thank you....” *Being the ... picky eater that he is, (or making certain it’s not poison) she notices him carefully searching for his favorite candy and laughs when he gathers a handful of it* 
“There you go!” 
*Mouth already full of Saltwater Toffee* “Whut ...?!”
”I think your name is Toffee! What would you say about that?” 
*he looks guilty for all the candy pieces he’s holding in his hands* I’d say that it would suit me, Queen Eclipsa, Thank you!”  
“Your very welcome, Toffee! Also, that reminds me, we need to buy you a suit, it’ll look more official when you help me boot out my bugger of a husband! *ironic ship teasing/future ex girlfriend reference bc she later falls for someone who wears no suits at all, CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT* 
Toffee can’t help but find this amusing and smilies “You want me to... AIDE you in starting a rebellion against your husband?” 
*Eclipsa borrows a piece of his toffee, pops it in her mouth, and grins* “Now look who’s hysterical...” 
The very next day, Toffee returns to Eclipsa all beaten and bloodied up. His tail is missing and , he’s pretty much dying. Eclipsa is freaking out...realizing her wand is gone too, doesn’t know what’s going on but has a pretty good inkling of who’s behind it. Next thing you know Lunar comes in all like “Hm. That’s two things that don’t belong to me now, or is it three? You’ll never get your kingdom back.”
 And Eclipsa is tears “I don’t care about the kingdom! What did you do to to Toffee?!” 
And Lunar throws the tail and the and the wand back to their rightful owners and says “What I could never do to my bugger of a bride!” before slamming the door on them again. 
The second he leaves, Eclipsa drops herself out of her chair unto to the floor, crawls over to Toffee, asks him to tell her what she can do to to help him, and he tells her  weakly that he’s heard of an ancient being in the dark forest who supposed to heal monsters, Eclipsa’s like “Alright, we’ll go there. Right now.” Takes off her hat and props it under his head, then goes over to her bed to get some pillows, where her book is laying. 
Glossaryck pops out and is like “What are you doing?” 
“You heard what just went on.” 
“You’re going to The Dark Forest to seek Grimalkin.” 
“ Gesundheit.” 
“No no. Grimalkin is the name of the HEALER. Trust me, if I  sneezed, you’d know it.” 
“Get away.” 
“Eclipsa, I’m you’re teacher and YOU NEED ME.” 
“No I don’t.” 
“Fine. Be that as it may, I will accompany you on your journey.” 
“...Whatever. Help me pad my chair with these pillows while I lift Toffee up, and hurry.” 
“...Maybe if  you cast  ‘LEVITATO’-” 
“I KNOW!!!!” 
Toffee protests to taking Eclipsa’s chair but Eclipsa says that right now, he needs it more than she does. “Besides, I have my Gait Trainer, silly Gator!”  They secure some rope they got from Eclipsa’s curtains to the chair and Toffee’s under the impression that Eclipsa’s going to tie the other end around her waist and pull him herself, so he objects to that too. He earns some perfect shoujo laughter and a “Don’t be ridiculous, Toffee!” Before giving a sharp whistle and a small usher of rats scurry out from under the bed “I mean, I would if I had to, but there’s no need. Follow Mummy babies!” and just like that they grab a hold of Toffee’s rope and follow her out every door, with to rats stationed in front of her to help open them.
 One of the servants asks if they should do something, watching her head towards the dark forest from the window, to which Lunar responds “Nah, curiosity killed the cat.” And the rest is history. Basically because Toffee made her PROMISE to come back and visit him every day because he heard what Lunar had said to her before and was afraid for her at that point. Which Grimalkin allows because he BEGS xem and the Guardian sees how this monster cares for HER. Plus she looks too exhausted to do any real harm at the moment.  
Eclipsa promises Toffee that she’ll come back, and she’ll start working on her spells for self defense. 
When Eclipsa asks Grimalkin tells her that Toffee’s tail can’t be re-attached, and it could take a while for the other lizard monsters who to live there to teach him how to regenerate, maybe even generations but zie CAN preserve his life. Maybe even raise a new life from the old tail.
 When she hears this, and she’s letting it sink in that Toffee almost died,  Eclipsa considers making up an immortality spell so she’ll never have to worry about the scare of losing him ever again. Then Eclipsa tells the guardian about the prison and zie promise to see what can be done. Also this happen at some point, after they’re at least on a more friendly/flirty basis ...
“You’re a healer, right?” 
“You know what I am.”
”Yeah, well...How come other people don’t know I can’t be cured?” 
“I mean I know I KNOW...and YOU KNOW, so how come THEY dunno? YA KNOW?!”
”The answer is as mysterious as my origins, Purple One.” 
“YOU’RE A PURPLE ONE! Also, your stripes are really pretty!” 
“So are your paws.” 
“May I feel your pretty stripes with my pretty paws? :3″ 
“You are MARRIED! Also, I am not purple, I am  Magenta.” 
“ And I’m Sorry I Asked! ;W;” 
Toffee is watching them like “Pfft ... FURRIES!” 
When things start getting more intense between them (Grimalkin & Eclipsa) later, Eclipsa tells Lunar over dinner that she wants to  make other living arrangements, of course, the tyrannical King laughs in her face. THIS is what leads the Lovers to make arrangements of their own behind the King of Mewni’s back, at least until they can get away, they’re hoping ...  
That’s pretty much it, sorry for going into a bit a mini fic mode, I just really wanted to sell the idea of Eclipsa... being a disabled person so that people would actually, you know... want to draw her as such. ^ ^; Since I don’t think it’ll happen at all in the show, twice, although it would be a freaking miracle if it did ... ^ ^; 
I’m also sorry for the snobby way that I think some of this post is worded? ^ ^; I’m not trying to play the oppression game with anyone here .... ^ ^; It’s just, people see a character and they think of ways to see themselves.... and anyone can draw a missing eye, limb, or cane as a cool character trait or accessory but absolutely NOBODY (as far as I know)  sees a character and thinks “I’m going to draw that “abled-bodied” character in a wheelchair, so people who maybe don’t have the physical ability to create sometimes can see themselves too”. Which is why I think starting a movement along the lines of #DRAWHERSITTINGDOWN, or more inclusively #DRAWTHEMSITTINGDOWN would be SUPER IMPORTANT. 
I mean, at least it’s better than saying “cripple the bitch”. Which in retrospect I’m surprised hasn’t been turned into some kind of revolutionary artistic  renaissance or reclamation movement made exclusively for disabled artists to draw what disabilities they’ve envisioned for the abled-bodied characters that they adore already (in a way that’s not the result of villainous violence or results in vendetta, unless of of course they’re a villain or simply have a vendetta against our abled-bodied overlords whom  oppress us so, that would be an excellent excuse to have those elements included in the explanation of how their disability effects them, like I just did with Eclipsa ).      
Because I feel bad and embarrassed because every time I want to see an “abled-bodied” character in a wheelchair, I think of the phrase “cripple the bitch” and then my internalized ablism thinks up some horrible accident they were in order to “make them that way”.  Because nobody draws an “abled bodied” character in a wheelchair just because. Unless it’s the disability sign. And we need to start.  
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I’m sorry that I feel like I’m playing the oppression olympics right now, like I’m wheeling over eggshells with every word that I type, but I know I deserve better, I really do! I deserve my Disabled Queen of Darkness, Eclipsa. And she and her wheels deserve a spot on Daron Necfy’s Diverse (and I’m not being ironic because I LOVE YOU FAERIE GOD MOM <3) wall of art, along with an actual (and still autistic)  Star on Wheels . And so do Eclipsa’s husband and their son, Toby. Like all four in the same picture; a family portrait. That Would Be AMAZING!!! Especially if “Grimalkin” was like, like both Eclipsa AND Toby up on each arm IN THIER WHEELCHAIRS like they were lifting weights like in a “strong man” pose cause they’re arms are definitely big enough to support two manual wheelchairs that weigh virtually nothing them cause they’re so strong and they just ... can. 
And Star is parked on the floor in front in her power chair ... with “The Gang” (Trans Marco, Jackie,  Tom, Janna and Starfan13) all gathered around her and they’re all just being happy an goofy and Janna’s in Star’s lap, probably. Starfan13 didn’t have enough room so she’s like, squishing Star’s face with her’s in a hug, you know that cute squishy hug face? 
Ingrid’s in the picture too, sitting in the monsters arms at Toby’s side holding his hand cause he’s a little nervous that he’ll fall. She wanted to be in the photo too and Grimalkin understood her cause they also speak German and they asked her if she could keep Toby company so he wouldn’t be scared. She said okay, but she’s not giving up her comfort item for nothin’, also it will cost The Queen her guillotine. 
Eclipsa’s over on the other arm just lookin’ as chill as ever. Cause she knows that her Lovie would never let her roll off. 
That would look PERFECT on Daron’s wall! Hopefully #DISABLEDQUEENOFDARKNESS becomes as popular as other fanon so we can make that happen! Feel to use any of the tags I’ve created to start posting!!! Maybe even said some Disabled Queen of Darkness to Daron!!! (And me of course, if I’ve convinced you that Eclipsa Is Disabled and you want to actively draw her and write her as such please send all your content to me!!! I’d love to see it!!!! <3)    
I have other thoughts on the monster themselves, their love for Eclipsa, it’s importance to the entire freaking plot of the series, and the way they’ve been treated in favor of Toffee and Eclipsa herself, like that line about treating the monster lover as an accessory was there for a reason and I’m pissed, but I’ll write up why later because YOU KNOW WHY... and I wanna go ahead and get this posted before the final airs.  
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I encourage everyone who sees this to reblog this even if they’re not in the Star vs. fandom! Like you can consider this a one fandom/character/headcanon/masterpost thing but I feel like it’s a great way to get the general tags of #DRAWHERSITTINGDOWN and #DRAWTHEMSITTINGDOWN started!  Also, REMEMBER: DO /NOT/ USE THE WORD “CRIPPLE” IF YOU ARE NOT PHYSICALLY DISABLED!!!!! 
I know using “if” in an apology is wrong but I don’t know how else to word this so ... I’m genuinely sorry if any other physically disabled people reading this are uncomfortable with my usage of the word in this post? ^ ^; It’s just it’s used as a catchall by other people in our community and after finding cpunk, I recently started identifying with the word to help me find other people ... ^ ^; <3 OX 
Also  people, when you reblog this, please clarify whether or not you physically disabled in the tags in order to help me find other people...  ^ ^; <3 OX I’ve never done this before, so words of encouragement and feed back would also be appreciated, and if you said something ... vaguely kind or encouraging before? ^ ^; <3 Know they still are (just now is your chance to reblog ^ ^; <3 OX)  
I really would appreciate it if @starbutterflyisautistic     and @marcodiazisatransgirl would reblog this too since *themorrison’svoice* YOU GUYS ARE SO COOL!!!!!  ❤ 
And SPEAKING of cool criminal individuals I just want to thank Red for publishing my ask in the first place. She’s helped and inspired so many with the Trans Marco theory and she’s the one who helped me realize I had a basis for my Disabled Queen of Darkness too. Also, she’s the one who inspired the idea of Eclipsa’s husband being some weird bug thing who preferred to stay in their  Mewberty stage, “like an invading body snatcher virus took over.” Because it shows some real contrast between some monsters and the mewmans I think, rather than just being some humanoid oppressors afraid of the scary monsters because they “don’t understand”. Because they had this “mewberty” thing happen to them, where they ether “wouldn’t be back to normal”, or they made the conscious decision to stay in or out of it, good or bad, and if they understood exactly what they were doing to the other monsters and enjoyed it because they considered THEMSELVES the“ideal” of what a monster should look like. And then that bad history was erased through centuries of .... literal humanization I just think there’s a bit more to explore through that narrative then having Eclipsa’s former husband be some cliche Gaston stereotype, or even the “well meaning Nice Guy TM who lets the girl go” trope. 
And I know that making the Mewman King Eclipsa was married to a tyrant is a bit of a cliche as well, but striping Eclipsa of the powers she’s supposed have because of that, giving Eclipsa a physical disability and have her be oppressed because of that, like Star would be with the autism headcanon... It would kinda level the playing flied between Eclipsa and the Monster a bit because THEY’RE BOTH MINORITIES!!! THEY’RE BOTH OPPRESSED!!!!  The Monster a bit more than Eclipsa but still ... the thing common helps them understand each other a bit more and helps this become much more than “ I married my oppressor because I changed them and they changed me” “love” story, because c’mon, so far, the basis for these two finding a connection in these fandom has been “You’re not bad for a ______” AND WE ARE SO NOT DOING THAT WITH WHAT’S SUPPOSED TO BE AN ALLEGORY FOR AN INTERRACIAL RELATIONSHIP C’MON .... 
And I wouldn’t have thought any of this if it weren’t for Red, she’s our rebel princess, she’s the best, loves the wayward sister in the purple dress, she’s given me the courage to fight, for Heckapoo On Wheels, Disabled Dark Queens and Butterfly’s ....and TOOOOOOOOOOOOBBBBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! 
Okay so I hope that wasn’t too corny but like, seriously, I love you Red!! You are ROCK and are (truly) an inspiring beautiful person who’s fun to be around and I hope this isn’t embarrassing or too much because I know we only ever had contact from that ask, but I owe you so much credit for inspiring me to claim Queen Eclipsa for myself as well as the other Past Queens of Mewni for other people with disabilities because it’s amazing that you and Daron have made me feel comfortable in my own skin enough to do that! I love this show and this little niche fandom of Wayward Princesses SO MUCH and it all means so much to me you have no idea and I am SO GLAD you’re a part of it!!! I’m worried that some of this post as well as that ask was worded with some twinges of jealously ... and maybe that’s why it wasn’t originally reblogged .... because I sounded so ...impatient? But I want you to know that I mean this, un-ironically, from bottom of my heart and I’m not just saying for notes or popularity: You are important. You are loved. You have done so much for the community and so much for me and so many other great things and more than enough things for me to thank you for so you don’t need to feel pressured to reblog this, Red! Just know that I thank you from the bottom of my heart and you’ll continue to do even more, I wouldn’t have known there was an interest in Eclipsa being disabled or have the courage to write this if it weren’t for you!! So Thank You!!! OX ❤
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If it’s okay, I just want to link everyone to Red’s Princess Marco and Star vs. Trailer’s since they’re Hecka magical and wonderful, haven’t gotten comments in a while and all you Poo heads should leave some more love for them!!!!!   ;)  ❤ 
Princess Marco Trailer: 
Star Vs. Trailer:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qkjUFB-NcA  
Congrats on Trans Marco being canon, everyone! ;) ❤ OX 
Well, here I am, 12:50 AM, Monday. The night before they air the final. About to get my hand brace in the morning. About to finally post something that’s been  in my drafts for a week, with spelling errors and other things I can’t be bothered to fix, with this post being the best post about Eclipsa that you will ever read. With Eclipsa (probably) about to be confirmed to be the abled-bodied ice pop I was worried about. FANON DON’T FAIL ME NOW!!!!!!! ❤ OX  
(Get it...? Cause the saying is? And I’m? Yeah ....Side note about the goat and my sense of humor earlier DO NOT USE THE WORD “GIMP” IF YOU ARE NOT PHYSICALLY DISABLED ETHER, NOT EVEN IF YOU’RE USING THE BADLY NAMED ART PROGRAM TO DRAW ECLIPSA, THANK YOU!)  
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   ♠💜😈💋♠❤AND MAY YOU ALL .... DRAW HER SITTING DOWN... ♠💜😈💋♠❤
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