#anyway thank you for taking the time to read my silly thoughts :'D
humbuns · 1 year
AHHH when I saw your reblog about Luke's view of the brothers and how it goes against everything he was taught about I was DELIGHTED reading through it. It makes me wonder what if there was a situation where Luke has to confront his internal conflict head on? Like imagine a scenario where the person he looks up to (could be another angel) and they expressed their disdain towards the brothers to the point on acting ignorant on WHY they fell in the first place. Its also worth mentioning that Luke used to admire Lucifer even more so than Michael. Falling from grace is one of, if not the worse things that could happen to an angel. It's practically ingrained in his mind that he should avoid doing what the brothers did. But shouldn't an angels' job is to protect? Especially if its their family? Their own kin? It would be so interesting to see him actually having to question his own morals and values, but also depressing when you consider the fact he's still a child and he's forced to come to the realization that everything he believed upon could be a lie 🥲
Yessss!!!! Not to get theological here but I believe love in religion is bound with sacrifice and I feel like that's something Luke will struggle with the most because he is taught he is a creature seeping with boundless benevolence and the Celestial Realm is a place full of paradise but they are restricted by it. You have to act a certain way or you will disappoint everyone. If you go too far, you will fall. If he begins to doubt, will he lose everything? Is he not worthy of the love proclaimed to be offer to everyone and everything when he was acting out of love?
And I guess that's why Simeon tries to ush him away from the Celestial Realm to remove that pressure that he must sacrifice himself from living just to remain perfect in the eyes of others while also pointing out that either realms are not so terrible bad as it seems (Positive the devs are not thinking this deep but even Luke both in nb and obm! openly talks about how much more fun it is being around the others and in the Devildom, even if he is hesitant about it still)
There's so much potential here but it's shame we probably won't see stuff like this at all lol, it would be a nice introspection especially when it's coming from someone who is so in love being an angel and has been sheltered away
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lovebugism · 2 months
Hi there 👋🏻 I've been binge reading your stories lately and I love them all! I have a request if you're up for it. Could you write one where shy!reader doesn't like her laugh because some people think it's annoying but Eddie loves it? Totally not self-projecting by the way! 🙃 Thank you!
thank you angel! please enjoy :D — eddie comforts you when he finds out an old boyfriend made you hate your laugh (shy!fem!r, established relationship, hurt/comfort, 1k)
You and Eddie sit on opposite sides of the worn, sunken-in couch — long legs bent at the knees, socked feet wedged neatly beneath your thighs. Your bare calves rest on either side of his lap while his calloused palms rub up and down the length of them. His touch is largely absentminded as he tries hopelessly not to laugh through the punchline of his own joke.
“—And I was like, ‘Boom. You lookin’ for this?’”
You think the brown-eyed look of expectancy he gives you is funnier than anything. You smile wide, hiding the sparkling expression behind your palm.
Eddie meets your beam with a boyish pout. He repeats the punchline, more serious this time. “And I was like, ‘Boom’—”
“I heard you, Eds,” you assure with a small chuckle. A mere breath of a laugh.
His frown deepens. “Oh, c’mon!” he exclaims, lifting his hands in protest. They drop back to your ankles a second later. “That was funny! That always kills with Hellfire!”
You nod rapidly, brows raised and eyes wide, like a parent comforting a child. “It was good,” you assure quickly.
“Then why aren’t you laughing?”
“So, what— I have to laugh if I think something’s funny?”
“Well, that’s usually how it works, yeah,” Eddie monotones with a flat face, nodding until his wild curls sway around his jaw. He shrugs lazily a second later and jokes, “If you’re not a psychopath, at least… You’re not a serial killer, are you?”
You meet his narrowed eyes with a more pensive gaze. Your lips purse to the side of your mouth as you jokingly ponder the silly question. “No,” you answer after a few long moments. “Not yet, anyway.”
Eddie nods like he’s relieved. “Nice.”
“There’s still time, though,” you add with a scrunched nose.
He scrunches the bridge of his back. “I’ll take that risk,” he says with a small huff before lifting his weight on his knuckles. The old couch creaks in protest as he leans over to kiss you. 
With a poorly bitten-back grin, you meet him halfway. Your mouths smack together in a fleeting kiss that tastes faintly of frozen pizza.
You settle back on the arm of the couch with Eddie’s socked toes wriggling under your thighs. His thumbs continue tracing shapes on the insides of your calves. He watches you watch the staticky television screen, too wound up about the whole thing to join in on the stupid sitcom.
The subtly overwhelming feeling bubbles in his throat until it spills like vomit from his mouth. “Do you think I’m not funny or something?” he blurts, then goes all shy right after. “Is that why… Is that why you don’t really laugh at my jokes?”
Your breathy scoff only further proves his point. “I laugh at your jokes all the time, Eds.”
He shrugs, unconvinced. “I mean… I guess. You, like, breathe really hard through your nose or whatever, but you don’t… You don’t laugh.”
“I think if you heard me laugh, you’d break up with me,” you joke and don’t think twice about how self-deprecating it is.
Eddie’s face twists at the thought — that he’d ever want to break up with you, or that there’d be a part of you he wouldn’t automatically adore on instinct. “Why would you say that?” 
You shrug with a vague I don’t know type of sound and turn back to the television. “My laugh is just weird, I guess....”
“No one’s laugh is weird!” Eddie insists. “It’s, like, the one sound people make when they’re happiest— It can’t be weird.”
You flash him a deadpan look of silent disagreement.
He caves.
“Okay. Fine. Dustin Henderson’s laugh is weird,” he concludes. “But… that’s just because he’s Dustin, you know?”
You breathe a faint chuckle at that. Almost like you’ve trained yourself to be as quiet in your laughter as you can. 
“My last boyfriend thought my laugh was annoying,” you confess like it’s no big deal. “So eventually I just kinda… stopped.”
Eddie’s soft features harden into a solemn frown. “What a fucking prick…” he grumbles like a storm cloud.
“It’s okay. I got over it. Mostly.”
He squeezes the backs of your calves with a pair of ringed hands, a warm and reassuring touch. “Well, I don’t think anything you do could annoy me,” Eddie tells you, tilting his head to the side until his wild curls bunch at his shoulders. “Just so we’re clear.”
Something in your chest flutters — like there’s a thousand moths trapped behind your ribcage. “Good to know,” you tease in the same sardonic tone.
Eddie rises suddenly, tugging at your ankles until you’re lying flatter on the couch. A squeal sound in your throat as you watch him rise to his knees and lean over you. He digs his fingers gently into the plush of your sides before you can blink. 
“Get off!” you swat at him, laughing loudly at the tickling sensation before you can help it. The golden sound spills from your lips and fills the dim trailer with so many little sunbeams. 
Your face heats at the proud, lopsided smile Eddie gives you.
“Get off,” you repeat, sterner now but still mostly playful. You’re only slightly surprised when Eddie obeys without pouting. You sit up a bit more and tug your shirt down from where it had ridden up. “And stop looking at me like that.”
Eddie fights to purse his beam to the side of his mouth. Your sparkling, unsmiling disposition is impossible not to smile at. “Can’t help it,” the boy shrugs with a stupid grin. “You’re too cute.”
Your face scrunches in disdain of his compliment. You prop your back against the couch and cross your arms over your chest, averting your gaze to the TV once more. “Just drive me home,” you grumble in protest, hardly meaning it.
“No can do, sweet thing,” Eddie says with a sympathetic sigh, dropping a heavy arm around your shoulder to pull you into his chest. You melt begrudgingly into his sloppy embrace. He presses a kiss to your hair and mumbles into your temple. “‘M never letting you go, actually.”
And, despite your very obvious pouting, you pray he never breaks his promise.
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whyse7vn · 4 months
[ ot7 x reader ]
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8 participants - 8 online
tae: gave my gf an hour long whimpering audio for valentines day
namjoon: you make me sick
jimin: this definitely counts as harassment
jk: yoongi got me a plastic fork
yoongi: yw
y/n: the audio was 5 minutes long????
tae: ok but i sent it to you 20 times
do the math????
jin: you sat there and whimpered into ur phone for 5 minutes that’s crazy
don’t you feel any shame??
tae: why would i feel shame?
it’s called being in love jin
you should try it sometime
jimin: it’s called harassment
hobi: ew man
jk: free asmr :D
jin: it’s gonna be free tae from jail soon
tae: no it won’t
jimin: ur right when you get locked up no one’s gonna want you free
hobi: KEEP TAE IN JAIL 🗣️💯
jk: personally i would want tae free
jimin: personally ur not real so it doesn’t matter what you want
jk: :ᗡ
hobi: ew how the hell did you flip it
i hate that
jk: :ᗡ
jk: :ᗡ
namjoon: yoongi got jungkook a present this year?
yoongi: not by choice
y/n: it was by choice
hobi: it was a plastic fork
yoongi: a plastic fork not given by choice
y/n: yoongi
yoongi: no
y/n: please
yoongi: no
y/n: pretty please :3
yoongi: it was by choice
y/n: see told you!
yoongi: don’t understand why we have to buy each other shit on this holiday anyways
i like ONE of you not all of you
tae: am i the one you like be honest
yoongi: bye
y/n: it’s our silly little tradition don’t be a loser yoongi
yoongi: whatever
jin: ok anyways who ordered me a fucking marching band???
jk: idk but did you like it??
y/n: gonna take a wild guess and say it was jungkook
namjoon: i thought you have his card how did he order that??
y/n: he has apple pay now i can’t stop him 😕
hobi: wait no fair
jin did NOT deserve a marching band all he got me was his butter photocard???
jimin: he got me that too….
jk: OMG ME TOO >_<
tae: i don’t feel special anymore
namjoon: really jin?
y/n: mine was signed!!
yoongi: cheap
jin: you literally got kook a plastic fork?
yoongi: he loves it
jungkook tell him you love it
jk: i love it
yoongi: see
jin: whatever don’t care
jimin: namjoon got me a fucking book
jin: lol that’s crazy cuz you can’t read
jk: i’m sorry to hear you can’t read jimin hope you can soon :/
namjoon: i put a lot of thought into the book i got you
jin: that’s cute but he can’t read so
jk: i wish i was a book
tae: if you’re a book does that make you a tree?
jk: guys
y/n: no jungkook
jk: oh ok
jimin: i CAN read btw
yoongi: don’t care
jin: sounds like fake news
jk: omg wow ur a fast learner jimin you can read now!!!
jimin: ur talking way too much today
you should stop
jk: is he talking to me????
hobi: y/n got me a holiday to australia
i’m not gonna go cuz like bugs
but that was really nice
y/n: you’re welcome!!!!
tae: k but i got sex
y/n deleted this message!
tae: 😕
silencing me like they did MLK
jimin: what
jk: milk
hobi: did you just compare urself to mlk?
jin: yeah never say that again
tae: why not?? it’s true
yoongi: you are nothing like mlk
jk: tae ur not milk
namjoon: taehyung do not compare yourself to martin luther king ever again please and thank you
jk: or milk
y/n: and in black history month too…
tae: you don’t understand me or him
y/n: yeah ok
back to gifts
joon got me some really pretty flowers
jimin: boringggggggg he does that every year
jk: namjoon got me wood
hobi: ?
namjoon: statue
it’s a wooden statue thing
not just wood
tae: joon giving other boys wood for valentines ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
u wanna know who i gave MY wood too
y/n deleted this message!
namjoon: tae shut up
jin: saw that
tae: i’m just like mlk i’m telling you man
y/n: stop
tae: sorry
jimin: hobi got me shoes
hobi: i did
jk: hobi got me cheese
hobi: expensive cheese
y/n: i took yoongi to those cute photo booth things
yoongi: they didn’t need to know that
y/n: yes they did
we are sharing what we got each other
read the room yoongi
jimin: yeah yoongi read the room
tae: how tf u read a room??!
a room not a book ☠️☠️
u guys dumb as hell
jin: you not knowing what reading a room means makes a lot of sense actually
jk: send photobooth pics ^0^
bet u looked so cute
not you yoongi
not yoongi
i’m talking to y/n NOT you yoongi btw
yoongi: shut up
and no
you’ll never see those photos
jk: ☹️
hobi: so what did yoongi get y/n??
yoongi: don’t worry
tae: personally i’m worried
jk: me 2 guys yoongi is really scary
what if he killed her
y/n: ?
jin: i want to blow jungkook up
jk: i’m no ballon 😭
jimin: probably fucked for valentines let’s be real
tae: well that’s obviously NOT true lmao 😜 ☠️
yoongi: why is that “obviously” not true
we could of
tae: you didn’t
yoongi: and you know how?
tae: cuz i just know
yoongi: yeah ok
we could of for all you know
on the actual day too
tae: you weren’t even with her on valentine’s day
yoongi: and you were?
y/n: he wasn’t
tae: ok
but i could of been
yoongi: but clearly you weren’t
tae: neither were you
namjoon: both of you stop
tae: idk why yoongi acts all high a mighty
especially when it comes to her
y/n: ok that’s crazy
how about you don’t talk about me like i’m not here!
yoongi: idk why taehyung acts like he has a chance lmao
jk: guys
tae: that’s actually crazy
you’d be fucking surprised yoongi!!!!
yoongi: what’s that supposed to mean?
tae: what do you think it means?
tell me yoongi
i’ll tell you if you’re right or not
yoongi: shut the fuck up
tae: or what?
hobi: why this kinda sexualllll
jimin: like 😭😭😭😭
jin: arguing over pussy that belongs to neither of them is crazy i’m just saying
jk: pussy \ ^0^ /
namjoon: how about we all stop arguing and move back to talking about the gifts we got eachother !!
hobi: jungkook got me a ballon
jk: yeah
do you love it
hobi: sure
jk: ^_^
jimin: personally i think hobi’s lying to you kook
jk: WHAT
jimin: i think he hates his ballon actually
jk: hobi pls say he’s lying
hobi: he’s lying
you see it may seem that way because on the outside im a very chill and nonchalant man
y/n: that is not true actually!
hobi: but on inside i am actually very chalant
EXTREMELY chalant no joke
so basically inside im going fucking crazy over the ballon jungkook gave me but it just doesn’t seem like that cuz im a chill guy
jk: but inside ur chalant
hobi: exactly
jk: jimin why would you lie to me
jimin: ur easy to lie to
jk: no im not
jimin: namjoon died in a car crash 24 hours ago
namjoon: i am not dead
jk: oh
y/n: how did you fall for that
namjoon cant even drive
jk: oh yeah
lol namjoon cant drive guys
namjoon: ok we all know
hobi: so what did you guys actually do on valentine’s day
jk: minecraft but then it got too scary so i played valorant instead
jimin: idk what any of that means but ok
i personally watched movies with joon
namjoon: yeah
i dropped by kook’s and y/n’s place first tho to give my gifts and stuff
hobi: where was my movie invite?????
jimin: we did call you
you were like high as hell
hobi: oh
how real of me
jin: i cooked steak
jimin: for urself?
jin: kys
for me and y/n actually
y/n: …
jin: my fault
yoongi: what
tae: oh
hobi: ????????????????????
namjoon: cool
jimin: jin???? out of everyone JIN??????
why would you fuck jin
jimin: on valentine’s day too…..
even fucking ME would make more sense than jin right now
jin: tf is that supposed to mean?
jimin: i said what i said lmao
tae: she cant of fucked jin
cuz she’s fucking me
yoongi: LMAOOOO
u really think your special dont you
thats crazy
hobi: i dont get it even if she was fucking tae why couldn’t she fucked jin too?
y/n: i am like right here you know
tae: because me and her are serious
yoongi: serious???
you are just a rebound
tae: yoongi i think you’re just upset she didn’t come to you first after the whole jaehyun thing
yoongi: i’m glad she didn’t actually because now i know for sure i’m not rebound
you are
tae: shut the fuck up
yoongi: why? you getting upset?
idk why you’re acting like the victim here when you’re using her for the same thing
hobi: woah??
jimin: cap taehyung bitchless
yoongi: it’s time you stop using y/n to get over jennie and grow some fucking balls
jin: hold on
jk: imgonnapassout
y/n: oh
namjoon: yoongi
tae: i am not using y/n to get over jennie and you know that
hobi: wait ur fr??? taejennie was fr??
yoongi: i know that? thats crazy how could i know that??
you didn’t even tell us about jennie
for over 3 months you were with her and you didn’t tell us
and then those photos of you and her were leaked and you were all depressed for ”no reason”
and now all of a sudden your obsession with y/n?
yeah you’re not using her you’re right i’m just fucking stupid aren’t i?
jimin: holy shit man
tae: i am not using her
yoongi: so why is yeontan with jennie right now?
y/n: tae you told me he was with you parents?
tae: yeah
i didn’t tell you that because im using you or anything i just said that because i didn’t want to cause any problems
y/n: you lied to me
for no reason
if you told me the truth it would of been fine
tae: i know
y/n: so when i came over
were you planing on sleeping with me anyways?
were you mad at yourself for calling jennie and leaving yeontan with her?
did you use me to help forget about it?
tae: did you use me to help get over jaehyun?
y/n: no
i can tell you that in full confidence no
now answer my question
tae: you know i would never do that to you
y/n: its a yes or no question taehyung
tae: i would never do that to you
yoongi: yes or no you asshole
tae: shut the fuck up
yoongi: answer her question
tae: leave me the fuck alone
tae left “SINGLE LADIES😁🔥”
jk: wow
y/n: didn’t sleep with jin btw
jk: ohthankgod
y/n: did sleep with tae once
we are NOT serious
jk: double ohthankgod
y/n: and now i am going to sleep
jungkook come cuddle
gn all
jimin: good night …
hobi: nite!!
yoongi: gn
jin: goodnight
namjoon: gn
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DOWNBAD😭🫵🏻 #2 (minus tae)
6 participants - 5 online
namjoon: yoongi that wasn’t fair
yoongi: i know
but she deserved to know
and he wasn’t gonna tell her any time soon
yoongi: i just found out
namjoon knew longer
namjoon: not that long
jimin: ok but how do you know tae is using her fr?
yoongi: it’s not hard to connect the dots
jin: still you could be wrong
yoongi: well he didn’t deny it did he?
jimin: to me it looked like he didn’t know if he was using her or not
yoongi: well he needs to figure that out soon it’s not fair to her
or him ig
but mainly her.
hate this don’t care about anything bring back yellow….
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @k4ngelz @jmnscutie @threeopossumsinacoat @cynicalyoongs @lightningpussy54 @eunthv @gigiiiiislife @lowkeykin @elissasimp @socksfirstalways @knjlvr06 @lailaisarmy @thvkives @xstfudaisyx @xxxanimangxxx @solstice34 @ml8dy @hoeforseoks
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ju1cyfru1t · 10 months
Y/N’s guide of an ornate box turtle mutant
fluff :)
(Rise!Mikey x reader)
gn reader, romantic leaning but can be read as platonic
In which Mikey stumbles upon your documentation on himself.
Donnie’s version Leo’s version Raph’s version
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☻Subject of interest
Ornate Box turtle mutant; humanoid turtle man
Special note: subject appears to have developed several personas
☻ Diet:
Pizza, sweets (favors cupcakes), fruits, Dr.Pepper (likes to try new things; bring specimen new snacks?)
☻ Likes:
Orange, baking + cooking, stickers (reminder: buy goo gone), painting, emotional vulnerability (Donnie warns; be cautious of ‘Dr.Feelings’), horror films, romance films (subject cries?), cuddling (nts: subject holds tight), helping others (even if they don’t deserve it, not going to name any names they know who they are), Jupiter Jim (movies, comics, games)
☻ Dislikes:
Being snuck up on (will cause turtle to refuse to come out of shell), lying, seeing people sad (note: subject is concerningly good at reading emotions),
——> subject does not seem to dislike many things. subject is very, strangely optimistic.
☻ Tail language ❌leave tail alone, do not startle the subject.(will hide in shell) he is sensitive and sassy❌
twitching rapidly: threatened, scared, upset. not very common, but can soothe turtle with (gentle) shell scratches.
wagging: excited, happy, energetic. typically while talking about Jupiter Jim? and other likes? (see above) (tip: will increase w/ shell scratches)
still and loose: relaxed, sad. very rare, specimen is very energetic, only relaxed when asleep. sad turtle most soothed by being held???
Mikey smiled happily to himself, laying on his plastron in his room. He read your words carefully, really taking it in. You really have this crime-fighting silly little ninja giggling and kicking his feet.
It just felt so good knowing you cared so much about him. Not that he didn’t know before, but it’s always nice to be reminded just how much you really, truly did. Him. Not Leo, or Donnie, or Raph. Just him.
Of course Mikey had noticed you acting a little sketchy around him, and had even asked you what was up but with the same response of nothing every time. He was a little relieved this was all it was.
The guilt slowly poured into him as he realized this was probably a violation of your privacy. His curiosity got the better of him when he saw the folder in your backpack with his name on it after you left it in his room. He totally betrayed your trust!
After some very nervous thought, he knew he needed to make it up to you somehow…right?
☻Subject of interest
Ornate Box turtle mutant; humanoid turtle man
Special note: subject appears to have developed several personas. such as Dr.Delicate Touch, Dr.Feelings, and Dr.Positive. what does this mean? is this normal? Of course!
☻ Diet:
Pizza, sweets (favors cupcakes), fruits, Dr.Pepper (likes to try new things; bring specimen new snacks?) Oooh, I’ll make you a list!
☻ Likes:
Orange my life color, thank you, baking + cooking, stickers (reminder: buy goo gone) you took them off? D:, painting it’s easy when I have such a beautiful muse!, emotional vulnerability (Donnie warns; be cautious of ‘Dr.Feelings’) Whaaat? Donnie doesn’t know what he’s talking about anyway.>:( horror films, romance films (subject cries?) They’re just so sweet!, cuddling (nts: subject holds tight), helping others (even if they don’t deserve it, not going to name any names they know who they are) it’s what I do, baby! Jupiter Jim (movies, comics, games)
☻ Dislikes:
Being snuck up on (will cause turtle to refuse to come out of shell) I like when you carry me Ha ha very funny, lying, seeing people sad (note: subject is concerningly good at reading emotions), (to be continued???)
——> subject does not seem to dislike many things. subject is very, strangely optimistic. Dr.Positive will see you now!
☻ Tail language ❌leave tail alone, do not startle the subject.(will hide in shell) I can’t help it! he is sensitive Nuh uh and sassy❌
twitching rapidly: threatened, scared, upset. not very common, but can soothe turtle with (gentle) shell scratches. I agree, the subject would like that very much.
wagging: excited, happy, energetic. typically while talking about Jupiter Jim? and other likes??? (see above) (tip: will increase w/ shell scratches) Maybe you should test that hypothesis again! Just to be sure. ;D
still and loose: relaxed, sad. very rare, specimen is very energetic, only relaxed when asleep. sad turtle most pacified by being held??? Again, you should probably continue to test that theory.
Beautiful work! But, I would keep in close contact with the subject. You know, for research purposes.
Love you!
- Mikey🧡
p.s. I’m really sorry for looking through your stuff
(also I’m still working on requests, and they are still open)
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euphor1a · 7 months
Just the tip
* part of “boyfriend chronicles” — can be read as a stand-alone.
ꨄ pairing: mingyu x f!oc
ꨄ genres: non idol!au, established relationship, fluff, smut, slice of life.
ꨄ summary: he tried his best, he really did. but lord, for how long could he control himself when you looked like a pretty, little angel, all his to ruin?
ꨄ rating & word count: 18+ ; ~9.5K  
ꨄ warnings/tags: fluff (called me single in 100 languages typa way), plentiful pda, they’re so in love that it repulses me /j, profanity, explicit sexual content; dom/sub undertones (a bit of switch action as well), semi-public sex, breast play, biting/marking, size kink, praising, pet names, fingering, teasing, dacryphilia, begging, “just the tip”, unprotected, penetrative sex, big d*ck!gyu, multiple orgasms (f!receiving), creampie — this is a work of fiction and it doesn’t represent mingyu in any way.    
ꨄ a/n: this series is slowly starting to look like my villain origin story 😔... like wdym i can’t have kim mingyu 💔💔? *sigh* anyway, it’s been a while, enjoy <3!
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His footsteps are light despite him being in a hurry. It’s almost as if he could start flying at any moment. Mingyu wishes that was an option. The sunlight filtering through his living room windows barely makes it to the kitchen, where he’s struggling miserably. 
Large, shaky hands grip onto the petite looking sliders he has just finished making, carefully placing them inside the various colorful lunch boxes splayed out on the kitchen island. Mingyu is heaving ever so slightly, a bit of perspiration starting to collect on his forehead. He’s nervous. And it’s silly, he knows. But he can’t help his rushing heart that is hammering against his chest. 
It’s been over ten minutes since you texted him that you’re on your way to the park you two are going to meet up for your date. And he’s still here, in his pj’s, trying to finish packing the picnic basket as quickly as possible without absolutely destroying it. Even though Mingyu woke up criminally early with the intentions to cook everything himself, he somehow managed to fall behind because of the stupid cupcake batter that refused to make anything edible out of itself. 
With what feels like the umpteenth sigh of the day, he manages to complete arranging the boxes inside the basket. However, he almost slips while hurrying to reach his bedroom. A string of curses leave Mingyu’s pouty lips, the muscles in his arms flexing to support his whole body against the wall. He still needs to get ready, leave his house, and buy some sort of dessert from the local bakery before finally meeting you.
Thanking himself for picking up and ironing the outfit yesterday night, he dresses up in a flash. Mingyu ponders if he should do something with his hair, but ends up keeping it the way it currently is. Sure, it is kind of messy, but it also gives him that ‘casually sexy’ look. A satisfied smirk and the bare minimum skincare along with sunscreen later, he regards himself in the mirror for one last time. Looking more than good to go.
That state of peace only lasts for a moment though. Not wanting to be even more late than he already is, Mingyu grabs his phone, wallet, keys and the basket. After another minute of scrambling, he puts on a random pair of loafers and heads out. Even though you haven’t contacted him since earlier, he feels anxious. Who knows for how long you’ve been waiting all alone? 
His long legs help him blaze past the bustling neighborhood, hands clutching on the basket’s handle in an attempt to stop it from swaying unsteadily. Mingyu is so wrapped up in his thoughts of you that he actually walks past the bakery — before realizing and taking a 180° turn. The elderly owner smiles at him brightly as he enters the cozy shop, somehow catching up on what exactly is happening with the usually calm and collected guy he has seen for so long. “Aah, Mingyu! Welcome, my boy! Long time no see, eh? What brought you here all of a sudden? Mayhaps a special day with a special someone?” 
“Hi, Mr. Owen! Hah, really though… I don’t remember the last time I found myself having a little dessert. Glad to be back here! Although, I’m just gonna pretend that I didn’t hear the last part…” Mingyu trails off, eyes taking in the pretty pastries and all sorts of baked goodness displayed in front of him. His heart jumps a little when he thinks about how your face contorts in pure joy whenever you ravish the sugar rush from something sweet. “Uh anyway! Please pack me a dozen of these pastel colored macarons! And maybe four of those glazed donuts? Oh my god… are those heart shaped pies?? Looks so cute! Please pack two of them too!” 
The man nearing his late 60s can’t help but laugh at Mingyu’s excited rambling as he points at the things he wants. “Calm down, calm down, I’ll get to everything one by one.” He folds up some new boxes before putting the delicate confectioneries into them. “You really don’t have to say anything though, the answers are written all over your face.” 
Mingyu, who was busy admiring the heart shaped pies, looks up, confused. “Huh?” 
“The question I asked earlier. Which you pretended to not hear. The answer to it is written all over your face.” Owen shakes his head with a smile on his face. 
“Oh–” Mingyu looks down at his feet. Is he really that obvious? But even if he is, should he care about it? Feeling happy and elevated to meet his girlfriend doesn’t always need to be embarrassing. 
“Don’t mind my little teasing now, will you? Do you want me to put these in your basket?” He’s brought back to reality by Owen’s voice. Mingyu nods and brings the picnic basket up on the counter. 
While the old man adds up the prices to write a bill after carefully putting all the desserts in the almost full basket, Mingyu finds himself zoning out. Would you like all the things he’s bringing? What if you have some secret allergy he doesn’t know yet, and you’re unable to eat? A pout forms on his lips. But then he remembers — he’s been pretty late by now, and you’re waiting for him in a place you’re not familiar with at all.
He hurriedly pays and grabs his basket, apologizing to Owen for not being able to hang around longer and leaving immediately. Once he’s outside again, he quickly takes his phone and calls your number. Mingyu almost feels jittery, scenarios going through his head that aren’t exactly nice. Thankfully for him, you pick up after a few rings, greeting him cheerily.
“Mingyu! Hello baby! I’m here already, are you on your way?”  
That alone is enough for the six feet tall, grown ass man to wish he could disintegrate into thin air right now. Not in a negative way, though. He just finds it extremely devastating that you called him “baby” like that. But Mingyu is quick to recover from that feeling. “Hi angel, I’m on my way!! I’m sorry you have to wait there all alone… I’m like a three minute walk away from the park. Do you, maybe, wanna keep talking over the phone?”
“Aw sure! And don’t worry about it please, I’m just standing beneath a large tree and enjoying the scenery! It’s so pretty here!” 
Three minutes feel like thirty seconds with you, as he already gets through the park’s elegant looking entrance. His eyes immediately start searching for you. “Baby, I just got through the main gate! Where are you?” 
“Oh! That was quick, Gyu; should I come over to the entrance?” 
“Nono princess! Stay where you are, I’ll be there. Just give me some directions!” Mingyu insists. To his surprise, you don’t give up for your cause.
“Why?” Your voice is nearly a whine, “It’ll be way easier if I just go where you are!” 
With his heart doubling in his chest from fondness, he sighs, “Fine… I guess. Come over quickly then, will you?” 
“Yep yep, already on my way! I can’t wait to see you!” You giggle excitedly, keeping your eyes on the path as you wander back towards the main gate. Mingyu waits by the side of a decorative statue for you. His gaze is searching, hoping to catch a glimpse of the person he’s grown to adore endlessly. 
It’s only a matter of seconds for you to spot each-other, two pairs of eyes lighting up with joy. You run to him giddily, colliding into his firm chest that you’ve fallen asleep on several times now. His large arms wrap around your small frame to pull you closer, as if on instinct.
You inhale his scent deeply, a mix of his cologne and the smell of fresh laundry from his black polo shirt. However, you do avoid getting your face smushed up against him— for the sake of your skincare and makeup. Both of you stay locked in each other’s embrace for a while, before eventually pulling away.
“You look so unbelievably pretty, my love.” Mingyu leans down to place a kiss on your head. “And smelling like a dream, as well.” Heat rushes to your cheeks, and you fiddle with the belt loops of his beige trouser.
Only now, you’ve become aware of exactly how fucking good he looks today. This black polo fits him like a glove, paired with trousers that accentuate his long legs. Oh and, he also has a pair of eyeglasses that adorns his handsome face. The whole imagery is pretty devastating to your brain as it fails to process everything your eyes have registered. Why is it even legal to look like this?
You suddenly feel majorly weak in the knees, but Mingyu supports you with his unoccupied hand, flashing you a cocky grin. “What happened, baby?” He teases, clearly aware of the effect he has on you. You hold onto his arms and regain composure, clearing your throat from embarrassment. 
“Uhm, you look… really really great as well.” His eyes twinkle as he smiles upon your compliment, the hand around your waist pressing you into him. Your heart flutters in your chest from the close exposure. Mingyu seems a bit more touchy-touchy than usual, considering that you guys are in public.
“All for you, my angel,” your boyfriend mutters right against your ear, causing a shiver to run down your spine. As if that wasn’t satisfactory enough, he lets his lips brush over the shell of your ear, catching you even more off-guard. What the hell is in the air today? 
“Uhm– let’s go find a spot for our date? Or are we gonna just stand here?” You look up at Mingyu questioningly, doe eyes causing his heart to skip a beat. He sighs, just slightly annoyed with how his mind goes to unspeakable places with just that.
“Of course, baby, let’s find a place to sit down.” He smiles brightly, watching you wrap your smaller arm around his. To his dismay, his hungry eyes once again take in how pretty and irresistible you look in this flowy, white sundress. 
The soft material caresses your thighs with each stride; Mingyu wishes it was his hand instead. It’s absurd, but the way this dress has pretty flowers and hearts printed across it makes him wanna mark you up. The poofy sleeves, the sweetheart neckline that shows just enough to drive him crazy — God. Even the way your hair is loosely braided with stray locks tucked behind your ear? He genuinely wants to cancel all plans and take you to his home and do you all day.
It’s crazy, really. How can you just look like that and expect anyone to act like a normal functioning human? Mingyu shakes his head a little and inhales shakily. You deserve to get pampered on a picnic date as much as you deserve to get mind-blowing orgasms. 
“You’re not paying attention to me at all…” The sound of your dejected voice breaks him out of his reverie. Shit.
“No, no! Baby, please, I’m sorry… Uh, to be painfully honest with you, I’m distracted because you look so exceptionally pretty, like an angel who’s descended on Earth. But still, I’m really sorry for not listening to what you have to say. I promise I’ll focus from now on!!” He laces your fingers together and gives your hand a reassuring squeeze. 
“You’re such a flatterer, Kim Mingyu.” You try to hide your smile, sounding a bit angry to tease him. Your beloved boyfriend hates it when you call him by his full birth name; and this time is no different. However, to your surprise, instead of throwing a tantrum like he usually does, Mingyu leads you to the side of the path. 
“Wha—” you start, but close your mouth out of shock when he covers your frame entirely and leans down to press a sweet kiss on your lips. Your hands press against his toned stomach for support, your head emptying entirely. His lips are so soft against yours, the heat radiating from his body warming you up a bit too much. 
You pull away first, your whole face heated from his sudden action. As you take deep breaths to compensate for the air you lost during the kiss, Mingyu finally speaks up. “Don’t be mad at me today, my love. Please. I’m gonna be so, so sad. I promise I’ll do better but god, please don’t be upset.” His lips have formed his signature pout, your heart melting at the spot. 
You let your thumb caress over his pout, tip-toeing to peck him. Mingyu’s lips stretch into a smile, his unoccupied hand curling around your waist. “You’re so cute, how can I be mad at you?” You giggle, absolutely adored by this soft giant begging you to not be upset. 
“If I am cute, then what are you, princess?” Mingyu grins, nuzzling your hand before you move it away. You shake your head, not willing to debate on who’s the cutest. 
“Anyway, we should really find a place to sit down and get our picnic started. I was just saying that there aren’t a lot of people in the park right now, but we should still find a place with enough privacy.” 
The way Mingyu nods is like a puppy tilting its head. God, the way you’d commit arson for this guy. With a soft sigh, you continue. “And, I also have my own basket, which I left at an empty space I found by where I was standing. Let’s go there first, then we can move further into the park where not a lot of people will potentially find or bother us.” 
It takes you guys a few minutes to go and fetch your own basket, and probably another ten to fifteen minutes to find a spot for your picnic date. Mingyu is extremely happy with the grassy little patch surrounded by tall bushes and large trees, a big smile on his face as he takes out the picnic blanket he brought along. He can’t wait to show you all the food he made. 
Once he’s done setting the blanket, you take off your pastel pink mary janes and settle down on the blanket with your picnic basket nearby. Mingyu looks at you, a bit surprised. “You’re taking off your shoes?” The question makes you narrow your eyes. 
“And why wouldn’t I be taking off my shoes? To make this brand new blanket dirty?” His mouth forms an ‘O’ shape, before he nods. You can’t help but raise an eyebrow at him. “You can keep your shoes on, if you want. There’s no need to stink up this place.”
“HEY! I’m not that unhygienic, that last time I just forgot about laundry for some reason. I already told you… And I’m not wearing any socks today…” Mingyu trails off, discarding his loafers with a ‘hmph’. 
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. Stop sulking, Gyu.” You watch him as he sits down as well, adjusting his trousers a bit to be more comfortable in this position. He overlooks you for now, reaching for his basket and carefully taking out the desserts first. Then, he produces a bunch of different tupperwares out of it, placing all the food in the center of the mat, between you two. 
You reach for your own basket as well, cautiously eyeing your boyfriend who seems to be extremely invested in unpacking all the food. The only things you’ve brought along today for the picnic date are flowers, a flower vase, a small canvas and some tubes of watercolor, besides your necessary belongings. Although it’s kinda embarrassing, it can’t be helped because Mingyu insisted on bringing everything for the date. 
“Gyu,” you murmur, hands anxiously gathering the loosely made bouquet inside your basket. It’s oddly nerve-wracking. You’ve never really received or given flowers in a relationship before. 
“Hm?” He doesn’t look up, eyes furrowed as he rummages through his basket. With a sharp inhale, you slowly retrieve the flowers, extending them towards him. Mingyu immediately turns to look at your shaky hands holding a bouquet of Jasmine and Lilacs, his face heating up as he realizes what’s going on.
“____, my baby,” he coos, bringing his hands to wrap around your trembling ones. “It looks so pretty, did you bring them for me?” You avoid eye-contact, but nod to give him confirmation. The wave of weird emotions that hits Mingyu is hard for him to explain. Usually, he’s been the one giving flowers to his partners in relationships. But, being on the receiving end for the first time, he feels as if he’s on top of the world. 
“C’mere.” He leans in to grab your waist, bringing you closer to him, before hoisting you up a little to place you on his lap. Mingyu fixes your dress, then  pulls you closer to rest against his chest. His left hand remains wrapped up around your midsection. “Thank you so much, love. I’m over the moon that you got me flowers. I’m so lucky to be dating you, angel.” He presses a kiss on your cheek, your heart almost bursting inside your chest. 
“Do you know Victorian floriography?” you look at him, slightly embarrassed. When he shakes his head as ‘no’, you go on, “It’s the language of flowers. Back then, gifted flowers used to have hidden meanings… But it’s kinda coming back in trend, I guess.” 
“Oh,” Mingyu ponders, “Then, does this bouquet of Jasmine and Lilacs have a secret message as well?” You nod, looking up at him with a shy smile. 
“Find it out later, okay? For now, please explain what you’ve brought along in so many boxes…?” Trying to change the topic, you take away the flowers to put them inside the vase you brought along, settling it in an empty space between all the packed boxes of desserts.
He chuckles nervously, suddenly remembering all the food he brought. “Uh… right. I might’ve gone a bit overboard with it, but I promise, sixty percent of everything you see is made by me, with so much love.” 
“Whoa!” you exclaim. “That’s a lot of things you made with your own hands… I’m honored.” Mingyu presses a kiss on the side of your neck, nuzzling it affectionately. Goosebumps spread across your skin, and you stop yourself from making any noises. It’s… weird that he’s being so intimate while you are pretty much in public. But god, does it do things to you… 
“You haven’t tasted anything yet, though. Heck, let me show you what’s inside first.” He reaches for the closest tupperware, and to your surprise, you see various, colorful fruits, all cut up in small heart shapes and laid out in rows. 
“Omg, so cute!!” you squeal, clapping your hands together in excitement. Mingyu beams at you, clearly happy with your reaction. 
“Hehe, there’s a lot more to see!” He stretches to grab two more boxes, each revealing tteok-bokki, your mouth inevitably watering from the sight. You’ve had these delicious rice cakes made by him a few times prior, and you loved it to bits. 
He leans down to rest his chin on your shoulder. “Should I take out the chopsticks?” Mingyu closes the box with fruits in it, moving it to the side. “Let’s go from spicy to sweet, hm? I also made tiny sliders because you seem to like miniature food a lot! After these, we can have the desserts!” 
You nod in agreement, snuggling up to him more. Receiving treatment like this makes you feel like a princess. Even though you’re not sure how much he has brought along, you internally make up your mind to at least taste everything and applaud the effort he put into it.  
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Once you guys are done eating everything he had prepared himself, you urge Mingyu to take a break and save the desserts for the very end. He agrees, not willing for the date to end anytime soon. 
“I brought along something else as well… if you let me go for a bit, I can take my basket and you can hold me again.” You say after a while of chatting about this and that. Your boyfriend eyes you curiously, loosening his arms around your waist momentarily. That is enough for you to grab your basket and settle down on his lap again. 
“What did you bring? I’m so curious! Wait— tubes of paint?!” To add more to his surprise, you take out the small canvas, a literal gasp escaping Mingyu. “What can we possibly do with these? I don’t see any brushes…” 
“It’s so surprising to me that you’re always on Instagram, yet you have no clue about this.” You tease, placing the canvas in a position where both of you can access it very comfortably. He raises an eyebrow at your comment, feeling very attacked. But he refrains from saying anything.
“Let’s just start doing it, okay? It’ll make sense immediately because it’s nothing complicated.” You sigh, taking Mingyu’s palm in yours. He looks confused as you take the red watercolor tube first, getting rid of the cap and squeezing out a generous amount on the top of pinky finger. 
“Oh…” He lets you take his hand and bring it to the center of the tiny canvas, pressing the paint covered finger carefully against the paper. “But what’s that supposed to do? It just looks like a blob of paint…” Mingyu looks at you questioningly as you retreat his pinky from the canvas. 
“Oh hush, don’t be so impatient!” You scold him jokingly, pointing towards a bunch of tissues. “Clean up your finger now! You’ll find out soon enough.” He puffs out his lower lip, reaching for a tissue while grumbling.
You take the tube of blue watercolor and cover your whole thumb with a thick layer of paint. Mingyu watches you curiously while you press on your thumb in the opposite direction of his ‘blob of paint’, trying to get the sizes as close as possible. “That is so fucking adorable?!” Your boyfriend erupts in cute aggression when you lift up your thumb, revealing a heart made with your fingerprints. 
“It’s so cute, you’re so cute, fuck, I–” He stops himself before any inevitable words roll off his tongue. Mingyu is well aware that you prefer to take things slow, and he wants to make sure that you can process everything at your own pace. His thoughts are interrupted by your giggles. 
He tightens his hands right beneath your chest, pushing you close to nuzzle the crook of your neck. “Is it that funny? So fun to watch me lose my shit because of how fucking adorable you are, hm?”
“It’s not like that…” you murmur, goosebumps all over your body. “I just thought that it’s kinda amusing how you were all clueless and nagging about it earlier, then suddenly, you were screaming about how cute this is.” It’s hard for you to not make any sounds when he’s caressing your sensitive areas, but you attempt to keep your voice low and steady. 
Mingyu wishes he could explain how much that tiny heart shaped painting actually means to him. It’s almost like all your heart is into those two blobs of red and blue paint, looking back at him, telling him secrets you’ve never shared with him before. He feels all warm and fluffy inside, his senses all wrapped around your nuances. “Can I keep that for myself?” 
“Of course!” You smile brightly at him, extremely giddy that he wants to keep this small token of your feelings for him which will last way longer than the flowers. “Let the paint dry first, though.” 
“Sure, baby.” He squeezes you in his arms. “Can we have the desserts now? I know it doesn’t look like it, but there are plenty of them.” Mingyu whines, feeling sort of desperate to show you everything he bought earlier. Thankfully for him, you nod, perking up at the mention of many desserts. 
He reaches for the box with pies first, knowing very well you’ll absolutely adore them. And you do, blessing his ears with one of those cute squeals of yours, eyes sparkling at the sight in front of you. “OMG!! So pretty! And it looks delicious!” 
“Mhm, I had a feeling you’d love to have these. Let’s dig in!” Mingyu takes out a small bottle of hand sanitizer, squirting out some of it on both of your hands. These pies are very conveniently palm-sized. With its crust shaped like a heart, ruby red filling made out of cherries — it sure does make you feel hungry just by looking at it. 
“C’mon, take a bite,” your boyfriend muffles out, mouth already full of the big bite he has just taken. You nod gingerly, taking a shy bite of the pie as well. The buttery, flaky crust, paired up with a bit of the sweet cherries melt in your mouth, a satisfied sound rumbling in your throat. 
“Mm, it’s really good!” The smile on your face is like a whole trophy to Mingyu. You liked it. He’s so glad that he can’t really explain. 
“Yay!!! I got you donuts and macaroons as well!” He blurts out, all giddy looking at you savoring the sweet dessert. Once you’re done with the pie, he reaches for the boxes of both donuts and macarons, earning a small whine from you.
“I can’t eat that much… I’m almost full.” 
“Why? You only ate a little…” A frown forms on your boyfriend’s lips.
“Gyu. I had a ton of tteok-bokki. Then sliders. Then fruits. On the dessert side, I already had a pie. I’m really, really, sorry, but that looks like a lot of macarons and donuts. My stomach will either burst or I’ll just throw up at the end of this!” You try your best to make your point stand, pleading with your eyes for him to understand.
Mingyu heaves out a sigh. “Fineee. You’re gonna take the macarons back home with you, then. I bought these especially for you. And I’m not listening to any complaints about that.” 
“Gyu, that kinda makes me feel bad though… you basically did everything for this date.” 
“Baby, I did everything voluntarily because I wanted to treat you like this. Like you deserve to be treated. And c’mon now! You brought flowers for me, and came up with a fun little activity to do. What about all the dates we’ve had before that were totally planned by you? So pretty please, with a cherry on top, don’t turn me down?” 
You turn in his lap to face him, blinking back the silly tears that clouded your vision. He hums in approval as you wind your arms around his neck and pull him in for a sweet kiss. Although, you pull back soon enough, resting your foreheads together instead. “You mean so much to me,” you mutter, eyes locking with him. 
A strange warmth spreads throughout Mingyu, radiating inside-out and filling up his heart. He doesn’t really know what to say back — simply because he’s over aware of the fact that he is completely and utterly in love with you. But he doesn’t want to hurry, he wants to move with you, as you slowly open up your petals to him, like a flower does to a sun. 
“I wish there were words in my vocabulary capable of explaining how much you mean to me.” He smiles softly, pressing a butterfly kiss to the corner of your lips. Mingyu absolutely adores the sound of your giggle that drifts to his ears. 
“You’re so cheesy, I kinda like it.” 
“Just 'kinda'?” He can’t help his own chuckle. “And here I thought I was getting a lot of charm points for being cheesy.” 
“You can be cheesy all you want, baby. I think most of your charm points come from your physical features at a first glance.” You boop his nose, both of you bursting out in laughter. 
“Are you saying that I’m handsome?” 
“Mhm. Very handsome, in fact. Very tall as well. Very… very big too.” You can see the playful glint vanishing from his eyes. Mingyu inhales a shaky breath. 
“Let’s get to those donuts now. Please?” 
You nod, moving around to get back on your previous position. He bites back a groan as your hands feel around, squeeze and grab on his thighs before you settle down. “What donuts did you bring?” 
“Glazed donuts, cause you really liked them the last time!” He wraps an arm around your waist, adjusting you to be closer to him. Mingyu is well aware that he’s barely holding up. But, he’s trying to convince himself that being closer to you can get him through his… hard times.
“Whoa omg these look so good?!” His inner monologue is interrupted by your squeal. A small smile curls up his lips. 
“Right? Dig in, baby!” He encourages, leaning forward to take a donut for himself. You follow suit, excited to bite into the sugary heaven. 
The sweet dough crumbles in your mouth upon the first bite, the sugar glaze hitting your taste buds just right. As you savor the pleasant taste of it, a satisfied hum rumbles in your throat. “Gyu, this tastes heavenly. Way better than the last time we had it! And I loved the ones we got back then?!”
“I’m so glad, my angel. I’ll get you more the next time we meet up~” Your boyfriend nuzzles your hair affectionately, his heart doubling in his chest from adoration. It’s hard to explain how great he feels simply by seeing you happy, enjoying your food. Maybe, it’s because Mingyu himself loves to eat heartily and cook for his people; he hopes that he can see you like this forever. 
It would be so nice, he would cook for you everyday and help you out whenever you felt like cooking, and dine-out and order in as your heart desires. 
You’re almost done with your second donut by now, but Mingyu hasn’t said anything or even touched his portion after saying that he’d bring you more. Kind of worried, you turn your head to look at him, finding his eyes transfixed on you. 
“... Hello? Why’d you go silent? Is something in my hair or—” you stop halfway when you notice his gaze has shifted to your lips now. It makes you swallow nervously, anticipation building up in your system. You know that look all too well. 
“There’s something on your lips.” His voice is nonchalant, relaxing your senses a bit. You nod, attempting to wipe off the crumbs with your hand, but he catches your wrist, leaning in swiftly to wrap your lower lip between his. 
Goosebumps spread all over your body, hands automatically winding around his neck as he suckles on the delicate flesh of your lips. His free hand rests against the small of your back, urging you to turn towards him fully. 
You really don’t understand how he can kiss you this good when you are yet to open up to his tongue. Your body has already started to heat up, breathing uneven. With shaky hands, you clumsily take off his glasses, his lips curling up in a smile against yours. 
Soon enough, he coaxes your mouth open, his hand letting go of your wrist and cupping your jaw instead. You both moan simultaneously, crazed by the sweet aftertaste of the desserts. Mingyu is extremely eager, taking the lead as always, your body starting to quake from the mind numbing kiss.
Picking up on your struggle to breathe, he pulls away just enough to whisper against your lips. “You have to keep breathing through your nose, baby. You can’t just forget to breathe, even if I’m kissing you so good for so long that your mind goes blank.” 
You flush at the mention of your usual complaint against him whenever he has to give you space to breathe during a make-out. “I… I try, I swear, but it’s…” you trail off between huffs, hiding your face in the crook of his neck.
“Aw, am I giving my princess a hard time?” Mingyu pats your head, nudging you to get back up. You nod, a small chuckle escaping him. “Fuck, you’re so cute,” he leans in for a brief peck. “And so pretty, looking like a fairy today.” 
He returns to the kiss with full passion, tongue immediately entangling with yours, a low groan escaping him. You taste so maddeningly sweet, like an endless source of honey to his bee. He suckles on your tongue, his teeth nibbling on your lips, reducing you to an absolute mess. You are, quite literally, shaking, arousal dripping down your core and ruining the pretty lace thong you wore for today’s date. 
“Aah–” you gasp as he trails down to press wet, sloppy kisses down your neck, hands pulling at the sleeves of your dress. You don’t stop him, threading your fingers through the luscious locks of his wavy hair. Mingyu has nearly forgotten that you guys are technically in public, and has made you do the same. He drags your bra strap off your shoulder using his teeth, biting and sucking on the newly exposed skin.
One of his hands is wrapped around your waist to secure you, his other hand slipping beneath the skirt of your dress, stroking your thighs. Only now, you suddenly remember that you’re on a picnic date in a somewhat secluded part of a very public park. “Mm–mingyu– don’t—” you struggle with your words,  overwhelmed by his ministrations. He’s everywhere — touching, squeezing, licking, kissing and biting. “Stop, please.” You whimper, his actions halting immediately. 
“What’s wrong?” Mingyu lifts his head to assess your situation, looking dazed himself, his voice hoarse. You swallow nervously, your own eyes glazed with tears that had appeared because he made you feel a bit too good.
“We… we’re in public,” You state firmly. “We can get caught in a very indecent state if we keep going.” 
Mingyu takes a look around the surroundings. Tall bushes and plenty of large trees cover this small patch of area entirely. He knew exactly what he was doing when he chose this spot. One would have to wander off very far into the park and physically push off bushes to get in here like you guys did. Which, to him, seems extremely unlikely. 
“I wouldn’t call this public, my love.” He takes both of your hands to entwine your fingers. “And I highly doubt someone would come this far and specifically peek around the bushes to catch us. You do remember how long it took us to get here, no?” 
“Yeah… but, what if—” 
“There are no ‘what if’s, my angel. Even if someone did come this far into the park, they’d still have to manhandle the bushes to be able to see what’s on the other side. Please, trust me…” 
His broken look stirs something in you, and you lean in to touch your foreheads together. “I do trust you. And I want you as much as you want me,” you whisper shyly, your thong uncomfortably damp and sticking to your skin. “But, wouldn’t it be better if we go home quickly, and um, finish what we started…?” 
Mingyu sighs, wrapping you in his arms and pulling you as close as possible. “I don’t think I can hang on for that long, baby. I need you so fucking bad. I’ve been struggling to keep myself together for an embarrassingly long time now. You– You just look so goddamn pretty. Like a tiny little fairy who is all mine to ruin. Fuck, just… just see what you’ve done to me.” He takes one of your hands and guides it to his crotch, blood rushing to your face. 
“If you want me just as much as I do, you must be soaking wet, right?” His whisper is hot against your neck, right hand holding your own to his growing bulge while his left hand slips between your thighs. You gasp when he rubs his fingers against your ruined underwear, a satisfied grunt reverberating in his throat. “Fuck.” Mingyu curses under his breath, his hips bucking up to your joined hands.
“You really want us to go home in this state? Hm?” His voice is a whine, only adding more to your devastation. To be really honest, all logical reasoning left your system the moment he made you feel his hard-on. And then he had to feel your drenched thong in return as well, arousing you to the extent where you don’t really give a fuck about being in the open anymore.
“Hngh, fine— do it quickly.” You whimper, every inch of you begging for his touch, to be relieved. Mingyu smiles, ecstatic upon your words, hungry lips finding yours for a kiss. You moan at the contact, pussy clenching around nothing. 
“As my princess wishes.” He hums, pulling down your dress to reveal your bra. His pupils dilate at the sight in front of him. Even when he dragged down the straps of your bra with his teeth, he didn’t think you’d be wearing a rather provocative lacey piece today. “Fuck,” Mingyu bunches up your dress around your waist, a groan escaping him.
Is this another fantasy of his? Cause no, fuck, you sure do look like it. 
The delicate lace work barely covers anything, his cock throbbing inside the confines of his boxer-briefs. He feels like he’s high. “Baby,” your boyfriend rasps, “do you even understand what you do to me? Hm?” 
“You like it?” your voice is a whisper, fingers digging into his shoulder from nervousness. A part of you knows the answer already, but still, hearing it out loud from him always makes you feel butterflies. 
“You’re really asking me that? Fuck, I love it, you’re so fucking pretty, I can’t believe that you’re real, and mine.” Mingyu groans, one of his hands reaching for your bra and pulling at its cups. His mouth immediately attaches to your left breast as soon as it is released. You gasp, body quivering at the touch. He bites and suckles on the soft flesh teasingly before reaching for your hardened nipple. 
You whimper out his name, fingers gripping on his hair. The way his tongue swirls around and suckles on the sensitive bundle of nerves makes you dizzy. More arousal leaks out of your core, desperation cresting higher and higher. You need him in you, right now.
But Mingyu is lost in your breasts, reaching for your right one after a while, teeth dragging over the nipple before his tongue slurps at it. You quiver and whine in his arms from all the sensations you’re feeling. He knows exactly what to do to make you feel good, and he never slacks off at that. 
“You’re so perfect, my little angel.” Mingyu hums, his right hand groping your left boob. “Fits so perfectly in my hand, so cute,” he murmurs before looking up at you. As he meets your tearful eyes, he loses a bit more of his sanity. 
“Damn it, you look so—” he stops short, breathing heavily. Will he ever get used to the way you look during intimacy? Probably not. The flushed face, teary eyes and parted lips always gets him.
“Gyu,” you whine, hugging him tightly. “It hurts, please do something,” your whisper is hot against the shell of his ear. Mingyu can’t help but smirk, wondering if he should tease you. “Need you in me.” your sweet plea stirs him, more blood rushing towards the south.
“Fuck it.” He reaches between your thighs, cupping your pussy. The soaked, warm fabric makes him growl. Your hips immediately start rocking, generating friction — something you’ve been craving for so long now. You sigh in relief, using his hand to stimulate yourself.
“What if someone sees you like this right now? So needy, humping my hand?” Mingyu asks, amused. Goosebumps spread over your skin, and you hide your face in the crook of his neck. However, you don’t stop moving your hips, inner walls clenching in desperation. 
“Do–don’t say that,” you whimper, “so embarrassing.” 
“Is that so? But you’re still rubbing into my hand, though.” 
“It’s because you won’t help me…” 
Mingyu can’t help but chuckle, his thumb finding your clit and pressing on it firmly. You scream out, a strong pulse of pleasure spreading through your nerves. He shushes you, alarmed. “Shh, you can’t be so loud today, baby… what if someone hears you and decides to check what’s going on?” 
You bite your tongue, absorbing his words. The thought paralyzes you from embarrassment, but for some reason, your pussy has a mind of its own. “It’s all your fault,” you croon, “it’s all because you can’t control yourself.” 
“I already said this like a hundred times, but, you look so fucking pretty in this cute little dress, baby. So fucking pretty. How am I supposed to control myself? When all I can think about is ruining my sweet angel?” Mingyu rasps, his calloused fingers rubbing your clit in tight circles. You’re certain that your legs will give up at this rate, your whole body teetering from the stimulation. 
“Bu–but—” you lower your voice to a whisper, “people will catch us like this, what then?” He presses a fleeting kiss on the corner of your lips, pushing the soaked lace of your thong to the side and sliding his middle finger between your labia against your slit. You swallow back a moan, biting the inside of your cheek.
“Guess you’re gonna have to keep it quiet in that case.” Mingyu pushes the digit into your sopping hole, making a ‘shlick’ sound that surprises both of you. “Fuck, did you hear that? Did you hear how wet you are for me?” You squeeze him in response, nerve endings on fire. It feels so incredibly good to finally have something fill your aching core. 
“Move, please,” you whimper, getting impatient. As if to test you, he slowly starts dragging his finger down, before pushing it back inside in a rough manner. You muffle your squeal against his shoulder, overwhelmed yet wanting more of him.
Soon enough, Mingyu loses the patience to tease you, his own urges kicking in. His ring finger slides into the depths of your molten warmth as well, your walls clenching around him from excitement. “You drive me fucking crazy,” he hisses under his breath. Slow, languid movements let him feel the way your arousal coats his skin in a silky veil, making him feel kind of suffocated around his crotch.
“Baby,” you whine, “wan’ more, please.” The burning ache for a release fires through your system, every single one of your cells begging for more. A breathy laugh rings in your ears, to your dismay.
“Want what exactly, love?” Mingyu’s eyes are twinkling with mischief, knowing very well that he’s pushing your boundaries right now. 
“Harder,” your choked whisper is hot against the shell of his ear. He clenches his teeth, thumb pressing down onto the swollen nub before anything. A gasp escapes you, face falling to rest in the crook of his neck, breathing uneven. His fingers pick up speed eventually, your lower stomach in knots, a shiver running down your spine. If your mouth wasn’t pressed up against his skin, you probably would’ve blabbered about how good he’s making you feel. 
It doesn’t take long for you to crest up towards the pinnacle, whole body convulsing, preparing itself for the rushing relief it’s about to experience. Mingyu, knowing very well that you’re about to finish, adds a third digit into your slippery warmth, seemingly triggering your orgasm. You muffle your cries in his neck, falling onto him as your legs give up entirely. He holds you securely with his free arm, feeling kinda dizzy himself. His neck is all slobbered up, covered with messy bites you left while trying to silence yourself. 
It takes you longer than usual to recover, finding the strength to stand on your knees. Blood rushes to your face when you regard the state of your boyfriend’s neck, even the collar of his black polo a victim to your actions. Mingyu, on the other hand, barely holding on, finally starts to pull out his fingers from your pussy, your juices leaking out on his hand profusely from the movement. A breathy whimper escapes you, nerves alight for pleasure once again. 
“Fuck, take a look at this,” He holds up his hand between you two, the slightly viscous liquid catching the sunlight and glowing, making you flush. “You treat me s’well, baby, servin’ me liquid gold.” His words only make you even more embarrassed, eyes avoiding him at all costs. The lewd sound of his slurping sends a tingle through your core, droopy eyes shyly catching him lick his fingers clean. You shudder a little when he moans satisfactorily, eyes trained on you the whole time.
In a sudden surge of boldness, you reach out to caress his jawline, bringing him closer for a kiss. Mingyu hums, a smile forming on his lips before attacking your mouth with full force. You gasp and moan while he finds his way to your tongue, the growingly familiar taste of yourself on his saliva causing a new surge of arousal to your core. Quite desperate to feel him now, you fumble with the button on his trousers blindly, undoing it quickly before reaching for the zipper. 
“Fuck,” Mingyu pulls away with a hiss, his stomach tightening from the feeling of your hand lightly pressing onto his clothed cock. Your eyes greedily devour the outline of his boner, almost poking at the material of his boxer briefs. Pussy clenching at the thought of him filling you up, you pull at the waistband of his underwear. 
“My god, Mingyu,” you swallow nervously, unsure how to react as his heavy cock springs out of its confines, slapping against his tummy. You’ve never seen it this angry and twitching, head covered with a light sheen of his pre-cum. Heart almost beating out of your chest, you reach for him, hands delicately wrapping around his length and giving it a few, slow pumps. 
“Baby, fuck—” His eyes shut close, teeth digging into his plump lower lip to restrict any noises. With your thumb, you spread the gathering pre-cum all over his tip, making him whimper in the process. If you don’t get fucked right now, you might just lose your mind. 
“Need you,” you whisper, pressing a fleeting kiss on his nose. Mingyu looks as if he’s pained, a defeated sigh escaping him. 
“My love, I– I need you too. So, so bad, can’t explain.” His eyes tear up suddenly, “B-but—” 
“What happened…?” You ask, alarmed by his expression.
“I— I don’t have a condom.” He frowns, wrapping his arms around your back and burying his face in the comfort of your chest. “I’m so sorry, baby.” Your heart drops to your stomach because of how devastating his tone is. 
“Nooo! It’s okay… um, we didn’t know this would happen, y’know? So, um, don’t apologize, please. And don’t talk like that.” You nudge him to look at you. 
“Yeah but… what are we gonna do now? We agreed to be safe from the beginning, so–”
“Well, I’m on birth control for my periods either way, so it’s okay.” You cut him off, desperate for him at this point. 
Mingyu looks up at you, hesitant. “Angel, are you really sure about that?”
A sigh escapes you. You know why he is feeling uncertain, you know that you are the reason. “Gyu, I don’t know anything, but I might just go crazy if you don’t fuck me right now.”
He inhales a shaky breath, your words toying with the few last strings of self-control left in him. “Okay, what about this — I’ll only put the tip inside, make you feel super good so you come quickly for me, and then I’ll pull out before I make a mess.” 
Your body shakes from anticipation. “Just the tip?” 
“Just the tip, baby.” 
Even though it’s not exactly what you had in your mind, you agree quickly. Anything to have him inside you. Also, you’re not too sure how that will possibly work out. You’re almost certain that you’ll end up getting more than just the tip.
Mingyu grabs your waist to position you right on top of him, the urgency in his actions painfully obvious. You gladly comply, too needy to say anything. As you feel his bulbous tip lining up against your entrance, you lean in to touch your foreheads together. “Gyu, I can’t wait anymore, need you right now.” 
With a groan, he slowly guides you down his length, only letting his tip and the following inch inside. You whimper, struggling a little as you get used to the stretch. It’s kind of astonishing how even just that fills you up satisfactorily. But still, you crave all of him, your body knowing the euphoria of having him up in the furthest nooks of your pussy very well. “You’re so big,” you murmur, inner walls clenching around him greedily, eager for more. Mingyu huffs out deep breaths, his ears turning red. How cute.
He collects himself in a moment, firm hands around your hips to make sure you don’t slide down further than he intends to give you today. “You feel s’good, so wet and hot, I feel like I’ll melt.” Mingyu sighs, helping you ride him, his thumb rolling your clit in lazy circles. 
You muffle your cries as he moves your hips in a slow and steady pace, inevitably sliding down his cock, little by little. However, he doesn’t really notice it, lost in the feeling of your pussy squeezing him so deliciously. “Gyu, harder,” you plead, a bit tired of this torturously slow pace. 
Mingyu complies almost immediately, pulling you even closer, his own hips bucking up to meet you halfway, while he continues to guide your movements. You moan out happily, arms winding around his neck. His thrusts are shallow, but the frenzied movements trigger more pleasure in you.
Eventually, he loses control over your movements, momentarily giving up against the fiery impulses running through his nerves. With all the lubrication between you two, you slide down as much as possible with nothing to restrict you. A string of incoherent words leave you, your body extremely giddy to get what you’ve wanted for so long. 
“Fuck, no, this isn’t working,” Mingyu finally regains his senses, groaning as the untouched parts of his cock are engulfed by your warmth. He swiftly pins you down on an empty side of the picnic blanket. “Bad, bad girl.” 
You squirm under him, whining while he pulls out of you, until only the tip is inside. “Now tell me, what should I do, now that you’ve broken our little deal.”
“Fuck me.” you whimper, your eyes teary by now. Mingyu tuts, shaking his head. You try your best to channel your pitiful, puppy dog eyes, ready to beg if that’s necessary.
“Such crude words from my sweet, little angel.” He sighs, “You’re really into testing my patience, aren’t you? Does it make you happy? Watching me lose my senses over your words?” 
“Don’t hold yourself back, please. I want to make you feel good too. Please, Gyu. Fuck me, make me yours, I don’t even care if people see or hear us anymore. Please.” Your voice is broken, tears threatening to spill out of your eyes. Mingyu swallows nervously.
“Fucking hell.” The growled expletive marks the end of whatever self-control shit he was on. With one hard thrust, he smoothly fills up your touch-starved pussy entirely, coaxing out a loud moan of relief from you. His right hand immediately covers your mouth. “You might not care about some rando catching us like this anymore but I’ll be damned if someone sees you like this.” 
Mingyu lets go of your wrists, putting his left hand on the small of your back to support your body. “Don’t you dare complain about how you can’t walk later. You brought this upon yourself, remember.” He nibbles on your earlobe teasingly before starting to move against you. His thrusts are on the rougher side, your stomach tightening as the pleasure starts to build-up. 
With your free hands, you reposition his palm covering your mouth, suckling on his fingers instead. In response, you feel his cock twitch so vividly in your pussy, a groan reverberating in his throat. “You’re a fucking menace, you know that?” 
Mingyu pounds into you in a frenzy, quite obsessed with the raw feeling of your spongy flesh gushing around his cock. You moan and cry around his fingers, clenching happily as you feel your release right around the corner. He also picks up his pace, grinding down onto your clit in the process. Your brain has lost all the critical thinking power, salty streaks running down your cheeks as you’re overwhelmed by the sensations.
You remove his fingers from your mouth, desperate to be heard. “‘m gonna come–” 
“Fuck, come for me, love, I’m gonna pull out,” Mingyu grunts, his pace faltering as his movements lose rhythm, inching closer to his own release.
“No, no— come in me, baby. Please. Don’t ruin my dress.” He has no idea what you are on about, but he’d be lying if he said that it doesn’t sound tempting.
“Princess, do you even know what you’re saying?” He still asks, praying that you come back to your senses, for both of your good.
“I want you to come in me.” You manage to blurt out before your body convulses as the orgasm hits, gummy walls squeezing his cock to a halt. Mingyu curses under his breath, putting his fingers back in your mouth before you can scream your lungs out. Soon enough, he also reaches his peak, the thick, milky white liquid filling up your pussy to the brim. 
“_____, fuck…” he whimpers, reveling in the newfound intimacy between you. You urge him to lay on top of you, arms wrapping around his neck to pull him in for a kiss.
“Gyu,” you whisper, “you mean so much to me.” Mingyu nuzzles your face adoringly, pressing butterfly kisses over your bare skin, wherever he can reach.
“And to me, you’re like the sun.” His silly words make you laugh.
“Why’s that?” 
“Because I’m like the earth orbiting around you, thriving because of your warmth and light?”
You flush at his words, beyond touched that he’d think of you in such a beautiful way. “You make me sound so insincere, Gyu.” Mingyu laughs at your pout, starting to get back up. 
“Yeah well, I still have to figure out what your flowers mean, remember?” He reaches for the packet of napkins lying nearby, sighing at the sight in front of his eyes.
“Yeah…” you trail off, “Do that once you’re home, okay?” He nods, seemingly distracted.
“I’m sorry love, I made such a mess.” 
“We made a mess. So don’t be sorry. I’ll help you clean up.” You offer him a smile, which he matches happily. 
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Mingyu scrutinizes you one last time, making sure that you look presentable from head to toe. “Yeah, everything looks okay… except that your dress is all wrinkled…”
“I told you it’s fine, I’ll fix it up after a wash, don’t worry!” You reassure him, redoing your braid. “And please wash this outfit as soon as you get home, okay? I know it all dried up now, but still…” 
“I could say the same about your panties.” He chuckles, raising his eyebrows at you. 
“Yeah, but I doubt it’ll be wearable after today.” You sigh, checking yourself on your selfie camera. “C’mon, let’s go now. It’s afternoon already!” 
Mingyu hands you your basket, holding your free hand as you slowly take a few steps. “Are you sure you can walk?” 
“Yes, positive! I have to get home somehow.” You smile through a wince, making him shake his head. 
“Let’s go to my place. You can go back tomorrow morning after you’ve recovered from the pain. I’ll cook us dinner, help you take a bath, give you meds and cuddle you to sleep.” Mingyu offers, pushing off the bushes so that you guys can finally leave your little sanctuary. 
You both step out on the nearby trail, intertwining your fingers together back again. “Why do you always make it so hard to decline, Gyu?” He gives your hand a firm squeeze, winking at you playfully. 
“It’s a part of the package, baby.” His cocky chuckle infuriates you, but lord, is he right about that. 
This man might just be the end of you. But would you really mind it?
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end of act one ♡ next
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˗ˏˋ꒰ 💌 end notes ꒱
wahhh you made it to the end!! thank you so much for reading 🥹🫶🏼; i apologize if there are any mistakes in there, this is very roughly edited jdjfhfjhjff!! BUT i really hope that this was enjoyable and i was able to portray the lovebirds well 🤭! do let me know what you thought of this, please! reblogs and comments are extremely appreciated <333! you can also send feedback through asks if you’d prefer that! 💖
until next time!
p.s: i’m pretty new to caratblr and i’d be grateful if you guys could recommend me some blogs to follow 🥺... (you can recommend your own blog as well)!
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myslutwritings · 10 months
Hi! :D Can I request headcanons on the upper moon demons (1,2,3+ Muzan) reactions to finding out their fem s/o is suffering from depression? (Especially after she’s tried to hide it from them and everyone else, not once admitting to having it - frankly because she feels as if they wouldn’t care or take her seriously anyway (due to past experiences with her own family and friends), until she couldn’t keep up the facade of acting cheerful, laid back and positive all the time, it being obvious that there is something quite not right with her, even if she denies it, trying to downplay the situation, knowing full well herself that it’s getting bad).
(Aaaaaaa, I love ur headcanons 😭💓 I’m sorry if this topic is not something you’d be comfortable with writing for, it’s just something I’ve been experiencing myself lately for the past couple of months, it’s getting harder each day, kinda have been feeling empty, exhausted and genuinely depressed lately, no one that I know cares or takes me seriously, nor tries to help me overcome these emotions :), I appreciate you reading my request anyway!<3 sorry for kinda pouring my heart out, ik it’s cringe and unnecessary, sorry).
No, no! it’s completely okay. I suffer from depression myself so i’m comfortable writing for topics like these! I honestly love writing angst/hurt/+comfort so ya!! Thank you for requesting, anon!! (Also i’m happy you like my headcanons! Tysm for your kind words. I do hope you feel better and i hope these hc’s can cheer you up!)
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➤ Uppermoons with a Fem!S/O who suffers from Depression
➤ SFW headcanons
including: Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma and Akaza.
warnings: non-canon reactions, mentions of suicidal thoughts, angst, etc.
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Muzan isn’t an idiot.
He can sense from a mile away that something is in fact wrong.
I mean, you always seem off.
He just cannot tell WHAT exactly is wrong.
You’re a strange one after all. (Not in a bad way obviously)
Muzan has asked you a dozen times prior, seeking out answers, at least an explanation for your change in behavior and emotions.
He dislikes change.
But wanna know what he dislikes more? You being upset.
“My dear, could you please tell me what’s wrong?”
Of course he never gets anything out of you. You just cast him that alluring yet suspicious fake smile of yours and reassure him that you’re “okay” or “fine” or even “couldn’t be better”
Your response are so.. dishonest.
Honestly, Muzan not knowing what exactly is wrong with you drives him wild. He ALWAYS wants to know what’s wrong, what you’re feeling, how you’re feeling, etc.
And whenever he isn’t aware of what exactly your feeling or is catching on to the suspicions that your lying it does in fact anger him.
Not only does it anger him but it upsets him incredibly. Like, do you not trust him? Are you scared of him because he’s the demon king? If you were secretly terrified of his existence he wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest. That’s how truly humans are after all.
But for you this isn’t the case. You aren’t even scared of him. Just scared of your own thoughts and feelings.
A part of you wishes you could open up but the other part of you is like: eh, fuck it.
Who could blame you for not wanting to open up to the demon king himself though?
You may be his girlfriend, but still, like he would actually bring himself to care.
You see how vicious he is towards other humans. So why would he even bother with your silly yet powerful emotions?
You desired to open up yourself but however that never came so Muzan had no choice but to force it out of you one day.
Toxic, sure. But you were driving him nuts!
Like he snapped when he came home one night to find you rotting in your own filth, an empty stomach, disheveled hair, god, have you been sleeping all day?
He will ask you ONCE again if you wanted to talk.
To which you respond with a sorrowful “no”
Then you for real have the gull to make up excuses saying you’ve fallen ill.
Yeah, right.
That is Muzan’s breaking point.
It startles you when he snaps at you and actually gets mad.
This is his way of caring everybody. 💀
Whenever you’re depressed the feeling of getting yelled at by someone you love can hurt you or make you feel numb on the inside, you know?
I’m this case, it all just caves in and you sorta have an emotional break down in front of him.
Muzan is at a loss for words as you spill out your deepest and darkest feelings.
At least you’re finally opening up.
But damn, bro is shocked. Please give him a minute to adjust to all this.
At first he doesn’t know how to respond, instead, he will respond physically and just let you cry in his embrace as you vent to him and babble “i’m sorry” literally over 1000 times.
Muzan knew humans had depression, he reads a lot and is well aware of what it is. He’s just distraught this his own partner felt this way for so long.
By the way, did i mention he’s going to kill anyone who’s ever wronged you?
But worry not! He is going to be there for you every step of the way even with his low tolerance:)
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In the beginning, Kokushibo has absolutely no clue what’s going on inside your head.
I mean, if you say you’re fine then you’re fine right?
That’s all until your seemingly bad mood increases more and more everyday.
Yeah, that’s when his suspicions SKYROCKET.
Kokushibo has asked you before but gave up on it after many failed attempts.
He still has his mild concerns though so instead he observes you from afar.
He can tell something if off but assumes that just because you’re a human.
Honestly, he had some suspicions here and there that you may or may not be dealing with severe depression.
Guess what? Those thoughts he had were correct.
You immediately assume he doesn’t care and won’t care due to his demonic nature and his expressionless behavior.
Kokushibo began to catch on more and more when you started to refuse to eat dinner, you just refused to get up from bed and even take care of yourself.
FINALLY drops that stoic personality.
Caretaker Kokushibo to the rescue. Is immediately scooping you up, siting you at the table and convincing you to eat.
If you don’t eat he’ll just spoon feed you.
That night he took care of you.
That’s when he found out of your depressed state. No confession needed.
The two of you aren’t the greatest match because of your lacked communication.
No, you two aren’t toxic. Fights don’t even exist between y’all.
You guys just can’t express feelings properly.
But Kokushibo is always waiting for you to further explain how you feel. He’s satisfied that he now is aware of what’s wrong with you but also deeply destroyed on the inside.
You don’t deserve these harsh feelings. Why must the world be so cruel?
From that day onwards, Koku keeps a close eye on you and takes care of you more often.
Sometimes even ditches missions for you.
Yeah, he gets chastised by Muzan for it but he doesn’t care.
As long as you’re safe then he feels content.
By the way he’s killing off ANYONE who made you feel this way.
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very, VERY dense.
Like does not notice anything.
He just presumed that’s how you are.
Now, Douma does feel emotions around you. You’re the only thing that has ever brought him joy.
You make that cold heart of his beat.
He’s very clingy around you, like, SUPER.
Wants to be around you all the time.
Which is why it’s a shocker that he didn’t notice immediately your drastic change in behavior.
Douma only really took notice when you began to distance yourself from everyone.
Even him.
Now he couldn’t care less if you ran away from everyone else but him? Yeah, there is something wrong.
So, he simply asks you if you’re okay.
In which you lie and say you’re doing just fine.
Oh, you are? Okay!!
Is immensely confused when you continue to distance yourself though.
Haha, humans are so silly.
Douma becomes really confused but brushes it off.
It’s all surprising that he can come off so dense when it comes to this. I mean, you’re a demon? come on mannn…
Yeah, he does feel emotions around you but doesn’t fully understand them, you know?
I swear, Douma can be naive around you sometimes despite being the sadistic and masochistic demon he is.
It takes him a long ass time to realize how much you’ve been suffering.
Please do not get angry with him though. Remember that he is new to all this!
So the first emotion he feels once he finds out about your depression is EXTREME guilt.
Flabbergasted by how fucking long it took him to find out the truth.
*Mentally facepalms himself*
His petty little followers don’t count. The man may have spend his last few hundred years listening to peoples woes and worries but his emotional responses towards their feelings were never even genuine.
To be brutally honest, Douma is hopeless.
Yeah, he wants to help you, he really does.
Just has no idea how to:(
However, if you show him how to then he will catch on fairly quickly and become the master when it comes to taking care of you and helping you cope with your depression.
Similar to Kokushibo, Cue caretaker Douma to the rescue‼️‼️
He doesn’t mind taking care of you. Honestly he absolutely adores it.
You’ve always been there for him, you taught him how to feel again. He’s so grateful that he’s finally helping you after all this time.
Lends you extra cuddles and kisses but if you’re the type to want your space when you’re depressed he’ll try his hardest to understand and be there for you emotionally instead! He just wants to be over you all the time and make sure you’re doing well, ya know?
Okay, he may lose his touching privileges but don’t think he isn’t gonna let his guard down!
From there on out, He keeps an eye on you at all times. He needs to make sure your taking care of yourself!
Douma also developed the tendency to whisper sweet nothings into your ear, his advice is surprisingly effective by the way. I mean, his advice towards you is actually genuine so that must be why.
“Oh, Y/N, my lovely lotus, i despise how you carry such a heavy burden. I wish i could take all these negative feelings away from you!”
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Like Muzan, he isn’t easy to take for a fool.
Notices the very second your behavior changes.
Akaza, being the most amazing boyfriend he is will obviously attempt to strike up a conversation, desperately wanting you to open up and communicate with him properly.
Becomes disappointed when you just brush it off as “not important”
Like what? It IS important!
YOU are MORE than important to him.
Akaza is not blind, he won’t submit nor play dumb towards your responses
Absolutely hates making you uncomfortable and would hate to force you to tell him how you’re feeling but desperate times call for desperate measures.
This is just his way for caring about you.
At first, he will try each and every day to be there for you and try and talk with you.
Sits on the side of your bed as your laying down, curled up, unmoving and will just kiss your forehead and give you time to open up.
Akaza will bug you consistently, fishing a response from you, anything, just anything!!
“Sweetheart, could you tell me what’s going on with you?”
Nothing. Just that same old response he hears every damn time.
“I’m fine”, “Nothing is wrong!”, “It’s okay, i’m doing well, just tired.”
Hatessssss when you lie to him:(
Akaza feels beyond powerless.
Your feelings are very important to him!
Sure, he hates weak people, hates any other human being he encounters but you’re different!
Akaza knows deep down you’re suffering from depression but desires for you to confess it yourself in your own time.
But at the end of the day he had to force it out of you.
Felt insanely guilt but what else could he have done?
Everything else he’s ever done for you got him nowhere due to your own stubborn dds
Akaza is not mad though.
He could never be angry with you for having depression i mean, you can’t help it.
We all know how overwhelmingly overprotective he is so the very moment he finds out a friend of family member caused you to feel this way and shut the world out he is going to throw hands.
Like, how dare they?!
Akaza is another caretaker! Skips important missions for your sake despite him knowing the punishments that come along with it.
Akaza won’t mind taking care of you but he also needs you to learn how to take care of yourself if you want to truly heal so he’ll be there for you every single step of the way in order for you to accomplish that!
Another thing that’ll happen is that Akaza will become more needy and clingy than usual. He must protest his precious girlfriend at all costs.
Kisses you and reminds you how much he loves you.
Fucking HATES it when he’s forced to leave you (when he’s summoned to the infinity castle)
But the very second he’s home he’s relieved.
On those days you’re feeling super depressed to the point where you can’t get up Akaza will cool you breakfast and serve it to you in bed. Will even feed you if he has to then eventually he’ll help you get up and offer you all the motivation and energy you need to make it throughout the day.
Bro is a gentleman.
Literally is always going to be there for you, love you unconditionally.
And most importantly…
Beat the living HELL out of whoever worsened your depression‼️‼️
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I hope you enjoyed these headcanons! To all those out there suffering currently i can promise you that it’s going to be okay. You got this! <3
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
I know I’ve been liking all your works on here but I just have to say I LOVE ALL OF THEM SO MUCH <333 they’re just so silly and goofy /pos
Out of curiosity, have you done your take on the “3 days in the infirmary” yet? And if not, do you ever plan to?
thank you teehee silly and goofy is my specialty. and thank you SO MUCH for asking bc the thing is that i’ve been trying?? like i have three drafts barely started right now and i can’t tell which one, if any, are promising. would y’all mind telling me (honestly, i promise i can handle criticism when i ask for it) might be something you would read, and if not, what you like/dislike? thank you in advance!! and they’re rough drafts so please forgive any poor formatting or grammar/spelling. words like /this/ mean they’re italicized btw.
okay, the first one. the idea here is less three days in the infirmary and more pining nico post the three days in the infirmary, but he keeps thinking back to it. here is one such moment:
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please let me know what works/doesnt et cetera!!!
okay next one. this one is more classic, it’s literally the three days in the infirmary except whoops nico was exhausted as shit and slept through them entirely and now will is making him stay another three for observation. and they fall in love obviously. featuring in william-andrew-never-shuts-up-for-even-three-seconds solace bc i love him.
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i think this one is the most promising tbh but i could be wrong. mostly i just love motormouth will. lmk what u think!!
okay and the last and possibly most iffy one. this one is actually the thing that yanked me full force back into this fandom, creatively, bc the idea wormed itself into my brain and i couldn’t get it out.
i haven’t worked on it in like a month and a half bc i’m nervous people will despise it, but the general idea is that nico gets to the infirmary and will has an open crush on him, like he doesn’t say it but even nico is not that oblivious, and nico has to face, for the first time, someone who is not even slightly ashamed about their sexuality. it’s less of a solangelo fic and more of a nico fic tbh.
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i ditched it bc i don’t think anyone will read it, but if you would, tell me please! i’m an attention whore and very motivated when i know i’m getting attention lol.
anyways! please tell me your thoughts! reblog or comments are great, but if you’re shy my anon asks are open :D my DMs too!!!
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whirlwindimagines · 1 year
The Wolfwood write up you did had me in tears! I love that man so much and you’re giving us more content!
Would you be able to do this small request? The reader is minding her own business and a bunch of guys are hitting on her to where she’s noticeably uncomfortable. Maybe a certain Punisher steps in and tells them to back off to where he pulls the “That’s my girlfriend” card and the reader plays along with it even though she has a massive crush on him?
Hope that makes sense!
Thank you! I’m doing my best! Also, I love this trope, lol. I understand exactly what you're asking for. This is a fem reader but can be read for the most part as gender-neutral expect a couple of gendered terms. But I'm still going to put it down as a Fem!Reader. Also I don’t know why but, titles for Vash come to mind so easily and then I struggle with the Wolfwood titles 😭
'Cat got your tongue?'
Nicholas D. Wolfwood x Fem!reader
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Bored out of your mind, you lean against the sidewall of the saloon. The others wanted a drink and that was fine with you, but you weren't in the mood for drinking tonight. Crossing your arms you sigh, man you should have asked Wolfwood for a cigarette, or just stolen one from him. 
You flush letting your thoughts drift off to the undertaker, it was just a silly little crush you were sure it would go away with time. Besides there was no way, Wolfwood thought about you like that when there were so many other better choices. 
‘Ugh’ you shouldn't be thinking like this, it was depressing, maybe you should just join the others. Pushing yourself off the wall, you're startled when two men join your side. Your hand twitches, but you still it, you don't have a weapon on you. 
“Got a light?” One of the men asks, you relax, it's fine, you don't need to jump the gun every time. “Sorry no.” You say dismissively, waving a hand and ready to walk away. Your yanked back, eyes wide. One of the men had you by the wrist and didn't seem like they were going to let go.  
“Whoa sweetheart, you don't need to be in such a hurry.” You cringe at the nickname, pulling your arm back, but are unable to get out of his grip. “My friends are waiting for me.” You say, voice nervous it's not a lie, but you see the two men share a look not believing you anyway. 
“Sure, they are.” the other man closes in, panic surges through you and you freeze, like a Thomas in headlights. “You’d think your friends would have come looking for you by now.” One of them sneers, his tone snaps you out of your fear and you narrow your eyes. 
“Let me go, now!” You snap, yanking your arm back, hard the movement catches the man off guard, it causes you to stumble your shoulder hitting into the wall of the bar hard. You don't have time to recover, when the man grabs you and shoves you into the wall holding you by the shoulders. “Alright it's not cute anymore, we can either do this the hard way or the easy way.”
You open your mouth to retort, but a familiar lazy drawl cuts through the tense air. “If you still want your hands, I’d let go of her.” Your gaze flickers to Wolfwood, he stands there casually lighting a smoke, you meet his eyes and your heart skips a beat.
To a casual observer, he looks unbothered by the scene in front of him, but you can see it the way he clenched down on the cigarette, the tenseness of his shoulders. He looks furious. 
“Mind your own business man.” You look back at the man holding you and smirk, you can feel the shake in his hands, the nervous look in his eyes. Scared. Good is all you think, as Wolfwood takes a step closer, he reaches for then grabbing you by the arm and yanking hard. 
You yelp as Wolfwood pulls you to him, he places you slightly behind him. Once you find your footing, you grip his sleeve, grounding yourself and making sure he doesn’t do something stupid. “You're messing with my girl, that makes it my business.”  You blush brightly looking up at him, but you can see Wolfwoods face. 
The two men look unsure now, you stick your tongue out at them, “Told you, I had someone waiting for me.” you snap, your grip on Nicholas tightening. One of the men steps forward, but his friend stops him saying it's not worth it and the two leave.
Your shoulders drop, as Wolfwood turns to look at you, placing his hands on your shoulders. You let out an embarrassing ‘Epp!’ noise, covering your mouth with your hands, Wolfwood smirks at you. “Cat got your tongue?”  he asks, removing one of his hands form your shoulder taking a drag of his cigarette making sure to blow the smoke away from you. 
You don't answer, it hits you now. My Girl. It runs through your head like a broken record, you can’t believe he said that, how he said it has your heart racing. You frown, you shouldn't get your hopes up, he only said it to get those guys off your back. “I’m okay.” you mutter, “Then why are you crying?” 
Surprised, your hands fly to your face feeling the wetness on your cheeks, why were you crying? Now that you're actively aware of it you can stop, sobbing into your hands. You're sure it's a combination of the adrenaline running off, and the feelings you have for Wolfwood. It's all too much right now. 
Wolfwood swears dropping his cigarette and stomping it out, he pulls you into a hug letting you cry it out. He runs his hand through your hair, and you really appreciate it, your own arms going around his waist. “Thanks.” You whisper against him, pulling back. 
He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, and you smile as he does. Wolfwood puts an arm around your shoulders, turning you back towards the bar. “I need a drink, let me buy you a drink.” He says, you laugh. You think your next words over carefully, but decide to just go for it. 
“Sure, besides I think you owe me one, with me your girl and all.” You take pleasure in watching his face become flushed, nearly tripping over his feet at your words. You laugh, you don't give him a chance to reply, maybe you're a little scared at the thought of a serious answer. So, you just drag him into the bar by the arm and join the others. 
Maybe when you're a little braver, you’ll tell him how you feel.
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ohbo-ohno · 7 days
this is probably such a strange ask to receive and for that i’m sorry but bo, i really just want to say thank you. i have had a cnc/noncon/dubcon kink for a very long time, but for so long it was a massive festering source of shame and guilt for me. i felt like there was something wrong with me, especially because even though i felt that way i didn’t want to stop reading or fantasizing about it. i followed your blog probably around a year to a year and a half ago, and since then you’ve played a huge part in helping me reconstruct the way i think about it. in your casual posting and your writing and the things about it that you’ve reblogged i’ve come to realize there isn’t anything wrong with me and that not only is this kink common, it’s not shameful and it’s not wrong to have it— fantasy is just that. fantasy. and it’s okay.
this probably doesn’t mean much coming from an anon from tumblr dot com but in a way, your writing and the way you approach cnc outside of writing has truly healed a part of me that i thought would continue to fester for my entire life. it’s not a horrible, shameful thing for me anymore, and i don’t feel like i’m secretly and evil or terrible person. like honestly, your help in un-learning to feel that way about myself in just one area of my life has helped me improve my feelings about myself overall, and maybe this is a bit parasocial but in part i feel like i owe that to you. learning to accept myself wholly is a process that is going to take my whole life, i’m sure, but thanks to you i’m just that little bit closer. thank you.
a study in 2009 found that 62% of women have had a rape fantasy, a 2018 study found that two-thirds of women in the study had rape fantasies and half the men surveyed reported having rape fantasies. while twitter and tumblr might try to convince you otherwise, rape fantasies/noncon is nooooot abnormal lmao. it might be uncomfortable to realize you like fantasies like that at first, but you are farrrr from the only person to feel these things and get off on certain scenarios
i actually felt crazy guilty when i first started engaging with noncon erotica or dark romance too. i'd read something and really enjoy it but force myself to give it a negative review because it felt wrong to give a positive review of a book that depicted smth so terrible. i think i changed when i read clown in a cornfield and gave it a high rating lmao - i don't feel guilty giving a good review to a book about highschoolers getting murdered by clowns, why should i feel guilty about giving a good review to a book about a woman getting kidnapped and stockholm syndrome-d? that's silly.
anyways, im so so glad my blog helped you get more comfortable!!!!!! not a single person i know irl knows about this blog (i hope) so for me there's no point in not reblogging the stuff i want to. i like to think the audience i've cultivated here isn't gonna stone me for the exact posts/kinks they followed me for in the first place lmao
anyways, im so glad my blog has helped you out!!! that's actually really really nice to hear, and makes me feel better about the kind of stuff i reblog/post sometimes haha. wishing you all the best babe!!!!
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neet-elite · 1 month
Hi hi, I wanted to ask a question about writing! I love the way you write (honestly my fave). I want to get into writing fanfic/smut but I don’t know where to start?? I have fantasies ideas but I don’t feel confident in the way I write :’))
Do you have any tips for descriptive writing (for smut and in general)? I’m also interested in what your process is like, if you have one.
Also your event masterlist has me weak I’m acc so excited hehe okay bye <3
hello! thank u so much for ur message! i really appreciate ur kind words, im so happy to hear that u enjoy my writing MWAH !!!
i feel like it's important to note that i only started writing fanfiction because i read a lot of it but was never 100% satisfied with how other people wrote/portrayed my favs. so i started writing because i thought: i could do better, and i think that probably comes into play with my confidence in posting online.
as for writing fanfic tips, i have a few.
write what you find hot. that's literally the bulk of it. don't care for what other people wanna read, write only what you wanna read. i promise that you'll find much more enjoyment doing that, and there'll always be people who are into your brand of hot, yknow?
care not for being "weird" or "cringe". this ties into the above point, but if you feel like someone might dislike a detail of your writing, include it anyway. i strayed from writing things like "angel cunt" for so long because of this, but it's so hot to me !!!! and other people rlly enjoyed it too, so i promise that the right audience will find you and appreciate details like this.
don't be afraid to use dirty words. such as: cunt, cock, asshole, etc.
and also don't be afraid to use normal words. such as: eyes, cum, pretty etc. even if you feel like you're repeating yourself, there's only so many ways to say one thing.
when it comes to descriptions, i like to keep them as plain as possible. say exactly what you mean :D finding other words for things can be tiring, and it can often throw people out of the reading experience if you use the classic "orbs" etc. this is of course down to personal preference, but the general outlook within the fanfiction community (from what i've seen) is the consistent want to just have the words that you mean said, rather than using alternatives.
dont forget the small details! sweat, sounds, smells, is the character smiling during the act? maybe their expression is more pained? a lot of what i write when i write smut is less the actual act of sex itself, and more so the surrounding factors. the bed squeaking, the internal thoughts, etc. smut doesn't have to be 100% sex all of the time.
dont be afraid to get silly with it! it's fanFICTION. want ur character to cum 10 times in a single session? fuckin go for it. want ur character to cum a stupid amount all at once, so much so that it gushes out? go for it. want there to be an extreme size/strength difference? go for it. there are no rules, and if you find it hot, i think you should explore it, because other people will find it hot too.
edit: also, keeping a sort of scrapbook of snippets, phrases, ideas, words, etc that you like can be helpful! i have my own discord server that just has me in it so i can dump information there for future use.
i think that's all for now. most importantly i think is that you write something that you love and find sexy. that's really all i try to do, and i think people can tell when you've enjoyed writing something.
and for my writing process it goes like this:
have a general idea, such as: puppy sam going into heat
and then i just write until i'm done.
i never really plan, although i feel like planning is the best option. all of my writing has been done on the fly, with a general theme/idea that i explore until i feel like it's done. i hate planning, so i never fucking do it even if it would benefit me. and im so lazy..... like... i view planning as me writing the fic without writing it, and why would i wanna write it twice LMAO.
unless im doing a bigger project, in which case i take similar, but longer, notes. here is an example:
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it's just very barebones so that it gives me some direction, but gives me the opportunity to elaborate and change and add and remove stuff yknow?
most of my writing, however, has been done by giving myself a one line prompt, and then i just go ahead and start babbling nonsense until it starts to take shape.
ANYWAY i hope all of this made sense and can be of some use to you! thank u so much again and i wish u lots of luck in ur writing journey! it's a lot of fun once u get started <3
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Hey Sard! I just had an oral surgery and was hoping to get an imagine/headcannon to help me cope! I was thinking a Charlie and Ted poly (or just one of them will work haha!) Where the reader (preferably he/They or amab they/them) just had their wisdom teeth removed and are saying the most random and silly shit ever (example- I was convinced I was d_@d in the car home). And Charlie is trying to calm them down, while Ted is just provoking the Reader's drugged state 😂 Anyway, thanks! Love ya :D
this is such a fucking hilarious idea. one problem. im not taking requests so stop sending them please unless you're mutuals. im only doing this for comfort right now since my nights not doing so well
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"Okay, say that one more time again for me (Y/n)."
Ted's grin was poorly contained, eyes filled with amusement as he leaned forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees.
"Th' fffucken seagulls. Coming to kill us all with their baby carrying beaks!"
"Storks carry the babies. Not seagulls."
"What!? Noooooooo."
You were currently laying on your back on Ted's couch, mouth swollen and brain essentially mush.
It was expected of course. You had just gotten done with getting your wisdom teeth removed after a few months of pain, something that was long overdue.
You had known you would be coming out of the dentist's office drugged and high as a kite, so you'd asked—read: forced—your friends Ted and Charlie to take you home afterwards, making sure that you didn't talk too much so you could heal.
Yeah. Only one of those things happened.
"Leave them alone, Ted." Charlie's words were serious as he awkwardly maneuvered his limbs to keep the ice pack in his hands on your face, but Ted knew he was just as entertained by your lunatic ramblings as he was. "They trusted us to make sure they would heal afterward. And I personally don't want to explain that the reason their mouth is bleeding again was because you wanted to hear about how seagulls are coming to kill us."
"Come on, you know they'd do the same to us if we were the delusional ones." He responded with a chuckle. Charlie rolled his eyes but silently laughed all the same, knowing he was right.
"Charles." You suddenly gasped, knocking the mans hand away feom your jaw and scrambling up to grab his arm woozily. "We're in grave danger. You must hide."
"..what?" He sputtered, halfway between laughing and scolding you for rushing up so quickly.
"Sit down (Y/n)."
"But the sky demons!" You cried, dramatically throwing yourself into him. He just caught you before pushing you back and looking at Ted, as if to signal for help.
The other man sighed, realizing that Charlie was right, and you probably did need to rest. And as much as he wanted to keep picking apart your brain in this state; he opted for getting up to walk over to the couch you were still on.
"Listen. If the seagulls come, I'll—" Ted paused a moment before continuing, remembering something he would say to Schlatt as a joke sometimes. "—I'll get the big fist to shoot them out of the sky."
You stopped mindlessly rambling at that, peaking open one eye to look at him skeptically. He nearly cracked a smile at your silly expression, knowing full well he would never let you live this down.
"Are you sure that will work" You slightly glared at him, dragging out the sure in suspicion.
"Very sure."
You didn't say anything for a moment. Ted's brows furrowed together as he waited for you to respond to him. It took the soft snores drifting out of your mouth for either of the boys hovering over you to realize that you had fallen dead asleep right in front of them.
"Oh thank god." Charlie sighed deeply before falling backward onto the floor with his arms and legs out. Clearly very happy that you had gone to sleep. "I thought I would have had to tie them down and force them to stop talking."
"Now that would've been funny."
"Shut the fuck up Ted and let me have this moment."
He just laughed.
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sydney-the-faithful · 6 months
Welcome to my blog!
Hello! I'm Sydney, it's a pleasure to meet you :) I started this account mainly to scroll & look around, but it seems to have been passed around school as a "good way to contact me"? Um. With my busy schedule, I don't post as much as I'd like to, but feel free to send a message!
I'm a library assistant & spend most of my time out-of-school either at the temple, or helping my father with his shop. When I'm able to find free time, I like to hear people discuss books and share aesthetic photo posts on here :) It isn't often, but it's a joy nonetheless. You know what they say, "There's no rest for the pious!" ^^
P.S.: (Because I've been getting asks about it...) Please, don't send me messages complaining about your books being overdue. You know the rules, there's really nothing I can do about it unless you want to get the headmaster involved.
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Main Tags for Organization: #sydney_speaks — All of my thoughts in one place! ((1st person POV. In-character responses. Sydney replies/makes the posts.)
#sydney_scenarios — ((3rd person POV. Allows scenarios, highlights in-person rp scenes instead of having Sydney solely communicate through Tumblr. Also, gives a more in-depth view of their thoughts/feelings/actions.))
#personal — About me! Deeper, more interpersonal thoughts & feelings.
#recommended to me — Books, poems, songs & other pieces of media that I've been requested to check out :)
#library inquiries — For those too shy to talk to me in person, I suppose.
#+love — ((+Lust?)) Posts that I find endearing <3
#+corruption — A stockpile of suggestive posts that are sorted for later to be discussed in the confessional. ...Or ignored entirely. #destructive confessions — Categorizes my more... depraved anons? Mostly those who want to be harmed/harm me.
#((ooc)) — ((out of character. Thoughts, ramblings, & account updates from yours truly!))
More out-of-character info under the cut! Please read!
This is a roleplay blog run by @macabrecravings! The character I write for is Sydney the Faithful from Degrees of Lewdity. Please DNI if you are under 18!
Mainly, I run this blog as masc Sydney but absolutely feel free to refer to them as any gender w/ any body parts. Doesn't matter much to me, I'm just here to have a silly time writing for them!
Starting off, I intend to portray faithful Sydney, if y'all end up corrupting them that would be really fun to see :P
You can roleplay in any style! Whether that be plainly asking them questions to answer, sending in full fledged scenarios/traditonal roleplay, etc. I'll gladly take them all and reply as best I can!
Some responses may be ooc, but I'll try my best! This is just a random blog anyway, don't take it too seriously. Not trying to overwrite canon here, LOL.
If I'm uncomfortable with a certain ask, I'll most likely just delete or ignore it! So, be free! Send whatever! You'll never know unless you try :D
*OC/In character interactions are open and encouraged!!
(Last edited: April 3th, 2024.)
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bewilderedbunny · 2 years
Weedman pt 2 (Eddie x Reader fluff 18+only!)
2k words of fluff, she/her pronouns/names are used for Reader. Drug use, some slightly self deprecating jokes and mentions of blood and cursing. If I do another chapter it will (hopefully) have smut. I get distracted with dialogue 😞
This bitch definitely has some mistakes in it. I simply do not know how to write 💖 I also hate typing "he said" and "you said" so I apologize if the dialogue is confusing.
Read part 1 here
Credit to @firefly-graphics for the divider 😊
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As you stepped out of your shower the following day, the phone began to ring. A moment later, your mom called to you and said, "It's for you!"
"Hey, sweetheart. It's Eddie." Your heart skips a beat.
"Oh! Hey Mr. Weedman, what's up?"
"Please, Mr. Weedman is my father. You can call me Eddie."
You boo at his joke with a smile.
"Aw, c'mon. Anyway, I was calling because I woke up early. Thought you might want to come by now?"
You look at the clock, it's 10:30am.
"What happened to your beauty sleep?"
"Turns out the real beauty was on the inside, or some shit."
"Guess I could come over now. Hey, how did you get my number anyway?"
"I-uh, I called Robert to thank him for the reference. You know how small businesses are, s'all about networking and word of mouth, and I thought I should thank him for sending you to me. I asked him for your number, strictly for marketing purposes."
"Oh of course! It all makes sense. Well, market away."
He chuckles, "Come get your weed, silly."
You decided on a loosely fitted short sleeve button-up, a pair of jean shorts, and sneakers. You say goodbye to your mom and head out the door before she can ask too many questions.
The drive to Eddie's doesn't take more than 5 minutes and once you're parked in front of his trailer you sit for a moment in your car. Biting your nails, you wonder if you've made a mistake by agreeing to come over to a stranger's house for drugs. Two trailers down, an older couple sitting on fold-out lawn chairs stare at you. You give them a thin-lipped smile and wave. Great, at least there are witnesses.
You take a deep breath, get out of your car, and head toward the trailer's front door. You get one knock in before the door swings open and you are met with Eddie. He's wearing a worn-out Led Zeppelin t-shirt with the sleeves cut off and jeans with patched-up holes. He is beautiful.
"Scary Metalhead" you might have expected, but his features were so soft and romantic. Like he belonged in an old oil painting.
He gives you a huge, dimpled smile and pulls you in for a hug. Your plug in college barely acknowledged you during your purchases, now here this guy is treating you like an old friend.
"How have you been? It's been a minute since we've seen each other. I like what you've done with your hair, it's so… lustrous."
Shit, maybe you are old friends.
You look down at your hands and reply,
"I've been alright, just going to school. How about you?"
"Oh, you know me. Same old stuff, D&D, my band, finally graduated."
He's leaning against the doorframe, rubbing his chin with his hand.
"From college?"
"No, high school."
Your jaw drops. You're beyond disturbed to learn that you've been flirting with (and planning to buy drugs from) a high schooler.
"How old are you?!"
"I'm 20. Took me a few tries but I got there."
You sigh in relief. You'd rather buy weed from a super-senior than a minor any day.
"Oh, I see. Well, congratulations! That's so exciting."
He lights up, "Yeah? Thanks."
"I gotta be honest, though. I don't remember you." You say sheepishly.
His face twists in pain as he puts one arm against the frame of the door and covers his mouth with the other. He's huffing small, uneven breaths.
"Eddie, I'm sorry, I-"
He cuts you off with a finger and pretends to sniffle, "Just, give me a sec, 'kay? I need time to recuperate."
You laugh and he stands straight.
"That's fine. I'm happy to make a new first impression with you. "
"I am sorry that I don't remember you. If it makes you feel any better, when I was calling around to find a dealer yesterday, I realized that I don't seem to remember anything from high school."
"Neither do I, that's why they kept making me go back." You let out a big laugh and he laughs with you.
"Well, come inside and I'll show you my wares." He leads you into his home. It's a quaint, warm little trailer. A plethora of mugs and hats decorate his walls and there is a small fan blowing at full speed to combat the summer heat.
"A throne for you, madam." he says, gesturing towards the couch. You take a seat and take in the room. "Oh shit, guess I should have your stuff ready." He starts rummaging around the kitchen, then moves to another room. You can hear him mumbling to himself as he searches.
"Do you need help?"
"No, I got it. I just had it, I know it's here somewhere."
You sit back down and wait for him. You hear a thud followed by a quiet, "fuck" then a "there you are, you little devil." He comes back into the room holding a tin lunch box, how he managed to lose it you have no idea.
He sits down on the other side of the small couch. He pulls out a bag of weed and eyes it over once before opening another bag to steal 2 nuggets from. He puts them into your bag.
"Oh, I really don't need that much."
"You sure? I thought I'd give you extra. Y'know, first time customer discount."
"No, that's okay. The amount that was in there before might even be too much" Eddie's idea of $50 worth of weed was about twice what yours was.
He shrugs and fishes out the two buds and places them back in their bag.
"You always touch your merchandise like that?" You gesture to the bag.
"What? My hands are clean!" He waves his hands in front of your face. They're big and the thickness of his fingers makes you dizzy. You pull yourself together.
"Sir, you just touched every single item in this home while you were looking for your fancy little tin."
"Fancy, huh? Well, yeah. but then I licked 'em so we're good, right?"
You grimace at him and he winks.
"You, uh, need me to teach you to roll?"
You smile at the offer. "No thanks, I got it." Rolling the joint was part of the ritual for you.
He leans back and places his arm around the back of the loveseat. His hand is right behind your shoulder and his legs are spread wide, your knees are barely touching.
"What else have you got planned for the day?"
"I was going to find a place to smoke this since I don't love the idea of smoking at home." You say as you pull out the $50 you owed him.
"I was thinking of going on a walk in the forest or maybe to the lake." You hand him the money and he stuffs it carelessly into his pocket.
"Oh yeah? Well, we don't have the same fancy amenities as the lake or the forest here. But we definitely make up for it in hospitality." He says as he gestures around the room.
"You want me to smoke here?" You ask.
"Yeah! I mean, if that's okay. I'm never up this early so I really don't have anything else to do." You think for a moment then agree to stay.
He pulls out a grinder and papers from the tin. As he does, you take a peak and see a couple of small bags of weed, a lighter, and a few loose pretzels scattered along the bottom of the box.
"Wait, are you just letting me smoke here so you can sample your own product and get paid for it?"
"Shit, you caught me." He laughs as he takes out the money you gave him earlier and places it on the table.
"Since you're such a little detective, I'll let you pay after."
He picks apart a bud and drops the pieces into the grinder. Watching his hands twist back and forth to break the flower down is mesmerizing. Once it's ready, you grab a rolling paper and carefully line it. You shape and delicately roll the joint until it is ready, then softly lick it closed.
Once it's ready, you look back to Eddie who is staring at you in awe.
"Shit, I may need you to teach me to roll. Mine never look like that."
"Why did you offer to teach me if you can't roll?" You ask.
"I can roll, okay? They're just not usually so… smooth."
"Oh my god, do you teach your customers to make lumpy joints so they waste product and come back sooner? You evil genius."
He blushes and raises his hands, "Look at you, figuring out all my schemes. Smart girl." You feel warmth in your cheeks as he speaks. He leans forward to you, the eye contact is almost too much to bear.
"Seriously, though. Will you show me?"
You grab a paper and place it in his hands and dust an even line of flower for him. You lean into his side and explain to take your time and shape the joint as you go. His tongue peeks out to touch his top lip as he concentrates. Once it's rolled up, he looks at you, awaiting instructions.
"Looks good! Gotta lick it now. Just like with your hands, remember?" He huffs out a laugh and licks the joint closed.
"Perfect!" You exclaim.
"It is pretty perfect. Think I should hang it on the fridge for my uncle to see when he gets home?"
"I'm sure he'll be so proud."
He grabs his lighter and holds the joint up to your lips. "Shouldn't we smoke the one I'm paying for?"
"Nah, this is me paying you back for your demonstration."
Once the spliff is between your lips, he lights it for you. You take a deep inhale and feel a tickle in your throat on exhale. You turn away from him as you cough a bit and he gently pats your back.
You compose yourself and hand him the joint. He takes a puff and you two pass it back and forth for a bit. Your brain starts feeling fuzzy as you stare at his lips. They're all pink and pillowy, begging to be kissed.
He notices you staring and takes the joint from you. "Think you've had enough, Teach."
You lean back into the couch and rest your eyes. The whir of the fan is soothing to your ears and your body feels warm and calm. You feel Eddie move next to you.
"You fallin' asleep on me?" He asks.
You peek an eye open at him, his back is against the arm of the couch, one leg is tucked underneath the other and he's resting his head in his hand.
"Not yet." You slip off your shoes, turn to face him and tuck your knees to your chest.
"So if my math is correct, you're 20, and I'm 21 that means I graduated your Junior year. Did we have classes together?" You rub little circles on your shorts, enjoying the texture in your heightened state.
"Uh yeah. We kinda had one." he rubs his face and furrows his brows. "You were the TA for Mrs. Baker's US History class my sophomore year."
You think back to the class, racking your brain for any memories. Most of your duties as the teacher's assistant were to clean the chalkboard, gather supplies for assignments, and grade papers.
Then it dawns on you and your eyes widen.
"Eddie! You would always draw on your worksheets and assignments! Little skulls and monsters. I do remember you!"
He smiles and bashfully hides his face.
"You do remember me. They weren't monsters, by the way. They were portraits of Mrs. Baker."
You snort, from what you remember they were usually dragons and wretched beasts.
"God, she did not see your vision." You remember the middle-aged woman complaining to you about the doodles and threatening to mark down Eddie's grade if he kept them up (which he obviously did)
"You should've seen what I drew on my actual tests."
"Oh, God. Blood and guts and tits?"
He giggles which makes you giggle.
"No tits but damn, could you imagine if I did? I think she would have called the police."
"Or a priest."
You two continue your tee-heeing for a bit. At one point, you've both been laughing so long that that makes you laugh. It's ridiculous, you've got tears in your eyes and Eddie is cackling. At some point his hand found it's way to your ankle and he rubs little circles with his thumb.
Thanks for reading! 💗
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the fact that gojo genuinely wanted to teach him about love…… that he wanted to reach out to him and save him from his isolation.
YES!! the whole "i will remember you.." HAS ME FUCKED UP like. there's a few ways it could be interpreted but it gives me the same feeling as when you 'love' someone so much, you honour or cherish the memory of them forever.. AHHHHHH I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
thank you ari for the link <33 when i read the chapter I will be back to let you know my thoughts and feelings :3 I have so many photos in my camera roll of just me sobbing after jjk so :3 definitely scared :3 With 252.. you're very right it's really sad that it's actually quite far from how detailed Gege likes his fights to be. Art style and breaks are on two different spectrums. Complaining about him taking breaks is the biggest NO from me. like PLEASE let Gege release a chapter a month. Every single week is WAY too much for a mangaka - there's only so much a person can do within 6 days :// From a pure quality and marketing standpoint it'll allow him to : process his OWN thoughts, more detailed drawings and (longer) chapters, perhaps even formulate a proper plan for the manga, and the hype will be bigger as well. Especially right now where it is getting criticism and being called repetitive - there is less hype because everyone knows they'll get answers in the next week. But most importantly REST. he is not a machine and you are very right about that!!
something to look forward to :3 (tbf i was especially into it bc i love takaba and kenny lmao but i still think you’ll find it fun!! you can tell akutami was having a blast)
also!! i just thought I'd let you know.. i never really got kenny (kenny is so messed up and i dislike(d) them) but you're the blog that made me understand the lore!! and I even started reading some kenny fics.. Anyways, i think that's enough for today and I'll shut up now haha!! <33
i agree completely 🫂 when i saw that line i kept thinking of sukuna like. centuries into the future…. in a completely different world ….. STILL remembering gojo and no one else. it’s such a wonderful fucking line not only because sukuna looks so sincerely pleased saying it but because it’s proof that gojo DID reach him!!!! gojo wanted to prevent sukuna from feeling alone and he succeeded because sukuna will never truly be alone as long as he’s carrying gojo’s memory with him. they make me insane
PLS DO SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THE CHAPTER ONCE YOU READ IT …. i’d love love love to hear!!!! :3 take your time though… get your tissues ready……. aaa and !!! 100% agree on the monthly chapters. that should just be a standard atp but sadly it isn’t…. :ccc i rlly do think gege deserves one long longgggg break to rest up properly.
also!! i just thought I'd let you know.. i never really got kenny (kenny is so messed up and i dislike(d) them) but you're the blog that made me understand the lore!! and I even started reading some kenny fics..
ALSO THIS !!!!!!!! ANON…….. T_T this made me so happy you have NO idea. i’m so glad i could turn you around on him!!! he’s such a silly, interesting, fun little guy :’3 (very fucked up too but that’s just another charm point imo) and aaa the kenny fics !! the world needs sm more of those … i’m working on a no curses au fic for him but i have no idea when it’s getting out …… </3 hopefully soon!!!! anyway pdhdjdj i’m just so happy that you’re a kenny enjoyer now!! welcome to the cult club !!!! 🫂🫂
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fayes-fics · 3 months
So I was reading the spicy chapter of your 1940s AU and call me a kill joy but I’m a stickler for historical accuracy when reading anything from ye olden days. Anyway, today I learned that they did have a version of modern day condoms in 1939, and also in 1937 cup bras (only ranging from A, B, C, and D) were invented for department stores. I know this might sound so dumb, but I appreciate how you put historical accuracy into your scenes. Anyway, I thought I’d share just in case anyone was also curious!
Ps. You’re writing this fantastic, and I was wondering if this is just your hobby or do you get paid for this?? Because I genuinely think you should consider becoming an actual published author. I’m not kissing ass when I say if you got your 1940s AU printed and started selling it, I would buy one so fast.
- 🪩anon
Hi 🪩anon! (love that choice of emoji!)
I greatly appreciate your message. 🫶
It may sound silly, but I actually went down a rabbit warren of research for this fic as much as I could - about many things including jazz in pre-war Paris, the boat and train journeys used in the fic, and yes condoms in 1939. I was searching academic resources to ensure such things existed and were available to at least the rich man, such as Benedict, if not the masses. But yes I discovered, as you did, that latex and rubber condoms were available, but lots were still rinse and reuse. I do know from my grandma a little about underwear in that time period, she used to complain about the bras from back in her youth 😂
Anyway… you are so very kind about my writing 🥹 writing is just a stress relief/hobby for me, I’m a data/systems person. Never been paid a cent for the 500k+ words I’ve posted, wouldn’t that be nice? Lolol.
A coworker of mine (who hasn’t read my writing, cos uhhh just HELL NO lolol) has suggested if I’m serious about it that I apply for the MFA Writers program that they are taking, but it’s pretty expensive. I have considered writing something non fanfiction, but so far have not produced anything I like enough to approach anyone about yet. Maybe one day, but tbh I struggle to see I could have the talent 🫶
Anyway I’ll stop wittering on. Thank you so much for your wonderful message, it means a lot 🥹🫶😁🧡🧡
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mothielad · 11 months
Hello buddies! I’m Mothie! And I think you’re awesome 😎
You can call me Moth, Mothie, or Bonnie, I don’t mind either way! (Any pronouns :))
Heads up, this is mainly a legend of Zelda blog with some goofy thoughts so expect a lot of general LU and LoZ silliness.
I welcome anyone here to my goofy lil Neurospicy Blog EXCEPT those who discriminate or hate in anyways, absolutely none of that here, I will not hesitate to block you if you show any form of racism, homophobia, transphobia, harassment, or general hate, y’all gotta go.
But that aside, I’m always happy to chat and have a good time! I may be a bit late to responding, and I apologize, but I still love all of y’all :D
Another general thing, if I tag you in tag chain or send you an ask in an ask chain, there is absolutely NO pressure to respond, I will not think differently of you or take offense, I get it, it can be hard To go through the whole works of it, y’all just being here makes me happy <3
Finally, I have a links meet Au! :D @linkedheroes-corruptedlands No pressure to check it out, but if you do you’re always free to ask questions here until I figure out how to if you can have an ask box on a secondary blog XD
Thank you for reading this very lengthy pinned posts but I love you, you matter, and have a very dandy day ❤️
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