#anyway this also quickly turned into a shitpost so it is what it is. go read piranesi
betweenlands · 6 months
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how we should be naming our minecraft builds, a helpful guide by Cait Machina
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
Customer Service (Obey Me!)
━━━━━━━━━━ ✦ ━━━━━━━━━━
They try contacting customer service. 🤷‍♂️
»Characters: Demon Bros
»Tags: Certified Shitpost™️, Pathetic Lucifer is my favorite Lucifer
»Notes: It's been a while since I've done a shitpost bulleted fic so ♡reblogs♡ are appreciated. I've had this wip since March apparently? 💀
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A hand on his hip and the phone in the other
This man means business
"Don't talk to me, I'm trying to keep my level of anger"
Held onto his anger for two hours waiting for the next agent
The annoying hold music only fueled him
Tried to be reasonable with the agent when he got patched through
But they were new
"Look, just get me your manager."
Waited another half hour for them
The problem got fixed rather quickly actually
smirked in satisfaction...Lucifer always wins.
If only he noticed the two stuck pages in the manual, he would've not wasted his morning
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If he wasn't broke he would've paid someone else to make the call
Waited for an hour but it felt like eternity
"Yeah ain't there a satisfaction guarantee on this anyway!? The customers always right!"
Tried to get a replacement for his earbuds
And a refund while he was at it
Scammy? What?? Nooo....
"They fell in the wash! It's not my fault! Did I get insurance? Who has the money for that?"
Him and the agent went back and forth for a while
The agent finally caved and promised to replace the earbuds
"Finally! Ya better send 'em quick! -click-"
He realized he never gave the agent his address & had to start the process all over again
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Tried online chat but his specific issue needed a real agent because...of course it would
Tried to pay one of his brothers to make the call for him
They rather stab themselves or wage war against Diavolo than call customer service
Took anxiety medication before trying to call
Waited three hours on hold but played something soothing in the meantime
helloooo ruri and friends crossing
He stopped when he heard the hold music stop
"Hello thank you for calling Akuz-"
"It's not that important."
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This is how a pro does it.jpg
Drank his little coffee and ate his fresh little pastry
See, he set an alarm to call customer service right when they open their lines
Had the number typed and ready to go with a press
-dialing tone-
"Hello. Your wait time is 2 hours and-"
Slammed his phone on the floor and it broke
Went to go fight the company in person
His issue got fixed
The company had to tighten their security after this incident
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Is that one lucky demon that happens to get patched through quickly
He was having problems with his devilgram account verification
Just as he started speaking about his issue the agent freaked out
Turns out they were a huge fan and could automatically tell it was the REAL™️ Asmo speaking
The issue got fixed and Asmo stayed talking with the agent because they sounded really cute
One thing led to another and...it went from a customer service hotline to a phone sex one real quick
This always happens when he calls customer service akskjfksls
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Collected all the snacks he had
Even cooked an entire feast
He needed everything he could get before making the dreaded call
After an hour of waiting (and barely any snacks left) he finally got to an agent!
It was a pleasant experience for both sides
Beel is getting sent replacements for his shoes plus a discount voucher for his next purchase
güd boi™️ as usual
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Almost fell asleep while waiting
The music soothed him, they had classical music playing
He's not really sure how long he waited if he's being honest
When he finally got to the agent he sounded so weak the agent was concerned
"Mm? No I'm always like ...losing... consciousness ...it's normal...zzz..."
The agent was still so concerned they sent someone to the HOL to check on him
Beel ended up making the call for him
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⬦You might also like: Coconut︱Devil-Mart⭐︱Waffle House
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nesiclor · 9 months
(This is a long ass post)
Recently I decided to rewatch Steven Universe and as much as it's good, I'm still dissapointed by how they had to rush the finale and especially the epilogue. There was a lot of potential for I Am My Monster and I am a connoisseur of protagonist turned apeshit. So, just like I made a reimagine of Lush Caves, I made a reimagine of I Am My Monster, with a bonus storyline at the end(shitpost warning because I had no idea what to do for the dialogue. (Close-ups are below the cut)
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Unironic notes:
Steven grows in size every time he feels attacked/surrounded. This is utilising the concept in Growing Pains where he grows when he feels stressed and scared in the hospital.
Spikes growing out of Steven's body should serve a purpose, since it's shown that he isn't exactly corrupted, but instead shapeshifting.
The slow-burn could be assisted with Steven fighting against his family and friends in an actual battle for him to see himself as a monster as it goes on, rather than going from 0 to 100 from one episode to the next. As for why he would be attacked, could be that he is lost in the mindset that he can mess up without facing the concequences, which means he could feel like he can attack the gems to avoid the confrontation he had in Everything's Fine, making the gems fight back for the sake of everyone's safety. An obvious idea would also be that when Bismuth, Lapis and Peridot show up to help, they see Steven attacking without getting a good look at who he is, attacking automatically, provoking him even more.
Note that the comic isn't a scene-by-scene, but more of a plot point-by-plot point. In an actual episode, there should be more pauses to let the weight of the situation set in. ALSO C'MON! POOF SOME BITCHES! ADD MORE TENSION! BREAK STUFF INSTEAD OF GOING *stomp stomp* grawbuhrgrawargh ON THE BEACH!
And just in case you get any ideas you'd like to add on to all this, then go right ahead. I would love to see like one of the most crucial parts of the show's character developments actually have more to it.
Anyway, here is a bonus brainstorm I had continuing after the small comic:
Lapis trapping Steven could happen because Steven tries to run away after poofing Amethyst. Steven would start running past Little Homeschool, allowing Lapis to spot him from the tower. Lapis would use a lake to restrict Steven, while Connie warps over with Lion to try to calm him down. Then the last couple of panels in the comic could happen. Lapis gets poofed, and Steven becomes big enough for all of Little Homeschool to notice. Steven runs further into the forest after his signature GRWARBHURGABRAWH. It turns out Steven was running over to Jasper's camp, only to see she's not there. Steven looks around before a boulder gets lobbed at his face. Bismuth and Peridot caught up with him and try to fight him, since they don't know it's Steven. But they quickly start to make a run for it, Peridot flying away with Bismuth while Steven jumps towards them. They're just about to be caught before Sardonyx hops up and bonks Steven in the face with her hammer. Sardonyx unfuses and tells Bismuth and Peridot to hide beneath the trees and stay quiet. They ask how to take the thing down but Garnet says "Don't attack him." Of course they ask "Him?", leading to Garnet elaborating that it's Steven. And, this is IMPORTANT AND THEY DIDN'T DO IT, add a shot of STEVEN thinking. Just STEVEN looking around. He gets lost in thought before he looks back at Little Homeschool and makes his way back to it. The gems hear the thudding get quieter and sigh in relief, explaining what they know about the situation. Their conversation gets cut off when they hear where Steven is going. Steven goes back to Little Homeschool and starts grunting and gazing around, punching holes into buildings and looking inside of them. Then drama drama before the Diamonds show up in their ship, pausing the commotion by picking Steven up and Spinel coming out to say he forgot his foot-thong-thingy. The Diamonds pause to see that Steven is missing and ask where he is, also getting explained to by the gems. They look at their spaceship-hand as Steven is charging up a roar that powers the entire ship down and causes it to crash. Steven walks up to the ship and stares at the sculpture of White's face on the ship, his pupils dilating. Then he goes into full mania as he punches the ship over and over. Then idk lol.
If you're wondering why Steven would be looking for Jasper, my idea is that Jasper helped him have actual control over his power, just not how he felt mentally. Steven thinks his form is his powers swelling up again and feels like Jasper is his only hope.
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syn4k · 6 months
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unfortunately the only way to solve not wanting to create things is to not create things until you want to create things again.
"but Six!" i hear you protest over the angry yells of all my followers. "that can't be true! i hate that!"
i hate it too. But listen up you self loathing chucklefucks this is IMPORTANT.
if your brain and body is telling you that you are tired and that you need to take a break, fucking listen to them. Do not ignore them and continue making things anyways.
I do not give a fuck about your making one thing per day streak. I do not give a fuck about your follower count or engagement or statistics or whatever the fuck. I do not fucking care how stubborn you are. This rule is set in the laws of the universe itself just like the laws of physics are.
If you do not schedule time for yourself to recharge, your body will automatically do it for you and it WILL NOT ASK POLITELY.
that's what burnout and writer's block IS! you cant make shit if you're too fucking tired and depressed and busy trying to function as a person and don't have any energy left over for creative work! creating things takes ENERGY and EFFORT even the most self loathing low quality shitpost stick figure youve ever doodled on the back of an napkin. That takes effort too. This is your body realizing that you're going past your own limits despite everything and forcibly shutting you down so that you physically fucking cannot anymore for your own health.
Full stop.
If you take the time that you need to rest and regain energy and use it instead to continue doing things that require energy, your body will force you to allocate that time to rest at some point eventually.
So yeah. Sleep in hard over the weekends. Do nothing. Be unproductive. Fuck capitalism and FUCK the Protestant work ethic. I am being so fucking serious right now. This isn't just me repeating what I've heard, this is me sharing things that I've had to learn the hard way over the span of literal fucking years because my dumb ass kept ignoring it too.
You are allowed to, and encouraged to, politely turn down outings with friends and family if you're too tired.
You are allowed to, and encouraged to, take a day off from school or work if you wake up and know in your bones that you are too tired. (Make sure to let your teachers know beforehand. They'll understand. Skipping a day of work is a whole nother can of radioactive horses that I don't want to open right now but others here may have advice. Check the notes.)
You are allowed to, and encouraged to, do nothing.
You are allowed to, and encouraged to, be "lazy" (if you're not enjoying the forced time off, you're not being lazy).
If you can only do the bare minimum to take care of yourself (i.e making low-effort meals, only using the bathroom twice a day, etc) then that's okay too. The more you rest, the more energy you'll slowly build up to do more things like going to the grocery store so that you don't starve and getting those assignments done and taking an extra two minutes to make yourself a glass of something warm in the mornings so that you don't want to die quite as much. Also, when you can, ask your friends for a script and call your doctor about prescribing you depression medication because I love you and this is not normal and you deserve better.
Living life is not supposed to make you want to die, and surviving is not the same as living.
your body has a built in hierarchy of needs and at the top of the list is creating things, which you can only do once you're at a certain level of energy and wellness. if something's wrong, your drive to create will be the first to go.
it's scary, but you'll be okay
be gentle and kind to yourself. imagine that your brain and body is a horse: kicking it when it's down and yelling at it to move won't help. you have to meet it where it's at and feed it and comfort it until it's ready to move on again. you can't write trail songs if you've got no path to roam
this quickly spiraled out of my hands but i am very passionate about this subject and also i love u. good luck.
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dreamcatcherrs · 4 years
a high school prom au where the reader and Dream are like childhood best friends and the readers date shows up with someone else then when the reader feels all lonely, Dream is like “what if we danced🥺” ??? anyways love you and your fanfics you’re like my favorite writer on tumblr💖💘
+ this is such a cute concept! I’ve never written anything like this, but I hope it was what you wanted<3
++ also this is such an old request, I’m so sorry
prom night - dream
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: high school au! dream x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: after being abandoned by your prom date, the person you expected the least to spend the night with asks you for a dance.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 1.501
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: angst, fluff, swearing, slight mention of alcohol use.
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song recommendation: love on the brain - rihanna
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you couldn’t believe your eyes.
there your date stood, arm wrapped around a person that you for sure knew wasn't you. the excitement disappeared from every corner and edge of your body, hands falling to your sides in complete disappointment.
proudly, your so-called date stepped forward in line with a smile on their face, waiting to be the next for the photo shoot the had been set up. your smile was gone. and so was your passion for continuing this prom.
looking down, you turned on your heels, walking away from the great asshole of a date, and finding an empty seat by one of the available tables.
you’d wondered why it took so long for your date to arrive - you should’ve known, really. but no - now you were just left sitting alone by an empty table. what was the point of even being there anymore when all you could feel was loneliness?
everyone else was having fun, partying and smiling about the night ahead of them - just like you should’ve been. but now, you were just left with feeling disappointed in yourself. how could you make yourself believe that someone actually wanted to bring a date like you to the prom? what were you thinking?
you sighed deeply as you rested your head in the palm of your hand, other hand busy with tracing the cutouts on the table.
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“just go over there, man!”
“yeah, they’re just sitting there all alone… this is your perfect chance!”
clay scratched the back of his head, staring down at the drink in his hand.
“I don't know… what if they say no?”
george and nick both rolled their eyes. the only one who really believed that was gonna happen would be clay. it was crystal clear to literally everyone else that the two of you had developed feelings for each other over the many years of knowing one another. clay would always brush it off with a “we’re just friends”, but really, he knew they were right.
he’d known you since he was 8 and you 7 - having been best friends since that day and until last year. you'd kinda… broken off since then. as you grew older, more important things had distracted you from keeping the connection, and eventually, you just slipped away.
he knew he liked you as more than a friend. but he was certain you didn't.
after all, you wanted to go with a complete dickhead, who ditched you anyway. and now look where you were.
“hey guys~ why are you wasting the night just standing here? let’s party!” karl slurred as he came crashing into george and nick, swinging both arms around their shoulder from behind.
as george was busy pushing karls’ arm off of him, and nick pulling him closer, clay’s eyes were only focused on you. you looked so… sad. no one should be sad on their prom night, and frankly, maybe his friends were right.
before he knew it, his feet dragged him across the dance floor, towards your place on the chair. george’s eyes widened, a big smile spreading across his face, showing off his braces.
“would you two stop flirting with each other and watch what is happening right now?”
nick and karl giggled.
“why, are you jealous gogy?” nick teased, causing a light shade of pink to brush across george’s cheeks.
“shut up-”
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the second you broke away from your melancholy stare at the table, your heart started racing and a wave of sweat danced across your skin. he hadn't talked to you since… you couldn’t even remember the last time.
lifting your head off your hand, you sat up straight, watching as clay scratched the back of his neck nervously.
“hi,” you responded, voice quiet and unsure.
why was he talking to you all of a sudden? after all these months with absolutely no contact with each other, now he wants to talk to you? on the other hand, it’s not like you'd been very communicative with him either…
clay hesitated slightly, shifting on his feet. “why are you sitting here all alone? I thought you had a date?”
you sighed, corner of your lips turning down slightly. “yeah… they ditched me.” you looked away from him, feeling somewhat embarrassed that you'd let yourself get into a situation like that.
clay felt bad. how could someone let go so easily of someone as perfect as you? on the other hand, this meant that no one else could have you - and that made him kind of relieved.
he hesitated a little before speaking up again; “what a dickhead.”
that made you laugh a little. “yeah.”
silence approached after that, and a tension started building up. the both of you could feel the unspoken words you'd been keeping from each other rise up - yet you remained quiet.
after all, there wasn’t really anyone you could blame your fading friendship on - apart from yourselves.
clay cleared his throat, as a new, slower song came on, hand reaching out in front of him, hovering right before you. your eyes trailed along his tux-clad arm and up to his eyes, noticing the withheld love in them.
“do you wanna dance with me?”
you blinked at him, thankful that the fluorescent lights made it hard for him to see the blush on your cheeks. your heart felt as if it was pounding out of your chest.
“I-,” you stuttered, recollecting yourself quickly before placing your hand into his, fitting perfectly right into his palm. you smiled up at him softly. “I’d love to.” he smiled back to you, gripping onto your hand and lead you through the large crowd of people onto the dance floor.
he turned to you, taking in how absolutely breathtaking you looked right then. it was hard for him not to blurt out compliments at you at any given chance.
his hands found their place on your waist, and you let your hand snake around his neck, resting right where his haircut ended. it tickled him in a way that made him realise just how much he had missed your touch - hell, even talking to you reminded him of how lonely he’d felt without you.
slowly, the two of you swayed from side to side along to the song, just staring into each others eyes. clay sneaked a glance down at your lips, quickly averting his eyes again once you parted them.
“I’m really sorry we haven’t talked for so long,” you spoke, twirling a finger around one of his locks. “I miss it a lot. I missed you, clay.”
you stared at him with a look of guilt, biting down on your bottom lips once you'd finished your sentence. you looked down again, feeling sorry that you hadn't reached out to him before.
clay moved a hand to your cheek, tilting your head upwards so you'd look at him again. your eyes widened at the touch of his fingers, and you melted into his hand once his thumb bushed across the soft skin of your cheek.
“I missed you too, y/n. don't be sorry about that - I could’ve reached out too, y’know? we’re both guilty on that note. but, now that I can finally talk to you again, I don't wanna worry about the past, okay? I just want you to have a good night.”
you smiled softly at his words, feeling a wave of forgiveness wash over you. it felt good to know that you had your friend back again.
“I don't think my night can be ruined at this point,” you smiled, moving your hands from his nape to his shoulders instead.
“well, can I still make it a little bit better?” you raised an eyebrow at him, cocking your head to the side slightly.
his eyes fell down to look at your lips again, this time not being able to hold back from the temptation.
your lips attached to his.
and everything around you just stopped.
your eyes fluttered closed, leaning into the kiss once you realised what was happening, only making him pull you closer to him. his lips moved so gently, slowly against yours, a withheld desire finally being released.
who cared about the things that’d gotten in the way of your friendship? all that mattered right now was this very moment - that’s all that ever mattered.
“yes clay!”
“finally he fucking did it.”
the yelling coming from karl and nick from a distance away made the two of you break away from each other, turning your heads to the direction of them. george elbowed nick in the stomach to stop him from jumping into the air, revealing their spying spot.
you chuckled lightly at them, slowly turning your head back to clay with a lick of your lips. clay sent them a nice “fuck off” with his middle fingers, before also returning to the current situation and smiling at you widely.
“better now?”
you smiled wider at that. if only he knew.
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tag list✰
@zayenz @terribletoothbat @0t0n1n @0125cm @yukiuheh @shinee-is-5-forever @regularnoceur @b01nk-b0w@christhebish@nutritious-emo-crackkk@bookishreid@giavanna-707 @reddiesmcdonalds@cosmins@vixxzial@autumnpleaves@paradigmax@meaganjm@shiningsunrises@moralofwalls@username1212131@gxldentaestuff@innitdream @televisionpresent38 @bubblyanis@zurami @highoffhockey @popinjaytaylor@196os@livsbaby@doubts-of-gold@bunlina@retrav @mcyt-is-my-life@aleaisntcreative @my-shitpost-of-writing @my-shitpost-of-writing @clownsdrowning @pissbabywastaken@shiningsunrises @tie-dyed-dumbass @death-by-rats@simpfordraco @bippity-boppity-boopa@neongreendaydreams  @vibin-by-myself@littlepotatos0w0@christhebish @pipp-poppz@btsiguess-kpop@prettysmallfries@hiyoko-kos@kenmxskitten@fudrudy@weepingartanimespy@rhino-zucchini@goldenstarofthunderclan@melonmarz@ubeicecreamisthebest@polaroidinurroom @ady-yoo@isimpforeveryone@edenhollandd@ineedtogetoutofhere@glitter-night @hamilsandersfam@mothheart-witch @wrong-exit@trashcanfullofdork  @hellfirepheonixx @marshmallow-babe@isimpforeveryone @ky50621 @randomcloud@wormie4k@dinonuggies50  @p4rty-t4ttoos@aspenthegremlin@book-of-anarchy @jeyacore @thetattooink@gogywasfound@millavalntyne@junob1ade@venusomega @ubeicecreamisthebest@karida @i-have-paws-love@drvgonraja@eatasslikegrass@creamofweep@venusomega@lunarfedora@rowe-n @wreny24 @vincent-stargogh @floatingplanets​ @vernon-dursley​ @childhoodgrunge​ @fivxss @hexagonclash​ @crazyjuls12​ @littlebabysandboxburritos @shifted-dreams @lenamarie666
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bestiesenpai · 4 years
youtuber Sukuna
I beg you to read the shitposts I made about this, they are delicious. You don’t have to of course but...if you loved me you would :) s/n = screen name, and I hope you chuckle at Sukunas screen name
Content warning: uhmhm lowkey incel shit(mean internet comments and whatnot)
part two --- part 3
Name: Sukuna. Age: 25. Height: 6 foot 5 inches. Occupation: toxic Youtuber, fitness trainer and hot guy.
Sukuna wasn’t exactly known for being kind. He wasn’t nice to others, rarely having anything good to say about anyone, and he’d made a successful Youtube career out of it. First starting as a fitness trainer at his gym, through encouragement from his clients and the notion of a quick cash grab, he started Youtube.
He didn’t care about it and that reflected in the quality of his videos and editing. He didn’t have consistent uploads, just filming and posting videos whenever he wanted, analytics be fucked. But somehow, that worked out for him, and he quickly found himself with over two million subscribers just frothing at the mouth for his next video.
And those subscribers were some of the worst people. Sukuna didn’t care about fostering a safe space online for others, not in the slightest. His comment sections were atrocious, both on his Youtube and his Instagram. It was full of toxic men one-upping each other constantly and dragging on each other for not being able to work out as much as Sukuna did.
Sukuna was a large part of why his fanbase were so toxic. He himself often made bad comments about others, whether fellow creators or people that happened to appear in the backgrounds of his videos, and on more than one occasion he’d been ‘cancelled’. None of that mattered though, all he cared about was shitting on other people and making money.
Sometimes he played video games and posted it, but not too often. Sukuna often stated he wasn’t so much of a fucking lonely loser that he’d play video games all the time, and so the gaming videos he did post were few and far between. He played angry shooter games and GTA, mindless button clicking he could get lost in for a few hours for a video.
Laying in bed one night after uploading his most recent video, one where he rages at 12 year olds on GTA online, Sukuna was just scrolling through his phone mindlessly. After he uploads video game content, like clockwork, he gets recommendations for gaming channels. He only watches a few of them, mostly leaving mean comments saying what losers they are, but one catches his eye.
He’s never been recommended this kind of video before. The thumbnail is light and bright with some pink aesthetic lights in the back. But the most enticing thing is the person in the middle, cute pink cat ear headphones on and a bright smile.
“Let’s see…” Sukuna mumbles to himself, mindlessly clicking the video. He hasn’t even read the title, he only clicked it because they were cute, and here he is nearly blinded by the bright setup they have.
“Hi everyone, it’s (Y/N) here and I’m really excited today! We’re going to be playing this new game I found!” Sukuna is immediately enraptured by the sound of your voice, watching how your face changes as you talk. His eyes drift off to the decor behind you, cute plushies and healthy plants, and some twinkling fairy lights. There’s books as well, and your chair is one of those ergonomic gamer chairs he has as well but in pink.
Sukuna watches the video dumbly, totally in the dark about whatever you’re doing, but loving it all the same. All he knows is that he likes the sound of your voice, and when you laugh and smile at a funny part in the game, it makes a light flush come to his cheeks.
It only takes one video for Sukuna to spiral into more of your content. He watches a video on your gaming setup, and he’s surprised that so much technology can come in pink. He watches a video on how you edit, a few of you cooking in your kitchen, and even a few vlog videos.
He quickly subscribes to your channel, and when you plug your social media, he immediately goes there. Pulling up your Instagram, he stares at your profile picture and almost audibly coos at you for being cute.
Your profile is just as cute as your videos are and Sukuna barely remembers to follow you before he’s going through your whole feed, liking every picture he sees. Sometimes he leaves comments, only one word though, ‘cute’. He’s never liked something so outright cute before, it wasn’t who he was and it definitely didn’t fit with his brand.
Falling asleep after following you on every platform, Sukuna wakes up thinking about you as well. And he also wakes up to hundreds of comments from all his accounts, bombarding him with questions and screenshots from last night.
‘OMG Sukuna liked (Y/N)s posts!!’
‘Sukuna is so gross and toxic, you better stay away from (Y/N)!’
‘EW why the fuck do you like this bitch?’
There were hundreds of comments that he waded through. Most were from his fans, expressing disgust at how many photos of yours he’d liked and wondering why he, Sukuna, most heterosexual alpha male on the planet, would like a pretty in pink Youtuber who had bubbly intros and whined when their animal crossing villagers wanted to move away.
Other comments were from your fans, some in awe that he would like you considering how much he said he hated overly cute things. Other fans expressed concern, worried what this might mean for their favorite Youtuber. Did Sukuna want to cause problems, potentially hurting you? He did have a reputation of bullying others, so this wasn’t far fetched.
Checking your Instagram, you didn’t make any comment about it. There wasn’t any update or anything, but on his end he was being tagged in endless Twitter threads with screenshots of him liking your posts and commenting under them.
“For fucks sake.” He grunted, clenching his phone in his hands. The amount of notifications he was getting were starting to upset him and he nearly threw his phone to get them to stop.
Ignoring his phone for the rest of the day, Sukuna went to the gym like he always did and trained with his clients. Some of them brought it up to him, asking him if he had a mind break last night and forgot what he was doing. Sending them harsh glares, Sukuna refused to talk about it.
“Oh my fucking god.” Sukuna nearly wailed when he got home, finally checking his phone. His name and yours had begun trending, and the hashtag #protect(Y/N) was also. Muttering angrily under his breath, Sukuna turned on Instagram live.
“Okay what the fuck!” He shouted, seeing the live become instantly flooded with people all screaming about you and him. “You’re all fucking annoying, you know that?” Glaring harshly at the camera, he read some of the comments that went by.
‘Are you two secretly dating??’
“Who gives a shit why I liked their stuff, you’re a fucking weirdo for keeping track of me. And we aren’t secretly dating, dipshits.” Rolling his eyes, Sukuna scoffed as more comments came in begging for a collaboration. “And think about it you morons, why would we collab? Our shit is too fucking different, what would we even film about?”
Sukuna stayed on Instagram live for nearly an hour answering questions asking about you. Every time he had to answer that you weren’t secretly dating, he got a little more annoyed. Not at the comments themselves but at the fact that it was true; you didn’t even know he existed.
Ending the live in a huff, Sukuna didn’t feel any better than before, and it was made even worse by the fact that everything he said was being relayed to Twitter, and you were tagged in every tweet.
“These idiots!” Staring at his phone, Sukuna couldn’t believe what he was seeing. On your Instagram stories, you’d posted a q&a for your followers, and nearly all of the comments were about Sukuna.
“Hi everyone! No, me and Sukuna aren’t dating!” You said, laughing a little to ease how uncomfortable you were. “To be honest, I’ve never even heard of him before! As you know, my content is very...different from his, so our circles don’t exactly intersect. But I’m always happy to have new followers and potential friends!”
“Fuck me.” Sukuna groaned, cringing at how uncomfortable you looked having to address the sudden onslaught of questions. For once he wished he’d actually given a shit about his online presence, so that maybe one day your circles could intersect. He knew he scared you, he scared a lot of people, and this was just proof.
“Uh, Sukuna if you see this, hi it’s nice to meet you!” You said in the next slide, puffing out your cheeks and waving cutely at the camera. It made Sukuna blush, and he hated it. “Thank you for following me and liking my content! I was very surprised that you found me!”
“Of course I did, idiot, you’re fucking cute.” He muttered under his breath.
“I know a lot of people are asking for us to do a video together and I know our content is really different, so don’t feel pressured to respond or anything, but the offer is open! If you’d like, we can collab on something.”
“On what?” He asked like you were there.
“I cook sometimes, and I know you cook too! Maybe we can make a cooking video? You can teach me how to make healthy food or something!” Sukuna could tell a fake laugh when he heard one, and you definitely had one right now. “Anyways, thank you! Bye Sukuna!” But hearing you say his name cutely like that made him not care.
He nearly responded right away, accepting the collab offer now that you’d spoken about it, but he didn’t want to seem desperate. He watched through the rest of your Instagram stories, going back and replaying the parts where you talked about him over and over and his heart clenched every time when you said his name.
In the dead of night, Sukuna DM’s you after watching your latest video and leaving the simple comment ‘check your DM’s’.
“Fuck, what should I say?” He’s suddenly stumped as he looks at the keyboard. Typing and retyping a message, in the end all he can say is hi. He doesn’t expect a reply, ever, but when he gets a vibration on his phone two seconds later he jumps to read it.
(S/N): hi Sukuna! :)
(cursedgod): hey
Real fucking smart, repeating what he just said.
(S/N): is there something you wanted to talk to me about?
(S/N): I hope you haven’t been annoyed at all the notifications you’ve been getting!
(cursedgod): No it’s okay
(cursedgod): we can collab if you want
Good Sukuna, good. Play it cool, don’t let them know that your fingers are actually trembling because you’re nervous.
(S/N): do you want to?? I don’t want to pressure you! I know we’re pretty different haha
(cursedgod): yeah, let's do it. Cooking?
(S/N): sure!
Looking around his home, he was suddenly assaulted with the fact that he didn’t have any furniture. He barely had a proper bedroom, just a mattress on a bare frame and a dresser. His lounge room was the same with his computer setup in one corner and then nothing else. There was only a couch, a mounted TV and a fold out table and chairs for his dining room.
(cursedgod): I know a studio kitchen we can use, I’ll send you the address
Thank god he’d done promo work for a brand in a studio one day, otherwise he’d be fucked.
(S/N): awesome! I’m free next Saturday!
And just like that, it was a date. Well, a meeting. Sukuna knew it wasn’t a date, but his heart still thumped like it was one. Confirming the time, he ended the conversation with a curt goodbye and obsessed about it throughout the night.
When the day to meet you came, Sukuna nearly ran late trying to pick out his clothes. He’d never cared about looking good or presenting himself well in front of others, whatever version of him he turned up in was what they got. But for you, he wanted to try a little harder.
Waiting outside the studio space, Sukuna rubbed his hands together nervously. You’d messaged a day or two ago offering to put the video on your channel since it probably wouldn’t fit his aesthetic, so he didn’t have to bring his shitty camera equipment.
“S-sukuna?” Snapping his head up, Sukunas mouth fell open looking at your curious face a few feet away, an Uber driving off behind you. You were even cuter in person, just his fucking luck. How was he expected to act like a normal person when his recent obsession was here looking better than he could have imagined.
“Hi.” What comes out is a grunt, not the smooth word he’d hoped. He can see you eyeing him up, taking in all the thick and corded muscles of his body. It made his chest puff out a little, he worked hard for this physique and to have you so openly looking at him made him happy.
“It’s nice to meet you!” Sticking your hand out, you smiled politely at him.
“Same.” Shaking your hand with a firm grip, Sukuna could feel the difference in your palms. Yours was soft and nicely moisturized and he had callouses everywhere and a few cuts and scrapes.
Opening the door for you, Sukuna led you to the studio space he’d rented out. It was a clean and modern kitchen, not unlike his own, but it had appliances and looked actually lived in. Helping you set up a few camera angles, Sukuna felt a pang of nerves hit him in the stomach.
“Sukuna, can we take a picture together?” You asked before starting, and Sukunas brow furrowed deeply. Why would you want to take a picture with him? His expression must have scared you, because you quickly backtracked. “F-for promo for this video, on Instagram and stuff!”
“Sure.” God, did he feel bad or what. He shouldn’t have made that face at you, now you wouldn’t look him in the eye. Crouching down to get the right angle for you, Sukuna watched you pick a cute animal filter.
“Just do what I do.” Throwing up a peace sign, you cutely tilted your head from side to side and smiled. Sukuna tried to do the same but he looked awkward, and most of all he was blushing pretty bad.
You snapped a multitude of pictures, some at different angles and some with different filters, and in all of them Sukuna was blushing at least a little. He managed to smile more as it went on, even laughing at one of the filters.
“Thanks! I’m going to post these really quick and then we can get started!” Giving him a brief smile, you turned back to your phone and set about editing some of the pictures. Looking over your shoulder, Sukuna could see that he looked like a blushing high schooler meeting their idol for the first time and not a grown man.
Once the photos were posted and you tagged him in everything, it was time to start. Setting up your marks on the floor, you took a generous drink of water and cleared your throat.
“Are you ready for the intro? I’ll start it and introduce you, okay?” You’d actually prepared a script for yourself, and showed Sukuna as well.
“Okay.” Stepping in front of the camera, Sukuna bristled at feeling you so close to him. Your arm brushed his casually as you were fixing your shirt, and Sukuna was glad he’d worn his most expensive cologne for this.
“Hi everyone, welcome to today's video! As you know, I’m (Y/N), and today we have a special guest today!” Throwing your arms in the air, you motioned to Sukuna.
“Hi.” He nodded, barely cracking a smile. He could feel you looking at him like you wanted to say something, but he didn’t look.
“So, many people have been asking for us to do a collaboration and it’s finally here!” Clapping your hands lightly, you rocked on your heels and nudged his shoulder with yours. “Do you want to tell them what we’ll be doing today?”
“Uh-” The playful nudge you’d given him was enough to make Sukuna short circuit. “I-I-” He suddenly couldn’t remember how to speak. “Rice?”
“Let’s try that again.” You laughed. “Do you want to tell them what we’ll be doing today?” This time, you didn’t nudge him with your shoulder.
“We’re gonna…” the words were on the tip of his tongue, they wanted to come out and be spoken but he couldn’t do it.
“It’s okay, it’s okay!” Nodding reassuringly, you took a deep breath in and out, and Sukuna shakily copied. “One more try?” When he looked at you, Sukuna expected to see a hint of annoyance in your face, but there was none. You were just smiling softly at him, waiting for his answer.
“Yeah. I’ll uh, I’ll get it next time.” Stepping away from the camera, Sukuna took a drink of water and cleared his throat. Cracking the bones in his neck, he took a deep breath and came back. “Let’s do it.” No more fucking embarrassments.
“Do you want to tell them what we’ll be doing today?” You asked for the third time, slightly swaying your body side to side this time.
“We’re gonna make katsudon today.” Finally, the words he wanted to say came out.
“That’s right! As you can see, Sukuna is really fit!” You immediately hopped in, giving his arm a brief squeeze. “And he knows how to make a ton of healthy meals!”
“So I asked if he could help teach me, and all of you at home, how to make it!” Smiling at the camera, you waited a few seconds before relaxing and turning it off. “Did you like that? We can refilm it if you want.”
“No, it’s okay.” Running a hand through his hair, he pointed to the bag of rice he’d brought. “Let’s get started on this shit.”
Taking fifteen minutes to film the two of you filling up the rice cooker, when it was over, you set about getting aesthetic shots of the other ingredients. Sukuna tried to seem casual off to the side on his phone, but he was really watching you.
Getting started on chopping the ingredients, Sukuna somehow managed to say the things he was supposed to without stuttering too badly. He was amazed that you could make the things he was doing sound so interesting, your narration as you held the camera and tried to do things yourself was impressive to the man that barely knew anything about cameras.
“Sukuna, I need help cutting the meat.” You whined, tapping the meat on the cutting board with a knife. “I don’t remember how you showed me.”
“Here.” Without thinking, Sukuan grabbed your hand with the knife in it and moved it for you. “You just have to move your wrist more, it’s not that hard.” Doing it a few times, when Sukuna felt your chest expand with air against his, that’s when he realized how close the two of you were. “S-sorry.” Immediately jumping back, he stared at the floor.
“Thanks!” Giving him a smile, you kept at it.
“I’ll fry the meat.” Stepping in as soon as you were done, Sukuna already had the hot oil ready. He was eager to cook and do something with his hands instead of - what he felt like - was awkwardly watching you off to the side.
“Okay!” Grabbing the camera, you focused on the pan. “You’re really good at this, Sukuna!”
“T-thanks.” Staring directly at the pan, Sukuna didn’t look away. Even with the hot oil popping up from the pan a few times and burning his fingers, he didn’t flinch at all.
“Ow!” But you did. Your hand had gotten too close, and when Sukuna flipped the meat, some of the oil had gotten on your hand.
“Shit.” Abandoning the pan, Sukuna was ready to drag you over to the sink for some cool water.
“I-it’s okay, it was only a little.” Shaking your stinging hand, you point to the food. “But I think the meat might burn.”
Narrowly avoiding disaster with the meat, when it came time to cook the eggs, you made a joke about how you liked your eggs in the morning and Sukuna burnt them almost immediately. While not an overtly sexual comment, the implications of the words still affected him.
Somehow, he managed to make the dish come together and while his plated dish didn’t come out the best, yours looked at least halfway decent with overcooked meat and burnt eggs. The only things not messed up were the rice and vegetables, and even then Sukuna was surprised.
“We did it everyone, we made katsudon!” Holding up the bowls, you smiled big and nudged Sukunas shoulder again. “You saw we had a few mishaps along the way, but that’s okay, that’s what made it fun.”
“Yeah, it was fun.” Sukuna chuckled. Despite him being more nervous than he’d ever thought possible, he had fun cooking alongside you.
“Sukuna, will you try mine? I made it super pretty and everything.” Holding your dish up to him, Sukuna wasn’t expecting you to do that. Now he felt bad that his looked so ugly and like a teenaged boy made it; he almost said no.
Eating yours though, somehow it tasted better than he was expecting. It must have been how you prepared it, and the fact that you cared so much about the presentation. Eating it in silence, he let you eat in peace as well for a few minutes and compliment the food to the camera.
“Alright, that’s the end of the video!” Putting your bowl down, you turned to Sukuna. “I had so much fun today, thanks for filming this with me.” Now was his chance to make everything better. Putting his bowl down and bolstering himself with confidence, Sukuna threw his arm over your shoulder and pulled you close to him.
“Thank you (Y/N), I really did enjoy today. I hope we can film again soon!” He squeezed your shoulder and smiled really big at not only you but the camera as well. He knew he was blushing, he knew that even the tip of his nose was a nice rosy shade, but he didn’t care. If people teased him for it, then so be it. But he wanted you to know how he truly felt.
“R-really? You want to?” You asked, looking up at Sukuna from your place smooshed against his body.
“Aww, well you heard it here first everyone! Sukuna wants to shoot another video with me!” Clapping your hands a few times, you waved at the camera. “Okay, bye everyone!”
“Bye.” Sukuna waved too, waiting a few seconds before letting you go and turning off the camera.
“Sukuna, did you really mean it? You want to film another video with me?” You were in utter disbelief. All this time, he’d just seemed very standoffish, if not a little awkward around you. You were happy to film this video with him, he had way more followers than you and it would help boost both your channels, and to hear him say that just made it even better.
“Yeah, I was serious.” Sukuna spoke around stuffing his mouth with the food he still had left. He was more hungry than he thought, the nerves doing a good job of twisting his stomach during the video. Now that it’s over, he can finally relax.
“That makes me really happy.” Eating the rest of your food as well, you leant against the counter. “This is gonna sound kind of mean, but I was really scared to film with you today. I thought you were going to be really mean.”
“Shit, you did?” He grimaced, letting out a sigh. “Sorry I had you worried.” He could already imagine the comments you would get from his fans.
“It’s okay! You’re actually way nicer in person, I was surprised!”
“That’s good.”
“And you’re really buff, you have muscles in places I didn’t even know were possible!” You laughed bashfully at that comment, and avoided looking at him when he stared at you in shock. “I couldn’t help but notice…”
Were you checking him out? Had you been checking him out this whole time and he didn’t even realize? He had seen you eyeing him up when you first met, but were you looking at him like that at other times as well? Now he’d really have to watch your video to see if it was true.
“Thanks, it’s my job.” Could he have said that any lamer? “My job outside of all this, I mean. I’m a trainer at this fancy gym downtown.”
“Oh, I’ve seen some of your videos at your gym! I know which one you’re talking about.”
“You do? You’ve seen my videos?” If he wasn’t surprised before, he was now.
“Yeah, you know I had to do a little research beforehand.” You nodded, beginning to clean up the dishes around you. “And I know you’ve already watched almost all of my videos, so it only seemed fair.”
Did you have to bring that up? Now Sukuna was embarrassed again.
“Y-yeah, I did.” Clearing his throat, Sukuna helped gather the dishes. He took up washing them, another task he could do to get his mind off you. As you took down the camera equipment, he nearly broke several dishes and utensils from scrubbing too hard.
“I’ll call you an Uber.” He said when all was said and done and you were back at the front of the building.
“You don’t have to, it’s okay.”
“No, I want to.” Quickly calling you a ride, Sukuna fiddled with his phone a little more. “Uh, could I- could I-” His voice kept leaving him, and he had to cough a few times. “Can I get your number? I really liked your camera shit and I want to improve mine.” Okay, it wasn’t a total lie. He did like your setup and wanted to make his just as good, but he really wanted your number to potentially talk to you more about things outside of Youtube.
“Sure! Go ahead and type it in.” You were quick to give him your phone, a cute pink phone case on the back of it. Typing it in, he can’t help but notice the little devil emoji you add by his name. He wants to ask, but your ride is already pulling up.
“Bye!” Setting all your camera gear inside the car, you turn and wave goodbye.
“See ya.” Just as you’re about to close the car door, Sukuna gets a burst of confidence. “Text me when you get home, okay?”
“Okay!” And off you go. Sukuna watches the car drive off until he can’t see it anymore. He takes his time getting to his own place, eagerly awaiting your message with every step. But even when you do message him, all he can do is send a thumbs up back and nothing else.
It’s about two and a half days after that that you text him again, letting him know you’re done editing and that you’re going to post the video soon. It wasn’t a very long video to begin with, so the editing was simple enough. Sukuna replied with what appeared to be a lackluster ‘can’t wait’, but on the inside he was shaking. He’d already screenshot all the pictures the two of you took together and added them to a folder.
“Here we go.” As soon as the video went live, Sukuna watched it. He was mortified as soon as it started at the blush so evident on his cheeks, and how it stayed throughout the whole thing. He groaned at the part where he helped you cut up the meat, he almost wishes you’d cut it out. Every little detail that made him embarrassed was there, every little nuance of his actions you’d managed to capture and make it cute.
(Y/N): How do you like it??
You texted him after twenty minutes, eager to hear his thoughts.
(Sukuna): it’s good, good editing and stuff
(Y/N): yay! I’m going to read comments in a few hours, you should too! I bet people will be really shocked!
(Sukuna): yeah no doubt
Oh, he was definitely going to read the comments. Whereas you were going to wait for a fair few to come in before commenting, Sukuna frequently refreshed the page and read the new ones as they came in. You were right, a lot of people were surprised, but he also saw a lot of his fans as well.
‘Ew Sukuna really cooked for that bitch? They can’t do it themselves?’
‘Yeah, why do they have to rely on him? Useless as fuck lol’
‘Sukuna only did this to get laid, (Y/N) looks like an easy fuck’
All of those comments, and many more, made his blood boil. Usually, he wouldn’t care at all about the comments, letting them fester in his comment section and spiral out of control. But for you, it was different.
‘Fuck off and die you pieces of shit. Leave (Y/N) alone or say it to my fucking face’
Sukuna sent that message, along with a variety of other threats, to all the people that insulted you. He didn’t care that this wasn’t his channel and that you would deal with it in whatever way you wanted to. He needed to defend you against the unwanted audience he’d brought you.
Luckily, after seeing Sukunas messages, all of his fans backed off. They knew how serious he was about his threats and there were many rumors that he actually did go and beat people up who said things he didn’t like. No one wanted to be on the receiving end of his torment.
With Sukunas name attached to the video and his heavy presence in the comment section, the video easily went viral. It was easily the most viewed video on your channel, getting on the trending pages of several different platforms.
(Sukuna): hey
It’s nearly a week after the first video that Sukuna messages you, and the hype is still going strong, and your follower count grows greatly from it.
(Y/N): hi! What’s up?
(Sukuna): do you want to film a video for my channel now? We can play a game, I have a few
(Y/N): sure that sounds fun!
Oh how wrong you were. The game Sukuna chose was a scary game, a shooter game with scary zombies and a lot of possible jumpscares. He doesn’t tell you either, so on the night of filming - he insisted on it being nighttime to get the full scary effect - you were caught off guard.
“I don’t know about this.” You whined once you saw the title. The two of you were video calling alongside playing the game together, and Sukuna’s eyes flicked to your figure on the screen.
“It’ll be okay, I’ll carry you, don’t worry.” He had started filming as soon as he’d set up the game, and you were filming yourself as well for him.
“You promise it won’t be too scary?”
“If it’s too scary just close your eyes and I’ll protect you.” Smiling softly at you, he started up the game. The beginning was fine, just a quick introduction to the game, but as soon as things started to get moving, you were scared.
“Sukuna a zombie is eating me!” You screamed, frantically pushing buttons in an attempt to get it off.
“It’s okay!” He quickly got rid of it, and made sure to stay close to your character as the story progressed.
“(Y/N) stay by me, there’s about to be a whole lot of them.”
“Close your eyes there’s about to be a jump scare here.”
“Don’t worry about getting that item, I’ll grab it for you!”
Sukuna nearly forgot he was being filmed, saying sweet things to you to help encourage you and make sure you weren’t overwhelmed. There were many parts where you screamed in fright and Sukuna was there to coo at you and tell you it was okay. He made sure that your character never died, making sure to keep you close until the end of the game.
“Sukuna, that was so hard!” Squishing your cheeks in your hands, you looked at him through your phone.
“It was fun though, wasn’t it? I had fun with you.” Completely abandoning the game, he stared down at his phone with a soft smile on his face.
“Yeah, when there weren’t so many zombies.” You stuck your tongue out at him, and it made him laugh. Leaning his head into his hand, Sukuna grinned when you yawned.
“Aw, are you tired? Better go to sleep soon.” His voice dropped to a lower volume, like you were right next to him.
“I will.” You yawned again and it made Sukuna yawn as well.
“Get off the phone and go to bed, you’re making me tired too.”
“Fine.” Whining out the word, you waved sleepily. “Goodnight Sukuna, I’ll send you the video files in the morning, okay?”
“Night.” Waving back, Sukuna waited until you hung up to turn his stuff off as well.
In the morning, Sukuna was ready to edit. What usually took him a week to edit out of laziness, he took only a day to edit this video with you together. Rewatching the footage, he nearly gagged at seeing how soft his face got when he looked at you, and most of those parts were left in because he couldn’t stand to watch them and fix them.
(Sukuna): videos up
The next day, he messaged you. Once again Sukuna patrolled the comments, swiftly deleting any that said even a hint of a bad thing about you. There was less this time, what with Sukuna adding a warning at the beginning of the video threatening anyone that talked down at you.
This video, like the first, went viral. But for a much different reason. Since Sukuna was emotionally unable to deal with how sappy he was and edit those parts out, everyone got to see how soft he was for you. If the comments weren’t mean, they were screaming about how you and Sukuna must be dating now, because why else would he look at you and talk to you like that?
And much to Sukuna’s dismay, there were also fancam edits of you two together. Any clippable moment of him being sweet on you in the videos you’d made together along with the photos you’d posted on Instagram were edited together and posted on Twitter. You both were tagged in every single one, making sure Sukuna saw all the videos of you and him together. He saved all of them too, delighting in the way you looked with him with all those pretty filters.
By the end of the day, people were trying to put a ship name together for the two of you and he’s seen you repost a few fancams with cute messages of thanks as well. Seeing you receptive to the fans screaming about the two of you made him happy, even if he was still too nervous to text you about anything outside of Youtube.
As more comments came in, people on Twitter were begging him to do a vlog with you. You had quite a few on your channel, going to cafes or filming what your day or week was like. Sukuna had watched them all and was jealous of every single person that appeared alongside you.
(Y/N): hey I’m doing a live on Instagram if you want to join me! I know people really like us together lol it’ll be great for views
(Sukuna): sure
Did you want him to join now? He’d just gotten out of the shower and thrown on a pair of sweats, he wasn’t exactly decent. But he didn’t want to waste time getting ready only for you to end the live.
“Hi Sukuna!” You smiled and waved when he appeared on the screen.
“Hey.” He waved back, not caring about the angle he was holding the camera in. He saw hearts begin to fill up the screen and comments started to fly by, almost all in caps about the fact he was shirtless talking to you.
“Guys, don’t be weird! Who cares that Sukuna is shirtless?” You tried to stop them, but it was clear you were flustered as well. You weren’t looking at him, peeking at him through the screen a few times.
“God you’re all thirsty as fuck.” Sukuna finally looked at himself on the screen. He was shirtless and in bed, hair slightly damp and tousled on his pillow. Reading a few comments, he shot up. “Of course I’m wearing pants, you nasty fuck!” Storming out of bed, he stood in front of the only mirror in his house that wasn’t in the bathroom and turned the camera around. “See, look!”
“Oh.” Gasping softly, you were glad Sukuna didn’t notice you screenshot the live. Clad in only gray sweatpants, Sukuna’s freshly cleaned skin gleamed in the light of his bedroom and every single muscle and edge of his body was on display.
“There, told you I wasn’t fucking naked.” Rolling his eyes, he flopped back down on the bed. None of the comments had gotten any better, all of them talking about how hot he was and how you were so lucky to know him in real life.
“L-let's talk about something else.” You stammered, not showing your face on camera for a few minutes. Sukuna laughed at the comments teasing you for being embarrassed, agreeing with some of them under his breath.
“So, what the fuck are you all doing here?” Sukuna posed the question at the chat, but at you as well.
“Well before you came everyone was talking about you...and you know how everyone has been begging for us to vlog?” You started off slowly, peeking an eye at his face.
“I wanted to call you to ask how you felt about that?” How he felt? Why did you want to know?
“You couldn’t have texted me that?” That wasn’t necessarily what he wanted to say, but it made you chuckle, so it was okay.
“No! I wanted to ask so everyone could know!”
“I don’t mind it.” If you wanted to vlog with him, he would do it in a heartbeat.
“So…” Worrying your lip, you looked off camera for a few seconds before looking directly at Sukuna. “Would you like to be in a vlog with me, at a cafe? It’s outside the city, kind of far, but we can rent a car or-”
“Yes.” Sukuna interrupted, nodding his head quickly. “I’ll come. We don’t have to rent a car, I’ll drive.”
“Really?” The comments were just as shocked as you were. Sukuna never filmed anywhere but his home and the gym, this would be a monumental occasion.
“Did you want me to say no?”
“No!” You screamed immediately, nearly dropping your phone. “I just- I wasn’t expecting you to say yes!”
“Well I did.” Sukuna bit his lip, running a hand through his hair and flexing his arm. “So I guess it’s a date, huh?” His normal asshole confidence was back now that you were appearing through a screen and not right next to him. A surprised sound came from the back of your throat, and you nearly dropped the phone again.
“Y-yeah! A date!” It felt good to have you flustered for once and not Sukuna. Laughing heartily at you, Sukuna smirked at the comments.
“Was that all you wanted to ask me or was there something more?”
“No, that was it!”
“Alright.” Licking his lip and letting his tongue hang out of his mouth a little, Sukuna watched you bite your lip as well. “Well I’m gonna go, I got stuff to do, but I’ll text you later (Y/N).” Dropping his voice as he said goodbye, Sukuna left the livestream.
“Holy fuck.” As soon as his phone was off, Sukuna let out a breath he’d been holding in. His heart was pounding hard despite how confident he was in his actions. Flirting was nothing new to him, but with you it felt different and like he’d never done it before in his life.
He watched the rest of your livestream while he finished getting ready for bed, laughing at the comments still teasing you about getting flustered with him. The notifications for Twitter were going off as well, and he knew for sure that there were new fancams for him to check out later.
(Y/N): Sukuna!! You’re so embarrassing!
Texting him after your stream, your cheeks were still burning at the memory.
(Sukuna): hey, you said it would be good for views and it was
(Y/N): I know…
(Y/N): did you really mean it, about coming with me?
(Sukuna): of course. If I didn’t want to I would have said no
(Y/N): that’s good lol!
There was a lull in conversation, and Sukuna nearly fell asleep waiting for you to either text him again or for him to figure out what to say next.
(Y/N): so, a date huh? Are you going to bring me flowers?
Now he was awake. He didn’t expect you to bring that up again, and his eyes flew open. Sukuna’s fingers hovered over the keyboard, mind going blank on what to say.
(Y/N): lol just kidding! I know you only said that for the stream! I’ll text you later about the details, I’m about to knock out
(Y/N): goodnight :)
Well shit. Now he definitely wanted it to be a date.
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idv-hc-center · 3 years
Damn, I remember when this blog was smol and new, now it has 200+ follows, big congrats!!
As for the request 👀 How about Victor and Mike poly? How they would ask s/o out and their overall relationship with them?
to be honest it wasn't that long ago,,,like i started writing on here 4 months ago? smth like that
and wooow me actually posting something instead of shitpost? wow
anyway i think i should take 2-3 day breaks between writing each request more often since i have a lot more ideas and they turn out much longer!
Mike and Victor were already in a relationship when you entered the manor
and, quickly, you grew notably close to both of them!
All three of you have fallen for each other, but the one to make the first move was Mike
He talked with Victor about confessing to you, and honestly, it took a lot of time to convince postman to confess
He was just too shy and too scared you would reject them, or even worse, reject only him but accept Mike's feelings!
He was an ordinary postman, so compared to a charismatic and funny acrobat, it wouldn't be so surprising you'd fall for only one of them
Mike comforted him with a soft smile, gently rubbing his back telling him, it's going to be okay as Victor finally agreed
but only if they would do it on his terms!
Victor wrote this long love letter explaining their feelings and how much they adored you
Mike was supposed to read it out to you
but when to it came to it..it went completely different
"Can we just ask them if they like us?" Mike asked, sitting next to Victor, who was currently focused on writing the letter
He shook his head as Mike let out a deep sigh before pulling him closer to him
"You never wrote a love letter for me." He pouted, but he was clearly saying it in a joking way
Victor just signed "I can write one for you if you want" and got back to work, ignoring Mike, who decided to pepper his face with kisses as a response
The poor postman put all his emotions in this letter, and he was honestly proud!
He thought he did a great job, but when they were about to confess, Mike just looked at the text and murmured
"Uh, there is a lot of words here. I think they are important, anyway, we both have fallen for you, and we want you to be our significant other"
It took everything out of Victor not to run away with Wick and never show again
He crafted the letter perfectly for Mike just to disregard it like that
While he was going through his own little breakdown, you were left flustered looking at both males
"Uh, that's nice to hear." you looked over at Victor, who was clearly looking distressed before looking back at Mike
"Can I read that?" you pointed at the letter in Mike's hands before he gave it to you
Then he noticed Victor, who went from distressed to sad to angry
And angry Victor is scary
Trying to avoid the risk of being bitten by Wick, Mike grabbed Victor's hand, but he wasn't getting out of this situation so easily
Oh no, and Victor was going to make sure of that!
While Mike and Victor had this silent argument, you read the letter
It was so thought through, that it made you even more blushed than acrobat's rushed confession
Not only he described his feelings, but he also described how he thought of you, basically complimenting you every other sentence
and you honestly didn't need all of that to agree to be in a relationship with them
It was a blessing they confessed to you first, and you were smiling as you pulled them into a hug breaking the tension between them
"I love you too" you said happily accepting their confession before leaving kisses on their lips
Victor and Mike were more than happy you accepted their feelings, but they had to have another serious conversation
Victor explained how Mike made him feel and after hearing that he wouldn't stop apologizing for another month
"I thought it would be funny, I'm so sorry I should've thought about that." he was saying between leaving kisses on his hands
Victor forgave him quite quickly, but he couldn't stop himself from jokingly saying how next time, Wick will take care of him
And to be honest, from that point your relationship with them is just pure joy and happiness!
Mike is very affectionate to both of you, kissing you constantly as well as calling you pet names
It got to the point when any time he says "Dear" or "Love" you and Victor just turn your heads around to look at him
He can sometimes be a bit overwhelming, but if you need a moment of silence, he will gladly quiet down
Victor, on the other hand, is very calm but as romantic as Mike
(after that complaint from Mike, he writes both of you love letters constantly and you cherish every single one of them)
(but if you ever try to say anything about what he wrote in them, he gets extremely flustered and tries to run away)
Also, Wick loves all three of you and sleeps with you on the same bed
Oh and Mike does that thing constantly to you and Victor where he will come up to you and start whining about how he hit his head on something only to then add
"I think if you'd kiss me, I would feel better" while theatrically fainting
Both of them try to communicate their feelings to you and each other to avoid any hurtful situations, and honestly, it's pretty sweet!
They will constantly ask you how are you feeling and if you want them to change or do something
They love you very much, even though they show it in really different ways
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cyncerity · 3 years
Mmmmm.,, thinking about how if Tubbo nommed Tommy and Tommy grew just enough in his stomach to make a little bump.,,
Ok when I asked for sizeshifter Tommy getting nommed prompts, you got the message. You understood the assignment completely, you genius anon. Funnier yet, I had the same thought about Tommy shifting while in someone earlier, so you’re pyscic and also very much pandering to what i like to write and it’s working very well.
tw: vore, cursing
Btw, I took my shitpost idea from this post and made it a full story
“Tubbo, no.” Tommy deadpanned at Tubbo, who looked back at him with puppy eyes. “Tubbo yes!! You actually studied for this and I didn’t and if I flunk another test my dads gonna kill me!” the shorter teen whined. Tommy pinched the bridge of his nose and let out an exasperated sigh. “Well then maybe you should’ve studied! I’m not gonna help you cheat this, I don’t even know how i would do that!”
Tubbo pouted and gave him a death glare that he ultimately couldn’t hold as long as Tommy could, so he sighed in defeat and started to get ready for school.
School went pretty well for Tommy. He’d been pestered about the test a few more times by Tubbo, but he ignored most of the advances. He was just walking from the class he’d taken the test in to his next class when he got a text from his best friend: ‘meet me in the storage closet by the caf.’ Huh. Odd. Nevertheless, Tommy shrugged and headed that way. Not like he had much else to do at the moment.
He soon stepped into the storage closet, the heavy door closing behind him and shutting him in almost complete darkness as he fumbled around looking for a light switch. He could hear things clattering around him, but every time he reached in the direction of the noise, more noise seemed to come from another direction. What was going on? “Tubbo?” Tommy whispered. “You in here, big man?” Tommy said, a bit louder. No response, except the noises. Tommy could feel himself start to shrink in a bit as his movements became more sporadic looking for the light. “Seriously man, this isn’t funny!!” Suddenly, a loud clap sounded from behind him, scaring him and accelerating the shrinking he had already subconsciously been doing as he shrieked, now a measly 3 inches tall.
Suddenly he felt himself be lifted off the ground as the lights finally came on. As soon as his eyes adjusted to the light, he looked up to see Tubbo holding him by his shirt collar, the heavy, large textbook that Tubbo had violently shut to make the clap noise now laying closed on the floor, looking smug with himself. Tommy glared daggers at him. “That was a low blow, Tubso.” “Of don’t be over dramatic,” the bigger teen smirked, “I’m just getting the help I need.” And with that, Tommy was tossed up into the air and quickly caught in Tubbo’s mouth. “Just what the hell do you think you’re doing!!” Tommy shouted as Tubbo’s tongue lapped at his face. He was unceremoniously pushed into the side of Tubbo’s cheek as he tried to respond. “You just took the test, I’m going in to take the test now, so you can at least help me get some answers.” “You little-“ Tommy tried to finish before he was cut off by a loud swallow.
Tommy felt his legs get pulled down into the tight muscles of the throat. He tried to punch at Tubbo’s tongue to get his friend to spit him out but he only heard Tubbo chuckle as the muscles pulled him down to his shoulders and eventually sucked him in completely. Tubbo left the storage closet once he couldn’t feel Tommy in his mouth anymore and made his way to class. Tommy landed in his stomach with a dull thud as he heard the storage room door close and felt Tubbo start walking. Great. Didn’t this asshole know he had school, too?
Tommy pouted and laid back one of the wet spongy walls and slid down, begrudgingly accepting defeat. Eventually he felt Tubbo sit down, and he heard the lecturer start to speak, before silence once again. Tubbo poked his stomach. Tommy kicked at the wall where he had been poked. “You can’t just eat me and expect me to help you. Prick.” Another poke from the outside. Tommy kicked again.
There was an annoyed scoff from outside and soon the small space Tommy was sitting in practically folded in on itself as Tubbo moved to sit with his knees pressed against his torso. “Oh, fuck off, you dickhead!” Tommy shouted. “I’ll give you the fuckin answers, Jesus, just let up!!” Tommy could practically hear Tubbos smug grin as he put his knees back down and sat normally. Tommy sat fuming, giving Tubbo the answers to the test, waiting for the signal tap that signified his giant friend was ready for the next answer. So as Tommy sat and mindlessly rattled off information, he thought about what he could do to get a little revenge for the impromptu nom session. It was hard to think of something good enough. He needed something that was funny, but inconvenient, and that he could do from the stomach he was stuck in. Something that would piss Tubbo off in a playful way, and nothing that would cause him pain, maybe a bit of discomfort…wait. That’s it, that would work, all he had to do was time it right. The logical and mature side of Tommy’s brain said it was a bad idea: he’d never tried shifting while in a person before. Well, that part of his brain could fuck off for all Tommy cared. He’d never listened to it anyways. ‘Oh, this is gonna be so funny…’
A half an hour later, Tubbo finished the test. He was pretty proud of his successful plan to get Tommy to help him cheat, and he couldn’t see himself getting caught. There was no physical evidence of it, and he knew that as annoyed as he knew Tommy was, his best friend wouldn’t rat him out. He even made sure to fill in some answers wrong, it was foolproof! Tubbo leaned back, feeling the minuscule weight inside him, and if he focused hard enough, could even feel Tommy breath. He’d never get tired of how weird that felt, no matter how many times he ate Tommy. It gave him a sort of peace. He felt kind of bad for practically forcing Tommy into sitting in his gut, but it was his fault in the first place! If Tommy hadn’t refused to help him, Tubbo wouldn’t have had to resort to this! And he knew that Tommy would try to reign hell on him for this, but for the moment, he put that thought aside. There wasn’t much revenge Tommy could do from his stomach.
Tubbo soon heard the bell ring. And as soon as he went to stand up, he felt something inside him move. No, not move, grow. Double, triple the size Tommy was when he was swallowed, bigger than anything he’d ever even try to get down his throat, and all within the span of a second. The sudden shock of the change mixed with the uneven and unfamiliar added weight in Tubbos body made him fall backwards with a yelp, landing on his ass and knocking over a chair in the process. He heard some kids laugh at him on their way out the door, and saw other just stare. He could feel his face get hotter from the embarrassment. He not only heard, but felt Tommy laugh at him, the shifters now louder voice making the stomach walls around him vibrate slightly. And, oh god, that was a weird feeling.
Tubbo clutched his gut for dear life as he tried to stand. He grabbed a nearby desk and pulled himself up, doing his best to steady himself. And as soon as he finally managed to get used to the weight, more was added. He felt his stomach stretch around Tommy, more weight being added, making him stumble a bit more before he elbowed himself in the stomach, pulled his hood over his head, and tried to walk as quickly as possible to anywhere private, ignoring Tommy’s laughing fit.
Ten minutes later, Tubbo found a private, hidden area under a set of outdoor steps near his school. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and put it up to his ear just to be sure that if anyone saw him, they wouldn’t think he was a crazy person talking to himself. “Just what the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Tubbo yelled, making Tommy laugh more. “Oh, you have no idea how much I would’ve paid to see the look on your face!” Tommy wheezed. “What did you do?” Tommy’s laughter died down as he tried to answer the question. “Well, I think that’s pretty obvious big man. I shifted.” “In me?!” “Well, yeah. Consider this payback for scaring me shitless and swallowing me without permission.”
Tubbo face palmed with his free hand and started to pace, feeling Tommy’s much larger form sway in his stomach and stretch it with every turn he made as he walked. “Ok, ok, fine I guess I deserved that. Just, why’d you have to do it in class? People were looking at me like I was an idiot. And how big are you even right now?” “Cause you are stupid,” Tommy answered part of the first question, but pondered the other. “I’d say a foot tall? Maybe a foot and a half?”
“A foot?!” “Yeah, that’s what I said. Listen, maybe.” “Alright, alright, ok, you’ve had your fun, now shrink so I can get you out of there and we can both go about our days.” Tubbo sighed. “No can do, big man.” Tommy replied simply, as if Tubbo were to have expected that answer. He didn’t. “Why the hell not?!” Tubbo yelled again, sitting on a step, to frustrated to keep pacing. “You put me in here in the first place. I’m now your responsibility, and you did this to yourself.” Tubbo felt a somewhat uncomfortable pressure on the front of his stomach and pulled up his shirt, partially horrified and partially amazed to see the front of his belly pushing forwards, slight imprints from under his skin. Tommy’s hands. Before Tubbo could even get a word out, Tommy finished: “Remember, I’m not stuck in here with you. You’re stuck out there with me.” The pressure released, and Tubbos abdomen went back to normal. Well, as normal as it could be. It still looked somewhat bloated for obvious reasons, the outline of Tommy practically indistinguishable from any other stuffed gut to everyone but Tubbo, but it wasn’t anything his hoodie couldn’t hide. Tubbo made it a point to stand up from the step quickly to try and jostle Tommy, but only succeeded in making himself feel a quick pit in his stomach, making him instinctually hunch over as it stretched downwards to accommodate Tommy’s weight. “Whatever. I’m done talking to you.” Tubbo replied sternly before walking off to his next class, which he was now horribly late for. “Sounds good, but I’m not quite done talking to you yet.” So the next 10 minutes was spent with Tubbo walking to class and Tommy rambling about increasingly bizarre topics in an attempt to irritate Tubbo, and with Tubbo unable to respond without being heard since he’d put his phone in his backpack like an idiot and now couldn’t reach it.
He walked into his next class 20 minutes late, and as quickly as possible made his way to his empty chair next to Ranboo, who started giving him weird looks a few minutes after he sat down. Tubbo gave him a weird look, and Ranboo looked back utterly confused and somewhat distraught looking. Tubbo shrugged and went back to his work, trying to pick up what the teacher was saying and drown out Tommy’s nonsense. Ranboo didn’t stop giving him weird glances though, and he seemed to be getting more and more anxious. Tubbo was about to ask him what was wrong when surprisingly Ranboo stood up and addressed the teacher. “Excuse me, I have a really bad headache. Like, it’s hard to concentrate and I’m seeing spots and it’s all around just really awful, can I go to the nurse, please?” He was given permission and was told to take someone with him, roughly grabbing Tubbo by the arm and practically dragging him out of the classroom as fast as possible.
At this point, Tubbo was worried. Ranboo was an introverted guy, there’s no way he’d draw that much attention to himself in class unless it was an emergency. He got even more worried when Ranboo dragged him past the nurses office and into a storage closet not dissimilar to the one Tubbo and Tommy had been in earlier. “Boo, are you alri-“ “Out of curiosity, where’s Tommy?” Ranboo interrupted. Tubbo froze. “Ummm…I don’t know, why do you ask?” He replied, trying not to sound as guilty as he was as Tommy, who had been silent since Ranboo had dragged Tubbo out of the classroom, mumbled to himself. Something about Tubbo being an asshole. “Oh, maybe because once you came in late and sat down I started hearing Tommy. Quiet, muffled, even, but I know his voice. That, and literally no one besides Tommy can talk about absolutely nothing for so long.” Tubbo heard Tommy let out an offended scoff and a “fuck you” at Ranboo, who apparently also heard it. “See, there it is again! You can hear him to, I know it. So where is he? I thought he was in your backpack, but you didn’t bring it with you to the ‘nurses office,’” Ranboo said, putting in air quotes, “so I don’t know where else I’d be able to hear him from.” Tubbo was left speechless again. Luckily for him, or actually rather unlucky, depending on how you look at it, Tommy was incapable of being left speechless. “In here, Ranboob!!” Tommy shouted, punching the front of the stomach walls, making Tubbo let out a hiss of pain as he punched himself in the stomach. Ranboo just stared blankly. “He’s…he’s in there?” Ranboo asked, pointing at Tubbo’s midsection. Tubbo sighed and nodded. Thank god he had to explain this to Ranboo and not some rando who didn’t know that he and Tommy did this regularly. “I thought that no one besides you could hear him when you ate him? I’ve never heard him from in there before.” “Probably because I’ve never been this big in a person before.” Tommy shouted in reply. “He’s a fucking foot tall, Ranboo. He’s making me miserable.” Tubbo deadpanned. “Just returning the favor!” Tommy shouted. “Ok, ok, wait, what happened, I’m so confused.” Ranboo questioned.
Tommy and Tubbo filled Ranboo in on what went down, who had his face in his hands by the end of the explanation, his thoughts clear to Tommy and Tubbo: ‘why do I have such idiot friends?’ “…ok,” Ranboo finally spoke out, “If anyone asks, I have a fever and you two, er, well, Tubbo helped me walk home. School ends in, like, 3 hours anyways, so it should be fine.” Tubbo and Tommy both seemed ok with that idea, so they went back to Tommy’s house, since Tommy’s family was at work, where Ranboo made both Tommy and Tubbo apologize for being assholes to each other, eventually convincing Tommy to shrink back down and finally give Tubbo a break. Tubbo didn’t spit him out though, and from the one sided conversation Ranboo was hearing, it seemed like Tommy was fine with that. Soon enough, all three were taking a nap.
At 2 o’clock, Phil got home, surprised to find the front door unlocked. He carefully made his way inside the house, looking for anything that could have been stolen or god forbid a thief still in the house. But nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Until he got to Tommy’s room, where he found Ranboo and Tubbo asleep on a backup comforter they kept around for the two when they slept over. Phil only had to wonder briefly where Tommy was, until his mind registered Tubbo’s hand, which was pressed protectively against his stomach. ‘Wait, shouldn’t they still be in school?’ Phil thought. But he took one look at the sleeping teens and decided he would chew them out later, turning of the light and closing the door.
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Caught {Kaminari Denki x Reader}
I am so mad at myself, I was just tryna organize my account after leaving tumblr for like 2 years and I deleted one of my best goddamn works instead a random shitpost - god fucking dammit, anyways I was able to save the original text so here it is - I'm an idiot
Also it's NSFW ya hornies
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Low grunts filled the room, the sound of slow and deep thrusts bouncing off the walls. You groaned into the pillow that you were holding onto, your teeth digging into the fabric as Kaminari slid his length in and out of you.
It had been weeks since the two of you had been able to be with one another, both of you going to different hero schools. So when you were finally able to spend time with him (after he snuck you in of course), he was quick to pull you into bed with him.
His soft kisses and playful teasing quickly turned into bruising kisses and soft nips until he had you on all fours and his hands on your hips. And now you were here, your arms having given out and grabbed his pillow for support. You needed to be quiet, after all, it was still barely noon.
You let out a muffled moan and your thighs twitched as Kaminari hit a specific spot in you.
“God, you feel so good (Y/N).” He whispered in your ear, his front pressed against his back. The new angle had your eyes rolling back and your toes curling.
Releasing your grip on the pillow, you glanced to your side at Kaminari. His forehead was beading with sweat and his eyes were screwed in concentration and pleasure.
“I c-could say the same ab-about you.” You stuttered between thrusts.
Kaminari smiled and opened his eyes to meet yours, a wonderful gaze of love tracked on your visage. “God, how was I so lucky to get a cutie like you?” Kaminari muttered, making you blush.
You moved to hide your face in the pillow again, only to have one of Kaminari’s hands move your face back towards him. “Come on now, don’t be so shy now.” He teased.
Of course, he’d tease you about your shyness. It was probably the one thing keeping your relationship with him from getting out. It’s not that you didn’t really love Kaminari it was just… you knew his friends could be rowdy, (hell your friends were nosy as hell when it came to your life, not that you were annoyed by it), and you weren’t sure if you could mentally or emotionally prepare yourself for that.
It just made you wonder what Kaminari saw in a quiet and shy girl like you in the first place.
You rolled your eyes at his comment, only to squeeze them shut as a particular thrust made your insides spasm around him again.
Kaminari let out a low and guttural moan as he felt your velvety walls grip onto him. “Shit (Y/N) if you do that again I might just cum.” He muttered, straightening back up and setting a fast and hard pace. His hands ran up and down your hips with a soft trail, making your heart flutter.
Your grip on the pillow tightened and your muffled whines increased in frequency and pitch as Kaminari set a hard and heavy pace, the sound of your hips meeting his making a satisfying smack bounce across the walls of his room.
Everything was going fine… that is until your ears perked up on the sounds out in the hall. It sounded like multiple people, one of them yelling over the other. You heard a distinct word that had to be some weird nickname for Kaminari.
You turned your head, your mouth opening to warn Kaminari of who might be coming in, but the door was quicker and opened before you could say anything.
Thankfully, your boyfriend was quick to react, grabbing the covers and pulling them over the two of you to shield at least your body from the intruders.
“What the fuck guys! Don’t you know how to knock!” Kaminari yelled at the door. He actually sounded mad.
Glancing over Kaminari’s arm that was shielding your form, you could see four people standing at the door. You immediately recognized them as his friend group (or as he lovingly called it, the Baku-squad), which consisted of the redhead Kirishima, the angry blond Bakugou, and always smiling Sero, and the gossiper Mina.
You had been having thoughts of meeting them for some time now… but this was not how you wanted it to go. At all.
Kirishima was the first to react. He closed his mouth, which had fallen open as he saw the display in front of him.
“Oh, shit um. So Kami-bro. We were just going to ask if you wanted to join us at the arcade… but it seems you’re already busy with something.”
“Or someone!” Sero spoke up, high fiving Mina.
You groaned and let your head fall down into the pillow, an embarrassed blush covering your cheeks.
“Oh shut up guys!” Kaminari yelled, grabbing a different pillow from his bed and chucking it at the door. Mina, the target, let out a yelp and shielded her body from the fluffy attack with her arms.
Bakugou rolled his eyes as he grabbed the door handle. “We’re leaving in 15 minutes. That should give you enough time to finish what you’re doing and come down here with your girlfriend you shitty Pikachu.”
And with that, he closed the door with a sharp snap. You could hear the others complaining, saying something about wanting to tease them more, but they were cut off with an array of explosions and angry cursing.
You and Kaminari didn’t move a muscle until their footsteps had completely faded.
When he finally deduced that the two of you were alone once again, he let his head fall on your back with a groan of utter embarrasement. “I’m so sorry (Y/N).” He muttered against your skin. “That was the worst way I could’ve introduced you to my friends.”
You smiled lovingly at the boy, rubbing his hand softly. “It’s not like you meant it to be like that. I don’t blame you or anything.” You could feel Kaminari’s lips pull into a small smile against your skin. He placed a small kiss on your shoulder, making you hum. “It sounded like your friend Bakugou wanted to meet me… even if he said it in a weird way… so we should probably get downstairs.”
You motioned to move out of the bed, but Kaminari’s grip on your hips stopped you. “Hold on (Y/n). He said we could finish what we were doing up here. You wanna?” He asked, rolling hips against you, making you moan quietly.
A bright blush covered your cheeks. You gave Kaminari a small nod, making him smile. “Awesome. I’ll make this quick. And then you can properly meet my friends.”
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shoyodon · 4 years
Reclined Seat Prank HCs
𝙐𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙟𝙞𝙢𝙖, 𝙊𝙞𝙠𝙖𝙬𝙖, 𝙆𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙮𝙖𝙢𝙖, 𝙆𝙪𝙧𝙤𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙚𝙖𝙩 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙏𝙞𝙠𝙏𝙤𝙠 𝙥𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙃𝘾𝙨
Warnings: Suggestive b/c Kuroo - what’d you expect, language
A/N: it’s 1AM heres a shitpost 
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You had seen this prank on Tiktok a couple of times, a girl picks up her boyfriend but the passenger seat is reclined all the way back and gets their reactions
Ushi does NOT know who Tiktok is or why his girlfriend finds him funny and he does not care
Honestly, you had no clue how he’d react, he didn’t ever respond to the majority of your cheesy pranks but maybe this would be the one
You had messaged him telling him after practice today you'd pick him up and the both of you could grab something to eat together to which he responded an “Okay 🙂”
Tendou is still teaching him how to use emojis leave him alone
You pull up, placing your phone down so that it records the passenger seat and you recline the seat. 
You pull out a tube of lipgloss and begin applying it in the camera as if you were using it as a mirror and Ushi comes up to the side of the door, knocking twice on it before he opened it.
He does that so you know its him and dont get startled 🥺
He gives you a short greeting, a ghost of a smile on his lips, climbing in
Bro literally just adjusts the seat correctly and puts his bag in the backseat
“Ushi..” “Yes, my love?”
You cant even be mad, the dude trusts you blindly, the thought of you cheating on him doesn’t even cross his mind
With a shrug you lock your phone, sparking normal conversation before pulling out to go get him a well deserved after practice dinner
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Okay THIS motherfucker. 
I feel like Oinks definitely has Tiktok, unlike Ushi, and he is the definition of straight Tiktok
HOWEVER I don't think he has a lot of couple Tiktoks on his FYP and if he does they're like the sitting in your partner's lap pranks, not something like this
Hes also like...7 years old so he probably does his own petty pranks but theyre ones he comes up with himself that he thinks are fucking hilarious like taking a million selfies, posting them on your instagram/snapchat stories until theyre like 10-15 minutes long and filling your storage with them
Oh this is well deserved
You set up your phone in a place that he wouldn't notice, and started recording
He runs to the car, opening the door quickly and tosses his bag in, getting in the car and literally fucking falls flat on his back
“Hey babe” 
“Yes tooru?”
“Who was in my seat?”
“Your seat?”
“MY seat who was in MY seat??”
No longer confused, just panicked
He sat up, leaning over the console looking you in the eyes, you can't tell if he's going to start crying or throw up
Not your intention to make him cry
Carefully explaining that it was a joke while he let out a loud, dramatic huff, placing his forehead on your shoulder
“I’m having heart palpitations”
“I'll pick up milk bread on the way home if you stop the dramatics…?”
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Bro he has 3 brain cells, one for you, volleyball, and milk
Why would you do this
He doesn’t know what the fuck a Tiktok is despite you repeatedly showing him videos or telling him to make an account
He is far too busy watching 10 hr long volleyball compilations
I also HC him as having boomer humor so even if you showed him a fucking FUNNY video, he’d be brain dead, absolutely. He doesn't get the appeal
 He laughs at the minion memes this is fact
You saw this and for whatever god forsaken reason wanted to do it on Kags, the most oblivious person on planet earth
It was like 3 AM and you told him you were coming to pick him up to go on a drive, which was normal for the two of you, it's one of the more peaceful moments in your chaotic lives 
He agreed, ofc, because babie is a huge softie for you. 
You pull up in your jammies, seat reclined and start recording
Kags comes out in sweats and a hoodie you gave him for your anniversary and opens the door, he notices the seat and gets in carefully
“Hey Y/n? Did you sleep in your car?” he asks quietly, turning to look at you, almost concerned.
“Did your parents kick you out or something? You know you can always stay with me..” baby starts rambling because he fr thinks you're living in your car for some reason
The whole concept of cheating doesn't exist to him, you are the one and only person in the world he has complete trust in, so naturally the only conclusion he could come up with was you being homeless
“No..Kags...I’m not sleeping in my car...it was a prank”
Cue explaining to him what the prank was
He doesn’t get it, why would pretending to cheat on your partner be funny
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You know exactly what I’m about to write
This motherfucker
Kuroo for sure has TikTok BUT WAIT
Its canon that Kuroo is just a cocky dork that knows how to shit talk
He would never be on straight or couple tiktok, he's on science/nerd Tiktok and deep Tiktok for sure, he sends the craziest shit to you.
So there is NO way he would know about this prank unless someone explicitly explained it to him
You told him you were going to pick him up for a lunch date since it was saturday and the two of you hadn't seen each other for a couple days
He agreed? Obv he is in ✨🌸love🌸✨with you 
You pull up, seat reclined, and set up your phone after shooting him an “i'm here” text
He runs out, pops the door open and looks in
Does NOT get in, instead, this cocky SOB leans down so you can see his face fully, hands resting on the roof of the car, shit eating grin on his face. “Is this you telling me you wanted a little something before we got lunch…? that'll ruin your appetite y'know..” 
Spit on him
Why didn't you see this coming
It did ruin your appetite
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smolfailure · 4 years
but it's only half shitposts and there are actual Thoughts in there.
You don't need to have read the comic to understand because I tried not to spoil anything major, but it'd help if you knew basic stuff about classpects, SBURB and the hemospectrum.
disclaimer: i'm not a good pixel artist and this is my first actual sprites ever so please be kind to my weird pixels
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The Kids:
tommy, tubbo and fundy one of the kids because they're the kids in dream smp canon (with fundy being son of wilbur)
techno's there because i want to make a dave strider reference (haha get it because techno's name is also da-- *gets shot) and also because they are both coolguys except instead of using irony, techno has adhd
The Trolls:
Wilbur Soohte (fuschia)
?????? Ehrret (violet)
J????? Shlatt (purple)
Nihacu Niikki (indigo)
Skeppy Diamon (cerulean)
Quacki Tthiey (teal)
Philza Myncra (jade)
Dreame Wastkn (lime disguising as olive)
George Notfou (gold)
Sapphe Nahfpe (bronze)
Badboy Haelow (burgundy)
don't come at me saying only females are allowed to be jades and fuschias; gender is fake and this is an au
more of the AU and the talksprites are under the cut:
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Lunar sway: Derse. Types in: Red
chaotic. the first person to be introduced.
when he gets introduced instead of the “Zoosmell Pooplord” bit, Tommy is initially going to be the name inputted but then backspaced it and decided that Tommyinnit was better and he was fuming until he’s named Tommy.
Gives me big Blood/Hope vibes. Blood because a lot of the conflict of the dream smp connected to someone breaking his trust or harming the things he cares about, Hope because a lot of the plot of the dream smp stems from Tommy starting shit based on his ideals and what he thinks is right.
the first to instigate fighting against the trolls
bbh contacts him once and tommy keeps cursing until he disconnects from frustration rip
wields Gunkind and his only strife weapon at the beginning is the Vlog gun. He has Gunkind as his strife specibus mainly because he looked up at schlatt and he imitates him.
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Lunar sway: Prospit. Types in: Orange
it was his idea to play SBURB but only through Dream.
he talks to dream the most among the other trolls fwt stans getcha juice this is the rosemary of the session
dream’s the one giving him exposition about the game so that’s how he knows how to play SBURB.
wilbur trolls fundy once and instantly adopts him.
“You’re my son.” “How does that even work??” “I was one of the people who created your universe. It’s basically the same thing.”
Fundy relents anyway.
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Lunar sway: Derse. Types in: Pink
dave strider but dead-inside voice + rose lalonde english major vibes
he slices the text box when you try to name him "Dave " like in
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techno gives me time player vibes (contantly on the move. his skyblock series, his “stays in the pit” monologue,) but also rage vibes (anarchy,  the “theseus” monologue, political alignment is Chaos) alas i am not sure what class
uses Tridentkind and claims "it came from god"
 it was dream, he accidentally transportalized one of wilbur’s weapon while he testing the transportalizer.
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Lunar sway: Prospit. Types in: Green
the jade harley of this session. the only thing keeping them from going apeshit. where would they be without him.
but also jade harley in a sense that he seems nice and wholesome but also don’t fuck with them they can mess you up
Heart/Life vibes??? someone good at classpecting help
i put them in prospit bc of the "tubbo third eye" instead of tubbo having a sixth sense or smth, they see the future from the clouds of skaia when they sleep
wields Stress-relieverKind at some point
bonus: everyone’s actual hair colors
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Ideas about the Trolls
no i haven’t done their sprites yet bc it would take so much time and i’m not even sure if people wanna see more of this au skjdkdsakdfkl,, but i have Design Ideas.
events of the dsmp revolution are just a FLARP session drawing parallels to how the homestuck trolls had a FLARP session that spoiler alert: destroyed friendships. dtrio, eret, will are involved. eret betrays will's faction and wilbur's still Bitter over that.
on the context of alternia (highbloods and lowbloods) lmanburg and dreamsmp have their roles SWAPPED.  the emancipation theme thing is completely gone since highbloods are in more power than the lowbloods (the dream team) . 
wilbur made a faction called l’manburg because he wants a place where he and his fellow highbloods could make drugs vibe.they take a piece of land that was owned by the dream team. in normal circumstances, they shouldve stood down because lowbloods aren't supposed to start shit with highbloods (especially a group of highbloods that has the alternian heir among them)  but dream turned it into an activism thing about lowblood rights. the story plays as close as possible without tommy or tubbo in it (which is pretty hard ik but this is the best can do).
like in the dreamsmp revolution, dream kinda let wilbur do what he wants but this time he has more reason to because he’s in a lower caste. dream really only fought back when wilbur announced that he’d be building lmanburg on their land and calling it theirs.
eret betrays wilbur by supporting the lowbloods and wilbur and co. technically won but only because he finally called the drones in, as a reference to how lmanburg absolutely got crushed by the dream team in the smp but technically won. l’manburg keeps the piece of land and the dream team scatter away to find a new home.
wilbur soot's a fuschia because a) he's in a position that has a lot of power, b) yknow how he wrote a song about squids and his thing with sally… yeah.
eret's a violet because nobility!! dream looks down on him because he's ambivalent on fighting for lowblood rights when he's in a power to do so "you just sit there, and you look pretty that's it"
also like eridan he has a minor aesthetic mutation (herobrine eyes) that won't classify him as a mutant.
jschlatt is purple because it makes sense thematically because of the gamzee parallels (a. substance abuse b. if you know what happens in act 6, you know this already but spoiler alert, he ruins the main protagonists' lives) also he's a funnyman he deserves the clown caste
 quackity's a teal because he’s a law student. moving on--
 ok but for real it also makes sense thematically because he's the one who wrote the thing that tricked schlatt into agreeing also he gets manipulated by schlatt which also draws parallels to certain events in the comic
skeppy and bbh are BEST FRIENDS despite being highblood and lowblood respectively. initially, skeppy just wanted to bother bbh but they grew to be good friends in time. y’know like how they actually becane friends :D
philza minecraft is a jade because dad friend. also works thematically, because spoiler alert he gets to murder a seadweller for going batshit crazy. 
he also god tiers early. he dies fighting his quick undead denizen (haha baby zombie) but the consorts of his land carry him to his quest bed because he’s treated them all so well.
dream was initially going to be another caste but then i realized that means i have to make his hoodie something other than green which is unacceptable so its a good thing the fact that he's a lime works out
dream was the one who thought of playing sgrub in the first place- initially only planned to have gogy, sap, and bbh in the session but then realized that they four won't be enough so he invited more into his session
he’s also the first to go godtier ez clap blind speedrun not sure what classpect tho
the only reason why dream avoided being culled at birth for being a limeblood is because his rng is That Good. he quickly picked up the fact that he’s not supposed to exist and masqueraded as an oliveblood and kept mostly to himself to avoid suspicion.
george is still colorblind but he has lazer eyes along with it instead. dream lives with him in the same hive since being a mutant means dream doesn’t get a lusus of his own (dnf fans getcha juice “and they were roommates”) 
despite living in the same hive, he never really figures out that dream is a limeblood. possibly because a) he’s colorblind and when he sees dream bleeding he just sees yellow b) he’s just that fucking oblivious and it’s so valid of him.
sapnap’s a bronzeblood mainly because i know he’s the instigator of the pet war with tommy also because i associate him with the color orang in my mind so bronze it is
that’s the end of this long-ass post!! if you have other ideas PLEASE i want to hear them. i don’t know the other streamers i mentioned in here very well so if you have ideas that would be fitting to them like with classpect or lunar sway that would be GREAT. 
the only thing i’m confident about in here are the kids’ lunar sways. i’m not an expert in classpects and homestuck lore so there’s that too!! i just wanted to make this post because adhd means that the idea wouldn’t shut up until i finished it. This initially started as a single shitpost edit of tommyinnit talksprite but then the hiveswap 2 trailer came out and that means i have to combine my two hyperfixations.
also i have ideas about potential quadrants but idk how much of that is breaking some streamers’ boundaries about shipping (even the non romantic quads such as kismesistude, morallegiance and auspisticism) so i decided not to include it.
edit: apparently people want more so i made a discord server as a place to brainstorm!! please pm me to join!
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
wap challenge.
synopsis: ‘WAP challenge’ versus our lovely boys.
# tags: headcanons; current relationships; aged up; romance; mild comedy and fluff; suggestive?
includes: female reader ft. hitoshi shinsou & you shindou {bnha} + eita semi & tobio kageyama {hq!!} + seijuurou mikoshiba & rin matsuoka {free!}
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↘ It was absolutely NOT YOUR idea to do this challenge. Mina was the initiator of it all, because she’s addicted to the TikTok app, plus she knows every trend that is currently taking place. Plus, she’s your bestie, so it’s super obvious that you’ll do a lot of (stupid) things with her to keep an eye on her silly ass. 
↘ UMMM, anyway. Also not gonna lie, but you liked to dance, so it was much easier to induce you this time, hehe.
↘ Therefore, a few trainings later, you could easily record the ‘WAP challenge’ and put it on the pink-haired teenager’s popular account. 
↘ Meanwhile, your lovely boyfriend was in the coffee bar with Denki. Unexpectedly, the latter got a notification on his phone. 
↘ (Of course, we all know that Kaminari is the second TikTok biggest fan and his content is something like ‘Top10 things I don’t like about Bakugo’.)
↘ Coming back to the topic, the blonde’s eyes automatically widened when he saw the video inserted into Mina’s account; he wasn’t surprised by the young girl’s idea and its general performance, but you... He totally didn’t expect it! After all, you were the complete opposite of a crazy pinky one and you were literally the voice of reason in your friendship.
↘ “Oh, God... Wow. You have to see this, Shinsou.” He laughed under his breath, then restarted the short video and turned the black phone to the boy who currently drinking colored bubble tea.
↘ Well. Needless to say, some cold tea flew out of his mouth and his both cheeks turned redder than Kirishima’s hair.
↘ Aaaand he got an boner.
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↘ That mf... Okay. 
↘ Listen to me.
↘ Honestly, you were never interested in having an account on this whole TikTok app, but you saw a tons YouTube videos of people dancing to an English-speaking female rapper’s song and you just found it as a fun and interesting activity (+ you really liked this lit song, so...).
↘That’s why, you pushed back the furniture in your own room, which was in the Ketsubutsu Academy dorm, and put on a music. The first three attempts were just learning the steps, but by the fourth time you were ready for the real dance, so you tied your hair in a high ponytail to make it more comfortable and corrected the top of your clothes.
↘ Absorbed in setting up the camera and playing the song at the right moment, you didn’t even notice when your boyfriend entered your room. Of course he wanted to say hi or just kiss your pretty face, but at the same moment you jumped up and lifted your leg, quickly dropping to your knees.
↘ Shindou’s eyes widened while he resting his arm against your bedroom white wall. He even bit his lip, feeling a pleasant tingling in the stomach and throat.
↘ To say that he was delighted is definitely not enough.
↘ And when you finished the dance with the split, your boyfriend was still silent... However there was a sound of clapping and mouth pecking throughout the room. Slightly frightened, you turned towards him, and your cheeks flushed deeply.
↘ “Well, well, well. I didn’t expect that, but... I’d love to see it again, babe.” He winked at you, and you quickly covered your red face with your hands, still sitting on the floor.
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↘ All of us know perfectly that Semi is... a very serious man. I mean, have you seen how much he gives while he playing volleyball and helping his lovely teammates? Eita takes many things seriously (both at school and in private life) hence his strong character and his frequent lack of playfulness when you both have a small talk.
↘ However, you still love him very much and you would do anything for this big baby boy to make him happy and make him feel loved and appreciated as your boyfriend, friend and also volleyball player.
↘ Anyway, you didn’t expect that one day he would come over to your house and your mother would let him in, saying that ‘as always, you are at your own bedroom, listening to music’.
↘ Eita also didn’t expect anything special that day; he just came to you to spend Saturday watching interesting anime, some movies, talking and possibly ordering a pizza at his treat, but then he opened the door to your room and literally at the same moment he saw that you swing your leg up, and after a while you get down on your both knees.
↘ Of course he was so shocked because, firstly, he didn’t expect you to dance, and secondly, he didn’t expect you to dance this kind of moves...
↘ The poor boy who always took everything around him seriously couldn’t absorb for the next few seconds the fact that some people do a lot of things for fun... not for awards and medals like him and his beloved team.
↘ Fortunately, he quickly shook his head and laughed a bit under his breath when you barely managed to do a splits.
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↘ The poor baby boy has his head high in the clouds and is only interested in the volleyball or matches, the milk in the carton from the school vending machine and you.
↘ Therefore, he’s not into the social media like Twitter, TikTok, Tumblr or YouTube. Sometimes he just steals your Spotify or Netflix account, but that’s all.
↘ Therefore, when one random day Hinata and Yamaguchi ran up to him with orange-head’s phone in his hand and a few seconds later asked if he had already seen the video with you in the lead role, the black-haired young man raised an eyebrow up, not understanding about what his two teammates talked at that moment.
↘ However, when after a short while he saw a dance video with loud music on the app on Shouyou’s phone, a small wrinkle appeared on his forehead and his mouth tightened into a narrow line.
↘ When the video was over, he thanked his besties, then took his own smartphone out of his pants pocket to search for your name in contacts. He quickly wrote you a short message, and as you read it, a huge blush appeared on your both cheeks.
↘ Tobi! | 14:23 ; Why didn’t you tell me that you dance? You’re pretty good at it. I’d like to see it privately. See you after classes :).
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↘ :D
↘ Let’s start with the fact that Seijuurou is definitely a social animal and knows a lot of phone apps (unlike Haikyuu boys, lmao).
↘ I mean, he knows perfectly well all Twitter or Tumblr jokes and general slang, his favorite app is probably Instagram, and the Urban Dictionary is his second home, his bestie. Not need to mention that you share Netflix together, you two also are on the same Discord channel, and on top of that, he makes a shitpost on his own Facebook profile.
↘ No wonder that one day when he caught you dancing to the Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion song, he immediately joined to you. As if dancing had been in his veins from the day he was born, almost like swimming.
↘ The young man literally took all your viewers off the account and all the beauty of the fame you worked hard while you putting your own content on the channel.
↘ ‘Well... I expected that.’
↘ After a few days, of course, you changed the main theme of your account and instead of creating it by yourself, you shared it with your beloved boyfriend (after all, you couldn’t refuse the fans and the red-head...).
↘ Now you put all kinds of videos and posts together, and the people on TikTok like both of you very much and consider you two to be the sweetest couple in the whole world.
↘ Camila and Shawn are nothing compared to you!
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↘ I think Rin would know what TikTok is, and also know that you have an account there, but he has never been more interested in it than necessary. 
↘ I mean, it might have existed, but he wouldn’t be interested in getting into the ‘world’ of any influencers and celebrities.
↘ Well. 
↘ The big boy was very busy with swimming and with planning your dates...
↘ So when he listened to music on YouTube one randomly evening and totally accidentally click a complication video with ‘WAP Challenge’ tiktoks, he was surprised that you showed up as one of the dancers.
↘ Your all movements were polished and super strong. You danced really great, better than Rin could ever have imagined. Dressed in black shorts and a gray top, you fit well with the sounds and voice of a female rapper, and as the cherry head knew English, his tongue automatically lick his lower lip.
↘ Hmm, I don’t think I need to add to this headcanon the fact that shortly after watching the short video with you about another 20 times, Rin put on his feet shoes and decided to go to your house.
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miyaniacs · 4 years
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Christmas Eve
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a/n: I wish you all of you who celebrate Christmas a Happy Christmas and I hope event this year was horrible, you all find at least a bit of joy and peace. If any of you needs to talk because they have to deal with some family or personal issues during this time, I'm here for you. At those how don't celebrate it: It isn't, besides Bokutos, really themed about religion, it’s just to hopefully make all of you laugh ❤️ 
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form: total shitpost
characters: Atsumu, Osamu, Sakusa, Oikawa, Kuroo, Bokuto x gn!reader
warnings: lowkey nsfw (just some suggestive stuff I’d say 16+), bdsm mentions (but in a funny way - there’s nothing really sexual), mentions of sex toys and Bokuto’s is just wholesome
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Let’s set the atmosphere okay?
The tree is lit up, the decorations are sparkling, all the other presents are illustrated by the lights on the tree, it’s dark outside, soft snowflakes can be seen, in the background you can hear some beautiful old Christmas songs being played
The little bell rings calling you in the room 
Yet, you prepared a small surprise too 
With you, his family is walks into the room 
They originally couldn’t make it in time and it was visible for you that this really saddened Atsumu - he’s used to spend Christmas Eve with his parents and his brother - playing silly card games, him and Osamu almost knocking over the tree etc
You all walked in saying a loud : SURPRISE 
Which turns into a loud scream as soon as they see Atsumu laying under the tree with a sexy present costume
it’s literally just a big red band wrapped around his body with the bow right over his thingy 
Head rested on his elbow, one of his legs swung over the other in a rather sexy way 
The screams of you and his family mix together with his screams 
The only one who was still able to think fast was Osamu - that’s why now a video of the whole thing is sending to the MSBY groupchat (also to the chat they got with their old Highschool team) 
While trying to escape the whole situation Atsumu got also caught in the tree
Now there’s a red fabric hanging in the tree and a naked Atsumu running upstairs 
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Osamu was stressed the whole time before Christmas 
He got so many jobs for some big companies to deliver his onigiri 
Besides that his shop was full af with all the friends that met up again due to them being back home during the holidays 
He was a mess 
So you managed all the household: cooking, cleaning, making sure he at least relaxed a bit, decorating etc
You’ve barley seen him anyways
Fast forward to Christmas Eve:
You received an emergency call from Atsumu, so you’re on your way to his, mentally cursing him since you still have to make the last preparations for tonight
At his - it was just some : how do I clean this or that emergency 
Annoyed af you make your way back home
Unlocking the door, you’re greeted with some ‘all I want for Christmas’ and the apartment being all dark, just illuminated with the sparkling Christmas lights 
“Osamu?” You call out for him walking through the apartment, the music getting louder and louder 
Opening the door to your living room, you’re greeted with the sight of Osamu, dressed in a sexy butler costume, his torso completely revealed, and a bow around his neck 
“Sit down my love.” He says and pulls out one of the chairs for you 
You sit down and look over the beautiful decorated table, filled with all kinds of mouth watering food
Looking back at him, your eyes rest on his toned chest “Was... was this all planned?” 
“Yes, I thought I’d give you something back for all your support the past weeks”  he smiles and leans down to give you a kiss 
“Then I’ve been a bitch to Atsumu for no reason..” you mutter 
“ There’s always a reason to be a bitch towards him” he laughs, “now, my dear - what can I serve you?” He bows
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You in a maid uniform with lots of cleaning utensils that are sex toys Dom reader like 
As soon as Sakusa enters his home on Christmas Eve, a big black fabric is pulled over his head and he’s dragged into the living room and pushed onto a chair
“Only good guys get presents right?” You say teasingly  and your hands run over his chest , starting to unbutton his shirt 
Slowly you pull the blindfold off his head
His eyes widen, then darken and then he looks at you with an eyeroll 
“Are you serious right now?” He huffs
You’re wearing a sexy maid costume, the feather duster in one hand and the other one placed on your hip 
“Nahhhhh - dirty boys aren’t allowed to talk.” You lean forward and place your finger on his lips, “how are we supposed to celebrate and enjoy Christmas when we’re both not clean?” 
Leaning to the right you grab a bottle tilted “Mr Clean - hand sanitizer” rubbing it on your hands, you walk behind him and start massaging his shoulders with the body oil. 
After that, you walk back around him and bend down, the skirt moving upwards, exposing everything to him 
“You’re pretty clean now, but could you help me cleaning myself?” You ask and hand him a little present. 
Unwrapping it, he rolls his eyes yet s smirk appears on his face 
“For the really stubborn ones” he reads out looking at the lube in his hands 
You look at him innocently “Yes,..., we can’t let any dirty germs touch our preciously wrapped gifts, can we?” 
He nods in response and gets up, walking over to you
“No, no we can’t... let’s get you all cleaned up now ... shall we?” He asks in a husky voice and throws you over his shoulder carrying you to the bedroom 
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Getting tied up he’s exited a male dom getting into the room destroying 90% of his closet while degrading him and his style => presents a whole new closet from you and his friends and family 
His clothes are horrible 
Besides sports wear his taste is ... a whole catastrophe
so together with his friends you planned a surprise for him
Oikawa knew something was up- but he expected a different kind of surprise- he hoped you’d be his present tonight and that you’d strip for him, since he’s basically begging you to do so the past weeks
When it rings on his door that evening, he opens the door fully expecting to see you standing there 
Quickly his smile drops when he’s got pushed back inside by a man wearing a leather mask 
“Go to your closet.” He demands and makes the whip in his hand more visible 
With a small Wimper oikawa hurries to the room
The man towers over him 
“Open” he underlines his words with a loud whip and oikawa does as he’s told to 
“Now put all your clothes in this here!” He throws a black plastic back to oikawas feet 
“Strip and put them into it to.” Another whip echos through the room and oikawa whimpers again, eyes wide open and he slowly begins to pull off his hoodie 
“Now put this on!” He hands him a collar with a leash on it
Grabbing the black bag and the leash he drags oikawa back to the front door
“Wait wait - what are you doing !!” He finally complains 
The man stops and takes out a gag and quickly fixes it around oikawas head
“MH- MHHHH HHMMM” he cries out
Opening the front door, the man drags Oikawa outside where a few people are already waiting, filming the whole thing
“Here.” The man throws the bag to the ground and hands you the lash 
“Have fun.” 
“Y/N MHLNG Y/N!” Oikawa ‘says’ shocked
“You didn’t listen to us ... so we had to force you.” Iwaizumi says, standing next to you
“Your clothes were horrible.” Mattsun complains 
“New ones are already laying under the tree , love.” You smile and pat his head, the leash still in your hand 
“Well... have fun with him - I think we should go now.” Iwaizumi laughs
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Yes. Yes Bokuto still believes in the Christkind (just look it up - the translation is so ugly so I’m using the German word)
And it’s way too precious so non of you ever told him the truth 
So here you are, getting dressed, putting on a white loose dress, white wings, soft golden eyeshadow and curling your hair / putting on a blond wig
Akaashi, Kenma and Kuroo - who will celebrate Christmas with you two - enter the house, together with Bokuto 
Kuroo is talking EXTRA loud to make sure you hear them coming back 
“Huh? Why is there light in the living room?- Y/N shouldn’t be home by now.”  You hear Bokuto ask confused 
Grabbing the small bell, you take a quick glance into the mirror and ring it 
“A BELL??? OMG AKAAAAAAASSSHHHIIIIIII IS IT - OMG OMG OMGGGG!“ Bokuto screams and runs to the room 
Opening the door his eyes lay on you, the angel standing next to the tree, about to place a small gift under the tree, ready to ‘leave’ again 
Bokutos eyes shine like the stars, his mouth wide open, whole body shaking 
“You ... you ... you’re real!?!” He mutters 
‘Shocked’ you spin around, the gift still in your hands and look at him 
You smile softly and walk towards him 
Your hand takes his and you place the gift in his hand, get on your tip toes about to give him a small kiss on his cheek, but he moves away
“No, I’m sorry, but I got a beautiful s/o.” Your heart melts at his words, the real angel in this room truly is Bokuto himself 
You smile and look at Akaashi, telling him to distract Bokuto so you can leave again - which he does 
A few minutes later you open the front door, dressed as usual 
“OMG Y/N - YOU WON’T BELIEVE IT!!! THE CHRISTKIND WAS HERE !!!! HERE AND IT GAVE ME THIS PRESENT!!!! ITS A PICTURE OF US ON OUR FIRST DATE!!” He rushes over to you and shoved the framed picture into your face
“I’m sorry Bo” you mutter and give him a quick kiss 
“But ... I have to admit ... besides all their beauty, you’re way prettier than them... I can’t call you angle anymore knowing that your beauty outshines them.” A soft smile forms on his lips and you feel tears forming in your eyes. 
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Kuroo saw your google history 
He saw that you kept on looking for videos of a sex swing and how it works etc
So he knew the perfect present for you for Christmas 
On the box it only said Swing - red, silk
So no biggie 
Well... your parents invited themselves over to yours for Christmas Eve. 
Together with your little cousin
Before it comes to opening up the gifts, traditionally you had dinner first. 
Michale Buble was playing, your parents and his dad ( who got invited by your parents ) already had too much to wine, your little cousin bouncing on the chair, waiting to finally  open up the presents. 
If Kuroo knew, that your family’s would come, he wouldn’t even placed the swing under the tree, but they just appeared on your door with food and presents 
So now - the swing was the biggest present 
“Y/n... Y/NNNNNN” your little cousin asks you while already sitting under the tree eying all the presents
“Yes?” You laugh
“Can I open your presents????” She asks
“Sure.” You smile, knowing how much she loves opening them 
Next to you, Kuroo’s heart stops, cold sweat running down his neck 
Your cousin hands you the two small presents on top of the big one
“Here I just want to open the big one” 
“Are those yours?” You ask and look at Kuroo, who just nods
“Babe... what’s wrong?” You ask him, but before he could answer, the ripping sound of the wrapping paper is heard 
(Insert : oh no- Oh NO - OH NONONONOOO)
Your eyes widen.
All blood  leaves yours and Kuroos face 
Your mum takes a big sip out of her glass
Your dad glares at Kuroo 
His dad looks ashamed at Kuroo 
While your cousin opens the package and fiddles with the red silky stuff 
“At least the color fits in the room.” Your mum laughs taking another sip of her wine 
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tagging: @kenmasgameboy
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luminescentauthor · 4 years
random fun RatLD hcs
you came here for RatLD shitposts and that’s what you’re gonna get!
I refuse to post about this movie without acknowledging the cultural significance of the first SEA disney princess and I will continue to do so until people on this website start remembering that this movie is about amazing cultures and trust and overall a WHOLE lot more than just the sapphics (as great as they are.)
anyway, so, headcanon time, my dudes!
The Next Adventure
Talon is a total mess after everyone gets un-stoned. (Ok so just for posterity, my marvel fan brain just went “un-snapped” on instinct and I hate it here.) The two chiefs are fighting for control, and Noi, being a baby, is not really in a position to help (unlike Raya, Naamari, and Tong.)
As such, the crew has to go undercover in Talon to try and, you know, stop the chiefs from destroying their people with their infighting. Tong insists on coming. Naamari happened to be in Heart and gets dragged along by Sisu and Raya, complaining the whole time, but everyone knows she doesn’t mean it. Boun also shows up and exactly no one is surprised.
During this misadventure, Noi’s mother names Tong as Noi’s godfather/honorary uncle/whatever, undercover Naamari and Raya go “noooooo, we’re not the princesses of Fang and Heart, what on earth are you talking about???” on at least five separate occasions, and the crew discovers that Noi inherited her sticky fingers from her very clever mother. She’s basically a grade-A spy and thief but she’s also just like, genuinely a very nice woman.
Raya and Naamari take a long time literally just figuring things out and reconstructing their friendship, because really, as much as I love sapphics, there’s also a whole lot of messy there, and because these are my headcanons, they work out their problems and have a healthy friendship for a couple years before any romance happens, because that’s how Real Life works and I don’t believe in ignoring those Pretty Important Things in fiction.
They do eventually start a relationship, but they take their time. A bit into it, Benja accidentally mentions that Raya told him she liked Naamari when they met. Naamari’s like “ha you did?” and Raya goes “BA NO.” Then Virana immediately says “oh yes, Naamari also liked her, she didn’t stop crying because she thought Raya turned to stone for like three days” and Raya goes “you did, hmm???” while Naamari turns bright red.
Before they start dating, as their feelings grow, they start calling each other “dep la” more and more and everyone is just kinda of like “oh my GOD just date already???”
Eventually Raya and Naamari get married and become the leaders of Kumandra. No I Won’t Change My Mind.
Unification of Kumandra
The unification of Kumandra felt a bit shoehorned, and I suspect the nations aren't united under one leader(s): it's more that they're now becoming close-knit again. Perhaps they have a meeting council of all their leaders that makes decisions that affect the whole land, otherwise that probably becomes a thing at some point.
When Kumandra eventually becomes totally unified, the capital of Heart (which I believe is on the island we see on the map of Kumandra) eventually becomes the capital. It still has five provinces/states, though.
Fang and Heart
Heart and Fang help each other out a lot with recovering from the “most of our people got turned into the statues” stuff. Heart has more resources, but most of its people have been stone for 6 years. So the two states/countries are both capable of different things.
Of all the kingdoms, Heart and Fang have the most to rebuild: Fang’s only standing city was destroyed in the finale of the movie, while Heart has been growing over for six years. Sure, Spine’s been stone for a while, and some of Talon’s docks and water ships and whatnot collapsed when the water vanished, but it’s still significantly easier to repair than “six years of overgrowth and rot and rust” or “literally the ground collapsed underneath us and wow um I don’t think that’s reparable.” So they really team up to fix it, and the others help them a lot.
The actual leaders stay in their capitals to lead until things have calmed down a WHOLE lot, so Raya and Naamari travel around Kumandra on their parents’ behalf a lot, and wind up going between Fang and Heart a lot to establish diplomatic relations and also to help with rebuilding.
Over this period, and while doing diplomatic meetings later on, Virana and Benja come to realize that the other person is actual quite decent. There’s some mess and distrust because of Virana’s thing with the Dragon Gem, but it eventually gets worked out. (Virana’s reaction is “yes that’s fair. In my defense, I was trying to do what I thought was right for my people, who were starving, but Yes, That’s Fair.” Benja’s reaction is “honestly if your people were starving from famine and you thought the Gem would help, that makes more sense.”) After a while, they become pretty good friends.
And suddenly Raya and Naamari regret everything. See, Naamari mentioned that both parents make terrible jokes. The girls are Suffering. Help them.
Sisu loves the bad jokes. Sisu also makes bad jokes. Raya and Naamari are silently dying.
It’s silly, but I like the idea that 3-4 years down the line, Virana and Benja consider getting married just for political reasons (alliance and all that) (they’re not actually interested in each other, it’s just practicality) and Naamari and Raya, who are not dating but are definitely in deep for each other at this point, are immediately like “NO. NO. DO NOT MAKE MY CRUSH MY STEPSISTER. DO NOT.”
Virana and Benja (mostly Benja) tease them by “considering” it for a bit longer, but they don’t, since they talked about it and both kids are uncomfortable with it. (”They like each other, don’t they?” Virana asks dryly. “Ohhh yeah,” Benja replies.)
Music? Music!
I was listening to a youtube mix this morning and “Too Far Gone” by Hidden Citizens popped up and it just reminded me of Raya’s attitude towards Kumandra at the start of the movie. Also it’s just a beautiful song.
“Knife in my Back” by Alec Benjamin is Raya @ Naamari before they figured things out, change my mind.
Other Stuff!
We can guess based off how long it took the crew to get from Tail to Fang even with side adventures (I think it was 3-4 days max, I wasn't totally paying attention) that one can navigate from one end of the river to the other within a couple days even in a boat like Boun's, and the royal families probably have even faster modes of transportation. (I.e. Naamari got from Tail to Fang in a couple days, then to Spine, then beat the crew back to Fang. On land.) Therefore, unlike I was originally thinking, it's actually totally realistic for the crew to be visiting each other once or twice a month.
It's even more realistic for Naamari to crash Raya's place on a weekly basis, since that's probably like six hours on cat at max.
I don't know what the cats are, so I will be calling them saber-cats until someone corrects me.
Wait I think I fixed it. Crisis averted! Sorry about that.
Because Naamari is in Heart half the time, Virana visits quite frequently too. It’s not a long trip, anyway.
Virana is not straight (haircut) but I can’t decide if she’s a lesbian or what. She doesn’t have a spouse and never did. Only those Virana closely trusts know who Naamari’s dad is. Naamari does know and she’s met him, because Virana figured she had a right to. He and Virana never had a relationship, Virana just sort of needed an heir and a trusted personal friend offered to father the kid.
Tong’s wife is a total badass and instantly fits in with the crew. She and Noi’s mother quickly become very close friends.
Noi and Tong’s kid also immediately get along. As in, they constantly throw things at each other while giggling madly and both love the Ongis, and -- are they whispering to each other in that corner?? They might be conspiring to take over the world. Who knows.
Noi learns how to talk and becomes about 5 times more chaotic. Everyone is Regret (except Tong.)
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jean-kayak · 4 years
Chapter 1
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Summary: A relaxing summer at home after your second year of college sounds nice, until someone comes back and makes it anything but
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x black!fem!reader
Chapter Warnings: cursing, a lot of sexual tension lmao
Word Count: 2139
A/N: Alright, here it is! I’ve been working on this for a while now, if you’ve been following my shitposts, and I’ve been really nervous to post it, so I would like to thank @styxtm​ for reading this chapter and giving me the confidence to post it! Hope you guys like it!
Tags: @her-majesty-kiara, @germfart3​, @styxtm​, @iwascrybaby​​
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Chapter summary: Someone you’d never thought you’d see again literally walks back into your life
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"When are you gonna be done? It's hot as fuck out here," you complain, waving a hand in front of your face, but it doesn't anything to cool you down, instead spreading the humid, sticky air across your face.
You hear Jean groan as you set down the tray of nails you have in your hands on the ground, throwing your hair up in a bun, getting the curls off of your neck. "Stop complaining. It's not even that bad."
"You chose to build a storage unit during one of the hottest days so far in the summer," you respond, and he just chuckles as he blindly holds his hand out. You pick through the different pieces, finding the one he needs before dropping it into his hand.
"My mom wanted it built, and my stepdad's been too busy, so I offered to do it."
"You offered to do it. I just came over here to hang out," you say, sighing heavily as you rest a hand on your hip.
You've been best friends with Jean since you were kids, growing up in the same neighborhood, literally living right next to each other, and when you graduated high school, you both ended up going to different colleges.
You had decided to stay on your college campus for the summer after your freshman, not ready to go back home yet. Now your sophomore year of college is over, and both you and Jean ended up coming back home to do who knows what, but ever since you both have come back, you've either been over his house or vice versa.
Both of your parents always joked about how it seemed like you two were separated at birth, constantly attached at the hip, and sometimes it really does feel like he's a brother to you. He was always there for you when your other friends weren't, and since you were an only child, he saved you multiples from boredom due to not having anyone to spend time with.
"I'm almost done, I just need you to help me hold this last wall." You walk over to where he's standing, resting your back against the wall as he screws in the last few nails. "Okay, I think that's it," he says, and you both walk back as you take in the new building.
You both tilt your head, the building finally seeming to stand upright. "How'd you manage to make it slanted?" you ask, and Jean sighs as he lets his head fall back in annoyance.
"I don't know," he says, looking through the instructions, and you look to your left as you scoff lightly.
"Well, those look like the foundation pieces," you comment, pointing to the plates that the building is supposed to be on top of. "You did good though, I just don't know how long the building will last."
"Whatever, I'm done. It's hot," he sighs and you bristle as you both start walking towards his house.
"Says the one who said it wasn't even that bad," you argue, and he waves you off.
"That's because the clouds were providing shade." You huff lightly at his weak counter.
"Yeah, okay." Your body nearly goes limp as you feel the cool air wrap around your body when you step into the house, Jean sliding the patio door closed, cutting off the stifling heat. You plop down on the loveseat, sinking down into the plush leather as it cools your heated skin.
"Heads up." You open your eyes in time to see Jean throwing you a bottle of water, and you catch it easily, opening it as he sits down on the couch. "What else are you planning on doing this summer?"
You shrug lazily. "I don't know. Party?" you try, and he raises an eyebrow at you.
"You want to spend the whole summer partying?"
"There's nothing else to do, and Ymir always finds the best parties." You had been friends with her since high school and by your senior year, you were joining her at a different party almost every other weekend. You wouldn't really say it was the best time of your life, but it definitely gave you a distraction from the current dilemma you were having at the time. "Pretty sure there'll be one soon since everyone's coming back. Unless you have any better ideas."
"I guess I'll go to a few, but I don't--"
The sound of the front door opening and an awfully familiar voice cuts Jean off. "Damn, it feels good in here." The dilemma walks into the living room, stopping when he sees you and Jean. "Oh, shit, what're you doing here?"
"At my house? I could ask you the same thing," Jean shoots back at his brother, and you feel a strong urge to leave, running back to your own house. "I thought you were staying in that city, why are you here, Eren?"
Eren fucking Jaeger. The stubborn dilemma you had to deal with all of your life, but it especially got worse to deal with once you got to high school. Probably the textbook definition of a bad boy, the sleeves of tattoos you can see on his arms and the piercings solidify it.
Oh, and he's also your best friend's older step-brother.
He shrugs. "Dunno. Guess I just wanted to come back, glad I did though." You look away when you see him smirk, knowing that last bit was geared towards you.
You stand up quickly, drinking some water in hopes that it hides your nerves well. "I'm starving. You got any food?" you ask Jean as you walk towards the kitchen, purposefully walking the long way so that you don't have to go anywhere near him.
"I don't know, you can look," he calls after you, and you can feel Eren's eyes on you as you walk, suddenly feeling very naked in your shorts and cropped tank top.
When you're in the safety of the kitchen and you hear the conversation between the siblings start, you sigh heavily as you rest your head against the counter. Of course, it would be just your fucking luck that he would come back.
You groan softly in frustration as you lift your head up and grab an orange, peeling it a little more aggressively than you should as you hop onto the counter. You huff slightly as you put a slice into your mouth. This is a total wreck in your plans.
To anyone else, it wouldn't seem like a big deal, but your history with Eren isn't the greatest. Maybe starting with the fact that you started to have a crush on him which ended up only blossoming once you got to high school. And the worst part was that everyone knew it. You know they did, but it's not like you were discreet about it.
You were just a naive teenager that was stupid enough to fall? Maybe not fall for him, but you definitely were stupid enough to think that he could possibly be into you.
Your inner turmoil is only fueled when he walks into the kitchen, you failing to notice that the conversation had stopped. You look down at your legs, swinging them as you continue to eat the orange, trying to focus on anything but the suffocating awkward tension in the room.
You can see him lean against the counter across from the one your sitting on, crossing his foot over his ankle. When you find yourself staring at his thighs and how tight his shorts are, you quickly look away. "So, how ya been?" he asks, and you find yourself rolling your eyes at his poor attempt to make small talk.
"Good," you answer, not even looking up, patting a simple rhythm on your thigh, his strong gaze on you making you feel some type of way. "College was fun," you add.
You hear him chuckle softly. "Yeah? Looks like it treated you really good."
You feel your face flush warm as you look up, and you hate your body still reacts the same way it did years back. It's your turn to take him in, and you bite your lip hesitantly, noticing that college treated him very well.
He does more than fill out his clothes, they're practically like a second skin the way they stretch out over his body. Your eyes trail over his inked arms, trying to make out everything that you can see. He's grown his hair out, it's longer now, opting for putting his hair up in a high bun, the silver piercings shining in the light when he turns his head slightly. Your eyes catch the simple gold chain around his neck, and you realize that you've been staring for too long.
"So, what are you doing here?" you ask, and you're genuinely asking because according to Jean, he wasn't supposed to be here, and you thought this summer was going to be smooth sailing.
"A little birdie told me that you were here, so..." he trails off with a shrug, and you squint your eyes at him.
"So, you came back just for me?"
"What if I told you I did?" You scoff as you toss the orange peel in the trashcan, putting the last two slices in your mouth.
"I would tell you," you start, finishing the slices. "That you're ridiculous." He hums as he smiles at you, moving away from the counter, standing in front of you.
"So, what's the deal with you and my brother anyway?" he questions suddenly, and you shake your head slowly.
"You mean like if I like him or something?" You scoff. "He's my best friend, and he's into someone else anyway."
He nods, his eyebrows creasing as he thinks. "Oh, yeah. That Mikasa chick, right? She's kinda hot."
"What do you want, Eren?" Now you're getting annoyed, and you hate how you feel that tiny fire of jealousy burning in your chest at his comment. He moves closer to you, and you don't even realize that your legs spread to fit his frame.
"There's a lot of things I want," he answers, resting his hands dangerously close to your thighs on the counter.
"Is one of those things to annoy the hell out of me?" you joke, and he chuckles as he nods his head.
"Maybe. That's one."
"A lot of people don't get what they want."
You feel your breathing hitch when he leans in closer to you, close enough that you can feel his breath fanning over your face. "I got all summer to get what I want."
You gulp harshly as you find it difficult to tear your eyes away from his. "What is it?" you ask, your voice a lot more airy than you want it to be.
He tilts his head to the side like he's thinking as you try to find a way out of this situation. "It's more of a who than an it," he tells you, and try to slow your breathing which you didn't even realize had picked up. That's how much of an effect he has on you, and you hate it.
"Well, I hope you get who you're looking for," you respond, but he doesn't move when you shift.
"Eren, leave her alone, she doesn't want anything to do with you," Jean yells from the living room, but Eren's eyes never leave yours as he grins.
"I think you beg to differ," he whispers, and you scoff.
"You would be terribly wrong." And it really is hard to lie when your body is screaming the truth.
"I would?" he questions, keeping his voice low, and you glance to your right, seeing that Jean can't see into the kitchen, and you jump when he pulls you into him by your thighs. Your lower half is touching him, and if you move your legs, they'll tighten around his waist, so you don't move. "You're not a very good liar," he says, his lips just in front of yours, so close that if you even lean in a smidge, you'd be kissing him.
"And that means?"
"Getting you right where I want you won't take all summer." Your mouth falls open slightly as your body goes warm all over. You need to get out of here before you do something you shouldn't.
"Eren, what the hell are you doing?" Eren gives you a wink before he moves away from you.
"Nothing, man. Just making small talk." He crosses his arms as he leans back against the counter, and you find yourself glued to your spot before your brain tells you to move, hopping off the counter, not giving him another look as you walk out of the kitchen, feeling his gaze burning into you.
So much for a relaxing summer.
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|Masterlist|Chapter 2|
Taglist: CLOSED
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kinsey3furry300 · 3 years
5 ships I hate, why I hate them, how to (kinda) fix them, the better ships you should be doing in that universe, and why you should ignore me and keep writing them if it makes you happy.
Note: this is done for amusement, please don’t be offended; I’m not attacking your ship, I’m just listing some ships I do not always care for, and how I think they could be improved, and maybe made brilliant, by clever writing.
In no particular order, and focusing on ships that often annoy me, with no attempt by me to say anything meaningful or popular about the current state of any particular fandom. I’m also a firm believer in the idea that there’s no such thing as a bad ship, only a badly executed ship, so my objections to these is less a dislike of shipping, or the paring, and more that they raise writing issues that I think are difficult to fix in a satisfying way. That’s why in a lot of the examples below I prefer AU ships to ones that try to messily work it into the cannon. Anyway, enjoy... I guess?
 Marco x / anyone (Animorphs)
Why I hate it: Animrophs is an intensely character-driven story, where the tension of each book comes from the conflicts, external and internal, that the five Animrophs (and Ax) face during a long, hard, traumatic war.  And while several of the character are paired off romantically, it’s always to emphasise character conflict over their different points of view. Jake and Cassie are a pair because Jake’s struggle with having to make hard, grey, morally ambiguous choices as leader is highlighted by Cassie’s burning need to make the right choice, the lesser evil, the choice that leaves some small shred of humanity and dignity and kindness left in this bleak world. Tobias and Rachel are a pair as their arcs deal with literal and figurative loss of humanity, as the slow accumulation of trauma over time turns these happy(ish), normal kids into psychologically ruined husks of their former selves and destroys them slowly, one fight at a time.
Marco’s arc, isn’t about either of these things: Marco’s arc, is about the bright, clear line between A and B, between problem and solution. Marco is a utilitarian, a pragmatist: his concern isn’t the burden of leadership, or the cost of the decision, but about how to put that all aside and make hard decisions that actually work regardless of cost. It’s not about what to do, the path is obvious: the bright, clear line of ruthless logic, but how to do it. His match, his counterpoint, the other character who’s all about the logic of taking awful decision in a way that actually works for the team, and his foil, his female counterpart in this, is not a romantic partner, but his mother: Visser one, making the exact same hard, difficulty ruthless decisions using logic and maths, but for the other side of this war. A romantic paring gets in the way of this arc because a partner doesn’t help him with that bright, clear line, and worse, any attempt to pair him of with either Rachel or Cassie breaks up not only a cannon paring, but their respective character arc.
How to (kinda) fix this: Marco’s arc is, at the end of the day, a trolly problem. So make sure whoever you ship him with is one of the people tied to the tracks. Introduce a character he crushes on, and then in the second act reveal that they are either a Controller, or in the family of a Controller or the proximity of the target of their next mission in a way that will make them collateral damage ,and let Marco struggle with what happens when that bright, clear logical line from A to B cuts through someone he actually loves; you know, like it did with his mother. See, even trying to fix this ship is weirdly Freudian.
The far better ship you should be doing: Ax x / EVERYONE. Ax in human form is described as a worryingly pretty, worryingly androgynous male of indeterminate race. He is a literally Bishonen alien hedonist with no familiarity with human senses, poor impulse control in human form, and no knowledge or understanding of human courtship rituals, and he can shape-shift, including into other members of the core team if needed to compel a mission, he calls Jake his prince,  and he is incredibly close to Tobias, the lonely outcast woobie that the LGBT fans adopted as their poster boy. Come on, the potential for shipping, both with wacky hijinks and sad, tragic star-crossed lovers’ trope is endless. Every line dedicated to Marco shipping is a line of text that could be dedicated to Ax trying to eat a Cinnabon erotically on his first date as a human and hulking out mid way because he forgot just how good they are. What could be better than him leaning into to erotically kiss a team-mate, and then fucking up due to his failure to understand human mouths, making weird mouth sounds, and then licking crumbs of the table in the middle of the mall, in front of the entire school, while his crush awkwardly tried to pretend this is normal? What’s wrong with you Marco-shipper people, do you hate fun?
 Riz/Tem (beastars) Why I hate this ship: Okay, just to quickly ask a question, to people who un-ironically like this as a serious ship and not a dark joke, just one little question: What’s wrong with you? I mean,are you okay? Keep taking the meds: the show is VERY clear on that point.
It’s like those people who say Joker X Harley Quinn is their ideal dark, edgy relationship: no it’s not, it’s abusive! Morticia x Gomez is dark and cool but CONSENTUAL and HEALTHY. This… this is a deeply imbalanced person murdering someone and telling themselves after that fact it was special and rare and magical. ITS HOMICIDE! And even if you write that out (and you shouldn’t, because that changes the character arc of every other major character) it’s still got more red flags that a soviet military parade. This is the botulinum of a toxic, one-sided teenage infatuation. Riz’s entire arc is about how he projects his thoughts and feelings about himself onto this idealised, made-up version of his and Tem’s relationship which, from Tem’s point of view, never existed. Riz never loved Tem: he loved the idea of Tem, the idea that someone would see the real him, see his inner pain and accept him anyway, but he never once told Tem this. He didn’t warn him “Hey, because of you I don’t feel I need my meds any more, do you mind if I try not taking them and we can meet and talk about this in a safe, well-lit pace?” He’s not honest with Tem, and on top of that It doesn’t make sense from the point of view of either of the characters for them to be actually, romantically in love (although  they were clearly close friends), because it undermines and cheepens Riz desire to just be seen and accepted for his real self, and the cannon Tem X Els ship. It also doesn’t make sense from a story point of view: Riz is a shadow archetype for Legosi. He’s what Legosi would have become if someone hadn’t interrupted his attack on Haru. That’s why Legosi needs to beat Riz with his own hands: because then he’s beating the darker version of himself he’s been carrying with him, and he can finally move on with Haru guilt-free. Having Riz and Tem’s relationship actually be what Riz imagined it to be undoes that. It undoes Riz’s interesting, dark inner struggle between truth and fantasy, it turns Tem’s tragic, unsolved murder that sets the entire story in motion into a just sort of weird Romeo-and Juliet suicide. It’s ruins the character arc not only for Riz, but for Legosi, and also, by extension, Louis and Haru, because Legosi’s internal angst over whether or not herbivores and carnivores can have a relationship as true friends needs this example of a tragic, flawed, toxic, failed friendship to bounce off of.
How it could (sort of) work: an AU where Riz’s attack on Tem is interrupted and Tem lives with a slight arm injury, and doesn’t tell anyone out of his complex feelings for Riz. Meanwhile, that bunny girl from the gardening club had been brutally devoured and Rz and/or Tem are so horrified with how close this was to their own near-miss, they start to investigate the murder, and in doing so get caught up in Louis’ inner struggle. Because that’s how the story needs to work, it’s about duality and struggle: and if Riz takes Legosi’s role, and by dating a herbivore he de facto takes the role, so Legosi must take Riz’s. This could be a great AU!
The better ship you should be doing: Pina/Riz (with a dash of Pina x Els), no, seriously, I’m not shitposting. You want to give Riz a redemption arc with a cute woolly boy? How about a story where Pina, out of a need for closure about at happened to him, starts to visit Riz in jail and they talk, mockingly at first, confrontational at first, but later Pina slowly becoming more fascinated in Riz and Tem’s life and asking Riz for more and more detail until they both bond over their shared traumatic experiences and their sense of loss for Tem’s senseless death, Tem’s unfished life casting a shadow over both off them. Eventually, the two of them find, from Legosi who still has the diary, that Tem had planned out an elaborate and beautiful first date with Els that he never got to take her on, and Riz, guilt ridden and sad than Tem never got this beautiful moment, decides to ask Pina take her on that date for Tem, with Riz coaching him by phone cyano-de-Bergerac style, Riz finally getting some closure that he helped one of Tem’s wishes come true and finally acknowledging to himself that Tem had a life and loves outside of him that were cut of short by his actions, and just crying over his lost friend, as Pina and Els slow-dance in Tem memory. Or if you just want to see Tem awkwardly date a carnivore boy from school, why not something less creepy and more wholesome and ship him with Jack? That would be cute AF, and more importantly, not romanticize brutal murder. Or an AU where everything is happy and nice, I’d argue at that it’s no longer Beastars at that point, but if it makes you happy, go for it. Let’s not shame anyone here.
 Snape X Lilly (Harry Potter)
Why I hate this ship: honestly, it’s not for the reason you think; I just like Snape too much as a tragic character, and making him in any way happy destroys his arc in my opinion.  The objection’s others have raised: that Snape acts in a worryingly possessive stalker-ish way towards Lilly, and that if Voldemort had gone for Nevil rather than Harry as a child Snape would have remained a loyal death eater, are true and I acknowledge them as having some validity, but that’s not why I can’t stand this ship. Snape is supposed to be a morally and emotionally complex, tragic figure. That “After all this time?” line was the best line in the Deathly Hallows.  Snape is supposed to show the equality destructive and redemptive power of  love. It’s sort of trinity: Lilly shows the pure power of true, unconditional love in her sacrifice to save Harry, Voldy shows what self-destruction and cruelty a life without understanding love leads to, and Snape sits somewhere in the middle: his one-sided  un-requited love being both the cause of his darkest, and his greatest actions. His curse, and his redemption, fall and rise. Making him happy messes that up.
How to (kinda) fix this ship: make them miserable. Make them fall for each-other only to be pulled apart by circumstance (you know, like they were in the darn original source material). You’re serious about making this a tragic, dark romance? Don’t ship them when they’re at school: Ship them during Voldemort’s rise to power, in the 80’s, after Lilly is married. Have the original Order of the Phoenix send her to meet with Snape and use their previous relation to try to milk some information out of him. Have her feel conflicted about it, have James furious about it, but have her do it anyway for the greater good. Have her meet up secretly with Snape who is angry and distrustful, knowing his must be a trap, and talk. Have the relationship slowly build over time against the backdrop of a cold-war spy thriller, as Lilly slowly realizes that she has some lingering feelings for Snape, but can’t reconcile them her loyalty to the order and her family. Make this a love story of conflicted feelings, divided loyalties, and spy-work against the background of drawing war-clouds. Have Snape offer to leave Voldemort, if she’ll leave the Order, and run away with him, but by that point she knows she’s pregnant and chooses to stay, out of loyalty even though she’s crushing on Snape. Have him show up at the rendezvous expecting for her to be there only for James to lead an Order Ambush, and a fight to ensure, on top of Tower Bridge in the howling wind and rain, Snape surviving but having his spirit crushed and fleeing before Lilly can tell him her true feelings. Make it big, and melodramatic, but above all, make it tragic.  Because that’s the only way Snape works as a character. Always.
The better ship you should be doing: Ginny X Nevil or Luna x Nevil: You want tragic lovers, at school, with divided loyalties, who never get together in the main cannon because a Potter ruins it and gets the girl? Ginny X Nevil. Write what was happening that final year Harry wasn’t at school when they took Dumbledore’s Army and make it work in earnest. Heck, you could even have Snape, as headmaster, hated by them but secretly trying to protect them as a secondary character to their secret, forbidden love. You don’t want to break up Harry X Ginny? Luna X Nevil is sweet and wholesome, but also tragic as they never get a chance, having their school life taken over by the horror of that final year and the need to fight for their very souls in a school run by Death Eaters and the trauma of the Battle of Hogwarts meaning that in order to put away the past and move on, they need to leave each other behind. Hell, do an AU where they canonically end up together, why not? They deserve happiness.
 Dean / Sam AKA Wincest (Supernatural)
Why I hate this ship: They’re brothers. The show even makes a joke about how squick this is. Several times.
How you could (sort of) fix this ship: You can’t: They’re brothers. The show even makes a joke about how squick this is. I guess a body-swap arc could fix this, as it’s less squicky if its just their bodies with someone else’s minds,  but seriously, the reasons why this shouldn’t exist are extensively covered in the show, and it was hilarious.  To be honest, I don’t hate this ship done as a joke, but I have seen some dark spots on the internet, and I can say with all honesty it’s not always treated as a joke. Some folks are really invested in this, and all I can ask is, is your home life okay?
Now, done as a joke, I’m 110% behind this. This is exactly the sort of insane wacky bullshit that makes for a good crack-fic. For example imagine that the supernatural threat of the week was book that made anything written in it come true, and the brothers are trying to find and destroy it, but they keep getting distracted by their burgeoning romantic feelings for each-other, and suddenly realise that the owner of the book is a fan on the in-universe novels, and writing slash-fic in the book. They need to find the writer before they make them do something they’ll both regret, but it’s just so distracting when Sam’s beautiful eyes are right there and- dammit, Sam, it’s happening again! Make Sam less concerned and even a little amused, with it, but make Dean hate what’s going on. Especially when the writer’s description suddenly makes Sam noticeably better hung that him. Make the villain turn out to be Becky from “Sympathy for the devil” and end with them trying to take the book away as she writes frantically to force them to do her bidding, and you’ve got yourself a good fic.
The better ship you should be doing: Cas/Sam or Cas/Dean or Cas/Sam AND Dean fic. Duh. Once again the show-runners beat the fans to the mark and pointed out that this is the best ship, and then they took it away just to fuck with us.
 Any Katniss ship that ignores her obsession with Emotional Security Logic. (The Hunger Games)
Why I hate these ships: Katniss is, briefly put, a mess before the books ever start, her father’s death and harsh upbringing have arguably given her PTSD before she ever volunteers for the reaping, and it doesn’t get better from there.  In psychology, Emotional Security Theory (EST) is a hypothesis that the heightened emotions surrounding repeated violent exposures leaves children vulnerable to dysregulated distress responses and eventual psychopathology, aka, why Kat be so messed up.  Her internal monologue makes the books completely clear that her choice in partners is not motivated by normal affections, but by deep, deep fear. A fear of loss, abandonment and death that leads her to make every decision about what minimises her, and her sister’s, exposure to potential physical and emotional harm. It’s frantic, fraught, cold survivalist thinking. And the other characters in the book notice and acknowledge it! “Which of us will she pick?” “She’ll pick whoever she can’t survive without.” Kat doesn’t like herself for it, but she does eventually admit to herself that she makes her decisions like this.
How do we fix this ship: Ship Kat with whoever you like, but give her a good reason to pick them: and in Kat’s mind “A good reason” is based on Emotional Security Logic, she needs to have a pressing reason why this ship makes her and her sister safer. Do that, and you’ve got yourself a good Katniss story. Don’t do that, and while you may or may not have a good story, the person staring in it isn’t Katniss Everdeen anymore.
The better ship you should be writing: Finick X Annie. Or, Haymitch prequel ships
FinAnn. This, this ship has some real potential to it, and is criminally underutilized. Finick and Annie’s relationship is one of the most tragic and romantic in the story, and has so much to offer. Or, if you want to have a hard-bitten character from district 12 struggling with trying to find love in the hellish combat of the games, do a prequel in which Haymitch finds love in the capitol during training, but loses then in the area and turns to drink as a result. Heck, you could even have some fun with this and turn it into a dark comedy, or a great tragic love story, whatever you like. It’s got potential, and his backstory is vague enough you could do a lot with it.
So, tell me below why I’m wrong, and have fun with your writing: just because I hate that ship doesn’t mean you should. Enjoy yourselves.
I’m off to write awful Ax/Pina/Luna Polyjuice’d into Nevil/Cas/Finick fiction set at an anime high-school that fights a magical war against other fictional schools, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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