#anyway this is the whole basis of my fic so yes i have. a lot of thoughts on what makes james/sirius so perfect for each other
singsweetmelodies · 1 year
KATIEEEE - IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! 🎈🎂🥳🎊🎉🎁❤️❤️❤️❤️
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You make me as happy as a Pierre podium. As joyful as a speedy Ferrari pitstop. As excited as a @Calamars Sighting tag on the server.
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I cannot even begin to tell you how much you mean to me. From the first message you ever sent me, I've known that you and I get each other. We just clicked, and that is rare in this life. I feel so lucky. ❤️
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I hope this year is as special for you as you are to me. You deserve all of the love and happiness and good times - and I can't wait to see all that you achieve ❤️
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I love you so much today, and always. Thank you for being my best friend.😚😚😚😚😚😚❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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And finally.... Pierre being sexy collage for your special day ❤️
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LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!
HI TO THE LOVE OF MY FANDOM LIFE (AKA pierre gasly looking sexy 👌👌👌😘)
... i'm joking. YOU are the love of my fandom life. of course you fucking are 🥹 i'm just like... BRIONY 😭😭😭😭🥺 we're british; we're not meant to be good at emotions!!! but i will CRY this is so sweet 💙 as charles said to pierre, we know each other too well. this is PERFECT ❤️
ughhhh, i don't even know what to say to you except that i love you SO MUCH, and thank you for being my best friend, too. thank you so so so much!! I LOVE YOU LIKE PIERRE LOVES CHARLES <333 😘
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gigglymarvel · 7 months
Tickly Witch vs Stubborn Widow
We’re back! Life took over so we’re so sorry for kinda abandoning this blog. But we’re back with all the fluff, enjoy this fic of Wanda bringing out Yelena’s softness. 💕
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Natasha had asked Wanda to look out for her sister while she was away on a mission. The witch had no issues making sure she ate as everyone including the blonde widow loved her cooking, but when it came to emotional comfort….Yelena was often closed off.
Yelena was drained, she had agreed to train up Kate on her basic sparring skills whilst trying her best to look out for her big sister despite Natasha insisting that she was fine. A lot of changes had happened recently so she wanted to recharge, and she only knew how to do that by shutting herself in her room.
Wanda could sense the weight of her thoughts, trying not to intrude on specifics, she knocked, “Lena?”
The blonde Widow’s eyes opened the second she heard the first knock, thinking it was her big sister. “You’re back early…”
“Hey, I'm sorry, it's Wanda not Nat,” her eyes sympathetic, a soft smile on her lips.
“Wanda?” She murmured out, genuinely confused yet not moving from her position on the bed, laying down on it with her head stuffed in the pillows.
“Yes…it's me. I, uh, snuck up some cookies if you'd like? Or maybe we can just hang out?” She tried,wanting to care for the younger of the widow sisters but unsure. She and Nat had developed a camaraderie, and she and Yelena had even exchanged jokes, but she knew the blonde had yet to be truly open with anyone in the compound besides her sister.
She just shrugged. “No one is stopping you from joining me, but I am pretty burnt out right now so I may be no good for fun.” Yelena admitted, basically giving Wanda a chance to back out if she wanted to.
“I'm happy to just exist next to you,” she said, a little cheerful that Yelena would let her, as she opened the door and sat next to the blonde.
“Uh.. okay.” Yelena replied quietly, admittedly a little confused as to why Wanda wanted to spend time with her, since they don’t really hang out on a one to one basis.
“Nat did ask me to check in with you while she was away, but honestly…I've wanted to get to know you better as a whole. You appreciate my Sokovian dishes like no one besides Natasha. And you're funny, kind, and strong, but…I want to help you have more than one person you can feel safe with?” Wanda tried.
“You are a good cook.” Yelena told her. “However I do not have the energy to be entertaining enough or to even be a decent human.” She replied truthfully
“You are tired, I can massage you?” She offered gently, making Yelena briefly turn her head to look up at Wanda. “You… want to what?”
The redheaded witch bit her lip, “Massage you? I'm sorry if it was a weird suggestion…you just seem tense and…”
“I am a tense person, what can I say?” She replied quietly. “I am not used to the feeling of relaxation.”
“So…may I massage you?” Wanda asked quietly. Yelena just shrugged. “I guess.”
The witch gently sat behind Yelena, beginning by kneading her shoulders. The spy was clearly hesitant to relax, and was a little more tense when Wanda touched her, but there was something about her touch which allowed her to maybe relax a little into the sensation.
“I'm adding a little magic, is that okay?” The witch asked softly. Yelena couldn’t help but bite her lip, a little hesitant about what it was going to feel like, but nodded anyway.
She used the magic to gently heat her hands, adding a little pulsing which gently loosened the knots, “Is this still okay?”
Yelena couldn’t help but embrace the feeling a little, not expecting it to feel the way it did, she felt her knots releasing as she brought her arms up to rest her head on them.
Wanda smiled fondly, “I can feel the knots releasing,” and then massaged down, pulsing into her ribs now, but the magic ever so gently vibrated them.
Yelena couldn’t help but flinch, tensing a little again but tried to continue the conversation. “As can I…” she replied quietly.
“Oh sorry did that hurt? I saw you flinch,” Wanda checked in, afraid she'd hurt Yelena with her magic. The blonde wasn’t sure on how to respond, she was usually a direct person but she wasn’t completely sure on whether she could be open with her yet, so she just shook her head silently.
The witch nodded, working her way down, and kneaded into her back now, vibrating the gently heated magic into her lower back, but the magic was dancing through the widow too.
Yelena couldn’t help but kick a little, trying to keep her upper body still so she could try and maintain her toughness.
Wanda had no idea the way the gentle magic was exiting Yelena's body, now pulsing down through the back of her hips and kneading her thumbs there, “Nothing too painful? Your knots are going, just trying to get your lower back softened.”
She nodded, scrunching her face up and being thankful Wanda couldn’t see, she sucked in a breath and tried everything she could to remain stubborn. “You’re good-“
“Are you sure? I know you're strong Yelena, but if I'm hurting you, I promise I won't be offended or think less of you if you tell me?” The redhead said gently, softening the magic more so it was now like feathers dancing on her insides.
Yelena shook her head, biting back giggles now as she tried to maintain herself, it was absolute torture to do so.
“Oh sweetie you're so tense, are you sure I'm not hurting you?” Wanda said with the most sincere concern as she lightened the magic even more and kneaded her thumbs between her hips and spine, but gently.
“I’m sure, and I’m not a sweetie!” She replied, wiggling around a little now as she arched her back ever so slightly.
Wanda tilted her head, taking the tiniest peak into Yelena's thoughts, she softened a little, and tried to let Yelena play tough, but made the magic that started as a massage, pulse through so it would gently shake her ribs and swirl her tummy, from belly button out, “Okay, if you're sure little widow.” The witch cooed softly.
Yelena blushed at the nickname, letting out a tiny yelp when she felt her bellybutton being fluttered, she tried to push herself into the bed to squish the feeling but to no avail.
“Oh I see,” Wanda smiled, and leaned in, “Is someone….” The witch whispered mischievously, “Ticklish?” And then sent a flurry of gentle magic to poke and explore and swirl Yelena's ticklish spots.
The stubborn spy gasped at the word, now kicking out as she shook her head. “Nope, not at all…” she replied quickly before holding her breath.
“Then why are you holding your breath, giggle bug?” Wanda cooed and spidered into her sides now as two red wiggly woos circled under her armpits, warm gentle magic swirled her belly button, wiggly woos danced on her ribs, and two fluttering woos weaved between her toes.
“Because it was sore?” Yelena tried, slamming her arms against her sides whilst slapping at her hands as she smiled into the pillow discreetly.
“Why are you slapping my hands like you're ticklish?” Wanda cooed knowingly, shaking her fingers into the lower backs of her ribs gently, “Goochiegoochiegoochie goo?”
“Again, because it hurt?” She tried again, still trying to do something to stop her magic as she now grinned into the pillow.
Wanda paused then, “I hurt you?” She asked, making Yelena pause too, unsure about how to go about things now.
The redhead then just sat on Yelena's back, deciding to give Yelena back scritches and tickles. “Maybe this instead?”
“Oh… I guess.” Yelena replied awkwardly, the feeling a little cold to her since she wasn’t completely comfortable around Wanda yet.
The mood change was clear, so Wanda tried the massage magic again, “Maybe I just need to work out these knots more hm?” She pulsed the back of her ribs with the warm magic.
Yelena gasped. “You never hurt me.” She told Wanda quickly, as normally as she could.
“Then what was that gasp?” The redhead smiled fondly and pressed into the backs of her hips, letting her magic gently course through the blonde.
“You simply surprised me…” Yelena told her, biting back another gasp as she scrunched her face up.
“Mhm,” Wanda chuckled and kneaded gently down Yelena's sides and toward her hips, causing the blonde to bite her lip as she arched away from her whilst reaching back and pushing at Wanda's hands.
The witch arched her eyebrow, “Hm? Why push me away? Hurting you….or am I tickling the big bad widow?” She cooed, her voice gentle.
“Nono, not at all…” Yelena replied quietly, a small blush on her face.
“Seems to me I'm tickling you pink,” Wanda whispered and snuck her fingers into the blondes armpits, making her let out a tiny squeal and slam her arms against her sides, shaking her head in protest.
“Awww cmon Yelena, just…let go,” she sent magic into the younger widow's armpits, smirking as Yelena finally let out a few giggles, the fingers and the magic under her arms at the same time broke her.
“Goochiegoochiegoochie goo there's a giggly wittle widow?” She smiled and spidered Yelena's armpits, magic gently pulsing out of them too.
“This isn’t fair!” Yelena protested, kicking her legs out as giggles kept spilling out
Wanda gasped playfully, “It's noooot? Then how about thiiiis?” And sent her magic dancing along Yelena's ribs, thighs, feet and through her belly, “Bougiebougiebougieboo!”
Yelena shook her head, rolling over to grab her hands as her giggles escaped more freely now. “It is nohohohot!”
The redheaded witch used her magic to pin Yelena's hands to the sides, blowing her shirt up just enough to peek her tummy out, and leaned down, “PFFFFT!” And raspberried the widow’s tummy.
“OHOHOHOH FUHUHUHUCK YOHOHOHU!” Yelena laughed, pulling at her arms as she just thrashed her legs about, sucking her belly in at the same time.
Wanda grinned, letting her go, and then cuddling into her, laying gently on top of her with and “Umph.”
She pouted a little, but was thankful to take in deep breaths, unsure about whether to hug Wanda back as she wasn’t sure about affection still with anyone but her big sister.
“You can hug me back,” she smiled and spidered Yelena's armpits so she'd have to bring her arms down. The spy let out a few shy giggles and squeezed her arms against her sides instead.
The witch pouted playfully, “Huuug meeee,” and leaned down and nuzzled her tummy again, causing Yelena to pull her shirt down with a giggle, then awkwardly patted her back.
The witch bit her lip, “It's okay if you don't like hugs,” she assured her gently. Yelena bit her lip too, just not used to the affection, she felt bad for making Wanda feel awkward.
The redhead peered into the mind of the blonde, “Hm…okay,” and hugged her a little tighter, scritching her back gently.
“Huh?” Yelena asked innocently, but relaxed a little more into the feeling with a sigh. The redhead responded by adding her other hand, rolling so Yelena was on top of her now and scritched the slightly younger woman's back all over.
“Hey, I will squish you.” She murmured and went to roll off her.
The witch protested and pinned her gently within a magical hug, “If you leave I tickle you. So..admit you like the tickles or let me cuddle you and admit you like that?” Wanda teased, but her voice was sincere and loving.
Yelena’s eyes widened. “Well it is not like I can move right now…” she replied with an eye roll, but she shyly bit her lip.
She grinned and squeezed Yelena's sides and held her close, “Getchagetchagetcha!” The surprise attack made Yelena squeal as she began giggling immediately, trying to find a way to push her hands.
Wanda paused, laughing lovingly and booped her nose as she gently rocked the blonde, “You seem a bit more comfortable with me?” She asked softly.
Yelena bit her lip, but nodded. “I guess you are not too bad…”
“I'll take that as a compliment!” Wanda beamed.
The blonde just rolled her eyes, staying still and letting the witch embrace her. She may not be completely ready to give affection just yet, but the bonding did make her feel closer to her, physically and emotionally.
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
This might get venty so def pass over if u want- I apologize in advance😅
Being a Wars fan is definitely exhausting in the lu fandom as a whole, to a degree I’ve never experienced in past fandoms. I’ve been all around, from DC to HP, Undertale to Voltron (shudders), and many, many more. And honestly I can’t remember a time a character was more universally disliked for,, no clear reason? From villains to irritating characters, I’ve never seen this much negativity and, honestly, near bullying of a character. Shipping wars? 10000% yes. But individual character hating? It’s.. extreme.
It isn’t simple dislike either. From being made incompetent to being the butt of a joke, Wars is just.. dogpiled. And at first it was funny, but it’s gotten to a point that I can’t read other fics because Wars is just so poorly treated/portrayed that it’s disheartening. From mocking of his figure, to claiming he’s vain or a womanizer (derogatory), and even ignoring his background all together.
I think part of it comes from not knowing his game, so they don’t have a basis of his character. Honestly though that could be easily remedied by watching a few cutscenes or reading the plot synopsis of his game. I also think that some people just,, look at his vainer moments in the comic and say “this is all he is” rather than the additional moments when he displays his skills, or pulling his weight as a co-leader. Some people just see what they wanna see ig.
Overall I always try to not dwell on it because everyone is free to love the characters they love and express that, I just wish that it didn’t come at the cost of one of the characters being so plainly disliked and nearly hated. But I swear I’ve seen Dink get more love than Wars, and all we’ve seen from him is a freaking lizard!!!-
anyway, sorry this was so long, my Wars loving self has been holding this in for awhile and I just hate how short a stick Wars got in the lot. He 1000% deserves more love fr
I’ve seen too many fics where people outright villainize Wars in order to create more angst for other members of the chain and that’s INSANE to me. And Wars content has been seriously hard to find, especially last year, which is part of why I started writing so much Wars stuff 😭 He’s my favorite and I gotta feed the other Wars fans
I genuinely don’t get why some people actively dislike him, like am I biased? Absolutely. but i just dont understand?? is there some reason why people can look at like, Wild, for example, and go “OH MY GOD SO ACTUALLY-“ and go into a super deep beautiful well written character analysis but when it comes to Wars people are just like “womanizer twink” and that’s it?
(to clarify: this is NOT a dig at Wild fans, y’all are valid for liking your blorbo. I’m just using him as an example because I’ve seen a lot of really interesting takes on him, some of which are VERY different from each other. And there’s nothing wrong with that at all! He was just the first Link I thought of who has a lot of fans with a lot of theories and opinions alskljskslm. Y’all keep going crazy for your special guy 🫡)
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yourstrulyray · 29 days
hi do you want to talk abt isaac.
basically i'm writing a cbs ghosts fic with a focus on some original characters but with a lot of nisaac and plenty of the entire cast in general
it'll have a lot of isaac's pov as well, with his thoughts about two people who can be openly queer in the modern era
but. since ive only watched like,, probably less than half of the show. i thought talking to someone else abt it could help me characterise everyone?? i also just want to talk abt it bc it's kind of a fixation right now haha
no pressure though!! hope you have a nice day
AAAAA yes please i would love to talk about my son hehdhd
let me list out some timelines pre-death first :3
isaac's marriage to beatrice: before or during 1773 the american revolutionary war: 1775-1783 nigel's death: 1776 isaac's death: 1777
so since the start of season 1, despite isaac's efforts we could all still see the fact he does not find women attractive (he literally called his wife, beatrice a handsome woman) so we're thinking bad comphet for our guy here.
(this only applies pre-nisaac) there are five male ghosts of the main cast, so when they all collectively agree that one girl is attractive (maybe not pete), isaac naturally plays along with it, but. plays along badly. everyone could tell that he did not find that girl attractive
as during nisaac, he is still obviously hesitant to be open because he had never been in a relationship with another man. a homosexual relationship. but not only is he hesitant, he is scared.
why is he scared? take a guess of what punishment you'd get for being gay in the 1770s (especially 1776).
the death penalty.
and we all know our guy isaac likes to talk about himself, he was so heavily disappointed to see that all he was in history was a footnote, and how he was jealous that his rival, hamilton, got a whole MUSICAL made about him (isaac loves musical theatre so thats twice the angy) so it's reasonable for him to be scared of death.
but hes already dead, why still be scared?
i actually dont know why but it's probably muscle memory for isaac to pretend. maybe he only found out that queerness was legalized/modernized through sam, not even through the recently dead ones. gotta hand it to him though i cant keep up a facade for more than a century XD
anyway, him being hesitant isn't the only problem, it's also the way he handles his relationship with nigel. his only other serious relationship was with a woman he wasn't even romantically interested in, so he has no healthy base to rely his current relationship with. also, his god-forsaken terrible communication skills, bros been pretending so much that even his personal feelings should be hidden 😭🙏 who hurt u man?
honestly his poo communication skills can still be linked back to his marriage with beatrice. maybe he had no problem with her, therefore no feelings were required to be shared, and he didn't have the need to communicate. but with nigel is a whole different situation.
oh yeah speaking of nigel, like isaac he doesn't have a healthy basis for a relationship. in this case, he previously was in a homosexual relationship, but it was only a sexual (?) one (with jenkins, but idk about the sexual part so jenkins fans back me up 🙏🙏).
we do see in the series that isaac is taking baby steps in the relationship, as opposed to nigel who rushes the starting-to-adjust stage, because this isn't his first gay relationship (whos gonna tell him) which then results to isaac having certain feelings about it, which then results to isaac not communicating as to pretend he can manage their relationship.
one thing about isaac's "certain feelings", it's usually about little things not even serious stuff. he had gone on many respites (temporary break up) with nigel because of their political beliefs (TGE WAR FUCKING ENDED GET OVER IT), hobbies, and personal likes. instead of adjusting to each other, they still choose to follow what they want instead of each other's wishes.
so, TLDR; nigel and isaac, despite having been in previous relationships, are doodoo at expressing themselves and adjusting to one another. (boo)
if you'd like the characterization of the other ghosts/sam and jay, my askbox is open at all times!! :3
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imsiriuslyreading · 10 months
Black Mass and AtYD are two of fav Remu stories, also. Tbf, nothing really beats Black Mass for me, though. I haven’t read the other ones you mentioned but I’ve added them to my TBR! (Just now realizing I haven’t read very many fics solely from Remus’ POV, which is a real tragedy.)
Here’s a couple others I really enjoyed:
Sweater Weather: I love this Remus so much. I haven’t read another fic where he’s physically the smaller one. His personality is just so sweet and very different from some of the other fics I’ve read.
Wading in Waist-High Water: baking Remus? Yes, please. He’s so completely oblivious and I can’t get over it. This fic had me giggling and kicking my feet the whole way through. I related a lot to some of the stuff Remus experienced and it was just a really cozy story.
FULL AGREE on all of these, immediately yes. absolutely.
Black Mass really was something very special, I think. boy oh boy did i learn things about myself reading that! ANYWAY. as for ATYD? there are no words.
Wading in waist-high water is truly truly one of my favourite things on the planet. i ADORE REMUS in that, he's utterly delicious. (everytime i talk about this fic ((often)) i start talking in food terms by accident). everything from his growing confidence to his bread-making hands just has my heart in its grip. in the nicest, most admiring way possible, never did i think an AU about British bloody bake off would make me cry, scream, giggle and shout out loud BUT HERE WE ARE! put a fork in me, I'm done. (see? ffs) I'll re-read this one forever. the sweetest. I'm really looking forward to this writer's WIP too, my friends @industrations and @assclaptherapy have been violently and aggressively threatening @solmussa and i to read it on a regular basis.
Sweater Weather is genuinely my ultimate comfort fic. found family vibes to the extreme, everytime i read it i feel like I'm there, in the kitchen with them all or supporting them with a tub of ice cream in the living room watching a game, y'know? and honestly, there's nothing that i love more than feeling safe and happy when I'm reading something. so its perfection.
have you read Not another band au by thelovelyzee? that's a good one for a Remus POV - i cant remember if i mentioned that one before but there are some fantastic moments in that, plus the playlist is top top top tier.
happy reading! <3 have the best day!
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Hi! Feel free to ignore this, of course, but I was wondering, what are your thoughts, if any, on the (seemingly) currently prevalent fandom view on the difference of experiences between Team Bells and Team Hells during their separation?
That is to say, I've seen *a lot* of posts claiming that the party's going to fracture, or at least that there'll be lots of tension because of how much better Team Bells has had it in Wildemount, and I find it, well quite overstated and a bit annoying? Like, yes, comparatively their half was arguably a bit lighter in tone and definitely ended on a much more hopeful note, but it was hardly a weekend trip to the Frozen Wonderland it's sometimes made out to be. Team Bells still spent a week or so trudging through a frozen wilderness and then creepy eldritch ruins of a city, all while not knowing if their friends are alive or dead, with something as fundamental as magic of their world suddenly not working as it should
(I mean, imagine if some of the laws of physics just stopped applying tomorrow. and also physics specifically was responsible for two of your friends being brought back to life/kept alive. also I don’t know very much about physics, can you tell?).
So, thoughts?
(con'td): Sorry, if it wasn't clear in a previous ask, I meant, what are your thoughts on if, and how, the dynamic might change between the two parts of BH post-reunion!
"Overstated and a bit annoying" is a really apt way to put a lot of speculation I dislike, especially like, the "what if my bad whump/angst fic were real but I need the characters to be okay" whole school of thought.
Anyway I don't want to, in response to some of the more melodramatic predictions, understate that Team Wildemount did have a better time of it. They got closure or information on some personal past issues (Chetney and FCG), gained the favor of a political power while also helping Umudara, went to and survived Molaesmyr entirely of their own volition, and learned a lot of useful information about Ludinus while also having some fun romantic encounters. Team Issylra went to a small town, were used by them in a conflict they had no part in just to get information about their friends, and then they were betrayed from within. Like, I don't want to emphasize the extremes, but I don't want to diminish them either.
But with that said I don't think this will drastically introduce conflict on a broad scale because I don't think that the conclusions they came to are terribly different. Ludinus obviously needs to be stopped. The Vanguard obviously need to be stopped.
I think any dynamic shift will hinge on Laudna, who changed most drastically and who will be grappling with her own feelings of guilt and power and may withdraw from some relationships/lean more heavily on Ashton and Orym. I think it's possible just generally some people might lean more heavily on their solstice group rather than their prior relationships, but like, I don't see why Fearne and Orym wouldn't pick up their friendship exactly where they left it. I could be wrong! Dynamics are hard to predict! But I don't think that open fighting or the "Team Issylra will be FERAL and OUT FOR BLOOD" ideas have any basis in the reality of the show.
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nattyontherun · 16 days
Okay. Okay fine! I'll explain (some!) of the YOI IWTV AU :] (no one asked. The one person who asked has been crying and served me divorce papers already. That's alright, I'll win them back. @sugarbunbie haha takemebackplsibegimnothingwithoutyo-- EHM EHM ANYWAYS!!)
So I've been having brainworms. Brainworms in proportions hitherto undreamth of. And those brainworms begin and end with Viktor as Lestat!
Haha. I'm not joking.
If you follow me on AO3, or at least read a few of my latest (very short) fics, you'll be well aware that the reason I've slowed down writing is because my laptop is busted and I've been using my phone to update stuff. Very sad, I know. What I did NOT account for, however, is the utter lack of decorum watching s2 of IWTV would give me, let alone the grand ol' idea of making a YOI AU out of it.
I'm still kinda stuck at the stage where haha, Viktor!Stat.
Anyways seeing as updates are slow and, very likely, I won't dive beyond IWTV s1-2 in terms of plot points (and since it's not a 1:1, at all, I say that with a lot of caveats. Character journey, perchance? Emotionally, rather than physically and actually. Smth smth self actualization for our LouClaudia characters, ehm. As I was saying!!) so I figured I'd make a small Tumblr post the way I did for my NRT threesome AU series ( - which I HAVE NOT DROPPED BTW!!! It's just really long and plotty, and I need an actual writing-specific device to work on it since I need to do more research!!!), just explain a few things that may be lost to the crevices of the AU series.
1. I described the first part of the series, seek me with dead eyes (embody me) as kind of a stand-in for the San Francisco fiasco in 1973, because it's not a proper "interview". I'm debating on keeping it that way for the sake of a more compact story, particularly because I don't plan to delve more into the "DM" of this AU,,,, but I will confirm that the interview with Georgi is the basis for many of the fics that follow, even if Georgi doesn't feature predominantly/at all.
2. Yes, there will be Yuuri and Viktor-centric fics to come. Yuuri's will probably be the last one of the series, and the Viktor fic will be a gift. I'm honestly excited to write it, he's the whole reason I bothered to drag my fingers over my phone keyboard and WORK at this au!!
3. Reiterating that Yuri and Yuuri share the burden of being both Louis and Claudia, for the reason that neither of them could EVER be a 1:1 of either of those characters and to put them in such boxes would be a disservice to all four characters involved lmao.
It's particularly for this reason, plus the fact that I'm not framing Yuri as a "son" for Viktuuri, that the focus of the series has morphed. I still think and want to ensure that the AU remains very much about grief, loss and loneliness - but the heart of it will not be about the horrible death of a child.
Will the fic series be less devastating to account for these changes? Maybe? I'm very inclined towards horror myself, if you've looked into my catalogue more, so I'm not shy about introducing some of the more grotesque, vile shit that happens in IWTV, but I figure if it doesn't serve a purpose in the narrative I'm building, I won't bother with writing it out because, again, I'm using my phone and I have wrist problems djsjsjjdjd.
4. Speaking of: there are plenty more characters in the AU, from YOI, that serve as an amalgam of IWTV characters too! Unlike YuuYu however, they have no counterpart to 'shoulder the burden' so to speak. You'll probably know them when you see them, as they crop up over time. It's especially relevant for Viktor's half of the enfolding story!!
5. I'm honestly just making this Tumblr post because I'm a. Bored and b. Driving myself up the wall with each new revelation I'm making out of this AU. None of which I've put on here, I think, thankfully. Very spoiler-y, that. Hahahahahaha. I wrote much of the very first fic in a mad haze and now I'm rethreading it to write out the plot more, beyond that burst of sudden all encompassing inspiration - and I am absolutely insane. I really am. Feel free to DM me here or on Discord or utilize asks if you're intrigued or wanna toss questions - I will absolutely answer because it's all I'm yapping about for the next forever and ever.
K thanks bye!!!
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avelera · 1 year
There's a fake marriage fic you wrote from a while back and I absolutely love and obsess over it. In "Come live with me and be my love" how is Dream feeling about the whole "small town life"? Like I know we've established that the rumors are not the best, but have they enjoyed it at all? Are there any aspects in particular that they like about walking with humanity in that story?
Absolutely love your work btw!!!
So the "small town" aspect of "Come live with me and be my Love" is not quite done yet! In fact, the chapter I'm working on now is going to continue delve into the *mumble mumble oh god why didn't i ever name this place mumble* town life a bit more!
Gonna cut for spoilers and rambling!
I know you didn't ask about Hob but I'll quickly make an aside about him: Hob deliberately chose a really small, landlocked, agrarian town where he could sell books as a way to distance himself from the "shipping business". He figured that between going back to printing, which eventually brought him to "Mr. Fell" and bookselling, and going into business on his own from the urgings of Mr. Wentworth, that he'd found a quiet place where he could spend 5-10 years just... chilling. Being as self-sufficient as possible, in a low-cost rural area, where he couldn't hurt anyone, with a trade that he knows and that is about as far away from "shipping" as he could possibly get in terms of direct impact, and where he was nominally about as distant as one could be in the 1810s from a global evil that helped prop up the burgeoning British Empire that's about to explode in even further in the wake of the Napoleonic Wars.
Basically, I don't personally see Hob as a superhero setting out to right wrongs after he made his personal reparations, insofar as he could, to the people he personally wronged, but I do see him pulling inward for a time to reassess himself and the world at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, when all of a sudden one man can in fact cause tens of thousands of people to suffer because of industrialized human trafficking, among other evils, without being a king or even particularly important, unlike Hob's early days as a bandit or a soldier where, yes he's killed and robbed and probably done all sorts of unsavory things but at least he did those on a largely individual basis.
So Hob's reasons for picking this town are, to me, sort of important for understanding what Dream does or does not get out of being there.
Anyway! I'm really passionate about Hob's headspace in this story so, to your actual question, is Dream enjoying this life at all?
Thing is, what Dream is going to enjoy about this life is coming up in future chapters. It's only been about a week (ugh) and Dream is still majorly reassessing a lot of his assumptions about what this bet would mean to take part in. He's falling in love with Hob on a level he never expected (he was entirely geared up for "fuck buddies" and that was it), he was expecting the human life part to be negligible and beneath his notice, only to discover it was far more complicated than he anticipated.
Dream's realizing there are consequences that come from his decision to pick Hob as a husband. He picked Hob as the human he'd most want to spend a year with, but in a "if I had to pick a human" sort of way. But Hob's immortality and friendship and good qualities with regards to Dream like his devotion and love, mean that Dream can't just fuck around, prove the point that he's fine with being human-ish for a year, without consequence. If he fucks up Hob's life, if he damages that friendship, that doesn't go away! Because Hob's not going anywhere!
So Dream is still much more in the, "Ok, what IS this year ACTUALLY going to be like, now that it turns out ALL of my assumptions about it were wrong because I deeply underestimated why Desire picked this particular setting and challenge for me and maybe possibly put more thought into planning this challenge, uniquely for me, than I put into my own plans for them if I won?"
To that end I will say: Dream just hasn't really thought about if he likes human life in this town in general yet. I'd argue that even by the end of this year, I'm not sure there's aspects of human life he's going to be particularly nostalgic for.
Thing is, this isn't Retired Dream AU. It's not like he's getting to skip out on work while he's here. Actually, Dream is doing all his usual work as Dream Lord but with 1/3 of the time to do it, as Hob sleeps at night, so if anything, he's even more overworked. This isn't a Dream who is bereft of powers, either. They're just dampened. So he's more annoyed at his limitations than he is having revelations about real human life. Because even Desire doesn't really want to live as a human, they're not doing this the way Death does it for a day, with totally memory wipe and no powers, it's at most a slightly depowered version of when Dream and Death went to the White Horse in the first place.
All the lessons for Dream have to do with Hob. Dream is seeing Hob in his (*nature documentary voice*) natural habitat: blending in as an immortal in normal human life. He's seeing Hob hold down a job, at a time when Hob doesn't have any sort of immortal reserves to fall back on, because he gave it all away as reparations and truly started again from scratch. So Hob losing his business isn't a laughing matter like it would normally be! Dream's having more time to hear Hob's life story, he's getting more opportunities for Hob to "come to his defense" and he's seeing just how much Hob cares and wants to do that.
Dream's real experience here, the thing he would look back on fondly about life in this town, is... the chance to see who Hob really is, and the realization that the person he meets at the White Horse is a very curated version of Hob, at best, and maybe not even as curated as Hob would like when Dream won't even pay attention to him for the full length of Hob's prepared report. He's learning what he means to Hob in this town, and what matters to Hob in general, and how Dream matters to Hob more than his job, or this town, or his livelihood, or any human concern. Like, it's not even close, Hob will drop everything to make Dream happy.
And that's a very novel experience for Dream, whose own wife didn't even move in with him when they were married!
And one last reason I'm not super able to say what this town means to Dream is, well, a year is a long time. A very long time to put up with small town politics. And the world is a very big place. And Hob may never get a chance like this again to live with Dream for a year.
So asking about the town is a little like asking about the starter zone in a video game ;)
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kay-elle-cee · 9 months
Hello there! I just finished And The Roar Will Rise and I'm speechless (okay maybe not really speechless because I have a lot to say about it) but anyway, I'd love a director's cut of this fic. What drew you to it, why and how you changed some things, et cetera...
Also, while I'm on the subject, I left a comment on AO3 but totally forgot to mention how incredible the kiss and the moment at the pub later on (including Sirius' perfect reaction) were, so please please tell me more about that too.
Much love ❤️
🙈 A director's cut for And The Roar Will Rise? Prepare yourself, Leda, because I have a LOT to say! (also thank you so much for asking, I'm so happy you enjoyed this fic!!!!)
Alright, let's go point by point:
What drew you to it?
I LOVE Newsies. Like, as someone who listens to musicals on Spotify on a daily basis, as someone whose top genre on Spotify Wrapped is Musicals/Showtunes every year, Newsies is one of my favorite musicals. (The others being Next to Normal, Spring Awakening, and Hadestown, if you're interested in that tidbit of trivia). I love the music, I love the choreography, and I love the push-and-pull of Jack and Katherine.
While watching the pro-shot on Disney+ for the umpteenth time (because yes it's available to watch whenever you want and features Jeremy Jordan with a comical NY accent but the face and singing voice of an ANGEL) I was deep into a particular wave of Jily Brainrot and maybe it's because Katherine has red hair and that helped spur me on, but I just thought "oh my god it's Jily." Not to mention the whole fighting-against injustice plot and the ragtag crew Jack is so embedded in.
Fun fact, I worked so hard on including nods to the lyrics and lines from the actual script without just, like, dropping them in clunkily. It was my first time doing something like this and I really enjoyed the challenge of at least trying to make these things seem natural. I didn't want them to feel out of place, but noticeable to people who are familiar with it (like James telling Lily to "Give 'em hell, Evans" in place of Jack telling Katherine to "Write it good." or James shouting to the newsies "All for one and one for all, we newsies are on strike!" in place of the lyrics "No one can make us quit before we're done/one for all and all for one" followed by chants of "strike!") I actually color-coded and annotated my doc last night and you can see that here.
Why and how you changed things.
*cracks knuckles* alright SO. A few things happened during the planning process that brought it all together:
The World
I knew off the bat that I didn't want them to be in New York, so I needed to move them to London. But with this came the complication of the entire plot—namely, the history of labor unions in England. I looked at that and thought "I don't really want to do that research and get something wrong" so I needed to find the new crux of the Newsies issue.
Sometimes I regret not adding magic into the world of my other AU, restless waves rise and fall, so for this fic, I was like hmmmm what if there is still magic, and there's no statute of secrecy. How would that work? (I went through a few different iterations of this, if they still went to Hogwarts or not, if they all lived and schooled across England but came to London for the summer, etc) This also helped firmly establish a fictional world instead of it being more historical.
The Characters
And honestly first and foremost, I quickly identified the direct ties to the Newsies characters. I have been so adamant from the start (you can ask @alittlebitofeverything23) that Sirius was my Crutchie, even though Remus was probably the obvious choice. And Remus still would've been a good choice! But Remus is so Davey to me, and Crutchie being caught and sent to the Refuge very much felt like Sirius being caught and sent back to live with his parents for whatever reason (which I then changed to Azkaban, for ease and also canon-related reasons).
Picking my Pulitzer was hard for me.* I waffled endlessly on if it'd be Petunia or Vernon, but knowing it was them meant that there was kind of a clear canon-adjacent issue for the Newsies to face. It also made the reveal tricky, because if you know Newsies, you know Katherine's father runs the paper, but when you see it for the first time and she's in the office during that confrontation with Jack, it's a complete surprise. To kind of draw out that suspense a bit in Roar, I name dropped Mr. Mason as the owner (who the Dursleys have over for dinner in CoS), then you get Vernon, and THEN you get Petunia barging in with Lily at her heels. I'm calling it "the slow release reveal" 😂.
*On the subject of Pulitzer, I did briefly consider having it be an old wizarding family, or someone like Umbridge or Voldemort trying to sow division but that was too complicated to pull off so we just kept it simple.
The Plot
Now as for the plot (oh god this is getting so long, I'm sorry!), not only did I have a different central premise for the strike (which meant I had to find a new solution), I also had the fallout of Lily's article happen before the act break/chapter break, so that left a lot of questions for me while writing the second chapter. I had to adjust a bit, and I think finagling that is why it took me longer than expected to update. So I brought in a ringer, and that ringer was a nod to Katherine Plumber from Newies, and once I introduced her and other publications, the ending solution seemed a little more clear to me.
I didn't intend to get too in-the-weeds with press and prejudice but that's what I get for not wanting to do research on labor unions, haha. But it was really nice to write something just hopeful about everything, and I really loved writing how the Muggle newsies stood their ground and supported the wixen newsies.
The kiss and the pub.
Listen, the kiss scene in Newsies makes me absolutely FERAL. The anger to kiss speed does something to my brain, and I was SO EXCITED to write it! I've had the line "God you're so infuriating! I’m about three seconds from hexing you, you know.” written since like last summer, lol. James grabbing her wrist to place her wand under his chin, feeling like he deserves it, to have her GRAB his FACE and kISS HIM?!?!?!?! I'm unwell.
And I'm so happy you enjoyed the end scene at the pub and Sirius' little quips. I missed him in this chapter and wanted to give him some of those lighter moments after I rudely put him in jail. The end was a little tricky, I won't lie, because as I had the Newsies script up, I realize Jack's decision not to go to Santa Fe is pretty....abrupt? Like his friends are just like 😔 and Pulitzer offers him a job that he doesn't even seem excited about and he's like ALRIGHT NEWSIES HIT THE STREETS! So I really wanted to make James' decision a little more fleshed out....he's still getting out of London, just not leaving everyone halfway around the world, which seemed like a pretty good compromise to me.
Additionally, in Newsies, Katherine is very much a "wherever you go, I'll go, too" type of person in the finale, and while Lily has her own plans, I wanted her to have that same sort of encouragement for him. She encourages him to go to Australia if he really wants to, because she wants him to be happy. She listens as he talks through his thoughts, even gently offers her own thoughts on it all. It's been a whirlwind week for them, but she helps offer him clarity for his next big step.
*breathes* Wow I'm....so sorry. This got SO long. I hope you at least enjoyed my ramblings? Could honestly talk about this fic for hours probably. Thank you again so much for the ask and I'm so happy you liked this fic!
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jovenshires · 9 months
I was soooo disappointed when Courtney said “next time we’ll do ff”. I cringe every time they talk about it, I prayed they wouldn’t reach their goal when it was “we read ianthony fanfic”. I remember I left the games stream when Spencer started explaining A/B/O to Shayne. Those are not for them, I hate when they take things that are made by fans for fans and make fun of them. I mean, is there really someone who enjoy when they read fanfics? I feel secondhand embarrassed physically.
to each their own; if people enjoy this then that is fine and they are allowed and smosh is welcome to do whatever they want. and as someone very kindly pointed out to me, for this spt they're doing it on a volunteer basis. (im not 100% positive they've done this in the past?? i was pretty sure the 'tis i' person didn't get a heads up but maybe i'm wrong bc. its been probably five years.)
but we can all talk about rpf and the intersection between person and fiction and what 'is' and 'is not' for them all we want, but our own personal takes on that matter aside, i think it's undeniable that, in certain points in the past videos, it has felt like a mockery of the fanfiction niche of the fandom. i think jazel (@shaymiens; i asked her if i could steal these tags and she very kindly said yes) said it better than i could here in her reblog of my ask:
#but i think the problem is that they have so much power to uphold fic writers the same way they do fan artists and editors #yet they almost always punch down #as katie puts here it's hard to stomach that they're bringing vaguely negative attn to smthn that was made in earnest with love #spt sorta makes the author the nonconsenting subject of a roast #held by thousands of viewers who have no reason to defend them against their favorite content creators #idk if smosh just doesn't Get fic culture or if they actively decide to mistreat/misunderstand it
and that's exactly it. a lot of the time it turns something very positive - something i, and a lot of you, turn to for comfort and peace and enjoyment - into a target for hostility. and this isn't a criticism of smosh alone (ive seen a lot of creators do this with fanfiction), and i'm glad that they're asking people to volunteer their work now (and again im not sure if they have in the past), because that at the very least makes it a consensual interaction. but i still feel like it's making fun of fanfiction at large and that's not personally for me. maybe i'm biased because i write fic; maybe i'm thinking too hard about a non-issue. maybe! but that's just my take on the whole thing.
anyway, tldr: if you enjoy this series, that's great! if you think what they're doing is fine, that's great, too. but i personally probably wont be tuning in.
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🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
Eh... 5??? Don't love it but I don't hate it hate it - editing can actually be kind of fun in the way untangling a massive yarn ball is fun, you start off with this immense mess and pull one errant strand and suddenly it all lines up and makes sense xD
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
... good question. Probably @schmendrickmagician due to The Warrior's Bond and also I inherently trust New Yorkers for helping with that kind of thing.
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Ghost713! I tend to be more for one-shots or single stories & not authors as a whole in terms of what I seek in fic but Icca's stuff has been some of my favorites since first getting into ME fic.
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don’t talk to on a regular basis
@teamdilf ! Always quite encouraging c:
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
It's been a Shrios thinkin' week and maybe it's having had a miserably exhausting run at work, or that it's spring... anyway. Here's a happy one xD
I've always had it in my head that sometime during ME3, Adrian & Thane do actually get married in a private, very quick little ceremony; mostly because Adrian doesn't trust one half of her family and would like to ensure, in the very likely event of her death, there's no dispute over her assets going to Kolyat.
But in the alternate little canon I've been going with - so yes like, legally they're married, but it's kept quiet from literally everyone because A: there's a whole ass war going on and B: ... they're. Actually a tiny bit afraid. Because as much as they click, it has been a rather short time together, and neither of them actually believed they'd make it to the other side and see peacetime.
So there's that persistent fear of... 'what if we're too different, once we have a chance to grow outside of a pressure cooker'? (Doesn't help that these are also two people who've been deeply stifled in terms of deveolping a personal identity vs Really Fitting Into A Mold), and it probably does get brought up - and ultimately, well... it's scary, but if they drift apart, so be it, but might as well continue enjoying the ride until then, right?
Anyway about ten years later, a lot of people get invitations to a renewal/actual wedding ceremony and it's quite lovely :>
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youchangedmedestiel · 8 months
Confession time
It has been 6 months (more or less) since I joined Tumblr and AO3 and I finally told my friends. I couldn't not tell them because it has become a big part of my life now, especially writing fanfics. A year ago I wasn't even writing a single word in my native language. And NOW I can't stop writing. Like it's a new hobby. And I think I just can't live without it anymore.
It took me a long time to tell them because I was scared of their reactions to be honest. I know they are open because otherwise we wouldn't be friends but still. I was scared they find that ridiculous or worse that they didn't understand how important it is for me and how much it changed me.
And man, they reacted sooo well. One already read fanfics since high school and loves Dean and Destiel. Plus I already send her some of my fics. The second one hasn't watched SPN and doesn't know a thing about Tumblr and fanfiction. And the last one is a Sam girl and is not really into reading fanfiction but still wanted to read what I wrote about Destiel. So I picked one, that wasn't easy to choose but I did and I hope she likes it or at least doesn't throw up while reading it.
Anyway, their backgrounds might be different, but all of them found it awesome and asked me why I haven't told them before. And I told them that it was also because I had to process the whole thing on my own, because it FUCKING changed me and the perception I had of myself. But that's also why I had to tell them, because it changed me that much and if they didn't know about it, it's like they would know me anymore.
So if you don't know how to talk about it to your friends but want to and you need inspiration then here below, this is what I sent them to explain. It might not be everyone's experience though but there this is mine:
"I should tell you because it's been 6 months now, so I've had plenty of time to accept it. You know how abnormal I am about Supernatural and especially Dean and Cas. Like, it never did that to me with any show before and when I say THAT you don't know what I'm talking about because I didn't tell you. The THAT: I created a Tumblr account, where I follow people, people I don't know follow me and I post stuff on it on SPN, on Destiel. I also created an AO3 account. Where I read fanfics but not only. Hold on tight. Me, who didn't like French or English classes when we were at school. You know me, I've never been literary, let alone in another language. But now I write fanfics in English and I LOVE it. It's my new passion, it's become a big part of my life and I think it helps me on a daily basis, I'm sure it does, like it helped me a lot especially when I had nothing to do all day when I was unemployed and it still helps me. Because it's a way of expressing myself and when I'm inspired it's an incredible feeling, I've never really known that before (except maybe when I was drawing) and I can't live without it now. I spend a lot of my free time on it and it's still not enough, which is also why I get frustrated when my weekends feel too short. It's because I'd like to take more time off to work on all the fanfic ideas I have. Because I can't always write between my evening shower and preparing dinner because it's too short, sometimes I need to take time to be able to sort out my ideas. But sometimes it just comes to me, like Saturday morning when I was just waking up in bed, I wrote a few hundred words because an idea popped into my brain. So I wanted to tell you because it's important to me. It may sound ridiculous to some, but I don't care because the feelings it gives me when people like what I write or comment that the characters sound like themselves or that I've made them cry make me happy (yes, I do like making people cry, apparently lmao). Yesterday I wasn't doing too well, I couldn't get any work done. I must have PMS going on or some crap like that, I felt empty and I didn't feel like doing anything because I couldn't see the point, whatever. I wrote a few cute words about Dean and Cas, my loves, and it made me feel better. It's kind of magical. I feel like my writing has improved a bit in 6 months. I don't think I can live without writing anymore anyway, and I never thought I'd say that one day. Here you know everything, it frustrated me that you didn't know, because it's cool to share it with strangers online but if my friends don't know about it, it doesn't make sense 😘 especially given the role and place it has in my life."
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onekisstotakewithme · 9 months
mashnoir because I'm hungry for more and also sperm donor!
i will... do sperm donor first so I can post mashnoir below the fold (since it'll have spoilers for post-ch 6).
anyway the gist of sperm donor (which I set aside to work on president CJ) is that during season 5, shortly after the supremes, a whole bunch of events conspire to make CJ think about kids and the having of them, and she starts considering using a sperm donor. guess who the number one candidate might be. (it's danny).
I had a lot of fun writing it because it was a lot of the day to day political stuff that ASorks excelled at. I had to do like six years of research for the like 12k I had of it.
Snippet (featuring my favourite, CJ + press corps banter):
“Have you changed your stance on your right to adopt?” “Okay,” CJ says, as Katie grins at her. “Just, right out of the gate, that’s what you’re going for?” Katie raises an eyebrow, but Mark holds up his pen beside her. CJ looks between the two of them, before saying, “… Mark?” “Will you be adopting a boy, or a girl?” “Do you two rehearse this act, or…?” Katie and Mark both laugh, exchanging a look, before CJ asks, “Do either of you have a real question?” “Does this law favour younger parents?” “No. Typically the kids who are adopted are younger, generally infants and small children. The older you get, the more likely you are to age out of the system. The Federal Adoption Opportunities Act is designed to streamline the process of getting more kids out of the foster care system and into families that want them, with a focus on getting older kids into foster families and eventual adoption. Chris?” “Will there be any studies conducted on the effects and outcomes associated with adoption, or is that considered a state matter?” “It is one of the requirements of the bill that adoption outcomes will be studied at length, and recommendations will be made to Congress once those studies take place. Steve?” “Do you know who’s dressing up as the Easter Bunny this year?” “You know what? I don’t, but that’s a great question. If any of you see Toby Ziegler around today, you should tell him to do it. That’s a full lid, everyone, thank you. Have a good night.”
as for mashnoir... was literally cackling and kicking my feet over the plot twist in chapter six. the real question of why did i add more chapters... the answer is because I want more interactions between the three of them. Did I maybe pick a more mundane version where I could've written something more gritty (Hawk sleeping with both Hunnicutts and them putting a hit out on each other?). sure. but i'm enjoying subverting the noir twists and turns ;)
also a love letter to your favourite state of maine will be in this fic.
anyway this bit from chapter eight:
Hawkeye should feel relieved, now that the whole scheme is out in the open – now that he’s a co-conspirator in a mercy killing instead of a co-conspirator in a murder – but he doesn’t. If he thought the weight on his soul and his conscience would be eased by the knowledge that he’s easing a dying man’s suffering, that was blown to hell with the knowledge that he’ll be leaving a child without a father. Worse still, he genuinely likes BJ, despite barely knowing him, and the loss of it tears at him. And given this madcap little scheme that he’s hatched of leaving a proper paper trail for any enterprising Barton Keyes-in-training, he’s only contributing to his own suffering by putting himself in close proximity to BJ on a regular basis. The first of these appointments falls in late July, the dead of summer, on a day so hot that there seems to be a permanent haze hanging over Boston, hot enough that the only flowers not wilting are the wax ones sitting on the nurse’s station.
(yes this is the start of chapter eight, don't @ me, I've been pulled in 1000 directions for the past week).
many twists to come. maybe not many. twists to come :)
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Trope: irondad fluff
boogie woogie woogie
Peter doesn’t call Mr.Stark dad out loud, that’d be weird. He doesn’t even call him Tony out loud very much. He’s not even on first name basis out loud. It’s just, you don’t have to say things out loud when fate- or some exploding evil nazi science equipment- decides you should hear each other's thoughts.
(I haven’t seen many fics about the moment ‘the kid’ turned into ‘my kid’ for Tony, so I wanted to write one from Peter’s pov)
. . . . .
carrer day
“Hey, sorry I’m late,” Peter’s enhanced senses picked up the familiar voice from outside the door. “I had a meeting this morning, and then I got lost looking for the class… anyway, I’m here for Peter? Peter Parker?”
He frowned at hearing his name, still unsure what exactly was going on. He watched as his teacher continued to stand and stare out the door for a minute before seemingly remembering herself and taking a step back.
“Of course! If you could just go sit next to him until your turn, he’s in the back on the right side.”
The man stepped through the door and Peter gaped with the rest of the class as Tony Stark, in his signature suit and goatee, sporting a pair of red sunglasses and carrying a suitcase walked through the door.
Prompt: Okay but what abt Tony going in to Peter’s school for career day? Like where the parents talk abt their jobs?
. . . . .
flu shot chronicles
Morgan Stark does not like shots. Neither does Peter Parker.
. . . . .
happy halloween, mr. stark
The first time Peter and Tony spend Halloween together, it isn’t exactly planned.
Tony just sort of...shows up, knocks on the door and grins wide when Peter opens it.
''Mister Stark? What are you doing here?''
. . . . .
hours of horror, black and white edition
“That’s not—” he’s instantly protesting. “You’re a liar! A dirty, dirty liar, Miss Potts.”
“I thought our philosophy is we aren’t going to lie to our children?”
“It is! Yet here you are spilling all my secrets faster than—”
Pepper puts out her palm, silencing him. “Please refrain from pop culture references, there’s only so much I can take in a day.”
“Aah, Pepper; you’re no fun. I had a hunch he was gonna quote something from Buzzfeed Unsolved.” his kid pouts.
Or, an October tradition where Peter and Ned and MJ watch old horror films and it's the Starks' turn to host
. . . . .
i will soften every edge
“You’re telling me,” he swallowed, “that my body thinks I’m Peter’s dad?”
“And it has prepared itself for parenthood in response, yes.”
After a simple brain scan, F.R.I.D.A.Y. reveals something that Tony already knew, but may not have been ready to accept. Luckily, Peter's always there to help him re-find his footing.
. . . . .
in an empty moral space
“Bring Spider-Man to us, Mr. Stark,” High-heels says and rattles off an address. “If that bug isn’t here in the next twenty four hours, then your intern gets it. We are not going to ask a second time.”
There’s a pause.
Then, “You want Spider-Man?”
“In exchange for your intern,” High-heels affirms.
“Spider-Man,” Mr. Stark repeats. He sounds more amused than worried for Peter’s apparent safety.
also known as: Peter Parker is held hostage…in order to get to Spider-Man. Throw in some Accords reconciliation and, well, Peter’s life just got a whole lot weirder.
. . . . .
Morgan’s little fists are shaking in front of her, grasping at nothing. She quickly moves aside as Tony is now standing directly in front of the tent. Morgan's small jumps where she is standing are overflowing with anticipation. Pepper stands next to her as Tony eyes the tent in front of him, newspaper in hand.
“Alright, little miss," he says with a breath, looking down at her, "what’s the drill? How do you want us to handle this?”
“All the tea party guests have to survive.”
“10-4. Pep,” he says as he looks up at her, “you ready?”
“Oh, no. You’ve got this one.”
Tony stares at her for a moment, his deadpan expression way funnier than it should be.
Morgan tells Tony there's a spider in her tent. Newspapers, surprises, and uncontrollable laughter ensues.
. . . . .
All teachers dread parent-teacher night. This one's worse than usual.
Feat. Boundaries? I don't know this word. He's not my boyfriend! Flash Thompson's A+ parents Tony and Peter are enormous nerds Gym class is important Oh my God, what's that in the bio lab
and many more
. . . . .
not really an intern
Field trip trope - yeah.
After the near-end of the universe, Stark Tower reopens to tour groups. Midtown is invited to be the first.
Includes: fluff, mostly fluff let's be real. Irondad. Peter and Morgan bonding because I love them.
. . . . .
stark’s home for wayward animals
“Peter?” he calls. “That you looming around in the dark and falling on your ass?”
“Uh.” Peter’s voice. Two more meows.
“Are you meowing at me?” Tony asks, weaving around the wet spots on the ground. “Is this happening? Is there something you wanna tell me?”
“I’m—I’m not.”
Tony narrows his eyes and turns the corner. Peter is splayed out on the third stair, in his Spiderman suit sans the mask, soaked to the bone. His hair is plastered to his forehead, he’s shivering, and he’s holding a gray cat clutched to his chest.
Tony stares at him. Both Peter and the cat are looking at him, wide-eyed, and then the cat meows again, breaking the silence.
“What’s happening right now?” Tony asks.
. . . . .
that's how you and i will be
Tony cuddles babies.
Tony Stark cuddles babies.
Iron Man is good with babies.
No matter which way Peter tries to spin this newfound knowledge in his mind, it still doesn’t make sense.
. . . . .
the moon and stars (and gummy worms where they shouldn't be)
Peter has a problem. Mr. Stark is his father. Not his surrogate father, but his actual legitimate father. Peter wants to tell him, but he’s afraid of being rejected because he’s not really ‘heir’ material. He’s just an intern. He’s just Spider-Man. He thinks he could tell Mr. Stark if he was certain Mr. Stark already loved him like a son, but Peter just can’t be sure, that is, until Ned comes up with a plan.
Peter brings Tony crazy things to eat so he can evaluate his reactions.
. . . . .
tony stark needs sleep squad
Once this became a habit, Rhodey had created a very exclusive club that only the people closest to Tony were a part of. He called it the ‘Tony Stark Needs Sleep Squad’. It was an illustrious group with only three members. The name was wordy but the purpose was clear. The dang idiot needed to sleep.
. . . . .
trope: hair playing
Tony Stark may or may not be upset about having to 'lay low' in a shitty motel of the interstate. Peter Parker may or may not be upset about having to drastically change his appearance.
Red-coloured fluff ensues.
. . . . .
two left feet
“Mr. Stark?”
“How many times do I have to tell you that it’s okay to call me Tony?”
Peter at least has the decency to look sheepish at this and shrugs. “Sorry... Tony. Anyway, I know your wedding to Miss. Po—Pepper—is coming up soon and I know you told me Michelle can come as my date, which I’m super thankful for, like super-super thankful, but I was wondering... like... I dunno, could you...?”
“Peter, I have absolutely no idea where you’re going with this or what you’re asking me to do. You gotta give me something here, kid.”
. . . . .
Thanos wins, for a time.
One year later, Peter wakes up in the woods.
. . . . .
sick days and other lies
Midtown High is going on a field trip to Stark Industries and Peter Parker will not be attending. That is, he thinks he won't be, but everything in the world seems to be against him. It's hard leading a double life before you're old enough to vote!
. . . . .
a symphony of color
The first thing Peter does once he can effectively maneuver the compound with his crutches is find a notebook that can fit in his pocket. He grabs a pen from one of the many junk drawers and starts a list of everyone he’s talked to so far.
Mr. Stark - Brown, the filling in cinnamon buns, the teddy bear in the baby photo hanging on the fridge.
Aunt May - Dusty pink, Grandma Parker’s old couch.
Pepper - Silver, fancy necklace chains, handcuffs.
He taps the end of the pen against his chin. He needs to talk to more people.
Peter wakes up with synesthesia after a fight.
. . . . .
we're not trying to reinvent the backpack here (mark 1-9)
When Peter sheepishly asked if Mr. Stark would buy him a new backpack, he did not expect his mentor to spend weeks on end trying to make the best backpack in the world for a superhero-kid.
He didn't expect that much effort, but he definitely should have.
. . . . .
what’s up, grandpa?
On the off chance Tony is out and comes across someone who doesn't recognize him, it's not too out of the ordinary for someone to mistake him and Peter for father and son. It's a mistake that he loves, a mistake that warms his heart. Because as far as he's concerned, Peter is his kid and always will be.
And when he has another kid, a small and tiny baby girl, the mistake keeps happening. People still think Peter is Tony's son.
He just isn't prepared for people to think Morgan is his granddaughter.
. . . . .
who's the baby now?
after an accident in the laboratory, Tony Stark finds himself aged down to roughly a year old. Which wouldn’t be so bad, except he quickly discovers that his brain hasn’t entirely been taken over by a drooling colorful mush and shards of his grown-up conscience leak through. Which makes it all the more boggling when Pepper invites Peter over, ‘to babysit’.
”Mr. Stark’s a baby!” Peter squeaked, mouth gaping. At the sound of his protege’s voice, Tony dived over to the door of the playpen. What the hell was Pepper playing at?!
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Dear Yuletide Writer!
Hello! This is my first year doing Yuletide! I’m a little nervous and I’m not entirely sure what I’m doing, so I’m hoping this is helpful to you, my lovely writer!
A quick disclaimer! I am also part of fandom, and I even write for fandom. I understand the time and effort you are going to put into writing a fic. Because of that, I am going to love what you give me, because you worked hard on it and you put thought and energy into it. Nobody publishes a fic they are not happy with and haven’t put care into, and for all of these reasons and more I am going to love it with all my heart. Thank you for writing. <3
Some general things about me and what I like in general:
-I am an angst writer, I love making things hurt. But I am also a huge fan of the comfort that comes after the hurt. And I won’t turn my nose up at just pure, cotton candy fluff either!
-I am partial to found family vibes and the lengths people will go to for their people.
-Powers that feel to big to comfortably sit under the skin of one person but do anyways.
-Competent characters!
Some major do not wants:
-Character bashing(it makes me uncomfortable)(unless it’s the antagonist of the story, and even then I prefer a well developed baddie you love to hate over someone who’s just ‘pure evil’)
-Permanent major character death(temporary character death/character undeath is totally fine!)
-Eating disorders
-Heavy suicidal ideation
-Cracky situations, humor is fine, but please no straight up crack. Thank you!
My AO3 is Cornflower_Blue
Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites
Ahh Hunger Pangs, this book really is my comfort book. It got me into romance as a whole and it’s absolutely one of my favorite books ever. I love the dynamics between the three main characters, and I love them individually as people as well.
Ursula: I’d love to see a character study of Ursula, she’s such a fun character and she’s been around so long.
Ursula, Vlad, Nathan: just the three of them Vibing and having a good time and enjoying each others company. Or alternatively, one of them is hurt and the other two provide comfort. Or two of them are hurt and one provides comfort. Or all three of them are hurt and they’re all providing comfort to each other. Literally any way you want to spin this is fine by me. Please have fun with it.
I’d Love: More comfort than hurt, the healing power of hugs, love is in the choosing to be with someone and working to be together and choosing each other day after day, you are my person and so you are a top priority to me
DNW: Please no heavy smut, allusions to it is fine, but I’m very much a fluff with fangs kinda girl! Please no miracle fixes for disabilities.
Shipping: Vlad/Nathan/Ursula, side character romances are Also Good!
I picked my favorite characters, but please don’t feel like you have to include everyone if you don’t want to, as long as one of the kids is involved, I’m happy!
Emelan is one of the book series I reread on a near yearly basis, and has been ever since I was in middle school and first got introduced to Tamora Pierce. It is the foundation for why I love found family so very much. The fact that the kids were each allowed to be their own people and that they stood together as a unit was so very important to me.
Briar and Lark: Rosethorn is of course Brair’s main parental figure, but Lark also played a very large part in raising him, and I’d like to see that explored a little.
Tris and Briar: Sibling. Bonding. Time. Tris taught Brair to read yes, but what else helped to bind them together as siblings? What other non-traumatizing memories do they share?
Briar, Tris, Lark, Rosethorn: Family. Dynamics. Please feel free to include the other members of the found family. As many or as little as you want, I’m just eager to see the lot of them acting like a family! They were kids at the beginning of the series and they grew up together, there has to be parts of their lives that were just, pure shenanigans.
I’d Love: Family dynamics of any kind. Powerful kids being powerful, outsider POV
DNW: Please no shipping the kids, no miracle cures for the trauma they’ve experienced
Shipping: Fine with background Lark/Rosethorn or Lark/Rosethorn/Crane
Wayne Family Adventures
I included all my favorite characters from the comic in this one, but feel free to focus on more than just them or only one or two of them depending on how the mood takes you.
This is probably one of my newest fandoms, but I’ve fallen head over heels into it. I love the family acting as family and the lighter side to the family that we are getting to see!
Dick: Dick is probably the character I most relate too, I’m also the oldest sibling and I just, I love how hard he tries and how much he cares about his people. If you can find it in your heart to include him as a main character in the fic, I would be over the moon.
Any combination of characters: Someone is hurt and alone and they don’t think anyone is coming for them. People come for them.
Cass, Damian, and Dick: Murder siblings and their proud older brother.
Dick and Cass: Dancing together
Any character: character study on their place in the family and the relationships they have with the others.
I’d Love: My people are important to me, found family dynamics, the healing power of hugs, hidden injury, acknowledging that being a vigilante is dangerous and sometimes people get seriously hurt, self sacrificing idiots.
DNW: please no shipping the batkids, no miracle fixes for disabilities.
Alright! That’s it! That’s all she wrote! Please have fun and enjoy! I can’t wait to see what you write!!! <3<3<3
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formosusiniquis · 1 year
I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that my latest major project is going to need a beta to really live up to the potential I have for it in my head. 1. Because it's a bang fic so it is essentially a gift to the fandom but also something someone else is going to have to work on but also 2. Because it's me maybe tackling something out of my reach (but yeah that's how you improve).
And I say coming to terms with like this is a struggle, and it is and it isn't. Anyway dear diary December will mark 13 years of my writing and publishing my own fanfic, something I've done consistently since that point barring life getting in the way and writers blocks. And blocks usually still involve a pen and paper, just rarely something that makes it to the end. Everything I've published has been largely unbeta'd with a few exceptions where I've had close friends in the fandom too.
Dear diary, I think I'm struggling through a bit of block on my current project because I know it's going to get read by a stranger to critique for the first time in years. I was 15ish and didn't have any fandom friends, not yet on tumblr I'd found fanfiction through stumbleupon of all things and hadn't made it to any other fandom spaces. Luckily for me, ffnet had a beta feature built into the website people could offer their services or you could offer yours on a fandom by fandom basis. (Sidenote, I do actually still kinda like this feature. Especially paired with the way they let you send files across their site rather than exchange email or whatever.)
Dear diary, to make a long story somewhat shorter. I, a 15ish yo who didn't know they were queer yet, found cr.iminal min.ds and imprinted on re.id the way young queers do. And took what was probably a whole lot of various envies that I didn't have the vocabulary for yet and translated it the best I could into what was, obviously, thinly veiled self-insert oc x re.id fanfic. Yes, in the height of the anti-oc, anti-mary sue era. And with a handful of plotless (even the ones that were supposed to have one) fluff fics under my belt I went with the confidence of a teenager with a handful of comments and storyfaves to a beta to look this new fic over. Found someone who was okay with ocs and offered constructive criticism, and got my rejection sensitive ass ripped to shreds. The "plot" and the OC flayed before me in a return message I'm only just now wondering if I still have in an inbox somewhere.
And I stopped writing. In hindsight it was probably only for a few months, but this was something I had done daily, dragging a notebook to school and writing between bells, ignoring homework. But this killed any desire and love I had for what I was doing for a long time. I still think about it, obviously.
Anyway, this is my public support for all the tiktok kids putting their full face on their self-insert/character videos. This is me trying to puke up the hurt feelings of a decade ago in order to maybe get better at a hobby I literally stumbled upon by accident. This is me realizing just how long I've been doing this, and maybe how far I've already gotten.
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