#anyway very interesting stuff and I hope he gets some other parts this year!
roamingbadger · 2 years
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‘Normal People’s Frank Blake on an actor’s life’ by Liadan Hynes
Full article below the cut (warning, it is long!):
‘I used to worry on set, ‘I’ve just done another mean thing’,” Frank Blake says with a rueful smile. We’re discussing what’s probably his most high-profile role to date, playing Alan in director Lenny Abrahamson’s TV adaptation of Sally Rooney’s Normal People, a show that went a long way towards getting many of us through lockdown one.
“There’s a bit where I throw water on Marianne. I just felt awful that day,” he says with a laugh. “You know, because I’ll throw water on her, and Lenny’s not going to go, ‘Good man’. They called cut, I stand in the bold corner for a while, Daisy [Edgar-Jones] gets dried off for the next take, where the same thing happens again.”
Alan is central character Marianne’s older brother, a man lost in his own stew of anger and resentment; a threatening character in both the book and screen versions of Normal People. In the past, Blake has commented on how it is necessary to find a way into a dark character, to find some sympathy. Otherwise, you’re just playing a tone, he says.
“You just have to find what makes a person human,” he says now. “Lenny was a great help there in doing the groundwork. Alan’s feeling a bit hard done by in life. He’s obviously got a bit of jealousy going on there — a bit of trauma from the loss of their dad, which is a tough thing to deal with.
“I think it’s symptomatic of a certain rural repression, that character. And a male rural repression, maybe, when we see, unfortunately, that so many young men don’t ask for help, and they go a certain way. I think it’s a nice contrast to Connell in that show, where actually he does go looking for help in what’s such an amazing scene — his therapy scene. So I think, yeah, that’s an interesting juxtaposition in the show.
“If someone just asked him, you might get something out of him, but no one does and everyone’s afraid to. That’s the energy he gives off. So, he’s probably unlikely to get help.”
It’s hard, he agrees, to portray that kind of darkness without descending into pantomime. “Particularly when that show was very much about Connell and Marianne, so you have to be comfortable in the fact that you’re there to serve the story. You have to be there to serve this part of the story, so I don’t have to be liked or whatever.”
Throwing water aside, they had the best craic on set, he says. “I used to always be jealous of the other cast members. I’d get pictures of them shooting a pool party, or all the cool, hot Trinity stuff. It was actually great craic with Aislín [McGuckin], who played our mum, and Daisy. We’d such a laugh in between scenes.”
Blake had come from performing in Louise O’Neill’s Asking For It at the Abbey Theatre before the Normal People auditions began, along with some other actors, including Paul Mescal who later appeared in the show.
“I think it was one of the last weeks of Asking For It that we were all auditioning for it, so it was quite funny actually. Not only were there actors from Asking For It, but there were plenty of other actors in the [Abbey] building, and you could just see people walking around with copies of Normal People,” he grins. “‘Ehhh, why are you reading that?’”
When he found out, months later, that he had landed the part, he was performing in another landmark Dublin theatre, The Gate. His agent let him know on the opening night of Tennessee Williams’ play The Glass Menagerie that he had been successful.
Blake, now 28, didn’t grow up knowing he wanted to be an actor, but at the same time, he had always been interested in theatre and movies. He hails from Tuamgraney, Co Clare, and is the youngest of three. “I think there was a latent actor in me there, but it was never something I did as a child or anything.”
His family ran an equestrian centre. He and his siblings would muck out the stables before school and get stuck in afterwards. “It gave you a good work ethic, anyway. It gave me a good maturity, in that way. And I saw so much of the country through travelling around to horse shows and stuff. It was a really interesting environment to grow up in.
“I wanted to do that as well, for a long time,” he continues of the world of horses. “It’s kind of a world I liked. I don’t know, I just kind of lost interest in it as I got older. People are always, ‘Oh that’s so amazing’. But I think when you grow up in that kind of environment, it’s almost like a bit of a chore.”
In his younger years, he didn’t know anyone who had made a career out of acting. “There were no stage schools around me. Now, there’s loads of things there, thankfully, for other people. And I think drama is about to become a subject in secondary school as well. If only!”
Dramatic outlets may have been limited, but from the age of four Blake had attended the annual amateur drama festival circuit each year — the plays were staged in the school hall. “My neighbour used to bring me. Every single night, there’d be different drama group doing a classical play. I’d seen every John B Keane play, Conor McPherson — I’d seen all of that stuff by the time I was 12.”
Eventually, aged 17, Blake performed in the community musical. “I was in the ensemble of Jesus Christ Superstar,” he laughs, adopting grand tones. “It wasn’t a school thing, it was the whole community. They used to let some schoolkids be part of the ensemble, so myself and a few of the lads just said, ‘Sure f**k it, we’ll throw ourselves in here.’ We were pretending that, ‘ah, this is just a bit of a laugh’, but I was secretly absolutely loving it. Nailing Jesus to the cross — that was my big role!” He grins at the memory.
Previously, he had planned to study psychology in university, but this experience pushed him to look into acting as a career. “It’s a bit of leap to be making,” he chuckles. “That sorted of turned my head a bit.”
He did an arts degree in NUI Galway, studying drama along with German and philosophy. It rapidly became clear though where his true interests lay. “I did eight plays in Dramsoc that year, and I think it quickly became apparent that that’s what I was into. I was still kind of in denial a bit — ‘Oh, that’s for the people over there’.”
Who are the people over there, I wonder? He’s not sure, he says, then jokes: “People in Dublin.” He adds: “The biggest obstacle is probably yourself, really, for a long time.”
Towards the end of that first year, Blake applied for a place in The Lir Academy, Ireland’s National Academy of Dramatic Art at Trinity College, without telling anyone. “In secret. Because I still didn’t know what I was at. You did three auditions over three months. I was skipping lectures, saying I was going to the doctor — stuff like that. And then I got in there.”
That felt amazing, he recalls, although he quickly realised he would have to tell his mother, and braced himself. “I remember getting ready to ring my mum, and be like, ‘I’m dropping out of college,’” he adopts, at this point, a sort of urgent, I won’t be dissuaded, tone. “‘I’m going to be a dropout.’ And expecting this big blowout, and being like, ‘Well I’m going anyway’.”
When he did ring, his mother was nothing but supportive and very proud. “I didn’t get to do any of the big arguments I’d practised,” he laughs.
Drama school was a somewhat different pace from an arts degree. But he relished it. “A lot is asked of you. But it pushed you so much outside of yourself that I loved it.” He particularly enjoyed the intensity of the schedule. “Looking back, you spend so much time waiting around as an actor, even if you’re busy, you’re still doing nothing. And to think that you got to go in there and you got to do something from morning until night, every day, that you loved. It’s just the best.”
Ending drama school can be a time of pressure — not everyone gets an agent. Blake did, however. “And then… you think you’re going to be a rock star,” he says with another laugh. “For most people, 99pc of people, you realise, ah, things are a bit different when you finish. You realise how hard it is. You’re just auditioning and getting no’s. Not even getting the no’s — not hearing back at all. It was just that for ages.”
He worked as a doorman in a hotel in Ballsbridge. He never considered giving up on acting, but he did begin to doubt himself. “And [I’d start to] think, ‘This isn’t what I thought it would be’. I did worry and think maybe it wasn’t for me for a while.”
Eventually, things began to pick up. “I started to realise then it’s about building a career, and it’s building blocks. Like, some people come out and they’re movie stars after a week. But I kind of realised you just chip away, doing small bits in theatre, and doing small bits on telly, or whatever is coming along. You eventually build up relationships. And after a couple of years, I could see that starting to pay off.”
Resilience is key for actors, he agrees. And the knowledge that this is a long-haul game. “Everyone finds it hard. You talk to people who you think are doing amazing, and the goalposts always move. And it’s always hard. You have to find the comfort in that.”
That said, it can be difficult. “It’s something I still find really, really challenging. Because you’ll always go through bouts of not working. Or things just being a bit different to how they were before, or how they will be. You just have to find the ease in that.”
He dislikes the nature of having to wait for someone else to give you a yes that comes with acting. “But it’s the reality of it. I’ve tried writing and stuff, as a way of taking back a bit of control, myself. I found great joy in that.”
He wrote a short film a few years ago based on Donal Ryan’s short story The Passion. “It was one of the most satisfying things I’ve ever done, because there was so much control in that. Being part of every aspect of a production, not just being told what to do. It was great, I loved it.”
It also demystified parts of the process, he reflects. “You think that’s for the people over there, and then you just do it, and you go, ‘Oh, right, I just had to do it’. So, I’ve gotten more into that now. I’ve written a few screenplays that are in development.”
Since Normal People, he has appeared in PBS costume drama Sanditon. He moved to London last year, having wanted to for years. “I love it. But I’m doing that classic thing of moving over to London and hanging out with a load of Irish people.”
He also appreciates that many of his friends are not in acting. It is good to have people who are not in his professional world. “When things aren’t going well, the last thing you should be doing is talking about all of the acting ever, when you could go out and kick a ball against the wall.”
For now, though, things are going well. Already this year, Blake has worked on film and in theatre. He is currently between jobs. “I’m doing that waiting thing,” he says, smiling. “I did a few bits this year. I’m just waiting for the next thing. There are a few things floating around.”
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mrwavellswaps · 5 months
Step-Bro Switch Up! (Re-Upload)
Instead of a new story this week I’ve decided to re-upload an old favourite instead. As some of you may or may not know, the original version was completely wiped from the surface of the internet by Tumblr to the point where there wasn’t even a trace of its existence. I wasn’t even notified of this when it happened which feels like it’s own separate issue considering it was my biggest ever story but I digress. I thought that now might be the appropriate time to re-unleash this story upon the world and allow those who loved the original to enjoy it once again and for those who never got a chance to read the original to discover it for the first time. That said I’m hoping to come out with some new and fresh content very soon but in the meantime I hope you all enjoy this return of an old classic!
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I found myself waking up at 6:30am in the morning which was rather unusual for me but not so much for my body. I soon realised why though as a low rumble came from my stomach. With a sigh I slid out of bed, trying not to wake the other sleeping jock beside me in the process. I didn’t even bother putting on underwear, instead walking to the kitchen buck naked.
I waltzed up to the fridge, opening it up before pulling out a carton of juice. After taking a few huge gulps I lick my lips and let out a deep belch. Next thing I’m rummaging through to see what I can make for breakfast. Had to make sure I kept this big body fed after all. Can’t let all my step-brother’s hard work go to waste. Confused? Well let me start at the beginning…
A few years back not long after I turned 20 my mom met a guy named Devin who she soon started dating. Pretty big guy with a bearish ex-jock physique. He was 45 at the time so a similar age to my mom and they seemed to get along great. I certainly didn’t mind having some extra dilf eye candy around the house every now and then. I soon learned however that Devin was also a single Dad with a 22 year old son which certainly peaked my interest.
When I first met him I almost couldn’t believe my eyes. He introduced himself as Sam but I was almost too hypnotised by his looks to notice. He was the perfect image of a star college jock with enormous well rounded muscles that bulged under his clothes while standing at an imposing 6’3, practically dwarfing my lean 5’8 frame. And of course he was devilishly handsome too because the hot body wasn’t already enough, even having a great full beard that I was jealous of. I even remember how I had to hide my pulsing boner after he pulled me in for a quick bro hug, his manly scent getting caught in my nostrils.
After that Sam became a frequent part of my jerk off fantasies. Could you blame me? Not only was he the epitome of masculinity but my god did he have an incredible ass. Whenever Sam had his back turned I couldn’t help but have my eyes glued to those massive globes, no doubt stretching whatever pants he was wearing. Honestly I felt truly blessed to be able to spend time around such a man.
Anyway fast forward about two years and my mom had already gotten married to Devin. It was an amazing ceremony but for half of it all I could think about was how me and Sam were now Step-Brothers. We were truly intertwined now. I didn’t think the idea of that would turn me on as much as it did. That fucking hunk, my brother.
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Shortly after the wedding however, the roommate Sam had been sharing an apartment with decided to move out and live with his new partner. At first Sam had been considering downsizing to a smaller apartment but when he brought this up I knew this was my chance. I pounced on the opportunity and told him I’d been thinking of moving out for awhile and that it’d be cool to spend some more time with my new brother if he was down for that. To my excitement he actually accepted and the next thing I know I’m moving my stuff out of my moms house and into Sam’s apartment. I was surprised at how clean it all was for the most part. Then again Sam wasn’t your typical dumb jock either, he always seemed very mature and put together.
The two of us got on pretty well living together. We tried to respect each other’s space and chatted a lot as good friends. Luckily I did well to hide my excitement whenever I saw him walking around shirtless, showing off his huge hairy chest, or god forbid only a pair of tight boxer briefs. The day I first saw that was the day I nearly creamed myself on the spot. Oh and while I respected his space when he was around, whenever I was home alone I couldn’t help but give into the devil on my shoulder before rummaging through his room. I tried not to take anything but every time without fail I’d sift through his dirty laundry, pulling out whatever sweaty clothes I could find and relishing in the smell.
For about 6 months that’s how my life was. Living under the same roof as my hot step-bro while trying not to let him see my dirty secret. That is until I found a certain little spell online. Pretty much I’d been searching up some fetishy body swapping stuff online and ended up stumbling across some weird body swapping ritual. Of course I didn’t believe it but the masses of comments on the page claiming it to have worked peaked my interest.
Next thing I know I’m up in the middle of the night waiting until I was certain that Sam was asleep before sneaking into his room. It didn’t take long for me to find the pair of yellow underwear he’d had on that day, giving it a quick sniff before stuffing it in my pocket and retreating back to my room. Once there I was able to start the ritual. I placed the underwear in the middle of a circle I’d drawn on the floor surrounded by candles before chanting some magical phrases that were supposed to enchant them. I can’t tell you how stupid I felt at that moment but I continued on anyway, finishing everything I needed to say before grabbing the underwear again. At that point all I had to do was wear it.
I yanked on Sam’s ‘enchanted’ yellow briefs with the hope that my wish would come true but as I’d expected, nothing happened. With a sigh I cleaned up the mess I’d made with this ritual stuff, feeling like an idiot as I did before heading to bed. I decided to keep Sam’s oversized briefs on though because just wearing them was making me hard even if I was still myself. I remember I’d begun to jack off in them, imagining how hot it’d be to see him wearing them after I’d stained them with my cum. That is until a wave of tiredness swelled across my body and before I knew it I was fast asleep.
It seems I must’ve underestimated that ritual because overnight something truly magical took place. When I awoke I already knew something was off when I noticed my feet hanging off the edge of my bed. I sat up in confusion only to feel much heavier than normal while looking down the bed to see a pair of much larger feet. Next thing I yank off my bed sheets only to find a massive, hairy, muscular body that certainly wasn’t my own.
Right away I was running my hands along the ridges of my abs before grasping the heft of my giant new pecs, loving all the fur as I was previously rather hairless. Jumping out of bed I was quick to discover that my lower body was just as hairy and impressive with huge quads, and impressive calves. And then it started to hit me. I didn’t realise it at first as I’d never seen it from this angle but these giant legs, these bulging arms, these bulbous pecs… they all seemed exactly like Sam’s! I was even still wearing his briefs which now clung tightly to my form as I didn’t fail to notice the familiar bulge in the front. Only… it was my bulge!
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At that moment I knew what must’ve happened but my rational mind pleaded that it was impossible. Still I burst out of my room and made a beeline for the bathroom and what I saw in the mirror made me want to cheer, shout and most of all cream my new underwear. I saw none other than the sexy bearded face of my step-brother staring back in disbelief.
As you can imagine I spent the next 20 or so minutes inspecting every inch of my new muscle bound body. I did all sorts of poses to show off my physique in every way, pulled different kinds of weird faces in the mirror, relished in rubbing my hands through the full beard I was never able to grow before. Having the body I’d been lusting over for these past years at my disposal felt like some kind of lucid wet dream. But it was real! From my brother’s handsome face, to his giant muscle ass, to even his fat cock! All mine!
Soon enough I’d yanked off the underwear and started pumping my dick in ecstasy, loving how my hand only just fit the whole way around. Waves of pleasure cascading across my new body as I used my free hand to grope at my hairy pecs, the deep groans I let out only making me hornier. Before I could shoot my new seed however, I heard a scream come from what I can only guess was Sam’s room. Up until now I hadn’t even thought about the real him but judging by that scream I had only one guess as to what’d happened.
Instead of slipping the boxer briefs back on I decided to grab a towel instead and wrap it around my waist. I didn’t want him to think something was up to see me already wearing his clothes after all. With that I turned to the mirror one last time, scanning my face and upper body again with wonder. I still couldn’t get over it.
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Upon entering Sam’s room I was somewhat surprised to see an exact copy of myself stood freaking out at his body. I should’ve been expecting it but it was still extremely weird nonetheless. Then, as he saw me stood in the doorway, he went silent. Naturally he was in shock for a good moment or two but as soon as it passed he began shouting a bunch obscenities at me. Demanding who the fuck I was and how I looked like him. He even tried to punch me which I’ll be honest wasn’t all that scary considering I was now twice his size.
Right then I knew I had a few ways I could go about this. I could admit that I caused this to happen, I could tell him that I had no clue how any of it happened, or even pretend to be completely oblivious and act as if I was really Sam. The horny devil on my shoulder told me to rub it in his face that I now had his irresistible jock body and that he was stuck with my unathletic one but I couldn’t. Sure we weren’t super close or anything but he was always friendly towards me and was never a dickhead so I decided to take it easy on him.
I pretended to be just as confused as he was, saying who I really was but not having any idea how this happened. I think I was pretty convincing. We ended up sitting in his room and discussing it for what felt like hours, going over everything that happened last night as Sam tried to comprehend the situation. Of course he only went on and on about finding a way to fix this and I had to pretend as if I cared, trying not to get distracted by my own body. In fact there were multiple points where I had to keep hiding the tent starting to grow under my towel because of how hot it was to look down and see a shelf of muscle sitting on my chest.
Eventually I was able to convince him that we weren’t going to figure this out any time soon so we had to start thinking about how we were going to live each overs lives. As you can imagine he wasn’t all that fond of this idea, protesting it at first but eventually came to see reason. I suggested we should start discussing all the important details we’d need to know but before that I wanted to get some actual clothes on. I had to try not to grin while telling him to get out of my room while I changed. Though I couldn’t help dropping the towel just before he left and showing off the meaty cock and impressive ass he used to have. I caught him glancing back with a look of envy, the very same look I used to give.
Of course getting dressed in Sam’s clothes was an erotic experience in itself. All of these large shirts, pants, briefs and socks that would’ve swamped my former body now fitting me perfectly. I must’ve spent at least 15 minutes or so just trying on different clothes while jerking my cock a little in between until I heard a knock at the door and my former voice asking what the hell was taking so long. With a sigh I tucked my new toy away and waltzed out in what I was currently wearing. A pair of well fitting black shorts and a large pair of black and white socks. I didn’t bother grabbing a shirt since I just couldn’t help but show off this bod. Could you blame me?
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When he asked what I’d been doing I simply said I was trying on clothes. He knew there was more to it than that but decided he didn’t really wanna know. Instead we opted to both take a seat in the living room and start discussing things. I told him everything he needed to know about my retail job, which wasn’t a whole lot to be honest, as well as my friend group and what my daily routine was like. Afterwards Sam begrudgingly did the same for me, telling me all about his part time job as a fitness instructor at the local gym and that if we were stuck like this then I’m gonna need to learn how all gym equipment works and fast. He also gave me some inside info on his own friend group as well as walking me through what his football practice is like with the team. Part of me was worried hearing all this as I was beginning to wonder if I could really pull off being Sam but at the same time I was excited beyond belief to get into these social situations and convince people of the new me.
Thankfully it was Sunday so neither of us had a whole lot going on that day which gave us plenty of time to think and adjust without stressing. I spent most of it half naked and I loved catching glimpses of Sam glancing at his former body as I showed it off, even getting a little cocky by flexing every now and then which he didn’t appreciate all that much. Honestly I was surprised at how hungry I was as well and just how much I was able to eat. I mean I guess it made sense since a body this big needs a lot of fuel. Sam helped me a little with my meals though, making sure there was a bunch of protein and healthy calories to make sure I was feeding his body correctly. Later that day he also got me to head out for some cardio which I wasn’t too thrilled about at first but I actually kinda enjoyed it once I got running. I especially enjoyed my new sweaty scent that produced during it, not being able to help sniffing my pits when I got back. Of course Sam told me to go get a shower but before I did I couldn’t help swiftly grabbing him and shoving his face into my musky pits, laughing as he squirmed for a moment before letting him go. I apologised after through my laughter though I couldn’t help but smirk subtly as despite his face looking disgusted, the slight bulge in his pants told another story.
The next day however was when the real challenge started. After breakfast Sam gave me a list of what exercises to do at the gym. I’ll be honest I didn’t know half of them and had to look them up on the way. That walk to the gym however was the first time I noticed the difference in my interactions. Before people wouldn’t pay much mind to me but now as I passed people on the street I’d get some smiling and glancing at me, some giving me an envious once over, others even saying hi to me in a bit of a flirty way. Mostly from girls which even though I was gay I still enjoyed the flattery. Once I was at the gym though, I was in the zone. It’s weird but it was like muscle memory took over. I performed each and every exercise perfectly while loving the pump I was getting. Once again I was having to hide my boner at many points since I couldn’t help but get off to how fucking strong I was now. It did and still does feel absolutely incredible!
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Later that day I headed to Sam’s usual football practice with a bunch of his jock friends. Initially I was worried I wouldn’t fit in but I somehow found myself easily slotting into the jockbro mindset and was soon laughing and joking with the boys. It was the same when we started playing, right away it was like my body just moved on its own, knowing exactly what to do and how to play. It was then that I realised I must’ve somehow absorbed a lot of Sam’s skill, know-how and personality when I took his form and I was gradually unlocking it all by putting myself in these situations. Although I don’t think I was playing as well as Sam usually does, not because of a lack of skill but because I was constantly distracted watching all those jock butt’s and bulges squeezed into those football uniforms. Surely at least one of them had to be gay right?
After getting home I found Sam sat on his laptop looking up all sorts of body swapping theory stuff. Of course most of it was fake but he was clearly desperate to get his body back. Sure there might be an off chance he could find the site I used but that a one way transfer according to the spell. Knowing this I told him to not get his hopes up and to just try and make use of the hands we’ve been dealt. As you can imagine he didn’t take that very well at the time.
From then onwards though, I’d say things were pretty easy. I easily convinced my new dad and former mom, now step-mom that I was their good ol hairy jock of a son. I was able to pull off being a fitness instructor with relative ease after going around the gym and using each piece of the equipment to trigger the memories of how to use it properly. I’d convinced all of Sam’s friends inside and outside of the football team that I was him. I’ll say that it took me awhile to fully get used to hearing my new name but whenever I did it was like music to my ears.
I’ve gotta say though, living with the former Sam was more fun than I thought it’d be. I figured it would’ve been weird initially after the switch and that we’d have to go our separate ways but even after just over a week of being Sam I was having so much fun messing with him. For example I almost never wore a shirt around the house, always showing of my huge hairy pecs and whenever I’d catching him staring I’d give a little pec bounce until he looked away in annoyance. I’d frequently pull him in for ‘brohugs’ where I’d either squish him against my chest or trap him under one of my pits until I saw him getting a semi. He’d alway deny having one though which is why I decided to set up a fun little experiment.
Turns out that Ian, one of the other jocks on the football team, was in-fact gay. Wasn’t hard to decipher after noticing his frequent glances at my ass in locker room, not that I can blame him, and how much he blushed when I gave his jock butt a slap after practice. Next thing you know we’re making out under the locker room showers while groping up each overs bodies. It was insane since before I would’ve considered Ian to be light years out of my league but now I had him on his knees with his lips wrapped around my shaft to which I then soon returned the favour. It was here that I got my experiment idea.
Yesterday after practice, I pulled Ian aside and asked him to come back to my place. He was quick to agree and before you know it we were stumbling into mine and Sam’s shared apartment. My former body jumped up off the couch and asked what Ian was doing here. ‘To have some fun’ I believe my response was being making out with Ian in front of him and dragging the other jock back towards Sam’s-well my bedroom. As Ian and I stumbled onto the bed, kissing along each overs bodies as we slowly undressed, I made sure to leave the door open just a crack.
One thing lead to another and before long Ian had his face buried into a pillow as I buried my cock in his ass and I made no attempt to be subtle about, groaning and grunting and my balls smacked against that supple butt. Throughout our amazing fuck session I made sure to keep glancing back at the door and finally I caught exactly what I was waiting for. I saw none other than Sam peeking through the crack in the door and lightly tugging at my former dick. That was all the confirmation I needed that my little bro was just as much of a homo as I was no matter how much he wanted to deny it.
And that more or less brings us up to the present, waking up early in the morning with Ian fast asleep beside me and being called into the kitchen by my growling stomach. As I searched through the fridge to see what else I could find to satisfy my hunger, I heard a cough coming from behind. Whipping my head around I saw none other than Sam with a judgmental look on his face.
“Don’t gimme that look, you’ve seen all this before.” I say, shaking my hairy ass a little before flexing. Sam rolled his eyes. “No no no don’t act like you don’t love seeing me show off your body, I saw you peeking in on me and Ian last night.”
Sam’s face went bright red. “W-w-what? N-no I didn’t!”
Immediately I shushed him, not wanting to wake Ian before stepping closer. “Oh come on don’t lie, I know you jacked off to it. So what was your favourite bit? The part when you got to see me using your body to pound into another buff dude and fill his ass with your cum? Or the part where you watched Ian totally dominate me afterwards and go to town on your former hairy bubble ass?” By this point Sam was completely speechless knowing that he’d been caught.
With that I lifted up an arm, exposing one of my pits to him but this time I didn’t shove him in it. “Go on, you know you want to. You can try and hide it all you want but you love seeing me show off your body, you love watching me adopt all your little habits, you love watching me slip perfectly into you jocky lifestyle. Just embrace it lil’ bro” He stares at me then at my pit. I could see it in his eyes. Pure lust. And then just as I’d hoped, he gave in to it. I couldn’t help but grin ear to ear as he voluntarily presses his nose into my pit, huffing my musk like a drug. I was even more surprised when he pulled away and immediately dropped to his knees, drooling at the sight of his former cock.
“C…can I suck it?” He asked while grasping it gently in his hand.
“Only if you agree to only address me as Sam from now on, even when we’re alone.” I state looking down at his hungry eyes. He nods in compliance and with that I put a hand on the back of his head and press him down onto my dick, letting him slobber all over it. “But don’t get too used to this. I’m planning on making Ian my boyfriend in the future and I wanna be faithful ya know. So enjoy it while it lasts.”
With that everything has finally fallen into place. The old Sam has finally accepted our new roles, I’ve assumed my new identity perfectly and I might even have a hot new boyfriend soon. My life couldn’t be anymore perfect right now…
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taffywabbit · 1 year
idk if i'm way off the mark on this, but the way some people are responding to that Guillermo del Toro interview about the decline of studio animation is a bit frustrating to me. specifically the bit where he talks about "emoji animation" and how everything is over-animated and pushed too far and things are rarely allowed to not be ultra-cartoony (y'know, because animation always needs to be marketable to children who are never trusted to have attention spans, right?). like, i think he's generally correct about it! but some folks are taking the wrong message away from that.
i've seen people going off about how "soulless" and "corporate" various recent examples are, and talking about these pieces of media as though they're the result of some kind of personal failing or lack of skill/range on the part of the animators, and it's just like. do people realize that's the only animation you're usually allowed to DO in the industry, unless you get incredibly lucky and land yourself on a project/studio that's unusually cool?
when i was in college for animation it was literally drilled into us nonstop that everything had to be pushed more, that exaggeration was not a guideline or a sometimes-treat but a hard rule that always had to be applied regardless of what was going on, because the viewer couldn't be trusted to pick up on subtlety and we sure as hell couldn't be trusted to convey it. you ever wonder why there's such a specific vibe to a lot of self-directed student films, particularly ones that are focused on character acting/interaction or deep emotions and introspection (especially when there's minimal/no dialogue)? it's because for a lot of young animators, they haven't had the freedom to experiment with realism and subtlety up to that point and they're likely not going to have it again for a while (or at all, unless their career path leads to higher positions where they might have more creative direction over the things they work on. which also becomes a lot less likely if they're anything other than a cishet white dude, for what it's worth).
i would LOVE to see more nuanced, realistic, understated motion and acting in animation. i WANT more characters to be able to express what they're feeling through natural body language and facial cues and for scenes to allow me to breathe instead of spelling everything out in giant bold flashing text all the time. what del Toro wants to see changed in the animation industry sounds great, and i hope others join him in seeking to revamp what modern animation is allowed to be.
but as things currently stand, and as they've stood for a long while now, most artists doing the grunt work on the shows and movies you see are completely at the mercy of corporations and networks who have a vested interest in producing a very specific kind of marketable and cost-efficient media all the time. (and by extension that style is ALSO what's taught in most animation schools, because their job more than anything is to grind you down into a perfect little sweatshop worker who will bend over backwards to meet quotas and get your work approved and not question the higher-ups, even if you have little to no personal investment in the projects you're working on, so that the studios who employ you can maintain their good reputations or whatever)
anyways idk what my point was here, this really just sorta became a rant and my views have undoubtedly been coloured by my own personal experiences (this kinda shit is largely why i dropped out before my last year of animation school, for the record).
i guess just be kind to folks in the animation industry? they've had it fucking rough nonstop for well over a century (the majority of them are still not unionized and there's HUGE pushback against doing so in many places). i assure you they are doing their best to infuse the latest uninspired illumination flick or weird spinoff kids' show with literally any amount of soul they can. you don't have to like the stuff that gets produced by any means! be a hater! i'm certainly not gonna stop you. just remember where these creative decisions come from and why these conditions exist, and consider that when YOU watched something and thought "hmm that could've been done better", you can bet your ass someone actually working on it probably thought the same thing but couldn't do anything about it. these things WILL change as the industry itself improves, but in the meantime folks have to pay their rent, and that usually means doing what they're told and working in a way that will minimize revisions and meet quotas so they can keep their jobs. it sucks, but it is what it is.
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bones4thecats · 4 months
What Are They Like With A Rafiki! S/O?
Type of Writing: #7 - Poll Result Characters: Cater Diamond, Leona Kingscholar, and Lilia Vanrouge Name: What Are They Like With A Rafiki! S/O? Original Poll Link: Here
A/N: My hands are currently dying! I'm making the special stuff for the 19th! Also, I will not be posting that much that day, since I'll be out of my home for the day to spend time with my family. Anyways, I do hope you enjoy this!
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💎 Cater first heard about you from Ace and Deuce, and he had to admit, you sounded quite entertaining
💎 You were noted by many to be quite nutty-sounding, as, whenever someone came to you for advice, you'd offer it in tounges. Words sewn together for the listener to figure out for themselves
💎 Even he'd have to admit, for someone who uses hashtags and quite a bit of social-media related lingoes in his sentences, your words were confusing!
💎 But, once he got past of all of that and he saw how tame you were with maintaining this 'Circle of Life', which he guessed you meant by how things chase others and whatnot, Cater grew to start admiring you
💎 The reason you used those metaphors to drive many insane was because it taught them to think and learn that wisdom is not something you can just grab, but it's something that one must learn, with difficulty, after all, as you say;
" Nothing is easy to obtain when it comes to wisdom. Wisdom is something that pushes and pulls on your struggles and weak spots like children playing tug-of-war in elementary school. "
💎 Cater loves to mess around with people, especially when you come into the mix and make them not only annoyed, but confused beyond belief
💎 It also makes him laugh when you play chess with your old friend, Leona. You're basically the only person that he knows that can beat him in the strategic game
💎 He also adores watching you draw things using some random items, such as fruits and flower's petals/colorings to make one colorful
💎 Your boyfriend loves posting stuff on his Magicam, and ever since he noticed how amazing you were with both magic and hand-to-hand combat, he would take videos of you training in Savanaclaw and post them with a classic Cater-style hashtag
" Oh, my lovely S/O is so talented with that bakora stick! " #caycay'sdarlings/o #caycay'ss/otraining #caycay'saveragedaywiths/o
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🦁 Leona and you grew up together
🦁 While his ego blocked him from doing so, deep down in his heart, he admired how talented you were with magic and your words
🦁 He also found it entertaining watching you speak with your words twisted around to confuse everyone, including his older brother, Falena, and his wife
🦁 Leona first became interested in you when you began to study the darker-parts of magic, the stuff that your family and ancestor had banned from being learned in your home
🦁 Due to your flaw in 'rule-remembering', you were transferred into Night Raven College, just after your first years at Royal Sword Academy and NRC respectively
🦁 People from all different dorms could tell there was some tension between the Savanaclaw housewarden and the vice-housewarden, and Ruggie used this to his advantage a lot
🦁 Or, he attempted too...
🦁 The two of you are very strong apart, but when you come together against something, those you have seen you fight know that that person better just hand in the towel, unless they want to get their asses handed to them
🦁 Leona loves watching you use your wisdom to your advantage, teaching your under-classman about the value of knowledge and acceptance of all types of magic
🦁 He also adores watching you train with a new member of Savanaclaw each year, using your mandrill-beastman abilities to leap into the trees to hide and plan you next attack or use your bakora stick to whoop them into place
🦁 By the way, he plays chess with you whenever he maintains energy, and he gets very grumpy when you win. And by that, I mean he doesn't let you get up from your napping-sessions for two hours
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🦇 You were the mentor of the Kingscholar brothers, so, when you walked up to their group of four Night Raven College students when visiting the beastman's homeland for the Tamashina-Mina Event, he gained an extreme interest in you
🦇 He noticed that Leona was appearing annoyed, but in his eyes he held a glint of adoration and joy at seeing you so joyous at meeting his so-called 'friends'
🦇 When he asked Leona about you after you left, he learned everything
🦇 You and your friend Kifaji were the maintainers of their home and helped raise the boys whenever their parents were busy with their royal duties, and you had been the main caretaker of the younger of the boys
🦇 From teaching him about magic styles to the many ways to fight hand-to-hand, you were the person who Leona was closest to, and Lilia had to admit, he was smitten by your personality from the start
🦇 Despite your age, you were a very well-versed person. You were fairly eccentric and happy-go-lucky, and the way you spoke made everyone who heard you confused
🦇 All except Lilia, who understood exactly what you were saying
🦇 Lilia and you quickly bonded and began spending a lot of time together, and when he went to perform his part of the event, you gave him a big thumbs up, showing your support full-on
🦇 Leona wasn't very happy to see his only parental figure being close to such a 'fae-dickhead', but, he had to admit, seeing you so happy and carefree with the guy made him feel slightly good
🦇 Before he had left to go back to his adoptive son(s), he gave you his number, winking at you and slyly telling you to message him sometime
🦇 He has never felt thing young in years!
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feyascorner · 6 months
I feel a lot of people think he just lost his soul when he went through with the ascension (myself included) but replaying for the third time (this time w/o rushing lol), it’s more obvious that he’s still him.
Of course, there’s a very obvious difference between spawn astarion and ascendant astarion in his dialogue, especially if you romance him. Ascendant astarion, in the state that he is immediately after ascension, is absolutely not a healthy representation of what a relationship should look like and should not be desired. Obviously some people think he’s hot but for the sake of the argument just go along w me here.
Regardless I don’t think the ascension changed him THAT much as a person. In fact I’d argue that NOT ascending changes him more (for the better). Ascending just made parts of him (the less forgiving traits) that much more prominent.
Looking back on Act 1 during the tiefling celebration (assuming you don’t side w the goblins), he clearly says he doesn’t revel in being a hero. And throughout the game he makes it very clear he’s willing to be selfish because he hasn’t been allowed to be selfish for the past 200 years.
And this selfishness manifests into him wanting power so he won’t face the same environment again. He’s always wanted power, and if he chooses not to ascend, he’s letting go of that part of himself. Not only does he go against what he’s believed for most of his life as a spawn, but accepts that being a spawn is okay with him. If he chooses to ascend, he’s amplifying that power hungry aspect of himself, putting act1/2 astarion’s personality in the basement, but he’s still there.
This applies to how possessive he is of Tav after the ascension too. He’s always been possessive, even if he doesn’t make it alarmingly obvious. Though rather than possessive I’d describe it more as a fear of being abandoned in act 1/2.
For example, when you drop the Githyanki Crèche on him he gets genuinely annoyed for a few seconds and then he thanks you for apologizing in a much softer tone, like he’s trying to repair any damage he might’ve done by getting mad at you. At the time, he still thinks of himself as weak, and therefore cannot bring himself to be possessive since he has no power to back it up. Instead, he manifests these feelings by doing everything in his power to please you even if it goes against his emotions. And while he doesn’t particularly love Tav going off with other people (as seen with the dialogue after you sleep with Mizora), he pretends that he’s okay with it just to keep you by his side. This tendency to please Tav in hopes they’ll stay is also seen in how he asks for your permission before he kills the Gur at the hag’s house.
Now, once he does ascend, he realizes he has the power to support all these darker emotions he feels. It turns twisted as a result, bringing us to the ascendant astarion we have today.
Spawn astarion, however, lets go of these emotions in a way, or displays them in a more healthy manner. It’s why his arc feels much more satisfying this way because ascendant astarion isn’t really changing, just adjusting. Spawn astarion goes through more raw character development which is also why I cannot bring myself to ascend him even in my evil durge play through!!
anyway yeah I made this account to do stuff like this hope you enjoyed my little rant🫶 this is just my personal opinion obviously but pls lmk if anyone thinks differently bg3 lore is so interesting
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batboyblog · 3 months
Hello! I just wanted to let you know that I recently discovered your weekly updates on stuff President Biden has done and they are so amazing! Your posts have definitely given me back some hope and it’s wonderful to see everything laid out like that! I just wanted to say thank you for posting them. Also, while I followed you for the politics, I have to say that you have really great taste in the superhero posts! I’m loving all the art and fan art! Anyway, I hope you have a great day and a wonderful week!
well thank you for saying so!
uh yeah in real life I'm a very political person and Tumblr was my space to indulge other interests, but sadly it seems like its really important to spread information to count a real sea of misinformation about President Biden thats been going on for most of his Presidency at this point.
I feel like just pointing out what he does every week for Americans is a good way to do spread positivity.
one narrative that is really dragging him down is the idea that he "doesn't do anything" Biden and the Dems passed 3 of the biggest laws I've seen, the American Rescue Plan Act, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and the Inflation Reduction Act.
and like part of the way Biden gets the biggest climate bill in American (and world) history through Congress is he doesn't call it "The Green New Deal" he calls it something boring like "Inflation Reduction Act" but we got a Green New Deal, it happened, we're on track to carbon neutral by the end of the decade, and I find learning about the pieces of that the Investments that are gonna add up so cool and so hopeful, like getting a Alaska native tribe a new dam so they can have clear hydropower rather than use diesel generators, SO! cool.
and another thing about Biden is he's been around so long he understands how the government works really better than any one. Student Debt is such a great example, most Presidents they get shut down by the Supreme Court they go "well I tried" and give up. Biden hasn't given up since the conservative court shut down his first effort at student loan forgiveness. He's take programs and authorities that got passed years ago and taken them as far as they can go, got debt forgiveness to 4 million people, so far and he's not stopping, it might take more time but he's gonna get there and only he really knows all the places to look to get the authority to do something like this because he has so much experience.
any ways I'm just trying to live by Harvey Milk's words "I know you can not live on hope alone, but without it life is not worth living, so you gotta give 'em hope."
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cookeybg · 3 months
Unexpected Cohabitation a JonDami fic
Before we get to the story I have a few words to say...
First of all, Hello!
Not sure if this will reach anyone, but I had an itch to write, so I did. I almost never post anything. I have reposted a couple things but I'm mostly a lurker and enjoy others creativity and thoughts, I like to think of myself as a cat with few brain cells.
Anyways, I read a manga YEARS ago and enjoyed it greatly and thought to myself, "Wouldn't it be funny/interesting if Jon and Damian were stuck in this situation?" Let's see if anyone eventually gets what manga I was reminiscing.
Now, this is the first time I've ever posted anything I've written and I am not confident AT ALL if this is going to be any good, but I really hope someone out there enjoys reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it...Also not sure if I should post it on Ao3???
Well enough of my ramblings on to the story.
Title: Unexpected Cohabitation
Main Characters: Jonathan Kent and Damian Wayne (some of the others show up too, the list is too long)
Eventual relationship: Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne (my fave)
Stuff to know: No capes, reverse robins, high school AU, no smut, no Brucie Wayne, I know nothing about sports but it will show up, (aaand I think that's it, will add more if it comes up)
Part 1 - Chapter 1
Jon placed his lunch tray next to Kathys’ as he discreetly looked around the lunch room trying to catch a glimpse of his crush. He had only briefly seen him at the mall during summer break and in a panic hid from him behind a rack of clothes. He had regretted not saying hello and had daydreams of himself going up to him, all cool and complementing the brown eyed boy’s pink fluffy hair and then asking him out to watch a movie at the mall theater. Sadly, the daydreams would come crashing down when he remembered his mother placing shirts in front of him and trying to measure him up before heading into the dressing room. It’s not that he was embarrassed of his mom its just, he was wearing sweats and an old hoodie since none of his clothes fit him anymore due to his growth spurt and, well, his mom could be a bit much, sometimes. Throughout the whole shopping trip when she would meet an acquaintance or friend she kept gushing about how quick kids grew and how she wished they would just stop sometimes. Jon would have to bury himself if anyone from school had been exposed to that.
“Looking for Jay?” Kathy asked. Jon looked at Kathy like a deer caught in the headlights and immediately turned red. He sat down abruptly causing his tray to nearly tip unto him. He scrambled to right his milk carton before it fell. Once settled, he sighed and mumbled, “That obvious?” Kathy smirked and bit into her carrot stick making a loud snap. Jon squirmed while opening his milk carton, he took a big swing, pointedly ignoring Kathy’s stare. “Why don’t you just confess?” Kathy asked. “Confess?” Jon spluttered, “He doesn’t even know I exist!” “Jon, you two were in the same history class last year. He knows who you are.” “Yeah. But we never talked.” “Then, how about you talk to him?” That would be so awkward…” Jon bit into his chicken strip. Kathy rolled her eyes and sighed in exasperation. Jon smirked and leaned in conspiratorially, “But I have a plan.” “And that is?” “I’m joining the journalism club.” “What!” Kathy yelled in surprise and then moderated her voice when some people who she startled glared at her, “ I thought you were going to join the baseball team this year, since, you know, your not in a cast anymore.” “The doctor has given the all clear and physical therapy is all done. The doctor was very impressed with how quickly I healed.” “Will they even let you do both clubs?” “Yep, I asked!” Their conversation was cut short when a murmur spread through the cafeteria like a wave. The main players of the baseball team stepped through the open double doors, all nine wearing their letterman jackets. In the lead was the most popular guy in school, Damian Wayne. Whose father was nicknamed the Prince of Gotham. Who in turn married an actual princess from some far off land, giving Damian actual royal blood. Girls wanted him and guys wanted to be him, but from what Jon had heard, guys wanted him too. Damian’s bright green eyes stood out against his brown skin, his gold earring glinted under the florescent light. He scanned the cafeteria with what looked like a sense of boredom. Colin, Jon called him Damian’s second in command, had one arm casually draped around Damian’s shoulders gesticulating wildly with his free hand. The group laughed at whatever the Colin said, but Damian only smiled as he started walking towards their unofficial table. Colin and the rest of the group broke off shoving and cracking jokes at each other while making line to pick up food. Kathy whistled beside Jon, “Now he’s someone who doesn’t know you exist.” “He looks and probably is, conceited.” Jon said offhandedly. “Look at him, he has reason to be.” “Doesn’t mean it’s cool.” “Doesn’t mean he’s not hot.” Jon turned to look at Kathy, but she wasn’t paying attention to him. Instead she was looking in Damian’s direction. Jon looked around and noticed that many were doing the same. He dragged his eyes back to look at Damian. The dude sat straight backed, elegantly eating his homemade meal from some fancy lunch bag that was probably more expensive than anything Jon owned, and scrolling on his phone completely ignoring the many eyes staring at him. Colin returned with the rest of the group nudging Damian and dropping his lunch tray with a loud smack, receiving an unimpressed glare in return. Colin smiled and placed a fruit cup in front of Damian. Jon personally didn’t get the allure. The couple of times he had seen Damian interact with others it was usually acerbic. Somehow that did not lessen his popularity and it left Jon dumbfounded. I good person should be good to others and being polite was a given, his Grandma said so and she was never wrong. Jon shrugged and went back to eating his school lunch. The rest could keep Damian he very much preferred Jay.
I hope you enjoyed it! Will post more soon, hopefully.
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oh-shtars · 5 days
Personal opinion but:
I’m confused.
The movie describes the wishes to be the most purest and wonderful part of a person’s heart. As said by Magnifico himself and everyone else’s obsession with them.
But in “Welcome to Rosas,” is it just me? Or are the supposed ‘grandest desires and greatest creations’ feel so underwhelming?
One guy’s greatest wish from the core of his heart is….to have long hair? I guess he could’ve grown it himself but with the way Asha sang it, it’s kinda implied he wished for it? Wait. So each citizen can only have one wish granted with a very slim chance of granting it and….he chose….to have long hair??
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“Dance on beat,” and “Go to outer space” aren’t very impressive scenes either. And once we go inside the City of Rosas, there’s no special lighting to emphasise the wonder and magic in a kingdom with a SORCERER KING who has supposedly granted MANY of those wonderful wishes.
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If the movie wants us to see how precious wishes really are, then why show the most mundane ones? I’m sorry, but I can’t really take those wish bubbles seriously if this was the best I’ve been shown of those that are granted.
Wdym Asha? All the marvellous wonders made possible by your very special king and the ones you’ve shown us can be easily achieved with just a bit of effort? (Drumming, Those high walking sticks, Gardening, Baking etc.)
It doesn’t make the kingdom feel special, it just gives off the expression that the people there are just lazy to do stuff by themselves.
What about the ones who came here because the world has cruelly crushed their hopes and they felt like they have no other option? Maybe expand on that? What about show more reasons why people from all over the world are bothered to sail all the way here? No one just travels miles away just to have that ONE ONLY WISH of being the best at juggling to come true.
Shouldn’t it be a little more busy inside with people making the most of the wishes they’ve been waiting for presumably years to get? Everyone just casually walking in the background in a song singing about how awesome Rosas is to live in just doesn’t feel like a fitting vibe.
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Yes, they don’t have to be very excited and happy everyday of their lives there but, it’s the day of the monthly Wishing ceremony? I would’ve thought people would be more excited and chattering on that day on who the lucky person would be. Maybe even do some small decorating around to celebrate?
If this was an intentional choice with only the mundane wishes being granted and all the flat colours for symbolism reasons, this I would let slide. That would’ve been interesting.
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But even in the end, it doesn’t change as much? Everyone’s still their happy casual selves and the same cool colours. Plus, no one was shown to be discontent or disappointed at all that they’ve been fooled. (Or whatever the film wants us to believe-) The whole “Magnifico being a liar all along” would’ve hit harder for those poor souls who came all the way to Rosas just to find out it’s all just for false hope.
But hey, what do I know better anyway?
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lovesickry · 11 months
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- the devil is in the details.
┈⋆⭒ daniel ricciardo x fem!reader [1.2k] ┈⋆⭒ part 1 !
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⎯ find all parts here! .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⎯ blurb: you knew him before he got famous, he got famous, you got a job. now years later, your job just so happens to be near him, but how will this fare on the way you left things years ago? .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⎯ chapter contents: nothing, literally nothing .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⎯ future warnings: will be smut. ( will probably be very filthy ). will be angsty, will be periods of niceness, maybe fluff but i’m a cold hearted bitch so. .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⎯ brief background: this is not a y/n story i’m sorry i cant do that. so its an original character her name is dylan tait, she was born in perth but lives in melbourne, okay mwah. this is based from the years 2018-2021, but there will be flashbacks, but i’ll try and make the timeline as easy as i can to follow. i’m not all knowing about formula one, yes i know things, but if i don’t know the real scientific names just shush. ty. .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⎯ a/n: his is a multi part fic and will probably be long LOL
present day: december 1st, 2017
you could feel your sweat slowly beading on your skin as you walked towards the mercedes building, holding the folder with all the things they said were required to secure the job. it was terrifying, absoultely nerve wracking, you’ve been to many job interviews in your life, but this one. this would be the worst, you were sure of it.
you were grateful as you opened the door and were hit with the freezing cold atmosphere of the waiting room, waiting to meet with the man who you had heavily engaged with over email, but never face to face. you sat there for an appropriate amount of town, recalling your rehearsed answers for the reasons you’d be good for the job etc, your experience, where you went to university, where you got your masters, your (acceptable) hobbies, how you work as a team, how you work individually. all the good stuff.
this calmed your nerves a bit and when the man opened the door and ushered you inside, shaking your hand introducing himself and gesturing to the folder of documents under your arm, you felt slightly more at ease than before.
the interview went as well as you could’ve hoped, he was impressed with your interest and experience in engineering at such a young age (27). you even managed to ease in your (slightly exaggerated almost) fluency in german, which he was loudly impressed with and responded “toto will love that”.
you left with a “thank you so much for this opportunity” and a “i’ll be in contact soon, thank you again”.
you couldn’t help smiling as you left, feeling proud of how you managed to not mess anything up initially. having a job in f1 being a dream of yours and working for mercedes. well shit. who wouldn’t dream of this. you’d applied for performance engineer, but wouldn’t be surprised if you got control engineer instead. the reminder that you were a woman in engineering applying for a widely male dominated area was a common unfriendly reminder, but that was honestly apart of the appeal.
“grace” you say
“GRACE grace grace grace”
“yes what i just woke up” she groaned
shit you forgot about time zones
“oh sorry, yeah, love you- anyway.”
you paused a bit
you heard some shuffling and then
“i know, i think i’m gonna scream when i get in my car”
“i don’t blame you”
“i just cant believe it, you know you have to fly over and visit me sometimes”
“hmmmm with what money dyl “
“i’ll literally pay for you once i’m a millionare, because you’ll still be my only friend”
“oh shut up”
“love you”
“i’m going back to sleep now, you’re amazing, have a drink or two for me, good whatever time it is there, you’re amazing”
“bye love you bye”
that was probably the cheesiest thing you’d done, admittedly, but what else does one do other than call their only friend on the other side of the world after a good interview.
3 days later:
there was still no response back about the job and honestly you were losing hope slightly. albeit finding ways to justify the belated response. because maybe, yes, you were being slightly impatient. but staying in london of all places by yourself, isn’t that much fun, you mainly just drank and took photos and than went back to your hotel, ( lamely ) reviewed blue prints of engines and aerodynamic rules or alternatively watched a documentary about the job you applied for. your days were blurry and you’d haven’t given much thought to the job you’d taken forcing the proximity of coming back into contact with your once good friend (complicated) daniel ricciardo until one night, after youd had your couple drinks and was on your walk home that his name “dannnnnniiieeellll🥸” illuminated your screen, the same contact name he set for himself approximately 7 years ago. you needed to change that, jesus. you didn’t really know what to do, but not answering at all was probably worse and you were drunk and hadn’t talked to anybody apart from grace and the interview man all week.
you pause your unsteady walk and swipe the screen and bring the phone to your ear, waiting for him to say something. but after he’s quiet for what felt like too many seconds you can’t help yourself.
“dan’el” the slur in your voice unmissable when you say his full name.
“hey” he says, flat and fast.
your swaying had been worse than you’d imagined when you’d brushed shoulders with someone, turning your head over your shoulder.
“oh, sorry”
“no problem love” tone thick with beer and blokeness.
the phone hanging at your leg brought back up to your ear to hear a small laugh, familiar and rhythmic and then.
“are you in london?” his first full sentence and the first multiple words he’s actually said to you in years.
“what how do you-“
“yes i’m in london” i give up
he hums in response,something you hated about him, the constant inability to shut up.
“why do you care” you say notebly less bitter than you mean.
“haven’t talked in a while”
“oh really”
you look at your messages, texts from you all left on delivered or read:
************ ************ ************ ************ *****
sun may 29. 2016
hey dan just wanted to reach out and say what happened in monaco was so unfair, i know your hurting you deserved that win. i’m here if you need.
july 1. 2016
happy birthday dan, getting so old
hey, tough day, wanna call?
sun. oct 2016
hey just finished watching, first malaysian win and against roseberg too, proud of you, !!!!
nov. 2016
i cant do this anymore, can you please talk to me?
i’m sick of this shit
dec. 2016
i miss you so fucking bad
(1) missed call from “dannnnnniiieeellll🥸”
feb. 2017
i’m gonna be in perth next month, can we please talk
(1) voicemail left
“yeah i know” he says, you can see him tugging his hair, frustrated, a small groan leaving his mouth
“okay im hanging up, i’ve tried talking to you, i don’t know what what you want” this isn’t fair for you.
“no- just- quickly- are you working at mercedes?”
you stop walking. what, how did he-
“uhhhh— no” you squeeze out, feigning as much honesty as you can.
“hmmmmm” you pretend to ponder your answer
“goodbye daniel” it’s all you can muster up to say your self control nearly snapping everytime he speaks
you hang up, before he can squeeze another word in, before he can say anything that might bring back an inkling of what you felt for him, what you still feel for him. you can’t do it, not tonight.
(1) new voicemail from “dannnnnniiieeellll🥸”
god you need to change that name.
you’ll listen to it in the morning, not sure you’ll fully process it, in the state you are. you put your phone away, get to your hotel and go to sleep. thankfully.
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ratgrinders · 2 months
hello tumblr user ratgrinders... appreciate the work you do even in these trying times (post onscreen homicide). i think the fact that kipperlilly is like, annoying and reminds people of girls they didnt like in high school ppl miss out on a lot of interesting stuff going on w her!
like, the "power hungry teen girl who is just evil and tbk kill her" thing has already been done in fhfy with penelope, & its much more interesting to think about how & why the ratgrinders are doing all this suspicious stuff tbk are noticing-- like the fact that they have been very cagey about showing their combat abilities, the weird stuff going on with various deities, and even kipperlilly's stolen therapy files (lol) are very intriguing!! and imo writing that off as assuming they'll be straightforward, incompetent villians (popular assumption due to their lack of friendship, even though it's famously the weakest magic) is far less interesting. like... they got into this situation for a reason and got involved w all this stuff somehow, & i don't think all of this would happen if they were a normal adv party, even a shitty one. how did they get here! why!! thx
thank you so much, its getting hard out here but nothing can stop the rat grinders stan grind!!!!! (<- is coping. im coping)
yeah but fr, kipperlily is FASCINATING to me. i truly believe that she thinks everything she does is justified in service of her larger goal, whatever that may be. yeah, stone cold murder really isn't the fairest thing you can do to your academic rivals, but writing all of that off as "oh she's just always been a jealous hypocrite who never believed in what she was spouting" i think is an inaccurate interpretation of her own motivations. she clearly believes in something.
cuz the thing is, we're still not really sure was kipperlily wants? ("egg on my face for wanting something"). sure, she's trying to run for student body president, but what exact rules is she hoping to implement, and how does that relate to trying to resurrect a rage god? plus, grix attacked ruben because he/his ritual were a direct threat to the existence of the school, which seems counter productive if you're trying to become president of it.
and what cause would kipperlily specifically have to be tied up with a rage god anyway? there's nothing that clearly on the surface ties a little type A halfling rogue to a fiendish god of rage and conquest, hell some of the other members in her party seem like on the surface they would have a closer tie to it (like both of their now dead clerics, mary ann who literally harnesses rage, ruben who is full of teen angst). kipperlily's apparently been filled with rage since freshman year, but why? (is she like riz, who spent his whole life infected with an aspect of the nightmare king and literally grew up with this seed of doubt inside him? did something similar happen to kipperlily?)
ankarna is the goddess of justice and the conviction to act when they see something unfair. no matter what, i think kipperlily truly believes that she's witnessed something unfair. and it feels significant to mention that this last murder is an escalation on the rat grinders' part. the other people who have ended up dead around them (lucy, yolanda, the original hosts of frosty faire) all seemed to have died indirectly as a result of the rage crystals and the uncontrollable rage it inspires. this is the first time we're seen stone cold premeditated murder, done with simply a blade and betrayal.
honestly, this transition seems to mirror what ankarna herself went through, starting off as the goddess of conviction and justice but slowly transitioning to one of conquest and war. brennan said something about ankarna, "yeah its nice to have someone like that on your side who will stand up for you, but you better hope that person is always right". i think what we're seeing now is someone with that same conviction, but with a misguided cause.
kipperlily's crossed a line now and i wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't end up redeemed by the end of the season, but i'm still interested in how she and her party were motivated to do this in the first place, because like you said i don't think a normal adventuring party would've ended up here. it takes a lot to transition to multiple murders!
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aquaquadrant · 7 months
literally just zoomed through yalls htp au and i havent seen anyone talk about it but i find it SO interesting how Bravo, who is supposed to be the GOOD overworlder, is rather prideful and honestly just a dick while Tango, supposedly his EVIL counterpart, is just the sweetest guy. i cant imagine how Tango is derived from the worst parts of Bravo, if im understanding hels correctly. Tango is such a good person, while Bravo is rude to everyone with the worst attitude. it was just something i picked up so quickly. if the universe put him in hels in the first place, there must be a reason why the universe swapped his place with his overworld counterpart.
on another note! with the release of secret life, and what we've seen so far, how do you think htp!tango would fare in this new killing game? i cant help but imagine that with the entire gimmick being keeping secrets that he would be rather stressed, knowing he had hidden stuff from his friends already-- lying doesnt make him feel like a good person (but he isnt supposed to be that, some small part of him is whispering, knowing hes from hels, is all of the "bad" parts of bravo)
anyways! this is all i will be able to think of for the rest of the week /vpos and i hope you (and everyone who may be reading this at any given time) have a great rest of spooky month!
well THANK YOU this was a lovely message to receive, and i’m glad you’re enjoying the au ^^
i’ve talked a little bit about this here and there, but i’ll never pass up the chance to ramble more. there are a few key things about bravo and tango that make them different from the average overworld-hels pair.
first off, most of what we’ve seen of tango has been set during double life, which is ten years after he escaped hels, so he’s had ten years of growth. we see very little of him before this, and in those scenes he’s got the benefit of being largely alone. the only player he interacts with is xisuma, who tango immediately realizes he needs to ‘trick.’ so his interaction with x in part one isn’t how tango would’ve interacted with virtually any other player in hels at that time.
we see from the flashback in part five that younger pre-hels tek tango was borderline feral- he chose to attack atlas on sight instead of trying to hide, or leave before he was seen, or even see why atlas was there. now, atlas wins him over fairly quickly because tango is young and naive and secretly craving positive interaction, but even in that brief interaction tango is a bit more prideful than his older self. that, of course, got beaten out of him at hels tek.
bravo, on the other hand, we follow closely during his ten years in hels. when he first arrives in part two, he’s a little snide and privately judgemental, sure, but he starts out perfectly decent towards timmy. he tries to maintain that civility and ‘niceness’ as he interacts with more and more hels players, but gradually loses his willpower as he gets beaten down and frustrated, even losing his temper. and after he fully snaps and gets his first kills, he all but abandons the notion of being ‘nice’, though privately he still thinks of himself as inherently better than hels players (atlas’s manipulation certainly doesn’t help matters, either).
but perhaps the biggest point is to look at what traits tango actually got from bravo, and that would be his rage. bravo is most similar to tango when he’s angry; his first little temper tantrum in part two is where it’s best illustrated, because all instances after that have been influenced by his time in hels. but you’ll notice that we have yet to see tango truly angry in the HTP series (he did revert back to an almost feral mindset when the ranch got attacked, but that was an instinctive defense mechanism. there was no conscious thought behind those decisions, and they were purely fueled by fear, not anger). that will be where his ‘hels’ really shines through.
there’s one other bravo trait amplified in tango that i haven’t revealed yet. it’s something that tango has figured out how to sort of ‘mask’ via other more acceptable coping mechanisms- if you can call it that- and actually forms a fairly significant part of his personality. stay tuned :3
as for secret life, it’d be a complicated situation for sure. on one hand, their goals are less outright malicious- just complete the tasks and try to survive (at least for now). in a way, it almost takes away accountability for their actions if they turn out to be harmful- “i had to, it was my secret task!” so that’s nice to fall back on. but still, tango would be very on edge. not only with the discomfort of having to lie to his friends, but never knowing if they’re lying to him, too. boi’s got them trust issues fr.
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rileyslibrary · 6 months
Hello my lovely librarian! Thank you again for writing everything on this profile as you literally inspire me to write more for our Simon 😌🖤
Anyway, since it's now the jolly season (in my country), I was wondering how Ghost would feel about us readers inviting him over to the family gathering? Would he be reluctant in answering, or feel relieved to finally have something to look forward to this holiday? I hope you find inspiration with my ask, and have a wonderful day!
- Biscuits 🌺
Ah, Biscuits, that’s a tricky one. I’m trying to imagine him in a setting with people he doesn’t know, and I just don’t see him there. Maybe it’s just me being uncomfortable around strangers, and I’m projecting it onto him, though, so let me give it a shot.
Now, I don’t know what you guys do in your country, but in mine, we tend to do three things: eat, drink and talk.
I feel he’d be more than happy to engage in the eating and drinking part, but I see him more as a silent observer/listener when it comes to talking with others he doesn’t know. I imagine him with a glass of bourbon in his hand, walking around, listening to conversations and choosing where to get involved, or even giving his two cents where he feels comfortable.
We know he likes to work out, for example, so maybe that’s a part he could talk about with others. Or his travelling experiences around the world. I’m sure his tongue would untangle there and start blabbering about his favourite destinations, the good months to visit each country, what to be careful of, etc.
Oh, and absolutely no talking about his job. I don’t think he’d be very fond of opening up about that subject. Plus, you know how some people are a bit nosy and start asking more… invasive stuff. We don’t want our drunk uncle asking him if he has killed anyone on Christmas Day or on New Year’s, do we? So, none of that talk.
Basically, I feel that if we’d invite him to attend a family gathering filled with strangers, he’d feel grateful but politely decline. If I were to see him in such a situation, though, I would imagine him being as I said above: a little awkward at first, maybe eager to help with cleaning afterwards as a ‘thank you’ for inviting him and more of a listener than a talker, except from the conversations he’d feel his experiences would be interesting and helpful to others.
Thank you for the ask, my love (I haven’t answered one like that in ages) and thanks for your lovely words! 💕🍫
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isaksbestpillow · 1 month
Gmmtv 2024 part 2
Didn't we just have part 1??? I don't remember any of the shows in part 1 but it's time to watch another 15 mock trailers. I actually haven't finished a Gmmtv show in ages so let's see whether they manage to lure me back!
Ossan's Love Th
The original franchise is my beloved and it's interesting to see it adapted to a different culture especially since Thailand is more progressive than Japan as far as lgbtq rights go, but this show is harder to adapt than something like Cherry Magic because so much of the comedy comes from Japanese language/culture and the actors. They really hit the jackpot with the original cast, they're hard to replace. I wasn't blown away by the trailer but I like Eartmix and I'm glad they cast a veteran actor as the boss so I'm going to give it a shot. I might've been more optimistic if I hadn't just seen OLR and been reminded of how great the original cast and editing is, the trailer couldn't quite meet that energy for me. But I don't think this is the official trailer yet??? I hope they'll they'll tune it up for the real thing! Anyway, it's nice to see Earth in a fun role after so many brooders.
Leap Day
This one seems to be a thriller with Dew and Pond who both suffer from a curse that kills their loved ones every leap year. The characters are called Night and Day. Where have I heard this before................... People are dying and Gun plays a disabled brother (?). I won't be tuning in.
The Heart Killers
Firstkhao and Joongdunk are making out and handling guns. Khaotung gets a terrible tattoo of 信/trust. I don't know what the plot is. This is an outing by P'Jojo, but unfortunately his latest works haven't been the moment for me, I feel like his plots fall flat in the middle and I tune out. Casting two branded bl pairs is an interesting choice, but I don't want to be there when their fans take out their rulers to measure who got the most screentime.
Friendshit Forever
30-year-olds play university students. Heterosexual activity happens. This time with knives. I'm already sensing a pattern with these shows.
Perfect10 Liners
The mandatory Jittirain university bl. Please sit down for what I'm about to say because you may be shocked by the surprise: they were engineers.
Another gl??? Stop the press!! I already watched the trailer three times. A woman tries to make heterosexuality work with the brother but actually likes the sister. Finally a gl where I feel like I'm in the target audience. The high heel lesbians that we've gotten so far just don't feel that relatable to me, so I've watched those gls as entertainment but not gotten deeply emotionally invested. I don't really know the main actors sans Sing which is great since I can enter with a fresh perspective. This one feels like the first serious romance out of this batch. I'm gonna watch the hell out of this!!!!!
Hide & Sis
We start with a murder. Jan is here. The vibe feels very PS I Hate You. Oh, it's by the same producers, no wonder! I expect this to do well in Thailand but I'm not planning on tuning in.
Thame - Po Heart That Skips a Beat
Another bl with some new guys. Who will be Gmmtv's next branded pair? The story is set in the idol industry. I hate this type of music lol. My heart did not skip a beat but maybe the actual show will be more interesting.
Break up service
Off and Godji run a dubious breakup service in this story based on a webtoon. The vibes are very Midnight Motel with more grey morals since there is illegal filming of sexual activity.
Revamp The Undead Story
Bounprem have moved to Gmmtv. I don't really vibe with vampire stuff. *gets shot*
Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist
We got Mark Pakin in a main role but at what cost. He's a dentist and it's another Jittirain adaptation (how many books has this author churned out???).
The Dark Dice
I feel like I already saw this same trailer like four times. Jumanji meets all the other dark trailers from this batch.
The Ex-Morning
Kristsingto return as exes with unfinished business. Krist's character is a reporter who has a scandal during a livestream, Singto's character returns from abroad to help rebuild his reputation. The setting is hilarious, I love it. Both have matured a lot since Sotus days and I'm genuinely excited for this one.
Scarlet Heart Thailand
Gmmtv tries their hand at a historical drama. A lot of popular names in the lineup. The trailer doesn't give out much but this is a remake of a Chinese series.
That was all 15 trailers, I think! I'm looking forward to Us and The Ex-Morning the most.
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maikissed · 1 year
sweet feelings
Richarlison x reader
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Hi, hello. Soooo I’ve written something and wanted to share. Maybe it will come to your liking. I write stuff from time to time but mostly in my mother language and english is not my first language so I'm very sorry for any misspelling and mistakes in my grammar :( I am a huge football fan and sometimes I just get inspired by those talented boys.
This one is for one of my favourite Brasilians. Hope it'll reach some audience. Let me know what you think and if you'd like a Part 2 ;)
warning: it's a bit smuttish, aaaaand i've never wrote a smut so I'm sorry for poor writing as well. friends to lovers trope bcuz i'm kinda a sucker for that :|
After the ceremony of The Best FIFA Football Awards, you and Richarlison both came back to your hotel around 2 am. You were feeling slightly tipsy, due to the few sweet and sour drinks you’ve had at the gala, so you kept smiling at your friend trying to convince him to carry you to your shared room.
„Now you’re just being whiny" he commented after letting you first into the lift.
Your legs were killing you after wearing high heels all night. You’d take them off right this moment if it weren’t for the lack of energy to actually bend down.
You sighed.
 „Are you dissapointed?”
„No, why would I be?” Richy answered looking in your direction.
„You were very excited about this ceremony. But it was nice of you to congratulate the winner"
You sent him a warm smile.
„It was a fun time anyway. Paris is pretty” he shrugged.
After entering the room you sat on the sofa right away, feeling tired. It was so calm, warm and quiet inside, the only sounds were coming from the outside, an urban tumult caused by passing cars and honks or police sirens. But it was just a distant noise that actually made you feel a bit more relaxed. Your dress started to feel too tight.
Richarlison sat on a little table that was right infront of you and took your left foot to place it on his knee. You smiled softly seeing him unfasten the clasp at your high heel sandals. Your thigh visibly bare due to the slit dress you were wearing.
„Are you upset that I didn’t join you on the carpet?” you asked before he took off your shoe completely and placed it gently next to the sofa.
You two weren’t a couple. You’ve known each other for almost 3 years now and have been spending a lot of time together lately. The moment you met something just clicked between you two and after some time you started to run into each other more often. In the second half of 2019 you were assigned to work in London and Liverpool, and since your work was associated with sports environment, football in general, you kept seeing him more during football matches or other sport events. At the time you met, Richarlison was in a relationship and you were too busy for any love interests. It was very casual in the begging until it wasn’t. For you at least. You were quite a distant person, always gatekeeping your emotions from showing too easily, your friends always said that you often come off as cold or blase even. It’s quite funny because you feel like you were the most sensitive and fragile person that could ever walk this earth and anyone could notice this if they’ve ever put more effort into it. There were times when you felt like Richarlison could actually read into you efforlessly and this relationship between you two have started to grow into something more tender. But it wasn’t love – rather lukewarm friendship.
You didn’t actually discuss the matter. You were convinced that showing up at the ceremony, with Richarlison holding you on his arm, will cause a fuss and gossips about you two being together will start to spread. Which wasn’t true. You weren’t a couple. Anyway you just couldn’t shake off the feeling that something have truly upset him tonight.
„No I am not, you had things to do. Besides… we agreed on that" he just shrugged being sure that you know what he was referring to.
After taking both of your shoes off he stood up and took his jacket off, hanging it over the sofa backrest and sat next to you.
He looked very handsome in the white shirt and black tie, you don’t get to see him dressed like that often. You enjoyed this look on him, however you didn’t get to tell him this openly, despite the fact that he’s been complimenting you at any chance he’s got. That was one of the main differences between you two, you generally were too nervous about this type of disclosure, when he in fact was immensely open and have never found it difficult to speak out whatever he truly wanted to say. You’ve always thought of him as of free spirit.
You rested your arm on the sofa to face him comfortably.
„Then what is it?” you asked.
He sat the same way like you and smiled gently.
„Nothing much” Richy wiped his face with his palm „I just feel helpless lately. Had my moment at the world cup and that’s it”
„You’re being too harsh on yourself”
„But it’s true. I feel like i’m not giving enough” he shook his head avoiding eye contact.
„It’ll pass” you whispered appreciating his vulnerability „Give yourself some time. You still have that great potencial in you”.
He hummed sending you a warm smile and started to untie the tie he was wearing.
„You look beatiful today” he added shortly, looking straight into your eyes.
Another moment when you felt that he could actually dig in right into your heart and soul. You let out a shaky breath. He truly said it for like the third time tonight.
„Let me” you just said leaning in to untie his tie for him.
The moment you got closer you felt the scent of his cologne, it was your favourite. After you told him that you like the perfume, he started to use it frequently because, as he said, he always trusts your judgement.
You were being very gentle with him. After slowly taking off his tie you undid two buttons of his shirt. You were focused on the task before you momentarily felt his heavy gaze on you. You took the risk and looked up, he had that smug grin on, almost made you roll your eyes. But mostly you started to feel really hot and dizzy. Maybe it was still the alcohol in your system or maybe he just got that effect on you. You finally had to stop lying to yourself, you were attracted to him. With any other guy it would be ten times easier. He was making you so so nervous recently, it was almost ridiculous.
You moved away from him and stood up, honestly not giving too much thought about what you were planning to do next. Something just pushed you to give in and risk a chance to show him how you truly felt about him.
„Come” you reached out both of your hands to him.
He grabbed your hands without tardiness and stood up as well, visibly towering over you. So you started to slowly walk backwards in the direction of the bed. He kept holding your hands, and you kept the eye contact. You were wondering if he knew what you truly wanted right now. Did you even know?
You stoped in your tracks and bit your lower lip before lifting your hands up to undo the rest of the shirt buttons. Richarlison said nothing, but you were almost sure that he could hear your beating heart.
„If you want me to stop right this moment, just tell me” you said sounding more confident than you really felt.
He brushed some of your locks back with his hand, exposing your chest. You felt your cheeks heating up.
„Please, continue” he murmured lowly looking intrigued.
After unbuttoning the shirt at the wrists you used your fingers to delicately slip it off his broad shoulders. It fell easily, and you were considering your next move. You began to worry that once you expose yourself to him like that, it would change a lot between you two. But you wanted him, like you have never had before, and it was starting to consume you.
You reached for the zipper of your tight black dress and noticed him looking briefly at your cleavage. His maroon iris were darkening and it caused shivers to run down your spine. You sent him a feisty grin before removing the dress straps and slowly letting the dress to fall off your body. Now you stood bare infront of him, wearing only lace thong. You heard him intake a sharp breath and stepped closer, throwing your hands over his shoulders. Your chests touched, he was warm and yet you shivered. His hand were immediatly at your hips, gripping lightly and you reveled in the feeling of his hard body pressed against your softest places.
„Can I kiss you?” you asked quietly feeling his chest rise and fall.
Now your heart was pouding mercilessly. You haven’t done much yet, however your body was almost trembling owing to how aroused you began to feel.
He didn’t answer, simply leaned in and connected your lips in a gentle and sweet kiss. He hummed lowly and his hands started to travel across your sides and back. You deepened the kiss and gasped feeling him gripping your ass cheeks. He took advantage of that, putting his tongue inside your mouth. The moment was so sweet but also exciting, it made you moan uncontrollably. You felt a clench and slowly building tingling between your legs, making you squeeze your legs together which elicited another moan from you. He then leaned back, you both were breathing faster. He looked almost etheral, with his lips slightly open, cheeks reddened and foggy eyes. Your pretty boy.
„I’ve been imagining this so many times” he breathed „You have no idea of the affect you have on me. Are you sure you want this?”
You couldn’t find words after his confession, feeling your throat tightening, so you just nodded silently and reached for the zipper of his pants. The garment fell to the ground.
„Minha linda” he said grabing your chin to make you look at him.
You smiled at the comment said in Portuguese and rolled your eyes feeling intimidated.
„Shut up” now you were back at your casual bickering.
Richarlison grinned smugly and licked his lips before bringing them to your neck. You put your hands on the back of his head, playing with his short hair, your lids closed. One of his hands traveled up your thigh and rested gently at the apex of your legs. It was delicate but abrupt and your lower body jolted forward. You heard him groan against your throat and he used his fingers to rub circles over your covered pussy.
„Oh” you whined in a high tone.
You always thought that if it ever came to this moment, you would be a little flustered and maybe unsure, because he was your best friend, and at the same time he made you feel like no other man before. But right now he was making you react to all this like an unexperienced little girl and it was so overwhelming.
„So delicate and responsive”
Of course he had to be cheeky during a moment like this. Almost made you want to slap him but you just started to grind against his palm. That’s how weak you were right now. And you were enjoying this, ready to let him do whatever he wanted with you.
You whimpered.
„Tell me what you want” he said.
„I…” your ragged breathing made you cut the sentence „want you to fuck me Richy"
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ryuichirou · 2 months
And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.
Anonymous asked:
I’m sorry you went through all that crap. I hope things are better for you. ):
Oh, if you’re talking about the situation from my past, then yeah, it’s much better now! Thank you so much for your concern <3 It is very sweet of you.
However, we do have a more serious situation on our hands right now, but I won’t go into details. This blog is for discussing the colour of Idia’s nipples, not this.
Speaking of which…
Anonymous asked:
I want to lick Idia’s chest. Apologies.
Quickly, Anon, Ortho is holding him just for you to lick! Ahh shoot he ran way…
Anonymous asked:
a lot of people tend to forget we’re asking you about /your/ hcs. and it’s perfectly ok if we disagree! what fun would the internet be without different opinions (the only valid hc is rook’s love language is stalking lol).
anyways who out of the cast do you think would own yaoi manga/doujins? personally i think idia would. maybe. if it’s physical/paper he can hide his naughty stuff from ortho and his mom…
Exactly! A lot of things influence the way people come up with ideas, this is such a complex thing, of course not everything is going to cater to everyone – this is simply impossible. Picking and choosing and reading stuff that interests you while avoiding things that annoy or hurt you is always the way to go.
(Rook’s love language is stalking, fuck yeah lol)
Oh, that’s a fun question. I feel like Idia would be the only one, and he would also probably have this excuse/explanation, like he really isn’t into BL, but this particular work is just very good, it has great art style, good writing + Idia’s favourite artist was influenced by this manga/series of doujins, so of course he had to get it, this is an important otaku artifact! And OF COURSE it’s paper, that’s the whole point! Even if it’s smutty, it’s art!
Ortho could start getting into BL himself; he would start by reading this one manga that Idia owns lol Idia was sure he’d hidden it well.
The rest of the cast strike me as normies… but hey, Lilia could have some! If he has any manga at all, I can imagine him owning a BL book just ‘cause. But since he probably bought it years ago when he was traveling around the TWST equivalent of Japan, it might be a bit outdated lol And probably a little cursed, which is why Lilia got so into this book back then.
Anonymous asked:
I just think it’s cool how you’re so detailed with the characters and their personality/psychology etc. You could even explain how each of them would go skydiving and I’d think, “yeah, they would do that.” Toodles.
Thank you so much, Anon! It truly means a lot. This is one of the most fun parts of writing replies and drawings stuff, to be honest: the cast is so good that the jokes write themselves sometimes lol
If only I knew enough about skydiving to write or draw something about it…but thankfully, we have a lot of other things to do. 💪
Thank you for enjoying our stuff, I am very happy to hear that.
Anonymous asked:
That's just fucking wrong. Jade is EXTREMELY well behaved for a Leech. "ill behaved" my ASS!!!
+Anonymous asked:
LOL YOU’RE GOOD ANON, no worries! <3
“For a Leech”!!! Exactly! Which means he isn’t well-behaved at all!
Anonymous asked:
my guy, my friend,, my buddy,,,,
a hetalia mention? in 2024? why would you do this to us? 😭
Anon dear… Hetalia is a party that is never over 🥳🥳🥳 It forced itself into our lives in 2009 and has been there ever since.
In all seriousness, we do come back to it from time to time; some of the drawings that we have for it are pretty recent!
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ramzawrites · 1 year
A Gift Of Flowers - Rise!Leonardo x Reader
Pairings: Leonardo x Reader
Characters included: Leonardo
Warnings: n/a
Series: No, A Request
Summary: Y/N is really shy and frankly Leo had been struggling to find proper common ground with the flower loving woman unlike the rest of his family. Luckily for him he found a flower field in the Hidden City which he definitely wanted to show to her.
Word count: 2997
Authors Note: I'm sorry for being mia for so long. I'm rn getting into my finals and I am busy preparing for getting into uni and so on so time has been limited! Hope this means I can write more consitently again! Love you!
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Leo was a mutated turtle stuck in the sewers hiding away from humans, hearing that you would correctly assume that he wouldn’t be too interested in flowers. Frankly he had better things to be doing than trying to scrounge up some plants and try to find a way to keep them alive in a place with almost to none natural sunlight. Sure, Donnie definitely had some sort of special lamps that basically did the same as the sun for plants since he did have an interest in agriculture and botany but that was Donnie. Leo didn’t particularly care about these things.
Leo loved video games, movies and don’t tell the others but he did actually enjoy training and honing his skills. He just didn’t particularly liked to get up for training but he did immensely enjoy the results of it.
So, why was it that he was currently looking through an old geology book where he stored his pressed flowers? Leo? Pressing flowers? This was definitely not a very Leo hobby if you asked others. Not for the teleporting Ninja Master that managed to send big alien gum looking monsters back to a prison dimension with the help of his equally skilled family years ago.
And Leo would agree. Normally he’d admit immediately that this was not his cup of tea, so to speak. Flowers were pretty but that’s about it.
Then how did he manage to accumulate a small collecting of a colorful array of flowers?
That answers was Y/N.
Y/N was quiet and introverted. The brothers met her when they were running away from the villain of the week only find a very scared human hunkering down in an alleyway, hugging a thick book against her chest.
Humans in New York? Normal. A human in the Hidden City? Not so much. Not impossible but not normal.
When the villain of the week inevitably caught up with the brothers, they had no choice but string along this obviously out of place human. After some smart thinking on Leo’s part, Mikey would argue with him about this because he was the one who apparently gave him the idea to lead the monstrous yokai towards the pirate bay for the pirates to deal with it in their anger when he destroyed their ship mast, they dealt with the villain and could deal with the human.
No surprise there Y/N wound up in the Hidden City accidentally and was immensely overwhelmed when they were suddenly surrounded by a myriad of mythical and magical beings. Obviously the brothers explained to her what was going on and that she was actually kind of safe as long as she just left most yokai in peace. They then helped her back to New York and since it was already daytime Raph called April to ask her if she could walk the very rattled Y/N back to her apartment.
Honestly Leo should have predicted that April took the chance to befriend the human since Y/N now knew that mutants, yokais and a hidden city beneath New York existed. He knew April had no qualms about having mostly non-human friends, but it must be still nice to have a friend with whom she can go out for food and doesn’t need to worry about their disguise, and should she get a call that one of the Hamatos needed her help with something, she didn’t need to come up with a lie. Most of the time anyways. Sometimes the brothers did stupid stuff she just didn’t want to bombard the timid Y/N with.
It didn’t take long for Y/N to come visit the Hamato household together with April now and again. It took some time and even convincing but she even begun visiting them all on her own. Her shyness usually stopped her from doing so.
This shyness was also the reason why Leo had basically a full bouquet of flowers hidden inside this old and forgotten geology book.
As they soon learned Y/N was shy but loved flowers. Whenever the brothers or April did something nice for her for example, she gifted them a flower. It took Donnie a moment but he soon realized that she gave them these flowers depending on their meaning. This way she could express things like trust and happiness and even her support while her voice failed due to her nerves.
Mikey immediately rolled with this using his culinary talents to do the same for her. When she felt down, he made food to soothe and calm her down. Often cooking her favorite dishes especially when she fought through her shyness and managed to do things like call the bank since there was a problem or something and needed her to call back.
Raph used his knitting abilities to make her things like mittens, hats and even sweaters for her to cuddle into. Combine this with his certified Big Brother Hugs™ that had the ability to melt any worries away he and Y/N could sometimes be found in the projector room watching a movie together while Raph silently taught Y/N how to knit while she sat securely against his chest.
Donnie was probably the person who could relate to her problems with other people the most. He immediately noticed when she was overwhelmed, dragged her to his lab, placed her in a corner that usually his brothers occupied hence why there was a beanbag, blankets and pillows and handed her one of his certified Genius Tech™ headphones while he returned to work on one of his projects. They might not actively interact with each other, but they still built a bond of trust. Both kind of became each other person they could just retreat to when people and socializing was too much, but they also didn’t want to be necessarily alone.
But Leo was struggling to really connect with Y/N. Don’t get him wrong the two were friends and hung out a lot but there wasn’t something the two did together. Not like his brothers and April with Y/N.
That was until he took a day to wander through the Hidden City alone to see what else there was to discover and he managed to find hidden inside a scary looking forest a beautiful patch of grass covered in all sorts of colorful and no doubt magical flowers. His mind immediately jumped to Y/N and how she no doubt would love this place.
He closed the book carefully, not wanting to destroy the carefully pressed gifts to place said book back on his shelf.
He didn’t know why he was so anxious to ask Y/N if she wanted to go into Hidden City with him. He was the face man! He once managed to fool a human chef even while poisoned and probably talking gibberish without a disguise! That’s how good he is!
Besides it’s flowers! Flowers she probably has never seen! He was sure she would love it!
Using this bout of confidence, that was definitely there since forever and actually he didn’t need to take advantage of a ‘bout of confidence’, that’s stupid, he grabbed his phone and clicked on her contact to text her.
“Chello~ Got some time? Wanna show you something cool!”
Should he add emojis? Like some flowers? Would that spoil the surprise? Would that be cheesy? A simple smirking emoji would be the correct choice. Wait, no, that kinda looks weird together with the message. Screw it. Send it as is.
It took a bit but Y/N responded, calming down his anxiety immediately.
The text immediately started with a happy emoji
“Yeah, I have time! Just finished studying! Need me to come down?”
Oh, right! She was studying for an upcoming exam since she was in university for botany.
“Nice!” This time a thumbs up seemed appropriate.
“Mind if I just teleport to you since it’s in the Hidden City and I want to teleport us there anyways. No need to walk all the way if I can just use my awesome skillz”
The answer this time was immediate from Y/N.
“Sure. You can portal here!”
That’s all he needed to grab one of his sword and slice through the air. A familiar blue circle appearing in front of him. Head empty, he walked in to come out inside Y/N’s bedroom. She was still sitting at her desk, hunched over phone. A pen in her mouth.
“On the phone while studying? Is that a good idea?” Leo joked, mostly to try to get her attention so she wouldn’t be spooked to suddenly see him.
She still tensed up with wide eyes, the pen falling on the floor as she turned around to spot the turtle in her room. The shock immediately was replaced with a fond smile.
“H-hi! Already here!”
Leo nodded, walking over to lean on her chair. Looking over her shoulder to scrutinize whatever she was working on. Okay there were a lot of words on a paper and hastily drawn graphs or something. Yeah, no, he checked out.
He still hummed approvingly as if he was looking over work and found it was all correct.
Y/N raised one of her eyebrows at this and huffed out an amused breath “Well, what did you want to show me?”
Leo pushed himself away from the chair and look Y/N over. Clothes? Check. Shoes? Nope. He frowned.
“We can’t go if you don’t wear shoes, Petal. Socks won’t do.”
Her face immediately burned up. He sometimes used that nickname solely to tease het with it since somehow this name seemed to break Y/N.exe every time. This has earned him a handful of times some pulls by his bandana tail by her. Almost if she wanted to pull on his ear or hair if he had any.
She grumbled embarrassed and wandered out the room only to reappear a minute later with her shoes on.
Leo clapped his hands together “Perfect! Let’s go!”
Once again he sliced through the air and opened another pulled. This time he didn’t mindlessly walk through the portal. No, this time he made sure to grab Y/N’s hand before mindlessly walking through the blue swirl. At this point he was really confident that his portals delivered him to the place he wants.
Bigger stretches of space could be a bit tricky if he couldn’t directly see the goal but he has been working on it.
Luckily, he didn’t embarrass himself this time by teleporting him and her to Spain or something.
With a soft thud he and Y/N arrived at the flower field. His portal hasn’t even fully disappeared into thin air he already heard Y/N excitedly gasp.
“Oh my god! Look at these flowers! They are so pretty! Oh my god!”
She was happily flapping her hands, turning around to Leo with huge glistening eyes and a faint blush across her cheeks. Her smile reached her eyes, crinkling the corners of her eyes. Leo hoped he wouldn’t forget that expression of her since it was so full of pure joy it elevated his own heart and made a happy grin appear on his face as well.
He nervously scratched the back of his neck “Yeah, I was kind of just walking around and found this. Thought you might enjoy this place.”
Y/N was clearly fighting to let proper words fumble through her joy but also shyness until she finally nodded “Enjoy? I love!”
She said it surprisingly softly with a slight wobble to her voice which somehow conveyed her happiness even more if she would have yelled it out.
Shakily she grabbed Leo’s hand that hung uselessly next to him and pulled him to the middle of the patch only to sit down on the soft ground. Her eyes scanned the whole place until they finally landed on the blue flowers close to her legs. Almost as if she was scared the flowers would break under her touch she soft traced the stem and then the petals.
To be fair they were in the Hidden City Leo wouldn’t be surprised if suddenly one of the flowers tried to eat them. Maybe this was a bad idea after all? But when he looked her happy expression, the small little moments where she couldn’t help herself but flap her hands due to happiness, he couldn’t help but decide that this was a risk worth taking. Besides he was here. He could deal with anything and protect her.
So here he was. Sitting next to Y/N while she inspected the flowers all around them. A, probably magical, sun shining down on them, bathing the two in warmth. It was calm, hell, it was peaceful.
“Hey, Y/N.” Leo tried to get her attention.
Y/N looked over at him and once again his heart seemed to twist at the beautiful expression of hers.
“You know I just realized. I don’t know how you make one of those flower crown things. Never had the chance to really try it out.” It was a random thought that jumped out to him but he couldn’t help to bring it up.
Weirdly enough Y/N looked almost sad for a moment before some determination jumped through “I’ll show you. It’s easier than you might realize.”
With that Leo turned properly towards Y/N. So that his whole body was now facing her and not just his face. She mirrored his behavior only to get up for a second and begin to gather an array of blue and white flowers. The petals of these flowers were big but thin. When Y/N dropped them in his lap he was sure they would have to be pretty heavy but these flowers were actually quite light.
With that Y/N softly begun showing and explaining to Leo how to make a flower crown. How to braid them all together. She often tripped over her own words, a wobble sometimes appearing when she misspoke or felt like she just made a mistake.
Leo made a point of complimenting her work or making some joke to alleviate her worries. It seemed to work as she continued working.
In the end the two had each a blue and white flower crown. Y/N’s looked naturally amazing while Leo was amazed that his seemed to somehow hold together. Hey as long as it’s not immediately falling apart! Seems like a win to him!
Y/N stared at her flower crown. Slowly turning it around. Leo was about to ask what was on her mind but she begun speaking on her own.
“Thank you. Th-Thank you for bringing me to this place.” He could see her tensing for a moment when she fumbled the word. “It really cheered me up. I think I needed it after being stuck at home studying for days. Thank you, L-Leo.”
A soft smile stretched across Leo’s face “Of course. When I saw this place, I immediately had to think of you. Figured you’d love it here.”
This made Y/N finally look up again with a new softness in her eyes he saw very rarely. His breath hitched as he finally saw this look from close up. Whatever this emotion was she was conveying with her eyes and poster, it filled him with a warm feeling.
With an uncertain smile and shaky hands she suddenly moved her flower crown and softly placed it on Leo’s head. She was so carefully moving as if he was a scared wild animal that would sprint off into the woods any second it made his heart squeeze.
He was a ninja that saved the world a couple times by now. Hell, he could probably snap her bones if he really wanted to due to the strength from his mutation. His strength didn’t come close to that of Raph but still, he was positive he still could. And yet, Y/N treated him as if he was fractured glass and she didn’t want to break him.
Heat rose to his neck and face. He couldn’t help but think if he was a human and had ears, would his ears also burn up? Just like Y/N’s right now. It was cute.
And as her hands slowly fell down. She had to stretched up to place the flower crown on his head since he was taller than her even while sitting. Y/N slowly moved back down to sit back down on the ground properly only to stop midway through. Her face right in front of his, determination burning in her eyes, contrasting her burning cheeks.
And with a slight grin she moved forward, placing a soft kiss on his snout only to fall back down on the soft ground.
It happened so fast Leo needed a moment to wrap his head around this action.
Eloquent Leonardo Hamato. Nicely said. Less is more as they say.
Y/N was at this point kneading her own hands, a nervous habit, but she was still smiling!
“Seriously. Thank you. Thi-This means a ton to me.”
Leo’s voice failed him. He opened his mouth but nothing came out, only a high pitched whine that he immediately strangled by snapping his mouth shut so fast and strong his teeth clicked together.
Almost as if he was a robot he moved his own shoddy flower crown towards Y/N and robotically placed it on her head. She had to move it a bit around, so it wasn’t tilted on her head.
“Yeah. No problem.” Leo finally managed to whisper. His voice sounded strangled. Almost as if he was talking right after Raph punched him accidentally really hard in his stomach during training.
Y/N’s embarrassed mind must have finally won over since she twirled around and laid down on the ground to look up “Le-Let’s just, uh, Let’s just enjoy the sun?”
He nodded and laid down next to her “Yeah. Let’s chill.”
And as they laid there, he made a point of not showing a strong reaction towards her hand slowly grasping his, scared she’d recoil and take her soft hand back.
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