#anyways I’ve given you words and I’ve posted my normal tags what do you wanna talk about now?
drabbles-mc · 4 years
I Like Me Better
Nestor Oceteva x F!Reader
Request from Anon: Hi! If you’re doing requests can I get a short fic based on the song I like me better by Lauv with Nestor🥺
Part 2 can be found Here
Warnings: language, lots of softness and pining
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: (I know I’ve posted this story like 5 times today alone. So sorry to everyone who has been getting bombarded with it while I figure out my posting/tagging issues. Love y’all and I owe you xo) This story definitely took on a life of its own once I sat down and started writing it. I love me some Soft Nestor and the whole “almost relationship” type of deal. Hope you enjoy!
General Mayans Taglist: @mayans-sauce​ @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @paintballkid711​ @tomhardydallasstarsgirl​ @queenbeered​ @sillygoose6969​ @sesamepancakes​ @yourwonkywriter​ @chibsytelford​ @gemini0410​ @multiyfandomgirl40​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​  @plentyoffandoms @georgiaaintnopeach​ @twistnet​ @garbinge​ @themoonandthewicked​ @bucky-iss-bae​ @encounterthepast​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @rosieposie0624​ @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo​ @mijop​ @xladymacbethx​ @blessedboo​ @holl2712​
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You were laughing as you watched snowflakes get stuck in Nestor’s facial hair and braids as he talked to you on the phone. Ever since you moved, the two of you had one weekly scheduled phone call, and one video chat. No matter what either of you were doing, you always made time for those two things. Even if for the rest of the week you didn’t really get to talk to each other, you always had those two things.
When Nestor said he was going to have to talk to you on the go before he called, you didn’t expect it to be quite so literal. You figured maybe he’d be driving, but wherever he was, he was walking, and it was snowing. He didn’t look thrilled about either of those things.
“I’m not made for the fucking snow,” he was trying to sound annoyed but you could see the laughter building up inside him.
“Good thing you didn’t move with me to New York then,” you laughed as you watched him brush snowflakes off of his eyelashes, “You’d never last out here.”
“Why would you voluntarily put up with this every year?”
“It’s pretty when you’re not being a baby about it,” you laughed, “Where did Miguel send you anyway?”
“Into the cold, that’s where,” he kept a serious expression for a moment before laughing.
“Next time you wanna experience the cold, come do it with me! My door is always open.”
“You’re the only person worth braving this shit for, Y/N,” he chuckled.
“Well,” you smiled at him from the warmth and comfort of your couch, “me and Miguel, apparently.” There was a knock at your door and you sighed, “Hold on a sec, I gotta grab that,” you got up and walked over to the door.
When you unlocked and pulled the door open, the phone dropped from your hands as you took in the sight of Nestor standing on your front step. You squealed, throwing your arms around him in a hug that swept you off the ground. He laughed as he held you tight against him.
He gently set you back down, making sure that your feet didn’t land in the snow on your steps, or on top of your discarded phone, “I told you, you’re the only one worth braving this shit for.”
“I can’t believe you’re really here!” without thinking better of it, you reached and cupped his face in your hands, still trying to wrap your head around the fact that he was actually standing right there in front of you. He let out a slight shiver and it snapped you back to the situation at hand. You laughed as you waved him inside, “Shit, come inside. Get out of the cold.”
You grabbed your phone off the ground before you shut and locked the door behind the both of you, mind reeling from the fact that Nestor was at your house. You’d been back home to visit a couple times since you moved away, but he’d never made the trek to New York. You couldn’t blame him—you knew what his life with Galindo was like. You were surprised that he was able to be that far away from the family without it causing some kind of issue.
“What brings you out my way?” you took his coat from him and hung it up, chuckling as the snow fell off of it onto the floor.
“You,” he replied, looking up at you with a smile as he took his shoes off, “I wanted to see you, and not just through a phone screen.”
His words made your entire body feel warm. You motioned for him to follow you into the kitchen, nodding towards the counter for him to sit while you got the both of you a cup of coffee. He needed it more to warm up than anything else. He looked around your house with an approving smile. You’d given him the video tour after you had moved all of your stuff in, but it looked so much better in person. It felt so homey. Your walls were covered with photographs and artwork that you’d brought from home. Nestor smiled to himself when he saw that he’d made it up on the wall in a few pictures, along with the rest of your family and friends back in California.
You set the hug down in front of him, and he chuckled when he saw I ❤ NY printed on the side of it. He cupped his hands around it, letting the warmth seep into his fingers from the ceramic, “Fitting.”
You sipped from your own mug with a smile, “Gotta manifest it, Nes.”
The two of you existed in silence for a minute while he thawed out. You watched him as he looked around your small home. It wasn’t much, especially compared to the homes of all the people in his circles back in California, but it was yours and you loved it. You had never been someone who needed much. You just needed to feel comfortable and safe, and this house did more than just that for you.
You noticed him staring at the photos on the walls and the fridge, and you smiled. A little bit of weight settled over your heart as you watched him study them, knowing that he was looking at the ones of the two of you. It was all bittersweet to look back on. The two of you hadn’t ever dated, but you danced around the outskirts of it for a long time. There were times when the lines felt a little fuzzy, but nothing ever really happened. You were best friends, and you knew that he’d do anything for you, and you for him. But the timing was just never quite right, life was just never quite calm enough to try and make it work.
When you had told him that you had accepted a job offer on the other side of the country, he was trying so hard to be happy for you, but it wasn’t easy. You were a port in the storm for him, and he had no idea what he was going to do without you around. But he was supportive. He helped you pack, scrolled through apartment and housing listings with you, and found the best deal on a plane ticket. He never let you see how much it had hurt him—those were feelings that he processed in private. He’d thought about coming out to visit you every day since you left, but he worried that if he did, he wouldn’t come back home.
Before either of you could spiral too far into the past, you spoke up with a smile, “So, how long are you in town for?” he didn’t have any bags, so you assumed that he couldn’t be in town for long.
“I’m not sure,” he rested a hand on the back of his neck, “Told Mikey I needed to take some time. And this was the first place I thought to come to.”
You couldn’t hide your surprise—work had always been a priority for Nestor. Miguel was at the forefront of his decisions, always. “Really?” you raised your eyebrows, “You…you can take a leave of absence with…what you do?” you couldn’t quite wrap your head around it.
He shrugged, “Apparently,” he chuckled, “He said alright. So, here I am.”
You could feel that it wasn’t what he wanted to talk about, so you let the topic drop, “Well, you know you’re more than welcome to stay for however long you want to. Although your lack of luggage is a little concerning.”
He laughed, “Got lost in the shuffle. Airline said they’ll mail it here.”
You shook your head, unable to contain your laughter, “Damn, that sucks. Welcome to New York.”
You were on the opposite side of the counter from him, leaning forward onto it, propped up by your elbows. The two of you started to catch up about things that slipped from your minds when you called each other. He told you about some of the chaos that he wasn’t allowed to say over an unsecure phoneline. You listened intently, fighting the urge to reach out and entwine your fingers with his. Everything felt so right with him there with you.
“Sorry,” he chuckled as he took another sip of his coffee, “I don’t mean to do all the talking. I’ve just…I’ve missed having you to talk to.”
You nodded, “I know the feeling,” you drummed your fingers on the surface of the counter, “Well, now that you’re here, normally I’d say we should go do touristy things. But something tells me you’ve had your required dose of snow for the day?”
He laughed, “What’ve you got in mind?”
You shook your head, “Nothing that can’t wait until tomorrow. I’m sure you’ve had a long enough day. We can camp out at least until your luggage gets here. Or I can take you shopping, whichever you prefer.”
He smiled at you, “I think I’m alright with staying in.”
“That’s what I figured,” you chuckled, “Well, I was not expecting company. I’m assuming you’ll be alright with ordering in?”
“Sounds perfect.”
“I know this really great Chinese place. Their wonton soup is…perfection.”
The two of you made your way to your living room and sprawled onto the couch. You leaned up against Nestor’s side as you got your phone out to place the order. You picked a few things that you wanted to eat before handing it to him so he could pick stuff as well. While he was looking through the menu, you turned on the television and pulled the blanket off the back of your couch so it covered the both of you.
Nestor handed your phone back to you so you could place the order. He’d hardly noticed how you tucked the both of you in. He smiled as he rested his arm against your side, hand brushing lightly against your stomach.
“Is this…”
“I decided last week that I was going to rewatch all of Law & Order SVU from the very beginning,” you laughed.
He shook his head with a laugh, “Do you have a moral objection to happy shows or…?”
“It’s a good show!” you snuggled into him a little more.
“What has New York done to you?”
You smiled and shook your head, “Given me time to do shit like this.”
“You like it here though?” his eyes were watching the television, but one hand was gently massaging circles into the side of your neck.
“Yea, I do. It’s a nice change of pace—I think it was the right move for me,” you glanced up at him and smiled, unbelievably happy about the fact that he was really laying on your couch in New York with you. Never in a million years did you think that would happen.
Once the food got there the two of you switched up your positions a little bit. The TV was still on but neither of you were paying attention to it. You were each sitting cross-legged facing each other on the couch. You were laughing as you watched him fumble with his chopsticks. You had forks, obviously, but it was a matter of pride whenever you two ate together because he knew that you were extremely good at using them and he didn’t want to be left out.
“Almost two years since we got Chinese together and you didn’t use any of that time to teach yourself how to use chopsticks?”
He chuckled as he struggled with his noodles, “Didn’t make it to the top of my priority list, I apologize.”
“I’ll teach you before you leave. Way better than taking back a cheesy souvenir,” you smiled at him as you picked up a piece of chicken.
As the night wore on, your coffee table became covered in takeout food boxes, and a couple empty bottles of wine that the two of you had managed to drink your way through. You were sprawled across his lap, wine glass lightly hanging from your fingertips as you rambled on about what you had been up to since you moved. Nestor couldn’t take his eyes off of you, soaking up the fact that he was able to be so close to you.
“I’ve missed you,” you veered off your current story completely as you felt the warmth from his hand soak into your leg.
He looked at you, laughing quietly at the sudden admission, “I’ve missed you too.”
“Were you ever mad at me for leaving?”
He shook his head, no hesitation in his answer at all, “Of course not,” he studied your face, the way your skin glowed whenever you drank, the way your eyes got a little glassy when you had more than just one glass of wine, “Doesn’t mean that I don’t miss you, though.”
You hummed in quiet contentment as he reassuringly rubbed his hand up and down your leg, “I think about you all the time.”
His hand stilled for a moment and you were afraid that maybe you were saying too much. Maybe the reason that things worked so well was because everything was in limbo. Before you could worry too much he gave your leg a light squeeze, “I think about you too.”
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence after that, resituating yourself so that your head was resting against his chest. It was hard to focus on much of anything when all you could think about was the way your body was pressed up against his. The steadiness of his breathing felt like the only thing that was still grounding you. Your entire body felt warm from the wine, but deep down you knew it was more than just that.
“If you’re tired,” he spoke up after a few minutes of silence, “you can go to bed. Don’t exhaust yourself on my account,” there was a smile on his face.
You stretched, fighting back a yawn, “Come with me,” you sat upright and looked over at him, “I won’t lie to you, my guest room is empty because I have been putting off buying furniture for it,” you chuckled, “And my bed is way more comfortable than the couch, believe me.”
“Yea,” he nodded, his voice soft as he bit back a laugh, “okay.”
He followed you up the stairs and into your room, looking around the house as he did. It was hard for him to wrap his head around what your life was like now that you were so far away from everything that you had grown up with, everyone you had grown up with. It seemed like you had created such a cozy little life for yourself, and it couldn’t help but to think that you might never have had that if you hadn’t taken the plunge to move across the country.
“Don’t mind the clothes,” you apologized as you flicked on the light to your bedroom, “I promise they’re clean—I just hate folding laundry.”
He laughed, shaking his head, “It’s fine.”
You changed into a baggy long-sleeve shirt and a pair of shorts, immediately crawling underneath your blankets. You nestled back against your pillow and looked over at Nestor, who was unbuttoning his shirt, eyes cast down at the floor.
You were lying on your side, scrolling on your phone when you felt the mattress dip as Nestor climbed into bed beside you. He pulled the blanket up over himself and rolled onto his side so he could look over at you. You looked up from your phone, a smile starting to take over your features as you took in how close he was to you. You set your phone off to the side and rested your cheek against the palm of your hand.
“I still can’t believe you’re here,” you said with a laugh.
“Give it a couple days,” he joked, “Soon you’ll be begging for me to go back home.”
You snuggled closer to him, resting your face against his chest, “I doubt it.”
You woke up the next morning to the feeling of Nestor’s arms wrapped tightly around you, keeping you snug against his chest. Taking a slow, deep bre ath you took in the fact that this was really happening. He shifted slightly, arms squeezing you for a moment before he settled back into his sleep. The selfish part of you never wanted him to go home because you would love to wake up like this every morning. The warmth trapped underneath the blanket made you forget about the fact that there was a considerable amount of snow covering the ground outside.
You let your eyes close again as you focused on the steady beat of his heart. You slowly slid your legs and tangled them up with his. A few moments later you felt his fingers sliding lightly up and down your back. You glanced up at him and smiled when you saw that his eyes were still closed, but there was a peaceful smile on his face. You don’t ever remember seeing him so calm, so relaxed.
“Good morning,” he mumbled as he pressed his hand flat against your back, pushing you against him.
You chuckled as you rested your hands against his chest, “Good morning. You sleep okay?”
“Mhm,” he finally opened his eyes, “like a fucking rock,” he laughed.
You smiled up at him, “Good.”
The two of you laid there, soaking up the quiet peacefulness of the morning. You hadn’t woken up wrapped up in someone’s arms in a very long time, and there was something about the clinginess of Nestor’s grasp that told you he was in the same boat. You smiled to yourself as you felt his fingers lazily massaging between your shoulder blades.
“I’m sorry I didn’t come visit sooner,” he said.
You pulled back away from him so you could get a better look at his face, “You don’t have to be sorry—I know your life doesn’t make it easy. It’s hard to find the time.”
“I should’ve made the time.”
“Nes, don’t—”
He cut you off as he shook his head, “I’m not trying to make excuses. I know that I should’ve come out to see you. I just, I knew that it was going to be hard to convince myself to go back home once I did. I like me so much better when I’m with you,” he gently cupped your face in his hand.
You rested your hand over his, “Well, I like you all the time,” you smiled, “And no matter what, I’ll always be here whenever you need a break to recharge and get away from everything for a little while. But listen,” you waited for him to look at you, “don’t spend all of your time here thinking about the fact that you think you should’ve made it out here sooner. None of that matters. You’re here now, and that’s what matters.”
He rested his forehead against yours, “See? That’s what I mean—how am I supposed to go back home after that?” you could see the hint of a smile on his face.
You laughed, “Just remember how much you hate the snow. Short vacations out this way will be just right for you.”
He chuckled and shook his head, “Yea, maybe.”
You gave his hand a light squeeze, “C’mon, let’s go make breakfast and see if your luggage will come in today or if I get to take you shopping.”
He laughed, rolling his eyes, “Can’t wait for that.”
You flung the blanket off the both of you and hopped out of bed. Walking around to Nestor’s side, you held out your hands and pulled him up, laughing as he exaggeratedly stumbled into you and wrapped you in a hug. Your laughter was muffled against his chest but he reveled in the way it all felt.
While you were measuring out grounds into the coffee maker, you saw Nestor out of the corner of your eye looking through your fridge, trying to see what he could salvage to make breakfast with. You smiled to yourself as you set the pot to brew. You leaned back against the counter and watched him pulling things out from the drawers of your refrigerator.
“Playing chef today?” you asked with a smile.
“Better me than you,” he laughed.
You feigned offence, “Excuse you, I am an amazing cook.”
He smiled as he set everything out on the counter, “You are, but I’m better.”
“But I’m better,” you mocked with a laugh, “Cocky.”
“Doesn’t mean it’s not true.”
“How long did you say you were staying again?” you laughed.
“At least until I learn how to use chopsticks,” he chuckled as he looked through your cabinets for a frying pan, “So it might be a while.”
You couldn’t make yourself take your eyes off him, “Good.”
He heard the softness in your tone and looked over at you from his food prep on the counter. He smiled, tilting his head slightly as if to ask if there was something that you wanted to say. You shook your head with a small smile before walking over and wrapping your arms around his middle, the side of your face resting against his back. You didn’t know how long he was going to be staying, but you knew that regardless you were going to be making the most of it.
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alovesongshewrote · 4 years
If you’re taking requests, maybe something about Doux finding the reader absolutely delirious from lack of sleep? I may or may not have gotten literally any sleep last night and although I managed to get through my morning routine pretty efficiently I FEEL my body just wiping out. I will be comatose within the hour.
Sleep, Darling | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader
Plot:  you’ve been awake for too long and it is not doing you any favours.  Thank god for punk wizards who care about your wellbeing, amirite lads?  (Also, the pure Irony that this is getting posted at like, 2:40 am where i am, rip me i guess)
Word Count: 2,292
Warnings:  A bit of blood is mentioned in passing, the reader isn’t human and probably has adhd or smthn.  Also, Friends is mentioned, like, the tv show, so that’s a thing!
A/N:   if you look closely, you can actually see me projecting onto this one.  I hope you got some sleep anon.
Tags:   @furblrwurblr @einahpetsyarcip @sorrels-scribbling @anxious-stitcher @alive-and-afraid @animedweeb333 @douxiesdamsel @saroski05
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Time isn’t real.  It’s a social construct made to bring order to the general chaos that is human existence.  That was why you were up at 5 a.m for the second, maybe third, night in a row.  Was it healthy?  Probably not, but you didn’t need sleep, you needed answers.  Answers to what?  Who knows at this point, honestly.
You couldn’t say you were surprised when you finally noticed the late, or early hour.  You just shrugged it off and went “fuck it, all-nighter,” which was fine for the moment.  But time’s a bitch, and that moment was over pretty fast.  By noon, you were ready to collapse.  The three cups of coffee did not help.  Instead, they made you vibrate at a frequency that could quite possibly break glass.  As much as this sucked for you, it was worse for your lovely friend and co-worker, Hisirdoux Casperan.
Now, our boi Douxie was and is madly in love with you, but shhh, it’s a secret.  You also love him, and that’s a secret too.  Neither of these secrets are well kept, and the only reason you aren’t together is general stupidity.  Literally, anyone else who watches the two of you interacting can tell that you're in love.  Hell, half the town assumes you’re together already.  The other half keeps trying to get you together.  It is not working very well.  But that’s all a digression.  What you really need to know is that Douxie loves you and watching you suffer from a lack of sleep was Not A Pleasant Experience.  You were delirious, shaky, and constantly off-balance.  You could work well enough, but it was clear that your health was not in the same zone.
The final straw came when you cut your hand on broken glass.  You’d dropped a cup, and instead of using magic, you’d tried to fix the mess by hand.  That plan did not work, and you received a bloody slash across your palm for your troubles.
“Ah.  Fuck,” you said, thinking you were whispering but instead speaking at a normal volume.
“What’s wrong, love?”
“‘S nothing, I’ve got it,” you did not got it, especially not in this state, and Douxie had the good sense to figure that out.  The blood was a pretty good hint though.
“Oh, fuzzbuckets.”
“I told you, I’m toooootally fine, there is nothing to worry about.”
“Here, (Y/N), let me help you-”
“No, no, this is, this is-” it was then that your sleep-deprived brain decided to cut off your train of thought and replace it with another, more chaotic train.  You stopped talking and just stared at Douxie for a solid minute.  Or at least it felt like a solid minute.  Time isn’t real, remember that.
“(Y-Y/N)?  You alright there, darling?”
“You’re really cute, did you know that?  Like… really cute.  Steve was right, you could be a model.”
“Also, just gonna put it out there, I freakin’ love it when you call me darling.  Like, I know you call most people darling, but it makes me feel special.  Don’t ask why, it just does.”
Douxie wasn’t planning on asking why.  He wasn’t really planning on anything.  Your sleep-deprived half-confession had turned him from a capable individual into a blushing mess in less than a second.  You always had that effect on him, but it looked like your exhausted state was giving you a bit of an edge.
“Oh, sorry, I made it weird.  Anyway, do you think if I brewed my next coffee with Monster instead of water it would wake me up?   Because I’m still tired, and it isn’t fun.”
“I- you- I’m-”
“I think I might try it, honestly.”
“Ok, how about you don’t do that,”  Archie said, swooping in, literally and figuratively, to save the day, “Douxie, can you please get (Y/N)’s hand patched up?  It looks quite painful and they’re dripping blood onto the carpet.”
You were, in fact, dripping blood onto the carpet.  That wasn’t good, “Oh, that’s- I’m sorry.”
“Don’t fret, just go do something about that hand,” with that, Archie smacked Douxie upside the head in an attempt to snap him out of his flustered state.  It was super effective!
“Ahh, yeah.   C’mon, (Y/N), let’s,,, go,,, fix,,, that.”
“Ok,”  you stood, too tired to protest, and followed Douxie into the back of the bookstore, which was literally just his apartment.  
It was a nice place.  Very cozy, very him.  It made you want to curl up and take a nap, but to be fair, literally everything made you want to curl up and take a nap at the moment.  Regardless, his home made you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside and you never wanted to leave it.  Maybe it was the interior decorating, but you knew it was because your favourite person lived there.  What you didn’t know, or didn’t realize, was that you’d just spoken your entire thought process out loud and Douxie heard every word of it.  Once again, the boy was a blushing mess.  If you were awake enough to process things, you would have found it cute.  Or you’d be dead from embarrassment, that one is a bit of a toss-up.
Fighting through his flustered state, Douxie pulled you into the bathroom and collected a first aid kit from under the counter.  While he focused on getting things done, you curled into a ball in his bathtub.  For some reason, your exhausted brain decided that sitting on the edge of the bathtub simply did not Vibe™ but sitting inside the tub was better than nothing, and so you just,,, curled up there.  Douxie was only a little surprised to see you there.
“D’you remember that time on Friends when Winona Ryder played a closeted lesbian?  That was a fuckin’ trip, man.”
“(Y/N), darling-”
“That whole episode is just- it’s just strange.”
“Hehe, Stranger Things.”
“(Y/N), love, I need to see your hand.”
“Oh, fuck, yeah, I forgot.  Here,” you sat up, extending your hand out to the wizard.  He took it, sitting on the edge of the bathtub which was fine for him to do, I guess.  Not you though, you were stuck in bathtub jail for sleep deprivation crimes.
You squinted up at his face as he tended to the nasty scratch you’d given yourself.  You didn’t have the capacity to focus on what he was doing, so instead you focused on him.  He was pretty, as you’d said before, but that was always true.  At that exact moment, his brows were furrowed in concentration, his eyes concerned and his jaw set.  His hands were steadier than yours could ever hope to be, especially since you hadn’t been sleeping.  Overall, he looked kind of mad, so you sunk down into your bath-prison, silent and waiting for him to finish so you could get back to work.
Douxie was not mad at you.  He was upset that you hadn’t been sleeping, but he wasn’t mad.  He was just worried for your health.  Your wizard did not appreciate seeing you shaking and sleep-deprived.  He didn’t appreciate it when your current state led you to injure yourself, either.
He wrapped up your hand and gave it a small pat, “Done.  Now, come on, you’re taking a nap.”
His voice surprised you.  It was gentle, calm, not at all angry like you’d suspected.  You found yourself so lost in it that you didn’t realize what he’d said until he said your name, trying to snap you out of whatever haze you were in.
“Oh, wait, what?  No, shit, I have to get back to work-”
“No, you need sleep.”
“Sleep is for the weak, I need to go-” you stood and almost fell over.  You probably would have broken something if Douxie didn’t catch you.  You hadn’t exactly expected to end up in his arms today, and despite the heat rising in your face and neck, you were not complaining.
“I’m sorry, Douxie, I-”
“You need to sleep.  Please, (Y/N), don’t make me use a spell on you.”
You froze for a second before a smirk crept onto your face, “You wouldn’t.”
“You wouldn’t use a spell on meeeeee-” the smirk grew into a full smile as you let yourself go limp, forcing him to move his hands to support you better and pull you closer to him.  Was that your plan?  Maybe.  Was it part of a second, bigger plan?  Also yes.
“You wanna bet?”
“I-” and then he went silent.  There was a moment of tension where you just stared into each other’s eyes, holding your breath to see what the other person would do.  Your gaze fell to his lips as his fell to yours.  For that moment, your thoughts began to wander far out of your control.  Douxie’s mind was also running rampant but in a different direction.  You were right, he thought.  He couldn't use magic on you.  As far as he knew, you were a human.  Just a mortal being who crawled their way into his life and stayed there, improving the quality of it greatly.  If there was even the slightest chance that a spell may have negative side effects, which most sleep spells did, he wouldn’t dare risk it, especially not on you.  He sighed, tightening his grip on your waist, “You’re right.”
“What?”  Oop, plan going sideways, PLAN GOING SIDEWAYS!
“I’m- not going to use magic on you,” he helped you to stand, and moved to take a step back before you grabbed his hoodie and pulled him back to you, ignoring the sharp sting in your hand.
“Ok, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, hang on there wizard boy-” you took a moment to pull yourself out of the bathtub entirely, “You can’t give up that easily.”
“Come onnnnnn, make it fun, make it exciting.  Put a spell on me or whatever, just-” you went quiet for a second, but for once you weren’t distracted.  Just quiet.  You had to face facts.  Your plan had failed, and now you had nothing but the truth.
“Just make my brain stop.  For just two seconds.”
“Please.  I’m running on a motor and I can’t stop myself.  I haven’t slept and I have no choice in the matter.”
“Look, just, take away my free-will if you have to.  Knock me out, magic or otherwise, I just want five seconds where I’m not on hyperdrive,” you were standing on your own now, though Douxie’s arms were still wrapped around you and you hadn’t let go of his hoodie, “Please.”
The bathroom was silent for a minute.  It took that long for Douxie to process what you’d just said.  You feared, for that moment, that you’d said too much.  You hadn't.  Not to him, anyway.
“Come on.”
“Come on,” he said, picking you up, effortlessly sweeping you off your feet.
“Wait, what!?” your voice was slightly more frantic, surprise lacing through your words.
“There’s more than one way to get a person to sleep.”
He didn’t respond to your question, instead, he carried you out the door and into what you could only assume was his room.  You had no choice but to wrap your arms around his neck and cling to him for dear life until he set you down on the bed.
“Stay here, okay?  I’m going to make you some tea-”
“Wait!” you stopped him, grabbing his wrist as he turned to leave, “I’m… I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to be sorry, my darling,” he sat in front of you on the bed, “You just need to get some sleep, okay?”
“But what about-”
“I’ll cover your shift, you don’t need to worry.”
“Just rest, for now, love.  Please.”
“Ok,” your words were a whisper, something that Douxie could only just hear.  The next thing though, he didn’t have to strain to hear at all, “Yeah.  I meant what I said earlier, by the way.  You’re so pretty, it isn’t fair.”
He laughed at this, at you, finally seeing some humour in your shenanigans.  He relaxed now knowing that you may actually get some much-needed rest.  He stood, kissing your forehead and tracing the side of your face with a hand, rough from guitar strings and 900 years of sweeping.
“Worry not, love, you’re pretty too.”
“Hey, wait-”
“Don’t ‘hey, wait,’ me.  You are.  Now lie down, I’ll be back in a second.”
A smile crept onto your face as you followed orders.  Your emo wizard man thought you were pretty.  And he cared enough about you to let you sleep during work hours, in his home, no less.  You let yourself relax into the bed, grinning once again.  It smelled like him, like thyme and peppermint, lemongrass and sleep.  It was nice, comforting.  You could only vaguely think of Douxie as your brain finally took a fuckin breather.  It was everything you needed, honestly.
By the time Douxie came back, you were long gone, lost to your dreams and finally asleep.  He sighed a smile that matched yours on his face.  He placed the cup of tea on the bedside table before grabbing a blanket out of his closet and draping it over you.  You looked so peaceful.  Good.  You deserved some peace every now and then.
He took the cup and left you, brushing a strand of hair out of your eyes as he did.  After making his exit, he placed the still-hot tea on the counter, disregarding it for now before returning to the bookshop.
“How are they?”  his familiar asked, tail twisting in concern.
He gave a final fond look at the door before returning to business, “They’re just resting.”  And for once, you were.
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justice4harwin · 3 years
Light’s Corruption-Chapter VII
Summary: With few friends at the Little Palace, Alina must work to win the favour of her fellow grisha and their commander, who makes her feel light headed every time she sees him.
After training in Os Alta for two years, the king grows tired of waiting and demands the Sun Summoner joins a western post near the Fjerdan border along with the rest of The Second Army to test her abilities.
Something happens. Suddenly, Alina wants blood to run down the rivers and those who stand in her and The Darkling’s way will be blinded by her light and swallowed by his shadows.
It won’t be pretty.
Pairing: The DarklingxAlina
Rating: 18+ (better safe than sorry, u know)
Anyone fancy a playlist?
As usual, the tags are in the comments; if you no longer want to be in the list or wanna be added, please don’t hesitate to let me know :)
Click here for chapter VI
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Chapter 7: Within the Palace's Walls
 Dear General Kirigan,
Dear General
Dear Kirigan
Dear Darkling
"Ugh!" Alina let her face drop on top of the paper, not caring if the ink got into her face, and groaned, loudly and at length. "Why?!" She asked into the nothingness of her room.
She had no reason to write to him. She knew he must've had frequent reports of the ongoings of the Little Palace, so she had no other excuse except to admit the truth, which was that she craved his attention, even if he was days away.
This was so pathetic of her; letting go of a life-long unrequited love just to fall into the arms of the first man who complimented her, even if she did feel a strange pull towards him.
What she needed was time for herself. Yes. She had finally said goodbye to Mal, falling for someone else so quickly would do her no good.
Oh, but Saints! The way in which he had kissed her, like he'd been waiting for centuries, like she was a treasure, like he truly wanted her. She had kissed people before, but never like that. She had enjoyed it, sure, but always stopped it before the clothes started to disappear. It usually bored people, but Alina didn't mind that much. It wasn't like when Genya was in the room while she bathed, helping her get to whenever she needed to be in time by pulling at the knots in her hair and handing her a towel. Genya was trustworthy, she was her friend and she had never given her one of those looks that had made her uncomfortable during her training at Poliznaya, nor made an unwanted comment or advance on her figure.
But The Darkling… That day, she had felt more than willing to let him have his way with her; nobody had set her body aflame the way The Darkling had done that afternoon a few weeks prior; she dreamt of it at night and woke up sweaty and hot, and it was a real effort to not daydream about it during her day.
General Imbecile Brute,
I write to you on this day to let you know of the first snow at the Little Palace. It makes quite the pretty paint...from the inside.
Also, I cannot stop thinking about you and your kiss, and I've been staring at the rose you gave me for such long amounts of time I fear my eyes will cross and I'll be stuck like that forever.
Please, tell me: do you feel the same? Mark 'yes' or 'no'.
Forever at your service,
Alina Starkov, Sun Summoner, Idiot.
Ps: You're not an imbecile, only a little rude; and you're not a brute, but some of your manners need polishing. Other than that, you're perfect.
Signed again,
Alina Starkov, she who lacks decency.
She looked at the letter, a low, prolonged, pitiful sound parting from her lips that turned into an animalistic groan. She grabbed the piece of paper, scrunched it into a small ball and threw it into her fireplace.
The snow covered the grounds of the Little Palace almost entirely, the lake would soon be completely frozen, and finalize the beautiful picture. Some Grisha were excited over the opportunity to skate. Alina had never done it, but Marie and Nadia promised to teach her.
From her horse, Alina moved uneasily. She still wasn't used to horse-riding, but Nina had invited her along with a few of her friends, who were all of different orders. It was a chance she wouldn't miss.
She tugged her kefta closer and held onto the reigns, advancing slowly along with the group, heading to the edges of the woods that surrounded the place.
A Fabrikator passed her a flask of kvas, and despite her dislike for the strong drink, Alina took it anyways and tried not to grimace as the liquid went down her throat.
If she were honest, she'd rather be inside the warm walls of her room in the Little Palace, chattering the afternoon away with Genya. She hadn't need to ask if the Tailor could join them at the stables; Alina was well aware of how little regard the other Grisha had for her -until they needed something-.
"I heard a few of you have been working on new keftas." she tried to make light conversation with the woman as she handed her her kvas back.
"Yes." she answered politely, "We're making a special fabric that should give us more freedom of movement during battle."
Alina rose her eyebrows. It wouldn't help her much if she didn't improve her fighting skills, but it was an interesting idea.
"How's it coming along?"
The woman tried to hide a grimace.
"It's complicated, but we're making some progress."
Alina smiled.
"Maybe you can tell me more about it during dinner." she suggested. "I, for once, would love a different type of trousers."
The woman smiled starkly, her blond hair getting on her face.
"They are rather stiff, aren't they?"
"I can barely flex my legs as it is."
The woman, whose name was Lada Alina remembered, agreed.
"I know. They're not suitable." she said in a strange tone, to which Alina gave her an odd, sideways look.
"Did you hear Zoya is back?" Fedyor interrupted, marching up to keep up with them.
Alina stared at him, groaned, and rolled her eyes.
"That's great." she said dryly.
Her absence was nice while it lasted.
"Maybe if I get under her skin and she attacks again, The General will send her off for a longer time. Or better yet, I could actually beat her."
Who was she kidding? Zoya was a formidable fighter, and Alina was just starting to win every now and then. Also, she suspected that Nina might have gone easy on her during their first sparring match a few weeks prior. She hadn't won against her ever since.
"Tell me about it." the woman in question said, rolling her eyes. "I don't understand her obsession with being on The General's inner circle."
"Says the one who is in the inner circle." Fedyor pointed out.
"Barely." Nina made a gesture with her hand, as if trying to rest importance to the matter. "Besides, it's not such a big deal. I don't know why everyone makes such a fuss about it."
"Well, the higher we are, the better we can protect other Grisha." Alina said, almost hesitantly. "I mean, if we have The General's ear, more ideas will flow about. I'm sure everyone has something to contribute to the cause."
"You don't need to worry about that, sun bean;" Nina smirked. "You're the Sun Summoner, it's likely he'll listen to you."
Alina's cheeks flushed as everyone in the group turned to stare at her.
"I think it's good to aim high;" Fedyor said, drifting the attention to himself, thanks the Saints. "As long as it's for the better of the Second Army."
Nina looked away and uttered something only Alina heard.
"Oh, yeah, betterment of forced servitude."
The Summoner stiffened on her saddle at the bitter words. Was Nina unhappy at the Little Palace? Why? She was one of the most powerful Grisha there; she lived in the most secured place in all Ravka, and her General held her in high regard.
A part of Alina wished she had never hidden her light. Maybe it would've been for the better to leave Keramzin, to leave Mal behind sooner.
It also made her think of someone who scarcely passed through her mind those days: her own mother.
She shook her head, ridding herself of such thoughts. She was thankful for the commodities and safe life she had at the Little Palace. Even if she was one of a kind, everyone else seemed to be adapting well to her, especially since she began to summon on her own and join in their little games by the lake.
She had been hesitant about it at first, but Genya insisted that going would be a great opportunity to both show her power and make allies.
"Besides, they won't believe you're a snob or a fraud if you show them a little." she had said, lazily lounging on a chair as they shared a nice tea one afternoon, while the queen took an especially long nap the very same day the Duke of Balakirev had arrived at court.
Lately, Alina felt more normal, and she was sure that her latest choices had a lot to do with it. From showcasing her powers, to sitting in different sections on different tables during meals and just talking normally about trivial things -even if those did exhaust her mind- and wearing an Etherealki kefta, she was more approachable, and the other Grisha seemed to slowly start to notice it too.
"It's not enough."
"We surely do deserve some more credit." she spoke, even if she didn't fully believe in the sentiment. The First Army was full of otkazat'sya, and they didn't have the advantages of bullet-proof clothing, private tents, furs for the winter and three decent meals per day.
It was all so difficult for Alina. She had once envied the advantages The Second Army possessed over The First, yet she couldn't deny there were other kinds of dangers for the Grisha, that not everything was perfect inside the walls of Os Alta.
Like the distrust of those who weren't like them, their fear, tamed only by their usefulness due only to the Black Heretic's greed.
All around her, her fellow Grisha nodded their agreements.
She wondered, briefly, what would Grisha life be like in Ravka if The Fold hadn't been created in the first place. What would happen if she ever managed to tear it down?
She didn't want to dwindle in those thoughts further.
With the Winter Fete approaching, everyone at the Little and Grand Palace seemed to buzz with all kinds of different energy. The servants were comprehensively nervous and stressed as they ran from one place to the other. Alina's fellow Grisha were either excited or indifferent, but none the less they all put the same amount of effort into practicing their yearly demonstration.
As for Alina herself, she had received the news that she was expected to showcase her power in front of the royal family and the other nobles of Ravka.
"The king wanted to throw a bigger party; invite diplomats from all continents and such, but General Kirigan insisted that it wasn't necessary yet." Genya said one afternoon, as Alina braided her hair.
She was seated very still, her eyes continuously darting from one side to the other as if trying to peek at her friend's work, concern etched on her face.
"He seems impatient." Alina commented, to which Genya huffed, accommodating her friend's new possessions on her vanity with a precision that seemed borderline obsessive.
"You have no idea. He can't wait to see the mighty Sun Summoner." she said, pouting and trying to imitate his deeper voice.
Alina frowned, said nothing, and continued braiding, her movements slowing but almost precise.
The Darkling
 Miss Starkov,
Due to my sudden absence, I had no time to notify you that I shall oversee your training personally from now on.
Being far away, I do not wish for you to stall, so I leave you some instructions on what to practice and how, and a few reading recommendations fo-
He leaned back in his chair and sighed.
He was being a fool, and he hated it.
Writing to her with instructions on how to practice her summoning was a foolish idea. She was barely starting and needed overseeing, and the only one besides himself who could help her was his mother, who remained bitter at the woman. He really wanted to know what Alina had said to Baghra to make her so upset.
He almost smiled, feeling something wickedly, childishly happy in his chest at the possibilities.
Tossing the letter into the fire, he leaned back in his chair.
Teaching her through letters would only lead to disaster, but how else would he know about her? How else could he earn her trust while being so far away?
"Moi Soverennyi." Ivan presented himself, bowing before further entering his tent. He offered him an envelope. "A letter from the Grand Palace."
The Darkling took it and quickly read it, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. Although he had convinced the king that inviting foreign diplomats was not yet a good idea, the stupid man insisted that the Sun Summoner performed alongside the other Grisha. Alina was finally able to summon on her own, but he knew a part of her still feared her gift; putting on a show for an audience was not the best idea.
He…worried? for her?
"We will have to be back in time for the Winter Fete."
Ivan grunted. "I hate that thing."
The Darkling nodded in agreement. After all those centuries, he was more than bored of them. It was always the same waste of time and resources for his army, only to entertain the nobles for a few hours. As if they would not go back to turning their back on them the very next day.
Those fools often seemed to forget that his Grisha could have them for lunch if they so wanted it.
Privileged as The Second Army may seem, people were wary of them, even the nobles who lived in the surrounding areas.
"But they will not attempt anything so long as they need us."
"We have little choice, Ivan."
"We could always host it near The Fold and accidently push the royal family inside it." he said, sardonic as usual.
"Tempting." The Darkling smirked, setting the letter aside with little care.
The Heartrender stepped aside to allow him out, and The Darkling marched towards the river, where a few of his fabrikators were working on a new skiff. It wasn't nearly as grand as the one Alina had boarded that fateful day, but that was due to a different purpose.
There was a strange device being placed underneath it.
"Are you sure this will work?" he asked Petya.
The woman hesitated for the briefest moment, and The Darkling reminded himself internally to summon new graves for his Grisha.
"Such a pity." he thought, sincerely.
"Yes. So long as the Squaller sets a slow pace and nobody exerts themselves too much, they should be able to pass in relative tranquillity."
He had a feeling it would not work. His Grisha had already tried several times to cross through the river, but David Kostyk was sure his new invention would cancel out the soft sounds of the skiff against the water and dwindle the sounds of a heartbeat.
"Do not expect the path to be clear." he said.
"That is exactly why we're going, sir." a Squaller, Igor, approached and bowed. "If this works and we can clear the path, we should be able to make it to the other side eventually."
"Let us hope it does not take too many tries." he said.
Too many Grisha lives, he had wanted to say.
"David is rarely wrong, Moi Soverennyi." Petya said.
That was true. David was one of his best Grisha, which was why The Darkling tried to keep him inside the safety of the Little Palace's walls unless absolutely necessary.
Still, The Darkling though the plan stupid and a waste; but it was either that or forcing Alina into The Fold, and she was far from being ready to make a crossing, even through its thinnest point up north.
As a Squaller, a Heartrender, two Healers and two Inferni boarded the skiff, followed by a few strong otkazat'sya men from the First Army, The Darkling thought of David.
He thought of Alina.
And his thoughts returned to David.
With a sharp nod, he sent off the small team to do their last test and headed back to his tent, where he began to write a letter addressed to Mr. Kostyk.
Click here for chapter 8
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miraculous-anna · 4 years
Opposite Day (Or DuPont’s Worst Nightmare) Part 2: electric boogaloo
Hello Everyone!! The title is a joke, i promise! I saw a chance, and i took it lol. Anyway, In this part, we’ll be focusing on Lila a little bit, and the class focusing on everything Marinette said to them, and having a couple heart to hearts :) Just an FYI, the taglist is still open! And if you wanna be tagged, send me an ask and i’ll put you on the list! 
Just a tip lmao: To really get a feel on how i interpret the mood of this chapter i recommend listening to this piano cover of knee socks by Arctic Monkeys, it made me cry :,)
Okay, on to the story! 
Original Post  /  Previous  /  Next  /  Masterlist 
Footsteps echoed through the halls of DuPont Highschool, going straight towards the bathrooms. I have to make this right! She has to still be there! I have to apologize, come clean, tell her I’m sorry. I didn’t want it to go this far. But i was too stubborn, I let it get out of hand.  
Lila raced to the bathroom, only find it was empty. “Dammit! Of course it’s empty!” She cursed, closing the door and going back down the hallway. Lila grabbed her phone, checking the time, and decided on another idea. Perfect, I can’t back out of it this way. 
 Lila ran towards the library, her backpack slung over her shoulders. Finding a table in the library, Lila sat down, and dug out her notebook. Picking out a pencil, she flipped open a page and got to writing. I have to explain, I need her to understand, and fast. 
After a good 30 minutes of writing, Lila grabbed her things, racing towards the front of the school. Sprinting down the steps, she ran toward the cross walk to get to the side of the road, and after looking both ways, ran towards a very familiar and well known building. With determination in her eyes, She pushed open the door, hearing the bell jingle, alerting an older woman of her presence. The older woman smiled, and greeted her. Lila noticed the bakery was very empty at the moment. 
“How can i help you, dear?” The woman asked, walking away from the counter. Lila took that as a sign to walk towards her. Walking up to her, with around 6ft between them, Lila took a deep breath.
Suddenly feeling nervous, her mouth goes dry. “Uhm, excuse me..” Lila’s words got caught in throat before the guilt came crawling back in waves. She swallowed, and repeated herself. “Excuse me, ma’am? I.. I need to speak to you.” The woman tilts her head in confusion, a smile still present on her face. “Well, of course, what is it? I’m Sabine, by the way.” 
Lila would be lying if she said she wasn’t shocked that Sabine, Marinette’s mother, didn’t recognize her. Surely, Marinette had told her parents about Lila? Just how much was she keeping to herself? 
With a shake of her head, Lila decided to say her name. “I’m Lila, Marinette’s..” Lila cleared her throat. “Uhm.. Marinette’s classmate. I need you to give this to her, later tonight. Please, after school is over, and she’s home.” Handing a letter to her, Lila balled her fists at her sides. Straightening her posture, Lila looked Sabine in the eyes, and said, as confident as she could manage, “I made some mistakes, and my apology is in that letter. I need her to read it at exactly the right moment. Your daughter didn’t deserve any of the things that happened. I’d appreciate it, if you’d comply with my request.” Finishing her plead, Lila took a deep breath, and blinked repeatedly to rid of the tears, and the burning sensation behind her eyelids. 
“Of course! I’ll give this to her tonight. I’m glad you’re coming clean, Lila. It’s very mature of you. Would you like something from the bakery?” Sabine tucked the letter away in her apron, and gestured towards the glass cases showing the baked goods they had on display.”Uh,” Lila started, reaching into her pocket. Feeling her money pouch with her allowance she kept hid, She nodded her head. “Yes, please. Question, though.” 
‘Yes, Lila?” Sabine asked, smiling again. “Which ones did Marinette make?” Lila scanned the room, searching for the macaroons the baker’s daughter was famous among the class for bringing. Sabine pointed towards different colored macaroons and chocolate covered croissants in a display cased with a sign on it called, “Marinette’s specialty baked sweets!”
Pulling out her pouch, Lila remembered just how much was in the pouch, and asked for as much as what was in there could get her. Sabine looked shocked, once again. “Are you sure, this is a lot.” Nodding her head, Lila pleaded for the second time that day. “Please, please make sure that money reaches Marinette. Consider this apart of my apology. It’s the least I could do, honestly.” Nodding her head, Sabine accepted the money, and assured the girl the money would reach her daughter. 
Leaving the bakery with goods in hand(s), Lila sighed, hoping her plan would work. I just hope I don’t try to back out of this when i’m back to normal, I can’t afford to. 
Sighing, Alya scratched her head. Nino looked over at her, “Something wrong, Alya?” Messing with her hair, Alya groaned, “No, Nino, everything’s peachy!” “Sorry, Alys, dumb question.” Nino said, sheepishly. “It’s fine, i just can’t stop thinking about everything Marinette said.” Alya confessed, alerting the rest of the class. “Honestly, none of us can. What she said really hurt, but she did bring up a few good points.”  
“Oh, really? Like what, Nino?” Alya glared, crossing her arms. “Well, We did ignore her for the past month in favor of Lila...” Rose pitched in, sadly. “Yeah, and she doesn’t like Adrien, definitely. I’ve been hanging out with him all month, frequently, and she hasn’t talked, texted, even seen Adrien all month.” Nino explained, He shrugged, “ He even complained how everyone but Marinette talks to him. He says he doesn’t know what he did, but he thinks she’s been avoiding him.” 
“Where is he, anyway?” Alix asked, noticing the resident “sunshine boy” wasn’t present. “It IS lunchtime, Alix. His dad probably wanted him home or something.” Ivan replied, shrugging his shoulders. Alya placed her head in her hands, clearly frustrated. “I don’t get it. Am I a tabloid reporter? Surely, everything Lila says is the truth! She wouldn’t lie like that.” Mostly everyone was murmuring among themselves, mostly agreeing with her. 
“If you think Lila wouldn’t lie, then what about Marinette?” 
Silence. Alya surveyed the room. Who had said that? She spotted Nathaniel in the back, staring right at her. He spoke again. “Why is Marinette different then Lila? We’ve known her longer  than Lila, she’s never given us reason to doubt her before, and Marinette hates liars just as much as Ladybug hates Hawkmoth.” Nathaniel continued to stare right at Alya, knowing she was one of the main accusers, if not the only one. “Well, you know Marinette acts crazy and kinda stalker-like when she gets jealous-” Alya tried to explain. 
“But who is she jealous of? You heard her scream it right in your face. She isn’t jealous of Lila, so yeah, Alya, why would Marinette lie? Did you even check if Lila was telling the truth?” Alix, of all people had decided to speak up. She narrowed her eyes at Alya, deciding to perch like a gargoyle on her desk. Everyone had to admit, it was slightly intimidating.
“Alix? Why are you defending her? I mean, we get Nathaniel, he liked her at one point, but you?” Kim asked, shocked, and very confused. "Because I realized Lila's lies were hurting Marinette a couple weeks ago. Dont you remember? I stopped hanging out with the girls whenever Lila was there." Alix explained, rolling her eyes. Before anyone could say anything to Alix, someone walked in.
In all her glory, there stood Lila.
The class was silent, as they watched her walk to the middle of the room. "I need to speak to all of you, and it's important that you listen to what I have to say while my personality is reversed."
Everyone murmured in shock. Lila knew she was acting different? Everyone quieted back down, and Lila started speaking again. "Over the past month, since I came back, I've been lying to you all. I said that I did all these great things, met all these people, went places. But I lied."
Lila spoke before anyone could say anything in response. "Before you assume why I did these things, I want you to know, that I didn't do them cause I wanted friends, its an entirely different reason that I'm not gonna tell you, until I tell Marinette, cause she deserves to know the truth first. After everything I've done," Lila continued her monologue, taking a deep breath. "Of course, it still doesn't excuse my actions for lying, but one thing I don't get, is why you all believed me. I've been to 5 different schools, counting this one, and none of them except you ever believed my lies. I don't get it."
“Well, we accept your apology Lila. We’re glad you came clean.” Alya spoke up, finally. It was clear she was taking this whole thing the hardest. “Wait, then we really did hate Marinette for no reason!” Mylene cried, her hands flying up to her mouth. Rose gasped, and teared up. “You’re right, oh no..” Juleka hugged Rose, who was now crying. 
“I don’t get that either. Yes, I was hard on her, but i never expected you to believe Marinette, the class president, the goody-two-shoes of this school would bully me.” Lila spoke up again. “At least you know what you did.” 
And with that, she left. Where, no one knew.
“We have to apologize to her. Immediately.” Alya cried, running out of the classroom, desperate to find her ex-best friend. The girls of the class ran after her, minus Alix. “You guys can apologize to her once the girls are done. I feel like bombarding her at once will be a bad idea. The girls ran out before I could say anything to them.” Alix sighed, jumping down from her desk. Holding her hands behind her head, she walked out with Nathaniel beside her. 
Arriving at the bakery, Alya opened the bakery door, and the rest of the girls present followed after. “Mlle. Cheng! Where’s Marinette? We need to speak to her, like right now!” Alya pleaded, her words coming out in a frenzy, and very rushed. Sabine looked slightly shocked, and surprised. “I’m afraid Marinette hasn’t been home since this morning, girls. She told me she wasn’t going to be home for lunch because she was meeting up with a friend of hers. I’m sorry, girls.” Sabine gave them a pitying look, turning away to tend to the customer in front of her. “Dammit! Where could she be?” Alya groaned, leaving the bakery with everyone following behind her. “Who knows? Wait, she mentioned a friend?” Rose asked. Everyone nodded, before Rose turned to Juleka. “What about your brother?! They’re friends, aren’t they? You did mention they hang out a lot!” Rose squealed excitedly, as Juleka nodded. Alya grabbed Rose’s shoulders and shook them excitedly, exclaiming, “Rose! You’re a genius!” 
“Look! It’s Ladybug!” A bystander cried, pointing to the sky. Everyone watched in admiration and awe as the spotted heroine swung over the city, her feline partner not far behind her. 
Welp, that’s it for this chapter!! Hope you guys enjoyed it! Remember, if you wanna be tagged, just send me an ask, and i’ll get right to it! :) 
Also! If you have any questions about the stories, me, or anything in general, feel free to ask! I love hearing from you guys, It makes me extremely happy! I’ll be happy to answer anything.
Taglist under the cut~
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lucky-sevens · 4 years
mechanisms fanfiction recommendations
this began as a compilation of my own works for my about, but i decided to recommend some others as well!
i have kept this list to 20 of other people’s + all of my own, because i have a lot of mechanisms fanfiction saved and didn’t want to go overboard! in addition, i’ve made sure that everyone i draw from is a different author, vs. several by the same person, for the sake of variation and giving more people a spotlight! i’ve also made sure everything is complete, which sadly means i’ve left out a few of my favorite longfics. i’ve also tried to have a decent balance of album-focused things vs crew-focused things.
a note; i’ve tried to have a variety (of both genre and length), but my tastes skew towards angst and longer oneshots, so that’ll be a lot of that sort of thing. (please mind the tags on some of these fics!) this is also all sfw, as i’m a minor, but it’s not all gen.
edit: i copy-pasted the summary from each of these works over to this post!
no matter what you do it won’t go away by AssyEr
Brian coming to terms with being made of metal.
Hatter and Hare Top 5 Gay Moments!! [NOT CLICKBAIT!!!] by shella688
Majors Hatter and Hare grinned at each other as they shook hands.
Then, all of a sudden, the grins faltered slightly as a realisation went through both their heads.
Oh no, the realisation went. He's cute.
Date Night: New Midgardian Prison Edition by OnceAndFloral
The Mechs cordially invite Lyfrassir to date night in their prison cell. And by "cordially invite" I mean "orchestrate an elaborate scheme".
eternity will see her dead by Garecc
Rose Reds are made to die, and eternity will see them dead, sent off to another bitter end.
cold as numbers by alderations
Ivy starts at the beginning.
Every morning, Ivy starts at the beginning. Rubbing alcohol, scalpel blades, sensations that should be twisting and cutting and crushing, if the words could coalesce into feelings. A subdued voice, a cool hand on her forehead. She is Ivy Alexandria. She starts at the beginning.
beat inside your heart by zinabug
Jonny and Nastya sibling oneshots part two. (Note from @lucky-sevens- they all function on their own.)
And Sew by fracnkie
The benefits of teaching your Toy Soldier to do the following: sew, do makeup, how to cure a sore throat, and how to shoot a plasma blaster.
Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust by CloudDreamer
It was the two of them against the world. But then the two of them against each other, and that seemed so much harder than fighting all the worlds combined.
Wayfarers by Oblivion_Wanderer
Nastya and Lyf meet in the cold of space; Nastya adrift after leaving the Mechanisms and Lyf fleeing from the destruction of the Yggdrasil system. Each feeling lost in their own way, they decide to travel together.
No Heart To Break by meteornight
The Toy Soldier was not real. It could never be real, not if it had any say in the matter. The widow had said that the toy was real, that it had once been a real man with a real heart. The toy knew that was a lie, for if it was a man, why would she treat it like a toy?
is it piety is it purity is it virtue by consumptive_sphinx
“Percy’s blunt, not stupid,“ Mordred says when Kay asks why they’re even friends, “and anyway she’s great, she never calculates anything, she just says stuff and makes everyone else deal with it. I could never be brave enough.”
This is because Mordred absolutely does calculate every word that comes out of his mouth, except sometimes when it’s two in the morning and everyone except him and Galahad and Percival has gone to sleep and he can argue as passionately in favor of peace as he wants with the only two people who won’t call him a traitor for it, and while he doesn’t not appreciate this trait of Percival’s, like hell is he going to admit to his real reason.
orpheus, the soldier, and the short-billed dowitchers by alexsandr
orpheus finds rest with an unexpected friend.
No Violins Allowed by Alienea
Lyf had been having a very peaceful and fulfilling few decades, at least in terms of work fulfillment and being able to afford to bail out of the system at the very first moment anything happened.
So of course that was when the Mechanisms appeared over the horizon.
Labyrinthine by DuskDragon39
Your story is a labyrinth.
Your story is built along wandering lines and windings so vague that you, its architect, cannot trace your way out. It is your scream at its center, your pain that fuels it.
(Or: Daedalus and the stories they tell about him.)
Baking With Goggles (Safety First!) by eminorseven
Marius tries to justify bringing Jonny and Tim to the kitchen. Brian daydreams. Jonny stabs many walnuts. Tim gets locked out and explodes things.
Typical baking stuff.
Surprising Salvage by OddmentsAndTweaks
A normal boring morning is made infinitely more exciting by the prospect of a ship boarding. The Mechanisms prepare for chaos and murder and some really good violence. What they get is one very defiantly defended ruined vessel and a morning no one expected at all.
I wanna stay here with you by SnailArmy 
Loki and Sigyn get to be wives, in stolen moments. 
As It Was by i_am_made_of_memoriies
Jonny walked down the corridor, his steps burdened by an invisible force. His face was passive, and where there was usually manic glee, there was only a hint of curiosity–someone was trying to enter through the airlocks, and he was going to kill them.
Nastya returns to the ship formerly known as the Aurora to find the mechanisms at the end of their time.
burned out from a joyride by spiralingcosmos
ashes has a nightmare; as a result, they make a new friend.
In Which Nastya Is The Narrator Of The Deaths by nonbinary_frog
(Note from @lucky-sevens: There is no summary included, but I feel like the title works well enough.)
my heart in your hands
How Jonny d'Ville's mechanization came about.
i’ve got a map of your eyes (but i’ve never seen your face)
That’s not the real Rose. All the memories and feelings were merely planted in her head.”
 “Very true.”
 “And given the effective age difference, it’s unlikely they’ll have much of a life together, not to mention the massive amount of trauma they’ve both endured.”
 “Not only that, but everyone else they’ve ever known or loved is dead and they’re trapped on a planet full of corpses in a vast interstellar empire that is going to suffer the most horrendous power vacuum and associated bloodshed the galaxy has ever seen. Oh, and they’re both known war criminals and will likely be on the run for the rest of their lives.”
“Like I said. I love a happy ending.”
-Ever After
the death of a phoenix
You are Ashes O'Reilly, and you are twenty-three, and you are dying.
an exercise in futility
The Aurora doesn't have a daemon, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have a soul.
marching ever through the black
Whoever’s uniform you wear No loyalties to hold or share No burning hate, no bitter fear No heart to break, so shed no tear
TMA Is The Mechanisms’ Podcast (series)
The Magnus Archives is a podcast distributed by the Mechanisms, a crew of immortal space pirates roaming through the galaxy having fun, violence, violence, and violence. They have an inane distaste for laws, and so refuse to put their podcast under any kind of copyright law whatsoever. Today's episode was cowritten by Ivy Alexandria and Nastya Rasputina and performed by Jonny d'Ville. It was produced by the SS Aurora and directed by Jonny d'Ville- well, no, but sometimes he wants to be in charge of things and the other Mechanisms don't find it worth arguing about. To comment on episodes, make donations, and view links, images, and show notes, simply throw yourself into space and the Mechanisms may or may not find you. Probably best if they don't. Thank you for listening, though why you choose to spend your time like this is beyond the Blogbot's understanding.
thank you for reading! i’d highly suggest trying these!
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kyidyl · 4 years
Kyidyl Does Archaeology - Part 5
(as per usual, all these posts are collected under the KyidylCL tag)
Pottery and shErds
So, what are we talking about today? Well, I think the next thing is gonna be pottery.  This is where we’re gonna talk about time, space, and dating a site.  Because most people think that the only way to date an archaeological site is via C14.  That’s not true, and actually we don’t always do it.  C14 dating can have some problems, including that the wood used in the fire is likely older than the time in which it was cut down and burned.  It also only goes back 50,000 years, so anything older than that won’t have any carbon isotopes (it’ll have all decayed), and we have to use other things that are more expensive.  And c14 testing itself is expensive - we sent in 2 samples and it was around $500/sample so we spent about $1000 on testing.  Instead, there are other ways to date a site and one of the most accurate is pottery.  
See, like all other kinds of material culture (AKA, stuff people leave behind.  Non-material culture is like...song and story and stuff like that.), pottery follows stylistic trends and trends in how it was made.  And it does this both regionally and chronologically.  Which is great, because if we find bits of one type of pottery we know is made in one place in a settlement in another place, then we know the two people traded with each other.  But I have to explain something else so that determining a date from pottery makes sense.  
Every area of the country has what’s called a “type site” for a given period of time.  In undergrad I was lucky enough to actually get to work on the type site for the Safety Harbour period, which is Weedon Island....ironically enough there’s a Weedon Island period and Weedon Island isn’t the type site for that period so uuuhhh...yeah it’s weird lol.  Anyway, a type site is a site that is considered stereotypical for a given time and place in history.  Usually they’re large and well-preserved, and they’re often the first sites found in that time period/area (but not always, which is how the above weirdness happened.). And so what happens is we dig ‘em and analyze the finds and do testing on those finds.  So now we know “hey, this kind of pottery comes from here and it is X years old”. Now you know when you find it in other places where and when it comes from.  This is all a very generalized explanation, but I think any more is like extraneous detail you don’t need.  Just know that things like type sites help us determine where and when stuff like pottery was made.  Lots of literature usually exists for type sites, but I actually can’t remember the type site for this area for this time period.  
We also use a term called “diagnostic”, which is used much as it is in medicine.  If we find a certain thing that was only made during a specific time period or in a certain place, then it’s diagnostic.  IE, a certain kind of pottery is diagnostic of the late, middle, or early Woodland.  The pottery we have at our site is diagnostic of the late Woodland.  Some of the lithics we thought might be a bit earlier, but honestly I think that was just misidentification by the site director bc we were in the field at the time.  Lastly, identifying pottery has a few components.  Color and decoration I think are easy to understand (they didn’t have glazes, but you can make different colored pottery by varying the composition of the clay and the temperature at which it is fired.). Paste and temper are the other two.  IDK how modern pottery is made, but old ass pottery is made with paste - the main body of the clay, the matrix that contains the temper - and temper. Temper is stuff they’d crush up and mix in to help it not break during firing and heating during normal use.  So we combine these factors to ID the pottery and thus the age of the site and trading habits of the people in question.  One last thing you need to understand about pottery - ancient people used pottery the way that we use disposable things.  They didn’t think it was like an important thing that had to keep safe.  They’d use it until it broke and then toss it in the garbage pit and make a new one.  So it’s really common and we find it all over the place, but TBH in the future pottery *won’t* be diagnostic anymore because our ceramics come in such a wide variety that we couldn’t possibly hope to narrow down time or place.  
Alright, so who wants pictures? You, of course.  Who *doesn’t* want pictures? Here’s some of the pottery we found: 
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This is the larger shard that I found in the features I’ve talked about in previous installments.  You can see where I accidentally broke it. >.> Anyway it’s kind of unique bc of the light color outside and the black inside.  It’s like...idk, 4 or so inches long.  
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This is a rim piece that I happened to find two matching sherds of.  I always check the rim pieces because the patterns on them usually make them easier to fit together.  Honestly I’ve got hundreds of pot sherds from this site and I don’t have the sanity to try and make pots from them.  
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This is the outside and inside respectively of the largest piece we have.  TBH taking this thing out of its box and handling it makes me nervous because of how large it is - about the size of my hand, but I did include my earbuds for scale.  The black is charring from both firing and subsequent use, and it came out of the pit feature I’ve been talking about.  And do you wanna know the cool thing about the inner surface of pottery? Because they didn’t use glazes, the surface was porous and retains the unique chemical traces of what was made in them.  However, the vast majority of the time those kinds of tests aren’t done because archaeology as a whole is extremely underfunded and trace chemical analysis of pot residue is an expensive test requiring expensive equipment and expensive scientists.  Funnily enough I probably could do some of this testing bc I used to be premed and so I’ve taken a lot of chemistry and know how to read a mass spec thing, but I don’t have access to the chemicals or tools to do these kinds of tests.  Plus, they’re often destructive...which....I mean...there’s so much pottery that it doesn’t really matter if one piece gets destroyed but like you do still have to be careful *which* piece you destroy.  
Anyway, you also can see the striations on the outside piece, and that’s decoration on the pot.  It probably also helped with gripping it.  This is a piece of Shepardware, which is diagnostic of the late Woodland period in the Shenandoah valley. Here’s some more cool pottery: 
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This is a random assortment of the kind of stuff we regularly pull out of the ground when it comes to pottery.  The most common kind we have is the orange on one side black on the other (3 upper rt pieces), whiteish (upper left 2), orange on both sides (lower left 3) and totally black (lower right 3).  All of ‘em are some variety of shepard or pageware.  You can see the texture on a lot of them, too.  We have a good mix of textured and untextured, and that’s why the composition of the pottery is more diagnostic than the decoration.  Frankly, people can and will put whatever design they think looks cool.  But they made that particular design by wrapping twine around the end of a flat stick and pressing it into the surface of the wet clay.  I also chose those two upper right pieces because they have really visible temper.  Here’s a side shot of one of them: 
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You can see how big the bits are compared to my fingers (yeah, there’s dirt under my nails....I haven’t taken some tweezers to them yet after working on the car.). And...wait, I WAS going to try to describe this to you but then I was like “no, they deserve better” and I broke out my DSLR and my macro lens and took some pics.  Here are some macros of the temper: 
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The white balance is a little off on the top one...the bottom one is more true to color (they aren’t the same piece of pottery, but they are a similar color).  So you can see that it’s crushed up limestone.  Pardon the depth of field on those...I had to open the aperture pretty wide to get one that wasn’t blurry bc I don’t exactly have bright lights in my room.  
Anyway....so that’s the pottery we’ve gotten at the site and what we can learn from it.  It’s going to take some time before we can start determining patterns and whatnot in regards to style, but we do have some evidence of trading here because some of the pottery we have is from the piedmont culture....
...wait, let me explain what that means.  When archaeologists need to describe a group of people who existed in a given place in a given time based on similarities in material culture regardless of ethnic and social grouping we call it a culture.  This is different than the standard meaning of the world culture, or even the way a cultural anthropologist would use the word.  So when I say the piedmont culture, I mean people that lived in the general area of the Piedmont plateau during the late woodland.  They were of varying tribes, languages, etc.  And we do this to describe the extant boundaries of cultural influence of particular trends in physical objects and not the social groupings of the humans in question.  So, for example, lots of people are familiar with the Clovis culture.  When archaeologists use this term we mean “these are the boundaries of the places we are finding physical objects in the group we’ve named Clovis” not “everyone in this area was a Clovis person”. Like no, obviously, they weren’t.  There were tons of social groups, tribes, etc. that were all distinct and different.  It’s a way of mapping cultural influence via physical objects to see how far they spread and who was using them.  
So, we have some piedmont stuff despite not being in the piedmont area, so we know that they were trading with those natives.  If you’re interested in more detail here, this is the VDHR resource I use for IDing pottery.  It looks like it came to visit you from the late 1990s, but the info is good and it’s easy to use. 
Anyway, that’s it for tonight.  Tomorrow is gonna be rocks and weird stuff, depending on how much I end up saying about rocks.  Probably not much bc we know how I feel about rocks.   ;) 
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Chapter 3
Let me know if you wanna get tagged when I post new chapters in “These Streets Are Made For Walking”. @sleepysnails.
Ao3 Link
“Police! Everybody put your hands up!” they shouted barging into the main hall of the abandoned mall.
Heads turned and there was a brief moment of disconnect; on one side you had the fighters wondering who snitched, and on the other you had officers equipped for a potential multi-party drug deal and instead got a fighting ring operating in broad daylight.
People scattered, some ran to the exits; some hid in the rubble of the crumbling building; some were still with shock; and others were close enough to get grabbed by an officer. Out of those, a few guys fought them off, but others--such as the Dream Team--went quietly.
The Dream Team and two others were led out of the building.
“Where are you taking us?” the younger girl walking along with them asked, worry etched on her face.
“We’re just taking you to the parking lot,” the officer said. “Then you’ll be taken to the station to make a statement.”
“First time?” Dream asked, trying to make a joke.
Sapnap whacked him upside the head. “Not funny.”
“I’ve never been caught before,” the girl murmured to him, her tone significantly hardened. She quickly lightened up her voice and addressed the officer, “Will we be charged?”
“Mostly likely.”
The officer led them out to the parking lot.
Captain Craft met them at the barrier. “I’ll take them from here X33N. Jordan's just arrived to take over the scene, I’m going back to the station to get these guys processed.”
“Yes Sir.”
“We’ll send out rotating cruisers to pull in detainees as your team apprehends them.”
“Understood Sir.” The officer--X33N--left the five of them with Officer Craft.
Captain Craft’s junior partner then abruptly grabbed Dream by the shoulders and shoved him down to the car.
“You are under arrest for loitering on private property.”
“Geez, I get it! No need to be so rough. I came quietly, for goodness sake.”
“Just had to make sure you didn’t get away,” they said snidely.
“The only place I’m going, is the fucking station.” Dream let the officer pull him upright. “I’d like Captain Craft’s car if I get the choice.”
Captain Craft gave his junior partner a nod as well as a hard look. “Be gentle. Treat them with respect, otherwise things will just get worse. You respond, not instigate,” he reprimanded. Captain Craft was much gentler with Sapnap, George, the girl, and the other boy.
Dream and George rode with Captain Craft, while the other three took another car driven by the junior partner.
“Fuck,” George whispered under his breath.
“What is it?”
“Specifically,” Dream amended.
“Mother is gonna kill me.” George dropped his head forwards. “She’s been on my ass for that 92 I got in biology last week.”
“She’s still on about that?” Dream asked. “Dude it was a 92, people would kill for a 92.”
“Word choice,” Captain Craft teased from the front seat.
“Sorry,” Dream quickly said, attention never fully leaving George. “She’s too hard on you.”
“And now I’m being taken into the station.”
“George, you’re the medic. You didn’t do anything.”
“Willful ignorance,” George cried pitifully.
“Dude shut up. Anything can and will be used against you and all that.”
“Fuck. Right. Sorry.” George took a deep breath. “It would come out in questioning anyways. Fuck. Mother’s gonna read this on the news.”
“You didn’t have to come with us.”
“I need to live Dream.”
Captain Craft parked the car. He opened the door and ushered the two of them inside, the other three following close behind.
“Names?” the receptionist asked.
“Dream Taken, you?”
“F1NN,” he replied offhandedly, typing Dream’s name into the system. “No current warrants. Next.”
“George Lore.”
“Sapnap Halo”
“Hannah Rose.”
“Walli Bear.”
“Any injuries?”
All five of them stood patiently as F1NN led them through the spiel, the Dream Team bored, Hannah putting on her scared little girl front, and Walli looking genuinely panicked and muted. Dream was then taken away for solo questioning by Captain Craft first, and the rest were taken into a communal holding cell in the station.
“Dream Taken, was it?”
“Yes Sir.” Too formal.
“How are you this fine afternoon?”
“Wonderful. Going to me on my best behaviour for the few weeks I believe. I’ll try too anyway,” he bantered.
“What’s on your mind Captain?” Dream leaned forward on his elbows. “Any questions for me?”
“There was this kid--your age--in the parking lot.”
Dream blinked, his joking persona dropping for a split second. “Yeah? What about it?”
“He was doing homework. Said that was his spot to get out of the house. What’s the likelihood he didn’t know what was going on?”
Dream wasn’t about to throw Techno under the bus. “Pretty high. He could have gotten there before us and not noticed everyone parking around him today. Also could be a case of thinking that this was normal and not questioning things. You know, Las Nevadas guys running around, best to keep your head low.”
“Advice you clearly stand by.”
Dream shot the officer a wide smile. “That’s my aim.”
Captain Craft scribbled something down in his notebook. “How often does that ring meet?”
“Every so often. It moves around.”
“How many locations?”
“Three? Four? Not sure.”
“Fight often?”
“When I’m told the location.”
“Where’s the next one?”
Dream wiggled his eyebrows. “Not telling.”
“Less community service hours coming your way if you ‘fess up.”
“Need that in print before I hand everyone over. Besides, I only attend when it’s at the mall.”  Dream smiled again, clearly having fun with the banter. “Am I done here? I think I’m done.”
“Nothing more to say?”
“I didn’t fight this afternoon. I only watched.”
Captain Crafted jotted it down, he flipped the page and wrote down another note before ripping it off and closing the book. “Take this to F1NN and call your guardian for pick up. Loitering on public property, and willful ignorance to assault and battery.”
Dream stood up and pushed his chair in. “Not gonna walk me there?”
“We’ve been here enough times,” Captain Craft sighed. “Best behaviour?”
“Of course.”
Captain Craft cut open Dream’s zip ties and sent him on his way.
Dream gave the note to F1NN and was given the phone in return; like clockwork these visits were. That was a bad thing wasn’t it?
After two rings Bad picked up his phone. “Hello?”
“Hi Bad, it’s Dream.”
“Tubbo just left,” he said as if he knew exactly what Dream would have wanted from him. “Techno just came by to pick him up.”
“That’s ‘cause I told him to,” Dream explained. “The three of us got picked up by the police, think you could bring us home?”
Bad could be heard moving around the apartment, and he heard the clinking of keys. “I’m on my way. Anything I need to know?”
“George and Sapnap will probably be calling you, once they’re finished with their interviews.”
Half an hour later Sapnap was sitting shotgun in his dad’s car, while Dream and George chilled in the backseat of the car. The first stop of the night was Punz’s house, so they could pick Tubbo up, before dropping Dream off at home.
Bad parked on the driveway, and Dream got out of the car. He walked up to the front and used his spare key to get in.
It’s quiet, and too early for the fourteen year olds to be asleep. Tubbo and Purpled are good friends, they had been since childhood; getting dropped off at Bad-Halo’s-Unofficial-Daycare-for-the-Siblings-of-Petty-Criminals-and-Their-(Count-‘Em)-One-Normal-Friend did that to friendships. They should have been playing around here somewhere.
Dream stalked around the house looking for clues as to where they might have gone. It was in the kitchen that he found a note.
“Purpled went out. Didn’t want to be here alone. Went to Ranboo’s.”
Dream grabbed the note and groaned in frustration, all this way for nothing? He checked his phone. Nope, Tubbo hadn’t even sent a text message. He left the house--making sure to lock the door behind him--in a huff.
Opening the car door, he slid in, exhaling loudly. “Punz wasn’t home. Purpled’s gone. Note saying Tubbo went to Ranboo’s. I’ll just bus home from your place. Think Techno left my bag with you.”
“He did. I noticed it on my way out.” Bad pulled out of Punz’s driveway. “Why don’t you stay the night?”
“I would, but you know Ranboo’s parents. If they find Tubbo there, they’ll kick him out, and I’d rather be in the apartment if he has to come back.”
Bad nodded. “I’ll drive you and George back to your places then.”
“Actually, Bad?” George interjected quietly. “Can I crash at your place? Mom’s been a lot this week already and they got our picture. Think we’re gonna be in the news again.”
Bad sighed. “You’re ruining your future. How will you get into university with those articles?”
“Good grades and scholarships,” Sapnap said.
Bad laughed. “Of course you can stay the night.”
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ectonurites · 4 years
Batcest shippers read comics, actually. And they write them, and draw for them. Please continue to make a fool of yourself pretending otherwise.
i got ranty here so the tldr: yeah no shit, you’re taking something i tweeted entirely out of context, i’m well aware of those facts and im not ‘pretending’ anything lmao
onto my full response:
i see you must have come from my twitter! and yeah, i’m unfortunately aware there are people who ship batcest working for dc, its super upsetting! the person who designed the current red hood outfit just posted j*ydick on their twitter today, which is horrifying to see.
like listen im not... im not gonna go out and harass people for shipping batcest. I literally do not have the energy, and I know I’m not gonna be convincing anyone of anything bc the people who chose to ship batcest have made their choice there.
but I’m always gonna advocate for like, those people TAGGING THEIR SHIT so that especially minors but also anyone else who doesn’t want to see fuckin’ incest doesn’t need to. And like, the creation of lists of what creators are making that stuff so people can block and move on? I also think that’s good. Like I don’t think people should go harass anyone over this because its just... theres no point. But letting people who don’t want to see it know who to block so they can move on? that’s a good thing.
The comments of mine I think you’re specifically talking about were about a specific but common type of fanon batcest shipper, because like... immabe real! its very clear a lot of the batfam community on here in general don’t read the comics, (like, as in many people will OPENLY ADMIT that they don’t) and thats not even an inherently bad thing, like people are allowed to interact with media how they want to! But when people get so divorced from canon by only reading fanworks or versions of characters that have been altered and their relationships altered, its easy for misconceptions about all of it to spread, and people to be shipping pairings that literally bear no resemblance to the canon versions/relations of the characters. This isn’t even exclusive to the people shipping batcest. However with the people shipping batcest like... its when those relationships in canon get blurred by just a fanon game of telephone that it becomes easier for them to justify shipping it, you know? That was the point I was trying to make on twitter (i think it was last night? this morning? i dont remember. its 1am rn time is fake)
but like, i’m sorry but in current canon Jason, Dick, Tim, and Damian all consider each other siblings (and Jason had even made a comment at one point in rhato about having four brothers, meaning he probably includes Duke too!). That is... canon. You can see multiple instances of this if you’re reading current comics. And while they have complicated relationships with Bruce, they do all consider him a father (even when Jason says he doesn’t- he literally flip flops on it depending on how he feels in a given day because of his trauma and stuff, but like there will be times only a few issues apart where he will or won’t admit Bruce is his dad). All of these characters have been adopted (or in Damian’s case obv adoption wasn’t necessary) by Bruce in canon at different times (and Cass also, but that’s only in pre new 52 as of right now)
If you are chosing to ship any of the siblings together (or any of them with bruce) you are chosing to ship incest. That is an active choice you are making, and you have to accept the consequences of that. Any judgement/backlash you face for shipping incest is something you are accepting by chosing to ship it.
And if you go “oh but they’re only adopted siblings not REAL siblings-“ you’re an asshole, because adopted siblings are real siblings. I don’t care if they didn’t grow up together, do you realize how invalidating that is towards like, real life people? The amount of people I’ve seen who are adopted themselves get insanely triggered and upset by that kind of content (not just in this fandom btw!) because it just shows people don’t see those familal bonds as being real? It’s not insignificant.
I know ‘media affects reality’ is a controvercial topic, and like obviously ‘i see this thing in media thus i will do it’ is NOT how it works, but the things you normalize/glorify in media you consume says a lot about your thoughts on the topics. Framing matters. Like obviously ‘haha i watch hannibal, gonna go eat people now-‘ is not the case. especially because that media doesn’t frame it as a good thing. That’s the thing I think people miss in these discussions a lot of the time. If you are like ‘i am going to explore how traumatizing incestual relationships could be through these characters’ with batcest? like go off! that could be interesting honestly, and that’s not glorifying it. But acting like ‘omg i just think its so romantic ❤️’ with stuff between characters who canonically are siblings... again you are accepting the judgement that may come your way by publicly doing that.
anyways, i’m well aware of how prevalent batcest is both in the comics industry and around here, i’m aware plenty of them do read comics, and you definitely missed the context in my tweets of me saying things like “a lot” “it feels like many” etc when saying batcest shippers don’t read comics. Context matters my dude ✌️ (also wanna point out, a lot of really gross people work in comics. Racist people, antisemetic people [even today there was some controversy abt that in some hulk comic i believe?] these people being in those industries is... not a good thing even if its normalized???)
But really I think its kinda funny to uh call me a ‘fool’ for something you think I’m doing because you took my words out of context. And maybe you weren’t trying to come off as smug but you absolutely do here and it just strikes me as very funny that you like... are acting like you’re smarter than me or better than me for being okay with incest being normalized in a fandom for superhero comics, a type of media that MANY KIDS READ AND PARTICIPATE IN DISCUSSION ABOUT, while I’m bothered by it.
I don’t talk about this stuff much on here because again, I don’t want to fight about it, I’m not gonna go out of my way to try to change people’s minds on any of it because I know that won’t accomplish anything, I much prefer to just... ignore the content I don’t want to see, maybe warn other people especially minors who also don’t want to see it, and move on with my life. You really didn’t need to bring this to my inbox here, but like go off I guess 🤷
editing this quick just to add in the tweets i made i think this anon is referencing that i very clearly started with ‘so many of them’, not me saying it applies to all of them
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impostertamsong · 4 years
Learning to Be Happy Again
A/N: Hello again, and yes I’m posting on Saturday. Things are not going Great, and I dunno. Feelin’ a little rebellious. Schedules are for normies.  Anyway, I’ve made some edits so that the whole story is more accessible to new readers! If you’re new (or missed the last chapter), I’ve put one of those “first, previous, next” things at the bottom (right before the cut). If you’re more behind than just the last chapter, check my pinned post, all chapters are there. 
With that said, get ready. This one’s a doozy (hate that I said that, but I don’t know what other word to use).
Chapter Ten: It’s Not Your Fault
The tree we found is large and shady, which is perfect. Fitz is sitting quietly next to me, thinking. He sighs, slumping further down the tree.
“What’s up?” I wonder.
“Oh, just,” he gestures, “everything.” 
“Care to elaborate?” I don’t want to push too much because of what happened last time, but this seems like something that needs to be let out. “I know you don’t want to, but if it’s all you can think about, maybe it’s better to just let it go? Talking usually helps. Or writing, but I know you’re more of a talker. Well, except for maybe that one time,” I add, cringing at the memory of Fitz and Sophie sitting close under the panakes tree. 
He laughs quietly. “Right, that. Well, I’m not really sure either of those things are great ideas. I’ll still think about it, I’m sure. I mean, it’s been at least a month since I realized and it hasn’t stopped--” He shakes his head. “I should stop talking.”
“No, no, this is good! What did you realize?” I scoot closer to Fitz, turning myself to face him. “I won’t judge you, you know that, right?” 
“Except you will.” He stands up. “I should go.”
I jump up and grab his hands. “No, please? I promise I won’t--oh.” There’s a shooting pink warmth that flows from his hands to mine and I drop them, surprised.
“Yeah,” he whispers. “I’m sorry.”
“No, no, no, don’t be! It’s not your fault. I just, I don’t like you that way? I’m sorry, I, uh, you’re great and all, but,” I ramble.
“Just stop, I get it alright? I understand, I do. I just need time, alright? I’m going to go now,” he mumbles, looking at his feet. 
“Okay, I’ll see you around, Fitz.” He turns around and walks away. I fall back against the tree, sighing. That was a weird turn of events. Definitely wasn’t except any of that. 
“Elwin, can I talk to you?” I yell at the house as soon as the door closes behind me. 
“Woah, chill, I’m just in the kitchen,” Elwin calls back, much less loud. He walks over to me. “What’s up? Did something happen with Fitz?” He sits down on a couch.
“Well, yeah.” I flop down next to him. “How’d you guess?”
“Pa—uh, just intuition, I suppose. I’m good at that sort of thing, being a medical professional and all.”
“Right, of course. I bet you have to deal with kids not knowing why something hurts all the time.” I smile.
“So, what happened with Fitz? Is he alright?”
“No, I don’t think he’s okay. But not in a, wow I don’t really know how to put it. He, well, he likes me. And I don’t. So he’s not doing great.” I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly. “And I don’t really know what to do either? Like, do I comfort him or leave him be? I don’t know what’s best here?”
“Oh, I see,” Elwin says wisely. “What would you want if you were in his shoes?” 
“Hm, I guess I would want space. But he’s my best friend, I can’t just let him wallow!”
“You can, actually. I know it’s hard to see people you care about in pain, but he has other friends. Dex and him have been getting closer since you, uh, were in a coma, so he has at least one anchor. And I’m sure Biana will be there for him too. He has other people, Keefe, you don’t need to carry everyone’s weight all the time.”
“But if I can help, shouldn’t I? And most of the time it’s my fault anyway, so I have a moral obligation to.”
“Was it your fault this time?” I hold my tongue, trying to seem like I’m thinking about my answer, even though I already know.
“Yes. Right? How could it not be? I probably led him on, and now.” I sigh.
“Actually, Keefe, it’s not your fault. People can’t control how they feel, and you certainly can’t do anything about it. And it’s also not your fault for not liking him back, you just don’t, and that’s okay.” He pats my shoulder.
“How’d you know I was going to say that next?”
“Well, I was a kid too once. I was in a similar situation to Fitz, but felt the way you did. I know now that my feelings towards this person weren’t anyone’s fault, but at the time, I definitely did. It’s all going to be fine, kiddo. Feelings pass. I bet you’ll be back to normal before you know it.”
“Normal? Is that possible?” I wonder.
“Well, if you make it weird, it’ll be weird.”
“Gee, thanks. I’ll try not to act weird,” I answer sarcastically. 
Elwin sighs just as the door opens. Huz comes in, a burst of cold air after him. He kicks off his boots, cape, and scarf before flopping down on the couch across from Elwin and I.
“Oh, hello, honey,” Elwin greets, turning away from me. “How was work?”
“The usual. Zara’s making a lot of progress, which is good to see. She went through a whole session without lighting the chair on fire.” Huz smiles. “What’s going on with you two?”
“Oh, it’s nothing really. Just teenager stuff,” I respond before Elwin gets the chance to. Something tells me he’ll spill everything, and I’d rather keep the embarrassment down to a minimum.
“Okay. Oh, have you given any more thought to getting help? I know the situation with your parents is bad, and I was just wondering if--”
“No, I haven’t given it any thought,” I interrupt, not wanting to further the subject. I keep getting put in corners here, I should probably make my excuses to leave.
As if on cue, my imparter rings. 
“Hey, Keefe, you wanna hang now that you’re awake and all? Sophie, Fitz, Biana, and I are already here at Rimshire.” It’s Dex.
“Um, sure. But, should I be there?” I ask, looking at Elwin to confirm that I can go. He nods in approval.
“Why would it not be?” Dex furrows his brow, looking confused.
“Oh, um, nothing. Just, well, is Fitz alright?” 
Dex’s face drops. “Oh. He told you then? He’s a little spacey, I guess. But he told me to invite you. Um, yeah. He’s fine, all things considered, I guess. But you’re going to come?”
I nod and we hang up. “You coming with, Ro?”
“Naw, I got things to do. And anyway, you’ve been ignoring me, I think you’ll be fine a little while longer,” she answers, fiddling with a knife. 
“Um, okay,” I respond, unsure about whether or not to apologize. “Sorry?”
“It’s fine, dude, go have fun.” Ro smiles.
“Be back for dinner, or hail me if plans change, okay kiddo?” Elwin says.
“Yeah, ‘course. I’ll see you then,” stopping myself before I say anything too sappy. It was close this time, but Elwin has been so caring I can’t help but love him. He feels like the dad I never had, even more so than Alden.
I close the door behind me quickly, not dwelling on these thoughts, and leap to Rimshire.
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 4 years
Hakuoki Zuisouroku vita Okita CG Character Perspective
Last Zuisouroku CG post (finally)! though this is not the last zuisouroku game content post since I did find 2 more interesting things to translate.... Unfortunately that does not include the new story in the vita version of the game which I never found translations for... or the  薄桜鬼紀行 (i call it the travel guide) content. 
The travel guide (and the cg character perspectives apparently) was also included in the ds version of the game (according to text i found), and is a collection of conversations between characters about certain locations and places.... like Harada going to Saito's room to return some notes or tools on katana maintenance and then remarking that Saito's room has nothing useless in it with Saito then wondering about Harada’s comments, Yamazaki being tricked by Souji to go into Hijikata’s room, talk about Shimabara from the baka trio, a convo with Saito, Hijikata and Souji about the Yagi residence, and a convo between the male demons about the Tosa or whatever domain was associated with Kaoru’s rasetsu, etc..... 
Unfortunately, since all I have are summaries+partial translations of those conversations in Chinese, I will not be translating them since I have no interest in translating things that I will only be able to leave incomplete (or summaries for that matter) though that might change on the extreme off chance that someone translates said stuff into CH tho I honestly doubt that will happen if it that hasn’t happened already... or if i find it whenever i start looking for more translate which won’t happen for let’s say... more than 5 years? lol. random number tho it’s true that i’ve got an extremely long list of things that i have Ch tl for so i really don’t need or want more...
anyway, all images used are were taken with my vita, and same as my other zuisouroku postings, aside from the new cg, all other cg images used were edited together. i think these are in order... but i don’t care if they aren’t lol. 
enjoy....? also why does it seem like every third/fourth post of mine never shows up under the hakuoki/hakuouki tags?
Hakuoki Zuisouroku vita Okita CG Character Perspective
Translation by KumoriYami
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(Face) To stare so blankly at my face, are you awake [says dazed/half conscious]? (Chest) My chest? What’s wrong? Do you like it? (Door) Ah~ I clearly told you to wake up, [but] you’re surprisingly looking over there?
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(Face) You’re saying that my smile is scary? That’s too much [I’d assume something among the lines of: How uncalled for/annoying given how often Souji says commented on his smiling. well i’m not checking the audio so i can’t be sure]. Without a doubt, my smile normally looks like this.    (Hand) Is there something wrong with my hand?  (Door) Anyway, as soon as you see my smile, your eyes immediately look somewhere else.
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(Face) Ahaha, I was so happy then. (Child’s Face) Hehe, this child was very happy too. (Sky) Ah...... I remember the sunset from that day being very beautiful. 
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(Face) I was just playing with him, that’s all.  (Hand) These hands are meant for wielding blades, they need to be strong. Holding a child up like this for a while is nothing. (Child’s Face) The kid was crying a lot then. 
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(Face) Again, you’re always getting into trouble.  (Katana) Since I heard you screaming, I have no reason to not protect you. (Chizuru’s Face) You were clearly told to stay in that room, [but] you [choosing] to run outside really startled me.
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(Face) I feel like I’m an ally of justice. (Chizuru’s Face) If you were wearing this and pouring sake for me, I’d be very happy.  (Chizuru’s Clothes)Your being dressed as a geisha, is very beautiful. 
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(Face) Aren't you courageous to seek out a gentleman who you know is wet?[??????????????????????????? “有种水灵灵的好男人的感觉吧.“ not sure about “ 水灵灵 “ which is the word for water followed by “spirit/soul”... so i guess wet?] (Clothes) Because I just took a bath, the outside air feels quite comfortable. (Sunlit Area) The sun was very warm that day.
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(Face) Are you more interested in my face than cooking? (Chizuru’s Face) If you’re a good child, I will cook for you. (Pot) This doesn’t taste bad, but improve the taste for next time.
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(Face) This watermelon is very sweet and delicious.  (Chizuru’s Face) At the time you were so surprised, It was very cute.  (Chizuru’s Kimono) As expected, wearing girls’ clothes suit you. 
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(Face) Your shy/bashful expression is very cute.  (Hand) At the time, weren’t your hands also very warm and red? (Chizuru’s Face) You’re really too much. I’m obviously being very serious,  [yet] you turned your face away to the side. 
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(Face) I really had no appetite that day. (Chizuru’s Face) The porridge you cooked for me was delicious. (Chizuru’s Hands) You’re always a little shy.
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(Face) When I hold [held?] you, your body becomes stiff. (Chizuru’s face) At the time you looked so pale, I was really worried. (Woods) The originally comforting sunshine is very difficult to the bodies of rasetsu. 
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(Face) Blame me for being so/too wilful....... sorry.  (Chizuru’s face) Although it might be embarrassing to say such a thing [to you], your sleeping face, is very cute. (Woods) Because I was together with you, the sunlight felt very gentle that day.
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(Face) It strange. I obviously want to live with you, but I feel so uneasy. (Chizuru) At the time, your body’s stiffness felt so exaggerated.  (Woods) You’re actually looking over there?
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(Face) Once this fire has been lit, it will be difficult to control how it is spread. (Chizuru) Thank you for listening to my grievances.  (Woods) At the time, I was being very serious. 
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(Face) It’s incredible. The moment I touch you, all of my confusion and unease completely disappears.   (Chizuru) If your unease, could disappear like mine, I would be very happy. (Woods) Although I know that you’re shy, but if I see you trying to escape from reality, I will be sad. 
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(Face) Thank you for accepting my marriage proposal.  (Hand) Stay forever at my side, because I will always stay at yours.  (Chizuru) This flower crown suits you. 
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(Face) I will always love you. (Body) I will never leave you by yourself.  (Right hand) No matter what happens, I will always protect you. 
only 4 cg character perspectives (did heisuke’s last time but it didn’t show up under either the hakuoki/hakuouki tag) - all from kyoka-roku (picked that one up for 500 yen lol but i lost my data when i screwed up my vita T_T), now remain.... no eta but i’d like to get them done before the end of the year.....
also i FINALLY found a translation for the 2011 Otomate party Hakuoki Reimeiroku drama (been looking around for that one in particular since i enjoyed it - and that was with my extremely terrible JP audio recognition... and i already hurt my hand copying out all the text from it cuz it was off a vid), along with a translation for the 2018 otomate party Collar x Malice drama... no idea when i’ll get to those tho... but i don’t even know if i’ll bother with the latter since the tl i found is +46000 words.... which is ridiculously long... and probably the longest drama i’ve ever ended up with translations for...even counting some of the 30 min ones though im not sure bout the ones pushing an hour....
seriously tho, something that long makes me wanna just toss the entire thing into google translate..... and even then, i’d need more than 9 tabs since google only takes 5k words at once.
oh well? lol.
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clairecrive · 4 years
“Let’s stay home”| Quarantine AU
Chapter 1 -“Alfie”
A/n: I’m so excited to finally share this with you!! This really came up to me as a way to pass the time but it slowly became an almost fic so I thought, why not, maybe someone will like it too. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts about it!
Tag list: @deaflikehawkeye​, @mollybegger-blog​, @br0ck-eddie​, @evelynshelby​, @fandom–0verdose​, @shadow-of-wonder ( let me know if you wanna be added)
Next chapters: Masterpost
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The news was out, not it was official:  the whole world was on lockdown. Emma knew it was coming, seeing as her family in Italy had been updating her since the pandemic had been official but still, it still felt all too surreal for it to be true. Only that it was and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Until scientists won’t find a cure, the only thing they could do and were asked to, was to stay inside. To go out only in necessary. Currently, Emma wasn’t home. Well, thanks to her job she had been on the move for quite some time, so other than her family’s one she didn’t really have one. At the moment she was renting this lovely house with a sea view and private access to the beach in San Francisco, where her work had taken her. The house was big and she’d get often lonely so during the weekend she had this tradition of calling some friends over. Her schedule was pretty hectic leaving her very little time for social interactions. Emma wasn’t exactly a social butterfly but enjoyed the company of her friends so, in this way, it was a win-win for everyone. Alfie had called her at the beginning of last week to tell her that he was in the area for work and asked her to meet up. Seeing as her friends were busy this weekend, she invited him over. Of course, she had thought of a cute possibly romantic weekend but then pandemic happened and now it seemed that they were stuck together. To be fair, Emma knew that she could pack and go back home to Italy but maybe it was safest for everyone if she just stayed here. Work would be easier to deal with too if she stayed in San Francisco. 
“What do you mean we can’t leave the house?” Emma had given Alfie the news after hearing it on tv and he wasn’t taking it too well, to say the least.
“We’re in quarantine Alfie, I think it’s pretty self-explanatory.” 
“That’s bullshit, they can’t do that.” Of course, he would say that, king of the world.
“Don’t be daft Alfred. The danger is real and almost every country in the world is on the lockdown.”
“Can’t believe this.”
“People are dying Alfie, I’m sure you can think at least at hundreds of different scenarios where you could get it worse.” Rolling her eyes, she turns around and heads over the bathroom to get her day started with her skincare routine. “Besides, the only one that should be complaining is me. Do you hear me bitching and moaning?”
“What are you insinuating?”
“Have you met yourself?” She sassed looking at him over her shoulder,” I’m stuck with you for god knows how long, still I’m not complaining.” Surely, when she came over the other night, she wasn’t expecting that she’d be stuck with him. However, Emma understood that she was in a privileged position. Yes, she wasn’t with her family but she was grateful nonetheless to be surrounded by people she loved. She knew the cockney man can be a handful and that’s exactly why she called for help.  Alfie, still puzzled about this whole situation, follows her like a lost puppy. He didn’t like her tone, but then again, he knew he could be quite the pain in the ass so the prospect of spending the next weeks in close proximity with him wouldn’t be appealing to anyone.
“What are you doing?” The look on his face was priceless. His eyes studied the various bottles she had sprawled all over the sink like they were an Arabic papyrus or something.
“My skincare routine. Ever heard of it?” Her eyes laid on his form behind her through the mirror, while she put her tonic on a cotton pad before gently applying it on her face.
“Seems rather pointless. Don’t see why  you need to put all this stuff on your face.” Of course, Alfie was skeptical and ignored even the existence of moisturizer, she could swear it.
“You should definitely give it a try, your skin would thank you for it, rest assured.” She recommended but didn’t get an answer. When she looked again at Alfie, he was curiously watching every little movement she made. For someone who proclaimed to be so against skincare, he was certainly interested in it. Smirking at the thought, she moved a little to the side making enough space for him to join her. Prompting him to come closer with her hands, she was met with his confused gaze but did what she asked nonetheless.
“What kind of skin do you have?” She asked now turning towards him to study his face. He would probably none the wiser about the type of skin he had but she asked anyway.
“What kind of question is that?” As she thought. Ignoring his tone, she simply rolled her eyes again and opted for deducing the answer herself. Spotting the red patches on the edges of his face, she guessed that he had sensitive skin. He didn’t look like he had an oily prone to acne one but she couldn’t tell if he had dry skin either. Maybe he had just normal skin.
“Do you get oily during the day or do you struggle with dryness?” She tried again with a simpler question. I mean, he had to know these things, she thought.
“Well, uh, I don’t think I get oily as you said. Definitely noticed some dry patches though.” Alfie said after a little thought. Well, now we’re going somewhere.
“Okay then.” Considering what he told her, she looked into her beauty case to find the appropriate product for his skin.
“Try this.” She hands him a cleanser that worked for every type of skin and was extremely gentle, so it was perfect for his red patches.
“Why can’t I use that one?” He asked pointing to the tonic she was using when he first entered. She gave him a little smile, the one you give little kids when they ask an obvious question that they didn’t know due to their age. 
“Because that one,” she said taking it in her hands so that she could show him, “ is a tonic. That comes after. The first step is to wash your face with a cleanser in order to purify the skin and rid it from all the dirty stuff.” She then proceeds to explain. He didn’t look too convinced but went ahead and followed her instructions anyway. After he had washed his face, she hands him the tonic again.
“Now you can use this. Put a little dose of it on this cotton pad and then gently pat it all over your face.” Seeing as she had to do that step too, she took her pad and showed him how to apply it.
“What’s this for?” He asks while he swipes the pad over his forehead.
“No Alfie look, don’t swipe it. Pat it, like this.” She corrects him, taking his pad in her hands and doing it for him so he could see the right movement. “This is called a tonic and it closes our pores after the cleansing. And since this is a rose-based tonic, it also helps to soothe the skin and cure any irritations.” She softly explains, her eyes focused on the motion of her hand on his face. Seeing up close, his skin looked even more bruised and irritated. She wonders what was the cause and for how long he had had them.
“Swipe, pat. Whatever.” Alfie mumbles resembling very much a little kid but for some reason, it makes Emma smile.
“If they’re two different words it must mean that they mean different things, no?” In a very condescending tone, she finished what she was doing ending it with a pat that was more vigorous. She turned around to gather the next product they would need and thinking that she couldn’t see him, Alfie literally mouthed “gne gne” at her, making fun of her. Maybe he was even more childish than a child. Waiting for him to noticing how much a fool he had made of himself, Emma freezes him with a stern look when he looks at her through the mirror.
“Now, two years old child stuck in the body of a thirty years old, it’s time for under eyes. Although, maybe you don’t want it.” She mused turning around to face him, messing with him as well.
“Do not make me fucking beg for an eye cream, Emma.” Rolling his eyes Alfie spat.
“You know what? I’ve changed my mind. We should definitely do a face mask, god knows your skin needs it.” An idea popped into her mind and she went looking for a hydrating mask for the both of them. 
“A what?” Alfie called after her when she walked out of the bathroom.
“Oh please, don’t pretend you haven’t seen Ig posts with girls with colored stuff on their faces or a sheet mask. Before you can even think of denying it, you should know that I can see the posts you like.” She said completely disarming him so that he could only surrender at the fact and wait for her to gather what she was looking for. 
“Here it is. It’s super easy actually, you just have to open it and put it on your face and keep it for fifteen minutes-ish.” She explained after handing him the packaging of the mask she had chosen for him. The only she got for herself was not a sheet mask so she had to apply it. She was halfway through when she noticed something strange in the background.
“What-” Erupting in a  loud laugh she couldn’t finish the sentence. Putting on a sheet mask was a rather easy task. Or so she thought. But seeing the way Alfie had erroneously put on his, she was reconsidering her statement. Emma couldn’t really see his expression but by the sound he made, she figured he was offended that she was taking the piss at him but she really couldn’t help it.
“Alfie, dear god, what did you do?” Taking the mask in your hands, you pulled it off his face readjusting it to the rightful position. “Here, that’s how you put it on. Look, there are holes where your nose, mouth and eyes go.” She couldn’t help but smile condescendingly at him. He really was a child sometimes.
“And now what?” He asked when they both went back to the living room.
“And now we wait. In 14 minutes you can take it off.” she said looking at the time on her phone while setting a timer, “oh what a wonderful coincidence, they’re also going to be here in fifteen minutes.” She said probably reading a message.
“Who’s they?” Alfie inquired narrowing his eyes startled by this news piece of information.
“Oh, didn’t I tell you? I’ve invited some friends over.”
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sope-and-shine · 4 years
Lamb & Wolf: Chapter 2
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-> Jimin x Reader -> SFW // Utopia!AU // angst with a fair amount of fluff //  -> Word Count: 10k (I didn’t realize how much I wrote oH MY GOSH) ->Summary: Death has been asleep for 1,000 years and is awoken from their slumber. Humanity has forgotten them, but they will not be forgotten. After the first death in the many years after their disappearance, Death has returned to make the world right again. In an attempt to keep Death from taking lives away, a group of individuals seek them out to stop their acts of injustice, but will they really stop death? -> Warning(s): mild gun violence - there’s a brief fight, character death, character injury, loss, grief, guilt, mild language, mild violence. 
Once again, Death will play a major role in this series. This is a sensitive topic, so please use caution! 
A/N: This chapter really took me for a spin! I hate writing actions, so this one was a lot of work for me! I am very excited to be posting this. Belle and I really put a lot of thought into this storyline! Also, if you see that I missed anything in my warnings that I should have put, PLEASE do not hesitate to tell me! I’ve spent about 20 minutes trying to make sure I’ve tagged and warned correctly, but I wanna make sure!
And a big, big, big thank you to @multycoloredtaco​, @sakuraguks​, and my pals in the cypher writers net for helping me out! This chapter was a lot of work, and I’m so happy to be posting it!
After the new Pangea settled into the super continent known today, there was debate across the already established nations on how they should continue to divide. A handful of world leaders at the time wanted to take advantage of the destruction as a way to secure more land to claim as their own in hopes of ruling over all of Pangea one day now that it was a much more achievable means. However, there was still a large portion of the congregation at the time that rejected the idea. If they were to survive as they had before, then they had to accommodate for the new climates and habitual changes that had occurred when the plates shifted.
So, it was decided that they would leave country borders as is, however, there would be major changes to ensure everyone’s safety. Large cities and small towns alike were given materials to construct a protective wall to keep out the large, dangerous animals that were now a threat. No longer would they be known by their previous names, but by specific sanction numbers and providence abbreviation.
In 1,000 years, you’d never traveled anywhere beyond KOR Sanction 34. You have a vague memory of visiting another “country” to visit family, but the memory was so long ago it feels more like a dream than anything. Now, you were traveling on a train going South from the tip of Pangea to the warmer climates below in hopes of making it to ITA Sanction 5,193 in 2 days time.
“I know each and everyone of you will do your best to see that we succeed.” Ambassador Carrol had said as his staff prepared your cars behind him, “I have high hopes for this mission and this team.”
His presence was calming and his fatherly smile quelled your nerves for the impending trip. No one knew how long the mission would last, especially once groups from all over came into contact in hopes of finding a way to end Death’s sudden reign of terror.
“Hoseok. (Y/n).” He called for the two of you as everyone in the group went to the cars. He made sure to isolate you both from his daughter as he carefully waved her off to a designated car. He made sure she was out of ears reach before he turned his attention to the two of you. His confident smile has weakened, “Take care of Lina for me, okay? I know you always do, but please make sure she comes home.”
“We’ll all come home safe and sound.” Hoseok assured him with his radiant heart-shaped smile. Always so confident and sure of himself and others. You knew if you couldn’t take care of Lina while on the trip, he would do anything in his power to bring her back safe, “It’s your plan anyways, so we know it’ll work!”
You had merely nodded in agreement before being ushered into the car with Lina and Bomi, the beautiful sight of city hall fading from view as you drove away.
2 and a half weeks. That’s how long it took to assemble a team after Death’s reappearance and send you on your way with everything that you would need. In that time, the death toll had grown larger, nearing 300,000 people in such a short time. In your life, you couldn’t remember a time when so many people had died, you couldn’t even name 2 people that had died back when it was a normal occurrence. To witness such an atrocity after so many years without a single death, it was a lot to handle. But at least you’d have your friends there with you.
And the new members of your team.
There wasn’t much time to acquaint yourself with the others that had joined the task force when you arrived at City Hall. As soon as you’d arrived at the building, you were all debriefed on the mission with a case file for each of you before you were sent on your way in a government car to the train station. Now, you were left awkwardly sitting on a train car with 3 people that you knew well and 5 people that you’d never met before in your life.
“What do we even do?” You ask, peaking over Hoseok’s shoulder to look at the men spread around the car.
The space itself is very luxurious and spread out, filled with large, brown leather armchairs on swivel bases along the windows up to the back where you sit at a mahogany table with four chairs on each side, a couch just off to the right by the windows before it. 
One lone man sat at the front of the car opposite to the door, nursing a glass of what you assumed to be brandy or whiskey in one hand with his eyes shut in content. Two chairs from him, two more men sat opposite to one another. One with blue hair and a boxy smile, and the other a deep chestnut brown with a cheeky grin. They looked to be making small talk with one another, getting excited every so often during their conversation. Finally, there were the two men sitting on the only couch in the car, a blonde with his nose tucked into the manila folder gifted to everyone and a man with purple hair resting his chin on the man’s shoulder - presumably to read along with him.
It wasn’t like you weren’t comfortable working with others on the spot. Working at the hospital, you’d worked plenty of shifts with nurses from all over your hospital, as well as other hospitals within the city. You were more than happy to work in a team, but with these new guys joining your already established group?
Lina spares a glance your way, “We need to read the files my Dad’s team made and make sure we understand them before we make it to ITA Sanction 5,193 to meet with the other teams.” She says, returning to the file in front of her to continue reading through her own manila folder.
“Yeah, I get that part.” You sigh, looking once more to the men behind them. You catch the eyes of the broad shouldered, purple haired man sitting next to a blonde by the window. You keep his gaze until he winks at you, causing you to roll eyes, “I meant them.”
Hoseok laughs, “What are you? 112? They’re just boys, (Y/n).”
“Wow, Hoseok, you’re so funny. Do you do stand-up on weekends too?” Bomi asks, sarcasm evident in her voice. Hoseok himself only pouts, a slight glare pointed back at the woman next to you, “Now, who’s the funny one?”
”Don’t act like children!” Lina scolds, closing her folder for the first time since you’d arrived on the train and sat down at the table. She moves a strand of dirty blonde hair behind her ear, closing her eyes to give herself a moment's peace before speaking again. “We are here to work together for who knows how long, so we’re going to have to introduce ourselves.”
“I’m just concerned to be working with strangers on something like this.” You say, trying to emphasize the importance of the mission you’ve been assigned.
“Then let’s fix that.” You watch as Lina stands from her chair, adjusting her shirt momentarily before placing a hand on Hoseok’s shoulder for balance. “Hey!” She grabs their attention, “Did you guys want to go over this together? We can toss some ideas around and get to know each other while we still can.”
”I was hoping someone would ask!” The bored, purple haired man is fast to stand from his seat and approach the table. “Kim Seokjin-” He grabs the chair next to Lina and pulls it back for him to take a seat next to her, “I volunteered to be here, but I don’t know if there’s much I’ll really be able to help with.”
”(L/n) (Y/n). Nice to meet you.” You say, offering a small nod his way.
Lina takes her seat between him and Hoseok, ”I’m sure there’s something you can do to help.”
Seokjin flashes her an appreciative smile before turning in his seat to look behind him, his eyes landing on the blonde now standing behind him. ”Joon, sit down already.” He says, reaching his arm over the table to pat the empty spot in front of him for the man to sit. “Joon” moves to do so and Seokjin turns to everyone again, a proud smile on his face, “This is my husband.”
Namjoon offers a shy nod and a bashful smile, ”Kim Namjoon. I’m the Research Scientist assigned to the mission.”
”Good to see we have someone that knows what’s going on.” Bomi says.
“Taehyung-” The blue haired man from the center of the car plops down next to you, “I will be your weapons expert for this trip.”
His title takes you by surprise. Why you needed a weapons expert was beyond you, and it seemed like you weren’t the only one. Hoseok speaks up for you, “We need a weapons expert?”
“Did you want to beat Death up in a fist fight?” You turn to see the man from the front of the train leaning against the wall to your left instead of sitting in the chair closest to the table.
“I’ll do it!” The man that sat across from Taehyung slams a hand on the table, making you jump. “Jeon Jeongguk. I’m always ready to throw hands, just name a time and place.”
“Min Yoongi.” The red haired man scans over the table with an unamused expression, “I don’t recommend throwing hands with me if you plan to use them later.”
“Nice to know…” Bomi mutters, pulling a laugh from both you and Namjoon.
“It’s nice to meet you all! I’m Jung Lina and this is my husband Hoseok-” Lina turns to him and he raises a hand, “Good to meet you. We’re both volunteers for the mission.”
Bomi leans forward a bit so the men on the other side of you can see her, “Lee Bomi. I’m a volunteer as well.”
An awkward silence falls over the car, no one really knowing where to go from there. You exchange a glance with Hoseok and turn to the folder you haven’t even touched in front of you. When you signed up for this mission, you forgot that you’d have to revisit teachings that stopped years ago, “So...do we just jump into it?”
Lina is quick to dive in, “Reading over these files, it looks like our main priority should be to take in as much information about Death as possible.” She plays with the folder in front of her, a brief, faraway glance taking over her vision. Hoseok places a hand over hers after noticing her brief silence, pulling her back from her slump. She squeezes his hand and smiles, “I know I myself haven’t thought about Death much since we welcomed the New Age.”
“Agreed. I know a lot of information about Death, but not as much as I hear they do in ITA Sanction 5,193.” Namjoon says, adding in his own two cents, “I heard they still teach about Death in their classrooms.”
“Not every full sanction was as convinced as ours that Death just disappeared.” Yoongi moves closer to the table, choosing to sit on the edge over leaning against the wall, “I’ve been to plenty of sanctions across Pangea and there are plenty that talk about Death more than you would think.”
“You’ve left the KOR Sanctions?! What are you? A government employee?!” Taehyung asks, a new light to his face. Leaving full sanctions is a big deal, mainly only for vacations, work trips, or volunteer work with missionaries. It would seem even “weapons experts” are excluded from that list.
Yoongi gives Taehyung a once over before shrugging, “Sure.”
Jeongguk leans on the table, the cheeky grin you’d seen earlier now resembling that of a child who got a new toy, “Well, I’m no government official or anything, but I’ve been out once or twice myself to visit the other Old Asia Sanctions. A few have a whole festival that celebrates Death!”
“I don’t see what good comes from celebrating a monster...” Bomi says. You can’t really blame her for feeling that way. If you lost your husband like she had, then you’d probably feel the same way.
“Well, maybe we can learn something from them that will be useful.” Lina reaches out and takes Bomi’s hands in her own, giving them a reassuring squeeze. She turns to everyone else at the table and offers a bright smile, “I’m excited to work with all of you!”
“Likewise.” Seokjin nods.
Working with everyone slowly became easier than you thought it would. Everyone at the table had something to offer to the cause, whether it be survival skills with Yoongi and Jin - as he’d prefer to be called - or to communication skills with Lina and Namjoon. Somehow, everyone just seemed to fit into the mold. Even Jeongguk fit in with the weird personality you’d picked up from him, but you could only blame that on Taehyung and Hobi. Even so, it was clear as day why they all were there.
Jeongguk may be overly confident, but that’s what makes him fearless. At least, that’s what you’d picked up from the various stories he’s already told you in the span of 3 hours. Not only that, but every time someone even mentions Death, a light shines in his eyes like a puppy being offered a bone. Having a trained fighter on your side with no fear of jumping in and taking charge is a big plus for your team.  
Then there’s Jin and Namjoon. Namjoon is a wonderful asset to the team, bouncing theories and ideas back and forth with Lina so easily. Hoseok would probably be jealous if it weren’t for the fact that Jin has Namjoon wrapped around his finger. In the short time that you’ve all been talking, it’s easy to see that Namjoon finds comfort in his partner. Every time he’d mention a new idea or theory he’d been working on, he’d squeeze Jin’s hands on top of the table. Jin in return would run his thumbs over Namjoon’s knuckles, and you’d see the tension just leave his body. They remind you of Hoseok and Lina.
You almost let Taehyung slide at first. Being a weapons expert seemed simple enough, but his attitude will shift every now and then. For the most part, he’s all smiles and jokes, but he’ll slip into a more serious facade when the conversation shifts to the actual hunt for Death. He and Yoongi seem to be much more alike than you thought they’d be. Especially, since the only time Yoongi talked at all was to go over the plan or demean someone. Not necessarily out of hatred, but more so annoyance than anything. Either way, you’d have plenty of time to figure him out. Or at the very least, get used to him.
You certainly weren’t going to do that over dinner.
It wasn’t like the car you were eating in wasn’t a nice place to start a conversation, but it was surprisingly very packed, to say the least. Talking to anyone about what you were really doing there wasn’t an option, and there was no room to talk about some of their real jobs lest anyone overhear that information. Instead, your dinner was filled with the clatter of plates and utensils, and minor chit chat from everyday life.
Of course, Hoseok was more than happy to rave about everyone of his 127 children, Lina jumping in every now and then to correct him when he’d mess up a detail. But they had Namjoon, Jin, and Taehyung to add in with their own children as well. Namjoon was more than happy to tell the table about his girls, pulling out his wallet to show off the photos he kept there. Of course, Taehyung countered with his own personal photo album dedicated solely to his children - including his pomeranian. At one point, after you’d all moved back to the comfort of the caboose, Bomi even got in on the child praising! But it was easy to tell that it was more of a distraction for her than anything. Even so, it makes you happy knowing she’s still taking care of herself after everything that happened.
Soon enough, everyone but you had retired for the night. For some reason, you just couldn’t convince yourself to sleep. It was like a part of you just wasn’t ready to sleep after the fiasco you’ve been through in the past two and half weeks.
Instead, you opt to change cars, choosing to get a drink or two to coax yourself to relax before the real work begins. At this point in the night, it shouldn’t be a problem to get a quick drink without being bothered by anyone. Hopefully, they’d all be asleep on their arms or returning to their own cabins. However, you’re surprised to see the same red head from earlier perched on a stool. To your knowledge, alcohol was all he’d been drinking since you got on the train. You weren’t one to judge, it’s not like he could really do any major damage.
But still...
You take the seat next to him, setting your card on the counter in front of you. When you don’t see the bartender, you decide that now would be as good a time as any to try and make conversation. “Can’t sleep?”
He takes a sip from his glass, “Sleeping is something I do at my own convenience.”
“Wouldn’t now be convenient?” You ask. When you’re met with a blank stare, you turn to face the wall of liquor in front of you, “Sorry. I’ll be quiet.”
After a couple minutes of awkward silence the bartender comes back from another car and makes his way over to you, “Sorry about the wait. What can I get you?”
“As much as I need a drink, could I bother you for a Coke?” You ask,
“Sure thing.” He turns to grab your drink and you rest yourself on the counter to help yourself relax from such a long day. You’d taken in so much information in such a short span of time. History you’d forgotten existed being shoved down your throat almost as violently as the sudden realization that Death had returned.
Of course, unlike most of the other members in your group, you didn’t have much to worry about. You had your parents to worry about, as well as your god children and their children. But you didn’t have anyone immediate of your own. It was just you. You don’t mind though. You haven’t cared for 1,000 years, so why start now?
Then again, it would be nice to have someone there to comfort you in times like these. Times when you rely on some carbonated liquid to lift you up.
You thank the bartender as he hands you a glass of coke, deciding to leave it resting on the counter before you take a sip. Instead, you let your hands sit on either side of the glass, letting your mind wander in thought as you stare into the dark pool of bubbly liquid.
Do you regret not putting yourself out there to find someone? Sometimes. It wasn’t as if you really needed anyone by your side to make you happy, but it wasn’t as if you never tried. You’d had more than several relationships in your many years of life, and you’d had strong feelings for the other party on many occasions! But living in a world where no one dies, where you can do anything with seemingly no dire consequences...
It’s a world where no one wants or needs to settle down.
A love like Lina and Hobi’s or Namjoon and Jin’s is a love so rare it’s almost unheard of. Even if Jin did mention it took them a few hundred years to find each other, you can’t help but envy them and their happiness together.
Yoongi suddenly stiffens and turns towards you, his right hand covering one of your own, “Do not make any sudden movements.” You freeze. You knew Yoongi was shady, but you didn’t think he was this shady! He’s got you blocked from view of the rest of the car, making sure the only thing you can see is his face and the bartender. Not only that, but his stare is intense and completely focused. If it weren’t for the serious look on his face, you probably would’ve screamed for help.
“I’m going to stand up and you’re going to smile and wish me goodnight. Tell me you’ll see me in a bit and keep doing what you were doing. Do not leave until I come back. Do you understand?” He asks. You nod, trying to turn your surprised expression into a smile. Yoongi wastes no time for you to act the part correctly and stands up, “I’m going to bed.”
“I’m going to stay here a bit longer, but I’ll join you soon.” You say, trying to keep a steady voice. Your left hand is balled in a fist, your own thumb rubbing at your hand to keep yourself calm. You have no idea what changed Yoongi’s mood to suddenly wanting you to pretend you’re buddy-buddy, but you weren’t going to question it. “Sleep well!”
Yoongi leans in close next to your ear, his hand coming to rest on the arm making a fist, “Don’t tell anyone why you’re on this train or who you are. Tell them you don’t want to talk and it’s not any of their business to know. Now, laugh and pretend I told you something funny.”
“I get it! Don’t be vulgar.” You say, faking a laugh and playing along as he asked. To say you were terrified of him leaving you now would be an understatement. You place your free hand on top of the one on your forearm and squeeze, keeping a smile as you face him, “I’ll be there soon. Promise.”
Yoongi nods and walks away. To anyone around you, it looks like a regular interaction, but you know it was an understanding of what you were trying to convey to him. He tells you to do what he says, gives you vague instructions for a hypothetical situation, and then leaves you alone like you couldn’t go with him in the first place? You were going to need a better explanation than that to remain calm, and he better come back soon and explain to you what mood he just went through.
Toughing it up, you return to your drink, choosing to keep your head downcast instead of where people can see it. There were still plenty of people in the room, so anyone one of them could have set him off. The only question is why?
“Mind if I have a seat here?” You turn your head to see a tall man with short black hair swept back out of his face, revealing a scar from his chin to his left temple that cuts through his haughty grin. His green eyes would have held you captivated if not for the clear warning Yoongi had given you about talking to anyone.
“There’s an empty seat over there.” You point to the seat two chairs away, trying your best to be as standoffish as possible. You turn back to your glass of soda and pick it up, trying to keep a steady grip over a hard one. This guy didn’t look sketchy, but if Yoongi wasn’t assigned to your group, then you’d never suspect him either.
The man ignores you, deciding to sit right next to you anyways, “You don’t have to be shy.”
You take a deep breath, refusing to spare another glance at the man, “I’d like to enjoy my drink in peace and quiet, thank you.”
He rests his arm on the counter, moving his face to get closer to yours, “My name’s Im Hajun. You?”
“I’m not looking to make friends.” You say, turning your body away from him.
“C’mon~ Just tell me your name.” He whines.
Persistence will only take a person so far, and this guy was not going to get anywhere if he kept acting like this. Even if Yoongi hadn’t told you not to talk to anyone, you’d still be a little standoffish to this type of advance. Still, you force a polite smile, “Why don’t I buy you a drink and you forget about getting to know me?”
“Playful...I like it.” His cocky smile sends a shiver down your spine. Men like him were what made you curious for a few hundred years. To have your boundaries brushed away like a bug in his shoulder was not what you came to get a drink for. You didn’t sit down for his enjoyment. “Where are you headed?”
“Away.” You respond shortly.
“Really?” He asks.
“Yes.” You nod, taking a sip of your drink to distract yourself.
“Are you here alone?” He asks, leaning in closer to you.
You pull away from him, as far as you can without falling back, “That’s none of your business.”
“You gotta tell me something!”
“I don’t owe you anything. I don’t know you.” You remind him.
“Just tell me why you’re going to the ITA Sanctions!” His outburst makes you pause. This train makes several stops along the way, so how does he know you’re getting off in the ITA Sanction?  
“Baby.” You turn away from the man in front of you to face Yoongi who’s changed from the nice clothes he was wearing earlier. Sporting jeans, a grey tee, and a leather jacket, he stands just a few feet away from you.
You glance over his new appearance, “I thought you were going to bed.”
“I want to talk to you...about what I said earlier.” His hands are inside of his jacket pockets, the one on the right hanging out just a bit more than the one in his left, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. Let’s go back to the room and talk.” You leave the glass in your hand on the counter and move yourself to hop down. As you turn, you look to Hajun, “Sorry to cut- uh...this short.”
He nods, “Nice talking to you.”
You hop down from your stool and join Yoongi, his left arm leaving his pocket to wrap over your shoulder and pull you closer to him to his into your ear, “I told you not to talk to him.”
“I didn’t tell him anything!” You whisper back. You enter into the next car holding your cabins and see light at the end of the hall in the caboose, “Why is everyone in the other car?”
Yoongi ignores your question, leading you to your cabin three doors from the end of the car, “Get your stuff. Pack light.”
The door closest to the last car opens and Taehyung steps out, carrying a medium sized handgun in his right hand and a bag on his back, “Why is Taehyung walking around with a gun?!”
“No time to ask questions! Now, move!” Yoongi pushes you into your car by the small of your back, causing you to stumble for a moment. You want answers, but you’ll have to do what he asks first. You grab the backpack that held your laptop and pull it onto your bed, deciding to fill it with a change of clothes, your medical bag, and a few toiletries. You had a feeling you weren’t staying on this train.
“Done?” Yoongi asks as you pull your bag onto your back. You nod and he takes your arm, “Let’s go!”
He exits the room first, pulling you along behind him into the narrow corridor. As soon as you're both out in the open, the car door at the opposite end of the car slides open. You turn to look, and catch a small glimpse of another gun before you're pushed back into your cabin. You fall to the floor with Yoongi’s body covering your own, shots ringing out from both sides of the train car. Your face is tucked into his chest with his forearms resting at the top of your head to shield you from any stray bullets.
“Are you okay?” He asks, unmoving from your current position.
“Classify ‘okay’!” You yell back, voice muffled by the closeness of his body.
“Ah, good, you’re fine.”
‘Fine? Did he really just say that to you?!’ You wonder. You were slowly starting to figure out why Yoongi’s job was so secretive, and a part of you wished you’d never been so curious.
“As soon as I land a hit on this guy, you need to run!” You hear Taehyung call out as the bullets continue to ricochet off the walls of the outside corridor.
Yoongi removes himself from you and crawls to the door, keeping himself low and close to the ground, “C’mon, we need to be ready.”
“Are you crazy?!” You ask. Did he really expect you to just run in the middle of gun fire? “No way!”
He glares at you, “You can run when we get an opening or you can stay here and die. I couldn’t care either way, I’m just trying to be nice and do my job.” You didn’t like how blunt he was. Nor did you like how willing he was to let you die. He’s a teammate, but he’s willing to leave you behind? You’d have to really listen to him if you don’t want to end up dead.
Two last shots ring out before you hear a thud followed by silence, “C’mon! I’ll hold it!” Taehyung calls out. Yoongi takes your arm to pull you out again when another shot rings from the end of the hall, stopping the both of you before you can make it out the doorway.
“God damnit!” Yoongi yells. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a handgun of his own, reaching his arm around the doorway and just peeking over to see the other gunman, “Piece of shit!”
“Why are they shooting at us?!” You ask, clinging onto Yoongi’s jacket.
“Do I look like I fucking know?!” He asks, pausing his shooting to glare at you before returning to the matter at hand. He and Taehyung fire a few more rounds until the gunfire from the opposite end stops.
“They’re pulling back!” Taehyung yells.
Yoongi doesn’t waste a second to grab you again, “This is our chance!” You both run from your cabin to the car door where Taehyung awaits with his gun. The area surrounding the door frame is covered in bullet holes; however, Taehyung himself doesn’t seem to have a scratch on him.
“(Y/n)!” Bomi yells from behind a chair as you enter the room.
“I’m fine,” You assure her. At least on the outside you can say you’re okay. In your head, your thoughts race a mile a minute trying to comprehend what just happened. How did that guy know where you were going? Why do Yoongi and Taehyung have guns on them? You didn’t mind so much given the fact that they saved your life, but they shouldn’t have had to do that.
Yoongi removes himself from your grip - one you didn’t realize you even had on him, “Let’s get the car uncoupled before they come back with more ammunition, there’s no telling how long they-”  
Yoongi is cut off by an object flying through the window, a light beeping noise and red glow coming from the small object. You have a good idea of what it is, but Taehyung seems to know exactly what it is as he picks it up and throws it back through the window, “Get down!”
You reach out for a chair in front of you, but your body pushes itself forward before you can grab it. You feel your body fly into someone else's, knocking you both into the hard wood of the table at the end of the car. You feel warm and cold at the same time, a slight breeze rushing over your face. A window had to be open, but you can’t hear the rumble of the train over the buzzing in your ears. Your senses feel muffled and overstimulated, leaving you feeling as if you’re walking on a boat in the middle of a storm with nothing holding you down to the boat deck.
You feel yourself slide back into something solid and cold, a dead weight landing on your chest. The sensation of your falling backwards with your stomach dropping to its lowest point pulls you down headfirst with the weight on your chest rolling off your body to cushion your next fall.
You’re falling.
Falling with someone.
You’re playing a game of tag as you go back and forth cushioning the fall for one another until it stops and you’re left laying on top. It’s dark and your ears hurt, most likely from the explosion that pushed you into whoever you’ve landed on. If you were like this, then the others were probably just as bad. You have to get to them and make sure they’re okay.  
You have to help them...
The darkness that covers your vision is familiar, almost like a haze of fog on an early Sunday morning after a fresh rainfall. Something you hadn’t even thought about in a very long time.
“..(Y/n)...wake up..”
The voice is familiar. You’ve heard it before, but where?
“..has a pulse…..grab snow...put it down her shirt...” Another voice adds in.
The train.
The explosion.
Your group.
You force your eyes open, meeting the harsh shine of a flashlight. Behind it, you see the outline of Namjoon as he sits off to your right in the dim moonlight. You can’t see much of him - even with the glow of more flashlights behind him- but he looks to be in good enough shape. Even if he has an injury, he still manages a relieved smile in the limited lighting you can see him with, “There you are. I thought you’d never wake up.”
“Is everyone okay?” You ask, voice hoarse and groggy. You took quite the beating before you passed out, you can only guess what kind of injuries you must have with the headache resting at the top of your neck. Surely, others had it worse than you did. You push yourself to sit up with help from Namjoon. You look around, seeing outlines of others, but not seeing who is who,  “Lina! Bomi! Hoseok!”
“We’re okay!” Hoseok calls out from another side of the car. Namjoon shines his light to him to give you a better look, placing Hoseok in the middle of the train using a slightly broken chair to lean his back against. The light shows off a bruise forming on his jaw, just slightly glistening in the light. He turns his head away from the shine, wincing as it hits his eyes. He seemed to be coherent enough, but he most likely has a concussion at best. His right hand rests on a pair of legs behind him, most likely Lina’s, “We’re just...getting used to our new surroundings.”
“I’m okay..” Bomi groans, peeking her head around the chair Hoseok leans against. She looked to have a few scrapes of her own. As soon as you’re able to pull yourself together, you’ll have to walk around and assess everyone’s injuries to make sure they’re okay. You have no clue how far the train fell, nor do you have any idea how long you’ve been out. If anyone’s injuries were fatal, you could be too late at this point.
“We should do that again!” You hear Jeongguk say from across the train.
“Are you serious?” Namjoon asks, pointing the flashlight in his direction over Hoseok’s. He - just like the others - had injuries of his own. His face looked to be fine, and he didn’t seem to have any bruising on the appendages visible to you. You’d have to really look him over when you find the will to stand.
However, Jeongguk didn’t seem to have any remorse for the statement he made. He looked more excited than anything, “Hell yeah!”
You feel someone stand, seeing Jin move with a slight limp into the light where Jeongguk is, “Someone give me a gun. I just wanna shoot him.”  
“Nobody is shooting anyone!” Lina yells.
Figuring now was the best time, you add in your own thoughts, “I want to know why they were shooting at us!”
“Yoongi, you didn’t tell her?” Taehyung asks, his body partially being uncovered by the flashlight still focused on the man-child wanting to roll down the hill again. He was standing, but he looked to be leaning against something as well. Most likely another person based on how he teeters in and out of the light.
“Sorry, should I have told her in between the gunshots or while we were taking cover from the explosion?!” Yoongi scoffs, his voice coming from the shadow holding Taehyung. The both of them were closest to the explosion with you, but they both probably had fast enough reflexes to grab something unlike you.
Did you know that guy?” You force yourself to stand, ignoring the pain in your back and chest as you stretch out.
“That’s not important right now.” Yoongi pushes from the darkness into the light so everyone can see him. He still has his bag on him, but it looks to be torn in a few spots, “We need to gather our stuff, make sure everyone can move, and get the hell out of here before they come to make sure we’re dead.”
“Dead?” Bomi asks.
Taehyung looks over to her, squinting to see her in the darkness, “Why else would they be shooting at us?”
“Facism?!” You answer.
Yoongi glares in your direction and adjusts the bag on his back, “Let’s not waste anymore time and get moving.”
Not wanting to anger the man who saved your life, you follow his lead. You - as well as Bomi - take some time to look over everyone before you all move out, cleaning up any scrapes or cuts and securing any hurting limbs. Debris from the wreck was collected and placed into bags, stored away for later if needed. Some of it came in handy for creating a makeshift brace for Jin - lucky for him. Any head injuries couldn’t be helped, but at least no one had any broken bones. For now, it would be enough to start.
Under the cover of night, Yoongi leads your group back up the hill with Taehyung taking the back. Over the broken trees and melted snow - stopping occasionally so everyone stays with the group - you all make your way back up the hill and cross the train tracks where you first went over the side. The debris from your cabins lay scattered across the winter snow and metal tracks, the beverage car you’d been in earlier that night sits just around the edge of the turn.
“They probably uncoupled the car before setting off the explosion,” Taehyung explains, watching Jeongguk and Hoseok follow Yoongi to collect anything they could salvage for the rest of your trip. He turns to you, a gun you didn’t know he had casually hanging at his side. He smirks in the low glow of the moonlight, “They probably weren’t expecting me to throw it back.”
You take a moment to think before answering him. You’d been through a lot in one night, and the events from the past 2 weeks were still weighing on you. However, at this moment in time, you felt more numb than anything. You sigh, “I don’t think anyone would expect you to grab a live explosive with your bare hands and throw it.”
Trekking through cold winter snow was not a part of the plan. It was never on the agenda, and no one had packed for this weather. It wasn’t necessarily harsh or overbearing, but the climate was still killing your stamina. It didn’t help that most of you were starting to feel the effects of your injuries after hours of walking. It would seem you weren’t the only one feeling the same way.
Bomi stops walking, causing those behind her to stop as well, “We shouldn’t put so much stress on our bodies after an accident like that. We should rest for a bit.”
Yoongi continues walking without sparing a glance behind him, “Well, unless you want to die from a bullet wound, we’ll keep going.”
“Do we really know that they’re going to come back for us?” Hoseok asks, watching Yoongi’s back as he continues to walk ahead of you.
“My body isn’t really bulletproof, so I don’t want to take any chances.” Seokjin says. He was probably hurt the most besides you and Namjoon. If anyone needed to take a break it was Seokjin, but you can’t really blame him for not wanting to take a chance.
On the other hand, you knew better than anyone what hidden injuries could do if not treated properly or as soon as possible, “We won’t know the extent of everyone’s injuries if we don’t take a break and rest soon.”
Yoongi stops walking to turn and look at everyone, “We’ll rest as soon as we get far enough away from the train cars.”
“Shouldn’t we have followed the tracks? Or maybe a stream or something?” Namjoon asks.
Jeongguk scoffs, “Dude, following the tracks is the sure fire way to get us caught if someone is following us.”
“It’s best if we head Northeast away from the tracks. That’ll take us towards the outer CHN Sanctions and we can find a smaller train back to KOR Sanction 34.” Taehyung explains.
“We’ll still have to change to a larger train to get into the city.” Lina says.
Yoongi sighs and turns back around to continue walking, “We’ll deal with that when we get there.”
So, the journey continues with everyone trudging along. Even as the sun begins to rise into the sky and stomachs begin to ache, Yoongi refuses to stop. If you weren’t scared by the notion of someone chasing you down with a gun, you probably would’ve stopped a while ago to ice your bruised midsection. But your survival skills were not as strong as your medical abilities, and if you wanted to make it to a safe, warmer space, then you’d have to continue following behind Yoongi to get to where you need to go. Thankfully, you didn’t have to go much further.
Yoongi stops at the top of the hill you all climb, having taken the lead. He turns to everyone and nods, “We can rest here.”
As you finish climbing the hill covered in a thin coat of snow, you all come to the entrance of a cave covered in shards of ice and frozen snow. The large, frozen crystals hang off the cave’s mouth like jewels on a wealthy woman’s neck. Just below the longest shard, loose powder can be seen dusting the rock floor inside and disappearing into the darkness of the cavern.  
“Are you sure?” Hoseok asks.
“We’re up high enough and far enough from a real trail that anyone walking won’t be able to smell clearly anymore.” He explains, “We can make a small camp here, rest until tomorrow morning, and continue on foot to the next town.”
“You’re very knowledgeable in things like this...” Namjoon points out, looking Yoongi up and down, “You knew that guy was a hitman that was supposedly locked up, and you’ve been carrying a gun this whole time.”
There were only so many jobs that would give someone access to that kind of information and resources. After spending the past few hours really getting to see him in action, there was no doubt what Yoongi’s job really was.
Hoseok meets Yoongi’s eyes, “You’re a hit man too.”
He only shrugs in return, “I’d like to think of myself as a lethal bounty hunter.”
“Your whole personality is really starting to come together.” Bomi mumbles.
You all enter the cave, ducking under the large crystals and stepping into a narrow cavern. Yoongi turns on his flashlight, showing off a tunnel leading to another opening, “We should head further into the cave so we don’t attract any large animals.”
You all follow Yoongi further into the cavern, two more flashlights roaring to life from Namjoon and Jeongguk. When you reach the next opening, you’re shocked to see the much larger cavern that opens for you, illuminated in a soft blue from spare light that hits the ice lining the cave’s walls. At the far end of the shaft, are two more dark tunnels leading further into the cave.
“I think we’ll be safe in here.”
Namjoon removes his bag and hands it over to Jin, “We should see about finding dry wood for a fire or collecting snow for drinking water.”
“I’ll come help.” Taehyung says. He pulls off his own bag and turns to you, “Can you take this for me?”
“Sure.” You take his bag, struggling at first to keep it from falling from it’s unexpected weight. You had an idea as to what Taehyung had stored in his bag, and it wasn’t spare clothes or toiletries. It makes you wonder why he hasn’t asked for a break sooner, though there is another part of you that probably doesn’t want to know or imagine why in the first place.
It didn’t take long for them to come back with a pile of sticks and snow for the group. After they returned it was a lot easier for everyone to settle down after a long morning of walking. Taehyung made sure to bring as much snow as he could carry for you and Bomi to tend to the small injuries from the crash, and Yoongi helped Namjoon get a fire started as soon as he set the wood he found on the cavern floor. They were taking this situation in fairly well considering the circumstances, and that alone scared you. Granted, Seokjin was also calm and Lina and Hobi were huddled together talking among themselves, but all three were very level-headed and knew this wasn’t the time to start freaking out.
Next to you, Bomi sits with her back flat against the floor staring off into the space above her. You can’t help but wonder what’s going through her mind at a time like this after losing so much already.
“Hey, you okay?” You ask, placing a gentle hand on her arm.
Her body jerks at the contact, dark brown eyes looking to your hand and then to you, “Huh-?” She tilts her head in confusion and then a look of understanding comes to her face. She gives you a smile, “Oh! Yeah, I’m fine!” She turns back to the ceiling of the cave and you watch as her smile becomes forced, “I just need some rest is all.”
It doesn’t take a lot to tell that she’s not okay, but you know better than to pry at a moment like this. Instead, you muster your own sincere smile, “Okay, just let me know if you need anything. We have a lot of walking to do.”
Maybe if she hadn’t lost her husband, if you hadn’t been targeted, if you hadn’t been in a train accident, if you hadn’t been walking all day in the cold you would have asked if she was okay. But you didn’t want to bombard her and add another stress on top of her pre-existing ones.
Bomi smiles in your direction again, this time more sincere, “Of course. You get some rest too.” You nod, taking one last look over the room of everyone else who seems to be doing the same before settling yourself on the cave floor with your head on your bag and closing your eyes.
“Hey!” Bomi calls. You open your eyes to see her staring back, “Thanks for looking out for me.”
You can’t help but let your mind wander to yesterday. You had been so sure of this trip yesterday morning, so sure that this would be the best decision you’ve made in hundreds of years. But with the events of last night and the high tension of trying to survive in an area where winter was at its peak, it’s hard to truly let your mind rid itself of the fears ahead of you.
"This next one will be easy." A man whispers, his words so clear it feels as though he’s right next to you.
"And if not?" A more delicate voice asks.
"More fun." The first voice growls, his tone making him sound so pleased with himself you can almost see the invisible grin.
They’re both so close, yet you know they’re distant. The anxiety within you pulses as you recognize both owners from that very first night.
You bolt up, having willed yourself awake in hopes that what you’ve heard is a nightmare. However, as you look around the fire it’s easy to see that the other’s have heard their whispers as well.
A dark chuckle resonates in your ears, "Its heart beats fast now!"
"It knows..." The more feminine of the two voices taunts, "Your time has come."
Everyone looks to each other, none of them coming to the realization of what’s happening around them. It’s hard to tell if the voices are far or close now that they echo off the cave walls. However, chills run down your spine as the gruff voice of the male resonates off the walls again, much closer than anyone had realized, "Ready or not!"
“Go.” Yoongi demands, jumping from his spot on the floor, “Everybody, go now!”
Chaos ensues as everyone grabs their things, shoving whatever they may have taken out back into their bags. The dim embers of your fire are easily forgotten as Jeongguk and Namjoon lead the way to venture further into the cave away from the taunting voices that follow you. Yoongi takes up the rear to cover the path behind you.
"We have your name." The ghostly woman calls, a hint of pleasure laced in her voice as you all move through the unknown caverns. There’s another area, another open source of light if you can just move faster.
"And your scent!" The man yells.
Their voices never seem to waver, never falter. It’s impossible for them to be right behind you, but you can’t help but feel as if they’re right on your heels. The light is so close, but there’s something keeping you back. Something that only has you moving slower.
Someone that can’t move any faster.
You stop for just a moment to turn around, seeing Bomi stumble over herself as Yoongi tries to hold her up, “Bomi! Let’s go!”
She stops when she reaches you, her hands forming a loose grip on your arms, “(Y/n)...I can’t…”
“We have to move!” You remind her. You can hear how weak she is, you can feel it in her grip as she tries to hold onto you. Even so, now is not the time for her to stop moving.
Yoongi takes Bomi by the arm and firmly pushes your shoulder, “Stop standing around and get moving!”
“She’s hurt, we have to help her.” You argue, trying your best to keep your friend up on her feet.
Yoongi groans in frustration, “Open your eyes! They’re here for her!”
“Shouldn’t we try and stop them?!” You ask. You know he’s right. Every part of you knows he’s right but it doesn’t change the part of you that knows you can’t leave her.
“We don’t know how to kill them!” He tries to remove Bomi’s hand from your arm, but you grab her wrist to keep her close, “Shoot them!”
“I’m working with the dumbest people alive.” He mutters under his breath.
Within a moment, you’re taken by surprise. Bomi’s hands are ripped off of you as another hand takes the back of your shirt and pushes you forward again, rougher than the first time Yoongi had done so. You try to fight against him, but the lean man is much stronger than he looks.
“Hey! NO!” You yell, pushing back against him to go back. His grip only tightens on your clothing as his pace picks up. You have no choice but to match his pace even as you try to wiggle free, “Let me go! We have to help her! BOMI!”
“You’ll die too if you don’t move your feet!” Yoongi warns.
Tears stream down your face as you move forward, hearing the dark voice of the man again, “The scent’s grown stronger Lamb, but this one’s become yours.”
“Oh, how sweet it is to end the suffering life brings.” His partner responds, sounding almost satisfied with what they were implying.
Yoongi doesn’t let you go until you’ve hit the next part of the cavern that’s gifted with light, pushing you in front of him towards the rest of the group.
“There. You can thank me later.” He says, voice void of any emotion.
“I can thank you later?!” You ask in utter disbelief. You could understand his strange behavior on the train to save everyone, his reasoning for wanting to keep moving in the mountain was justified, but leaving Bomi behind didn’t have to be an option! “You let them kill her!”
He shrugs his shoulders, “She was dying anyways!”
“We could’ve saved her!” You argue. He saved your life at the cost of Bomi’s! If he had picked her up instead of you then you could’ve saved her! He let her go!
“Oh, really?! Enlighten me! How could we have saved her?” He asks, eyes turned into slits as he glares at you. It wasn’t hard to tell he didn’t take you seriously, that Death held nothing against him like it did you. He didn’t care. “Stop acting like a fucking child and open your eyes to what’s going on around you! I’ve saved your life twice and I won’t be doing it again!”
Your rage and grief morph into one, clouding your judgement in your current situation. You can’t help but run at him, resolving to take your guilt out on him even if deep down you know he was in the right to pull you away. You don’t care if you look like a total lunatic as you scream and throw your hands at him, fists clenched and ready to make contact with the stubborn man who claims to hunt others. Even when he grabs your wrists to hold you away and fight against your kicks powered by your own sadness, you don’t stop your outburst until someone grabs your waist from behind.
“(Y/n)! Stop it!” Hoseok scolds, pulling your smaller frame away from Yoongi who doesn’t even look like he broke a sweat during the ordeal. He just casts his eyes away from yours and walks away as you continue to thrash in the arms of your friend. “(Y/n), this won’t bring her back! You need to knock it off and get it together!”
Your thrashing ceases as it all comes crashing down around you. You’d learned about the 5 stages of grief when it came to relationships, but never before did you think they could wash over you as fast as they did. Perhaps part of it was from Hansol’s death hitting you as well, but the fact that you were right there with Bomi and you let her go seemed to be what hurt you the most.
“I asked her to be here,” You fall lax in Hoseok’s arms and let it all flow out of you, “This is my fault…”
“This isn’t your fault…” You feel the man sigh from behind you and pull you closer, his chin resting on your shoulder, “Bomi volunteered with you because she wanted to. If she didn’t want to come, then she wouldn’t have signed up. She knew this could be dangerous.”
“We didn’t even make it to our first stop, Hobi!” You cry, hands flying to cover your face as more tears fall from your eyes.
Another hand places itself on your shoulder, Lina making herself known by gently stroking a small area with her thumb, “I know this isn’t easy, but we have to focus on doing what we can for everyone.”
You know she’s right. You know that in this situation you have no choice but to move on as if nothing happened, even if that choice makes you sick to your stomach. It feels so wrong to just walk away, to from the path you had come from and left her behind. But if you don’t turn away, then what more will you be risking? What will you risk when you finally face everyone else?
Against your own emotions, you turn around. You see the somber expressions of both Hoseok and Lina in the dim lighting the hole in the cave’s ceiling provides you, the small trails still damp on Lina’s cheeks glistening like the tears that refuse to fall from her husband’s. Bomi wasn’t just your friend. She was their friend too. And though you felt all the guilt in the world for dragging her along and allowing Yoongi to pull you away, they felt the same guilt that you did for not being able to help her.
Hoseok - the radiant ball of sunshine that he is - pulls the both of you into a firm hug, “We’ll honor her as soon as we get home and solve everything. She’s gone, but we won’t forget her.”
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this cave doesn’t have another opening.” Jeongguk says. The three of you pull away from each other to look at him, noticing the distress written across his face.
The new area surrounding you is mainly lit where you stand and the area surrounding a small pool of water in the center of the room. Two flashlights still glow behind Jeongguk on the other side of the pool, probably continuing the search for any other way out. Part of you is tempted to find out if the pool goes anywhere, but you know you’ll probably die of hypothermia before you can find out.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me…” Seokjin - who stands closest to the pool of water - sighs, “Where are we supposed to go? What if they don’t go away?!”
“Well, we can’t stay here to find out. We’re sitting ducks!” Hoseok reminds everyone.
“Do you feel it, Lamb?” The man’s voice asks, sending shivers down your spine.
“Do I feel the fear?” His partner asks in return. It’s strange how in so little time you’ve become used to their mannerisms. It’s so easy to tell how pleased they are to be taunting you. “I do. Doesn’t it just make your entire being flutter?”
“They’re afraid.” His voice growls in return.
Lina grabs both your and Hoseok’s hands and tugs them towards the other side of the pool where the other’s have unconsciously began to congregate, “We can’t stay here!”
“Where are we supposed to go?” Taehyung asks, the weapon he once held loosely at his side now held firm in front of him.
The soft voice of the woman draws near, “Every elongated step I take fills me with their anticipation for what’s to come.”
“They’re not suffering enough, Lamb.” Her friend complains.
“But Wolf, this suffering is my kind of fun.” Her reply only confirms your suspicion of their enjoyment in your pain. Her deranged excitement reminds you of a child.
“Lina…” Hoseok pulls his wife closer to him, tucking her into his side as if that would shield her from whatever stalks closer to you.
She - in response - is more determined to move, “We can’t back down now, Hobi. Can they really catch all of us?” She asks, confident on the balls of her feet, yet still so unsure of any plan to escape.
“Aren’t they spirits or something?” Taehyung asks.
Yoongi nods, his own weapon having made an appearance in his hands, “That’s probably something they can do.”
Jeongguk interlocks his fingers together and pushes them in front of himself to crack them, pulling them back into fists. With a quick nod of his head from side to side, he grins, “Well, I’m sure I can still show them the old razzle-dazzle.”
“Why don’t you ask them?” Jin asks.
The hair on the back of your neck stands tall, goosebumps popping to the top of your skin. In the short amount of time you spent planning and debating your escape, the beings hot on your trail had made their entrance. Stood in the entryway to the cavern, still tucked away in the shadows you see them.
They found you.
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prettyboyeffect · 4 years
Lover Dearest *Updated*
A/N: Hey guys! I’m not sure how long some of you reading have been a part of this blog but since I’m returning from a two year hiatus, I’m going to go ahead and assume most of you are new. Hi! I was a fanfic writer for Criminal Minds and Supernatural back in 2017. I went through a lot of personal stuff around the time I stopped posting and my mental health was at an all time low. But! I’m back with a peace offering. Lover Dearest is one the first fics I’ve ever written. It was inspired by the song by Mariana’s Trench. It has always been one of my favourites to go back and reread and I’ve always wanted to see if I was able to rewrite it and make it a little longer for you guys. I used a lot of the same language and elements so it’s not an entirely different fic but I did make it a little longer and more descriptive for you! Hopefully, you guys like it! This is the first piece I have written in about three years so please keep that in mind and go easy on me lol. Alright, now let’s get into it!
@dontshootmespence wanted a tag! <3 I’m sorry in advance... I have my next fic planned out and I promise it’ll be fluffy goodness! 
Spencer’s POV 
This place is a hole, and I don’t wanna go. I wish we could stay here, Forever alone. 
You rolled over in your bed, the shrieking of your alarm clock echoing in your brain like you had the worst hangover in the world. You lifted your arm and tapped the off button with the tips of your finger before bringing both of your fists to your temples, curling up into your blankets; your body shook. It was 6pm, you had fallen asleep a few hours prior. You laid there, sore all over and still for what felt like hours, though it was likely only a few moments. You were groggy again and not long after the initial phase of disorientation wore off, you were struck with the familiar feeling of guilt, the cloud of emptiness that begged your body for more life. You hated every part of you that continued to enable yourself to self destruct but yet you feel like you couldn’t stop it; you knew that there was only one way to fix what you were feeling and it was waiting for you in the bedside table drawer- calling your name, driving you closer and closer. This time that we waste, but I still love your taste. Don’t let him take my place, don’t just sit there.
You groaned as you pushed yourself up to a sitting position, then to standing. Your body felt heavy as you began to stumble over to the drawer, even though it was probably the lightest it’s ever been, given the fact you were an adult man standing at six feet tall. Your mind was unusually quiet which normally would concern you but you felt there wasn’t much use for your mind right now. If it was so smart- why couldn’t you have saved her? You have always wanted to learn everything you could about Alzheimer's; you thought maybe if you could find a way to understand everything there was to know about the disease, you could figure out how to stop it in time to save her. But you couldn’t. You let the woman who gave you life- die, lost inside her own mind. Much like you were right now. You knew your friends were worried about you but you tried not to let them see to what extent you were truly hurting. Thinking of her hurt so much, you’d rather feel nothing.
Sometimes, I wish you would leave me. I’m not sick of you yet. Is that as good as it gets? I’ll just say it; I could slip into you, it’s so easy to come back into you. 
Your hands shook as you pulled the drawer open, revealing a vile of dilaudid along with some syringes, alcohol swabs and some small cotton threads. You sighed and grabbed what you needed and headed for the bathroom. It was your go-to space for what you were about to do. The nausea came almost immediately after the injection so you needed to be ready and near the toilet, just in case things were to go in that direction once again. You finally reached the sink and held onto the sides, you hunched over but stared at your face in the mirror. You barely recognized yourself. Those dark and sunken eyes have seen a lot of darkness over the years but nothing could have prepared you for the way she left you. It’s the hardest ;thing you’ve ever gone through. All the cases, all the times you almost lost against an unsub, nothing could compare to losing your best friend.
I stared for a while, and waited for words. Seen but not heard, and struggled to try.
My tongue’s turning black, but I’ll take you back. You’re still the best, more or less, I guess.
There was a part of you that knew this was wrong. That part of you ached and pleaded for you to give in and call JJ or Derek, or even Hotchner. But this side of you knew you could never do that to them. You could never let them feel this pain that you felt. Instead of facing the truth, in fear of being that disappointment, you hid your pain away but that’s what addiction is, right? Not being able to stop these thoughts? You took one last glance at yourself, just to see who it was looking back at you. It wasn’t you. This man was old, pale and fragile. His face was covered with patchy skin and dirt, where his hair wasn’t thinning, it was clumped and matted. Is this the man everyone else saw? No one ever commented on it, did they see it too? This man was hurting, begging for help but no one could hear. You almost felt as if this was better. No one would forgive you for this anyway.
You laid your arm against the porcelain sink, feeling a slight shiver run down your spine as the chilled glass made contact your skin. Your eyes bounced in between all your bruises, past markings and scars. You prepped your arm and took a deep breath in, slowly piercing the needle through your skin and pushing the poison into your vein. Your exhale was a whimper and your head fell. You knew you should stop but you needed more, you felt at peace- like, nothing could ever harm you ever again and you were free. It was so beautiful and you were sure it was Heaven. And she was there with you, holding out her hand for you to hold. You reached for her. Before you connected, you were brought back to reality. You lost your remaining strength and the needle fell with you onto the floor as you collapsed onto your knees. You cried out so loudly, people walking on the street below your apartment could probably hear. You gripped the toilet bowl and vomited intensely before your vision closed in and you dropped to the floor.
And it hurts me to say, that I want you to stay. But it might be alright if you go.
So leave me. I’m not sick of you yet. Is that as good as it gets? I’ll just hide it. I could slip into you, It’s so easy to come back into you.
You weren’t sure how long you were out for but you did know that you were in a lot of pain. It felt like knives stabbing in and out, over and over, all over. Your head pounded against your skull and the ringing in your ears intensified as you leaned over the toilet bowl again, releasing nothing but bile. That’s when you noticed the blood, it was everywhere but you didn’t know where it was coming from. 
 “Fuck.” You started to panic. You suddenly realized the severity of the decision you made. You didn’t want to die here like this, it was a mistake. It was an accident! Your heartbeat quickened as you tried to fight the urge to pass out once more. You scanned the room looking for your phone but you couldn’t see it anywhere. You used every muscle in your body to carry yourself across the floor on your hands and knees. You were determined to make it to your bed again but the pain was so intense. You collapsed again when you exited the bathroom. When you awoke, you were laying in a pool of your own sweat, vomit and blood. You looked and noticed you weren’t that far from your bedside table. You needed to push on. Reaching for the surface, you knocked your phone to the floor. Luckily, JJ was in your recent calls as you were talking to her earlier that morning. You pressed her name and laid beside your phone on the floor, “JJ…” you cried softly.
 “Spence? Hello?” She spoke. She listened to your quiet, broken voice speak to her. You told her everything. “I’ll be right there. We’ll get you through this. Please hold on.” 
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Stark Spangled Banner Ch36: I Bid You Farewell And Good Luck, Morons!
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Intro: Thor wakes up on a strange ship, surrounded by even stranger people, a talking tree and a rabbit. Meanwhile, back on Earth, the fight to save Vision is won and the group make their way back to the compound to understand what exactly it is that they’re facing. 
But there’s no sign of Tony, and the more they heard, the more they start to wonder if this is a battle they stand any chance of winning. 
Warnings:Bad Language words.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist 
This is a bit of a longer update than normal, but I wanted to explore IW using all 3 of the perspectives that were shown, for no reason other than I had favourite bits in them all! And I LOVE writing for Thor and Tony!
As always tags are open and I’m taking suggestions for that lovely 5 year gap post snap/pre time Heist so if you have any ideas or wants, hit me up!
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 “It’s like a pirate had a baby with an angel…”
Thor wasn’t dead. But he felt like it. Every inch of his body ached and when he was jerked back to consciousness for a moment, just one split moment, he thought he saw Little Stark. Only it wasn’t her. The woman had dark hair, yes, but as he focussed he realised she looked nothing like the woman he loved dearly as a sister. This woman had huge eyes and antenna dangling from her forehead. And, whilst he knew it had been a while since he had seen his friend, she wouldn't have changed that much.
Finding his feet he looked around, chest heaving, at the band of people stood in front of him; A woman with green skin and red hair, a man with grey/blue skin, bald head, and red lines all over his body, a tree creature- a Flora Colossus he thought- which was off to the side draped over a chair, some kind of furry, animal thing- a rabbit maybe- and finally a man who appeared to be a normal, human.
They had offered him soup, and then when he had explained about Thanos the green skinned lady had told Thor what the Titan wanted the stones for. Which she knew, because she his  daughter.
"Families can be tough," Thor said, placing a hand on her shoulder, "Before my father died, he told me that I had a half-sister, that he imprisoned in Hell. Then she returned home, stabbed me in the eye so, I had to kill her." he said, shrugging "That's life though isn't it I guess? Round and round, but I feel your pain."
The human, Peter Quill pushed his way between Gamora and Thor, and looked at her "I feel your pain, as well, because, I mean it's not a competition, but I've been through a lot. My father killed my mother, and then I had to kill my father. And that was hard. Probably even harder than having to kill a sister. Plus, I, came out with both of my eyes."
Thor wasn’t paying attention. The man was clearly a moron, and he’d just noticed he had bent the spoon in the bowl of soup and was having a flashback to the time he had tried to bend the Captain’s shield. Little Stark had laughed so much at how annoyed he had gotten when he failed that she had cried. And then, to make it worse, a few days later the Captain had managed to move Mjolnir. Just a fraction, but it moved. No one had seen it, bar Little Stark of course, but there was something there, Thor was sure. Steve Rogers was a man worthy of a lot of things, but his hammer was complicated. You have to prove it. That had been explained to him the day it had been given to him. Of course, he hadn’t realised then that Eitri had actually made it for Hela first.
"I need a hammer, not a spoon." Thor mumbled, as the idea took hold and he looked at the pod at the back of the ship. "How do I open this thing?" he began pressing random buttons on the screen next to the door. “Is there some sort of a four-digit code? Maybe a birth date or something?"
"What are you doing?" Rocket asked.
"Taking your pod." Thor replied nonchalantly.
And then there was a row in which the moron called Quill tried to imitate Thor’s deeper voice telling him he could not take the pod, but Thor was going to take the pod anyway because he was the God of Thunder after all, and then the lady Gamora cut them off quite rightly directing the focus back to Thanos by stating they needed to find out where he was going next. But Thor had already thought of that.
"Knowhere," he answered as he brushed past Quill and over to the refrigerator he had seen Gamora get his soup from.
"He must be going somewhere," Mantis argued innocently.
"No," Quill shook his head and Thor noted his stupid voice was back to normal, "Knowhere? It's a place. We've been there. It sucks. Excuse me, that's our food." he said, suddenly noticing what Thor was doing.
"Not anymore," Thor shrugged, stuffing it into a backpack he found.
"Thor," Gamora cut across the pair of them again "Why would he go to Knowhere?"
"Because for years, the Reality Stone has been safely stored there with a man called the Collector." Thor said
"If it's with the Collector, then it's not safe.” Quill snorted. “Only an idiot would give that man a stone."
"Or a genius." Thor shrugged.
"How do you know he's not going for one of the other stones?" Gamora asked.
"There's six stones out there." Thor began to explain, "Thanos already has the Power Stone because he stole it, last week, when he decimated Xandar.”
He didn’t missed the shocked and horrified look the group shared with one another.
“He stole the Space Stone from me, when he destroyed my ship and slaughtered half my people. The Time and Mind Stones, are safe on Earth. They're with the Avengers." Thor stated.
"The Avengers?" Quill asked.
"They're Earth's Mightiest Heroes."
"Like Kevin Bacon?" Mantis called out.
"Errr he may be on the team now, I don't know.” Thor shrugged, having no idea who the man named after a breakfast meat was. “I haven’t been there in a while. And as for the Soul Stone, well no one's ever seen that. No one even knows where it is. Therefore, Thanos can't get it. Therefore, he's going to Knowhere. Hence, he'll be getting the Reality Stone. You're welcome."
"Then we have to go to Knowhere, now." Gamora said
"Wrong. Where we have to go is Nidavellir." Thor said picking up the backpack.
"That's a made up word," Drax, the blue man countered.
"All words are made up." Thor smiled, slinging the backpack onto his back.
"Nidavellir is real?" the animal called Rocket’s eyes grew wide and he jumped up onto the table and looked at Thor "Seriously? I mean, that place is a legend. They make the most powerful, horrific weapons to ever torment the Universe. I would very much like to go there, please."
"The rabbit is correct." Thor grinned at Rocket's excitement, "And clearly the smartest among you. Only Eitri the Dwarf can make me the weapon I need. I assume you're the captain, Sir?"
Rocket grinned and nodded, "You're very perceptive."
"You seem like a noble leader. Will you join me on my quest to Nidavellir?"
"Let me just ask the captain. Oh, wait a second, it's me!”  Rocket grinned. “Yeah, I'll go."
"Wonderful." Thor beamed.
"Uh except that I'm the captain," Quill chipped in
"Quiet!" Thor said, now beyond bored of the moron.
"And that's my backpack," Quill continued pointing to the bag that Thor was stealing.
"Quill, sit down," Rocket said, tapping at the pad and keying in the digits to open the pod.
"Look, this is my ship. And I'm not going to - wait, what kind of weapon are we talking about here?" Quill looked round.
"The Thanos-killing kind." Thor smiled. Boy, was it going to be a big, fucking weapon...
"Don't you think that we should all have a weapon like that?" Quill frowned.
"You lack the strength to wield them. Your bodies would crumble as you minds collapsed into the madness." Thor said.
"Is it weird that I wanna do it even more now?" Rocket asked.
"Erm, a little bit weird. Yeah." Thor looked down at him, frowning.
“If we don't go to Knowhere and Thanos retrieves another stone, he'll be too powerful to stop." Gamora said, stepping forward.
"He already is." Thor shrugged.
"Look, I got it figured out," Rocket interrupted, looking at Gamora. "We got two ships, and a large assortment of morons.  Me and Groot will go with the Pirate Angel here, and the morons will go to Knowhere to try and stop Thanos. Cool? Cool."
"So cool." Thor said with a smile before he climbed into the pod.
"For the record…” Quill said leaning down to Rocket “ I know that you're only going with them because it's where Thanos isn't."
"You know, you really shouldn't talk that way to your captain, Quill.” Rocket said, walking backwards and gesturing outwards with his arms. “Come on, Groot. Put that game down. You'll rot your brain,"
As Rocket sat down Thor nodded out of the pod “I bid you farewell and good luck, morons. Bye."
It wasn’t hard for the team to track Wanda, her red power flashing bright against the dark sky over Edinburgh City Centre, and as the jet followed her movements, the four friends saw her spiralling through the sky with Vision and crashing through the train station, just as Sam put the jet on the ground.
Within seconds the Ex-Avengers were sprinting off the jet.  
“Katie, Nat, take the side!” Steve yelled, as he vaulted over the railings at the edge of the road running down onto the bottom half of the concrete which led to the station. “Sam, up high,and remember protect Vision at all costs!”
“Got em.” Sam spoke over the coms “Platform seven, near the café.” 
Steve vaulted over another set of barriers, the station now deserted thanks to the evacuation taking place by the local police. As he ran onto one of the walkways he was just in time to see two of the aliens crash through the station roof. Weighing up his options, he realised it was going to be quicker for him to run down the platform he was over and jump across the lines to help. He swung his legs over the railings and landed easily, looking up. Across from him he could see Natasha and Katie emerging to the right, as Wanda stood and moved protectively in front of Vision, building power in her hands. An express train whizzed past him and he stood still, waiting and it wasn’t long before the taller, blue looking woman spotted him, and she launched her spear over the platform. Steve easily snapped his left shoulder back whilst leaning over his body with his right, catching the staff in his hand.
“Heads up.” Sam muttered, and as Wanda and Vision turned to see Steve step out from the shadows, fury lining his face, Sam swooped in and kicked one of the aliens across the platform and through a closed café’s security gate, causing tables and chairs to go flying, before he spun and started to fire on the other alien.
Steve launched the weapon he had caught across the tracks where Natasha caught it and stabbed the second assailant in the gut as Katie moved into to head off the other who was stalking back towards them. The weapon Natasha had been using flew back into the alien’s hands and Katie ducked as she swung, jabbing her in the back of the leg with an electric powered escrima stick. The alien let out a yell, stumbled slightly and Steve cleared the platform in a leap, rolling and scooping up the second assailant’s staff from the floor, holding it up to block the blow that the creatured aimed at Katie. He grit his teeth, planting his legs to absorb the power of the hit, as Katie rolled to the side, jumped up and the two of them began to fight the alien, joined shortly by Natasha who had stabbed the other one in the gut, taking him out of the fight. Steve had to admit, the woman (if you could call her that) was a force to be reckoned with, but the three of them were just about getting the upper hand when they heard Sam yell.
The three of them did so and Sam flew in hard, kicking the woman backwards where she fell and scuttled over to her fallen friend. Sam landed next to Katie, drawing both his submachine pistols on the couple.
“Get up” she instructed to her fallen partner, her voice was deep.
“I can't” his gravelly, robotic voice replied.
“We don't wanna kill you.” Natasha spoke coolly “But we will”.
“You’ll never get the chance again.” The female levelled them, with a cold glare and with that a beam shot down from the hole in the station roof and the two were transported upwards. The weapon Steve was holding also shot out of his hand. He frowned in surprise for a moment, looking at his hand then upwards as the beam of light disappeared and the ship sped off.
“Can you stand?” Sam asked Vision as Katie replaced her sticks and walked towards Wanda and the android. When Vision shook his head, Sam moved forward to help him up.
Supported by Wanda and Sam, Vision looked over at Steve, Natasha and Katie, electricity shimmering over his surface. He’d been badly damaged in the fight, and as he spoke his voice distorted.
“Thank you, Captain.”
Steve took a deep breath and nodded. His face stern, but his eyes were much softer than his expression and Katie knew why. It had been a while since anyone other than Sam, Nat or Wanda had called him Captain.
Steve looked at the android, he might have been damaged but they had the stone, and that was the main thing. Nodding, he spoke “Let's get you on the jet.” his voice was soft and he moved to let Sam and Wanda support Vision, Natasha following as Katie dropped behind to stay with him as they took up the rear of the group, her fingers lacing into his.
Once Vision was safely settled in a seat at the side, Sam dropped into the pilot’s seat as Katie hit the button to close the ramp as the Jet rose into the air.
“I thought we had a deal.” Natasha spun angrily to Wanda. ”Stay close, check in. Don't take any chances.”
“I'm sorry. We just wanted time.” The younger woman said gently.
Katie glanced at Steve, he was stood up in the middle of the jet, hands on the buckle of his utility belt, staring seemingly at nothing, clearly contemplating something.
“Where to, Cap?” Sam asked.
Steve looked up, he glanced at Sam then locked eyes with Katie as he spoke one word, one simple word that they had all been waiting to hear for almost 2 years.
“Home” he said, looking round the jet.
After a few hours, with the morning sky being the only thing in sight, Sam started to lower the jet through thick white clouds and Katie couldn’t help but inhale sharply when the compound began to take shape as she watched out of the front window. It looked the same. The buildings, the grounds…she wasn’t sure why she had expected anything to change, maybe because it felt like everything had changed for them, but either way, there it was. The same as the last time she had seen it.
Steve noticed her demeanour change slightly as they landed. She stood up straight, her shoulders squaring as if she was about to face an onslaught. And they were, in a way. On their way they’d let Bruce know that they had Vision and were heading back, but had had no idea what they were heading back to, nor did he care. Be it Ross, police, the army, whatever, he was done bowing to anyone’s will, over playing other people’s tunes. The two years they had spent hidden had shown them that they could operate on their own if required, and he wasn’t afraid to fight anyone who got in his way.
They stepped off the ramp and strode over the lawn, Katie taking a deep breath as she looked around. She felt a wave of that many emotions she couldn’t explain or identify half of them. Memories flooded in, the long summer nights they sat outside in the garden and on the BBQ patio until sunrise. Laughs during team dinners. Sam and Wanda collaborating on pranks. Training sessions with the team and Vision reading Tolkien aloud to Wanda before asking questions about humanity's love of fiction. Walks and picnics and other things in the ground, just her and Steve. Their wedding, God their wedding! Frequent visits from Tony, bringing in new ideas and improved gadgets. Getting back safe after being out on a long mission. Feeling relaxed and at ease.
Feeling at home.
Steve’s arm curled round his wife for a moment before he pressed a kiss to the side of her head as Vision opened the door.
“Still no word from Vision?”  The holographic figure of Ross looked up from where he sat at a table and glanced at Rhodey.
“Satellites lost him somewhere over Edinburgh.” Rhodey replied. He knew they were on their way to the compound, but hadn’t told Ross deliberately. 
“On a stolen Quinjet with four of the world's most wanted criminals.” Rhodey felt his temper beginning to flare. “You know they're only criminals because you've chosen to call them that, right, sir? “
“My God, Rhodes, your talent for horseshit rivals my own.” Ross said as he stood up. The sound of the call echoed down the corridor reaching the group that were making their way through to the lab.
“If it weren't for those Accords, Vision would've been right here” Rhodey shot back and Katie glanced back at Vision as the sounds of Rhodey and Ross’ voice grew louder as they neared their destination.
“I suspect it will be a Hollo Call.” Vision said gently, answering Katie’s unasked question.  His suspicions were proven correct as they rounded the corner and the lab came into view. Rhodey was stood across from where the holographic image of Secretary Ross was facing off against him.
"You have second thoughts?" Ross was challenging Rhodey, who smiled simply as his eyes shot sideways, as Steve strode forward, his presence as intimidating as ever, and the first thing Rhodey noticed was just how dark he looked. Gone was the upstanding, All American Hero, and in its place was someone much harder, far rougher round the edges. Kiddo looked different too. Her hair was shorter, she looked slimmer too, but her upper body looked stronger. 
"Not anymore." he grinned.
The holographic Ross followed Rhodey’s gaze and his eyes fell on Steve who was stood next to Katie at the front of the group, Natasha, Wanda, Sam and Vision behind them. Steve raised his chin a little defiantly and moved to take his power stance, feet apart, hands on his belt, before he greeted Ross politely.
"Mr. Secretary" 
Katie couldn’t help the smirk on her face as she watched Ross attempting to cover up the shock he had clearly felt at the group of outlaws turning up again. She locked eyes with Rhodey who gave her the smallest of winks before he glanced back at Ross who was shaking his head slightly as he approached Steve, his holographic form almost trying to square up to him.  Steve simply raised his chin further and looked down from the steps he was stood on,
"You got some nerve." Ross sniffed, staring up at him "I'll give you that."
"You could use some of that right now." Katie shot back bluntly, Ross turning his head to face her for a second. She held his gaze and arched an eyebrow until he turned back to Steve.
"The world's on fire." Ross said incredulously. "And you think, you can just walk back in here and all is forgiven?"
Steve levelled the secretary with a firm gaze. "I'm not looking for forgiveness.” his voice took on a threatening tone as he spoke “And I'm way past asking for permission.”
At that point the smirk on Katie’s face grew even wider as she stole a glance up at her husband, pride swelling in her chest as he continued, stoic and unyielding. 
“Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you wanna stand in our way," he stepped down to be at level with the hologram, and stared it square in the eyes "We'll fight you, too."
Ross was practically foaming at the mouth as his eyes went to Rhodey and he spat out his order, "Arrest them."
"All over it." Rhodey promised nonchalantly before shutting off the hologram, shortly after a beeping noise sounded from the computers.
"That's a court-martial." He informed the group as he slapped the back of his right hand into his left palm, though his tone said told Katie that he blatantly couldn’t have cared less for Ross’ demands. There was a short pause as the group glanced down at their friend, Steve smiling softly, before Rhodey’s face split into a huge smile of his own.
"It's great to see you, Cap." he said, stepping forward.
"You too, Rhodey." Steve answered, taking the last 2 steps down before he shook Rhodey's hand. Katie threw herself at her brother’s best friend and he gave her a huge bear hug before he stepped backwards.
“Hey Kiddo, you do something to your hair?” he teased.  She smiled, stepping back from his embrace while he looked the rest of the group over.
"Well. You guys really look like crap." He said lightly. "Must've been a rough couple of years."
Steve looked round, an amused smile on his face as he glanced at his wife then to the rest of the team.
"Yeah, well, the hotels weren't exactly five star." Sam quipped back cheekily, the banter flowing between them like no time at all had passed.
"Uh, I think you look great."
Steve turned at the new voice to see Bruce inching his way into the room nervously wringing his hands together.
Steve and Katie remained silent, exchanging a glance. In the rush around and the fray of the fight, we’d forgotten to explain exactly who it was that called. "Yeah. I'm back."
Katie glanced over at Nat, she had her gaze fixed solely on the scientist as she spoke "Hi, Bruce."
"Nat." Bruce answered inclining his head towards her slightly as he fidgeted.
"This is awkward." Sam piped up. Steve and Katie looked at one another, before they both smiled and looked back up at Sam.
“Any news on Tony?” Katie asked gently, interrupting the silence that had fallen.
“Not yet no.” Rhodey said. “FRIDAY lost him when he left the atmosphere. We got NASA running scans and we’re trying to track his trail but…” He shook his head. 
“Typical Tony.” Katie rolled her eyes “Always has to go one bigger and one better doesn’t he?”
Her blasé tone wasn’t fooling anyone.
"Banner.” Steve said gently, looking across the room at the scientist. “Can you fill us in on what we're up against here?"
"Yeah sure," Bruce said nodding hesitantly.
“We’ll use the living area.”  Rhodey said, “Slightly more comfortable”
They made their way to the lounge, the same lounge they had all sat in discussing the Accords. Not much had changed; the furniture was different, there was couple of new sofas and the TV was larger, but that was it. 
“So start from the beginning.” Steve looked at Bruce where he stood near the window, one hand on the back of a chair, the other on his hip. He nodded encouragingly, he could see the man was nervous “Who took Stark and what are we up against?”
“I’ll give you the short version and we can plug in the gaps later.” Bruce sighed, “His name is Thanos. He’s a War tyrant, from a planet called Titan. He goes from place to place, destroying worlds, taking what he wants, when he wants. Loki’s attack on New York?” Bruce looked around “Thanos was the one who sent him to attack Earth,"
"But what does he want?” Katie asked.
“All six Infinity Stones…” Bruce supplied.
“Infinity Stones?” Sam questioned.
“Yeah, so erm… the big bang, when it happened, it sent six of these crystals out across the universe. They each control an essential aspect of existence. Space. Reality. Power. Soul. Mind. Time.” Bruce said, rubbing his temple.
“Thor told us about them, after Ultron.” Katie looked round and her eyes fell on Steve’s “He said there were three out there unaccounted for, and three that he could locate. One was with some collector or something, one was housed in the tesseract which was locked in a vault in Asgard and the other…”
"Viz." Wanda murmured, glancing at the Stone in Vision's forehead.
Bruce nodded again. “Thanos came to our ship for the tesseract, which means he already had the Power and Space Stones before he came to Earth looking for the rest. Just that alone makes him the strongest creature in the whole universe, if he gets his hands on all six he could destroy all life as we know it."
“Hang on, the Tesseract was on your ship?” Katie looked at Bruce, “I thought it was on Asgard?”
“It was, but right before Ragnarok…” “Ragnarok?” Katie frowned, her mind whirring “But that’s…that’s the fabled downfall and the destruction of Asgard, I mean....” “I know.” Bruce looked at her. “Asgard was destroyed as part of a battle between Thor and his sister. So was his hammer.” “What?” Steve let out a breath as Katie felt her mouth drop open.
“Thor has a sister?”
“Look, that’s a whole different story.” Bruce said, his tone slightly frustrated. “All you need to know is that Loki –yeah, surprise, not dead, -stole the tesseract from the Vault before we left. Thanos boarded the ship and took the stone. Just took it.” he said, his arms swinging out to his sides before returning with a slap.
The room fell silent.
“So Thor.” Katie took a deep breath and asked the question she wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer to “Where…”
Bruce dropped his head. “I’m sorry.”
“Oh no.” Steve muttered as he dropped his head, looking downwards. He glanced up and saw across the table that Katie had her right hand against her forehead the heel of which was pressed hard into the space between her eyes in utter dismay.
Thor. Gone.  
“He was no match for Thanos, not when he had those stones.” Bruce said gently. A single tear trickled down Katie’s cheek and fell to the floor and Steve watched as she took a deep breath, furiously wiping at her face.
“So the two we fought came for the mind stone.”  Sam spoke for the first time “I’m assuming the ones you fought were after another one that’s located somewhere in New York?”
"The Time Stone.” Bruce nodded “It was being protected by some mystical arts guy, or a Wizard as Tony called him, Dr Steven Strange.” Katie’s head whipped round to Steve and he took a breath and straightened up, before he glanced over at Sam and Natasha and the four of them shared an instant understanding, they’d heard that name before on top of a multi-storey parking garage in DC.
"A TV anchor in Cairo, the Undersecretary of Defense, a high school valedictorian in Iowa City. Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, anyone who's a threat to HYDRA! Now, or in the future.”
“But he was taken along with Tony.” Bruce finished.
Katie didn’t even want to think about that right now. She had to trust in her brother’s quick mind and sharp resilience, because the alternative didn’t bear thinking about.
"Well, we gotta assume they're coming back, right?" Rhodey said and Steve looked down again, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of everything Bruce had said.
"And they can clearly find us." Wanda added.
"We need all hands on deck," Bruce said pacing, "Where's Clint?"
"After the whole Accords situation, he and Scott took a deal," Natasha explained, "It's too tough on their families. They're on house arrest."
"Who's Scott?" Bruce frowned.
"Ant Man," Steve answered.
"There's an Ant Man and a Spider Man?" Bruce looked around in confusion, but it was Rhodey who nodded, simply, like it was just perfectly normal. Bruce shook his head, realising that it didn’t really matter at the moment before he continued. "Thanos has the biggest army in the Universe. And he is not gonna stop until he gets Vision's stone." He said the last part softly, almost reluctantly.
"Well then, we have to protect it," Natasha said stepping forward but Vision immediately corrected her.
"No, we have to destroy it," he said resolutely, his gaze focussed on something out of the window as everyone turned to him.  He turned to face them and gestured to the stone in his head. "I've been giving a good deal of thought to this entity in my head, about its nature. But also its composition. I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source, something very similar to its own signature, perhaps" he made his way over to Wanda and held onto her upper arm, "Its molecular integrity could fail."
"Yeah, and you with it," Wanda looked at him, shaking her head "We're not having this conversation."
"Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain that Thanos can't get it."
Katie noticed Wanda’s eyes flash as she glared at Vision. "It's also too high a price."
"Only you have the power to pay it," Vision said quietly.
Steve shifted slightly. He knew that Vision was right, but the idea of losing someone else in their group didn’t sit well.
"Thanos threatens half the Universe.” Vision persisted “One life cannot in the way of defeating him."
"But it should," Steve argued, his eyes were diverted to the floor as he spoke gently, and it was right. Who were any of them to decide one life was worth less than anyone else? He took a deep breath and looked up and around the room before landing back on the android "We don't trade lives, Vision."
"Captain, seventy years ago you laid down your life to save how many millions of people? Tell me, why is this any different?"
Steve took a sigh and stepped towards Vision, unable to answer because he knew the android had him, but then Bruce did it for him.
"Because you might have a choice," Bruce answered, and Steve could see the Scientist had suddenly had an idea, "Your mind is made up of a complex construct of overlays. Jarvis, Ultron, Tony, me, the stone. All of them mixing together. All of them learning from one another."
"You're saying Vision isn't just the stone?" Wanda asked.
"I'm saying that if we take out the stone, there's still a whole lot of Vision left. Perhaps the best parts."
"Can we do that?" Natasha asked looking back and forth between the android and the scientist somewhat impatiently.
"Not me. Not here."
Steve suddenly began to think, maybe not Bruce, but could Suri? She had fixed Bucky after all, surely she could do this. T’Challa would be happy to help. And with his defences, maybe Wakanda was the safest place for Vision to be.
"Well you better find someone and somewhere fast," Rhodey pipped in.  "Ross isn't just gonna let you guys have your old rooms back."
Steve nodded to himself, his mind made up before he raised his head to look up around the group. "I know somewhere."
His eyes momentarily locked onto Katie’s and he watched as the realisation crossed her face, she knew instantly where he meant.
“Wakanda?” she asked.
He nodded, turning to Sam. “Can we get wheels up in 20?"
Sam nodded and Steve turned to Rhodey. "That enough time for you to load up your suit?"
"Yeah. Should be."
“Ok. “Steve looked round “Banner, I suggest you grab what you need. The rest of us, back to the jet.”
The team began to bustle about and then Katie remembered something.
“Rhodey?” she asked, hopping down off the table, “Where’s Steve’s shield?”
Rhodey paused in the doorway and turned to face her. “I don’t know, sorry Kiddo. Tony never mentioned it.”
“It doesn’t matter.” Steve said gently. As Katie opened her mouth to suggest they had a look for it, he cut her off “And we don’t have time either, we need to go.”
Truth be told he didn’t want the shield back. It wasn’t his, not anymore.
“Fine.” Katie said somewhat stiffly. “I’m going to raid the armoury anyway, pick up a few things…” “Katie!” he called after her as she hurried out of the room. He let out a frustrated groan.
“I’ll go.” Rhodey said, patting the Captain on the shoulder. “I need my suit anyway.” The directions ingrained in her memory forever she headed to the armoury on autopilot and once inside she stopped dead. It had all changed. To the left were the usual lockers, although they now held no names she would lay odds on all the original seven of them still having kit in there. The guns, arrows, widow bites, shock batons were all still there on the racks. Rhodey’s War Machine kit stood in the corner, but what wasn’t was an Iron Man suit, or a Nova suit, of any description. Instead, in place of the the usual glass cabinets that held them were rows of smaller capsules.
“What the…” Katie mumbled, heading closer to examining “FRIDAY?”
“Welcome home Mrs Rogers…” The AI spoke, a hint of amusement in her voice “I believe Pod Seventy-Six is one of yours”
“Tony’s been working on upgrades” Rhodey spoke from behind, making her jump. “Nano-tech, courtesy of some work with Helen Cho.” “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” Katie frowned as Rhodey made his way to the War Machine suit.
“Sevety-Six you say?” Katie’s eyes scanned the wall. “OK, FRIDAY hit me up.” One of the capsules opened and a smaller capsule flew out, opening in mid- air and then out of nowhere a suit formed around her body.
“Woah…” Katie said, as the familiar heads-up display lit up.
“The suit is held in a simple bangle” FRIDAY explained. “I’ll show you once the calibrations are done.”
As FRIDAY rattled through the new features, including a shield, new weapons Katie stole a glance in the mirror. It was much sleeker and less bulky, almost like wearing a cat-suit in a way. It was dark blue and gold, as always, with her Supernova Star in the middle of the chest. She gently reached up to touch it and the suit melted away to a silver cuff with the star in the middle which she tentatively placed around her wrist.
“Impressive huh?” Rhodey asked as he stepped into the War Machine suit.
“One word for it.” She said softly, tracing the outline of her bracelet with her fingers. “I can’t… why did he make it?” she looked up at Rhodey who slid his face plate back up to look at her.
“You know what Tony’s like.” Rhodey said, “Just because you left doesn’t mean he stopped caring.”
Katie looked down at the bracelet on her right wrist.
"Was- Was he okay, you know...after?" She asked, her voice cracking.
"He was as okay as he could be…” Rhodey hesitated slightly “To be honest, nothing was great though. The team was split and…”
Katie looked down “I had to go, I couldn’t stay, not after what he said to me.” Rhodey looked at her. “And have you ever considered why he said what he did?” “Because he hates me?” “No, because he loves you.” Rhodey took a deep breath “He knew full well that whatever choice you made it was going to kill you, but he couldn’t see you sat in a jail, he just couldn’t Kiddo. So he did what he had to do make sure you stayed away.” Whatever she had been expecting Rhodey to say it wasn’t that. His words hit her like a tonne of bricks and she felt her face screw up as she blinked back the tears. 
“Shit…” she managed to mumble out. “I could, you know we could have called him, or he could have called us, tried to …” “You’re both as obstinate as one another” Rhodey said, shaking his head as he started to walk to the door of the armoury “Which is why I know he’s still alive. He’s too much of a stubborn asshole to die. “
Tony was pissed, really pissed. Not only was he stuck on this fucking ship, the kid was still here too. Peter Parker was almost as much of a pain in his ass as Katie had been when she was his age. The thought of his sister brought a pang to his heart, especially when he knew she was more than likely at the compound now after Bruce will have called them. He hoped anyway, he’d thrown the phone down before the fight after all, he just hoped the scientist had found it.
He looked around and glared at Peter before his shoulders fell. Well the kid was here now, might as well use him.
“Come on.” Tony sighed “We got a situation” He lead Peter over to a viewpoint to see the torture going on below. Peter crouched to study the situation, with that damned cloak leaning over his shoulder. “See him down there? He's in trouble.” Tony continued “What's your plan? Go.”
“Um. Okay, okay... uh...” Peter and the cloak popped back up suddenly, a smile playing on Peter’s face. “Okay. Did you ever see this really old movie, Aliens?”
It was a dumbass plan, but dumbass enough to work. Tony blew a hole in the side of the ship which caused a huge depressurization and as such the alien was sucked out of the side. A quick struggle and Dr Strange was rescued from drifting off to space, Tony repaired the side of the hull with nanites and that was that.
“We've gotta turn this ship around” Strange looked at Tony who rolled his eyes. .
“Yeah. Now he wants to run. Great plan”. 
“No, I want to protect the stone.”
Tony walked towards the expansive front view-port and from the way things were moving out there, he assumed they were travelling at some kind of hyper speed. The wizard was irritating him though, if he’d just agreed to get the stone out of the way they wouldn’t even be in this mess. 
“And I want you to thank me now. Go ahead, I'm listening.” he turned to glare at him.
“For what?” Strange snorted, “Nearly blasting me into space? 
“Who just saved your magical ass? Me.” Tony looked at him. “
“I seriously don't know how you fit your head into that helmet”. Strange shook his head as he eyed the billionaire up and down. 
“Admit it.” Tony said, for some reason he felt the need to make this guy admit he was wrong, just like he used to try and do with Rogers. No particular reason for it, other than being the one to come out on top “. You should have ducked out when I told you to. I tried to bench you. You refused.” 
“Unlike everyone else in your life, I don't work for you”. 
“And due to that fact, we're now in a flying doughnut billions of miles away from Earth with no backup.” Tony gestured around him.  
“I’m back up.” Peter said, raising his hand. 
“No, you’re a stowaway.” Tony said, waggling his finger between himself and Dr. Strange “The adults are talking”. 
“I'm sorry, I'm confused as to the relationship here. Wh-- what is he, your ward?” Strange frowned.
“No. I'm Peter, by the way.” Peter said, holding out his hand. 
“ Dr Strange.” Strange replied, looking at him.
“Oh, we're using our made-up names. Um. I'm Spider-Man, then”. 
Before Strange could respond, Tony piped up. “This ship is self-correcting its course. Thing's on autopilot.”
Strange walked closer to where Tony was stood. “Can we control it? Fly us home?”
They’d almost flattened New York once, and then there was Sokovia…no, home was most certainly a bad idea.
“Stark?” Strange’s voice cut across his thoughts. “Can you get us home? 
Yeah I heard you. I'm thinking. I'm not so sure we should.” he said, honestly.
“Under no circumstance can we bring the Time Stone to Thanos.” Strange warned “I don't think you quite understand what's at stake here”.
“No. It's you who doesn't understand, that Thanos has been inside my head for six years since he sent an army to New York and now he's back!” Tony said, stalking towards Strange, jabbing a finger in the air as he pointed towards the ground. “And I don't know what to do. So I'm not so sure if it's a better plan to fight him on our turf or his but you saw what they did, what they can do. At least on his turf, he's not expecting it. So I say we take the fight to him. Doctor. Do you concur?“
Strange had to admit, the guy had a point. Let Thanos destroy his own place, not theirs. “Alright, Stark. We go to him. But you have to understand... if it comes to saving you or the kid or the Time Stone... I will not hesitate to let either of you die. I can't, because the fate of the universe depends on it”
“Nice. Good. Moral compass. We're straight” Tony nodded. Stepping over to Peter he tapped each of the kids shoulder with the edge of his hand, dubbing him as is done at a knighting. 
“Alright, kid. You're an Avenger now”
Tony couldn’t look at him as he spoke, because he knew what he was signing the kid up for. 
The jet was filled with chatter as Rhodey, Bruce and the rest of the team were catching up but Katie wasn’t listening. She wasn’t feeling great either, that damned sick feeling was back, most likely this time down to utter fear about what was to come. If Bruce was right, she wasn’t convinced this was a battle they were ever going to be able to win.
“You know,” she said, looking up at Steve and voicing her fear softly, “if he’s already killed Thor, and it’s going to take us, plus a royal army to attempt to fight this guy off what fucking chance does Tony stand?”
Steve didn’t answer, he couldn’t. Because what he was thinking wasn’t going to provide her any comfort. Instead he merely tightened his arm around her and pressed his lips to her forehead.
It was a couple of hours later before they hit Wakandan airspace.
"We're coming up." Sam spoke as Steve focussed his attention out of the front of the jet, one arm hanging lightly against the grab rails on the roof.
"Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0." Steve instructed.
Sam glanced back over his shoulder before he spoke, "I hope you're right about this, Cap. Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to."
Katie gave a small smile as she drew up next to Steve, wrapping her arms around his waist. They both stood, waiting as Sam flew the jet right into the trees, and swore with a loud ‘holy shit’ as it passed right through the hologram barrier into Wakanda. Everyone on the jet moved to get a better look at the beautiful mountains, lakes, buildings as the jet circled and Steve directed Sam to the runway.
They disembarked and Katie strolled off shortly behind Steve, followed by Natasha. Vision and Wanda stayed put, Steve telling them he would get them some help soon.
Bruce, who was at the rear with Rhodey whispered as he shrugged his arms into his jacket, "Should we bow?"
"Yeah, he's a king." Rhodey answered casually without missing a beat.
Steve ignored their banter instead smiling warmly at T'Challa as he reached out to shake his hand. "Seems like I'm always thanking you for something."
T'Challa smiled back and he shook Steve's hand before embracing Katie in a warm hug. “Mrs Rogers, it is a pleasure to see you.” “And you.” She smiled softly, before she stepped back and T’Challa nodded to the rest of the group. The clearing of a throat caught Katie’s attention and she turned just in time to see Bruce bow forward towards T’Challa.
"What are you doing?" Rhodey asked, looking at him.
"Uh, we don't do that here." T'Challa said kindly waving a hand to stop Bruce’s bow. Everyone smiled in amusement expect for Bruce who turned and shot a disbelieving but amused look at Rhodey who grinned back at him, nudging him with his elbow.
Then they turned serious again as T'Challa asked, "So how big of an assault can we expect?"
His guards moved as he spoke, opening up a path that T'Challa took, leading them away. They followed quickly while Bruce piped up politely as he explained, "Uh, sir, I think you can expect quite a big assault."
"How we looking?" Natasha added, addressing the king with a similarly concerned frown on her face.
"You will have my King's Guard," T'Challa listed, "the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and-" He gestured to the side just as a familiar, dark-clothed man stepped out of the building to greet them by the door.
"A semi-stable, one hundred-year-old man." Bucky grinned. Katie smiled back and then glanced at Steve as he walked forwards, that familiar boyish grin on his face as pulled the man into a hug clapping him on the back a few times.
"How have you been, Buck?" he pulled back to look at his friend. He looked as well as he’d seen him in years. Healthy and dare he say it, happy.
"Not bad," Bucky shrugged looking down at his new black vibranium arm, "For the end of the world.” Katie stepped forward to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “You look good Buck.” she said, standing back to look him up and down before smiling, something that didn’t escape Steve’s notice. And yes, he knew there was nothing in it, and this was the most inappropriate time to get jealous but still…
“I feel it.” Bucky smiled as Steve slid his arm around his wife’s shoulder. “Goat farming suits me.” With that, Bucky turned to Sam. “Hey man.”  
“Frosty.” Sam responded with a jerk of his head.
They left Rhodey, Sam and Bucky with some of the guard to keep watch, and the rest of them followed T'Challa up to the labs where the person who was said to be able to safely remove Vision's stone was waiting. Steve could tell that the rest of the group weren’t expecting that person to be T'Challa's sixteen year old sister, Shuri. But T'Challa had full faith in her, as did Steve after she had managed to remove Bucky's programming.  
"Whoa." Shuri blinked as she stared at the hologram of Vision's brain and the stone in awe, "The structure is polymorphic...”
"Right, we had to attach each neuron non-sequentially." Bruce nodded and Shuri glanced at him with a raised brow.
"Why didn't you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?" She asked looking at Banner. Vision also glanced at the doctor in question.
"Because... we didn't think of it." Bruce admitted sheepishly.
Shuri smiled and Katie had to fight the laugh that was brewing at the Princess’ playful nature "I'm sure you did your best."
"Can you do it?" Wanda asked stepping forward anxiously.
Shuri's smile dropped as she became more serious. "Yes, but there are more than two trillion neurons here. One misalignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures." Her gaze moved to T’Challa “It will take time, brother."
"How long?" Steve asked, straightening up slightly.
Shuri shook her head. "As long as you can give me." She answered honestly and worryingly.
A loud warning siren suddenly started and instantly Katie looked around. General Okoye tapped at something on her bracelet and she looked over at T’Challa."Something's entered the atmosphere."
Seconds later, Sam's voice called over their coms, "Hey, Cap, we got a situation here."
Katie moved over to the floor-length windows of the lab to look out, Steve stood close behind her as everyone followed to see what was going on. In the distance, they could see the plains all around as far as the border stretched to the city. A giant ship descended from the sky and as they watched it exploded high above the city as soon as it touched the shield, causing Katie to jump back slightly. Steve gently caught her, his hands going to her shoulders as his focus remained on the exploding ship which dissipated above the invisible barrier they had flown through.
"God, I love this place."  Bucky’s contented sigh rang over their coms.
"Yeah, don't start celebrating yet, guys. We got more incoming outside the dome." Rhodey warned.
More ships came crashing down to Earth just outside the Wakandan barrier disturbing the dust and sand on the ground as they landed. The lab they were stood in shook slightly and Vision sat up.
"It's too late."  he whispered and both Steve and Katie turned to look at him as he sat up. "We need to destroy the stone now."
"Vision, get your ass back on the table." Nat replied snapping her head back to look at him as she made her way to the door.
"We will hold them off." T'Challa said motioning to his guard.
"Wanda," Steve spoke up, looking at the young woman, "As soon as the stone's out of his head, you blow it to hell."
Wanda nodded with promise, "I will."
Steve turned his attention back to the window, watching the space ships which at the moment were doing nothing. T'Challa meanwhile, turned to his General and her warriors and began barking orders, "Evacuate the city. Engage all defences."
Steve turned to look at him as the king pointed in his directing before adding firmly. "And get this man a shield!"
Steve gave a small nod before he glanced back out of the window. For 2 years his fighting days had been focussed on simple people. Small groups of nobodies. Now, they were being thrown back into the crazy world of Aliens, AIs…and he knew they were going to look to him for leadership.
He might not be Captain America anymore, but he was still Captain Rogers, still that dumb kid from Brooklyn. And he still wasn’t going to run from a fight. 
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bloodfcst-a · 4 years
alright, so. i beat remake last weekend, but i didn’t want to come out with my newfound yufi information + meta right off the bat. i think this is an appropriate time to do so now, though. naturally, i’ll tag as spoilers, but if you need anything else, let me know.
also, my verdict? i am so glad i went into this blind, without any hype or expectations or people from fandom whining about it. yet again, i am so happy + i had an incredibly joyous experience.  this game fed me + also took over my life in a way i’ve not been possessed in some time so like......... good for it.
also no, i truly don’t miss hearing everyone’s hullabaloo +  i don’t wanna hear ur complaints of “ it didn’t say when part 2 is ” so like miss me with that. 
also warning: if u didn’t know already, fandom is WILD towards y.uffie for some reason and i also addressed that, so like if you’re from vii fandom u might seriously wanna read this bc... it’ll be pertinent to u understanding my feelings behind it.  i did address some questionable topics like the underaged oversexual portrayal + beastality that’s popular for her and i am NOT HERE FOR IT so if u came for that................. issa no from me dawg. when i say unbearable.... i mean it. fandom grossed me out. y’all wild.
anyway. thoughts below !
some things that were CONFIRMED for me were:
> midgar is lax around its anti-wutai rhetoric in its most important parts ( namely, hq, wall market, and avalanche ). for propaganda’s sake among the common people, it stands to create a united front. but in consumerism & in strength, they consider the wutai equals just as anyone else. 
see: tseng in the turks; madam m in wall market; the supplier for avalanche.
i would even argue that sector 5 / wall market is the safest place in midgar for wutaians, given don corneo’s obvious fetishism ( and that really............. isn’t saying a lot ).
i’m not going to entertain that it’s an “ admiration for culture and architecture ” in true weeaboo fashion given that of all positions he could give madam m to hold, her duties are to screen women that would be appealing to his aesthetic and to run a massage parlor where the highest bidder gets to have a happy ending. she is literally the “ asian parlors are actually fronts for brothels ” stereotype except in this sex trade, all women go to don corneo. i will have no apologists in this house. 
i have more developing thoughts on madam m like how she might be doing the sex trafficking part in her own self-interest / as a type of self-preservation, like the don might say “ well if u don’t want to be a wife then u better find some for me ” but... 1) this isn’t the post for that and 2) that logic does not explain why chocobo sam and andrea rhodea are also apart of the ring. but in my opinion, you can tell she’s not crazy about it bc as soon as aerith mentions it to her she becomes so wildly upset that she breaks character. i don’t think she’s a sell out. i think she’s an exploited and fetishized woman in a tough place, and i feel for her.
despite this, it’s clear that because of his obvious ‘ preference ’ they’re [ wutaians ] held at a higher standard ( i.e., he doesn’t dispose of madam m immediately like he does with every other woman who is unfortunate enough to meet him ), so i’m willing to go out on a limb and say despite the high amount of shinra foot traffic that goes through wall market ( and we know this bc everybody who is everybody from SOLDIERS to Turks go to honeybee inn ), a wutaian would probably be fine there.
> wutai is the strongest world power by natural means. without SOLDIER s & g programs, midgar’s biggest claim to fame is to reach first-world status as a metropolis by siphoning mako via its reactors. without its reactors, the whole town would either be: 1) slums, like below the plate; or 2) as common as every other area in the nearby vicinity ( i.e., kalm, costa del sol, nibelheim ). by siphoning mako energy, midgar truly is unnatural, so... hm... 
corel could have been a contender ‘cause they use fossil fuels ( and look at how successful gold saucer is! ), but the failed reactor really threw them out the loop. costa del sol + icicle inn are both partially shin-ra owned / managed, so i’m not counting them.
> infiltrating midgar / shinra isn’t difficult. nor is navigating throughout the sectors. while there is the mention of the ID scan on the trains, we see this is not applicable on foot ( freely able to walk through sectors 5, 6, 7, and 8 as party; jessie + co are able to go above the plate to go to her parents’ house despite already being listed as AVALANCHE and that their fake IDs had already expired ). given that yufi entirely travels on foot because of her airsickness / motion sickness, she’d be undetectable. also note that the first 59 floors of shinra hq by stairwell are not monitored... and neither was the front door, so she could easily sneak in whenever the need called for it.
> established multiple points of contact between rufus + yufi ( and by extension, the turks + yufi ). i’m really going into this in the next section ‘cause... their dynamic became so much more interesting. but we already know that at minimum, there was contact bc she had the phs rufus had provided to godo + was using it to communicate with zack for treasure.... but let me hold off on this bc there’s one more thing i want to add here.
regarding the turks: it’s established that even if a person is someone of interest to shin-ra, they won’t necessarily act on attacking or abducting immediately ( see: aerith ). we already know they’ve known yufi since she was a child, and if they’re working with rufus they’d know what she looked like as she aged, so the excuse of “ she looks different than when they worked with her in wutai ” is out the window. it’s more than likely that they’re enabling her to continue her business with rufus + have probably assisted her with not being caught. 
> yufi’s clothes are absolutely normal for her age. it always annoyed me that somehow tifa’s clothing was like considered “ impractical but acceptable ” because she’s a legal adult and because cishet men were too drawn to the boobies to complain. but then yufi was either like HELLA sexualized as a minor ( the amount of ecchi / hentai that exists of underage y.uffie despite there being of-age content [ i.e., her portrayals in advent children + dirge of cerberus ] is.......................................... ridonk ) OR she was like hella slut-shamed and i’m out here like.... hello??? what kinda anti-wutai rhetoric is this? anyway. i’d like to call attention to kyrie, who looks like she’s wearing like 60% of y.uffie’s dirge of cerberus outfit. if anything, this only reinforces that yufi’s fashion choices are.......... legit normal, age appropriate, and anyone who wants to argue otherwise can shut the fuck up.
if you’re really gonna ask “ how come her shorts are unbuttoned ” like go check your privilege. the short answer is probably that rufus stole all of her damn belts to make into his coat. the long answer is that a youth traveling the world SOLO she is probably slim on money to be frequently shopping for clothes ? and the clothes that are available in the slums vs on the plate are probably not great quality ( idk if y’all have ever shopped at a freesized open market before but like... buttons pop off INSTANTLY sometimes and those seams will tear if u stretch the wrong way. like fast fashion but like........ hella wild ). she could find better clothes above the plate, but given the anti-wutai rhetoric up there... probably not a wise choice. 
since you’re looking at her outfit anyway.. can i bring your attention to her sweater, and have you note that it’s made of the same material as cloud’s? i.e., she’s wearing shin-ra/SOLDIER brand quality? ( need further proof that it’s SOLDIER? zack and angeal wear the same one ) probably gotten from either a trip to hq or........ someone on the inside............ but obviously cropped to fit her. she might’ve even had it for some time. now let’s keep looking.... i’m willing to bet the latter, and here’s why! ( prepare for galaxy brain time )
now for standard SOLDIERS, they’re assigned colors. we know third class / infantrymen are blue; second class are burgundy / red ( think kunsel ); and black / dark blue for first class. don’t nobody wear green.... in this whole damn universe.... as a main character.... except child y.uffie. HMMMMM. here’s the sweater again to compare. 
i’m just saying.
now, the ideas INTRODUCED to me were:
> there is only one AVALANCHE, but it is splintered into different factions.
now i always wondered like, how come they just picked up the name AVALANCHE when it was established already. like idk i don’t think people would be like “ ah yes we’re the n.azis and we’re different than the other ones, but we wanna evoke the same fear ” u know what i mean?? usually u would carry the same ideology... but it was always so apparent that barret held different views and goals than elfe, so i was always so confused.
but not anymore. now it’s established that they’re the same group, begun in midgar + just carrying out different methods of “ fuckin’ shit up for the shin-ra ” over the last 10 years, spreading the word about the danger of reactors + it’s suckin’ up the lifeblood of the planet to anyone who would hear. now that makes sense. in the same chapter that this is established, however, they also claim...
> yufi as a benefactor to AVALANCHE.
now this shit had me like AAAAAAAAH. now there is no damn way you and i played the same game if u didn’t see this. they literally say “ AVALANCHE is being provided weapons by someone to fuck shit up, in return for all the materia in midgar. ”
who would want all the materia in midgar? HMMMMMMMMM.
> with that point established, let’s go back to rufus + yufi having multiple points of contact. so i already introduced the idea that rufus clearly has to have contact with yufi bc he’s the one spouting all the secrets to shinra treasure via the PHS. and yufi has claimed ownership of the phone by literally labeling it as “ treasure princess ” so there is no question that he thinks he’s talking to godo versus yufi. 
but we also know that rufus is the person behind AVALANCHE. my man has TIME on house arrest, obviously. we also know that he’s on house arrest in junon, not midgar. now, if he’s out here giving them logistics like places to go to spout their rhetoric, and yufi is providing weapons ( remember, wutai is the strongest power by natural means, and apparently hq is free real estate to explore, so she’s got multiple ways to provide gear without it being an inconvenience to her ), so it’s.........pretty obvious to say that the way she would go in connection to AVALANCHE would be through rufus. also, remember she has bad blood with AVALANCHE because of their actions in wutai, so... she’s not gonna be keen about them anyway. it seems much more practical for someone who already views them ( and tbh, lots of people ) as tools ( rufus vc: “ i own you ” ) to accomplish one’s tasks to help her connect with meeting her own goals ( “ all the materia in midgar ” ).
this would also explain why yufi is found hanging outside junon.
if you opted to grab her outside nibelheim... you might argue that it’s because nibelheim is obviously suspicious + truly the evidence at how shady shin-ra is, given the whole place was rebuilt + is filled with actors to hide the fact that the whole place burned to the ground + was once the site of jenova + currently remains the site as hojo’s secondary lab + other secret, vincent valentine with the protomateria slumbering. she could have been tipped off by rufus as “ there’s another treasure here ” but like... there’s no way she would have known it was vincent. even zack is like “ idk wtf is happening here so i’mma leave this alone. ”
also, i love that rufus uses “ heir to the throne ” verbage, which is so akin to yufi also being “ heir to the throne ” & look at them: spiteful children rebelling against their useless ass dads to create new world order + to destroy the old shin-ra company.  i love that for them.
so in conclusion........ this game FED ME. god i wanna play it again and again. i beat it on normal and got everything except 1 treasure and 1 task from chadley. i also need to do all the combat simulators. but given i did what i could in.... 3.5 days, i’m not too upset by it. this game has so much replay value and... i can say i’m glad i bought it twice.
g.amestop give me my freaking shinra badge i’ve damn well earned it.
oh and two more things going forward:
> nanaki continues to sound old as hell. which duh, given advent children. but u know how they established him as a young teen in the og + so it made sense for y.uffie and nanaki to be friends ‘cause they were mentally the same age? i don’t...... see how that works now. 
also.....y’all could have missed me with this shit already but STOP SHIPPING HIM WITH YUFI. NOW UR ONLY ARGUMENT IS GONE. STOP. i saw some art of nanaki & y.uffie fucking in the tags + floating around google and i was like....... WHY!!! and then there’s also weird hybrid art like what if they had a kid or something and i just........  STOP.
i have flashbacks of when i first started writing on tumblr + how i was bombarded by furries wanting to fuck bc of this. like deadass king dedede from kirby. later on i also saw sonic & even alligators ( not an alligator man.... tho i did see king k. rool + donkey kong as well........ i hated y’all for a hot minute ). it’s not even “ monster fucking ” it’s bestiality and I’M BEGGING YOU TO STOP. y’all can truly MISS ME WITH THIS.
however, u know, bigby wolf + everyone from castlevania could easily get it. stardust platinum where ya at. if i had to pick it would be....... more humanoid than a penguin or a “ lab rat dog ” u feel? 
> i am not crazy about y.uffentine. look. i know it exists. i know it was big bc fandom was like “ optional character ship ftw! ” + then dirge of cerberus came out and y’all went wild ( to be fair, i get it, it was the only ship outside of NANAKI and BEING KIDNAPPED/ASSAULTED BY SHINRA SOLDIERS AS A CHILD that people could feasibly comprehend for y.uffie for some reason............................................................... it was an actually “ NORMAL ” person........ ) but like. i’m sorry. it’s not doin it for me. i’ve seen like two other y.uffie blogs out here that actually stick to canon so like if u want your y.uffentine that bad, like maybe ask them. but please don’t ask me. 
ok i’m done for real now! thanks for reading !
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kotofvi · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all have witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
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Mun Name: Leo      Age: 27       Contact: IM, Inbox, Disco
Character(s) I rp: Canon: Shiro, Sebastian, Dirk, Kyoya, Kurama, Nelliel, Maka, Dwicky. OCs: Hades, Google, Emogene, Dominic, Seirios, Iso, Felix, Reeves, Nyx, Zeru, Ren, Charlie, Dakota, Nemo, Bluejay, Koko, BD, Raven, Cora, Sammie, Lucie, Poppie, Ollie, Alphie, Bambi, Abbigail, Hiraeth, Bonnie, Rei, Rory.   Which muse(s) inspires you the most atm?(for MM): Nelliel, Shiro, Rei, Bonnie, Hiraeth.  Current Fandom(s): Bleach, V/LD, Naruto. (I’m not deeply involved in the fandoms themselves anymore.) Fandom(s) you have an AU for:  Uhhhhh.. I basically have an AU for any fandom if I know it well and am asked for it.  My language(s): English. (I’m learning other languages but I don’t RP in them unless it’s just a sentence or two.)  Themes I’m interested in for rp:   Fantasy / Science fiction / Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sport / Music / Science / Fights / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc. Themes/Genres you have an AU for: Modern, Mythology, Medieval. 
Preferred Thread length: one-liner / 1 para / 2 para / 3+ / novella. (I legit love all lengths, tbh, it’s more so with one-liners I tend to lose interest if there’s no substance to further it.)  Asks can be send by: Mutuals / Non-Mutuals / Personals / Anons. Can Asks be continued?:   YES / NO   only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO. Preferred thread type: crack / casual nothing too deep / serious / deep as heck. Is realism / research important for you in certain themes?:   YES / NO. Are you atm open for new plots?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  (I’ve admittedly been v busy, so if you’re fine with me takin’ forever-- YES) Do you handle your draft / ask - count well?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT.  How long do you usually take to reply?:  24h / 1 week / 2 weeks / 3+ / months / years. I’m okay with interacting: original characters / a relative of my character (an oc) (It really depends here.) / duplicates / my fandom / crossovers / multi-muses / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / canon-divergent portrayals / au-versions (as main or only verse). Do you post more ic or occ?:  IC / OOC.(I post more IC, but the gaps between IC and OOC make it seem like there’s more OOC at times???) Are you selective with following others?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  (This is entirely because half the fandoms some of my muses come from are absolute shit so I have to be careful.) 
Best ways to approach you for rp/plotting:  IM or Inbox-- tbh, Just kick my inbox in and screech that you wanna plot/rp with me so long as you’re a mutual. I’m honestly so laid back?? Sure, it might take me a minute but this is entirely because IRL things and not because I’m putting anyone off. 
What expectations do you hold towards your plotting partner:  Having fun? Having ideas? I guess, just, mutual interest? I mean, I’m here to write! I’m here to have fun! If you’re not interested in that much alone then?? I guess bye?? ‘Cause I’ll become very annoying to anyone who doesn’t have an interest purely because I’ll randomly ambush my partners with excitement and ideas. 
When you notice the plotting is rather one-sided, what do you do?:  Oh I’ll just straight up ask if they want to continue the thread or start a new one! I mean, I get it, you can lose interest or otherwise just not feel it anymore and that’s fine! If you’re not interested in that particular thread, then no worries, we can always start more! If you’re just being one-sided in general, however?? I’m not gonna be interested at all and I’ll likely tell you as such. 
How do you usually plot with others, do you give input or leave most work towards your partner?:  Normally it’ll just happen? I’ll do my “Hey what if they ___” thing and then a rapid bombardment of inquiries and excitement later, there is a thread. It’s usually mutual, the involvement of creating this plot, but sometimes it’s just me being excited and them being excited and then suddenly BAM THERE BE THREADS. S’all good over here! 
When a partner drops the thread, do you wish to know?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: I mean?? I’d like to know, yes! But I get that sometimes it’s incredibly anxiety ridden trying to tell someone that you’ve lost interest in a thread. It’s alright if you don’t tell me, but if you can muster up the courage to do so I’d appreciate it! I’m not gonna be upset at you for losing interest/muse in a thread! If I cared deeply about the story, I might poke at you and then you can tell me?? Either way it’s fine and tbh, I don’t mind. However, please let it be known that you can take forever on a reply as well so don’t worry about just hoarding a draft too! Tbh, I had someone reply to a thread literally a year later and I was still excited for it!  - What should your partner do when dropping a thread?:  Just shoot me an IM or hell, make a list of threads you’re dropping and tag me in it??? Which ever! Or don’t even tell me at all, whatever works for you sugar! 
What could possibly lead you to drop a thread?:  Hmn, being overwhelmed-- I tend to accumulate a lot of drafts and 90% of them are long so sometimes I’ll drop a thread or two to help myself get by. Also lack of muse/interest is a factor. I won’t drop a thread purely out of being overwhelmed unless I just can’t muster up the muse to respond to it.  - Will you tell your partner?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. Sometimes I get overwhelmed myself and I’ll drop a thread, forget to tell my partner, etc. Other times I’ll tell them before I even delete the draft! 
Is communication in the rpc important to you?   YES / NO. - And why?:  Yes and no~ Yes primarily! I get that others can take a minute to muster up the courage to talk to others and would just prefer to keep things to a few sentences at first! However, I can and will ambush you with conversation and interest nonetheless. Because communication is important. If you’ve got something you wanna say to me, say it! I’m here for it!  - Are you okay with absolute honesty, even if it may means hearing something negative about you and/or portrayal?:  Yup! If you’ve got an issue or something that might come across as criticism to say, say it! Civil discussion is absolutely wanted here and I would like to work out any issues you may have with me or my portrayal.  - Do you think you can handle such situation in a mature way?  YES / NO.
Why do you rp again, is there a goal?:  To write and have fun! To explore in depth the characters I create or take on! I mean, c’mon, lbr here-- my gremlin ass muses require some more in depth speculation and investigation into their characters! I love the creativity, the world building, the constant drive to do better and to make others feel something from words alone. The capability to rend emotion from another living being simply from reading and reacting to something I created is amazing and I want to make others cry, laugh, smile and think. I want to create. 
Wishlist, be it plots or scenarios:  Oh man, there’s an endless supply of things I’d like to do! I want to explore the depths of my muses’ histories more?? Like Shiro, I want to write out the things he must’ve seen, felt, experienced. How Nelliel was when she was alive, how Shiro fared in the Arena when he wasn’t fighting, Seb’s life torn between the various throws of data and reality-- there’s so much! And ALL THE AU’s!!!! All of them!!!  
Themes I won’t ever rp / explore: Sure, I work with a lot of darker themes like torture, gore, etc-- but I will not write Rape, sexual abuse, nor will I write child loss.  
What Type of Starters do you prefer / dislike, can’t work with?: I can work with most starters! However, if I’m randomly given a starter that I can’t work with for the muse selected, I’ll inform the person who wrote it! I appreciate the effort given but don’t expect me to be able to reply to every random starter given! Sometimes, they don’t even show up in my tag. 
What type of characters catch your interest the most?:  Okay, I’m a sucker for the underdogs, aggressive folks and the villains. I’m not even going to try and lie and say I don’t immediately look at the Aizens and Kenpachis and go ah yes, those fucking gremlins, give me ten. I also love the background characters? The side characters in a show that seem so unimportant but have a crucial role? I love characters that have such an obscure involvement that you have to stop and ask why and how their involvement was crucial. I also love the soft beans? The ones who are so hyped with positivity and gleaming interest that they just can’t be ignored?? But then turn around and whoop some poor sap’s ass with that sparkle sparkle smile. Also love the upstanding moral types that also acknowledge that some things can’t be avoided and that morality is a grey area dependent on the perceptions of the individuals themselves. 
What type of characters catch your interest the least?:  Hmn-- I guess the kind that don’t seem to have much substance to them? The ones that are just uncharacteristically too kind. Yes, I love the overwhelmingly positive types but?? Also?? The ones that are too kind and without flaw just?? Don’t strike me as interesting. Also the ones that are just cruel for some obscure reason just to give them a reason to be villains. I mean I understand but also?? Villains don’t have to have a reason?? They can be cruel just to be cruel. Idk that’s always just been a thing with me.
What are your strong aspects as rp partner?:  I guess that I’m fairly laid back? I don’t mind if you take 10 years to reply, I’m going to get excited if you message me with some random idea, I’m not going to be bothered by any ideas you suggest?? I can also sometimes give u doodles?? I don’t have time to doodle a lot but sometimes, once in a blue moon, you’ll get a random offering of doodled booty for ur blessing. Also gonna hit you up with random HCs, ideas, threads, etc?? Always?? Idk, I’m not too good at thinking about positive aspects of myself lmfao. 
What are your weak aspects as rp partner?: Hnnn, I’m too laid back at times. I take too long to reply and I’m busy af IRL. I’m often goaded into being irritated by some asshole or another so I can come off aggro af too when I don’t mean to be. Sometimes I can get overwhelmed and disappear for a week, other times I can end up overwhelming someone else by being too excited? I tend to watch how much I do and say because I feel like I might come off as smothering and am too used to being shut down and told to shut up so I just don’t?? Do anything sometimes. I’m also not very good at initiating contact sometimes so I tend to go days and weeks without speaking to others. 
Do you rp smut?:  YES / NO. Do you prefer to go into detail?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Are you okay with black curtain?:  YES / NO. - When do you rp smut? More out of fun or character development?:  Usually only if it’s developmental for the characters involved. Sometimes it’s just fun to do! It really depends on the characters involved + if I have any muse in general for it.  - Anything you would not want to rp there?:  ???? Kinda vague, Idk? I mean if I don’t wanna rp somethin’ I’ll say so. 
Are ships important to you?:   YES / NO. Would you say your blog is ship-focused?:   YES / NO. Do you use read more?:  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Are you: Multi-Ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  Multiverse / Singleverse. - What do you love to explore the most in your ships?:  The relationship, the depth of two muses who can be wildly different or even similar. The multifaceted involvement of others to that relationship, the angst, the arguments, the sad moments along with all the happy things and how hard one might try while the other is cold-- etc. I don’t just want happy dates and sunshine, that’s not how relationships work after all!   - What is your smut tag?: Kettledrums
Are you okay with pre-established relationships?: YES / NO. - And what kind of ones?: I like a lot of pre-established relationships! However, I can be a tad wary of child muses? Aka: The ones who are children of one of my muses. Reason being, sometimes even I don’t know how they’d raise a child so the muse in question would be off putting to me because it’s out of my realm. Beyond that, I’m down for just about everything! 
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- What could possibly make your Muse interesting towards others, why should they rp with this particular character of yours now, what possible plots do they offer?:  Since I have so many damn muses, I’mma just go with Shiro for all of this-- I suppose what they could find interesting is his very multifaceted dynamic as a soldier, human, technical non-human (Zombae), war worn, space exploring person. He can be rainbows and sunshine but also can suddenly become incredibly aggressive and cold. He’s not one or the other, he’s all and everything that he’s learned and encompassed while still remaining fragile and human in the end. Writing with him can be inspiring and can be soul wrenching, depending on the thread. As for plots, dude your character could be in space in one thread if the otherwise couldn’t be. There’s so many ways to go about writing with him?? He’s such an amazing character and the plots he can be instilled in are almost limitless with just his main verse. 
- With what type of Muses do you usually struggle to rp with?:   Hmn-- I guess the main one I have issues injecting him into place with would be the ones who are strictly non-tech oriented?? I mean, I can still have him there but getting him to fit is just?? Really difficult. Also with people who RP villains of his fandom and expect him not to be volatile. I’m sorry, but if you’re writing a S.endak or a Z.arkon-- you’re not going to get roses and butterflies with Shiro, plain and simple. If that’s something you can’t accept then don’t approach him with those muses.  - With what type of Muses do they usually work well with?:  He works really well with most anyone! So long as one goes into it knowing he can be hostile with soldiers, Galra, etc; then he can be used no matter what. He’s one of my most capable muses that doesn’t have much of an issue when it comes to responding. 
- What interests your Muse(s) in general:  Space, mechanics, biomedical engineering, people, freedom, fighting for a cause, flowers, his mother, violin, cats, sparring, getting stronger, constellations, nebulae, engineering, literature, alien languages, cooking. - What do they desire, is their goal?:  The safety of others, the freedom of others, the ability to choose, hope-- he wants to make sure those he cares for and all others are free and safe from the Galra take over.  - What catches their interest first when meeting someone new?:  How they look at him. If they show signs of pity, of fear, he tends to walk away from any possible meeting with them. Otherwise, their appearance is what first catches his eye. How they dress, how they respond to him, how they talk and if he can make them crack a smile with an awkward joke.  - What do they value in a person?:  Hope, Strength, Loyalty, Purpose, Honesty, Patience. - What themes do they like talking about?:  Shiro’s more of a listener than a talker, but honestly he’ll talk about anything of interest and question anyone’s as well to get them to talk about it. It’s what makes conversation with him easygoing most of the time.  - Which themes bore them?:  Himself. He’ll try to avert any conversation about himself if it’s too personal or too close to something. It’s not so much that it bores him but that type of talk is reserved for those insanely close to him. Also talk of command bores the FUCK out of him. He’s never been one to really like rank. 
- Did they ever went through something traumatic?:  So. Fucking. Much. Between being a prisoner of a war he was never involved with to being told he was a leader of a rebellion for said war, being a prisoner in the Arena and forced to fight and kill others, being held down and sedated as he tried to warn the others, DYING-- this boy has been thru too much.  - What could possibly trigger them?:  Certain noises, textures, Galra, medical equipment, certain lighting.  - What could set them off, enrage them?:  Galra, someone protecting him. - What could lead to an instant kill?:  Any bloodlust towards him or those he cares for. Most of the time, he has this under control and tries to be merciful, give them a chance; but sometimes, especially during an episode; there’s no stopping him from gunning for someone’s throat if they had any intent to harm another or himself. 
- Is there someone /-thing they hate?:  Z.arkon, S.endak, L.otor, H.aggar, Druids, himself a lot of the time. - Is there someone /-thing they love?:   The paladins, space fam in general, his mother, his friends, people in general. 
Is your Muse easy to approach?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?:  Just approach him? Honestly, Shiro’s one of the easiest persons to converse with and get near. That doesn’t mean his guard is dropped, but he’s very easy going a lot of the time outside of battle. So long as you have a reason to approach him (even simpler ones like: his appearance, his arm, etc) then you’re set.  - Where are they usually to find?:  Oof, honestly? Anywhere. Space, Earth, other places-- he’s constantly on the move. If you want a set place, just say somewhere on Earth and I can work with that. 
Something you may still want to point out about your muse?:  Shiro is certainly easy to get along with, but he is not without flaw or issue. He has a plethora of issues even after the fall of the Galra Empire. He’s not without his scars, physical and otherwise. Approaching him is easy but getting close to him is not. Don’t expect him to be an open book. Just because he can talk about war, battle, fighting with a straight face doesn’t mean he wasn’t effected by it. He has suffered greatly and it will show the closer you get to him. 
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
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