#anyways adore morgana
majiedoodles · 1 year
I doodle whatever comes to mind and a wonderful week ago this did:
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And from there this happened:
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(Morgana: *mocking merlin* Arthur, I'm gay af for you, my king. Also Morgana: *mocking arthur* No way, me too!)
I think you guys know where I'm going with this.
Now finally I FAVORITE part! This masterpiece:
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(Morgana: *makes puppets kiss* mwah mwah *kissy noises* Arthur: MORGANA!! *knows it's true but wished Morgana didn't do this in the middle of the hall* Merlin: *too red and embarrassed to speak*)
Would you believe me if I told you the first I thing I drew from this scene was NOT the intense make-out between two puppets?
Yeah. I figured you wouldn't believe me.
WHELP ANYWAY LOOK AT ARTHUR'S FACE! HE SO ANGY! AND MERLIN- poor Merlin. he's gone tomato. Uh oh.
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justaz · 3 months
camelot has a betting pool that everyone has participated in at least once (including actual children) about when and how merlin and arthur are going to get together (and one about whether they’re together already or not). after arthur and gwen get engaged, a new betting pool is made - how long until that marriage falls apart
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phosofia · 2 years
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(holds akira gently in my hands)
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overlyspecific · 3 months
Part 6 of Merlin Hood
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12
Still in the past at Merlin’s magic trial, next part will be back to the present!
The first thing Merlin notices when he wakes up is that it’s daylight. He should have waken Arthur up hours ago, but somethings not right. Merlin knows he didnt need to wake Arthur up today for some reason, but what was the reason?
Uther: Merlin of Ealdor, you stand accused of using magic and treason to the crown. What do you have to say for yourself?
Oh, that’s right, its because Merlin is to be put to death today.
Uther: Well, do you have anything to say?
Merlin: *mumbles under his breath*
Uther: *angry* What was that?
Merlin: I said, ‘What makes me any different?’
Uther: 😡 What?
Merlin: Its just that you’ve murdered thousands of sorcerers and magical beings and never listened to them. What makes me any different?
Arthur: Merlin!
Merlin: No, Arthur, I’m already going to die, no thanks to you. I’d like to finally get the answers to questions I’ve been silent about my whole life.
Arthur looks at Merlin with a look on his face between apologetic and confused. Merlin has always found that look adorable, but under the current circumstances he has to look away. Arthur cant save him now.
Uther: You said you have your questions. I am willing to hear your last remarks. Ask away but do not expect any answers.
Merlin: Great! First question, when you decided to keep the last great dragon under the castle, did you do that just so he could torture me with half truths and vague prophecies or did he decide to do that on his own?
Uther: The great dragon?
Merlin: From the look on your face, I’m going to take that as a no and that you maybe didnt even know he could talk. Next question: the law says its illegal to ‘study and practice magic’ if I didnt study it, but just practiced it, would it still be a death sentence or could I be let off with a time served kind of deal?
Gauis: Merlin!
Merlin: What! I’m gonna die anyway, might as well see if there is any leniency.
Uther: So, you admit to practicing magic, then? Guards, take the prisoner to the pyre! I dont want to hear another word.
Merlin: *smiling a little too wide to be friendly* …And here I thought you actually wanted to hear me out. *Merlin shakes his head* Oh, Uther, you see, I don’t just practice magic. I am magic.
As the guards approach Merlin from all sides, he snaps his fingers and disappears.
Uther: Find him!
Merlin: *appears right behind Arthur* Arthur.
Arthur: *spins around too quickly in fright and tumbles into Merlin, who catches him* Ahh!
Merlin: *smiling while trying to keep Arthur upright* I don’t have much time.
Uther: There! *points at Merlin* Get away from my son!
Merlin: *takes off his neckerchief* If you ever need me for any reason, *starts to hand the neckerchief to Arthur, but Arthur doesn’t take it* seriously, Arthur, I’m trying to have a heartfelt moment here, you utter prat.
Arthur: *starts to smile at the insult, but quickly hides it with his blank princely expression* Merlin, you have to leave.
Merlin: That’s what I’m trying to do! *hastily ties the neckerchief around Arthurs wrist* If you need me, leave that in the darkling woods and I’ll be there as soon as I can.
Merlin jumps onto the throne that Uther vacated when Merlin vanished.
Merlin: People of Camelot! I will not die at the hands of King Uther in his unjust war on magic. I am Emrys, the most powerful warlock to ever walk the Earth. The Once and Future king is the only one I serve. I will be back when he reigns. Until then, however… *Merlin looks directly at Uther* …I’m going to make your life a very difficult. *turns to Gwen and Morgana* If anyone needs me I’m only a call away. *Merlin snaps his fingers and disappears again*
In Merlin’s absence, flowers fill the room and nobody says a word just staring at the flowers around them completely covering the floor.
Morgana: *picks up a flower and puts it in Gwen’s hair* Beautiful.
Gwen: *smiles, before creasing her eyes in worry* Do you think he’ll be alright?
Morgana: *looking over at Arthur who is staring solemnly at the neckerchief tied around his wrist* I’ll think he’ll be just fine.
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caelanglang · 1 year
"From afar the Fata Morgana makes absolutely no sense. It's a floating fucking ship, and you probably think you're going insane, right?" - Mors Vincit Omnia, Chapter 10
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no thoughts empty head, just think about. @itotypes well-written well-designed pirates orz
no srsly pls read it it’s so darn good im so aksdfhakjhakg *frantic hand gestures to express my love*
anyways i’m gonna ramble about it so-- spoilers ahead (pls don’t let me ruin your reading experience)
hi Ito!!! I finally finished Mors Vincit Omnia and there are so many things I wanna scream about it but at the same time I am just at a loss for words—it's so so good!! ToT) I don't think I caught all of your well-made metaphors and motifs but I absolutely adore the ones I noticed!! Especially Odasaku's pendant TvT !! Your storytelling was really well-done! I was on my toes the whole time reading this ;v; I really love the entire vibe you built in the story, it really felt like I was sucked into the world and and and each of your characters is so lovely and endearing from the people in Decay to Stormbringer ToT all of them, no matter how little screen time they had, you could really feel their personality and humanity !! I am absolutely in love with your fata morgana analogy too—it's so darn good IT'S LIKE MAGIC AUASGASGKLJSA And that dam line "Chuuya genuinely wants Dazai to suffer like a human." BRUH THAT WAS SO WELL EXECUTED MY JAW DROPPED IN REAL TIME READING IT *banging head on the floor* aughaugha i still have so much more i wanna say but idk how to express it so *drops a drawing instead* (one of my fav moments from the entire fic im so aksjhdgslkg) So many darn times while reading i was debating if I should book bind this fic I swear that’s how good it is aklsjdhfaksgj anyways I’m sorry for the ramble I just wanna thank you for sharing this fic with us and blessing us with your wonderfully drawn designs aaaaaaaaaa I know you’re probably tired reading this again but  I LOVE IT SO SO SO SO MUCH !!!!!!!
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epickiya722 · 3 months
You know what, I expected that they would have Chloe not mention Chad at all. We already know they do not care about continuity.
But I'm going to tell you my problem with not having Chloe mentioning Chad.
Just throwing it out there, it's not that the fandom really cares about Chad like that. I don't really care about Chad like that. (They could have done better with his writing. As for a lot of other characters.)
It's not that the fandom is like "oh, how dare they take away our favorite white boy". It's not that. No, scratch that. It's part of this following reason.
It's that the OG VKs and AKs were done dirty before and it continues. Oh, but it's not just that. See, them leaving most of them out is an "excuse" for something else that I'll talk about later.
Just follow with me here.
Not too long ago they released the Red version of Uma's song, What's My Name. In the song there is this part...
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This is Red's part, just so we're clear. They had her make remarks that the VKs are "middle-aged". Mind you while on a song belonging to UMA. The VKs would just be reaching their 20s at this time. Just their 20s!! If you're including Celia, Dizzy and the Smee Twins as VKs (because technically they are) they would probably still be in school.
What's makes this part worse is the "cradle to the grave" lyrics. The songwriters obviously were not thinking when they put that in. They didn't register what fans might they think when hearing those lyrics. Do I have to say it? Like, really think about it.
With this part of the song and no mention of Chad in Chloe's video, it's them saying "well, it's not like the AKs and rest of the VKs are important anyways!"
That's the problem right there. And that's a problem that leads into a bigger problem.
Let's think about the Sea Three. It's like they're already trying to replace them with Uliana, Hook and Morgie.
"But Uma is there!" They knew damn well that Uma would bring in more fans to watch that movie. Uma is a beloved character, why wouldn't they include her? It's the same reason Brandy and Paolo are back playing as Cinderella and Charming.
See, Disney will market off Black and other people of color. They'll be like "oh, we can give this character this, but not this". They can have some good traits, but they still have to get some bad. (Example, Tiana could be a princess!! But she had to spend most of her movie as a damn frog!)
Let me start with Uliana.
What sucks about Uliana and her crew to me is that it seems this time they really want fans to hate on a Black girl... again.
See, I bet in 2017 they didn't anticipate on fans adoring Uma and actually sympathizing with her. And it helps that China is a damn good actress and singer.
They made Uma the "big bad" in the second movie, continuing the "let's make the Black girls and women antagonistic" (Audrey, being played by Sarah Jeffery who is half Black, being mean to Mal and Cruella being played by a Black woman, Wendy Raquel Robinson).
Again, though, that shit didn't work so they're trying it again.
Don't believe me?
Here's the thing. If they wanted Bridget to have this sad backstory who was bullied... why did they make it a Black girl? And why is this character just so happen to be Uma's aunt and Ursula's sister? They couldn't have made another villain character be her bully? To be the reason as to why Bridget aka Queen of Hearts hates Cinderella? In fact, how about Maleficent? She's right there!!
From the looks of the trailer, it may be Uliana did something that made Bridget hate Cinderella. So they couldn't have Maleficent be manipulative and do that then? Why come up with a whole original character related to one of the most other notorious Disney villains (who is Black in the Descendants universe, by the way, Whoopi Goldberg) for just that? Hm?
No, Disney said "let's make trick the fans, make them think that Dara will be playing a sweet, innocent princess and then reveal she'll be playing this bully who we made up".
See, they couldn't use Morgana from the second Little Mermaid movie because one, there's her name. We have Morgie in the movie and his mother's name is Morgana. Two, when the first Descendants movie came out, Disney made it a point to make it seem that the first films of the animated films were canon. Meaning that, yeah, sequels were ignored.
In the case of Chloe and Chad!
As I mentioned before, it comes off that the AKs and VKs are being brushed aside. And yes, it's a problem.
The problem isn't having a new generation. I personally am not upset seeing these new characters, let alone new actors. I hate how they (not the actors, not them) went about this.
They could have easily announced Malia Baker playing Chloe from the start. But no, they didn't do that. On top of that, no mention of Chad??
Disney didn't have Chloe mention Chad because they want to play off him being an OG AK and white and have the fandom feel some kind of way towards Chloe who is of color. They want people to be antagonistic towards and annoyed at Chloe. See, they let this Black girl be a princess... but they'll probably have her be annoying in the movie, some perfectionist, oh and no mention of her supposed brother.
When you think about it... while Uilanna is the Uma here, Chloe is the Audrey.
Hm, a girly princess who wears blue, who is the daughter of a beloved Disney princess whose race was changed for the Descendants, played by an actress who looks racially ambiguous but happens to be Black, who has some connection to Chad (or lack of), who also comes off as some perfectionist, an often annoying character trait.
Now, don't that seem like Chloe is the Audrey here? Just this time, our princess is nicer.
Like with Uma, Audrey was meant to be disliked, but come the third movie fans grew to like and sympathize her.
This time around with Chloe, it's like Disney is trying to be sneakier about getting the fans to hate her.
Again, it's the "they can have this but they can't have this" with their Black and other characters of color.
"It's not about race." Disney made it about race. If it wasn't, they wouldn't have done previous antics with the other characters. If wasn't, Disney would have easily kept Cinderella and her family white from the animated films, if they still wanted fans to dislike her, just as they could have with Aurora and her family, but they didn't. They made fans believe Dara was going to play a princess and just knew fans would be like "Brandy could be Cinderella" because of that, and once they had Brandy be Cinderella? Well, you see what happened.
Simply, just my opinion, Disney has the intentions to make Chloe hated or at least less popular. They're just not trying make it not racist, but still still are racist about.
Now, I'm not saying the movie is going to be oh so terrible. The thing is, a fourth movie could have been a more excitable thing for fans if Disney stopped doing most of these characters dirty with their racism and favoritism.
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aftercamlann · 2 months
ACBB 10th Anniversary Recs: A Servant of Two Kings
This ACBB rec was sent in by Shadow Hole and guiltyscarl3t:
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Title: A Servant of Two Kings Writer: Chaosgenes Artist: Eviko Ship(s): Merlin/Arthur Rating: Explicit Word Count: 44,198
Summary: Merlin meets a mischievous older alternate future Arthur who doesn’t know how he ends up there. While keeping him secret from the Pendragons, Merlin tries to send him back home while ignoring his suggestions to seduce Young Arthur, which “accidentally” happens many times anyway. Arthur begins to fall for Merlin and tries to help him send the other Arthur home, even if Arthur doesn’t like or trust his future self.
Link: FIC: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41440458 | ART: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41449569/
Why Shadow Hole recommends this ACBB: What's not to love? I adore both the art and the story. Along with its prequel, which is just as amazing.
I'll always recommend this fic, it has to be in my top 10 of all time.
I love how this older and different Arthur interacts with Merlin. And the end is perfect! I won't ever stop gushing about it Why guiltyscarl3t recommends this ACBB: Because - time travel & dimension hopping are my guilty pleasure - the art is gorgeous - the writting amazing - it's funny - it has jealous!Arthur AND jealous!Merlin AND good!morgana - as a bonus, also has an amazing prequel in a darker tone
Want to rec an ACBB fic yourself that you feel deserves some more love? Feel free to send us your rec through our 10th Anniversary Rec form!
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terabyteturtle · 7 months
Hello my fellow gamer! 😁
May I please request headcanons for Bayonetta, Joker, Sora, and Zero Suit Samus reacting to their female S/O surprising them at the Smash mansion and spoiling them with delicious food like this?
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Yay, my first SSBU request! That food looks so good, I don't think I could choose just one picture. Anyway, I hope you savor this just like the fighters would savor that food!
- "Why, thank you darling, I'm famished!"
- She will eat the entire plate and then ask for seconds.
- Bayonetta has the best table manners you could possibly imagine. Even if she's ravenous, you'll never catch her eating like a wild animal, especially not in front of you. She looks so elegant while she eats and somehow manages to never get a single crumb on her face.
- She will happily feed some to Gomorrah. It may be a spawn of Satan, but hey, demons need to eat too.
- Speaking of which, Gomorrah now loves you for this.
- She'll make sure that you have some too; she refuses to eat unless you eat with her.
- As a pleasant conversationalist, she has plenty of things to talk about. Bayonetta will happily listen to whatever you might have to say, but she'll definitely be the one to direct the conversation.
- She adores your smiling face as you both dine with delight.
- Between you, Bayo, and Gomorrah, there will be no leftovers; every last morsel will be gone.
- After you're done, she'll give you a big hug and a smooch, thanking you again for the delicious meal.
- You better believe that she will return the favor when you least expect it.
- After you're done eating, she'll insist that you relax while she cleans everything up.
- If you still have room in your stomach, Bayonetta will probably pamper you with dessert. Don't try to deny it; you'll only end up losing the fight.
- "Oh please, after all you've done for me, you deserve it, darling."
- The first thing he'll notice walking into the mansion is the smell filling the air.
- It's an amazing scent, and he'll be pleasantly surprised to see you in the kitchen.
- He doesn't even realize how hungry he is until he sees all of the food there, waiting for him.
- He'll eat so much, it's not even funny.
- Morgana will tell him to slow down numerous times, and Joker will completely ignore him every single time.
- You and Morgana will have to keep an eye on him because there's a large possibility that he might choke.
- He nearly did choke at one point, which was super scary.
- If Morgana tries to steal some, Joker will swat his paw away.
- He'll definitely have more than one plate of food. Good thing you made extra.
- When he first starts eating, he'll wolf everything down and all his manners will go out the window. As he continues, he'll slow down to a normal pace and eat like a normal person.
- He'll apologize afterward for being so messy and will help you clean up afterward.
- Leftovers for later? Hell yeah.
- Expect him to ask you for the recipes. He totally isn't gonna steal them to impress his friends back home.
- He'll give you a sweet kiss on the forehead as thanks for everything you've done for him.
- Post-dinner cuddles! That meal hit all the right spots, and the best thing to do now is to relax and let everything settle.
- He'll get SO excited.
- "Woah, this is all for me?! Thanks!"
- He'll eat way more than you expect him to. You'd never think that much food could fit inside his stomach. He'll just keep eating and eating and eating some more.
- You'll have to hide some food if you want leftovers, because at the rate Sora will go, it won't look like he's stopping anytime soon.
- He wants to show his appreciation as much as he can, so he tries to eat a ton. Sora won't wolf everything down, but he'll eat at a quicker pace than one should.
- Sora thinks everything is delicious; he literally has hearts in his eyes from how in love with the food he is.
- Looking up and seeing you chuckling and smiling at him makes everything even better. Just knowing that you made the food fills him with joy.
- He won't stop thanking you for everything. He'll say it ten times before he even starts eating.
- He keeps trying to talk to you while he eats. You constantly have to remind him to swallow his food before he starts speaking.
- When he's finished, he finishes it off with a big burp and leans back in his seat, hands patting his stomach. He'll thank you for the thousandth time before getting up to give you a hug.
- Ten minutes later, Sora'll get a massive stomachache from how much food he ate. He doesn't mind though; in his eyes, it was all worth it.
Zero Suit Samus
- She'll be shocked at first. All of this food is for her and her alone? No, this doesn't feel right.
- She'll feel bad that you went through all of this hassle just for her. But once you reassure her that it's no trouble at all and you're more than happy to cook for her, that tiny smile of hers will finally appear on her face.
- Samus insists that you eat with her. You've done all this hard work, you deserve to sit back and relax for a change.
- Out of all four characters mentioned here, she is the most calm about the whole thing. Don't mistake this for a lack of care; she greatly appreciates what you did for her.
- Out of all four characters, she's also the one who leaves the most leftovers. She wants to make it last; it sucks to spend hours on food only to have people eat all of it in one fell swoop in nearly half the time.
- She remains quiet for the most part, listening to what you have to say without interruption and only giving input when necessary.
- You can see the gratitude in her eyes as she consumes everything.
- Afterward, she thanks you calmly and helps you clean up.
- After a wonderful meal like that, movie night is a must.
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cynthia39100 · 6 months
Merlin rewatch -- S1E10: The Moment of Truth
Arthur was so competent and all-around showing off his future king qualities in this episode it’s perfect.
He was compassionate. He helped Hunith get an audience with the King and promptly went on a solo quest to “ help people regardless of how far away they lived”. A hint of a united Albion in the future right there.
He was a good leader. I like how confident he looked and how quickly he started to give plans the moment he stepped into the village. The villagers trusted him instantly despite Will’s strong opposition. Arthur knew the chances were slim but he did his best. He trained the men, set up traps and sent Matthew who wasn’t good at fighting to do the scouting job. He tried to utilize every single resource he had (except women, but he learned it afterwards).
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(btw I really like this outfit for some reason <3)
He also took criticism graciously. He replied gently every time Gwen or Morgana brought up the topic of women’s right to fight and ultimately accepted it. He wasn’t provoked by Will’s insults and complaints wither(he did make an adorably pouty face for a bit but the rest was great XD).
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He let Will express his concern and very patiently reasoned with him (more patient than me anyway). He didn't completely dismiss Will's words as well. That's why he lost his confidence for a bit and needed Merlin's nudging.
It's nice that he did have Merlin to confide his insecurity and he trusted Merlin enough to put himself together from Merlin's baseless assurance.
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The harsh remark regarding magic in the end actually threw me off a bit. Arthur hadn’t made any negative comment towards magic as far as I can remember. He had been pretty accepting of good magic. Healing in ep3, blue bulb in ep4, druids in ep8. They weren’t even in Camelot. I guess the magical wind did look more dangerous than those, but it still saved their life.
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shslskaterboy · 1 year
Going insane thinking about Ryuji and the portrayal of his insecurity, and how frequently I see the focus being placed on the moodiness or bitterness of it (which is definitely part of it, his beef with Morgana in the Okumura arc definitely stems from that) but how that’s not all of it.
This Post by @nebulaleaf is a prime example (and also what got me thinking) because he says something so so heartbreaking but he says it with a smile, as if it’s not even a question that Akira is the leader, that Akira is above him. He sees himself as a right hand man but never a partner, a lackey who does as he’s told but not someone who brings anything of value to the table, someone who will never be as valuable as Akira because he’s just the dumb grunt who takes hits and hits back in turn. And the saddest part of all that is he claims to not mind at all. Nothing would make him happier than having Akira with him forever, even and especially if Akira is ahead of him, bc that’s where he inherently believes he belongs.
He’s gone his whole life having it driven into his head that he is lesser than everyone, that he’s an outcast who will never amount to anything special, and he can rebel against that to a certain extent, but to me it feels more like acceptance. He’s not gonna succeed anyways, so why try at school? He’s never going to be accepted, so might as well dye his hair blonde and lean into it. His track friends have left him behind, so fuck it, why bother not being aggressive with every new person he meets? His will of rebellion awakens because of Akira, but rebelling by accepting his image means that all those little details are coming with- he still feels lesser, the weight of rejection still bears down on him, and he likely still feels powerless on his own.
Simply put, I adore him in all his complexity. He’s not just the angry vulgar boy we meet on day one, he’s also happy, enthusiastic, stubborn but with a strong sense of justice. He’s got impulse control problems yeah but he has a certain intelligence about him, and when it comes down to it he’s reliable and will take responsibility. You simply cannot boil him down to just one trope the way atlus really tries to sometimes because he’s a survivor, he’s edured the horrors and come out the other side roughed up but whole, and he’s got the depth to show for it
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icespur · 9 months
Akeshu meeting as infants
I've seen the admittedly very wholesome fanart of Akiren and Goro meeting as children, or the tiny fanfics (I've only really found one, if anyone knows of the existence of more, don't hesitate to link them)
Childhood AUs are adorable.
But might I add my own twist??
What if our fated Persona user rivals originally met when they were----tinnier.
Babyhood AU, if you will.
The Phantom Thieves have canon birthdays and birth years, although Akiren's isn't listed, he obviously has to be born the same year as Ann and Ryuji since he shares a school grade with them. As for his month and day, I headcanon all the Persona Protagonists (P3, P4, and P5) birthdays are the day their game first released in Japan. Since canonically P4s Protagonist, Yu Narukami, shares a B day with his game release (All the Investigation Teams scooter license numbers are of their birthdays, and Yu's happens to be the day his game released). So if P4 follows that logic, why not P3 & P5? It's the best evidence we have to go off of 🤷‍♀️.
Point is, that would make Akiren's birthday, September 15th 1999
We know from Atlus Twitter birthday announcements and P5 character biographies in Japan, all the other PTs birthdays easily (excluding Morgana)
So we know Akechi's is June 2nd 1998.
Goro was a year and 15 months old when Akiren was born.
So let's imagine a scenario where---Akiren and Akechi's mothers both decided to take their infants to the Park. And they just so happen to be sitting on the same bench.
In Japan, the seasons to visit parks are Spring or Autumn, apparently. So let's say it's Mid-Spring, April.
April of 2000.
Mamakechi and mama---whichever you headcanon Akiren's surname to be. I haven't seen anyone combine his surname so I don't know which one to use to satisfy both parties.
Anyway, both mothers take their sons to the park since it's a nice day. They can't obviously play on any equipment since they are too young, so they would just be laying in their mother's arms, or if a bit older, exploring the greenery but still sticking close.
Goro would be 22 months, so would be more mobile, while Akiren would be 7 or 6 months depending if this is before or after April 15th. 6-7 month olds can roll over and maybe start to crawl at that time, and maybe babble.
So Akiren wouldn't be able to do much, or "play" like 22 month old Goro could. But since toddlers are usually pretty interested in younger infants, and try to interact, I could see Mamakechi and protagmom introducing their babies to each other, and trying to get them to interact.
"Goro, look! It's a baby. You used to be that little once. Can you say 'hi'? Be gentle, don't pinch or poke him."
Akiren stares back, with innocent curious eyes, and being cradled in his mother's arms. She tells Mamakechi that he's not very talkative. Not "shy" persei- he just prefers to watch people quietly, and tolerates one sided interactions with fellow infants fine, he's just a "little man of few words".
Mamaprotag gently puppeteer's one of Akiren's pudgy arm to wave back at Goro.
I just find baby Goro and Akiren meeting and interacting concept to be so wholesome and precious. You could even headcanon it more as possibly being canon, because---honestly, who remembers being 7 month or 1 year olds? Our memories and "awareness" doesn't kick in until a couple more years. The earliest memories I can recall was at four years old.
And you could write this as a one off chance meeting. Maybe one of them happened to be in the same city and place at that moment, but they move around alot so didn't exchange contact info to keep in touch for future interactions and playdates so their sons could grow up together.
Just----wholsome baby Akiren and Goro! Give me some fanart and one-shot fics of this!
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yusuke-of-valla · 1 year
Cats In The Cradle
A/N: I was cleaning out my drive again and found a fun little chat fic I forgot about!
Futaba: @everyone
Futaba: Guys.
Futaba: Inari’s on the Phan Site
Ryuji: What?
Yusuke: ?
Futaba: “Kitagawa Yusuke keeps having his demon cat attack unsuspecting students”
Ann: lol what?
Akira: Links
Futaba: https://www.phansite.jp/forums/post/20004563
Futaba: apparently the cat just jumps on people’s lunches
Makoto: do they mean Morgana?
Akira: Morgana’s never attacked anyone
Yusuke: The poster probably means Vincent
Yusuke: Which is preposterous, because Vincent mostly just sits in the corner unless he wants pets. He’s certainly not a demon.
Yusuke: Who could look at this face and call him a demon cat
Yusuke: IMG_20170116_1345.jpeg
Sumire: he’s such a cute kitty, is he a tabby?
Yusuke: Yes, though I wouldn’t call him a “kitty,” He’s around 13.
Sumire: all cats are kitties. Also tell him I love him
Yusuke: will do.
Akira: I didn’t know you had another cat.
Ryuji: Is Mona jealous?
Akira: He says he isn’t
Yusuke: Vincent used to hang out around the shack and I’d see him on the way to school. Then a few weeks after I moved into the dorms, he just showed up.
Sumire: awwwwwwwww
Makoto: They allow you to have pets in the dorm?
Yusuke: Well the dorm I’m in specifically is the “pet dorm” for students who want to have pets and keep the separate from students who have allergies or just don’t want to live near them
Yusuke: It was the only dorm that still had a room on such short notice.
Ann: Oh that’s so cool!
Akira: Is that why you were allowed to keep your lobsters?
Ryuji: Oh yeah, how are they doing?
Yusuke: Da Vinci and Rembrandt are doing well
Yusuke: IMG_20170116_1356.jpeg
Akechi: They’re just lobsters
Sumire: they’re adorable >:T
Akechi: :/
Haru: Sorry to get off topic but did anyone else read that full post?
Futaba: Nah, I just saw the title and texted everyone
Akechi: Wow. This person hates your guts
Yusuke: Huh, odd.
Ryuji: Wait, the way Akechi hates Akira’s guts or the way he hates other people’s guts?
Akechi: what?
Sumire: Definitely the way he hates Maruki
Akechi: Wait what does that mean
Yusuke: I believe they mean is the commentor’s hatred of me laced with homoeroticism or not
Sumire: No need to get so worked up, we aren’t saying you want to have hate sex with him or anything
Ryuji: I am 100% saying that
Sumire: It just could go either way sometimes the way you talk about him
Akechi: I hate all of you
Ann: But not the way you hate Akira, which is the point
Akechi has left the chat
Makoto: Anyway
Makoto: Is this worth looking into?
Yusuke: Probably not.
Yusuke: They haven’t tried anything directly, we should just consider it a troll or vent comment.
Yusuke: I can hardly think of anything I’ve done to warrant this ire though
Futaba: reading between the lines, sounds like Vincent gets out and bothers him when he shit talks you and now he’s convinced you’re doing this somehow
Yusuke: I don’t think Vincent is that smart, he just likes that I feed him.
Sumire: Shush! He loves you and is defending you from bullies!
Yusuke: that’s a pleasant thought :)
Sumire: You should bring him to the cafe and he can hang out with Mona!
Haru: Do you think he’d wear cute outfits?
Akira: Mona wants to pick out the outfits if he’s wearing anything.
Ann: Oh I know a place that makes little cat-shaped macarons!
Sumire: Cat playdate! Cat playdate!
Akira: Cat playdate! Cat playdate!
Yusuke: Vincent seems ok with it.
Ann: Cat playdate!
Haru: Cat playdate!
Makoto: Cat playdate?
Ryuji: Cat playdate!
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castelled-away · 2 years
The ships in bbc merlin are so fascinatingly confusing to me
I’m a whore for merthur but all the other pairings just work too ??? Like: Morgana x Gwen, yes let’s go lesbians. Arthur x Gwen/Lancelot x Gwen, afucking fairytale. Merlin x Gwen, adorable af. Morgana x Merlin would be unstoppable. Arthur x Lancelot, my jock boyfriends. Merlin x Lancelot, like Gwencelot but with more SASS. Gwaine x Merlin, chaotic partners in crime. & Any combination amongst the Knights of the Round Table is just so wholesome.
There’s just so many possibilities bc everyone works with EVERYONE at the SAME TIME & my brain is just constantly overloaded
Anyways I love this show, literally got hooked after the first 4 episodes
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thebarontheabyss · 8 months
hello ^ ^ feel free to ignore this but i just wanted to drop by and say that i was aiming for death at first, but then the moment i met morgan/morgana and got to know them more, i was unwillingly enchanted (and the answered asks about them were not helping at all). now i am shamefully admitting i love this magic gremlin whose sometimes-working-impulse-control is their familiar cat 💀 and i blame you for making them too charming /j
anyways though- your if is so damn cool and i can't wait to see more!! the plot is so intriguing and i love the family vibes the bar team has together, the chemistry and the bond they all share feels so natural. take care and have a good night/day!!
Thank you so much! And I totally get it about Morgan/a - the more I write them, the more I like them.
They really put the 'charm' in 'charming' 🤡
And, Hi, you don't have to give up Death - you can romance them both simultaneously! (And possibly watch them connect it into a throuple, sprouting a really adorable romance)
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headcanonstation · 2 years
Joker/Ren writing about crush
its been a while since I drove the train, but time to dust it off and try to get it back up and running. Give me a bit to remember the controls and lets hope we don’t crash~
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We all remember how he has that handy dandy saving book right 
His diary, if you will
Mans already writes about a lot of his life anyways, so to an extent, why wouldn’t that possibility extend to his feelings 
Our boy here certainly writes about his crush 
More so if he isn’t dating them
As he writes, he gets this silly little smile on his face, his eyes going soft and seeming to just be in dreamland
its so precious and cute 
Usually, he doesn’t mind his friends teasing him about his crush- but tease him about him writing about them and he will more than likely get a little flustered
Uses it to kind of just to be able to shamelessly gush about how cute and adorable you are overall
Your smile, laugh, voice, what you two did that day, and that sparkle in your eyes- 
Agh, your too cute
He’ll also just write about how you just make him feel all the time
Is also mostly using this to “bide his time” when it comes to the concept of a potential confession to you
While relatively shameless about... 90% of things, his journal entries about you are for him and him only
He isn’t really keen on sharing whatever it is he wrote to anyone- even if you two end up together, he’s still more thank likely not gonna show it to you
His friends know about his writing though, I mean, the guy seems to write about everything 
So they kind of more so guess that’s part of what he’s doing, but its more of a “I’m guessing, but I’m pretty sure I’m right more than actually guessing on this”
If anyone asks what he’s writing about, he’s gonna kind of just brush it off and say just about plans or what he’s planning to do that day
Honestly, the concept of his journal entries fluster him more than he would expect it to
He likes going back and reading some of the entries, as it’ll give him memories of the day when you two hung out and relieve some of those memories
I mean, he’s got pictures too. But reading it just hits a bit different than a picture
Even when he starts laying it on thick of his crush on you, he’ll continue writing
Though that writing will start having some more “frustration” in it if your not catching on
But on the same note he feels he can’t even blame you because he doesn’t help his case at all- he playfully flirts with his friends, so no wonder you may not be taking it seriously
Morgana has read them, because of course he has
“Oh-ho-ho, so that’s why you’ve been writing a storm-”
Not happy about it ™
But what is he gonna do? I mean, Morgana is with him practically every second of the day- it was kind of bound to happen eventually, whether he liked it or not
If you ever read any of it, please save him the embarrassment and don’t bring it up
This is legit probably one of the few things that will get him so flustered
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gumy-shark · 7 months
ok so
bbc merlin is actually called “The Adventures of Merlin” but everyone just calls the show bbc merlin bc it was aired on bbc and the protag is Merlin (also the intro to the show says Merlin name every episode so we all just agreed that the show was called Merlin and forgot the real title)
you know Merlin? great, powerful wizard Merlin? the old dude with the felt robes and pointy hat that’s in Arthurian legends?
so imagine that guy is young, a brunet, and the personal manservant to a Prince Arthur and now must keep this suicidal/sword-ho blondie alive in order to fulfill his destiny as the Once and Future King because a dragon under the castle told him
through the eyes of this younger and adorable and smashable Merlin, we get to watch as Arthur grows from a selfish and lonely prince to an honorable and compassionate king (no longer living his father’s legacy but his own), AND we get to watch Merlin’s friend Gwen grow to become a confident and powerful queen of Camelot. AND!!! AND!!!! we get to watch Morgana become the nemesis she is in the legends (I have my own transgressions on certain decisions made for her corruption arc but this is not the 101 for that)
long story short: Merlin and Arthur begin the show as reluctant not-so-friends and end the show the closest of friends and Merlin still never told Arthur his magic until his dying breath and we celebrate this end every Christmas (bc that’s when the series finale ended)
annnnnnd scene
are any of the other knights of the round table there or is it just arthur merlin and gwen? (i mean merlin and gwen aren’t knights either but i just woke up so)
and merlin really never told arthur about his magic? damn
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