#anyways enjoy some more fluffy content I definitely won’t be stopping any time soon
americxn · 3 years
❀ In which you and post-death Kyle decide to try gardening together ❀
idea credits -----> @cleanup-aisle5 (we were very excited about this one) word count: 2400
“Kyle.” You sang as you kicked your front door shut behind you, slinging off your jacket and hanging it up before venturing into your house in search of your beloved boy. “Ky?” You called, looking in the kitchen and the living room before calling his name up the stairs. At the sound of his name of your lips, his fluffy head of golden hair flashed in the dim light as he poked his head over the banister before bounding down the stairs, his grin growing as he got closer to you. He tackled you with a hug, your feet lifting off the group as he squeezed you excitedly, muttering in your ear. Laughing, you shook him off. “Kyle, I’ve only been gone for an hour!” Pulling his face to you, you managed to land a kiss on his lips as he shifted on his feet excitedly. “And, look what I got for you.” You said, your hand going into the back pocket of your jeans and pulling out the little packets you had hidden there. Kyle tried to peer around your body to see what you held in your hand but you raised a finger at him as you gathered up the gift you had gotten your boyfriend in one hand. With a flourish, you produced what you were holding, grinning as Kyle scrutinised the objects with an inquisitive frown. “Seeds!” You chirped, letting Kyle take them from you. He snapped his head up to yours excitedly, eyes bright. “Seeds.” He echoed. “For gardening!” “Yes, for gardening!” You gushed, his excitement rubbing off on you as you took the packets of seeds from is hand and showed each one to him as you rifled through them. “Look. I got us daffodils, tulips, pansies...” you listed the different seeds off to him. “And your favourite... marigolds!” Kyle snatched the little packet from your hand at the mention of his favourite flower, gazing at the picture of the yellow flower on the front fondly. He had fallen in love with the flower after you had bought him a little bunch several months ago as they reminded you of his hair, fluffy and golden. “We can plant them tomorrow.” You promised. “The sun is supposed to be out and it’s kinda late now anyways.” You explained as you handed the rest of the seeds to Kyle, who held them carefully in his large hands.
The next day, as promised, you and Kyle went out into your little garden, the sun shining and sky cloudless.  There were a few little flower beds at the bottom of your garden and you frowned a you approached them, finding that they were covered with weeds. Sighing, you turned to Kyle who was looking up at the sky, enjoying the heat of the sun on his face. “We have to pull all the weeds up first. I hadn’t realised that they had gotten so overgrown.” He looked at you, then at the flower beds and the unwanted green shoots sprouting out of the soil.  “It’s okay,” you began, taking his hand and leading him to the bottom of the garden, “they won’t take too long to pull up. Why don’t you go and find all the gardening tools in the shed?” You suggested as you dropped onto your knees before the beds and began the monotonous process of ridding the soil of the weeds as Kyle trotted away wordlessly.  You dug your fingertips into the sun warmed soil, pulling each sprout out one-by-one until they were mostly gone. Sitting back, you wiped your forearm across your forehead, ridding your skin of the slight sheen of sweat that had formed under the intense sun, just as Kyle reappeared, dropping a pile of gardening utensils next to you. “Perfect, thank you.” You said, rising to your feet and giving him an appreciative peck on the cheek. “So, which ones should we plant first?” You inquired, already aware of what his answer would be. “Marigolds.” He mumbled, taking the packet of seeds from his pocket and smiling softly down at them.  “Okay,” you stooped to pick up the trowel on the grass by your feet, handing it to Kyle and beckoning him to his knees beside the largest of the flower beds, explaining that in order to plant the seeds, he needed to dig a little hole in the soil first.  You let Kyle use the trowel whilst you scooped a small hole of your own in the ground with your fingertips, not caring about the dirt that got under your nails.  “You happy with it?” You asked Kyle as you sat back on your heels to admire your handiwork. Kyle’s hole was a little messy but you had seen the concentrated look on his face as he had dug it, his tongue poking out the corner of his mouth slightly as he did so. “Yes.” He stated, looking from your hole to his and smiling. “Alright, we need to open our seeds,” you began, reaching into Kyle’s back pocket and pulling out the packet of tulips and tearing it open with your teeth, watching as Kyle carefully tore his open. He peered inside lovingly as he beheld the tiny seeds. “And we just put them in.” You finished, tipping the contents of you packet into the soil, Kyle doing the same beside you with an excited smile.  The both of you covered your seeds back up before repeating the process with the other types of flowers you had bought. You briefly left Kyle to run inside and dig out your watering can from the almost overflowing storage cupboard that was full of you and Kyle’s belongings that didn’t really have a place in the house and filled it with cold water from the kitchen sink. When you returned into the garden, you saw your boy crouched over the seeds, his face inches from the soil. “What are you doing?” You laughed, sitting yourself beside Kyle, who straightened to look at you. “Telling them.” He shrugged, as if it were obvious. “Telling them what?” You giggled, setting the old watering can on the ground beside you, some of the water sloshing over the sides.  “To...grow.” He said slowly, looking at you as if you were stupid before all of his attention turned to the watering can beside you.  “Okay.” You chuckled with a shrug, watching as he took the watering can and poured an excessive amount of water onto the piles of soil that housed your seeds, spilling more of it onto the grass than the flower beds. “Nice.” You commented as Kyle sat back on his heels, the now empty watering can grasped in one hand. You raised your hand for a high-five that Kyle quickly met, his grin growing as you complemented his work. ❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀
A week had passed since you and Kyle had planted the seeds. A week of Kyle pestering you every hour, asking questions like, “grow them quicker? To which you would have to tell him that there was nothing you could do to make the flowers grow any quicker and that he would just have to patient. Everyday, come rain or shine, Kyle would go out into the garden to tend to his seeds, returning about an hour later after just sitting and staring at the soil. One day, to your dismay, he sat outside in the pouring rain for an hour, wearing nothing but a t-shirt and sweatpants. You hadn’t even noticed that he had gone out and you had gasped when you looked out of your bedroom window to see him crouched in the muddy grass, his clothes soaked through. You had to hurry outside into the freezing rain to drag him back into the house, scolding him gently upon seeing how violently he was shaking and how blue his lips had gotten but he had only smiled at you, claiming that the rain would make them grow quicker.  “Yes, but not that quick.” You had said before forcing him into the bath to warm up. And then there had been the incidence in which you had walked into the kitchen to see him drinking from the watering can. “Kyle!” You had shouted, running to take the watering can from him. “That’s dirty!” Exasperated, you wiped away the water dribbling off his chin with your sleeve before taking the watering can and furnishing your boyfriend with a large glass of clean water.  And of course there was the time when he had dumped the entirety of the water from the watering can on his head, his soft curls becoming plastered to his forehead as he gasped at the cold. You had merely laughed at him, not caring about the puddle it had made on the kitchen floor.  “Kyle.” You had gasped through a laugh. “What the fuck?” He answered your laugh with a smile, pushing his hair out of his face and trying to explain to you: “grow.”  “Grow? We can’t grow like the seeds, you’ve finished growing now, Ky.” You explained softly, suppressing your amusement and helping him peel off his soaked shirt. “And you’re the perfect height. Tall but not so tall that I can’t do this...” you finished by pressing your mouth to his, the water dripping from his lips wetting your own. 
❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀ The month after you had planted the seeds, Kyle would still go out to watch them. Every day, for at least an hour and you didn’t bother trying to stop him, not even if it was raining. You resorted to wrapping him up in lots of warm clothes, insisting that he put on his rain coat before going into the garden if it was raining, and his matching hat and scarf if it was windy.  You had left Kyle watching a movie one Tuesday afternoon, planning on visiting some friends as you hadn’t seen them in a while. Of course, you didn’t want to leave Kyle on his own for too long, but not because he was incapable; Kyle could most definitely look after himself, but the thought of him getting lonely without your presence was so saddening to you that you made sure to not leave him unattended for too long.  So, around two hours after leaving your house, you returned. Kyle was already waiting for you, a barely contained grin on his face as he turned you around as soon as you had stepped through the front door to take your coat before pulling you by the hand to the kitchen. You gasped, Kyle’s hand squeezing yours tighter as he pulled you into the room. “Dinner.” He chirped happily, pulling out your chair and pushing your shoulder down gently so that you sat, tears pricking at your eyes. Kyle had laid the kitchen table with two bowls of steaming pasta and as he sat down opposite you, you scanned the table to take in the entirety of his effort.  The pasta, although plain, was complete with cutlery laid out on either side, albeit the wrong way around, the table cloth that Kyle had somehow managed to find crumpled and stained. Unlit candles peppered the table, almost completely burned down to stubs and he had even laid out several scraps of toilet roll beside the food, an attempt of mirroring the fancy napkins that the restaurants you had taken Kyle to had used.  “And look.” He said proudly, tapping his finger on the side of the tall glass that he had used as a makeshift vase. You peered at the flowers inside it.  You realised with a tear jerking jolt that these were the flowers that Kyle had been meticulously tending for the past month and a half. The stems were short and unevenly cut at the bottom, the flower heads little more than buds with shallow slices of colours cutting through them, and you could just about make out which flowers that they would’ve eventually grown into by their colours.  “Oh, Kyle.” You gushed, picking up one of the little squares of toilet paper to mop up the few tears that escaped your wet eyes as he surveyed you from across the table with a fading grin.  “It’s okay,” you reassured him, your restricted throat making it difficult to get the words out. “They’re happy tears Kyle. I just love you a bit too much.” You laughed tearfully. “Love you.” He said back around a mouthful of plain pasta.  You picked up your own fork, composing yourself enough to skewer a piece of pasta and bring it to your own mouth. The pasta was... definitely overcooked. But Kyle hummed happily as he ate his portion and so you ate yours across from him, answering his occasional mumbled questions about your day and asking gentle questions of your own. When the food was gone, the pasta a heavy weight in your stomach, he hurried to stand and cleared away your bowl, setting it carefully in the sink, quickly returning to the table to take his own empty bowl away.  You watched as he washed the dishes, noting the way his brow creased into a frown when the water got too hot for his hands and how careful he was not to spill any of the soapy water onto the floor.  A few stray tears rolled down your face as you watched him, as you watched how hard he tried for you.  It wasn’t always easy. Not at all. But he never stopped trying to learn, never stopped trying to reciprocate the endless love that you showed him daily. And this, his little attempt to do something special for you made your chest ache so severely that it became difficult to take a full breath as you watched the muscles in his back shift beneath his t-shirt as he washed up for you. You wiped at your cheeks with the back of your hand before walking over to him and looping your arms around his waist. His skin was warm against your cheek as you rested your face on his back, sighing contentedly.  “Oh, how I love you, Kyle Spencer.” You whispered into his back, his own hands abandoning the bowls he was scrubbing in the sink as he turned to you, water dripping from his fingers as he tucked you into him, both of you smiling softly. 
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tuanyiems · 4 years
Champagne Truffles
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Yugyeom x Reader (f) It’s a little angsty at the start oops but still this is a fluffy one, it’s me after all words: 4k plot: it’s your anniversary date night and he’s determined to make this a night you’ll never forget, established relationship!au a/n – Forgive this unedited piece, it’s 3am rn lulz I spent too much time gushing over got7 I had to take out the smut content to make the deadline lol but anyways, make sure to stream Last Piece as you’re reading!!! And this concludes my November of posting exclusively for Yugyeom! (It still counts as November if I haven’t slept yet!) And what a beautiful month it was! Thank you for following me on this Chocolatier journey, I’m sure these two will show up again in a drabble or two in the future. But until, please enjoy and give got7’s new album a listen if you haven’t already. It truly is another masterpiece album c’: // part of Le Chocolatier drabble series, which you can find the masterlist for in my blog. feel free to read this as a one-shot or part of the series, in any order you want <3
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“So, how was work today?” you start, climbing into bed where Yugyeom is already tucked in and scrolling on his phone. The bright light illuminates his face, and you pause, admiring his profile as you wait for him to answer.
But Yugyeom only shrugs, not even bothering to look at you. You grab your own phone from your nightstand, twisting it awkwardly around in your hands as you think of something else to say.
“It’s getting colder these days, isn’t it?” you ask softly, staring down at your phone as you flip it once more and watch it light up to a picture of you and Yugyeom at a carnival. It was one of those summertime, pop-up fairs. Yugyeom had convinced you to call in sick and the two of you made a trip an hour out from the city to play like two teenagers in love. 
Your lips twist as you press your thumb into the screen where Yugyeom is holding your hand in his. Even when your hands were getting clammy from the summer heat and the nerves of waiting in line for the pirate ship, he had refused to let go. 
“Nice try,” he had scoffed, before lifting his hand to kiss the back of yours. “If I let you go for even a second, you’ll definitely find a way to hurt yourself.”
You rolled your eyes, “You’re so protective for the weirdest things.”
“Weird? Who was the one who fractured their wrist while bowling?”
You looked away, pretending not to hear.
“And who’s the girl who got a concussion while walking in a department store, hmm?”
“Hey! That time wasn’t my fault!” you pouted, allowing yourself to be tugged along as the line moved up. “Who puts such heavy items on the top shelf anyways?”
“But what normal person climbs the shelves?!”
“An! Independent! Woman!” You defended, slapping his chest with your free hand with each word.
He only laughed, eyes shining down on you. “You could’ve called for help, or oh I don’t know, asked your boyfriend to get it for you? I mean, what else is my height good for?”
“Eye candy, of course!”
“I’m just a piece of meat to you, aren’t I?” he joked, bumping you by the hip before quickly pulling you back into his chest.
You giggled, “Oh course not, babe. I’m obviously using you for our future offspring too. It’s my gracious consideration for future generations.”
“Future offspring?” Yugyeom’s cheeks blushed a rosy hue and as soon as you noticed, you followed suit.
“I mean! Uh-well…if…” you sucked in a breath, forcing your heart to calm. “Anyways, if they end up inheriting your height and my butterfingers, it’ll end up being a disservice to society actually.”
He chuckled, hand squeezing yours. “Probably,” he mused softly, cheeks still warm with daydreams.
When you turn your phone again, the screen flickers awake and there is his blushing face again, eyes twinkling with thoughts of the future…or, that’s what you always thought he was imagining when you look at this photo, but maybe you were just being delusional. It could’ve just been the summer heat making him flush.
The Yugyeom from that memory and the one sitting next to you feel like completely different people. You don’t understand what happened, only a few months had passed since that day. At first, you had summed up his quiet behavior to the changing season. It’s not like Yugyeom had never been quiet or moody before, but never has he iced you out like this for so long.
It makes you nervous actually. In two days, it’ll be your three-year anniversary. This is supposed to be a good thing of course, but in the back of your mind sits the nervous belief that something bad will happen on that day.
None of your previous relationships have ever lasted longer than a year. You and Yugyeom were always so stable that you never thought this would be a problem, but his sudden changes have made you more superstitious. 
“Baby?” you utter softly, touching his wrist to put his phone down. He looks over but doesn’t say a word. “Um, I was wondering how you wanted to spend this Saturday? We haven’t really talked about it, so…”
Your voice trails. He looks at you almost fiercely, a slight frown on his lips.
You swallow. “Not that we have to do anything. Maybe we could just have a quiet day inside. We can marathon that anime you really like! What was the name again? With the cute pig?”
“Seven Deadly Sins,” he answers, looking back at his phone.
“Yeah, that one!” you say, voice much brighter than how you feel. “But…I was just suggesting. We can do what you want to do. Did you have something in mind? Food you’re craving?”
Yugyeom sighs, turning on his side to turn the lamp off. “It’s late, babe, let’s decide later.”
“Oh, okay.”
In the darkness, your worries fester though.
“Baby?” you whisper cautiously. Quietly, you curl against his back, wrapping your arms around his waist. “Goodnight, Gyeom.”
A moment passes before he twists in your arms and pulls you to his chest. You smile, looking up even though you can barely make out his features in the darkness.
“Night baby, I love you,” he presses a kiss to your forehead, and you find yourself relaxing in his arms.
That night you fall into a sleep so good, you end up missing your alarm.
Rushing around the apartment in only a forest green blouse and your nude hip huggers, you unpack your purse for the fifth time that morning.
“Babe, have you seen my charger?” You yell from the bedroom.
“It’s not in your purse?” Yugyeom calls from inside the bathroom.
You huff, throwing the items haphazardly back into your bag. “No!”
“Just take mines!”
“Thank you!”
Rounding the bed, you make your way to Yugyeom’s nightstand. Unlike your own though, his drawer is a disorganized mess. You furrow your brows, shifting through the old mail and random trinkets.
“How does he find anything in here?” you mutter, stuffing your hand to the back and hoping the wire was buried somewhere there.
“Y/N!” Yugyeoms voice booms from behind you. You jump in surprise. “Why are you going through my drawer?”
He snatches your hand out and slams his drawer shut.
“I-” You try to blink back your surprise. “I was just looking for the charger.”
He let out an exasperated sigh, bending behind the nightstand, and pulls the wire out.
“Here,” he tosses it into your hand before walking to your shared closet. “And don’t go through my things.”
Gaze on his back, you place the charger into your purse meekly. Grabbing your cream trousers from the bed, you quietly step into them as Yugyeom gets dressed too.
“Sorry,” you mumble when he finally turns to you.
He lets out a sigh, threading his fingers between yours. His thumb rubs over your hand gently. “I’m sorry too, I didn’t mean to yell.”
“Jackson,” you slide on your rolling chair towards your cubicle buddy, cup of hot chocolate between both palms.
“Uh oh,” Jackson looks at you once before twisting dramatically in his chair. “You’ve got the frowny face!”
“Frowny face?” Jinyoung pokes his head into your cubicle. Seeing your expression, he immediately walks into your cubicle, leaning onto Jackson’s desk. “Who do we need to hurt?”
“No one,” you sulk, stirring your drink. “I just had a question.”
“It was Susan, wasn’t it? I hate her,” Jinyoung scoffs, crossing his arms. Jackson chuckles, nudging him to stop.
“No, I was just wondering,” you pause, looking at your cream flats. “What are some signs when a guy no longer loves you?”
“I’m going to kill Yugyeom.”
“Why is murder always your go-to?” Jackson jokes, trying to lighten the mood. “It can’t be that bad, the last time I saw Yugyeom he was madly in love with you!”
“I just…I don’t know…it’s a feeling,” you frown, gut twisting as you’re speaking the words aloud. “It’s probably nothing.”
“Well, what signs have you been getting from Yugyeom?” Jinyoung asks.
“He’s just gotten quieter in the last couple of months. Sometimes it feels like he’s hiding something from me. Like last night, he was mostly on his phone even though I was trying to talk to him.”
“On his phone doing what?”
You tilt your head, shrugging. “I don’t know, Instagram? Twitter? But that’s not the point.”
“Wait, Instagram or Twitter, Y/N? Was he scrolling through news or was he sliding into DMs? These are important details,” Jinyoung interrupts. Both you and Jackson look at him with wide eyes.
You feel your heart jump to your throat. “Y-you think…maybe, he’s c-cheating on me?”
That thought had never even occurred to you as a possibility but now that you hear it…Your vision starts to blur.
“Oh my gosh, Y/N!” Jackson slaps Jinyoung’s thigh, pushing him away as he hurries to put an arm over your shoulder. “Jinyoung was just asking stupid questions. Yugyeom’s not that kind of guy.”
“But what if he’s right?” you mumble. “This morning I was looking in his drawer to borrow his charger and he yelled at me for going through his things. He’s never done that before! And every time I ask about his day, he won’t really tell me anything.”
You sniffle, rushing to wipe your falling tears.
“Don’t cry, Y/N,” Jinyoung pats your hand softly. “You’re probably just spiraling right now. I don’t know Yugyeom the way you do. He was probably just scrolling through pictures of tattoo art or something.”
“But he’s so handsome and amazing, he could have any girl he wants. What if he’s found someone better? Someone who doesn’t burn toast or, or-”
“Hey,” Jackson squeezes your arm with a frown. “We don’t tolerate that kind of talk in this house.”
“House?” Jinyoung chuckles.
“Our cubicle home!” Jackson clarifies, making you smile.
“Ah, I see a smile,” Jinyoung announces, making your lips stretch wider.
“My makeup is running, isn’t it?” you laugh weakly.
“Yeah, you’re a mess,” Jinyoung teases.
“Good time to ask Susan for an early weekend,” Jackson nudges you playfully.
“Yeah, leave early and go have a real conversation with Yugyeom about how you’re feeling. No use in holding things in if it’s just going to make you cry anyways.”
“Someone’s crying?” Susan, your project manager, pokes her head into your cubicle. When she sees your state, she gasps. “Y/N, what’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell?”
“I’m okay,” you flush with embarrassment.
“Nonsense, you should let her start the weekend early, Susan,” Jinyoung states before smiling at her sweetly. “And as her favorite co-workers, you should let us join her!”
“Nice try, Jinyoung,” she laughs goodheartedly, before turning to you. “You two have to stay, but Y/N, you’re free to go. Come back Monday, feeling better, okay?”
She sends you a wink before striding off.
“I hate her so much,” Jinyoung grumbles.
“You gotta stop lying to yourself, man,” Jackson laughs. He turns to you and pulls you into a hug. “Go and talk to him, Y/N. The longer you wait it out, the longer you’ll just be running circles in your head.”
You nod, convinced. “Alright, I’ll do that. Thanks guys.”
“Call me if you need a hitman!” Jinyoung calls as you rush out of the cubicle.
“Hey, why are you calling at this hour?”
“I just missed you,” you hum into the phone, as you walk down the familiar sidewalk towards your favorite chocolate store. “How’s work?”
“Um, actually,” there’s a pause on the other line before he continues, “It’s kind of busy. Probably be home late today.”
“Oh, okay,” you put on a tone of disappointment as you round the corner to the store. You snicker to yourself. Maybe surprising him at work and helping him with the shop will pick his mood up.
“Yeah, sorry, but you know this time of year. People like to eat chocolates.”
You smile to yourself, slowing your step as you reach the storefront. “Yeah, I know. It’s how I met you.”
“What was that?”
“Nothing,” you chuckle.
“Anyways, I really have to go now.”
“O-” You freeze, staring into the window of the chocolate store. “Okay.”
“Bye,” Yugyeom doesn’t wait for you to reply before he cuts off the line. You barely register the dead phone line though. You gulp, watching as your best friend, Jenny, pulls Yugyeom into a tight hug between the counter. In her arms, he smiles with full cheeks.
Stepping back, you cross the street in a rush, collapsing into a seat outside the French café across from Yugyeom’s store before your legs give out entirely. 
This doesn’t make sense. While Jenny was one of your closest friends, she and Yugyeom weren’t especially close. This was partially due to the fact that Jenny lives in another city two hours away from yours. Yugyeom has never expressed any interest in spending time with your friends unless you were with him, and so things just don’t add up.
Jenny never sent you a text that she’d be in town, especially on a Friday. Just as you’re about to go through the text messages in your phone just in case, you see the door of the chocolate store open and out walks Yugyeom and Jenny. They’re so deep in their own conversation, they don’t even glance at you, right across the street from them.
You take in a breath, shaking your head. This just doesn’t make sense. Getting up again, you make your way down the street, watching them from across. Maybe Jenny needed a special order of chocolates. Was there a birthday you were forgetting?
You stop in your tracks, watching as Jenny practically jumping with excitement alongside Yugyeom. She must’ve said something funny, because he tilts his head back, mouth open wide, the same way he always laughs at you when you make a stupid joke.
Shaking your head again, you continue your steps. No, Jenny is a trusted friend. You’ve known her since high school. But the longer you follow, the more your stomach starts to hurt. It’s exactly because you’ve known Jenny for so long that you know she would never be this animated with your boyfriend.
Your chest hurt at just the thought, but you can’t help it from echoing in your brain. That the two of them look too comfortable—like they’ve been meeting for a while. 
Biting your lip hard, you stop in your tracks again and force yourself to turn around. No, this just didn’t add up. And you didn’t want to trail after them like some kind of stalker.
You trust Yugyeom and you trust Jenny.
Hailing the nearest cab, you enter with a huff. It was like Jinyoung said, you were probably just spiraling.
“I’m home,” Yugyeom calls softly as he enters the house. You freeze in your seat at the kitchen table, despite having sat there for three hours for this very moment.
“Hey,” Yugyeom peeks his head into the kitchen, looking at you with furrowed eyes. “What are you doing just sitting here by yourself?”
You chuckle dryly, trying to shake off your nerves. “Oh, I guess I was just spacing out.”
He smiles at you before sitting down in the chair across from you. “Everything alright?”
“Yeah, everything’s okay,” you lie. “How was work?”
“It was fine. Busy as usual,” Yugyeom shrugs. “What did you have for dinner?”
“I made pasta. There’s leftovers in the fridge for you.”
“It’s okay, I’m stuffed already.”
“Oh? You ate?”
Yugyeom’s eyes grow wide before he is blinking away, running his fingers through his hair. “Uh, yeah, um…Bambam, he bought me dinner.”
“That was nice of him,” you mumble. You breathe loudly, trying to keep yourself collected despite feeling like you were going to vomit with each second that passes.
He chuckles before raising his voice abruptly. “Anyways! Let’s talk about tomorrow!”
“Tomorrow? Did you have something in mind?” your chest jolts with hope.
“Actually, I was thinking you could have a girl’s day with Jenny! And then we could do something in the evening.”
“Jenny’s in town?” you watch him closely, noticing the way he licks at his lips and swallows.
“Oh! Yeah! I uh, I heard it from Bam. He must’ve seen a story update from her or something.”
You dig your nail into the cuticle bed of your thumbs as you listen to him lie straight to your face.
“Jenny didn’t text me though. She probably has something else going on this weekend.”
“Nope!” Yugyeom whips, smiling far too big for this conversation. “I messaged her about tomorrow already.”
“So, you want me to hang out with Jenny…on our anniversary?” You question slowly.
Yugyeom looks away, his ears flushed. He brushes at your hand. “Yeah, you two should catch up, get your nails done or something. You should really stop doing this to your nails.”
You look to your hands, your nail beds raw.
“I’m tired,” you mutter, getting up from your seat first. “I’m gonna go to bed first.”
“Oh, okay…well, just remember, you and Jenny at noon!”
You don’t answer.
“You’ve been awfully quiet,” Jenny turns to you with concern as the nail technician keeps her right hand hostage. “Is something bothering you?”
“Why are you in town again?” you ask, eyes concentrated on the deep red shade that your nail tech paints onto your fingernails.
“Oh!” In your peripheral, you can see her noticeably jolt. “I came for a conference on Friday and when Yugyeom reached out to me I decided to stay for the weekend.”
“A conference, huh?”
“Yeah,” she mumbles, turning back to her technician. “You know how much the beauty industry loves their conventions.”
“Must’ve been draining.”
“Yeah, totally. That’s why I didn’t text you I was in town. I was completely exhausted by the end of it that I completely forgot.”
“That’s understandable.”
“Mhm,” she turns back to you. “You should add a gold accent. Gold accent, please!”
Your nail tech nods, bringing out another tray of gold embellishment from underneath her desk. You turn your head, hearing the click of Jenny’s nails on the screen of her phone. There’s a bright smile on her face and it makes you want to burst into tears on the spot.
At first you thought maybe the two of them planned for Jenny to reveal the truth to you. You didn’t think Yugyeom was a coward but lately, none of the things you thought before make sense anymore. However, after hours spent with Jenny, all you’ve managed was getting prettier nails and lots of lies from who you thought was your best friend.
“Gorgeous,” Jenny coos, leaning in to admire your fingers. 
“Yeah,” you murmur half-heartedly, feeling your spirit fully deplete.
No confession comes. No explanation. When evening comes, Jenny sends you right back home. Your walk up to the apartment is slow. This is it, isn’t it? Gyeom needed time to prepare himself to break up with you. It’s why he didn’t want to be with you for your anniversary. 
Your stomach sinks when you get to your door. Was this your last time ever entering? Where were you going to move to? 
As the familiar tone of the keypad rings in your ear, hot tears prick at your eyes. Stepping into the house, your vision blurs as you step through the hallway and into the kitchen. Yugyeom is standing at the stove when he turns to you with a smile.
“You’re back!” he greets you. When you hear his laughter, tears spill down your cheeks. “Crying already, babe? You haven’t even tasted it.”
Hiccupping, you try to calm yourself but the more you try to contain the tears, the more your chest fills with fear and floods you. You cry even harder, a terrible wail leaving your throat.
The sound of tin crashes onto the floor and quickly, you are enveloped in Yugyeom’s warmth. The feeling only makes you more sick and you bury your face into his chest, crying harder. Your last embrace. Your last time being comforted by him. The thoughts send sharp pains straight to your chest.
Yugyeom holds you tight against him, taking the impact of your shaking body to his chest. “Baby, what’s wrong? Are you hurt somewhere?”
It’s a long time before you feel calm enough to stand on your own. When you finally do, stepping back from his arms, you feel yourself tearing up again from seeing the concern on his face.
“What happened?” he whispers, fingers reaching out for yours. 
You pull away though, taking another step back.
“Yugyeom,” your voice comes out shaky but determined. “Are we breaking up?”
Tears spill again.
Yugyeom looks at you with a shocked expression. “What? Where is this coming from?”
“You don’t love me anymore,” you cry.
“Of course I do! What are you talking about?” 
���Then why did you lie to me?” You look at him sharply, gaze severe despite the shine of tears. He doesn’t say anything, and the silence breaks your heart.
Lips quivering, you sit down at the kitchen table. “You lied to me. Jenny lied to me…H-how long? How long have you been doing this?”
“Baby,” Yugyeom whispers, bending to the floor. He rests his hands on your thighs, looking up at you and there are tears in his eyes two. “Baby…baby, you’ve got this all wrong.”
“Even if it’s not Jenny, it’s still not me, is it?” you whimper, tears spilling down your chin. They splatter on the back of his hands. “You don’t talk to me anymore. You don’t want to share anything with me. Not even stories about your day.”
Tears run down Yugyeom’s cheeks as he presses a kiss to your knee.
“No, no, baby, you’re wrong.”
You sniff, cupping your palm to his wet cheek. “I want to be wrong. Please prove me wrong, Gyeom.”
“I was trying to keep it a secret,” he scoffs to himself, shaking his head. “I was planning this for months.”
“I was so afraid I’d accidentally let it slip, or that you’d find it.”
You frown, brows furrowing in confusion now. “Find what, Gyeom?”
Yugyeom takes in a deep breath, breaking into a gentle smile as he glances down at the kitchen floor. Following his gaze, you realize he had dropped a tray of chocolates earlier.
“Champagne Truffles,” he tells you, reaching down to grab one.
“You…you made a new recipe?”
Yugyeom lets out a loud sigh. “Good thing I marked it.”
You look at him, bewildered. He chuckles softly, turning to you again.
“I’m not going to break up with you, baby,” he laughs, digging his thumb into the spine of the chocolate until it bursts with a pop. “I’m trying to spend my whole life with you.”
Your hands to fly to your mouth in surprise as a fresh wave of tears spring to your eyes. He drops the chocolate shell to the floor, holding onto the shining gold band with shaking hands.
“Every day since meeting you,” his voice breaks and you cry, hands coming to cup his face as tears run down his cheeks too. “I thought I had a good life, and then I met you…And then I realized, I was missing everything before you came into my life.”
He sniffs, breaking into a smile as more tears fall from his eyes. “Baby, you’re my everything. You’re the first person I want to tell anything to. You don’t know how hard it’s been trying to keep this from you.”
You laugh with him, “And Jenny.”
He nods. “She was helping me pick out the ring, plan the event, pick the flowers.”
You grin, pressing your forehead to his. “You bought me flowers!”
He laughs, nose brushing softly against yours. “Yeah, and a ring too…if you want it.”
“I do, I do, I do,” you giggle against him as your tears wet his cheek. 
He chuckles, breath ghosting your lips.
“Not yet, baby, that one’s for the wedding,” he chuckles and you laugh with him.
“Either way, it’s I do.”
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hiddennerdworld · 3 years
Homesick (pt 2) with Koji Koda
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Note: hello! I got a comment about doing this with Koda so here we go! This is going to be more platonic tho bc Idk a lot about them and being a best friend type seems more up their alley. Sorry if this isn’t what you expected. I still hope you like it :) (also trying to use they/them pronouns for Koda)
It was finally the weekend! After a rigorous week of classes and training you finally get a break. Everyone was kind of doing their own thing. Some were still training, some slept all day, some went out (with permission ofc). Koda had worked out early that morning wanting to keep on improving their quirk. Now it was late afternoon and they were reading in their room while looking out their window at the beautiful golden sky. It was rare to have moments like this where the dorms were quiet, so they were enjoying every second of it. Suddenly they heard a weird sound. They turn around to find their pet bunny scratching at the door.
“Whoa, hey! What are you doing buddy?” They whispered to the rabbit. It made a little squeak and Koda listened. “Okay we can go check I guess since you think something is wrong and there’s not a lot of people here. I’ll follow you.” They said as they opened the door. As soon as it could manage to get out, the rabbit took off. “W-Wait for me!” Koda still struggled to yell but has definitely gotten better with their training.
They quickly caught up to the lil fluff ball who was perking their ears up. Then it just went down the hall again every so often stopping to listen more. Eventually they both ended up in the common area where they found you on the couch silently crying. The bunny just ran up to you and jumped in your lap.
“No- wait - you can’t just jump on people!” Koda panics.
You giggle and pet the fluffy bunny, “It’s okay, Koda. I love animals, especially this cutie.” You just look down and continue pay attention to the rabbit, not wanting to make eye contact with its owner.
“Oh okay Y/N. Then you can cuddle them if you want. They love attention.”
“Thanks Koda.” You look up for a quick second and give them a forced smile.
“No problem! Well umm actually they came to you specifically.” They are also trying to avoid eye contact now, not wanting to push you with bringing up the elephant in the room.
“Really?” You raise your eyebrows and give a genuine small smile to the bunny in your lap.
“Ummm yea. Funny story really. T-they told me there was someone in trouble and we had to find them, which is why he ran to you right away. He could sense you were stressed.” They slowly stopped talking shakily and looked at you to say “Y/N if there’s anything you want to talk about I’m here.” They were being entirely genuine.
You were starting to sniffle again. “Thank you so much Koda. I really appreciate it but it’s stupid anyway.”
“No way! If something is making you feel upset, it’s not stupid. I promise I won’t judge you.” They were now sitting next to you on the couch making sure to let you know they were listening.
“O-okay.” You said shakily, trying to hold back the tears that were burning in your eyes. “I just really miss home. I know we’ve only been here for 2 weeks but I was hoping this weekend I’d get to visit my family. B-but the teachers said it was too soon. I’m not sure when I’ll get to go back.”
They placed a hand on your shoulder. Something you’d never expect from Koda, but you didn’t really expect any of this from them.“Hey. That’s not stupid at all. I know exactly how you feel. My mom was my main motivation for coming to UA and now I barely get to talk to her during the day. I miss her so much too.” You looked up and could see their eyes getting watery.
“Oh no I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to upset you.” You jumped up scaring the resting rabbit.
They chuckled. “No, no it’s okay. Sometimes you just need to really feel these things in order to get through them.”
You were so surprised on how good Koda was at advice. They’ve gotten so much better at speaking their mind since the beginning of the year. It was inspiring really. All you could do was give a nod.
“It may not seem like it Y/N, but Class 1A is kind of like a family. It’s not the same as our actual families but we’ve all gotten closer than we ever expected after all the things we went through. When you feel like that piece of you is missing we’ll all be here.” They were speaking confidently while still fidgeting with their fingers.
You wiped the leftover tears from your eyes and looked towards Koda, making actual eye contact for the first time in this conversation. You both had slightly puffy red eyes but tiny smiles on your faces.
You leaned over and gave them a hug. Koda hesitated for a second but then reciprocated the hug. They wanted to be as supportive as possible. It was their goal to help people after all.
“Thank you so much Koda.” You whispered, still having some raspy ness to your voice. A weight was lifted off your shoulders and it was apparent.
. . . . . . .
The sun set and you cleaned yourself up after talking to Koda, getting ready for bed. Then suddenly you heard a knock at your door. You hear a muffled Mina on the other side “Y/N! Movie night in the common room in 10! Bring all the pillows and blankets you want!”
You squealed! Yay! You were going to get to have some quality time with friends away from your dorm. You grabbed your things after changing into PJs and headed downstairs. Once down there you found mostly everyone in front of the TV getting themselves situated and bickering over what you all were going to watch. Not even after being there for like 5 minutes you see Bakugou kick Kaminari off the couch earning a bunch of giggles from the others and complaining from Pikachu. You were trying to hide one yourself. Looking around the room trying to find a spot you see Koda. They gave you a smile and a thumbs up. You had no idea they were in on this, but now it makes so much sense. Koda really is the sweetest, you thought to yourself. You smiled back and mouthed “Thank you.” Just seeing you so content was enough for Koda to know they did something really good that day. They were even able to make a friend.
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jimimn · 4 years
FOR THE UMPTEENTH TIME!!!!!!! ITS OKAY!!!!!!!! I TOTALLY TOTALLY UNDERSTAND!!!!! AND YAYYYYY CONGRATS I HOPE THE FIRST LEG OF EXAMS WENT WELL <333333 AND OH MY GOD you’re gonna make me cry with the together baam goddddddd same one of my fave moments and jimin’s giggles after that 😭😭😭😭 my babies <3 :((((
that..... black suit selca....... that opened button...... like open one more dear sir who’s stopping you... just do it <33333 YEAH he totally needs to shut up with his i know im hot side it just kills me every single time 😭😭😭😭😭
YOU KNWO WHAT I THINK JIMIN WON’T GIVE US A HINT BEFORE DROPPING PJM1. HE’LL JUST DROP IT ONE FINE DAY OUT OF NOWHERE LIKE HE DROPPED PROMISE AND CHRISTMAS LOVE (i wasn’t here when he dropped promise but i read that on twitter sdfghjkl) AND NO PLS NO I DO N O T WANT TO SLEEP THROUGH JJK1 OR KTH1 OR PJM1 OR KSJ1 OR NAMGI MIXTAPE 3 OR HOBI MIXTAPE 2 OR ANYTHING BASICALLY YOU GET IT i had slept through dynamite cb because i had NO CLUE that they were gonna drop it at 1pm kst rather than 12 am kst. i was under the impression that since they dropped all the teaser pictures and the teaser itself as 12 am kst, the mv will drop at 12 am kst too. and I woke up like two hours after the mv dropped (which was almost noon my time) and i felt like A FUCKING FOOL AND I JUST 😭😭😭😭 NEVER WANT TO FEEL LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN 😭😭😭 
AND YES BABIE NEEDS TO COME LIVE SOON PLS I MISS HIM SO FUCKING MUCH :((((( AND HIS O...M.....G HAD MADE ME FUCKING SOBBBBBBBBBBB his yt live god he looked sooooooo fluffy with his hair and his tiny hands and his puppy eyes and soft voice im just so 😭😭😭😭😭😭
NO NONNONONONO PLEASE IM NO LEGEND DON’T SAY THAT IM EMBARRASSED im just a normal fangirl who makes okayish gifs 😭😭 and ok yes so i started giffing LONNNGGGGGG time back on a different public fan forum from my country but i never knew the right process and stuff so obviously the gifs were shitty lmao BUT ANYWAY i got into gifmaking PROPERLY this in july last year and obviously struggled a lot in the beginning because i didn’t know shit about colouring and stuff lmao but i kept practicing and even though im not perfect rn i do think that i got better. i love giffing tho. its such a nice creative outlet and whenever i gif the boys it brings me so much happiness :( <33
AND YES THE CANADA RUN EPIS ARE LOOOVVVEEEE and that vmin moment plsssssss i cry everytime 😭😭😭😭😭 it is just so soft and innocent and tae’s little smile after jimin just turns around and hugs him 😔😔😔😔 i love soulmates 😔😔😔😔 AND MIRI YES OMG EVERYONE WAS SO IMPRESSED BY THE LITTLE CUTIE AND THE WAY JUNGKOOK JUST KEPT ADORING HER THROUGHOUT MADE ME SO SO SOFTTTT and bro adam is me. i am like that. lazy and un-motivated AF. although if i were a dog and jin were to be my owner i would listen to him so well and jump on him every chance i’d get 😌😌😌
GOD YES RED HAIR DOPE ERA JIMIN 💀 BABIE BUT MAKE IT SEXY 🥵🥵 AND OMG YESDGFHG MY FAVE ERA IS HYYH. ORANGE HAIRED JIMIN. PLS. HE’S EVERYTHING. I WISH I HAD GOTTEN INTO THEM DURING THAT. LIKE THAT ERA IS ..... SOMEHOW SO FUCKING WILD AND STILL SO ASSURING AND CALMING ????? KEEPS ME ROOTED LIKE IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN DFGHJKL AND WINGS TOO DAMN I WISH I WAS HERE TO LIVE ALL THOSE AMAZING ERAS. but even though i wish i had gotten into them earlier... i think i found them when i needed them the most. I was going through a very difficult time last year and they somehow they made me feel so fucking safe and at home that the connection was instant. honestly i’ve never stanned or felt a connection with any celebrity as strong as the one i feel with bangtan. its like... they don’t know i exist but they still know EXACTLY what im feeling and what to say or do at that time to make me feel comforted. Its weird god but its true :((( SORRY I GOT EMO I JUST LOVE THEM A LOT SDFGHJKL
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faewhump · 5 years
Unseelie Pet: 8. Chapter
The book of poems Malachi gifted Alex turns out to be of even more insidious nature than previously thought, but then Malachi unknowingly presents Alex with an opportunity he cannot resist.
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Content warnings: dehumanisation, non-consensual touching (not sexual), general creepiness, captivity
Tagging: @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @whumpsideblog @frnkieroismydaddy @slaintetowhump @thewhiteraven73
Alex felt comfortably warm and well-rested when he woke up. He turned around with a yawn, ready to happily snuggle back into the incredibly soft bedding, when he noticed an unfamiliar pressure against his neck. Confused he slid one hand up to his throat to feel for the cause of the discomfort. Metal. His eyes flew open as the memories of the day before came rushing back to him, the collar Malachi had forced on him, the mirror he’d broken and the subsequent punishment… as well as the warm bath. Heat rose to his cheeks thinking of how humiliating it had been.
Malachi had seen him naked, washed him and brought him to bed like a child, but that wasn’t the worst part by far. Sure, those things had been embarrassing, and he hated that he’d been unable to stop any of it. He was mortified by how he had behaved; he hadn’t acted like himself at all and had just let Malachi do whatever he wanted. But that also wasn’t the worst part.
No, the worst part was that, on some level, he had actually enjoyed the treatment. Somehow it had felt so good to be taken care of, like he didn’t have to worry about a thing and could just relax. And Malachi had been so kind to him, his touches had been nothing but gentle, and the soothing way he’d talked to him had been so calming…
See how nice this is? So much better than when you’re obstinate, isn’t it? Why aren’t you always this sweet and pliant, hmm? You want to be my good pet, don’t you?
Alex shivered. He definitely did not want to be the Fae’s good pet, thank you very much. He couldn’t allow his control to slip like that again. To be fair, it wasn’t as if he’d been completely lucid at the time, the faerie food had definitely played a part in that. Speaking of faerie food… Alex got out of bed, picked up the breakfast tray from the table and resolutely marched over to the open window. After confirming that the coast was clear he tossed the fried eggs and sausages into the courtyard without a second thought.
Sufficiently assured that the helpful crows would take care of the evidence again, he sat the tray back down and coated the cutlery in the remaining grease on the plate to uphold the illusion that he’d actually used them. No, today he wouldn’t give in the way he had yesterday, and despite his growing hunger he didn’t regret skipping breakfast one bit. Later on he probably wouldn’t be able to refuse being fed by Malachi again, if the Fae decided to keep up the humiliating tradition.
He still wore nothing but the extremely fluffy bathrobe and the detested collar, but there were new clothes laid out for him on a chair. It was a soft pair of leggings and a simple yet elegant tunic again, this time in a shade of forest green that complimented both his brown eyes and the band of gold around his neck. The fabric was much finer and luxurious than anything Alex had worn in the human world, but at the same time he couldn’t help but notice that it was nothing that would keep him warm or protected. He also hadn’t been given any shoes, and while being barefoot in the thickly carpeted room wasn’t an issue, it would definitely slow him down out in the forest.
He didn’t know how much time he had until Malachi would come to see him. On the one hand he really didn’t want to spend any more time with the Fae, so far their interactions had always ended in him getting hurt or humiliated, but on the other the dreading anticipation was almost as bad. The book of poems he’d thrown yesterday had been placed upon the table again. Reluctantly he picked it up and settled on the sofa to read, maybe there was an answer in the book to why Malachi had chosen it specifically. And besides, it wasn’t as if he’d had anything else to do.
Love poetry generally wasn’t something Alex considered himself to be well-versed in, but even he was able to recognise the flow and wording of the poems to be perfectly judged and quite elegant. Another thing he quickly noticed was that the book didn’t just contain generic love poems. No, there also was quite a number clearly written from the perspective of a Fae to their human pet, reminiscing about how wilful they used to be and how much sweeter and adorable they have become, while others praised their beloved pet’s beauty, obedience and submission.
The poems that Alex hated the most, however, were the ones written by the presumptive pets themselves. They spoke of happiness and love, some remembering times when they were scared and confused, remarking on how perfect everything was now in comparison, how kind, generous and perfect their master was and how much they adored him… Alex was about to throw the book again.
He took a deep breath, shut the book with more force than necessary and put it back down on the table. Well, at least he now understood what Malachi had meant when he’d wrote that he hoped for Alex to find this book inspiring. He laughed bitterly, if Malachi thought that he’d change his mind because of what some creepy faeries and some poor, brainwashed humans had written, he’d definitely thought wrong. If anything, this reminded Alex even further of why he had to get out of the Fae’s grasp as soon as possible.
Sooner than he’d anticipated there was a polite knock on the door before it swung open and Malachi entered.
“Good morning, little human,” he greeted with a friendly smile. “I hope you slept well? You were so tired last night, no surprise after the way you exhausted yourself crawling all over the floor.”
Warily Alex stood up from the couch to face him, noting with unease that the Fae carried a medium seized box, which he put down on the table. His eyes fell on the book.
“Have you come around to reading it yet?” Malachi asked.
“Yes, I read it,” Alex replied tensely.
“Well done,” Malachi cooed. “Tell me, pet, which poem was your favourite?”
Alex huffed. “The one in which the poet loved someone very much,” he said sarcastically, well aware that that description applied to all of them.
Malachi chuckled. “I understand why you might have had difficulties choosing, this classical collection certainly is one of the very best out there. Nevertheless, Goldfinch has been the one that I have preferred for most of the last century.”
To Alex’s horror Malachi flipped the book open and began to read said poem to him. Admittedly, it sounded quite beautiful in the Fae’s smooth, silvery voice, but that didn’t make up for the repelling content. The poet flowerily compared their human pet to a revered songbird kept in a cage, talking of how they fell in love with their sweet goldfinch the moment they first heard its beautiful song, deciding to keep it safe from harm and in comfort for the rest of its life, and lamenting the inevitable heartbreak their beloved pet’s death would bring. By the time Malachi finished reading Alex was beet-red, almost shaking with suppressed anger.
“Well, what do you think?” Malachi asked and put the book down. “It is quite lyrical and romantic.”
“It’s not romantic!” Alex protested. “None of these poems are, they’re just ridiculous and really creepy!”
Malachi laughed. “Of course, you still are a difficult, obstinate thing,” he mused. “But do not fret, my little bird, soon you will understand. Soon you will be flattered to have such lovely poems read to you, and will do nothing but blush and smile sweetly, adorably asking to hear more.”
“Never!” Alex hissed.
“What did I say about that word? Never is a horribly long time and therefore a word that shouldn't be used,” Malachi reminded him, stepping closer, and slowly stroked over his cheek. “We’ll get there, eventually. And I will enjoy every step on the way.”
The Fae’s smile sent a shiver over Alex’s back. He wanted to object and argue, but the words stayed stuck in his throat. What scared him the most was the fact that faeries couldn’t lie. Everything Malachi said sounded so wrong to him, but he knew that the Fae had to be speaking the truth. Or at least what he genuinely believed to be the truth. Alex took a deep breath to calm himself, it was alright, none of these things were actually true, Malachi was simply delusional.
“Anyways, you were very good yesterday evening, which is why I decided to prepone this particular reward,” Malachi said and gestured towards the box he’d brought. “Go ahead, open it.”
Warily Alex did as asked, expecting a ‘gift’ of a same kind as the collar had been, and was surprised to instead find a pair of soft slippers inside.
“Try them on,” Malachi encouraged him, and he obeyed. They fit perfectly, just like the clothes he’d gotten before.
Malachi smiled. “Because we are going out today. It isn’t healthy for humans to stay inside all the time, and I would never want for you to become sick.”
“Really?” Alex asked, unable to hide the excitement in his voice.
“Yes, really,” Malachi confirmed, smiling at his joy. “You will stay close to me, won’t stray from my side and won’t talk to others we might come across. Is that understood?”
“Yes, I’ll stay with you and won’t talk to anyone,” Alex promised readily.
Malachi nodded once. “Very well.” With that he turned towards the door and gestured for Alex to follow him.
Alex was overjoyed to go outside, he’d been stuck in that room for days, trying to play nice, waiting for this opportunity. Finally, finally he could try to get away. He obediently followed a step to the side and behind Malachi as he led him through the palace, trying to ignore the faeries that crossed their path, most of whom merely bowed to their Lord, and only few dared to vocally greet him.
Eventually they reached a magnificent entrance hall, and on Malachi’s sign the stationed guards opened the large portal for them. Alex couldn’t help but smile widely when he stepped outside, it felt so good to be under the open sky again. He stayed close to Malachi’s side, waiting for the perfect moment to slip away. So close to the Court there were many paths that led through the beautiful woods, and Alex wondered whether the lush vegetation and landscape were all natural or if they had at least partially been shaped by the faeries.
At first it didn’t seem like Malachi would become distracted enough to allow for an escape, and Alex was close to giving up, when on their way back to the palace a dark-skinned High Fae called out to them.
“Lord Malachi,” she said and inclined her head politely.
“Lady Shona,” Malachi greeted back.
“A word with you?”
“Of course.” He bowed his head as well.
“A word in private, if you’d please.” Lady Shona threw Alex a pointed look.
Malachi looked at Alex as well, calculating. Alex met his eyes calmly, trying to give the impression of a placid and well-behaved pet.
“Kieran, stay right here until I come back,” Malachi ordered, infusing his voice with power.
Of course, Malachi still thought he could control him with his supposed true name. Alex nodded, making sure not to let any of his excitement show. Malachi gave him one last stern look before he followed Lady Shona around the bend of the path ahead. Alex waited until their steps left earshot and a couple of moments longer for a good measure. Then, he turned around and ran.
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bubble-tea-bunny · 5 years
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[billy batson x reader]
author’s note: this was such a fun movie. enjoy <3
word count: 2,223
It’s official. Billy Batson is a living cliche.
In his defense, he didn’t mean to be one (though who the hell would ever?) and it just sort of… happened. He couldn’t just control that rumbling in the pit of his stomach, that was most certainly not hunger but something else, something like (oh hell here we go again)… like butterflies, when Mary introduced you as her friend and the tutor she’d agreed to help him find because without going into a lot of detail his French grade isn’t looking too great. Well, not yet anyway. That’s why you came into the picture.
He’d been thoroughly caught off guard by how pretty you were, and it hit him like a ton of bricks. Hard enough, it would seem, to turn him into a fucking poet because okay, yeah, sure, his French grade is questionable but his English grade is pretty good and he supposes he’s feeling that same surge of inspiration all those famous old writers did when they discovered the perfect muse. He could probably wax lyrical about the smile that seems to live on your face and has made a home alongside the rest of your soft features and he really needs to stop—
Frankly, it’s embarrassing, the way you make him feel. Teenaged boys having crushes is normal, it’s expected, it’s whatever, but he’s skeptical that an infatuation to this degree could be. When his English teacher assigns writing a poem as their homework one night, the first thoughts swirling through his head about what he could put on the paper involved you in some capacity. Of course, no matter what he wrote it wouldn’t be good since he doesn’t actually write poems, they’re not his thing, but his teacher might give him an A anyway because his rhymes and meter may be shit but the content is mushy and showcasing a range of feelings most don’t even think a teenaged boy can have but Billy can hear his teacher now, remarking that he didn’t peg Billy for such a romantic even though he’s not.
(Is it bad that you make him want to be?)
He doesn’t write about you. He thinks writing a poem about how much he likes you is going overboard, even for him. A walking, talking cliche has to have its limits too. Instead he writes about some stupid teen-angst bullshit that’s still textbook for a fourteen year old but it’s a cliche he’s more comfortable with putting out there. Besides, if you were the subject of his poem and his teacher tried to ask who he was writing about, he’d probably die right there. At least teenaged angst scrawled on a piece of notebook paper was enough to get an A and warranted no questions.
The only person he can’t hide it from is Freddy but that’s no surprise. Freddy figures it out by himself because he’s smart, sometimes too smart for his own good, and Billy doesn’t want to ask him why he’s staring at him like that so he doesn’t and all he says is Could you stop that? and Freddy says No because of course he does, and he plops down into his desk chair, the wheels rolling back slightly from his momentum.  
“You like her, don’t you?”
Billy drops his backpack down onto his bed, having brought it back up after studying with you in the dining room for the past hour, and plops down next to it. “What? No.”
Freddy hums and he is not at all convinced and Damn it, Billy, you need to find a place to put your heart that isn’t your fucking sleeve. “Really? ‘cuz you perk up whenever you see her and watch her like a lovesick puppy.”
“I do not,” Billy shoots back, wishing this conversation would end. But he’s made a wish to a bad genie because the exact opposite happens.
“Do too. Thought I could see a tail wagging.”
“Shut up.”
“It’s almost kind of cute.”
“Shut up!” Billy groans and lays back on his bed, and his hands are over his face to conceal his reddening cheeks. Since they’re both preoccupied with that, he has nothing with which to cover his ears and so he hears clearly the sound of Freddy’s laughter.
“You’re too easy to break, dude,” Freddy states as he calms down and regathers his breath, though he still huffs out the occasional chuckle.
Billy’s hands drop back down to his sides and he does his best to angle his head to look at Freddy. “You can’t tell anyone, and you definitely cannot tell Mary.” Because if Mary knows, then you will know, because you’re best friends and she tells you everything.
Freddy holds his hands up, palms out. “I won’t. Promise.”
Billy knows Freddy will keep his promise, so now, the only way you could possibly learn about his feelings is if he confessed them to you. Which, for the record, he doesn’t plan to do, and the only way it would come out is by total accident. He doesn’t count on it coming to that because he has a good grip on himself when you’re around, and he does not stare at you like a lovesick puppy that’s ridiculous.
… He doesn’t, right?
Even when he’s flying around the city looking for crime to thwart, you don’t leave his mind. He daydreams about saving you and sweeping you off your feet. He imagines how thankful you’d be as you look up at him with bright eyes and he’ll say it’s just another day but it wouldn’t be, no; it’d be very special because he’s saved someone special to him.
But he’s never run across you when he’s assumed his alter ego, but he’s not at all bummed because it means you’re safe, and that matters more. He’s content to leave his daydreams as just that, and he can pretend that it’s your cat he’s coaxing out of a tree to bring to safety, that you’re the one who’d seen him walk past and offered to buy him an ice cream cone from the nearby parlour as your treat, that he’s helping you cross the street.
Well, okay, no, that last one doesn’t really make sense because you wouldn’t need assistance crossing a street and the old lady whose arm is hooked around his for balance is at least four times your age.
When they’re safely on the other side, she thanks him, and at that same moment, Billy notices a dog farther down the block running at full speed, harness around its chest and leash dragging on the ground behind it. He quickly bids goodbye to the old lady then zooms toward the escaped pet, managing to catch up to it before it tries to step onto the busy road.
“Hey there,” he murmurs quietly, kneeling down to scratch its head and also to make sure it doesn’t try to get away again. He spots the tag on the collar and turns it so he can see the name: Lucky. He looks up and glances around for any sign of the owner, but as of yet, there is none. Had Lucky been too fast? Not fast enough for his owner to lose sight of him, surely.
As if on cue, someone comes rushing around the corner, and Billy’s eyes widen when he realizes it’s you. He clears his throat and tries to act casual as you approach, thoroughly out of breath. Needing a few seconds to gather his composure, he looks away to find the end of Lucky’s leash and picks it up.
“Thank you so much,” you force out between breaths. Your chest is heaving from how hard you’d been running, and who knows how far you’d gone? Or how far you might have left to go if Billy hadn’t been here?
Billy smiles and stands, handing you the leash. “It’s no problem.”
You take it, slipping the loop around your wrist. “I went to get coffee and tied his leash to a pole, but I guess I hadn’t done it up tight enough since, well…” You trail off and shrug, wordlessly referring to your current situation.
You’re briefly distracted when you feel Lucky’s nose nudging at your leg, and you glance down at him. His mouth is open, tongue hanging out, and he looks like he’s smiling and his tail is wagging so rapidly it’s a blur. He probably doesn’t even realize what he’s just done, and it seems you can’t be mad at him when he’s staring up at you like that, for you sigh lightly and bend a bit at the knees to pet the fluffy canine behind the ears.
All the while, Billy is staring at you, then down at Lucky, then back again and is that what Freddy’s been talking about? That he watches you like that? Because Billy doesn’t think so. He doesn’t look like that at all—
You straighten up and turn to him and he grins automatically, feeling sheepish yet rather overjoyed to be the center of your attention and oh God Freddy is totally right. But he can’t choke now! He needs to be cool, needs to play it cool. He’s saved your dog and you’re watching him with the bright eyes he imagined you would have and he can’t ruin the moment.
“Well”—Think of something cool, Billy!—“it was lucky I got here just in time right?” He chuckles amusedly but on the inside he’s cringing, immediately regretting the decision to let that leave his mouth and you probably think he’s super lame but he won’t fault you for it because he thinks he’s super lame too.
However, it seems you share no such sentiments because you laugh, and as the sound graces his ears, Billy swears his heart does a flip. “Yeah, it was,” you agree with a nod.
Soon a silence settles between you and you’re simply watching each other, and honestly Billy’s okay with this because it’s an overcast day and the lighting is flattering on you and it’s day one all over again, the ton of bricks hitting him in the face because your eyes are gentle and your smile is charming and he is lovesick, he is, and you’re both what set the butterflies loose in the first place and the only thing that can get them to settle down.
“Um…” you interrupt the quiet, and Billy’s brows raise like he’s been broken from a trance as he waits for you to continue. “I should probably get going. My coffee is probably ready by now.” You point back over your shoulder and it looks like you aren’t pointing at anything, but he knows you’re talking about the cafe.
Billy grins, trying his best to hide his disappointment that his run-in with you is coming to an end already. “Oh. Yeah, no problem.”
You start taking a few steps backwards, lifting a hand to give a slight wave, smiling lopsidedly. “Thanks again.”
When you’ve twisted around, beginning to walk back the way you came, Billy doesn’t leave right away, merely watching you for some seconds and committing every detail of this encounter to memory: the weather and the street name and how sweet you’d been and he thinks he’s going to start dreaming of your smile but that’s not such a bad thing to dream of at all.
And so, with a small smile of his own, he takes a deep breath and turns his focus to the sky, prepared to set off and continue his route around the city. Just before his feet leave the concrete sidewalk, he hears a jingle, and it grows louder as whatever it belongs to gets closer to him. His eyes lower just in time to see that the jingle is from Lucky’s collar, and he’s running behind you as you come jogging back.
Billy opens his mouth, about to ask if something is wrong, but he doesn’t get the chance to. You don’t slow down the closer you get, coming right up to him so quickly he lifts his arms reflexively to steady you in case you actually do run into him. But you don’t, stopping right before you can do so and setting a hand on his shoulder to brace yourself as you tiptoe and kiss him on the cheek.
Your hand slips back down to your side and Billy’s eyes are wide like he can’t just believe what happened. He stares down at you, utterly speechless, but it seems you are too. At first your expression mimics his, eyes widened in shock, but then it melts away and you’re flashing a toothy grin up at him. Your cheeks warm and redden with a light blush and you divert your gaze, suddenly shy. Billy feels his chest tighten and he’s beginning to think he’s falling in love with you.
No words are exchanged as you make your leave a second time but they needn’t be. You look over your shoulder at him to give one last wave, and he returns the gesture. Once you and Lucky have disappeared around the corner, he takes off, feeling lighter than air and like the biggest, baddest monster could be thrown his way and he’d defeat it in a heartbeat because this is truly his lucky day.
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lowlywriter · 5 years
PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS! Content may be triggering to some readers!
I’m sad, so I wrote sad. Fluffy ending because I wanted to cheer myself up. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy. My asks and stuff are all open (I think? Still figuring Tumblr out) and I’m always looking for new things to write. Colby’s a cute little bean in this- all the warnings are for the boyfriend at the beginning of the story.
Also, I wrote this one gender neutral- or, well I tried. Please don’t hesitate to tell me if there are pronouns anywhere I missed when I scanned over the final product. I’m new to this topic, since we just went over unhealthy relationships in one of my classes.
Warnings: abuse, emotional abuse, unhealthy relationships, inner turmoil, swearing, controlling partner
Rating: Mature?
Word Count: 4,262
Colby is NOT the boyfriend in the beginning of the story.
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“You belong to me.” his voice growled. It wasn’t loud; no, that would raise suspicion among the group of his friends. His words just loud enough for the words to travel to your ears, making his message loud and clear.  
You hadn’t done much to warrant such a tone; merely running to the bar to get a couple drinks for him and his friends. It wasn’t your fault the bartender starting hitting on you. You’d been uncomfortable with it- certainly not interested in his attempts.  
After all, he had been the one to send you to collect shots for the table. You had been hesitant. You were not twenty-one, and it was illegal to be in the club. But the stern look on his face had you standing and excusing yourself, smiling easily at everyone.
It didn’t matter to your boyfriend though. It never did.
The bartender thankfully had been more interested in you then the age on your driver’s license. But he was still making passes at you. It was out of your control. He had what you needed.  
You couldn’t help but tap your fingers on the glossy bar counter, anxiously chancing quick looks over your shoulder at the cheerful table your peers- all excited and a little too drunk to remember anything the next morning. You had seen your boyfriend’s eyes on you from the table, the subtle glint of anger dilating his eyes that you knew so well.  
Nothing good could come from this. You’d taken too long. His intentions were clear, and you cowered slightly into the corner of the bar as he strided towards you, eyes dancing from you to the bartender who grinned at him.  
“I think they’ve had enough,” he played off, smile bright- making it out to seem you’d been ordering all six shots for yourself. You hadn’t even intended to have one. You’d had a frilly girly drink he’d made fun of you for, but you weren’t one for alcohol, not to mention the fact that he’d already practically force fed you a shot of tequila.  
“Oh, man, I’m sorry. I didn’t know they were taken. Sorry, bro.” The bartender apologized as your boyfriend wrapped his arm around your shoulder, a little too tight to be considered a romantic gesture. He was angry.  
You pleaded silently to the bartender, praying he’d see your face- know you were in danger- but the idiot simply nodded his head towards your boyfriend and turned to assist someone else at the bar.  
“How’s about you and I go have a little talk in the bathroom?” He gritted through his teeth, voice dangerously low as he forced you towards the restrooms by a strong grip around you.  
He was a regular at this specific bar, and by default- you were now as well. The hallway was small, and dark. The lightbulb in the small corridor was burnt out, and for as long as you’d been coming- there hadn’t been any light. The men’s and women’s rooms were side by side, each smelling rancid and looking grimy and worn.  
When the both of you were enveloped in the daunting darkness, he spun you around, pinning you against the wall. You knew better then you scream, yell or protest. A subtle pain ignited in your spine as bone crashed against wooden beams in the drywall.  
You remained neutral, as anything else would’ve made things worse for you.  
“What the fuck were you doing flirting with that asshole?” He growled in your face, practically nose to nose with you.
“I w-wasn’t,” you tried, only to be pushed further up the wall, feet inches off the floor, being supported by nothing but his grip around your neck. Your lungs constricted at the lack of air, legs kicking slightly to try and ground yourself.
“Don’t fucking lie to me, I watched you flirt with him with my own two eyes, Slut,” said eyes were now red with anger. He definitely had had a little too much to drink- just like his whole party of friends sitting just a couple feet away, completely oblivious. He was being more violent than usual, more handsy and aggressive. He’d never been this forceful.  
Your feet hit the ground as his hands left your throat, and your body threatened to slide down the wall to the floor, but his grip was soon replaced, gripping your arm with bruising strength. His movements were quick, and then you felt pain blossom in your face. He’d slapped you, or maybe punched? It all felt the same at this point.  
The sting was intense, blurring your vision momentarily.  
He spouted slurs and threats at you, but the only thing you could hear was the sound of your own sped up heartbeat. Your fight-or-flight instincts kicking in. You involuntarily pushed him away; conscious mind struggling to keep up.  
He wasn’t expecting it, clearly, so he stumbled back, taking a second to regain his balance in his drunken state. You’d taken that as your chance. The chance to get away. The chance of freedom.  
You moved quickly, feet working faster than your brain could comprehend.  
He was following you; you knew it. His feet slapping loudly off the floors. He wasn’t shouting slurs, instead pleading, making it out that you were the bad guy. That you were leaving.
Outside the door, he finally spoke up. Voice venomous, as he growled. The streets were empty, and everyone inside remained inside, clearly not too interested in your fight. A streetlight flickered, and his face was stony with anger.  
“If you walk away now, we’re fucking over.” You paused your movements, not turning to face him, but showing you were listening, “I won’t care for your slutty ass anymore. And remember bitch, no one else will want you. I’m doing you a favor by staying with you- and you go and do this shit.”  
You were at a safe distance. He would have to sprint to make it too you, and both of you knew that he would fall flat on his face if he attempted. His words were sinking in. This was it. You’d finally escaped. He was giving you the final ultimatum. Stay and be with him- have everything return to normal, or leave, and forget it all- be safe, but alone.  
“Go to hell,” you uttered, turning swiftly and sprinting down the road. Tears sprung in your eyes as you jogged, listening to his raged shouts grow softer with the distance you were putting between the two of you.
When you finally felt that you were at a safe distance, you slid down the wall, drawing your knees to your chest. You had to reevaluate everything. The past year of your life with him. You thought he had loved you, but... this wasn’t love. He’d taken it too far. You let it go too far.
Everyone had warned you about him. About his aggressive will to protect you... protect you from your friends and family. They’d been right. All your girlfriends who told you to get out while you could, told you that their boyfriends never did anything like he did.
And Colby- Colby hadn’t liked him from the start. He didn’t like Colby either. Colby warned you. He frowned whenever you said his name, glared when you recalled anything your boyfriend did. He was trying to help. Telling you how it looked from the outsider’s point of view...  
Colby had been the first your boyfriend cut off. ‘I just don’t like the way he looks at you, you’re mine, babe’ he had said, eyes full of love and adoration. You’d stupidly let him win. You started cutting Colby out. He was your best friend, and you let this man- your boyfriend- just cut him out of your life.  
It had been weeks since you’d talked to Colby. It was your fault. He had tried, tried so hard to stay in contact. He sent texts, and called- sent you silly little snapchats and invited you out all the time... but you slowly stopped responding, or replying, or joining him when he wanted to hang out.  
You cut out the whole trap house- each of those boys had been so nice to you, and the girls too. They’d been like family, and you let your boyfriend- ex boyfriend, tear everything to pieces.  
You doubted he’d even be your friend anymore. You wouldn’t want to be your friend after what you’d done to him. Colby had been trying to help- but you just pushed him away. You, single handedly, cut all the ties you had with people- for the man who was abusing you.  
You let out a quiet sob-laugh, you weren’t sure which it was. It wasn’t funny- not in the slightest, but you were fed up with yourself. How could you let him isolate you from everyone? Even your parents you hadn’t spoken to in months.  
You patted your pockets, in search for your cell phone. There had to be someone in your phone you could call to come pick you up. They couldn’t all hate you, right?
You searched your pockets, patting down your legs before letting out a cry of frustration. It was gone. You must’ve dropped it somewhere in the rush of getting out.  
You were stranded. It was late, you had no lose change for the payphones, and you were not stupid enough to go back to the bar to call someone.  
With a heavy heart, you pulled yourself up and started in the direction of a certain mansion that was closest to you. You didn’t have very high hopes, maybe they’d let you borrow a phone to call your parents or something before kicking you off the property. After cutting them out, there weren’t many other scenarios that could happen.  
The walk was long. Your back still kind of hurt, but your face was mostly numb. It was very late when you finally arrived at the trap house. If you had to guess, about twelve or something. You'd left the bar around nine, and it felt like you’d been walking for years. It was dark, the streetlights not doing much to help anything.
The gate was shut, but not locked, so you pushed up the latch and slowly walked in, closing it behind yourself in the process.  
There was still lights on in mansion- which was a good thing. Someone had to be awake.  
You trailed slowly to the large double doors, taking note of whose cars were parked out front. Colby, Sam, and Corey.  
You lifted a hand to knock on the door. It was a quiet knock, since something in the back of your mind didn’t actually want anyone to answer- but seconds later the clicking of dog claws and loud protective barks echoed in the house.  
“Sh, Navi, Buddy,” a voice hushed. Then the door clicked open. Sam peeked through the small gap between the door and doorframe, clearly cautious since they weren’t actually expecting any guests, and it was pretty late.  
“Y/N?” He questioned in surprise, eyeing you up and down.
“Uh, yea...” you replied quietly, scuffing your foot against the concrete anxiously. “Can I, uh, use your phone?”  
Sam stared for a second, deeming you no threat before pushing the door open the rest of the way. The light from the hallway lit up the front yard. Sam gasped quietly, taking a step towards you slowly. You knew you probably didn’t look too great.  
“Y/N, what happened?” his voice was quiet- almost caring. You didn’t respond, just looked down in guilt. “Here,” Sam continued after a second, walking towards you and placing a gentle hand on your back, “come inside.”
You trusted Sam. You trusted everyone in the trap house. They’d never done you wrong.  
You let Sam lead you into the mansion, he being super gentle. He brought you into the living room, where Corey and Devyn were sitting curled up watching a movie on Netflix.
You sat down, lacking all emotion. Corey glanced towards you, stiffening when he eyed your appearance.  
“Y/N, are you alright?” his voice sounding appalled, and shocked. Devyn glanced up, gasping quietly when you caught her eye, pushing herself off of Corey to sit beside you.  
“Y/N... your neck...” she frowned, fingers hovering beside your neck. She didn’t touch, which you were grateful for. It was bound to be bruising by now. Flourishing into blacks, purples and ugly yellows.  
She pulled you into a hug- but you didn’t hug back. Not yet. It was still all sinking in. The hug was a nice touch, and you desperately needed one- but... you wanted comfort from someone else. Your mind was locked on Colby, despite the fact he probably hated you.  
You squeezed your eyes shut when thumps rumbled down the stairs- it was loud and scared you. You’d been in the silence of the night for so long, circling aimlessly in your own mind, and now suddenly there were people and noises coming at you left, right and center.  
Devyn pulled back, and you were wrapped in someone else’s arms just as fast as the first pair left. You instantly melted into the embrace, arms lifting to wrap around the person as you buried your nose in the soft fabric of his sweatshirt.  
Colby still smelt the same. An interesting mix of shampoo and deodorant. He had the most familiar scent too you. The smell of safety. Colby was safety.  
“Y/N... shh, what happened?” his voice was low, calm and collected- but you could tell he was scared. His body was shaking- almost as bad as yours, and his heart was faster than it usual was. You realized that you were crying, when you pulled back a little too look up- only to have a blurred vision of your best friend.  
His arms were tight around you- but you didn’t struggle. It wasn’t the same embrace as your boyfriend’s. Colby was radiating love and concern- he was radioactive with anger and control.
There were too many people around to talk about what had happened hours ago. You loved them all- but they weren’t Colby, and as of now, he was the only person you wanted to know what went down.  
You pulled away from him, arms wrapping around yourself in your best attempt to cover yourself from the harsh eyes of everyone. Sam was stood behind Colby, eyes sad. He must’ve gone upstairs to get Colby. You nodded his direction, smiling as best you could when he noticed you. He returned a sad smile; then, as if reading your mind, turned on his heels and left the room, muttering about editing a new video and facetiming Katrina before he went to bed.  
Devyn was next to pick up on the social ques. Yawning silently, and taking Corey’s hand. She mumbled about being tired, and wanting to finish the movie in their bed in case she fell asleep.  
Corey was hesitant, sending you concerned glances, before standing and following Devyn up the stairs.  
Then, it was just you and Colby. He looked shell-shocked; eyes focused on your neck. You watched his eyes trail you, scanning you for injuries.  
“Y/N, baby, what happened?” he questioned once more. You smiled lightly at the pet name; it was refreshing to hear it in such a sweet tone. He always called you cute names like that- only ever using your actual name when he was mad at you, or he was being serious about something.  
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you told him quickly. It was the first thing you spouted. And you were. You were so sorry. Sorry about how you treated him. How you just abandoned him. After all the years the two of you had been friends, you’d let that man get in between you and split you guys up. You were sorry for not listening to him, and basically the whole year since you met your ex. “I’m sorry...”
“No, no. Y/N, don’t be sorry... it’s okay. Everything is okay. You’re okay... Please, stop crying...” this only made you cry harder. He was being so nice to you. You abandoned him, and here he was comforting you.  
You lifted your hands up to cover your nose and mouth, shutting your eyes. Colby wrapped his arms around you once more, leading you back to the couch. He sat, pulling you down behind him.  
It was nice being in his lap. You’d always liked sitting in his lap. It’s just how your relationship worked. He had always been super good at calming you down, and this happened to be his number one tactic.  
“Y/N, I really need you to tell me what happened. You can’t just show up here after three weeks of no contact, completely banged up and scare the shit out of us all. What happened? Please, tell me...”
“I’m sorry for leaving you... Leaving you for him,” you gasped through the tears. You had to apologize.  
“It’s okay... I’m not mad. It’s fine. You’re here now. Please, what happened?”  
“We were at the bar,” you started, voice quiet as you played with a thread on your shirt. Colby’s hand was settled firmly on your back, slowly running the length of your spine. It was calming, and just sitting with Colby was soothing. “He, uh, he’s been more... aggressive lately...” You tried, trailing off. Colby was going to flip his shit.  
“He... Your boyfriend?” his voice turned stony, hand pausing on your back. His eyes were dark and his lip curling into a snarl, “that fucking asshole did this to you?”
You knew his anger wasn’t directed at you. You knew for certain; Colby had never done anything towards you in anger. But you couldn’t help but flinch away. It was too soon. Hours earlier this very situation had led to being strangled in the restroom hallway of a bar.  
“I’m sorry,” Colby whispered, anger wiping away, guilt quickly replacing it. “Sorry, babe, I know. Not the time to get mad. We need to worry about you, not that asshole.”
You didn’t reply, just curled closer into his sweater. He pulled you against him, and the two of you settled into silence. It was calming. You felt safe in the trap house. You knew all the guys would protect you in a heartbeat. And Colby would gladly get himself arrested defending you (as it had almost happened before).
Colby’s fingers ran through your hair, trailing his fingertips along your skull in a soothing motion. You closed your eyes, relaxing into him. You’d been so high strung for so long, and it was nice to just relax- and be in the arms of someone who you trusted wholeheartedly. You ducked your head under his chin, curling so your ear was pressed against his chest and your chin hidden in his sweater. He took the hint, resting his chin on top of your head.  
His hand fell from your hair to resume running lines up and down your back. He hit a particularly tender spot and you winced before you could think about what you were doing. His hand lifted instantly, and he pushed you away slightly to look at your face.
“I’m going to need you to be completely honest with me right now,” he started, voice quiet but serious. “Where did he hurt you? I need to know. I have to see if I should be taking you to the hospital.”
“He pushed me against the wall... and um, he lifted be by my neck... I- he, uh he also slapped me, or, uh or maybe he punched me? I’m not sure. It all happened so fast.”
Colby was silent for a long minute. His hand was settled on your waist, and his thumb was trailing up and down slowly. He was deep in thought, you could tell.  
“I want to look at everything, everything he did to you.” Colby told you, “somewhere where the light is good... Come, let’s go to the bathroom down here. The lighting is the best.”  
Together you and Colby stood up. His hand planted on your back, leading you slowly- just as Sam had done when you’d first arrived.  
The bathroom was super bright. You were momentarily blinded as Colby flicked the light on. You looked in the mirror. You couldn’t help but gape at yourself. You looked so broken. A bruise was forming on your cheek, and somehow your lip had been split. There was a trail of blood, and a smear on your chin. You glanced at you hand to see another smear, meaning at some point you must’ve wiped it away.  
Your neck was still fairly numb, but it was starting to hurt. There were dark oval shapes lining your neck- easily identified at finger marks from your ex’s strong grip. You hesitantly brought your hands to run along the shapes, wincing lightly.  
You stripped off your shirt, not caring that Colby was in the room. He’d seen it before- you guys were best friends after all. You turned, exposing your back to the mirror, then looking over your shoulder to see bruises on the parts you’d hit the hardest.  
“Babe, those look painful,” Colby frowned, rifling through a drawer and pulling out a bottle of ibuprofen. You downed the pills he offered dry, blinking as they passed down your throat.  
“It’s not as bad as I thought,” you told you best friend truthfully. And it wasn’t. It felt worse than it looked. You’d known you’d be bruised pretty heavily, but it was less then you assumed. Your back felt like is should be a solid strip of black and blue, but it was only in the most tender spots, which was a plus in your books.  
Colby looked like you’d just shot him or something, eyes wide and mouth gaping open.  
“Y/N, seriously? I’m sorry, but you look like you got hit by a bus. He did this to you. He fucked with the wrong person, let me tell you. I mean,” Colby paused, busying himself at the sink, “you’re bleeding still. You've got blood smears, and the bruising- oh god, the bruising- babe... please, tell me this isn’t actually happening.”
Colby turned to you, a wash cloth in his hand. He reached to wipe away the blood, his movements gentle. The cloth was warm, and felt heavenly on your skin. He dabbed at your split lip, his concentration focused on you. Finally, he reached down to take your hand, giving it the same treatment and wiping away the smear.  
When he was done, he dropped the cloth back into the sink, frowning at you.  
“There’s got to be something we can do for the bruising.” Colby mumbled to himself, lifting his hand to trail his fingers gently across your neck. It didn’t really bother you. You had no fear of Colby touching you.  
“Let’s bring you up to my room. You can just relax in the blankets and maybe the softness of the bed will ease the pain?” Colby suggested, leading you away without waiting for you to respond. You ascended the stairs together, Colby supporting you easily. You were still shirtless, but it didn’t really bother you. You had nothing to hide- everyone had already seen the worst of it anyways.  
He settled you in his bed, covering you with his blankets before kissing your head and telling you he’d return shortly. You heard him in Sam’s room. Heard him, and Sam conversing- worry clear in both voices. It didn’t bother you that he went to Sam- and was telling Sam everything. Sam was such a good friend, and he had been around longer then you.  
You let your eyes close, enjoying the warmth of the covers. Colby had been right that the bed would ease the pain. You barely felt anything as you lied in his pillows.  
“Hey, I’m back. Sam suggested using a cold compress. We don’t have those, so I got a bag of frozen carrots. I don’t think Devyn will mind. I can always replace them.” Colby explained. He sat on the edge of his bed, setting the bag down carefully on your neck so that the frozen vegetables were spread around in the bag.  
When he felt that it was properly placed, he pulled himself up to lay beside you. You shuffled over, wanting to be close to him. You sighed quietly, eyes shut and a small smile on your face. It was nice being here with him. He was taking such good care of you.  
“I’m sorry you had to go through this,” Colby whispered.  
“I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you...” you returned, then added, “and I’m sorry I let him cut you off. You’re my best friend- and I’ve been terrible to you...”
“It’s in the past,” Colby waved it off, giving you a small tired smile.  
“We should try and sleep now. I can only ward off the roommates for so long. I assured everyone that you were alright, but they’re gonna wanna check in tomorrow.” You laughed quietly, chest lighting up with warmth at the thought of all these people you wronged being worried and wanting to check up on you.  
“I don’t deserve you guys,” you mumbled sleepily, inching closer to curl into Colby.  
“You do,” he returned, wrapping around you and burying his nose in your hair. You fell asleep to Colby readjusting the carrots as he carded his fingers through your hair. It was the best you’d slept in months- even under the terrible circumstances.  
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And the Winner Is...
A/N: This is my entry for @mss4msu 500 celebration challenge! I’m super late on this one too, thank you for being patient! 💕It’s my second work with Zac so it’s still quite plain and simple, although I’ll be posting a smuttier part later on (following this storyline.) I just thought I’d make this a fluffy oneshot and then whoever wants to read the smut will have it in a seperate text. 🤷‍♀️ Warnings: none really, I don’t even think there’s a swear word... Word count: 2.5k Summary: After several calls to your local radio station and five good answers, you find yourself owner of a VIP pass for the New York comic con. There’s that one man in particular you wish to see, and little did you know he had planned this all along.
Main Masterlist
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You’re holding the ticket in your hands, your thumb runs over the large textured letters. You’re still unable to process the euphoria surrounding the events that lead to this day. Your name is written under the New York Comic Con logo, its beautiful lanyard dangles from your hands as you twirl it around to look at the pattern. The softness of the couch has never been so welcoming as it envelopes you in your downfall from the heavens. The laminated ticket comes to your chest, followed by you giggling in excitement and tapping your feet to the ground. The phone in your pocket rings, and you hurry to pick it up.
“Hello?” You answer without reading the ID.
“Hi Y/N! How are you?” Your friend chimes from the other side.
“Oh, hey! I’m…” You ponder whether to tell or not. “I’m doing great,” you finish quickly as not to leave any suspicion.
“Riiight. Expected someone else?” You bite your lip to keep from laughing some more. She knows where you’re headed to, but not what’s actually hidden behind all this. “Well anyway, if you want me to help you pack for your trip I’m free all night.” She giggles when you stay silent. You end up accepting her offer, unsure if you could go the entire evening without combusting of joy. You figure that having her around would help you stay down to earth - but most importantly, it would keep the scenarios from playing in your mind.
You’re happy to realise that both seats next to you remain empty as the plane shakes off the ground. Once the flight is steady and you’ve lost sight of the city lights, you fold your knees over the arm rest as you get comfortable for the short flight. A variety of films is available from the on-board entertainment, including very recent titles, and some of your favourite series. So much for the book you had packed, you think. The soft vibrations help numb your mind and soon you’re well into a proper nap; an earphone securely playing the soundtrack to a Disney movie, the other hanging over your shoulder as it got pulled out not too long after.
Someone’s backpack strap is what has you jolting up at your arrival. You stretch as best you can in the confined space, reaching over to your left for the cubicle window. The rainy weather is not enough to dispirit you as you close it back and pick up your stuff, ready to have a great weekend at the convention. You’re in the last bunch out of the plane and through customs.
You set your bag onto the plushy bench at the foot of the bed - which is way too big for one person, you think - and let yourself fall on your back; the supple material has you bouncing a couple times. As you take a few deep breaths, you let your hands roam the space next to you, the silky fabric of the duvet-cover allows your fingers to glide easily, and it soon feels like you’re swimming in your own little world. The room is dark; the only thing coming in is the filtered light of the blinking advertisement panels outside. The dim ambiance of Time Square that’s just a few blocks down helps your mind drift off, and as if someone had dropped their knocked-out, fully-clothed kid on their sister’s spare bed, you lay there, content, before finally falling asleep.
A knock at the door pulls you out of your beauty sleep, and you thank the night’s unexpected crash for the fully functional outfit.
“Hi, can I-” You stop yourself when the door won’t go wider than a couple inches, the chain lock still well in place. “I’m sorry. Hi!” A familiar face waits with a white box in hand, and the same sweet smile. It’s his assistant. She had skyped you to explain what the pass included and later to explain the schedule of your plane.
“I hope I’m not too early for you. I’m just dropping this off. The convention starts at ten,” she begins, and then waits for your reaction. She smiles at your confusion. “Feel free to call me if you need a ride. I think you’ll like it. Congratulations again!” She winks as she taps on the box before walking away into the long hall. Suddenly, the furthest door down the hall opens slightly and your heart skips a beat on the spot. His tall silhouette barely makes it under the door frame as he steps out to get his special delivery of newspapers. Dark jeans held around his waist by a black leather belt. No shirt. Before he can stretch back up and see you, you squeal your way back into the room, then slam the door before leaning against it. Giggles escape your lips and you can’t help but dance around a little. Pictures surely didn’t do him justice.
The soft cardboard of the box tears slightly under your tight grip. A small cut gives you a peek at what’s hiding inside. With a slight spark of excitement you rush towards the table in the small living space and lay it on the marble. The small ribbon is easily torn away and you pull out a Nerd HQ t-shirt; the fabric is soft in your hands, the colours remind you of an 80s arcade room. The symbol is spelled out in a neon-like font, and stripes run down the side seems. You pick up the small note at the bottom of the box and gasp as you read it:
“Dear nerd,
Thank you for participating in our contest! I hope you enjoy your stay and that you have fun at the convention. But then again, you’ll get to meet me so that’s pretty rad!
I’ll see you later Y/N,
Zac ❤”
The last few words are hard to read as your eyes slowly fill with tears of joy. He’s taken the time to write a little message for you and it honestly beats getting a like from him on one of your tweets. You had been able to talk to him over the phone for a couple minutes when him and his assistant called to give you the result of the draw. He later texted you a simple hello, which stretched into a pretty deep conversation about mental health and upcoming movies. About a week later he warned you that his phone might have been hacked, and that for your privacy - and his - you had accepted to stop talking until you could meet. Knowing that you’ll be able to see him in person definitely has you nervous and shaking.
Getting back onto your feet, you trot towards the bathroom and hold the shirt up in front of your body, imagining how it would look on you. Then you go back to finish your outfit and get your small bag ready with everything you want signed.
You walk out of the elevator to the basement, where a black Mercedes awaits. A small hand waves you in through the open passenger window, and you settle next to his assistant.
“Told you you’d like it!” Her tone is friendly and she winks at you before pulling onto the street.
Small talk makes the ride down the jammed streets of Hell’s Kitchen a breeze, and with the lanyard around your neck, you walk into the busy halls of the Javits Center. The main area is packed; you wonder if everything is up to fire regulations as you strut around, being careful not to walk on anyone’s heels or break any cosplays. Marvel pretty much owns the place - or rather Disney - as Star Wars ships and maquettes are displayed here and there, comic artists and autograph booths fill the back walls. You walk down the aisles as if you were on a cloud. This is certainly the best initiation you could have gotten. Then, with an extra heartbeat per minute, you come to realise that you’re just a few feet away from the DC gate, which is ironically adorned with Shazam posters, along with Superman gear. An attroupement of people surrounds the Batmobile that roars in a corner. You sigh as the whole event becomes a bit overwhelming, and you can’t help but feel yourself go a bit weak.
You step into the little archway, and a well deserved breath escapes your lungs. You waste some time looking around at the frames and pieces of craft that creators expose proudly. And then your eyes come up to the posters hung along the black curtains behind the autograph tables, a sweet red shade tints your cheeks at the sight of Zac’s picture in the Shazam suit. A small kid bumps into you when your feet give up on their simple task; the flashes of his near-naked body resurfacing from the morning has your mind going foggy. He steps out a few minutes later, along with Asher and Jack, and they are greeted by a roar of cheers which knocks you out of a day dream. Your shoulder finds refuge on a nearby column, and you decide to wait until he has talked to a few people before you can come up with the courage to walk to his booth. He’s a little faster though and spots you from his seat, earning yourself a wink and a bright smile.
“Here comes the smolder!” Someone calls from the line in front of you, making you laugh a little. A strong hand comes to your shoulder from behind, startling you.
“Y/N?” His voice is a bit higher than you expected for someone his size. His square shoulders jump up a little when he sees your frightened face. The company shirt he has on is clearly a size too small; the sleeve bands around his biceps are screaming for their life.
“Yes. Do you need an ID?” You already have a hand in your bag as you ask the question, but he grabs your arm and politely shakes his head.
“It’s alright, love. Follow me,” he adds.
You struggle to keep up with him as he guides you through a crowded area, even though his body creates a rather smooth passage. About a minute later you find yourself alone with him in a small hallway; pipes fill the ceiling and everything is made out of concrete. Had it not been for the bright neon lights, this would certainly feel like a horror movie. You keep walking in silence, hearing the crowd cheer through the small doors you keep passing by. Then he opens a door to your right and motions you inside while holding it for you.
“If you please,” he says cordially.
You enter the room and scan your surroundings. A couch covered in dark green velvet sits by the opposing wall. There’s a barber chair sitting in front of a big mirror, where bottles of makeup and what-not fill a thin shelf. You step a little further inside and then see the fruits on the coffee table along with various snacks and bottles of Gatorade. When the bodyguard closes the door behind you and moves out of the way you see the small post on the door.
‘Zachary Levi’ written in black sharpie on the back of a random list, taped unevenly.
Your jaw slackens a little, your gaze goes back to the treats on the table and you smile at how personal this feels. The man invites you to get comfortable and take whatever you’d like, and you think he said he’d be back shortly with a warm lunch but your mind is already wandering around the subtle items and decor. You run your hands on the soft material of the couch as you let your body relax into it. It has a natural wood frame and feels very vintage. Very Zac. A small TV hangs on the wall in front of it and is already turned on and logged onto someone’s Netflix account. You grab the remote and proceed to ‘get comfortable’ as the man had said. The choice is easy when one of your favourite series is in his list as well.
The first episode is nearly done when faint voices are getting closer in the hallway, and out of panic you turn it off and sit back into the couch. The handle moves but it takes a few seconds before the door is finally pushed open. He’s standing there in the frame, still talking to someone you can’t see from your position. Although you doubt you’d be able to see anything else with Zac just shining in the room. You stand up and he sees it in his sight. He turns his head just a little and sends you another wink along with a little wave, politely asking you to wait another minute. You stand there in the middle of the room, swaying from a foot to another as you try and compose yourself. Then he turns around completely and steps inside.
“Hi Y/N!” His voice is high and bashful. You move your hand up in hopes of reaching for his, but he jerks it away gently and opens his arms instead. “Come on! Bring it in.”
You obey and move closer to him. Your arms hook behind his body but you’re too afraid to touch him. You linger there, your head against his chest that slowly rises with each breath, trying to slow your heartbeat to match his. His actions make it hard for you to actually focus. One of his hands reaches the back of your head and he runs his fingers through your hair before settling lower on your neck.
“You’re so damn beautiful,” he whispers in the crook of your neck. He only lets go when he feels you shiver and your arms fall to your side. He grabs your shoulders, pushing you back a little and looks at you, his face wincing at his clumsiness. “Did I overstep? Gosh. I’m so, so sorry!” He seems  genuinely concerned and bothered with himself until he sees you smile finally, making him shiver in return.
“You shouldn’t...I’m...I can’t lie and say I’m not enjoying this.” He breathes out when you’re done and his shoulders relax. “I guess I’m just startled. You really are so handsome and...” And I saw you half naked this morning and wanted to have my hands on you all day but… You shake your head at the thought with a laugh which seems to amuse him as well.
“What?” He grins and takes a step closer. So close your neck is about to snap from looking up at him.
“I, um…” Your hands come to your face and you lean against his chest again. His hands run down your arms and onto the small of your back, before slowly making their way back up and locking behind your neck. He pulls slightly on your hair, making you face him again. A whimper threatens to leave your throat but his lips are quick to block any sound from coming out of your mouth.
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emotionalgirl101 · 6 years
Question | Chapter 2
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Words: 2,104
Genre: college au, angst, fluff
Pairing: SKZ x reader
Summary: Your best friend, Minho, had been refusing to introduce you to his other group of best friends for months now, with no explanation as to why. One night after getting drunk after work together, he gave in to your pleas. Oops.
Warning: Contains mature content (such as coarse language, violent themes, etc).
A/N: SORRY FOR POSTING LATE! Just a quick reminder to check out the profiles post, and I’ll be making a Question masterlist for the series, too. In case you’re reading this first, I based appearances on the ‘I am who’ era. There is no real reason as to why apart from the fact that Jisung’s hair looks so fluffy and nice and oml I love it especially when he wears the cap in the ‘Awkward silence’ mv too I need help. Also, not edited because I felt bad about posting so late rip. Enjoy~
You weren’t far from the apartment, but not close enough, to your disappointment. You were sobering up and starting to regret the whole thing. You didn’t feel that confident walking in in your work clothes, you were still tipsy and looking like a mess, and your feet were fucking killing you. Curse your uniform meaning you had to wear high heels. 
Minho appeared to sense your anguish, cutting short his conversation on a stupid argument he overheard at the bar, and focusing in on you. “You okay? Seem kind of, I don’t know, out of it, I guess…” He let his words linger in the air. Once he got tired of waiting, he poked you in the arm so you’d give him attention. “I’m just worried I’ll make a fool of myself.”
“Ah,” he smirked, “someone’s sobered up, huh? Well, too late now. I’m a nice friend but not nice enough to walk all the way back in the other direction and catch a bus with you. You have no choice now.” He taunted, looking dead ahead. Although he didn’t say anything similar, ‘told-you-so’ energy was emulating from his aura. So, you did what anyone else would do in that situation. Hit him for being a teasing ass and pout. “Not helping” You grumbled. He let out small laugh, massaging the point of impact with his free hand. He had still insisted on carrying your bag. You couldn’t be that mad at him due to the fact, playfully or otherwise. 
He piped up again, just as the previously stirred silence was starting to settle. “I know. How about we come up with a list of things for me to stop you from doing, so you don’t embarrass yourself?” He looked over at you, hoping you’d like his suggestion, or at the very least, appreciate it. He had limited brain cells, especially after drinking and working at that bar for so long. Pay some credit where it’s due. 
“Like, a set of rules, or something?” You looked at him, waiting for a response. “I guess, yeah.” He shrugged back. You shook your head, the teasing tone rising in your voice again. “Rules? Nope, not listening. I’m not falling them. Never have, never will.” Shock flashed across his face, then recognition took its place.
“Dude, come on! I said that once, like a year ago. I was immature back then.” Minho huffed out. “Yeah, like you’re much better now.” You snickered under your breathe, but you both know he heard it. He charged at you without warning, and you squealed, running behind a light post to take cover from his playful abuse. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I give in, okay?” You put your hands up in surrender as you retreated from behind the pole. The boy was laughing, and then so were you. He swung your bag over his left shoulder, and pulled you into his right side. An arm was slung around your shoulder. You crossed the street, encompassed by the peaceful harmony of breathing and shared heartbeats.
“Okay, we’re almost at the house. You have 2 minutes to give me any instructions to help you out. If you say nothing, I get no blame if you make a fool of yourself. Now, shoot.”
You sighed. He was right. At a time like this, a strategy was important. Minho was your best friend, and you wanted to make a good impression, not only for the sake of Minho, but also your friendship. The only time you went to his apartment was when all his roommates were out for the day. If you were going to hang out, you’d have to be able to go to his place without any awkward encounters. It made the most sense. Besides, you were bound to meet them, anyway. Minho’s birthday wasn’t that far off, and if they were his friends, how bad could they be?
“Okay. Most important thing first. Do not let me pull any stupid stunt-“ “Like stripping?” Minho inquired innocently, remembering that one time you got blackout level wasted after your mid semester exams. You didn’t want to that about that, especially not right now. “I was thinking more like standing on the table, but yeah. Hopefully, I won’t get THAT drunk.” You emphasised. “Oh, with our group, it’s highly likely that’ll happen.” You rolled your eyes. “Next?” He urged.
“Under no circumstances will you let me, or you for that matter, tell any embarrassing stories. Like, really bad ones that you save for drunken nights with close friends.” He nodded, “Got it. Anything else?”
“I guess, just don’t let me do anything I’ll regret. Anything bad that I’d remember in the morning with a bad hangover and want to kill you over.” The sudden threat caused the raven haired boy to tense slightly, but you both laughed it off.
“Any warnings for me? Anything I should be aware of about these guys? Like, you know, homicidal tendencies?” He threw his head back, laughing at the way you put the question to him. “Nah, nah. They’re not anything like that. One thing, though. They can be loud. Like REALLY loud.” He kept moving forward. The door to his apartment was slowly appearing, but you weren’t focused enough on your surroundings to notice. “Like, worse than you loud?” You said in mock fear. He just smiled cheekily. “Worse.”
He came to a stop at a midnight blue front door, removing his arm from around your shoulders and fishing out his keys from his right pocket. The nerves hit you like a brick wall now. “I’m still way too sober for this.” You sighed, more to yourself than to the boy ahead of you, hands retreating to your jacket pockets as you said so.
He chuckled. “Don’t worry. We can fix that.” He winked and ushered you in.
You stood in the small entry way, looking around at the clutter, which strikes you as typical for an apartment of nine boys. You took a step further in as Minho manoeuvred from behind you, placing your belongings by the door. He slipped off his shoes, and you followed suit, as he dumped his keys carelessly on the table beside him. 
As Minho closed the door behind you, a loud voice came from the passage way to your left. The owner was hidden behind the wall, but it definitely belonged to a guy your age. 
“Hyung!” he called out, “Finally! I’m starv-“ His sentence was cut short when he rounded the corner, and his eyes met yours. His mouth fell open and brown eyes were grew wide. “-ing... You’re not...” his words faded as he finally realised Minho was, in fact, there. He recovered, smiling, as realisation adorned his feature. His smile was so warm when is gaze returned to you.
“You must be the one trying to steal him away from me.” The boy had no trouble teasing you, despite this being your first exchange. Minho smirked at the boy’s antics before introducing the two of you to one another. “Jisung, this is Y/n. She’s older than you so behave. Y/n this is my housemate, Jisung.”
You smiled, feeling comfortable around Jisung almost immediately. “Nice to meet you,” you waved.
“No need to be formal with him, don’t worry.” You laughed as Jisung acted offended by Minho’s words. The older moved towards him, throwing an arm lazily over the boy. Both beamed at you.
“Did I hear a girl’s laugh, or is Jisung flirting with Minho again.” a sharp-tongued boy emerged from the opposite hallway Jisung had appeared from. He looked pleased with himself when the colour drained from the two faces his eye fell upon. If all of Minho’s friends gave him this much shit, you could see yourself getting along with all the boys without trouble. He then turned to you, bowing slightly and introducing himself with a softer smile. “I’m Seungmin.”
“Y/n.” you replied. You soon found out just how blunt Seungmin could be. “So how’d you get stuck with him?” He pointed to Minho, who had a genuine expression of annoyance and shock. “Dude, I’m right here.” 
Seungmin continued to smile at him and shrugged. Then had a hand on his left shoulder gently usher him out of the hallway, revealing a smaller guy. He grinned just as brightly as the rest had when his eyes fell on you. He moved away from Seungmin and bowed, a small smirk gracing his lips. “I’m Changbin, Minho hyung’s good looking friend.” 
Seungmin rolled his eyes, mouthing a not so subtle ‘sorry about him’ at you, just before Jisung shut him down. 
“You wish, hyung” Jisung snorted. He looked proud when laughter erupted from everyone, with the exception of Changbin. He looked like he had no clue how to react, letting out a small, unsure laugh.
“I’m Y/n.” you smiled after calming down a bit. Changbin’s bright smile returned to his lips. Minho looked back at you, “Since you’re going to get sick of introducing yourself five more times,” he turned to face the large archway behind him, that appeared to lead into the main living area. Then he proceeded to shout notice of your arrival. “EVERYONE! MY FRIEND, Y/N IS HERE. YES, SHE’S A GIRL, AND IF YOU HURT HER YOU’RE NOT GOING TO WAKE UP IN THE MORNING. THANK YOU!” He huffed a sigh, turn back to you, then at the boys. They were all quiet, shifting uncomfortably at the thought of Minho’s shallow threat. You and he both let out a laugh, which was quickly halted when a shout came from the room beyond you.
“MINHO HYUNG HAS FRIENDS?!” Minho turned expressionless as the young boy’s voice had the rest of the entry way in stitches. Jisung leaned on Minho’s shoulder, which was aggressively pushed away by the latter. Jisung lost his balance, almost falling over completely, only egging on everyone else’s laughter. 
The boy, whom you guessed had made the comment judging by the huge grin consuming his face, entered with an older housemate in toe. They boys appearances made you feel as if you were being approached by a fox and a teddy bear. 
The younger boy waved at you, before the older began to speak. “Hi, I’m Woojin, and this is Jeongin. Welcome.” He turned to the other boys, “Ever thought about letting her further inside?” He raised his eyebrows, followed by Minho using the opportunity to usher you away. “Thanks, hyung.” he smiled up at Woojin as you passed through.
He walked you through the entry into the living area. It was an average size considering there were nine boys living in the house. Two boys were lazing on the couch in front of the large tv, eyes trained on the fantastical figures there were controlling on the screen. Jisung, Changbin and Jeongin headed their way after following you and Minho into the communal room. The kitchen linked in, more so hidden out of sight to the left of the entrance. Woojin headed there, Seungmin in toe. Minho guided you over there as well.
“So Y/n, how did you meet Minho?” Woojin smiles politely as he poured water for the four of you. Jeongin appearing behind him, making his way to the pantry before Seungmin grabbed him in a back hug. “Hyung~” Jeongin whined, resulting in Seungmin releasing him and turning back to the conversation. The others were watching the exchange, too, so you didn’t have to worry about replying right away. 
Everyone’s attention returning to the topic at hand, you replied with small “uni.” Minho took over the conversation to give a more in-depth explanation. You were so grateful he could read you so easily. Jeongin joined the conversation momentarily to make fun of Minho. Seungmin managed to grab a couple of chips from the bag in the Maknae’s hands before Jeongin was out of the kitchen. The boy proceeded to make a desperate run to save his snack from unwanted hands, leaving to the couch with his Honey Butter Chips. You laughed at their behaviour, more so when you shared a cheeky smile with Seungmin.
Steps were heard from yet another passage way, this time one that was located to the right of the kitchen. He emerged, a calm aura surrounding him. His hair was a brown, slightly fluffy mess, his fingers running through it. His over sized shirt hung on his frame nicely, partially exposing the left side of his collar bone. His eyes landed on you, just as quickly as yours had on him.
“Hi, I’m Chan.”
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Happy V-Day Anniversary...
A/N: I’m sorry, I know this is a painful day for a special few of us, so here’s my gift to you. Be warned, it’s gratuitously fluffy and probably doesn’t make a whole lot of sense now that I think about it but I’ve done too much for it to delete it now. Also smut. Happy Valentine’s Day, I love you guys, and I hope regardless of what your plans are that your day goes as smoothly as possible.
Warning: smut (sorry, not used to the citrus fruit scale?? feels weird to call it something else. thanks tumblr.)
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It was everywhere. He couldn’t set foot outside his flat without hearing about it. The ‘terrible Valentine Massacre,’ an event experienced by practically the whole world. An event Charlie very much wished to forget. In the few years since that day in Valentine’s bunker, Charlie’s done his absolute best to shut it away. He didn’t need to dwell on things he had no power to change. It was over. In the past.
He repeated it like a mantra in his head.
Still, when every news channel hosted specials about it, it was more than a little difficult to deal with. Getting away from his TV was supposed to help, but he could hear people talking about it as he passed them on the street, sharing stories or wondering how on earth it happened in the first place. Newsstands were covered in headlines honoring those lost on that day.
Charlie wondered if his own family would be listed among the many dead, or if they were forgotten for simply being in the wrong place.
No one talked about how it all ended.
Because they didn’t know the truth.
Hell, even Charlie wasn’t awake to see the fight between Gazelle and Eggsy, but it was clear by the carnage left behind that he’d ascended to true ‘hero’ status, while Charlie was left behind, stepping over so much mess, simply trying to stay conscious.
What did they expect him to do? Come crawling to the tailor shop, begging for forgiveness?
His hand was forced, or that’s what he told himself, at least, regarding this most recent blow. He tried not to think about that, either. He never wanted to see another burger again.
Left on autopilot, stewing in his thoughts, he finally glanced down at his watch, cursing as he realized he missed lunch. It wasn’t the first time, but on a day like today, he could’ve used a healthy dose of your advice.
That’s what he told himself anyway.
He pulled out his phone, dismissing the news alerts as quickly as possible, but not quickly enough, and immediately dialed your number.
He felt eyes on him as he stood in the middle of the sidewalk and he turned his back to the open cafe beside him, eyes scanning the road as the phone rang against his ear.
“Please leave a message for—”
“Shit,” he mumbled, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to focus his thoughts so he didn’t alarm you. “Hey, listen, I lost track of time today, I’m really sorry. You’re probably back at work already, so… when you get this, can you call me? I really need a friendly voice in my ear right now. Again, so sorry. Bye.”
He ended the call, half-tempted to chuck the phone into the gutter out of frustration. He only barely stopped himself. He just needed to be patient. He needed to wait for your call. You’d call, you always called.
He took in a deep breath before wandering into a small open market, mind focused on you.
Charlie woke from a nap to the sound of someone knocking at his door. He sat up with a groan, taking a moment to wipe at his face before getting to his feet. He walked through the darkened apartment, not turning any lights on as he’d memorized the floor plan ages ago. Soon enough he reached the door and peeked out, only to be greeted by you.
A ripple of panic ran through him at the state of… well, everything. Not expecting you by, he definitely hadn’t cleaned, and he wasn’t dressed for visitors either. Still, he wasn’t about to keep you waiting or turn you away.
He really did need to talk to you, even if it was usually a bit like pulling teeth.
He unlocked the door and held it open, watching for your reaction to his clearly disheveled state.
“I didn’t know if you’d be okay with me coming here…” You gave him a once-over before smiling sadly. “I know I should’ve called first, but you sounded so upset, I came straight over.”
He glanced at the paper bag in your arms. “Straight over?”
You hid behind the top of the bag as you felt your face get warm. “You missed lunch, so…”
He took the bag from you, inspecting the contents as you followed him inside.
Steak, lobster, some potatoes, and a bunch of other things he couldn’t immediately identify had his stomach growling. He hoped you didn’t hear. You didn’t need to worry after him eating too.
“I’m cooking you dinner,” you explained, moving into his kitchen after turning on the lights.
“It’s a pretty fucking lavish spread, love.” He set the bag on the counter and looked up at you, a smile beginning to form on his face, his first one for the day, though you couldn’t have known that. He felt his heart get just a touch lighter at the thought that you’d cook such a meal for him. “I can cook for you,” he argued, the smile only growing as he watched you pull a grill pan out of one of the cabinets.
“Charlie, just let me do this for you. I kind of feel like shit for missing your call.”
“I’m the one who missed lunch in the first place,” he countered, walking over. “Wandering around with my head stuck up my—”
“It’s always going to be a difficult day.” Your hand on his forearm did wonders for his mental well-being but completely tanked his self-control. “You don’t need to apologize for it.” He stayed extremely still, but nodded to you.
He liked your hair like that.
You put on some music, his position allowing him to peek and catch sight of your phone as you connected it to a wireless speaker set up on the bar. He swore he thought your home screen was a picture of the two of you during a much easier meeting.
What the fuck was he doing?
“At the very least, can I help? It’ll… It’ll help me keep my mind off things.”
No it won’t. It’s an excuse to be closer to you.
You nodded with a smile, encouraged by his growing ease, pushing the butcher paper-wrapped steaks towards him on the counter as you set the carefully hand-picked potatoes in front of you, preparing to wash them.
“What did you do today?”
He wasn’t sure how to answer without sounding extremely pathetic. The sink drowned out his more rational thoughts and he looked down at the raw, vividly red meat in front of him, struggling to keep composure as his mind flashed things he wished he’d never seen.
No one should ever have that mental image tucked away for a rainy day.
He jumped, clearly startled. He felt a flush of embarrassment as he gripped the edge of the countertop tightly, risking damage with his right hand.
You glanced down at his white-knuckle grip, one of your much softer hands passing over his left. It was wet from the sink, but he didn’t care. “Hey, why don’t you open up this, have a drink and relax, hmm?” You passed him a bottle of wine, chilled already. He could imagine you shopping around the store, thinking of what he’d like.
You did too much for him, he felt. But he didn’t want to sound like he didn’t want the care and concern. He craved it. From you. And that was the problem.
He was able to speak now that you’d folded up the paper. He got down two glasses and rummaged around in a drawer for a corkscrew as he thought of what to tell you.
“I just walked. For a long time. I kept hearing bits of newscasts or people talking about it, thought if I walked for long enough, I’d finally be out of range. I’d reach the edge of the city and there would be no one to remind me of it over and over again as if I don’t relive it during my every waking moment—”
He cut himself off, taking a large sip from the first glass he poured, topping it off again and taking another before pouring yours.
“What bothers you most about it?” you asked, taking the glass from him, both of you locking eyes as you drank.
You held the glass in your hands and his eyes passed over your fingers, the lack of a ring there causing a spike in his chest. You couldn’t date, you were too busy taking care of him.
And deep down he knew he wouldn’t want you to.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be tonight? Instead of babysitting me? It’s a tragedy no one’s staked their claim.”
He saw the annoyance in your face, enjoyed the way your cheeks went a bit high as your expression shifted. You turned and set the glass down beside the sink before reacting. “Don’t change the subject, Charlie—”
“I don’t like how my brain forces me to relive my worst mistakes on audio cue. Whenever I hear his name, or if someone says fucking—”
“Happy Valentine’s Day?”
He almost lost it. You were watching him carefully, and he knew you did it on purpose. He didn’t know if he was more hurt or angry. But he channeled his emotions into the look that was on your face.
Before you knew what was happening, you were sitting on the countertop, his hands holding your face in place as he pressed his lips against yours with the kind of force that you swore could only come from anger.
But you didn’t sense anger coming from him.
You were pressing against his chest to get him to take a step back but it was like pushing against a brick wall. Solid. Firm.
As he angled his head so his nose wasn’t pressing so hard against yours, you were able to suck in a breath and turn your head away. His nose moved to the side of your face, hands still in your hair, wide palms covering your cheeks as he breathed deeply, standing between your legs.
“We can’t do this, Charlie.”
He let out a whine as his hands slipped down your face, resting on your spread thighs. His thumbs made slow circles as he slowly inched the dress higher. You weren’t stopping him.
Your own hands moved up to smooth over his soft hair, so much longer now that he’d finally stopped buzzing it short.
“Why not?” he whispered, swollen lips tugging at your ear.
“You’re just lonely,” you whispered back.
He shook his head. He wasn’t. He was sure of it. Back when he met you he didn’t have a clue what he wanted. Being ‘just friends’ was the best thing he could’ve asked for. Now, the idea of a proper relationship didn’t scare him so much. You knew everything about him, the good and the bad, and you were still around. There had to be more to it, right? He hoped there was more to it.
Nobody could be that selfless. Not for him.
He tested your limits, fingers inching their way higher along your thighs until you closed your eyes tightly with a hiss and he felt pressure at his sides from you trying to close your legs.
As his thumb passed over the thin material covering that sweet, sweet  area between your legs, he felt the dampness and grinned.
“Are you ‘just lonely’ too?” he teased.
You didn’t have an answer for him, instead pressing your forehead against his shoulder in an attempt to hide your reaction as his fingers pulled the fabric aside and he got his first chance at your folds.
He stared straight ahead as you clung to him, though he wasn’t really looking at anything, much more focused on mentally mapping your lower half through touch alone. He easily slid two fingers in, your body preparing you long before he even laid a hand on you. As you gasped, the metal hand reached up to gently brush over your cheek, keeping your open mouth against the base of his neck as your breathing became more audible.
He could feel you moving into his touch, trying to find deeper penetration. It was enough for him to consider stopping so he could relieve himself of all the built up tension.
But where’s the fun in that?
As his thumb smoothed over your clit he felt you trembling on his fingers. As he curled his fingers up you squeezed his shoulders so tightly even he grunted in response.
Your lips attached to his neck and he hardly suppressed a shudder as you began sucking softly, one of your hands moving to the other side of his neck for support as if you were drinking from him.
A ‘thank you’ if he’d ever seen one.
He felt like he was slowly going mad.
As you picked your head up he took his chance, reconnecting your mouths, his mind spinning over the fact that he finally had you here, that he could give something back to you in return for spending your time worrying over him for so long.
You were so responsive, so receptive to him, he needed more.
“What about dinner?” you mumbled against his lips as he lifted you up off the counter, the potatoes rolling off and hitting the floor with dull thumps, music much too low to disguise the way you were breathing.
“We can cook after,” he answered, carrying you off towards his bedroom. His earlier hunger was forgotten, pushed aside in favor of something much more satisfying.
“You’ll fall asleep after,” you complained. He stole a kiss, sloppy and full of tongue.
“This is more important.”
You couldn’t argue with that.
He sat on the edge of the plush bed, keeping you in his lap as he pulled his shirt off over his head. You did your best to help, but as soon as his skin was revealed you were smoothing your hands all over, head lowering to nip at his chest. He let himself be pushed back, his hands going for your hair, brushing it aside and holding it out of the way. He wanted to watch you.
He flushed as your palm passed over the obvious bulge, felt himself break out into a sweat as your fingers tugged down the waistband of both his track pants and underwear, your eyes watching for the moment he’d spring free.
His head sank back into the blankets and his hands fell away as he felt your lips around the head of his cock, tongue swirling around it probably directly contributing to how lightheaded he felt. He wanted to look, wanted to have the visual stimulation as well as the physical, but if he was honest, he’d probably give it up right then and there.
His grip on the comforter tightened.
You were taking your time with him, hands smoothing up and down his thighs, listening to the noises he was making. You lifted your head, replacing your mouth with your hand as you went lower to get at his—
His hand was soft on your arm as he made a noise that sounded like something close to ‘don’t.’
You sat up, concern clear in your expression. Before you could open your mouth to ask, he was already reassuring you.
“I won’t last much longer, love, and there’s something else I want.” You could see his pink cheeks, his flushed chest, in the light from the open bedroom door. His hands moved to your hips as he breathed deeply.
You looked him dead in the eye.
“Promise me.”
“Promise you what?” he panted.
“Promise me I’m not just a distraction.”
Guilt filled him. Not because it was true, but because you thought he’d do that to you, after all this time. All this companionship. All these meetings and all these confessions. All these conversations and lazy days, all these holidays spent together because neither of you wanted to be alone.
There was a lot about this “friendship” that he was starting to see in a different light.
“You’re not,” he insisted, sitting up. “I’m not reliving that day at the moment, no, but it’s because you’d have done that with a smile, your mouth is a given—”
“Charlie!” you interrupted, eyes going wide as your cheeks grew warm.
He could see the internal debate in your eyes as you got off of him, eyes averted as you reached for the zipper at the top of the dress. A few seconds of struggling finally earned a laugh from you, it bubbled up out of your throat almost involuntarily as the smile on Charlie’s face grew.
“C’mere, let me get it.” You turned your back to him, holding your hair out of the way as he reached up and gently unzipped the dress. As more of your skin was exposed, he went slower, realizing the gravity of what the two of you were about to do, what you’d already done.
“Thank you,” he whispered, slipping the dress down your arms, lips going to your bare shoulder seconds later. “You do so much for me, and maybe sometimes I don’t realize…”
“You say that like you’ve never done anything for me.”
“Name one thing I’ve done that didn’t also help me.”
You stood and let the dress fall to your feet, lifting your eyes to watch his face as you turned around, trying to gauge his reaction, nerves at an all-time high.
He licked his lips. You reminded yourself of what you were supposed to be discussing.
“You went over to my apartment and installed the new security system for me after the break-ins a few months ago.”
“Keeps you safe so I get to see more of you. Next.”
“You went with me to the terrible work Christmas party.”
“And I got to make sure no one with ill-intentions got within a foot of you.”
“But isn’t it the same with what I do for you?”
“How not?” you asked, eyes following him as he stood, kicking off his pants and underwear.
“You’ve healed me. In ways I don’t quite understand. I was a mess when I met you.”
“All you needed was for someone to listen to you. You needed to confess. And you did. And I wasn’t by myself anymore. It’s not like I’m magic, I just… gave you a chance to explain yourself. Maybe your old friends didn’t do that.”
His hands were on your cheeks and his nose brushed along yours. A much more gentle version of the earlier first kiss followed.
“I’m going to tell you something and you’ll probably call me crazy,” he whispered.
You moved back, watching him warily. “You sure you want to ruin this?” You leaned back in, getting close to his ear. “I’ll be honest, I’m in a highly suggestible state right now,” you admitted, reaching back to unfasten the bra. He felt it hit his feet, but he kept his eyes focused on yours. You put this to the test, pulling his hand up to cup one of your breasts.
He chuckled nervously, leaning in to steal a short, deep kiss as he squeezed—
“I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you. Or, as close to it as I’ve ever been.”
You didn’t know what to say.
“Just—you’re not a distraction. Far from it. I’m not lonely, I mean, I’m a hermit, but I go out. My point is, I really care about you. Maybe more than I realized waking up today.”
It was difficult to reign in your reaction. Incredibly difficult.
“So does this mean we can make today a better sort of anniversary?”
His hands found yours. “I think I’d be very happy with that.”
Your grin echoed his, his confession on permanent replay in your mind.
“Well go on then, show a girl a good time, yeah? Or have you lost your touch?”
“Fuck,” he mumbled under his breath, seconds before he pulled you down onto the bed beside him.
He kissed you deeply, using his bulk to keep you pressed into the mattress. He didn’t stop until his jaw was sore and he thought he might come just from rubbing up against you. He sat up, reaching for his nightstand and pulling open the drawer.
You were blissed out beneath him, watching him, studying his jawline, reaching up to touch the scruff there, smiling at him as he looked down at you curiously.
“You’re handsome,” you explained, as if that answered every question.
He felt a weight leave him as he tore open the foil packet with his teeth. Before he could deal with the rest of it, you reached up and pulled the condom free, eyes flicking down between the two of you for half a second before meeting his again. He sighed loudly as he felt your fingers smoothing it on.
He pulled down the sides of your underwear and you took care of the rest, kicking  your foot out until they fell off and landed somewhere on the floor with everything else.
He felt your ankles pushing at the back of his thighs, trying to get him in. As you laughed, he cut it off with his lips, his own smile breaking the kiss. He’d never felt this relieved in his whole life.
He pushed in easily enough, you already swollen and slick after his fingers back in the kitchen. He took a moment for himself, taking in a deep breath as he was fully seated within you, sitting up after a few seconds.
His hands were firm on your hips, his eyes raking over your bare chest and abdomen as he slowly began bringing your hips in to meet his. He watched you cover your face with your hands as small noises began to slip out.
“Lost my touch, love?” he teased.
All you could do was shake your head as he reached down for you, pulling out for long enough to turn you over onto your stomach.
He laid down on top of you once he filled you again, swollen lips pressing kisses into the skin between your shoulder blades after each thrust.
“More,” you urged, pushing back against him. Taking it as a challenge, he increased his pace dramatically, hitting deeper as you lifted your hips beneath him.
You buried your face in the comforter as you moaned openly.
He sat up on his knees, hands moving to grip your hips as he felt himself nearing that point of no return.
Feeling him start to slow, you reached back for one of his hands, pulling it up to your lips. It took him a few seconds to realize it was the metal.
“Love, I’m about finished—”
“Just, right there—”
You angled your hips just right and sank down into the bed, your moans and the internal spasms signaling that you were spent. He felt his own breathing hitch as he finally allowed himself his release. It took a second of rest before he could breathe again.
The last thing he wanted to do was move.
But you’d gone through the trouble of preparing a beautiful dinner for him, or trying to before he so rudely interrupted you.
He got up to dispose of the condom and ended up splashing some water on his face, taking a moment in the bathroom to examine the small mark at his neck, grinning at the slight redness he found there.
“Kiss me,” you pleaded, reaching for him as he returned to the bed.
He only leaned down for a quick kiss. “I’ve got to go cook the wonderful meal you bought for us,” he reminded you.
“Do I get you back when we’re done eating?”
“Of course, love,” he winked. He pulled a new pair of underwear out of one of his drawers and slipped them on before returning to the kitchen. “If you thought you were tired of me before, just wait.”
You laid there, watching him from the bed, not in any state to get up just yet.
The last thing you expected when you knocked on his door was all this. You honestly thought maybe he wouldn’t even answer. Maybe he didn’t want to see you on a day like today, which you’d totally understand. While you sat at the small cafe, looking through the glass for any sign of him, you wondered if today wasn’t the best day to try to make progress with him.
But here you were, naked, exhausted, in his bed. And there was a promise of more.
You’d keep trying to prove to Charlie that things didn’t have to be like what he was used to. He could have a normal life. He didn’t need to look over his shoulder. No one was looking for him anymore. He could make something new, invest his time and energy into new ventures. Get a hobby. Even if that hobby involved fucking you.
You felt a blossoming sense of hope as you finally got out of bed and tip-toed over to his bathroom to clean up a little. You heard him calling for you as you were pulling on some of his old clothes and you walked out into the living room, spying a recipe for disaster as he looked over in panic
“I need your help,” he admitted.
“When don’t you?” you joked.
After everything was situated, the kitchen a little less messy, he threw his arms around your shoulders, his lips pressing into your hair.
“Thank you.” There was a pause. You waited, wondering what he’d have to say next. He moved down, his voice a deep whisper. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
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taeguboi · 6 years
BTS as Boyfriends [HC]
Request:  ‘bts as boyfriends? ☺’
There’s kind of a story in each? Idk, hope you enjoy!
Warning: some nsfw mentions
Rap Monster
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You fall for his intelligence and humour
He falls for your shyness around him
You finally tell a friend out loud about your crush on him
unaware that he’s nearby and within hearing distance
So he asks you out on a date
he doesn’t expect for you to want more than the one date
so you get the impression afterwards that it meant nothing to him
you try to move on
he hates watching someone else being so close to you
Everything changes;
he interrupts your conversation, not caring to be rude
“I can’t stand it anymore”
*intense kiss* *everybody cheers, huzzah!* 
Learning is suddenly more fun
school was a drag back in the day
but his stories capture your attention
You just let him sit talking for hours about a book he just read
Matching jumpers
snuggy snug snug
winter becomes more enjoyable
it’s freezing and miserable outside but
you’re sat by the fire with joonie
well laid on the couch by the fire falling asleep
as he reads you a bedtime story hahaha
you get through books together at the same time and it’s magical
there’s always something to talk about
whether it’s a debate / discussion about a book
or about something really little like 
how you each prefer something and why
and you appreciate the little differences 
but you also appreciate how you change and shape each other into better rounded human beings
excuses to be skinshippy with you
*grabs your butt*
“it looked cold”
okay I didn’t say they were good excuses...
Everyone thinks he’s this confident, outgoing guy
but when you’re around he’s all cutesy and always bumping into things
He gets so distracted by you
and he really does try not to perv on you
like he really tries
but his thoughts just come out in one big list of adjectives 
that progressively get a little nsfw
“How do I look Joonie?”
“Damn, you’re gorgeous, you’re beautiful, you’re sexy...”
Sex isn’t limited to the bedroom
just as you think you’re seeing shy squishy joonie
he takes you into a storage cupboard mid-party
and wow
you swear it’s the best you’ve ever had in your life
but then you find you keep saying that yo yourself
he’s so attentive
it’s all about you
he doesn’t mind if you focus on him later but
it’s more fun when you put just as much attention in at the same time
because your boy gets FLUSTERED
he’s so cool until you touch him just right...
but anyway
back to fluffy content
Namjoon shows you the world
all without travelling
he’s so well educated
so cultured
the works
he’s the best teacher you never asked for
everything is fun
everything is interesting
everything is awesome
and all of this is going to last a lifetime
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He only has eyes for you
way before you become an item
Purposely awkward af when you’re in a conversation with someone who could be a threat
to put them off
Always asking about your well being
He’s just happy that you’re happy
getting to talk to you in the first place makes his day
but then when he asks how you are and you respond with a smile
that really hits the feels 
At first he’s so smooth
there’s nothing flawed about him
Then you find out what a dork he is
squeaky laughter
bad jokes
sorta clumsy, even
but he’s still perfect 
and still a gentleman
His friends have never seen him laugh so often in his life
you make him look even more radiant
you’re the funniest person to him
even though you never really had yourself down as ‘comedian’
he loves your type of humour
Making breakfast together
back hugs
it’s one of those little things in life
and one of those things that make you miss him more when you’re apart
One night a week is definitely date night
he never misses it or forgets
He makes everything special
even the really little anniversaries / milestones
ones you didn’t even realises were a cause for celebration
“Chocolates? Whatever for?”
“It’s been half a year since we made us public”
“Aw, Jin... You realize people don’t usually get gifts for things like that?”
“I just... I wanted to”
The most generous man
all he needs is that you return the love
and remind him of everything you love about him
especially in bed
he’s in charge
but it’s only because he likes to take care of you
he may not be as daring as some of the other members
but every inch of the house has been covered
very intimate, passionate lover
the love just makes it more special
as well as more sensual for him 
emotion is everything
and not a day goes by that he doesn’t think of you with adoration
he brings you back things from a normal food shopping trip
because he was thinking of you
he tries not to make his social media all about you
but at least 50% ends up being that
it works to his advantage though
because girls are still after him
and then that selfie he posted yesterday sends them the message 
to back off
he’s so perfect
that none of your estranged school ‘mates’ are having any of it
and after hearing this
he invades your snapchat
selfie after selfie after selfie whilst you’re asleep
and whilst you’re not sure you appreciate that one shot of you being asleep
it shuts all the haters right up
and now they’re probably crying 
oh well
he is proud to show you off
“hey everyone! look at this amazing thing my girlfriend/boyfriend did!”
he’ll do anything to make you laugh
if you’re having a bad day then that just won’t do
he’s taking you out
or he’s treating you for a night in
and he’s definitely treating you to his dad jokes
and then you’re in stitches
Jin makes you forget everything that sucks about life
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Too shy to start talking to you
but somehow you exchange numbers one day
So it becomes a heavily text-based friendship that you form
He has to be sure he won’t make a fool of himself
Actions are louder than words
he might not say much about how he feels about you
but there’s gestures every day
like how he brings you coffee to work
or how he offers to pay for food
you figure it out eventually
and you really like him to
but how to say it?...
so anyway, one day, you kiss
you know, casual
“so does this mean...?...”
bam! you’re a couple!
You complete him
and he can’t imagine life without you
nights without you in his bed are lonely
People think he’s cold and indifferent
but you make him soft soft soft
like he’ll pretend not to be ticklish
oh but hahahahaha you find out he is
“Ah! Jagiyaaaa! Hahahahahah!”
Just hug him all the time
sometimes you complain about how you look
but he just smiles at you and you know what it means
Only you can stop him from over-working
he’s just sat at his laptop, eyebrows furrowed
talk dirty to him so he doesn’t go insane
don’t forget to wear his clothes
he loves watching you roam the house in an over sized shirt
those similarities are what he holds onto
if there’s no common ground, then what would be the point, huh?
sharing is caring
one headphone each on bus journeys
you can have some of his fries at the takeaway
big cocktail for you both to have on a night out
under the same blanket on colder days
he loves it when you unexpectedly touch him
drives him crazy
one minute it’s all innocent and lovey dovey
then your hand is on his dick and fuuuuck
too soon?
the programme you were watching is forgotten about
so is all his sense of surroundings
the curtains are wide open and there you are pumping him up and down
and he doesn’t even notice or care
fuck he loves you
not just because of that obvs
but after your first time initiating something more sexual 
he does not stop thinking about you
like holy shit this is real
he loves your kisses
he can’t go a day without
well he can but it’s torture
when aren’t his hands on your waist?
and fuck he still can’t stop kissing you
not too much in public of course
but at home in mid conversation
after every sentence
until there’s just like half an hour silence 
and you’re smooching each other’s faces off
you’ll never feel short of love or attention with Yoongi
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As soon as he notices you: personality turnaround
Cool, manly, swagger
not a precious easily shook bby at all
He’s kinda distracting
like you’re trying to work here, but
he’s too funny and handsome
and he knows it, even though he’s too modest to admit it
But then one day something moves abruptly
and he gets shook and it’s the cutest thing to you
but he’s so embarrassed 
he could just run away forever 
because he thinks he done fcked up
“aw, cute” you respond
*dorky grin emerges on Hobi’s face*
*comes into work next day on a motorbike* 
[think j-dope era]
You make it clear that this doesn’t change your new impression of him
The typical ‘chase’ love story
He likes you but you take a while to give him the time of day to make sure he’s worth it
and he is worth it
there’s like a solid week where he brings you something everyday
and you don’t want this poor boy emptying his wallet so fast
so you give in to how you feel
“okay, okay! I’ll go on a date with you”
but you insist on paying the bill to make up for his troubles
but he won’t have it
you eventually agree to split the bill
and that starts the foundations for
a completely equal relationship
what you give is what you get
a problem shared is a problem halved
and all the other cliches about sharing
excitable cutie pie
“Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!”
Yeah, he’s kind of gathered that he can’t hide his true self from you
He wants to discover the world with you
he takes risks and tries new things for you
he tries to be braver than he really is
“Let’s go on the rollercoaster y/n!”
“Are you sure Hobi? You screamed so much last time...”
“Well, yeah... 
“... That was my first time...
“... and I didn’t know for sure if it was safe...”
sure hobi, sure
The best team
your respective skills combined are all powerful
you can solve any problem together
you become that couple that are great at creating other couples
so many couples dates come out of it
it’s because you’re good at learning people’s true personalities fast
and he’s the best persuader
oh and he’s great at suggesting places to go
everyone enjoys the company of both of you
if only one of you can attend something
everyone asks about the other
you come as a package
“we” instead of “I” comes out in sentences a lot
but it’s not that either of you are too clingy
you both genuinely enjoy each other’s company for extended periods of time
like one day it’ll be like
“it’s the weekend and a bit rubbish weather to go do anything so d’ya wanna come over for the afternoon to watch some movies?”
and then next thing you know
it’s Friday next week
and you’ve been there all this time
Tries to hide when he’s in the mood at a bad time
but he talks slow and deep without meaning to
so he can never hide from you
and whilst he doesn’t have to tell you he’s turned on
you have your little methods of making him say it aloud
like when you grab his thigh
and then he’s like
“oh fuck I need you”
y/n at your service hobi...
you’re so good to him
that bless his soul
he always says ‘thank you’ afterwards
“you don’t need to thank me Hobi”
“but that was great”
everything is still special as the relationship progresses
and whilst he’s always loved referring to you as his girlfriend / boyfriend
he loves it even more when he gets to say ‘fiance’
fairy tale wedding
he’s like a prince
honeymoon at disney world
because it’s everything your relationship stands for
the rides where Hobi takes risks for you
the fairy tale like love for each other
you even each go for the makeover package one day
it’s probably cringe to a lot of people
but you’re his wife / husband now so he doesn’t care
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Admires you from a distance
he hates how his friends can so easily talk to you
he wants to be more like them, so he tries hard
Finally, he plucks up the courage to initiate and engage in a proper conversation
“Hey” with a shy smile
Suddenly you become besties
there’s something about Jimin you trust deeply in
He can’t stop smiling around you
you can’t stop smiling around him
eventually you both figure it out
At first, his jaw is aching from all the smiling
he eventually builds up that stamina though
“You’re so pretty”
random compliments for days
giggly couple
you make each other smile too much
your relationship kind of brings him out of his shell
but he will probably always be shy chimchim
and you’re both low key in public
but everyone can see how you look at each other
You’re surprised at how chatty he gets under the covers
because of how shy he usually is
but the bedroom is a totally different story!
“you like that?”
“am I treating you good honey?”
pure fucking sin
like  w h e r e  d i d  t h i s  s i d e  o f  m y  c h i m c h i m  c o m e  f r o m
you call him out on it after a few times
and he’s just like
“what? I was just really getting into it”
and he somehow says that with such innocence
that you’d think he was talking about just a song or something
his voice is music to your ears
seeing ‘I love you’ in a text just isn’t the same
I mean, of course it still means a lot
but you get goosebumps when he says it face to face
adventures in town for hours
it doesn’t matter if no one has money
it’s the quality time that counts
and there are still some free things to enjoy
window shopping and speculating the future
checking out buskers
he doesn’t even dress up particularly for those days
but you’re still impressed
when he’s running about town 
you just admire his sweater paws
or he’s reaching up for something in a shop 
and a bit of hip shows 
and you admire how beautiful his skin tone is
you end up scrimping together like 50p for a second hand film
and it’s rubbish
but it doesn’t matter
you can make your own fun anyway
I’m not saying no one ever has money
the point is that you don’t need it to have a good time together
He’s so glad he plucked up the courage that day way back when to talk to you
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Doesn’t beat around the bush
Knows instantly that he has a crush
allows a suitable period of time in which he can get to know you
Asks you out on a date when the time is right
Not afraid to flirt and be a dork
says the most random things
“have you ever thought about what makes a krabby patty?”
I have lots of theories about this but not the right place 
and he’s so random
but it only draws you in more
because he’s intriguing
slightly mysterious even
but there’s one he’s crystal clear on
“I really like you y/n”
“I really like you too”
yes, it’s actually as simple as that
He is the most fun boyfriend EVER
it helps that he learned so much about you at the beginning
surprise day trips 
little games he’s created
as well as existing games
he makes bets that he knows he will lose
because he wants to treat you
“I bet you won’t find me within 5 minutes in a game of hide and seek!”
“You’re on!”
“Loser has to cook dinner!”
and then he chooses a really bad hiding place
like under a glass table 
or behind curtains that don’t reach the ground
and then it turns out the fridge is already choc-a-bloc
sometimes you worry he’s too thoughtful
like that time he skipped something important 
just to see you when you were sick
or when he gives you his jacket when it’s freezing cold
but of course you appreciate it
He’s not afraid to flaunt your relationship
costume party? you have to dress up; 
he insists you’re gonna be the best dressed couple there
Never forget how special you are
he’s saved himself for you
he always wanted to wait for the right person
and he was going to wait til marriage
but realises that is perhaps outdated
and he feels way too much for you for this not to be genuine
and you show it back too, more than enough for reassurance
[you choose whether you’re showing him the way or if it’s new to you too]
it’s extremely intimate
doesn’t forget to tell you at least 5 times he loves you during
remind him he’s the one and he’ll be putty in your hands
loved up
sexed up
the first time quickly leads into the second third and fourth time
as you spend the entire day in your dressing gowns
it’s a true bonding experience
excuse the unintended pun
you will never feel unloved by tae tae
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Shy but treats you like a friend
if he’s giving you witty comments and teasing you then
he definitely has a crush on you
Will fite you
Gaming marathon? You’re on!
all of it is a just quest to impress you though
and all of this happens often over time
and you begin to notice him more
and feel that he has the potential to be more than your friend
so yep, another gaming marathon
intense flirting
heck, he’s surprising himself big time
“what are you gonna do about it?” he says with a smirk
yet he isn’t surprised when 
he realises it’s because he’s gotten so comfortable around you
so back to what he said
this is where things get taken up a notch
so what are you gonna do about it?
“depends what you have in mind, kook”
and he knows with your tone that you mean
“either you bust my ass on this game right now or you drop that console and do something about this tension”
that bit is unspoken of course ^
he pauses the game
but he hasn’t let go of the console
he just looks at you 
you’re looking back at him trying not to hyperventilate
and then he goes for it
game forgotten about
“come here”
you follow his instruction
this is new - a demanding jungkook
you like it really though
“now, I could be reading this wrong, but...”
*intense passionate kiss*
but afterwards
Still can’t look you in the eye
“Jungkook, you know you can make eye contact with me after...”
and then you pauses because oops you’re hanging with friends
“After WHAT y/n??”
and you’re both shook
“Jungkook?? What happened?!?”
you hang your heads down
and I think your mates assume you fucked or something
even though there was only a kiss
so no one mentions it 
because of your lack of response on their questioning back there
so you guys get the space you need 
to get your heads around what’s going on here
and actually nothing happens for a good while
the intense friendship continues
until one day
you’re at a party
and he can’t fucking take it anymore
*takes you by the hand to a bedroom*
then your friends are certain something is going on
when one of them catches you at the party leaving said room
and this is where they bug you both constantly
until you have to ask
“so... what’s going on here?”
“to tell you the truth y/n... I can’t stop thinking about you”
“I can’t stop thinking about you either”
*cutesy kiss*
*less cutesy kiss*
*intense make out*
*low key touching*
yep it’s happening again whoops
so less of the hanky panky talk
til later that is
it’s one of those “they finally got together” things
everyone deep down thought you’d make a good match
it was hard to unsee
once you realise how similar you two are
but not too similar of course
there’d have been no intense banter without those differences
yeah you ‘argue’ a lot
but it’s just part of the passion you have for each other
yeah I’m not going for long without this talk lmao idk what my deal is today
Sensitive lil boy
Whisper in his ear and his boxers tighten
“Problem Jeonggukkie?”
“Yah jagi! That was mean...”
you know because you’re in public
and you know how easy it is to get to him in that way
“guys seriously get a room!”
again, whoops
You still do all those other things you did as mates
you’re basically mates but with a romantic aspect
‘dickhead’ means ‘you’re a loveable idiot’
‘yeah right’ means ‘you’re probably right but I’m not admitting that’
‘fuck’s sake’ means ‘that joke was terrible but really, I find it funny’
it’s like you don’t say what you mean
but you know what each other means
and there’s no overthinking about it
To an outsider, you guys seem extremely casual but this relationship means the world
Hope you guys enjoyed! Headcanon Masterlist
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sunyoonandstars · 7 years
BTS reaction 3: Them reacting to your cute / strange sleeping habits ...
Honestly, I was feeling a little weird today, so I consciously decided to write and post something warm, fluffy, light and kind of uplifting. 😌
That’s how this reaction came to life, inspired by some weird sleeping habits I myself have (don’t we all!? 😅) and actual reactions to them by past partners ...
Enjoy! And I hope you have a nice day! 
P.S. (directed at everyone who is wondering): I’m still working on that series about Namjoon cheating, but it was just a tad too angsty for me today. I have the next chapter almost ready and will update soon! 
1. Kim Seokjin / Jin
Whenever sharing a bed with Jin, you usually start randomly kicking off the blanket in the middle of the night, whatever the season and however cold it is. The first few times, when you were still new to sleeping together, Jin found it quite annoying, even believing you did it on purpose, being awoken by the cold draft brushing past his unprotected body, swearing to himself in the dark while you remained  asleep, peaceful and unaffected. But when he confronted you about it in the early hours of the first morning you woke up side by side you seemed genuinely clueless. „I did what!?“, you exclaimed, incredulous. „So that’s why I always discover my blanket lying on the floor when I wake up. I thought my dog kept pulling it down …“ „Nope. That was all you. Definitely.“ „I’m sooo sorry, Jinnie! I know how desperately you need sleep.“ At one point Jin even pondered getting a second blanket,  just for himself, after having caught a cold from sleeping exposed one night. However, he decided against it, loving falling asleep skin to skin, hugging or spooning you, feeling the warmth emanating from your body and your heartbeat against his chest way too much to let a silly blanket get in the way of having you close to him. „I'll just hug you even tighter from now on, Y/N, so we can warm each other. I don’t need a stupid blanket as long as I have you.“
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2. Min Yoongi / Suga
When Yoongi hears you crying in your sleep for the very first time, he can’t believe you aren’t merely pretending to be asleep, afraid it’s his somehow fault, that he made you cry, that he something wrong earlier or maybe didn't listen closely enough when you told him about your day. However, when he tries to talk to you, asking you what’s wrong, you remain unresponsive, silent sobs shaking your slender body and tears streaming down your face while you mutter incomprehensible words under your breath. The sight of you in this state and his desperate need to comfort you paining his heart, Yoongi simply decides to follow his instincts and wraps his arms around you, hugging you from the back, pulling you as closely to his body as humanly possible, burying his face in your neck and planting soft kisses on your skin. „Sssshhhhh, Y/N, it’s alright. I’m here. I’m here for you and I’m not going anywhere“, he whispers into your hair and, slowly but surely, you, still fast asleep, calm down as if you’d actually understood the meaning of his words and the promise they carry. Even after your crying has long ceased the two of you remain like this. And when you wake up the following morning, you discover Yoongi clinging to you unusually tightly, his face still nestled up to the crook of your neck. Surprised, knowing Yoongi normally needs some breathing space in order to sleep peacefully, you turn around in his embrace to look at him, initially worried. „Hey, what’s this? Why so cuddly all of a sudden? Are you sick or something?“ He merely shakes his head without even opening his eyes, brows furrowed,  a sleepy grin stretching his lips. „You were breaking apart last night, Y/N“, Yoongi then mumbles, his speech slurred and his voice still heavy with sleep. „I just couldn't let that happen, could I?”
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3. Jung Hoseok / J-Hope
Hoseok is awoken by thirst and the strong desire to have a plain glass of fresh water. When he gets up, however, to fetch himself a drink, slowly, silently, careful not to wake you, you shoot up immediately. Startled by your sudden movement, Hoseok stops cold in his step and jumps in place, hardly able to stifle a squeal. Sitting up straight in the middle of your shared bed, you frantically look around, your eyes wide in the dark, feeling for the body of your partner between the sheets. „Hobi? Hobi, where are you!?“, you cry out, having trouble lowering your voice, resonating with sheer panic, to a reasonable volume. Slowly recovering from the shock, heart rate gradually decelerating again, Hoseok makes a U-turn and comes back to bed, smiling fondly to himself, touched by your strong reaction to him leaving your side even only for a second. „It’s okay, Y/N“, he whispers softly, brushing your forehead with his lips. „I won’t leave you. Go back to sleep, alright, babe?“ You nod, already half asleep again, the sound of Hoseok’s familiar voice promptly putting you at ease. Unresisting, you let him gently put your head back to your pillow, snuggling into his welcome embrace. A warm smile still on his lips, he gives you one last peck on the cheek before going back to sleep himself, thirsty but happy. „You did it again last night, Y/N. This time you literally almost scared me to death!“, he teases you the next morning. „Aww, I did!? I’m so sorry, Hobi, I really have no control over it. I don’t even remember anything. But … shouldn’t you have gotten used to it by now anyway, my little scaredy-cat?“, you taunt him, playfully kissing the dimple showing on his cheek as he grimaces at the nickname you just called him. „Well, you still freak me out, every night anew. Nonetheless, I can’t get enough of it.“ He smiles at you lovingly, scrunching his nose. „It’s so cute how you already miss me the instant I’m gone, even in your sleep.“
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4. Kim Namjoon / RM
Being quite tall with a rather manly frame and rarely having had to share a bed ever since he outgrew his teens, Namjoon had gotten used to having all the space his bed offered entirely to himself, sprawling across the mattress shamelessly. That changed, however, when you started to finally share his bed whenever you slept over at the dorm. At first he loved it, being close to you and feeling your fine body against his even in sleep. But his sentiment towards your sleeping arrangement soon changed as he discovered that you were quite clingy when dead asleep. Unconscious of your own actions, you keep clutching Namjoons waist, or really any of his limbs you can get your hand son, ever so tightly, each night without exception. Sometimes it annoys him, especially when its summer and the room is already hot and stuffy, or when you hug him so tightly he can barely breathe. Occasionally Namjoon even carefully loosens your grip around him, placing a pillow in your arms instead, which you reluctantly accept as proficient replacement, whenever he has to pee or get up early. Most of the time, though, Namjoon adores your subconscious need for bonding, even though it costs him sleep, especially since you’re so much more cuddly than in an alert state.   Taehyung, as his roommate oftentimes having witnessed your cute habit first hand, teases him about it on a regular basis. „Aww, our Rap Monster is so soft …“ „I just can’t refuse my Y/N anything, that’s all. And I can’t very well disturb her sleep every night, can I now?“, Namjoon simply replies, turning around to hide his content smile in your hair as he hugs you, still being fast asleep, both your arms clutched tightly around his neck. Because, yes, you make him soft. And he secretly loves it. 
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5. Park Jimin
At first, Jimin was, mildly put, slightly freaked out by your sleepwalking, even though you had warned him of it. You would get up in the middle of the night and roam around the dorm, muttering to yourself and doing or taking random things, sometimes even cook or shower. It creeped the hell out of him and furthermore led him to worry for your safety, seeing you like that, staggering around with your eyes half closed, face blank, unresponsive to any of his words or actions. Once you even fell down the stairs and a few times you got completely undressed, leaving your clothes all over the house and slipping back into the wrong bed which caused quite a stir and made for a rather funny anecdote. After a while, however, he got used to your nightly escapades, actually growing to anticipate them and find them quite amusing, secretly making bets with the boys on what kind of crazy stuff you’d do next. A few months ago he eventually started filming you, having bought a special night vision camera for the sole purpose of doing so, following you around the house at night, paying no mind to the lack of sleep he experienced as a result. Whenever he shows you his video recordings, though, the blurred pictures being accompanied by his adorable, muffled laughter, you can’t believe it’s really yourself you’re watching. „I really did that!?“, you gasp, a hand pressed to your mouth in awkward surprise. „Oh, yes, you did. And it only gets better“, Jimin laughs, pulling you onto his lap, placing a soft kiss on your neck, before pressing play again to continue the playback of his visual evidence. „Nooo!“, you protest, cheeks burning, unsuccessfully trying to take the camera from him. „Turn that off, Jimin-ah! It’s so embarrassing!“ „No, it’s not“, he objects, smiling softly against your bare shoulder, his hot breath tingling on your skin. „I love you so much, Y/N. You’re adorable even when sleepwalking and have absolutely no idea how happy these unique little moments make my heart.“
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6. Kim Taehyung / V
The first night you sleep over, Taehyung is awoken from his peaceful sleep by a sudden, strange noise. As he comes to his senses, he realizes it’s originating from you. Startled, Taehyung props himself up on his elbows, staring at you in amused bewilderment, stifling a chuckle. You are laughing. Out loud. In your sleep. Like the happiest little puppy. „What the hell …“, he mumbles to himself, continuing to watch you fondly until your giggle fit finally comes to its end. The next night, this pattern repeats itself, leading him to believe it’s probably a common occurrence with you. Another little quirk he can love about you, Taehyung thinks to himself. When he asks you about it one morning, however, you have absolutely no clue what he’s talking about. „That’s crazy, Tae, nobody laughs in their sleep! I didn't even dream anything funny. Maybe you imagined it or something.“ „For five nights straight?“ „Who knows?“, you shrug. „Your beautifully weird mind is a marvel, Kim Taehyung. We will never be entirely sure what’s going on in there.“ You lovingly tap his forehead, proceeding to place a quick kiss on it. „If you won’t believe me, I’m gonna prove it to you. It’s the most funny and adorable thing ever, you’ll see, Y/N.“ „Even more adorable than Yeontan?“, you tease him. „Even more adorable than Yeontan“, he agrees with conviction. The following night when he is once again awoken by your muffled laughter, Taehyung immediately grabs his phone to make an audio recording which he eagerly plays for you as soon as you wake up in the morning. Wide-eyed you stare at him in disbelief, laughing the exact same laugh you just heard in the recording. „What the fuck!? That was really me!? I had no idea, Tae! I’m so sorry I keep waking you up like this.“ „Don’t worry, Y/N“, he smiles, biting his lip while affectionately brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear. „It’s so cute and beautiful, I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, not even for an additional half hour of sleep.“
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(...just imagine him looking at you like that ...)
7. Jeon Jungkook
„Just admit it already, Jeon Jungkook, you switched my shoes again, didn’t you? So it’s your fault that my ears hurt!“ Startled by you raising your voice at him in the middle of the night, Jungkook shoots up in bed, barely even having managed to doze off yet, while he thought you at least had been fast asleep already. „What are you talking about, Y/N!? I didn't do shit to your shoes!“ You show no reaction. 
„Y/N?“ Again, no response. When he leans over to look at you, your eyes are shut tightly and your face is that of a sleeping angel. Weird, Jungkook thinks to himself, lying back down again. Maybe he misheard or dreamed it. Barely a few minutes later, however, your voice sounds again. „How many times do I have to tell you!? Of course Taehyung is the more handsome one between the two of you. But it’s still you I love, Kookie, you little dork …“ „What the heck!?“ Anger and jealousy rushing through his protruding veins, Jungkook sits back up, instantly wide awake again, this time perfectly sure he heard right. As he turns to look at you, though, you lie sleeping as peacefully as ever. „Oh, don’t you dare pretend you’re asleep now, Y/N! I heard what you just said, every last word of it! So you think Tae is more handsome than me, yeah!? Well, then go cuddle up to him next time.“ For a few seconds he pauses, eagerly anticipating your reaction. You, however, remain fast asleep, showing no feedback whatsoever. „Okay. Have it your way. I’m leaving then. You can have the bed to yourself, traitor“, Jungkook mutters angrily under his breath, already climbing out of bed. „Alrighty …“, you mumble. „But don’t forget to bring the Ketchup. I’d hate to disappoint Winnie the Pooh.“ Perplexed, Jungkook stops cold in his movements, stifling an incredulous laugh. „Come again!?“ But this time you remain silent. The next morning, you’re confused as to why he behaves so oddly towards you, acting colder than usual and darting sullen glances at you and Taehyung lounging on the sofa. Worried, you come over to him. „What is it, Kookie? What’s wrong?“ „You know full well what’s wrong“, he pouts, averting his face, still glaring at an unaware  Taehyung. „So, you really think he’s more handsome than me, Y/N?“ Eyes wide in bewilderment, you can feel your cheeks blush. „Who said something like that?“ „You did“, he retorts, his lips pursed. „When?“ „Last night.“ A knowing „Ohhhhh …“ escapes your lips as you finally realize what’s gotten into Jungkook. „I talked in my sleep, didn’t I?“ Still glaring, he nods. „I forgot to tell you … I do that sometimes when I’m stressed out, and right now it’s exams season, so …“ „Well, I guess I have no choice but to believe you. For now. But do you really feel that way about Taehyung? Should I be worried, or what?“ An apologetic smile on your face, you throw your arms around his neck, climbing onto Jungkooks lap. „Of course not, Kookie! You’re my everything, you know that! I really have no power over what I say when I’m asleep and it’s mostly nonsense anyway. I swear!“ „Alright“, he reluctantly concedes. „But next time you have the cheek to say something like that, even if it’s in your sleep, it won’t go unpunished. Got me!?“
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[ ... lol ... no clue as to why my reactions with Jungkook always turn out the longest!? Any ideas!? 😅 ]
I hope you liked them! Thanks for reading! And if you like and haven’t already, check out my Masterlist for more 
Take care! 
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notthemaincharacter · 7 years
I'll take a really fluffy request about Atsushi and his significant other. Giving you free range to do whatever you want!
I’m here! I haven’t forgotten you guys, I swear! I started writing this on Christmas Eve, but wasn’t able to finish it. Then Christmas and all those gatherings happened, so yeah. Please excuse the lateness of this scenario!
To dear anon who requested this, I didn’t realize how much I appreciate you letting me do what I want with this ask until I started writing it. This is my first ever request, so it lessened some pressure on my part. I took liberty with this piece, although I might have gone overboard a bit too much. I got carried away and might have dragged it, and I’m not sure if this comes off as more of a fluffball than a cheeseball, but I hope you still like it!
Also, I might have intentionally made Murasakibara OOC, that or I just suck at characterization XD But consider this as college setting, so he and the reader are in their early 20′s, maybe 21 :)
Under the cut because of the length~
Christmas is definitely one of your favorite time of the year, if not the most. You just love the festive cheer that fills the air and your eyes everywhere you go — the decorations and illuminations in the town square, the streets littered with romantic couples, and the excitement buzz of the crowd that resonates in the air and into people’s souls that for this one, blissfully peaceful day, a person can just forget his own troubles for once and just be merry. It’s one of the reasons you love Christmas — you want to go out there and experience all these couple love vibes often associated with the holiday.
Right now, though, you are inside the confinements of the apartment you share with your boyfriend, Murasakibara, idly watching him bake some confectionery which you don’t know the name of, like a professional pâtissier. You’re not complaining because, after all, you’re still spending the day with him. But based from previous experiences, you’re certain that making sweets and eating them afterwards are all he’d be interested in doing tonight, and an ultra romantic date involving strolling along the brightly lit city while holding hands, eating strawberry sponge cake, and buying couple things and souvenirs isn’t part of the activities he’ll likely be engaging in. Of course you’d never resent him for this, you already know the type of person your boyfriend is and you unconditionally love all two-hundred-and-eight centimeters of this man, it’s just that you’ve been looking forward to the holidays so you may be feeling a little lonely.
Well, it’s not like the two of you have spent the entire day in the kitchen. Around late afternoon, Murasakibara dragged you around town because he needed to buy ingredients for tonight’s dessert. The shopping took quite a while because he didn’t seem to find what he was looking for, or rather, he seemed to be looking especially for ingredients that will pass his preferences. But it’s not only that, you two somehow lost each other in the market. You left him for a moment to go to the bathroom, and on your way back you stumbled upon a store that was selling a very cute, fluffy pink sweater, and to your delight, it was paired with an equally fluffy black one. You wanted to buy them but soon realized that you had left your purse with Murasakibara and he wasn’t anywhere near where you’d left him. By the time you tracked him down, panting and exhaling visible puffs of breath into the air — he was distracted by a vendor giving free food samples — you both sprinted back to the shop, only to catch sight of another young couple walking away with smiling faces and your sweaters.
You sigh in regret at the memory. You didn’t even get to sightsee Akita in all its white Christmas glory, and now your sweaters had to be taken by someone else, too.
“Hm? Why are you pouting so hard, _____-chin?”
And indeed, you are. But damn, those are my sweaters!
You look at the innocent face of Murasakibara, who has momentarily stopped his work to gaze at you with those lilac eyes that seem more awake than usual, unaware of your inner musings. “It’s nothing, Atsushi. I’m just feeling a little cold, that’s all.”
Murasakibara silently takes in your lithe form sitting comfortably on a stool by the counter, while hugging a soft pillow you got from the living room sofa to your chest and legs that don’t quite reach the floor swaying back and forth alternately.
“Do you want a jacket? I’ll get one for you if you like.”
You smile at him and shake your head. “It’s okay, Atsushi, I’m really fine. Besides it’s not that cold anyway. Don’t worry about me and continue baking, okay?”
He considers you for a moment before complying. “Okay, if you say so~” To your slight surprise, however, he removes the gloves in his hands before walking over to you, placing a huge hand on top of your head and gently ruffling your hair. “_____-chin is so tiny. If I’m not with you you’re going to be knocked down so easily.”
“Wha—!” You try to duck to stop him from messing up your hair, but his hand feels good and warm to the touch, so you just make a pouty face again, but otherwise you let him. “I’m not tiny. You’re the one who’s so tall and huge like a giant that’s why you don’t feel the cold too much.”
“Hm? Doesn’t matter. You’re still tiny to me, _____-chin.”
You scowl at him, although your irritation is only skin deep. Even though for Murasakibara, he is only telling what he thinks is true, you can sense the underlying teasing in his tone. It’s very rarely shown, but you love this side of him.
“But I like it.”
Then he turns and walks back to the kitchen table to resume his baking, leaving you with a slightly open mouth that can only mutter a quiet “eh?” Still, your confusion at his unexpected words doesn’t stop the heat from rushing to your face, and spreading pleasant warmth throughout your system.
Face breaking into a wide grin, you jump down from your seat and follow Murasakibara to the table. He doesn’t make any comment as you position yourself beside him, watching him continue doing his wonders. And wonders, they are, miracles even. You’ve watched him cook and bake several times before, tasted the results of his exceptional talent and prowess in the kitchen. But now, up-close, you realize you’ve never really fully noticed or appreciated every single detail about this aspect of Murasakibara, until now.
For someone so huge and menacing-looking, the way his fingers move to roll or mold a piece of dough is so gentle and precise. His hands are very deft as they move between mixtures and ingredients to do exactly as he wants. And he does know what he wants. Your eyes travel to your boyfriend’s face, concentrating on the eyes that look so alive with passion. He’s pouring out all his knowledge about and love for baking to create something that he’ll also love. It makes sense since it’s him. He may not be interested in many things, but after all, when Murasakibara likes something — whether he admits it or not — he always gives it his very best shot.
Seeing the absolute dedication on Murasakibara’s face, you’re suddenly struck with inspiration — or you just want to have an outlet for the increasing fluffy feeling in your chest. One moment you’re watching how he intricately adds chocolate or other sugary stuff in the mixtures before they will be put in the oven, and the next you’re already washing your hands in the sink and wearing a pair of clean gloves before inching tentatively towards him and joining the mess on the table.
Murasakibara doesn’t protest when you start copying his actions and trying it on one of the mixtures that he has laid out for later. At first, you merely imitate everything he does down to the last detail, but once you get the hang of it a few moments later you start to deviate little by little, adding a quarter of a teaspoon more of syrup which then turns to half until it becomes one whole teaspoon-full of syrup more than necessary.
“_____-chin, you’re putting too much cream.”
You look up from squeezing almost half the contents of the container into your own unique and thoroughly loaded mixture to Murasakibara’s face. He is frowning slightly, eyebrows scrunched together in disapproval as he looks at your grinning face. You’re clearly enjoying this.
You wave your hand as if to dismiss his worry. “It’s okay, it’s okay. It’s only a bit more of this and that. That can’t possibly hurt, right?”
“But it’s already hurting my eye,” he grumbles.
You laugh. “It’s-o-kay~!” Turning back, you hum a tune and resume whatever it is you’ve been doing for the past ten minutes with unwavering enthusiasm and energy much like Murasakibara when he’s on the court.
This goes on for a few more moments before Murasakibara decides you’re going crazy and picks you up without warning, ignoring your giggles and protests, and plops you back down on the seat you’ve been occupying earlier.
“Aw, so mean, Atsushi. I was still having fun, you know.” You put on a mock-offended look, but are quite unable to wipe the smirk off your lips.
“For a midget like you, you’re quite loud and a handful,” he says, earning a “hey!” and an arm slap from you, but he only smiles and pats your head shortly. “Don’t worry, you won’t be missing out since I’m almost done anyway. All that’s left is to put them in the oven. Until then, _____-chin should wait and behave, okay?”
Now he is enjoying this. “Fine.”
It takes another half-hour for everything to bake and for Murasakibara to add the finishing touches. The heavenly aroma of baked goods filling the entire kitchen space for a while now makes your mouth water in anticipation for the delight you’re about to taste later on. But you know your excitement is nothing compared to your boyfriend’s. You chuckle softly at the thought that he must me mentally drooling right now, and would literally be if his face isn’t so close to the last piece he’s decorating.
And finally, he stands up to his full height, eyes alight with pride and happiness as they gaze over the trays and trays of absolute perfection that is the confectioneries. He’s really outdone himself this time, you think with equal pride and happiness as you gaze at him.
Then he carries one of the trays over to where you are, placing it down on top of the counter.
“You’ve outdone yourself, Atsushi,” you say fondly, voicing out the thought you had earlier. “They’re made especially today.”
“They are special today.”
He picks up one of the treats, but instead of eating it himself, he directs it to your lips. You stare up at him in mild surprise, seeing the rare knowing and gentleness in his eyes and smile that you have come to correctly interpret the meaning of over the years you two have been together: he wants to take care of you.
“As a ‘thank you’ for accompanying me earlier,” he says by way of explanation.
He made these for me? Dumbstruck, you slowly open your mouth as he feeds you the treat, gently pushing it inside with the pad of his index finger. It tastes wonderful. It’s everything you ever expected and so much more. The treat melts easily and pleasantly on your tongue, you want to devour it at once but you also want to make it last.
Murasakibara looks at you expectantly. You honestly feel nothing he doesn’t already know will suffice to judge how amazing this is. How amazing he is. It’s nothing short of exquisite. So you just settle for a simple, nevertheless the highest praise you could ever give him.
“I love it very much.”
And you are awarded with the fondest smile you’ve ever seen in his face so far, far sweeter and more heart-fluttering than anything you’ve ever tasted or experienced in the world.
By the time the two of you have had your fill — you finished two trays with Murasakibara eating three-fourths of the share, leaving three more trays for tomorrow — it is already eleven pm. You let out a squeal of panic and excitement as you hop down from your stool, dragging a surprised and reluctant Murasakibara from his seat all the way to the brightly lit living room, thanks to the adorning Christmas lights you somehow coerced your boyfriend into putting up together with you yesterday.
“What’s with the rush, _____-chin? I’m still not done eating.” And indeed, he’s still holding on to a last piece of treat which he barely managed to snatch before you abruptly took him away. It immediately disappears, though, as he’s currently stuffing said treat into his mouth.
You look over your shoulder at him, positively beaming. “But Atsushi, presents!”
“Eh~” He grumbles silently but otherwise follows suit without any more complaint as you sit in front of the huge Christmas tree, underneath of which is surrounded by many parcels wrapped in colorful and festive wrappers.
Inspite of himself, Murasakibara sifts through the gifts, reading the names. “Then should I give _____-chin her present now?”
“Let’s wait until it’s midnight. In the meantime, let’s see what our friends and families got for us.”
And so, the rest of Christmas Day is spent opening presents. Just when you think things couldn’t possibly get chaotic like it was in the kitchen, your purple-haired giant proves you wrong. Some of his old teammates from both middle and high school feel affection for their friend enough to give him something. Most of them, apparently, were thinking the same thing, that Murasakibara’s predictable, and that it’s easy enough to find and send him something he’ll surely love. And they are right. Murasakibara is distracted by the variety of sweets ranging from candies to cookies to cakes, and spends half the time re-stuffing his face, while you spend half of yours chiding him, while occasionally sucking on some lollipops as well.
At last, it’s time for you to give your own presents. You pick up the parcel with elegant, glittering purple wrapper and hand it over to Murasakibara, who, in turn, gives you a long, rectangular box covered in plain red paper.
“Open mine first, Atsushi,” you tell him, wanting to see his reaction.
He tears the purple wrappings, and you’re pleased to see that he exhibits more eagerness right now than he has shown all evening, even when he received the mountain of sweets. You can’t help but grin widely when you see how his eyes widen for a fraction, having just unwrapped the toque now being held almost reverently in his hand. You know that someday Murasakibara will pursue his dream of becoming a professional pastry chef. Even if the topic hasn’t been brought up in discussions yet — if only for the reason that Murasakibara has yet to decide — going to a culinary school in France is not a far-fetched idea. And if he’s aiming to go that far in his dream, you want to assure him, to make him feel that no matter how far he gets, he’ll always have his home with you — you who tried his cooking when he was just learning, and for whom he can prepare the simplest or most extravagant foods and know that you will always be the first and the greatest to appreciate everything he brings to the table.
It is a very thoughtful gift, and even without words, you know Murasakibara understands; the expression on his face is being curtained by the fall of his hair, but through the gap in the soft lilac strands, there’s definitely no mistaking the small smile that graces his lips.
He turns to you with undeniable happiness and affection in his indigo-colored eyes. “Thank you, _____-chin.”
You offer him a smile before you turn to his gift for you. After carefully tearing through the package, you let out a gasp when you see the logo on the box. “Oh, Atsushi, you didn't—” You look at him in awe and disbelief, but he only tilts his head and smiles in that lazy, vague way of his that means he knows more than he lets on. You lift off the lid, revealing a scarf inside. And it’s not just any scarf, it’s from a famous fashion brand in, well, France.
“You didn’t have to, but thank you. It’s beautiful,” you can only whisper, feeling the overwhelming rush of emotions in your chest.
Murasakibara can’t help but turn a light shade of red at the intense sincerity that radiates off you and bores right into his heart. He averts his gaze, embarrassed and suddenly feeling vulnerable. “It’s just because you’re so bad at handling the cold~”
You have to chuckle at his tsundere-ness. “Yes, yes, I’m grateful for your consideration.”
A few moments later, you suggest the two of you start clearing up the mess, with you asking that he cleans the ones in the kitchen while you take care of the living room, to which he refuses point-blank, saying how troublesome it is. He grabs your wrist when you attempt to pick up another discarded wrapper, before his other hand takes the gathered pieces of torn papers from you and sets them aside, making you look at him questioningly. In one swift, fluid movement, and without him offering any kind of verbal answer, you’re being pulled forward. In a mesh of blurred colors and racing heartbeats, you find yourself sitting on the floor between Murasakibara’s legs, his arms caging you in as he embraces you tightly yet delicately from behind. His head comes to rest on the top side of yours, so that your own head is tilted to the right ever so slightly.
You would’ve blushed so hard or frantically sputtered incoherent words, as you normally do in every other situation, only, there’s something in the moment that makes exaggerated acts not fitting, unforgivably insufficient. Because moments in life flow with the river of time. They happen and then they get carried away with the current in mere seconds. Indeed, the echoes will stay forever — or for as long as you don’t let them go — as memories. But the real thing is ephemeral, beginning and ending as quickly and as easily as sand slipping through the gaps in your fingers. In the silence, there sounds the merciless ticking of the clock. No matter how much you want to, there’s nothing you can do to make this moment last, the only thing you can do is hold on to it while it stays.
So you do.
You raise your arms and wrap them around the ones circling your waist, holding on to Murasakibara and savouring the moment for all it’s worth.
“I like that you’re tiny, with this you fit just right in my arms.” He says quietly as if he, like you, is not very willing to break the comfortable silence. “This is better, right? If you get cold again, just come to me. I’ll warm you up right away~”
You feel a smile tug at the corners of your lips, can almost hear him thinking, I’m much better and warmer than that sweater you were pouting and pining for earlier! “Yes, certainly, you’re way better than any piece of clothing I could buy from a store, Atsushi.”
And so time passes, with only a few minutes left of Christmas. The apartment is a mess; you don’t want to think about the state of the kitchen, the living room alone is quite the sight already. Neither of you cares as you continue to snuggle against each other, surrounded by an array of colorful candy and gift wrappers strewn all over the floor. When the clock strikes 11:59, you feel Murasakibara shift behind you.
“I wish it’s Christmas everyday.”
“So you’ll get plenty of snacks for presents?”
There is a pregnant pause. “…That, too.”
You place your hand on top of his and squeeze gently. “We’ll do it again next year.”
“Mm.” He turns the hand that you’re holding upside down so your hand now rests on his palm. Even with your fingers intertwined, his much larger hand is still able to completely engulf your own. “Every year.”
Engrossed in staring at your joined hands and marveling at how they complement each other, it takes a second longer for the words to register. When they do, you force your head backwards to be able to see his face. “What?”
His eyes slide down to meet yours, and you are stunned by the sheer depth and intensity of the promise being held in those purple orbs. “I want to spend every Christmas with _____-chin, just like this. Let’s do this every year.”
This is a lifetime’s worth of choice, but there’s not an ounce of hesitation in your heart. And he knows it, too, when your answering smile is loving, one that is equally full of promises you mirror from him. That which you are determined to fulfill together with him.
“Yes. Let’s do that.”
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I currently have 16 days left of school and I'm very stressed out to the point, where I'm vomiting. Anyways, could you possibly write a very fluffy scenario with either 76 or Jesse and them trying to calm and relax their s/o?? Thank you so much sugar!! 🌸
I’m SO sorry this is a few days late!! I’ve been hella stressed myself and finally caught up on my classwork from being sick with a cold. I hope you feel better really soon and I hope that this helps make you feel a little better! I send lots of love and hugs and support and positivity spells your way!
So, how about 76 AND Jesse? :0
Jesse McCree
“Jesse, usually, when your romantic partner is stressed, your job as their romantic partner is help them chill out, not kick them out of their home for hours!” You pressed your thumb and forefinger against the bridge of your nose and you waited for your boyfriend to reply on the other end of the receiver. You sat in a large squishy armchair in some random study cafe, waiting for your dear, dorky significant other to allow you to come home.
“I’m sorry, darlin’, I really am!” McCree exclaimed over the droning chatter that went on in the background on his end. “Just promise me you won’t head home until I tell ya to. I’m planning something fun fer us. It’ll help calm ya down, I promise.”
You sighed softly but a small smile graced your lips anyways. He was going overboard but at least he was trying his best.
“Fine,” you replied. “Just don’t take forever.”
You settled down in your big leather armchair and occupied yourself with casual mobile games and the occasional drink refill until, more than a couple hours later, Jesse shot a text your way: “Mosey on home lil darllin’, I got a surprise 4 you” ending with a smiling cowboy emoji. With a snicker, you paid and made your way home.
“Cowman?” you hollered as you made your way into your house. Your boyfriend was nowhere to be found but you could hear rattling in the backyard.
As if to confirm your suspicions, Jesse hollered from the backyard patio, “Out here, sweet pea! I’m just finishing setting up!”
“This better be good, cowman!” You snorted and tossed your jacket in the entryway closet before making your way through the small house and out to the backyard, where you stopped and gasped.
The patio had been transformed into a gazebo of sorts, with dark blue and cream-colored sheets hanging off the roof’s overhang and draped over the railings. Dim, white leftover Christmas lights decorated the stair rail leading into the yard, as well as the patio swing and he back door. A nest of sleeping bags and blankets covered the side adjacent to the patio swing, bordered by several TV dinner trays holding snacks and a portable holographic DVD player.
Beyond the patio, the backyard was surrounded by black night, though more dim lights seemed to flit around in the bushes of your garden, matching the stars that twinkled in the sky. The picnic table that was usually hidden along one side of the house, due to lack of company, had been moved to the yard’s center, cleaned up, and covered with a thick blanket. Sitting on the edge of the table was McCree, wearing his best faded plaid shirt and jeans, holding his arms out wide and sporting a cocky, welcoming grin.
“Whadd’ya think?”
“Christ, McCree,” you murmured, stepping off the last step into into the yard, “I was expecting dinner or a musical or something, not all this.”
“You were having an especially rough time, so I created an especially great night fer us.” The cowboy slipped off the table and strolled over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close. He kissed your forehead before turning you around to have your back against his chest and facing the backyard scenery once again. Resting his chin on your shoulder and pressing his lips against your ear, he continued in a low, slow voice, “So, ‘ere’s my plan. First, we’ll lay out here on the picnic table and stargaze for a bit. Just talk and stuff. Then, after it gets cold, we’ll migrate to the fort where we’ll cozy up, pig out, and watch an awesome collection of old Westerns and cheesy musicals until we fall doze off. How’s that sound?”
“Absolutely amazing, Jesse.” You placed your hands over his where they lightly rubbed your waist and turned your head to kiss his scruffy jaw. “Thank you so much.”
“Nothing’s too much for you, sweetheart,” your favorite cowman replied. He returned the kiss before releasing you, then placing a hand in yours to lead you tothe blanket-clad picnic table to start your cozy nightly adventure.
(Soldier 76 under the cut)
Soldier 76
Soldier 76 knew when you were stressed probably before you even did, so he always made it his mission to help you relax. He helped you with your work, took you out on little dates, brought you snacks and drinks when needed, did your half of the chores for you, and made sure you got enough rest. Unfortunately, sometimes even these didn’t work. This was proven especially when he found you whimpering with your head in your hand at your desk or laying in your shared bed screaming into a pillow.
Hell, Jack definitely understood the struggles of copious amounts of stress. This also caused him to understand the risks of letting it control you as much as you allowed it to. So, he took special precautions and decided to bring out the big guns. 
Which ultimately caused you end up in the passenger seat of his truck, blindfolded while the white-haired man drove for hours on bumpy-ass roads.
“You know,” you started after a while of silence, “this feels a lot less relaxing and a lot more like kidnapping.”
You could hear the older man snort in response before replying, “We’re almost there, I promise.”
“And what is the there you’re taking to me exactly?” You shifted in your seat from having your head leaning against the window to your back leaning against it with your legs stretched out enough to rest on your partner’s lap. Crossing your arms over your chest, you continued, “I do have work to finish and I’m sure you do too. By the way, if this ends up being a slaughterhouse situation, shame on you.”
“I’m not kidnapping you, for Christ’s sake,” Jack huffed. The truck turned before you felt it finally come to a slow, then a stop. “You need one hell of a break and so do I, so I brought you somewhere that I think will do us both a little good.” He cut the engine, then gently slid your feet off his lap before exiting the truck.
You moved to open your own door, only to have it opened for you. Then Jack grasped your hand and carefully helped you out of the truck, where you were greeting with a warm breeze and the smell of grass and flowers with only faint fragrances.
After a moment, you couldn’t help but ask, “Did you actually take me to a slaughterhouse?”
Your boyfriend grumbled briefly before removing the small towel hiding your vision, revealing to you a decently sized ranch house surrounded by rolling grassy hills.
You looked around curiously before finally settling your sights on Jack, who was now moving to the bed of his truck to get the bags he brought along.
“A ranch house?”
“It was a family inheritance,” Jack explained as he lowered the two suitcases onto the dusty dirt path. “I kept it for relaxation and reminiscence’s sake. Thought it might be nice for us to get away from crazy work lives and do something simple and calm for a change.” He retracted the bags’ extendable handles and began walking up to the house, bags in tow.
“Is it clean?” you asked, purely out of your growing curiosity. “I mean, how long has it been since you’ve last been here?”
“I have someone come by every so often to make sure things are tidy.”
Some time later, after a house tour and unpacking the clothes (both yours and Jack’s) that Jack had brought along, the two of you settled down in the rustic living room.  76 had started a fire in the fireplace, warning that the house got a little chilly at night, while you’d set up the couch with blankets and pillows at his request.
You both sat on opposite ends of the couch now, each of you wrapped in a fuzzy blanket and holding a hand of cards with the rest of the stack and a bowl of pretzels sitting between you.
“Do you have any sixes?” Jack questioned, foggy blue eyes glancing at you almost accusingly.
Returning his gaze with a scowl of mock grumpiness, you pulled a six of clubs from your hand and flicked it at him before grabbing a pretzel and tossing it in your mouth. “Got any threes?”
“Go fish.”
“Goddammit, why are you good at this stupid game!”
Jack chuckled as you drew a card, then caught your hand. Before you could question him, he tugged you closer and met you the rest of way to press kiss to your lips.
“I really hope you’re enjoying this as much as I am,” he hummed, placing his hand of cards face-down on the couch to brush his fingers through your hair. “I hope you’re not just pretending to make me feel happy.”
You sighed contently and closed your eyes, soaking up the warmth of the fire as well as the touch of your sweetheart.
“Morrison,” you addressed him after a moment, opening your eyes, “this has been fantastic. I haven’t worried about anything other than how you make grilled cheese sandwiches taste so good and how to beat you at this god forsaken game since we’ve stepped foot in this house.” You leaned forward again to kiss his cheek--
--and attempted to sneak a peek at his hand before he caught your hand in the act.
“Got any eights?” he asked, smirking with a childish arrogance.
“I hate you,” you replied while handing him your eights.
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chinguwritings · 8 years
The Best Birthday Present (M)
A/N: Omg I was supposed to finish and post this on the 27th T^T well… Happy Belated Birthday to Kino! 
Man sub Kino makes me so weak I was dying writing this let me live anon. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it >.>
-Admin Kay
Tumblr media
Requested: Sub!Kino
Pairing: Kino x Reader
Genre: Fluffy Smut - SEXUAL CONTENT
Word Count: 1,849
“Morning, baby,” you whispered to Hyunggu, pecking his forehead. He was still fast asleep, comfortably spread on his small bed. He didn’t move even the slightest bit when you greeted him; he was as still as a statue.
“Hyunggu, wake up,” you whined, gently shaking him. You hated to disturb his peaceful slumber, but you had made an agreement with Hoetaek a few days ago to take Hyunggu out in the morning of his birthday. The boys were planning to throw him a surprise party so they needed to get him out of the dorms in order to prepare.
“Hyunggu, baby, you really need to get up! I made breakfast reservations,” you continued whining, shaking him harder.
“Mgh,” he groaned, pulling the sheets over his head.
“Hyunggu! If you don’t get up now I’ll… um… the tickle monster will have to wake you up!”
“Being stubborn are you? Okay, well, you’re definitely gonna get it!”
Climbing on top of him, you straddled him, your hands attacking his sides.
You could feel him tense up beneath you, as he tried to contain his laughter, but it only took a few moments before he broke.
“Babe! Babe! Stop!” he giggled, squirming around, trying to push your hands off of him.
“Wake up!” you laughed, continuing to tickle him despite his pleas for you to stop.
“I’m up! I’m up!”
“I don’t know, you don’t seem up to me.”
“Stop! Stop! Please!”
“Because of this?”
You finally stopped tickling him, your hands resting on his chest as you gently rolled your hips against the stiffness in his boxers.
“Babe…” he said shyly, breaking eye contact with you as he turned his head away, a tinge of pink in his cheeks.
“What? Nobody’s here,” you replied in a soothing tone, leaning forward to peck his flushed skin.
“But still…”
“Alright, alright. Hurry and get ready so we’re not late for our breakfast!”
“So did you like it?” you asked as you drove back to the dorms.
“Yes, it was so good! You know me so well.”
“I’d hope I know you well! You’re my boyfriend! Took me forever to find that restaurant though, it’s so small… not one of the bigger, known, names.”
“Thanks, babe. Why couldn’t we get dessert though? I wanted to try the strawberry pancake stack…”
“Because, I said so. I have my reasons. Anyways, we’re here.”
As the two of you climbed out of the car, Hyunggu pulled out his keys to the dorm. It was pitch black when he swung the door open, you literally couldn’t see a thing. He quickly turned the lights on, just to be startled a few moments later.
Nine boys wearing birthday hats popped out from various hiding spots in the living area, hands in the air, big, cheerful smiles on their faces. The room was colorfully decorated with bouquets of balloons and streamers hanging from every corner.
Soon, all of the boys ran toward the front door, smothering Hyunggu with hugs, and forcing a birthday hat on his head. They sat him down on the couch, letting you sit on one side of him, Hongseok sitting on the other; everyone else spread out and sat on the floor around the small coffee table.
Once everyone finally settled down and dispersed amongst the room, Hoetaek entered from the kitchen, a small cake in his hands. After he placed it on the table, he stuck the candles into the middle of the cake, lighting the wicks with a match.
“Hana, dul, set!” he counted off, cuing everyone to sing the ‘Happy Birthday Song’ for Hyunggu.
“Saengil chukha hamnida
saengil chukha hamnida
sarangha neun Hyunggu-shi
saengil chukha hamnida!”
The boys cheered and clapped as Hyunggu blew out the candles on the cake, closing his eyes as he made a wish. In the meanwhile, Hongseok grabbed a hand-full of icing from the cake and smeared it onto Hyunggu’s face as soon as he opened his eyes.
The boys laughed as he wiped of some of the icing with his index finger, slipping it between his lips to taste it.
“It’s good,” he replied, choked up as he struggled not to laugh.
“Could I try some?” you teased, leaning toward him and taking a big lick at his cheek. You could see the shocked expression on his face, his eyes wide, his body stiff like a statue.
“Ooo, Hyunggu!” the boys roared at your sexual actions toward your boyfriend. Even with icing covering his cheeks, you could tell he was embarrassed just by his body language.
He looked at you with worried eyes as he fidgeted in his seat, pulling one of the sofa pillows over his lap. You could tell he wanted to escape from the crowded room to a more private place, but he didn’t want to say anything or make a scene.
“Come, baby. Let’s get your face cleaned up,” you smiled, motioning him to follow you.
He immediately shook his head, looking down at the pillow that was hiding his excitement before looking back up at you.
“Don’t worry, they won’t see,” you reassured, gently grabbing his hand.
“Go,” Hongseok whispered, nudging him off the couch, “she probably has something special for you.”
“Shut up!” he whispered back, throwing the pillow at him as he finally stood up, and followed you to the kitchen.
As soon as you got there, you pinned him against the counter, your palms firmly pressed against his hips.
“Baby, could I have another lick?” you smirked, leaning toward his face again.
You could see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed nervously, quickly nodding.
“Good boy,” you praised, taking a tongue-full of icing from his cheek. When you pulled away, he was extremely tense; his eyes were squeezed shut, lips taken in between his teeth, and his hands clenched in fists.
“You okay, babe?” you asked, tilting your head at him, your arms wrapping around his neck.
He remained quiet, staring at you nervously as you awaited an answer.
“You’re so quiet today… hopefully you won’t be so quiet in a few minutes,” you said playfully winking.
Quickly, you grabbed a few napkins to wipe the rest of the icing off his face. As soon as he was all cleaned up, you didn’t hesitate to continue teasing the already needy, Hyunggu.
“So, where were we?” you asked playfully, your arms wrapping around his neck, one of your legs between his. As you connected your lips, you moved your leg up and down, rubbing the inner side of his legs, and your thigh rubbing against his erection. He wrapped his arms around you, his hands resting on the small of your back as he gently pulled you closer, not allowing any space between your bodies. You moved your lips down to his neck, kissing as much as possible from his ear to his collar bone. He moaned as you cupped your hand over his bulge, stroking his throbbing member.
“You want it, babe? I can relieve you right here,” you spoke in a seductive voice, your hands fiddling with with his pants button.
Quickly, he grabbed your wrist and shook his head, “I want to go back to my room.”
“Alright, I guess we gotta sneak back to your room.”
Once you got back to his room, you closed the door and locked it. Immediately, you pushed Hyunggu onto the bed and climbed on top of him, crashing your lips onto his as your hands reaching beneath you to undo his pants. As soon as you could, you pulled his pants down his legs and dropped them them onto the floor.
He watched as your hands moved back up to the tent in his boxers and started stroking him. When you looked back up at him, his lower lip was between his teeth, eyebrows knitted as he anxiously anticipating your every move.
Pulling your hand away, you sat on his lap as you slowly and teasingly took off your shirt and bra. He gazed at you lustfully, his mouth agape as he slid his hands up and down your bare sides.
“Hey, not yet,” you scolded, grabbing his hands and pinning him down to the bed. “You have to wait until I say so.”
He nodded nervously before you proceeded to take off his shirt. He moaned as you lightly outlined his abs with your finger, gradually making your way down to the waistband of his boxers. You could see his chest dramatically rising and falling as you continued to tease him, touching his hips and lower abdomen area. Finally, you slid his boxers down his legs, and tossed them to side.
You wrapped your fingers around his shaft and started pumping him at a slow steady pace, earning low, breathy moans from Hyunggu. His eyes watched gazed at you intently as you pleasured him, his teeth clenched and body tense.
Just when he thought it couldn’t get any better, you went down on him, taking in as much as you could.
“(Y/n),” he gasped at the contact with your wet cavern, your soft tongue meeting the underside of his shaft. His moans got louder as you worked your mouth all over his member. You could see his body start to shake, his hands in fists as he grasped his sheets.
“Babe, I’m-”
“No you’re not,” you interrupted, connecting your lips with his, your tongue slipping into his mouth.
You could feel the tip of his length brushing against your stomach as you hovered over him, finally unclothing your lower half, taking a condom out of your shorts pocket before tossing them to the floor.
“D-did you have this planned? The whole time?” he stuttered, watching as you ripped the package open and rolled to thin latex over him.
“Of course I did. I knew you’d like the idea of birthday sex,” you winked, positioning his member to your wet core.
“I love you,” he groaned as you slowly sank onto him. You guided his hands onto your hips, yours falling onto his chest as you slowly rolled your hips against him, adjusting to his size. He filled you perfectly, his shallow thrusts following your steady rhythm. His hands moved from your hips to your lower back, holding onto you as you rode him. As you increased your pace, he became a moaning mess beneath you, his breaths becoming labored. You could tell he was close, his body shaking and tense as your hips continuously collided with his. As your pace increased further, you could feel the familiar sensation of your approaching climax building up inside of you. 
“Fuck,” Hyunggu cried out, orgasming only a few seconds before you. You could feel his member pulsating inside of you, the same pleasure exploding inside of you as you reached your peak. 
“Happy Birthday,” you sighed, plopping down next to him, trying to catch your breath.
“Thanks,” he smiled, pecking you on the cheek. “Definitely my favorite birthday present.”
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rachel-alderson · 7 years
Breaking through anxiety.
I wanted to try something different today, although I do enjoy posting about my own work and projects, I absolutely love writing interesting content and sharing my experiences, especially the sort of content that I would liked to have been able to find when I needed it most. I tweeted out a little poll on Twitter this morning asking whether people would like to see a post about anxiety or motivation, it ended up being tied, so I've decided to write about anxiety this week and motivation next week, thanks to those who voted! Let's get to it!
I'm going to break this down into little points that help me personally and then finish the post off with an example or two of my own struggles with anxiety and something I saw recently that really gave me a kick up the a**. 
It's not all bad.
I'll start this out with a bit of a positive. If you're reading this, chances are you suffer from some level of anxiety, especially creatively yourself, I think that most creatives do. What you have to remember is that you're anxious for a reason, usually backed up by good intentions. What I mean by that is, you're anxious because you want to become a better person and you know that you can be better, you want to become the best version of yourself that you can be. It's essential to recognise that this already is a huge positive, because you are already on your way to becoming a better person whether you noticed it or not, that's already a big win, some people live their lives the same way day in, day out, see this sort of awareness as a basis to build yourself up from.
You're still young.
This is so, so easy to forget about living in this day and age where everything and everyone revolves around the internet. I'd say probably my biggest struggle in life is that I constantly feel like I'm not where I should be or that I haven't done enough for my age, which in turn makes me feel down and I have no motivation to do anything, so end up doing nothing, it's such a vicious cycle! The truth is though, we're all still so young and have so much of our lives left, there are creatives still producing amazing work in their 70s and 80s, if not even older, we have so much of our lives ahead of us and it's crucial to make the most of it and take action, as long as you're working towards your goals, that's the important thing, inaction is the worst. The biggest factor is always the internet for me, seeing other people post photos of their own lives and successes, which then makes me feel guilty and like I'm not good enough. Which leads me onto the next point...
Bloody Instagram.
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Instagram, and it's definitely not the only social media platform that affects me like this, but it is by far the worst because it is so visual. I've spoke about this quite a few times before, but I will say it again, it is so, so easy to get wrapped up in how amazing everyone's life is on Instagram, but you have to remember, it's all edited, and you only get to see the good stuff. If you read any honest interview with any creative they will always say how much they struggle and how they only post the good times on social media. Not only that, but it is literally a tiny square photo window into someones life, you don't know what's going on even a metre to the left of that photo. I've seen quite a few funny photos from honest bloggers over the past month or so where they've taken an amazing photo of some products on this lovely fur rug, and then showed a zoomed out photo where it's actually just products laid out on the back of their fluffy cat.... 
There is a saying that I try and come back to when I get too caught up in other people's lives and that is 'Comparison is the thief of joy', so true. I used to wake up in a morning, scroll through instagram and then instantly not feel any motivation for the day because all I was doing was wondering why I didn't have a nice house, why I didn't have 3 computers, 2 Cintiqs and a million followers on Youtube, that was it, day ruined. But it's so ridiculous that we let our minds work like that when you think about it, we all of a sudden forget that that person has worked their a** off for 5 years and hardly seen their family, or that they're 60 years old and have been working for Disney for 40 years, or that they started making Youtube videos in their bedroom when they were 16 with nothing but a laptop and a webcam. Always focus on the big picture, and understand that there is a huge pile of failures, breakdowns and reinvention behind every inspiring instagram photo.
Think about what you truly want.
A lot of the time when we're comparing ourselves to others and how we really wish we had their lives, we don't think about what WE actually want. When you're comparing yourself to others, take a step back, and place yourself in that person's shoes. I often get down about my clothing brand and look at others thinking, why aren't I shipping thousands of orders a month with a team of employees working for me? Then I think about it for a while and realise, I don't even want that!, I want to keep it small and be able to have a personal connection with my customers. Same goes for other artists, I get jealous of their success and then think, but I don't want to be drawing what they're drawing or working for clients that they are so why does it even matter? Figure out what YOU want, and focus on taking the steps to get there.
Focus on yourself.
I mean this in a few different ways, first of all it's important to get the negative voices out of your head, and focus on the positive, I know that this is hard but it really does help, try starting a gratitude diary. You can easily look up how to do this on the internet and I do mine on my phone, sometimes it's a simple as being grateful for a cup of tea in the morning that can kickstart your day on the right foot.
Your happiness is what matters, if you're happy with what you've got and who you are, you'll feel better for it and achieve more in the long run. At the end of the day, the whole reason all of these other people are achieving their dreams is because they are doing the exact opposite of what some of us are doing, they're focusing on themselves and not on the people who have achieved more than them. I'm struggling with that myself today because I feel like maybe I'm not experienced enough to write this post, even though I really want to share how I feel, maybe I won't be taken seriously, and I keep thinking about just scrapping it, but if I keep thinking like that, I'll never post anything and I never will get anywhere or be taken seriously, if you've got an idea, believe in it no matter what, especially if the process of creating it makes you happy. You've just got to think f*** everyone else! Sorry for the F bomb but there is really no other way to say it, because if you don't all you'll end up with is regret and possibly no time to change it.
This video absolutely changed my life.
I watch a lot of Gary Vee's stuff, some people hate him, some love him, and relevant to this post, he just does not care. So here's one of his latest videos I came across, which just made something click in my head and think, why do I keep making excuses and expect a quick success from not enough work? It's not that I don't want to work, I love what I do but it can be hard when you don't get any return for a while, but I'll save that for another post because I recently watched another video which made me realise that it's all about the journey, I know it's cliche, but I think it'll be easier to understand when I write that post and link the video. Anyway, here's Gary's video....
I watched this and it first thought, whoa he's being a little harsh, but by the end I thought 'He is absolutely spot on'. If you watch any of Gary's content you'll see that he never stops, but he shows everything, so as soon as someone says to him 'That's easy for you to say, you've got so much money and so much success', it's easy for him to not even pay one bit of attention because everyone who watches his content knows that he works 17 hours a day and has constantly worked straight out of school.
My own current anxiety struggles.
As some of you may know, I run my own clothing brand; Monster Trunk Collectables . Some of you may not know this because I don't really post about it much, and haven't posted anything for the last 2 months. You know why? Because I feel like I'm constantly failing, I don't at all think that the brand is a failure, I'm very confident in the concept of Monster Trunk and stand by all of my products. But again, my brain keeps running with things and I start to think stuff like What am I even doing? What shall I post next? Why haven't I sold anything for a month? But my answer is right there all along! I'm focusing so much on stupid things that I end up doing nothing at all! It's absolutely crazy. 
I have however this month, decided that all of those thoughts are absolutely ridiculous and all they're doing is stopping me from doing what I really wanted in the first place. That's the main problem with the world being how it is these days, it's so easy to lose sight of why you started something in the first place and get caught up in the race to be the most popular, even though my intentions for Monster Trunk have always been to keep it small, build a loyal following and have a great relationship with my customers and become more of a family of people with the same attitude towards life. So from this month, I'll be working hard to build Monster Trunk up to the brand I originally envisioned, and most of all, to just have fun with it again! I had some of the most fun times ever just sitting at my desk, printing make shift packaging and sewing labels into tshirts 5 times because I could never seem to get it right!
I will say right now that I've nearly scrapped this post at least 3 times, made about 10 excuses why I shouldn't write it, gone for a walk, sprayed some plant pots, made a ton of coffee and checked social media every 5 mins whilst writing this post because I've been so anxious about posting it, ironic eh?! However I thought it was important to share this as real life experiences are always the most relatable, and as I often say in my posts, if I can help even one person then I'm happy!
It's important to remember that I am my own person with my own opinions and the most crucial thing you can do if you're suffering from anything like this is to remember that everyone is different, and different things work for all of us. I choose not to turn to medication and can usually focus on changing the way I think, however, if it ever got to the point where I couldn't control it anymore I would have therapy and would recommend the same for others. If anyone does feel like this has resonated with them and would like a mort in depth discussion about it I'm more than happy to have anyone email me for a little chat! My email is [email protected] for anyone who would like to!
I know this was a long post, so thank you to those who read all of it, I know that this doesn't even nearly cover everything but hopefully you got something from it, remember to check back next week for a post about kick starting your motivation again!
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