#anyways go boo at this anon guys
kabukiaku · 4 months
ANGRY AND HATEFUL PERSON AWARD! ❣️ Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people you hate! Absolutely no pressure but. It's sweet to know someone thinks you're shit inside and out <3
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arolesbianism · 5 months
There's no such thing as an "aromantic lesbian" you're fucking delusional lmao. Either you're attracted to women or you're not. Also for the love of GOD learn how to shut up you never stop fucking typing do you. Nobody's reading all that 🤪
Sure thing man, would you like some fries with your order
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could u do something about thalia never showing up for jason? in the end of tlh he was hoping she’d show up for the counselors meeting and she didn’t so maybe a series of him making plans with her/trying to get in touch with her and just being disappointed every time… not thalia hate i love u thalia she just is too busy for him (while doing it during the months between tlh and son could be cool i think in between boo and toa would be more angsty bc u know he’s going through a breakup!!! he’s all alone in this random private school he isn’t familiar with the mortal world and he just wants his sister but she isn’t there!!!)
Two times Jason Grace wrote Thalia a letter, and the one time he didn't send it.
author's note: Ah this is so angsty and perfecttt :( The Grace siblings deserved more…they're my faves fr.. anyway, I hope I did justice to your request anon! Thank you for requesting, it made my day! I thoroughly enjoyed writing this. I just finished my exams and I'm back to having more time for writing :) you guys can send me more angsty jason prompts like this one if you want to, I'll write them with the best of my capabilities, I'm quite new to heavy angst like this so I was surprised when I was able to finish this within an hour. Jason Grace does this to me.
TW: severe angst. I mean it, very severe, character death, mentions of sacrifice, no happy ending. I went all out, I'm sorry. I was just way too into this.
Jason traced his finger over the glossy photo frame in his hands, which encrusted a picture of his older sister, Thalia. He had requested Leo to help him with the framing, the edges were made with a mahogany coating. He smiled at the lovely picture of his sister, her hair being held together by her silver huntress circlet, wearing her punk rock clothes. 
Over the course of the summer, He had finally gotten the chance to take a good picture of Thalia for a family keepsake, he had held on to the tattered, torn picture of Thalia that annabeth had given to him before his first quest, and he still treasured it greatly. But he insisted that Thalia and him take at least one good picture before she disappeared with her maidens into the world, for months. 
“And then Leo said-” Jason was cut off by thalia’s fellow maiden Phoebe, rushing towards them, yelling for thalia. 
“Lady Thalia, lady Artemis is heavily in need of your assistance immediately!” Phoebe said panting. Thalia frowned and her eyes apologetically turned back to Jason. “I'll be there” she told her fellow huntress, before giving Jason a strangling hug. “I'm so sorry Jason, we'll talk later yeah?” Jason swallowed his disappointment after he saw how truly apologetic Thalia looked. “Of course, stay safe for me?” Thalia smiled sweetly and nodded at that before trudging up the path.
That was the last time he had seen of Thalia in months, and there was only one way to settle this. Jason decided to send in letters to his sister, that way, she could read it and keep them with her, and he could tell her everything without getting interrupted by anyone. He soon learnt to cherish this hobby alot. He loved his sister, and writing to her gave him a warm sense of comfort. He needed that, especially after Leo's death.
“Dear Thalia,
How have you been sis? I hope your mission with Phoebe to help Artemis went well! It's been pretty tough lately. My nightmares are plagued with pictures of mom. I know you of all people would understand how horrific that feels. I miss Leo, and piper's been acting a little strange around me lately.. but Leo's disappearance is taking a toll on her. So I get it. Nico is finally staying in camp half blood, isn't that great?? That boy deserved a break for once. Anyways, write back if you can, but if you can't, that's fine, I know you're busy.
–love, your annoying little brother.
Weeks, and months flew by, but still no response from Thalia. But he knew better than to take it seriously. Jason knew that she had gotten the letter, and that was enough for him. Well, that was enough, until things went downhill for him very quickly. Piper had approached him in the school corridor and thought it was a great day to end their year long relationship, shattering Jason's soul to pieces, this, coupled with the immense amount of pressure he had to build the minor god shrines, Jason felt numb, and he did what he usually did. He poured his heart out to Thalia in another letter, seeking comfort in his ink and paper. Longing for thalia’s presence once more.
“Dear Thalia,
it's me again, I hope you're doing good, atleast better than I am. I've been feeling terrible lately, Piper ended things with me, i guess we finally know why she was acting the way she did around me, huh? She said our relationship was only hera’s illusion and didn't feel that way about me anymore, which sucks, since I'm still very much in love with her. The pressure has increased tenfolds on me these days, the minor gods are heavily anticipating the promise I told them I'd keep. I'm planning on moving schools so i don't have to deal with the heartbreak of seeing Piper in school anymore. Anyways, I just wanted to write to you since it makes me feel better. Sending you lots of love from California.
— love, Your annoying little brother 
Minutes. Hours. Days. Weeks. Months. 
Jason knew. The moment the sibyl told him about looking for the third emperor. Jason knew, that his doomsday was going to knock on his doorstep very soon. He was going to sacrifice himself for Piper. And nobody was changing his mind. Jason stared out his dormitory window, the outside mortal world looked a little too cheery for the melancholic thoughts that were chasing his mind. He averted his gaze to the person in the picture frame hanging at his wall. Thalia had always been too busy for him. They had never had a proper full conversation together, one on one conversations getting disrupted, iris messages wearing out within a few minutes, even his letters never got a reply, or even a single acknowledgement. 
Yet jason knew, that Thalia Grace was the only one who loved him more than anything in the world. She didn't have to spend time with him for him to know that. He knew by the way she had only left their childhood home after Jason was deemed “dead”, he knew by the way she had picked a two year old jason up  after he injured his mouth with that stapler,he knew by the way she played hide and seek when they were little, he knew by the way she had told no one about him, not even annabeth, since he was a memory that she held close to her heart. So subconsciously, his hands wrapped around the pen he always used to write with. With shaky hands, and teary eyes slowly dripping in the paper, he began to write.
Thalia was resting on the rocks, thinking of how Jason was doing, she had recieved all his letters and read them through atleast 2 times. She wanted to respond, but it kept slipping her mind. Something had always come up, but now, she was finally free. Just as she was about to pick up her pen, she heard her name being called.
It was Reyna. She was holding an envelope, Thalia’s spirits skyrocketed at the thought of her brother sending her another letter. But.. why was it being sent through Reyna..? It was usually always sent by Jason's wind manipulation. Those letters would float towards her. That's how she always knew it was from her brother.
She was expecting Reyna to tease about Jason's cheesy letters to his sister, but what she wasn't expecting, was for Reyna to start sobbing on the spot, breaking out the news that her younger brother was dead. 
Jason. Her little stapler eating brother. Was dead.
“This was found by Meg in Jason's desk.” Reyna shakily handed Thalia the envelope. It was a blue envelope, the usual colour that Jason always sent to her. And on top of it, was his smudy handwriting that Thalia could recognise from a mile away. The letter was signed “To Thalia Grace”.
Thalia opened it carefully but tears were leaking out of her eyes.
“Dear Thalia,
there's something that I've been keeping for a while now, but I know it's finally the time to tell you this. I met the sibyl in the labryinth who had told me that my life would be cut short. if went looking for the third emperor, Caligula, either me or Piper would be killed. There's no point denying the inevitable is going to happen. Prophecy's can never be thwarted, after all. I've made my choice, I'm not letting Piper die. I've decided that I am going to use myself as a sacrifice. I'm writing you this, to let you know, that, I love you. I love you so much sis, I hope you know that. I know we've never got to see eachother much, but I don't want you blaming yourself in any way for this. I hope you know that, writing to you, even without a response from your side all these months, has helped my life feel a lot more meaningful. the mere thought of you taking the time to read my letters makes me feel so loved. So happy. Now that I know that I might be meeting my end, I'm letting you know, that I've cherished every single thing you've ever said to me. Including the fact that you hate tomatoes on your sandwiches. Take care of yourself, sis, I'm always with you.
  — love, for the last time, your annoying little brother :)
Thalia clutched the letter with her heart, screaming in agony. Thunder boomed angrily overhead, almost as if her father could feel her rage. Her heart strings were tearing apart. She sobbed, as she looked up at the blue sky, the same blue as Jason's darling eyes.
“I love you too. My annoying little brother, always”
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mysticmellowlove · 6 months
Sub jock hcs 🙏🏻
I hate jocks ands that’s where this gets fun-
Jock that’s on a powerful position( typical quarterback because it’s the only position I know lol) and the girl who everyone is lowkey jealous of. Like richest girl in town but she’s not from the town her family just kinda can in and took over. She is super kind though and that’s why he began to like her. They’ve never even talked but he always notices her. Always. But…. She doesn’t like him. She’s nice to him of course but she isn’t into him how others are. He’s a jock- ew
note; anon sent in an inspo as well (here)!
warnings; fem reader, sub male, solo masturbation,
The streamers fell over him as he clapped his friends on the back, the last game of the season and they had just won it. Cheers and hollers surrounded him as their cheerleaders flooded the field and began their routines, sending kisses to the players as they clumped together in a mass of grass-covered sweaty boys.
His best friend slapped him on the back and grinned through his mouthguard, his head inclining towards the stands where he knew she'd be waiting. Always here for college cheer, the leader of the student spirit committee was the cutest, kindest girl in the world. She also happened to be a major crush of his. He pushed his friend away teasingly as he jogged over to her, watching her shake the pompoms she had been handing out before the game that sported their university colours.
He basically grinned as he took in her smile, her eyes soon locking onto him.
"Hey QB, great job today." She hummed as she looked up at him, his form easily dwarfing her own. He knew he was a big guy, it's why he was picked for the quarterback position. Tall and muscular, devilishly good-looking... he often had his friends say he exuded 'raw masculinity' whatever that was. The girls also loved him, fawning over him and chatting him up.
But it was unanimous around the university that he had eyes for one person only, the one person he just couldn't seem to snag. She had moved here from a rivalling uni about a year back and had been a ray of sunshine ever since. She was the leader of the cheer committee and basically lived for setting up student union events. She was at every sports game, concert and exhibition.
She really was like an angel sent from above.
"Thanks, me and the boys are going out for celebratory drinks later on, you interested?" He grinned as he leaned against the stands, willing her to look his way for just a moment. To nod and give him a chance. She smiled that sweet little smile as she shook her head.
"Sorry, I have some module work I need to get done. I just had to come over and support our boys." He willed the flush in his cheeks to go down as he referred to him as her boy, even if it wasn't exactly what she had meant. He swallowed his disappointment but nodded anyway.
"Alright, good luck then. I'll see you sometimes on campus anyway." He shot her a heartwarming smile before he crawled his way back to the others, heart doing flips in his chest. This was usually how their interactions went. She was a lovely girl, so kind and open but it was clear she wasn't interested. He knew she liked the scholarly type more, her friend group reflected as much. He didn't like to admit it but he was a little bit of an airhead, but that's what had drawn people to him.
He knew others called him a 'golden retriever' which by his understanding meant he was lovable and energetic. But she seemed to like the stoic type and he couldn't bring himself to change... maybe one day when they were older something would happen between them. He wasn't going to be the star quarterback forever after all.
"Hey man, we're heading toward Joey's, gonna bring some of the girls along. You down?" His friend came up to him and they shared a clap.
"I would but I have something on later, I'll meet up tomorrow yeah?" He laughed as others gathered around him, booing playfully. Soon enough they relented and he watched as they filed towards the lockers, he'd be following as well but he wanted to help out his coach with the equipment first.
In reality, he was simply stalling time, he wanted the showers to himself after all. Packing up was nothing for him, mainly because there wasn't anything to do but it served its purpose. When the coach let him go he made his way to the lockers and grinned at their vacancy. Now he'd not only have the space to himself but the showers would actually be hot.
He shucked off his gear and stepped under the relaxing spray, just hot enough to relax his muscles. He flicked his hair back from his face and doused it in a small amount of shampoo he kept in his pack. As he let the water and suds run down him his mind began to wander.
Frustrated he leaned his head against the cool wall of the stall, his hand unwillingly going to cup his hardening cock. Every time she let him down easy he'd get hard, as if it was like magic. He was so down bad for her it was insane. And yet he couldn't bring himself to move on. So long as he was able to see her on campus he knew he'd keep fantasising about her like this.
Sure it made him feel dirty but the sheer amount of pleasure overrode anything in his mind. Never before was he able to get himself off like this thinking about others. He tried the porn, tried the mags and even his own imagination but everything looped back to her. What would she look like as he plunged into her? Would she look good in pink or red lingerie? What would her voice sound like as she scolded him for thinking of her like this?
That's how it began, he had noticed a shift in his preferences. All his friends would point at the smallest things around but his mind would be on her. It was innocent at first, her riding him as he held onto her hips but soon.... soon it changed. Her forcing him to lay down as she perched herself on his face, making him surrender before her so she could please herself first.
His tie and satin bows turned to handcuffs and ropes. His dick inside her turned to her hand wrapped around a toy she was teasing him with. Making her cry out his name turned into her making him a whining, sobbing mess.
"Fuck." He hissed as he realised he had been jerking himself off all this time, his hand wrapped furiously around his cock. God what he'd do to have her in this position. Her hand stroking him as he fought to stop his legs from buckling.
A drawn-out moan left him as his eyes rolled to the back of his head, just the thought of her had him wanting to cum.
It really was insane the hold she had on him...
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chaifootsteps · 20 days
(My pc crashed when sending my last anon so I'm resending just in case it got lost, hope that's ok)
You know, if they do want to hold Stolas accountable for his actions eventually, I think it'd be kinda cool if he did get together with the incubus guy, have an arc that lasts a bunch of episodes where we see him get just as infatuated as he was with Blitz.
Stolas dismisses it at first still thinking he's the wronged one trying to move on from his meanie imp ex with a guy who makes him feel the same or better, except this time the dude isn't indebted to him so he doesn't put up with his racist "cutesy" nicknames (like 'sucky-boo' or some shit) or sexual/public harassment and his unhealthy clinginess.
This could lead to some pattern recognition that breaks the rose-colored glasses he has over himself. That he's always the victim or the martyr wanting to believe his "good intentions" outweight his actions (like how he claims to have martyred himself for Octavia's sake while in reality it kinda made everything worse and he had no problem ditching her when something more exciting showed up in his life anyway)
I think this way he could realize that he was never actually in love with Blitz and question his role in all his personal relationships and get the reality check he needs to even consider making true amends to anyone.
Also if they're gonna be endgame anyway, maybe he should stay single and have a life before getting together. Make some friends or get a hobby (which he could've done any time if he didn't play the eternal victim role in his own life), like sheesh, go to a coffee shop or library and talk to someone on equal grounds, he's not actually a bird in a cage.
-���� anon (if that's not taken)
I actually really like this! It's believable, it would pull this sinking ship out of the water, and genuinely love the idea of Stolas realizing that he can be happy and free without a relationship, and certainly without shanghaiing someone into being his knight in shining armor.
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evanhamato · 7 months
Hello! I’d like to request a rottmnt (Casey, cass and April too if you want too!) Headcanons x reader (both crushing on each other / pining) and reader is extremely clumsy? And gets bruised so easily (seriously, I noticed last night I bruised my palm / fingers pretty bad and I don’t even remember how I did that, like, nothing major happened, just BOOM hand got hurt) and they try to hide it or not make it a big deal cuz they doesn’t want to “cause trouble” or worry anyone, and they get really bashful with ppl taking care of them?
Please and thank you, hope you have a good day
[ Clutz ]
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ROTTMNT x GN!Reader who is clumsy
A/N: YES. this is exactly like me!! also im sorry for the delay in posts!! im trying to do 2 asks a day but with how much asks im getting i assume that wont be working?? anyways, thank you anon for requesting and i hope you heal quickly <3! P.S: I LOVEDD WRITING THIS ONEEE!!
Relationships: Romantic
TW: Injuries, treating injuries, fluff, worry, kisses, cuddling
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He knows before you even tell him.
He subconsciously searches his brothers, what makes you think he wont search you?
Eventually when you are forced to tell him while he was patching you up, he gets a little upset.
Regardless, he understands. (Being the eldest and all.)
Don't think he doesn't check on you extra though.
Weekly checkups, also comes with weekly cuddles and kisses.
Warns you if there's anywhere you can get injured from a mistake.
If he see's you fall or bump into something, he'll check the area around 15 minutes later to see if it bruised, it's going to be bruised regardless.
He never runs out of supplies?? What logic is this??
Regardless, total sweetheart.
To be honest, he only notices after a week or two after a hard mission.
Are you not healing? Are they new?
When you go to get your bandages changed, he asks you about them.
You explain and he lets out an 'ooh' before pouting.
You, a hassle, a burden? That's the dumbest thing he's ever heard.
Gets ice for your bruises right away whenever you bump into stuff.
Prevent the bruising as much as possible, right?
Throws his hand out when he see's you're going to hurt yourself.
Always ends up with him trying to lean over the table and falling himself.
Mutual pining? Nah. Mutual idiots. /aff Bonus:
His medical supplies keep going missing. Wonder where they went.
Please. For the love of god. STAY OUT THE LAB.
Clumsy + chemicals + metal = owchie.
Knew about the clumsiness and bruising, not about how you felt.
Taking Dr. Feelings instructions, he tries to comfort you.
He ends up messing up and saying something goofy, you suddenly can't take him serious anymore.
Later in your relationship, he gains the habit of giving your bruises a small kiss. (It started with you bugging him about how your "boo-boos" needed kisses.)
Guides you away from dangerous things without you realizing.
He isn't good with words so, unlike his brothers, he'll straight up tell you while helping you that you are not a burden.
Actions may be more powerful than words but, words get the point across easier.
He does his best, he's trying, I swear.
Poor guy doesn't notice the bruises until after you open up.
Don't think he didn't notice you shying away though. He is Dr. Feelings after all.
Mikey doesn't quite have enough skills to patch you up so he goes to Leo, to stay safe.
Regardless of excuses, you are in fact scheduled for a meeting with the Dr. himself.
After said session, expect affection statistics to go HAYWIRE.
He has a shell, you can't get hurt if he's clinging onto you, right?
Plus, more love!
Asks Donnie if there's anything scientific behind the injuries, he just wants to try to reduce it as much as possible.
Simple cuts or scratches?
You get the "feel better" band-aids. (Band-Aids with motivational sentences on them. Prescribed by Dr. Feelings himself.)
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crosbyism · 2 months
i’ve never really engaged with sidnate because i’ve been a sidgeno truther since like before nate got drafted but god the more i learn the more im like jesus christ what is going ON with them. but at the same time im so emotionally invested in sidgeno so maybe i just start conceptualizing it as sibney and his two boyfriends who are furiously jealous of each other
nate 🤝 sid 🤝 geno
sid has two hands
honestly tho i support it, you do you boo!!
i get coming here from the sidgeno camp, esp. those of us who’ve been around for a longer time (a decade for me, too). i got into hrpf and the pens through sidgeno, since there was just SUCH a community around it and so many fanworks. canonically it’s just been a long time since we’ve gotten any sort of new ship crumbs (i think since the covid season, the 1000 game/point stuff, which has been, what? four years?).
nowadays i’ve drifted into being more invested in them with other people, mostly bc it’s just more compelling to me. geno with anna (or tanger), bc what is going ON in that marriage, deeply compelling tbh— and obvs sidnate, because they truly match each other’s freak. i’ve known since this year’s asg that i’m just never gonna get over them. unparalleled freak4freak behaviour.
to me, geno and sid are like: they fooled around as kids, grew up together. had maybe a messy situationship breakup that ultimately ended in a rock-solid friendship. idk that i have it in me to write sidgeno any more, but if i did it’d probably about their messy breakup right before sid got concussed and the affirmation of their friendship and position in each other’s lives during the ‘12 captaincy debacle. in a way where they reforged the messy adolescent affection they had into a different kind of more platonic love.
nate is just like. really sid’s guy. and i’ve always said, like— forget the obvious fact that nate’s been on the “I ♥️ SID” train since day one (even tho that’s a LOT in the best way), what’s always gotten me is how receptive and affectionate sid is with nate. he used to be SO private, like i remember the amount of CRUMBS pens fans grabbed onto to construct some sort of a characterisation for fics, and since nate’s in his life, he’s just. blossomed, bloomed, flowered. it’s kind of incredible. sid wearing nate’s number at the asg is just the epitome of why i’m obsessed with them. also, being into sidnate is fun as hell tbh. they’re SO ridiculous about each other
anyway, ‘scuse my rambling, dear anon. tldr: we support multishipping here! anything can be true if you want it to be! do what ur heart desires and live ur life. frankly we can also always use more genonate boyfriendsharing and/or jealous hatefucking. i support u and your dreams
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lestappenforever · 11 months
this is directed to you social-psychological anon (my goat <3)!!
you’re so right. max literally cares soooo much about what charles thinks of him. when anyone has anything bad to say about max, he doesn’t really care, has a short and cold response to it, or just laughs it off (if it’s someone he knows doesn’t mean it, like lando joking “max ruins everything”). point is he doesn’t really care that much. however, a few years ago an interviewer asked charles what was annoying about max and they made max respond to it, which is so weird but we roll anyways lol. charles goes “annoying? i don’t know. i guess he can say weird things to the media. but that’s okay, he has personality. personality is important.” (this isn’t an exact quote but it’s along the lines of what he said!). he barely even says anything bad, and he immediately compliments max right after. however, max got so upset about it. he immediately goes “I DON’T CARE WHAT HE THINKS!! >:(“ he took it much deeper than he usually does about not great comments toward him. whole country booing him? he doesn’t give a fuck. charles says a barely insulting (not even) comment? he takes that shot so personally 😭 it just shows how important charles’ opinion is to him. fascinating….
Social-psychological anon, another admirerer who shares their own wonderful insight to this analysis. ❤️
And I'd like to throw in my own two cents here, because there is absolutely something truly marvellous about how Max could not give less of a fuck about what other people think of him, no matter who it is. But with Charles? There is some deeprooted urge within him, a desperate desire for Charles' approval, that just gives him a whole other response to anything that may even be slightly interpreted as negative if it comes from Charles.
Your example with that video of Charles being asked if Max is annoying, and Max's clearly bothered response is excellent. Had that been anyone else — a reporter, another driver, literally anyone who is not Charles Marc Harvé Perceval Leclerc — he wouldn't even have batted an eye. Hell, he probably would have grinned as if whoever it was had just given him a massive compliment. But because it was Charles, and because Max for some reason decided that Charles was sort of insulting him (even when he absolutely was not — quite the contrary, the way I personally view it), just gives away just how much Charles' opinion of him means to him. And that is a huge deal, given how Max Emilian Verstappen is very well-known for not giving a flying fuck about what other people think of him.
I think a lot of this boils down to the fact that it's Charles. The guy Max has fought against for most of his racing life, the boy who grew up alongside him in karting, the guy his own father believed was predestined to fight him on track forever, even in F1. (Which is high fucking praise from Jos Verstappen.) Max and Charles have been tied together for as long as Max can remember, and for as long as they're both competing in the same league, Max will think of Charles as the rival to beat. He will think of Charles as the one driver on the grid with the biggest chance of giving him a proper fight, even when he so clearly can't.
Take this season, for example. We haven't gotten to see many battles between Max and Charles for obvious reasons (Ferrari being absolutely abysmal for most of the season), but the few times we have gotten to see it? Max will go fucking wheel-to-wheel with Charles as if they're both in the running of winning the WDC and the winner will be decided based on who comes out victorious out of that particular turn. It doesn't matter that Max knows that he's going to get past Charles. It doesn't matter that Max knows that Charles won't actually be able to fight him for a race win unless Max is starting from far back on the grid and Charles isn't. It doesn't matter that Max knows the car Charles is driving and the strategies his own team are throwing at him aren't up to par. None of that matters, because fighting Charles Leclerc and seeing him as his biggest rival is so deeply ingrained into Max's entire racing identity that he will treat every battle he gets against Charles as if it's a battle that will decide the title even if it fucking kills him.
And that right there? That deep-rooted respect and admiration for Charles? The same kind of deep-rooted respect and admiration Charles has for him? That connection that has taken them from "hating" each other in karting, to civil colleagues in F1, to an actual, genuine friendship that they so clearly both treasure incredibly dearly, as proven by the blatant shift in the vibe between them recently? That's the reason as to why Max, despite clearly not giving a flying fuck about what anyone else thinks of him, will always care about what Charles thinks of him. That's why Max goes to such extreme lengths to behave differently around Charles than he does with any of the other drivers, and why he treats Charles so differently from everyone else. Because not only does Max know and respect Charles' boundaries and his preferred way of being treated, but he wants to do it right. He wants to exist within the same space as Charles and do it well. He wants Charles to enjoy and look forward to their interactions as much as Max himself does. And to this day he craves that approval from Charles as much as he probably did when they were kids, but back then he was too hot-headed and stubborn to realize that the "hate" he felt towards Charles was actually nothing more than the excitement and slight fear of seeing such a massive part of yourself reflected in someone else — someone you were supposed to hate.
I've seen it mentioned so many times in different posts on Tumblr, but it's absolutely true what they say: Max is so much softer around Charles than he is around anyone else, and treats Charles with a sense of care I am yet to see with any of the other drivers. Which, to me, is such a testament to just how much he values Charles' opinion of him.
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fatuismooches · 1 year
SMOOCHES!!! Hii darling !! ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
ohmigosh i swear whenever you respond to my asks, my brain exploded with ideas its crazy and i love u sm for it <33 but anyways this kinda tied down to my recent brainrot b4 this, so since fragile!reader was in a coma for hundreds of years, the first time they probably tried getting out of bed and walking on their own two feet was probably an absolute failure 😭 fragile!raedrr probably looked like a baby deer learning how to walk for the first time. to say it was cute but also embarrassing is an understatement. also THATS SO TRUE! reader would literally beg Zandik and every single clone to go outside to see Snezhnaya, but since their health is so fragile it’s such a huge risk that they can’t take :(( so they’re usually just looking out the window to see if they can even catch a glimpse of Snezhnaya’s city. also adding onto Zandik being more mature and different from the Akademiya, reader probs has so so many questions on what happened while they slept, like what do you mean he has power that can match even the gods?! fragile!raeder would probably be so amazed but also scared that their own lover, THE Zandik, the outcast from Sumeru, turned to become the 2nd Harbinger, and have so much strength. ALSOOOO lifting up his mask and seeing the new scars littered on his face </3 reader would probably be so worried and ask “does it still hurt?” AHHHH it’s past 12 AM but this man has had such a grip on me the whole day. Currently sick rn, hopefully I’ll get better. But ANYWAYS I love you so so much smooches make sure you take breaks and stay healthy in college I know it must be really stressful. Just know I’ll be giving you a bunch of chu chus. <33
-from your dear boo boo bear 🎐 anon ౨ৎ
HI 🎐 ANON!! <33 I'm so glad I inspired you wabdbedbdw that's so cute ily more ❤️❤️ And RELATABLE 🎐 ANON i can't go a day without thinking of this crazy doctor man smh,, and omg i hope you feel better 😭 i'm responding a bit late but hopefully you feel better by now!! Make sure to rest a lot and don't push yourself okay? Staying up until 12 AM isn't good for you!! 😤🥺 Thank you luckily I've been coping well in college, it's just that is SO!! hot and walking to class has me sweating hard unfortunately 😅 Anyway- MOVING ON TO DOTTORE!!
I didn't even think about that- poor fragile reader would have to relearn SO many basic things. At first you'd be stubborn about accepting help - because well... obviously you feel embarrassed and upset that you need help doing something that should be easy to you, from a man as powerful as Dottore nonetheless - but... eventually you have to. At least baby Zandy holds your hand the whole time to steady you ❤️
YEAAA the clones and Dot probably can guess what you are about to say with EASE when you come up to them with a pleading "🥺" expression. They really do feel bad about rejecting you, especially when your shoulders droop and you let out that little dejected sigh that they've gotten used to hearing... You just want to know about the world outside, to explore just like how you once used to in the Akademiya... to venture into the unknown with your beloved. At least there are some really pretty picture books of Snezhnaya, and they always bring you souvenirs from their expeditions <33
Reader would be literally bouncing off the walls in excitement when they hear all of the stories Zandik has to tell 🥺 They want EVERY piece of the story down to the most minuscule detail. I mean, how could you not want the whole story when he went from this random guy in the Akademiya to a HARBINGER? In the Fatui? Those same people who used to watch y'all in the desert and forest?? 😨 And now you're saying this whole lab and space belongs to you too? Zandik, we have hundreds of years of catching up to do and you're not letting him go until he recounts everything <33
OH MY GOD THE SCARS😭😭 TEARSSS I didn't think about how he'd get the scars after you fell asleep- you would be wondering why he wears that mask nonstop until he finally relents and lets you take it off... :( your heart would just break as you softly kiss the scarred skin and trace it with your fingers. It probably doesn't hurt anymore but it aches when you touch it so tenderly...
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yongislong · 2 years
winner winner soup dinner.
genre: fluff, crack? nct127!besties, idol y/n but not rly?
cw/note: mentions of eating and cooking, swearing, this was literally so fun, tysm anon! hope u enjoy hehe. not proofread! i missed you guys, i kinda went on hiatus because i started uni and i was going through it, i'll try and keep posting though!
"whachaaa doooinnnn," mark strings out as he sees you juggling various bottles of spices. you'd been wanting to cook a new dish for the members for ages now, but you were nervous.
"just trying something out... can you keep the boys, specifically jungwoo, out of the kitchen for a minute... just need some time is all," speaking softly, you shoot him a sweet smile. the one the boys can never seem to resist.
"anything for you y/n!" he ruffles your hair and makes his way to the shared living room.
through the thin walls you hear shouting from the boys after mark's suggestion to a mario kart tournament.
you'll have more than enough time.
it was getting colder and half of the dorm was falling sick to the flu. so you thought this was a perfect idea to attempt to recreate one of your favorite comfort foods, pho.
you'd gotten all the supplies ready after mark had waddled away. slipping on your headphones, you trusted the boys enough to not disturb you, it wouldn't take too long anyways.
your kitchen swagger playlist played lightly as you made swift work with the food.
about 30 minutes in, mark sneaks away to check up on you. he watches you move elegantly along the kitchen, softly humming to yourself and murmuring funny commentary along with some cute faces. he stifled a giggle and shook his head, slipping past the closed off kitchen before any of the boys noticed.
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inspecting your pot, a satisfied look creeps up on your face, your hands making their way to your hips.
"BOO!!" you feel a strong pair of hands on your waist as a screech escapes your parted lips.
the smile of your face quickly drops and is replaced with terror. you quickly spin around, only to be met by a laughing yuta.
"UGHHGH!!! YUTA!!! you freak i had my earbuds in! dickface...."
hearing your scream, the boys all clamored into the kitchen. multiple "y/n!" and "are you okay's!" filled the hallway leading up to where they found yuta bent over from laughing and you clutching your chest, annoyance written all over your face.
"god can they ever catch a break yu..." doyoung mumbles.
"pft says you, when are you gonna stand up to me baby," haechan jokes, pulling doyoung down by the shoulders to attempt to smother him in kisses.
"y/n what's that?" taeil interjects.
"oh right!" a smile makes it way to your face as fast as it dropped. "i made some food and i really wanted you guys to try it! i know a couple of you guys have been feeling sick and i wanted to try out this new recipe..." you maneuver you way to the cabinets, beginning to grab 10 bowls.
"uhhh i don't know if that's such a good idea-" SMACK. haechan's mumbles were stopped by a large hand clasping over his mouth.
"we'd love to try it y/nieeee" johnny exclaims. he always had a way pf making everyone around him feel loved and supported. regardless of it being something he enjoyed or not. this was about you and your effort.
"i promise it's gonna be good..." you mumbled while trying to scoop enough noodles, meat and broth into all the different bowls. each of you guys had your own designated bowl that you gifted each other one secret santa.
johnny comes up behind you, squeezing your upper arms, snatching his bowl and leaving with a ruffle of your hair.
the boys followed, all clamoring to get their portion.
"y/n you're like our resident lunch lady!!"
one settled, they loudly thank you for the food and dig in.
it was silent for too long. only the sound of small munches and breaths. no one moved a muscle on their face for what felt like hours. it made you anxious. waiting for their reply as you chewed on the bite you'd put in your mouth.
it wasn't that bad, good even, but some of the boys had gotten pretty spoiled eating in such fancy places for so many years.
"dude it's really good, like actually so nice, i feel cozy," says mark with a giggle and a dreamy look in his eyes.
"better than panera?" jae jokes.
"yo... might be a tie..."
"A TIE TO PANERA?? y/n is our resident gorgon ramsey by those standards."
again, clamors of agreeance and loud laughs came from the circle of boys on the floor.
yuta seemed to like it so much that he felt compelled to sneak over to your side, giving you a loud cheek kiss as a thank you.
you endured a ridiculous amount of compliments and praise from all the boys throughout dinner. most went back for a second and third bowl and taeil and jungwoo helped you clean the kitchen.
as a surprise, the next day you were awoken with a basket laying next to you on the floor, filled with notes from each member and a couple treats from the 7/11 down the street. as well as a couple small sanrio plushies, and that sweatshirt you always steal from jaehyun at the very bottom of the basket, balancing all of the other treats.
they all felt they had to do something to express how much they appreciated your meal. a lot of them claimed their sinuses were cleared and their chests got lighter once you confronted them in the living room for the cute gifts. they were all blushing messes and giggles, the morning began with a group hug.
hint: it was taeyong's idea <3
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gojonanami · 6 months
It’s a bit hypocritical for someone who is reading smut to be shaming someone who writes smut.
Also it’s a bit stupid to be judging someone cause of their passion for writing not all Muslims are saints. Before judging someone look at yourself before shaming someone.
Islam promotes peace and love you may not support the themes of homosexuality but you still have to respect them as humans ??
Anyways love your writing boo don’t listen to them and I hope you continue writing xxxx
literally like how did they end up on my page and then go digging around my page to figure out I’m Muslim 🤦🏾‍♀️ that anon must have been chilling for a hot minute
Islam literally acknowledges that people aren’t perfect and I’m not perfect by any means and I know what I write won’t be accepted by a large part of my community but I still will do it because I really don’t think embracing your sexuality, without hurting anyone or yourself, is a bad thing.
also any one who hates on any group of people isn’t a real Muslim. Islam is about peace and respect for other groups, that’s what the true meaning should be — not policing other people or hating other people for simply living their lives and loving who they love.
thank you bb!! don’t worry, it didn’t bother me too much!! it was mostly a little annoying to wake up to Sehri to that anon 🙄 but you guys are so so kind 💕🥹 and truly came to my defense — that far outweighs any anon’s hate 💕
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yakuzacanons · 7 months
Seong-hui content,, please,, I'm so very gay when it comes to her it's not even funny
YESSS omg I loved her in Infinite Wealth, she is so cool. I cannot tell if I would have a crush on her or if I just wanna be her bestie lol. Anyways here ya go anon sweetie boo mwah.
Has high standards. Not unreasonable but it takes more than gifts or sweet words to leave an impression on her. Not that she wouldn't accept free stuff though...
If you have a crush on her, she probably knows it already if she's being really honest. Having said that, if she is crushing on someone she will totally try to use her resources to learn more about you... she'll try to resist the urge whenever possible though.
Only person she ever really shares her feelings with is Joon-Gi, who she views as almost a younger brother figure. Asks things in hypotheticals, like if she hypothetically wanted to give someone a gift, what would HE do...
Naturally, since Joon-Gi is kind of unusual and inexperienced, his answers are always either not what Seonhee expects or just plain weird. But if she's into you, you can expect that Joon-Gi's already heard about you for sure!
Dodges the idea of a relationship initially because she's unsure if she can commit the time and effort to it. She'll at least give a first date a good shot in earnest; nothing ventured, nothing gained is how she feels about it. Plus, dating experience, even if it doesn't lead to something, is useful in its own right.
Has been confessed to many times so don't be shocked if her reaction isn't over the top. It might sound like rejection but she'll actually say "Thank you." first before giving you her response. She's just polite like that.
She's super blunt so she'd just be like "A date? Sure." with little to no fluff. Her confessing would be just like that too. When it comes to an actual first date, she isn't picky! As long as you guys stop for food at some point...
Work is super important to Seonhee so she needs a partner that wouldn't want to tear her away from her job and can understand why it's important to her. Also, it is preferred if her partner can get along with Joon-Gi.
Seonhee always has her phone on her and often has to answer important calls at all times of the day so please forgive her if she has to step out during dinner for a brief call or if her phone rings in the middle of the night. She isn't ignoring you, I promise.
In the bedroom, Seonhee is almost exclusively a top. Has quite a bit of dom energy too but it isn't intentional, which is quite funny. No kinks that she knows of; probably wouldn't explore it unless it's something you also want to do.
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jinkookspencil · 1 year
hi! ive read your one two drop jjk!! what if y/n actually kind of like you know scary thing. like all the rides are actually fun but the thing is she doesn’t have a friend who want to do this with her so then jk is there ehhehe
shall we? | jjk
with no one to go on all the rides with, your friend encourages you to take a bold decision at a theme park...
description/tw/tags: ~1.9k words / jungkook x (f) reader / one-shot drabble / fluff / meet-cute / no warnings except swearing / feat jimin it made most sense to give them both a friend / happy, laughing jk!! i saw his recent weverse post and my heart hurts for him - i wish him nothing but happy happy days :( / i hope this is what you meant, anon, and i really hope you like it!!! thank you so much for requesting and for reading one two drop! / sorry for calling jk the bigger boy and jimin the shorter one - i'm kinda short myself so i didn't mean it in a teasing way! / ahhh idk how i feel about this one idk if i love it but i hope you like it anon / feedback is always welcome and it's appreciated!💗
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There were many unspoken rules in life. Don’t propose at someone else’s wedding. Let people get off the elevator before you get in. Always pour in the milk after the cereal…
And, when planning an outing to a theme park, let your friend know whether you are a ride person or not.
Ki, your only friend at university, showed nothing but excitement when you suggested going to the theme park over the weekend. It was only natural that you expected her to be down to go on the rides with you… but when you see her in a flowy pink dress, white lace-up boots, and a beret, you quickly realize that that wasn’t the case.
“Looking very cute. But how are you going to go on any rides in that?” you question the moment you spot her by the park’s entrance, ignoring the fact that you'd coincidentally perfectly coordinated, considering your lavender jumpsuit.
“Who said anything about rides? There’s that new Sanrio pop-up with all the photo ops. I thought that’s why you suggested it.”
“I meant that as a bonus, Ki. So, what, are we gonna come back for the rides another day then?”
“Well… we can come back for something else. I hate rides, bestie, so you’ll have to go alone.”
“Oh, come on,” you pout, stopping dead in your tracks. “Just one ride.”
“They make me nauseous, boo. Even the kiddie ones. Sorry, I guess I should’ve told you, huh?”
“You guess?” you resign, briefly forgetting your disappointment until it actually sinks in during your walk around the park, when all you could do is merely look at all the rides after snapping photos at every single Sanrio-themed spot.
“I hate you for not telling me,” you utter beneath your breath, the roar of a passing rollercoaster cart right afterward only emphasizing your frustration.
“I said I was sorry! You can go alone, you know? I’ll wait.”
“What fun is that?” you sulk. “You, as my one friend, outweigh every other person I’ve ever known in my life in every regard but this…. I’ve never hated you until today, boo, because you and I both know I can’t just ask someone else.”
“Wait, no…. you can! Just do that!” she suggests excitedly, stopping.
“Do what?”
“Just… ask someone else. A stranger. I mean…. it’ll be very easy to find someone willing to go on a ride… you know, at a theme park. Would that be weird? If you just went up to someone and asked them?”
“It would definitely be weird, you freakish extrovert. Who’d do that?"
"Us? What difference does it make, whether it's a ride or a dance at a club? I know you've only just begun understanding my ways and finally tried approaching men at clubs, but... there's really no difference."
"It is different. A theme park is like... a date place. It's not just a dance."
"Well, both instances can involve a ride," she winks, laughing as you roll your eyes.
"I'd never go with a stranger anyways. There's no excitement there. Unless it was with a hot guy,” you joke.
“… And I’m sure a guy would be just as happy to go on a ride with a hot girl, too, boo.”
Ki goes on, seeing your eyes widen.
“If a hot guy came up to you and asked you, would you say yes?”
“Depends how hot…” you tease, “but yeah, I think I would. Why not?”
“Exactly! ‘Why not?’… Aren’t adventurous types your thing? Be it for a change. Think about it: if you’d say yes, why can’t it work the other way around? Provided he isn’t scared or prone to motion sickness like me…. Why would a single, fun guy refuse to go on a ride with a hot girl? And you’re a gorgeous girl who is usually sunshine in human form..... except for the last dreadful, moping hour. I’m sick of it. Find a hot guy, a ride, and get out of this funk already.” Ki’s eyes light up at her own suggestion. For the first time in her life… she might’ve been on to something….
“I just pick a guy? At random?”
“What do you have to lose?”
Finding someone in a sea full of teenagers and couples took longer than usual. Waiting around ride exits, entrances, and photo kiosks were all futile attempts at your now lame mission. that you’d huffed your way to the pretzel stand. You might as well eat something sweet and fluffy if you couldn’t find a guy you could describe with those words… You were a step away from cinnamony, twisty goodness when two figures whizz between you and the pretzel stand.
“YA! Jimin-hyung! You have to!” you hear, your eyes fixated on the chase unfolding in front of you when you realize it wasn’t a chase between two children but rather two grown men.
“Exactly! I am your hyung! Stop making me do this shit, or the next time, I’ll throw up on you,” the smaller man responds, darting ahead of the larger one, the both of them running loops around the pretzel stand until the shorter one jumps over a nearby bench, hiding behind it. "I know you're fucking strong enough to lift me and force me into doing it, so for God's sake, just stop, Jungkook-ah. I'll let you talk to me informally for a whole month if you don't make me do this."
The bigger man yields, stopping, seemingly to catch his breath, only to burst into a fit of laughter instead when the smaller one marches over to him, playfully hitting him with a plushie and scolding him between his low giggles as well. The few people gathered around had looked away at that point, brushing it off once they’d realized it wasn’t an actual fight… except for you.
You couldn’t. The sound tugged at your heartstrings. That loud, unstoppable, joyous laugh unlike any you’d ever heard in your entire life. And now that the taller man stood still and you could finally take a good look at him. He was big, which you’d noticed immediately, with a frog-eyed headband that somehow stayed on his head throughout the chase, adorning his long locks. Laughing heartily, almost out of breath, the shorter man beside him jokingly punched at his huge muscles… which were decorated with a vibrant collage of tattoos.
Ki gasps right beside you. “Oh, isn’t he so your ty-”
“He is. He really fucking is….” you whisper, in awe of the huge man with the frog-eyed headband.
“Look, it’ll end in one of two ways - you either will or won’t go on a ride with... the man of your dreams. He’s the hottest guy we’ve seen so far, and… tattooed, jacked... A man but happy like a kid... Damn, is he your type… You can’t pass this up. Still, if he turns out to be an idiot and says no, just look for another one. There are thousands of people here, and his friend is really cute too. Maybe even better, actually, damn.”
The man was still laughing. It was adorable.
“No, no… I want the smiley boy who can’t stop laughing… The one with the stuffed animal in his hands and that cute little matching headband. And the camera strap around his neck. The happy boy, boo. You know I like happy boys.… He's per- I… I want him.”
“I can see it in your eyes, freak. But remember, he's just a man. No difference between him and the others... even though he really does look custom-made for you.”
Frozen in your spot, you watch the man’s laugh fade away into a wide, bunny-toothed smile. Good God.
“Go. Go, boo. Now.”
Ki, ever the flirt, does what she always does whenever either of you spots someone you might be interested in - pushing you slightly until you’ve no choice but to reach her planned destination for you. Turning back was never an option. You knew better - if you attempted it, she’d just drag you back herself. A mere couple of steps away, the reflexed confidence you’d felt bubbling up from similar nights she encouraged you quickly fades away when the man is right in front of you. Though you’d only been a short distance away, he was bigger, happier, louder, and much more attractive up close. He wasn't the most attractive man you'd seen that day but... in your entire life. And when he blinks in your direction, noticing your sudden presence, you finally come back to Earth.
“Hi. Uhm, hello. This is a bit weird, but would you like to go on this rollercoaster with me?” you ask in a rush, gesturing to the attraction right behind him. “I’m here with a friend who doesn’t like rides and…”
The man’s wide smile remained on his face. It was hard not to get distracted.
“…and I thought I’d ask someone who seemed fun, unlike her.”
“What made you think I was fun?” he asks, his tone serious, despite the smile on his face.
“Well… you're standing right in front of the ride, and that little chase you guys did. It was funny.... and cute.”
“Cute?” he asks, his eyebrows raised in shock. If you weren't mistaken, somehow, his smile grew even wider.
“Yeah,” you reply, sure your expression matched his. With a reaction like that... He was either down for it or would reject you kindly... What did you have to lose? "Yeah, cute."
“How did you know he’s not afraid?” his friend interrupted. You’d forgotten the shorter man’s entire existence.
“Oh well, I assumed. Hot guys aren’t afraid of rides.” It was a weird theory you held, in line with your type and your own dating and crush history. You almost regret blurting it out, but it only sends the man into another laughing fit while his friend glared at the both of you.
“Thank you… Thank you for that - he was getting a little too confident,” the tattooed man laughs.
“For the record - I don’t hate all rides, just heights. He forced me to go on that drop ride. I feel sick, and he wants me to go on another one! That’s why... that stupid chase and that ridiculous laugh of his. He’s laughing at his friend’s misery if that’s your definition of ‘fun’ too.”
“Oh, sorry. I meant no disrespect,” you laugh, seeing the shorter man angrily and adorably all riled up.
“No, don’t worry, we know,” the hot guy adds, wiping tears of laughter away from his face, and luckily, the shorter man concurs, waving it off with a smile.
"So I hear you wanted to go on that ride too?" you ask.
“I’d… I’d love to,” the man states. Now that he’s composed himself, you could make out the rosiness in his cheeks - the happy crinkles by his eyes remained. “I’d really love to go with you. God knows I need someone cool too.” He side-eyes his friend at the comment, fiddling with the stuffed frog toy in his hands before continuing. “But hyung's cowardice is not the only reason I want to... Maybe I’ll win you one of these too later?”
The shorter man rolls his eyes, playfully punching the stuffed frog. “You have a name, tough guy?”
“Oh, sorry,” the man replies, outstretching his hand when he finally looks back at you with that same sweet smile. “My name is Jungkook.” You shake his hand and introduce yourself, noticing how nice his also tattooed hand felt…
“And I’m Jimin,” the shorter man says snarkily before continuing on. “Didn’t you say you were here with a friend? Can we hang out and gossip about you while you both go on that death trap? It’ll be nice to hang out with a sane person. I promise we’ll pray for your survival too.”
“Yeah, she’s here, but… I don’t spot her. Let me text her.”
[to: ki-ttycat]: hoe where are you? hot guy is up for it. going now!!!! but his friend is here and wants to hang out with you.
[from: ki-ttycat] are you fr?? the cutie? omgggggggggggggg running.
[from: ki-ttycat] go go have fun make sure to ride him too later.
“She’s coming,” you say with a giggle, pointing towards Ki, who you spot darting towards you with a fresh bucket of popcorn in her hands.
“Oh wow,” Jimin says under his breath when he spots her. “Go, you two. I’m done with Jungkook, that’s for sure. Y/N, you take care. The both of you. Go on all the rides if you want. We - hopefully - won’t be waiting.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes before looking back at you with a smile.
“Shall we?”
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crazylittlejester · 1 month
OUR BRAINS LINKED!!!! Honestly its insane you had a similar idea lol this thought came to me right after I showered and I was like 'there's thus one guy on Tumblr who really likes Wars so actually send in an ask for once out of anon!'
That's really insane and looking back onto the post it was really long lol. Totally get not wanting more mean Wars fics. There has been times where I think a fic is really interesting, just to find out he's a bitch in it.
In just general I love looking through your posts and the asks you get so ahshshsbha <3
We had the same evil thoughts >:)
But yeah no i had an idea for this a while ago ALKJLSKJS, i can’t find all the posts but This was the first of many, i talked a lot about it a while ago and it’s been rotting in my wip pile for two months lmao. It’s just such an interesting idea because he’d make such an incredible villain, driven by his need for order and stability throughout chaos and a misguided belief that what he’s doing is right. And I can see the paranoia just devouring him because there’s no way he’d trust anyone once he got go the top, and Lana Zelda and Impa would all have to be dead or on the run because they wouldn’t let him just take over like that and OUGH i have such thoughts
Wars in fics where he’s just an ass to create more angst for Wild? boo tomato tomato. Wars where he’s been misguided and his trauma and losses forced him down a different path and your heart hurts because you KNOW the kind, sweet man he was SUPPOSED to be and this absolute mess isn’t it and you pity THIS version of him because it was never supposed to end this way and his desperate need to feel SAFE led him to become a power hungry dictator? take my fucking money. especially if Time is there too (<- i have so many projects but this IS one of em ehehehe)
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bootyyysh4ker9000 · 2 years
Hey I have seen that your requests are open!
So what about a rise Leo x reader in which the reader is the niece of Big Mama but like reader uses always a human disguise so the reaction of Leo of his crush being related to Big Mama! (+ If reader looks more like Undertale Muffet in the sense of more humanoid spider better)
Actually it would be cool if it was a one shot or HC with all the boys-
(plus if the reader can be fem or NB)
I might send you some more asks since I have a bunch of ideas so is okay if you don't do this one, only that I found it interesting.
Thank you- anon ✨
Hi omg I love this idea!!!! I'm gonna write it in the form of hcs with all the boys :)
Also yes please do!!! I want more requests for writing so I def won't mind!!
Rise!Turtles with an s/O who's related to big mama
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Raph ❤️
this poor boy
he's smitten with you-
he thought you were one of April's human friends, and he was excited because you were so cute
but no. just wait
when you revealed to him (and the guys) that you were a mutant they were SO SURPRISED???
"yeah she kinda reminds me of big mama!"
"oh big mama? that's my aunt!"
they're a little suspicious to say the least
Ok on to the ACTUAL relationship hcs
is in love with your extra arms. give him shell scratches with your 6 ARMS
in love with you even more than before!!! hand in marriage, please??
he gets so relaxed around you, y'all never fight or anything
until,,, he told you about their quarrels with big mama
"you WHAT?" you shrieked at him.
"well I've been meaning to tell you it's just there was never really a good time-" Raph sunk into himself, feeling guilty that he never told his girlfriend about the incident about the web goo
"Honey you couldve asked me!" you took off your cloaking brooch, spinning a web in between your fingers"I can make that stuff too y'know."
donnie heard that and will now do favors in exchange for your,,, spider goo,,
one time you got free pizza for a month, because you have him some of it for the Oozequitoes
Raph feels bad so he asks the guys to stop getting involved with big mama
surprise, it happens anyways. while you're with them.
"my dearest y/n, what are you doing with the turtley-boos? I thought I told you to stay away."
"Ma, they're really cool- these people are my friends, can you please stop attacking them?"
yeah she tries to stop being mean. but when she finds out about raph,,, all hell breaks loose.
"how DARE you corrupt my baby?!"
"MA! stop!"
"I mean,, if you hurt her I will rip you limb from limb."
raph feels terrified.
don't even get me started on the love stink.
smells like chocolate and roses every time you come over
however, he does also have a lust stink so if you guys are gonna go that far,,, you might wanna leave
save your dignity girl
Leo ✩
he thinks you're SO COOL.
will 100% ask to ride on your back
if you say yes, he will cry with joy
if you say no, he will cry.
develops a crush on you when he sees you fighting some foot goons
they were about to attack him and you swooped in while taking off your brooch, looking like a superhero transforming in mid-air
he's in love, sorry.
y'all start dating?
hold him with your arms.
you have enough to hold one of his hands right? or give him a hug
upside down, surprise him and give him a kiss
he won't be able to function
finding out you're related to bigmama though?
he's a little more on her good side than the others- bit he's scared that she's going to take you away
what he was not expecting was this.
"you're DATING the turtley-boo? oh well, as long as you're happy"
she let's them both know that they're still gonna fight, big mama just won't kill them now.
overall? went better than expected.
still cautious though
he just wants to study you at first
doesn't know a lot about Spider mutants(yokai in your words) and wants to figure out how it works.
literally you don't like him at all for a while sorry 💀
after you talked to him about his weird little...experiments, y'all become good friends
sitting in his lab, lending an,,,, extra hand HAHAHAHA
he's super appreciative of your help.
only really develops a crush when you give him some of ur 'spider ooze' because you knew he needed some
he's all "omg omg she gave me something without me having to ask 😭"
when he finds out you're related to big mama?
uhhh yeah no thanks
he doesn't really care but at the same time now he has to be careful cause like
he doesn't really feel like getting killed today
surprisingly Big mama isn't super mad, just annoyed.
"out of all the options you chose HIM???? ugh ok"
likes she's more grossed out than mad
when she finds out you've been giving him spider ooze? NOW she's mad.
relationship wise donnie is really awkward at first
not into touching, but he will make an exception for you ONLY because you let him examine you
he only gets to study your spider-ness after y'all are dating
Crush at first sight.
human or yokai
he's just enamored by you
you guys become immediate besties!!!
spiders are very social creatures so him and you are together 24/7
he really starts crushing when you reveal you're a yokai
that spider fluff on your chest and cute little antennas?
man's is swooning
hugs. hugs hugs hugs.
he wants to stuff his face into your spider fluff and be held like a baby.
his brothers are the ones who help him confess
it's with a really really cheesy love letter
but when he finds out you're big mama's niece? cool!
he thinks thats awesome. now he has another parental figure
big mama likes him the most, so if you're genuinely serious about your relationship, she will be too.
"oh good for you my beautiful y/n! and... you too I guess."
big mama kinda approves? still fights em though she doesn't really care about that part.
Mikey is big on cuddles and kisses, so whether it's human or yokai form will change how you guys cuddle
yokai? you're big spoon.
human? he's big spoon.
kiss attacks in the middle of whatever you're doing, just because he feels like you deserve love.
will make you kandi and gifts 24/7
he loves you so much
you can tell who my fav Is
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copperbadge · 2 years
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The Mysterious Fistbump Goes To The Footie! 
[ID: Three images; in the first, the Chicago skyline at night shows a skyscraper lit up red and blue with “Go Chicago Fire FC”; in the second, smoke from fireworks drifts over the field, and in the third I am taking a selfie, face obscured by the fake fur on the hood of my parka.]
I did not realize when I bought my ticket that it was for the season opener, but I’m glad I went! It was a good time, I got a free flag, and one of the buildings that always lights up with messages was adorned as above while I was walking home. (Anon who sent me the ask about homohobic chants -- more on that later, there’s a post I’m working on about it, but the short version is while I didn’t hear that chant, we also didn’t have any straight penalty kicks at goal. I didn’t hear it during corner kicks, and there was some pretty intense messaging about bigoted chants, so I’ll keep you posted.) 
I almost didn’t go, because it was cold and rainy, but the rain was due to clear up right as the match started and I had my big red waterproof parka on, so I came through fine. For the National Anthem they had a mariachi band, which was awesome and they did a great job. The stadium wheeled four big red stars (for the stars on the Chicago flag) out onto the field, which went off with sparks and gouts of flame and rockets while the anthem was going on. 
I grew up attending San Francisco Giants and Oakland A’s games in MASSIVE west coast stadiums, so I’m always shocked by how small Chicago stadiums are -- Wrigley Field is quite intimate and Soldier Field is on the small side as well. I was pretty close so I got a good vantage on about 90% of the action, and had a nice view of the south curve, where the hardcore fans were. I’ve never been to a pro match in person, so I was a little startled by how passionate the fans are -- there’s so much more constant emotion than a football or baseball game, much more extreme reactions. I’ve never heard that much booing during a single sporting event in my life but, as I mentioned to my seat neighbor (a nice woman about my age who was there with her teenage daughter), “The ref doesn’t seem to understand that it’s possible to foul a Chicago Fire player.” There were so many uncalled fouls, good lord. 
Also all those motherfuckers are fast and they are gymnastic. At one point a NYC player jumped up to head the ball and did a full-on forward flip over the Chicago player blocking him. The grass was super wet because of all the rain, so there was a lot of slip-sliding around. I’m never not impressed by pro athletes and what they can make their bodies do, but you rarely see it so plainly. I tend to pick one or two players on any given team that I kind of follow more intently than most -- I came to AS Roma following Mourinho (the manager) but Dybala and Abraham are kind of “my” players, although I’m also very fond of Smalling and I was sad to see Zaniolo leave. I have a feeling Chris Mueller, a forward who is a homegrown Schaumberg boy, is going to be my Chicago Fire Guy. He’s not particularly big but he’s fast and good with the ball, and he pulls the eye when he’s on the field. 
Anyway we tied, which given we were down a goal for most of the game I will accept happily, and I had a good time. Though I do think I will wait until it’s a trifle warmer before going to another one.
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